#protective Clint
twilight-zoned-out · 1 month
Do you ever think about how lonely Steve must have felt during the first Avengers film? He’s only 27, but everyone treats him like his technical age of 94. He’s in an environment that should feel familiar to him but instead feels completely different. He’s trying to get his head around 70 years worth of missed history on top of readjusting to civilian life. And then he’s pushed into a dysfunctional group, and he has to take charge, because if he doesn’t take charge then everyone is going to die.
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olsenmyolsen · 8 months
Ups and Downs Pt. II
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dark master list
Slight MCU AU (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Be sure to read part one!
Summary: Your neighbor across the hall isn't anything like you thought she'd be.
Word Count: 4.7K
TW: Men, Guns, Violence, Bad Flirting, Fighting, Shooting, Blood, Feelings, Needles
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Of course, the day you met the prettiest girl possibly in the whole entire world. You were also in a shootout with a spy.
Okay, yes, the spy and the girl are one in the same, but you get my point.
"How long ago was the guy here?"
"I-uh.." Since Nat's hands and sweet voice were all over and around your body, you truly lost any concept of time.
Nat ignored your non-answer as she looks out the window where her sniper is positioned before turning to you with a worried look.
You barely had time to move your body before the windows next to Nat exploded, sending you, her, and pieces of glass flying everywhere. Her body lands on its back in front of yours. New forming cuts already on her face. "Nat?!" You asked, sounding muffled due to the ringing in your ears.
Shit, a lot of you will hurt tomorrow if you get through this.
"Ow.." Nat blinks, her eyes opening as she wipes the blood from her forehead. Before she looks you over, making sure you're not harmed. "I gotta say that looks a lot cooler in the movies." You state.
"Yeah, I know." As if Natasha watches anything but classic James Bond. "Okay, Y/N, listen to me." She gets up on her knees in front of you but keeps you down low to the floor. Her hand on your back provides you with reassurance. Plus, it feels nice.
Should I tell her that my throat needs to be reassured?
"They blew out the windows because they saw me. If I know them.. and I do. They're about to send in smoke bombs. Try and flush us out. Whatever you do, regulate your breathing. Okay. In fact..." Nat keeps the two of you low but begins to move you both back to the kitchen. "Here." She grabs her bag off the counter and throws it down. Nat reaches into a side pocket and pulls out a hard mask.
"Come here." Nat motions you to come closer, and like a good girl, you do. "You're going to wear this." Nat quickly wraps the mask around your face. "As you can tell, your vision will be slightly askew, but your breathing will be fine as long as you..." Nat trails as she raises her eyebrow.
Fuck she's so fucking calm right now, and it looks so fucking hot on her- oh, she's staring at me. Oh, uhhh-
"Keep my breathing regulated?" You answer, which earns a proud smile from Nat. "Yep. Good job." I am a good girl. You think with a smile.
"Wait!" You grab onto Nat's arm. She stops rummaging through the bag to look at you. "What about you? Do you have a mask?" Nat shakes her head at you. "I only have one. But don't worry." She smiles. "I've dealt with far worse."
Nat pulls out a pistol you hadn't seen before. She looks up and onto the dining room table. You follow her eyesight. The small silver discs. "I can grab them."
"No, wait!"
You go to reach forward but get yanked back by Nat. A sniper shot rings out, the bullet going through the wood right where your hand would've been. "You okay?" She asks with a soft gaze, looking into your mask. You nod, even though you're growing more scared by the minute. "Shit, they have more than I thought." Nat rubs her hand up and down your back while she thinks. You believe this action to be absent-minded. But Natasha knows you are scared. The last thing she needs is for you to be scared and get hurt or, worse, killed.
So she's thinking of you first.
"Why haven't they fired the gas yet?" You ask. Nat looks at you before looking at the window. "They're playing a game. Shit.." Nat bites her lip and thinks.
You see her biting her lip, and you start thinking, too.
But you both aren't thinking remotely the same things.
"They're trying to draw you out. They know you're here with me." Nat looks at you. "Give me your hand." You hold it out for her as she takes your wrist and gently places the pistol she had behind her back in your hand.
"This is a Beretta 92. It's a very accurate close-range weapon. Okay? Keep it low. Away from yourself and me."
"What, Nat, I can't-"
"It holds 15 rounds. When the magazine empties, this thing will slide lock back like this." She shows you. Keeping her eyes on you instead of the gun. You look at her as she repeats the action.
"Natalie, I don't think I can do this."
"Natasha." She replies.
"What?" You tilt your head, confused. "Natalie is a cover. Natasha is my real name."
Unbeknownst to you is that Natasha still wasn't even her legal name.
You don't miss a beat before replying with: "You look prettier as a Natasha anyways."
"Really flirting? Now?" You shrug. "I've been flirting all along. It's about time you caught on." Even though you most certainly HAVE NOT been flirting this whole time. "So, is that what you call it?"
Natasha wins this battle.
"Look at the gun, Y/N." She coos you. You move your eyes to the gun as Nat holds your hand with hers. Showing you the first few steps again.
"Okay, now to reload-"
Nat gets interrupted as three canisters shoot through the broken windows. The second they land, they start leaking smoke. "Don't be scared." You go to argue that you're not, but with a smile, Nat raises her eyebrows, earning a scoff from you. Sassy even in a life-or-death situation.
"Okay, to reload. Push this down." She begins to talk faster as you both can sense that instruction time will be over soon. So she pushes your hand. "The empty mag will fall out, and then you shove the other one in. Like replacing batteries in a flashlight. Okay?" She asks as the smoke creeps into the kitchen. You nod, feeling the weight of the gun in your hand when Nat removes hers.
"Nat, I don't think I can do this. Shooting people." You clarify. Nat turns and looks into your eyes as the sound of men marching up your apartment building becomes louder and louder. "Okay, Y/N, listen to me." She grabs the sides of your mask so you can look into her emerald eyes.
Okay, how is she hotter now that she's covered in bruises and blood? Will I look hotter if I'm covered in bruises and blood?
Should I ask?
"Y/N, listen to me! These men are coming in here to kill you and me. I will do everything in my power to protect you, but in the event that I'm not able to, I'm trusting you to be able to defend yourself. Okay? Don't use it unless you have to." You nod with a dumb grin on your face that, thankfully, Natasha could not see, or else she would think you really were hopeless. "Most importantly, don't move unless I tell you to. Please don't do anything besides shoot this gun unless I tell you to. I say duck, what do you do?"
"Duck... Goose." You joke, but before Natasha could scold you, the front door to the apartment flies off its hinges. However, thankfully, the smoke has now possessed the room, covering for you and Natasha...
You look to your right to see no one next to you.
Great, even in a shootout, you can't keep a girl.
You sigh and stay still as heavy footsteps are heard entering the apartment. You do your best to count, and you assume five men are now here to kill you. You stay still on the floor in the corner of the kitchen when you hear one of the men speak up. "Come on out with your friend, little widow! We promise not to hurt her."
You rolled your eyes through the mask, and that's when you heard two shots being fired off before a loud thud hit the floor across the apartment.
"How did she do that?!" You hear a heavily accented man yell before a multitude of bullets are fired from an automatic weapon.
However, instead of Natasha getting hit, she jumps up off the coffee table in the middle of the living room and knees one of the men in the nose. Making him stagger back in pain, leaving him little time to think as she attaches a widow bite disc to the man, shocking him to the floor but not before grabbing his pistol and aiming it at the other man in the room, sending one shot to his thigh and the other to his left shoulder before she empties the magazine and throws the pistol at the guy's face knocking him out.
Two more men to go.
Lucky for Natasha, the shooting and her elegant, quick movements confused the last two dummies. Plus, with their own smoke, it makes it impossible to see someone as highly trained as The Black Widow.
You nearly jump when Natasha slides on the kitchen floor before you. You go to speak, but Natasha signals with her hands to zip it.
You nod and try to think about how good she looks, kicking these guy's ass.
Natasha puts a hand in front of your face, making you focus up. You okay? She asks with her hands. You nod, making the redhead spy smile.
A genuine smile, too.
And even though she said it earlier, that's when you truly realize that Natasha is protecting you. Whether it's her job or not, you like to believe it's because she cares for you. Even if just a little bit.
Your beliefs would be correct.
However, before you could ask Natasha if she was doing okay or what her favorite color is, you watch her take off running. The smoke in the room shoots out and away from Natasha. You watch in amazement as Natasha jumps and wraps her legs around a man's head before spinning the top half of her body around, sending the man head first into the floor. His nose breaking on impact. Her landing on her feet.
Is it weird that you want that done to you?
"Your friends are taken care of. So I suggest you come out and let me kick your ass too." Natasha speaks aloud with her back facing you to the last man standing as the smoke in the room clears.
You stand up from the ground and take a step towards Nat. The gun still tightly gripped in your hand. Your eyes remain on Natasha as she starts to walk back towards you; however, before she turns around, your body gets hit with a force from the side. Launching your head into the cabinets to your left.
"Ow fucker!" You yell!
The crashing sound and your curse alerting Natasha. The larger man places his hand on your mask and pushes your head into the cabinet again, this time making it bleed as his other hand reaches for your gun. "Give up!" He yells before removing his hand from your mask to punch you in the side of your body. You groan and stumble.
He reels back to hit you again, but instead, Natasha rips the gun from your hand with efficiency and pistol whips the man in the face, sending him flying back. The man yells in pain as he readies himself to fight, but Natasha is fast. She runs and kicks the guy in his ankle, making him fall to his knee. She smirks as he yells out in pain before she double kicks him in the throat, making him fall as he begins to choke.
Before anger entirely overtakes Natasha, she hears you crash to the floor behind her. When Natasha turns around, she sees blood on the sides of the counter.
"Y/N!" Natasha runs to your side and drops the gun next to the two of you. Instantly, she's ripping the gas mask off of you and turning your head. "Let me see." She gingerly pulls your chin, making you look away so she can examine the extent of your head injury. "It doesn't look deep. But we need to stop the bleeding."
Natasha quickly looks around the damaged kitchen before finding a forgotten rag. She places it on your head and hates how you wince in pain.
"Keep your hand here." Natasha takes your left hand and places it over the rag over the cut. "Be honest.." You start as Natasha looks over the rest of you.
"Do I look cool or like dogshit?"
Natasha's lips crack into a smile at your joke. "You look so cool," Natasha says, whether it was true or not. "You took some hits, too. Impressive." Natasha says with a smile. "Yeah, well, someone didn't yell Goose." You playfully hit Natasha's leg with your foot.
"Next time." She says.
"Oh! Next time?" You say and continue. "Planning on our next date being another shootout?" You raise an eyebrow but wince when you move your head a bit too much at the moment, saving Natasha from seeing her blush.
"Who said anything about a date?" Natasha quips. You knew it was coming, but you still had a smile. "You're right. I guess shootouts aren't a good date idea. I'll pick something better for, let's say... Friday?" You laughed at your own joke per usual, but ended up coughing in pain. Not per usual.
Natasha's hands immediately went to the hem of your shirt before you reacted. "Hey. What did I say? We haven't had our date yet." Natasha thought it was cute but still rolled her eyes. "I need to check to ensure you're not bleeding internally."
"Can you really tell?" You questioned. "No. But I know a thing or two more than you, so let me look." She had you there. So, with your permission, Natasha slowly lifted your shirt but made a face when she saw your red skin already bruising and enlarging. "It's not awful, but it's going to hurt a lot before it gets better."
Natasha places her hand over the area and begins to rub. "Does it hurt here?" She lays a small out of pressure, forcing you to nod in pain. "Not at all." You whine and clench your jaw. "Okay... I'm going to call this in. Get us evac'd."
Your eyes widened not because of Natasha's words but because of the guy behind Natasha. Yes, the one she kicked in the throat started to get up. "Natasha..." You said, making her look into your eyes. "What's wrong?"
She noticed how you looked.
Natasha turned behind her to see the man perched up on his good knee. Gun in hand. She immediately puts her body directly in front of yours.
"Step aside, widow. Let me kill this one without trouble."
"Not going to let that happen." Natasha reached behind her and expertly grabbed the gun she gave you earlier from the floor and pulled it in front of her, not wasting another breath as she fired the weapon twice—one into the man's chest and the other directly into the man's head.
From her crouched position, she got up with precision and made it to the man on the floor. She kicked the smoking gun out of his hand and made sure he was... Wait- smoking gun?
Natasha looked from the gun to you.
Fear ran through her body as she saw your figure slumped over on the floor in a bigger pool of your own blood.
Natasha would've ran to your body if this would've been her first time in a position like this, but it wasn't. She had saved countless people before, and she was not about to lose you!
So Natasha ran to her bag and rifled through a side pocket until she found her phone and a needle of Tetrodotoxin B. A drug developed by Bruce Banner with the idea of slowing his heart rate to one beat per minute. Natasha didn't know if it worked on Bruce or not, but she knew SHEILD had it for some reason.
Right now, that reason was going to be you.
As Natasha flicked the end of the needle and pulled your arm out in front of you, she called Clint on speaker phone. "Sorry if this hurts," Natasha said to your now unconscious body. Her eyes watering.
"Go secure!" Natasha yelled as she sat your body up and ripped off the right half of your shirt to examine your bullet wound.
"Secure," Clint replied. "Shit!" Natasha replied, confusing the bow and arrow man. "Natasha?"
Nat looked at your head wound and the rest of your body. The Banner drug was going to help keep you alive, but you were still losing blood.
Natasha hated everything about this moment.
Ups and downs. The day Natasha met someone who didn't know who she was. The day she could actually see herself being around someone was also the day they were bleeding out in front of her.
"I need evac! Safehouse A is blown. Got caught up in a shoot out, and Y/N is hit."
She got up and went to look for whatever medical supplies she had in addition to any extra clothes to get you changed and wrapped your wound.
"Y/N?" Clint questioned. "Like the Golden retriever? The neighbor from across the hall?"
"Yep! She's not going to make it unless you send someone right now, Clint."Natasha didn't want to believe her words. Barton, for one thing, couldn't.
"Are you serious?"
"Serious as a God falling from the sky."
"Go to safe house B. Evac is on the way."
With that, the line clicked, and the call ended. Natasha did her best to dress your injuries before the only thing she was doing was watching how slow your breathing had become...
You woke up to bright lights above you and a horrible feeling in your nose... and head.... and shoulder... and side. Wow!
Okay, so you actually had this horrible feeling called pain all over you.
You tried lifting your head to look around, but it felt like a ton of bricks was pushing on your skull. But you pushed through and found a short brown-haired man sitting in a chair by the only door in or out. "Who the fuck was he?" You thought and tried to speak, but your throat was too scratchy to say anything, making you cough.
The man in the chair looked up at the noise and noticed you.
He sent a quick message on his phone before closing it. He got up from his lazy position, running to your bedside table, and filled up a tiny paper cup full of water. "Here." He said as he held it in front of your lips.
You don't know if he didn't trust you or if your hands/arms were too weak. You didn't want to find out, so you took a sip from the cup and let the cold water run down your burning throat. "Thank you."
"Welcome." Silence. "Natasha should be down here soon. I let her know you woke up." You tilted your head and looked over the man, slightly nodding. "So you're Y/N?" He already knew, but Clint was happy he could talk to someone new for a change. Even if he did talk like an uncle, you don't see but once every couple of years.
"Where am I?" You ignored the man walking back to the chair near the door and asked.
"You're safe if that's your concern." He spoke, but you just sighed. "Anytime a woman is alone in a room with a man and he says something like that. It doesn't make her feel safe."
Clint bit his lip as he listened to your words before nodding along. "Can't argue with that." Clint got up again from the chair and made his way to you. Making you jump and look him over. "I'm Clint. I'm the one Natasha spoke to on the phone." You remembered the phone call before the windows blew out, but not much after getting your head thrown into a kitchen cabinet.
"Hi, Clint. Are you going to tell me where I am?" You asked in a tone more annoyed off than friendly. Clint smiled. "I see why Natasha likes you."
Now that got you interested!
But before you or Uncle Clint could say anything else, the door opened, and in ran Natasha. Her cuts are all covered by bandages, and her face clean from a shower. "How long has she been up?" Natasha passed her friend, stopping to stand next to you.
"I let you know the second she did." Clint smiled at you and Natasha. "I'll leave you to it." Natasha thanked Clint, and the two of you watched him leave the room.
"You probably feel like shit huh?" Natasha questioned, but as she reached to move a hair from your face, you backed away. Natasha didn't understand why. "Y/N?" She asked.
"Who are you?" You asked, making Natasha's jaw drop before she quickly recovered. Helen didn't mention any memory loss. Natasha looked away, a little hurt that this might be the case, but when she looked back, she saw you smiling. Teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Holding in a laugh.
Natasha figured it out.
"Fuck you!"
"I got you!" You laughed and cheered before wincing in pain and coughing. Making Natasha smile at the instant karma while getting you a cup of water. "Serves you right."
She held the cup up to your pink lips and watched a little spill out the corners of your mouth. She watched a droplet slide down your throat and disappear into your gown.
Your voice bringing Natasha back. "I just lived through many movie cliches. I HAD to do this one." You said, making Natasha smile and nod to you before she sat at the edge in the middle of the bed.
Natasha wanted to reach for your hand as silence enveloped the two of you. She wanted to tell you how close you were to dying or how scared she was. But Natasha didn't reach for your hand.
Instead, you reached for hers. 
"You know if a hot spy is going to come into my hospital room in an unknown location, the least she could do is hold my hand."
That made Natasha Romanoff blush.
"Hot spy, huh?" Natasha teased, but you just nodded, feeling confident. "Look in a mirror, Natasha." Natasha laughed. "Sometimes you really just don't stop flirting." That made you smile. Natasha didn't say it was lousy flirting. "Just wait till we start dating."
"Oh?" Natasha raised her eyebrow but hit back a smile. "Is that what we're going to do?"
"Yeah, remember, shootouts don't count. So Friday, you and I are going out." Natasha shook her head but didn't disagree. "You don't even know what day it is." That was true. "Friday...?" You looked at Natasha with hope, but she shook her head again. "Nope. Besides. I like it went my dates aren't still in a hospital bed." You sighed but internally screamed at Natasha, flirting back. Natasha watched you before turning away. Her thumb rubbed over yours.
"Hey.." Natasha started making you look at her. "I- I'm sorry for getting you involved in my mess. You-" Natasha stopped and pulled her hand away to rub her face. "You almost died because of me." Natasha felt guilty. She should've kicked you out the second you weren't a threat. Instead, she liked having your company. In the minutes you spent in Natasha's presence, she wanted to keep you around.
"Natasha." You reached out for her hand again and was surprised when she gave it to you. But you still pulled her hand, making her look to you. Her green eyes shining. You nodded for Natasha to scoot closer.
She did.
"Don't blame yourself." Natasha went to open her mouth, but you interrupted her. "There's no doubt I would be dead if you hadn't been there. Besides... I'm the curious one. I knocked on your door. I wanted to get to know you. I stuck around because I wanted to. My body hurts like hell. But I'm alive because of you."
Natasha didn't look entirely convinced, but that would come in time. It was sad to see this badass person beat herself up over something that wasn't your fault or hers. It just happened because of horrible people. "Can you at least do me something?" Natasha tilted her head. "What?"
"Can you at least tell yourself that you saved me?" That sounded like a big ask at the moment but not as big as the next thing. "And! Tell me that you actually enjoy my flirting because it's only going to get worse." That made Natasha throw her head back and laugh, making you smile.
You were so focused on Natasha that you didn't see the room door open.
"Oh wow, never thought I'd see the day. Natasha Romanoff laughing! Time!?!" The man with a striking anchor beard and a Tom Ford suit called out as he walked closer to the bed you laid in.
"Good to see you awake. It's nice to put a name to the face of my almost-dead Budapest employee."
Tony Stark looked you over as sassy as the man is known for before looking at Natasha, who was internally scolding him for mispronouncing Budapesht.
"Quite a catch, that one. So what's the diagnosis?! How long we got?" He picked up your chart and began flipping through paperwork he should not be looking at before Natasha took it. "Tony..." She sounded exhausted already. "What are you doing here?"
"I told you." He said, looking upset that your chart got taken away from him. "I came to see who was moving in."
If Tony Stark. Your boss. Who also happens to have a hobby of flying around in a gold and red suit wasn't shocking enough to you than that last sentence that he said was.
"Moving in?!?" You asked, shocked. Ton- Mr. Stark- no Iron Man..?! What were you supposed to call him?!
Mr. Tony Man looked from you to Natasha before saying: "Looks like you didn't tell the Misses." This made Natasha get up and grab the not-so-tin man by his collar, whispering methods of torture she would use if he didn't leave the two of you alone.
"I expect to see you at work once you make a full recovery!" Tony yelled and pointed at you before the redhead slammed the door in his face.
Natasha composed herself before turning to you, still wearing a shocked face. "Moving in?!?" You asked again. Natasha nodded as she walked to you. "Yes. We-" She sighed. "I thought it would be the safest option for you. Plus, you can recover here. You're back in the States." Natasha's words fell on the quiet side before she sat on the bed.
Closer to you this time. "I can think of a few other reasons.." You look at Natasha and smiled.
"You don't have to. If you want to leave or go back to Budapesht, I understand." Natasha wants you to know that there is no pressure to stay. But you already know this. If you wanted to get up right now and leave, Natasha would probably let you.
"Staying might be nice."
"Yeah?" Natasha looks hopeful. "Yeah." Natasha smiles and reaches her hand to your face. Moving a stray hair back behind your ear. "If you do stay, that means I can tell you the best part."
"Oh yeah? What's that?" You curiously ask as Natasha looks at you like she's got some big secret.
"I'd be your neighbor across the hall."
You were free to leave the hospital bed 4 days later.
The next day you moved in right across from Natasha Romanoff.
A week later you took her on a date.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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bartonsarcheryacademy · 8 months
Story Idea Dump #4
The Skater AU @chaos-and-ink is obsessed with
Setting: Clint is 19 and lives with his father Harold Barton. Yeap, the old man is alive, abusive as we know him from the comics, and still running the butcher shop. His mother left a few years prior and took Barney with her, because he was her favorite. Safe to say life isn‘t going well for Clint. If you know the comics, you know what he‘s going through.
Bucky, in his mid/late 20s, working as a nurse and taking courses for his EMT qualification, lives with his 16year old sister Rebecca. Their parents are alive, but moved to another state for job reasons. They‘re on good terms with the parents. They stayed in town, because Bucky was in the middle of med school when moving came up, and Rebecca didn‘t want to leave her friends behind. Bucky is a good and protective brother and agreed to look after her until she graduates.
The Plot: Clint uses skateboarding as his outlet. Whenever he can get away from home, he roams the streets of his hometown on his board. He‘s known in every skaterpark as the loner and the little brother of Barney Barton, who was always popular and known by everyone. Clint gets along with almost everyone, but has no friends. After a fall in a halfpipe that leaves Clint with an injury, Rebecca approaches him. Clint, of course, denies medical help ( It‘s a scratch. It costs too much.. Barton excuses). Rebecca insists he at least lets her brother look at it, because he‘s medically trained. So they meet- the helping big brother, and the little snappy and big part freaked out and abused skate dude. It goes from there.
A WinterHawk development with protective!Bucky, age difference, a shit ton of abuse from Harold‘s side, unexpected events, and Bucky trying to figure out what the hell is going on with Clint. Hurt/comfort, whumpage, emotional hurt/comfort, trauma and baggage on all ends.
Oh and did I mention- it‘s a WIP. Parts are written. And it has Art:
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hainethehero · 3 months
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Avengers 1 gave us the best Baby Cap content!
Look at that adorable lil face, like he was always in a constant state of "🥺".
I'll never forgive the Avengers for being all awkward about his lil "I do! I understood that reference!" moment. They could've been more encouraging or at least acknowledge how hard he was trying to catch up with over 70 years of info that he'd missed! But no, instead J*ss Wh*don had to make him the butt of most of the jokes 😒.
So that's why we got poor lil awkward bastard Steve confused af & a bit embarrassed that no one seemed to be impressed with him understanding the "flying monkeys" reference. I hate them! 😭
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askatrigenderlgbt · 1 year
Tony: Really, Steve?
Steve: *Holding Tony close* Mine
Tony: I know but I need you to let go now, please?
Steve:*Hugs tighter* No, mine.
Tony: Steve, I love you but- Ehh! *Trying to push away*
Steve: *Not even budging* Mine
Tony: Ehh!
Steve: Mine
Tony: Ehh!!
Steve:*Kisses Tony* Mine
Tony: *Flustered* God damnit...
Tony: *Hides his face* Love you too, Steve.
Steve:*Happy noises*
Clint:*Flirts with Tony*
Tony:*blushing but flirting back*
Steve:*Walks behind Clint* Clint
Clint:*Freezes in terror*
Steve: If you don't back away from my boyfriend, you'll wish you could die by your neck snapping in two.
Clint:*Pale white* Yep I'll just be e-else where, later! *Fucking booking it out*
Tony:*Embarrassed and slightly terrified* Steve was that really necessary? It was just Clint being Clint.
Steve: * Growls* No it wasn't. He was flirting with you Tony!
Tony: *Sighs* Me and Clint always flirt with each other, we kinda have a bromance thing...
Steve:...So he's ours then?
Tony:*Yells* Clint get back here! Me and Steve want trash panda cuddles!
If anyone wants to, please feel free to make this a fanfiction! I would read that story with glee!!!
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slythershits · 2 years
clint: i’m cold
natasha: here, take my jacket
wade: i’m cold
peter: what? [taking off jacket] i told you to bring more layers but of course you didn’t listen and [piling scarves on him] now look, i’ve got to make sure you don’t FREEZE to death [taking somebody else’s hat] how long have you been cold you should’ve said something sooner
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melaclintbartoncorner · 7 months
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In personal news. Clintasha are now my driving partners 🥰🥰💜❤️ It‘s so rare that I find Clint and Nat stuff in my country, so when I saw them today and even together I absolutely had to get them. 💜❤️
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iriel3000 · 4 months
Natasha protecting Clint
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Natasha Romanoff running around SHIELD campus with Its Raining Men by The Weather Girls playing in her headphones and relishing the backwards glances all the agents are giving her.
Clints a yard behind giving death glares at everyone who does.
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themculibrary · 2 months
Protective!Clint Masterlist
Christmas Trees, Webs, and Bows (ao3) - Marvelous_Writer G, 8k
Summary: “Looks like our little friend is awake,” An unfamiliar voice says before he’s aware of a hand on his chin, forcing his limp head up. “Did the little spider have a good nap?”
Peter forces his heavy eyes open, only to squeeze them shut with another groan as pain shoots from behind his eyes, all the way up to his head. He jerks back and dislodges the foreign hand from his face before trying to move away, only to find that he can’t.
He can’t move.
Why can’t he move?
Panic flows through Peter at the sudden realization as he opens his eyes halfway, squinting as he manages to look down at himself, only to discover that he’s tightly wrapped in a string of bright multi-colored Christmas lights tied to... a Christmas tree.
Why is he tied to a Christmas tree?
Peter bites off a little more than he can chew and winds up getting kidnapped by the Tracksuit Mafia, only for a certain someone with a bow and arrow to come to his rescue.
Clint 'Best Hugger' Barton (ao3) - iridescent_solitude G, 8k
Summary: Or 5 times when Clint hugs an Avenger and 1 time when he gets a hug himself.
For her it's not about drinking (ao3) - Luxa08 T, 7k
Summary: When the Avengers return from a mission, they find their youngest member drunk in the living room. After their initial shock they try to find out what lead Wanda to this unusual behavior for her.
Here's a Story About the Power of the Broken (ao3) - TheLittleMermaidDJ T, 24k
Summary: He had been sent to kill the Black Widow. But as he sighted down the arrow something shifted and he suddenly found himself making a different call.
The full origin story of Clint and Natasha that we all want!
i know i'll never get it, there's not a day I won't try (ao3) - paintmeyellow N/R 6k
Summary: “One poacher came out of the woods bloodied and scarred. He practically threw himself at the police stationed near there. He was delusional, the police said. Kept screaming about tentacles grabbing the other poachers.”
He pauses. “And a red mist when they disappeared.”
or: the one where Wanda is alive and she finally gets a hug.
isn't it lovely (all alone) (ao3) - OllieCollie T, 53k
Summary: Peter Parker is all alone. He's doing his best to accept his new life and keep on being that friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But the past continues to haunt him, and Peter's not sure how much more he can take.
Clint Barton knows something's wrong. Following a recent encounter with New York's red-and-blue vigilante, the former Avenger begins to realize he doesn't know who Spider-Man is—not behind the mask, anyway. Puzzled, Clint goes in search of Spider-Man...and some answers.
Love Every Second (Clint) (ao3) - astrokingly clint/laura N/R, 1k
Summary: When the stomach flu strikes the Barton household, Clint finds himself on laundry duty.
One Thing Leads To Another (ao3) - OllieCollie T, 7k
Summary: The ringing goes on for so long that Peter is sure he's gonna die of blood loss before anyone picks up. Yeah, nobody's gonna answer—
A deep, sleepy voice cuts through the thought. "Hello?"
"Oh, shoot, sorry," Peter says hurriedly, hoping he's not slurring his words too much. "It's definitely like, really late, isn't it? Or early, I guess, considering it's two in the morning or something. I don't know—ouch!—but nevermind, all good, all good—"
"Peter. What's wrong?"
He grunts and shifts, moving the crimson-soaked towel to peer at the wound again. "Okay, wow, this should probably not still be bleeding this much."
"Peter." There's clear concern, maybe even some barely-steeled panic in the voice. Dad mode activated. "What happened?"
Maybe he's a little loopy from the blood loss. Just a little. "Uh…" He tries to focus. "Got shot—twice. Kinda fell off a roof."
Nothing Burns Like The Cold (ao3) - SophieRomanoff97 clint/laura T, 26k
Summary: 'It was a fairly uneventful day for Wanda until a blood soaked and dirty assassin stepped through the doors of the compound.'
When Natasha gets back from her latest mission, hurt, broken, and lost, only Wanda and Clint are there to pick up the pieces.
Featuring caring Wanda, awesome Nat, smartass Clint, the Barton family farm and Wanda coming to some revelations about her relationships with her new friends.
Rescue Mission (ao3) - MantaI305ApollosChariot M, 5k
Summary: Wanda and Clint go on an undercover mission to rescue several missing girls and gather information to apprehend the traffickers responsible. Predictably things do not go as planned.
Takes place between Age of Ultron and Civil War.
Smoke Signals (ao3) - Night_Hawk clint/laura G, 8k
Summary: This is Natasha. The real Natasha.
And he’s not happy that she’s upset but he’s so happy that she’s upset.
Natasha Romanoff does not have friends, despite what Clint's feelings are on the matter.
Someone like her (ao3) - BlissfulBethX N/R, 6k
Summary: Once Lucky was safely curled up on the sofa, they emerged onto the street once again and began walking to a place a couple blocks away that Kate promised sold “the best hot dog you will ever have in your life”.  In an effort to remain as anonymous as possible, they went the longer way, avoiding the busier streets and sticking to back alleys.
In retrospect, that was their first mistake.
OR Clint and Kate are attacked and kidnapped and it's up to Clint to get them out. Featuring a very heavily concussed Kate and an extremely worried da- I mean Clint ;)
Something Astray (ao3) - InkpotGod97 pepper/tony, wanda/vision, clint/laura G, 29k
Summary: "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her..."
Wanda, Tony, and Vision are on the run from HYDRA. They don't know who is an ally or an enemy and they can only trust a handful of people. With Wanda still sick and in desperate need of a safe haven, Tony takes charge in hopes of getting her better and finding out the real reason HYDRA wants her back.
But the tension between the Avengers is still in the back of his mind. Trusting Wanda was one thing. Can he learn to trust another rogue hero? And most importantly, where is Steve Rogers?
The One Where Clint is Kate's Weakness (ao3) - JinxQuickfoot M, 34k
Summary: “Well, I have to say. This was much easier than I expected. And I didn’t even have high expectations.”
Kate spun around, ignoring how the concrete scraped at her skin even though the costume, preparing to shoot before she froze instead. Clint was on his knees barely three feet from her, Madam Masque’s gun pressed against his temple. He wasn’t looking at Masque, though. He was looking at her. At her arrow. “You have the shot.”
Just as a mission gone wrong shakes Kate's confidence, Clint's old mentor comes into town in search of a mysterious tape. Now it's up to Kate to rescue her partner before the clock runs out.
when all is going wrong and you're scared as hell, what you gonna do? (who you gonna tell?) (ao3) - flavorblastedfishybuisness clint/laura T, 4k
Summary: When Clint is woken up in the middle of the night to a call from one Kate Bishop, he is understandably not impressed.
When he hears her voice, all of that fades away.
Your Mess Is My Mess (That's What Family Is For) (ao3) -Not_So_Mundane_After_All_97 G, 8k
Summary: After Kate spends Christmas and New Year's Day at the Barton's farm, it's time to go back to her old life. When her mother's trial comes just around the corner, she doesn't know whether to reach out for her partner's support or deal with her family drama alone.
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jedusaur · 2 years
"Bucky! Bucky, your arm's great-great-great-grandpa is in the news!"
Bucky groans and buries his face in the crack between his pillow and Clint's. He has no idea what the fuck his boyfriend is talking about, but he's pretty sure no good will come of asking questions.
"The two-thousand-year-old bronze hand is the first evidence that these Iron Age settlers used written language," Clint reads. "The previous earliest written documentation of the Basque language dates from the 9th or 10th century AD. It's called the Hand of Irulegi, that's so badass!"
Bucky reluctantly rolls onto his side, blinking blearily at Clint's phone screen. There's a picture of a greenish piece of metal that looks kind of like a blocky hand, a little. "That's not my arm's great-great-great-grandpa," he says, his voice croaky. "Two thousand years is a lot more generations than that."
Clint waves a hand dismissively. "Metal lives longer, shush, I decided it makes sense. Hey, it says the hand may have hung from the door of a dwelling to provide protection. Keeping the fam safe, just like you!"
Bucky shifts up onto his elbow to look closer at the screen. "Researchers found evidence that the area had suffered a fire caused by an attack in which Roman arrowheads were used. Guess my arm's ancestor was no match for your bow's ancestors."
"Aw, protohistoric family feuds, no." Clint scrolls down the page. "The first word on the hand reads sorioneku, translating to of good fortune. Lucky, you're the earliest known example of written Basque!"
Lucky hears his name and clambers up the bed, stepping directly on Bucky's stomach. Bucky grunts and collapses back onto the pillow, letting the dog wriggle between them. He knows by now that if he fights it he'll just get sad puppy eyes from both of them.
Clint drops his phone and tosses an arm across Lucky, resting his hand on top of Bucky's metal one. "I'm glad your hand is here to protect my dwelling," he mumbles, already sounding halfway back to asleep. Sorioneku, Bucky thinks, squeezing Clint's hand fondly. Maybe he'll see if he can get that etched into the vibranium.
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mytrashbin · 2 years
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During a mission in Madripoor, Clint finds out that Brock and other former members of the STRIKE Team /Hydra are being sold at a black market auction.
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lessluck · 2 months
what ray really needs is a parental figure who can handle all his hang ups and fuck ups
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askatrigenderlgbt · 9 months
Marvel Prompt 😷🤕🤒
Welp, my family (including me) caught COVID. Not my mom though(hopefully). So to handle feeling like utter shit, I'ma make a prompt on my favorite characters felling like shit!
Prompt: Ironman and Hawkeye are in a battle with Hydra, being pushed into a corner away from the others. After being knocked out via emps and stun shots, Tony and Clint are kidnapped.
Later they wake up locked in separate cages. They find out there is a third cage. Inside is Loki, looking bad. Ragged breaths and appearing quite ill. Tony and Clint felt fear down their spins. Loki, nor Thor, couldn't get sick from human illness. What Loki was going through must have been Hydra's doing.
Then their cages started to fill with gas. Both men tried to hold their breath, knowing that it was probably the virus that infected Loki. They didn't last long. Each breath they took in was a burning sensation, already becoming harder to breathe at all. Fever, chills, pain in every muscle to a debilitating degree, it hit both Tony and Clint like a train full force.
Tony had it worse, his arc reactor already making it hard to gain air. He was clawing at his throat desperately. Clint was trying to stop coughing, each time failing. He could feel how his throat was already raw and dry.
Loki was curled up in a ball completely focused on himself, but was also trying to move closer to the glass. He was trying to reach Clint and Tony. To at least save them from this messed up fate.
Then a familiar roar echoed the facility, all the way to where the three were hidden. Hope burned within the group that they would potentially make it out of this alive, or at best receive justice.
Soon Natasha breached the room. Quickly scanning around before running to a terminal. She stops the cages gas chambers, quickly typing in something else. The virus gas was vacuumed out of the boxes and replaced with a new relief. Not a cure but more like an epidural. Tony barely escaped blacking out from chocking, sucking in oxygen deeply. Clint is panting, his throat in pain and so dry. And Loki? He was curled up on the floor of his cage, trying to calm down.
It didn't take long for the rest of the avengers to arrive, Thor sprinting towards his brother. The three soon find themselves in quarantine, Nick having sent a medical team to help them. Tony, Clint, and Loki were under monitor in case they had a declining health status.
The avengers waited by their side when they could, assuring them that they weren't going to leave them. They also made it clear that they were definitely in time out and would in fact be babied when they got home.
They didn't mind at all.
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spiritmoodboards · 5 months
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Platonic moodboard for Clint and Adam (Welcome to the Game 2) protection themes For an anon~ Hope you like this a bunch!
We're closed for now, thank you :)
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I just started the New Girl AU series that you have, CAN I JUST SAY YOUR FANCAST OF CLINT IS JUST PERFECT???
i mean no hate to Renner tho, but I've read Matt Fraction's Hawkeye. That's the kind of Clint we were deprived of.
more of the soap box rant below.
So, before I became a hopeless slut for Din Djarin, I started this story on AO3 with a female original character (who is technically from my original work but i wanted her to hang out with the avengers crew for fun and a three chapter drabble turned into a book i'm a mess). ANYWAYS, i say that b/c in that story the Clint Barton I started writing for the first time was absolutely Matt Fraction's Hawkeye and ever since then he has lived in my brain rent free. He's one of my fav marvel characters to write (next to Tony Stark, who is going to be in New Girl AU eventually b/c i'm a slut for him too).
And, mentally once I started writing that version of him I didn't like Renner as the mental image I had? No hate on Renner, just like you said, my brain just couldn't fathom it. So internally I re-casted him as Jensen Ackles and it worked.
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Alright, sorry, I can rant about this shit all day long. Uh, where were we? OH. Thanks for reading and sending me a message, dude!😌
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