#posted this on TikTok originally if it wasn’t obvious
snailto0th · 3 months
fun fact: I drew Golbetty myself but I didn’t like how it turned out so I went with a very crusty jpeg. I think it adds to the vibes
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jimmystrudel · 2 months
Part 2 of ranking 2024 WAG jackets
part 1 & part 3 (and VGK whenever that's posted)
6. Nashville Predators - Emma Barrie’s IG story (thank you @thepassionthatunitesusall for telling me where to find them)
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It’s hard to tell what they are made out of but I think it’s fake leather which i don’t like
I do like that they are cream, not white, and that they are embroidered not ironed on patches or graphic t-shirt emblazing
I think these might be my favourite patches quality wise
Overall they are really classic and look comfy but aren’t very original so LA beats them
7. New York Rangers - 1. wagsofrangerstown IG, 2. natoriner23 on tiktok 
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 For the first game the WAGs and kids all came in jerseys which is considered a bit of a taboo in the NHL WAG world (idk go watch Lexi’s videos on it) and since they had tons of time to plan this, it felt like a powermove and the full group photos of it are super cute (i love when the babies match)
Also Key’s mom has a jacket and if they have mom/family jackets I will scream, that is so cute
For the jacket itself, this is the only picture of it I’ve seen so idk what the front look like but the back is fine?
I like signatures a lot, they are always cute, but painted, cropped, baggy pleather isn’t interesting and they could have done so much more
8. Washington Capitals - Madison Aube Kubel’s IG
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I didn't get great screenshots of this so go to her page if you want to see more
I absolutely hated these when I first saw, thought they were going to be giant pleather monstrosities but then I saw Madison Aube Kubel’s reel of her making her own since she forgot to submit her order on time and they grew on me
They seem like they are made out of a satiny/normal bomber jacket material
This is my favourite of the caps logos and I am glad they used it and the back looks good but I don’t like the giant numbers on the front, you know they are super stiff and you can’t sit down while it is buttoned up without it looking really weird
I don’t love it, I don’t hate it, I just wouldn’t design it
9. Edmonton Oilers - Lauren Kyle’s IG
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As previously stated, I don’t like minimalism so they lose a few points, but these really strongly give bad bitch, cool unrealistic tv motorcycle gang
I’m 99% sure they are real leather since they are stiffer and in some close ups you could see skin texture (if it wasn’t obvious I really like real leather)
I like that it is actual stitching, instead of being painted
One personal really big pet peeve is that the c in McDavid should be lowercase
10. Florida Panthers - 1. floridapantherswags IG, found the other on tiktok a few days ago
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According to God (Lexi) they have matching pants (seen partially on the right) with the number one of the back pockets, most of the women in the group photo aren’t wearing them so like do they not like their own outfits??
I really like the stitching detail on the back but not having the last name be in that giant open space on their shoulders looks really awkward so they should have put the name there (since they aren’t who they are with since they have numbers) or removed the line of white stitching and made everything else bigger
I also don’t like a baggy jacket if it’s meant to be paired with jeans where the detail is on the butt, like if they were committing to the pants they should have cropped it
I think if they wanted to keep the pants and no last name they should have made vests instead of jackets since the sleeves aren’t doing much
11. Colorado Avalanche -Sussanna Ranta’s IG story
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This is the only picture of these that I have seen and they really just look like jackets, nothing special
I tiktok I think I saw something about them having caps that match with the numbers on them but hats are fucking lame
These are just aggressively mid and kind of disappointing
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Run BTS Next Top Genius Special Part 2
I was contemplating if to write a whole separate post here or if to just reblog and add my own two cents.
Went with option no. 1 just cause my fingers, they were itching.
And what is it I'm talking about here?
The rock scissors paper game and the whole discussion about JK's loyalties.
Cause why enjoy the show? Let's go look for how to tear JK down, it's the new pass time for some parts of this fandom.
So, let's join the conversation, shall we?
These people are utterly ridiculous. 
Instead of enjoying the damn episode, which was hilarious, btw, they are busy making claims about JK’s supposed behavior.  Judging by little snippets they see on Twitter or TikTok instead of seeing the full picture.
*Note to those ridiculous humans:
Watch the damn episode.  Full original content people.  Do you not remember that rule?  And if it’s moving too fast for you, then watch it again, goddammit, before sprouting your nonsense. 
I can tell you that I did.  Watched it again to figure out what exactly was going on there.  What JK was doing.  What he was telling Tae.  What he told JM before the last round.  His explanation at the end about his behaviour (man just knows he can’t lie, lol).
Just a couple of things I wanted to add to this convo.
JK studied the cards, he did try to.  Went to Tae and literally told him the truth.  “Leave the card you are winning on and change the others”.
Strange behavior you might think, being on JM’s team.  But he explains it at the end:
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See, I'm not sure the translation is accurate or understandable, lol. But I do think what he meant, bottom line, is that he wouldn't be able to lie and get away with it, lol.
JK did what he knew to do, stick to the truth.
But the end round, telling JM to trust his gut – twice.  That was when he showed his true hand.  This is after he says to everyone they need to keep a poker face, which they certainly did not…
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2nd time:
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Tae’s shock when he sees JK is on JM’s team, lol.
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And the editors…although I do need to have a talk to them with some of the clear Jikook cuts going on during this episode, with this one they did well…
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And I rest my case. That face. He just can't hide it. So, the strategy was: tell the truth, don't get caught, don't be obvious (like go stand next to JM and walk between the two) and trust JM's gut to change the cards around.
Did kind of work... Just saying...
JM’s reaction is also something people overlook.
How worked up he was about Jin and Hobi being on his team.  Both of them were hectic on his side of the game while JK who never set  foot on JM’s side was on his team, and JM’s reaction to that? 
Lol, non existent. 
Like the man wasn’t surprised one little bit.
So, either those two are doing the telepathy thing, or maybe we missed one of their multitude of signs of communicating with each other with no words, cause it looked like JM just knew. 
Perhaps it was the hand shake at the beginning, maybe there was a little hand squeeze going on or the eye contact (short but meaningful? Lol), or that “trust your gut” bit at the end did it…who knows. 
But felt to me like JM just knew JK was on his side of the fence (not only in spirit but by the gods of the game).
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When you look at the footage it actually looks like JM was looking for Tae’s reaction when JK goes on his side and found it highly amusing. Just saying.
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I also love the way JK is fixing up the covers over JM’s cards when JM was pulling his tantrum over thinking Hobi was working against him, lol.
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Also, just wanted to add these just cause they are really pretty:
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Go watch the episode if you haven't seen it yet.
It's bloody hilarious.
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davyjoneslockr · 11 months
I feel I've just seen the tip of a giant iceberg float scarily close to my boat, but what is the context of 'i hope jakey dies'? Who is jakey and why did his gf (i am assuming) become the target of such awful biphobia?
I’m no expert because I never really got into the joke much, but basically, “I hope Jakey dies” is a meme that started here, making fun of a cringey dynamic some m/f couples have. So don’t worry, Jakey isn’t a real person, just kind of an archetype for an assumedly mediocre “golden retriever”-type cishet boyfriend. Pretty harmless hater brand tumblr humor, basically.
(Honestly, the original post is also where the first red flag kinda popped up for me. The first replies were whatever, but, especially since Jakey is, again, supposed to be an archetype of cishet man, “nonbinary Jakey” to refer to someone’s AMAB nonbinary partner seems. Idk. Telling of how people view AMAB nonbinary people sometimes.)
After that, it kinda just ended up spreading around as a joke here and there, and tbh I kinda forgot about it until that weird Barbie post this ask is in reference to. There’s not much to say about it that hasn’t already been said, but to me, 1) it’s pretty obvious that the original tiktok was either exaggeration or outright bait, and 2) even if it wasn’t, it’s maybe a little cringe, but harmless. But regardless, people are using it to mock (or outright wish harm or death upon) bi women for dating men, or implying that bi women are actually straight and just pretending to be queer (for attention? I guess?). And “I hope Jakey dies” has kinda become the phrase all those folks are spamming ad nauseam. I’ve seen a lot of comments about how people defending the tiktok or calling out the biphobia are just “defending men,” but like. I’m not just seeing things right. This whole thing reeks of misogyny and weird gender essentialism. Because the center of the joke usually isn’t even on the man or “Jakey,” it’s on the woman dating him for expressing that she likes him or whatever.
And also I really hate how people seem to be extremely comfortable with threatening people, or hoping they die or kill themselves, over something that’s “cringe” or somewhat annoying. Like it’s genuinely gross behavior. But idk maybe that’s just me.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 55
Malleus Maleficarum/Doomsday
“Malleus Maleficarum”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Oh fuck no. I’m barely surviving WATCHING.
Ew wtf…this is…one of the most stomach churning episodes I’ve ever watched. Between the lady in the opening pulling out all her teeth and bleeding out and now magic-ing maggots into this dude’s burger.
But then what killed HER? Was it the OTHER neighbor??
This is…this is a good way to get yourselves on these witches’ hit list.
People who are big shots in their neighborhoods making a big deal of their last names to complete strangers from outside their little circle baffle me
Dude…Sam. No. You don’t just…Oh. That’s that’s not an ordinary demon.
I don’t believe Ruby’s really …yeah, she wasn’t betraying the Winchesters. Because that was the most male gaze-y shit I’ve ever seen
Yo. Dean…aren’t you supposed to have a little conflict about stabbing the person the demon is possessing?? Just even a little hesitation?
I don’t remember how long we keep Ruby, but I’m gonna miss her when she goes. A demon who remembers what it’s like to be human is an interesting character
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope.
I love Mickey and the scientist pretending to know about the time war to save their lives for just a second but in the lamest way possible
You’re going to regret making that promise, Doctor.
Omg here it is. The moment I’ve been waiting for “our species are similar though your is inelegant” “daleks have no concept of elegance” “that is obvious”
“Daleks be warned, you have declared war upon the cybermen” “this is not war, this is pest control” “we have five million cybermen. How many are you?” “Four” “you would destroy the cybermen with four Daleks?” “We would destroy the cybermen with one Dalek. You are superior in only one respect” “what is that?” “You are better at dying” (someone on tiktok also used this audio clip with Shigaraki as the Dalek and the Hero Safety Commission president as the cybermen, and it was probably the most I’ve ever been into Shiggy in my life)
Note that I watched that clip like……eight times at least
Amazing. Rose sees the Doctor on screen and her heart rate rises, the Daleks point this out and Mickey’s just like “yeah, old news. Been there.”
You're not gonna catch me feeling bad or Yvonne.
Good lord there are some really good lines in this. The cybermen telling the Doctor that he’s proof emotions destroy you, and he agrees but then goes “mind you, I quite like hope. Hope’s a good emotion”
He really puts on those glasses every time he has void stuff to check out. You don't really pick up on it the first time, but it gets more and more obvious with every rewatch...
Where and when is Rose getting her hair cut??
The Doctor's so enigmatic in this scene where he meets Pete again. If I hadn't watched it so many times tonight, I'd be baffled by how swiftly he changes every few seconds. Now, I'm used to it.
Next time I watch the series (not any time soon because this episode is now CURSED for me), I want to watch out for THAT Note earlier in the series. It's ALL. OVER. this episode, but I wanna listen for it earlier.
The way Rose tells the Daleks what she did to their emperor. What a woman.
Poor Mickey. Like, yeah, the genesis ark had to be opened, but why did it have to be him who did it?? I still don't understand why the Doctor thinks of it as a good thing (but that's partly because he talks so fast I have a hard time understanding him occasionally).
The Jackie and Pete reunionnnnnn *sobs* and yet they still carve out time for levity "All those daft little ideas of mine. They worked. Made me rich" "I don't care about that...how rich?" "Very" "I don't care about that...how very?"
But then the desperation as they run toward each other and embrace uuugggghhhhhhhhh
Huh, the Daleks were right. The cymbermen ARE better at dying. It wasn't just an empty taunt.
I know it's supposed to be a scary prospect, but the way the genesis ark spins and spits out Daleks is just funny to me
The argument over who's staying and who's going to the other universe is heart wrenching. I do have my criticisms of it, but that's entirely a personal thing.
Roses really love jumping BACK INTO dangerous situations for their boyfriends, don't they? Tyler...Dewitt-Bucater (I'll look up the spelling for that if I think of it in the morning, if tumblr doesn't eat this too)
Did they have to give the Yvonne cyberman a different voice than literally every other cyberman? Was it not enough to make her say her last words again? The ones she repeated over and over before she was turned?
It must be absolutely terrifying to have to hold on long enough to allow MILLIONS of both Daleks and cybermen to go through the breach, all while it's trying to suck you in, too. And you're RIGHT THERE. And if something goes wrong (which, of course it will), you're basically powerless, and the person you're with IS powerless to help you.
NO. No...
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The way they can't even comfort her. They don't know what to do. They can't go to her, though Mickey's fighting the urge to. Because what can they even say or do??
And they way they can just ALMOST feel each other's presence across universes...it's not faaaaaaaaair
Reminder to google what the difference between a sun and a normal star is. Because...if he's burning up a SUN to talk to her...there's gotta be some space laws against that. If there are planets with life revolving around that sun?? Or is that after your first genocide, they just stop checking on if you've committed more?
I dunno if I'll ever decide if it's a mercy that he never gets to say it back. Is this an Empire Strikes Back situation? It'll hurt more if he DOES get to say it? Because it's futile? They'll never be able to be together. Also will never decide if he ran out of time or purposely ran down the clock. Which isn't to say that he's not devastated to not be able to. But he's done so much to protect her and her future and her future happiness, why would he stop now?
DONNA!!!!!!!! I love the surprise of her at the end. And she really does show up when the Doctor's at his lowest: after losing Rose, after TRULY (sort of) becoming the last of the Time Lords
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suckuhoes · 7 months
i’ve recently come to the realization during my current writings for izidora & her development within her universe + marriage in particular is that despite having grown tremendously as a character, there are still certain situations i haven’t explored or expanded upon because i never gave her the chance to really exist, in a sense, until i made the decision to rewrite who she was entirely. it could be because i’ve grown since first becoming a writer & introducing izidora to my original roster, or because she’s grown more than i expected her to at first. but there are so many things about izidora that i just…never considered?
the main thing that i’ve been thinking about (and only v recently have i been able to actually work on…after lich rally spending the entire month of october on tiktok & pinterest + talking thru scenarios with kija / @somethingscft……this may be a partner appreciation post too lowkey — we wasn’t getting this type of development without keith!) in regards to izidora’s current relationship with her pregnancy & eventually, with her twins is just. what is she feeling right now? is it happiness, is it sadness, is it fear? is this something that potentially already happened to her because it came from trauma once before, is this something new? what does she think of herself throughout this moment? would she hate it because she hates herself & it comes from her, does she love it because it came from her? — and although i’m able to work on that level of personal development now, it made me realize that a relationship to motherhood was never something that i was able to give much thought or input for with her, prior to or after her 2020 rewrite.
and it’s funny because pre-2020 izidora being a parent & raising a child was almost a laughable concept to me. with the exception of a romantic ship she had then in which she was actually in a long term relationship + even got engaged, my belief for izidora was always between the joking thought of ‘this is someone of morally corrupt values & a complete menace to society who probably should not be raising kids’ vs the more serious thought of ‘izidora was written with the sole desire of becoming immortal & living forever/remaining youthful for eternity, for completely selfish & vain reasons, is willing to do anything to anyone in order to obtain that goal and reacts murderously to those who anger or inconvenience her in the slightest — if anything, she probably thinks that having children is pointless & gross.’ like…this bitch was a villain fr fr! she was busy doing chaotic evil witch shit! it wasn’t a real concept for my girl back then! ever!!!
but…that was before the rewrite. the chaos was fun in the moment, but i grew bored and needed more nuance. for obvious reasons, the izidora that i write now holds very different views & feelings about motherhood than the previous version of herself would have. her life & history is now completely the opposite of what it was then. the specifics of her backstory is still something that i’m continuing to build upon as i develop her universe & who she is as a person; and based on her past experiences and the things that were done to her & to her family, she’s absolutely fucking scared of being pregnant. having a family is scary at any stage, especially while she’s still in a state of recovery from her trauma! even still, the one thing i know with absolute certainty is that izidora is & has always been a deeply feeling, deeply loving, deeply caring person. it shows in her behavior and her interactions with certain people — to her nanang, tala. to her sister, carina. to the community that she heals & protects with her magic. to the girls that she helped save, with many of those women remaining part of her story & who have become like sisters to her now.
so ultimately, i think that izidora would look at motherhood & her children as getting a second chance. i think that with the time spent writing izidora with the perspective of someone who has been through so much unresolved trauma and so much hurt, so much loss and so much anger; being someone who thinks so negatively of herself because of what happened to her & unable to see herself in any other way? her being able to have this happen to her in a good way and have an unconditional love be given to her is overwhelming and it’s exciting. she has something that is hers — it is inherently good & pure, hers to protect and hers to love — and everything that she could not do for herself & for carina growing up, she gets the chance to do it now for them.
is she still a chaotic bitch most of the time? oh yes. does she still hold morally questionable values & one thousand percent someone you shouldn’t provoke? fck yes. does she still have a goal of immortality? yes, and it’s less selfish! izidora still has a lot of her previous self’s characteristics vs me doing a complete 180 rewrite, which i’m always excited about! but the beauty in writing & creating this new version of her and being able to understand her & even share her with so many other beautiful writers in a way that gets me so emotional is that she’s so human now. she’s so human! before, i used to just write her as a silly little trope & nothing more — and now it’s like. holy shit. you have an entire world of complexities & feelings and i get to figure it out & have fun with it.
so yeah. this was totally meant to start out as a sort of introduction to an actual, organized, well thought out headcanon. instead, i wound up emotionally rambling at one in the morning about a fictional character. it happens to us all, u know! i’m just feeling very…appreciative of my characters right now. especially with izidora, because i just think she is so cute & precious to me. if ur still reading this, pls give your charries some love! 💞
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wordtowords · 1 year
Chris, Mick, and the Art of Artifice
artifice - noun - clever devices used to trick or deceive (Google).
Let's face the music and accept that for whatever reason(s), human beings embrace the concept of deception. And now that the Internet (via social media) has opened the backstage door for endless opportunities for a little or a lot of artifice, no one is safe from scammers, or in my case, ordinary people pretending to be rock stars.
Because I am in the music business along with just about everyone else, I have to spend time on social media just advertise my original songs and get them circulating among listeners throughout the globe. Although I am a minuscule presence on TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Linked-In, Facebook, I try to post at least three times a week to generate a following, which isn't easy as there are 100,000 songs released on the music streaming channels daily and 100,000 artists promoting them. Apparently as FB is the medium of choice for celebrities, more grifters use it to impersonate them than any other platform. I am lucky because the con artists who hit on me generally do not want money; they just want to take me to bed. Case in point, one man, who just happens to have the name Christopher Cross like the musician (who is actually the real imposter since his surname isn't actually Cross) tried to impersonate him in order to trick me into meeting him. Fortunately, I was onto him right from the start. Just in case this should ever happen to you (maybe on YouTube in the comments section), an authentic celebrity would never ask you when you became his or her fan. And most likely as an icebreaker, he or she would never thank you for being his or her fan. I know from experience that unless they are extreme narcissists, celebrated people tend to want to step away from themselves for a few and come across as being average. So it was clear that Chris wasn't the celebrated Chris since he made the mistake of doing what all trolls do initially: he asked, "How long have you been my fan?" (I replied, "I've never been your fan." Oh, well. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.)
Of course, it is true that there are famous types out there who do interface with fans and do use artifice (such as different names) so that they don't attract attention. I am contending with someone right now who claims to be Micheal Philip Jagger, which is Mick Jagger's full name. Even though he has the blue checkmark verifying his identity, my daughter claims that he is in no way real, mainly because eighty-year-old men don't know how to navigate FB. Sensible, smart she contends that Mick no doubt has troops of well-paid assistants assigned to connect with the public on social media. The real Mick, romantically linked to a thirty-six-year-old dancer, would not have a second to reach out to me. Which all makes sense, yet this inchoate swindler is atypical so far. Like Macbeth and most politicians after him, Micheal could just be quite good at duplicity until some day, his artifice is exposed as such, and he is uncovered and cancelled (the beauty of social media).
On the other hand, I did read an article on the web stating that you can never truly be sure whether or not you are being hoodwinked. It is possible that the person is indeed the person he or she says he or she is. Just make sure you don't wire any money to him or her and you don't friend him or her. As far as my Micheal, I am playing his game, pretending I don't realize that he is attempting to be Mick. And I am acting as though I am the bigger celeb whose privacy is kept private. In the end, the greater pretender will win, I suppose, if there can be a winner at shenanigans. Let's put it this way, if the actual Mick should die, and Micheal keeps liking my posts, I'll have my answer. (I hope it doesn't come down to that, though, because I am Mick's fan.)
The obvious paradoxical takeaway here is that sometimes you have to be deceptive in order to expose deception. Truth doesn't come easily.
#word-to-words, #slice-of-life,  #blog, #blogging, #editorial, #reading, #vocabulary, #ReadersMagnet, #spilled thoughts, #good advice, #personal-essay, #writing community, #writing, #philosophy, #truth, #social media, #deception, #human nature
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robealafrancaise · 2 years
x liked your post
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts here lately about how likes don’t do anything for the non-existent algorithm and how tumblr users (especially twitter or tiktok transplants) need to reblog things to keep this site alive, and honestly i think those posts are great! they are educational about what might not be obvious to people who are more familiar with other social media sites. i’ve reblogged a few of those posts myself
and as someone who does create original art/gifsets/etc (tho more often on my sideblog these days) i also understand how demoralizing it can be to only get a handful of likes before interest in a post fizzles out and it gets lost to the depths of the internet
I have absolutely no intention of denying either of those points-- they’re good points! but as someone who has been on this site pretty consistently since 2015, i just wanted to share my additional two cents on the topic:
Reblogs are important, but you can’t reblog everything, and I’d take a like over no interaction any day.
You can’t reblog everything, and I don’t want you to feel an obligation to. I follow hundreds of blogs myself (altho not all of them are active) and there is no way i could reblog every post or art that I come across and enjoy. Reblogging can take more energy than liking as well, if you have any kind of tagging system. I personally have all kinds of posts saved in my drafts that I want to reblog but wasn’t feeling up to tagging when I came across them. Also, not everything is something you want on your own blog, but you might want to support the creator anyway.
One of the posts I saw recently said something along the lines of how likes don’t really do anything but “show you were there,” but I think it can’t be understated how significant it can be to do that! To show you were there and you saw their post! Hitting the post button and waiting for any notes to come in only for complete radio silence is a terribly isolating feeling in my experience.
If you are, in general, reblogging posts and actively participating in spreading posts across tumblr, it is 100% your decision on whether or not you want to reblog any particular post. But once you’ve already decided not to reblog, would you consider taking a moment to leave a like anyway? It doesn’t cost you anything, and while OP has every right to wish you had reblogged instead, at least they’ve received some kind of positive interaction.
TL;DR: Likes do nothing for the algorithm, but they do something very human and i think that’s important
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zoufantastical · 3 years
“Couch guy” tiktok and how we as people are losing touch every day more and more…
The “couch guy” ordeal happening lately is a wild case-not on her or her boyfriend though but on the people constantly engaging, harassing, making joke tiktoks and supposed relationship “experts” analyzing the video on the daily and giving their unsolicited advice.
This should definitely be a case study on human behavior and how the line between our personal lives and our internet persona has not disappeared, but merged instead.
It’s interesting how this whole thing developed in the first place. At first there was a large amount of people who felt “sympathetic”. That sympathy was conditional though, because as soon as she rejected the truth the audience was trying to impose and project onto her relationship, the script flipped quickly and she became essentially public enemy number one- she became the butt of the joke despite the people originally being worried about her alleged cheating boyfriend.
(Me thinks misogyny)
I’m not here to analyze her relationship because at the end of the day that’s not my problem or my place since I’m not the one participating in it. What’s insane is that over 40 million people projected their life experiences onto a teenage college kid and unfortunately she can’t escape them; neither her or her friends and family. And it’s even crazier people trying to shut down folks like me defending her; saying she’s probably enjoying the attention when really she wasn’t given a choice. She either tries to enjoy it and be part of the joke or she breaks down as the realization hits her that the whole internet is psychoanalyzing her life (which will happen sooner or later).
She’s in a pickle because even if she does erase the video she’ll either have people saying that they are “proving their point” or it’ll be null because it’s already plastered all over the internet.
It’s unfair for this unfortunate situation to be a consequence of using the internet; instead of looking at ourselves participating in such an unsympathetic manner, we victim blame…as usual.
Over 40 million people; all the attention on these white kids who genuinely made the video to be some cute reunion. Imagine if we had this type of attention to actual matters that are ruining people’s lives. It’s really telling this became infamously viral.
And now people who are calling this behavior rightfully out, are being clowned and called “party pooper”.
Much like Facebook manipulating the algorithm and promote posts that will cause commotion and therefore more engagement on their app (with the recent whistleblower information), it’s very obvious that Tiktok does it as well and dare I say on a larger scale that doesn’t really have consequences.
Sad part is that there really isn’t much to do; we are at a point that we can’t fix this.
It’s sad that she unwillingly became a scapegoat but I’m sure her situation will be used or has been used to analyze this stage we are in of people who use social media; how people are losing basic communication skills and empathy as a community due to the “safe” space and false sense of anonymity that social media provides.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 1/57, 97.7k words
I was like “hey brain I’d love to do a shitpost social media au” and then it was like r e w r i t e m i r a c u l o u s
I don’t even know if it really even counts as miraculous anymore so much has changed god damn it --
Rena Rouge had never been so excited for anything in her life.
Of course, at first glance people would find that insane. She was going to a meeting, after all.
But it was the people that were also attending that had her practically vibrating she was so excited.
All the heroes of Paris were to be gathered under Master Fu’s orders. They hardly ever worked together, so having all four (five, including her, she reminded herself) together was pretty much a once-in-a-lifetime event. She wished she was still a reporter, this was the kind of thing she would have killed to report on back in the day…
Still, a part of her had to wonder why exactly they were all there. Master Fu had been vague when he’d called. She had some theories, of course, but all this waiting was starting to shift her excitement into nerves. She attempted to smooth out her tail, but ended up just tucking it under herself to hide her anxiety. Maybe she shouldn’t have come so early.
The first person to show up after her was Carapace. He’d poked his head through the door, the hood of his sleeveless hoodie pulled so low over his face that it partially hid his face. Then he broke into a wide smile and pushed the hood up a little to show the green glint of his mask. He made his way inside and took a seat next to her.
“Salu -- Bonjour!” His confident smile melted into an uncomfortable one. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Salut,” she said, not wanting him to feel awkward.
Besides, that was kind of his whole shtick. Carapace was the relatable hero, the one you could vent about your problems to.
(Well, technically you could vent to all of Paris’s heroes, they didn’t mind… but Carapace was the only one that felt close enough to actually try it with.)
Silence lapsed between them as they sat there. She tried to remember whether she had met him as Rena Rouge or not and he seemed unsure whether she wanted to talk, but they were distracted from their thoughts when Chloe walked into the room.
Chloe just kind of… does that. If Carapace was the personable one, Chloe was the one who felt the most unreachable. She was open about her persona, had to be after everyone found out about it, and exactly how relatable can a mayor’s daughter be? She’d leaned into it, though, opting for golden jewelry and wings that glinted in the light.
Neither of the present heroes said anything to Chloe, and Chloe didn’t acknowledge them.
Was it rude? Technically. But what else were they supposed to do? Chloe had made it clear a week ago that she didn’t like them. There’s no good conversation that can come after you get shit-talked on live tv.
The last person to be on time was Chat Noir. The original hero. He gave them a smile worthy of a model as he slipped inside. “Bonjour.”
“Bonjour,” said Rena and Carapace, and even Chloe gave a quiet hum of acknowledgement.
The leather of his black suit made a high-pitched squeaking sound against the chair when he sat down that made both him and Rena’s hair stand on end (literally).
Master Fu walked in to find Carapace trying to soothe two very frazzled miraculous holders and Chloe ignoring them on her phone.
He sighed and gently rapped his cane on the ground.
Instantly, the room quieted. Chat and Rena snapped out of their shock.
“Bonjour,” chorused everyone.
He smiled tensely. “Bonjour. Where’s Ladybug?”
“Not here yet,” said Chloe. She set her phone down on the table and crossed her arms over her chest. “There’s nothing in the papers, either.”
Master Fu nodded a little bit and took a seat at the head of the table. “We can wait for her. There’s no rush.”
Carapace hesitated before raising his hand. “There’s… a bit of a rush. I was procrastinating a college app and it’s due tonight…”
“It shouldn’t be long,” said Master Fu.
This was true. About five minutes later Ladybug burst into the room, panting softly. “Bon… jour...”
“Thanks for finally showing up,” said Chloe.
No one knew for sure, because Ladybug’s eyes were completely white, but they got the feeling that she was rolling her eyes.
“There was an akuma.”
“Really? There was nothing on the news…” said Rena, genuinely confused, but she trailed off when she realized that maybe getting one of your childhood heroes in trouble was a bad idea if you wanted to have a good relationship with said childhood hero.
Thankfully, Ladybug didn’t seem all that annoyed. “That’s because the news anchor and her crew got swallowed by it before they could get any information out. Anyways, it’s dealt with.”
With that, Ladybug took a seat in the last open chair. There was a beat as she smoothed out the red and black folds of her dress and then she crossed her legs and smiled at everyone.
Master Fu sighed and shook his head, slowly placing his cane in his lap.
“Now that everyone is here, would anyone like to guess why?”
The heroes of Paris stiffened a little bit. That sounded a lot like they were in trouble. They didn’t want to be in trouble.
Rena slowly raised her hand. “Is it… because of what Queen Bee said last week?”
The heroes’ expressions soured a bit at the memory. The video of Chloe trash talking all of them to an interviewer had blown up, and now they could hardly do anything without having at least one reporter hounding them for a response.
None of them could give any, though Rena was sure at least some of them were tempted. The public was supposed to think them all friends, or at worst friendly coworkers. It gave them hope, seeing them all working together for team ups, and analyzing their friendship dynamics kept them relatively distracted from the fact that it had been six years since the first hero had first arrived on the scene and they still had virtually nothing on Hawkmoth.
But now that illusion had been shattered (and trust her, she knew a lot about illusions). Akumas had been more active this week.
“That’s precisely it. Thank you, Rena.” Master Fu regarded them all carefully. “What do you think we should do about it?”
Really, they’d had no clue what to do about their image.
Chloe hadn’t been joking, she’d made that plainly obvious, so saying she didn’t mean it or that was just the type of friendship they had wasn’t going to work…
“Act more like friends…?” Said Ladybug when no one spoke up.
Master Fu nodded.
“Oh, so more team ups or something?” Said Chat.
Carapace shrugged. “Don’t know how much of that I can do, since I’m the only one that can consistently get in the water, but…” He shrugged again. “... sure, I can do that.”
The old man drummed his fingers on the table lightly to bring their attention back to him.
“Yes, that, too, but I was thinking something more… convincing.”
Rena decided that she definitely didn’t like the way his eyes gleamed.
“So, until you manage to defeat Hawkmoth, you will all be living together.”
Everyone opened their mouths to argue but he held up a hand to silence them.
“And you’ll be doing it publicly, posting regular content about it to a social media platform of your choosing…”  He put his hand down. “Now you can complain.”
The teens all immediately started attempting to talk over each other, their voices steadily increasing in volume as they tried to be the one to get their complaints heard.
Rena was silent. Part of her thought that she should be complaining. She had siblings, after all, she had a life outside of heroism… but she couldn’t help but smile. She would be living with her childhood heroes (for a long time, probably, because the Hawkmoth situation was not getting better)! And, really, her sisters could get annoying at times. She’d love an excuse to get away.
So instead of arguing she leaned back in her chair and watched everyone else.
Chloe was the most passionate about it, her jewelry flashing with every wild swing of her hand. Her voice was the loudest, but with the other voices in the room and the fact that she was literally buzzing in her anger it was hard to make out what she was saying.
Chat seemed distressed and Rena could see his mouth saying “I don’t think I’d be allowed to” repeatedly even if she couldn’t hear him over Chloe’s screeching.
Carapace’s face was set in an uncharacteristic frown as he complained. Sure, of those voicing their complaints, he definitely seemed the most relaxed, but the fact that he was frowning was in itself proof of just how upset he really was.
Ladybug was quiet, though she didn’t look particularly happy about it. Her lips were pressed into a thin line as if she was holding herself back from yelling as well and her fingers worried at the hem of her dress.
After a minute of this, Master Fu raised his hands for silence and instantly got it once again.
“Are you done?”
The general consensus was ‘no’, if the looks on their faces meant anything, but they nodded anyways.
“Good. Chat Noir, I’ve already worked everything out with your dad, we’ll discuss it more after the meeting is over.”
Chat relaxed a bit.
“Carapace, your schooling will not be affected. In fact, you’ll likely have a better college experience since all your food and toiletries will be paid for by me.”
Carapace’s expression shifted to a thoughtful one as he considered this.
“Queen Bee, must I remind you of the fact that you’re on thin ice as it is?”
Everyone’s eyes shot to Chloe, who had paled considerably. Her angry buzzing quickly lowered to a dull hum and she settled back into her seat.
Master Fu seemed sated by this, and he looked at Ladybug and Rena.
“And I’m assuming I don’t need to convince either of you?”
Rena shook her head instantly. Ladybug took her time to consider, but eventually shook her head as well.
“Great. Now, shall we talk logistics?”
@nathleigh @mialuvscats
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simplybakugou · 3 years
three year anniversary post
genuinely can't believe this blog has made it to three years. i didn't even think i would be able to keep this up for one let alone three.
this year has been hectic and unfortunately i wasn't able to make an event like i had initially wanted but instead i'd like to thank some people that i've met along on this three year journey :)
@nejiraez izzy my rock, my love, my wife. i genuinely cannot thank you enough for your friendship. the fact that we've been moots for almost three years is insaneee. you were one of the first blogs i followed on here and i couldn't believe it when i got a follow back but now look at us, sending tiktoks to each other and shit LMAO. ilysm and tysm for always hearing me out whether that it for my thousands of smau ideas or in general. again ily
@lovely-angst you were one of the OG blogs i followed and i remember screaming when you followed me back. i loved watching your blog do a whole 360 from writing bakugou angst to giyuu and now back to bakugou lol. i love your content and tysm for being a part of my three year journey
@bakugou-tm the original bakugou stan account omg. your blog was what inspired me to make my own bakugou writing blog and i remember loving our interactions, especially since you've fueled my villain!bakugou needs lmao. i love your content and it makes me so happy to see you writing again :)
@sipsteainanxiety SHAYY MY LOVE. i miss you :( and i loved everytime i saw your comments on my fics. i was so excited when i found out you were desi as well and it has just been a pleasure to be able to call you my friend
@shoutogepi rosieeee hi :) i know we haven't talked that much lately but i genuinely want to tysm for being such a genuine part of my tumblr experience. you're so sweet and ily
@dimplesum faye omg i still can't believe we're moots LMAO. you were always one of those "big" blogs to me (for obvious reasons cause you're so talented and deserve all of the support you get) and i've always wanted to created content the way you do. ty for always being so sweet and lovely to me
@rat-zuki ANNIEEEE you're probably one of the moots i'm most surprised to be mutuals with LMAO only cause you're so cool and i remember being so blown away by your blog/content when i first followed you. i couldn't believe someone as talented as you followed me and you'll always have a special place in my heart, my fellow mallu
@mirakeul bianca i always appreciate the comments you've left on my work. it's been such a pleasure reading your content and i can't wait to see how your account grows in the future
@kurinhimenezu i've always loved and appreciated every comment you've left on my work. your username always feels so familiar when i see it and i can't ty enough for your support
@sassi-sunflower SUNNY it's been so long since we last spoke but it's always so fun to talk to you. you're comments give me LIFE and ilysm
@xtsundere-princess @boosyboo9206 @serowotonin @life-is-not-daijobu anytime i see any of your comments on my work, it makes my day. you're the type of people that i think of whenever i'm writing and i smile whenever i see your usernames in my notifs. ily all so much
@reddriot z, you're so talented and such an angel. i know we haven't spoken in a while but i love going through your account and seeing your edits and your work and you never fail to amaze me
@sheerxradiance SHEEEEER my first emoji anon and the first anon i had like a whole little friendship with. i remember being so shocked when i found out you were the 🥰 anon because i would always try and figure out who you were but i was way off. i remember seeing your username pop in my notifs from time to time and everytime i talk to you i can't help but smile, ilysm
@todosweetheart val :) you're so talented and your art blows my mind everytime. it's such an honor to be able to see your art and call you one of my moots. ilysm
@katsuhera hera i know we haven't known each other for long but your writing is the epitome of *chef's kiss* i remember screaming when i found out you listen to GD/bigbang and i got so excited. thank you for being a part of my journey
@k-atsukidayo fey i know you haven't been active lately but i hope you see this. you're one of my favorite writers on this app and i hope to be able to write like you someday. your writing is so magical and jaw dropping and i cannot believe i get to call you my moot. ilysm
anyone and everyone who has supported me:
i started this blog july 9 of 2018 without any expectations. i used to write on wattpad and after i got into bnha and falling in love with bakugou's character, i immediately wanted to write scenarios about him. never did i imagine that i would still be writing three years later. it feels surreal. it's even more surreal that i've got so much support. every single like, comment, reblog, and follow makes me overjoyed and i always see anytime anyone interacts with my blog. these interactions are what keeps my blog going most days.
here's to three more years hopefully lol so i hope you look forward to the content that i'll continue to make :)
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lumpypanda13 · 3 years
Zomboo AU
Hi there! This is my first post on tumblr that isn’t a reblog so I hope it’s good! :)
(Edit - This was originally supposed to be a multi-chaptered fic but due to a busy schedule and general lack of inspiration for this particular story I’ve decided to leave it as a one shot. Sorry to anyone who wanted more from this story, however if anyone wants to pick up where I left off feel free :)) All I ask is that you tag me if you do write more so I can read it :D) 
TWS/CWS: Death, blood, gore, mentions of vomiting but nothing graphic or detailed, mentions of intentional misgendering and bullying, swearing, all caps in the last sentence, biting and a description of someone being attacked by/turned into a zombie.
If any of those make you uncomfortable or uneasy please don’t read! The last thing I want is to trigger someone /gen
This is strictly about the characters, not content creators - I will never write about any cc!s and if I accidentally break any of their boundaries (or forget to include/tag a tw/cw) please let me know. Also please don’t send this to any cc!s or mention it in any of their chats.
The idea for this is based off of this tiktok and I use he/they pronouns for Ranboo throughout.
With all of that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!
-Petrichor <3
The apocalypse wasn’t at all how Ranboo had imagined it to be. The hoards were exceedingly slow, fumbled over the simplest of movements and couldn’t work together to literally save their lives.
This did, however, make being a zombie all the easier for Ranboo.
It had started like most other days. Ranboo woke up with their alarm, dressed and headed to school all without waking their parents. If he woke them, he’d have hell to pay; they weren’t home often but when they were, they were best left undisturbed. They made their way quickly to school, ignoring the taunts and jeers thrown at them by a group of kids in their classes who had overheard them state their pronouns once and made it their mission to misgender them at every turn. Ranboo had gotten quite good at ignoring certain people who decided to make life hell for him, knowing that one day karma would give them their dues and reward him for putting up with so much bullshit.
He made it to his fourth period of the day, sat in algebra listening to his teacher drone on about how incredibly useful and not-at-all pointless the equations they were doing were, when he happened to look out of the large window to his left and see a girl from his chemistry class sink her teeth into the jugular of a jock he didn’t recognise. Wincing at the PDA, Ranboo quickly turned their attention back to the mind-numbing math – it was better than seeing a couple get way too comfy in public. They continued on until someone in the row in front of them let out a shriek.
“He’s dead! Oh my god someone killed Punz!”
At that Ranboo’s head snapped up. Punz was a well-known student who gained highschool fame by playing on the football team with his little group of jock friends and who had been fairly nice to Ranboo for a while now. Most of that group was nice to them, especially the senior captain Dream who had taken one look at Ranboo and declared them under his protection.
Everyone in the classroom, the teacher included, had rushed to the side of the room, and were pressed against the window. Gasps of shock and terrified exclamations rang out from the group although Ranboo couldn’t see anything past them. One boy rushed away from the group towards the wastepaper bin where he threw up and, while the crowd was temporarily separated, Ranboo used his above average height to his advantage as he slid into the gap and gazed out the window to where the couple had been a minute prior. The girl was nowhere to be seen but the jock, confirmed now to be poor Punz, lay on the pavement in a pool of his own blood, his neck torn open with teeth marks just barely visible around the pulsing wound. His face was turned away from the classroom, but it was obvious that he was dead – nobody could survive an injury as severe as that.
Just as Ranboo felt bile rise up in his throat, Punz twitched. Ranboo’s eyes widened as he stared at the jock’s body, unable to look away from the gore.
Maybe my eyes are just playing tricks on me. Ranboo’s mind helpfully supplied. He has to be dead by now.
Then Punz moved again, his leg twitching every so often.
It was then that Ranboo realised they were the only person still at the window. Some classmates were crowded around the bin, others hugging one another and crying, others screaming at one another in their confused panic. The teacher was ordering everyone to stay calm and return to their seats so the authorities could be called but no one listened. Turning his attention back to the window, Ranboo was met by the horrifying sight of Punz now kneeling on the ground, staring blankly at the pool of his own blood. They let out a scream of terror which drew the attention of their classmates and teacher, all of whom rushed back to the window to see what they had witnessed.
Slowly, Punz lifted one knee and firmly planted his foot on the ground. He swayed for a second as if experiencing vertigo before pushing himself up onto both feet and standing up straight. Blood had stopped gushing from the hole in his neck and now just steadily soaked into his once white hoodie, his golden medallion now seared with red. Then Ranboo felt his own blood turn cold as Punz swirled his head to look at the class behind the window. His once icy blue eyes were now a crimson red with veins of charcoal creeping through them like vines. Similar grey veins slithered up his neck and face, giving his skin the impression of being covered by lichen.
In a moment of unadulterated horror, Punz stumbled rapidly towards to window forcing the entire class, Ranboo included, to yell in fear and shuffle backwards. He collided with the glass and let out an animalistic howl, nails screeching as he clawed at the glass like a tiger in a cage.
Three things then happened.
Ranboo’s classmates and teacher booked it for the door, clambering over schoolbags, tables, and chairs in order to reach safety and get as far away from Punz - or whatever it was that looked like him – as fast as possible.
Punz’s sheer strength and football prowess paid off in his favour as he shattered the window, glass flying everywhere including into Ranboo’s skin. They had turned their body to the right in order to try and run from the hailstorm of shards but didn’t make it a single step before the glass pierced the entire left side of their body. They let out a shout of pain and fell to the floor as blood began to well up in the cuts.
Two strong arms grabbed Ranboo’s shoulders and yanked him towards the gaping window. Punz had crawled through while Ranboo was distracted by the window breaking and made his way over to the petrified seventeen-year-old on the linoleum.
Ranboo suddenly felt an immense pain in his right arm and when he looked down, he saw that Punz had sunk his teeth into Ranboo’s skin and was refusing to let go. Ranboo screamed in fear and pain which unfortunately only drew the attention of some more… things. They had been lingering outside the door but now barged in and began assisting Punz.
One bit into Ranboo’s jaw, another onto his torso, two grabbed his right leg and played tug of war with it between their iron grips.
As everything began to fade to black, Ranboo cried for help, hoping that somebody, anybody would save them. In his last moments of life, Ranboo Beloved saw a green-hooded football captain with a broken baseball bat in hand skid into the doorway. He felt nothing but white-hot pain shooting through his body as he heard Dream cry out to him.
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devourer--of--books · 3 years
Some time ago (and by “some time” I mean a long ass time, oops) Kate (@pumpkinpaperweight) posted an analysis of gold rush by Taylor Swift tracing parallels to Agatha, which this post is clearly inspired by. 
(Go check that one out after you finish reading this post, it’s really good.)
Ever since, I’ve had an entire tagatha x taylor playlist/unfinished post that I don’t think will ever see the light because I’m too lazy to actually finish it. But now I have some spare time and I noticed that,,,, invisible string wasn’t on it.
And that's cause, well, despite the obvious gold fingerglow motif which is very tagatha … you already read the title of the post. It’s more like my own version of of what I would have had happen post-otk (will my epilogue version ever see the light, I wonder) than anything else, but this is my account, in which I am correct all the time and accept no criticism so,,,,
Green was the color of the grass where I used to read at Centennial Park
I used to think I would meet somebody there
Basically, these first two lines are about how Sophie’s egocentrism isolated her and kept her from making genuine connections with people from very early on, until she becomes friends with Agatha and even after that.
Okay, so have you guys ever seen those tiktoks that are like ‘13-year-old me, in black jeans and sneakers, at the beach, reading a book mYstERioUsLy so that when Harry Styles showed up he’d know I’m dIfFeRenT'?
This is the energy I get here. 
Like, Sophie in the start of book one doing all those ‘good deeds’ so set herself apart in the eyes of the school master hoping that he’d bring her to the school where she would meet *drumroll* The One. 
Most of us have, at some point (I hope, otherwise it was just me and that would be so embarassing), tried and failed to channel that main-character-energy to manifest ourselves into a story much more interesting than whatever is going on in your life at the moment. I feel like at the very core, that’s sort of what Sophie was trying to do? It’s a very juvenile feeling and shows just how little Sophie knew about love overall. Love as it is in fairytale books, as opposed to as it actually is.
She thought herself as above everyone else and thought she was entitled to true, unconditional love, which ended up holding her back and isolating her from everyone in the town, save for Agatha, give or take. 
This mindset is what really keeps her from seeing Tedros (and Agatha, and everyone else) as people, rather than characters in her story, and actually connecting with them on a non-superficial level. 
Teal was the color of your shirt when you were 16 at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money
I don’t think this part needs much explaining? 
On surface level, Nicola canonically started working at her father’s pub at a very young age to help with family expenses.
If you think about it a little more and contrast it with the previous line, though, it highlights the differences between Sophie and Nicola:
Nic works to help her family, learning responsibility and duty, while Sophie barely ever did anything for her father, both out of vanity (and a superiority complex) and out of spite (which is honestly undeserved all the way up to book 3, when Stefan let Callis die and fucking tried to blame Agatha for returning without Sophie and then guilt-tripped her into going to save her, after which he was dead to me lol). Sophie grew with a princess-like mindset, despite being just slightly better off than Nic, given all the villagers save from Callis and Agatha (due to them being outcasts) seem to have a similar income (with the exception of the beggar which I don’t understand and am probably overthinking about, but honestly, it’s a impossible to leave town and people die on the mill all the time, there's no college or whatever, did none of these assholes offer the beggar a job- I’m getting carried away), while Nicola has to shoulder most of the responsibilities due to her dad being sick.
Also, given the *misogyny* I’d be surprised if Nic didn’t have to do all the housework, as the only girl in her house.  
I doubt that the uniform of the pub was teal and given the book timeline she wouldn’t have been 16 in any instances in which Sophie and her met in Gavaldon, but I digress.
Curious time
Gave me no compasses
Gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn't see?
Also kinda self-explanatory in a way?
On one interpretation, it takes Sophie an awful long time to mature and grow into an okay person. She lashed out after Tedros’ rejection because her desire was, when you get down to it, to be loved, even though she didn't understand what love was or how to go about it. She was already loved both by Agatha and by her father but she couldn't see it because the idea of love (romantic, loud, grand-gesture) was so embedded into her, but the clues to it were there all along.
On another, you could argue that Nicola also did not see this coming at all, specially if you consider canon!Nicola rather than fanon!Nicola (why would you, but okay, ignore my Hunter post, go on, stomp on my feelings). Nicola, whose purpose in TCY was to be the new hort-love-interest no one asked for, ending up with her *gag* love-rival? Unexpected, iconic, never done before (never actually done in canon), amazing, mind-blowin-
Bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to LA
You ate at my favorite spot for dinner
Bad Blood was a smash hit on Taylor’s career, playing on the radio  non-stop during the 1989 era, arguably her peak in terms of mainstream pop and radio plays.
The Tale of Sophie and Agatha was the equivalent in this context, as it was all the rage in Gavaldon after book 3; Sophie’s persona as the Dean Of Evil is solidified and everyone in The Woods knows who she is and read her tale, including Nicola (who already knew who she was, but now had a another version of her to compare to the version she already knew, which hm, did not favour Sophie either way).
I think it’s kind of fascinating how parasocial relationships work in the context of SGE because like, the storian is there as an omniscient narrator, but it doesn’t write everything. Like, does it just expose what the people in the tale feel and think only if it suits the plot or do the tales look just like the SGE books, in some sort of fourth wall break or is it like an actual children’s fairytale, where you just get told actions and have to sort of assume motivations? How does that affect public opinion? I don’t think most people would be too keen on stanning Sophie after reading The Tale Of Sophie and Agatha (cause damn, Sophie does a lot of questionable shit there) but canonically, they do, despite her being the villain, which is something I have opinions on (do I ever not have opinions on things?).
Like, sure there would be Nevers stanning her, but honestly, if they read the tale, wouldn't they be more likely to stan Hester or even Agatha? Cause Sophie almost got both Evers and Nevers killed, doomed everyone in The Woods for a guy, and was overall a horrible person with no regard for actual Good or Evil as balanced things? Isn’t this why The Coven sided with Agatha, like, I don’t get it- Is it stanning out of fear? Cause that’s the only sort of explanation I have, specially for people in Gavaldon, but that’s something I’ll go deeper into in another time.
Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nic’s first class at SGE was about The Tale Of Sophie and Agatha, given she was originally placed in Evil, due to Dovey and Sophie’s bet, and Evil’s school curriculum was under Sophie’s control, so if you think those classes were anything other than the Sophie-Show, you are wrong.
Now, on to headcanon territory, wouldn’t it be poetic if during her first lunch Nic sat at that tree in the middle of the clearing where Agatha and Sophie used to sit? Not only for ship reasons, but the tree is right in the center, which could relate to how Nic was supposed to be half/half?
Bold was the waitress on our three-year trip getting lunch down by the Lakes
She said I looked like an American singer
It’s a real shame that I don’t remember most of TCY. (But is it really?)
This is kinda of my own personal interpretation of what the OTK epilogue should have been like (and so, it's kind of a spoiler for my ever unfinished rewrite sksnsksn).
Imagine if, instead of that horrid school wedding (kill me now, please), they actually held the respective funerals for all the people lost in the Camelot power-struggle (I’ll take a school funeral, but don’t come at me with school weddings or I’ll lose my shit).
Tedros and Agatha, poor traumatized children, are on their way back to Camelot to try and get stuff back under control and do royal things. Sophie is pretty much on her own, with the remaining faculty of the school, as well as the new kids (yeah, Hort’s staying dead, boo hoo, I’m not sorry sbfhbsdb). Nicola will be returning home to Gavaldon soon, since the school schedule is already messed up beyond repair and everyone is taking some time off anyway. She was only staying there until christmas originally, so might as well.
Public opinion on the main trio is kinda weird at the moment:
Tagatha suffered a coup, then a while laterTedros killed the brother of his usurper, whom had been more popular than him, and well, they do tell people that Japeth killed Rhian, but it’s not like they have receipts? Like, there’s no way to fact check that. They could very well have killed Rhian, we, as bystanders, wouldn’t know? You can bet rumors like these don’t just go away.
And Sophie?
Well, I think public opinion on Sophie was already fear-based rather than coming from a place of admiration for her acts. People aren’t sure of her alliances anymore, and don’t really know how to behave around her so they mainly avoid her. Now that Dovey and Hort are dead and everyone else is resuming their quests, she’ll be pretty much on her own to deal with the aftermatch, which is not only sad, but also probably not healthy. She considers staying with Agatha, but she doesn’t want to add more scandal to the Camelot situation.
So she decides to go back to Gavaldon. Not permanently tho. Just to visit her father and take some time off to decide who could balance her well enough to be appointed as Dean Of Good. 
She'd choose Agatha, but you know, Agatha is kinda busy. Plus, it'd be good to see her father. Watching most of your parental figures drop like flies really puts things into perspective and maybe (just maybe) there's still something to salvage there.
Not many people know she's at Gavaldon, and that's on purpose. For once, Sophie just wants to be left the fuck alone, so she just tries to lay low and not bring unnecessary attention to heself. It's so unlike her to do so that when she walks in to have lunch at Nicola's pub, no one but Nicola even recognizes her.
And if Nicola keeps her company and accompany her on walks, well, it’s no one’s business. Bonding time? Bonding time.
Mystical time
Cutting me open, then healing me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
You know what these kids need after this Camelot shitstorm? Therapy, that’s what.
There’s no therapy in The Woods, so friendship will simply have to do. Please sir, let these kids heal.
Nicola was dragged to SGE while her father was sick and knew no one there personally, then got dragged again, now into a power struggle where she almost died multiple times, dated a guy, broke up with a guy and I can’t even remember what else but that sounds like a stressful time considering how close together the events from TCY are compared to TSY. What does she want to do now? Will she become a knight? Will she remain in Gavaldon? Does she have to finish school? How have Hunter and her dad been? Whatever went down with her brothers? Why was she important in the first place? Lots to reflect and self-search.
And Sophie. Oh Sophie.
Sophie fell once again for a ‘get-love-’quick’ scheme, not once, but twice! That is not something easy to look in the face and forgive yourself for.
With Rhian, it backfired by hurting everyone she loved, and after the shit Rafal pulled on her, she should have known better. But can you blame her? It’s not like the Rafal thing left her unscratched: you try being in an abusive relationship with a predator, see if you don’t get some trauma. And instead of doing the hard thing and keeping up the work she had been doing on herself she threw her progress out the window the moment Rhian said what she wanted to hear!
After that went belly-up, she at least managed to help her friends, but then later that backfired and she got brain-washed (are we gonna talk about this? disturbing much?). Then, she got fragile enough for her to attempt to find purpose in her life within Hort’s feelings for her, even if she didn’t actually reciprocate those feelings, simply because she was sure of them and they were familiar.
And later, even Hort was taken away from her. 
(Probably for the best, given their attachment had been… precarious, to say the least.)
Therapy, I’m telling you.
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons
Wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold tied me to you
These two would be so good for one another.
I think that being alone when you’re going through something is literally the worst you can do, but when you have someone who just…. gets it, you know? They were there too. They understand. It forms a connection.
After OTK, both of them (Sophie mostly) have enough on their plates for them to go down a dark path to a horrible place. But they don’t. Cause they are here for each other and have their support system to help them.
Does that translate into late nights drinking together after the pub shuts down? Maybe.  Keeping tabs on each other to make sure they’re sleeping and eating right? Yes. Keeping secrets and confessions? You got it.
And then my friends, begins the pining.
Cause, you know, they’re just gals being pals, gals being gay- wait what.
Nicola probably comes to terms with it first, but thinks Sophie is not interested in her like that (she also suspects that Sophie only sees her as Agatha’s stand-in and will drop her eventually once Agatha is no longer in such high demand.) Sophie is, in classic Sophie-fashion, neck-deep in denial, she’s not a lesbian right? she’s boy crazy, she’s not a lesbian-
Except she never felt like this with any of those boys. The only comparison she has is what she feels for Agatha, this feeling of being heard and seen and understood, but-
But Sophie doesn’t want to kiss Agatha.
And in retrospect, she never wanted to kiss anyone like this either.  Tedros who, Rafal who, Rhian who, Hort who, these bitches could never.
Eventually they attend the official tagatha wedding, HELD AT THE CASTLE, as each other’s plus-ones, and well, maybe consider checking my eventual OTK-epilogue for more on this, once it eventually comes out.
Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the boys who broke my heart
Now I send their babies presents
Very self-explanatory, Tedros may be Sophie’s favorite ex, but he’s still an ex and they will be killing each other if left unchecked for two long unsupervised.
Nicphie as the tagatha baby godparents. Please, YES.
I’m not gonna go into detail because children make me uncomfortable,  I wish this was a joke, haha, but yes, Sophie and Nic pic the presents together and they attend the baby shower together. Are they dating, are they just married but don’t know it yet? I wonder. They're just together and no one really knows what's going on.
Gold was the color of the leaves when I showed you around Centennial Park
Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
You know what’s funny? I didn’t tell you anything between the wedding and the baby shower. Remember how there was an opening for Dean of Good?
Yeah, too late to send in your resumes, position is already filled.
Sophie shows Nic the ropes of being Dean, or at least that’s how she’ll present it, but they’re still sort of figuring it out together. And that's okay.
They spend summers traveling around, christmas in Gavaldon, new years in Camelot and all is well. Their fingerglow colors now match. But it’s, unfortunately not gold.
Wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies
And it's cool
Baby, with me
Yeah, it’s fucking purple.
I can’t remember if Nic has a canon fingerglow color, but I don’t really care much for canon, do I? I just really like the imagery of it, so it’s blue and pink mixed together. Because, you know I’m a symbolic bitch.
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Anyway, I am correct, this is the post.
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jemgirl86 · 3 years
Okay, while I’m giving unsolicited opinions on music, let me go ahead and talk about NSYNC and the way folks have been rewriting history. I keep seeing these TikToks and tweets and posts on here saying stuff like: “JC deserved better” and “JC was the better singer” and “Justin only had success cause the label pushed for him more” and, okay, maybe that’s all true. JC was a good singer and he definitely could’ve and maybe should’ve had a better solo career, BUT y’all have got to stop acting like Justin’s solo success was only cause he had good press and was promoted more.
Yeah, I don’t like him either as a person now, but that doesn’t change the facts. And the fact is, any objective person watching NSYNC from their debut to No Strings Attached especially, knew that he was the standout. It was obvious that he was the star. It was obvious that his following was just a little bit bigger than JC’s. Hell, it was obvious that he had it. Whatever you want to call it, he had it. I watched that damn HBO concert every day lol, and it was clear that even though they could all sing well live and all had fans, he was the most popular with JC coming in a close second.
Chris and Lance could hit the steps but it looked stiff. Joey could dance. JC seemed like the type to learn a move in one take and nail it. But Justin would hit the move and add a little shimmy lol. It looked natural. He had the sparkle or whatever you wanted to call it - in performances, in interviews.
Look, y’all know it ain’t always about talent. If talent was the only thing that mattered then Diana Ross wouldn’t have been the lead singer in the original lineup of the Supremes lol. Sometimes it’s about who has the most star power, and Justin had the most… whether we like it or not 🤷🏾‍♀️
And he wasn’t talentless, so it’s just been odd watching TikToks and stuff where people act like they cannot fathom how he went solo and had a career and JC didn’t. Well, I had a front row seat and was a literal child, and I could see his solo career coming lol, so I don’t know why people are pretending they couldn’t
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
Love that last ask about the reboot and your response! I do like the writing from the original series but why can’t they do that but make sure there are people from marginalised groups within the group of writers too so that things don’t get...icky...? I dunno the right word. Also, I feel like it’s too early to have a reboot...like the original only ended 11 years ago...maybe give it like at least 20 years since it finished before doing a reboot? It’s also gonna hurt my bi heart and soul knowing that the poc and queer characters are gonna be...republicans...I want that from the awful white straights (who we still kinda love but also kinda hate) from the 2000s not these gen z kids who are fluid and don’t know what a landline is! I also kinda don’t want the reboot at all...like I’ll watch it and if it’s good then that’s great but I don’t want it...I want GG to stay as it was - pretty crappy with kinda awful characters (except Jenny & Eric!) but you watch the show anyway bc it’s nostalgic and you kinda like it...you know?
haha, i'm glad you liked that response! i saw you reblogged it and i was like :D
i thought they did, actually? a few months ago i remember seeing an article about safran wanting a more diverse writers' room and giving a woman of colour (i think a black woman, but im only about 60% sure) a very senior position or something along those lines - which is one of the reasons i was like 'oooh im excited', haha. but a few days ago i was looking for that article because i wanted to send it to someone and i ...... couldn't find it?? so i have no idea what happened - i'm pretty sure i didn't imagine it or make it up, but it's weird that the article isn't there anymore. maybe it was a tentative thing, or maybe she wasn't REALLY a part of the writers room and was a consultant/sensitivity reader kind of person. or maybe the article just got paywalled. like i have no idea what's happening behind the scenes for the reboot - it could be a super inclusive and fun environment! but that doesn't change the way safran's the one calling the shots, or like, the fact that he is the person we all know is in charge, or whatever. (i have such a limited understanding of how tv shows are written, despite a friend spending actual hours telling me the ins and outs of it all, RIP.)
also GOSH what you're saying about the reboot and gen z kids reminds me a little of some meta i saw about the propaganada in the falcon and the winter soldier. that is not my fandom, but it IS something my sister's into, and since she lets me talk to her about gossip girl even when she'd rather be doing anything else, im always down for her to tell me stuff about media she likes even if it's not something im super into. but basically i was looking up TFATWS so that whenever my sister watches it, i can follow that conversation if she wants to talk about it, and i saw this REALLY GOOD POST about how marvel is essentially using their movies to advertise to the viewerbase. and it made me go, "shit, isn't gossip girl doing that too?"
gossip girl literally CHANGED trends in the late 00s. fashion was shaped by it. designers were so excited to send their stuff to the show for blair and serena to model. what is that if not an advertisement!! what is this show if not a vehicle for capitalism!! and obviously, i think you can still have fun watching it and still go "ooh i want to dress like blair waldorf" or whatever and there's no harm in it. but i think it's just a thing of like, the way the show is built is going to actively try and cater to kids who are currently in high school, because that's what gossip girl has always been and likely will always be. and we're sadly too old to naturally get it. if kids on the reboot are using tiktok i'm going to stare at myself in the mirror and wonder when i became 50 years old, lmaoooo.
but i think that's a big part of what isn't doing it for me: the pop culture of it all! i would've HATED watching gg when it was airing. keeping aside that i would've been too young to engage with it the way i do now (i bet nate/jenny would've been my otp or something, which, no shade at people whose otp is NJ, just saying this to say that i have changed as a person so much over the years, hahaha) - keeping aside that obvious thing, i love watching gg now and being like, 'oh this show is so dated' every time one of them smack their little flip phones shut. i can't take blair and chuck's wedding seriously because the moment "it's time" starts playing i'm like "oh wow this is so 2012 hahahaha" which.... is obviously not how it would've felt if i'd been watching it while it aired.
anyway. i watch gossip girl the way people watch period dramas; all "ah, times long past, wow, this is redundant now." i watch gossip girl, watch the flip phone shut, and go, "oh, how much things have changed."
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oloreaa · 3 years
I think a big problem with the toxic rd stan culture is that a lot of the ppl who read it don’t read fan fiction. TikTok popularized it, not tumblr. I’ve read this fic since April and it wasn’t until November/December that it started taking off (both with the TikTok frenzy and the toxic fan culture). I’ve heard you and other writers talk about direct comparisons to their fics. I.e. ‘rough day is better’, or ‘i wish you’d write this like rd’ but I’ve never seen comments like that or seen anyone post dm’s, so i can’t speak to that. I have seen what i would be inclined to call “micro-comparisons” like the comment the writer who came forward in your ask box shared. Things like “reading this to fill in the hole before rd ch 18!” Or whatever. Like reading that, yea, 100% it’s... not really a very tactful thing to say. But i think a lot of these comments don’t come from a bad place, i wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re “toxic.” It’s just ppl not used to fan fiction culture or content creators who discovered this fic and got excited about it. To them i think the concept of writing mandalorian fan fiction is a novel thing introduced to them by rd itself. I was very active on TikTok when this all went down and that’s sort of the gist of what i think a lot of these ppl are thinking. It’s fucked up but i think there’s a line that needs to be drawn between ppl like that and then the ppl literally sending you abusive hate in your ask box. The former is annoying but like 🤷‍♀️ it be what it be. The latter is unacceptable
Okay thank you so much for this perspective, I havent thought about it like that before. Then again, I was not a big follower of the story in the first place and I dont know a lot about the fandom dynamic structures other than the hurtful things I've seen.
I absolutely agree that most of it is not coming from a bad place originally, and that the people who are just starting out reading fanfics might not understand the nuances yet, and that's absolutely fine. They might think of the comparisons as a positive thing, and if you have not interacted with or written fics it's obvious that it's a compliment for them. I absolutely understand it and it's not their fault nor do I hold any malice towards those that have done this before.
But it's the hateful people like those that have harassed me ever since I made the original (and admittedly provocative and not very well worded) post that are the ones I'm talking about.
Once again, if any of you enjoys the fic, I'm glad! In this hell of a timeline we are living in I would not want to take any happiness or solace you can find in fics away, there is love to be shared all over instead of contained in one spot.
Those people that interact respectfully and nicely are absolutely not the ones I'm addressing and those people know it as well.
It's very telling when the distasteful comments only come into the inbox after the presence of such has been called out🙃
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