#poetry about cannibalism
astrolutelynot · 5 months
You make me relate
To cannibals these days.
The way you say a certain phrase,
Or smile
Or look at me with those
I could simply eat you up.
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poet-slenderman · 3 months
Tear The Flesh
TW: Gore, cannibalism
Rip, rip, rip,
Tear the flesh from the body,
Drip, drip, drip,
Let blood pool to the floor,
May the skin be torn,
May the mind be worn
Bare your fangs,
Hear the suffering scream,
With the sharp pangs,
Watch the crimson flow
With mechanical precision
Make the next incision
Feed, Feed, Feed,
Hunger wracking at your insides,
Bleed, Bleed, Bleed,
Rage and violence spectacular
Bring the meat up to your lips,
Tear it into tiny strips
Organs draped around,
The taste of fear upon your tongue,
The victim makes no more sound,
And you feast,
Delicious, tough muscle,
Torn from bone with a tussle
More, More, More,
Satiation is not found,
Gore, Gore, Gore,
The beast within demands it,
Why be food if not to feed,
Why have blood if not to bleed
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star-girlfriend · 2 months
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i want you to eat me, maren, bones and all
luca guadagnino bones and all // chelsea g summers (vogue) how cannibalism took over culture // blythe baird if my body could speak //yves olade beloved // unknown // jeff buckley // luca guadagnino bones and all // leith ross we’ll never have sex // artuad the jet of blood
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joanniofarc · 1 year
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georges bataille / bones and all (2022) / lupe de vega / the amazing devil / becca de la rosa / sylvia plath
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glasswaters · 11 months
oh, sweet thing. my heart in your palms is beating still. there is blood on your good rug and salt upon your knuckles.
turn on the tap. until the muscle lays clean and bare, hold it under the cold water. pry open the chambers, and watch the oil and the bile drip down your drain.
i'm sorry about the mess, dearling. only; hold me gingerly, if you can. leave my heart beating, if you can.
it is tender, still, and would not yet make a good meal.
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holywaterwine · 8 months
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bunny pyre
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harmlesscigarette · 8 months
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"Devotion," Ocean Vuong
(image description available in alt id)
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driedlavenderandsage · 3 months
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dionysus-complex · 3 days
it turns out that in order to have a dissertation you do indeed have to actually write the thing
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mxrtified777 · 9 months
Some Cain backstory please?
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Sure thing!
As far as his childhood goes, the only really significant thing is that he wasn't really socialized properly. He has a lot of difficulty with social interactions as a result of that, as well as feeling generally outcasted from society due to being an Evo, even though he's very civil as far Evos go and incredibly intelligent by human standards. (He was a human throughout most of his childhood and mutated somewhere in his teenage years.) He has a general interest in people as a whole as well as the medicinal field and took up surgical practice because of it. Somewhere along the line, Cain begins eating freshly deceased corpses in the morgue of the hospital he works at because there's no such thing as a lunch break when you're a surgeon. Eventually, he gets caught and is about to face persecution, until out of nowhere, he's transported to another foreign world ruled by a rather troublesome and flighty deity. He becomes friends with Sketti, a younger Evo, and they start living together. Soon after, they find an abandoned robot in the depths of a cave, and now yeehaw theyre all best friends forever.
Aaaand heres some fun facts from the google doc
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taitavva · 1 year
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I know you would like a god to come down and feed you and punish you. That over coat on sticks is not alive there are no angels, but the angels of hunger, prehensile and soft as gullets Watching you
[Margaret Atwood, “Crow Song”]
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lemcrafters · 1 year
Cannibalism. Consumption as an act of love. Loving you, bones and all. You live in me and i, you, both of us surrounded by a home of flesh and bone. Eat my love, set me free. Love is about what's inside. Feeling you, down to the bone. Freeing you from bone. Your flesh in my teeth and my hand in your hand and your blood in my smile and my head on your thigh my lips on your spine my guts in your hands my heart on your tongue. I feel held by you. Keep carrying me with you. Love me. Be with me, like real people do. Hold my hand, have all that's left. It was yours anyway.
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seventhpine · 10 months
my heart belongs to you, my love every other part of me, too all that is within me is yours, you, whom I adore.
you are so very hungry, my love and I, my dear, am absolutely famished so let us have a feast and eat as we've never done before.
it's been so long, my love since we've eaten together, as two but, darling, it's such a pleasure to share this meal with you.
first, I'll take this knife and carefully carve her up savor every single bite a symbol of our love.
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dystopiangrrl · 5 months
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when i kill you, it is quick
and when i carefully cut the flesh from your bone as your blood seeps from your body to the freshly mopped floor
and when i shave your head and close your eyes
and kiss your cold blue lips
when i soak up the blood and fry the skin
when the meat is tender and not at all chewy
when the only thing left in your forgotten skeleton is your brain and your heart
when i take your heart and eat it raw
in some attempt to remove myself of the guilt I have caused
in the pain it caused to kill you
in some desperate attempt to feel closer to you
even if i knew it might involve you getting hurt
i did it because i am a selfish, selfish being. 
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amalgamationink · 1 year
a eulogy for my son, who will not hear it
I would say “you’ll understand when you’re older”, but I suppose therein lies the rub. I would explain myself— tell you the grown-up truths of regret and shame and survival, and the fact of the matter being that all children are inevitably failed by their parents so, forgive me, but you’re lucky that I got it out of the way so quickly and made a spectacle to boot— but I should have done that when you still had ears. And anyway it’s rude to talk with your mouth full. Something else I would have taught you if I’d only had the time.
If it’s any consolation, they will not look kindly on me. I will be the monster who consumed his son, who knelt in a bloom of copper and salt and tore the babe to shreds. There is little room for nuance when I am stuffed so full of flesh. Did you know that it was you or me? Parenthood is about sacrifices, and I couldn’t bear to lay myself upon the altar. Forgive me. They are welcome to their judgement. When they discover the knives in their backs, gifts from their precious lambs, they will understand. Or they won’t. I won’t ask.
It was you or me, you know. You had my eyes, my mouth, my hunger. These were gifts from my father, once, and he fell at my hands for them. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, forgive me — I could not play his part for you. Your gifts were mine to give, and mine to repossess. The revolution ends with me. I have done what I must to survive you. Part of you will survive with me, resting somewhere in the caverns of my gut. We will share the blame. You couldn’t help your birthright. I couldn’t let you keep it. Believe it or not, this hurt me more than it hurt you.
I picture you serene. Better than picturing you headless, bloodied, between my fingers. In the depths of me, there is a quiet peace, drowning the sense memory of the snap of your spine. The fruit of my loins had tender skin, and it burst ripe and sweet between my teeth. Even in my grief, my mouth waters. They will say that my consumption has cost me the right to mourn, but nothing else can hurt you now. I have saved you a lifetime of little agonies. It was violence as an act of love, a shield from harm. It was you or me. It had to be me. You understand. I know you do. Forgive me.
(inspired by Goya's painting, Saturn Devouring His Son).
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