#planning to make accessories for them eventually
living-lucid-dream · 6 months
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Heeeeere's Pico plush! Just finished making him last night. And have a bonus pic of the completed RBG trio 😁
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timetothirst · 26 days
Soap would buy you clothes and accessories that have his clan tartan on them btw. if you even care
for those who don’t know, here are some examples of tartans:
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and every clan (or family) in Scotland has a specific one! People wear them to represent what clan they belong to! If you see a Scottish person wearing a kilt (especially at a get-together or formal event) then they’re most likely doing so to represent their clan by wearing a specific tartan.
This is what the tartan for clan MacTavish looks like:
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To put it simply, wearing this tartan means that you’re a MacTavish. It’s not as big of a thing as it used to be but a lot of Scottish families still do this.
That being said, Johnny would DEFINITELY find a way to get you wearing his family’s tartan, whether it’s a tie, bandana, shirt, hair ribbon, whatever. Because even if you’re not a MacTavish YET, he’s planning on making you one eventually.
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bella-goths-wife · 2 months
How would the Vs react if their pet died in hell, forever?
The Vs reaction if pet died in hell
(This is not canon to the au!)
This is disturbing and gross so please be mindful of the media you’re choosing to consume!
Warnings: description of dead body, disturbing keeping’s of dead body, Vs sick version of mourning, grief, mentions of previous abuse, drug use mentioned
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You probably would have died during an extermination
Maybe the Vs got too busy to remember to reinforce the safety precautions for the tower
Or you were accidentally downstairs when they sealed their upper level off
In any case, you are killed by an angel in cold blood
But the Vs didn’t know that yet, they were too busy at their viewing party that spies on the hazbin hotel to watch in case alastor dies
They assumed you were just in your room and decided to leave you be since they were so interested in their little spy drones
So when Vox goes to your room to check up on you and doesn’t see you in your bed, he panics
He searches all his cameras while he sends the other two to search for you
Eventually they find your body thrown across the rubble and cut open
It all happens in a very saltburn fashion
Vox doesn’t know how to react as he just drops to his knees and holds your head up while muttering about how you must be feeling cold without a jacket
Velvette just stares before mentioning how it’s almost time for breakfast and that they should all head inside, choosing to live in denial and push her feelings down for the meantime
Valentino stifles a few cries as he just stares at your dead body
They wait for someone else to get rid of your body but as soon as another demon touches your body, vox snaps and shoves them away and picks you up himself
They had to decide what to do with your body
Velvette suggested stuffing you like a doll and keeping you in her office so she could choose a new outfit for you everyday, but Vox and Valentino refused
Not because it’s disturbing and disrespectful for your dead body, but because she’d have more time with you then they would
Valentino suggested having your body burnt and fashioning accessories out of your ashes, but the other two said it would be a waste of your body
Eventually Vox had an idea, and he searched for a demon he met many many years ago
This demon had the ability to restore an item to the original condition it was in 24 hours before
It wouldn’t be able to bring you back to life since they had just missed the 24 hour window when finding your body, but they could keep your body in its first stage of the effects of death
That means your body would remain warm and soft, as if you were just sleeping
Vox had your wounds stitched up to make you look like you were just asleep and he placed you in your bed and commanded the demon to come every day and restore your body so you wouldn’t rot away
He chose to deal with your death by throwing himself into denial
He’d pretend you were just sick in bed and would still visit your corpse every night to ‘check up on you’
He’d watch you through the cameras in your bedroom in case you needed him
He started finishing work earlier to spend time with your corpse and calming ‘his daughter was sick so he had to get going’
If someone tried to point out you were dead they would receive a threatening glare and even more if they weren’t Valentino or velvette
Velvette refused to go along with that plan for the first few months, and chose to deal with your death by pushing her feelings down and finding a replacement
She assumed it was like buying a new dog after her old one had died, and refused to believe she had any emotional attachment to you
So she tried finding your replacement
She’d hire assistant after assistant who either shared your physical looks, your personality, your ability or your mannerisms
But none of them could match you in the way she needed, so she’d end up killing them or firing them
So she gave in to voxs fantasy, and began to talk to your corpse like you’d respond and began to dress your body in a new outfit every day
This worked for her, she could pretend you were here and she could still deny ever having an attachment to you
Valentino was surprisingly the one to not live into the fantasy that you were only asleep
He was the one to care about you the least in life, but he was also the one to mourn you the most on death and feel the most guilt
He drowned his sorrows in his drugs, his alcohol and his employees
He thought about how he treated you in your life, and while he didn’t feel guilt for how he abused you he did feel like a part of his missed having someone around who he could pour his frustrations into
But now you were a dead, and that somehow humanised you to him
He sometimes would get so drunk that he’d wander into your room and sit beside your corpse just to vent about how angry he felt that you’d died
How dare you? Who gave you permission to leave?
He’d just stare at your corpse and scoff, not buying into the delusions that the other two were about your dead body just being asleep
He held a funeral for you which just had him and angel dust in attendance since the other two Vs refused to believe you were dead
Angel dust was only invited because val wanted something warm to hold as he felt the complicated feelings your death brought out in him
And even so, angel dust was sure that however sad your death was and how tragic it was
You were better off dead then living with these people
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@corvid007 @buttercupfangirl @lilyalone @ivebeenthearchersstuff @repostingmyfavs @the-faceless-bride @fandomaddict505 @hazbinhotelxreader @perkypeony @sparkleyfishies @idontreallyexistyet
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radiance1 · 6 months
Ferret Danny.
So, Vlad has decided to host a Gala at his own mansion, inviting a vast majority of the rich, including Lex Luthor and the Wayne family. Danny, not so subtly begs Vlad for him to join in because he has a plan.
Vlad doesn't know why Danny is begging since he never does, but he eventually caves in an agrees for Danny to attend. Danny calls up the ghost ferrets and makes a whole plan to have them in suits and dresses and little accessories for them as well. He askes Vlad to make various gadgets that would let them translate into human speech and then is off teaching them lessons.
Never would he thought he would use them, but this is one of the best ways he's ever decided to.
The day of the Gala, there are various amounts of ferrets in butler outfits leading in guests (some walk on two feet) and some even being the guests. Danny, meanwhile, is dressed like a king (he is not the ghost king.) with a royal cape, a crown and scepter. He's personally greeting every guest (ferret) that enters alongside Vlad, and when that's over the ferrets are seated at a table (not on the same level as the other guests) and seemingly having a very serious discussion.
Everyone else (aside from Vlad) is confused about this situation. Certainly, they've heard rumors about Vlad Masters has a program buying and collecting various ferrets, but this isn't what any of them even imagined and that, the white one who's eyes and fur glowed was obviously a sight to see as well.
Various people asked where Vlad acquired him from, with Vlad not giving any specific answer. A while into the gala, Lex Luthor is getting increasingly annoyed by the fact that Vlad Masters has shrugged him off to talk with mere animals, and obviously he's noticed that whenever he walks towards the man to make conversation, one of them appear at his side to talk with him and causes him to turn down any other conversation at that point.
Safe to say, he isn't pleased.
Damian Wayne has heard many a rumor about Vlad Masters. How could he not? He's famous for his hospitalization, his quick rise to power, his reclusiveness and love for the packers.
The rumors he focused on, however, was those that involved the ferrets the man seemingly collected. Damian couldn't let it go when he heard rumors that perhaps Vlad Masters buys them to fulfill some sick, twisted pleasure of his, and that he buys more and more because the others he's bought didn't last long.
As the son of the Bat and the successor to the Robin mantle he couldn't let this go until he's investigated to confirm the rumors, and out the man for his cruelty if they prove to be true.
So him holding a gala was a chance he couldn't let go of. For Vlad Masters only attends galas, never does he host them himself, a rare opportunity for him to easily enter the man's domain was one he could not let go of.
What he saw when he got there was not of his expectations, seeing a green colored ferret dressed as a butler leading them into the mansion wasn't it, he expected a human one. He thought back to some of the more gruesome rumors, and suddenly something seemed to click for him and he was worried.
He needed to investigate thoroughly.
Then he saw this one particular ferret, and Damian's stomach twisted. A ferret who's fur glowed a brilliant white and eyes a toxic green that obviously spoke of experimentation, and while he may be dressed as a king, Damian couldn't help but jump to unfortunate conclusions.
If he wanted to know what was going, then he had to speak to someone. He tried speaking with the ferrets that lead him and his family in, a device seemingly allowing them to speak in human tongue on their person and Damian looked closer. He saw that their fur seemed to glow as well, just like the first, not as brightly and there were certain other features he brushed off as them belonging to another species he didn't know of.
But running along the lines of experimentation everything just seemed to click together like puzzle pieces.
Unfortunately, the butlers didn't offer him much information, so he had to set his sights on the other 'guests'. They didn't have much to say either, so he had to look elsewhere.
He couldn't talk to that despicable man called Vlad Masters, that would raise suspicion all to quickly if he asked certain questions, so.
He set his sights on the king, seated at a table with other ferrets dressed like nobles. If anyone were to know better than what was going on here, then it had to be one of them.
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lokideservesahug · 2 months
A Whole New World
Part of the 𝓕1 𝓕𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓼𝔂 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
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Pairings: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Warnings: No descriptions of reader except she has hair, sexism, Abu is actually Max Fewtrell
Notes: Here is the first of two parts for the Lando/Aladdin au. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Princess Y/N has turned down many suitors over the years. So why is it that a certain 'Street rat' has captured her attention?
Word Count: 4.1 k
Part 2
Throughout your entire life, all you have known is the confinement of the Palace walls you were raised in. You understand why you were kept in the grounds of the palace but it didn't make things any more exciting.
So with that train of thought, you devise a cunning plan one morning. No one could let you leave the Palace... but practically,  could leave if no one knew. So that's what you did. You waited until the right day came (when the guards that always fell asleep were on rotation).
For a place that was wanted to be so "heavily guarded", it was surprisingly easy to sneak out. All it took was a moth-bitten, aged brown robe of your mother's, may she rest in peace, and a calculated amount of agility (that was all but taught to you in your lessons of grace and decorum as a child). When you finally step foot outside the Palace for the first time in your life, you are left awestruck.
Colossal warm-toned pillars towered over you; despite your power in the country, they make you feel insignificant.
Despite this foreign territory, you find that the city is easy enough to navigate, just as long as you remember the way you came. City life was unsurprisingly bustling yet the unfamiliar loud noises make you smile rather than wince. It truly was a nice contrast to your regular surroundings.  When you eventually reach the centermost part of the town, a plethora of market stands decorated in all sorts of attention-catching fabrics line every corner. As you trek further, someone runs past you, pushing you slightly to the side. When you turn to berate them, however, you see that it's only one of many children playing - by running slightly too fast.
Your heart warms at the sight. However, your attention was drawn to a pair of boys, no older than about 8 standing in place, longingly staring at the baker's cart. You crouch down to their level and think about how best to approach this interaction with the first stranger you've spoken to in years.
"Oh gosh. Are you hungry?" You ask the scrawny boys. The taller of the two looks at you and the wordless answering his eyes is enough to act. You grab a loaf of bread from the cart to your side and hold it to the boy staring at you in what now appears to be awe. "Here. Take some bread." At your actions, the pair light up like children on Christmas day and proceed to run off with a newfound pep in their steps.
As you watch them run off, you hear a new voice begin to shout. "Hey! You are stealing from me?" Left dumbfounded at his words, you try and utter a response. "Stealing? No, I was just-" The man doesn't even begin to let you explain your actions as he cuts across you "Well you have not paid!" You see his eyes give you a quick one over as he continues "You either pay, or I take your bracelet."
Once more, you try and explain your predicament. "Sir I don't have any money" At your words, he grabs your bracelet-clad arm and begins to try and pry your jewelry from you. "Let go of me!" Despite your words, the man does not stop his attempts at removing your accessory. Your aggressor once more goes to shout in your face when suddenly, someone steps between you and the vendor. "Woah, take it easy man."
"Kalil walks away from the stall and she" The added emphasis on the pronouns makes you shrink into yourself "steals the bread." "Those children were hungry" This man's behaviour was outrageous. How can he be so cruel to those so unfortunate?
"Those children were starting. I did no-"
"OK. Just give me a second" After he speaks, your 'saviour' turns to you as the man behind him says "Keep your street rat nose out of my business! Huh?" The younger man turns to you again and asks in a soft, quiet tone "Do you have any money?" "No!" Your response comes as his hands easily find a place around your bracelet-clad wrist. "OK," His look becomes much more determined as he says his next words "Alright. Just trust me."
Before you can fully register his words he has turned around and you notice your bare wrist as he speaks to the vendor once more. "Here you go" You don't even have any time to protest. "This is what you wanted right?" He holds up your bracelet almost like a trophy and his actions make you sick to your stomach. The street vendor then sports a massive grin as he resounds to the man you thought was your Knight in shining armor. "Yes. Thank you." The younger man adds "Oh and an apple for your troubles."
By the time the fruit has left his hands, he has already turned and grabbed your wrist to swiftly guide you away. "Hey! That was my-" You let out a frustrated huff " I think not leaving without my bracelet." "You mean this bracelet?" The younger man all but huffs lowly. "Come on."
His actions leave you starstruck but as you hear the vendor shout, you begin to worry. "Lando. Thief! Lando." "Are we in trouble?" You turn to the man to your left. "Only if we get caught."
"Lando!" "Down that alley. The monkey knows the way." You'd been so wrapped up in the unwilling events that you had somehow managed to miss the monkey sitting on the man's (Lando you assume) shoulder. You can hear the vendor shout in the background but you're more focused on the freaking monkey moving from his shoulder to yours.
You go to protest but his gentle murder of reassurance that "You'll be fine" leaves you with no room to argue. As promised, the monkey really does know the way. You find yourself darting over and under places you never would have dreamed existed as you can hear the distant shouts and murmurs of the so-called "street rat's" escape.
As you dart around yet another corner, the man almost runs into you. Damn, he's good at this. You watch in amusement at his theatrics covering his elution of the guards. After kicking over some scaffolding with some Kingdom guards on, he turns to you. "Together on three." You repeat his words back to him to show your understanding. "We jump." "We jump?" There isn't much time for your confusion before he smiles and leans down. "There's no need to repeat everything I say"
He begins his counting and as he reaches the final "three!" He leaps from beside you. You look down at his safe landing but when he notices your absence and whips around to find you, you can't help but apologize. "I'm sorry. But I just can't do this." His eyes never leave yours despite the increasing volume of shouts "Look at me. You can do this." You spare a glance at the guards. Well, you have nothing to lose if you jump (aside from your life).
You aren't even fully aware of your feet leaving the ground or even your body in the air. Yet you certainly notice when you land tangled up with your savior. You glance nervously at the man and quickly detach yourself as he stands up and begins to run away. With no choice but to follow him, you find yourself running along rooftops and jumping (albeit smaller gaps) once again.
You lose sight of him for a moment but when you see the monkey from before look over and squeak at the edge, you begin to worry. That disputes when you see the man stick his head above the edge. "Let's go. I know somewhere where we'll be safe."
He leads you down to the ground once more. You can't help but stop and ask "Where are we?" His only response response "You'll see" as he grabs a rope. Suddenly, the sound of mechanical wiring fills your ears and in front of you where there used to be nothing, a set of stairs appears.
"Woah. Is this where you live?" He smiles in response to your words. "Yep. Just me and Max who come and go as we please." So Max is the name of his monkey you note. When you reach the top of the stairs, your eyes are greeted by a tremendous sight.
A giant cloth roof hangs over the brick space with smaller paper lamps hanging off the material. Your attention however is caught by the balcony on the far side of the space that you instantly rush to. You take in the city skyline for the first time properly. You shed your cloak as you began "I can't believe..." "What?" "I can't believe that we just did that. That we're even alive. With that chase and all of the running and jumping. It was amazing." "Tea?" He asks yet you don't focus on his words.
"Thank you. And thank you for getting me out of there... Lando? Was it?"
"Uhm You're welcome..." At his silence, you try and rack your brain for a quick lie. "Dalia! I... am Dalia" "Dalia. From the Palace?" Your eyes widen at his words. Oh no. "How could you tell?" "Well only someone from the palace would ever be able to afford a bracelet like that. Oh obviously and that silk lining is imported as well. It goes from the merchants at the Dock straight to the Palace. You look down as if you've been caught.
"At least not to servants" Oh no. He really was good. "Well, not to most servants. Meaning you must be a handmaiden to the princess!" You let out a sigh of relief at his words. "Impressive." "If you think that's impressive, you need to see the city from up there." He points to a ledge above the balcony and you turn in excitement to view more of this spectacle. You climb up and look upon your city in awe. It truly is beautiful. You mumble to yourself about how you should get out more (the irony not being lost in your mind) but Lando overhears your words.
"You should tell the princess to get out more. No one has seen her in years." "They won't let her. Ever since my-" You catch yourself before eyes dully slip up "the queen was killed in cold blood the sultan has been terrified for the safety of his daughter. So she's kept locked away." "It seems everyone has been afraid since then. But the people really had nothing to do with it. The people truly loved her." You can't help yourself smiling "They did, didn't they?"
You pick up a small, guitar leaned up against the wall. "Is this yours?" Lando doesn't look you directly in the eyes as he responds. "Sort of, it's borrowed." You then begin to play a tune of your past. "My mother taught me that song" He sounds almost sorrowful as he says it. "Mine too.: "It's all I can remember of her." You frown at his words. "You say you live alone? What happened to your father?"  "I lost them both when I was extremely young. I've been on my own ever since. It's alright it's just..." "What?" He begins to make his way up the stairs to your level as he continues "It's a little sad. Having a monkey be the only authority figure in your life." His words cause you to laugh slightly. And for the first time since your meeting, you finally have the time to take in his features.
His brown hair juts out in many directions with one curl in the centre hanging over his forehead. His blue eyes staring at you are enchanting. As you look down during your chuckle, you can't but notice that (unsurprisingly with his lifestyle) his physicality isn't bad on the eyes either. His words bring you back to reality as he continues.
"It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm" "Trapped." You finish his words off, knowing exactly the feeling. You continue as his gaze fixes on you again "Like you can't escape what you were born into?" He murmurs a quiet "yes" whilst nodding. The two of you continue to stare into each other's eyes when you both hear the shouts of sailors coming to Dock. "Welcome Prince Anders" the guards exclaim. A giant extravagant ship, carrying a royal crest on the sail shatters your brief, calm fantasy.
"I have to get back to the Palace!" "This way." Lando nods to the way you came. And once again, you did yourself blindly following the man (after you pick up your cloak of course). You begin to gravel the way you came but with increased pace. Lando smiles behind you at your urgency. "It's just another prince coming to try and court the princess." You stop briefly. "Yes. And I need to prepare her... Oh! Do you have my bracelet?" "Yeah," He rummaged in his pocket whilst you scan the horizon to gauge how much time you have. "I'm sure I put I in here." His movements become more frantic as he tries to search for your lost jewelry. "Somewhere... Max, did you take it?" The monkey stares at him and just scratches his head.
"That was my mother's bracelet..." You feel almost, lost. "Yes. And it's truly beautiful." You suddenly come to a realization. "You are a thief." "Yes but-" "And I am so naïve" You quickly then away from him and begin to rush towards the Palace as a mix of disappointment and sadness swirl in your gut. You hear his shouts behind you but you can't even bring yourself to turn around and look at him.
"Welcome Prince Anders" Your father's words become a blur as you stand at the top of the palace stairwell. You began to descend the stairs as you pondered. Your patience was growing thin with the amount of suitors coming to court you. It wasn't that you had an issue with marriage, it was just that you had an issue with the suitors that kept coming. Every single one was here for power (which you understood you suppose) but all had fatal character flaws. They were either too involved with the patriarchy or wanted 15 children or some other outlandish thing. You hadn't found the perfect suitor yet. You couldn't even think of what this perfect man would be like but you knew that you would just know. Your brain drifts momentarily to the blue eyes from earlier and you don't have any time to ponder on it before your father's words cut through your thoughts.
"Prince Anders, this is my daughter Y/N." You hear a gasp from the man now standing opposite you. "Wow. Why did no one tell me of your beauty?" "No one mentions yours either." Your words (arguably a jab) at the man only make him chuckle. " Oh! Thank you. They say that in Skånland. Yeah. Right?" He turns to his men behind him. They laugh with the prince but if it's genuinely funny to them or just to amuse their leader, you're unsure. "It is very amusing." "Is it?" Your words cut him off slightly. "We have the exact same title yet are never described the same way." Your father clears his throat and mutters your name as a warning.
The prince awkwardly nods his head in agreeance with your words when he suddenly spots your tiger growling slightly. "Oh! What is that? Wait, don't tell me. It is a cat... with stripes." A distant voice calls to the prince "He likes you." Once more, the prince continues to talk of his greatness by adding "Oh yeah! In Skånland, cats love me. Here kitty. Pst pst." He begins to approach your four-legged companion and with this, the tiger to your side begins to growl with increased volume. You aren't even looking at either of them when you hear a scream followed by many sets of laughter.
After you kindly dismissed the prince with soft apologies and promises of friendship. You find yourself wandering the halls of the palace in search of your father. You assume that he is in his regular place in his office. But as you walk down the corridor, you hear shouts that you can't quite make out and then two murmurs of "Invading Shiribad is the" You cut across your father's words "Invade Shiribad?" You turn and look at the man accompanying your father. Jafar, your father's second in command and a true thorn in your kingdom's side sometimes. "Why on Earth would we invade the kingdom of my mother?" "We would never, ever invade Shiribad" At your father's agreement, you opt for a sharper glare to give Jafar. "But an ally I'm Skånland would improve our situation." You brush off his accusatory tone as your father answers him. "Yes. If you consider giving Prince Anders a chance-" "To rule? Father that man is power-hungry and clearly only cares about his own image. Even Rajah would make a better leader than him!" You point to the tiger sitting beside you. "My dear, I am not getting any younger and as more time passes, the urgency of finding you a husband increases. And we are running out of kingdoms."
At his chuckles you roll your eyes. "What...foreign prince could care for our people as I do? I could lead if..." "My dear, you can not be sultan. It has never been done in the 1,000-year history of our Kingdom." "I have been preparing for this my entire life. I have read every book possible, I have-" "Books?" Jafar finds a way to weasel know your conversation. "You can not read experience. Inexperience is lethal. People left unchecked will revolt. Both walls and borders will be attacked if left unguarded."
"Jafar is right. One day, you will understand. You can leave now." Your father's words cause you to huff in frustration but flee the room.
As you exit with Rajah following closely behind you, you hear footsteps pacing towards you. Rajah growls as Jafar says softly yet condescendingly "Life would be kinder to you princess. If you were to accept these traditions and understand that it is better for you to be seen rather than heard."
You refused to meet his eyes and after he was clearly done with his demeaning speech, you walked away to your Chambers.
"Surely there is something I can do." You speak to your handmaiden, Dalia (the real handmaiden Dalia) as she rubs your shoulders. "Oh, what a hard life you lead. I wish I would have the struggle of having to choose which prince to marry. Oh, the tall and clever one or the clever and handsome one. A handsome prince wants to marry you, when will life get easier." You disregard her sarcastic tone "It's not that I don't want to marry. It's just... "You want to be sultan. But why would you with  life like yours?" You turn and smile at her. "Do you remember remember my mother used to say? We would only ever be as happy as" Dalia choruses the last few words as you say them " our least favorite subject." You paused. "If she saw what I did today she'd be shattered." Dalia takes your hands and gives you a sympathetic smile. "She would also want you to be safe. And clean, I'll draw a bath"
"Jafar's guards on every corner? What kind of dystopia are we living in? I can help." You then look at the woman now behind you. "I know I can. I was born for so much more determined just marrying some useless prince!" "If you had to marry a useless prince prince could certainly do much, much worse than this one. Who's tall and dreamy? And he may be a little bit dim but you're only getting married. It's not like you'd have to talk to him." You furrow your brows at her. "But you'd much prefer that boy from the market." You feel your cheeks heat up. She laughs as she walks off and you can't seem to find it in you to disagree with her words.
As promised, she leaves to go to the adjacent room and draw a bath for you. Suddenly, a loud knock cuts through the quiet night breeze. That's odd. There aren't usually visitors coming to see you at this time of night. You open the tall door (that is surprisingly light) and you are met with the same blue eyes that have been plaguing your thoughts all afternoon. You don't even register your gasp before he is asking the same thing as he asked you this afternoon. "Tea?" He smiles warmly at you. "You... You! What on Earth are you doing here?" The sound of guards growing nearer fills your ears. "Get in here." You grab him and push him into the room whilst also surveying the corridor.
"I needed to come and return your bracelet." You freeze momentarily at his words. "What? Where is it?" You can hear his subtle smirk as he says "Already on your wrist." You glance down and as promised, your mother's bracelet once more on your arm. You can hear Lando compliment your interior design choices but your biggest worry is "How did you slip past the palace guards?" He turns to look at you, tray of tea and saucers still in hand. "I'll admit, that was challenging. But I have my ways." Once more, an accomplished smile finds its way on his face.
"Whilst the princess is out, would you perhaps like to go on a stroll?" You almost forgot about the Alias you adopted later... "Have a little chat?" "You are unbelievable. You can't just break into a palace and begin to walk around like you own the place!" Despite your reprimanding him, you feel a slight smile tug on your lips at his sheer boldness. "Well, you have to act like you own everything if you own nothing... So what do you say? I did find your bracelet after all." "Find it? You were the one that stole it!" "Actually, the monkey stole it." "He's your monkey!" "He smirks and says "Still a monkey." His words make you laugh and you can't remember the last time someone made you this happy.
"Who ordered the tea?" You didn't even notice your handmaiden return but at Dalia's words, you both quickly spin to look at her. All Lando can muster is a simple "Uh..." Before you cut across him " I did!" You go to move behind Lando so you can subtly communicate with Dalia. "For you, Princess Y/N."  "Your majesty" Lando bows as Dalia shoots you a very confused look.  but you respond by pointing to your returned bracelet. "Why are you being weird?" Dalia's confusion annoys you. You were trying to keep this storyline up!
Lando turns and gives you an awkward smile in almost support of what he thought your predicament was. You try again. You point to your bracelet and then to Lando. As if by magic, her eyes light up in realization of what you were attempting to do. "Oh, I'm the princess...Yes" Her recovery isn't the best but it works "And it truly is good to be me with all of my fancy dresses, one for each minute of the day and my giant karts of gold things and palaces." You gesture at her to wrap up her truly painful attempt at a lie. "Now it is time for my cat to be cleaned. She walks away and you can't wait to laugh at her display later.
"She doesn't get out much." Lando just hums in agreement as he places the tea tray down. "Clearly." Your tiger then begins to growl at him. "Aren't you supposed to be in the bath?" Lando shoots you an uneasy look as the cat sniffs his hand. Before you can think on it too much, Dalia's voice is heard once again. "Oh servant girl, this cat isn't going to clean itself." "Don't cats clean themselves?" You turn to Lando, eyes wide "You have to go." "Alright. But I'm coming back tomorrow." You go to protest but he continues. "Meet me in the middle of the tea courtyard by the giant tree when the moon is above the highest branches. To return this." He pulls out your hairclip and he brushes a strand of hair away from your face. "I promise." You see him walk off and can't help but smile at him and his antics.
Unbeknownst to the both of you, a certain second in command to your father was alerted as Lando entered the palace and the guards had finally caught up to Lando. He looks at the head guard as the man gruffly speaks. "Evening." Lando can hear his voice break as he replies. "Even- good evening." He doesn't even need to ask to know that there are more guards behind him and he feels well and truly stuffed.
I hope you enjoyed this! As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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jellojelli · 8 months
Welt, Blade, Luocha, & Svarog: You’re Pregnant
*a/n: for all intents and purposes Svarog has the necessary accessories lmao*
Tags: fem!reader, pregnancy, slight angst, fluff
If you were to tell Welt that you were pregnant he would love for you to tell him in a silly or a way that makes him think about it for a minute. Something like putting buns in the oven or sitting next to two piles of ice while giving him a goofy look
When you told Welt you were pregnant expect to be literally lifted into the air as he looks at you with so much love it’s almost unbearable
He’s never been happier than to hear you say you were pregnant
It doesn’t matter if you two are only dating at this point or married or if this baby was planned or not, Welt is so happy. He loves you, he’s pretty sure you are going to be his last love no matter what so he’s happy to start a family with you
If you’re scared or unsure about going through with the pregnancy don’t feel conflicted on his account. He is going to love you through it all. No matter your decision he’s okay with it. And if you’re worried about being a parent Welt will gladly hold your hand and help you learn and become more confident in raising kids. He's also more than happy to essentially show you how he deals with March, Dan Heng, and the trailblazer
Welt is pretty rational, but I feel like this man has already bought and/or built everything a kid ages 0-4 could ever need and assembled a nursery on the express before you’re even done with your first trimester. Not to mention everyone is so ecstatic for you both that they’re also buying and decorating the entire express
Please don't expect to lift a finger during your entire pregnancy because if it's not Welt doing it for you its literally every other person, minus Dan Heng if it's something that you can clearly do on your own (he still offers his help because lets be honest he is a gentleman and if you’re with Welt he has mad respect for you)
Blade is a somewhat reasonable man, he's strong, and while sometimes he doesn't necessarily think everything out when he goes out to fight he can always find a way out. However, this news has left him literally shell shocked. It's gonna take you or another Stellaron hunter to snap him out of his thoughts
He is not going to sugarcoat the fact that he isn't exactly thrilled by this news, and if you tried to be cute with it he's not to happy you weren't just upfront and straightforward about something like this with him. But, Blade will not leave you or hate you for whatever you decided to do regarding the baby
He makes sure you know that he is less than ideal for a father, he's losing his mind, sometimes it's hard to control his violent tendencies, and he's not the most tactful person in the universe. He understands that these things make others view him as toxic, and he would never deny that, so he wants you to know that this child is likely going to go through hardships because of him
Blade didn't make the connection when you first told him about your pregnancy, but eventually he'll realize that his regeneration ability has a chance to pass onto the child and the scene of destruction you discovered after that was horrendous and also the most emotion you've seen on Blade's face. he looks haunted by the idea that his child will live like him and have to suffer an eternity without any out. It takes a lot of comfort and logistic talk with Blade, you, and the other Stellaron Hunter including Elio for him to feel even a shred of peace about this possibility
Surprisingly, Blade will set up an amazing nursery for you and the baby. You have no idea where he got the items, and its probably best not to ask, but the nursery is beautiful if not a bit bland
Blade will leave all color, toy, clothes, and baby care items to you. Not that he isn't trying to be involved with you and the kid, but he doesn't really know or care about those things, so he will leave them in your ever capable hands since you are bound to know leagues more than him. He will of course accompany you in shopping and offer whatever opinions he may have with some of your choices
Please expect Kafka and Silver Wolf to throw a baby shower for you. Not only that, Kafka is incredibly happy for you and Blade and helps you out anytime Blade isn't there. Silver Wolf also joins in with helping you, but it's less so since she's still young and to be honest doesn't know how to properly help you other than just handing you stuff and being there for you when your hormones are getting the better of you
Elio also gives you some cryptic, but somewhat kind words for you, Blade, and the baby's future together
Luocha probably knows before you do. He's not a licensed doctor or trained in pregnancy symptoms and care, but like? He's traveled for who knows how long and he's seen a thing or two out there, and he's 99% sure that you are pregnant before you ever sit him down to tell him about it. I mean the weeks of morning sickness were a huge sign, especially when his treatments failed to do anything for you
Don't take offense, but Luocha isn't either ecstatic about the baby or displeased about them. He is happy to start a family with you, but he also brings up that this is going to be tough for you, him, and the newest little member if you plan on coming with him around the universe. He can't exactly stop being a traveling merchant as how would either of you make ends meet if he quit his job and eventually you can't work for an extended amount of time, but he would never force you to travel around with him where you may be in some less than comfortable areas during your pregnancy
No matter how you plan to do this, Luocha is 100% on board with your plans. He loves you, you are his everything, and even if he has to travel back and forth or carry you, the baby, and his coffin he will do what he must to be with you
Luocha will likely set up a house for you regardless on if you plan to come with him or not. He wants a stable location for his family once the little guy is out
You can bet that he has the house furnished and everything built and in place in no time. I feel like he's got connections and knows people that know people to get the job done asap
He leaves some fun aspects for you to do though, picking out nursery designs, clothes, toys, decorations for the home, he will leave it all for you and do what he can to get you everything you need or desire for the baby and y’all's new home
And don’t worry, if you go into labor on the road you are with the most capable healer and will make sure you and the baby are safe and happy
Okay so, telling him you're pregnant is pretty much going to make Svarog do the equivalent of a blue screen. You’ve legit made this robot man crash and reboot
Svarog 100% knew that he could get you pregnant, you know this man has run 1000 and 1 different simulations and calculations to see if pregnancy was even possible for you two. And obviously the chance was a 0.0001% probability and he ignored that the possibility wasn't zero because those odds were supposed to be impossible, but here you were telling him you both beat the impossible and and beat the 99.9999% chance of this not happening
You would have to call in Clara to help Svarog and also tell her the amazing news. Clara is so excited by becoming a big sister that it kind of helps Svarog regain his composure and reboot his systems
He will want to discuss a lot about what is being created inside of you. This is a situation that he is not equipped to deal with and there is no simulation or calculation he can run that will tell him anything about what is going to happen now
However, Svarog is ever responsible and dependable and will never leave you uncared for during this time. Please rest assured that he will have you and Clara on baby proofing and baby planning duties until the baby comes, all while granting your every desire to assure your 100% happiness
Would never admit it, but he’s happy to have a second child, and he’s even happier that Clara is so hyper about the newest addition, if not a bit sad that she’s already maturing more and more in preparation for becoming a big sister
Expect some very confused and joyful congratulations from some of the prominent figures in Belobog. Bronya and Seele are the most confused, but offer their congratulations and Bronya even offers to accommodate you in the best hospital when you go into labor. Natasha is also happy for you and offers to be the one help with the delivery. Sampo…Sampo gives a lot of teasing comments that probably get a rocket fist sent his way and a pouting and scolding Clara on his heels
Taglist: @stygianoir
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ayylovley · 3 months
Could you do some windbreaker characters with a fem s/o that likes to wear lolita dresses :) you can choose the windbreaker characters I can’t decide they are all so hot ^ - ^
Yess hope you enjoy ✨
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔵 𝔏𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔞 𝔣𝔢𝔪 𝔰/𝔬
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✧.* JayJo
Once he saw you for the first time he’s bug-eyed and curious. Normally your style isn’t common so you stand out a lot. Some people around you compliment you and ask where you got your outfits. Others are annoying and mean and want to make fun of you and sometimes it’s very subtle. But Jay is very observant and can see the talking shit behind your back, and he’s not going to have any of it. Even if he doesn’t know you that well your style grabbed his attention, so little by little he’ll start talking to you. Being one of the people that compliment you but something was different with him, his smile was warmer and his body language exposed slight interest. Whatever you wear is his excuse to talk to you, for example if you’re holding an umbrella on a nice day he wants to talk about your outfit and then ends up asking more questions.
Conversations become about what type of music you guys like, what artists, recommendations, anything you recommend he will listen to it once he’s at home while he’s studying. But he can barely concentrate because you’re on his mind constantly. The music turns into eventually exchanging phone numbers to talk more, Jay is trying to stay friends for very long though because a month later he asked you out. Now that you guys are dating anything you wear he loves, even looking up the Lolita style online to search for dresses and accessories and send you pictures of them ‘Do you like this?’ ‘This reminds me of you.’ ‘I think you’d look good in this one’
He’s more protective of you because ain’t no way he’s gonna let anyone make fun of you now. Warnings and threats can turn into physical fights because people are so petty. He teaches them a lesson though, and he’s extra romantic with you afterwards. He admires your confidence and how you embrace yourself he doesn’t want that to end. A confidence booster, for sure. He’s your biggest fan, probably wants to take pictures of you a lot. Even if he doesn’t show it, trust me he’s obsessed with you and wants to be around you every second of every day
(That was long idk what happened just brain meats poured scenarios out of my head)
✧.* Vinny Hong
(This got a bit angsty)
Ok Vinny isn’t going to be as… responsive to how he likes your style, but he still thinks it’s really cool. If you’re dating him since he’s poor he’ll feel guilt for not being able to afford to buy you more outfits but at least he can afford flowers that match the color of what you’re wearing that day on a date. Whatever he can’t afford, he comes up with a plan to give whatever he has. He acts cold but he genuinely cares about you and wouldn’t want to lose you for the world. If you’re still dating him when he’s rich that’s when he’ll spoil you. He doesn’t expect anything back he just wants you to be happy.
You won’t be able to see Vinny as much due to crew business, but once he makes time for you he doesn’t want to leave you. These times are actually the hardest because if he’s going through it he will want to hold you. No need for words when you finally see each other he just wants to be in your arms again. And once he has to leave again he is even worse than before, your smiles just give him peace and comfort again and he needs that more than ever.
✧.* Dom Kang
Dom is simping… you’re a goddess to him that whenever he sees you he gets flustered and embarrasses himself a little. He’s not shy about showing how much he loves you, random kisses, hugs from behind, lots of compliments. He likes to brag and show you off (didn’t mean to reference the Doja Cat song lmao) But seriously he does… Especially when you’re rooting for him during the tournaments and he wins. He’s proud of himself and especially when you shower him with praises and hugs. Watch him melt and turn into a puddle.
✧.* Shelly Scott
One of the most romantic characters and your biggest supporter. If you don’t pull the strings she does and a lot of the times being the flirty one. You got her attention with your stand outish style like Jay. She genuinely wanted to be your friend at first, but she fell first and she fell hard. You fell hard too from how her charismatic personality and caring so much was pulling you in. It’ll take a little longer to confess to each other because you both assume you might not be into girls. But with little hints from Shelly, it started with subtle flirting comments like “If you were my girlfriend I’d spoil you.”
Finally she got the courage for just one date and see how it goes. Pretty much by the second date you’re official. She’s a bit clingy but that’s just her way of showing that she loves you. When she was training hard twitch her dad to help Humming Bird unfortunately she couldn’t reach out to you much but would send occasional texts like ‘😚’ or the cutesy love gifs
✧.* Wooin Yoo
Wooin might fun of you… Especially when he met you, but in his head he thinks he looks good and he can think it’s pretty hot that you don’t care what people think. And just like Dom, I feel like he enjoys when you watch him during his races. But compared to Dom, Wooin is kissing his own ass, “did you see how awesome I am, babe?” So you’d probably be mostly quiet until he’s done talking about himself or notices that you’re not saying anything to hype him up and comments on it
If someone made fun of you that’s when his limit comes because only he can make fun of you. He doesn’t care who it is even if his crew were to make fun of you. Though that wouldn’t really happen because 1. They know Wooin would be pissed 2. They actually don’t care how you dress. Surprisingly when you spend more time with The Sabbath Crew they aren’t as mean as you thought. Well, compared to your own boyfriend. But really when it comes to Wooin he is on high alert when you’re out with him making sure no one is looking at you the wrong way
✧.* Joker
Joker is the quiet type. But he’ll make up with it with physical touch and kisses. Just like Wooin he can’t stand it when people talk shit. Except Wooin doesn’t get into fights unless he’s provoked to, Joker on the other hand is violent. So he isn’t giving any warnings he’s giving a punch to a face. If you tell him that you don’t like when he gets into fights he will just not do it in front of you
On the cutesy side of things you met his brother and he thought you were cool. And his new puppy might finally have a babysitter while he’s in tournaments if you’re ok with it. If not he can just take the puppy with him like usual. Now he has someone to gush over animals with.
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da-shrimping-station · 4 months
Mammon helps out with the House's budgeting as well as managing finances.
It started when he found Lucifer's notes on the expenses when they moved to HoL. Diavolo was generous enough to give them a monthly stipend but it was the brothers' first time having to deal with something like this. In the Celestial Realm, they really didn't have to spend much or ask for much. In the castle, everything was provided for after a simple request. But now they're on their own. Still with Diavolo's support of course but far more independent now.
So Mammon sits down on Lucifer's chair and starts poring over the papers. Lucifer's already got a preliminary budget drafted but it's not that thorough. His brother doesn't go out much with needing to juggle caring for everyone as well as fulfilling duties for the Demon Prince so some of the estimates are way off especially in terms of cost. He doubts his brother knows market prices for things like toiletries and groceries.
Time passed (that Mammon wasn't aware of) and he was waist deep in the process of fixing the budget. Lucifer eventually comes home and sees him at his desk and making a mess (in his opinion) of things.
"We're gonna need a bigger allowance." Mammon looks him dead in the eye, ink stains on his hands and papers filled with scribbles and calculations.
Lucifer makes the smart choice of shutting up and listening to him.
Over the next few days they manage to come up with a more feasible and more detailed budget plan for the family. The only thing left to do is to send a formal request to Diavolo to request a more flexible amount for the stipend.
Does this mean they all (Mammon especially) become more responsible with their finances? Of course not! It's just that Lucifer now has a more detailed report and estimate of everyone's spending! Mammon's transaction history and his maxed out Goldie. Levi and his online shopping for games and merch. Satan buying a cart full of books as well as random ingredients he may or may not use for curses. Asmo and the long bill for clothing, makeup, shoes, accessories. Beel being the reason the allocated budget for food is more than half of the stipend. Belphie and a purchase list of questionable but exorbitant items.
And of course Lucifer splurges here and there. Do you think this man buys anything cheap? NOPE. It has to be of good if not the highest quality possible. He justifies that it's a one time purchase (but the price tag is still hefty and how long do you think that item will last given you live in a house full of gremlins???)
"Here ya go, Lu. This month's summary."
"What do you mean we had to pay 40,000 grimm for damages to property?!"
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foli-vora · 5 months
congrats on 3k!! Not sure if you're still doing this, but can I request something smutty with agent whiskey with the prompt "can we go home yet?"
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Thank you for the request, my sweet! I'm so sorry for the time it took to get around to it, but I hope you enjoy! ❤���
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jack daniels x f!reader
word count: 1.7k warnings: i love him sm, sweet husband jack will give you everything, jack being a sexy menace, semi public/parking lot activities, swearing, SMUT 18+ ONLY: what's a domesticity kink called? idk, whatever it is we've got that. fingering, orgasm denial, can't not use this gif lmao
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The familiar churning of warmth in the pit of your stomach has followed you relentlessly throughout the day, despite you leaving your shared bed much later than socially acceptable after a long morning lost in Jack’s hold. There’s a gentle ache between your thighs from his dedicated efforts, the feeling never once letting your mind wander from the way he unravelled every part of your body and soul over and over.
And this? This wasn’t helping.
The confidence he oozed striding through the hardware store, knowing exactly what he wanted and where he would get it. The way he would ramble about the house renovation plans; what rooms could be what, where he could build you a little reading nook with a window overlooking the endless rolling green fields, or what materials he would need to make some floor to ceiling built in bookcases for your shared collection of books…
His excitement at dedicating his variety of skills into bringing your dream home to life is palpable, bringing forth such a fond tenderness to your chest that it makes you swear you couldn’t possibly love this man anymore if you tried. It rolls from him in waves now, as he wanders with his full cart of various renovation necessities and voicing his thoughts on what particular paint colours would match your shared vision.
It’s just all so sweet, so domestic.
It’s driving you wild.
Lips wrapping around the straw of your soda cup, you study the broad planes of his back, covered by his ever present leather jacket that thankfully stops just above the soft swell of his ass—bless that man for knowing how to pick his jeans. If it weren’t for the sweet elderly couple flicking through colour swatches at the end of the aisle, you simply would’ve crowded him into the shelves just for a much needed taste of his mouth, and maybe a quick feel—
“You listenin’ to me back there?”
“Not really,” you admit honestly, tongue rolling across your lower lip as he gives you a playful frown of disapproval from over his shoulder. That familiar heat rises and swells in your core, and you shift impatiently on your feet. “Can we go home yet?”
He chuckles, reaching out to pluck a paintbrush from the shelf and feeling the synthetic fibres between his fingers. “You gettin’ bored, darlin’? Is that why you’ve been poutin’ the last two aisles?”
“I haven’t been pouting.”
“Mhm,” he rumbles deeply, lips tugged up into a small smile of amusement as he continues his perusal of the variety of painting accessories. Eventually he lands on the ones he finds somewhat satisfactory, and tosses them into the cart before beckoning you closer with an open hand reached out behind him.
You take it and press up into his side easily, sighing softly at the heavy arm that wraps around your shoulders and the lips that press gently against your temple. The heat from his body seeps into yours while a wash of his familiar cologne assaults your nostrils, and it takes every bit of strength to not tilt your head and catch his lips in a searing kiss that would go scaring away any and everyone within range.
God, he just smells so damn good. 
“Okay, so I may have been pouting—but it’s all your fault.”
He chuckles, the deep throaty timbre of it twisting pleasantly in your core, and what really kills you is that he has no idea the actual effect he has on you. Everything about him either sends you into a sweet and dizzying lovesick spiral, or hurtling straight into the fiery depths of hell with the thoughts that turn in your mind.
“Is that right? How so, sugar?”
You sigh, turning in his hold and raking a finger down his chest, winding around the buttons of his shirt as it goes. “All I can think about is fucking you right in the middle of this aisle, Jack.”
He blinks in surprise, taken off guard and rendered slightly bewildered by your admittance. “Come again?”
“Yes—I’m planning on it actually, again and again.”
A grin quickly tugs at his lips and his eyes flicker to the passersby going about their days as he tugs you closer, his thick drawl oozing into your ears, “You’re gonna get us thrown out if you keep that talk up, sugar.”
“Good, then we could go home and waste the afternoon away.”
He sighs, trying to appear vexed by your apparent disinterest in your errands, but the smile still tugging insistently at his lips gives him away. You see the playful sparkle in his eyes, the desperate want to give you everything you need and more, and you know you’ve got him right where you want him.
“Come on, Jack,” you coo, dragging him in for another kiss with just a taste of everything you’re feeling that leaves him chasing your lips when you eventually pull away, “let’s go home. Let me have you.”
“You’ll be the end of me, you know that?” He grumbles quietly before shaking his head, winding a hand down to grab teasingly at your ass cheek and giving it a firm tap that sends a rocket of heat hurtling straight to your core. “Fine. Registers—now. And no dawdlin’, go on now.”
It takes an agonisingly long time to pay, and you’re sure he does it on purpose. Jack lingers, happily chatting away to the older man serving you, and he has to know how impatient it’s making you because you swear you spy a smirk lingering at the edge of his lips as you start to shift from foot to foot. 
You pounce as soon as he slides into the driver's seat, curling a hand around his neck and bringing his mouth greedily to yours. He responds quickly, unable to pull away from the lure of your kiss, lips parting and tongue meeting yours in a tangle of need. You groan into the heat of his mouth, relishing in the burn of his moustache as the kiss deepens. It does nothing to douse the fire wreaking havoc on your body, and you shift restlessly in your seat, thighs rubbing as you search for something to aid in your distress.
He chuckles, the force of his kiss moving you back into your seat as he crowds into you over the middle console, a hot hand splaying on the skin of your thigh to calm your agitation. 
The words rumble against your lips softly, “You want it right here, sugar?”
Public indecency be damned—you need something. It’s not like you’re close to the store where people mill about, with Jack always preferring to park a ways away so there’s minimal risk of someone scratching the sleek and shiny paint of the Bronco. There’s no one around, it’s just you two… just you two, in your own little piece of bliss. 
You pant softly into his mouth while nodding, fire growing up and along your spine as his rough fingers start to push up beneath the hem of your sundress. You’re already squirming from the familiar feel of them, system wired tightly in keen anticipation to feel them brush against you.
“You’re a greedy little thing today,” he murmurs, fingers coaxing your thighs to widen as they begin to dip their way beneath the waistband of your underwear.
A groan reverberates from his chest when he gently glides them along your slit to feel the heavy build up of arousal, taking a painfully long moment to simply feel you, before zoning in on your clit with the lightest of pressures. He circles softly over it, darkened eyes bouncing over your features as you relish in the hazy roll of pleasure taking over your body.
He ducks to press a series of open mouthed kisses to the side of your throat, teeth teasingly nipping at the sensitive skin and tongue soothing the brief pinch of pain away before the curve of his nose traces the shell of your ear. His honeyed drawl brings a shiver across your skin, and it really should be fucking illegal with the things it makes you feel.
“You been walkin’ around like this all morning, honey? You poor thing.”
Finally—God, finally—he allows his fingers to dip down and tease at your entrance, swirling two thick digits shamelessly through your arousal before sliding and curling them deep against the walls of your cunt. He’s quick to swallow the broken sounds that fall from your throat, his lips quirking up into a self satisfied smirk against yours as your hips squirm needily against the pressure of his hand.
“Go on, sugar. Take what you need, I’ve got you.”
You begin a somewhat messy rock of your hips, unashamedly beginning to fuck yourself on his fingers and ensuring to keep the calloused heel of his hand pressed up hard against your swollen clit. It provides the friction you need, you crave, with every back and forth roll against the rough surface of it causing the overwhelming heat in your core to build.
It’s just what you need. It’s just—it’s perfect. The feel of his thick digits dragging against your hot, slick walls; the relentless pressure against your clit; the perfect harmony of both working in tandem to bring a wash of electricity across your nerves, to bring you closer to that blissful edge you feel coming with every tense second—
“G-god, Jack—”
“I know, baby. I know.”
And… fuck. It’s right there, you’re right there—
—only for it to be just out of reach.
The feeling heightens, lingers, and then horrifically melts away into a throbbing ache as Jack retracts his fingers completely, the thick digits glistening from your flood of arousal in the sunlight filled cab.
He ignores your agonised cry of denial from the sudden loss and emptiness, and sucks them into his mouth, before reaching and turning the keys in the ignition, the truck rumbling to life loudly beneath you while you’re left trembling against the leather, thighs spread and cunt weeping.
“That’s what you get for bein’ impatient,” he drawls, a wicked shine to those warm honey eyes. “Now you sit pretty for the ride home, and I may be nicer when I get that sweet ass of yours inside.”
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animehideout · 5 months
Your work is super good! Would it be possible to have the Sfw alphabet for gojo pretty please? Or what he's like when he falls in love and is committed? Whichever you would rather do.
SFW Alphabets For Gojo Satoru ♡
a/n: Thank you Anon for this cute request I really had fun writing this one, I hope you enjoy it <33
Note: I'm working on all the requests so don't worry my loves 🫶🏻🩷
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A: Affection.
( How he shows affection?)
Gojo is openly affectionate, whether in private or public settings, be it during meetings, on the street, or in the presence of his students, colleagues, or even higher-ups. He consistently engages in subtle displays of affection, such as holding hands or loosely wrapping his arms around your shoulder or waist. Indifferent if others are looking, he doesn't mind if your lovey-dovey interactions make others uncomfortable or cringe. Especially at home, he'll latch himself to you as if he were a 6Ft tall koala.
B: Babies.
( Does he want to settle down and start a family?)
Gojo is good with children, he's able of taking care of them financially and never fails in making them laugh with the silly faces he makes. Eventually he likes to get married but he only lives the moment with his partner till both of you are ready to take that step. Satoru doesn't want to rush things concerning kids he would like to have children but that depends on your decision, might also consider adoption if you want kids but don't want to go through pregnancy.
C: Cuddles.
( How does he cuddle you?)
This 6ft giant is definitely the big spoon. Would he crush you with his arms? yes. Would he let go of you once he traps you in his embrace? No. When both of you are cuddling, his strong arms would engulf you and give you all the warmth you need. When he gets home exhausted from work he loves to get babied, he lays his head on your chest, your steady heartbeat soothes him to sleep.
D: Dreams.
(Dreams he wants to achieve with you?)
Gojo is a guy with big dreams, and having a partner makes achieving those dreams even more exciting. He dreams of traveling the world with you, collecting souvenirs from every country and city both of you visit. Probably would make a shelf full of souvenirs collection. Satoru has got a sweet tooth, so he's eager to try the various sweets and pastries from different countries, even planning to make you a sweet tooth too so you can enjoy them together without you complaining that it's too much sugar.
E: Ending.
( What would make him break up with you?)
Cheating is a deal-breaker for him; he would end the relationship immediately. He values himself highly, so if his partner picks someone else, it hurts his dignity and pride. He won't hesitate to break up on the spot and won't give any second chances or even care to listen to explanations or excuses. He sees them as a waste of his precious time and energy. ( who would cheat on Gojo tho🤔? )
F: First Date.
(How did he ask you out? and how it went?)
Confident af yet so laid-back, he'd casually ask you out, assured you won't say no. Being a busy guy, he'd likely do it through a text or call, saying something like, "Hey, wanna go out on date with me? I'll pick you up at 8:00 p.m." Without giving you much chance to respond, you might think it's a simple hangout. Surprise! He takes you to a fancy, high-end restaurant, covering all expenses for your first date and every date thereafter. He's a true gentleman🥹🤌🏻.
G: Gifts.
(What kind of gifts he gives you?)
He likes buying expensive gifts from expensive brands, especially accessories and perfumes, and he does it randomly without occasions, just to spoil you. Spending money on you is like a job for him because he sees it as his duty. However, he doesn't really think about what you might like; instead, he picks things based on what he personally prefers. Surprisingly, you end up liking them because he has good taste 🤌🏻.
H: Hobbies.
(What hobbies he enjoys doing with you?)
Satoru has two main hobbies to do with you; shopping and watching movies. You prefer shopping because when you watch movies, he often spills the beans and gives major spoilers about what happens, making you frustrated with the messed-up order of events, and sometimes canceling your movie night. On the other hand, he enjoys shopping together because he gets a free fashion show from you. Would make you try on various clothes, and he even lets you pick out shoes for him. It's like you both are bees, buzzing around from one store to another, making fun of ugly clothes and having a good time gossiping and judging designers.
I: Impression.
(Your first impression of him?)
You'd be excited to meet the strongest sorcerer, the famous Gojo Satoru that everyone talks about. However, when you see him for the first time, you might be surprised, thinking, "What the heck?". It's hard to believe he's a teacher with significant responsibilities. He appears childish and unserious, He may seem annoying and talkative, mostly bragging about himself, and you could notice him being a disrespectful to older folks. This creates a negative first impression. Yet, as you get to know him better, you'll discover that he's truly wise and responsible, although he does have a hefty ego.
J: Jealousy.
(Is he the jealous type? How does he deal with it?)
Satoru is a chill guy who doesn't easily get jealous or offended. He's confident in how he looks and who he is, believing he's better than other guys out there. If a guy comes up and starts showing off in a not-so-smooth way, he'd mock and tease him, laugh and make fun of him. But if another guy comes along and seems capable, oh boy, he'll go all out to try and make him look small, overshadow, belittle and embarrass him in front of you. Gojo will do whatever it takes to show that he's superior and the perfect match for you.
K: Kisses.
(How does he kiss you?)
He likes giving hugs, but when it comes to daily kisses, he's all about the goofy and playful ones. He plants them all over your face, making a sound like 'MWAH,' even squishing your cheeks and giving them a big ass kiss. He giggles during these kisses and enjoys how you playfully push him away. Annoying you with his love is something he really likes to do.
L: Love Language.
(What is his love language?)
His has two love languages combined; physical touch and giving gifts. He loves having his hands on you, and he's also a fan of PDA ( Public Display of Affection) . He became addicted to your touch, even if it's just a pat on the head. Additionally, he enjoys giving you gifts because 1st, he loves you, 2nd, it's also a way for him to flaunt his wealth.
M: Mornings.
(His mornings with you?)
For a man with heavy responsibilities hanging on his shoulder, he would wake up quite early and you are forced to wake up with him, and the thing is, he doesn't wake you up like normal people do, he would be overly hyped and excited. Would tickle you till you fall off bed, would literally startle you in your sleep with his random tickle attacks. Whines a lot if you refuse to wake up or if you hit him with a pillow. Once you're fully awake he likes to enjoy breakfast with you in the balcony while both of you enrich your bodies with an intake of vitamin D. 🌞
(His nights with you?)
He's a night owl, nah seriously lacking in sleep, yet always full of energy. During the night, he might suggest dining out, but if you're tired, he'd order food delivery and just hang out at home. He'd even join you in your skincare routine, then tucks you to sleep. He watches over you, making sure you're comfy, and only then does he join you in dreamland. He never drifts off before you. 🌌
O: Opressive.
(Is he controlling in a relationship?)
Gojo is super open-minded, values independence, and trusts you a lot. Normally, he's not the controlling type, but when it comes to your safety, oh hell no, he gets strict and over controlling. If there's something risky going on outside, he won't let you take a single step outside the house without him knowing about it.
P: Pet Names.
(His favorite pet names?)
He likes giving you cute, cheesy names in public to make you blush like “Pumpkin spice of my life” or “Cute lemon cupcake”, but mostly calling you “baby”or “babes”. He also enjoys being called by cringy pet names or anything other than his real name. If you ever use his real name, Satoru, he tends to overthink, worrying he might have done something wrong or that you're upset with him.
Q: Qualities.
(His good and bad qualities?)
He's got plenty of great qualities ; responsible, supportive, funny, and attractive, making him total boyfriend material. Like everyone else, he has flaws; he can be really egocentric, always showing off his looks and skills, even though everyone already knows what he's capable of. It's just how he is, but sometimes it might make you feel a bit insecure or less important in the relationship.
R: Rules.
(Do you have any rules in your relationship?)
Rule number 1 : never underestimate him, or he'll break up with you. Rule number 2: trusting each other, is crucial, without it, your relationship could fall apart. Rule number 3: express your feelings openly, give him praise, and shower him with compliments.
S: Sad.
(How he cheers you up when you're sad?)
It can swing either way – he might make you laugh and lift your spirits, or he could say something that deeply offends you. If he's all about you, flirting, tickling, promising your favorite food, and cuddling protectively, he's sure to bring a smile. But, if he cracks just one egocentric, self-absorbed joke, you're gonna snap.
T: Teasing.
(How he teases you?)
Gojo loves to see you mad at him, he finds amusement with your annoyed expressions, that's why he pulls pranks on you so often. After arguments he places things on the higher shelves so he can tease you about your height, tall or short in all cases he looks like a giant next to you “oh can't reach that babes? lucky for you your handsome man is 6ft tall”. Would also make you blush and tease you a lot if he catches you staring at him.
U: Unique.
(Something unique or special about him?)
He's got this adorable habit of doodling, and surprisingly, he has a bunch of markers. He likes doodling on your shoes and phone case. These doodles usually reflect his mood. He's actually quite talented. His drawings often bring a smile to your face or make you laugh.
V: Vulnerability.
(Is he vulnerable in your relationship?)
Being vulnerable is tough for him; it hurts his ego and shatters the image he maintains as the strongest. When he's sad, he avoids letting his facial expressions betray him. Despite trusting you, he prefers to keep his worries to himself, even if it feels overwhelming. When he's emotional, he retreats into solitude, needing time alone with his thoughts until he calms down or figures things out.
W: Wedding.
(How would he propose?)
Even in serious moments like a marriage proposal, he keeps it playful. He might take you to the top of a building at night to enjoy city lights, and then suddenly, he drops the bomb: "I think we shouldn't be dating anymore." It gets super serious; you might even tear up, wondering what went wrong. He silently watches as you bombard him with questions, then out of the blue, he suggests, "Let's get married instead," leaving you completely stunned. With a silly smile, he adds, "Hm so what do you say? I even brought you a ring," pulling out a velvet box from his pocket. He makes up for the scare with a romantic night afterward.
X: Xtra.
(Extra headcanon)
Surprisingly, he enjoys gossiping and spills all the details, especially about those higher-ups. He uses a bunch of curse words and can spend hours talking shit about them and about how much he wants to use his curse technique on them to get rid of them. You often join him in these gossip sessions, especially when someone gets on your nerves.
Y: Yuck.
(Something he hates in general or in you?)
Gojo dislikes weakness, especially in people with potential but are afraid to try or improve themselves. With his strength, weakness irritates him. He hates it when you gives up on something you're good at just because you're anxious or lack self-confidence. He'll go out of his way to try and motivate you and knock some sense into you.
Z: Zoo.
(Does he like pets?)
Gojo is open to the idea of having a pet, like a puppy, because they're energetic and adorable. However, his busy schedule doesn't allow him the time to properly care for it—feeding, showering, and regular walks. But if you insist, he might consider it.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Little Stars and Such (Astarion x Reader)
It's here, the piercing fic, in which body-modded Tav gives Astarion hella piercings. I made a previous post with his piercing map in case you guys don't know the terms (I basically didn't until yesterday)
Tw - needles, implied sex
Recommended Song: Gregg's Woods - Alec Holowka
For the past couple of days, Astarion has been asking quite a few questions about your piercings. You had adorned your nose and face in tiny pieces of metal, all done by hand. Your little collection has grown over time, most recently with an eyebrow piercing once you settled down in Baldur's Gate once again.
"Do they hurt?"
"Like, when you pierce them? Yeah. You get used to it though. Surprised you don't have any honestly, elves are known for having the most elaborate piercings."
He stays silent for a moment, and you realize he wouldn't know that.
"Wasn't exactly a thing Cazador just let us do. Body modifications were mostly limited to demonic scars and being cut up for fun."
"Right... sorry."
"Don't be."
The conversation ended pretty abruptly, but picked up the next day while you were swapping out your nose ring.
"Do you ever get scared that your little ring will get caught on something and rip out of your nose?"
A sudden question, but a welcome one.
"I mean, sometimes, but not many people are that close to my nose. Unless you're planning on ripping out my piercing?"
You eye him suspiciously and he smirks.
"Oh, I would never."
This goes on for days, little prodding questions about all your accessories. One morning, while the two of you are lying in bed, you catch him staring at the helix on your ear.
"Astarion do you... do you want a piercing? Because I can do them. I mean I did these to myself."
"I've been thinking about it. I'm just a little nervous is all."
"Why my love?"
"I mean, I've never really had the freedom to do what I want with my body, in a lot of ways. That's one of those things I never got to explore, all the body modifications people are oh so familiar with. I suppose I could've done one with an embroidery needle if I was desperate, but that's just not something I had the liberty to think about."
You move a strand of hair out of his eyes.
"Well, you have the freedom to do whatever you want now."
"Then perhaps I'd like a couple."
"A couple? You don't wanna start with one?"
"Nonsense! One would be sad and pathetic, and we know I am a man of extravagance."
"Alright, if you insist."
You then grab a notebook sitting on the bedside table, and begin to draw out a plan for his piercings. Astarion insists that he only wants them on his ears, because he doesn't want anything to ruin his perfect face. As you're sketching, you continue to talk.
"You know this is gonna suck, right? Since your ears are so sensitive?"
"Sensitive? What makes you say that."
You blankly stare at him until he gives up.
"Okay fine, but I'm sure it can't be that bad!"
"I don't know. I mean I'm going to stab multiple holes through your ears. You barely like them being touched."
"I've been through enough pain. Nothing compares to jagged cuts in your back, I promise."
There are many moments like that, where he says something tragic that you just can't bring yourself to argue with. Without another word, he curls up against you, and the two of you discuss the options he has. Eventually, you settle on five on each side, because he INSISTED they be symmetrical.
"Tav, what kind of idiot would I look like if I had one ear with a bunch of shit on it, and one just, empty?"
"I guess you're not wrong."
He decides on two helixes, two lobe piercings, and a daith. You're a little surprised that he's going all out on this, but you don't mind. Everyone has that thing that lets them feel free, the thing they finally do to show the world 'I'm my own person.' Besides, if he didn't like them he could simply let them heal back up, forget this ever happened.
You go to grab your little makeshift piercing kit, full of fine needles you've collected over time, just in case you ever lose some.
"Now, you'll have to wear some of mine since you don't have your own earrings yet, but I'm sure you won't mind because my collection is amazing."
He sits up in bed, his shirt sleeve softly draping off his shoulder. If he could still be in the sun, you'd imagine a beam of light coming through the window right now, illuminating his face. You sit beside him, gently placing the box of needles by your feet.
"Alright, I'm gonna walk you through this as I do it, and if you want to stop at any time we can."
"Thank you my love."
The thought crosses your mind, that he'd probably not let any other soul on the planet do this kind of thing. Any time he's let someone else have control over his body, it's been riddled with sin and scars. But you? You've always been kind, soft, present. That's one thing he loves most about you, that he feels like he can be present. Not drifting off somewhere else, not closing off his mind to defend himself, not playing a chess match in his head. It's, easy. Life is easy now, and isn't that something wonderful?
"Alright, we're gonna start on the lobe. You feel the needle?"
You hold it lightly against his ear, and he shivers a little.
"Alright, don't tense, but it's gonna hurt."
You hear the air escape through his teeth as the needle goes through. A pretty clean job if you do say so yourself.
You put in a dangling gold moon, waiting to see how he feels.
"Painful, but not horrible."
"Want to go again?'
"Of course."
He says it a little suggestively, and you give him a playful push.
"Save it for later imp."
You continue with his piercings, taking small breaks in between for conversation. You've continued adorning his ears with astral-themed jewelry, little stars and such. By the time you've finished the last one, you're quite pleased with your work. Astarion almost doesn't let you put the last earring in since he's so excited to see what you've done. He had Gale teach him mirror image a while ago, so he could finally see his reflection whenever he wanted. After casting it and giving his ears a look, he smiles.
Astarion laughs at your comment, giving one of those genuine smiles you used to rarely see. You silently curse the people that took that smile from him, wondering how anyone could see this specimen and torment him. He's like a pixie, a little trickster, someone you could pick up and hold forever. You know you're probably the only one who sees him that way, the only one who would call him cute, but he is. He enjoys it, being viewed as something that isn't devious or sexual, but a bright presence. You told him once how it's ironic that he can't be in the sun, because he was probably sunnier than the sun itself. He'd never let you tell anyone else that though.
"I... I think I quite like them."
"I do too. It's fitting."
You plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Worth the pain?"
"Most things are my love. Like you."
His hand meets your face, taking you into a deep kiss. When you break away, you whisper in his ear.
"I think they make you sexier too."
A chuckle under his breath, lips meeting again, and the morning is soon wasted away in bed. What a joy, to wake up every day with him, with someone living their life anew. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Neither of you know, but it's exciting none-the-less.
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
HI!!!! First time requesting but could you write Barb x reader headcanons???
Ofccccc☺️🫶🏾✨(I was in the process of writing one and decided to finish just for you)
Barb x Reader Headcannons~~🎸🎸
🎸When you and barb started dating she was hella nervous. I mean she would mess up notes on her guitar in your presence and was just pure clumsy
🎸Barb will literally do anything you want or tell her to do
🎸 Before Barb goes ANYWHERE she has you do her makeup and loves when you put on lipstick just to kiss her all over and leave lip shaped kisses all over her face and neck
🎸Whenever she plans dates she is most likely taking you to a secluded sick place and playing a song she made for you
🎸She may look like a non caring hardcore rock troll on the outside but she’s just a mushy love sick fool on the inside
🎸If anyone were to hurt your feelings or actually hurt you she will beat their ass up. After shes finish beating that ass she is banning them from the kingdom. If you’re hurt or still sad she is going to be there right besides you trying her absolute best to console you and patch you up.
🎸She’s LOVES pda. She will have a whole make out session with you in public if she wants too.
🎸She calls you her lucky charm or her mini me. You call her your big baby or your rockstar. (It makes her flustered😏)
🎸if y’all were to get into an argument she would wait at least a hour max to apologize no matter who’s right
🎸If she sees another troll tryna shoot their shot at you her jealousy meter is hitting the roof. I mean she’s marching towards y’all and is gripping and kissing all on you trying to secure her s/o
🎸I headcannon she has ADHD so I feel like at random times she’ll blurt out nonsense and play it off as if nothing happens
🎸her love language is physical touch. She just can’t keep her hands off of you👀.
🎸If you ask her to teach you guitar…buddy she’s falling in love with you all over again
🎸Will convince you to get either an ear piercing, nose piercing, or a tongue piercing
🎸She would 100% propose to you on stage at a concert so everyone could see it
🎸She’s the big spoon… no words needed you know😮‍💨🤷🏿‍♀️
🎸If y’all decide on kids there’s no more than 3. She would also get anxious if it’s triplets but would be overfilled with joy
🎸I also feel like she has a cussing problem and just lets it out like a sailor
🎸Will introduce you to the other leaders as Queen Y/N of the rock trolls. Will pamper you and treat you as if you are the most important thing in the world
🎸Loves to watch you cook and bake because she likes the way your nose scrunches up when you are trying to stay concentrated when decorating the cupcakes
🎸If you stand up for her you will have her stunned,proud, and flustered at the same time
🎸When she blushes it’s a deep blackish purple color and sometimes you flirt on purpose just to see it
🎸I also headcannon her voice is raspy and she has crooked teeth
🎸Lovesss when you color match your clothes with hers…Will eventually get some matching accessories or like matching piercing jewelry
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leggerefiore · 6 months
That pokévillan marriage hc was soooo sweet! 😩😩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Then I laughed imagining them scrambling to find their s/o's ring size, especially if they don't wear jewelry at all. Can I request hcs of how the submas, larry and whoever you want finds out their s/o's ring size? I can only imagine the chaos and hilarity that insues as they try to be discreet 🤣
djajfjd that's me tbh. I can barely stand necklace and bracelets so they'd die trying to find my ring size
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Larry, Nanu
● Somehow, it had completely slipped his mind that he needed to find your ring size out for the piece of jewellery he planned to spend well into four digits on, until after Elesa questioned him. Her deadpan expression made he realised his grievous error. The new situation left him in shambles. How did he get your ring size without you realising it? He wanted his plans to be a surprise. Many thoughts crossed his mind on just how to get there.
● Could he try to guess? He was not too overly familiar with it. Directly asking you was not something that he would dare do. He thinks maybe of getting you a ring as a random gift to see how close it would be to your size, but ends up backing out as he worries about the confusion it might bring. Then, he remembers something from his younger days. His more rural childhood provided an ease strategy for this information.
● Suddenly, he takes you out to a route with wild flowers and ties a flower ring around your finger. He slides it on and off to confirm that it was a proper comparison, and then takes it away under the illusion of wanting to preserve it. (He does, actually, but only after ascertaining the information he needs.) Now, he can only hope you do not get suspicious of anything.
○ It crossed his mind much too late. He was already nearly in the process of buying the ring when he was asked about the ring size. Emmet felt verrry dumb forgetting such an important detail and had to awkwardly explain that he did not know before backing out of the store. He stood in a daze for a few moments. This was going to be a surprise, but he did not have a clue what your ring size was. He texted Elesa about his situation. Her reply made him feel even dumber. An obvious solution to his problem.
○ Well, that was if you had any rings for him to compare. If you did not, he would simply perish. Possible other solutions ran through his head. Would it be so out of character for him to measure your finger? Probably, but he was considered odd by many people, so it could work. Though, you were more aware of the extent of his personality than other people. He feels deeply lost about how to about it.
○ If you have rings, he goes for Elesa's suggestion to get your ring size and leaves you none the wiser. But, if you do not have any, he must unfortunately bear the circumstance of measuring the circumference of your finger. You will probably catch on to why he is doing it, but please don't make it obvious you have. He will get sad. Verrry sad. Let him have this.
🍙 It crosses his mind pretty early. He has been around his boss enough to know a bit about accessory sizing. Though, he will admit he is not sure how to get it. He ponders it quietly while stopped outside the office. His expression scares passers-by as he stands eerily still. Eventually, he does is around Rika, who lends an ear to his issue and sighs. She did not expect him to have a romantic side. Of course, if she does suggest just asking for your measurement, she feels certain he will.
🍙 Her advice to check for other rings remains in his head as he returns home. Obviously, just asking you had crossed his mind. There was no reason to make a show out of proposing, especially at his age, but he felt you would appreciate the surprise. Hassel had become involved at some point and proposed something with the use of flowers that he had heard about from a friend. Larry felt even more uncertain about how to approach it now.
🍙 At some point, he grabs your hand, catching you off-guard. His silent observation of your hand would be distressing if not for his odder ways of showing affection popping up. He considered a rough estimate in his head after he let your hand go. Hopefully, this would be accurate.
🌑 It felt a bit dumb for him to finally just be settling down, but you obviously had been subtly mentioning it to him. Deciding that he had nothing left to lose, he chose to visit Olivia. Of course, with her better knowledge about accessories, she stared at him for a moment when he did not know your ring size. It slipped his mind, despite it being completely obvious. Olivia began giving him some suggestions on how to get your ring size subtly. He nodded and stepped out of the store with a sigh.
🌑 He thought on it for a moment. Finding a ring that you had around his home might be hard, trying something cutesy like tying a flower around your finger was out of character for him. He certainly could not get away with just taking a measurement of your ring finger. Nanu shook his head as he watched a stray Meowth run through the streets of Konikoni. If he just asked you, he knew you would likely catch on, of course… But his mind went back to Olivia. Well, nothing wrong with twisting the truth a little to keep some mystique going on.
🌑 So, he called you. You answered. “Olivia wants your ring size,” Nanu half-lied, “She's making a piece of jewellery for you. I don't know it.” You gasped excitedly and quickly provided the required information. He thanked you and hung up. Walking back in the store, he told Olivia your ring size. You probably might be a little suspicious, but as long as you were not completely aware, the Kahuna supposed.
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kasdan · 7 months
Matching Costume Headcanons
Pairing: marvel characters x gn!reader
Characters: Frank Castle, Loki, Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: franks part was so fluffy and cheesy it hurt my heart and then theres matt being the biggest whore, nat is a menace
happy halloween all!❤️
𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆
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he finds the costumes in the closet when he’s looking for something
“oh god”
knows exactly what it means even when he sees you and your innocent smile standing in the doorway
doesn’t even want to go out for halloween, but now he has to because he’s not going to turn you down when you look so excited and you obviously put time into finding the costumes
complains about how the costume fits on him and how it’s too tight in places
will put on a smile on his face even if he might not feel 100% into it, but by the end of the night he’ll won’t be able to help the genuine smile on his face, even if the costumes are of the dumbest things
gets tired of certain accessories on him and tries to take them off for a while, but is forced to put them right back on when he sees the look you have on your face
doesn’t care what he’s wearing he’s just glad he’s spending time with you and wouldn’t have it any other way
will put this costume or any other costume on again if you want him to mans actually will not care as long as you’re there with him
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when you bring up the idea of matching costumes together he’s confused at this custom
“why would you want to dress as something else?”
you eventually convince him to do it and can see that he’s more excited for it than he lets on
lets you do all the planning as it was your idea after all
he pretends to be reading and fully immersed in the book when you’re putting some things together for the costumes
he’s not good at hiding his interest
when you ask him to try on the costume for the first time he’s very reluctant and makes a big deal out of it
you practically have to push him into the bathroom to change, him mumbling about how he can just use magic to put it on, but you insist that he has to put it on the correct way
will complain the entire time when out in public while wearing the costume about “dumb midgardian traditions”
will do it again next year if you ask really nicely:))
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔
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you have multiple different costumes that you change into as the night progresses
is very committed to the different costumes
one costume she carries a boombox around on her shoulder and you know that mf is so heavy to be carried around like that
has you both take a picture of every single costume you change into
goes out dancing with the costumes on and you have the time of your lives
will put out the wackiest dance moves, attempting to make them correlate to the costume she’s wearing, but ends up just jumping around
will run down the street and drag you along with her, she enjoys the freeing feeling of the wind along with the costume she’s in
hosts a halloween costume party so she can show everyone both of your costumes at once
overall she really just likes halloween
you’ll bake food and treats while in your costumes
she’s really tempted to dress up for the entire week of halloween but eventually just decides to do the day of when you mention the work that would have to go into it, even though she had enough costumes to do so
you did it really just to save yourself so you wouldn’t have to dress up for an entire week
𝑲𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒏
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she brings up the idea of matching costumes with the most excitement out of anyone
will have bruno make both the costumes— captain marvel of course but if you want to make your own she would be ecstatic and check up on the progress of it practically every minute
won’t stop talking about the costumes and how cute you guys are going to look in them
has her costume done months in advance
keeps giving you tips on different things you can do with your costume and adds the same things to her costume
the week of halloween no one can get her to shut up
she’s bouncing off the walls as halloween draws closer and the time to wear our costumes comes
her parents are constantly trying to get her to calm down but she’s kamala and she’s going to be excited when she gets to dress up as her favorite superhero
when you guys are out with your costumes she’s constantly raving on how cute they are and how you have the best costumes
already talks about next years costumes when the night is barely over
𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔
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you surprise him with the costumes when they’re finally finished and are ready for him to see
he’s caught off guard by them, not being prepared for you presenting him with matching costumes, even though he knows halloween is coming up and you were bound to do something for it
he’s always down to try new things, so instead of dismissing and ignoring the outfits, he’ll embrace them and get excited to when you both can wear them out together
even if you guys don’t go out and do something he’ll still find dressing up in the costumes and doing whatever you guys do fun
as long as the costumes aren’t incredibly cheesy and dumb
when you suggest dressing up as tom and jerry he’s completely against it after you had to explain to him what it was
ends up going out in the costume anyway because he can’t bring himself to turn you down when you seem excited, even if it’s because of him being humiliated
will look into doing it again next year, but has to have a say in the costumes from here on out and won’t be afraid to turn any ideas down; he let you have your fun this year
𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒓
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has a million costume ideas you guys can do together
from peanut butter and jelly to two of the ninja turtles this man has everything you wouldn’t have even considered in a million years covered
takes this more seriously than some major school assignments
if you turn down all the ideas he has he’ll just go and come up with more until you eventually agree to one
has multiple color palettes to choose from for the costumes to make it to your liking
takes so many pictures of you two in the costumes
you will find him enthusiastically showing off the costume to other people and motioning to you from across the room as he talks
will want to make it an annual thing from this point on after you two got so much positive feedback
he wants to go everywhere with the costumes on; into every store and restaurant just to show them off happily leading the way as you trail behind him
you have to force him to take it off and put on regular clothes at the end of the night when he’s very reluctant to take the costume off
𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒂
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you both dress as the dumbest things you could possibly find
you walk around spirit halloween to find something and she grabs everything she sees
there’s a point where you find a mask and you walk up behind her to scare her with it
she screams inside the store, almost punching you and you have to quickly shush her and pull the mask off to show her that you’re not a murderer under it
she just stares at you with an open mouth and wide eyes before she starts to laugh asking why you would do that between the laughs
you practically try on half the store, forgetting you’re there to find costumes to actually go out with
she comes out of the dressing room with tears in her eyes from how hard she’s laughing when you put on peppa pig costumes you found
you two almost get kicked out of the store when she knocks over accessories on a shelf and has to rapidly put everything back
picks out the most random accessories that don’t go with the costumes at all
you stay in the store until it closes and you have to rush to check out the costumes you eventually decide on
you both go out drinking and have a good time in the costumes that you eventually get
𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒌
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doesn’t really see the point of matching costumes since he won’t even be able to see what you look like, but caves when he can tell that you really want to
questions little tiny accessories that you have to clip on for him
you mess with him saying the costume is neon pink and his eyes visibly widen for a second before he realizes that you’re messing with him
will find himself smiling the whole night especially when people comment on the costumes
talks you up and gives you all the credit for the costumes if people ask about them
you purposely make his costume pants extra tight (for no apparent reason)
the little whore knows you did it on purpose too and will make you regret it
“accidentally” keeps dropping his glasses and bending down to pick them up
you offer to pick them up for him but he insists that he’s fine doing it himself
causes multiple instances in where he has to walk in front of you for something
he’s such a whore.
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟
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picks out all the details for the costumes
she says every accessory makes a difference, no matter how small the detail is
the costumes are so tight they might as well just be painted on
makes the costumes identical to each other, with just the color of them being slightly different
walks in like she owns the place with your rightful place next to her
won’t let you leave her side for the whole time when you’re both wearing your costumes
she says you both have to be seen together with the costumes at all times or the magic will disappear
just smiles at you when you tell her you have to go to the bathroom and she motions for you to lead the way
you just sigh knowing you won’t be able to do anything about it and if she follows you into the bathroom she follows you into the bathroom
now you’re stuck with her and every year you’re going to be in the same boat you’re in now
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
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you both spend time planning the costumes figuring out what you’re going to be and the design on how they’re going to look
you make a joke of you both going as witches and apparently the idea just stuck so now you’re designing different witch costumes you both can wear
makes the costumes as cliche as possible with the pointy hats and brooms
gives you a pointed look when you hold a broom up to her and she doesn’t grab it at first but then can’t help but let out a laugh as she grabs it
she even makes her costume have red highlights throughout it
will talk in the cliche witches voice
you’ll be getting a drink or washing your hands and she’ll come up behind you with her hands out and fingers bent
“i’ll get you my pretty”
it actually scares you because you’re not expecting it
you whip your body around, about to attack the intruder behind you when you just see wanda there and she starts laughing at your reaction
she draws the line at the cackle you ask her to do
at one point you run around on your brooms, zooming through different people
makes sure to stay home earlier in the night so she can pass out candy to trick or treaters
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all photos used were found on pinterest ❤️
buy me a coffee ♡
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miss-bridget · 7 months
Single White (Fe)male.
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The months of online flirting led to this moment…..a meet up in the city. He was a commanding and kinky individual…you, were a keen submissive. Your crossdressing days were few and far between….limited now to occasional panty wearing under your normal clothes, or sometimes digging your old heels out and trying not to fall over around the house. He was explicit though…you were to fully dress up for him. He even took your measurements and sure enough, as you entered the hotel room, everything was there. The accompanying note told you he was running some extra errands and would be at least an hour or so…..but it gave you time to get ready.
The thrilling feel of the red lacy panties were equal to the feel of the nude pantyhose as you slipped them on. The dress was predictably slutty….a shiny affair with laces up the front….even the fake tits he got you weren’t outlandishly large. The high heels were nice, a simple shiny black pair with a good height. The wig was dark brown, complimenting your own colouring, your make up was a tad trashy, as you were a little out of practice. The fake lashes were the nightmare, but you eventually got them on and you stood….a surreal feeling as you saw the reflection staring back. Your slim figure looked good in the dress and although you weren’t going to win Drag Race, you believed you were acceptable. You took your seat on the bed and practiced crossing your legs….you weren’t a kid and the hips weren’t quite as supple as they used to be, but you managed to remain ladylike.
The door opened and your date walked in. Tall, bearded and wearing an immaculate navy pinstripe suit. His shirt was a pale grey with herringbone pattern and he wore shiny leather oxfords and equally shiny leather gloves….he was clutching a small bag which he set on the bed. He smiled and kissed you on the cheek, with the gloved hand lingering on your neck. He told you that all the things you shared in your messages would be made a reality, but you needed a few final things to complete your look. He lifted your dress and nodded approvingly at the flimsy underwear…..patting the bulge you tried to control. A good girl needed to conceal their unwanted ‘extras’ and he ordered you to stand. He fished around in the bag and within moments you felt the rope being tied around your wrists. You hissed as the material bit into your flesh, but you stood still as he restrained you. His bondage appetite was no secret as he guided you into the bathroom.
You were positioned in front of the mirror, with your man standing behind you. The pantyhose was now pulled down and his hand snaked around to your cock. You tensed as his gloved hand grabbed you roughly and started to milk you….his other hand tightly over your mouth as you squirmed in his grasp. He made sure you saw everything as you, dressed like a slut was being taken in hand…panties almost around your knees along with your nylons. You grunted and moaned behind the gloved hand gag and finally you orgasmed. It felt like he was draining you dry….his touch was strong and you slumped as the last drops of cum were being extracted. He removed his hand from your mouth and you were breathing heavily. The panties were taken off and he wiped you clean with them, before putting them on the sink….clearly he had plans for them. You certainly didn’t expect the roll of black electrical tape to be produced and used to seal the warm, cum soaked underwear in your mouth….with your wrists bound you couldn’t stop him and you whined pathetically as the crushing tape was pulled tight around your mouth and head.
Satisfied at your muzzling, he got more rope and he spent plenty of time ensuring the rest of your body was secured. You sat propped up against the wall as the final accessories were produced. You could only lie weakly struggling as the gleaming cock cage was locked on and the vibrating plug went up your tight ass. The jolt of the toy started to work you deeply and you blushed under the gag as you let out a soft moan….your aching cock was pushed against its prison. Your new Master promised he would show you a good time, but the differences between being a CD and a true sissy needed to be understood. But you weren’t going anywhere in a hurry.
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
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This fucking guy.
Anyway have some of my incoherent ramblings about this man under the read more because I have a lot to say about him.
Alright, let me split this into three sections because otherwise this ramble will be even more of a mess than it already is.
I'm gonna discuss Yi Sang in the mirror, or Sang Yi, under a couple of different lights.
One, how he relates to the concept of being the opposite reflection to Yi Sang. Two, how he ties back to Yi Sang's wife from "The Wings". And three, some of my thoughts about how he might fit into the wider scope of the plot and world of Limbus Company.
Strap in lads.
Sang Yi as a "left-handed" reflection
Something that becomes increasingly clear as we're shown interactions between Yi Sang and Sang Yi, and what is directly spelled out by the latter at the end of Canto IV's dungeon, is that Sang Yi is effectively the antithesis of much that makes Yi Sang, well... Yi Sang.
Yi Sang, at the core of everything, is a very sentimental and kind man. He cares a lot about the people around him, even if he doesn't always show it outwardly, and struggles to move on from whatever losses he experiences. Though he may claim otherwise, he's also constantly thinking about everything he's going through, which is what eventually leads him to the Mirror as a form of escapism from his curel reality.
Sang Yi on the other hand... is none of that.
Most of the 'comforting' words or advice Sang Yi offers to Yi Sang can be boiled down to "Stop caring or thinking about every little thing.", a sentiment that's directly in opposition of who Yi Sang is as a person.
Sang Yi finds the idea of feeling joy or despair over the past pointless. He thinks Yi Sang shouldn't feel guilty about his technology being used to exploit others because he already knew what he was getting himself into. He doesn't understand why Yi Sang would have trouble moving on if he were to lose Sang Yi.
Whereas Yi Sang is caring and emotionally-driven, Sang Yi is... I don't want to say uncaring, since he does seem to care about Yi Sang to some degree, but at the very least he is rather distant and logically-driven.
I think the moment that exemplifies that the most is when Yi Sang tells him Gubo doesn't care about him beyond using him as an accessory to prop himself up in the limelight, to which Sang Yi responds that it doesn't matter, that Yi Sang should use this as an opportunity to be in that limelight as well.
And, actually, speaking about that. Sang Yi doesn't really seem to think things through nearly as much as Yi Sang does. Or, at the very least, he doesn't care to look deeper than the surface level.
Sang Yi sees Gubo's attempts at connecting with Yi Sang as genuinely caring about him, whereas Yi Sang is able to see through them and realize Gubo is being entirely selfish here. Sang Yi sees the new League of Nine as something worth joining, while Yi Sang notices that it is nothing but a mockery of the old League. When Sang Yi learns of the new League's plan to destroy mirror worlds, his only reaction is that of mild curiosity without even a sign of concern.
All that being said, the biggest example of this might just be the fact that Sang Yi did not even realize just how badly Yi Sang was feeling until Yi Sang straight up told him there was nothing left for him in this world outside of Sang Yi.
Though we can't know for sure what exactly Sang Yi was feeling at the time, as all that we know about him is colored by Yi Sang's own bias towards him, I think it's fair to say that was the moment where it finally hit Sang Yi just how badly he fucked up by keeping Yi Sang stuck there all to himself.
Which, now that I think about it, transitions nicely to the other angle I want to look at.
Sang Yi as Yeongsim / Yi Sang's wife
First of all, just to lay it out there in the open, as fucking hilarious out of context as it sounds to say Yi Sang was his own wife all along, it's... actually not all that far off.
Beyond the fact that the Mirror is directly named after his wife in "The Wings", there's some other obvious signs that point to it. If you were to take the letters Yi Sang was writing to Sang Yi out of context, you could absolutely mistake them for something one would write to a lover too far away to be easily reachable. Plus, the way Yi Sang's first reaction to seeing Sang Yi is to call him "beautiful" in his mind?
Yeah, there's something to that.
And, of course, there's something to be said about the similarities between Sang Yi's role in Yi Sang's life, and the role Yi Sang's wife played in "The Wings".
That being the way both of them end up isolating Yi Sang, how both of them actively withhold information from him, and how Yi Sang sees them as perfect and without a fault even as they're hurting him.
I don't feel like talking about "The Wings" in depth right now as it's almost 5 am and I want to actually finish writing this fucking post at some point, but if you want to know what I'm comparing Sang Yi to, it's a short read that's easy to find a free pdf online for.
The fact that Sang Yi was trying to keep Yi Sang inside is probably the most spelled out one out of everything I'm talking about in this post. Not only does Sang Yi directly tell Yi Sang to stay with him (mind you he doesn't even ask), but Ishmael, as an outside observer, notes how Sang Yi was trying to keep Yi Sang in the room by making him afraid of the outside.
Actually, looking at when he finally offers Yi Sang the choice to leave, it's in a... very interesting way, shall we say?
Not only does Sang Yi try to make the option of staying sound as appealing as possible by bringing up that Yi Sang will be able to continue doing what he loves (or at least what Sang Yi believes Yi Sang loves), like continue working on the Mirror and keep talking to him.
On the other hand, Sang Yi is reluctant to even bring up the option that Yi Sang can leave, and when Yi Sang shows interest (note that Yi Sang's immediate reaction isn't a "I don't want to leave", it's a "I don't think I can leave"), he continues to make the option sound as unappealing as possible, while still making it clear that it is possible.
How Yi Sang doesn't need to be able to fly to leave, but he will struggle endlessly if he does. How Yi Sang can eventually find somewhere to call his home, but he will have to walk until his feet hurt and will have to settle for wherever or whatever he ends up resting at.
I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like the kind of encouragement or advice someone who had a person's best interest in mind would make.
Now, let's make some other facts clear while we're at it.
Sang Yi knew that Yi Sang had wings as well, after all, he calls that fact 'obvious' when he finally mentions it. However, he never directly told him he does, even as Yi Sang lamented to him about how (in his eyes) he himself had no wings. He only brings it up when Yi Sang is truly at his lowest.
Sang Yi knew what the effects of supplements Yi Sang was taking were, as he can tell exactly what will happen if Yi Sang stops taking them, or takes several at once. However, he never directly told him this until he gives Yi Sang a choice, even though he was clearly aware they were not beneficial.
Sang Yi knew that Yi Sang's room was always open, as he was confident that Yi Sang would be able to just leave on his own once the effects of the supplements cleared away. However, he never tells Yi Sang that, even when Yi Sang is making it clear he doesn't think he even can leave. It's actually one of the thing Yi Sang ends up finding out by himself.
Despite all of this... Yi Sang never stops to consider that Sang Yi might not have his best interests in mind. Sang Yi is his everything. He's perfect, flawless, the ideal self. He's the only thing Yi Sang has left.
Call me cynical, but it paints the ending of the Canto in a somewhat bittersweet light to me. After all, Sang Yi never has to apologize or even admit to anything, and Yi Sang still views him as positively as he always has.
I guess at the very least it's accurate to the book. After all, Yi Sang in "The Wings" ends up holding on to that perfect image of his wife to the very end.
Sang Yi as an entity
Okay I have no clever transition here like I did last time, but this is probably the thing about Sang Yi that's been bugging me the most.
Have you guys noticed just how much Sang Yi seems to know about Yi Sangs from different worlds? Those sweeping general statements about "All versions of Yi Sang" or "All Yi Sangs" that he makes with full confidence.
When Yi Sang assumes that Sang Yi can "be anywhere he wants" thanks to his wings, just how correct is he?
With the way Sang Yi talks about other Yi Sangs, it gives the impression that he's met a lot of them in the past. In fact, if that's true, it would recolor the meaning of Sang Yi's comment about his meeting with his particular Yi Sang "peculiar".
What's so peculiar about our Yi Sang specifically, if Sang Yi has met so many of them? Is it the method, the fact that it's through the mirror? Is it that Sang Yi finally found a Yi Sang that also had wings? Is it because our Yi Sang is the first one to contact him rather than the other way around?
And while we're on that topic, isn't the way Sang Yi talks about Yi Sangs kind of odd? It's always "All Yi Sangs" or "All versions of Yi Sang", as if he's not part of those Yi Sangs himself. It's like he's putting himself in the role of an outside observer, seperate from the concept of being a 'Yi Sang'.
Just what is Sang Yi, really? He implies he's the version of our Yi Sang that's inside the mirror, the one that "needs to be opposite, yet is quite alike" to the one outside, to explain why our Yi Sang would have wings if he saw them on Sang Yi, but like... He never directly says that's the case.
In fact, when Yi Sang asks Sang Yi about what the outside is like, Sang Yi weirdly dodges the question, saying it's all "the same tiring stuff". Another example of him withholding information aside, this all makes him seem rather fucking suspicious to me.
Just. What is he really?
God I hope we get to see him again, cause I really want to know what the fuck his actual deal is.
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