#pan gajeel redfox
jasontoddssuper · 2 years
I'm sorry i keep making dc crossover posts and feel free to block me if they annoy you but for those who like what my neurodivergence makes me think up:
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These two are alike right???Like i'm not insane-
🚫Self-proclaimed 'problematic' people or whatever in///cels call themselves now dni🚫
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acacia-may · 1 year
With You, Life Is Always Sunny Side Up (Gajevy Fluff Fic)
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Description: One morning, Levy stumbles upon Gajeel and Panther Lily's (somewhat unsuccessful) attempts to surprise her.
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Genre: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Slice of Life, Kind of Silly, and Warm & Fuzzies
Relationships: Gajeel Redfox x Levy McGarden (Gajevy) Established Relationship, and some of the Gajeel, Levy, & Panther Lily Friendship/Found Family
Characters: Levy McGarden (POV Character), Gajeel Redfox, and Panther Lily
Rating: G
Warnings: Nothing but fluff here. It might give you cavities.
Word Count: 1017
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site.
Note: Wishing the happiest of birthdays to @delirious-donna! I learned today was your birthday only recently so I didn't have a lot of time to prepare this, but I know we talked about how much we both love this ship in the past and you encouraged me that I could write about them, so I put this together for you. There's really not a lot to it, but it might just give you cavities!😁 I hope that you'll enjoy this story and that you have an absolutely wonderful birthday, dear!!
Story Below the Cut! Thank you so much for reading! ☀️
Sunlight streamed through the windows as Levy yawned and groggily rubbed her eyes. She stretched—rolling onto her side expecting to nestle into the chest of a certain Iron Dragon Slayer and catch up on a few extra minutes of sleep, but the side of the bed generally occupied by Gajeel was empty. With another yawn, Levy sat up and glanced around the room with a furrowed brow and narrowed eyes. There was no sign of him anywhere.
Perplexed, Levy wrapped her robe around her and headed out into the house to look for him. As she made her way down the stairs, she could hear the clanging of metal pots and pans in the kitchen. What in the world?
“Hey, Lily?” asked Gajeel’s voice, clearly trying his best to be quiet. “Does this look okay to you?”
There was a pause before Panther Lily’s voice replied. “That depends—what is it supposed to be exactly?”
Gajeel huffed. “Eggs.”
Another pause. “Then, no. It’s definitely not supposed to look like that.” Panther Lily sighed, followed by the sound of scraping and Gajeel swearing under his breath.
Levy didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, but her curiosity was definitely getting the best of her so she stopped at the bottom of the stairs and listened as Panther Lily continued. “You know, it’s still early—maybe you can run over to that little café down the street and pick up some breakfast.”
“I wanted to cook it myself,” Gajeel’s voice insisted. “It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“Right now, your surprise is rubbery eggs and food poisoning,” Panther Lily quipped. “If she saw this, she’d probably thank you for ordering out.”
Levy covered her mouth before she accidentally made a sound. Her mouth curved into a smile. So they were trying to surprise her?
“Why is cooking so damn hard?” huffed Gajeel. “It’s just eggs.”
“Well for starters you don’t need an actual inferno to cook them. If you keep trying to fry them on such high heat, they’re going to turn to rubber. And please…” Panther Lily paused, and Levy could almost hear him rolling his eyes before he continued dryly, “Like I said earlier, put some butter on the pan so they don’t stick to it.”
“And like I said earlier, I’m not taking cooking advice from a cat,” bantered Gajeel.  
“I’m an Exceed, and you need all the advice you can get.”
Levy laughed in spite of herself, and though she quickly scrambled to cover her mouth, Gajeel and Panther Lily had both clearly heard her as they peeked their heads out of the kitchen. When she saw them, she laughed even harder. They were both covered in a goopy mess of flour, egg, and goodness only knows what else.
Gajeel’s eyes widened, but he did his best to frown at her. “You’re giggly this morning.”  
“And you’re a mess,” teased Levy as she ran her hand through his floury hair. “What in the world happened to you?”
“I was making breakfast—not a big deal,” he grunted with a tilt of his head.
As Levy caught sight of their kitchen over his shoulder, however, she quirked an eyebrow at him. “I think our disaster zone of a kitchen might beg to differ.”
Gajeel shrugged his shoulders slightly but insisted, “I was gonna clean it up after the food was ready.”
“So…never…?” she teased with a tilt of her head. Gajeel’s mouth twitched, seemingly in spite of himself, but he huffed.
“Okay so I’m not the best at all this…cooking stuff.”
Levy sighed with a sympathetic smile. “What I don’t understand is why you wanted to cook anyway? I would’ve made breakfast for us as soon as I got up.”
“I know, but I was up already and…I dunno,” he mumbled with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders. “I wanted to do somethin’ nice for you.”
Levy’s mouth curved into a bright smile. Gajeel was always doing nice things for her from helping out with the yardwork and landscaping to working on repairs around the house to even surprising her by picking up new books for her because the covers looked interesting. Most recently, he and Panther Lily had taken on the big project of building bookcases for her next to the living room fireplace. Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, that construction zone was currently less of a mess than their kitchen. Levy chuckled at the thought before her expression softened, and she pressed her hand to Gajeel’s cheek.
“You do plenty of nice things for me, Gajeel. Most of which don’t destroy our kitchen or have the potential to give us salmonella.” She chuckled as he watched a smile tug at his mouth seemingly in spite of himself. “But if you really want to make breakfast, we can cook it together. I could always use an extra hand around the kitchen.”
“Because you can’t reach most of the cabinets otherwise,” he teased with a lopsided grin, and as he patted her on the top of the head, Levy frowned and crossed her arms at him with a somewhat playful huff. “Don’t worry. I’ll hold you up so you can reach.”
Levy rolled her eyes and quipped, “Ha. Ha. Very funny, you big tree.”
Gajeel laughed, and Levy supposed she deserved that. ‘Big tree’ was definitely not her best work in the bantering department, especially since she often prided herself on having a way with words even when she was just kidding around. “You’re a little off your game this early in the morning, Levy,” he teased.   
Levy twisted her mouth to one side but found she couldn’t hold back her smile as Gajeel leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to her forehead.
As he pulled away from her, he met her eyes with a bright, bantering grin and a dry nod. “It’s okay. I still love you.”
Levy beamed at him as she reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his grubby apron. “I love you too,” she said before pulling him in for a messy, floury kiss.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Fairy Tail Ships
Some Rando came at me on my main for a ship I hadn’t even said a single word about on a post about a character not involved in said ship so now I’m just gonna write down all my Fairy Tail ships unprompted out of pure spite
Multi and Probably Problematic shipping a-hoy under the read more be wary!
Okay so as every other of this kind of post will plainly spell out I always have One Guy who is just the Ship bicycle. This character could kiss literally anyone and I would be more than happy. Typically they in fact do.
For Fairy Tail, it’s Gajeel Redfox
You would not believe your eyes if my first fucking Gajeel ship was Gajeel/Gajeel. I love Edolas Gajeel and up until that point Earthland Gajeel interacts with pretty much no one positively. I fully believe he hard made out with himself. First kiss. First time? The full shebang. Canon as far as I think.
Following that IMMEDIATELY is Gajeel/Lily. My god. My God let’s just give Gajeel a beefy cat man to homoerotically throw around. “That’s My Cat” I love him he’s so fucking stupid he makes out with Lily on the regular.
Gajeel/Levy is probably the best developed canon ship in Fairy Tail and that’s really not saying much but I think they’re cute. The only caviot is Levi pegs him. I’m sorry, Gajeel cannot be a top.
I think Gajeel/Natsu is funny as hell they’re so violent. Gajeel thinks Natsu’s the dumbest man he’s ever met. They don’t kiss they bite.
Gajeel/Laxus is just as funny but just because they both think they’re the smart one in the relationship.
After that all I might loose a bit of steam but Romance in this show is rarely interesting but here’s some of my takes anyway;
Laxus/Freed is always a free sail Freed pining from the beginning Laxus having no idea what his own feelings are until some time mid season 7. Laxus taking everything casually and Freed over thinking every little piece of affection he gets. They’re an uncommunicative mess and I love them.
I like Juvia/Grey not because I think it’s a well balanced and fleshed out canon romance, but because I love Juvia and want her to be happy and think Annoyingly Horny Stalker and Too Tired For This Shit is the funniest trope. Also Transfem Lesbian Grey, Demiromantic Bi/Pan Juvia
Speaking of Stalker/Obsession ships, Lucy/Flare??? My god I had not-antagonist Flare for 3 episodes and I will never let her go. Red headed Lesbian raised by a Village of Giant Men. Get yourself a blondie GF you deserve it.
Another Stalker/Obsession because I’m just gonna keep on goin; Erza/Sho???? Hello??? That was one baby me was entranced by. Love when the stalker is also the bottom. I love Sho I think he’s so cute, I think his obsession with Erza is so cute, I think his Sister Complex is so cute.
More Erza tops a little sibling!! Erza/Kagura!! What is it about Erza that gives everyone who meets her an Incest Kink?? I love her. I love Kagura she’s SO pathetic after her angst over Jallal is swept under the rug for no reason (no I’m not salty about that)
SPEAKING of Kagura; Kagura/Millianna is very cute I am on board. The Lesbian Kagura content for those without the taste for Sister Complex.
Elfman/Evergreen is so funny to me because this is a Bisexual man with a huge preference for Men who really REALLY wanted to fall in love with a Man and be Married Manly Men who grow into Old Men together but no. He just HAD to catch feelings for The Prettiest Girl in his guild. He’s so mad about it. Whole ass that “But I am in love with a MAN. RIGHT NOW.” meme but gender swapped.
Gildarts/Cana is so freaken good that YuGiOh Episode with Scorpio during the Eclipse Spirit Arc where he says he wants her to call him Daddy and she says she Would if he’s Been Around More you two I am going to scream don’t talk like that we’re trying to d-d-d-d-dddddDUEL
Also Eclipse Scorpio’s crush on Cana is cute as hell I love him he just wanted to play YuGiOh with a Hot Girl and she deserves a little boyfriend like him I’m all for them
Seven steps back tho the BEST Lucy ship, hands down, is Lucy/Taurus and I am SO INCREDIBLY SAD I’m alone on this! T4T Lucy/Taurus is my EVERYTHING!! Give him a SMOOOOOOOOOCH!!
Panther Lily/Samuel is so good to me another little freak with an unwarranted Incest Kink I love Samuel so much he’s so weird I want him to come back so badly please bring the little weirdo back so he can call Lily Big Brother some more for no god damn reason
Panther Lily and Edolas Coco is Very Cute and if it wasn’t for Gajeel being so unabashedly into Panther Lily that whole arc I would have appreciated it more.
Speaking of Exceed X People ships, Sting/Lector are like!!! Super good!!! Exceptionally solid I love them both so much!!
Rouge and Frosch as well but I feel like they’re super out of balance. Rouge is infantalizing Frosch and/or Frosch is not an adult in the world of Exceeds
Five steps back again because none of my thoughts are ever organized Second Best Lucy Ship is Lucy/Loke I just love a lot of Lucy/Celestial Spirit ships but this one This One is so cute I love how extra romantic he gets after going back to being Leo one of few ships I could actually see tying the knot and getting married.
Fuck it I’m just gonna keep talking about Lucy’s celestial spirits; I think Aquarius was Lucy’s first love and also her second mommy I don’t think they ever dated but to Lucy the love she felt for Aquarius was both Familial and Romantic when she was little. She claims Aquarius as her first kiss, despite it being a motherly peck when she was like 6.
Lucy/Virgo is super funny and I am positive it has Doujins out there made by men for men that I Do Not Want To See. I am putting the Asexual label on Virgo and shipping it from there.
Aquarius/Layla Lesbian Lovers in the Historical way. Layla had her Good Friend Aquarius come stay with her while her husband was away on business. They were Very Good Friends.
More spirit stuff Grey/Eclipse Cancer is so fucking funny Cancer literally opened Grey’s heart, they Yuri On Iced around with a Rainbow Gradient following them. Grey is repressing this so hard.
SPEAKING of Grey repressing he is Gay; Grey/Sugarboy??? Am I obsessed with the Catholic Arc of Fairy Tail? Yes. Yes I am. But Edolas Sugar Boy as well. Grey has such a Thing for your average stereotypical Gay Man and he is doing everything in his power to ignore it. I think he wants to be one of them.
Ultear/Meredy is SO FREAKEN CUTE. Mother/Daughter *chefs kiss*. They would both die for the other to live and they attempt it multiple times. Am I made Ultear eventually succeeded? Yes. Extremely. Get back here dammit you’ve already asked and the answer was No.
Lucy/Michelle more Stalker/Obsession more Sister Complex with a little dash of objectophilia post Catholic Arc. I love how the Fairy Tail anime just dropped Every inanimate object has thought, emotion, will, goals, and feelings but is unable to act upon them or even knows they have such feelings without forbidden magics and just Expected me to be Okay with that. I am not. I never will be. Michelle wants to fight Aquarius for taking Lucy’s first kiss right in front of her.
Wendy/Sherria are exceptionally cute. I don’t have much to say I just think they’re cute and wholesome and should be girlfriends.
But ALSO I think Mest/Doranbolt’s crush on Wendy is very cute I bet he beats himself up over liking a little girl. He’s her first kiss, she initiated it.
ALSO ALSO Doranbolt/Lahar is canon and I’m SO MAD THEY KILLED LAHAR LIKE FOREVER MAD. My Buddy Cop to Lovers...
Macao and Wakaba are a “Didn’t realize I was Gay and In love with my best friend until AFTER I was married to a woman” pair and I love them. They keep their relationship a secret. Make out in the guild’s storage room. Mira’s caught them once or twice and promises to keep their secret, so long as she never catches them with their pants down that close to the cheese again.
Levi/Lucy are a cute Best Friends to Girlfriends kind of ship. No one would notice if they started dating because they’d act the exact same as before 
But also Cana/Lucy?? Same energy in that no one would really know they’re dating until Cana gets stupid clingy/protective when other people hit on Lucy.
Mavis/Zera is under appreciated I know Zera isn’t real and is just a projection of Mavis’ loneliness and isolation but also she’s Mavis’ gay thoughts a WLW side. Her self love and care in personhood. They kiss.
Canon evil lesbian queens Kyoka/Seilah is a lot more than I expected out of this program and I am so here for it!! Go girls go!!!
Dimaria/Brandish as well, evil lesbians having a bad spat and taking it out on the entirety of Fairy Tail is very funny to me. They are toxic and horrid and I hope Brandish gets away from her.
Kamika/Cosmos, while not evil, are just as canon lesbians and I love that for them. Also Lolicon Cosmos.
There at the start of the War Arc when Toby and Millianna were walking into war together and he’s looking at her with a flush on his face little guy got puppy love and I!!!! Am all about it!!! She’s a lesbian for sure but she’ll make an exception for him. I don’t think he knows what a gender is anyway
I think that fact that Ichiya and Nichiya most certainly Fuck is not discussed enough in this fandom this man fucks his own Fursona I need more people to speak of this.
Okay now my take on the Big Ships and Canon Shit because I actually didn’t talk about them above I focused on what I’d actually like to see.
Natsu/Lucy is. Fine. I saw someone say a headcanon that Natsu thought they were dating the whole time and I love that. ADHD Natsu who decided he liked Lucy and was going to ask her out but Forgot and then Forgot he Forgot and proceeded to think they were an official couple for 9 more season.
Natsu/Lisanna is also pretty okay. I love baby love, I love them as kids playing house playing marriage awkward dancing and kisses on the cheek and holding hands. They were eachother’s first love and that means so much to me there’s very little that could ever make you forget your first love. (Side note I think at this age Elfman had a crush on Natsu but didn’t say anything sense Lisanna also liked him)
Erza/Jellal bothers me. Maybe I just don’t like Jellal as a character enough yet but not only is he Not In The Guild like every other main series ship, he also is on some pretty thin ice on being an Antagonist or not. But, like above, he was Erza’s First Love and that really is kind of a Big Deal, being actually In Love for the first time. I think they could heal, and I’d love to see that actually play out. If anyone has any fics where this is a Real Issue that they talk about and face I would actually love to read them.
Mavis/Zeref is also pretty. Okay. I don’t like it, I think it’s pretty forced, I think the fact that they had a child when Mavis died after their first kiss is a fucked concept everyone’s avoiding despite it being the most interesting part of the ship. He’s her pathetic little meow meow, she’s his last shred of sanity decaying in his arms as he desperately plants kisses over her small prepubescent body. It’s VERY Dead Dove and everyone is avoiding it.
Happy/Carla... is this one people actually ship or just something in the background? Honestly Happy feels so much Younger than Carla most of the time despite them probably being the same age. He just acts like a little fool. I don’t like it. I think Carla deserves better. And is also a Lesbian.
Now for the end of my list a collection of characters I don’t have ships for but would Really Like To because I Love Them as characters and just want them to smooch somebody (would also love X reader fics with them)
Warren Rocko
Reedus Jonah
Tono Rabbits
Jura Neekis
Yuka Suzuki
Dan Straight (The fucking guy of all time)
Toma Fiore
Jacob Lessio
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ao3feed-nalu · 1 year
E.N.D Pan
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3qrPa2U
by moeruhoshi
Lucy's favorite book growing up was a story about the boy who could fly, a dragon who crossed between universes to save sad children from their unhappy homes and bring them to the magical kingdom of Fiore. Her first love was a boy of fiction, who one late evening found himself waking her up.
Words: 8122, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy (Fairy Tail), Wendy Marvell, Charle | Carla, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Erza Scarlet, Cana Alberona, Cubellios | Kinana, Laki Olietta, Gildarts Clive, Laxus Dreyar, Raijinshuu (Fairy Tail), Freed Justine, Evergreen (Fairy Tail), Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Strauss, Elfman Strauss, Makarov Dreyar, Bisca Mulan, Alzack Connell, Asuka Connell, Irene Belserion, Ajeel Ramal, Spriggan 12
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox, Bickslow/Lisanna Strauss
Additional Tags: Peter Pan References, First Kiss, Dimension Travel, mysterious magic, First Love, Pirates, Action & Romance, Dragons, Romance, Adventure & Romance, Teen Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3qrPa2U
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FT Next Gen Kiddos Part 12
Gajevia Kiddos
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Galena Redfox
Galena (Gale) is the eldest child of Gajeel, Juvia, and Levy, and was born on April 2 (♈️). She is the biological child of Gajeel and Levy. Selfless, enthusiastic, and charismatic, Gale is a happy and friendly member of the next generation of Fairy Tail. He’s also extremely intelligent, but makes his sisters and mother’s skin crawl because of his magic. Gale practices their own type of dragonslayer magic, Ink Dragonslayer magic, and often eats the pages of a book once they’ve finished reading it. (Pan, any pronouns)
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Sedna Redfox
Sedna is the middle kid of Gajeel, Juvia, and Levy, and was born on August 24 (♍️). They are the biological daughter of Juvia and Levy. She’s optimistic but practical, she’s the heart of the siblings. They’re very open about her emotions but also timid. She uses Solid Script magic. (Bi, They/She)
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Reva Redfox
Reva is the youngest of three kids of Gajeel, Juvia, and Levy, and was born on March 17(♓️). She is the biological daughter of Gajeel and Juvia. Like her father, Reva loves living up to being a water dragonslayer, and likes to make herself seem more scary than she really is. In reality, she’s calm, charming, and well-mannered. (Cishet, she/her)
I love making these, any other ideas?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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wizardandorlizard · 3 years
Can y'all give me slow burn stories that have these characters:
-Tokoyami Fumikage - BNHA
-Neito Monoma - BNHA
-Death The Kid - Soul Eater
-Gajeel Redfox - Fairy Tail
-Lord Sesshomaru - Inuyasha
-Sanemi Shinazugawa - Demon Slayer
-Midari Ikishima - Kakegurui
-Akira Fudo - Devilman Crybaby
-Wing/Wei Beifong - LOK (impossible)
-Bolin - LOK
-Mako - LOK
Pleas no angst, or anything with lots of it.
If you do give me some, thank you! <3
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Fairy Tail LGBTQ+ Headcanons
Quick backstory, Fairy Tail was my first anime (aside from Pokémon), and I started it around the time I was questioning my sexuality. I began to rewatch episodes and I realized “damn this characters are definitely not straight”, so here is my list of sexual/romantic orientation head canons. This has been brewing in my head for over a year now.  
(and remember, Trans* Rights)
Bickslow --> Raging Pansexual Bisca Connell —> Bisexual [Wife Energy] Cana Alberona —> Also Raging Pan Erik/Cobra —> Bisexual Freed Justine —> Gay Gajeel Redfox —> Asexual Jet —> Bisexual Juvia Lockser —> Bisexual Kagura Mikazuchi —> Raging Lesbian Laxus Dreyar —> Bisexual Levy McGarden —> Panro Asexual Lisanna Strauss —> Bisexual Lucy Heartfilia —> Bisexual Lyon Vastia —> Bisexual  Millianna —> Lesbian Mirajane Strauss —> Bisexual Natsu Dragneel —> Pansexual Romeo Conbolt —> Panromantic Asexual Rogue Cheney —> Gay Sting Eucliffe —> Bisexual Wendy Marvell —> Asexual Yukino Agria —> Biromantic Asexual
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 🏳️‍🌈 Gajeel Redfox
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It's him.....the pan-man lmao
send me 🏳️‍🌈 and a character for my lgbt headcanon and a doodle
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mogai-headcanons · 4 years
Levy McGarden from Fairy Tail is a bisexual autistic trans woman who has PTSD, OCD, and anxiety. She is dating Gajeel Redfox, a biromantic asexual nonbinary man who uses fe/ferr and dra/drake pronouns! She's on a team with Jet, a pan magiboy who has ADHD, and his partner Droy, an agender dryagender person who uses they/them, he/him, and any plant pronouns!
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ft-wwtdp · 5 years
Who Personifies It Best - Panromantic
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fanart by @pan-princess-levy
Day 29 - Panromantic - Gajeel Redfox and Natsu Dragneel
This was our only tie, but since Natsu has been featured several times we decided to go with Gajeel for the art!
These edits are based on the results from a poll our members took last month. We are not advocating that these characters are that identity, this was just something that was done for fun. Feel free to tell us who you would have chosen instead in the notes.
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
When a magical mishap transforms Natsu, Sting and Rogue, Gray finds himself responsible for a horde of dragons.
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Chapter Summary: Gray takes the dragons back to his house and attempts to make supper.
Chapters (3/?): 1 | 2 | 3 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rogue Cheney/Natsu Dragneel/Sting Eucliffe/Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel/Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney/Natsu Dragneel, Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney/Gray Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe/Gray Fullbuster, Laxus Dreyar/Freed Justine, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Freed Justine, Laxus Dreyar, Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet, Makarov Dreyar, Porlyusica (Fairy Tail) Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers, Magical Accidents, Spells & Enchantments, Transformation, Dragons, Fluff and Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, kind of, baby dragons are basically kittens, I make the rules here, Fluff and Humor, Cute, like super fucking cute, it’s just dumb and fluffy okay, Tumblr: FTLGBTales
When they got back to Gray’s house, all three of the dragons hopped down from where they’d been clinging to him and immediately scattered.  
“Don’t chew on anything!” Gray shouted as he kicked off his shoes, following Sting, who had headed for the bedroom. Sting immediately tried to clamber up the side of the bed, looking over at Gray for help when he couldn’t quite make it.  
“C’mere, you,” Gray said, scooping up Sting and closing the door behind him as he left the room. “I’m keeping you all where I can see you.”  
He chased Rogue out of the bathroom where he had been attempting to climb into the tub, then made sure all the doors in the house were closed before making his way into the kitchen. Natsu was sniffing curiously at the pantry and Gray rolled his eyes, nudging Natsu out of the way with his foot. “Out,” he said, ignoring Natsu’s disgruntled sounds of protest. “Don’t give me that look, I’m gonna make you supper.”  
Gray was halfway through getting dinner ready when he heard the sounds of ripping fabric. He leaned back and looked around the corner to see Natsu on his back with his claws in the couch, kicking at it with his hind feet. “Natsu, knock it off!” Gray shouted, grabbing a balled-up sock from the laundry basket on the kitchen table and tossing it in the tiny red dragon’s direction. It hit Natsu in the head and he yelped at it in surprise, but it had the desired effect of stopping him from scratching at the couch. He rolled onto his back and trapped the sock in all four paws, chewing on it and kicking it as he growled. Satisfied that Natsu was suitably distracted, Gray turned back to the kitchen.  
Sting had clambered up one of the chairs and was sitting on the counter, staring curiously at the food Gray was cutting up. He stuck a paw out to grab some and Gray batted him away. “Get out of here,” he grumbled, picking Sting up by the scruff and setting him back on the floor despite his high-pitched protests. “You’re cute, but I’m not done cooking. Go play with Natsu.”  
Continue reading on AO3
Sting sat down stubbornly on his haunches and looked up at Gray with wide, sad eyes, then pawed at his foot. “Stop that,” Gray said, but Sting made a soft, mewing noise and Gray sighed. He grabbed one of the pieces of raw chicken from the counter and gave it to Sting, who grabbed it eagerly with his teeth and shook it vigorously before gulping it down. “Now, shoo,” Gray said.  
Sting sniffed Gray’s fingers, then licked them and headbutted his hand. Gray laughed, scratching under Sting’s chin. “You can eat in a bit,” he said, standing up and giving Sting a gentle nudge with his foot. Sting gave him one last pathetic look, then scrambled off into the living room to knock the sock out of Natsu’s paws.  
Gray shook his head, turning back to the counter and coming face to face with a startled, guilty-looking Rogue. He was sitting on his hind legs in the spot Sting had occupied on the counter, a piece of raw chicken in his teeth, and he eyed Gray warily without moving.  
“You, too?” Gray asked, eyebrow raised. He tried to grab Rogue, who ducked away from his hand and leaped down from the counter, landing on all four feet and scurrying off into the living room. “I expected better from you!” Gray called after him, then sighed and turned back to the sink to wash his hands.  
He was almost done putting everything into the pan on the stove when there was a crash in the living room, followed by a squeak and a loud whine.
“Natsu!” he growled, flicking off the burner and heading into the living room. Rogue was sitting on the living room table, looking as innocent as possible as he groomed one of his wings. The lamp next to the couch was lying on the floor, and Natsu was pinned underneath it, whining pitifully and gnawing at the cord.  
“You little shit,” Gray muttered, reaching down and grabbing Natsu by the scruff of the neck before lifting the lamp off him. “You’re gonna electrocute yourself, and Laxus would never let you live that down.” Natsu squeaked, but when Gray held him up at eye-level to inspect for any injuries, he didn’t try to bite.  
“Are you sorry?” Gray asked. Natsu cocked his head to the side, then rubbed it up against Gray’s thumb. “Don’t you dare,” Gray said, trying to keep himself from laughing. “You’re a menace.”  
Satisfied that Natsu was uninjured, Gray held him against his chest, then turned back to the kitchen. He caught a flash of white, and then there was a loud clang as the pan from the stove tumbled to the floor.  
“Sting!” Gray shouted, storming around the corner just as Sting’s tail disappeared under the kitchen table. The pan lay upside-down on the floor, and Gray didn’t have to look under it to know that it was empty. “I swear to God…” He glared down at Natsu, who was kneading his claws into Gray’s sweater. “You planned this, didn’t you?” Natsu looked up at Gray and blinked. “Don’t try to play innocent.”
Keeping a firm grip on Natsu, Gray crouched down to look under the table. Sting’s fluffy tail was peeking out from behind one of the legs and Gray reached out, quickly grabbing Sting before he could run away.  
“You two are going in time out,” Gray said, tucking both dragons under one arm. He grabbed the laundry basket and dumped its contents on the table, then headed back into the living room. Rogue, who was still grooming himself on the coffee table, watched with mild disinterest as Gray sat both Sting and Natsu down, then turned the laundry basket upside down and quickly dropped it on top of them.  
“Now stay there,” he said firmly as he set down a stack of books on the hamper. They both whined at him, immediately starting to chew on the plastic, but it seemed like their teeth were too small to do any serious damage. “Just let me cook dinner in peace and I’ll let you out when I’m done.”  
Rogue gave them both a haughty look from his perch on the coffee table and Gray looked at him suspiciously. “If I didn’t think all three of you could tip this thing over,” he said, scooping up Rogue, “you’d be in there, too.” Rogue made a sound that was somehow indignant, and Gray rolled his eyes, bringing Rogue with him into the kitchen. “You’re staying where I can see you.”  
As it turned out, all three of the dragons preferred raw meat to the meal Gray had cooked. Gray rolled his eyes as Natsu sniffed a piece of eggplant and made a face, batting it away before turning to Sting and attempting to swipe a piece of chicken from his paws.  
Sting growled, and when Natsu tried it again, Sting hissed at him, scrambling backward as the fur around his neck puffed out. Natsu’s ears flicked back against his head and he looked down at the floor as Sting hopped up onto the coffee table, gulping down the chicken and then searching for more.  
“Well it’s not like I know what dragons are supposed to eat,” Gray said as he scooped up the dejected Natsu. “I guess raw meat makes sense.” Natsu made a plaintive sound, immediately perking up when Gray headed back into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He tightened his grip on Natsu, who attempted to scramble out of his arms and into the fridge, then grabbed another raw chicken breast and set it on the counter.  
“This is all the meat I have,” he said, setting Natsu down next to the cutting board and grabbing a sharp knife. “We’ll have to go to the store tomorrow.” Natsu cocked his head and stared at Gray with wide eyes, and Gray laughed as he diced up the chicken into bite-sized pieces.  
When all the meat was gone, the three dragons seemed satisfied, all retreating to the corner of the couch where they curled up against each other. Rogue put a paw on Sting’s neck, pushing him into the cushion as he began to lick Sting’s fur.  
“Can you all stay out of trouble for two minutes?” Gray asked. None of them looked up at him and he snuck back into the kitchen to clean up the mess.  
When Gray was satisfied that he had dragon-proofed the kitchen, he grabbed the bowl of popcorn he’d made and headed back to the living room. The three of them were still curled up on the couch – Natsu was now sitting on Sting’s back and licking the fur around his neck while Rogue nibbled at his wing. Sting stretched his front legs out, kneading the air as he yawned.  
“You guys are cute when you’re not destroying my house,” Gray said, settling onto the couch next to them and grabbing the remote for the lacrima. Sting attempted to wriggle out from under Natsu in favor of sitting on Gray’s lap, but Natsu put his paw on the back of Sting’s head to hold him in place.
“Be nice,” Gray admonished, nudging Natsu off Sting. Natsu grumbled at Gray, gently nipping the end of his finger, then turned and pounced on Rogue, pinning him to the couch and beginning to groom him instead. Sting clambered up into Gray’s lap, sniffing curiously at the popcorn bowl before Gray shifted it away from him.  
“You’re clearly a carnivore,” Gray said as he turned on the lacrima screen. “You don’t need popcorn.” Sting huffed, then turned in several circles, kneading Gray’s legs and finally curling up into a tiny ball with his tail over his nose.  
Twenty minutes into the show he was watching, Gray felt a tug on the edge of the bowl, and he looked down to see Natsu reaching for a piece of popcorn. Gray shook his head, pushing Natsu away. “You’re the one who insisted on eating meat and only meat for dinner,” Gray said, raising an eyebrow at the disappointed look on Natsu’s face. “If you’re not going to eat eggplant, I’m not giving you popcorn.”  
Natsu nudged Gray’s hand, pawing at the bowl again, but Gray lifted it out of his reach. “You ate nearly an entire chicken already,” he insisted when Natsu whined at him. “How could you possibly still be hungry?”  
Natsu scrambled up onto Gray’s lap, nearly dislodging Sting in the process. He leaned heavily on Gray, rubbing his head against Gray’s chest as he made a soft, pleading noise. “Stop that,” Gray said half-heartedly as Natsu pushed himself further up on his hind legs and headbutted Gray’s chin.  
The bowl wobbled and Gray looked over to see Rogue attempting to get into it as well. “Get out of here,” he admonished, lifting the bowl higher so none of the baby dragons could reach it. They all stared up at him, eyes wide as their tails flicked back and forth. Gray sighed in defeat, bringing the bowl back down.  
“Fine,” he said, grabbing a piece of popcorn and holding it out to Rogue. “Gently,” he cautioned as Rogue took it carefully between his teeth and backed up quickly as if Gray were going to change his mind. The other two gulped down their pieces eagerly, then nudged Gray again for more.  
By the time the bowl of popcorn was done, all three dragons were yawning and rubbing their faces. Rogue hopped up on the back of the couch and curled up in a ball, tail hanging down over Gray’s shoulder. Sting and Natsu turned in several circles on Gray’s lap, kneading the blanket on his lap until they both cuddled up together.
“Well,” Gray said to himself, scratching behind Natsu’s ears, “I guess I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.”
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izukillme-moved · 5 years
do you have headcanons for trans gray or trans jellal or trans gajeel? 😊
I'm so glad you asked!! Trans Gray is a beautiful thing, as is Trans Jellal, but I have a soft spot for Gajeel as a trans boy xD assuming that's what you meant? Them as trans boys, right??
Okay!! So Gray -
Born Grace Fullbuster
Always knew she wasn't a she
Preferred to wear boy clothes
Silver was ecstatic because Grace acted like the son he'd always wanted
Ur helped Grace with gender, telling him that it was okay to be a boy, and helped him change to Gray
It was close enough to his deadname so he remembered his parents, but also clearly a boy's name
When Gray started growing breasts at thirteen, he freaked out
He didn't come to the guild for weeks
Freed, being non binary, went over to his house and talked to him about it
Gray decided to get top surgery on Freed's advice because the breasts made him want to throw up
He also got genital reassignment surgery
He's very proud of his scars and flaunts them to this date
Natsu is a very supportive boyfriend and always remembers to pack Gray's testosterone gel on a mission
Fairy Tail was overall very accepting; the were a few traditionalists, but they came around
Gray and Gajeel become trans bffs and help each other with testosterone gels and the like
And now Jellal!!
Born Jackie Fernandes
Never felt too comfortable in her body, though she didn't outright hate it
She was an early bloomer (9) and broke down when she got her period
Her parents were homophobic and forced her into being female, but at this point she hated her body
She willingly went as a slave to the tower of heaven so she could be a boy
There he changed his name to Jellal and bound his breasts
He also managed his period by using the pads that Erza would sneak him from her daily theft runs
When he lost his memory and was thrown in jail, Lahar was kind enough to offer him testosterone injections
Jellal, though hating being chained up, appreciated the gesture
When he got free, Gray and he had a long chat about being trans
The Crime Sorciere also helped a lot, Macbeth revealing that he was non binary helped Jellal come out to his team
Porylusica performed his top surgery as thanks to Mystogan
And now my baby, Gajeel! I actually have written a Cobra x Gajeel one shot with pan Erik and trans Gajeel shameless self-promotion xD. The link to it is here
It's mostly Cobra POV, but Gajeel being trans is a big part of Erik's crush haha
Onto the headcanons!!
Born Galena Redfox
Hated wearing dresses and looking pretty - always wanted to play with the boys
Preferred being thought of as a boy
Metalicana taking her in after her parents' death let her start over and become a 'him'
He changed his name to Gajeel
He was a late bloomer and thought his period was a terminal illness
Juvia helped him a lot with his transition and took him to a surgeon who botched his surgery when he was fifteen
It was a very traumatizing experience and for two years he didn't let Juvia even broach the subject of surgery
Gajeel finally got over his fear when he joined Fairy Tail and met Gray, who convinced him it would be okay
The two started dating a brief while later, Jellal and Natsu joining in on the relationship soon after
And now for some ot4 hcs!!
Natsu once obliviously joked about being the only 'normal guy'
Jellal and Gajeel were really hurt and the four nearly broke up
Gray ripped Natsu a new one and it got better after that
They always comfort Gajeel, the most insecure, by cuddling him to near-death
Gajeel loves it though
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iamapoopmuffin · 7 years
So I tend to nickname anime characters. It might be because I can’t remember their name or I’m too lazy to say their name or a lot of the time just for the hell of it and this is my list of every nickname I have ever given to an anime character. Some of these are outdated and not used any more, some characters have multiple names and I still use all of them, some are ones I started using today, couldn’t stop using and though ‘well hell, now that has to go on the list because it’s stuck’. Some are combination nicknames (for multiple characters as a group) and some are nicknames used for multiple characters separately to each other. I am happy to explain the origins of any nicknames anyone is curious about. Enjoy the stupidity that awaits you below the cut!
Also @pilotpig​ here you go! A gift of dumb nicknames!
Ed Boy (Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist - You have to say it like Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Bleach Mibuchi (Ayasegawa Yumechika, Bleach)
Archie Snape (Mibuchi Reo, Kuroko no Basket)
Satan (Karen Lilica, Fairy Tail)
Shimada-Bro (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Douchebag (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Tweedle Nutcase (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Glasses Guy (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party, Ryugazaki Rei, Free!)
The Dating Sim Nerds (Combination of Katayama Ryosuke and Ohkawa Tomohiro from Corpse Party)
Miniature Aomomo (Combination of Momomiya Ichigo and Aoyama Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mura (Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
Numa (Kishinuma Yoshiki, Corpse Party)
Barry the Bae (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Barry the Butterfly (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Corndog (Cornello, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Princess (Barry the Chopper, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Scary Spice (Sawamura Daichi, Haikyuu)
Cinnamon (Motherglare, Fairy Tail)
Bubbles (Levia, Fairy Tail)
Phoenix McGhostrider (Atlas Flame, Fairy Tail)
Spiderweb (Scissor Runner, Fairy Tail)
Abominable Snowman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
The Mask (Zirconis, Fairy Tail)
Strawberry Batman (Unnamed dragon, Fairy Tail)
Shig (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Shino (A variety of roles voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya)
Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Best Character (Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Haikyuu, Akimichi Choji, Naruto)
Monologuing Marshmallow (Sugawara Koshi, Haikyuu)
Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Yachi Hitoka and Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Lizard Man (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Prehistoric Anxiety Ball (Azumane Asahi, Haikyuu)
Decoration (Shimizu Kiyoko, Haikyuu)
Yacchan (Yata Misaki, K Project, Yachi Hitoka, Haikyuu)
Flaming Red Chihuahua (Yata Misaki, K project)
Baby Wrath (Wrath (2003), Fullmetal Alchemist)
Kamamama (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project)
Yuuri (Kain Fuery, Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sashimi (Fushimi Saruhiko, K Project)
The Great Dork King (Munakata Reisi, K Project)
Creepy Twins (Combination of Minato Hayato and Minato Akito from K Project)
Rock Lee (Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Girl (Kirisaki Tohko, Corpse Party)
Crazy Stabby-Stab Guy (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Slut King (Shimada Kai, Corpse Party)
Crazy Pants Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Crazy Ass Kizami (Kizami Yuuya, Corpse Party)
Moto (Kamamoto Rikio, K Project, Yamamoto Mitsuki, Corpse Party, anyone else I might find with a surname ending in ‘moto’)
Nagi (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Gays™ (Any combination of Kuroko, Kagami, Takao, Hara, Mibuchi and Nebuya from Kuroko no Basket.)
Atsu (Nakajima Atsushi, Bungo Stray Dogs, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko no Basket)
The Grinch (Fukui Kensuke, Kuroko no Basket)
Byakudan Bae (Any Byakudan Senior High student from Corpse Party)
Moon-Child (Tsukishima Kei, Haikyuu)
Charizard (Nishinoya Yuu, Haikyuu)
Adorableness (Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haikyuu)
Mako-chan (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Kagz (Kageyama Tobio, Haikyuu, Kagami Taiga, Kuroko no Basket)
The Bae(s) (Any member of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Seri's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Awashima's Husband (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
Satoshi (A variety of characters voiced by Shimono Hiro)
Butthole Face (Tobi, Naruto...this one was originally by my mother though. She said his mask looked like a butthole.)
Hinz (Hinata Shoyo, Haikyuu)
Imayoshi (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Lieutenant Jiggletits (Awashima Seri, K Project)
Brock (Tsuchida Satoshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Dei-chan (Deidara, Naruto)
Saso-chan (Sasori, Naruto, some other characters voiced by Sakurai Takahiro or Aoyama Yutaka until I learn their actual names or come up with a new nickname)
Pretty Boy (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Kazu-chan (Hara Kazuya, Takao Kazunari, Kuroko no Basket, Yanagihori Yoshikazu, Corpse Party, anyone else with 'Kazu' in their first name tbh)
Nahoebag (Saenoki Naho, Corpse Party)
Shikaboo (Nara Shikamaru, Naruto)
Temari Balls (Temari, Naruto)
Captain of the Utter Bastards (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
The Rainbow of Basketball (Another  name for the Generation of Miracles, Kuroko no Basket)
Trash King (Hanamiya Makoto, Kuroko no Basket)
Drama Nerd (Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Bitchin’ Mermaid (Aquarius, Fairy Tail)
Mountain Dew (Dewa Masaomi, K Project)
Shark Boy (Matsuoka Rin, Free!)
Lava Girl (Matsuoka Gou, Free!, given by my friend in response to me referring to Rin as Shark Boy.)
Kuzu (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Smokey McSunglasses (Kusanagi Izumo, K Project)
The Naked Cat Lady (Neko, K Project)
Angsty McBitchface (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Yams (Yamazaki Sousuke, Free!)
Kakz (Kakuzu, Naruto)
Hidz (Hidan, Naruto)
Detective Hanamiya (Matsuda Touta, Death Note)
Sass Cake (Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto)
Plankton (Uchiha Shin, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Tobito (Tobi, Naruto)
Weasel (Uchiha Itachi, Naruto)
Team Dewey (A combination of any members of Kirisaki Daiichi, Kuroko no Basket)
Fuse Dyke (Fuse Daiki, K Project, ‘Fuse’ pronounced like fuse box)
Walking BDSM (Musashi, Nanbaka)
Hand Face (Shigaraki Tomura, Boku no Hero Academia)
Potato Girl (Sasha Blouse, Attack on Titan)
Orochimama (Kubota Shigemi, Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto, nickname created by suitcasesoffeathers)
Kakihara (A variety of roles played by Kakihara Tetsuya)
The Camp-Ass Bitch Brigade (A combination of Honey, Trois and Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Mama Kiji (Mitsuba Kiji, Nanbaka)
Lurch (Youriki Daisen, Nanbaka)
Peppa Pig (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Slagon Drayer (Any dragon slayer, Fairy Tail)
Saberbabies (Sabertooth as a whole, Fairy Tail. On rare occasions, may refer to single member as one Saberbaby)
The Kisaragi 3 (The combination of Kishinuma Yoshiki, Mochida Satoshi and Morishige Sakutaro, Corpse Party)
Prince of Dorks (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Loke 4 Ears (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Ass Boy (Loke, Fairy Tail)
Peter Pan (Karatachi Yagura, Naruto)
Lemon Bomb Guy (Kajii Motojiro, Bungo Stray Dogs)
(Team) Rescue Imps (Carla and Pantherlily, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Strip Club (Loke and Gray Fullbuster, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Always A Duo Anyway (Natsu Dragneel and Happy, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Hilarious Height Difference (Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Get Your Drunk Ass Out Of My House (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
Drunk Ass (Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Should’a Seen It Coming (Freed Justine and Bickslow, Fairy Tail)
The Thunder Dork Tribe (The Raijinshuu as a whole, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Mystogan Fans (Doranbolt and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
(Team) People Ship It (Evergreen and Elfman Strauss, Fairy Tail)
(Team) Edolas Abridged (Lisanna Strauss and Juvia Lockser, Fairy Tail)
Brendon Urie (Urie Kuki, Tokyo Ghoul)
The Nice Guy™ (Yamazaki Hiroshi, Kuroko no Basket)
Wakamatsu (Muscular, Boku no Hero Academia)
Dead Fish Eyes (Furuhashi Kojiro, Kuroko no Basket)
Gucci Boy Taguchi (Taguchi Shougo, Corpse Party)
Taguchi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Yumasaki Walker, Durarara!!)
Kusanagi-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Heiwajima Shizuo, Durarara!!)
Aubergine (Kiryuu Isana, Free!)
Katz (Katayama Ryosuke, Corpse Party)
Best Boy Fukuroi (Fukuroi Masato, Corpse Party)
Haruki Murakami (Unnamed character, Bungo Stray Dogs)
Captain Inappropriate (Unnamed character, K Project)
Yuri Plisetsky-Ass Lookin’ Motherfucker (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
The Alien (Albert Wahlander, Free!)
Baseball Haru (Furuya Satoru, Diamond no Ace)
Taima (Unnamed character, Free!)
Cannabis (Unnamed character, Free!)
Camel-Dude (Isurugi Shizuru, Free!)
Creepy Dude (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Scarecrow (Kinjou Kaede, Free!)
Bovril (Lovro Brovski, Assassination Classroom)
Scrub (Tatebayashi Motonari, Yowamushi Pedal)
Garfield (Bluenote Stinger, Fairy Tail)
Evil Grinning Motherfucker (Future Rogue, Fairy Tail)
Snakey Motherfucker (Ichimaru Gin, Bleach)
Toneri Byakuganfetish (Otsutsuki Toneri, Naruto)
The Dragonpuff Fairies (Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox and Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
Hacchan (Hachiman, Nanbaka)
Cumgirl (Juliet Sun, Fairy Tail)
Bondagegirl (Heine Lunasea)
Dragon Kiba (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
Dragon Fang (Acnologia, Fairy Tail)
My Lesbian Crush (Dimaria, Fairy Tail)
Pigtails (Lindel, The Ancient Magus’ Bride)
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ao3feed-nalu · 1 year
E.N.D Pan
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CzmFw3g
by moeruhoshi
Lucy's favorite book growing up was a story about the boy who could fly, a dragon who crossed between universes to save sad children from their unhappy homes and bring them to the magical kingdom of Fiore. Her first love was a boy of fiction, who one late evening found himself waking her up.
Words: 8122, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Happy (Fairy Tail), Wendy Marvell, Charle | Carla, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Erza Scarlet, Cana Alberona, Cubellios | Kinana, Laki Olietta, Gildarts Clive, Laxus Dreyar, Raijinshuu (Fairy Tail), Freed Justine, Evergreen (Fairy Tail), Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Strauss, Elfman Strauss, Makarov Dreyar, Bisca Mulan, Alzack Connell, Asuka Connell, Irene Belserion, Ajeel Ramal, Spriggan 12
Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox, Bickslow/Lisanna Strauss
Additional Tags: Peter Pan References, First Kiss, Dimension Travel, mysterious magic, First Love, Pirates, Action & Romance, Dragons, Romance, Adventure & Romance, Teen Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CzmFw3g
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Gajeel Icons for Gajeel Day!
Free to use, with credit!
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snowmadien · 7 years
Rated K+
Happy birthday to my dear friend @mangaguitar96 you enjoy this. So sorry this was slightly delayed but none the less this one is for you!
It was a lazy summer day at the Redfox home. Levy was on the couch reading her favorite book while Gajeel was the floor next to her strumming his guitar. They both didn’t want to join their friends on the beach trip rather, enjoy the company of one another.
“Gajeel lets get a pet.” Levy said as the closed her book. A string from Gajeel’s guitar snapped as she said it causing to startle.
“Seriously shrimp? Now of all times?” He stammered.
“Come on a furry little friend around the house. We aren’t having any kids anytime soon so why not a pet?” She begged, he honestly wouldn’t mind a cat but being in the middle of a move in wasn’t the best time.
Levy saw the gears turning in his head and pulled out her ace. She gave him the big doe eyes that just about did the trick for anything.
Gajeel cursed as she at looked him with her doey eyes, he could never resist them not even for a moment.
“Fine we’ll go down and get a pet, but let's get a cat, dogs are way too damn needy.” He surrendered. Shw squealed for joy as she bolted from the couch to get changed. He snickered to himself, gosh he loved the way she got excited for things. Be it a new book or the summer concerts they went every year.
Inside the tall building they were greeted by a young girl named Wendy who was at the front desk.
“Welcome to the Magnolia Shelter. What can I help you with today?” She smiled sweetly.
“We are looking for a cat to adopt. We just moved into a new place and we want a furry friend.” Levy explained.
“Well today is a good day. Today we are doing an event were the adoption costs are only five-” A loud bang echoed in the back followed by yelling. A black figure darted out from the back door and tried to escape over Wendy’s desk but came careering into Gajeel’s face.
“Oh my gosh are you ok!?” Levy yelled as Gajeel grabbed hold of something furry and picked himself up. He looked in his hands and saw a small black kitten with crescent ears and a scar over his left eye.
“Well aren’t you an escape artist,” He chuckled as he got up. Wendy was spluttering with apologies, not sure of what had happened.
“We’ll take him. I like the spunk in him,” He beamed as he looked at the kitten.
“You know he looks like a panther. Why don’t we call him Pantherlily!” Levy warmly smiled.
“Why Lily? Why don’t we just call him Panther?” Gajeel countered.
“Cause it reminds me of my favorite character from one of my favorite children’s book Peter Pan.” She explained. He sighed and gave in.
“So kid what do we have to sign to keep this little guy?” He asked.
“Well I’m not sure if he’s ready-”
“Wendy give him the cat he’s caused me more trouble than it’s worth so they can have him.” The vet said behind her. She was an elderly woman with pink hair and hard eyes who seemed annoyed at the cat more than anything.
“That’s the fifth time he’s escaped, I’ll even give you his friend that came with him since she’s very supportive of their break outs.” She growled, the young couple agreed and took the two cats home with them much to the joy of the doctor.
“So what should we name her?” Levy asked as they drove home with their new companions.
“I think the kid said her name was Shagotte?” He grumbled.
“That’s a pretty name for her,” she smiled happy at the latest additions to their small family. What the couple did not know was that exactly one year later two more would be joining them.
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