#genderfluid gajeel redfox
jasontoddssuper · 2 years
I'm sorry i keep making dc crossover posts and feel free to block me if they annoy you but for those who like what my neurodivergence makes me think up:
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These two are alike right???Like i'm not insane-
🚫Self-proclaimed 'problematic' people or whatever in///cels call themselves now dni🚫
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ayyden-apoloe · 8 months
along the lines of that post that @ostensiblyfunctional made, do you think any piercings gajeel gives himself w magic just kinda ,, fade ? like she hAS to get titanium or silver or some other metal than iron for piercings not bc of tetanus (shes immune) but so it actually stays pierced ? also so his partner(s) dont get upset and yell at him to go get his piercings polished or they wont touch him
her bff juvia is immune tho bc water body and she's built up an immunity over the years, she makes her oxidize even faster actually
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I love how when you say the most likely candidate for an lgbt* identity you add little bits of canon as a base but I also desperately want to know if you have any “because IM gay and I say so” hcs? Like for me it would be Erza, Mirajane, Kagura, and Minerva are all lesbians. Why? Because I’m a lesbian and I said so :))
Let me think,, 👀😈
I’m gonna go with some trans headcanons I love, but aren’t my official headcanons, if that makes sense
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Transfem Natsu / Enby Jellal / Agender Brandish
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Genderfluid Gajeel / Genderqueer Macbeth / Demiboy Zeref
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Transfem Flare / Bigender Irene / Transmasc Hibiki
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Gajeel: You’re... uhm...
Levy: Intimidating? Awe-inspiring?
Gajeel: Tiny.
Levy: Of course. I’m travel size for your convenience!
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queerfairyconfess · 7 years
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Bickslow is genderfluid (he looks gorgeous in skirts and lace!!) and Gajeel is a trans man!
-submitted by anon
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 years
Don't Have to Choose
Summary: Reader has been avoiding Laxus and Gajeel because of how she feels about them but soon they let Reader know that they don’t have to choose.
TW/CW: Poly Laxus Dreyar x genderfluid!afab!Reader x Gajeel Redfox,
Requested?: Yes, by a lovely Anon who said, “Hi Gin!! I was wondering if you still write for Fairy Tail? If so, could I request a poly Laxus x genderfluid reader afab x Gajeel imagine? Maybe the way they get together? And if the reader was a water or ice god or demon slayer that would be cool. If you do choose to write this it would be so exciting to read your great writing!”
Word Count: 1,543
A/N: It feels so good to write again. Again, I'm so sorry about it taking so long to get back to it. Also, when I say I wish I could be (Y/n), I mean it. Literally can never decide which is my favorite between Laxus and Gajeel lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read! As always, love to all!
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Your POV
As I made my way through the Guild Hall for another job request, I ducked behind a pillar as I spotted Laxus on the other side of the room. I silently prayed that no one would bring attention to me. Out the corner of my eye, I also spot Gajeel so I decide to beeline towards the Request Board and pick up the first one I could grab and take off. I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m avoiding my two best friends but I’m not even sure myself. Actually, that’s not true. I know why but I’d rather marry a Vulcan than admit the reason.
I make it to the board and grab a job request and then turn on my heel to speed out of there but slam right something big and sturdy. I’m knocked onto my butt and as I look up I find the Iron Dragon Slayer grinning down at me. I glare at him as he chuckles but my eyes are torn away from him as a hand is offered to help me up, said hand happens to be attached to a second Dragon Slayer, this one being of the lightning variety. I get up off the floor without taking Laxus’s hand and then turn to head towards Mirajane to accept the job.
I toss the paper down onto the counter and turn to leave but Mira stops me, “(Y/n), you should probably take back-up for this one. From what I hear there’s a lot more Vulcans than just one person can handle for this job.” Of course, having heard her, Laxus and Gajeel make their way over.
“We’ll go with you, Tiny,” Gajeel offers.
I internally scream as Laxus nods his head in agreement. “Great! Be safe you three, we’ll see you when you get back,” Mira exclaims happily. Something in the back of my mind says Mira did that on purpose but I don’t have the mental ability to argue with her right now. Without saying another word, I head straight to the door and out into the sunshine and bustling street of Magnolia. I don’t even need to look back to know that Gajeel and Laxus have joined me as well as Panther Lily. I head North on foot towards the mountain town overrun by Vulcans.
We walk in silence for quite some time before I hear something metal rattling. I turn to look over my shoulder to find Gajeel dropping a few nuts and bolts into his mouth. He offers some to me but I roll my eyes and turn my attention back ahead of us. Lily finally is the first to speak, “I’ll be blunt and quick about it, what has gotten into you three?”
The silence coming from Gajeel and Laxus tells me that they’re waiting for me to speak. I pretend not to notice. Unfortunately, Laxus doesn’t seem to want the subject to drop, “I don’t know about Metal Muncher, but you’ve been ignoring me for weeks.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, it hasn’t been that long,” I respond nonchalantly.
“So, you admit you’ve been ignoring him?” Gajeel inquires, “Glad it’s not just me.”
“It has been that long. It’s been three weeks since there’s been any semblance of an interaction between us,” Laxus adds.
I sigh and ignore them as were coming up on the outskirts of the town. It’s surprisingly quiet as I lean against a brick wall to take a break and survey the area from our position up on this hill. In a flash, Laxus is in front of me and has his hands pressed against the wall to cage me. I avoid eye contact with him as he speaks, “Don’t think we’re finished discussing this. When we get this job done, you’re gonna tell me why you’ve been ignoring me.” I finally look up at him to read his expression. He looks genuinely hurt which causes my own heart to ache. Then I could swear I hear Gajeel growl lowly as Laxus steps away from me to look over the town.
Seeing no sign of the Vulcans, we descend into the valley where the small town resides in search of them. It’s not long before we find them. Together the four of us make quick work of the job with only a short capture of myself by a Vulcan which led to even more tension between Gajeel, Laxus, and myself. Soon, we leave the town as the citizens cheer and thank us. The walk home is almost suffocatingly tense and quiet.
Upon our return to Magnolia, we make our way to the counter where Mira wanders back and forth serving drinks to our guildmates. Laxus heads upstairs where it’s undoubtedly quieter and Gajeel makes himself at home at one of the tables on the opposite side of the room. I take a seat at the bar as Lily hops up onto its surface, “Are we going to discuss what happened?”
Mira stops in front of us, “What happened?”
“Nothing,” I mumble in annoyance.
Lily looks as if he’s trying to decide if he should tell her but quickly makes up his mind, “(Y/n) here was kidnapped by one of the Vulcans. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Gajeel and Laxus work together so swiftly or become so angry.”
Mira giggles, “Let me guess, you too think they love our dear friend here, don’t you.”
“Yes,” and nods thoughtfully, “I also think that (Y/n) loves them too but is too scared of what that might mean.”
I sigh, “Fine, you’ve caught me. I just... there’s no way that I could choose.”
Mira looks at me with a mischievous grin on her face, “Who says you have to choose?”
I fidget with my fingernails as I drop my head to stare at the counter. A storm of thoughts rumbles its way through my mind. However, it’s quickly halted as someone gently places their hand on my shoulder. I look behind me to find Laxus and Gajeel both standing there. Gajeel nods his head towards the door to signal for me to come with them.
Mira mouths, “good luck,” at me as I hop down off the stool to leave the Guild Hall. Quietly, we make our way to my house as my stomach twists itself into knots and the storm in my mind begins raging again. I unlock the front door and step inside, leaving the door open for them to follow me in. I hear the door shut softly behind me as I drop my backpack off on the kitchen counter and then plop down onto the couch.
The quiet persists for a few moments until Laxus finally speaks up from his stance against the wall across from me, “I never knew there could be someone outside of the Thunder Legion that I could work so well with let alone with such little communication.”
I know without asking that he’s referring to the fact that he and Gajeel worked like a well-oiled machine to get me to safety. From the other couch, Gajeel agrees, “I didn’t either but we were pretty good out there huh?”
“We were... but it’s not just us,” comes Laxus’s response as he drops onto the couch beside me.
Gajeel stands and joins us, “Without Tiny, we’d be a pretty shitty team.”
“We’re not going to make you choose, (Y/n). Why would we when we’d know you’d be safer with both of us than just one?” Laxus adds.
All my fear of having to choose dissipates as I realize what they’re saying, “So, we’re really going to make this a thing?”
“Yup,” Gajeel answers, popping the p before getting up to go to the kitchen.
Several months later, the Fairy Tail Guild has been requested to help out taking down a dark guild. Here I stand, facing off against a trio of dark mages. One of them looks at me and chuckles, “You’ll make a cute little maid, sweetheart. What’s your name?”
One of his friends looks at him like he’s insane, “Dude, how do you not know who this is? I highly suggest you just fight and not try anything. Her boyfriends will level you in seconds if you even think about taking her.” Just then the guy is struck with a bolt of lightning and knocked out.
“You’re right about that one,” Laxus grumbles as he steps up beside me on my right, shortly joined by Gajeel on my left. The other two look at the three of us in absolute terror and try to flee but they too are knocked out, this time by Gajeel’s iron arm.
“Just when I thought I was going to have to take these idiots out myself,” I laugh.
“You know we’ve always got your back, Tiny,” Gajeel responds as he moves closer. The three of us form a sort of triangle with our backs turned to each other to face the oncoming hoard of dark mages who heard the lightning and decided they could take the challenge. In the midst of chaos with a battle raging on, I feel perfectly safe knowing that the two men who hold equal shares of my heart have my back and each other’s while I also have theirs.
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aphtoris · 5 years
Hi I wanted to make a quick sexuality/gender headcanons post for my bnha au oopsie doopsie this is mostly for me to remember tho
Class 1-A:
Ren Akastuki - Cis Man/Bisexual
Chelia Blendy - Cis Woman/Lesbian
Rogue Cheney - Non-binary/Gay (uses they/them)
Sting Eucliffe - Trans Man/Gay
Millianna Leolin - Cis Woman/Pansexual
Wendy Marvell - Trans Woman/Lesbian
Levy McGarden - Cis Woman/Bisexual
Kagura Mikazuchi - Cis Woman/Lesbian
Lisanna Strauss - Non-binary/Pansexual (uses they/she)
Eve Tearm - Trans Man/Bisexual
Class 2-A:
Cana Alberona - Cis Woman/Bisexual
Yukino Aguria - Trans Woman/Bisexual
Natsu Dragneel - Non-binary/Gay (uses they/him)
Gray Fullbuster - Cis Man/Bisexual
Lucy Heartfillia - Cis Woman/Pansexual
Hibiki Lates - Cis Man/Bisexual
Loke Leolin - Cis Man/Pansexual
Juvia Lockser - Trans Woman/Lesbian
Gajeel Redfox - Cis Man/Pansexual
Elfman Strauss - Cis Man/Demisexual
Lyon Vastia - Cis Man/Bisexual
Class 3-A:
Evergreen Calcatrix - Trans Woman/Straight
Laxus Dreyar - Cis Man/Gay
Bickslow Falstaff - Non-binary/Pansexual (uses they/him)
Jellal Fernandes - Cis Man/Bisexual
Freed Justine - Non-binary/Gay (uses they/him)
Rufus Lore - Genderfluid/Gay (uses any pronouns)
Orga Nanagear - Cis Man/Demisexual
Minerva Orland - Trans Woman/Lesbian
Erza Scarlet - Non-binary/Bisexual (Uses they/she)
Mirajane Strauss - Cis Woman/Lesbian
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ao3feed-nalu · 4 years
Names Are Thy Power
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Uxl9p8
by Davina89
In a world where Magic exists, there are many powerful wizards but there is one type of wizards that connect with the heavenly constellations and they are called Celestial Wizards. Lucy Heartfillia is one of the most popular celestial wizards and she is even favored by the King and his children. There is a secret that only the King knows, there is another Celestial World, untouched by him and ruled by his estranged wife.
Words: 1353, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Characters, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Natsu Dragneel, Yukino Aguria, Lucy Heartfilia, Juvia Lockser, Laxus Dreyar, Freed Justine, Elfman Strauss, Lisanna Strauss, Makarov Dreyar, Wendy Marvell, Romeo Conbolt, Mavis Vermillion, Zeref Dragneel, Fairy Tail Guild, Sabertooth Guild, Blue Pegasus Guild, Celestial Spirits (Fairy Tail), Seirei-oo | Celestial Spirit King
Relationships: Sting Eucliffe/Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Female Character, Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Yukino Aguria/Rogue Cheney, Laxus Dreyar/Freed Justine, Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet, Romeo Conbolt/Wendy Marvell, Evergreen/Elfman Strauss, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox, Charle | Carla/Happy, Zeref Dragneel/Mavis Vermillion
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Magic-Users, Quests, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Denial of Feelings, Genderfluid Character
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Uxl9p8
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Genderfluid Gajeel Redfox & Laxus Dreyar Edits
For Anonymous
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I headcanon Gajeel and Sting as Transmen and Bickslow and Rogue as Genderfluid
-Submitted by Anonymous
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 years
Fairy Tail Masterlist
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🖤 = 100+ Notes
❤️️ = 200+ Notes
💜 = 300+ Notes
💙 = 400+ Notes
⭐ = 500+ Notes
Don’t Have to Choose || Laxus Dreyar x Genderfluid!afab!Reader x Gajeel Redfox || Reader has been avoiding Laxus and Gajeel because of how she feels about them but soon they let Reader know that they don’t have to choose.  ❤️️
Migraine || Laxus Dreyar x Reader x Gajeel Redfox || Reader has a migraine so Laxus and Gajeel comfort them when they get home.   ❤️️
Quiet || Laxus Dreyar x Reader || Around the Fairy Tail guild, things are rather quiet. Reader and Laxus know it won’t stay that way for long.  🖤
Thunder Tantrum || Laxus Dreyar x Reader || An unexpected storm rages as Laxus and the Thunder Tribe return from a job in a very sour state.  💜
Calm Before the Chaos of Training || Laxus Dreyar x Reader || Laxus returns home from a job to find Reader is upset. He makes sure to reassure them and offers to help them with what’s bothering them before settling in for a nice relaxing evening. 
Suprise Sneeze! || Laxus Dreyar x Reader || While enjoying a peaceful cuddle on a rainy evening, Reader scares Laxus with a sneeze that causes him to tumble off the bed.  🖤
Bravery Comes In Many Forms || Laxus Dreyar x Female!Reader || Some new guy in the guild decides to pick a fight with Laxus in an attempt to win Reader from him. Gajeel gets in on the action when the guy decides to disrespect Reader.   ⭐
Bickering || Natsu Dragneel x Ice Dragon Slayer!Reader || Reader and Natsu are fighting when Erza arrives at the Guild Hall with grave news. Many of the guild members go to help Sabertooth and Crime Scorciere in taking down a bunch of demons. Reader and Natsu finish off the last one together.  🖤
Pick-Up Lines || Gajeel Redfox x Reader || Gajeel hits Reader with a pick-up line that’s just a little out of line causing Reader to slap him for being inappropriate. All is well in the end when Reader and Gajeel make a deal.  🖤
Bright Ray of Sunshine || Sting Eucliffe x Reader || Reader has had a bad day but it’s soon remedied by their bright ray of sunshine named Sting.  ❤️️
Listen Here || Sting Eucliffe x Reader || Sting finally confesses his feelings for the Reader in a way that is so much like him that it was almost expected.  ❤️️
When's the Wedding? || Loki/Leo x Reader || A shopping trip with Team Natsu brings Reader extremely close to her crush, Loki.
Laxus Dreyar w/ a Crying S/O Headcanon  ❤️️
Natsu Dragneel w/ a 16 Year Old Adopted Little Brother Headcanon
Natsu Dragneel Comforts Younger Brother!Reader Who is Stressed About Their Most Recent Job Headcanon 
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