#palmistry future prediction
agrotech123 · 2 years
palmistry marriage prediction & future prediction by hand reading.
Looking for a hand palm reading astrologer Consult with the best palmist in India Pandit Sri Shankar Rao Shastry to predict your future through palm reading.
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quickastroo · 22 days
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Ketu Effect on Different Zodiac Signs and Future Forecast!
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In astrology, Ketu is known as the "South Hub" of the moon. It is accepted to impact our lives and can extraordinarily influence our character qualities, ways of behaving, and encounters. In this article, we will investigate the effect of Ketu on the different zodiac signs and what it means for their accurate life prediction by date of birth free.
The Aries Zodiac Sign
For Aries people, Ketu can achieve a time of self-reflection and thoughtfulness. It might make them question their objectives and desires, prompting a reconsideration of their way throughout everyday life. They might feel a profound requirement for otherworldly development and look for significance past material belongings, and marriage prediction by date of birth.
The Taurus Zodiac Sign
Ketu can groundbreakingly affect Taurus people. It might acquire unforeseen changes and interrupt their lives, pushing them out of their usual ranges of familiarity. They might feel a compelling impulse to relinquish connections and embrace new encounters that line up with their internal identities and accurate life prediction by date of birth free.
The Gemini Zodiac Sign
Gemini people might encounter an uplifted feeling of instinct and otherworldliness affected by Ketu. They might wind up drawn towards philosophical pursuits and look for replies to more profound inquiries throughout everyday life. This period can be exceptionally reflective for Gemini people, assisting them with acquiring a more profound comprehension of themselves, and marriage prediction by date of birth.
The Disease Zodiac Sign
Ketu's effect on Malignant growth can prompt profound recuperation and the arrival of past injury. It might achieve a time of thoughtfulness and self-revelation, permitting them to relinquish psychological weight. This can be an extraordinary time for Disease people, prompting self-improvement and otherworldly arousing marriage astrology.
The Leo Zodiac Sign
Ketu's effect might urge Leo people to scrutinize their inner self and pride. They might end up taking a stab at a more profound feeling of modesty and sympathy towards others. This period can show Leo people significant illustrations in benevolence and empathy love marriage astrology.
The Virgo Zodiac Sign
For Virgo people, Ketu's impact can achieve a time of self-investigation and personal development. They might feel a powerful urge to rethink their propensities and schedules, taking a stab at a more significant and satisfying life. This can be an extraordinary time for Virgo people, prompting self-awareness and a more grounded association with their internal identities, marriage astrology by date of birth.
The Libra Zodiac Sign
Ketu's effect might provoke Libra people to look for equilibrium and congruence inside themselves. It might achieve a time of self-reflection, assisting them with finding their valid selves and letting go of outside assumptions. This can be a groundbreaking time for Libra people, prompting a more noteworthy feeling of inward harmony and satisfaction.
The Scorpio Zodiac Sign
Affected by Ketu, Scorpio people might encounter a time of increased instinct and otherworldly development. They might feel drawn towards mysterious sciences and elusive information, looking for more profound significance throughout everyday life. This period can achieve a strong change for Scorpio people, prompting a more noteworthy comprehension of the secrets of life kundli matching in hindi.
The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
Ketu's effect might lead Sagittarius people on a mission for higher information and otherworldly edification. They might feel a compelling impulse to grow their points of view and investigate new ways of thinking and conviction frameworks. This period can be exceptionally groundbreaking for Sagittarius people, assisting them with acquiring a more profound comprehension of their general surroundings.
The Capricorn Zodiac Sign
For Capricorn people, Ketu's impact can achieve a time of self-reflection and reexamination of their objectives and desires. They might feel a powerful urge to adjust their activities to their basic beliefs, looking for a more significant and deliberate life. This period can be groundbreaking for Capricorn people, assisting them with finding their actual way and reason for the tarot card reader.
The Aquarius Zodiac Sign
Ketu's effect might urge Aquarius people to address cultural standards and look for a more profound comprehension of their uniqueness. They might feel serious areas of strength to break liberated from the requirements of society and embrace their actual selves. This period can be profoundly groundbreaking for Aquarius people, prompting self-improvement and self-strengthening the best tarot card reader in india.
The Pisces Zodiac Sign
Affected by Ketu, Pisces people might encounter an increased feeling of otherworldliness and sympathy. They might feel a profound association with the heavenly and look for comfort in otherworldly practices. This period can be groundbreaking for Pisces people, prompting a more prominent feeling of internal harmony and profound edification marriage line in palmistry.
Ketu's effect on different zodiac signs can achieve tremendous changes and changes in people's lives. It energizes self-reflection, thoughtfulness, and profound development. By embracing its impact, people can set out on an excursion of self-revelation and individual change. Likewise, with any prophetic impact, it is critical to recollect that people have freedom of thought and can pick how they answer Ketu's energy. Visit Myastron.com for more astrology-related suggestions.
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nexusofsorcery · 7 months
Unlocking the Mystical Secrets of Divination: Your Path to Powerful Insights
What is Divination? Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge or insight about the future or unknown through supernatural or mystical means. It is a method used by many cultures throughout history to gain guidance and understanding. Divination can involve various tools and techniques, such as tarot cards, astrology charts, or palm readings. The purpose of divination is to tap into the…
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alokkhandelwal · 11 months
Predict Future Events Through Palmistry
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Palmistry, the historic art of reading the strains at the palm, has long fascinated people searching for insights into their future. The complicated community of strains on our palms holds hidden clues about our future and might reveal glimpses of what lies beforehand. In this text, we can discover how palmistry may be used to anticipate destiny occasions by interpreting the strains on the palm. From the lifeline to the destiny line, each line contains its significance, presenting a window into our destiny possibilities.
Know more about Predicting Future Events through Palmistry. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Understanding Palmistry and Its Significance: Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, is an age-vintage exercise that originated in ancient civilizations. The perception at the back of palmistry is that the lines on our arms are a reflection of our beyond, gift, and future. These lines, alongside the form of our fingers and fingers, are stated to keep precious records about our man or woman, persona traits, and even activities that could unfold in our lives. While it’s crucial to note that palmistry no longer offers definitive predictions, it could offer guidance and insights into potential results primarily based on the patterns and formations of the lines. Decoding the Major Lines:
1 – The Life Line: One of the most well-known strains in palmistry, the lifeline, runs from the base of the palm to the wrist. Contrary to famous belief, it does not predict the duration of our life but instead represents vitality, electric ranges, and major lifestyle activities. 
A strong, deep line suggests sturdy fitness and energy, indicating someone’s capability to deal with life’s demanding situations with energy. On the opposite hand, a faint or fragmented line may additionally suggest demanding situations or modifications in one’s electricity tiers, urging people to take more care of their proper-being and make vital way-of-life adjustments. 
2 – The Fate Line: The fate line, also known as the profession line, well-known shows our lifestyles’ course and expert achievements. Positioned vertically inside the center of the palm, its presence, depth, and the route can indicate the level of achievement and fulfillment we might also enjoy in our careers. 
A robust, clean destiny line shows a focused and prosperous career trajectory, wherein people are probably to attain their goals and discover pride in their selected fields. Conversely, a faint or broken line may also propose career adjustments or demanding situations alongside the manner, requiring adaptability and resilience to navigate through moving expert landscapes.
Read Also:- Vastu Tips for Business Success: Optimizing Energy at Workplace
3 – The Heart Line: As the call suggests, the coronary heart line represents feelings, relationships, and matters of the coronary heart. Its period, form, and intensity can provide precious insights into our emotional well-being, romantic relationships, and capability for love and compassion. 
A lengthy, curved coronary heart line indicates deep emotional connections and a sturdy sense of empathy, indicating people who are nurturing and touchy about their relationships. Conversely, a quick or instant heart line might also advocate an extra reserved or sensible method to relationships, in which people prioritize stability and pragmatism over intense emotional expression. 
4 – The Head Line: The headline, placed simply underneath the coronary heart line, represents our intellect, conversation fashion, and trouble-fixing skills. Its duration, intensity, and curvature can imply our degree of intelligence, analytical talents, and intellectual clarity. A long, nicely-defined headline indicates robust highbrow talents, where individuals own sharp reasoning and effective communication abilities. 
They excel in duties that require logical questioning and strategic hassle-fixing. Conversely, a quick or fragmented line may advocate challenges in selection-making or focus, requiring individuals to paint on developing clarity of concept and improving their awareness abilities.
5 – The Sun Line: Also referred to as the road of fulfillment or the Apollo line, the Sun line is associated with achievements, reputation, and creativity. Positioned vertically or diagonally at the palm, its presence, depth, and location can offer valuable insights into our capacity for achievement and the areas of existence wherein we may excel. 
A sturdy, unbroken solar line indicates a herbal talent for leadership, where individuals can encourage and manual others closer to their dreams. Additionally, it suggests an innovative disposition, wherein individuals own an aptitude for artistic expression and have the potential to reap exceptional accomplishments in their chosen innovative fields. 
While palmistry offers fascinating possibilities for predicting destiny occasions, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind and a wholesome dose of skepticism. The lines on our hands aren’t constant or immutable, and our picks and movements can form our destinies. Nevertheless, exploring the art of palmistry and deciphering the traces may be a captivating adventure of self-discovery, supplying treasured insights and steerage for navigating the twists and turns of existence. 
Incorporating palmistry into your non-secular exercise or looking for guidance from a skilled palm reader can provide a unique perspective in your future, assisting you to make knowledgeable decisions and embody the opportunities that come to your manner.
Read Also:- Karmic Astrology: Unraveling Past Life Connections
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alokastrology1 · 11 months
Predict Future Events Through Palmistry
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Palmistry, the historic art of reading the strains at the palm, has long fascinated people searching for insights into their future. The complicated community of strains on our palms holds hidden clues about our future and might reveal glimpses of what lies beforehand. In this text, we can discover how palmistry may be used to anticipate destiny occasions by interpreting the strains on the palm. From the lifeline to the destiny line, each line contains its significance, presenting a window into our destiny possibilities.
Know more about Predicting Future Events through Palmistry. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Understanding Palmistry and Its Significance: Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, is an age-vintage exercise that originated in ancient civilizations. The perception at the back of palmistry is that the lines on our arms are a reflection of our beyond, gift, and future. These lines, alongside the form of our fingers and fingers, are stated to keep precious records about our man or woman, persona traits, and even activities that could unfold in our lives. While it’s crucial to note that palmistry no longer offers definitive predictions, it could offer guidance and insights into potential results primarily based on the patterns and formations of the lines. Decoding the Major Lines:
1 – The Life Line: One of the most well-known strains in palmistry, the lifeline, runs from the base of the palm to the wrist. Contrary to famous belief, it does not predict the duration of our life but instead represents vitality, electric ranges, and major lifestyle activities. 
A strong, deep line suggests sturdy fitness and energy, indicating someone’s capability to deal with life’s demanding situations with energy. On the opposite hand, a faint or fragmented line may additionally suggest demanding situations or modifications in one’s electricity tiers, urging people to take more care of their proper-being and make vital way-of-life adjustments. 
2 – The Fate Line: The fate line, also known as the profession line, well-known shows our lifestyles’ course and expert achievements. Positioned vertically inside the center of the palm, its presence, depth, and the route can indicate the level of achievement and fulfillment we might also enjoy in our careers. 
A robust, clean destiny line shows a focused and prosperous career trajectory, wherein people are probably to attain their goals and discover pride in their selected fields. Conversely, a faint or broken line may also propose career adjustments or demanding situations alongside the manner, requiring adaptability and resilience to navigate through moving expert landscapes.
Read Also:- Vastu Tips for Business Success: Optimizing Energy at Workplace
3 – The Heart Line: As the call suggests, the coronary heart line represents feelings, relationships, and matters of the coronary heart. Its period, form, and intensity can provide precious insights into our emotional well-being, romantic relationships, and capability for love and compassion. 
A lengthy, curved coronary heart line indicates deep emotional connections and a sturdy sense of empathy, indicating people who are nurturing and touchy about their relationships. Conversely, a quick or instant heart line might also advocate an extra reserved or sensible method to relationships, in which people prioritize stability and pragmatism over intense emotional expression. 
4 – The Head Line: The headline, placed simply underneath the coronary heart line, represents our intellect, conversation fashion, and trouble-fixing skills. Its duration, intensity, and curvature can imply our degree of intelligence, analytical talents, and intellectual clarity. A long, nicely-defined headline indicates robust highbrow talents, where individuals own sharp reasoning and effective communication abilities. 
They excel in duties that require logical questioning and strategic hassle-fixing. Conversely, a quick or fragmented line may advocate challenges in selection-making or focus, requiring individuals to paint on developing clarity of concept and improving their awareness abilities.
5 – The Sun Line: Also referred to as the road of fulfillment or the Apollo line, the Sun line is associated with achievements, reputation, and creativity. Positioned vertically or diagonally at the palm, its presence, depth, and location can offer valuable insights into our capacity for achievement and the areas of existence wherein we may excel. 
A sturdy, unbroken solar line indicates a herbal talent for leadership, where individuals can encourage and manual others closer to their dreams. Additionally, it suggests an innovative disposition, wherein individuals own an aptitude for artistic expression and have the potential to reap exceptional accomplishments in their chosen innovative fields. 
While palmistry offers fascinating possibilities for predicting destiny occasions, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind and a wholesome dose of skepticism. The lines on our hands aren’t constant or immutable, and our picks and movements can form our destinies. Nevertheless, exploring the art of palmistry and deciphering the traces may be a captivating adventure of self-discovery, supplying treasured insights and steerage for navigating the twists and turns of existence. 
Incorporating palmistry into your non-secular exercise or looking for guidance from a skilled palm reader can provide a unique perspective in your future, assisting you to make knowledgeable decisions and embody the opportunities that come to your manner.
Read Also:- Karmic Astrology: Unraveling Past Life Connections
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thecupidwitch · 1 month
Types of Divination
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A means of divination through the interpretation of atmospheric phenomena such as cloud formations, wind currents, rain, fog, lightning, thunder, cosmological events, and positions favorable or unfavorable to the planet.
A form of divination where you use cards to get the answer to your questions. There are different forms of cartomancy like playing cards, tarot, lenormand and oracle cards.
Or bone throwing. It's an ancient form of divination used by many cultures. This method consist of throwing the bones and then interpret the results and pattern.
This method consist of observing the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or situation.
Scrying is divination by seeking a vision while gazing into a transparent, translucent, or reflective object and it's often done by crystal ball gazing, fire scrying, water scrying, mirror scrying, etc.
This type of divination interpret movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, and how they influence us. Astrology gives an understanding of situations in our lives, based on our individual astrological birth chart.
Also known as stone divination, is a form of divination that uses stones or crystals to gain insight into an individual’s future or to provide guidance on a specific issue.
Necromancy is divination through communication with the dead. In this method the practitioner summons or communicate with spirits of the dead in order to gain wisdom.
The practice of reading the flames and wax of a candle. The candle is lit and the flame examined for clues to the mood and energy surrounding the situation and then the wax is allowed to drip into a bowl of cold water or sometimes onto a piece of paper. The practitioner examines the shapes formed by the melted wax and makes predictions based on his or her interpretation of the shapes.
Is a method of divination where you read pattern and symbols from tea leaves or coffee grounds sediments.
Arithmancy is known as divination using numbers, while numerology is divination through using dates and words turned to numbers. Numerology doesn't require any psychic abilities, instead the method use calculations involving name and birth date numbers.
Palmistry is also referred to as palm reading and is divination through reading and interpreting the lines and structure of the hand. It is common to read the dominant hand as a characterization and also predicting the future.
is the divination by randomly chosen passages in books, often religious books or Grimoires. This method consist of picking a random passage from a book to answer a question.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
🧙🏻 Master List 🌌
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📚 Vedic Astrology Palmistry Numerology & Tarot 🌟
2nd House Ruler in Different Houses
1st & 2nd 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th & 7th 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th & 12th
7th House Ruler in Different Houses
1st , 2nd , 3rd & 4th 5th , 6th & 7th 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th & 12th
9th House Ruler in Different Houses
1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th , 6th & 7th 8th , 9th , 10th , 11th & 12th
Jupiter in Taurus ♉ Transit 2024 > Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Spouse Predictions Based on Darakaraka (Lowest Degree)
Saturn Mahadasha(Major Influencing Period)
Vedic Astro Notes 1
Your Planet & Career
Your Future Husband/Wife ( Navamsa Placement)
Lilith in Different Signs 🗝️ Observations
Midheaven/Medium Coeli (MC) in Various Signs 🗝️ Observations
Juno in Different Signs 🗝️ Observations
Moon in Different Houses 🗝️ Observations
Mars in Different Houses 🗝️ Effects
Jupiter In Different Houses 🗝️ Observations
Saturn in Different Houses Key Effects
Your Appearance Based on Your Rising/ Ascendant
Venus in Different Signs 🗝️ Observations
Bedroom Romance Based on your Rising/Ascendant 18+
North Node/Rahu in All Houses 🗝️ Observations
Some Fun Facts Based on your Moon Signs
Sexuality Observations Based on your Moon Signs 18+
Pick a Pile
Message From Your Future Spouse ✉️ What Kind of Person will you Grow Old with ? 🏃‍♂️ Your Next Adventure Your Next Job (PAC Reading)
Pick a Card (Tarot)
The Best Quality of Your Future SPOUSE What kind of person are you going to cross path with this year?
Your Personal Year : 1 , 2 , 3, 4 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Types of divination
Divination refers to the practice of seeking knowledge or insight about the future or hidden information through supernatural or mystical means. There are numerous types of divination found across cultures and traditions.
Here are some of the commonly known ones:
Astrology: Astrology involves interpreting the positions and movements of celestial bodies to gain insight into human affairs and predict future events.
Tarot Reading: Tarot cards are used to gain insight into the past, present, and future events or to explore various aspects of a person's life.
Palmistry: Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, involves analyzing the lines, shapes, and markings on a person's hand to make predictions about their life, personality, and future.
Numerology: Numerology is based on the belief that numbers hold symbolic meanings and can be used to gain insight into a person's character, talents, and future events.
Runes: Runes are ancient Germanic alphabet symbols that are used for divination. They are typically engraved on small stones or wooden tiles, and the reader interprets their meanings based on their arrangement.
Scrying: Scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball, a mirror, or water, to receive visions or insights about the past, present, or future.
Tea Leaf Reading: Also known as tasseography, this method involves interpreting patterns and symbols formed by tea leaves in a cup to gain insights or make predictions.
Pendulum Dowsing: Pendulum dowsing uses a weighted object, often a crystal or metal pendant, suspended from a string or chain. The movement of the pendulum is interpreted to answer yes or no questions or to provide guidance.
Ouija Board: Ouija boards are flat boards marked with letters, numbers, and symbols. Participants place their hands on a small planchette and ask questions, believing that spirits will guide the movement of the planchette to spell out answers.
These are just a few examples of divination practices. It's important to note that the effectiveness and interpretation of divination methods vary widely, and their validity is often a matter of personal belief or cultural tradition.
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astromancy-divinare · 2 months
Future Spouse Readings💕
✨A lot of people have asked me recently if I offer future spouse readings and what they cover, so here’s an explanation✨ I’ve included a recent client’s review at the end of this post!
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I look at both your Tropical and Sidereal natal charts, including your D9 Navamsa chart: a Vedic astrology divisional chart that reveals your future marriage(s).
💖The most important feature of this reading!💖 I tell you which Vedic Dasha planetary periods you are most likely going to get married in AND I give you several specific dates of when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will both aspect the correct houses needed to activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart. These dates will correspond with your Dasha periods in which marriage is possible.
My 💞Future Spouse Reading💞 covers:
Your palmistry marriage lines (I ask clients to send me a photo of the side of their right and left hands to see the marriage lines beneath their pinky)
Indicators in your charts for 1 or 2 marriages (These indicators usually match up with how many marriage lines you have)
Your 7th house lord and its placement in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This can tell you about the characteristics of your future spouse and how/where you’ll meet them)
Your Darakaraka in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This is a Vedic astrology technique that can tell you the qualities of your future spouse and I’ve found it works in the Tropical natal chart as well)
Asteroid Union sign and house placement in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This helps to add more information on how you’ll meet your future spouse)
The Upapada Lagna in your Tropical & Sidereal natal charts (This is a Vedic astrology technique to discover what the marriage will be like, whether it will end in divorce or death and whether you’ll have more than one marriage)
The 7th house lord in your D9 Navamsa chart (And if you have indicators for more than one marriage, I’ll include information on the 9th house lord = 9th house represents second marriage)
Your Vedic Dasha planetary periods when you will most likely get married (Dashas are a Vedic astrology technique to predict when specific events will most likely happen)
Specific dates when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will both aspect the correct houses to activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart (These dates will correspond with your Dasha periods in which you’re most likely to get married in)
Your Zodiacal Releasing dates based on the Lot of Eros in your Tropical natal chart when you may experience significant changes in your love life (I highlight which dates correspond to your Vedic Dasha periods in which marriage is most likely)
💕Here is a review from a recent client I did a Future Spouse Reading for!💕 They asked to remain anonymous.
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If you are interested in purchasing a Future Spouse Reading, DM me! Make sure you know your time of birth because otherwise I won’t be able to do the reading for you.
Info I’ll need from you:
Date of birth
Time of birth
Location of birth
How many serious relationships you’ve been in so far (that lasted at least a year or longer)
If you’ve already been married and divorced once
As of April 11, 2024: Future Spouse Readings = $25
PayPal: @AstromancyDivinare
CashApp: $AstromancyDivinare
These readings take me longer to complete due to searching for when transiting Jupiter and Saturn will activate marriage in your Sidereal natal chart, so turn around time currently is approximately 2 weeks.
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steddiebang · 8 months
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(You got me) in the palm of your hand
Author: @just-my-latest-hyperfixation l Artist: @jul2ja l Artist: @peachypurr Posting on Wednesday, October 4
"Fortunes told, futures unfold." The sign at the local ren faire looks tempting. After all, Steve is one year out of high school and has no idea where his life is going. Sometimes he wishes someone could just gaze into the future and figure it out for him. In the fortune teller’s tent, Steve has a run-in with his past. And if he doesn’t turn on his heel and leave, it has absolutely nothing to do with how pretty Eddie Munson looks in his costume, all gleaming jewelry and dark tendrils of hair spilling out from under a patterned headscarf. He lets Eddie read his palm, because why the hell not? It’s all bogus anyway! Except, as the summer goes on, Steve finds that Eddie’s cryptic predictions somehow, inexplicably keep coming true. As they keep running into each other, almost as if orchestrated by an invisible force, Steve can’t help but be intrigued with the other boy. He also can’t seem to forget how pretty Eddie’s eyes look in black liner, or the way his fingers feel on his skin, but that is an entirely different problem.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Eddie gasps in mock-offense and clutches a hand to his chest. His bracelets jingle with the movement. 
"So he's a non-believer, our king. Nevermind, I shall convince you of my skills yet." That smile turns just a little sly. He leans forward slowly, eyes shining with mirth. His rings gleam in the light of the lanterns as he lays his hands out on the table, palms up. “Give me your hands.” 
Steve can practically feel himself blush. 
“I, erm .. what?” he sputters. 
Eddie quirks an elegant eyebrow at him and the corner of his mouth curls up into a toothy grin. 
“Don’t fret, my liege, no uncouth intentions here. I’m merely going to introduce you to the ancient art of palmistry.” 
"Palmi- what now?" 
The question has made its way past his lips before he can think better of it. Steve gulps down the embarrassed lump that threatens to clog his throat and steels himself for the inevitable eye roll, maybe an exasperated explanation. 
Eddie merely smiles, a hint of that sweet, genuine thing from before, and fucking winks at him. 
"Our fate is written in the lines of our hands," he claims. "It is but an open book to those who know how to read it. If my king would ever-so-graciously allow me to demonstrate?" 
On the table, his fingers wiggle invitingly. 
A strange feeling flutters in Steve’s chest. He's tempted to say it's fondness, but that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it? He hardly knows the guy. He undeniable is weirdly charming though, with his theatrical mannerisms and big brown eyes framed in black liner. Before he can think better of it, Steve finds his own hands reaching out to meet Eddie’s. 
The other boy makes a small pleased sound and gently turns Steve’s hands so that the palms are facing up, Eddie's hands cupping his from beneath, fingers lightly brushing his wrists. And fuck, even his hands are nice. Smaller than Steve’s, but lean and slightly calloused, with long, nimble fingers. Steve wonders fleetingly if it's from all the guitar playing. His rings are not cold as he thought they would be, but warm from his body heat. 
"Now …" Eddie’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts. "Which one would be your sword hand?" 
"I, um…" says Steve. One hand tries to twitch up to run through his hair awkwardly, but Eddie holds it in place with gentle pressure. "I'm right-handed, if that's what …" 
Eddie nods and lifts Steve’s right lightly, lets go of his left so that he can point out what he is looking at. 
"See, your dominant hand tells me all about your character," he explains. "This, for example, would be your life line." 
The pad of a slender index finger runs a barely there touch along one of the lines close to Steve’s thumb. He jolts reflexively and snorts a laugh at the ticklish sensation. Eddie glances up at him and tuts in mock-admonishment. 
"From what I garner here," he then says, focusing back on Steve’s hand, and Steve catches himself leaning forward curiously, so that their foreheads almost touch. "You are very energetic. Strong of body, quite obviously, but also of head and heart. There's not much one can do to deter you from a decision once made. Some may call you stubborn, obstinate even. Others will say you are exceptionally determined, and loyal to those you hold dear."
Steve scoffs and glances up to give him a look, flinches back just slightly when he realizes how close they suddenly are. 
"Uh-huh, impressive. And you read all of that from my palm, of course." 
Another toothy grin. 
"Of course," Eddie says seriously. "Just like your heart line - that's the one over here - tells me that you tend to fall in love quickly, but deeply. You're no stranger to heartbreak, are you?" 
Steve rolls his eyes. Sure. Just about every single student at Hawkins High must know this much about him, especially after the absolute car wreck that was his break-up with Nancy.
"Whatever," he mutters and tries to conceal his embarrassment behind a careless shrug. "I already know all that. What about my future, then?" 
"Now this," says Eddie and takes a hold of Steve’s left with a soft sound of his bracelets, "is where we turn to your other hand, Your Grace. Let me see what I can divine from here." 
He regards Steve’s palm for a while and in the meantime, Steve watches his face. How his brow wrinkles in thought. How a few tendrils of dark hair slip out from under the headscarf to curl around his shoulders. How his bottom lip juts out in concentration. How the tip of a pink tongue comes poking out to lick it, leaves a shining trail of moisture. 
"Interesting," Eddie concludes at length. "Very interesting indeed. You have quite the exciting summer ahead of you." 
"Y- yeah?" Steve blinks out of his trance, forgets to sound cocky for a second. 
Eddie nods. "Certainly. I see conflict here. A former friend may step back into your life, but they will have turned against you, so watch your steps." 
"Huh," says Steve. "Sounds like a fun time. Lucky me, I guess." 
Eddie glances up at him and smiles coyly before turning back to his hand. 
"Speaking of lucky … I do see adventure, too. You will get to know someone. Someone who intrigues and excites you. You may even make a conquest, if you play your cards right. And then … I see something more profound, even. A new love."
Read more on October 4!
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 2 years
MAGIC USERS AND THEIR DEFINITIONS (because i’m mentally unwell and needed something cool to research)
FOREWARNING: In this, I do say that “witch” and “wizard” are not gendered terms and witches are different from wizards. This is literally just my headcanon (for lack of a better word). Most fantasy media does say that they are the 2 magic genders, but it’s my post and i’m going with the definition that I like.
Abjurer: Specifically deals in protective spells and the suppression of others’ magic.
Alchemist: Focuses on potion making, chemistry and alchemy (I know, shocker).
Artificer: Magic craftsmen. They do not cast spells, and instead can infuse objects with magic (such as a sword or wand).
Bard: Casts divine magic using their music and charisma.
Cleric: Their magic is a favour from the Gods to them. They pray at the beginning of the day every day to get their powers.
Chiromancer: Specialises in palmistry or fortune telling.
Diviner: Uses magic to foresee or predict future events or to discover hidden knowledge.
Druid: Wields nature-themed magic. Like clerics, they get their magic from the gods.
Enchanter: A general name for someone who uses magic.
Hydromancer: Specifically focuses on controlling water or liquid.
Illusionist: Uses magic to create illusions. Also known as evokers or conjurers.
Mage: Similar to the sorcerer, but instead of relying on willpower and instinct, they are more uniform, while sorcerers are more on the creative side.
Necromancer: Specifically focuses on reanimation of the dead.
Oneiromancer: Specifically focuses on dreams and prediction of the future.
Pyromancer: Specifically focuses on controlling fire.
Sorcerer: Does not learn magic, and instead has it within them. This can be, for example, because it is in their bloodline.
Warlock: Gains magic from a divinity or higher power. The magic equivalent of fucking your teacher for grades.
Witch: Does magic that is particularly focused on plants, herbs, healing, and cooking. Witches mostly make potions and have familiars (most commonly cats, frogs/toads, rats or ravens)
Wizard: Learns magic from books and study. Many also have staffs, wands, or another means of casting spells.
Let me know if i missed anything!
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quickastroo · 1 month
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पक्षियों को दाना- पानी डालने से भी नवग्रहों के अशुभ प्रभाव को दूर किया जा सकता है। प्राणियों और पक्षियों में अनिष्ट तत्वों को काबू में रखने की अद्भुत शक्तियां होती
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Writing Notes: Divination (pt. 2)
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The Sorceress by John William Waterhouse (1913, oil on canvas)
Divining the Future:
It seems humans have for a very long time been troubled by the opacity of the future. They'd like to have a better sense of what lies ahead, and they've come up with some ingenious ways of trying to get at that information, each of which has a name.
The suffix -mancy means "divination." Divination is the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events, or to discover hidden knowledge. Divination usually involves the interpretation of omens or, if you're really lucky, the assistance of supernatural powers.
Chiromancy -> divination by examination of the hand Also: cheiromancy. It's a synonym of the more common word palmistry. Chiromancy has fallen in and out of favor over the millennia of its history. In Medieval times, those hunting witches using chiromancy looked for pigmentation spots on the hands, which signaled a pact with the Devil.
Cleromancy -> divination by means of casting lots Cast here means "throw" or "toss." Lots are objects—such as marked sticks or dice—used as a counter when determining a question of chance. In cleromancy, the lots are thrown and where and how they land provide clues about the future. If you use dice, you can refer to your particular kind of cleromancy as cubomancy.
Dactyliomancy -> divination by means of finger rings In one form of dactyliomancy, a ring is suspended by a fine thread over a round table marked with the letters of the alphabet. In its dangling state, the ring settles briefly over particular letters, spelling out a message. Dactyl- means "finger," "toe," or "digit."
Geomancy -> divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features Take a piece of paper and a pencil and make a whole bunch of dots on it. If you believe in geomancy (and if you've done the dot-and-pencil work right) you may find that answers to your questions and predictions about the future lie somewhere in the configuration of those dots. To try an older version of geomancy, throw some dirt down and find information about the future in where the particles land. The term also refers to divination by geographical features.
Gyromancy -> divination in which one walking in or around a circle falls from dizziness and prognosticates from the place of the fall The gyro- in this word is the same gyro- in gyroscope. It means "ring, spiral, circle."
Hydromancy -> divination by water or other liquid (as by visions seen therein or the ebb and flow of tides) This can be similar to catoptromancy—when it is a reflection that interests the reader—or it can have to do with the movement of water, either the water's own movement, or the way the water moves objects floating on it.
Lecanomancy -> divination by inspection of water in a basin The water inspected in lecanomancy may have stones tossed into it, or oil mixed into it. The word comes from the Greek lekanē, meaning "basin."
Lithomancy -> divination by stones or by charms or talismans of stone Lith- means "stone." In lithomancy, the stones are typically specially chosen stones, and are sometimes semiprecious (i.e., denoting minerals which can be used as gems but are considered to be less valuable than precious stones). Qualities of the stones are important in lithomancy, such as how reflective of light they are.
Necromancy -> conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events Phrased less delicately than this definition, necromancy is divination by the dead. The word is also used to broadly refer to magic or sorcery. Necro- means "one that is dead" or "those that are dead." Necromancy should not be confused with sciomancy, which is divination by consulting the disembodied spirits of the dead.
Oneiromancy -> divination by means of dreams Dreams can seem like messages from some other realm, and oneiromancy asserts that they indeed are that. The Bible's book of Genesis tells of Joseph's oneiromancy skills; he explains that Pharaoh's dreams of fat and lean cattle, and full and thin heads of grain, predict of years of plenty to be followed by years of famine.
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astraeaboann · 1 year
✨ Palm Readings are finally open! ✨
I am very excited to let you know that I am now offering Palm Reading services on Fiverr!
✨ Click here to know your future! ✨
Depending on which you choose, I will focus on different aspects: physical characteristics (fingers and thumb shape, spacing, palm shape), major and minor lines (heart, head, health, Apollo, Mercury, Destiny Line) and the planetary influences (the Mounts of the Hand). I have been practicing for over 5 years now, and I have decided to start offering palmistry assessments, starting from 10$. Feel free to ask any questions and place an order if you would like to help a fellow witch.
A reblog helps too!
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sluttynurse · 1 year
using my bros' dick veins to predict their futures like palmistry.
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