#outlaws x speedster
kimberly-spirits13 · 2 years
Texting Jason Todd
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do you think you can do a yandere Jason todd x male reader x Yandere Dick Grayson if you want to that is your a great writer :)
Yandere Jason Todd x male reader x Yandere Dick Grayson
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(i couldnt find a gif of just Jason and Dick, so have this one)
So, Jason and Dick are both yandere for the same person here, who’s got powers, cuz duh, I always make the reader a hero or meta. Readers related to Reverse flash, cuz hes one of my crazy meow meows.
I kinda went a little all over the place in the story with this, but I love the idea of speedster powers.
 -          You were called Mach 10, or that was your alter egos name anyways. In the beginning they had called you reverse kid flash since you were to Thawne what Wally was to Barry, except your relationship with Thawne was a lot more confusing.
-          You weren’t sure where you even started, what year you were from, or what reality for that matter, and neither was Thawne. But he saw you had his exact powers, looked like him, at least a little, so he took you under his wing and brought you with him.
-          Thawne is in no way a good person, whatsoever, but he didn’t force you to follow his path. You didn’t have a reason for what you did like Thawne, but part of you liked the feeling of your powers and how strong you were, so you also did crime, though not to the same scale as your father figure.
-          This didn’t mean you were all evil though. You saw yourself as greyer or rather a darker grey. You helped when people were in mortal danger, sometimes, and you always helped if the world was in danger or similar.
-          You could even be convinced to work alongside the flashes, though they were wary of you in the beginning, until you all actually got closer, and you became allies with the likes of Wally or Bart, though they weren’t the biggest fans of your villainy, they knew they couldn’t stop you for the most part.
-          And as long as you weren’t actually hurting people, or you only were hurting actually evil people, they could look past it in a similar way to the league looking past the outlaws and their behavior. Of course, you’d killed innocent people too, you weren’t without flaws, but they didn’t have to know that.
 -          The first time you used your powers to your full potential and jumped through and altered time, or jumped to different dimensions, Thawne was so proud and the two of you went out for ice cream to celebrate.
-          This new world was very similar to your own, and the league of this world must have felt the ripple in the speedforce or reality itself, as the ice cream shop you and Thawne were sitting in soon had a couple of heroes outside.
-          Your father figure rolled his eyes so hard you couldn’t help but giggle, and you two kept on eating your treat as this dimensions Flash cautiously made his way inside, seemingly recognizing Thawne at the very least, though you gave you some wary looks.
-          As the two men talked you ended up speeding outside to get some air, and since you grew extremely bored listening to them discuss why you were here, what you wanted, etc. etc. You flashed past the other heroes outside and decided to check out the different cities this dimension had to offer.
-          As the heroes panicked, Thawne just waved his hand and told them you were fine since you didn’t have a bloodlust like he did, and you were more like a dog hyped up on the speedforce checking out a new patch of grass.
-          Of course none of them trusted Thawne, but its not like anyone but Barry could really keep up with you, and as Thawne left saying you’d leave when you were done, they decided to keep an eye on you instead.
 -          One thing led to another, and you ended up in Gotham, sitting on the edge of a rooftop watching the gloomy city go about their life. Every now and then you’d catch some people glancing up at you, as your bright yellow suit stood out very brightly across the dark city.
-          Your suit was very similar to Thawnes, though you had added your own quirks to it, and the suit had more black mixed with some red patterns, though it was clear your inspiration was from Reverse Flash and not Flash.
-          It was when you were debating on ransacking a store for all their snacks that you noticed this dimensions Red Hood fighting a large number of enemies. He was limping and was struggling to keep up, so you could under assume he had been at this for a while.
-          Shrugging you decided to help, since Red Hood was the only bat you got along with in your universe. With a crackle of black and red lightning, you flashed on over and took out the enemies with ease.
-          You had to hold back from not killing them since you knew the bat wouldn’t be very happy about that, and you remembered Red Hood from your universe didn’t kill as much anymore.
-          Turning around you watched as Red Hood collapsed to his knee with a pained groan, blood vividly pouring down his torso and onto the rooftop.
 -          Jason had no idea who you were or where you came from, but he was too messed up from his fight to do much as you walked over and picked him up like he weighed nothing. Then you sped somewhere else, one of his safehouses that seemed to be the same as the one in your original dimension, and you patched him out.
-          He passed out from blood loss, but when he woke up again you were still there, sitting on his couch watching tv like you owned the place. Seeing as he was awake you went and checked up on him, making sure he wasn’t dying or anything.
-          That’s when Jason finally demanded to know who the hell you were, or how you knew about his safehouse. You just laugh and reach up to push you cowl off, introducing yourself as Mach 10, and saying you were just a visitor from a different dimension.
-          Jason would never admit it but the moment he saw your face the seeds of obsession were sown, and as you stuck around for the rest of the day you two started talking and found out you had a lot in common.
-          And when you didn’t judge him for his violent ways and he learned you resorted to violence and murder as well, he felt some kind of kinship with you, only deepening the already brewing obsession and love.
-          You end up figuring out the Red Hood of this world never stopped using real bullets, he just kills less than before, but still puts and end to the lives of the worse kinds of people.
 -          After that, much to Batman’s annoyance, you stuck around Gotham, though you mainly stuck around Crime Alley. You started to become Red Hoods terrifying yellow shadow. There were rumors you were some kind of opposite to Signal, but they people saw your use of speed, and it became obvious you weren’t a bat.
-          You had never been one much for boundaries, so when Jasons obsession grew over time and he started to touch you like grabbing you, holding your hand or carrying you around you just let him, knowing you could snap him in half if you needed too.
-          You weren’t the best influence as your own moral compass wasn’t the best, but Crime Alley had never been more safe for the innocent, and you started to actually gather admirers amongst the civilian population.
-          Jason never spoke of how jealous or sick it made him feel to see people cheer for you or take your hand to thank you for saving them. But people never got too far in their hero worship, as you always did something the normal population found terrifying, placing you right back in the untouchable category.
-          But seeing you use the speedforce to rip apart someones atoms or watch you vibrate at a frequency that allowed you to control people, it made people back away and only admire and fear you from a distance.
-          But for Jason it only made you more attractive, and watching you vibrate or as sparks of lightning shot off your body, it only made Jason feel hot under the collar. His obsession with you grew to the point where he would neglect his duties as the Red Hood if you weren’t going out as well, so he could spend more time with you.
 -          Before you arrived Jason had kept up some kind of contact with the batfam since he was lonely or might need support at times, but now that you were there he pretty much stopped all contact as you were all he needed.
-          This worried the bats, but not enough for most of them to do anything about it, except for Dick who decided he needed to get to the bottom of this. So he went to Crime Alley to check on Jason and you.
-          When Dick first met you he couldn’t help but notice how bright and carefree you were, like the weight of the world meant absolutely nothing to you, and looking at you and your powers that might be the truth.
-          But he also couldn’t help but notice how Jason seemed to tense up as he shook your hand, or how his younger brothers hand seemed to be twitching for his gun whenever Dick got a little too close to you.
-          Dick hadn’t ever really been the most mentally stable person, especially in this new dimension he seemed even more unstable in a sense, as he grew interested in you and seemed to ignore the obvious danger that Jason was to him.
-          In the beginning it was just a curious interest for Dick, but like Jason the moment he saw your face the first time without your cowl, his heart stuttered, and his face went red, and he felt like he had to have you.
 -          Like with Jason you did very little to disapprove of his behavior, letting Dick hug you whenever he wanted, or leaving the trackers you knew they both placed on you, knowing your lightning would break them at some point.
-          Dick went out of his way to learn all your interests, and buying you more gifts than you knew what to do with, he might even use his connection to the league to get you speedster based gear that you could use.
-          Jasons jealousy became worse as he clung to you, his eyes pretty much always a constant bright green as pit rage burned in his chest as he watched Dick try to charm you and steal you from him.
-          Up until they point Jason hadn’t made a move on you romantically, but when he saw Dick bring you a brand new herosuit, one that when you put it on hugged your body even more than the last one, he decided enough was enough.
-          It was especially the way Dick seemed to look all over your body in your new suit, or how Dicks hands wandered over your body to “check out that the suit fit” and how he knew Dick kept pictures and recordings of you.
-          Jason hoped Dicks interest would disappear when he watched you mind control someone to kill their entire family and then themselves, as multiple members of the family were innocent or children.
-          But to Jasons extreme annoyance, Dick only seemed to get more interested or feel more drawn to you. Jason was happy you didn’t pay much attention to other people, or else you might have noticed how Dick was aching for you like a cat in heat as he watched you rip out someone’s lungs using the speedforce.
 -          They both knew they couldn’t keep you locked up, they couldn’t even threaten you as you were so much more powerful than them, and you weren’t dumb enough to manipulate.
-          No matter how many plans Jason cooked up, he couldn’t figure out a way to keep you as his and his alone, until one night it just became too much.
-          A woman you had just saved from a criminal pressed up against you, hands rubbing your chest as she told you she could thank you in the best way, but before you could laugh in her face, Jason had shot her.
-          As you turned to look at him in confusion Jason crowded close to you, ripping of his helmet to grab your face and force his lips onto yours. You could easily have broken both his arms, but you didn’t find Jason annoying to be around, so you kissed him back.
-          Jason was over the moon as you kissed him back, his legs growing weak as he started moaning and whimpering against your lips, his knees completely giving out as your tongues clashed, resulting in you having to hold him up.
-          What you both didn’t realize was that Dick had been following you, and had seen the kiss which was enough to snap what little bit of sanity he had left as possessiveness burned so brightly in his chest.
-          He followed you both back to Jasons place where he confronted you two as you got inside, and you were just confused as the two bats started fighting both physically and with words. But when their fighting got a little too extreme you pulled them apart.
-          Dick ended up grabbing you and pulling you close so he could kiss you too, forcing his tongue between your lips as you could taste blood from where Jason must have busted his lip. Jason yelled in rage and tried to fling himself at Dick again, but you just grabbed him and held him against your side.
 -          Where Jason had grown weak in his knees and almost soft at the kisses, Dick seemed to grow controlling, the grip he had on you growing tight to the point it would have hurt a normal person.
-          When the kiss started to feel like you were being devoured by some animal you forced Dick to step back, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand as you told him to control the slobbering.
-          Both Dick and Jason still fought a lot for you, but they also knew they’d have to kill one another to get the other to leave, but you liked them both as a person, so they put up with each other’s presence.
-          They even started sharing the pictures or videos they had, or their collection of stolen items they had taken from you, where dicks most prized possession was your last suit, and Jasons was the original clothes you had been wearing underneath the suit when you first arrived.
-          Dick grew more violent during his patrols as he became almost illusioned by his possessive obsession to you, that he couldn’t let these criminals walk around as they’d want to take you from him or would taint you. This resulted in Dick also cutting most contact with the batfam and the league, as he and Jason were too busy worshipping your very existence.
-          They were both extremely clingy, both inside and outside of suits, and they loved to buy you things or to always be touching you. And though they hated your powers at times since they could never get the upper hand, they both loved how strong you were, or how cruel you were to criminals or just anybody that got in your way.
 -          But one day came that you were growing bored of this dimension, and though you did care for Jason and Dick, you wanted to be on your way and even return to your original dimension.
-          You weren’t a good person, and since you’d never officially put a name on what you were with the two bats, you just packed up what few things you needed on a rare day neither of them were there, put on your suit, left a note, and left using the speedforce.
-          When Dick and Jason realize you left, they both in their delusional minds think there must have been some reason you left, that maybe Thawne forced you or something happened in your original universe.
-          You were the only thing keeping them a little stable, so with you gone they both pretty much lose it and hurt and kill anybody in their way to get you back, which ends up with them finding some gear or machine that uses the speedforce.
-          They somehow had something of yours that is connected to you or your presence in the speedforce that means they can zero the machine in on you, and take them to you. So with the league in shambles around them, they abandon their original Dimension and step into your original dimension, on their search for you so they can stand by you once more.
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stealingyourbones · 6 months
Short DPXDC Prompts Masterlist #901-950
901. Danny is Tucker's Portal Chauffeur 902. Ectopuses in Star City 903. Catwoman is Paulina's Aunt 904. Dan and Klarion are Buddies 905. Tucker/Skulker/Roy 906. Damian/Fright Knight 907. Paulina Slime (ectoplasm) TikToker 908. Ectoplasm Fixes All 909. Paulina and Lois are Buddies 910. Dairy Ghost King AU 911. Tucker/Wally AU <3 912. Magitech User Tucker 913. Tucker is Outlaw's GITC 914. Zatanna/Dani 915. Dani Traveler to Lover AU 916. Jay Garrick is Clockwork's Favorite 917. Jazz/Cass Self Defense Class 918. Danny is Bruce's Childhood Chauffeur 919. Danny/Alfred Old Lovers AU 920. Billy & Sam are Friends :) 921. Danny is Bruce's Teacher 922. Muppet Actor Danny AU 923. Ghosts Mess with TTK 924. Frostbite Helps Jimmy Olsen 925. Abra Kadabra Possesses Skulker 926. Danny Summons JL 927. Danny Watchtower Repairman 928. Radion Bullets 929. Dionesium 930. Madame Xanadu Teaches Dani 931. Danny Grows Antlers 932. La Croix Ectoplasm 933. Harley & Danny Ghost Animal 934. Danny Meets Suicide Squad 935. Johnny 13 Messes With Intergang 936. Speedster Defeats Nocturn 937. Mad Hatter & Ghost Writer 938. Livewire & Technus 939. Tucker Made Arsenal's Arm 940. Dani Works for Task Force X 941. Wonder Woman Mentors Dani 942. Jazz Works for Jay Garrick 943. Harley and Jazz Pen Pals 944. Danny Clone Found In Cadmus 945. Jazz is Lian's Babysitter 946. Danny Slips Up During Lasso Of Truth Interrogation 947. Detective Paulina 948. Dash Security Guard 949. Tucker Works for Ivo 950. Maddie Joins Birds of Prey
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: "don’t leave me. don’t you dare leave me.”
♡ pairing: jason todd (redhood) x fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: "everybody loves somebody sometime. everybody falls in love somehow." 
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i wanna note that this doesn’t follow TITANS Jason Todd. you can use whatever version you want. the reason i say this is because the lack of gifs for Jason that Tumblr provides is w a c k.
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“don’t bullshit me Jason, I really don’t need you coming up with any kind of excuse on the spot,” you told Jason. he could tell you were being completely serious. you weren’t feigning anything as you looked him straight in the eyes, “i’m done with the excuse and i’m personally done with waiting for someone who doesn’t make time for me.” 
Jason tried grabbing your hand but you immediately took it back. not caring if you were making a scene or not. 
Dick and Tim were in the unfortunate situation of being present for you argument and although they felt kind of awkward being around, they low key wanted to hear the rest of the argument. they felt awful for you but Jason had it coming. 
“don’t leave me. don’t you dare leave me!” Jason screamed. you shook your head, “you did this to yourself, Todd. you don’t get to play the victim in this situation,” you stated before grabbing your bag and exiting Jason’s apartment. 
Tim as well as Dick stood in awkward silence. not knowing whether to comfort Jason or leave. this was the first time in what felt like ages that they have seen Jason so vulnerable. 
you were Jason’s version of normal. although you weren’t a hero or any kind of sidekick, you did help out any of the teams that needed an extra hand at their respective lairs. you had a flair for working computers and knew your way around them when Tim wasn’t available. 
a few weeks had passed since your ‘break up’ with Jason. you had helped out the Bat’s a few times within the weeks but you made sure to keep your distance with Jason. whenever he appeared, you went to another section of the Batcave or moved completely to the second level so you wouldn’t even have to run into him. 
today, however; you were hanging around Tim’s team. you were in the mood to bug Connor as you were helping Jon with some of his schoolwork and decided to stick around. you weren’t particularly close with Connor but he did have a soft side with you so you messing with him didn’t necessarily upset him. 
“Tim or Connor, how much would it cost for you to bring me food from the chicken place around the corner?” you asked the two boys. “Connor could probably take you. I don’t think Tim’s moving from his computer anytime soon but I don’t mind piggybacking you there,” Wally said from the other side of the table. 
you huffed, smacking Tim on the side of the head and getting up. 
“well if that’s the case, come on West, you’re taking me,” you said grabbing his shoulder. Tim from the corner of his eye examined your interaction with Wally. you were getting a bit closer to the redhead and he found it a bit weird considering you weren’t close with him while you were with Jason, “hold on,” Wally smirked as he hauled you over onto his back. 
you laughed, holding on tightly as he zoomed out the door. Tim knew it wasn’t any of his business to get involved in relationship drama. he wanted nothing to do with it personally but seeing you close with Wally rubbed him the wrong way for some reason. maybe it was the idea that he still had hope for you to that made him text his adoptive brother. 
“your girl is going out with Wally. they’re going to be at the restaurant by my place if you’re wondering.” 
Jason had been moping around when he wasn’t going on any missions so when he saw Tim texting him, he found it weird within itself. he hardly messaged any of his brothers so receiving one from Tim no less was pretty odd. 
his heart dropped a bit reading the text. he had no idea you were even close with the speedster so to be going on a date with him put him on edge. Jason immediately ran out of his door and booking it on his motorcycle to the restaurant. 
had any police been on the streets, Jason would’ve received copious amount of tickets by the way he was speeding but he could have cared less. he arrived to the restaurant in due time. he saw you sitting down, eating with Wally as the two of you were basically scarfing down the food in front of you. 
Jason felt a pang to his chest as he watched you talk with Wally like nothing was wrong. he had never seen you so care free before. even when the two of you went out for a date or something, he felt so on edge thinking that something could happen to you. 
Jason didn’t want to sound more problematic than he already was but he felt a feeling of possessiveness hit him seeing you with Wally. like he didn’t want you going out with anyone that wasn’t him. his eye twitched every time Wally made you laugh or whenever you reached over to smack or touch him. 
eventually, he saw you and Wally getting up from the table. he quickly hopped on his motorcycle and drove back to his place, more upset than he thought he would be. 
he shot Tim a text back, thanking him for letting him knowing. 
Jason had heard a few days ago that you were planning on going out with a few of your friends with a club in Gotham and that happened to be today. he knew that following you to whatever club you were going too would be wrong but with the way he was feeling, he didn’t care. he was coming along..even if he had to hide in the crowd. 
he inched his way back to your place a few hours later to see you already getting dressed. you were wearing one of Jason’s favorite outfits and that alone made him want to go over to you and remind you that you were his. (WHY DID THIS GO SO YANDERE ALL OF A SUDDEN PFT).
the funny thing in all of this was that he saw you slip in some crocs into your bag. he knew you hated wearing shoes let alone heels so to see you probably change into them through the night made him chuckle. 
once you got into your car and made your way into Gotham to the club you were meeting your friends at, he walked in through the side and stood in the corner as he watched you get ID’d and walk inside. all of you were sitting at a table and ordering your first round of drinks. you downed a shot of whatever you had ordered before grabbing your friends hand taking her out into the dance floor. 
Jason walked in a bit closer but making sure to stay hidden. he saw you just dancing with your friend and couldn’t help but gulp. the way you were dancing and grinding up against your friend would have had him dragging you to the nearest bathroom for getting him riled up. (insert gif above)
he remained watching you until he noticed a guy approaching you. the guy was on the taller side, greasy hair flopping to the side of his face, and his clothes looked like he hadn’t changed out of it in days. 
“really, I’m fine. I don’t dance with people I don’t know,” you stated as you friend pulling you away. the guy quickly grabbed your other hand, “c’mon, one dance?” you shook him off, stating once again that you weren’t interested before walking back to the table. 
Jason, although the interaction was minor, was seeing red. he waited until the guy left to catch him in the single bathroom, leaving him bloody and bruised. he looked down to the guy before chuckling, “you should really learn what no means,” he spat before leaving. 
by the time he entered the floor again, you were already back on the floor dancing. you were dancing with another friend as you sipped on a drink and minded your business. it took a few internal screams to remind himself that he couldn’t just walk over to you and take you by the hand but almost after that, he heard commotion coming from the other end of the bar. 
closer to where you were.
Jason walked slowly to make sure shit didn’t get out of hand. you didn’t even realize that an entire fight had broken out by you as you were too busy singing to the song that was playing. it wasn’t until you heard gunshots that made you flinch and realize that shit was going down. 
you grabbed your friend, screaming at them to forget their things as you took everything the Bats had told you about situations like this and basically run for your life. you ran to the nearest exit before hearing gunshots going off again. this time, you tried ducking but it was far too late. you felt an impact against your left shoulder blade.
the gunshot immediately made you fall onto the ground as Jason practically sprinted to you. you weren’t even conscious enough to realize what was going on anymore but as you tried to get up to run once again, you felt yourself get pistol whipped on the nose as you fell again. 
Jason finally made it towards you after he signaled the Outlaws and even the some of the Bats to make their way to the club. you were trying your best to keep your eyes open but they were slowly starting to fall shut. 
“hey! hey! don’t fall asleep on me,” you heard Jason’s panicked voice. you laughed, leaning against him, “of course you would’ve followed me here but Jay, I’m kinda tired,” you whispered as your eyes fell completely shut. Jason shook you again as he tried to make sure you stayed awake, “don’t leave me. don’t you fucking leave me!” he screamed. 
it took a few minutes but eventually, the paramedics came in and got you onto a stretcher as Tim, Roy, and for some odd reason, Damian walked inside. they saw your state of being and looked to Jason. 
“a fight broke out and one of them shot off with gunshots. she got shot on the shoulder and hit with the gun to the nose,” he explained as he watched the ambulance put you inside. he knew...he hoped that you would make it out okay because he had some business to take care of before he went to visit you in the hospital, “I’ll be back,” he growled, getting up and running out the door. 
Roy, Tim, and Damian looked at each other realizing what he was about to do. they quickly followed him out the door but by the time they reached him, he was already running down the darkened ally, trailing what they assumed were the people that hurt you. 
Jason managed to tackle them to the floor, getting the ring leader as he stepped on the guys throat. he made sure not to make him pass out as he wanted the guy to feel his punches. Jason was big. size comparison to Superman so the punches to the face felt unearthly. 
“JASON STOP!” Tim screamed as Roy grabbed his best friend along with Damian, “if you get caught up in all this, you won’t be able to visit her. stop!” he yelled as he asked Roy to keep him calm, “go to the hospital. Roy can even take you but Robin and I have this,” he continued. 
he wanted to argue but for the first time in his life, Jason actually listened. he knew that he would get nothing by spending the night in a jail cell. Roy let him go when he realized that Jason was calm enough and let him to his motorcycle to follow you to the hospital. 
Jason got to the hospital about a half hour later. he immediately ran to the front desk, screaming your name to the receptionist who flinched back in fear. she walked him slowly to the room where you were at and informed him that you weren’t severely injured and most of the damage was on the nose. the blood you had lost was already getting pumped back into you. 
he saw you asleep on the bed as he pulled the chair up to your bed. Jason had never saw you this way before and frankly, it scared the shit outta him. he never wanted to see you this way again. 
without realizing, Jason had fallen asleep on the chair with his hand holding yours. it wasn’t until you actually woke up to see Jason asleep that you slowly shook him awake. Jason jumped up in fright and when he saw that you were awake, a sigh of relief was released. 
“how are you feeling? do you need anything?” he asked as you shook your head, “why did I know you would follow me to the club tonight?” you said with a tired smile. Jason shrugged, “you know how hard it is for me to quit you,” he confessed. 
while you did want to keep up your anger towards him, you weren’t even in the mood to start arguing with him. “Jason, seriously?” you said, not knowing what to say. Jason checked the door to make sure it was closed before basically hovering over you, “I can’t lose you. I just can’t. you’re the only thing that makes me feel normal. I know I wasn’t prioritizing you but I just can’t see you with anyone else. seeing you with Wally earlier almost made me want to kill him. I swear, I’ll start being better. I’ll make sure to make time for you but please, don’t leave me,” he yelled but softly. 
you had never heard Jason so vulnerable before, “wait, how did you know I was with Wally earlier?” you asked. Jason smiled sheepishly, knowing he was about to rat Tim out, “Tim might’ve told me,” he said. you squinted your eyes, “that asshole,” you said. 
“Jay, it’s hard to believe that when this isn’t the first time its happened. I just, I can’t be put in third or fourth place anymore. I see the way Dick and his girlfriend are and he still makes time for her and I always question why can’t you do the same!” you replied. Jason nodded understandingly, “I know but please, please trust me. one more chance and if I screw this up, you have every right to leave me for good,” he said almost immediately. 
you sighed, thinking for a few moments, “fine. one more chance and if you ruin it, it’s over. I won’t care what you say or do to try and get me back,” you threatened as Jason sighed in relief. 
he bent down for a kiss that had went longer than usual. it was getting steamier by the second but before you could continue, you heard a knock on the door indicating that the nurse or a doctor realized you were awake, “later, I promise. you’ll have enough time for this when you nurse me back to health,” you whispered making Jason laugh, “good because the way you were dancing with your friend might’ve turned me on more than I want to admit,” he said. 
you rolled your eyes as Jason sat back down on the chair as the doctor walked in. 
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robin-27 · 3 years
Man of Steel
Origin Story
Main Villain = General Zod
Cameos = Martian Manhunter & Abin Sur
References = Supergirl & Brainiac
Batman: Gotham Knight
A few years in as Batman
Robin & Batgirl = Tim Drake & Cassandra Cain
Dick has been Nightwing and formed the Titans years ago
Main Villain = Deadshot & Black Mask
Cameos = David Cain & Riddler
References = Various Batman Villains (Arkham)
World’s Finest
Batman and Superman team up movie
Reveals other metahumans/heroes - Flash, The Hawks, The Atom and The Lantern Corps
Main Villains = Lex Luthor & Deathstroke
Plot - Batman and Superman at odds, but team up once they realise Lex and Slade are the bad guys behind things
Cameos = Firefly & Bane
Wonder Woman: Amazonian Warrior
Present Day
Origin story, kinda
Fish out of water style movie
Main Villain = Ares
Cameos = Batman & Superman
References = ARGUS (Through Steve)
Justice League
League Line-Up - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Barry), Aquaman, Green Lantern(Hal) & Martian Manhunter
Apokolips invasion - Led by Granny Goodness and Steppenwolf
Formation of the Justice League
Explains why there was a Teen Titans before League (Batman)
Cameos = The Hawks, The Atom, Shazam & Green Arrow
References = Darkseid & Amanda Waller
The Flash
Features Hal Jordan
Buddy Cop movie
Main Villains = The Rouges - Captain Cold, Heatwave, Mirror Master & Captain Boomerang
Cameos = Kid Flash, Jay Garrick & Henry Allen
References = Reverse Flash
Aquaman: War for Atlantis
Orm learns of Arthur
Similar to actual movie
Main Villains = Orm and Black Manta
Cameos = Kaldur
Young Justice
Reach invasion
Introduction of Bart Allen and Jaime Reyes
Team lineup - Robin, Wondergirl, Impulse, Batgirl, Aqualad, Blue Beetle & Miss Martian
Main Villain = The Reach
Camoes = Jason Todd
Green Arrow: Emerald Archer
Introduction of Black Canary and Emiko Queen
Flashbacks to Oliver’s origin
Main Villain = Shado & Komodo
Emiko is the illegitimate daughter of Oliver and Shado
Cameos = Ra’s al Ghul, Nyssa al Ghul, Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne
References = Connor Hawke & Malcolm Merlyn 
Justice League: Unlimited
Origin story for John Stewart
Focus’ on new heroes
Main team lineup - John Stewart, The Atom, The Hawks and Shazam
Main Villain = The Royal Flush Gang
Cameos - Various League members & Gorilla Grodd
References - JSA
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Pretty much the same as the movie
Main Villains = Joker, Red Hood & Black Mask
Cameos = Nightwing, Red Robin & Talia al Ghul
References - Killing Joke
Titans: Bloodlines
Old team coming together
Team lineup - Nightwing, Kid Flash, Troia, Arsenal, Tempest & Omen
Introduction of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven & Cyborg
Main Villains = Brother Blood and Hive
Cameos = Jinx and Bumblebee
References = Trigon
Wonder Woman: The Hunt
Introduction of Cheetah
Main Villain = Cheetah
Suicide Squad
Line up - Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Cpt. Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, King Shark, Killer Frost & Condiment King
Sent in to defeat Gorilla Grodd & KGBeast
Deaths = Bronze Tiger dies killing KGBeast, Killer Frost shot in the head by Deadshot, Condiment King mauled by Gorillas & Grodd killed by King Shark
Main Villain = Gorilla Grodd & KGBeast
Cameos = Various villains
References = Potential alien invasion
Justice League: Death of Superman
Superman dies
Darksied sends Doomsday to kill Clark
Main Villains = Doomsday & Desaad
Camoes = Supergirl
References = Cyborg Superman
Dark movie
Introduces Jade Nguyen
They “Click”
Roy loses his arm
Main Villain = Prometheus & Sportsmaster
Camoes = Jason Todd
References = The Outlaws
Dick has to stop the penguin
Barbara is his Girl in the Chair
Main Villains = The Penguin & Blockbuster
Cameos = Red Hood & Arsenal
References = Mar’i Grayson
Flash: Scarlet Speedster
Eobard fucks up Barry’s day
Main Villains = Reverse Flash
Cameos = Weather Wizard and Leonard Snart
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Origin of Kyle Rayner
Features John, Hal and Kyle
Mainly a Hal Jordan movie
Main Villains = Sinestro
Camoes = Killowag and StarSaphire
References = Red Lanterns
Justice Society of America: WWII
Line Up = The Flash(Jay), Green Lantern(Alan), Wildcat, Hourman, Black Canary(Dinah Drake) & Doctor Fate
Main Villain = Vandal Savage (as Hitler)
Camoes = Alfred Pennyworth & The Waynes
References = Darkseid
Justice League: Reign of the Supermen
Pretty much the same as the movie
Introduces Conner Kent, Steel, Eradicator & Cyborg Superman
Debut of the Black Supersuit
Main Villains = Cyborg Superman & Parademons
Cameos = Justice League
References = Conner joining Young Justice
Superman: Brainiac Attacks
Pretty self explanatory 
Introduction of Cir-El AKA Mia Kent & Jon Kent
Introduction of The Legion of Superheroes
Main Villains = Brainiac & Bizarro
Camoes = Brainiac 5 & Lightning Lad
References = The Outlaws
The Outlaws
Buddy Cop movie
Comedy Rated R
The Beginning of the Bromance
Line up - Red Hood, Arsenal, Artemis & Donna Troy & Bizarro
Blue Beetle
Team up with Jaime Reyes & Bart Allen
Introduction of Girl 13
Main Villain = Klarion
Cameos = Zatanna
References = Lobo 
Son of Batman
Similar to animated movie
Damian becomes Robin
Red Robin replaces Dick in this movie
Main Villains = Deathstroke
Cameos = Ra’s, Talia & Nyssa al Ghul & Connor Hawke
References = Court of Owls
Birds of Prey
Better than the one we got
Line up - Oracle, Huntress, Black Canary, Batgirl(Cass) & Stephanie Brown
The Birds train Stephanie to become Spoiler
Main Villains = Cluemaster and Carmine Falcone
Camoes = Batwoman, Renee Montoya & Black Mask
References = Bertinelli Family 
Justice League Dark: City of Demons
Line up = Zatanna, John Constantine, Jason Blood, Etrigan, Deadman & Frankenstein's Monster
Zatanna and John recruit this team to help John fight Felix Faust
Main Villains = Felix Faust & Klarion
Camoes = Swamp Thing
References = 
The Teen Titans
Line up - Robin(Damian), Supergirl(Mia), Ms. Quick, Aqualad(AJ), Arrowette(Emiko), Speedy(Mia) & Superboy(Jon)
Connor Hawke defects from League and joins Titans as Red Arrow
Main Villains = Nyssa al Ghul & Malcolm Merlyn
Cameos = Talia al Ghul
References = 
Booster Gold
Buddy cop movie w/ Ted Kord
Main Villains = Cult of the Cobra
Cameos = Ice and Fire
References =
Batman: Hush
Combination of Hush and Long Halloween
Bruce and Selina “Click”
The villains literally steal Selina’s heart
Main Villains = Hush, Scarecrow, Bane and Mr. Freeze
Cameos = Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn
References = The Bat Family
Shazam: Power of Youth
Billy makes his siblings heroes
Black Adam sees Billy as a fake champion
Main Villain = Black Adam
Cameos = Superman
References = 
Huntress & The Question
Neo Noir detective movie
Helena and Victor “Click”
Tracking down the murderer of Helena’s family
Main Villains = Sal Maroni, Black Mask & Electocutioner  
Cameos = Birds of Prey
References = 
Justice League: Babylon
Batman’s contingency plans are leaked 
Batman quits at the end
Line up - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Barry), Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern(John) & Cyborg
Main Villains = Lex Luthor, Bane, Cheetah, Mirror Master, Metallo, Malefic & Silver Banshee
Camoes = Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan & Various League members 
References = Batman Inc.
Green Lantern: Crimson Flight
Kyle Rayner movie
Red Lanterns attack OA
Kyle, Katma Tui and Killowag team up to fight
Razor defects to the Green Lanterns
Razor dies fighting Atrocitis
Main Villains = Red Lanterns
Cameos = Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner 
Gotham Knights
Batman has his back broken by Bane
The Knights feature Robin(Damian), Batwing, Batwoman, Spoiler & Blue Bird
Other members are out of Gotham busy
Main Villains = Bane, Scarecrow, Firefly, Riddler & Mr. Zsasz
Cameos = Various members of the Batfamily
References = Batman’s absence from the Justice League
Aquaman: Heir of Manta
Black Manta challenges Arthur to the throne
Kaldur takes the title of Aquaman at the end
It’s revealed that Kaldur is Black Manta’s son
Main Villain = Black Manta
Cameos = Garth, Mera & Orm
References = The previous Aquaman movie and Young Justice
Teen Titans: Welcome to Hell
Trigon escapes his imprisonment and goes after Raven
Team Line up - Nightwing, Kid Flash, Tempest, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy & Tigress
Raven dies in the end to save everyone from Trigon
Main Villains = Trigon
Cameos = 
Batgirl: Family Matters
Cassandra Cain movie
Cassandra fighting her father and later meets her mother in Hong Kong
Defeats her father and is on mutual terms with her mother
Main Villains = David Cain
Cameos = Bart Allen & Lucius Fox
References = Shiva’s dead sister 
Young Justice: HIVE Academy
Young Justice faces off against young villains
HIVE trains villains like Mammoth and Jinx
Conner and Cassie “Click”
Main Villains = HIVE
Similar to the movie
Barry fights alongside Thomas Wayne
Thomas Wayne kills Eobard
Barry gives Bruce the letter after he fixes everything
Main Villains = Reverse Flash, Wonder Woman & Aquaman
Cameos = Grifter, Shazam, Etrigan & Captain Atom
Floyd breaks out of Iron Heights
Takes a job to get money for his daughter
Amanda Waller sends Task Force X after him
Rick Flag lets Floyd leave with Zoe
Main Villains = Amanda Waller, Tobias Whale & U.S. Government
Gotham City Sirens
Harley, Ivy & Selina work together to take down Black Mask
Harley and Ivy “Click”
Selina finds out she’s pregnant with Helena Wayne
Black Mask is killed by the end
Main Villains = Black Mask & Lockup
Cameos = Bruce Wayne & The Joker(Arkham)
Titans: The Judas Contract
Rose Wilson joins the Titans
Wally & Artemis “Click”
Rose is revealed to be Slade’s daughter
Rose betrays the Titans
Rose redeems herself by freeing the Titans and sacrificing herself against Deathstroke
Slade doesn’t kill her, but the mine they’re in collapses
Main Villain = Deathstroke
Batman: The Last Laugh
Joker has kidnapped Tim Drake
He tortures Tim and sends videos to Batman
Batman, Batgirl and Red Hood search for Tim
Joker turns Tim into a Joker version of Tim
Joker is killed when Tim’s brainwashing fades and shoots the Joker
Main Villain = Joker
Cameos = Oracle & Superboy
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Batman rejoins the Justice League after they’re attacked 
The League travels to another Earth with an Alternate LEx Luthor
They fight the Crime Syndicate
League Lineup - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow & Firestorm
Syndicate Lineup - Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, Archer, Sea King & Black Siren
Sea King, Johnny Quick, Archer and Owlman die
Main Villains = The Crime Syndicate
Cameo = The Jester 
Superman: The Legion of Superheroes
Superman joins the Legion years into the Future
They fight an intergalactic warlord
Legion Lineup - Superman, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl & Timber Wolf
Wonder Woman: Amazonian Goddess
Hades comes to power after feeding on the darkness since Ares death
Diana teams up with Nubia & Artemis
Diana uses the Godkiller armor 
Main Villains = Hades & Fury
Cameo = Cheetah
Flash: Speedforce
Reverse Flash returns from death in order to steal Barry’s speed
Eobard was followed by the Black Flash trying to claim his soul
Wally fights Black Flash while Barry fights Eobard
Barry sacrifices his life killing Eobard and sendong Black Flash away
Wally takes on the mantle of The Flash
Bart becomes the new Kid Flash
Main Villians = Reverse Flash & Black Flash
Cameos = Bart Allen & Jay Garrick
Teen Titans & The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The TMNT are thrown into the Teen Titans world whilst fighting the Shredder
The TT and TMNT team up to take on the Shredder and Nyssa al Ghul
Damian Wayne & Connor Hawke fight over leadership
By the end Connor is happy with having Damian as team leader
Main Villains = The Shredder, Nyssa al Ghul & The Foot Clan
Cameos = Master Splinter
Kid Flash: Legacy of the Flash
Bart Allen has become the newest Kid Flash since Barry’s death
Bart battles a speedster known as Inertia
Cassandra Cain helps Bart against Black Spider
Cass and Bart “Click”
Inertia is revealed to be a clone of Bart
Bart defeats Inertia by trapping him in the speedforce
Main Villains = Inertia, Black Spider & The Trickster
Cameos = Jay & Joan Garrick
Justice League: Doom
The Justice League are faced with a new problem: The Legion of Doom
Legion Lineup - Vandal Savage, Deathstroke, Fury, Zoom, Orm, Atomica & The Magician
Vandal Savage is killed once and for all by Superman
Wally’s first major mission as the Flash
Young Justice vs Justice League
Shortly after the Justice League defeat the Legion of Doom, Starro arrives and takes control of a weakened Justice League
Young Justice are the last formidable line of defence since the Titans disbanded after Rose’s death
They use Batman’s plans to stop the League
Young Justice Lineup - Red Robin, Superboy, Wondergirl, Kid Flash, Orphan, Spoiler, Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle, Girl 13 & Static
League Lineup = Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Wally), Aquaman(Kaldur), Cyborg, Zatanna, Black Lightning, Katana & Green Lantern(Simon & Jessica)
Simon and Jessica are the first to break their control and help YJ
Main Villains = Starro
Cameos = Various League members
Nightwing & Nightfire
Dick Grayson finally meets his daughter that he’s had with Korri
Mar’i visits earth for the first time
Dick teaches Mar’i various rules and wisdom and they both bond
Blackfire travels to earth in search of Mar’i
Main Villains = BlackFire, Nite-Wing & Black Spider
Cameos = Garth & Wally
Zatanna: House of Mystery
Zatanna learns of a way of separating her father from Doctor Fate
She enlists the help of John Constantine
John and Z “Click”
The two end up fighting a possessed Doctor Fate
The spell doesn’t work but Doctor Fate allows Zatanna an hour twice a year to speak with her father
Main Villains = Wotan & Felix Faust
Cameos = Girl 13
The Outlaws: Sins of the Fathers
Lian, having become the new Speedy, wants to learn about her mother
While searching she runs into her father and Jason
They agree to help her and they find Jade
Jade evades them and the search continues
They eventually learn that Jade is in deep with CRIME and they help
Once over Jade makes a promise to visit Lian once all this blows over
Main Villains = CRIME & Sportsmaster
Cameos = Artemis & Donna Troy
Batman: Betrothed 
Talia al Ghul, now the new Demon’s Head, asks for Bruce’s hand in marriage but is denied 
Talia goes after Selina as she is engaged to Bruce
Batman, Catwoman & Robin fight Talia and the League
Talia kills herself in an attempt to kill Bruce and Selina 
Selina and Bruce tie the knot after that
Damian, as heir to the throne, now controls the league
Main Villains = Talia al Ghul, Komodo, Shado & The League of Assassins
Justice League: Apokolips
After series of invasions the Justice League plans an invasion of Apokolips
It’s a joint operation of The Justice League, remaining members of the Titans, The Outlaws, Young Justice & The Teen Titans
Justice League lineup - Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash(Wally), All Green Lanterns, Aquaman(Kaldur), Martian Manhunter, Shazam Family, Cyborg and various other members of the League
Titans lineup - Nightwing, Starfire, Beast Boy, Tigress, Tempest, Omen & Bumblebee
Outlaws lineup - Red Hood, Arsenal, Artemis, Troia & Bizarro
Young Justice lineup - Red Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash(Bart), Orphan, Spoiler, Blue Beetle, Lagoon Boy, Miss Martian, Girl 13 & Static
Teen Titans lineup - Robin, Superboy(Jon), Red Arrow, Speedy(Mia), Supergirl(Mia K), Arrowette, Miss Quick, Aqualad(AJ), Batgirl(Carrie) & Crossfire(Lian)
Batman’s leg is critically injured near the end
Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan and Martian Manhunter sacrifice their lives holding off enemies
Donna Troy is killed protecting Roy Harper
Superman kills Darksied by flying him into a red son
Conner, Jon and Steel save Superman before he can die
Dead Heroes - Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Donna Troy, Omen, Billy Batson, Ted Kord, Booster Gold, Green Arrow, Bizarro, Etrigan, Batwoman, John Constantine, Lagoon Boy & Tempest
The Young Justice is slowly transferred into the new Justice League
Batman - Tim Drake, Superman - Conner Kent, Wonder Woman - Cassie Sandsmark, Flash - Wally West, Aquaman - Kaldur’ahm, Green Arrow - Connor Hawke, The Atom - Ryan Choi &  Batwoman - Stephanie Brown
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What's your favorite DC ship?
Oh dear god this is a difficult question. I have so many, and they’re all for different reasons. Jayroy is the epitome of hurt/comfort and family fluff, timkon has so much great canon material and can honestly be read as a traditional romcom, and I really like the way damijon could develop in the future. I’m actually a fan of Bruce and Selina, and just Selina in general, because her character is pretty amazing and the way she interacts with Bruce and the rest of the batfam is always fun to read. Roy and Kori in Outlaws was done pretty well, and Dick and Kori’s relationship in Titans context is great. Issues where Babs is written well has some great romance between her and Dick. In the YJ universe only, Bart and Jaime is just so cute. And of course you can’t forget Barry and Iris, their relationship is a classic and I love it. 
But If I had to choose a favourite, I’d go with Birdflash, aka Dick Grayson x Wally West. Now, this may just be because Wally is my favourite of the speedsters and Dick’s my favourite of the batfam. (By which I mean he’s my favourite character. He is NOT my favourite Robin, but as a character in general I love him.) But the thing is, Dick and Wally are the epitome of friends to lovers, and that makes their relationship so effortlessly easy. 
Ever since they were kids, Dick and Wally have always been close. Depending on what story arc you’re looking at, Wally was the first person Dick told about his secret identity. Yes, the Titans were all extremely close, and that’s what makes them such an incredible team, but Dick and Wally’s relationship in particular was special. They’re different enough to make their dynamic interesting, but similar enough tie their friendship together. And the fact that their relationship (in fanon, unfortunately) grew organically out of their friendship makes it all the better. 
Because when it comes down to it, Dick and Wally will always be best friends first and whatever else second. They’ve got obligations and promises to each other, and it doesn’t matter if they’re fighting as a couple or having a squabble about League matters or whatever. The two of them have each other’s backs, no matter what. Not out of sense of duty or responsibility, but because they truly care for the other on a fundamental level. But at the same time, they know not to get too wrapped up in each other, because obsession only leads to pain. They get along and they have fun, they laugh and they joke and they keep things light and happy whenever possible, while also loving each other deeply and passionately. When they fight, they cool down and talk about it because they know what bottling up does to people. 
And the most important part is that they know how to live without each other. There are so many couples where one person cannot live without the other, and they’re painfully codependent. And I will admit, there is a certain romance in your fate being so intertwined with another’s that you cannot be separated. In a perfect world, those two will love each other forever. But that sort of relationship is unhealthy and can grow toxic. Dick and Wally, on the other hand can live without each other. They have independent lives, families, friends. They have a life outside of each other, and they can live apart and keep themselves going. They simply want to be together. They don’t need the other to exist, they don’t feel incomplete without the other. They choose to be together because they are both incredible individual people who complement each other rather than complete each other. And that makes their relationship all the more stronger.
In conclusion, I have many many birdflash feels. and I love them. 
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ragingbookdragon · 4 years
Red & Silver In A Romance Not So Unfamiliar PT. 1
Tim Drake x Speedster!Reader Story!
A/N: This was actually an...impulse story (pun intended)...and I’m still happy with it because I actually like it. Enjoy! -Thorne <3
“How is it that you are the one who managed to get all the brain cells in the womb?” She sighed at his question, watching her twin nurse a bruise in the center of his face.
           “Honestly, that has baffled me since I became sentient.” She glanced at him, a grin on her lips. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m like ninety percent of Bart’s impulse control,” She held a hand up, silencing his groan, “No pun intended, so when I’m around he tends to be kept on a short leash.” She turned and stuck her tongue to her teeth, letting out a sharp whistle. The boys across the cave turned to her and she looked at he brother. “Bart, stop trying to phase the barrier.” Her brother threw his arms up.
           “But I can do it (Y/N)!” She sighed, rubbing her temples.
           “Bart, the barrier is built to withstand speedsters.” (Y/N) looked at him, emphasizing, “It’s made to stop speedsters from phasing into it.”
           “But what if I just had to go faster?” She threw her hands in the air, tone becoming exasperated.
           “Oh my god Bart.” Her hands dropped and she waved him off. “You know what, go nuts. Try and phase the barrier again.” An ear-splitting grin appeared on her twins face and he ran back a distance; the man beside her grunted,
           “Why are you-” She held up a hand.
           “You’ve got the barrier connected to the generators in the cave, right?” (Y/N) glanced at him and he nodded; she tipped her head to his gauntlet. “Redirect the power into the conduits on the side he’s gonna try and phase through.” The man nodded knowingly, fingers tapping on the screen at his wrist.
           “And when he hits the barrier, he gets zapped.” He clicked a button then looked at her. “Shouldn’t you be against harming your brother?” (Y/N) shrugged.
           “We heal fast. He’ll be alright.” She nodded at the barrier. “Just make sure the electricity is a higher voltage than what runs through our bodies or the only thing it’s gonna do is power him up not power him down.” The man laughed and they faced the barrier, watching Bart speed towards it only to stop once he hit it. He dropped, spazzing as the electricity surged through his body. The two boys standing apart from him dropped to his side, worry on their faces; (Y/N) called out to them. “He’s fine. He just looks like he got in a tangle with Godspeed.” She turned to the man beside her. “If we can put him in a bed Mr. Wayne, he’ll sleep it off for a few hours.” Bruce nodded, turning to walk up the steps. “Oh, can Tim, Conner, and I go to the carnival in town?” He raised a hand as he walked off.
           “Take Dick and Jason.” (Y/N) groaned, tossing her head back.
           “But we’re all eighteen…why do they have to come?” He gave her a laugh in response, and she sighed, watching Conner heft an unconscious Bart over his shoulders. Tim and Conner made their way to her and she tipped her head to the stairs. “Let’s go put thing two in Tim’s bed.” Conner snorted at her words, and Tim stared at her, a look of disgust on his face.
           “Why do we have to put him in my bed?” He pointed at Bart. “He drools! He’s drooling on Conner right now!” Conner twisted his head, trying to see Bart’s face on his shoulder.
           “What?!” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, climbing the steps.
           “The sooner we put him in bed the sooner we can get to the carnival.”
           “Don’t we have to take Dick and Jason with us?” She glanced at Tim, a smirk on her lips.
           “We do…but I’m sure the lot of us can figure out a way to give them the slip and then we can go run around the city.” The two boys grinned, breaking into a conversation about the trap they were going to set.
Later That Night:
           “See, this is fun, isn’t it?” The three of them glared at the man sitting in the driver’s seat.
           “Yeah, if fun is three eighteen-year-old vigilantes who need two chaperones with a combined intelligence of my right foot. But sure Dick, it’s fun.” The two boys on either side snorted at her words, and Dick looked at her from the rear-view mirror.
           “It’s not so bad (Y/N). Jaybird and I are just here to make sure that you three don’t get in trouble.”
           “Does Bruce expect us to get into a fight with somebody?” Jason spun around in the passenger’s seat, glaring at Conner.
           “The last time you three were in Gotham, you got into a fight with Joker, Penguin, and Two-Face’s gangs. At the same time.” He glared at Tim and (Y/N). “So yes, he does expect you to get into a fight.”
           “Technically they started a fight with us, we only defended ourselves.”
           “(Y/N), you and Bart broke someone’s spine by running into them.” She raised her hands in nonchalance at Dick’s words.
           “I mean if they aren’t built to withstand the slamming weight of two speedsters, that’s their problem and not ours.” Dick glanced at Jason, his voice lowering as he asked,
           “Does she ever scare you when she does that?” Jason shrugged, eying the carnival coming into view.
           “She’s got her head on straight. I won’t be sad about gangbangers.”
           “Yeah, we can still hear you, you know that right?” Dick chuckled, turning into the parking lot.
           “We’re aware.” Dick parked the car and looked back at them. “Let’s go have fun, eh?” The three groaned, climbing out of the backseat.
           “Ow Conner, that’s my foot!”
           “Well that’s my hand you’re kneeling on (Y/N)!”
           “Will you two just get out of the backseat so I can get out?” The two turned, glaring at Tim.
           “How ‘bout you shut-up or we’ll sit here all night?” Tim shrugged at her words, pulling his tablet from his backpack.
           “I mean, I like doing nothing anyways so…” (Y/N) reached over, plucking the tablet from his hands. He reached for it, but she pressed a hand to his chest, keeping it from his reach.
           “You told me you wouldn’t bring this with you.” Tim rolled his eyes.
           “I brought it in case we had an emergency.” (Y/N) glanced at the tablet, scanning the screen.
           “And is that emergency the state of your Pokémon go team?”
           “There might be legendaries around.” The two climbed out of the car, and (Y/N) passed his tablet back.
           “You’re such a nerd Tim.” He leaned beside her, nudging her arm.
           “Takes one to know one.”
           “Fair point.” As Tim shoved his tablet back in his bag, Dick and Jason walked back over, handing them their wristbands.
           “Alright, neon pink means you can go on as many rides as you want, so long as you flash them the band. What do you guys want to do first?” The three wound the bands around their wrists, and Tim looked at his brothers.
           “Don’t you guys have something better to do?” The two crossed their arms.
           “Nope.” Tim eyed his oldest brother.
           “Really? No date to go on?” Dick shook his head and Tim looked at Jason. “No Outlaws to hang out with?”
           “Kori’s with Damian and the Teen Titans, and Roy’s hanging with Wally in Central.”
           “Damn, all your friends are busy, aren’t they?” They glanced at (Y/N) who wore an unamused look. “You know we can handle ourselves.”
           “We already talked about this (Y/N).” She rolled her eyes as she started walking towards the gates.
           “Yeah well, I didn’t finish arguing about it, so no we didn’t.” Tim and Conner laughed as they followed her.
           For a solid hour, the three friends spent their time being followed by Tim’s brothers. The three climbed into the hollowed figure, closing the gate before Dick and Jason could climb in with them. (Y/N) smiled sweetly at the two quipping, “Sorry boys…this one’s full.” She tipped her head to the empty one across the platform. “Maybe try the other one?” The two glared, but conceded, and once they were in, the ride started. Immediately, the three started spinning the wheel in the center, but also started their plan; Tim spoke first.
           “Alright, Dick and Jason are two of the best trackers alive, and if we’re gonna get away, we need a solid plan of escape.”
           “We could always run once the ride ends?” (Y/N) shook her head at Conner’s suggestion.
           “No, we need to lose them in the carnival then make a run for it.” She glanced at Tim. “They’re your brothers…what are their strengths and weaknesses in terms of carnival rides?” Tim sat back against the seat, thinking, and (Y/N) added, “This ride’s gonna last for another minute Tim. Hurry up the gray matter.” He nodded, sitting back up.
           “Dick can escape mirror mazes faster than Wally, so we can’t put him in there, but Jason might be able to spend enough time searching for a way out that we can get away.” He looked at (Y/N). “You’d be the best person to do that job.” She nodded, and he looked at Conner. “You stay with (Y/N) and I’ll go with Dick to the Shock Drop.”
           “How are you gonna get out of that Tim?” He glanced at (Y/N) who wore a concerned expression. “The bars lock once they lower. You won’t be able to get out.” Tim flashed a smile and shimmied his shoulders.
           “I can wriggle out of anything.”
           “And you don’t think Dick couldn’t do it either? Your brother’s practically a contortionist.” Tim waved off Conner’s objections.
           “I used to think me being small and lanky was a bad thing, but in the sense of a bar that locks a few good inches from your chest, it’s actually a great thing. Dick’s shoulders are too broad for him to maneuver out of the bar in time to catch me.”
           “I mean, in a sense it’s a good plan, but if you can’t get out fast enough, you’ll be in serious danger.” (Y/N) turned to Conner. “I can phase through the mirror maze with no trouble. Stay with Tim and if anything happens, get him out.” Conner nodded, and the ride began to slow. She looked at them, a sharp look in her eyes. “Everybody know the plan?” They nodded. “Suits ready to change into?” They nodded once more, and she grinned. “Alright then. Let’s get this show on the road.”
Ten Minutes Later:
           The two stepped into the mirror maze, getting into the line; Jason glanced at (Y/N). “I’m surprised you want to do a maze (Y/N). I thought you didn’t like enclosed spaces?” She shrugged, eyeing the neon lights.
           “I don’t like spaces that have no exits.” She looked at him. “If I know there’s an exit, I can deal.” Jason nodded, and the line moved forward, putting them closer to the front.
           “I’m sorry you’re stuck with Dickhead and I.” (Y/N) laughed at his apology, and she waved him off.
           “It’s cool. I understand Mr. Wayne’s concerns about us.” Jason eyed her, his tone in slight disbelief.
           “You do?” She nodded.
           “We can get into a lot of trouble when we aren’t supervised, so I can get behind the chaperone.” She glanced at Jason. “But two is a little excessive.” The line moved forward again, and it was their turn to go in. They wandered through the maze, and (Y/N) glanced at her wristwatch. She had about a minute until she needed to set out; she watched Jason wander into another dead in and turn around, brushing past her.
           “This is a dead end.” (Y/N) waited until he turned the corner, then changed into her suit. Drawn back by the noise and the flash of silver lightning, he turned the corner to see her smirking at him; he pointed at her. “Don’t you dare.” (Y/N) flipped him a peace sign and turned, speeding into the mirrors and out the other side. She could hear him yelling as she exited the maze, and as she turned, she saw Conner and Tim running towards her, already in suits. Conner waved a hand.
           “Start running! The shock drop just went down! Dick will be out in a few seconds!” (Y/N) nodded, running forward and leaning down in front of Tim.
           “Climb on and hang on! We have to go now!” He climbed on her back, wrapping his legs and arms securely around her, and she spun, speeding off. (Y/N) was certain Conner was following her and when she stopped, he landed on the rooftop beside them. She lowered Tim to the ground, laughing as he sprawled on the roof and groaned. “You good Timmy?” He waved weakly.
           “I have vertigo right now.” Conner and she laughed at their friend, laying on either side of him. They stared up at the stars, and after a moment, Tim quipped, “Dick and Jay are gonna be so mad when they find us.”
           “It’ll be worth it though.” (Y/N) glanced at him. “I couldn’t stand another minute being followed by those two.” Before anyone could say anything, a grumble sounded from Tim’s other side, and they looked over at Conner, who wore a faint blush.
           “Uh…sorry…I haven’t eaten anything since this morning.” Tim and (Y/N) laughed, and Tim reached into his belt, pulling out a fifty.
           “Go get a pizza and bring it back.” Conner scoffed, but took the bill anyway.
           “What am I? Your maid?” (Y/N) smiled at him.
           “No, you’re our best friend who enjoys feeding us with Tim’s money.” Conner rolled his eyes and rose from the building.
           “There’s a pizza joint like a block from here. I’ll be right back.” The two nodded, watching him fly off before returning their gaze to the sky. After a moment, (Y/N) felt fingers brush her palm, and she looked down, seeing Tim lace his fingers through hers; she grinned at the sight.
           “Why Timmy…are you making a move on me?” Tim laughed, looking at her.
           “I think I’ve already made a move on you (Y/N).”
           “Mmm…you have.” (Y/N) rolled over, looping her arm over his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. His arm curled around her waist, pulling her closer to him, and they laid in silence until she said, “I wonder if your dad is gonna shit a brick when he realizes we’re dating.” This time, Tim snorted, and he raised a hand to muffle his laughter.
           “Can you imagine the family dinners when we have to invite Bart over?”
           “You mean more than you already do?”
           “Yes.” (Y/N) nodded.
           “Yeah…your dad is gonna shit a brick.” The two of them giggled at that, and (Y/N) gazed at him. “I love you Red Robin.” She poked the end of his pointed mask. “Pointy beak and all.” Tim rolled his eyes.
           “The mask isn’t that pointy.”
           “True…but it was really pointy when you looked like Doc Midnight.” Tim sighed in exasperation.
           “Oh my god, no one is gonna let that go, are they?” (Y/N) grinned.
           “Nope…now tell me you love me, so I don’t look like a fool for telling you.” Tim glanced down at her, hand raising to caress her cheek.
           “I love you Silver Streak.” (Y/N) turned her face to the side, kissing his palm.
           “Prove it.”
           “Escaping a carnival with a master plan so we could be alone isn’t proof enough?” He let out a breath. “Woo Ms. Allen, you are a tough woman to please.”
           “And you Mr. Drake are most certainly not trying your hardest.” Tim’s lips curled into a smirk and he leaned down murmuring,
           “Then let me fix that.” As their lips brushed together, they heard a grunt from behind them.
           “If you guys are gonna do that, please do it when I’m not coming back with food. That kinda defeats the purpose of me bringing food.” The two looked up to see Conner walking towards them, pizza boxes in one hand, a soda pack in the other. They pulled apart, sitting away from each other and Conner waved them off. “You guys don’t have to get all antsy about it. I know you’ve been seeing each other for a few months.” (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, taking the boxes from him.
           “You do?” Conner nodded, deadpanning,
           “I think you guys are forgetting that I have super hearing.” He stared at them. “You two aren’t exactly quiet in the tower.” The two looked down, cheeks warming at the truth coming out. Conner gestured to the pizza. “Are you gonna open that? Because I’m still hungry.” (Y/N) passed him the box, and he flipped it open, setting it down in front of them. They each took a piece, and after a moment Conner asked, “Have you told anyone yet?” Tim and (Y/N) shook their heads.
           “No…we were gonna do it at the gala next month.” Conner nodded.
           “Cool.” He went back to eating, and Tim stared at him questioning,
           “You don’t have any objections? No complaints?”
           “Nope.” He glanced at (Y/N). “Not my sister you’re dating.” She rolled her eyes at that.
           “Bart’s not gonna be upset about it. Just that we didn’t tell him earlier.” Conner hummed, and they went back to eating. When they’d finished, they sat on the ledge overlooking the city. (Y/N) glanced at the cars passing in the street. “Do you think Dick and Jason have figured out where we’ve gone yet?”
           “No, they probably called Bruce and told…actually, no they wouldn’t call Bruce and admit that they got duped by three eighteen-year-olds.” He glanced at another rooftop. “They’re probably looking for us.” (Y/N) rested her chin on her hand.
           “Do you think Bart’s awake yet?” Tim shook his head.
           “Nah…the voltage was pretty high on the barrier…he’s still out cold.” Before she could ask another question, Conner stood up, pointing to the west side of Gotham.
           “There’s a bank robbery in process over in that direction.” The other two stood up, and (Y/N) nodded at him.
           “Go, we’ll be right behind you.” Conner took off, making his way across the city, and (Y/N) turned to Tim. “Well Red Robin…ready for a night of patrol?” Tim grinned, pulling out his grapple.
           “Ready and waiting Silver Streak.”
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weclassybouquetfun · 4 years
Two superheroes, one birthday.
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But if I’m going to focus on one Gemini superhero, it’s going to be Aaron Taylor-Johnson.  Yes, Chris Evans’ Captain America possesses America’s ass but since Aaron Taylor-Johnson possesses England’s ass that means Quicksilver did too.
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I said what I said.
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If you really want to see it in action watch Oliver Stone’s SAVAGES. It’s the film Aaron really came into his hotness. 
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Yes, Aaron is diving headlong into his 30s. 
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A child actor who has forged an eclectic film career from being a mouthy little cuss who has a bright future in SHANGHAI KNIGHTS
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a teenage dream in ANGUS, THONGS and PERFECT SNOGGING
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nerdy action hero in KICK-ASS and KICK-ASS 2 (two months ago Taylor-Johnson and costars Chloe Grace Moretz and Christopher Mintz-Plasse reunited for live-streamed reunion.)
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a dashing, Russian Count in ANNA KARENINA
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sociopath/drifter in NOCTURNAL ANIMALS
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which garnered him a Golden Globe. What other actor can say their Golden Globe performance features them sat on a toilet? 
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as a speedster who turns out isn’t that fast that he could avoid death in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. Pietro’s only contribution to the Avengers was this. 
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Meanwhile X-Men’s Peter/Pietro
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Sorry, Aaron. But you’ve both come so far. 
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OUTLAW KING, the upcoming TENET, THE KING”S MEN and A MILLION LITTLE PIECES with his creative and life partner Sam Taylor-Johnson ATJ will never stop. 
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I hope Aaron’s career lasts longer than Pietro’s did with the Avengers (I will never get over this.)
And because Aaron was in NOCTURNAL ANIMALS with Armie Hammer, and his wife directed FIFTY SHADES OF GREY with Dakota Johnson, and Florence Pugh was Aaron’s costar in OUTLAW KING,  ATJ is firmly situated in the Armie Hammer/ Timothee Chalamet Cinematic Universe: 
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animalpetcel · 5 years
Jason Todd and Ships & My feelings on them
(Because a friend dared me to)
JayRoy: I used to ship it, but then I read up on Roy’s post reboot personality and history and I felt too weird about it to continue (But DickRoy looks nicer now)
JayKyle: I read their Search for Ray Palmer series with Donna. The potential is there, but they never interacted beyond that so I don’t have strong feeling for it (Also I love ConnorKyle more)
JayEddie: The two are supposed to be friends & penpals, but beyond that one crossover story they had in Blue Devil #19 & Eddie’s comments in Teen Titans (2003) #42, they haven’t talked about each other or interacted at all. Since DC doesn’t care enough about Eddie to develop his relationships with Blue Devil, Rose Wilson and Jason, this ship remains a rarepair, though if DC decided to use Eddie instead of Roy for New52 RHATO, JayEddie would have eclipsed JayRoy & JayKyle in terms of popularity
Batcest ships: Disgusting. Adopted families are real families.
JayTalia: Also disgusting, she’s his mentor figure, the mother of one of his brothers and is around Bruce’s age. It was a bad idea all around.
JayHelena: Huntress has been stated to like gentler men and is working harder to be a better, non-murdery hero so people who say that they have a lot in common are ignoring Helena’s development and personality to turn her into the “girlfriend heals boyfriend” cliche (which I hate)
JayHarley: Bad idea. Not only does Harley have Ivy, but the only thing those two have in common is the Joker. I seriously can’t even imagine how this would even work
JayBabs: Again, the only thing they share is the Joker connection, and if people hated New52 RHATO because they felt that Lobdell was trying to turn Jason into Dick, JayBabs being canon would just make things worse
Jaysabel: While I have nothing against Isabel Ardila, I have to agree with others when they say that she’s a nothing character. Other than being a reference to Death in the Family, Lobdell has done little to make her stand out against other popular civilian love interest (ex:Linda Park, Iris West & Lois Lane) or even convince the audience that we should support their relationship. I even forgot that she was present in the Alien arc of New52 RHATO and she hasn’t done anything noteworthy in Rebirth RHATO. If Lobdell leaves and DC decides to continue RHATO with a different writer, unless some miracle happens, I have no doubt that Isabel will be forgotten.
Jaytemis: At the time I’m writing this, Jason x Artemis is still a rather new ship, maybe a little over a year or two since we learned that they’re even into each other. I again don’t think that Lobdell did a good job at setting up this relationship, as many RHATO fans before the kiss believed that the were strong friends, and afterwards, I’ve only seen a handful of RHATO & Jason fans support the idea of their romantic relationship, and many (me included) would rather they remain strong friends. It feels like Lobdell is coasting off of Wonderbats fans to support this ship instead of really working on making a believable romance, and I’m not positive that the relationship will start to pick up more traction even after Artemis & Bizarro return. However, while I’m not hopeful that Jaytemis will become a mainstay in Jason’s canon like Dickori, Dickbabs, Timsteph or *cough* Timkon *cough* there is a chance that if another writer wants to continue it after he’s finished, that it could become another mainstay Batship
Update: Upon learning that Jaytemis is Editorial mandate and Lobdell doesn’t actually care for it, I know understand why it feels so forced to me. Yeah, I have no idea if they’ll keep trying to make it happen after Lobdell leaves, but I don’t have a lot of confidence in it.
JayKara: with almost every prominent Batfam member having their own alien (often Kryptonian) friend. (Dick & Kori, Tim & Connor, Damian & Jon and Babs & Kara again) it was only a matter of time until something like this happened. However, I prefer Kara’s more friendly interactions with Barbara, and as of Rebirth, Jay’s kryptonian is (at least for now) a Bizarro clone named (?) Bizz by fans, though who knows if this (at the time of this post) current RHATO team of the Dark Trinity will become a mainstay for Jason’s life outside of the Batfam
JayKorr: Jason x Rankorr (Jack Moore). Mirroring JayKyle, but Rankorr’s philoshphy as a Red Lantern, as well as his storyline revolving around controlling his own rage and need for vengeance, these two can have interesting interactions if they were ever allowed to seriously interact. Jack Moore could be Jason’s boyfriend & reluctant superhero, since Moore does have a desire to be “normal”
JayAugust: If you’ve seen my Twitter, you’d know that I’m one if the many Godspeed fans who want him to crossover with Jason. Often called the “Red Hood of the Flashfam”, August’s belief that killing is a valid option when dealing with criminals, need for revenge since his brother’s murder, and troubled relationship with Barry given a different in the two’s morals (and Barry’s unwillingness to let August go on a Black Hole massacre/August believing that Barry isn’t using his speedster abilities to their fullest and would rather Barry step out of the way to let August do his job), draws some nice parallels between him and Jason, especially when it comes to their troubled history with the mentor figures. And given that every former Robin has their own speedster (Dick=Wally, Tim=Bart, Damien=Wallace), giving Jason one that fits his morals and way of going after criminals (at least pre-New52) would make the most sense.
Honorable mentions go to:
JayBunker: I’ve only seen two people ship this, but if Lobdell was finally allowed to expand the Outlaws (in a podcast interview he mentioned that Bat Editorial has rejected all of his attempts, which is why Rebirth RHATO is full of temporary team-up & why the Creeper is considered to be an Outlaw despite not showing up often and refusing their offer) and decides to make Miguel a more permanent member (and age him up a teensy bit) than I can see it
JayRose: Some believe that this would be the best canon option for Jason, but they haven’t interacted enough for me to be convinced that they’d be the best fit for one another. They’d be really close friends though if not lovers
Bizzjay: This makes me uncomfortable because canon has stated multiple times that Bizz is mostly inexperienced with the mentality of child (before he temporarily became more intelligent, and who knows if that inspires a change in their dynamic until Bizz & Artemis return is issue 40)
Redcrux: After reading Jasontod’s post, I can imagine it clearly and it sound really soft, funny, energetic and cute, the exact way that I like my ships. If RHATO was ever to reintroduce Crux as a full-time Outlaw (and maybe have a retcon were it was another alien like Lobo instead of Starfire indirectly responsible for the crash), I’d love to see him and Jason get closer
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
DC x Reader - “Two Different People” [Part 1]
The Batboys and the Outlaws have a strange encounter with people that can only be described as being from a different universe.
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This fic includes Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Red Hood (Jason Todd), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Robin (Damian Wayne), Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff).
This is a DC/Marvel Crossover, if you don’t follow Marvel, don’t worry, I will make so that you will not have to know any background information to understand this fic. 
A/N: (F/S) means favorite singer. The reader has telekinesis powers (move objects with her mind), for Marvel readers, she had Scarlet Witch Powers and her adoptive older brother is Pietro Maximoff (yes I’m obsessed deal with it haters).
Warning: Implied smut, harassment
3rd Person PoV
Gotham was engulfed in an eerie atmosphere. Civilians had an unnatural gut feeling that something was about to happen. The Caped Cruisader and his sidekicks decided to investigate and keep an eye on every street in Gotham. Robin was in charge of the East side of Gotham, Red Robin of the West side, Red Hood if the South side, Nightwing of the North Side and Batman of the city center.  
Very few people were out, mostly trying to get home. Half of the gangs that created a large percent of the crime rates had completely disappeared, unwanting to get involve in whatever was going to happen. But some still hung around in alleys, too stupid to care about the gravity of the situation. One woman though, was either oblivious or feeling that danger could not stop her from living her life. She walked confidently down the roads, resisting the cold that was attempting to penetrate her coat. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair bounced on her shoulders with every step she took. Her hands were stuffed into her coat pockets, her bag, somehow, hanging securely on her shoulder. Her shoes tapped against the concrete pavement, making a nearly inaudible thump. The sound was masked by her relaxing music pulsating in her earphones. Faint water vapour floated in front of her every time she let out a breath, but quickly vanished as her slightly pink cheeks made contact with it. She lived in the East side of town, in one of the less dangerous neighborhoods of Gotham. unbeknownst to her, a gang had decided to hang out in that area. She maintained her pace as she spotted them, increasing the volume of her music to dismiss anything obscene that might come out of their mouths, all whilst ignoring their gaze. Her improvised attempt at being discreet was a poor one as one of the men stopped her in her path. His friends surrounding her. She successfully kept her confident composure as he reached out and took her earphones out of her ears, not gaining any agressive reactions from her, as she feared that she might have something more violent in return. He brought one of the earphones to his ear and smiled upon hearing the music.
“(F/S) eh? What an appropriate singer to be listening to on a time like this!” He chuckled. Pushing the earphones back to her.
Unsuspected by anyone, the youngest vigilante was silently watching the woman, curious about how composed she was, on the top of the nearest building, after warning his fellow vigilante mates about what was happening. A stubborn anti hero decided to show up, when Robin first annonced his statement, bored out of his skull, wanting to get a bit of action.
She tried to walk past him but the man stood in front of her again.
“Look, I don’t want you guys to ruin my already shitty day, so if you would please move out of my way, that would be great!” She stated politely. The men chuckled sinisterly.
By now, both Nightwing, Red Robin and Batman had joined the more reckless vigilantes on the rooftop.
Your PoV
“How about you give us a little bit of fun and we’ll let you go!” He proposed.
“Nah, you don’t deserve my time!” I replied non-chalantly. His eyes grew angry in a matter of seconds and he grabbed my shoulder in a painful grasp. His other arm started trailing down my hip to my ass. Luckily, he grabbed my free arm. I slid my bag to the floor and punched him in the nose before he could even get a piece of me. He groaned as he tried to maintain his balance a few feet away from me, holding his now-bloody nose. The other men strated marching towads me. I slid my bag across the pavement to have more space and kicked the guy that was the closest to me.
“You bitch!” He yelled as he fell to the floor, holding his bruising jaw. I kicked another one between his legs, making him groan and pushed him onto another one. I sucker punched the last one. He felt to the ground. They all groaned as I went to get my bag off the pavement.
“Have a nice recovery fellas!” I said sarcastically.
3rd Person PoV
“Damn, that was badass!” Jason whispered. Nightwing nudged him but silently thought the same thing.
“Stay focused!” Batman said, getting up from his crouched position.
“We’re not needed here, spread out.” As soon as he said that, three older versions of the Batmobile blocked the lady’s way.
Your PoV
As soon as I picked up my bag, screenching tires averted my attention from my it. A bald guy with a mask jumped out of the closest car. It was the, unfortunatly not too unfamiliar villian that terrorised Gotham a few years ago.
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“Follow me and you won’t be harmed!” Bane stood intimidately in front of me. I swallowed hard as I froze. His men raised their guns but he lifted his hand in the air to keep them from firing.
“And if I don’t?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. He chuckled. 
“Then we’ll take you by force!”
“Not in this lifetime you won’t!” I retorted, getting in a fighting position.
“Do not overestimate yourself!” He warned, walking closer and having his men ready to fight.
“Well don’t underestimate me!” I said, gritting my teeth.
“Well you’re all alone, I don’t see how you could take all of us with your special ablilities.” He mocked.
“Clearly you haven’t seen me in action, and who ever said I was alone?” I smirked. A dash of blue knocked three of Bane’s men out, making all of them confused, using this timing, I projected three men towards the cars, knocking them out cold. Bane walked towards me, wanting to kidnap me. I kicked him in the legs, making him fall to the ground. I jumped over him and punched one of his men. 
3rd Person PoV
A sniper assigned by Bane was installing himself on a nearby building. His orders being to shoot the girl if it was necessary, which it was. Bane’s men fell one by one into unconsciousness as he was nearly ready. He had a clear view of his target and is ready to shoot. Unfortunatly the Bats that had been studying the scene saw the sniper to late. A certain speedster, however, didn’t. He raced by him at an astonishing speed, throwing him into the air, making him hit the wall. Both of them had taken everyone out. She took a deep breath as she slowly regained her stamina. The Bats continued on studying her, until, in a matter of seconds, they were all lauched against the wall of the alley the fight had started in.
Your PoV
Loud thumps averted my attention from the now-knocked out men. I turned around and saw the Batfamily in a slightly dizzy state, my brother smirking at Red Hood.
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He said, rucshing to my side. The vigilantes slowly got up and inspected us.
“Who are you?” Batman asked.
“Why do you want to know?” Pietro glared.
“Then what are you?” He asked, averting my brother’s question.
“Mutants.” I stated, looking away from them. My brother saw my action and placed an arm around my shoulder, his body relaxing my muscles.
“We can help you!” Batman said.
“We don’t need your help!” Pietro sneered. He picked me up and raced us away from them.
3rd Person PoV
“Find them!” Batman ordered.
There will be a part 2
Comments are truly appreciated! 
 Tagging: @lumifuer  @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy  
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 years
Roy Harper Dating HC (Request):
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This guy is already experienced with the Batfam
He meets you through missions and then gets closer and closer without the help of Jason
That helps a lot since Jason can trust him more
jay knows that you have a good sense of placement and that you can take care of yourself
So he just gives his blessing and moves on
Roy is the kind of guy that Bruce doesn't want you dating
He's the bad boy the dads are always trying to keep their daughters away but eventually, over time Roy earns his trust and blessing more and more
It starts out with him taking you on nice, simple dates
From beach walks and junk food picnics to an amusement park and movies, he makes sure to spend time with you
After any very stressful week of solving cases and patrol, he pulls you onto the couch to watch stupid reality TV or Star Wars movies
Totally an older- classic movie fan as well
Dude's a fanboy to things and you cannot change my mind
he stays in the cave working on his arrows and technique while you either train or work cases
Always teasing you and flirting
If you get a costume change, he notices (like really notices 🙃)
When Bruce annoys you, Roy is the kind of person that'll throw his fingers up like the bat ears on Bruce's suit and mock him
*Roy running around chaotically* I AM VenGeAnCe, I AM THE NigHT, I AM BaTMAn
it's pretty funny but he'd rather die than be caught by anyone but you since that'd be scary if it were B and embarrassing if it were anyone else
Clark does not approve
Basically the only way that you can get to Roy is when you're on a mission or with the league
Maybe you'd also be hanging with the Batfam since that's a thing for the Super and Bat kids to do
Jon and Kon aint no snitches so they say NOTHING
Kon does make the pact with Roy that he won't say anything but if Roy hurts you, it's done for him
Clark is very sure to make sure that you're always safe and sound
Which is annoying
At first you only really see Roy as the player guy with issues whom your dad always said to stay away from
and of course Superman knows best so you went with it
Lois knew that you'd have a crush on him eventually
After months and months of slowly getting more and more comfortable with Roy, you two went on your first date
It was secret and you had to make sure that your dad would never know
The time that Clark finally accepted it was when you were shot with Kryptonite by Luthor
Clark was devastated that he couldn't get to you since he was tied up at the moment during the same mission a few blocks away
Roy was the first on the scene and extracted the bullet making sure to give you an antidote
It saved your life and Clark owed it to him
You're always hanging out now
he teaches you to shoot with his bow and is impressed when you already know since it's a farm thing
Though he does teach you things that you wouldn't've gotten at the farm
You'll fly him up into the air to practice bird's eye shooting
best team work
Basically your high school sweetheart turned long lasting romance
Crack heads
you two are insanely chaotic all the time
Going everywhere
Doing everything
Basically you have weekly movie nights, always running around, road trips, insane patrols and missions
Like ya'll do be doin the most
Barry and the rest accept him and love him
Wally is already close with Roy and so he's cool with it
He trusts Roy
Roy basically has the time of his life every single day
Flirting and pun gods
You, Jason, Roy, Wally, Star, Artemis, and Bazzaro are basically the Outlaw Justice League which is pretty awesome
The Justice League but mouthier and more likely to flip off a diplomat
Not that they didn't deserve it
He always makes sure that there's food
Very very important because a hangry Speedster is a terrifying site
He's also prone to having a very might metabolism
So there's always food
He likes energy drinks and was terrified the first time that you got your hands on one
It was non-stop chaos and now he hides caffeine and everything energy drink wise from you
absolutely not happening
Green Lantern:
He is always hanging out with you and that's that
Best friends to lovers
always wants to know things about your ring
Literally makes you create a crossbow or bow and arrows so that he can saw he's used the Green Lantern's weapons
Just so that he can do that, that's the only reason
May or may not have convinced you to create a massive crossbow so he can launch himself at a villain or something stupidly dangerous that you didn't have time to say no to
Always playing pranks on each other whether that be basic pranks or full on elaborate kind of collapse on floor pranks from laughing
Roy always misses you on your missions outside of Earth and makes sure to ask tons of questions when you get back since sometimes the missions are actually really really cool
You drag him to the League's tower since you have to go there for briefings
The best road trip music taste
Just a random thing but he probably has great music
Just sayin
makes you watch old movies especially sci-fi even if you've already seen them
Immaculate tv show taste
You create some really awesome archery courses for him to run which really help with training
All request are completed and coming out within the next few days, went ahead and got this done since my best friend asked for it lmao but they are coming quickly and daily, plus the Dick and then Bruce series are to come
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aion-rsa · 7 years
The Fastest Marvel Characters (Based On Trading Cards)
Marvel’s ’90s trading cards were packed with stats. If you were a ’90s kid who wanted to win playground arguments with cold, hard facts, these cards were for you. We’ve already used these cards to determine the ultimate fighters of the ’90s Marvel Universe; this time around, we’re focusing on Marvel’s speedsters as detailed in “Marvel Universe II-V” and 1995’s “Marvel Metal” set.
RELATED: Ultimate Fighter: Marvel’s Toughest Characters
Only characters with cards in at least three of the five sets listed above were considered for this list. That means these guys were the most prominent speedsters of the ’90s, as opposed to one-card-wonders like the super fast Century, Salome, Death, Captain Mar-Vell and the appropriately named Judas Traveller. Without further ado, here are the fastest fighters in the Marvel Universe according to those unimpeachable ’90s trading cards.
While you might know Rogue as one of the strongest heroes around, the Southern X-Man was also consistently ranked as one of the quickest heroes in the Marvel Universe in those five trading card sets. She appeared in all five of them, earning 4s and one 5! That means that Rogue could fly at around subsonic speeds of 250-500 miles per hour. Yeah, if the bottom entry peaks at 500 miles per hour, then you know there are some fast characters on this list.
Of course, these cards measured Rogue’s abilities back when she was operating with Ms. Marvel’s power set. As you’ll remember, Rogue permanently siphoned off Carol Danvers’ super abilities, making them her own. One could, therefore, argue that Ms. Marvel — now Captain Marvel — would also come in at the #15 spot if she had trading cards during this time period. Still, Rogue’s well-rounded powerset got her onto this list, making her one of the fastest X-Men, in addition to being one of the strongest (and also sassiest).
The character that is basically tied with Rogue just so happens to be the other Southern X-Man, Cannonball. Sam Guthrie’s blasting powers might not let him fly with as much grace and accuracy as Rogue, but he still gets the job done when it comes to speed. Like Rogue, Cannonball earned rankings of 4s and a 5 in terms of speed, meaning he flies just under the speed of sound. Not bad for an ex-coal miner from Kentucky.
Cannonball isn’t just fast, either. His bio-kinetic blasting power also equips him with a forcefield that makes him nigh invulnerable while he’s rocketing through the air. He’s even been able to extend that blast field outwards to protect those in close proximity to him. On top of all that, he’s a solid strategist and great team player. He’s served with teams ranging from the outlaw X-Force to the X-Men proper and even the Avengers. This high-flying hero can currently be seen in “U.S.Avengers.”
While Sam Alexander may hold down the Nova moniker today, Richard Rider was Marvel’s original Nova, wearing the bucket helmet throughout all of the ’90s. As a member of the New Warriors, Nova added even more attitude to the already radical team. He also added some much-needed speed to the group, with his cosmic-powered ability to fly almost at the speed of sound.
Like Rogue and Cannonball, Nova also scored mostly 4s in the trading card sets. Unlike Rogue and Cannonball, however, Nova earned a 6 in the 1995 “Marvel Metal” set, which pushes his average above subsonic speeds. There’s one common thread in this list: if you’re a cosmic hero, odds are you’re super fast. Despite being an average kid from Long Island, Richard’s Nova armor gifts him with abilities far beyond that of a normal human. Fans are now reacquainting themselves with Richard, as he’s just returned in the pages of Marvel’s new “Nova” series.
Unlike America’s resident superhero Captain, Captain Britain has the ability to fly — and fly fast. If Steve Rogers and Brian Braddock were to race, the UK hero would undoubtedly win, due to his ability to fly at the speed of sound (770 miles per hour). As a member of the X-Men spinoff team Excalibur, Captain Britain had a solid presence on ’90s trading cards, despite his diminished profile in today’s Marvel Comics line.
It’s worth noting, however, that even though Captain Britain can fly at the speed of sound, he really shouldn’t travel too far. Unlike pretty much every other superhero, Captain Britain’s powers are based on his proximity to the United Kingdom. The farther away he gets from the isle, the more his powers diminish. Captain Britain discovered this during a mission with Excalibur to Manhattan, which saw his abilities start to dwindle the longer he was away from home.
Like Captain Britain, the veteran X-Man codenamed Banshee can also fly at the speed of sound. In addition to his unique history as a police officer, Interpol agent and brainwashed criminal, Sean Cassidy also distinguishes himself on this list because of the way he flies. While a lot of the other heroes — excluding Cannonball — are able to silently glide through the air, Banshee’s flight is propelled by the sonic scream he emits through his mutant vocal cords. In order for Sean to take flight, he has to scream.
Of course, with decades of experience under his “X” belt, Banshee learned how to glide along on top of a frequency that human ears couldn’t detect. It’s that exact kind of resourcefulness that Banshee imparted to his students in the ’90s series, “Generation X.” Unfortunately, for the more recent generations of young mutants, Banshee’s not been around to show them the ropes. He’s been missing in action for years.
Archangel is another member of the “speed of sound” club, thanks to his consistent 5 speed rankings on these cards. Yes, that club would theoretically involve Captain Britain, Banshee and Archangel flying alongside each other at the speed of sound while chatting (except Banshee, who needs his voice to fly). Warren Worthington III was only able to reach the speed of sound club because of the biological and mechanical upgrades he received from the super villain Apocalypse.
Those upgrades came at a cost. Previously, Archangel was known as Angel and possessed feathered wings. After those wings were amputated following a battle with the Marauders, Apocalypse swooped in and gave the suicidal Warren new wings — ones that came with a darker, more intense personality and skin draped in shadow. Warren eventually grew accustomed to his new wings, only to have them change back and forth from metallic to feathered multiple times as the result of further mutations.
There are certain areas where Thanos’ power is indisputable. The Mad Titan’s strength and intelligence are both more than formidable, making him one of the toughest and most cunning beings in the Marvel Universe. As one of Marvel’s extraterrestrial characters, he’s also faster than a lot of Earth’s heroes — but how much faster is up for debate.
Thanos’ “Marvel Universe II” card gives him a 7 ranking, the fastest there is. Subsequent sets downgrade him from traveling at light speed (7) to just supersonic speeds (6). Then there’s the constant outlier, 1995’s “Marvel Metal” set, which gives Thanos a 3 (superhuman, around 115 miles per hour). Thanos can travel as fast as a sports car or light speed — you know, somewhere in there. Thanos averages out to between the speed of sound and supersonic, which sounds about right. Really, Thanos can kill heroes in any number of ways already. He doesn’t need to also be super fast to get his evil deeds done. It just helps.
At this point in the list, we’re hitting the upper echelon of machine-assisted flight. The cosmic Nova suit got the New Warrior to subsonic speeds and Apocalypse’s Celestial tech upgraded Archangel to the speed of sound. Now get ready to learn what Stark Tech suits can do. First up is War Machine, the armor piloted by James “Rhodey” Rhodes. This armor can travel anywhere between the speed of sound (770 miles per hour) up to supersonic speeds, between Mach 2 to Mach 4.6. That means War Machine, a suit of armor just bigger than a person, can travel faster than the real world SR-71 Blackbird jet.
Just to prove a point made in the previous entry, War Machine’s speed didn’t stop Thanos from defeating him in battle during 2016’s “Civi War II.” The two characters, back-to-back on this list of speedsters, met in battle and Thanos emerged victorious. One deadly, powerful punch from Thanos destroyed the Stark armor and cost Rhodey his life.
When it comes to suits of armor, it looks like Stark Tech is remarkably consistent — at least when it comes to speed. Both Iron Man and War Machine’s suits are capable of traveling at supersonic speeds, earning them all 6s (and one lone 5) in their speed rankings. Of course, Iron Man ranks higher because he was featured in more trading card sets and, therefore, got a few more 6s under his iron belt.
The Iron Man suits are basically wearable fighter jets, equipped with life support tech, defenses and even more firepower. That makes anyone wearing one of these suits formidable, especially if they know what they’re doing. War Machine and Iron Man’s suits represent the fastest any Marvel hero — at least the ones featured in these ’90s trading card sets — could travel without the help of cosmic or mythological assistance. Tony Stark would no doubt be proud of that fact, although he’d probably try to figure out how to outpace the members of this list’s top five.
The power of the Phoenix knows no limitations. The cosmic entity took on the form of a mortal, Jean Grey, and allied itself with the X-Men for the period of time that it believed itself to actually be Jean Grey. Of course that stint with the X-Men ended notoriously, as the Phoenix became corrupted by its absolute power and destroyed an inhabited solar system. So yeah, if a cosmic entity has the power to destroy a sun, odds are it’s also pretty fast. After all, you have to travel to that distant sun in order to suck in its energy.
Dark Phoenix earned a 7 speed (light speed) in its one card appearance. This entry, however, focuses on Rachel Grey, the mutant host of a section of the Phoenix power who served as a member of Excalibur. While the Phoenix Force’s powers were ever so slightly limited at the time, Rachel Grey was still remarkably fast. On average, Rachel could travel the cosmos at supersonic speeds thanks to the Phoenix Force.
Iron Man definitely wants to figure out a way to upgrade his armor to outrun Thor, no question. As the fastest of the mainstay Avengers, the Asgardian god of thunder is able to travel at near light speed (which is around 186,000 miles per second). We say “near” because Thor’s streak of 7 rankings was upset by his “Marvel Metal” card, which gave him a 6. But that’s all right — as long as Thor can fly circles around Tony Stark, it’s all good.
We also have to point out that Thor doesn’t even fly at light speed — he gets pulled at light speed. In order to soar through the air, Thor actually hurls his Asgardian hammer Mjolnir and then gets pulled along either by the hammer’s strap or holding on to its handle. The reason Thor is one of the fastest beings in the Marvel Universe is actually because he’s also one of the strongest beings in the Marvel Universe.
Like Thor, Galactus also enjoyed a streak of 7s, interrupted by one lone 6 for speed, which landed him in the top four instead of being at the top of this list. As the devourer of worlds, though, Galactus is plenty powerful enough as it is. This being, older than the current universe, is a massive cosmic force of nature that sustains itself by consuming the life and energy of planets — inhabited or not.
Galactus’ fortunes have recently turned around, however. He still possesses his immense power, but he recently underwent a transformation and become the Lifebringer. In the pages of “Ultimates” and “Ultimates2,” Galactus now uses his abilities to restore life to the planets he once destroyed, thus changing up the natural order of the entire universe. That didn’t sit too well with some of the other cosmic beings, who killed the Living Tribunal (a one-hit-trading-card-wonder with a 7 speed) for allowing Galactus to continue to serve in his new role.
As former Protector of the Universe, the human Wendell Vaughn took on cosmic-level power once he came to possess the Quantum Bands. This interstellar artifact gifted Wendell with a number of out-of-this-world abilities, including powerful energy blasts, cosmic awareness and super speed. As Quasar, Wendell was able to travel at light speed, no questions asked. The guy has nothing but 7s when it comes to speed.
Wendell’s not the only person to wield the bands’ power. Captain Mar-Vell’s daughter Phyla-Vell briefly took on the mantle of Quasar as well, which she earned during a battle with Annihilus and his Annihilation Wave. Most recently, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Avril Kincaid claimed the Quantum Bands. Vaughn currently acts as Kincaid’s new mentor, teaching her how to properly use the powerful accessories — ones that allow her to be tuned-in with the entirety of the universe and travel across it faster than light.
Adam Warlock
Adam Warlock has a lot going on. Yes, he was created by Earth scientists to be the perfect artificial being, but he emerged from their experiments more perfect and powerful than they ever could have imagined. He was then modified by the mad scientist known as the High Evolutionary and began a stint as the champion of Counter-Earth. He soon came to possess the Soul Gem, one of the highly powerful Infinity Gems, and began a quest across the cosmos to stop Thanos from achieving his mad desires. Along the way, he has gone on numerous adventures that have changed the very nature of his being, including numerous deaths and rebirths that have left him more and more powerful than possibly any other being in existence.
Seriously, dude’s got a lot of powers. In addition to his many, many abilities, Adam Warlock is also able to travel at light speed with great ease, moving so fast that some have wondered if he’s actually a secret teleporter.
Silver Surfer
Before we get to Silver Surfer, let’s address the elephant in the list: Quicksilver isn’t on this list. Yes, the Marvel character defined by being a speedster isn’t on the speedster list. That’s because, curiously, Quicksilver only ever earned 4s on these trading cards, meaning he can only run between 250 to 500 miles per hour. That’s makes him sit just below Rogue, who got a 5 in the “Marvel Metal” set. Seriously, Quicksilver comes in at #16, which we agree is kind of nuts.
On to the Number One speedster! If you’re going to fulfill the job of herald of Galactus, then you’ve gotta be fast. Galactus himself is super fast, and the job of a herald is to, you know, get there first. Silver Surfer fulfills that requirement easily. This alien-turned-all-powerful-cosmic-crusader glides on his silver surfboard at the speed of light, ensuring that he arrives just in time to give planets a heads-up that the devourer is on the way. The Surfer left his gig with Galactus long ago, becoming a hero in his own right and establishing an identity for himself.
What do you think of Marvel’s speed ratings? Hurry over to the comments and let us know!
The post The Fastest Marvel Characters (Based On Trading Cards) appeared first on CBR.com.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Barry Allen with Outlaw Daughter HC (x Jason Todd) (Request):
Note: I added the x Jason because I don’t have enough of him but since the request didn’t add him, I didn’t put him in too much
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·      Barry understood growing up
·      He knew that one day, you’d want to stop working with him permanently and go off and either join a team or be by yourself
·      He did not however, anticipate that you’d join the Outlaws
·      I mean he knew that you and Jason were dating but the Outlaws
·      Really?
·      For the first little while he was very apprehensive of you joining
·      It was ... different from what he had raised you to do or how to go about fighting crime
·      After a a few months though, he warmed up to it
·      Although that wasn’t before having a man to man conversation with Jason about keeping you safe
·      Outlaw or not, he did not want is speedster getting killed
·      He knew that Jason would take care of you though
·      You would go and visit Barry since it was really easy to with your speed
·      The entire breaking apart from your dad also wasn’t bitter whatsoever
·      You were both like “alright time to move on”
·      This wasn’t a Roy Harper or Dick Grayson situation
·      No, no
·      Now if you guys did something extreme like assassinating some important figure, he’d lecture you on it
·      That would be hard for him to deal with for a little bit
·      Sometimes you might join him for a mission or patrol for a bit if Outlaws was slow
·      Those were always nice days
·      When you were done patrolling, you’d go to Waffle House or some 24 hour restaurant and eat dinner or breakfast
·      That would depend on how late it was when patrol was over
·      He basically would see it was moving out for college
·      But this college was deadly and also involved killing people and blowing things up
·      Totally normal if I do say so myself
·      Anyways, over all, at first he’d be apprehensive but in the end, he’d be pretty chill
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Moroccan Outlaw
Pairing (Bart Allen x reader)
Synopsis: Living in the wilderness of Morocco by yourself after your parents were killed for witch craft, you fight to survive with everything that you have learned of magic and the myth that now surrounds your name. You think that your life will never change of this endless cycle until one day, a certain team comes to your dwelling to investigate strange news of something powerful lurking in the forest. That is when your life changes forever.
Warnings: None
     You had never considered yourself a threat to anyone or anything that wasn’t a threat to you. You nor your parents had ever meant anyone any harm, however the world is a cruel one and doesn’t take lightly to things that it does not understand or take the time to adapt to. At the age of 7, your parents were taken and burned after being found out they were practitioners of witchcraft and magic. They had both come from a long line of magic users and taught you everything that they knew, including the combat that your father had picked up while serving in the army during his time. The only thing that you had of them now was a few books of magic, a few charms, and faint memories that haunted your dreams at night.
           The town considered you a myth, a legend, and even an outlaw. At just the age of 8, you had learned what it took to survive in these rare conditions and kept to yourself, avoiding people at almost all costs. Tonight, was a full moon. This was the most significant time of the lunar phases because it was when the most powerful book of spells that your parents had left you gained even more spells and charms to use. You had opted to stay in your house and practice the spells that you would be gifted. Well, if it could even be considered a house. The place that you lived was like a three- story tree house over a wide stream. It was in a smaller clearing but still high enough up that no passerby would see it. There you and your panther, Onyx would live out your lives.
           It was a normal day waiting for the spells and nothing in the world was happening to your knowledge outside of the usual mess of things. Well, at least that it what you thought.
“Team, there has been a sudden disturbance in a sector of the forests of Morocco. It is thought to be magic with the level of power and magnitude that it emitted, however we cannot know for sure.” Nightwing informed the team, “We need to find out who or what this is and see who’s side it’s on.”
           The only ones who weren’t on a mission right now was Nightwing, Blue Beatle, Impulse, Beast Boy, and Robin. Everyone else was either off or on mission assigned earlier. They got into the ship and headed off to Morocco to investigate whatever was going on.
           You settled in on your cot next to Onyx and watched as the sun started to set. Everything was going as planned. You had your herbal tea next to you and your spell book in your lap just like all the nights before. Everything was calm and peaceful until the magic sensors that you had put around your dwelling picked on a low flying craft. Onyx’s ears pricked up as you listened closely.
           Hearing it get closer and then the sound stopping made you go on high alert. You walked to your table and summoned a looking spell to see what on Earth was going on. You saw nothing at first, but upon further investigation, you found that the ship was shielded with invisibility tech.
           “Interesting.” You thought, “Tell me who these people are.” You said after seeing a few figured jumping out.
           “Heroes?” You thought aloud, “I wonder what they’re doing here.” “Onyx, it’s time to go for a hunt.”
           Onyx’s ears pricked up and he stood, walking to your side. Sliding on your combat boots and gloves, you stepped out of the shelter and traveled by the trees to where the ship was, not too far away. You observed them from a distance, sticking to the shadows and staying out of site along with your panther who was circling the group.
           “Nightwing, I feel like we’re being watched.” The smaller one with a cape and jet -black hair said to who looked to be the oldest.
           “I know what you mean.” Nightwing replied, “Just keep your guard up and...” He stopped dead in his tracks, “Impulse, don’t move a muscle.”
           Everyone started at Impulse as he stopped, noticeably frightened at Nightwing’s command. They looked around until seeing a massive black cat staring at them from a small clearing like it was about to pounce. Then they all saw what Nightwing really was pointing out. A snake was coiled up in front of Impulse waiting for him to take a step closer. All of them were startled when you spoke up.
           “Down Onyx.” You said in Arabic.
           The panther went into a resting stance and didn’t pounce at the team but you on the other hand came into few after a few seconds of moving in the shadows.
           You then stared at the snake, eyes gleaming red before it contracted and looked straight at her hissing. After a second it had been ripped apart and withered away with the wind.
           “You know you really should be more careful hero.” Your magic swirled from your fingers before disappearing once more, “The floor of these jungles move with life.”
           You jumped down to the ground, leaning on a massive boulder, “Who are you? Quickly, before I have Onyx sick you.”
           “We’re part of the Justice League.” The leader with a blue and black suit and domino mask said, “I’m Nightwing, this is Robin, Impulse, Blue Beatle, and Beast Boy.”
           “What is your business?” You demanded.
           “We are here to investigate a surge of energy. Now I can assume that you were that energy surge. We’re here to take you somewhere where you’ll be safer and away from all of this.” He finished.
           You smirked some at how hopeful he sounded. That was something that you had learned not to trust over the years. Hope was a delusion and something to pity for all who really relied on it.
           “I’ll come. But only if you can catch me.” You smirked, lifting your index finger which started swirling with glittering red and purple smoke before your body was completely engulfed in it and you reappeared in the tree tops.
           “Base.” You said to Onyx before starting off away from where the team was.
           “Catch her.” Nightwing said as they all started to go after her in preassigned teams.
           After some time of losing the team, you stopped on a branch and rested for a second.
           “Watcha doin up there?” You heard from below. You smiled some when you saw Impulse.
           “Becoming quite bored of this endeavor.” You said.
           “Well then, allow me to entertain you malady.” He darted up the tree fast enough to not give you time to react, “Gotcha.” He smirked grabbing you.
           “Please, can’t a girl play hard to get?” You said before disappearing once more, “Over here lover boy.” You waved from a different tree.
           “Impulse, Y/N is a witch, take her to the starting point and we’ll give her a dose of some white light.” Nightwing said into the comm before Impulse was about to take off after her again.
           “Got it wing.” He replied.
           Impulse chased you to the starting point before you noticed what was happening. You went to turn around before Blue Beetle shot a beam of white light at you. With somewhat of a mix of a screech and scream, you fell off the branch that you were on and plummeted to the forest floor.
           “I got her!” Impulse said going for you.
           After a few seconds, you regained your senses and looked around before meeting his gaze. Rubbing your temples you spoke up, “Thank you.” You got out of his arms and brushed yourself off.
           “No problem beautiful.” He said smiling at you as he got a good look at your figure.
           Your skin glimmered in the moon light, contrasting against the dark red and black costume. Your now purple and gold eyes shinned in the moon light as you swept your hair out of your face.
           “I don’t even know you name.” You said feeling weird that this random costumed person would just chase you down only to save you.
           “Oh, I’m Bart, Bart Allen. That is presuming you’re coming with us.” He said.
           “Y/N, Y/L/N.” You replied putting your hand out for what you thought would be shaking hands. Instead he took yours and kissed the top of it like he was trying to either be a gentleman or funny. You couldn’t decide which one it was.
           “So, you’re coming with us?” Nightwing asked.
           “Yes, well, that is as long as I can grab my panther and my books.” You said, “Trust me, it won’t be long.”
           He nodded and you chanted a spell before the entire contents of your home was in a small box and your panther walked up next to you. He wasn’t that big and would never get that big which is why your parents wanted you to have him.
           You sat next to Impulse and watched the forest fade out of view. Your home was now a tiny speck in the great big world, and you figured that you’d never see it again whether you wanted to or not.
           “Have you ever been outside of your home?” Impulse asked you noticing the weary look on your face.
           You shook your head, “Never.” “My parents always hid me away in fear that I would also be... well, executed with them if we were ever caught with magic.”
           “I’m sorry.” He said giving a sympathetic look at taking your hand, “You’ll like it at the cave, trust me.”
           “I’m sure I will.” You said as Onyx laid his head on your lap.
           *Narrator voice* A few months later
           “Hey babe.” Bart said kissing your cheek.
           “You missed Speedster.” You said before he pulled you into an actual kiss.
           “Watcha reading?” He asked laying his head on your shoulder.
           “Spell book, tonight’s a full moon so it got new spells a few minutes ago.” You answered.
           “Could we cuddle?” He asked you.
           “Will you still let me read?” You asked.
           “Mhmm.” He answered.
           “Okay.” You picked up your book and the both of you walked to your bedroom with Onyx who was tailing you.
           The both of you curled up on your bed while Onyx jumped to the foot of it and laid down. Wrapping into the blankets, Bart laid his head on your thy and rubbed circles on your hips.
           “I love you.” You said.
           “I love you too Y/N/N.”
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