#original character introduction
quinnsallow · 4 months
Quintessa Jade Berner
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Goes by Quinn or Tess, but prefers Quinn.
House: Slytherin
Birthday: February 17, 1875 (Aquarius)
Blood Status: Half-blood
Wand: Alder wood, Dragon heartstring, 11 1/2", Slightly springy
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic & Occlumency (self-taught herself Occlumency having an older sister as a Legilimens)
Pets: Black cat (Shadow) and Tawny Owl (Trinkett)
Favourite Subjects: Potions, DAtDA, & Astronomy
Amortentia: Mixed berries, hints of vanilla, and sage
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Enjoys: Long walks, stars and astronomy, music, singing, reading, writing, white tea, flowers, and savoury foods
Dislikes: Prof Binns' class, spiders, and arguments
Traits: Shy, introverted, friendly, adventurous, charming, willing to try new things
Appearance: Long wavy black hair (either worn in a high ponytail or down), brown eyes, pale complexion, 5'4" in height, slim and small stature, loves wearing her dresses and skirts matched with brown or black boots and a long sleeve and cardigan
Favorite Colors: Purple and black
Patronus: White Mare
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You can find her in the music room where she loves to sing and write songs. Some of her favourite instruments being the violin and piano.
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Became a trio with Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt during her fifth year at Hogwarts. Later forming a romantic relationship with Sebastian after catching feelings for one another during summer after fifth year.
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Family: Wizard father (cursebreaker), Muggle mother (school teacher). Single-father household (mother was sick and died two years before Quinn got her letter to Hogwarts); Olivia Berner, older sister (3 1/2 years older who attended Hogwarts herself and is an active Legilimens. Moved away to Paris to study her occult practice and to be with her fiancé.); Aunt Carol (Quinn resides with her outside London while father works away from home, which is often); Aron Berner, older cousin (1 year older, acts as an older brother and mentor to Quinn, teaches her incantations that Sebastian approves of and admires.)
Future Career: Auror later turned Healer in the children's ward
Spouse: Sebastian Sallow (married at 21)
Children: Elara Anne Sallow (oldest) and Ethan Theodore Sallow (youngest)
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yeowninefive · 4 months
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Hurri and Cane
Brother (Cane, left) and sister (Hurri, right) duo. They both play and fight with basket games and electronic games, though each one has a preference. Although this is their official debut (though Cane initially had a cameo in an earlier pic), both character designs have actually existed for some years.
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maltcrescent · 10 months
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Hello Merlot
Doodles of a new character made for this blog.
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rustycottoncandy · 8 months
Hey here's an oc ask! How would you introduce Henry to someone who doesn't know em?
And then, how would Henry introduce himself?
Okay so when I introduce him, I usually say that Henry Thomas Davis is, in a nutshell, a 24-year-old man who moved from home recently and is trying to get his life together, kinda. He's quite a pessimistic guy and has a mostly aggressive/mean demeanor when talking to other people, so he's not really the kindest lamb in the herd (I don't think that's an expression, but whatever). And THEN after that, I add that his favorite music band is the Spice Girls.
He can be fun to be around with if he's on your side, though, and will not hesitate before providing you help or advice if you need some.
However, he's prone to acting out of impulse and has a hard time controlling his emotions or understanding what other people might be feeling/putting himself in their shoes. He often lies his way out of trouble and will not question himself before dragging someone else into the lie or doing something that would be of inconvenience to someone else, friends included, if it's for his own benefit.
He is aware that his actions or words may hurt on some occasions, and even though the fact haunts him from time to time, he has yet to try and change his behavior. He's aware that he's not a good person, but he hasn't tried to change yet, which is one of his character flaws.
He does eventually accept help from Ethan James Dawn, who offers to help him become a better person, but mostly to get closer to him, rather than actually work on himself.
You know Cocoa, right? Well, this guy's his owner! He and Ethan found him on a walk through the forest and took him home because the cat wouldn't leave their side. They didn't ask, though, and they live with two other people (who I still have to work more on but shhhh...), one of which is allergic to cats (funny thing, though, the allergic guy, Ryan, loves Cocoa and it's the other guy, Daniel, who has more of a problem with him).
Henry's currently unemployed but has worked at a bakery, at a bar, and at a restaurant. He quit the first two himself and got fired from the last one because of multiple reasons. He was a cook in all three establishments.
In relation to the previous fact, this guy absolutely adores cooking. His favorite dish to make is soup, although pancakes and apple pies follow closely.
Something else he really likes, which just like the Spice Girls fact seems unlikely, is singing. He's always loved to, and is, actually, pretty good at it! A group of friends and he like to hang out at a Karaoke-Singing place next to his hometown, funny enough. Only Ethan knows that, though.
^ That and musicals. He's a sucker for musical theater.
Something important about him is that he barely sleeps (hence why his eyebags look the way they look), since he feels like he loses a lot of time doing so. Instead, he pretty much runs on coffee. Black coffee, specifically, with lots of sugar. He loves sugary stuff.
In case he DOES fall asleep, though (either it's because he's with Ethan or has spent too long without drinking coffee), he'll be almost impossible to wake up. Like, unless you're ripping his arm off or scooping his eyes or something, you'll never get him out of his slumber until he wakes up himself.
So far, he's owned three pets: Jennifer, a white cat; Phill, a hedgehog, and Cocoa, who you already know.
He's my favorite OC and someone I really like to make fun of and draw ^^ he was created around January of 2022, so he's nearly two years old.
As for how he would introduce himself, he'd likely just say his name and not go into much detail.
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ask-chobots-knight · 7 months
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"Hello... world? Is this even working...?"
"Oh wait... It did worked, haha... My bad..."
"Alright... Let's get this started..."
"Hello there, my name is Choko and as you can... Well, tell... I'm a knight who currently serving a lord by the name: CHOBOT. He is... A great frie- I mean... A great lord that I'm grateful for serving him and his kingdom for a while. Haha..."
"Hmmm... Well..."
"I do like hanging out with the other knights of Blue Bouquet, fighting and most importantly for me... Making memories, together... Whenever it's pleasant or not."
"For the dislikes on the other hand... I'm not very sure about that as I still on my self discovery arc as my story keeps going as time can tell..."
"You can join me in this journey of mine and of course, I don't say this with a force on you... It's really just up to your choice, you know..."
"Uhm... You may ask questions on my inbox, if you want to know me better... I will gladly answered them depending on my time..."
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jinxthejubilee · 1 year
I can't wait to see the results! I didn't pick any of the options just in case I didn't skew the poll or something, so I can't see it.
Also! As a celebration of Nightbringer coming out, I'll finally be posting my introductory fic starring my MC. I haven't worked on her sketches in a hot minute, but I'll be working on them soon enough.
It might be a while, though, since I'll be seeing the Mario movie with a friend, but the story should be done around the evening or so.
Well, that said, I'll see you guys later! Byeee! 💗💗
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bunnygirllover45 · 3 months
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Sprite work for vn "Something Rots"
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ririx446 · 24 days
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This was originally for tt but im gonna post it here too🔥
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saintarthur01 · 4 months
✩Writeblr Intro✩
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✩About the Author✩
Hello there ! I am Arthur and I am a writer who decided to make a separate blog just for my works and such. My main blog is @saintv0id if you are interested for whatever reason. I go by either Arthur or Void on here whichever is fine. I go by she/her and am also demiromantic
I like anything fantasy and fiction, and other such things like renaissance festivals, the medieval and renaissance periods, I like collecting bugs and bones, and I love musicians like Hozier, Tamino, Florence, and Noah Kahan
✩About this blog✩
• This blogs purpose is for my writings/stories and whatever relates to them, like OC intros, lore revealing, or really whatever takes place in my world
• I am open to any asks, questions, or msgs, or even recommendations if ya wanna know anything or submit something, please do so
• All stories and writings on here are all within the same world/universe that i have built, they are all connected one way or another
✩About how my stories work✩
• Again all of my stories take place in the same world, which I have called Allra, so all of my stories together will be called The Chronicles of Allra
• If you are interested in the basic lore and history behind Allra, I will soon have a post up with all the info, I will add the link here once updated and completed
• Allra is heavily influenced and based around Norse mythology, although all characters and lands are original, they are inspired by the norse mythos and the norse mythos are even implemented into the world’s history somewhat
• Some stories will be multiple parts and others will be just short stories involving random characters within the world and some will have a bigger impact then others
✩About my WIPS✩
Prince Killer:
• Genre: Fantasy & Adventure
• Warnings: Murder, hints of emotionally abusive family (will update if the list expands)
• Tropes: Magic, found family, retelling with a twist, major angst, royalty, fighting against prophecy & destiny, morally grey MC, family rivalry, major symbolism
• Main & Side Characters: Locke Ambrose, Caradoc Ambrose, Kailen Skaesun, Elwin Ambrose, Toke Ambrose (There’s more but those 5 are really the ones that need to be noted)
• Summary: In a world that was reborn after the events of Ragnorak, history seems to repeats itself as the King of Konunheim hears word from one of his trusted prophesiers that his son, Caradoc, will die by another’s hand by a simple arrow made from a harmless plant and if this were to occur the world may break out into another war and destroy itself. Assuming his last born, Locke, may be the killer due to his certain ways and dislike of his brother, he demands for his punishment and a way to keep Caradoc safe. While the other nine courts are splitting apart over the idea of a apocalyptic war, the two brothers now have to find a way for one of them to be pardoned and the other to not die while also preventing a war, and maybe even find out if Locke actually has intentions to kill his brother and follow through with prophecy or keep Caradoc safe…
(other works are in progress, I will update this list as I work on them more)
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dantedemondino · 11 days
Alright screw it Planet of the Apes OC’s go brrr-
Meet my trio (someday quartet?) of apes.
(Full refs are on my Toyhouse, check my pinned post!)
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Locust! A kind hearted, yet rather confident bonobo. (Rather he lacks common sense-)
He grew up in “some clan”, it’s not important anymore to him. As much like other neighboring clans and tribes they were seized by Proximus, all in the name of “Caesar”. Who ironically Locust somewhat doubts ever existed- he didn’t mind it terribly, though he found this obsession with the door equally as foolish. In his mind he thinks: If this Caesar dude is so great and powerful and made humans fall, and you want to be him? Why do you need the human stuff? Of course that question doesn’t last long.
In the chaos of all the war and flooding, he found himself washed away from any ape he had gotten the privilege to know. He fled as soon as he could get on his four limbs- deeming that this constant aggression between gatherings of ape was too much. So he set to try the “Hermitcrab” life. (Hermit. For English is hard for humans, let alone apes.)
Darwin. A weathered chimp, with a sharp mind. (May be accused of witchcraft.)
Darwin gets his name for a reason- while he isn’t hell bent on being anything like a human/Caesar like Proximus? He is a very inventive/curious ape. His clan used to inhabit a faction in the factory area of a rundown city. While few dare to touch the human work, when it gets too dangerous? He had more wonder than preservation. He learned how certain rock dust reacts to heat- meaning he held the power of fire in his hand. (Only to brutally scar himself of course.) He was lucky to not ever meet Proximus, as I feel it would go terribly-
He meets Locust because that goofy bonobo doesn’t take a hint that someone might live in the conveniently lively building- and after spending that much time alone in the city? He can’t help but conveniently take pity on them. Eventually departing into the jungle with him too!
Ari. A chill but rather nerdy orangutan. (A self proclaimed scholar of “Caesar”)
Despite living in the treetops, she is very down to earth. And in a literal sense to how they met Locust & Darwin. She proclaims its fate the way she fell out the trees onto the only other two apes she has seen in a long time. Thanking Ceasar, she watches as the two scoff? Oh boy- two misguided people! She would proceed to try and join them in an attempt to teach them about the actual words of the law giver.
Little does she know she too will find some of her ways are lies…
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luaneedssleep · 1 month
Meet Cloudia! ☁️☀️🩵
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Cloudia (she/her)
“The town’s entertainer!”
“She’s always putting on one-woman shows, hosting broadcasts, and covering news!”
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And here’s our current lineup!
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oifaaa · 2 months
In Legend of Korra there was a thing where getting possessed by a spirit would leave you permanently mutated and/or disfigured with remnants of what that spirit looked like. (There was a guy who got possessed by a tree spirit and we later see a guy get possessed by a lemur guy.) My point is: There are various rumors that the Bats are either spirits or have been possessed by bat spirits in the past and it left some very scary marks.
Yeah during the flashback episodes to avatar Wan we see a couple spirits do the body possession thing including raava which it's revealed that's how the avatar came to be she stayed in Wans body for too long and their spirits combined although apart from vatu I'm not sure if we see any spirits in korras time do possession thing so not sure how many people would be aware that spirits can do that
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dovelydraws · 11 months
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Two more last minute additions for my artfight profile!! This time two characters from the comic I'm working on :> It's about time I introduced some of these guys onto my blog
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harucchii · 11 months
Hello!! welcome to Harucchi's profile! (* ^ ω ^)
Hello! My name is Haru/Ranni I am a Chilean SFW anthro artist who enjoys drawing cute animals and playing games!! I speak English and Spanish, feel free to comunicate with me on any of those languages
My fursona:
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I mainly use Twitter but i want to get more used to tumblr as well!!
Want to know more about me?
check my Carrd:
Interested on commissions?
Consider supporting me on Ko-Fi :33
I also stream sometimes :3
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welldonekhushi · 3 months
Abhimanyu "Abhi" K. Dhingra
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Presenting you, Abhimanyu, or just Abhi! The son of Arjun Dhingra and Kavya Parikar, he joins the National Security Guard (NSG) to honor his father's legacy after his sudden disappearance (some assume he died in combat, but never confirmed)
He's still in major development! Wondering if I shall give him the facial scar or not, but I realise it runs in the family. This is how he'll look in the story so far, maybe it'll be later changed after more research!
Hope you like it (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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rhyaxxyn · 4 months
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"𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈; 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏. 𝑵𝒐 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐, 𝒏𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒂𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒍 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕; 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅. 𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅."
— 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐢
GENRE: New Adult (16-25) / Contemporary Fantasy SUB-GENRE: Romance / SciFi / Dystopian / Action POV: Third Person (Multi) / Past Tense THEMES/TROPES: War, Found Family, Heroism, Sacrifice, Power, Corruption, Enemies to Lovers, Bigotry, Forgotten Past, Faith, Dark VS. Light STATUS: Seeking Publication
In the wake of a god being mysteriously killed, the Nameless War has waged between the gods and humanity for fifty-eight years, killing that which is mortal and immortal, and creating constant battles for territory between the divine Creator military and the human Revolutionists. As hope for future peace between the species wanes, the fate of the war lands in unlikely hands. Pandora, a goddess, the lost creator, nameless and chained to the Earth because of duty, yet still running from her true power. Quinn, a god, the skijic and Creator High General, desperate for the memories of a life lost and the familiarity of a purple-eyed goddess. Natia, a girl, heiress to one of the Republic of Valentulus’s most powerful cities, and slave to the Revolutionist Snake General. Loyalties whither, fear awakens, and stories collide as the Nameless War reaches its tipping point. It is up to Pandora, Quinn, and Natia, each of them sworn against one another, to challenge the boundaries of their duties—and their pasts. The only thing that might change their opposing fates is the truth, but letting the past fly free could very well set the darkness loose. The fight between deities and humanity is made equal, and the fate of the universe unsure.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬
PANDORA: Goddess of Nothing, Governor of Domum Deorum, Creator of the Universe. Extremely skilled in both alchemic and physical combat; well versed in a number of chordophone instruments (piano, kaleiscian zarisk, violin); selfless and self sacrificing; compassionate, analytical, cultured, stubborn, witty. QUINN: God of Stars, High General of the Creator Military. Omne’s personal “lap dog” before his capture; good with any blade, has "shit aim"; short with those he doesn’t know/care about; protective, sarcastic, composed, knowledgeable, caring, prideful. NATIA GENESIS: Heiress of Genesis Point. Little Sparrow. Remarkably intelligent in regards to literature, strategy, and divine biology due to intense schooling; the Republic of Valentulus' most renowned deitologist; near non-existent family ties outside of the media; intelligent, kind, self-destructive, abrasive.
OPHELIA SERPENTINE – General of the Revolutionist Military Government. Although not a master of strategy like Natia, she is manipulative; willing to do any and everything to maintain her power; manipulative, emotionally intelligent, controlling, dedicated, knowledgeable, passionate. OMNE - Goddess of the Universe (Mind), Queen of the Gods. Like Ophelia, she is extremely manipulative in order to achieve her means, though she keeps them hard to distinguish; analytical, facetious, secretive, manipulative, humorous, rude.
REPUBLIC OF VALENTULUS – Otherwise known as the R.O.V.; had once been the newly created nation in place of the United States in order to maintain control over the worsening relations between gods and humans. Unfortunately, much of it was destroyed after the beginning of the war, spare for the wealthiest districts and cities. DOMUM DEORUM - Heather’s city she built through the means of alchemy. Gods and humans live in unity here, under the leadership of Heather’s councils: Low Council (general citizens), High Council (divine and human district leaders), Master Alchemists (gods who have mastered the alchemic arts). For fifty-eight years Domum Deorum has existed in secret, though their efforts in the war remain influential.  GENESIS POINT - A city with close ties to the Revolutionist military government. Mainly profits from scientific innovations, particularly thanks to Natia's efforts as a deitologist, and diplomatic advisors. As such, they are a major producer of both technology and weaponry. The city has been led by the Genesis family since its creation, Lukyn Genesis the most recent, with Natia Genesis as the next in line to inherit one of the R.O.V.'s most powerful governments.
(order of protags in the images above: Natia Genesis, Quinn, Pandora.)
Note: this is definitely one of several times i've introduced this particular book, but i'm so, so, so happy to do so. infinite tangents is the first book of many in the natural orders series, and i'm so excited to share with you all how far this story has come since i came up with it in 2014 (which is insane to me). hopefully, this story will be published soon... if i can work up the courage to email literary agents.
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