#or at least have someone (ted) explain to him that ted fought for him!
for the love of god somebody please tell jamie the real reason he was sent back to man city in season 1
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Okay so since we will never know what happened to Landon in the prison world (and I will never be over it), I’m just gonna ramble about some of my own headcanons about it...
-Landon used the tunnels under the town to get around undetected, which is also where he was able to research prison worlds and monsters and practice using his weapons without being seen/heard. And the tunnels also allowed him to more easily access the school (which is maybe where he could’ve gotten some of his weapons or food) as well as the grill (maybe a better option for food since at least part of the school had been on fire) since there’s an entrance to the tunnels there too. But Landon obviously would’ve struggled with being in the tunnels because of his claustrophobia, giving him even more reason to learn to fight monsters and create his hunter disguise so he could be above ground, in addition to him already needing to in order to find a way out of the prison world.
-He would grab hold of Hope’s necklaces around his neck throughout his time in the prison world, especially in moments he struggled to keep going.
-In quieter moments Landon had, he would sometimes write in his journal. Maybe documenting some of his time in the prison world, as well as writing letters to Hope and Raf to help himself cope.
-Elena’s clinic in the town square is where Landon went to get supplies to stitch himself up for the first time.
-I’m not good at thinking up monsters Landon might have fought, but one I did think of is a hydra, which I think could be fitting because of how that could parallel the Hercules reference in 2x11. I also headcanon that the monster that made Landon hallucinate he was being rescued over and over again was a wraith (insp. by @winnie-the-monster).
-This headcanon is maybe a bit out there, but comes from a brief theory I’d had back in 3x11. In that scene when they showed the Necromancer’s body in pieces in the crypt in the prison world, I’d actually wondered at the time if Landon had done that. And I guess we’re supposed to believe that one creature did it idk, but my headcanon is still that Landon did that. That the Necromancer had been there because Malivore had spat him out into the prison world to use him to find a way back to the real world. And got him to help by using the threat that if he failed, Malivore would make him human/Ted again, like he had before. Which would explain why the Necromancer became Ted again, because he had failed in helping Malivore escape the prison world. And he failed because Landon had stopped him, because Landon had seen that he was trying to find a way out (with the grimoire and writing on the wall in the crypt) so Landon killed him so he couldn’t, to protect everyone in the real world. And he didn’t come back to life as the Necromancer after because he came back as Ted instead because of Malivore’s punishment, which is why the Necromancer’s remains were still in the crypt by 3x11. (Though why Ted had amnesia idk, maybe Malivore somehow did that to him at some point as well. Maybe if Ted had gone through the rift after him, and Malivore wanted to punish him further and wiped his memories so he couldn’t become the Necromancer again? Who knows, but this is the only sense I can make of that whole situation since we got no explanation, while also fitting it in with my own headcanon.)
-Landon having to kill the Necromancer to keep everyone else safe would’ve pushed him to his limit. Because he would’ve known that the Necromancer was likely his only chance of escaping the prison world as well. Especially after having had no success finding any way back on his own and realizing that someone who could do magic was really the only way. So him having to give up what he felt was probably his only hope would’ve caused him to break down. (Which I imagine being similar to how Bonnie broke down in the prison world, when she was so close to escaping only to still be trapped.)
-Also similar to Bonnie, I imagine with Landon feeling so hopeless after having to give up his chance of escaping and feeling like he would never get back home and never be free, he would’ve gotten to a point where he felt like giving up. Where he would’ve gone to the dock with the intention of jumping into the lake for the last time. But, especially after thinking of Hope and his promise to always find her again, he decided not to go through with it and keep fighting. (And also the way this could kinda parallel the end of 3x05 as well? With both Hope and Landon feeling hopeless on the dock, Hope feeling that Landon was gone and Landon feeling like he could never get back. And Hope dropping the artifact into the lake and Landon almost jumping in, Hope feeling heartbroken and like she’d never see Landon again, then Landon deciding to keep fighting and find his way back to her. Plus Hope later deciding to keep fighting for Landon as well.)
-Shortly after Landon almost gave up is when Hope astral projected to the prison world and then tried to get there and opened the rift. And Landon happened to see the rift opening up, and he was running to it when Malivore got a hold of him and possessed him right before he went through.
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
The Oncoming Storm Part 2: Fire
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021
Liu Kang x Reader or Kung Lao x Reader
Summary: You wake up somewhere strange *again*. This time your underground and greeted by Liu Kang. For some reason you trust him, but why?
A/N: Have I mentioned I’m a huge fan of the slow burn? Whoops. I’ll let you guys know when the paths are branching between Lao/Liu. Thanks for reading and hope you keep enjoying! Also, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Warm flames flickered off brown-gray stone walls. Other than the burning flame to your right, the room was small and dark. There was no door and you could hear movement somewhere beyond its opening. I’m underground, you thought. The air smelled musty and it was so dry that your nose burned. Underground and maybe in the desert. You closed your eyes again quickly.
In your mind’s eye you pictured the small purple flower Kung Lao had given you in your youth. Frail and rare. Many flowers had grown in your hometown but purple had been a new and exotic color. You’d always been fond of it afterward. You’d never gotten the chance to tell Kung Lao that. For a time you had kept it pressed between the pages of your favorite book as a memorial to the boy who had been your best friend. You hadn’t thought about the flower in years. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about him.
The details of what happened were fuzzy. You remembered the fight in your shop and remembered waking up to the face of Kung Lao. It was still insane to think that the boy you’d thought dead was, in fact, alive and in good health. It was even crazier to think that he’d been the one to save you from the fire in your shop.
You shook away the memory lest it return you to the darkness of unconsciousness.
You were, again, in an unfamiliar bed but things were vastly different. You’d been cared for and changed into a modest dressing gown, judging by the soft but coarse material. This had likely been done by a health professional. You were certain that Kung Lao must have brought you somewhere to be helped. Then again, most hospitals you knew of weren’t underground and they certainly didn’t use these types of gowns. It wasn’t a hospital gown, more like the type of gown that would have been worn for bed in ages past. Long and thin, but warm. You pictured it off-white. The one you wore had no sleeves, most likely for ease of access since you’d been injured.
You had to decide if you should panic or not. If you looked around and saw a medical professional or Kung Lao then you would remain calm. If you didn’t then panic seemed the way to go. Opening your eyes again, you were relieved that the world didn’t spin and you weren’t nauseous. But there was no doctor and definitely no Kung Lao.
There was a different man in his place, unfamiliar, shorter in stature, his gaze focused on something other than you. He was dressed mostly in black, no sleeves (which seemed the fashion of this underground wherever), and a red sash tied around his middle. His demeanor was calm and quiet and in his left hand he clutched a string of prayer beads. His skin was dusted with soot or grease, you couldn’t tell. He looked as though he had been handling charcoal for hours. He was also surprisingly muscular.
And handsome. You wouldn’t deny that you’d admired him. His brow was knit with concern and as you shifted, he turned toward you. Brown eyes met yours with genuine concern and he held a hand up defensively. “Take it slow.” His voice was soothing but this was all too familiar.
A strange bed and a stranger next to it after having fallen unconscious. He was telling you how what to do and how to feel. Again. Not a chance! On the small table next to the head of the bed there was a bowl half-filled with water and some medical tools. The tool closest to you was a hook used for stitching up wounds. It wasn’t the best weapon but it was all you could reach. You sat upright quickly, snatched the hook, and moved far enough away from the stranger that you had room to breathe and could better gauge his intent and reactions.
But you had moved too quickly and suddenly there were ten of him as the room spun. You thought you might puke if he got any closer. That would get him away from you, probably better than the needle would. Much to your surprise, he laughed with the subtlest of smiles. The smile radiated more from his eyes amidst his worry than it did outwardly. “You’re surprisingly fast for someone who has been in and out of consciousness for over a week.”
“A… a week?” You stuttered and forced your vision to focus on the blurry version of him smiling in the middle. Thankfully, your brain obeyed and the room stopped spinning. He didn’t seem to pose you any threat. You could tell just by his smile. A smile that made him all the more handsome. The time that had passed was not important so you didn’t wait for an answer to your initial question. “Who are you? Where am I? And where is Kung Lao?” Those three things were at the top of your list now that you were thinking clearly. There were a hundred other questions you had about Mortal Kombat, the dragon mark on your back, and other realms but you figured those could come later. Dealing with the here and now; that was the right way to do it.
“I am Liu Kang.” He bowed his head, holding up his prayer beads as he did. “You are in Raiden’s Temple where the Order of Light gathers to protect Earthrealm. Kung Lao is off on an errand at Lord Raiden’s behest. I assure you that he did not wish to leave you but had little other choice.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, you leaned against the cool stone behind you. Answers, finally. “I’m Y/N. Thank you for answering my questions.”
“Kung Lao mentioned you would likely be defensive.” Liu Kang gestured to the bowl on the nightstand. “I have been caring for your wounds. I do not usually tend to the sick but I promised my cousin that I would see you were cared for.”
“Kung Lao. He is my brother. Not by blood but by bond.”
That was a relief. At least this complete stranger had a connection to the other near complete stranger that you’d met the last time you’d woken up in a strange place. Wait… hadn’t you gone blind? Setting the hook back down on the side table, you patted your face in search of a mark or wound that would have caused that. There was none. Liu Kang’s eyes were sparkling in amusement.
“The last thing I remember is losing my vision.” You explained.
“Yes, about that.” Liu Kang moved the hook back to its original place. “The men who attacked your shop were vicious and cruel warriors. They were gifted but squandered their gifts to satiate their greed, a thing that can never be sated. You did the world a favor by stopping them. However, the blades that wounded you were coated in a rare poison. It is lucky that Kung Lao found you and could bring you to us for treatment. The blindness was a temporary side effect of the poison.”
“Poison?” This was wild. That morning you’d been stocking your shop and had taught a class of ten-year-olds. Now you’d been attacked, killed a few men, and had been poisoned. Wild. You supposed, in reality, it had been over a week ago and not that morning. Whatever. You decided to take the blows as they came. Deal with the problems and insanity as it happened. It was the only way to keep a clear head.
“It took many days and much prayer but we bled the poison from your wounds. Now they should begin to heal.”
“I’m still stuck on the poison part of this story. Really? Who does that?”
“You must be very resilient, Miss Y/N. Even the mightiest of warriors poisoned so terribly would submit to death. You are a fighter.”
“Thanks… I think.”
Liu Kang bowed his head again respectfully. He was easy to talk to, you weren’t sure why. You’d been careful around Kung Lao but you found yourself immediately not careful around Liu Kang. There was an instant connection to him.
“I was ill as a child. It made me more resilient to sickness, perhaps.” You had been ill but it had been the kind of illness that parents sent their children away for, the kind where they couldn’t explain how their child saw or did things beyond their understanding. It had made you terribly sick and weak. Why were you telling him this? It’d slipped out of your mouth without permission from your lips.
“I have not met many who would credit childhood illness for their resilience.”
“Perhaps I’m more stubborn than most. I’ve been told I have thick skin. The kids would tease me for being different. I was told that I would never be strong. I would never catch up. Never be normal. I didn’t like that word, not even as a kid.”
“Which one?”
That subtle smile again. Damn, it was attractive.
“I’m sorry.” You laughed with an apologetic bow of your own. Your head spun and you mentally cursed your politeness. “I didn’t mean to say all that. It just slipped out.”
“It’s no problem. I would like you to continue your story if you would.”
“Only if you’re certain.”
“I assure you that I’m not merely being polite.” There was something genuine about his words, as if he considered them carefully before he spoke. Perhaps Kung Lao had warned him about you. Or perhaps he was just careful. Your first instinct had been to jump at them both. It was their every right to be defensive but you couldn’t be blamed either. “How did you overcome your illness?”
“I fought. I worked harder than most did just to be on the same level as everyone else. I grew out of my sickness with age and thanks to my hard work I became stronger than most. After that I dedicated my life to teaching others to become strong, to be more than the ‘never’ we’re told we’ll be.”
“Admirable.” Liu Kang seemed as relieved as you had been upon discovering he was not there to hurt you. Maybe he’d been worried about your intent too. “It is nice to have another worthy of their marking.”
“The dragon mark?”
“About that…”
“Do you know why you are here?”
“Kung Lao said something about being chosen because of the mark but I’m guessing that the mark only came to me because I killed those men. Am I right? It had to belong to one of them. It’s less like I was chosen and more like… I stole it.”
“Yes. Did Kung Lao tell you? He said you wouldn’t understand.”
“I assume that he would have told me but then I went blind. As you can imagine, I no longer cared much about the mark after that.” You laughed and so did Liu Kang. His laugh was quiet and genuine. It made you smile far more than should have been allowed. His joy was as comforting as the flickering light of the candle on the side table. “I didn’t have the mark that morning. I can only assume that was when I got it. Weirder things have happened so it was as good a guess as any.”
“Your intuition is remarkable.”
“What happens next?”
“For now you heal.” Liu Kang gestured to your arms. The gauze wrapped around your forearms was stained with blood even though the dressings looked fresh. You didn’t feel any pain. Either you’d been given good drugs to deal or adrenaline was protecting you. “You are in no condition to begin training. Lord Raiden has been told about you. I am keeping him informed on your condition.”
“So, you’re my babysitter.”
“I prefer caretaker. But yes.”
“If it’s been a week and I’m still bleeding like this then I have a feeling it could take awhile to heal. Can I learn more in the meantime? About any of this? I don’t want to just sleep and sit around doing nothing. I don’t know anything about this place and I know very little about the Order of Light. And I definitely don’t know anything about this mark or Mortal Kombat.” Liu Kang seemed surprised, but pleasantly so, as if this were something he’d greatly desired to hear.
“You really want to learn more?” He smiled brightly. You nodded. “The masters have trained me for years in matters of Mortal Kombat and the protection of Earthrealm. I would be happy to teach you if you would allow me.”
“I would be delighted to have the company, Liu Kang.” You very much meant that.
“I have some work to do around the temple but we can start this evening.”
Next Chapter >>
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fantasy2739 · 3 years
Jamie Tartt prompt: Jamie finds out that it was Rebecca and not Ted who did the ManCity switch.
Hiya! So this is short and sweet but I may do a longer version some other time.
Jamie doesn’t hold grudges. Okay he does, but usually they’re well deserved. Like Sam and Dani getting a shit ton of praise after playing less than stellar (Sam was a fantastic player) or being injured (Dani was an amazing striker). Or like Roy for acting like he was the shit (still one of the best midfielders ever).
Alright so maybe he’s a little petty.
He does feel totally justified for holding a small grudge against Ted for letting him go. From how it had been explained to him, all Ted had to do was say he wasn’t going to bench Jamie for the rest of the season. He knows on some level that if Man City had really pushed, Ted wouldn’t have much of a choice. Still, he’s pretty sure that Ted hadn’t said anything at all. Jamie remembers the exact moment he got the call saying he’d been recalled. He’d run through so many thoughts and feelings, he was surprised he had any left. The first was definitely ‘what the fuck’, which had been followed by shit he was leaving Richmond. It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to leave…. He just didn’t want to. He’d actually been bonding. Fuck sake he’d given a whole talk on why he was a prick. He’d shared a bottle of alcohol with the lads. That was when he’d started getting angry. Because fuck that. He’d started to feel like he might have a place with the team and it had gone and gotten fucked. When things got fucked, Jamie blamed someone else. And all he could think was Ted fucking Lasso had done this. He probably wasn’t chipper enough for the yank.
So maybe, just maybe Jamie did something a little petty and spiteful. And maybe he called Ted a twat to one too many people.
Getting Richmond relegated hadn’t exactly felt like justice but Jamie would be lying if it hadn’t felt a little good. Not in a ‘fuck you I’m the best’ kind of way, more of a ‘fuck you how could you toss me’ way. His dad ruined it and Ted saw he’d ruined it. Jamie wondered, fleetingly, if Ted had actually fought for him to stay. The little soldier he gave him followed him everywhere. He’d even swallowed his grudge to ask Ted if he could go back to Richmond. He didn’t hold onto it, he’d actually been pretty good at hiding the minuscule resent he may still bare.
They’re drinking. They just won a match and they’re living it up at one of the many bars around. Or everyone else is. Jamie is maybe three sips into his first beer. He’s never been a big drinker, especially not when he’s in the on season. He’s not ruining his physique thank you. He doesn’t mind though, being one of the few that doesn’t really drink. Drunkenness lowers a lot of walls. He sees people behave in ways, not that they never would, but in ways that they normally wouldn’t. Isaac is very cuddly, Colin’s accent gets so Welsh he may just actually be speaking Welsh. Sam compliments everyone in his immediate radius. Dani dances and strips. Jamie likes that his team is so bubbly. He slides into a seat next to Ted briefly. He knows he should congratulate the man, or at least one is his coaches on the win. Even if he thinks Roy is fucking ancient.
“There he is!” Ted cheers. He pokes Jamie’s chest a few times. “Our star player.” Jamie feels warm and gooey about the compliment.
“Course I’m the star.” He says. “I’m amazing. But congrats Coach, couldn’t have done it without you yeah.” Ted smiles at him and it strikes Jamie as a little off. It’s too wide, bright with a gleam of something. He’s drunk Jamie realises with a start. Ted Lasso is wasted. Jamie doesn’t think he’s ever seen the man drunk. Maybe shy of tipsy but never outright drunk.
“Thanks Jamie.” Ted slurs slightly. He drapes an arm over Jamie. “I’m real proud of you.” Jamie’s body is taut from the unexpected touch but he melts into it eventually. “We’ll be back in the premier league lickety split.” Ted seems to find what he just said hilarious. Jamie smiles as Ted starts repeating lickety. The arm is still over his shoulder and Jamie feels like he and Ted are having some sort of in cahoots meeting. It’s like being secretive, hidden. He feels emboldened to ask.
“Why did you let Man City take me back?” He asks. Ted stares at him for a while, like the question didn’t fully go in. Jamie thinks maybe he crossed some sort of line.
“Honestly Jamie? I didn’t.” Ted says. He waves his other hand, Jamie watchful of the glass in it. “I wanted to keep you.”
“Oh.” Jamie says, glad that no one can see him blush slightly. “Then why’d I get sent back?” Ted looks like he’s mulling it over. Like he’s thinking if it’s something he should tell Jamie. “Was it me? Was I too… pricky?” His voice comes out small. He knows he wasn’t the best behaved but he didn’t think it was enough to have him sent away. Ted’s arm tightens around him, rubbing up and down. It’s probably meant to console him but Jamie just feels a bit claustrophobic.
“Hey now, it wasn’t you.” Ted slurs. “There was some hijinks. Rebecca had some things going on and that’s it. Wasn’t your fault.” He smiles at Jamie, who is processing that Rebecca sent him away. He never really spoke to their owner other than occasionally spotting her with Keeley. Maybe it was because she hadn’t wanted him and Keeley close by or something. Maybe she thought he was a prick. He’s not entirely sure and mulls it over. He wants to be mad at her because why would she boot him? He’s Jamie fucking Tartt. But he’s already wasted a lot of time and feelings on this. He can’t go through it again (he doesn’t think he wants to know).
Jamie thinks that’s enough discovery for one night and starts to slip out of Ted’s grip. He’s got drunk teammates to get home.
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vallerygallery · 3 years
Young justice season 4 theories
Alright so this is gonna be one heck of a post. I’ll be theorizing about what could potentially happen or who could appear.
Young justice season 4 has the title of Phantoms and we could have that be either a literal or figurative meaning. And considering it could be the phantoms of their past we could look towards the memorial the team had at mount justice. That considered we have the following as heroes who have passed away as far as they team is aware:
Wally West
Jason Todd
Ted Kord
So I have a few theories concerning each though the only one I feel doesn’t have much substance to come back is Tula. And other than these characters it could be more closely tied to the phantom zone and/or the legion of superheroes. Similarly, we could get an idea from some of the episodes considering the series was fully planned out before it aired. That being said I’ll make actions to this post.
Wally West
Ok so we’ve all been waiting for Wally to come back and I think it could happen one of three ways; he could be stuck in the speed force, have gone to a different dimension or wound up with the legion of superheroes. In any case we could see him come back faster due to an altered connection to the speed force and given that he’s been the slowest speedster here it could be a cool way to link him to the comics where he is reliably the fastest.
So if Wally is stuck in the speed force we could speculate that time passes differently or that the speed force refuses to let go of Wally. Both are possible and would explain why he just disappeared at the end of season 2. After all they say he would just cease. No other context given. Here it would be likely that Wally’s top speed is altered due to the time he spent in the force and could show some character growth. Otherwise he could have come to know about Bart’s future and is trying to correct it. If that doesn’t happen we could potentially see Wally having been trapped and trying to contact his teammates which could explain the sheer amount of Wally hallucinations and moments that we see in season 3. I honestly think that this could be something to be looking out for.
Having Wally go to a different dimension seems unlikely to me but we do know young justice is part of the multiverse occupying earth 16 so that could be a thing. Even if I’m not sure the writers would do this it had to be included. Also I feel like this is a lazy way out and too simple for what I’ve come to expect of young justice.
It could be a case of having Wally trying to do something similar to Bart and try and correct the timeline or simply go back. And even though Wally has never been part of the legion it isn’t far fetched to say he could be since at one point Bart was indeed a legionnaire. We could see the fatal five becoming allies to Darkseid, the light or both; similar to what happened between the reach and the light. Either way it could have Wally being a member and trying to save his own timeline or perhaps even Bart’s. Or if he didn’t maybe someone got out of the phantom zone since we hear Granny goodness refer a “ghost pit” which could refer to what we know as the phantom zone. So this could be a different take on why the legion is coming to this time.
Jason Todd
Given we’ve seen that Jason is alive I think it’s a given we’ll see him reappear at some point. Jason could appear in a story similar to under the red hood or what I think may be more likely is that we’ll see some relation between the league of shadows and one of the teams. Especially since we know Ra’s is no longer a memeber of the light. This could also tie in with the appearance of Cass Cain. I don’t think we’ll see Damian be robin but we could see him being a bigger part in Jason’s life.
Legion of Superheroes
At the end of season 3 we get a view of a legionnaire ring which leads basically everyone to think that they’ll be major players in season 4. So we could get an entire back and forth with the legionnaires. This could lead us to meet Kara Zor-El and Brainiac. And again we could see Wally returning with them or superboy going off to join them like he does in the comics. It might also be good to note one of the legionnaires is called phantom girl although I really doubt she’ll be the focus. I think that we’ll see the fatal five when the legion does appear and they could form an alliance with the light just how the light and the reach formed an alliance. Honestly I’m not sure where this would go cause I’m not super familiar with the legion so please tell me if you have more theories!
Greta Hayes (Secret)
There’s one seemingly throwaway episode in season 1 called secrets where we see Greta Hayes (secret) who in the comics has been a member of young justice. Moreover, she’s fought Klarion who is a current member of the light. ALSO her brother Billy Hayes (Harm) is allied with Darkseid which we know will continue to be important players in the future as they try and find the anti life equation.
Greta is also linked to the magic side of DC and we see further evidence or at least an Easter egg with Abel’s house of secrets which had it’s own run. Swap thing makes an appearance here and we could go as far as to link her to justice league dark. It also helps that she is a literal phantom in my opinion that we could get a storyline with her here. So if we got more magic users the story could unfold in a bunch of interesting ways.
Bart Allen’s Future
We’ve seen so little of the future Bart came to stop and they left it too open ended for me to believe they won’t continue with this storyline. So it could be the phantoms of Bart’s failed mission come to haunt him. We could go a step further and have this link to characters like Booster Gold (and by extension Ted Kord) or maybe Wally West. The writers might also link it to the meta human trafficking rings we see in season 3. Honestly they could use the Justice League Beyond or Future state timelines although I doubt the future state one being used. If they used the Justice League beyond would be similar to the episode in Justice league unlimited where they find themselves in an apocalyptic future. So we could be seeing an entirely different justice league maybe even. One that’s allied to a version of the legion of superheroes.
Ok so this is the end of the post but I’m in the middle of adding to these theories so PLEASE tell me if you want to add cause I really want to try and guess what will happen in season 4. Til my next young justice post... Stay whelmed!
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Worm Your Way Into My Heart
Part 2 of the Found Home series
Logan offers to take care of the twins when their parents are out of town. Virgil isn't sure what to think.
Finally back on my bullshit again! Hi everyone. I know the last one didn't get too much attention but I'm so grateful for the few readers it got, and I'm excited to keep writing for this series. Most of them are just going to be one-shots in this universe because I didn't want to have an update schedule.... but I hope you enjoy reading them! I've been pushing myself to make these longer and I'm really proud of the outcome.
also: i live for Thomas talking about his two dads-
  Logan and Virgil had heard of the Michaels long before they met them through the kids.
 Eleanor Beck and Levi Michaels were widely known at Michigan State. Virgil had once groaned to Logan that they were “almost too perfect to exist”. Levi got the main role in nearly every play the university held in the four years he attended. Eleanor often played the roles opposite Levi, though on occasion, she would be in the orchestra pit playing the piano.
 Somehow, they were the popular kids among the theater geeks. They’d been the ones that went straight to New York on trust funds, but their house was only a few blocks away from Virgil’s childhood home. The Sanders didn’t even know that the Michaels had returned until they sent an invite for dinner.
 Thomas had befriended the Michaels twins on the first day of preschool, but they never saw each other outside of school. Despite being their current kindergarten teacher, Logan wasn’t even sure who the twins’ parents were. When he called home regarding Remus’s behavior, he often only reached their voicemail or Joanne, the main housekeeper.
 “Mister Logan!” Remus and Roman ran up to him one afternoon during pick-up. Thomas was not far behind them, as always. “Our mommy and daddy want you to come over for dinner with Thomas and your wife!”
 Logan was about to correct them when Thomas spoke up, stomping his foot. “I      told     you, I have a Dad and a Papa. I don’t have a mommy.”
 “You have to have a mommy to have a baby.” Remus pointed out.
 “Well, Papa says I’m a-dop-ted.” Thomas said, flubbing the last word, and Logan fought the urge to laugh.
 “I’d need to talk to your parents if you want us over for dinner, though.” Logan said, trying to keep a straight face. “Do you have a way I can talk to them?”
 “They’re here!” Roman said. “Remus, go get them.”
 “On it!” Remus ran into the crowd of parents and quickly emerged with Levi and Eleanor in tow. “Mommy, you said you wanted to meet Thomas’s parents. This is Thomas’s dad!” He pointed at Logan, who gave them a smile.
 “Eleanor, Levi. It’s certainly been a while.” The three adults shook hands. The kids looked up at them expectantly.
 “I’m sure the kids have been keeping you on your toes.” Eleanor smiled down, ruffling Roman’s hair. “We wanted to invite you to dinner. How about Saturday night? The kids have been begging for a sleepover with Thomas lately.”
 “I’ll have to check with my husband, but that should be alright.” Logan watched Eleanor’s smile falter a little bit, but Levi continued the conversation.
 “Well, here’s my card. Call us if you can, we’d love to have you.” Levi handed over a business card. “Have a nice evening, you two.” The family of four left, and Thomas tugged on Logan’s pant leg.
 “What did I say about tugging my clothes?” Logan tsked, slinging the strap of Thomas’s backpack over his shoulder. “Ready to go home, bud?”
 “Can we get ice cream?” Thomas asked as Logan picked him up, walking back into the classroom to grab his own backpack.
 “Why don’t we wait until after dinner?” Logan compromised, and Thomas nodded, satisfied with that answer.
 “No fucking way.” Virgil said when Logan told him the news that night, at dinner.
 “Language.” Logan sang under his breath as Thomas giggled.
 “Papa said a bad word!” Their son said gleefully, showing the contents of his mouth as he spoke.
 “Remember what we said about talking when you’re eating?” Logan scolded, but he was looking at his husband, still waiting for a response.
 “Why would they want us over for dinner? They’re like Broadway      royalty.     Why are they here, anyways?” Virgil asked, sighing.
 “Well, they’re the parents of Roman and Remus, who are Thomas’s friends. I figure we should at least put in the effort to get to know them.” Logan spotted Thomas pushing his vegetables around his plate. “Buddy, you gotta eat your veggies.”
 “But why?” Thomas whined.
 “Because they’re gonna make you really smart and really strong. Like superpowers.” Logan said, smiling as Thomas started shoveling pieces of broccoli into his mouth. “And you always said you wanted to talk to them.”
 “Well, yeah, but what if they’re rich as-” Logan glared at Virgil, who corrected himself mid-sentence. “They’re rich meanies?” He tried, and Logan rolled his eyes.
 “Why would they be meanies? Roman and Remus are nice to me.” Thomas piped up. He was promptly ignored.
 “Isn’t Eleanor h-o-m-o-p-h-o-b-i-c?” Virgil spelled out, shooting a warning look at Logan.
 “She can’t be, she’s surrounded by people like us all the time. Plus, isn’t Levi bi?”
 “You can still be that and marry someone like      us    .” Virgil said indignantly. “What if they’re teaching their kids that kind of bias?”
 “Considering the amount of times I say “my husband” in class, I’m pretty sure their kids can think for themselves by now.” Logan smirked. “And I don’t know why they’re living here. I thought they went to New York, too.”
 “Why don’t I have a mommy?” Thomas asked after the three had lapsed into silence for a few moments.
 “You do. We just don’t know where she is.” Virgil said. “Adri… Do you remember them? They were your social worker.”
 “That’s okay.” Virgil smiled gently. “Adri said that they didn’t know who your mommy was. But when you’re older, and if you still want to find her then, we can look for her.”
 Logan looked at Virgil warily. They did know the truth, but a little white lie was easier than explaining the process of surrendering a baby.
 Thomas’s mother had been young, only sixteen. Adri hadn’t been able to tell them much, but they had said that the mother surrendered the baby to a police or firefighter station when he was a few days old. Thomas was taken care of by an older woman, until he was three, when the woman was diagnosed with some chronic illness that rendered her incapable of caring for him. After that, he went to Virgil and Logan.
 Logan didn’t want to upset Thomas with any of this information, but he also didn’t want Virgil to make promises he couldn’t keep. Making promises with kids was always dangerous territory, especially when their memories were so damn sharp.
 “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Virgil sighed as the three of them stood at the Michaels’ front door. “Why are we doing this?”
 “Because we’re good parents.” Logan reminded him as he stepped forward and rang the doorbell.
 If Virgil thought his childhood home was too big, the Michaels’ house was even bigger. Before he could say a word, the family heard shouts from inside. Remus and Roman swung the door open.
 An older woman appeared in the entrance hall, running up to them and the door. “What did I say about answering the door without checking?” She scolded.
 “Sorry, Joanne.” The twins chorused without a hint of remorse, and the woman shook her head.
 “My apologies for their manners. I’m Joanne, the housekeeper. The mister and missus are in the parlor.” The woman said, leading them inside. “I’ll close the door and get dinner ready.” She disappeared down another hall, letting the twins lead the way to the living room.
 “Come on, we’ll show you our video game room!” Remus told Thomas, jumping up and down. Thomas looked at Virgil and Logan with wide eyes.
 “Can I, Papa?”
 “Why don’t you watch a movie?” Eleanor’s voice rang out. “We’ll call when it’s time for dinner.”
 “Okay!” The twins chirped, grabbing Thomas and running off.
 “Come on, we don’t bite.” Eleanor promised, taking the couple into the parlor. “The kids will be okay on their own.”
 Virgil looked at Logan, nervousness bubbling in his stomach.
 This was going to be a long night.
 It wasn’t until after dinner that the anxiety in Virgil’s stomach spiked. The conversation was now about the other couple’s budding acting careers.
 “It’s so difficult juggling them now with the twins. But I suppose it was even worse when they were newborns.” Eleanor laughed lightheartedly. “Now it’s easier to let them run off and do their own thing. We bought our apartment in New York before we even thought of having kids, and it’s too small for all of us to fit. When we have our show runs or movie shoots, they stay here.”
 “With who, exactly?” Logan asked, raising an eyebrow. Virgil glanced at his husband, almost seeing the gears in Logan’s head whir.
 “Well, there’s Joanne, but she leaves around 5 PM and arrives around six or seven the next morning to get them ready for school.” Eleanor shrugged.
 “We figure that the boys can entertain themselves for the evening, and they can operate the microwave and stove well enough.” Levi waved his hand, standing up and moving towards a small bar setup in the corner. “Would either of you like a drink?”
 “That’s alright, thank you.” Virgil said as Logan opened his mouth.
 “The boys could always stay at our house.” Logan blurted out, ignoring the stare Virgil was giving him. “While you’re out of town. Just so it’s not just them in the house every night.”
 Eleanor blinked slowly. “That would save us a lot. Are you sure that’s alright?”
 “We’ll let you sleep on it, but thank you for the generous offer.” Levi swept in, shooting a flawless smile at the Sanders’. “Alright, who wants to fetch the kids?”
 The trio ran in as Levi spoke, all with equal grins. “Can Thomas sleep over?”
 “Not tonight.” Levi said, the four adults watching in amusement as they pouted.
 “It’s time to go home, Thomas.” Virgil stood up. “It was nice reconnecting with you both.”
 “We’ll call once we’ve discussed everything as a family.” Logan gave them a warm smile, ushering his husband and Thomas out. “Thank you for hosting us!”
 The minute they were on the road, Virgil turned to Logan. “This whole idea is ridiculous.”
 “Obviously. They’re neglecting their kids.” Logan scoffed, keeping his eyes on the road.
 “That’s not what I- Logan, we can barely afford the mortgage and this isn’t like adopting or fostering. We’re taking care of two kids for free. It’s not your job to help everyone.” Virgil sighed. “I know you love kids, but you’re not responsible-”
 “I      am     responsible for them, Virgil. They’re being neglected and they don’t know it, otherwise they’d be worse for wear. What if something happens? And we’ve known but we didn’t do anything to help?” Logan gripped the steering wheel tightly. Virgil knew he was fighting a losing battle. He sunk into the passenger seat, leaning back.
 “You can’t save everyone, L.” Virgil sighed again, rubbing his eyes.
 “I know. But that doesn’t mean that I won’t try.”
 A month later, the Michaels twins moved in as semi-permanent residents. Virgil and Eleanor rearranged their emergency contacts with the school before the Michaels flew off to New York again, promising to return at Christmas.
 Logan had painted their rooms their favorite colors. Not all of their toys survived the move - some remained at the other house for when their parents were in town - but the essentials arrived with them. Namely, the twins’ plush dragons, which they had picked out when they were four on a visit to the local toy store.
 Virgil was hesitant, at first. Would they call him Mr. Sanders or Dad? How on earth was he going to explain it to them when they were older? Logan had an established relationship with them already, but Virgil was just a stranger.
 And then, he wasn’t.
 Remus started clinging to Virgil like no tomorrow, even though he and Roman still called him and Logan Mr. Sanders. (Logan had insisted they call him whatever they wanted, within reason.)
 Virgil made their lunches, kept his ears open for any nightmares or shouts, and always maintained a level head when they fought with Thomas or with each other.
 “How would you feel about more ki-” Logan started to ask one night as they got ready for bed. Virgil scoffed, laughing and shaking his head.
Taglist: @plinamiismyotp @elementalshadowwitch @idkanameatall @zaisling @sunshineandspecs @bucketsofclams
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suumekoi · 4 years
OK so basically. u start out the game w/ a different protag from the last game, this time ur uh another guy just starting out w/ ur first life, and from the beginning ur told that after (insert events of the previous game here) yuelia and the protag from the first game (im going 2 call the first protag lili for convenience bc thats the name of my fl chara) have basically just been chilling in reveria and things have been rlly peaceful bc theyve been around 2 protect everyone, but since they havent had much 2 do sometimes lili has taken up giving training to people in different lives bc she has a proficiency in all of them 
so like in the first game the protag goes 2 the king 2 get their life's outfit and all and then the king instructs them 2 go 2 visit lili 2 learn the basics of their life, so u go there and meet yuelia and lili and u basically get a lil tutorial on ur life and all, before a sudden a loud noise outside interrupts what you were doing and the protag and everyone else runs outside 2 see what it was and UH turns out it is just a Big Fucking Dragon that somehow snuck up to castele (that will be explained later) and so everyone is understandably a bit freaked out by this, and what ends up happening is lili and yuelia tell everyone else in the town to evacuate while they handle fighting the dragon bc ykno they can handle it theyve fought dragons before!!!!!
so the protag goes with everyone else 2 evacuate from the town (maybe fighting a few enemies in the way as they go for a lil combat tutorial) and after a bit of time has passed and nothing has happened they send someone back 2 see what was going on, and they come back and go "hey i didnt see any dragon!!! i think we can go back now" so everyone heads back 2 castele and there Is no dragon so everyone assumes that lili and yuelia must have beaten it, but looking around for them everyone just finds both of them in castele square like Knocked Out Cold 
yuelia wakes up and seems to be fine, but lili is injured and just like Exhausted almost like someone drained the energy out of her (hint hint) and yuelia notices lill was injured and attempts to heal her, but for some reason cant seem to manage it, much to her chagrin since her powers have never just. Not Worked before according to her
after they brought lili 2 someone that can help patch her up everyone else asks yuelia abt what happened, and she told them that fighting the dragon was Weird because it really only seemed focused on her and lili, like not on any of the ppl escaping or even really destroying anything because most everything was untouched minus the occasional misfire, and eventually she got knocked out and can't really explain what happened after that
and so everyone looks around and kinda comes to the conclusion that the dragon didnt come 2 attack the city, it came there for lili and yuelia specifically for reasons they dont know yet
things kinda calm down from the big drama, and as ppl are sorta just standing around or cleaning stuff up yuelia is just realising its not just her healing on the fritz, its All her powers 
she starts to suspect somethings up and wants to go talk to divinius and noelia, the protag offers to guide yuelia to the goddess ship since she cant rlly defend herself as is and yuelia accepts and u both head for lunares 2 figure out whats goin on
after a bit of Adventuring u both get to lunares, and divinus confirms that Yup yuelias powers just like got Snatched, and after explaining what happened with lili says it was likely she had her energy stolen somehow as well, and then everyones just standing there like hm. this dragon whatever it is probably Literally has the powers of a goddess right now this might be kind of an issue??? so divinus tells the protag and yuelia to head back to reveria to look for the dragon bc thats the most likely spot it would be, and him and noelia will look for the dragon elsewhere 2 see if it escaped 2 another world
and after that part its a bit more chill, ur mostly focused on doing Life Quests and all that and u go out w/ yuelia 2 look for the dragon sometimes and ask others if they've seen it, but u ultimately dont end up finding much for a while
eventually yuelia ends up getting a message 2 come back 2 lunares bc they found something, so her and the protag go back there and divinus tells them he figured out the dragon wasnt actually In reveria this whole time (hence why u couldnt find it) and that its actually able 2 hop between different worlds w/e it wants (hence how it showed up so suddenly without anyone noticing) and then UH basically the rest of the game is the protag chasing this dragon between different worlds to try and figure out what its trying 2 do, and if anyone else might be behind all of this... ooooooo spoky
and thats kinda the basics of my idea!!!! i wont rlly elaborate past that bc if i do it Will be at least 20 more paragraphs but i feel like this is an alright overview jfdgjkd i dont think lili and yuelia will just be unable 2 fight the whole time tho, i like 2 think lili can join the protag as an ally once she stops Being Injured and while yuelia doesnt have her powers maybe she can try learning one of the combat lives........ please i wanna give her a cool staff but UH anyways thanks for coming 2 my ted talk im done now
Ohh that's a really good idea too! The dimensions hopping dragon... Stealing powers from two specific people... Don't cliffhang up on me Ted. Keep on talking, I wanna know the full story*_* is the dragon gonna be stealing powers from other characters too?
Would also be cool if the dragon was stealing the power of wishes so everybody wouldn't be inspired to do anything in reveria, and then we later found out celestia has a sister(like yuelia and noelia) who's been trying to sabotage celestia's creation because she's jealous of her. But like everyone in a fantasy life game, she's not a villain, she just felt neglected because her sister was always spending time in that star tree and not with her. But seeing yuelia and noelia's sisterhood changed her. I think it would be cute anyway xD
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales 87 Review: A Whale of A Bad Time (Catch as Cash Can Part 2)
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A SEA MONSTER ATE MY ICE CREAM! Yup come with me under the cut as I cover one of the most infamous moments of all Ducktales.. and the absolutely bonkers episode attached involving robot ice cream trucks, giant robotic whales, Optimus Prime as a navy admiral, and semen.. er seaman Donald Duck!  All of this and more commissioned by @weirdkev27​ is waiting under the ocean and under the cut! Come aboard!
So yeah....
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And not the adventure time or regular show or what have you kind of intetionally weird I mean all the elements just sort of conjeal into a mess of poor decisions in and out of universes, robotic whales and the most insane scheme to get a noble peace prize of all time. If that and the intro didn’t hook you I don’t know what will, let’s do this. 
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Okay maybe not THAT previously... guess I gotta do this myself. *Grumble grumble* : Last time we met a steoyptical-ish foreign leader give Scrooge and Glomgold a deadline to literally weigh their fortunes in his country at ten days, with Glomgold’s sending the Beagle Boys after Scrooge in an attempt to cheat.. and springing from jail in a giant blimp shaped like a cow because your guess is as good as mine. Scrooge naturally won and here we are. As said last time, these episodes were still basically written as done in ones, able to be digested on their own, just with the overall framework of the four parter, in this case Scrooge and Glomgold’s contest, tieing it together. So with that out of the way. 
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We open as Duckburg is hit with a heatwave. 
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No that’s Heat Wave.. and besides he works out of central city, not Duckberg silly.. wherever those images come from.. me I guess? I dunno. Point is the boys are sweaty and uncomfortable, just like me 90 percent of the time, and decide to cool off by visiting Scrooge’s new ice cream factory for free samples. We’re only about a minute, and a recap about the contest on the news, in and already the characters this episode are acting kind of dumb.. get used to it. One of Scrooge’s primary, most consistent, most iron clad character traits is he does NOT give away something for nothing. Even for Charity he’ll often try and pench pennies and how much he donates, and in older harsher comics like Carl Barks famous “A Christmas For Shacktown” good luck getting him to donate any money to anyone else AT ALL. If he DOES give someone a gift, it’s usually with an alterior motive or some sort of scheme brewing, with Donald or the Nephews or all four rightly questioning him. The idea any factory of any product of his would give out samples unless he got something out of doint so or that they wouldn’t be tiny or use flavors that don’t sell or some cost cutting measure like that is nuts and while it’s not out of the boys characters to be stupid it is a bit for them to just blindly think he’d be okay with this.  Their soon distracted by other matters once they arrive though as the Guard won’t let them in despite being Huey, Dewey and Louie as much like bill and ted their a package deal, and yes they do a team pose and yes.. it’s actually pretty adorable. Again nepotism has never been a trait of scrooges either boys, why would he start now? They try flagging down one of his ice cream  trucks but they totally ignore him. and seem to be driving automatically... they also look human which... yeah. Just.. yeah. The boys are naturally suspicious and plan to ask scrooge at Dinner. This fails because Scrooge isn’t coming and Beakly refuses to let them disturb him on his orders.. and refused to let Webby eat till everyone’s at the table. I’ll come back to Beakly in a second, and there will be blood dumpster. 
The boys sleep that night, but are woken up by the ice cream trucks and wondering why the hell their running at night... which yeah is weird and was a bad part of the plan. We’ll get to why that plan’s a bit totally fucked in a second though as the boys assume someone is doing something shady with scrooge’s company and pull a Marty McFly, attaching their skateboards to a bumper and then hopping onto one of the trucks. And given that Magica, the Beagle Boys and Flintheart have all gone up at scrooge several times at this point judging by the episode guides, not to mention all the one off thieves, scumbags, con artists and warlords they’ve fought, you honestly can’t blame them for being super suspicious. 
Their suspcions of this being some kind of elaborate theft are semeingly confirmed when instead of , and this is really the flavor they use “Bubble Gum Pistachio Fudge” they find Scrooge’s money. And let’s just take a sec to .. unpack that flavor as none of those go together. I mean in a three scoop cone or bowl maybe, but in the same ice cream your just throwing shit together at that point. And the flavor isn’t outlandish enough to really be a good joke.
 I’ts just three flavors jammed together that don’t belong. It’s not like the, ironically in the same year, 87 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s love for weird pizza toppings. That.. actually comes off as a joke. It didn’t always land in the episodes i’d seen but I get what their going for. Thanks to this infographic I know they put ALL of this on pizza at some point, omitting actual pizza toppings for obvious reasons: Granola, Licorice, Fudge, Marshmallows, Clams, Peanut Butter, Avacado (Which didn’t sound bad in theory but once I thought about it I winced), Pickles, Asparagus, Butterscotch, Onions (Yes I know this is an actual regular pizza topping but no just.. no.. everyone hones in on anchovies, which i’ve never had but no.. onions are the real scourge of the pizza world), Toast, Tea (okay that one actually shocked me), Clam Sauce, Chocolate Sprinkles, Jelly Beans, Yogurt, Coconut, Strawberries, Oatmeal, Grape Jelly, Gucamole, Tuna, Popcorn, Sardines, Whipped Cream, Bannans and Goulash. The point i’m making is it’s not hard to come up with even a weak wacky flavor of something and it was  a weird line to just utterly botch but they somehow did it. Also that the Teenage Mutant Turtles have serious issues to address. I mean onions, really? onions? Guys you can do better... onions are a next mutation topping!
One Tangent Later, the boys and the trucks arrive at the docks where they see the money filled ice cream trucks loading onto a boat and a shadowy mystery man. Who could it be? My money is on
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But my money is always on Crab People. It’s likely why i’m poor. But the boys chuck a bag of cash at him, then Louie... prepares to break his legs with a crowbar?
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Seriously the truck was automated and they came straight form home. he had to have brought that with him. Whelp at least Louie has a unique character trait: He likes to make people bleed. I don’t know if that’s necessarily a GOOD thing for a 8-10 year old to want to do but it’s better than nothing. Before Louie can get up to a bit of the ultra violence, Huey finds out it’s Scrooge who explains himself: Naturally the sudden new Ice Cream Factory he built in days right next to the bin is a front, and the trucks are his own, a stealthy way to outfox glomgold. While the news said he was transporting the loot by air, he’s doing it by sea stealthily to prevent glomgold from attacking it. Which given he hasn’t a giant cow Zepplin, fair enough. 
The rest of this though is ludicrously overcomplicated: First off it’s not REMOTELY stealthy to build a giant fake factory next to your bin, days before you transport your cash, something so obvious i’m suprised Glomgold dind’t just come to the factory himself and set some explosives. Second while Robot Drivers isn’t a bad idea, Glomgold has many spies with many eyes, it’s a BIG gamble to both have active trucks around, especially at night carrying large sums of cash. I mean what if the police stopped them? Sure Scrooge could get his money back legally, but Flintheart might get to it first or bribe some cops first. Or some dirty cops might take it for themselves. It’s also WEIRDLY costly for someone as spiendthrift as Scrooge, I mean while he owns the land for the factory he had to buy a ton of trucks, pay for gyro’s, i’m assuming Gyro’s at least, material to make the robots, and pay for the guard to keep people out as well as presumibly either well paid workers or more robots inside to get the money into the trucks. It’s just hilariously overcomplicated and while not an intentional joke clearly got a laugh out of me as it just makes no logical sense for scrooge’s character and he’s done similar ideas for far less money in the comics. It’s a carl barks style “hide the money bin’s cash” plot, funnled through bloodshot eyes of someone having done a small mountain of cocaine to get this script done on time and I love it for that. The boys applaud their uncle for his wacky scheme while a mysteroius periscope watches them from a distance. 
The Next Morning Beakly is still awful as despite everyone being there, she now refuses to let Webby eat till everyone’s settled. And NOW we can talk about 87 Beakly. I don’t like her. She’s had one or two moments in the episodes I watched, but outside of that she’s a bland character who mostly fusses over the boys and webby, worries things are too dangerous, or is there for a weak joke. She’s just not all that intresting, and while i’ll grant the 87 Ducktales cast isn’t the deepest set of characters and the boys can be annoying depending on the episode.. their at least INTRESTING. The boys are clever, rambunctions and curious, Webby has all of that and an underlying swetness that while cloying at times is mostly just really endearing, Launchpad is a klutz and a crash magnet but means well and keeps trying and genuinely is a good scoutleader and person, and Scrooge despite his rough edges is a hardscrabbled adventuerer. The rest of the main cast here at least has a drive and character to them that makes the stories work when their at their best. Beakly is just kinda.. there. Why I also go into this is because 87 Webby gets a lot of shit.. and she really dosen’t deserve it. Yes she’s clearly a studio executives idea of what a little girl should like and that’s bad. And yes she got kidnapped a bunch.. but so did everyone else. But she makes up for that by being the heart of the team, offering love and empathy to all of them, easily bonding with varous animals and people they meet, and genuinely offering a naive but optimistic worldview that nicely contrasts with scrooge and the boys understandable cyncism. And she CAN handle herself more often than not. Wheras frank and co basically took almost everything about beakly and started over with Webby they simply tweaked her for the times: Made her about the same age if not older than the triplets so their equals, took away the triplet’s outdated and utterly loathsome sexisim, and added badassery and intellegence to her already admirable emotional skills and naive optimism, along with some boundless energy on top.They took a decent character and made her an amazing one.  With Beakly.. they took a dodering, easily frightned old lady whose overly proper and stuffy and turned her into a taciturn, snarky, badass former secret agent whose the sanest person in the mansion and when she IS wrong, will not only admit it but usually had some good reason for it. She also goes from being mostly deferent to scrooge to one of his few equals, to the point that the “87 Cent Solution!” lampshades the fact that if they’d called her the episode would’ve been over, as she’s , outside of a few exceptions the one person he listens to. She’s a throughly likeable, throughly complex character and one i’m glad their doing more with this season while I really hope I don’t see the original her more than I have to.  Okay with that rant done for this and any future retro ducktales reviews, we can get to the reason your all here and Kev comissioned me to do all 4 of these episodes: You’ve seen it on youtube, you’ve seen it in “Let’s get Dangerous”, you’ve seen it in dreams, ladies, gentleman and others, A. SEA. MONSTER. ATE. MY. ICE. CREAM. 
As the family sits for pancakes, Wippleman, Scrooge’s accountant and what I can only assume is this universe’s version of WWE manager Harvey Wippleman, comes in and has some bad news for Scrooge: A Sea Monster of some kind sunk one of his ships.. but the good news it was only Ice Cream. Knowing what it really was Scrooge goes absolute APE shit and procedes to hop around the table going absolutely insane, destroying everyone’s breakfast, with poor webby bemoaning she’ll never get to eat, Beakly remarking “it must’ve been some ice cream’ which isnt’ a bad line, Huey explaning what’s up with the weirdly delivered “It was half his fort-une!” and the boys finally restraining Scrooge with an impromptu tablecloth straightjacket, which calms him down and he hops off to get his money back. Wether you’ve seen the scene for yourself and ESPECIALLY if somehow you haven’t, it’s right here if you want to take another look. 
This scene is not only the most remembered part of the special, and easily the most beloved, it’s one of the best scenes in all of Ducktales 87 and easily one of the funniest across duck canon. Everything just clicks: The concept, the animation showing off just how manic scrooge is, how he never does the same move twice, how rather than looping it Alan Young very clearly said the word a bunch of times each time with a different more manic and uniquely hilarious delivery, Beakly’s deadpan reaction, and the boys vain attempts to restrain him before finally succeeding. Everything about this works and in an otherwise just really off center episode, this sparkling gem of a scene stands out. I waited till now to talk about Alan Young’s scrooge and honestly the man defined the roll for a reason: he can do a dramatic or emotional delivery just as effortlessly as a comic bit like this, and plays the character with the sternness and stubbornness expected. He got the character perfectly and it’s unsurprising Frank and Matt wanted him to reprise the roll and he only didn’t because he sadly passed on, though I will say David Tenant is a perfect replacement. Though even HE couldn’t do the Sea Monster Ate My Ice Cream bit as well as Alan, as his felt a bit more stilted and was clearly looped, but really I don’t think anyone could top him at this. It’s his shining moment as the character and he earned it square. 
So getting back to the ten car pileup that is the rest of this episode, the boys and Scrooge head under the sea, doot doot doot, to find his ship. But while under water they instead find the navy who’ve quarantined the ship.. yet aren’t wearing face masks inside their little suits. How odd. Guess the giant glass dome and giant ocean of water between them and the ship helps but still, you can’t be too careful.  Point is both sides are being kind of douchey: The Naval Guards, rather than direct Scrooge to their superior to PROVE it’s his vessel and ask questions to him directly since their aircraft carrier soon turns out not to be far from here just tell him he can’t pass and Scrooge is as bill gerent as you’d expect. I’m not saying people aren’t this dumb in real life, just google any video of a karen of any gender throwing a giant tantrum in a store over masks, i’m just saying i’td be nice to move the plot along without unnecessary cul de sacs.  The boys however naturally have a way around this and sneak in with scrooge on the underside of a sea turtle. It’s a genuinely clever tactic. They find the ship with a large bite out of it.. and the Navy then swoop in to take them in. 
On the ship Scrooge continues to not help his case and pulls a classic old white guy and demands to see their superior. Or white person in particular really. Point is he throws a strop on their way to what could easily be a trip to the brig with his behavior and possible criminal charges, while the boys muse that this is Donald’s ship. For the uninitiated, the in-series reason Donald left the boys for this series was he was called back to the Navy, and thus left the boys with Scrooge. Out of series it was an executive mandate: As Tad Stones, future creator of Darkwing Duck and story editor for Ducktales 87, explained, and I found out about this via looper, Disney was nervous about having one of their biggest characters overexposed by having him as part of 65 episode tv show. This was combined with the fact they were worried Donald’s voice would make stories confusing.  I also believe, if with no proof there was at third reason: Tony Anselmo had just started as Donald Duck, taking over from the late great Clarence Nash at Nash’s request after Nash died in 85, and they likely feared putting Tony through such a ringer this soon might sour audiences on him before audiences had gotten used to the new voice actor. So with all this Donald was kept to the occasional guest roll, though I will say while there have been complaints about Donald’s voice on this show I have no issue with it. It’s not as good as the reboot.. but the reboot also comes after Tony’s been playing the roll for over 30 years and is just as iconic as his predecessor in the roll at this point versus two years after his mentor died and he picked up his sword.. or squawky duck voice in this case. 
Scrooge is escorted to Admiral Grimitz, the head of this aircraft carrier whose showed up in other Donald episodes, specifically his segment of the Treasure of the Golden Suns series opener. He’s the gruff but mostly fair head of the ship and is voiced by, of all the va’s possible, Peter “Optimus Prime” Cullen, using a voice that is DIFFRENT but not by much. It’s hard not to be distracted by it. The Admiral waves scrooge off from his entirely justified fear the Army stole his money, but refuses to give any details since i’ts classified. Scrooge angrily.. decides to do the next shipment anyway and tells them to stay out of it instead of calling the president like he threatened to get some answers. Or threaten to pull funding for his military contracts. I know Scrooge never would, but they don’t know that. It’s just.. odd to see scrooge give up and it would’ve made more sense if the Admiral threatened legal action first or something that would get him to back off.  The Admiral then brings in Donald, and gives him the truth: Their own scientist, Dr. Bluebottle, stole an experimental sub shaped like a whale and stole the money for reasons they don’t know. So since he can go undercover easily, he sends Donald to go with scrooge and slaps a transmitter on him so they can track him. Donald also does some slapstick. That’s my boy. And yes it was a very nice surprise to see him again since i’d forgot he was in this episode. Especially since aside from “The Trickining!” he hasn’t been in any episodes since Ducktales came back. Justifably though as none of those NEEDED him and the show’s massively improved from it’s “donald might as not well exist” days of season 1, I just miss him is all and it’s nice to see some form of him again.  And this is where the episode kinda lost me, as this scheme, while not really out of the bounds of the reality, just.. feels like it overcomplicates the plot for the sake of padding. I mean I buy the Government going iwth a far more complex plan to cover their own asses.. but it would’ve made more sense from a plot standpoint to have it go this way: The Admiral is honest with Scrooge, tells him about bluebottle.. and threatens him into helping them by pointing out he broke into a federal quarantine and defined naval orders and could be brought up on charges, and if he tired telling anyone about Bluebottle could likewise be tried for leaking federal secrets. That way instead of using an unknowing scrooge as bait he goes into the situation KNOWING he’s probably going to get captured and while grumbly about it uses it to his advantage. Donald could still plausibly be sent along as naval lisaon/as a seemingly nice act/to have the bug to track the sub. Instead it just feels like they added an extra uncessary step to things to pad the episode more. I mean if you needed to do that just add more of the sea monster or give launchpad a cameo. He’s been missing for days at this point. 
So Scrooge and family, which naturally includes Webby and Beakly even if I don’t like classic bleakly she’s still family, head out with the second half of his fortune which makes next to no sense when he has days left in the concept and you know, half is missing, but whatever. Naturally the obvious happens and we meet the famous Sea Monster.. which actually looks neat.. it’s drawn like your standard cartoony killer whale but has bits of indents much like a sub would to show it’s not entirely a beast. It’s a nice bit of design work. The whale eats the cash and Donald and Scrooge but the navy pick up the boys, webby and beakly.  Donald let’s things slip on the sub, while back at the carrier the good Admiral explains the rest and my other issues with the plot aside this scene is a good bit of exploition as it explains some obvious questions away cleverly, something this plot could’ve used more of frankly but it’s refreshing to get at least a little: The reason they don’t just attack the sub en masse, besides it being you know incredibly valuable is that it’s made to be torpedo resistant, it’s sonar resitant so they can’t track it easily, and it’s faster than any ship. After all it was made to be a super weapon, so naturally the carriers standard barrage of navy vehicles can’t match it. However again to the episodes credit the tracker is actually vitally important, as it allows them to see the ship and where it is, so they can attack.. though right now their holding off on it since a crewman and a civilian are on board but if it comes down to it they’ll have no choice. I also gotta admit..t his concept is pretty cool. Kind of ridiculous? Sure but a super sub shaped like a whale that can still bite like one and outrun and outlast any other sea vehicle? It’s undoubtly awesome and a point in this episodes favor.  But now we get to most gloriously insane and convoluted part of the episode.. yes NOW we do. Donald and Scrooge naturally sneak around the ship, and find Dr. Bluebottle at his controls, talking to Flintheart on a video monitor. Turns out, to no one’s surprised, Flintheart subcontracted out his plans to Bluebottle and in exchange for keeping the money under the ocean till the contest, Glomgold is going to make sure he gets the Nobel Prize, and covers on all the magazines.  Okay at first I genuinely thought this plan made no sense.. until I realized it does, but ONLY for Glomgold. Bluebottle comes off as the smartest moron that’s ever lived for agreeing to any of this. But I have to give Glommy this the plan works out great for him: He convinces an already Rogue scientist to steal scrooge’s money, which prevents Scrooge from finding out what’s going on as he, correctly, guessed the government would cover this up because of course they did. He then correctly figured either the government would work with scrooge to trap bluebottle or they’d just use scrooge as bait anyway without a formal agreement, thus netting him scrooge’s entire fortune. He knows bluebottle won’t take it up because he gave bluebottle a bribe specifically for him and the only thing he wants, and even if he does take the money, Glomgold has more and Bluebottle could still remotely blow up the sub or something. And if he can’t the Navy would have to hold the sub, and money included , as evidence for the trial. And even if Bluebottle DOES rat him out, Glomgold could easily bury the evidence. The only way glomgold gets caught is if Bluebottle recorded their video chats or if scrooge saw them talking.. which he did, but given the two are direct competitors his testimony is dubious at best as is donald’s. So basically Flintheart almost certainly wins no matter what, and Bluebottle takes the fall no matter what. It does make Bluebottle comeff as a massive moron for not thinking of this, but props to glomgold.  Also yeah.. it’s clear to me at this point that if he hasn’t said it somewhere Frank clearly did the same thing he did with Gyro here with Flintheart: Take one accidental trait from the original (Glomgold’s penchant for overly complicated schemes and Gyro’s tendency to make robots that go rogue.) and make it a part of their personality instead of just a coincidence and turn it up to 11 for hilarity.. which worked in both cases. I genuinely thought this Flintheart was saner but no he’s just less interesting.  So Bluebottle gets an intruder alert.. and turns around to find Scrooge and Donald. Who rather than just whap the guy on the head while his back is turned, just stood there to confront him directly. 
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Look this review is running long and is behind, I don’t have more time to marvel over how plot conveniently stupid they are being right now. A fight ensues with blue bottles inventions till Donald threatens to pull a big lever. I’ts thankfully not the self destruct lever like Donald thinks or Bluebottle’s equivlent of the blow up the engine button because he’s clearly just that smart, but a lever to dump all the gold.. which isn’t a terrible idea for once as if the ship gets stalled it can float up, as we’ll naturally see as there was no way they weren’t going to pull this chekov’s lever at some point. Scrooge stops him, Bluebottle uses gadgets to tie both up and finds out about the bug , as that’s why the miltary have been able to attack him which happened but I didn’t get to becuse of all the stupid. Bluebottle snuffs it out and then fully assaults the aircraft carrier, and things look grim. But Scrooge and Donald aren’t put down that easily and escape and scrooge pulls a donald and just starts breaking shit and breaks the sub.  Now with the sub plumiting, and Bluebottle bragging that only he can fix it as the sub will just keep sinking into the ocean’s depths.. and that only it’s design has kept compression from crushing them to death. But Scrooge has another solution and a suprisingly, and badassingly self sacrifical one: He dumps the money into the marinara trench, nice pun, and thus the whale floats up, Bluebottle is arrested, and Glomgold... still wins for now as Scrooge still has to get his fortune out, but Scrooge figures Gyro can help with that. We get an everybody laughs ending and we’re out. 
Final Thoughts: This one is a mess. While it has a great moment here or there, Donald and Tony as him are fantastic as they are now, and of course A Sea Monster Ate My Ice Cream! is an utterly classic scene and an utter joy to watch. The attached episode is just a mess structurally, if still a fun watch. Yes despite my bitching about it the sheer slapped together nature of it means it’s fun to pick apart and make fun of, so it’s not unwatchable. I’ve seen worse episodes of this very show, and worse episodes of tv. But as an old friend would say.
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Not a terrible sit, but it easily could’ve been better. I’m also getting tired of scrooge being enitrely usless and just throwing up his hands at times. Stop that he’s better than that. With this one THANKFULLY AND FINALLY out of the way, next up is Aqua Ducks....... 
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Oh god. Well if you want to see the next one follow me. If there’s an episode of any animated show you’d like to see me cover classic ducktales, modern ducktales, disney in general, etc, etc, just send me a PM and you can comission a review. 5 bucks for one episode, 15 for a movie and 5 bucks off one episode when you order three or more like say a multiparter like this. Until then say safe, check your house for Busey’s and hopefully we’ll meet again. 
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Parent Trapped
Warnings: fear of drowning, anxiety, food mention
Pairings: Eventual Romantic Remile, platonic LAMP
Word Count: ~1.4k
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Chapter 9: Summer
The rest of the school year went by in a blur.
Instead of one of the leading roles in Into the Woods, Roman landed the part of Cinderella’s Prince. He didn’t seem to mind, flawlessly delivering his lines and belting out Agony.
Virgil took the opportunity to tease, dubbing him Princey. Roman didn’t mind in the slightest and the nickname stuck.
Beating school records at his first meet, Virgil became the MVP of the track team. He was slightly suspicious that no one seemed to bug him about it. He had a feeling Ted Task was behind that, but he couldn’t prove it. (And Patton refused to tell him, but he’d caught Ted explaining Virgil’s more timid nature to the rest of the team.)
The Picani household constantly had delicious aromas floating out of it, thanks to Patton. He’d been working really hard in cooking club. The first few weeks, there had been some charred bricks thrown in the trash. But with his hard work and determination, he’d risen to the middle of the pack, which he was more than happy with.
Logan absolutely adored astronomy club. They always opened with any news from NASA and it was eye-opening to him to know that there was probably something out there.
When the end of the year rolled around, Logan was voted into the club’s secretary spot. He was ecstatic about this new development and vowed to do his absolute best.
The school year wrapped up mid June, releasing the children on a sunny afternoon. Everyone headed over to the Picani’s to take advantage of their pool.
“Thank goodness we befriended you guys.” Roman said as he sipped on his lemonade. Emile had allowed them to take drinks outside, as long as they were in plastic cups. “Otherwise we’d be lying in front of the air conditioner at home.”
“So you’re just using us? How dare you, Princey!” Virgil teased, nudging Roman’s floatie with his foot.
Unfortunately, Roman hadn’t been expecting the sudden shift. He flailed for a moment before flipping into the water.
The resulting splash soaked Patton and Logan, who were sitting on the edge of the pool.
Taking his chance while Virgil was distracted, due to laughing so hard, Roman tugged on his ankles, dragging him into the pool. Virgil’s eyes flew wide as he went under the water. He came up coughing, sputtering, and shaking.
“Please don’t do that again.” There was a quiver to Virgil’s voice as he looked Roman in the eyes.
Immediately feeling terrible, Roman nodded. “I’m sorry, I won’t.”
Virgil climbed out of the pool. Patton followed him over to the towels, their voices too low for the Sanders brothers to make out their conversation.
Without taking his eyes off the twins, Logan said, “You just scared him, I think.”
Roman sank further, his chin dipping into the water. “I feel awful.”
“He’ll be okay.”
Patton came back over. Roman’s bad feelings got worse as he watched Virgil go in the house.
“We’re going to head in and dry off.” He shifted his weight, trying to think of what to say. “You can come in and play some games if you want, but V is done with the pool.”
“Are you sure it’s okay?”
Patton nodded. “Yeah, he’s just a little shaken. More bad memories.”
“I will slay the people who did this to him.” There was a dark edge in Roman’s voice.
Rolling his eyes, Logan headed into the house without another word. Patton and Roman were quick to follow, Roman being last due to being the least dry.
“Dad, when did you get here?” He asked as he walked into the Picani’s kitchen after getting dressed.
“I never left.” Remy said as he sipped on his glass of lemonade. “So, Emile, you were going on about the benefits of therapy?”
As they continued their boring conversation, Roman grabbed the pitcher and a stack of plastic cups, heading into the living room. Virgil was wrapped in a fluffy blanket, leaning into Patton’s side. Logan was flipping through Netflix, trying to find something for them to watch.
“Parks and Rec is always a good one.” Putting down the lemonade, Roman glanced at Virgil for approval.
“That’s fine.” He mumbled into Patton’s sweater, barely being heard.
Despite his worries that he’d ruined their friendship, by the end of the third episode Virgil was leaning heavily against his side. When Roman glanced over, he saw Virgil’s eyelids drooping. He exchanged an amused glance with Patton, shifting to get Virgil into a more comfortable position.
Virgil was out like a light in minutes, snoring softly into Roman’s shirt.
Something that Roman teased him about the a few weekends later, when the Picanis came over for a Fourth of July barbecue.
“I was exhausted and you make a nice pillow.”
The two of them continued their good natured bickering, making Logan and Patton shake their heads before moving out to the patio.
Remy glanced over when he heard the screen door. “Hey, Patton, you’re in cooking class right? Come here, I’ll show you how to use the grill.”
Logan sat down with Emile at one of their deck tables, content to sit in the sun and sip on his lemonade.
“Where did your dad learn how to grill?”
Logan set his plastic cup on the white wood. “His mom taught him how. She’s an excellent cook. Last year she won a chili cookoff.”
Emile surprised himself by thinking how Patton could learn a lot from her. He shook the thought from his mind, glancing over toward Patton. He’d had thrown his head back, laughing at something Remy had said.
Remy caught Emile’s eye and threw him a wink. Emile felt his heart skip a beat in his chest and looked off toward the street, hoping to hide his blushing cheeks.
An action that was not unnoticed by a very observant child sitting across from him. Instead of saying something, he logged that information for later.
“Em, your kid is a natural!” Remy called out. “Probably even better than I am!”
“Nonsense! You’re the grill king!” Roman said as he and Virgil finally joined the others on the deck.
Virgil snorted, sitting next to his dad. “Looks like someone else is taking the title of prince.”
“How dare you! You insolent -”
Unable to keep up the facade, Roman devolved into a fit of giggles. He was quickly joined by Patton, which set off everyone else.
In no time, all of them had plates in front of them, digging into the delicious burgers Remy and Patton had made.
“Oh my goodness, Pat, you are amazing at grilling.”
Virgil wiped some watermelon juice off his chin. “We should do this more often.”
Emile looked up, meeting Remy’s eyes. “I wouldn’t complain about having a get together every other weekend.”
He really hoped he wasn’t imagining the faint blush on Remy’s cheeks.
Once everyone was done eating, the kids headed in to the living room. As soon as they were settled in the house, Roman sat everyone on the couch and stood in front of them.
“We have to set up our parents.”
Patton nodded, eyes lighting up. “I know they fought a lot when we all first met, but they’ve been getting along so well!”
Virgil picked at his sleeves. “Dad seems a lot happier now, but I don’t know that he likes your dad? No offense.”
“Actually, evidence would suggest that Emile is, in fact, romantically attracted to our dad. I caught him blushing earlier after a compliment that Dad gave Patton. Not only that, but he had been eyeing Dad for a while before that, thinking I didn’t notice.” Logan adjusted his glasses. “I have no evidence for the other side, however.”
“I do. Remy asked an awful lot of questions about Dad when he was teaching me to grill.” There was a glint in Patton’s eye. “No one asks about someone’s love life if they’re not interested.”
“Yeah, Dad eye fffflirted with him the first time they met.” Ignoring the stern look on Patton’s face, Roman continued. “I was at the store with him, but I’d gone outside to buy some girl scout cookies. He’s been into Emile since day one.”
Hearing all the evidence, Virgil nodded. If nothing else, the two of them had some chemistry. “What’s your plan for getting them together?”
A grin split Roman’s face and he leaned forward, his next words barely above a whisper.
“Have you ever seen The Parent Trap?”
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Rumble for Ragnarok!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Ben Siemon, Bob Snow
Written by: Bob Snow
Storyboard by: Vince Aparo, Kristen Gish, Victoria Harris
Directed by: Tanner Johnson
The Fly says...
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In Norse mythology, there’s this cosmically giant snake named Jörmungandr that encircles the Earth, constantly eating its own tail. It is told that Jörmungandr releasing its tail from its maw would begin a series of events known as Ragnarok. To make a long story short, it's the end of the world, though someone does insert a coin to try it again.
In the world of DuckTales 2017, this tail releasing happens every ten years, according to one of Scrooge’s epic speeches, and it's an epic speech he is well qualified for, as it's because of his ability to defeat Jörmungandr that the world hasn't ended yet. Huey has many science-based questions about this, because the kids wouldn’t get that the joke is that this mythological beast doesn’t exactly follow the rules of physics if he didn’t say “science-based.” Huey is going to be our designated plot hole revealer of the episode.
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This story is being told to Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby, as even he knows that he would eventually have to pass the torch. Who it could be: could it be Webby, Huey, or Louie? Dewey asks if him getting left out means Scrooge is saving the best for last, and Scrooge just says yes in a manner that doesn't exactly convey confidence. Huey, the aforementioned plot hole revealer, asks why Donald or his mom couldn't have that torch.
Scrooge: I don't trust Donald and Della to cooperate on a jigsaw puzzle, much less the fate of the universe.
Yeah, because the boys have never fought against each other, ever. The real excuse is that they'd rather have a plot with these relatable youths. It's a shame; I would have loved to see Donald or Della do their trademark fighting styles against these mythological beasts. Yes, these kids would be far more likely to learn a lesson in the end, especially our designated lesson learner Dewey, but maybe Donald and Della could learn to cooperate, too. Alas, they never appear.
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They fly to Valhalla, courtesy of Launchpad flying into a rainbow. Valhalla: so majestic, even Launchpad couldn’t crash in it as he makes a decent landing right in front of the building. I almost didn't notice that oddity.
Scrooge is ready to fight that giant snake, currently the size of the entire planet, as even the other kids have their jaws agape that Scrooge could remotely tickle him, never mind harm him. But don't worry, Huey’s question on how that could happen is explained: when Jörmungandr unleashes his tail from his mighty maw, he transforms into a duck-sized snake man-beast. Now it makes perfect sense, or at least that’s what Huey sarcastically says.
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Passing by people wearing "Scrooge vs. Jörmungandr" t-shirts, they open the door to reveal the arena this fight is going to take place in, with pyrotechnics, a roped ring, and a bunch of fans rhythmically chanting. Huey finds this kind of arena quite familiar, and Launchpad is so giddy about what this will entail, he just has to say what this is.
Launchpad: Whoa! It's wrestling!
Audience: This is awe-some!
Launchpad: This is awe-some!
With Launchpad and the audience referencing the famous "this is awesome" chant, this episode reveals itself to be an episode about professional wrestling, which apparently ripped off these Valhalla battles according to Scrooge.
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From the amount of pro wrestling I watched, there's one thing I know for sure: fowls and pro wrestling probably shouldn't mix. Whether it be the Red Rooster and his "fanbase" of "Rooster Boosters", or the Gobbledy Gooker that popped out of an egg and spent quite a few minutes during a pay-per-view doing the Chicken Dance with the late Mean Gene. If there's anything that can heal the relationship between these kinds of animals and pro wrestling, it's a well-liked reboot of a classic Disney cartoon about ducks.
As Dewey gets excited by the chance of having all of his bones broken and have people love him for it, the giant ouroboros in the sky transmogrifies into The Rattlesnake himself.
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Well, okay, he's not a rattlesnake, and I'm sure most of Stone Cold Steve Austin's gimmick wouldn't fly on TV Y7 programming as he seems to be more like The Rock, but anyone could get the idea. It's Jörmungandr, the People's Champion and Chairman of the VWE. He's also said to be the beloved underdog, which does make sense considering the world hasn't ended in at least a millenium.
He begins this with a promo about how grateful he is to be in his arena, being cheered on by all the fallen warriors who died gloriously in battle, and he assures them that the rest of Earth will join them. The Rumble for Ragnarok 100: Maybe The 100th Times The Charm! They don't really say that subtitle. They do introduce his opponent, who, outside of this ring, is the beloved billionaire who has saved the world countless times.
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But nobody would ever cheer a billionaire babyface, as Scrooge's gimmick is the heel Millionaire Miser, a cross between The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and Irwin R. Schyster. Wrestling terms are used throughout the episode, and Launchpad does explain to the kids at home what "heel" and "babyface" means.
One term that doesn't come up is "kayfabe", the idea that these characters and their actions in the ring are portrayed as real, and that term could tie into one of the major plot points of this episode: that Dewey is completely offended that, in the ring, his uncle is seen as a bad guy. Granted, that term is more used to point out that pro wrestling is scripted, and this rumble is portrayed as completely legitimate. There's certainly no tired jokes about wrestling being fake.
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After a botch involving a giant money bag taking out the intended color commentator for this PPV, who was clearly the late Gorilla Monsoon as a penguin, the replacement. Huey Duck is a veteran sports commentator, having earned his Junior Woodchuck badge in it, though his experience as a pro wrestling color commentator seems to be slim to none. In contrast, Launchpad's knowledge of sports entertainment even manages to give him the foreknowledge of what's going to happen, as Huey points out as the plot hole revealer.
There's a lot of humor with Huey not knowing what is happening on stage and trying the best he could, while misnaming wrestling moves and generally getting everything wrong in the process. There was a particularly disastrous wrestling PPV called Heroes of Wrestling which had a similar problem with one of its commentators. Ugh, I don't want to be reminded of that one.
Launchpad announces that there will be three matches, all of them the heroes of Valhalla vs. the dreaded Millionaire Miser.
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Our first match is Strongbeard vs. The Millionaire Miser. As Strongbeard enters the ring, he decides to give one of the audience members one of his beard hairs, which has the ability to bestow his amazing strength. He's practically telling his opponent what he should do to defeat him. Wrestlers usually wait until they get in the ring before they do that.
As the audience chants his catchphrase, "fear the beard", and booes the Miser, Dewey tells his Uncle Scrooge that he shouldn't put up with this. Scrooge assures Dewey that he's just acting as the heel because it's the right thing to do, right before mocking the audience for not being the richest duck in the world like he is.
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Much like in an actual battle, the Millionaire Miser has to use his smarts, as muscle is something he doesn't exactly have. The Miser tries to take down Strongbeard with his trademark Unbreakable Penny Pincher Hold, or, as Huey calls it, a sedative neck massage, only to be punched by a Beard Fake-Out. Dewey protests this use of what he thinks is a bad guy tactic, only to have food thrown at him.
He may or may not have gotten that gigantic hint from before, as he reveals that he stole one of the hairs on Strongbeard's chinny-chin-chin, giving him the strength to pin Strongbeard clean, scoring a point for Team Earth pretty quickly. This loss happened almost as fast as when fan-favorite-and-also-bearded Daniel Bryan got pinned in 18 seconds by Sheamus at WrestleMania XXVIII, and it's revealed to be just as well liked as that match as the audience showers the arena with boos and empty popcorn tins.
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Dewey is not going to stand for this, and tries to convince the audience to stop cheering for a giant dragon man who wants to destroy the Earth, and start cheering for the billionaire that has prevented the destruction of the Earth multiple times. It's well established that this audience wants the Earth to be destroyed, as this event is literally for the Ragnarok, but his ignorance is a Dewey thing to do.
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That ignorance angers one audience member so much that he decides to throw a wooden chair at him, a reference to the classic chair shot done many, many times in pro wrestling. The Millionaire Miser does manage to save him from an unintentional injury, as much as the fans really wanted that to happen. Unfortunately, this causes a different injury: this breaks Scrooge's back, forcing him to see what his next generation can do. It is heartbreaking to see Scrooge actually having to use his cane in ways other than hopping on enemy's heads, that's for sure.
Thankfully, Jörmungandr, as the babyface of the company, decides to rebook the second match as a tag-team match and not instantly declare victory over the Earth. Even Webby claims this makes Jörmungandr such a good guy, though Dewey disagrees. Scrooge does come to the obvious conclusion that Webby should be one of the team members, but he knows that he couldn't choose Huey because he doesn't know anything about wrestling. As for Louie...
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He's too busy selling merchandise to the fans, somehow printing T-shirts of things that just happened. This is reminding me of another disaster, though not one related to wrestling, where a green person was selling T-shirts throughout the episode. Ugh, I don't want to be reminded of that one, either.
Scrooge suggests to himself that maybe Webby could tag-team with herself, but Dewey claims that he should fight. Scrooge tells him he's not ready, and Dewey ends up agreeing with that, giving up on the idea that Dewey Duck could be a champ...
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...but Champ Popular can be a champ! Using a gimmick not too far off from the persona in his own 90's school sitcom dreams, he knows he can win the fans over by offering them lollipops. Even the music goes silent after that suggestion, as if it was a movie trailer. He decides to let him go through with this anyway, cheering him on, but telling Webby to do the fighting. In Dewey's mind, he knows this gimmick will turn the boos into woos. He doesn't look anything like Ric Flair!
Unfortunately, his plans for popularity doesn't work, as the lollipops are interpreted to mean that he thinks the audience are suckers. Webby shows up...and she's just Webby. I get that the joke is that Webby is just being her cute usual self, but it's kind of disappointing considering a lot of this plot hinges on embracing a character. It's not that the plot isn't there, as she gets booed slightly less, but it doesn't get to her as much as it gets to Dewey. Pretty much all the focus is on Dewey, and I think anyone can guess what's going to happen with this match even if the opponent wasn't going to be the ruler of the underworld.
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Sure enough, Champ "Un" Popular and Webby has to fight Hecka, who is based on the Norse ruler of the underworld whose name is too similar to a word one couldn't say on Disney XD. What do you know, a reboot actually manages to do some research on Norse mythology besides "big dumb vikings". Hecka is joined by her pet wolf in both the myths and here, Fenrir, or "Fenny" as he's referred to on his dog bowl. This won't be the only "dog/wolf" joke in the episode.
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She's also clearly The Undertaker, even referencing his trademark get up spot after a failed attempt to knock him out with a elbow drop. With the Undertaker, that happens after his opponent knocks him down, but Dewey can't even get that far because all of that booing. Scrooge is on the sidelines trying to get him to "embrace the boos", but Dewey just can't seem to shake off his lack of popularity in the ring. Dewey is all about his popularity, something that was shown with the "Dewey Dew-Night" shorts and pretty much everywhere else, so it's easy to understand why that alone would cause him to shiver.
He tags in Webby, who ends up doing a far better job at embracing her inner heel by comparing her opponents unfavorably to the Greek mythological warriors. She even manages to pin Hecka before good ol' Fenny interrupts the pin. Dewey tries to get a "cheater" chant going, but that's completely legal even in a non-Valhalla-rules tag-team match. Surprised that doesn't come up at all in this episode, especially with what happens later.
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Webby does see Fenrir, and she tries to offer a belly rub. Get it, because while he's a mythological wolf, he's a still a dog! At first, it seems like that works, until Fenrir reveals that was just an act, and he throws her out of the ring.
As Webby slowly wakes up and tries to get back into the ring before this match ends in a countout, which is only implied, Dewey knows how to win. Unfortunately for Scrooge, he meant "win them over", as he tries to use his trusted lollipops to feed the puppy. Hey, it probably would have worked on Burger Beagle if he was still the glutton character he was in the original! Unfortunately, Fenrir is a non-walking and talking dog, and the audience calls him out for trying to feed candy to a dog. In those words; why would the Valhallans call him a dog?
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Webby does show up to pin Fenrir and knocks out Hecka in the process, giving Champ Popular ample time to give Team Earth 2-0 and end this episode far earlier than expected. Of course, that doesn't work, and Fenrir gets out of Webby's pin to pin Champ Popular for the win, making the score 1-1.
But wait, Dewey was never tagged back in, and Fenrir wasn't tagged in at all, so this isn't a legal pin either way. It's possible that Webby was also getting pinned by Hecka at the same time, and there's nothing that disproves this. However, it seems that DuckTales 2017 is unwilling to have Webby show any kind of weakness even if it's all Dewey's fault. Launchpad reassures the audience that the world isn't coming to an end...
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Jörmungandr: ...YET! (air guitars)
Deciding that Team Earth's lackluster performance is probably making his PPV not nearly as good as it should be, Jörmungandr rebooks the final match as well to be a battle royale, with just himself against all of the mortals of Team Earth. The rules are changed, too: people are eliminated if they fall outside of the ring, but one pinfall can also end the match for either team. This looks to be the third episode in a row that just turns into another giant fight scene with all of the beloved Disney Ducks, but it is separated a little.
While Webby distracts Jörmungandr with her own heel promo, Scrooge tries to give Dewey the pep talk. This unfortunately only ends with him implying that he's just not cut out for this, which only makes him feel worse. Gotta say, that's really Millionaire Miser of him, even if he's not wrong.
Back to the heel promo, Jörmungandr tells her he's not scared of Webby, and she adds that she isn't the one to be scared of.
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It's the Millionaire Miser's Maid, the Shield Maiden, and she's a stunt granny! Sorry, I had to reference that one obscure TV special when I had the chance. I even see that she put on a costume similar to Thor's, who was the one that fought Jörmungandr in the original myths! This is also a reference to an original episode, "Maid of the Myth", which also references Norse mythology. Probably not a coincidence.
I have no idea how she could even be here, nor is it really even brought up. Almost all the other plot holes were pointed out, why not this one? Well, there may be a slight explanation to that one, as our designated plot hole revealer decided to leave the announcer's table because of his failures.
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It's up to Louie this time to do his pep talk to both Dewey and Huey this time, and he's way more successful than Scrooge. He pretty much just gives up that t-shirt joke at this point in the episode just so he can fill this role. I guess they had to find someone, as everyone else was too busy either moping or fighting. Whatever, this comes just in time, as Jörmungandr's curb stomping of almost everyone around him is causing Valhalla to shake. Wait, I thought it was the Earth getting destroyed, not Valhalla!
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Back in the ring, we see that I was slightly wrong: they can show Webby getting defeated on screen alongside her granny! The Millionaire Miser shows up too, alongside an unexpected swerve: the competent announcer was actually Captain Crash, and he's here to fight Jörmungandr!
Launchpad didn't realize nobody liked this when Michael Cole did the same thing for far too long, and he gets taken out rather easily...alongside the Millionaire Miser. I was thinking Scrooge had a no jobbing clause even outside of the ring, but here we are. Who could possibly save us now? John Cena? ... actually, they don’t seem to make a reference to John Cena as far as I can tell.
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Well, we get the closest thing to John Cena even if he's way more like Bret Hart: Champ Popular, and this time it doesn’t matter if people boo him. In fact, he's knows he's so good, he shows it off in the most evil way possible: a bad joke followed by a high-five to signal that it was supposed to be funny! I do approve of the indirect bashing of the "fistbump in place of laugh track" trope!
So yes, it looks like Dewey has finally embraced his inner heel, and I'm sure Scrooge would be proud.
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Unfortunately, it's here where the episode loses me. The whole episode was building up to a lesson about that it okay to do the right thing even if it would lead to a lack of popularity. However...the crowd starts to see Jörmungandr as a heel all of a sudden? It seems like he’s not fighting with honor, but now people are starting to boo him in a snap!
It doesn't make sense; they were cheering for the end of the Earth, and they were totally fine when his fellow Team Valhalla members were beating up kids before. He was a jerk before this scene and people still loved him. Maybe he's more of a jerk now, or maybe they noticed Valhalla was also getting destroyed by the coming Ragnarok, but the ending just seems like a tacked on way to make Dewey look like the good guy even when he was supposed to be the bad guy.
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To make a long story short, the babyface and heel roles swap right in the middle of the match to the point where Dewey was able to borrow some of Strongbeard's impossible strength-giving beard. Why didn't Scrooge use that little hair he had in his part of this fight, which would have helped even if he had a broken back? Because Dewey wouldn't be able to learn his lesson that it's okay to do the right thing when people love you for it.
After the referee does what is clearly a fast count, as it seems like even he knows this episode has to be over in about a minute, Dewey is declared the champion, and he even gets awarded Jörmungandr's belt.
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But, in a shocking swerve, the Millionaire Miser takes the gold away from him, and Dewey and Scrooge get ready for an extra main event. Broken back be damned: Scrooge knows he can beat up a little kid! ...wait.
The episode ends like Rocky III, complete with a cheesy 80's song playing in this scene and in the credits. Why is a wrestling episode referencing a boxing movie? Well, Rocky III had that one scene where Rocky had to fight a wrestler named Thunderlips, played by Hulk Hogan, for charity, so I guess it's fitting?
How does it stack up?
There are some neat references to pro wrestling throughout the entire episode, and I do like the story's idea. The second match could have been directed better, the ending feels really tacked on, and leaving Donald Duck and Della Duck out of this felt like a cop out. I couldn't get into this one as much as some of the previous episodes.
While I wouldn't say this episode is bad, I'd say this is slightly less quality than Challenge of the Senior Woodchucks. This would make it the least best episode of Season 3 so far. If anything, that's a testament to how good this season has been so far, but that means this only gets a 3.
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Next, we have no idea, because the show's on hiatus again. However, I do have something for next week. In one week, I looked at the shorts. Next week, I look at some DuckTales 2017 commercials!
← Astro B.O.Y.D.! 🦆 The Commercials (Part 1?) →
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nerdyangeldetective · 5 years
Weird Feelings. [Ted “Theodore” Logan x Reader]
Requested by a nonnie ♥: “ Can I get a slightly angsty Ted x Reader? Thank you so much, Lovie!!! “ 
Thank you for requesting, I’m really pleased with the result, don't hesitate to get in my ask box to tell me if you liked it, anon! ♥
Words: ~800
TW: Mention of sex, bullying, and a hinted depression.
Short thing, but long one shot are clearly out of my league for now, sorry, I hope anon will be please with this! I honestly had no idea how to turn the story so... ugh.
Tag list is open, ask me if you want to be tagged in my work. ♥
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You and Ted had been best-friends since your childhood; it helped that you two were neighbors and had the same tastes in everything. You never yelled or got angry at each other, never fought... until now.
You were standing in front of your windows, looking at the rain while thinking about this whole situation. No one knew why, but you and Ted weren't speaking to each other and to be fair, it was purely your fault; you weren't talking to anyone anyway.
It's been a few months now that you changed and closed yourself to everyone, that's what he told you when you argued with him, but you couldn't help it.
Who wouldn't be like that when you got people that were your ex-friends always insulting you, making fun of you, pushing you and starting rumors? Who? Not you, and on top of it, you lost your two besties.
Tears rolling down your cheeks as you were looking outside, you felt a tug in your heart when you saw Bill knocking at Ted's door. You should've been here too, playing a dumb game and laughing at them losing because they were terrible at it. You didn't even notice Bill waving at you that he was already inside with a not-so-smiling Ted.
Your mom knocked at your door.
"Sweetie? Are you okay? Why aren't you with Bill and Ted?" "I'm fine, Mom. Just tired," you said in a confident tone to make sure she doesn't hear you're crying.
Your mom silently sighed before getting out of your room once you calmed down, at least to breathe a little bit of fresh air.
Outside, you were surprised to see Ted and Bill both ready to knock at your main door.
"Bill? Ted? Why are you here?" you asked, a bit on the defensive.
Bill was the first one to talk.
"To talk about what you both did."
He made a sign for her to follow and they all went to a little park nearby.
"Okay," Bill said while sitting, "can you at least explain me the side of your story?" "This will be short. We kissed at your party, then he acted all sweet and suddenly, I wasn't even existing for him." "That's because people say you're cheating of me!" Ted immediately replied with an angry tone. "I trusted you and you cheated on me, you kissed someone else!" "Yeah, and who then!? Tell me, because I don't even know!" "STOP", yelled Bill. "Don't start, dudes!"
They both shut their mouths, having this same angry pouts on their lips, Bill sighing while trying to find the exact words he needed.
"So... All of this started because of a rumor right?" "Of course! I'd never do that, you know me better, and you didn't even trust me and prefer to jump to a conclusion over a rumor!"
Ted perfectly knew he was wrong - but he wouldn't assume it.
"Is this true that your ex-best friends are uh... bullying you?" "Yes. They keep making fun of me, I don't even know why." "That's because you betrayed them by telling Eve's secrets to everyone maybe?" spat out Ted. "I don't even want to talk to you." "It was a fuckin' mistake, Ted! I was drunk I didn't-" "Still! You told everyone, and that makes you a liar and a bad person!"
Your eyes were beginning to water. You were drunk and someone made you talk; that's how it all started and how everything ended. Bill sighed, seeing it was no use.
"Well... Maybe it was a mistake to try and let you both talk," he said while getting up with Ted. "Bye [Y/N], see you at school."
They left. They left you there as you began to cry. Your world was falling apart and there was nothing you could do.
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laciefuyu · 5 years
Tina and Theseus. Why Newt sees their similar traits differently.
What funny is like what Newt probably dislike about Theseus (him being auror and such) is what he admired in Tina. I don't think he even realise it. She see Tina’s caring side and affection in front of him like how she trying to help Credence. Meanwhile Theseus and Newt have this gap, 8 years gap and they miscommunicated badly. He saw Tina for who she is and Newt see Theseus in a same a way you assume about people. Because he internalized his feeling and its project, making him didn't see Theseus for what he is.
Also Tina And Theseus are different in the way they act. Theseus is outwardly affectionate and Tina is not. Theseus is someone who self-assured and know what he is doing. He know what he did is the best path he can do. And he is smooth-talker the way I see it. But Tina is not, she is confident enough after being reinstated, caring but couldn't show it in more affectionate way which can be interpreted wrong. That's why people often didn't understand her. Theseus never afraid showing his affection meanwhile Tina's affection is there but can't be seen by people because she didn't know how to translate it. Since she live with Queenie, she often didn't have to show it because Queenie understand which not helping when she need to show it to people. Also I think this is contribute the way Newt see Tina. He saw past her facade and understand. Which ironically he didn't give the same courtesy to Theseus.
He projected who Theseus is based on what he know, or what he thought about his older brother.  And refuse to see past that. When you project your feeling toward someone, you distort your own memory about them. You make it bad because you don't understand their action and that what Newt basically do to Theseus.
Also considering the 8 year gap, between them, Theseus being an Auror and part of establishment and such. Theseus represent what Newt detest about the world, or people specifically. Newt also often put words into Theseus's mouth based on reread and rewatch I did. He didn't let Theseus explain or finish his words. That's why there is misunderstanding between them. Theseus tried to shorten that gap but Newt didn't let him.
Theseus fought in the War, and Newt join the War by the end of it for Ironbellies project maybe make him realise that he could lose anyone anytime and it including his brother. Newt would do anything for his beasts and that make him worried. That's why he send all these letters to Newt at least to prompt Newt to tell him his condition.
And in one of Callum's interview he said that the reason Theseus want Newt to join his department because he want him to be safe like technically that way he can keep track where Newt is (Paraphrased). But since those brothers keep misunderstanding each other, Newt didn't get it ofc.
All of this mostly the reason why Newt have different perception about Tina and Theseus despite they are being similar.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk and willing to read my incoherent meta because my thought of process rarely linear XD
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supersoldierslover · 6 years
A Messed up Situation Part 5
Summary: You have the perfect life in LA, there is nothing that you would change. However when your mom calls you telling you to drop everything because your father is sick. You see yourself going back home where you have to deal with your family and your first love Bucky Barnes.
Words: 1595
Paring: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Nothing, just a lot of fluffiness  and flashback in italics 
I can thank you enough @unbetaedimagines you betaed this form and gave amazing in feedback
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You can’t sleep; you keep staring at the ceiling. You have too many thoughts inside your head and too many feelings inside your heart. A few hours ago, you had dinner with Logan in one of your favorite restaurants, and there was nothing much to say or think; everything was perfect.
He was a perfect gentleman; he was funny and he told you things that made you laugh. He talked a little about work but not enough to annoy you; in general, he was just perfect. Still, you can’t shake the feeling that you are doing something wrong.
You groan, annoyed that you can’t sleep. You look at the clock, it’s 3:00 am. You can’t stay in your bed anymore, you have to do something. Somehow, you remember a phrase from one of your TV shows, nothing good happens after 2:00 am, and damn you Ted Mosby, you were fucking right.
You pick your dad’s car keys up off the sofa, going to Bucky’s Inn.
It doesn’t take long for you to arrive at the Inn; Usually, it’s a 20-minute drive but in the dead of night, you are there on 10. You are surprised to see Bucky at the front desk, instead of a random employee.
“What are you doing here?” You both ask at the same time. “I came to see Logan.” You say, embarrassed. You don’t know why; you are not doing anything wrong. “I couldn’t sleep so I decide to give Peter a break from desk duty and take his place.”
He says a little after you. He looks so tired; you wonder why he isn’t in bed, sleeping.
“So, you two are back together?” Bucky asks, a little awkwardly. You shake your head no; you don’t even know what you were doing here. “No, I guess I just need someone to talk to or I don’t know… I want to solve my situation with him.”
You say slowly.  When you left your bed, all you wanted was to talk with Logan and solve all your problems once for all, but right now? You don’t want to face him; you much rather be here with Bucky.
“We can go upstairs if want to talk.” He offers, a shy smile on his lips. “What about the front desk?” You ask, the lobby was deserted but still, you don’t want him to lose any business because of you.
“Come on, in this town, at this time?” He says playful, putting a closed sign on the desk and leading you to the elevator. “Do you live here?” You ask, curious; you knew that his mom still lived in town, but him? You had no idea.
“Oh no, I lived here for a while when my father died, but when Lydia was born, I bought us a house. I wanted her to have a normal childhood with a garden and not surrounded by strangers.’
Bucky replies, leading you to the last room down the hall. You notice that Lydia is sleeping peacefully on the bed, and you are surprised how much she looks like her dad; she even sleeps hugging the pillow the same way as him.
You and Bucky go to other room in silence, trying not to wake up the little girl. “You are a great dad, James Bucky Barnes.” You say, sitting on the couch. He laughs, opening the mini bar and giving you a bottle of water. “I try and I try really hard.” He says seriously, and you believe him 100% percent.  
“I don’t mean to push, but earlier you were telling me why you broke up with Logan and then he shows up.” He says, sitting by your side; his tone is not judgmental, he is just curious and you can’t blame him.  You also want to ask him, about what your father told you.  
You want ask him, why did he went after you and what did he wanted.  But you don’t feel brave enough.
“Yes, I was… there is not a lot to tell.” You say putting a piece of hair behind your ear.
You sit on the floor, feeling weak. Your mom is still on the phone talking to you, but after she said that your dad was sick and he didn’t have much time left, everything became a blur. “Sweetheart, are you there? Dad wants you to come home…”
You hear her taking a deep breath before continuing, “… he wants to spend his time left here, surrounded by family. She says crying, before she was holding back now she just let the tears flow. You take a deep breath, trying to hold the phone close to your ear. Your hands are shaking so much.
“Mom… I…” You take another deep breath, “I will be back home as soon as I can.”  You say, hanging up the phone; you stay on the floor until you find the courage to get up and act like an adult.
You can’t imagine your life without your Dad; he was the one that taught you how to walk and the one that taught you how to ride a bike. He helped you move to New York and then a few years later to LA.
The truth was that he was your rock; you can’t imagine your life without him or your weekly calls.
“Baby I’m home.” You hear Logan screaming from the entry way. “I’m here.” You say, hoping he can hear from your bedroom floor. In a couple minutes, he finds you and sits by your side. “What is wrong?” He asks gently, holding your hand.
You tell him everything that your mom told you; your father health since the fever, the nights he spends throwing up,  the marks on his skin. You told him about your father's treatment and what his odd of survival are.
“He should come here for his treatment; his chances of survival would be a lot better.” He says practically, and you want to punch his face. All you want is to be held right now. “Do you want my Dad to come stay in our guest bedroom while he does his treatment?”
Logan shakes his head a no, and now you are sure that you don’t understand what he is saying. “No, of course not. I don’t even know your family, but they can move to our neighborhood… I don’t know we can figure I this out.”
You hate how practical he was being. One of your father wishes was to stay at in your hometown; you have to give this to him. “He wants to stay home, we have to go there.” You say, getting off the floor, looking for a bag.
You have so many things to do, including calling your job and getting some vacations day. You also need to pack your bags and see if you can convince someone to pick you from the airport. “Patients never know what they want.”
“He is not a child, like your patients.” You say, rolling your eyes; you are not in the mood to deal with him right now. “Still, I’m right… Come on baby, take a deep breath, and don’t act like this.” He says, making you turn around.  “Acting like what?” You ask angrily.
“Like this is the end of the world, people die everyday baby. However, if you want, I can book us some plane tickets.”  You sigh; you feel like this is going to be a rough night. “If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to, Logan. Stay here, who that fucks cares?” You say, annoyed.
“Logan was a very practical man when my dad was sick, I don’t I want him to be practical… I want him to give me some comfort.  We fought the whole night until we broke up and I caught the first plane here.”
Bucky gets closer to you on the couch, grabbing your hand. “I’m sorry, at least he is here to fix things.” He says, and you feel a hint of sadness in his voice. “I don’t want to fix things, he just shows up here and makes all these promises about being more patient and supportive. I just don’t want to do anything I might regret.”  
You say, recalling the promises he made you during dinner. As much as you want to believe Logan, there is part of you that is screaming at you not to.  Not that he is bad a man, but people don’t change or at least not Logan.
“Have you ever thought about what would happen if we got married?” He asks; your conversation with him has no filter and you liked this raw honesty. “Yes, more than I should… I’m sorry about how we left things.”
You wish you had talked to him and explained things, not just disappeared. “We were kids and I loved you so much, Bucky. I couldn’t imagine life without  you, but when you proposed, I freaked out and I’m sorry for the last part.”
He smiles at you, getting even closer. “I’m sorry too; I shouldn’t have pressed you, maybe if I didn’t we could be together right now.” You rest one of your hands on his thigh. “We both changed since we were seventeen, but I do like being around you…”
“ …Bucky, my father told me that you wanted to go after me… why?” He looked a little surprised but before he can answer you, you hear the door opening and a small delicate voice saying “Daddy I’m not feeling so well.”
Part 6 
We are going to have so much more Lydia and Bucky on the next part and so much fluffiness with a hint of aganst so i hope you guys are ready. 
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tcnked · 6 years
✦ * · ˚ ⌜ paul wesley, amanda, 20, est, she/her ⌟ was that TED TONKS?  i heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is working as an INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER now. not surprising, seeing as how they are SHARP and GENUINE, although some say they can be AGGRESSIVE and BLUNT. maybe that’s why HE is rumoured to be NEUTRAL. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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so this is ted, he’s really pretty. that’s all u need to know
character insp: ryke meadows, shane madej, jess mariano, jack pearson, ryan atwood, etc.
themes, motifs, and imagery: tba i’m too lazy for this rn.
tw: mentions of emotional manipulation and alcoholism
michael tonks? an absolute asshole of a guy. valerie tonks? horrible stepmom. rachel tonks? great lady, the best, iconic, groundbreaking. didn’t even change her last name back bc it was her son’s and she didn’t want him to feel alone. my name’s amanda and i would die 4 rachel tonks
basically michael and rachel were a really fast-paced relationship. super deeply in love but destined to fizzle out early once michael found the next pretty girl that was apparently better than rachel. and his two year old son. they were in their mid-twenties and she was working with michael during a case he was given and, as the poets say, the rest was history. they were engaged within the first year and married a handful of months after their one-year anniversary. they fell pregnant a couple months later and had a son before they were even together for three years.  the fact that they lasted for years past their honeymoon stage was a gd MIRACLE, to be honest with y’all
they were fairly happy for the year following ted’s birth, but from there things started to go downhill. they started arguing over everything, fights ranging from small things to exploding over something major. the tipping point was when rachel found out he was having an affair --- but of course, it wasn’t MICHAEL’S fault he was unfaithful. it wasn’t MICHAEL’S fault he turned to alcohol to deal with their failing family. it’s never his fault; always everyone else. he was a saint, as far as he was concerned!!!! by the time ted was two years old, his parents had divorced. it was an UGLY thing behind closed doors, but as far as michael’s colleagues and the press following his rise as a lawyer knew, it was pleasant. and after a bit, rachel and edward tonks fell back into obscurity. 
she moved out of london and took ted with her farther north, back to her hometown and family, while michael and the woman he had been seeing behind his wife’s back slowly eased their relationship into the public. two years they were married with twins on the way!!!! and for a few years, ted had no idea of his father. the way michael initially wanted it, at least.
ted was seven when michael decided to step back into his life. rachel fought against it, but michael was fuckin relentless and also,,,, a lawyer so he knew his parental rights and what he had and hadn’t given away. ://// so every week he and ted would have lunch or michael would show up at his football games, trying to ease his way into ted’s good graces. and at the time, ted was so easily manipulated that it hurts my heart
he fell for it, for a WHILE not realizing that this wasn’t the proper relationship a son should have with his father. it even got as far as him getting close to his twin half sisters, georgina and cecelia. but it was all very quiet as the older ted got and the more he realized this was SHITTY, the more his father tried to manipulate the situation by blaming things on rachel. or on ted, when he would miss dinners or have to change plans with four of them. and he would keep feeling guilty, and keep falling for it every time. even when his mom would try to reassure him that nothing was his fault. all masked as a good father wanting to be involved with his son and have him involved in this second family’s life as well.
he was just past his tenth birthday when a woman in robes showed up at the doorstep of the tonks home in northern england, weaving stories of a school for magic. it explained a lot of incidents that had been shoved under the rug and never discussed again as ted had grown up, though rachel was undeniably weary with her more catholic background. it took........a lot of convincing to say the least, but by the following september she was alongside ted at king’s cross.
the hat didn’t sit on his head for long before screaming ravenclaw within the great hall. he joined those with eagles plastered on their chests and, for the most part, kept to himself.
ted in hogwarts grew to be a lot more.........stony, for lack of a better word. the boy with endless curiosity and a big heart shifter into someone rougher the longer he faced taunts and whispers and disdainful looks from those of ‘pure’ magical background. despite it all, he was fairly well known around the castle. not always for the greatest things, but he did get himself a certain reputation
ted was no stranger to starting or getting involved in fights around the castle, both physical and verbal. he’s v punch-first, think later
he was such a smart ass honestl y. like fairly self-deprecating but he also didn’t stand for people saying shit??? like if someone said something stupid or rude, he was quick to bite back??? came off as a lil self-righteous, a little condescending when it came to his intelligence. highkey a pain in the ass but overall he meanT well like lived by do what you love, fuck off what u don’t
he was never anything but strongly and genuinely himself tbh. v dry humored, v 'i can do anything'
basically hogwarts ted was hard to ignore even tho he wanted 2 stay to himself
so BASICALLY after leaving hogwarts his dad amped up the shitty game
especially after ted got with andromeda
“how many trips have you made with someone named black but not your FAMILY” “your SISTERS miss you, think you can make some time for them?” “maybe we’d help you if you spent time with your family” it’s v disgusting v rude but like,,,,, he still didn’t know ted was a wizard and anyway
ted grew increasingly sick of it, especially as michael kept pushing and pushing and pushing him when ted and andromeda had to live with rachel for a while following andromeda being disowned. it was a lot to deal with and ted just,,,, lost all patience with it and stopped contacting his father at all
tbh one of his biggest fears is eventually becoming his father and it really worried him that by removing himself from michael and his step mom, that his sisters will think he’s abandoning them
but listen ted at 28 is sorta thriving??? a lot more mentally stable tbh. less aggressive, for the most part. he’s working as an investigative reporter for the prophet. he’s big on digging and figuring out the truth and yeah he’s v aware the prophet isn’t an impartial paper, but like. he’s trying his best out here. getting involved in some shady shit and going under a pen name to avoid potential risks of the wrong people realizing who he is, yikes. not only war-related things, but unicorn blood dealing circles and dragon rings etc etc etc.
also ted as a dad???? iconic. he would do literally anything for dora BYE
and andromeda? always flirting w her tbh, always doing tiny things 2 get under her skin. he was such a pain in her ass at hogwarts goodbYE
anyway dont talk 2 me about him trying to help and cope w andromeda’s like. unspoken problem w alcohol. he’s out here tryin 
this is a lot of word vomit and didn’t cover everything iw anted but. love me plot w ted
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merflk · 7 years
give yourself to another night
Pairing: andromeda black x ted tonks Words: 1347 Link: ao3
for @ff-sunset-oasis because her tedromeda fic just murdered me
Andromeda Black liked things to add up. It was the only way she could properly deal with things – her parents, her upbringing, her education. It needed to fit. Even her friends. It was why she liked the house system so much: it was ordered. It was efficient.
When things didn’t add up, she would get frustrated. Her instinctive reaction was denial, but she already tried to fight that. These things did exist, and in their own way they had to add up. She just had to find that way.
Yet she had never been as dedicated to figuring out how something added up as she was with Theodora Tonks – Ted.
He was a Ravenclaw, and it suited him. He liked knowledge. He liked facts. He liked puzzles. He liked the stars. They were alike, in that way. Sometimes, late at night, when she snuck out of her room to look at the night sky, he was already at the top of the astronomy tower. She never showed herself to him, but she liked finding him there.
But Ted was more than just a Ravenclaw. Ted was… strange. It wasn’t just the fact that he was a metamorphmagus. It wasn’t that he chose to look like a boy at all times. She didn’t understand it, but at least it was consistent. He didn’t hide who he was, and she respected that about him. She respected the pragmatic way he kept correcting the teachers who called him Theodora.
The thing about Ted Tonks that didn’t add up was mostly how he made her feel.
She understood him. She could read him easily, even when she knew others couldn’t. She saw the passion he had for certain subjects, the kindness that shone through in small gestures – and mostly the pain.
God, he was in so much pain. And it wasn’t just the name. Yes, she saw him wince slightly at times when someone called him ‘she’. At other times, his expression went blank, as if he was forcing it to bounce off him. But there was more to it. There was a longing in his pain, a hopelessness. As if he wanted more somehow.
He was just like her.
It was something that still astonished her every time she realised it. She had never met anyone who reminded her of herself this way – especially since she’d never really spoken to him. She’d caught his eye, once or twice. He’d smiled at her then and she wondered if he knew how much she understood. Whether he could see it too.
Maybe she was delusional. But that didn’t add up either.
It attracted her, this understanding of him. She’d always been perceptive, but not like this. She wanted to know more.
She didn’t know how she finally gained the courage to approach him one night in the astronomy tower. Normally, she’d turn around and find another spot. But she had been watching him for two years and her longing got the better of her.
She wanted to be understood too.
Andromeda pushed open the door further and saw him notice it from the corner of his eye. He turned his head towards her in surprise, but he didn’t speak to her. After a second or two, he smiled.
She smiled back tentatively and joined him where he was standing in silence. He seemed unsure where the situation was taking him, but when she quietly turned to look at the sky, he went along with it.
“I like the stars,” Andromeda said, and it was all she could get out of her mouth.
She glanced at Ted, because she had noticed he always tried to look the person he was having a conversation with in the eye. And, yes, he was turning to look at her as well.
“So do I,” he said.
“I know,” she answered, “I’ve seen you here before.”
“Why didn’t you join me?”
She turned back to the stars, because there was no way she could look him in the eye if they were having this conversation. “I suppose I was afraid.”
“Afraid of what?” he urged gently.
“I never quite know.”
He nodded and looked back at the stars as well. Just with that nod, that sign of comprehension, Andromeda wanted to cry. She felt the treacherous tears well up in her eyes, but she forced them down. This was not the time for crying. This was her very first conversation with Ted Tonks.
“Did you know the muggles are planning on going to the moon?”
Andromeda looked at Ted in surprise. To the moon?
“No,” she said, “How would they do that?”
“They are building a machine,” he told her with a smile, “That’s going to take them there.”
Andromeda let out a deep breath. To the moon... “That sounds wonderful.”
“If I wasn’t a wizard, I might have joined them.”
Andromeda felt a pulse of truth rage through her chest and, before she could stop herself, it spilled over her lips. “If I wasn’t a witch, I might have joined them too.”
He looked over at her in surprise and she felt a blush come on. That could have gone for heresy in her family, and they both knew it.
But she liked surprising him. She liked letting him… know her.
“Can you imagine being near a star?” she asked him, her voice still shaking, heading back into safer territory.
“Of course.”
When she looked at him this time, he had a grin on his face and oh God, that should be illegal. Still, she managed to arch an eyebrow in a questioning manner.
“Your name is Andromeda, isn’t it?” he explained.
And that was it, she was done for, she was gone, she had gone up, straight into space, she had started flying, flying, flying…
She nodded.
“It’s funny you like the stars so much, with that name,” Ted said with a smile.
Andromeda pursed her lips. “Hardly. Many of my family are named after constellations.”
He nodded. “That’s a fair point.”
They looked at the stars quietly for a little while.
“What’s your favourite?” she then whispered.
He pointed up, a slow drag of his arm to the sky like he was lifting his wand for a spell. “The morning star.” Ted looked at her. “What’s yours?”
The stars were reflected in Andromeda’s eyes, and for a moment she felt like they entered her bloodstream and became a part of her. “I don’t have one,” she whispered back.
They looked at each other and, again, she felt like she had shared something personal. Their conversation felt intimate.
A breeze crossed the astronomy tower and Andromeda tugged at her sleeve against the cold. In doing so, she briefly brushed Ted’s hand, and it startled them both. For a moment, they just looked at each other, wide-eyed. Then Andromeda started stumbling back.
“I-I should go back to bed. To sleep.” She added the latter almost horrified at him thinking she was inviting him.
“Yes, of course,” Ted muttered as a response, his eyes on her. Then, he seemed to shake himself from his trance. He approached her. “Let me walk you back.”
“Oh, no, that’s really not necessary,” Andromeda said as she moved backwards without turning away from him, “It’s much easier to be spotted when you’re with two instead of one. I’ll be fine.”
He halted and she thought she saw a little disappointment in his eyes.
“I will see you tomorrow,” Andromeda offered bravely.
His eyes lit up again. “Yes,” he said.
“Bye Ted,” she said, before turning the corner and quickly heading back to her dorm. Her heart was pounding in her chest and adrenaline was coursing through her as though she had fought a dragon instead of had a conversation with a boy.
She could feel a dreadful inevitability settle over her. For a moment, it made her wish she had never approached him. It felt like something had been set in motion – something inescapable. Like the arrows of a clock had started moving, suddenly.
And they were pointing straight at her.
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cassie5squared · 7 years
After a confrontation with Harry that ended rather painfully on both sides, and a lot of soul-searching, Remus Lupin has decided to return and try to make amends for running out on Tonks. He’s not really looking forward to the frosty reception he knows he’s likely to get.
A/N: Y’all can blame @mischiefmanagedmwpp for this one too. XD
Remus's heart was pounding as he approached the familiar front door. He'd been here so many times over the past couple of months... but not since the wedding at the Burrow, not since the world had gone crashing to the ground at the hands of Voldemort. Not in the last four days.
He squirmed inwardly, thinking of the way he'd behaved - panicking and taking the opportunity to run off, leaving Tonks, pregnant, all on her own; going to find Harry in the hope of finding a mission to lose himself in; blasting the young man across 10 Grimmauld Place's kitchen for calling him a coward... The look of shock and pain on Harry's face as he hit the wall was burned into Remus's mind. He understood exactly what Harry had been trying to tell him now, and why he'd been so angry and upset.
He'd have to apologise somehow - to Harry, to all three of them, for the way he'd behaved. But not now. Right now there was an even more important apology to be made.
Closing his eyes for a moment, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door, fighting the panicked urge to turn and run immediately. This was his last chance to keep something - someone - that made him happy, and if he threw it away now... he really would deserve everything he got.
Footsteps approached, and he swallowed, trying to prepare something to say -
The door opened slowly, and Andromeda's face appeared in the narrow gap. Her expression turned from wariness to cold disapproval in an instant. "...Hello, Remus," she said icily. "I didn't expect to see you here."
He could feel his face burning with shame. Of course Tonks would have told her parents everything. "I - I'm sorry to intrude," he faltered, "but I was hoping - I mean, if she's here - I wanted to talk to T- Nymphadora."
There was a blaze of temper in her eyes, and he shoved his hands in his pockets, trying to look as penitent and meek as possible. Anything to persuade her to let him in, just to try to explain...
She sighed and stepped back. "You may as well come in. I can't guarantee she'll be willing to talk to you, though, after the way you've behaved."
He slipped in hastily, aware that it was a bad idea to leave a front door open these days, and nodded as it clicked shut. "I appreciate that. But she deserves an explanation, at least, for my actions."
"We'll see." She turned on her heel and swept into the living room without another word, leaving him to follow on his own. He couldn't really blame her for the frosty reception; not only was he someone she couldn't ever have wanted her daughter to marry, but then he'd dumped her and their baby and run off at the first sign of trouble. Andromeda would have been well within her rights to hex him in the face.
A voice came through from the kitchen as he entered the living room. "Who was it, Mum?"
"Remus says he wants to -"
"Remus?" There was a clatter - probably a chair being knocked over - and suddenly Tonks was at the kitchen doorway, looking stunned, overjoyed, and angry all at once at the reappearance of her missing husband. Merlin, he'd forgotten how beautiful she was.
The mood was not helped by the arrival of her father. Ted was looking nowhere near as friendly as usual, glowering at Remus almost as icily as Andromeda. As if there hadn't been enough proof he'd messed up...
"You've got some nerve showing your face here," Tonks said finally, apparently having settled on angry. "What do you want now? Another lecture about all the ways you're the wrong person for me and I should've picked someone else?"
"No." That, at least, he could say with confidence. "I came back because I - I realised..." Her parents' glares were not making this any easier. "Can I talk to you alone? Please? Just five minutes is all I'm asking. If you're not satisfied by then I'll go, I promise."
Her eyes gleamed a little too brightly, but she blinked fiercely and set her jaw. "Fine. Five minutes. We can talk in the dining room." Storming past him, she jerked her head in the direction of the right door and threw it open, managing to avoid tripping on the rug on the way. Shooting an apologetic look at Ted and Andromeda, he followed her hastily and waited until the door was shut.
"Five minutes starts now," Tonks said, perching on the table and folding her arms, refusing to meet his eyes. She looked young and vulnerable despite the attempt to keep her temper up, and he felt a lump in his throat at the sight.
"...All right." He took a shaky breath. "I - I messed up, Tonks. I mean I really messed up. I was scared, I thought I'd - the baby -"
"I know what you thought about the baby." Her voice wobbled.
"I was scared it'd hate me," he confessed, trying to stay calm. "Even if it's lucky enough not to be like me, it'd have a father who nobody would even give the time of day. And you'd hate me if it was like me, for making you have to deal with it. Like my parents did. I didn't want that life for you, having to move around to keep it hidden, or... getting so worn out you got old before your time."
"You say that like I'd have had to deal with it all alone!" she snapped, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. "I've got Mum and Dad to help, we've both got loads of friends who know and don't mind about your problem - what makes you think they'd mind about our kid, Remus?!" She stood up, approaching him and raising her voice. "Everyone who knows and cares about us wants you to be happy, to have a family - the only person who has a problem with all of this is you! What the hell is so terrible about this? Do you really think that little of everyone around you, that they'll just dump you and run off?"
"No - I didn't - I was stupid, Tonks -"
"Damn right you were!" she nearly yelled, and the tears broke loose. "If you hate being with me so much, why the hell did you agree to marry me?"
"It's not like that!" He could feel his eyes burning with unshed tears now as he fought not to shout back at her. "I was scared, I was stupid, and I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, I never meant to hurt you - I've just been so bloody scared of hurting you that I thought I'd do less harm if I was out of the way! And I was wrong!" He turned away and ran his hands through his hair, trying to get a grip on the urge to break down as he gulped for air. "I was so bloody wrong... I just didn't realise how stupid I was till Harry made me see..."
"You saw Harry?" She sounded startled. "When?"
"Earlier. He's hidden somewhere safe for now."
"...What'd he say?"
His shoulders slumped, and he turned back towards her slightly, though he avoided her eyes. "...I offered to go with him on whatever mission Dumbledore left him. He said no - that James wouldn't want me to do that when I had my own family to take care of." He bit his lip, ashamed. "I got angry and argued with him. He put his foot down... called me a coward. I couldn't take it..." The image of Harry's shocked face flashed before his eyes again. "I stormed out. I was too angry to talk any more. But I spent a while alone. I calmed down enough to actually think about what he said. And I realised he was right."
Straightening up, he faced her squarely, bracing for another explosion but making himself talk anyway. "I never should have left. I didn't want to - I just thought I was doing it for the best, and I hurt both of us. I'm sorry, Tonks. I am so, so sorry I hurt you like this. I'll understand if it's not good enough, but if you'll let me, I'll stay, and I won't abandon you or our baby again."
She was pale, wide-eyed, clearly stunned. He wished he dared put his arms around her.
Then she burst into tears and flung herself at him, hugging him fiercely till he had no choice but to hug back or risk falling over. "You tosser!" she sobbed, burying her face in his chest. "You absolute bloody arsehole, Remus Lupin! If you ever - if I - don't you ever do this to me again, I swear, I'll hex your sodding arse off..."
He managed to muffle the startled laugh that nearly escaped, and just smiled instead while she wasn't looking. "I'll deserve it," he said, voice shaking with relief, and hid his face in her bubblegum-pink hair.
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