#on the one hand between the media aimed at kids
vashti-lives · 2 months
After vague blogging about fanfic and YA I will say that the issue of media for teens mixing poorly with all ages and adult media is not a problem exclusive to fanfic writers. 90% of the conflict in the star wars fandom stems from the fact that star wars’ YA and children’s media is to some degree canonically and philosophically incompatible with the mainline movies. In the movies the Jedi are unequivocally the heroes and we’re supposed to respect them even as they get backed into a terrible corner. They’re wise heroes doing their best.
In the media made for kids by necessity the adults of the Jedi order have to make absolutely wild and absurd decisions in order for the kid protagonists to get chances to do heroic stuff actual kids would find fun and exciting. This naturally puts their behavior at odds with the goals of the movies.
Add in that the movies don’t hold up to close reads because they’re intended to be fun summer blockbusters, and the fact that the Jedi are based on a fairly shallow understanding of a non-western collectivist lifestyle without nuclear families which is extremely foreign to western audiences and what do you get? Decades worth of discourse over whether the Jedi are actually good guys which can never be resolved because they're based on completely different ways of analyzing media. Worse, nobody can agree on what parts of star wars should be counted in the first place so even if you're analyzing things in the same style you might still be doomed.
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countdown-if · 8 months
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"Countdown" is a slice-of-life inspired by "Gilmore Girls," and is rated 18+.
Three months ago, life took a sharp turn. Your mother found herself entangled in a situation so bad, she couldn't dig her way out of it, like usual. This time, the hole was way too deep. She needed help, and the only people capable of aiding her were the same ones she had vowed never to allow back into her life, let alone introduce to you and your younger sibling.
Who were they?
Your grandparents—a powerful and well-established duo.
In short, they did manage to help your mother back on her feet, but not without strings attached—never without strings.
Now, you're facing a senior year in a private school, fully funded by none other than grandma and grandpa, dearest. The only task at hand: do what your mother couldn't—graduate.
Form relationships, pursue your passions, burn bridges etc.,—the decision is entirely up to you.
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🍁 Customise your MC (gender, style, personality etc...).
🍁 Choose 1 out of 3 part-time jobs (p.s. 'if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen' and pursue another in your new school!)
🍁 Choose your path. Are you aiming for a top Uni like Harvard next? Or maybe you'll step foot into the world of music? Rumour has it 'Crimson Haze' is looking for a new addition. What will it be?
🍁 Romance 1 out of 6 love interests.
🍁 A lot more in store!
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Casey Decker (m/f) 🍁 [profile page]
Your friendship goes way back to the nappy days. With both of your mothers on the younger end of the spectrum, it’s no surprise you grew to be close too—'best friends' type of close.
Casey is a ray of sunshine, full of life, and quite possibly the jelly to your peanut butter. They’re sweet like that—they can be, at least. But best friends should be just that: best friends. Besides, as of recently, Casey is taken.
Appearance: Medium-length, straight, golden blond hair covers the nape of their neck. They have slightly tanned skin, a sprinkle of freckles across their nose and cheeks, and grey eyes.
Lake Aydin (m/f) 🍁 [profile page]
Lake has just started working at the grocery store nearby your house. High-school dropout, you assume. They don’t talk much…to you. Kind of a mystery, that one. Their social media confirms just that—there's not much to go by. 
Also, your first meeting wasn't the greatest or smoothest. But one thing's for sure: you'll be around there a lot, so you might as well get talking in the meantime, right?
Appearance: Dark brown eyes, pale skin, and short, straight black hair for m!L. For f!L, it's medium-length black hair. They wear glasses whenever they remember.
Harry/Hallie Johnson (m/f) 🍁 [profile page]
H doesn't actually go to your school, but events are often organised as a collaboration between a handful of private schools, both of yours included. So yeah, you might see them around.
H is good at all of that—the networking, the galas, the fundraising, and public speaking part. They know what they want, and they have a resume to show for it. H is CC—charismatic and confident. They're who parents wish their kids would bring home, so needless to say, they've got your grandparents' stamp of approval.
Appearance: Deep brown skin, short tightly curled black hair for m!H, and a little longer than shoulder-length, tightly curled black hair for f!H. They have light brown eyes.
Santiago/Samara Garcia (m/f) 🍁 [profile page]
S is an academic with tunnel vision for success. They're consistently at the top of the class, leading the ranks, and on a mission to become valedictorian.
What sets S apart from the majority, you might ask? They're one of the only two people who got into the private school solely based on merit. No mommy's or daddy's money, none of that. It's all about brains and drive.
And what about you? Are you a high achiever? If yes, expect a somewhat healthy rivalry. Heads up, though—S doesn't fail. If no, they'll look down on you, and they won't make any effort to hide that. It's a double-edged sword.
Appearance: They have wavy brunette, borderline black, nearly shoulder-length hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. They also have three beauty marks: one above their left eyebrow, one right below the left corner of their lip, and one on the tip of their nose.
Riven/Raven Rodrigo (m/f) 🍁 [profile page]
R is destined to be a superstar. Three years ago, R and 3 of their friends formed a band called 'Crimson Haze,' and it seems like all their hard work has finally paid off this summer. They've had a couple of gigs overseas, and they've done really well. They're on their way to major stardom, but first, they need to figure out a few things. Something's missing—perhaps a fifth and final member?
R is a passionate musician, a reckless friend, and a nonchalant lover. Music is their life. However, their love life is...unsteady. They don't do distractions, aka relationships; only fun.
Appearance: They have dyed jet-black hair, short messy waves for m!R, and long messy waves for f!R. They also have amber eyes and olive skin.
Nolan/Naya Brown (m/f) 🍁 [profile page]
N is the star athlete and the school's pride and joy. They have a lot of eyes on them, watching and expecting big things to come. On the court, they're a beast, but in class? Not so much. Their grades are below average, and if they want to keep competing for that full-ride scholarship, they need to bring their grades all the way up.
N is a typical cool and popular kid—playful, funny, and well-liked around the school. Whether they remember it or not, you share a history. You used to know N. FYI, they've been in a committed relationship for the past two and a half years.
Appearance: They have light brown skin in the winter and medium-brown skin in the summer. Their hair is dark brown, with short and loosely curled hair for m!N, and long and loosely curled dark hair for f!N.
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shadysadie · 1 year
I’m still not over that final fight
I love children’s media, I always have and always will. Pretty much all I watch or read is aimed for children or young adults, I just think it’s more fun, more hopeful, and honestly more palatable for my neurodivergent brain. 
But now that I am coming up on 30, I so rarely see characters that represent me as main characters anymore.
I love the protagonists as the kid I used to be, but I have just had to accept any character that represents me will be the mentor that will at best stand aside to let the kid characters flourish, and at worst die to be the inspiration for the kids to keep fighting. Pre-Owl House the only show I could watch with my kids where the mentor remained an active character was The Sarah Jane Adventures, but that had to get canceled because the lead actress actually did die. (RIP Lis Sladen, you absolute champion)
Then we get Eda Motherfucking Clawthorne
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The Owl Lady
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Iconic chronically ill queen.
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Garbage thief
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Public enemy number 1
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Drinking her morning alcohol from her Thirty and Flirty mug
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Giving no fucks about what society thinks of her
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She plays the role of a mentor. She sees this lost, lonely kid and takes her in; teaches her, protects her, grows to love her as her own, but that is not the only role she plays. Her life is shaped by Luz and King, but it doesn’t revolve around them. She still has her own stuff going on.
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 From reconciling with her mom and sister to joining the BATTs and CATTs and her relationship with Raine, she is just as much of a main character as Luz and even when they are doing different things, Eda’s character growth is given just as much weight as Luz’s.
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Even when we don’t see her throughout most of season 3, Luz’s love for her remains one of the driving forces of the story. And when we do see her she hasn’t been sitting idle, she’s still planning, she’s still moving forward, doing her best to save her home.
Then we get the final showdown which is traditionally just between the big bad and the young protagonist, occasionally a team of friends depending on the dynamics of the show, but this fight usually NEVER includes the mentor figure. But in the Owl House, you bet your ass Eda is going to be included. 
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Not only is she in the final battle, but she continues to play the role of the mentor, covering Luz’s back, guiding her hand, giving advice and encouragement. And they are having a blast! Both of them have the biggest smiles on their faces because they are just so happy to be alive and together.
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Even after they get to the Heart and Luz has to face Belos one-on-one to pull him off, Eda, Raine, and King are there protecting her. They are in this together through and through. Because Eda is just as much of the main character as Luz. This is their story. And as promised in episode one, they stuck together.
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winchestergirl2 · 2 months
March Reading Recs
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Recs | 2024 Reading Recs
Sam Winchester
You're On Your Own Kid Part 2 @my-proof-is-you
Authors Summary: You’re used to being on your own. You’d been on your own as long as you could remember. Could Sam show you that it isn’t the only way to live?
Don't Worry About Me @my-proof-is-you
Authors Summary: Anon Request: hi! could you do a sam imagine where he’s been really stressed with work/researching for a big hunt, y/n can’t sleep and sees him still awake and tries to make him feel better? maybe some hidden feelings for both of them?? just really fluffy cute stuff please!! thank you! i love your work!
Requited Love @uhohnotthisagain
Authors Summary: Sam discovers his love for you in a not so clean dream, he doesn't realise his actions following the realisation would effect you so much.
10 Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
The Miracle Man @zepskies
Authors Summary: The first time you met Priestly was both the worst and best night of your life. He gave you a Miracle.
Centerfold Dance Party @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms
The Boys
Soldier Boy
The Bet @quin-ns
Authors Summary: butcher leaves you to keep an eye on soldier boy and things become interesting when a deck of cards gets involved
Let's Dance @impala-dreamer
Authors Summary ~If there's one thing she knows, it's that she fucking hates Soldier Boy. If there's one thing he knows, it's that he can change her mind.~
I'm A Ruin Part I | Part II | Part III | @anundyingfidelity
Authors Summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Billy Butcher
And So It Goes (Masterlist) @zepskies
Authors Summary: As Madelyn Stillwell’s personal assistant, Helena Flores finds herself caught between protecting her job — and more importantly her life — and helping Billy Butcher bring down the supe who killed her best friend, Becca.
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Take Me Home Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | @zepskies
Authors Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
Jurisdiction @waynes-multiverse
I need your hand but I don't want to burn it Part 1 @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: You receive a phone call letting you know a family member has passed. The news rocks your world, especially when you find yourself flying back home for the services, returning to a place you'd rather forget. As your best friend, Beau is trying to be there for you but you're determined to go it alone. But since you've known him, when has Beau Arlen ever not had your back?
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Everyone Sokka posting is is really starting to piss me off - y'all're so mad about hypothetical changes to a character when the show isn't even OUT YET. Acting like him not being daddy's little misogynist is a critical blow to the bones of the show when it's just. Not. Spoilers ahead
Sokka is a boy playing at warriorhood who becomes a leader and learns to trust his instincts and capabilities. Sokka is a non-bender in a group of the most terrifying bender motherfuckers on the planet who learns that his value lies in other places, but is not less than theirs. Sokka is a kid who lost his family to a war against an enemy presented as faceless and unambiguously evil, who learns that war is complicated on all sides, that no one side is perfect, who meets evil waterbenders and good firebenders and everyone in between and learns about the complexity of the human experience. Sokka is an abandoned child with responsibilities that weigh heavily on him, who learns that people really do come back, and he can lean on them, he can trust them to carry their own weight and to help him when he needs it. He is a southern water tribe member navigating his relationship with a world that forgets him, a brother navigating his complicated relationship with his sister, a boy navigating his journey to manhood. He is all of this way more than he is a misogynist.
Sokka's misogyny is so little of his character in my opinion, Suki beats it out of him early on and it's hard to maintain a "girls suck" attitude in a universe where the most terrifying motherfuckers you could ever make the mistake of crossing are girls younger than him (azula, toph, katara). I think it makes sense for him to be less misogynistic, in fact, I generally think the water tribe misogyny plots are tired and wouldn't be sad if they got cut.
Sokka's revelation that "I should respect women bc they can kick my ass" is so 2000s feminism for children. Very basic, reductive, good for children's media (which atla is, yay) but the new show is obviously aiming for people who enjoyed the show as children, and now we're older, we can understand complicated concepts like "you should respect women bc the are people, all of whom you should respect". And personally, I always hated the "misogynist makes a 180 after getting his ass handed to him" trope, I'm a physically very small girl, youngest of my family, with all brothers. To this day they could pick me up and throw me with ease. "Respect me or I'll kick your ass" doesn't work when the smallest of your brothers is twice your weight and 6" taller than you. I shouldn't have to beat you in a fight for you to treat me with basic human decency. Basic respect applies to everyone, regardless of martial arts skills.
Honestly, mild tangent here, the Pakku conclusion also bothers me. Katara loses and then he sees her necklace and... what? "I'm going to be nice to you bc I have a crush on your grandma" is uncomfortably adjacent to "I respect women only if I find them to be attractive and available". Are you serious? Anyways, back to Sokka, why does he need to be a misogynist? Is that really an essential character trait?
If you need an "in universe" explanation for why he wouldn't be, my man was raised in a village without men. I understand that women can be misogynistic and can pass those ideas on to their children (hi mom) but Sokka only noticing women are capable when one beats him up seems dumb even for him. They run his entire village. Women are in charge of everything bc all the men are away for basically his whole childhood. Either Sokka has literally never practiced warriorhood, or he has practiced with girls. Breaking news: local idiot notices the sky is blue
He doesn't have to be perfect or unproblematic. He can be inconsiderate and stubborn. His invasion plan fails, and he is manipulated by Azula. He parentifies his younger sister. He minimizes the importance of Katara and Aang' empathy as weakness. He blames himself for everything. He's an impatient complainer. He has plenty of other directions to grow.
My main worry is that the show is going to suck. They're gonna go full disney live action and make changes that they don't explore in any way just to have it be different so people watch it. I don't see the spark. I worry it's being made to capitalize on how beloved the show is and get those nostalgia dollars, not because they have anything interesting or important to say.
This has the potential to be a good change - in a well run show. I worry this is not gonna be a well run show. If you're one of the people mortally offended at the removal of your emotional support misogyny - consider why that specific aspect of that character is so important to you. I, too, have emotionally charged opinions about pieces of media that are important to me. I think it's good to self reflect on why. Is this about Sokka, or about change? Is this about the fear that something you love is going to be mistreated by corporations who don't love it, and that the things you love will be ruined by time?
Nostalgia is a helluva drug, and I think it's reasonable to be emotionally attached to your childhood media. I think disney has set a precedent of making really shitty remakes, which makes people understandably nervous for remakes. I love atla too. I worry about this show. I want it to be good. I fear it won't be. I understand seeing changes to the show as a threat to its integrity, if they change this, what else will they change?
Anyways, I'm always looking to broaden my horizons, if you have any in-depth opinions on this topic and are willing to discuss, hmu
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“Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug & Catnoir”: The Complexity Of Chloe Bourgeois
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Abuse is a complex issue. One that a lot of people don’t understand (victims and non-victims of it). Due to this, representing abuse within a text is tricky. And that’s a major issue. Representing abuse accurately in media is a crucial way of educating people on the subject. It teaches people how to approach the topic and also what behaviours to expect.
Obviously, there isn’t one single type of experience. There also isn’t one single way of helping a victim of abuse. It’s a complex issue but the more it is accurately represented in media, the closer we get to bridging the gap in communication between victims and non-victims.
Does “Miraculous” Accurately Portray Abuse?
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I’d say so. I think the biggest thing working in the show’s favour is that there are numerous characters experiencing abuse. Three, to be exact: Chloe, Adrien and Kagami. Each character experiences abuse in a slightly different way (although a common factor seems to be neglect) and they respond to the abuse in vastly different ways.
Chloe mimics her narcissistic mother in an attempt to gain the love and affection she never received growing up. Adrien establishes very low standards for how other people can treat him. Kagami is socially inept.
All three characters have been negatively affected by their abusive parents. Chloe turned into a heartless bully, Adrien is practically a doormat and Kagami is incapable of making friends on her own (the other party has to be able to see past her awkwardness in order to be her friend).
All in all, this seems like a fairly diverse portrayal of abuse. It mostly stays in the territory of emotional abuse and neglect (but it is a show aimed at seven-year-olds so that makes sense). But the characters themselves are diverse.
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Chloe is possibly the character that the fandom is the most divisive on. On the one hand, she has potentially the worst experiences of abuse and she has what looks like the setup of a redemption arc but on the other hand, she is so nasty that it’s hard to like her. You may sympathise with her and want better things for her but how many of you actually like her? How many of you would actually be friends with her in real life?
It Is Not Your Responsibility To “Fix” A Toxic / Abusive Person
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Let’s also get another thing out of the way before I go in depth into her characterisation. I, in no way, endorse exposing yourself to people who don’t treat you well. I don’t care if they have the most tragic backstory in existence. If someone doesn’t have the decency to treat you with respect and kindness, you shouldn’t have to interact with them.
The idea that a tragic backstory makes it your responsibility to be with someone or worst of all “fix” them is incredibly toxic. You have every right to cut ties with someone who hurts you. It is on them to fix themselves, not on you. Never on you.
So while I sympathise with Chloe, until she has shown that she can coexist with other people without bullying them, I will continue to see her as a bad person. Is she misguided and acting out as a result of her abuse? Absolutely. Should other characters cater to her needs and put up with her behaviour? Absolutely not. That would be a terrible message to send to kids. It would lead kids to believe that they are responsible for other peoples’ health and wellbeing. The only characters who should be responsible for Chloe are her parents.
That aside, Chloe is an incredibly complex character. One who simultaneously inspires intense dislike and sympathy.
Chloe’s Abusive Background
Growing up, Chloe was neglected and emotionally abused by her mother (Audrey). Audrey didn’t even bother to remember her name. To top that off, Chloe’s father is a spineless, corrupt politician who caters to her every need. Chloe received neither discipline and boundaries nor the love of a mother. This, combined with her incredible wealth and power (through her father) gave her an inability to respect most people in her life. It is almost impossible for her to hold herself accountable and she doesn’t care enough about anyone else’s opinion to listen to their complaints. The only exception to this rule is Ladybug.
This means that Chloe, at 14, is a heartless bully who uses her wealth and power to terrorise the people around her. She expects everything to be handed to her. And at the same time, she is desperate for her mother’s affection and so she mimics her in an attempt to be recognised. This furthers her downward spiral into being a narcissistic, selfish and downright delusional bully.
To everyone, except the audience (at specific moments), she is a two dimensional mean girl. She is not careless or unintentionally harsh, she makes it clear that her goal is to hurt people. She makes it clear that she does not care about the people around her and will do whatever it takes to get her way.
And while I would love to see her grow and develop into a better person, I don’t think it’s bad writing or a bad message if she remains a terrible person by the end of the show. Growing up in an abusive family is traumatic. And unfortunately, sometimes victims of abuse will cope with their trauma by continuing the cycle of abuse. They will deal with the pain and hurt in their past by hurting other people.
It’s sad but it’s true.
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rosetheex-editor · 9 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The video starts with the camera being obscured by a jean pocket, before being brought out and put in a shirt pocket, the things in view being some vines cracked bricks and a doorway without a door. Before a person identified as "Rose" begins talking.]
Rose: ok cassius, i'm here, let's fucking get this over with.
[A laugh can be heard from an unclear direction, seemingly encompassing the whole space.]
Cassius: Look up!
R: fuck you mean ‘look up’?
[The camera moves as Rose looks up at the ceiling, nothing is there except more vines and broken bricks.]
C: Gotcha.
[The camera jolts suddenly as Cassius kicks Rose from behind.]
R: FUCK! ok jackass, you really want to do this?
[Rose grabs a knife out of her bag, as the camera moves again in rose's attempts to calm down.]
R: you never answered my question… why do this to me? to edgar? what did we ever do?
[Cassius stares at Rose for a few seconds, before devolving into a fit of screechy laughter, after around 30 seconds, he wipes his eyes, and turns back to Rose.]
C: You really don’t know?
R: no, you asswipe, i don't know you in fucking general, and edgar never told me if he knew you, so like, fuck you want for real?
C: You know what my job is? I’m in the PR department. I’m supposed to make sure Showfall has a positive public image.
R: and that has what to do with us? frankly i just want to move on from this showfall bullshit i'm getting real fucking tired of you dickheads.
C: They all say that, but they never move on. They never can. Which is why I have this job! Showfall needs you out of the picture to maintain their status. I’ve failed to destroy evidence before, but I sure as hell won’t now.
R: Yeah, blah blah blah. showfall can go shove it!
[Rose runs at Cassius attempting to hit him, but Cassius moves out of the way before Rose can connect on a punch.]
C: Not the brightest, are you?
[Cassius smiles as he pulls out a pair of small throwing knives, then fixes his shirt and cracks his neck.]
R: do you think i'm gonna stand here and let you hit me?
C: No! Where’s the fun in that?
[Rose runs back up to Cassius, missing on another punch, before running back.]
C: My turn!
[Cassius quickly aims and throws one of his knives at Rose, it can be heard connecting with concrete and clattering to the floor. Cassius grins at them, making it clear that he missed on purpose.]
C: Whoops!
R: fuck you… your job must really suck if you find it fun to attack random people.
C: You’re not random, Editor. We both know that.
R: oh yeah, what's so different? what's the difference between me and the other fucking people showfall has hurt!
C: There is no difference, you’re just the closest target. Wait– did you really think this would end with you? That’s selfish.
R: well… It can't be selfish if I'm here trying to protect people.
C: Honestly, you’re just as naive as your sister. A shame, what happened to her. A real fucking shame.
[Rose tries again to attack Cassius, this time with the knife, stabbing Cassius in the right arm before running back to reopen the gap.]
C: Rose, this is a throwing knife! You’re supposed to throw it at me, not just stab me! Here, I’ll show you.
[Cassius smiles and rips the knife out of his arm, before throwing it back in Rose’s direction. It hits the concrete again as Rose ducks out of the way, causing the camera to shake. When it can refocus, Cassius’ smile has faded slightly, his jaw clenched.]
R: fucking told you… i'm not just gonna stand there jackass! throwing shit is no good when the other person moves.
C: Hm, you’ve got me there! How about a little… Hand-to-hand combat?
[Cassius chuckles at his terrible joke as he drops the other knife, flexing his hands. There is a very muffled whirring noise as his fingers begin to contort, after a few seconds, the tips of his fingers have something reflective and shiny sticking out.]
R: knife fingers? you have to be fucking kidding me.
C: Mhm! Courtesy of Showfall Media!
[Cassius brings his right hand up and begins to sprint at Rose, preparing to stab her. But, at the last second, Rose sidesteps the attack, causing Cassius’ hand to be embedded in the wall behind her.]
R: who's the foolish one now, stupid!
[Rose roundhouse kicks Cassius in the head, knocking him out of the wall as she runs back, keeping her distance from Cassius.]
R: HA GOT YOUR ASS! what do you have to say now!
[Cassius stands back up, leaning against the wall for support, the claw-like knives have retracted back into his hands, leaving blood to trickle down the wall where his hand now rests. He stares at Rose, and grins. It looks unnatural on his face.]
C: Just this. If I did this right, he should be here in 3… 2… 1.
[Footsteps echo off the walls of the building as someone rushes to the room the two are in, as they approach, breathing can also be heard. It sounds panicked and heavy. Soon, another person enters. The camera turns slightly to reveal Edgar in the doorway, his hair full of leaves and twigs, eyes wide.]
Edgar: I saw the note, and you weren’t home, so I’ve been sprinting around the fucking forest for half an hour looking for you. Why the hell did you think going alone would be a good idea?
E: Do as I say, not as I do! Also, it’s been established that whenever anyone does something alone it ends terribly.
[Rose grabs a landline phone out of her bag, before sprinting at Cassius, smashing the landline phone into the side of his head.]
[Cassius falls back to the ground, and takes a sharp breath in, but doesn’t give her any other reaction.]
C: Good one, Editor! But if you really want me dead, you have to actually try to kill me.
[Rose hits Cassius 3 more times before speaking again.]
C: Still fucking breathing, bitch. Try again.
[Rose repeatedly smashes the phone into Cassius' face.]
E: ROSE. Jesus Christ! Stop!
[Rose stops, looking at her hands, now covered in blood, as she begins sobbing.]
R: i'm sorry… i'm sorry. i didn't want to do that again.
E: It’s fine, Rose, just– please. I know what it’s like afterwards. It’s not pleasant.
R: i didn't want to do that, i already hurt ruby i don't want to hurt anyone else.
[A raspy chuckle can be heard from Cassius.]
C: Are you really going to let this dumb mechanic tell you what to do? Kill me. You fucking won’t.
[Rose begins to pick up the phone but drops it, the camera shifts as Rose falls on the ground, Rose continues crying for a person identified as "Ruby" it seems this person is dead however.]
C: Yikes. Wrong choice.
[More whirring can be heard from Cassius’ direction. The camera turns to him as his spine seemingly expands outwards under his skin. Something pierces the skin in the direct center of his back. The camera remains fixated on the man as 4 large, sharp metal legs emerge, the appendages are covered in his blood, small bits of his flesh are also caught in small crevices. The legs lift him off the ground and begin to move him towards a nearby window.]
[Rose pulls her gun out of her bag, but is already pulling the trigger as it faces Edgar, the camera still facing Cassius.]
R: go to hell!
[Loud noise detected. Confirmed sound: Gunshot.]
R: what….
[The camera turns around to face Edgar, there is now a gunshot wound in his left leg, Rose drops the gun in shock, before screaming.]
E: I– uh–
[He looks down at his wound, then back to Rose. He drops to one knee.]
[Rose begins crying again, in between trying to ask Edgar if he's ok.]
R: please just– just say you’re ok– i didn't want to hurt you.
E: I’m– I’m fine. N– nothing vital was hit, I think–
R: ok um fuck i'm calling 911! just hang in there.
[Rose grabs her phone, as she does the camera angle changes to Rose's blood stained shoes, her crying continuing.]
[End transcript]
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halfelven · 11 months
Genuine question, what movies are you talking about in that post? Bc I can't think of any that fit that description but I'm also not a big movie person so I may just have been lucky with the ones I've seen dkjsfa
disclaimer! don’t @ me saying to watch better movies! i do! i just watch a LOT of movies! i like to see what’s going out there since i study media*
also i know this is badly written. i have not pulled myself together after a very long year and a half
this got rambly so i’m putting my tl;dr here: comedy feels stagnant to me, and that makes me feel weird when it comes to things (some of which are aimed at kids/teens)
okay so if you don’t watch a lot of movies you probably missed them! the kind of movies i was thinking about are mostly comedies that are aimed at teens but really just don’t feel right. just stupid forgettable movies that will have a random adult (maybe a teacher) make some comment about back in their day. and they just feel off in a very specific way where it’s like idk who is writing this but i don’t think they have a grasp of what is going on
probably due to being rich
i am terrible with titles and names and i’m currently in the wilderness so i’m not too confident matching scenes to titles
(also that post was slamming together a few themes i’ve seen repeated in different movies and shows and they are not all american. some are canadian/uk/australia but i use the ‘too movies’ or ‘too much (blank) on tv’ thing as a joke)
also some of the movies/shows are marketed to adults not teens. they also carry with some of those themes. um. working moms (show) is canadian and i’m not sure if they’re millennial or gen x but they have a lot of weird recurring issues with ‘ooh scary generation gap with my kids.’
and i think um. i’m trying to remember the name. idk it stars the australian woman who was in pitch perfect and she’s in a coma and wakes up 20 years later and goes back to school and they make the slur jokes. that is the one i watched most recently. i was having a hard time with trying to figure out who the target audience was… can’t remember the name and i watched it last week
another movie i can’t remember the name of that i think was marketed at teens also had the weird ‘oh the climate change protest kids just want attention’ gimmick that the movie with the pitch perfect woman had
is sarah jessica parker gen x? her new sec and the city show is Wild. one of the groups presentations in my media discourse class was about the representation of sexual minorities between the old sex and the city and the new sex and the city. i can try to find one of the articles they referenced in that because how the new one is almost more isolating is really interesting
which is kind of a trend? a ohh boo hoo don’t yell at me mean minorities!! i’m trying!! kind of vibe that runs through a lot of new movies/shows
like there is this distinct weirdness that is coming in with media created by white female comedians (i say female bc i tend to watch movies with female leads) amy palmer or pohler or whatever her name is. she has a movie out like 5 years ago? it had this teenage girl finding her mom’s old punk albums or something
but basically i had been watching a bunch of comedy things with female leads and so many are just weird. like it was leaving me wondering like what are the shows/movies teens are getting that feel somewhat authentic?
obviously movies are weird and there aren’t a lot of good ones that really stand out. and there have been constant jokes about how young people are portrayed in media for forever probably
but i think that movies are a good medium for comfort and hope, maybe especially for children and teens. you don’t have to have the energy to read to yourself. you can watch it when you’re doing something else with your hands. or are sick.
it’s the visuals. and the music. the way you can do something else while getting a story. they are very human.
and comedies are much harder to do than dramas. but they have a different sort of catharsis. i don’t know. people tend to downplay them as just stupid when there is a deep connection humans try to have through humour. i’m rambling but i just really love comedies and i love stories for children and stories for teens and i think they’re all downplayed as. being stupid. or easy. like you don’t have to try.
i’m sorry this just turned into rambling. maybe writers just went too far with the ‘set things in high school bc a.) kids will make emotional decisions that you wouldn’t see an adult character make b.) your characters are trapped in that environment c.) unlike college, they are trapped with other characters on mostly the same schedule and d.) they still see breakups etc as life and death situations’ advice that they give writers (this is paraphrased from several screenwriting guides i’ve read)
but idk i’m just bothered by the comedies i’ve been watching. and comedies do tend to show a lot about the current state of the world. comedies and horror are both downplayed genres that show a lot.
again sorry this is rambly. i don’t have energy to find my sources. there are interesting theories on comedy out there that just make me feel weird about what i’m seeing. like it’s so stagnant. that’s my tl;dr
most comedies i’ve seen lately seem stagnant
*i have a degree in this so i feel bad that i’m not pulling sources bc it feels like plagiarism at points
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ofjias · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! JIA KIM on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 23-year-old looks like PARK SOOYOUNG, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTRESS / MODEL / INFLUENCER is known for being RESOURCEFUL my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be HOT-HEADED i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song MANEATER BY NELLY FURTADO { she / her } - penned by KIANA, 21, FEMALE, SHE / HER
( hi guys ! <33 hope you're doing well ! i'm aiming to keep this as short as possible so i won't say too much on myself , but nice to meet you all ! I'm kiana and i'll be writing for my sugar, spice, and everything chaotic miss jia kim !! she is the handful i intended but i hope she can be some fun here ! lets get started ! )
name: jia kim gender: cis female birthday: march 24, 1999 age: 23 sexuality: bisexual occupation: actress, model, social media influencer birthplace: new york city, new york current residence: los angeles, california family: joohyeon kim ( father ) , hayeon sohn-kim ( mother ) , two older siblings ( wanted connections, tba ! ) pets: black pomeranian beverly
originally from nyc !! her parents moved to la not long after she was born though, so she always claims herself as an la kid.
her mom was a famous skincare model in korea, who eventually moved to the states after falling in love with her pr agent who had dreams to travel abroad. eventually the two settled aind had three kids, of which jia is the youngest ( wanted connection ! )
when jia came along she was kind of just ... a born star ? while her older siblings definitely came into their own eventually, jia was one of the only ones willing to give up her childhood for the spotlight.
her mother, who always family cared so much about making a name for the kims in the states, was thrilled. she was always putting jia in acting lessons and putting her in any auditions she could find.
this, plus her dad's connections within the industry, eventually landed her her big break. at the age of six, she earned the main host spot as character lily choi on a children's show "circle time", with the show lasting a total of 5 years. before she knew it, her face was all over tvs, lunchboxes, notebooks, and backpacks.
with such a major role, she practically became the family doll ? the pride of the family, whose success put her in her family's unconditional good graces. and because she was in such a high position so early on, there begins the spoiled and hot-tempered nature that would put jia in a chokehold the rest of her life.
so she continues on several shows following her first success, mainly in children's tv. she's sort of known for her "girl next door" brand by the time she hits her teenage years, the majority of her best roles being holiday classics, heartwarming tv shows, or commercials with iconic jingles.
and things are good !! until ... they aren't. by the time jia hits high school, she finds it harder and harder to get roles. she's getting too old to play the roles she was known for, and yet no one wants to risk casting her for anything more intense.
so ... slowly, her relevance dwindles, along with her parent's affection. the love she'd always seen as unconditional slowly goes away as they turn their attention to her older sibling's success. for the first time in her life .... jia feels ignored.
so she brings the attention back on her the only way she knows how - chaos. an argument between her and her father breaks out at her high school graduation party, where he calls her "washed up". it sets her off, and before she can help herself, she throws the family's glass sculpture off the balcony, which led to glass being thrown and giving her father a permanent scar under his eye.
the whole thing was kept very secret after some under-the-table donations and pr work on her father's part, but there's still whispers around about jia's temper following the event. she'd always had one, but a temper with no talent ? her parents didn't see the use.
so, harsh as some may see it, they forced jia out the house and on her own, something she was clueless about. so now, she lives in her own house - and while paid for it, her parents have practically ex-communicated her outside of public appearances. but in the media's eye they maintain the ambitious, sometimes cold, yet always tight-nit family image they've kept for years.
her family still provides for her, but nowhere near the lifestyle she's used to. and so in recent years, she's begun to revive her name, playing into her passive, cheery image so different from her reality. it's mostly worked, as she's combined acting, modeling, and social media to become somewhat of a "gen z it girl".
and really, it's not about the money, or attention - as good as those may be for her. she's just waiting on the day she can rise to her former fame to bring her family down the way she feels they did her, no matter what it takes.
all this time on her own has did jia some good though. she definitely values hard work more now , even if her spoiled tendencies can still spill out from time to time. and even though she spent a good portion of her childhood separated from a normal social life, she's trying her best to make up for lost time by making connections now. she really values the few real friendships she has now, especially now that she doesn't have much of a family to run back to at the moment.
right now, she's primarily looking for an acting gig that'll really mark her new era as a more serious actor. but in the meantime, she's making sure her name doesn't become forgotten again, spending a lot of her free time modeling and upkeeking her lifestyle instagram & youtube channel, " sincerely, jia ".
definition of "i think I'm hot shit because i am hot shit" lmao !! if she has nothing else she will have confidence always. while she can come across as vein she also feels she has the talent to back up what she says, and in a way her confidence is a defense weapon bc it's one of the few things no one can take from her ??
if i'm being real .... sometimes she just needs to be put in her place. jia is so occupied thinking about self that sometimes she's not intentionally being selfish, but she can definitely come across as privileged or self-centered without realizing it. sometimes calling her out can honestly go a long way
can seriously respect hard work & drive, no matter who it is. one thing about jia - she's gonna eat off that silver spoon w no remorse. buuuut for those who didn't grow up w such a privilege, she really doesn't shame them, which might come off as surprising given her general vibe ?? but the thing she respects more than even money or fame is drive. if you've worked hard to get where you are, you've earned her respect, especially now that she's getting a taste of what it's like.
this probably goes without saying but - LOVES LUXURY. so much so that now that her family's taken some of that from her, she's working across three different entertainment sectors to maintain her lifestyle rip
surprisingly clingy ?? she's got that cold, i-don't-care attitude if she doesn't know you well but once you're close she's literally all over you. jia loves hard, and loves mutual affection so if it's a friendship or relationship she'll put her absolute all in it.
a bit of a habitual liar. she doesn't even realize it, but w her dad in pr she's grown up normalizing, or even encouraging, lying to save face. so if she thinks hiding the truth is gonna prevent her from looking bad ? hell yeah she'll do it.
( but hint : if they get closer to jia with time, close friends will realize she always tugs her lip and looks to the right before a lie. don't tell her i told u ! )
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sxveme-2 · 2 years
The Archer // Eddie Munson
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DESCRIPTION: "ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔢𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔦𝔱𝔶. 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔨𝔦𝔡𝔰. 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱'𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔩 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯."
That's what's killing the kids-the forcing of roles and stuffing into boxes. Everyone has a place to go; who is anyone to break out of those predetermined destinies? The popular girl isn't supposed to be friends with the freak-the freak isn't supposed to be in love with the popular girl.
They had been friends since they could talk–Eddie Munson and Heidi Delgado. Inseparable on the playground, never venturing far from one another. That was until social hierarchies became a thing, and people took sides.
When Heidi moved out of Hawkins, Indiana, during the summer between her tenth and eleventh year of high school, no one expected her to return. Once someone leaves Hawkins, they're not supposed to come back. It's a place where there's no need to visit unless you live there. No one wants to spend time in a town where murders run ramped, and everyone has to double-check their locks before bed. So, when former Miss. Popularity returns to Hawkins, missing three-quarters of the family she left with, so it only makes sense people start to talk.
Eddie Munson was just aiming to graduate; he wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins High. He'd already failed to do so twice, but this was his year. 1986, the year Eddie Munson proved them all wrong. Those plans don't exactly pan out when the girl he loved since diapers returns, and darker forces seem to be at play underneath the very soil he calls home.
The freak shouldn't be friends with the popular girl-and the popular girl shouldn't love the freak. Yet, isn't that what makes a love story great?
Follow Eddie and Heidi as they not only navigate through this broken shamble of a friendship but encounter something much darker in the town they call home.
DISCLAIMER: My works are only published here on Wattpad, Tumblr and AO3; thank you!I do not own any original characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to The Duffer Brothers. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else. This work handles mature things such as nudity, sexual content, emotional distress and trauma. Do not read if you are not comfortable with these. I am not responsible for your media consumption and what you choose to read.
This fanfic begins in March 1986 and will include plot points from season four.
STATUS: Unedited
Chapter XII - Barracuda
Warnings: Mentions of sexual content, use of alcohol
Word Count: 3546
“I’m sorry, but I’m with Gar on this one, Delgado. Jeff can outdrink you any day.”
The clock had struck well past midnight by now, and Heidi Delgado had managed to stay relatively sober while handling a group of rowdy teenage boys. She hadn’t planned on staying out so late, worrying her Abuela would have her hung by her toes when she got home. Apparently, Eddie freaking Munson had covered every base possible for Heidi so she wouldn’t have to worry about going home early. He had even gone as far as packing a bag for her “Just in case,” she wound up on Gareth’s pullout couch in the basement with the others.
Once again, Heidi had zero intention of helping three fifteen-year-old boys learn to take a shot while laughing with the rest of Corroded Coffin, but then again, she hasn’t had much control over her life the past few months anyway. It was better to leave her life in the hands of the Master of Puppets himself, Eddie Munson, than to whatever fates circled her now.
“Are you out of your mind, Gareth?” As she sat up from the pillow on the garage floor, Heidi scoffed, “Jeff can hardly handle a shot, let alone outdrink me!”
“I could do it!” Lucas exclaimed, and Heidi patted the top of his head lovingly.
“I’m sure you could, buddy, I’m sure you could.”
“Princess,” Eddie chuckled as he took another swig of his beer, “I doubt you could outdrink any of the kiddos here, either.”
Heidi feigned insult and slapped a hand over her heart. It was a light-hearted jab, but she would take it as though he had just stabbed with a stake. She felt relaxed, as though all the weight slowly pushing Heidi closer to whatever lay underneath Hawkins had finally been released. All of it sat to the side, waiting for when reality snuck in again and lifted her above the tranquillity that Eddie Munson brought her. It was heavenly, finally being able to walk down a path clear of monsters, nothing lurking around the next corner.
Now, all Heidi had to worry about was her reputation as a drinker at parties. If that was all she had to worry about, Heidi wasn’t too concerned. With the spring break creeping closer, Heidi knew these few days were vital for ensuring she wasn’t alone with her thoughts for too much longer. If she could weasel her way back into the comforting embrace of the Hellfire Club and Corroded Coffin, the next few months before Heidi up and left Hawkins for good wouldn’t be too terrible.
“I don’t want to hear any back talk from a twenty-year-old who failed Ms. O’Donnell’s English class two years in a row,” Heidi taunted, taking to her feet and strolling to where Eddie posed on Gareth’s drums, “The same twenty-year-old whose walking the line of failing it a third time.”
“Third times the charm, baby,” he grinned at her, his bangs fluffed to the side as Heidi ran a hand through the dark tresses, “Y’know, you could have always tutored me.”
“I was two grades below you, genius,” Heidi patted his cheeks before curving to face the others around her, “Do you all believe that I can’t outdrink you?”
“Maybe not, Mike,” Jeff piped up, “He’s busy whining over his totally real girlfriend.”
“She is real!” Mike shouted, looking up from his lap, “You’re all just jealous that I can get a girlfriend, and you’re all single.”
“Right, right,” Heidi teased as she leaned her hip on Eddie’s arm, “And Gareth’s touched a woman under her shirt! Totally.”
“Can you go back to Denver?”
“Trust me, Gar-Bear,” Heidi jested as she slid out of Eddie’s grip and towards where the drummer sat, ruffling his curls, “If I could, I would. Hawkins is Hell on Earth, and I stand by that. Full of murderers and psychopaths.”
A quiet grumble of agreement from the older group danced through Heidi’s ears like a harmony, while the scratchy tones of the younger generation fell silent. Her eyes trailed onto Mike, who stared over at Dustin and Lucas with something amiss in those dark pools he called eyes. Something about the group seemed…off to Heidi. Even with their varying personalities and polar opposite interests on various spectrums, something kept them together. A tie between the three was unbreakable, but a part was missing. Something wasn’t quite right.
Heidi took the moment of mumblings about how shitty Hawkins was to search her mind for anything she could remember about the group. She knew they were tormented relentlessly in middle school, which undoubtedly carried over into high school before Eddie took them under his wing. From what Heidi remembered, there was a fourth that usually followed the group, the boy who had gone missing all those years ago only to show up once again.
“You’re friends with the Byers family, right?” Heidi interrupted, cutting off the conversations of everyone around them, “Will, that was the little guy’s name, right?”
“Yeah—Why do you ask?” Dustin questioned, tossing a bean bag up in the air.
“I knew his brother,” Heidi shrugged, “Jonathan. When Eds and I were little, he stuck up for us once and got a right beating from Tommy Hagan. What ever happened to them?”
“Moved to California,” Lucas explained, reaching for another beer before Eddie threw a guitar pick at his hand, “Them and our friend El.”
“El?” Heidi questioned, head tilted to the side.
“Mike’s girlfriend,” Dustin clarified. Heidi eyed Mike, noting his silence in the conversation. Perhaps Heidi had struck a nerve, and it was time that she moved on.
“Why don’t we head to the basement and play a good ol’ fashioned game of truth or dare, hm?”
“Are we thirteen?” Jeff scoffed.
“Depends if you ask me to take off my shirt again.”
Heidi had already had to flash Gareth twice, took Eddie’s sock off with her teeth, and was now watching Eddie try and shove Dustin into the vented enclosure above them. Dustin declared he could do it, insisted on the matter. Watching Eddie throw his head back, laughing at the frustrated grunts and fits from the Henderson boy, caused that pesty uproar in Heidi’s stomach to wind up once more, leaving her shifting in her seat. She hadn’t yet touched a drink, rather enjoying the sober thoughts that intoxicated her mind. It was peace, a new doorway being unlocked as a warm sunrise of solace crested over the dark hill of Heidi’s life.
All those moments in her life of chaste and utter solitude seemed to be in the comfort of Eddie Munson, Hellfire himself, as he lived the life he’d been enjoying the past year. That faint twinge of sorrow scratched in the back of Heidi’s mind—he had lived through all of this while she wallowed in Denver, struggling to find herself and what made her happy. Perhaps that was just it, though; the things that made her happy weren’t in Denver. The things that made her happy were shotgunning cheap beer in a basement that stunk of boy, unruly curls twisted into a low bun as sweat streaked his brow like a halo. Eddie Munson may have just been the most wicked angel Heidi Delgado had ever met.
His dark eyes hungered for nothing but chaos, the brilliant red rose of his cheeks a beacon of unease. But Eddie’s ease with himself was something palliative and warm: he refused to take himself too seriously. Heidi wished she could go about life that way—no longer caring about what everyone had to say about her. But within those damp caverns of Heidi’s heart, she knew the bats lurked, waiting for a disturbance to sink their fangs into the flesh of an intruder. Heidi still sought Hawkins’ approval, even if that tale had come to an end.
“Give in, Henderson!” Eddie shouted, his voice slashing through the solemn parade of thoughts that dragged through Heidi’s mind, “You can’t fit!”
“I refuse to yield!” Dustin hollered back, his voice muffled and softened by the duct he was dangling from, “I will prove you wrong, Eddie.”
“I don’t really feel like having to call someone to drive you to the ER,” Eddie groused, dropping his grip on Dustin’s legs, “Give in, Dustin, you have failed.”
“Well, don’t give up now, Munson, because I’m gonna need help getting out of here.”
“Jesus Christ, Henderson!”
Heidi grinned while lifting the juice box to her lips, the sweet tang of apple spreading across her tongue. Her chest rose and fell with ease, no weight nor nightmare plaguing her as she watched. Her face contorted into a cringe as a nauseating pop rang from where Eddie and Dustin groaned and grunted, and the next thing Heidi knew, the Henderson boy was sitting on his backside with a stupid grin on his face. She shook her head and leaned back on the couch, leaning her head until it rested on Mike’s shoulder.
Heidi had known Mike since she was younger, having been semi-friends with Nancy Wheeler for some time. Usually, Heidi wouldn’t have even dared sit next to a stranger, not since the accident at least. But there was something in the air that opened up those sealed gates inside of Heidi’s mind, a dam of trepidation and worry breaking into something built of no more than a few freaks and a metalhead. They were all so…welcoming to her, even Gareth, now that they’ve all learned perhaps a few years in Denver and a handful of dead relatives can change the main goals of a person’s life. Heidi still had lingering cravings for her previous social standing, but they weren’t enough to outweigh the joy she had while sitting with the Hellfire Club.
“Tell me about this girlfriend of yours, Wheeler,” Heidi prompted, sitting up from her relaxed position, “You said her name’s El?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty cool,” Mike shrugged, clearly avoiding something to do with the mysterious girlfriend, “She moved away last summer.”
“Seems that’s the summer where everything changed, hm?” Heidi chuckled, her voice grim and low as she took to her feet, “Well, Mike Wheeler,” the brunette took hold of the beer Eddie had opened and abandoned, holding it out to him, “To better summers.”
Taking a swig, Heidi cringed at the bitter taste of whatever gas-station alcohol Eddie had managed to snag. Honestly, in their entire friendship, the boy had never had good taste in alcohol. Heidi had even offered to give him more money to get something that didn’t taste and stink of old bathrooms—but Eddie refused. He claimed to enjoy the uncomfortable sour taste that lingered in the back of his throat. Heidi on the other hand, not so much.
“I take it I’ll need to pull out the couch?” Gareth commented, nodding at the beer in Heidi’s hand, a knowing grin on his lips.
“It’s 1 in the morning,” Heidi snickered, “You think my Abuela would seriously come to get me? And Eddie’s a few beers away from needing a bucket beside his bed—I was staying over when you guys started drinking.”
“Can’t drive yourself?” Dustin asked, shoving at Eddie as he nudged his side.
“Many things you still have to learn, young Henderson,” Heidi sighed, taking another pitiful sip of the beer, “Another night, perhaps.”
Heidi dropped down onto the couch again, resting her head lazily against the Wheeler boys as a joking conversation struck up between the group around her. She watched on in silence as Eddie and the others struck up a conversation, a sense of ease and simplicity to their enjoyment. He looked so relaxed with everyone, and Heidi couldn’t help but let that twisting knot in her stomach consume her heart, picking up its pace and leaving her yearning. She wasn’t sure what she wanted—what she was looking for from him. All she knew was that the way Eddie was with his friends made those suppressed butterflies slip from their cage and soar free around her. It was hypnotic, the way his eyes twinkled and cheeks grew rosy. He was art in motion, and Heidi couldn’t help it but admire the artistry.
Heidi wanted to capture this moment, Eddie’s wispy curls framing his face as he tossed his head back once again, bending over Dustin and yanking at his underwear. As childish as it was, she couldn’t help but let that domesticity consume her. It was intoxicating, something more volatile and addicting than any substance she’s taken. The vice of popularity was nothing to Heidi as her heart fluttered when he turned to look at her, that halo around his head shining bright. He pulled back from the Henderson child, tugging off his plaid shirt and revealing the thinly-toned arms beneath. Heidi’s breath caught in her throat.
“What’s on your mind, Princess?” Eddie purred as he wandered towards the two lounged on the couch, “Out of my way, Wheeler—My best friend is looking forlorn.”
“Do you even know what that means?” Mike snipped, earning a raised eyebrow at the boy.
“Oh, you’re in for it now, sticks,” Eddie grinned as he seized the boy from his collar, yanking him from the couch and shoving him to the side, “Call me when you hit puberty, then you can let the Princess of Hawkins sleep on your shoulder.”
“Not the Princess of Hawkins anymore, Eds,” Heidi hummed as he twisted around and dropped beside her, “Gotta stop goin’ with that one.”
“You’ll always be a Princess to me, Heids.”
Heidi didn’t like the way her heart skipped a beat. She didn’t like how her stomach flipped, and her mind raced. The last time she felt this while gazing into the dark pools of Eddie Munson’s eyes, she fell too deep to swim to the surface. He was tugging her deeper and deeper into the hidden caverns of his heart, and Heidi struggled to fight off the monsters that crept around the corners. She wanted to succumb to their wiles, let them take her down and drown her with him. But she couldn’t—He was her best friend, she shouldn’t be looking at him like that. Heidi shouldn’t be wondering why he called her Princess when it was what he called her for nearly a decade. He was Eddie Munson—nothing more than that.
“I’m gonna change the song,” Heidi whispered, her voice a mere flicker of the emotions that burned behind her eyes, “Okay?”
“Yeah…You do that.”
His voice mirrored hers, and Heidi had to tear herself away. It pained her, watching his face fall as she put more distance between them, taking to her feet and leaving him beneath her. She wandered over to the stereo and tugged a cassette from the basket Gareth kept there. What was she doing? Why was she letting the usual antics of Eddie affect her like this now? The moment she got him back, let him back into her heart and her mind, he sent her into a spiral. Everything welled up in Heidi’s throat, and she felt like the girl that had shown up at his trailer nearly a year ago after she and Aaron called it quits.
She was hurting that night—but had never felt such sweet release.
So this ain't the end, I saw you again, today
I had to turn my heart away
Smiled like the sun, kisses for everyone
And tales, it never fails
“I know damn well you’re not playing Heart,” Eddie whined, and Heidi pushed the fluttering feelings of something deeper inside of her mind, “Heids, I thought you knew better!”
“It’s a good song, drama queen,” Heidi scoffed, pulling away from the radio and twisting to face the others that took their places in a circle once more, “You can’t deny it!”
“Not their best,” Dustin shrugged, earning a sideways glare from Eddie, “My mom listens to them, okay!”
“Denial is the first stage, little man,” Gareth chuckled and ruffled Dustin’s curls, “C’mon, Heidi, let us continue this game for twelve-year-olds.”
You lying so low in the weeds
I bet you gonna ambush me
You'd have me down, down, down, down on my knees
Now wouldn't you, barracuda? Oh
Heidi let a mischievous smirk spread along her lips as she sat next to Eddie, her heart lacking as it puttered away. She hated this new feeling; it felt wrong. The last person in the world Heidi should be considering in this new light was Eddie—not after what happened last July. She was letting herself get too far involved in the possibilities of things, a fantasy she had kept hidden away in her mind until that faithful night.
Perhaps she was thankful that she discovered Aaron’s infidelities—it opened the door for her to divulge her own secrets.
“Heidi,” Gareth initiated, “Truth or dare.”
Back over time we were all trying for free
You met the porpoise and me, uh-huh
No right, no wrong you're selling a song, a name
Whisper game
“Who was your first kiss?”
The entire world froze around Heidi as she stared at the boy. He had a knowing smile on his face—as though he knew what she would say. It boiled deep within Heidi’s stomach, the truth of everything. It felt embarrassing, the way everyone looked at her. It thrusted her into centre stage, all spotlights pointed on her. No one said a word; no one dared to speak as they waited for Heidi to expose herself, to expose their leader and the head of their club.
And if the real thing don't do the trick
You better make up something quick
You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn to the wick
Ooh, barracuda, oh yeah
“Wouldn’t it have been Aaron?” Mike piped up, sensing the tense conversation that took president in the group, “I mean…You guys were together for a while.”
“Right, Heidi, wouldn’t it be Aaron?” Eddie’s voice was mocking as he watched her squirm under his gaze. She felt like an animal in a cage, the group around her waiting for her to dance.
She wanted to disappear, to sink further into the hole being dug. Everyone around her held a shovel, falling further and further closer to the centre of the earth. It felt like she was suffocating like someone was standing above her and sucking the life from her lungs with each second that passed. Eddie’s gaze was piercing, waiting for her to admit what happened, who really took the Princess of Hawkins’s first kiss—and who held it dear.
"Sell me, sell you," the porpoise said
Dive down deep now to save my head, you
I think that you got the blues too
Heidi took a swig of the beer, cringing at the piss-like taste that clouded her senses, and she cursed Eddie Munson’s name as it burned her throat. If she was going to admit something, this of all things, she didn’t want to be fully coherent in her words. This was going to follow her now; the boys were going to hold it over her head like an anvil.
Eddie’s gaze burned her skin, peeling her layers back until there was nothing but the vulnerable nerves left. They quivered and shook under his gaze, but she couldn’t stop the warm feeling that spread in her belly. It was tearing her apart inside, knowing that he was waiting for her to admit it. Another test crept up behind her, knife in its hands as he waited for the facade to finally drop. Everything was leading up to this moment—the time where Heidi Delgado stopped faking her relationship with Eddie. He might have been the Freak of Hawkins—but she was the Princess he saved from the tower.
All that night and all the next
Swam without looking back
Made for the western pools, silly, silly fools
“The fact you’re all staring at me like I grew another head leads me to believe you lot already know,” Heidi sighed, cringing again at the lingering taste of the beer, “So, I don’t think I need to answer it.”
“No,” Lucas scoffed, “You can’t get out of this one, Heidi.”
“Yeah, Princess, c’mon. Say it.”
The real thing don't do the trick, no
You better make up something quick
You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn it to the wick
Ohh, barra-barracuda, yeah
“Now this isn’t fair,” Heidi chuckled, her voice shaky and unsure as everyone continued to gape at her, “Guys—!”
“Who was it, Heidi?” Jeff teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I hate this so much.”
“Admit it, Heidi,” Dustin chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows, “Who was your first kiss?’
Heidi keeled. Her shoulders slumped, and her brain went quiet. This was it—the moment that she came clean. She shouldn’t be ashamed; she wasn’t embarrassed. It wasn’t shame; she wasn’t ashamed of the fact that she and Eddie had shared their first kiss. It was the fact that everyone was now waiting for her to admit it, like it was some sort of chore.
“My first kiss was with Hellfire himself,” Heidi sighed, taking another shot of the beer, “Mr. Edward Munson.”
“And just like that, gentlemen,” Eddie exclaimed, reaching his hand forward, “You all owe me five dollars.”
“You bet on this?”
“Gotta afford your expensive beer somehow, Princess.”
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sonicboomseason3 · 2 years
Same lore anon who asked about rol vs shattered crystal. Back with a diff question. In ur experience, do you think that most boom fans are kids? Ofc a large proportion of sonic fans in general are kids, but like, asking about boom specifically bc it's more of a niche, and the humor (AT TIMES) suits a slightly older audience; like I find the show wayyy funnier now (in my 20s) than I did when it first came out (in my early teens). Basically what I'm saying is that when I post stuff, I feel like only children interact. Which isn't horrible ig but like, it sucks when I wanna have a deeper convo about lore or characterizations (I love both btw), u dig? Ofc u dig. Idk it just feels like there are zero active adults in here except you. Thoughts? Or am I not experiencing the norm?
oh man im actually pretty closed off to the sonic fandom (all fandoms, really) and if it werent for this blog id be that silent fan that shares other peoples art but no one would know who i was. and technically i guess that still is the case because i dont advertise my main blog so if you were to see me around you definitely wouldve never heard of me? anyway my point is that im really the last person to know about the age of the average sonic fan (boom or not) on tumblr BUT... from what ive seen i understand what youre talking about because ive noticed a lot of minors in the fandom and even the adults ive seen around are around the 18-21 range and not much older than that. i know for a fact that sonic fans that are closer to my age and even older exist out there, but in my experience many of them are more active on twitter and i dont feel like immediately redirecting anyone to that place because its twitter and twitter sucks. and thats not even going into my opinion of how adult sonic fans choose to engage with this franchise for KIDS because i swear ive seen some weird shit on here coming from them and im just kinda like, guys pls alkdjflk would you act this way with your other interests? rhetorical bc i dont want to know the answer to that
and thats me talking about just the sonic fanbase in general but a lot of this can apply to boom as well since... boom is still sonic lol a good handful of people just dont like it and the ones that do consume other sonic media and thus dont focus solely on it. between this, its lack of priority with sega atm, the less than universal acclaim that it has, and the fact that its just not old enough to really cash in on that nostalgia bait, its no surprise to me that theres a metaphorical tumbleweed blowing through the boom part of the fanbase right now. hell its not like i was aiming to be one of the few active boom fans when i made this blog, i just wanted a place where i could organize my ideas for the continuation i plan on (eventually) writing while i kept the rest of my sonic consumption on my main blog
anyway just because someones a minor doesnt inherently mean they arent capable of engaging in conversations about lore or characters, but nonetheless, i see what you mean - life experiences can have an effect on how we interact with media and if youre anything like me you probably prefer to talk to people closer to your age lol. idk i feel like my answer is all over the place but i hope you got something from it nonetheless!
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ao3feed-petermj · 3 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/h3Sl1Ws by starbucksmenu "Dude, can you get some uniqueness with your aim?" Damon grumbled, holding his gut again. "Like Damon-" Armani shot Damon a glare before continuing, "-said, I'm Armani. Or if you want my full name, Armani Cronin." He held out his hand. "Wanted mercenary across the U.S. But you ain't allowed me to catch after we fight together, that's being a dick. And then we have, Damon Jade, Mr Stark's half brother." "Uh.. Peter Parker. Mr Stark's intern. I'm here.. 'cause.. I'm a spider?" "I'm sorry, kid, you're a fucking what? A spider like.. the ones I kill every night?" Armani comments, raising an eyebrow, which leads to Damon cackling, playfully punching Armani's shoulder. "Maybe that's not the best thing to say, Crow." Damon gets out in between laughs, holding Armani's shoulder for support. "Okay, so I assume you're the vigilante we saw when he had jobs in New York." Peter shrugged. "Yeah, maybe I am. meet my gremlin ocs this is marvel x pjo civil war-halfway thru infinity war Words: 3355, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Original Male Character(s), Original Male Human Character(s), Percy Jackson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Luke Castellan, Thanos (Marvel) Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Percy Jackson & Peter Parker, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Peter Parker, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) & Peter Parker, Percy Jackson & Tony Stark read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/h3Sl1Ws
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animalsmealbuzz · 6 months
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critical-skeptic · 9 months
Survival of the Unfit: Nature's Failed Experiment
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In the realm of human folly, the phrase "survival of the fittest" gets tossed around like a lifebuoy to a drowning man, as if the very utterance will save us from our own incompetence. Ah, Darwinism—the sweet, natural solution to life's complexities. A system that doesn't give two shits about your feelings or your "fair shot" at existence. In a society teeming with warning labels, safety protocols, and an incessant drive to bubble-wrap every damn thing, one can't help but ponder: what if we just let nature take its course, unsupervised and unimpeded?
Imagine, if you will, a world stripped of its cautionary labels, its paternalistic nudges toward safety. A world where your kid's school science lab allows them to experience firsthand the explosive relationship between sodium and water, sans goggles or adult supervision. This world won't hold your hand; you're on your own, pal. If you can't muster the common sense to look both ways before crossing the street, well, chalk one up for natural selection.
Don't get me wrong; human ingenuity and cooperation are among the most potent evolutionary tools we've developed. They've propelled us to the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, making us capable of feats from splitting the atom to landing on the moon. But let's not kid ourselves. For every small step for man, there's a giant leap backward for mankind.
In fact, the very traits that once facilitated our survival are now chaining us to a ticking time bomb. Empathy? It's got us saving every Tom, Dick, and Harry who probably shouldn't pass on his genes in the first place. Social cooperation? Great, but it also manifests in herd mentality that leads to cults of personality, dangerous tribalism, and even wars.
Take climate change. The data is there. The evidence is overwhelming. Yet, what do we see? Denial, procrastination, and outright sabotage. Our 'innate' traits of empathy and cooperation should have propelled us into immediate action. Instead, they've been hijacked by political infighting and resource hoarding. Individual and collective egos bloated to astronomical proportions, effectively dwarfing the actual celestial bodies we should be aiming to colonize by now.
The inherent contradictions within humanity aren't just quirks; they're existential threats. We've leveraged our brilliance to construct societies of staggering complexity, yet we can't summon the collective will to stop burning fossil fuels. Even our revolutions—technological, cultural, or otherwise—seem to culminate in new varieties of stagnation. AI, the Internet, social media; all promise enlightenment but often deliver echo chambers of ignorance.
Do we deserve this planet, with its intricate ecosystems and untapped frontiers? One could argue that the very question is a byproduct of our self-important delusions. Nature doesn't care about "deserve." In the grand cosmic lottery, we drew a winning ticket, and look what we've done with it. We're like a trust-fund kid blowing through his inheritance on sports cars and bad decisions.
So, back to my original thought experiment: If we removed all societal safety nets and let nature cleanse itself of the ineptitude that plagues us, would we really be worse off? It's a grim idea, sure, but it forces us to confront uncomfortable questions about our self-imposed sanctity. The brutal, unvarnished truth? Our track record suggests that humanity, in its current form, doesn't deserve the extraordinary luck we've been handed by the universe.
Now, does this mean we should actually start tearing down warning signs and free up natural selection to do its thing? Hell no. But as a critique, as a self-reflecting argument, we need to acknowledge our collective failure to capitalize on the astounding cosmic fortune we've been granted. We're not living up to our potential, and perhaps we never will. Nature, in all its indifferent majesty, must be laughing its ass off.
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drgreg · 2 years
Dr Gregory Images
I will send details of all these as quickly as I know who's fascinated. The programmes involve a year-long commitment to four sequential 4-day workshops with tuition earlier than, during and after the contact classes. Artists and art college students are invited to take part in quite a lot of programmes and one-off programs I’ll offer in 2018 in venues around South Africa. Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Stanford, Prince Albert, The Crags and Riebeeck-Kasteel are being negotiated. Now there's a third collector who is taking the piece and I have spent the last couple of days touching up and repairing a piece that I last applied paint to once I was 34 years old - half my current age!
Although usually residents focus on the public debate taking place in major chambers, the majority of MPs' time is spent working within committees. Dr Rita Thom is a common psychiatrist with diverse pursuits and work expertise. She has expertise in the evaluation and management of adults, adolescents and kids dr gregory images with a variety of psychological issues. She holds an academic place within the Department of Psychiatry at the University of the Witwatersrand, as an honorary Adjunct Professor, and is concerned in teaching and coaching, research, voluntary work and advocacy. She is an energetic member of the South African Society of Psychiatrists.
Strings hooked up, humanity if it ever had an ethical compass, lost it long ago. Everybody has an opinion but not everyone has the information and the experience to contribute meaningfully to a dialogue. Help us study together with your expertise and insights on articles that we publish. We encourage totally different, respectful viewpoints to additional our understanding of the world.
One-off programs are 4 days long and will include technical and other specialist areas of drawing and painting. After the workshop, ongoing suggestions and critical response is performed via a closed FB page and college students from all centres are able to take part within the collective expertise. The subsequent workshop consolidates and the post-workshop correspondence is intended to ensure a completed product from everyone.
Magnetic resonance imaging is a check that makes use of a magnetic area and pulses of radio wave power to make photos of organs and buildings contained in the physique. In many instances, MRI provides different information about structures in the body than can be seen with an X-ray, ultrasound or computed tomography scan. MRI also may show issues that cannot be seen with other imaging strategies. A subscription gives you full digital access to all our content material.
3rd Place prize winning a Midea Air Fryer for each participant sponsored by Fourways Airconditioning hand out by SAIRAC with one hundred and one factors goes to Johan Visser, Chris Jardim, Danie le Roux and Gareth Smith. The 1st Award is for the SAIRAC Exceptional Service Award / Bronze Medal Award in recognition of remarkable commitment to additional the aims and goals and excellent service to the Institute. I want to do some Prize Awards, usually these awards will be awarded to the candidates at our AGM & Christmas in July Function however it sadly needed to be postponed to our Fellows Lunch due to Covid Protocols in place on the time.
Twenty-nine video works capture the modern multiple sense of movement - in the media and the artwork it makes, and in the social movement and the cultural 'look' it brings with it. Taking video to be inherently linked to the migratory, the exhibition brings together a variety of vital worldwide video works. Connections between video and the tradition of migration are explored - the sense of accessibility, experiment, novelty, and neighborhood dr gregory images. As quickly as the artists think that they could be on terra firma, the method shifts again, and they're moved from the Dionysian to the Apollonian, a call to order, to subdue the revelry, through the taming of chaotic grounds. The subsequent layers, bringing order and restoring artwork principles and components are both knowledgeable and supported by the underlying history.
Complete outcomes are often ready for your doctor in 1 to 2 days. A magnetic resonance imaging is a take a look at that makes use of a magnetic area and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and constructions contained in the body. You will need to take away all metallic objects from your physique because these objects may be attracted to the powerful magnet used for the test. A magnetic resonance imaging test is normally accomplished by an MRI technologist.
If so, we invite you to criticise, contribute to or help enhance our content. We find that many working towards docs who frequently talk with sufferers develop novel and infrequently highly effective ways to convey complex medical information in a simplified, accurate and compassionate manner. There aren't any recognized dangerous results from the sturdy magnetic subject used for MRI. The magnet might affect pacemakers, artificial limbs, and other medical gadgets that contain iron.
Greg was, in every respect, a pillar of Melbourne’s Jewish neighborhood. This series of intimate colour photographs looks closely on the individuals and the daily life of a rural village in central Malawi. The study found the J&J vaccine offered round 66% safety in opposition to hospitalisation, and between 91 and 95% safety towards demise, after contracting Covid-19. In the case of breakthrough infections amongst healthcare staff who participated within the Sisonke trial, 96% of cases have been mild and 3% were reasonable. These masks and their international counterparts known as KN95s and KF94s are often made from a number of layers of polypropylene, an artificial fiber.
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cellosled3 · 2 years
Due to the novelty classification, sex toys may comprise toxins such as phthalates, which have been banned in kids's toys by the CPSC. Dildos could also be seen in some examples of historical Greek vase art.
Various work from historic Egypt round 3000 BCE feature dildos being used in a variety of ways.
Prehistoric double-headed dildos have been discovered which date anyplace from thirteen to 19,000 years in the past.
Scientists imagine that a 20-centimeter siltstone phallus from the Upper Palaeolithic interval 30,000 years in the past, present in Hohle Fels Cave close to Ulm, Germany, might have been used as a dildo.
In Italy through the 1400s, dildos had been made from leather, wooden, or stone.
Some vibrators meant for inner use are phallic in shape. Small vibrators may have a stretchy loop attachment for use as a finger toy or cock ring. Penetrative vibrators often measure twelve to eighteen cm in size and two to 5 cm wide usually to mimic the scale of the common human penis.
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Some pieces show their use in group sex or in solitary female masturbation. One vessel, of in regards to the sixth century BCE, depicts a scene in which a lady bends over to perform oral sex on a person, whereas one other man is about to thrust a dildo into her anus. Examples from the Eurasia Ice Age (forty,000-10,000 BCE) and Roman period are imagined to have been used for defloration rituals. This is not the one example of dildos getting used for ritual ceremonies, as people in 4000 BCE Pakistan used them to worship the god Shiva. Artificial vaginas, also referred to as "pocket pussies", "male masturbators", or "strokers", are tubes made of sentimental materials to simulate sexual activity.
Wikimedia Commons has media associated to Sex toys."Historic sex toys offered for £3,600 at Essex public sale". The Internet has made an important contribution to the popularization of intercourse toys, since info searches about and the purchase of intercourse toys can now be carried out discreetly on-line. In February 2008, a federal appeals court overturned a Texas statute banning the sales of sex toys, deeming such a statute as violating the Constitution's 14th Amendment on the best to privateness. The appeals court docket cited Lawrence v. Texas, the place the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003 struck down bans on consensual sex between homosexual couples, as unconstitutionally aiming at "imposing a public moral code by restricting private intimate conduct". Similar statutes have been struck down in Kansas and Colorado.
Sex was all concerning the guy and what he needs, however now, we don’t want a guy. All we'd like is a few sex toys and our handy dandy automated vibrator. Liberator’s hand free intercourse toy mounts make mounting your dildo or vibrator a breeze while allowing you completely different positions. The vibrator giveaway includes intercourse toys from each Bellesa and Womanizer. To enter for a chance at receiving a free intercourse toy, go to bboutique.co/giveaway, the place you will be prompted to enter an email tackle. If you’re on the lookout for one that fits you perfectly, then read on to find out extra about the most effective male sex toys available on the market today. Most of the sex toys that you'll find on these websites are designed by girls and this is another plus point for utilizing these toys.
Sex toy model Hot Octopuss says it desires to help people who are isolated at house by giving a free sex toy to as much as 1,000 individuals. "Because masturbation and intercourse are two pleasures that we don’t have to surrender." Our Price Beat coverage means you could't purchase cheaper sex toys within the UK! We verify our costs every week in opposition to other retailers, so not solely will you obtain great service from us, additionally, you will buy at the lowest value.
Glass intercourse toys are commonly produced from clear medical grade borosilicate glass ("hard glass"). This particular sort of security toughened glass is non-toxic and will face up to excessive temperatures as well as physical shock without compromising its structural integrity. Although attaining a male palms free orgasm is way simpler with a hands free male sex toy, there are nonetheless some ways of attaining a similar feeling with everyday family objects. The AnerosProgasm is the bigger brother of the Helix Syn, actually. In truth, it could even be good for your health to massage your prostate every so often.
To assist get you started, we record beneath a few of the newest sex toys presently available on the market, the toys that have been most seen, and those that clients finally bought. There are 2,360 suppliers who sells intercourse toys free samples on Alibaba.com, primarily situated in Asia. A extensive number of intercourse toys free samples choices are available to you, similar to plush, cotton. You can also select from sustainable, stocked sex toys free samples, as well as from chew toys sex toys free samples, and whether sex toys free samples is canine, or cats.
Until lately, many Southern and a few Great Plains states banned the sale of sex toys fully, both instantly or via legal guidelines regulating "obscene gadgets". A federal appeals courtroom upheld Alabama's regulation prohibiting the sale of sex toys on Valentine's Day, 2007. In Malaysia, the sale and importation of sex toys is against the law. Selling intercourse toys is a punishable offense underneath section 292 of Indian penal code, as intercourse toys are considered an "obscene" product. The punishment for the offense is as much as two years in prison.
It’s infinitely comforting to know that irrespective of the place we're on the earth—and no matter what’s going on in our lives—we can reliably get off if we wish to. We, quite literally, don’t want no man—nor girl, nor anyone else for that matter. And with slightly assist from somehands-free sex toys, we will elevate that self-reliance to a whole new level of enjoyable. Suction cup dildos are essentially the most versatile sex toy you possibly can have, and everybody needs no less than one.
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The material and infrequently textured internal canal are designed to stimulate the penis and induce orgasm. The male masturbators come in many shapes and kinds; they are often shaped like vulvas, anuses, mouths, or as non-descriptive holes. Some male masturbators are disposable and a few could be washed and used repeatedly. Some are outfitted with sex machine options that work much like milking machines. The rabbit vibrator, of which there are a number of variations, is a popular female sex toy popularized by the television series Sex and the City. It comprises an insertable shaft which regularly has extra functionality, similar to rotation and inner beads or a thrusting motion. Attached to the shaft is a vibrating clitoral stimulator.
There are lots of feminine sex toys that you can choose from, and some of these are made by women who have experience within the industry and are making intercourse toys specifically for males. The benefit of a lot of the free sex toys that you'll find on these web sites is that they are really easy to use and don't require any technical abilities to function. Therefore, it is rather simple for a man to start pleasuring himself with one of the best intercourse toys which are obtainable right now and get the pleasure that he needs. There are different websites that offer free sex toys and this can be a good way for you to discover how your man likes to be pleasured and see how a lot he can endure in terms of foreplay and cuddling. So, as an alternative of wasting too much money on a sure model of sex toy, attempt a few of these free intercourse toys out before you spend a single dime. Nowadays there are lots of firms which might be devoted to helping ladies find the best intercourse toys that can satisfy her each need. They present quality products which are made of various supplies which embody but are not limited to glass, crystal, leather-based, silicone and rubber.
The choice of this excessive-grade material offers safety in use and the choice to warmth or chill the toys. Borosilicate glass can be non-porous and could be sterilized to assist stop an infection with reuse. The highest quality glass toys can even be put within the dishwasher making them simpler to maintain clear. As properly as their practical qualities, a major promoting level of glass intercourse toys is their visual appeal.
For most rabbit vibrators this comes in the form of "bunny ears" which sit all sides of the clitoris. Vibrators are electrical motor-powered units intended to stimulate the physique by making a pulsating or buzzing sensation. https://adutoys.com come in a spread of styles and sizes, for inside or exterior use.
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