#oki fanfic
theaudacitytowrite · 2 years
Hi!! I have a drabble request for angst with a bit of a fluffy end of that's ok 💚
"I may or may not have lost them."
"I just wanted to do something nice for you."
"You're so bad at this."
Ok so this kinda got a bit longer than I wanted... with just 2 words under 1k... but still a drabble
Also, at this point I have no concept of genres anymore. Does this still count as angst?
Hope you like it 💚
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“You're so bad at this.” his deep chuckle didn’t even phase you.
"At what?" you mumbled into your hand.
"At trying to ignore me." Loki snickered over his own joke.
“What do you want, troublemaker?” you sighed, your eyes never leaving the screen in front of you as you studied the image intently. Your elbow was resting on top of the desk, your head leaning onto your hand as you leaned towards the screen with squinted your eyes.
“I wanted to see where you were. I waited for you for our training session in vain." he almost whined.
“Tony degraded me to surveillance for our little prank the other day.” you huffed.
“I still don’t understand why you took all the blame on yourself.” Loki leaned against your desk as he watched you closely.
“I dunno,” you shrugged, “I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“How long have you been sitting here now.” Loki pulled up another chair and sat beside you. A quick glance at your wristwatch made you huff.
“Only about 4 hours.” you groaned, “At this rate, I will go insane!"
“Shall I take over for a few hours?" he offered.
“Are you sure? It’s quite slow and I know how quickly you get bored.” you raised your eyebrow at him questioningly.
“Yeah, I will be alright.” Loki waved you off, “Get something to eat, rest a bit and I will handle it.”
“You don’t have to do this, you know?” you reminded him once more.
“I know. I just want to do something nice for you.” he grinned cheekily. You rolled your eyes at him but couldn't suppress the small smile on your lips peeking through.
“Ok, see these two sitting in front of the cafe?” you nodded towards the screen, “They’re waiting for their 'customer' to come by. We need to catch them in the act to gather evidence against them.
This is their customer. Sean Melcowicz, he's suspected of human trafficking so we do not believe that this is a simple drug deal." you showed Loki a file with different headshots, "If you see this guy pop up, simply hold the record button and keep the camera steady."
"Aye, aye Captain." Loki saluted which earned him another eye role, "I love it when you can't control your smile."
"Just don't get distracted, ok?" you looked at him sternly, "I will be back as quickly as I can. 1 hour tops."
"How long can you sip on a coffee?!?" he asked into the empty room.
With that, you had vanished through the door and Loki turned his attention towards the screen.
It had only passed 10min when Loki let out his first frustrated groan.
He flipped through the different cameras SHIELD was in control of, looking at the two men slurping their beverages from every angle. He was mindlessly flipping through them when something caught his eye. He flipped back to a camera that was directed toward the alley opposite the cafe who only caught the hats of the targets.
"Who do we have here," Loki mumbled intrigued and zoomed in.
Three men, two with sunglasses and one with a cap, were having a lively conversation in the alley. Loki noticed the glint of light reflecting on a lens above their heads. Another camera well-hidden camera. Loki tried to access the camera and to his luck, it wasn’t just a dummy.
"Y/N really wasn't joking with this being a big deal." he mused. The man with the cap seemed to be with the taller man of the sunglass-wearing guys. And he didn’t seem to be all too thrilled about his place. His eye had a dark rim on his eyelid, his lips seemed busted. Loki turned on the recorder. He wasn’t sure if this was the deal Y/N was talking about but it surely was urgent to free this young man out of the grips of these human traffickers.
The boy was handed over to the shorter guy after some back and forth between the men. The boy tried to fight back but was quickly brought under control as his new companion drew a gun. All at once the boy slumped in himself again and followed the men down to a car where they vanished shortly after.
Loki let out a breath, he hadn’t even realised that he had held his breath. He wondered why the original two weren’t following suit. He flipped back to the cameras pointing to the cafe.
“Shit.” Both of them were gone. The only remnants of their stay were two empty mugs.
“How’s it going?” your sudden cheery voice right next to him made him jump.
“Oh, Y/N. You’re back already?” Loki tried to act calm. When had you entered the room?
“Did anything interesting happen?” you asked and sat down in the chair Loki had pulled up earlier.
“Kind of...” he mumbled as he tried to figure out what he should tell you first, so you wouldn’t blow up on him for losing track of the prime suspects.
“Loki...” you drawled suspicious of his nervous energy, a glance at the monitors made your suspicions raise, “Please don’t tell me-”
“I may or may not have lost them.” Loki gulped sheepishly.
“You what?” you gasped, “How could you lose them?! They were sitting at a cafe!”
“Something caught my eye.” he tried to defend himself, “Just let me show you something.”
Loki played back the clip he had recorded. Your eyes grew wide as you saw the deal before your own eyes.
“Loki, you did it!” you exclaimed in relief, “We finally know who the true puppet masters are! Or at least their faces. I have to bring it to Tony instantly, so Friday can check the databases for their names.
“No need to thank me, darling.” Loki cooed smugly, receiving a stern glare from you.
“If it makes us even, I wouldn’t mind if you tell Tony about your discovery...” he smiled sweetly at you.
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Taglist: @lucywrites02 @funsized-mimi @gaitwae @queenjosielaufeyson @1marvelnerd3000 @darkacademicfrom2021  @lostgreekgod @tendertalesmain @donttouchmylaevateinn @asgardianprincess1050 @msturi2u @high-functioning-lokipath @elius-learns-to-write @plainlo-inthemorning @kokinu09 @midnights-ramblings @donaweasley @itsreallyjustme @sititran  @lindsey-laufeyson @ethanshide @delaber  @anonymousfiction211 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @iamalinarose @xorpsbane @vbecker10 @limiworld @ilovefanfictions  @crazzycrackers04 @tinctureofmaddness @marvelfanfn2187a113 @cosplayingwitch @sylvies4ever @tanushreeg27 @kellatron55 @loveshineslikethesky @scram1326 @camerons-specialinterest @mooncat163 @leucoratia @acefeather2002  @mochie85 @usagishira @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @lokidbadguy @ozymdias
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klaraakrstic · 2 months
Here are some funny AO3 tags I found because why not
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Personal favourite:
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sharkissm · 13 days
Fala bbs!!
Hoje, a pedidos de muitos (mentira, só uma pessoa pediu mas faço de tudo pelos meus besties), venho postar um tutorial de como eu finalizo as minhas capas!! 🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉
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Primeiro, eu clico em "adicionar camada a partir da tela" pra juntar tudo da capa em uma só camada.
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Depois, eu vou em "filtro"
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Depois disso, eu vou em "ajustar cor" e nessa parte tudo costuma variar demais pra eu dizer com 100% de certeza o que eu faço, mas geralmente eu costumo deixar tudo com números redondos (0, 5, 10... e por aí vai), mas é mais uma questão de que assim, se eu precisar me lembrar de algo dessa etapa, eu me lembro melhor do número exato 😎. Geralmente eu uso mt o "brilho e contraste", "tom, saturação, luminosidade", "balanço de cores" e vez ou outra o "posterizar"
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Agora, depois de mecher nas cores e etc, eu clico em "clonar layer" e volto em "filtro"
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Essas são as únicas configurações que nunca mudam, e é aqui que eu começo a colocar qualidade na capa. Depois disso eu apago as bordas com a borracha e junto as duas camadas em uma só.
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Depois eu volto em "filtro", adiciono o "borrão gaussian" e a "máscara de nitidez". Geralmente eu aumento ou diminuo a intensidade da "máscara de nitidez" conforme a necessidade, mas 87% do tempo ela tá assim.
E tcharam!!! Minha finalização (q é bem parecida c a de outros capistas pq eu aprendi a finalizar c vcs lindos q tbm usam o ibis e q salvam vidas c os seus tutoriais) é bem simples e a parte das cores vive mudando mas eu gosto bastante de finalizar as minhas capas, acho mt relaxante (já quase taquei o celular na parede de tanto ódio pq n tava ficando bom de jeito algum mas shhhh é segredo) e divertido!!!!
É isso bbs!!! Obgda por terem lido até aq!!! N sou a melhor c explicações mas espero ter ajudado!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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snail-noodle · 2 months
thinking about how my oc and shadow milk cookie (before his fall) would first end up meeting.
this ended up turning out as a small fic??? Oh! And shadow milk cookie will be called light milk cookie in this :)
Also here's how I see Shadow Milk Cookie's design! Follow this artist, I'm begging ya'll 🙏💖
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Clam Cookie fell sick to a mysterious illness in her early adult years. Her parents called for the best doctors/healers near them, but no one could figure out a cure. Both being desperate, not wanting their only beloved daughter to die, eventually sought the help of one of the five great cookies, the virtue of knowledge, Light Milk Cookie.
Light Milk Cookie agreed to find a cure, feeling compassion for her parents and for her. Sadly, with how far away his kingdom was from her home, he had to take her with him. So, with hushed goodbyes and tears in their eyes, the two parents watched as the carriage carried their daughter to a faraway kingdom.
And so, the great hero worked day and night to find a cure for the young lady. Thanks to her parents, he found out about the herbs and medicines the other doctors had tried on using. With this information, he would mix or replace specific ingredients for each medicine he would make. One particular medicine he made ended up showing some effect, but it still wasn't enough to cure her fully.
Then he had an idea. An absolute ambitious idea.
Perhaps, with some of his soul jam's essence and a mixture of the medicine, perhaps that could be the cure to her illness? Wasting no time, he hurried on making the new version. Once finished and given to her, he waited to see any changes.
As days went by, signs of the medicine healing her gained his attention. The new version was fully curing her! Relief and fatigue filled his entire body. He had gone a few nights and days without sleeping. At last, all his hard work had come to fruition.
Opening her eyes for the first time, Clam Cookie weakly sat up from bed. Groaning at the uncomfortable feeling of her dry throat, she looked around and noticed a glass of water on the desk next to her. Quickly taking it and gulping the refreshing liquid down, she took in her surroundings.
The colors of purple, blue, and white filled the room she was in. Shelves filled to the brim with books, tapestries dedicated to five certain cookies hung on the walls, and the desk near her had a few scrolls laying upon it.
She jumped at the sound of the door opening. She felt her heart race and her face turning warm as the most beautiful cookie she's ever seen in her life walked into the room. His entire look screamed of a sophisticated scholar. However, she knew he was far more than that as she took in more of his features. What took her attention the most was his hair. It flowed constantly, like that of an endless stream.
Next were his eyes. The dark bags underneath them from the lack of sleep were noticeable to her, but even so, they shined like that of two beautiful sapphires being held up in the sunlight.
Light Milk Cookie stood frozen in place. The look of surprise was written all over his face. This was the first time he had seen her eyes, and by the witches, they were absolutely mesmerizing!
Her eyes were the darkest blue, like that of the deep blue ocean. Her long, unkempt hair, which hung loosely behind her back in waves, only made her even more beautiful.
Both were at a loss of words. Neither one of them was able to speak as they studied each other. Clearing her throat, she finally spoke, "W-who are you? Where am I?" Snapping out of his trance, Light Milk Cookie gave her a gentle smile before closing the door.
"Please, have no fear, Clam Cookie. I only came in to check on you." He proceeded to walk closer to her, but stopped once he noticed her flinch. He raised up both his hands, signaling to her that he meant no harm.
"I only want to check if you still have a fever," he spoke softly at her. His tone easily taking away any tension she may have had of him.
"You've been sick for many weeks. This is the first time I've seen you fully awake." Now standing next to her, he gently placed a cool hand on her forehead. He paid no mind to her gasp, only taking note of her fever no longer there.
Humming in approval, he took his hand off and stepped back. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a scroll and a feathered quill pen, jotting down notes of her improved condition.
Clam Cookie looked at the display of magic in awe, her eyes shining as she watched the handsome scholar write.
"I will have to inform your parents about this, but you'll have to stay with me for just a few more days. I need to make sure the symptoms don't return." Looking back at her, he covered his mouth, chuckling at her reaction.
"I'm going to assume you've never seen magic before, yes?"
Clam Cookie shook her head, confirming his question. "I-I've only heard tales and stories of cookies being able to wield magic. I knew they were true, but to actually see it happen in front of me…" Light Milk Cookie couldn't help but blush as her eyes sparkled up at him with absolute admiration.
".. It's absolutely breathtaking."
One would assume her words were aimed directly at his display of magic, but with the way she gazed at him with those eyes, he knew those words were meant for him.
Clearing his throat, he set the scroll and quill down on the desk before turning his attention back to her. He gave her a bow, surprising her from the action.
"Forgive me, Clam Cookie. I haven't fully introduced myself. My name is Light Milk Cookie." he raised his head, gracing her with a charming smile that made her heart skip a beat.
"Though, you may also know me as one of the Five Great Heroes. The Virtue of Knowledge himself."
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kmgkmg · 2 years
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word count: 1.5k...
pairing: jaehyun x gn!reader
synopsis: you arrive at the crowded party at different times, eventually meeting which makes you both feel relieved.
genre/s: fluff, college!au, non-idol!au, fratboy!jaehyun, bf!jaehyun
warnings: drug (weed) mention, alcohol mention (beer pong mentioned so idk if it counts but just in case)
rating: pg-13
a/n: hiiiiiiii, my first fic omg how exciting!! i’ve done little bullet points on old blogs but never something this structured? i blame it on reading so many fics during fall break. i tried to write jae pretty similar to what i think his personality is but if y’all think it’s inaccurate lmk, constructive criticism is always welcomed! i listened to vanjess while writing this so inspired by the one by vanjess!
Your eyes desperately shifted from one side of the room to the other, unaware of Jaehyun’s presence behind you. His walking quickly fastens as he wants to be with you even sooner seeing your uneasiness. Even with his quickened pace, you were still towards the front of this huge frat house while he was towards the back. Why did this house have to be so damn crowded? Yangyang said this was only supposed to be a chill kickback with friends from campus and work, but Jaehyun could swear there were at least 80 people in the house. He didn’t even want to think about how many more people were outside, conscious and unconscious. Still, he tries to maintain his cool and squeeze past people as fast as he can, even avoiding greetings from friends he hadn’t seen in a long time.
He always seemed to sense when something was wrong. Although you were visibly anxious regarding the unfamiliar environment of this party, he could always tell when you needed to be tended to. Hell, he was the first person in your life to notice one of your most hidden nervous tendencies. 
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Back in the course you first met for the first time, you were singled out by a classmate during a class discussion and it happened to be the day you didn’t do the reading. You thought cracking your knuckles had been a pretty ordinary thing to do, but once Jaehyun had noticed you cracking your third knuckle his face wore a worried expression, clearly aware of you being uncomfortable with the spotlight being on you. In what you viewed as an act of idiocy rather than being heroic, Jung Jaehyun proudly raised his hand and decided to sacrifice himself for you. He made up a quick lie about how you had been filling him in on the readings since he was hungover, he elaborated that you had made a great point about the debate that helped him comprehend everything. All your professor could do was ask for confirmation to what Jaehyun was saying and all you could do is mindlessly nod your head, shocked that the frat boy who constantly comes in hungover actually did his readings. The course wasn’t a requirement for Jaehyun’s major of architecture, which was even more of a surprise. Since when were frat boys versed on Gramsci’s theories?
After Jaehyun saved your ass you profusely thanked him after class, asking if there was any way that you could show your gratitude towards him. He chuckled, since your demeanor with him was much more uptight than he had seen you interact with your friends outside of class. “If you’re really thankful towards me, how about a date?” He asks you, patiently waiting for your response. 
You had really painted him in the wrong light by minimizing him to his frat status only and he did help you. You usually would say no to a man asking you out so suddenly, especially since today was your first time talking, but Jaehyun was different. You had a weak spot for pretty men and Jaehyun was the epitome of such. You snap out of your thoughts, suddenly aware again of the man standing in front of you. “Sure, can I have your Instagram so we can decide the details later? I have another class across campus to get to soon.”
You hadn’t expected to like Jaehyun and your guys’ first date as much as you did, but he was full of surprises. He had invited you to his favorite record shop/cafe and selected a vinyl by The Internet to play while you decided what you wanted to order. You got to know each other and realized the absurd amount of things you had in common, from music taste and favorite TV shows to overall philosophies towards life. Gradually you went on more and more dates and now have been a couple for almost three years. Although some of Jaehyun’s frat friends were notorious for being heartbreakers and fuckboys around campus, Jaehyun himself had been labeled the mysterious prince at your university so it was big news when he officially announced you on his Instagram as his significant other.
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Returning to the party at hand, Jaehyun was originally supposed to pick you up after his work shift, but you got busy with studying for midterms and insisted that he left with his friends and you would meet him at the party. The problem with you guys meeting like originally planned is that he left with Yuta and Jaemin, a duo that basically asks for trouble. Jaehyun likes his friends, he really does, but he should’ve known that they would pregame and have a couple rips from their bong before heading over to the house. Jaemin becomes mush which is never an issue but Yuta’s energy level turns tenfold his regular tension and he thinks that he’s invincible. After Jaehyun pulled out his phone to text you an update that he was in the backyard playing beer pong with some friends, his mistake was not realizing the still very stoned Yuta was next to him and determined to win this round. Yuta grabbed his phone with unremarkable speed and chucked it over Jaehyun’s head, conveniently landing in the pool. 
“Dude, what the actual fuck?” Jaehyun, clearly exasperated, frowns at his friend.
“We’re supposed to win this game, for the pride of our fraaaaaaaat! This isn’t the time to text your precious Y/N,” Yuta slurs, “you neverrrrr hang out with us anymore bro.”
Jaehyun sighs, “Well, can you see why I don’t when you act like this? You know that Y/N is coming by themselves, you know that I’m protective over them. There’s so many peopl- Nevermind, I’m not going to try to reason with you when you’re stoned.” 
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Fast forward to now, Jaehyun is continuously calling your name, while you are still busy scanning the room to find someone you know. It didn’t help that the music was blasting so loud the whole house was practically shaking with the bass of the song. You had tried to text Jae with the texts being left on delivered and when you tried to call Jae numerous times, his phone instantly went to voicemail. Of course you were oblivious of Yuta’s destroying of Jae’s phone and your mind automatically went to the worst that he was mad at you for not going with him. While there was a little part in the back of your mind that knew he would never get mad at you over something as trivial as that, especially since you were studying, your mind always resorted to the most unreasonable scenarios. You still hadn’t removed your jacket, giving up hope that this house had anything even slightly resembling a coat room. If anything, they probably made Mark’s room the ‘coat room’, you smiled slightly envisioning Mark being stressed walking into his room and seeing coats piled in his room. Finally, you thought to yourself, my nerves are calming down. Who would’ve thought that thinking about your boyfriend’s younger friend being irritated would make you happy?
“Y/NNNNN!” You hear a familiar voice shout from behind you. You’re pretty certain that if you moved one second faster you would’ve given yourself whiplash at the speed in which you turned your neck to see the source of the sound. As expected, you could see Jaehyun about 10 feet away from you, waving his hand at you to see him. You both break into the biggest grins upon seeing that you finally found each other and wouldn’t have to stay at this house that became way too overpopulated anymore. “Jae!” You continue to grin while making your way to close the distance even sooner. As soon as you’re finally face-to-face with each other, he envelopes you with the biggest hug he could possibly make, “Babe, I’m so sorry Yuta literally drowned my phone and I couldn’t reach you.” You slightly break from his grip to look up at him in a mixture of confusion and amusement that Yuta did that, but soon went back to hugging him just as tight before saying, “It’s okay, I only showed up about 20 minutes ago, but could we maybe leave? It’s way more crowded than Yangyang’s usual parties.” Jaehyun quickly nods in agreement, still smiling that he was able to see you after a long day of work and a chaotic night with Yuta and the rest of his frat. 
“Record shop cafe and some late night snacks?” You propose and rub his back gently as you go from hugging to holding hands and navigating yourselves to leave the party. 
Jaehyun looks at you with love and complete adoration, finding himself at a loss of words for how much he loves you and how lucky he was to be the one to raise his hand and cover for you in class that one day. Probably forever unknowing to you, he had fallen for you on the first day of orientation of your first-year, and you are his first love. In his eyes, you are forever only the one who he sees himself spending the rest of his life with.
Without saying any of this, he simply nods again and lightly squeezes your hand in agreement to the new plans for the night. 
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leavingsunsets · 3 days
alsgakdgaksh sorry I know you just answered my request but, but, but what about dcst characters reacting to a reader who has a problem with daydreaming (maladaptive daydreaming)
basically they get so lost in their mind that they start acting out or quoting(? their thoughts, from the outside it just kinda looks like they're talking to themselves but they've got a whole movie in their mind 😭 (i legitimately subconsciously tripped myself because i imagined a character falling to the floor)
take care and don't rush <333
whooo this was a doozy. had to do a little research for this one, so i get to give yall some good rep or atleast make it feel a little more accurate tehee. anyways with this population sampling liberty ive decided to get 5 characters, 4 guys and 1 girl. enjoy 😋.
[𝖣𝖢𝖲𝖳 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗐/ 𝖺 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗒𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋.]
𝙎𝙚𝙣𝙠𝙪 𝙄𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙞
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Might be a little confused at first. Like, especially if it's at random times. Maybe he's busy tinkering with something, and you're in the same room. You do or say something and he automatically goes "huh?" because he thinks you're talking to him and you go "huh."
It takes some adjusting for him, but he learns much faster than the others. Though it's kinda funny during the beginning stages because whenever you said something aloud he'd pause whatever he was doing to stare at you blankly, and if you didn't look his way after a few seconds he'd take it as you weren't talking to him and resume his business.
He's a curious bugger tho so he obviously glances over at you sometimes to see what you were doing, whether you were both alone or not.
Seeing as your attention is a little harder to grab, he's got a custom habit of either patting or holding your shoulder. Like "yo [name]," and a little shoulder tap.
But with this development, it seems you've also learned to do the same. Now that he's used to you talking to yourself, to show that you're speaking to him, you have to either tap him or say his name.
Overall, pretty chill about it, even talks to you a lot just to pull you out sometimes.
𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙟𝙪 𝙊𝙠𝙞
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Our sweet, underrated, heart of gold who I couldn't find nice aesthetic manga banners for (sorry for the jumpscare). Bet you didn't expect to see him on the list, huh?
Just a little longer in terms of adjusting. Like Senku, is a little confused and goes "?" when you do things randomly. Sometimes, you are interrupted because whenever he is in vicinity he's just bombarding you with questions.
"Hi! What are you doing?" "Were you talking to me?" "What's that mean?" "Were you saying something?" "What is that gesture?"
You either give him a very detailed description about the scenario in your head or just BS it.
"I was communicating with the trees." "Wow! Really? You can do that?" Accepts whatever choice you pick anyway. He will listen intently and he will take it literally. An open chance to tell him whatever you want and he would not suspect you at all. He is very intrigued at this new type of acorns called "Deez" that you found in the forest. Apparently it's part of the "Ligma" family of trees? Wow!
Easily snaps you out of your daydreams because his voice is just loud enough to do so.
You get to enthuse with him sometimes, and he will happily listen.
𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙤
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Also a little underrated, I swear.
Problem with Tsukasa is that he's a little nonverbal so when you do or say something, he just stares at you. Hulk of a man watches in confusion as you play out a whole soap opera or something.
But hey, what is Tsukasa if not a kind and gracious man?
Tries to understand you, and is a good listener if you ever need a guy to ramble to about this. And hey, gives him more insight on your mind in general.
Keeps a slightly closer eye on you, or is just more aware of your predicament in general.
This Tarzan would genuinely be gentle about it like he'd check up on you and stuff. Talk to you, or even sit down with you, maybe a little chitchat.
I imagine you as a duo would be him sipping nice tea and enjoying the garden meanwhile you accidentally drop your cookie in the milk so you borrow his teaspoon just to scoop it out and he lets you. Very weird analogy but he is just kind??
An enigma, overall doesn't change his usual equitable treatment towards you.
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I already had a vision of her reaction to this. Like, as an inquisitive type, she'd most likely ask you questions all about it as soon as she notices it. More answers lead to more questions. Forgive her, she's only curious.
Similar to Tsukasa, she wants to be aware and informed. Wants to know about what you're thinking about sometimes. "Hmmm..." and just watches you from the branches.
Of course, watchful, and vigilant. Observer type. If ever you're too out of it to notice something potentially harmful coming your way (or vice versa), she'd be there to tug you back to reality.
She's most likely less patient than Tsukasa, not the type for a sit down kind of conversation, but would still let you ramble while you both pick apples or smthn.
Overall a nice gal who wouldn't mind it at all.
I feel like she's the complete opposite of a daydreamer, so it's hard for her to understand what it's like. Still, she tries to be considerate and talks with you whenever she can as a way to learn about it.
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vulpine-spectacle · 11 days
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her , The emotional torture, from the head of your high table , She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate , So now I've got to run, so I can undo this mistake . . . - Paris Paloma, Labor
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james: Hey regulus can I get a sip of your water? regulus: It's not water. james: Vodka, I like your style! regulus: It's poison. james: Wh-Wha- regulus: It's poison, COWARD.
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kayfabebabe · 10 months
Kaleidoscope Eyes
This is for @regalityandcoffee and nobody else 
For the past couple of months, I’ve really been struggling with writing burn-out and I’ve been trying to take a lowkey break. However, this popped into my head after a conversation with Ana and I had to write it before my motivation disappeared. So enjoy? 
(Plus I’m very sorry for any spelling mistakes - It’s literally 4am here.) 
William Regal X Female Reader  WARNINGS - NSFW. Spicy. Semi-public sex. This is actual filth. Possessive behaviour. Accidental voyeurism (?) 
~ ~ ~ 
“I’m sorry. I’m here with my...” 
Sweet relief. You tried your best not to immediately reach for William as he appeared at your side and glared down the length of his nose at your... friend. Truth be told, ‘friend’ was too strong of a word for this stranger standing in front of you. He had crept closer when William excused himself to the bathroom and, since then, you’d been politely listening to him boast about his business success. Something about this man seemed wrong. He didn’t notice the tension obvious in your body when his hand rested on your shoulder or as he leant too close to your ear. 
William, however, had noticed.
On his way back from the bathroom, William caught sight of this unknown man standing barely an inch away from you. Something hot and ugly began to grow deep inside of his chest, threatening to break through his ribs and spill out in view of everyone. William would never admit to being a jealous man, but his actions spoke volumes. He quickly crossed the bar, tangled emotions driving him forward until he was beside you and he could slip an arm around your waist. If William’s hold was slightly tighter than normal, you didn’t complain. 
“I don’t believe that we’ve been introduced.” 
There was venom laced in William’s words despite the smile lifting the corners of his mouth. A stark contrast that silently told the stranger to back off which he, thankfully, heard and quickly scurried away. The simple presence of William had calmed the building anxiety in the pit of your stomach. You tucked yourself securely against William’s side and stretched up to peck a kiss to his cheek, one hand trailing down his chest. 
“My knight in sh-...” 
Your words are cut off by strong fingers gripping your chin and pulling you into a rough kiss. It’s possessive and heated. Any thought in your mind quickly dissolves into a pleasant static as you try to push closer to William, hands sneaking under his suit jacket. The kiss skates the fine line of becoming too harsh as William nips at your bottom lip then soothes the spark of pain with his tongue. You lose yourself entirely. Even when William breaks the kiss, you feel as if you’re floating above your body and the only thing stopping you from crashing back to Earth is the hand beneath your chin. 
William asks you a question, but you nod your head without hearing it and you allow him to lead you away from the main bar. If you were more coherent then you might’ve thought about the consequences of leaving the event early like this. It seemed important at the start of the evening. Less than a minute later, you were being dragged into a small bathroom then crowded against the door and William’s mouth was pressed urgently against yours. You fall, deeper and deeper, into the clouds of desire fogging your mind. 
Desperation sits heavy in William’s lower stomach when he blindly guides you over to the sink counter. You followed without hesitation. Neither of you give a second thought about locking the door or the possibility of being overheard by someone walking by. All that mattered was each other. Your fingers tug insistently at William’s shirt until he spins you on the spot and presses himself against your back. After all of this time, William still marvels at how beautiful you look in these moments. Maybe you’ll let William record you someday. He watches his own hand reach beneath the hem of your dress, bunching up the loose material around your waist, then slip into your underwear. 
“Eyes open, Sweetheart.” 
As soon as your gaze lands on the mirror in front of you, a high-pitched moan falls from your lips and your hips jerk forward. Fuck. Your reflection is a picture of pure debauchery. A dark blush is spread across your cheeks with your mouth hanging open and your thighs are already trembling. Behind you stands William, nearly a head taller than you and eyes dark as his fingertips draw feather-light shapes over your clit. Blindingly bright sparks of pleasure dance up the length of your spine. 
It doesn’t take long for the itch under William’s skin to grow unbearable and he withdraws his hand, mesmerised slightly by the shine of your mess on his fingers. From a few kisses, you were already dripping for him. Unbelievable. With his clean hand, William unbuckled his belt and pulled his cock free as he bent you forward at the waist.
“Please... William, please!” 
How could he deny you any longer? Tugging your underwear to the side, William teased the head of his cock over your clit before slowly pressing inside of you until his hips were flushed with your ass. Both of you took a moment in a futile attempt to catch your breath. A part of you felt like you couldn’t move, stretched and full, but you wanted - needed - to rock your hips or reach for William. Or anything. Everything began slowly as if you were moving through molasses. The deliberate roll of William’s hips set your nerves alight. It was too much and not enough at the same time.
Out of the corner of his eye, William saw the door pushed open and the stranger from earlier take a step into the bathroom before freezing on the spot. Anyone else would stop and hurry to cover themselves in embarrassment. However, that ugly feeling deep in his chest made his top lip lift in a snarl and his hips slammed harder against your backside. The sound that the new pace tore from you was borderline animalistic with your hands flying down to grab the edge of the counter and raised up onto your toes for some leverage. Barely a moment later, the stranger was hurrying off into the main bar again, red-faced and humiliated beyond reason. You didn’t notice at all.
“Fu-... Ah, Will… Pl-Please!” 
All too soon, William felt that familiar heat building in his lower stomach so he reached between your thighs and roughly circled your clit. It’s just enough to… Your vision goes completely white as your mouth drops open in a silent scream and you throw your head back onto William’s shoulder. The universe screeches to a halt. The only thing that you can hear is the deafening thud of your heartbeat and the low, breathless grunts of your lover. It takes another handful of thrusts for William’s hands to clamp down on your hips and his cock to twitch inside of you. You make no effort to stop the pitiful whine that falls from your mouth at the sensation. 
“Are you alright, Flower?” 
The only response that you could muster was a sated smile over your shoulder to William that quickly morphed into a frown when he pulled out. You felt boneless. Most of your weight rested on the counter as there was no way that you could stand on your shaky legs without crumbling to the floor. That was… new. William was never shy about being rough during sex, but this time was different. It felt more… frantic. You remained on the counter whilst William cleaned his mess that had dripped down the back of your thighs and helped you to stand, leaning back heavily on his chest. 
“I think that’s enough excitement for tonight...” 
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writing-fanics · 1 year
so I’ll make the next chapter of the chishiya family.. it takes place during the Jack of hearts and sadly they had to bring Haru along.
but y’all get cute moments of Haru playing patty cake with ippei and peek a boo. even as the other players start lying to each other about their suits.
Haru is giving Ippei that little sliver of the good in people. Even tho the games are brining out their true selves.
Haru even starts calling Ippei big brother. When she sees him crying she hugs his side, hoping that’ll help him get better. she just smiles at him.
when he doesn’t exist his cell the next round. Haru starts crying, leading chishiya wife y/n to comfort their daughter.
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
My Rise Birthday Headcanons (that apply to most of my ROTTMNT fanwork).
Some are based off headcanons from previous TMNT iterations. Some are based off episode release dates. Some are just: Yeah let's do that.
Raph - December 1st, 2003
Raph again - may be June 30, 2003 if need be
Donnie & Leo - October 28, 2004
Donnie & Leo again - August 15, 2004 if the story calls for it
Mikey - November 6, 2005
April - May 7, 2002
Casey Senior - April 1, 2002
Casey Junior - April 2, 2030
Splinter - September 17, 1962
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sharkissm · 1 month
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"amores imperfeitos" - san e wooyoung, ateez
Insp: @sungsetport @minkisaur e @maluyoongi
Notas: raríssimo eu deixar notas MAS vcs notaram em em em vc notaram q agr eu tenho uma assinaturinha meia boca em em em, fiquei umas 3h fazendo essa capa pq o fdp do vince postou aquela capa "tarde de domingo" dele e do teteco e eu simplesmente n conseguiria dormir sem pegar uma insp nela pq MEU DEUS COMO EU APAIXONEI, e p melhorar a malu tem postado as capas dela c os detalhes em papel e tal e aí n deu tive q misturar tudo nesse arroz carreteiro 😭😭 eu tinha salvo essas fotinhas deles a um tempo e tava doida p usar aí ENFIM gostaram do comeback meia boca de minha pessoa??? 😼😼 vou TENTAR !!!!!!!! ser mais ativa tá bbs eu reconheço q tô sumida 😔😔 PROMETO FAZER MAIS CAPINHAS TA PROMETO
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pastafossa · 2 years
The Red Thread: Chapter 126
And we’re back after a brief break due to reno and a friend’s wedding! This is also our last bit of *waves* plotty things before we get into smut again, so hang in there!
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Chapter Summary:
“Oh, Ms. Hind,” she said. Her grin carried the predatory glint of a crocodile’s teeth beneath painted lips the color of spilled blood. “I’d be a very poor C.E.O. of my company’s products if I couldn’t match the shade on someone’s lips… to the shade on someone’s shirt collar.”
Or: in which your thread is behaving strangely, Matt makes a few things clear to Elektra, and you get some advice that you are definitely going to ignore.
Wordcount: 6,002
Warnings for this chapter: brief bit of NSFWness towards the end cause Matt really wants you to fuck him senseless but otherwise safe!
Read me on AO3 because that’s where penguins hang out
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sitizelter · 1 year
⭐️A Little More Space🌙
Dando/Landan Angst
[A singular swear word other than that its safe 👍][One of my first f1 fics so if there's any inaccuracies I apologise 🙏]
The faint noises from the TV were interrupted by a knock from Lando's hotel room door. It was the night after the Sao Paulo Grand Prix. Both McLaren drivers got DNF'ed. As expected; Zak Brown got upset, as well as the two drivers.
Lando put his bag of Ruffles' onto the bed and went over to answer the door. As he pulled open the door, a tall, bearded man revealed himself. To his surprise, Daniel was standing infront of him.
But he seemed off.
His plastered smile wasn't on his face. His eyes were red. Puffy. And underneath them, dark eyebags.
"Lando, Can I.. be with you.. for a bit," Daniel's voice was anything other than his usual voice in the paddock. It was the total opposite of confident, loud and enthusiastic. At that moment, his voice sounded shaky and quiet.
In a heartbeat, Lando invited him in and poured him a glass of water. The both of them sat on the bed with the blankets covering their shins.
"So, what's this all about mate?" Lando asked, giving the Aussie a pat on the thigh. Daniel swallowed before he spoke out.
"I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for dragging the team down, dragging you down, making you carry the both of us-" Daniel's eyes became glossy as he spoke.
"Danny.." Lando murmured under his breath.
"- I don't know what happened today. I accidentally bumped into Mick's rear wing and managed to spin out the track! You already had the food poisoning to worry about then I just had to make you worry even more!-" Hot tears began streaming down the Aussie's face.
"Daniel.." Lando gripped onto the older's thigh.
"To make things even worse; it's your fuckin' birthday week! What kind of good friend am I to be such a burden to you? Am I right?" In an attempt to sneak in a joke, Daniel started to sob even harder.
Lando placed his arm over Daniel's shoulder and pulled him in closer. The Brit played with the Aussie's curls as he dug his face into his shoulder.
"I don't want to leave you, Lando. I don't want to leave this sport. I want to keep going, to prove that I'm much better than this."
"Oh Daniel, mate.. Zak is an idiot to be kicking you out the team. I know you have more in you. You know it too."
The older put his head up and looked into Lando's eyes. He gave him a small smile. Daniel placed his head onto the younger's lap.
"Can you.. sing for me? One last time-" Daniel got interrupted.
"Don't say that. That 'L' word. I despise it."
Lando bent over to let his lips touch the Aussie's. It was a short yet sweet kiss. They intertwined fingers as they stared lovingly into each others' eyes. Lando cleared his throat.
"The doctor wrote me my prescription, had a taste I was addicted."
Lando played with the older's curls again.
"Ate the candy that was given to me, bittersweet.."
Daniel cleared his throat.
"Walked to the beat of my heart."
The Aussie began fiddling with their fingers.
"Got me a shot with the stars.." The Brit chimed in.
"Now I can't help wishing for a little more space." Lando continued.
"Followed the path that I saw, I'd pay whatever the cost." Daniel added, covering the tears trinkling down his cheeks with his sleeve.
"Now the only thing I can afford is, a little more.." Lando trailed off. Daniel's hics and sniffling caused the younger to hold the older's hand to his lips.
"Thank you, Danny. I'll never regret ever meeting you in F1. I'll never not think about you next year. I'll never forget you." Lando talked into his palm. Daniel let out small noises from under his sleeve. Lando picked it up to see Daniel's face again.
His lashes were now sprinkled with tears. Eyes redder and puffier. But now, with a smile on his face.
"And most importantly, I'll always love you." Lando kissed Daniel on the forehead.
"Je t'aime." Daniel's voice was husky from the crying but the Aussie's accent was still distinct.
"Mon aussi, mon Aussie." Daniel let out a chuckle at Lando's reply.
As the sun began to set, the two of them could only hope that Daniel would be granted a miracle and get a 2023 seat. But at that moment, they could only hope that the night never ends. That they could stay together for as long as they wanted.
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˚✧₊⁎ there is smthn inherently erotic abt havin sum1 else pull up or adjust ur thigh highs… ermm does any1 wanna volunteer to tug up mine?? :3 venus thigh pic for ur consideration!!
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kenandeliza · 2 years
Me trying to find a non-angst/ non-torture DP fanfic:
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