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vulpine-spectacle · 2 months
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Echoes in our Blood by Vulpine_Spectacle
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blacksunrequiem · 14 days
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The revelation of Nuala's tragic death is still heart-breaking (┬┬﹏┬┬) Caladan's little ray of sunshine cannot survive the cruelty of Giedi Prime(;´д`)ゞ. Looking forward to the mini-stories about Gurney and Nuala *(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*ଘ. And their ship name... Nurney? Gurnuala?
“Did you love her, Gurney?” “The way a flower loves spring,” Gurney says, “but winter will always come.” He shakes his head. “It was a song that could never be completed. The guilt you feel in your heart, small lady, I feel in mine, too. In a way, we both failed her.” “All we can do now is avenge her,” Eurydice says, “and this planet.” — Eurydice Atreides & Gurney Halleck, Chapter 38, “Echoes in Our Blood” by @vulpine-spectacle
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vulpine-spectacle · 2 months
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On this day, Jessica has given him a son. A boy who would inherit the dukedom of Caladan, who would carry the name Atreides past Leto’s death. It would not die with him, sinking like a rock into the depths of untreaded waters. It would live on. Here it would stand, here it would remain. It does not slip past Leto’s observations that what Jessica did here today was an act of something. Love, perhaps, or defiance. But he finds his heart swelling regardless, for Jessica had heard his desires for a son, and she had delivered one to him. And a girl, Leto thinks, staring down at the little restless thing in his arms. Gradually, his daughter’s eyes open, and when her eyes find him. His daughter’s eyes are a deep gray, half-visible through her squinted gaze, as if she were assessing him. There is a certain focus to those eyes, almost scrutinizing. It is a temporary thing, for soon the girl’s eyes open fully, and her fussing quiets and her eyes now blaze with curiosity. Those eyes flicker to her father’s face, then to the midwives standing close at hand, across the room, finding Thufir in the corner, and the ceiling…everything, everywhere, all at once, blazes her curiosity. Leto’s smile, he realizes, is so wide his cheeks have begun to ache. “Do they have names, my Duke?” inquires the midwife. It is Jessica who speaks first, with utmost confidence - no moment of hesitation. “Paul,” she says. “Paul Atreides.” Her green eyes, like a forest with no end, turn to the girl in Leto’s arms. “Eurydice.”
Echoes in our Blood by Vulpine_Spectacle
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
The Kwisatz Haderach. A super being. A uniter of worlds.
Eurydice raises her eyes. There is opposition within them, raised and challenging. “When I was first born, you stood over my cradle and told my mother she nearly cost the Kwisatz Haderach.” The Reverend Mother turns to look at Isolde, whose brow arches. They exchange a sort of knowing look, then face her again. “I knew you were listening, just as I know you have not spoken of this to your mother, to your brother, nor even your Sisters. You have been wise, in this regard,” the Reverend Mother appraises. “The Kwisatz Haderach is what we have been planning and laying forth our hardened labors into for generations. Your mother nearly cost us everything by birthing a son, until you admonished her from her very womb.” I wanted to live. I wanted to experience a world of air, light, and existence. Perhaps I wanted this, too. I can’t say…but now here it is, before me. “My mother was always meant to have a girl, then. Me,” she says, feeling her chest clench. “And I…” “A boy. The pattern ends with you beside Feyd-Rautha, in a matrimony that will unite your Houses into an era of peace, and restore balance to the Imperium. The Kwisatz Haderach will be yours to bear.” “How much does Feyd-Rautha know of this?” “None of it. There are few who know of the bloodlines we have painstakingly orchestrated, as well as your betrothal to the na-Baron. All those who need to be informed are aware,” the Reverend Mother says. “When the time is right, you shall be presented to the na-Baron as his willing bride.”
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
Eurydice Atreides’ first act of defiance took form as a direct challenge to her own mother. In defying her mother, Eurydice has secured the wills and desires of the Bene Gesserit; to be a key component in the rise of the Kwisatz Haderach. Not everything is as it seems. Eurydice stands at the center of a catastrophe that threatens to bring ruin to the delicate nature of the Imperium. There is her duty to her blood, to her twin brother Paul, and then there is her duty to the Bene Gesserit, and the nephew of a Baron she is sworn to. And all that resides in between, there are plans within plans.
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vulpine-spectacle · 15 days
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
It is the scream of a woman that spurs Abulurd into a faster pace, despite the pain of shards imprinting into his face, then the snow biting into his flesh. The door to Feyd-Rautha’s nursery is open wide, so Abulurd need only stagger forward into it. The sight that awaits him is sickening. Thora. His wife, his love, lays upon the ground. Blood pours ceaselessly from the stump of her neck. Her body twitches, her nightgown stained with blood and stab wounds across her torso, and her head is in the hands of her killer. “Glossu,” breathes Abulurd. His eldest son stands there before him, clutching Thora’s head in his large, calloused hands. The boy who he had left behind on Arakkis is now a man. He is exceptionally large in stature and muscle, adorned in fine black armor dusted in snow and painted by blood. His smile is like his uncle's, cruel. Twisting his own mother’s head between his hands, he finally looks up to face his father. Carelessly, Rabban throws the head of Thora across the room. It rolls in an expression of frozen pain and terror to the feet of Abulurd. He feels his lip quiver as he looks at it, then at his own son. Beyond this room, he can still hear the massacre transpring through the corridors. Broken windows, guards being slaughtered, the screams of his servants. “Your own mother?” Abulurd says, his voice quivering. Rabban’s back straightens. “I am no son of yours or hers,” he says, his voice rough and thick. He glances towards the crib at the center of the room where Feyd-Rautha is standing, clutching the rim of it and peering over to watch it unfold. He is crying. “Nor is he.” Nor is he.
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
For a moment, there is silence. Eurydice’s stormy gray eyes find Feyd-Rautha’s ice-fire gaze. The tension of release across his face begins to find ease, then peace . There is no need for words between them. Their eyes convey enough. Feyd-Rautha softens his grip around Eurydice. A hand that had clung bruisingly to her hair now slackens, resting instead on the nape of her neck and guiding her to lay across his chest. His thumb traces circles there. His lips trace across her hairline, inhaling the scent of her, coupled with his own. Eurydice tilts her head up, brushing her nose against his in featherlight affection. “ Amein vut mir ,” Feyd-Rautha murmurs. Eurydice exhales softly, a shiver coursing through her body as she presses her cheek against his own.  He holds her closer, his arms a protective shield around her. Once more, the world fades into oblivion. There are only the two of them to be found within this hapless void. 
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her , The emotional torture, from the head of your high table , She'd do what you taught her, she'd meet the same cruel fate , So now I've got to run, so I can undo this mistake . . . - Paris Paloma, Labor
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
“MOTHER IS WATER ― Suzy Kassem
She is a Bene Gesserit. I inherit their sorrow and their pain. I am surrounded by their greater plans, interwoven within centuries of schemes and desires that culminate through me, Eurydice thinks. I was born for this role, but I was not born with this hatred. I was not always so bitter. She breathes in, sharply. I wish I could mourn the girl I used to be, Eurydice thinks, because she died before she had a chance to live.
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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Jodorowsky's Dune (1970) // Lynch's Dune (1984), Villeneuve's Dune (2021/2024)
In another life, in another world . . . how Eurydice Atreides would have been adapted within the DUNE films through the decades.
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
Gurney Halleck's eyes flicker open, his chest rising and falling in the rhythm of his shallow breaths. Shadows dance across the walls, casting eerie shapes that seem to mock him. His mind is reeling with the memories of Giedi Prime . . . and his family, his friends, all who have been lost to him. He hears their screams. But he isn't on Giedi Prime anymore. He's on Caladan. He's free. That's easy to forget. As he turns his head, a sliver of sunlight peeks through the window above his bed. Gurney squints through the sudden brightness, raising a hand to shroud his vision. Down below the garden view, he lays his eyes upon golden hair catching in the light like a halo of springtime. Gurney's eyes soften. A vision of hope and warmth that pierces through the darkness. Unable to look away, Gurney feels a surge of inspiration well within him, a melody taking shape in his mind like a whisper on the wind. With trembling hands, he reaches for his baliset. As he begins to strum a melody, his lips weaving words, it is a swell of warmth inside of him. The woman outside remains unaware of his gaze, but in that fleeting moment, she is his muse; his guiding light. And as the last notes of his song echo in the stillness of the room, Gurney feels a sense of peace wash over him, a glimmer of hope in his weary soul. Nuala Hestai.
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blacksunrequiem · 15 days
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It is the ballad that Gurney Halleck had written for the twins upon the day of their birth, then would sing on multiple occasions. It is a song that inspires joy.
Gurney had vowed to sing it again when the twins reunited.
Oh, there were twins with eyes so bright, One had green like the Earth's delight, The other had eyes as gray as the storm, Their gaze held a powerful form, ♫ Green eyes like the Earth, so calm and serene, Gray eyes like the storm, wild and unseen, Twins of Caladan, a sight to behold, Their eyes, a tale of stories untold,  ♫ Atop the hills, they danced and played, Their eyes reflected Caladan's shade, The land they loved, the land they knew, Their bond's as deep as the ocean blue,  ♫ Green eyes like the Earth, so calm and serene, Gray eyes like the storm, wild and unseen, Twins of Caladan, a sight to behold, Their eyes, a tale of stories untold, ♫ Through laughter and tears, they faced the day, Together they stood, come what may, Their eyes, a mirror of the world they knew, A bond unbreakable, strong, and true, ♫ Green eyes like the Earth, so calm and serene, Gray eyes like the storm, wild and unseen, Twins of Caladan, a sight to behold, Their eyes, a tale of stories untold, ♫ So raise a toast to the twins of old, Whose eyes reflected Caladan's mold, May their spirits forever roam free, In the land of Caladan, by the deep blue sea, ♫ In a land of Caladan, twins they did dwell, One with eyes green like the Earth's sweet spell, The other had eyes gray like a storm's great might, Reflecting the planet, shining bright, ♫ Green eyes, gray eyes, twins of Caladan, Eyes like the Earth, eyes like the storm's wild stand, Their bond's strong, their spirits' alive, In the land of Caladan, they thrive, ♫ Through valleys and hills, they roamed with glee, Their eyes reflected the land's beauty, Twins of Caladan, a sight to see, In their eyes, Caladan's soul is free, ♫ Green eyes, gray eyes, twins of Caladan, Eyes like the Earth, eyes like the storm's grand plan, Dancing under the stars, laughter in the air, Twins of Caladan, a love so rare, ♫ So raise a cheer for the twins of Caladan's tale, Whose eyes reflect the land without fail, In the heart of Caladan, they find their grace, Twins of Caladan, shining in their place… ♫ — Chapter 38, “Echoes in Our Blood” by @vulpine-spectacle
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vulpine-spectacle · 16 days
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
Jessica hums, audibly. “As mothers, we do all we can to protect our children,” she says. Eurydice’s gray eyes find her mother’s. There is a flash within her gaze, a quieted challenge that remains unspoken between them. It is clear that Eurydice has not forgiven the bad blood between them. As mothers , Jessica says, and yet she has acted very poorly in this role. Jessica has done all she can to protect Paul, but she recognizes her own shortcomings in regards to her daughter. All of it has been by the will of the Order, and it all falls into place now. For all the trials that have been endured by Eurydice’s person, she has seen it to the other side. Jaded and guarded as she may be, there is a newfound strength solidified inside of her, like a great wall. It is a powerful thing, one not so easily trifled with. And although Eurydice may not recognize it now, Jessica sees the makings of a fierce Kwisatz Mother…more than that, actually. A mother. Leto’s own eyes flicker to his concubine. “As mothers…?” he hums, a challenge of his own residing in his voice. Eurydice’s eyes lower. The sting of her Duke’s words and her daughter’s gaze burn within her skin, yet Jessica does not falter. She bows her head before the both of them, allowing them to see her own recognition of her misdeeds. There have been countless faults set between them. But there is no changing what has been. “His name is Hektor,” Eurydice says, to break the frigid silence between them. It garners a softer look in Leto’s eyes, as he directs his focus to her. She enjoys the momentary lapse of gentleness within his gaze. For a brief moment, he smiles, and it is the smile of a proud grandfather. Hektor . It is a name that has strong ties to House Atreides’ roots, treading long before Caladan, to that of Old Earth. It delivers a sense of fondness to his chest. He speaks the name softly, allowing it to slip past his lips. “Hektor,” Leto murmurs. Hektor, an Atreides name with a Harkonnen bite.
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vulpine-spectacle · 16 days
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
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vulpine-spectacle · 26 days
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
Velliväri :: the Giedilith word for ' black cat. '
“You could only run for so long, velliväri,” Feyd-Rautha breathes. Feyd-Rautha speaks in the native tongue of his people, Giedilith. He can think of no better word to describe this little shadow-glider than the word velliväri, which translates to black cat. The girl would not know this, of course, for the language is sacred and its memory lives solely through House Harkonnen. Yet it suits her. Velliväri. She is nameless to him, but perhaps this shall be her name henceforth. If she refuses to give him a name, he shall name her himself. It would be the highest honor. The na-Baron presses the blade against her throat. “Who are you?” he demands in a low, chilly voice. “Why do you persist, why are you here?” The girl growls under him. “Why do you chase me? You could just walk away.”
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
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ECHOES IN OUR BLOOD by Vulpine_Spectacle
One of the frustrating parts about having these made up characters in my head is the fact that I won't always have a 1000% accurate physical portrayal I can use for fancasts. Delphine is one of my trickiest characters to fancast because I have such a specific vision in my mind for her. The closest celebrity counterpart I have for her who is ethnically matched ( South American ) and aesthetically matched is Anya Taylor-Joy. A few problems... Delphine has red hair, pale blue eyes, and freckles. This isn't necessarily an issue, since I can just edit and photoshop these features. The biggest thing is the fact Anya already canonically portrays Alia, so it feels weird for me to use Anya as Paul's love interest in my fic, ya feel? I don't know, maybe because Anya's role wasn't huge it could work? Thoughts?
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