#ok first a short nap THEN i start animating
smovs · 2 years
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and one for Sora, too. [Riku] [Kairi]
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eruhamster · 2 months
hours have past and i now have a full belly and my nap meter has been fulfilled and so i am no longer angry but i will still insist that people thinking thistle is a child are, in fact, bitches
There is not a single suggestion he is a child through that entire manga. the most we get is a fan translation of a piece of that adventurer's bible that says it's "ok" if he wears elf earmuffs but "just ok" if pattadol or marcille wear elf earmuffs. but the same fan-translated blurb also says "children and young people" wear them, and specifies that young women often do not - implying that the difference in "ok" and "just ok" could be that Thistle's more fine to wear it as a man, versus Pattadol and Marcille.
We do not actually know the ages of any of the people from the Golden Country. We have nothing we can go on beyond estimations from the Tall-men aging. People saying "Thistle is short he must be a child" are full of it, because elves ARE short - he is the same height as another adult elf, Otta.
We physically see Thistle age through his backstory. We know he is fully grown.
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He had to have been at least around the human equivalent of 10 when Delgal was born. We do not know a pureblood elf's equivalent to this, but it is going to be older than a dwarf's since elves live longer. To put it in perspective, Senshi, at 13, was the human equivalent to a 6yo:
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Able to do simple chores. About 6 or so. So dwarves likely age at about half the rate of humans. Elves live even longer than dwarves, and likely age even slower. So a human 10yo would be a dwarf 20yo or so, and for an elf, that is likely 40 years old since they live 400 vs dwarf 200 years - So when we're looking at Thistle at Delgal's birth, what looks like a 10yo tall-man child would be a 40yo elf. It is highly likely around there unless it's said otherwise anywhere.
At 40 at the time of Delgal's birth, we could just add how old Delgal is. We don't know his exact age, but this man looks at least 40. He already has a son.
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So going by this, Thistle is probably about 80 at the time he officially becomes Dungeon Lord. This is the elf age of maturity according to the Adventurer's Bible.
And you need to remember, while immortality exists in the Golden Country, it does not mean aging is ground to a halt.
Delgal's son continues to grow, and has a child who grows into adulthood all within the dungeon. Delgal continues to age:
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Absolutely nobody is stunted in aging since the start of the dungeon. There has never been a suggestion of that. At some point it appears he made sure to lock everyone in the age of their prime, but Thistle continued to physically age at least through Delgal seeming to be at least a 70yo man.
So Thistle is solidly an adult, in body and mind, ESPECIALLY at the time of the story but including when he became Lord of the Dungeon. At absolute best, if you shave off years, possibly initially he could have been maybe the elf equivalent to late teens, but that's really pushing it.
Not a single time in the entire series, even when the Canaries see Thistle, does anyone remark that he is a child, or even exceedingly young. He is treated like an adult by absolutely everyone.
Every single person that says he is a child is working on pure headcanon or are overly distracted about his size and cute face, which is ironic since that's an ongoing issue elves deal with with with non-elves. He is not any shorter or any less babyfaced than other adult elves we know.
EDIT: Had one person point out a single part of Thistle's first proper introduction, where Marcille thinks "a child?" - A possible misunderstanding on Marcille's part, or a later retcon by Kui by the time we see his whole backstory. Regardless, I wasn't aware of it, and now that the episode that would have it is out - it's worth noting that the anime removed that.
He is not a child.
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the--rebel--fae · 4 months
Hello! English is not my language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Can I have a request with Leona? The girl found herself in the world of Twisted Wonderland when she died in her own. In general, she is from the world of Ladybug and Super Cat, but she does not remember her first life. It was like she was in a cartoon, but didn’t remember anything except the plot. So, she is the owner of the talisman and has many scars on her body due to battles. In short, this is the background story. She avoids people and has major trust issues. She cries because she doesn't like her own body, and Leona covers her with kisses, trying to prove that there is nothing wrong with scars.
A/n: Don't worry hun, I understood ya just fine. I hope it's ok I turned your request into a head cannon. But I made sure to put all the details you wanted into it! I hope you enjoy it! This was quite fun to write! :)
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Scarred! Reader
TW: None, unless talk of scars is triggering, then that would be the only warning.
Word Count: 264
You're Beautiful To Me
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When you first met Leona he didn’t care much about your scars.
But when you put him in his place during his overblot with your powers from your Miraculous as you called it, he finally became intrigued by you.
So much so that you two started getting closer and then soon enough you guys started dating.
It was one of your “nap dates” as you liked to nickname it when Leona first saw your scars. He was hesitant though, to say anything. After all, he had a scar of his own over his eye and it didn’t exactly come with the easiest story. So he left it be until you were ready to talk about them.
That is… until he found you crying in the greenhouse one day.
He may not be that great at comforting, but he couldn’t let his girlfriend be distressed. So after you calmed down with lots of hugs and promises of spending the rest of the day together, you opened up about your scars and told him how bad you felt about them. 
That they came with your past, but half of it you couldn’t remember and it was so frustrating. To know certain events but not entirely the world you came from. 
Leona just pulled you into a big hug after you told him the whole story. Then he did something that surprised you–he started kissing every visible scar he could. He wanted you to know that no matter how many scars or where they came from, you’d always be his beautiful herbivore. 
And he, your sweet boyfriend.
Hope you liked the story! Leona has always been one of my favorite Twisted Wonderland characters to write. He's so awesome. Thanks for the request!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Twisted Wonderland!
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jacksdinonuggets · 4 months
Chaggie agere fic!
Charlie stayed up all night again and needs a break. Sorry if it's too short.
It was about noon when Vaggie really started to get worried. Charlie had stayed up all night, trying to figure out a way to stop extermination and make the hotel work. The girl had eye bags under her eye bags and refused to sleep. The whole Hazbin squad was worried. As vaggie tried to hold an intervention, the rest stood back and watched.
“Come on, Hun, you need a break,” Vaggie said trying to steer Charlie away from her notes. She was currently sitting on the couch in the common area, a bunch of papers with notes on them covered the coffee table and there was a thumb-tack board that was covered with red thread connecting news articles and ideas and more random stuff.
“Extermination is in 4 months, Vaggie! If i can’t find a way to stop it, then everyone will die, and it's all my fault!” She cried. Everything seemed to be her fault. Why couldn't she just be helpful for once?!
“Hey, its not your fault. And not everyone will die. We still have some time. But i think you deserve a much-needed break,” Vaggie rubbed her shoulder from behind the couch. It was a nice massage since she was very tense from the horrible posture she maintained throughout the night.
“No, I don’t. Theres not much time left and I can’t waste it on resting.” Charlie continued to hunch over her work.
“Come on, Princess, ya need a break,” Angel interrupted from the back of the room.
“No, I Don’t! I’m perfectly fine without one!” She snapped at him. He kind of sunk down in defeat, making Charlie worry that she just ruined everything again.
“I- I’m sorry i snapped, but I’m still not gonna put this city’s life at risk because i decided to take a nap,” She apologized. Vaggie looked so done with her girlfriend. They both worried and cared for each other a lot. So, sensing that Charlie was being like this because she didn’t have a break yet, she picked her up from under her armpits like a cat and then cradled her to her chest.
“No! Put me down! I am the princess of hell!” She tried to squirm out of Vaggies hands.
“Sweetie, you need a break,” Vaggie said once again.
“I-.I-” Charlie’s voice cracked before she broke out into sobs. God, she was so exhausted but she couldn’t rest. Sleep was for the weak and she had to prove to heaven how very big and strong she was.
“Shh, Shh, Its okay,” Vaggie whispered in a soothing tone. Charlie curled up even more as she sobbed, giving away a hint that she had now slipped. 
Charlie sometimes would use age regression to cope with extermination or just stressful situations. Vaggie first brought it up to her since she also used it and wanted to give Charlie a healthy coping mechanism to try. The two mostly took care of each other or regressed alone.
Sir pentious wanted to help since he really admired Charlie and her efforts. He slithered his over to them and looked at her.
“Hey, Everything’s ok-” Even louder wails erupted from Charlie as soon as she saw him. Everyone seemed so scary right now besides Vaggie, her caregiver. She just wanted to curl up in bed and cuddle with her stuffies.
“Come on, sweetie, You’re gonna be okay, We’re heading up to our room, alright?” Vaggie comforted her while walking a way. She muttered a ‘sorry’ at Sir Pentious.
Once they reached their master bedroom, Vaggie laid her crying princess on the bed before going into the closet to grab a couple of things. She came out with a beach bag that had rainbows and a sun on it. Inside were her Little Items. She had multiple pacifiers, a few sippy cups and one bottle. She also had a bunch of coloring books and bedtime stories in there. On the bed, currently, was her duck stuffed animal that Lucifier had given to her when she was very young.
Vaggie quickly filled the bottle up with water and gave Charlie her ducky. She sat on the bed and pulled her into her lap to begin rocking her. She started to sing a spanish lullaby, hoping it would help calm her baby down. Luckily it did and her cries were now quiet but she was still very small. So Vaggie held the bottle up to Charlies mouth and she began to suckle on it. All of the crying made her really thirsty.
“I think this little one needs a nap,” Vaggie said once Charlie finished the bottle.
“Bu’ I wanna play,” Charlie pouted.
“You can play when you wake up, but for now, its Night-Nigh time.” Vaggie helped change her little one out of her suspenders and suit and into pajamas before tucking her in.
“Sleep well, Charlie,” Vaggie said before kissing her forehead goodnight.
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fp-am · 1 year
something to write?
First time that Orange sees snow?
kind of short, but here’s a young Second discovering snow
(Third Person POV)
Circa, 2015
“We have another animation to make, Second.”
It was around Christmas time of 2015. Second was still young and curious, being nurtured and cared for on Alan’s current computer. He’d never seen much of the outside world besides a few scenes and drawings of nature.
He always asked his friends about all the things he’d yet to learn. So far, he loved every drop of information he has consumed.
Today was another busy day. A simple background animation commission for Christmas time. Second was still new to the whole Christmas thing, but was excited to learn more.
Second started drawing pine trees and sketching a landscape, giving it a cool night sky with stars. He glanced over at Alan. To his confusion, he was drawing some white marks on the perfect trees and grass that he had just drawn.
“Alan, what are you doing?”
“Why are you putting white marks on the background?”
“do you not know about snow?”
“it’s something that comes around during the winter. when it gets too cold, the rain drops in the clouds freeze up and turn into little shards of ice. that’s what we call snow. once the snow falls, it bunches up and stays on the ground due to the cold weather.”
“Ohh.. it’s like ice.. but smaller?”
“kind of. Why don’t you touch it?”
Second curiously looked at the snow Alan drew. Leaping over, he stuck a hand in. He pulled it out almost immediately.
“Ah! Cold!”
“pft. well of course it’s cold. but its fun to play around with. watch.”
With a smile, Alan drew some more snow, then used his mouse to roll it up into a few balls. Placing them on top of eachother, he drew some accessories for the snowman.
“see? here, try.”
Drawing some accessories, Alan handed them to Second and backed up.
Scooping up some, Second started building his own snowman. But, every single time, the snow crumbled. He started to get angry, but eventually, he figured it out. Carefully, he stuck on the accessories.
“There! It’s not.. uh.. good but.. I did it.”
“I think it looks great.”
“You’re just saying that..”
“no. It’s really great, Sec.”
“But yours is way better.”
“It’s only ‘better’ because I used a mouse. I didn’t put any effort into it. yours has heart put into it.”
That made Second smile a little.
“Yeah. I guess you’re right. Well..”
..Second jumped directly into his own snowman, letting it crumble and go down.
“Haha! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself! I like how soft it is.. I could take a nap in it.”
“why are you always so sleepy”
“I don’t know, but I feel like if I closed my eyes right here, I could just sleep.”
“wouldn’t it be too cold?”
“I don’t think so..” Second yawned, snuggling into the cold, soft lump of snow that used to be a snowman. “Mmmh.. I actually think it’s just right.”
Slowly, he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.
It was hours later when Second awoke.
“Mmmph..? Huh?”
“oh, you’re up”
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Oh.. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. I finished it anyway.”
Second looked around. With all the shading and the snowflakes falling from the sky, it was beautiful.
“what is it?”
“It’s so pretty..”
“hm. I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly, Second sneezed and sniffled.
“Ah.. what was that?”
“It looks like your sick from sleeping in the snow. you might have a cold.”
“Like.. a sickness?”
“Mhm. cmon. let’s get you in bed so you can get to feeling better..”
Second left with a smile that night.
Snow. What a curious thing.
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thewritingginger · 2 years
TokyoRev Boys - Taking care of you while you’re sick
Guess who’s sick? ✨this bitch!✨ So in spirit of being sick I decided to write a short HC of some of the Tokyo Revengers Boys helping their S/O while they are sick.
This is my first time writing for TokyoRev but i enjoyed the anime and have finally started reading the manga this month so any feed back is appreciated
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Characters: Manjiro “Mikey” Sano, Ken “Draken” Ryuguji & Takashi Mitsuya Warning(s): GN! Reader, Fluff, I’m sick while writing this so mistakes may exist :)
Enjoy ~
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Mikey is the kind to ensure you have snacks and will hang out with you if you want, for as long as you want
Even if that's just over FaceTime
“We can still lay together over the phone.”
“I’ll talk to you as long as you want, Baby.”
He is your designated nap/cuddle buddy
Will lay in bed or on the couch in a fortrice of blanket with you all day and night
When you text him you’re sick he is at your doorstep an hour later with two bags full of yummy treats and drinks for you to veg out on the couch
“I got your favorite ice cream and bought all the Dorayaki I could find.”
Will brush his fingers in your hair when you lay on his lap like you do for him
He likes to help groom you
Combing your hair, tying it up/ clipping it back
And just generally makes sure you’re always comfy
“Do you want another popsicle or need more water?”
“You can have the last Dorayaki.”
Draken is a big teddy bear
He’ll keep you warm under the covers and will gladly let you curl into him or lay on him
“You need another blanket, Babe?”
Will order you whatever take out you want
Draken seems the sort to happily go the pharmacy to pick up any prescriptions you may have/need
He will pamper you! more than usual
Rubbing/scratching your back while laying together
Will give massages if you feel achy or just want the extra TLC he’ll never say no to loving on you
Runs you a hot bath or shower and helps you bathe no funny business just loves :3 
“It’s not too hot, right?”
“Turn around so I can rinse out your hair.”
Draken will also endure any movies or shows you want to watch cue Twilight marathon
Mitsuya is in mom mode when he gets that call
He will cook you your favorite meal and will make sure you have enough water at all times
“Are you still hungry, Sweetheart?”
Will make sure you’re dressed properly/ comfortably
If you’re really sick he’ll help you change into clean clothes & put fuzzy socks on your feet
“You’re not too warm or cold, right?”
“Would you like a cool rag on your face?”
Will help with the dishes or picking up your space so you don't have to worry about it
Makes sure you have everything you need by your bed when he tucks you in
“Rest up, Mama. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
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Was that ok? I hope so
If you enjoyed this - feedback and interaction is always appreciated :)
~ Masterlist ~
💛 ~
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shansrois · 1 hour
ok imagine being ningguang's younger sister and secretly in a relationship with the runaway kazuha.
this has been in my draft for 2 years now, i just discovered it again and felt like continuing it <3 to remind my stem student self about my affection for literature.
kaedehara kazuha x gn!reader
fluff, i promise
First of all, being Ningguang's sister means she cannot have as much time to bond with you. but she will definitely make up for it with weekly dinners to catch up with each other's lives.
And being Kazuha's lover, knowing the risks of rumors that may spread when they see you both together, you would both rather not expose your relationship into public. But, Beidou might already have knowledge about your situation, but we'll talk about that later.
Whenever you have the chance to see each other, you two will walk around the silent streets of the harbor at night and snuggle beneath a huge tree somewhere faraway from the city. His body and clothes are very soft to touch and to hug. when he you both wake up from the short nap, you just do whatever feels right at the moment.
You could explore more areas ahead and go sight-seeing, or just chat about how you're doing these past few weeks while your head is laid on his shoulders.
When you find some sort of animal like a cat or a dog, Kazuha would 100% call it over to come to your side. Then you will pet them and give them some food you have. He loves cats, he swore to you that when he is able to go back to Inazuma without a stain on his name, he will bring you with him and visit alot of beautiful places and visit his friend's cat. And the grave too 💀
Okay anyways 😊
As sneaky as Kazuha is, he was still busted by the captain, I assume he was caught in a trap that was set by beidou which revealed what he actually does in his freetime. She promised not to tell ningguang though, hopefully she really doesn't yet. But, to be completely honest, you wanted to tell her about your relationship yourself.
So one day, when you had the chance to talk to her during her free time, you couldn't miss out on the opportunity to share this little secret with your beloved sister.
"Sister, it's nice to see you again. The weather is magnificent today, isn't it?"
"Hello to you, too. I have tea and snacks prepared for this afternoon. Do make yourself comfortable."
"Hmmm let's have a very honest conversation sis."
The curiosity in Ningguang's eyes gave you the sign to continue.
"Let's play a game, we take turns in asking each other some questions. If we do not want to answer a question, we take a sip of this drink with 40% alcohol that I bought from Fontaine! How does that sound?"
She thought about it for a few seconds and replied.
"That offer sounds very much like you, very well, I'll have my schedule cleared out for the expected aftermath of this game you have."
"Great! Let's start. You can go first sissy."
"How did you get ahold of this high-class drink in Fontaine?"
"Ahaha I... I asked for help from Beidou. Okay my turn! Do you swing that way?" (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH LOVELY PEOPLE)
"Ah yes, seems like you have caught on to my... preferences. Now I shall ask you this question. Are you... Hiding something from me?"
"Yes. Next question, are you and Beidou a thing?"
She was speechless for a few seconds and suddenly she poured herself a drink.
"What! We were getting to the good part!"
"I refuse to elaborate on that topic. Now. Are you and a certain samurai secretly seeing each other in the shadows?"
"Huhh?! What-how, uh, yeah. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?"
"Beidou is a little too chatty."
Beidou huh.
"Whatever, but yeah, that was the thing that I wanted to talk with you today. Do you approve of us?"
"Sure, why not. That boy has gentleness and passion flowing into his veins. He's totally your type as well. You have my blessings in whatever your plans are with him."
(will continue once i get more sleep)
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Note: OK, first things first, I started drawing this while traveling on a bus, in an Easternish Europian country, so the roads were very bumpy and it was hard to write, so I'm going to write here the texts too. I hope you like this short story I came up with! ^^ (I'm obsessed with putting easter eggs into everything)
1: God: Today I unite you, God: And all shall witness.
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[Crowley hides themselves with his wings] 2: A: It's alright, my darling. No needd to cover me. God: He is right, Crowley. You can't fight anyone's fate. God: For it has already been written. God: My sweet children, I have sent humanity for you to learn from. God: And you two were the first ones, who ever did. Crowley, my fallen archangel, Raphael, guardian demon of the tree, and aid of humanity…- A: What?! You're an archangel?
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3: C: Does it matter now? A: N-no. God: Aziraphale, principality of the Eastern gate… my softest angel. Your worries may layed to rest, for from this day forward, you shan't leave one another. God: Take my gift, he will be the guardian of humanity. The fruit of your love will be Rathma. A, and C: What?! God: Demon, will you take my gift, and his hand? C: … I'd like to hear it from him first! God: Very well, angel? A: Crowley… I will.
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4: C: Then, C: I will too… God: You may kiss your spouse.
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6: later, somewhere in London [wings flap, they are falling apart, from being untangled from their wings, finally falling back into cushions at the library] C: What- What just happened? A: I think… we just got married.
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7: C: Angel. Did you really want this? C: I mean, them leaving us alone is nice and all, but… Isn't this going too fast for you? A: Crowley, dear. This was just a ceremony of spending our time together. I think we already did that for 6000 years. C: Did you not hear the part about Rathma?! A: Crowley, I will do no such thing until I know you can love me. C: Oh, so you mean to tell me, you also don't have free will. Beacuse angels can't have that.
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8: C: You just heard Her. We are on our own side. C: You didn't say yes, just because you were forced, right? A: It's not as if we can't set our own pace. She didn't say any date. C: So you do lov- A: Ahah, would you like some wine? Let's get drunk! [alcohol appears]
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9: C: …sure. I'd like to be summoned while I'm too drunk to care about the change of surroundings. If that happens again. [Bunch of alcohol later] C: My point is… Ducks! [A: again?] C: They have eggs. Real good parental defene… defenend… guardians! Put their heir in an egg! Kids fresh out the egg can run! See! Speak too! Snakes have eggs!
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10: A: So you're suggesting we should also store them in an egg? C: I-I-I I mean, I don't suppose any of us want to carry them the way others do, right? A: Like humans? C: Imagine fish… A: Ugh… I'd rather not. A: Do we even carry them? How-… Do they?… How would we even get there? I don't think others have done it before.
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11: A: How are angels born? C: Why ask me? You're the angel! A: You were an archangel! You should know more than I do! C: I-I don't know! C: God sorta just created them! In adult form. Or at least in a permanent state. C: …You don't think-. They will just show up anytime? A: She said they'll be born as the fruit of our love… A: wait. A: If we are good and evil. Then they will be good and evil. But humans are good and evil. What if they will be human? They grow so fast!!
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12: C: I go for a longer nap and they might be old or dead! [Even more alcohol later…] A: I can't help it, I'm an 'Ngel! I'm made out of love. I can only love you. Even if you can't- [Drunk vision begins] C: No. Angel,
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13: C: I'm sorry if you ever thought that. If you ever held back because of me. Of fear I'd hurt you. C: I can't ask you to believe me, I only earned distrust for my fall. But I have loved you since the moment we first met. Even if I hate to admit it. There's no other being I want to protect more than you. If not me, the nature of the animal I've been cursed with, can be believed.
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14: A: Crowley… You just said that you love me! C: I-… I did? Aziraphale, barely can be heard: Dear, you're shaking! Are you alright? Oh don't fear, it is mutual, rea…
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[Crowley's brain has stopped working] 15: [Reality check starts, drunk vision ends] C: OFC I LOVE YOU, ANGEL! PLEASE! IT'S BEEN 6000 YEARS! hic WHAT DO YOU MEAN I GO TOO FAST FOR YOU?!! HUMANS NEED LIKE ONE YEAR. Why do you think I slept so much?! "Devil don't sleep", Angel! I-… [reciting of the last words, showing they really were said]
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[Time was spent, and now it's morning] 16: A: Mhm… C: Nothing's too fast for you now, is it? A: You're never going to let that go, will you? C: That's basic standard~ C: Angel. Will you marry me? A: But we're already married? C: I want it to be your decision. When you want it. When you're ready. A: Crowley~ You're the nicest being that I ever known, [C: That's a problem] A: Of course, I will!
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17: [much later, in Raphael's church, with Raphael's painting showing him holding a snake. Others have been invited too.] C and A: I do. [A: Now that I think about it, it's kind of obvious]
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18: It has been ages since they were on earth. [ominous humming] In their celestial star-shape. A star smelter, in the sky. A new star was believed to have occoured. And a new star was born. (A demigod).
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19: And soon, delivered to Earth. Vanishing from the night sky. An Angel's egg. [later, at their cottage house] A: Crowley~ [Crowley is shown in snake form, holding a marker, indicating he drew on the egg the shades]
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The end!
Thank you for reading!
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larathefox · 2 years
How Postal Dude and Lara met part 1
yaaay a self-insert origin story! It's gonna be cringe so get out if you hate people who simp for the dude
Ah, Paradise, The town that is full of violence and chaos. It's not uncommon to see some dumbass buying crack on the streets or finding out that terrorists took over the church and these things became normal in here. These weird things started when a Dude moved in with his dog, and we will be following his little adventures.
Today, it is Monday. The Dude is on his way back home from doing his chores, He had his money from work and some milk in hand. He was trying real hard to not start shooting anyone, he just wanted to get home safe and sound. Some RWS Protesters did notice him once or twice, so he was forced to kill those people. When he got home, champ ran to him and started barking without any stop. "What the hell is wrong with you, champ?" The Dude just ignored it and walked inside his trailer, he was about to put the goat milk in his fridge but then he noticed something on his couch. It was a weird furry sleeping on the couch. Dude took out his shovel and slowly approached this thing that invaded his house. "What the FUCK are you?!" The fox fell off of his couch right onto the ground. "And what the FUCK are you doing with that shovel?" The fox asked on an angry yet scared voice. Dude sighed then put his on the table. "First of all, why is a furry in my trailer? And second of all, how the fuck did you get in here?" The short fox got up from the ground and dusted herself off, sitting back on the couch. "Look, i didn't know anyone lived here until you came so don't be angry at me just because i wanted to take a nap in your shitty trailer." She said, mockingly. "Then atleast tell me who you are so i can report you to the animal control centre." "I am Lara, you dumbass. Now please let me rest, i had a bad weekend." Lara layed down next to the dude, her feet were in the dude's lap. "Always the most stupidest people are trying to annoy me. Figures." "Hey, I'm not stupid! I mean, i am, but i just wanna take a nap come on!" "Why can't you just go outside like a normal animal?" "Because I'm a furry, not a dog." "Ugh, fine." The dude stood up and lifted up Lara into his arms. "What are you doing again?" Lara asked but the dude didn't say anything, he just opened the door and dropped the fox into the dirt. "OW! You could've broke my spine, you know!" "I have been shot several times before and here i am. Now stay here until i figure out a way to make you disappear from here." The man was about to close the door, but the fox stopped him from doing so. "Wait wait wait wait!! Wait!" "Whaaaat?" The dude groaned. "i-if you let me live in your trailer, i will do your chores for you! I will do anything to stay inside your warm home, please! I don't wanna be locked outside again.." Dude took a good look at the fox, begging to him with those annoying puppy eyes. "Oh my god, FINE! Come in, but if you dare to hurt Champ I'm gonna murder you." "Okay! Ok ok ok! I got it! Yes sir!" Lara walked inside the trailer once again, and just stood there in silence. The dude noticed how strange she was acting, so he asked the fox. "What are you doing? Why won't you just sit down or something?" "Well, you did just threaten me right now and I don't wanna make you too angry." "Don't worry, i can rarely get angry at other people so unless you do some bullshit you will be fine." Lara layed down on the couch, turning on the TV. The dude was staring at the weird furry thing in confusion, which Lara noticed. "What? What do you want? You never saw a real anthro animal before?" "Well, to be honest, no i never did" "Pff, do you live under a rock or something?" "No i just- ugh okay forget it…" The dude walked beside Lara, and started to look more at her weird appearance. "stop staring at me. Please. It's kinda annoying you know?" "Oh I'm sooorry for trying to understand your dumb furry anatomy." "Well get used to it because you will see me for a loooooong time in here. Hehe, so yeah buckle up buddy" "Yeah yeah blah blah, let me sit next to you!" Dude grabbed Lara's ankles and put her feet up in the air. "Put me down, asshole!" "I didn't lift your whole body up, It's only your legs, don't whine about everything!" The dude sat down next to the fox, putting Lara's legs into his lap. "Uhh, whyyy did you put my legs into your lap?" "Because It's the most comfortable for both of us. Now shut up, and talk only when you need something!" "Okay, fine, I'm sorry!"
A few hours later, it was dark outside, around 7pm. The town was quiet, so were the dogs in it, that's rare. Lara was sleeping on the couch, while dude was eating cereal for dinner. This sweet silence was relaxing to both of them. How can silence be comfortable? I don't know either. The dude wasn't wearing his trenchcoat, only his alien shirt, the reason is mostly because Lara needed a blanket so Dude gave her his coat which was surprisingly comfortable. Dude, finishing his bowl of cereal, stood up and walked to the sleeping fox, wondering where will he sleep now. He just sighed and decided to sleep on the carpet that was under the table.
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j-a-smiths-blog · 6 months
1906 24Dec23: OMG the ice cream turned out great. The mango is good, not overly sweet. But boyyyyyy let me tell ya... that coffee... wooooo weeeee it was so delicious.
The wife is currently at the night market seeking some more stuff and wants me to come get them shortly after 8pm so I was trying to nap but some people in town are celebrating the holidays which is getting our dog all spazing out because of the loud pops.
In a totally unrelated event, my mind got to thinking and when thinking of stop motion animation I have two proposed ideas that I think I'm going to pursue.
One I had mentioned... well, to think about it.. I've mentioned both, but the first one, which would be easier to tackle, would be a short scene where I'd have to focus on building one diorama where I'd need one, maybe two removable walls for camera shots to be taken.
Tomorrow or the next day, I think I will start to break down the scene and start to blueprint the diorama. Then I'd have to make a list of stuff I'd like to make and a list of materials I'd need to make it. I already have two packs of air dry clay so I can focus on making the shower tub, sink and toilet. For the floor I am thinking of popsicle sticks but I really need to see if I can find little tile type stuff. Guess I'll just eyeball stuff and see.
Ok. I need to upstart getting ready. After I pick up the wife, we are supposedly going to our friends house for Noche Buena!
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Idk if you read Lore Olympus but chapter 129 gave me an angsty request idea.
So Persephone, who’s the goddess of spring, goes into a hibernation-like state and when her emotions go out of control, she ends up growing her hair really long and her body sprouts a lot of plants from her; to the point of covering her and whatever area she’s in with her plants.
So I would like to request head cannons of the Brothers reacting to an MC who gets really sad whenever the brothers insult or threaten them and after several weeks of being berated by demons it causes MC to shut down and go to their room but mistakes a comfort spell with a plant curse that causes their hair and plants to grow continuously long. The plants fill up MC’s room and while they would normally be surprised at the mistake, they don’t care any more. They allow the plants to to grow, even wrap around their neck and body, and hopes the curse kills them off before the brothers notice as they go in the “hibernation” stage of the curse (The curse causes the victim to grow a lot of plants and vines from their body until they die, which can take a few days).
I’m sorry for being so long and descriptive, I just wanna see the Bros panic and feel guilty that MC felt pushed to do this to themselves but I understand if you don’t want to do it
I don't read Lore Olympus but you described the situation really well so I hope this is something close to what you wanted.
Comfort spell gone wrong
Lately, nothing seemed to be good enough for the demons. No matter what you did one of them would find something to berate you for.
“Mc, your grades are subpar even for an exchange student. You’ll have to try harder in order to not be a disappointment to Diavolo and myself.” Lucifer warned over breakfast.
“Mc, you burned dinner. You should learn to be a better cook.” Beel grumbled. As if you had ever seen any of these ingredients before ending up in the Devildom.
Even Mammon seemed to be in a particularly unpleasant mood. A never-ending string of complaints about how hard it is to protect an ordinary human. “Geez, you’re such a hassle human.”
Taking refuge in the library to study and to give Mammon a break from you proved disastrous and nearly deadly. Somehow you’d managed to spill your cup of tea all over an old somewhat rare text after Asmo had barged in and startled you. Your string of bad luck continued when Satan rounded the corner and saw the soggy tea-stained pages you’d been trying to decipher. In his fit of rage, he’d called you several unpleasant names and asked if you were “capable of doing anything right or if all humans are as stupid as you?” You’d left as quickly as you were able to avoid any more of his wrath.
No matter where you went you kept walking in on Belphie napping and without fail he’d say something nasty to you, that would make tears burn the backs of your eyes.
Levi had angrily called you a “useless normie,” who he wished would “never come back.” and had pushed you from his room with a slam of his door.
Even Asmo who usually just ignored you when he was upset found every reason imaginable to critique your every aspect. Physical and personality. Not a single one of which made you feel any more than worthless.
So was it any wonder when at the end of a long week you’d locked yourself in your room and decided to try that comfort spell you’d heard Solomon talking about? It seemed simple enough. But then your tears had blurred your vision as you’d recited the words and your Latin was still shaky at best. But it was just a few lines! And there was no way you were going to go to one of the brothers for comfort when they had seemed perfectly happy to make you miserable for the last few weeks.
You’d read the spell aloud and curled up hoping that the spell would kick in and you’d feel even just the slightest bit better. The blinding green light and sudden drop in energy was the first and only warning the spell had gone wrong. But being new to magic meant it still sapped your energy, so you didn’t stop to think something might be wrong. By the time you realized what was happening, everything was out of control. Plants had begun to sprout from your skin and the floor around you, growing and growing. With each inch they grew you felt your exhaustion creep up and consume you. You were just so tired. Your eyes fluttered closed. This was wrong! You forced your eyes open again. You need to fix this. The spell! But a short nap wouldn’t hurt, would it? You’d have more energy after you woke up. Then you could go get one of the brothers. Satan would know how to fix this. Or Lucifer! He’d clean the spell up easily. Yes, after you woke up…
Lucifer hadn’t seen you all weekend. He figures you’re most likely studying. But you don’t show up for meals and none of his brothers have seen you either… and oh Diavolo! He can feel the spell from the dining room. How did he not notice sooner? The cold pulling sensation of the spell, like it was sucking the warmth and life from its surroundings.
When Lucifer reaches your door Mammon is already there. Knocking and shouting for you, but there's no answer. He all but breaks your door down, his brothers behind him, and finds you at the center of the spell. Unresponsive and covered in the plants using your energy to grow. The plants had begun climbing up the walls and twisting through your hair, sending out snow-white flowers.
“Beel! Don’t!” Lucifer warns as Beel reaches out to pull a handful of plants from you. “We don’t know what did this and what will happen to Mc if we just rip the spell off like that.”
“Lucifer, Mc did this to themself,” Satan points to the open spellbook. “It looks like they got a comfort spell mixed up.”
Fortunately, your last tired thoughts were correct and Lucifer is able to break the spell quickly. You wake surrounded by the brothers.
All this happened for a comfort spell? Because you didn’t feel like you could come to him, to any of them?
He’s so sorry Mc. Enough that as he leans down to pick you up out of the mess of withering plants you can feel tears fall onto your face.
“Nothing I did was good enough for you Lucifer. Any of you. I just wanted to feel… I just wanted-”
His heart breaks when he realizes this is his brother’s fault, his fault. “You are always good enough, Mc. Much more than I could ever ask you to be, and if I ever made you feel like you weren't. No, the fact that I made you feel like you weren’t, means I have been truly terrible.”
You’re choking back your own tears now and you curl further into his arms as he carries you down the hall. “You said I was a disappointment.”
“My dear Mc, you have never been, nor could you ever be a disappointment to me. Forgive me for ever making you feel as if you were.”
Lucifer takes you to his bathroom and draws you a bath to wash away the last of the plant matter from your body.
Afterward, he’ll bring you anything you ask for. He wants to wrap you in his arms but doesn’t want to push you, so he asks softly if he can hold you.
He’ll spend weeks trying to make this up to you, even after you forgive him, he’ll be sure to tell you how much he loves you more often than he did before.
Shit human! Why didn’t you come to him? He loves you so much and oh. He made you feel like a burden.
How could he be so stupid when he knows how his brothers make him feel?
Mammon begs for your forgiveness in front of all his brothers.
“Please can ya forgive me? I never meant to make ya feel like a burden. You're the only human I- I want to protect you Mc. I’m so sorry.”
Mammon helps you up and since your room is covered in plants he offers to let you sleep in his room for the night.
He wraps you in blankets and brushes the hair from your face with trembling fingertips.
There are still a few stubborn leaves sticking to your face and in your hair so Mammon takes a warm washcloth and wipes them from your face before gently untangling the plants from your hair.
You’ll be getting little gifts and tokens of mammon’s affections for the foreseeable future.
He threw you out of his room when you came to him for comfort and the guilt at seeing you almost die because of it is eating him alive.
He feels frozen
Maybe you would be better off without an otaku shut-in like him. He starts avoiding you like the plague.
You start to think that Levi is so disgusted with the fact that you did that spell that he doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.
Despite this Levi still checks up on you. He wants to know that you are ok, he just does it without you knowing.
He’ll ask his brothers about you and discreetly glance at you during meals to make sure you’re eating enough and look healthy.
A few days later when your favorite and manga anime start showing up outside your door you confront Levi. “Are you mad at me? Do you just not want to be around me after what happened? Levi, I miss you!”
He is shook, and he can’t believe he messed up so badly.
He’s happy that he can invite you to hang out again, and he makes sure to spend long nights gaming or watching movies with you until you fall asleep against him. He’ll even stutter out how much he treasures his time with you, blushing fiercely all the while.
Satan feels anger swell up inside him. How could he have let this happen? How could no one have seen how upset you were?
Once the spell has been dissolved he is at your side instantly. Brushing vines from your skin. His fingers are shaking in anger but his touch is so gentle.
When both you and your room are cleaned up Satan sits at your bedside, book in hand, reading to you.
He just wants to be close to you now. He wants you to know how much he cares about you but is still too worked up to get his thoughts out properly.
Eventually, his thoughts calm and he stops reading in the middle of a sentence. “Mc, I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel unwanted. Every day I spend with you is infinitely better than a day without you. I know the spell was a mistake but… we almost lost you. I almost lost you.”
He wants to talk about what pushed you to do this. He won’t push but he really does think that he will be better able to help you if he understands.
Satan makes sure to spend more time with you from now on. He makes a conscious effort to check his temper at the door and be with you when you need him.
Sometimes he’ll just read to you until one of you confides in the other in quiet voices.
As you blink your eyes open Asmo gently brushes some plants from your cheek.
You are so pale and his heart breaks as you flinch away from him. You feel like a mess and you know you must look like one too so curl your body away from him trying to hide. Trying to avoid his critical gaze.
This is the moment Asmo knows he screwed up.
He draws his hand back, for a moment, before reaching out to you again. Cupping your cheek and wiping your tears away with perfectly manicured hands.
Lucifer has him take you to his bathroom to clean up while the rest of the brothers work to clear the plants from your room.
Asmo is quiet for a long while as he untangles plants from your hair.
“You’re so loved, Mc,” he says softly. “You are.” he insists when you shake your head no.
“More than you could ever know, and it’s our fault for not telling you. My fault for not making you feel worthy.”
After this incident, Asmo wants to make sure you know how beautiful you are. He starts self-care days once a week that soon turn into whole family affairs. Each week different combinations of his brother attend and you all work to pamper each other.
Asmo makes sure nothing like this happens again, he never wants to be part of the reason you feel unloved ever again.
At first, Beel thinks you did this on purpose. Once the brothers realize you messed up the spell he is less angry but no less distraught.
Once you wake up, he wants to take you to get desserts. He’s heard humans eat Chocolate/ other sweets to feel better. And this makes sense to him, food does make everything better.
But you don’t want to go to Madam Screams or the kitchen to make your own. You’re still so tired. Not to mention embarrassed that you screwed the spell up this bad.
And now they are all staring at you like they care so much when none of them had any time to notice how they were making you feel before.
When you become unresponsive to the brother’s questions and apologies Beel scoops you up in his arms and walks away with you.
Something about the way he holds you close to his chest and his warmth causes you to finally let go.
You bury your face in his shirt to muffle your crying.
“I just… I felt so alone! And… I...but no one” you gasp out shakily between sobs.
Beel soothes you with soft murmuring as he gently cards his fingers through your hair and strokes down your back.
Once your crying quiets he starts to speak “Don’t do that again. You can always come to me Mc. I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t”
Belphie thinks it’s a joke at first. “Man, how could they mess up this bad?”
Then he sees Lucifer’s panicked expression and it hits him how serious this is.
Belphie is immediately by your side. Hands frantically feeling your wrist for a pulse.
After Lucifer breaks the spell and your eyes flutter open Belphie is filled with relief until a wave of guilt washes through him.
He can’t believe he fucked up so badly again. Sure this time he didn’t directly cause you physical harm, but he did play a role in causing you to almost die again.
“I am so very sorry Mc, I never meant to hurt you.”
He does everything he can think of to make it up to you. Anything you ask him for, as long as it’s within his power, is yours. No questions asked.
He asks permission just to hold your hand for weeks afterward as if he thinks you’ll come to your senses and decide you don’t want anything to do with him.
He wants to comfort you so bad.
To make sure you don’t feel like this again Belphie pulls you away to nap with him as often as he can get away with it. Most likely only a few times a week (much less often than he would like). Sometimes he uses this time just to talk with you. Others you really do nap, and Belphie curls himself around you. Occasionally he enters your dreams while you nap together to make sure no nightmares can touch you.
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
could you maybe do the future kids one with tamaki, monoma(with 1a reader), inasa, and iwaizumi?
a/n: So this is my first monoma and inasa writing so I’m sorry if he’s a bit ooc or not what you thought but I tried my best
Also imma keep the hc for the kids to mha cause haikyuu wouldn’t really fit with the anime unless all of them were dreams soooo ya
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
PART 3 future kids
Tamaki Amajiki
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Mans was just trying to finish patrol and go home
His social batter was done for and he needed a nap
Right at the end of patrol Fatgum found a lost kid about 8 or 9 though and they needed to find their parents
So they asked a bunch of questions but none of her answers made any sense
“Are you parents heros kid?”
“Mhmm” she was shuffling away from people but seemed content with Fatgum
Tamaki was just chilling behind him
“Oh ok where’s their agency?”
“I didn’t know the name but the go to the same one as Lemillion!” She said as she tried to remember
Tamaki flinched at the name and poked out behind Fatgum
“What do you mean Lemillion?”
“Oh well he’s tall and blonde and— wait,” the girl looked up from her shoes at his voice.
The first thing he noticed is that she had the same eye color as you
“Oh papa! There you are weren’t you with mom?” She asked
Fatgum looked behind Tamaki and around them but no one stopped or anything
“Um did you just see your dad?” The hero asked
“Well ya hes right there. Uncle gum you should know that,” she looked confused but went with it
Tamakis eyes widened when she gave a small point to him
She was way to old to actually be his right now and he was confused
Not to mention he’s never done it with anyone?!
Hes been to preoccupied with trying to ask you out while looking at a wall
Fatgum looked between him that girl for a second before continuing
“What’s you name sugar?”
“Uh Ava Tamaki?” She gave him a look like he was acting wierd but went with it
Tamaki was malfunctioning
Did he have a secret sister?
Wait but she called him dad????
The the he universe said let’s shake things up and you came literally flying through the air and barely managing to land with out hitting your face
Your quirk isn’t flight
“Are-Are you ok???” Both of them said at the same time
“Oh Fatgum sir, Tama! Cool there’s this really strong theif a couple blocks over there that got a hold of m—“ you felt something hugging your leg and looked down
“Mama! Are you ok? That was kind of funny how you flew,” Ava giggled a bit
You looked at her for a moment before looking back up to the other two
Tamaki was so red he felt like he had a fever with how red he was
You just blinked before looking back at the girl who was giving you arms to pick her up
“Ok well can someone go help with the theif? Everytime I get close he keeps grabbing and throwing me,” you said as you threw the girl up on your hip
Long story short you tried to give her to the police to find her parents but she was insisting that it was you and Tamaki and would not budge
Fatgum ended up signing off for you two to take her to school and hang there (he had a suspicion on what was happening) Fatgum knows all
By the end of the night Ava was disappearing and you were having to calm her and tamaki down
She was just crying into your shoulder cause her hand was going poof and tamaki was having a panic attack cause his daughters hand is. Going. Poof
When she did go back you were happy to keep tamaki company
Gave you and opening to ask him out with out him looking at the wall
Monoma Neito
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This was honestly such a funny one to write lol
Class 1b and 1a had a hallway run in
And monoma was trashing on 1a
Ya know
As one does
And literally everyone was ignoring him
Once again
As one does
When this 13 year old who definitely does not go to UA walks up and starts absolutely destroying him with the same energy
Everyone just sort of stares cause like
What is a child doing here?? Is this monomas little brother or something like huh?
Once monoma starts retreating you break from your class and go up to the kid to ask who he is and how the heck he got here
He turns to you and looks a bit surprised but smiles
“Oh mom, hi. Oh wait you don’t know me yet do you? Well I’m Kano Monoma,” you just blink at him
Hes surprisingly respectful for a 13 year old
More respectful than a certain grape gremlin I can think of
And ya know what he’s a cute kid so all the girls start awwing at him and a ring like he’s five
You’re still registering the fact that he called you mom and had monomas last name
Finally Iida got through to ask some questions to Kano
“Who are your parent? Are they heros?” That was really the only way he could get in here anyways
“Oh yes they are, their names are y/n and neito monoma,” he said it so calmly it was wierd
Everyone just sorta stoped
They were who now?
“Oh sorry I’m sure it’s confusing. You see I’m from the future,” he once again was too calm
Before anyone could do anything Mina blew up
You just blinked again
Like sure you had thought the guy was actually really cute and there were moment when you two had been left alone that he was actually a lot nicer than you would think but huh???
You? Him? Child?
He wasn’t fairing much better
He had liked you for a while now, ever since you saved his ass from getting crushed by stray rock in a training session
He was so confused like how do you look hot covered in dirt??
But this was something else
He was red and he knew it so he just kid in the back of the group until his face could cool down
“I have to say though, you always did say that dad was a handful when he was younger but I wasn’t expecting this,” monoma whipped his head over
“HEY I am not a hand ful!!”
“Pfft I’m sorry monoma but you really are,” you snorted
The classes and Kano watched while you two had a mini banter
It was interesting watching his parents so young and his dad a still not knowing when he lost to his mom
Kano ended up staying with you most of the day
Much to monomas sulking and mama boy comments
By the end of the day you were tired and you and Kano were crashing in your room when Monoma came bursting in through the open window
How he did don’t ask me
But you found it insanely funny when he face planted and tried to act like he didn’t
And so he hung out with you two the rest of the night
You were pleasantly shocked with how calm and nice he was being
Kano ended up disappearing while you were passed out on monomas shoulder
He did his best not to move too much while he sat there for a good hour before he fell asleep
You woke up to his head in your lap
Ya he was pretty cute
Inasa Yoarashi
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This is done with a UA reader
He was at the mall looking for a patch for his pants he ripped over the week
He was happily strolling around when he saw a very confused looking 5 year old walking around
His brain went no parent=help
So he started running over to the little girl and was almost there when a girl beat him to it and crouched next to her
The little girl spoke with you and was visibly calming down
But still he need to make sure you didn’t need any help!!
So he came over and tapped your shoulder
You spun around with the little girl in your arms
He could feel his breath hitch a little
You were really pretty
And familiar but from where?
Your eyes widened a bit but you still smiled
He got this feeling that you knew something he didn’t and should
He smiled at you and then to the little girl
Her eyes were sparkling at the sight of him like woah
But he just loudly speaks to you
“Hi! I saw her over here when you came over and was wondering if you needed any help,” he didn’t register how his chest puffed a bit
You smiled up at him
“Oh ya I saw her looking really confused and asked her if she was ok, isn’t that right tiny?” You poked her side a little and she giggled
You held your hand out to him
“Your inasa right? Im Y/n from UA,” you introduced yourself
That’s where he knew you from
“HELLO!!” He shook your hand
The little girl turned to inasa
“Oh oh daddy by the way there was a wierd man in the story we were in!”she smiled
You could feel a blush on your cheeks
She had called you mommy earlier when you got to her
Inasa blinked at her
“Child i am not Your dad?”
“Yes you are silly!! Inasa Yoarashi is Yuuko’s daddy and Y/n Yoarashi is Yuuko’s mommy,” she laughed as if he was
You blushed harder
“I- um,”
“Is that so! Well then I guess you’re right huh? Yuuko is your name? Well then, why don’t we have a family day?!” He smiled
You widened your eyes at him
A what now??
She cheered and looked around a bit
Inasa stood next to you am while you looked at him confused
“Oh I am sorry I never explained. If she think we are her parents then that is ok! We will be her parents!”
His explanation did not help in the slightest honestly
Literally you knew he was blunt and go with the flow type but this was next level
Still you found yourself going along with it and staying with him and the girl
You tried bringing up her parents again but she just shot you down with the same answer
You could lie she did look like you and him
And she definitely had his attitude
You kept thinking about it the entire time you were with her
Literally just a bunch of
Oh ok my future child that I have with this weirdly attractive man is here cool
What now??
After a good hour you went to take her to the bathroom and she started going back
She thought it was the coolest thing ever
You ran out with her in your arms in Inasa freaking out
He wasn’t much better than her and thought it was cool
Ya at the end of all that he walked you to your car and bowed to you in a way that looked like it hurt
“I am sorry for making you uncomfortable in any way!” He yelled
You waved him off and told him it was fine really
“In that case my I have your number!?”
Um what Now??”
You gave it to him anyways so be quiet you can’t talk
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babymilkawa · 3 years
quarantine dad headcanons with:
todoroki shoto & bakugou katsuki
gn!reader, fem!reader for bakugou
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todoroki shoto
so the two of you work at home
shoto’s boss has given him a break so he’s taking care of the kid
but you’re still working and you’ve got daily zoom calls
so you’re kid is cuhlingyyy ok, like shoto
but they’re not loud and whiny to disrupt your work
the only thing is that you always feel like this weight on your leg, or your stomach
they’re just
slumped over you
your toddler is either leaning on your leg and playing with their toys quietly, or laying on your stomach, face down, knees on the ground
it’s adorable but shoto is tryna get them to leave you alone
they’re not that much of a distraction rly
if he pulls them away and says “you can nap with daddy ok”, they’ll just get up, walk over to you, and resume that same position
they fall asleep on you a lot and their snores are p loud for a kid wth
so you ask shoto to carry them to bed, he’s like “yes, yes,sorry y/n” whispering and trying to not get himself in your camera
he’ll help clean around the house and if he’s got nothing to do and the kid’s asleep, he’ll just sit across the room and watch you work
he’s admiring how focused your face is or how passionate and professional you look if you’re talking to your colleagues
if work drags on for too long, HE’ll start getting clingy
mimics his kid and rests his head on your lap, sighing contently when you run your fingers through his hair
omg if ur kid got woken up and saw their dad sleeping on you, they’d rest on your other leg POOR YN JDGGH
so you’ve got both legs occupied and it’s making it really hard for you to get things that are out of your reach
and you don’t wanna wake them up because they look like precious babies 🥺😫
shoto will also make sure your water bottle is ALWAYS full, if he even sees the water level dip down a little, he’s grabbing the water jug
sometimes he’ll take your kid out on a walk or out in the open, keeping them close to him, fully protected with masks and all
and aww sometimes they’ll even have baths together 🍵🛁
you’re almost done with work and you can hear them having fun in there and ugh it makes you wanna join them too
if you’re done with work and your kid still clings on to you, shoto will entertain them and say that you’re tired even though he’s also been taking care of them all day 🥺💘
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bakugou katsuki
so you’re a teacher and you’re teaching online, right so it’s a lot of talking
this man’s not even trying to stay quiet or shush his kid up
your kid is the opposite here, they’re lOUD and mostly cling on to bakugou except when he’s disciplining them or getting them to eat, take a bath, etc
your students will literally see him chase them around the house
one time bakugou walked past behind you only wearing a tank top and shorts and your students were like “Ms. L/nnnn, is that what your hubby looks likeee oooo”
so yea he’s not tryna hide himself at all
another time bakugou was tryna get your kid to put their clothes on but they were just running in their little legs all “MAAMAAA” and jumping onto your lap
that was when your students met your kid for the first time and they were shirtless so squishy tummy
but all of a sudden when they see like 30 faces on the screen they get shy and give a smoll wave awwww 😫😫
“Ms. L/n they look just like your hubby!!”
now your kid will always join you in the beginning of class and say good morning
if people are still taking time to come in and settle down, they’ll bring their favorite stuffed animal and do a little show n tell 🥺🥺
bakugou will cook lunch for you guys during your break and he’ll always leave some snacks on your desk too
mostly fruits lolll no junk food
your kid sleeps aNYWhere so you always see bakugou just picking them up and throwing them over his shoulder to put them on the couch
he’ll also take your kid out for a walk and once they’re back, he’s disinfecting every INCH of your kid like prepared a bath right away
poor baby is all “papaaa I already said I didn’t touch anything”
bakugou’s like “but are you suRe??? 😑
if he’s got nothing to do, he’ll sit across from you (away from the screen) and just go on his phone while warming your feet up under the table
when you finally close your laptop, he’ll jump to his feet and massage your shoulders, taking you towards the bathroom where he’s got your bath all set up 😭
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a/n: I'd like to thank my professor and her kids for inspiring me on this one ☺️
bnha masterlist
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0097linersb · 3 years
Pink Lemonade
Pairings: Jaemin x Renjun x Haechan x Jeno x Mark x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Humor (I guess), Slow burn af
Summary: The dreamies decide to spend some weeks at an Inn in the middle of the nature to relax and enjoy some outdoor adventures, far away from their crazy idol life. What they didn’t expect was the nice girl running said Inn.
Word count: 3k
You should read the intro first so this story makes sense <3
☼  previous / next  ☼
A/N: Honestly guys this fic will probably be long and detaild af ‘cause I’m using it as a distraction from real life lol guess who just finished their engagement. If u would like it to be more straightforward and go right to the fun parts let me know, I’d really like some opinions! Also, it’s like 2 AM so I’ll proofread it tomorrow 
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As you woke up the next day, you were not shocked to find that the boys were not up yet. Last night you were surprised to come downstairs to an already fully cleaned kitchen and as much as it made you embarrassed, it also made you immensely grateful. You thanked them and told them to stop being so nice and doing your job for you, to which Mark only responded that seven guys could be really messy sometimes.
You had given them the folders that informed all the activities the Inn (well, you) offered and the ones they could book in the city a few minutes away, it made you smile at how excited they got reading the paper and planning their days. Haechan was already asking if they could go stargazing that same night but the rest of them groaned saying they were way too tired to move after the long trip (and you felt bad once again for having them clean the kitchen).
Everyone eventually agreed on a time for breakfast and you were just sure they wouldn’t wake up that early by the dark circles under their eyes and, turns out you were right. They did go to sleep pretty early the other night, showering after the meal you had and just going straight to bed.
You lazily stretched as you left your room with Koda and Kenai tracing after you, to find a very much awake Jaemin sitting on the living room’s couch holding a cup.
“Good morning, did you make coffee?” You yawned at the boy, scolding Koda so he would get off the couch.
“Good morning. Yeah, sorry for taking the liberty, I really needed to wake up,” He smiled at you, petting your disobedient dog with his free hand so he could get distracted from the way your shirt had ridden up. Damn morning horniness.
“It’s ok, smells good. Are the rest of the boys awake?”
“Nop, and probably won’t be for a while. I know we agreed on going to the lake at 8 but everyone’s dead, I can wake them up if-“
“No, it’s ok,” You laughed. “I imagined this would happen, not a fan of waking up early myself.”
“Oh, you can go back to sleep if you want, I can knock when everyone starts waking up.”
“Don’t worry. You just really made me want some coffee.”
“I left it downstairs, I can go get you a cup.”
“Jaemin, we’re playing opposites here, don’t make me feel useless,” You joked, already making your way to the stairs, missing how the man stared at your legs in your little pajama shorts. “Plus, I need to take the boys on a walk before they become too fidgety.”
“Can I come with?”
“Of course.”
Jaemin was quick to stand up and follow you downstairs, where you quickly poured yourself a cup of coffee and opened the door, the dogs running past you excitedly. You silently lead the way out of your property and into the unpaved road, warming your hands with the coffee mug – The days were hot but the nights and early mornings could be quite chilly, especially with all the trees surrounding you and blocking the sunshine from reaching you.
“Do they sleep with you?” Jaemin asked, pointing at the dogs who were sniffing around the bushes on the side of the road, like they didn’t do this same route every day.
“Sometimes, they often prefer to stay outside, lots of animals to chase when I’m not there to scream at them.”
“They don’t wear leashes?”
“No need to, there’s barely people here and they are really well-behaved. I trained them well, Koda just gets a little bold when we have new guests over,” You smiled, remembering not even 5 minutes ago said dog was trying to get on Jaemin’s lap on the couch. “Do you like tangerines?”
The boy looked at you confused but nodded.
“Wait a second,” You asked before leaving him, walking off the road and into the trees. After a minute or so, you were back, throwing one of the orange fruits at Jaemin. “I steal them from the neighbors sometimes.”
“Will we get in trouble?” He asked but was already peeling the tangerine with his hands.
“Nah, they are never here. These would just rot.”
“Seems only fair then.”
You walked for another few minutes in silence, eating happily as you appreciated the sound of your feet crushing the small rocks on the floor.
“Ok, tangerines do not go well with coffee,” You make a face after eating half of your fruit, only now stopping to pay attention to the actual taste in your mouth.
Jaemin laughs at you before putting his last slice into his mouth, “Cute.”
“There’s nothing cute about this flavor.”
“Didn’t bother me,” He shrugged, smiling down at you.
Damn that boy was too attractive for his own good. You meant, all of them were.
It was just unfair, really.
The two of you talked a bit more until you hit the end of the road and then made your way back, it was a light-hearted comfortable conversation and you liked the way it made you feel warm inside. You learnt that Jaemin likes to photograph stuff and you asked him to take lots of pictures during their stay so you could use them on the Inn’s social media, telling him you shared that hobby with him. You then started a discussion about digital vs. film photography, in which you two clearly didn’t agree on, but it kept you entertained for a long time.
“Listen, technology evolved to this point to make life comfortable and easier for a reason!” Jaemin whined as you two were entering your property once again. “Is there something worse than developing your pictures only to find out your film was ruined?”
“That’s the thrill of it!” You exasperated.
“I call that heartbreak.”
“It’s a raw form of art for the strong hearted,” You sigh dramatically, opening the door for the man.
After your half an hour walk, as you got back home, only Renjun was up, pouring himself some coffee and looking super sleepy.
“Good morning, slept well?” You asked as Jaemin made his way to sit down on the table after getting Renjun to pour him some more coffee.
“Yeah, this is the first time I dreamt in months,” He smiled at you but his eyes were still half closed. Like you, Renjun was still in his pajamas, light sweatpants and a wrinkled white t-shirt.
“Do you guys want to eat something before breakfast?” You asked, not knowing how long they would have to wait for the others.
“It’s ok,” Jaemin answered.
“If you change your mind just let me know,” You smiled, wondering on what to do now, since you had already prepared the food for today last night and didn’t have any other chores until everyone was up so you could make their beds.
You figured the boys would drink their coffees and go talk or lay down in the hammocks, maybe even try to nap a bit but you were proven wrong when Renjun pointed at the end of the table suddenly excited, “Are those cards?”
“Can we play?”
“Of course.”
The man was quick to pick up the little box and sit down across the table from Jaemin, who tapped the place next to him before you had the chance to leave. You happily took on the offer, content with finally spending some fun time with people your age. No, scratch that: Attractive men your age.
“Let’s play Rummy!” Renjun suggested, the sleepiness leaving his body at the simple thought.
“I have no idea how to play that,” You informed.
“It’s ok, I’ll teach you. Come closer,” Jaemin smiled at you and you obeyed, heart beating fast at your thighs suddenly touching. What were you? 12?
The game was way too complicated for your morning brain to understand so you basically just watched the boys play, giving your input here and there.
“Jaemin, here!” You excitedly pointed at one of the cards he was holding.
“Oh, I had missed that, smart girl,” He smiled at you, patting your thigh as a thank you or maybe a praise, making your heart almost leave your body through your mouth. 
Freaking pet names dude.
After an hour or so playing, Jeno and Haechan appeared already fully clothed and awake. The second boy gave you and Jaemin a weird look, noticing how the boy’s right hand was just casually resting on your thigh. At some point it just happened and it felt comfortable (if you ignored your blood pumping through your body twice the normal speed, of course), it had been months since you had flirted with someone and you were enjoying the touch fully, thoughts of being professional nowhere to be found.
You greeted the boys and they sat down too, informing Mark and Chenle would be down in a second and Jisung would just skip breakfast to sleep. You decided then to get up and leave them to chat as you went into the pantry to organize the food you had prepared yesterday, into the baskets.
“Dude,” Haechan whispered to Jaemin.
Just by looking at the boy, Jaemin already knew what he wanted to comment on so he just, “Don’t.”
“Game on, bro.”
“What? This is not a game, we were just-“
“I said game on, bro.”
Jaemin sighed and gave up, knowing Haechan was just joking and being annoying as usual.
After all the men (minus Jisung) were downstairs and ready to go, you guided them down to the lake, setting up one of those cliché plaid towels for everyone to sit on. As you and Mark organized the foods around, you smiled at the others running around the grass and taking pictures, impressed at the view. The lake really was pretty and your property had a privileged clearing to sit down and enjoy it.  
“I would love to say they are normally not this energetic,” Mark smiled at you, placing the bowl with the grapes and strawberries down. “But I’d be lying.”
“It’s refreshing, I rarely deal with people my age around here. We didn’t add bingo to the activities’ folder for no reason.”
“There are no clubs or bars around here?”
“The biggest city around has barely 2.000 habitants so I’ll say no to that. Although this region is becoming really famous for the ecotourism these days, they opened a nice pub for the tourists like last month but there’s only ever people during the weekends.”
“Well, if you ever go to Seoul, let me take you out,” Mark offered before realizing what he had said and stiffening, cheeks going red like the watermelon juice in your hands. “I mean, like, to show you the places and-“
“That sounds fun,” You smiled at him, deciding to end his misery right from the start. He was cute. “Boys, the food is ready.”
Jeno excitedly dropped Haechan down (who he was holding for a picture) and ran over, leaving a very whiny boy on the floor. Jaemin took a picture of that and soon enough, everyone was sitting down on the picnic clot.
“Wow, it looks like we’re in a movie,” Renjun awed, looking around.
It really did, that’s why you liked bringing the guests to this spot on their first day. After everything was set, the scenery resembled a Renaissance painting and you loved it. It was a bit hotter than normally since it was a few hours later then the time the guests usually have breakfast, but the gentle breeze of the wind was enough to not make it unbearable.  
The meal was fun, the boys made you feel so comfortable that it felt like you have known each other for a longer time than the actual truth. You all chatted, joked around and posed for pictures with the food. You had brought your analog camera just to tease Jaemin, asking him to take a picture with it for you.
“How do you want it?” The boy groaned, pretending to be annoyed.
“Here, I have an idea,” Haechan shared, excitedly, holding up one of the strawberries from the bowl in front of your face. “Bite it on the side.”
You accepted the advice confused, not understanding where he was trying to go with it but excited, you loved a good old-fashioned improvised picture. Jaemin pointed the camera at you and counted to three, and you smiled around the strawberry when on the count of one, Haechan bit on the other side of the strawberry and looked at you cross-eyed. After you saw the flash of the camera going off, you decided to take a big bite of the strawberry to play around with Haechan but apparently the boy had the same idea and your lips ended up touching, slightly. Since when has your life become a cliché teenage movie? 
You quickly took the stem of the fruit from between your mouths, pulling away from the boy to tease him, “Damn. Didn’t even buy me dinner first.”
The others joined in on teasing Haechan but the man simply winked at you, “Would be my pleasure.”
You didn’t even have time to giggle before the other men pretended to puke and Renjun legit slapped Haechan.
The boys decided to not do any activities that day because Jisung would simply not wake up and after a while waiting, Chenle decided to join him on the hibernation. It made you feel sad for them, that their days were so busy and tiring that at the first sight of some time off, they would sleep for hours and hours to make up for it.
The rest of you decided to play some volleyball in the parking lot (which  was not the best idea considering it was noon). As expected by the almost 40 degrees climate, one by one, every single boy started taking off their shirts, body dripping and glistening with sweat and you just felt in heaven. This could just not be real, you even looked around for cameras, scenes like that just didn’t happen in real life. One hot shirtless guy was the acceptable quota for normality.
But also, you didn’t miss the way they looked at you in your little shorts and top (equal rights after all). It made you feel powerful even though you knew it was just their hormones talking, yours were screaming too after all. If it was already like that on their second day here, you couldn’t imagine how you would survive for the next few weeks, you just wanted to cry every time Jeno (who was on your team) approached you to celebrate when either of you scored, high-fiving you with his huge arms (you would die a happy woman if you were choked by them).
After the game was over, the boys decided to go swim on the lake to cool off and you figured it would be a good time to shower and organize their beds, which you quickly did before starting to make some lunch for everyone. The youngest ones of the group didn’t even wake up to eat so you decided to leave them some food in the microwave in case they got hungry in the afternoon.
Unfortunately the Wi-Fi was being annoying as usual and refused to work, so you couldn’t even google about the boys yet, the curiosity was almost killing you. Maybe it was better like that, right now you were just seeing them as 7 young men living their normal lives and you liked it, it kept you from being nervous at the fact they were probably some big stars that had the world at their feet – They all just seemed so chill sprawled around the living room floor playing the bingo you had joked about earlier, it was hard to believe they probably had hoards of screaming girls around them daily.
They thanked you for cleaning their rooms and told you that you didn’t have to, which technically you did, considering it was literally your job and the whole reason you were there.
You could be wrong, considering you have known them for barely 2 days, but you quickly noticed some little things about them: Like how Jaemin liked to touch you, even if it was just a light brush of his hand on your arm (in his defense, he was touchy with everyone, but when he touched you, it just lingered for a bit longer), or how Haechan liked to playfully flirt with you, that boy just had no shame and you admired him for that. You saw how Renjun often stared at you but when you looked at him, he looked away (which could mean either he was shy or he just didn’t like you very much), but at least he was more subtle about it, as opposite to Mark, who became a blushing mess every time you caught his eyes (and you just wanted to squeeze him). You realized Jeno was a manlier guy, you hadn’t gotten what his deal was yet but you loved the way his eyes disappeared when he smiled and that was enough for you.
It was funny, really, how everyone decided to ignore the tension in the air and go on with the day normally – You did only meet the day before after all.
After getting bored with bingo, the boys told you they planned on going water skiing tomorrow and you agreed happily, telling them you could have a little barbecue party in the camping next to the docks where your parents kept the Inn’s water sports gears, which got them even more excited.
“Can we go camping too?” Jeno asked, receiving a groan from Haechan. Classic city boy.
“Like at night?” You asked and Jeno nodded. “Yeah, actually the stars here are crazy pretty since there’s no light pollution.”
“See?” The boy told Haechan excitedly, who only sighed, accepting his fate.
Barbecue, bonfire, alcohol and a beautiful sky: You were a city girl too but you were also a sucker for a good camping night.
taglist: @eggbutnotyolk @lauraneuuh @geeisaclown @jenotation @riemm @junguwuuu @prettychaeng @satanssugaraddiction @luvlyjaemin @sweetjaemss @oofimdumb @junglekooks @unknown5tar @rosedchae@
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Hi! If that's okay could i request the brothers or the undateables (Luke included but platonic) with a MC who has a pet parrot? Their parrot is super cuddly and is on their shoulder or near them 24/7 and everyone think he's adorable but he's actually a spoiled little shit who will not hesitate to screech if he's not being held and paid attention to (he also does that annoying thing where parrots throw things off the table and when you put It on the table again they throw it again just to piss you off-) like, even if MC payes 0,01 seconds of attention to them he's screeching bsosh-
Anyways, look at the gremlin who inspired this request
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He's a bastard birb but i love him anyway😫💞 (fun fact i stopped cuddling him to type and this dude started chewing on my phone case-)
Awww! How cute!!! I wish I could draw too because the idea of MC with a bird buddy is so fricking adorable!
Thank you for requesting and for your patience while I worked on this. Also thanks for the picture of your bird because I love him! 10/10 would spoil.
He squinted at the parrot, the screeching was interrupting his nap.
“MC,” he whined, “get it to stop.”
“Sorry, he’s just so clingy, I stopped petting him for just a second.”
Belphie pouted as your concentration moved from rubbing his back to playing with the bird.
He pulled at your sleeve and placed it on his head, “You have two hands.”
You sighed, how would you ever get anything done like this? 
At first, he mainly only sees the parrot as something similar to chicken.
Once you explain that it’s a friend, not food, Beel was worried that he’d hurt the small creature so he just tended to avoid it altogether.
He’d watch quietly as you played or took general care of the cage.
One time, he happened to be eating a banana and your parrot hopped over to him asking, “Treat?”
Beel’s eyes opened wide and looked over at you, his face asking if it was ok?
“Yeah! He loves bananas!” You confirmed and watched as Beel sweetly offered his banana to the bird to take a nibble.
Unfortunately the first experience Asmo had with your parrot was when it pooped on him. He was not a fan.
The next unfortunate misunderstanding was when the parrot chased him, naturally he ran, not wanting to be pooped on again and that only added to the chase.
“Asmo, you have to stop running, he thinks you’re playing!”
“But MC! He’ll do unspeakable things to me!” Asmo was close to tears.
“Ok, ok, come here,” You opened your arms and he dived towards you. Swiftly you caught Asmo in a hug and the parrot swooped in and landed on your shoulder.
The pair came face to face as Asmo peeked a look, “Pretty boy!” the parrot squawked. When Asmo’s face softened, you didn’t have the heart to tell him that was something you told your pet and not something the parrot was noting of Asmo.
Originally intrigued by the little guy.
He was somewhat familiar with the behaviors of cats but he didn’t know much about birds
You’re excited to share all the tricks and phrases you’ve taught your bird buddy as Satan takes notes.
Satan has a lot of questions and you answer the best you can but you’re no expert so you promise to get a bird book for him.
With a scratch of his chin, he asks, “And why is he so attached to you?”
You laugh, “I’m assuming it’s because he loves me but it’s probably because I’m the one who gives him treats.”
He didn’t have a strong feeling towards the bird one way or the other at first.
When the bird picks up the intro tune to one of his animes, his interest starts to grow.
He thought it was cute and happened to catch it on video one day. When he posted it online, it blew up.
Levi tried to teach your parrot other tunes but lost interest when there wasn’t an immediate turn around.
The first time he saw the happy dancing of your parrot, his interest was back lol.
He can be caught bopping along with your parrot if there was ever a time they were left alone together.
I feel like he would dislike the bird (mainly for drawing your attention away from him) but the bird actually really likes playing with him.
Mammon always has something interesting to the bird whether it’s his feather keychain or his glasses or some shiny trinket.
Your parrot likes tapping the side of Mammon’s glasses to get his attention.
He’s pretty good at handling the bird and when asked he admits to taking care of a crow without Lucifer’s knowledge so that stays between the two of you.
He definitely talks to the parrot like any other being, “Oy!” He points an accusatory finger at your parrot, “Knock it off with the nipping!” and thus the parrot takes a nibble at his finger.
Although he talks a big game, he secretly loves that you two can be bird parents together.
His pride takes a hit that he, the right-hand to the crown prince of Devildom, has to compete for your attention with a parrot.
Oh the withering looks he gives as your pet screeches for your care.
He does know a thing or two about wing care though. XD
He also knows exactly the right spots for scritches near and on the wings and your parrot is putty in his hands, that boosts his previously wounded pride just a bit.
I think he would secretly spoil your parrot as an extension of spoiling you. 
Deep down he’s a big softie for animals so extra toys and treats find their way into the house.
Luke liked the bird initially until it screeched at him.
From then on he was kind of scared even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
It’d take a lot of coaxing to get him to pet your parrot but I think you could convince him eventually.
He enjoys how you gush about all the things your pet can do and so he starts to warm back up.
Slowly he gets back to being comfortable and the next time there is an unexpected screech, he’s better prepared.
He starts watching parrot videos online and looking up treats he could make that were safe for parrots.
I feel like he knows some things about birds but isn’t particularly fond of animals in general, not that he hates them but doesn’t really get the hype.
You with a parrot on your shoulder is pretty cute though.
Solomon smiles as you play with the parrot, the two of you bouncing. He’ll sneak a picture, just for him.
If you ask him, he’ll play along too.
Through watching you care for your bird, he’ll start to understand the bond between pets and their owners.
Eventually does get interested in the diet of your pet but you assure many times that it’s being taken care of and that he doesn’t need to concern himself with it on top of his studies.
Secretly loves birds but he couldn’t keep one as a pet in the celestial realm.
Absolutely beams the first time your parrot hops over to him to investigate.
Giggles when his hair gets pulled for attention but lovingly pets the tiny bird head.
Even with his limited technological knowledge, he takes a lot of pictures. He wants to be able to remember this time when he goes back.
He would absolutely relish the opportunity to take care of your parrot if there was ever a need and I’d trust him to do a good job. 
Offers to help take care of anything related to the bird for you definitely not to act like it’s his pet for a short amount of time.
He’s hard to impress but appreciates the refreshing sight of you smiling at your pet.
Barbatos is pretty knowledgeable so he knows what foods are ok to give to your parrot so he always has them on hand when you come around.
He smiles at you as your attention is on scolding the bird for biting at Barbatos. He wasn’t hurt, but he appreciates your concern.
You get a chuckle out of him when he catches you and the parrot in a game of chase.
Once the bird warms up to Barbatos, he chirps at Barbatos to get the treats he’s learned Barbatos usually has.
May make a toy for the bird, and even if your pet is typically picky about toys, he loves this handmade one.
He’s obsessed. He loves animals and he loves you so it’s all heart eyes for him.
He has Barbatos prepare treats for you and your parrot when you come to visit.
Adores your demonstration of tricks and claps at the end.
He asks if he can hold or pet your bird and of course you say yes. Your parrot’s reaction was to bite at the unknown fingers and Diavolo just laughs.
“He’s spunky, I like it!” 
For sure gets toys to try out for each time you visit and whether your parrot plays with the toys or not, he just enjoys the time spent with you two.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Question and Answer
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Garcia gets Reader to answer some questions about their feelings for Spencer.
A/N: Hey heyyyy- here’s the twelfth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April! Oh my gosh 😱 can’t believe how many I’ve posted in a row already- thanks for all the love on them 🥰 This fic is based on this request- Writing Penelope along with Derek as side characters is one of my favorite things about some of my fluffy pieces! Feel free to leave something in my inbox here- I love hearing from all of you! (I promise I don’t bite lol) Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Non at all☺️- though if you see something you think should carry a warning please let me know 😌
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.8k
When Penelope Garcia got you alone in her office she lovingly called her‘bat cave’ and said she wanted to ‘talk’ there was no escaping it. ‘Talking’ with her usually meant she was going to bombard you with questions, usually linked to some gossip she heard from someone.
It was usually Morgan that fed her curiosity. He was somehow able to be up to date on everything and everyone. A result of that was that Garcia always got to hear the latest thing he had heard. Once Garcia was interested in whatever your answer to the gossip might be, she was without a doubt going to ask.
That’s where you found yourself on one of the slowest work days in recent memory. It had been so slow in fact, that you had been almost about to leave early since you had finished your paperwork. That was until Garcia had called your name in a singsong tone, grasped your elbow delicately with her painted nails, and gently nudged you to come talk with her in the ‘bat cave’.
“Penelope- I really want to go home. Can’t this wait another day?” Your groan perhaps was a bit pathetic as you sat down in a chair, but it had been the first time seemingly in years that you had the chance to go home early. A nap sounded really nice right now and even though you loved Garcia, that was more exciting at the moment.
“Fine fine, yes I’ll let you go soon, quit your bellyaching. And, to answer your other question, no, it can’t wait,” She plopped down into her chair, tapped on her keyboard a few times to close out some files, and then focused all her attention on you, “Just quickly answer my questions- Wait, no! Actually, let’s play a game!”
Another groan, perhaps even more pathetic than the first came out of your chest, while you also let yourself slump down in your chair. Thoughts of your bed danced in your head trying to pull you into a daydream about the nap you had been planning on taking. You then tried as best as you could to keep your focus trained on her for as long as possible. If you were able to focus; it would get done faster.
“Oh hush it’s a quick game that’ll have you out of here faster.” You perked up at that, now suddenly invested in the game that was supposedly going to get you out of here quick.
“Alright- I’ll do it if it gets me out of here quickly.”
She beamed at you for a second, then grabbing one of her decorative pens and a stack of sticky notes. Rapidly she wrote down a list that you tried to peek and see, but she hid the stack with her free hand once she saw you trying to look. Once she had finished she pushed up her glasses a bit, before outlying the rules of the ‘game’, “I want you to answer my rapid fire questions and answer without thinking! It’s supposed to give the most truthful answer from what I read on the website.”
Truthfully, it sounded silly to you, but if it got this interrogation over quick you didn’t mind playing the game. Plus whenever Garcia gave you time to answer she watched whatever your body language was and used that against you to get more information out. She had picked up on how we did our job as profilers over the years. It had become almost as instinctive to her as it was to us whenever we read behavior. Any conversation we had was screaming non verbal behavioral tells at us; it was almost impossible to turn off. So with less time in between questions and answers, it would be harder for her to analyze your movements. Garcia could honestly probably take the classes to become a profiler just as JJ had done, but everyone knew her place was in front of her screen. That was where she worked her best magic.
As soon as you nodded your head, agreeing to start the game, the questions were dropped on you at a rapid pace. The questions had started out simple enough, to get you ready for whatever bombshell question she no doubt had coming. The whole goal of the game was to catch you off guard so you’d answer as honestly as possible.
“What’s better coffee or tea?” She still hadn’t dropped the bomb and asked the question that had the only useful answer to her.
These questions were easy and you were getting comfortable. Each time another question went by the lingering reminder in the back of your head trying to warn you to be on edge slowly slipped away. Mindlessly you answered her without thought, “Coffee.”
“Who’s your favorite superhero?”
“Batman.” That answer might have been biased, when you really thought hard about it. You changed your answer when you realized you chose Batman because you were in Garcia’s ‘bat cave’, “Wait no- scratch that it’s Spider man.”
“If you could be any animal what would it be?”
“A dog.”
“What is your biggest fear?”
Again, you answered without thought even though it was a harder hitting question compared to your favorite drink or what type of animal you would be,“Being alone.”
“Who would you kiss in the office?” By now you had felt comfortable in the short little game, not even realizing how the questions had shifted to what she had been looking for all along.
“Spencer.” As soon as it came out of your mouth you slapped your hand over it. It was no use, the admission had already escaped and made its way into Garcia’s ear.
“Do you like Spencer?!” You opened your mouth in protest, but the look on your face said it all. Garcia knew she had won when you hang your head down with a sigh, in defeat. “Oh! Morgan was right!”
A little squeak by the door of the bat cave then pulled you out of your embarrassment and Garcia out of her celebration. You were already embarrassed before and it then turned into absolute mortification when you turned to see the source of the noise. Spencer was standing there, slack jawed, holding a file he had meant to give Garcia.
His voice then came out with more stutters and pauses than you had ever heard before from him, “H-hey ggguuys ummm I’ve got to go- take a nap.”
You almost wanted to snort thinking that you’d like to take that nap you’d been planning on too. Garcia went to say something, possibly to break the tension or make it even worse, but he was already gone. He bolted out the door and probably all the way home before you had a chance to explain your answer to the question that just led to even more questions.
As soon as you were finally freed from Garcia’s clutches you bolted as well. Except instead of going straight home to your comfy bed you had been daydreaming about you bolted to someone else’s apartment.
“Hi, Doc.” Was the first thing you squeaked out when Spencer had opened up the door to his apartment after your polite yet incessant knocks.
He blinked at you a few times, perhaps trying to convince himself that you were really here. Clearing his throat he then replied shakily,“Hi.”
“C-can I come in?” It was your turn to stutter now, you wouldn’t lie and say you weren’t nervous about what his reaction might be. The only thing you were sure about is that he wouldn’t be outright disgusted by your feelings. You both had worked with each other for many years, becoming closer each day by day as time continued to tick by. At this point you’d call him your closest friend and you knew he wouldn’t call you disgusting for developing feelings for him. If he was going to let you down he would start by saying it’s only natural. Though, you still felt an ache in your chest even when assured that he’d at least let you down gently. Your relationship with him would be forever changed either way this conversation went.
He swung the door open more after a moment of trepidation, gesturing you through the door. You spent no time gazing around at his apartment, you had been here many times before. Instead you made a beeline for the couch, the comfiest spot to sit. You wanted to be at least comfortable if he was about to break your heart.
“C-can I ask you a question?” He fiddled with his fingers as you both sat down on his couch.
You brought your knees up to your chest as you had slipped your shoes off before sitting down. You also made sure to avert your gaze away from him, not sure if you could handle looking at him in the eyes, “What kind of question? Is it the same one as before?”
“N-no, um- well kinda… Yes and no?” The end of his jumbled sentence went up in pitch, making his own answer sound like another question.
You decided to give him a little mercy, doubting that there was any question he would ask that you would be uncomfortable with. And, you already had a feeling you knew what the question would be, “Alright Doc, I’ll let you ask your question. Go easy on me ok?”
Your little joke on the end was supposed to help him feel less nervous, but going by his awkward laugh it might have had the opposite effect. He still was able to get his next words out with a bit of confidence, “Was your answer back at work- umm honest?
Your heart fluttered at his question, beginning to beat harder in your chest as you prepared yourself to give him an honest reply. You were nervous to answer, even though you knew exactly what it was going to be deep down in your heart. Taking a deep breath you then answered the question with a simple answer, “Yes.”
He seemed relieved at your answer, relaxing his shoulders just enough that you noticed. You’d have to thank Garcia later, for finally getting you to answer the question honestly. Though, just by analyzing his behavior quickly you could tell that he still had something to say and/or ask, “Do you have another question?”
He nodded in response, his body language becoming even more closed off then before. His leg was now bouncing up and down as an attempt to soothe his building nerves. You then gave him what he had been looking for after his first question, permission to ask another, “You can ask another question, Doc.”
Tense silence sat between us for a few moments while I waited for him to speak up. He then got his courage back a little, though he still looked at the ground and fiddled with his fingers when he asked, “Would you like to go out on a date?”
It took no time to process the question, the answering instantly coming to the front of your mind. You then spoke with no trepidation, giving him a simple honest answer, “Yes.”
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