#oh. and then there's my weird crazy intense love that you all probably saw me rant about enough when i first read fray
I love how my favorite Buffy characters are Buffy, Cordy, and Faith--also Willow and Dawn--and then just Angel.
Like, all the girls and then just a random dude. Pfft.
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | kim sunoo
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❝ no one is allowed to borrow my art materials except for (name) ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | SUNOO | jungwon | ni-ki
kim sunoo
sweet, sunshine, best friend kim sunoo
it was kind of SO obvious he wanted to be friends
like he wants to be close to you soooo bad and maybe it’s bc he saw u playfully bullying riki
it was love at first sight and an instant best friendship the moment you finally met
your seats were assigned so u were sat next to each other
you two are basically inseparable now
sunoo strikes me as the type to just walk into the classroom and walk straight towards where you’re seated
at school events, he’d leave his backpack on the seat next to him to reserve you a seat
then he’d go “(name)!” while waving from his seat it’s actually kind of embarrassing
there is never anxiety of being seated next to a stranger bc sunoo has your back
he’d grab an extra mini fan from his bag to give to U bc these school events r always so scorching hot
sunoo does that “leaning against your locker while you get things” thing
he is so unaware of how HANDSOME he looks
oh and btw if you don’t attend class, he probably won’t in solidarity
in the chances that he does attend class, he usually sends you photos of his notes and everything you need to know
he’d be like i’m soooooo bored 2 minutes into the class without you like it hasn’t even STARTED
just prepare for his spam messages
after class, you’d buy street food and just gossip over it
you’d stare at what he bought and he’d roll his eyes before pushing the stick towards you so you can bite off it
YES feeding each other … normal best friend things
anyways moving on
another thing in my vision is that he’s the provider of art materials
the teacher suddenly lets you make a poster????
you know you’re secured bc sunoo is ur bff and will let only YOU borrow his supplies
“sunoo, let me borrow your colored markers”
“ok, which colors do you want” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
flat out will say no to everyone else tho
he’s kind of intimidating honestly despite having the sweetest smile
LIKE he’s friends with everyone but not friends friends
do you guys get what i mean
he is just a completely different person with you bc he trusts u the most and he just becomes CRAZY
like yall let him keep his crazy too much .. thank god you’re there for him to unleash it to
he’s one of the people who plays volleyball with riki and friends
but he’s absolutely horrible please save him
altho … why does he look so handsome playing even tho he can’t receive the ball? 🤨
he’d just laugh and crumble in embarrassment and you’d be the number one person cheering for him
(update after ella’s rb,, full credits to her) u would def put the blame on his teammates
“RIKI DO BETTER” even if it was 100% sunoo’s fault like so real
weird specific love language? buying each other water
he’s playing volleyball? you have a bottle of water for him in case he wants to sit out the game and watch with you
you’re finished with your physical education practical exam? he’s waiting for you with his big ass water jug
BUT LIKEEEE why is there a change in the air suddenly 😩😩😩
why is your best friend so boyfriend material actually
he holds your hand… holds it so firmly
sunoo gives the best hugs too
he makes you laugh and he’s so thoughtful with his stupid water and his art materials
even carries your things for you sometimes
AND yall take good photos of each other
“does my hair look fine?”
he’d reach out to fix it … tuck it behind your ear or look at you so intensely before going back to smiling n saying yup all good!
during the sports festival, yall are off joining some type of singing jingle cheer competition which is usually the first event
so you guys just joke around for the rest of the week, watch some events, and take LOTS of photos
you would laugh at your classmates
maybe even cheer for some of your friends
just as long as you’re next to each other
you probably bad mouth the opposite team BUT TO YOURSELVES .. not out loud
would clap so hard when your team wins a point !!!
also back to the taking photos detail
he’d just be dragging you everywhere to take photos bc when is the best time but NOW
ofc u do take his photos .. u ltrly take the Best
“sunoo, look, you’re so handsome here!”
and then you look up at him to see his reaction and he’s already looking at you
uh oh.
your faces are so close to each other like SO close
let’s step back and check the label 😂
tho he does save u out of ur misery by asking you out a week later
bc apparently the sudden shift in air also happened to HIM
he brings it up as a joke first bc he’s testing the waters and he’s not trynna get rejected
“imagine if we were dating…..” and a long lingering pause in the air afterward
if you joked back with like a “LOL”, he’d know u don’t feel the same
but you ltrly go 😮 and so speechless bc why is he suddenly bringing this up when you’ve spent the last few nights thinking about him
did those tiktok manifestations work
did that tiktok audio actually get sunoo to like u back
“um… well! well, you see…”
“i like you”
you guys are like waaaaay more inseparable now that you’re dating
your friends will fake vomit around u .. but don’t worry it’s just bc they’re bitchless
while u and ur bf sunoo are happily in love
btw he gets jealous easily TEARSSSSSS
he gets all pouty but don’t worry, you just have to Hug him and give him a kiss and he’s all smiles again
oh, and i feel the need to inform you that hugs are his favorite thing in the world
and CHEEK kisses like specifically cheek kisses.. he loves them
his ideal dates r just when you’re at each other’s house
you can order takeout and do your skincare together … watch the latest movies
his family loves you too
so much that they include your favorite snacks when they go grocery shopping
“sunoo, get those chips that (name) rly likes. u dont know when she might come over next!”
like they are ANTICIPATING you
enjoy dating i love sunoo
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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tmntxthings · 2 years
HIIII I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE LOVE POTION FICS WITH LEO AND DONNIE THEY’RE ADORABLE💕 Do you think you could do one With Raph, he’s already a big softy so I think I’d be adorable!
Make You Feel Loved
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requests: ‘I need a Raph version of the love potion! I need to see the teddy bear just be able to let out emotion because he deserves the best!’ ‘Can You pls a Raphael version of the love potion 😩? (My main language is not english sorry)’ ‘I just saw both of the love potion oneshots that you made and HOLY CRAP THEY'RE SO GOOD so is it okay if I ask for one for Raph?’
author’s note: happy to oblige hehe, hope you all enjoy <3
warnings: FLUFF, and maybe lil’ profanity aka cursing, established relationship
> leo’s < > donnie’s < > mikey’s < > casey’s <
“Raphie it’s okay I’m not hurt that bad,” you said reassuringly. But he wasn’t listening he had turned away from you in utter despair. The two of you had been horsing around, a game of cat and mouse. You had ran away trying to escape from the living area to his room to call a time out and collapse on his bed out of breath.
That had been the plan. Until you tripped, scrapping your knees as you fell to the concrete floor and Raph had been right behind you not expecting such a fall and had tripped right over you, practically crushing you for a couple of seconds before he regained momentum and hastily got off of you. He had apologized profusely, reaching out to help you up, “Oh gosh Y/n are you okay?? Are you hurt??” His voice strained with worry, and he looked over your body checking for wounds before you could even form a sentence. He noticed your bloody knees and gasped, “fuckkkk!” Raph slumped and started whimpering to himself thinking he was the cause of your injuries. “Raphie it’s really not that bad, they just sting a bit!”
“If I hadn’t been running so close behind you this would’ve never happened!” He said with so much sadness in his voice like your pain was his pain. Everything had gotten a lot more intense ever since Raph had ‘accidentally’ drank that love potion from the Hidden City. It had been a date, Raph wanting to show you all kinds of cool mystic things you’d never experienced. The two of you had been surrounded by what resembled a shopping market, a bunch of crazy stalls that had weird stuff for sale. One in particular had these super cheap potions and well, everyone could probably guess what happened next. Not thinking it was real, and he had been really thirsty Raph bought it, winking at you flirtatiously as he downed it in one go.
The two of you had been inseparable ever since. And you would think since the two of you had been dating that things wouldn’t be too much different, but no! Not at all! Raph was wayyy more emotional than he’d ever shown you before, not that you minded it just came as a shock when it happened all so fast. He had blinked down at you a couple times after the drink, sighing as he pulled you into an embrace in the middle of the mystic market! “Raph! We aren’t- we’re in public!” You squeaked as he only hugged you tighter. “Y/n, I love you so so so much,” Raph had said pulling back to look you in the eyes, conveying how much you meant to him. How serious he was, and you couldn’t help but giggle, “are you acting or did that potion really work?” And he shook his head sternly, “I mean it Y/n, I love you thissss much!” He said as he pulled you in for a tighter hug, squeezing the breath out of you as you tapped quickly on his arm, “okay okay I get it!!” you wheezed and he immediately let go.
“Oh shit, did I hurt you?? Oh no, I’m so sorry Y/n!” Tears were already rolling down his cheeks and you knew the potion not only worked, but it was working overtime. “Shhhh” you said trying to calm him down while simultaneously getting air back in your lungs. “You didn’t hurt me Raphie, you just made me breathless,” you joked and Raph didn’t seem to appreciate it as he sniffed. “Hey that was funny!” You harrumphed, grabbing your boyfriend’s big hand and pulling for him to follow. It took a few seconds cause there was no way you could actually move him unless he willingly followed. But he obliged, following after you sniffling as he apologized for making you breathless.
You were holding back laughs until you got back to the lair. Where all of his brothers busted out in loud laughter at the sight of their older brother, runny nosed and clinging to your hand like it was a lifeline. This for some reason wasn’t all that funny to you after about ten seconds and you glared at them all to be a little more sympathetic! “C’mon Raph,” you said pulling on his hand again to bring him to his room. Maybe the potion would wear off after he got a good nights sleep.
You hadn’t planned to stay the night but Raph begged you to get in bed with him, “just until I fall asleep!” He said quietly, as his hand engulfed yours, not letting go. “Okay but once you fall asleep I’ve gotta go!” You said climbing into bed next to him and he gave you the biggest smile, happy you were next to him. Somehow after a lot of shifting and getting comfortable you ended up tangled in Raph’s limbs, he had one arm over your stomach and one leg over both of yours. You were effectively trapped in his embrace yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to be upset, he was just so warm, and his deep rumbly churring had you falling asleep faster than ever.
You woke up to the feeling of his lips on your forehead. You groaned and felt his kisses move from there to your temples then your eyes, nose, cheeks. You couldn’t help the smile spreading, awaiting for his lips to finally meet your own. But when they didn’t you peeked your eyes open. He was smiling smugly down at you, “g’morning angel” you melted at the sound of his morning voice. “good morning my love,” it was true but you were slightly teasing since you could just tell he was still under love potion influence. The real Raph would’ve been a flustered sputtering mess to have been caught kissing all over your face, much less laying in his bed together after a night of sleeping in each others arms.
He churred at your nickname, his lips finally closing in on yours. You let your eyes close in delight, kissing him back in earnest. The two of you had to pull away for breath and you couldn’t help but blush, this was definitely a lot more than you were used to but you were not complaining! Raph leaned in again and you quickly brought up a hand to cover his lips and he groaned in dismay. “If you want more kisses like that you’ll have to catch me!” You winked as you shot out of bed, surprising him completely as he fell out of bed trying to catch up to you.
And that was the beginning to where you were now. Raph bent down, scooping you up in his arms, careful to not touch your bloody knees. “Raph I can walk!” You said more than embarrassed to be carried around with minor injuries like yours. “Shush, I’m gonna take care of you,” Raph said sounding overbearing but you knew he meant well. He hated it when you cried, hated it more when you were physically hurt, so you just let him take over. “Okay you big teddy bear,” you teased to which he ignored as he grabbed a spare first aid kit from a cubby in the main part of the lair and then carried you and the kit back to his room.
He set you down gently on his bed, then did the same with the first aid as he knelt down on the floor in front of you and opened it up looking for some disinfectant and bandages. You watched him contemplate which bandaids to choose from as you looked down at your pitiful kneecaps. They’d be bruised and have scabs for weeks. You groaned at the thought and this caused Raph to look at you worriedly and hastily choose the biggest bandaids possible. “Those look a little big don’t ya think?” You questioned as he set them aside as he grabbed the antiseptic spray. “Mmm it’s fine at least it covers everything,” Raph mumbled focused as he grabbed a cloth to wet with the spray. “This’ll burn a bit baby,” Raph warned but you were too focused on the nickname to really comprehend until you were hissing in surprise at how much it stung.
Raphael blew out a breath, “I’m really sorry,” he said tears swimming in his eyes and you reached out running your hand over his red bandana, going back to caress the back of his neck and then the top of his shell. He shuddered slightly at the contact, and then refocused, dabbing your knees gently again with the cloth as you held your breath to keep from making any more noises. When he was finished and carefully putting on the bandaids you tugged on his bandana ends. He looked up, and you planted a kiss on his nose. “Thank you,” you said sweetly, smiling at him. “Any time” he sighed lovingly, pursing his lips for you to kiss him again, but on the lips this time. You giggled, doing exactly that.
When Raph did finally come out of the love potion influence he was sooo embarrassed. He was so flustered when he saw you he’d have to turn away and regain his composure or he’d accidentally trip or stub his toe on something! He was a mess for a good couple of days before you finally talked to him about it, “Raph!” You called out to him, climbing the fire stairwell of your apartment. Reaching the rooftop and coming face to face with your tall and red boyfriend. He was so handsome you smiled giddily. He smiled at you, “Hey Y/n!” and you smirked, “what happened to angel or baby??” you teased and one of his hands flew up to his face, as he turned away embarrassed.
“Awwwe Raphie really, I enjoyed the nicknames,” you giggled and then continued, “you may not remember it but I called you my love that morning when we had slept together,” he shook his head. “I remember, you had been teasin’!” He grumbled and you reached out to him, touching his arm. “Maybe so but it’s still true..” it was your turn to blush. Both of you turning his favorite shade of red. “Really?” He rumbled affectionately, pulling you close. “Yes my love,” you said looking up at him shyly, and he wasn’t embarrassed anymore. He was smiling so big and bright, “you’re the cutest!” he gushed, rushing forward to kiss you.
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eshtaresht · 1 year
holy. fuckin'. DAMN. I was pretty good at predicting the plot so far, but this episode proved that stampede is going in a whole new direction for real. spoilers for ep 9!!! (and manga a bit)
first of all, we still haven't got a full story of the great fall, but I think it's something they'll reveal in this season, probably during confrontation with knives. and still no scar reveal!! I'm angy but it's something that could be relevant to the standoff with knives, hope we'll get it
the piano scene... oh we're eating GOOD, it's just so wholesome but goes to confirm my theory that twins weren't completely fine on the ship. vash feeling useless because he can't do cool plant shit, knives envying vash for being good at human shit.... oh it's great
so glad knives is getting proper characterization and not just "he evil because he evil"! the fear, the hurt, the genuine care for vash, but then frustration with him – it's right there and I'm eating it up so yummy
the way they recontextualized vash's arm loss is GORGEOUS! I've seen ppl reading this scene differently, but to me it was an act of care from naï. he looks really scared for a reason: we see that the gate consumed all matter, including the hand. vash couldn't control it, so it would only grow bigger and destroy him. NAÏ REALIZED THIS AND SAVED VASH THE ONLY WAY HE COULD
he didn't want to fight him, this was not an act of anger, like in previous versions. all he cared about in that moment was saving his twin..... and what did he get in return? a gun pointed to his face. a gun he gave vash to kill human scum. oh, the DRAMA
ahem, now to the less intense stuff
homeboy has so much trauma, like, damn... how is he gonna fit any more from his impending epic brother fight...... I'm quite curious on how they're gonna characterize him in the next season. concidering that we're taking off earlier than previous versions, he might end up with the same unhinged vibe 98' vash had, as a coping mechanism (if depression didn't work, try dissociation and silliness). but then it would be even more interesting to see meryl's and wolfwood's reactions: they knew him before the accident and saw the big sad
vash has sense in the prosthetic arm, so it must've hurt when he damaged it... probably it hurts less than the real one, and it's clearly painless to take off. but the hand seems to be rather sensitive and fic writers are gonna go crazy for this
age reveal! also brad and luida being in cryosleep makes sense, I was racking my brain on how they're still alive. seems like they're using much more plant power tho... both for cryo and the vegetation, while in manga they tried to keep it as low as possible and send signals to earth
saw someone say that they're probably not doing that here because the earth is destroyed... could be that they decided to go the hard way. but in the manga the earth was still fucked, and it wasn't clear if they communicated with the ppl left on the planet or the fleet that was in some new place. what I'm saying is, there is a possibility that they are looking for help in stampede, we just don't know it yet
meryl was so cute! go off, comedy relief goofy girl, while you can, there is more trauma coming your way :3 yeah, enjoy roberto calling you by your first name... oh it would be such a shame if he gave you his derringer before his untimely death..........
pretty weird that nobody knows why they fell on no man's land, but ppl probably were too ashamed of their past and 150 years later the new generation is oblivious. also so funny that luida has to explain what vegies are..... they have so many plants but haven't see any plants
tbh I wasn't expecting the zazie twist at all, but I'm excited! they are SO gender in stampede, might be the best redesign in the series, love me a genderless bug creature with bold fashion choices. really cool to see that storyline adapted, it was barely touched upon in the last volumes of trimax
btw the multiple bullets story about a plant, worm and human who went around figuring out if their species could coexist and just.... creating this foud family and then building a town there all were equal...... that's my favorite mb story for sure
wolfwood saying "I'm not your friend"... I know what you are. and we got a "you'll have to decide one day"... oh oh the misery, but the context was lacking. it just doesn't hit the same when he isn't daring vash to shoot him in the most homoerotic way possible. on and he looks so goofy trying to ride with his cross
in the last ep's rant I assumed that luida lied about rem saving everybody for some reason?? but no, she actually saved them, I just got a bit confused
so, as I predicted, the gang separated (tho not because of vash) and by the end of the next episode vash'll be in july and meet naï. the poster, man.... that gorgeous futuristic city is getting obliterated for sure
btw vash's gate being opposite to knives and sort of a black hole is nothing new. but there are new layers to this, like vash willingly giving away energy, but destroying things against his will, and knives with the opposite of this. ying yan twins go brrrr
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carpisuns · 1 year
Now that you are no longer avoiding miraculous ladybug spoilers, can I say that it is absolutely bonkers the way the sentimonster theory started out with just Adrien, but then spread to Felix, and now apparently kagami??? And I've heard there might be another person who is one as well?? Like at this point I think we might as well say that every rich kid in paris (or vaguely related to paris) is probably a sentimonster. I bet it was a top secret Agreste collection back in the day, and all of Paris' wealthiest got a slice of it
OHOOEHEHEHE YES AND IM LIVING FOR IT!! honestly I never thought we would get confirmation of the senti theory that is this clear—like I thought it would be hinted but left open enough for the average child viewer to totally miss and for deniers to be able to deny if they want to. And I guess they could still deny? But man I didn’t expect it to become so central!! the felix eps were insane i was yelling !!
A while back I saw this theory that was basically what you said—that all the rich kids in Paris were sentis. Because of that fancy weird cult party from the episode Gabriel Agreste. Which was so fascinating to me back then and now it feels not unlikely?
It’s so interesting bc we know sentis are created from a specific emotion. It would seem appropriate that Emily created adrien out of love, and that’s why he’s such a kind boy who gives undeserving people second chances and who loves people with all his heart. Im not sure what emotion felix would be?? he’s a pretty complex character but his sense of personal justice is strong, wanting to free himself first and then the other sentikids, and using morally questionable means to reach his mission. So maybe something along those lines. And for kagami, idk, is perfection an emotion? Desire for perfection? That idea is brought up more and more surrounding her and her mother is very concerned with kagami’s perfection.
This gets even more interesting to me when you consider Chloe. Admittedly, she makes less sense as a senti bc the other sentikids have a missing parent (presumably the one who wielded the broken peacock and then eventually died from it??). But im just considering the concept of Audrey making Chloe from her own emotions….which seem to consist solely of selfishness and superiority. So if Chloe was made with such ugly emotions, no wonder she is the way she is. And no wonder that every time she seemed to make a little progress, she backslid into her old behavior. Bc any display of self-awareness and kindness and genuine care for someone else goes against her emotional core—her very essence. Is it even possible for a senti to change their emotional core? that would be an insane display of self-control and sheer force of will that would challenge the very concept of sentis as creatures who are made to be commanded. if it’s possible for a senti to break the bounds of their emotional core, is it also possible to break the bond between them and their amok holder and disobey a direct order? Could they even break their link to their amok entirely? This is all crazy talk bc it doesn’t even make sense in context and I doubt Chloe would end up having that big of a role anyway lol but the implications are interesting to think about! It’s even interesting to think about XY and the possibility of him being a senti—emotional core of greed, maybe? or, like, shallowness? lol. his dad definitely controls him and his image pretty carefully so. Hmm!
anyway insane musings aside I am really enjoying this arc with the senti focus!! felix’s Argo fit is so cool. his villain song. Girl help!!! when he had to kill his sentimoon and cried…oh that got me. That was his SISTER !! and FELIGAMI HELLO???? FELIGAMI PRACTICALLY CANON AFTER 2 EPISODES??? i did NOT have that on my bingo card lol but you know what?? Hell yeah!!!!!! Kagami said if Adrien doesn’t love me I’ll simply fall for his more intense and moody twin who rapidly and rightfully became obsessed with me
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qprstobin · 1 year
Re:Steve being written as oblivious post: Steve would probs clock Eddies flirting, decide he wants to roll with it and be like 'yeah were taking it slow ig things have been so crazy for him lately it makes sense he's taking his time to make a move' while Eddie would go through 5 stages of grief every day with 'unrequited' pinning and Robbin would be freaking out she's being replaced as a bff bc Steve suddenly wants to spend time alone with Eddie & keeps talking how cool he is. Will would clock Eddie pinning but not Steve bc he never saw sb happy and confident with being queer. Dustin & the hellfire would see the tension but not know where it's coming from & Max & Erica would be the closest to cracking it but they're too cool to get involved & too busy helping El fit in back into Hawkins. Steve would only be oblivious to everyone being so anxious bc let's be real it's Hawkins they're always anxious so everyone is spiralling while Steve is having the happiest gayest time of his life
(opened my laptop to realize I never posted this I AM SO SORRY)
I'm gonna be frank and say I don't agree with all of this but also this made me giggle SO MUCH and I love it. I think that Steve would tell Robin that he is crushing on Eddie and thinks he has a chance, because they talk about everything and esp potential dates and Robin is torn between being happy and pretty sure that Eddie reciprocates but mainly just doesn't want Steve to get hurt because Eddie is pretty fucking weird and who knows how serious he is with all of his weird comments.
While I enjoy an Eddie who gets in over his head because he wasn't prepared for an object of flirtation to turn it back on him, I do also enjoy him just not thinking he has any chance and so is like, oh man these intricate straight jock rituals are intense, I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me I'm already ass over tea kettle about this man.
I totally agree with you about Will and Dustin and Hellfire sooo much. Will would definitely be like oh man I recognize that look of gay yearning but would think any vibes he was picking of from Steve were either wishful thinking or just Steve being Steve because Steve is honestly kind of weird too. Bc you're exactly right he probably would struggle with realizing that the weird vibes are Steve being if not completely comfortable, at least comfortable enough to go after a cute guy he's pretty sure is into him.
Dustin and Hellfire would have NO idea what it is they are picking up on dfgsiodj, especially Dustin. Hellfire it all depends on which members if any that Eddie is out to, and even then they would not likely be all that confident in Steve's intentions. Dustin most assuredly thinks that for some reason that Steve and Eddie don't like each other, or that something happened when they were all stuck in the Upside Down that they aren't talking about. I think if one or both of them came out to him, he would be able to put together the dots, but he definitely would not come to that conclusion on his own he is under the impression both of them are straight and have no reason to think otherwise.
I think you are most right about Steve not being oblivious to Eddie's affections, but he doesn't actually realize the chaos he is sewing by being impulsive with Eddie idrgjsirgjsr. There is too much going on for him to quite realize how weirdly his actions are being taken. Like I think he knows that he needs to be somewhat subtle because like he lives in rural Indiana in the 80s but that doesn't mean he isn't flagging as being up to something and really fucking weird. At least one person just thinks he has a new girlfriend that he won't introduce to them, but which isn't right but also is maybe closer than they realize? It's all just, so many shenanigans. Steve has never actually learned to be normal in his life
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tdpriya · 6 months
hii, now that u saw the new episode i wanted to ask ur fav ships from the gen 4
OMG HI!!! this turned into a complete ramble i'm very sorry i'm just really hyper and love total drama!!! okay actually i dont ship very much from gen 4 compared to other people i've seen!! the only two ships i'd say i care a lot about are rajbow and prillie which feel like pretty basic answers.
i hope it isn't weird to say that rajbow makes me feel represented in a way and that i feel a connection with it? i'm not a gay man (in fact i'm straight) but i am still lgbt (i'm trans) and seeing total drama do good lgbt representation with two fun, enjoyable characters makes me so happy, especially because total drama is a show that i hold very close to me. i have been a fan of total drama for 13 years and i just have always had very intense feelings about it because total drama genuinely shaped me as a young, impressionable child. this is both a good thing and a bad thing because it is literally total drama but STILL!!! rajbow and zee will probably be the closest i get to feeling represented positively by canonical total drama as a lgbt person and a person with a physical disability, even if my disability is much different than zee's. i will take any good rep for the umbrellas i fall under, even if i may not be part of the exact group being represented under said umbrella. sorry ik zee has nothing to do with this but it just kept nagging me when i put rajbow is the closest i'll come to feeling positively represented because... zee exists and i am disabled.
sorry that the rajbow paragraph became very personal but aside from my connection to total drama as a show, i just think rajbow is fun!! and funny. i giggled a lot when raj left bowie his mouth guard and that letter. i wouldn't say they're my favorite ship in the entire show or anything but i think they mesh well together and their moments feel real in a sense? i don't know if this makes sense to anyone else but i just find rajbow to be one of the more realistic couples on total drama. the way they act reminds me of real teenagers more than a lot of other couples on the show and i like that.
as for prillie, i just tend to get really attached to sapphic couples and got really into them because their arc made me so invested and also they're my two favorite girls in the reboot. they have a lot of sweet moments that would make this post way too long if i described them all. i'm very much a fan of best friends to lovers as well which is a trope that i think fits with them.
ummm ships i like besides these two are ones i don't care very much for. i think axelle is a cute concept and priyamien is too!! also after watching the leaked episode, i am interested in mkulia and depending on how they act this season i may start to really really love them together. i'm not that big on julia as a character but i was very interested in mk during season 1 and am very excited to see her interacting with people again!!
ghghghgh SORRY THIS IS SO LONG thank you for asking me about literally anything total drama related.
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malewifemammon · 2 years
oh yeah baby kam's peter post made me want to share some of my own thoughts abt him (but also i didn't wanna tack em on in a reblog bc my thoughts r very related to Personal Stuff About Me and i didn't want to make their post my storytime i guess haha)
cw for mentions of sexual harassment/assault under the cut, as well as discussion of germophobia and ocd! also uh maybe some peter hate so if u don't wanna read that don't open the post! and have a nice day ^_^
so like i'm definitely not the type of person to say that nobody should ever like characters who do bad things, or that unhealthy relationships should Never be portrayed in art. so if you like peter or his dynamic with alice, please don't take this as me saying you shouldn't do that.
but like i've been into this series since i was about twelve or maybe even eleven? (long hours largely unsupervised with my best friend at the local library waiting for my mom to finish work) and while i definitely didn't understand healthy relationship dynamics all that much, i still took issue with peter forcing a kiss on alice from the get-go. i'll be honest, that along with his attitude towards her made me hate him right off the bat. these days i definitely think he has interesting and/or comedic potential in some situations, but that particular side of him still freaks me out. obviously. he was my least favorite of alice's potential interests (besides the twins).
BUT something kam brought up in their post kind of clicked with me.
around middle school, i started developing symptoms of ocd (i think triggered by a lot of stressful life events happening in quick and intense succession on top of the usual chaos of middle school). eventually it got on to be actual ocd, which i still deal with to this day. and my biggest trigger has been germs/uncleanliness. i didn't used to have this obsession with contamination, so i'm pretty sure i didn't have it when i first got into nkna. but as time went on i saw more and more of myself in that aspect of peter.
i really didn't want to, since i disliked him so much (not to mention how often ocd or similar traits are either played for jokes in most media or given to eccentric villain types to make them seem more Weird™). but over time it got harder to ignore.
kam brings up that bc of his germophobia, peter doesn't really have much experience in the way of romantic/sexual interactions. and it made me think of myself.
because aside from my tendency to not be able to interact with others all that well, my cleanliness ocd is a big stumbling block in the way of physical intimacy, of ANY kind, but especially romantic/sexual since that tends to be more... involved. and there's the screenshot of peter telling alice smth about how he doesn't mind Her Germs specifically, which is probably something i've said almost word for word to my own partner. they were my first for a lot of things, both because of my anxiety but also because of the germ thing. (side note i love them very much they're so cool and good about My Tendencies lol) and it can be really weird to be in a relationship with someone who has a lot more experience than you sometimes, because it can be easy to worry that you're somehow letting them down (not that i get the sense alice gets out all that much either, but still). but i also know the overwhelming joy and relief that comes with finding someone whose germs you don't mind.
AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY haha because i still don't really like peter! i think it's funny to bully him but also sometimes he does genuinely anger me. and it's been an odd experience to feel myself become more like him in this very specific way over the years, to relate to some of his fears and such. not to mention, i don't remember his germophobia being played as a joke all that much?
i mean there probably are moments where it is, i wouldn't be surprised, but comparing the way he's treated as opposed to, say, death the kid from soul eater... it feels different. [i could make a whole other post about my feelings on kid but i digress]
he's just a character that i personally have a lot of really complex feelings about, because on the one hand he can be a total scumbag who i hate, but on the other hand he seems to encapsulate certain struggles i've dealt with that i don't see illustrated in media very often. he's really important to me but also i want to kick the shit out of him ^_^
anyway. i don't think i really had A Point to all of this, just wanted to jot down some of my own ideas on him ig
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twinstarlovers · 1 year
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Hi Mamo 👋🏼🥹💗. It’s been a minute :( how you’ve been?? 🤔 oh frrr?? Ooooo true true 👌🏼. I’ve been thinking about you & have been really emotional I miss you. It’s Mercury retrograde & then the new moon eclipse & shit. I was like:
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Life has been super interesting lately. Still healing & shit but I’ve been okay. I’m in a rela & I kinda moved in w man’s 😬. Im hip it’s crazy out here, the universe wild af but it’s all for you, us. When I left I had a dream of you walking w a heart locket 🥺. The universe is weird because sometimes when I talk to the guy, I hear your voice like it’s actually creepy af & sometimes I would see your face & shit like omg. You know ngl being in this rela makes me lose hope in us being together soon because it feels so stable & shit but the universe is unexpected & I have been healing quickly which means maybe the purpose of this will soon be over w. I was very emotional yesterday over you yesterday & it was the new moon so makes sense but I think it was to remind me of you cus I’ve been present af. I think you are missing me but also I think it was reminding me of my purpose & shit. Idk but you already know it’s us forever 🪐. Soon soon soon. Buttt hey I tried acid for the first time last weekend. It was soooo intense, very spiritual experience. Was connecting w the trees. I saw people in the trees & shit. It was like a portal of people in the tree. I asked to go through ups & downs during the trip to experience it. I had a few bad moments but also really good ones. I saw something regarding you as well, I totally forgot what it was tho. The hallucinations were turning very dark & evil which was interesting. I was getting sucked into it because I be curious & I be thinking I can overcome these bad trips & I did. I saw the devil coming up the stairs in the tree like since I said it was like a portal, I saw a staircase & shit. I got so scared 😭. I was having a bittersweet connection w the tree. Anywayssss yahhhh. I hope you are doing good 🥺. Idk why out of all days & all times I’m posting rn, new moon & Mercury retrograde & shit lmaooo. You probably needed to hear from me so here I am. Im not back or anything. I just wanted to say hi & that I miss you & it’s us foreverrrr. We will be together soon. Gotta stay strong Lamo Mamo 💪🏼🧸🥺. We got this! 👏🏼
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New song from Florence tho!!!! IT RELEASED TODAY ITS SOOOOO GOOD OMFGGGGGGGGG. I was like ain’t no mf way.
Anyways… I’ll go now. I love you I love you. I MISS YOU. I’ll talk to you soon 🕊️❤️‍🔥 . Don’t be sad baby Lamo 🤱🏻🧸☝🏼🥺. Remember our purpose! 🪐 bye bye Mamocito 👋🏼🥺💕 quack quack 🥹🐥💘
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I saw one of my ex-boyfriend’s in Holden a cple months ago, he looks so fucking old like he could be my fucking dad and he’s only four years older than me. Honestly my dad..my birth father could pass for being the same age as him. they’re both bald as fuck. lol. He looked at me and he looked like he was trippin balls and he’s like Courtney? I turn around and I’m like oh my God , heeeeeeey Tim…🤭because I was obsessed with him, esp in freshman year in high school he was such a cutie he looked like a fucking God he was like the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life when he was 18. Now? Holy shit girl, good gawd.
He was like you haven’t aged a day. I was thinking to myself “Good thing you got a lot of sleep last night.” Otherwise I wouldn’t be lookin go wonderful. Me and Jesse watched exotica together a couple nights ago because we both are obsessed with mia whatever I forget her last name but anyway…I was like “when I start to really age and get wrinkles I’m just gonna look like a wrinkly old child and it’s gonna be weird.”He was like “that’s funny because one of my friends came in the other day and I told him that he looked like “a wrinkly old man-child and he got mad at me.” 😂
I love Jesse he’s like a man version of me so we get each other and I think he like Fuckin loves me but like not love love🤷🏻‍♀️ like loves me as a home dog probz because we talk about everything. I’ve told him some shit that I’ve not even told you. Like some real fucked up type shit. Cuz he told me some fucked up shit then I raised him and told him MY fucked up shit. It was a good bonding ritual to share sexual deviant child stories. I also told him about even more shit that you don’t know about yet. I probably won’t ever say it or type it on here cause I mean you know God knows who’s fucking looking at this shit. There’s more than that but yeah I’m a good girl, I’m a good girl.
Speaking of sexual deviancy what TWAS that “fairies come first” …,You stealing my jokes over there and trying to use them against me? Lol guuuurl, you fuckin crazy. That’s why I love you though.
Was that actually a dare, a request ?
Or just a statement to bore me to death?
You wouldn’t be daring ME now would you? Only psychotic people dare me. You know you could never be able to mentally deal with the aftermath of having that many INTENSE O’s inna row …miss thang.
Cuz after I was done you body would be Jell-O for the straight 7 day week, you’d be keeping me chained up somewhere and would pay watchers to watch me so I wouldn’t slip my foldable hands out of cuffs. You’d have to use a thick rope. I know how to get out of any handcuffs and even zip ties. Even if I am not wearing sneakers I can still get out of zip ties. You wouldn’t want me to ever leave your sight. You wouldn’t know your name, you wouldn’t know where you were, you wouldn’t know where you came from, you’d forget about anyone you’ve ever met, you wouldn’t know who your brothers are, your family would become strangers, you’d have to buy a walker or a wheelchair to wheel around like you were fkn Gumby in the special Olympics. You wouldn’t who the president is . Well, the president doesn’ know who the president is, soI dunno. But yea. All you would be thinking of is me, where I was, n when the next time would be.
I dare you to dare me, but I know you won’t. You don’t have the BAWLZ to dare me that, my cute widduw doebean.
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝔹 𝔸 𝕂 𝕌 𝔾 𝕆 𝕌  𝕂 𝔸 𝕋 𝕊 𝕌 𝕂 𝕀
     ⇴ male reader      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↳ request: pro hero crazy buff baku meeting y/n's cutesy femboy ex boyfriend? And he gets jealous / insecure bc they are so different
↣ rating: general audiences ↣ warnings: jealous bakugou, fluff, implied nsfw but nothing explicit, hickeys
Hand in hand, you were strolling through Akihabara with Bakugou. The other hand holding two bags of merchandise you had bought – a successful hunt indeed. Katsuki, however, only had one small bag with a new video game he bought for you both to enjoy, so all in all the free day you two had was very relaxing and stress-free for once.
Until it all went down the drain…
“Babe, do you wanna get something to eat before we go back?”, you asked while already looking around. You knew an incredible restaurant that wasn’t too far away from your current location.
“No, [Your.name]! Did you forget already? We need to cook something with the chicken in our fridge before it gets bad.”, Bakugou playfully rolled his eyes while nudging you. To think he was ever having such a …domestic talk with someone. A year ago he would have laughed hysterically at the thought of living together with someone and managing a small household.
“Oh… right.”, you chuckled before you leaned in to smooch him, “Ain’t I lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend who remembers these things.”
“Yeah, right. Keep sweet talking and I might even-“
“YOOOO [YOUR.NAME]!”, someone yelled, interrupting your intimate moment, hence Katsuki shooting him a death glare, however…
“Oh! Akitoshi, hey.”, you greeted the significantly smaller male as well.
“It’s been a hot minute. How you doin’?”, he grinned, then looked at Katsuki, “I see, already slipping into the next pair of panties, huh?”
This little bastard- Though Bakugou’s string of thought was cut when you just awkwardly laughed and hugged his muscular body closer to your side.
“Akitoshi, this is Bakugou Katsuki, my boyfriend, so be nice, okay?”, then you turned to Katsuki who was scowling, “Babe, this is my ex, Ninomiya Akitoshi. We mutually agreed to separate so there weren’t any harsh feelings, he’s a good guy.”
“Nice to meet you, bro!”, Aki tried to break the ice by going in for a fist bump, but Bakugou was not having it as he just kept staring at him.
While you were talking to your ex for a few moments, Katsuki couldn’t help but start eyeing him up and down. He was small, skinny, feminine looking and kind of dainty. Everything he wasn’t. To be quite honest, Bakugou was the complete opposite. He was as tall as you, very buff and well-trained and suits wanted to cry when he would try them on because of his sheer build he acquired due to being a pro-hero for many years now. And seeing how your type was, very obviously, something very different before you met him… Bakugou was suddenly a little insecure and he hated feeling that way.
“Okay, well, Aki, it was nice meeting you, but we need to go now and catch a train.”
“Same, dude, same. Glad you’ve found someone you like, you look happy, man.”, he said with a small smile as he looked at you and Katsuki, who was still just grunting and holding extra tight onto you.
And with that, you and your boyfriend finally walked back to the train station.
Once you were at home though, you watched as he flopped onto the couch, hence you asked, “Okay, what is going on? Ever since meeting Aki you’ve been quiet.”
“What? No! He’s…”, he paused, then tried to fake a smile, “really… lovely. A nice guy.”
“Babe… I love you but holy fuck you can’t lie.”, then you sat down beside him.
“Hey, talk to me. Did he do something? I know the slipping into panties thing was weird, but-“
“That’s not it, [Your.name].”, Katsuki sighed and crossed his arms.
“Then what is it?”
A long pause followed where you just looked at him and Bakugou stared at the desk in front of him with your and his bags on. Only for him to finally open his mouth after a few moments of silence.
“I look nothing like him.”
“… And that is a problem… why?”, you were visibly confused.
“I mean, fuck he is… he’s a fucking femboy. I just- I am NOTHING like him. Your type is a skinny little dainty femboy and I am literally the complete opposite, so like- Why the fuck do you even like me?”, Katsuki finally blurted out, gesturing with his arms wildly before he flopped back onto the couch.
You, on the other hand, just stared at him for a moment in disbelief.
“That… That is what it’s about? Really?”
“Yeah… You probably could swing him around like a toothpick while I am… well I am heavy.”
“Babe, please. I love you, just the way you are. Just because Aki was one type of guy, doesn’t mean I can’t find another type of guy attractive as well, you know?”, reaching out, you took his hand in yours.
Drawing circles on the back of it, you then slowly progressed to touching his face and softly turning his head so he would look at you eventually.
“Hey…. I love you. I love that you could snap me in half at any possible second.”, thankfully, Katsuki snorted and mumbled an “Idiot.” yet he didn’t break eye contact as his hand slowly wandered down to play with your t-shirt.
“I love you too, [Your.name]… Thank you. I don’t know what happened to me, I guess seeing your ex just fucked with my brain for a second there.”, he then said before leaning in for a kiss that you happily returned.
“Hmh, it’s okay… I know you’re very different from everyone else I’ve dated before, physique and personality vise, but… I am also the most happiest when I’m with you.”, you gently played with his hand while smooching him over and over again.
“So I am better than anyone else, hm?”, Bakugou grinned instantly while being pushed back into the couch willingly, his big, heavy body pressed against your own.
“Hmm absolutely.”, you purred back.
Your hands were already busy slipping underneath his t-shirt as your lips pressed hot kisses onto his sensitive neck, earning his little groan that made your heart jump. Even though Bakugou probably wouldn’t believe you if you said it out loud, but… he certainly was very cute, even if he wasn’t dainty or small.
A very delicious smell softly shook him awake, ruby eyes fluttering open as he looked around for a moment. Sitting back up, Katsuki inevitably had to smile a little when he saw the blanket you put over his naked body, realizing once more how stupid it was to get jealous.
“Babe?”, naked as he was, he walked into the kitchen where the scent was coming from.
“Hey, Kat.”, you turned around a bit, though was it already too late when arms snuck around your hips and you felt a weight on your shoulder.
“Hey… The chicken?”
“The chicken.”, you chuckled and softly nudged his head with your own.
“If you hurry, you can still take a shower before we can eat.”
“Hm… sounds good.”, Katsuki whispered.
However, before he could walk away completely, he turned around once more, catching you off guard a little when he was back to hugging you from behind.
“Also… thanks.”, he only mumbled with red cheeks, before he nudged your head to the side to connect your lips.
“Hmmm…”, you purred while returning his kisses happily.
“Always. Now go.”, with a giggle, you playfully smacked his naked butt when he finally turned around and walked away.
And as Bakugou stood in front of the big bathroom mirror, he couldn’t help but blush even more intensely. His muscular body was visibly covered in hickeys, making him facepalm and sigh. Though… he also couldn’t suppress hat little grin that formed on his lips.
Really… getting jealous was so stupid.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: once more thanks for the request! I really really like buff baku, knowing he could very well snap me in half while still whimpering like a lost puppy and letting himself go during sexy time makes it all the better!
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ayo!! congrats on 666 <33 I'm not sure if its much of a request but I love how you wrote the demon kids personalities! I was wondering what kids of personalities you would see the other brothers kids having? Hypothetically of course (unless 👀)
BRO- I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while! Fan kids are fun to think about, what can I say? Now, these kids aren’t canon to the Awfully Familiar series, the HOL is crowded enough as is… but I hope you enjoy anyways!
(I’m giving all the kids names just so no one gets confused with which kid is whose)
Levi’s Kid
Uh let’s use probability to figure out how rare children of our snek boy are. The Otaku left the house (unlikely), spoke to a human being (very unlikely), did the devil’s tango with them (impossible)
I’m kidding, but seriously what the fuck why did this human exchange student look so much like Levi? Was that a tail? Hehehe… what a weird practical joke…
(I’m calling this MC Percy. Three guesses as to why)
Okay, onto the kiddo’s personality. I’m picturing them being REALLY hyped and REALLY enthusiastic about their hobbies and isn’t afraid to yammer about them. They’re good at what they do and they’re damn proud of it! They turn their envy into *~inspiration~* and get better at the things they enjoy doing!
In all fairness to Levi, it’s a bit easier for his kid because Percy isn’t literally being eaten alive and consumed by this sin every waking moment of his life… perks of being half human! :D
Percy loves swimming, and the ocean, and fish, and they brought a shark back from the beach- wait hang on a second-
It’s not uncommon for Levi to be hardcore gaming while Percy swims around in the fish tank.
The pair of them have a very good relationship, Percy is kind of Levi’s hero with how eager they are to get better at the things they love doing and how they almost never self pity spiral. The one issue is… ugh… Percy is a 🤢…. Sorry. Percy’s a 🤢 🤢-
Other than that, the two get along swimmingly. (Ba dum tisssss)
Percy’s reaction to Levi’s cool military titles is basically “WOAH! YOU HAVE BOATS?! CAN I GO ON ONE?!” And Levi would be a monster to decline.
Percy wore a pirate hat despite Levi telling them numerous times that they were a part of the navy, they CATCH pirates. Which are apparently still a big problem in the Devildom…
Also, Percy and Lotan absolutely adore each other. It makes Levi very happy
Satan’s Kid
Satan’s a pretty charming guy, and it’s canon that he’s amazing at seductive speech craft so it’s no surprise that he was able to seduce a human.
You know what is a surprise? The fact that Satan, the smart one, didn’t think to use protection! Like- DUDE I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU.
Whatever, anyway, when this kid slammed onto the floor of the assembly hall no one had time to react when the kid suddenly grew horns… and fangs… and a tail… OH FUCK THE KID WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR FIRST TRANSFORMATION WHAT THE FUCK-
(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to call this kid Lyssa, mainly because of the meaning of the name)
The first thing Lyssa did was launch themselves straight at the first person they saw, and I ask you to guess exactly who sits in the middle seat of the assembly hall. That’s right… Satan… yay…
This kid nearly clawed his face off in the span of two seconds and it took Lucifer and Beel working together to drag them off of him and then Asmo had to step in to use his powers to calm them down. Well. That was eventful.
So Lyssa has a volcanic temper and they’re honestly really bitter and upset at everything, which is something that’s supposed to come in adult life, not so early. So what’s up with this kid? Well, when you’re born with a burning rage deep inside you that can be set off at even the slightest inconvenience and because of that everyone around you immediately assumes you’re dangerous or crazy can really do some damage to a kid.
So who oh who is Lyssa going to blame for this…? Hmmm… who is responsible for the anger? *Side eyes Satan*
“Wow, this kid is blaming me for passing down my wrath even though I couldn’t control giving it to them and if I had the choice I would have made sure they wouldn’t have to live with it and they’re mad at me for subjecting them to existence itself… wow this feels so bad :( who would treat someone like this..?” “*Dad sigh*”
The two of them do eventually get along. It’s actually Satan who extends the olive branch and offers to help them control their anger. As the two spend time together, Lyssa’s intense hatred slowly subsides.
So… what’s Lyssa going to do now? They’ve spent so much of their life being defined by their anger… who the fuck are they????? U-uh… cats! Cats! Lyssa likes cats! Is liking cats a personality? No? Okay… um… Music! Music is relaxing! Lyssa likes music! Um… um… ooo- look at that! They like space! And stars!
You knew what they don’t like? School. Lyssa doesn’t like learning in a controlled environment where they’re being told what to learn. Leave them alone so they can go read about space.
Beelzebub’s kid(s)
*munch* *munch* *chew* *chomp* huh, *chomp* why does the takeout- I mean the human look so much like him…? They’re his kid..? *choke* *cough* *cough* …Huh. Want some chips?
Surprisingly chill first meeting. Well, Beel and the kid were chill, everyone else was freaking the fuck out.
I’m calling this kid Pepper. Why? Fucking guess.
Pepper themselves is just… chill. They’re sort of like a capybara, their vibes are just so immaculate that everyone wants to hang out around them.
Unlike Beel, Pepper’s penchant for food mainly comes from “food is good.” instead of “my body is literally eating itself alive every second of the day and I need to be eating something at almost all times in order to stave off a rampage.” Beel is very happy that his kid doesn’t have to live with food constantly on the brain.
All was well until three days into the exchange program when Pepper asked at the dinner table “so when are we bringing my twin down here?”
…twin genes man… twin genes…
Second kid, I’m calling them Cane. (CANE PEPPER, GET IT?! GET IT?!) this kid is less like a capybara and more like a honey badger. They don’t give a shit.
Here’s the thing though… they’re identical twins.
Cane is basically Beel but smaller. They follow Beel to the gym and usually get stopped at the door. “Kids aren’t allowed in the gym.” Ha, the rules don’t apply to Cane, they just cross their arms and raise their eyebrows and whoever is stopping them just steps aside. Don’t fuck with the honey badger kid.
Pepper and Cane are super close though, but don’t ask if they have a telepathic link or something, Cane will fuck you up and Pepper won’t be able to stop them. (I know a pair of identical twins, and the amount of times they’ve been asked if they can read each other’s minds is enough to make anyone homicidal)
Belphegor’s kid
*squints* how’d this happen..?
Whatever. When Belphie’s kid woke up on the floor of the assembly hall everyone took one look at this kid and collectively went “shitballs”
Belphie was in the attic and his kid was wandering around the house like they ran the place! What the fuuuuuuuuck was Lucifer supposed to do with this????
Anyway, meet Arien.
Arien, how does one describe this little hellspawn? Well, one would call them the brood of Lucifer or the spawn of Satan but that would be false because this manipulative evil devil-child that crawled straight out of a teacher’s nightmares is BELPHIE’S kid. And it fucking SHOWS.
This kid won the demon/human genetic lottery and they’re going to make it everyone’s problem. Basically, they’re sin is sloth, but unlike Belphie, Arien’s is more voluntary, if that makes sense. They sleep and slack off because they like not doing work, not because they’re always tired. They have this sort of lazy relaxed facade that vanishes the second it’s not needed, it’s honestly kind of terrifying.
They quickly learn that if they just pretend to be having troubles with being constantly tired, the rest of the house will go easy on them if they miss their chores and schoolwork.
Jeez Louise when this kid met Belphie…
They both just stared at each other for a solid five minutes before anyone said anything. Belphie somewhat nervously started up his “oh woe is me get me out of here :(“ charade, and the kid played along for a few weeks, until of course, they got suspicious.
You remember how Belphie guilt spiralled with L!MC? Yeah imagine that but 40 times worse, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
But yeah, blah blah blah Arien breaks Belphie out, they don’t die, family’s back together, happily ever after. But not quite. Arien’s “oh no I’m sorry I’m sleepy…” charade was found out and boy howdy was everyone pissed.
Surprisingly, it was Belphie who gave Arien the wake up thwack, but Arien called Belphie out on his laziness so Belphie was forced to become a better example.
The way they fixed Ari’s behaviour? Extra chores, extra schoolwork, extra everything, and the boys did nothing to help. Basically, “this is how we felt! Deal with it!”
It worked… thankfully.
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
⚝The Girl Next Door⚝ Vampire!Luke x Reader (Series)
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(Not My Gif)
Vampire!Luke x Reader (My Babysitter’s a Vampire AU)
Description: Set in Season One (After The Movie) Y/N decides to stay around for a little longer for a unknown reason to the gang. With that comes new problems, more supernaturals, and more uncoverings of the secrets that lay hidden beneath her facade, especially when a new girl enters the town.
Warnings: mentions of death, minor violence, and probably typo. Also cringy My Babysitter’s a Vampire talk. Tried to make it like the show in the way I write.
One more thing... It’s long. Because this is the first one of the series I wanted this one to be long, but the other ones will be shorter, unless it’s a thicker plot.
“Look who decided to stay…”
Y/N freezes for a moment. His chilling voice sent her heart pounding against her ribcage. “Could say the same for you.” She turns on her heels rapidly to face him. “New found freedom and here you are in this same small town, at a school that’s quite boring if I’m being honest.” 
Luke tilts this head. His eyes twitch, widening for a moment. “If it was boring there wouldn’t be witches and vampires roaming around. So, who knows what else is lurking around these corners…” He teasingly smiles at Y/N’s dumbfounded expression. “Am I wrong?” 
“No…” she sighs. 
“You’ve seemed to have caught quite a lot of people’s attention.” He side eyes the group of Freshmen boys gawking at her.    
“It seems I have.” She doesn’t bother looking away from Luke. “Luke.” His now yellow eyes fixate on hers. “I hope our previous encounters don’t get to your head.”
“I wish I knew what you were talking about, so please enlighten me.” He crosses his arms, subconsciously leaning towards her. 
“I mean… With me saving you.” 
“You didn’t save me,” he argues. 
A sarcastic laugh interrupts the confrontation between them. “Oh, is that right?” Sarah appears at Y/N’s side. “Because I think if she wasn’t there to rescue you, there would be a wooden stake in your chest right now.” She mimics Luke’s stance, Y/N awkwardly standing there witnessing this endeavorment.
Luke laughs, dryly. “Is that what you think? Well, I think if a pathetic girl--” 
“Right here,” Y/N mumbles.
“--could take you on, I could’ve survived your weak throw.” 
Sarah sucks on her two front teeth. “Come on Y/N, let’s get out of here.” She grabs ahold of Y/N’s arm tugging her away from the boy.
“Little strange that you’re buddying up with the girl who nearly killed you,” he shouts.
Weirded out glances are shot towards him. 
“You just had to save him?” Sarah asks.
“What? Would you rather me save Jesse?” Y/N responds, raising an eyebrow.
“Or how about no one?” 
Y/N huffs. “Think he’s going to be a problem?” She looks back at where Luke and her just were, only to find he’s disappeared. 
“The biggest,” Sarah answers.
“Yeah… Me too.” 
“Hey guys,” Ethan says, walking up to the pair. “What’s up?” 
“Just another lovely conversation with Luke,” Sarah explains. “Would still really love a reason from Ms. Magic over here.” 
Y/N puts her freehand up to mock surrender. “Don’t look at me,” she pauses. “Just doing my job,” she whispers to the point where no one else hears her. “Seen my cousin anywhere?” 
Ethan shakes his head, but it goes distracted when something catches his attention. “Found him.” 
They all turn to see Benny sweet talking to an unfamiliar girl. “Makes sense,” Y/N comments. “Who is that?” Her eyes narrow.
“No clue, never seen her around before,” Ethan informs. 
“She’s pretty.” 
They all jump, startled by Rory’s sudden appearance. “Where did you come from?” Y/N asks, harshly.
“Sorry, not as pretty as you Y/N,” Rory rushes, winking at her. 
She rolls her eyes. Benny and the new girl stopping in front of them. “Guys I want you to meet Clarissa, she’s new, and she actually just moved in next door to us,” he remarks. 
“Hello, Clarissa, I’m Sarah.” 
Y/N stares at the girl for a moment. Something didn’t fit right in Y/N’s stomach when staring into her pure green eyes. They were almost too green. “I’m Y/N.” She bounces on the balls of her feet. “Benny’s cousin,” she adds.
Clarissa grabs Y/N’s hand without warning. “I’ve heard so much about you!”
“You have?” Y/N chokes out a laugh. “All good things, I hope.” She grew heavily uncomfortable when Clarissa stared intensely at the purple gem that was snug in the center of Y/N’s ring. 
Y/N pulls her hand away hastily, wiping it on her jeans. “Of course.” Clarissa’s sickly sweet smile almost gave her a headache. 
“Benny,” she grits through her teeth. “Can I speak with you?” 
Benny looks at her, confused. “What’s up?” 
Y/N clears her throat. “Alone.” 
With no verbal response she drags Benny to a corner where the rest of the group stared at the two. “What’s wrong? Is it Clarissa? Look, I know she’s coming off a little eager but--” 
“That’s all you’re getting from her?” Y/N exasperates. “Don’t you see her eyes they’re pure green, I think they’re magical contacts--”
She gestures to where Clarissa was picking at Sarah’s hair. “And she’s wearing a headwrap-thing! And--” She aggressively points at her ring, “--she was analyzing it. I think she knows who I am, and people knowing what I am equals trouble.” 
Benny stares at his cousin like he’s witnessing a crazy person. “Okay, someone’s been overworking her powers a little too much.” He grabs hold of her shoulders. “Clarissa is just a lonely new girl, who just happens to now live right next door to us. And maybe she likes jewelry, and green is good. Nice color. And… You do know there is something called culture, right?” 
Y/N groans. “You’re not getting my point, I think she’s--”
The warning bell rings, cutting her off. “Gotta get to class, maybe you should go home--”
“Get some rest.” Benny runs off, catching up with Clarissa.
“Okay, what’s got you all down?” Sarah asks, following the invisible lines Y/N’s making with her eyes, landing on Clarissa. 
“Something is not--”
“I had a vision,” Ethan blurts. “When I shook Clarissa’s hand.” 
“I knew it!” Y/N exclaims. “Snakes on her head, am I right?” 
Ethan shudders. “H-How did you know?” 
“Medusa, I can sense descendants wherever I go,” Y/N admits. “It’s my seventh sense.” 
“You mean sixth sense,” Sarah corrects.
“No, I mean seventh sense.” Ethan and Sarah furrow their eyebrows. “Hard to explain. We need to warn Benny, but I think she already put her spell on him.” 
“Spell?” Ethan questions. “What spell?” 
The second bell rings. “Let’s talk later, during lunch!” Y/N jogs away rounding a corner.
“The thing is…” 
“Ah!” Y/N screams when Clarissa slithers in front of her. “You…” She points an accusing finger at her. “Stay… Away.” Y/N makes a mental note of how her contacts were replaced with a dark pair of sunglasses. 
“You have something I need. You think I want to be this way, snakes for beautiful long hair, turning people into stone. Do you know how lonely it is? I turned my best friend into stone, no way to reverse her back.” Clarissa takes a step closer to Y/N.
“Well, there is, it’s just--AH!” Y/N falls back onto the floor when Clarissa pushes her. “A little more complicated because of…” Her voice fades off.
Clarissa’s eyes didn’t dare to look away from Y/N’s ring. “Because I don’t have that.” 
“So, you want my ring?” Y/N scoffs. “Well, you can’t have it. I’m not giving it to you.” 
Clarissa chuckles. “Like you have a choice.” 
“No, no, no, please don’t do this…. AH!” Y/N had no time to react before Clarissa’s headwrap fell, and she ripped her sunglasses off. 
Grandma gasps, placing a hand on her heart. Not wasting any time she rustles off of the couch, getting to work.
“Where’s Y/N? She was supposed to tell us--” 
“Tell you what?” Benny asks, cutting off Ethan. ‘
“That--Clarissa!” Ethan fakes a smile when she comes into view. “Tell us--” 
“Tell us about her upcoming date,” Sarah finishes, nonchalantly. 
“Date?” Luke stomps up to them. “Y/N? On a date? With who?”
“With…” Sarah’s eyes search the area. “Rory!” 
The blonde boy stops, surprised. “What about me?” he asks.
“Your date with Y/N?” Ethan strains his voice, hoping Rory will be smart enough to follow along. 
Rory frowns. “Date…?” Ethan and Sarah nod, pointedly. “Date! Yes! Date. Date with Y/N. I am going on a date with Y/N.” Rory stills. “Wait, I’m going on a date with Y/N?! Sweet!” 
Luke’s jaw drops. “There must be a mistake,” he laughs. “She would never choose an idiot like you.” 
“And who would she choose… You?” Sarah ridicules.
Luke’s eyes flash yellow. “Well, thanks for the compliment. You don’t think I’m an idiot,” he replies. “Where is she?” He changes the topic.
“I-I think I saw her go home,” Clarissa chimes in.
Ethan and Sarah both avert their eyes to the girl. “You did?” Sarah glances at Ethan who undoubtedly thinks the same thing. 
“Yep!” Clarissa innocently smiles. “Why would I lie?” 
“Yeah, why would she lie?” Benny, oblivious of the situation, puts on the same smile Clarissa is sporting. “She’s new.” 
“Which means we know nothing about her,” Luke snarls. 
“Luke’s right!” Ethan confirms. 
“Is he?” Sarah’s voice goes a little higher, but on the inside she 100% agreed. 
“I’m going to go check on her,” Luke announces. 
“Why are you acting like you care about her?” Sarah snickers. “I’m coming with you.” 
“Sarah,” Ethan hisses, grabbing her wrist. Gasping when he makes contact. “I had a vision,” he confesses, letting go of her. “It’s urgent.” 
Sarah quickly glances at everyone before landing on Luke. “Just let us know if she’s there.” 
“Or how about you guys check after school?” Clarissa suggests. “And then if she’s not we can all help look for her--if missing of course. You don’t really want to miss school, do you?” 
Luke bursts into laughter. “You really are new.” And just like that he’s gone. 
“Woah, where’d he go?” Clarissa scans the room. “What are you people? First we have witches, and wizards and now--” 
“Wait, how do you know that?” Ethan interrogates.
“Guys! Chill out, I filled her in on Y/N and I being ‘magical’.” Benny does the quotations. “And how Y/N was a little freaked out by her, but it’s all good.” 
“You told her what?!” Sarah feels her anger rise within her. 
Luke opens the window of Y/N’s room, entering it. “Hello?” he calls out. “Y/N?” 
The door swings open, exposing Grandma on the other side. “Thank God, you’re here.” She runs to grab his arm. “She doesn’t have much time.” 
“What’s going on?” 
She takes him to the basement where Y/N sat on the table, completely made of stone. “She appeared right here, like this, not too long ago, but long enough where we’re getting close to the effects being permanent.” 
“What happened?” Luke walks up to Y/N.
“Medusa, or descendants. Has there been any odd behavior around the school? Or perhaps a new face?”  
Luke perks up. “Yes, there’s a new girl. A little weird, and--” 
“Tell me everything you know, and while you’re doing that, mix this up for me.” She hands him a bowl. “Hurry!” 
Sarah and Ethan continue to sit where they’ve been sitting for the last ten minutes. “How are we going to fix this?” Ethan asks.
Sarah scrunches her face when she realizes Ethan was actually asking for an answer from her. “Don’t ask me, this is not my area of expertise.” 
“If we don’t figure it out soon, you’ll turn to stone.” 
“I’m a vampire, Ethan, I don’t think that’s even possible.” 
“Well, you’re not a full vampire, maybe it’s different,” he disputes. “Look, I know what I saw, and I saw you turn to stone.” 
“So, what do we do?” 
Ethan stops again to think. “We… We need to use her own power against her,” he concludes. “But, we need Benny’s help.”
“Y/N said he’s under her spell, how are we going to take him out of it?” Sarah voices her concerns. “This would be so much easier if Y/N was here. Where is Luke? I knew we couldn’t trust him.” 
“Forget him, we have to figure it out on our own.” 
“I’m just--I’m worried. Y/N hasn’t just vanished like this before.” 
Ethan chuckles. “You obviously haven’t known her for as long as I have.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Ethan inhales through his nose. “We were all best friends when we were kids, it was always me, Y/N, and Benny versus the world. We thought she was crazy when she spoke about her being a witch, and having magical powers. But, she was still our best friend.” He frowns. “Then she left, and never came back. We never got an explanation as to why. She was seven and we were five… And, yet, we remember those days like they were yesterday, and then of course she randomly pops up out of nowhere ten years later. Knowing all of this stuff about me, vampires, magic, it just doesn’t make any sense.” 
“Well, she’s back now, you can get answers. Trust me, I’m just as curious as you for some things when it comes to her…” 
“Have you guys seen Clarissa?” Benny asks. “I haven’t been able to find her.” 
“What?” Ethan stands up. “She’s gone?” He looks at Sarah in alarm. “Benny, okay, I need you to understand this… Clarissa is Medusa, or descendant, or the same species..” 
Benny doesn’t move at first. “Funny, but seriously can you guys help me?” 
The lights flicker. “That’s not good,” Sarah thinks out loud. 
“Benny we’re telling you the truth, I had a vision, and Y/N she--” 
“She put you up to this. She was acting weird earlier. Where is she by the way?” 
“You won’t be seeing a lot from her anymore,” Clarissa’s voice echoes through the halls. 
“Is it just me… Or are we the only ones in the school right now?” Benny searches for any signs of life around them. 
“That’s your question?!” Sarah hisses. “Didn’t you hear what she said about Y/N?” 
“She’s probably just trying to scare us,” Ethan excuses. “We can’t make assumptions.” 
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you guys, we don’t know if Clarissa is--Oh my God!” Benny makes direct contact with the lockers' reflection of Clarissa, snakes floating around her head. “Run!” 
Clarissa apparates in front of them. “Don’t look her in the eyes,” Ethan advises.
“No duh, Ethan!” Benny shouts. 
The locker doors slam open around them. “How is she doing this?” Sarah covers her eyes.
“I’m guessing Y/N’s ring,” Benny guesses. 
“How do we stop her if we can’t see her?” 
“Maybe I can help,” another voice declares. 
“Y/N?!” Sarah calls out. “Where have you been?” 
“I was stuck in a… Situation. But, Luke helped me.” Y/N smiles at Luke. 
“Bring it, now!” Grandma orders. Luke hands it to her. “Stand back.”
“What do you need me to do?” Luke asks, taking a step away from Y/N and Grandma. 
Grandma meets his concerned eyes. “Be there for her when she comes back… It won’t be pretty.” She holds up the potion pouring it all around Y/N’s body. “Here we go.” She internally prayed this would work, especially with Luke watching. She begins to mumble some words incoherently, a bright light coming from her hands. 
“It’s working,” Luke blurts in relief, when the grey stone starts to break off exposing skin. 
“AH!” Y/N screams when most of her upper body is free. She notices the way her hands were still stone, panic rising. 
Luke doesn’t hesitate his arms around her neck, settling her head in the crook of his neck. “You’re okay, it’s okay, you’re alright,” he assures, softly into her ear. Y/N can feel her fingers break free, gripping onto his shirt. “Shhh…” He runs his fingers through her hair. 
Grandma weakly smiles, slowly backing away from them, to leave them alone.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks when her cries settle down.
He pulls away, wiping the last fallen tears from her cheeks. “You went missing, and the rest were worried. I took it upon myself to… Find you. I also heard you were going on a date with Rory and I--” 
“Wait! So, Clarissa is at the school with my friends… ALONE?!” 
Y/N’s expression turns stern. “Now Clarissa, how about you do us all a favor and give me my ring back.” She moves close to Luke. “Take the rest, and hide.” 
“What? No. I’m not gonna protect some losers, and that would include me touching them…”  
Y/N takes a deep breath, breaking her stance to hold the bridge of her nose. “Luke, I swear to God I will go back in time and stab you in the heart myself if I have to if you don’t listen to me.” It goes silent. Yes, even Clarissa didn’t move a muscle. “Got it?”
Luke simply nods. 
“Back to business now.” 
“Magical contacts,” Clarissa states more than questions. “Smart.” 
Y/N shrugs carelessly with a smirk. “Learn from the best.” In less than a minute it was just her and Clarissa alone in one of the many creepy hallways of the school. “Now my ring.” She holds out her hand. “It’s not going to give you what you want.” 
“And how do you know exactly what I want?” Clarissa snaps. 
“It’s dangerous for someone not trained to use it, I don’t want to hurt you.” 
Clarissa scoffs. “How are you going to do anything without this?” She points to the ring that rightfully belongs to Y/N. “You’re nothing without it.” 
Those words rang in Y/N’s mind. “That’s not true.” 
“Oh, but I think it is.” With a wave of Clarissa’s hand, Y/N goes flying back. “And with this ring I’m everything.”
Y/N winces as she stands. “You’re just going to hurt yourself.”
“Not a chance.” Another lifeless throw of Clarissa’s fingers Y/N falls to the floor. “See? Can’t even dodge a simple spell. You’re useless, and pathetic. It’s a miracle you can even call yourself a witch.” 
“See?” Y/N mocks Clarissa’s tone. “That’s where you’re wrong.” She stands up, strong. “I’m no witch.” She closes her eyes, the adrenaline coursing through her veins, a certain friction being felt at her fingertips. She elegantly moves as though she is a flower in the wind, building up a bundle of energy at the palm of her hands. 
“I could’ve said that,” Clarissa laughs. “You know, I never thought someone like you could befriend so many vampires.” Y/N bites her lip to keep from distracting herself away from the task. “Who was that one… The one you arrived with. Seems quite special to you. With this ring, vampires will never be immune to my power, nor will any other supernatural when I learn how to get past your little spells. I will make you feel the pain I felt… Starting with that boy.” 
When Y/N opens her eyes it sends a shock wave towards Clarissa. What used to be her dark brown eyes are now a violent shade of purple. “Oh… There is no spell,” Y/N’s voice comes out more deep and demonic. “This--” She gestures to herself, “--is all me.”
“Uhhh…” Clarissa stumbles back.
“Told you I’m no witch.” Y/N creeps up to her. “And I’d watch what you say very carefully.” 
“It’s not poss--” 
Y/N raises up her hand, Clarissa following as she leviates in the air. The lockers that were open around them began to crumple. “Oops… I meant that to be you.” 
Sarah, Benny, Ethan, and Luke become startled by the sound of screaming. “What was that?” Sarah asks, slightly scared.
“Was that Y/N?” Benny starts to stroll towards the school. “We need to help her!” 
Luke harshly grabs his shoulder. “If we’re going to go in there we’ll need these.” He presents the clear contacts to the group. “They’ll block out her magic.” Luke’s thoughts drift off to earlier. 
“What do you need me to do?” Luke asks, taking a step away from Y/N and Grandma. 
Grandma meets his concerned eyes. “Be there for her when she comes back… It won’t be pretty.”
“Let’s go,” Sarah says. “Luke?!” 
Grandma takes his wrist before he follows Y/N out of the house. “Be there for her.” 
“Be there for her when she comes back from the fight,” Grandma guides, vaguely. “She can’t control it.” 
“Control what?” 
“Her emotions… Her powers… Her alter ego,” she explains. “The night she saved you, the night she almost killed Sarah, who do you think that was?”
Luke shakes the odd feeling off. Running after the rest. 
“Please, help me!” Clarissa pleads. 
“Who would ever help you? You’re a monster. You kill people with no remorse. What makes you more worth saving than anyone you’ve murdered?!” Y/N grabs a hold of the girl's wrist. “This belongs…” She plucks the ring off of her with magic. “To me.” Carefully sliding it down her own finger without touching it once. Y/N moves her grip to both Clarissa’s shoulders. “How about I show you the pain you caused?” Her eyes grow brighter as she clearfully shouts sinful spells at Clarissa. The snakes that make up her hair cower in fear as her body becomes more and more weak in Y/N’s hands.
“Y/N!” Ethan yelps. “What are you doing?” 
“Dealing with the enemy,” she answers.
Clarissa allows the tears to fall from her eyes. “Don’t do this! I’m sorry.” Y/N ignores the girl’s cries, and wails. 
“Y/N, you need to stop this.” Luke tries to get her attention. 
Y/N lets out a dark chuckle. “That’s what they tell her, right? To stop this side of her, to hide, well not anymore, not while I’m around will allow her to bury me once more in her pureness,” she pauses. “They will all. Feel. My. WRATH!” 
With a blinding flash of light everything went quiet. 
Everyone opens their eyes to find Y/N lying limp on the ground. “Y/N!” Her friends rush to her aid, huddling around her.
“Wake up.” Luke cups her face, patting her cheek gently. “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” he repeats.
Y/N gasps, her eyes fluttering open. “Guys? Wh-What happened?” 
“You don’t remember?” Ethan asks.
Y/N shakes her head. “No, I just remember Clarissa and--” She cuts herself off, looking around. “Where’s Clarissa?” 
They hear a squeak behind them. 
They turn their heads, Y/N lifting hers to see the damage she caused. “Oh my God!” she shrills when she sees a small snake on the floor. “What have I done?” She scrambles away from the group, going over to what she believed was Clarissa. “I have to fix this.” She picks up the snake.
“Please,” she sobs. “I’ll fix this. I promise I will.” She sets the snake down, taking a deep breath. “I can fix this,” she tells herself. Her arms lift up gracefully, as she moves them around, almost like a dance. A soft breeze brushes everyone coming around to where Y/N sat. “Mmm… Mmm…” She hums a melody. “Water, Earth… Fire, and Ice, I bring thee together to create a new light,” she sings angelically. “Water, Earth… Fire and Ice reverse what I’ve done… Take in the curse and disperse it with love. Reverse the curse and I’ll pay back for what I’ve done…” A warm light glows from Y/N’s hands illuminating the snake that transforms back into the shape of a human. 
Clarissa opens her eyes, sitting up. A trail of long, golden blonde hair follows. “You did it.” She smiles. “You broke the curse.” She wraps her arms tightly around Y/N. “Thank you.” 
Y/N hugs the girl back.
They pull away from each other. “Oh! I think you have…” Y/N points at the top of her head.
Clarissa reaches up to grab the small snake. “I guess someone had a curse to be broken too.” Her eyes meet Y/N’s. “Thank you, once again.” She giggles. “Sorry I stole your ring, and turned you to stone” 
“What?!” Ethan, Benny, and Sarah exclaims.
“Old news,” Luke mutters. 
“And sorry Benny about the spell I put on you.” 
Benny blinks a few times. “A spell?!” 
“I owe you my life,” Clarissa says.
Y/N waves it off. “You don’t owe us anything. You’re free now, so be free.” 
Clarissa, and Y/N stand up. “Then I must go… Find my parents.” 
Y/N’s eyes light up. “I might have something for that.” Y/N looks around, twirling her finger around to make--
“A compass?” Clarissa questions.
“This is an enchanted compass, think about what you’re trying to find and it’ll take you right to them,” Y/N explains, handing it to her. 
“I was wrong about you,” Clarissa starts. “I thought the ring made you who you are, but… It turns out it’s your heart that makes you everything…” She vanishes.
“Wh-where’d she go?” Ethan looks at Y/N confused.
“To where her parents are.” Y/N smiles. 
The sun shines through the windows, the bells of the school ringing as people walk out of the classrooms. “Where were you guys?” Rory asks. “You missed fifth period.” 
Everyone glimpse at each other’s reactions. “Magic is seriously weird,” Sarah comments. 
“You tell me,” Ethan agrees.
“I already knew,” Y/N admits. 
“When will I get one of those rings?” Benny questions. “I mean… I am a warlock too, and yet why can’t I do all the cool stuff you can do?” 
Y/N laughs. “I don’t know if I would call it cool, but…” She looks at Luke who hasn’t been able to look away from her since she woke up. 
“Are you okay?” 
Y/N is taken aback by his question. “I will be,” she answers, truthfully. “Thanks for being there for me.” 
“Why are they looking at each other like that, when Y/N and I are supposed to be going out on a date?” Rory thinks out loud.
Hearing only the last part of it Y/N looks at him in alarm. “What did I hear about me going out on a date with you?” She gapes at Sarah and Ethan who appear guilty.
“Was that Erica?” Sarah dramatically points the opposite way of them. “I was wondering where that girl was… Gotta go!” 
Ethan stands there awkwardly, as Sarah runs away. “Did Sarah just call for me to come with? I think she did, buh-bye!” 
And so there were three. “So? When is that da--” 
Rory gets cut off by Luke hissing at him. “It’s a no from her loverboy,” Luke bickers. “Leave it.” 
Rory pouts, but genuinely frightened by Luke, paces away. “It’s been a long day, I think I’m gonna go home.” Y/N runs a hand through her hair. “See you later, ‘kay?” She walks off.
Benny was left confused when the direction of her words was towards Luke and not him.
Taglist (Comment If You Want To Be Add, be specific if you just want to be added for this series or Luke Patterson in general):
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
Hii can I request a deleted scene for "if I could keep cool" that tells chapter 2 from Shouto's POV? I would absolutely love to c what was going through Shouto's head when he figured out that Y/N was just a cleaning lady and what was the moment that made him want to ask her out when he saw her at his house afterwards! Thank u!!
I accidentally got carried away, so this bad boy is 1.9k!! My apologies lol. I hope you like it!!
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It wasn’t every day that someone told Shouto Todoroki to go fuck himself. 
Particularly not quirkless civilians, and never those he’d rescued. 
There was usually a lot more breathless gratitude, some bowing and scraping, and—mystifyingly—a lot of phone numbers, handkerchiefs, and very unsubtle attempts to get a hand or two around his biceps. Shouto didn’t really know what his biceps had to do with it, but he’d seen the same thing happen to Midoriya and Kirishima as well—and Bakugou once, before he’d nearly gnawed the woman’s hands off—so he assumed it was just another social cue he’d never understand.
As little as he cared for social cues, however, he was certain that there was usually a lot more thank you and a little less go fuck yourself involved in the whole rescuing process.
But then, he’d also never told off a civilian for having been kidnapped before. 
A civilian who, he’d come to realize almost immediately afterward, hadn’t deserved it.
When he’d asked his mother her advice over the phone, she’d told him the best thing to do was to be honest and try to start fresh. “White flowers mean forgiveness—tulips new beginnings,” she’d advised him.
So Shouto had ducked into the nearest florist and brought back an apology in hopes that you would accept it. 
He might have known, however, that you’d manage to turn even a simple apology completely on its head.
The clatter of cleaning supplies in his kitchen on Thursday afternoon told Shouto you’d let yourself in for your usual shift. He followed the sound, only for it to halt at his approach, the kitchen seemingly empty as he drew nearer.
He stopped short, fighting down a surprised swell of amusement when he realized you’d ducked down, hiding yourself behind his counters as if anyone, especially a pro hero, might be fooled by that.
“I know you’re there,” he said, keeping his tone even.
He heard a muttered swear word, and then you were rising slowly to your feet, wearing a sheepish expression, and clutching a bottle of windex like a weapon.
You looked just as you had the day of your rescue, though obviously a little less harrowed by a kidnapping. You were dressed casually in jeans and a simple shirt, no indicator that you were an employee of a cleaning service—Shouto felt at least a little justified in his mistake from last week.
You were clearly a college student, the backpack dumped at his kitchen island was evidence of that much, overflowing with textbooks and notes as it was, and you looked just slightly disheveled, like you might have come straight from class.
It was part of some nebulous, unassuming appeal to you, now that he had occasion to notice. He’d remembered your features twisted up in disdain, but they were open in surprise now, your eyes wide, fixed on him. His own eyes were drawn to the scrunch of your nose, a little curl of embarrassment that he suddenly found himself unable to tear his gaze away from.
“I, uh, thought you weren’t supposed to be here,” you admitted to him with a visible cringe.
Shouto almost laughed. He didn’t know much about you, but it was clear to him now that you weren’t anything like a crazy fan. You looked like you’d rather be anywhere but here at the moment. In fact, you looked rather like you might bolt any second.
A strange feeling shifted in his chest, and Shouto cut right to the chase.
“I owe you an apology,” he said simply.
You startled so violently that you dropped the windex. “W-what?”
Shouto sighed, admitting, “My manager schedules the cleaning days. I didn’t realize that you were—that is to say, I thought you were a fan who had broken in and managed to get kidnapped while you were at it.”
You gaped, another confused little expression that Shouto found himself fixating on with an intensity that surprised him. The weird feeling in his chest shifted, burning a little hotter. 
He wondered absently what other expressions he could get you to make.
“Oh, I, um...nope. Not a fan,” you said, and the feeling grew more insistent. 
He paused over the phrasing—not a fan. 
It had never bothered him before, when someone was a bigger fan of a classmate than they were of him, or weren’t really a hero fan at all. Shouto honestly did not quite understand why hero work was so tied up in fandom in the first place, and only attended fan events because his manager’s temper was not a thing to be trifled with. 
He wanted to be a hero who put people at ease, but ease was the last thing he felt with people clamoring all over him. Fighting villains was infinitely more preferable.
So why did your admission that you weren’t a fan of his niggle at his brain, like a particularly insistent parasite?
Who were you a fan of, if not him? 
“...Well, glad that’s cleared up now. I’ll just, uh, go then,” you said, grabbing an armful of the cleaning supplies and shoving it back under the sink hastily.
Shouto had moved before he knew what he was doing, getting himself in between you and the door out to the hallway. 
“Wait,” he said, feeling uncomfortable. “I want to make up for what I said to you. You...didn’t deserve that, especially not right after you’d been kidnapped by a villain.”
He watched you eye the space between his hip and the counter, like you were considering making a break for it. As he watched your face, he felt some strange hope that you might try it, a certainty he would catch you. 
...Why did he want to catch you?
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. You saved me, we can call it even.”
Shouto’s mouth turned down minutely. He’d behaved badly, but surely you’d credit him better manners than that. “It’s my fault you were taken in the first place. I’d like to apologize properly.”
Your face did something weird, then, another distracting little curl of the nose. “You don’t actually have to go fuck yourself,” you blurted.
Shouto stared at you, caught off guard.
“Uh, I mean. You saved my life,” you babbled suddenly. “And yeah what you said to me was super rude, but what I said to you was also super rude. So, um, I’m sorry too. And I really would just like to call it even and forget about it because it’s super embarrassing for both of us and I could literally die thinking about it.”
You stopped suddenly, looking self-conscious like you’d realized you’d been rambling. Shouto almost wished you hadn’t.
“I hadn’t really planned on it,” he said quickly.
“Hadn’t planned on what?”
“Fucking myself,” he clarified. You choked on a shocked laugh, and he let a small smile tug at his mouth—there.
Finally you looked a little more comfortable with him. 
Shouto tried hard not to look too pleased with himself.
“Oh, well that’s good, then," you said. Then you puffed up a little, adding, "That’s probably a job for your actual secret lover.”
Good lord. “Not you, too.”
You threw him a smile, and Shouto’s heartbeat tripped over itself. “But I have evidence. I saw that homemade soup in your fridge once with the love note attached.”
It took him a moment to focus on what you were saying, but Shouto recalled the soup in question. It had been quite good, even if Bakugou had spent almost a half an hour ranting about what a weak ass little bitch he was for catching a cold. It had almost been worth it, the soup was that delicious. “Ah yes. That secret lover.”
“Cute pet name, too,” you said.
Shouto let out a low laugh, recalling the note. “You fucking fuck, was it?”
You laughed too, tension easing from your shoulders. Shouto’s eyes hungrily traced even that small movement.
A dawning sense of what was happening finally settled over him as he pronounced, “As it happens, however, I did already plan more of an apology.”
You looked up at him, your brow furrowing. “You planned...more of an apology?”
He gestured to a tall vase of white tulips on the kitchen counter. Your eyes went a little rounder as you observed them. You looked like you weren’t sure if they were for you, as if there were another previously kidnapped cleaning girl lurking about, who might be in need of an apology.
What a fascinating thing you were.
“I’ve been told that they mean forgiveness and new beginnings. I had hoped that we might...start over,” Shouto explained. He couldn’t help but feel self-conscious.
“I didn’t bring you any flowers,” you blurted.
He covered up a surprised laugh with a cough, the feeling in his stomach burning hotter. “I hadn’t expected them.”
He watched you turn back thoughtfully to the bouquet, certain now.
Over the phone, his mother had also said white flowers carried connotations of honor and purity. Two notions, Shouto realized with a growing sense of curiosity, that may be entirely inapplicable to his feelings about you.
He didn’t know much about you, but he knew for certain that he’d like to know more. And as he watched you reach out to pluck at a petal, wearing a shy little smile, he thought that yes, honor and purity had very little to do with his intentions at the moment.
You thanked him for the flowers, and Shouto made it clear to you that he hadn’t meant what he’d said about you being unwelcome here. He wanted—no, desired your return now. 
“That’s good to hear, thank you,” you said. Then your smile went a little mischievous. “As you can see, though, it didn’t really deter me.”
Shouto let himself smirk. “If I hadn’t seen the cleaning supplies already on the counter, I would be concerned that you’d come back for revenge.”
“There’s still time,” you joked. “Maybe I was going to play the long game and fill all the bottles with Sprite.”
The mulish statement surprised him into another laugh. “I hope the flowers are enough of a deterrent.”
You looked over the flowers again, then smiled up at him. His eyes caught on your mouth.
“The bribe has been accepted. Your countertops are safe from me.” You paused, then added, “For now.”
The hot feeling was everywhere now, simmering just underneath Shouto’s skin. He left himself lean towards you, relishing in the way your breath caught in a tiny hitch. “Be warned that I will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my countertops.”
You complained that he hardly used them, but complied nevertheless. Then you bullied him out of the kitchen, that tiny little scrunch back on your nose.
Shouto let you have your way, making his way over to the couch and settling on it with a book he had absolutely no intention of reading. Instead, as he watched you clean, he considered things.
He had always been straightforward about his goals. Once he’d chosen heroism as his dream, he’d let nothing stand in his way, working diligently all through UA, shooting nonstop through the ranks before breaking into the top five this year, one of the youngest to have ever done it. 
He was deliberate about what he wanted. He worked hard for what he wanted.
And as he wandered back towards the kitchen, questions ready in his mouth, he knew what else he wanted.
He wanted to know more about you.
He wanted to spend more time with you.
He wanted…
Well, he rather thought he wanted you.
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I was going to edit this but every time I went to touch it, I made it worse. I hope you liked it anyway!
Garbage Fest masterlist & schedule.
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astvs-p1ece · 3 years
P1harmony scenario:
You give him a gift!
Tw: nothing! It's just a sweet fluff!
a/n: hi!! I was writing it for a while because my depression is getting worse and worse evryday. But I think as the summer come to my cuntry, I will write more so be ready for more p1harminy works!! Sometimes I feel like my medicore writing is the only thing keeping me sain.
If you would like to request something, don't feel shy!!
You stayed at your grandma's house for the past cuple of weeks of the summer break. You loved being with her. She lived in the small town and you didn't get to see each other very often, because of the kilometers that were between you.
And altought you loved the time there, spent walking around her garden and catching up on one another, sometimes you would get bored. There wasn't too much to do in the town and your grandma was going to sleep in the early evning, so you would stay alone at night without much to do. When you told her about this she propose to show to how to knit and it become something that occupied you at night.
When you did your first scarf, you wanted to try something more chellanging, so you asked your grandma for patern of a sweater. You planned to suprise your boyfiend with a little present, when you see him. The late night calls didn't stop you from missing him like crazy. After visiting the store and coleccting the colorfull cotton you began to knit.
Turns out it was more dificult then you first thought. And when you looked at the finnish product you notice one of the slaves was longer then the other and the whole thing will probably be too big for Keeho.
He will love it anyway, you thought. He always praised you no matter what you did and the excitment you felt when you were going to the park to meet him, was to intense for you to feel anxious.
After a million of kisses and cuddles he gave you, you lay down on the blanket he brought with him. Being with him after such a long time was very pleasnt and you could tell he tought the same.
"Okay, so what do you have there?" he asked pointing at the paper bag that was laying next to you.
Smile on your lips growed wider and wider as you were telling him about your little plan. When he was holding up your sweater to see the whole thing he started to giggle and sparckles in his eyes told you he did like it, just like you thought.
"It can be a little to big, but you can roll the sleeves..." you said as he was putting it on.
"It's so pretty! I love it!" he said and pulled you closer so he could hold you. You hum in satisfaction and sank even more into his chest.
Lately you were really into crafting. Doing an earing stand in the shape of mashrooms and the fearies made you relaxed. You never were a type to do someting more artistic as you always were focusing more on atlethic things. But when you saw some works on the instagram you decited to try it yourself.
Starting with something easy like a figure of a cat, you were getting more precised and by now you could do more demading things. Some time ago you startes to do a vase. It had a pretty round shape and was a big size. You wanted to give it to your boyfriend. You thought he would like something like that and it would look pretty in his room. You loved giving him gifts without any ocasion, you know he knew this way you were loving him and wanted him to be happy.
After it was bourned out, you could began to decorate. Keeping it simple you gave it some blue and light green dots that was condcted with a sting of a red paint. On your way to the dorms you went to a flower shop and chose the pink and purple flowers that mached with the vase.
When Taeyang opened the door, you hide the gift behind your back and waited until you came to the hall to give it to him. He saw it anyway when he was giving you a hug, but he sensed you wanted to told him about it yourself, so he didn't comment.
"You made it all by yourself?" he asked and you cuddled his side, waching him turning around the vase so he could see all of the pattern.
"Well, the flowers are from a flowershop, but the vase is from me " you laught and looked up at him. Cracking into a small gigle, he looked at you and kissed your forehead.
Later, he put it next to the window in his room. You saw him looking at it from time to time as you were sitting on the floor before his bed and were talking
You would gave Jiung gifts very often. Every time you saw something that reminded you of him, you wanted to get it for yourself or for him. And being in this early stage of love, when you would think about him oh so often, made you shower him with presents.
It wasn't nothing weird. Altought he get slighty used to it and wasn't so suprise as in the first few months of your relationship, he still loved it and apreacieded it everytime.
You went on a hike with your friends. When you reached the pointview of the mountain you were looking at the woods and thinking about how the clouds and fog made the treetops looked. It was very beutifull.
On your way back down, you were looking at the stones surrounding you. The air was fresh and the wind was keeping you cool.
Two days later when you and Jiung met, you were telling him all about this slowly getting to the point how you find little rock in the shape of an almound.
"I actually triped over it when I was chatting with the others" you laugh as you were presenting to Jiung green rock. "At first I wasn't sure if it is rock, because look at it's collour! And when you put it into light, it become somewhat glassy!"
Jiung was observing the thing. He roteted it in his fingers and you started to get to the end of your story.
"It really looks preatty in the sunlight" he said and gave you a smile that had you melting. He thanked you and put the rock on his shelf next to the other things you gave him. "I think I will have to get another place for all of your gifts."
Laughing, he pulled you on his lap and told you he loved this rock. Playing with your hair he started to tell you about the stone he saw in the national park he and his classmate went to few years ago.
Sometimes you had a hard time expressing your fellings. Luckily, Intak was always very understanding towards you and gave you your space when that was neded or was listening when you clumsily were trying to tell him how you felt.
This only made you love him even deeper and you wanted to give him something that could express it. You thought about it for a few days and even scearch the internet for inspirations, but all the ideas were too cringy for your liking.
One night when you were staying all day with Intak at the dorms, doing nothing in partiqullar, just enjoying each other presence. You were checking a newsletter, when something caught your attention. The local ZOO was having a new animal - a small panda.
The idea came to your mind and this day you went back to your home sooner then you were planning to, so you could do all the formalities and do some calls.
Three weeks later you take Intak for a date to ZOO. This day was really lovely - spenting much needed time togheter and laughing almost every second for no reason. You looked at the Intaks reactions, when you were telling him the story of the Panda that was sleeping in the shadow of the tree.
Suprise and happines on his face, when he read the information about the animal and saw the name of the virtual owner, was something you were expecting, but it still flooded your heart with warmth.
"It's you!?" he screamed as he pulled you for a hug. You both laugh and you confirmed it.
If his face was always bright and smiley, the best description on how he looked in that moment was like a sun or birds in the morning. Or maby the happiness was the most accurate description.
You coudn't wait to give him a bracelet that was maching the one you were wearing. You made them both the day before.
By the blush on your cheeks Keeho could tell you were onto someting, when he opened the door for you. You told him about your little suprise, but said he didn't get to see the bracelet before Shota. Smiling, he told you your boyfriend will probably love it. Laughing, you went to Shota's room in a little bit of jumpy manner.
Walking in, you smiled at your biyfriend, gave him a long hug and a little kiss on the left cheek. You were too occupied in looking at him and petting his hairs to noticed Taeyong on the other side of the room before, so you said hello to him a little later.
The presence of the other boy, held you back and you waited for a moment alone to give Shota the bracelet. But before that, he noticed the one you had on your wirst and asked you about that.
"Well, I have someting for you! I think they are really cute and now we're matching" you said as you gave him the present. He was looking at it for quiet some time whithout saying anyting. "I wanted to wait untill we will be alone, but since you asked, I thought I could gave you this now."
Shota finally looked at you and could tell his silence made you a little woried. But there was nothing to be worried about. He loved this bracelet and in this very moment he made a promise to himself, that he will be wearing it as often as possible.
He told you that, making all of your worries go away and then he went to the rest of the boys to show it to them, making you a little shy and proud.
You liked listening to your boyfriends ranting about all the things. His mind was like a house with countless amount of rooms with ideas and thougths that always made you feel vivid.
But sometimes, Jongseob had problem with formimg his thoughts and feelings into words. It was something normal - they were so fast and always were followed by next thoughts. Your mind were the same and you noticed it when you met for the second time. But you didn't say anything, you didn't wanted to "make things wirde".
Even now, while in reletionship for a few months you didn't say anything about similarities of you thoughts proces. Honestly, you didn't feel like this was needed anymore, you had a feeling Jingseob understood this by himself.
Wanting to help him sort his thought out, you buy him a diary. It wasn't big and the cover was purple. You wrote on the first page your reasons why you wanted him to have it. You hopeed writing things down would calmed him and helped him, just as it helped you.
You finished by drawning small flowers next to your signature at the end of the page and came out of the buss, noticing it was already your stop. You asked your boyfriend out to a little date in his favoritue icecream shop.
After you both order the ice desserts, you gave him a gift with a bright smile. He was slightly suprised, but when he started reading what you wrote, it made sens to him - he really apreacieted your helped and he wanted made sure for you to know it.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Hi love! I spun the wheels for your 3k celebration and here are my results :)
- one night stand/anonymous sex
- bryce langley
- i’m here to fuck your brains out
- i’m not here for small talk
- tell me why i just found them in your drawer
Ok, ok, ok. I can so see this for Bryce! And I was a little unsure how I was going to fit in the third prompt but I think I'm happy with my solution.
Straight smut and semi soft!dark (non-con panty stealing, stalking), so no minors!!!
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God, you hated charity events.
If you had to listen to one more rich asshole talk your ear off about the plight of the white man you were going to jump off a balcony. The complete lack of self awareness as they wrote giant checks to help feed starving children in third world countries would have been laughable if it wasn’t so depressing.
At least there was an open bar, which you were taking full advantage of. You weren’t entirely sure how many whiskey sours you had tossed back, but you were actually laughing while some salt and pepper asshole who was definitely having a midlife crisis regaled you with stories of sailing around the world. Maybe you should slow down.
“Christ’s sake, Dick, you lying to another pretty thing about sailing to Brazil?” You felt a warm hand on the small of your back and turned to see a very pretty, younger man smirking at the dumbass who was trying to impress you. “He barely made it to South Carolina before running back with his tail between his legs.”
“Oh no!” You fully turned away from the older man with a sloppy grin, placing your hand on the new guy’s chest as you giggled. “That’s so pathetic.”
“Uh, excuse me.” Dick did not look happy with this turn of events, pouting when you glanced at him sideways.
“Go back to your disappointed wife, Dick.” The way his eyes were raking over you made you shiver, arousal flooding your panties as you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth. “What’s your name, gorgeous?”
“It’s Y/N.” You gasped softly when he stepped closer, his hand running up your spine until he was running his fingers through your hair. “Yours?”
“Bryce.” His lips brushed against yours and your knees buckled, your hands gripping his lapels to keep yourself upright. Yeah, you definitely should have slowed down. You had never come apart so fast for anyone in your whole, kinda slutty adult life.
“Hi Bryce.” How were you supposed to focus on anything when his mouth was tracing your jaw like that? “Um, enjoying your night so far?”
“Listen, gorgeous, I’m not here for small talk.” He pressed you even closer and leaned forward so he could murmur right in your ear. “I’m here to fuck your brains out.”
“Oh.” Your voice was upsettingly small. “Cool.”
Neither of you said anything for the next two hours. Not when he had you pinned to the wall in the corridor and devoured your mouth with his while the two of you dry humped each other. Not when he drove the two of you through the city in his Porsche at an inadvisable speed while you swallowed greedily around his cock. Not even when he ate you out like a starving man while you were sprawled across the stairs to the second level of his penthouse apartment, but that was mostly because he had shoved your panties in your mouth to gag you.
You finally made it to his bedroom and he ripped your dress down your shoulders, leaning back to let you step out of it while he worked on stripping off his tuxedo. The tiny huff you let out when he tossed you on the bed made him grin, each small wanton sound that feel from your lips only serving to make his cock ache even more. And, god, what a fantastic cock it was. You practically started drooling when he finally stepped out of his pants and you got a good look at it, it had been to dark in the car for you to really appreciate just how yummy he was.
“Wait, Bryce.” You placed a hand on his chest when he bent over you, not wanting to lose yourself in another one of his kisses before it was too late. “Condom?”
“Are you fucking serious?” He looked slightly annoyed when his eyes met yours, but you weren’t backing down from this one. “You didn’t seem to care about a condom when you were swallowing my cum an hour ago.”
“Yeah, well I can’t get pregnant from swallowing.” You murmured, trying not to moan when you felt his shaft ghost over your clit. 
“Aww, pretty thing like you isn’t on birth control?” The smirk he was giving you was absolutely wicked. “That seems awful irresponsible.”
“Bryce, ah, shit.” His mouth started tracing your throat and made it very difficult to stay firm in your stance. “I’m serious, if you don’t have a condom, I’m pulling the plug.”
“C’mon gorgeous, I just wanna feel you.” He flicked his tongue out to lap up an errant bead of sweat and grinned at the whine you let out. “What if I pull out?”
“Oh god.” You were practically suffocating from the attention he was lavishing on you, finally grabbing his hair and yanking his head up so you could look him in the eye and regain some control of the situation. “No condom, no pussy.”
“Ugh, fine!” He pouted when he rolled off you, pulling his nightstand drawer open and drawing out a small foil packet. “Happy?”
You just grinned at him when he knelt between your legs again, brushing you fingers over his nipples and running your knees up his sides while he rolled the condom over his length and scowled at you. That scowl disappeared pretty fast when he gripped your hips tight and pulled you down on his length, his eyelids fluttering as a low groan left his throat while he curled over you. 
When his hips finally met yours you dropped your head back against the mattress, locking your heels together at the small of his back and letting him nip at your throat as he started moving his hips. It was just enough to drive you crazy, but all you wanted was for him to fuck you like an animal until you were screaming.
“Goddamn it.” You dug your fingers into his scalp and yanked his face back up to yours. “I thought you said you were gonna fuck my brains out.”
The only warning you had was his feral snarl and the way his pupils dilated even further and then every thought was flying out of your head when he bent you backwards and shoved your chest into his face, his teeth digging into your soft flesh and making you scream while his hips started slamming into you violently. 
His teeth were marring the soft curves of your chest as he fucked into you viciously, the tip of his cock punching you in the cervix with each brutal shove. It barely took anything for you to come apart with a sharp cry, your vision whiting out as your entire body tightened around him. The way he was holding you to him had your body bent in a series of odd angles, making every wave of pleasure that coursed through your system feel a thousand times more intense. 
Your orgasm didn’t even faze him, his hips still pistoning into yours at a wild rhythm that pushed the breath out of your lungs until you were a panting mess. He just kept sucking and biting at your breasts, the skin of your chest slick with your sweat and his saliva as your cunt throbbed around him.
One of his hands moved under your hip and tilted you so he could somehow drive into you even further and a coil you hadn’t even realized was gathering snapped. Your body jerked frantically underneath him, your pussy clenching around him so hard he couldn’t stop himself from filling the condom with a muffled growl. 
“That good enough for you, gorgeous?” He was grinning wickedly when he lifted his face to gaze at you. “C’mon now honey, did I fuck you stupid?”
“No.” You panted, returning his smile when he moved to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. “But maybe we should go another round so you can try again.”
“Oh, I knew bringing you home was a good idea!” He called from the bathroom. “I’m gonna turn that pussy out.”
You were still smiling when you moved to grab another condom from the nightstand, your face freezing when you got a look at the pair of soiled panties that was nestled inside. That wasn’t totally weird, lot’s of guys probably kept little souvenirs from their sexual conquests. 
What was weird was that they looked an awful lot like the panties you thought your washer had eaten a few weeks ago, and when you picked them up to examine them closer you felt bile rise in your throat when you spotted the tiny rip you had told yourself no one would notice because of the pattern of the lace.
“Bryce.” You rose on unsteady legs and staggered to the bathroom, confusion and fury coursing through your veins. “I’ve been missing these for weeks, tell me why I just found them in your drawer.”
“Ah, fuck.” He only looked mildly perturbed when he got a look at what you had clutched in your fist. “Why’d you have to go snooping, baby?”
“Don’t call me baby, how did you get these?” Your chest was starting to feel tight as panic took over your system. “Have you been in my house?”
“Do you really need me to answer that, Y/N?” 
You realized you didn’t. You’d noticed weird shit happening for a few weeks. Things not being where you’d left them. Pieces of clothing missing. Weird deliveries of flowers or fancy pastries from a supposed secret admirer that you just chalked up to the slightly creepy guy who had been flirting with you at work.
“But, why?” You had never even seen Bryce before tonight, this didn’t make sense.
“I saw your photo from the save the polar bears, or whatever, event last month in the Times.” His shrug was dismissive as he started stalking towards you. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so beautiful looking so annoyed at one of those things. Mostly because they’re all hookers.” He didn’t seem to mind that you were in the middle of an anxiety attack, wrapping an arm around your waist and shushing you softly as you started to cry. “But you weren’t a hooker. You were a little spitfire. Everything I found out about you just made me want you more, which reminds me, you’re gonna need to make some serious updates to your online security settings.”
You were sobbing into his chest now, only barely registering what he was saying as he moved a hand up to run through your hair absentmindedly.
“I still remember the first time I was in your house. I admit, I lost myself a little once I was in that cute little bedroom of yours, thought for sure you were gonna notice how messed up your sheets were after I jerked off in your bed.” You cringed against him at that admission, you were pretty sure you remembered that day. “It was so hard to keep myself from just taking you right away, but I wanted to make it organic. You know, have our relationship grow and evolve the right way.” He gripped your chin and tilted your head back so he could glare into your eyes. “Then you had to go and ruin it.”
You whimpered when he suddenly lifted you and started to carry you to the bed again, your body frozen in shock. He basically threw you onto the bed, the look of rage on his face softening slightly when he watched you curl around yourself then climbed in next to you. 
“Oh, shh, it’s ok, honey.” He cooed against your hair, stroking your arm softly as you continued to cry. “I forgive you. I’m gonna make you so happy.”
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