#not bc you told me to just to be clear’ like what kind of adult says that
hualianisms · 6 months
Not father & son, not master & disciple, but a secret third thing
First of all, let me preface this by being clear that everyone is free to headcanon anything they want and like/dislike anything they like/dislike! That being said, sometimes I see international fans interpret FDB as LLH's son, or their dynamic as parent-child or otherwise familial, and as a native chinese speaker, I just wanted to share some reasons why I personally did not interpret them as familial.
Granted, at the start of the show, FDB is kept in the dark and also not up to LLH's level of skill in solving cases. However, FDB quickly catches up in crime-solving skills, intellect and maturity by the 2nd half of the show, after a well-written growth arc. I think the beauty of the characters and relationships in this show is that they grow & evolve, and are meant to do so. The dynamic that LLH & FDB had in episode 1 is quite different from their dynamic at the end of the show. By the later episodes, they are 2 adults who are very much equals.
Why I don't read them as father & son:
LLH & FDB act and speak in a manner that is far too informal & familiar with one another, which would be extremely inappropriate for any kind of parent & child, even a surrogate one. Several times, FDB calls LLH by just his first name "Lianhua", and sometimes even calls him "Damn Lianhua" when he is angry/upset at LLH. This would be extremely rude for a disciple to call a master, or a son to call a father. No son talks to his father the way FDB talks to LLH, and no disciple talks to their master like that. Unless the son/disciple hates the father/master, and is outright rejecting his father/master altogether. As we see in the show, not only does FDB not hate LLH at all, he instead cares deeply for LLH and would do anything to save him. Why, then would someone scold/curse someone they care about? Does the trope of the upset spouse/partner sound familiar?
For comparison, see FDB's interactions with He Xiaohui, who he is close to - he is informal & affectionate with her, but never calls her anything other than "娘 niang" ("mother"). I can't emphasize enough how taboo it is in Chinese culture to ever call your parent or parental figure by their name under any circumstance.
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2. In ep 31, FDB himself explicitly rejects the idea of LLH as his shifu and himself as LLH's disciple, responding that he is too old to be LLH's disciple and it was merely a joke. He clearly sees LLH as an equal, and rejects the notion of their relationship being anything other than that of 2 adult equals. LLH also tells his shiniang that FDB is not his disciple, and a few episodes ago LLH told FDB that he has never understimated FDB.
Coding/hints as something other than platonic:
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Zhiji/zhijiao - FDB calls LLH his 知交 zhijiao in ep 19, and 知己 zhiji in ep 34. "In this life, I, Fang Duobing, recognize you as my only zhiji." is practically a love declaration. And this bond is reciprocated by LLH, bc in a deleted line in ep 19, translated by forayuarchive on twitter, LLH is the one who first calls FDB his zhijiao.
To clarify, Zhiji is not specifically a romantic term, but it's what was used in both The Untamed and Word of Honor - both dramas based on danmei novels with canon gay main pairings - to bypass censorship, to code the bond between the main duo as deeper than your typical platonic male friendship. (See this post for a detailed explanation of the significance/history behind the term zhiji, and see this twitter thread for an explanation of the meaning of zhijiao in MLC - especially how zhijiao is specifically mutual, reciprocated).
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2. Married bickering - forayuarchive on twitter has discussed in these twitter threads how the tone of many of LLH & FDB's interactions (especially FDB) is similar to how married couples or romantic partners speak to one another bc of the level of familiarity, tone and language. For my fav example, see this note (translation by forayuarchive) that FDB left LLH in ep 35, which reads pretty much like a note that a spouse/partner might write when leaving their shared house in a hurry.
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3. "Xiaobao" - Personally as a native Chinese speaker, LLH calling FDB "xiaobao" in front of everyone is a level of intimacy that genuinely would make me feel embarrassed to hear as a third party. 小宝 xiao bao (literal meaning = "little treasure") is usually something you call actual babies/children AND is FDB's family nickname for him, so if you're calling a grown man that in front of everyone including his colleagues, family and even strangers, then one might assume he is likely either your biological family or your romantic partner. (For comparison, just imagine calling your s/o their parent's special childhood nickname for them at work.)
4. Deleted lines where FDB calls LLH "xiaohua'er". 小花儿 Xiaohua'er ("little flower") is very intimate and feels like something someone might call a lover. Or, at least, definitely not a platonic shifu, even less so a parental figure. (For meta on the names that LLH & FDB use for one another, see forayuarchive's twitter thread.)
5. More deleted scenes (translated by forayuarchive on twitter), perhaps cut due to censorship, which make apparent LLH's high regard and deep care for FDB. For e.g., a line of internal monologue by LLH in ep 40, translated here by forhenjun, shows that LLH thinks of FDB as the only person in his two lifetimes who has always treated him as a human being rather than putting him on an unfair pedestal.
6. Official MLC accounts act like as if they ship them.
As murderedbyhomework mentioned, there is a song in the official soundtrack of MLC called "Fanghua's Day-to-Day Life" (yes, the exact same words as their ship name). Sounds like a couple's daily domestic life, doesn't it?
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The official iQiYi Romance youtube channel lists clips of LLH & FDB under the romance category.
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The official MLC douyin account posts MVs with emotional captions (e.g. this one translated here by forayuarchive) that emphasize how much both LLH and FDB mean to one another. Another official MLC douyin calls LLH & FDB the person each other trusts the most.
The MLC clips posted by the official Guangdong TV weibo account also has captions such as these (translated by rice_jpg) that straight up describe FDB's feelings towards LLH as "when you like someone" (very similar CN phrasing as the phrasing used to describe romantic crushes).
7. They are subtly paralleled with a canon straight romantic couple (see fanqxiaobao's twitter thread on the parallels btwn LXY/QWM scenes and certain LLH/FDB scenes). MLC also made a distinct change from the novel by not having FDB get married to Princess Zhaoling, even though the drama could have easily given FDB a romance with her.
8. If you're familiar with chinese romantic tropes or the danmei genre, LLH & FDB fit many common romantic tropes e.g. sharing a drink on the rooftop under the moonlight, forgotten first meeting in childhood (and then meeting again properly as adults), power couple fighting side by side (they even held hands!), nianxia, protective younger ml, sickly older mc - just to name a few. Danmei even has many stories of shizun/shifu & disciple pairings who fall in love as adult equals.
There's honestly lots more but these are just some off the top of my head. Again everyone is free to interpret anything! This is just me explaining why as a native chinese speaker I personally did not read their dynamic as that of a father and son.
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comradekatara · 1 month
You have thoughs regarding Kanna & Katara's relationship?
SO MANY <- please do click on that link bc i think it’s actually one of the best posts i’ve ever made, but also my whole kanna&katara tag slaps bc it’s secretly one of my favorite relationships in the entire show. like there’s just something so fascinating to me about the way that kanna is established to have been exactly like katara when she was a kid, and yet now she embodies the repressive paradigm that forces katara to do gendered domestic labor and limits where she can go and what she can do. and also that dynamic is pretty subtle, because our last scene with kanna (in the present) is her giving katara her blessing and telling her that she gave her hope after all these years. like it’s not that she wants to be this overbearing nag who forces katara to tire herself out with chores all day, but she also knows exactly how katara thinks because she once was her, so she’s like “if she goes outside she will get IDEAS and RUN AWAY to the NORTH POLE.” and then she does. chiasmus moments!!!! clapping and cheering for chiasmus!!!!!
kanna is SUCH an important presence in katara’s life, and I think before katara learns about what kanna did and how she grew up (from yagoda, from pakku, and from hama) she kind of just takes her for granted because again, she’s just her overbearing nagging grandma who always takes sokka’s side and clearly thinks she should also act like a miserable boring adult. but what’s crazy about that is that katara is also so obviously her favorite?? like sokka is the golden child (not that katara is the scapegoat, to be clear, sokka is just The Good One to katara’s untamable rebellious spirit) but katara is still her favorite. specifically because she loves katara’s passion and drive and desire for adventure and revolution.
kanna is struggling between her desire to indulge katara in her wild fantasies and her need to keep her safe at all costs. she’s the one who tells katara the stories of the avatar in the first place. she is the one who first forms that inexorable spark within her. katara is the spitting image of kanna, in every way. she has her drive, her sense of adventure, her conviction and determination, her love, her hope, her sense of justice, her penchant for telling stories. katara gets it all from her, including her necklace. and there’s something just so undeniably lovely and poignant about that, the strength of the bond between women across multiple generations who have lost so much and struggled due to imperialist violence, but have also resisted, and fought, and passed down stories they told themselves to survive, and given each other hope.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 2 months
sorry in advance for the vent :)
so i'm aspec, not sure where on the spectrum, but some degree of aroace, and the other day an acquaintance confessed to 'liking' me. my first thought was 'damn i hope so', followed by a 'wait what' bc my dumbass brain doesn't comprehend attraction. anyway, this person already knew i was aspec before this conversation and i had made it very clear that i wasn't interested at all in romance/relationships. the whole encounter made me v uncomfortable (to the degree that i don't really want to talk to them ever again), compounded by the fact that they are 26/27 and i'm 19. i feel like they've just offloaded their problems onto me to make themselves feel better, bc i don't want to deal w any of this, but idk if i'm just overreacting (i really don't get allos sometimes). also this person was one of the first ppl i've come out to outside of close friends and family, so i feel kind of betrayed. anyway, i wanted some opinions of some other ppl, esp aroaces, to check i'm not blowing this out of proportion (don't feel pressured to respond tho)
ps: i know this person bc we volunteer at the same relatively small charity, would it be extreme to ask the volunteer coordinator to put me on different shifts than them? i don't want to affect their relationship w the charity if i tell them why, but i would need to in order to justify it
pps: also, fun fact, this person (cis guy) said their celebrity crush is kristen stewart, so i'm seeing a trend here (i'm afab, but imo pretty visibly queer)
[answered by noah]
Okay first of all, YOU'RE NOT OVERREACTING. That sounds like a perfectly acceptable reaction to what's happened. From what you've said, you've told them you have no interest in romantic relationships, yet they confessed anyway? Rude, not respecting your identity or boundaries at all.
It's very understandable that you don't want to talk to then again (especially since they were an acquaintance and where told you're aspec) if that happened to me (spoiler: it has) I definitely wouldn't want to talk to them again.
If you do feel that way, then asking to be changed to different shifts sounds absolutely fine to me (I mean it's not like you're asking them to get fired or anything).
Also I know age gaps are okay to a certain extent, but that's pushing it a bit in my opinion (especially when one person is only just an adult).
Overall, if it really bothers you? Tell the volunteer coordinator to change your shift, I'm sure they'll be understanding :)
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aleksa-sims · 7 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Pregnancy, adult topics, cheating
I didn’t think I’d get so jealous. But it’s my own fault I would say. 😕Nobody forced me to come here, where my ex and his (Ex) -fiancée lived together...
Nico: Sorry. But I put away almost everything that was possible. Her furnishings I can’t just let disappear overnight.
Me: What?... Um, no! I-... I don’t mind those furniture she bought or all that stuff. It looks great. Tbh, this is perfect! I just wonder, why didn’t it look like this in our apartment back then? I couldn’t even buy a new couch, without you starting to discuss with me. But you allowed her to change everything here.
Nico: Didn’t you listen to me a few mins ago? She bought all this shit here without my permission. I had no idea about it! I was playing soccer abroad. And you got a new couch back then. Just remember how many times I painted the walls for you. Hm?
Me: All this here looks pretty expensive, compared to our apartment. I kind of feel like she’s.... like Isabella.🤑
Nico: Isabella?... Hell, no! ..And she’s not wealthy like Isabella, if that’s what you wanted to know. Actually, she’s like.... you. Self-conscious, anxious, indecisive, a bit shy and.... sad. 🫤
Me: You must have a weakness for depressed women, ha?
Nico: You know what I meant. But she's not hooked, she has other serious..... issues. Just she’s not as cute and hot as you are to me.
Me: Yea, sure.... I just don’t understand why you moved in with her? I mean, you have a house! A pretty big one! An apartment was not really necessary. 🤨
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Nico: Excuse me?.. Why would I live with my mother? You and P. also had plans to move together. Why is it allowed for you, but not for me?... Yes, he told me you chose him, when I visited him at his fucking college. So I had to move away, to avoid the two of you! But this here isn't her place. I was here before she and I got....well, serious.
Me: Sorry. I didn’t mean to. And I didn’t really choose Philip. I thought I had it, but.... no. I lied to him and myself. I always felt bad about you and he too! That’s why it was so easy for me to fall in love with Daniel. Frankly... I was glad that it was over with Philip. I didn’t want anything to do with you two, after I was with him abroad. 😒
Nico: That wasn't my fault, his ... Natasha bitch. I never did such a shit to you. But to be clear, I’m not blaming you for my own mistake! I’m sorry I asked you to sleep with him. I never admitted it, but.. the first time I saw you & him together,..... I wanted to kill P. ... Yea, now it’s out. I was jealous. Even though that damn thing was my fucking idea.🤷‍♂️
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Me: And still, you insisted that I continue.......Hm? You know? But that spa-weekend was pretty nice. We should definitely repeat this. Just the two of us, of course!! Without Philip...... So sorry, N.
Nico: And I'm sorry for being crazy. I was so stupid to share you with Philip and pass between the two of us. I thought that would help you and I trusted P. Never thought he’d take you away from me. I was sure you would choose me if necessary.
Me: I chose you, but I couldn’t tell anyone. I didn't want to hurt P., so I went nuts and told my Dad.🤦‍♀️I told him the last 3 weeks alone with P. were hard. He locked me up not to relapse... and that you couldn't leave me alone, bcs I started using. I said all this to him... I wanted my Dad to get me out of that mess. Not really, I just didn't know what to do?...I was so unhappy bcs you had to go back to Italy. And at the same time afraid to lose P. But my crazy Dad sent you away, not Philip.
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A bit later....
Nico: That movie sucks, babe. You really wanna keep watching this crap?... I’d rather continue with you.😏
Me: I gotta tell you something... Something serious. (🍼🤰 )
Nico: Daniel?? 🙄
Me: Agh, no... Anyway, let's talk later. I want you, too N.
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Nico: From now on, you stay with me.
Me: She didn't even really move out here.... but I'd love to stay with you. 🩷
Nico: Then you stay, babe. No time to waste. I have so many plans for you. But most importantly, you divorce Daniel.
Me: This time, I’m not questioning what you’re up to.. I’ll do whatever you want. Besides, I have plans for you too. (😬🍼) And Daniel took off anyway. He doesn't want me.
Nico: His mistake, my gain. Such an moron!
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And that's N.'s (ex-) fiancée. Stephanie.🤨 Don’t worry, she didn’t catch us in bed!!! But she was there! I didn’t see her myself the moment she came. I was sleeping. Nico was up. She came by to pick up her stuff, he thought. But she also wanted to talk to him and did not intend to leave. He didn’t tell her I was in his bedroom, he just asked her to leave. Nico told me she was crying and wearing... sleepwear?
He seemed worried and was somehow.... weird to me after she showed up at his place. I had the feeling, he didn’t want me anymore? 😞 All though a few hours ago, he wanted me to stay with him. He wanted me to move in with him. You know? However, I asked him to drive me home to my parents. I had to change & shower, so yea, he dropped me at my parent's house and said, that he would pick me up in 2 hours. I was so relieved that he wanted to come back. I was afraid to lose him a second time. Besides, I was pregnant. I mean, I haven’t taken a test yet, but I just knew it. Something changed in my body, I could literally feel it. It was like the last time I was pregnant. And btw, I told Nico what happened to me last year, about this whole annoying issue with my contraception. He reacted totally relaxed. He said, if I want a baby, he wouldn’t use protection. I really didn’t expect that!! 😲 I knew Nico never wanted to have children. At least not at this point. I was about to tell him, I was very likely pregnant, but I wanted to take a test first, to be absolutely sure!! I was so happy about N.’s composure on this subject. I already imagined our future with our Baby and all this. 🩵 Just as I mentioned before, the next morning, all this seemed to be in danger, bcs of that girl, Stephanie. 😓
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the-lavender-room · 1 month
My tssm opinions/hot takes/ whatever you calls these
 1) despite Liz being my favorite “canon” Love interest, I did not care when they broke up..
(I’m not a big fan of “high school Romance” trope or the “bully character falls in love with the victim after being told to fuck off/was stood up to” trope.
Also I kinda just didn’t like Liz at first (she grew on me late) which is the only reason I don’t want to rewatch the Electro episode again.🫤
Also after Flash broke up with her (after she going for Peter the same KIND of way Peter did to Gwen with her💀) and they were still friends. I would have given it about half a season before she’s trying to at least be friends with Peter again.
2) I didn’t care when Harry manipulated Gwen (not saying it’s right)
A bit hard for me to feel bad when the only reason she dated Harry in the first place was because she couldn’t be with Peter.
She was also kinda hypocritical (especially the “not gonna be your second choice” thing)
I kinda feel like her character became mostly just “love interest” when the love corner (bc that was NOT a goddamn triangle💀) thing started. (Shows falt, not hers)
3) Ock was manipulating Electro (the abused becomes the abuser)
Think it’s pretty clear that Ock mainly kept him because (A) he’s powerful and (B) he’s a walking generator he can use to power his arms and machinery. (That was literally the first thing he does for him in person.
Also he straight up left him to die💀
I wouldn’t be surprised if a later season would have revealed that Ock was activity keeping him from being cured.
4) I don’t think Harry would have become the goblin immediately
I feel like what would start out as mostly internalize resentment for Spider-Man, would develop into pure hatred over the course of season 3. With Harry becoming the Green Goblin in season 4.
Also we were supposed to get hobgoblin in season 3 and I don’t think they would double up on new goblins.
5) between the two of them; the symbiote was the toxic one, not Peter
It latches onto him, doesn’t let go, emotionally manipulates him, physically manipulates him, drives him away from his friends, says that all he needs is them, threatens him. Peter does what he can to get it off of him and he’s the toxic one? Ok.
6) Blackcat made me incredibly uncomfortable.
Especially because the only information I could find on her age said saw was an adult 💀
That’s all for now
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
Last week had a meeting with someone who is not my boss but who I've been voluntold to help with website design BC I'm young and apparently that means ik what I'm doing (which, to be fair, this is very basic uxd with Squarespace, I CAN do that). Said person was like "oh don't be afraid to give feedback I'm not the kind of person to get all upset and offended"
Me, yesterday: sends feedback, which mind you is hard to do without visuals but I'm a good little grunt and do what I'm told, and I described the integration of hyperlinks as "clunky and unprofessional", in the sense that most modern site design would try to integrate them more seamlessly and it is this unprofessional by current design standards. I also prefaced this with a "I might suggest...." and a "to me, this feels".
This morning. Said person doesn't come to talk to me like the adults we all are, but apparently is so upset that they go to my BOSS and complain(which tbh IS unprofessional). At which point my boss sits me down to talk and tries to be like 'oh some people interpret things in a different light', (no really? I'm a fuckin idiot and don't understand how communication works), shes like 'i didn't read it that way, but PERSON was upset, try to phrase it differently in the future' and she did it in such a way that she managed to once again talk down to me like I'm unaware of the existence of office politics, while also bright red and uncomfortable as if I were to burst into tears and get offended that someone complained about my feedback
Like??? Yeah fragile teen me might've cried. But this is just. So fuckin stupid???? That I can do nothing but shrug it off with a handwave and give my best fake smile and promise to be more politic?? I'm going to have lunch BC frankly this is laughably immature and overly sensitive, and IM THEE MOST SENSITIVE PERSON ON EARTH. Like I even said 'oh it's no big deal' [to my boss, reassuring her I wasn't upset] and she took it as "oh it's no big deal that PERSON is upset and I'm not taking this seriously enough". But in the same conversation managed to complain, in a non politic way, about a different one of our coworkers, and I DEFINITELY knew who she was talking about and she knew I knew
My god. I know it's partially generational maybe. But also. I was EXTREMELY clear in my email, and welcomed further questions if I was unclear in my initial feedback. I didn't bother pointing out that I had been specifically asked for feedback and that person "wouldn't be offended by it because I have thick skin" (my boss was present when that claim was made). I would've been CORRECT had I mentioned it, but it's not worth being accused of being a petulant child bc I can't respect my elders or whatever
Truly this is a clown office and I'm so increasingly goddam tired of being surrounded by ppl who don't value my work because they don't even understand what I do, it's just "archive computer stuff", so they just expect it to be done despite having no idea how to do it themselves, and then taking my work for granted, and treating me like I'm some sort of intern student to be talked down to (frankly, I wouldn't treat an intern like this either)
The only person I work with regularly who doesnt drive me insane and treats me as an equal and values my opinions and actually looks our for my professional interests, not just what I can do for this org, is REITIRING IN THE NEW YEAR and I'm just
Clown behavior all around. Yes I'm grateful to have a job, and benefits, and pay that would otherwise be okay were we not in a rent crisis. But also like. I have ambitions. Workplace culture aside I have no interest in working at this kind of org long term, I will be actively looking at jobs at larger institutions going forward.
I'm supposed to be part of this long term 5 year plan for this org and I'm just like. Hm. I am not planning on being here in 5 years unless for some reason I cannot find a job in my field elsewhere. And sure the higher higher ups are nice, even if I don't think they really know what I do, and treat me sort of like an affectionate grandchild, but also like. I don't work with them directly.
A horrible spiteful part of me would be happy to leave and have them have to figure out how to fill my position on that long term project, but I know that's mean. (Not to mention, any idiot out of archives school with basic knowledge of a handful of common database programs could do my job. They might just not be as self effacing and unfailingly friendly in the process)
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altschmerzes · 8 months
also. once a-fucking-gain The Fuckening Continues To Continue With My Fucking Dad’s Fucking Estate and the way everyone is handling it in a way that seems COORDINATED to be as cruel to me specifically as possible. sorry for Continuing Oversharing lmao hopefully this is just. done now.
to recap the previous Fuckening, i was misled in a way that feels extremely clear and deliberate by the HR lady at my - abusive, now deceased - father’s work to think i was a beneficiary of his life insurance policy. I Am Not. my sister is the sole beneficiary and im named as the contingent which based on surrounding context is something he did as a “fuck you” to me for not having anything to do with him for the last seven years. as a result of the way the HR lady spoke to me about it - grouping my sister and i together as a unit, as Beneficiaries, plural, etc - i ended up under the clear impression i was one, until a phone call with the insurance company cleared up that he basically disinherited me as directly and deliberately as possible. even so, i have been dealing with the major bulk of the stuff his work and associated accounts and estate stuff needed from the family, because my sister is too despondent to want to deal with any of it and is refusing to answer phone calls, emails, or do any paperwork. my mom is babying and coddling them about it, as per the usual approach to my sister, who it is a cardinal sin to upset in my family.
so today i get Another email from the HR woman at my dad’s work. she is like haha yeah too bad i wasn’t clearer that you don’t get anything before making you do all this work! anyways, we need xyz paperwork from you guys still :). and i just.
she is. STILL hounding me for shit i dont have and am not INVOLVED IN because my fucking sister - who by the way is a grownass adult, and i know i sound insensitive but they’re almost 24 and i know they’re grieving but im not exactly having a fucking awesome time here - is dodging all attempts to contact them.
so i email her back and say i am almost entirely uninvolved in any of this please contact my mother or sister for further assistance. and then screenshot the email and texted it to my mother and told her hey. im done dealing with this. please take point on this because my sister’s inability to answer an email has caused ME to carry the burden of all of this constantly and i have compassion for them and what they’re going through but im fucking done. but in like. lawyer speak.
mistake, clearly, to mention my sister at all bc in the ensuing back and forth where im attempting to make it clear that my sister’s consistent non-responsiveness from the very beginning have made me the only person who will answer a phone call or email from this HR lady who has important paperwork she needs to do, and i am fucking Finished and will Not be doing this anymore because for obvious fucking reasons im uninterested in doing any more work for this estate situation - and fuck this lady for effectively lying by implication to get me to chase my mom and sister down for her. and all my mom is doing is getting defensive and protective of my sister. ignores a message i sent her that was long enough it wasn’t containable in a single phone screen and sends back two brief sentences about how my sister is completely blameless for anything and they don’t even have the paperwork HR Lady wants from us. and goes around and around about how my sister has done Everything Right and any contact i’ve gotten from HR Lady is not related. despite this woman saying to me repeatedly “we have not heard from your sister” as an explanation for why she was emailing to calling me.
the whole time too im like. texting her in Lawyer Speak lmao i am writing this as if i am communicating with Combative Opposing Council.
and it just. my fucking mom. the fucking fact that my mother is prioritizing my sister over me even in a direct conversation with me when she knows well and fucking good why i might be KIND OF UPSET RIGHT NOW - and it’s something she herself seems upset! - about is just like. gd. yeah. this isn’t news but this is such a clear and fucking. ice cold reminder that she has one child she will invest any amount of energy into and it is not me and it never will be. she has room in her heart to care about One Kid At A Time - which she has fucking all but TOLD ME to my face before - and it will never, ever be me.
“i know we’re ignoring you lately but your sister needs us and the squeaky wheel gets the grease” real thing my mom said to me when i was like, sixteen. fucking incredible. nothing ever changes does it.
like i know my sister was getting really close to the fucking bastard before he kicked it and is devastated about this but does anyone want to spare two fucking seconds to consider that my father fucking died too and just because im not SAD about it doesn’t mean im not dealing with some seriously upsetting and emotionally heavy shit. like perhaps the administration of my abuser’s estate - which he CUT ME OUT OF as directly as he could without writing a will to disown me in - isn’t something i should be forced to deal with and be retraumatized by because my sister, the precious baby of the family, is fucking sad. my mom said to my grandmother at some point about all this that “[gav] and [sister] didn’t get the same dad” and the fact that she is at least that aware of how this is impacting me and is still getting defensive of my sister when talking directly to me about how this is impacting ME is like. jesus jennifer.
they can just all go to hell and leave me the fuck alone.
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am i the only one that finds that common people can be a love letter to doncaster, it also has the vibes of 'love club' or 'come as you are'? like the 'Just how far you're willing to go/If you act like you're one of us/Just act like you're one of us', ig it can be seen as bitter-sweet as change is but idk i cant help but see it in a darker light
do you mean it's more cynical, like more negative "just act like you're one of us", pretend you're someone else in order to fit in and be accepted? if you want to go far, you have to act like you're one of us? bc yeah i def see that as a layer too. the song overall is a positive, like an ode to one of the main things that anchors him, keeps him humble, reminds him of who he is. but that's a bit double for everyone, isn't it, our childhood and the place we grew up in, filled with ideologies and traditions we might not line up with as adults? especially a place like doncaster, or any smaller town, it can be a place where it's safer to fit in, or you get judged/excluded. louis has never expressed these sentiments from his childhood, but i think that's partly because he was the confident ring leader a lot of the times, and bc he fit in too. football lad, proud of being from donny, etc. in my own case, most of my childhood i also had friends and thrived at school, but i was also repressing a lot of my instincts, especially in high school, just to fit in more and be accepted. idk how far that went for louis, hard to say. i do feel like the love for donny is genuine, the way it's an homage to how the people right there next to you, the people you meet in the street and at the pub, are full of acceptance and love. that that childhood home is a symbol for his core self, something he's lost and had to find back a few times over his life already.
so damn. come as you are in the mix with louis? yeah i mean. yeah. i can't help but see darkness in a lot of what he does, whether he literally mentions it or not. there's so much hope and strength there, which can only be highlighted by the dark that's underneath. he literally sings "when i get lost", and he's made it very clear he struggles/struggled with what to do, where to go, who to believe. in that way, i think common people expresses the same sentiment as love of my life's "you don't know it's lost till you find it". come as you are is one of those where i think about real true deep darkness, as in. yeah i don't need to spell it out. i don't think common people directly holds those sentiments, but it has hints of that sadness, of that voice you need to hear when you've lost your way. "come, as you are". but THEN come as you are holds that irony of still being told what to do, and that's something that common people has, as well? "just act like you're one of us".
the song really is conflicting, i've thought this since the first listen. bc what kind of message is that? i think it is supposed to be this layered feeling that comes with thinking about your hometown, the good and the bad, about fitting in bc you grew up there but not fitting in anymore bc you left/grew up. of the urge to fit in even though you don't really want to
anon you sent me down a spiral
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lemonhemlock · 9 months
As someone who (unfortunately) watches tons of reaction videos, the impact of framing is UNDENIABLE. For example, the scene of Aemond claiming Vhagar: most people start off excited by the scene, with its epic track (and music is a very important tool) and cool shots of Aemond succeeding; and then they switch up with swiftness when the show tells them that actually what Aemond did was wrong, and he deserved what he got.
Quite a switch up within one episode.
(Side note, this shit is why I’ll never understand ppl who act like Aemond is somehow adored by the narrative. He isn’t. So much unnecessary shit was pulled out of thin air (the addition of newly motherless Baela and Rhaena to the fight) to make him, the victim, look extra villainous. + To me it’s clear that groundwork is being laid for Aemond never being more than Daemon’s shadow narrative.)
i think that, generally-speaking, "Driftmark" is a solid episode that doesn't present the altercation in an excessively biased manner. to my eyes, the 4-1 attack was not presented as aemond getting his just desserts or anything like that & i thought alicent's pleas were displayed in a reasonable manner as a grieving mother at her wits' end.
that being said, i would have added a few tweaks, such as an adult stressing the idea that you cannot steal a dragon, that what aemond did wasn't "theft" and further confirmation that rhaenyra DID ask for aemond to be tortured over an insult. bc in the aftermath of the episode it became clear that a lot of people did not understand that "sharply questioned" was a synonym for torture as they weren't familiar with book terminology or simply forgot when dany told the audience that a dragon is not a slave. bc framing does matter a lot and, like you said, people subconsciously change their view with the switch from triumphant flying music to rhaena's accusation of stealing, which remains unchallenged and thus becomes the baseline in the minds of the audience
as for including the girls in the fight, here they wrote themselves into a corner and that was the only solution. i don't think it was a specific objective to frame aemond as "more" evil but since they made joffrey so much younger (i.e. a literal baby), he couldn't participate in the fight and a 2-1 brawl wouldn't have seemed so dramatic. so adding baela and rhaena was really the only way to keep the outnumbering aspect.
although it needs be remarked that this fight is kind of goofy in its original version too. sometimes grrm really fails at writing children and this is one of them. what would a 3-year-old joffrey even be doing unsupervised at the dragon stables in the first place? 🤦 but, anyway, the point we're supposed to take from this scuffle is that it wasn't "fair" bc aemond was outnumbered
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elvisabutler · 2 years
okay now i NEED to know lisa marie’s opinion of all of this in ur hcs…..omg especially bc i feel like she’d have such a soft spot for austin while priscilla wants to kill him sometimes
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so let me preface this with saying i do not know lisa marie or priscilla but damn if i am not hella protective over them both naturally because those are two women who have lived their lives the best they can and lisa in particular has been through a whole hell of a lot. i mean no disrespect to her or her family and especially and i cannot make this clear enough the memory of her son. tw: mild slut shaming and mention of death.
anon you are 100% correct on that. to be honest lisa marie and priscilla tend to be on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to you and austin. or at least, they each favor one of you over the other.
lisa marie essentially ends up adopting austin as sort of a son figure. in real life, she literally says she's protective over him post watching the film so for arguments sake? she'd be protective no matter what when she saw him acting as her dad and seeing how much effort he's put into embodying him.
so consider what do parents do when someone starts dating their child. they investigate said person dating their child. so guess what lisa marie does to you.
consider! those rumors that austin knew about you? lisa also finds out about them. they are not the best of rumors you have never ever confirmed them neither have any of your costars. but they're there and it's a universally acknowledged truth that at least one of them is true. hilariously the one everyone thinks is true? totally isn’t. you and him always laugh about it when you run into each other.
basically you look like someone who sleeps with costars or costar adjacents so their friends. this is not necessarily a lie but before austin you had kind of learned your lesson by this point and had told yourself you wouldn't do it again and then you know that Dick though.
she does not like this she figures that you are going to move on like you tend to always do once you've got a new movie to do. never mind that literally you are always the one getting broken up with never are you the one doing the breaking up.
point being she thinks this is a bad idea she tells austin as such that this is a bad idea. he disagrees and doesn't necessarily explain why he disagrees. consider this mildly changes when you break up with him like you do.
her mom has to remind her to not murder you because you hurt her surrogate son. because she thinks this is mildly all your fault and not just you know both of your faults.
but she's an adult and still interacts with you just fine. eventually, actually talks to you at graceland's private showing because again, actual adult. and by this point you and him are back together again.
"you hurt him." "we hurt each other." "do you love him?" "more than anyone i've ever known." "you hated admitting that to me, didn't you?" "you're the closest thing he has to a mom now, figure i kind of have to since i can't really tell lori it." "get my number from him."
she settles down once she sees how honestly happy the two of you are. and once she knows you two are going to therapy and working on your issues.
she is invited to your wedding when almost no one else is. she comes and enjoys it well enough. she thinks you look too much like her mom in your something borrowed hair piece. austin agrees and they both kind of hate it.
she let's the two of you give your son benjamin as a middle name.
she declines being his godmother.
"be careful with them." "they're my boys, i can't be anything but."
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polyamorouspunk · 10 months
hi sorry this is a genuine question, i dont mean to be offensive im just kind of confused! ive always been told labeling things that have mature content is good, so people can avoid it, even if theyre not following you they can avoid it in the tags or if someone they follow reblogs your stuff without warning. and that stuff thats about death, violence, and other horror content is mature since children shouldnt be exposed to that stuff and even adults might be uncomfortable with it since not everyone likes horror or death, so as a horror writer ive always made sure to label all my writing and posts accurately no matter what site im on so everyone can avoid it. i feel like im missing something pretty big bc i cant figure out how that stuff doesnt apply on tumblr but im seeing a lot of posts like yours really upset that your stuff is labeled accurately and i know everyones gotta have a good reason for being upset im just having a hard time figuring out what it is and if you could explain in more detail id really appreciate it! if not thats fine i hope youre having a good day anyway!
Reporting someone else’s content for mature themes is basically narcing on them. You as a user are responsible for your own media experience: if you don’t want to see horror themes, don’t (in this case) follow a blog (me) that posts horror themes or search through the tag of a band (INK) that posts horror themes. Because of tumblr’s fucked-up-ness when you click the links in my masterpost to the posts I’m making they take you off the app. That means that if you get re-routed you can’t have the option to see if the post without signing in which can sometimes loop between the app and the website causing your stuff to crash.
I tag my stuff appropriately. If I answer an ask about SA or CSA or whatever I will tag it. This is literally song lyrics. That’s it.
I’m also a horror writer and I tag and add labels to my horror stuff as well.
But narcing on someone else’s post to a really sketchy corporation (aka Tumblr) is a huge breach of trust and is very scummy and boot-licky. I, personally, have made it very clear that INK is my favorite band, so if someone has an issue with me posting literally just INK lyrics and not even graphic images then that’s their job to unfollow me 👌🏻 forgive me if I disagree that song lyrics that include the word “die” are “accurately” tagged as “mature”. “Children” aren’t even allowed to be on this website (minimum age requirement is 13). You step into an adult space you respect that it’s an adult space. Don’t go to pornhub if you’re 13 and you don’t want to see porn. Don’t go to a place where people post horror content if you don’t want to see horror content: OR take the time to curate YOUR dash so you don’t see it instead of narcing on creators. Creators are going to stop giving you content if you’re slapping problematic labels on them with minimal reason:
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acourtofthought · 11 months
Okay beside the fact that right now Azriel is not an ideal love intrest we can admit that he is loyal to his friends and family? that much is clear.
SO WHY THESE E/RIELS THINK THAT HE WOULD TURN HIS BACK ON HIS FAMILY FOR SOME GIRL WHO HE MET FOR 2 YEARS AND ONLY FEELS LUST FOR!? Like it's some kind of a revenge from IC (specially Rhys) bc they won't let them be together and honestly were did that came from?
It pisses off every time that someone mention it. Like no, trust me he will never do that!! He will never turn his back on his 5 century family to be with her. He gave up after Rhys told him to stop whatever he was about to do and it was never mentioned throughout the story and we know he's a little rebellious towards orders so if he REALLY wanted to be with Elain it would've happened. (And pls don't tell me it was from Nesta's pov it's was from Cassian's too and he knows his brother or sjm wouldve found a way to mention it)
They're so aggressive and embarrassing!! They don't even know the characters they're dealing with. The ONLY thing that they care about is these two characters become a couple... to what end!? For sjm to change her whole plot line and characters!? Will it really be the story yall fell in love with?
Oddly enough I was thinking of this exact thing this morning.
The IC is the only real family Az has really known for the last 500+ years. His mother is still alive but she's not a regular part of his life (from what we've seen so far). But he and his brothers have loved and fought for one another for centuries. Rhys sacrificed his body for them for 50 years. Rhys sacrificed his life for his friends and family by dying for them in ACOWAR. But suddenly Az is going to throw that friendship out the window because Rhys is a big bad meanie who won't let him have Elain after Az's refusal to tell Rhys he's over Mor and doesn't want just to screw Elain?
I think it's an immature mentality that thinks love between two people is all that should matter because when you enter into an actual adult relationship, you do realize that love isn't everything. Your relationships outside your significant other are still just as important and to some extent, the opinions of those that love you and know you best aren't something to ignore.
If your love has to burn every bridge in your life then it's not healthy. I'm not talking about failed relationships that were always toxic and that you learned to walk away from. I'm talking about friends and family who have always supported you but because they sense your fixation on someone isn't healthy you become defiant and oppositional and develop a "screw you! I'll do what I want!" mentality.
I think Rhys only wants happiness for his brothers but he KNOWS that the way Az is behaving is concerning. He KNOWS Az needs to really deal with his feelings for Mor before moving on with anything else. And he KNOWS the things Az is saying about Elain is not the way you're supposed to think about someone you really care for.
The take that Az and Elain will defy everyone and prove their forbidden love is glorious and right is so in the opposite direction of SJMs underlying theme of found family that she puts in all her books. It means that the entire E/riel book will be them lying to everyone around them. It means they don't care about hurting others because they'd rather sneak around than try having conversations with the people that are owed conversation.
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 1 year
Hiii, bilingual-beast-boy here!
As a fellow DP comics Gar lover, I wanted to hear some of your thoughts on Nicholas Galtry and Gar.
Specifically, I'm really curious about your reasoning for why Gar would have stayed with Galtry despite how abusive the man was.
Like with his powers, you'd think Gar could have gotten away from him if he really wanted to (which, clearly he did). His green skin makes him stick out like a sore thumb in public, which would make it difficult to hide from authorities (or even a private investigator Galtry may hire with his inheritance if Galtry was really desperate) if he ran away, but it's not like a pair of handcuffs would be able to stop him.
Maybe Gar just didn't want to run away if he would constantly be in hiding, or maybe Gar wasn't sure what would happen to his inheritance if he ran away? I don't know much about inheritance law, and neither would Gar tbh, but I can totally see 1) Nicholas telling Gar that all of his parents' money would automatically go to him if he ever ran away, and 2) Gar loathing the idea of his parents' money going to that creep.
Or, alternatively, maybe Gar never tried running away because deep down he thought he deserved it? Gar definitely has that self-hating, self-induced penitence streak about him, but I'm not sure if it would have been that strong when he was with Galtry. I feel like that streak really started going strong after the DP died, and we can clearly see his hatred of Galtry and his desperation to get out of Galtry's care in the comics.
Anyway, not sure if you'd ever thought about this before, but I can't come up with a solid enough answer on my own and was curious about your thoughts :)
i think honestly the biggest reason he never tried running away is bc... leaving an abusive situation, especially as a CHILD, is fucking terrifying!! people stay in abusive situations bc abuse makes them more afraid to LEAVE than to stay and suffer, often it takes YEARS for even grown adults to work up the courage to leave, so a kid with NO ONE and nothing to run to? no friends, no family to hide with to stay safe? yeah, its no wonder he didnt try to run...
but i do think that youre right in the way that, in some way, he thought he deserved it. i dont know exactly how long he lived with galtry, but i know how young he was when his parents died, and being RAISED by someone like that definitely makes you believe you arent worth much, or that how THEY treat you is still better than whatever you'll find elsewhere, the old "nobody will ever care about you as much as me" shtick ykno?
the fact he tried going to the DP at all is incredibly brave, especially after being turned away MULTIPLE TIMES, after being told they didn't believe him, that his situation couldnt be as bad as he says (another reason victims fear going to anyone for help, not being BELIEVED) he still kept coming back! bc even despite all that, theyre still the only people who have shown him any kind of understanding or care...
tbh i really need to read more to have more Clear Concise Thoughts on the situation, but god damn gar's life is... rough to think about. its actually an incredibly ACCURATE portrayal of abuse, both in the forms it takes, AND in the ways it affects gar's psyche, personality, behavior etc ... it hurts me but its actually really well written in my opinion
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x-tetrodotoxin-x · 8 months
i am the person who sent the last ask, and i have finished playing the game and watched most of the anime, and im now a Changed Man.
pleaaaaaase can you give me your hcs on zack's time in the hell orphanage? that whole thing is really interesting, and it's a shame it's mentioned like once
Hii what fun! Yeah I can give some hcs. Honestly it's kind of a shame the orphanage wasn't really touched on for very long, but the shit we did get on it was dark.
So like i said I really think that orphanage was a front for human trafficking. It seems at least implied to be based on the caretakers mentioning the money aspect so often. What's fucked is it sounds like not only were the caretakers trafficking the kids, but the kids parents sold them to the orphanage to get rid of them, probably knowing the shit was shady as hell. It's pretty straightforward that those kids were abandoned there for money, it's stated in canon in at least the manga:
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(Little Zack is so freaking adorable btw omg hes so tiny)
So like the whole aspect of the dead kids being buried in the yard; they clearly made Zack do that more than once. Totally hc that while yea some of those kids died of starvation, exposure, lack of medical attention, etc some of them were killed either on purpose as an example to the other children or on accident during incidents of abuse and Zack saw that a lot, contributing to his violent nature later on
ik he apparently started killing because he "saw a violent movie on tv" but I think that's bs and the caretakers were killing people in front of him or making him kill the other kids
Back on the programming shit, it's mentioned a lot that as a child Zack did whatever the caretakers told him to do despite not wanting to do it, hence him being referred to as a tool so often. So uh. Programming.
He's scared of fire, so they used fire to frighten him into doing things, following orders, being obedient, etc.
A lotta his abuse was like severe neglect and making him sleep outside, do a lot of physical labor, starvation, etc. I usually hc there was a lot of physical abuse too, especially early on to condition him into doing thinhs.
Sexual abuse but they targeted him differently in that way- like they really wanted to push the idea that he was a monster on him just because of his burns so incidents of noncon weren't as frequent as some of the other orphans, but were really horrific like refusing to touch him during it, using objects to do it, lots of degrading and insulting comments, not letting him bathe after, forcing him to isolate, etc.
If we hc the incidents of sa were less frequent with him (or done in private) the other orphans being kind of cold towards him not only bc they see and learn from the way the caretakers treat him, but in their mind he's "getting off easier because he's too hideous to sell off" so they project onto him, leading to more alienation.
It's not really clear when Zack got burned besides that it was shortly before his Mom abandoned him at the orphanage but if they were fresh they probably healed badly due to improper care- the orphanage caretakers refusing to let him properly clean and bandage his burns.
Also, like, the fact he still wears the bandages as an adult despite the burns being scars by now makes me think they probably forced him to keep the burns and scars covered up and made him wear the bandages even after his burns healed "as to not cause disgust to others" or some shit. He definitely wouldn't say it out loud, but he's self conscious about them.
I'm sure I've got more on that but like that oughta cover bases for now. So much dead dove potential with that orphanage, that series in general tbh omg
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cielospeaks · 11 months
ok predictions/reactions to f-h (not negative necessarily?)
firstoff the banner itself
-shame abt the 17 stuff. imo its really fucking clear that the people in charge of f e as a whole hate the game for its more whimsical/shonen/super sentai tone of “friendship and understanding” and just want a cringey “angst” fest (aka angst that just excuses horrible characters) like 16 (and to be fair a lot of other things in the franchise too). but like imo its not the worst. the vas are clearly doing a good job and the artist too, and its cool and cute to see ivy in the game, even if its just a seasonal
-the others i dont rlly care abt. if i liked e ir at all i def dont after she screwed over an entire country and her presumable former friends there just because she found out her birth family’s world is a place she likes better. like its awful what she went through but imo she still killed a person for no reason when she couldve just told the truth, and even if it would have been painful she should have taken responsibility for her position. but whatever its very eh. and thats all my thoughts pretty much. actually suprised f jorm wasnt the duo but whatevs
-the new story/new oc: i was rooting for all 4 alfr to get resplendent/ect darn it! oh well. it looks like most likely peo and plumie will be the focus (which is good for me bc i love plumie but i wish tri would get good things too ; ; ) and hopefully tri and peo will actually get scenes together acknowledging their relationship as sisters (esp as it was alluded to in last years peo! gosh i hope so pls.) bc b4 screwed them over (esp tri) big time with its fruitless and nonsensical “plot twists”
-another thing that im really happy abt is that the temptri stories (except b3 for... reasons) tend to not involve the main cast of the game, which honestly is a breath of fresh air. b2′s one was horrendous bc of the dragons and the retcons, but it could have been so much worse. 3′s too if im being honest. e irs obsession w the main cast is... very regrettable but also understandable, so it wasnt too much detracting imo. im just hoping they keep this up with b4 and dont fucking involve those horrible and ridiculous “plot twists” from book 4. can we please just fucking forget any shitty changeling stories/plotlines in any media ever pls. (except m l p. youre cool you can stay. cough cough unrealistic expectations for this kind of story cough cough)
-that being said plumie + peo is hilarious and sweet. plumie calling her a little petal or something is so funny/cute. and my kasuplumie shipper heart is like “aw plumie took up nicknaming people from kasumi!” like this is character development done right take notes b2 temptri. i think itll be really wholesome if they do end up being the ascendants for this year, seeing them become friends. i would have liked tri but i feel like it also fits as the two of them are the more active of their groups (mira is really passive, and i feel like tri is more distant than aggressive like plumie is). so plumie being super jaded and scornful + peo being really caring with no strings attached and self sacrificing will be really wholesome to see if it comes to pass
-new character: interesting that theyre a rearmed but ok saitama face. people are saying maybe 4/5 next but i feel like it could be 17 (and add less royalty characters- maybe one of the younger siblings, the player character, side characters/enemy only? morion pls im politely asking). i think the best case scenario is theyre the queen from the past, that would be wholesome to have her actually meet kind friends in the alfr. kinda like another character i dont really have anything against her when she was a child- she kidnapped and forced children to work for her just bc they were poor and from a bad home life as an adult, but as a child she was abused by her peers and only treated well by her brother bc he wanted to marry her off to them. like her actually meeting nice people and getting standards would be great but idk if itll happen.
-also just fucking release that dirtbag in the next mythic. just let the memes die. im sick of this guy and ive been sick of him for years. glad hes not much plot relevant.
tldr the good news is i get to save orbs bc i spent them all on not getting shez wooo (sarcasm) (also donny is so pure im so glad hes the free unit!!!! get hype!!!)
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cherienymphe · 2 months
Damn I’m a coquette Lana del Rey blog 🥲 I just like the aesthetic, the colour pink and relate to some of the posts about being mentally ill and female rage (cause I come from a immigrant family). I’m a adult tho 🙃 these anons got me feeling bad. I’ve only ever tagged ‘I’m just a girl’ as a joke but not femcel to some relatable stuff. I know a lot of these blogs are just cringy teens trying to be edgy but I just reblog cute pictures. Hopefully, you don’t think that way about all those blogs. I do like female villains in movies or female historical figures but never got into pretty little liars but I do notice the obsession with Alison and sometimes the weird hate the actresses gets for her weight (I don’t agree with it, she’s still beautiful 🤷🏽‍♀️).
I think you're taking what I said very personal even though I verbatim said it's not all coquette blogs but a specific kind and you know you're not that specific kind bc you just told me right here you're not so idk what to do with this 😭 I've already gone out of my way to make it clear I'm not talking about you in order to not make anyone feel bad and yet-
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