#need a one shot to get me outta the rut
theryokawa · 2 months
I’m kinda in a writing rut so if yall wanna request fics in the ol’ ask box it’d be soooo appreciated
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dynamic-power · 8 months
In the Alley
More kinktober! We are coming to the end, just two more after this one. 😭
Read it here on ao3
Bingo spaces Blood Play and Held Down are covered in this one
Rated E
Words: 1.1k
CW: blood play; frottage; semi-public sex
Ian’s nose was bleeding and his lip was split and he was pretty sure he had a cut on his forehead and he was harder than he’d been in a long time. 
Mickey was in a similar state. Ian could taste his blood as they kissed. The sharp iron flavor exploded on his tongue as he licked into Mickey’s mouth, pressed against the cut on his lip, swallowed the gasp that the motion drew from Mickey. 
“Fuck,” Mickey said with a laugh, holding Ian back for a moment to get a good look at him. “I haven’t seen you like this in a while.”
“I’ve been good for a while,” Ian snarked back, trying to lean forward again. “Stayed outta trouble.”
Mickey held him back. His hand cupped Ian’s jaw, thumb stroking at his lip and through the blood dripping from his nose into his own mouth. When he drew his hand back again, his thumb was stained red. “It’s good to see you a little fucked up.” He wiped his thumb off on Ian’s shirt, adding to the mess already there. 
“Oh, fuck you.” Ian grabbed Mickey by his belt loops and pulled him forward. Mickey stumbled into him with enough force that Ian’s back hit the side of the building they were hiding out behind. He ground his hips forward, dragging the bulge of his erection against Mickey’s belly. 
Mickey groaned, loud and long, and shot him a filthy grin. His teeth were stained pink as blood dripped from his own nose. “Horny bastard,” he accused. 
“Your fault. Fuck, Mickey, I love it when you get like that.”
“Angry?” Mickey said with a laugh. 
“Protective,” Ian growled into his neck. “You are a fucking force of nature. Strong and stubborn and so fucking beautiful.” He rutted against Mickey again, kissing his throat and pulling at his hips harder. 
“Talk fuckin’ dirty to me, baby,” Mickey said through a laugh. He wasn’t taking Ian seriously, but Ian needed him to know.
Ian flipped them around, nearly causing Mickey to trip over his own feet as he shoved Mickey’s back into the wall. “I’m not kidding, Mick. Seeing you like that, so ready to throw a punch for me. Fighting for me.” He shoved a thigh between Mickey’s legs, pressing up and feeling Mickey’s hard cock. Mickey whined and Ian smiled, triumphant. “You don’t even know what it was about.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Mickey gasped, “he hit you, he was fair game.”
“You brute.” He reached down and grabbed both of Mickey’s hands, forcing them up above his head and pinning them there. He used one hand to hold Mickey’s wrists, and the other to grope Mickey’s dick through his pants. “So perfect and all mine.” He bit the lobe of Mickey’s ear and gently squeezed his length, smiling when Mickey groaned. 
He kissed Mickey again. It stung, the cut in his lip splitting open again, but he didn’t really care. He licked into his mouth as he started to thrust his hips forward again. Dissatisfied with the height difference, Ian used his free hand to tug on Mickey’s thigh, pulling his leg up to his hip. 
“Fuck, can I-” Mickey panted into his mouth.
“C’mere,” Ian grunted. He let go of Mickey’s wrists just long enough to grip his ass and hoist him up. Mickey’s ankles locked behind the small of his back and his thick thighs clenched around his hips. Ian pressed forward, pinning Mickey’s body and holding his wrists up again. “Jesus, Mick.” He wasn’t going to be able to keep him there for too long, but as he pressed his clothed erection into Mickey’s and they both groaned, he knew he wouldn’t need to. 
“E, I need-” Mickey’s heels dug into Ian’s back and he tried to rut against him, but he couldn’t move much. Ian was feeling just as desperate as Mickey seemed to be, so he took pity and began to rock his hips forward at a quick, steady pace. “Pants,” Mickey finally said. “At least get our cocks out.”
“You want to come on your shirt?”
“Better than in my fuckin’ pants. Shits uncomfortable.”
Ian laughed but obliged, reaching down. He refused to stop humping Mickey against the wall, so it took a few minutes, but eventually he was able to get their zips down and most of their dicks out into the open air. As soon as he could, he slotted them together, tipping his head down to gape at the two dark red tips, both shiny with precum. 
Ian held his hand up to Mickey’s mouth. “Spit.”
Mickey did. It was a mix of spit and blood, shining red on Ian’s palm. He groaned at the sight. He spat, too, adding his own fluid to the mix, before reaching down and gripping both of them together. Mickey clutched at Ian’s shoulders. 
“Get a move on.”
Ian started at a brutal pace, aiming for pressure and speed over any sort of finesse. He was so fucking close to coming already that it wouldn’t really matter what he did, and based on the way Mickey was whining into his neck, uncaring of what he sounded like, he wasn’t far off either. 
Mickey came first, his warm spend covering Ian’s hand and mixing with saliva and blood. His moan was low and shaky in Ian’s ear and helped to coax out Ian’s own climax. He bit into Mickey’s shoulder as he came, too, pleasure crashing through him. 
His breathing was erratic and his thighs ached and his face was beginning to hurt again. “Fuck, what a rush,” Mickey said as Ian lowered him to the ground again. His knees buckled for a moment, and Ian pressed into him to help him steady himself. 
Ian’s hand was covered in cum and spit and blood. Their shirts were stained red, their cocks were sticky, and they were grinning at each other like loons. “Think we can catch the L?”
“Lookin’ like this?” Mickey asked as he tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up. 
Ian shrugged and grinned. “I think we’ve looked worse.”
Mickey slung an arm around Ian’s shoulder, pulling him in and shaking him a little. “Maybe.” Ian wiped his filthy hand along Mickey’s t shirt, dancing away when Mickey shoved at him. 
“Come on.”
“Hey,” Mickey said as he caught up to Ian, wrapping an arm around his waist and slipping a hand into his back pocket. “What was the fight over, anyway?”
“Asshole said somethin’ ‘bout you when you went to the bar.”
Mickey’s grin was wide and fond as he hip checked Ian. “You brute.”
“Yeah, yuck it up.”
“What was it you said? Fuckin’ force of nature?” Mickey said, cackling when Ian’s face turned red. “Strong and stubborn-”
“Fuck you.”
@gallavichthings Thank you for hosting this month, writing these has been a lot of fun!
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The agony, the Ecstasy – A Tom Hardy/Reader One Shot Story.
Quick little angry sex one shot with Tommy for my babes! 
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Words - 929
Warnings - Total smut. Under 18? Get outta here!
“I’m so pissed off at you!”
“Look, I said I’m sorry. What more do you bloody want?”
“For you to not leave me at a table drinking coffee by myself because you can’t set a fucking calendar alert on your phone, or simply remember not to leave your girlfriend waiting!”
“Fucks sake! I landed at 6am and I’ve been on the go ever since. I’m sorry! I can’t say any more than that, can I?” Crouching by where you’re sitting on the sofa, your face a picture of fury, he strokes your thighs, smiling when you continue to pout. “I’ll make it up to you?”
You purse your lips further, looking away before beginning to chew your thumb agitatedly. “How?”
“I’ll let you hate fuck me.”  
Your angry stare reverts away from the framed Banksy poster on the living room wall and back at him, tempted by his offer. It’s enticing, but you’re conflicted. You want to enjoy him, but heck, you do not want to reward his forgetfulness. You’re way too good at sex to be able to shag his brains out without him enjoying it too.  
“Baby, come on. Work that bad mood out on me. I can take it.” He leans in close, trying to steal a kiss from your still pursed lips, while you turn your head repeatedly. He begins to chuckle, trying more, eventually succeeding in making you laugh despite yourself.  
“Arsehole!” Pushing his shoulders, you send him onto his back, Tom raising his eyebrows as you dismount the couch and sit astride him, pushing him back and kissing him with all the anger pulsing through you. Your desire to get off won out in the end, much greater than your need to punish him further.  
It’s all heat and fury as you yank at his clothes, your mouths a furious clash of teeth and tongues as you grumble, reminding him of your ire, his leg shifting between yours and throwing you onto your back with ease.  
“Shut up, you moody cow.”
“Why? Going to give me something to really moan about?”
Gripping the waistband of your leggings, he yanks them and your undies off, pushing your thighs apart with his elbows. “Yeah, I am, actually.” He envelops your slit in the warm suck of his mouth, tongue pressing against you firmly, evoking moans that have nothing to do with your residual anger and everything to do with your blooming arousal, his tongue working against you keenly, seeking your clit and circling, slow and hard.  
The sting of arousal begins to prickle your core, your hands gripping his thick shoulders as you mewl softly. The pleasure is biting, whirling within you like a storm as you grind against his tongue, seeking more, Tom delivering it with firmer licks that ignite you right the way down to your very marrow. He begins to suck, his cheeks hollowing, your hips bucking as his fingers enter you, clenching around them as he opens you, trawling your walls with a steady, firm rhythm.  
Heat crackles up your spine, sensations of bliss skittering through you, your thighs trembling, anger almost forgotten. It’s pulsing through you just enough to turn him over, his big body hitting the floorboards with a thud, your hands grasping his belt, hungry to free the hardness tenting the front of his jeans. He’s thick, pulsing and exactly what you need to sate the hot desire he’s licked up within you, the fat girth of him stretching you out as you sink down upon him with a wanton gasp.  
Folding at the waist, you kiss him thirstily, dirtily and needily, his arms clenching around your back, your hands pressing to his chest and pushing yourself out of the hold. “Nope. I’m in the driving seat, and you’re just going to lie there and get ridden. Understand?”
He raises his eyebrows, clearly entertained by your dominance. “Okay, darlin’. You ride all that anger out.” He winks, and it arrows straight to your cunt, saturated already, coating his cock in a thick gloss of your arousal as you begin to bounce upon him with vigour. He ruts up against you, spearing you deep, spreading tingles throughout you as the thick head of his hardness hits you exactly where you need it to, your nails dragging his chest as you grind down against his movements.  
His grip at your hips is strong, short fingernails digging into your supple flesh and leaving red crescents behind, mouth agape, loving the brutality of your fuck as his voice turns to gravelled moans, all stony and deep, conveying how much he’s enjoying it, fire behind his eyes as your body works out every last bit of frustration upon his.
He’s heavy within you, deftly dragging against the tight clutch of your walls, sparks glimmering through you as you begin to chase the fervid culmination winding tight in your belly with gusto, His hips drive up like a piston, the pace meant now for urgency, not longevity, edging on too much, yet not enough. 
Fever begins to boil within you, until finally you’re there, crying out your release as each spasm of your core drags his undoing from him, hot spend filling you, leaving you breathless and dizzy.  
“Less pissed off now?” is his immediate, panted question, chest heaving heavily.  
“Yeah, that’ll do it.”
“Good. Love you.”  
You don’t dignify him with words, but your kiss tells him all he needs to know, holding you close as you stroke one another’s clammy skin, recovering from the exertion. He always gives the very best apologies.  
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h2bakugou · 3 years
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summary: bakugou despises you, more than he does anyone else. you’re strong, and you don’t take shit from anyone. so when bakugou confronts you, it’s more than just a heated argument that ensues.
you can read the original piece here!
all characters aged 18+ au!!
a/n: a rewrite of a classic, one of the first ever fics written here on h2bakugou, hope you loves enjoy this!
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, smut
word count: 2.7k
nsfw under the cut!!!
»»————- ★ ————-««
Being discouraged was never an option. Your goal to be a hero had been driven by your perseverance. Your classmates chose the words ‘driven’ and ‘passionate’ to describe you in your first year year-book.
Growing up, you’d been influenced by the words of others, and you vowed to not let them discourage you any longer. You wanted to be a hero, so you’d use their criticism and challenges to better yourself.
Yet, now as a third year, you were still facing challenges. One blonde, explosive, challenge named Katsuki Bakugou that had despised you the day you bucked up to him.
He hated you. Truthfully, he didn’t understand why. You were just so, aggravating. Though in reality, he saw a bit of himself in you. That fire that raged inside driving you further, he knew what that was like.
You weren’t afraid of him. You tested him every day. From ranking higher than him in tests, to beating his ass in training, god you were wiping the floor with him since you were a measly little first year still trying to learn everyone’s names.
On your side of the spectrum, you had to give credit where credit was due. Katsuki was an extremely talented, and attractive individual. He excelled in his classes, got outstanding grades, and had immense power.
But those things didn’t make up for his atrocious attitude, cocky and arrogant demeanor, and brash exterior.
You were closed off, and had boundaries-something Bakugou didn’t understand. Why you were so closed off was a mystery, something Bakugou wanted to desperately understand. A part of him was curious to see what was hiding behind your own brash exterior. 
He watched the way you bit the inside of your cheek when he called you out during a slip up in training.
But what made him far more angrier than when you ignored him, was when you got along with Todoroki.
You always seemed to be smiling around the guy, asking how he’d been over the weekend, despite living in dorms together.
Brushing up on him, rustling his hair, it made his blood boil. What did you see in him?
Today was dragging along like any other, your class stood fixed in the gym, working on some new training regiment put together by your third year Heroics teacher.
It was something similar to the ones you’d done hundreds of times by now, but you’d slipped up, a few times. You were tired, you’d barely gotten any sleep last night because classes finished late and left you to do your homework and shower on top of other things you had to do which landed you in bed at almost three or four in the morning.
So your slip up was something small, but Bakugou noticed. And he was about to make it known.
“You’re slacking today! A slip-up like that coulda getcha’ killed, maybe you should practice some more.” Bakugou chastised, smirking at you. As the buzzing fluorescent lights gleamed over your eyes, he could see so much more than anger bubbling inside them.
He now noticed the heavy undereye bags, and the way your eyes seemed to water. But as he stared into your eyes, he realized this was the first time this week you’d actually looking him in the eye when he said something to you.
You weren’t perfect, you still had moments of doubt, late at night when you thought about what might happen if they were right. What if you weren’t meant to be a hero?
Shaking it out of your head, you didn’t say anything. You focused back on your training, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Todoroki. He shot Bakugou a glare which only caused him to grumble and speak again.
“Get your head outta’ your ass, I’m not pining after your little girlfriend. She’s clearly been putting her mind elsewhere if she’s this fuckin’ terrible today.”
Despite initiating the joke, hearing himself call you Todoroki’s girlfriend made him seethe with anger. He was furious. Why’d he say that? 
“Shut up.” Todoroki replied cooly, following you out of the gym to the locker rooms.
You just laughed to yourself before you got water. Todoroki let out a stressed sigh as he stared at you.
“He’s being extra rude today.” Todoroki mentioned.
“Maybe he’s just horny.” You grimaced thinking about Bakugou and the words ‘being horny.’ 
“How would that tie into his anger toward you?” 
“Sexual. Frustration.”
Bakugou couldn't take much more of you ignoring him. Why were you so dead-set on making him seem invisible? You barely bit back at him when he called you out, and he knew you could say whatever you wanted, you’d done it to others who tried you. So what made him any different?
This was just one of those occurrences, and as he ran them through his head, every time he checked, there was always some case of you ignoring him when all he wanted was a stupid fucking acknowledgement from you. He was going to talk to you.
And he was going to do it now.
You’d finally left the gym, taken a shower, and you were now steadily approaching your dorm. You were tired, and ready to speed through any homework you might have so you could head to bed early.
But a pair of strong hands forced your shoulders into the wall.
“What’s your fuckin’ deal?” Bakugou growled at you. You just stared at him.
“What?” You answered softly, unsure of what he was accusing you of.
“You think you’re so much better than me, than everyone else huh? Walkin’ around like you fuckin’ own the place? What makes you that fucking good!?” Bakugou spat at you.
His fingers dug into your shoulder blades as he urged you to answer his question. You shoved him off of you and managed to escape his attempts at grabbing your wrists.
“I don’t. You fucking act like you own the place, like being powerful is all it takes to be number one. You might wanna take your head outta’ your ass before your hair turns brown.” You marched off to your room, fed up with Katsuki’s behavior.
“Oh yeah!? Then why do you act like such a fuckin’ ass to me!?” Bakugou shouts, running after you.
“Because you treat me like shit! You call me weak when I slip up, you’re always on my fucking case. You think I really wanna be your friend?” You stop and stare at him. 
“Or maybe it’s just because you’re a stubborn asshole that’s too blinded by his idea of being number one that he’s so fucking distracted by his arrogance to see that he’s really just a douche.” 
Your back hit your dorm door. Bakugou towered over you as his shadow cast down upon you.
“You need to watch your fucking mouth.” 
“Or maybe you need an attitude adjustment. Everyone’s grown so much but you still seem to think you’re hot shit, huh?” You reach for your doorknob, going to twist it, but you were to slow.
“I said...” Bakugou’s eyes bore into you.
“You need to watch your fucking mouth.” Bakugou opened your door, watching as you fell back, no longer supported by the wood of your door.
“Make me.” You grunted, catching yourself from falling onto the floor.
Bakugou’s eye twitched as he followed you into your room, closing and locking the door behind himself.
“Hey, what the fuck are you-”
“You’re such a bitch, just shut up already.” Bakugou groaned, yanking you further back into your room.
It all was beginning to make sense. Bakugou wanted to-
“This isn’t going to change how I think of you.” You blurted out, knowing exactly what the blonde wanted. He stared at you with a smirk.
“Put that pretty mouth to something useful unlike talking.” Bakugou began to undo his pants, allowing them to pool around his ankles. 
“You really want me to suck your cock? I don’t know, what if I bite?” You grin, watching as he angered above you.
“What the fuck did I just say?” A handful of your hair was yanked in his fist, tilting your head back.
“A-alright.” You replied. Your cunt throbbed, forcing you to squeeze your thighs together. Why were you so turned on? You didn’t exactly like Bakugou, but he was attractive. You’d give him that, but his looks didn’t make up for his horrendous attitude.
His cock stared at you, hard, tip leaking precum. You graced a single hand over the base, jerking him slowly as you leaned your head toward it. You placed a teasing kiss to the head, smearing his precum around your lips like a lipgloss.
Allowing just the head to slide into your mouth, you stared up at him, watching him fumble with his hands. 
“First time?” You pulled off to tease him which resulted in his cock slamming past your lips and hitting the back of your throat. Your eyes shot open wide as your throat burned, his cock rutting down inside your mouth.
It hurt, but it felt good at the same time.
“You really are a slut, huh. Bet you let guys use this little throat like it’s nothing.” Bakugou spat at you. You wished you could’ve said something back to him, but his cock ramming down your throat was sadly stopping you.
You could hear his whines as he grew close to cumming, but he didn’t want to waste his spend inside your mouth, so he pulled out, hissing as you licked his sensitive cock head a few times as he left your lips.
“I wanna taste you.” You murmured, reaching your hand back up to his cock, ushering him to cum in your mouth.
“H-hey!” Bakugou grunted as your mouth reconnected to his cock. It was too late for him, you were blowing him like no one had ever blown him before. And he was busting in your mouth seconds later.
Swallowing his cum and opening your mouth to show him afterward, Bakugou shook his head.
“Nasty whore.” Bakugou replied, forcing you up and onto the bed, landing on your tummy.
“Had you just asked, I would’ve laid down.” Your shirt was torn off mercilessly by Bakugou, his desperate hands trying to free your tits. Afterward came your sheer tights, followed by your panties. They pooled around your ankles as he left your skirt on for his little fantasies to run wild.
Allowing a firm hand to slap against your now exposed ass, he groaned to himself as he kneaded the skin of your ass between his fingers.
“Pervert.” You mumbled. 
Two fingers swiped through your glistening, slick-coated folds.
“The fuck did you just call me?” Bakugou teased, allowing his thumb to rub small, slow, agonizing, circles around your clit.
“F-fuck.” You breathed out, arching your back into his touch.
“Aw does that feel good slut? You want more?” Bakugou dipped his middle finger into your cunt, watching as you mewled underneath him.
You gripped your sheets with embarrassment, unsure of why you’d succumbed to him so fast. You hung your head in disapponment at yourself.
“More. Want more.” You mumbled, feeling empty as his fingers disappeared from your cunt.
“Didn’t know you’d get so wet just from sucking cock.” Bakugou chastised you again.
“Didn’t think you knew where the clit was.” You groaned. However your comment was punished by a striking feeling between your folds.
His fingers slapped against your clit, making you whine as he toyed with you.
“Surely if this wasn’t it, you’d be quiet right now.” Bakugou was just messing around with you at this point. You were panting as his fingers left your abused clit.
He bent down, spreading your cunt open with his fingers, dipping his tongue into your tight hole. You mewled as the appendage ravaged you. Flicking between your cunt and your clit, he was making you scream into your sheets as you came on his tongue.
His chuckled, licking up your mess as he pulled himself away.
“So messy.” He groaned.
“I bet you’ve been waiting for this cock to fill you up huh. I bet you finger this little cunt thinking about it.” Bakugou rubs the tip of his cock between your folds, butting it against your clit, watching as you whine.
“Just fuck me already.” You were tired of hearing him talk. You wanted him inside you.
“I can wait.” He pulled away, allowing the tip of his cock to just barely touch the folds of your pussy. You whined in response.
“Fuck, please fuck me. Please fill me up.” You begged, laying defeated against the mattress, your ass still hoisted in the air.
“That’s more like it-shit so fuckin’ tight.” Bakugou winced, his cock plunging through your tight folds. It felt so good. You were squeezing him, milking his cock without giving him a second to breathe. He felt like cumming again.
“I thought with-fuck-how cocky you were, you were gonna be smaller.” You retorted, mewling as his cock stretched you out, rubbing against your walls.
“You’re gonna regret ever thinking that.” Bakugou responded by peeling your ass apart with his hands, spitting down onto his cock as it slid out of you and then plunged back into you, sending your body jolting forward.
You moaned loudly as his cock plowed through your cunt, his hands now gripping your waist, holding you in place.
“Not so big and bold when you’re stuffed full of this cock huh?” 
“You always fuck this good when you’re angry?” You groan, panting as he rearranges your insides. 
“You wanna fuck me when I’m not?” Bakugou teases, sliding out of you before thrusting back in. Your long moan shows him he’s doing a good job.
“You might be attractive but your attitude is the worst.” You whine, feeling like you can’t hold the sheets between your fingers tighter.
“I’ll keep that in mind, slut.” Bakugou leaned and grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking it upward, pulling you into his chest. Another hand gripped your throat. 
“Fuck, right there!” You mewled, his cock plowing into you at a different angle, the head of his cock bruising all the good spots inside of you.
“Why don’t you cum on this cock?” Bakugou whispered, biting down against your shoulder.
“C-cumming!” You moaned, your cunt clamping down around his cock as you reached your high. Bakugou hissed as you squeezed around him, forcing his spend out of him and into your cunt.
He let you fall against the mattress as he pulled out, a lewd squelching sound followed by his cum leaking from your pussy was a sight to behold the blonde’s eyes.
Snapping a quick picture for later, he reached for something to wipe you up with before laying down beside you.
“Maybe if you shut up half of the time I’d talk to you.” You mumbled, still trying to catch your breath.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Bakugou stared at you.
“It means...” You rolled over on top of him, leaning down toward his face.
“We’d make a good couple if you weren’t an asshole.” You press a cheeky kiss to his lips, short enough for him not to be able to kiss back. He groans and flips the tables, forcing you under him as he kisses you passionately.
“So fuckin’ date me then and stop fuckin’ around with that half and half bastard.” Bakugou replies.
“Are you blushing?” You tease the blonde, your own cheeks feeling hotter than usual. Bakugou groans and plants his face into your pillow.
“Shut the fuck up. And not a word of this to anyone-”
“Unless I become your girlfriend yeah I know.” You lay beside him and yank up the covers over your naked body, kicking off the rest of your clothes that were uncomforabtly stuck around your ankles.
“I don’t really mean to be such an ass. I just thought-”
“Exactly, you assumed I was a dick. Just shut up, you’re making this worse for you. You really want me to break up with you after we just got together?” 
Bakugou is dead silent for the rest of the night as he eventually cuddles up next to you.
The following morning, a few people are surprised to see you actually speaking to Bakugou, and Todoroki is one of them.
Though by the end of the week, most everyone knew what went down, Bakugou mentioned it to Kirishima on accident and then it had spread.
Todoroki was thoroughly surprised, due to the entire nature of you and Bakugou’s previous relationship. But ultimately, as long as you were happy, he couldn’t be mad.
“About time you realized you liked her.” He mentioned swiftly to Bakugou as they passed in the common room.
“What you’d say to me!?”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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claireunoia · 4 years
↬ 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝐡. 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 ·˚✩
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↳ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘺'𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 ♡.
↳ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
↳ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦.
⇢ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: suprise surprise i’m writing for my trouble making baby. this is just something i whipped up while i finish writing my peter fic. hope y’all enjoy! <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
being spoiled 25/8.
harley would always steal anything you want and whatever you needed, when you ask or just to surprise you.
which always involves with you telling her that it’s not good to keep stealing but that goes into one ear and out the other.
after her and joker’s breakup it was a hard toll on her but after meeting you it was so nice to finally have light in her life again.
you two always dealt with some type of criticism everyday but that dosent stop harley.
if someone even looks at her precious baby the wrong way she will whoop ass real quick. any or everywhere.
harley was super over protective of you.
she took you clubbing and wasn’t prepared to see a guy coming up behind you, putting his hands around your hips tightly, grinding against you.
seeing your distraught face made her anger rise very quickly. slamming her shot glass down she took quick strides from the bar to the dance floor where you were.
“hands off ma’ girlfriend, dick” harley growled.
your eyes widening seeing her, you tried to go to her but the mans hands were tight against you.
“or you could join the fun” the guy smirked at her, harley smirked back menacingly. unexpectedly, her knee rose; rutting up against the guys groin.
the man falling over with a loud groan as his hands let you go and started to hold himself in his hands.
you ran over to your girlfriends arms with a drunk relived smile.
“did i... everrr tell you— how i love you so much” you slurred, pushing her bangs away from her forehead sloppily.
harley grinned at you, “i love ya too now let’s get outta’ here, sweetness”
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it was early in the morning.
harley was still sleep when you left out to get her absolute favorite. wanting to surprise your lovely girlfriend, wanting to do something for her.
“sal, the regular?” you smiled kindly at the man behind the counter that’s separated you two.
he nodded with a grin and started getting the ingredients for the breakfast sandwich.
you waited at least 20 minutes maybe less when you saw the brown bag on the counter.
you gave him the right amount of cash and bid him a goodbye as you made your way back to the flat.
you opened the door with your key, your eyes immediately meeting harley’s when you pushed the door opened.
“y/n! where the hell were ya’? bruce is gettin’ hungry. i’m gonna have ta’ get him some food soon”
you chuckled, rolling your eyes playfully. you simply held up the brown bag, swinging it side to side slightly.
you heard her gasp loudly, “is that what i think it is?” you saw her start to jump excitedly up and down.
you laughed as you nodded, the awe look on her face making your heart clench in cuteness overload.
harley then shrieked, running over to you full speed; nearly knocking you off your feet.
she then start to give you wet kisses all over your face.
you were sure you have at least 100 red lip stains on your cheeks, forehead, lips, and everywhere else on your face.
you weren’t complaining though. you loved it.
“i love ya so much, sweetness!”
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harley was a fugitive.
i mean when isn’t she but she is.
and it was making you so upset to have all these people after her.
you just wanted your girlfriend by your side, no problems no troubles. just you and her and bruce.
it was another night, you two sitting on the couch. a bowl of cereal in both of your hands and you both watched the cartoon on the small tv.
occasionally hearing harley’s contagious laughs.
you sat there quietly in thought. a million of them wondering around in your head.
after a few moments, you then felt hands shaking your shoulders lightly, quickly bringing you back to earth.
“huh? what happened?” you question, your eyes flickering to her concerned ones.
“you were spaced out, what’s goin’ on?” harley curious voice spoke out to you.
you took a deep breath and quietly replied.
“i wish... it was just us you know? no cops, no bad guys trying to get you. i just wish we could live a normal live together...” you whispered, tearing up at your words.
“hun, ya dating harley quinn... life is never ever gonna be normal” she stated sadly, her face falling when she seen your red, teary eyes.
“no, you're more than just ‘harley quinn’. your more than ‘the joker's ex’. seeing those bruises on your face broke me. seeing those people try and hurt you broke me.”
“imma terrible person... of course people are gonna come after me” harley murmured, nodding to herself like it’s the most comfortable thing she’s ever said. but she knew the inside of herself was breaking down completely at your pained words.
she dosent like seeing you in pain at all.
and that’s when that thick singular tear fell.
and harley’s troubled little heart clenched painfully at the sight of you crying.
“princess, please don’t cry. i promise everything’s gonna be fine. ya hear me?” harley lifted your face gently, wanting your eyes on hers.
“i have everything unda’ control, everything’s gonna be fine, sweetness. i promise, ya’ hear me?” you nodded, sniffing before falling into harley’s embrace when she held her arms out to you.
“ya know, after mister jay’s and i break up i thought that was it, ya’ know? i didn’t even know that’ll i’ll even consider dating eva’ again. but then i met you, sweetheart. now i don’t think i’ll ever change but you did bring out the best in me.”
𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 : @dummiesshort @buckybarnesplumwhore @cloudystevie @ballyhoobarnes @itstaskeen ♡.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Can you do a one-shot where the reader was born in 1996 and she’s the daughter of Nikki Sixx and Brandi Brandt and is the bassist and songwriter of Wallows and is best friends with her bandmates Dylan Minnette, Braeden Lemasters, and Cole Preston and she helps 5sos write songs for the album Calm and starts dating Ashton and the fans go nuts (in the good way) with shipping?
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ashton Irwin x wallows!reader / masterlist
warnings; references to sex, swearing, threats
“Come in babe.” You opened the door, inviting your boyfriend Ashton into your flat. He had been having a hard day at the studio, and had asked if it was alright if he came over. Of course it was, but he had got a warning prior to his arrival, that they would not be alone, and that if he wanted to clear his head, it was certainly not the right place.
“Fuck you, you’re supposed to be on my side man!” At the sound of Dylan, yelling at whom you supposed to be Cole, you pinched the bridge of your nose, squeezing your eyes shut as you welcomed your partner into your home sweet home. Out of all days, they had to be playing COD in your apartment today.
“Sorry bout that.” A light grimace filled your face, but instead of giving you criticism, Ashton simply laughed, following you through the apartment, as you tried to slowly pass behind your band mates who were occupying your living room.
“Not so fast young Sixx, get your well endowed ass back here.” A sigh fell from your mouth as you rolled your eyes at Braeden, pausing your movements as he turned to lean against the back of your couch to peer over at you. “We need to have a conversation little lady.”
Groaning, you threw your head back, smiling a small apology towards Ash. “We were going to go to my room, I’d rather just you guys play my PS4 without needing to interact with me face to face.”
“Would you rather he FaceTime you whilst you’re getting down and dirty, or stand there like a kid’s doll and allow him to pull at your arm?” Dylan mumbled, as you crossed your arms, Ash greeting your band mates as you moved towards the tv, reaching for the side button and turning it off.
“Y/n what the hell?” Cole half screamed, breaking loose as he was close to finally beating Minette and killing his gamer character. His hands flailed as he expected an answer, raising in the air as he held the remote.
“I could ask you the same thing Preston, so what’s the schtick that’s making you keep me here, in my own apartment?” He gulped as you enquired at him, raising your brow, as you leaned back into your partner who stood awkwardly behind you like a supporting shadow.
“Congrats on the album Irwin, it’s great to see our own band member aiding your band. CALM is sick, and she makes me feel the same, just in a different manner.”
“Stop being a salty little bitch would you?” You asked, smacking him on the upside of the back of his head. He rutted his head back, clasping the behind of his scalp with his palm, firmly turning back to cast an icy glare towards you.
This was the normal behaviour around here, you all enjoyed getting under each other’s skin. It was a sign of true friendship, that whilst sometimes still triggering some real annoyance, that made your bond of being band mates that much deeper.
They were doing the same thing to you now, speaking prolifically showering your boyfriend in compliments, to side swab you with cockblockery. In all honesty, whenever Lydia or another girl was on the premises, you returned the favour, though that did not your pulsating frustration decrease at all.
“I’m going to assume there’s a problem here. Are you sure now is a good time for me to be here?” Ash asked reassuringly, his gentle touch applying a loving presence upon your shoulder, making you smile despite the situation that was running through the discourse of your veins
You craved him, to feel his body atop, or under, or however else against your own. It was infuriating to endure how your band mates dragged their greeting to him out, all you wanted was to discard his and your own clothing, leaving it as a jumble of forgotten material on the floor whilst the pair of you were caught up in mess upon the mattress, limbs inclined to coil around each arch, and breaths long overdue and escaping into the air.
“It’s a good time for you overall pal, considering that your sales are sky high, taller than this one that is practically trying to hump your arm. No problems with your presence, except the fact that it’s turning little Brandi’s baby’s hormones into overdrive.” Braeden spoke, earning a guttural growl out from your throat, as your nostrils flared furiously at his words.
If you didn’t get on with it, then the Red Sea of the month would cause a flood that would stain your underwear. You’d have preferred to take action before that happened. “The work isn’t just on my shoulders loser, if you want a worldwide selling album, put in some elbow grease, instead of playing stupid games.”
“I’m good, and by definition that makes you stupid, because they belong to you.” He remarked, Cole chuckling and offering him a high five.
“I could just kick you out.” You promptly supposed, as Dylan messed around with his phone, surrendering to the game, as he ran his hand to define the ruggedness of his silvery blue locks.
“Band rules say no to that.” Braeden stated. “And Ash, feel free to replace this one, we could do a switch. You’re basically ready to move in together, so we wouldn’t have to go anywhere else to have rapid fire nights.”
“Do I even want to know what that is?” Your boyfriend asked, and you, without any thought or hesitancy, shook your head. He certainly didn’t need to know about that, it was, least to say, a mess.
There would be dares, and drinks, and tattoos put in the most awkward places with that artist set that you kept very far under your bed. It was a shock that Ashton hadn’t seen the word ‘narwhale’ on the heel of your foot, or maybe he did, and decided against saying anything.
“I put up with these idiots.” Dylan sighed, though as you whipped your head around, you saw that he was not speaking directly to any of you, instead, his
“He’s on fucking insta live.” Cole realised, leaving over to get his face in the mirroring of the stream, waving a hand to the fans that spewed hearts onto the corner of the screen.
“Prick.” You called Dylan out, watching as he laughed at your lack of amusement, and poised the self proclaimed camera towards you, also catching the person beside you in the view.
“Calm.” Ashton softly spoke, sending you a small and reassuring smile, which you were defeated to not permit the same in return
“Funny pun Irwin, but shut up.” You laughed, and shook your head, him finally catching onto what he had said.
“Yes that is the incredibly talented 5SOS member Ashton Irwin. I know right, what is he doing with us?” Cole read, watching as Dylan rolled his eyes at his band member’s behaviour, wanting to get his phone back, though his attempts were lacklustre.
“Or more specifically, her?” Braeden asks, walking behind the sofa and grasping him, dragging him closer to where the phone was propped in Cole’s hand, giving the fans a clear image of his face. “Is he joining the band?” He reads from the flood of comments. “I wish, but we don’t draw that much talent.
“Speak for yourself.” You groaned, walking closer, leaning your head over Ash’s hunched shoulder, releasing an awkward smile as he raised it, gently bumping your chin with the slope of his muscle. “Rude.”
“Where are you guys? Well, we’re at y/n’s apartment. She just got back and dragged this old slugger in off the streets. How charitable.” Cole spoke, smiling up at Irwin as he lightly punched his face, already too comfortable with his hovering presence.
“Why is he there? This one makes me laugh, quick shag, ain’t that right buddy?” Braeden thoughtlessly worded, his eyes going wide in an instant as the fans quickly tended to the realisation of what he had meant. “Fuck, oops I guess.”
To say that you were furious was an understatement; you could feel an ache in your hands, wanting to tear the idiot into dismal pieces until there was nothing salvageable left to fix.
“You guess?” Dylan snickers, covering his mouth with his hand whence he saw your murderous expression conquer features. It was vastly more terrifying than any anger you had ever portrayed, and he could feel the couch moving as Braeden turned, and squirmed from the sight.
“Lemasters, imagine your head on a stick. That is going to happen, when I get my hands on you, your gonna turn cold as I strangle the living shit outta-“ Ashton grabbed you, as your arms tried to grasp and throttle your band mate, flopping in the air, intently furious at his revealing slip up.
“I think imma go.” He bolted, and as you struggled out of Ashton’s grip, you ran after him, out your front door and through the modesty of your building.
“She forgot her key.” Ashton noted, coming around and sitting with the remaining pair on the sofa. “How one of you think it’ll take for them to return?”
“As long as it takes for her to kill him.” Dylan grasps his phone back, fluttering his gaze over the comments. “They’re kinda cute together, found my new OTP. Sorry Dylan and Lydia. Oh don’t worry, that’s fine, we gotta take what we get and currently y/n’s not getting any because we have a tendency to cockblock her.”
“It’s our duty as the men of the band.” Cole spoke, a scream reverberating through from the hallway, audible to those online that were watching the two worlds merging.
“I think she got him.” Ash said, smirking lightly, as he heard your voice bellow out in rage against the male. Yep, your band was messy, but his wasn’t much different. He could certainly get used to it.
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smvt-cemetery · 3 years
Ellie’s unlikely encounter.
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I was on my way back home from school having to cut through various alleyways so as to avoid being mugged and raped in this hell hole of a city, murders and thievery are so common here I always keep a can of pepper spray on me but anything can happen in this city when the height of these buildings force us to live in the shadows; I was walking my usual route which involves cutting through a few alleyways before I feel comfortable enough walking the main straight back to my house, when I passed by the usual restaurant with the usual dishwasher cursing the head chef as he takes out the spilling trash bags everything seemed pretty normal until a sharp whistle shot through the air “Heeyyyy pumpkiiinn! Whatcha doin’ walkin’ around in a lil’ skirt like that!” “Must be waitin’ for the janitor to snatch her up!” “Maybe she’s headin’ to uncle Roy’s place!” “Maybe daddy’s got a thing for his lil’ girl!” “Is that it, pumpkin? Daddy got you wearin’ his favorite skirt for em’?” “Oh, come on, baby! You can be my lil’ baby girl all you want, I’ll make sure you get all the attention you deserve!” “Awww, come on, baby, I’ll be your daddy from now on, I’ll protect you baby!” It was a group of clowns with bad makeup and an even worse sense of fashion, I couldn’t get a good count of how many of them there were, as soon as they started flicking their tongues and humping the air I bolted out of the alley, they howled and hooted at me as they set off to chase me down, I go down the Main Street but traffics busy so I cut the corner the my right, lights and horns whirl into one another, screaming for help but nobody listens, nobody messes with these guys, I cut into another alley hoping to lose them, I can hear them shouting for me, I pull down whatever I can to the ground to slow them down, they’re hot on my tail, my heart’s way ahead of my feet, Im running out of breath, I make a move to cut a corner only to swept away in the arms of one of the clowns grabbing me by the waist, I kick my legs and pound his back screaming “Somebody help!!! Please!! Somebodyyyy!!! Ugh!” He slams me up against the wall, I reach for my pepper spray but they grab my wrist and pry it out of my hands, I close my eyes and look at the ground praying to god he hears me, one of the clowns blurts out to me “aww, don’t look so down babe’s, we’ll take real good care uh’ya, you can even call me daddy!” They all burst into laughter, my face turns sour trying to hold back the tears and that’s when I hear his voice pierce through us all, our spines shuddering like a breeze through trees “What’s this all about! Why must I be disturbed?!” His voice high in pitch and scratchy in texture I’ve only ever heard stories of him but from the looks on the clowns faces they’ve clearly fucked, “Uhh, we was jus playin’ with a lil’ piece, boss, see? She ain’t nothin’-“ he cuts him off “Nothing! Apparently it's enough to ruin my beauty sleep! Since when do you have any right to tell me the value of such things!” “Uh-boss I swear I din’t mean nothin’ by it, we was jus playing with a lil’ meat we happen t’ see passin’ by-“ “AND MY PEACE IS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR YOUR DEGENERACY!” “Uh-I’m sorry boss! I’m sor-“ PAWP! The entire skull of the clown pops like a balloon, gallons of blood and the residue of shattered skull and meat slapping against the pavement, his fallen body twitching for the mercy of god, my entire body jolts with static shooting through me in every direction at once, the other clowns shudder but they know better than to run off “The last thing I need is a pathetic-sorry-little sap! As for the rest of you out of my sight, NOW!” “YES BOSS!”
The clowns bolt for the other way. I sit there with my arms wrapped around my knees close to my chest trembling with my eyes sealed shut, praying I’ve truly been spared just now. I’ve never seen a gun in person let alone watching a man’s head blown to fucking bits, not even in this rut of a fucking city… tears trickle down my cheeks, that’s when I hear another voice from a woman, her pitch really high with a smooth texture “Awww, look watchou’ve done, big daddy, you’ve scared the poor lil’ thing!” The man with the gun snaps back “O’shut up Harley! Now’s not the time for your pseudo-maternal bickering! Go back inside!” Harley shoots back “Oh, mister big boy gettin’ all worked up all the sudden, this ain’t like you! I told you I’d give you a back rub butchya wanna be in your feelings, well look atcha now daddy! Ain’t so happy now, are ya!” I sink my head in my arms, whimpering, he snaps back “Shutupshutupshutup! I’ve had enough of your voice, Harley! AHHHHHHHHH! Why of all days does this trash need to disturb me!!! Rrrrghhhhh” He locks his bulging eyes on me, his back arched, his chest heaving, a disheveled smile across his face, slightly foaming from the corners of his mouth, his face completely whitened with red lips smeared across his face, black eye shadow, green hair, adorning a dark purple suit well tailored against his slim frame, white gloves over his hands, a yellow vest, a white button down, a green tie, black and white dress shoes-he speaks to me “Oh, where are my manners? Darling, I must apologize, allow me to introduce myself! I! Am a long standing foe of the man in black with cute little ears, the people look upon me as a monster but truly they misunderstand the quarrel between the bat and I as we merely suffer through a rough patch as so often happens between such passionate lovers, but we will make up! Oh! We will make up, you’ll see! But for you, darling, you may know me as,” he curtsies “The Joker.” “And I’m Harley!” “And she is to go back inside and shut her fucking trap!” He stomps his foot and shoots her a glare, Harley stands her ground, leaning forward and perching her lips as she observes her nails “Yea, yea, yea, bring her up already, I wanna brush her hair!” Still trembling with my knees to my chest Joker looks back at me with a fat grin on his face “Now dear, there‘s no need to fear, I assure you those little goons will no longer be of any trouble to you, should they dare cause you any trouble they’ll be a gelded lot, you’ll see!” He lends me his hand, I take his hand… after almost being gang raped only for the men to be driven away by the luck of god I feel an urge to express my gratitude to Joker… I reach in my pocket and pull out my lucky coin, “h-here you go, sir, it’s my lucky coin… I’d like to thank you…” “AW! Would you look at that, Harley! She’s given me a coin! And a lucky one at that! My! Thank you, darling, I shall treasure this coin through to my final moments, oh! What a sobbing mess they’ve put you through, let’s bring you in and get you all dolled up.”
They bring me into their home “This is no home! It is our lair!” I mean, their lair “Our lair!” our lair, Harley launches herself onto me, wrapping her arms around me, squeezing tightly, she easily towers over me by more than a head suffocating me with her boobs, I return the favor and she says “Gee, you’re quite the little woman, aren’t ya? Ehhh, we gotta do somethin’ about these clothes, what are ya goin’ to a funeral? Come on, step outta the clothes, baby, we gotta get ya into somethin’ sexy.” I didn’t expect to literally be dolled up, I didn’t know what to expect, I certainly didn’t expect to strip in front of strangers, my, I’m still a virgin... I mean, I’m no total prude, I’m familiar with my rubbing technique and I’ve fingered myself ‘a plenty but, but having the hands of others on me, no... I’ve never been touched by anyone else, she leads me in the bathroom, tiles among the walls are chipped and misplaced, the mirror on the wall massive though littered with punches, the light stretching from wall to wall close to the ceiling stark blue, I stand there motionless, “Come on! What are ya waitin’ for? What, I can’t see ya naked? Gimme those clothes, baby.” I, I, I strip my jacket off, I unbutton my blouse and let it fall from my shoulders, I kick off my shoes, only my bra, my skirt and leggings remain “Come on, darling, we gotta see it all.” I unclasp the hem of my skirt, shimmying my hips side to side as I let it fall to the ground... “Come on, don’t be shy, baby, mama’s gotta see what you’re workin’ with.” ... oh god... what would my parents say if they saw me like this? I.. I, I unhook my bra letting my breasts hang free, the air extra chilly swaying against my exposed skin... my, my nipples... they harden “Wow, checkout the udders on my little girl!” My face is flushed with rosy cheeks, my, my vagina, my vagina feels tingly and warm, my thighs feel fuzzy, my head’s so light, I feel embarrassed but, but... no.. no, no, no, this is wrong, this is... “Come on, baby, just one more piece to go, we’re almost there.” I slip my thumbs beneath the waistband of my panties, my head spinning as I watch my panties slip past my knees to the floor beneath my feet, my, my hole completely exposed to this stranger, I instinctively place a hand over my mound and my arm across my breasts; Harley disarms me and turns me to the mirror facing my naked body shattered in the reflection with a hole where my face should be, “So ya got a lil’ chonk on ya, so what? It’s your body, sweet pea, that’s all that counts!” She pecks my cheek “we ain’t gonna hurt ya, come now, it’s time for a bath.”
Steam rises from the water in the bathtub, “Awright now, come on sweet pea, got the water all nice and hot for ya.” I step into the water and gasp as I turn to see Harley stripping herself bare “What? Didn’t think I’m gonna get my clothes all wet did ya? Don’t be silly now, mama’s got a rockin’ bod, don’t she?” She cocks her hip to the side, making her boobs jiggle a little, she smiles at me, I blush and nod my head in agreement, turning my head so as to hide my licking lips... she steps in with me, my back facing her, she sits herself down “Come on, baby, come to mama, no need to make this awkward, mama just wants to clean her sweet lil’ baby.” I lower myself to the surface of the tub, lightly groaning as I lean myself in her arms, her boobs pressing against my back, so soft, so full, so big, my heart beating against my chest being so exposed and close with another woman, a woman, especially with a woman such as Harley “Mama!” mama... Mama cups water in her hands and pours it onto my hair, she doesn’t stop until my hair is damp, she sweeps my hair back away from my face, I slowly melt in her hands, I, I’ve never been this close with a woman before, my god... Harley reassured me in a lower tone “there, there, sweet pea, mama’s gonna make everything just right.” She soaps up her hands, she slides her hands underneath my arms, reaching around for my boobs, she grabs my breasts “my oh my, sweet pea, little baby’s really got some stacks her, huh? Mama’s gonna take real good care of ya, mama’s got a lotta love for ya.” She grabs a handful of my breasts, drawing her fingers back until they reach my nipples, she massaged my nipples, slightly pinching them, my head slowly receding back, I whimper, mama tells me “you really got some nice tits on ya, no wonder those nasty men wanted to get their hands on ya.” She kneads my tits with slow and tender motions, “but that’s awright, sweet pea, you’re with us now, our little girl, our little baby, daddy and mommy have been trynna get pregnant for a while now, but seems like there were other plans for us, we got you now, sweet pea, our sweet lil’ baby, ain’t no one gonna lay a hand on you and get away with it.” She leans into my ear, she licks my ear, she nibbles on my lobe, she flicks her tongue deep in my ear, “Sometimes I call him Mr. J, sometimes Daddy, but never Joker, he don’t like that, and neither do I, only the dogs call him ‘Joker’ he’d love for you to call him daddy, as for me, I’m mama, and I’m mommy, got it?” I purr to her “Yes, mama...” mama trails one of her hands down across my tummy and in between my legs, butterflies swarming within me, she massages my pussy, she rubs my clit “You ever have anyone touch you here before?” “No...” “You’re safe in mama’s hands, sweet pea.” She massaged the simp of my pussy, sliding a finger in me, I’m so, sooo wet, my entire body buzzing with heat, “How’s that, sweet pea?” “S-sooo good, mama, mmm...” she slides another finger inside my hole, I can hardly catch my breath, my thighs squeeze her hands, my toes curl, I hold onto her legs, she quickens the pace of her in and out motions, curving her fingers toward my belly, my hips gyrating against her palm, my eyes rolling in the back of my head, biting my lip, water splashing as she fucks me with her fingers, my pussy so fucking wet, wetter than I’ve been in my entire life, fuck, fuuuuccckkk, my pussy contracts around her fingers, she licks, sucks and nibbles on my neck, static shooting throughout my body in waves, my whimpering turns into crying, “fuck, mama, fuck! Fuck me, mama, fuck me, I’m yours mama, fuck me, please! Oh, fuck mama!” She uses her other hand to rub my clit and I’m completely lost now, my vision blurs, I don’t know if I’m fainting, am I blacking out??? My entire body convulses in her hands, I want nothing more than to lie in mama’s hands, I want nothing more than to let mama take care of me, my god, I can’t believe my own words, how could I be saying this, how could I harbor such thou-“ohhhh fuuckkk, o-oh-oh my-oh my god, ma-mama, fuck-fuck me mama” mama really gives
it to me hard, my entire wracking in her arms, water rippling all around us, my pussy so hot, my head buzzing, are those stars? Oh my, they, they must be stars, those are stars, oh my... “Sweet pea enjoyed her little homecoming gift?” “Y-yesss, mama.. thank you, thank you...” “There ain’t no need to thank me, sweet pea, mama wants to make sure her lil’ baby gets the proper treatment she deserves, now come on, time to get ya in some clothes!”
Mama takes a towel and dries us both off, being extra tender enough to pat me dry on my face, my boobs, my pussy... mama wraps a towel around my head, grabs my cheeks and squishes them together, pecking my lips a thousand times. Walking back into the main room daddy was speaking to several men on their knees before him bowing their heads, he was shouting at them “If anyone sees you take out their eyes, do you understand!” “You got it boss!” “Out with you now!” They scurried through the door. “I wuv you awready, sweet pea! Now! About those clothes... here, try this on!” Mama dresses me up in a red and black plaid skirt nowhere near my knees, a button down blouse with my sleeves rolled up to my elbows and a few buttons at the top loosened, red-wine colored socks coming up to my knees, leather wrist cuffs around the obvious, black-leather shoes with a buckle in the center, and, uhm.. no panties… After having been finger fucked by the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen and dressing up in this skimpy outfit I’ve never felt like such a slut before and yet… I like it… mama slips a ring on my right middle finger flashing her own ring on the same finger of her own hand, “See! Now we really are mother and daughter! Till death do us part!” Mr. J snaps “Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to sever her tongue! I may even conspire with you!” “Daddy would be lost without my tongue.” Mama winks at him “Now time for the best part! The makeup!” Mama makes my face as white as hers, my lips are now red but not as wide as hers making my lips look small and plump, the skin around my eyes darkened to black with purple atop my eyelids, she ties my hair in a bun letting a generous amount of strands hang low, my nails are now a dark shade of green, my arms glowing with glitter “We’ll worry about ur hair later, and here, you’ll need this” mama hands me a gun with a waist strap... I’m visibly shaken as I’ve never handled a gun before, dear god, am I going to behave to shoot-ki-kill someone?... “don’t worry, baby, you’ll get the hang of it, mama’s gonna teach everything ya need to kno! Doesn’t she look cute with a pistol, daddy?” Looking in the mirror I don’t recognize the gir-or-the woman… I’ve become… I start to panic at the thought of my family, where are they, oh, how worried they must be of me, what would they think if they saw me like this, I must go back, I can’t stay here, what am I doing! “My parents! My family! I can’t be here, I have to go back, what about my parents? What would they think if they saw me like this?” Mr. J cocks his pistol “We are your parents now, darling. Those people won’t be of any bother to you any longer.” Mama grabs my cheeks and leans her face close to me “I know how scary this must be sweety; one minute you’re almost gang raped, and the next you’re part of a whole new family, but don’t worry, ain’t nothin’ to be afraid of with us, we’ll look after you, sweet pea, we ain’t gonna let ya rot.” I stammer for words “b-but, I-I-I must go back, what would they do without me, they must be worried by now, wondering where I am, I-I-I-“ mama locks her lips with mine, I groan in her mouth, she slips her tongue in my mouth sucking on mine, she grabs me the hips and pulls me close to her, she runs her hands up to my tits, she pulls her lips away “it’s okay, sweet pea.”
Mama lays me back onto a bed, my bed, mama lies next to me, kissing me, pressing her body against mine, sucking on my tongue, biting my lip, licking my ear, sucking my earlobe, I reach for her tits, her voluptuous, milky tits, kneading them deeply, she sucks on my neck, leaving her mark, groping my boobs, pinching my nipple, daddy’s lowers himself down between my legs waiting no time devouring my pussy, licking my clit and fucking me with his long fingers, curving them towards my belly, my back arches as I wrap my legs around his head, my sopping pussy making creamy noises from his finger fucking, mama moves down to my chest sucking on my nipple flicking it with her tongue, daddy spits on his finger and slides it in my butthole, I didn’t expect that, I especially didn’t expect to enjoy it more than it hurt, I didn’t even feel any pain, I only felt my pussy grip daddy’s tongue tight as he slipped it in me, my pussy was fucking soaked having him finger my shit-hole and devouring my pussy at the same time, I’m crying for more like the little slut I am, wanting mommy and daddy to never end this rapturous pleasure, that’s when mommy flips us over so that I’m on top of her “suck on mommy’s tits, baby, get your vitamins in” yes ma’am! I ravage mommy’s tits with my sopping mouth, kneading them really fucking hard for all her milk, gritting her nipple between my teeth, her moaning echoes through my body like the overture of a symphony, her milk so warm and sweet, fuck! I love mommy’s tits! Daddy gets to work on devouring my little shit hole fucking my pussy with his fingers, fucking me so hard I bite down on mommy’s tits screaming and crying and praying for daddy to fuck me forever and ever, daddy slaps my ass making me squeal like a whore, mommy moans pushing the my face deep in her tits, “mmmm, just like that baby, fuck, mommy loves that, ohhh” daddy’s fucking my push so hard I can’t take it anymore, my toes curling, my entire body buzzing with the tides of my orgasm washing over my body, whimpering in mommy’s tit as I cum all over daddy’s fingers, Mr. J teases me “What a messy little slut out little baby is” he slaps my ass. I let mommy’s tit plop out of my mouth with a wide grin across my face struggling to come back down to earth, “She’s had such a long day, daddy, nothin’ like a good night’s rest to feel new again. Come on, sweet pea, I’ll tuck you in.”
After tucking me in they lean in to kiss me goodnight. Mr. J asks me “Ellie’s quite an adorable name, but how about Pumpkin? Would you like to be our little pumpkin?” “I would love to be you r little pumpkin…” “awww she’s one ‘a us now! Sweet dreams, pumpkin!” “Sweet dreams, darling” “thank you mama and daddy, goodnight... I love you...” “awwww, we love you all the same!” They peck me a thousand more times all over my face before leaving me be in my new bed, in my new home, my new parents, my new family… what a day...
#leonysia #leonysian #leonysiancomplex #leonysiancock #leonysiannymph #leonysianphilosophy #leonysianerotica #leonysiancore #leonysianaesthetic #leonysianlifestyle #leonysianfashion #leonysianmood #leonysianvendetta #leonysiandeath #leonysianresurrection #leonysianatonement #leonysianreprisal #leonysianprose #leonysiandoppelganger
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honestsycrets · 4 years
21 & 31 for the mandalorian? :)
One Day || [Din x Reader]
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21: Don’t give me that look.
31: I’m terrified of losing you.
“You’re safe with me.” with baby yoda please. i don’t want real kids but i’d mother the shit outta him. :)
sy notes || this is definitely not a drabble. triggers: wounds, assault, owch.
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It had been time since you saw him last.
At times, you wondered where in the galaxy he rutted off too, but them, of course… it was no longer your business. Your business was simple. Repair what need be repaired and keep your business moving. It wasn’t a particularly lucrative business, but it was a good business. Happy. Forget the past. Forget how his fingers felt, stroking through your hair. Covering him on hard days, even harder nights when he woke in a sweat.
Then you were reminded of why you should never wonder of the place of a Mandalorian. Your modest business became a hail of blasters and half assed bounty hunters. Whizzing and squealing of blasters broke out through your business, and you made your way free from the patched and plucked ceilings, out into the forest away from the hail of fire.
“The guild must really want you, little thing… whatever you are,” you told the Child, whose soft noises guided you even as you rocked the child to stillness, rushing past the passing trees. “But your Din’s, so, that means your mine too.”
At some point, a blinding pain soared through your leg, circular and focused. Your ears buzzed with the loud whine of a spent blaster, whirling your head around. The shock of the wound knocked you down, but you rolled quickly to the brush to the left of you, shoving yourself with your available palm down, catching mush.
For your sake, or perhaps training, the Child does not squeak. His ears shift imperceptibly. Up, down, up again. Fantastic. In the span of one night since he came back, you were going to die. Come to think of it, it wasn’t his fault. It was the galaxy’s fault. Setting this poor child with such a burden. Your eyes fell down to his head, then up again, heaving a deep sigh. “You’re safe here, with me, I promise. Just… just close your eyes until he comes to get you,” your hand fixes upon your blaster, your mouth dry.
“Come on, (Y/N), come out. Is Mando really worth dying for?” a shot, off a few yards. You scratch down on your belly, slow enough that he might not hear. He looks through the foliage, tsking his tongue. “You know I’ll find you anyway. I always do.”
There’s that. But so be it, you think. You lived a good enough life. Maybe you could hide the child.
For a moment, you honestly convinced yourself of that. The blaster goes off again, wracking your heart into your throat. The loud, forced thumps of your heart are enough to throw you into a frenzy as you cowered in your skug. There’s a loud thump, then, nothing. The foliage in front of you creaks in a cry, revealing not that obnoxious wastoid.
“Metalhead,” you growl, offering up the child to the Mandalorian standing there. “Help me up.”
Din dips, offering you his arm to take. Your hand lands on his forearm, using it to drag yourself back up. You dip your head down, looking at the hole clean through your thigh, and roll your head with a sigh.
“Don’t give me that look,” you tell him, despite being unable to see his eyes beneath that helmet. You’re sure under there, his steely and determined eyes would regard you a tad bit judgmentally. Well, it was easy for him. Mandalorians don’t stop going. They got slow. They died. That was the order of things.  
“You’re hit,” he acknowledges.
“Sevad had a lucky shot. I got the others, y’know,” you say, using the tree beside you for balance. Your business seems far now. Too far to walk, at least, to whatever was left there. And the Razor’s Crest. You would, you decided, care for the damn thing when you got there. If you got there.
Which was, of course, why Din hovered in front of you.
“Let me take you in,” Din says.
“Yeah, so another hunter can just come here and fuck us? No.”
Din hands the Child back into your arms. And, in retrospect, you should have left it at that. Let Din do what he wanted to do because really, he was going to do what he wanted to anyway. But when he hauled you up against his chest, the cold beskar against the open wound, your hand slammed on his shoulder plate biting back the pained complaint.
“The fragging wound, Din! Put me down!” You yell, but he ignores you, arms with a slight tremble.
“I was close that time,” he speaks, smooth and even. You hush, paying attention to any words that he might speak. Since he left, you hovered onto his words. Any words that he left you with. Now he was back, if even for the evening, he would leave you something else to cling to. Let him have the last word, even if your head was cloudy with pain.
“Close to what?” you prompt, holding the child close. His soft cooing lines Din’s words.
“Losing you,” he says, pointedly in a moment of clarity. “I’m terrified of losing you.”
You drop silent, focus on the lift and drop of his boots, coming closer and closer to your home of relics. Your tongue moistens your lips, any words you had confiscated by the stern honesty of his trembling words.
“Well, you always seem to bring me trouble. One day you will. But for today,” you say, knowingly, clutching the child a little bit closer-- an extension of your dear Din. A child you would hold close. Din falls silent again. Perhaps realizing it was true. Maybe that was why he left. “Take me home, Din.”
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wri0thesley · 4 years
Formaggio and a la squadra member reader with a bit of “we’re not just friends and you fucking know it” or “friends don’t do this” or god anything you put out will be a national treasure 👌
“Friends don’t do this kind of shit!”
You had never taken Formaggio to be the clueless type. He’s always laughing and joking, making crude allusions - you wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that he was stringing on a hundred other girls, really. He often talked about conquests, though other members of the squad rolled their eyes as if he was making them up - you, though, found yourself biting your lip and willing away the jealous thoughts about him with other girls so that you didn’t give yourself away. 
Because the truth was that you had a horrible, all-consuming crush on Formaggio - and nothing you were doing was managing to actually make him realise that. 
You started small. Making your gaze linger a little longer on him than was strictly necessary. Offering to run little errands for him. When he’d failed to notice that, you’d dialled it up a notch - worn low-cut clothes and short skirts, ran your fingers over the back of his chair when you walked past, laughed a little longer and a little louder at his jokes than anyone else’s. Ghiaccio and Prosciutto and Illuso shot you pitying looks - even though Formaggio didn’t seem to have picked up on the fact you’d gladly let him do anything to you, they most certainly had. 
It’s driving you wild with desire. It’s not even that you just think Formaggio is hot and funny and nice anymore (though you still think all of those) - it’s that you need to get laid. Sometimes he crows about fucking other people and you feel that valley between your thighs start to get slick just from the thought of Formaggio fucking anyone, not just you--
And one night, it gets too much for you. It’s a busy night for La Squadra - everyone except you and Formaggio is out on a mission. Formaggio’s grumbling about not being trusted with a mark even though his stand’s gotta be stronger and he’s more adept than Pesci, and you see the grumpy look on his face and the pout on his lips and you think: it’s now or never. 
You come to sit beside him on the sofa, nestling in a little closer than is strictly needed. 
“I know,” you soothe, to his griping. “I don’t understand why they didn’t send you either.”
“I mean, no offense to the guy, but he’s a fuckin’ liability on missions, and it’d get done a damn sight quicker if they’d sent me instead--”
“None of them realise how good you are at what you do,” you say, shaking your head, inching closer to him. Heat radiates from his thigh as he turns his head, his intense gaze softening as he sees you. 
“Aww, see, you understand me! Wish those fuckin’ assholes could take a leaf outta your book. See, I’m pissed the hell off now--”
“I could help you with that,” you say, and your heart jumps because you can’t believe how forward you’re being with him. “I mean. If you wanted.”
His eyes flicker to you. His throat bobs. You panic, for a second, that you’ve entirely misjudged and maybe you’re not Formaggio’s type at all and he’s about to reject you completely, and you’ll cry yourself to sleep tonight - but then, he laughs. 
“Aww, that’s cute. But I can’t thinka anythin’ that’d help, y’know?”
You swallow again. He can’t be this clueless, surely?
“I can,” you say, and you lay a hand on his knee. His skin is burning hot even through his trousers. You meet his eyes, trying to convey the way you’re feeling in the way you’re looking at him - trying to say a hundred things about how much you want him to kiss you and fuck you and make you come over and over until you can’t remember your own name. 
There’s the bob in his throat again. 
“That’s nicea you to offer,” he says, eventually, his throat dry. He shifts minutely on the sofa, and your eyes can’t help but be drawn down - to where his cock is noticeably tenting in the crotch of his trousers. “But . . . friends don’t do that kinda shit, and I don’t wanna . . . like, ruin anythin’--”
Oh. Oh. 
This was more than you’d hoped for. Your earlier fears that he doesn’t want you are replaced with jubilation as you realise he’s holding back out of professional and friendly courtesy. 
You lower your eyelashes and bite your lip, letting your hand trail from his knee to gently knead at the hard bulge of his cock at his crotch. His breath hitches.
“Maybe,” you whisper. “I do want to ruin something. Or . . . at least, I want you to ruin something.”
“Cutie,” he breathes, through gritted teeth, and you realise he’s fighting against bucking up for more friction. “I . . . I wanna, but we sh-shouldn’t--”
You fake pout.
“You don’t want to ruin me?” You ask, and he swears low under his breath. “I don’t care if it ruins our friendship, as long as you’re willing to maybe try something more than that afterwards--”
Formaggio groans, giving in, rutting his clothed cock against your hand - and you respond with enthusiasm, rubbing and petting at him through the rough denim, cooing softly under your breath at how quickly he folded to you.
You should have done this earlier. 
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briannafrostgirl · 4 years
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An original story by BriannaFrostgirl
The prison cart shook violently with every bump of the road, which were numerous on the clay roads of Lemoyne. With each bump, the shackles that were wearing into Brianna Murphy's wrists and ankles rattled like an angry ghost. She'd long since given up on trying to pick the lock. Her fingers never had been well suited for such fine work and as such her skills were more than a little rusty. Her charm on the other hand...
The bounty hunter was a woman and a beautiful one at that. And well, Brianna had always had a way with the ladies...
The hunter was dressed smartly in shades of grey and black, with a red tie around her neck providing a splash of color and a gold pocket watch tucked into her best pocket. Her curly brown hair was tied up in a simple ponytail, her posture was impeccable, and she had just the right amount of sweat on her brow. She already looked plenty formidable but it was her eyes that told the full story. Deep brown and full of loss and sorrow and determination. The eyes of a woman not lightly crossed. She was focused on the road but Brianna had no doubt that she was more than ready to use the Lancaster repeater on her lap at a second's notice. She was taciturn but the smallest smile played at the corner of her lips, giving the Irishwoman the confidence to try.
"That's a fine gun," she said cheerily in a thick Galway accent. "Looks like it's got a custom frame and grip, if I'm not mistaken."
"You are not," the hunter replied with a little smile, brandishing the gun like a proud mother. "She's my pride and joy, so I keep her well maintained. Only the best for my baby, right? You like her?"
"Oh aye, she's a masterfull piece of work alright," Brianna replied with a grin. "As is the woman holding her."
The other two prisoners - a couple of Lemoyne Raiders who didn't know about bathing or laundry from the smell of them - both groaned but the hunter let out a little chuckle.
"You comin' onto me, miss?" She asked
"Depends. Is it working?" Brianna replied with a smirk.
"Only a little," the hunter laughed. "Not enough to let you out of that cage of that's what you're wondering."
"Would it help if I said I was framed?" Brianna asked playfully, batting her eyelashes coquetishly.
"Well, I got a paper here says you killed three men in Valentine" the hunter replied, brandishing the paper in question. "That true?"
"Well, you're missing some crucial context there..."
"Which is...?"
"They took my hat," Brianna shrugged. "And they cheated at cards. They were assholes, no one will miss em."
"Well that clearly ain't true since someone put a price on your head, Miss Murphy," the hunter chuckled to herself.
Brianna sighed and slumped back down in her seat.
"Looks like you done struck out," one of her traveling companions said with a gleeful smile that showed off his three remaining teeth. "I always heard you Brits was queer but Lord knows I didn't know how right that was."
"Shut your mouth or I'll have to be hanged for four murders instead of three," she replied sulkily.
"Save your threats, Irish," Toothless chuckled. "We'll be out of this cage soon enough. The Lord provides. Or in this case, my brother."
Brianna looked up from her shackles, her eyes narrowed. "Your what?"
BOOM!! The cart was thrown to the side of the road in an explosion of dirt and fire. Brianna could hear the horses bolt, could feel the blood slick on the back of her head. And she could see the other two prisoners gleefully slip out the back, cheering and hollering like wild dogs. With a groan, Brianna rolled out of her seat and followed them.
The side of the road had been torn apart by dynamite, leaving a deep rut that would no doubt annoy travelers for years to come. Toothless' compatriot had his shackles around the hunter's throat, a revolver to her head. Another man in confederate wear, the brother, she supposed, was busy breaking the lock on Toothless' handcuffs.
"What did I tell you, Irish?" He chuckled gleefully. "The Lord provides..."
His chains broken, the talkative bastard bent down and scooped up a revolver from the dirt, tossing it into Brianna's outstretched hands.
"We gotta get outta here, Clem," his brother said, his eyes flitting every which way - a walking, talking bundle of nerves. "No way the sheriff in Rhodes didn't hear that blast."
"In a minute," Toothless replied, rolling his eyes. "Jesus, Joe, you worry too goddamn much. We gotta deal with our captor first..."
He chuckled gleefully, picking up her repeater and reloading it.
"Jesus, Clem..." Joe groaned. "Just put a bullet in her head and let's go."
Brianna winced in spite of herself. "Isn't that a little excessive? Why don't we just tie her up and be on our merry way."
Toothless let out a nasty gaffaw. "You going soft, Irish? You caught feelings for this bounty huntin’ piece of trash."
He approached the hunter, getting his face within inches of hers. "Don't you want to get even with this bitch? She was gonna hang you..."
Brianna rolled her eyes.
"I think I'm gonna make it slow..." Toothless added, his voice getting even nastier if that was possible. "A drop of blood for every one my brothers she's seen hanged."
The hunter gave Brianna a determined stare. "You really sure these folks are the kind you wanna associate with, Miss Murphy?"
Brianna looked at her feet. "It's better than dyin'."
"Is it?" The hunter's gaze remained fixed on Brianna, ignoring her captors entirely. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather die with my honor intact than throw in with these inbred bastards." 
"Shut the hell up," Toothless growled, jamming the gun butt into her head. "Maybe I should just put a bullet in you right now."
Despite the blow, the hunter's gaze remained fixed on Brianna.
She sighed and cocked her gun. "Fuck it."
And with the speed and ease of a practiced marksman, she spun her revolver up and put a round into Toothless' skull.
"What the hell???"
Both Joe and the man who was holding the hunter turned their guns on Brianna, their faces full of shock as their compatriot's lifeless body slumped to the dirt. Quick as lightning, the hunter jammed her knee into her captor's groin, causing him to double over in pain and drop his revolver into her waiting hand. She spun it with grace and put two shots into Joe's chest. Before he even hit the ground, she had put a round into the third man's head and easily extricated herself from his grip.
Brianna stared at her, dumbfounded. "You... You didn't need my help at all, did you?"
The hunter winked at her. "Not really. But I wanted to see what you'd do."
Brianna's cheeks flushed. "I guess we’ve got a stop to make in Rhodes, huh?"
"I guess that depends on you..." The hunter smirked.
She pulled a piece of paper from her vest pocket and wrapped it around her revolver, tossing it to Brianna. She unfurled the paper, her jaw dropping at its contents.
"A bounty hunting license?"
"It pays the bills and it's good honest work," the hunter replied. "And as long as you're doing good, honest work, you and I don't have a problem."
She held up Brianna's wanted poster and tore it in two. "Just try not to shoot anybody else over cards, okay?"
Brianna grinned as she pulled off Joe's gun belt and slipped her two new revolvers into it. "No promises, but I will try."
"Fair enough," the hunter laughed.
She glanced around at the carnage around them, her hands on her hips.
"Well if you wanted to start on your new line of work early, I got three bodies to take into the sheriff in Rhodes and no wagon to transport them," she said with a smile.
Brianna shrugged and hoisted Toothless' corpse up onto her shoulder. "Well I got nowhere better to be, so..."
As the two women headed off down the road, hauling the three confederates along with them, Brianna glanced at her new traveling companion.
"So, uh... About earlier. I didn't have a shot with you, did I?"
The hunter gave her a playful grin. "Well, buy me a drink once we hit Rhodes and we'll see..."
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Fallen Idols: Part Three
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,721
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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If being at this place during the day was creepy enough, at night was a total nightmare. The figures seemed to be bigger than they were, and you could have sworn you saw Gandhi blink when you passed by him. Sam went to go fetch a metal trashcan to burn the items while Dean picked Lincoln’s top hat off the figure and placed it on his own head.
“Check it out,” he grinned before lowering his voice to imitate the president. “Four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat.”
“Dean,” Sam sighed as he held out his hand for the hat.
“We can't have any fun with this?” he scoffed before tossing the hat in the trash can.
“Let's just torch the objects, torch the ghosts, get outta here. Okay?”
“I'll go grab East of Eden's keychain,” Dean smiled before leaving the room through big double doors.
“Better go with him in case he tries to mess around,” you said as you patted Sam’s shoulder before you left. “Dean?”
“Over here,” he grinned as he stared at the replica of Little Bastard with James Dean next to it. He had the keychain in his hand, but he was staring at the wax figure.
“Don’t these creep you out?”
“You’re creeped out? This is awesome,” he chuckled.
“Come on, Sam is waiting for us,” you shook your head. 
Leaving his side, you were about to go back into the other room when the double doors slammed and locked on their own. Quickly glancing back at Dean, you rushed over to the doors and tried to open them.
“Dean? Y/N!” Sam exclaimed as he tried to open the doors. They wouldn’t budge for him and they wouldn’t budge for you either.
“Sam!” you yelled as you rammed your shoulder against the doors to see if that technique would work.
“You’re going to dislocate your shoulder before getting those doors open,” Dean said as he tried to pick the lock.
“No time. Move,” you instructed before blue magic shot from your hands like blue flames. Placing your hands on the door, you gave it a hard shove and they opened with ease.
“Next time start with that,” Dean commented as he rushed inside. Where the Gandhi figure was, Sam and a real-life Gandhi were on the floor with Gandhi’s arms around his neck.
“Is that Gandhi?” Dean gasped. “Dude, he's squirrelly.”
“Get the—” Gandhi elbowed Sam in the chest, momentarily winding him.
“Glasses!” you exclaimed as you snatched the glasses from the figure and tossed it into the trashcan while Dean poured salt and lighter fluid in it. 
As soon as he dropped the lighter in it, Gandhi disappeared in a black poof. Frowning, you rushed over to Sam to help him up.
“You couldn't have been a fan of someone cool?” Dean scoffed as his brother stared at him with his eyes narrowed. “Really? Gandhi?”
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Since technically you torched the items, then you should be clear to leave town, but there has been something that was bugging you about the whole thing. Ghosts go up in flames and screams when they get torched, but not this one. This one just… vanished.
“Ready to blow this joint?” Dean asked his brother and his girlfriend.
“Dean, didn't it strike you as strange the way Gandhi just... vanished?” you asked as Sam came out of the bathroom with a frown on his face.
“Strange how?”
“No screaming, no big flame-out, I mean, that isn't the way ghosts usually go,” Sam answered for you.
“Still, I torched, he vanished.”
“I feel like he was...trying to take a bite out of me.”
“A bite?” you asked.
“Yeah, like he was hungry. But the thing is, Gandhi—the real Gandhi—he was a fruitarian.”
“Let me get this straight,” Dean laughed. “Your, uh, ultimate hero was not only a short man in diapers, but he was also a fruitarian?”
“That's not the point.”
“That is good. That is—even for you, that is good.”
“Look, I'm just saying, I'm not so sure this thing is over.”
“It was a ghost. It was a weirdly super-charged fruitarian ghost, but it was still a ghost. Now let's go,” Dean said as he picked up his bag.
“So first you drag me into town, and now you're dragging me back out.”
“You ain't steering this boat. Let's go, chop chop.”
“You know, this isn't gonna work,” Sam sighed as he set his toiletries bag down.
“What isn't?”
“Us. You, me, Y/N, together, I—I thought it could, but it can't.”
“You're the one that wanted back in, chief.”
“And you're the one who called me back in.”
“I still think we got some trust building to do,” Dean said while you silently packed your bag.
“How long am I gonna be on double-secret probation?”
“Till I say so.”
“Look. I know what I did and what I've done. I am trying to climb out of that hole, I am, but you're not making it any easier.”
“So, what am I supposed to do, just let you off the hook?”
“No. You can think whatever you want. I deserve it, and worse. Hell, you'll never punish me as much as I'm punishing myself, but the point is, if we're gonna be a team—you, Y/N, and I—it has to be a two-way street.”
“So, we just go back to the way we were before?”
“It didn’t really work that way before,” you sighed as you added your input.
“What does that mean?”
“How do you think we got here?” Sam asked. “One of the reasons I went off with Ruby... was to get away from you. It made me feel strong. Like I wasn't yours or Y/N’s kid brother.”
“Are you saying this is our fault?” Dean scoffed.
“No, it's my fault. All I'm saying is that, if we're gonna do this, we have to do it different, we can't just fall into the same rut.”
“What do you want us to do?” you asked as you joined Dean’s side and faced Sam.
“You two are gonna have to let me grow up, for starters.” Dean’s phone rang which cut the tension like a knife, and Dean answered it even if he wasn’t in the mood.
“Yeah?” he looked at you and Sam before looking away. “Yeah, yeah, okay.”
“What is it?” you asked once he hung up.
“I guess you two were right about this not being over.”
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The Sheriff called Dean when another group came to report a missing person in the same way that Cal or even William was reported. Walking into the station, you immediately went over to Rick who seemed at a loss for words.
“Sheriff Carnegie? What happened?”
“I don’t know,” he stuttered with a shake of his head. He indicated to an interview room where two young women were sitting and crying. Frowning, you walked over to the room with the brothers before entering it.
“Excuse me, ladies. We’re with the FBI. Can you tell us what happened?” you asked in a nice voice.
“It was horrible!”
“Way horrible.”
“What was?” Sam asked.
“I thought she'd be nice!” the first girl gasped.
“I still can't believe it.”
“Believe what?” Dean asked.
“She took Danielle!” the first girl exclaimed.
“Ladies take a deep breath and just tell us who took your friend. You’re safe in here,” you tried the soothing tone of voice for their sake.
“It was... Paris Hilton.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Sam gasped.
“Where did… Paris… take your friend?” you wondered.
“We don’t know. They just vanished!”
“Would you excuse us for just a minute?” Dean chuckled as he took you and Sam out of the room
“Paris Hilton's not dead as far as we know, right?”
“No, she isn’t. Which means it’s not a ghost. Either she’s a homicidal maniac or we missed something completely,” you sighed.
“What do you want to do?”
“I think we need to check out the victims.”
“Not it,” Dean said quickly before putting his finger on his nose. “Have fun with that.”
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“Did you find anything in there?” you asked as Sam looked through Cal’s file.
“There was a substance in his stomach that they didn’t remove.”
“Are you going to go digging, or am I?” you asked as you snapped on some white latex gloves with a smile.
“Ladies first…?”
“Wimp,” you smirked as you grabbed the scalpel. Taking a deep breath, you started to cut the man’s chest so you could go digging for gold. “Don’t take Dean so seriously.”
“He’s just… overwhelmed, I guess. Zachariah sent me and Dean five years into the future, and we saw some pretty terrible things. Just don’t say yes to Lucifer, okay? Whatever you do, don’t say yes,” you whispered as you stuck your hand inside his chest before feeling your way around.
“You find anything?”
“Yeah, actually,” you frowned before grasping the two small hard objects. Pulling them out, you stared at the seeds that were in his stomach. “Are these seeds? And there should have been a lot more blood here.”
“I think we need to check out William,” Sam declared.
“Alright, but it’s your turn to go into the deep, dark, abyss,” you smirked. After Sam had checked William out and found the same exact seed in his stomach, you two quickly bagged the items and left the place to meet Dean who was waiting outside.
“I can't believe we missed it,” Sam sighed.
“Missed what?” Dean asked as he stood up and started to head back to the Impala.
“We went back over the other two vics. There was blood loss. Major. More blood loss than a car crash or a GSW should cause.”
“It’s like something is feeding,” you finished.
“And then,” Sam took out the baggie with the seeds in it, “there were these.”
“What are those, seeds?”
“Yeah. They were in both vics' bellies.”
“I hope you two washed your hands,” Dean shuddered.
“They're unlike any seed I've ever seen before, Dean.”
“Wow, just when I thought you couldn't get any geekier,” he chuckled before walking to the driver’s side of the car. Patting Sam on the shoulder, you got in the back so that more research could be done at the motel.
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fandomoniumflurry · 4 years
Sam Winchester x OFC Marta
for @spnabobingo​ Square: Gunpowder/Leather/Anise
for @spnkinkbingo​ Square: Free Space
for @deanandsambingo​ Square: A/B/O
Rated M for Mature: some sex and swearing, abo dynamics, rut/heat
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“I swear to God, you take one more step, I will pull this trigger.” The fire in her eyes proved the seriousness of her statement. Her hands didn’t shake and her body gave no hint of relaxation nor fear, only determination and steadfastness. Seeing that she would not be backing down, Sam stopped and slowly raised his hands in surrender. “Don’t even think of playing hero, Hercules. Toss the gun.” Her head gestured as if she could see the pistol in the back of his jeans, right through his stomach. 
Sam’s nostrils flared, more out of annoyance than intimidation or defiance. He pulled the gun from its resting place and made a show of slowly tossing it in her direction. “Call off your bodyguard too.” The Winchester’s face fell and his eyes turned to where his brother was waiting in the shadows. “If you don’t want a bullet through Shaggy’s head, I’d come out and play, Scooby Doo.” She held her gaze on the younger man as she addressed the eldest that stepped out of the brush. “Seems like I’ve found the island of the Amazon Wonder Men.” She stated with a straight face and Dean’s eyes rolled. “Get rid of your piece too, Ken Doll.” Her head gestured again as she eyed Dean from the corner of her peripheral.
“How did you know I was out there?” The elder questioned as he pulled his own gun and tossed it to her feet. 
She scoffed a light laugh as she turned her gaze slightly more toward him, Sam still clearly in her sight. “Are you shitting me? You two are the smelliest Alphas I’ve ever scented. I could smell you coming a mile away.” Dean’s lips pursed as he internally cursed his own genetics. “Gotta say though, you two do smell good. Mixture of gunpowder, leather and …” Her face wrinkled in thought before she sniffed the air. “Anise.” Dean seemed confused by the word and looked to his brother for explanation. The younger shook his head, this not being the time for an herbalism lesson. “Just take it as a compliment, will ya?” 
They couldn’t pick up any kind of scent from her however. This caused Sam’s face to wrinkle and she caught him trying to catch a whiff as a breeze blew through her hair. “You won’t catch anything. I got a good witch doctor that whips me up some damn good suppressants.” 
Dean’s head nodded slowly as he flashed a crooked smirk. “So you’re an Omega. Pretty tough and feisty for a ‘Mega.” 
Her eyes lit up again with a burning flame as her head jolted toward him. “You’d do good to keep your fucking mouth closed about things you don’t understand.” He saw her finger twitch and he quickly took a half step back, lowering his head as if in submission. 
“What do you plan on doing with us? We can’t just stand out here like this until the end of time.” Sam spoke, grabbing her attention away from his brother once more. “You don’t seem like the cold blooded killer type.” 
“You don’t know me!” She growled, pushing her gun out further, her arm rigid and tight like a coil that could unfurl and fire at any moment. It appeared that she was losing her edge, whatever insecurities she had were being prodded to cause her rage to rise. This made her even more dangerous with a gun in their direction. Sam nodded and silenced himself, lowering his head in mirror to his brother. 
The heightened emotions seemed to burn through her suppressants because it was that moment that a new scent wafted through the air. Sam’s head shot up at the smell and fear flashed in her eyes when she realized what was happening. The arm with the gun fell and with a spin on her heels, she darted off in a flash. Sam moved to take chase but Dean was there with a firm hand to his chest to stop him. The taller man took in a slow breath, cleansing his nostrils of the lingering smell and composing himself, offering Dean a nod of thanks. 
“Do you think she’s the one that kidnapped the tourists?” Sam questioned as they made their way back to the Impala. 
Dean adjusted the collar of his jacket to block out the cool air before shrugging. “She’s our only suspect right now. The sooner we find her the better and hopefully, when we do, she’ll be in a better mood. And not have a gun.” Sam chuckled lightly, nodding in agreeance before they both climbed into the car, missing the fact that their perp was lingering in the darkening blackness of the treeline. 
She was coated in sweat, body quivering and her breathing quick and labored as her heart thudded rapidly in her chest. The suppressants were supposed to prevent this and yet here she was, thrown into the worst heat she had ever experienced since she presented at sixteen. She knew what had triggered it but didn’t want to accept it so it was just time to disappear again. She was good at that, running away without leaving a trace. She’d been doing it her whole life and she never really planned on stopping. No matter how good he smelled and no matter how much she wanted to chase him down, she took off running in the opposite direction. 
They weren’t even back to the motel before Sam was in full blown rut. The fever was so bad that Dean had to put him in an ice bath the moment they got to the room. It took far too long to fill the tub with one ice bucket and an ice machine all the way down the hall. Neither brother could understand why it had come on so early and so fast. The boys had a routine, their ruts usually coming around at the same time. They had time to prepare and make plans but this came with no warning so there was no preparation for this. 
She didn’t get very far either before she was down for the count. But unlike the Alpha, she was alone deep within the mountains, a tiny shack hidden in the trees. She had been alone for years but this time, all she wanted was to be held, to be knotted, to be loved. She wanted someone to help her through this time to the point it made the ache even worse. She had never wanted to have an Alpha to rely on until that damn Sasquatch showed up and destroyed the walls she had tried so hard to build up. 
“I can’t just leave you here and go out to look for some mysterious Omega!” Dean hated arguing with the stubborn younger Alpha. The eldest Winchester was tired and frazzled, without an idea of what else to do. 
“Then fucking call Cas!” Sam growled, his hair sticking to the sweat coating his face. His brother heaved a sigh, nodding in acquiescence. 
“You don’t know her name and you can only give me a brief description of how she looks. And you expect me to just magically find her?” Castiel’s deadpan expression caused Dean to narrow his gaze at the angel standing before him. 
“She smells like cocoa!” The youngest Winchester pushed out through ground teeth. Cas looked judgmentally toward the older brother and Dean pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. 
“The last place we saw her was out in the woods. She headed north up into the mountains. That’s all I got, man. You gotta find her somehow. He refuses anything else and this rut is bad. He’s gonna let himself die. If he’s like this, I can only imagine what state she’s in.” Dean explained, his arms crossed over his chest, his concern and fear not hidden well beneath the firm wall of composure. 
Castiel’s shoulders lifted as he took in a slow breath and let it out with a nod of his head. “I will do the best I can. I will help Sam rest first.” He made his way to the bedside, placing his hand upon the thrashing Alpha’s forehead. Within a moment, the man calmed and drifted off into a deep sleep. The angel looked to the other Winchester now before the rush of wings preceded his disappearance. For the first time in a few hours, Dean finally sat down.
She had tossed her guns outside just because she couldn’t tolerate the lingering scent of gunpowder. Her leather jacket was locked away in the car with the leather interior. And yet the smell of him still lingered, like it was permanently burned into her nostrils. She swore and cursed in Spanish, yelling at God for besetting her with such horrid genes. 
But these prayers didn't reach God. No, they reached the ears of a blue eyed angel that was on the hunt for her. The lack of scent hid the angel from her senses until she spotted him out of the corner of her eye, standing near her bed. Letting out a scream, she slid off the bed and dropped to the floor. She didn’t get a good look at him and didn’t even cover her nakedness before everything went dark. 
“I had no time to explain.” Cas stated flatly, Dean covering his eyes with his hands the moment he spotted the naked women in the angel’s arms. 
“You couldn’t have at least gotten a blanket or something?” The Winchester questioned, his nose wrinkling when he caught her scent. Castiel didn’t answer, simply pushed past him to lay the sleeping Omega next to the knocked out younger Alpha. “We might wanna get outta here before they wake up. I really don’t want to see that side of my brother.” Cas didn’t give him time to prepare before he teleported them both away, leaving the pair in the bed. 
She was the first to wake, confused and groggy as her eyes slowly adjusted to reality. Her brain processed things slowly and it wasn’t until she began to sit up that she was reminded of her uninvited visitor. She was still naked but she wasn’t in as much pain, as a matter of fact she felt calmer, peaceful, safe. As she took in a breath, she would know why. The sweet smell of anise, coated in leather and dusted with gunpowder. 
Her head turned and there lay the large stranger she had ran from hours before. He was sleeping peacefully and she had never seen anything more beautiful. She didn’t even question how she had made it here, how he had found her, simply accepted the fact that they were back together. She didn’t know his name, where he lived, what he did for a living, it didn’t matter. He was hers and she needed him more than anything. 
She didn’t wait for him to wake up before she straddled his hips and began to roll her own against him. She groaned, throwing her head back as her slick coated his erection. He was definitely proportionate, perfectly long and thick just like the rest of him. Her hands came to rest on his firm chest and his eyes slowly opened to meet hers, a fire of lust and desire flashing in his hazel hues. 
“I’m Marta and I need you to fuck me now.” She spurted out, thick with her arousal, quiet and timid. He swallowed hard, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as he seemed to hold himself back. “Please.” She whimpered as she rolled her hips. 
His fingers dug into her hip bones as he growled deep in his throat. “I’m Sam and I’m going to take care of you from now on.” His mouth crashed against hers and he easily rolled them over, wasting no time burying himself inside her. This first time would be quick and hungry but the couple would get to know each other deeply over the next few days. The final day of Sam’s rut, he would claim her, making her his forever. 
“Is it safe?” Dean asked after he knocked on the motel door. The two chuckled, cuddled up, a naked mess of limbs in the bed they barely got out of the past few days. 
“Give us another half hour.” Marta called out to the man she couldn’t wait to meet, having heard so much about him already. 
“Make it an hour!” Sam called before burying his head in her neck and nipping at the flesh.
There was an audible from outside the door. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” He stated flatly.
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manynarrators · 5 years
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post 3-5 songs that remind you of your muse. rules:   repost,   don’t   reblog.
001: Far From Home (The Raven) - Sam Tinnesz : I'm sending raven / Black bird in the sky / Sending a signal that I'm here / Some sign of life / I'm sending a message / Of feathers and bone / Just let me know I'm not forgotten / Out here alone / The air is cold / The night is long / I feel like I might fade into the dawn / Fade until I'm gone / Oh / I'm so far from home / So far from home / Oh / Not where I belong / Not where I belong / Oh / I'm so far from home / So far from home /  I'm sending a raven / With blood on its wings / Hoping it reaches you in time / And you know what it means / Cause out here in the darkness / And out of the light / If you get to me too late / Just know that I tried
002 : Neptune - Sleeping at Last:  Till the blame grew too heavy / Stitch by stitch I tear apart / If brokenness is a form of art / I must be a poster child prodigy / Thread by thread I come apart / If brokenness is a work of art / Surely this must be my masterpiece / I'm only honest when it rains / If I time it right, the thunder breaks / When I open my mouth / I wanna tell you but I don't know how / I'm only honest when it rains / An open book, with a torn out page / And my inks run out
003 :  Dernière Danse - Indila : So the song is in French, and he lyrics do work in English, but there isn’t a really amazing translation, so this one doesn’t get lyrics.
004 :  In the Light - DC Talk : I keep trying to find a life / On my own, apart from You / I am the king of excuses / I've got one for every selfish thing I do / What's going on inside of me? I despise my own behavior / This only serves to confirm my suspicions / That I'm still a man in need of a Savior / I wanna be in the Light / As You are in the Light / I wanna shine like the stars in the heavens / Oh, Lord be my Light and be my salvation / Cause all I want is to be in the Light / All I want is to be in the Light / The disease of self runs through my blood / It's a cancer fatal to my soul / Every attempt on my behalf has failed / To bring this sickness under control
005 : Be My Escape - Relient K  :  This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption / Because I know to live you must give your life away / And I've been housing all this doubt and insecurity and / I've been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key / And I've been dying to get out and that might be the death of me / And even though, there's no way in knowing / Where to go, promise I'm going because / I gotta get outta here / I'm stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake / I gotta get outta here / And I'm begging you, I'm begging you, I'm begging you to be my escape
tagged   : @strategiic​
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elapsed-spiral · 5 years
Superfast Ficlet: Can I Kick It? (2Doc PWP)
Title: Can I Kick It? 
Pairing: 2Doc
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “Come down and play with your balls?”
Warnings: Written while hopped up on cold medicine. Basically a PWP ficlet about football written by someone with zero interest in football (but cunningly written from the POV of a character who also knows absolutely nothing about football). Mild sexism but for Sexy Reasons. Barely self betaed.
Murdoc wakes to thumping sounds. It takes him a second to appreciate the thumping is coming from outside and not his whiskey battered brain. He pulls himself out of bed, shoves his curtains open and looks down. Directly under his bedroom window, one floor down, 2D is kicking a football against the wall of Wobble Street's kitchen.
More than that: 2D is kicking a football against the wall of Wobble Street's kitchen in full football kit. The red and white striped ensemble looks one size too small and dated in a way that suggests it belonged to a much younger Stuart. Panning down further, Murdoc sees that he's even sporting bright red socks and daft studded boots. 2D clearly senses he's being watched, traps the ball under his foot and glances up. Murdoc opens his window and sticks his head out.
“Morning,” Murdoc offers.
“It's three in the afternoon.”
“Not sure you're in a position to be a smart arse dressed like that.”
“I look good,” 2D says with an easy shrug.
“More to the point, why are you dressed like that?”
“My mum was having a clear out, sent me some of my old stuff.” 2D starts passing the ball back and forth between his feet. “It's been forever since I had a kickabout.”
“You woke me up.”
2D goes back to kicking the ball against the wall.
“It's three in the afternoon.” He punctuates the words with strikes. “No sympathy.”
Murdoc carries on leaning out the window, watching him. 2D returns the look, smiling in a self-satisfied way.
“Come down.”
“Come down and play with your balls?”
“Just the one.”
“Not last time I checked.”
2D's smile threatens to falter. He casts quick looks at the six foot fences either side of the garden.
“The neighbours'll complain if you keep it up.”
“We're getting evicted anyway,” Murdoc dismisses. “Might as well be for over-loud conversations about your testicles.”
“Just come down and shut your gob for once.”
Murdoc throws on a t-shirt, jeans and boots and lets himself out the back. The ball goes sailing by his feet as he steps outside and 2D tuts in disappointment.
“How'd you miss that?”
“I didn't miss it. I'm not playing.”
2D strides past him, stops the ball with one foot then passes it back and forth as he comes to stand directly in front of Murdoc.
“When'd you last play?”
Murdoc pretends to consider the question.
“Er, never.”
2D's eyebrows fly up.
“That's what I said.”
“How've you never played football? That's ridiculous.”
Murdoc gestures to 2D's football kit silently. 2D idly starts playing keepie uppie, bouncing the ball on his thigh.
“I told you already, I look good.” He tries to pass the ball over his head to balance between his shoulder blades but it rolls away. He chases it with a grumble of “never could do that”.
“If that's everything, I'll be going back in.”
“Play wimme.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Murdoc asks, hand on the door handle. 2D gives him a slow, easy smile.
“Play and you'll find out.”
Reluctantly, Murdoc trudges over. 2D leads the way onto the scrubby grass beyond the patio.
“We don't have goals or anything,” Murdoc points out. 2D glances around.
“If you can kick it between that plant pot.” He jabs with a finger. “And that bottle of Psycho Jerry's, you've scored.” He turns to look over Murdoc's shoulder. “If I can get it between that old tyre and that.” He squints. “Thong, I've scored. Whose is that anyway?”
Murdoc casts a glance at it.
“S'not silk, so it's not mine.” 2D looks wrong-footed by his answer.
“We need a spring clean, this place's disgusting.”
“Nowt compared with Kong, you're getting too prissy,” Murdoc chastises. He gives the football badge on 2D's shirt a prompting tap. “Let's get this over with.”
2D starts kicking the ball, passing it from foot to foot. He easily sidesteps Murdoc, who mostly just watches him go. He pulls his leg back and strikes the ball with a completely unnecessary level of force, sending it sailing between the “goalposts” and bouncing off the wall of Wobble Street.
“You're paying if you put a window through.”
“Are you even trying?” 2D asks, picking up the ball and throwing it back to Murdoc. Murdoc traps it awkwardly under one Cuban heel. “You're not really wearing the right footwear for this.”
“Weird that.” Murdoc experimentally taps the ball forward. It mostly goes in the direction he intended but sure enough, 2D stops it, tears away and powers it between the tyre and thong once again. 2D spots something in Murdoc's expression and gives him a smug smirk as he throws the ball back at his feet.
“Always wanted to be a footballer. I nearly got into Pease Pottage under sixteens.”
Despite his total lack of football knowledge, Murdoc senses how dubious 2D’s bragging rights are. Regardless, it's obvious that 2D can play decently: he steals the ball time and again, controlling it effortlessly before taking powerful kicks that have his ridiculously long legs up by his hips.
“Best footballer outta my mates by a long shot. Just a bit slow.”
“What, when you play football or generally speaking?” Murdoc asks. 2D gives him an unimpressed look as he sneaks the ball out from under him again. Murdoc makes a grab for the back of 2D's shirt in his effort to knock the ball away and nearly trips himself in the process. 2D whips around to give Murdoc a playful shove and Murdoc can feel the heat radiating off him, smells the sour tang of sweat. He makes no effort to hide his hungry stare.
“You'll get booked for grabbing my shirt,” 2D warns, getting the ball back but staying close to Murdoc. Murdoc tries to swipe it at with his foot but 2D spins away with a pleased grin. He kicks, scores, and jogs off to retrieve the ball and throw it back.
“Are you really surprised I play dirty?”
2D steals the ball again rather than answer. Matters are made easier still since Murdoc is too distracted by the slightly stiff way 2D's moving to try and tackle him.
“Walking a bit funny there Stu,” Murdoc calls after him and 2D looks back over his shoulder, panting slightly from the exertion.
“Yeah, wonder why.”
“You always get a stiffy when you play?”
2D shoots glances at the neighbouring houses before looking back at Murdoc.
“No, must be something about this particular fixture.”
“Must be,” Murdoc agrees with a toothy grin. 2D kicks the ball back over and Murdoc attempts to tackle him again before, in a flash of inspiration, dropping flat on his back on the ground instead. 2D looks momentarily alarmed before spotting the way Murdoc drapes his arms above his head with a self-congratulatory smile.
“You alright Drogba?”
“I assume I'm meant to know who that is.”
“Yeah,” 2D agrees. He stands, a foot either side of Murdoc's prone body and Murdoc looks up at him eagerly. “If you were a proper man you'd know.”
Murdoc lets out an appreciative noise at the words. 2D waits a moment longer before getting down on the grass and settling between Murdoc's spread and bracketing legs. He plants a hand either side of Murdoc's head and leans down to kiss him hard. Murdoc leaves his arms above his head and lets himself be kissed, panting against 2D's mouth. After they break apart, he watches how 2D works down his shorts and shoves up his shirt.
“This kit’s out of production,” 2D explains, voice croaky with want. “M'not getting spunk on it.”
“Travesty though that'd be.”
2D gives him an unimpressed look before lining up their crotches. Murdoc feels himself get uncomfortably hard at the sight of 2D's cock, clearly outlined in his briefs by precome. 2D rolls his hips slowly against Murdoc's bulging jeans and Murdoc lets his head loll back as he groans. 2D leans forward and mouths at his neck, making Murdoc's head swim with the smell of sweat. He grips at the grass and soil as 2D ruts against him, breathing in sharp, hissed breaths.
“You wearing a thong today?” 2D gasps out. Murdoc swallows hard, only managing a shake of his head. “Shoulda done. I made an effort, you should too.”
Murdoc meets 2D’s eye then glances down, gaze roving over the barely-there muscles of 2D's stomach as he grinds down against him. 2D watches him watching, smiling with obvious satisfaction. Out of the corner of his eye, Murdoc is convinced he sees a neighbouring house's net curtain twitch. The thought is enough to send him over the edge and he comes, head thrown back with a pitiful whine. 2D quickly follows as he watches Murdoc coming apart underneath him. He joins Murdoc in lying on the grass afterwards, shirt still hiked and shorts still down, white pants practically sheer with come. Murdoc takes as many mental images as his orgasm addled brain will allow.
“Aren't you gonna congratulate me on my win?” 2D asks hoarsely, wiping one large hand over his sweaty forehead, leaving his hair standing on end. When Murdoc looks blank, 2D elaborates. “The football, not the sex.”
“Was gonna say. I think the sex was very Hot Chocolate,” Murdoc says breathlessly. It's 2D's turn to look nonplussed. ““Everyone's a winner, baby”.” Murdoc lifts one leaden arm to jab at the neighbour's window. “Including the perves at 210.”
2D blanches, hands going to cover his crotch.
“You're kidding?”
“Might've imagined it,” Murdoc shrugs. “Nevermind: we're either getting evicted or we're getting a threesome, golden balls.”
2D gives him a surprised grin.
“Was that a football joke?”
“Don't get used to it.”
Murdoc allows himself a long and blatant study of 2D as his breathing goes back to normal. 2D stretches out with a smile. 
“So you wanted to be a footballer when you were a kid eh?”
“How about a fireman?” Murdoc asks with a hopeful leer.
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It was Fate
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Hey love your writing, been reading it all day and just wow. I was wondering if you could please write a one shot where Negan saves someone with mouth to mouth or something like that sorry for the weird request thanks
Hi, human trashcan here! I thought for the thanksgiving holiday, I’d get off my ass and actually post a one shot. I was working on a one shot for the anniversary of my friend’s passing but that was all the way back in July so I think I’ll save it for December on what would’ve been her birthday. I missed posting on here to be honest. And I’m here with another Negan one shot for you guys. And thanks a bunch for 2,000 followers! That’s pretty freaking wild. I’ve never had 2,000 followers on any of my social media before so this is super weird haha! ANYWAYS, enjoy! And hope you guys had a fun holiday! <3
It was never a dull moment. Every day offered a new adventure. And every day was a good day, at least for Negan it was. It felt like he had the entire world in his hands. Still, it felt very mundane sometimes. Would it kill the world to give him some excitement once in a damn while.
Just like any other day, Negan and his boys were heading over to Alexandria to collect their offering. Dwight was driving while Negan sat beside him, Lucille rested in between his feet. Negan leaned back in his seat, sighing heavily, “Goddamn. We should just set up camp in Alexandria. Avoid this long ass trip to and from.”
“You didn’t have to come,” Dwight pointed out, “You know I’ve got it handled.”
Negan nodded, “I know ya do, D. But I gotta admit I just love payin’ that asshole, Rick a visit every now and then. I’m just rambling.”
“You’ve been acting…not like yourself lately,” Dwight remarked, “Maybe it’s none of my business but um…everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” Negan said with another sigh, “Just bored. I can do whatever I want, I have all those wives to keep me company, and I’m bored. Can you believe that shit? Need something, someone to get me outta this rut.”
“Who knows,” Dwight said, “Every day is so different. But how many people have we run into just running around these roads on a random afternoon? Seems like the rest of the world is pretty much dead.”
“Shit, gettin’ a little dark there,” Negan chuckled. The truck driving in front of Dwight slowly came to a stop as they were rounding the corner and Negan groaned, leaning over to try and get a peek, “What the hell are they stopped for?”
Dwight took the key from the ignition and opened up the car door, “Gonna go find out.”
Negan climbed out after him and started tapping on every vehicle he passed by until he reached the very front. They had stopped in front of a pond where a few of his men and had up to but Negan wasn’t the slightest bit focused on them. He went straight over to Simon, resting Lucille on his shoulder, “You wanna tell me what in the fresh fuck is going on here?”
“I don’t know,” Simon grumbled, “They saw something over by the pond. Told them not to stop, that we’ve got shit to do but they wouldn’t listen. Probably just one of the dead ones or something.”
“Ah hell,” Negan muttered. He turned and headed down the small slope that went down to the pond. His men were leaning over as far as they could without actually getting into the water and he shoved through them, “What the fuck are you looking at?”
“Someone was thrashing all around in there,” one man said, “But I can’t see them now.”
A young woman’s head popped out of the water, gasping for air. She thrashed around in the water, her eyes wide and filled with fear. They were all so surprised to see her come up that they couldn’t grab her in time before she plunged back down. “Holy shit,” Negan gasped. He shoved his bat at the man to his right and threw his jacket down onto the dirt, “Someone’s apparently gotta get off their ass and move!” Negan dove into the water, finding the girl being tugged down by a dead one, though it moved a little slower because it was underwater. The girl was losing consciousness by the time Negan got to her. With no weapons to kill the dead one, Negan simply kicked it and tore the girl from its grip. He brought her up to the surface, inhaling sharply as he was finally able to take a breath. Carrying her dead weight, he swam awkwardly to the shore, laying her soaking wet body down onto the ground.
“Everyone back up!” Negan shouted, “Give us some space!”
“Doesn’t look like she’s breathing,” one of Negan’s men said, placing his hand over the holster that held his knife.
“Don’t you dare,” Negan snapped. He clasped his hands together and pushed down on the center of her chest, pumping rapidly. He took a break from that and tilted the girl’s head back and lifted her chin. Pinching her nose, he covered her mouth with his, and blew. He was surprised by how panicked he was. He shouldn’t care if this complete stranger lived or died but there he was continuing with the CPR. At first it seemed hopeless. He pressed against her chest as many times as he could as hard as he could and he gave her as much air as he could and it seemed he’d lost her.
It all started out as a simple fishing trip. You’d just wanted something to eat tonight as food had been so hard to find. You had been alone these past few weeks and that meant that no one could tell you to watch out when a biter came up behind you. It had surprised you and you slipped into the deeper part of the pond. The biter went with you and sank but it didn’t accomplish this without taking you down with it. You hadn’t even thought to call for help as you hadn’t seen another soul in weeks. The trucks driving by had been quite the shock and you were actually able to cry out once before being pulled down to the bottom of the pond. You caught a glimpse of a dark haired man reaching for you before you blacked out. There was a strange feeling of peace that washed you. Is this what death actually felt like? Everything you ever worried about fading away? No longer caring about the pain of all that you’ve lost, all that you’ve experienced. All that trauma and heartache was gone.
The peace you were feeling was starting to get farther and farther away. Your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you saw was the same dark haired man blowing into your mouth. You pushed him off of you, coughing up a bunch of water that just splashed back into your face. The man helped you sit up, his hand on your back as you continued coughing and hacking, breathing in deeply.
“There she is,” he said, patting your back, “Thought we’d lost you there. How the fuck did you end up in that little predicament.”
“Tried fishing,” you panted, slicking your wet hair back, “Guess I should try other ways of finding food.”
The dark haired man looked over the others that were suddenly surrounding you and he shook his head, “Cancel our little trip. We should take her back to the sanctuary.”
“That won’t be necessary,” you said in between coughs, “I’m fine now.”
“You’re soaking wet and you almost died,” he persisted, “And you’re all alone. You won’t make it alone. Just come with us, won’t you? Just for a little while?”
You sighed, “I will if you tell me your name.”
He smiled and stood up, taking you by the hand and helping you up onto your feet, “The name’s Negan.”
You were slightly startled by all the trucks Negan had with him but you still left with him. It probably wasn’t your smartest move but he had jumped in the water to save you from a biter. He couldn’t be that bad, could he? And not only that, he was offering shelter. And you needed shelter desperately. And food. Seeing the sanctuary overwhelmed you even more. You had gone from being all alone to being in a place overflowing with people. You were sitting in the backseat and Negan was peeking at you through the rearview mirror, picking up on your anxiety.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he said, “Just stick with me. Hey, you never did tell me your name.”
“Y/N,” you replied, “This is…a lot. Oh and I’m sorry you guys had to cancel whatever trip you’d planned.”
“Don’t worry about it, darlin’,” Negan said, “Always can just go back next week.”
Once you were safe behind the gates, Negan had you set up with a room of your own, some food, and a dry, clean change of clothes. You were even able to take a bath and clean the last few weeks off your body. You’d turned the bath water grey but at least you were clean. No one had been this nice to you up to this point. You were fed, warm, and most importantly, safe. Could it get any better than this?
“Y/N?” a voice spoke up from behind the door of your new room, “You decent?”
“Come in,” you called back, taking a seat on your new bed. You fought back the urge to get excited over your bed as the door creaked open and Negan’s large frame stood in the doorway, “Oh, Negan. Hi! How’s it going?”
“I was just about to ask you the same question,” Negan said, “How’re you liking your new setup here?”
“I’m trying not to like this too much,” you said, smoothing out the bedspread, “Feels too good to be true. So unreal, ya know?”
“I hear that,” Negan chuckled, “But get comfortable, Y/N. If you want, this could be your new home. I gotta thank you by the way.”
“Thank me?” you said with a laugh, “For what?”
“Been in such a rut,” Negan said, shrugging, “I had said right before we found you that I needed something exciting to come along. Or someone.”
“So a drowning girl is just what you needed,” you teased. Negan looked a little flustered for the first time after this entire time of being confident and cheeky, “I’m kidding. Well, I was looking for safety and more people and then you came along. So, it would seem that…I dunno, it was fate that we found each other.”
“You think so?”
“What would you call it?”
Negan smiled, kicking his foot and looking down at the ground, “Guess I’d call it fate, wouldn’t I?”
You laughed and stood from your bed. You joined him at the doorway and grasped onto the collar of his leather jacket. You weren’t sure what to expect from your stay here in the sanctuary with Negan. Hell, you didn’t even know much more about Negan other than his name and the rather intriguing baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that he carried everywhere. But maybe you needed something exciting too.
“You’d have to,” you giggled, “Just ain’t no other explanation. But it looks like we’ve got so much more excitement heading our way, Negan.”
HI IT’S BEEN A WHILE, HOW ARE YA? HOW HAVE YA BEEN? I hope this one shot was okay. It’s been a bit since I wrote a one shot and I’m a little rusty. But anyways, love you guys! Have a good holiday weekend 😊
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crewhonk · 6 years
divebar (smut)
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In which reader discovers maybe change isn’t necessary for good things to happen. 
AN: reader and billy were in an unofficial relationship which started the summer before he left.
Words: 3,810
Warnings: Smut, Swearing
It was just another Tuesday, in sunny California when you found yourself in some dingy bar with decor that showed the building's age. The wallpaper was old and dirty and you’re pretty sure it was peeling in one of the far corners but they made their drinks strong and cheap and that's all you were here for. It had been a disastrous day at the magazine office which you worked at, and if another one of your articles were rejected you were pretty sure you were actually going to lose your fucking mind. The bartender, who had become a familiar face in your life simply slid a large shot glass towards you and dropped his eye into a wink. You smiled politely back and raised your glass to him before drinking the entire thing without so much as a wince. You thought that once adult life would be exciting and full of sun and waves but you were sorely disappointed when you were only greeted with monotonous routine and grey pencil skirts that cost too much money. 
You didn’t even notice when the bell above the door rang— it couldn’t be anyone interesting because it was five on a Tuesday and you knew whoever had just walked in was probably in a rut similar to your own. You asked the bartender for some cheap beer and the cold glass found its place in your palm— the condensation making it wet and cold. You were staring at the many bottles on the shelf behind the bar when the bartender placed a shot of whiskey in front of you and you looked up at him with an eyebrow tiredly raised. 
“I didn’t ask for this.” You murmured. Your words were slightly muffled by the palm pressed against your cheek. He smiled warmly back at you and pointed a meaty thumb towards the end of the bar. 
“Didn’t need to, Darlin’.” You looked over at the person who had ordered this and you swore your eyebrows shot off your forehead. 
Jesus Christ, it was Billy Hargrove. 
“Billy Hargrove, holy shit!” You smiled and motioned for him to join you. Your feet were too sore and you had too many things to carry over, but he seemed more than happy to shuffle over to you. 
“You lost the mullet?!” You gasped, reaching your hand up to mess with the front of his hair. It was long at the top but shaved down on the sides. It was sharp, and the smile your touch brought from him made your heart stutter. Yeah, good to know you still felt the same way you did in high school, and by the way he was blushing, he did too. 
“Yeah, figured since I’m almost twenty it was about time.” He smiled down at you and you could have kicked your feet in girly giddiness. You tucked your hair behind your ear and leaned your hand against your fist. 
“What brings Billy Hargrove back to the land of the living, huh?” 
He scoffed and took the shot he had ordered for you, slamming it back down on the counter. You flinched at the hostility of his actions— this Billy was angrier than the one that left two years ago, and the way his tongue slid across his white teeth made a shiver roll up your spine. You were still trying to figure out if the shiver was welcomed or not when he started to speak. 
“Hawkins was a fuckin’ wasteland, Babe.” He seemed to snarl the words and the way he said ‘Hawkins’ made you believe it could have been a swear.
“Oh, come on. It couldn’t have been that bad?” You scooted closer to him so you could rest a hand on his knee. He intertwined your fingers together and his grip on your hand was almost suffocating. 
“It was full of monsters, Y/N. You don’t even know.” He mumbled and you had to lean closer to hear him. He wasn’t looking at you anymore, and you squeezed his hand once so he would look up at you. 
“Well, you’re back home now.” You smiled and he looked down at your lips quickly before looking up at you and giving you a small nod. 
“I guess I am, huh?”
You had spent the rest of the evening in that shitty dive-in bar, and Billy had told you so much about the past two years that made you want to cry and scream and kick Neil and this stupid Harrington kid to the curb. He felt the same way about your life situation— the stagnancy, the blandness of it all, and the more drinks you had, the louder you talked. 
“And he had this stupid fucking hair, Babe. Like I swear, it was taller than his dick was long. There is no way that he wasn’t compensating for somethin’.” He drank another shot and leaned into you. You had since moved from the bar stools to a booth in the far corner near the peeling wallpaper and were now curled into his side. “Like he musta’ spent an hour every day on it.” You howled with laughter and threw your head back onto his shoulder. God, you missed him. You missed the way he smiled down at you and you missed the way he smelled (cigarettes and bubblegum), and you missed the weight of his arm around your shoulders. 
“God, this kid sounds like a fuckin’ hazard, Bill.” You laughed and turned the large pitcher of beer in front of you so it was easier to pick up and pour. 
“You shoulda seen the kid he was babysitting though. Beautiful thick curls and one of the goofiest little smiles you could imagine. Corrupted the shit outta him. There was a stupid dance they had just after Max joined their Party and he showed up with this hair that looked like it was done the night before. Poor kid. He was my favorite outta all of ‘em.”
“Him and that Jane kid are my favorites I think.” He snorted at your comment. 
“Yeah, she seemed to really like to stick it to me and her dad.”
“Her dad was the sheriff, right?” You asked, letting your hand drift up to his chest to play with his Virgin Mary pendant his mother had given him in the fifth grade. You were the only person who he allowed to touch it and you hoped it had stayed that way while he lived in Hawkins and got frisky with other girls (“cows, all of em.” “hey, that’s not nice.” “its true though”). He sighed pleasantly at your touch and pulled you closer to him to plant a kiss tot he top of your head. 
“I missed you, my love.” He mumbled into your scalp and you simply hummed in response. Your glazed eyes drifted over the bar (it looked far less dingier with Billy surrounding you and a few good drinks in your system), and you smiled when it settled on the old pool table just off the side of the dance floor. It was empty— it rarely was— so without announcing what you were doing, you pulled Billy out of your quiet corner towards the table. 
“What d’you think you’re doing, Princess?” He laughed when he saw the direction you were pulling him in. You didn’t respond but instead pulled him hard enough to where he was pressing you against the pool table. His hands came to rest on your hips, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him just close enough to where your lips almost brushed his. 
“I seem to have forgotten how to play. Can you teach me?” You tilted your head when you said this and looked at him through your lashes. You knew he truly hadn’t changed all that much when you heard him growl lowly under his breath at your actions and when you felt him press his hips harder into your own. 
“I’ll teach you.” He mumbled, his eyes now a few shades darker. There was a rougher side to him now, though. It was a darker side that he had brought home with him, and a thrill breath filled your body when he turned away to get the cue sticks. You watched him form the balls into the mold, and after everything was set up the way he liked, he walked over to you. He handed you the stick and you waited for him to walk around you. 
He pushed your lower back, making you bend over. “You gotta get the right angle when you’re playing.” He said, and you could literally hear his smirk in his voice. He pushed you further and positioned himself so he could position your hands properly on the stick. You made sure to move your hands slowly though, and the way you wrapped your hand around the thicker end of the cue got the message across. You knew this because he pressed his hips harder into your bottom and you gasped at the pressure you felt. God, he was bigger than you remembered. You pressed yourself into him, and he simply let out a shuddering breath against the back of your neck in response. 
Knowing exactly what you were doing (not just with but also with the game), you hit the balls almost perfectly, only three or four balls not finding their homes in the pockets littered around the edges of the table. You straightened up against him and turned around, smiling when you saw his lust blown pupils and almost frazzled blonde hair. 
“I still got it, I guess.” You swayed in your spot with your hands behind your back. His eyes flickered quickly from your breasts (which were now on display— you had unbuttoned the top three over the duration of the night) to your lips to your eyes and back down to your lips. His hesitation in him deciding whether or not to kiss you was starting to get on your nerves and you rolled your eyes. 
“Jesus, Billy. Just kiss me already, yeah?” You frowned. After your request (demand) he shot forward and held your cheeks in his hands before slamming his lips onto your own. He was just as warm as you remembered, but he now tasted more like cigarettes than he did candy and that thought troubled you only slightly. You gripped the collar of his denim jacket and pulled him closer to you, gasping when you felt the cold of his necklace brush against you flushed skin. His tongue darted out quickly, taking quick tastes of your lips before you taught it between your teeth and making him gasp in response. The quick pain from your teeth was soothed by the softness of your tongue soon after and he moaned at the warmth of your taste. 
You pulled away from him breathlessly and looked up at him. You laughed out loud when you saw your lipstick smudged around his mouth and you fisted the pink sleeve of your shirt in your hand to try to wipe some of it off. 
“You’re covered.” You snorted and you only seemed to smear the lipstick further. “Oh shit.” You laughed. The smile he gave you would have to take your breath away if it wasn’t for your intoxication. You tucked your head into his denim collar and took a deep breath of cigarettes and cheap cologne. 
“Take me home, Billy.” You mumbled into his neck and there was a low purr in response to your words. He wasted no time in grabbing your hand and running the best he could down the street. You threw your head back and laughed, your feet scuffing and the chill of the summer night making goosebumps appear over your arms. Billy had turned a corner, and only stopped when you squeezed his hand enough for him to feel. He turned back to you and grunted in surprise when you threw your arms around his neck, kissing him hard on the mouth. He wasted no time in shoving his tongue into your mouth and battling your own in some slippery and beautiful dance. Your hands moved to cup the sides of his neck and you could feel his own pulse hammering under your touch. 
“Princess, I thought you wanted to go home?” He mumbled against your lips and you moaned quietly when you felt him smirk against your mouth. His grip was tight on your waist and his pelvis was pushed against yours, giving you a taste of the friction he was capable of. He pushed himself off the wall and turned you so your own back was pressed against it. He grabbed your wrists and lifted them above your head, effectively pinning you in one position. He pulled away and clicked his tongue when your lips chased his own. 
“You want me to fuck you right here, huh?” He mumbled low and pressed himself against you once more. You moaned softly as to not gather any unwanted attention, but hitched your leg around his own. “You’d like that wouldn’t you.” You only moaned in response. 
He pulled away from you once more and it was only a few more blocks until he pulled you into some ratty apartment building and up two flights of stairs. You snorted when he turned back and told you to be quiet after he had tripped over one of the musty rugs lining the hallway. It hadn’t been soon enough when he found his door and patted his jacket in an attempt to find his keys. Fueling his desire and pushing him closer to the edge, your hand drifted over the front of his torso and into the front pocket of his tight jeans where you found them. He gasped at the feeling of you so close to him and he seemed frozen when you dangled them in front of his face. You kissed his denim-clad shoulder and hummed smugly against it. 
“Not the only thing I felt down there, though.” With that, he grabbed the keys from your grasp and shoved them into the doorknob. You both fell into the foyer and he slammed you hard against the inside of the door, shucking both of your jackets roughly and nipping his way from your lips, over your cheek, and down your neck. 
“Billy, please.” You breathed, and he kissed your pulse lightly. You barely had time to think about looking around his living space before he led you down one of the hallways and pressed you tenderly against the walls, kissing and nipping his way across your skin and making your breath hitch in your throat. 
Eventually, you had made it to his room, and it was only a matter of time before your fingers found the buttons on his shirt and began revealing more skin for your lips to trace. You kissed his collar bones and his throat softly and smiled against his tan skin when you heard him whimper quietly. His hands came up to intertwine themselves in your hair and you were surprised that his roughness from the street and from the hallway didn’t find a place here. Instead, he simply held you by your hair as you kissed your way down his torso, making his skin blush prettily under your touch. You found your place at your knees, and let your nose brush softly against the line of his low riding jeans, kissing his navel before undoing his belt and pulling all of his clothes off in one motion. 
You kissed the tip of him and were encouraged in your motions by the tightening grip of your hair. You kissed him again before taking the tip in your mouth and swirling your tongue gently around it, tasting him in your mouth, the weight of him making you hum. Your pleasant hum traveled up from Billy’s cock to his navel and settled in his stomach where it continued to flutter and fill him with warmth. You licked the bottom of his dick, tracing the lines and ridges and veins a few times before taking all you could in your mouth and pumping what you couldn’t. You felt the soft skin of his balls and rolled them expertly in your hand, making him keen with pleasure, and making him thrust into your face unintentionally. 
“Fuck, sorry Princess.” He grunted and brushed your hair from your face. You ushered a quick ‘it’s okay’ before taking him in your mouth once again and looking at him through your lashes. The view of him disappearing into your perfect lips had a coil tightening in his belly, and before he could cum he pulled you up to kiss you hard. The taste of him in your mouth made him moan, and the rumble of it make your squeak happily. 
He shucked your shirt over your head soon enough and with it your skirt, leaving you standing in front of him in your mismatched bra and panties. You tried to cover yourself with his burning gaze, but before you could, he grabbed your hands and kissed your wrists. 
“Don’t,” he whispered. His voice, though quiet seemed to echo around the room. “You’re gorgeous, Princess.” He reaffirmed his point by pushing you back onto his unmade bed and kissing your belly and ribs. Your hands mimicked his own a mere minute ago and tangled themselves in his hair, pulling him up to kiss you. Your lips touched briefly before he found himself unhooking your bra straps and pushing the garment around your waist. He sucked a nipple into his mouth and the warmth of him made you sigh. He nipped you a few times, making you jump before his fingers found your core and began rubbing you over your cotton underwear. 
“Oh, Bill.” You moaned and felt your hips begin to rock against his hand. Taking the hint and not wanting to deny either of you the pleasure you wanted he shoved your panties to the side and plunge two fingers into you while stimulating your clit with the rough palm of his hand. 
“Who made you so fuckin’ wet, huh?” He growled against your lips, and when you only responded with a quiet moan, he pulled his fingers out and spanked your pussy roughly, making your jolt and groan with pleasure. 
“Answer me, Princess.” He said, looking down at you. You were pressed into his thin pillows and your hair was spread out prettily across them, and the blissed-out expression on your face had him on the edge once more. He hit you again and your eyes flashed open to meet his burning ones. The blue that you had found so gorgeous was nearly swallowed completely by black and you pulled him down to smash your lips to his own. 
“You made me so fuckin’ wet, Billy. You didn’t even need to get me naked to do it either. I wanted to ride you so hard on top of that damn pool table where everyone could see.” You rutted yourself onto his fingers, and you swallowed his moan of surprise with satisfaction. His fingers were thick inside of you, and the cold metal of his many rings provided feelings of stimulation on stimulation— you thought you were going to explode at this point. 
“Please, Billy.” You moaned as his fingers curled in you, hitting the spot that made you see stars. Needing no more invitation, he tore a hole down the center of your panties and lined himself up at your entrance after rolling a condom quickly onto his cock. 
“You sure you want this, Y/N?” His voice sounded almost choked and you thrust your hips up to his, feeling the tip of his dick enter you, but he pulled back before you could do anything more. 
“I need words, Angel.” He whispered against the crook of your neck. 
“Please, I want you.” You tugged at his hair, and you gasped when your affirmation made him hook both of your legs around his shoulders. 
“Good girl.” He grunted and pushed himself into you slowly until he bottomed out inside of you, making your both coil around each other and moan at how simply full you both felt. The ridges pressed against him in the best way, and you fluttered around him, making him moan against you as he began thrusting. It was slow at first, but when he re-adjusted you so you had a pillow under your bum and were nearly folded in half, he quickened his pace until it was almost brutal in nature. The sound of his thick thighs slapping against yours, and the crude sounds of his sliding in and out of you added to the feeling of him hitting your g-spot almost perfectly every thrust. 
“Fuck, Billy. ‘M not gonna last long.” You were surprised at the rushing feeling of your orgasm fast approaching, but the stimulation you received before this and the pent-up tension from your work day and the bar explained so much. He began to fuck into you then, rutting so hard against you that the sounds you were making didn’t sound like a noise you would make. Your entire body jolted when he began to rub your clit relentlessly and within thirty seconds, your toes were in the hair curling, and your back was arched into him. Once he had fucked you through your high, and once he was sure you were fully satiated, he pulled out of you and ripped off the condom and crawled up so he was straddling your waist. 
He pulled at himself, and you scraped your nails over his thighs in pure anticipation of him marking you. His heavy breaths soon became moans which turned to grunts when thick ropes of cum found its place on your chest and neck. He pumped himself only a few times more to really milk himself, and when he looked down at you, you smiled and giggled softly at the mess he had made. Without even thinking, he crawled off of you and began walking out into the hall towards what you assumed would be the bathroom. You propped yourself on your elbows and looked around the room trying to find your clothes and purse so you could get out from the warm bed and make your great escape. 
You were broken from your surveying when Billy’s head popped back into the room. He had a genuine grin on his face that sent shivers down your spine in the best way, and his voice was raspy when he spoke. 
“You gonna join me or what, Sugar?”
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