gender-darling · 2 months
(⠀🎀⠀) : ❝ Mania flags (Part 4) ❞
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[Image IDs: 3 flags: The first flag is a rectangular flag with six equally sized wavy horizontal stripes. The colors in order from top to bottom are in a gradient from lime green to neon hot pink.
The second flag is a rectangular flag with six equally sized wavy horizontal stripes. The colors in order from top to bottom are in a gradient from pale silver to blue-black.
The third flag is a rectangular flag with six equally sized wavy horizontal stripes. The colors in order from top to bottom are in a gradient from bright violet to light cyber blue. /IDs end.]
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— ❝ Egomania(link), monomania(link), and mythomania(link) flags ❞
  — Tagging @mad-pride. This is not a gender , do not tag it as such
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Please read my rentry before interacting ! Don't repost ! ♡
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“When people tell a lie about something, they have to make up a bunch of lies to go with the first one. ‘Mythomania’ is the word for it.”
~ Haruki Murakami
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justyokorebirth5 · 5 months
One year anniversay since I was diagnosed as mythomania haver aka pathological liar :/
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There's nothing more "plural in syscovery at the denial stage" than literally thinking you have mythomania because "you contradict yourself too much" and "you're probably pretending to be a system", but then you see all these professionals saying that mythomania is lies to the person feels better and then gets angry because all your "possible lies" DEFINITELY make you look way more pathetic and so you're probably not lying
(yes, that happened to us 😭) /lh
As a system who had to lie often to protect ourselves as a child, this resonates with us. We’re sure that there are many systems out there who deal with mythomania or other issues stemming from lying regularly. We believe that this in no way invalidates any system.
Even if a singlet is not really a system and is lying to themselves and others, they will still be welcome in our plural spaces. We’re not in the business of scrutinizing others to determine if they’re telling the truth about their plurality. As long as the plural framework serves and is beneficial for someone, they are welcome to use it. Yes, even if they’re lying about everything that points to multiplicity.
The truth has a way of coming out. And if those who lie about being a system ever reveal that they’re in fact not a system at all, that’s okay with us, no harm done. We’re sure that there are plenty systems out there who lie to themselves daily about being a singlet. People deserve to live their best lives how they choose - and as long as their lies aren’t actively hurting anyone, we don’t have any issues with them.
🖋 Cecil and 🐢 Kip
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Some of Doug's alt AIs for Deceptive Reality
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chimchimsauce · 2 years
Mythomania is like, such a good book. You should totally read it. I'm not biased at all, no way.
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imjustbrokn · 11 months
Τιποτα χειρότερο από έναν μυθομανη που ισχυρίζεται οτι μισεί τους μυθομανεις.
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smart-bogus · 2 years
The point of self-esteem and inferiority. And the solution_4
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5. Solution - You have to move.
When a problem comes up, a solution comes out automatically. The problem is that the inferiority complex has not been resolved. Then, solving the inferiority complex solves the problem. Inferiority is actually relieved when I become a satisfactory person. I can actually level up.
<Step 1> Face me as I am. That's how you live in reality, and you can only make efforts in reality.
<Step 2> You can set and practice realistic and specific goals.
<Step 1> Once you see it as it is, say it as much as you feel, and say as much as you know. It's hard at first. When I endure this exaggerated desire to express myself, emptiness and boredom pours in. You have to put up with it. Only then can the empty space be filled with practical effort.
You just have to accept me as I am. Then I don't hide my impure intention to ask someone to recognize me who is greater, and I don't have expectations. If you feel inferior, you can just make practical and realistic efforts to be better. If I'm 50, I just have to focus on trying to be 80 while being a 50 guy. Don't try to look like a fake 80, don't expect to see it as 80. I'm 50 years old.
This is the real Carpe diem. The original meaning of Carpe diem is not to indulge in this moment, but to immerse yourself in this moment. I mean, I should not do delusions floating around to become a better me, but immerse myself in the action that actually changes me at this moment.
On the contrary, in order for this to be possible, you must first kill expectations. Don't look forward to it. The more you have expectations from others, the more artificial actions and thoughts you take to meet those expectations. I want to be a person who meets expectations, not a real "me." Because I have a lot of expectations, I am conscious of other people's eyes, and I cannot express my true feelings honestly. Because I'm full of expectations to look like a cool ideal person. If I reveal myself honestly, I won't look like 80. I'll look like I'm 50 people.
<Step 2> Specifically, you can do this. It's the best way I've ever done it, the fastest way to raise self-esteem and make inferiority disappear.
Sitting at my desk, I think of myself as wonderful as I wish. And I write down what I need to have to be like (academic background, job, money, ability, status, personality, whatever). And write down the specific goals you need to do to have it. Divide the goal into a daily unit and write down the to do list for tomorrow in detail from 1 to a few times. Go to bed early and wake up early the next day to break down the to do list one by one. If you finish your to do list that night, your self-esteem will go up. I feel like I'm living in reality. I repeat this. The end.
This is the real way to raise self-esteem that vague, vague self-improvement books like "love yourself" don't tell you. It is not important to analyze childhood trauma to raise self-esteem, fall deeper into self-consciousness, write emotional writings, lose psychological books, and love me as I am, going to restaurants and thinking about luxury goods. I don't want to make realistic efforts even if I die, so I'm running away while rationalizing it with that. Or just accept me as I am and live.
I want to be amazing, but I don't want to try. That state is another word for low self-esteem. Drinking dew at home, swearing at my boss, calling a friend to complain, going to a good hotel and posting pretty pictures on Instagram, posting Mercedes photos, and putting on #healing tags does not increase my self-esteem.
What I want to be, that is, a realistic and specific goal to be '80', and a practical action to break down the goal step by step by day. This is the essence. Just one day makes me feel different. It's even addictive.
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AITA for lying to my friends due to a psychological disorder?
Ever since I (21F, american) was quite young (I would say around my 9 or 10 years) my mother noticed I had a tendency for lying, sometimes even for no reason at all. Some years after that I started going through therapy and psychiatric sessions and was diagnosed as bipolar and, more specifically, mythomania (compulsive/pathological lying, the diagnostic changed depending on which psychiatrist I went through). My manic episodes usually last longer than the depressive ones and, when those happen, I usually just lock myself from everyone in my bedroom (I rarely leave home even during manic episodes due to my own fear of anything bad that could happen outside)
And I'd say it's during those manic episodes that the bad things start to happen. Ever since my early 17s I started fabricating my own life to online friends since I have extreme difficulty making friends on real life. This ranged from stuff such as me saying that I'm disabled and that's why I don't leave my house (not true, I can do it when necessary but otherwise I am able bodied) and other simple, white lies to stuff like my relationship with my family and living condition.
It was in 2021 I think it started to go downhill. I still don't think I was in the wrong for it since, again, it is a mental disorder but I decided to come ask others too since the one friend I have that knows about it thinks I might be an asshole about this in specific.
Around 2021 I started playing a specific game with gacha mechanics. To this point, the image I had painted to most online friends (with the exception of that one friend) was of a girl on her 20s with a good relationship with her mother but a bad one with both her dad and brother (a lie, as our dad left us when we were children and I have a pretty good relationship with my brother), disabled and in bad living conditions. Because of that, it had been some time (since the beginning of the lockdown) since some of these friends started sending me money whenever I said I needed it for one reason or another (usually to buy food or necessities like hygiene products) and, since I didn't need it at all, I would just end up using it on stuff I enjoy like art supplies or makeup.
The moment I started playing that game though (which none of my friends knew about since they still thought I didn't have my own computer), I started spending all of that money on the game to pull for characters. It wasn't a constant thing but it got specifically bad on 2022, when a character I really enjoy was released.
I still think it's not that bad since none of them gave me a lot of money anyways, but after what I already had was spent on the game and I didn't have any money to buy the currency, I went to the discord servers venting channel and started writing by impulse stuff like how my dad had evicted me and me alone from the house after I stood up to him and now I was living in my cramped old car on the streets with no food, clothes etc. Some of those friends got extremely worried or something like that and ended up sending me more money than usual so I could 'pay for a hotel' until I had time to get government support etc (I don't really know how that works anyways, but I said I'd try and thanked them a lot for it and said that as soon as I was safe I'd draw something for them as payback but I never did because it wasn't really like it was a commission anyways) and I spent it on the game to get the character and I did!
I had to keep the lie about being homeless and then getting government support ever since and last month me and my "real life partner" (not real but i made it up a few months before this so i just used it as a excuse that he was working to get us both a place to stay) were finally in a safe apartment. However, one of those online friends knew about my condition and started to suspect about it all and got angry at me for no reason, saying that I was stealing from my friends and being unfair on even denying that to her. After that she blocked me but I was able to lie to the server that she had threatened me and implied I was lying about it all which wasn't true because that was my real living situation.
I still don't think I am in the wrong, they all did offer it to me on their own after all and I already spent it so there's nothing I can do. Am I the asshole for lying due to a mental health condition?
What are these acronyms?
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On the Lila seat thing, I am just suddenly imagining like.
Marinette: We both know you're a liar.
Lila: I mean yes, but you don't need to be ableist.
Marinette: Mythomania is not a disability.
Lila: I meant my tinnitus?
Marinette: You don't have that!
Lila: No I literally do, like, do you know how hard it s is to fake a disability? Let alone how inconvenient it is. This will literally effect what jobs I can potentially get, or what government aid I can receive. This is a genuine problem.
Hoestly even that like.
Reminder that Marinette's only for sure knowledge that Lila is lying about anything at this point is just Lila lied about knowing Ladybug and having a Miraculous of her own to impress Adrien.
She clocked those lies and assumed that Lila is lying about anything and everything.
And up until Lila admits to lying halfway through Chameleon, she doesn't have any solid confirmation on the other lies.
Lila says her mom's an italian diplomat? That one's actually true(at least one of the moms lmao).
Lila says she's met all these celebrities? Sure probably. You can't really prove that she didn't. All of the class have met famous people before so why wouldn't she? No one's asked those celebrities directly.
Lila says she's out of the country? Well she's not in school and the teachers are communicating with her mom via email who seems to have confirmed this.
Lila says she's in Achu to meet Prince Ali? Aha! Ali is currently in America! What's that? He's.... flying back home right now and their meeting is tomorrow when he'll be there, but Lila was just let in and allowed to stay in the guest house? Oh.
Lila says she has tinnitus and needs an accomodation? Well it's honestly such a minor accommodation but she's convinced the staff of a school that doesn't even allow disabled people through the front door that her disability is real so it's hard to doubt.
Lila got the tinnitus saving Jagged's cat from a runway? AHA! Jagged doesn't have a cat! Wait, he had it for a few days which is when Lila saved it but he found out he was allergic and had to get rid of it? Oh. Well. Huh.
You see where I'm going. Other than the initial lie of 'LB is my bff and I'm also a Hero', Marinette has no genuine proof that Lila is lying and has just assumed that all of her statements are fake.
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mother-marilynn · 2 months
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✎ 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 ༊*·˚
My name is Marilynn and I use she/they ( but identify as a nonbinary girl if that makes sense), I'm an Aquarius and a INFJ. ♡
I started this blog awhile ago as a general blog for all things I enjoy but I'm a little neurotic so I decided to make another blog as a celebration for hitting 200 followers for more specific topics, but this blog will always be my personal blog.
On this blog I'll be posting random memes, fandom stuff, movies and shows I watch, girlblogging stuff, random thoughts I think, books and commentary, writing stuff, academic hobbies ( literature, philosophy, psychology, ancient history, physics ), g0r3, h0rny and weird stuff, marilynisms, mentally ill rants, art and commentary, collages and pretty pictures, and random stuff I like.
This blog is pretty much used as just a little space to myself and posts will be pretty casual and frequent.
DNI: nsfw age regression, 3D or 4n4 accounts ( I'm a recovering 4n0r3x1c so please be respectful ), homophobic, terfs, and racists.
TW: blood, gore, nsfw, body horror, drug use, mental illness, talk of recovery, mythomania, bpd, sh and 3d recovery, and just general mentally ill silliness and intrusive thoughts.
Not every post will be this cute unfortunately... I just wanted to make my bio and pinned post pretty.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blog and find a comfy space here. ♡
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So, Elizardbeth answered my comment
And I answered her back
This happened in Instagram at the comments section for the post “He was the worst” by Entertainmenttonight
🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes I think if she is a Pathological liar, suffers from mythomania… or probably she just has an ENORMOUS EGO and believes she a really good person better than anyone, maybe even above the law
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rqmiku01 · 15 days
♪ ~ ParMythomania
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A parabled term for those who experience Mythomania!
Flag from here
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lingpaopao · 20 days
˗ˏˋ🧠 𝘔𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 💞ˎˊ˗
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Based on this list from Wikipedia, just a vocab list, not necessarily approval of specific terms. 障碍-words Social anxiety disorder ~ 社交焦虑障碍 (shèjiāo jiāolǜ zhàng'ài) Dissociative identity disorder ~ 分离性身份障碍 (fēnlí xìng shēnfèn zhàng'ài) Post-traumatic stress disorder ~ 创伤后应激障碍 (chuāngshāng hòu yìngjī zhàng'ài) Intellectual disability ~ 智力障碍 (zhìlì zhàng'ài) Dyslexia ~ 阅读障碍 (yuèdú zhàng'ài) Paraphilias ~ 性偏好障碍 (xìng piānhào zhàng'ài) Sexual dysfunction ~ 性功能障碍 (xìng gōngnéng zhàng'ài) Conduct disorder ~ 品行障碍 (pǐnxíng zhàng'ài) Personality disorder ~ 人格障碍 (réngé zhàng'ài) Body dysmorphia ~ 躯体变形障碍 (qūtǐ biànxíng zhàng'ài) 症-words Agoraphobia ~ 广场恐惧症 (guǎngchǎng kǒngjù zhèng) Anxiety disorder ~ 广泛性焦虑症 (guǎngfàn xìng jiāolǜ zhèng) Major depressive disorder ~ 重郁症 (zhòng yù zhèng) Seasonal affective disorder ~ 季节性抑郁症 (jìjié xìng yì yù zhèng) Postpartum depression ~ 产后抑郁症 (chǎnhòu yì yù zhèng) Bipolar disorder ~ 躁郁症 (zào yù zhèng) Aphasia ~ 失语症 (shīyǔ zhèng) Autism ~ 自闭症 (zìbì zhèng) ADHD ~ 多动症 (duōdòng zhèng) Tourette syndrome ~ 妥瑞症 (tuǒ ruì zhèng) Down syndrome ~ 唐氏综合症 (táng shì zòng hé zhèng) Narcolepsy ~ 渴睡症 (kěshuì zhèng) Sleep apnea ~ 睡眠窒息症 (shuìmián zhìxí zhèng) Sleepwalking ~ 梦游症 (mèngyóu zhèng) Amnesia ~ 健忘症 (jiànwàng zhèng) Hypochondria ~ 疑病症 (yíbìng zhèng) Anorexia nervosa ~ 厌食症 (yànshí zhèng) Bulimia nervosa ~ 贪食症 (tānshí zhèng) OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) ~ 强迫症 (qiǎngpò zhèng) Schizophrenia ~ 精神分裂症 (jīngshén fēnliè zhèng) Gender dysphoria ~ 性别焦虑症 (xìngbié jiāolǜ zhèng) Other Stutter ~ 口吃 (kǒuchī) Insomnia ~ 失眠 (shīmián) Delirium ~ 谵妄 (zhānwàng) Dementia ~ 痴呆 (chīdāi) Pedophilia ~ 恋童癖 (liàntóng pǐ) ASPD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) ~ 反社会人格 (fǎn shèhuì réngé) Pyromania ~ 纵火狂 (zònghuǒ kuáng) Kleptomania ~ 盗窃癖 (dàoqiè pǐ) Mythomania ~ 谎言癖 (huǎngyán pǐ) Psychosis ~ 精神病 (jīngshén bìng) Borderline personality disorder ~ 边缘型人格 (biānyuán xíng réngé) Narcissistic personality disorder ~ 自恋型人格 (zìliàn xíng réngé) Bonus Panic attack ~ 惊恐发作 (jīngkǒng fāzuò) Delusions ~ 妄想 (wàngxiǎng) Hallucinations ~ 幻觉 (huànjué) Diagnosis ~ 诊断 (zhěnduàn) Therapist ~ 心理治疗师 (xīnlǐ zhìliáo shī) Mania ~ 躁狂 (zàokuáng) Social worker ~ 社会工作者 (shèhuì gōngzuò zhě) Counsellor ~ 心理咨询师 (xīnlǐ zīxún shī) Group therapy ~ 团体心理治疗 (tuántǐ xīnlǐ zhìliáo) Mental health ~ 心理健康 (xīnlǐ jiànkāng)
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belinhagamer999 · 1 year
Neurodivergent flags!
[PT: Neurodivergent flags! /END PT]
I made flags of neurodivergencies that I didn’t found on tumblr
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1: psychopathy
[IMAGE ID: Left, the image is a red, white, and black striped flag with a big white stripe in the middle. The flag has a white stripe in the center of it, and the smaller black and red stripes have a white space between them. The flag is symmetrical and has a clean look. /END ID]
2: sociopathy
[IMAGE ID: Right, the image is a blue, white, and black striped flag with a big white stripe in the middle. The flag has a white stripe in the center of it, and the smaller black and blue stripes have a white space between them. The flag is symmetrical and has a clean look. /END ID]
You can use if you’re a sociopath or psychopath! And, sociopaths and psychopaths that view their condition as two different things, psychopaths/sociopaths that don’t use the label aspd to describe themselves but prefer to use the label psychopath or sociopath to describe themselves.
Made the first one for my beloved friend
And hyperphantasia the opposite of aphantasia
Having a vivid imagination, with vivid images of memories and etc. Search on Google to know more!
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[IMAGE ID: This image is a colorful striped pattern on a black background. The colors are bright and vibrant, with a rainbow of pale colors from red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, and pink. The pattern is made up of thin, diagonal lines that are spaced evenly apart. The lines are from the center to right and left in growing width creating a symmetrical design. The overall effect is one of movement and energy. /END IMAGE ID]
Made this flag for myself since it’s a comorbidity for people with schizophrenia, but you can have hyperphantasia without schizophrenia.
Mythomania flag
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[IMAGE ID: his image is a green and black striped pattern. There are 7 stripes horizontal and 1 vertical, and the colors are dark green and black. The image is a solid color with stripes shading from dark green in the middle to both the bottom and the upper side black-green stripes. /END ID]
Again for my friend but it’s free to use!! :)
Hope people don’t judge me and my neurodivergence before knowing my life and symptoms that I experience just because I’m selfdx I was scared to post it :(
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hyperstation · 4 months
couldn't sleep, burning
I saw beauty through your eyes, and
is it electric?
hidden in devil's darning needles,
can't sleep, making it to the dawn.
I see beauty through your eyes,
when you show me mythomania,
egomania, and driven knowledge lust,
it's tortoise as it's the missing Manuela,
it's turquoise as your eyes look at me down
in the college hall.
you show me,
when the walkingstick isn't there,
suddenly, here it is,
you show me what you see
'cause you are going to see
everything that there is.
I see through your eyes,
it doesn't make me jump or scream,
squirm and wash it off until the skin bleeds,
because I look at what you see,
and inside turquoise eyes,
beauty heals.
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