home-n-harmony · 2 months
Calling all Milsos…
This is for all Military Spouses. Whether you work or you stay home, whether you have kids or you don’t…
What sorta hobbies do you pursue when your partner is away? Or even when they’re home.
My Fiancé is away atm, and I cannot stop baking. I’m staying with family and I think they’re getting sick to death of the amount of cookies in their kitchen😂
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tradgirlmom · 2 months
Marrying a soldier is the ultimate bootlicker aspiration. Good job!
My country is worth defending. :) I don't feel guilty for it.
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dausy · 1 month
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Meant to update Tumblr and it just seemed like a hastle without a keyboard.
I even purchased a mini keyboard but my fingers keep hitting the wrong keys...
Anywho, my spouse came home from deployment. He's super excited to be home. I was really nervous about the coming home ceremony because usually they make you go find your partner on the field to "release" them and when theres hundreds of soldiers who look alike you're desperately looking for familiar body language/little unique quirks and its very stressful. This time there wasn't as many soldiers, they were also facing us and it was daylight and my soldier was the leader of the pack. So I caught him immediately. I also made a large sign which he spotted pretty quickly.
Also, his mother got the day off and while she missed the ceremony she did come this way to visit (with her sister) and they spent a long weekend with us. We did a lot of sight seeing and some shopping, eating and just in general, driving around town.
This was the first time we had guests in this house too so I was actually kind of excited to host and set up the guest bedrooms.
I have gotten to play a little bit of FF7Rebirth. Just a couple hours worth though because I didn't find it appropriate to play in front of family and then had to work. Also started the ATLA netflix show which I think was off to a decent start for the first episode.
Now its just a matter of finding a new routine. My husband doesn't like to sit at home, whereas before I had a lot of free time because I do like chilling at home. I have managed to start painting a new illustration though. Hopefully can get that done this week (probably not this weekend)
Id really like to start reading a new book but Im running out of free time.
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earnedthetitle · 7 months
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ramblingsofamilso · 1 year
My new normal
Since my husband has left for training I've woken up around 8am/9am (god I hate even typing that out) not because I want to but because I just can't seem to ever sleep. I can't bring myself to actually leave my house to go and do things since I'm always afraid I'll end up doing something that would cause me to miss a phone call and I don't want to do that.
My new routine is this though:
8am: Get up, take meds/feed dog 10am: clean kitchen from yesterdays dinner 11am-5pm: Whatever random task I have or nothing at all 6pm: Start dinner 8pm: Go to the gym 10pm: come home/ shower 12am: take meds/ go to sleep
that's essentially what I do. Not every day of course, I would want to off myself if I went to the gym every day, but for the most part I do next to nothing. I'm trying to find some sort of hobby outside of writing my husband letters and writing on this blog but nothing seems worth it. I just feel so apathetic towards everything currently and I can't even bring myself to care anymore.
I would get a job but gas is over $3.50 a gallon in my area and nothing around here pays enough or with enough hours to even cover the gas it would cost to get to said job. And there's no point in a work from home job since the whole point would be for me to get out and interact with other people. I feel like I'm stuck in a never ending spiral of negative energy and just woe is me bullshit that I can't pull myself out of. And I hate it so fucking much. I know everything will be worth it in the end but right now I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and I am horrified thinking that this is just my new life.
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amoonmadeofflowers · 1 year
I keep crying
Which we both know is hard for me
But I’ve been doing it a lot lately.
I’m sure there’s plenty of reasons why I could be crying
so much but I can boil it all down to one thing.
I miss you.
It’s as simple and complicated as that.
I miss you next to me.
I miss your laugh (I’m funny and we both know it)
I miss the kisses. God how I miss the kisses.
I miss you in every way possible. Every single way.
It hurts and it makes me angry.
I think our love story deserves more than this distance.
The distance isn’t doing us justice.
And you deserve more than you’re getting.
I deserve more.
I miss you so much.
And I’m angry. I’m angry because I shouldn’t be angry.
It’s all a circle.
It’s not fair.
This isn’t fair.
I promise tomorrow I won’t whine or complain but
today, today I’m saying this isn’t fair.
I just want you to come home.
I wanna be here when you come home.
I want to be the first face you see.
But that can’t happen.
This isn’t fair.
We deserve happiness.
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chevychanel · 2 years
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What’s a bday without car shit 🫶🏾😫 #30
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intothemindofmeblog · 9 months
Fearing the Unknown
There are a lot of unknown variables within my life right now.
This unfortunately is common within the military community. Since meeting and now being married to my husband who serves in the military, my life has been shifted immensely these past few months. I am still adjusting to these shifts.
He is up for reenlistment and we are waiting to hear back on the results. With that, the possibility of us being sent to a new base is very high. We just finally moved and settled into a house close to the base he is currently stationed at, yet within the next few months we will likely just be moving again. This is my new life. My new norm.
As much as this terrifies me, it is also excites me. Being able to travel, explore new places and make memories with my husband is the part I am looking forward to. I just have to embrace the unknown variables that come with military life and take it day by day. To the unknown.
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1704milesapart-blog · 2 years
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I have no idea who is still active since it’s been YEARS since I last posted, but if you’re still here and see this, we did close the distance in 2018, 3 days after we got married. We traveled all over Europe for a few years before moving back to the states and we have two beautiful corgis.
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foreva-ina-dae · 1 year
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Military Ball 💋
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scaredspoopless · 1 year
I Miss You
I wish things were easier in life or at least there is a point to you leaving again. I'm mad you're leaving. I'm mad you'll be gone for my graduation. I'm angry at your mom for always thinking I'm not good enough for you. I wish you were here to tell me everything was going to be okay. We have less than twenty days until we can see each other again, but it feels like so much more.
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I accidentally burnt myself while cooking last night and it didn’t trigger me…it gets better
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tradgirlmom · 9 months
10 years!! I have been married to my love a whole decade today!!!
He is amazing, always supporting my dreams and has always treated me like a queen. I am so so lucky! We met at an anime convention in 2012, D.C while he was an E4 in the Army, we have been through 2 deployments, 3 moves transitioned into a civilian life, and have a beautiful 9 year old daughter together. I couldn't be happier or more proud.
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dausy · 3 months
I did a vloggy vlog. Im doing really well at drawing something every day but Im not doing well at conceptualizing and illustrating this new year.
January has been: be sick for a week, get a little better, go to work, go to sleep, go to the gym, play video games, do chores and repeat.
My husband will apparently be home from deployment maybe within the next 6 weeks or so.
I did get my W2s but I cant file taxes til the spouse gets home.
My FIL is having some major health problems and had to have a big surgery. Sounds kinda stressful on their end.
I've picked up an interest in the french language again now my brain is getting spanish and french super confused. I think next year, because this is the last year of my 5 year journal (I have 2 journals actually), Im going to pick up another journal and just do daily entries in spanish. I could technically do it this year but I literally just did the entire year of one of the 5 year journals a few days ago...and the other one I let it go about a week out and fill in the entire week at once. I can't focus on a third journal when I can barely do one in my native language.
I am over winter. I would really like to go out in skirts and shorts again. I would really like to plant a garden but I wont because it will just be something else Id have to clean up before we move.
when my husband comes back theres a few nearby places we'd like to visit but this is probably going to be a very stressful year.
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entry five
it’s hard. i know it’s hard. i signed up for this but it’s hard. the last night. may be the last time we see each other before he’s gone. i’ll see home soon, 2 years or 4. we’re still together by heart but apart by distance. soon we’ll be together again. i miss him already. he just drove away twenty minutes ago. long distance is tough, but baby i’m willing and i know we’ll have the best life we can together but for now we’ll be apart for a little while. i love you more.
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ramblingsofamilso · 1 year
Hurry up and Wait
Since my husband left for BCT it feels like I'm stuck in a sort of limbo, between constantly checking my phone for an update and trying to keep some sense of normalcy in the house nothing I've done has felt like the correct response.
Every time progress has been made during this whole process it was followed by an even longer waiting period. The Army's slogan should be "Hurry up and Wait" because even now that he's sworn in and in training it still feels like we're in that perpetual waiting phase.
What almost makes it worse is no one in my immediate friends/family immediate circle save for a select few understand what I mean when I express my emotions and how isolating it feels. I've struggled with my mental health since I was a teen, and I haven't felt this isolated or unheard since I was in the deep end of my depression as a teen/young adult.
A friend asked if I had told my husband how I was feeling and I told her no and that I honestly didn't plan on it. When asked why I answered honestly that he needs to be focused on himself right now. Do I wish more than anything that I could tell him how I'm feeling? Of course, I do. But it would be so unfair to unload all of these negative feelings on him when he's going through training.
I'll be honest I don't know where exactly I'm going with this, but it at least feels good to get it all off my chest even if I'm just venting into the void.
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