#mia tut
andorconway · 9 months
Quick little directory/introductory post to the (player) cast of Mianite
this will include names, igns, links to povs (if available), affiliation (if applicable), and alignment [long post under the cut]

IGN- OMGitsfirefoxx
LINK- PLAYLIST (unsure how complete it is, non official)

IGN- CaptainSparklez




IGN- JoshModestep

IGN- TonyModestep

IGN- Waglington
AFFILIATION- Wizard (season 1)

IGN- iFirez
AFFILIATION- Wizard (seasons 1 and 2)

IGN- BruteAlmighty
AFFILIATION- Wizard (seasons 1 and 2)

IGN- KillerTom63
AFFILIATION- Wizard (seasons 1 and 2)
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your-girl-circe · 10 months
Btw elpizw na mh vrisketai kaneis ekei eksw nomizontas pws upoferw apo thn apousia tou.
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x-snowstorm-x · 2 years
Um ehrlich zu sein, will ich meine Essstörung Garnicht loslassen. :,)
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Erst ein Bewerbungsgespräch mit dem besten Freund gehabt. Dann zum Geburtstag seiner Mama. Dann macht seine Freundin Stress. Dann wollte ich gehen, wollte laufen und den Kopf frei bekommen. Er wollte mich fahren. Hat er dann auch, weil er direkt raus ist als seine Mum ihm gesagt hat das ich weg bin. Er versteht nicht das es mich fertig macht. Ich fühle mich wie "die andere Frau" auch wenn da nichts aber auch wirklich nichts läuft. Trotzdem fühlt es sich so an, weil ich weiß das es sich für sie so anfühlt und so scheiße sie auch ist, es tut mir leid für sie. Keiner kann sie leiden oder will sie bei Feierlichkeiten dort haben.
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theostrophywife · 3 months
my collar.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: she's my collar by gorillaz (feat. kali uchis)
author's note: sometimes theo just needs to be put in his place and i'm more than happy to deliver that 😏
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It was heinous.
It was criminal. 
It was downright torturous.
Your boyfriend leaned over, his lips grazing your earlobe as he lowered his voice to a husky, seductive tone. “Are you okay, principessa? You seem a little distracted.” 
Crimson colored your cheeks as you straightened against the wingback chair, clearing your throat while you looked around the table, which was currently occupied by your closest friends. All of which were none the wiser to the effect Theo had on you tonight. 
“I’m fine,” you squeaked out. 
“Really?” Theo drawled, sliding his hand down your thigh and squeezing firmly. “Because you haven’t stopped shaking your leg since dinner started. A shame. Malfoy flew in a private chef from France. He really wants to impress his girl. I know what that’s like.” 
You inhaled sharply as his hand trailed higher, his rough and calloused fingers slipping underneath the slit of your dress. “Teddy, please…” 
“Begging already, dolcezza? I thought we agreed to save that for the bedroom.” 
The teasing and taunting, the push and pull, the cat and mouse routine between you and Theo had been constant all night. Punishment for turning down his proposal for a quickie before dinner. It was hard enough to say no to Theo on a normal day, but declining your boyfriend’s proposition of hot, frantic sex while he looked absolutely sinful in a custom three piece suit was nearly impossible. Not to mention painful. 
Still, if you’d taken him up on the offer, you most likely would’ve never made it to dinner. You couldn’t do that to Draco. He needed emotional support. Tonight was his first time ingratiating Hermione into your friend group and you promised that you’d do everything in your power to make her feel welcome. 
With a sigh, you pried Theo’s fingers off of your thigh. “Behave, Theodore.” Your boyfriend pouted like a petulant child. “Draco needs us.” 
You nodded towards the blonde who looked equally panicked and appalled while Blaise recounted embarrassing stories to Hermione. The golden girl seemed amused by the antics, but Malfoy was anything but. 
“Save him before he ruptures a blood vessel,” you murmured to your boyfriend. For good measure, you batted your lashes up at him and gave him a look that he couldn’t refuse. “Please, baby.” 
Theo sighed, mumbling in Italian under his breath. “Gentlemen. Care for a cigar?” 
Thankfully, Zabini’s plan to embarrass the hell out of Draco was momentarily forgotten. Crisis averted. Draco shot you a grateful look, knowing that you were most likely behind the save. Salazar knows that Theo would’ve delighted in the effort of sullying his oldest friend’s reputation if he hadn’t been distracted. 
The boys rose from their chairs, excusing themselves from the room. Theo lingered beside you, dipping his head to place a kiss right underneath your jaw. He sucked lightly on the sweet spot and smirked as you melted against him. The bastard was playing dirty. 
“You owe me for that, cara mia.” 
Desire bloomed in your core, flooding heat through your body as you peered at your boyfriend. You couldn’t help but admire him in his suit. The midnight blue fabric draped over his tall and lean figure like your own personal gift and the deep stormy color brought out his eyes. You flushed as he turned, training his intense gaze on you like he was savoring the sight. With a cheeky grin, Theo shot you a wink before slipping out the door. 
Beside you, Pansy tutted in disapproval. “Get a hold of yourself, Y/N.” 
You flushed as Hermione bit back a grin. The curly haired witch patted your hand. “You have my sympathy. When I first saw Draco in a suit, I nearly spilled wine all over myself.” 
“See, Pans. I’m not the only one,” you murmured in self-defense. “I can’t help it.” 
Pansy shook her head, her glossy bob grazing her chin. “You can and you will. Don’t let Nott turn you into a simpering mess. The Y/N I know would bring a man to his knees.” 
Hermione nodded in agreement. “I think Pansy’s right. You should show Theo who’s really in control.” 
You smirked as an idea started forming in your head. “You’re more devious than you look, aren’t you, Granger?” Hermione flashed you an innocent smile, which made you laugh. Draco had his work cut out for him. You liked her all the more for it. “You two have a point. Maybe I’ll give my boyfriend a taste of his own medicine tonight.” 
Once your mind was made up, the three of you moved on to more important topics. You were fascinated to hear about Hermione’s work on curing lycanthropy while she was equally curious about the proposed laws that you were in the process of bringing before the Wizengamot. The bill was a passion project of yours because it would give rights and protections to muggle born wizards and witches that had never been afforded to them before. You were ready to fight tooth and nail to see it come to fruition. 
Needless to say, you were a little too passionate about it. The last time Rita Skeeter interviewed you under the guise of bringing light to the cause, you nearly strangled the sneaky little witch for taking more interest in your romantic relationship than the work you were trying to achieve. You were glad that Pansy worked her high society charm and publicity experience to diffuse the situation. 
In the end, she bribed and threatened the proper people to have the story killed. It was a blessing in disguise since you ended up giving exclusive rights to the Quibbler, which was now spearheaded by your old classmate Luna. She truly did the story justice. As a bonus, her tenacity seemed to have caught the attention of the pickiest witch you knew. No matter how many times Pansy denied it, you knew your friend was smitten. 
“Babe, you should take your own advice and just ask Luna out already.” 
Your friend nearly choked on her wine. Hermione watched the interaction with an amused expression. Her lips curled into a mischievous smile as she turned over to Pansy. “I happen to know that you’re just her type.” 
Never in your life had you seen Pansy Parkinson blush that furiously. She caught herself, holding her head high in that aristocratic way of hers. “Of course I’m her type,” your friend declared in a haughty tone. “I’m everyone’s type.” 
You and Hermione looked at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles. Pansy cracked a smile and laughed along. The three of you were in full hysterics by the time the boys came back. 
Theo slipped back into his seat, squeezing your shoulder gently. “What’s so funny, dolcezza?” 
“Girl talk,” Hermione answered on your behalf. “It’s not for you boys to hear.” 
You nodded in between giggles. “What Granger said.”
Draco groaned. “Bloody hell, they’re unionizing.” 
Your boyfriend raised a brow. He placed his hand back on your thigh, resuming the torturous contact from earlier in the night. “Keeping secrets from me now, Y/N?” 
You plastered a saccharine sweet smile on your face. Theo observed curiously as you peeled his fingers from your leg before firmly holding his hand. “I thought you liked a little mystery, baby.” 
Theo swallowed thickly as you leaned in to whisper in his ear. He held his breath while you pressed your palm against his chest, twirling his tie between red painted fingernails. You lowered your voice into a dark, seductive tone. “Have I told you how good you look tonight? I could just eat you up.” 
Lust blown eyes stared back at you, those familiar piercing blue irises completely swallowed by darkness. Theo shifted in his seat as his gaze dropped down to your mouth. You flashed him an innocent smile before releasing his tie and returning to the conversation happening around you. You could feel that burning gaze on you as you laughed and talked with Pansy and Mattheo. 
For the rest of the dinner, you kept up the nonchalant act. You mustered every ounce of self-control within you and rebuffed all of Theo’s advances. Every time he leaned in for a kiss, you gave him your cheek instead. When the group moved to the sitting room, you walked by his side instead of leading the way because you knew Theo would take advantage and smack your ass when no one was looking. To his surprise, you slapped his backside with a sly little smirk, causing him to glance over at you in shock. 
By the time you were seated on the expensive velvet couch, Theo was practically jittering. His knee bounced beside you as Hermione continued telling you about the Paris trip Draco had planned. Without looking at him, you placed a hand on your boyfriend’s leg and stopped his anxious bouncing. He sighed beside you, no doubt pouting like a petulant child. Yet you didn’t give him the satisfaction of acknowledgement, which only made him more desperate. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Theo whispered into your ear. “You can devour me all you’d like, cara mia.”
You shook your head. “We haven’t even gotten to dessert yet, my love.” 
When Draco brought out a spread of chocolate covered strawberries, the opportunity to tease Theo even more quite literally presented itself on a silver platter. You pinched the ripe fruit between your fingers before wrapping your lips around it. Theo watched with rapt attention as you took a slow, deliberate bite, making a whole show of sucking and licking off the chocolate. He gripped the armchair so hard that his knuckles turned white from the strained effort. 
You bit back a smirk as he crossed his legs and tried not to groan. It was obvious that you had the upper hand now. Theo was barely paying attention to whatever anecdote Enzo and Mattheo were rambling to him about. Those electric eyes were trained on you as you picked up another strawberry. 
“Want a bite, Teddy?” you asked lovingly. “They’re sweet.” 
Theo sucked in a breath before nodding slowly. He didn’t trust his voice at the moment. You offered the fruit to him, cradling his cheek gently as he wrapped his lips around the strawberry in a suggestive manner. Theo kept eye contact as he sucked the white chocolate off. You stared back, smiling sweetly as he devoured the fruit in one bite. He seemed frustrated at your unaffected expression, but you were determined not to break. You were going to come out on top tonight. In more ways than one. 
Usually, the two of you would be the first to leave. You rarely made it through an entire night without Theo dragging you into the floo so you could tear each other apart back at your shared flat. Tonight was different though. You lasted all the way through midnight, forcing yourself to laugh and chat with your friends as you ignored your boyfriend’s fuck me eyes from across the room. 
For that, you made sure you were the last to leave. Theo was convinced he was slowly dying. As soon as the two of you stepped through the floor, your boyfriend scrambled towards your direction, itching to get his hands all over you. 
You stepped out of his reach and shook your head. “I didn’t say you could touch me.” 
Theo looked utterly confused. “I’ve never needed permission before.” 
You chuckled darkly. “You really think I’d reward you for acting like a brat all night? You’re going to learn that it’s a bad idea to tease me like that in front of all of our friends.” Theo gaped at your words. “Now, sit. You can use this time to think about what you’ve done.” 
“Dolcezza, please —“
”Did I fucking stutter, Theo?” You jutted your chin to the bed. “Sit. I won’t tell you again.” 
Judging by the look on his face, Theo was stunned at the sudden change, but you knew your boyfriend well enough to notice that he was entirely turned on by it too. He settled on the edge of the bed, watching in anticipation as you made your way over to the vanity table. As slowly as possible, you took off every piece of jewelry one by one. The diamonds glittered brightly as you removed them from your neck, ears, and fingers. 
A tense silence settled in the room while you pulled the pins out of your updo, sending your hair cascading over your shoulders. Theo squirmed in place, groaning at the sight. You knew that seeing your hair down was his weakness.
“Baby,” he pleaded in the darkness. “Can I touch you?” 
You cut him a disinterested glance over your shoulder. “You can help me take my dress off.” 
Theo sighed in relief as you sauntered over to him. His slender fingers struggled with the zipper, eager to tear the fabric off of your body. You met his gaze through the mirror, giving him a stern look. 
“Slow, Theo. You need to be patient.” 
Your boyfriend swallowed thickly, struggling to reign himself in. He concentrated on undressing you slowly, his hands shaking slightly as he pulled the zipper down. He cursed under his breath when your dress pooled around your feet, leaving you in nothing but a little lacy green set — his favorite. 
The struggle was evident in his expression. His gaze raked over your body, settling on the spiky heels that you purposely kept on. The red soled stilettos clicked against the wooden floors as you closed the gap. You smirked as you settled between his legs and tugged on his tie. 
“Your turn,” you rasped while Theo gazed at you with pure hunger. “Let me undress you now.” 
“Okay,” Theo murmured, dazed and confused as you unbuttoned his shirt. 
He hissed when you raked your nails over his chest and made quick work of his tie. Theo started unbuttoning his shirt, but reeled back when you swatted his hands away. Your boyfriend gazed up at you expectantly, letting his hands fall neatly to his sides while you took over. Without much effort, you expertly unbuckled his belt and kneeled before him to help him slip out of his pants. Once he was stripped down to his boxers, your eyes flickered back to his face.  
“Get on the bed,” you commanded. 
Theo was mesmerized, inching backwards towards the headboard on his elbows, but keeping his attention on you as you crawled on the mattress with your heels still on. Your boyfriend was completely under your spell as you brought your face close to his, your hair tickling his chest while he eagerly drank you in. 
“What do you want?” 
“I want to kiss you,” he answered without hesitation.
”Then learn to ask for it.” 
Theo nodded, biting his lip. “Can I kiss you?” 
You raised a brow, utterly unimpressed. “Try again, Theo.” 
He chewed on his bottom lip, canines sinking down. “Can I kiss you, please?” 
You smirked, pleased with the magic word. “Good boy.” 
Something dark flashed in Theo’s expression. Your words seemed to awaken a new level of lust and desire within him. The praise gave him a rush that he had never felt before. Theo surged forward, his mouth slanting over yours eagerly. He tasted like wine and strawberries, heady and sinful while he kissed you deeply. His tongue slipped past the seam of your lips, demanding entrance. You granted his request, licking the roof of his mouth as you battled for control. 
Theo welcomed the challenge, groaning into your mouth as he pulled you into his lap. You straddled him and tugged at his hair as you flicked your tongue over his bottom lip, licking and sucking until he groaned with need. Theo took liberties without your permission, his greed getting the best of him as he grinded his hard length against your ass. 
You weren’t going to reward his impertinent behavior. You promised to teach him a lesson tonight. Theo gasped as you bit down on his bottom lip before raising his arms above him. He blinked in confusion as you bound him to the headboard with his own tie. It all happened so fast that by the time he noticed, it was already too late. 
Theo tugged at the restraints, squirming underneath you. “Please, cara mia. I want to touch you.” 
You sighed in disappointment. “Then you should've asked.” 
His biceps flexed as he struggled, the veins on his forearms stark and prominent against his olive skin. Panic filled his eyes when he realized that there was no getting out of his binds. ���I’m sorry. I got greedy. Please untie me, principessa. I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll make it up to you.” 
Theo sounded desperate. You traced his swollen lips with your fingers and tugged at his messy brown waves. His eyes were wild as you straddled him. “Oh, you will,” you drawled, flashing him a devious smirk. “After I’m done with you, you’ll learn not to disobey me, my love.” 
Your boyfriend panted heavily as you kissed down his chest, sucking and nipping at his flesh in a punishing manner. He was barely breathing as you trailed further south, licking a stripe down his torso. Theo whimpered as you pressed sloppy, openmouthed kisses along his abdominal muscles, leaving hickies in the shape of your initials on his skin. You continued taunting him with your mouth, flicking your tongue along his sinfully delicious happy trail like you had all the time in the world. When you grazed your teeth against his v-lines, Theo tugged at his arms so hard that the headboard rattled. 
He was practically in tears as you palmed his cock through the fabric of his underwear. Theo held his breath as you toyed with the band of his boxers, hooking your fingers over the fabric before sliding it off his long legs. His eyes rolled back while you pumped him, applying just the right amount of pressure to have him writhing against your touch. 
A desperate little whine slipped past his lips as you licked at the head of his cock, swirling your tongue over his tip and slurping up his precum. His moans filled the room when you took him down your throat, holding his hips down so he can’t fuck up into your mouth like he wants. Theo cursed in Italian as you pumped him with both hands, all the while sucking down and hollowing your cheeks to suction him in. 
“Fuck, bella. I’m so close,” he whispered in a hoarse voice. “I’m going to cum.” 
You withdrew your hands and your mouth at that moment, making him whine and groan from the sudden absence. Theo’s eyes flew wide open, tears filling his vision as you shook your head in disapproval. 
“I thought I told you to ask,” you chided. “If you want to cum, use your words.” 
“Please, please, baby, I’ll do whatever you want —“
”I know,” you said before settling over him and sliding off your panties. “And what I want is for you to get me off. Think you can help me with that, Theo?” 
“Yes, yes. Just untie me and I will. I’ll make you feel good, dolcezza. I promise.” 
“Oh, but you can do that right here, right now. With your hands tied.” Theo groaned as you grinded against him, spreading his precum and your slick over him. He moaned when his cock rubbed against your swollen clit with the perfect amount of friction. Theo was bewildered, his breaths coming out in ragged spurts. 
“Be a good boy and let me use you as my fuck toy. You can do that, can’t you, Teddy?” 
There wasn’t a single coherent thought in his mind. Theo felt the words escape him as you grinded against him. He felt dizzy. His cock was so hard that it hurt and he couldn’t even think straight. You hummed, brushing a finger over his balls before cupping them in your hand. 
“Use your words, pretty boy.” Theo blinked back, unable to speak. You grabbed his jaw roughly, forcing him back into focus. “I asked you a question. I expect you to answer.” 
Theo whimpered before nodding weakly. “Use me, dolcezza. I’m yours.” 
You smirked in satisfaction. Theo groaned as you rubbed your pussy against his cock. When his shaft brushed against your clit, his eyes rolled back so hard that he was convinced he could see the vacantness of his empty mind. You rode him hard and fast, using his body to get you off. The depravity of it turned him on even more. The blood rushed out of his head at the dominance you exhibited. You were utterly selfish, taking what you wanted when you wanted it, and he was so fucking aroused at how cruel his girl could be. 
You raked your nails over his chest as you balanced, teasing him with your wet folds without letting him feel you. Theo bit his lip so hard that the action drew blood. You licked away the crimson droplets and he sighed against your mouth as you gave him relief, sloppily kissing him while you moaned his name. He could tell you were getting close by the way you convulsed above him and he cursed as your pussy squelched against his cock. 
Theo was in awe as you cried out, cumming while you screamed his name. You slowed the roll of your hips as you lost yourself over to the orgasm, denying him of his own again. Your juices trickled down your thighs and pooled against his stomach. At that point, his cock was so sensitive that it throbbed painfully. Theo was in shambles, his wrists raw and red from tugging so hard. 
“Please, please, baby. Let me fuck you. I need it. I need you. I’ll die if I’m not inside you.” 
You chuckled, brushing the salty tears pooling underneath his pretty eyes. “Pathetic. Are you begging for me, pretty boy? So desperate to fill me up, to feel my pussy hug around your cock while you pump your cum inside of me, hm?” 
“It hurts so bad,” Theo whined. “Please, I’ll do anything. Anything you want. I’ll get on my knees and beg. Please, principessa.” 
“Look at you crying for me,” you cooed, caressing his cheek. “Poor Teddy. You’ve been so good. Let me take care of you now.” You soothed him with praises as you untied his arms. 
You kissed his wrists as Theo sighed in relief. “Do you want to touch me, baby?” 
Theo nodded shyly, which made you smile. His large, rough hands carefully gripped your hips. He looked to you for approval, making sure to check with you for every little thing. You only nodded, dragging his hands up to rest on your breasts. He busied himself with your bra strap, breathing raggedly as he freed your tits from the fabric. 
“Can I touch them, please?” Theo asked earnestly. 
“Is that all you want?” 
“No,” he answered honestly. “I want to kiss them. I want to suck them.” His gaze flickered to your amused expression. “Please, baby.” 
“Go ahead. You earned it, pretty boy.” 
Theo wasted no time, kneading your tits while kissing down your cleavage. He gasped in surprise when you sank down onto him, nearly sobbing in relief when he felt your pussy hug around his cock. His shaky little breaths seeped into your skin as you took inch after inch, making yourself comfortable on his lap as he sheathed himself inside of you. Theo whined when you lifted your hips until only his remained inside of you. 
“Don’t whine, Theo. Be thankful that I’m fucking you instead of punishing you.” 
He rested his head on the crook of your neck, attempting to ground himself. “Thank you, baby. I’m grateful. I don’t deserve it, but you’re so good to me.” 
With a proud smile, you slammed down to take all of him again. Theo was rendered speechless and his mouth fell open as you bounced on his cock. Desperately, he scrambled to catch your perky breasts into his mouth. Your boyfriend sucked on your tits, swirling his tongue around your nipples. You moaned as he nipped at you, tensing when you yanked him by his hair. 
Theo stared at you, waiting for direction. Knowing that you had this much control over him made you clench. In your relationship, Theo tended to take on the dominant role, but now that you knew that your boyfriend was more than open to being submissive, you were ready to explore this new dynamic.
“I like this side of you,” you murmured, kissing down his jaw and neck. His breath hitched as you slowly rolled your hips. “So obedient. So willing. So submissive.” A shiver shuddered through him as you wrapped your fingers around his neck. “Tell me who you belong to, Theo.” 
“You, baby,” he rasped. “Only you.” 
“Show me,” you commanded as you squeezed his throat. It was enough to make Theo feel dizzy, momentarily cutting off his oxygen. “Fuck me like you mean it.” 
The desire to please you overwhelmed him. All thoughts of his own pleasure faded. It was secondary to the need to hear you praise him, to validate him, to call him your good boy. He hooked his arm around your waist, shifting his hips to fuck into you at a deeper angle. You moaned above him as your bodies melded together. Sweat, sin, and sex permeated the air while he worshiped at your altar. 
Theo watched his cock disappear between your folds, his gaze flickering from your pussy to your face, eager to know if his actions pleased you. You brushed his hair back, gentle and loving, while you talked him through it. 
“That’s it, Teddy. Fill me up.” Theo thrusted as you bounced, groaning as he hit the sweet spot that made your body sing. “Just like that. Fuck, it’s so good. You’re so good, baby.” 
Your forehead dropped to his, rewarding him with sweet little kisses every time he hit the spongy spot that had you seeing stars. He relished in your compliments, felt himself craving it like a drug. When your pussy clenched around him to signal your release, Theo continued to fuck you through the orgasm. There was a reverent glimmer in his eyes like he was witnessing something holy when you came. 
Theo could feel his own release nearing, but he knew better than to cum without asking. It was abundantly clear to him that you were in control tonight. “Can I cum? Please, principessa?” 
“Of course you can,” you replied with a blissed out smile. “Good boys get to cum.” 
He held his breath, feeling warmth spread throughout his body. “I’ve been a good boy?” 
“Mhm,” you murmured, pulling him in for a soft kiss. “The best boy.” Even though you were sensitive and overstimulated, you made sure to reward his good behavior. Picking up the pace, sliding easily up and down his cock thanks to your wetness, you whispered the words that you knew would push Theo over the edge. “Now be a good boy and cum inside of me, baby.” 
Theo cried out with a shout, shuddering underneath you as he shot hot ribbons deep inside your pussy. You could feel his cum filling you up, warm and wet as it trickled out. He panted against your neck as his cock twitched inside of you, releasing his load with each pump. As he emptied himself out, Theo slowed, his body collapsing from the intensity of the orgasm. 
When he regained consciousness, he was flat on his back. Theo blinked away the white spots in his vision. It felt like his soul had left his body entirely. He had cum so hard he passed out. As he rejoined the physical realm, Theo opened his eyes to find you cleaning him up. You were so sweet and gentle, the complete opposite of the selfish lover you’d been just a few moments ago. It warmed his heart to know that you’d always take care of him no matter what. 
Theo smiled as you kissed his forehead. A small whimper escaped his mouth as you pulled his boxers over his legs, his cock still sensitive from the intense sex. You whispered sweet nothings into his ear, soothing him as you brushed your fingers through his hair. Theo cuddled against your side and sighed happily. 
“Holy fuck,” he whispered. 
You giggled, pressing soft kisses all over his face. “Did you like that?” You asked, teasing your boyfriend. “It seems like you did.” 
He hummed against your skin, brushing his lips against your neck. “Fuck, I think you just unlocked a new kink for me.” You chuckled at his words. “That was so fucking hot, baby.” 
“You know, I was trying to teach you a lesson,” you mused. “I didn’t quite expect you to enjoy getting degraded this much.” 
“Degrade me whenever you want, dolcezza.” 
"Really?" you hummed, musing on his willingness. "How far would you let me go? If I broke out a leash and collar, would you have stopped me?"
You were half-joking, but the eager expression on your boyfriend's face told you that he was more than willing to make your suggestion into a reality.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, cara mia." Theo wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging you closer. "I'd crawl to you on my hands and knees if you asked. If you're the one asking, there's nothing I wouldn't do."
The power definitely gave you a head rush. As much as you relished in the hold you had over him, you tucked the knowledge away for later. There was plenty of opportunity to act out all your dirtiest, filthiest fantasies, but for now, you were more than content to snuggle with the love of your life.
You smirked, nipping at his jaw. “That’s my good boy.” 
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judeswhore · 11 months
only angel
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summary: you need to make your ex boyfriend jealous and your brother’s best friend is more than happy to help
pairing: brother’s bsf!jude bellingham x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of the reader being cheated on
word count: 2.6k
notes: you can find my masterlist here. this is kinda? based on one scene from culpa mia that’s had my head spinning for days so u should go watch it!!!
you couldn’t remember the name of the boy who had his hands on your ass.
that would’ve been a problem any other night, the fact that the hands didn’t belong to your boyfriend but a total stranger you’d met not even ten minutes before. but it wasn’t any other night and your boyfriend was no longer your boyfriend because he’d decided it was okay to make out with other girls when he was bored. just to make matters worse, you only found out because ben’s best friend sent you a picture, zoomed in from across the room until you could see clearly how far his tongue was down her throat.
hurt and frustration had taken over, a burning need to get back at him unfurling in your chest and after downing a bunch of shots you’d grabbed the first boy you’d spotted. now that you think of it, you’re not sure you even asked for his name, too caught up in dragging him up the stairs and away from the rest of the party. you wanted to send ben your own picture, preferably one that would hurt a lot more. so here you were, pressed up against the wall, rough hands palming at your bare skin and you couldn’t deny that it felt good.
the kisses and wandering hands had distracted you from your task, had momentarily made you forget as you instead focused on how good it felt to be with someone who clearly wanted you. your relationship with ben had been teetering on the edge for weeks, both of you becoming bored but neither of you making the first move to part ways. maybe you should’ve known the avoidance would only ever lead to this.
teeth sunk into your bottom lip and the sharp pain tugged you out of the kiss, had you remembering why you’d cornered the boy in the first place. untangling one hand from his light hair, you pulled your phone from where you’d tucked it safely into the space between your boobs and your dress, lifted it high enough to capture what you were doing. there was a few seconds of fumbling, a frustrated groan working it’s way up your chest, getting lost in the boys mouth as he gripped a little harsher at your ass.
and then your phone was gone, plucked straight from your fingers with practiced ease, your hands immediately pushing at the chest in front of you. the boy stumbled in surprise, dropped his hands from you as you rushed to tug your dress back down. jude flashed you a grin, taunting and a little mean, his dark eyes locked on yours.
“give me my phone.” you demanded, already stepping forward but he tutted and hid the device behind his back.
“you’re blocking the bathroom, angel.” jude turned to the boy standing awkwardly at your side, hands pressed in front of his crotch and embarrassment rolled over you at being caught in such a position. especially by jude. he cocked his head towards the stairs. “move.” the tone of his voice left no room for arguments and within seconds you were left alone in the hallway.
jude looked heartbreakingly good, far too hot to be wandering alone through a house party and you hated yourself for wondering if he’d been with anyone since you’d parted ways at the front door. it was only his second night back from spain and he’d gotten bigger since the last time you’d seen him, all broad shoulders and bulging arms, his hair and beard grown out significantly more. the all black outfit he was wearing was really doing wonders for him, the shirt open by at least three buttons so you could see the top of his chest, smooth skin just waiting to be marked. he was gorgeous and you hated it.
"did my brother send you up here to do that?" you asked, annoyance burning hot inside of you as you crossed your arms over your chest and glowered at your brother's best friend.
jude and your brother had been friends for as long as you could remember, joined at the hip through primary and secondary, only parting when jude left for germany. that distance meant that whenever jude was back home he was with your brother, which meant you saw him a lot more than you'd like. it wasn't that you didn't like jude, it was the opposite actually, you liked him a lot more than you should.
there was an undeniable tension between the two of, you, lingering glances and fleeting touches that left you burning up. inappropriate comments whispered in your ear while he brushed past you in the kitchen, compliments pressed into your skin as he grazed his lips over your bare shoulder, too quick for you to really feel the heat of his touch. on more than one occasion you'd caught him staring at your ass or tits, a look in his eye that screamed he wanted to ruin you. multiple movie nights had almost ended with you begging him to fuck you right there on the sofa, wound up from how many times he'd brushed his fingers over your thigh beneath the duvet you shared.
but it never went any further, he never really touched you, not in any way that would satiate the need you had for him. because there were rules, rules that had been put in place long before you had any idea what it meant to want another person. your brother had made it more than clear that you were off limits to all of his friends and if he ever found out about the flirting between you and jude you were sure he’d kill you both.
"no," jude sounded casual when he replied, teasing even, but his next words were anything but. you could hear the strain in them, the hidden jealousy that made your chest ache every time. "why're you up here getting off with that idiot? where's ben?" he sneered your ex's name, face twisted like the word left behind a bad taste in his mouth and for maybe the first time you understood.
“obviously not here.” the words had barely left your mouth when your phone, still tucked into jude’s hand, pinged with a new message. nosy as always, he glanced down at the screen, stared with a blank expression for a few seconds before his brows creased. he looked annoyed when he met your gaze.
“he’s cheating?”
“why do you think i was kissing someone else?” you asked, reaching again for your phone but jude pulled it back again, completely ignoring your frustrated huff. he tried for a teasing smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, the dark of them alight with pity.
“i don’t know, thought maybe you were trying to get my attention.” you scoffed at that and his joking manner dropped, his aftershave washing over you as he took a slow step forward. in turn, you took a quick step back. “you’re trying to make ben jealous?”
“i wanted a picture.”
“a picture?”
“ben’s friend sent me a picture of him kissing another girl. i wanted to send one back.” hearing yourself say it out loud you felt a little stupid, humiliation creeping up on you the longer jude stared in silence. he probably thought you were ridiculous and honestly weren’t you? you didn’t need to lower yourself to ben’s level by doing the same as him, you didn’t need to prove anything to him.
"did you get it?" jude took another step towards you.
"no." you moved back and hit the wall, a quiet gasp blowing past your lips as you tipped your head back to meet his gaze. there was an odd look in his eyes, one you weren't sure you'd seen before but it twisted your stomach all the same, had your palms sweating so much you had to wipe them down your dress. he was close, too close and you could just make out the faint smell of alcohol on his breath.
the tension was thick, your gaze locked on his and you felt trapped, unable to look away or push him out of your space. the tips of his fingers grazed lightly over your thigh and your tummy dipped, lips parting as you drew in a shaky breath and held it. the path his fingers traced burned, the further up they travelled the more you started to ache, goosebumps rising across your skin. they reached the hem of your dress and for a few seconds he simply toyed with it.
"if i get you the picture do you promise to stop kissing random boys?" he asked, voice barely a whisper and his close proximity was the only reason you could hear him over the music in the house. something tightened in your tummy, something hot and primal as his fingers worked a little higher up your thigh, his knuckles disappearing under your dress.
you blinked at him, slow and unsure because you didn't quite understand what he was asking. there was no way he was suggesting he would kiss you, not when your brother was somewhere downstairs and you could get caught at any moment. not only that, ben knew jude and you knew your ex well enough to know he'd rat you out as soon as he saw the picture. it was a stupid idea and yet your mouth was running before your brain could catch up, shoulders rising and falling.
"maybe?" jude huffed a soft laugh that tickled across your lips, made you tip subconsciously closer to him. his palm was flat on the back of your thigh now and you bit back a pathetic whimper when his thumb grazed teasingly against the curve of your ass. not ten minutes ago you'd had someone else fully groping you with only the smallest effect on your body but the tiniest graze of jude's fingers had your underwear embarrassingly wet. "always so stubborn."
you swallowed thickly and when you pulled in a breath through parted lips, jude's own lips tipped open, dangerously close to yours. your eyes stayed locked on his, heart pounding in your chest and the party around you disappeared, your brother, ben, the consequences of what was about to happen seemed meaningless when jude was watching you the way he was. his nose brushed along yours, the hand that had previously been on your thigh rising to cup your jaw, the pad of his thumb pressed against your chin. he urged your head a little further back.
"kiss me and find out." it was a beg, a plea, whispered into the dark hallway and it was jude's undoing.
the tension snapped and his mouth covered yours, his body pressing you firmly into the wall as his fingers slipped around to grip the back of your neck. he kissed you slow at first, gentle caresses of his lips over yours as though testing the waters. he was giving you the chance to push him away, to put an end to the stupidity but you'd never been smart when it came to him and you had no intentions of getting him to stop. instead you opened your mouth beneath his and settled your palms against his chest.
jude made a soft sound in the back of his throat, one that you swallowed greedily and then he was kissing you properly, taking what he wanted with no thought for anything else. years of flirting and teasing, of winding the other up, poured into the kiss, a desperate neediness bleeding through your system as you gripped his shirt between your fingers. he pressed a little firmer against you and wedged one knee between both of yours, half grinned when he heard your breathless whimper.
you were dizzy, pliant between him and the wall, legs so weak you were sure you’d collapse if he stepped away from you. it was a miracle you hadn’t passed out, you weren’t sure how long exactly you’d waited for this moment but it was long enough that this one kiss felt like finally being able to breathe. he kissed you like you might disappear if he stopped, the tips of his fingers soft against the back of your skull, a direct contrast to the hard press of his thigh between your legs.
his kisses started to slow, becoming gentle again, languid strokes of his tongue against yours as he rubbed his thumb in soothing circles just behind your ear. your hands had slipped under his shirt, his bare skin hot against your palms and you felt a deep shiver roll over him when you raked your nails over his abs, determined to leave behind some sort of mark. a sigh spilled from you, a disappointed whine catching in the back of your throat as jude pulled back, his thumb pressing into your chin to stop you from chasing his mouth.
“fuck, you’re-“ he looked wrecked, eyes all pupil, blown out with lust, his lips plump and kiss bitten, begging you to press against them once more. each rise and fall of his chest matched yours, your heart pounding so loud you were afraid he might be able to hear it. his eyes were a little dazed when they dropped to your mouth, his thumb brushing soft over your bottom lip and he watched in a trance as you kissed the pad of it. his following groan was loud. “fuck.”
then he was kissing you again, deeper, dirtier, stealing the final bit of sanity you had left and swallowing it whole. his hand found your throat, fingers squeezing just slightly against the sides and you moaned, rocked forward against his thigh and sunk your nails into his chest. he had you pinned to the wall, his lips and tongue driving you crazy, your need to breathe lost in the need to have him closer, to have him kiss you a little harder.
you’d forgotten about the party, about your brother and the fact anyone could catch you up here, could only focus on how good he felt. on how his body reacted beneath your hands, his muscles tensing when you ran your palms over them, scratched lightly with your nails. he tasted of beer and mint, an unusually addictive taste that you never wanted to forget. and his sounds. the soft moans and gasps he let out into your mouth were driving you insane, were the main reason the space between your thighs ached so much.
you wanted to keep him like this forever.
there was suddenly a flash, so bright it startled you, a surprised gasp tumbling from you as jude pulled away. the ruined look in his eyes was still there but behind it was something else, something that looked a lot like guilt and it made your tummy twist, realisation hitting you like cold water. you straightened up, fixed your dress and he stepped back, your phone held between you like a barrier. for a few seconds you stared a little dumbfounded at the device.
“i got you your picture.” his voice was rough, strained in a way you weren’t entirely used to and there was a deep groove between his brows when you glanced up at him. the space between you was minimal but it felt like miles and for the first time you felt awkward with him, unsure of what to say. you went to apologise, tucking your phone back between your boobs without even looking at the photo but before you could your brother’s voice floated up from the bottom of the stairs.
“bellingham! we’re losing down here, man. hurry the fuck up!” jude blinked, dragged his hand down his face before straightening out his rumpled shirt. you’d creased it with your hands but you knew he’d done much worse with your appearance. if you looked in the mirror you were sure your lipstick would be smudged and once alone your mascara would probably be the same.
he gave you one last look, lingered a little at the top of the stairs. “i think you should go home.”
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sinofwriting · 7 months
Figlia Mia - Charles Leclerc (Part Two)
Words: 1,927 Summary: What do the 2024, 2025, and 2026 season look like with Enzo Ferrari’s granddaughter having taken over the Ferrari F1 team? Read part one here Note(s)/Warning(s): This is a very different fic to what I normally write. The story is mainly told with news headlines and only has 3 blurbs in it. But if you want me to expand on anything in the news headlines or want to see a part three told also with news headlines for the 2027, 2028, and 2029 season let me know! And thank you to @eleetalks for the Italian translation! Also, I shouldn’t have to say this but: How I write the drivers in these fics is not based on my feelings for them, it is just what I need them to be.
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January 2025
“I feel like I’m in trouble.” Daniel jokes, as he follows her through the hallways. “I think you just like being trouble.” He grins at her, winking. “Gotta keep you on your toes, huh.” She shakes her head, but grins. “Was the drive okay?” “Better than most. I’ve got a room at the hotel for the next few days as I house hunt.” “No flat?” He scoffs, “for three years? And with the amount of development we’re doing? Fuck that. I’ll go crazy.” She hums, sending a smile to Anita as they pass by her who tuts when seeing Daniel.
“What was that about?” “Anita likes her peace. It’s why she’s worked for us for so long.” “I can be peaceful!” He protests and then immediately makes a face. “Okay, I can try.” She snorts, shaking her head as they reach the dining room.
“Daniel!” Her grandfather greets, a wide smile on his face as he pats Charles hand before the younger moves to her side, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Signor Ferrari!” Daniel cheers, moving to the older man’s side and bending to press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re looking amazing. It’s the enchante merch, isn’t it?” He jokes, having sent some to both Ferrari’s right before the 2024 season ended. Enzo huffs out a laugh and she watches Daniel’s face as her grandfather sticks out his leg, sliding his slipper off and Daniel’s jaw drops as he sees the enchante sock on his foot. “Healing properties.” “Holy fuck.” Daniel breathes and they all can’t help but laugh. “I told you, nonno that you’d break him.” Enzo grins at Charles, putting his slipper back on. “I’ve got to keep you kids on your toes.” She rolls her eyes, squeezing Charles upper arm, before moving to properly greet her grandfather. Pressing a kiss to his weathered skin and holding his hand in hers for a few seconds.
“Now tell me as we eat how the car is.” He demands as soon as everyone is sitting and food has been served.
“He really overdid it.” Charles murmurs as they both work to get Daniel on the bed. She sighs. “He was talking about house hunting here before we joined. The split hit him a bit harder than I thought.” He frowns, eyes sad as he looks at the man that for a good few years was pretty much his second godfather. “Has he said why?” “Racing. This year was supposed to be his last, but 2024.” She shakes her head, a sad but fond smile on her face. “It really hit him how much he wasn’t ready to leave yet and F1 wasn’t ready for him to leave either. She didn’t want him to go this long, didn’t want to deal with the weird long distance and traveling.” She shrugs. “It sucks, but is fair.” “Is it rude to be grateful that we won’t have to deal with that?” He asks, wrapping an arm around her waist and tucking her body against his as they look at Daniel, who's starting to really drift off. “No, il mio destino. Only natural.” My destiny He hums, pressing a kiss to her neck before sighing and unwinding their bodies. “Let me take off his jeans so he’ll be more comfortable.” “I’ll get him a glass of water and make sure to put another pillow under his head, when you lay like that your neck always aches in the morning.” The last part is a murmur and he flushes at her remembering that. Such a small, simple thing.
When Daniel wakes up the next morning he groans at the dry throat he has and the gross feeling of not changing before falling asleep for the night. Turning to the left, his eyes close for a quick second as he murmurs a prayer of thanks before reaching for the glass of water on the nightstand and draining it.
It takes a few minutes for the water to settle in him and for him to realize that he doesn’t have jeans on. He blinks, but shrugs. It wouldn’t be the first time he stripped while asleep, but those were one of his tighter pairs of jeans.
“Daniel.” She greets when he stumbles out of the bathroom and finds himself in a small kitchen. “Morning Stella, Charles.” He rubs at his eyes, clearing the last of sleep away as he sits in the small breakfast nook.
Charles and her share an amused look when the smell of coffee makes Daniel perk up, his face instantly brightening.
“That smells amazing.” She passes a cup to him and Charles presses the small basket slash tray of sugar, creamer, and things closer to the Australian. “Thank you.” He murmurs to both of them before doctoring his cup, murmuring another thank you when a small bowl of fruit is placed in front of him, Charles doing the same.
“I had your luggage delivered to the house.” She states when Daniel is fully awake and halfway through his fruit bowl. His brows press together, hand stilling. “What?” Charles brings his cup to his mouth to hide his smile. “Your luggage, it was brought to the house. Nonno is the only person that lives here full time, Anita, Matteo, and Luca live here when we are not and sometimes when we are. And Charles and I have this whole wing to ourselves, this kitchen, a small living space, a few smaller rooms that were converted into offices, and four bedrooms. We’d like to have you live here as well. Or in the guest house.” Daniel blinks at her. He had forgotten how much she steamrolled and bulldozed through things, it made his lips twitch up into a smile before he turned his attention to Charles. “And you're alright with this?” “You’re family.” Charles states and Daniel can feel tears spring to his eyes at the easy way he says it. “We may have lost sight of that for a few years and only regained it recently, but you are family, Daniel.” He swallows thickly, “fuck.” He breathes, a few tears running down his face before he nods. “Alright, kids. I’ll move in.” And then in a move that shocks Charles, Daniel places a hand on the back of his neck and draws him close before he kisses his forehead and the gesture makes Charles well up. “Jules will kill me for letting you drown for so long.” Charles shakes his head and neither man notices that she has left the room, leaving them to a grief that they share. “No. He’ll be proud we became family again.”
May 2025
She smiles as she watches Ferrari get another 1-2 podium, the third of the season already and it was Charles winning his home race once again.
“You are glowing.” “Maman.” She says, turning slightly to look at Pascale. “I promise that we aren’t hiding anything. We just got married. It’s a newlywed glow.” Her mother in law huffs. “And when will I get my grandchildren?” She shakes her head. “You and my grandfather both. Eventually, I promise. Not right now though. Neither of us are ready for that.”
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November 2025
“Daniel, do another lap.” “What?” The word comes out a bit loud and harsh but he listens to Stella, ignoring the checkered flag and starting another lap. “What’s going on, Stella?” It’s quiet for another moment but as he approaches the straight, she speaks. “Daniel, congratulations. You are the 2025 world champion!” “What?” He slows as he takes the turn, her words not registering even though it had been all anyone had been talking about since the weekend started. “You won, Daniel! You’re a world champion!” “Holy fuck.” He curses and as he gets on the straight he realizes why she had him continue and he stops the car in the middle of it, grandstands perfectly able to see it as he quickly unbuckles his harness and gets out to stand on the car, raising a fist in the air as he screams.
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@cixrosie @badbatch-simp24 @darleneslane @fanboyluvr @teti-menchon0604 @eugene-emt-roe @crystals-faith @gemofthenight @peachiicherries @lpab @copper-boom @topguncultleader @iloveyou3000morgan @boiohboii @benstormy @bibliosaurous @skepvids
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chaotic-iguana · 8 months
joel x f! reader
my little contribution to kinktober. a teasing/denial fic that i originally wrote for butcher (the boys) but joelified bc he's so daddy. nsfw under the cut. sorry i've been mia
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“fuckin’ look at you, doll.” joel flashes you a shit-eating grin before reaching up to pinch your nipples between his thumb and forefingers harshly, rumbling a chuckle at the whimper it draws from you. you’re all splayed out for him with your hands tied to headboard above, thighs wrenched open by his shoulders; skin hot and flushed under his touch. he’s told you to stay still twice already but you can’t, not when he’s been leaving featherlight brushes on your skin for hours and cruelly laughing at every sound that comes from your mouth, smiling at the way your hips buck in his hold-
and then he’s leaning in just to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to your sternum, beard stinging against your sensitive skin, jaw working to nip and bite until your tears are falling and he’s pulling back with a mocking tut, eyes twinkling.
“all these pretty tears just f’me, love?” your frantic nod makes him raise a brow, hand coming down to swat the inside of your thigh - the impact shooting straight to your poor, neglected cunt.
“use y’words, chatterbox.”
his tone makes you want to curl in on yourself, because he knows you’re too far gone to form words right now, too far gone to think about anything beyond the fact that you need him and that you might actually die if he stops touching you. but you know joel, and you know how mean he really is - he’ll keep you writhing on the bed for hours to fix your attitude if he doesn’t hear an answer now; uncaring of the fact that you’re barely grasping at thoughts and completely fucking gone. and like the devil, you he starts rubbing circles into the juncture of your thighs while you struggle to answer him.
“y-yes, da-joel. ‘m cr-crying for y-you.” he hums, and suddenly runs a knuckle through your folds, making you keen, tears sticking to your lashes.
“yes, who?” bastard. he knows you can never bring yourself to say it - not even if it rests on the tip of your tongue every time - and despite yourself, you bite your tongue and shake your head, hiccuping.
“oh we’re being shy now? fuck me, honey, where was this when i had my cock in your ass?” his hands rest just above where you need him now, thumbs stroking your abdomen in careful, downward brushes. your back arches into the touch, hips chasing him even when he pulls his hands away, and then you’re sobbing in earnest.
another tut, dripping with condescension. “no more cryin’. tell me what you want, baby.” and you’re gasping another breath and gulping air, wrists straining against the rope before stammering out another response, too delirious with your need to register what you were saying.
“need you to t-touch me, d-daddy, please.” he shuffles up, gripping your chin to turn it towards him before capturing your lips in his, his tongue sweeping into your mouth. his thumb presses gently on your buzzing clit, making you jolt with surprise. you blink at him, frowning. he’d never cave this quickly.
until- he’s reaching down to plant a kiss to your forehead, smoothing over your hair before nuzzling against your cheek.
“gotta give my pretty girl what she needs, don’t i?
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hello loves, as always - thank you for reading. comment your thoughts or find me on ao3. stay hydrated and have a great day! 
taglist (lmk if u wanna be taken off, no hard feelings): @imherefordeanandbones , @theywhowriteandknowthings , @josephquinnswhore , @millerscoffee , @nostalxgic, @sscorpiiio , @pedrosaidsheispunk , @its-nebuleuse, @sofiparallel , @mandoisapunk , @bastardmandennis , @pawnshopb1ues,
dividers by @cafekitsune (the best.)
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Got an idea🧠 re8 ladies react to a heavy gothic punk style, rockstar wannabe y/n,,like I'm talking the leather, the studded spike belt/choker thingy, probably some gothic dress with those netted gloves here,,and ofc,,the extreme heavily stylized full face makeup🤯 also they probably have a more "party animal/aggressive" personality,,not mean or anything but they would definitely speak in yelling🗣️
Damn. You’re describing me in high school perfectly XD Let’s get into it!
Rock music? In her castle? It’s more likely than she thinks.
Alcina would never admit it, but she’s starting to develop a taste for punk. It’s so… Rebellious. It’s downright scandalous for an aristocrat like her to want to listen to such music (At least in her opinion).
While you may be a little rough around the edges (And loud), She wouldn’t change a single thing about you. She loves you for who you are.
Also, those tight black jeans you like to wear make her hot and bothered. She’s never seen clothes like this before, so it’s quite a shock to her when she first sees you in them…
Sometimes Alcina will surprise you by painting her nails black instead of their signature blood red. A non-verbal way for her to say “I love you”.
It looks really good on her and you beg her to do it more often.
Donna was high-key afraid of you when she first so you in the village.
You were so… Confident and outgoing. Two things that, frankly, scare the shit out of her.
However, when you approached and asked if you could take her out on a date… Something about you presence made her feel… Protected. You had a kind smile and underneath all of the tough clothing and big personality, she could see you had a big heart.
Angie and you love to mosh together. Some of the other dolls want to join in, but Donna discourages it. She doesn’t want them learning bad habits… It’s a little too late for Angie, though, so she lets the two of you do your thing.
When you introduced Donna to the band… “The Donnas” She nearly lost her mind. She thought it was so cool. “Well, it is a badass name, cara mia,” She said with a shrug.
You busted out laughing.
Rock music… Hair gel… Black nail polish… Mm-mm. Not for her.
It’s almost like you two are polar opposites. But, maybe that’s why your relationship works so well. You balance each other.
She likes calm and peaceful music (Especially while she works). Screaming and angsty lyrics just sound like needless noise to her and it drives her crazy.
She also has to tell you to lower your voice because you tend to yell a lot without realizing it. “Draga mea, I’m standing right in front of you. There’s no need to shout,” She tuts and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
You blush and tell her you’re sorry.
Sometimes, you like to mess with her and while she’s reading or otherwise distracted, you suddenly blare a really loud song and scare the shit out of her.
You also spend the night on the couch.
She is 100% drawn to you when you first meet. A badass rocker? She swoons, I’m convinced.
You’re just her type. A rugged, good-looking exterior with a heart of gold on the inside. Honestly, she’s more in love with your personality than anything, but you being hot is definitely a plus.
You play music for her and serenade her. For her, it’s just about the most romantic thing you could do… Even if you are singing angsty, gritty songs.
Bela is not keen on copying your style when she dresses, but it’s mostly because she doesn’t want to upset Alcina.
I think she secretly really wants to try out that “Alt girl” Aesthetic. However, she’ll leave that to you for now. She’s content to just admire you.
She’s also drawn to you when you first meet. She’s never met anyone like you before and she finds you absolutely thrilling.
She loves to look at all of the different accessories you have. Your studded belts fascinate her… Maybe because they look like they could hurt somebody if they got too close to you. “That’ll keep those hussy maids away from you!” She cackles.
You sweat at how serious she looks.
If I’m being honest? I think Cass has a mad leather kink. Just seeing you in those tight leather pants… Does something to her.
She is instant putty in your hands when you sing to her. She enjoys all the gory violent lyrics tumbling out of your mouth.
While Dani is definitely a fan of cutesy things… She can’t deny that your brooding looks turn her on.
When you introduce her to your favorite bands, they quickly become her favorites as well.
I think she would generally be more of a fan of the pop-punk spectrum of rock, however, she might also enjoy some of the harder bands like Iron Maiden or Metallica.
Dani loves showing you off. She clings to your arm as you two take walks and feels so safe with big, bad you by her side.
You’re loud, but so is she. Sometimes you both sound like you’re literally screeching at each other but it’s only because you’re either really happy or excited.
You two are a match made in heaven. You get each other.
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blood-red-ocean · 5 months
can I request Mother Miranda next? i have this silly idea where MM's crow(s) has a habit of stashing all kind of shiny things near reader's house. Maybe she has a small porch that's not been used cause reader doesn't have time lounging around, and the sneaky crow is, like, yeah, this is perfect, and so reader goes about her life non the wiser to crow's shenanigans behind her back until one day she hears some sound outside and goes to investigate which ends with her stumbling upon MM rummaging through pile of... something. Awkward silence.
I don't know why I saw reader's house and immediately went 'ah yes, they live with Miranda' but ANYWAY enjoy <3
Small Thief (RL!Miranda x Reader)
Word count: 1.9k Warnings: None Summary: Cornelius is a sneaky lil gremlin.
“Babe? Have you seen my keys?”
Overturned couch cushions and the contents of upturned cabinet drawers laid in the wake of your frantic rummaging. The very thought of having lost a set of keys to the headmistress’s house scared you enough, but it would be even worse if you had not simply misplaced them and had dropped them somewhere on the Campus. Especially with Mia’s habit of being an absolute gremlin and showing up unexpectedly in places she wasn’t supposed to be.
“Hmm?” Miranda strode into the room, hand fiddling with the button on the other wrist of her shirt.
“My keys, babe, my keys. I need them.”
You knew what was coming immediately. You knew it so well that you could almost quote her word for word. “Now, what did I tell you about carelessly tossing your keys down, little crow?” She and you both knew that if she had spoken those words to anybody else, it would have seen as harsh chastising. But you knew her better than that, and you could easily pick up on the way her mouth quirked up at the corners. The Miranda version of a playful grin.
“Forget about your keys, darling mine,” She said, striding over to you to kiss your cheek. “I will be awake when you return, I’ll let you in.”
“Andy, you know I’ve got class till late tonight.” Miranda smiled a little more visibly at the nickname you had picked for her – Devil Wears Prada had quickly become her favourite movie to watch with you, and she didn’t hide her blush fast enough when you called her it playfully for the first time while playfully testing out different variations of her name. Mir, Mira, Andy… “Professor Dimitrescu is making us recreate a classical piece in our own style.”
“That’s… Out of character.” Miranda frowned a little. “Very well then. I’ll still let you in.”
“I’ll be awake.” Miranda gave you a pointed look, and it hit you then. Of course she would be awake – without you around to help with the growing pile of student council paperwork, full of requests and grievances that were above even Bela’s station, she would no doubt spend considerable time poring over them, with Cornelius on her shoulder. She often turned to work when you weren’t around.
“Okay, fine,” You said. You reached up and caressed her cheek, a playful smirk growing on your face. “Just don’t drool on the papers when you fall asleep this time, okay?” This earned you a tut from Miranda.
Hours later, and back aching from spending hours at an easel, you trudged into Miranda’s – you and Miranda’s – house, dropping your bag at your feet. You leaned back against the door and groaned, rolling your shoulders slowly to relieve some of the tension. The smell of pizza wafted down the hallway and into your nostrils, stomach growling angrily. “Oh, fuck yes,” you breathed, following the scent like a cartoon character. There, on the kitchen counter, laid an open box of your favourite pizza, and a note beside it which stated, in Miranda’s elegant cursive, “I am in my office. Come find me when you have eaten, little crow.”
Pizza slice in hand, you navigated the house, making your way to her study. The door was propped slightly open, and a gentle push on it made it swing forward, revealing Miranda bent over her home desk as she pored over some paperwork.
“Pizza?” You asked, holding a piece out.
Miranda crinkled her nose a little and shook her head. “Not tonight, Feather. I don’t think I have the stomach for it right now.” She tapped her fingers on the top of the desk as she sat back, peering at you with concern. “Are you alright? You seem exhausted.”
“Because I am,” You mumbled around a mouthful of cheese, sauce and dough. “Dimitrescu made me restart my piece three times. Three times! All because I mixed the pigment slightly wrong.” Miranda kept tapping her fingers one by one, the familiar sound almost mesmerizing you – almost.
Click, click, thud, click. Click, click, thud, click.
One of her golden finger guards was missing, the soft thud of her bare finger hitting the wooden surface jarring against the clicking you were used to. “Hey,” You spoke up, frowning. “Where’s your guard?”
Miranda shifted uncomfortably, hesitating. “I have no idea,” She eventually admitted. “I removed all of them earlier to take a bath, and when I turned back, one was missing.”
“Ah, so the great Miranda doesn’t have eyes in the back of her head after all.” Miranda shot you a playful glare, affection vaguely hidden beneath. “I’m sure it’ll show up somewhere.”
“It is rather… Concerning, that things keep going missing around here. I’m not usually this… Disorganized.”
“You aren’t disorganized at all,” You reassured her, licking the grease from your fingers. “Maybe we have a ghost.”
Miranda rolled her eyes lightheartedly at that, returning to her work. You grabbed your books and papers, settling in on the couch opposite her desk to study. Yeah, you were exhausted, but you still had other classes to study for, and not even being romantically bound to the headmistress would give you endless exceptions when it came to your studies.
Weeks passed, hours and hours of late classes beginning to make you feel burned out. You spent the days counting down to when it was finally done and you could spend your time with Miranda again – and quicker than you thought, it was over. You left Professor Dimitrescu’s class with a heavy wooden frame in hand, a begrudging A+ grade, and a sense of smug accomplishment. You couldn’t wait to get home and tell Miranda all about how Alcina had squirmed, heaving sighs and muttering as she scribbled an A+ onto the piece of paper before her.
Upon arriving at home, however, Miranda was nowhere to be found. Propping the frame up against the wall, you dug your phone from your pocket and checked it – no texts, no missed calls. Venturing deeper into the house, you peered into Miranda’s study to see it empty and dark. Brow furrowed, you ventured even further into the house. It was unlike Miranda to not tell you where she was – or rather, command that you go and be at her side.
“Andy?” You called out. You peered into darkened rooms, intrigue growing as you saw parts of the house you hadn’t seen before. Between the rush of moving you in with her, and exam season, and Alcina’s late classes, you had barely had time to spend sitting quietly with your avian goddess, let alone explore the depths of the house.
Just as you were about to give up and try and call Miranda, a crashing sound came from the very back of the house. Pulse rushing in your ears, you immediately jumped to alertness, searching for something to wield as a makeshift weapon. Eventually settling on a discarded iron poker, you held it aloft as you took slow steps towards the crashing sounds. You eventually came upon a glass door, a faint glow emanating from behind it. With one hand on the doorknob, you took a deep breath and threw the door open, roaring.
Once the frantic flurrying of wings and dark feathers and Miranda’s cursing had died down, you could get a proper look at the small room you had entered. It was covered in screens rather than windows, and it took you a moment to realise it was a porch.
A porch filled with heaping miles of miscellanea, remarkably less organized than the rest of the house. Miranda stood in the midst of it all, her face flushed and scowling… At Cornelius. Eyebrows raised, you glanced between the two of them, taking a step back. Cornelius let out a rather loud, indignant caw, wings lifted at Miranda.
“You! She hissed, pointing her finger accusingly. “I knew it!”
A glint in the corner of your vision caught your eye, and at a single glance you heaved with relief.
“My keys,” You breathed. “Thank the gods—” You reached out to pick them up, and the fluttering of wings signaled Cornelius’s arrival. He stood with one foot on them, staring up at you with one burning yellow eye. It hit you then that this wasn’t some secret that Miranda kept, some uncharacteristic habit – no, Cornelius had been periodically stealing more and more items over the weeks, stashing him where he thought nobody would find them. You reached out again to try and take the keys, but he just cawed softly at you, clicking his beak.
“Hey, what—”
“You have to give him something else,” Miranda grumbled, sifting through the heaps of shiny objects. “I learned that the hard way.” She tapped her earlobe, and you noticed that one of her dangly gold earrings was missing, no doubt wherever Cornelius had stashed it again. On her finger was the golden finger guard, back where it belonged.
“Well, I don’t have anything shiny,” You spoke to the small thief. “But… You want my A+?” You held out the piece of paper with the grade and Alcina’s comments on it, and Cornelius studied it for a moment. With a quick chirp, he grabbed it from your hand and flew off to the back corner of the porch, no doubt to stash it somewhere safe. Miranda watched him with her mouth agape and threw her hands up in exasperation, calling after him, “Seriously? I feed you! I raised you from a baby! And they can give you paper?” Miranda took a breath as if to continue, then stopped, turning to you with raised eyebrows. “Did you say A+?”
Grinning, you nodded quickly. “Yep! Can we get pizza to celebrate?”
“Again, Feather? Aren’t you tired of it yet? I could order you something much nicer—”
“Nope, pizza,” You called out, moving back into the hallway of the house. Miranda followed you, pride in her eyes.
“Very well, then,” She sighed in mock exasperation. “But first, show me your work.”
There was a skip in your step as you led Miranda by the hand back to the entryway, where you had placed the painting. You held it up to her and watched as her eyes conveyed her emotions – surprise, awe, pride and then, as she gazed back up at you, love. “It’s beautiful,” She murmured. “We must display it at once.”
You followed her as she went to the kitchen, opening a cabinet and pulling out a small golden hook, and a nail. She hummed as she roamed the house, trying to figure out where the hang your artwork, and you blushed about it. Eventually, she settled for hanging it above her desk in her study, this simple gesture making your heart skip a beat, reminding you again her how she loved and prioritized you. She reached up, preparing to nail the hook into the wall, when a dark blur rushed by and left her hands empty. She growled a little under her breath and chased after it, leaving you in fits of giggling as she went.
“Cornelius! Get back here with that!”
To nobody’s surprise (but to Miranda’s chagrin), it only took the promise of some head scratches from you to get the hook back from the small thief. You could’ve sworn he gave an approving caw at the sight of your painting, as well.
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grimreaperschild · 11 months
shower thoughts
summary: jenna comes home from a long day of filming and takes it out on you 🫶
warnings: smut, pain kink, degradation idk what else to put but mdni please
a/n: i wrote this while listening to arctic monkeys 😚 yeah smut under the cut i hope you enjoy- 🦷
you’re curled up happily on the sofa watching mamma mia for the hundredth time when you hear your phone buzz, you reach over and scoop up the device eyes still trained on the screen your favourite song playing however you quickly forget about anything else taking your bottom lip between your teeth as you read the message from your lover “i want you on your knees when im home can your dumb little brain understand that?”
that’s how you find yourself on your knees infront of a very angry looking jenna “hey” anything else you could have said it cut off by her fingers in your mouth, you choke water springing to the corners of your eyes “oh are you already crying baby? cant even take my fingers in your mouth huh? your pathetic” you whimper, her words going straight to the heat coiling tight in your stomach. she removes her fingers wiping the spit on your cheek “on the bed” her eyes are dark, hard.
she ties your hands to the bedposts and slides her knee between your legs you let out a gasp and buck your hips at the contact “your so needy” her hand grabs your chin roughly pushing your head to the side giving her access to your neck she leans in licking from the base of your throat all the way behind your ear taking your earlobe in her teeth and biting down softly, you tug at your restraints as she sucks a line of dark hickys down the column of your breasts, her fingers find your nipples and she rolls them expertly making a breathy moan fall from your lips “jen baby, please i need you” her arms hook around your thighs holding your legs open as she chuckles “beg” you open your mouth then think better of it “baby i’ve been good” that was a mistake and you know it the second her eyes flick up to meet yours.
she’s up in a flash and rummaging through your top drawer oh. she secures the strap around her hips and takes a menacing step towards you, crawling onto the bed eyes never leaving yours she swipes a finger through your folds tutting “your so wet for me baby always so needy, all for me all mine” you nod your head feverishly “yours” you eco, she smiles at that slipping a finger into your heat, you let your head hit the pillow at the feeling of her inside you but the feeling is gone all too quickly as she pulls out and pops her finger in her mouth humming at the taste of you “don’t be so impatient” her tone is clipped again almost pained as she spreads your legs and settles herself between them you groan as you feel the head of her strap at your entrance she jerks her hips forward pushing all the way into you, a cry of pain tumbles from your lips at the action.
she gives you no time to recover as she pulls out and slams her hips back into you hand coming up to squeeze your throat setting a hard pace, your eyes roll back as she slams into you mouth falling open but no sound coming out she kisses you hard tongue slipping into your mouth exploring every crevice, you squeak as she hits just the right spot inside of you “oh fuck right there jenna please right there” her hips don’t falter as she listens to your pleas and it’s not long before your seeing stars and crying out her name.
she doesn’t relent as you cum and the sensitivity has a strangled moan ripping itself out of your throat, your definitely going to find a slip of paper pushed through your letterbox again asking you to please keep the noise down but right now with jenna grunting into your neck 1 hand secured in your hair the other keeping her up slightly so she can hit as deep as possible “i cant baby please i cant take anymore” a sharp crack could be heard across the room as her hand meets your cheek “your my toy, you understand? your done when i say your done” your eyes roll into the back of your head and your sure it pulls you closer to release “feel so good baby fuck gonna cum” you tug at your restrains again as the white hot rope in your stomach pulls tight, you all but scream her name as her teeth sink into your neck letting out an animalistic noise as she cums.
you whine when she eventually pulls out of you after catching her breath “my sweet girl” she presses a quick kiss to your lips and undoes the rope keeping your hands to the bedposts kissing each wrist delicately “let’s get you in the bath huh princess” you nod sleepily as she slips out of the strap holding your hand as you trudge to the bathroom she peppers kisses all along your nose and cheeks making you giggle “you did so good for me baby, your always so good” you smile “i love you jen” “i love you too pretty girl” a sense of comfort flows through you as you pick out what bath bomb your going to indulge in tonight
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Mamma mia | chapter two
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listen to: Crazier - Taylor Swift| Mirrorball - Taylor Swift (playlist here)
warnings: accidental pregnancy, smut 18+, raising a child alone. warnings will be added as the story progresses. For this chapter maybe being a single mom.
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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It’d been over twenty minutes since Augustine and James had burst through the door and had dragged Bob in, first to the sunroom, then to the living room. 
It had been over fifteen minutes since Augustine went fully stalked on Bob. She hadn’t stopped looking at him with her light green doe-eyes, a permanent smile drawn on her face as she listened to Bob answering her questions and James. 
“Bob, you should stay for dinner!” Augustine insisted with a happy giggle as she grabbed Bob’s hand, pulling him from the couch and chasing both you and James to the kitchen. 
Bob seemed overwhelmed, to say the least. It usually happened with Augustine, she had the energy of a thousand suns. Her mother often told both you and James that she was happy that she had both of you guys in her life, you could keep her in the ground. She wasn’t quite right about that, you often encouraged Auggies dreams, eccentric hobbies, and outlandish passions. It was what you loved the most about her. 
“You’d want me to stay?” he asked meekly as Augustine sat him on the table of the kitchen and then climbed on it, placing her feet on the chair he was seated in, he moved his legs to give her space as she places her chin on her hand and watched him with dreamy eyes. 
“You want him to stay?” James asked as she tried to check on the pie she’d decided to make for the three of you and then on the pasta she was brewing, before she ran to the fridge, taking out some ice and placing them on your wrist while you stirred the pasta, helping her. 
She was always cooking a bit too much for only the three of you and things that didn’t mix up. Gold dust woman played in the background of the kitchen, you gazed at Bob who seemed a bit dumbfounded by all the activity going on in a small house, just three girls there. You smiled. It must’ve seen chaotic to anyone that didn’t know better but the three of you knew each other so well that you worked like clockwork.
“Augustine,” You warned her as you sat down next to Bob, giving him a warm smile and then returning to Augustine. 
“What?” she shrugged as she twirled her bright auburn hair. “You’ve been so nice to our friend, we should let him stay,” she insisted as she coyly traced patterns on Bob’s forearm. 
She was smitten. Bob seemed a bit petrified by her forwardness but there was a slight gleam in his eyes. 
“You’re treating him as if he’s a puppy,” James tutted Augustine as she added a last touch of salt to the pasta. 
Augustine tilted her head to the side as if she could see it. You were sure she would paint it, she was an artist, and she would spend her time drawing and painting common day-to-day things, sometimes even weird things. You didn’t doubt for a second she was already deciding if Bob was more of a dachshund or a golden retriever. 
“Auggie,” you said before you hissed slightly after a certain move of your wrist. Bob's eyes fell on you, immediately concerned.
“Are you okay?” he asked, watching carefully, making sure that you hadn’t damaged the bandage. Your wrist twinged with a faint pain as you looked at how he held your wrist, examining it carefully. 
“Yeah,” you smiled sweetly at him. He liked how you looked at him, there was a softness in your eyes but also a slight hint of fire. Bob nodded with a smile, raising the glasses from the tip of his nose. “I’ll show Bob the way out,”
“Bye, Bob!” Augustine called as you walked away from the kitchen, Bob following you. He turned around and gave Augustine a handsome smile. It made her squeal. 
You chuckled as you reached the door and opened it for Bob. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath of the salty air, the sound of the waves crashing against the ocean, you wondered if your date with Bob would lead to a summer with him. 
“Your friends are really nice,” he muttered, making you open your eyes as you turned towards him. A slight blush spread through your cheeks, he noticed. 
“Thank you,” you answered as you leaned against the frame of the door. 
Bob smiled. He leaned into you, and your breath hitched in your throat slightly before closing your eyes, feeling his lips pressing against yours. “I’ll talk to you soon,” he muttered, his voice a bit gruff. 
You nodded, wide-eyed as you kissed him one more time softly before he finally left. Your heart hammered in your chest as you watched him walk away, biting your inner lip as you wondered if he would be the rest of the summer for you. Staying there for a moment, you let your mind wander, there were so many endless opportunities this summer, and your life was just going to start. 
By the time you returned to the kitchen, James had already served dinner. She and Augustine were whispering excitedly, their eyes fell on you immediately. They squealed loudly while you laughed as you sat at the table with them.
“He’s so cute!” Augustine giggled first, she grabbed your hand excitedly barely knocking the wine from the table, James catching it easily. “How well does he kiss?”
“You want to kiss him?” James asked with a huff. 
Augustine's eyes lit up. “Can I?”
“Be my guest,” you laughed, holding her hand as Augustine shrieked. James' eyes landed on you, and she raised her eyebrow at you, warning you silently. “Sharing is caring,” you shrugged.
Augustine let out a gasp before she leaned over the table, almost knocking the wine from the table again, and kissed you loudly on the cheek. 
“That’s a real friend!” 
“You can’t!” James intervened. “You always do this Auggie, you fall for the ones that don’t seem to hurt a fly and then you end up with a broken heart,”
Augustine seemed to be deflated, her eyes turning a bit sad as she recalled her past flings. Many flings. Augustine could charm anyone and she fell easily, she fell hard. You tilted your head towards James, squinting softly at her before you took Augustine's hand and squeezed it. James shrugged. 
“You’re right,” Augustine huffed. “Quiet ones are the worst,” she said as she took a big bite of her pasta. 
“And you said that you were on relationship celibacy this summer,”
“We all are,” you assured James. 
“Kisses?Yes. Foreplay? Sure.” James stated seriously as if it was a matter of national security while she sipped a bit of her wine. 
Augustine’s light seemed to return as her eyes wandered mindlessly on the kitchen, her blush returning to her cheeks. “Dot. Dot. Dot?” she asked James with a smile.
James nodded playfully. “Fine by me,” she stated. “Whirlwind romances, one night stands and not looking back?”
Augustine and you agreed immediately, all three of you laughing loudly as you finally ate your dinner peacefully. You tried not to think too much about Bob as you all ate and then cleaned up. It didn’t work though, by the time you finished the dishes and finally went to lie in your bed, you were already thinking about late-night dips in the ocean, the salty taste if you kissed him there, his fingers touching your skin again. 
“Sweets,” James called you, snapping out of your thoughts. “Get ready,” she said as she leaned on the frame of your door. You frowned. 
“We’re leaving for a party in an hour and a half,” James explained as she washed her teeth, Augustine already had the rollers in her head and was brushing her teeth as well. 
You groaned slightly. “I just spend so much time at the hospital, I can’t like to get a pass?” you asked them, puppy-eyeing them, hoping they would let you stay and rest.
James snorted as Augustine gasped, audibly. “You promised this summer was going to be ours,” she insisted as she sat on your bed. “You can’t back out,” she warned.
You rolled your eyes before you smiled at her.
Friday mornings were your favorite in the summer. They always seemed a bit too perfect, too warm, too golden for them to actually exist. The kitchen windows are open, the large glass panels giving you a perfect view of the beach, letting the sound of waves crashing against the sand. You sip on your coffee as you watch Inés carefully drawing a picture with the most precision you’d ever guessed a six-year-old could have. 
“What are you doing my sweet girl?” James asks as she climbs down the snail-like chairs with her laptop in hand. She was probably giving a lecture, it was already a bit late for her to be getting out of her room at this time. 
“Look, Auntie!” 
Inés smiles brightly as she watches her aunt climbing from the stairs. Quickly, showed the picture to James, even though she had refused to let you see the unfinished product. You shake your head as James gasps dramatically while examining the drawing. It was for her summer classes that had started this week, homework she had assured you. 
“This is the most beautiful painting I’ve ever seen!” James gasped as she sat down next to Inés while you stood up, shaking your head as you smell the pancakes cooking on the stove. The smell fills the air, and a sense of contentment and peace fills your chest. 
Last night you hadn’t really slept that well, honestly, it wasn’t until Inés climbed to your bed around three in the morning that you had managed to let go of everything that had happened the previous night. When you woke up this morning, you’d tried to forget it, you’d promised yourself to let it go. You hadn’t thought about them in a long time and you knew this town better than they ever could, you knew how to avoid them. You knew you could. 
“It’s me and mommy,” Inés explains to James, pointing at the circle and stick figures she’d made. You smile proudly as you serve Inés her pancakes, even though they were only sticks and figures, Augustine had already told Inés about the depth in a painting and she’d managed well enough. 
“That’s amazing, baby,” you congratulate your daughter, as you caressed her chubby cheeks while gazing at her sea-foam green eyes. 
Inés smiles happily at you while she looked down at the drawing for a second and frowned slightly. You caught it right away, the way her little brows furrowed. 
“Mommy,” she asks, you can feel the uneasiness in her voice. 
“Can I draw Auntie Auggie and Auntie James?” she hesitates. “Since I don’t have a dad, I don’t want it to look empty,”
You flinch at the question, ever so slightly, then you manage to set your face back in a mask of calm. There was a beat of silence in the air as you took a deep breath, James’ eyes fell on you. Inés had asked about her father ever since she started kindergarten, before that the only type of family she knew was the one you’d molded for her.  
“Of course baby,” you say. “You can add grandma too,” 
Inés’ face lit up again, that joyful smile that you used to recognize in someone else years before appeared on her face, and a noise that registered delight escaped her little lips. Without any hesitation, she takes her pencil colors and continues her hard work. 
James glances at you again, but you’re no longer in that kitchen. You’re back on the Hard Deck the day before, watching the ghosts of your past emerging from the shadows, causing you to reevaluate every decision you’d ever made. 
“Hey,” James says. 
You snap out of your thoughts as you glance down at your coffee and the pancakes, trying to take a deep breath before looking at James. 
“Why don’t you finish that, I have to show mommy a little something,” James asks Inés, who simply nodded her head. 
You follow James to the living room, it’d changed a lot in the past few years, the old green sofás were no longer there. Instead, cozy white sofás surround the place, with a nice coffee table and books. Not like before, not like it was when they spent their nights here. 
“When are you going to tell her she does have a father?” 
“I’ve told her she does have one,” you snip at James. “She doesn’t need to know who he is. I’ll tell her when the time’s right”
“The time is now,” James says. “She’s starting first grade and you know how mean children are,”
It feels like the air was sucked out of the room as you stare at James. The way that your chest aches, the way your heart contorts in your chest. At first, you believe that you’re scared, you’re scared because you never prepared yourself for this. Honestly, nothing with Inés was really prepared or thought out, not even her birth. And yet you know that’s not it, it takes you a moment to realize. Guilt. Guilt because you feel like you’re setting up your kid for failure, guilt because her dad is in this town, guilt because you honestly don’t really know-
“Hey,” James calls as she grabs your hand. “You with me?”
Fighting for your tears to remain in your eyes, you nod. “Inés has a strong support system, she has me, she has you two, and my mother,” you say. “Just because she doesn’t have the traditional nuclear family, it doesn’t mean that she’s not okay,”
“I never said,”
“The family I created for her is beautiful, she has a sense of community and belonging and she’s happy,” you suck in a breath. “I don’t need this right now,”
Inés called you back into the kitchen and you don’t give time to James to bring up the topic anymore. You praise her for her creativity and talent, and she beams with pride as you tell her that you’ll put it in the sunroom along with her other drawings. Maybe even frame it. As you clean up the breakfast dishes, you feel grateful that James lets you be, taking Inés from your hands as she will drive her to summer camp.
By the time you get out of the house, it is already early afternoon. Fridays are a good day for you at work, always managing to draft and write all the documents requested from you in the morning, giving you the afternoon to run errands and spend time with Inés. A movie night was in order, Auggie had chosen it and Inés was excited to see Hocus Pocus, again. 
And then you recall that you still owe Penny Benjamin around twenty bucks, even more for the broken glass. You wince at the thought of going back to the Hard Deck but it’s still early, there’s no possible way that the Navy guys arrive there that early. Although, in all honesty, it’d been a while since you’d been that early to the small bar near the Beach. 
The sun was bright, and the air was hot but you try to take a deep breath as you walk up to the Hard Deck. There’s a dread as you stay out of the bar a little longer, the heat making your hair stick a little bit to your skin while you glare at the bar. 
I’m not fucking scared of a place. You tell yourself and yet you can feel the anxiety building up inside of your chest but you still walk up to the bar. With a deep breath, you push the door open. It was a little bit more packed than you expected it to be but alas, you don’t notice any uniforms near the bar. There’s only Penny, cleaning some glasses as she talks to Jimmy. 
“Loved your disappearing act from yesterday,” Penny says brightly.
“I know,” you groan as you fish around in your purse for your wallet. “Here’s what I owe you,” you offer to Penny.
“There’s really no need, kid,” Penny replies. 
“I insist,” 
Penny lets out a sigh as she shakes her head and places the money in her back pocket with a smile. You let out a deep breath as you nod to Penny and begin to turn away. 
“Are you going to tell me what was that yesterday?”
Your brows furrow immediately, and a twinge of anxiety ripples through your body as you turn to Penny, she was watching you intently. 
“It wasn’t anything,” you lie. Penny raises one eyebrow at you. “I mean, he was getting a little bit too close,” you finally say. 
She doesn’t believe you, you can see it in her eyes but she doesn’t bother you with questions and you’re slightly thankful for that. 
“I’ll see you around, kid,” Penny finally says and you nod.
“See ya,” you answer as you turn around and suddenly freeze. 
Bradley Bradshaw was never good at taking his eyes off of you. Often teasing him when his eyes lingered a bit longer on your body, on your face, you recall how your body felt like those days, how it vibrated every time his eyes fell on you. It doesn’t feel the same way now. Now, your mind goes into overdrive as he stares at you, as you see how his smile falters for a moment, and then drops completely as he sees you. 
And then, he walks behind him. 
Bob’s Floyd light smile still seems to make goosebumps appear all over your skin when in all honesty, it shouldn’t. But his smile doesn’t falter, you know when he’s genuine, you know that he’s actually happy to see you which in turn only makes you feel worse as both of them call your name at the same time. 
You stumble backward and something in your chest, a pressure that you hadn’t felt in a long time washes over you. It feels like you can’t breathe as both of them stare at each other with a frown. 
Your vision goes blurry, and by the time you try to speak, your throat feels so tight that no words come out of your mouth. All you can feel is the panic rising inside your chest, your worst nightmare coming to life. 
Suddenly, everything goes black.
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author's note: I'm so excited for chapter three! thank you so much for being patient with me!
taglist: @not-two-shrimp @startrekfangirl2233 @caitsymichelle13 @callsign-cherrybomb @books-are-escapes @siriusfahey @fulla02 @bananas1234michaelclifford-blog @2525sc @grxcisxhy-wp @cottagecori @shawnsblue @rogersbarnesxx @safeikik @mimisparkle12 @darkheartcherry @brokenhearts-world-blog @fudosl @lovingjakeseresin @strwbhrrygarfield @twsssmlmaa @wearewhoweare28 @ittydoor @lnmp89 @mickeygs-world @actuallyazriel @laracrofted @railmerooster @tempt-ress @eli2447 @callsign-cherrybomb @fulla02reads @saramaple @caidi-paris @astronomeoww @andromeda-starship @endofdays56 @hollydaddy @msunnyblog @na-ta-sh-aa @cottagecori @deadgirl02 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @abaker74 @thesimpybitch @pinkpantheris
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matchibee · 9 months
Say My Name
short but I intend on adding more. this is more of an intro, if anything. an idea that's been stuck in my head and refusing to leave.
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"Hey! Wait up!"
Gojo's voice pierced your eardrums, invading every sense of reason permeating through your mind. It was meant to be a simple day, spending time training with your students, teaching them feats you'd wished you'd learned in your youth -- Gojo unfortunately one of your previous classmates, the pair of you attached to the hip following such trying times.
Well, he was attached to your hip. You simply carried forward, doing your best to break free of his infatuation, to push unprofessional thoughts aside in the pursuit of your career.
"Gojo." You spoke his surname with a huff of breath, closing your book shut, looking up at him with an impassive expression. "I didn't realize you'd be back so soon."
In truth you felt relief was over you, the impossible thoughts that plagued your mind in the dead of the night leaving you awake with anxiety. He had a tendency to forego contact when on a mission, entirely MIA despite any effort of reaching out. Eventually, you'd had to come to terms with the fact he wouldn't return your texts and calls until he'd concluded his task.
It only made your anxiety worse.
He embraced you around your shoulders, squeezing tightly. "You know it's impossible for me to stay away from you for long. How can I leave my darling friend to lie awake in our bed? I can only imagine the torment you must feel when I'm away!"
You roll your eyes at his words, pressing the hardcover of your book against his chest, creating a distance between the two of you. "Our rooms are separate."
"I can change that."
You pushed him away with an immense amount of force, his body fumbling beneath your touch.
He always allowed his infinity to falter around you, craving your touch. To feel you in your entirety, nothing to disrupt your warmth. It didn't matter how fleeting the touch; how long it remained was not a matter for him.
What mattered was that it was you.
"Gojo, I really can't talk right now." You huffed, looking down at your watch, cringing at the time. As it was you were already on track to be late, and with your friend's most recent interruption, it wouldn't be long until that was set in stone. "I promised the First-Years I'd train them, you know how Itadori gets when--"
"Why do you call me that?"
Gojo's lips were a pouty mess, shimmering with that gloss you knew for a fact he'd slather on his lips when nobody was looking.
"Call you what?"
"Gojo. Why do you call me Gojo?"
"That's your name."
By now he'd given you infinite permissions to forego his surname, to call him by that which was given. Satoru. Forever and always your Satoru, a fact he knew in his heart, even if memories previous to you would flood his mind in the dead of the night.
"Not to you." Gojo tutted, snatching your book from between your fingers, holding it high above his head. "You know what you have to say if you want this back."
You crossed your arms over your chest. "I don't have time for this."
"That's not what you said last night." He lifted his bandana, iceberg eye closing into a wink.
"Last night you weren't even here!"
There were moments where you couldn't help if Gojo's words made your heart skip a beat, if you imagined him with his arms wrapped around you in the late hours of the night, praying the mornings wouldn't strip him away from you for yet another mission. In such little time you'd lost so much, forced to grieve friends you believed would persist alongside you to this day.
Geto was supposed to be a teacher alongside you, but he'd lost his way, and in the process you lost everything you'd ever loved -- a friendship forged in admiration, undying love flowing from each and every one of you. Shoko had become distant, and you couldn't blame her, though you did your best to remind her through thick and thin you'd still remain.
Gojo was more complicated, more vocal in his efforts. For all he was worth you could only see what he lacked. What he lacked was the spark he had in Geto's presence, that affinity for life lost alongside his best friend.
It wasn't fair.
You couldn't lose him too, couldn't stand to watch another person you love lost to their mind, lost to death. You'd buried too many friends for one lifetime, that which remained would stay as it was in an effort to conserve its integrity.
"Y'know," Gojo's voice dipped into a whisper, book slowly faltering from its position above his head. "Everything I've ever said, all the things I've done..."
You snapped your fingers, clicking your tongue. "Gojo, stop."
"There can't be anything between us, not the way you want it to be."
"You always say this," You could tell Gojo was approaching a breaking point. Soon the force you pushed up against him, that impossible wall you built, would have to crumble or risk crumbling him. "But you've never given me a proper explanation as to why."
"You know why." In the midst of his vulnerability you'd taken the opportunity to snatch your book from between his fingers, holding it close to you as you tried to push the sensation of fingers brushing out of your mind.
You pushed away how badly you yearned for more.
"I know you're scared," Gojo's voice cracked as though his mind and body had fought for the right to speak, lost in his delusion. "You've made that much clear. But you don't have to be, not with me! I'm the strongest, you have nothing to fear."
You shook your head, brushing stray hairs from in front of your face, entirely exhausted from just a moment's interaction. "It's inappropriate for us to even dance the line of the idea that we could..." Your voice trailed off, Gojo quick to finish your sentence, to appear in front of you in his majesty, palms clasped around your wrists.
"That we could be together?"
You pulled away, shaking your head, the thoughts that ran rampant within them. Your heart was beating a million miles a second, threatening to burst within your chest, and your stomach burned with butterflies fluttering to their own beat.
"You're just a friend, Gojo. You've always been a friend, the best friend."
"That's not enough for me."
"There's nothing I can do to change that."
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ghulehunknown · 8 months
Terzo x F!Reader
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Day 3 of KINKTOBER is here! 🎃
Also available on AO3!
“Preparation is Key”
CW/Tags: nipple play, semi nudity, oral sex (blowjob), facial, light degradation, feminine reader, Terzo is in love with you teehee
Summary: Terzo has just been anointed as Papa and is leading a very special Black Mass sermon. Your duty is to give him a…helping hand.
Word Count: 1068
Terzo was leading Black Mass for the first time on his own tomorrow, and you’d been practicing your part for the sermon all week. Reading from the dark texts, kneeling, and some…other things.
Black Mass had consisted of Unholy Acts all month long; each week something more dark and twisted in the name of Lucifer. You hoped maybe, just maybe, that you’d be picked for next week too - the pleasures of cunnilingus. The ghouls had already performed the art of a threesome the previous week, with Sister Imperator speaking. As a Sister of Sin, you were honored to oblige and be part of this week’s depravity.
But right now was your turn to practice your art with him before Mass tomorrow evening. And you desired to please him so. Fucking. Much. You were kneeling on the marble floor of his office, eyes gazing upward as two clawed fingers found their way into your open mouth. You closed your eyes as you took them in, your tongue swirling around his leather gloves.
“Cara mia,” he whispered, grazing your cheek. Terzo unlaced the front of your bodice, revealing your breasts. Your nipples hardened in the cold air - or maybe it was just your nerves? Papa gently tugged your nipples, rolling them between his thumbs and index fingers. How could he be so cruel? He knew that drove you over the edge. You moaned quietly.
Terzo widened his eyes as a warning, stopped teasing you, and gave you a small clap on the cheek as your face flushed red. He tutted at you quietly, wagging a finger in your face. “None of that tomorrow, amore.”
You grabbed his waist and nuzzled into his crotch, teasing him.
“Puttana,” he half-laughed, before gathering composure again. He fell into old pattern and gently started grazing your face with his fingertips lovingly. Your heart skipped a beat whenever you felt his touch. He stopped and collected himself. “Oh merda, I cannot act like this tomorrow.”
You unbuckled Terzo’s trousers, hands shaking. “Like what?” you asked innocently as Papa traced your arm with his fingertip tenderly, giving you comfort. This wasn’t anything new to you; you’d given him pleasure many times before. But you never had an audience. And now he was Papa.
“Porca miseria! You must make me say it, Sorella? I cannot look like an old fool in love when I have a duty first as Papa. Sì, I am nervous as hell. There - happy?” He frowned, his hand on his hip.
You smiled. “So am I,” you said. Still looking up at him from your knees, you slipped the waistband of his black satin underwear over his hips and his cock bobbed over the edge.
You teased the head of his cock with your tongue; it glistened with precum in the dim flickering candlelight. He groaned, and tried to regain composure. “Oh cazzo,” he whispered. His eyelids fluttered as you began to take him whole. He grasped the back of your head and gently rocked you into him, moving rhythmically to your head bobbing up and down. He smelled like spearmint and cedar. He was also…bare? You sank deeper, and cupped his balls in one hand, the other grasping his firm ass. Yes, he was definitely waxed before this in preparation. The thought of your Papa, legs spread and yelling obscenities while getting his pubic hair removed almost made you giggle. No - no. You had to focus. You’d tease him about that later.
You and Terzo soon entwined, and you barely noticed your nerves from before. You looked up at him with nothing but love and adoration for your prince. You wanted to make him feel so fucking good, but you also didn’t want to outshine Papa in his moment tomorrow. His eyes were closed most of the way, but he caught your gaze. You fucking loved him, and he loved you.
You moved your mouth up and down on his shaft, trying to squat as daintily as you could, but you could feel your own cum slide down your thighs, turned on by Papa’s stifled moans. You began to use your hand to build up pressure with your tongue. He inhaled sharply. It was almost pathetic to see him so regal and composed. He moaned like an animal when it was just you two alone. “Amore! I need this whole fucking place to hear how wild you make me!” he would say exasperated when you would cup a hand to his mouth. This time he was silent, except for heavy breathing.
“Prendilo tutto in gola, mia principessa perfetta,” he guided you to hurry up. “Can’t have them thinking we’re in love, can we?” he said, chuckling lightly.
“Would that be so bad?” you asked with a smile, stroking him gently and kissing him down there.
“You would be seen as a distraction I’m afraid, mi amore. Maybe later, when I have been Papa for a while…” He started to lean down to kiss the top of your head, then straightened up.
You eyed him again and took him back in your mouth, still stroking him with your hand. You could tell he was close. You quickened your pace, taking him deeper in your throat, nearly choking. He gripped your ponytail tightly, guiding you. Suddenly - he pulled out and stroked himself once, twice, until his warm cum dripped all over your lips, down your chin, down your breasts.
You held your mouth open to clean off his tip, licking his delicious seed, craving more, craving his cock inside you. He gazed lovingly in your eyes, and held your chin in his gloved hand. “So good, amore,” he whispered. You wanted to kiss him and make him taste himself on your mouth, but you stayed kneeled as you knew you’d have to do during the sermon. You had never been intimate without kissing before and you missed his soft, painted lips on yours.
He quickly zipped and buckled his pants and looked at you, helping you back to your feet. “Thank you, sweet Sister. They’ll er - clean you off during the sermon tomorrow when I go back to the pulpit,” he continued, gesturing to his spilled seed all over your chest.
You smiled to yourself, pleased with doing your part well. And selfishly, you knew you were in for a treat back in your bedchambers. Because Terzo never took what he gave twice over.
Italian to English Translation
- Cara mia (my darling)
- Puttana (whore)
- Cazzo (fuck)
- merda (shit)
- Porca miseria! (For God’s sake!)
- Prendilo tutto in gola, mia principessa perfetta (take it all down your throat, my perfect princess
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addsalwayssick · 4 months
What’s that, Addie? You’ve posted a new fanfiction? Called ‘Here We Go Again”? And it’s a mamma mia au?????
yep! read a snippet below the cut, then head down to read the full chapter on Ao3!
The night sky was cloudless the evening Teddy sent the letters. The letter addressed to a ‘James Potter’, ‘Peter Pettigrew,’ and a ‘Sirius Black’.
Teddy ran to the edge of the dock where his friends arrived, screaming. “Harry! Mione! Ron!” He shouted as they noticed him and began running towards him.
They exchanged hugs and cheek kisses, with a little bit of “Did you cut your hair?”
“Guys, guys. I’ve got something to tell you.” Teddy whispered.
Harry raised his eyebrow. “What?” Teddy smiled and bit his bottom lip. “What!?” Harry asked again, exasperated.
“Come here.” Teddy said and ran towards the trees, where there was little chance they would be caught talking. “Okay, so you know how my mum and dad split after I was born?” He questioned. Harry, Ron, and Hermione nodded. “I found my dads old diary, because he’s been moping about lately, talking about love and how blissful it is while it lasts.” Teddy rolled his eyes.
“Yeah? And?” Ron asks.
“Let me read his first entry to you. ‘Honey, how you thrill me’”
“Uh huh?” Harry breathed. “Who’s the lucky woman?”
Teddy held up a finger to signal to wait. “‘Honey, i’ve heard about him before, I wanted to know some more, now I know what they mean…’”
“What else?” Hermione asked.
“‘He’s a love machine! Oh he makes me dizzy!’” Teddy exclaimed. “And so, we know he’s in love with a guy here, but it says that he had to leave because he thought my dad was cheating on him. But my dad says in the diary he was shopping for engagement rings! They were about to get married!”
Hermione covered her mouth. “That’s awful! Does it say Mr. Lupin tried to tell the mystery man that?”
“It says that he tried and the mystery man didn’t believe him.”
“Okay but why did this have to be so secretive?” Ron asked.
Teddy tutted. “Just wait, Ron. So basically I looked through his old photos and saw a picture dated the same date as the 1st diary entry. He has his arm around 3 guys! Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, and Sirius Black!”
“Yeah? What’s that got to do with anything?” Harry asked.
“So I want my dad to be happy! He’s been acting like an angsty teen! And…” Teddy trailed off.
“And…?” Hermione inquired.
“And I invited them all to come to my wedding!” Teddy told them.
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daredvssy · 1 year
Quality Time
I spent the past weeks trying to decide if posting this would be cringe. Today I decided I don't care! Hope you enjoy! If you prefer to read on AO3 you can find it here!
Ship: Papa Emeritus IV x Reader Rating: 18+!!!!!! No minors PLEASE! Wordcount: 1122 Warnings: smut, edging, begging.... nothing too crazy but seriously this is just approximately 1000 words of porn, bro
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You weren’t exactly sure how long you had been at it, but it felt like an eternity at this point. Copia was sitting in his plush office chair, reclining back in a way that could be described as lazy.
He was almost fully clothed; while the ludicrously expensive chasuble he donned for his papal duties had been discarded, he was still wearing all the clothes he had been wearing underneath the ornate robes. The exception was the open zipper, which allowed for his cock to be free from its confinement in his remarkably tight pants. In stark contrast to Copia, you were fully bare, draped across his lap with your legs spread wide at an obscene angle, held open for him by the armrests of the chair.
He fucked up into you at a leisurely pace, allowing for nowhere close to the amount of friction you craved, ignoring your desperate cries and pleas for more. You had no idea what had inspired him to tease you like this; all that you knew was that he had brought you to the edge and then stopped before you could find your release three or four times now, edging you mercilessly. From what you could tell, there were no signs he intended to show you mercy any time soon.
You squirmed desperately on his lap, trying desperately to motivate him to move with a little more urgency. To your profound disappointment, Copia simply tutted his disapproval at you and snaked an arm around your torso to secure your body more firmly to his, effectively halting your movements.
"Stay still please, cara mia," he reprimanded gently. "You must be a good girl for me if you wish to be rewarded."
His words sent a bolt of heat through you, and you clenched tightly around him, mewling out loud in desperation. In response, Copia’s cock twitched where it was buried within you, but he showed no other signs that he was particularly affected. He continued to thrust up into you lazily, maintaining the same maddeningly slow pace.
You keened once more, a high, needy noise escaping you without your permission. He hummed thoughtfully, considering your plight. Finally, blessedly, he began to gradually increase the pace of his thrusts somewhat.
As desperate as you were, it didn’t take long for your desire to begin to wind itself tightly in your gut.
"Papa!" you cried out, your legs beginning to shake as you approached your peak once again, your whole body tensing against his hold involuntarily. "Please!" you begged.
Sensing that you were nearing your peak again, Copia halted his movements entirely, holding your body against his own as tightly as he could to prevent any movement from you.
The disappointment of coming so close to another orgasm only to have it ripped away from you at the last second had you crying out in bitter disappointment. Unbidden, tears welled up in the corners of your eyes, and your chest heaved wildly as you attempted to calm yourself.
"Bella, why do you cry?" Copia asked in mock sympathy, his voice somewhere between soothing and condescending. "Tell Papa what is wrong."
In what was likely meant to be a soothing gesture, he brushed little circles with his thumb against the bare skin of your waist where his gloved hand kept you secured against him. In your overstimulated state, this only served to make your predicament worse. You whimpered weakly, clenching around him once more.
"I cannot help you if you do not tell me what is wrong, mi amore," Copia pressed again. His voice wavered only slightly, the first real sign that his own patience may be wearing thin. It was this detail that motivated you to speak.
"Please Papa, I want to cum, I need to cum," you whined. You were dimly aware that if you were any less worked up than you were, you'd be embarrassed by how desperate and needy you sounded. As it stood, you really couldn't bring yourself to care right now.
"Is that all?" Copia asked, very clearly amused. "You should have just said so!" he laughed, as though it were the most simple thing in the world, and he hadn't been denying you for the better part of an hour now.
"Hm, well I suppose you do deserve it," he mused aloud. “After all, you’ve been such a good girl for me.”
His praise elicited a high, needy sound from you. Without any further warning, Copia began to rapidly slam himself up into you, tightening his grip on you even further.
You all but wailed, twitching in his lap as he speared up into you, repeatedly rubbing against a spot within you that had you dripping and clenching around him, further ruining his suit pants that had begun to form a wet patch the moment he had started this encounter.
As intense a feeling as this was, you knew it was not quite enough to get you all the way to your end. You moaned loudly in apparent distress, so overwhelmed that you were unable to string together a coherent sentence to ask Copia for the help you needed to finally find the relief you so desperately craved.
Thankfully, as attentive as he was, Copia knew exactly what you needed. To your immense relief, he decided to show you mercy this time, bringing his free hand that he wasn't using to hold you against him down to your clit to rub quick circles into it with his leather clad fingers.
You gasped in relief, your hips involuntarily bucking so hard he almost lost his grip on you.
"Brava ragazza," he praised, directly into your ear. "Cum for me, bella," he instructed, and you had no choice but to obey. You jerked violently in his lap as you fell over the edge, a litany of swears mixed with his name streaming from your mouth in a manner that was almost incomprehensible.
You were dimly aware of him spilling into you with a strangled moan as you came down from your high, slumping back against him, boneless.
After breathing together heavily for a moment, Copia gently eased you off of him, and you allowed him to maneuver you so that you were curled up against him, facing sideways. He placed an appreciative kiss on your forehead, eliciting a contented hum from you.
"What was that for?" you asked him, once you had finally regained your voice.
"No reason, mi amore," he replied. "I just wanted to spend some quality time with you."
You giggled at his statement. “Oh, that was definitely what I would call quality time,” you agreed, bringing a hand up to cradle his jaw and pull him in for an appreciative kiss.
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