a-kzeptanz · 5 months
"Ich verstehe nicht, warum alles so intensiv mit dir ist, so schön."
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Wo soll man nur hingehen, wenn sich nichts nach "Zu Hause" anfühlt?!
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Letzter Atemzug
Seid dem Tag fühlt sich jeder Atemzug irgendwie anders an,so stechend, es wird immer schwerer schmerzfrei zu Atmen. Die Zeit ist relativ geworden ich bewege mich umher und vergesse die Zeit.
Es wird alles langsamer und stiller um mich rum. Die Gedanken erdrücken mich und alles fühlt sich taub an. Jeder Gedanke der mir Freude bereitet hat, schwindet dahin.
Jede Farbe die ich wahrnehme verblasst und verliert ihren Glanz. Jeder Seufzer lässt mich in die Vergangenheit Rückblicken und mich an die Tage klammern die mir was bedeuten.
Passiv blättere ich die Erinnerungen durch und Wärme mich an ihnen,an jene wo mir genug Kraft für den nächsten Tag geben könnten. Rund um wird alles dunkler nichts sagender und trauriger.
Jeder Blick in den Himmel lässt mich klarer die Vergangenheit reflektieren. Das einzige was mich am Leben hält sind die Andenken die bleiben.
Die mir Wärme und Geborgenheit geben und mich trotz allem aufbauen können. Doch die Erinnerungen sind ertränkt durch Euren Hass das Hände trug, somit nehm ich meinen letzten Atemzug.
- Jaxon Trent
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winterknochen · 1 year
Du hast ein warmes Herz
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ich-hoere-dir-zu · 6 months
Es gibt kein besseres Gefühl als angekommen zu sein.
- eigenes
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hot-chocolate-moments · 10 months
[Es gibt einfach keinen Ort mehr, wo ich mich geborgen, wohl und gewollt fühle.]💧
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lovejunkie97 · 3 months
Was mir fehlt...
an manchen Tagen,
nicht allen,
aber eben manchmal,
ist die Schulter,
an die ich meinen Kopf
einfach nur so,
ohne Worte
anlehnen kann.
Etwas Warmes, welches mich
und das ich
Was mir fehlt,
an manchen Tagen,
nicht allen,
aber eben manchmal,
ist jemand,
dem ich mitteilen kann,
was ich denke,
einfach nur so,
die ich mich sonst
nie getraue,
zu sagen.
Etwas Warmes, das zuhört
und wo ich sein darf, wie ich bin.
Was mir fehlt,
an manchen Tagen, nicht allen,
aber eben manchmal,
ist eine Hand,
die mich begleitet,
die mich anfasst,
mich spüren lässt,
dass da jemand
bei mir ist.
Nicht um meine
zu treffen.
nur etwas Warmes,
das mir vertraut
und dem ich
vertrauen kann.
Was mir fehlt,
an manchen Tagen,
nicht allen,
aber eben manchmal,
ist inneres Verstehen
mit und ohne Worte,
so mich geborgen fühlen,
als säße ich
in einem kleinen Raum
und da wäre nichts,
als mein zweites
ICH, in das ich mich
und das sich in mich
fallenlassen kann,
ohne Angst,
ich könnte wieder nur auf kalten Stein prallen ...
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w-armansky-blog · 7 months
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white-fledermaus4 · 5 months
Scheiss Weihnachten. Scheiss Kommerz. Scheiss Erwartungen aller an einen. Scheiss auf gute Laune und alles ist gut - machen müssen.
Scheiss sorgen.
Scheiss Verzweiflung komplett zu versagen.
Scheiss herzschmerz weil ich meinem kleinen Kind erklären muss, dass ich keinen ihrer Wünsche erfüllen können werde.
Scheiss stromnachzahlung.
Scheiss Geld!!!
Scheiss Weihnachten. Scheiss vorweihnachtazeit die doch eigentlich so schön sein sollte. Dabei ist sie genau das Gegenteil.
Ich kann nicht mehr. Ich will nicht mehr.
Ich muss weg hier.
Ganz ganz schnell und ganz ganz weit.
Meinetwegen für immer.
Chaos Angst Hoffnungslosigkeit, (herz)schmerz und Verzweiflung pur in mir.
Und es gibt keinen Ausweg. Kein entkommen.
Ich bin am ende.
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a-kzeptanz · 5 months
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unperfectgirl · 1 year
Die Sehnsucht nach Geborgenheit und Liebe ist unendlich.
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this-is-eileen · 1 year
In deinen Armen fühl ich mich sicher und geborgen.
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winterknochen · 1 year
Ich bin müde
Will in deinen Armen liegen
Dass du mich hälst
Koexistieren mit deiner Geborgenheit
Die nur für mich bestimmt ist
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erinnerungesagt · 2 years
Und du bist mir nicht egal, nur weil du nicht mehr Teil meines Lebens bist. Du warst so lange Teil davon und auch wenn ich mich von dir entfernt habe, will ich immer noch wissen wies dir geht und was du machst. Das du mich so komplett aus deinem Leben gestrichen hast tut weh, nach all den Jahren. Es ist als hätte ich einen Teil von mir verloren. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass es dir gut geht. Dass es dir besser geht mit Ihr. Wirklich, von ganzem Herzen. Ich wollt nur das du weißt, dass ich immer noch an dich denke und mich frage wie es dir wohl geht, was du so machst und ob du auch ab und zu mal an mich und unsere gemeinsame Zeit denkst. Ich würd so gern wissen, wie es deiner Mama geht und ob bei deinem Bruder alles in Ordnung ist. Ich würd gern wissen, was dein Vater treibt und ob er jetzt wirklich einen kleinen Garten hat.
Ich würd gern wissen, wie dein Job ist, wie es ist dort zu wohnen wo du wohnst und wie es in einer Beziehung ist, die dir offensichtlich gut tut. Nicht, weill ich dich wiederhaben will Nein. Sondern weil ich nach all den Jahren immer noch wissen will wie es dir geht und hoffe, dass du happy bist.
Und es tut ein bisschen weh, dass du mich komplett aus deinem Leben gestrichen hast. Ja ich war diejenige, die dir weh getan hat. Und das tut mir auch unfassbar Leid. Das hattest du nicht verdient. Aber im Endeffekt war es wichtig und besser so für uns beide. Du hättest dich sonst nie weiterentwickeln können und ich hätte weitere Jahre alles von mir weg und vor mir hergeschoben. Ich hoffe dir geht es gut und du bist Glücklich.
In Liebe
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Du warst so lieb zu mir. So viel netter, als alle Menschen die ich bis dahin kannte. Ich hatte keine Chance- ich war dir machtlos ausgeliefert - denn bei dir spürte ich Wärme.
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
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Geborgenheit (n.) - to feel completely safe, like nothing could ever harm you; security, comfort trust, satisfaction, acceptance and love from others
Pairing: Choi San (Ateez) x GN!Reader; Genre: Slice of life, Friends to lovers, Festival AU, Romance, Fluff; Rating: sfw, PG-15; Warnings: a large crowd, mentions of stress, getting bumped into several times, getting drenched with water on accident, San saying “f*ck” once and a kiss; Wordcount: 1.462; Event: Beauty in bloom hosted by @k-vanity ; Prompts: Softest Touch, accidentally winning a wet t-shirt contest during a late spring festival, the spring festival is close, do you wanna go?
Summary: San only wanted to go on a cute little date with you. Thinking of the festival as the perfect opportunity. Until he accidentally joined a wet t-shirt contest.
A/N: Dear @sanjoongie​ I truly hope you like this idea! This is like the thing I was talking about way back... the idea you gave me!
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San laid on his back in your bed, his head hanging from the edge while he held a magazine in his hands. He leisurely skipped through the pages, humming a soft melody under his breath.
You had your own head placed on his stomach, scrolling through social media, paying the contents half of your attention. Your eyes closed more often than they stayed open. The soft breathing of San as well as the constant up and down of his chest slowly lulled you into sleep.
After a week of constant work and basically no breaks, a week with missed hours of sleep and missed meals because you simply hadn’t the time to stop, San had to force you to take it a little easier on your days off. Usually he liked to do something, his so-called adventures. Even though those adventures were a walk through the park or a picnic or playing some games. San had the ability to turn the most mundane activities into a small adventure. He usually never stayed still for too long, always having the need to do something but with your exhausted state even San made an effort to keep everything chill on this late afternoon. 
At least for a moment.
You stopped at a post on your phone screen, reading over it several times as your attention drifted away after every two words. “Huh, it’s already time for the spring festival again?”
“It’s been spring for a while now.”
“I know, I know. I just thought it already happened without me noticing.” You turned on your side and looked at San - or at least the chin you could see with his position. “Isn’t it rather late for the festival?”
“They complained that it was too cold earlier in spring and that no visitors would come. That’s why they postponed it until now.”
“Huh, things that just fly by.”
San chuckled and closed the magazine, straining his neck to look up at you. “You had a lot to do. No wonder you didn’t hear anything in the first place.”
You smiled softly. “True.” 
“You wanna go?” San’s eyes sparkled immediately at the prospect of having another small adventure. 
You glanced back at your phone screen, seeing the colourful post still lit up. You hadn’t been to a festival for quite some time now and going with your best friend didn’t sound too bad.
“Actually, yeah. I’d love to.”
San grinned brightly, his eyes turning into crescent moons as he pushed himself up, ignoring how you complained about losing your comfy pillow. “Let’s go!” He immediately rolled himself out of the bed and grabbed his dark blue cardigan, which always looked too big on him. 
Soon enough both of you arrived at the festival grounds, watching the crowd pushing along the stalls from the entrance.
“That’s a lot of people.”
“You still wanna go?” San glanced at you with concern layering his voice. The ride up to the festival was already a lot of fun but he truly wanted to spend more time with you.
You turned to San and mustered a smile. “We’re already here! I won’t go before I actually visit the festival.”
Immediately San’s grin returned to his lips. He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers, pulling you along towards the crowd. 
You stopped counting the times someone bumped into you after your first steps. Instead you focused your attention on San’s hand, thankful he held yours so you wouldn’t lose each other. 
The first stalls were simple food stalls, showcasing all kinds of snacks. The air got filled with all the different scents, mixing into each other until they created a heavy cloud that pushed down on you.
Further down the road were stalls selling homemade products that resembled spring in one way or another. You saw a stall selling soaps, another selling jewellery and yet another selling little tea sets. People stood in front of the stalls, yelling their orders to the overworked sellers. You felt bad for a moment and wondered if the money they made out of this was actually worth all this stress.
“Do you want to go anywhere specific or just wander around?” San turned half around to you, speaking louder so you would hear him over the chatter of the crowd.
You shrugged with your shoulders. “Just wander around?”
San simply nodded and shortly squeezed your hand before he continued to navigate through the people. 
You walked the faire up and down once, halting somewhere in the middle with remotely fewer people. You stood with your back against a wall, talking to San animatedly about the things you were able to see. 
Meanwhile San tried to shield you as much as possible from the crowd, standing right in front of you and having both hands placed against the wall next to your body. He leaned close to your body, trying to catch every word you were saying. His brows furrowed from concentration, making him look way too serious.
That’s when the stage at the end of the somewhat open field lit up, showcasing a bunch of musical equipment. A person stepped onto the stage and turned up some music, blasting it over the speakers that got installed all over the festival.
You gave up on talking with San, instead motioning to him that the two of you should get into the crowd and dance around, enjoying the warm weather and being out at the festival together.
Both of you danced around. You moved your bodies to the rhythm while always having at least one finger linked with the other.
San even joked around and made some ridiculous moves, making you double over in laughter. You lost your balance and stumbled into someone next to you. Before you even knew it, you felt something cold trickling down your spine. Your eyes widened in shock and you immediately froze on the spot.
“Wet t-shirt contest!” Someone yelled loudly over the crowd.
You saw people running and pushing, saw water splash through the air, heard women squealing when the water drenched their clothes. Your head almost mechanically moved downwards, your eyes focused on your wet shirt. The wet spots spread out. Soon enough your whole shirt would be wet.
“Fuck”, San cursed underneath his breath and took off his cardigan, wrapping it immediately around your drenched body. “You okay?”
You nodded slowly, wincing when you felt your cold and wet shirt clinging to your skin. “Not how I planned this evening to be.”
Before San was even able to answer you, someone dunked two bottles of water over his head.
You stared at San with wide eyes and an open mouth. Though your initial shock quickly made way for a bunch of giggles erupting from your throat.
San glared at you playfully, pushing his drenched hair back out of his face. He stemmed his hands into his hips and sighed deeply. He then pursed his lips and looked down at his body.
You followed his gaze, your giggles stopping when you saw his sculpted abs showing through his white tee. You knew San was hot. You weren’t blind. But seeing him like this made your mind spiral into the depth of your imagination you had locked away for the safety of your friendship.
“Like what you see?” San smirked and raised an eyebrow, patiently waiting for a response.
“I guess you won the contest.”
San laughed loudly, throwing his head back for a moment. He quickly looked back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “So what’s the price for winning?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Can I choose something?”
You wanted to question him but your body moved faster than your mind so you already nodded as an answer.
San stepped closer to you and cupped your face with the softest touch, leaning down slowly to give you time. He closely observed your reactions, noting down the slightest changes in your expression.
You clutched his cardigan with one hand while your other grabbed his wet shirt, automatically pulling him closer until he kissed you. Your eyelids fluttered shut and you simply melted into the kiss. With San holding you and his cardigan draped around your shoulders you felt complete and safe despite the ruckus around you. As if you were in your own little bubble and nothing except for San was inside of it with you.
Even after you had to break the kiss to take in some air you stayed close, leaning your foreheads against each other. 
“Now I really feel like a winner”, San mumbled and pecked your lips again, grinning almost shyly as he wrapped his arms around your body and swayed you around to the music.
You smiled softly and followed his lead. “Same.”
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