#maybe we'll take our vision of what we thought we could be and make something new together. something for just us
fumifooms · 17 days
"Marchil? I guess I can see it on Chilchuck’s end, but what about Marcille’s? What makes you think she could develop feelings for him?" I’m glad you asked!
The first thing to note is that she does think highly of him
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In the page on the right, literally defending his virtues and literally comparing him to Dalclan. And oh…
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She does love a brooding mysterious guy who closes himself to love. But surely, Chilchuck isn’t her type at all, right? He’s not princely or knightly at all. In apperances certainly not, both looks wise and demeanor wise, but then that’s why she seeks to know him on a deeper level, to not only look shallowly.
And hmm. Chilchuck really is quite selfless isn’t he? Always looking out for others, and saving specifically her often, always making sure himself and, staying in or even running towards danger for her sometimes. Modesty is often considered heroic…
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And can we talk about that drowning one… You can definitely frame the special attention as him knowing she tends to hesitate or be clumsy, and then his insistance on pulling her out of danger that she’s the healer aka the most important to keep alive, but. From the one who says that he just keeps his ass out of fights and won’t help this is a lot of risk to take, and he does die trying to pull her to safety in the dungeon rabbits chapter. And the drowning bit??? That’s when the dungeon collapses. The only reason they DON’T die of drowning here is that the water then gives way to outside. There was NO hope of pulling her to safety here and resurrections would likely not work either, he truly preferred to die with her than try to survive himself.
Sit your ass back DOWN you are in no state, self-sacrifical hero much damn
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And Marcille definitely noticed this imo, after all she loves learning all she can about him, remembering things like how he hates waiting on people too. She pays attention to him and what he does and what he says. This to say that it’s notable, whatever reason for it you may think (though we know by this point at least she was already aware he was an adult though it wasn’t internalized), out of everyone it’s Chilchuck’s bed that she wants to sleep in during the Golden Kingdom stay. He’s safe and comforting to her: dependable, the defining trait in her view of him as is shown by the relationship chart in the Adventurer’s Bible.
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^ Lending handkerchiefs is a romance trope btw and handkerchiefs have irl history of being used for courting. Especially in old English literature and plays like Shakespeare’s Othello, and personally I do see a lot of Shakespeare in Dalclan (nobility political drama with some romance). There’s how his cowl is a dearly beloved souvenir from his family too, there’s a lot of aesthetic tropes you can apply to him.
All this to say you can 100% romanticize Chilchuck into a princely noble guy if you try and that’s exactly what Marcille does with the wife roleplay. She doesn’t need much in the first place, she latches onto crumbs and makes aesthetic narratives out of details, give her an inch she’ll take a mile.
But what’s interesting about the shift throughout the arc of her and his relationship is that she starts out idealizing him into a little angel of a kid (shapeshifter), and she ends it idealizing him as a virtuous husband and family man instead.
And what’s doubly interesting is that in the former, she’s actively warping who he is personality and demeanor wise to fit the aesthetic, he doesn’t have that bitter pride of not asking for help and the edges have been smoothened. But what she does during the wife roleplay is something else, she acknowledges the flaws and just… Accepts them, rolls with them. She’s aware of his flaws and implements them into the narrative, but the reason why his wife left doesn’t capitalize on them even, rather Chil is chilblivious and his wife loves him very much still, she’s just testing him after having had a night of feeling out of place at his side.
And this is what separates the idealization vs romanticization, she’s not twisting him into someone else she’s just uplifting what he is and focusing on the good sides.
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Marcille: "he has a shitty personality sometimes but if he was my husband I’d still cherish him" "If I were your wife I’d be overjoyed to go out with you and would get myself prettied up while you complain about me taking a long time, your friends would tell me that I’m nice and that’d make me happy, but I’d also be sad because you wouldn’t tell me that you love me enough"
He’s angry and his wife left him, he’s *flawed*, but he’s still worth hyping up, still worth having his own romance story, still has a shot of winning back his beloved. She sees him for what he is, human and real and not a carefully scripted character that fits an aesthetic, and she thinks it’s still worthy of love and admiration and fighting for
And what’s funny too is that you might expect her to cool down on him once she learns more about him but actually she only gets increasingly into his business. You tell her your age and next thing you know you promise to introduce her to your family. Give her an inch she takes a mile. And too the thing is, Senshi is equally mysterious but she doesn’t pester him like at all, asks him ONCE about his succubus and he doesn’t even answer and that’s like… It. With Chilchuck it starts off innocently enough with her wanting to know his age, hometown, the stuff she mentions having asked pre-canon. But it just keeps and keeps going and escalating. Think she’ll be satisfied now knowing you have a wife and kids, maybe she’s disillusioned now? Wrong! She wants to know their names and ages and occupations and hey how did you propose to your wife? Do you think she’ll stop after meeting them? What’s next? What will she want to know next????
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She’s… Like it’s not a reach that Marcille is all over him. Like it doesn’t mean it’s romantic but she just is. She is not normal about him idk. Can you not ask him about what tongue technique he used when first kissing his wife, give the man breathing room
Marcille could literally go "if I was Chilchuck’s wife" having deeply pondered and thought out the hypothetical and people would still ask where anyone sees any romantic potential between them. Oh wait
There’s a platonic explanation for everything (almost?) in Dungeon Meshi don’t say I’m saying otherwise, but it’s definitely not like there’s nothing here to read into lol
Going off a bit more under read bc it’s my fave topic
Marcille has a whole theme with the charming prince trope with her idealization and storybook motif and Chil is kinda the "Well someone perfect like that isn’t very realistic and romance is usually more complex and that’s ok and good and flawed people can still be ✨virtuous✨" catalyst
Do you see do you see she starts canon thinking the most romantic thing is a prince charming but her arc in the end has her romanticizing an average, flawed, real and realistic family man, who’s on the poorer side and is on the verge of divorce. And that’s what he needed, too, seeing the positive of himself and the situation instead of focusing on the negative is explicitly what inspires him to hope that he might be able to reconcile with his wife, gives him the courage and self-esteem to shoot his shot.
He IS a prince figure instead that now it’s not about idealizing the grand and overt it’s about romanticizing the small things in real life!! About finding joy and beauty in things that seem normal or mundane and uplifting them to make the world feel kinder!!!!
He’s the devoted virtuous man that she wantsss not the storybook prince that’s unrealistic and could crumble like a script at any time. He’s the perfect example of a flawed realistic but virtuous & devoted & loving man. Far from a prince charming, but not fully detached from it either. Something worth fighting for despite the flawed cracks. Like literally, flawed romance being worth fighting for is literally the finale of Chilchuck and Marcille’s arc on the matter, where their separate arcs and issues intersect at the most crucial moment.
Marcille is important to Chil’s arc not only because of her optimism, but also because of her interest and knowledge in romance & matters of the heart, and that’s what he needs to both open his heart up to hope and to try to reconcile with his wife, like idk sounds gay
Their arc together is literally learning to 1) see each other for how they are and not undermining their qualities capacities etc etc while still not leaving flaws unchecked either and 2) opening up to people. Marcille LITERALLY makes Chil open his heart up to hope like idk man. What do you want from me. He’s literally the guy helping her through deconstructing novels and fantasy and rose tinted glasses and like. Deconstructing the prince charming figure into something more real but still romantically beautiful like KUI KUI STOOOOP STOP I’M ALREADY HOOKED I’M ALREADY-
 Ok fine that’s me reading into the tropes too much forgive me for being storybook brained but like. Speaking his heart out to a lone woman on a balcony, Romeo and Juliette shit, asking if she, too, doesn’t want to meet his family, madly blushing. And like she’s learned with Chilchuck it’s all in the little things, all the implications he cannot speak aloud. She does reciprocate, does blush madly back, and the first thing she does is shower him in flowers and jewelry and what in her heart is coded as romantic gifts
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A lady, stashed away in a high tower by her lonesome, waiting for someone to call out to her from below… Romeo courting type shit with an offer, a heartfelt spiel, implicit confession from underneath her balcony. Offering him flowers because he succeeded in calling out to her heart…….. And they have to climb to her too…. Crazy
Doesn’t it sound like a proposal. One that’s both so storybook-like and not, contrastedly real and grounded, all about the implications rather than in your face grand gestures, "Don’t you want to meet my family?". They literally have an arc about the topic of romance and this is the climax/pinnacle of it like god?? This is @ the woman who said "Chilchuck is a shy/bashful man so I know he wouldn’t tell me he loves me, but…" btw
And the way that this is the culmination of their arc together… Like people are not ready for the ‘Chil calling out to dunlord Marcille on the balcony has Romeo and Juliette romance novels imagery’ take. Or the ‘their arc is about growing to see beauty even in the non-idealized, in the flawed and in the real’ take which makes it so so perfect if she were to lower her ideal from a charming elven prince to a virtuous halfling man (which she does end up romanticizing)
So there, you got to witness in real time what happens when I think about marchil for longer than 2 minutes, there are so many layers it’s a deranged rabbithole. I saw the necronomicon of subtext and it’s driving me to madness with forbidden knowledge that no one else sees
……. Like what if I told you she implicitly picked Chilchuck over a "unrealistic prince charming who’s actually disingenuous" much earlier in the story already. If she was given the choice to think through going with a guy that seems perfect and chivalrous like her succubus she’d pick Chilchuck over the other actually. If I sound insane rn tune in for my full analysis on them coming this month hopefully thank youu. Interwoven arcs of fantasy vs reality and idealization vs pessimism I love youuu
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So now you know the general thesis of my planned analysis about the importance of the prince charming figure in Marcille and Chilchuck’s arc, where she romanticizes things to a sometimes worrying degree or idealize people into something easy and digestible and poetic (like Chil being a kid, and then him being a virtuous ✨✨✨husband), and how she needs to value aesthetics less and actual acts and facts more, be more grounded (like seeing people for what they are flaws and all, and accepting that people need money and not pulling through on principles of honor or unity shouldn’t get Namari shamed) and a part of that is accepting that Chilchuck is BOTH flawed and virtuous, a loving husband that still has shitty moods and fumbled his marriage so bad etc etc. So it’s like, her image of perfect prince charming that will whisk you away on an ethereal romance -> realistic flawed middle aged dad with personality issues and a failing marriage but he still is worthy of love and having his cute grand romance story and his happy ending. Ik I keep repeating the same point through this but I need it to be burned into everyone’s brains it has its grip on me I can’t do this. They are so special……
#Someone did ask (on discord) btw i’m not just being a smartass though I do love being that too#This is stuff I cover in my upcoming marcille & chil arc analysis except here I can go full romo and don’t keep the strictly platonic angle#It’s at like 15k words rn I think. The 30 pics limit is killing me which is why I started asking my friend to do collages of panels for me#Sob#I keep alternating between it and the Falin analysis save me. Should be dropping soon idk i might test out having a beta reader for that on#Marchil foreplay is 2 years of being coworkers and slowly worming personal questions out of him until he blinks and she has#a key to his house#Dungeon meshi#marchil#marcille donato#chilchuck tims#like they’re so so funny look at this shit. Nonconsensual romanticizing of you as a person. Obsessive interest in your personal life#She’s latched so hard onto the “mystery” of him they’re deranged#MAYBE ITS ALL COMPROMISES MAYBE ITS ALL SWEET INBETWEENS <3#maybe we'll take our vision of what we thought we could be and make something new together. something for just us#Fumi rambles#Maaan Marcille’s ‘idealizing him into liking him even for all his flaws bc his personality is often kinda shitty’ arc’#and Chilchuck’s ‘prejudice against elves and mages and optimism into respect and trust’ arc are everything to me#Meta#Spoilers#Dungeon meshi manga spoilers#Tagged this so late oops#It’s so funny. She’s canonically wondered how Chil would be like as a lover#No no but like do u see. Fantasy is a key part of her chrcter and arc and he’s the foil to that he’s the thing that comes challenge it
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bts-ruined-me-7 · 2 months
Threads of Destiny
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Jimin stood in the doorway, watching as his girlfriend, Y/N, meticulously stitched delicate lace onto a flowing white fabric. The soft afternoon light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over her focused expression. She was making a wedding dress for a friend, her nimble fingers working with precision and care.
He had known about this project for weeks, but seeing Y/N in action, creating something so beautiful and meaningful, sparked a whirlwind of emotions within him. Jimin had always been someone who wore his heart on his sleeve, and the idea of marriage had crossed his mind more than once since they started dating. But now, as he stood there, witnessing her talent and dedication, the thoughts became more real, more urgent.
Y/N glanced up, catching his gaze, and smiled warmly. "Hey, Jimin! What do you think so far?"
He stepped into the room, admiring the intricate details of the dress. "It's amazing, Y/N. You're incredibly talented."
Her cheeks tinted pink with a shy grin. "Thank you. I want it to be perfect for her special day."
As Jimin watched her work, his mind drifted to their own relationship. They had been together for over a year, sharing countless memories, supporting each other through highs and lows. He couldn't imagine his life without her, and the idea of spending forever together started to feel less like a distant dream and more like a beautiful reality.
"Y/N," he began, his voice soft but filled with sincerity, "seeing you create this dress, pouring your heart into it… It makes me think about our future."
She looked up, curious and attentive. "Our future?"
Jimin took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Yeah. I mean, I know we haven't talked about it much, but I love you, Y/N. I can't imagine my life without you by my side. And seeing you make this dress, it's like a glimpse into what could be. Maybe one day, we'll be the ones getting married, standing together as we start our own journey."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, her hands pausing in their delicate work. She set the needle down and walked over to him, taking his hands in hers. "Jimin, I love you too. And the thought of us getting married someday… It's a beautiful vision."
They stood there, holding each other's gaze, hearts full of love and hope for the future. The wedding dress, now a symbol of love and commitment, hung in the background, a silent witness to their conversation.
"I don't want to rush anything," Jimin said softly, "but knowing that we both see a future together, it makes me incredibly happy."
Y/N leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'm happy too, Jimin. Our journey is just beginning, and I can't wait to see where it takes us."
They embraced, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over them. The wedding dress continued to take shape, a testament to the power of love and the dreams that bind two hearts together. Jimin couldn't help but smile, knowing that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, hand in hand.
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DP Side Hoes Week 2023 Day 2! Wes Weston Revenge! So it looks like I'm incorporating at least some of my side hoes fics into one story. I have done zero planning so we'll see how this goes.
Ao3 Link, then full story.
Tucker stuck his head into one of the library study rooms, making sure it was empty. It was his free period and he was craving some alone time. Danny was being… clingy. 
It made sense. Apparently, the observants had it out for Danny because of that weird future version of himself thing that happened during the CAT. And then Vlad was definitely interested in being the ghost king and anything where Vlad might be involved made them all jumpy. And Tucker suspected that Danny knew how uneasy the idea of having that much power was making him. So, yeah, Danny was being clingy and overprotective and Tucker needed a break from both him and the insanity of a possible kingship that none of them knew the implications of. 
Besides, he felt like a walking armory with how much anti-ghost gear he had on him, so he was pretty sure he was safe. Thank God for cargo pants.  
Sitting down with his PDA and tweaking the school network a bit more would be the perfect way to unwind. Maybe he could work on getting the school security cameras to loop without any fuzz. That would be a nice way to avoid the rest of his life for a bit. 
Tucker saw the shadow of a body slide into the seat across from him just as he was getting into the zone, but purposefully did not look up. This was supposed to be Tucker time. The heat radiating off of it meant it wasn’t Danny and the fact that whoever it was hadn’t immediately assaulted him in some way meant it wasn’t Sam. Maybe if he just buried himself deeper in his tech they would just go away. 
Tucker saw a flash of red hair in the corner of his vision. Damn. He looked up to see Wes Weston sitting across from him. Double damn. There went any hope of decompressing. 
“Foley,” Weston started in that overly accusatory tone he got whenever he thought he had something on Danny, “I heard something rather interesting, yesterday.”
“I’m sure you did, Weston,” Tucker responded, attempting to bury himself back in the sweet data flow of the school intranet while quietly resigning himself to the fact his break was ruined. Wes was always hearing things that were “rather interesting”. It was one of his many character flaws. Wes Weston could take the most benign topic of conversation and turn it into the wildest of conspiracy. It was frankly impressive. 
“You see, I was just minding my own business-” 
Tucker rolled his eyes. Wes was never minding his own business, 
“- walking out of the auditorium after your very sudden concession to Dash - I kind of hate you for that by the way - when I hear some yelling from a supply closet. Do you know what I heard?”
Tucker went very, very still and then breathed all the tension out of his body and tried to look bored. He knew Wes had already caught his slip, but it was a quick save. Project “Gaslight Weston” was still a go regardless of how little good it was doing. Maybe he could turn this into a different kind of tense. Just what did Wes overhear?
“I’m assuming you heard me arguing with Sam and Danny,” Tucker said, hoping he sounded disinterested, “They weren’t thrilled about me conceding to Dash either.” 
“You see,” said Wes, leaning forward conspiratorially, “That’s what I thought, too.” A shiver ran down Tucker’s spine, “but then I decided to listen in and-”
“Hold up,” Tucker said. He needed to salvage this. He should have known better than to think that the fact the hallway was quiet meant they were alone. “You thought I was having a private argument with my friends and decided to listen in? We weren’t even out in the open. Did you just sit there with your ear pressed against the door? What the hell, man?” 
Wes flushed red and Tucker got the distinct feeling that that was exactly what Wes had done. “That doesn’t matter,” Wes sputtered. And yeah, Tucker should have known better. Pointing out how creepy Wes was being never worked. “The point is, I heard you three talking with ghosts! There were definitely more than three of you in there. I heard you arguing going somewhere with them. And the door was glowing. It was creepy.”
So, he hadn’t actually heard that much, just the really loud bits. Good. “Okay. First off, you literally have no reason to think the people we were talking to were ghosts. Se-”
“Ha! But you admit you were talking with someone!” Wes grinned at him like a cat that caught the canary.
Tucker cursed himself. Talking to Wes was a mess. No matter what you said you always ended up talking yourself into a corner. And the whole situation was making Tucker feel cornered as it was. Tucker still didn’t know anything about the whole ghost king thing except he wanted nothing to do with it. Of course, once Wes got even a whiff of it, he’d latch onto it like he’d latched onto the whole Fenton/Phantom thing. Trying to get Wes to let go of anything was a losing game. 
Tucker froze. He had two problems right now and he had just thought of a possible solution for both. Tucker looked under the table and smirked. It would be a nice little revenge for all the trouble Wes gave Danny. Across the table, Wes’s smile faltered.  
The nice thing about the Casper High Library study rooms was they always had a couple of board games and fidget toys on little shelves under the tables. Tucker pulled out Connect Four and placed it carefully on the table. 
The remains of Wes’s smug grin morphed into confusion. “Foley, what the hell?” 
Tucker breathed. He needed to be careful. The rule was he couldn’t lose the throne if he was competing for something else, right? How did he get Wes to play when he wasn’t offering anything?
Tucker started setting up the game. “You have until we finish the game to ask questions.” That was how. 
Wes looked flummoxed and Tucker could appreciate the feeling. This was so far out of the realm of their normal interactions. “I could just leave now,” Tucker said as he finished setting up the board.
“No, no,” Wes said, “I was just surprised, was all. We can play.” Tucker schooled his expression into indifference. 
Tucker picked up a red piece and let it drop into place, paying absolutely no attention to where it landed. Clack. He waited expectantly for Wes’s first question. Wes just sat there with his piece, studying the board like it was a particularly hard math problem. 
“So,” he began, still staring at the board, “Are you going to be truthful for this?” 
Tucker leaned back, “New rule. You take too long to make your move. I’m leaving.”
Wes huffed, “Fine.” Clack. Clack. 
“You still haven’t answered the question.” 
“I’ll be as truthful as I can be without getting anyone hurt.” 
Clack. Clack. 
“Please, I’m not hurting anybody. I just want to expose the truth.”
Clack. Clack. Clack. 
“You are literally trying to convince people my best friend is dead.”
“Yeah, but, like that isn’t going to hurt anyone.”
Clack. Clack. 
“How is that not going to hurt him? He lives with ghost hunters. You’re trying to convince them he’s a ghost.”
Clack. Clack. 
“Yeah, but those are his parents. They aren’t going to hurt him.” 
Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.
“You don’t know that! You have no idea what Danny’s home life is like. As far as you know, Danny’s parents could immediately turn on him.”
Clack. Clack. 
“Everybody knows that the Fenton’s love their kids. They have literally yelled it into a megaphone.”
“And everybody also knows Jack Fenton wants to tear the ghost boy apart molecule by molecule.”
Clack. Clack. Clack. 
“Leaving that aside,” Tucker continued before Wes could butt in, “Danny’s parents aren’t the only ghost hunters out there.” Clack. Clack. “Think about what the guys in white could do to him.”
Clack. Clack.
“Look, I’m not trying to hurt him-”
“It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to hurt him or not. The fact is, you could get him killed.”
Clack. Clack. 
“He’s already dead! He can’t die again!”
“Even if that were true, -” Clack. Clack. “- and it’s not, -” Clack. Clack. Clack. “- you have no idea how much danger you’re putting him in.”
“Why can’t you just-”
“Argh! How did you win!?” Wes yelled. Tucker jumped a little in his seat and stared at the board. Sure enough, there were four red spaces diagonally in a row on the board. That was not what was supposed to happen. “Grah! This was supposed to be a draw! I didn’t even get to ask any questions. You tricked me!”
Tucker blinked. What? “What do you mean I tricked you? You were supposed to win! I wasn’t even trying!”
Wes narrowed his eyes. “Why would you be trying to lose? I know you were trying to end the game as quickly as possible. And you got me distracted by all that ‘I’ll be as truthful as I can without getting anyone hurt’ nonsense. You were totally trying to trick me!” 
Tucker could feel another Wes induced headache coming on. Why did he ever think this was a good idea? “What could I possibly gain from this? I was doing you a favor!”
Wes’s eyes narrowed further and Tucker felt his stomach drop a little. “No, there’s something you’re trying to hide. You’re just trying to throw me off your trail. And it all has to do with the ghosts you were talking to in the closet.”
Yeah, no. Tucker was done with this. Yeah, they’d be dealing with Wes being extra stalkerish for the next two weeks, but Tucker was not dealing with this situation anymore. 
The chair made a scratching sound against the carpet as he stood up and slung on his backpack. 
Wes looked at him wide eyed for a second before barking, “And just where do you think you’re going?” Tucker got the distinct feeling Wes was repeating something said to him frequently, probably by a parent. 
“I said you had until we finished the game. The game is finished, ergo I’m leaving.” 
With that he walked out the door of the study room and turned right directly into an Observant. The Observant looked unimpressed as Tucker attempted to calm his frantically beating heart.
The Observant gave the closed door to the study room a disgusted look. It was more than a little impressive that a being whose head consisted of a single eyeball could do that. “You wanted to make him the king of all ghosts?” they asked and Tucker could feel the distaste. 
Tucker sighed. “Yeah,” he admitted as he dug around in his pockets for the Fenton Thermos, “That probably wasn’t my best move.”
“I should say-”
Tucker uncapped the thermos and slammed it down on the Observant’s eyeball. The surprise was enough to force the ghost in. It was lucky. Tucker did not want to be seen fighting a ghost in the school library, especially not right after his confrontation with Wes. 
He sighed as he texted the group chat, “1 O in thermos, +1 to the Wes headache counter,” and then put his phone back in his pocket. Danny was going to be super clingy, Tucker might as well get some space while he could. 
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For the fic Prompts, how about Team Rancher bonding/spending time with their warden son like a happy family while also scaring anyone who tries to do anything at the ranch
Yes absolutely. Shenanigans under the cut! (Which I just figured out how to do)
"Ok let's try this again. I throw this, you chase it, pick it up, and bring it back. Ok?" Tango spoke carefully, as if he was explaining something to a toddler.
In reality it was a nine foot murder beast from the deepest depths of the server, the whole world even. It sniffed the stick in Tango's hand, held high above his head. The creature was blind, but able to smell even the faintest scent and hear the softest sounds. It was also incredibly fast. It wobbled and jerked unsettlingly as it dashed but it was fast.
"Ready?" Tango asked, watching the antlers of the warden glow in a way that made them appear to shake. "Fetch!" Tango threw the stick. It landed a couple blocks away with a very soft noise.
The Warden turned and sniffed, charging for the stick and picking it up. Tango felt hope rise in his chest as their son picked the stick up and turned around, only to shove it in its mouth and eat it.
Tango groaned. "No! You're not supposed to eat it!" Tango yelled exasperated. The Warden sniffed around, wandering mindlessly around the ranch. Tango huffed and sat in the grass. Jimmy chuckled from the roof of the ranch where he was working.
"How's training going?" Jimmy asked, walking over to his first pillar and digging down to the ground.
"It keeps eating the sticks." Tango mumbled, watching their son stand in the wheat field, giant paws running through the golden waves as gently as possible.
"Have you tried something other than sticks?" Jimmy asks, sitting next to and cuddling up to Tango.
"Like what? I mean, I could probably make a ball out of the spare leather we have. It'd only take what, three maybe four?" Tango thinks.
"That could work. Maybe also rocks?" Jimmy suggests. Tango shrugs.
"We'll try both." Tango looks for the sun, finding it nearly touching the horizon. The sky is painted sombre shades of blue and pink, it has yet to be set aflame with oranges and yellows.
"Where do we put it?" Tango asks. "Does it sleep?" He can feel Jimmy shrug against him.
"We could build a quick pen." Jimmy says. Tango hums in thought then nods.
"Yeah, let's do that. I'm scared of leaving it out here by itself." Tango stands up and offers a hand down to help Jimmy.
Jimmy takes the hand and stands up. "What like someone's going to steal our son? Yeah right, everyone's terrified of it." Jimmy laughs. He walks inside the house with Tango to gather supplies.
"They're insane." Grian states as he puts his spyglass away. Scar hums next to him, sleepily petting the Jellie in his lap.
Grian's wings fluff up anxiously. He can feel judgemental eyes on him, silently telling him to do something about the beast.
"Something has to be done about it. They can't keep that thing all season, it isn't fair." Grian reasons aloud. Scar is asleep in his chair by now, unable to talk sense into his soulmate.
Grian slips out of the keep and makes the journey to the ranch while it's still daylight. He can hear Timmy and Tango talking when he sneaks past the ranch house.
Lucky for Grian The Warden is near the ranch walls. He breaks the cobblestone, watching terrified as the antlers glow with the sound. It sniffs the air, growling at the unfamiliar scent.
Grian swallows and draws his bow back. It was a lousy shot, barely any power behind it, but it lands right in the monster's leg.
The Warden roars with pain, unsteadily charging for Grian. The avian turns to run, his vision darkening and he can hear his heartbeat in his ears. There's two heartbeats actually.
Grian comes to the edge of the cliff, looking behind him to see the beast rapidly approaching. He has a vague plan of what to do now but unsure if it'll actually work.
He braces himself.
"Grian!" Someone shouts his name. He looks over, Jimmy is running full speed after the monster, Tango just behind him.
The Warden's antlers glow, then its chest. Faces of the damned appear to be wailing in agony inside its exposed ribcage. Grian can hear their shrieks.
Grian is stuck in place, watching the monster in horror, unable to move.
It happens so fast Grian doesn't get to finish blinking.
A sound wave fires from The Warden's chest, carrying the full force of the roar from the beast and the shrieks of however many souls are contained within it. It shoves Grian back, sending him a few blocks down the cliff face.
He screams in pure agony as he slides down the cliff. He covers his ears and wails and sobs once he's perched on a ledge. His ears are ringing, he can't hear anything besides the ringing. A thick warmth drips past his fingers as they hold his ears. He cries harder.
Tango jumps on the back of his son, random flurries of words flying from his mouth. His hands gripped the pitch black fur for stability. He climbed to the monster's shoulder, petting the areas he'd pulled apologetically.
Jimmy peered over the cliff, finding Grian sobbing hysterically with his hands over his ears. Blood was starting to dry between each finger and at his wrists where it dripped down.
"Grian!" Jimmy called, reaching down to help Grian up. The other avian looked up and shakily raised a hand up. Fear was in his coal black eyes as Jimmy pulled him up the cliff ledge.
"What were you thinking!" Jimmy scolded. Tango shushed The Warden, who calmed down now that there were familiar voices and scents.
Jimmy sighed, pulling steak from his inventory and handing it to Grian. "Here, eat. Are you ok?" Jimmy asked. Grian sniffled as he ate the steak slowly, ashamed.
"Is it ok, Tangs?" Jimmy asked up at his soulmate, earning a nod from the Netherborne. Jimmy sighed in relief.
"Go home, Grian." Tango said, petting behind his son's antlers. Grian swallowed the steak and trudged off, probably to get an earful from Scar.
Tango hopped down, still keeping a hand on his son.
"That was crazy."
"Yeah and we saw everything."
Jimmy and Tango turned around, finding Etho and Joel standing by the bridge that connected the two mountains.
"Imagine dying to this thing." Joel barked a laugh and clapped The Warden on the back. It growled loudly and Joel jumped back, hiding behind Etho.
"Ok! Everyone go home! It's getting dark and we need a pen for our son. Goodnight." Jimmy announced and stomped away. Tango followed behind, pulling The Warden along by a very large claw. Joel and Etho scittered back across the bridge to the safety of their boat.
Jimmy and Tango made quick (and sloppy) work of making a small pen with a roof for the beast, who seemed content to watch the Red Velvet Keep.
Tango pulled Jimmy in the house and under the covers of their shared bed. He went through his nightly routine of preening Jimmy's small canary wings. After today they could really use them.
"It'll be fine, honey." Tango mumbled, pressing a kiss between Jimmy's wings as he carded through feathers.
"I know." Jimmy yawned. He flipped around and kissed Tango's forehead. "Goodnight." He whispered and cuddled up to Tango.
Tango chuckled. "Goodnight."
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kooldewd123 · 7 months
Lots of interesting things about Lucius from today's episode and the new preview!
First off, we finally know the identities of all six Heroes and it's a bit of an... eclectic mix. When we first learned about Lucius, I expected Rayquaza to be the only legendary on the team since it's the special Pokemon the story is built around, but the presence of Moltres and Entei alongside Arboliva, Lapras, and Kleavor ends up giving the whole group a very weird vibe for an anime team. It kinda feels like a kid just picking their favorites lol. I'm guessing we'll see Lapras, Kleavor, and Entei in that order since that's the order Diana listed them.
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We also have this image giving us hints of how our future Hero encounters will go down. Lapras seems to be part of a pack, so I'm guessing we'll get something similar to the Arboliva encounter, where the RVTs earn its trust after helping the pack. I think each Hero will probably be found in its native region, so it could be fun if this whole thing takes place around Roy's island (although it might still be a bit too early to revisit it). Then, judging by the blurry Kleavor image, probably some sort of encounter where they hear about a rampaging monster from the locals and go to investigate. The black and white makes me wonder whether it's been hanging around in this area for a while - maybe something that's has its own little folk legend spring up around. Entei's image is too vague to really make any strong guesses about. Rayquaza, on the other hand, is very interesting, as it appears to be in Motostoke again. Are we going to be returning there at some point or is it just a flashback?
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The next interesting tidbit is that the Explorers were apparently connected to Lucius at their inception. This becomes much more suspicious, however, when you realize that aside from Hamber and (presumably) Gibeon, the Explorers don't seem to actually know much about Lucius at all. All the underlings know is "capture the pendant." Neither Amethio nor Spinel actually knew that the pendant was a Pokemon, both of them maintained tunnel vision on the pendant even when directly faced with the Heroes, and neither seemed to have any knowledge of a black Rayquaza, despite it being the only Pokemon explicitly named in Lucius's legend. Gibeon and Hamber are clearly withholding information from the rest of the organization and taking advantage of their peons' loyalty in order to accomplish whatever their true goals are. The question now is whether the two of them are somehow connected to the original Explorers or if they're just using their name.
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And finally, we have what appears to be an actual photograph of Lucius, which threw me for a loop. I compared it to the glimpse of him we saw after the Moltres capture, and it definitely seems like same person. I thought he lived several centuries ago, but I went back to Alex's telling of the legend and it's only about a hundred??? That seems way too recent considering how he's been treated in the story but whatever. Anyway, the prior episode already established the high likelihood that Liko's family is somehow associated with Lucius, what with Diana finding the pendant and journal in her attic. Now that we have a full-body shot of Lucius, the design similarities between him and Liko/Diana are very apparent. I've been skeptical of the theories he was related to them before this point, but I can't deny that the evidence is growing rapidly. The curious implication about it is that with the stated hundred-year timeframe (assuming it's not a mistranslation or a misdirect), he's probably no more than two generations removed from Diana herself. I'm not quite sure whether I like the idea of him being her father since she would easily recognize him if she had this picture all along, but a grandfather or older uncle could work. Or maybe this isn't a picture of Lucius after all and everything I just said will crumble to dust in an episode or two. Who knows!
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lavenderbradshaw · 9 months
Swift September!
Hi! Okay, so I had a little fun thought. If you look at my profile, you'll notice my wicked love for Taylor Swift. 9/10, the things I write are inspired by her lyrics. SO! I thought I'd compile a list of lyrics that I'd love to write to and let y'all pick what you want to see.
I'll do these all throughout September, so please send in stuff! (No, seriously, I’m genuinely desperate)
If there's a lyric here you'd like to see, send it in an ask. If there's a character from Top Gun you'd like to see it with, add that, too! If there’s no character, I will pick, so be warned! If there's a lyric I haven't included (and it's Taylor Swift) please send it! Also, combos are so totally acceptable!
They'd just be pretty short blurbs, quick little scenes. But they all do have the possibility of becoming something someday ;)
i feel the lavender haze creepin' up on me
you know i'm not a bad girl, but i'd do bad things with you
i said, 'no one has to know what we do', his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room
i could see you in your suit and your necktie, pass me a note saying 'meet me tonight'
the altar is my hips, even if it's a false god
lord, save me, my drug is my baby
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, what doesn't kill me makes me want you more
'cause all the boys and their expensive cars, the range rovers and their jaguars, never took me quite where you do
you drew stars around my scars, but now i'm bleeding
losing him was blue like i'd never known
from sprinkler splashes to fire place ashes, i gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this
you're not gone, you can't be gone, no
she would've been such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head
maybe i was naive, got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance
crawling up the beaches now, 'sir, i think he's bleeding out', and some things you just can't speak about
tell me that you're still mine, tell me that we'll be just fine, even when i lose my mind
is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?
last night i heard my own heart beating, sounded like footsteps on my stairs, six months gone and i'm still reaching, even though i know you're not there
i can go anywhere i want, anywhere i want just not home
i pulled your body into mine every god damn night
the idea you had of me, who was she? a never needy, ever lovely jewel, whose shine reflects on you
if our love died young, i can't bear witness
you are the best thing that's ever been mine
there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
i'm begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man
if you were here, we'd laugh about their vacant stares but for now, my time is theirs
there's a chain 'round your throat, piece of paper where i wrote 'i'll wait for you'
i once believed love would be black and white, but it's golden
i'm so thankful for all of the girls you loved before, but i love you more
**anything from this category might need a little more vision from the requester**
i can feel the flames on my skin, crimson red paint on my lips, if a man talks shit then i owe him nothing
how's one to know, i'd meet you where the spirit meets the bone
all the liars are calling me one, nobody's heard from me for months
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coffee-styles · 2 years
If youre taking requests I desperately need some Eddie x reader where reader is afraid of thunderstorms and they both get caught in the rain and reader has to stay the night at Eddie's trailer. Eddie does everything in his power to make sure reader is comfortable and feeling safe, maybe ending with some smut <33
omggg stoppp i loveeee this, i really do but idk if smut would fr fit the mood...if u want make another request that fits smut so i could have a plot ml. sorryyy😔 alr so im kinda doing hw rn so ima try to make this cute but quick so...sorry <33 (it wasn't short 😭🥴🤭)
"I promise you it looks like it's about to rain." you worryingly told Eddie, as he is driving his van to his trailer.
"Kind of, but it hasn't rained in like a month and I like the rain...it's almost as calming as your light coffee scent." Eddie compliments. You don't hate or dislike the rain to be honest, but thunderstorms? Oh boy, you HATE them. Ever since you were a little girl, it used to rain a lot in your town. Being born in Florida, it's usually dry and humid in the Summer but kinda rainy in the beginnings of fall. One of your friends had a neighbor pass away because of a bad thunderstorm one night, the lightning struck them so hard, it made a dent in the grass. You weren't that close with that friend, but you used to be the bestest of friends until she had to move to a plain old house in West Palm Beach...literally in the middle of nowhere. It was pure grass all around. Honestly, you both are like strangers. But ever since that day, you've always worried about the dangerous lightning.
"-you know? So, honestly I just kind of ignored him before I said something to make him regret he ever breathed near me. But as scary as I may look, I don't like being that mean. uhm...y/n? hellooo?" Eddie pulled you from your thoughts as he snapped his fingers in front of your face, still trying to keep his eyes on the road.
"Hm? Yea, yea...sorry. I'm just a bit tir-"
"Tired...yea, I know. That's the third time you've told me that since our way back from the movies. Are you ok? Is it school? Me? Did I do something?" Eddie interrupts.
"What? No...no, it's just I didn't get much sleep last night and-" you get interrupted again. "No y/n...don't lie to me. I know when you're lying. Tell me what's wrong. Is it homework? If it is, don't worry about it, I have a homework pass AND before you say anything about how you don't like using them, it's fine to not do your homework."
"I don't need one, Eds. Thank you though." you say, sounding a bit more stressed.
"We'll be at my trailer in like 5 minutes, my love, and then you can do your homework." you lover tells you as if it'd calm you down. You never really liked seeming weak. You always hated it, feeling like your worthless. Eddie was perfect and comforting, kind, funny, caring and thoughtful, but you were worried he'd think you were childish for having an extreme fear over LIGHTNING.
"Alright, babe, we're here." Eddie says, snapping you back to reality but so does the big thunder that suddenly bangs and rings in your ear. The windows looked so blurry, you felt like your vision would blur as well if you get off the car. Not wanting to worry Eddie, you grab your backpack and throw on the hoodie part of the jacket you stole from Eddie.
You guys get off the car, and right as Eddie opens the door for you, BANG! Thunder and lightning ring in your ears once more, but louder making you slightly jump.
"Hey, you ok?" Eddie says as he shuts the door to the trailer he shares with his uncle. "Uhm...yea. Thunder just scared me." you laugh nervously.
"Y/n....I can tell something is bothering you. Please tell me what's wrong." your soulmate tells you. "It's nothing, really. Can we just go cuddle? Please?" you say, trying not to sound anxious.
He sighs but says, "Yea, sure."
Walking into the room, you notice the beautiful electric guitar that Eddie adored, remembering the one time Eddie played one of your favorite songs Everybody Wants to Rule The World by Tears For Fears, along with Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen because who doesn't love Queen? You take off your jacket and place it on one end of Eddie's bed.
"You want something to eat or drink, babe?" Eddie says randomly making you jump once more. "Uhm....no thank you, Eds."
"You keep flinching. What's wrong? And don't say 'nothing' because it isn't nothing." Eddie says before you respond with "Okay, it is something but I don't wanna tell you."
"Why? Darling, you can trust me with anything." Eddie says is a calm and soft tone, sitting down on the bed, patting his side for you to sit down.
"No, you're gonna think of me as a pathetic child" you say, sitting on his left leg.
"Baby, nothing and no one will EVER make me think that. EVER. Alright? I promise you I won't judge you." Eddie says, calming you down a bit. "I love everything about you. From your beautiful h/c to the way you trip over your own feet sometimes. I love every. single. inch. of you." He places a kiss onto your cheek.
"It's just..." you take a slight pause and softly sigh before continuing. "I'm scared of thunder and lightning." you whisper softly but loud enough for him to hear me. You hear Eddie chuckle, when you look at him he just smiles and says "Babe, are you serious?"
You go to stand up from him leg saying, "I know, it's childish. But it's just scary."
He grabs your wrist softly and places you back on his leg, saying "Angle...it's not stupid. It's actually kind of cute. You're this small little person and being scared of thunder just makes you seem even more adorable. You know, I was HORRIFIED of lightning and thunder as well when I was like nine and I just realized that it was something unique from nature. It's like when we've had a bad day, we burst out into tears and take it out on others sometimes, same thing with storms. It's rough when the rain gets out of hand, you know? I still love you, always have and always will, babe." Eddie says smiling at you adorable pout.
"Yea...I guess" you say getting a bit distracted with playing with his hair.
"And I'm not here to make you change your thoughts on it, but there's nothing to be ashamed of." Eddie says.
"I love you sooo much" Eddie says after a moment of silence, kissing your soft lips.
"I love you more, my love" you say.
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finalvortex · 2 years
you don't always get to choose when you say goodbye to someone.
and sometimes that means being unexpectedly taken away from your friends and dragged halfway across the country when your family has to move for work. and sometimes that means having to send a pet caterpillar that you thought you could take care of back out into the wild. and sometimes that means watching your friend as she lets go of your hand and falls from a tower. and sometimes that means being suddenly teleported back home at the moment your friend is impaled. and sometimes that means your polycule breaking up over a vision of a horrifying future. and sometimes that means holding your sister's body as she crumbles to ash under a fractured moon. and sometimes that means a dimensional portal closing, maybe forever, leaving your frog family on the other side.
amphibia has always been a show about loss.
and so it ends with them saying goodbye. and that's sad. of course it is. saying goodbye always is.
how do we cope with loss? how do we deal with change, when it seems insurmountable? what do we hold on to when there is nothing left, and everyone is gone?
“Change was scary, and it was hard for me to open my heart to others again. But, I’m glad I did. We spend our lives afraid of change, but after many years I realized, the beauty of life is the change.” - Leif, All In
“I know it’s hard, Marcy. But no matter how much we fight it, or deny it, things change. We can’t stop it. But nothing, not distance or time, can break the bond that we share. Because nothing can take away the memories of the time we spent together.” - Anne, All In
"And I'll never forget you either, Sprig. Which means that we'll never be apart. Not really. Nothing will ever change how much you mean to me. Not time, or space, or being worlds apart." - Anne, The Hardest Thing
we can't stop the world from changing. things don't always go the way we want them to. and that isn't easy to accept. it can be the hardest thing.
and maybe terri gets the portal working again, and they visit from time to time. and maybe polly invents cell service and sprig and anne have long rambling talks into the night, the way they used to. and maybe there are other mystical artifacts that can open portals out there, and sprig and ivy find one on their adventures.
and maybe they don't. and maybe they never see each other again.
and that's ok.
because nothing - nothing - can take away the time they spent in amphibia, or the friends they made there, or the memories they share. because they left an impact on each other's lives, and that's something they'll carry with them always. because maybe we're all like tectonic plates, crashing together and then coming apart, leaving a little piece of ourselves behind. because they will always be a part of each other.
because there's a difference between letting go, and moving on.
but sometimes, when you let something go, it comes back to you. like a moth that you find scavenging through your garbage to feed her kittens. like the embrace of someone who you thought would never forgive you. like a letter from a long-lost friend.
you can't hold on to something forever. but of the things you let go, you'd be surprised what makes its way back to you.
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aloudplace · 1 month
Chapter 11 temperature
I don't want to remember," she whispered. And then she pressed back against him as though she would sink directly into his body.
"I'm not asking you to." Loklan squeezed her trembling shoulders. "Eiara, relax."
Some of the tension left her, but there was still a hum of strong emotion moving through her frame. Loklan was willing to bet she had remembered something.
The thought gave him conflicted feelings. He wanted to know her past, he could admit to that easily enough. But her lack of history put him at the very center of her world, which was a position he liked very much. If she remembered her family or a lover... but he didn't allow himself to entertain that thought, nor to acknowledge how selfish it was.
Instead, he pointed down into the valley, hoping to distract her from whatever memories were looming.
"Look there."
The light reflecting from Asatyru cast the moon's surface in long, inky shadows, but he could see a series of buildings at the base of the mountain, connected by what looked like enormous greenhouses.
This was where the Asatyru had undoubtedly begun—and abandoned—their terraforming work.
"What is that?" Eiara took a step towards the edge of the peak on which they stood.
"Careful," he said, taking hold of her arm.
"Are those buildings?" she asked. "I can't see very well."
Apparently, his night vision was better than hers. Another benefit to his Zenopelti blood. "Yes. The path is over there, see? We can make it down in another hour, I think. Maybe we'll even find a proper bed to sleep in."
"Good," she said, with obvious relief. "My nose feels like it's going to fall off."
"Put your hood up." He moved around her, towards the head of the path leading down to the valley. "I'm going first since my night vision is better."
"I don't need night vision," she countered, falling into step behind him. She sent her little torch spell up ahead as proof.
Loklan started down the path, not bothering to look back. "Fine, I'm going first so that if you fall I can catch you."
Her footsteps were almost soundless as she followed. "So romantic."
Loklan snorted. "Would you prefer to be the one to catch me?"
She didn't even hesitate. "You would never deign to do anything so undignified as falling down."
Fighting a laugh, he replied dryly, "It's amazing how you manage to flatter and insult me simultaneously."
"I believe it's called flirting."
"Hah! Bit late for that, don't you think?"
"I'm making up for lost time."
"I see. Can I expect a proper courtship as well, since we're doing things in reverse?"
"Well, considering that you've already surrendered your virtue, I think we can skip the posies and hand-holding."
Loklan tsked. "You mean don't want to hold my hand? How disappointing."
"I will gladly hold any part of your body you wish to extend to me," she replied silkily.
His laugh echoed loudly down into the valley below. "I'll remember that when we reach the bottom of this blasted mountain."
"Why wait? My hands are free right now."
He grinned into the dark, eyes trained on the path beneath his feet. "Tempting, but what I have in mind might compromise the safety of our descent just a bit."
"Not if I go first."
By the Goddess, this new glibness was charming. And arousing.
"Have I shocked you?" she asked curiously.
Fighting a chuckle, he made himself reply mildly, "Not at all. I was imagining you leading me down this mountainside by my cock."
"Oh. It sounds even better when you say it out loud."
The path had doubled back on itself and he took the opportunity to stop and look up at her. "If you're trying to antagonize me into molesting you on this freezing mountain, you should know you're fast approaching the point of success."
She paused just before the turn and her grin was illuminated brightly for a moment by the hovering torch spell. "If I was taller, I would suggest we do it standing up."
Biting back another laugh, Loklan made a show of frowning repressively as she rounded the corner and came down onto the path beside him.
"Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is to exert oneself in this manner while sporting an erection?" he demanded.
"I should think an erection would be rather difficult to maintain under these conditions." She brought the torch spell closer until it fully illuminated the front of his body. "Oh. But I guess that's not an issue for you. Do you want me to, erm...?" She held up her hands and wiggled her fingers suggestively.
"You are incorrigible."
Her eyes glittered with humor. "I suppose I am. I have to say, getting to know myself has turned out to be a very enjoyable endeavor."
"It certainly does have its perks," he drawled, turning to continue down the path.
"You think so, too? Do elaborate."
He paused to help her over a precarious outcropping of stone. "Fishing for compliments?"
"Absolutely." She took his proffered hand without hesitation and hopped neatly over the obstacle.
"Well," he thought about it as they continued down the steep incline. "Your breasts are exceptional."
"Hm. Are breasts considered a personal trait, though? I was hoping you would say something about my sparkling personality."
He chuckled. "'Sparkling' is one way of describing it."
"Thank you. I daresay I'm quite clever as well, don't you think?"
"Oh, certainly."
"Impish, apparently."
"Ooh, I like that."
"Brazen as well."
She giggled.
"I would go so far as to say you are thoroughly tolerable."
She made a cheerful little hum of gratification. "You really do know how to flatter a lady."
Loklan glanced back at her pointedly. "I'd like to flatter you right here in the dirt."
That got him a high, musical peal of laughter.
"Would it lower your opinion of me if I said, 'Yes, please'?" she rejoined.
He smirked. "Not at all."
"Well, then..." Her footsteps behind him stopped.
Loklan turned. "What are you—?"
She was fiddling with the tie on her leggings.
"C'mere," she beckoned.
"Eiara," he started, drifting back to her. "You are not undressing right now. You'll freeze to death."
"It's not that cold."
"You're shivering."
The temperature had dropped considerably since they'd begun their climb. Loklan pulled the cloak closed around her, but she continued to fuss with her leggings. "Eiara stop. I was joking before. I'll make love to you when we get down to the shelter."
"Shh." She wiggled inside the cloak and then looked up at him with the hood shadowing her face. "Come here and warm me up."
The look in her eyes and the idea that she might be at least partially naked under the cloak drew him unwillingly closer. She let the heavy fabric open just enough to draw him inside it.
"Ooh, that's nice," she breathed into his chest, squeezing him with both arms.
And then she tucked the edges of the cloak into one hand, held in a fist behind his back, and drew her free hand to the front of his trousers.
"This is incredibly ill-advised," he said, body thrumming with anticipation as she opened the placket. "Also, your hand is freezing."
She stroked him slowly and he gasped. Her cold fingers were a shock, but not an unpleasant one.
In fact...
"Goddess, that feels amazing," he rasped.
She started backing them towards the rocky face of the mountain behind her, looked over her shoulder, and stepped up onto a low rock. It put her almost on eye level with him.
"Hi," she smiled and lifted her face for a kiss, hand still working expertly on his cock.
Groaning, Loklan bent to kiss her. Cold lips, hot mouth. Breath caressing his face in a steamy plume.
She tucked the edges of the cloak into the back of his trousers and then brought her other hand around between them.
Loklan broke from her mouth when he felt her bare belly against his cock. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Shhh," she repeated, holding his shaft and lifting herself on her toes, hips jutting against him.
Loklan heard himself issue a harsh, guttural groan as the head of his cock sank past crisp pubic curls and silky flesh, directly into the flexing mouth of her sex.
Bloody hell! Her sex was so hot.
"How in the name of Goddess am I inside you right now?" he moaned.
"You're not very far in," she said in a strained voice. "Perhaps you could...?"
Loklan took hold of her hips and thrust upward until he was grinding against her mons. Eiara cried out and tightened around him, gripping his shoulders with both hands.
"There," she whispered shakily. "That's deep."
And then she started moving.
Loklan cursed. "Eiara, this is madness—Ah!"
She bore down, the sheath of her sex clutching him from base to tip. The sound she made when he started thrusting into that tightness made his head swim.
Sexual aggression swamped him, driving out reason, concern.
If she wanted to be fucked in the dark on a dry, frozen mountainside, then Loklan would fuck her.
It didn't take long. Something about the cold and her heat drove him to the edge in just a few short minutes. It was wildly erotic to be ridden in this position too, with the only skin-to-skin contact being his cock and the wet sheath of her sex. The angle made her tighter as well, he realized, looking down into the little cave the cloak created. She had to keep her hips thrust forward to take him, and their movement consisted of only a shallow sort of rocking, bodies pushing gently forward and then back, thighs bumping. He could just make out his shaft between them, peeking under the bunched hem of her tunic. He was so hard that his cock didn't move at all under their thrusts.
"Stay still," she whispered. "Let me do it."
When he complied, Eiara moved faster on him, gripping his waist with both hands. The cloak came unhitched and cold air rushed in. Eiara grabbed it and held it around him, pressing herself to the front of his body by necessity.
The sensation of her torso undulating against him as she worked herself on his cock was so erotic that he gritted his teeth and growled, "Come now. I'm not going to last much longer."
Eiara shook her head, gasping, "Not yet."
He pushed her hips back and brought one hand to her sex as the orgasm gathered, rubbing her clit with his thumb.
The cloak fell open again but she made no move to retrieve it. Her head tilted back, eyes half closed, chest heaving. Little white puffs of breath issued from her open mouth.
Loklan kissed her as the pleasure raced up his spine and burst along the length of his cock.
"Coming," he growled, bucking against her.
She tightened, whimpered, rode him so hard he had to widen his stance a bit to keep from losing his balance.
His cock had just released its final spurt when she cried out and stiffened in his arms.
Gritting his teeth, Loklan pumped straight through the spasms, holding her with both arms to steady her.
She cried his name and shook all over.
"You are so sweet," he whispered, pulling her closer and biting her earlobe. "Coming in my arms. Trembling like that. Say my name again."
Eiara shuddered and softened. "Loklan..."
"Mmm." He suckled her lobe the way she'd done to him earlier and gave her a little thrust. "Feel that? Still hard."
She moaned into his neck.
"When we get to the bottom I'm going to bend you over the first table we find and take you from behind."
"Oh..." she breathed. "That sounds nice."
"It won't be," he growled. "Because I'm not going to be gentle."
She shuddered again. "Even better."
Loklan bit her neck and sucked the flesh into his mouth until she whimpered.
"Rope," she whispered.
He pulled back. "What?"
Her eyes were wide and dark, gleaming with erotic intent. "We need rope."
Not quite believing his ears, Loklan stood very still and waited.
And then she murmured darkly, "I want you to tie me."
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and so we drove to port perry and i thought about you, there were signs on the road that warned us of stop signs,
we kept rolling through with her foot on the gas, the radio man said the time had passed
you were sprinting down by the midtown lights, you would never see the spark in my eyes, waiting for a train that aint ever coming is like reading our texts and looking for something
>>> the stars spelled out your name in their reflection on the lake, a big A asterism, you couldn't see this from the city!
scugog is an hour out of the city, and i didnt expect you to come with me, but i think you'd enjoy the ride!
i was rolling down that westbound line, eager ears listen for your next chime, smoke impedes my blurry vision, i celebrate my misshaped mission
i'm running around like a flightless bird, chasing for something i think thats worth, worth my time well spent and the nice things said before i go home to my yet empty bed, and just for the night i wont be alright, scarred my retina staring into your eyes, the lore runs deep but a knife cuts deeper and my mind really cant feel any weaker!
>>> [The next station is Toronto Union Station.] you wont be here tonight! you left your heart on the subway! you lost your heart and you need to go find it!
your chest was so full and my heart was racing, was it worth the time that i spent pacing? my stereo's loud but your voice sounds louder and i just wanna hear, oh, calling my number
i lay on down by the starry skies, the lights shine dark right into my eyes, i'd fly if you weren't here on the ground, your mirage keeps me floating around, the stars above try to form a shape, i read it out it sounds like your name, mars is scorpio, mercury retrograde, what do those stars say about fate?
one touch from you would keep me on this earth, at least for a minute or just for the first, time feels unreal in your grand presence, and if you came home that would be my present, under a silver tree or green mistletoe, but your face went blue and you thought to go, push me away and pull me right back and maybe i'll fall right in to your lap
>>> you're going home? alright, no worries. it was nice seeing you! call me when you're back!
your texts lit me up like the night sky above, your songs in my ears tell a story of love, and when you sent me that one, oh i thought that you wanted me now~! and when i played it back oh i thought, man i'm in it now!
but i misheard the lyrics, i opened the wrong page, and in it i saw your distorted face, strange mouth saying words i cannot make, i'm shouting out what the hell will it take, what will change this fucked up fate?
i want you to be here in the deep dark night, laying so softly right by my left side, drink some tea to trap in the heat, i cant have you being cold to me, the cedar wood crackles, its in the air, run my hand right through your hair and i feel alright having you here
>>> [tts] Line 5, towards Kennedy. The next station is Cedarvale, Cedarvale station. Change here for Line 1.
the wind blows through the city lights, the ones so bright to my blue eyes, looking for adventure at midnight, and if you asked me i know i'd slide
going back to that first night on the lake, memories that you never got to make, she'll drive me around and we'll get real far, back to the station while it's still dark, she's my first in command but you could be, too, take you to a place that's special to you, give me your bait and you know i'd bite, like you to my arm that drunken night
out in the park with the falling fall leaves, bottle on the table and vomit on your knees, you held the match and you lit my long fuse, man, fuck that time i had my arms around you, you can't miss what you ain't had, i already had a taste, touch electrifying stare at your cute face, touch me again better high than opiate, you fit me better than any drug, i'd be so euphoric just for a hug, we were drunk but for you i'd get sober, i can't believe the night's already over
and so you grabbed the streetcar and you made your way home, but you wanted a photo 'fore you had to go, a click of the shutter and a blinding light, sear your image into my mind, but the blix didn't take and you're overexposed, i'm in your memory but not the real world, youre the flash of light that changed my world, and you didn't even mean to do it so, hang onto me since you can't walk tonight, take my hand know you'll be alright, no wind on the train but i feel your breathing, breezing, sun setting life aint easy, sunsetz and cigarettes hold me i'm screaming, burn nicotine and i breathe in, burn cannabis stop scheming, calm down this joint freezing
and i walked you back to the streetcar and you asked me if i took a photo, but it was overexposed and you looked like a flash of light! you were a flash that changed that photo of my life!
“hang on to me, i can’t walk right tonight!” so just take my hand and you know you’ll be alright!
racing through the city, windows not down, in the back of that red striped car, you can feel the fall breeze, or at least the breeze your breath on me, and it felt like the sun would never go down! and we roll into town and i know that you'll never be down!
down for the money, down for the show, i want you honey so get ready to go! the old group is waiting by that dim park bench, soju and smirnoff are the most foul stench, not the smell of you as you make my heart wrench, cologne so sauvage you gave me a bruise but my heart was dior and yours was unpure as you keel over, fall to the floor
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ashtoninbloom · 1 year
[text]: Honestly, and it's so refreshing to be surrounded by people who understand the value of family time. Aaron has been traveling quite a lot this past year to film, and he auditioned for a few roles that would likely film next year if he gets them. So being able to have this uninterrupted time with the older girls has been wonderful. Just trying to soak it all in because it already breaks my heart when they have to say goodbye to Collins to spend time with their mom. That's the best mindset, honestly. She's little, but she has her own little personality already and I bet you've figured out a few of her coos after just a few days. Because you're a great dad! Don't refuse the help, but maybe in another week or so. This is your bonding time with her. Sleep will come.
[text]: Is she even Australian if she doesn't love the water!? The vision of baby Ava in massive headphones is sending me right now. She's going to be so, so proud of her daddies -- cheering you on from stage right every single night. Collins is a vibe alright, and I love her more than I ever thought I could possibly love something. She's barely four months and has me wanting another already, so if that doesn't tell you something idk what does. Let me let you in on a little secret -- you're stuck with me for far longer than 18 years. We'll be old and wrinkly, showing off our grandbabies and great-grandbabies to each other and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[ text ]: i didn't really have a tight knit family unit when i was a child, so now that i have a family of my own, i feel like i wanna work even harder to make sure we get to experience everything together. everything outside of our little bubble has taken the backseat and i don't see that changing, especially with Ava being so little still. you two have to balance a lot of things to get that family time, with Aaron's busy work schedule, visitation with his two older girls, your busy career and of course, little Collins. makes sense you'd do your best to make sure every little moment you five have together. It's hard that your baby girl has to miss time with her siblings but at least you guys are doing the best you can to foster those relationships. she's very sweet and chill but i definitely see some of that Luke sass in her too. say a prayer for me, please. we're alternating taking care of feeds, and trying to nap while she sleeps. the jury is still out on if it's entirely working but i wouldn't change it for the world.
[ text ]: true, she's getting her first beach exposure this weekend, i'll send you all the photos of my little water baby. she'll look very rock'n' roll and i have to make her a little 5SOS jacket to match that vibe. you're an amazing mum, i've known that always. is baby number two a want still or are you two working on it? you think you guys will end up having more than two of your own? Luke wants to have four, so there's gonna be a lot of babies to take to Bali when the time comes. yes please, they say it takes a village to raise a baby and i'm so glad you're always on our team, lovely.
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johnkrrasinski · 3 years
started from a call
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 3,610
Warning: angst with a happy ending! that's all.
Summary: written for @wkemeup's 9k writing challenge with the prompt "character a leaves an embarrassing, drunk message on character b’s voicemail and spends the rest of the night trying to discreetly delete it from [b]’s phone." inspired by a bit of ross and rachel from friends too. you found out from steve that bucky was in love with you in high school but after he returns home with a girl in his arm, you cancelled your plans to tell him how you feel. will you and bucky have your happy ending?
a/n: please like, reblog and leave a feedback. :) enjoy!
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"Alright, I'll see you tonight. Bye." He leaned against the kitchen counter and hung up the phone with a grin on his face. "You hear that, Sam? We're going on our third date tonight." He threw his phone up into the air and caught it so casually without spilling a drop of his coffee sitting on his right hand. "Looks like I'm getting that 300 bucks soon."
"Hey, easy. You ain't going to that date yet, who knows? She could bail on you. It doesn't count if the date doesn't end well."
"Oh, but it will. I just gotta turn on my charm and next thing you know, we're already meeting the parents stage."
"Meeting the parents? That's a big step from you, Buck."
"Hey, I'm a man of my words. If I said that I'm going to change this year then I'm gonna stick to it."
"So Leah isn't just a one-time thing to get 300 bucks?"
"Maybe yes, maybe no. We'll see how tonight goes. But one thing's for sure is that I'm getting that 300 bucks."
Sam and Bucky made a bet as their New Year's resolution that Bucky would never go on a second date with any girl or remember to call her in the morning after a wild night. His commitment issues had given him a reputation as the player in the gang. It wasn't a new thing anymore to anyone that when they visited Bucky's place in the morning, they would see a girl with a dopey smile and slightly ruffled hair walking out of his apartment, giddy that Bucky just made a promise to call her later.
You, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Steve were hanging out at Nat's place. The six of you had been friends since college. You, Nat, Bucky and Steve had known each other since high school and the four of you kept in touch despite going to separate universities. You met Wanda when you went to NYU and Steve met Sam while he was in Harvard. Long story short, after the four of you graduated, you and Wanda lived together as roommates and even started your own bakery business. Steve and Bucky lived in the same building as you and Natasha and Sam lived nearly alone. They were too independent for roommates. Don't even start on Natasha and how much she valued her personal space. That's how the six of you ended up here, gathered at your place on a Saturday afternoon.
"Are you gonna pick her up tonight?"
"Of course. Gonna clean up well, bring her some flowers and knock on her door at 7 pm precisely. Which girl isn't gonna fall for that?" Bucky walked over to the couch you and Nat were sitting on and leaned on the headrest, his arms caging both you and Natasha.
You didn't say anything nor did Natasha because she knew about your feelings for Bucky. Despite never feeling that way about Bucky in high school, your feelings changed a week ago after learning that Bucky used to be in love with you but never had the courage to tell you. That's why he never had a girlfriend during his high school years and he wanted to take you to prom and confess his feelings to you but he was too late. Another guy had already snooped in first.
You were his first love but it wasn't reciprocated until now. That's why in college, he learned how to get over you and slept with as many women as possible because he felt like he lost four years of his life of finding the one. He never intended to be a player and feed girls empty promises, it just kind of became his way of dating. He was too afraid that no one could live up to you yet he enjoyed being with women. Hence, the bet.
The day you found out from Steve about Bucky's past feelings for you while playing truth or dare, you immediately wanted to call him up but Bucky was out of town for a few days and as soon as he was back home, he had Leah in his arm. Your heart was crushed. Wanda told you that it would probably last for a few days and that he'd eventually be single again but you totally did not expect this thing to turn into something serious. You loved Sam with every fibre of your being, he was like the big brother you never had, but you wanted to curse him for making that bet.
So you just rolled your eyes and stayed silent throughout this entire conversation, even though your heart felt like it was being stabbed over and over again. "Alright, I gotta go. Got a big date tonight. I'll see you guys in a few hours." Just like that, Bucky walked out of the room without knowing the pain his words caused you.
The next day you were sitting in your bed watching The Notebook in your pyjamas because you were too heartbroken to do anything productive. It was Sunday so you could just have a whole day to yourself and do absolutely nothing but cry. Wanda knocked on your door bringing a plate of cookies and she had a pitiful look on her face. "y/n? Sweetie? I made you these cookies, they might make you feel better." Sometimes you thank the stars for bringing her into your life.
"Thank you, Wanda. You're so nice to me." You know you probably sound like a hormonal whiny kid but everything made you cry at the moment.
"Do you need anything else? I know how it feels to get your heartbroken, trust me. When me and Vision had a fight and we didn't talk for days all I wanted was to curl up and never leave my bed, so in case you need anything, I'm here." She offered you that warm smile of hers.
"No, all I want right now is to just eat these cookies and go back to my film, thanks Wan."
"Okay, I'll be outside." Your pity party was interrupted when Nat arrived in her leather jacket and burst into your room.
"Get up, you are taking a shower and you're getting that face beat."
"Natasha, what the hell? Leave me alone."
"Y/N, listen to me. I got a date for you. His name is Scott and he's a real nice guy, he's funny, he's a good friend of mine and he is really smart. He is so much better than Bucky, I promise you. Now c'mon, I already told him that you are meeting him tonight at Stark's restaurant at 7."
You whined, doing anything you can to get her to leave you alone with your tears and your cookies but you knew that once Natasha set her mind on something, there's no talking her way out of it. Damn that woman with her determination.
"Y/N, c'mon! Wallowing all day isn't you. I know you and what's good for you. That's why I found you a great guy who will charm you so good that you will forget Barnes even existed. You can't let him win, y/n. If he's going to be happy with someone else, then you better show him that you can be much happier with other people."
You stared at her, trying to absorb her words. There's some wisdom in that. You're not the type to cry over a guy, not even for even Bucky Barnes. So you let Natasha drag you to the shower and asked Wanda to do your hair when she does your makeup. She chose an outfit for you, a dress that was not too sexy but chic enough to leave a good first impression.
Scott was early to the restaurant and he looked elated to see you. He was wearing a grey suit with no tie and he had a really exuberant smile on his face, the type that drew people easily. You could see why Natasha called him a nice guy.
"Wow, sorry, I just- didn't expect you to be this beautiful."
"Ah, thank you, Scott. Have you been waiting long?"
"No, not at all. I just arrived here like five minutes ago."
The night went on and Scott did most of the asking and talking, you answered each question curtly with forced enthusiasm in your face and body language. You weren't even listening to half of the things he said because your mind kept playing images of Bucky with Leah and how you heard from Sam that the date went well so he lost 300 bucks. You kept thinking about Bucky and Leah and how they would probably get married and have kids and live in the suburbs with a golden retriever while you'd still be single and you'd compare every man you meet to Bucky. Maybe it was your karma for not reciprocating his feelings in high school.
Five glasses of wine and you spent more time nodding than talking. Honestly, all you wanted to do was to just go home and go back to The Notebook because their love story was much better than your love life. Scott woke you out of your daze, "Natasha told you that I was cuter than this, did she?" after you gulped your sixth glass of wine.
"Oh Scott, I'm so sorry. It's not you, it's me. I know it sounds cliche but it's just... I'm not in a place where I'm looking for a boyfriend. You are a really likeable guy and I swear, if we had met at another time, maybe I would be a better date but right now, I just- I have someone else in my mind." You sighed, it felt like a relief to get that off your chest.
"Is this guy... an ex-boyfriend?"
You chuckled, "no... He wishes."
Scott nodded, "look, I don't know what your situation is but I've been through a divorce and it's never easy. But eventually, you'll be fine. You can't see it now because you haven't had closure." Then it was as if the bulb above your head was turned on.
"That's it.  Closure, yeah. That's all I need. Okay, give me a minute. I'm gonna call him now and I'm going to get my closure."
Scott sat there watching you comically trying to find your phone in your purse and tapped on Bucky's contact number. The normal you would be sweating with every ring but intoxicated you had no worries in the world... For now.
"This is Bucky. Can't pick up right now, leave a message." Beep.
"Hello, yes, Bucky! Or James, should I call you James? I always thought Bucky was a weird name. Anyways, I'm just calling to tell you that I am fine and I am on a date with Scott. And speaking of dates, I just gotta tell you that I'm happy to hear that your date went well. And that, my friend, means that I am over you. That's right, I'm over you. Tell Leah I say hi." You said sarcastically.
You hung up the phone and threw your phone back into your purse. You felt like you just won a chess game.
The next morning you decided to sleep in because your heart was pounding and you could barely sit up without feeling like you might fall. You were supposed to be working at the bakery but since you owned the bakery, Wanda let you sleep it off until you recover. You couldn't remember anything from last night, how you got back to your apartment was a mystery. You tried to put the pictures together, from being forced to go on a date, meeting a guy named Sean? Simon? Sebastian? Scott! Yes, Scott. You ordered your meals and then... Nothing, it was all blurry. You weren't even sure if anything happened at all after eating your meals.
The apartment was empty because Wanda was working at the bakery and it was just you with your hangover pills. Bucky came to your apartment without knocking because Wanda told him on the phone that you were home. He greeted you with a smile and asked about your date.
"Uh, let's see. I think there was a restaurant, I know there was wine. And there's a guy, Scott and pretty much that's all I can recall."
Bucky made a yikes face. Seeing the state you were in, he could do the math (of the wine you had). You probably enjoyed the alcohol more than the guy. What a doofus, he thought. If he was the one going on a date with you, you'd definitely remember every detail from last night.
"Leah's downstairs and I'm taking her back to her place but I left my keys here last night. Have you seen it?"
"No, check the drawers. Maybe Wanda put 'em there."
"Ah, okay." He opened the drawers and found the keys to his bike.
"Did we... Speak on the phone last night?"
"Nope, my phone was dead and I didn't charge it all night so I haven't really checked it. Why?"
"Nothing, nothing. It's just... Never mind. My memories are a bit hazy right now. You should go, say hi to Leah for me."
Bucky nodded as you walked back to your room to go lie down. Your question reminded him that he should probably check his phone now because there could be work-related messages but the first thing he heard was a voicemail from you. "Oh, y/n. I got your message!"
That instantly stopped you in your tracks. Your eyes went wide and you froze. You immediately turned around and ran to grab his phone away from him. Bucky had a confused look on his face, "who's Scott?"
"Oh my God, no, Bucky, give me the phone. Give me the phone!" But it was already too late, he was already halfway through your voicemail and by the time you successfully snatched his phone out of his grasp, he had already heard every word.
Bucky stood there dumbfounded, he needed time to process everything you just said to him. "What do you- what do you mean you're over me?"
"Oh, God... Alright, um- lately, I've um- sort of, have... Feelings for you." You never had to chase a guy or confess your crush first so this felt new and my God, it was nerve-racking.
"You have feelings for me..." He said it as if he was convincing himself that his ears got it right. Bucky couldn't believe the words that just escaped through your lips, for years he had dreamed of this moment. Though never did he ever want you to make the first move but adolescent him wanted to hear you say what he'd been wanting to say to you too.
He didn't say anything for what felt like minutes and you couldn't decipher his thoughts from the look on his face. "I need to sit down," he pulled one of the dining chairs and leaned on his side in a defeated posture.
"Bucky... Please say something." You alerted him in a hushed tone, not wanting to startle him than you already did. But he didn't. He was lost at words. What the hell was he supposed to tell her?
"Look Bucky, I'm sorry for telling you this way but I had to. I just- I've been wanting to talk to you about it since you came back to New York, well- actually, since Steve told me but-"
"Whoa, Steve told you?!" He interrupted.
"Yeah, it just accidentally slipped when we were playing truth or dare..."
"Okay well," he stood up from his seat, yet he still couldn't look you in the eye. "I can't do this right now, Leah's waiting for me downstairs and I gotta go." He basically ran out of the room and slammed the door behind him, leaving you alone.
Once your hangover had begun dissipating, you decided to help Wanda at the bakery and took the night shift. She must've been exhausted from managing the bakery alone while also helping the employees in the kitchen so you told her to go home and leave it to you. The bakery's usually slower at night.
When it was nearing closing time and your employees had gone home, you decided to clean up and turned off the lights and checked everything one last time before locking the door. The bell above the door dinged and you were slightly annoyed because who the hell comes to the bakery at this hour?
"I'm sorry we're clo...sed." It was Bucky. He stood there in a black coat, with an expression you still couldn't figure out. "Bucky, what are you-"
"You have no right to tell me that you've got feelings for me." His tone was harsh, he never spoke that way to you or anyone... Ever.
He walked closer to you, maintaining his gaze, "You can not tell me that you've got feelings for me now when I'm doing well with my life and Leah..."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I was in love with you for years! Years, y/n! And you never said and did anything and now when everything's going well you're ruining it!"
"I am ruining it?" You repeated the question because you couldn't believe what you just heard. How dare he said those hurtful things to you.
"Yes! I was doing fine with Leah and now I don't know what's going to happen with me and her anymore..."
"Yeah, well, I was doing fine before I found out that YOU were in love with me and never had the balls to tell me!" You did everything you could to not cry, you hated crying in the middle of an argument.
"Hey, it's not like I didn't try. There were your ex-boyfriends and your dates and I had to move on. I couldn't wait forever! And now, now you're too late."
"Oh, so what? You're just gonna walk away and pretend that this never happened?"
"Yes, I'm going to do exactly that and I'm going to go see Leah." He turned around like he did earlier in your apartment and left you alone once again with your heartbreak.
"Fine! Go ahead and see Leah because I don't give a fuck about cowards like you or whoever you sleep with." You slammed the door and tried everything you could to not have a breakdown here because you really hated letting an argument hurt you. You sat on one of the chairs where the customers would sit and you hid your face with your hands and cried.
Not because you just lost an argument but because of what Bucky said and it felt like you had lost Bucky before you even had him. Now there was no hope left for you and Bucky, things were too complicated.
You didn't know how long you had cried there, alone, in the dimmed lighting of your shop but after you felt like the tears had dried, you wiped the traces of your tears from your cheeks with the back of your thumb. You stood from your seat and was ready to go home. You couldn't wait to eat some leftover pizzas, take a warm shower and cry into your pillows until you fall asleep.
But when you were about to leave, you saw Bucky standing on the other side of the door, watching you through the windows with a softer expression on his face. You opened the door and Bucky instantly grabbed your waist and kissed you as if his life depended on it.
You gave in to his kiss, letting him pour every desire and yearning into your lips for as long as he wanted. You grabbed his face because you wanted him impossibly closer and you shut your eyes, letting your guard down. Because it was Bucky, and you'd known him for as long as you could remember and you both deserved this moment.
Bucky eventually pulled away until both of you were running out of air. You were breathless from his kiss, you never knew he was such a good kisser. (It's Bucky and he's had a lot of women on his bed, of course, he was excellent at it. Who were you kidding?) But now that you've had your own front-row experience, you felt a tad of possessiveness at the thought of sharing those lips or any part of him with anyone else.
"I couldn't go back to her knowing you are here alone and I had thrown away what I've wanted for as long as I could remember."
"I'm glad you came back." You pressed your foreheads and you rested your hands on his chest. You could get used to this.
"I hope it's not too late to say this but, y/n y/l/n, will you let me take you to dinner and see a movie after maybe?"
"I wasn't the one who said it's too late," you halfheartedly teased him.
"Shut up, so is that a yes or a no?"
You bit your lip and nodded, "yes. Definitely a yes." You stared into his ocean blue eyes, so deep and beautiful, you could easily get lost in it.
"y/n y/ln, I'm going to put all of your ex-boyfriends to shame."
"Hm, we'll see about that." You put your arms around his neck. Then a thought crossed your mind and your smile faded away, "what are you gonna do about Leah though?"
"I'll talk to her in the morning. Let's take you home now, yeah? It's getting late."
You bit your lip and nodded, "okay."
Ninth grade you dreamed of popular jocks and athletic seniors, but little did you know that, sometimes, the one who sincerely loved you was the book nerd who loved The Hobbit a little too much.
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animefreak1145 · 3 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls(Adler x Bell!Reader)
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Chapter 4| I Am Thee and Thou Art Me
Chapter Summary:
The action's you do is for survival and no other reason.
You don't understand other's actions though.
Cold War Reset AU| Undertale Reset AU
Warnings: Torture, Brainwashing, Manipulation, Possible Non-Con/Dub-Con, Trauma
Chapter Warnings: Mental/Emotional Anguish, Toxicity, Self-Loathing
A/N: Bottled beer is liquid hope and you love pictures.
Footnote: Translations at the bottom.
“Bell” Second Life 08:16 | February 26, 1981 West Berlin, Anita Wronski Cafe
“Looks like you’ve met death in the face, Bell. Rough night?” Lazar questioned, poking fun as they grabbed breakfast for everyone in line.
You rubbed your eye before pinching between your brows.
“Something like that,” you said tiredly as you  looked around the small cafe. Distantly taking note of Lazar’s statement with a dry smirk. “Didn’t sleep well.”
Small metal tables inside with metal chairs to match, both with interesting swirls for patterns making up the surfaces. There were more outside, the cafe a bit cramped in the first place even with just three tables again the wall. The smell of sweet German pastries and salty breakfast flooded your nose, making you lick your lips despite yourself not being hungry yet.
You were already up an hour beforehand, wondering to yourself how you and Adler could be in the car once more into the safehouse. Only to ‘volunteer’ when Lazar knocked on your door to help him grab food for everyone, apparently Adler already gone and left to the safehouse.
You internally frowned at that, you’re not sure why before you felt grateful. You would rather not talk about. . .whatever happened in his car. Which was nothing.
The flash of a clenched hand on the wheel as if holding back and a taut jaw came to the forefront of your mind.
Marionette’s should stick with their role.
It was nothing.
Lazar snorted, making you turn towards him as they both stepped up to the cashier. Lazar pointing towards the dessert window of what to get in a box as you spoke in German to the woman. Several more items of breakfast were ordered that will take some time to make, so they moved to sit to the only open table inside the quaint café.
“You drunk what—four cups of coffee yesterday, Bell? And looking at a bunch of nonsense for hours as if your brain is steel and your eyes can’t melt out of your head.” What a nice vision. Lazar took a sip of the German coffee he got for himself, eyes lighting up at the taste before looking back at you. “All that must’ve been stuck in your head and probably even in your dreams. Had any floating codes flying around your mind as you slept by any chance?”
That’s not quite right, but you’ll take the excuse handed to you as you shrugged. Lifting your own cup of coffee that you doused in three creams and two sugar’s, humming for a moment in agreement to Lazar at the strong and bold taste before taking another one.
“You can say that. I would have kept going and working until I got tired. You would call me a night owl so to say.”
“You seem pretty alright to me now,” Lazar observed as he leaned back in his chair.
“I have an impressive work ethic. Better than others I think. I’m used to going to sleep late and waking up early.” You can infer that your body is used to this schedule, harsh and strict work ethic that you must’ve gotten when you worked with Perseus. “Although, I admit I’m not very hungry right now. You chose a bad partner in this.”
“But you volunteered,” Lazar stared ever so seriously and another sip to his coffee. You could see he was fighting a smile.
You huffed through your nose, shaking your head.
“Yes. How could I have forgotten. Like I did for Kraus.” Lazar slightly winced at the reminder of how you got kidnapped, muttering an apology which you waved away. “It’s fine. I was the best to do that anyways.”
“You sure are pretty accepting with all this work. Just asking and taking files like nothing, ” Lazar rose a brow, you couldn’t tell if it was for being impressed or disbelief. You didn’t say anything to that, the both of you just sipping on their coffee and waiting for their meals to take to the car before heading back to work. You’ll walk past the center table easily and just sit in your chosen desk. Maybe get a lecture about professionalism which you will just absently nod at since you will make yourself feel numb if you have to, just to get away from the man in any way. Lazar paused at your far away look, your cup by your mouth yet you’re not drinking, instead of looking at a simple framed painting of Germany’s hills at the wall. ". . .As much as the boss man likes to act like it, we're not machines,” you blinked out of your reverie, your eyes flicking towards Lazar. “You're not either. Even though you understand numbers with little pattern and words that would have no connection normally—be able to put it together and have it make sense."
You blinked once more, albeit slower.
"I...I know I'm not a machine."
"Do you? Acting like you don't sleep and eat, besides those seeds of yours like you're a bird yesterday outside of the one meal I brought you. Do you sing too?" You released a surprised laugh at that, short as it was with lips still up. "That's better. Thought your lips stay flat like that. I swear, it seems both you and Adler are obsessed with Perseus. See why you're his protege now."
You were struck at Lazar’s words, focusing on him with a frown. The implications that the both of you were similar making you look down.
“Guess we're two peas in a pod.”
You mumbled the last bit, as if to yourself as you lowered your cup on the table.
"What? Oh. . .guess you could say that. But remember this Bell," He throws a pastry at you as you quickly catch it before it met your face(you would always have to be prepared for that before), blinking down at your hands before looking at the kind faced Lazar. "Lighten up. We'll get him so don't push yourself so much. And eat real food too! Seeds! As if that's food."
Your mind showed you moments from your previous life, Lazar always teasing and making you eat and try as much as different food as possible. Away from your decryption tasks as he would wave your plate under your nose as if to entice you.
“No point in being greedy,” The kind man would say, wry smile playing his lips with a tone to match, after letting you try food from his plate, even encouraging it. “Memories—memories with food should be savored and light and new dishes should be enjoyed.”
You thought of when you first found out the truth, still recovering from wounds of Cuba as you sat—away, away from that gurney—and guilt with Lazar—should’ve been quicker, perhaps you would’ve been kinder, kindness is a lie—and asking Park if Lazar knew. About you. About this. MK-Ultra. Everything.
You stared at the Israeli man for a moment before smiling, a mischievous thing. Genuine. Like the man in front of you.
"I am smaller than you, it's enough for me."
"Now you're just poking fun."
Lazar was always kind.
Oh, how he played his role perfectly for you.
At this point, you’ll take what you can get and stop wondering with him. You’ll go mad.
Foolish американский щеноk. The collar around your neck has choked all the trust for others in you.
Best, you think as Lazar easily teased you again, an unreadable look in your eyes as you take another sip of your drink. To just not feel at all.
The breakfast the both of you ordered came, Lazar grabbing the bag as movement behind the counter caught your eye. A worker bringing in a new dessert towards the other German sweets, yellow and round and looking spongy similar to a cake but with a crust like a pie. You walked back up to the counter, pointing and asking the worker in fluent German what was that. Her replying with a smile that it is their pineapple kasekuchen, the German’s take in a cheesecake.
You turned your gaze to the sweet, lost in thought before raising your hand with two fingers up to order, the worker nodding.
You grabbed the box and walked up to the curious Lazar by the door, his brow arched as if asking a silent question. As the both of you exited the bakery and walked towards the car, you still not saying anything and only periodically glancing down at the box with the kasekuchen, even tightening your grip a tad around it when the crowd around them got a little too close, Lazar decided to speak.
“You know,” he began, and you took note that he sounds amused. Almost knowing. You pretended to stay oblivious. “There was this mission I was on in Thailand with Adler a few years back.” At the mention of Thailand, your memory of yesterday in Adler’s car still fresh, you looked towards Lazar as they walked. “Something covert and recon with the usual stray chance of a suicide bomber. The standard for our great unpredictable job. Keeps us in our toes.” His tone was a mix of sarcasm and easygoing, as if suicide bombing in a country was like if he stated it’s going to rain again. Where is he going with this? “Anyways, when we weren’t doing that—we’d stop at this corner store near the safehouse we were in. Boss man would always buy his precious cigarettes, leaves the other stuff we need to actually sustain us to me. Except, he would get something else too. To eat and I always thought each time I saw that, that Adler is human after all.” He glanced down at you, one brow raised. “Do you happen to know what it is?”
You huffed, turning your head away. Them reaching the car and you going to the passenger side as Lazar stood by the driver’s side—still unopened and leaning his crossed arms on the top of the car.
“You sure like playing games today,” you dodged with quirked lips, shuffling the box in your hands to hold it in one as you moved your free one to open the door. “Volunteering me again and calling me a bird and now having me guess what a man like Adler would get besides his addiction. You want to talk about machines, look at him.”
How the puppet lies so so sweetly.
Lazar hummed, deciding to open the car and the both of you going in and settling as they placed the bags down by you to make sure none of it spills. After they pulled out from the space, Lazar spoke once more, offhandedly and an interesting turn of the lips.
“Pineapples sure are sweet and tart. Pretty good too.”
You don’t say anything.
Just made sure your hold on all the boxes of food for everyone didn’t tip over as Lazar would turn. If your grip with the kasekuchen was firmer than the others, you didn’t notice.
Feed the god and you might get a reward.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯  ◁ ◁ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You squinted behind your closed eyes, shifting in your uncomfortable sitting position in the foxhole with only dirt and soil to help cushion you within the trench like pit. The crickets were loud, deafening in the jungle with a periodic squawk or call from a bird deep within. You shifted, your M-16 moving down in your lap from the movement  despite your lucky green cloth gloves holding it as you blearily opened your eyes, blinking them against the darkness until they got used to it. The half moon helping somewhat in giving light as well as the fireflies flying around in the dance where only they heard the music.
They were still on their way to Hue City, night coming upon them quicker than expected. The jungles are harsh and thick, especially with the route they’re taking due to their stealth and recon mission, but the planned route was still underestimated. It did not help the planned foxhole they were going to got covered, completely useless and the time to make another one is time they don’t have. Luckily, they were able to find another, although this one was tighter. Two small foxholes that barely fit the five of you, hence having to sit basically in a ball against the wall of dirt behind you.
All of you were doing one hour intervals in keeping watch, the watcher usually standing up in the foxhole in order to watch their surroundings. And if an attacker did come, they could duck within the foxhole for cover.
You felt like you should’ve woken up for your  shift already.
Your eyes focused next to you, finding the spot where Larson was supposed to be standing empty. You hastily stood, pack heavy against your back as it tensed in protest at the sudden weight, your hands tight against the M-16 and about to call the other’s names at the missing soldier only to stop.
Your standing position giving you new access to see more besides the sky above you, surrounded by brush and green foliage of all types with high grass upon the ground. Larson sat, just a few inches away from the foxhole a little to your right, staring up in the starlit sky. He turned his head towards you at the sound, seeing you were awake before turning his head back, as if you weren’t there.
“Larson,” you whispered, not wanting to wake up the others in the foxhole next to yours. When Larson didn’t move so the two of you could switch, you reached out to tug on his pack on his back. “You can’t be out in the open like this. You don’t know if VC or NVA might come by in the area.”
“Let them,” Larson said brazenly but just as low, making you release his pack in surprise. “Besides, there’s a bunch of shit around here to cover us. Even this grass is kinda covering my face. Nothing will happen. Now, go back to sleep and leave me be.”
You stared, before sighing. Carefully looking around once, twice, before coming out of the foxhole as quietly as you could—using the open holes on the dirt walls to place your feet to get out. You sat by Larson, who ignored you and went back to staring up at the twinkling sky.
You took a moment to stare at it too. This far in the boonies, away from cities and cars and just filled with wildlife, it has a sort of bewitching air around it. Despite the loud chirp of the crickets, the call of the birds, and how one would sometimes have to smack any open skin for stubborn mosquitos—the trees, the grass, all the greenery that looked dark in the night outside of being lit by the fireflies and the stars and moon above. You were struck once more, just how beautiful this country was. With it’s natural serenity as the moonlight not covered by clouds touched lightly upon to aid somewhat with the darkness but not as much as a flashlight would do, still, the moon did its best even if it was just at it’s half tonight. The stars were there to support it and you wish you learned more about constellations than your books, you’re sure you could spot all of them and weave stories of your own instead of reading them.
“You know,” your attention shifted to Larson, who still gazed up as he spoke, lost in thought and appearing away from here as he spoke quietly. He does not wish to wake the others it seems. “I don’t know if you remember me telling you this, but I grew up on a farm. Small. Not very fancy and it was just me and my family—Ma, Pa, and my two brothers and sister. Out just taking care of our cattle and our horses. Middle of nowhere, we would have to drive about an hour to get to a good grocery store that isn’t just a corner store or gas station. I hated it more that the closest school was about the same length. . . But what could I do? Needed an education, at least some, and than spend the rest of my life worried about a farm. With all it’s cow and horse shit, waking up before the sun does and at the end of the day you smell like all the shit you cleaned up.” He ended, sounding tired and yet with the bitter words it had an iota of equal bitter amusement.
You maintained your silence, instead moving your gaze back and forth around them. Not looking at how Larson’s lips quirked begrudgingly, head tilted up towards the silent night.
“. . .there were a few good things though. When me and my brothers and sister were done with work, and the moon was out—we’d head out to where the cattle were. Laying down on the grass without a care, why bother? We were already dirty with sweat and dirt and shit. And we’d look up—and than—“ Larson reached an arm out, as if to reach the sky, only to clench his hand and put it down back by his lap before gripping his MP40 hard where you could spot how white his knuckles were. “. . .laying down, in the grass, in the middle of nowhere, with just a dark black sky over you. . .it felt like it could swallow us. Whole. Not caring about how we looked or smelled or how old we were. . .it made us feel small. Yet huge. If we pretended enough, we could act like we can really touch the moon. The stars. I guess it just showed all of us there was more, than this little farm. With it’s shit and it’s smell and being in the middle of nowhere. The black sky might just eat us to put us out of our childish misery. Maybe that’s also why we kept going back, not just cause of fucking beautiful it was, but maybe. . .”
Larson trailed off and you decided to speak up, softly. Not wishing to break this odd aura around them, because this was more than talking about how small a human’s life is.
“‘If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you,’” you quoted, Larson cocking his head slightly and glancing at your from the corner of his eyes. You released a small fleeting smile. “It’s a quote. By a German philosopher called Friedrich Nietzsche. A depressing guy but. . . I feel like his words fit. The abyss swallowing. . . perhaps it is more you become one with it. A fusion. Where you don’t know where you begin and the abyss ends.”
Larson turned his head away, grabbing a handful of some grass and pulling as he moved his eyes back up.
“Who knows? Maybe. . . shit,” Larson dryly chuckled, “maybe, I should’ve stuck with staring up at my family’s farm home—staring up this abyss right here but there instead. Than maybe. . .you know, I would say sappy shit in my letters to her?” You didn’t ask who ‘her’ was, you could fill in the blanks as you wisely kept silent. “All words about the moon and stars and we were staring at the same one so I wasn’t that far away cause we stared up at the same thing’s. That she had stars in her eyes and if I looked up, I could see her in them. That she pulled me to her like the moon does water and just—shit. Fuck. ”
Larson hissed, putting his head to his hands. His shoulders slightly shook, you could barely tell in the darkness but you imagine he is holding himself back.
“I loved her,” Larson said, voice all cracked and broken as his breath hitched. “I love her still. And she’s—she’s leaving. What will I have when I come back? Go back? I—there’s nothing. We were. . .I went to war for  her . Our  country .”
You kept your mouth shut. Letting him release his sorrow and emotionally charged words that made zero sense such as that. You learned, especially on the beach night, it is not wise to depend on another’s support when it comes to actions of war.
You didn’t even give Larson the full quote earlier either. You do not think he needed the full one, but you know yourself what Nietzsche was going for. You think Adler might like it actually.
Eventually, you managed to put Larson back into the foxhole as you took watch by him. Standing in the foxhole as you did your shift. A few minutes officially in however, you took note of noise in the foxhole next to you. You turned your head, noticing Adler’s head was out, helmet on and war paint slightly losing their color. You can see his stubble starting to really come in now. He had his shades on, even at this time, in this darkness—but you could tell he was staring at you. Something clicked as you lightly sighed.
“How much of that did you hear?”
You nodded, turning your eyes around their surroundings with your M-16 in front of you and gripped at the ready just in case.
“You left something out,” Adler said after a while, voice low to not wake the others that it sounded husky to your ears. You glanced at him, brow raising questioningly as Adler’s lips lifted to a knowing smirk. “I don’t know much, but my high school education isn’t too laughable I think. I know that quote. You missed the whole beginning and just gave him the end.”
You blinked, before shrugging as you peered up at the sky for a moment.
“He didn’t need the beginning. Just the end.”
“Some might call that yellow journalism. Or lying.”
“Others might call it wise,” you retorted lightly. “He didn’t need to know it. It wouldn’t have helped. So why give it? Besides, we know it. We’re the only type of people who need it.”
Adler hummed, whether it was in agreement or in thought, you couldn’t tell. You took note of him shifting, hands a little fidgety around his M60 and you felt sympathy swell in you. He hasn’t been able to smoke since the start of this mission, having to be cautious with any type of smoke. You don’t know personally, but you know that the craving for cigarette’s were mind consuming if you did not have one to quell it. Perhaps this conversation was a welcome distraction.
You wonder if this night is just you going to be playing silent therapist.
“Do you think Larson should’ve heard it?”
Adler answered as he kept his dutiful watch around, him facing the area behind you as you focused in front.
“No. He just needed someone to listen. Poor bastard should ask for R&R after this. I’ll grant it to him, maybe he could go to Australia and just wind down there for a week.” He scratched at his face, the war paint surely feeling a little off since he first put it on. “Forget about all this. All of it. The States. The war. He needs it. Hell, we all do.”
Your lips formed a teasing smile.
“Even shadows and monsters need a smoke?”
Adler chuckled easily.
“Everyone needs a smoke as far as I’m concerned. Maybe less people will act like they’re one push away till they make a shitstorm the rest of us need to clean up. But sure, kid, ” he half shrugged, focusing on the sky above with all its celestial like bodies. “Larson might’ve been onto something though with what he was saying.”
“Which part?”
Adler chose silence as his answer, staring up for another moment or two before huffing and turning his attention back onto the ground.
The two of you stayed guarding for a few more moments. You didn’t bother asking Adler why he was up and you had this watch, just like how he didn’t seem to bother to order you to go to sleep. You felt like once more, there was an understanding between you two. Still though, it didn’t stop you from the question bubbling in your throat.
“Since you know the quote,” Adler hummed lightly, showing he was listening. “What do you think Nietzsche was referring to, that the reader itself hasn’t fought with other monsters yet or from experience because he is a monster to not have other’s fight him?”
Adler scoffed quietly, amused.
“Just cause I know the quote doesn’t mean I constantly wonder about it’s meaning, Bell.”
“Humor me.”
“I thought I told you earlier I’m not here to spoil you.” You threw him a sheepish grin, Adler sighing and shaking his head as his expression turned inquisitive with how he pressed his lips together for a moment. “It’s a warning. That’s how I always saw it. But it’s not one we need like you said earlier, kid.  We don’t need it.”
You didn’t ask anymore. Because as you thought more into it, he was right.
Nietzsche wrote a warning, to the innocent reader and the oblivious society that put emphasis on morals and truth that he did not agree with.
‘Battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster. And if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.’
Monsters do not fret about what they already are. Just as they are not worried if the abyss ends with them or if it begins.
“Get ready, kid.” Adler said much later as they all slowly woke the others up to move, his eyes squinting behind his glasses as he stared past the trees, the bushes, and the greenery as the beginning of dawn started to rise. “It’s going to be a shit show in a few hours.”
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ▷ ▷ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Second Life
14:02 | February 26, 1981
You see yourself as one with patience.
When it comes to this sort of line of work, it is required. A sort of fortitude and composure that not all can be able to acquire but must be needed for this—for lives at stake based on whether you can put up an act or have the tact of an eagle capturing a snake, all sharp claws and silent feathers against the hissing strike. ты хочешь быть американцем товарищ.
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time,” as said by one one of your favorites, Leo Tolstoy, from one of the best works in history: War and Peace.
You recall last time—stop clinging, you stupid dog—when you stood outside the safehouse in the cold with your head to the book, Adler stepping out and taking note of your book with a cocked brow. Stating his surprise at your book choice as you mumbled something or other as you read, that it is an integral book. You even stating the same quote back to him, a surprise to you when Adler didn’t know of it. Listening as you explained it with a flick of his lighter and calm inhales and exhales of his addiction, showing off where the quote was as he leaned in slightly. Your heart pounding as his warmth was felt without even touching, than a brush of his shoulder to your back as he drew closer. Than it was gone.
“All grim thoughts and wise words with you, eh Bell?” Amused. A fleeting turn of the lips that stayed longer and a gaze that lingered as he stared through you under those shades. “Make sure you take a breather when you raise your nose for air from your books. Can’t do this without you.”
He would tease, but didn’t stop you from taking your reading breaks outside for fresh air. And he’d always ask, curiosity in his expression when you’d show him a line each time. You thought it was special. Their own little thing where you would raise your book and he would lean to you and they would touch.
“Bell, open the door.”
It was just cruel kindness.
Patience, you are using it to your fullest. You can do what you must and see if your actions can work up to something—all your effort and hard work being seen as a good little tool.
Though, time—time is something you may not have. Unless you make sure you’re loyal.
You were quick to drop off the breakfast on the center table, ignoring Adler’s rose brow as you moved. The pineapple kasekuchen in their rightful place. You avoided and didn’t speak outside a quick “good morning” to everyone else and went to work, breakfast by you whenever you got truly hungry.
You didn’t think about why you bought the dessert. Outside the rationalization it shows your loyalty. Perhaps a peace offering to ignore what happened the night prior. You didn’t think much about that at all.
американский щеноk.
Until he called you over to his desk with a wave of his hand, your chest thundering with your eyes wide as you wondered if he’ll say anything. Take you aside in private to talk. About last night or the sweet, you’re not sure. Only for him to motion for you to sit, tapping his knuckle against the file on the desk. You took note the box of the kasekuchen wasn’t there anymore(must’ve already ate it or threw it away) as you blinked, slowly sitting in the seat across from him as he slid the file towards you as he asked your opinion on it.
You scanned, mind wandering and flying, before you glanced up at him. His favorite mahogany leather over him that is second skin, a lighter shade of blue for his collared shirt today under him and his mouth free of a cigarette as well as his hands. Those aviators still on his head, a part of him. Sort of like the beanie—ski—mask over your head as he looked down at another report in front of him. As if he didn’t call you over from your desk to his to help with a file when he could’ve just left it on your desk. As if you didn’t cross a line—you always cross the line, over, behind, or creating a completely new one to do what you must like he does whatever it takes but it was wrong, you are no saint, pitiful mutt—yesterday with your words and questions.
A hand reached towards the file in front of you, knuckle tapping twice, more force this time.
You focused back on the file, only to see Adler already took his hand back. Continuing to read as he patiently waited for your consensus on the file before you.
You were struck than how he’ll handle this, understanding dawning on you as your gaze focused and turned to the file below you and picking it up.
If he wishes to pretend as if it never occurred, it’s fine with you. It’s best either way for both of you. You have too many worries already, Adler included. Best to leave certain things out your mind about the man lest you’ll get clouded. You’re trying to survive. Not get caught up in and tangled in mind games.
You spotted in the corner of your eye Adler give a ghost of a nod, the tiniest tip of the head, imperceptible to others but you knew. He gave a similar one when you captured Volkov, walking up to you with a calm swagger and gloved hands around his weapon, as he moved his head in approval. Such a good girl to be happy with just a nod. Satisfied. He’s satisfied. He knows you understood. Understood him.
“You know me too well.”
“Guess we’re two peas in a pod.”
“I need Bell.”
You raised the file closer, over your mouth formed in a subconscious echo of a pleased smile. You didn’t even feel it. Nor did you feel electric blue eyes behind shades glance towards you before turning back to his work—the silent agreement to keep what happened last night to themselves written and signed without the two of you having to open your mouths.
Coward, you wanted to snarl. To who, you’re not sure. You just focused on what Adler gave you. You’ll need to have Adler let you live so you’ll need to not just be a perfect asset to the others but a person to him.
You have to do what you must.
“Damaged goods.”
You have to.
“You remembered.”
You flicked your eyes towards him, file momentarily forgotten. He didn’t look up from his own file, continuing to read it with the expression he always has when concentrated—a hint of pressed lips that reveals his dimples and brows lowered than usual where it would be difficult to see due to his shades. You would think that mania has truly taken a hold of you, with it’s dark tentacles filled with dark thoughts and mental anguish or rather slithering and multiplying vines where Lykourgos grew mad due to Dionysus’ vengeance except for you it is with choking collars and stifling leashes and cutting strings. He looked as if he didn’t speak at all. All the quiet focus of a war hardened CIA agent that didn’t have a ring on his finger but was married to his job with a badge to show all the same.
But you knew his voice. As if it was your own.
“We’ve known each other for years.”
“Fought together. Bled together. Been through Hell in Vietnam together.”
“We got a job to do.”
“ B e l l,  o p e n  t h e  d o o r . ”
The poor американская сука loves pain like a drug.
“I wasn’t sure what you would,” Adler spoke again, your eyes focusing on him once more. His head still was tilted down and a little to the side, shades facing the paper but you believed he glanced towards you. “The coma did a number on you with your memories. I know you’ve been saying it’s only been about Vietnam but you never specified about what. Or if you happened to remember anything else.” He didn’t state it like a question but he might as well have.
Of course he would ask. Why wouldn’t he?
Nonetheless, you knew what he was referring to in his earlier statement. He ate them. You picked up your file with a small huff.
“Hard to forget, Adler. Of course I would remember. You would hold those cans like a lifeline,” your lips lifted at the memories, of Adler trading with others if he must to get his precious golden ambrosia that would appease him similar to his cigarettes. You kept your lips up despite the quick recall the memories were fake—the trading of trash, the quiet understanding to not speak of it, of beautiful Vietnam foliage and unforgettable talks—just as you glanced at him and continued easily. “Glad you liked them. Wasn’t sure if you would. As for other memories. . . it’s still only been with Vietnam. I haven’t gotten anything else.” Adler hummed, cocking his head a tad before your lips formed more of a smile that you felt. “But at least I still know what I like or don’t. Can’t imagine a clean slate.”
“That’s normal,” Adler said, shades now facing you as you somewhat hid your face with the file. The only thing him being able to see fully was your eyes. “Learn how to calm down and that you can’t take all these shots like you’re a target in a shitty gun range. Might remember more.”
You found yourself snorting, rolling your eyes. Finding dark amusement at his words despite yourself. Perhaps you are growing insane.
“Based on what you told me in the hospital, you would’ve had some holes instead.” The way you said it, it sounds like you still believe it. Like it was real. Dance puppet, dance. You turned up your lips into a semblance of a smirk as you looked over the file towards him. You maintained it even though you think the both of your eyes connected despite the shades hiding. “You don’t have to worry, Adler. I got your back. Always. A few shots is nothing.”
It’s what you would’ve said before. It scares you how much you meant it previously. As if your life was forfeit if it came to having Adler live longer. Nothing else would matter as long as he lived. Nothing. As if the world would come to an end if he fell—the only one that could hold it and keep it straight.
Perhaps he is Atlas after all. . .
The loyal dog with the pretty collar will always protect the master.
Cursed due to his cruelty.
What are you, Russell Adler?
Adler stared at you for a moment, as if assessing your words. Scrutinizing them. He than reached into his jacket, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Once he did the first drag and released his puff, away from you as you observed the smoke curl around them, he looked back down to the papers on the desk.
“How lucky am I that I got you around than, kid,” he replied, all low and earnest as he took another drag. “Just don’t go dying on me. Can’t have Sims talk to his shrink about something else. He’d be heart broken.”
Adler said that sentence a little louder, so it was no surprise that Sims by the desk put down his magazine and called out.
“I resent that!”
Adler’s lips twitched in response, but kept his gaze down as your heart thundered.
You thought of an explosion to the chest, your heart open and bare for more reasons than you planned. Of soft words to your ear that sounded like regret and something else as you coughed. Of a gentle touch that held you up, hands wandering from your waist to your stomach—stopping just short of a bleeding chest as if they wanted to stop the red—redredredredred—from flowing out but hesitated. An encircling of arms that released heat as you grew cold—you don’t like the cold much anymore—while an expression was carefully guarded with eyes hiding behind a shaded curtain.
You felt your throat tighten. The need for answers to unanswered questions reaching a head.
“Just Sims?” you asked softly, a little breathless and a little confused at said breathlessness.
He glanced up, aviators slightly down and you could barely see his eyes as he exhaled a puff, eyeing you. You staring as his brow lifted for a moment before it settled, an interesting look in your eyes that one might call forlorn. And something else that is dangerous and not meant for monsters who are better alone.
“Maybe another life, kid.”
Mind thine eyes dog, for they show you yearn the impossible.
“You know the answer, Bell. Everyone would be,” Adler leaned slightly back in his chair, cigarette between his fingers in his customary hold between his ring and middle finger. “You’re part of the team. What kind of question is that?”
“You’re still one of us.”
He knows what he’s doing. Just as he knows what you mean.
You bit the inside of your cheek, looking down with squinting eyes at the file. Your hand making it a little wrinkle and you don’t know what you expected. What you’re expecting. He hurts. He pretends. Why would he even answer truthfully when he can dodge and feel less guilt about a hole in you caused by his hand?
You felt a nudge against your knee, you looking up in shock with a quick inhale at the unexpected touch. It staying there—his knee, he’s touching you—as you watched Russell tilt his head at you, brow up and lips quirked with a cigarette around it and looking wry and relaxed—what is this, why, what could this be for, why is he doing acts that are pointless yet mean everything when he could just be distant, you are getting worked up over just knees touching, you touch starved little thing—as he motioned his head an iota to the left. Your eyes following the movement to see Park where she was, nearby with her desk and a headphone to one ear but the other still able to listen in despite how naturally quiet you and Adler are with your soft voice and Adler’s low tone.
Park? What does she have to do with anything? And why would Adler of all people care?
You frowned, only for your lips to flatten in realization of her words to you about Adler. To stay away. You now wonder if she did a similar warning to him.
“Insanity breeds insanity as they say.”
You wonder if the pissing match that was imperceptible and the slight tension was more than just two agencies trying to come to an accord.
But why would Park warn Adler?
You glanced back at Adler, who gave a half shrug as if to answer your silent question. It only raised more. You moved your knee back closer to your form and Adler didn’t react as you did so. The both of you turning back to the files that Adler requested your assistance.
Not thinking in the back of your mind of fleeting touches, lingering looks, or a voice to your pounding ear that tinged with remorse even though you couldn’t see his face.
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You and Park just recently finished going through the report you and Woods got from Ukraine. Sims and Lazar were in the back rooms where the gun range was while Park was in the Red Room. Last you checked, Adler was still in his office with a call while Mason and Woods were by the weight lifting equipment and taking turns to work off some steam due to what was discovered. You were putting the findings up on the evidence board with tacks, careful to not stab yourself. You wouldn’t be as concerned if you were wearing your gloves which you put away earlier by your bunk bed, but than again, you’re quite careful with your gloves. Not only because of the quality, but who got the leather gloves for you when you were just recently discharged out of the hospital back in the States.
You smiled, putting the last tack on the board only to have a sudden weight around your shoulders. You widened your eyes, briefly alarmed only to turn your head to see it was a smirking Woods.
“Done? Good! I’ve been holding off till now but it’s time to fucking see what you’re  really  made of Bell.”
You blinked, confused and still reeling at the fact you didn’t sense his approach at all. Your mind will zone out over the littlest of things lately. It concerns you. But it hasn’t been a problem so far out in missions, so you think it’s alright.
“And how exactly I’m going to do that? Thought I showed you enough back in Ukraine.”
At that, Woods laughed as he basically tugged you to where Mason was, who was shaking his head at his friend and shooting you an apologetic look as you just smiled that you were okay with it. Their van door open in the back as well as a table and chairs in front. You took note of the packs of beer and you see what Woods meant as he sat by Mason in the van on the floor, you sitting down and observing as Woods took a hefty gulp of a beer.
“I think I know now. But,” you glanced to where Adler’s office was, “is this wise? Isn’t Hudson coming over here soon?”
Woods slammed his beer down, causing some of it to come out as Mason sighed at the wastefulness.
“Man,  fuck  Hudson!” Woods wiped his chin harshly, irritation coloring his features. “I want to forget about that nutsack for the rest of the day. When he comes, he better not say shit or I’ll punch him again. Maybe with that shit will stop coming out his mouth.”
Mason chuckled, having his own beer in his hand as his eyes wandered to his longtime friend, shifting as he got comfortable in his seat.
“How’s the hand?”
Woods scoffed.
“Pfft. Nothing fancy,” Woods looked at said hand, clenching it as he moved to crack his knuckles as he grinned wildly. “Ready enough, like I said, if Hudson says something smart.” He punched his fist against his hand, muscles flexing noticeable despite his jacket as you couldn’t help but laugh along with Mason.
“I still can’t believe you punched him yesterday,” you spoke up, shaking your head in disbelief. You can’t even imagine anyone punching the intimidating harsh man that is James Hudson. Soon after your discharge, you had to meet with him back in Langley for the mission before all this Perseus business—although you suppose supporting the Polish union Solidarity in fighting back communists have everything to do with Perseus. You don’t understand why the man seems to dislike you so much, especially if the two of you worked briefly before which you sadly can’t remember. He must always be like that with others, Woods doesn’t seem to like or appreciate Hudson’s icy countenance either way. You don’t quite appreciate the man’s secrecy about the nukes, so you see why. “If I even breathe the air wrong around him, I think I will be dead come morning. I don’t think I’m exaggerating.”
“You?” Woods asked, amused incredulity in his tone as he faced you. “The one who basically took out three Heavy’s by your lonesome? Scared of that ball face? You’re shitting me!”
Mason rose his brows as he turned towards you.
“You didn’t say that in the report. You holding out on us, Bell?”
“Right?! Now open a bottle and tell Mason here everything that happened.”
You rose a brow, amusement shining in your eyes, your hand moving to the pack of beer before stopping. The memory of the arcade room making you smile knowingly.
Woods made a face, cheeks looking an interesting color that Mason caught as he nudged his friend with his elbow.
“What’s she talking about Woods?”
“Nothing! Jesus Christ Bell, didn’t know you could be a little shit like Adler can.”
The words bounced off you easily, already used to the man’s vulgar personality from the mission and even before the mission to go over details, as you shrugged, smirking as Mason kept pushing Woods on what happened as Woods would grumble or drink his beer to avoid answering. At Adler’s name however, you looked back at the office, slightly biting the inside of your lip.
Your breaks thus far outside of eating has just been reading your books or a quick game in the back room. Never for a drink like Lazar would do with Sims and Park at times. Adler, at least what you know of, hasn’t drunk and just has stuck with his cigarettes. You don’t even remember the last time  you  drank. All you know is that you like it.
But. . . you’re not sure if Adler would approve. You’re always focused on your work and great at it, he depends on you to maintain your focus to catch Perseus.
You subconsciously put your hand in your jacket, feeling the polaroid as you thought.
Woods noticed your apprehension and called out to you, you turning your head back.
“Whatcha fuckin’ worried about? You’ve been working all day from those codes and whatever the shit you put on the board. I don’t think Adler would want you to be worked dry where you don’t even think straight.”
“Only booze can do that,” Mason added helpfully.
Woods nodded, looking too serious it was almost comical since they were just trying to persuade you to drink.
“What he said.”
You took a moment before you shrugged, grabbing a beer and opening it as you stated that you guess you could drink with legends. Woods huffing at you, soon calling you cocky in realization as to why you made fighting Heavy’s not a big deal and not impressed with him. Mason seeming to find it funny as the three of you drank and talked about the mission more freely and colorful words with Woods. You did slightly flush when Woods told Mason you were a nerd for playing a quick game while there were Russians preparing for their training course, Mason snorting as you hushed them when Park grew near them. Not wishing for her to find out.
Quickly hiding it by inviting her to join just as Lazar and Sims came back, the two men seeming to easily join in as Park contemplated as she stared at the beer. With a sigh though, she sat by Lazar as she took one.
“Next time, I’m buying the alcohol here. You bought rubbish, Woods.”
“‘Rubbish?’ And beer is beer, nothing wrong with good ol cheap beer sometimes,” Woods defended. “Adds to the flavor.”
Lazar smiled, raising his bottle.
“Cheers to that.” Lazar and Woods tapped their bottles in the middle when they reached over, an easy aura settling between the group.
Sims got a bottle, assessing the name as well as the pack as he did a dog whistle.
“Germans know how to do one thing right, and that’s beer. You’ll be fine Park. It could be worse,” Sims took a drink, humming as he did so while Park frowned at her bottle when she took a few sips.
“It could’ve been canned,” Mason answered, speaking from experience that made you raise a brow as you took a drink, settling further into your seat. “Canned cheap beer you can basically taste the metal. There was one time back in the States where I practically shitted myself due to this cheap beer I got at this random gas station in the middle of nowhere. Ruined my night.”
“And your pants it seems,” Lazar commented, mirth clear in his tone before he released a laugh along with Sims guffaw at the Israeli’s words. Park shaking her head but anyone can see her smile on her lips as Woods stated that’s what happens when you’re in “bumfuck nowhere” and probably got experimented with weird moonshine.
You snorted in surprise, covering your mouth as your imagination pictured the soldier rushing to the bathroom lest an accident happens. Mason? He seems so serious all the time, which you can understand why. You’ve read up what you could on everyone here, the description’s were small but you could fill in the lines. He’s lucky that he has such a good friend like Woods.
It soon became a trading of stories between everyone about drunk nights and how they reached that point, Lazar running with a bowl of chili and Woods determined to make condom water balloons and Sims was just finishing his own passed out in random deck chairs story when the door of the office opened.
You immediately turned towards where Adler now stood, staring at all of you as he closed the door and currently free of a cigarette. Your anxiety only grew when Adler turned his head towards you, as if he was asking you personally on the situation as you could only throw him an apologetic yet impish smile. Adler’s brow rose.
“Adler!” Woods called, raising a hand and motioning it for the man to come over. Adler approaching the group as you could only stare and tried to get a read on him. Alas, it was hard to discern his mind even if you could spot him glancing at everyone and the table with bottles. “Join us while there’s still beer left! Planning to drink all of this before Hudson comes. He can’t say anything if there’s no evidence.”
Adler hummed, stopping behind you and Sims as he appeared in thought. A trickle of hope coming up your chest at Woods offer.
“All of you are in luck,” Adler eventually answered, the subtle amused tone not lost on you as you intently focused on it. “Hudson isn’t coming till early in the morning tomorrow. Got caught up with something with Black. Can’t imagine how he would react if he saw all this.”
“Fuck ‘im,” Woods spat, reaching for a bottle and throwing Adler one. Adler catching it with his hand, shaded eyes turning towards the bottle to read the label. “We’re not here to please his every whim and cater to him like we’re his butlers. I say it’s a perfect time to wind down. We were just trading stories of getting shit faced.”
“All of you were,” Park corrected easily, “I don’t plan on sharing any such event.”
“Never say never, Park,” Lazar said, a grin playing on his lips as he winked at the British woman. “I’m sure a lady like you has quite a collection of stories.”
“A lady never says her secrets.”
You were still staring up at Adler as Sims playfully groaned at Lazar’s flirt tactics that Park didn’t seem to mind, Adler tilted his head down and met your eyes. Seeming to assess before turning his gaze towards the evidence board, which now had additional papers than previously since he entered the office, assessing. He than turned back towards you, you impatiently waiting as you shifted in your seat to see if he would let all of you continue, his eyes seeming to follow when your hand went to your jacket pocket.
Adler released a huff of soft exasperation, a shadow of a smirk playing on his lips.
“Don’t see the problem. We can all use a break from all of this.”
You practically beamed as Woods whooped, you moving a seat over where you were now next to Woods. Adler taking your seat as he sat by Sims now, opening his bottle as he asked whose story they were on. Sims continuing it and finishing before Lazar had another one. You listening with a smile or laughter, feeling the most at ease since this whole mission started you think. You believe that Adler must feel the same way, appearing relaxed as he sat and leaned back against the chair, beer forgotten and customary cigarette on his lips as he listened.
It made you want to take a picture of this moment. You standing up and announcing to the others you’ll do just that, Woods raising a brow at you.
“You and pictures. You a photographer or something? I hope you’ll at least show me what pics you took of me instead of those Red’s building.”
Your cheeks felt heated as you turned towards Woods, standing over him with fists clenched by your side as you called his name, askance. Making the man laugh at your expression, your irritation leaving you due to it but you gave him a warning look and call of his name which he caught. Not wishing for you to say the story, as Adler watched nonchalantly.
“Pictures? Got distracted again, Bell?” He asked, almost sounding like a tease only for the others to join in that you really loved that camera. You pursing your lips and appearing like you were pouting, as you turned away and got the camera from the Red Room quickly. Taking the picture of everyone only for Woods to motion his hand for it to your bewilderment.
“What? Don’t you want one with you in it too?” Woods asked, grabbing the camera from your hands as he grinned up at you. Adler and Park glancing at each other behind you, Adler flapping his cigarette hand uncaringly in answer. Mason raising a brow at the exchange but staying silent as his eyes moved back towards his loud friend.
You didn’t think of that but you stated you wanted one with everyone than, Park raising her hand for the camera to do the setting for it to be timed and placing it on top of Sims car he was working on earlier. All of you turning your chairs slightly, getting close with beers in hand and you trying to maintain a perfect smile even with Adler’s knee touching yours. The camera flashed, you feeling something by your head only for you to lightly punch Woods shoulder once you saw he must’ve gave you bunny ears in the photo. Him laughing away as you fought your own smile, his rugged charm rubbing off on you as Adler inhaled quietly as he watched the exchange.
The stories than eventually moved to mission stories, and than, unsurprisingly—to Vietnam. At this point, Park and Lazar retired for the night—Sims eventually doing the same when he noticed it turned to Vietnam. Which left you, Mason, Woods, and Adler—Adler just finishing up the story about what happened in Hue City, leaving a few details out you noted but loyally and wisely kept silent, as Mason took it in with a slight nod of his head.
“So that’s what happened on your side. Shit. . . that whole place was a shit show since the beginning. Lucky I only had to do a quick in and out by just getting a dossier.”
Woods snorted, nursing his fifth beer.
“That whole war was a shit show. Only good thing that came out of it is telling stories about it years later in a depressed warehouse. While a whole other type of war is happening.”
At the mention of the reminder of them losing that war, you spoke up.
“Not the only thing,” you couldn’t help but say, lost in thought as you looked at the ground.
Adler turned his head towards you as Woods and Mason did the same, curious.
“And what’s that, kid?”
You kept your gaze down for a moment more before flicking your eyes to the side towards Adler.
“We’re all still here, aren’t we?”
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Second Life
15:47| February 26, 1981
Soon after you said your thoughts to Adler about the file, you moved to go back to your desk only to pause by the T.V. You turned back, Adler raising a curious brow as he put out his cigarette with his ash tray nearby. You asked him for any other files he may need help with, Adler saying nothing as he reached another file by him and handing it to you. You grabbed it, your black leather gloved hand grazing against his bare one as you took it. Taking note of what he said about it before turning to your desk and staying there. Ignoring a probing stare in the back of your neck.
You’ll do what you must, but if he expects you to stay by his side when he inconvenienced you earlier by making you come to him. . . Well, you think a little petty action is worth it.
Besides, you have to think by yourself for a moment. The call about Volkov squeaking his rat mouth should’ve came already. By nighttime—you, Adler, and Park should already be on the way to Ukraine and meet up with Woods and Mason.
Woods and Mason, you think fondly with a sad smile of a whirlwind of a man drinking back beer after beer like water with a deep throated laugh and the silent soldier with sad eyes yet listens attentively and a kind smile that brightens. Oh, I’ve missed you guys.
They were barely in the safehouse, out in missions constantly when you would decode and just being the team’s powerhouse duo. When they were here though, the safehouse was louder. More easy and free, less stifling and grim due to the work they were doing. They had a certain charisma very different than Adler’s, one’s that captured you in a different manner so it is no surprise you managed to get close and hang with them more than anyone when they were here. Sims being distant, Park communicating with MI6 about the CIA, Lazar determined to woo the agent when he wasn’t cleaning and prepping weapons, and Adler was. . .busy watching you were in line you suppose.
Card games and stories being shared, Woods and Mason not seeming to mind when you were around them. You suspect Woods let you get close to make sure you don’t tell his precious secret and blunder back in the arcade room in Ukraine. Although you would tease him that you might at times.
You feel like that in your other life, Park was right. You don’t think those two knew about your situation. It just made you like them more.
Because at least with them, you’re positive it was real.
“I knew I could count on you.”
You wished they were able to save you from Adler though. But they were tired and celebratory of what they accomplished. They took in Adler saying you and him were just taking a detour at face value.
“Do not trust Adler. He is lying to you.”
Adler always lies.
You have to remember that. And to just brush away any kindness he may show.
It’s not real.
Is it?
A loyal and trained dog through and through.
When you saw it was nearing 1700 hours, you looked around where Park was. Seeing she was with Adler in the corner by the weights, conversing with him with a crease in her brow while Adler looked as if he was only mildly taking note of her words as he puffed along his cigarette. A trait of his you knew frustrated the British woman. Adler likes to feign disinterest a lot. It could be seen as a weapon to make others talk due to how irritating it could be or make one cautious at how apathetic the man can act or look.
You walked over to them, your ears getting the tail end of whatever was ailing Park.
“—not making light of this and reign it in. Oh, Bell.” Park’s tone softened, a sharp contrast that stood out to you as she noticed you step up to them. Adler not even glancing at you as he continued his smoke, or at least not turn his head towards you. It’s dark in this corner so you wouldn’t be able to tell if he turned his eyes towards you or not unless he moved his head or body in your direction. “What’s wrong? Any new updates on the decryptions?”
You shook your head, looking between the two of them before settling on Park.
“What’s the word on Volkov? He talk yet?”
Park sighed.
“I’m afraid not. He’s proved himself stubborn despite his tastes being similar to what makes the U.K. great.”
You cocked a brow, a teasing smirk playing on your lips.
“Medieval torture devices not his style?” You asked, calling back to what Park said about Volkov’s hobbies.
Park matched you, amused as she shrugged lightly.
“I believe the lack of scotch is what will do him in personally.”
“He has to talk soon,” Adler cut in, exhaling a puff as you and Park turned towards him. Adler faced Park, arching a brow as he continued calmly. “Your guys over there aren’t giving him a good time right now, I imagine. The last thing we need is for him to be tight lipped.”
Your throat turned dry. You think you regret mentioning this as Park answered.
“He’s not the type to remain loyal if his back is to the wall. His selfish demeanor and arrogance will what cause him to try to strike a deal with us. It will benefit us than him in the end once he breaks.”
“If he breaks,” Adler added with a frown. “If he still doesn’t talk by the next two days, we might as well have killed him once we saw him. He’s useless.”
“She’s of no use to us anymore.”
You swallowed, moving to pocket your hands in your black bomber jacket as your hands clenched along with your jaw.
Park frowned at Adler, disapproving.
“He knows a great many things. Not everyone can handle interrogation for so long and be able to stay silent about anything that might give them reprieve.”
Oh, look, you thought sourly, bitterness starting to rise once more as you maintained your blank expression besides your taut jaw. They’re complimenting me. How nice of them to say I wasn’t easy for them.
Control your tongue, you stupid dog.
Adler huffed, it almost sounding like one mixed with amusement and exasperation as he shook his head slightly.
“Perseus’ people are almost as slippery and conniving as Perseus himself. And dangerous.” Adler took another inhale and exhale, the smoke curling around them and going over your head as your gaze lazily followed it to distract yourself while Adler did the same, tipping his head up to watch. “Perhaps he knows if he talks, he might as well be dead. We don’t need an Aldrich in the MI6 either.”
Park’s demeanor straightened at Adler’s accusation, the possibility of having a traitor or spy in her agency a great insult. She was about to say a scathing retort surely, but you cut her off.
“He’ll talk,” you say cooly, unreadable gaze towards Adler as he finally turned his head in acknowledgement towards you.
“What makes you so sure?” He asked, curiosity lacing his tone along with intrigue as he moved to place his cigarette for another puff.
You straightened your shoulders as you stared deep into his aviators that shadowed him properly to be America’s Monster.
“They all eventually do.”
Adler paused his hand, lips not around his craving as he stared towards you. Both your gazes not breaking even as Park looked between the two of you before settling with staring at Adler with slightly narrowed eyes.
Adler pressed his lips, a whisper of a smirk as he did it and nodded towards you once more before turning back towards Park.
“You hear that, Park? No reason to worry. Everyone talks. Right, Bell?”
“Yes, sir.” You say, ignoring how your stomach churned yet your heart pounded. You’re no saint. “We both know how to make them.” You slipped out, knowing eyes not leaving his face as you twisted a knife.
Adler didn’t seem to notice, or care really as he seemed to throw Park a mildly triumphant look. You don’t know why it would. You wouldn’t either and can care less about those you tortured—whether false or real.
Monsters do not worry over every drop in the red ocean they created.
Y o u’r e  n o  s a i n t, д е м о н.
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You had headphones in, listening to the audio log to finish up the decryption despite the lack of other Intel so you could put all your focus on Operation Red Circus. Instead of the exchange earlier, all of them.
So you didn’t hear when the garage door opened and a van to come in, but you did when it got slammed closed. You jumped in your seat in the corner on your desk, hidden behind the evidence board and the T.V. You lowered your headphones, curious to see what was going on and if Sims brought in another car, only for your breath to hitch in your throat. You standing up so quick your chair almost fell back as you stood next to the T.V., heart thundering only for it to stop as you stared avidly, wildly, madly, hopefully.
Adler moved his hand to guide the red van in, sighing out a puff of smoke as the driver came out.
“Hudson barely gave me any warning about this before you guys arrived. Didn’t think he was going to give the okay on this based on the latest call on Volkov.”
“Well, you know Hudson,” the voice that spoke was quiet yet deep with how it spoke in easy amusement. If one strains their ear, you could spot the reserved soldier with sad eyes and a kind smile. “Always the one that loves to talk.”
“Pfft, yeah,” this one, this one was all rough and throaty as if it got abused in the past from events unknown but one can guess. If one just takes a glance, you could discern the storm stuck in a body yet does a light drizzle for friends despite the thunder. “Hudson’s a real charmer. Don’t tell me that the Russian Godfather decided to finally open his mouth right when we got here.” At Adler’s nod, the one man army groaned. “Man, jet lag is going to be a fuckin killer! Forget hotels, I’m sleeping here until we head out.”
They’re. . . Your hands shook by your side. Not paying kind to Park who stepped out the Red Room, head turned towards you and approaching you as she called out to you. You only stared as you bit the inside of your lip.
Sims, who helped pull the van in and was now leaning against the side of it, shook his head amiably with a chuckle.
“I wouldn’t do that unless you’re fine with a raggedy ass mattress that looks like hasn’t seen the light of day since the ‘60s.”
“I believe the ‘70s personally,” Lazar spoke up as he sat on his desk, empty plate of takeout near him. “It still has potential if one’s desperate.”
“Yeah, well I’m desperate. Now where is it?” He turned his head along with his friend, comrade, forever ally just as they took a few steps close to where Park’s desk was and seeming to notice you the first time. Adler tilting his head at you, you silently just staring at the two as if you haven’t seen them in years, puffing silently as his brow rose curiously. But you could only look dumbly, eyes feeling a little pressure. They’re here. “Who are you and what the fuck are you looking at?” Woods asked sharply.
You blinked. Once. Twice.
Your lips lifted into a smile before it opened, letting a loud bark of a laugh come out. You’re laughing.
When was the last time you laughed? Genuinely?
You could practically feel the stares, but you didn’t care. They’re here.
They were real.
Once your laughter calmed to chuckles and giggles, clearing the corner of your eyes for any possible tears, Adler stepped up between you and the two soldiers. Giving you a quick once over behind his glasses, you waving your hand at him dismissively slightly at his unanswered question, his brow furrowing before relaxing as he put an arm out towards you.
“Woods. Mason. This is Bell, my protege. I spoke to you about her before.”
You quickly fixed yourself and your expression as you took a polite step forward, you probably look absolutely insane. They don’t know you despite you knowing them. Calm down. You just didn’t expect that a change like the others would be this.  Oh god, you looked insane.
“Sorry,” you began, a tiny sheepish play to your lips, “I just—you guys are both legends and I just didn’t expect to see you guys here. At least, so soon. You could say I was a bit. . . excited to put it lightly. Hope I didn’t scare you off?”
Woods and Mason stared at you, Mason having distant amusement playing in his brown eyes as Woods non-subtly leaned towards Mason, a hand slightly covering his mouth.
“Careful Mason,” Woods falsely whispered as he eyed you with suspicion. “We have a rabid fan on our hands.”
“I think she can hear you,” Mason didn’t try to whisper but it didn’t matter as Woods suddenly snorted as he crossed his arms.
“Listen here, Bell. The last thing that’s gonna scare us is someone who got excited about seeing us like we were the fucking—what is it these days? Someone gimme a hand.”
“You talking about bands?” Lazar questioned, Woods nodding as he glanced behind to where the dark skinned man stood by his desk, Lazar staring up in thought. “There’s Fleetwood Mac still going on.”
“Not like how the Beatles was going on,” Woods answered, a little too seriously as you fought a smile while Mason moved and leaned against the evidence board.
“Hear there’s growing popularity with AC/DC and Kiss. They’ve been on the radio a lot lately.”
Woods swiped his hand back and forth as he made a sound of disgust.
“You comparing us to those guys that look like they came out of hell, Mason? What do we look like?”
“I think it fits,” Adler dryly stated, clicking his lighter on to light his cigarette. Woods telling Adler he’s not helping as Park came by next to you with a hand to her hip.
“If demons don’t work, there’s always the Queen. And I’m not talking about the one I serve.”
“Queen is pretty good,” Sims said from behind, “but you guys had to have heard that new song Celebration by the Kool and the Gang. That shit hits.”
“Whichever!” Woods turned towards you asking you how exactly you know about them, you answering honestly that you read up on them on the computer. Seeing no point in hiding it as Woods gave a vicious grin towards you. “Well, aren’t you a nosy little shit. You always read up on everybody?” You were once again honest, saying you like to be thorough with everything but you only had a brief description to go off about them. Whatever secrets they may have is safe with them. Woods sniffed, slightly backing off and Mason appeared to have relaxed his shoulders. “A nosy shit with manners at least. And balls to say all of that to our faces despite what you read.”
True, if you did not know Woods and Mason. Despite that one time where you truly felt their intimidating aura on you, once you get to know them, they’re softies that are loyal. Even with Woods barbed and vulgar words and Mason always observing quietly behind with an assessing look in his eyes, you know they’re shields. Walls. To help with whatever occurred before—just like everyone else here.
And, just like there’s walls. . .
“There’s no innocence here,” you answered, shrugging with a bitter smile.
Woods stared at you for a moment before guffawing, pointing in your direction as he turned to face Adler who stared at you behind his shades as he inhaled his addiction.
“Where’d ya find her, Adler?” Woods asked, before than flapping his hand. “Answer that later. I need food and to knock the fuck out for tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” You repeated, even though you already knew as Adler answered.
“Let’s go over the details briefly. You were right, Bell. Volkov talked.”
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ▌▌ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You watched after the meeting how Woods moved, all loudness and an army in one body with the propriety of one would find in any soldier—none at all. Refreshing. Needed. Even though he looked at you strange when you offered to help with setting up his bed that was all dust and old in the storage room by the generator.
You wonder in the end, after the cliff, how Woods reacted after just saving you from a large sheet of metal debris. Is it naive thinking that he might’ve been mad?
You looked at Mason, more careful with your approach as you smiled softly at him while you gave him the quick rundown that everyone has a spot chosen for their work. That they could use the desk by where they put the projector if they want. Mason raising a brow at you but letting you once you wisely gave him his space.
Would Mason be furious? You were unlucky because you were under the wrong flag. You were born a Russian. If you weren’t than, maybe, they would’ve kept you like they did him.
Meanwhile, Adler—a gaze that never falters, and eyes that are all-seeing with how hawkish they could be, does he see(?)—observed you silently as you moved to and fro with an energy that wasn’t there before. And a smile that looks genuine. He sits back, and watches.
“Shame you were born in the wrong country.”
There’s a lot of shameful things that are tied to you. But like any good monster, any foolish Icarus, and any stupid girl—you’ll ignore them.
American pup—американский щеноk
American bitch—американская сука
You wish to be American, comrade—ты хочешь быть американцем товарищ
I don't know if it's been too subtle--but Bell isn't exactly. . .mentally/emotionally healthy right now. Adler is just everywhere. But maybe Woods and Mason can help now by just being there.
I love those two a lot.
This Second Life of Bell is coming to a close soon, this has gone longer than planned but thank you for everyone that has been with me so far! ^///////^ Happy Late 6th Anniversary of Undertale that inspired this story's plot <3
I am having trouble contacting my beta due to Tumblr being stupid with messages. Maybe I can reach them here, please contact me on Discord under username: Animefreak1145 (Code #8517)
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janshu · 3 years
In The Shallows...Part One.
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Summary: @hanji-is-life more merman!Bakugo and so I shall provide! I was hoping to get this out much earlier, back in may because MerMay but better late than never I suppose! You, a marine biologist, take a scuba dive to see the local fauna off coast and you find more than you ever could've bargained for...
Word Count: 1.5.
Warnings: None but minor curses, mentions of the ocean, an illusion of drowning. Viewer discretion is advised at least.
How did you manage this?
You hadn't walked on the beach, much less roll around in the coarse substance. So how did it manage to get into your pockets? This was a new jacket so how?
A short walk from the parking garage to the pier was all it was, no beach travel involved yet it had wormed its way into your pockets, in between your toes and nearly everywhere else. 
Your team chuckles at your discomfort finding your squirming the funniest thing on the planet as they loaded up the sizable vessel for the day on the water. For the past several weeks you had been cooped up in a lab studying the samples others brought to you but now you were given the green light to head out into the field yourself. Your goal for the day was to gather samples, check on the status of the coral nursery, and a checklist of other menial tasks. A full plate all things considered, much better than getting a migraine staring through a microscope at sea water until you either give up or get sent home. 
Waves battered against the hull of the boat while you and your fellow colleagues suit up in scuba gear. The goal wasn't to go to the bottom of the ocean, far from it, fifteen meters was the maximum for today so simple snorkeling hear wouldn't cut it. You didn't get your diving certifications to be stuck in a lab. The salt spray refreshing against your skin for the few seconds it was vulnerable while you changed from your outfit into the designated wetsuit. Not the full suit that covered your body from head-to-toe, just a body one to keep your core warm when your swimsuit didn't offer much protection.
The boat came to a stop right around where the GPS locator dinged where the nursery site was and the captain gave everyone a thumbs up as you and your fellows attached their fins, tanks, SPG's and all the other necessary equipment. One-by-one each of them held their regulators to their mouths and fell back into the blue ocean below until it was your own, to which you received a wink instead while everything turned upside down.
Ten, twenty, thirty, a hundred. Regardless of how many dives you've had you'll never get over the beauty of the reefs. Each time serving something new, change was ever present in your line of work. Never seeing the same specimens twice to witnessing a rare species and everything in between. The sunshine overhead casting glittering ripples on the sandy floor, catching your eye on the schools of fish that swam by as their scales gleamed in different patterns. This was the closest feeling you had ever come to your childhood dream of becoming a mermaid. When you wished on your birthday candles and shooting stars to holding your breath underneath tub water in hopes gills would magically appear. That's what started this career. Maybe it was a long forgotten portion of your evolved brain from life's time in the ocean but you felt at home, a familiar sense of belonging that you didn't have on dry land. This was where you were meant to be but sadly your wishes had never come true and you were cursed to remain a land-dwelling mammal.
The beeping in your ears ripped you from your fantastical daydreams to remind you of the harsh reality. This is as close as you were going to get but that wasn't so bad, it was better having a little than nothing at all. Looking at the gauge meter it showed that you have roughly an hour left of oxygen which meant you had been in the water for an hour already. How time flies when you're having fun, absorbed in your daydreams, and checking on coral and taking samples.
"Hey, could we switch our tanks out without getting oxygen narcosis or are we screwed in that department?" Your voice came over the radio built in the full face masks everyone in the diving team used no doubt scaring those who were lost in thought as you just were. 
"Y/N...do you really want to stay out here longer? Shitting Christ, you should be glad you're out here in the first place!" The captain's voice responded from the safety of the boat. "Now get your asses back up here n' we'll head on ba-...what was that?"
"What was what?" 
A chorus of responses chimed in immediately after, some crackling from the distance they were from the source and others sounding as if they were a foot away.
"Nothing, never mind, must've been a Manta Ray. Forget about it. Just get your shit and come back, I'm gettin' hungry and its close to lunchtime so hurry up." The static cut off as he put down the radio and looked out into the churning ocean. The massive shadow he had just seen passing by the boat putting him on alert, he didn't want to witness any reef shark's feeding frenzy.
"We can come back tomorrow, Y/N. Nothing's stopping us from that, right?" Another voice, one of your favorite colleagues suggested. That was right, you were there and your boss hadn't explicitly said that this was a one time thing. Another visit would do some good to see if the biometrics have changed in a span of twenty-four hours.
"Alright, okay, we'll come back later for a differential test."
The group had a collective sigh of relief. You were notorious for loving the ocean to such a degree you'd do anything to stay in a while longer, they were all content with leaving now and coming back later if it meant they wouldn't see your sad pouting all the way back to the van. Picking up their equipment and vials everyone began swimming back to the boat now most of them making small talk and discussing their plans for the weekend while you were once again lost in your thoughts.
Something impossibly dark darted through your vision. Blocking out the beautiful view of the turquoise water and colorful life like an angry, ominous storm cloud. A blanket of blindness shrouding all light for a moment but it felt like an eternity as dread sunk in the pit of your stomach, anchoring you to the spot. The warm water now felt cold, goosebumps running up your bare arms and thighs like pinpricks. The heart that had been so calm in the home of your ribcage now pushing adrenaline through your bloodstream, adjusting to a state you weren't acting on. Fear. That wasn't a Manta Ray or a comically large Stingray that was something else entirely. A predator that crashed against the fragile cage of safety, security and believing you were untouchable in shallow depths.
You were reminded of the psychologically scarring and irrational fear of one's ankles being grabbed particularly in the ocean by a shark, the part of your lizard brain firing signals all across your synapses to detach the leg. If only. A fair trade, being left alone at the price of a limb but unfortunately humans couldn't detach or regrow whatever they lost.
That fear was horrifically evoked when something far more firm than a limp leaf of seaweed wrapped around your ankle. Slimey, cold as death and tipped with five sharp points. Reminiscent of a hand, a very large hand. Expanding across your bare skin like a calloused cuff that threatened to break the skin, sink into the meat and tear your foot off entirely. However, that didn't seem to be happening. No cloud of your own blood instead the safety of the boat got further and further away, turning into a speck barely seen in the shallow water.
"Wait, wait no! What the fuck?! Let go! What the hell?" When your brain managed to get over its fear and shock of the situation your fight-or-flight instincts kicked into high gear and your body began to thrash around against the hold. If it was a shark hitting it in the snout and eyes was imperative to get it to release but what if it wasn't? What else could possibly have your leg in its grip with a goal of pulling you away from the boat?
A flurry of indistinguishable voices and noises came over the radio. From yelps, screams and to curses but the thudding in your ears and the furious splashes drowned them all out, everything became topsy turvy, what was the bottom of the ocean and what was the surface became an abstract concept. The primal urge to escape was ripped away when the respirator giving you oxygen was unceremoniously and harshly ripped from your mouth, the hand that had done it orange and black. The water was salty, like you had dumped an entire container of table salt into your mouth and you washed it down with a sip of water. It was invasive, slipping down your throat into your lungs as they tried to gulp air instead. The more you inhaled the harder it was to move. Your limbs becoming as heavy as cement bricks. Unconsciousness began to consume everything, your body down to your mind. The eerie sensation of falling was the last thing before everything faded to black...
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swfteverlqrk · 3 years
He looks good with kids.
Bucky x female!reader
Warnings: Kids. Jk, none, pure fluff.
Summary: Yn heart can't love more Bucky, but it can when she sees him with kids.
A/N: I gave a warning that i wanted to just write about domestic/Dad bucky. Is just the first of a thousand of bucky's fic's :)
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You arrived with your hand holding Bucky's.
"Aunt yn!" a little girl ran to you. 
“Hey mor!” you let go of Bucky´s hand and hold the little girl. “how is my princess doing?” 
“I dont want to be a princess anymore!” she said with a frown, you put her down. 
“Why?” you tried to not laugh. 
“Because if i want to be a queen, im gonna have to get married... with a...” she made a long pause, trying to say the next words. “boy! ew!” she said with a repulsive expression. 
that was something you loved about the kids, their honesty, saying everything uncensored, you saw Bucky trying not to laugh next to you. “Morgan, say hi to Bucky, dont be rude.”
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” she was shy, and added a little wave, without leaving your side. 
“Call me Bucky.” he winked at her, which made the girl blush, who could blame her?. 
she nodded and then her mother appeared “Morg, go play.” the little girl obey and got inside the house. “Im so glad you could make it” she greeted huging you and gave your boyfriend a warm and friendly handshake. “But please come in”.
you took Bucky´s hand again, and got inside the house, it was such a warm and really normal and familiar house, you wouldnt guess it was Tony Stark place, it wasnt a big mansion as he used to, it didnt have any  technology gadget, and they had a yard, more like a yard it was a private forest, where all the avengers were. 
“Im going to say hi to Natasha” you said, seeing her in the distance. 
“Ok, i´ll go with Steve and Sam.” you nodded, Bucky kissed your cheek and headed to Natasha. 
“Hey you!” your friend hugged you with one arm, cause she was holding a two month baby on her free arm, her daughter “Hey Thea, im your aunt, yn.” 
the baby girl smiled at hearing your voice. “Can i hold her?” 
“Of course!” she handed you the baby, when you took her in your arms, Nat sat down, glad that her arms could rest for a while. “Where´s Bucky?” 
“Over there with your husband and Sam” 
“It´s dangerous when they get together” you chuckled, giving her the reason, the baby start to cry. “Oh, let me” 
“No,Nat, i can, dont cry Thea.” you rocked her and started singing to her. “ Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger
Down in the park”
“Doesnt she looks gorgeous with kids?” Bucky asked his two friends, they rolled their eyes. 
“Uncle Bucky!” a boy approached. 
“Hey kids!” they high five, smiling, it were AJ and Cass wilson, Sam nephews. 
“Did you brought us what we asked for?” the soldier nodded, they went to his car, where he let out some water guns. 
“Cool, thank you!” the younger one hugged his uncle and ran after his brother. 
Nat noticed bucky´s scared face while Sarah continued shouting at him. “Yn, your boyfriend is in trouble.”
“What?” you turned to see Bucky in the entrance. “I´ll be back.” you gave her Thea, and walked. “What´s going on?” 
“James gave my kids water guns!” 
your eyes opened surprised. “Why?, Bucky what...?”
“They asked me to, they texted me!” he said innocent. 
“If something happens, they are your kids” Sarah said at Bucky and left, she was a good mom, she wanted what was best for her kids. 
you went to sit with Bucky, saying hi to Thor and Jane, until three little girls, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and the younger who was Alice Quill walked there. “Auntie yn, can you come play with us?” Morgan said with a small pout. 
“I´ll love it, but im going to help Sam, Sarah and Vision, to get the food ready. 
“I can play with you.” Bucky said letting go of your hand. “If you want to.”
the three girls looked at you, where you just nodded. “Go, he is funny!” your boyfriend got up and walked. Morgan took the initiative and took Bucky´s hand. 
“So, prince, which is your first decrete?” Cassie Lang said laughing, it been thirty minutes and the girls were comfortable now with the ex soldier, hugging him, holding his hands. 
“That i get a bigger crown.” he took his princess crown off, which was hurting him, making the three girls laugh. 
“Hands up! We are taking him”  The older Wilson said, pointing with his water gun.
“He is our prince, you cant take him.” The little Quill said, trying hard to hold to Bucky. 
“We can!” Billy Maximoff said, he took A.J gun and got Bucky back wet. 
‘i see why Sarah hated me for the water guns’ bucky thought to himself. 
The boys were shooting water to the girls, and them throwing grass and toys, your boyfriend got up and tried to run. 
“He is leaving!” Billy said, and all ran after him, you wouldnt guess that the weight of 7 kids could make a super soldier fall to the ground. 
“Is little yn in love?” a girl voice said, Carol Danvers. 
“Hey, Danvers” you turned and hugged her. “How are you?” 
you started catching up, she telling you stories about the space, once in a while you turned to see Bucky in the ‘jail’, that was a playpen, where all the kids put him.
“You know his wife, will come to rescue him, right?” Morgan said to A.J while having a tea party.
“What wife?” 
“Yn, duh.” she said as it was the only option. 
“They arent married” the boy said. 
“yes they are.” A.J just shooked his head. 
“Kids, the food is ready!” Sam shouted and the kids ran, Bucky got up from the playpen  that they took from Thea, he approached you. 
“I was expecting you to come to my rescue"he said resting his chin on your neck.
"Oh no, did you saw them? They had guns" you teased him, turning around to see him.
"Yn! You can stop time!" He said like a little kid, maybe an hour with 7 seven kids was more than enough.
"Here, you hamburger" You just said handing him the plate, with the bun and meat.
"Thank you, where we'll sit?"
You looked around searching for an empty table. "There" you pointed. "I was thinking of telling Sarah and Sam to sit with us".
Your boyfriend nodded, and taking your hand, you walked to the table, you were going to start eating when three girls approached the table.
"Aunt...yn... Can we, sit here?" Morgan Stark said shy, with Cassie and Alice by her side.
"Uh..." You looked at your boyfriend who with his look, he told you it was fine. "Sure, come."
"Guys, they said yes!" Morgan shouted and four more kids appeared.
"i thought it was only you three" Bucky said, trying not to laugh.
They sat, Morgan between you and Bucky, the food was delicious, and the kids were a good company. Bucky went for Soda, and coming back to his place he kissed your cheek, making you blush.
"I told you they are married!" Morgan said to A.J, biting her food.
"W-what?" You almost choke with the soda.
"Morgan thinks you two are married, but I've been telling her, you are just boyfriend and girlfriend" A.J said tired of the same argument.
"We are not married, sweetie" you cleared to the little Stark, who frown her eyebrows, confused.
"Then, why you kiss?, My mom and dad told me only married people do that." She looked at you, waiting for an answer, she was really confused, Bucky just smiled a bit.
"Because...umm..." You made a pause thinking what to answer, all the kids look where on you in that moment.
"We are going to get married, we're engaged." Bucky finally said, the most serious he could, not making notice it was a lie.
"When?" Cassie asked excited.
"Soon, in a few years, right yn?" You nodded, you let out a relief sigh, until two boys voices started arguing.
"Hey, Billy, Tommy, what is going on?"
"He took my chips without asking!" Tommy answered, looking at his brother wanting to kill him.
"But Tommy doesn't wants to share!" They started arguing again.
"Don't fight. Billy, we asked for things, and Tommy we have to share" they rolled their eyes, knowing their were being scolded. "Now Tommy, apologize"
"Tommy!" You looked at him, really serious. He took air and apologize, same with Billy. "Now both of you, go for more chips." They got up and murmuring they said something like 'she acted just like mom'
The food time was over, you and Bucky played hide and seek with the kids, when it was the soldiers turn to found you, Alice was the only one who hided with you, but when you had to find them, you knew wherever was Bucky you'll find at least a fifty percent of the kids. The time passed quickly hiding, and laughing.
"Who wants dessert?" Pepper said to the kids, whose eyes opened wide.
"Come on, Uncle Bucky!" Morgan took one hand of his and Cassie another, and walked together, but Alice started to cry.
"Um, Buck, you left something here." You said while Alice was on your arms.
"Sorry, baby, come on" he pointed his back with his head, and you put the little girl there. "Hold on tight" She did, putting her little arms around Bucky neck, while walking to the food area.
Once they got their dessert, including Bucky, all went to sit and start playing charades, you only heard kids real laughs, making you smile.
"Kids, why don't you go for yn?, she loves to play this, but it's to shy" Billy and Cassie nodded and went to grab you while you were with Tony and Steve.
"Come play with us, aunt yn!" Both making a pout. "Uncle Bucky said you like to play!"
"He did?" You gave a killing look to the blue eyed man, who just lift his shoulders innocent. "Fine, let's go"
You left Tony and Steve, and went play, you sat next to Bucky, his arm around your shoulders, that pose didn't last, because when you got up to play, Morgan took your place next to Bucky. 'Oh, so Bucky is the new favorite' you thought seeing him surrounded by all of them.
The day was over, after saying bye to Gamora, Quill and Alice, you helped Pepper to clean a bit.
"You know something, yn?" She said serious.
"Mhm?" You were picking up the plates and cups.
"All this afternoon, i saw a girl with Bucky, you should be more careful."
A girl? Which girl? All of the avengers girls were taken, you thought for a few seconds, but no one came to your mind, until Pepper told you to turn, where it was your boyfriend and the girl who wanted to steal him, Morgan, watching the Sunset, she was in his arms, one arm on his neck, while he was talking to her, not being to able hear, but seeing him with kids, to see his sweet and soft side made your heart melt.
"So, you see, the sun loves the moon so much, he goes to let her shine for hours." The girl's eye opened wide at the story.
"Morgan, they have to go." Her mother said walking to her.
"Stay to sleep, please?" Morgan said with a pout, without letting go of Bucky.
"We are going to stay at the Roger's, baby girl." You told her, which made her sad. "But, if you behave, we can make a sleepover next week at my place!"
Her eyes shined, and a smile appeared. "Really?"
"Of course, beautiful, but you have to be nice, ok?" Your boyfriend told the little girl putting her down.
"Mom, he calls me beautiful! He doesn't calls yn that" she tried to whisper but failed, Pepper just nodded, taking her hand, getting inside of the house"Bye guys." Morgan shouted before entering the house.
"what?" Your boyfriend noticed you looking at him.
"nothing..." You chuckled softly, and got into the Rogers car.
A few days later.
You were making breakfast, when your phone rang, the contact name was Tony Stark, it was a FaceTime. What if something had happened to him? Was he okay? You answered nervous, but when the camera opened, you saw Morgan, making you feel relieved.
"Hey Morgan!" You greeted her.
"Hi, aunt yn!" You could tell her she was trying to see the house, looking for something. "Are you alone?"
"Yes?"you said confused" But one friend is coming over."
"Oh, is not uncle Bucky there?" You chuckled, of course she wanted to see her 'uncle'.
"No sweetie" you shook your head, making Morgan eyes sad. "He went to help uncle Sam with something, he'll be back at night."
"Oh okay, I'll call him then! Bye." You were going to talk but she hang up.
The night came and your boyfriend went to your place to say hi and having dinner.
While eating dinner, you said to him about the morning call.
"I received a weird call today"
"What?, From who?" He asked looking up from his dumplings.
"A girl you know." You said serious, like you were mad.
"come on yn, it was Wanda? Or Carol, or Natasha?" You shook your head.
"Morgan Stark" He laughed.
"Wait, why?"
"She wanted to talk to you, you should call her" your look went back to your noodles.
"Are you jealous that she prefers me?" He teased you, making you laugh.
"Yes, you are." He pointed his fork at you, making you let out a good laugh.
"Just call Morgan!" You said playing you were angry, after dinner he did, you heard how Morgan told him all about school, and her toys, and dolls, all that she could ever think about, and he was paying attention, gasping every minute about something she said or showed.
Your heart melted again. 'He looks so good with kids'.
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 8
Request: Yes or No
Sam and y/n had more development than y/n and Wanda lmao
You crossed your arms as you entered the room, glancing at the older man. You shared a look with Sam and Wanda, taking a seat in between Sam and Vision. You licked your lips, leaning towards Sam.
"What's this about?" You asked quietly, gaze flickering to Tony who sat in a corner.
"If I had to guess.. Probably about what happened in Lagos." Sam replied, glancing at Steve and Natasha. You frowned, looking at the Secretary of State.
"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt." He began, gaze sweeping over everyone in the room.
"You have.. Fought for us, protected us, risked your lives but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the term 'vigilantes.'"
"And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha asked, studying the older man. You looked back at Tony Stark, making brief eye contact with him. It felt like an intervention. Or a teacher scolding their class after they made the sub cry.
"How about dangerous?" You frowned, looking forward when you heard his words.
"What would you call a group of US based enhanced individuals who routinely ignore borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, quite frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?" Mr. Secretary asked, looking over the small group in disappointed. You'd hate to admit it, but he had a point. The citizens of Sokovia were left to find new homes and the people of Lagos had to fix what had been destroyed. Mr. Secretary stepped to the side, looking at the screen. Videos began playing of all the times the Avengers caused destruction and most likely death. Wanda looked away, growing uncomfortable as the aftermath of the Lagos incident played. She already felt guilty enough about it. She had told you many times how she wished it would've gone differently. Steve noticed, frown deepening.
"That's enough." He called, watching the screen turn off.
"For the last few years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's a decision the governments of the world can no longer tolerate." Mr. Secretary told them, hands clasped behind his back. You frowned, brows furrowing slightly.
"But we have a solution." Mr. Secretary took a book from his bodyguard, stepping forward and handing it to Wanda. Wanda picked it up, looking it over.
"The Sokovia Accords.. Approved by a hundred and seventeen countries." Wanda slid the book over to Rhodes so he could take a proper look at it. You looked at Mr. Secretary as he walked around the table.
"It states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of The United Nations Panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary."
"That's such bullshit." You whispered. Mr. Secretary turned towards you, cocking a brow. Natasha let an amused smile slip while Sam covered up his snicker with a cough.
"The Avengers were created to make the world a safer place." Steve spoke up before he could address you.
"This is the middle ground." Mr. Secretary said, walking to the front again and facing everyone.
"The Accords will be ratified in a couple days." Steve turned towards Tony, earning a silent response.
"I'll leave you to discuss."
"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Leave it to Natasha to say what was on everyones' minds. Mr. Secretary paused as he approached the door.
"Then you retire." He answered plainly. You watched him leave, picking up the cup of water infront of You You went to take a sip but it turned to ice before you could drink from it. With a small huff, you placed it down.
"That's new." Natasha called with a small smile, hoping to ease the tension in the room. You stood up, leaving the meeting room and heading to the lounge. The others followed, taking more comfortable seats on the couch. A debate quickly started between Rhodes and Sam while Steve looked through the Accords.
"Have you two thought about starting a debate club?" You asked, tapping the frozen water a few times before it finally turned back to normal water. Natasha let out a small snort, chuckling as she shook her head.
"I have an equation." Vision announced, stopping Rhodes and Sam. They turned towards him.
"In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of enhanced people has grown and during the same period, the number of world ending events has risen."
"So, it's Starks' fault?" You asked, leaning back in your seat with a tilted head. Tony scoffed from his spot on the couch, rolling his eyes.
"I'm saying, there might be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge, challenge insights conflict, and conflict... Breeds catastrophe. Oversight is not an idea that should be dismissed."
"I wish I understood half of what you said." You muttered softly, running your finger the leaf of a plant beside the seat. Natasha turned towards Tony, watching him.
"You're being uncharacteristic non-hyper verbal." Natasha pointed out softly as he looked at her with a deep sigh. Steve looked up from the Accords.
"It's cause he already made up his mind." Steve said, earning a small eye roll. Tony slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head.
"Actually, I'm nursing a headache." He muttered as he stood up, walking towards the coffee machine. He poured himself some coffee and grabbed a bottle of pills before sighing and placing down a device. He showed an image of a young man.
"Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. A great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA, had a floor level gig for the fall. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the people in Sokovia." Tony said, obviously agitated as he looked over everyone. You wondered why he now cared for the people who were injured during attacks.
"He wanted to make a difference although we'll never know cause we dropped a building on him while kicking ass." Everyone stayed silent as he spoke. You watched him take a pill, drinking it with the coffee.
"There's no decision making here. We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, we're no better than the bad guys."
"Tony, when someone dies on your watch, you don't give up." Steve closed the Accords, looking at Tony with a frown.
"Who says we're giving up?"
"We are by not taking responsibilities for our actions. This document shifts the blame." Steve voiced his opinion, shrugging lightly.
"Steve, that is dangerously arrogant." Rhodes spoke up, shaking his head. Steve turned towards him.
"This is the United Nations we're talking about. It's not the world security counsel, it's not S.H.I.E.L.D, it's not HYDRA-"
"But it's run by people with agendas and agendas change." Steve pointed out as you rubbed your forehead, sighing softly. Both sides had good points but you sided with Steve. The team was obviously divided.
"What do you think, (Y/N)?" Vision asked, looking at you curiously. You licked your lips, gaze focusing on Tony.
"I'm curious as to why you care so much about this Charles guy. You've had, what was it? Eight years as Iron Man to care about the people who get hurt? Why now? Cause you realized one of those people could become the new you? Would you care this much about Charles if he had been a typical guy? No degree, no plans for the future, just a normal guy working a normal 9 to 5 job and just trying to make it through the week. I agree with Steve. What if something happens and they don't send us to help because it doesn't go with their agenda? People get hurt cause you've never set up a system to help after these things happen. You're a fucking billionaire, Tony. Make a company that's designed to help people get back on their feet after the Avengers bulldoze through cities." You said, legs crossing as you looked over everyone else. Steve gave a small nod, glad you were seeing his side. He checked his phone, abruptly standing and announcing he had to leave. You and the others watched him go in confusion.
"To answer your questions, I do care about normal people." Tony said, arms crossing. You let out a soft groan, leaning back in the couch.
"I'm sorry, what are you? Twelve? Didn't you turn twenty this year?" Tony cocked a brow, watching as you rolled your eyes and stood.
"Yeah, I did turn twenty. Surprised you knew considering you've never particularly liked me."
"Well, first impressions are everything and you did try impaling me with a branch."
"Maybe I should've."
"Alright, boys, let's calm down." Natasha called, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned and walked towards the steps, heading down to your room at the facility. You entered and plopped down on the bed, running a hand through your hair. You tapped your foot on the ground, fingers going to the root bracelets in an attempt to relax. Wanda opened the door, closing it behind her and sitting beside you.
"What's wrong?" She asked softly, staring at you in concern. You weren't one to snap at others so quickly.
"There's so much going on. The Accords, my fucking powers, the sudden change in Nat and Tony, you possibly getting into trouble cause of the Lagos incident.. That could've been me." You breathed out. Wanda frowned, brows furrowing.
"No, it wouldn't have."
"I shot fire out of my hands and turned water to ice without meaning to. They're getting unpredictable." You looked at her, grip on the roots tightening. Wanda's gaze flickered to the window, making you turn. Part of the window was covered in a thin layer of ice.
"And that just proved my point."
"You're an incredible person, (N/N). Have faith in yourself. You'll gain control of them sooner or later. You have beautiful powers that could change and heal the world." Wanda pointed out gently, having you rest your head on her shoulder. She softly began to hum a lullaby. You didn't understand the words but her soft voice proved to be soothing.
"Thank you."
"Why'd you call me again?" You asked, toying with the strings of your hoodie as you looked around the cafe. You had planned on taking a nap and watching a new show on Netflix but it seemed like Steve had other plans for you.
"Because I trust you and need your help." Steve replied, fixing his baseball cap as he tried avoiding eye contact with civilians.
"Really?" You asked softly. Steve nodded, offering a smile. He licked his lips, nodding to the tv. You turned, looking at the news. You really didn't have to considering what they were showing was right down the street.
"Your friend?" You looked back at Steve with a tilted head.
"We gotta find him before anyone else does." Steve said. You nodded, watching him. Steve had been desperately trying to find his friend, Bucky, since the attempt on Furys' life.
"I'll go in alone. We don't want to seem threatening or set him off by going in as a trio."
"(Y/N)? Being threatening? He can't even scare a baby!" Sam said in amusement, shooting you a playful grin.
"Right back at you, bird boy."
"I'm sorry, who here is named after the top bird of prey?" Sam asked, leaning forward slightly as Steve let out an amused sigh.
"Oh, I didn't know you were named after eagles." You responded, smiling in triumph when Sam huffed lightly.
"Come on, you two." Steve chuckled, leaving the cafe and heading down the sidewalk.
"I don't trust Stark." You told them, arms crossing. Sam glanced at you as Steve turned into an alleyway.
"Not surprised considering the little fight you two had."
"I think he had Vis keep an eye on me and Wanda. I snuck out while he was with Wanda in the kitchen." You told him, frowning.
"Firstly, I'm an adult-"
"That's questionable."
"-And secondly, he's not my dad." You took off the hoodie as Steve unlocked a car parked in the alleyway, giving Sam the duffle bag with his outfit. You looked at your phone when it buzzed, seeing texts from Clint.
Heard you had a fight with Stark
You're officially an Avenger now
You smiled softly, chuckling softly at the texts. You waited for the guys to finish changing before taking the earpiece from Steve. The apartment building had been nearby so you and Sam headed onto the roof while Steve entered.
"How well do you think this will go?" You asked Sam, looking for any sign of law enforcement.
"Wanna bet?"
"How much?" You looked at him, giving a small grin. Sam looked up at the sky for a moment, thinking it over.
"30 bucks. I bet this will go to shit and this dude will escape."
"I bet we'll get into serious shit but this dude will either come with us or get caught." You replied. Sam stuck out his hand, nodding. You shook it, chuckling softly. You turned your head, noticing movement.
"We've got company, Cap."
"They're approaching from the south." Sam added, attention focused on them. You heard Steve begin to talk to someone, watching the cars pull in and get ready. You turned your head, hearing the door to the roof open.
"Shit." You whispered, letting Sam pick you up and lift you into the air. You could hear the fight going on inside through the earpiece.
"Should we help?" You asked, glancing up at Sam.
"No clue." Sam replied, watching Bucky jump from the apartment onto the roof of another building. You noticed someone running at a high speed, jumping up onto the roof and knocking Bucky down.
"They have cat ears." You mumbled, pushing Sam's arms away.
"Deal with them." You motioned to the German police force on the roof, hoping down onto the roof. You raised your hand, a root shooting out and grabbing the strangers arm, refraining them from clawing at Bucky. Bucky turned his head, making eye contact with you. Your eyes widened when the man grabbed the root, using what felt like super strength to toss you off the roof. You quickly used a root to grab onto the side, breathing out a sigh of relief. Sam took care of a helicopter before flying by to grab you.
"Thanks." You breathed out, holding onto him as he followed the chase. Steve, Bucky, and the cat guy went into one of the tunnels. Sam flew in once there was an opening, trying to help Steve with the cat guy. You huffed when the cat guy grabbed Sam's ankle, pointing your hand at him and shooting a strong gust of air. The cat guy lost his grip monetarily but quickly grabbed on again. Bucky threw up an explosive so Sam quickly stopped, flinging the guy off him. Sam landed, walking past the rubble. You sighed, raising your hands as you and Sam were quickly surrounded by cops.
"Mom's gonna kill me." You whispered.
"That's what you're concerned about?" Sam asked, glancing at you in disbelief.
"We're getting arrested, (Y/N)!"
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