#man why did my teacher make us watch that movie as an assignment in high school
tropicalfreckles · 6 months
When you remember something you wish stayed forgotten and go "gross"
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [3] pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, josei, angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right?
Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT) i keep forgeting to add that this isnt beta-rread..all of my stories arent so yeah shshs Notes: ah, i feel like this story will be lengthen more than 8-10 chapters shshshs i wanted to add a little spice anyways thanks for all the comments uwu ily all!
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You cringe in embarrassment as soon as you hear that awfully familiar and cheerful voice, you could barely remember this man and the events that transpired the night before but here he was, acting like your new best friend. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to go here but you needed clarity. Surely you didn’t just legally marry a man at an Izakaya out of all places last night?
“Oh, you actually did marry him.” Gojo Satoru proclaims as soon as you take a seat across him, he gestures around his face, “I could tell by your whole, ‘I hope this guy is messing with me’ face. You have it, signed and sealed. Even got the cute matchy rings that I had one of my assistants delivered.”
You pale at the thought of his assistant coming in with a silver ring. Wasn’t he sober? How could he not have stopped you two from doing something as reckless and stupid as this? Weren’t older men supposed to be more responsible than this?
��Why the hell didn’t you stop us?” You groaned, burying your face in your hands, embarrassment painted all over your features.
“I was just as drunk as you two.” He confessed, scratching his head, “probably even more drunk but anyways back to the topic in hand, I only remembered it when the same assistant came in and congratulated me about it. It’s good I had your number on my phone before you two bailed.”
“So you don’t really remember?”
“Bits and pieces.” Gojo grinned, this guy was a maniac, how did the serious man you met just this morning have friends like this? You probably wouldn’t even last long, “I did call Nanami-”
He’s cut off by the rough sound of someone pulling a chair out, you immediately jump on your seat when you realize it’s Nanami Kento, the guy from this morning. The man you had recklessly married!
“This better be some prank you’re pulling, Satoru.” His voice was anything but kind that you almost wanted to hide behind Gojo’s back.
“Hey, hey.” Gojo raises his hands, “Don’t look at me. I didn’t force you into anything and stop scaring your poor little partner.”
Nanami snaps his gaze towards you and you notice how his eyes soften just a bit when he sees your red ears and your eyes looking away from him, “You better call Geto and fucking fix this, I refuse to bother this young-”
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, still shy and red, “It’s...fine...I just…Please don’t think I’m burdened by it. It was technically my fault for even agreeing immediately.”
Nanami clenches his jaw and turns away, “Nevertheless. L/N-san’s young. I hope to not be such an uncouth man like you.” he retorts, voice sharp as he eyes the white-haired businessman up and down. Gojo, seemingly used to it, rolls his eyes behind his dark shades.
“Maybe you guys should try it out.”
The blonde man looks like he’s about to smite the white-haired man out of existence yet Satoru remains oblivious to his friend’s gaze, “Don’t ya think so? It will take a while for those divorce papers to settle in so why don’t you two go out and get to know each other? Who knows…” he sing-songs the last part and Nanami is so close to chunking his briefcase towards the tall businessman, not even caring 
“Ah, he’s not exactly wrong, Nanami-san.” you try to calm him down, placing a small hand on his broad shoulder.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually listening to this idiot’s idea.” Nanami replied, gaze narrowing.
“Not really but you have some problems I can help you out on and I have problems that you can help me out on...Of course, the last say is on you...”
“Told you I actually had a brain.” Satoru piped in.
“Shut up, Satoru.” he quips, then turns to you, “I’m thirteen years older than you, L/N-san. I have two high school kids that could pass off as your siblings, and-”
“Well, I technically did marry you.”
“You were drunk.”
“Doesn’t exactly really excuse it.” You laugh nervously, “The whole divorce process usually lasts up to a few months, some even takes a whole year. I could help you out with the boys and I can use you to ward my family off from moving back home.”
Nanami is quiet for a moment, actually thinking about it. Weighing the pros and the cons, not only would you be able to help him out but you’d also be able to get Gojo and blind-dating out of his back.
There really wasn’t anything he could loose, really.
“Or you two might fall in love.” Satoru teases, making Nanami throw him another side-eye, as if saying ‘I dare you to say another word.’
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It’s a Thursday today and Sukuna absolutely loathed Thursdays     apparently because it reminded him of Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. They all were far from the weekend     Everyone seems to be happier than usual though. Maybe it was because you were there teaching some basic shit at the board or something.
“...and if we transfer this here and change the positive to a negative, you’ll end up having five as your answer.” You smile, placing your chalk down, “Does anyone have any questions?”
Echoes of no’s resonated throughout the room.
“Alright then, let’s end the lesson here so you guys can have an early lunch. I don’t think an assignment is in order since many of you were able to get a perfect score in the activity awhile ago.” You winked. A couple of whoops resonated throughout the whole class right after. 
As the kids shuffle out of the room of the class, Sukuna remains behind. The ojisan had cooked them something delicious this morning and he wanted to eat it in peace without that pesky Nobara grabbing a share from his bento and Yuuji’s annoying babbles about horror movies with his best friend Junpei (the only one who was really bearable was Megumi, really)
“Sukuna-kun?” you called out, snapping him out of his small trance,  “Are you alright?”
He notices a glint of worry in your eyes, he had to admit since his transfer here last Monday, you were the least annoying teacher in the academy     the blue-haired professor in Japanese literature was absolute shit since he loved to tease him a lot and that bald-headed teacher in science who looked a lot like Mike Wazowski was an annoying twerp who loved dawdling in him and Yuuji’s business     and you were kind of good at your job. Not only did his idiot of a brother stop coming to him and their ojisan for help in math but he could actually do the worksheets right and get an actual decent grade at it.
“Yeah.” he roughly replies.
“That’s good.” You smiled, he watched as you bind their worksheets together and clip them in utmost delicacy, “You should head to the cafeteria now, I heard they’re serving milk bread today.”
Without saying anything more, you left the room, leaving him there in the silence.
Well, the Christmas tree idiot was right.
You kind of had a motherly aura on you and it didn’t even look forced.
No wonder, everyone in this room was whipped for you despite your subject being a pain in the ass.
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“You look like an idiot.” You mumbled as you slapped Mahito’s hand away in annoyance, your workmate wiggling his eyebrows like the little shit he is.
You completely forgot you did have someone like Gojo Satoru in your life and it was one of your co-workers, Mahito, a Japanese literature teacher who was too nosy for his own good.
“You’ve got a ring on your ring finger and a mailman comes in and gives you an invite for Zen’in Toji’s fortieth birthday.” he whistles, “Even Jogo-sensei gossiped by the water cooler awhile ago, saying that you had eloped with the man. Not that I’m judging you or anything...”
You choke on your saliva, clearly thrown off by the backhanded comment. That darn bald-headed fool that looked like the green eyed monster from the DreamWorks cartoon, he sure needed to lay off the gossip and actually focus on his job as the head of the science department, “You’re not denying it.” Mahito stated, narrowing his eyes in suspicion, “Why aren’t you denying it?”
“I’m not dating Megumi-kun’s father.” You grumbled, finishing up your paperwork, “That man is off limits.”
“Right,” he drawls on sarcastically, “...because you have a strict rule against dating hot older men with money.”
“I also teach his kids and his cousin…” You deadpan.
“We don’t even have a rule against that.” He retorts, rolling his eyes, “If we did, Hanami-sensei would’ve been fired a long time ago.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“And you’re so secretive. If it isn’t Toji Zen’in, who’d ask you out?”
“Hey, I do have a man.” You huffed, “and he’s very kind and considerate...”
The image of the tall and lean man sleeping next to you slowly wormed its way back from your memory and you feel your cheeks start to flush. Good god, what were you? twelve? How embarrassing.
You needed to get that image off of your head, it wasn’t right.
It was all temporary, anyways and he doesn’t even see you in that sort of way-
“Yes, I’m Sukuna and Yuuji Itadori’s guardian…” a very familiar stoic voice could be heard from the nearby table, cutting your thoughts short. Wait, were you so head over heels for the man that you started imagining him here? Yuuji and Sukuna’s guardian? Wait a minute.
All color drained from your face as you snap your head behind you to find the same man you were imagining.
Oh no.
Oh no, indeed.
There stood Nanami Kento in all his glory;  crisp suit, stoic face, and eyes laced with mild worry.
“...L/N-sensei is Sukuna-kun’s adviser, by the way. It would be best to discuss this with them.” Akari somberly informed the man, turning to your direction. You don’t miss the shift of expressions when he sees you standing there.
Your mouth parts and you know you look like gawking fish trapped in a small aquarium.
“Akari-sensei’s looking at you with the new hot daddy.” Mahito mumbles next to you, eyeing him up and down, “Definitely wonder where all these old men come from these days.”
You were only half-listening to your co-worker because your head was all over the place, just what were the odds that he was the guardian of the new transferee’s? Just how awkward would everything be? Why did it even have to be at this school out of all places?
Never ending questions pop out of your head as you approached them, “Good afternoon, Nanami-san.” Your smile comes out very stiff and awkward while you hold your hand out for him to shake, clearly there was no memo on how you were suppose to act around your sort-of-fake-husband-whos-kids-you-actually-taught.
Nanami reverts back to his stoic expression as he clears his throat, “Yes, good afternoon to you too, L/N-sensei.” he greets, maintaining a straight-laced tone.
“Akari-sensei says that Sukuna has been quite...rude...in class…” you try to rack your brains up to describe his kid.
“Your son literally pointed out that the history lesson I was teaching was fake and that I should study again so he could get his tuition’s worth.” Akari looks clearly perplexed and ready to throttle the boy if it was legal. You had to admit, Sukuna went overboard with that insult.
You knew how passionate Nitta was about her job and what Sukuna just said to her was like a big ‘fuck you, you suck.’ to her.
“I’ll be sure to talk to him about this,” he sighs, bowing down, “I’d like to ask for forgiveness for that, the boy is a good and smart student-”
“Nanami-san, the school not only cares about grades but character as well.” Akari Nitta sighed, cutting him off, “I’ll let this slide once, if he does that again, it goes on the record.”
You internally bit your cheek, still trying to process everything that was going on.
“I understand. Thank you for that.”
“I’ll walk him out, sensei.” You immediately say soon after, wanting to have some alone time with him, “Let’s go, Nanami-san.”
You walk right next to him silently, some students peerlessly glancing at the tall blonde next to you but you were too immersed in thought to notice the stares, “Nanami-san?” you ask softly as soon as you reach the exit.
Nanami Kento looks at you, his eyes still laced with a bit of worry, “It’s okay.” you silently comforted him, “Just talk to him calmly.”
“That’s not the problem.” he sighed, “I just didn’t expect that the person I married would be the boy’s teacher.”
You sweat drop, “Aren’t you worried about talking to Sukuna? I mean, he literally just disrespected a teacher and you said that he and you weren’t in good-”
“It’s easier to talk to him about that rather than…” he paused, showing his ring, “this.”
You blinked.
Seemed like Nanami knew what to say about the little attitude problem his son had, “So you must be used to this?” you asked, “Him disrespecting the teacher?”
You notice the shift of expressions on his face, you had only known this man for a few days so far but he was starting to get easier to read. His eyes shed more emotion than his face, no wonder he likes wearing those funny sunglasses a lot.
“It’s something I’ve scolded him over a couple of times,” he gruffed, trying to dance around the subject, it seemed like he had such a soft spot to the point where he had a problem with disciplining them, “At times I believe it’s just because he’s way too smart for his age. The boy has read history books for fun when he was a kid and solved quadratic equations to prove that he’s better than me when he was ten.”
“It still doesn’t give him the free pass to say things like that to a teacher”
“I know,” he acknowledged, “I’ll be sure to give him a better scolding-”
“No, you see. This is why he thinks he can get away with it. He isn’t afraid of you. You’ll only probably tell him that you can’t do that.” you frown, crossing your arms, “You do know that not all sensei’s are as nice as Akari-sensei and he could get in trouble for that even more in the future, right?”
Silence lingered between you two for a moment and suddenly you realize that you must’ve said something way off the rails.
“I..” you turn red, embarrassed by the sudden outburst, “That was too much, wasn’t it?”
You look at him directly in the eye, the worry-filled ones are now replaced with a softer gaze. God, he really needed to stop looking at you like a kid. It would only make this set-up more awkward!
“No,” he mumbles, “It...It wasn't too much…”
“Oh.” you cleared your throat, flustered and looking away from his face, “Well, okay then goodbye then Nanami-sa-”
You needed to get out of this conversation quick.
Your gaze snaps directly towards him, clearly taken aback by the correction.
“We’re technically married now, right?” he softly corrected, “Call me Kento.”
“Oh,” You uttered again, this time softly. You looked down on your shoes, it seemed like the floor looked really interesting now, “Then bye-bye, Kento.”
“Bye Y/N.”
He leaves you standing there, cursing yourself because of your erratic heartbeat at the way he says your name in that voice. First name basis? okay, totally normal for sort-of lovers, right?
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teddy06writes · 3 years
A Day In The Life
requesred by this genius anon: “Aight imma hit you with a good one: Literally everything as platonic, but a day in the life of reader in high school with the minor gang (too my, tubbo, ranboo) and all the faculty at the school are dreamsmp members”
Platonic! Minors gang (tommy, tubbo, ranboo and purpled) x reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: a day in the life of a student at the DSMP public high school 
{with all the shit that goes on the smp there's no way it could be anything but a public school}
{also if I do things slightly off or something its cause my high school is weird, we only have four blocks a day, but I think most have seven, so we’re going with that}
{also the dream/george thing, is based on two of the sciences teachers at my school being suspected of having an affiar}
{Full teacher list:
English: Mr. NotFound
Drama: Mr. Soot
Spanish: Mr. Dream (its mexican dream lol)
Gym: Coach Sapnap and Coach Punz
Home ec: Miss Nihachu
Music: Mr. Quackity
Chemistry: Mr. Halo}
Home room: Mr. Callahan
You sighed, trudging toward the school entrance, god it was way to early for this. 
The halls were already crowded with people heading to there home rooms, and Mr. Minecraft, the principal, was standing outside the admin offices, greeting everyone with a smile. 
“Good morning, (y/n).” 
“Good morning Mr. Minecraft.” You grumbled as you passed. 
You hurried through the foyer and up the stairs, toward Mr. Callahan’s room. 
“Hey!” Tubbo called, hurrying down the hallway, “(y/n)!”
“Hey Tubbo.” you yawned.
He fell into step with you, “You think Callahan will actually show today?” 
The one good thing about your home room teacher is that none of the kids ever seemed to have seen him. It meant that some days, while other home rooms had lectures of bullying or something, your class got to hang out for 30 minutes. 
“I don’t think he even exists.” Purpled said, falling in on your other side. 
“He definitely doesn’t.” You agreed. 
History: Mr. Blade
“Hey (y/n)!” Ranboo called from his seat at the front of the room as you came in. 
He was lucky enough to have moved homerooms and ended up getting the same room as his first block. 
“Hello Ranboo.” you sighed, sitting down in your seat next to him. 
Tommy came in and plopped down behind you, “Well you sound like shit.”
“No swearing in my classroom, Tommy.” Mr. Blade chided, hardly looking up from the book on his desk. 
You turned to look at Tommy, “It’s too early for this.” 
“You say that everyday!” He laughed. 
“Yeah! Cause this class starts at 7:45 in the god damn morning!” You half exclaimed. 
“Bloody hell you’d think you’d get used to it-” 
“Tommy, what did I say about swearing?” Mr. Blade cut Tommy off. 
“But you didn’t yell at (y/n)!” Tommy yelled, “That’s not fair Tech!” 
Me. Blade glared at his brother, “Do you want me to send you down to Phil’s office Tommy?” 
“I didn’t even do anything!”
After a moment under Mr. Blades glare, Tommy sighed, “Please don’t send me down to Phil.” 
The teacher didn’t respond, instead standing up and moving to stand in front of the board, queuing up the intro slides for the day, “All right everyone, settle down. Today in our ‘tour of the ancient world’ or whatever, we’re going to start our mini unit on Greece.”
Statistics/Math: Mr. Was Taken
After a class that ended mostly in a rant about the myth of Heracles, you said goodbye to Ranboo and Tommy and met up with Purpled to head to math. 
Mr. Wastaken was already passing out the notes when you two got there, sliding into your seats at the back of the classroom just as the bell rang. 
“You’re late.” He chided, dropping the papers onto your desk, then Purpleds. 
“Purp needed to refill his water bottle.” You explained. 
“Seriously?” Mr. Wastaken questioned, “Dude, it’s second block, why the hell was your water already empty?” 
Purpled shrugged, “P.E?” 
“Ehh, wrong, Sapnap doesn’t have you till sixth period.” 
“Stairs... are murder man.” He fumbled. 
You nodded, “First floor to the fourth floor is tough Mr. Wastaken.” 
Rolling his eyes, the teacher moved back to the front of the room, “Alright, last nights homework was a bit of a flop so we’ll be more review for the quiz tomorrow.” 
You groaned internally, pulling out your pencil. 
Purpled nodded, “I fuckin hate review days.” 
“I can hear you, you know!” Mr. WasTaken half yelled. 
Chemistry: Mr. Halo
After Math you and Purpled headed down to the science hall to meet back up with Tubbo to head to Chem. 
“Welcome back everybody!” Mr. Halo greeted cheerily, “Good to see smiling faces for chemistry!” 
How he managed to stay so upbeat, no one would ever know.
You sat down at your lab table with Tubbo, “You think we actually make it to doing the lab today before he starts talking about Mr. Skeppy again?” 
“Oh no chance.” 
You chuckled, pulling out your notebook as Mr. Halo pulled up the opening review before the lab. 
Twenty minutes later found you elbow deep in the lab, quite literally. 
“It was supposed to just be a small scale elephants toothpaste!” Mr. Halo cried. 
Purpled grinned, “You should’ve taken my wildcard factor into account sir.” 
You laughed, wiping the foam off your apron (thank god for lab aprons), “That was brilliant!” 
A few minutes earlier, Tubbo had helped him do out the math to scale up the experiment by 20%, and you had willingly given up your own materials to help.
Now most of the classroom was covered in the foam, and Purpled and the girl who had been unfortunate enough to be partnered with him were knee deep in it. 
“I sent the video to the groupchat.” Tubbo whispered.
“Good.” You chuckled again. 
Mr. Halo groaned, “You three start cleaning this up, Elizabeth, dear, why don’t you join a different group.”
“I volunteer to switch with her!” Drista yelled, “they look like fun!” 
Mr. Halo sighed, “No- no absolutely not- I can’t deal with you added to the mix.” 
Drista pouted, the rest of the class went back to there work, and you, Tubbo and Purpled began to clean up the foam. 
Drama: Mr. Soot
As Purpled left for his history class, you and tubbo headed twoard the music/performing arts suit, where you met up with Ranboo. 
“Tommy said he wished he could’ve been there to see the foam.” Ranboo reported as Tubbo peeled off into the band room, and you both continued on to the green room. 
“Hello, Hello, Hello!” Mr. Soot greeted in an aussie accent (you know the one). 
“Oh god please say were not doing accents today.” Ranboo muttered. 
Mr. Soot laughed, “Nah, we’re going to do some more rounds of improv.” 
“Oh thank god.” You said as you moved to take a seat at one of the side tables. 
“That would have been hell.” Ranboo agreed. 
More people poured into the room, take seats all around as Mr. Soot began to dig through on of the closets. 
As the bell rang he let out a triumphant cheer, turning around and brandishing a very large bowl of paper slips, “I found the prompts!” 
“Oh dear lord.” Ranboo muttered.
“Mr. Soot can we please do like, anything else?” You asked, “Like scenes, or hell I’d even take monologues, you know we’re all shit at improv!” 
The teacher sighed, “I suppose we could do something else. I guess we can begin our next topic, you’re all going to be assigned scenes and given time to practice them, we’ll present on Friday!” 
The entire class breathed a sigh of relief that you had managed to change his mind. 
~~ English: Mr. NotFound 
After a very chaotic lunch full of Tubbo retelling a bunch of jokes Mr. Quackity had told during music,  you trudged off to the one class that didn’t have any of your main group of friends in. 
The one good thing about having Mr. NotFound as a teacher was that he had no clue what he was doing. 
More often then not you would be left to do essays or read the required books, and then watch the movies that went along with them.
And, just your luck, your English block happened to take place during Mr. Wastaken’s prep period. 
“Right, everyone, today’s a work day, finish up anything you need to for this class, or another, and I’ll put on a movie.” Mr. NotFound said as soon as everyone was seated. 
Ten minutes into the movie the teacher had left, and you pulled up the group chat.
(y/n): Mr. NotFound has yet again suspiciously left during class. 
Purp: sus
Purp: just went by WasTaken’s room
Purp: he’s not there
BooBoy: I saw him down in the science hall ten minutes ago
BeEs: Science hall is oposite to English isn’t it
(y/n): yeah it is
BooBoy: very sus
Purp: I swear their having an affair
BeEs: defintly a lesbian
BeEs: *leassion
BeEs: lesion
BeEs: le-a-zon
BeEs: you know what I mean!
BooBoy: take your time Tubbo
You chuckled quietly, putting your phone down to look back up at the movie on the screen. 
Spanish: Mr. Dream (its mexican dream lol)
“AYYYY kids!”
You groaned as your Spanish teacher burst into the room.
“What is with this guy?” Tommy muttered. 
“ayy man not cool.” Mr. Dream said. 
“Mr. Dream your ten minutes late!” Someone pointed out. 
“SHut up man. And I told you just call me Mexican Dream!” The teacher said. 
You frowned, “That doesn’t make sense, theres no way your first name is ‘mexican’.” 
“Well its not,” He explained, “But its cause I’m the Mexican version of that math teacher!” 
“Why couldn’t I have taken French like Boo and Purp?” Tommy asked the ceiling quietly.
~~ Home ec: Miss Nihachu
The last block of the day was always the best, but not just because school would be over soon. 
There were three main reasons why everyone agreed it was the best. 
1. Miss Nihachu was the nicest teacher in school
2. baking was done often, and everyone always got to take some home
3. it was the one class you, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled all had together. 
Soon your found yourself crowded into one of the tiny kitchen areas with all your friends, as Miss Nihachu gave instructions. 
“Now, if you make a mess you will be cleaning it up! I’m looking at your kitchen a!” She said, half threateningly.
Ranboo pushed away from the group, “I’m not with them I swear!” 
Miss Nihachu rolled her eyes playfully, “Sure your not.” 
Surprisingly, a mess was not fully made. 
Somehow between Tommy wanting to taste the cookie dough at every step from butter to flour, Tubbo trying to add as many chocolate chips as he could, and Purpled all but refusing to move from where he was sitting on the counter, you and Ranboo managed to get the cookies into the oven with no real disasters. 
As you wiped down the empty counter space you sighed, “That wasn’t too bad.” 
“Yeah.” Tubbo agreed. 
Tommy only nodded, still eating the large glob of cookie dough he’d stolen. 
Ten minutes before the bell rang and when everyone was supposed to be finishing cleaning up you sniffed the air suspiciously, “Why do I smell burning?” 
Tubbo took a deep breath, “I smell it too.”
“Oh yeah, something is definitly burning.” Ranboo agreed. 
You whirled to face Purpled, who was absently scrolling through his phone, “Purp you did set a timer right?” 
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Sass Queen
(A/N): This was requested by an anon, I hope you like it :)
Summary: First day of middle school and the first thing Spencer's daughter learns is sass. How are the team and her father going to react?
Warnings: Sass
Wordcount: 1.3k
✨Masterlist✨ ___________________________________
Anybody, who has ever seen Doctor Spencer Reid to his fullest, knows that he is a human reincarnation of a teddy bear. Well his daughter is just the same two goodie good shoes. Both of them are so innocent, whenever somebody makes a slightly naughty joke they are the only ones with confused looks on their faces. Penelope gushes over that more often than not.
“Do you have everything? Lunchbox, notebooks, schedule and pens?” Spencer lists off, seemingly more nervous than (Y/N) herself. After all, today is her first day of middle school. The thought that his child is growing up isn’t exactly sitting right with the doctor, but he knows that this is an important part of her life. It’s when the body begins to change and puberty hits you in the face with a chair.
“And you are a hundred percent sure you don’t want me to take you? Because Hotch won’t have a problem with me coming in a few minutes late.” But she shakes her head vehemently. “I’m a thousand percent sure. Dad, it’s middle school. I’m not a toddler anymore. Also, today is the day where the social dynamics are determined. I can’t be late, so I gotta go. Love you!” After a quick peck on her father’s cheek (Y/N) is out of the door, not giving him the opportunity to explain to her that all of these tween movies are nonsense.
Now her commute to school isn’t long, but the building is far enough away for her to get antsy. Countless shows and movies she watched with her Aunt Penelope taught her that today is the day where it’s decided whether or not she counts to the popular kids.
(Y/N) biggest problem is her being shy to no end. Asking a teacher for help in order to understand an assignment seems impossible to her. The shame that she says something wrong or she embarasses herself would be too much. So how on earth is the girl supposed to seem cool enough to sit with the other cool kids?
That question haunts her the whole day until lunch. Before the bell rings indicating their break, the class played a few get-to-know-each-other-games and filled some paper works for the teachers to evaluate their level of education.
Indecisively (Y/N) stands in the cafeteria, a tray with her meal in her hands. “Hey twat, don’t you know where to sit?” A girl approaches her. One glance is enough to know that she is Heather of middle school.
“Uhm, ye- no- I don’t know?” Is her not so eloquent answer. ‘Heather’ laughs. “Ah, I see. You are a newbie. You can sit with me and my friends, they will surely love you. What’s your name?”
“(Y/N), I am in Miss Huber's class.” “Oh, she is a nice one, be good to her. I’m Natalie and it’s my last year in this hellhole. You know what? I thought yesterday ‘Hey I’m in eighth grade now, it’s time to teach someone so my legacy will be kept up’ and now I decided you are my little protegee. Ok, so screw lunch with the others, I need to give you a crash course in how to be me.”
The remaining time Natalie uses to ‘teach’ (Y/N) the basics. “Ok, so to be like me, you need to stand up for yourself. No offence, but you don’t look like you are able to do that. This is the reason why I’ll give you some to go phrases to defend yourself in situations you don’t like to be in. Also I suggest you to just use them as often as you can, because everybody close to you should know not to mess with you, especially your parents.”
With Natalie by her side she is sure to become one of the popular girls and never will be messed with. The girl is ecstatic to come to the BAU and put her new learned skill to action.
“Hey, Baby Reid is back. I was afraid you forgot about us now that you are all grown up and going to middle school”, Derek greets her with the biggest smile. “I could never forget about you all, old man.”
It seems like the whole bullpen stops in its motion. It’s not that “old man” is a particular mean name, but hearing some sort of insult from the sweet goodie shoes is something they witnessed for the first time.
“Oh, I see. Don’t get ahead of yourself, shortcakes. And how was your first day? Do you already have some gossip?” Before she can get out another sassy remark, Spencer shows up.
“Hey Sweetheart. I thought you’ll go home after school. How was it? Did you make any friends?” (Y/N) smiles and nods. “Yes! There is a girl from eight grade, who took me under her wing. I don’t have to worry about being the unpopular one.”
“WONDER BABY! Can you tell me how your day was?” Penelope shouts over all of the people in the bullpen, who are not fazed at all. It’s understandable though, because a screaming Tech Goddess is not a rarity in the BAU.
“I don’t know if I can. Try and make me!” “WHOA!” Emily joins the conversation. “What happened to you? Are you now the new sass queen?”
Before she can stop herself, another snarky reply leaves (Y/N)’s lips. “Sorry, my fault, I forgot that you are an idiot.” This time the whole office goes quiet for real. But the girl doesn’t understand it. She just uses what she was taught today, so why are they so shocked?
Spencer works quickly and takes his daughter into an empty office. “I don’t know what happened, but I don’t want you to keep that attitude up. So why are you acting like that? We can talk it out, you are not in trouble, just tell me what brought this mood over you.”
His serious face confuses her. She just did what she was told to do. “Why are you mad? I’m standing up for myself, Natalie taught me how to do that. She said I’ll continue her legacy, because it’s her last year of middle school and wants someone to honour her. Isn’t that cool? When I defend myself and know how to do it perfectly, nobody is able to mess with me! No bullies and I’ll have the time of my life.”
Her father’s face falls further. “Is this about you being scared of being bullied? Sweetheart, is this why you are so sassy today?” He goes down on his knees to be somewhat the same level of height with her. (Y/N) actively tries to avoid eye contact. “Maybe?” She answers in a high pitched voice, the floor suddenly becoming way more interesting than anything else.
“Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell me? I know what it means to be scared of getting made fun of, I was in the same position once. That’s why we make a deal: Whenever anybody is mean to you in the slightest, tell me. I’ll sort it out with your teachers and the other’s parents. I know, your body and mind are going through major changes and it’s more than scary. Just keep in mind that I’m always here for you. Ok?”
Moved by his concern and speech, (Y/N) throws her arms around him. “Thank you for being so understanding. I’m sorry I was a mean tween, I just thought it would be helpful.” Spencer laughs lightly, a child’s logic never ceases to amuse him.
“It’s not me you have to apologize to, there are other people out there you owe one.” Groaning but understanding she lets go of him, knowing there it’s the only right thing to do. And she does it. Still, everybody is preparing for some oncoming sass in the near future, which is the right thing to do. Teen girls can really be mean.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
Spencer Reid x child!reader:
295 notes · View notes
blessednereid · 3 years
LFLLLL Prologue: Miscommunicated Arguments
Series Masterlist
WC: 4.5k
Taglist: @rogershoe
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗     The Kiss(One Week Later) ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝ ╭╼|══════════|╾╮    Isaac ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
'I don't.'
Those words rang like a siren in Isaac's head for the rest of the day.
He knew. he had already assured himself of it, but he didn't think it was definite until then. He wasn't sure that it wasn't just him being a pessimist until then.
He showed up at your house the next day, but the words still weighed on him like an anvil.
As he laid in your lap and allowed you to play gently with his hair, he couldn't help but imagine a reality where your feelings were different. Where his feelings were reciprocated.
"Isaac?" He heard a voice call out from above him.
"Isaac, did I say something wrong?"
He wanted to tell you the truth, but that would require revealing his feelings which he preferred not to do.
"No, I'm just having an off day."
"I don't know. I feel like I did something wrong, and you're walking on eggshells around me…"
He shook his head as you continued. "-And it kind of sucks."
"I promise you, you did nothing wrong."
"Then why do I feel like-" You paused and sighed. After that, Isaac's two lips were met with yours. They moved slowly against Isaac's, and it wasn't like he had imagined it. It was better.
Isaac pulled away. He felt confused, he felt angry, he felt sadness more than happiness. He felt used.
"Y/n, you can't- I- I gotta go." He ran out of the room before he heard anything the young girl said.
He was confused. He had heard you say to both your dad and Stiles that you didn't like him. He pondered on the idea that you could've been lying before deciding against it.
He walked home, transfixed in his thoughts. When he got to his bed, he tried to do his homework that he was assigned that day, but the encounter with you left his head in a whirl.
╭╼|══════════|╾╮      You ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
You laid there on your bed, staring out of your door and waiting for Isaac to come back.
When you'd sat there for 5 minutes, and no one walked through t was when the intrusive thoughts started.
'You blew it,' they said.
'You shouldn't have done that,' they hollered.
'You already knew he didn't like you. Why did you bother?'
You couldn't call Lydia. She was out with a guy. Ironically, she would drop everything to get you out of a rut, but you didn't want to bother her.
You thought of talking to Stiles, but you knew the first thing he would say would be 'I knew it,' or 'I told you so,' which wasn't what you needed at the moment.
You laid on your bed, scrolling through numerous social media feeds on your phone. The movie you and Isaac were watching became background noise in the wind.
You tried calling Isaac to explain what happened, but it went straight to voicemail. Every text you sent him was left on 'Delivered,' and you knew he was ignoring you.
You walked over to Stiles' room and knocked on his door.
"Stiles," you sniffled as you knocked.
He opened the door with a concerned face. "What's wrong, baby sis?"
You chuckled. "I'm the older one, Sti.
You paused for a breath. "Stiles, I messed up."
He squinted in confusion but allowed you to explain.
"I kissed him…"
"Isaac?" You nodded.
"And he didn't like me back." You fell into his arms, and he wrapped a hand around your back and placed the other on your head.
He pulled you into the room to sit on his bed.  
"What do you mean he didn't like you back?"
"He ran out the house, and now he's ignoring me…"
He sighed and clenched his fists.
"Y/n, listen to me. He does like you."
"No, he doesn't," you argued. "If he did, he wouldn't have run out."
He winced with frustration. "He told me himself, he likes you."
You sniffed. "He did?"
"Well… not exactly." You raised your eyebrow. "He didn't say a name."
"You were gonna get my hopes up on a maybe?" you cackled. "Stiles, he probably likes someone else."
"Why would he come to me then?"
Another raised eyebrow from you was what he garnered at that.
"Isaac came to me for advice about a girl he liked. It was obviously you since I'm your brother, and I know you best."
"What did he ask exactly, Stiles?"
He squinted as if to remember before speaking. "Oh, he wanted to know how to get rid of feelings for a girl he liked… oh."
Your face fell at his words. "That doesn't sound like he wanted to like me, Stiles. Which probably means he doesn't like me!"
You started crying, and Stiles wrapped his arms around you. You fell asleep within a few minutes but had no dreams, happy or otherwise.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗  School: Confessions ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
When you arrived at school the next day, you told Lydia about your issue. However, you didn't tell her (she figured out anyways by Isaac's reaction) that you didn't follow her plan.
"I'm not like you, Lydia. I can't just do things like that without clamming up. And you know what happens when I clam up."
She sighed, and you both walked to class without talking. You had Mrs. Goldblatt first, so you could speak to Isaac when you got in the class.
But, things never go the way you plan, do they?
When you walked in, Isaac was in another seat, three people in front of you, and Madison Zabka was in his place. She clearly was as fond of the swap as you were as she was glancing menacingly at the back of his head with a scowl on her face.
You paused to look at him, and Lydia stopped too before realizing why. He wouldn't meet your eyes, much like when you two were first partnered together.
You didn't want to call attention to him, but you pleaded with your eyes for him to look at you. When, after a minute or two, he hadn't moved his sight, you went to your seat.
You and Lydia made modifications to your class seating arrangements so that you could sit together. Madeline Zabka moved with her sister, and Danny moved to sit next to Isaac so that you could sit with Lydia.
When your teacher walked into the room, she did a once-over of all the students and seating placements.
"Get. In Your. Chairs… NOW!" She said each word with force, which made you all dash to get in your seats. Of course, you all ended up back in the same seatings you self-assigned by making her think you moved.
"I wasn't born last night. You have five seconds to get in your chairs!"
This time, you all got out of your seats and went back to your assigned arrangements.
You tapped on Isaac's arm once. Twice. Three times. He still wouldn't respond to you.
"If you would just talk to me, I could know what I did and apologize."
Isaac remained silent as Mrs. Goldblatt demonstrated the lesson.
When the bell rang, you ran out of the classroom before Isaac could even pack all his stuff and hid in the nearest broom closet.
You waited to see Isaac pass by you in the hall to pull him into the small room.
His eyes met yours for half a second and then darted to the ceiling.
"I'm not letting you leave until you talk to me." He remained silent.
"We've played this game before, Isaac. It's not fun anymore."
You sighed. "Since you won't talk, I will. I really like you. And as much as I tried to keep our friendship the same way, I can't look at you and not want something more."
You now had his attention.
"I don't know what made me kiss you in that specific moment, but I know it's all I've wanted to do for over a week." You thought about what you said before continuing. "Which is not that much of a long time, but to me, it was, so..."
You thought the last part would make him chuckle, but it just seemed to make him even angrier.
"Y/n, I don't know what you thought this 'explanation' would do, but the bell already rang, and I'm late for class. So, can I go, please? Because, last I checked, you can't get me an excuse that my teacher will accept for why I'm late."
You frowned at his words, but he didn't take notice as he pushed past you and into the hallway.
╭╼|══════════|╾╮    Isaac ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
When Isaac reached his classroom, he apologized to his teacher for being tardy and sat next to Dillon.
"Hey, man."
"Dillon, I need a distraction."
Dillon squinted. "A what?"
"A girl that I can hang out with who, 1. Won't end up liking me because 2. I can't end up getting feelings for her," Isaac said, quite plainly as if it was the most normal thing ever.
"That is the most fucked up thing you have ever said to me!"
Isaac sighed. "Look, I just need to get over Y/n."
"What? Didn't you say she kissed you? What happened?"
"I don't know, she pulled me into this closet, and… the shit she said just made me feel like it's all a prank."
"Oh my god, Isaac! How do you know?"
He scoffed. "How do you know, Dillon? How do you know that I'm not going to put my heart out there to that-" He wanted to say goddess but didn't want to come off too strongly. "-to Y/n, and then it ends up being a prank?"
"Whatever, I know this girl. She needs a tutor, and she has a boyfriend so, she won't end up falling for you."
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗       Library(One Week Later) ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
╭╼|══════════|╾╮    You ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
You and Lydia were walking down the aisles of the library. You were supposed to find a book with words that you didn't know, write down all of their meanings and write a summary using those words. Though, between Lydia's genius mind and Stiles' spouts of random knowledge at dinner, there weren't many words in a high school library that you and Lydia didn't know.
"Yeah, Lyds, did you hear what Gracie was saying about you?"
"No," she said simply. "And, I don't really care. I do care about you and Isaac, though. You haven't updated me on that."
You rolled your eyes. "That's because there isn't anything to update on."
She pursed her lips. "Of course there is," she said. "As long as you two are alive, there should be something to update on, babe."
"Well, there isn't because he ghosted me." You had been sulking for the past week because of your abandonment. You still hadn't figured out what you did that made Isaac so angry to make him ignore you.
"So, how are you getting over it?"
"I'm not."
She rolled her eyes this time. "Well, I'll get my own info, ‘cause there he is."
You and Lydia peered slightly over the hidden protection of the shelf to look at the scene. Isaac was sitting at a table in the library with none other than Gracie Cooper.
"Oh, that dog."
They were giggling, but the books that were splayed across the table made it look like they were studying.
"I'm being… replaced?"
"Technically, he was never yours, babes."
You scoffed. "I mean as a study partner, Lydia!"
"Were you guys really doing much studying?"
"LYDIA!" you exclaimed, and Lydia shushed you before you got caught.
"Move back one aisle and forwards, I wanna hear!"
You did what she said and moved back to the first aisle that they couldn't see you from and closer towards the studying pair.
"Thanks again for helping me, Isaac!"
"It was really no problem, Grace. I needed this about as much as you."
The mousy girl squinted. "To...tutor someone?"
He laughed. "Something like that."
"So have you tutored anyone before?"
"Wow! You seem so good at this… study partner?"
"Not any I want to talk about."
His statement made you frown, but it completely offended Lydia, even though she wasn't who he was talking about.
"Rude!" she uttered.
"Lyds, let's just get out of here."
"No, I wanna- Oh, shit!"
You turned to where she was looking and saw Gracie and Isaac ‘sucking each other's faces off' as Lydia would put it. Isaac was putting more passion into the kiss than you'd ever seen him give for anything. Your heart shattered but, you weren't going to let it get you down.
"Lydia, know how I said I wasn't getting over it?"
She turned to you and uncrossed her arms. "Yeah."
"Fuck that. Do you have an ex-hookup you can set me up with?"
She gasped. "Y/n, you've never wanted me to do that before!"
"Drastic times call for drastic measures."
"Yay! I have the perfect person for you. But I need to ask. Are you doing this to move on, or are you doing this so that Isaac isn't the only one kissing other people?"  She had a look of sincerity on her face, and you could tell she didn't want you getting hurt.
"Doesn't Gracie have a boyfriend?"
"Yes, but don't avoid the question."
"Maybe both. Lydia, I just need a distraction.
╭╼|══════════|╾╮    Isaac ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
Gracie kissed Isaac, and he didn't know how to process it. All he could think about during the kiss was you, like a do-over. But it wasn't you. It was Gracie. And from that, he knew that he still liked you and couldn't continue to lead the girl on.
"Look, Gracie," he said while watching her face fall.
"I'm really sorry about this, but I'm not interested in relationships at the moment."
She smirked. "Oh, I know. But, Y/n is always the talk of the school no matter what, and everyone knows how she set her eyes on you before realizing you were not worth it-"
"Wait, what?"
"And, how better to show her you're doing fine than to start dating her ‘rival' as she would say."
Isaac frowned. "I don't know."
"C'mon, I know for a fact that she was jealous of that little show you put on."
Isaac decided to play into her game for a little while. "How?"
"The look on her face right now," she leered. "Don't look."
Isaac did as she said and resisted the urge to look, but now he was more aware of the eyes piercing into the back of his head.
He collected himself before continuing. "Gracie, this is… nice of you and all, but don't you have a boyfriend?"
"Expendable," she stated simply.
Isaac began packing up his books. "Thanks, I mean, you're a great girl, but no thanks, sorry."
Isaac wasn't really sorry. He would've felt worse if he'd thought the girl actually liked him, but it was a power play for her, and he didn't like being used.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗     Russo's Italian Restaurant ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
╭╼|══════════|╾╮    You ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
You were dressed in a maroon velvet strapless dress that reached past your mid-thigh and accentuated your natural assets. You paired it with black wedges that made you just an inch or two taller and a black handbag to finish the look.
Earlier, there had been a debacle with your dad about your outfit, and he told you to go change when your date was already at the front door.
"So, Brett…" He flashed a toothy grin, but you felt out of place.
"What made you want to go out with me?"
"Well, Lydia called and said that you were looking for a date, and I always thought you were pretty," he said while still flashing his grin.
"But, do you even know me?"
"No… but that's the point of a date, right?"
He was right. And it made you realize you were only holding back because you weren't ready to let Isaac go.
"Okay, Mr. Talbot. Entice me. What do you do for fun?"
He chuckled, and you admired his mirth. "Funny, you ask. I play lacrosse for Devenford Prep. In fact, last year… You thought I fouled a kid, and you said," he paused before continuing in a quieter voice. "‘Ref! That was a foul, you freaking cheat!' I've never heard anyone kiddie swear so passionately."
You rolled your eyes. "I did do that, didn't I?"
Once you both calmed down from chuckling, Brett fired away his question.
"So, how did you, a freshman, become captain of the cheerleading team?"
You sighed proudly at the memory. "Lydia and I were sick of the lack of girls' extracurriculars. And, before you say that girls can play lacrosse and guys can do cheer- I know. But I'm talking about sports that are targeted to the feminine demographic."
He chuckled but allowed you to finish.
"So we marched to the Principal's office and asked if he would let us start our own cheerleading club. I talked to my dad, and he put a word in that coaching high school sports teams is a volunteering activity for college credit. So we got a coach from a local gym, and here we are."
He awed at your statement, which made you smile as well. "Anyone ever told you that you have a pretty smile, Brett?"
"Only everyone to ever see it," he smirked.
"Did they tell you that you're a smug ass too?"
You both burst out laughing before a waiter came to get your drinks.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗   Stilinski Front Porch ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
"Haha! Thanks, Brett. I had a fun time tonight."
He smiled before removing his hand from the small of your back and turning to face you.
"I had fun too."
You both leaned in for a kiss, and while you thought for a second that your dad was going to open the door to interrupt, it ended up being Stiles.
You and your date sighed before saying your goodbyes and leaving you to walk in the house.
"You're welcome."
You scowled. "For what? You ruined my kiss?"
"Okay. A. You don't need a kiss after every date. It's a movie cliche. And, B. I saved you from kissing a guy you don't really want to kiss."
You raised a brow, prompting Stiles to elaborate.
"You want to kiss Isaac. Isaac doesn't want to kiss you. Isaac kisses another girl. You get revenge by going out with Brett Talbot, fully knowing that it'll be all over Cyclones Shade Room by tomorrow," he said while making vomit faces at both of their names.  
"Okay, Okay! You've figured out my master plan, Stiles. Except! I actually like Brett," you protested.
"But not the way you liked Isaac?"
You groaned and tilted your head back. "Stiles, STOP! I just want to move on. Yes, I liked Isaac. But he doesn't like me, and I'm not going to wait for him to start."
You ran up the stairs before Stiles got another word in and crawled in bed. After changing your clothes, of course.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗ School: Confrontation ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Stiles dropped you off in front of the school building on Monday before going off to find Scott.
When you walked in, all that anyone was talking about was your date with Brett on Saturday.
'They would be a real power couple,' they said. 'They look so good together,' they murmured. 'I don't know who I'm jealous of,' they whispered.
You tried to ignore all the lingering gazes and hushed words as you walked through the hallway towards your locker that bordered Lydia's.
"Hey, Lyds."
She smirked before turning to you. "Don't look, but Lahey is totally giving you look 5."
You wanted to ask what it was, but she beat you to it. "The jealousy look, babes."
"Oh, I don't care."
Lydia frowned. "What do you mean? I thought this was for revenge."
"No, Lydia. It was for me to move on. And I'm doing that."
"I don't think he wants you to. He's coming over here."
"Well then, I have to be over there," you said before turning to walk towards your first class. Granted, it was with Isaac. However, the first quarter was over, so you and Lydia were free to sit together and away from Isaac.
╭╼|══════════|╾╮    Both ╰╼|══════════|╾╯
Isaac got to class and saw that you weren't in your assigned seat. He looked around and saw you sat with Lydia before he realized you were avoiding him.
He had heard all the rumors about your date with Brett Talbot, and he felt… replaced. Which was weird because he was the one who tried to get rid of his feelings for you, and then ignoring you when you reciprocate those feelings, and then trying to replace you.
He knew he shouldn't be angry about you moving on when he ignored you for over two weeks, but there was something about the entire thing that felt wrong to him.
That should be him with you in that picture. It should be him having dinner with you at Italian restaurants and being constantly reminded by your dad to bring you home on time. He wanted to have that with you. To him, Brett was living Isaac's vivid daydreams, and he was going to do something about it.
Around lunch, Isaac did the most ballsy thing he's ever done. One that he could probably get expelled for.
He went up to the front office and told the attendant that there was a Postmate's order for you at the front office.
The attendant called you to the front office, and while you were awaiting your dad's face, you were met with Isaac's.
You scoffed at the sight before turning around to go back to the cafeteria.
"Y/n, wait!"
You simply clenched your jaw and kept walking.
"Ethan and Sarah!"
You skidded as you stopped, took a breath, and turned around.
"Ethan and Sarah. The one who embraces how they feel for the other. And then, there's the one who still is confused about their feelings for the other person.
"But they both have special powers when they're together- Look. I don't know where I was going with that analogy, but I got your attention," he said before walking to you. He grabbed your hands the same way you did to his at the carnival.
"I was an idiot. I am an idiot. I don't know why I did what I did, but I'm sorry-"
You cut him off. "Isaac, you're only saying this now that I'm moving on. Did you just expect me to wait for you to get your shit together?"
"No, but… Seeing that you're actually moving on made me realize I'm not ready to let you go. I don't want to lose you."
"What about what I want?" you scolded. "You basically abandoned me and didn't give me a reason why. And what about Gracie Cooper?"
"I've seen what losing people you love can do to you personally, and since my mom died, I never wanted to put myself in a position where that could happen to me. And Gracie kissed me. I don't like her the way I like you."
You sniffled. "You could've told me that. And even so, if that's the case, why are you here now?"
He gave a small smile before he spoke. "Because I'm in love with you?"
You shook your head and groaned. "You don't get to do this, Isaac. You haven't spoken to me for close to a month. I thought you were my friend-"
"I am!"
"Friends don't do what you did. I kissed you, and you made me feel like I gave you the plague."
He bowed his head. "I wasn't ready to accept my feelings. Especially when you kissed me after I'd just heard you tell your dad that you didn't like me. I thought it was just a big joke."
You closed your eyes firmly to keep from screaming at him.
"I only have two things to say to that.
"1. Did you ever stop to think maybe I wasn't ready to accept it either, and that's why I told my dad that? Did you stop to think that I didn't want to ruin our friendship on a 'maybe,' so I shoved my own feelings aside?"
That sent a pang to Isaac's chest, but you weren't done with your rant.
"2. I shared things with you that I haven't shared with some of my closest friends. I talked to you about my mom. I showed you that my favorite shows to watch are on Disney Channel. I let myself be vulnerable around you. If you think I would kiss you as a joke, you never knew me, Isaac."
He looked down at your conjoined hands. "You didn't pull away. You never do. Unlike me. It's one of the things I love about you. The only thing is, I don't want to pull away anymore, Y/n."
You tilted your head to analyze his expression, and you saw genuine honesty and… fear(?) in his face.
He avoided eye contact with you, but you saw that his eyes were widened, and his pupils were dilated.
"If you break my heart, Lahey...Stiles, Lydia, and I'll each break different limbs on your body." He chuckled at your statement before leaning in towards your face.
You pulled away.
"Too soon?"
"No, not at all," you said before leaning towards him to peck his lips.
"I was just getting the do-over for my first kiss."
His eyes widened in shock. "What? I was-" You nodded.
"I'm so-"
"As I said, break my heart, and I'll hurt you."
He leaned in and kissed you once more before pulling away to walk to the cafeteria.
"Where are you going?"
He grinned. "Lunch, I'm hungry."
"Speaking of, you better buy me lunch since you made me miss half of it."
You both chuckled before walking to the cafeteria.
You told Lydia to explain to Brett that you couldn't continue going out with him, which he understood, and offered to remain friends.
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗                 Present Day ╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
You could see why Lydia was mad. You were angry when it happened, and Lydia, who has known you and been there for you for over 7 years, surely would be as well.
She wasn't hating on the fact that you were happy. She was truly happy for you, but she also wanted to protect you. Even if he had made amends, Isaac had hurt you. Lydia had always been the one to stand by you no matter what.
So, you could see why she acted the way that she did. You realized that she felt as though she was being replaced by someone who had hurt you. And while you rushed to defend Isaac, you had been ruining your relationship with your best friend, and you didn't even care at that moment.
You had to make things right. But first, you had to get through this dinner.
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Parent Trap
Part 1
A/N: It’s here yall. The Marcus Moreno x Reader Parent Trap AU. There are some swears. Some point of view switching but I note it in bold. 
‘Thoughts’ “Speak” 
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The Hero:
Marcus Moreno was in the middle of meeting with the Heroics. Going over assignments, and potential threats to be on the lookout. He was listening to Miracle Guy talk about something ridiculous when his cellphone went off. He glanced down, and his eyes widen in surprised. It was Missy’s school.
He quickly answered it, saying, “Hello?”
“Hello, Mr. Moreno? This is Principal O’Shaughnessy. If you could please come down to the school, as soon as possible. There’s been an incident involving your daughter and two other students,” Came an older male voice.
“I’m on my way,” Marcus got up and rushed out, not caring that he left in the middle of a meeting.
The Artist:
Y/N Graves was a simple woman. She worked as artist, which meant she was often home, elbow deep into whatever project she was working on currently. That was where she was when her phone rang.
She dropped her paint brush to answer it with a cheery, “‘Ello?”
“Miss Graves, this is Principal O’Shaughnessy, your daughter Artemis? Was involved in an incident at school with two other students. If you could please come as soon as possible,” Came a man’s voice.
“Be there soon,” She hung up, quickly cleaning her brushes before she left.
She hopped into her car and drove to the school; thankful it was only a couple blocks away. She made her way inside and to the principal’s office. She stops short when she sees her daughter standing near another little girl, with long curly black hair and dark eyes. Before noticing the third kid, a boy, who was sitting in a plastic chair, with a black eye and tissues up his nose to stop the bleeding.
“What the fu—frick?” She whispered taking in everything with slight horror.
Artemis giggled softly at her almost swearing. She goes to say something to her when she felt someone crash into her from behind. She stumbled forward trying to regain her balance. She turned around to yell but stopped.
“Marcus?” She asked staring at a face she hadn’t seen in years.
“Shade?” He parroted calling her by her nickname, one she hadn’t heard in years.
She then asked, “Please tell me that one is not yours,” pointing at the boy.
“No. The other one behind you,” Marcus said with a chuckle.
Before they could say much more a woman with dyed hair, lululemons and a tank top came in, her voice high-pitched with outrage at the sight of her kid.
“What happened to my baby!?” She screeched out.
The Principal cleared his throat at that time, to gain everyone’s attention. Shade moved over to stand by her daughter, as Marcus did the same.
“Mrs. Delaney, it appears that your son was bullying, Miss Moreno here. Miss Moreno tried to walk away from him several times, but your son continued to follow her, and even began shoving her. That was when Miss Graves stepped in, and punched your son,” Mr. O’Shaughnessy explained reading off an incident report.
“Or at least that was what stated from the teacher’s watching. Miss Moreno, would you like to tell us what happened?” He directed his attention to Marcus’ daughter.
“Tommy was teasing me about not having active powers. He kept saying mean things like ‘oh your dad must be disappointed in having a lame daughter.’ And stuff like that. I tried to walk away from him several times, but he wouldn’t leave me alone. Artemis came over and told him to go away. When he didn’t, she punched him, telling him to leave me alone,” Missy recounted staring at the ground.
“What lies! My Tommy would never! I hope you plan on punishing them!” Mrs. Delaney exclaimed angrily.
Shade rolled her eyes to the high heavens and stared at this dramatic woman, pointedly.
“My daughter defended her friend. Against a bully. If anyone should be punished, it should be your kid. It’s not our fault you raised an ass,” Shade sassed, crossing her arms.
Mrs. Delaney gasped in exaggerated horror, even going so far as to covering her son’s ears. The girls giggled quietly at her, and Marcus was trying not to laugh.
“Mrs. Graves, if you could please refrain from the foul language. Mrs. Delaney, I have warned you multiple times about Tommy’s behaviors. This is the last straw. He will be suspended for 2 weeks. As for Miss Graves, seeing as this is your first offense, you will get a warning. I do not tolerate fighting on school grounds, got it?” Mr. O’Shaughnessy cut in.
Mrs. Delaney grabbed her son, muttering something ‘I have never..’  and left.
The kids still have a couple hours left of class, but the principal gave them permission to leave early if they wished. The girls went and got their bags and whatever assignments they were going to miss for the day. Marcus and Shade stood outside by the entrance waiting for them.
The Kids:
Missy looked over at Artemis and asked, “So. You saw our parents act weird when they saw each other right?”
Artemis nodded as she grabbed her jacket and bag. “They clearly know each other. Did you see the way they looked at each?”
“All goo-goo eyed? Yes! I haven’t seen my dad look like that since…” Missy trailed off, thinking in her head, ‘since before my mom passed away.’
Artemis, who had made fast friends with Missy when she moved here a month ago, knew what she was thinking of. Artemis reached out and held her hand, giving it a small squeeze. Missy smiled at her in response and the 2 of them walked out to their parents.
Artemis looked at her mom and Missy’s dad and got an idea, “Mom, can we go get ice cream? I know that fighting is bad and all, but I was defending my friend.”
Her mom sighed, and looked at the two of them, with squinting eyes. She turned to Missy’s dad and said, “What do ya think? Think they’ve earned a treat?”
The Hero:
He looked at the kids and then back at Shade, who had a soft smile. “Sure. Why not?”
The girls cheered and rushed to the cars. “Uh. Pops on 15th St. sound good?” He asked.
“That place still exists? Damn,” Shade chuckled looking off to the side. “Uh. Yeah. Pops sounds good to me. See ya there in a minute.”
Marcus smiled, lightly biting his lip before making his way to his car, as Shade did the same.
Missy was already in the backseat, buckled up and ready to go. The drive to Pops was a quick 10 minutes, and as they made there way inside, they noticed Shade and Artemis hadn’t arrived yet, so they took a seat in a booth. Missy insisted that she sit on the outside, and Marcus complied with a shake of his head.
He heard the door opened and looked up to see Shade standing there and he was thrown back to all the times he took her here on a date. She was still just as beautiful as he remembered her.
The Artist:
As Shade stepped inside, she was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Pops still looked the same as it did when she was a teenager. She finds Marcus easy enough; he too looked a little dazed at being back here.
Her and Artemis go to join them, Artemis insisting to sit on the outside as well. Shade rolled her eyes and allowed it this one time.
The waitress came up and took their orders. 15 minutes passed and soon 4 milkshakes, 2 large and 2 kids sized in to-go cups, were set in front of them. The girls grabbed theirs and ran off to sit at another table, giggling.
“I feel like we are being set-up,” Shade whispered with a raised eyebrow.
“Possibly,” Marcus agreed, before clearing his throat.
“So. How.. How have you been?” He asked awkwardly.
“Been pretty good. I see you’ve been busy,” She quietly teased nodding to his wedding ring.
“Oh! Um. Yeah. But… uh… not,” He stammered trying to respond.
Shade gave him a look of sudden realization, “How long?”
“About 6 years. Cancer,” He answered lowly not wanting Missy to hear.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I bet she was wonderful,” She said with a sad smile.
“She was. Umm. Ahem. What about you? Ever get married or got someone special waiting at home?” he asked trying to redirect the attention off of him.
“Nope. Uh. Had a boyfriend for a couple years. He left the day I told him I was pregnant. So. It’s been just the 2 of us ever since,” Shade explained after taking a long sip from her milkshake.
“Then he didn’t deserve either of you,” Marcus replied, his voice soft.
Shade smiled, looking down to hide her face.
She cleared her throat and noticed out of the corner of her eye, Missy and Artemis were watching them intently.
“Marcus… I think our kids are trying to set us up,” She muttered. “Glance over at them casually.”
Marcus does so and sees the two of them trying to act nonchalantly but were very much keeping an eye on them.
He chuckled, “No. They’re just.. Concerned. They’re best friends who want to make sure we get along.”
“Mh. I don’t know. My kid can be quite devious. Her favorite movie is The Parent Trap. Well. Next to The Mummy,” Shade wasn’t convinced.
Marcus laughed at that and stared at her softly.
“Not gonna lie… I’ve missed you,” Marcus admitted.
“I missed you as well. Maybe um.. Maybe we can set up a day to catch up?” Shade offered hopeful.
“I’d like that, maybe Saturday? We can leave the kids with my mom for the day. We can… go to the park or that café you like so much? Well. If you still like it that is,” Marcus rambled slightly.
“I do. Sounds like a date,” Shade said confirming the idea.
They exchanged numbers and finished their shakes, before rounding up their kids.
She waved goodbye to him as they parted ways.
Artemis was bouncing up and down in her seat.
“Clearly, you are having a sugar overload, guess we need to work that off,” Shade stated, shaking her head.
“No. Just happy. How do you know Mr. Moreno, mama?” Artemis asked as they began to drive off.
“We dated in high school, and through a good portion of college,” Shade explained glancing back at her through the rear-view mirror.
“Oh. Why did you break up?” Artemis asked curiously.
“He was becoming a pretty famous Heroic and I was making a name for myself in the art field. We drifted. We hardly ever saw each other and when we did, we argued a lot. So, we figured it was better if we broke up,” Shade acknowledged with a sad sigh.
“But… you still like him? And he clearly likes you?” Artemis questioned, looking confused.
“Yes. I do still like him, and how do you know he likes me?” Shade countered with a grin.
“He stared at you like Rick does when he sees Evy,” Artemis said matter of factly, referencing The Mummy.
Shade laughed at how seriously she said that. ‘Kids.’
The Hero:
Missy looked at her dad and smiled at the dreamy face he was making.
“You like her?” Missy asked with a silly smile.
“I do. Does that bother you? Me liking someone?” Marcus asked worriedly.
“Dad. I don’t think mom would be mad if you moved on. I just want you to be happy. You work so much to make me happy and when you’re not with me, you’re saving the world. I think you deserve to be happy too,” Missy assured hugging him.
“When did you get so smart?” He asked, returning the hug.
“I learned from you, duh,” She answered cutely.
“Now you’re just sucking up. C’mon. Let’s go home. I have a lot of explaining to do for running out in the middle of a meeting,” Marcus said as the two of them hopped into the car.
“Also. I hope you know… I have never been disappointed in you not having active powers. You’re my daughter and I love you so much. Your power is far more special than being able to fly or run fast.” He mentioned looking back at her.
Missy nodded her head muttering, “I love you too. Thank you.”
The Kids:
That night, Missy and Artemis texted one another, concocting a plan to get their parents together. Their plan was slightly devious, but it was their parents own good. They just hoped it would work.
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dumbasscorn · 3 years
Exothermic : chapter ten
Amalthea vs the Fever
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"God no, Uley. I just wanted you to stay the hell away from me if you're sick."
previous chapter 
987 words 
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Amalthea Swan had been a student at Forks High School for a week when she finally received her first weekend to herself. She no longer had any unpacking to do, having done that all throughout the week rather than the homework assigned.
It was a Sunday afternoon and Thea was burrowed under a blanket, watching a cartoon on tv as she nursed a bowl of strawberry ice-cream. Her thoughts were turned away from how Jerry would piss Tom off in the episode when she received a text message from Trevor Uley.
'Hey I feel like ass. I can't make it to school tomorrow. Just bring me the papers the teacher gives us for the project after school. I'll text you my address in the morning, my brain refuses to think.'
Thea groaned into her mouthful of ice-cream, replying to the text message with 'if i get your gross ass sickness i will be beating your ass.'
Trevor then spammed her phone with heart emoticons, clarifying at the end that all of them were absolutely necessary in order for his illness to be cured.
Locking her phone and throwing it on the cushion at the end of the couch she laid upon, Thea remembered that Uley wasn't feeling well on Friday and probably isn't lying so he can ditch school.
In history, Amalthea and Trevor sat in the back of the class, bickering quietly about whether or not she would attend Jackson's first game at the end of the month. Thea claimed she was a busy ass person, as Trevor argued that Son deserves his parents love and support! To which Mal knocked him on the back of the head, earning a scolding from the teacher who spoke about due dates for the project they had been assigned on Monday.
Once Mr. Huber turned back to the white board, Amalthea turned toward the Uley boy with her two brows pulled together.
Discreetly whispering toward his ear, she had asked why his head was so hot, and if he had a fever.
"Worried 'bout me, are we, Mal? Awe! I knew you cared!" Trevor spoke aloud, - which earned himself a detention from the teacher who seemed to run out of patience- hand on his heart as he frowned in adoration.
"God no, Uley. I just wanted you to stay the hell away from me if you're sick." Thea spoke just as loud, causing for the history teacher to purse his lips together so tightly that they started to go white.
"Detention! Both of you! All you do is talk, hush up and pay attention! This project will be a quarter of your grade. You need to focus. Considering you both are partners, I suggest you two face forward and quit speaking to one another until I tell you to do so. Next time I hear a peep out of either of you, you're out of the room!" Huber spoke harshly, face going beet red in irritation.
"Gotcha, teach'. Just for you, I'll ignore the buffoon." Amalthea nodded, aiming a thumbs up toward the agitated teacher.
"Buffoon? Buffoon! I am not a buffoon, Swan!"
The teacher glared at the two students who had caused for his classroom to erupt in laughter rather than listen to his teachings.
"Out! I'm done with dealing with this. The both of you get yours things and go! Come back Monday for the papers-- leave my classroom!" Mr. Huber harshly spoke at the two teenagers as they both pretended to be sad at the news of being ejected from the room.
The two students left a giggling classroom, silently thanking the other for getting them out of there.
So no, Amalthea did not think that Uley decided to fake an illness. She just hoped that Uley also texted Jackson, not wanting to deal with his worries when tomorrow arises.
Feeling a headache come on from the two pigtails that she put in after waking at eleven in the morning, - her uncle refused to let her first weekend free of school be spent sleeping - Thea released the hair ties from her head of hair.
Running her hands through the scalp of her black tendrils, the teen kept her eyes glued on the television that showed Tom chasing after Jerry in a haste.
Hearing the engine of a car cutting off, Thea sat prepared for her uncle to come inside the door. Charlie entered the threshold with a friend in tow.
Harry Clearwater followed his friend into his home, immediately seeing the mans niece lounging on a small couch in the living room. Spotting the elder that she had never before, Amalthea turned toward her uncle and tilted her head, "You've got friends?"
"Wow Thea, you're so hilarious I almost forgot to laugh." Charlie exaggeratedly smiled widely, gently pushing the girls head.
"Harry, this is my niece Amalthea. Amalthea, this is Harry Clearwater. We stopped by so I could get my fishing gear." Charlie introduced the two, attention on the equipment he was there to collect.
"Amalthea? You wouldn't happen to be the young girl Uley's brother made friends with, would you?" Harry inquired, grinning softly at the girl.
Thea immediately groaned outwardly, hanging her head.
"Sadly, I guess so." She sighed, pushing hair out of her eyes, and met the mans eye line, "He showed me around on Monday so in his eyes we are now - and I quote - besties."
Harry chuckled at the girl, inwardly pitying the teen for having to lose her new friend so soon.
Charlie walked back toward the two, gear in hand. "Kiddo we're gonna head on out. I'll be back in a couple hours, Bella should be upstairs. Call if you need me."
The uncle patted her head, looking into her doe shaped eyes as they shifted toward Harry. The tribe elder nodded toward her, biding her ado.
"See you later Uncle Charlie and Uncle Charlie's fishing friend. Don't drown!"
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I watched the Tom and Jerry movie a couple days ago, have any of you seen it?
My spring break starts on Thursday, so I’ll begin writing new chapters then (except I’m gonna watch new moon first for a refresher lols).
Btw.... we're finally getting into things. ;) Are you ready?
Tag list; @ivettt​ @jjpogueprincess​ @demigodslut​
If you would like to be added to the tag list, please send me an ask or message me! Do the same if you’d like to be removed. :)
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nxrthmizu · 3 years
| snakes | Suna Rintarou
song | Trust Fund Baby - Why Don’t We 
pairing | Suna Rintarou x Reader 
words | 1.8k 
warning(s) | The reader has undertones of someone who’s sort of mean and sadistic? The story also relates the reader to a snake. I like snakes. I think they’re cool. But if you’re scared of snakes and you’re uncomfortable with the idea of being referenced to a snake,,, don’t read, I guess?  
author’s note | I rewrote this five fricking times and I still hate it but I’m not writing this again so have this 
He could feel it radiating off you in waves. Your presence diffused into the gym, alerting every person in the room of your arrival. Attention was drawn to you like moths were drawn to the light, every pair of eyes magnetised to your form by the gym door. 
Kita instantly rushed over to greet you politely, the details of your conversation too far away to be heard. For a brief moment, Suna registered just how well the two of you looked together. 
L/N Y/N, the representative and top student of his class, the newly-elected second-year secretary of the student council. No one doubted that you would take the president position in your third year, not with the ‘perfect student’ image you had going on. 
Kita Shinsuke, also top in grades, captain of the volleyball club, well-liked by the staff and students alike due to his politeness and nature. 
The two of you looked like a perfect imitation of what a modern royalty would be like. A combination of grace, elegance, and a face that was hardly fazed by anything. Something similar to bitterness ate away in the bottom of Suna’s heart as he turned away, muttering about putting more practice into his blocks. 
“What was she looking for you for?” He overheard Aran asking. 
“Oh, she’s filling in some missing information for our club. She came over to clarify some details.” Kita answered easily. 
Suna wasn’t really surprised when a couple third years, belonging to the student council committee- Showed up on the doorsteps of your shared class, asking to see you. Later on, he learned that the entire council body had brought up your name when asked which second-year should be elected as the secretary. You were well-known, even among the third years, as someone who possessed high intellect and organisation abilities, so it wasn’t a shock that your name was the one that nearly everyone suggested. 
If only they knew. 
If only they knew that you weren’t completely that ‘perfect student’ act that you’d put up. 
If only they knew just how cunning, sly, and sarcastic you really were. 
If Suna had to describe you in one word, it would be snake. 
You were the definition of elegance, grace, and beauty. Every movement you made was meticulously calculated and not a single joule of energy was wasted or passed off as inefficiently used. There was never a hair out of place, and your skirt was never creased, no matter how long you had been sitting at your seat. 
Of course, Suna hadn’t always thought of you as a snake. It was only after that one fine summer day in his first year that his perception of you took a 180 turn, revealing to him what you truly were like. 
He had been on his way home, bag slung over his shoulder, when he caught the slight noise that seemed like a whimper. Never one to leave his nose out of someone else’s business, Suna slunk around, careful to stick to the shadows until the shocking sight befell his eyes. 
“So, you’re the one who’s been bullying [your brother’s name]?” The voice that dripped from your lips was distasteful, as if the junior high student that you had cornered in the alley was a filthy peasant compared to your royal status. “You don’t look very fierce now, do you?” 
If sarcasm was an art, then you’d probably be a DaVinci-level expert. He would even go as far as calling you a prodigy. And if there was a championship for the world’s most sarcastic human being, he would instantly sign you up. There was no doubt that you’d take home the no.1 trophy in that category (not that you weren’t already taking home trophies in other competitions, of course, he overheard that you recently dominated an advanced maths competition). 
“I— I’m sorry!” The student shivered under your piercing gaze. “I— I won’t touch him again, I promise—!” 
The laugh you responded with was overly sweet, combined with something from a Disney movie villain. If the movie also, by chance, happened to have ‘horror’ as its’ genre. Your eyes carried a maniacal threat that Suna believed wholeheartedly that you were capable of carrying out. “Bold of you to assume I’d even let you do it again.” You whispered, just loud enough for Suna to catch your words. 
The junior high student scrambled off, too busy getting away to notice Suna by the entrance of the alley. He slipped away before you reappeared at the beginning of the alley, having fixed your hair and flattened your skirt. 
You looked like a snake that had just finished a very satisfying meal. Suna could hardly believe that he had just heard you— the pride and joy of every teacher, the ‘perfect student’— spitting insults and threats at 200 words per minute, all while maintaining a ‘polite’ and ‘sweet’ tone. 
He was a little breathless after the whole ordeal. He could barely imagine what you would say to him if you’d caught him listening— But damn, part of him wanted to find out if he could withstand your literature-form venom. Truly, you were a snake— A creature that could hold its’ elegance even as your tore your prey apart (verbally). 
Suna always liked snakes. 
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with L/N, Kita.” Aran teased, Suna overhearing as he stepped into the locker room for morning practice. Freezing in his tracks, the middle blocker curved right round the bend, staying out of sight. “There’s been a lot of rumours about how nice the two of you look together.” 
The volleyball captain only hummed in response, which, for some reason, pissed the hell out of Suna. 
“Come on, tell me something.” The other third-year complained. “She’s really pretty, I’d totally see why you’d go for her.” 
Something about the situation made Suna’s blood boil. He bit back his rising anger, setting aside the cause for the moment. Why was he getting so riled up? He never cared much about things in general, anyway, so... So why was the image of you and Kita, matching polite smiles on your lips— Why did it make him so furious he had to physically resist the urge to punch a wall? 
“The two of you do look nice together, though.” Aran continued as Suna pushed down the urge to strangle his upperclass-man. “Gives me the vibes of—” 
Before Aran could finish his sentence, the dark-haired middle blocker marched into the locker room, apologising for how loudly he had slammed the door open. “Sorry.” He drawled lazily, restraining the lava-hot anger in his blood. “I pushed too hard.” 
You didn’t even blink, much less jump when Suna appeared abruptly by your desk. Instead, you simply set down your pencil and gave him a warm smile. “Can I help you with something?” 
Ever the helpful class president, Suna bit back to himself. No, no, he wanted you to like him. Not get a bad impression of him. “Do you... Think you could help me with the physics homework?” 
“It’s due tomorrow.” You said slowly, both of you aware that the assignment was well over forty pages. “Have you... Tried it?” 
“Yes.” He answered. “I’ve got a few questions I need help with. Are you free to stay back today?” 
This raised a tentative eyebrow from you. “Don’t you have volleyball practice?” 
Dammit, why did you have to have such a good memory. 
“Academics are more important than the club sometimes.” He shrugged. “I’ve got permission to skip.” No, he didn’t. 
“Alright then. I’ll meet you in the library after school.” 
He watched you through hooded eyes as you reviewed his work. So you did know how to let loose, Suna murmured to himself in amusement, eyeing your untucked blouse and the beige sweater you’d thrown on in a defence against the library’s air-conditioning. 
“You’ve got most of the parts down, which bits do you need help with?” 
The rest of the time was spent going over the questions, your patience filling the silence along with his occasional ‘ohs’. Your handwriting flooded through his homework in neat rows, providing an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide on how to work through the questions, for revision purposes. 
You broke the silence, the two of you walking side by side, leaving the school together because he offered to buy you some food as a payment for the tutoring. 
“Are you going to tell me why you faked confusion and asked me to tutor you?” 
He winced. How could he forget that you were always straight to the point? 
“What do you mean?” The look on your face clearly said ‘feigning ignorance, eh?’. 
“I’m going to be frank with you,” You deadpanned. “You’re among the best at physics in our class. Some of the questions you asked me to help you through were ones that had been discussed in classes, and I know that you are listening even though you have your head on the table.” 
Alright, so he had under-predicted exactly how observant and attentive you were. 
“Then why did you agree to help me?” 
“You saw me that day, didn’t you?” 
He stopped walking. “Which day?” 
“That day. In our first year. When I threatened that junior high kid in the alley.” You stopped too, to turn your expressionless gaze on him. “You’ve looked at me differently since that day. I heard someone else’s breathing at the alley, but I didn’t see anyone so I figured they’d ran. I guessed it was you.” 
“... Yeah.” 
“You don’t seem to mind.” 
“Mind what?” 
“The fact that this...” You gestured to yourself. “Is a lie. This whole ‘perfect student’ image is an act that I put up to please my parents. I’m actually someone who has really mean thoughts. I could be a really toxic friend. I’m also probably a sadist.” 
Suna blinked quietly at you, running your words through his head a couple more times for good measure. “You remind me of a snake.”
In that one sentence, you realised that if there was one person in the world that was going to be fine with your personality the way it was, that person would probably be Suna Rintarou. The two of you continued your walk to the takoyaki shop Suna offered to buy you food from, continuing meaningless chatter on the journey. 
“Is that a good or bad thing?” 
“I like snakes.” 
“That’s cool. Me too.” 
“I don’t know, I think they’re pretty cool. They’re like spiders, except they’re not insects. I don’t like insects very much.” 
“Hmm. I like snakes cause I think they’re really elegant. And pretty.” He paused for a moment. “Like you.” 
taglist. @mrs-kuroojinguji @procrastination-lady @miel-meraki @shoyosun @aka-a-shii @shibayamasbae @churochuu @seijohlogy @dearsukuna @whootwhoot
Haikyuu!! gen taglist. @owlywrites @hikari-writes @whootwhoot @folkloeren @our-tall-slytherin-queen
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Light X Reader Part 2 - Betrayal
Part 1, Part 2
READ THIS PARAGRAPH IF YOU'VE RESD PART 2 BEFORE- So this paragraph used to talk about how I kept on remembering to save my drafts, and evidence of which isbthat when this was posted, it wasn't finished. I completed the whole story, and it was pretty long, but it all went to shit. So if you read this story before, feel free to check out the real ending.
@comradedani you brought me deep into the Death Note fandomm- And again, sorry for the low quality writing. I'm writing this at school lol
"Y/N, Y/N help! I messed up!" B/N yelled as he busted in Y/N's room and opened his schoolbag. He pulled out a piece of paper and turned it towards his older sister so she can see. Y/N sounds around in her chair, facing her brother.
"Jesus, you scared me!" Y/N huffed, reading the paper B/N had. Turns out he had a report card in his hand; one with 3 Fs, 2 Ds, and 3 Bs. "And those grades scare me more, what the hell," Y/N stated, a sly smile appearing on her face. "Dad's gonna be pissed when he reads that, haha," Y/N laughed, leaning back in her chair.
"It's not funny! You know dad's all about good grades and ever since his detective work increased, he's been more stressed about grades! I don't want to get grounded," B/N retorted, making a pouty face. He put his report card back into his bag and picked up his bag. "And dad usually comes home at this time. You know he's gonna be curious."
"Well, just don't tell him you have your report card," Y/N said casually, returning to her homework in front of her. She leaned on the desk, writing down answers as if they nothing.
"Oh, why didn't I think of that," B/N rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Mom gets emails from my school, Y/N. She's gonna find out about and tell dad, y'know." B/N sighed, fumbling with his hoodie strings. He opened the door and spoke, "dad's gonna be home soon, so bye I guy." He then left.
Y/N sighed, trying continuing to work on her assignments as if nothing happened. Although her focus was never fully on her assignments anyway, and our reader should know why. It's hard to concentrate when your mind keeps on going to the man you love who you felt betrayed you. Though to be fair, Light and her were never dating to begin with however Light was completely aware of Y/N's feelings towards him yet he choose to put her in that situation: where she had to be calm even though she was hurting inside.
Y/N took a deep breath before leaning back in her chair and shutting her eyes tightly. Don't let the tears fall, you're too strong for this, she told herself. For the past week, she's been feeling nonstop regret and of course, sorrow. Not to mention pure jealousy of Misa Misa; a pretty, popular model/actor. She refused to question how Light got to meet a women like that, since afterall Light was popular as well.
"You know what? I overreacting," Y/N said to herself, standing up sharply in her chair. She stretched her arms before taking a deep breath and putting on a smile. "There's more important things to worry about; like that damb Kira case. All I need to do is just call him and ask to meet up, right? He's forgiving..." She told herself, taking a deep breath again to ease her anxiety.
For the past week, Y/N had been thinking nonstop about her yelling at Light. She hadn't seen him sense, and there's been no communication between them. From a certain perspective, it almost seems like they really are overdramatic and acting very edgy, which is definitely true to an extent. However two friends arguing over something that's pretty serious for the first time is bound to cause some trouble. And when one friend feels almost betrayed, it gets worse.
Anyway let's go to B/N after about 15 minutes.
"Good afternoon, B/N," the tall, H/C haired man with grey ends due to stress, spoke. He held a nice smile on his face as he took his jacket and put on the coat hanger then took off his shoes. B/N smiled nervously, chuckling unsteadily as he waved.
"Hi, dad! Uh...how was your day?" B/N asked, holding his report card to his chest. His dad raised a brow and snickered.
"Strange. You never care to talk to me when I get home. Only when you're hungry or your mom says no to something," he teased, making B/N huff and cross his arms. His dad chuckled, "I'm joking. Anyway, what's that you're holding?"
B/N smirked nervously holding out the paper for his dad to grab, which he did. "I got my report card today, haha." His dad scanned over it for a few moments, frowning and his eye brows furrowed together.
"Are you skipping school son? I've never seen grades this bad and you've had rough years," he mumbled as he walked towards the living room. He say on the couch and sighed loudly, making a shiver crawl down B/N's spine.
"Nuh-no... It's just that the teachers have been putting a lot of pressure on us since we're about to go into highschool, heh."
"I don't understand. Are you just not understanding the material or are they putting too much work out?" The dad looked his son right into his eyes, making the atmosphere a bit more tense. B/N felt weak under his eyes; it's not because he was scared of his dad, it's because his dad has really high expectations and he's scared of failing them.
"Both. It's both," he mumbled, fumbling with his hoodie strings and tapping them together, making that quiet metallic clinking sound. "And I've always struggled with math, too, y'know. I don't understand how they expect me to know the Pythagoras Theorem after simply giving me 5 assignments daily about it."
The dad stood up from the couch. There was a moment of silence before he spoke: "I have to make a phone call. If you go to the trunk of the car, I got you something in a plastic bag. Don't tell your mom," he smiled to his son as he walked away, leaving B/N both confused and curious.
A few hours later and Y/N hummed to herself, watching a movie featuring her favorite actor on the couch besides her dad. He was on his laptop typing away on the keyboard while occasionally glancing at the TV. B/N was in the corner of the living room, playing a new game his dad just bought him on his Nintendo. It was quiet aside from the TV playing, at least until their dad spoke up.
"So, son, I forgot to mention who I called earlier. I asked if a coworker of mine would mind tutoring you for a bit."
"You...what?" B/N asked, pausing his game and turning back to see his dad. "Why?" Y/N gasped quietly, covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Her little brother glared at her and their dad, his nose scrunching up from annoyance.
"Well, you don't understand the material, right? That's why?" He explained, staying the obvious. Y/N giggled at his tone.
"Who is it, dad?" Y/N asked, rubbing her tired eyes.
"Oh, I won't say. But you two have met before," he replied, smirking playfully at his daughter as if he was planning something. "That's all the hints you get.~"
"Okay, now I'm so curious," Y/N mumbled, yawning. Who do I know who he works with? I know he works with the Kira investigation and I never met anyone there, I don't think. She shrugged it off as she kinda didn't care too much about whatever would happen in her brother's life since why should she? "Whatever. I'm tired," she mumbled as she rubbed her tired eyes. Her father looked over at her and smiled.
"Heh heh, alright darling. Get your sleep; you have a long day of school tomorrow." Her dad pat her head as she giggled and stood up. She hugged him before mumbling a goodnight. She then headed up the stairs, though she overheard her dad speak as she was walking. "Your tutor lives in the same neighborhood so he will come over shortly after you come home."
Y/N hummed as their conversation went quiet due to her being too far up the stairs to hear. She found her way into her room and closed the door behind her whenever she got in. Huff. Her hair was lifted from her shoulders as she put her hair in a ponytail in order to keep it from being too messy when she wakes up.
Layjng in bed, she furrowed her eyebrows together and sighed. Four entire weeks since she's talked to Light all because he found a girlfriend. Y/N felt more embarrassed of it then upset; well, she's still jealous but she knew she didn't have to avoid her friend of years because of something so stupid. What happened to the Y/N who would tell herself that even if he found a girlfriend, she would be better? Those were good times. And she would tell herself that she would call up Light and ask to meet up as friends but she gets so anxious about it and that anxiety turns into embarrassment.
It was kinda hardt to fall asleep with thoughts circulating her mind all night. But eventually, sleep came, and she sokn found herself waking up a couple hours later, going to school, and then coming back home.
Y/N waved goodbye to her friends as they dropped her off at her house. "Bye! Haha," she giggled as one of them stuck their whole body out the car window to yell out goodbye and wave her hands.
"Bye-bye, girl!" She yelled playfully as the car drove away to drop off her other friends. Y/N giggled again as she watched them pass and playfully rolled her eyes before spinning around. She took her time walking to the front door and pulling out her keys, as the door isn't unlocked ever and her parents are at work. Yet as she stuck her key into the house, the front door cracked open.
"....What the fuck," she mumbled as she took her key out of the door and pushed herself inside. It was so quiet which was weird considering B/N was loud as hell on the couch when he got home. He got home like 15 minutes before she did too. "B/N!" Her voice called out as she shut the front door and locked it.
"I'm in the kitchen!" Thank God he isn't dead. Well, sorta thank God. Y/N smirked as she set down her bookbag, took off her shoes, and took out her phone. She checked her notifications as she walked into the kitchen/dining room.
"You forgot to lock the front door," she said as she giggled, looking up from her phone. Bam! The phone hit the floor as Y/N's eyes stayed on Light's, almost like a staring contest was happening between them. Well, it sorta actually was because the brunette who was assisting B/N on the dining table spoke up once Y/N blinked.
"You blinked; I win, heh heh," he smirked. "Hey, Y/N! Long time, no see, huh?" He leaned back in his chair, waving his hand towards the stunned girl.
"I, uh...I wanted to call and meet up with you but I thought you were mad," Y/N said shyly as she picked up her phone. Blush dusted her cheeks as she examined her phone to check if it were broken.
"Same here, actually. I'm happy it's not like that."
"Muh-Me too, heh..."
Y/N but her bottom lip nervously as the room went into an awkward silence. B/N sighed before breaking the painful silence, much to Y/N's relief. "I think I understand this now," he said. "To find A, it's C^2 - B^2 = A^2. To find C, it's A^2 + B^2 = C^2."
"Very good!" Light smiled warmly as he pulled B/N practice assignment from him and examined it. He had a red pen in his hand and with it he marked a few things. "You did very well on these, apart from 3, 7, 8, and 12. But then again, those questions were hard for me to solve when I was in 8th grade."
"Really? But you're so smart! And I'm actually in 7th grade, advanced math," B/N said proudly with a cheerful look on his face.
"It really shows how smart you are, heh heh," Light chuckled as he handed back his assignment to B/N. "Can you try these again? I circled the part of the equation you messed up with so hopefully it helps."
Y/N was across the room in the pantry to grab chips. Once she grabbed her favorite kind, she headed out of the kitchen and towards her room. Light looked over at her leaving and sighed. Suddenly, he heard Ryuk talk. "You do realize that this is a good thing, right? You can spend more time with the Death Note and watching the police this way." Light couldn't reply of course, but in his mind he disagreed. After all, he knows she's bad at remembering time and he would have an alias every time he's with her, so he could lie to get out.
For example, let's say he was accused of somehow killing 5 people one day between 5-6pm. But at 3-5pm, he was with Y/N. Because she can't remember time very good at all, he could easily say he was with her while the killings were happening, and with her agreeing because she doesn't know any better. Y/N can also easily be turned into an abused puppy in his eyes; a loyal punching bag who he can manipulate for certain circumstances.
"While your doing that, I'm going to use the restroom," Light excused himself as he stood up from the table and walked away. He walked over and up the stairs, down the hall and to a certain person's room. Once he got to the door, he softly knocked on it. "May I come it?"
Y/N on the other side jumped from the sudden arrival. "Just a second!" She called out as she took her hair out of the bun and fixed it, because let's face the fact that a lot of us are very insecure about our looks. She quickly fixed her shirt because calling out, "come in!" A mere moment later and her door was open to reveal a tall brunette.
"You look lovely today," he complimented as he stepped inside her room and shut the door behind him. Y/N blushed a little bit.
"Thanks, heh. Um...you look nice too," she replied nervously.
"Don't be nervous with me please. You know I'm not mad at you. Actually, I came in here to formally apologize," he spoke as he walked up closer and bowed in respect. "The least I could have done was call you about her earlier that day, or told you I was seeing someone way ahead of that. It was foolish of me not to and led to both of our hears being hurt. I'm sorry." Y/N frowned as she comprehended what he just said then sighed. She walked up to him and grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him up.
"You're face is so squishy, sir," she said as Light stood up all the way, however Y/N didn't go of him. "It's weird someone so very collected and serious became friends with someone as dimbas a bag of rocks. I mean, have a told you about how my IQ test came back negative? Because it did."
Light chuckled as her comment, playing with a strand of her hair. "Did this really happen? You're so weird sometimes, haha." Y/N giggled softly before frowning.
"Hey, y'know, I really wasn't mad. The first week we stopped talking was so painful but I knew I had to make it up to you somehow. Yet even though I really wanted to just call you and have a drink of coffee with a long conversation full of pleasant topics and laughs, I was so scared. It's embarrassing," she confessed, keeping her head low.
Pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, Light smiled down at her. "Then I hope today takes all that weight off your shoulders."
"It did, heh heh," Y/N smiled as she looked him in the eyes. With how close they are, the eye contact, and the smiles, they seem almost suggestive towards one another. Or at least in the eyes of none other than-
"Ew!" Yelled B/N from the doorway. He must have opened the door while they were distracted. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows together and glared at her brother whereas Light just smiled. "All I wanted was help, not this teenage romance scene. I finished all my problems by the way, ugh," B/N spoke, sounding dead.
"I'll be down there in a moment," Light responded as B/N walked away. He turned towards Y/N again; "well, it was nice seeing you. Your dad is paying me for this so I should probably get back to work." Y/N nodded as she hugged him softly.
"Alright. Make sure you let me know when your done or free," she responded before she pulled away from the hug.
"Will do," Light replied as he pat her head. "I'll see you later." Light waved goodbye as he walked out of her room and shut the door behind him.
Y/N took a deep breath to ease her nerves. That's it, she thought. This man is about to be my husband-
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
1989 [High School AU]: Chapter 1
AO3 Link
Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~
Pairings: slight Logince, eventual Prinxiety & Logicality
Word count: 1,780
Story summary: Roman Prince is your stereotypical Jock, with everyone swooning after him. Every day a crowd of people follow him around, only to disperse at his personal whim. In reality, he's lucky to have such good acting skills that help him cover up the disdain he has for his life. He only wishes he could use his skills properly.
Patton Whitelock's always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are. If you need a favor or just need someone to talk to, go to him. In reality, he's been taught from a young age that kindness should be held above all else. No one suspects that he took it the wrong way.
Logan Montgomery is the smartest boy in the Senior class. He's stern, and most people are too intimidated to speak to him. In reality, he despises most all of his fellow students. He sticks to his studies and doesn't stray, for fear of being stuck in his father's shadow his whole life.
Virgil Black is the most emo kid in school, let alone 12th grade; everyone knows to leave him be. In reality, he's very fortunate. He has two parents who love him dearly. But everything beyond his life, everything within his mind, is utter chaos and turmoil.
what will happen when they're assigned a biology project together?
General CW: food, swearing, implied s-lf h-rm, non-graphic descriptions of s-lf h-rm scars, graphic and non-graphic descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, drug abuse, minor character intoxicated on heroin, non-graphic drug overdose description, sickness/description of sickness, blood, non-graphic descriptions of needles, (will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: <none> (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: hook chapter go brr
Nice to meet you, where you been?
I can show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there, and I thought
"Oh my god, look at that face
You look like my next mistake"
Love's a game, wanna play?
Roman checked his watch discreetly as he walked down the hall toward his first class. 7:58. He was almost late, but not quite. As he walked in, earning a glare from Mr. Berry and a few students, he glanced at the whiteboard. It read: "Tuesday, September 3 / Classwork: OT essay workday / Homework: OT Analysis and Essay due FRIDAY". The word "Friday" was written sloppily large and underlined. Roman just kept his sleepy poker face and walked to his desk, in the second-to-last row in the middle. He'd not noticed the shrunken figure at the desk next to him, whom everyone knew but no one liked. Virgil Black.
New money, suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine
Ain't it funny, rumors fly
And I know you've heard about me
So hey, let's be friends
I'm dying to see, how this one ends
Grab your passport, and my hand
I can make the bad guys good for a weekend.
Virgil shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets as he glared in Roman's general direction from behind bright purple bangs. His scowl deepened as Roman pulled out his notebook but didn't take his single earbud out, proceeding to doodle on the margins of his notebook.
Roman propped his head up on his right palm, tilting his head carelessly as he drew stars around a stick man's head. By this time, the plump red-faced man known as Mr. Berry, teacher of English 12, had taken his respected place at the front of the class for a quick lecture before they began classwork.
So it's gonna be forever,
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over,
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cus you know I love the players,
And you love the game
"Good morning students," He said in a blubbering gritty voice, the sagging skin below his chin bouncing comically as he did so. "I trust you completed reading the rest of the book. Now, as I'm sure you've noticed, the Analysis and quotes along with your essay's final draft are due - both printed - on Friday. If you turn it in on Monday, it'll drop two letter grades, and any time after that is a zero. I should hope this first assignment will get you in the punctual mindset for my class." The large man was walking about the room, between desks checking for cheating or kids working ahead. He was strict, and didn't tolerate out-of-line behavior. As he completed his sentence, his eyes fell on Roman, who was still slouched apathetically, doodling, earbud in. The students watching Mr. Berry saw his face somehow achieve a deeper hue of red and his eyes bulge, as a bull does when it spots it's target. Roman however, didn't notice; a pale-faced Virgil tried to get his attention without the teacher noticing.
'Cus we're young and we're reckless,
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless,
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space baby...
And I'll write your name.
"Psst. Roman." he hissed in vain. Roman's earbud was in his right ear, the same side Virgil was sitting on, so quiet noises from that direction were inaudible to him. Despite the class's uneasiness as Mr. Berry made his way to Roman's seat, and though Roman was fully aware of the fat fuming man advancing on him, he made no change in expression or focus; merely, filled in the dark half of the yin yang he had sketched next to his name as he lightly mouthed the words of the song.
Mr. Berry stopped right in front of Roman's desk, looking down at him furiously. When Roman ignored him, he took further action. Just as Roman had completed the yin yang, a fat red hand came down loudly on his desk and a sudden "MR. PRINCE!!" Erupted from the old man's gullet.
Cherry lips, crystal skies
I can show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies
You're the king baby I'm your queen
Find out what you want,
Be that girl for a month
Wait, the worst is yet to come... oh no.
Roman looked up at him slowly, but no trace of fear could be found on his face. Even, a slight smirk hinting at the corners of his mouth. But, not enough for the old man to notice.
"What sort of media is emitting from those... earphones?" Mr. Berry said, bug-eyed.
Roman held up the earbud that wasn't in his ear, looking at it. "You mean these?" He said.
Mr. Berry simply sighed and rolled his eyes frustratedly. "Yes, 'in those', Mr. Prince. You'd better have an adequate response."
Screaming, crying, perfect storms
I can make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns
Keep you second guessing, like
"Oh my god, who is she?"
I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
'Cus darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
Roman held the old man's gaze, as if searching for something within his grey-brown orbs. After a moment, he sighed quietly and said, "Taylor Swift."
His response earned a few snickers from other students, to which Mr. Berry scanned the room to see if he could bust two students in one go.
Most of the students thought he looked like Napoleon from the 1954 animated movie based on Animal Farm, a fair comparison. His balding head and fat body gave him an appearance that was quite comparable to a pig.
After a moment of glaring at a few of the known renegades of the class, he returned his focus to Roman. But, this time, he didn't appear as angry; rather, he was smiling gently, but his eyes still held an angry glow. "Since you see no point in listening to my lecture, I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing the class a sufficient outline for your first draft essay? Along with the requirements, of course," the senile man's smirk curled up into a grin as he spoke, tilting his head a bit. Roman merely smirked himself, and stood.
So it's gonna be forever,
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over,
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cus you know I love the players,
And you love the game
Mr. Berry watched in moderate surprise as Roman walked swiftly past the rows of desks to the whiteboard, uncapped an expo marker, and began writing in neatly printed lettering. "Ok, so the final draft is due on Friday," He began, "So you should have your first draft completed by tonight. The essay must have at least five body paragraphs, a minimum of two quotes each-" Virgil watched, shocked, gripping his pencil so that his knuckles paled. "So I hope you've picked out your quotes already. The thesis needs to answer the prompt, obviously. Conclusion should be at least five sentences. So overall, about two or three pages. I'd recommend using this class time to create an outline in your notebook, and typing up a first draft. Have your second draft done tomorrow, and final details on Thursday. And because Mr. Berry is too... behind the times to use Google Classroom, you'll need to print it out and hand it in physically. I'm sure Mr. Berry isn't partial to the trees we're killing, so if you're in Environmental club, I'd not bother complaining." And with this final sentence, Roman touched up his writing on the board and walked back to his seat, never taking out his earbud.
'Cus we're young and we're reckless,
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless,
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby...
And I'll write your name.
Mr. Berry was still standing over Roman's desk, now staring down at him with large eyes. He opened his mouth slightly to say something, but was interrupted by another student asking a question. From then on, Mr. Berry ignored Roman, which was an easy feat, as Roman did the same.
After a little over half an hour, the bell rang, and Roman slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out. Mr. Berry considered asking him why he'd only doodled for the entirety of the class period and not worked on his essay, but his pride got the best of him, and he watched as the young man walked out of the room confidently.
Virgil had slipped out before Roman, and was now pretending to exchange things in his locker, which was unfortunately right next to Roman's. The tall jock walked up to his own locker, earning a scowl from the darker boy.
"What? Enjoy the show I put on in Mr. Diabetes' class?" Roman said, leaning against the lockers as Virgil shut his own. The dark boy just grunted and walked off, feeling Roman's eyes watching as he turned a corner. Roman smirked for the hundredth time that morning when he was gone and turned to open his own locker. When a few girls from the cheer team started to linger, flipping their hair and puffing out their chests, and Roman actively ignored them until he walked past close enough that a few of them let out squeals. He heard the usual murmurs from behind him, "he's so hot," and "I'd kill to be his date to Homecoming." He smirked to himself again, making his way to his Physics class.
Virgil spotted is best friend Patton in his usual seat as he walked into his second period Economics class. The boy smiled at Virgil up on seeing him, and waved happily.
"Hello Virgil!! how are you feeling this morning?" He said cheerily as Virgil took the seat next to him, sliding his backpack under the desk.
"Alright I guess." He thought about telling Patton about Roman, but thought better of it; Patton had enough on his plate to worry about as it was.
As for Patton, he had already taken to pulling out his notebook, preparing for a long class of note-taking. Economics was one of the most note-heavy classes either of the boys had, and usually required all their focus. As the teacher stood from his desk and turned on his projector, Virgil could've sworn he saw Patton staring at someone, but as soon as he looked, Patton focused on the teacher, readying his pencil. But, Virgil being the parano- vigilant person he was, followed what he thought was Patton's line of sight to... Logan Montgomery? What? Upon realizing who he had thought Patton was looking at, he brushed it off. There's no way Patton would be looking at him. is there?
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Tell Me No Secrets: Chapter 8
Pairing: Steve Harrington X Reader X Billy Hargrove
Begins in Season 2.
Summary: You thought you escaped the world of science experiments and torture when you walk out of that lab. However, high school has other plans, somehow you end up as unlikely friends and love interests to the two most desired boys in school. Not to mention monsters from another dimension and a little girl named El from your past that just won’t seem to leave you alone. Maybe that lab wasn’t as bad as you thought, at least there people left you alone.
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The Complication
You could feel the agitation rolling off of you in waves. After explaining to everyone that you’ve been followed for the past few days by an agent everyone had thoroughly freaked out like you knew they would. The anger was unexplainable and seemed to come out of nowhere and the pacing is the only way to keep yourself under control. 
‘This is why I like to handle things myself,’ you think as you continue to pace. The room was still full of your friends as they argued about what the best course of action would be. It started with a guard detail and now Dustin is suggesting some kind of elaborate security device. 
You whip around to walk the other way when a sharp pain goes up your side. You cry out, startling everyone in the room as you sink to the floor half in surprise and half in actual pain. Another sharp pain follows quickly after and again and again, before you know it you are curled up on the floor attempting to protect yourself from the phantom assault. A sob wracks your body as you actually feel one of your ribs crack a sharp pain pierces your hand and your nose. A few minutes later the assault is done and you just lay in a heap, your body throbbing and everyone in the room in various stages of panic and chaos. 
You lay still and suddenly your vision is blurry and you are gazing at a living room you’ve never seen before. A man is casually leaning against the counter as you drag yourself up and shuffle to the bathroom. You lay your head against the door, the cool wood feels good against your forehead. You don’t pay attention to anyone, it’s not until Steve puts a hesitant hand on your arm that you are brought back to the room around you. You blink taking in the familiar couch and the familiar faces of your friends. You flinch away from him and he backs up hands in the air. 
“It’s okay…”
You shake your head and get unsteadily to your knees your hands go to your throbbing nose when you pull away you expect to see blood but there is nothing there. You blink in surprise before you press on your rib expecting pain, but there isn’t anything there other than a phantom throbbing. 
“What happened?” you ask shakily.
“We were kinda hoping you could tell us that…” Steve says hesitantly. 
“I don’t know…”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” questions Hopper’s tight voice. 
You gaze down at the floor before you glance up at Max, “What does your living room look like?”
“Huh? Why?”
“Just… what does it look like?” you ask again as you put your hand to your head attempting to soothe your throbbing head.
She begins to describe the beige walls and the TV in the corner. The window that opens up to the kitchen. You gaze unseeingly at the carpet as you recall every detail about what just happened to you. 
“I see…” you say before you stumble to your feet with Steve and Melanie on either side to steady you before you walk wordlessly to your bedroom. 
“Okay… what just happened here?” questions Hopper as he gazes at where you just were. 
“We don’t know…” sigh Melanie, “She did that the other night.”
“When?” questions Elle. 
“A few nights ago… I-I don’t remember exactly when…”
You can still feel the residual pain aching in your muscles as the water from the shower beats down on you. You don’t feel like dealing with anyone as you ponder what you think is happening. You inhale a shaky breath as you picture the living room and man leaning casually against the wall watching you get up. There is no emotion, dead eyes watch you as you make your way towards the bathroom. A moment later water is scalding your skin as you gaze around at the green tiles surrounding you, with a blink you are back in your own shower. Groaning you force yourself from the shower and into bed hoping against hope that you are able to get a good night’s sleep. You have a feeling you are going to need it for tomorrow. 
The next morning dawns and before you can even think of riding your bike to school Steve is in your driveway and much to your surprise so is Dustin.
“Why are you here?” You ask in confusion as you lock the door behind you.
“I’m taking you to school, it’s too dangerous for you to ride your bike there,” says Steve as he crosses his arms. 
“He’s right! You need protection,” interjects Dustin.
You furrow your brow at the duo in confusion, “Okay…” Mostly because you know that attempting to argue with them at seven o’clock in the morning is far more hassle than it’s worth. Also, you decide not to mention that you are more than capable of dealing with anyone that comes your way, but they enjoy being heroes and who are you to take that from them? Plus you simply don’t feel like riding your bike today. 
When you pull into the parking lot at school you don’t think much of the fact that Steve gave you a ride until you get out of his car. You feel eyes on you instantly as whispers flare up all around you. A particular pair of blue eyes catch yours though. 
“What do you think she’s doing with Steve?”
“Wasn’t she with Billy last week?”
“What are they doing with the freak?”
“What do they see in her?”
“It has to be a bet! You know they’ve been competing for King status…”
“Has to be a bet.”
“Hey! Don’t listen to them okay?” You hear Steve’s voice in your ear suddenly. 
You whip your head around to face him and notice the way his hand is on the small of your back and the way he guides you into the school. 
You blink attempting to refocus yourself as you try to block everyone out. You don’t have time for their rumors, you have more important things to do. You wave Steve off when you get to your locker insisting that you would be okay. 
“Are you sure?” he asks in concern as he leans against your locker door, his eyes searching yours. You are beginning to understand why so many females like Steve. He has the uncanny ability to make himself look like a puppy and is quite endearing if not a little slow. 
“I’m fine, Steve, I’ve somehow managed to survive without you my entire life up until now. I think I can handle first period.”
“I just…”
“Go!” you shoo him away much to the scandal of the female population that was trying not to be obvious they were eavesdropping and even more so for the ones who didn’t care if you knew they were. 
You don’t see Steve again until lunch when he plops himself down in the chair next to you. 
“So… How are you doing?” asks Steve as he pours little packets of hot sauce on his burrito.
You roll your eyes, “I’m fine Steve…”
He doesn’t look convinced as he regards you with concern, “Yesterday was pretty intense…”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you say coldly. 
Steve has become rather bold rather quickly because he doesn’t seem to care whether or not you want to talk about it, “Maybe you should though! You should talk about it!”
“What good would that do?” you ask seriously as you attempt to concentrate on your math homework. 
“You were scared… Hell, I was scared! You just started to scream and writhing in pain for NO REASON.”
“Would you keep your voice down!” You ask in an angry whisper, “Everyone at this school already thinks I’m some kind of freak, I would rather possession not be added to the rumor mill, especially when it involves both you and Billy.”
“Sorry! Geeze! I’m just trying to help!” he hisses back at you. 
You fix him with an angry stare, “Perhaps in private would be better, you never know who is listening.”
“Ah… right…” he looks thoroughly chastised as the two of you make your way out of the cafeteria and to your science class. 
“We still need to work on our project…” Steve grumbles as you both pile yourselves into the classroom. 
“We can finish it up tomorrow after school,” you say decisively.
“Tomorrow? Why not tonight?”
“I have things to take care of tonight.”
“What things?” He asks almost defensively.
“Things that don’t concern you,” you mutter emotionlessly.
“Hey! You aren’t going after any more-” he asks, clearly offended.
“Steve!” You growl.
He lowers his voice to a whisper as he leans in, “-any more of those guys are you?”
“No… this has nothing to do with that…”
“You know friends trust one another right?” he asks in annoyance. 
“Then you should trust me,” you say calmly as you look towards the front of the classroom as your teacher enters the room. 
You hear him scoff from beside you, but you decide to ignore him, mostly because you know it annoys him when you do. 
You can feel Billy’s gaze on you as you read the assigned material for your English class. Agaitiation rolls off of him in waves as you attempt to ignore him, but how can you when you know what you know?
It’s when the bell rings that a message floats between the two of you, landing softly in his mind, “Meet me behind the school.”
His eyes widen as he gazes at you like you are out of some horror movie, but you ignore the way the shock travels up his body and ricochets through his mind. A few minutes later you are standing before him as he leans against the wall.
“What’s this about?” he asks confidently, his voice doesn’t reflect the fear in his mind. 
“Lift up your shirt,” you say while crossing your arms. 
“Sweetheart if this is what you wanted all along…”
“No. Now lift up your shirt,” you say emotionlessly.
He rolls his shoulder and his jaw before he straightens, “What if I don’t want to.”
You tilt your head to the side, “What happened last night?”
He leans his head back and regards you with narrowed eyes, “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s my business when I’m a crumpled heap on the floor of my own house,” his eyes widen at your statement, “Now, lift up your shirt,” you say forcefully.
He holds your gaze as he angrily untucks his shirt from his too-tight jeans and pulls it up to reveal black and blue ribs. His side is all manner of colors some bruises are almost healed while others are fresh. 
Shame sets you on fire as you regard him and it takes you a moment to realize that shame doesn’t belong to you. 
You merely nod at him, “Thank you.”
He drops his shirt back down and refuses to look at you. His shame is replaced with anger, mostly because he doesn’t know what else to do with himself. 
“Oh yeah! And what’s that gonna do huh?! You think you can fix this shit?! Fix my fuckin life?!”
“You would be surprised at what I can do…”
He snaps his head up to look at you his breath catching in his throat. 
“Let’s go,” you say as you breeze past him into the school.
“Where?” he asks bewildered.
“To take care of this.”
His whips around as the door goes to slam in his face, he catches it at the last second as he attempts to tuck his shirt back in before following you down the hallway. 
The ride to Billy’s house is silent as he chain-smokes cigarettes, the smoke flying out the open window. The ride is loose and fast and despite the fact that he wants you scared, you know better than to actually be. He pulls into the driveway and the two of you make your way up to the front door. You look around at the perfectly manicured yard before you enter the living room you were in last night. 
“He uh… won’t be home for a couple of hours…”
“It’s fine, I can wait,” you say calmly while you pull out the book your class is reading for English. 
“So you can really do it huh?” he asks as he sits down next to you on the couch. His elbows are on his knees and his hands have formed a fist under his chin. He’s wound as tightly as a wire about to snap. 
You regard him quietly for a moment before you answer, “Yes, I can.”
“How?” his voice is rough as if he is holding back tears.
“You shouldn’t ask questions you don’t actually want answers to.”
He glances at you out of the corner of his eyes before he gets up and lights another cigarette taking a long drag. 
“You should do the reading,” you murmur softly.
“What? Why?” He asks, almost outraged you would suggest such a thing. 
“It would be best if he thought us to be working on an assignment.”
He nods absentmindedly before he puts the cigarette out and reaches for his bag. He pulls the book out and settles down to read it, but even though his eyes are moving he isn’t comprehending anything. After staring at the same page for several minutes he closes the book harshly and slams it down next to him on the couch. He runs his hands through his hair messing it up before he inhales a large breath then exhales. You watch him while he does all this in mild confusion. 
“Do you doubt me?” You ask calmly.
He lets out a forced laugh as he shakes his head, “I don’t know what to think sweetheart.”
He looks up at you and his eyes lock with yours. They are a deep blue and remind you of the turbulent sea in a hurricane, this time though you think you can see a little bit of sun hidden in the depths. As if for once he has hope.  
The door opens almost violently and if you hadn’t felt the waves of anger rolling off of the male before he made his way into the house you would have been startled. 
“What’s going on here?” Billy’s father asks, you see right through his forced cheery facade and see for what it is a very dangerous question. 
“We were just uhh…” Billy stalls in shock, clearly not expecting him yet. 
“Working on an English assignment, we were paired up in class,” you finish easily for Billy regarding the man before you carefully. 
“Right…” Billy trails off looking anywhere but at his father. 
“I see… Will she be staying for dinner?” He asks, completely ignoring you. 
“No, our assignment shouldn’t take that long,” you say calmly before you dutifully go back to your book. 
‘Assignment my ass… Like I’m going to believe this isn’t his next whore…’ The thought flits across your mind, but you just keep your face blank giving nothing away. 
Billy catches your eye looking nauseous. You merely nod your head towards the book before you go back to your own. 
You hear the heavy boots of his father as he walks into the kitchen but you make no move to do anything. 
Billy’s leg begins to bounce with his nerves. 
Abruptly you stand and regard the man as he returns from changing from his work clothes. He stalls in the hall and just looks down at you in confusion. 
“You’re going to stop hurting Billy. You will not hurt anyone in this family,” you say seriously, the order hanging in the air. “If I find out you’ve hurt any of them there will be consequences. Now you are going to forget this conversation ever happened.”
His eyes are blank and unseeing as you turn back to a bewildered Billy. 
“That’s it?” He asks in bewilderment. 
“Yes,” you say calmly, “I would like to go home now.”
He blinks up at in confusion.
“You have to take me there,” you supply in place of his obvious confusion.
“How do I know this worked?!” he asks in bewilderment. 
“You don’t… yet. Also, don’t say anything to anyone,” he blinks at the order vaguely wondering if you used your power on him. 
With that, you turn and walk out the door with a very confused Billy following dutifully after you. 
The next morning, before you even step out of your front door, you can hear the arguing. 
You roll your eyes as you gaze between Steve and Billy with Dustin and Max standing off to either side, both looking equally exasperated by their ride to school. 
“Why are you both here?” you ask in annoyance regarding them both with crossed arms and narrowed eyes. 
“I”m taking you to school!” They chorus before they return their glares back to one another.
“This is becoming excessive…” you murmur more so to yourself than the group surrounding you.
“Look, you don’t need to be riding your bike to school with…” Steve trails off looking imploringly at Billy.
“What? What’s going on?!” asks Billy in obvious annoyance around the cigarette between his lips. 
“Nothing that concerns you…” you say regarding Billy calmly. 
“You heard her! Nothing that concerns you!” Steve echos tauntingly. 
“Enough, Steve,” you reprimand. 
Billy scoffs from your other side, “You heard her Harrington, enough,” he says with a triumphant smirk. 
Steve whips around in a fighting stance to regard Billy.
“ENOUGH! Both of you!” you exclaim in annoyance, “I don’t know what’s gotten into either of you, but I can take care of myself just fine. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
“Yeah,  but that doesn’t answer the question of who’s taking you to school, sweetheart?” Billy interjects indicating the two cars before you. 
“Who was here first?” you ask in annoyance. 
“I was!” They both chorus and you just cross your arms with a sigh.
You look to Max and Dustin for the answer and Max raises her hand, “We were here first.”
You nod decisively, “Billy can take me to school, Steve, you can take me home, okay?”
Billy smirks triumphantly and Steve just regards you in surprised betrayal. 
“But it’s Hargrove! What if his bad driving kills you?!” Steve yells in annoyance. 
“Billy has been giving me many rides to and from school, I’ll be fine.”
“He has?!” Steve asks following you to the passenger door of Billy’s car.
“Yes Steve, he has, long before you did,” you say patiently. 
Steve just squeaks in indignation as you shut the door effectively ending the conversation. 
Flying down the road towards school Billy has a Cheshire grin on his face, “You know you could have just told Harrington you wanted me to take you…”
You glance at Billy out of the corner of your eye, “I honestly didn’t care either way.”
“Sure sweetheart… Sure…” he says with confidence dripping from his voice. 
Max scoffs in the back seat, “You know she’s too smart for you right?”
“What did you say?” he growls back. 
As the siblings begin to bicker back and forth you notice it, the buzzing.
“Quiet both of you!” you exclaim shutting them both up momentarily.
“Don’t tell-”
“Hush!” you exclaim the order hanging in the air as you turn your head this way and that trying to get a read on the buzzing in your head. 
Your eyes widen as it starts getting stronger and there you see a vehicle sitting at the intersection not fifty feet away clearly waiting for someone. You narrow your eyes as you regard the car. 
“Billy,” you murmur turning to look him in the eyes, “Floor it, if they catch us we might as well be dead.”
He just nods, the barest hint of fear in his eyes as he lays his foot down on the gas pedal, his car roaring to life.
Notes: I know it’s been forever and day actually since I updated this but I love it very much! Please drop some love and tell me what you think. Also, I intend to redo the taglist for this story since it’s been so long. So if you would like to be tagged please send me an ask! 
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
How They Spend the Quarantine (Tadashi Hamada, Lucifer Morningstar, Dewey Finn, Wade Wilson, Harley Quinn, & Benoit Blanc)
Just a fun (?? is that even responsible to say?) little thing I’ve been thinking about while slogging through this neverending hellscape of an extended lockdown.
Tadashi Hamada
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When San Fransokyo was ordered to go into a lockdown, there were mixed feelings.
At first, Tadashi had a hint of optimism that this would mean more time to work on his prospective projects . . . But then he quickly realized that his projects mostly required tools and space offered by the campus. He could technically make do at home, but it wouldn’t quite be the same considering the garage was considered Hiro’s space.
Somberly had to clean out his lab and take whatever he could home.
Cue the rest of the group (sans Fred and Hiro) griping that at least his style of science could travel well enough to be somewhat continued off of university grounds.
Helps do delivery for The Lucky Cat. It helps him get out the house, and it’s simply helpful altogether.
Uses Baymax frequently to make sure everyone down to Mochi is sanitized, and nobody’s running a fever.
Nearly as frequent a sanitizer as Aunt Cass.
He starts most days prepared to be productive, only to stop and poke fun at Hiro, who’s almost always got his eyes trained on a video game.
Tadashi realizes three hours later that he, too, has been playing the game as Player 2.
Learned how to make facial masks with Aunt Cass. He already knew how to sew a little but frankly, making the masks made him realize he could have a new hobby on his hands. He’s currently trying to figure out how to make Mochi a little vest . . .
Lucifer Morningstar
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B o r e d. A s. F u c k.
At first, he thinks everyone being forced to go home would work in his favor -- surely some rule-breakers would sneak out and try to bunk up with the Devil, right?
Well . . . Kinda? Once Chloe found out and scolded him about it, the idea died real fast. Plus, he realized he wasn’t quite fond of the possibility of being around someone who could pop up with a disgusting human sickness at any point during their time with him. Smearing their snot all over, coughing into his Egyptian cotton sheets . . . Nope, never mind, he is perfectly content having the penthouse to himself, thank you very much!
Except he’s not.
The poor bastard is going crazy by himself -- he’s just not used to being without some kind of company!
“At least in Hell, you could tell there were people around you based on the screaming!” he’d whine at his phone during his hourly video chat with Chloe.
Oh yes: The video chats. He tries to make them hourly with anyone he can get a hold of (namely, his long-suffering detective) but this clearly never plays out as he would like for it to: If he had it his way, everyone would respond in an instant and let him bounce mainly one-sided conversations off of them -- basically, what he did before all this went down.
What usually winds up happening is he gets hung up on or nobody answers him at all out of sheer annoyance over his clinginess.
Ironically, he’s not exactly crazy about when Amenadiel initiates those “family calls”. He insists it’s healthy and normal for them to do this and even calls Luci out on the hypocrisy, but let’s face it: Lucifer finds it obnoxiously gushy and weird.
He works his way into Linda’s video appointment books to help him cope with his boredom and admitted need for interactions. She doesn’t mind offering him counsel, but once Lucifer starts attempting to butt in during others’ appointment calls, it becomes an issue.
Has, at some point, gotten buzzed down in Lux and streamed himself attempting to pole dance. It drew quite a bit of attention.
He’s managed to gain a bit of a following and some companionship by streaming himself playing piano and singing. It’s not the same thing as having an actual audience, in his opinion, but it will have to do for now.
He’s never been one to binge with regards to TV shows or movies, but after the first week, he decided to binge watch every work action star Wesley Cabot was ever in.
Makes sure his staff still gets paid well. After all, he’s pretty well-off; there’s no need to make an innocent bartender’s life a living hell just because some other rich bastard fucked up, yeah?
Going off this, should he need to order to-go or anything, we already know he tends to tip as handsomely as he looks.
Dewey Finn
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Kids were being sent to Horace Green on tuitions worth more than what some people saw in half a year -- of course the school was going to continue classes online!
While technically an afterschool instructor, the program is popular enough for parents to expect it to continue, and for Dewey to be kept on payroll.
Initially, he was pretty smug: He’s one if, if not, the youngest teacher-figure at Horace Green, so surely that means he’s more tech savvy than his older, stiffer coworkers, right? For once, he’s ahead of the curve!
Wrong: Figuring out Zoom was a headache, and then there was the realization of just how dependent his classes were on actual physical presence.
Plus, let’s be real: Dewey’s Internet connection was decent on its own, but craptastic when compared to those of his wealthier students. The lag is strong with this one.
Has definitely accidentally messed up the background on his screen. Somehow wound up with the Beetlejuice background and got so frustrated, he wound up keeping it there for two whole sessions.
In spite of the slight issues regarding lag, they pull through and try to resume lessons as best they can.
Tries to keep optimism by pointing out how this is a new form of entertainment they could be pioneers in.
Some days, it’s just going so wack or everyone’s so bleh that Dewey just assigns for them to watch a music documentary or something.
“Okay, kids, Mr. Finn’s hungover and clearly Summer is the only one who went to bed before 3am. So what I’m gonna have you do is watch . . . Prrrbbbb . . . Amadeus.” “How is Amadeus rock-related?” “It had a rock single, shut up. Anyway, we meet back next class and talk about what we saw, m’kay? M’kay. Over and out.”
Next class, he’s filled with dread as Summer produces an in-depth analysis of the relationship or lack thereof between character and the presence of talent as evidenced by Mozart’s abilities juxtaposed with his immature presentation and -- Dewey just can’t keep up. Sure, Summer, why not?
When he’s not busy teaching, however, he’s using the lockdown to work on some new material. Or just screwing around.
Otherwise, let’s be real, Big Boy’s living the high life in a place of his own: Playing video games (Animal Crossing, recently got back into Team Fortress 2, is trying to finally finish Ocarina of Time); eating a not very great diet; staying up late, napping at weird times; all in the name of quarantine.
If he orders delivery or to-go, he tips the best he can.
Wade Wilson
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On one hand, murking never goes on lockdown. But on the other . . . He’s already technically not well, why risk that even with his mutation?
Oh, fuck I just remembered he lives at the X Mansion, never mind turn back turn back oh god give us free --
The situation is tense to say the least. There’s Wade, who’s sensible enough to know why the quarantine is in place . . . and then there’s everyone else, who knows Wade’s full of shit.
And by everyone, I “coincidentally” mean Colossus, Nega Sonic, Yukio, Domino, Cable, and Russ because the already small world of the sequel just got smaller by the fact that everyone is bound to a large but nonetheless single estate whose size has probably decreased from that of the First Class timeline.
You know those videos of the usual Quarantine Characters? Wade is somehow yet still unsurprisingly all of them, save for the frequent sanitizer. He raids the pantry frequently, sleeps at all hours, considers scooting a swivel chair down the halls exercise for the thighs, blasts video games, and so on.
Going back to the sanitizer thing, it’s not that he’s just not exactly known for being tidy. Colossus occasionally does drag him out of bed at a decidedly decent time (read: any time before 11am) to try and get him excited about cleaning up around the mansion, but it rarely ends well. At this point, the safest option is to just remind Wade to wash his hands for 20 seconds as necessary.
Has acquired a Switch and visits everyone’s island, often to bonk them on the head with a net or gift them with weird crap they don’t necessarily want. For the “friends” from Sister Margaret’s, he has somehow acquired their Dodo Codes. Nobody knows how he did this. 
Facetimes Dopinder frequently.
“Precious, you’re the beacon of light in this cold, cruel world.” “I miss you, too, DP --” “Sshshsh! I’m having a moment . . .” *weeps*
On the many occasions he orders delivery, he tips by giving the delivery person something expensive from the mansion that they can sell. Prof. X is loaded, after all. Plus, he more or less isn’t even present in this universe, it’s not like he’s gonna miss anything he can’t see/probably doesn’t even know exists in his house. The problem is, Colossus does exist and does notice and does care when things go missing. Leading to many a delivery person getting caught up in shenanigans at that weird school in the boonies that they either don’t get paid enough to deal with or couldn’t pay to make up.
“Oh, pawn shops are closed?” asks the man who looks like a skinned avocado if avocados had human skin. “Don’t worry, lemme hook you up -- I know some guys --” “DEADPOOOOOLLL!!” roars a Russian accent from inside the house. “WHERE IS THE BRONZE BUST OF THE PROFESSOR!?” The poor delivery person’s eyes widen as they realize that the odd cargo they’ve been presented with apparently holds some value of some kind. But before they can flee, the avocado man blurts, “Shit! Leave the pizza in the bushes, look me up on my Youtube page, byyyeeee!!”
In his defense, Wade does hold up his end of the deal. Much like the Dodo Codes, nobody knows what strings he pulled. They just accept it and move on.
Harley Quinn
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Surprisingly compliant.
She’s crazy, not stupid: Staying at home may suck, but what sucks more is making things harder on people who may not fair so well. Besides, she’s spent time in a maximum security prison -- she can handle staying cooped up in her own home. At least home has TV, books, and snacks.
When she hears people are still going out without masks or plotting to have a protest, she strongly considers firing up the old Fun Gun and popping the next sign-carrying Karen she sees with a tit full of cadmium yellow powder.
Seriously, stay the fuck home and fuck up your own hair; this is the perfect time to make mistakes with your looks, it ain’t like you got anywhere to be or anyone to impress.
Only leaves her new apartment to grab groceries and to take Bruce on a walk. She actually refuses to steal or cause a scene during this shitshow because she may be a bad guy, but she sure ain’t evil.
So far, there haven’t been complaints about the fact that she’s walking a hyena down a public street. Maybe it’s because there’s hardly anyone out? Maybe it’s because Gothamites just can’t be bothered to be fazed by it . . . Or maybe it’s because she made him a little mask for his snout.
“In this house, we wash our hands for at least 20 seconds, kid.”
Lets the forest reclaim the earth, so to speak. She was never really shaving anything for anyone but herself before, but now it just seems especially pointless.
Spends almost every day in a kigurumi. To give her a semblance of routine, she has a pink bear one she calls her “Sunday Suit.” She doesn’t know it’s not Sunday because the days just blur but Cass just doesn’t have the heart to tell her; she seemed so proud of herself . . .
Like everyone else, she’s gotten Animal Crossing. She’s trying to create an all-preppy island with a few exceptions (Astrid = Aesthetic, m’kay?)
Tips nicely when ordering delivery.
Benoit Blanc
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As young and spry in nature as the gentleman sleuth would like to think of himself, he would really rather not test the dangers of the situation and go about all foolhardy -- he’s staying home!
In theory, it’s only logical and therefore perfectly fine. But in practice . . . God, he wishes he’d invested more in things to occupy himself with when home.
It wasn’t that Benoit was never home, he just never felt too much of a need to invest in a fancy entertainment center -- the fanciest he ever got was an iHome.
The beginning of the quarantine served as the perfect time for him to read over case files, catch up on paperwork, even catch up on some reading he’d been putting on hold since God knows when due to cases popping up left and right. But that dried up quicker than he’d assumed, and that’s when he was faced with what a man of his mind dreads the most: Boredom.
Finally caved and decided to hook up Amazon Fire.
Expected to use the one-month free trial on Netflix and be just fine but once the lockdown in his area got extended and he realized he wasn’t going to be able to catch up with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend at this rate, he caves even further and buys a subscription.
Fully delights at the influx of platforms uploading Broadway recordings; when The Show Must Go On put on Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, followed by The Phantom of The Opera, it was a treat, I tell you!
Sanitizes often, despite hardly ever leaving his house besides to have a smoke or to go grab groceries. Honestly, it’s less about cleaning at this point so much as it is finding something to occupy his focus when he feels there’s nothing else to so.
Takes zinc after every meal to help lessen the intensity of any ailment that might hit him.
Definitely owns a facemask. There’s a good chance it’s from Marta or one of his relatives, and there’s another good chance the pattern is as flamboyant as his clothing. He’s delighted.
Benoit tries not to rely too much on delivery,  as he’d much rather just cook. On the rare occasion where tipping comes up, however, he gives as generously as he can.
Bonus: There’s a slight chance he might have acquired a companion to foster early on in the quarantine. Benoit hadn’t had a pet since childhood, a crime of which he was admittedly melancholic of his own involvement. However, his surprisingly busy lifestyle just wouldn’t suit a four-legged friend, now could it?
Well, now there’s time to. Besides, it would certainly ease the potential feeling of loneliness to have someone or something with whom he could interact with.
Admittedly, when shelters began encouraging people to invest time in taking home a companion, he’d been looking more for a comrade on the canine side of the spectrum -- but darn, if Duke wasn’t a handsome cat.
A lovely grey-and-white cat with eyes that matched his own, Duke has become the one Benoit monologues to (because in all honesty, the man is a performer at heart, in need of an audience to speak his mind to and portray a thought before). Plus, he doesn’t appear to mind it when Benoit finds himself belting out in tone-deaf notes to showtunes while washing the dishes: The mark of a true companion.
At this rate, he’s probably not going to keep fostering Duke when things calm down -- he’s probably going to just straight up adopt him.
Stay safe & healthy!
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bakugou-tm · 4 years
never fear; kuroo tetsurō
Okay so I’m currently working on writing the Kuroo Tetsurō sports fic, I’m trying to write most of it before I post the first chapter that way I don’t half ass out and don’t finish it like I a l w a y s do. But in the meantime I wanted to give ya’ll some content. I did get the few requests ya’ll sent in and they’re very good I’m actually excited to write them, but for now I wanted to write this one so I don’t lose the momentum with the idea and because it really hits home for me in my personal life so I hope you enjoy ♡
word count: 3500+
warnings: abusive father, alcoholism, cursing, a n g s t
For Kuroo, it all started when you finally allowed him to pick you up from your house.
Normally it was fine, if not expected, for the boy to pick up the girl for dates. That’s why when Kuroo offered to swing by your home on your first date and you quickly shut him down, he grew curious as to why. 
Only a year later did you finally give him the okay, and to be honest he was curious at the time.
His first assumption, that you had lived in a rough part of town, was shut down when he arrived to your house. It wasn’t the Hamptons, but it also wasn’t a sketchy area.
Shrugging off his curiosity he let his excitement take over, he had been dying to take you to the new amusement park in town. 
Ringing your doorbell he was surprised to see an older looking woman answer the door, it almost startled him when he noticed how similar the two of you looked. It was like that filter the two of you used to make yourselves look a few years older.
The woman continued to look at him expectantly, causing him to cough a bit nervously as he stood up straighter.
“Good Evening Mrs. (L/n), is (F/n) home?” Kuroo spoke as smooth as possible, handing out the bouquet of flowers to surely impress your parents.
Luckily your mother smiled, taking the flowers from him. He had expected her to call your name out, but instead she just glanced back as if trying to hide Kuroo from whoever was inside.
“Of course dear, my (F/n) will be out in a minute just wa-”
“Honeyyyy who’s at the door?”
The sound of a new deeper voice had Kuroo and your mother jump in surprise. He didn’t miss the way your mother seemed to slump at the sound of the man’s voice.
“N..No one love!” Your mother called out, her eyes now landing on you as you quickly dashed down the stairs, your eyes anxiously looking down the hall.
“Mom.” You muttered under your breath, clearly unhappy.
Your mother looked to you with apologetic eyes as she moved aside for you to exit with your boyfriend, “I’m sorry honey, I tried to open the door quietly..”
You offered her a half smile of appreciation, quickly trying to slip past the door frame before a firm hand wrapped around your arm causing you to wince.
“Well look who it is! The so called boyfriend (L/n) won’t stop blabbering about.”
Kuroo blinked up to your father who seemingly came out of no where. He wasn’t sure why, but he picked up that you were very uncomfortable. Were you embarrassed?
“That is me sir, it’s great to finally meet you.” Kuroo said with a smile, holding out his hand for your father to take.
He noticed how the man stumbled forward almost crushing yourself against the wall before shakily grabbing his wrist, shaking it firmly before pulling away.
“So tell me about yourself!” Your father said with a grin, not being able to read the awkward air in the situation, “I wanna hear it all.”
At this point you couldn’t hide the discomfort in your face. Yanking yourself from his grip you quickly jumped from your doorway and moved by Kuroo’s side, taking his hand quickly.
Kuroo was at a loss for words, so much had happened so quick and he couldn’t quite tell what was really going on.
“Maybe next time dad, I’ll see you later tonight!”
When you waisted no time to tug Kuroo away he decided to follow you, offering a smile and wave to your parents but he noticed your mom already tugging your father back inside even though he seemed to not be pleased with it.
He opened his mouth to question the strange situation, but when he felt your warm hand grip his own and your eyes glue themselves to the sidewalk beneath you, he decided it was best to leave it.
The next incident happened at school, it was the day all the dots started to connect.
You liked to think you had a pretty great life. You mostly had a supportive family, great friends, and an incredibly loving and hot boyfriend. What else could you ask for?
Because of that, you always tried to keep your mood up and head high. You rarely were in a bad mood except for the common case of being hangry or exhausted. But thanks to the amazing people in your life, they were always there to help.
That’s why when you came to school not only four periods late, but looking like a train wreck: Kuroo was suspicious.
Still you tried to keep your facade up, but it wasn’t enough to trick him. The class was in the middle of having silent homework time, giving you the perfect opportunity to slip in class and speak with your teacher.
When the teacher gave you an understanding nod and handed you some papers you offered her a warm smile and bowed before shuffling back to your seat.
Most of your friends around you began to whisper to you, the conversation going on for five minutes before they started to rub your arms and give you sympathetic eyes. Was he missing something?
Quickly he pulled out his phone to the side and texted one of your friends asking if he could switch seats with her. Once he made it beside you, he scooted his desk close to yours.
The teacher made eye contact with him, raising a brow at his actions but when he quickly sent her a wink and nodded over to you the teacher sighed and gave him a nod of approval.
Thank the lord this was a class he had an A+ in.
“Hey princess~” Kuroo whispered with a grin.
The moment you looked into his eyes he felt like his soul had been ripped from his body. Somehow those brilliant (e/c) orbs looked all drained out of any life, your overall energy just seemed... low.
Forcing a smile you gave him a quick peck on the cheek before focusing back on your work, “Hey babe.”
Kuroo furrowed his brows, trying to read your expression. He really needed to talk to you about this but in the middle of a silent classroom probably wasn’t the best time.
He noticed your foot tapping against the floor as you stared down at your homework assignment, inhaling he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled.
“Need any help with your work?”
The sight of you crunching up the corner of your paper had him silent as he looked back up to your face, the corner of your lip being sucked in sharply by your teeth.
“No thanks Tetsu I got it, thanks though!” You said with an incredibly forced smile, causing him to frown before letting out a sigh.
“Of course baby, let me know if you get stuck.” Kuroo spoke, rubbing your arms softly before scooting his desk back over in it’s rightful spot.
The way your body closed itself off from everyone didn’t go unnoticed by him, but what really caught his eye was the blueish mark on your arm that your delicate fingers were trying to hide.
Over the next few weeks your demeanor seemed to go back to normal, and though Kuroo knew he should’ve asked you about what was going on, he also felt like you would’ve told him if it was important right?
So instead he decided to leave it be, as long as you were happy he was happy right?
But then the day every puzzle piece came into play happened.
Just like any other day, you decided to stay after school to watch your boyfriend during his volleyball practice.
Most of it consisted of you finishing up on some homework while blowing kisses to your boyfriend every once and awhile. It was a great way to end your Friday and welcome in the start of weekend.
Once Kuroo called it a day you decided to pack your bag and hop off the bleachers to help the boys clean up the gym for the night.
“Wow you’re lucky to have such a supportive girlfriend Kuroo~” Yaku teased as you began to blush at the constant praise, tossing a few volleyballs to the boy.
Your boyfriend’s team was always so kind and supportive, being in the same room as all of them always boosted your energy and ego.
“Are you suuuurree you can’t be our team manager?” Haiba whined as he got on his hands and knees as if praying to you.
The sight had you giggling as Yamamoto perked up at the request, “Yes please! I would love to see the faces of those stupid Karasuno hillbillies when they see our hot new team manager stroll in after us!”
Rolling your eyes you tossed over the last volleyball before your boyfriend met you halfway, “Guys you know I would love to, but I’m just too busy!”
Kuroo smirked at the group of idiots as they groaned at your response, he wrapped his arm around your waist as planted a kiss on the top of your head before leaving you towards the exit.
“Plus I would never make my girlfriend spend more time with you dumbass’ then she already has to.”
The sound of the boys yelling after him had you bursting into laughter as your boyfriend yelled at them to shut up and get rest before the game next week.
This was always your favorite part, walking outside the gym to see the sun slowly starting to hide over the horizon while you walked towards the sidewalk home.
The feeling of Kuroo’s strong arm wrapped around your waist and the cool breeze flowing through your silky locks was enough to refresh your entire body.
It really couldn’t get much better than this.
“So whatdya say you sleepover at my house? Watch a few movies, have a few make out sessions, watch a few more movies, let me play with your ass~”
You couldn’t help the snort that left your mouth as you slapped your boyfriend’s arm before stopping to pull out your phone, “No butt stuff.”
Kuroo forced a pout on his lips causing you to giggle before swung your hip against his own and winked up to him.
“Buuuut I could probably get my mom to let me sleepover tonight.”
This caused Kuroo to flash a toothy grin, his arm wrapping back around your waist as you grabbed your phone from your back and tapped it on.
Just as you were about to text your mom not to pick you up, you froze when you saw a text from her already.
Mom: Hey honey sorry to text last minute, your father will be picking you up today. See you at home!
Your expression suddenly dropped as you read the message. You glanced up from around the gym to see your father’s car waiting on the side of the curb, the sight causing you to shiver.
Kuroo glanced down when he felt your body quiver, his brow raising in confusion before you looked up to him with that familiar forced smile again.
“A..Actually I’m going to stop home first to get some clothes then I’ll meet you at your house.” You said, gently removing yourself from his grasp.
Kuroo blinked before grabbing your hand to stop you from walking away, “You sure princess? You know you can wear my clothes I don’t mind.”
Smiling you quickly stood on your toes to place a kiss on his cheek before removing your hands from his own.
“That’s alright Tetsu I’ll bring my own too just in case!”
Kuroo still couldn’t shake off the weird vibe he was getting from you so he persisted.
“Well then how about I walk you home? That way we can walk to my house together.” 
Biting the inside of your lip you shook your head and began to back away from Kuroo with that same smile, “That’s alright, my dad is actually here to pick me up, I’ll see you in a bit!”
Kuroo simply nodded and forced a smile of his own, waving back at you as you trotted away around the corner.
Your dad huh? Funny he remembered you acting the same way last time he had met your dad.
Of course he knew it was wrong to spy on you without your permission, but he also knew it was wrong to not be there for you when he knew you needed it.
If everything looked normal he would simply walk home and leave it, but he couldn’t help the itching feeling in his chest that everything was not normal, not at all.
Letting out a sigh you quickly dashed towards the car, knowing your dad hated when you were late. Your mom had sent you that text three hours ago, who knows how long he had been waiting for you.
“Please lord tell me he’s not intoxicated and in a good mood for once..” You mumbled as you neared the car.
Once you got close enough you tugged on the handle, only for it to be locked. Tugging on it one more time assuming he just needed to unlock it, you blinked when instead the window rolled down.
“Where the hell have you been?”
Great, he was in a bad mood. But maybe not intoxicated.
“S..Sorry dad, I was just watching Tetsu at volleyball practice. I thought mom was going to be picking me up later but I didn’t see her text.” You explained, placing your back through the window onto the passenger seat while tugging the door again only to find it still locked.
“Yeah you think you should be at some damn boy’s volleyball practice instead of at home helping with cleaning the house and doing laundry?”
Biting your lip you began to play with your fingers nervously as you looked down, “I planned on uh.. doing it when I got home-”
“Don’t you look down I didn’t raise a fucking animal, look at me when I talk to you.” Your father yelled causing you to look up quickly to see his bloodshot eyes staring at you.
Bingo, he was intoxicated too.
“Your mother and I bust our asses everyday so you can live the fluffy life you have and you have the nerve to disrespect us by running off and doing your own thing instead of coming home and being an adult?”
Biting at your lip you began to dig your nails into your hand. How dare he put words into your mother’s mouth. She knew how hard you were working to help around the house, how could he lie to you like this just to bring you down?
“Dad I...”
“Don’t even begin to start talking back to me young lady, you should be ashamed of how selfish and disrespectful you are to your family and everyone around you.”
The more your father spoke the angrier you began to get, everything he was saying was a lie. You weren’t selfish, you weren’t lazy, you weren’t disrespectful, and you were tired of having to hear it everyday.
“You are lying to me dad!” You shouted, causing the man to stop as he looked at your face streaming with tears, “All I ever do is try to work hard for you so you can be happy! I work while going to school to help pay the bills for you and mom and whenever I’m home I make sure I do everything I can to make your and mom’s life easier! I’m tired of you telling me how worthless I am!”
Honestly as you squeezed your eyes shut it felt good to say what was on your mind, to finally let all your frustrations loose and just speak your truth for once.
When you were met with silence you froze for a minute. Did what you say actually work? Opening your eyes you were met with your father fuming in the front seat.
Oh shit.
“Now you’ve lost your mind (F/n), I’ve dealt with your disrespect for long enough.” Your father shouted as he put the car in park, “I don’t want to see your sorry ass walk through the door of my house that I pay for until you pay double what you owe me for the month. First for disrespecting my hard work and second for all the days you’ve slacked off and cause me and your mother to work harder than we need to.”
Your eyes widened, you felt like the air had been stolen from your lungs. How on earth were you going to come up with all of that money? And to not come home? Your mother was going to be devasated! God forbid she try to talk back to him what would he do to her?
“D..Dad wait no!” You pleaded, trying to open the car door only for your dad to cut you off once again.
“Stop with the fake tears I don’t want to fucking see it, learn to be an adult and grow up!” Your father yelled as he lifted your backpack from the seat and launched it out the window at you.
Luckily you were able to catch it with a grunt since your laptop was inside, but the force from the throw had you stumbling back until you tripped on the sidewalk causing you to fall on your ass.
Between the force slightly knocking the air out of you and the scene unfolding before you, you thought you were going to suffocate. All you could see from your blurry vision was your dad turning the car back on and rolling the window up.
You called out his name and begged and pleaded for him to stop but sure enough you saw your father’s car drive away without a second glance back.
All of your senses began to fail you as your loud sobs filled the air. You felt like you couldn’t breath, like your chest was going to explode. You could feel the cool drops of blood most likely from the fall dripping down your thighs to your skirt but you didn’t care.
You wanted your father back, your real father back. You wanted your family back. You just wanted it all to end.
In the midst of your loud cries the sound of heavy footsteps and your name being shouted were simply drowned out from the world you knew around you beginning to fade away.
Kuroo on the other hand had seen it all like it was a movie playing out before him. It didn’t even seem real the way everything had happened.
He hid behind the corner of the gym, watching the scene unfold while careful not to get caught. Your dad already seemed mad enough as is, he didn’t need to make it worse by showing up.
When he heard the screaming match you two had, he was surprised to say the least. He had a feeling your dad was saying something to you all along, from the way you and your mother acted around him it was clear something was up.
But this? It was flat out child abuse. Kuroo wouldn’t dare say such things to his worst enemy, let alone someone he loved.
The way your father practically called you worthless as if you were some sort of monster and not his own daughter. He was just in shock that you had never spoken up about this sooner.
Sure enough he was brought back to reality from his current shocked state when he saw your backpack being flung out the window and into your chest, the moment you were on the ground in panicked sobs he knew he had to intervine.
He didn’t care if your father saw him, like hell was he going to watch the one he loved being treated like dirt on the side of the road.
“(F/n)! (F/n)!”
The sound of your name being shouted was still drowned out by your sobs, your shaking body not being able to move from the shock given state you were in.
“Shit (F/n) come here.” Kuroo said breathlessly as he grabbed your arm, only for it to be yanked from his grasp as you jumped away and looked at him with wide eyes.
The last person you had expected to see was your own boyfriend. He knelt before you with wide worried eyes, pain written all over his expression as he drank in the sight of you.
“(F/n)...” Kuroo whispered gently, holding out his hand while staring into your eyes as if he could find what to do in those lost orbs of yours.
You bit at your bottom lip, trying your very best not to come undone again but when he held his arm out to you the wrangled cry escaped your lips once more as you threw yourself into his chest.
Kuroo was quick to wrap his arms around your body, letting himself fall to ground completely so that he could drag your body into his lap and embrace all of you.
This entire thing was just so out of character for you. Now that Kuroo thought about it, he realized he had never even seen you cry.
How long had this been going on? Did your friends know about it? Your teachers? Is this where that bruise on your arm came from? Were you bleeding now as he held you?
As your cries muffled against his chest even louder he decided to kick those thoughts from his head, they didn’t even matter right now. All that mattered was keeping you safe from the world.
The feeling of you shaking in his hold had him gritting his teeth, his arms tightening around you as he gripped your tangled locks into his palms.
“T..Tetsurō I..I’m so-”
Kuroo quickly placed his hand on the back of your head and kept your face against his chest as he felt you trying to look up to him.
“Quiet (F/n), you don’t need to speak.” Kuroo spoke calmly, letting his fingers delicately brush through your hair as you hiccuped and whimpered into his chest, “I heard everything that asshole said.”
Kuroo felt as your fingers dug into his shirt as he even hinted mentioning your father, he grit his teeth once more for being an idiot to even bring him up again.
Instead he decided to place a warm kiss on your head, holding you close before letting go and placing his chin atop your head.
“I’ve got you (F/n), I’m not leaving you.”
From this day forward Kuroo swore to himself: he would never let anyone, and he meant anyone, hurt you like this ever again. 
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thenightling · 3 years
Were schools actively trying to make us hate reading?
Tonight I got to thinking of all the unpleasant works of literature I was made to read as a kid.  Sure, Charlotte’s web teaches about life and death but there was this phase where everyone wanted to write the next Charlotte’s web and schools fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.  
It got to a point where I fully ANTICIPATED the assigned reading to be gloomy, depressing, or end in Death.
Let’s look at some common examples.   Chocolate Wars, To Kill a Mockingbird, Charlotte’s Web.   On my Honor.
Anyone else subjected to On my Honor? A kid watches his friend drown and then spends the rest of the story wandering around in shock and no one else knows the other kid is dead. It’s pretty f--ked up.  
Not every children's’ literature needs to be bleak and depressing.   Thankfully I became a lover of books DESPITE what I was assigned to read as a kid, not because of it.   In fact if I was to judge books solely on what I was assigned I would assume that all works of great literature are innately bleak and depressing.
Even the ones that weren’t tragic were incredibly boring.   In fifth grade half the class got to Mrs. Brisby and the Rats of NIMH (The Secret of NIMH).   But the other half (my half) had to read Sarah Plain and Tall.   Sarah Plain and tall was BORING to me.  It literally felt like a Hallmark movie (and surprise, surprise, it was made into one!)  It wasn’t fair that half the class got to read about the super-intelligent laboratory mice who got a Don Bluth film adaptation.
And I hated The Old Man and the Sea so much that even today I still have a resentment for Hemmingway.  Watching a bio film about him when we were done and seeing how abusive he was to his family and his obsession with being manly and macho didn’t exactly help.    
It wasn’t until high school when we were assigned Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and I was actively DISCOURAGED from reading ahead.  “You’ll forget what you’ve read and then be lost when the rest of the class reads that part.”  I read ahead anyway and was never lost.  But that shows how little faith these teachers have in us being able to read for enjoyment and retain what we’ve read, doesn’t it?   That was ninth grade.    
In tenth grade I was made to read the Joy Luck Club.  Another depressing book, about the struggles of immigrant woman. It wasn’t a bad read but why were there so few fantasy, horror, scifi, or even just hopeful stories being assigned?  Why did everything have to be so gritty?  
I was always bad with names so guess what we were assigned with that one?  A test where we had to match the quote to the character.   I am convinced I was being taught by sadists...
Maybe I’m being paranoid but every time I think of what schools banned like Goosebumps (which were extremely popular when I was a kid, as this was pre-Harry Potter) and then later some schools banning Harry Potter, and the Scary Stories to tell in the dark books (which I took on all my sleep overs as a kid) it almost feels like a conscious and active effort to discourage a joy and love in reading.  Anything fun and magical seemed forbidden.  Anything hopeful was discouraged or “not real literature.”
As I said, I developed a love of books DESPITE my assigned reading, not because of it.
Despite being in a normal English class I was in the vision impaired program in high school because I have very poor eyesight. The class room for the “Vision program” had two shelves loaded with large print illustrated editions of classic literature from Frankenstein and the Invisible Man to Treasure Island.  The head of that program thought it was a great idea to make it where I could read what I wanted IF I wrote a report on each book I read and only then I could read the next.
These book reports entailed buying expensive portfolio binders (teachers insisted on them in Jr. Highschool onward).  My family was poor and did NOT have a car, thankfully we had a party supply store only a few blocks away (across a very busy triple Intersection) that carried school supplies.  it also entailed printing up most of the report on computer (I was very poor and didn’t have one and the class computer cost five cents per sheet of paper and twenty five cents elsewhere.  I couldn’t even afford that and the teacher didn’t seem to believe this).  I would have to sneak-read and lie about what I had or hadn’t read just to avoid having to make these book reports.   It’s not that I disliked writing.  I’m actually quite good at it. It’s that it was f--king expensive for me.  I literally couldn’t afford it.  Sometimes she’d accept hand written reports but “only if it’s very neat” and since my hand writing is very poor I’d have my mother write it for me while I dictated to her because she never read those books.
 A combination of so many assigned books just being miserable, sad, or boring, and lacking any whimsy or charm, some teachers telling me not to read ahead, interesting books being banned, and forced book reports it makes me amazed I managed to grow into a book lover.
If I hadn’t discovered books I love on my own I think I might hate literature right now based on how it was “taught” to me in school.
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Survey #408
“tied to the rat race  /  a big bird in a small cage”
Who, whether a person or company, emails you the most? I really don't check my email enough to even know. If you were given an assignment to draw anything besides stick figures or just doodles, what would you draw? A meerkat of course, ha ha. Do you play the games on MySpace/Facebook? I never did. Well no, I did play "Dragons of Atlantis" when Facebook bought it or whatever, but now that it's a mobile game, I don't play anything on there. When was the last time you were sunburnt? Ha, actually now. It's from riding an hour to and an hour back from the TMS office every weekday; the sun coming in through the window got my arm. Who all do you live with? My mom and my two pets. Has a guy ever let you wear his jacket? Yeah. It was so comforting when Jason gave me his leather jacket to wear if I was cold; it was pretty big on me at that time and just really cozy. Thanks survey, now I feel like crying. :^) How many friends do you have of the opposite sex? Like, one. Do you have bird feeders hanging up outside? What about any hanging plants? No. Does your house have sliding glass doors? No. Was the last food item you ate part of a meal or a snack? A snack. What color is your hair brush? I don't use a brush, but a white comb. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? I think I prefer sunny for the sake of helping keep my depression at bay, but sometimes I really do enjoy some nice steady rainfall at the window. Who’s the last person that you hugged, not family? I have no idea. What will your next piercing be? Probably getting my nostril re-pierced. How many people have you kissed, that you can HONESTLY say you loved? Two. Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? uhhhhhhhhhh now What’s scarier: spiders or worms? Worms gross me out, but a spider is more likely to actually scare me, but at the same time fascinate me. Do you play poker for real money? No. If you were pregnant, how long would you wait to tell the dad? I'd tell him immediately. Would you ever date out of your own race? I have in the past, and I would again. Do you still watch movies intended for children? Yeah. Hell, more than half the time they're better than "grown up" movies. What’s your favorite movie trilogy? Uhhhh does TLK count? ha ha What would you like to take lessons in? German. Whose Facebook password do you have? Just my own. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? No. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes. Are you too forgiving? Yuuuup. Ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex? Well, we were dating. Have you ever gotten someone suspended? No. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? No. Would you live with someone without marrying them? Yes; I believe you really probably should before getting married so you see if you "fit" as far as household habits and such go. Have you ever wanted to strip naked in front of someone? Yeah no. I'd feel way too awkward. What are you listening to? A John Wolfe video. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My mom. Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone? I mean possibly, it was a public place, and some people are definitely caught off-guard by seeing two girls kiss. Do either of your parents have any tattoos or piercings? No. Mom wants a tattoo, though, dedicated to all of us kids and her grandkids. Are you desperate for anyone’s approval, in particular? -_- Would you ever stalk a celebrity? Um, no???? You don't stalk ANYBODY. It's a violation of space, privacy, basic respect... Do you have any National Geographic magazines lying around? No. Have you ever been mistaken for the opposite gender? No. Do you use liquid foundation, mousse, or just powder? None. Have you ever picked out a song to listen to on a juke box? Maybe? I don't remember. Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day? Oh god, I hope not. I don't remember ever having done that. Have you ever ridden in a limo? No. I always wanted to as a kid. Have you ever tried to put a huge puzzle together? Yeah, I have. I used to like to do that with my mom especially. Ever wake up early on Saturdays to go garage sale shopping? Yes, actually. My family used to love to do that. Do you keep magazines by your toilet? No. Ya better just bring your phone. What did you last take a picture of with your camera? On my actual camera, a hydrangea bush. On the camera on my phone, I believe my cat. Are you proud of who you are? Not... really. If you were a waiter/waitress, would you make good tips? Nope. I'm too awkward and I would NEVER write the orders down quickly enough. I write so slow. What are the best kind of Girl Scout cookies? The chocolate and peanut butter ones. If you hit an animal while driving, would you stop to see if it was okay? Well I doubt it's okay, but I would absolutely stop to move it away from the road and sob my eyes out. I'd probably try to find some flowers to rest on it. What's your favorite kind of pasta? Spaghetti. Have you ever played computer solitaire for hours on end? I don't even know how to play solitaire. What's the dumbest thing you've heard of that supposedly causes cancer? Who the hell knows, everything does apparently. If you saw wet cement, would you place your handprint in it? No. Can you honestly tell the difference between DiGiorno and delivery pizza? Absolutely. Do you own a lava lamp? No, but I would looove one. What charity or cause would you donate $1,000 to if possible? Off the top of my head, the Trevor Project. I'd probably research before actually donating, though. What would you say is your greatest strength? I guess that I care a lot about people. What's one food that you find too disgusting to eat? Things like clams, es cargot, sashimi... just ew. What's something that will never bore you? Uhhhh good question. Pizza Hut or Domino's? Domino's, by a long shot. What's something that always, no matter what, makes you laugh? Stupid Vines, lol. Have you ever been in a canoe? No. How many vehicles does your family own? Just one, my mom's. Are you generally afraid of taking risks? Yes. Have you ever caught/swatted a fly in/with your hand? Ew, no. Would you ever dye your hair bubblegum pink? Yeah. What was the last thing to happen that you really weren't expecting? The woman whose wedding I shot TWO YEARS ago finally reaching out to me about buying some pictures. What does it mean when you start eating less? What does it mean when you start eating more? If I'm eating less, odds are I'm extremely serious about losing weight. If I'm eating more than usual, high odds are I'm depressed or bored. Or I'm on my period. What’s the strangest named pet you’ve ever had? Harry Potter, ha ha. He was a guinea pig. What are some defense mechanisms you find yourself using when in an argument with someone? I'm very likely to just metaphorically flee from it because I fear confrontation so much. Do you know if there is anyone who was once important to you that you will never talk to again, even though you could? If I have any say in it, I'm never talking to Colleen again. List the initials of every person you have ever kissed, from first kiss to most recent kiss. (Put “?”s in the place of initials you don’t know.) I'm not listing their last initial, but anyway: J, T, G, S. Does your face break out right before your period? Not "break out," no. I'll just get a pimple or two. What did you dream about last night? All I remember was that it focused on Jason and his late mother. I miss her so much. I hope so much that whatever exists beyond death, she found the peace she was so worthy of. Do you think the United States health care system needs reform? FUCK yes I do. Our health care system is a disgusting fucking nightmare. Who was the last person you cried over? Jason. My PTSD has been doing quite well, but I had an emotional episode recently nonetheless. Do you prefer ceiling fans or fans that stand up on the floor and you plug in? I use both, but I think my preference is ceiling ones. What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor because he’s hungry, and the only way to feed him was to sleep with a man for a little bit of money? Hypothetically, if I had a child, if I'm totally honest, I probably would. I would hate it, but I'm not letting my child starve to death if I can do something about it. Why do you think evolution is true/false? Because there is substantial evidence for it and imo is the most logical theory we've thought up. Some things about it seem kinda far-fetched, but I still have faith in it. I trust scientists and the evolution we see firsthand, such as caterpillars to cocoons, tadpoles to frogs, etc. Who came through for you at a time when you really, really needed it? Colleen. She let me live with her when I was technically homeless. What turned out better than you thought? Good question. What object did you used to, or do you still, keep hidden? My drawings. I've flipped my shit when Mom's found them in the past, even though she went on and on about how "amazing" they were. I don't draw anything "bad" at all, but still, I don't like people seeing my creativity. Who can’t you figure out? My damn self. What are you hoping for? The most recent thing would be hoping Shonda buys a lot, if not all, the wedding photos I took. I desperately want to use the money along with what I have left from Christmas to buy Venus' terrarium and proper supplies all by myself. What’s the best physical object that you kept from a previous relationship? Idk, there's a few things. What is the most socially unacceptable thing that you have no problem with? Maybe women not shaving. Like I couldn't care less. What have you done that you surprised yourself by doing? *shrug* What used to be a secret about you? Hm. Anything that used to be a secret probably still is one. What is the most stalky thing you’ve ever done? Just Facebook digging, and that's not something I've done a lot off. What did you wind up liking that you didn’t want anything to do with at first? The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is something sexual, so let's not go into that. Who do you owe your life that you can never pay back? Mom and Jason have both saved me from what would've been suicide attempts.
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graceeast · 3 years
Diary of high school meme
 this is a joke NSFW 18+
Part 1
My bro walks up to me and is like Benny how you feeling? I say I feel great, even though that’s not my name that’s not my name. Then we both hit the woah at the same exact time.
Then his VSCO girlfriend says an I opp sksksksk. Then she says WHO EVER JUST SENT YOU THIS JUST DUMPED YOUR ASS!
Then my guy turns to her and says respect the drip Karen!
Then I say no matter what, he will always come back to me.
Then my bro and I hug no homo though. Then we walk away to the song Rockstar by: Smashmouth, while doing the floss aggressively.
Then we go and play Minecraft together while drinking Bang and eating Doritos till one in the morning.
But then my bros mother Linda sent me home. ☹
Part 2
Linda is such a bitch “B-I-C-T-H in that order!” she always makes me leave A-arons house at one thirty in the morning.
Later that week A-aron and I took a seat in class. Then our teacher kept talking about China and how more then half our exports come from there.
Then A-aron went outside to vape. Karen then comes over and says give me your Juul. Then I say no Karen that Juul coast me sixty dollars. I had to get a senior to pay for it. I only work at Chilis so it took three paychecks to buy.
That night I worked and everyone at once said “Welcome to Chilis!” I just ignored them and kept walking as I usually do.
I go home then check my Reddit and Twitter fifty times to make sure I am still verified.
Part 3
The next day comes and I pick up A-aron up in my sick 2001 Toyota Camry it is beige of course only the sickest color.
We then get Karen and you won’t believe what she did… she yeeted my vape out the window! What the fork Karen! That took three paychecks from Chilis to buy.
Karen then says she hates that place and last time she ate there, they messed up he order. So she complained to the manager.
Damn Karen, I don’t need her anyway I will always have my bro A-aron. Our nights together watching Shrek 3 and Cars 2… Best movies ever! And of course, listening to our lord and savior Daft Punk on full volume.
Part 4
A bunch of kids are doing a fundraiser for Harambe and I am all for it of course “save the whales.”
And that’s why I only use Twizzlers to drink my RedBull. I don’t always drink RedBull but when I do I use a Twizzler as a straw then eat it.
Later I texted A-aron on my Nokia phone I sent him exactly 69 memes at exactly 4:20 as it is totally lit to do so every day. I said we should totally get back at Karen for throwing my Juul. He disagreed with me, then I told him to stop being such a girl. Then he says don’t assume my gender and I said look man I had no idea. Then he said you just did it again. I give up!
Then I smoked the devils cabbage and went to sleep #Blazeit
Part 5
A-aron and I made up he bought me a new Juul and said that our friendship is never ogre. So then I said #Fam! Then he and I did our secret handshake which consists a dab the woah and five different Fortnite dances.
Today I started dating Kim Vardashian she is a #skinnylegend who is also thicc with two c’s. I can’t wait till we can aggressively hug! But she is embarrassed of our love because I am a freshman and she is a senior.
I think today is the day I try out for the school play we are putting on the production Mulan 3. I want to play the part of Simba.
That night for dinner A-aron and I got Subway #I’m lovin’ it, it was mmm… mmm… mmm… finger licking good. Then we bought two cotton candy Juul cartridges from Kim and vaped all night.
Part 6
My Nokia phone stopped working so I went to the closest Radio Shack and got a brand-new Blackberry with a slide out key pad. It was very dope!
Since it was Saturday I went home and hardcore gamed on my Tamagotchi. It died ☹… it was sad until a new one came, and I bought all the snacks for it!
Kim is such a slut she broke up with me and told me she was only dating me because I have a job and gave her money to buy stuff from Gucci. Then she told me 20$ a week was not cutting it. Then I told her that’s all I make in a week. Now I also work for Walmart to make more money. But I guess it still was not enough for her. Damn Kim at least I have A-aron   
Part 7
A-aron and Kim got together I tried telling him that she was a bitch. But the #thirstisreal for him like he is the Sahara Desert when it comes to women. He really doesn’t care but I will be there if his heart gets broken.
Today is also my cousins 18th birthday and he is getting a tattoo. Its going to be a 95 the 9 is going to be a butterfly and the 5 is going to be a bee, and under it will say float like a butterfly sting like a bee Kachow -Lightning McQueen
He is actually going to get two tattoos the other one is going to be a glass of milk, swiss cheese, yogurt and under that one its going to say #legen-dairy #veganforlife. He is also getting Gingy from Shrek slippers
Part 8
Karen got hit with a tour bus!!! We rushed her to the hospital and to the psych ward cuz she cray cray.
Its been a month since A-aron and Kim got together I am very surprised. We all visited Karen today and then Kim said they were expecting. Then Karen said boom pregnant.
Apparently, the baby is going to be a reincarnation of Donald Trump and the baby is going to be huodge. But this is all according to Karen. But it seems legit, so I believe it.
I’ve been taking care of Karen’s dog Lo-Maine. He wares a Supreme hoodie and a Rolly on his wrist and even has Jorden’s and I must dress him every day #1stworldprobs.
Part 9
Karen got released today from the hospital and to celebrate she stole her moms ID and went to Iowa to celebrate. She then sent me a video of herself, “Hi my name I Kendall and I am here in Cedar Rapids once again asking for your support.” Your support for what I thought but then I saw it Kendall Landers-Linton 2020 president, Kendall must be her mom’s name.
Kim is now 5 months prego and still hanging on strong and everyone helps her with stupid shit like the teachers tell her she can have extensions on all her assignments. So unfair I get an erection every hour and I don’t get extensions on anything except my dick.
Who would vote for Karen I mean she looks like a 40-year-old woman, but she’s crazy to think that they won’t figure out that she’s just 20 and a senior in high school.
That day was crazy, so I went on my computer and watched my extra special anime movie if you know what I mean 😉. Jerked the turkey for 30 minutes and felt way more relaxed after my little session thank god for Japanese henti.
Part 10
Today we watched the Sanic the hedgehog movie it was the best movie ever in the movie Shrek and Sanic have a relationship. They end up getting married and having aggressive sex while listening to all of Smash mouths songs. Then they had hedgehog ogre hybrid babies they were so ugly that they were cute.
I later sat in class with A-aron he said that after watching that Sanic movie that he wasn’t sure if he was ready to be a father. Because Shrek and Sanic made for a really good couple and were good at raising their kids. I told him not to worry and that if he watched all the Shrek movies and played all the Sanic games that he had already learned all he needs to about fatherhood. He felt relieved after I said all that, he said it was good that he did all the necessary research we then dabbed and then the bell rang.
Kim went into labor at lunch it was really disgusting, but interesting because all these people came, and our school nurse Joe Biden delivered the baby. Kim decided to name her son Boe Jiden after Joe Biden’s name, the school nurse was in tears until he saw another baby coming out. It’s a girl!!!! Kim named that kid Karen Jr. after her best friend. It was amazing then I told A-aron that his sperm must be made of steel since he had two kids, he then punched me in the arm no homo though.   
Part 11
All of the sudden another baby just shoulder dropped itself out of Kim. It was a boy!!! "I will name this one Jim Cenass" (all of the sudden from the corner you here horribly played kazoo it plays the John Cena fan fair) do do do do... it's that new transfer student Korona Tortilla Vanbargen Sale Pool Noodle the 4th KTVSPN4 for short. Jim Cenass starts waving his hand in front of his face as of to say you cant see me then he just goes ham on our school nurse Joe Biden. The principal Jeb Bush had to break up the fight. Then Jim started fighting Boe and Karen jr. It was something else.
Our new transfer student KTVSPN4 is very strange she kinda keeps to herself but at least she made friends with Kim and Karen. She's from China and is such a cry baby she keeps complaining that her sister died of this weird disease. But other then that been helping A-Aron with his three babies Jim is a handful and we have to keep him away from the others but it's kinda hard now because they have already started calling and Jim can walk.
Part 12
Today I was just sitting in Chillery Hiltons history class when all of the sudden I heard loud noises coming from above me. Then Boe and Joe just shoulder dropped onto the teacher it was very strange. Thankfully Chillery is going to be ok!
Later that day Kim's babies are getting baptized by our local priest Dr. Phil. Jim was not having it and started going ham on Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil then say y'all need Jebus in your life. Phil then #getsrektmydude. And Bylieye Eyelash starts playing her song I'm the Evil Man which was perfect for the occasion.
We all had an assembly today our principal Jeb said it was to recognize great teachers in our school. "Best dance teacher Shreckira" Shreckira goes up and can not hold herself together it was major aco taco.
"Lane Jinch for best gym teacher" Lane goes up and says "I know I'm the best." "Sernie Banders best public speaking teacher" Sernie goes up and gives a 50 page long speech how he doesn't deserve this. "Steve Harvey for best health teacher and guidance counselor" Steve then goes up and starts talking about how important college is and the birds and the bees. And last but not least "Beyonce for best music teacher" Beyonce comes up and starts singing my Heart will go on by Celine Dion. Jeb then says please clap!
Part 13
Today Karen got Lo majne trained to be a service dog naturally every one at school wanted to pet lo majne. Karen was like "I'm working bitch" so we all backed off because Karen is crazy!
Today I went to the super market and you know your boy broke yo. So I tried to take some stuff you know and you will never believe what they did. They tried to arrest my ass I dont deserve this I'm broke and now they want me to go to court. Like type 2 diabetes ain't no body got time for that. My lawyer says they will fight for me they dont have a gender and they call themselves foxy Roxy. Hopefully foxy Roxy has my back and we win.
Hey I'm foxy Roxy I usually work at a drag strip club and men eat me up. Just when you thought your husband was straight oh no honey he ain't. I make about 10million pennies or should I say 10 million penis's every show and I live in a trailer with my sweet heart wide boy and I will win this
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