#maisie had two boys
ahauntedcowboy · 2 months
y'all it has been a MORNING.
two of our goats had babies within the same hour...so now we got three new baby goats!!!
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emiliehornby · 5 months
i beg you (and you don’t understand)
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pairing luke castellan x fem! child of athena! reader
synopsis luke knew you loved him enough to fight a war for him, but you should have known that history would eventually write you two against each other
warnings MAJOR spoilers for the lightning thief
author’s notes turns out i can’t go too long without writing angst!! so after listening to history of man by maisie peters, i had an idea and completely ran with it. writing this literally had me kicking my feet!! happy first fic of the year!! woohoo!! apologies in advance though lol
Luke had once asked you, “Do you ever think about what our lives would look like if we weren’t here?”
“Like at camp? Maybe a little too much. It’s not like we can do anything about it, but if I get the chance to be with you in every lifetime, it can’t be too bad. Right?” You smiled.
“To Tartarus and back?” He placed a hand on your cheek.
You leaned into him, “To Tartarus and back, baby.”
“Luke. Luke is the traitor.”
Percy’s words swam in your ears. You should have known it when he barely came back alive from his quest and looked for someone to blame. Heck, just last week, Luke had admitted he imagined a future with you, away from the burdens of being demigods. For the first time in forever, he had felt at peace. The signs had been right in front of you…yet you still didn’t see them coming.
Some daughter of Athena you were.
The campers occupying the infirmary came to a stop at Percy’s declaration. As the boy went on to explain how he’d been poisoned by a scorpion and exposed Luke’s vendetta, they hung onto every word. The question as to how the golden boy at camp came to be so angry at the world lingered in the air.
And you hated it.
You stood from beside Percy’s bedside, “Chris…go get Peter, Maisie, and Delilah. If anyone else wants to help, they can. But we have to look for him.”
“On it.” Chris nodded.
“You guys, stay here.” You told Percy, Annabeth, and Grover.
Percy failed to follow your orders. Instead, he staggered outside the infirmary while his friend’s pleas for him to stay were ignored. The son of Poseidon fell into step with you and screamed, “Didn’t you hear what I just said?! Why would you wanna find Luke after what he’s done?”
You turned around, “Because he would have done it for me!” Percy’s body bumped into yours. You reached over at his sides to stabilize him. An ounce of doubt in your own words sparked a slight burn building in the back of your throat. You tried to bite it back, only for it to be replaced with a heavy weight falling onto your shoulders.
“Then if anyone gets to look for him, it should be me.” Percy demanded.
You patted his hair, “And if anyone can get to his head, it’s me, Percy.”
“Where do you want us?” Chris cut your conversation short. Delilah came from behind him, handing over your daggers.
“You guys head towards the North Woods. I’ll be near the border. We’ll circle back at the Big House.” You placed one in your holster, nodding in the direction they were supposed to take. Your friends wished you luck and ran straight through the trees while you pointed a dagger at Percy, “I mean it. Stay here, you’re safer that way.”
You left without another word.
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Amidst your search, you bumped into your siblings, who shared sympathetic looks, and other Hermes kids, who offered to accompany you. You insisted on treading this alone, a sense of obligation clouding over you to do so. Luke had been it for you since the beginning, and a twisted part of you didn’t want that to change. If you could just get a moment alone with him, maybe you could convince him the impending war wasn’t worth it. Maybe eventually, the Gods would get their punishments…
You didn’t realize how long you’d been wandering the forest. You dreaded coming back to camp without Luke, taking your time while the sky settled into a warm orange to guide you through your last round of the forest outside the border. You twisted a dagger around your wrist to keep you occupied, coming to a halt when a pile of leaves crunched from behind you. Slowly, you turned around to seemingly nothing, but the tracks in the dirt told you a different story.
You scolded your sister, “It’s not safe out here.”
“Then come back to camp with me.” Annabeth removed her cap.
You shook your head, “I- Look, I can’t.”
Annabeth tried to convince you, “Luke probably left as soon as Percy was poisoned. But the Gods will find a way to deal with him-”
“The Gods shouldn’t have to deal with him! If they didn’t just abandon us, we wouldn’t even be here right now!” Your sister’s face fell as you couldn’t help but raise your voice. When she failed to look at you, you shut your eyes and took a deep breath.
Gods, you just wanted Luke to come home to you. Was that too much to ask?
You waved her over, “Annabeth…come here.”
She listened and you wrapped your arms around her, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“I just want to help. Luke was my family too.” Annabeth gave you a squeeze. 
“I know, but you have to listen to me. Okay?” You pulled away to place your hands on her cheeks. For a second, you saw the shadow of your sister at seven years old, the age she was when she first came to camp. You looked her in the eyes to clearly instruct her, “Go back to the cabin. I just need a second.”
“I’m not leaving you here-” Annabeth frowned.
“I’ll be right behind you. I promise.” You reassured her.
Annabeth refused to take no for an answer, “Then I’ll wait for you by the border.”
You pat her head and gently pushed her towards camp, “Go.”
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You had barely reached the border when you felt someone staring at you.
“When you said you’d wait for me by the border, I thought you meant you’d be behind it.” You joked around, thinking it was Annabeth.
Instead, a voice replied in the distance, “You know how Annabeth can be with loopholes.” You tightened a grip on your dagger, circling around to pinpoint where the echo came from. When you felt a rustle in the wind, you turned around sharply. The tip of the blade hovered just centimeters away from Luke’s throat.
Your stare hardened, “What’s stopping me from turning you in right now?”
“Easy. You’d never do that to me.” Luke cracked a smile.
You couldn’t even argue with him.
You feared to ask, “So it’s true…what you did to Percy?”
His silence was enough of an answer.
Luke tapped the edge of the blade and moved closer to you. His mere presence rendered you defenseless as you let him take the dagger from you and drop it into the dirt. You faltered when he tried to hold you close, one hand holding his wrist while the other punched at his chest.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re okay.” He took the blows with ease.
You looked up at him, “Luke.”
He couldn’t stop himself from kissing you. His hand cupped at your jaw while you placed your hands on his neck. Like it was muscle memory, he took two steps forward to gently pin you up against the nearest tree. You deepened the kiss, feeling his pulse quicken against your fingers, savoring the moment. Luke was the first to pull away, but he only leaned further into your touch.
“Come with me.” He begged.
“Luke…” You whispered.
He tried to explain himself, “You have to understand…I wanted to give us a chance in this new world that’s waiting for us. I did this for us. So come with me.”
You forced yourself to face reality. You may have stood in front of your past and present, but you had to think about the future. This wasn’t Camp Half Blood. You weren’t playfully sparring for bragging rights or working on strategies in the Hermes cabin to win capture the flag. You lived in a world where a war between the Gods was imminent because of the boy you loved. This is what you had been training for, but you couldn’t do anything to convince him it was wrong.
So you pushed him away.
You yelled, “Annabeth! Chiron! Anyone?!” He spared you a glance before narrowly escaping between the trees. When he was nothing but a shadow, you will yourself to run off as fast as your legs could carry you. You didn’t care that your body felt like it was burning in the pits of Tartarus. You didn’t want to stop until you found a familiar face.
You turned around in case he followed you, even though a feeling in your gut told you that was it. You yelled again, “Annabeth- umph!” You collided straight into the girl, falling just behind Thalia’s tree. You groaned, rolling off of her and wiping your face. Annabeth sat up to check on you, making sure you came back unharmed.
“Annabeth?! Y/N?!” Percy ran in with Riptide in his hand and Grover at his side. You couldn’t help but laugh at the look on their faces.
“Are you okay?” Grover sat himself next to you. His gentle touch on your back turned your laughter into tears. They slowly fell down your face, burying yourself into your hands as you sobbed. Your sister and the satyr were patient while you worked through your emotions, both of them sharing a look before glaring at Percy. Silent expressions were thrown between the trio until a pointed look from Annabeth made Percy sit down in defeat. He used Riptide to draw shapes into the dirt while they comforted you.
You finally lifted your head up, confessing, “Luke asked me…he asked me to join him.”
Grover only asked what everyone hesitated to, “What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t- I can’t believe he would even ask that in the first place. I didn’t know what to do, so I just…I ran. I shouldn’t have run.” Your voice faltered when Annabeth gently wiped under your eyes. Afraid to go deeper into the subject if it meant accepting Luke’s fate, you nodded over at Percy instead, silent “You didn’t have to come in full force, you know. Thank you.”
Percy only shrugged, “Hey, you’d do it for me.”
“I’m sorry, Percy.” You apologized for snapping at him before you left. You apologized for Luke poisoning him. You apologized for the universe that brought him, a child, into this path he didn’t choose to take. 
“Yeah, me too.” Percy was sorry it turned out like this. He was sorry for Luke hurting you, the one he loved the most. He was sorry about the Gods, who could have prevented this if they just loved their children a little more.
You broke his thoughts to beckon him over, “Come over here.”
Hesitantly, Percy obliged. When his feet touched yours, you yanked him down and brought the kids under your arms. They couldn’t help but lean deeper into you, hoping the love you had for each other would get you through the idea of a war you’d have no choice but to inevitably partake in. You pressed a kiss to Annabeth’s head, unaware of Luke, who silently watched you take the kids back to their cabins and turned to leave you behind.
One day, you’d find it in yourself to heal from the betrayal that blindsided you all. But you were his weakness, and it would only be a matter of time before someone took advantage of that. It wouldn’t be long until you met again.
After all, history had its eyes on you two.
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charlesf1leclerc · 4 months
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Charles Leclerc: here we go again. New Leclerc baby loading…🤍
Arthur Leclerc: do you ever stop?
~ User: Arthur!
 ~User2: Arthur just asking the question    we are all thinking 
Y/nusername: as always you will continue to be the best daddy 
~ Charlesy/nlovies- I wonder if she calls him daddy all the time
~ user4: ah they are both so cute 
PascaleLeclerc- So happy for you both! ❤️
User45: omg more babies ahh
User9: they’ve been busy. 😏
CharlesLeclercfanclub9: ahh I’m so happy for you both another cutie on the way
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Y/nusername: so great full, I love being a mummy and can’t wait to meet the next cutie in our family 🤍
CharlesLeclerc: the best mummy 
User: ahhh she looks so cute when pregnant 
User33: so pretty I love this family so much
Y/nwardrobe - im so happy for you two you really are the it parents 
Y/nandcharlescontent: perfect parents 🤍
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Y/nusername: double the trouble but I’ll be ok as long as I’m with you
ArthurLeclerc: how strong is this guys sperm?
 ~ user: Arthur!!! Hahah 
~ y/nusername: ARTHUR LECLERC!?!
~ CharlesLeclerc: stronger than yours 😉
~y/nlovies: they are going to have their hands full
~charles_leclercfanclub: charles this man dosent stop what happened to only three kids
~user: ❤️
~ user34: so cute ahhhhh
~pierreGasly: you’re going to need a bigger house mate
    ~user3: and more 
~ Ferrari: new drivers to add to our line up
 ~ CCferrari: do not mess with these children
 ~ user22: two little Ferraris 
Y/nusername story
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y/nusername story
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y/nusername story
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~ CharlesLeclerc: me included ❤️
CharlesLeclerc story
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~ Y/nusername: thank you all for coming today. Had the best time celebrating babies 🤍
~Y/nwadrobe: ahhh this all looks so cute
~ CharlesLeclerc: would of been more fun if I was there
~Y/nusername: no boys allowed
~ ArthurLeclerc: boys party soon
~PierreGasly: I’m there
~CarlosSianz: me three
~LorenzoLeclerc: See you at Arthur’s
~user3: partition for me to be invited
~ PascaleLeclerc- Gorgeous darling
~user1: this is the cutest baby shower I’ve ever seen
~yourFriend1: The best time you deserve it babe
~user2: this baby is going to be so loved like all the rest of them ☺️
~ user444: Babies*
~Y/nfanclub: umm hello we need to know where the dress is from
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CharlesLeclerc: the most precious gift in the entire world welcome Lenny Marc And Maisy Pascale. Thank you to my wife y/n for blessing me and our family again.
~user: ahh there names so cute.
~ArthurLeclerc- ok they are actually cute
~ user33: even Arthur knows it
~CharlesLeclerc: Thank you
~Ferrari: congrats
~PascaleLeclerc: the cutest
~User66: all her gandkids are from Charles
~y/nusername: love you and our babies so much
~CharlesLeclerc: ❤️
~y/nusername: no more
~y/nxCharlesLeclerc: oh he’s been told
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Y/nusername: more babies to love. Welcome to the world Lenny and Maisy we love you more than you know
~ CharlesLeclerc: that we do ❤️
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Lionesses x Reader
-Spiderman and Cinderella-
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Cute little start to a maybe series xx
Lionesses x Reader, Lionesses x R!Children!
Your whole life was flipped upside down at sixteen. You were on your way to become an amazing football player, playing the the U17’s Lionesses as well as in the Liverpool Academy and were deemed one of the best upcoming players. But It all went down hill when one night at a party you got drunk, slept with a guy and before you knew it, you were standing in a bathroom with a positive pregnancy test staring right back at you.
Conversation after conversation followed with family, friends and staff about what to do next. You had managed to contact the boy from that night only to get ghosted and to find out he had left town the next week with his family.
You support system was made up of the best people in your life, being there with you through everything even when learning that it wasn’t just one baby but two. Nine months later your beautiful twins were born, Theo Luka Y/L/N coming out first followed by his sister Maisie Luna Y/LN. Your heart was full from the moment your babies were placed into your arms and you knew you would give them the world and more.
Nobody expected you to return back to football but just four months later your were back in the academy, juggling school, football and your twins but in the end you made it work. Now fast forward three years with your two bundles of joy now being three years old you were on your way to your first senior call up for the England National team.
You were the last to arrive at St George's Park due to having two bubbly, energy filled toddlers who refused to wear anything beside a Spiderman costume for Theo and a Cinderella dress for Maisie. Arriving just in time for dinner, you left your bags as you were notified someone would take up to your room that only held you and the twins.
There was no time to be nervous when entering the dining hall, having two of the most extroverted toddlers ever they didn’t waste anytime in rushing through the doors and towards the food. Taking no notice of the many eyes that snapped to the two toddlers, like always in their own little worlds.
“Slow down guys, I will get your food. Be patient please.” You ran in after them, smiling apologetically at the chef who didn’t know what to do with two kids babbling at him in a toddler language he couldn’t quite understand.
“You got some energetic kids there.” You turned around to the voice of Sarina, smiling as she pulled you into a hug before bending down to the twins levels. “Hi, my name is Sarina. What are your names?”
Maisie and Theo looked up at you simultaneously, making sure to give them a small nod to tell Sarina their names. “Spiderman” Sarina let out a laugh at Theo’s answer.
“Well nice to meet you Spiderman, and I am guessing you are a princess.” Sarina turned to Maisie after shaking Theo’s hand gently.
“I am Cinderella.” Maisie said poking out her chest in pride, you couldn’t help but smile as your new coach stood a curtsied to Maisie, the toddler letting out her tiny giggles that never failed to melt your heart.
Sarina stood with you as you grabbed plates and filled them with food you knew Theo and Maisie would like, lucky for you they were absolutely angles when it came to eating, when they were younger both of them even ate dog food for you childhood dog that was set out at your parents home.
“Two hands.” Placing the tray carefully into Maisie’s hand. Unbeknownst to you Leah and Lucy had stood from their respective tables and made their way towards the group of you.
“Need a little help there mister?” Leah bent down grabbing the tray from Theo’s hands to her own as he saw the young boy struggling. “You wanna come sit with me, I’m Leah.” Theo once again looked warily at the blonde stranger reaching behind him to tug you shirt, causing you to turn around.
“Hi.” You couldn’t help but be awestruck at the two world class defenders in front of you, managing only a small greeting.
“Hi, I’m Leah I can take this little guy to come sit with me.” The blonde greeted showing off her trademark smile.
“Oh god, you really don’t have to.” You said shaking your head knowing Theo was in his most energetic mood and he was eating his dinner which meant he was very messy.
“Mummy I want to go.” You looked down surprise at Theo.
“Okay then off you go, I want all the veggies gone when I come check.” Not another word was uttered from your three year old as he happily took Leah’s hand as she led him to her table that sat Keira, Georgia, Beth, Jordan and Katie. You didn’t even notice Maisie was already sat at a table with Lucy, Rachel, Millie, Mary and Alex.
“What just happened?” You said to no one in particular, Sarina laughing and patting your back.
“You got free babysitting, just go with it.” Sarina smiled before making her way back to the staff tables.
You didn’t have to worry about where to sit cause as soon as you turned around from grabbing your plate the loud voice of Ella Toone rang out calling you over to sit down at a table that held herself, Alessia, Lotte, Esme, Lauren and Chloe. Your nerves shattered away as you fell into a comfortable conversation with the group of girls, not taking any note to the conversations your twins were having with some of Englands best.
“Is your Mummy good at football?” Rachel asked Maisie who was stuffing her face with food, sat comfortably in her chair that had four cushions stacked to keep her in level with the table.
“My Mummy is the best, she gets all the balls in the net.” Maisie smiled at Rachel who she had now named Ra-Ra, the three year old having a nick for coming up with nicknames for people with names she deemed to hard or long to say.
“She sounds pretty good.” Millie smiled at the little girl across the table.
Back at the table Theo was sitting in he was telling a long story about how he was going to be the best football player ever. “What position?” Keira asked the boy, who thought about his answer for a sec.
“Keeper like Jordan Pickford and Mary Earps.” Theo replied with a big smile on his face.
“Yo, Mary you’ve got a future keeper here, says he wants to be like you and Pickford.” Georgia yelled to the table Mary was sitting at, she caught Theo’s eye giving him a big smile and thumbs up.
“Theo what happened to becoming a striker like your mum.” You said to Theo having caught wind of the conversation that was happening across the room.
“Keepers at the unseen hero’s of the game.” You jaw dropped as the three keepers around the room cheered at your son’s words.
“Who told you that? also your veggies better be done.” Your son’s face dropped from his sly smirk into a annoyed face as he looked down at the broccoli and carrots on his plate that you knew for a fact he did like but just didn’t eat it straight away to annoy you.
Having lost track of the time as everyone sat and talked you looked down at your phone to see it was the just about time to put the twins to bed, knowing they were bound to crash soon you knew it was time to get them to bed.
What you hadn’t expected to see when you stood up to grab the two toddlers were both of them fast asleep Theo in the arms of Beth and Maisie asleep in the lap of Millie, looking tiny in comparison to the brick wall.
“It will never seize to amaze me how they always fall asleep with everyone else but me.” You smiled at Beth who gently passed Theo into your arms.
“You’ll be back down right we are all just hanging out down in the team room.” Leah asked before you could step away from the table.
“As soon as these two are settled I will be back, by the looks of things I will be back very quickly.” You smiled at the table walked over to the other table where Maisie was cured into Millie’s chest.
“I can bring her up.” Millie immediately offered, making your heart melt at the kindness from all these women just on your first night.
Soon enough with Theo in your arms, Maisie in Millies as well as Rachel tagging along for the ride you made it up to your room without any toddlers waking up. “Was it hard to come back from giving birth?” The question came out of no where from Millie as you placed Theo into bed.
“I though about not doing football and just giving up all together, I was sixteen, still in school with twins it was almost impossible to do it. But football is everything to me and I really wanted to come back and I knew if I worked hard enough I could make it my career. It was hard, but even getting this call up makes it feel all worth it.” Millie and Rachel nodded along to your words as you placed both twins on one of the beds, making sure to set up a baby monitor in case they woke up.
“They’ll be fine in there?” Rachel asked.
“They’ve had a long day i’ll be very surprised if they wake up before I come back to the room, they somehow always wake up when they feel my presence come back.”
Coming back to one of the team common room everyone was sitting around in their different groups. You decided to join a group of the younger girls who were playing a game of uno.
“I’ll deal you in.” Alessia said smiling up and giving you seven cards to play the game.
You were able to play about two rounds with Niamh taking the win for one round while you took the win for the other. Most of the girls also had a big travel day so everyone headed to bed early including you, waving goodnight to Esme and Lauren who took the room beside you. You quickly entered the room quickly checking on the twins, getting ready for bed and falling straight asleep.
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.⋆。Just Like Daddy。⋆.
Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish x plus size reader
A bored husband and kids in need of a haircut while you’re at work, good thing they’re all so freaking adorable 
Warnings: fluff, domestic humour
WC: 744
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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“Honey! I’m home!” The front door quietly shut behind you as you kicked off your heels and dropped your work bag on the bench next to you. You expected a cacophony of noise upon your return given that there were 4 children in your home (including your husband) but the whole place was dead silent.
You glanced out the front window, confirming that Johnny’s car was in fact in the driveway so he wasn’t out running errands with the kids. Plus all of their little sneakers were lined up against the wall so they couldn’t have gone out to the park.
“Johnny?” After a quick look down the hallway to the empty kitchen, you began to climb the stairs to the second floor. Anxiety curled in your gut, logically you knew that everyone was fine and safe but Johnny’s job was dangerous and came with some very… interesting people.
But then, a baby’s giggle echoed from the master bathroom and your body relaxed. The sound was quickly cut off as another voice harshly whispered. “Shush.” That was definitely your husband.
“But it’s mama.” Your heart melted at your toddler’s words, he was such a mummy’s boy. 
“I know it’s yer mum, tha’s why we’re stayin’ quiet.” You forced down your smirk, preparing a disapproving look for your family and whatever shenanigans they had gotten up to in your absence. Last time, Johnny, at the whims of your eldest, dyed Riley pink while you had been dog-sitting her for Simon. You were scrubbing pink dye out of the carpet for weeks afterwards.
Silently, you crept down the hall and slipped into your bedroom which was suspiciously clean considering the almost violent romp of last night and this morning. The bathroom door was firmly shut but light leaked out from underneath, letting you know exactly where your little clan was.
You slipped out of your work jacket and shimmied down your tights, deciding to let your husband fester in anticipation and his bad decisions for a few more minutes. By the time you had donned your comfy house clothes, you could feel the panic your husband was experiencing.
As soon as your wrist twisted the doorknob, the excited babbles began. “Mama!” Your youngest screamed. The door creaked open and for a moment, everything was dead silent.
Johnny stood beside the bathtub, your 6 year old daughter beside him as the two younger kids, your three year old and one year old, sat in the bath, huge smiles on their faces. Hair covered the tiled floor and it didn’t take you very long to work out where it had come from.
Each and every one of them had matching mohawks, each of them looking like an exact carbon copy of their father.
“Now bonnie, I can explain. See, me hair was gettin’ long so I wanted ta take some clippers ta it but then Maisie said her hair was too long and wanted it like mine and ya know I canne resist those big eyes o hers. And then the babies were upset and-and, it got outta hand.” He nervously rubbed the nape of his neck, a dark blush blooming across his scruffy cheeks.
Callum stood up, sending another wave of loose hair onto the ground, a pout on his face. “Wan look li da.” He said simply as if he were trying to defend his father. His baby sister Ava slapped the side of the tub with a happy screech.
“Ma-“ Maisie started but immediately stopped as soon as your laughter filled the room. You doubled over, clutching your stomach tightly. Johnny chuckled along with you uncomfortably, still anticipating some sort of retribution.
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you straightened up once more. Maisie ran into your waiting arms, her perfectly done mohawk brushing against your chest. Your fingers brushed through her hair that was so much like Johnny’s, pulling out the cut strands still caught in her thick mane. 
“You gave me children some fudged up mullets.” You chuckled and his shoulders dropped, realising that he was finally off the hook.
“I’ll fix em up.” Leaning over your daughter’s head, you met his lips in a delicate kiss which was met by some very frustrated shouts from your children.
“Alright then! I guess we need to get everyone in a bath and maybe some pizzas in your bellies, daddy’s treat.” Four almost identical smiling faces looked back at you, all of them incredibly adorable. 
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Modern Warfare
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shy-taylorsversion · 3 months
Want You Back | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Inspired by Want You Back by Maisie Peters
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Over a year ago, Y/n started hunting with the boys. Her and Dean's friendship became more than anything she ever had before. Then he hurt her like never before. The worst part was she didn't really care.
Takes place somewhere in season 6 after Sam got his soul back. Flashbacks are during season five.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Cursing (minimal), canon-level violence, few innuendos, and mentions of things. Reader is kinda sad and desperate. Angst. no happy ending :(
A/N: Hi!! After a year of trying to write a complete fic to post, I finally did it. Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors, I relied on Grammarly lol Also I had no idea how to write the action scenes but tried my best. I really don't know if this is worth much but I had so much fun writing sooo I hope you enjoy it!! (gif not mine)
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March 2010
  Y/n’s phone buzzed, drawing her attention from the hunter drunkenly blabbering in her ear. They’d just wrapped up a quick hunt, a werewolf somewhere in northern Montana. She didn’t even really know the guy but Bobby had given him her number to ask for help. She agreed, not really having anything more to do. He was fine for a hunter, other than he never shut up and was getting too handsy for her liking, and him being on his fifth drink wasn’t helping. 
She opened the message, not recognizing the number. Bobby had to stop handing it out to whoever.  
           “Hey, Sweetheart. Whatcha up to?”  
The phone fell into her lap. There was only one person she ever let get away with calling her that, or anything really, and he didn’t come around often. 
           “Depends, who is this?”  
    The response was almost immediate. 
          “Don’t do me like that, Y/n”
 She could almost see his stupid grin on the screen and had to look away to control the heat rising in her face. Within five seconds and two texts, Dean Winchester had turned her into a giggling schoolgirl with a crush. 
          “I’m at a bar, what do you want?” 
         “Ah, a girl after my own heart. Which one? I wanna see you.” 
In any other universe, she would have assumed he had ulterior motives. She had the first few times she’d received that text but ended up spending the night hiding her disappointment. He only wanted to see her. He’d meet with her wherever she was. A bar, a motel, a diner.   
They’d spend hours talking about everything. She’d tell him stories of her recent hunts and the hunters she was stuck helping. He’d tell her of whatever they’d been facing. On rare occasions, when it was super late and they were sprawled on her bed, in a half-drunken stupor, he’d tell her about Sam or their dad. He’d mention their childhood and what he was put through. One night, he even mentioned a girl named Cassie, he skirted around details but Y/n understood. 
   They’d fall asleep like that, on top of the covers of a dirty motel bed. The next morning, he’d take her to breakfast, hug her goodbye, and then he was gone. 
     Her phone buzzed in her hand again. 
       “I miss you.” 
Her blood ran cold as she stared at the screen. He’d definitely never said that before. They just never went there and maybe this wasn’t him going there but it was different. Without another thought, she sent him the address. 
Present, April 2011
  “What Dean did wasn’t ok, you know that right?” Sam said through the phone. “He never should’ve left like that. We just really could use your and Bobby’s help on this case.” 
  Y/n sighed in response. What could she even say? That she knew, that she understood. That it still didn’t matter because even through all of the anger and hurt, she’d take him back tomorrow. 
  Not that he’d ever actually been hers. It was only half a spring, barely two months. 
It didn’t matter either way. There was a job to be done and she had to do it. She could put her feelings aside for a few days. 
 “He always left like that, not like I’m surprised.”  
   “Look, I’ve gotta go but please, Y/n, call us if you need anything. We’ll be there soon.“ 
 “Bye, Sam.” 
  The call ended, leaving Y/n leaning against the railing of Bobby’s porch. The early spring wind whipped around her and she hugged her flannel closer, looking out onto the empty road. 
   It had been over a year since she’d seen either of them. She knew of everything that happened to them. Sam going to hell and coming back without a soul. Dean, living a normal life for over a year with a woman and her kid. 
 Y/n didn’t know her, only hearing about the situation from Sam and Bobby in passing. She knew her name was Lisa and that Dean cared for her. Maybe more. She knew that Dean had promised Sam to live a normal life after he jumped into the cage. And she was happy that he got a year of peace. She was. 
   She could picture him helping in the kitchen, wearing an apron with flour smeared across his face. He’d probably set up family movie nights and weekend outings and birthday dinners. He’d been happy and okay. Against all odds, he had gotten out. 
    That didn’t stop the wave of hurt that washed over at the thought of him, all domestic and soft.  
 The click of the door opening pulled her out of her thoughts. Bobby stood there, a knowing look on his face.  
     “C’mon kid, let’s see if we can figure out something before those boys get here.” 
A few hours later, Y/n stared at the book in her lap. She’d been rereading the same paragraph for thirty minutes. Every time she’d get drawn into the book, the house would creak or the wind would blow and she’d be snapped out of it. 
   She kept waiting for the door to open, for footsteps to trail down the foyer and into the living room. She couldn’t even begin to prepare for what the next few days were going to be like. Her only plan was to act as normal as possible, which was already proving to be difficult. 
  A pit formed in her stomach, there was a lump in her throat and her head was clouded. The whole room was hazy and it felt like she was watching herself exist.
    She didn’t even realize she was crying until something wet hit her hands and slid onto her jeans. She quickly wiped her eyes and tried to focus on the book again. The lines blurred together as more tears filled her eyes.  
    God, she was sitting here crying over some guy. She was a grown woman, she had to get over this. It was pathetic at this point. 
   “You know, what Dean did was wrong. Leaving like that, not telling you what happening.” Bobby said, walking into the room, a stack of books in his hands. “I love the kid but he’s a real dick sometimes.”
       He meant well but she swore if one more person said that Dean had done bad, she was going to go crazy. 
    She knew that. More than anyone, she knew. She was the one who spent months hunting with him, helping him and Sam figure out how to save the damn world. They’d spent nights wrapped up in each other, more than ever before. Farther than before.  
  She was the one who woke up to an empty bed with no trace of him anywhere. He never responded to a call or a text. Never even let her know he was alive. 
  He’d left like an assassin. 
   Part of her couldn’t even blame him. It probably had been for the best because if he’d told her what the plan had been, she’d have begged. 
     In the end, he’d got to be a coward and she salvaged some amount of self-respect. 
 “I know, Bobby.” She said, giving him a small smile, “I know.” 
The door creaked causing Y/n to jump, earning her a concerned look from Bobby. 
  She smiled at him again, trying to reassure him. She could tell he’d been worried about her lately. He was justified in it. She’d been on edge and closed off for the last year and a half. 
   She took a deep breath and steadied herself. She’d known these boys for the better part of her life, it wasn’t a big deal. 
     Sam rounded the corner first, entering with a slight grin. His eyes immediately found hers and without warning he pulled her off the couch and into his arms. 
   Y/n let out a surprised laugh as her feet dangled off the ground and the life was squeezed out of her.  
   “I missed you too, Sam.” She said, unable to hold back more laughter, “Put me down now.” 
   Her feet hit the floor and Sam stepped back. She looked him over, still smiling. 
     “I’m so glad you’re back.” 
   “Yeah, me too.” 
A set of footsteps grew louder causing Y/n to look up, only for her to meet two green eyes. 
  The breath was knocked out of her and she was all too aware of the pit in her stomach again. 
Ignoring the pairs of eyes on her, She spun on her heel to face Bobby.   
    “Let’s get started?” 
March 2010 
“I call shotgun!” Y/n yelled as they walked out of the diner and took off towards the Impala.
   She was probably being unfair. She’d barely shared the passenger side in the few weeks she’d been with the boys. Sam was getting huffy about it, she could tell but she enjoyed the view more from the front.  Sitting in the back she’d miss the way Dean’s hands looked gripping the steering wheel, the way his lips moved as he mouthed the lyrics to whatever was on the radio, or the way his eyes would flicker to hers for just a split second. 
 Dean had also finally let her DJ and she didn’t plan on giving that rare privilege away anytime soon.
   “C'mon, dude. It's my turn.” Sam whined, “My legs are starting to cramp.” 
Sam beat her to the car which wasn’t surprising since he was literally the size of one. She was close to giving in when an arm landed on her shoulder. Dean nudged Sam out of the way, ignoring his protests, and opened the door. 
     “Sorry, Sammy.”  Dean’s eyes never left hers as she slid into the seat, “Need my Darlin’ by my side.” 
Present, April 2011
   Cracked wooden planks creaked under Y/n’s feet as she followed the boys and Bobby into the abandoned house. It was pitch black. She blinked her eyes, trying to adapt to the lack of lighting.  
According to Sam, a nest of vamps had been holed up there for weeks. They’d started leaving a trail of bodies, teens who’d come through as a dare or curiosity. She didn’t know the exact numbers racked up in that time but it was enough for Sam and Dean to ask for help. 
   Dean motioned for them to split up, two taking the downstairs and two going up. She went to follow behind Sam who had taken off into the next room but Bobby beat her to it. She would’ve fought back but it wasn’t exactly like she could cause a scene right then. 
   She followed Dean up the stairs, cringing every time the stairs groaned underneath their feet. 
Dean slowed as he hit the final step before a long, dark hallway. Y/n was a step behind him. His body nearly covered her. She shifted to the side to peer around him. 
  Both raised their machetes, trying to keep their breathing quiet as they waited for any sign of movement.
    A crash came from down the hall. Dean started towards the sound, Y/n following close behind. The complete darkness put them on edge. Being minus one sense in a house of at least ten fanged bastards, not fun. 
      The floorboard creaked behind her causing her to flip around, just in time to dodge the first vampire of the night. 
       She swung her machete, hitting its arm. Distracted, she brought down the weapon. Its head hit the floor. 
        Dean yelled out from behind her. She flung herself around to hear him fighting off, what she guessed was three on his own. Her presence seemed to catch the attention of one of them because it charged at her. 
   She dodged, the vamp lunged again grabbing her by the arm. She twisted out of its grasp. Using the angle to her advantage, she swiped her leg around, knocking it off balance. Its head rolled away as its body hit the ground. 
     She wiped the sweat from her forehead and turned to try to find Dean. She still couldn’t see him but she could hear him panting a few feet away.
She was yanked forward. Hands gripped her forearms tight enough to leave bruises and slammed into the wall. Her head buzzed on impact and she forced herself to stay upright. Its fangs grazed her neck and then its head dropped to the floor. 
   Dean stood in front of her, so close she could feel him breathing, rather than hearing it. Without thinking, she reached out to him and landed on his arm. She went to pull away but his other hand grasped her wrist, holding her in place. 
“Thanks.” She breathed, “You good?” 
“Yeah, You?��� 
She wished she could see him, make sure he was being truthful. He didn’t exactly have the best track record with honesty. But in the dark, she had no choice but to trust him. 
    “I’m fine.” There were definitely bruises forming in her arms and her head was still spinning but she’d had worse.  
   Dean’s hand dropped her wrist. She ignored the deflated feeling in her chest and dropped her arm back to her side. 
  Without warning, he ran his hands over her arms and up her shoulders. She tried to pull away but he didn’t stop. 
    “What are you doing?” She whisper-yelled. 
“I literally heard you hit the wall, Y/n,” He said, running his hands over her head, checking for any bumps. 
“I am fine.”  She tried to swat him away but he grabbed her wrists mid-air and pulled them to his chest.  
    The air was humid around them. She heard him panting. Leather and sweat invaded her senses. Any focus she had before vanished. 
He was here, touching her, after so long. 
  Silence enveloped them. The only noise was their panting. 
 This was wrong. Sam and Bobby were probably fighting for their life downstairs and here they were, doing whatever this was.
  She was about to pull away when a loud yell came from downstairs. 
   The moment was broken. They took off down the hallway and stairs. Staying close to not get lost in the dark. 
  They hit the last few steps as a vampire, charged at them. 
 Dean swung his machete and it fell to the floor.  
 They moved further into the first floor of the home, finding Sam and Bobby fighting off at least four vamps each.  
   They split up, him going to Bobby and her going to Sam.  
     None of the vampires were aware of her yet. She grabbed the syringe of deadman’s blood out of her pocket and plunged the needle into the closet to her. 
  Now they knew she was there.
 Two turned towards her giving Sam time to take down his remaining one. 
   Both charged at her, hissing. She ran in between them.She flipped around, slicing the blade in an arc. The one on her left doubled over at the impact. 
    She swung. 
The right one lunged at her. She pivoted and cut the blade up. 
Its head hit the floor. 
She looked around the room, a slight beam of moonlight flooded the house now. She made out Sam helping Bobby up from the floor, right as Dean took down the last vampire. 
   The room was silent other than everyone trying to catch their breath.  
Dean’s eyes found hers. She forced herself to look away. Sam interrupted the non-moment. 
“Time for drinks?” 
Y/n and the boys decided to go out. They were leaving soon but everyone needed time to wash off and get ready. 
   She dragged the black liner across her eyelid, double-checking to see if it smeared the shimmery brown eyeshadow she’d already put on. The cracks in the old mirror made it kind of hard to perfect the make-up but it would have to do.  She already changed from her bloodied hunting clothes into a clean pair of jeans with a simple tank top. She didn’t own much and traveled with less. 
“Broke mirrors are bad luck, ya know?”  
  Dean leaned against the doorframe, flannel pulled taut around his crossed arms. 
She ignored the pit that had reappeared in her stomach and continued applying her lipstick. She flipped through ideas for a response. She could yell at him to get out or cry about how much he hurt her. Instead, she opted to act like nothing was wrong. 
   “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who broke it.”  She said, shoveling her makeup back into the bag, still never meeting his eye. She stood and gathered the rest of her stuff into a neat pile on her bed. Her back was completely towards him. 
    She heard him walk into the room and the door clicked shut. 
“Y/n, look at me.”  
She turned around and looked up at him. Her eyebrows raised like he was boring her. In reality, she was struggling to breathe. Her hands shook and a lump was stuck in her throat.  
 Her eyes glanced over his face. His jaw was set but eyes were soft.  She knew where this was going. 
  Dean took a deep breath before starting.  
“Look, what I did-” 
“Do not finish that sentence, Dean Winchester.” She spat. 
“I just-”
“No. You don’t get to say anything. You don’t get to say that what you did was wrong or how sorry you are. You don’t think I don’t know that what you did was wrong? Everyone keeps telling me that. Bobby, Sam and now you. They kept telling me how horrible of you that was like it wasn’t me. Like I wasn’t the one who spent months with you, like I didn't help you figure out how to stop the fucking apocalypse. Like I didn’t stitch you up after every hunt or spend every car ride next to you. Like I wasn’t the one who would hold you after you woke up screaming or it wasn’t me who spent every single night in your fucking sheets.” 
 Every ounce of refrain she’d worked to keep was gone. Hot tears were streaming down her face as her eyes bored into his. He didn’t try to interrupt her but his jaw twitched and body tensed. 
  “Like it wasn’t me who woke up two months later to an empty bed. You were gone, Dean. You left without a word. No text, no note. Nothing. You fucking left me. And then I found out you were with some other girl for a year? So yeah, I know that what you did was bad.” 
Somewhere in her speech, she’d moved close enough for their chest to touch. Her finger was stabbing into his chest.  He didn’t move, was barely breathing but she wasn’t finished. 
   “Maybe it was cheap to you, or maybe it was some fling to pass the time but it was real to me. It was all I had. You were all I had.” Her voice broke at the last word and she dropped her hand. Her head fell as she cried. Over a year of built-up heartbreak exploding in one moment was too much. 
     His hand found hers and placed it back on his chest. She looked back up at him, his other hand reaching out to cup her cheek. She closed her eyes as his thumb wiped away the remaining tears. 
    “Do you want to know what the worst part is?” She whispered, eyes still shut. “I’d be yours again if you wanted. If you asked. How pathetic is that?” 
She opened her eyes to look at him despite her embarrassment.  
  “You are anything but cheap or pathetic.” His voice was thick and his eyes were glassy. She’d seen him in so many different states but she’d never seen so much emotion written across his face. 
   “Ask me then. Ask me to come with you.” 
His expression darkened and he dropped his hand from her face. He took a step back and looked away. 
   “It’s not that easy.” He said, shaking his head. “It's never that easy.” 
She let out a bitter laugh. 
 She wasn’t even surprised. She should’ve been disappointed or furious but she was just over it. She was tired and desperate. And if she couldn’t have him, he needed to go. 
  She wiped a hand down her face and glanced back into the mirror assessing the damage her outburst caused. She started wiping off the messed-up liner before starting to reapply. Dean stood behind her, brows furrowed in confusion. 
    “Get out.” She said without hesitation, her voice as steady as possible.  
He opened his mouth as if to speak but shut it. He walked towards the door but stopped with his hand on the doorknob. 
   “For what it's worth, I am sorry.” 
The buzz of conversation filled the packed-out bar. Sam found them a small booth in the corner and was now talking about a new piece of lore he’d found about some Egyptian god. Most of the time, she loved hearing what he had to say but right now all she could focus on was Dean's hand trailing up and down the woman’s hip. He never even sat down with them, finding himself a spot at the bar, next to a pretty blonde. She’d watched for half an hour now as he grinned at the girl, whispered in her ear, and bought her a drink. 
  She wanted to puke or cry or both. She decided to get drunk instead. 
She went to take a sip of her beer only to realize it was empty. Motioning to Sam she was going to get another, she slid out of the booth and made her way to the opposite side of the bar from Dean. 
   She planned to order a shot of some vodka and another beer but she couldn’t catch the attention of either bartender.
  A body bumped up against hers causing her to stumble. A hand wrapped around her waist to catch her. She almost jerked away but she looked up to find a familiarly unfamiliar pair of dark green eyes and dark blonde hair.  
   The man was by far the prettiest she’d seen all night. 
 “I am so sorry, It's packed in here. Isn’t it?  Nowhere to stand.” He had a slight southern drawl and a boyish charm about him. 
 “It is. Can’t seem to even order a drink.”  She smiled at him.
 “You see, now that had to be fate or something because I was just wantin’ to buy you one.” He grinned and waited, almost seeing if she’d allow it. His hand was still on her but she found she didn’t really mind. 
 The room was fuzzy and she could only make out the man in front of her. Even then, he was a little hazy and she had no idea what he was saying, only that his mouth looked pretty as he said it.    
  Y/n didn’t know how long it’d been since the handsome stranger volunteered to feed into her night of drunkenness or even how many she’d had so far. She vaguely remembered him buying her the first shot and then the second and maybe a third. They made small talk, she gave some bullshit story about what she did for work and where she was from. Somewhere in between she had a fourth, fifth, and sixth one. 
 And somewhere between the seventh and now, she’d lost track of Dean. She didn’t even know if he was still there. She did know that the new guy made her feel ok, at least for now. His hands never left her and the drinks never seemed to end.
  She could barely remember the events of the day. Maybe by tomorrow, she wouldn’t remember any of it, or at least a girl could hope.
But right now, she didn’t feel like crying or throwing up as long as she didn’t think of it. 
   She decided in her drunken haze that maybe this was what she needed. So when the stranger asked her if she wanted to leave, she agreed. And when he leaned down to kiss her, she let him.
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Take It Out On Me Part 22 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Daddy Steve X Sir Eddie and Plus Size Fem Sub Reader, SMUT of the rougher variety, punishment, tied down, spanking, overstimulation, slight degrading, FLUFF, in the end because I can, ANGST, reader has an attitude and gets punished, she does get drunk at a party and they scold her.
Word Count: 3215
You were in the worst mood and the boys couldn’t quiet figure out why. These past few days any time they tried to get intimate with you, you pushed them away saying you were too tired and anytime they tried to take care of you in some way you snapped at them. They didn’t see much of you and vice versa do to everyone’s busy schedules but they did what they could when they could. Your attitude just kept getting worse however to a point that they could no longer ignore. 
“Honey, we don’t have to go to this party.”, Steve tried to sooth as he watched you finish getting ready. “I can just call Eddie and have him come home. We can watch a movie or something.”
“No, Daddy. It’s fine. We always have nights in. Let’s go out and just have a good time, alright?”
“Are you su—”
“YES! I’m sure! Stop questioning me!”
Glancing up in the mirror, you saw Steve’s eyes narrow in your direction. 
“I’m going to let that go because I know you have a lot on your plate but we’re going to call that strike one, Y/N. You don’t want us to get to strike three. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”, you grumble. 
You don’t even bother looking his way when you hear him rise from the bed. His fingers pinch your cheeks as he turns your face to meet his. 
“Yes. Daddy.”
“Lose that tone, little girl.”
“Are you alright?”, Maisie asks as soon as you find her. 
Some of the kids you two met at school were having a party at the fraternity house a few blocks away from campus. When you originally mentioned it to the guys you had really wanted to go, prepared to let your hair down and have some fun. Now more than anything, you just wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep for three days. You needed to recharge and forget things for a moment.
“Yeah I’m fine. I definitely need a drink.”
“Of course. Come with me to the bar!”, she laughs, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the keg in the kitchen. 
Steve watches as you slurp two cups back with annoyance etched on his face. As you go in for thirds, his hand reaches out to grab your wrist. 
“Y/N, stop. Space out your drinks, baby.”
“Jesus Christ, it’s not a big deal, Steve! I’m fine. I can handle my alcohol.”
“Honey, I kind of agree with him. It’s a party. You want have fun not pass out.”, Masie countered, agreeing with your boyfriend. 
Both watch helplessly as you ignore them and go in to fill your cup. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, if you drink that it will be strike two. Eddie will be here soon and you don’t want to have strike three with him.” He murmurs his warning so your friend can’t hear but you don’t care as your eyes meet his and chug from the glass in your hand. 
“I’m not afraid of Eddie Munson, Steve.”
Rolling your eyes, you leave both starring after you as you wonder towards the dance floor. Your boyfriend kept a close eye on you until the other man you loved entered the house. You watched as Steve whispered to him, Eddie’s smile slowly fading as his eyes filled with the same frustration the other boy had the entire evening. 
When those chocolate orbs landed on you, he beckoned you over with his finger; his head tilting when your eyes rolled in disgust as you headed his way. 
“Why are you being a pain in the ass, Y/N?”
“I’m just trying to have fun and Steve won’t let me.”, you sass as you take another sip of your beverage. 
“So, giving Steve attitude, not listening, and drinking beer one right after the other is fun?”
“For me.”
The metalhead’s jaw tightens as he shifts his attention to his friend. “How many cups has she had?”
“The one in her hand is five.”
“Ok, drink up, little girl, because we’re going home.”
“I don’t want to go home.”, you growl in a tone they hadn’t heard from you in a long time. “I’m fine right where I am.”
“I SAID NO!” Heads in the room turned to look at you, making Eddie huff as Steve’s breathing became a bit more erratic. They were both furious. 
Gripping your bicep, the metalhead pushed you backwards down a hallway into the nearest bathroom with the other boy slamming the door behind you. Eddie’s face hovered over your own after pushing you against the wall, his eyes full of fire as Steve leaned his arm just by your head. 
“I just wanted to—”
A ringed hand covered your mouth. 
“Don’t speak. If you say one word, I’m going to add to your punishment. Say ‘Yes, Sir.’”
“Yes, Sir.”, you whisper as he removes his palm.
“I’m going to give you two choices. You are very welcome to stay here but that means we punish you here out in that living room in front of everyone. Since you have no problem being rude and embarrassing us, we have no problem doing the same. Or… we can go home and punish you there. What would you prefer, little girl?”
Steve’s grab your face and forces your head forward when you pout, turning away from their heavy looks. 
“I said, I want to go home.”
Eddie growls as his hold on your arm tightens. 
“That little tone is being added to your tally. Now, go POLITELY say goodbye to your friend and apologize for your fucking attitude. We’ll meet you at the front door.”
On the drive home, Steve had to pull over to allow you to throw up on the side of the road. Even though they were angry, they still loved you and ever the present boyfriend, he held your hair back while he soothed you. 
“There you go, honey. Get it out. You’re ok. We’re almost home.”
Since Eddie got home first, he laid out your pajamas and gave you a glass of water as you knocked back the headache medication he knew you would need. After you were changed and your make up was removed, they guided you in bed where you quickly fell asleep. 
When you woke up the following morning, you were alone and your heart broke. You couldn’t even remember if they had fallen asleep with you. Shuffling towards the kitchen, you found them at the table with sullen looks on their faces as the quietly exchanged words. 
“Good morning, little girl. Come eat and refuel. You’re going to need it.”
“Yes, Sir.”, you mumbled as you came over and took a seat beside him. 
Steve slid a plate of food in front of you and you took small bites as you listened to the silence. 
“How are you feeling? Did you want to rest a bit more or would you like to start your punishment now?”
“I’m ready now, Sir.”, you answered with a slight edge to your tone that made Steve sigh.
Following them into bedroom, you disrobed and place yourself at the end of the bed while you waited. 
“Bend over and stretch out your arms.”
Doing as Eddie commanded, you bent over with your stomach against the mattress and extended your limbs towards the edges, allowing them to take hold of your wrists and restrain you to the wooden legs underneath. You were completely exposed for them with your ass in perfect view.
“Now, brat, Steve and I talked a lot about this last night after you passed out and we decided on a spanking. I, personally, thought we should utilize the belt again so the punishment fit the crime but Daddy thought that might be too much for you and you wouldn’t be healed in time for work on Monday.”
Eddie craned his neck so his eyes could meet yours. 
“You see, that’s courtesy. Caring about someone else’s feelings. I think you should thank him.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
The metalhead rolls his eyes and you yelp when his hand comes down on your behind. 
“I didn’t realize meek Y/N made a triumphant return. Thank him properly, little girl. Like you fucking mean it.”
“Thank you, Daddy!”
“Here are the rules, Y/N. You’re getting 15; 5 for each strike Steve gave you and extra for that attitude in the bathroom last night. For every smack, we want you to count. If you lose count, we start over. If you aren’t clear, we start over.” Eddie’s fingers thread through your hair and tug it back, lifting your head slightly. “Any fucking sass or tone and we start over. Do you understand me, little girl?”
“Yes, Sir, I understand.”
“Good. Steven, would you like to go first?”
The man’s hand came down hard on your ass and as you counted it off you knew they weren’t going to make this easy for you by any means. The sound of vibration filled the room and you moaned loudly as the wand they loved so much was pressed against your clit. 
Three spanks followed and you shouted the number as you came. They switched places and Eddie’s palm grazed your reddening flesh before coming down roughly to add to the tally.
“You see, brat, we could have been relaxing on this Saturday morning but no. Someone had to cop an attitude. It’s been a while since you’ve been a bad girl for me and Daddy.”
Your body trembled as you came and he smacked your behind again. 
“I didn’t hear a number. Did you Steve?”
“No, Sir. I didn’t. How many is that, Y/N?”
“I-I-I…fuck, Daddy. I don’t—” You yelp as Eddie’s hand came down roughly. 
“Watch your mouth.”, he growled. “I guess we’re starting over.”
They both switched places every time you came and by the time you got to your double digits in the count, you began to cry. Lips hovered next to the shell of your ear and you keened into them as Steve spoke. 
“Color, honey?”
“G-G-Green, Daddy. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a brat.”
His fingers moved some of your hair away from your sweaty face as he kissed your cheek. 
“We’re almost done, baby. You’re taking your punishment like a good girl.”, Eddie praised from behind you while he turned off the wand in his hand. 
Steve reached into his boxers and removed his cock, mewling when his tip slid between your folds. 
“Goddamn it, she’s so fucking wet.”, he moaned. Gripping tightly to your hips, he thrust himself into your entrance and grunted loudly as he smacked your ass.
“11! Daddy, oh my god.”
Steve was anything but gentle when he took from you what was his. 
“She always looks so sexy in this position. We should look into getting one of those bars that spread her legs wider.”, Eddie mused as his palm ran along your lower back to your behind where he spanked you again. 
“12! Mmm—Daddy. S-Sir…I-I don’t know how much more I can take.”
“Maybe next time you’ll think about this before you decide to talk back and be a bad little girl.”, Steve grunted behind you as he thrust into you harder, rocking the bed underneath you. 
“M-My pussy is sore, Daddy.”
“I bet. You’re so fucking tight and dripping right now. Fuck!” He spanks you again as you count it off. 
Calloused fingers grip your chin and lift your head in front of you as your eyes look up to see Eddie on his knees in front of you. 
“You’re almost done. Two more, Y/N. Open your mouth and just stay still while we finish using you. If you feel like you need to stop, tap your hand twice on the base of the bedframe, ok?”
“Y-Yes, Sir.”
His fingers snacked around to the back of your head and you opened your mouth wide as he slid his cock between your lips along your flattened tongue. Your brain flashed back to the first time you were with them and your pussy clenched at the memory. 
You felt so bad for the way you acted last night and you hated upsetting them. Instead of confiding in them about your stress, you took your frustration out on them. They deserved better. 
Steve’s palm came down and Eddie pulled himself out of your mouth allowing you to count before roughly pushing himself back in. 
“Shit, little girl. Your mouth feels so fucking good. Too bad it’s gone back to spewing your trash attitude and sarcastic tone.” His grip tightens as you moan, both men pumping into faster.
“Fuck, Ed. Just a dirty, messy little thing isn’t she?”
“Oh yeah.” Eddie holds you still for a few seconds, groaning as you choke and your throat constricts around before pulling back and allowing you to breathe. “Say it. Say ‘I’m a messy, dirty, bad little girl.’”
“I-I-I’m a messy, bad, dirty—mmm—dirty little girl, Sir.”, you cry.
“Good girl, baby. You’ve done so well, I’m gonna let you swallow my cum, ok?”
“P-Please, Sir.”
Steve’s thrusts start to falter but he holds it together as his pace quickens, grabbing the wand, and reaching underneath you to press it against your sore clit. You push against Eddie’s hold, throwing your head back, as you pant Steve’s title. Just as his palm hits your ass one final time, you cum hard and they try to contain their excitement at watching you fall apart. 
The man behind you follows soon after, grunting as you felt him release his seed inside of you. The metalhead’s hold on you tightens and with a few more sloppy thrusts his spend hits the back of your throat.
As they delicately try to pull out of you, you begin to sniffle as the tears start to fall but you wait patiently as they move quickly on either side of you to release you from your binds. As soon as your free, you climb into Eddie’s embrace, practically knocking him backwards as he falls with his back against the headboard. 
“Whoa. Jesus Christ!” His arms immediately wrapped around you as his finger ran through your hair. With your ear against his chest, you let his heartbeat soothe you till you were fully able to come back down from your high. “It’s ok, baby. You’re ok. You did so good. We’re so proud of you for taking your punishment like a good girl. Right, Stevie?”
“Very proud. Whenever you’re ready, honey, we’ll take a bath and then do some more aftercare, ok?”
“I’m ready, please. I’m sore.”
Steve ran ahead and got the water ready as Eddie slowly walked with you towards the bathroom while assessing any wounds or bruising that would need to be looked after. After 5 years they both had become masters when it came to aftercare. When it came to baths, they had stalked up on essentials like soap and Epsom salts that smelled like your favorite scents. The had a little routine, where one would get everything ready while the other laid out comfy clothes and any first aid you may need. 
They learned your nightly routines so for example if you happened to play on nights where you usually washed your hair they would help you do that as you leaned into them. If they played a bit too hard leaving you blissed out and ready for bed, they would help you with your skin care routine before tucking you and cuddling with you. 
As you sat in the water, Steve sat on the edge behind you, pulling up your hair into a messy bun, and after cleaning your top half, massaged your arms and shoulders that were sore from being in the position you were in for so long. 
“I know, princess, I know.”, Eddie cooed when you winced as he carefully tried to clean between your legs. “I’m almost done.” His gaze shifted to your face as your eyes became glassy and another tear fell. “Are you ready to tell us what happened last night?”
“I feel bad.”, you whispered.
“For how you acted?”
“No…I mean yeah but no. I… I’m exhausted and…and I miss you.”
“Honey, what do you mean you miss us?”
“You two work, I’m working two jobs while going to school, I have finals, and… when I come home I’m either so tired or the three of us aren’t here. We haven’t been on a real date in so long…” Steve tenderly pets your head as you sob while Eddie continues to dry your tears as they fall. “Last night I just wanted to stay home but I also wanted us to go out so I took my grumpiness out on you two. I’m so sorry.”
The exchange another glance and the metalhead nods before his eyes find your again. 
“Baby, do you think you’re up for a drive?”
You had no idea where they were taking you especially when Steve turned onto a subdivision filled with houses you didn’t recognize but you remain silent allowing them to take you where they wanted. Eddie sat in the backseat with you, caressing your arm as you rested against his shoulder. 
You find yourself even more confused when as the car pulls into a driveway and they both get out leading you towards the front door. 
“Your dad gave me…a key here…” Steve’s eyebrows knitted together as he dug in his pockets. 
“My dad?”, you ask but he ignores you, finding what he’s looking for, and jimmying open the front door. It was a relatively new quaint one-story house with updated carpets and appliances in the kitchen. 
Their eyes watched as you slowly took everything in around you. Your hands grazed the wall as you walked down the hallway, peaking into all three bedrooms before staring out the back door at the pool. 
“I want to do that patio and light thing your uncle has in New York. He said he built it, maybe, he’d come down and help me.”, Steve retorted as he came to stand beside you. 
“We were thinking for the time being one of the bedrooms can be like an office and the other can be a guest room for when Masie comes over or if you cousin comes to visit.”, Eddie smiles.
“I-I don’t…I don’t understand.”
“We wanted to surprise you and your parents thought it was a great idea. So much so that your dad helped us get the papers and everything in order. Y/N, with this house and the payments we’d be making on it, honey, you don’t have to keep working at the library. You can focus on school and your internship.”
“It will help with that stress and we’d get to see you more. Even Steve could cut back on some of his hours to work with Robin on their non-profit thing.”
“Th-This-This is our house?”, you hiccupped as this time happy tears began to streak your cheeks. Eddie’s grin grew as he stepped forward and yanked you into his embrace. 
“Yes, crybaby. If you like it of course.”
“Yes! Yes, oh my god. I love it! I don’t even know what to say. Thank you. It’s perfect.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
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kriffingstars · 6 months
Johnny MacTavish; the other man
pairing: Johnny MacTavish x Price!Reader summary: The MacTavish sisters take things into their own hands, and Johnny gets jealous warnings: verrrrrry slight age gap (I imagine reader to be around 20, Johnny is 26), tiniest bit of angst if you squint a/n: i hope this makes up for the lack of follow up, once again asks are always open. if you want to be added to the tags just let me know :) enjoy my beauties
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None of the boys are particularly fond of the more ceremonial side of being in the military. The uniforms are too hot, itchy and Gaz has already complained about the way the trousers are splitting him in half.
The nice aspect of it, is that they get to show their families a small part of what they do, even if it’s a carefully constructed show with lots of procedure.
Price can see you mingling with a few of the other soldier’s families. You’ve always been the most personable of the Price’s, taking your mother’s kindness and magnifying it tenfold.
Currently you’re in deep conversation with two ginger girls, the three of you chatting animatedly. Price feels himself smiling as he watches you, he doesn’t really get to see this side of you very often, all your cousins are much younger, and you rarely bring friends round to the house. He’s told you many times, you’re not just a guest, it’s your home and he expects you to treat it as such.
You know it’s your home, but you also see how your Uncle is with new people, and you like to keep the sanctity of your home just that. A sanctity.
“You know you’d be perfect for my brother, he needs someone with a head on their shoulders,” Maisie mentions, switching their conversation in a complete one-eighty.
“Ah, maybe.”
It’s only awkward for you, Maisie and Amelia have no clue that you were in fact sleeping with said brother, not even three weeks ago, and spent most of the time in between texting him.
“He’d be head over heels for you trust me,” is all that Amelia adds to the conversation. From the twenty-minute conversation you’ve had with the two MacTavish girls, you’d learnt Amelia was the older of the two, and slightly more reserved than the youngest, Maisie.
If you thought Johnny was out-going, he had nothing on his baby sister. All big smiles, loud laughs with the biggest heart.
You can see what Johnny says when he tells you he has his work cut out, being the protective older brother.
Maisie’s energy is infections, and her comments about her brother’s potential affections are quickly forgotten as she moves the conversation onto this new band she’s been listening to. Before you know it she’s added a few of their songs to your playlist and you’ve promised to text her what you think of them.
The shrill sound of a bugle cuts off the conversation between the three of you, noting the start of the ceremony and presentation.
It’s nice to see three of the four men parading in all the finery. Ghost for good reason isn’t there, you figured that his mask is not part of the official uniform. You sigh, thinking how it must be a shame that the man can’t be included in the festivities.
The man in question doesn’t, he’s currently in his sweats enjoying the peace and quiet and reading his book, lounging in the now quiet rec room.
Your Uncle sneaks you a subtle smile across the square when you catch his eye. Your face beaming back at him brings him a joy he’ll never admit to.
He knows you’re not his daughter, but you might as well be. He’s resigned himself to the fact that he’ll never have kids, he’s getting older and no closer to meeting someone to spend his life with.
He doesn’t mind. His time at home is spent catching up with old friends, and enjoying your company. You’ve been confused as his daughter a few times in the village and he hasn’t bothered to correct them as of late. He knows you don’t mind, you go as far as calling him your third parent, yes, it’s mainly in jest, but the sentiment is there.
By the time the service is over, all the family and friends in attendance descend on the square to take photos and congratulate the people they’re here for.
You and the two women in tow, make your way over to the three men, lost in conversation over Gaz’s continuous complaints about just how uncomfortable he is.
“Johnny!” is all the older man hears before the Scotsman is out of his vision, being nearly bowled over by a flaming red head flying at break-neck speed.
Soap’s spinning the girl in a circle as he laughs with her, over something inaudible to him.
This time it’s your turn to congratulate John, as he pulls you into his side, checking that you weren’t too bored and laughing when you say how impressive he was.
A call of your name breaks the quiet conversation the two of you are having, it’s Amelia beckoning you over two where the three MacTavish’s are standing.
“This is Johnny, honestly you two would be great together, I think you would really get along,” Maisie butts in again, wiggling her eyebrows as she mentions the getting along.
Oh the irony of the whole situation. Thank god Uncle John can’t see your face because there’s currently a shit eating grin adorning your face.
Johnny’s spluttering, his sisters take this as him being astounded by the woman that’s in front of him, you know better. His eyes aren’t glued to yours, he’s looking slightly behind you, where no doubt your Uncle is glowering at him.
Usually he’d step in, but he’s heard stories about both of Soap’s sisters and there’s no way he’s facing their wrath. He knows how tormented Soap is by the two of them on the daily, even when he’s in a different country. He doesn’t trust that the two of them would turn their focus towards him for interfering in true love.
“We’re going out for dinner later, you should join us!” is the next thing that’s uttered and you try to make your excuses, how you’re actually already going for dinner with the man stood behind you, bit it’s too late.
Fortunately, or unfortunately (it depends on who you ask), John gets invited along too, which is how you find yourself at dinner in a nice country pub as a five, instead of two.
You’re conveniently sat next to Johnny, whilst his two sisters bombard John with questions, many of which are brushed off with a quick ‘I can’t answer that I’m afraid’ but he makes up with plenty of stories of all the times Soap has done something stupid on base, and a few stories from deployments.
“This is not the kind of dinner I was talking about,” Johnny murmurs to you, when he notices his sisters have his CO distracted.
That earns him a gentle slap to his stomach as he laughs at the incredulous look plastered on your face.
“You look beautiful,” is how he follows up his comment, drinking in the way you look in the dim light of the pub.
“So do you, I mean handsome, I mean not that you aren’t beautiful,” you reply stumbling over your words, because god, the tension is palpable.
His hand finds yours underneath the table, stroking slowly over your knuckles, as he decides to finally save Price from his sisters’ rambling.
You’re surprised at how good he is at keeping his cool, you’re sure your face is radiating so much heat that everyone else at the table can feel it.
You’re also surprised at how much you like the thrill, maybe it’s just because Johnny is holding your hand, or maybe its the fact that you know you’re doing everything your Uncle told you not to.
You take a moment to think about how different things could be if John was supportive of the two of you. Maybe you’d actually be dating the man sat on your left, and you’d be holding his hand above the table, maybe his arm would be slung around the back of your chair as you lean into him. He’d toy with your hair slightly, to keep himself from being too distracted from the conversation he was engaged in.
You’d leave the pub hand-in-hand, stealing kisses from each other, as you walked behind the rest of the guests. They’d all be staying in the house with you all. John would make up the sofa bed for Johnny’s sisters, and you’d fall into bed together, stealing kisses and whispering sweet nothings.
You’re snapped out of your daydream by Amelia asking if you’re currently seeing anyone, a mischievous glint in her eye.
“Oh…not really,” is all you can manage, embarrassed to be interrupted from the tangent your mind had taken you on.
“Not really doesn’t mean no! Spill the beans,” Maisie teases, and you realise you’re completely in the shit.
“There’s this one guy I’ve been talking to I guess. He’s not from here, but it could work out.”
You notice the shift in Johnny straight away, you feel the absence of his touch immediately as he drops your hand. Price raises his eyebrow, of course you’ll be grilled when you get home about this mystery man.
“Didn’t know you were seeing anyone,” Johnny mutters, but it’s loud enough for everyone to hear.
You’re quick to use the slight pause to change the subject, bringing up the first time the two of you met, much to his sisters’ glee and his despair. Even John chortles, thinking back to Soap sputtering over the huge mistake the man made upon your first introduction.
“Seriously Johnny?!” squawks Amelia through her tears.
“They even look alike, I figured out they were related as soon as they were stood next to each other, and this is the first time we’ve met!” is the follow up, through more laughter.
Dinner finishes quickly after that, the two men splitting the bill, not allowing any of their companions to even see it.
John bids his goodbye’s to Amelia and Maisie, before telling Soap he’ll see him on base tomorrow, slightly later than usual. Before you can make your way home the two women are pulling you into hugs, before letting you know they’ve set up a group chat for the three of you.
Johnny’s goodbye is short and sharp, gone is the playful man you spent most of the evening with.
It’s only when you’re lying in bed later, rehashing what went wrong that you realise Johnny thinks you were talking about someone else.
I was talking about you, you dolt x
Your phone starts buzzing, and you don’t even need to look to know who’s calling.
“Had me sweating for a minute there, Sweets. Thought I was going to have some random bloke coming for my head.”
You can hear the relief in his voice as he lays the charm on real thick. Between his accent and the things he mumbles down the phone you think your heart might explode.
The crush you have on this man is debilitating, if you can even call it a crush that is. It’s been on and off about two months of talking to each other, and you know that you’re beginning to get in deep with him.
“Sweets, you there?” his voice echos softly through the speaker on your phone, tentative in case you’ve accidentally fallen asleep on the phone. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Yeah, I’m here. Just thinking, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, what you thinking?2
“Just about us, you…” your voice trails off, you’re tired now, inhibitions slipping a little as your head feels slightly heavier on the pillow.
“Yeah? Anything good?” you can hear the grin he has plastered on his face as he talks.
“It’s all good. I like you, y’know.”
That’s the first time you’ve admitted your feelings for him. You know he knows, and he’s made it very clear he has feelings for you, but hearing you say it has him bouncing off the walls with glee. It’s the best medicine to fix the conflicting thoughts he’d had about the whole thing once you admitted you were seeing someone.
“I do, I like you too. Like really like you.”
The conversation turns soft once again, and before he knows it he’s whispering goodnight to you, as your gentle snores crackle through the receiver, half muffled by the duvet you cocooned yourself in.
Taglist: (please let me know if you’d like to be added, all requests from my taglist will get priority)
@cassiecasluciluce @misshoneypaper @unknownduck0 @iwannabealocalcryptid @darkangel4121 @clear-your-mind-and-dream @mothiing @pepsicolacoochie @samanthamarkle92
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ruewrote · 1 year
𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑒.
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PAIRING: jj maybank x fem!reader WARNINGS: some strong language GENRE: angst, fluff, friends to lovers SONG INSPIRATION: worst of you by maisie peters WORD COUNT: 1k
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you stood at the end of the dock, at your spot. the tip of your shoe skimming the surface of the water, shivering at the cool breeze that brushed past you.
wrapping your arms tighter around your body, searching for any type of warmth and comfort as you checked the notifications on your phone for what felt like the fifteenth time that hour, some were from pope and sarah but none from jj.
he promised he'd be here this time! you should've known.
this was the third time in two weeks that you would make plans and something had come up, his empty promises filled you with hope, only for him to be a no-show.
the sun was now setting. tears stung your eyes, sniffling whilst looking down at the ripples of the water finding no interest in doing what you were originally here to do.
"im so stupid, i really thought he was going to be here." shaking your head, more tears fell down your cheeks as you stood.
the walk home was absolutely miserable and the rain that had started to drizzle didn't help either. the few drops turned into heavy showers, having felt there was no need for an umbrella earlier on your clothes were now soaked right through down to your underwear.
opening your front door you were greeted by your excited sister waiting for all the juicy details, knowing that you were gonna confess and helped you get ready for the occasion too.
the tears that had once subsided now came flooding back, she just wrapped you up in a firm hug as you sobbed in her arms.
after you had calmed a little she sat you down asking you what happened or if he had rejected you, but you just explained how he never showed up. how he never even sent you a text about it?
"im gonna kick his ass! who even does that? no, no, no let me rephrase that. when has jj ever done that? especially to you of all people!"
that got you thinking, obviously, him not showing was really hurtful in general, but at the same time, it confused you since this was the boy who wouldn't let you carry your school bag as long as he was around or would bring you your favorite coffee in the morning even if he was late.
for the next couple of days, you avoided jj, which wasn't hard since he had different classes than you that week. the times that you guys did bump into each other you either made up an excuse or joined the sea of people who were rushing to get to their next lesson.
this had been far from easy for you, there hadn't really been a time when the two of you weren't together.
now you're here, sitting by yourself in the library doing your history project here since your laptop decided to stop working halfway through.
hours had gone by and you had made a ton of progress on your work, now sitting back and taking a long sip out of your water bottle as you proofread what you had written only to be interrupted by a loud bang from the entrance of the building, making you jump and turn to investigate.
a mistake on your part since you made direct eye contact with the mad blonde. ducking your head, gathering your things together before logging off seeing if there was any way of sneaking past him.
"what have you been?" fuck.
you tried to ignore and walk around him but were only pulled back to face him by your arm. gentle, his touch was so light like it always had been. he'd never hurt you. no matter how angry he got.
"answer me!" jj exclaimed, only to be shushed by the librarians.
everyone was now looking at the two of you, so you grabbed his hand, dragging him out of there. of course only for it to be pouring again.
"you have the audacity to be trying to call me out on this when you've ghosted me for almost a whole week and then expected us to just go back to normal? like everything's okay between us?" you scoffed, running your hands through your hair, huffing out a laugh.
"i was...busy, i couldn't help it! im sorry okay?"
having heard enough of his shit you walked out into the cold with jj following close behind you.
"y/n talk to me!" he shouted over the loud pattering, stopping you in your tracks, whipping around to face him.
"do you know why i asked you to go to our place the other day?"
he just shook his head.
"i have yearned for you for years, in secrecy and silence." your voice was almost a whisper, but he heard you.
"its you jj, its always been you... im in love with you." both of your chests heaving heavily, finding it hard to catch your breath in the rain. tears filled your eyes as you tried to look everywhere but him. his stare felt almost too much.
"but you never said anything?" jjs voice broke as his own tears caressed his cheeks but were quickly wiped away by the raindrops.
"how could i? you're looking at me but you don't see me jj. do you know how that feels? i just want you to see me. please."
that's when he strode toward you, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you into him, your arms wrapping around his neck. tilting his head to the side as his lips brushed against yours.
his hands slid to your lower back, deepening the kiss. reaching up you intertwined your fingers in his hair lightly pulling at the wet strands, a muffled groan left him which only made you smile as you pulled away.
"i love you too, by the way, i didn't know if i made that clear or not?" jj joked which only made you playfully punch him.
the next day the two of you were both cuddled up in your bed sniffling, very sick from stupidly standing in a literal storm yesterday, but hey it was totally worth it in the end.
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© ruewrote.
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alittlebitofsainz · 2 months
you’re just a boy (and i’m kinda the man)
prompt: “i’m on a one-way trip to take over the world, and i thought you did, but you don’t understand.”
pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
summary: daniel leaves mclaren, and you decide to put your career first, at the cost of the person you love.
a/n: genuinely made myself sad with this one, sorry :( song is by maisie peters!
masterlist | the spotify wrapped collection
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“I just don’t understand how you can stay with them after everything they’ve put you through.”
you ran a hand through your hair, exasperated.
“that’s just it, danny, you don’t understand.” you sighed, slumping forward on the desk, your elbow resting on the surface and your head resting in your hand. the other hand was gripping the phone held to your ear. “this is my career, it’s my entire life. I might not get another opportunity.”
“you know it’s the same for me, right?” daniel’s voice crackled through the phone after a few moments of silence, his volume quieter now. “this is the end of my career, probably. but it’s gotta be better than staying with mclaren.”
you shook your head, even though he couldn’t see.
“but you’re you, danny. you’ll get another chance, I’m sure. you’re one of the biggest faces in this sport.” you sighed again, “but I’m just me. no one is gonna offer me a second chance.” you tried to explain, raising your head slightly to glance at the rain softly hitting the window.
you heard him mutter something inaudible on the other end of the line, the words obscured by the static of the airwaves. you knew he hated when you did that, talked down about yourself. you’d lost count of the number of times the two of you had sat shoulder to shoulder in your drivers room, trying to boost each others spirits after a bad race. daniel was your teammate, your closest friend, your partner in crime, the love of your life. he’d always been able to see things from your point of view. why couldn’t he understand this decision? a conversation from a few months ago drifted through your mind. whatever we do, we do it together. you’d been the one to say that, and now look at you; reluctant to follow daniel into the unknown because you were scared. scared of the uncertainty. scared of losing your one shot at this career. you’d meant what you’d said at the time, but… no. you couldn’t do it. daniel was nearly the best thing that had ever happened to you, second only to earning a seat in formula one. that had to come first. you had to put yourself first. but it didn’t seem to make this phone call any easier. god, you wished you weren’t hundreds of miles away.
“just think, me, you, the outback. we’ll have all the time for dirt bikes and beach trips that you could possibly want.” daniel’s voice brought you back to the present. you could hear the crack in his voice as he tried to persuade you, the one that told you he already knew this was a losing battle. he was losing you. you tilted your head back, looking up at the ceiling; for the first time you were actually glad that this was all happening over a phone call, that daniel couldn’t see the tears forming on your lower lash line.
“I can’t, danny. you know I can’t.” even if daniel couldn’t see you crying, you were being optimistic if you hoped he couldn’t hear it in your voice.
“I know.” he sighed, the noise soft, quiet. there was silence on the line for just a moment, and you felt inclined to fill it, terrified that the conversation was already drawing to a close. you didn’t want daniel to hang up. you didn’t want to believe that this could all be over just like that.
“I’m really sorry, dan.” you apologised, saying anything to try and keep the momentum of the conversation.
“you don’t need to apologise. it’s not your fault.” came his predictable reply, but his tone was missing the kindness, the affection, you’d come to expect from a phone call with daniel. his voice was flat, monotone, and you found yourself unable to read how he was feeling. it had been a long time since that had happened; you and daniel always used to be on the same wavelength. it felt alien, like you were out of your depth. was he angry? upset? did he just not care anymore?
“we can still make this work, can’t we?”
you’d been avoiding the question, but now there was nothing left to say but that. the pause on the other end of the line didn’t fill you with confidence.
“I want to, god, you don’t even understand how much I want to.” came daniel’s reply, voice no longer monotone, instead betraying the emotions he was feeling. you winced as you could almost hear the ‘but’ on the end of his sentence.
“we can try, right? like, I can come visit you over christmas, then next year you’ll probably be at some of the race weekends anyway, and then I can try and get away from training during summer break…”
the more you spoke, the more you realised how hopeless this was. how could you expect to put enough effort into this relationship when you only had a few weekends spare per year? how could you expect daniel to come and watch and cheer for you at each race weekend, knowing that you were living his dream and he was stuck on the sidelines? your voice faltered as it trailed off, the realisation hitting you. fuck. this was it.
“please don’t make this any harder than it needs to be, y/n.”
you’d never heard daniel’s voice so quiet, with so little power behind it. you didn’t know whether you were even pleased that he was as devastated as you were about all this: how could this be the right decision when neither one of you wanted it? such was the reality of this sport. you swallowed thickly - daniel was right, there was no point in drawing this out, making it difficult. you wouldn’t be reduced to begging; at least you could walk away from this with your pride, if nothing else. you wiped a tear from your cheek with the heel of your free hand, the other gripping the phone so tightly that your knuckles turned white, holding onto it like a lifeline.
“no, you’re right. I’m sorry.” you mumbled in reply, once again glancing up at the ceiling to try and stem the flow of tears. you tried not to picture daniel doing the same thing on the end of the phone; it would only make you cry again.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll catch you at races and stuff, next year.” the finality in daniel’s voice made you draw in a shaky breath, steeling yourself for the aftermath. at least you and daniel had never gone public, you were grateful for that much. still, you’d been best friends in the eyes of the public, practically joined at the hip. people would notice when you no longer spent any time together. you tried to park that thought as your mind started to race; there would be time to deal with all of that later.
“yeah. I’ll see you around.” you couldn’t believe this was the way it would end. I’ll see you around. as if you hadn’t spent the last year and a half in each others pockets. as if every kiss and every I love you meant nothing now. as if you hadn’t spent long nights planning out your future together. none of it mattered now, you realised, tears threatening to fall once again.
“I loved you, y/n. never forget that.”
it felt like your throat closed up at that, unable to dignify daniel’s words with a suitable response. there was so much more you wanted to tell him, wanted to say, but you couldn’t even manage to say it back. you bit your lip, letting silence fill the call for one last time, before pulling your phone away from your ear and hitting the button to hang up.
a tear hit the screen of your phone right next to the daniel’s contact name, before the call ended, and his name disappeared.
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brnesblogposts · 3 months
a healy mother’s day
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pairing matty healy x reader
warnings children? if ur not into matty as a dad i guess
It surprisingly was a sunny day for March, the sun shining in through the windows as Matty slipped out of bed quietly as not to disturb you. He tiptoed out of the room and quietly shut the door before approaching the closed door opposite yours and opening it to the other two lights of his life.
He snuck over to daniel’s bed gently waking up by stroking his cheek softly “wake up darlin’ we have pancakes to make” and as he saw his son stir he only cooed before moving over to the other side of room and started to wake up maisie’s sleeping form “wake up baby” he pressed a soft kiss to her temple.
Once the kids were up, all three of them crept downstairs into the kitchen to get started on breakfast, first of all though he needed to get them to make a card.
“Mais’ and Dani’ while i get everything ready for the pancakes, can you both make your mummy a card?” They both shook their heads enthusiastically at this and got to work with the A4 piece of paper Matty had left out on the table for them with all the colouring supplies they’d need.
“Is it mummy’s birthday?” Maisie asked with all the inquisitiveness a five year old could have. “No darlin’ it’s mother’s day remember? we’re gonna give mummy breakfast in bed and that card so she feels special and knows we appreciate everything she does for us” Matty responded as he got everything set up.
Maisie’s face lit up with a smile as she got to writing something in the card, Dani at two was too young to write but did include his own abstract drawings. “DONE!” They both shouted and Matty quickly went round to where they were sat and looked at their work, “WOW!” he emphasised “Mummy is going to love this! and Mais’ you wrote this all by yourself?! So proud of you my love” and with that he kissed them both on the head and helped Maisie down and picked Dani’ up and they all headed over to the kitchen.
“Right, who wants to do what then?” Matty grinned “Can i put all the ingredients in daddy? and maybe dani’ can mix it and you can you can help him” Matty couldn’t help the adoration he had for his daughter, who seemed to be growing quicker than he’d like. But he nodded and put Daniel in his high chair with some fruit to keep him occupied.
“You ready then?” he tickled Maisie as he stood her on a stool in front of the preparation area, “Yes Chef!” Maisie giggled and with that they got to mixing.
“I can do the eggs by myself. I’m a big girl” Maisie insisted” Matty raised his hands in surrender and handed the eggs over to his daughter “I hope you’re not too big of a girl that you’re not daddy’s little girl anymore, who would i take on dates to the coffee shop?” He pouted and Maisie looked at him firmly in the eyes and replied “I’ll never be too old to go on dates with you, daddy.” and she looked at him like he had just said the most ridiculous thing. “That’s good then i’m glad to hear that.” He kissed the top of her head as she turned to crack the eggs into a smaller (he’d quickly check for shells before putting them into the mix)
“I DID IT!” she cheered as she put the second egg shell down, “YOU DID! you’ll be making these pancakes all by yourself soon” and with that she grinned before he took her over to the sink to rinse her hands, “did you use soap?” he narrows his brows at her, “yes!” and then he put her down. “Okay now it’s dani boys turn!” and he picked up his son and sat him on the counter supporting him with one hand, “you ready?” he cooed at his boy and then with Daniels help mixed the pancake mix. “a natural!” Matty exclaimed as he threw Daniel in the air and caught him unleashing the most infectious giggles from the two year old. He gave Dani a kiss before sitting him down in his high chair.
“Mais’ sweetheart daddy will have to do this part because the stove is very hot, okay? you though little miss helper can you get a tray and put a tea towel on it? then a glass with some orange juice?”
Maisie nodded and started doing her jobs as Matty started on the pancakes.
“READY!” Maisie shouted as she had got everything ready and had even gone into the garden to pick some flowers to go on the tray.
“Wow baby. Mummy is going to be so so happy!” he picked her up and twirled her around before putting her back down and putting the pancakes on the tray.
“would you like to do the honours?” Matty asked as he handed the bottle of syrup to his daughter and regretted it slightly as she drowned the pancakes, “Alright I think that’s enough syrup” he laughed a little as he took the bottle of Maisie “I’ve put too much on, oh no.” Maisie pouted but He was quick to reassure her “No they’re perfect darlin’ you’re the best pancake chef ever!” he kissed her cheek and had added some strawberries on top.
“I think we’re ready!” He announced excitedly and Maisie shrieked. He picked up Daniel and held him with one arm while balancing the tray with his other and gave the very important job of holding the orange juice to Maisie.
“Be careful alright? I don’t quite fancy cleaning ant carpets today” Matty scolded her jokingly and she giggled “I’ll try my absolute best.” she was too funny how did Matty create such a thing, definitely got the humour from you though, he thought. They started ascending up the stairs and Matty lightly kicked the door open and ushered Maisie in first, “On the count of three, okay? one.. two.. three!”
“HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!” They both shouted in unison and daniel babbled along, you jolted awake with shock but quickly settled when you saw the sight in front of you, Matty with Daniel on his hip and a tray of pancakes in his other hand, Maisie gleaming with joy as she holds the cup of juice. Mattys messy curls and Maisie’s incredible bed head she definitely got from her father.
“Oh my goodness!” You exclaimed and Maisie came bounding over and handed you the juice, “I MADE THE PANCAKE MIX AND DID THE STRUP AND I CRACKED THE EGGS WITHOUT DADDYS HELP” She was practically vibrating with excitement and you quickly set the orange juice on your dresser and pulled her up into bed with you and gave her the biggest hug and kiss “My darlings, thank you so much” Matty was in awe at this. He set the tray down at the end of the bed and came over to your side handing you Daniel and giving you a gentle kiss. “Happy mother’s day, darlin”
reblogs appreciated :)
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
I'm not sure how to get it into people's heads that Arya is a female character. She's not a boy, not nonbinary, trans, agender, or genderless. I don't intend this in a way to be negative or wanky, but her girlhood is imbedded within her character. The problem isn't that Arya stans are missing the point by overemphasizing her femininity and wanting her to be a barefoot tradwife baby making machine, but that we're stating it exists when the majority of fandom and the show itself have gone out of the way to minimize the relevancy of her gender. I'm fully convinced there are a lot of people who think Arya would be the exact same character had GRRM created her as a male character named Arry instead, perhaps they'd do a better job at acknowledging her importance.
What's most ironic to me is how these same fans will gush and coo over the sisters being more alike than we think, but only if it involves giving Arya's characteristics to Sansa. Well acktually, Sansa likes to ride horses just as much as Arya does! They're so alike uwu! But dare acknowledge that Arya has traits and aspects commonly associated to Sansa then not only does that get accusations of wanting Arya to become Sansa, but that it's solely about showing Sansa up and wanting her to grovel in Arya's shadow and superiority 🙄 Hypocrisy and projection showing itself.
Somewhat of an aside, but I recently saw a post on reddit complaining about the fact that all four of Daemon's children survived the Dance specifically focused on the fact that both Rhaena and Baela lived. According to the OP, one of them should've died and their post-war roles in the story should've been given to only one of them. Which at its core is really the main conflict between Sansa and Arya stans, no matter how much the Stansas want to cover their ears and play dumb. It's not about Arya stans projecting their sibling squabbles onto the two of them but simply the fact that it's not possible for two characters to fulfill the same role in the story, specifically when it involves two female characters. The existence of two Stark sisters is an inconvenience for the people who want the story to revolve around Sansa.
I have to believe there's some bubbles that they don't want to admit will burst if TWOW will ever be released and that's why they cling to the idea that Arya stans are the delusional ones. They have to believe that the parts of Sansa's seasons 5-8 storyline they like came from GRRM instead of D&D or else their Jonsa and QITN fantasies will fall apart. I have no idea how someone can watch the scene where Sansa tells Arya she couldn't survive what she had while Arya can only sputter out that she was training and believe 1) it makes sense for their book characters and 2) D&D didn't blatantly favor Sansa and Sophie over Arya and Maisie.
This ask came literally seconds after I drafted a post talking about this exact topic and it's so wild to me that we were both up thinking about Arya + her girlhood and wanting to discuss it 🥹
As for this ask, you really hit the nail on the head. Arya's gender is an essential aspect of her journey but fandom ignores that because they've decided that there's only one "right" way to exist as a female character. Arya's self-esteem issues stem from her being a non-conforming Lady in a misogynistic society, she has to disguise herself as a boy in part because of the threat of sexual violence, in Harrenhal she is assigned gender-specific tasks/labor, political matches are made without her knowledge/consent, she is threatened with sexual violence multiple times, and even her role within the FM is influenced by her gender. Her being non-conforming doesn't mean she's the complete antithesis of everything feminine. The obsession with propping up Sansa has ruined people's ability to perceive complex female characters, ironically including Sansa herself. They genuinely would've respected Arya more if she had died passively rather than fight for her life and you can't tell me that isn't misogyny.
That Reddit post is a great example of how people genuinely can't (or refuse to) comprehend the idea of two female characters occupying the same space. Cause you're right, that is the root of the issue. I think the only reason they bother with the fake "Stark sisters uwu" crap is because they've backed themselves into a faux-feminist corner and they don't want to look hypocritical for disliking Arya. So instead, they pretend to care all while rewriting her to serve as Sansa's prop. This is also why so many Queen!Sansa truthers are also anti-Dany + think that Sansa becoming Queen depends on Dany's downfall. They desperately cling to the show as canon, when D&D have openly admitted they changed the story because they favored Sansa/Sophie. They're fine with how show!Arya is written because to them, that's exactly how she should be; a subservient lapdog for Sansa. TWOW is definitely going to ruin that illusion, and one of the reasons I'm optimistic about it being released is getting to see fandom's reaction.
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hockybish · 5 months
Online Sibling Night
l hughes!sister au l lola hughes l masterlist l
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Once or twice a month the three of them tried to some sort video call. Since it was the night before the game between the Ducks and Canucks in Vancouver, Lola got hang out with Quinn while Luke called in from New Jersey. Tonight it was Lola's choice on what they did, and she chose Spa Night.
"Which one?" Lola held two different face masks out for Quinn to choose from.
Quinn, not really caring which one she put on his face, picked the one in the blue package. Lola handed it to him. He was about to open the thing and apply it to his face, but Lola stopped him, insisting that he needed to pin his hair back with a plush headband that she had just flung at him.
"Are you two ready yet? I feel like I've been waiting for forever!" Luke piped up, tired of watching and waiting for his sibling to be ready. He already had his hair pushed back and a face mask on.
"Hush you, it's not my fault Quintin has issues"
"I don't have issues!"
"Yes you do." The two younger siblings chimed in at the same time. Quinn glared at them, threatening to call Ellen for ganging up on him, because it's not fair.
Once they all had their masks on Lola set the timer for 20 minutes and they got to catching up on what's been going on with them. Lola talked about a boy named Robbie, who was news to both her brothers, and Quinn informed them about a teacher he was seeing.
Lola was going to ask Luke about that one girl he had feelings for, but they got interrupted by Jack coming home, so Luke had to scurry off to his room. Quinn and Lola took the opportunity to quick make a noodle dish for dinner.
"Lukey, what about that one girl? What's her name? Did she like the new camera?" Lola took a big bite of noodles. She was the one to give Luke the idea to get her a new one.
"Who Maisie?" The thought of the cute photographer who worked for the Devils brought small smile to his face. Luke forgot he had told Bah about her and what he did "No, she gave it back. She uh told me that I can't buy her forgiveness"
Jack had notice Luke acting weird since he had gotten home. He had ran off to his room as soon as Jack got home and had been in there pretty much ever since, aside from the few times he's come out to get snacks.
He was curious to say the least. At some point in time he went to Luke's room and held his ear to door, trying to hear anything. Only thing he could really make out was a laugh he didn't recognize.
"Never have I ever slept with a siblings friends or teammates" Quinn smirked knowing he was about to get Luke because of that one time he dated Lola's bestie/teammate, to his surprise Lola put down a finger as well.
"Okay Lu, your turn." She wanted the game to move along, before either one of them could comment on what she just did.
"Wait a minute Luke" Quinn stopped Luke from speaking and addressed the girl sitting next to him. "Clem, who did you sleep with."
"No one. No one. I didn't sleep with anyone" She played it off by trying to put her ring finger back up. "I just put it down for funsies."
"No. You slept with someone, tell us who or at least which one of us is friends with the guy" Lola was still quiet, how do you say you slept with least favorite brother's best friend.
"Oh god not him" Quinn groaned "anybody but him"
"Who?" Luke still confused.
She spilled the name just as the door to Luke's room opened and Jack appeared in the door frame. Lola was completely embarrassed when she heard Jack talking as Luke was pushing him out and locking the door.
"I think I'm gonna go now. I should get back to the hotel and get some sleep." She looked around for her things she brought over.
"No Bah, I'm sorry, I thought I had locked the door. Don't go! We can play another game or something. Please."
"Yeah I think I have that one game Wavelength? We can play that."
Lola agreed to stay for a while longer, after Luke reassured Jack wasn't going to be popping up anymore.
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estrellota · 3 days
RIP Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft you would have loved History of Man by Maisie Peters.
(to anyone who hasn’t heard the song, I highly recommend giving it a listen and then coming back and buckling up bc I have some Thoughts)
History of Man is a breakup song and also about, to quote Maisie herself, the generations of women “who never got to tell their own story, who had their narrative taken away from them by a man who did not deserve the pen he stole.” Sound familiar?
DBDA is a show about, among other things, the ways toxic masculinity visits harm on those who exist in proximity to it (aka everyone). Crystal puts it best when she tells Edwin and Charles “Well I guess all three of us lost our lives to boys who went too far”.
In The Case of the Two Dead Dragons, Brad and Hunter don’t just hurt Shelby and Maren, they rewrite their stories, turning themselves into victimized heroes and the girls into villains. They do terrible things to Shelby and Maren and then blame the girls for both deserving said things and for reacting/retaliating to them. This mirrors how David treats Crystal.
Throughout the show, when Crystal is (super understandably) angry about David possessing her and stealing her memories, David often retorts that Crystal asked for it/had it coming, as though being a Mean Girl somehow warrants demonic possession and literal identity theft (spoiler alert: it doesn’t). But Crystal feels and expresses a tremendous amount of guilt for having allowed David in anyways.
Now, on to lyric analysis:
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The song begins by establishing that heartbreak (and the people who inflict it, boys who go too far) have existed since the dawn of time. They existed when Jericho (the first city) was founded and when Edwin was sacrificed to Hell and when Charles was pelted by rocks and when Crystal was possessed. The show points out that these stories are mirrors of each other, connecting our beloved detectives through the trauma they’ve endured (yay!).
Regarding Crystal specifically: David burnt the bridge to Crystal’s past, depriving her of what was sacred (herself).
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This is the chorus and it is SO Crystal Coded!!!
As a psychic, Crystal has definitely seen things “in the poems and the sands”. Line 2 reminds me of her conversation with the Washer Woman and her desperate attempt to use something from Tragic Mick’s to get David out of her head. She’s trying so hard to rewrite (recall) her past and rewrite (change) her future. But she can’t.
She begs David for her memories back, but all he wants is her power. She’s in this mess in the first place because she genuinely loved David, and he doesn’t care. Why? It’s the history of man. Men like David (abusers) have always existed, it’s human history. But also, it’s the History of Man. Men like David have always held power, so they’ve gotten to shape the narrative, making the story about them and forcing people like Crystal (women) (and also queer ppl and pocs but for the purposes of this song, women) into the margins.
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Ok so I see verse 2 as Crystal addressing David directly, dragging him for his complete lack of remorse over betraying/using/hurting her.
Samson and Delilah are biblical characters. Samson was this super strong man, and Delilah was his lover who betrayed him by cutting off his hair, thus weakening him. Delilah is generally painted as a treacherous seductress, but here the singer is commiserating with her. I think David would relate himself to Samson in this story. He genuinely believes he has a right to Crystal’s power and blames her for taking it back, making him weaker. When speaking to Crystal, he says things like “how dare you” and asks whether he “gets to be a god again”. But Crystal was right to make David weaker. He should have never gotten his grubby little hands on her power to begin with.
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We’re in the home stretch now — the bridge and final chorus. I’m going to go line by line.
Line 1: This line is such a perfect fit. David stole Crystal’s youth (her time and memories) and promised heaven, trying to convince her that she needed him to save her at several points throughout the story (ex. in the Devlin attic)
Line 2: The Trojan War was a legendary conflict in Greek mythology waged by the Greeks on the city of Troy after Paris of Troy took (stole) Helen from her husband, the king of Sparta. Helen had no say in her kidnapping, and yet she was blamed for the bloody war it sparked. Similarly, Crystal is blamed for her possession and amnesia. David argues repeatedly that she invited him in, that she’s a terrible person, that she belongs to him. But also (and this is no shade to the boys don’t come for me I still love them to death) Edwin especially is super judgmental about it. While the boys quickly accept that Crystal knowing that David was a demon doesn’t make her at fault for what he did to her, I still think that initial perceptual shift is important for narrative and thematic purposes, especially since Crystal’s arc is a metaphor for toxic relationships.
Lines 3-6: Crystal is addressing David again. David is definitely threatened by the power Crystal wields, but for most of the narrative, she’s haunted by him. She hates him, but she can’t get him out of her head. He’s her great obsession.
Finally, I want to focus on the last two lines of the song, “So you'll lose me, the best you'll ever have / It's the history, the history of man”.
Because the conclusion of this story — and this is the most important part — is that Crystal wins. She gets her powers back, she gets her self back, and she buries David. In the end, David loses Crystal, the best he’ll ever have. All three of our detectives — Edwin, Charles, and Crystal — win because they get out, they escape, they break the cycle. In real life, winning probably doesn’t look like burying your demon ex under a tree in your head or throwing a Molotov cocktail at your best mate’s demon, but that’s what fiction is for. To tell us that for all that terrible men have always existed, so too have the people who beat them.
It’s the history of man.
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foreverbase1 · 2 months
Outdoor Pool ❣ Seok Matthew
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❥𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: popular!Seok Matthew x gn!reader
❥𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.7k words
❥𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: High School AU, Angst, Unrequited Love
❥𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Prepare to be sad
❥𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠: Outdoor Pool by Maisie Peters (tweaked some lyrics to fit with the characters featured in the fic)
❥𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Kep1er's Yeseo & Chaehyun (mentioned), Aespa's Winter (mentioned) and ZB1's Taerae (mentioned)
❥𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Reader falls for the popular boy at school and gets their heart broken
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬! <𝟑
"𝘽𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙧𝙪𝙜𝙗𝙮 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩, 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮. 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙖 𝙙𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙚, 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝙃𝙈𝙑."
You sat in your Chemistry class, tapping your pen against the desk. You stared at the clock above the teacher's desk waiting for it to signal the end of class. Sat next to you was your friend, Yeseo, who leaned over and whispered to you. "Can you stop tapping your pen, it's annoying" You simply rolled your eyes at her, but obeyed and stopped, your eyes wandered as you drowned out the teacher's words, completely uninterested in this class.
That's when your eyes landed on 𝘩𝘪𝘮, Seok Matthew, the most popular boy in your school. He was the school's star player on the sports team, not only that but he was top of his classes even if he skipped out on studying, he practically had the whole school wrapped around his finger. There were students falling for him with every step he took, had a big group of friends who adored him and not only that, but he was the first student in the entire school to get a driver's license.
You at first had no interest in the boy, he was just popular and you weren't so popular, so you chose to keep your distance. But even with the distance, you found yourself admiring him from afar, he was good looking and he was nice so who could blame you for growing a tiny crush on the boy. But even with that tiny crush, you knew he was far out of your league, cause why would someone of his status be interested in you?
The bell would ring out loudly, it was finally the end of class. You and Yeseo gathered your stuff before making your way towards your next class, while on the way, you and your friend couldn't help but overhear a group of students gossiping between each other. That's when two familiar names popped up in the conversation that caught your attention; Seok Matthew and Kim Chaehyun.
From what you were hearing, Matthew had taken Chaehyun out soon after he got his driver's license and his first car. You don't know why you were surprised, Chaehyun was the most popular girl in your school, she was on the same status as Matthew so why would it be shocking for the two most popular students to go out together? Yeseo would pull you out of your eavesdropping as she tugged on your arm to stop you from bumping into other students.
"Stay focused, who cares about the gossip?" She sighed as you two began ascending the staircase. "Sorry....." You muttered an apology, although she definitely could not hear your quiet voice amongst the loud conversations being carried out by the other students.
"𝙎𝙖𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩, 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙢, 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙤. 𝙎𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪."
Your mom had ended up dragging you with her to pick up some groceries for dinner that night soon after you got home, while you wanted to stay home and drown yourself away in studying or catching up on your favorite show, you ended up agreeing anyway. Besides, you could probably charm her into buying you something.
While waiting for her to decide between which fruit she wanted to get, you stood to the side by the cart holding your groceries. You let your eyes scan the store and take note of each shelf stocked neatly with different items, but that's when your eyes landed on a lock of blonde hair that belonged to an all too familiar face. It was Matthew, he was here? You were honestly surprised to see him here of all places, especially with his own mom.
Matthew's eyes locked with yours and you felt your heartrate speed up. Your chest tightened and you felt the butterfly's erupt within your stomach, Matthew smiled and gave you a small wave your own body moving on it's own as if it was natural and waved back, a smile gracing your face too. Right before his mom had dragged him down a different aisle and he disappeared from. your line of sight.
Your mom cleared her throat and you quickly turned around, a blush on your face. She smiled at you having seen the whole interaction "Is that your boyfriend?" She teased, this caused you to groan out and walk off towards the check out area followed by your mom who just laughed to herself at your reaction.
"𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙛 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙩, 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙖 𝙒𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙄 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙤𝙛𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙪𝙥. 𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙪𝙥."
That night was something you never would've expected to happen, you never even dreamt of it happening. But here you were taking your makeup off in your bedroom when you heard a tiny clink, you paused waiting to see if the sound would happen again and it did, another clink.
You turned towards your window and there it was again, another clink. You pulled open your curtains and your eyes widened at the sight before them. Standing in your garden just below your bedroom window was Matthew, he was tossing small pebbles at your window in hopes of catching your attention. Opening your window, you looked down at him, his face lighting up as a smile spread across his lips. "Wanna come out?" His voice, quiet, yet just loud enough for you to hear danced through the air.
You wanted to say no, after all it was a school night and if your parents knew you had snuck out they would kill you. Especially if it was with a boy. But something inside you told you to take his offer, when would you get another chance with 𝘵𝘩𝘦 popular boy of your school? Here he was asking 𝘺𝘰𝘶 to accompany him, who were you to say no?
So you quickly went over to your wardrobe, gliding your hand through the different array of clothing inside and quickly threw on a light grey long sleeved shirt alongside a pair of shorts. You silently prayed your parents wouldn't wake up as you put your shoes and began to climb out of your bedroom window. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be rebellious for one night.
"𝙒𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙬𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙖 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙄 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙤𝙡"
While climbing out of your bedroom window, you ended up getting stuck halfway down and Matthew realized this. "I'll catch you" He spoke up to you, your heart did a front flip, your head turning to look at him. He smiled again, that sweet smile that anyone would fall for. "I promise" and with those final words you breathed in before jumping, falling right into his arms that encircled your torso and held you close to his body.
The world seemed to stop around you as you stared into his eyes, Matthew smiled at you before placing you down onto the ground. "T-thanks" You thanked him as you took a step back, he nodded his head before he intertwined your hands together, your fingers fitting perfectly together. "C'mon, i have somewhere in mind" Your heart did another front flip, your brain short circuting at his hand being intertwined with yours.
He led you by the hand down the street, stopping at a house only about a 20 minute walk away from yours. You stared at him with a confused look and he simply laughed at your expression, his laugh sounded like a choir of angels to you, you would've listened to it on loop 24/7 if you could. "It's Taerae's house, him and his parents are away on vacation and i asked him beforehand for permission. So don't worry" Matthew grinned at you and you couldn't form any words so you simply nodded your head.
Leading you once again by your conjoined hands, Matthew would lead you behind Taerae's house, where your eyes caught a glimpse of the blue water reflecting the moonlight's glow. It was Taerae's outdoor pool. You were once again confused, why would Matthew bring you here? You felt the warmth of his hand leave yours and you missed the feeling of his hand in yours.
Turning to face him, your eyes were met with his bare chest. You quickly covered your eyes, your cheeks burning bright red causing Matthew to laugh at your reaction. "It's okay, you can look, i won't judge" He teased you as he pulled your hands away from your face. Your eyes scanned his chest and you cursed yourself mentally for giving in so easily.
He began to pull you towards the pool, stepping in first and looking up at you expecting you to follow after. "Oh, i.....i can't swim" You said, embarrassed by the fact that Matthew wanted you to join him in the pool and you couldn't due to the fact you never learned how to swim. Matthew simply smiled and shook his head. "That's fine, you can watch me swim" He winked at you and you blushed, clearing your throat as you sat at the edge of the pool, letting your legs sink into the water.
"𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙞𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙬𝙞𝙢 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚. 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚, 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡."
You softly kicked your legs in the lukewarm water, admiring as Matthew splashed about in the water. You were sure if anyone else was watching, they'd be able to tell you were giving the boy heart eyes. Matthew brought you out of your daydreaming as you felt a splash of lukewarm water hit you.
You gasped as you focused in on Matthew as he splashed about, laughing to himself. "You did not" You tried to sound irritated, but the obvious smile growing on your lips and the laugh you let slip out with your words made it obvious you enjoyed his company. Matthew simply nodded his head at you, a laugh escaping past his own lips. "I did, what are you gonna do about it?" He challenged and you shook your head, bringing your hands into s cupping motion as you leaned forward and splashed water back at him.
"Oh it's on" Matthew accepted the challenge and that's how you two began to have a water fight in Taerae's outdoor pool at night. Hours passed by fast as you and Matthew continued to splashed water at the other, your laughs painting the midnight air. During the water fight, you had failed to notice Matthew had inched closer to you each time he splashed water at you, causing you to flinch and turn away to defend yourself.
When he was just close enough, he grabbed your arms and pulled you into the pool with him. His arms encircled your body and lifted you up, your own arms encircling themselves naturally around his neck in an attempt to look for something to hoist you up in the water. You looked into his eyes and your laughter died out as you both floated about in the water. You stared at him with the most obvious heart eyes, but you were too high on love that you had noticed that Matthew's eyes showed everything but reciprocation.
You could feel his breath on your face as he leaned closer, your own eyes scanning his face, your eyes closing automation as his lips encased yours. You felt fireworks erupt in your chest, the butterfly's once again dancing around in your stomach. As you enjoyed the kiss, the next door neighbor's porch light turned on, causing you and Matthew's lips to part. "Shit" Matthew muttered, he helped you out of the pool as you two scurried away before you could get caught by Taerae's neighbor.
Matthew walked you home and helped you climb back up through your window, you smiled down at him, love bring evident in your eyes as you bid him a goodnight, closing your window and drawing the curtains. You sighed contently to yourself as you went to dry off, change into your pyjamas and get under the warm covers of your bed. A smile on your face as you drifted off to sleep.
"𝙄 𝙨𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙮, 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚. 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙄 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙨, 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙝 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚. 𝙄𝙨 𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙? 𝙂𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙙, 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙"
The next day at school, you couldn't hide the smile on your face. Yeseo was creeped out especially with how you never smiled this much, she looked at you trying to figure out what exactly got you so happy. "Spill" She said, finally giving up after she couldn't pinpoint an exact reason.
You couldn't stop smiling as you looked at her. "I'll tell you at the lockers after class, promise" you said, giggling to yourself. Yeseo only rolled her eyes as she focused on her notes, you sat in your seat with clear excitement, your eyes darting to the door as Matthew stepped inside. You immediately sat up, waving to him as he walked by. "Hi, Matthew" you tried to greet him, but he simply walked past you as if he didn't even know you existed.
You simply shrugged it off as him not hearing you, yeah, that had to be it. There was no reason for him to not greet you back unless he didn't hear you. You kept telling yourself that, to reassure yourself that he liked you too. So you tried to focus as you began to take down notes, trying to ease your mind.
After class had finished, you were planning to walk up to Matthew, but luck wasn't on your side as he was dragged away by his friends. This left you with no opening to talk with him, Yeseo stood up her arm intertwining with yours as she dragged you out of the classroom and towards the lockers, she wanted to hear about what got you so happy.
As you stood by the lockers, you breathed in to prepare yourself to rant to your best friend and you could tell she was mentally preparing herself too. But the words you wanted to say as you would hear the voice of that same group of girls yesterday talking about how Matthew had taken Chaehyun out in his new car. This time, however, it was a completely new topic.
A topic you wished you hadn't overheard, maybe it could've prevented the inevitable heartbreak you were bound to endure either way. Yeseo noticed your hestitant state and turned to face the group of girls too, listening in on their conversation.
"Winter told me that she caught Matthew kissing the French exchange student earlier, i forgot her name, but isn't that shocking?" One of them said, looking between her friends earning nods from the others. "Yeah, i thought he was with Chaehyun? Or are they just friends?" Another of the girls said, adding to the conversation. With each word that left their mouths was just another sharp stab to your heart.
Yeseo rolled her eyes at the gossip, her attention falling back onto you. "So, are you gonna tell me?" She pushed you jokingly, awaiting this big news. You cleared your throat, shaking your head. "Um, i'll tell you another time, i-i forgot i need to handle something" You made up some bullshit excuse on the spot, turning and speed walking away. Yeseo simply watched you leave with a confused look on her face.
"𝙊𝙝 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙄 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙬𝙧𝙤𝙣��, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙘𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙧𝙪𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙪𝙥. 𝙃𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙪𝙥."
That night, you sat on your bed after having arrived home from school. Today was the worst day of your life, you had even ignored your parents greeting you once you walked through the door. You bit your lip harshly, trying to resist the urge to scream. Unfortunately, you couldn't hold it back forever and once you had accidentslly let yourself sniffle that was when it all came crashing down.
You began to sob uncontrollably, you covered your mouth with your hand, trying to silence your crying in some way so that you wouldn't wake up your parents. Dropping to the floor, you couldn't help but shake with each sob you let out.
Memories of that night floated back into your mind, the picture of him fresh in your brain, the memory of him 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 still at the forefront of all those memories. You thought back to that night, trying to find any reason why it would turn out like this. You didn't do anything wrong, so why? Why did he do this to you? Why did he play with your heart and then split it right apart in front of you?
He lead you on, giving you that false glimmer of hope before he ripped your hearts to shred. You felt stupid honestly, how could you let yourself fall right into his hands. He was the popular guy at school, he had everyone in the palm of his hands just by existing alone and you were dumb enough to fall for his charms, let him take your heart, break it and then add you to his long list of hearts he had broken.
You were just unlucky to be added to that list of broken hearts, no happy ending for you like you had wished for.
"𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙪𝙨, 𝙘𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧. 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙚'𝙙 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙪𝙥, 𝙤𝙣 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣. 𝙄'𝙢 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚."
For the next few days you refused to even leave the house, you couldn't bare the thought of seeing him. Cause you knew that the minute your eyes landed on his figure, you would break down again. So you avoided going to school and you refused to tell your parents what happened, so they let you be, supporting you from afar.
You felt like an idiot, that night you spent with him felt magical. Once you had gotten home you began to picture yourself with him, during summer break you and Matthew would spend all of summer together, cute dates, matching bracelets that you'd buy for the two of you and just enjoying the other's company.
Then during Halloween, you'd have matching outfits. You didn't care what you'd wear, just as so long as you got to spend it with him. Then after that, you'd spend Christmas and New Year's together and you'd get your happily ever after with him.
But, love doesn't work like that. Cause Matthew was never in love with you, he just saw you as another heart he could play with, lead you on, make you feel special. Kiss you when the opportunity presented itself and then leave you a sloppy, depressed and broken mess for someone else to come after him and attempt to pick up the pieces.
Unfortunately, you couldn't hide away forever. You still had an education to pursue and your grades were suffering due to your broken heart. Your parents would force you to get dressed, eat breakfast and send you off to school. You were dreading this day, but you knew it would come eventually.
"𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙬𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙖 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡, 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙄'𝙢 𝙛𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡."
You stood at the entrance of your school, wanting to turn and run. Other students from your class were giving you looks, surprised to see you reappear after your sudden disappearance. Finally breathing in, you stepped inside the building and headed to your class.
Entering through the door, all eyes landed on you. You looked around the classroom and your eyes locked into his orbs that stared back at you. You could see the look of surprise on his face at your reappearance to society. Breathing in once more, you closed the door behind you and took your seat beside Yeseo. The girl looking you up and down.
"Y/N, where were you these last few days? You never answered my texts" She genuinely was concerned for you and you were thankful that at least she was by your side, cause without her there you knew you'd crack. You looked at her and smiled, but only a small smile. "I'll tell you after class, promise.....for real this time" Yeseo was hesitant, but nodded her head, choosing to believe that you'd tell her.
Focusing your eyes onto your notebook that sat on your desk, you could hear the other students whispering your name. "Y/N's back?" "I can't believe Y/N showed up again" "Is she okay? Did something happen?" and much more.
"𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙞𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙩, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙬𝙞𝙢 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚. 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚, 𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚, 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡."
After class had ended, you let Yeseo drag you out by the arm. Your head turning to face Matthew, your eyes catching his once more. And you felt your heart shatter once again when you saw the hint of a tiny smirk on his face.
Yeseo had dragged you all the way behind the school, a spot you and her frequented quite a lot during lunch to avoid large crowds. She stood in front of you, arms crossed in front of her and a determined look painting her features. "Go on, you have a lot of explaining to do"
The pain in your heart was still very much there as you tried to find the right words. As you looked into Yeseo's eyes, you couldn't hold back anymore and you broke down once again, your friend's facial expression quickly changed to one of concern as she took you into her arms. Her hands rubbing up and down your back as you sobbed into her shoulder.
You let everything out to her. You told her shout the night Matthew came to your house and invited you out, how he took you to Taerae's house and you two spent hours at his friend's outdoor pool. You told her about how he held your hand like it was the most precious thing in the world, how he caught you when you snuck out of your bedroom window and how he had kissed you that night in the pool.
All Yeseo could do was listen, taking in your words and rub your back comfortingly. She realized the state Matthew had left you in, completely broken and the pieces of your heart scattered every where. He had played with your heart, broke it into pieces and left taking a piece with him. Yeseo knew that no matter what she or anyone else did, no one could fully help you heal and find closure. Cause that night at the 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐨𝐥, Matthew had permanently scarred your heart and left a piece of you missing forever.
"𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚, 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩, 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡. 𝙄𝙣 𝙖𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙙𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡"
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Hope you enjoyed, i loved writing this one. This song is one of my favs, so that's probably why. Make sure to put in a request if you'd like <33
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whumpshaped · 4 months
yess!! talk about the new blorbo!!
okay. so.
tw minor character death
her name is mézi cooper (pronounced like daisy with an m, maisy) and she's 28 years old and she lives in a cottage out in the woods.
she grew up in that cottage with her parents, but then her parents decided they really wanted to sell the property and move to the city somehow, in whatever way they could, because they just didn't want to be living near the vampire territory border. (i made her for an rp with @whumpsday hence vamp territory.) mézi was devastated because what about the crops? the livestock? what about her precious chickens? mom you cant sell the chickens! she is Staying.
her parents said okay well you'll have to come with us when we sell the house to be able to buy a flat. mézi said well good luck no one's buying property near the border. there was a big argument and eventually it got solved when mézi's grandma died and her mother inherited the apartment. a bit small even for two people, so mézi was like yea u guys go ahead i am Staying. bye.
and well, what were her parents supposed to do? she was already 20 years old, she wasn't a kid, she had her own money by selling stuff from the little farm and taking odd jobs. they left her there. mézi visits them often enough, and nothing bad has ever happened to her before, so... (lies lies lies they're worried sick mézi can't be living out there ALONE in a SECLUDED FORESTY AREA this is SO BAD)
anyway mézi has been living in her little cottage all alone for like 8 years now :D she has Cool Hobbies (/j) like hunting and shooting guns. idk she's just a capable young woman. she's good with a knife ok. i'm sure that will save her from any mean person. or creature.
she's kinda happy go lucky. doesn't believe any misfortune can befall her. she believes many vampires have already ran past her little property and saw her tending to the plants and animals and thought "wow that's a lone woman taking care of all those things and creatures... we cant kidnap her :/ who would take care of the chickens :/" she really does believe even vampires have morals and a conscience :)
some more random facts about her
she's left-handed
she's pretty strong from working on the farm
she always has a knife with her
she names all her animals
she likes to help people and she believes it's good karma
she's very polite and good-mannered but boy does she get mad when other people are rude
she still believes her parents were overly paranoid for leaving the cottage like this
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