#magic rune sword boy :)
68spidey · 8 months
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Usagi Yojimbo? In THIS economy?
Of course.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Link doesn’t mind being a ghost. For the most part, he isn’t aware of time passing like the living. He jumps from moment to moment, fading in and out of focus. 
In battles, he guides Wild’s movements, meshing with the body that was once his to lend sword skills wiped by the Shrine. 
Sometimes he’ll tune in as Wild jumps on a shield, whooping as he slides down a hill. Or his taste buds light up with a new flavor when Wild tries a recipe. They still have the same favorite food; wildberry crepes. 
Link, the Champion of the past, died on the battlefield to a multitude of Guardian injuries. The boy who woke up in his place, now dubbed Wild, was not him. In most ways, the new boy is better. Link wants nothing more than to watch the person he could have been live life to the fullest. 
If only Wild hadn’t forgotten his sister and mother; those would have been good memories to keep. The rest of it? Link is happy to let those memories die with him. 
Wild travels with a group of heroes and Link delights in the bonds he forms with the group. Wild may not remember his family, but these boys become a new family. 
Link even heard mention that the youngest, Wind, could see ghosts, but the sailor never acknowledges him. Still, he can remain on the sidelines, lending his skill and watching Wild love life.
The love, though, comes with a never-ending guilt for failing his mission. Even death isn’t enough to make up for it. The goddess gave them another chance and they can’t waste it. 
Wizzrobes are rapidly becoming the Chain’s least favorite enemy. Wild’s monsters not only have elemental magic, but wild magic as well. Mystery spells have to be dodged in battle and getting hit by one leads to unknown effects. 
Once, Four was frozen by something similar to Wild’s stasis rune; out of commission for most of the battle. When Warriors was hit, trying to dodge an incoming slash, his directions became unintelligible. Time promptly picked up directions, but it was a full day before the Captain could speak normally.
The wizzrobe in today’s battle has an ice rod. Warriors is happily blasting back at it with Legend’s fire rod. Hyrule cuts down enemies behind him, protecting his back. 
A moblin kicks Wind, sending him crashing into Wild’s side. They both go down in a flail of limbs and weapons, struggling to get up before being impaled. 
Taking a chance, the wizzrobe throws another spell at the downed heroes. Unable to see it coming, it lands squarely in the middle of Wild’s back. 
Wind is left standing guard, grabbing the Champion’s dropped shield to fend off further spells. 
The wizzrobe is aiming again, laughing, when an arrow sprouts from its head. Twilight’s already letting loose a second one to take it down. 
Without aerial attacks to dodge, the heroes quickly finish the battle. 
“Time! I think you need to come here!” Wind’s voice has them running to where he still stands over Wild. 
“What in Farore’s ass happened?” 
“Language,” Time tries with a defeated sigh. Legend seems to delight in teaching Wind new swears. 
On the ground lays Wild but not…Wild? There is something slightly off about him; tense where Wild is loose.
“He’s fine, just knocked out.” Hyrule checks him efficiently, then turns to their leader. “What now?”
Whatever the spell did, they won’t figure it out with him unconscious. “Let’s take him and set up camp. We can figure this out when he wakes up. The spells seem to wear off after not too long, so let’s hope this is the same.”
Wind circles Twilight as he hefts the hero in his arms. “But What happened?”
Time grits his teeth at the question. “I don’t know.”
Pain isn’t what Link expects when he wakes up, but it’s a familiar feeling. Pain was the defining factor of most of his life. 
Along with the pain is a host of bodily sensations that overwhelm him; ghosts aren’t so readily grounded in the physical. What happened?
With a groan, Link opens his eyes. Branches full of leaves frame the sky; a green more vivid than he’s seen in a long time. Beneath his fingers is the rough wool of a blanket. His stomach grumbles; he’s…hungry?
A head enters his field of view; Sky. “Hey, Wild, how are you feeling?”
Wild. But he’s Link. Link who is a ghost, who doesn’t feel physical sensations like this. Who isn’t alive, chest rising and falling with every crisp breath of air. 
The wizzrobe—
“You were hit by a spell,” Sky unknowingly supplies. “Something seems off but…we were hoping you could tell us what happened?”
“Please let him still be able to talk,” Warriors grumbles from somewhere behind him. 
“He’s more fluent in sign than you are,” Four shoots back. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know; I’ve got too many battle signals.”
Link can almost hear the eye roll with the statement. He takes a deep breath because he can, then pushes himself upright. He’s sore in strange places—what does Wild do to use those muscles—but otherwise okay. 
Focusing on Sky, he signs, I’m able to continue. What’s the plan?
Sky stares, as do half the other boys. “Um.” Helplessly, Sky looks at Time who pushes himself off his log. 
“The wizzrobe, Wild. Do you remember what happened?”
Well, he’s not doing a good job of pretending to be Wild. Then again, he doesn’t know how to be the person he’s become. Training and duty are the defining factors of his life and he can’t break the habit. As a ghost, he could relax into Wild’s emotions as they bleed over. Now he had only his own. 
Link tests his legs, and when he finds they work he snaps a salute to Time. Yes sir. The wizzrobe’s spell hit Wild’s body, he signs. My hypothesis is that it pushed his spirit free. Rather than leaving him a shell, easy to defeat, I was pulled into the empty vessel. If the past pattern continues, you should have Wild back within 24 hours.
His report finished, he moves into a parade stance and waits. 
“Holy shit.” Legend stares at Link. “Who the hell are you then?”
Read the rest here!
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acrystalwitch · 10 months
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(***NO N*zis or TERFs allowed to interact with this post or my blog*** This is a post for Norse pagans or polytheists looking to work with Odin. This is all based on my own experiences working with the all father and nothing here is to be taken as a hard fact. If your practice differs from my own that is totally fine. There will be a lot of UPG and SPG)
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An incomplete summary of Odin in Norse mythology.
Odin, god of war and wisdom is a key figure in the Norse myths and is involved in a lot of the stories. He is the head of the Norse gods and is called the All father, because it’s by him that all of humans were created. He is married to Frigg and together they had Baldur and Hodr. Odin also has other sons, Thor, Vali, and Vidar.
He has two ravens Huginn and Muninn, and two wolves Geri and Freki.
He only has one eye, he sacrificed his other eye by throwing it into Mimir’s well in exchange for knowledge that could better help him prevent Ragnarok.
Another famous story of his is when he hung upside down from the tree of life for nine days and nine nights to get knowledge of other worlds and to be able to know everything about the runes.
The type of magic he practices (Seiðr) was a feminine type of magic that wasn’t always looked highly on when men would participate in it. Yet our Allfather was very practiced in it.
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My experience working with him: One thing to know about working with Odin going in, he will be very honest and blunt. My other deities have a habit of being softer on my feelings than I’ve heard other devotees say they’ve been with them, I’m assuming because I’m very sensitive. But Odin..? He does not care. He will stop giving advice if I tell him I don’t want to hear it. But, if I ask for advice…oh boy, am I gonna get his full opinion. He is very much a father in the way he goes about things, he cares but he wants his followers to push themselves as much as they can, learning as much as you can and always growing, never staying sedentary for too long.
I have a notebook dedicated to him that I’ve been using to work on learning the runes and that seems to be the best offering to give him in my practice right now. He never misses a chance to remind me I need to get back to learning the runes too.
I always wondered why it mattered so much to him that I learn them. Eventually he told me that it was because they really would be useful in spells, and wards and making bind runes out of them is something I’m learning to do now.
He is not the easiest deity to work with, he may even push your buttons on purpose to get you to think harder on things. I’ve noticed he’s even been rude before just to see if I’d stand up for myself and set boundaries and then he’ll explain himself after. Lots of tests trials and teachings. But man, is it worth it for the immense amount of knowledge and mentorship that he can bring. All in all, I’m glad he came to me later in my practice as I might’ve been scared off from deity work if he was the first. But, I love him to pieces and hope to work with him for a long time.
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Offerings and associations of Odin
(Odin does not eat food so I’ve seen many people say not to give him food offerings, I disagree! Give him things that he can feed to Geri and Freki. He is known to still fill his plate and just give them bits over meals. So don’t hesitate to gift him any food offerings you would to any other Norse god)
-colors: gray, dark blue, black
- tree Imagery, Yggdrasil in particular
- raven Imagery, black feathers
- wolf Imagery
- clear quartz
- onyx
- blue goldstone
- amethyst
- carnelian
- the hermit tarot card
- the hanged man tarot card
- the four of cups tarot card
- the king of swords tarot card
- mead, wine, alcohol
- poetry (he writes poems!)
- mugwort scent/incense
- Ansuz rune ᚨ
- learn about the runes
- learn his myths
- learn useful and practical knowledge
- read books
- ask him for advice
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There are many more ways to learn about him and get close to him. A great one is reading the Hávamál. If you meditate or do tarot or rune casting those are also great ways to contact him and get closer to him.
Signs he might be reaching out; seeing ravens more than usual or in non native areas, very windy days, rain, seeing his name often, feeling drawn to his mythology, seeing his tarot cards pop up often, you already work with one of his sons (I think he sent Thor to me first to soften my idea of the Norse gods and be a warm intro into their pantheon.)
He is a great god to work with, lots of work though. Odin is not for the weak minded, but he’s been so worth getting to know.
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The Little Smiling Mermaid PREVIEW
As I promised, a preview excerpt of my Charpim fanfic which will drop May 20th! (^o^) Also after reading the fic, PLEASE give me your feedback in the replies/reblogs, Thank you! 💗💛
Charlie couldn’t sleep on nights like this when the moon was big and bright, something about it made him want to stand outside by the ocean, drink from his flask and play his ocarina. As he played his beloved instrument he fondly recalled a childhood memory of his own when he was about 6 or 7, wearing a cape and an old hat Mr. Boss wore while armed with a little wooden sword, gallivanting around the beach while loudly-and-proudly proclaiming he was King of the Pirates. Little Charlie didn’t have much friends at that time but what he would do was based on one of Mr. Boss’ bedtime stories: writing mercritter runes in the sand and coming back later to see the response. Charlie did exactly that and eagerly waited for the response while distracting himself best he could fighting imaginary monsters and bad guys. Lo and behold Charlie always got a response, while in hindsight Charlie figured it could have been possible that someone, perhaps even Mr. Boss was playing along writing the responses in runes, he couldn’t shake off the magical sensation he got from the afternoon ritual. If it really was a mercritter responding to him this whole time he’d be over the moon.
Alan followed Glep and Pim back to the grotto and was astonished at all the "land things" Pim secretly acquired and hidden away for so long, how did he manage to hide it all for so long without Amy tattling on him for kicks? He hid behind a pair of slightly-cracked goggles and inspected upon the mischievous twosome. Pim was combing his hair with a "dinglehopper" as Glep played with a golden bangle, the latter noticed the bittersweet-sad expression on Pim's face and asked: "Yaskawaboyo? (You okay man)?" Alan wondered if Pim was starting to get homesick, (un)surprisingly that wasn't the exact reason why the usually excited mercritter was so somber despite freeing himself. "...Maybe he's right, what if there is something wrong with me?" said Pim, who then seconds after shook his head in disgust at his father's hatred of the surface getting to him. "I just don't see why a world that makes such wonderful things could be so bad?" Pim felt strong and long-bottled up emotions gushing out, he stimmed a little bit by twirling the dinglehopper but that wouldn't do. Whenever Pim had to share his feelings he would sing and dance it all way much to the annoyance of his siblings, but after a period of masking, Pim had to share exactly how he felt.
"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the boy...the boy who has everything?" Pim gasped in excitement and opened his arms wide while slowly spinning, "Look at this trove, treasures untold, how many wonders can one cavern hold?" quickly turning to Glep with his hands on his hips and sashay-ing with his hair swaying in the water, "Sure! He's got everythiiing~!" Pim swam around observing his collection with Glep following as he continued:
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty...I've got whozits and whatzits galore~"
Opening up a mustache-care box, jokingly offering to Glep: "You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty!" The two shared a little laugh before Pim solemnly closed it. "But who cares? No big deal....." Looking upwards, those longing words sweetly slipped out of his lips: "I want moooooore~"
"I wanna be where the people are-" Pim gently held Glep's fins and twirled around, "I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'~ Walking around on those.... what do you call 'em? Oh!" He playfully teased Glep's fins as the guppy squeaked. "Feet!"
Alan thought to himself: "This is the most elaborate venting I ever witnessed."
"Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far Legs are required for jumping, dancing..." Pim swayed his hips emulating how one with legs can walk on ground: "Strolling along down a... what's that word again?"
Glep playfully answered: "Skeewaboyo (Street)!" Pim smiled and swam up dramatically above where the light was shining through the grotto: "Up where they waaaalk, up where they ruuuun...up where they stay all day in the suuuuun!! Wanderin' free, wish I could be.... Part of that wooooorld~" Continuing with his acrobatics, "What would I give? If I could liiiive out of these waaaaters? What would I pay to spend a daaaay-" He sunk down and rolled around with a big smile on his face imagining what would it be like, in his own words: "-warm oooon the saaaand?" He then turned on his stomach with a humorously pouty look, "Bet'cha on land they understand, bet they don't...reprimand their soooons~" Pim almost relucantly called himself one of King Pimling's daughters up until realizing he wasn't in Meeplantica anymore, he then smiled while gazing upwards, "Bright young men, sick of swimmin'..." He lifted himself up again with a more hopeful and triumphant demeanor: "Ready to staaaaaaand AAAAAAND-" Observing a gilded storybook with a childlike energy he flipped around the pretty illustrations, "Ready to know what the people know! Ask 'em my questions and get some answers!" He came across one such illustration depicting Prince Charming and Fair Maiden cozening up by the fireplace, holding it up and longingly placing his stubby pink fingers on the painted flame, "What's a fire and why does it...What's the word?" He closed the book and held it to his chest, holding his head back and belting out: "Buuuuurn!!" Pim let go of the book, spinning upwards once again and reaching out to the light: "When's it my tuuuurn? Wouldn't I looooove, love to explore that shore up aaaaaabooooooove?" His octave raised at that last word he sang out...then his whimsy melted into wistful melancholy, for there wasn't any way he could achieve his lifelong dream, so he sank back down with a heavy heart..."Out of the sea....wish I could be...." As Glep sadly witnessed Pim floating back down on the sandy ground, he couldn't help but look back up at the light one more time: "Part of that....woooooorld..."
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blueberryfruitbat · 7 months
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so. out of the blue (haha) but brain has been ROTTING over my OCs as of late. and i might be drawing a few in the upcoming weeks eheheheheh... This lad is a very old OC and anyone interested about his history can read under the cut if they want... Content warning: Art from when i was a stupid little teenager.
So... This is Calian, a Zelda oc ive had since i was 15 not even joking. Back during a playthrough of Twilight Princess a friend and I made a joke about some random dude being the opposite of link in that game. Just an evil asshole who got twilighted into being a cat, then it devolved into a complete joke character of an evil Ganon obsessed catboy mage that just HATED everyone's guts.
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His original design made in like 2016. So fast-forward to 2017, BotW releases in my birthday month! I get it on my Wiiu because that friend and I swapped Skyward Sword and BotW since they didn't have a Wiiu but got it from a friend. Botw introduced the Yiga, and BOY did i jump on that concept, i already had a very evil, loyal to Ganon OC just sitting there, so boom, man became a Yiga.
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Artfight Ref from ~2018
from there I finally started developing his story. He started becoming more than just "heehoo evil catboy", he became a what used to be a Sheikah (Sheikah design has been lost to PC changes, but did at one point in his life have the white hair. As well as his name now fitting the Sheikah's naming scheme of fruit and vegetables, [Calian = Scallion]).
He was completely absorbed and obsessed with unlocking long lost magic from the golden ages of Hyrule. Going mad into his studies so much so he began using unpracticed magic on himself turning him into the heehoo catboy. He was caught practicing this magic and banished because he had become immoral in his pursuits, willing to test magic on himself and others with little care. Eventually finding a place in the Yiga clan to carry out his studies,
Then for a while thats just how he was for a bit...
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Recent Design 2023 His story basically stayed the same, just now instead of being obsessed with general magic he became obsessed with the Zonai. Craving their magic and godly power he strived to meld his body into that of one to obtain even just a fraction of their power. While he succeeded in changing physical form into a Zonai he lacks many of their defining characteristics, such as the third eye and those long sought godly powers. Though his physical change still gave him a kind of power, while not being as strong as a true Zonai he still has passable magical skills that when not under much scrutiny can easily fool the untrained eye. Allowing him to pass himself off as a real Zonai and gain power and favor in the seedier parts of the Yiga. After all, its easy to pretend you're a part of a long gone race when barely anyone remembers them and their full capabilities, just make a few objects float and scribble some runes, its enough to convince a few meatheads you're the genuine article.
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Wednesday prompt with vampire Alec?
Oooh I hope you like this one! I had fun writing it
Magnus waits in the shadows, allowing Alexander to accept a last gift from his family.
His boy drinks greedily from bags and bags of unworthy blood before Fray and Alexander’s sister are using their strength runes to hold him down. And then they ensure that the twice divine blood in blondie’s veins will ensure Alexander is a daylighter and it’s the only reason Magnus is allowing Wayland the privilege of being drunk from.
Especially when Magnus is still waiting to hold his boy and keep him safe and sated and fed.
It started months ago, with the sudden betrayal of Dorothea, as she chose her feelings for shadowhunters over her allegiance to him.
Her betrayal is what convinces Magnus of the course he’ll need to take in order to acquire the prize he wants.
Because Magnus knows who he wants the moment he sees him.
And if Dorothea is willing to risk betraying him after the weight of her service and pact with Magnus… well, Magnus isn’t willing to risk the loss of his prize.
It’s easy enough to keep an eyes on events and to track his boy. Magnus knows exactly where Alexander Lightwood is every moment his boy steps past Institute wards and into the arrays Magnus has woven across New York.
Sometimes, in a sulk, Magnus will bemoan not lowering himself to place the magical wards around the Institute. If he had, he might have felt his boy sooner and at the very least, his magic would have already surrounded Alexander.
Now, Magnus has to watch in disgust as Alexander is dragged this way and that.
There’s almost a wedding, but Magnus ensures that several of the forsaken experiments he captured are released at the right time.
Such a pity that the bride died, but Alexander does seem more relieved than mournful.
It only encourages Magnus further, to see the relief in Alexander's eyes when he stares at his fiancés broken and empty body.
So he watches as Alexander is mistreated and bears the price of others actions and is demoted, his rank ignored by a pretentious hunter with half of Alexander’s talent.
Magnus almost acts until the the vampires begin to move and then he waits, because this is exactly the opening he wants.
Somehow, his darling boy gets entangled with protecting Raphael’s little pet and when the inevitable happens and Simon gets in the way, Alexander goes down.
It’s near torture, to feel Alexander’s agony across the the leylines and have to stand back and let it happen.
Magnus follows his boy until the last heartbeat and he means to ensures Alwxander will ingest blood. Except his shadowhunter companions are already forcing vampire blood down his blue, unbreathing lips.
Magnus blinks, shocked and delighted and muffling a dark laugh as he realizes this will be even easier than he thinks.
Magnus could wield the claves soul sword and swear that he had no hand in Alexander’s death. That he played no part in turning his boy into a vampire.
Perhaps Magnus knew it was happening, but he holds no true obligation to Alexander and it would not be expected of him.
Magnus interest alone is enough to be considered a blessing.
Alexander’s once parabatai is clutching his body and howling dramatically, as if all of a sudden remembering he cares of Magnus’ boy will make up for his neglect.
It’s tedious to listen to their mourning and Magnus chuckles darkly when he realizes they’re digging the womb of Alexander’s rebirth on hallowed ground.
“Guys I think this is a bad idea.” Simon says nervously.
“So we should just let him die? He died for you, vampire.”
“Yeah and you’re about to turn him into a vampire. You don’t even like vampires.”
“It’s Alec. It’s different.”
Simons groans, tugging at his own hair and pacing. “Yeah but, I wasn’t happy either! I didn’t want this I mean I’m happy now but it took time! Effort, a lot of support I didn’t really get at first and didn’t appreciate when I did!”
“Look, Alec can handle it, okay. And he’s got me and Iz. He’ll get over it. He’s got plenty of time to.”
Magnus scoffs quietly and settles in to wait. He sits on a throne of obsidian in the shade of a crypt and watches Alwxander’s grave with a devotion on par with saints.
The others have left for the day, leaving Alexander alone because they don’t know the kind of magic that can be done to an unborn fledgling.
Magnus walks over when the sun peaks and he treads a careful array over the loose gravedirt and then he spills his blood and his seed over it.
Alexander will never be tempted by any blood beyond Magnus’ from the first time he tastes it to his end.
It’s a cruel thing to do perhaps, if it weren’t for the fact that Magnus’ sheer magical reserves mean he can never be drained dry. If anything, the pleasure Magnus will derive from such a bond is enough to have Magnus’ magic purring in anticipation.
Magnus leaves Alexander only after he’s warded his grave to ensure no one else can take advantage of it. It’s but a snap of his fingers to portal to Raphael’s side and Magnus looks over the suddenly cowering group with disdain.
“Out.” He orders and but for Raphael they all flee. “When I agreed to let you handle Camille, as a sign of your loyalty, I expected results. When you delayed again and again, I made excuses for you, to Catarina, to Ragnor even.” And Magnus watches with satisfaction as his barbed words hook deeper than any actual punishment ever would.
“I can still—“
“Enough.” Magnus says quietly and Raphael goes still, not even pretending to breathe. “Your only job is to obey my commands. I will be handling Camille and you will be grateful for my leniency. For now, gather your vampires to reswear their vows to me and know that I will be culling whoever displeases me.”
Raphael hesitates at the door way, “Magnus, I didn’t mean to involve shadowhunters.”
“That, is the only correct thing you’ve done.” Magnus informs him, a dark chuckle leaving his lips. “That you managed to have Alexander cornered in such a way that leaves him easy to claim is why you still experience my generosity.”
Raphael looks terrified as he suddenly realizes the interest Magnus has in the nephilim his actions helped kill.
“Did you plan this? Did you know?”
“I’m an opportunist, Raphael. But remember your place. Don’t you ever insinuate I would ever harm my boy, do you understand? I have been more than patient and fate brought him to me, I’m no villain in his story.”
Magnus is going to rescue his boy from the madness he’s about to be subjected to.
“I’m sorry.” Raphael says, still wavering, the sweet child that he is.
“It was clever of you; not to let him taste and of your blood or to lay a hand on him.” Magnus praises Raphael with a cold smirk; “even my fondness for you would not have been enough to save you. Had you touched him.”
“Did you know that the soul gem of a fledgling vampire’s sire has a great many magical properties?”
Magnus smiles and he knows exactly when Raphael realizes what Camille’s fate will be.
Magnus gets back to the graveyard and sits back on his throne; the view unobstructed as he watches the group prepare for Alexander’s rebirth.
“Raphael won’t help us.” The youngest of Raphael’s clan whispers. “Camille is dead and the clans are in a rampage as order changes. The king of the East Coast is demanding new oaths be made. I didn’t even know we had a king!”
There’s a pause and a look of panic between the blonde and Alexander’s sister. They shuffle, fear in their eyes because neither of them want Alexander to come to Magnus’ attention.
Not when Alexander is newly a vampire and his oaths of fealty will need to be resworn.
It’s a pity, but Magnus won’t be letting them try to hide him away. Because Magnus wants Alexander and he’s not about to play a long game or fight the clave.
Magnus has been watching this particular group of shadowhunters since they first began to snoop around Magnus’ territory.
It’s completely their own fault that they left Magnus a scent of blood toward the prey he’s so meticulously lain in wait for.
And soon — after Alexander’s crawled from his grave and been reborn through the dirt— as Magnus watches Alexander rip through bag after bag of blood and then shake as clarity returns to him.
He’s still being held down when it happens. When Alexander comes back to himself and he shakes as he realizes he’s drinking blood.
Magnus bites his own lip and Alexander’s head turns to him from across the graveyard.
There’s a moment of confusion and then he rips himself from the blonde with a shocking amount of control.
The scent of Magnus’ blood after the ritual will magnify Alexander’s interest and it’s enough that he breaks away from blondie.
Alexander doesn’t come to Magnus, not yet but he’s already wavering even as he’s come to his senses.
“Jace, I didn’t want this.”
“It was my fault.” The blond admits, voice rough and hoarse. “I asked you to watch Simon, for Clary. I couldn’t handle it being why you died, Alec! Simon adapted, you can too!”
“Simon was a mundane!” Alexander yells, “you’ve taken everything from me!”
“we saved your life.”
As a newly turned downworlder, Alexander’s bonds of allegiance are aching, yearning to be connected and accepted. Magnus croons a dark lullaby as he cuts open his hand and lets it drip.
Alexander can smell it first.
It’s as if the sudden rush of Magnus’ blood trying to escape his veins is a siren song. He turns, a wild, ravenous gleam to his red eyes.
He’s a beautiful picture and Magnus can’t wait to have him painted, hungry and panting for Magnus’ blood.
“Come here darling,” Magnus calls out, low enough that without their runes active, the shadowhunters wont hear him.
Raphael’s little pet whimpers, the weight of Magnus’ power pressing down on him, forcing him to ignore Magnus.
Alexander lights up, his eyes glowing and his fangs poking out to pierce his bottom lip
“Oh darling, I have you now.” Magnus croons and he lets more blood fall. His magic will destroy all traces of himself as Alexander follows.
Alexander is like one of his arrows, a straight shot to Magnus and when he arrives, his arms come up around Magnus in a too-tight embrace.
Magnus laughs, tilting his head and offering his neck. Alexander bites deeply and groans as Magnus’ blood fills his mouth. The venom sinks into Magnus' veins like a feral ice storm and Magnus groans, delighted by how much Alexander needs him.
The divine blood of a fallen and defiled angel runs in Magnus’ veins and after this, Alexander will never crave the taste of another’s blood.
Magnus portals them both away, holding Alexander ever closer as pleasure courses through both of them.
Alexander is new fledgling with no sire and no clan that will take him — Magnus has made sure of it — he’ll greedily latch on to the bonds offered by his new king.
And Magnus will hungrily accept.
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
Double Legacy Sally Jackson Au
Okay. This has been my head Canon for like, years, imma try to explain the best I can.
So basically Sally is a 4th Generation legacy of the Norse God Loki (25%) and a 6th Generation Legacy of the Roman goddess Venus.
Making Percy not only 50% Greek sea demigod, but also:
20% Norse Trickster/lying/MISDIRECTION 5th gen
and 15% love/pretty as fuck Roman. 7th gen.
His Im/mortality blood split is more like 85/15.
Her parents (Percy's grandparents) died in that airplane crash when she was 5 because Sally's mom was a 3rd gen Loki and was unaware(cuz like apparently Norse demigods don't smell until AFTER they die) and Thor was all like, "heck no get the FUCK out of the sky" and Zappos hammered them to death.
(Percy has a Times 2 weakness to electric types. You think he's scared of ur lighting bolt? When he has to worry about a fucking lightning HAMMER? the answer is yes. To both. But like hammer>spear-bolt)
Sally found out about her heritage like maybe 2 months after her parents died(she inherited these cool norse pirate dagger/half-swords(I swear I can't remember what their called rn UGH), from HER great-grandparent. Percy's great-great grandparent ei: the Loki demigod. Loki gave them to her, and told her what's up.) and then she being the badass hardcore survivor she is, learned everything she ever could about Norse/roman(but also Greek) mythos by the time she's 12.
She meets Poseidon when she's 16.
Then Percy happens when she's 17 almost 18. And she learned from his father while she was carrying, that he would attract monsters.
Since she's related to Loki she has his whole "avoidance/dodge/misdirection can't be caught" thing. (As well as the shape shifting, but she can really only change her gender. But this is not relevant)
Sally, has been alone all her life, she is a SURVIVOR, so she buys an RV/tiny-home on wheels, and covers it absolutely completely buries it in a mix Norse and Egyptian magic-y misdirection runes to hide Percy's scent. She figures if she uses multiple mythos, it will be harder for Them to find her baby.
so there is no Gabe. Percy grows up even more of a mamas boy than canon.
She teaches Percy all about all the mythos, but like she does it in a very avoidance way that he knows NONE of their names like "the Greek sun god did this" or "the Roman sun god did that" and teaches him never to think their names "so they can't here you"
The changes in Percy's powers:
1: Since he's still Poseidon's kid but also now son of a legacy of the SHAPESHIFTER he can shapeshift, but only into a merperson, and only when he's wet. (Also he's genderfluid)
Sally teaches him to keep himself dry, he HATES it but understands that he needs to be sneaky, this first happens when he's like 7. And it doesn't happen during the full moon cuz like "the moon controls the tides" and what not. Yes, he is bioluminescent. Blueish/green aquamarine glowy mermaid fins!! His scales are either black or so dark indigo that they Look black.
2: Since he's a legacy of Venus, 7th gen notwithstanding cuz he has the 50% from the sea to make him stronger, he can do the charmspeaking, well... CharmSinging like a siren. When he was like 5 there was this really close call cuz when he sings one of two things happen. Either A: the default of "everyone in hearing range that isn't related to aphro/Venus is suddenly attracted to him, or b: people fall asleep. option a is the one that happened, he has to focus to get people to sleep. Sally is a smart cookie, she realized what was happening and decked the guy in the face before he could do anything to the baby 5 year old Percy. Sally then bans Percy from singing (at least around other ppl)
He HATES it. He loves to sing! but he understands enough to understand that sing around ppl is dangeours. This also happened when he was seven, but before the tail thing.
Sally, trying to hide Percy's heritage, and getting inspired from the Avatar the last airbender cartoon, trys to teach percy to only attack with "ice-bending" as to misdirect suspicions.
She tells him to "try and make the water stiff and cold"
He hates it. And how it feels "The sea doesn't like to be restricted" and what not, but like he trusts his mom, she's super cool and smart so he goes along with it, and OMG he gets cool water powers??? Like Katara?! From his favorite cartoon??? Best 10th birthday ever!
Ugh I can't remember if I'm forgetting anything, oh wait right. He can sense when people are trying to trick him. It's like a little itch I the back of his head. His mom can too, so they end up having these conversations where neither one is TECHNICALLY Lying, but like not telling the whole truth and shenanigans. Ei: "your father is lost at sea" does not ping his built in lie detector. So he's really REALLY Good at lying without lying. (Like what fae so in fairytales)
Because of this Percy thinks his dad is a mermaid. Percy is unaware that he is a demigod, he ony thinks his mom is a history-mythos nut. And that his mom is hiding him due to the myth of "if u cut out a mermaids eye and eat it you become immortal"
ugh thats all I can remember rn I'll edit it later.
Oh wait I just remembered since Percy's blood split is 85/15 he kinda can't really be referred to as a Half-blood. That is waaay more than half. Since like Frank blood split is 49/51 he can still be described as half. In other words,
and I also ship percico.
All of this is to say it leads to a dramatic scene outside of the doors of death where nico is like nico: "you have to go your one of the seven!"
And Percy is like
Percy: "nope I'm not 50/50 I'm 85/15 that's waaay more than half.....blood"
Nico: "but I can't leave u here"
it's more dramatic in my head and they are not dating by this point, But it's like mutual pining. Percy then kisses him and then pushes him into the elevator in his shock. Tells him to use his wish when he saves the world to use Persephone keyblade to get him and Bob out of Tartarus.
Then since this Percy is op and has seen alta, he blood bends all the rivers in the ground into spikey ice shards cutting the actual Tartarus(not his mortal plain body that Bob and friendly giant guy is fighting while Percy holds the button, but like the actual ground.) into 1000 pieces. And kills him. Like the sky primordial. He also killed poison lady. Btw. I'm so tired ugh what else. They are now stuck in Hell: frozen over.
Percy's logic for cutting up Tartarus with his own insides was as follows:
70% of the mortal human Body is made of Water.
70% of the earth is covered in a Body of Water.
The earth is Gaea, a primordial.
Mortal humans were based on gods.
And gods are descendants of primordials.
It takes a mortal and a god to kill a giant.
it took multiple titans (and a primordial to trick) to kill the sky primordial. His body was cut into 1000 pieces.
Ei: saltwater is Gaea's blood. And so are the rivers. I mean their called Bloodstreams for a reason.
A mortal a titan and a giant kill Tartarus.
Gaea was right about one thing Percy will admit.
If u want to to rid your garden of weeds, you have to rip out the roots.
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ghilliedubh · 4 months
Vrinda: The Ivy Queen
Exploring the connections between the Norse goddess Rindr/Vrinda and ivy folklore
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I am writing this with my mind swathed in a dark emerald green. Last Yule night I drew the rune Gebo, the Ivy card from my Ogham deck and the Queen of Swords. This painted an interesting picture in my head, of a green lady wandering amongst ivy-clad ruins. I dived into ivy folklore and mythology, researching who this might be. I visited Hebe, the Maenads and the various Green Ladies of Britain, but one particular solemn figure was sitting and waiting for me.
Very little is known of the Goddess Rindr and her name’s origin is obscure, but it is thought to be connected to a Gotlandic word for ivy, rind. A variation of her name, Vrindr, Wrinda or Vrinda (the name I prefer), can possibly be found in the Ostergotland place name Vrinnevi, the meaning of which would in that case be Vrindar-Vé (Vrindr’s Shrine). Oscar Lundberg proposed that she was therefore a fertility goddess represented by ivy or perhaps even made of it. The theory of her being connected to Vrinnevi has been debated, and some argue that the place name simply means “Ivy forest”. Even so, the similarity between the name Rindr and the word rind is hard to ignore and I strongly feel that she is represented by ivy as Lundberg suggests. Previously I had only known her as some kind of winter goddess and as the unwilling bearer of Óðinn’s son, Váli. This connection to the ivy plant opened up a whole new dimension of her.
I want to start by criticizing Patricia Telesco’s interpretation of Vrinda being a goddess of accepting uncomfortable changes. That just as winter yields to spring, so does Vrinda yield to the advances of Óðinn and become warm and fertile. Whether or not Vrinda’s myth is a metaphor for the changing of seasons, I find it appalling that someone would look at a story about sexual assault and draw from it the lesson that one should not fight “positive change”. Change can be good, but that attitude in this context is disgusting and disrespectful to all that have had to go through such a horrible experience. Now, moving on…
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First there is the madness. The maenads were wild, ecstatic worshipers of Dionysus who wore ivy. Often willing participants of the frenzy, but sometimes forced. In Gesta Danorum the tale is told of how Óðinn, when thrice rejected by Vrinda, uses magic to drive her mad and then ill. Disguised as a medicine woman called Wecha, Óðinn tells her father that he can cure her but it would cause a violent reaction. Vrinda is tied to her bed and Óðinn proceeds to commit one of his ugliest crimes. I connect these two instances of forced madness with certain properties of the ivy; ingesting the leaves can cause delirium, convulsions and even hallucinations. Surprisingly, wearing crowns of ivy was believed to prevent drunkenness. To me, all of the above makes Vrinda a goddess of madness, but as a sufferer. We who may have bouts of bad mental health may find comfort in her.
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Next I want to talk about the Green Ladies of Britain, specifically the melancholy yet usually benevolent ghosts that haunt castles. The Green Ladies are dead but are still kind, often protecting living residents of their haunts. The Green Lady of Huntingtower Castle in Perthshire (known as Lady Greensleeves) is said to have healed a young boy who lived in a house on the estate. Ivy was also seen as a protective plant in Britain.This protective element also be a domain of Vrinda, John McKinnell writes about a kenning for a warrior in the saga of Guðmundur Arason, serkja Rindar Sannr. Sannr is a name of Óðinn meaning “truth”, Rindar serkur would be “Rindur’s serk”. According to McKinnell this hints that she may have been able to enchant clothing to work as a protective charm. But back to the Green Ladies. Most of them are thought to be the ghosts of particular women of noble lineage that lived in the castles and were usually killed in horrible ways. The Green Lady of Caerphilly Castle is the ghost of Alice de la Marche of France who died of shock when she learned of her husband’s men killing her lover. I mention her specifically because of her ability to blend into the ivy that grows on the castle walls. The ivy in this story feels like a very appropriate symbol and I feel it could be extended to the rest of the Green Ladies. Ivy clings to ruins, it clings to trees long after they die. I want to quote the first stanza of Henry Kendall’s The Ivy on the Wall:
The verdant ivy clings around
Yon moss be-mantled wall,
As if it sought to hide the stones,
That crumbling soon must fall:
That relic of a bygone age
Now tottering to decay,
Has but one friend—the ivy—left.
The rest have passed away.
I believe this sentiment lives with Vrinda. In this aspect, she is a goddess of mourning and trauma, of yearning for the irretrievable past. But at the same time she is a goddess of protection and overcoming hardships and devastation. As ivy holds together and decorates the weathered stones of an old castle, so too can Vrinda help hold together our broken hearts and shattered selves.
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Then there is winter. I have read many articles and blogs online written by pagans associating Vrinda with winter and almost nothing else. I never actually saw mentioned any concrete reason for it, but now that I have become aware of her ivy realm it has become obvious. Most people are familiar with the carol The Holly and the Ivy. Both plants are evergreen and are part of a family of yule plants alongside mistletoe and yew. Ivy and Holly historically represented the feminine vs masculine, in parts of England there are still dances between the Holly boy and the Ivy girl. It was supposedly custom once for men and women to light-heartedly taunt each other through song. Sadly it seems mostly the songs praising Holly have been preserved, an example is the following verse:
Nay, Ivy, nay; it shall not be i-wys ;
Let Holly hafe the maystery, as the manner is.
Holly stond in the Halle fayre to behold;
Ivy stond without the dore; she is full sore acold.
Holly and his merry men they dancyn and they sing.
Ivy and hur maidens they wepyn and they wryng.
(Ballad from the time of Henry VI)
In a more positive light, holly and ivy feature in a poem by Henry VIII called Green Groweth the Holly. Here ivy's steadfast color throughout winter symbolizes fidelity. It is a charming poem if a bit ironic, since Henry himself wasn’t exactly a paragon of fidelity. I’ll let you read the third and fourth verse:
As the holly groweth green
With ivy all alone
When flowers cannot be seen
And greenwood leaves be gone,
Now unto my lady
Promise to her I make,
From all other only
To her I me betake.
It is not strange that Henry made this connection. In the language of flowers ivy represents fidelity, wedded love and friendship. Ancient Greek brides would carry ivy as a symbol of undying love and sprigs of it are often found in wedding bouquets today. I think ivy being an evergreen as well as it’s ability to cling tightly are good reasons for it being a symbol for faithful love. We also see generosity and kindness as ivy provides berries for birds in winter. These aspects all together give me the feeling that, yes, Vrinda is a winter goddess. However, I feel she is more a goddess of persevering winter, rather than a goddess of the frost and cold itself. She stays living, green and fruitful when other plants lie dead. Her love persists through hardships. Winter or summer, it holds on.
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Just before I conclude I’d like to touch upon animal associations. There is not a lot to work with, but the color and winding tendencies of ivy invoke the spirit of a serpent. Perhaps an adder, with its ivy-like pattern and ability to hibernate. The adder, like the ivy, is also toxic. The maenads wore serpents as well as ivy so it's not entirely far-fetched to see snakes as a favorite of Vrinda, but I’m not sure how well it fits. Perhaps the wren, a bird often seen darting through ivy bushes and has connections to winter. The word “wren” is of obscure origin but the words wren, rind (the Gotland word for ivy) and rindill (the Icelandic word for wren) sound curiously similar to Wrinda and Rindur.
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Then there are owls. In Britain ivy has a special relationship with the tawny owl, which is sometimes even called an ivy-owl. Most people are familiar with owls being traditionally associated with death, but it may surprise some that ivy is so as well. This seems contradictory to it’s tolerance of winter, the death of the year, but this association likely stems again from fidelity as well as ivy’s tendency to grow over tombstones. Ivy was also a frequent motif on headstones and there it likely represents immortality and eternal life. Both snakes and owls are carved on headstones too. Ivy was also used to foretell death.
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This association with death ties well in with the aforementioned Green Ladies. Owls and ivy are paired together in the idiom “like an owl in an ivy-bush”, which is used to describe a person with a vacant stare (usually due to drunkenness) or in some cases those with a frightened and dishevelled appearance. I almost forgot to mention that tawny owls usually mate for life, fidelity again. Finally, the carol I mentioned earlier has a couple of verses mentioning owls:
Ivy hath berries black as any sloe;
There come the owl and eat him as she go
Good ivy, what birds hast thou?
None but the owlet that cries how, how.
That brings us to the end. It’s quite bold of me, I know, to just give Vrinda all these associations purely based on ivy folklore and mythology. However, I feel so uncomfortable just leaving her bound to that one, grisly story of her impregnation. It’s unfair. I really do feel she may have shown herself to me that Yule night, or at least an aspect of herself, and I’d rather she lived in my mind as a lush and complex entity. Maybe I am getting lost in a thick forest of wishful thinking but maybe, like the Green Lady of Caerphilly Castle, she has indeed been hiding in the ivy.
Vrinda the broken, Vrinda the crazed,
Vrinda the wanderer of ruins and graves.
Vrinda the devoted, Vrinda the evergeen.
Vrinda the beautiful, unwavering Ivy Queen
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Hrafnsunna Ross
Sources and further reading:
On English ivy folklore and mythology:
Properties of English ivy:
On Maenads:
https://www.thecollector.com/maenads-women-bacchus/ On Green Ladies: https://www.spookyisles.com/scottish-green-lady-stories/
Wedding flower customs:
Tawny Owl:
Evidence pointing to Rindr being a worker of protective magic:
Gesta Danorum book 3, where the story of her assault is written:
Possible etymology of her name:
Headstone symbolism:
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birb-boyo · 8 months
Whumptober Day15
(Suppressed Suffering)
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It felt like a peaceful day. The Chain hadn’t encountered one of those in what felt like months.
The sun was starting to set and they all grew more and more relieved as time went on. However, when they finished settling for camp, disaster struck.
They were struck by a volley of arrows, Sky being their main target. Then, hoards had jumped out of the forest.
The heroes scrambled for their weapons, thanking the goddesses for Wild’s stasis rune. They fought as hard as they could, but some were still injured. Sky was the worst. He was littered with sword and arrow wounds. He had said that he could handle it, but he passed out seconds later. Hyrule used the last of his strength to make sure that he wouldn’t die right there.
The potions and fairies were used for other things. The Captain’s broken leg, the Sailor’s cut side, the Smithy’s dislocated arm. They didn’t need to waste more resources on Time’s shoulder cut.
Hiding a wound. It was never a problem for the Hero of Time. He only did it when it was necessary. If they were low on potions and fairies, why whine about a small cut?
It’s not like it was bleeding. It wasn’t doing that anymore. The only thing that worried him was that the surrounding bits were starting to grow purple. His armor irritated the wound, but he didn’t speak of it. There was no reason to. Hyrule was already being worked to the bone. Why add more salt to the injury?
He walked faster than the rest. He usually leads the group. He couldn’t lead from the back.
He was more tired than ever today. Then again, with everyone as injured as they were, he took full watch. He didn’t regret it. They needed more rest than him and it gave him time to get used to his wound. That being said, he hadn’t slept in days. Specifically three days. He didn’t worry about it. He’d once stayed up for a week straight. Maybe even more of that. It’s just what trying to stop a smiley falling moon does to a kid.
Fights were excruciating with his injured shoulder scraping against his armor. He resorted to using his gilded sword, hoping not to have to move that arm too much. It helped relieve the pain, but not much. The boys also started looking at him weird. He rarely used the gilded blade. He always stuck to the biggoron sword. He was always better with claymores.
Days passed. The pain grew worse. One day, Time decided to check on his wrapped wound. When he unraveled the patching around it, he saw clear liquid pooling out of it. He winced. This wasn’t healing right at all.
For a moment a thought crossed his mind, “the Traveler should check this out,” but he quickly shut it down. He was sure that he was still trying to heal the last of Sky’s internal wounds before he passed out from magic exhaustion.
Time soaked the new bandages he was going to use in the river water and wrapped his arm back after squeezing the last of the clear fluid out of his bruise-colored wound. He prayed that he wouldn’t need the Traveler’s magic for this.
The next day, Time was most sluggish. The others had gotten mad at him for taking another full watch. He wouldn’t have slept anyway. He didn’t even have his armor on today. It was in the Champion’s slate.
His vision began to fade and he felt himself stumble. “You alright?” He hadn’t even felt Twilight’s arm around his. He didn’t feel his hand either. At least, not until he pat his shoulder.
Time grunted loudly, holding his shoulder and stepping away from Twilight. He cursed at his scene.
“Are…are you alright, Old Man?” The Champion walked closer to him as the entire group stopped in their tracks.
“I’m fine.” Time tried to straighten himself and brace the pain privately, but his furrowed eyebrows and his gritted teeth displayed his discomfort on a silver platter.
The others looked among themselves. Sky was the first to speak, “Let’s take a rest and see what’s wrong.” The others nodded at the Skyloftian’s words.
“We don’t need to,” Time said, trying to take another step forward. He did, and all he felt was agony in his upper body. “Son of a-“ he gripped his shoulder, hoping the pain would go away even for a second.
There was ringing going off in his ears, like static. It was getting louder and louder and louder and…when had he hit the ground? What was everyone saying? He saw their mouths moving frantically. Why…why was he so tired? When was the last time that he had slept?
It was like his eye closed itself. He let it stay closed and he let himself rest for once in a while.
They set up a camp right there, next to the trail they were following. Twilight sat by the sleeping man’s side, wondering how this all happened.
“You know,” Four sat beside Twilight. “with the way he was gripping his shoulder, I’d say that it was cramped or dislocated.” It sounded like the Smithy was joking, but Twilight took it seriously.
Twilight worked on Time’s shirt and saw the bandages around his shoulder. Four and Twilight stared at it for a few seconds. “Or wounded…” Twilight said, finishing Four’s initial thought.
Four made quick work of the bandages. “Traveler!” Twilight called. He rushed over.
“Aye!” He pressed slightly on the wound. Black liquid came out. Hyrule hummed, a grim expression on his face. “Infection. This isn’t recent either. Maybe a week in the making. He’s been sick.”
“How-” Warriors groaned. “this guy…”
“Can we please talk about the fact that it’s bleeding nearly black?” Twilight asked. Hyrule nodded his head, still assessing the wound.
“It’s not bleeding. I feel like leaking is a better fitting term,” Hyrule said, his voice almost lax as if he’d seem something like this before. “It’s just a really bad infection. The thing I’m worried about is the fact that he passed out because of it.”
“Which means it’s probably not just an infection. It’s probably worse…” Warriors added.
Hyrule nodded. “I just wished that we were all done with hiding wounds…”
Twilight sighed, his eyebrows furrowed. “What can we do?”
“I can try to heal it. Unless there’s a potion, there’s nothing else we can do.” Hyrule turned back to the black ooze coming from Time’s wound. “I’m going to pop that first.”
Warriors winced when Hyrule put his hands on it. Hyrule handled the giant black blister like a pimple. It’s contents nearly sprayed out of the bump.
Some of the heroes gagged. Yet Hyrule was unmoved.
When the black fluid stopped leaking out, Hyrule went to healing the wound, his hands glowing with his magic usage.
When the wound was fully closed, Hyrule told them to let the man rest.
Time slept for a record of two and a half days.
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diamondcrownacademy · 7 months
DCA Info Part 5: Subjects and Clubs
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The following subjects are thought at Diamond Crown Academy
Basic Classes
Magic History - The study of the historical figures of the academy and the histories throughout the years.
Incantations - Verbal spells that require learning a specific language while waving the magic pen in a certain pattern.
Basic Etiquette - The study of proper manners, posture and communication.
Ancient Rune Reading - The study of ancient writing and spells that are cast through magic rune stones.
Animal Linguistics - The study of animal language, and conversing with animals.
Music - Theater and musical performances.
Alchemy - Minerals, plants and many other ingredients are fused to create something entirely new.
General Magic - Magical spells for offense and defense as well as spell breakers and minor hexes.
Study of Magical Relics - The study of old relics and the identification of their history and uses.
PE Subjects
Fencing/Sword Fighting - There is various swords used as well as various sword-handling.
Obstacle Run - The tracks are set with magic traps and obstacles that students need to overcome.
Derby Racing - Horseback racing.
Magical Shift/Maglift - Using magic to throw discs towards a goal.
Griffin Disc - Riding griffins while having to chase a gold disc and place it on the team's catching net.
Martial Arts - Taekwondo, Judo and many other physical combat activities.
Marathon Run - Running a set amount of kilometers.
Side Note: If a student does feel anxious then they're allowed to be excused, Actius dislikes forcing students to do physical activities if they feel uncomfortable. But since he is allowed to run the class however he wishes, he'll just have them write some papers regarding physical education as a substitute or maybe have them do light jogging instead.
Extra-Curricular Classes
Animal Care - Basic study of caring for animals and identifying what they require.
Magical Beast Study - Study of magical beasts as well as taming them for the purpose of gathering information before they are released.
Party Hosting - Learning how to host an event.
Needlework and Jewelry - Sewing clothes and making accessories. The finished products are worn by the students.
Cultural Dance - Dance to different cultures.
Art - Study of art and any form be it, sculpture, painting, metalwork and many more.
Ballroom Dance - Learning the steps of the waltz and many other dances performed by nobles.
Theater Club - Stage plays performed by students, the club expects a lot from their members to deliver their roles to utmost perfection. Allison and Evonie are members of this club.
Horse Grooming Club - The horses are used for the derby but also performance. So this club focuses on taking care of the horses as well as training them to do tricks. Ella is a member of this club.
Gardening Research Club - Planting rare species or mixing seeds to see what plant will grow. Vidya is a member of this club.
Volleyball Club - It's volleyball. You smack a ball, also you get hand strength to slap the soul out of someone.
Chess Club - Students play a battle of wits and strategy.
Book Writers Club - Students write novels or short stories and present them during club meetings.
Comic Otaku Club - Fangirling over 2D boys or girls and having the waifu and husbando wars.
Fairy Keeping Club - A club for making sure that the fairies on campus are given proper treatment, such as treating broken wings, keeping their homes clean as well as learning about the body language of fairies.
Magical Artworks Club - Students paint with enchanted brushes to create moving portaits. Rozeline is a member of this club.
Roleplay Game Club - The students play, Dragons and Maidens (Note: This is likely Twisted Wonderland's version of Dungeons and Dragons) and sometimes play the game while wearing a costume of their avatar. Perrine and Cerule are members of this club.
Aviary Club - Bird watching, as well as bird keeping are the clubs main activities. Jinlong is a member of this club.
Asher Vs. Florence Club - A secret club made by Faustus. Only those who know the password are allowed to join. The password asks if you prefer the color pink or blue.
Griffin Scout Club - The griffins are ridden to forests and the students do the scout activities such as recognizing carvings to mark directions. There's also scout cookie sales where they train griffins to deliver packages of cookies to customers. Elu and Briar are members of this club.
The Griffin Scouts was an idea of Actius. He manages the club activities and schedules, and he also manages the griffins used for the scouting team.
The griffins are not like horses, they have a more high standard when it comes to people riding them. Only senior members of the club who has earned a number of badges to receive their senior badge could only ride griffins. Elu and Briar are two of the few who have senior badges. No one owns the griffins, they are called in the summer and autumn for the scout club activities and when winter rolls in, Actius lets them go to migrate to a warmer climate.
Novice scouts are the ones who have to get community service badges, expert scouts have to survive in the wilderness and learn secret codes and symbols to get badges and become senior scouts when they have a certain number of badges and have completed the griffin test. It's when the scout stands a meter away from a griffin flock and have a griffin approach them and offer them a feather as a sign of mutual respect and that they are a worthy rider.
Actius is still stern but a bit more hands on with his teaching, he will show the students how to properly tie a certain rope knot or how to pitch a tent. Even the griffin scout cookie sale was also being taught by him, his cookie recipe is to die for.
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.8
Character: Sky x male reader, Brandon x male reader, Riven x male reader
Universe: Winx Club/Winx Saga
Warnings: None
Out of nowhere, I could feel a particularly intense pair of eyes on me. Looking up from the animals around me, I could see the icy gaze of the same graceful woman who summoned these magical beasts. I dropped my arms in confusion. Her mood swings irritated me.
Why is she staring at me like that? She seems to be the director. And yet she doesn't know who I am?
I almost unconsciously stepped forward when a strange breeze flew past the back of my neck. Even more angry, I turn around quickly. Right in front of me is a guy with wavy blond hair. In his hands, handcuffs engraved with runes to stifle magic.
Immediately alert, I clenched my fist and punched the handsome blonde square in his face. A mask of disappointment, anger, and disgust is visible on my face for all to see as I look up again. Sudden horror ran down my spine when I could see a hawk in the distance, standing still in front of the Alfea Gate.
Someone really called the damn specialists about me? How dare this person? I even have a faint idea who that person might be. But right now, I can't do anything about it. Considering, the next guy is already coming my way: A tall man with short brown hair and a sword so large that if it were metal rather than a fusion of magical crystal and plasma energy, he would never be able to wield it.
I could barely roll out of his way. "You dishonorable bastard! I have no weapon!"
I looked up at him with wary eyes as I began to stand back up again, surrounded by a group of girls who were screaming as they realized what was happening. Staring into his hazelnut-brown eyes, I could see something odd. Confusion maybe? But he still did not put down his sword. "Then use your magic. You're a fairy, aren't you?” another guy called mockingly across the yard.
Thanks to his loud words, everyone who hadn't seen our little squabble now looked at us, making it impossible for me to take a secret getaway. And at this point, I wouldn't dare take my eyes off these idiots. What else could they do if they would do something as dishonorable as attacking someone without a weapon?
"I don't think that would be such a great idea, purple boy!" I mockingly called back at the guy. Before he could get a word out of his opening mouth, I snapped into a fighting stance, obviously shocking him. "After all, I don't want to accidentally cause serious damage to...dilettante rookies like you boys!" It effectively silenced him. Only his gaze became more intense.
"Yes, because you're not a fairy," he angrily screamed at me. "You freak!"
Before I could know it, my head turned from the brunette to his direction. As my face caught his boyish face, my anger had already grown to its limit. "Freak?" I ask him loudly. "Freak?"
Something in me shattered at that moment. Hearing something so disgusting, my will to restrain myself slowly breaks away. At first, however, they didn't worry too much - as the carefreeness on their faces clearly shows - when the ground started shaking under all our feet and not even when trees started falling right in front of the school.
But their faces twisted in fear when I finally released some of my restored magic; it flowed away from me in waves. But even I was surprised that a faint glow began to surround me. I've seen that before! My grandfather had the same glow he showed me when he coached me before the war when he wasn't the dick he is today. But my face quickly contorted from the heavy strain I imposed on myself by pulling rocks from underground. Only then did they really start to worry.
Barely off the side of my vision, I could see the tallest of the three: strong but with a bad posture. Close behind him, the blond with a straight back. He rolled his sword in his hand. He's obviously an aristocrat, judging by his posture and arrogant demeanor. Both are charging at me.
I didn't care for them. Not until their swords were dangerously close to my neck. Watching the sun glitter strangely off the plasma blade, I couldn't contain my annoyance. With a little grin, I then use a little trick I haven't used in a long time. One moment they were in front of me, and the next, they were right where they started.
Despite the enormous pressure I was putting myself under, I grinned at them. Only to turn back and look the purple-haired guy in the eye again. Horror crossed his face now. It gives me so much satisfaction that I almost stopped, but I've gone so far that I can't stop now.
So I have to go through with it. I gathered as much magic as possible and pulled a single spike out the ground. As the only clue that something was coming, I decided a grin would be perfect. And it really is. Not only because it completely upset the guy, but it also makes him obviously nervous.
I let out a scream so animalistic that most of the girls jumped away in fear, and some even went into their fairy wings stage to fly high in the air. It almost disturbed my concentration. For a second, I think about what I would look like with my own wings. Would I be half-naked like these girls?
But I banish those thoughts before I can lose my grip on the stone.
Instead, I focus more on the anger still seething in my stomach. Still, with the same grin, I finally ripped the stone out. With a speed no one could have guessed, the sharp end of the spike rushed toward the guy. Following him with my eyes, the grin on my lips turns into an evil smirk, waiting for the cruel effect.
Much to my surprise, a shield activates just before impact. Even the man with the purple hair has a look of confusion on his face. As soon as the thorn hit him, he was thrown into the air. But soon, he lands a few meters away, rolls up, and quickly stands proud again.
I'm already aware that my magic isn't that...adept, but this? It pisses me off that he could dismiss it so...easily. Besides that, I still wonder where that shield had come from. But that quickly answered itself when I averted my gaze back at the two other guys. Blondie's arm, still outstretched, told me everything I needed to know.
I can't answer why that is. It just makes me angry. So much so that I formed two more spikes with my left arm, pulled them out of the ground, and furiously attacked the other two guys. Oddly enough, the taller of the two - the brown-haired one - is extremely quick on his feet, ramming his sword into the ground and stopping the impact of the stone spikes like a damn turtle unfazed by a predator's teeth.
Realizing this guy would be a bigger problem, I chose a different attack pattern instead of spikes. Out of nowhere, discs jump out of the ground and throw them at their heads instead of their bodies.
As they got closer, my grin came back because I knew it was the end of them. I even take my eyes off them. 
Until I could hear it.
I immediately threw my head back at the duo. Only to see Blondie standing there: with his left leg extended slightly back and his right leg further forward, almost kneeling. His gaze sharpened as he stared at me.
"By the great Neloran. You really know how to make someone angry!” I say out loud, my eyes blazing with magic.
I take a small step forward and already have two more discs ready to throw. When out of nowhere, my arms fall stiff against my body. Confused, it breaks my concentration, forcing me to drop the discs. But they did not crack to my utter confusion.
Looking down at my body, I could see a strange rope around me, light purple in color. I know immediately who is brave or rather stupid enough to dare something like that. I catch him with my eyes. Now he's the one grinning. But I combine his grin with a grin of my own, which irritates him deliciously.
As I rebuilt my magic, the rope slowly got pushed away from my body. The moment the weird guy noticed this as well: he tightened the rope again, negating the magic. But before it could fully enter my head, a searing pain shot through me. "Ahhh," I yell sharply. With my eyes half open, I kept staring at the purple-haired guy. His grin had turned menacing.
If I don't do something quickly, he will actually bring me to my knees! No person has ever done that, and some rookie specialists won't be the first!
So, despite the pain, I search for the strength to breathe calmly. To refocus on the magic trapped in my body and allow it to flow back down into the ground. Everything seemed fine until it stopped flowing down. Shocked, I looked down as inconspicuously as possible. Even looking down and seeing what was stopping my magical flow, it took me a moment too long to realize it. The surging pain is getting too much. My body is ready to give up, bending my upper body forward so it looks like I'm bowing to this little bastard.
With my mind slowly blurring, I could not think of much. Before I could even attempt to think of a way to get out of that situation - which would probably have melted my brain - my body began to tense on its own. Slowly my shoes were torn apart by my magic. As soon as any part of my skin touches the ground, the electricity coursing through finally could be freed into the dirt. Allowing me to breathe easier.
I threw my head back with a sigh of relief. With my eyes wide open again, I lower my head. I immediately locked eyes with that bastard again. Horror is in his violet eyes as he sees my relaxed state. "How about you come closer?" I ask him kindly. Only to impatiently grab the taut rope and pull it.
Without much trouble, I pull him closer and closer. With a big grin and a maniac look in my eyes.
Even though I let out some of my suppressed thirst for blood, I didn't forget those around me. How could I? And, of course, the duo "Dumb and Stupid" had to try to trample on my little happiness. Their heavy steps draw my attention, almost like that of a Galagantuan—a beast of an animal, small but with a body so condensed you could feel every step for multiple meters. If only they were a little more graceful. They may have surprised me. After all, I would still be dealing with the cheeky purple guy.
Despite noticing the duo getting closer, I decided in a split second to keep an eye on Mr. Purple and pull him closer to me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see their shadows getting too close while also getting more rope.
As I watch the smaller of the two guys unsheath his sword, I twist my whole body sharply toward him. Looking into Blondie's eyes, I let go of the rope for a second but only let enough out of my hands for the purple guy to lose his footing. 
Watching everything out of the corner of my eye, my grin widened as I watched the purple guy completely lose his footing. Even if he hadn't, nothing would have changed in my plan. I quickly pulled hard on the rope and, with a little of my magic, catapulted him just inches into the air. This allows me to effortlessly drag him through the air so it looks like he's flying: directly into the Duo.
Finally, with a grin, my full attention lays on the duo, but to my surprise, I could only see one of them, the blonde, and he was a lot closer than I'd like. The guy just managed to dodge, slipping under the rope, getting his sword closer to my neck than last time.
My grin faded a little, feeling a sharp breeze touch my skin. On the other hand, he began to grin triumphantly, but mine was still on my lips as well. After all, I did not lose yet! I could tell quickly that it made him uncomfortable. Luckily, the guy on the rope finally landed. I didn't miss this opportunity for a second because it gives me exactly what I need at this moment. Without hesitation, I slam his sword away from me with my rope-bound body. As the blade flew away from me and the guy was still looking at it confused, I head-butt him.
As he falls, his nose begins to bleed profusely. It makes me grin even wider. Finally, I could free myself from the rope. Triumphantly. Turning slightly to look for the third idiot, I suddenly feel dizzy. Before I could comprehend it, my eyes close, leaving me in utter blackness. But my head isn't completely gone yet. I could feel dirt on my face, some liquid running down my neck, and finally, just moments after falling, someone picked me up off the hard ground.
As I was being carried, I regained sight for just a moment. I could see the purple guy dusting himself off and being taunted by the blond. Who almost looks majestic in the midday light beaming down on him. Something about him feels different.
But suddenly, he looks over at me. His gaze is ice cold, almost murderous. He harshly slaps the shoulder of the guy carrying me just as my sight blackened. Only this time, my mind slowly slipped into nothingness as well.
Out of nowhere, my head came out of nothingness, immediately feeling the all-so-well-known swaying of the hawk. I could hear voices, but before I could hear anything interesting, I lost myself in the darkness as quickly as I came to.
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katyspersonal · 7 months
2, 15, and 25 for Logarius!!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
The bitter irony of him being glorified and admired as a martyr that "holds back the evil" with statue and fanatics like Alfred, whereas poor Ludwig got accursed and then forgotten, although Ludwig started the Church Hunters thing and Logarius just reposted it (credit to the original artist) 🤦‍♂️ MFer strategically fought the right enemies for the right amount of time and left the scene at the right moment.... What an asshole.
15. What is your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Hmmmm... I actually have been considering him and Ludwig for quite a while! They are both 💫radiant🌛 warriors of the Church! Logarius quite feels like "evil Ludwig" for me, too x) I think Logarius would be one of the very few people Ludwig could show the true form of his Moonlight Sword, whereas Logarius might reveal the true meaning of the vision that led to discovery of Radiance Rune. They might be a bit too "holy" to act openly horny and their bonding would be almost exclusively discussion about how much they love the Healing Church and Laurence, but they share that intimate trust. I also enjoy the idea that they could have compensated for each other's "flaws": Logarius could have helped Ludwig to stay more grounded and remember with mind and not simply faith who is good and who is evil, whereas Ludwig could help Logarius to connect more with his intuition and heart to break from dogmas (seeing that Maria is a good gal, for example). Logarius is too trapped in his own ideas, Ludwig is too trapped in the ideas of someone else (Moon Presence)...
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Ohoh boy... I first saw him when my friend was streaming Bloodborne for me to get acquainted to (didn't have PS4 yet), and I was surprised by how he felt a bit...... not fitting in? What some average warlock-coded guy forgot in the setting about beasts and aliens in Victorian Czechia? I thought it had to be some sort of obligatory reference to other games from the studio xD
Well, now I am aware that his Pthumerian ass fits in the setting just fine! And apparently he had quite a history with Church and all... As cool as concept design of the King was, I think it was a way more interesting decision to replace the King boss battle with the religious fanatic that murdered him. And I sure think that Logarius using the "cursed" magic like skull wrathful spirits or canceling out blood vial healing was something he desperately wanted to avoid, but killing the King made him inherit his Blood Echoes, so... well, if anything, being perceived as a "martyr" has its merit, save for irony that blood rituals of Vilebloods and blood communion of Clerics are both risky garbage 🤦‍♂️
Thank you for an ask!
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polarnacht1 · 5 months
Author interview
@myulalie tagged me for this one, thank you so much! Looking forward to doing this!
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
268 fics over three fandoms - 223 for Shadowhunters, 42 for Alex Rider and 3 for Heated Rivalry with hopefully more to come, but I don't think anything will ever beat Shadowhunters number wise...
2. What's my total ao3 wc: 1,672,711 words over the span of roughly four years... let's see if I get Ito the magic two million!!
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
I'm always on the fence whether to include my co-written fics here, this time I won't - but the first three spots would otherwise belong to my three fics co-written with Nadja_Lee (they're mentioned) later - and yes, I don't think that's a coincidence 😂 A Darker Shade of Love - Malace, E, 55 k After Alec lies about the Soul Sword, Magnus breaks up with him, turning his back not only on him but the Accords and the Clave in general. Outcast by the Shadow World after escaping Valentine, Jace joins forces with Magnus.  When Jace’s birthday is due, Magnus gifts him the one thing Jace truly desires: Alec. A Bond To Destroy - Jalec, E, 9 K When Jace and Alec corrupt their bond by committing eros, the true power of it enfolds. When Alec is captured and tortured by the Clave, actions are set in motion the Clave has not foreseen. But they soon will discover what it means to mess with Jace’s Parabatai. I Can't Be Until I Feel Your Touch - Jalec, E, 11 k When Magnus breaks up with Alec, Alec spirals downwards. Believing he is not worthy of love, he seeks outer pain to deal with his inner. Something that doesn’t escape Jace’s attention. When Jace sees Andrew flirting with Alec, he cannot keep his own feelings for Alec boxed any longer. Finally the boys admit their feelings and they get together. Now Jace only has to find a way to keep Alec’s demons at bay and make Alec truly believe that what they have is real and forever. Love Is More Than Just A Kiss - Malace, E, 7 k After Alec gets injured during a mission, he can’t wait to get home to his two lovers, Jace and Magnus, to let them take care of him. But it is not care that awaits him, it’s worry masked as fury and rage, and he finds himself being pinned to a wall. Instead of giving in, Alec pushes back and they fight but soon they are able to see what drives the other; the love for each other, greater than any misunderstanding or insecurity. The Future Carries Our Names - Jalec, E, 3 K When Jace and Alec meet, the spark is already there. But it takes a little while and a little push to set this spark on fire. But once on fire, nothing will be able to extinguish it. Is it a coincidence that all my most successful fics are E-rated with a healty dose of kink and/or D/s elements? Could be but I don't think so 😂
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Absolutley! I love the interaction with fellow fans. I also love to know that others are reading my fics and enjoying them. It's great to know which details people liked, what worked for them. Great friendships started like that, IRL and fandom alike.
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
That was acutally hard to remember, usually I write happy endings. But Fantasy Boy definitely is the winner. It's a short Jace & Jonathan fic with Jalec on the side: Jace is bound to Jonathan by the devilish Twinning rune. The powerful rune overules everyting else, even the Parabatai bond. There's just a strange longing left in Jace, ignited by a boy who visits his dreams. Will Jace be able to get rid of his dark bond to Jonathan when his fantasy boy kneels in front of him in flesh and blood - or will the darkness win?
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
This is even harder to answer 😂 Most of my fics get a happy ending or a hopeful ending, but I don't do overly sweet endings. But I pic Nocturnal Shadows, a 41K Jalec, Circle AU fic The Uprising is successful and Valentine and his Circle take over the reins in the Shadow World. Valentine has one true son, Jonathan, in whose veins runs demon blood. Valentine has an angel-blooded godchild, Jace, whom he deems too weak. To strengthen him, he decides to force Jace to become Parabatai with the son of one of his most loyal followers, Maryse Lightwood. Neither boy wants the bond but they have no other choice. The bond doesn’t care if the words are recited willingly or not, the Parabatai rune merges their souls together regardless. At first Alec and Jace loathe each other, but over time they learn that the true enemy is not the other but someone else entirely. It ends in a successfull rebellion, Jalec training young Shadowhunters and being utterly in love - not so different from others, but as it starts with a forced bond both loath (and each other) it feels happier
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, I'm not really interested in them either. But, fuelled by a lot of wine and bad (fun) influence, I wrote a Shadowhunters/Lucifer crossover About Devils and Cats - T, Jace & Lucifer, 3k Lucifer escapes hell to run a nightclub and his father is not impressed. He captures Lucifer and turns him into a black cat to punish him. But Lucifer being Lucifer, he takes his fate into his own hands. When he lays eyes on a certain blond Shadowhunter, a devilish plan is forming...
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
I was a Jalec writer when the fandom was still active, do I have to say more 😂 I was called names and told to do some things, all on anon of course. I would lie to say that it didn't bother me at all, but also not as much as I would have imagined. Hasn't happen in a long time though, the perks of a dying fandom I suppose.
9. Do you write smut? *cough* occassionally 😂though despite the perception, only 102 of my 268 fics are rated E. But I like to write smut, and I indulge in it when I do!
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
Not that I know of
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
No, at least not to my knowledge!
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Several! The most (3) with Nadja_Lee for Shadowhunters also the longest ones! We wrote the incredible amount of 162.667 words together!! Fun times! Clash of Hearts - Jalec, E, 63 K Love Born In Darkness, Jalec, E, 77 K Bound Love - Malace, E, 22 K For Alex Rider I collaborated with @myulalie and @icebluecyanide: Vastly Different Things, Yalex, T, 4K What Goes Around Comes Around - Yalex, E, 7 k
13. What's your fav ship?
Currently it's Ilya Rozanov/Shane Hollander from Heated Rivalry (Game Changer Series), but Jalec and Yalex will always have a special spot in my heart.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
The sequel to The Absence of Hate, my longest Jalec fic (81 K, M). It has a Hunger Game setting and while the boys survive and get together, it's not yet over. The Games are still on, they're mentors for the next set of kids. I started the sequel and I know where it should go, but I don't have the energy to write another at least 80 k.
15. What are my writing strengths?
I'm good at working through my characters' emotions, what drives them. I'm good with hurt/comfort and angst, but I think that comes with the first strength. I'm good with kinky smut too.
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I'm really not good with technical details as that bores me to hell and back. I'm also really bad at similiar looking words like thread/threat, food/foot - I of course know what each means, but when I write them I sometimes use the wrong spelling and I just don't see it no matter how often I proofread, I overlook them. In other people's writing I spot them though of course.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
It has to be done well and it rarely is. Please, for the love of god, only do it when you are really sure the other language is correct, and even then it has to make sense for the person switiching to the other language. Reading things featuring a German character is truly painful sometimes (you cannot translate the English endearment "love" literally to Germand - and Liebchen is really nothing this German character would say to a lover. Really, really not.)
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
There's one I want to write, but I don't want to jinx it so I won't mention it ... Oh and wolfstar (@icebluecyanide) 😂
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
I'm cheating now and mention one per fandom (and probably that changes each time someone asks The Absence of Hate for Jalec/Shadowhunters (M, 81k) Jace is fifteen when he’s reaped and becomes a tribute for District Eight to fight for his life. To make things worse, his mentor, the one person to train him and help him survive in the arena, is the boy Jace swore to hate for the rest of his life: Alec Lightwood.
Blood & Guns for Yalex/Alex Rider (E, 41 K) Alex’s new mission sounds suspiciously easy – go to Yassen’s favourite club, offer the man a drink and acquire information MI6 desperately needs in the process. Of course nothing is quite as easy as it seems, the club strange, the drink unusual, and Yassen is not the man Alex thought him to be. Winner's Curse for Hollanov/Heated Rivalry (M, 5k) Usually Ilya doesn’t mind being chosen for the winner’s room, but after today’s loss all he wants to do is go home and lick his wounds. Montreal has other plans for him, and Ilya isn’t sure whether he can forgive Shane for that.
This was a lot of fun (and took ages 😂). I'm tagging @icebluecyanide, @ravenjames, @kelkblr, @countessrivers and whoever else wants to do this!
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serenanymph · 1 year
Hey everyone! I'm Serena - you can call me Ser - and my pronouns are she/her. This is the writeblr for @murderousewpecspredator! I'll mostly be reblogging writing resources, advice, inspiration etc. here. I'll also be posting my original fics and art, plus updates and snippets (and occasional screaming) as I work on my wips, so be on the lookout for that!
My works tend to include:
➼ high fantasy (occasionally dabbling in urban fantasy, dystopia or sci-fi) ➼ traumatized teenagers forming found families ➼ characters all flavors of queer + male-female friendships and queerplatonic relationships!! ➼ sad backstories ➼ hurt/comfort. SO much hurt/comfort. but also eventual happy endings where the characters get to live peacefully :) ➼ at least one character who is stubbornly kind in the face of a cruel world ➼ and hope!!! I love hope
Find me on: ao3 | wattpad
I'm looking for more writing mutuals so feel free to reply if you share similar writing genres/interests, and I'll give you a follow!
(works under cut)
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In a world where monsters live in the woods - creatures with the ability to shift forms and wield magic - humans and Beasts have been fighting for centuries. One summer morning, Crys Averwell finds a crow-boy in the forest who has had his wings brutally hacked off.
Unfortunately, saving him from bleeding out is the easy part - because hiding the existence of a Beast from Crys's village, and finding a way for said Beast to get home?
That's going to be another story entirely.
My current wip!! High fantasy series with found families, banter™ and protags who aren't the heroes or the chosen ones but are just really, really unlucky. Also contains,
large casts
the Sarcastic Withdrawn one + the Ray of Sunshine Extroverted one
a Journey
undead creatures
cool magic with runes and potions and spells and Artifacts
Forests. and Mountains. and More Forests
discrimination, eventual rebellion, blowing stuff up
Sad Times
➢ Crow Wings (2nd draft complete, 3rd draft to be started somewhere in July or August) ➢ Witch's Book (1st draft in progress) ➢ Untitled book 3, 4 and possible 5
series/book 1 intro, book 2 intro
taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @deer-in-headlights-stare, @allianaavelinjackson, @arctic-oceans, @space-writes, @reneesbooks
It's the start of a new school year, and Sakoto Misami's brother has disappeared. Another runaway, people whisper - but Sami knows her brother isn't like that, knows that Irumi would never abandon them.
So when police fail to track him down, she decides to investigate on her own. And the things she finds begin to make her wonder - had she never known her brother after all?
Her questions are promptly answered when, that Friday night, on a deserted train platform, the lights flicker, and something inhuman comes out of the tunnel. Straight for her.
Enter the Swords.
The half-defined urban fantasy wip I take out to blow dust off of occasionally, because I cannot juggle for the life of me. I do write snippets sometimes though, and I'll properly get into it sometime in the future. Includes,
Cool Swords
spirit companions
a Weird Magic System involving Threads and Needles and Weaving and Fabric. I swear it makes sense I just haven't figured it out yet
subways!!! alleyways!!! parkours and night views and leaping from rooftop to rooftop!!!
traumatized teens, again, and found family, again. But also actual family
qprs!!! heck yeah I love qprs
Yeah that's pretty much it. I have a handful of other ideas I may mention once in a blue moon, but they're sitting on the backburner for now since I'm only able to focus on one project at a time. I also dabble in fanfic, and might occasionally post a short story or a poem, but that's all gotten to be pretty rare.
I'll make proper pages in a while, but until then feel free to poke around in the main tags! The gen tags are #beast and #corrupted, while official tags are #wip: beast and #wip: corrupted (though the last one is largely empty).
See you around!
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golvio · 1 year
Another thing about the trek towards Zora’s Domain is that almost every monster capable of using a bow is using Shock Arrows. They take advantage of how wet the rainfall’s made the ground by spamming the one enchanted weapon that’s the known weakness of the Zora, which several Zora tell you multiply times they are so sensitive to that they can’t safely handle these arrows with their bare hands.
If Calamity Ganon really wanted to dispatch Mipha as quickly as possible, he should’ve just sent Thunderblight there. The fact that he didn’t suggests two things.
First, that there might be some kind of elemental affinity required to pilot the Divine Beasts, let alone override their pilot’s permissions and hack into the controls. He functionally had no choice but to play an elementally themed matching game with which piece of himself he sent where.
Second, and this is way less likely and more speculative, he didn’t just want to defeat the pilots. He wanted to prove that even a splinter of himself was vastly better than the originals at their jobs (from a twisted perspective of “better”). Like, it wasn’t enough for him to just stunlock Mipha in place with his homebrew Cryonis rune. He had to make Waterblight Mipha, But Moreso, with a piercing spear type weapon with a superior reach to hers (A fishing spear, no less, which seems extra cruel to his aquatic opponent). Thunderblight mimics Urbosa’s classic sword-n-shield fighting style, but is also way faster and more efficient at activating his stunlocking electricity magic than her, and shows that off at every possible opportunity. Fireblight doesn’t just mimic Daruk’s shield, but can also create explosive vortexes by manipulating the oxygen he’s burning into creating blowback and enchant his own weapon, even turning his own hair into a weapon to make up for his lack of mobility and speed compared to the other Blights. And Windblight is a frickin’ anti-air laser cannon in addition to being just another aerial combatant in a realm where everyone else can fly and shoot.
He just rolls up into Vah Ruta all “I have mastered all four elements, and I’m going to prove I’m better at Water than you, the princess of the Water people! I am going to be the very best Water Boy!” If this is actually what he’s doing, then he’s not just figuratively teabagging upon the Champions’ remains, he’s also actively griefing Link, Zelda, and the communities each Champion came from.
I mean, as a vengeful ghost, this fits his MO, assuming he’s got enough marbles left that there’s more than a simple search-and-destroy algorithm happening in that ghostly, gaseous head of his. There are loads of stories of yurei, onryo, and even tatarigami not just lashing out at anyone available to receive their unresolved anger, but actively going out of their way to psychologically torment their targets as well, driving them to desperation and even death. Clambo Gambo’s not just out to destroy everything, but is also repeatedly twisting the knife to try to get his opponents to pay attention to him and keep paying attention to him for as long as he allows them to live. He’s like some kind of horrible outside-context internet troll. Only, in a world that’s completely forgotten the internet ever existed, a troll loses the luxury of self-justification through “irony” and trying to prove how much smarter and more in control they are than their marks, because all everyone else sees is a huge asshole being a real jerk for seemingly no reason.
But, also, if come TotK this specific iteration of Ganondorf doesn’t end up being the funniest motherfucker in the whole game, I’ll be a little disappointed.
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satoshi-mochida · 9 months
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes digital pre-orders now available
Gematsu Source
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Pre-orders for strategy RPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes are now available via digital stores across all platforms, publisher 505 Games and developer Rabbit & Bear Studios announced.
The game will be available in the following editions:
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes base game
-Digital Deluxe Edition ($79.99)
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes base game
48 hours of early access
Season Pass
Wallpapers by Kawano (x3)
Headquarters Paints (x2)
Downloadable content “Seign’s Chapter”
Downloadable content “Marisa’s Chapter”
Downloadable content “Markus’ Chapter”
-“Easy Journey Pack”
Healing item (x6)
Revive item (x2)
Evacuation item (x3)
-Digital mini art book
-Digital soundtrack
Pre-orders for either edition include the “Early Bird Pack,” which contains one “Enhancement Rune” and one “Enhancement Accessory,” and one “Headquarters Custom Object.” Both of these add-ons will be sold separately at a later date.
Here is an overview of the game, via 505 Games:
Our story begins in one corner of Allraan, a tapestry of nations with diverse cultures and values. By dint of sword, and by way of magical objects known as “rune-lenses,” the land’s history has been shaped by the alliances and aggressions of the humans, beastmen, elves, and desert people who live there. The Galdean Empire has edged out other nations and discovered a technology that amplifies the rune-lenses’ magic. Now, the Empire is scouring the continent for an artifact that will expand their power even further. It is on one such expedition that Seign Kesling, a young and gifted imperial officer, and Nowa, a boy from a remote village, meet each other and become friends. However, a twist of fate will soon drag them into the fires of war, and force them both to reexamine everything they believe to be right and true. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes became the #1 funded Kickstarter video game of 2020 thanks to phenomenal support from the community. 505 Games is truly honored to publish Eiyuden Chronicle and work with Rabbit & Bear to help deliver a memorable gaming experience to fans. The goal of Rabbit & Bear and 505 Games is to make sure Eiyuden Chronicle reaches its true potential and delivers a worthwhile JRPG the community will enjoy.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG on April 23, 2024. It will also be available via Xbox Game Pass.
Watch a new trailer below.
Pre-Order Trailer
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