#luna witch
golddragon90 · 11 months
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rosieandthemoon · 7 months
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book of stars (c. 1500’s)
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mycrystalearth · 6 months
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james-p-sullivan · 8 months
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I'm Gonna Put a Spell on You - Hex Girls
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vinzul · 25 days
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Akko and Diana spend summer break together!
I've been thinking about this fanfic/comic idea for a veeeeery long time but the brainrot infected me a few weeks ago and now I can't stop so expect a lot of Diakko content in the future!
Part 1/?
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happyheidi · 2 years
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ghostlyfleur · 8 months
steve harrington with a soft girl.
she’s shy, smiles a lot, flusters easily. talks to animals, always has flowers on her somewhere — her pockets, holding them, behind her ears, intertwined in her hair, tucked in her shoelaces — ‘cause they make her feel safe. knows the meaning of almost all of them too! she’s so obviously into him, he knows that, and he’s pathetically in love with her as well, but she’s so anxious and nervous and shy, so romantically inexperienced, that he knows he has to go slow. it doesn’t help that she turns him into a stuttering mess. steve visits her at work (a flower shop, of course) to flirt, always rewarded with the cutest giggles and the prettiest smile. his girl is so funny too… and away with the fairies, quick witted, talks to herself, skips instead of walking, draws stars and heart all over her arms and on the sides of her shoes, stitches pretty pictures like little flowers and stars and hearts and witchy symbols on her clothes, always has glitter on her skin somewhere. people in town gossip about how she’s a witch and make up stories about how she helps eddie munson perform rituals, but she doesn’t care.
she’s different and unapologetically herself and so fucking kind, steve’s sure she’s the one.
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Me too
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vase-of-lilies · 8 months
👉🏽👈🏽 i dunno how you feel about lactation but what about nat convincing wanda to take lactation pills so that she can nurse you when your feeling a bit smaller and she gets so happy from seeing you so close to her like that.
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Mommy's New Trick
Pairing: Dark!Mommies!WandaNat x Little!Reader (f) (Nicknamed Tiny)
Warnings: Lactation, MD/LG, this is a pretty dark series, fluff, coercion, Wanda AND Nats mommy milkers, an argument, restrained stress position as a punishment, forced nudity, gagging, and some suggestive content, but fluffy all around!
A/N: A drabble for Into The Tiny Verse:) Girl, have you read my story titled Milk? I fricken LOVE lactation 😭 This is such a cute request 🥺 Ahh I love this!! And I hope YOU like this! :D Thanks for the request!
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When Wanda and Natasha finally got a hold of you they were static when you finally gave in to your little side. Although it took some pushing, you finally accepted your true self. You still struggled to navigate with the two women by your side when in your big mind. They would leave you alone when you needed it, but they kept an eye on you with the hidden nannycam teddy bear on your shelf.
It was any other night and you had gotten into a fight with Wanda, shouting at her that you missed your brother and wanted to go home. Almost immediately she stripped you of your clothes and pulled you to a separate part of the cabin. Your wrists were tied together tightly behind your back and a ball gag was shoved into your mouth. Tears were inevitable, and they made a puddle on the floor beneath your body.
Wanda attached the rope to the ceiling and pulled it up so your arms were bent in a stressful position. Your shoulders were bent in the wrong way, and it felt like they would dislocate if you moved anywhere. God, your back was killing you. Being bent in half for an hour would do that to your back.
In the meantime, Wanda locked the door behind her and went to talk to her wife.
"Nat? Honey?" She asks into the cabin, and she hears a small hum in the bathroom. Following the sound, she smiles as she sees Natasha looking in the mirror addressing a black eye from a past mission. Carefully, Wanda wraps her arms around the redhead's waist and hugs her from behind.
"Did the little bugger pick another fight?" Nat asks, causing the woman behind her to nod.
"She misses Bucky," She lets out a soft sigh but continues. "I wish we didn't lie to him. I wish we just made it look like a disappearance. It would be so much easier to break the news."
"I agree, but let's not think about that right now. Thank you for taking care of her..." Nat smiles at her from her reflection in the mirror, and she turns around. "Could I ask you something?" She questions, looking down at her beautiful wife.
Nodding her head, happy to answer any questions, Wanda looks up at Nat. "Anything."
Reaching behind her, she grabs a pill bottle. "How would you feel about starting these? They would allow you to feed our little Tiny with these..." She softly palms Wanda's plump breasts and gently rubs her thumb over her perked nipple behind the fabric of her shirt.
Wanda gently puts her hand over Nats, squeezing them softly. She empathizes with her wife, understanding she can't breastfeed due to the surgery the Red Room did by giving her large amounts of milk-stopping medication. With love in her eyes, she connects her lips to Natashas.
"I- I would have to think about it... Is it temporary?" Wanda asks.
"Of course. You can take them when you want to feed Y/n, and then stop when you are wanting to stop." Nat says.
Wanda considers for just a moment and nods softly. "Alright, I would love to pipe down on those pesky bottles she doesn't like." She chuckles, her wife joining her in the laughter.
"Thank you, my love, really." Nat says, kissing her lover's forehead.
By the time the hour of your punishment was finished, Wanda had already taken the pill to start her lactation process. While she prepared your mushroom tent in the corner of your nursery, Natasha went to collect you from the darkroom (closet) you were kept in.
"Little one?" She whispers as she approaches you from behind, her hand smoothing over the skin of your ass. You jump at her touch, not expecting so gentle. A whimper escapes your gagged lips when you feel Natasha untying your wrists and helping you to the floor, your legs much too weak to hold themselves.
"Are you a hungry girl?" Your mama whispers as she cups your cheek and wipes away your tears. You nod, your time in the room causing you to turn little once again. It's fear that is your trigger. Being scared is what pushes your mind into a space that needs to be protected.
"Good girl, let's go get you some milk... sound like a plan?" She asks, and you nod again. She reaches behind your head and unbuckles the gag, pulling it from your lips. As she pulls it out, some drool drips onto your chest and Nat chuckles. "Well, let's get you cleaned up first. What jammies do you want to wear tonight?"
Only mumbles and babbles come out. "Bee-bee," You say softly as you are lifted from the ground and lay in Natasha's arms.
"You want your bumble bee jammies?" You nod at her understanding you and hide your face in her chest.
Entering your nursery, you see Wanda in the tent with your favorite toy lion. You reach for it as you whine, but Nat lays you on your bed first. "We gotta get you dressed, tiny," She smiles and boops your nose.
Now, with your black and yellow-striped onesie on, you smile as you see yourself in the mirror. The wings on the back flapping as your mommy carries you to your tent. Laying you down in your mommy's lap, Wanda holds you gently. "Are you sorry for yelling at mommy?" She asks, her voice filled with sternness and gentleness combined.
You nod as you look up at her, and whisper a soft "Sowwy, mommy, I reawwy sowwy..." Your voice is just too cute for Wanda to resist, and she kisses your forehead.
"Good girl. Now are you hungry? I could hear your tummy rumbling from all the way over here!" She tickles your belly softly, making you giggle and curl against yourself.
Once you calm down and begin looking around for your favorite bottle. Your brows furrow when you aren't able to find sight of it, Looking up at your mommy for help, she smiles and removes her silk robe revealing her beautiful, ample breasts. You tilt your head and sniffle out of boredom.
"Dinner is served, little one." Wanda says, gently leading her breast to your lips, her nipple prodding against them. You obey, pushing any questions to the back of your head. Once the milk starts to flow into your mouth, your eyes widen and you look up at Wanda again.
"Is mommy feeding you now?" Wanda says with a smile, her nails softly scratching your scalp. "Do you like that?" She looks up at Nat when you nod.
"I love this image..." Nat says, holding her fingers in a frame-like- square. Wanda laughs, and kisses your forehead once again, your hands clutching onto your little lion and your eyes closing as you doze off.
Both women could get used to this...
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chikinan · 2 years
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in spite of future promises⌛
[twttr + insta + ptrn on bio]
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godbirdart · 1 year
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「 commission for LunaTheEndlessWitch 」
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rosieandthemoon · 9 months
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nels-mama · 6 days
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I really love making these but struggle with theme ideas. Feel free to request edits
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burningfudge · 3 months
rereading the thanksgiving issue of vision and the scarlet witch is so funny. peak comedy, actually
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magneto showing up with no one knowing except wanda, who invited him out of guilt, is hilarious
erik: hello!
everyone: wtf
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LOL pietro really is the least favorite child
pietro: hello fath-
(it’s also kinda funny that technically, luna is the oldest maximoff grandchild, but due to reincarnation reasons, she’s now the youngest and billy and tommy are older than her)
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erik’s just trying to drink his tea while namor, janet, and stephen judge him 😭 can’t a man just visit his family for thanksgiving in peace
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lucydillu · 8 months
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🎶 I'm a Hex Girl! And I'm gonna put a spell on you! 🎶
Did I spend a not insignificant part of my short mortal life drawing a poster for a fictional Goth Rock girl band from an old Scooby Doo movie that almost no one remembers?
You're damn right I did, and I'd do it again. Luna, Dusk and Thorn.. possibly the reason all 90s Kids wanted a goth girlfriend.Happy spooky season to one and all!
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Old Luna and Draco going on a walk in the forest but as always Luna just attracts everything magic.
There was no reason and maybe there is no need for this - but I felt like drawing them really old✨
Have a fun remaining Sunday:) And hopefully see you soon with a comic this time! ✨💚🌻
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