#literally nothing worse than a bad man that the writers think is good
benisasoftboi · 2 years
Decided to watch The Wedding Planner after this week’s WWDITS and I know everyone’s saying Nandor related to it because of the whole ‘the groom falls in love with the person planning the wedding’ thing, but I’m thinking he might actually just relate to the whole ‘the groom is an awful, awful person’ thing
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awhimproned · 9 months
"you don't actually want the thing you think you want", a nandermo retrospective
In this post of mine deep diving into the decision of guillermo staying human, I said I wanted to make a nandermo analysis at one point. I absolutely have no self-control so I immediately started working on it. So, welcome. This is it.
This post will attempt to analyze in depth two implications of the infamous quote from above by Yana Gorskaya:
It’s shipbaiting and we’ve got a storm coming
It’s slowburn and the importance of recognizing toxic dynamics even when enjoying the drama and the potential
The quote comes from this interview question right here:
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It can be interpreted in a lot of ways and directions, the most prominent one being “and they were platonic all along. trust us you dont want them together” — it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth because I can see the showrunners dangling a carrot in front of a target audience until the finish line. Especially when one of the directors herself says and proves outright that nandor and guillermo have been framed romantically on purpose just by having the line “will they won’t they relationship” in the interview.
Keep in mind the admittance of will they won’t they directly out of Yana automatically eliminates the argument that the writers were strictly going for platonic friends. There’s no refusal. No going: yea no we dont know. They wrote nandor and guillermo to be romantic.
From there we have two routes we can take:
1) On the direction that they’re not having nandermo be a thing: This makes everything shipbaiting.
At least it’s not queerbaiting, I hear you say, both characters are queer. I’d argue shipbaiting is worse in this situation, because in this frame, it rather looks like the showrunners are using the certain attachment and sentiments of the audience to string people along:
Both of these characters are people of color, one is plus size, both of them queer. If it’s shipbaiting, this kind of alludes to discrimination, I’m afraid. It does not look good on the showrunners/producers’ part (when Taika’s name is attached, too. This man is literally in OFMD. Help)
And you don’t want to be like Jason Rothenberg; beefing with your own fandom, making writing decisons to spite them, kill a lesbian character after exploiting your sapphic audience and be infamous for the worst case of bury your gays, shipbait for seven seasons to hold the largest fandom in the audience to keep your views up, mistreat your POC cast members... etc. God, yeesh.
It’s almost incriminating in that sense, when they stopped floating around the idea of them and made it canon by dropping the “maybe he has feelings for you as well” line in season 3 and while guillermo was disguised as nandor. And have him be bitchy about gail. Everything about s3 told us that guillermo had a thing for nandor.
If nandor and guillermo were intended strictly as just a couple of pals, they could easily shut down the excitement and expectation for the ship, but instead they did those. It was a confirmation more than anything rather than a rebuttal.
But I guess for the shipbaiting case, the “rebuttal” was s4 when Guillermo was in his healing era, Nandor wanted a wife, and they resetted allathat in s3 to practically nothing.
As much as I’m going to use this as an opposition argument in section two, it also is a potential support for shipbaiting case, and that is the repetition of “friends” for nandor&guillermo that started becoming more of a thing in seasons 4&5. Especially s4.
It saw Guillermo outgrowing Nandor for a potential love interest when s3 had the biggest plot twist in their favor ever, it was going somewhere, and then they immediately established not only Guillermo finding a boyfriend in London, but also him having no hard feelings about Nandor wanting to find a wife when we all know how hard he’d taken Gail — and most important of it all, Nandor just wanting a Freddie of his own. It’s really weirdly romantic drama-centric with each of them getting partners & setting up for jealousy, but the writers subvert every trope, and instead do this weird shit with Nandor’s storyline where it’s purely a horror story from Marwa’s POV and he’s a horrible, selfish monster (and I was flabbergasted at the downward spiral his character took) — yet he’s incredibly “generous” to Guillermo because he chose to make his own Freddie rather than take his and let him go in the end, it’s all so very bizarre.
Which makes the shipbait even more outrageous. Because now it’s personal since it has more shipbait moments inbetween that don’t have heterosexual explanations. KEEP IN MIND THEY’RE STILL FRAMED ROMANTICALLY THEY KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING AND THE WHOLE THING WITH DEREK IS A WHOLE CHEATING METAPHOR.
The equivalent would be that one scene in Sherlock BBC when irene goes “of course you are [in love with him]” to john and how the show keeps bringing up how other characters think they’re in a relationship and saying it. You never want to be like Sherlock, either. Ugh.
I’ve been in through enough queerbaiting&shipbaiting to know that it could definitely turn out this way, and I’m still half-expecting this to be honest. I’m also a big fan of ofmd and go, but they’re exceptions, not the norm, and as much as wwdits is a wildly revolutionarily queer show, there is enough material for it all to turn out to be nothing.
So, in conclusion: shipbaiting turns out to be worse than it is because it’s on purpose and there’s no salvaging it after the “it was friendship all along ❤️” insistence, there’s receipts and the actors are on board with it. And in a situation like things, there is only one thing to say:
At least we have fanfiction and the actors like the pairing.
2) On the direction that nandermo is a thing: “you don’t know what you’re asking for and you won’t like it if we give it to you right now” dilemma, aka “you don’t actually want the thing you think you want” —
which basically rounds up to yana meaning, if nandor and guillermo were to be a thing right now at this point in their relationship, it would be messy, abusive and toxic [and there are still other plots to explore and directions this pairing could/have to be taken before they become canon.]
“Yeah they are messy, toxic characters, we know what we’re asking for,” I hear you saying. And I say to that, no, you really don’t, and you would end up hating what they did with nandor and guillermo if they became canon before they were true equals. One example of this would be people switching on Olicity (Oliver and Felicity from Green Arrow, wildly popular crackship there was no hope and only the teasing of in the fandom before it became a real thing) after the writers rushed to make them canon and did them very wrong afterwards.
The allure of nandermo is guillermo breaking the status quo and catching nandor slipping by establishing himself as his equal, destroying the power imbalance completely, them standing as individuals with equal power if not guillermo flipping the dynamic upside down and asserting dominance over nandor this time when he was a mere familiar nandor couldn’t care less about before.
This process is still in progress as of season 5 and let me tell you this, them becoming canon during Guillermo’s familiar status would have been downright icky.
This show’s only other canon ship ladja is the most healthy, gomez and morticia-esque thing ever, they’re in love, they’re horny all the time, they are queer, they fuck other people all the time and encourage each other, they’re wildly protective of one another, the man steps up to be a single father of a child he isn’t obligated to look after and he doesnt let it derail his wife’s career or force motherhood onto her, like. Do you really expect they wouldn’t let nandermo cook enough before they are on this level of iconic and healthy before they become a thing?
Nandor wasn’t even able to admit that Guillermo was a friend to him (and to Guillermo’s face) up until season 5. In season 1 he was weirded out by even saying it, in season 4 he could only manage to say “best man” and immediately reverse when the word friend was brought up — “closest companion for 13 years” in the market fight & “i may have killed my friend” muttered to himself before guillermo comes bursting out the door, it’s like he didn’t want to admit out loud that Guillermo became very important to him in a very short amount of time. Half of the pairing consisting of a person who is unable to make it clear and known to the other how important and precious he is just doesn’t sit well in the case they are in a relationship.
And the power imbalance is still there even if you don’t see it or think it’s gone, albeit knocked almost even by “I can kill you if I want to but I don’t” assertiveness from Guillermo.
Because even in season 3 and 4 in instances Guillermo was able to best Nandor in power, he’s still inferior to and is in service of him — because he’s working for something he wants from Nandor, which Nandor of course keeps taking advantage of by treating Guillermo like a subservient familiar (although it keeps getting better as things change more and more) even if in name he’s a bodyguard.
Their relationship is that of employment in name, the nature of it is give-and-take, Guillermo says it himself in s3 Nandor is a boss more than a friend and he would still be have to be “friends” with him because he’s his boss. And let’s be honest, before Nandor really became found family to him and he himself realized that over the seasons, Nandor was a means to an end for Guillermo, he’s “Master”, not “Nandor”.
And from Nandor’s perspective, Guillermo is with him because he wants to be a vampire. Simple as that. It’s what allows Nandor to exploit Guillermo.
Imagine a premature romance happening in these circumstances, it’d be absolutely in abuse territory, you don’t make your significant other do the dirty work for you like that. It’s why boss-employee relationships are most of the times, forbidden in the workplace, because the boss holds some power over the employee and can very much have them do things that they don’t want to do.
Nandor would not be able to see Guillermo as an equal even when there are feelings involved, because I have to remind you, Nandor is a cruel bastard, and it would turn into one of those AITA posts real quick between them when Guillermo is fully in service of Nandor still.
And remember how Nandor treated his “love” Marwa, how fast he dropped her from his life once that “phase” was over, all the things he did to her, she was his significant other — yet he never connected with her, not really, she was just an accessory to him and this was supposed to be “love”; and the other side of the coin, how he keeps self-sabotaging and ignoring his real problem by filling the void with what he thinks is the solution, getting in the way of his own happiness.
This can’t be ideal from Guillermo’s perspective when imagining a relationship with him.
And now, change Guillermo’s gender. Imagine it being a woman who’s going through this. It’s putrid toxic when you think about it like that. And to think “she” would receive Nandor’s respect and equal footing once she became a vampire same as him — uhh... No, please, thank you. It’s less fun and more this is problematic when the tables turn, isn’t it?
Not to mention how open the vampires’ relationships and sex lives are, they are not monogamous. Guillermo is a very repressed and private Catholic, he wouldn’t be able to handle Nandor and Laszlo’s trysts. He has his own journey to go through for him to be also into open relationships because Nandor sure as hell won’t turn monogamous for him, this is wwdits.
Which is why the progress of “work relationship” to “official declaration of friendship” over the course of season 4 & 5 is very important in their dynamic, because it takes things into a more attentive, caring and intimate territory in which both openly care for each other beyond being Master and Familiar. They both grew tremendously as individuals. Guillermo admits he loves Nandor the most, Nandor is finally able to say that Guillermo is his friend and openly do acts of service and somewhat redeem his selfish actions in s4 when he was lashing out making dumb decisions and actively self-sabotaging because he was given the power instead of confronting leftover problems he was repressing from s3.
This solidifies their connection, makes it something undeniable that it affects a vampire who immediately is able to move on from another’s death. You’re shown again and again how they react to death and how insignificant it is to them, yet Nandor is close to tears when he thinks Guillermo is dead, falls to his knees even, and is even more disturbed and outraged when he thinks Laszlo is violating his corpse.
For the first time you see that more than an unhealthy codependency or a symbiotic relationship between a vampire and a slayer bodyguard/familiar, Nandor is emotionally attached to Guillermo.
Like, really attached that he will actually be kind and giving and forgiving — not only did he violate a vampire society taboo to kill a fellow vampire, but also overcame the pride and humiliation because he finally realizes Guillermo is much more important to him and that he actually doesn’t want to kill him when the anger lets up enough for him to see that. (Thank you Patton Oswald for your service)
And we don’t stop there. He accepts him as an equal and invites him to live together in the house, which proves that even when he was a slayer bodyguard Nandor didn’t see him as an equal, and after Guillermo is having problems with the killing side of being a vampire, he doesn’t humiliate or shame Guillermo through this. You‘d think he and the vampires would make fun of him endlessly, but they let Nandor organize this intricate ritual so all of them together can allow Guillermo’s decision to be as authentic and without pressure and shame as possible. You’d think that ritual room was prepared by Guillermo but everything is done by Nandor, so he proves he’s not entirely unable to function as a normal being who can live by himself, he’s just dramatic and likes to be pampered.
If you thought The Roast was an incredibly generous nandermo episode for me to think we collectively hallucinated it like a Goncharov moment, this final episode is downright fanfic. Nandor has never been this nice with Guillermo, EVER.
All of this is done right after Nandor’s official admitting that Guillermo is his friend. This is a crucial step in their relationship for Nandor to consider Guillermo to be more, and Guillermo to question just what they are.
And love can only work where there’s mutual affection and respect for one another. And the writers are gradually working up to achieve that while tackling individual character arcs for nandor and guillermo to get there.
The power imbalance I’m talking about is a thing that exists beyond the powers they hold over the other’s head, it is about what they think of each other as. What Nandor is to Guillermo, and what Guillermo is to Nandor.
They could only become canon without it being toxic is when Nandor can look at Guillermo and think — “This is my friend and not my servant” and when the carrot of vampirism isn’t hanging in front of Guillermo and he’s naturally an actual part of the friend group (so that he wouldn’t be mistreated while he’s Nandor’s partner too.)
And I really don’t think nadja out of nowhere saying “my best friend” about laszlo was a coincidental writing choice.
And we’re nearly there at this point. Mister Nandor nobody can betray me and get away with it the Relentless just let Guillermo get away with it, and not only that, he fixed everything for him. Everything. He didn’t even get jealous that Guillermo had a choice in staying human when he obviously would kill to be human in season 3. He just went “I will fix”. It’s the most selfless thing he did in the entire series and he only got competent and smart when it was Guillermo in question — he wanted to fix the friendship.
And in episode 8, he told Baron Afanas — “whatever Guillermo’s flaws may be [...]”
That suggests Nandor doesn’t see any flaw in Guillermo, and is unaware if they do in fact, exist. He genuinely likes Guillermo, enough to cry and mourn when he thinks him dead, enough to snap at the Baron and defend him until the end, enough to clutch his favorite sweater like a shock blanket. It was this episode that cemented Guillermo as indisposable to Nandor, and the season finale to establish how far Nandor would go and soften himself up (change) if it was for Guillermo’s sake, he’s never been that tender and considerate, ever with Guillermo,
and you could say at that point it could be because they were “equals” as vampires but Nandor knew what he would choose — the focus on his hands when he’s personally dressing guillermo (pride and prejudice hand flex, dont @ me). "don't be nervous we've all been through it" (gentle). "nothing you cannot handle" (encouraging). Making up an intricate ritual so that he wouldn’t feel pressured or stressed or shamed. "you wanna be a human, there's no shame in that". (These vampires clown on EVERYONE) "we're gonna make it happen". "you want me to do it?". "I don't know" "I do". Keeping Guillermo's old or spare glasses in his pocket like it was something he came across while he was destroying Guillermo’s things like some lover scorned and he saved it like it was some keepsake. “I'm sorry, Guillermo. That was the only way for you to figure out what you actually wanted”. The hand on his shoulder to comfort him and the patting. “It was a horrible and hard decision. I think you made the right choice.” (Nandor himself would have killed derek in a heartbeat if it was his decision to return to being a human, but he still spared Guillermo’s feelings because he knows how hard it was for Guillermo. Since when is Nandor considerate about another person’s feelings? Guillermo is special.)
He was so very unexpectedly gentle and he’s never ever been that way and I am still in shock about his honesty and the effort he’s put into helping. This was the biggest gift he could have given Guillermo, not the vampirism, but a way out of it when he didnt want it anymore, a choice. And he wouldnt have done that if he didnt deeply care for Guillermo —
And with that, we’re almost out of the toxicity zone into a yet new dynamic with them, one that isn’t about who’s dominant and who’s submissive, but them finally being able to stand on equal ground, if Guillermo isn’t asking for vampirism from Nandor anymore and isn’t implicitly going back to being his familiar.
If they’re going towards a romantic relationship, this was an important border to cross and a topic finally handled the way it needs to be addressed. The one thing that’s causing a chain of command in their relationship is gone. And anything can happen. Anything.
I don’t believe that line about cleaning up Derek’s body was meant to imply Guillermo was back to being a familiar for Nandor and that we are back to square one. His phrasing was extremely polite — “Now if you wouldn’t mind cleaning up Derek’s corpse before sunrise that would be great”. That’s not an order. Derek is Guillermo’s mess, so he has to handle it himself, it’s like saying “I’ve done all this and I even killed him for you, and the rest is yours to deal with,” — it’s like saying “I cooked, you do the dishes”, and Nandor is giving him space to deal with his decision, hell, he didn’t even tell Guillermo to clean everything else like he normally would, now that would suggest back to the status quo.
Season 5 was fucking HUGE for nandermo and all of guillermo’s dynamics with everyone. It still feels like a fever dream to be honest. They really went and got rid of what was clogging up the progress of their relationship. They’re just. Happening naturally. It’s a slowburn if it’s meant to happen eventually and the writers are being really careful with doing things in the right way for it to not become toxic.
You just gotta have some faith in the team and wait for it.
In conclusion: Yes fucked up relationships are fun. until it’s canon and people are making discourse on the internet about how abusive it really is when it could have been handled better. The ross and rachel-ification of nandermo is the last thing we need.
There’s definitely things I’ve missed because im purely making this post on mobile and it’s not as coherent as I’d like it to be, if I have, please don’t hesitate to tell me.
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captainslayahoe · 1 month
There are too many r@pe fics in the 'Call Of Duty' and horror movie communities.
This is a long ass rant BTW so thank you so much if you actually stay to listen to me complain.
I'm a huge fan of masked men, gore, horror movies, and Call Of Duty. They're all very fun things, even if seen as boyish or grim to the average Joes and Janes of society.
HOWEVER, there is a huge issue in both communities. Glorifying sexual assault. Groping, grooming, full blown rape. It's ridiculous. Both communities have a myriad of writers who write about nothing but manipulation and straight up noncon.
And you know what makes this worse? From experience, I've seen that there are FAR more rape fics in the Call Of Duty community than in the horror movie community.
Can you believe that shit?
What does that say about society? That there's more SA fanfiction about law enforcement than criminals and demons?
Does that make sense to you?
Horror movie fans, although unhinged, treat their kins and fav characters like they're just misunderstood and can be helped and even with the disgusting amount of SA fics, they still treat the characters like chill guys who are mentally ill and can't be trusted with knives.
But Call Of Duty? Nope. It's surprisingly fucking easy to find a fic about Simon Riley being overly dominant, possessive, and pretty fucking predatory, when in Canon, he's just... He's just him. Simon is not a rapist. He is a good man trying to do his goddamn job. Why would he want to "use and abuse" anyone? Do yall not know his lore? His dad literally used to abuse him. HE FORCED HIM TO KISS A FUCKING SNAKE AND SCARED HIM WITH ANIMALS, FOR CHRISTS SAKE.
He would want his s/o to have a better life than what he went through. And don't even get me started on Soap. All yall serious? He himself implied he wasn't very violent in an interrogation scene that I vaguely remember like this:
Hostage: you gonna cut my hand off?
Soap: not my style, but he might. *he says pointing at Ghost*
(Im mid writing this and I am really realizing I am defending fictional men against rape allegations lord what is going on, I wanna be Phoenix Wright so bad)
And you know what REAAALLY pisses me off? The way they try to DEFEND THAT SHIT. MAKES ME SICK.
"Oh, well Michael Myers wouldn't care about consent because he doesn't care about people's lives" you sound dumb. It's giving "if it'll kill, it'll rape" like bro what? This is like that saying "if it can bleed, it can breed" in reverse and I hate both equally. And then these motherfuckers will be like
The bdsm community is all about consent. Ever heard of a safe word? It's called role-playing, and they (almost) always have boundaries. By calling your illegal fantasies BDSM is bashing them and they DO NOT claim your crazy ass.
I'm not gonna name any creators, because at the end of the day, it's not like me dropping their accounts will get them banned or investigated, but I actually saw a post where someone CONFRONTED the writer's nasty ass Call Of Duty fics, and their legit response was like:
"Okay? And? I write dark romance. I add warnings. Everything isn't all puppies and kittens."
You are genuinely ignorant if you think basic consent is puppies and kittens. Rape is not dark romance.
As for the BDSM community, They get enough hate as it is, and 50 shades of Grey has already ruined them as it is, stop bringing them into your bullshit. You like being choked by masked men? Cool. You like rough housing and aggression? Sure. That's cool. I completely agree with that. But PUH-LEEEASE, bitch, stop calling grotesque shit like this "BDSM" and "Dark Romance".
I'm not vanilla, I'm a decent human being. You need to start realizing the problem is you. I can't stop you from writing it, but call it what it is and stop being a pussy.
You know what you write and you know what your read.
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rockanroller · 5 months
it just two episodes so I’m not really too harsh. Animation looks really good, but man no wonder this took 4-5 years they had 4 animation studios working on it plus bentos joint company princess bento that’s operates Australia. So you got bento+SH+toon city and princess bento yeah their budget got fucked
the writing drag this show and it’s so confusing. there’s 6 fucking minutes of exposition dump and lore in the first episode. This is not welcoming to newcomers, especially adult animation you never exposition the shit out the audience with a bedtime story unless you’re target demographic are kids. Character spend so much sitting on couches and talking about nothing. Adam and Valentino are the absolute worse characters but I think Valentino is more egregious since he was hyped so much and he was the biggest letdown and he’s voice is awful I’m sorry to VA.
So what is Charlie’s goal again? Is to fix overpopulation by redeeming demons and sending them to heaven? Give demons a second chance? Or make her mom proud, and empower demons through song? All of the above? Why send demons to heaven when her mom was all about rising above heaven? She is kinda annoying, I hate how stupidly naive and childish she is but I guess that her flaw and her development will be that she has to grow up, but I don’t want to do the writers job where you’re given nothing and have to fill in the blanks.
So Angel moved out but he still works for Valentino, but the show is making it seem like he quit and is hiding out in the hotel but is gonna return to Valentino soon? Why is so easy for Angel to leave and ignore Valentino? Oh wait I forgot it’s because Valentino is a fucking idiot, literally just Stella 2.0. I just hate everything that come out of Angels mouth I forgot how annoying being sexual doesn’t mean witty or confident and just because he’s a porn star doesn’t mean he has to always sexual harass men, and it’s not even the good flirty, it’s bad flirty, but I know they’re gonna go hard on his musical scenes.
I miss pilot Vaggie she still supported Charlie but was also very cautious and a bit controlling but it made her more interesting and flawed and set up dynamics her instead of just being supportive gf aka Millie 2.0. Husk was barely in the episodes, nifty and that cat thing are just there to be cute.
Vox and Vel are really entertaining but they put up with Valentino when be’s the dumbest and least incompetent out the trio and Vox hates being around him. He’s duet with alastor is really fun and kinda wish he had a show on these two than Charlie.
The music is alright not something I’d listen to on Spotify but it’s alright. Overall it was ok, there’s just no charm to it
yeah i agree with most of these points.
animation- shifts a lot between good and bad for me and i think that's mostly due to the over-designed characters, there have been problems keeping them on-model ever since the pilot, but like you say about it being hot-potatoed between 4-5 studios juggling it, it'd be no surprise the budget got fucked, and to me the studio juggling also checks out with how varied the animation is.
writing- agree, i only ever saw the hazbin pilot and occasionally learned tidbits of lore from the critical community and i was still sitting there clueless, i can only imagine what it's like for newcomers who don't even know a *little* of the lore/history.
Charlie's goal- "Why send demons to heaven when her mom was all about rising above heaven" is such a great point. Charlie's goals and motives were so confusing to me bc i didn't really see a connection. i guess you could say this is Charlie's way of continuing her mom's goal of "protecting our people" even tho Lilith seemed to be against Heaven while Charlie is trying to work with Heaven--but as i said previously Charlie also doesn't really seem to "like" her people, as we see her repeatedly show disgust or awkwardly try to laugh off her discomfort and only shows an endearing adoration when they're showing specific change/potential. It seems like she's just extremely naively optimistic, but bc of her aversion it comes off kinda disingenuous or fake nice? she legit seems to act more like a disillusioned church-goer who thinks they're helping you than a kind princess of hell who loves her subjects despite their "depravity" ig? and like you said maybe that'll be part of her character arc, but it def feels weird so far.
Angel & Valentino- yeah the entire dynamic with them is just weird. they're supposed to be a pimp and his prostitute, but why is Val texting/voicemailing Angel like a mopey ex? Val is allegedly supposed to be this big abusive threat but he's just kind of there, and Vox just calms him down really easily? and showing the affect his verbal abuse has on Angel felt so sudden/forced in (yeah those of us "familiar" w/their dynamic know it's there--this is considering the media as a new watcher, that's stuff you're supposed to write into a show for new audiences.) i'm back-and-forth on Angel's hypersexuality/sexual harassments of other male characters bc it's true some victims can act as he does, and it makes him more believable as an asshole in hell moreso than the others, but i also don't trust Viv to handle the complicated subject of abuse with grace / respect knowing her history, and i'm already worried after she had him say his body was "made for exploiting"
Pilot Vaggie- again with the disclaimer i barely remember the pilot; in the first 2 eps Vaggie was weird. idk how to feel about it. i know you said she seemed like 100% supportive Millie 2.0--but to me i couldn't get a full grip on their dynamic. it felt like it kind of swayed back and forth between full support and skeptical support but it all went by so fast i can't make a clear distinction, so you may be right.
The VVVs- agreed that Vox and Vel were entertaining. Val was just kinda there and seemed like neither Vox or Vel wanted anything to do with him, what do they get out of Val being there? does he bring them money or power or anything?? Vox and Vel are stronger characters on their own w/o Val having to be there imo.
Music- i honestly have like...no real opinion of the music. it didn't "wow" me, but it didn't necessarily make me cringe either. it just kinda was there and was fine. i honestly might've like...unintentionally mentally checked-out for some of them. i think Vox & Al's was *probably* the best--and i say that loosely bc, again, everything went by so fast--but it also had me kind of tilting my head like why does Al even care about dishing out "the tea" about this guy?
i *guess* making your big debut "i'm back" speech after being gone for 7 years right when someone is shit-talking you is a good power move, but it just felt oddly petty or "beneath" someone like Alastor to me--i think it would've made more sense if there was a bit in the song where Alastor took some callers on the radio who asked him what he thought about Vox and *then* he makes some casual remark about how little he means to him. idk, just my impression.
ty for sharing your two cents!
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dextixer · 11 months
The Animatic of the unreleased V9 ending doubles down on ZERO consequences
So... Two months ago (Jeez, how the time goes) i created a thread on the ending of V9. In it i very much stated that the ending of V9 continues the trend of being not really about hope, but being about wish fulfillment, considering that any negative consequence or logical problem that would arise post V8, just seems to be gone.
Well, quite recently, during this years RTX, we were shown the unreleased V9 ending/epilogue animatic that was never produced for many reasons that are unkown to us, but most likely relate to budget etc.
And what we saw of it, was the continuation to double down on some decisions, while showing that the cast itself is being confused about what they are creating in the first place.
The double down
Remember discussing how Amity looks like an airship and wondering if an airship is in front of it? Well, wonder no more. We have an explicit confirmation that Amity was converted into a warship. Let it sink it. Vacuo, an anarchic state with depleted resources and basically no organized government or anything of the sort, retrofited Amity into a warship, while Atlas, a superpower had problems with making it into a Satelite.
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Script from Eddy Rivas, one of the writers
There is nothing more "fuck you" to the logic of the world that is set up than this. This is "The emperor had a desolate planet build hundreds of star destroyers" level of nonsense. How does Vacuo do this in any way shape or form? Who cares? HOPE! ITS ALL HOPE! And somehow hope has manifested in the ability of Vacuo to retrofit airships the size of the Amity Colliseum...
Then we get told that "Its bad, in facts its probably never been worse" only to get a Disneyesque shot of everyone getting along, sharing food, Qrow catching someone falling down etc. But Qrow said its bad right!? So its bad right!? Well, remembering V4 and how we were told that actually Menagerie is a bad place to live, only to see an island paradise for 2 volumes, this sadly seems like yet ANOTHER example of "Lets say that things are bad" and then show the completely opposite. Because remember, after V8 ended, many people, especially critics called out that sending the Refugees to Vacuo is a shit decision, and yet here we are, and everything is SHOWN as perfect, despite that it should not be.
Come to Jesus
The Animatic before the end then shows a literal SHRINE to Ruby. I still recall people telling me that im wrong about V9. How Ruby was just told "She is good enough" not thats shes perfect, etc. That "everyone makes mistakes". And here we are. Despite the shitty decisions in V6-V8, Ruby now has a literal shrine. Because if any of us had any doubts about who the designated hero of the show is and how perfect she is, this should serve as a reminder.
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Ruby is perfect. The narrative says shes perfect. So she is perfect. Now worship her. Ugh...
I have always called out the fact that Ruby seems to be able to do literally anything, and the narrative will bend itself over to make her right. But for it to be rubbed into my face like this? With a literal shrine? Man... What am i even supposed to say?
Im genuinely convinced that we could be shown RWBY stabbing a child and then for it to be revealed that the child was actually Grimm in disguise.
The Confusion
I think my favourite part of all of this was the fact that we were shown, once again, that RT has absolutely no idea what any of them are doing. Not as solo people, but as a team. As a team, these people are supposed to communicate with each other, and yet time and time again we hear about miscommunication issues or other such nonsense. One would imagine that they would have, i dont know, a project lead to organize/lead everyone, but thats probably asking too much from the "indie" company that is RT.
Anyways, the animatic contains a scene of Winter using her maiden powers to etch out "Dont come back" on some kind of memorial. At first, theories were awash, to who was this said? Until a rumour came out that it was a memorial to Ironwood.
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Now, this was just a rumour, but not an unexpected one. We already know that the writers of RWBY seem to believe that the characters they create are real and are very much not shy in doing everything in their power to destroy/ruin them, with Adam being such a perfect example especially with the writers hating him so fucking much that the implied slave branding he got they instead said that he got as basically an "accident" in a fight due to him being an "asshole". Which is... Very "nice" writers...
So this? This would not be unexpected.
However then...
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(Arryn Troche (Ex-Animator of RWBY))
We got clarification that the memorial was to team RWBY? Which quite frankly, confused things even further. I have no idea what the writers were thinking about this exactly? Nobody, and i mean NOBODY would see "Dont come back" message and think it as a "positive" one, it would be taken as a message of negativity. The messaging here is horrible.
For people more interested in a break-down of this specific choice, i would reccomend "Itsclydebitches" Tumblr account and their post on this subject.
My opinion
The animatic is just shite. Like, im gonna be honest with you all. It doubles down on the same illogical BS, pretending to be hope while its actually just wish fulfillment. With all of the problems that V6-V8 would have caused just gone... Going so far as to ignore their own lore of Vacuo.
And the whole Winter memorial thing just further shows that there is little thought put into writing any of these things, logical thought i mean.
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starfxkr · 2 months
Okay don't shoot me for these y'all! so I'm a go by character let's start with kie, I hate how the writers passed around like a fucking hot potato like give that lesbian a GOOD love story.
And I hate the rafe x kie ship, like when he apologized to her for trying to drown Sarah and not the fact that he CHOKED kie as well, like why as a community do we over look that.
The jj x kie ship feels kinda forced but it's not the worse.
JJ should be ina poly relationship with Cleo and pope, I personally don't like jj nothing personal he just is spontaneous and it overwhelms me.
FUCK THAT NIGGA RAFE, like I GENUINELY hate his character like he practically HATE CRIMED pope and went back to his colonizers roots and stole technically popes gold and popes cross.
I don't truly blame topper for burning down the chateau like he crashed out, but he was also dumb ASF for thinking Sarah was gone keep her word. She used you as a place holder whenever john bad her irritated lik why are we shocked.
Kelce is such a useless character, like I genuinely need them to do more with his character like he is so boring.
The heyward's and kie's mom are the best parents, kie's mom is just trying to look out for her only daughter but her dad can eat dot shit.
John b is underrated in his own show because of them blonde folk and it makes me sad.
Cleo came into the show and made and impact like she truly is the best character
I used to hate Sarah but she's ight.
I think that's all but I am a #proudrafehater -🍓
okay lets break it down lets break it down
AGREE i feel like kies character is wasted trying to be a love interest like shes truly at her best when she's just vibing...give her a girlfriend...they also make her annoyingly self righteous and that shit where she screamed murderer at ward during the stakeout....whatever.
riara im ambivalent towards but i think its says a lot that that little handful of interactions between them got ppl more revved up than the jiara moment
i hate tht ship so bad....fan service at its worst u can tell those two don't fw each other no more
i think like the jj pope cleo relationship thing is sooo interesting bc like...u can tell the actors like jjpope, they're the closest of all the pogues (jj and john bs relationship exists outside that realm tbh they're just brothers) and we constantly see them together without everyone else like they shoulda let it happen. also think its interesting that cleo was supposed to be with jj and u can see the remnants of that but then jiara happened so we got popecleo and i love them sm everyones so weird about them. i want the best of both worlds put all 3 together
i do really hate rafe yall like...i love writing him honestly and hes sooo good for fics but like show rafe....hell burn burn burn put him in the saw trap
topper really makes me wanna take his head off but it sucks because hes sooooooo funny like i actually like him from a writing standpoint shit just be happening to him and burning the chateau was the only time he uno reversed on the universe gotta respect him for that one
kelce is there
we loveeeee bobby heyward in this house im not playin hes my fav parent and i love how we can see that even though he talks shit about the pogues he truly does care for them like those are his sons friends and they'll always have a place with the haywards like....the banter between them is truly indicative of how much he cares he may say he doesnt like them and call em bastards but he does!!! also i have a lot of empathy for anna tbh like u can tell her behavior is born of worry and the fear of kie making the same mistakes she did but shes going through that mother feeling of realizing your daughter has to go through it to come out
john b deserves more like hes such a fucking joy to watch and he's literally so 70s/80s leading man coded and im glad the girls are coming around more john b what the fuck.
cleos the real star..people again so weird abt her and always leaving her out and use the excuse that shes "barely been there" shes been around since season 2 what do you mean. she's been helping out john b and sarah from the jump.
im a sarah cameron apologist yall could never make me hate her. she's just constantly in pain...save her
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watched the first episode of the live action atla adaptation and took notes:
-what is this opening. who are these people. am i expected to care about this random earth kingdom man because i really don’t
-opening fight is kinda meh :/
-sozin looks weirdly… nice? like he has “harmless old man” vibes. i don’t actually dislike this casting choice i think there’s a lot of potential to having him look friendly and approachable even as he does war crimes
-seriously did someone in the writer’s room watch rogue one before coming in and then go like “HEY I KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD ADD” WHAT is this plot doing here
-where is katara’s opening narration. like i get they aren’t adapting one to one but that’s such a loss. the opening cutscene from the original series was so good
-all of these people are so fucking sweaty what is this
-sozin’s outfit is appropriately fuckable
-“my sights… are set… higher… because… it is… our time…” “[screaming]” wow very emo
-why did they change the narration. this is objectively worse.
-oh no this isn’t katara is it… dang :(
-air temple looking neat. why are we here tho. where are katara and sokka
-why is everyone watching aang jumping around like he’s a fucking celebrity. have they never seen an airbender before in the fucking air temple
-at least they say aang’s name right. step up from shamalalalam or whatever his name is. of course that bar is so low the devil declared it a tripping hazard, so
-these people do NOT talk like actual humans. have these writers never had to write natural exposition before
-genuinely what was the point of that first scene. WHAT does it add
-“when yangchen died the next avatar was born into the water tribe” what, does aang not know this. my fucking god this exposition is shit
-aang didn’t know he was the avatar?? and then didn’t immediately get an ego about it when gyatso told him??? who is this and what did you do with my BOY
-the acting isn’t bad but the lines are so shit it’s hard to tell
-aang is NOT sufficiently goofy
-appa’s kind of ugly :(
-TEAM ROCKET’S BLASTING OFF AGAIN (<— my unfiltered reaction to sozin going jetpack mode)
-unnecessary airbender fight scene. i think this is literally just here to look cool and honestly? 6/10
-aang just fuckin… wandered off? instead of willfully running away? bro you can’t take my boy’s agency like this
-i want a video of appa’s va making those noises into the mic. come on netflix do it it’ll be funny
-WHY is everything so WET all the time
-20 minutes in and i have yet to see the south pole. literally none of this is necessary to the story. you could cut all of it and nothing would change
-no funny boat scene with sokka? insert no bitches megamind here
-oh they still have a boat scene. unfortunately it sucks ass
-seriously. they’re removing all the good scenes to fit more unnecessary action and/or melodrama filler in
-shitty zuko cameo
-WHAT is that scar. why is it so small. did he fall and get a scrape on his face? looks more like a scab than anything. 2/10
-baffling why the iceberg even reacted to katara when she’s apparently so fucking incapable she can’t even lift a water orb. they’re massacring my girl
-why does sokka want to leave this random child to die
-“it can’t be… this… is an airbender…..” i am rolling my fucking eyes
-iffy on this iroh so far but i’ll reserve judgement
-tumblr was right. zuko’s actor is absolutely putting his whole pussy into this. he can have rights
-how are NONE of these jokes landing. even the ones they directly crib from the original just… lose all impact
-why is kanna saying the intro dialogue randomly with no prompting. seriously these writers are SO. FUCKING. SHIT
-every emotional beat in this comes off more wooden than a fucking tree
-seriously. everything i could say about this just boils down to the wooden writing, unnecessary and poorly executed exposition, the action scenes shoehorned in for no discernible reason, inability to create any impact from anything ever, and the removal of all the good scenes from the original in favor of more unnecessary poorly written TRASH
-oh one more thing actually
-they took all the good stuff out to fit in more melodrama and action, but their writing (and directing. and acting) is too shitty to actually sell said drama and their fight scenes are mid at best
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Stuck in love is officially one of the best movies I've ever watched. Ik the name sounds cheesy and like every other rom-com name ever but believe me it's so good. I think it was because of the great (really really great) actors and the mood-setting music. Genuinely a great watch. I personally related to it so much.
Samantha's commitment issues? Yep. Yes. I got that yk.
Just everything about it was...true. Real. I loved all the couples and God Rusty deserved so much better. I cried so hard during the car scene (iykyk). I could feel the emotions literally wafting off the screen. The acting was nothing short of phenomenal. And Louis's mother part was also very very good. (Like how is that possible? How do actors become the person they're portraying? It's so so beautiful.) Oh I love that they're writers too. The mother-daughter thing really really touched my heart because well I'm not the greatest child to my mother. All mothers deserve better. This one line really hit deep.
"She's all I've done with my life and she doesn't want me." -Erica says this.
Backstory: (spoiler alert) See, she left her hushband and married another man. And her daughter is angry with her cause her dad is suffering and still waiting for Erica to come back after 3 years. Yes, the man she married was the man she cheated on her hushband with while they were not yet divorced. You can see how that would've affected Samantha. See, I'm not saying Erica herself is a good person (she is though. It's compliacated. You've to watch the movie to understand) but she is a mother and really, if you watch it, you can see that she loves her children with all her heart. And Sam is ruthless. I related so so much with her cause I get angry really quick during arguments with my mother and say very harsh things. I realised that it hurts them a 100 times worse than we intended it to hurt. That's just how mothers feel. Their children are literally all they are (I'm exaggerating but you get the point). It feels like they're dying when you hurt them even in the slightest bit cause they're living for you. You're all there is. That's what I got from the movie anyways. And i know that it's the same case with my mother.
Me and my brother, We're both leaving her soon. I'm going away for college and my brother is a senior. So, yeah. It's bad yk? She constantly says "How am I going to be without you?". Everyday.
Now, Louis's mother part. When (spoiler) she died, I felt it hit me right in the face. I imagined how I would feel if my own mother died and let's just say I was sobbing. Like hard sobs with shoulders shaking. I realised how important she is to me and how she is a major part of who I am. She's everything. Nothing makes sense without her. I'm fully meaning every word I say. My mother's life is not the best. People are constantly pushing her down. She's a home-maker. It's not fair how people treat her (by people I mean my family ofc) She's dedicated her life for me and my brother. All of us, the whole family. I can't imagine a life like that. I would not survive.
I got real deep but it's something I had to get down in writing. Who knows maybe I'll show this to my mom someday. She'll be the happiest person on this earth when she reads this, I'm sure. Shower your mothers with love! That's all they need from you.
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gorogues · 10 months
tricksterrune replied to your text post: Clearly he has a pair of dice in his fist, ready to fling them dramatically at the right opportunity
Oh yes, clearly!
aukisstic replied to your ask post: THANK YOU I hate the pride special so much…
Yeah, I just did not think that story was good at all.
demonbirdsforever replied to your ask post: See this is where I go… they were in other comics!? I missed those!🥺
The Rogues are in tons of issues (cumulatively), but not all those stories are great :>
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: Not to be weird or anything but rn I actually feel like for Captain Boomerang, Knight Terrors Robin #1 or Suicide Squad Blaze as a whole are the worse than Suicide Squad v4
You're not being weird at all, but neither of those are canon. If I'd included non-canon stuff the list would have been really different lol, but in hindsight I should have made that clear.
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: Cuz Suicide Squad Blaze treated him like he was nothing more than a joke (and called him Captain Cultural Appropriation, which if we take Suicide Squad v4 #26 into account, where his mother is aboriginal, it feels like the writers just don’t know him), killed him off revealed that he was actually assaulted by whatever monster he was fighting and then killed him off for real.
Believe me, I agree that story was terrible :] It just didn't make the list because thankfully it's an AU.
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: And then in Knight Terrors: Robin #1 like… I understand it’s supposed to be from Tim Drake’s perspective, but it really paints Captain Boomerang in a really bad light. Like he killed Jack Drake on purpose. When he didn’t even throw the boomerang until he was collapsing from 3 gunshot wounds to the chest.
Well, Digger did go there to kill Jack, but Identity Crisis was a terrible story anyway. I should have included it in my worst Digger stories list, and am not sure how I forgot. I'll add it with a note that it's a late addition.
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: Like… The beginning of Suicide Squad v4, yeah, I agree, they fucked over Digger big time, but at least it got better at the end, despite issue #26 also calling him Owen instead.
It's of course a very subjective matter (all best/worst lists are), but I just thought those comics were straight up edgy and terrible. I've never liked any Adam Glass or Ales Kot comics.
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: Suicide Squad v1 was also Not Great™ as a whole due to the use of slurs for aboriginal people within it. Issue 4 was the worst of those where on top of using a slur for an aboriginal person to a black man, he also said black people can’t be artists and tried agree with a Nazi and made the super racist statement that minorities commit the most petty crimes.
This is also subjective, and I get where you're coming from but I don't think they're bad comics. It's fine if you don't like it -- a lot of people don't like what was done with Digger in that series, and that's valid -- but I think it's a good series. It hasn't always aged well, but it's the reason the Suicide Squad concept exists to this day. The racism is tough to read, but Ostrander was making a point about the garbage Waller, Bronze Tiger, and Vixen have to fight through to do their jobs and just exist as Black people. It does suck for Rogue fans that Digger was chosen to be the problematic mouthpiece, though, so I understand why some people don't like it. I agree it was a very drastic swing from his pre-Crisis characterization, so I don't love that aspect either.
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: Sorry, I have many thoughts on the true worst Captain Boomerang comic.
That's fine! :)
it-is-i-zim replied to your ask post: Also for Owen I’d argue for the Supergirl v5 comics. Cuz apparently that version of Supergirl that he’s not only rooming with, but is also trying to get with is 16. And he’s like… Literally an adult man. He literally called that version of Supergirl “jailbait” in one of the better comics of the bunch.
Yeah, I have mixed feelings on that series. It wasn't good, but unfortunately I think a lot of Owen's stories weren't great so to me it doesn't necessarily stand out. He's a good character who's been in a lot of mediocre stories…in part because a lot of DC's output was mediocre around that time.
demonbirdsforever replied to your text post: I read the Catwoman issues you recommended and now understand the kiss.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
I don't think the "ironwood was always a horrible evil dictator" crowd get that if he was then their beloved winter is literally complicit in being second in command to a cruel dictator in a fascist state but alas we all know oppressive systems are always only held up by Just One Guy, and if we just get rid of That Guy then everyone else will trust love 💕
Yep yep yep. For the sake of the argument, assuming that Ironwood was always a horrible evil dictator, Winter looks way worse than Team RWBY and co, especially because the line for what they couldn't take for them was - according to some anti-rwdes - 'abandoning thousands of poor people to die out of nothing but cowardice and classism' after they worked with him despite being a dictator crushing Mantle beneath his heel, but for Winter the line for what she couldn't take was Ironwood saying he wished he could've tortured children and threatening to bomb civilians or something, and not literally murdering anybody who said anything against him.
There are excuses for her that anti-rwde people sometimes make (that don't exist for Team RWBY and co) like 'she was groomed' and 'she was brainwashed.' But like, first of all, I think that's hard for me to believe because Winter was a very certain stubborn kickass woman who had created her own way out of an abusive situation and rose through the ranks on her own merit before the majority male writers were like 'actually what if she was a sad girl who had never done anything herself and had her actions puppeteered by a man,' and second of all... Because there's only so much excusing you can do if the thing you're trying to excuse is 'working for a dictator,' especially one that was clearly and obviously a dictator like some anti-rwdes think.
Again, I don't believe that Winter was working for a dictator until volume eight, and the whole villain arc was so rushed and badly done that I struggle to blame her as a character for it - what I actually blame her for isn't part of the conversation atm lol. But yeah, since I don't think Ironwood was a clear and obvious dictator or bad guy until shooting Oscar, I don't blame Winter for working with and for him. But for the sake of the argument, pretending that he was, there's only so much Winter can get away with under the excuse that she was brainwashed. Like, I think Kylo Ren was brainwashed too, but that doesn't mean that his actions are suddenly easily brushed aside and don't matter at all. I think Azula was brainwashed and controlled by her evil father, but that doesn't mean that she wasn't a villain who did terrible things who needed to be held at least partially accountable for her actions, and she's fourteen unlike the grown adult Winter. I think Emerald and Mercury were brainwashed and groomed by Cinder, probably, but I still think they're responsible for doing things like murdering people, and any redemption for them shouldn't be as easy as 'I'm a good guy now' 'oh really?' 'yeah,' 'cool we'll trust you and laugh alongside you and now you're part of the group and we can exchange fond looks.' Like...? So if Ironwood was really always a clear and obvious dictator, Winter is just... Completely forgiven easily? With no preamble? With no one treating her with suspicion? And while we're at it, the Ace Ops? Same category as Winter as far as I'm concerned. And Qrow and Team RWBYJNOR and Ozpin and even Pyrrha and Glynda who worked with Ironwood in the third season while he was 'strongarming Vale' and 'betrayed Ozpin' and took over as head of security for an event which was 'definitely a sure sign of him being a bad dictator' ...all of them at least fucked up and did bad for working with and having no real problem with a dictator from season two to the eleventh hour of volume seven.
It's like you said, if Ironwood really was a dictator in a fascist state, then the message the show seems to be sending is 'there is only one bad guy in charge who must be taken out, everyone else is fine.' It'd be like if Snoke had died in Star Wars the Last Jedi and then everyone in the Empire was just like "Well we're all friends and we're all good and we're all fine now that Snoke is dead,' and former high ranking First Order officers and the Knights of Ren were invited into the resistance happily with nobody really questioning their morals or trying to hold them accountable. Except it'd be like that plus if Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose had all actually been working for the First Order for two months and only started having problems when Snoke was like 'maybe let's destroy a planet,' and then they were like 'well we've done nothing wrong, we don't have to examine our own morals either.'
Again, I don't believe any of these people were willingly and happily working with and for a dictator for two months (or in Winter's case, years,) but the logic of some anti-rwdes just doesn't make anyone they like actually look good and it feels like they just ignore that because they want to have their cake (Ironwood was always a clearly bad dictator) and eat it too (the characters they like didn't do anything wrong.)
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allthebeautifulsouls · 2 months
CW: mention of theoretical rape/non-con, discussion of mental health, mention of smut
I’d like to try to start writing fic—I’m pretty sure I’ve exhausted all AO3 has tagged with Helmut Zemo. Perhaps let’s start there. Why on earth have I latched onto this middle aged man with such a ludicrous degree of self-projection?
This is a terrorist. He is referred to as a war criminal—you don’t get that designation from a single bomb attack. What does one actually do on a Sokovian death squad, much less the commander? I should take him and his crimes seriously. My brain always conveniently slides over this part. I suppose on some level I desperately want him to be redeemable, which I feel is fairly inconsistent with war crimes. What do I consider unforgivable? Rape. Dehumanization. Genuine non-sexual sadism—relish in the suffering of innocent others.
I can’t envision a version of Zemo that willingly rapes another human being that I can empathize with, and this seems to elicit almost a gut-reaction. I’ll enjoy some of Hydra Steve or Evil Bucky, but as soon as it gets to Zemo I balk. Some might argue that sadism is a hallmark of his personality. There’s this one brilliant writer whose work I adore who has one fic discussing the possibility of Zemo’s actual war crimes, and I’ve never actually finished it, each time I feel almost nauseated. Why is this so?
While he’s likely been my strongest obsession, he wasn’t the first. For a few years there were Bucky recovery fics (pre-TFATWS). For a time in college, when I went through my depressive episode and all that came after, I genuinely felt that I had no idea how to be a human being and that I had to establish it from first principles. To have this character literally try to figure out how to be a human being and not a machine, I think it calmed something inside me to see my internal struggle made so explicitly external and magnified. How do you build from nothing? Or, worse than nothing, a ragged slate of pain and numbness and despair and fear? Of course, my issues weren’t anywhere near the magnitude of those depicted on screen and in fic. To be honest, they’re fairly typical of figuring out how to be a young adult. Still, this kind of fic deeply resonated with me for reasons I couldn’t understand. Throw in my figuring out my sexuality and interests over that same period, my exploration of kink, and there were a whole bunch of interesting things—still are.
And now, a slightly different time in my life, a different character. In truth, I think what it always is, as with all comfort characters, is projecting my deepest insecurities and dearest hopes onto them. Wanting to find a better story for myself. I’m a sucker for a redemption arc—I started figuring this out with Zemo, but it really crystallized after I read a few excellent Draco/Harry fics. I want to see someone who has genuinely been bad put in the work to genuinely become good. I want to believe that I, too, can be redeemed, even if I can’t figure out yet how to ask from what.
I’ve had a bit of trouble with some slight scrupulosity, and so it’s this version of Zemo as an exhausted, world-weary, suicidal, scrupulously moral (to his own code) master strategist that has me by the heartstrings.
He has experienced so much pain and loss, and he is so tired, and his is so driven by this one overwhelming goal, and everything must be precisely the way it should be—come hell or high water he’ll finish his mission. He’s a master strategist, he looks at the world and sees interlocking systems, identifies the many interwoven strings and twings only the precisely correct one to accomplish his goal. He is precise and methodical and tired and hurt, still hurting, still working. I want to see him rewarded for his efforts, see him acknowledged as good, redeemed, a protagonist suffering instead of a villain wallowing. Painting him as a tragic figure allows me to feel better somehow in my small challenges—not necessarily a positive all the time. I can and have, after all, thrown myself into reading fanfic to hide from my fear, shirk my responsibilities. It hasn’t always had a positive impact on my life. And yet in other ways it has been deeply comforting and inspiring. And just fun.
With that all being said, the majority of this blog will be unrepentant smut XD
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mushiemellows · 5 months
Okay SO I've been thinking a ton lately about the post-monoculture american franchise vacuum and how american art is in this really weird stage. It's happening in all levels, too, like I left working in contemporary art spaces last year because they're struggling to figure out how to present american identity in an outward facing way (rn big name contemporary art spaces are still very much stuck in that 2010s neoliberal palatable acceptability politics rut and they refuse to get interesting with it anyways).
So like, a few different things are coinciding with the way american mainstream media is structured that make it so right now, we are producing literally nothing on a mass cultural level. In some ways, I think that this is a good thing, america needs to step the FUCK back and reanalyze QUITE a lot of things. But regardless, culture is a byproduct of existence and therefore will be created regardless. There's two sides of mass scale art production, internal propaganda (art made by and for the people of the same culture) and external propaganda (art designed to advertise/project the image of/signify/idealize etc for those who are of a different culture). The way art production in america woks (namely: film, tv, AAA video games, a particular caliber of pop record label music) has been so stratified under the creator class of capitalism that the blood flow of culture is being cut off. The way global exporting also works, the mass marketability of a thing outweighs its cultral connections (think like, what's going on with Disney/Pixar movies atm).
It's easy to associate propaganda, particularly internal propaganda, as having strictly a nationalistic context, but keep in mind that I'm using a much broader definition. All art is propaganda because all produced art is an artist trying to establish or normalize a particular worldview. And I am two minds about this (as one should be when engaging with ALL art) but it boils down to like, for example, Captain America TWS. I can both like that film as a film, enjoy the ideas that it plays with, AND maintain a critical eye about how a nationalized protagonist icon is being fed to me (a post-modern aryan buff super hero symbol of america is still an aryan buff super hero symbol at the end of the day. The russians are still the bad guys. the black man still plays support. the tropes are still old. I'm getting off topic)
Anyways, so in terms of how america makes art right now, I think the three things we make quite effectively are youtube videos, indie music, and steam games that go for $15 and under. Everything else is a fucking headless chicken because shareholders and those with the MEANS to make art are only motivated by the PROFIT of making art, and therefore generally do not fund things that feel culturally resonant. But at the same time, America in the 20th century made A LOT of it's money in global art export, so there's this sense of like, lost glory almost. Like the profits are still being made or whatever so this shit's still getting produced but like. I feel more culturally connected to Stardew Valley than I do to the Rise of Skywalker does that make ANY SENSE?!
This is only getting worse because in america, the production of essentially everything gets shifted into in import. We don't make many things (except fucking WEAPONS jfc), we don't grow as many crops as we once did (the majority of crops I believe are for feeding livestock, and the only reason we don't import meat is because it would go bad lol) and the big shift of the last 25 years has been to start importing essentially all of our art (hey! I'm posting this on my blog devoted to the biggest global export comic in the world! What a coincidence!).
This process has only been amplified by the writers/actors strike. We still havent felt the effects of it because of how the pipeline works, that'll catch up in about 6-10 months from now. Last time we played this game, the void was filled by low budget trashy reality tv, but they can't really play that card a second time in a row so it looks like the next move is eastern imported media (kdramas and shounen manga tbh) (Netflix isn't investing their whole pussy into one piece because they think Luffy's brand of leftism is cool, they're doing it because infinite tv generating box prints money) (one of the reasons i like studying this fucking show and fandom is that it has so much potential to be bastardized by ai and bullshit and then the people keep putting the heart back into it and I just think that's neat, but it still is valid to criticize the infinite money printing box is what I'm saying)
There's this really fascinating void that is being filled by export because the means of art production under capitalism prioritize what's cheap over how communities have naturally created culture over the years. I moved 3,000 miles a few years ago and I ate at the same restaurants and bought the same groceries and watch the same movies at the same amc's. If we were living just like 150 years ago that would not be the case, that big of a distance should take you to a culture wildly different from your own in most other contexts (or like. Europe.)
What I'm saying is that I don't want a new face of propaganda, I don't want art assigned to me. I want to live in community and make shit with my hands and i want that to be enough.
Anyways, in summation, Franky's one of the best post-modern caricature the american man ever penned to paper because he processes the external projected propaganda while also acknowledging that the real fun shit that is kinda commendable is when we're dirty angry kinky fuckin rock and roll queers and true freedom comes from relinquishing positions of power in this essay I will...
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Holy shit-
PLEASE watch this video if you're ok with sensitive topics. Madeline Maye doesnt just go so well into the show's issues but also says what Stolas and Blitz's relationship actually is-
Which completely changed my view on Stolas and Blitz's relationship.
Stolas and Blitz is worse than I thought. As it has not just SA but full on r^pe (TW: The video actually has the word.) since Blitz feels that he "needs" to have sex with Stolas to keep his job rather than for it to be a choice, and Blitz only saying "ok" to the job in ep 5 not because he wants to be with Stolas but because he wants to be with Moxxie and Millie- people he actually likes and wants to consent with.
Not Stolas, the man who's r^ping him and using the fact that Blitz is lower class to do so. So all the merch and tweets calling this relationship "romantic" or "naturally developing" are bullshit.
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No, this is not sex work. This is trafficking of a minority group by a classist. Not the same thing as sex work! Sex work is not r^pe!
Sex Trafficking (aka what Stolas has been doing to Blitz without actual consequences since Ep 1.) is r^pe! NOT SEX WORK!
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Of course, this doesnt excuse his own r^pe of Stolas in Season Two's flashback, but it just goes to show just how irreasponsivly that Vivziepop and Brandon delt with the subject matter because people are making fun of the subject of male r^pe in the mainstream again!
So much civil rights progress- ruined! Because of two people.
Extra Criticism down below:
Also (so sad that the fans didnt censor this person's name, we all know that they did this to get them bullied. How rude....) the problem with the fandom is that they keep trying to twist our words to make it seem like were saying that there's "nothing sympathetic" about a HB character or that we're saying "mcs should always be a nice type character or ur a bad person for writing a meanie!" when in reality-
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They're just twisting our words as a way to convince people that these characters "should" continue to be with the people they're horrifically ab^sing because "lol it's ok for them to stay with their victims they'll change it will be all wholesome again and then they'll live happily ever after as endgame!" to sugarcoat the fact that they like the way they are currently as they dont actually want them to change in the first place or that it's "ok" to portay these subject matters in this kind of direction. The "point" of Loona is to make abuse look like a "consequence" for Blitz's actions and not literal abuse and to make men being abused look like something to be seen as the "joke". The "point" is that she's from a writer who thinks that the character being abused is "karma." Which is a terrible way to present abuse, and let's face it, only enables abusers further by depicting what they're doing as a "punishment" by showing this kind of representation as a "good" thing.
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Which is the main reason why this person made this post, besides the fact that like most people, are sick of all the sugarcoating.
Abuse is not a "punishment." It's to deliberaltey harm someone for self gratitification. Loona might have her "nice" points, but it doesnt make her any less ab^sive than Stella, or make it so she "deserves" to be around Blitz just because she is sometimes "nice. Stolas is a r^pist, and Loona is a abuser, and neither deserve to stay with their victims no matter how "uwu sad!" that they are.
End of Story.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
OBX S3 Rant
Hi hello good morning/afternoon/evening. I am gonna talk about my feelings and thoughts on OBX because one single person encouraged it lmao. Feel free to ignore this post or to pour your heart out in the comments. 
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My main feelings on S3 of OBX: Underwhelming. Did I binge it in a day? Yes. But I was left incredibly underwhelmed and frankly found myself not really caring about some of the characters and relationships by the last episode. I did laugh or gasp or teared up on the occasion but I was not left with the eagerness of a new season. I know this is gonna be a hot take but season 3 of OBX should’ve been the last season and they should’ve pulled an Elite and done short stories to wrap up the three couples. All the plots have ended. The gold has been found, the cross has been dealt with, and the villains have been taken care of.
Speaking of the bad guys....
What they did with Limbrey felt like they had no idea how to wrap up her character/plot. You’re telling me she and her goons pulled the strings and terrorized some teens when she could’ve just held a dirty old rag to her face and walked? Not only was she incredibly underused but she could’ve made the perfect villain. 
IMO, Singh shouldn’t have been killed off. I personally think he deserved the money more than Big John because he had some motive apart from just ‘greedy guy searching for lost treasure’. For someone who was the main villain of S3, he had really little screentime and I kinda found myself rooting for him cause of Big John. 
Now, Topper isn’t really a villain. He’s just a plot deceive to cause drama between Sarah and John B. Is he a whiny rich kid? Yes. Is he a good person? No. Am I seeing him as a bad guy for committing arson? Considering the Pogues only cared about the house burning down for like 2 mins before they moved on, not really lmao. Topper could’ve had his redemption arc or the beginnings of one this season. He was definitely a bigger character this season but he was ultimately used to help the Pogues and make Sarah look bad.
Rafe.... This fucking guy. While sometimes annoying, Rafe is a good villain. I enjoy watching him and his delusions. I’m jealous Fiona Paloma played his girlfriend and at the end of the day, the show wouldn’t be the same without him. I also think that with a lot of time, he can get some sort of redemption (with the viewers. The Pogues will likely never forgive him). My only real problem with him are his stans. No, not the ones who acknowledge his flaws and wrongdoings. I’m talking about the girlies who dismiss everything he does because of his daddy issues. News flash lovelies, Pope is quite literally the only character on the show without some form of daddy issues. Truthfully, those specific stans only like him cause they think he’s hot. But that’s something the writers/directors can’t fix.
Now onto the Pogues themselves...
When I first watched OBX, I had mixed feelings on John B. I rooted for him, I enjoyed his dialogue and determination. Now? I could care less about him. Like a good friend of mine says, he’s like stale bread. Nothing really amazing about him. And if we’re being real, he’s not a good friend and an even worse boyfriend. Something about saying your best friend since grade school is gonna end up like his abusive alcoholic father never felt right to me. Alas, I do believe he got the short end of the stick with his father. Big John was the real villain of OBX S3 and he should’ve been treated as such. He gave his son more trauma at the end of the day.
I always liked Sarah. I know she’s the typical hot girl who gets with the musty main character and her whole character arc then revolves around said musty man. But she’s an interesting character who deserves a whole lot more than being reduced to the girlfriend who cheats for quite literally no reason cause they end up making up almost right after. They could’ve done so much more with her and I think they just need to keep her and John B platonic. Sometimes fast burns aren’t all that romantic. And honestly, Sarah feels like just the girlfriend. She barely interacts with anyone in the group alone apart from Kie and JB.
I liked Kiara at the start and I’ll admit I do headcanon her as lesbian cause the material is all right there the writers are such cowards. But I was open to Jiara even though they always had more so bickering siblings vibes to me. It was... horribly executed in my honest opinion. It was obvious they never did a chemistry test for them. Jiara stans PLEASE understand, many of us did not see what y’all saw in prior seasons and therefore it felt very forced and sudden. That said, I believe Jiara stans deserved more than what they got. That first kiss was very Disney. Plus, It’s sad to see both characters personalities shift so suddenly because it truly makes it seem like Jiara was done purely to pull in views for the show.
Pope and Cleo were cute but I hated that they got together so quickly. I wanted to see more yearning, more glances, more lingering stares... I would’ve loved to see them realize they like each other. I get that they’re teens but everyone on this show throws the L word around so carelessly. It loses meaning when someone tells the other they love them. I wished they would’ve shown us their friendship develop into romance.
On the flip side, I despise that they made everyone get together and then proceeded to not give us friendships like Sarah with JJ/Pope, Cleo with JJ/JB, Kiara with Pope/JB. This show went from being about found family and friendship to purely chaos and romance. Girls can be just friends with guys. 
Season 3 felt both fast paced yet slow at the same time. So much could’ve been done and the show could’ve been wrapped up with this season. I fear OBX will end up like Riverdale and Elite. Corny, way too unrealistic, and dragged on.
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winterdusktales · 1 year
man i really thought the dynamic of the three leads in oasis would be somewhat similar to the three leads in chicago typewriter or my country. well at least that's what the first few eps seemed to be going for
but it became just one of those many annoying kdrama love triangles bcs of the 2nd lead. idek where the plot is going atp
i still like the drama tho. cuz im a sucker for angst no matter how frustrating it gets. and i dont rlly mind where the plot goes. i just wish the three leads maintained their unbreakable bond no matter how complicated their circumstances turn out
like with the 2nd male leads in chicago typewriter and my country, as frustrating as it may be, i still understood why they had to make the choices they made. i wouldnt defend them but i get them. i loooove the 2nd lead in chicago typewriter no matter what and the three leads are still among my top fav kdrama trios. i hated the 2nd lead in my country but i get why he had to turn to the bad side. like theres an actual depth in his characterization
but with cheolwoong its rlly just immaturity, jealousy, and insecurity.
(get ready for a cheolwoong hate essay)
hes still the same highschool boy who would come home crying bcs doohak ranked 1st on top of the whole class. the same boy who was competing "fair and square" to win the heart of their highschool crush. the same boy who would make other ppl do the dirty work for him cuz hes a pretentious coward
the way he is so ready to throw away his lifelong brotherhood with doohak for his highschool crush who he knew for a few yrs and who never even led him on to make him think he has any chance with her
the doohak who he called his hyung his entire life. the doohak who did everything he told him to until highschool. the doohak who would fight his fights. the doohak who /involuntarily/ went to prison for a crime HE COMMITTED just bcs he begged him to tho he knew it would ruin doohaks life. like id be so ashamed to even show up in front of him. if he asks for something, id do it right away without considering it as a payment for my debt cuz nothing could make up for what doohak had to go through bcs of me
not to mention doohak also singlehandedly saved him (again... for the nth time) against that group of college students without any help from anyone
he couldnt even make up his mind if he wishes to save or betray doohak like how he remained neutral with the student activists vs gov thing in his college days. like if ure gonna be the bad guy, just be the bad guy and let me hate u entirely
like u can tell he still cares for doohak (reason why i thought theyd have this unbreakable brotherhood even when they act like enemies in front of eo but theyd come running to save eo when needed to cuz they know deep down they love eo like the male leads in the 2 dramas i mentioned above) but i guess he doesnt care for him enough to let him be happy after all those years of suffering (which he caused)
doohaks friendship with his gang members is even more precious than theirs. like i would trust any of the gang members with doohaks life but not cheolwoong
also the lack of self awareness??? he always brings up doohaks flaws when hes actually way worse
anyway i hope the writers dont give him redemption arc just for the sake of giving everyone a good ending. i want him miserable and i want to hate him until the end. when he finds out the truth abt his birth, i want him IN SEVERE PAIN. i want him to be so ashamed to even go near doohak. on top of that, i want jungshin cutting him off her life for good and giving him the same disgusted face she gave doohak when she found out hes part of a gang. I WANT HIM SUFFERING
and give doohak and jungshin their happy ending ffs! they literally just want a peaceful life together without all these makjang drama. theyve been through soooo much since they were young and until now. enough is enough
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musclesandhammering · 2 years
MCU Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned At The Stake Pt. 1
(Because it actually worked out really well when I did this for Supernatural. BE WARNED: This is largely Loki-centric.)
1.) I feel like most of the movies/shows released in the last 5 or so years have been heavily geared toward casual fans. And I guess there’s nothing wrong with that! But for me it’s annoying as hell.
2.) I hate the MCU version of Wanda Maximoff so fucking much for many many different reasons.
3.) I have a very strong dislike for the MCU version of Steve Rogers for multiple reasons, mostly because of the level of American imperialist propaganda coded into his character.
4.) The movies’ version of Tony Stark is an objectively better person than Steve, and at this point I’m not even sure if Marvel made the billionaire the Big Hero intentionally as capitalist propaganda or if they just don’t see the irony.
5.) Nebula and Mantis are both way way underrated. They have such interesting backstories and are so sympathetic and likeable and it’s frankly a crime that there aren’t more people stanning for them.
6.) Thanos wasn’t as ground-breakingly complex and multi-layered as the critics and dudebros like to claim. All of his “emotional” scenes could arguably have been genuine in an extremely narcissistic and delusional way, but they’re diminished by the fact that there were a lot of villains prior to him that were much more psychologically complex and actually sympathetic to boot (which… he wasn’t).
7.) Thanos’s plan also made no sense at all, considering he claimed to seek balance in a twisted sense of duty- but said plan actually screwed everyone over worse and made resources issues even more detrimental. They should’ve just made him a full on genocidal psychopath or had him trying to court Hela. One of the two. I honestly think this was just the writers being short-sighted and lazy.
8.) Every version of Thor (and all his supporting characters as well) post-Age of Ultron is absolute trash. He’s a joke, he has zero emotional depth, he’s thematically shallow, he’s boring, he’s embarrassingly out of character…. Just, ugh.
9.) I hate Sylvie. Not just her relationship with Loki, I literally hate that her character even exists.
10.) Natasha deserved so much better than being reduced to a love interest in AoU. It wasn’t cute, it didn’t make sense at all, it wasn’t good for the story. She shouldn’t have had a romance subplot at all.
11.) I actually really liked Clint having a family and a farm. I think it really suited his character and added a little bit more depth to him.
12.) Team Tony made a couple mistakes in Civil War, but they were more or less in the right. And Team Cap was almost all the way in the wrong.
13.) Iron Man 2 wasn’t even that bad.
14.) Iron Man 3 is one of my favourite mcu films, everybody else simply lacks Taste.
15.) Sam deserves the shield way more than Steve, but I’m conflicted cause I don’t want him to be the symbol of pro-American propaganda :/.
16.) Bucky and Sarah are cute as hell together.
17.) Doctor Strange deserves way more credit and adoration, I mean mans puts up with some SHIT I tell you.
18.) Either Wanda is the most powerful sorcerer in the mcu and a total heartless piece of shit OR she’s a sympathetic victim possessed by the Darkhold to do awful things and isn’t really that powerful at all. You can’t have it both ways.
19.) Loki is ridiculously sympathetic and gets the shit end of the stick almost 100% of the time, but I’m pretty sure he agreed to work with Thanos of his own free will, before the sceptre had any influence on him. (Make no mistake, he was definitely mind controlled and tortured at some point afterwards, and that should be acknowledged, but like….. he’s not ENTIRELY without blame here, let’s be real. I think he got himself into a mess and then just couldn’t get out).
20.) Frigga is just as bad as Odin, let’s not kid ourselves. I actually can’t stand her.
21.) Thor never actually changed his bigoted war-mongering superiority-based mindset. He just decided that he likes humans, so they’re exempt from it.
22..) Harley Keener deserved to have just as big a role as Peter in Tony’s life.
23.) I don’t mind Vision, I think he’s a pleasant character. But his relationship with Wanda is the most mind-numbingly boring shit I’ve ever seen my GOD.
24.) Bruce was one of my favourite characters, specifically for his calm confidence. That all went out the window in Ragnarok. Ruined his character too.
25.) Taneleer Ativan, En Dwi Gast, etc (Celestials) should’ve been way more powerful than they were.
26.) Rocket is my favourite member of the Guardians. Peter Quill is boring and annoying and Gamora is more sympathetic but still not very interesting.
27.) There should’ve been less action and more time for them to all live in the avengers compound together like 2012 fanfic 2.0. I like the scenes that are fairly calm where they’re all interacting with each other as a group more than the fight scenes.
28.) LGBT representation in the mcu has been pathetic thus far, but I guess it’s like that in everything so..
29.) Ultron was a superb villain but everyone seems to think he’s mediocre. (Top 3 best mcu villains: 3-Ultron 2-Killmonger 1-Loki. Yes, Loki was a legit villain at one point, don’t @ me.)
30.) It’s the biggest crime in cinematic history that Loki never got to come full circle and fight side by side with the avengers. He literally didn’t even interact with them ever again after the invasion (except Bruce) and that’s just tragic. They were setting his storyline up for that! It was the perfect progression. But noooo.
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