#justice! for! fran!!!!
benisasoftboi · 2 years
Decided to watch The Wedding Planner after this week’s WWDITS and I know everyone’s saying Nandor related to it because of the whole ‘the groom falls in love with the person planning the wedding’ thing, but I’m thinking he might actually just relate to the whole ‘the groom is an awful, awful person’ thing
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belladonicbloodsucker · 6 months
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franollie · 3 months
i want yj to reunite but not in like a team way where they fight villains. i want them to go on cross country missions as mystery solvers scooby doo style
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fox-and-otter · 9 months
It's been a while since I played around with clothing design in animal crossing but I had SO much fun making this collection inspired by the iconic clothes of The Nanny
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ramadejazmin · 7 months
A bunch of menaces to a certain Club
@empanadaaaaaaa @furstriker @ringo20chan04 @denisbored
As I said previously, I was going to fanart some other Eltingville self shippers so there you go girls. Three Pete selfshippers, one Jerry and one Josh. Iconic the lots of them.
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I want to talk about Francesca a bit.
There’s this whole thing about there having been this twitter account that got press access to eps 1-6, posted spoilers then promptly deleted. One of those “spoilers” was Fran does marry John this season, but for convenience and not love.
Now, no freaking idea whether at all the spoilers are founded, true, etc. HOWEVER, I do think this would be an interesting development/theory.
One of the big things about Francesca is she has been isolated from her siblings. She feels “other,” and I have a feeling all of her family is going to be distracted one way or the other with their own love affairs this season (Anthony going off with Kate, Ben with Tilly, Eloise spending most time with Cressida, Polin, and Violet with Marc Anderson). So, once again, even though she’s actually with her family this season she feels left alone, and under pressure by society around her and possibly the Queen.
So Francesca makes the choice to marry John without consulting anyone. Like literally the engagement comes out of left field and shocks her fam. She accepts the proposal from a feeling of pressure and/or even if she doesn’t love John, she sees security with him and maybe he’s also always been made to feel left out in some way. So to Fran, going to Scotland is more of the same.
Why would I want this kind of sad storyline? Cause I think the Bridgertons themselves need to reckon with how they’ve made Francesca to feel left out. She came out this season and she was ignored. It was similar with Eloíse last season, except Eloíse made clear to her siblings how much she hated being out and the balls and didn’t want to be paired up.
But Fran is different.
One of the most real but saddest things about her book is how separated she is from her loving family. And I’ve always wanted some kind of acknowledgment from her family, that maybe just because Francesca acts fine, she’s not fine. And they should’ve been asking.
I just… I love the Bridgerton family. But I want them to realize that Francesca needed them and they could’ve done better.
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ivy-saurs · 4 months
OMG i didn’t realise apollo’s first case would be defending beanix and meeting him for the first time holy shit
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miscellaneous--bones · 11 months
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weekend has been kicking my ass so hard man. so so tired. these are some beasts from my brain while we're here
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reine-du-sourire · 1 year
Cheslock comes to Edward’s house mansion for a week during the break.
Lady Francis takes one look at his hair, nearly has a stroke, and marches him off in pursuit of a comb.
When they get back, the Lady in a self-satisfied huff and a surprisingly-well-groomed Ches grinning almost sheepishly, it's Ed's turn to nearly have a stroke.
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thatumbrellaoni · 2 months
received a reply from bandai regarding the crime committed glaring mistake on the millennium ring complete edition.
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theyll relay it to the development team, they said. pretty standard reply. it was literally the day it was announced, so hopefully I caught it/sent the email early enough that corrections are still possible. idk about the promo vid tho but hoping the voice lines used in the actual product are corrected (or they add bakura calling ryou 宿主さま).
idk how the industry or production or rerecordings work in japan or if its extra ¥ to rebook matsumoto rica for corrections or... I guess we'll see and be surprised.
I also asked about whether ryou would have monster world lines, but they were basically like "idk" ):<
bandai! thats why I want to purchase it!!! I want to hear the bakuras talk to each other for five minutes!!! "Ive decided to make you my permanent host!" and "get out! get out of me!" you understand??
but based on previously released products, lines seem to be anime-based and no new dialogues were recorded (theyre all rerecordings of already existing dialogues), so Im not too... expectant.
I did my due diligence. I did it for the bakuras!!!! this ups the likelihood of me buying to about............. 70%. those monster world lines are crucial, but thats about the extent of my capabilities.
anyway hopefully bandai listens. priroll did, so maybe!!!! ☺️☺️☺️
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planetsolaris · 2 years
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Farewell, my turnabout
(this is a redraw of this drawing!)
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sednonamoris · 6 months
i had to make sure hound wasn’t with price when he and soap initially captured makarov in the hellhound timeline bc they would’ve just shot him lmfao
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To the people who love Fran but hate Janice in friends, why? Janice is so cute, I love her
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franollie · 9 months
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black albino cissie king-jones do you understand my vison
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
The killing of a budding activist, and the San Francisco district attorney’s decision not to release video footage of the incident or charge the security guard, has sent shockwaves through the city, sparking disgust at the quick use of deadly force by a private guard and protests about the city’s continued failures to provide housing, services and basic safety for Black trans youth like Brown.
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[📷 Banko Brown’s family on the steps of City Hall, May 7, 2023]
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“What makes this case deadly serious,” said Black Alliance for Peace member Jeremy Miller over the mic, “is if we do not respond appropriately to this lynching, we stand the risk of normalizing murder over loss prevention — murder over alleged theft from a retail establishment.”
Banko “always tried to think about all the other social justice movements that were happening. He organized over extended foster care services, lobbying Nancy Skinner. Free Palestine — he was there at that march. During the pandemic, he surveyed people on the street to collect data on the street to see what kinds of services young people needed.”
“He was just selfless,” Julia Arroyo, close confidante of Brown’s and co-executive director of the Young Women’s Freedom Center.
https://missionlocal.org/2023/05/100-rally-sf-city-hall-banko-brown/ [by Griffin Jones, Mission Local, May 7, 2023]
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[Marching while holding a poster that reads ‘In Solidarity with Iran,’ Banko Brown was a regular presence at rallies and town halls in San Francisco. 📷: Courtesy of Young Women’s Freedom Center.]
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lolotr · 1 year
Calling artists in the Dames and dragons/legendlark fandom: has anyone ever thought about doing an animatic to "the river" from dirty calendar? Because I've had the thought and I can't stop thinking about it.
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