#lily and remus were siblings the same way james and sirius were
ellecdc · 1 month
💰jingle jingle💰
how much for you to continue the barty shirt fic where they make it up to the tower and tell the marauders🤭
I'll give you this one for free but the rest will cost you
Barty Crouch Jr x potter!reader who tattles on Jegulus
CW: making fun of only children, siblings insulting one another, platonic Prongsfoot drama, no real angst - just chaos Continuation of this one shot
The trek from the Slytherin dungeons up the Gryffindor tower in a full sprint was unideal for even the most athletic and fit quidditch player in the castle; but if there was one thing a lifetime worth of living with James Potter and his pranking ways prepared you for, it was running.
Fortunately for you, this was not a universal experience and you were quickly able to leave Regulus and Barty well enough behind you.
You screamed the password at the Fat Lady who shrieked in fear when she saw you barrelling towards her causing her to open so quickly that the portrait thwacked against the stone walls and you all but dived into the common room. 
You stood up straight as your chest burned to survey the patrons of the common room only to find that the entire common room was already doing the same to you.
“Circe’s tits, Potter.” Lily said with a smirk. “You look like you were trying to outrun Peeves.”
Your smile turned devious as you continued panting. “Better.” You answered quickly, turning your sights towards your brother, Peter, Remus, and…
“Sirius!” You greeted as you speed-walked over to their sofas.
“Hey Trouble; get tired of the snakes?” Sirius teased as he moved a chess piece with an air of nonchalance.
You were eager to change that.
Before you could open your mouth, two Slytherin’s came spilling into the common room before the portrait had a chance to close behind them.
“I’m so glad you could join me for this.” You taunted Regulus who’s jaw tightened as he straightened himself up and shook Barty’s hand off his shoulder.
“Isn’t this a nice shirt, Siri?”
Sirius looked up at that as he considered your form. “Yeah, actually; that’s designer, right?”
You look down at it with a smirk when you heard Regulus whisper a cautionary, “Potter.”
“I’m not sure…it’s got a little crown on the sleeve.” You explained innocently.
Sirius’ eyebrows widened at that. “Shit. Yeah those are super expensive; but great quality and super soft. Great choice, Junior.”
“Thank you!” Barty accepted eagerly. “See Treasure? Black gets it.”
You smirked as you looked over at James who you could see by now was clearly sweating. “Right…but I actually stole this from Jamie’s trunk.”
James’ eyes shot to Regulus as yours moved back to Sirius who was staring at you bemusedly.
“That is not Prongs’ shirt, and didn’t Junior just admit it was his?”
“Nope.” Barty answered with a pop of the p. “I admitted buying it.”
“Why are you buying clothes for James?” Remus asked cautiously then, eyes darting nervously between your mischievous form, James’ anxious form, Regulus’ tense form, and Sirius’ confused form.
“Oh, I’d never buy clothes for that Potter.” Barty scoffed. “That shirt was Reggie’s birthday present last year.”
The sound of Peter’s hand slapping against his mouth as he stared at you all wide eyed was the only sound in the entire common room.
Remus was holding his book in front of his face like a shield as he watched the spectacle that was his friend group.
Finally, Lily let out a long suffering sigh. “Potter, you might want to take this chance to get a head start.”
“Right.” James agreed quickly as he took off towards the portrait hole, pausing as he passed Regulus, seeming to decide since he was already going to die tonight, he may as well go big or go home.
He paused long enough to pull Regulus into a searing kiss before ripping away from him and taking off out of the common room.
The room continued to sit silently as everyone digested what they just saw.
“Did we seriously lose both Potter’s to Slytherin’s?” Marlene asked finally, causing Regulus to scoff.
“Like you’ve got a leg to stand on here, McKinnon.”
“At least I’m not fucking my brother’s best friend!” She volleyed back, causing Sirius to let out a dramatic gagging sound.
“You lot really need to spend less time worrying about who your siblings are shagging.” Peter said with an air of finality.
“Thank you!” You and Regulus chorused, causing you to glare at one another.
“You’re taking this rather well, Pads.” Remus chuckled, tapping Sirius’ knee with his book as Sirius continued staring unseeingly at the portrait hole.
Remus and Peter exchanged a worried glance. “What are you waiting for?” Peter asked finally.
“James will get lonely when he realizes no one is chasing him.” He replied in monotone. “He’ll be back in a few.”
“Sirius, please be cool about this; I’m happy, alright?” Regulus sighed in exasperation.
Sirius’ eyes flit over to his younger brother as his brows furrowed. “Listen, am I particularly pleased about…this? No. But that’s not what I’m going to kill him for.”
“What are you going to kill him for?” You inquired, wondering if it was worth writing home to your parents about.
The second your sentence finished, James cautiously stepped back through the portrait hole to find the common room in much the same state as he’d left it.
The room collectively grimaced as they looked over at James. 
“Listen mate, it’s not what it looks like.” James pleaded, earning him a scoff from his best friend.
“It isn’t what it looks like!? Because the way it looks to me is that you lied, and you kepy secrets! You know, there was a point in this relationship that trust and honesty meant something!” Sirius shouted back.
“It does!” James offered quickly. “It does, Pads! Swear it!”
“Right, forgive me, but your word means nothing to me right now.” He spat as he went storming up towards their shared dorm, James quickly following behind.
“Please don’t shut me out like this; you’re still my other half!”
But the rest of the argument performance was silenced when the door to their room shut behind them.
“Well, Regulus.” Remus sighed with a tired smile. “Welcome to the family; our boyfriend’s are each other’s boyfriends, and this happens every three days.”
“Salazar’s fucking balls.” Regulus groaned as he threw his head back. “This is why I didn’t want it going public.”
“Oi!” You shouted as you lobbed a throw pillow at your new future brother-in-law. “If you’re going to love my brother, love him with your whole chest, coward!”
“You take that back.” He hissed at you.
“I’ll do no such thing.”
“I…I don’t know what to do…should…should we get a professor? What’s happening?” Barty started, looking around the Gryffindor common room with a look of panic on his face.
“Oh, relax, Junior. Your only child is showing.” Remus sighed as he pulled his book back out.
“Aren’t you an only child, Lupin?”
“Yup.” Remus responded as he turned a page of his book. “But I’ve lived in the same tower as the Potters for seven years, and dealt with Sirius and Regulus for the past two; you pick up a few things. Things like this-” he explained as he pointed towards you and Regulus who were still throwing insults back and forth. “Is what siblings call bonding.”
Lily chuckled as Marlene, Barty, Peter, and Remus watched as you called Regulus a “spoiled rotten toerag” to which he replied that “even listening to your voice made him feel like he was losing brain cells”.
“Siblings are weird.” Barty decided.
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Things I don’t get about the marauders fandom as someone who’s been obsessed with them for literal years
1. How we let so many characters be only children?? like I get that people don’t necessarily want to make OCs but HOW did it get to this? James, Marlene, Peter, Remus, Mary, Barty, Dorcas, Alice, Frank and so many others! Idk maybe it’s just where I’m from but look me in the eyes and tell me you know that many people who don’t have siblings ALSO the ratio is so off and barely any of them have only child energy. It’s just not right.
2. How sooo many of you aren’t multi shippers. Like what do you MEAN you can only see James with Regulus and Regulus with James?? What about bartylus? what about sunrose? what about draksun/sunkiller? what about moonwater? what about jily? what about prongstail? WHAT do you read?? Aren’t you bored??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN you only have ONE ship for each character???? As a multi shipper, I can be convinced of any ship with anything ranging from a real good fic or a pretty edit to an enthusiastic rant from a random person on TikTok and it just makes things interesting. Maybe my adhd brain just needs more ships to focus on or maybe some of you just lack flexibility ( or imagination), but we need to fix this cause there aren’t enough fics with the ships I like 😭😭
3. THE SHIP NAMES. I can’t be the only one who thinks some of these suck right? Like why are we saying jegulus when starchaser and sunseeker are RIGHT THERE?? Same with jily and flowerpot, and bartylus and starkiller. ALSO some names make me wonder if some of you just haven’t grasped the concept of ship names or if I just got it all wrong cause marylily and jegulily are just annoying, why are we keeping the L in Lily? The point is to merge the names together not stick them one beside the other, I just say marily and jeguily because it rolls off the tongue so much more easily
4. The Peter erasure. I just don’t get it, it’s so easy to include him in things, you don’t have to make him a main character, but just mention him every once in awhile. Sometimes I’m reading an important scene in a fic and everyone is mentioned EXCEPT for Peter! It’s so easy, just make him roll his eyes at his friends being idiots or something. And it’s not like you’ll get his personality wrong, ALL THESE CHARACTERS PERSONALITIES WERE MADE UP BY FANS but I understand that some people lack imagination so here’s some things about Peter I like to imagine: he’s a HUGE gossip, like my man sees and hears everything and he takes notes!! He likes to randomly turn into a rat and take a nap in one of the other marauders’ pocket, he does it so much that they had to tell the girls that they had a pet rat cause they were asking too many questions. He’s really perceptive and his friends are all oblivious so it leads to funny scenarios like:
Remus & Sirius after YEARS of pining: we’re dating
Peter: I thought you guys had been together since third year?
Sirius: I’ve literally introduced you to people I was dating?!
Peter, shrugging: look mate I don’t question you lot anymore, you do whatever you want, I don’t care what you’re into, I just don’t wanna know about it
He also pulls people, like he’s really nice and will gossip to anyone who’s in his vicinity so he’s friends with basically everyone and he’s funny and pretty and he’s got charisma so he just charms everyone and when I say everyone, I mean everyone, even the slytherins have a soft spot for him (that’s how he gets accepted among the death eaters during the war actually). In pranks he’s the lookout so he often has to distract the teachers so he asks them random things and spits out half-made up facts about anything so he’s besties with most of the teachers which means he doesn’t get many detentions.
5. The Black brothers, more specifically the way the speak to each other in most fics, like they call each other “brother” so often and as someone who has a brother I’ve never called him that. Is it an anglophone thing? Like do people who speak English at home all do that or are fic writers only children?? (That would explain my first point actually) Or is it more a rich people thin?? Cause I know it’s not a francophone thing that’s for sure (also special mention to people who don’t know anything about French writing Sirius and Regulus as French speakers, I can tell you don’t know what you’re writing about but I eat it up everytime anyway)
6. This is actually just about ao3 but I WANNA BE ABLE TO LEAVE MORE KUDOS!!! I just loooooove fics but I can’t leave kudos at every single chapter and I’m bad at writing comments so I can’t show the author how much I love their work, I hate itttt 😭
7. Why there aren’t more fics about the Black family, and not just Sirius and Regulus, but Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa as well like that would be so interesting and maybe like a deep dive into the Black family ideals and all that (if you have fic recs I’m all ears!!)
8. How jegulily is a pretty popular ship (which I LOVE) yet SO FEW people ship Regulus and Lily outside of it! They are a power couple and I love them and they don’t need James to work!!!
9. Why there isn’t more background Minnie x Poppy cause they are my mothers and I wanna see them moooooreeee
If you read all of this I love you 🥰 have an amazing day/night
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expectopatronum81 · 1 year
Lily's dynamic with the marauders (unpopular opinion)
Am I the only one who feels that lily wasn't as close to the marauders as the fandom makes her out to be?
Now before u jump at me, it's obviously fun to explore the dynamics btw different characters thru hcs and fanfics. However, i m only considering canon facts in this post.
First off, we never hear sirius or remus speak about lily when james isn't involved in the conversation. James was obviously a close friend, more lyk a brother, so its only natural that they reminisce him often. Both of them remark on harry's resemblance to james pretty often. It's literally the first thing sirius mentions when he sees harry for the first time in poa, saying james would have taken risks for him the same way harry came for ron. Remus compares harry's humor and unflinching belief in his friends to james aswell. There are constant little mentions post gof of james by both of them.
But lily? Absolutely nothing. We obviously can't expect her to be mentioned as many times as james coz she wasn't in their original friend group, but she isn't mentioned at all. The only time she's spoken about is post swm, and that's still in relation to her getting together with james. We learn more about lily from snape, someone she cut ties with when she was 15, than from her supposed besties. Heck, we learn more about her from Slughorn, her school teacher, than we ever did from sirius and remus.
Ik lily addresses sirius and peter by their nicknames in that letter, but i honestly always saw it as a casual thing, obvs in a fond way but not an indicator of their relationship.
There is obviously potential for a close friendship, there's often potential for a lot of things in fiction, but that doesn't make it canon. Apart from fighting the same war these characters don't seem to have anything in common. Yeah, both lily and sirius have complicated relationships with their siblings, but I would hardly compare a failed relation to having your sibling be brainwashed by your abusive family into following a cult that's trying to get u and ur friends killed.... Besides, lily is portrayed as this pure, perfect mother in canon while sirius and remus are both massively flawed characters, and that leaves little room for understanding between these characters.
Now, this isn't to say that the didn't like each other ofc, but the way lily's only mentioned with respect to james, they probably liked and respected her as their best friend's wife. There's no way I'm believing that they were super close when she isn't mentioned on her own even once after she's dead, it makes it pretty clear that the relationship was only because of james. There's nothing wrong with that ofc, it happens in plenty of friend groups and families, i just wish there were more fics representing their relationship the way it was originally written( although fanfics exploring their relationship are LIT in their own fanon way).
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maraudersmary · 4 months
here’s some of my favourite headcanons in honour of my favourite aquarius !!
short, like 5’3, extremely long, flowing, auburn hair, lots of freckles, plus-size, was insecure of her looks and body until she met the girls and they helped her realise her beauty
70s flower power girl at heart: flared or bell bottom jeans, flowy tops with sleeves that widen and low necklines, a LOT of necklaces, not afraid to mismatch gold and silver (both enhance her eyes and hair), mary-janes her go to shoe
forced all the girls to listen to ABBA, fully converted Mary and Alice, and although marlene pretends, she knows she loves the too. she’s still working on dorcas and emmeline…
dated mary from 3rd to 5th year. they both realised they were bi at the same time and their young hearts thought that meant they were meant to be. still remained best friends after the mutual breakup
after severus started bullying Mary, she dropped him instantly (idc that that’s not canon)
best at charms in the year (as well as a few other subjects that sirius didn’t take) but was lauded for her charm work
thought james only said he liked her as a joke, but after he toned his confessions down and started being genuinely kind to her when no one else was around she began to see that might not be the truth
was conflicted in her feelings for james at first, trying desperately to find reasons to not like him, until eventually marlene sat her down and gave her tough love about how she deserves to be happy
has bipolar disorder (diagnosed at 14) but is very on top of her medication and is not ashamed
however she is worried about how being in a relationship with james will impact her and whether he will accept that part of her, especially in times when she is not doing well
but of course he did, it’s james potter, and whether manic or depressive he was unfailingly there
she trained as a healer (doctor in muggle au), before specialising in psychiatric medicine and therapy
remus is her best friend, and they spend as much time as possible together. he is her safe haven. he just understands her like no one else, and she him. he also has the best weed
i’m a lily evans stoner truther
bakes when stressed, her specialty is anything apple based
her favourite shows were ever after high and my little pony (modern au) when she was younger and still watches them when she needs comfort
bonded with sirius over sibling trauma, she thought he was an arrogant prat at first but quickly formed an unbreakable bond with him. he was her brother.
loved her parents and knew they loved her, but she felt stifled in that house and hated the way they pandered to petunia. going to hogwarts probably saved her life
she has a massive crush on sophie thatcher and the girls found it hilarious because of how much she looks like marlene
knew everyone’s secrets (probably before they knew them themselves) and despite being a massive gossip, she never shared anything about anyone that was not public knowledge
when angry everyone knew to steer clear, except remus, he would calm her down just by walking into a room, and would then take her for a walk to vent to him before smoking a joint together
after the war ended and they all SURVIVED, she and james adopted two more children and raised them with the children of remus and sirius, and mary and emmeline, with marlene and dorcas being the super cool fun aunts
i love her i love her i love her
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thebibutterflyao3 · 2 months
Day One - Spring @sapphicmicrofics
April Daily Series - 717 words
**Series 5/5 of a continuous multi-ship story**
<<<Previous Series OR Beginning
The train station was busier than she expected for this time of day. It was too bloody early for normal people to be awake and yet here they were flooding Cardiff’s Central station. Ridiculous.
Marlene dug through her backpack until she felt the tangled cord of her earbuds. “Ah-ha! There she is.”
“Is everything feminine to you?” Regulus asked. His head was tilted slightly toward James to accommodate headphones they shared. The cord was still wrapped around Regulus’s neck while James listened intently to the song that Regulus played for him.
“Only things I value,” she replied, grinning wickedly at him.
Regulus rolled his eyes, as seemed to be his habit. The bloke was certainly a different breed from his brother. Their similarities were entirely skin deep, but it startled her to see the same features that she associated with general merriment contort into a glare or bored apathy so often.
Except for the similarly adoring expressions the brothers turned on James. It was impressive how thoroughly he’d charmed both of them. Not that Marlene was surprised. She’d watched James charm nearly everyone he’d ever met rather quickly.
They were complements in many ways. Where James was bold and confident, Marlene was bold and brash. Where James was eager and determined, Marlene was eager and hungry. They were different branches springing from the same tree and worked well together. Which was why they were old childhood friends and current hockey teammates.
Sirius prodded her hip. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to Edinburgh with me? Those two will be all over each other the entire time. Last chance.”
“As if you and Remus will be any better?” Regulus snarked. “You’re like dogs in heat.”
Sirius flipped him off. Before he could retaliate, James stuck the headphones back onto Regulus’s ears and distracted him with a quick kiss. It was becoming a common interaction between the brothers. Sirius loved winding Regulus up and Regulus enjoyed lashing out.
Marlene shrugged. “I’m due a holiday anyway and Pandora insisted that she and Lily needed help rearranging things at the London flat. Who am I to tell a pair of pretty women ‘no?’”
“Fair,” James agreed. He then swatted Regulus’s boot away from Sirius’s shin with a sigh. When his feral boyfriend grumbled a threat, James picked him up and promptly settled him into his lap. “Both of you, behave.”
Sirius smirked at Regulus, but his brother was entirely unbothered now that he was comfortably snuggled into James’s chest. It was probably best that Sirius wasn’t joining them on the train to London. Marlene was just about sick of the bickering.
“Can you not?” she said, budging Sirius’s shoulder.
“We have lost time to make up for, Marls.”
“Which you want to spend quarreling?”
He flashed a bright grin at her, then draped an arm over her shoulders. “It’s what siblings do. You know how it is.”
She definitely did. Her three brothers were constantly scrapping with each other or poking fun at her when she lived at home. It was just as irritating.
“James is being entirely too nice about it. I’d have knocked you about by now.”
Sirius laughed, loud and sharp. “Nonsense. Our rows give him an excuse to ‘rescue’ Reggie. He loves it.”
Marlene glanced back at James to find him smiling fondly at Regulus while he stroked his back to soothe him. He always was the righteous peacemaker type. It sort of tracked that he’d take advantage of the chaos to play hero.
“Utter twats.”
“You should be used to it by now,” Sirius said, leaning his head against hers. “Honestly, Marls. I think you’re jealous.”
She stared at him incredulously. “Of who?”
“What? Why?”
Sirius nodded at his brother again. “Didn’t you have that in London? The calm to your chaos?”
Marlene immediately dropped her gaze to her backpack and toyed with a loose thread. She couldn’t think about that right now. Walking away was the worst decision that she didn’t make.
Dorcas was right, of course. Long-distance was shite and they were never “just friends.” It was entirely logical to end things cleanly when they did, and also complete bullshite.
“Are you going to look her up?” he persisted.
“London is a big city and I doubt she’d want me to.”
Next Part>>>
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sofoulandfairaday · 10 months
Since you did a James HC post, do you have any Lily headcanons?
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Lilyyyy. Let's get right into it, sorry for the delay loves.
Kind. Incredibly kind. She would help a younger student in need, and always give friends and foes alike the benefit of the doubt. She wanted to see the good in people.
Part of her internal struggle, when she grew up, was grappling with the evils of the world. There are people who are truly evil, who want to see you hurt or dead just because of who you are. This painful realisation ultimately made her steely, stronger.
Short-tempered. She would get irritated, yell, even hex, very quickly, but it would also pass very quickly. She wasn't rancorous.
This is also why she didn't make peace with Severus even after he apologised. If she had just been angry about him calling her a Mudblood, she would have probably forgiven him. No, it was the realization, like we see in that scene outside the Fat Lady's portrait, that they had become fundamentally different people. They didn't share the same values, they didn't see the world in the same way.
And since she was a woman of principle, she couldn't accept being a Death Eater's “exception to the rule”.
She was popular but had few real friends. She didn't have the life-changing friendships James had (better yet, she did in Severus, but we all know how that went), so when they got together, his friends basically became her friends too.
She got on well with the Marauders, Remus most of all.
Still, I find it a bit sad (personally).
She probably had very cordial, even good relationships with the Gryffindor girls in her year, but it was the kind of friendship that dies down after school.
Good grades, but she also studied a lot. She wasn't naturally talented like Sirius or James, she earned every single success (and she had many, academically speaking).
Remus' study buddy in their last few years.
Very good at Potions, which was also her favourite subject. I think she would have grown up to work in the field if she had been given the chance.
Also a skilful duellist.
Idk if Hogwarts had a little student-run newspaper at the time, but if it did, Lily definitely wrote some very pro-Muggle articles in there. It got her more than some harassment from the Slytherins.
She grew up in a lower to middle-class background. She wasn't dirt poor like the Snapes were, but she wasn't by any means rich. She grew up with some of Petunia's hand-me-downs and listened to her parents' relief when they heard they wouldn't have to send her to university. This gave her an appreciation for money that James didn't have.
She wasn't superficial by any means, but as a teenage girl, it must have been wonderful to have a boy buy you gifts (even expensive ones for their age) and take you out on “fancy” dates.
Loved being a witch, used magic even for the most minuscule things, but was very proud of her Muggleborn heritage.
Had she lived, she would have loved Hermione. “Mudblood and proud of it!” is something I can see Lily saying.
Unlike Hermione, she wasn't a SJW-type. I don't see her as someone actively fighting for house-elf rights, for example. I can vividly picture a conversation between her and Hermione that goes a bit like some conversations between young feminist girls and their (still feminist) grandmothers when you try to explain intersectionality or something of the sort.
Bonded with Sirius over their shitty siblings.
James was her one and only boyfriend. She had crushes before, maybe even kissed a couple of guys, but she was one of those girls who just didn't have time for boys.
This being said, her crush on James Potter started way before seventh year. He was charming, popular, good with a snitch, funny. However, her dislike for him was absolutely genuine. She liked him but she would have never given him the time of day hadn't he changed.
She never hated Severus. Even years after they were no longer friends, the thought of him aroused more pain than anger. And I do think that, had she survived Voldemort's attack, she would have eventually forgiven him and patched things up with him (although it is my firm belief that things wouldn't have gone back to what they were).
Not even on her part. She wouldn't have fallen in love with him or anything, but he was one of the few things that was hers before it was her and James'. It was one of the things that connected her to her childhood, that sense of lost youth that we so often seek to find again when we grow up. No, had Lily lived, Severus wouldn't have seen her the way he did in canon. He was directly responsible for her death and spent his life crushed by that guilt. Whether you liked them romantically or platonically, being responsible for another person's murder shifts your whole world. If she had lived, he wouldn't have put her on a pedestal and she likely wouldn't have remained the most important person of his life even years after her death.
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soupandsimple · 2 years
Build Up To A Baby (with Sirius Black)
[ some key point moments of your baby having journey ]
* fluff! 🖤
- warnings?: pregnancy/words associated with pregnancies
** kind of long but quick paced (featuring Remus & teen Harry) I’m excited to see what you all think of this one!
This was requested: see ask here
To make a long story short; you and Sirius used to date while attending Hogwarts. He was two years above you which was ultimately the cause of your break up when he graduated. It wasn’t a matter of lost feelings from either side but you both dreaded a long distance relationship so that was that.
Or course, soon after graduating and turning eighteen, Sirius joined the Order to fight in the first wizarding war alongside his friends. At the time, you were unaware of what he was up to since sadly, you had lost contact after the break up, so imagine the surprise you took when you found out Lily and James had been killed and Sirius Black was allegedly the murderer.
You didn’t believe it, not for a second and even made a vow to yourself that if you ever saw him again, regardless if he felt the same or not, you’d tell him one of your biggest regrets in life was not wanting to endure a long distance relationship with him.
As it turns out, it was one of his too.
Sirius was declared free upon the capture of Peter Pettigrew who had been living as a rat for 12 years. You read all about it in the papers and quickly did whatever you could to find Sirius. It wasn’t hard as he too was looking for you and showed up on your doorstep one sunny afternoon.
He told you how he never stopped thinking about you; not after the break up, not while in prison nor the few weeks he had been out of prison. You in turn told him it had been the same for you with him.
You hugged and kissed and laughed and cried.
After a few days of getting reacquainted, he wanted to introduce you to Harry- the 12 year old son of James and Lily, also known as his godson that was now rightfully in his care. You accepted and to Sirius’s delight, Harry instantly loved you and you him!
It wasn’t long before Sirius proposed and you were living in the gorgeous countryside with them both.
A happy life it was but soon, the thought of a baby came to your and your husband’s mind. Oh to make a child that had both a little piece of him and a little piece of you.
The subject was taken into serious consideration in bed one night which concluded in one of, if not the most important, aspect of it all-
“But what about Harry?” you questioned Sirius.
“What about Harry?” he asked, caressing your shoulder as you laid cuddled into his side.
“I’m sure he considers you a father figure and I, hopefully, a mother figure of some sort; how will he feel about us wanting a baby?”
Sirius sighs and kisses your forehead. “We’ll ask him. Tomorrow.”
That next day at breakfast, the question in plan was brought up.
“Harry, we’d like your thoughts on something” Sirius began.
“What?” Harry mindlessly asked while dowsing the French toast before him in syrup.
“Well, me and Y/N have been giving it a lot of thought…and uh..well we want to know how you’d feel if we had a baby?”
Harry dropped the half eaten piece of French toast from his fingers back to his plate and continued chewing the piece in his mouth with a subtle, contemplative look.
You anxiously looked at Sirius and he to you.
“I think that’d be great!” Harry then replied excitedly, face changing to full on joy.
“Really?” you asked, holding back contentment until you were absolutely sure he meant it.
“Yeah! I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have a younger sibling and had accepted it would never happen but now, well now I have the chance to experience it…if…if you’d be comfortable letting me consider your baby a sibling anyway.”
You pouted at his request, “Oh Harry my love,” you said, coming around to where he sat, “I know I’ve only known you for some months now but I already consider you a part of me in the most motherly way. You don’t have to ask my permission to consider a future baby of mine and Sirius’s as a sibling; in fact, I’ll be honored if you do.”
Harry smiled and leaned into your side at a hug you initiated.
“This is honestly so great you guys” Harry said, looking over towards Sirius. “Now don’t go into detail, but any plans as to when?”
Sirius chuckled at what Harry insinuated by detail and then shook his head. “At the moment, no. We just wanted to know how you’d feel about it happening.”
You nodded in agreement. “It’ll be soon we hope but don’t worry, we’ll keep you updated if it happens while you’re away.”
Harry started his fourth year at Hogwarts in two weeks meaning he’d be gone until Christmas break- giving you and Sirius plenty of time to conceive.
“Sounds good” Harry replied, digging back into his breakfast, heart full of newfound excitement at the prospect of someone coming along that he could consider a sibling.
~ Fast Forward To December ~
By Harry’s Christmas break, you were two months pregnant. You had of course already told Harry beforehand in a letter but he was still just as excited to get the news a second time in person from you and Sirius.
There was still some excitement to be had though since Remus was spending the holidays with you all and had no knowledge of the pregnancy yet.
*ding dong*
The doorbell to your country house chimed and instantly you called for Sirius.
“Siri! Come it’s Remus, he’s here!”
“Coming love” he said unseen, approaching from somewhere further back.
Opening the door, you greeted Remus. “Remmy come in, come in” you happily urged, taking the suitcase from his hand.
Instantly, Sirius arrived up behind you and took the suitcase from your own grip. With pursed lips, you looked up at your husband and graciously smiled at his ever present attentiveness in all that you did.
“Moons,” Sirius said, unintentionally ignoring your gaze, “come on, get in already it’s freezing.”
“That it is,” Remus replied, closing the door behind him.
With the suitcase in one hand, Sirius was only able to side hug his friend unlike you, who was free for a full one.
“We’ve missed you! And we have so much to tell you! Well...one thing to tell you and another to ask you” you refrained, pulling back from his embrace and helping him pull off his winter coat.
Sirius chuckled at your excitement and turned to begin his walk to the guest room to set down Remus’s stuff. “Doll, let’s get him settled before we talk anything baby.”
“SIRIUS!” you yelled.
“Shit..” he mumbled.
“It was supposed to be a surprise” you whined, looking to Remus to see his reaction to Sirius’s word slip.
With a single eyebrow quirked up, Remus broke into a smirk. “Baby?”
“Remus, you’re here!” Harry interrupted, coming into the front room to greet the house guest.
“I am and your guardians here just let me in on some exciting family news.”
“What? You told him already?!” Harry immediately turned to question you and Sirius.
“We didn’t” you stated with a glare to Sirius.
Remus chucked, “Oh go easy on him Y/N, you know as well as I do that Black isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.”
Harry snorted at the insult and you of course played right along with it.
“Hmm you’re right. But we like him that way” you said, going over to him to run your hand through his hair from the top with a kiss to his cheek.
Sirius looked at you with squinted eyes and a smile, then pecked your lips with a kiss. “I’m sorry” he whispered.
“You can go put that suitcase down in the room now you goof” you giggled.
“Be right back,” Sirius said to you all.
“Soooo yeah, baby” you said, returning your attention to Remus by extending your arms out in a gesture to present your current nonexistent baby bump to him.
“Congratulations” he softly spoke with a gentle smile, bringing you in for yet another hug. “And I assume this was no accident, correct?”
You shook your head, “No, it was planned.”
“How far along are you?”
“Two months.”
“Two months?” he hummed. “So you knew and you didn’t say a thing?” Remus teased, looking over at Harry.
Remus was still teaching DADA’s at Hogwarts and saw Harry for chats on the daily; how this news never came up was beyond him right now.
“Well it wasn’t easy but they wanted to tell you themselves” Harry grinned.
“Ahh well, no matter. Come here big brother” Remus fondly told Harry with a hug. “I’m so thrilled for all of you.”
Sirius came back around and embraced you into him by the shoulder. “And that’s not all…” he began. He then looked over at you as if asking permission to continue with the following.
You giggled at his caution, “Go ahead.”
Sirius kissed your temple, then looked to Remus.
“We want you to be the godparent.”
Remus smiled in a subtly shocked way and looked to Harry, then you, then Sirius.
You could tell he had been caught off guard with the question and well truly, no one could blame him for his lack of response. I mean after all, this was all happening at the entryway of the house right at his arrival.
“I- well..I don’t..yes of course I will. I’d be honored” he stuttered, trying his best to compose his nervous and excited energy.
Sirius and him instantly hugged with hearty pats on each other’s backs.
Harry and you happily looked at each other upon viewing the moment between the two friends;
“Yay!” you spoke, clapping your hands a little in joy and bringing Harry into your side.
The men separated and you continued on with words. “Okay, well we got dinner ready in the kitchen, Rem. So let’s get you settled and washed up so we can eat!”
~ Fast Forward To January ~
In days time, it was then just you and Sirius once Harry and Remus left back for Hogwarts.
Coming up at the three month mark, things began getting real. Moods, vomiting and lack of sexual drive were your main obstacles.
“Sirius! Why’d you do this to me!” you whined as you sat at the floor of the bathroom by the toilet.
He chuckled and brushed back your hair with his hand, “We both wanted this love, remember?”
“Ugh, I don’t want your thing anywhere near me anytime soon.”
“Shhh okay darling, okay, I get it” Sirius cooed, holding back laughter as he continued brushing your hair back. “It’ll go into hiding for a bit, yeah?” he crudely joked for his own amusement.
~ Fast Forward To Feb. & March ~
Month four and five things calmed down a bit. Well, Sirius would say anyways, as you didn’t ‘hate’ him anymore for getting you pregnant. Also, the vomiting was no more, in fact, you ate everything in sight now with no consequence at all! It was lovely; although the late night runs Sirius had to make for say, a hard shell taco, were not his favorite.
These months were also when you started showing.
“Baby! Come here!” you yelled one morning to your husband who was still getting some rest in bed.
“What..what is it?” he replied sleepily, hurriedly trudging himself to the bathroom where you stood in front of the mirror.
“Look baby, I’m starting to show!” you excitedly said rubbing your small, barely protruding belly.
“That’s amazing love” he said into your neck as he stood from behind embracing your form.
~ Fast Forward To April & May ~
Being a little over half of your pregnancy now, the gender of the baby was known; not by either you or Sirius though.
You both had decided to have the doctor send the result to Harry at Hogwarts so that he could be the first to know. Harry was then to mail you and Sirius a letter revealing the gender!
Upon getting Harry’s letter, you came to find you were having…a boy! Or a mini Sirius as you liked to think of it.
Boy or girl, you both would have been happy- but you could tell having a boy was particularly meaningful to Sirius for so many reasons, which of course you and him talked about thoroughly for about three days straight, every night in bed.
“…and I just worry, because I don’t want to be anything like my father or mother to my son.”
“And you won’t be honey” you said calmly, grazing a hand over the expanse of his chest as you laid cuddled.
“How can you be so sure?”
“I know you, Sirius Black. To make the same mistakes on your own children as your parents made with you is not in your nature. You’ve been so far gone from having any similarity to them for over half your life…trust me, you won’t be them.”
He sniffled and smiled at your confidence in him.
You wiped a rogue tear that ran down his cheek and kissed its exact spot. “I just know my baby boy is going to have the best father ever…”
~ Fast Forward To June ~
BIG; the baby boy inside you was BIG. Or he felt big anyways which was normal of course as you were only a month and a couple of days away from your due date.
It was here that a spontaneous baby moon occurred. You had already taken an extravagant, out of the country one during your second trimester but because you (finally) had settled on a nursery color there was no time to waste on getting it painted. Obviously, under no circumstances, did Sirius want you anywhere near the house with the paint fumes so he decided to take you into the city for a few days.
Sirius planned the whole thing without a hint of your help and it was just absolutely perfect. He chose a beautiful five star hotel where you were served and attended to, to no end.
The time was mostly spent just hanging out in the cozy room / private balcony and although that sounds boring, it was far from it as it was just what you needed these days that you tired out more easily.
“Can I stay here forever and never leave” you asked Sirius one day, after an employee exited the room upon bringing you a triple scoop strawberry sundae while you lounged out on the balcony.
Taking in the taste of the sweet, cold treat, you shut your eyes and let your head rest back on the cushioned lounge you sat in and waited for Sirius’s response to your ridiculous question.
“I’m hurt love. I wait on you hand and foot at home just as good, if not better than these guys here” he playfully replied, reaching over from his own lounge for the extra spoon to join you in indulging the treat.
“Mhm, but we don’t have a balcony at home” you said then.
“Well then I’ll build you a balcony.”
You opened your eyes and looked at your husband with an ‘are you kidding me’ face, which caused both of you to laugh. You’d like to describe Sirius as perfect but handy he was not.
“Okay okay fine, I’ll bring someone out to build us one. But you’ll get one, I promise.”
~ Fast Forward To July ~
Per Harry’s request, you and Sirius did not set up any of the nursery furniture until he returned from Hogwarts for the summer. It was cutting it close to the due date but you promised him it was something you’d do together.
Harry and Sirius sat on the comfy, round rug in the center of the nursery that next Saturday after his arrival where they began building the first of many furniture pieces.
Meanwhile, bigger than ever now, you sat in the rocking chair off to the side just watching your boys, trying to keep relaxed. Like we learned before, Sirius wasn’t the best with tools but with Harry around you were sure it’d be alright- he no doubt carried the Potter handiness genes.
*ding dong*
There chimed your doorbell and there was no doubt as to who it was.
“I’ll get it” Harry said, quick to get up on his feet and exit the room. You couldn’t wait to be able to do the same again soon.
From afar, you and Sirius both heard Remus’s voice. “Hi Harry. Begun on the furniture already?”
“In here Moods!” Sirius shouted himself after the question.
Footsteps later, Remus and Harry both walked in through the doorway of the room.
“Look what I got” Remus said in a singsong voice, directing his eye contact straight to you.
You gasped at the three famous (but rare!) baby books Remus displayed in his hand for you and with a bit of struggle, stood up from the chair.
“Gimme, gimme, gimme!” you excitedly exclaimed with grabby hands, waddling over to where he stood.
“Doll, babies can’t read,” Sirius joked as you began to skim the books. He was too busy fumbling with screws to look up and see the roll of your eyes.
“You don’t say?” Harry replied, faking amusement as he made his way back out the room for either a snack or bathroom break.
“Of course they can’t read Sirius. But we are going to read to this baby boy constantly so he can be just as smart as his godfather. They’re perfect. Thank you Rem,” you said graciously, kissing his cheek.
Sirius adoringly kept an eye on you as you strategically went to place the three little books upright on the window cell as if it was a bookshelf (this was only temporarily until the real bookshelf was built of course).
The care you poured in everything and everyone was something Sirius had always greatly admired in you.
“She’s going to be such a good mother” he quietly commented to Remus without taking his eyes off of you.
“The absolute best” Remus assured his friend. <3
TagList: @regulusblackswhorecrux
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seriouslysam8 · 27 days
☕ so let's hear some marauders stuff!! How about how Lily became friends with them. Who was her second friend amongst the group?
When did Lily figure out Remus' secret? How about the gangs biggest secret of being anamagi
Lmfao you’re just trying to get me in trouble.
Lily one hundred percent became friends with Sirius first out of the group. They bonded over their shitty siblings and their annoying home life. Then, I would say she befriended James (friends first for awhile), then Peter, then Remus. I stand by the fact that she was not close to Remus. At all. I don’t think she had anything against him, but I don’t understand the fanon interpretation that they were besties. The letter in DH highlighted this. She writes to Sirius in a very fond tone and asking for his help with James. Obviously, she’s comfortable talking about personal issues with Sirius. She mentions Peter. Not only does she mention Peter, but she gives him the affectionate nickname of Wormy. Remus is never mentioned. I don’t think she disliked him or there was any beef, but Remus was always kind of mopey and woe-is-me I’m a werewolf and dangerous and blah blah blah. That’s warranted. He was discriminated against. He has legit reasons to have gripes. But I also think it hindered him from making strong relationships with other people. I could see him being painfully polite with Lily but never going out of his way to become her friend in a way I think Sirius and Peter did.
I feel like Lily just kind of figured it out pretty young because Snape was obsessed with it. She obviously knew before the WW incident because of her conversation with Snape. I just don’t think she cared at all that he was one and move on.
She totally didn’t find out about the Animagi thing until James and Lily were serious serious. Like they weren’t going to tell just anyone. Once they knew Lily was endgame and she felt the same way, they told her.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
ok so first of all, i LOVE your writing. it’s so good!!! yours so talented oml❤️❤️!!!!!!! ahem, anyways in your yan harry potter x aunt you mentioned he would try to set her up with sirius. i LOVE that idea! what if his efforts worked and they started dating, how would he feel? would sirius stay normal and just in love with reader, ok with the amount of attention needed to be given to harry as well, or would he become a yandere to. obsessed with reader: what would happen if they got married, harry would obviously walk his aunt down the aisle, would he be sirius’s best man, or would he be his aunts man of honor? what would be mentioned in his speech, how would he feel when she has to be away for the honeymoon? what if she got pregnant? how would he feel about a little cousin, basically sibling? would he grow jealous and in result an accident would occur and reader would get a miscarriage? or would he love his little sibling incredibly? just a thought ☺️
Awe!! Thank you so much!!🥰💕💚
Personally, I think Harry would be elated to know that his efforts to get his two most important people together worked. He’d finally get his family. I like to imagine Harry pulling Sirius aside or having a sit down with him after Sirius has shown a romantic interest in Aunt!Reader and having a talk with him about how important the Reader is to Harry and wanting to ensure that Sirius is serious about pursuing her. No matter how much Harry loves and cares about Sirius, his aunt will always be #1 and he’ll make that very clear, probably even persuading Sirius to think the same. There will definitely have to be mention of if Sirius were to ever break Aunt!Reader’s heart that Harry will throw down with him one way or another. I could even see Harry having used magic to get his aunt and Sirius together. Even using it to keep them together.
I wholeheartedly feel like Sirius would fall into his own obsession with Aunt!Reader. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already had knowledge of the Reader given how close she was with Lily and Lily always lovingly gushing about them back in the day. I think he’d clutch on to the Reader even more because it just reminds him so much of what he used to have when Lily and James were alive. Harry would be his piece of James back and the Reader would be his piece of Lily back. I like to think something that would really mean a lot to him would be if the Reader were to tell him that she never believed that he had ever had any part in James and Lily’s deaths, going off what she heard from Lily about the whole Marauders group and their friendship she couldn’t believe that he especially would have betrayed them like that. I also think having someone care for and tend to him as the Reader would would make his heart melt.
I have no doubt that early on Harry would openly share with Sirius about the treatment he suffered with the Dursley’s, more so just to show how much of a saint his Aunt is compared to them but also a reason why he clings to her like does. She was really the only one he had who cared for and showed him any love. I also feel like Aunt!Reader and Sirius would have a talk about Harry early on, maybe about Sirius asking permission to be in Harry’s life or even the Reader being the one to ask him to stick around for Harry so that he has someone who can tell him more about his father and magic. In the process, the Aunt would open up about how she’s tried giving Harry all the love she knew Lily and James would have given him and having Sirius around would only give Harry more love and attention, not to mention more stability. I could really see Sirius becoming obsessed with both Aunt!Reader and Harry. They’ve welcomed him so warmly into their little family of two, now there his family and he’s not going to lose them.
Harry would be overjoyed at the news of a wedding. He would totally want to walk his aunt down the aisle while also being her Man of Honor and the ring bearer. Remus would probably be Sirius’ Best Man. It would be a really small gathering, probably taking place at the Weasley’s. Hermione, Ron, the Weasley’s, some of the Order of the Phoenix would be in attendance. Maybe even Professor Mcgonagall. Most likely the Dursley’s wouldn’t be in attendance. I like to think the Reader sent them an invitation or something and Harry or Sirius, or even both, intervened with it. Maybe the Aunt asked one of them to send it and they pretend to, meanwhile the actual invitation is burning in the fireplace. I don’t know what Harry’s speech would be word for word but you bet it’s going to be heartfelt, come from the soul and make Aunt!Reader, Molly Weasley, and Professor Mcgonagall (maybe even Alistair Moody) tear up.
I think regarding the honeymoon, Harry would be able to bare with a slight absence of his aunt, as long as it’s not for too long. At most he can tolerate is two weeks. That’s plenty of time right? You can bet he’ll be sending a letter after day three. I think Harry would probably most likely still be overwhelmed with complete and utter pure joy that his Aunt and Godfather are together that he wouldn’t be too hyper focused on his Aunt being away, besides if he trusts Sirius enough to marry his Aunt then he trusts him to come back with her.
I’m a little torn between whether Harry would want a sibling/cousin. I’m leaning more towards he would rather than he wouldn’t. I think he’d really want a baby in the picture to make his family feel even more like a family. I think he’d like to feel what it’s like have brothers and or sisters. Not like the Weasley’s weren’t his way of looking into that but I think he’d like to have the experience himself. Harry would definitely become all the more overprotective of his Aunt while she’s pregnant. He and Sirius would be doing everything for her so she wouldn’t have to take so much as a step. Not to mention they’re both feeling and listening to her belly every chance they get. Sirius would definitely be excited for the baby. Not only is he making his little family bigger but it also be a reason for the Reader to stick around if they were to ever try to leave him, not like he thinks that will happen but at least he’s got something even more to tie her down with in the case it does.
I think even if Harry didn’t really want a sibling/cousin that much he would grin and bare it if it made his Aunt happy. I think he’d know that either way, sibling or no sibling, Harry would always be his Aunt’s first baby. He’ll always have her love and attention no matter what, even if he did have to share it with another. He’d at least know that no matter what his Aunt would never overlook him or throw him away.
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trohpi · 1 year
my marauders era hcs
hes polyamorous & bi
absolutely enamored with lily & reg
the entire potter familys indian
looks exactly like euphemia but with fleamonts wild hair
refuses to use sleekeazy no matter how much his father begs him bc he says his hair adds character
actually really good in the kitchen and cooks for lily & regulus often (acts of service is his love language)
has the highest transfiguration marks of his whole year
genderfluid!!! her pronouns r she/he/they
hopelessly in love w/ remus
^^ extremely oblivious to that fact
fluent in french and hates it, tries not to speak it when he can
remus introduces them to muggle music and clothing which they immediately love
absolutely entranced by muggle movies and begs remus to take him to the theater every break
calls mcgonagall “minnie” to her chagrin
pansexual & welsh
in love w/ sirius for years & thought it was unrequited bc hes oblivious as well
best friends with lily
secretly plans most of the marauders pranks
uses his prefect privileges for pranks
has study dates w/ lily, peter, & regulus
close with his mother
his father is gone a lot for work but they have a good relationship
token cishet friend
gets embarrassed super easily
him & mary are really close friends
favorite subjects are herbology & charms, and he gets the highest marks out of the marauders in these classes
bisexual & polyamorous
irish w/ vitiligo
her hairs more auburn than red red
dating james & regulus
her & mary dated briefly in 5th year
has a bit of a temper and is easily angered
way taller than all her friends but still wears heels cuz they look good on her so fuck what everyone else thinks
shes welsh & yemeni
her real name is actually maryam
lesbian queen
thinks quidditch is dumb but goes to every game to support her friends
tells peter everything
fluent in arabic and welsh (her & remus like to gossip in welsh)
theyre genderqueer, pronouns are they/he
super close friends with sirius
^^ marls kissed sirius once and then quickly realized hes aromantic
in a qpr with dorcas <3 (before that they were quidditch rivals)
theyre gryffindors seeker
dyes his hair blonde religiously
theyre filipino & were adopted by their gay muggle dads when they were 3
didnt know they were magical until they got their hogwarts letter bc of the adoption
polyamorous, pan, and ace
dating pandora & xeno my beloveds
in a qpr w/ marlene
her mom is pureblood, her dad is muggleborn & the ancient runes teacher
has an older nby sibling named aster
in the same year as the marauders
one of the slytherin beaters
1000% a polyamorous pan trans man
dating lily & james
first befriended lily in the slug club
best friends w/ pandora
fluent in french and embraces it, mumbles to himself in french and slips french words into conversation
originally forces himself to dislike the marauders bc they “stole sirius” but begrudgingly starts liking them
hits it off w/ remus bc of their similarly dark & sarcastic humor
the hat originally wanted to sort him into ravenclaw but he asked for slytherin
shes a brazilian muggleborn
bisexual & polyamorous, dating xeno & dorcas :)
wears super chunky jewelry and huge glasses
hangs in the kitchens with regulus and is very friendly with the house elves
in the same year as reg but in ravenclaw
loves learning about everything magical she can, including “fake” creatures like nargles and blibbering humdingers
lovegood is her maiden name, xeno took it when they married
5th year prefect when the marauders were in 1st year
gryffindor quidditch chaser & captain until she graduated in 1974
friends with emmeline, frank, gideon, fabian, & bilius weasley
bisexual & dated narcissa for a few yrs until narcissa broke it off bc of her arranged marriage to lucius
her mom and dad are pieretta and florean fortescue, she helps them run the ice cream shop during summers
has a little sister named edith whose in a year above the marauders
very very short
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ala-baguette · 1 year
Ask few people to know their opinion Do you have any headcanons about lily Evans unnamed friends during hogwarts? It’s so frustrating that they’re mentioned but not even given names
I do, in fact, have some thoughts on this! Thanks for asking, Anon. I find the fact that Lily's friends remain unnamed quite telling, actually. I headcanon that Lily was quite popular among her peers-- we have enough evidence to show that she was pretty, smart, talented, brave, kind, and did not seem shy in the snatches we see of her-- those people tend to do well socially. And, of course, we see her with a collection of girl friends during Snape's Worst Memory. But I suspect that coming into Hogwarts with a pre-established relationship to Snape rather stunted her ability to make super close connections in the way the Marauders did. We might even compare her to Ginny with Tom Riddle's diary in that way.
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It is not at all uncommon for a kid thrust into a new environment to take the easy route and hang out with the person she already knew rather than to expend energy into making new friends. This could actually put her a step behind compared to those who arrived at Hogwarts without knowing anybody when it comes to making deeper friendships. Of course, with Lily and Snape in separate houses, both would naturally make new friends in their respective dormitories. But it seems her two social circles didn't mix. We know from Snape's memories in DH that Lily's other friends "can't understand why I even talk to you." So if Lily was budgeting time for Snape, that was at the expense of her time with her girl friends. Hagrid says he writes to the Potter's friends (pleural, so not just Remus) to ask for photographs to give to Harry, so it would seem that there were people who loved her enough to keep photos of her. But they were not so close that they felt a need to ever introduce themselves to Harry. So I headcanon Lily to have had a lot of friends, but few truly close *best* friends. I see a lot of names from canon taken and assigned to be Lily's close friends in fic. Anyone who knows my writing, knows that I am allll about giving life to random character names provided in canon. But I actually disagree with a lot of the ones people tend to pick. Not to disparage anyone else's headcanons; mostly these are just vibes and my stubborn refusal to expel my own previously established thoughts on these characters. So rather than tell you who I think Lily's friends were, here's who I am inclined to think they were not:
Alice Longbottom-- I highly doubt the Longbottoms were in the same year at school as Lily and James. I see them as at least a few years older. They were already well known and respected Aurors by the time they died, but if they went to school with Lily and James, that would have been just a few short years out of Hogwarts-- I just don't see that they would have had the time to establish that reputation. Especially for Alice as part of that time would have been while she was pregnant with Neville and likely on maternity leave. Lily and James were also very young when they had Harry, and I don't know that I care to think of this as the norm. So I don't love thinking that all their classmates were also popping out babies right out of Hogwarts.
Marlene McKinnon-- I headcanon the McKinnons to be older and Marlene to be more of a OotP mentor figure to Lily rather than a school friend. Yes, Lily was cut up over her death in the letter to Sirius. But Moody states "They got her whole family." The verbiage implies a sizable number of people were killed. So if she was the same age as Lily, are we really saying she already had a husband and multiple children? In which case, again, why is everyone having kids so young? Plus McKinnon would likely be a married name in that case. Or could we be talking parents and siblings? Bit old be to still be living at home.
Dorcas Meadows-- Honestly, this one is mostly vibes, but I imagine her to be older as well. It's just such an old-fashioned name, and if Voldemort killed her personally, i would presume she had spent ample time pissing him off enough to compel him to do so. I don't see Voldemort wasting his time with a twenty-year-old without a very good reason (such as a prophesy about his downfall).
Mary Macdonald-- Yes. I know, it's super odd for me to include Mary on this list, given that her friendship to Lily is one of the major plot points in Knowing Where to Look. I'll say I support Mary more than any of the above because we know for sure from canon that she was a Gryffindor at the time Lily was in school. This is why I chose her for KWTL. But my one reservation in her being a close friend to Lily is that Lily refers to her by her full name when talking to Snape. This isn't 100% to say they weren't friends, but it just seems to me that if they were super close, Lily wouldn't have had to clarify which Mary she was talking about when talking to Snape.
So in conclusion, I tend to just let her friends stay unnamed as they just never proved relevant to Harry's story. I'm not one to try to force every person from the Marauders era into the Order of the Phoenix or into the war with Voldemort. My inclination is to say that Lily likely had many friends in school, but very few with whom she was close enough to keep up with after leaving Hogwarts. This is not an uncommon story. Dunno about you, but I, for one, didn't maintain a great many friends from childhood after going off to uni.
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padfootastic · 1 year
I’m fairly ambivalent on Jily as a whole (most of my interest in the Marauders-era is for Sirius), but I have to admit, I kind of like the idea that James starts dating Lily and once it’s clear it’s serious and important to the both of them, Sirius just welcomes Lily into their group, into Sirius’s family (nobody can convince me Sirius didn’t use his friends as his family, especially once he left Grimmauld and got disowned). If James loves her and she loves James, then she’s family and Sirius will welcome her with open arms. Plus, I headcanon Lily as the kind of person who gets real snarky when she’s comfortable with someone and Sirius, frequently described as haughty and arrogant and who has the vibe of another snarky and sharp-tongued character, adores having a partner is snark; RIP anyone who gets on both of their bad sides, verbal evisceration is an understatement for what happens to them. Also, it’s funny to imagine that Sirius likes to aggravate James by saying Lily is his favorite Potter once they marry, because he’s just like that, even though everyone knows James is his absolute favorite person (I saw someone else say that, but Tumblr’s search function is terrible and I can’t find it anymore, hopefully I’ll find it soon). Plus, he and Lily both understand the whole “my sibling is a horrible person, they hate me, but I can’t help but love them regardless, because for years we were each other’s closest friends and I will never be able to forget all our history” thing, which is something the others, as only children, can never truly understand. But anyways, I just really like to think that once Sirius knows the Jily relationship is important to James and Lily, and James won’t get his heart shattered, he’s immediately accepting Lily into their little group. Biggest surprise at Hogwarts was when other students saw Sirius and Lily talking in Seventh Year because Sirius only really talks to James, Remus, and Peter; there’s the time some other kid insulted Lily and it turns out Sirius has a unique ability to tear someone apart with words alone and without ever raising his voice
dude, the way we’re literally on the same wavelength with this. i’ve talked about this in a couple older posts before, but i genuinely think s & l are so similar (and i have a very barebones prongsfoot fic in my drafts where j&s never meet and sirius is best friend w lily based off this exact assumption) and once they get let all the the awkwardness and problems, they’d be really good friends ykno? (it’s another reason why a triad works but not a s/l couple which is a random tangent lol)
and like. yeah. lily is accepted into sirius’ inner circle (lol) but imo, that only happens after he’s fully confirmed that she’s not here to hurt his james. that is the most important bit. i’ve kinda included this in shovel talk but i feel like, as canon stands, sirius would put her thru the wringer to make sure she’s good enough before he fully accepts her. and once he does, he’s all in. no questions asked.
and of course, james is in heaven. his two favourite people ever getting baking as well as they do, sometimes at the expense of his own self? he can’t be happier.
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halfoftwelve · 2 years
Fic-O-Ween day 3!
This is mostly dialogue and chaos but it’s fun dialogue and chaos.
A Potter family trip to the apple orchard wasn't complete without Uncle Padfoot and Loops, and therefore Jules. And also Dumo and his kids, including Logan and his boys. And one of their brothers and his two. And Thomas.
So a trip that was meant to be three became eighteen, and Lily couldn't find it in herself to care. This was her family and she couldn't be happier. The boys were busy chasing the kids and lifting them up so they could reach the tops of the trees. Pascal was picking apples to bring home to Celeste so she could make a pie. James, Sirius, and Remus were busy keeping both Harry and Jules busy, which was far too endearing.
Adele had been practically glued to her and Natalie all day, and honestly, it was making Lily think about more children.
"Corn maze! Corn maze! Corn maze!" Katie shrieked, running to her father.
It was the only thing she'd wanted to do, after seeing the ponies. 
"Sirius said it's time!"
Pascal, and everyone else, looked to where Sirius was biting back a grin, while also hanging Harry half over his shoulder. Remus, Lily noted, had never looked so fond.
"Did he?"
"I've told you before I can't say no to her, Dumo, it's your fault," Sirius said, placing Harry back on his feet.
Harry had started chanting with Katie, Marc and Louis joined in, and then Jules. 
"Alright, alright, to the corn maze children."
Remus didn't know that a corn maze was meant to be a competition, but according to the O'Hara brothers, it meant war. This was how Remus found himself on a team with eight others. While it made sense to split into groups, as eighteen people trying to go through a maze would be chaos, he wasn't sure about the competition part of it.
There was only one way to go, so wouldn't they just keep running into each other?
"Loops, that's the point! Where's the fun without a bit of trash talk?" Finn told him after Remus said as much.
"There's kids here, O'Hara," Natalie commented.
"So we keep it PG, and we do the little scavenger hunt. That's where the real fun is."
Remus was a little disappointed that his own brother hadn't wanted to be on his team, or his boyfriend. But the O'Haras and Dumais children had reminded him that sibling rivalry was as good a motivator as any.
"Wait I think we should go that way," Lily said, pointing to the path towards the left.
Finn stopped next to her, "it's definitely to the right. You always go to the right."
"And that is how you lose, little bro," Alex said, walking past with his own team behind him. They went to the left
"Shut up, you idiot," Finn said back. Remus heard Logan laugh from where he was walking past, and Leo snicker from behind him.
"Yo, Harz, don't talk to my man like that," Kasey said, reaching forward to grab Alex's hand.
Natalie jumped in, "yeah, don't talk to our man like that."
"We're on the same team, Nat," Finn said back.
"I don't care."
This was already far too much, and they hadn't even gotten into the maze. 
Remus had been hoping, secretly, that he would have been able to sneak off with Sirius and get some of the hot cider that was being sold. Sirius, however, seemed to be too far gone to pull him away from this.
"How does it feel to be on the losing team, Re?" He said, walking past.
"Yeah, Re?" Julian parroted. 
Remus there his hands up and let them fall back with a slap against his thighs.
James and Pascal both laughed at him. Thomas jostled his shoulder and snickered.
Alex wouldn't admit it, but they were definitely lost. The goal had been to get to the closest checkpoint, but well, he was fairly certain it was supposed to be right where they were standing.
Alex looked at Kasey slowly, who was obviously holding back a laugh.
"I have no idea where we are."
"What?" Three voices echoed. Logan, James, Sirius.
It was almost comical, the way their heads turned to him, and each of the children's that followed. Harry was on James shoulders, an action mirrored by Katie and Logan. Julian was on Sirius' back, but dropped down to pull out his own map. Marc went over to look at it with him.
"I joined your team because you said you always won, don't tell me I left my lovers just to lose," Logan said, leaning over to look at the map in Alex's hands.
"We're not losing. We don't know how to lose," Sirius said.
"What Cap said," James announced, using Harry's little finger to trace a path on their map.
Marc and Jules walked past all of them, drawing their attention, "this way," Marc said. So they went.
Lily was going to rip that red hair right out of Finn O'Hara's big head.
"Are you blind?" 
"He does use reading glasses," Leo called from the back of the group.
"Baby we're on the same team," Finn turned to him. "I told you though, always go right."
"O'Hara, if we go left it takes us straight to the third checkpoint."
Thank god for Natalie Darcy, at least someone could see some sense. Adele agreed with them too, though that was likely more to just agree than anything.
They'd already got to the first two checkpoints, punching out the little numbers on their card, and reading the little story for Louis, who didn't actually seem that interested. Granted he was ten, but he was the only child with them. Except for Adele, who definitely wouldn't admit she found it fun.
At every turn they had a debate, and every time Finn said to go right, and he was only correct half of those times.
Remus and Thomas were making jokes each time, Leo and Pascal were trailing at the back of the group, and Louis was playing on his father's phone.
And yet, Lily loved it. Every minute of it.
Sirius wouldn't admit it, but there was no possible way they were winning. They'd been in this maze for nearly fifteen minutes and hadn't checked any of the boxes. The kids were beginning to whine, and they were staring at a wall of corn.
"You said this way, little Dumo," Kasey said to Marc, who just shrugged.
"Alright team, I'll be honest. We kind of suck, so any ideas?" Alex said.
Sirius huffed, "that was a shit pep-talk O'Hara."
"Kids, Padfoot, seriously," James said, hands over Harry's ears.
"Not all of us can be the youngest captain, Black," Alex turned to him, "feel free to help out any time."
"Actually, I think you've got it O'Hara. Never been so inspired in my life," Sirius said, falling back next to Logan. He'd never done a corn maze before, and honestly was losing the appeal of it quickly.
"I feel like this would be more fun with alcohol."
"You are absolutely right, T," Remus replied.
"As if we don't have enough entertainment from the redheads up there," Leo said from behind them.
Finn and Lily had both declared themselves team leaders it seemed, which had definitely become the chaos Remus had imagined. 
They were over halfway through the maze, and making pretty good time. Though, that was likely more to do with the fact the Finn was practically running. Well, that, and the fact that it wasn't really Lily or Finn leading them, it was Leo and Pascal.
Each time the group at the front disagreed, Leo or Pascal became the voice of reason. It was usually a quick, "alright, this way." Or, "I'm going this way, follow or don't."
Remus was also pretty sure he'd heard them betting against their own team. Really, Remus agreed with them. But there was also a part of him determined to beat Sirius and Julian.
They were on track again, had even completed two of the ten checkpoints. Though, it had already been more than twenty minutes, so they weren't really on track. Kasey had taken over for most of that, his calm helping them.
Now though...
Alex was struggling to keep calm himself.
There was three ways they could go, and everyone was talking at once.
"Left. I say left." Logan was looking wistfully down the pathway.
"No, Tremzy!" Katie yelled.
Jules and Marc were talking to each other at the back of the group, momentarily forgetting about the maze.
"Pretty confident it's straight," Kasey said.
"You're certainly not," Sirius chirped.
"Like you can talk, Black," Alex responded.
"None of us are," Logan quipped.
James spluttered, "are you forgetting about me?” His hands splayed in front of him, child giggling on his shoulders.
The other four men looked at each other, then said together, "no."
James squinted at all of them, shrugged, then stepped forward into the middle path. Straight it was then.
Finn was going to win one way or the other, and he would absolutely not admit that it was because of Lily Evans-Potter. Maybe she was right, so what? He'd never said he was good at corn mazes or following directions. And the other guys certainly were no help. He was fairly certain Leo had bet against him.
But, on the bright side, all there was left to do now was get out. After one small stop.
"We have to find them," he announced.
"What, why?" Lily responded immediately.
"To scare them."
"Oh!" Natalie's face lit up as she said it.
"Now this I can get behind," Thomas announced.
"I'm in," Remus said.
"Can I scare Marc?" Adele asked.
"No I want to scare Marc!" Louis said, actually looking away from the game he was playing.
"Cool, let's go."
Yeah, they were definitely losing. There was no possible way this team was getting anywhere. The kids had started complaining early on, and it was beginning to become sad. Sirius had already taken off his jacket and hoodie, the sun bright and no breeze to cool them. They'd gotten maybe five of the checkpoints, Sirius wasn't sure, he'd stopped caring long ago.
He was carrying Harry now, James' shoulder had started acting up again, and frankly, he needed some entertainment. His eyes flitted between Jules and Marc and the path they were walking down. 
It wasn't all that bad, though. He hadn't had time to just be since summer, and he was doing it with all of his people. Of course, half of them were somewhere else in this godforsaken trap, but they were still here. 
This was nice, and even if the kids weren't enjoying it anymore, at least he got to spend time with them.
"Hey Jules, what are we going to tell Remus when we get out?" He said over his shoulder. 
There wasn't an answer, se he glanced back, "Jules?"
Except Jules wasn't there, and neither was Marc. Sirius' heart dropped, his hands got just a little tighter around Harry's. "Jules? Marc?"
The others stopped where they were in front of him, James walked over.
"They were just right behind me," he whispered.
There was an uneasy silence that followed, as Sirius scanned the area.
"Maybe they just went down a different path..." it was Logan.
No, that wasn't right. Neither of the boys would do that, not without saying something. Had he missed it?
"They wouldn't—”
There were shouts all around them, bodies running out of the corn. There was Jules, right next to a laughing Remus. And Marc with his own family. Despite being startled, Sirius was relieved. 
Then, all at once, the other team took off in a full sprint away from them, leaving Sirius' own team shaken.
Slowly, after realizing what had gone down, and ignoring Marc and Jules laughing on the ground, they looked to Alex O'Hara.
His head tipped back and he groaned, then said, "oh thank god."
Again, they all looked at one another. Kasey spoke up, "babe?"
"They've finished it. We can get out of this fu-- freaking corn."
A collective sigh went up, and they turned on their heel and walked the same direction the others ran.
Lily hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. Her, Natalie, and Adele were still giggling together when the others came out of the maze.
Alex went over to Finn, putting him into a headlock and rubbing his head, "finally beat me, little man."
"Get off me," Finn yelped, grabbing for Leo. Logan was laughing as he went over to them.
Kasey pulled Natalie into a kiss, which made Adele grimace. Alex shouted for them, which made them both smile.
Pascal gathered his children up, insisting they take a selfie for their mother. Adele rolled her eyes but was still the one to hold up the phone.
Thomas and Remus were still talking together when Sirius walked over.
"You've had my boyfriend long enough, T, time to get your own."
Thomas mocked offense, and Remus grinned, "how does it feel to be on the losing team, baby?"
When Sirius scowled Remus pulled him down for a kiss.
"Little Loops, how does it feel knowing you almost made the Captain cry?" Thomas said.
"That's not fair, T, he was worried."
They were laughing together, in their little group.
James came over, Harry holding his hand and smiling at Lily. 
"Hi Mama!"
"Hi baby," she knelt to pick him up. Then leaned in and kissed her husband, "beat you."
"No, I'm definitely winning," he kissed her again, again, again.
There was laughter around them, and love surrounding their little group, which was certainly not so little. She's never been happier to have such a big family.
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tinyluminaryzombie · 11 months
This Hope is Treacherous Chapter 3
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Just finished Chapter 3!! Read the newest chapter of my @jilymicro-oops, This Hope is Treacherous here
(Chapter 1: read on ao3 or read on tumblr)
(Chapter 2: read on ao3 or read on tumblr)
Indeed. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
“Sirius. No. Of course not,” Lily coughs out. Of course, the first person to call her out on her gigantic crush on James was his best friend. This day is going perfectly.
“Sure, Evans.” Sirius pauses for a moment before continuing, “You know I won’t tell him, right? Like don’t get me wrong, this is the news of the century—Evans don’t look at me like that—but I feel pushing you won’t get us anywhere. And besides, everyone deserves some level of privacy and secrecy.”
Damn, Lily thinks. He’s making it so difficult to be mad. It’s quite unfortunate, really.
“I’ll take someone of those culinary confections now.”
With re-heated French Toast and fresh coffee, they plopped down on the couch. Between bites, Lily glances at Sirius, who looked like he was waiting to say something.
“I texted James. He’ll be here soon.”
“You texted James.”
“About me being here?”
She huffed, wanting more information than just a one-word answer.
“You came here looking for James. While you’re obviously not about to confess your undying love, there’s clearly something going on. And I know we’re chill but this seems like it might need James’s trademark comfort, rather than pithy jokes.”
Huh. Damn. She’d been friends with Remus way before she and James were even friendly. And then, this past year, James became one of her best friends. But she never knew how Sirius felt about her. Like, Lily knew Sirius didn’t hate her, but wasn’t sure if it went more than ambivalence. And now, Sirius just summoned his best friend for her.
“It’s my sister. She told me not to come home for break. Three months ago, she got married and I only found out on accident when my mom let it slip.”
This was good. Telling someone, even if it wasn’t James.
“Ahhh. Yeah, siblings, family. Hate them, love them, it’s all a mess...I haven’t seen my brother, my biological brother, in two years. The last time we talked, he called to inform me our father died.”
“Damn Black, aren’t we just a bed of roses?” Lily chews on her food, trying to figure out what to say next.
At the same time, James bursts through the door, several takeout boxes in hand.
“Mom insisted we ordered extra for leftovers, but that also meant walking up four flights of stairs like this!” James sits the boxes on the counter, turning towards the couch with a gentle smile. “Hey Lils, you okay?”
“Wait, sorry? Did you leave breakfast with your mom because Sirius texted you?” She said, nearly saying because I needed you instead.
James sighs, quickly fixing himself a cup of tea. “We were wrapping up anyway. But yeah, of course I did, Lily.”
At that, her eyes flicker up, meeting James’s. She knows she needs to move or say something. But she just can’t. This small moment feels big. He’s about six feet away and it shouldn’t be this clear of a picture but Lily’s brain seemingly adds all the little details she knows are there. The group of freckles on the bridge of his nose. The tight curl of hair by his ear. The small birthmark under his jaw.
Sirius clears his throat, startling both of them. “Well, I’m just gonna go, so...yeah,” he mumbles, and walks towards his bedroom.
Lily and James both chuckle nervously. He grabs his mug of tea and sits down on the couch (significantly closer to her than Sirius was).
“Lily, what’s going on?” He whispers.
It’s all too much. The email. The wedding. Sirius baiting her and finding out. James being this soft and kind and beautiful.
“Petunia texted me this morning,” Lily whispers back. She’s not sure what happened. A few minutes before, she was able to talk about it without getting emotional. But that was with Sirius. And  with James, everything is softer and rawer. He knows more, about her history and how she reacts. Lily can’t hide with him and she would never try.
James wraps an arm around her and Lily feels her shoulders drop a little. “They don’t want me to come back. They don’t want me,” she says with staggered breaths. In turn, James just holds her tighter. Her head falls in between his shoulder and neck. They stay for a while, a combination of sustained silences and emotional rants filling the room.
After, James pulls out ice cream from the freezer. They don’t mention how he just held her. But he warms up chocolate sauce and invites her to his parent’s for winter break.
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welivetodream · 2 years
Thoughts on Harry Potter Ships (Disclosure: DO NOT attack me if I give some unpopular opinions or hate your favourite ship, it doesn't matter because this is only just an opinion and shipping is subjective.) (PS: my thoughts on this might change later) (Also this is not in any particular order)
Ron×Hermione: looveee it!!! This is one of those relationships that you see coming and are waiting till it happens. These two complement each other wonderfully. Their banter is realistic. Their fights are realistic. And they just care about each other even when they are fighting or not talking.
Harry×Ginny: did I see it coming? No. I didn't really notice Ginny till the 4th book. And I love Ginny as a character. She is also very much Harry's type being pretty and good at quidditch (ex: Cho, Draco, Cedric...etc). They are kinda okay. I don't dig much in their relationship, they don't have the sparks of Romione but they are still a good healthy couple.
Harry×Cho: um....they were not ready to date. They were not compatible. Could have worked out if Cho was in a more emotionally stable mindset and if Harry wasn't a huge oblivious dork.
Lavender×Ron: One word. Cringe.
Draco×Hermione: .....NO. JUST NO. I don't think Hermione would ever date someone like Draco. And knowing Draco, he will never date someone like Hermione. They might become friends later, but no, their pairing is too toxic.
Draco×Harry: ....now as I hate Dramione it might seem like I would hate Drarry. But....Drarry low-key rocks. They do have chemistry. More than Harry has with anyone literally. It's just a ship I really like despite all the toxicity it will have if it happened. It's better than Dramione since Harry and Draco are more of equals in terms of badmouthing eachother (both of them have insulted eachother's mothers for example)
Harry×Hermione: one word. Gross. It's like shipping siblings. Harry says in DH “She’s like my sister, I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It’s always been like that. I thought you knew.” I hate she-who-must-not be named later said she wished they ended up together. No.
Ron×Luna: an unusual ship that a lot of people like including me. I did see some moments where they are lowkey crushing on eachother, especially Luna, but it's not huge.
Neville×Luna: another good ship, but the problem is the Neville in the books never showed any romantic interest towards Luna and did she (as much as I remmember) It's something the movies added.
Ginny×Luna: super cute but no canon info about that. It's still something better than a lot of other popular ships.
Snape×Lily: I can't go with this one....my thoughts on Snape are more on the bad side than good. I just don't think Lily should have liked him after he called her mudblood and became a death eater. (It's like a Nazi loving a Jew. Does not work out). I have no feelings towards James. He doesn't get much personality other than being a bully and later a hero. Snape had 6 books about how big of a douche he is...so No to Snily.
Remus×Sirius: AKA WOLFSTAR!!! Ofc I love it. Who doesn't? It's like the SHIP after Romione. They just feel like a married couple whenever they are together. Just *chef's kiss*
SiriusxSnape: are you Sirius?
Hermione×Snape: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I am calling the police.
Harry×Snape: Double NOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY? JUST WHY? Who hurt you?
Tonks×Lupin: yep. Good one. They are cute. They spolier (died) too young.
(I didn't talk about all the ships just the one I remembered at the moment I could write a part 2 later)
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elvendorx · 1 year
Alright, discovering your meta after YEARS outta the loop with the HP-verse, please forgive my ignorance. I'm curious why there's so much interest in Lily and Regulus being friends? I just don't get it. A lot of your reasoning of them being from families with the same sibling structure makes sense but that could be applied to a Lily and Sirius friendship as well but there doesn't seem to be much interest in that pairing. It makes more sense to me that Lily and Sirius would eventually bond over not being especially close to their respective siblings--evidence that they were friends is the letter found in Grimmauld by Harry, and there's no blood supremacy down that path as there would be with Regulus. It just seems like Lily's ideological friction with Snape would be repeated with Regulus and wouldn't necessarily beget more growth from either character. So please, help me understand as a long lost HP reader, what I'm missing. Thank you!
Hi! No need to apologise, I'm fairly out of the loop HP-wise because I generally stick to circles of things I like - so I'm very interested and quite surprised to hear that there's a lot of interest in Lily and Regulus as friends?? I filter out James/Lily, James/Regulus and Sirius/Remus so if it ties into any of those (I mean I know jegulily is a thing which is why I filter the first two when I'm looking for regulily) then I just won't have come across it because that's not my angle.
Firstly, I would say don’t worry about not getting it. The HP world is huge and the fandom is huge so there’s a niche for like, everyone. I pretty much exclusively revolve within Marauder era stuff and there’s still so much within that sphere that I don’t get and don’t like. A lot of it is about filling in gaps and looking at potential rather than anything concrete and that 100% goes for Regulus and Lily interacting. It’s the potential for it to go either way and it’s a new perspective to “test” these two characters through while being plausible enough because they have people in common and were around at the same time.
Lily/Regulus is speculative whereas Lily & Sirius is a friendship we know existed positively, so I completely agree that Lily and Sirius would talk about their families and their siblings. I do think it's interesting that Sirius barely talks about Lily even though we have that letter from Lily to Sirius, and I also wonder quite how close they were. I think it’s assumed often that they were very close, and I absolutely think that Lily and Sirius liked each other and respected each other but I don't know if we have enough to completely persuade me that they would be close friends without James as a link. One of the main motives of Lily’s letter is come and see James he misses you. But I’m not refuting that they were friends or close or anything, I think it’s interesting to wonder where exactly their friendship falls as it always used to be written as exclusively very very positive.
From what I remember of gen marauders fandom, especially jily fandom, Sirius & Lily was fairly common and Sirius was "Jily's biggest shipper" or whatever, when really I don't think Sirius actually gave a shit lmao. He doesn’t care at all when Lily rejects James in SWM. I don’t think Sirius would emotionally invest himself in any potential relationships, especially on behalf of the person who isn’t James lmao. Also I remember a lot of fics where Sirius gave James shit for treating Lily badly (by like having another girlfriend because lily told him to fuck off again and he was supposed to know that she secretly liked him, idk jily is not my bag) or something when actually Sirius was James' biggest enabler, thanks.
Again I don’t know how much of lily&regulus and lily&sirius is actually around these days but I’d guess that if there is more lily/regulus, it's because there's no tension with Sirius and Lily so there’s less room for speculation whereas with Lily and Regulus there would definitely be tension and friction, and there are lots of gaps to be filled, more room to explore without being entirely disconnected from the characters and world that are familiar to us.
I think maybe Lily/Regulus occupies the space between Lily & Snape's friendship and Lily & Sirius', if that makes sense? They both provide the basis for Lily tolerating Regulus, as a less than morally sound person. I can’t remember if I mentioned it in the other ask about Lily/Regulus but Lily has a pattern of tolerating “horrible boys” (James, Snape, Sirius) and overlooking things where she wants to so I don’t think she’s as black and white as to completely dismiss Regulus straight off, she almost seems to do it on a case by case basis so she is susceptible to bias (talked about it a bit here).
The ideological friction is a huge part of the pairing, and again I think because the friction isn't there with Sirius but it's very much there with Snape, Regulus provides a kind of middle-ground where Lily's reaction can be explored. We know enough about both characters to speculate without being prescriptive, there's room to play, room to explore, but there's recognition there. Lily could go either way with Regulus - her relationship with Sirius could play a part in her treatment of him, is she sympathetic because it's her friend's younger brother, or does she see him in the same way she sees Snape? Does her sympathy with Regulus create tension in her friendship with Sirius? Lots of potential, if potential and character dynamics and character studies are things you’re interested in (which I am, so they work fantastically for me).
We have Regulus  whose turnaround with Voldemort and the Death Eaters is very short (so is Snape's, really, he was only 21 when he changed sides) but we don't see Regulus' allegiance to Voldemort in detail whereas we do get unsavoury aspects of Snape in detail which maybe just makes Regulus more palateable. We see a pretty conclusive end to lily and snape, it’s a situation she’s tired of, she’s voiced her concerns and things don’t change, so I think there’s a lack of respect element to that more than just ideological, it’s personal as well. Whereas Lily and Regulus don’t have that history and often by the time they interact Regulus is “redeemed” so she doesn’t have to fight with an ongoing ideological difference, more a historical one and whether she can really trust that he has changed (full accountability for the teenage death eater tho, pls, I don’t vibe with a forced into it Regulus but I do vibe with the small reasons that built up to him making the decision to join that weren’t purely admiration of Voldemort). But also there are a lot of muggle regulus/lily things which are based on their characters rather than the canon plot.
I don't think there's much more I can say without repeating my previous post about Lily & Regulus - it's the potential, more than exact details. I like both characters individually which is why I'm drawn to them together, plus they're both linked closely with james&sirius who are my favs always, but I'd say most lily/regulus enjoyers I've seen are more commonly from the snape side of things?
But I'm very intrigued by the fandom norms around this - what is the lily/regulus goss? Has Sirius & Lily as background besties dropped off? lmk because i stay in my j/s circle and i make liberal use of filters and blacklists so I know nothing about wider fandom (probably for the greater good of everyone else on the internet).
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