#let them ignore that part in ck please
ariadnethedragon · 1 year
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SHADOW AND BONE 2.06 — Ni Weh Sesh (I Have No Heart)
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charliedawn · 1 year
(is it alright if I send a request?! Feel free to ignore this if not. I've heard there are some new rules regarding that?) So what if their s/o had to travel somewhere outside the country/state (could be something work/family related) for like a week or so, which Slashers would take it the hardest/easiest (basically who has separation anxiety and who is chill lol)?! Hopefully this makes sense, sorry for bad english?! I have a feeling Brahms (and maybe Jason) are in the first category, but your stories are always full of suprises so 🤷
Mature themes mentioned. You've been warned.
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Jason would be the worst when it comes to abandonment issues. He would be too afraid of you leaving him forever.
He'd come up with various excuses to make you stay.
He'd wrap his arms around you and refuse to let you go. The man is touch-starved. He'd beg to come with you.
If you didn't let him ? Well...I think he'd be miserable.
Jason *whines and cries against your shoulder while holding you close* : "Stay. Please. Stay."
For him, to speak takes tremendous effort—so when he does ? That means it is important.
Do not leave the poor man alone without anything to contact you with, or you'd come back to a mess. He'd have turned the whole house into a target practice.
And believe me, you don't want to be in the way of his machete...
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Brahms would be close second after Jason. He'd make you stay by any means necessary.
Brahms *breathes heavily* : "DO NOT LEAVE ME !"
His parents told him they would be gone for only a few days—but they never came back.
He wouldn't let you do the same.
He tried to get Greta to stay, but it failed. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
Brahms *grabs you and groans* : "If you leave me, I'll find you...I'll find you, Y/N."
The way he uttered your name made you shiver. Brahms would be close to a break down if you were gone for a few minutes. Imagine his state if it was for more than a few days ?
The moment you got back, he'd be borderline hysterical and crush you in a bear hug—crying and sobbing for you to never leave him again.
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Bo has serious abandonment issues as well but—unlike Brahms or Jason—he would be more radical in his ways to make you stay.
Bo *grabs your arm and grits his teeth* "OH NO YOU DON'T !"
Bo was hated by his mother and it only aggravated his loneliness until he became...well...very self-centred and afraid of the pain.
The moment he gets attached to someone—their freedom is of no interest to him whatsoever.
Bo would rather tackle you to the ground, attach you or even have sex with you for you not to leave him.
That redneck isn't a quitter. Good luck trying to make him stay away.
Yeah...He's not going to cry, but you might. Sorry.
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And in the category worse abandonment issues we also have Vincent. Of course the other twin wouldn't be very far from the first.
Vincent is...gentler than Bo ? He wasn't hated by his family. He was actually rather liked.
So, his wouldn't be as bad—but still.
There is a reason he wanted to make all his wax statues from actual people. He is scared of being lonely...He likes to be surrounded.
And since all the people in his town treated him and his family as freaks—he couldn't make a lot of connections apart to his brothers.
He was lonely. And hence, he'd be afraid to lose the only person he ever cared about than them. You.
So, he'd be very hesitant to let you go and try to make you stay with gifts and soft touches. Try to make you understand how much you mean to him before eventually letting you go. Just so you know that you'd be taking a part of him with you.
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You might be surprised, but Pennywise belongs to the category of the slashers who would be very upset by the lack of physical proximity.
Indeed, even though he hates physical touch, he is still clingy when it comes to the presence of the people he loves—one of the reasons why he stays with Penny.
So, he'd be upset, a little bit more moody than usual without you around. He'd be constantly looking at the road and unconsciously hoping you'd come back.
Pennywise *sighs deeply to himself* : "Come on, you old clown...Don't be so stupid. Come on. Stop thinking about...about..."
He'd fight against his inner demons and believe that you'd come back on your own...until the very end.
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"...Oh, you're leaving, human ?"
Surprisingly enough, Penny isn't as clingy as people think he is.
He does like physical contact a lot and would be very sad to see you go, but he also knows he is a god and would be able to get to you whatever happens.
Penny is confident in his abilities, maybe too much.
So, he'd keep a smile on and giggle while waving to you when you go.
But, remember...
He's always watching.
You try to escape ? He'd know.
And he'd hunt you down. He'd make you regret ever trying to escape. He'd drag you back if he has to.
Penny *giggles darkly* : "Aww...Poor poor Y/N. Don't look so sad. We'll be together forever. Isn't that what we wanted ?"
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Freddy would take it badly, but old habits die hard. He'd find a way to blame you and move on...no matter what.
"Ya think you can hurt me, huh ? Well, I've got news for you, ~sweetheart. You can go. I can always find ya a replacement."
Douchebag attitude is Freddy's defense mechanism.
You want to leave ? Fine. He'll find a way to fill the hole. Booze. Brothels. Chaos...
Whatever he can do, he'll do. Freddy needs a moral compass in order to stay in check. You and Michael fill that position.
But, if you're gone ? Then, Freddy would be missing an important part of his functioning mechanism and would go back to his old ways.
He'd be lost. Trying to find himself all the wrong ways all over again...
For his safety and others, make sure to remind him that you care for him from time to time—especially if you're going somewhere he can't follow.
And be sure to invite him into your dreams from time to time. 😉
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Michael would remain himself. He'd watch you go and stay impassive. Because he knows it wouldn't change a thing.
He expects you to never come back. It would be better.
Every time he takes a knife in his hand, he wouldn't find that tingling feeling...the little voice in his head telling him to kill you.
He wouldn't be so afraid of hurting you every single day. He wouldn't have to lock his door every night because he's afraid he might wake up with your blood on his hands.
He'd even tense up when you come back.
You *smile when you see him* : "Well, hello there. Missed me ?"
Michael : "..."
You *smile falter* : "Oh...Well, okay then."
Michel *slowly approaches you and slowly hugs you*
He did miss you. He just didn't know how to tell you...or stop himself from grabbing the kitchen knife and plunging it into your heart over and over.
Michael would die before hurting you, but it doesn't mean he isn't a slasher. Or that your love for him isn't dangerous.
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Arthur would put his feelings aside and try to appear cruel.
"You think I care ? ~Oh, sweetie. I've spent most of my life caring about people. Not anymore. Not ever again...So, if you want to leave me ? Go ahead. There's the door."
You have to understand, Arthur has been hurt most of his life...by life itself.
He was never lucky. He never had any friends. He was basically alone most of his life.
He wouldn't want to be kept down, and so wouldn't want the same for you. He understands the need to leave. More than anyone else.
He'd prefer you leave than stay and be miserable—like he was. So, he would never stop you from leaving, no matter if there was a risk you wouldn't come back.
Arthur *smiles and holds your hand* "...Please. Don't let me stop you. Be free."
If you want to leave ? He won't stop you.
Because that's how much he loves you.
He'd let you have your freedom. No matter what.
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"I'm going out.", you said.
"Have fun, honey.", he replied. He didn't even look up from his newspapers.
"I may be out for a couple of days.", you added—waiting for a reaction.
"Sure. I'll be right here when you come back.", he answered and smiled—but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Jack is a ghost. He doesn't really have feelings anymore and can sound cold sometimes. But, it's not because he doesn't care. It's just he knows what it is to have responsibilities.
He failed at being human—and he wouldn't want the same for you.
He would of course be worried that you'd leave forever, but honestly ? He'd be happy to let you live your life as you intend.
He doesn't have abandonment issues.
Matter-of-fact, he's the one who leaves most of the time. Of course, he wouldn't want your relation to stop so suddenly and would prefer you to come clear to him.
He wouldn't get mad, but he'd feel a little more dull and emotionless inside.
He'd become even more of a ghost than he was—but wouldn't let you see.
Jack *smiles before you close the door* : "...Bring back a souvenir, alright ? Something...something nice."
And that would probably be the only attempt he'd do to hint that he wants you to come back.
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r0w0fie · 1 year
Update on the CK situation:
I'm shocked I'm saying this but, instead of Carnivorekitty giving it some time to settle down & to use that time to grow . . He just deleted/deactivated his art accounts???
His Tumblr has been deactivated & his Ck twitter account has been seemingly deleted. The Lurking for Love twitter account is still up.
Edit 2: his art twitter is still up but the tag have been changed & the account privated. Any use of the direct link to the old tag doesn't work, hence why I thought it was possibly deleted.
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He has changed his now deactivated Tumblr name to "don't make your fanbase on here" which says alot . . .
His Carrd has also been cleared out, including the Toyhouse account. Although his Ko-fi & Itchio are still up. You can see a preview to the old links in the second screenshot below.
Edit 1: his carrd has also been deleted now
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He has renamed his previous Carnivorekitty twitter account to yeehawcrow and has privated it.
The background image was changed after the situation. This is just another jab at his fanbase, same as all his other account name changes.
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His Niwi account, the one with the transphøbia & -ism interactions, is still up but has been privated.
The name change is still up which shows that he still stands by his views. Do with that info as you will, just no harassment towards said account please & thanks.
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I hope this is the last time I have to say anything or update people on the issue.
Some personal thoughts & feelings under the cut ⬇️
I am now further disappointed with Tom. I do not know if he said anything before deactivating, like a farewell or a "will be back eventually".
If he had of simply given it some time, let the dust settle, realign his mental state and then try to figure out why this was so hurtful to his fanbase. He could of had a chance to return & continue on; if he wanted too.
Of course, not everyone would be happy to see him return. Not everyone would even interact with his accounts or be willing to be in the fandom again. But it was still an option, especially if he uses this as a learning opportunity, not just for past fans or present fans, but for himself.
I personally won't be supporting Tom unless some serious growth & acknowledgment is shown. Unfortunately, I don't think thats going to happen any time soon due to the examples & links above. It might never happen or it might take months/years.
I hope Tom is safe & I hope everyone else is safe aswell. Make sure to look after yourselves & reach out to those you trust if you're not doing too hot xx
For now I will change my hyperfocus from Jacob & co onto other games & characters. It hurts to do so but there are so many good peeps out there & we shouldn't be afraid to trust them. I hug anyone who now is because of this situation 🫂
I will forever be into Milo (@/solarchaotica's oc) & will be getting back into LoveLock so I can bully my fave character Walter even tho Seb is the fan fave lol
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My personal feelings on all of this? It's shitty.
People defending all of the horrible evidence, without saying they don't agree with aspects of these "questionable" simply because they want to defend CK; is shitty.
People putting things in other people's mouths, is shitty.
People burying their heads in the sand because they want to ignore it all; is shitty.
People giving excuses, even excuses as to why they are ignoring this issue or ignoring certain parts of this issue, is shitty.
People who genuinely support these types of beliefs, only joined in because they're genuinely phobic & aren't even in the L4L/murdersim community; is shitty. (& Yes I've seen it happen)
People who harrass anyone involved, Tom himself, is shitty.
People who use this as evidence to defend other past users actions, is shitty.
People who lash out their hurt through nasty words & ill wishes upon others, is shitty.
People who say anything about Tom or others ky$-ing themselves, are super mega shitty like wtf??? Don't do that???? I only saw one person but still????
It's all just super mega shitty and I hate it so much and it hurts so much to see other people be so so hurt and just aaahshsgskxbdjfb. I cried the first day, not because of my personal feelings, but because of others talking openly about how hurt this made them. Seeing my friends be hurt. Strangers be hurt. Mutuals be hurt. I could still cry if I let myself dwell on it for too long.
I wish things could of ended up better. When I posted on the situation I tried to tell peeps to keep an open mind & to look after themselves. I just hope this is a learning experience for alot of people.
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laismoura-art · 11 months
You know what's funny to me? How Brazil is all about football. Like, we were once The Country of Football.
We take the World Cup seriously! The country literally stops and drops everything for it! The days Brazil played in the World Cup were treated as HOLIDAYS. There were breaks and days off, so people of all ages could watch the games.
And even people like me, who couldn't care less about football, cares for the Cup! I dress yellow/blue during the games, and I cheer on every goal!
Football is in our blood!
And YET! We literally have to BEG for men to watch the Female World Cup! To support and cheer for the girls!
They dare say the Female National Team is "amateur" compared to the Male NT, when we literally have Marta on the female team! The woman is literally one of the best football players in the world! Considered the best SIX TIMES!
The latest Brazilian game was on Monday, and there were no days off. Some schools were kind enough to let the children take a longer break and watch the game. But that's nothing compared to the whole event we make out of the Male World Cup.
And the worst part? We WON! 4x0 victory! And the game was BEAUTIFUL!! And we still get to hear men saying the female Cup is "of less importance", that the game is "boring" and the team is """amateur"""
Every time someone hypes the team up, some entitled man comes acting like he's some expert, starts diminishing and looks down on it, ignoring the effort, the talent, the victory! Because these men just can't stand the thought of women doing what they do and SUCCEEDING on it! They can't stand things not being about them 100% of the time!
I'm just so GRRRRR!
Please support your Female National Team!
Also, fun story: Marta was once named as the best player in a game, and she was gifted freaking HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES. From Bombril :)
Men get gifted medals and trophies. Women get house cleaning supplies.
It also happened with a Paraguaian player. She was gifted a kit of pots and pans.
Honestly, f*ck these men!
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 year
The Boys, choose violence 10, 22, 24 if you please. :D
From the 🔥Choose Violence Ask Game🔥
Thank you, @kosmochlor, for the Ask! Ahh, and I see we’re going straight for the jugular!! 🔪(⊙v⊙✿) These are just a few personal honest opinions written at 1:40AM. What I think does not apply to everyone. ♥️
10. worst part of fanon
Keyboard warriors. The morality police clutching their pearls. You know who I’m referring to; we always have them in every fandom. The ones who police who/ what you like and are obnoxiously loud about it and about how the characters or ships you find interesting are problematic and, lookie here, my [insert character they’d fixated on] never did anything wrong compared to your rancid skrunkly blorbo and I wish more fans liked my favorite character than [insert popularly liked character]. On the converse of that, I’m on two fences when it comes to Homelander stans. Thankfully most people are rational and like him because he’s an interesting villain (and, let’s be real, it’s powered by a side of fan thirst for the actor who plays him; it’s the typical parasocial relationship that fans develop with the celebs who play our favs/ or it’s just plain interest in the fictional character itself or the fun thought of that fictional fav being railed or doing the railing)—but I do have to raise an eyebrow when he is being stanned for all the wrong reasons (coughfascistallegorycough coughMAGAallegorycough coughSigmamalecough).
It’s a very interesting outlook to have as someone who isn’t as into Homelander as other people but still goes out of my way to read and write stories of him being shipped with his enemy Billy Butcher (listen, I’m your average law-abiding 28 y/o woman who works M-Sat 9AM-5:30PM and sometimes even Sundays and even overtime; sometimes on my limited free time I just wanna indulge and imagine about what it’d take to save the metaphorical world in this fictional universe—aka by having the two toxic old men f*ck each other and they can be two co-dependent psychos in love terrorizing the world together as a shameless power couple in a perpetual Ouroboros cycle of love and hate and self-punishment; obviously I do not condone this kind of relationship irl but within the safety of my imagination, we writers be playing god. It’s fairly obvious both characters are fated to have a bad ending in the show, especially if they follow in the footsteps of comic canon for a bittersweet ending, so let me have fun on my very limited free time writing my alternative Butchlander takes about these manipulative assh0les obsessing over each other and the fate of the world depending on how successful they are at gaslighting each other into playing a permanent happy couple).
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Homelander is canonically bi in the comics. No, I’m serious.
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(Spoiler alert: for those without context, in the comics, Soldier Boy was not Homelander’s father. In the comics, male Stormfront was one of the Supes whose DNA was reused by Vought to create new and stronger versions of the source material, so his DNA resulted in baby!HL’s creation no, comic HL did not f*ck male Stormfront; in a way, HL is kinda a partial clone of comic!SF. Whereas in the show, Soldier Boy was changed to be a super straight (?) alpha male granny f*cker who was later revealed in the season to be the sperm donor for Homelander. And Stormfront, as we know, was genderswapped in the show and changed to be Homelander’s girlfriend in S3. …There’s no confirmed Sweet Home Alabama vibes yet as of 2023 but there is understandably fan speculation for a reason.)
I believe the best way to put it: Homelander is generally attracted to women, but in later issues he reveals that he has a secret liking to men. Because he’s The Homelander; he can do whatever the f*ck he wants.
And let’s not forget this beautiful iconic scene the TV adaptation gifted to us:
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Now some personal opinion time: I also like the idea of him being a narcissist so he only truly loves himself. And others can come close (especially if he sees aspects of himself in them) but his One True Love will always be himself. It’s the classic Narcissus looking at his mirror reflection allegory—but now you mix it in with some complicated cocktail of a God complex, inferiority complex, imposter syndrome, self-hatred, and sociopathy or psychopathy and a hidden desire of wanting to fit in with the banal societal human norms of being accepted but always feeling left out on the other side of the glass wall looking in. Now you tie it in with him never finding anyone who’s “genuinely loved him” (by his own criteria) and has not regarded him as a monster to be feared. He’s desperate for that human connection, for that elusive “perfect companion” who will understand him and cater to him and put his needs above their own—and to him, finding that proves he’s not a freak of nature. He’s not a monster. He’s not a failed product. He’s not a pathetic excuse of a man that even Soldier Boy didn’t even want as a son. Vogelbaum—and everyone else just doesn’t understand. People love him, right? Vought and Madelyn have indoctrinated him into believing he’s the people’s hero—and how they adore and worship him and want to be him or want to f*ck him. How can he, The Homelander, a superior being with his perfect genetics who’s better, stronger, smarter and more attractive than anyone else (I hope you can tell I’m being heavily sarcastic here), go out on a limb and fail at finding this one intangible thing that ordinary mudpeople or his inferiors can find but he somehow can’t?
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
It’s almost always political discourse particularly from extremely delusional right-wingers people who have terrible media literacy of what they’re watching versus what might be clear-cut to the rest of us—and discourse of whether or not The Boys (TV) is an objectively good show. All of these tend to go hand-in-hand together. I think what those people fail to realize is: the script is written by Eric Kripke, the showrunner behind the first five seasons of Supernatural—and then you have Stephen Fleet, lead VFX supervisor and show producer, who came out at the age of 43 (🏳️‍🌈). They’re adapting it from an edgy, dark, intentionally offensive-just-for-shock-value comic series written by Garth Ennis, the person behind Preacher and even a bit of the Punisher. The eight-volume comic series, which ran from 2006-2012, is full of racist, sexist, misogynistic, and homophobic elements (to be fair, GE wrote this as an intentionally darker satirical take on the superhero culture—and edgy shock factor is a writer’s strategy to make your work stand out). It was meant as a “dark, satirical commentary about the fictional superheroes—and, to an extent, the real life celebrities—we idolize, and how easily people with such power can abuse their responsibility” (source).
With what the TV showrunners had to work with, with the actual source material being a slog kinda to go through (the comics does have its share of good moments admittedly), as a whole I think it’s pretty impressive they’re able to update things to make modern social commentary which are relevant to us today (now, they can be admittedly a bit on the nose about it; one thing that stuck with me till now is how a writer friend I was watching the show with remarked how they’d thought BnHA did the superhero genre commentary much better) and somehow they were able to make a far superior TV adaptation just by paring down and changing a few things from the comics for the better so far (*knocks on wood 3x*). I will however always side-eye anyone who insist the comics is superior than the TV adaptation and loudly proclaim they won’t watch the show because “look how they massacred [insert comic character]” (now, to be fair, normally I would agree with this take but we’ve established The Boys (TV) is a special case; I would also understand if the comics had been the person’s first exposure and, hence, had become their fixation—but considering its intentionally offensive contents I am quietly side-eyeing them from the sidelines and keeping my mouth shut).
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nekobami · 6 months
HUGE SPOILERS. (Screenshots I took w some comments & thoughts - not too hight quality however)
Oh wow. Long text.
I mean, finding out that everything was a plot fanficed by the demon and Morty's mind alone couldn't have been a better plot, I mean, It's really funny how Morty sees the random and insane things that happen to them.
Even though it's always something really out of the ordinary, I don't know how to explain it, but... Like, I can't help but feel like everything is too convenient. Because the focus is on fear, I mean at the end, it's an unconscious fear-focused narrative built using Morty's worldview as bricks. So that he didn't even know that this was really his fear at the end of the day.
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But I'm surprised he doesn't even suspect how convenient and quick everything is. Like, "HOLY SH#T, A YOUNG RICK JUST ENTERED THE LIVING ROOM BURNING TO DEATH HOLDING A DIANE." JUST LIKE THAT. IN THE SAME SPEED YOU RED IT
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But in parallel, I love how Morty sees the partnership between him and Rick. In the end, despite all the lore, all the narrative burden that should separate Rick from this family, Morty still sees them as the two weird friends who isolate themselves to talk to each other when something sinister happens. I also felt something in Rick's expression during this episode, but I talk about that in the screenshot
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(( Marriage working out sounds ))
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I also loved the "anti-aging thing" and the "Dad, stop! you're traumatizing her." I mean, For Morty, everything is so convenient for Rick that he can simply inject a blue liquid into his vein and become young again. CASUALLY. Not that it doesn't exist. It's probably something exactly like this.
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By the way. I agree with other opinions I've seen recently. All of this is completely set up from the beginning, and it certainly wouldn't be so easy for Diane to simply ignore her grandchildren and her thirty-year-old daughter just to casually hang out with Rick. I mean, it's part of it. But bro. I'm sorry, I know Rick is a silly and romantic guy when it comes to it, even more so with HIS WIFE, the woman of his life, BUT, a breakfast bot? It still sounds too much like Morty's vision of Rick's flirting skills to me. Anyway. BREAKFAST BOT.
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OHHH yeah, look at them. They're not real, but will make you feel good.
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Oh, also. About this... this... thing. Like, I have to agree that it was a very wise choice to have only Morty go into the hole. Like. That demon devours your fears clearly means he enters your mind, he knows you by what you fear. He will use everything you know to taste your fear and suck everything out of you. He won't kill you, I guess. He was probably just making fun of Morty about his fear thing being able to actually kill someone. But he is a demon. Supposedly that's what he does. Unless maybe he has adapted to feed himself without actually needing to kill someone, or if he casually lets people live just for the sake of it. I don't know... I can't help but feel like this guy never needed them to go into the hole to build the narrative.
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He's already managed to find out about everything Morty knows about Rick. Now imagine what we would have seen if he knew everything Rick knows about himself and others? I'm sorry, but it would obviously be too heavy. I know, it hurts. And you cannot compare the extent of people's fear, after all it is completely individual. But, my friend, imagine what this guy would discover about the multiverse as it is, just by getting into Rick's mind? The recourse he would have in this here is above tolerable. HOW DAMN POWERFUL CAN THIS GUY ACTUALLY BE? Hihi. Fear hole demon. I'm totally not attracted by him.
Also. Holy sh#t.
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Cursed as f#ck, damn, ew, it wasn't even necessary, please don't do nothing similar to this, I'm begging you. I can't see this again in any context.
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About Rick's expressions. (Yes. Yeah, yeah, the whole narrative load of this interaction between them, and Rick coming back after hearing that Diane was there, Morty afraid of Rick hugging him still being a hole thing, Morty afraid of being replaced, Rick coming back to put up Morty's photo, photo of Morty in the wallet, yes yes, extremely nice, lots of cool stuff, of course. But I would like to point out something.)
I could be wrong, after all I didn't watch the episode again. Like, I know Rick being with his wife must have exacerbated that factor, but throughout Morty's fear-centric narrative, Rick's features are softened, I don't know how to explain it. But in that moment, when Morty comes out of the hole, what really is Rick as an individual comes in, and not just the Rick built with Morty's vision of him and their interactions. Like, he just got that totally tired annoyed-like expression, since, after all, he's still affected by the recent events, and his face... Uh, I can't explain it perfectly, but around him is still heavy, while in Mortys narrative, things seems... lighter, since they've SUDDENLY, VERY CONVENIENTLY got another worries. And even if he was romantic with her in the narrative... I can't explain, but he was still very... cold and insensitive at times. Something that I find very difficult for Rick to do, as an individual and being extremely affected by all his experiences.
Anyway. Nice episode. Definitely. Merry Christmas too. HAHA. Christmas.
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stubz · 2 years
bit of a sequel to my bnha yandere reader post, but you don't necessarily need to read it to make sense of this. Link is here if you wanna read it tho. Also this one isn't too hardcore yandere, neither is the last one but this isn't platonic like the last one
oh and there's swearing and some catcalling, nothing is actually said tho for the catcalling tho
2.2K words
I should have kept my mouth shut, you know you should have simply ignored it, should've just used my breathing skills just like I've practiced but nooo, I had to say something!
I had to open my big mouth and just expose my most guarded secret to the whole goddamn world!
...Well, not the whole world, just whoever watches the news. Nobody watches the news nowadays so we're fine, yeah only old people watch the news...Except they were there so that means there were tons of people watching!! And there was that idiot who wouldn't stop recording everything on his phone which means it has to be on the internet now!
It's official, your life was over. Your villain life that is. After all, who would take you seriously after learning the fact that you have a major crush on the entire class 1-A from U.A.???
It's embarrassing enough when the truth comes out about your crush but it's even worse when the person who outed you was yourself!!
Gah! Why didn't I just "friendly fire" that bastard?!
And why didn't you indeed, in fact, you have experienced plenty of situations like this before and every time you've managed to control yourself. But this time...this time was different.
Let's go back, shall we?
You are a villain, a pretty well-known one too. You started young, in middle school, and built yourself a reputation among heroes and villains, spreading the message that you'll fight anyone for anyone, for the right price of course. But basically, you're muscle for hire, you'll give someone a good beating, kill off a gang or two, or sometimes you're just hired to collect money.
Anyways, your latest job was to be part of a bank robbery just in case some strong heroes came instead of the ones who usually patrol the area. Things were fine, everything went according to plan, everything was fine. Until the heroes showed up.
They were right to hire you because instead of the lower-ranked heroes, they were your little heroes. Class 1-A of U.A. looking gorgeous as always swooped in and were quick to secure the area and evacuate the civilians. Eventually leaving only you and the small gang of villains.
Sadly because of your presence, the gang members felt cocky and all decided to do some trash-talking. Most of what was said were childish taunts or jabs at the little heroes' young age or lack of experience clearly the idiot hasn't been watching the news lately. But as the fight went on the taunts and jabs became less childish and more insulting and... rather untasteful.
And while threats and taunts aren't anything new regarding your darlings, this, this catcalling, was. You f*cking hated it. You f*cking hated them.
Grabbing one of the perverts by the legs you used her as a bat and hit another pervert back into the bank. Another 5 home runs and you had them all in the building, from there you got to work.
A total of a minute passes before Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki come in to see what is happening. While Bakugo tries to fight you, you quickly make it clear that you have no intention of doing so.
"Darling, could you please just give me a moment to deal with these perverted bastards first before I spar with you?"
"Midoriya, Todoroki, loves, could you please bring Bakugo with you and leave the room, please? I wouldn't want my little heroes tooo... f*ck I forgot to censor my pet names—F*CK I SAID PET NAMES!!"
...Midoriya had a radio, courtesy of Yaoyorozu...and she was standing next to a news crew when listening...also Jiro and Shoji basically parroted your exact words. Not that anyone needed their help for that last bit, which you screamed to the flipping heavens.
Plus the villains you were giving a beating did a run for it thus reigniting your hatred for them making you run outside the bank and have another slip up. Curse your goldfish brain
"Get back here you shitheads!"
there was a news crew right in front of you
"...aaAAND THERE YOU HAVE IT, VIEWERS! Creati, is there anything you have to say about this sudden confession from the violent mercenary villain Last, aka Y/N?! Oh! Chargebolt you as well! What do you two have to say?!"
"I-I don't, we both, we all—"
And so that's the story of how you outed yourself to your crushes on national television.
Oh shit they're playing it again, this is the fifth time today! Don't you people have anything better to do than ruin my nonexistent love life?!
Frustrated you turned off the T.V and went on your phone. Bad idea
Oh my god I'm a meme now, why, why are there so many of them?? And there's people reacting to the footage? ...well at least most of them think I'm a good match for most of them
....! Wait, there's a video posted by Mina here
You played the video and saw Mina looking at the camera, looks like she used her phone.
"Hi everybody! As you all probably know by now, I—or well we, have an admirer who basically just confessed to us.
Now I've had a few admirers before but never one that was...a villain, heh...
I'm making this video to let everyone that we don't approve of Last's crimes or violent behavior and that no they have never contacted us, well, as far as we know.
But also I'm making this video to say...thank you, thank you Last for calling out those pervs and while none of us condone violence, thanks for giving them a good beating!"
A hand swipes the camera from her and shows Kirishima
"Yeah, I mean although we learned to ignore stuff like that...it doesn't mean we're not affected by it. So thanks for taking care of them! It was super manly!"
"Totally awesome what you did there!" piped in Kaminari and Sero
"HEY! TELL THAT BASTARD THAT NEXT TIME I'LL WIPE THE FLOOR WITH THEM! See how they like our little "spars" now!"
the camera turns again, this time towards the kitchen where Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Tsu make food.
"Kacchan there's no need for you to shout, the camera is right there."
"You know this explains why we're always considerably less injured than other heroes after fighting them."
"It would make sense considering that they have a crush on us, ribbit."
"Hey give me back my phone!"
Mina is on screen once again.
"So anyways, we just wanted to say thanks for dealing with the catcalling."
"Mina don't forget the deal!"
"Oh right, thanks Momo! We also have a deal with you! Based on your reaction and pet names it seems like you might actually like us, so we have a proposition for you!
If you return the stolen money and go an entire month without doing any crime you will get a reward from us. But only if you don't do any crime! No robbery, killing, mercenary contract deals, or illegal underground fighting.
So if you follow the deal you'll get a reward from us and then can accept another deal just like this one but with a better reward. Got it? Okay, bye everyone!"
and with that the students said goodbye to the camera and the video ended.
[4 days later in the dorms lounge]
Sitting on the couch munching on some chips is Mina, enjoying her Saturday afternoon.
'I wonder if they'll actually take the deal...probably not. I mean what villain could "love" us enough to give back all that money AND up crime for a whole month? Eh, it was worth a shot tho'
"Mina turn on the T.V!" shouts Sato running from the boy's side of the dorm. Behind him are all the other boys.
"News channel, hurry!" and now comes Jiro followed by the rest of the girls
"Uh, okay...what."
"Just 20 minutes ago mercenary villain Last arrived at All Might's statue and perched on top of it holding a large sack of sorts. Police and nearby pro heroes have arrived but they still continue to perch on top of the statute. No threats or demands have been, in fact, they haven't even said anything all this time."
the camera shows the villain sitting on the statue's shoulders with a large sack over their shoulder.
"What are they doing?" murmured Toru
"Beats me." replied Ojiro
"Wait, they're saying something!"
"Took you long enough! I thought I was gonna be here all day. HEY! You, cameraman, you filming me? ...well?"
the camera nodded up and down
"Good. Keep filming or else. Ahem, hello my darlings! Did you miss me? Well, I missed you! Sorry it took me so long to respond but I had a little trouble getting it all back. Anywho, here you go officers, $50,000 in cash!"
They threw out wads of money towards them.
"Sorry but I had to use a bit of my own cause I spent some of it...ookay a lot of it, but at least half of it is from the bank. Think of the other half as a charitable donation."
"Holy smokes, look, it is from the bank. At least half of it."
"Welp, that's half of the deal fulfilled. All I have to do now is stay good for, hmmm another 26 days? Then you'll give me my reward, right?"
they smiled straight at the camera, a smile that while it was supposed to be charming was actually downright terrifying. Like a predator that's about to catch its prey.
"Which brings me to this. I actually have a proposition for all of you, don't worry I'm not going back on our deal. I won't commit any crimes for the next 26 days. My proposition for all of you is that if I help you by giving you some interesting information, I get to choose my reward. Don't worry, it won't be anything unreasonable and I am open to compromise.
Now, of course, I can't disclose anything about my fellow villains, that'd be terrible business etiquette, but fortunately, that courtesy doesn't apply to corrupt politicians, police officers...or heroes. You'd be surprised by how many of them hired me, specifically for my specialty in violence.
If you accept my deal simply select yes or no, on the burner phone stuck to Mineta's head. You have 30 minutes starting now."
"Holy crap there really is a phone stuck to his head."
"B-but how...I was...my room...all day..." the terrified boy whimpered.
While Kaminari attempted to calm down Mineta the others discussed their options.
"So, what do we do? Do we say yes?" asked Sero glancing around
"And let them choose their reward? Yeah that's a hard no." argued Toru
"But they did say it's negotiable so maybe it wouldn't too bad, plus so far they've followed our deal. I mean they even used their own money to do so." interjected Uraraka
"The problem is that the information could be or not be actually useful. It's a 50/50 chance." added Tokoyami.
"OH SH—!"
"Well that was fast!"
"Sorry! It was an accident I swear!"
"Sparky what the hell did you do?!"
"...really? I have to say I was not expecting that! My little heroes said yes. Well a deal's a deal and you know what? Since I wasn't expecting this at all I decided to...go big or go home with the information. Now without further adieu, catch!"
Reaching into their sack one last time they throw out numerous papers into the sky along with dozens of little cases.
The cameraman's reporter catches a paper and one of the little cases. The camera focuses in.
"Dear viewers I can't believe what I'm seeing! On this page alone is a list of numerous jobs Last has done for congressman Yamato! And this case here is labelled with the Angelic hero's name Hope, inside is a flash drive. Judging from what the papers say it most likely contains some rather shady and unsavoury affairs the hero partook in!"
A whistle can be heard off-screen. the camera swiftly turns back to the villain
"It's time for me to go now my darlings! I look forward to seeing you all in 26 days when you come to give me my reward! Of course, I'll have to think of one first. Don't worry, I won't rush anything! I'm happy to go at whatever pace you all agree on. Until then!"
and with that, the young villain left while the police and heroes were too occupied with gathering the papers and hard drives.
"...I think I speak for all of us when I say that this backfired big time." grumbled Mina
"Agreed" groaned the class
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deijiyong · 7 months
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Navigation: Next Part | Story Masterlist | Masterlist
2014 October 5th - Changkyun invites himself to your house
You wake up to you bedroom door opening
Being a light sleeper really be like that sometimes
What you weren’t expecting was to see Changkyun sneaking into your room with plastic bags full of snacks and a drink holder with two iced coffees
When he realizes you’re already awake, he dumps both coffees on you while he screams as if HE is supposed to be the one unsuspecting in this situation
You’re covered in coffee, frown frozen in place and Changkyun is begging you not to murder him because he’s trying to hang out with you today
She’s not here
She just left
Please stop screaming
WHy are yOU hERE?!
Well, you blocked me
And I still want to talk
I figured we could hang out like old times
I even brought Frozen
Jooheon said Jiyeon wouldn’t watch it with you
I’m not watching Frozen with you, Kyun
Please, yn
I’m not asking you to forgive me for the past few years
I just want us to be cool again
I already watched Frozen alone, Kyun
I also brought that movie based on the book series I’ve seen you reading during lunchtime
You just stare at him
Why was he being so adamant about hanging out with you now? You’re seniors for crying out loud!! 
You were finally going to get the freedom you have been wanting since he-
If I remember correctly, we never really watched movies together, kyun
Sure they were running in the background
But you were always talking about yourself
Or asking me for advice to help Jooheon with Jiyeon
Which she now knows about, btw, so you’re lucky she hates you right now or she would’ve ended your life months ago
Then just hang out with me
We can eat our way through all these snacks
And we can drink,,, something else
You release a sigh, the stench of coffee was probably embedded in your mattress by now
There was no getting rid of it at this point
You ball up your blanket in your hands and toss it at CK, knocking him to the ground to land on top of one of the bags of snacks
You cannot help the laugh that leaves your mouths when he whines hearing a few of the bags pop open under him; not to mention the ungodly crunching of chips
You inspect the damage of your clothes as you drag yourself off you bed
Then glare down at the coffee spots on your bed
I cannot believe you spilled coffee on me
You owe me a new mattress
I’ll give you mine!
I don’t want that nasty thing
Who knows what you’ve done on that thing
Nothing any hormonal boy hasn’t done
You grab clothes from your closet and move to the bathroom across the hall to shower
CK sits outside the door, body leaning against it
I know I don’t deserve it, yn
But can you please give me another chance
Idk~ you ruined my whole bed
Seems like you were just here to sabotage my living space 
Did Sara send you here to ruin my weekend as well?
She, uh, doesn’t know I’m here
I haven’t talked to her since Jooheon’s party
What a shame~ (sarcasm)
I’ll bet she’s just beside herself that her toy doesn’t jump when she tells him to
You’ve gotten mean since I left you (pouts)
Strange how being bullied for the past two years by YOUR gf does that
(throws his head back against the door) why didn’t you tell me how bad she was being to you?
Would you have done anything about it?
I have had more bruises and bodily injuries thanks to her than any football player my age
Would saying I’m sorry help any?
Probably not
I’m sorry
You don’t have to believe me
But I didn’t know she was being so mean towards you
Her friends always defended her whenever Jooheon would try to tell me what she had done
And,,, I believed them
Jooheon has been your best friend for years, Kyun
In all those years, had he ever lied to you about anything?
(sighs) no
I guess it’s my fault then
I should have tried harder to make you realize how bad she was
You shut the shower off, towel drying
I’m surprised Jiyeon didn’t 
She always seemed more upset than you ever were
You open the door, ignoring how he just lets himself fall down at your feet while you stare down at him
I think we both know why I was never able to approach you in school
My devilish good looks?
Your crazy ass gf
My problem with crowds and meeting new people
I would rather just avoid you than put myself through more pain
I’m sorry
You wait for him to stand before you take your drenched coffee-smelling clothes to your hamper where your blanket had ended up
Changkyun is hot on your trail, following you down when you take the dirty items down to the laundry room
Do you still have such a bad reaction to going to parties?
You mean: do I still vomit my guts out and back out of every last thing until people get so tired of me that I never see them again?
You can see how his face falls
That had definitely been something that you struggled with over the years
It wasn’t until you met Jiyeon; your rock that things had started to change
You made it to Jooheon’s party
I couldn’t not go
I don’t think you understand how convincing Jiyeon can be
Besides, we share Jooheon and I couldn’t miss his birthday
It’s the one thing I do for him and Jiyeon every year since we became friends
Share Jooheon?
So you never heard the rumors?
Supposedly, everyone is waiting for Jooheon to announce that he’s dating both me and Jiyeon before the end of the year
As if I could possibly get between those two
They’re perfect for each other
I’ve never heard that before
Jooheon has never mentioned it to me
Maybe because it involved me
You push past him to the kitchen to grab some apple juice from the fridge
It’s getting closer to noon and you’re not surprised when CK’s phone starts pinging like crazy
He checks the screen, flips it to mute and then slides it back into his pocket
Wow, good for him (insert eye roll)
I would answer that if you don’t want her to deck you on Monday
Better yet, answer it so she doesn’t kick my ass on Monday 
I’ll get back to her later
Does your mom still buy that Shasta pop?
Yeah, knock yourself out
He helps you change the covers on your bed
You both lay on your bed, neither really convinced that movie day is it
Instead, like always, Changkyun catches you up on what’s been going on with him since you last hung out together (minus Sara, obviously)
He was able to get a 3.7 GPA
He’d decided on music as his major
With only minimum backlash from his parents
They knew he was in love with music since he was young
It wasn’t hard to convince them to let him study it
He’d fallen in love with the Mortal Instrument series after seeing you reading it a few months back
Angry that Alec didn’t fall in love with Magnus as fast as he did
“I would have agreed to date Magnus the second I saw him”
He had created an audio portfolio of sorts since the two of you had split
It was what he submitted to the schools when they asked to see what he had been working on
He plays “Fly with Me” that he had written a couple of months after distancing himself from you
It sounds like a piano in the background
He admits that the finished version isn’t as soft as the one he’s played for you; because that version was only meant for you
He got into his first-choice school
Changkyun pulls you to him, dragging you to lay on his chest like you used to back when you were younger
His hand threads through your hair, nerves intensified since you haven’t talked since he started catching you up on him like he used to do
You both haven’t even realized how late it is until your mom comes into the room, a smile on her face when she sees you both like how she would find you years ago and asks if Changkyun is staying for dinner
That’s his cue, it seems when he disentangles himself from you and stands to leave - denying her question
I promised mom I would come back tonight
I’m sure she wouldn’t mind
You’re just across the street 
A promise is a promise
Your mom only nods and leaves the doorway
Changkyun turns back to you, lifting his phone
I’ll text you later, okay?
(you roll over away from him) who wants to talk to you
(he climbs back over you) come on, yn, I thought we could be friends again
You were finally talking to me
You’re just a weekend lover, Kyun
By Monday you’ll be back to your same attitude
Letting your gf prance all over me
Just go home
He does as you ask, afraid that you’re right
You don’t look back
But Changkyun does and it hurts him physically
He had to prove you wrong
He would prove you wrong
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kianaflame23 · 1 year
Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield x OC plus Aquafina, Jill, and Torgal (friend's OC by @tea-r-re-z ) | N@FW ISH
Tagging: @theempressofdarkmagic @aria-lesage @virtuousluna
Let me know if you want to be tagged here! ^ v ^
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☆ Kiana being silly again part 3 or 4?? ☆
The group and Kiana were fighting those creatures, trying to make a plan to kill them. Jill getting ready as she pulled out her lance, next to Aquafina as she places her fingers on her chin. Thinking of a plan to survive and killing those creatures quickly. Torgal is definitely ready to kill them as he growled at the inhuman creatures. Kiana is next to Clive as he pulled out his sword. Her mind went blank until Kiana thought of a solution. Well... we know how this will end....
Jill: What do we do?!
Clive: The usual.
Aqua: Let's try to make a plan fir---
Kiana uses her powers to clone herself. Everyone looked at her, worried of what she is going to do... Four clones of Kiana appeared in front of them, grinning to themselves as they start to talk
Kiana clone 1: I'm hungry!!
Kiana clone 2: I'm cold....
Kiana clone 3: I'm itchy!
Kiana clone 4: P@SSY!!
Clive: ....
Jill: .....
Aqua: ......
Torgal: ....
Kiana: .....
Aqua: Kiana... *she smiled menacingly as she turned slowly to original Kiana, Kiana already panicking as she saw her mentor with her eerily smile towards her. Knowing that she messed up and didn't want to upset her even more...*
Kiana clone 4: D@CK! C@CK! *screaming so loud as they want everyone to hear their words*
Kiana's red face appears as she tries to stop them. Sprinting towards Kiana clone 4 as she used her legs to drop kicked them to their face, making them disappear as they fall down to the ground. Clive and the group watched in silence as they saw Kiana beating up her clones. Kiana yelling in embarrassment and stopping herself as her clones are no longer there...
Kiana: I-I'm sorry.... I'll just stop talking and let you guys kill those creatures.... I don't want to humiliate myself even more....
Kiana decided to fall down to the floor, covering her blushing face as bend her legs to cover herself as well. Not wanting to talk to anyone...
Clive: Kiana! Please stand up! I can't protect you if you're down there!
Aqua: You're going to get hurt, dear!
Kiana still ignoring them as she starts to feel sad and tries to not cry. After it felt like hours of killing the creatures, Kiana refuses to get up as Clive comfort her, telling her that it was okay and she doesn't need to feel bad of herself. Clive caressing her short brown hair as he continues to talk to her.
Clive: Alright, I'll carry you if you don't want to say anything to me. No complaints, Kiana.
Clive starts to pick Kiana up bridal style, holding her gently as Clive and the group walked away from the place. Kiana slowly starts to sleep as her brown eyes closed, snoring softly as she feels comfortable with Clive's muscular arms holding her safely. At least Kiana will be getting her sleep right?
Bonus ☆
Kiana snoring too loud as her mouth is wide opened, drools coming down from her lips. Meaning that she is sleeping well. The group tried their best to not laugh as they continued hearing Kiana's loud snores.
Aqua: Ah, I see that her snoring hasn't changed at all *she smiles as she giggled to herself*
Jill: Hey, Clive. Do you even get sleep when she's with you each nights?
Clive: I don't..... I have to be the first one to sleep. Last time, I made a huge mistake for letting her sleep first.....
Jill and Aqua: Ah.....
Torgal barks happily as he walked next to Clive, making sure Clive and Kiana are safe. It's a good thing they aren't judging Kiana's chaotic personality and her horniness.
The end ☆
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mistyheartrbs · 1 year
GOD YOUR QUINN POST!!!! because i wholeheartedly agree and i hate that ryan murphy royally fucks up and over her character like i have so many words. i really could just talk hours and hours in depth about quinn (and rachel and faberry) and just how much injustice the girl went through. i also hate how much people don’t actually realize that quinn kind of went through the most shit compared to the rest of the characters and the story and mpst of the fandom (just glee in general not faberry) kind of just ignores that????
i could also talk for hours about them and (as my irl friends can attest to) i have. almost by accident glee developed such a compelling love story and such a
and yeah she went through so much and it's just. none of it is taken seriously. and i think part of it is glee's tonal shift partway through s1 - it started out as satire and eventually became the thing it mocked, so quinn's pregnancy, as something initially introduced as a joke/intentionally soapy plotline, got caught in a weird in-between space. like you have the objectively wacky "will's wife is orchestrating an elaborate hoax where she tricks her husband into thinking she's pregnant in order to preserve their failing marriage" right alongside dianna's heartbreaking acting and "i really thought i was going to get out of here." even within the same episode we get this tonal dissonance - "you're having my baby" happens literal minutes before quinn gets disowned. so everything about her gets kind of...muddled?
i feel like s2 managed this balance best by giving quinn a plot beyond beth without forgetting what she went through in s1 (albeit in funny ways - "oh please, she has a family, she's a MOTHER") and taking her feelings seriously but it still doesn't always land. i always thought it was a little weird that we had a very direct parallel set up in 2x18 with the nose job plot and then we never see rachel actually react to the lucy caboosey reveal. like i get that it's a crowded episode but that feels important since the two of them basically compose the a- and c-plots of the episode (kurt is the b-plot technically, though because it's a long one and the pacing is a little different there are technically four plots since emma also gets a fair amount of screentime) and their relationship - however you want to define it - is a central part of that episode. like even one scene where rachel acknowledges it would do. but eh.
glee fandom has very...out of wack priorities generally imo. like i don't know how i've ended up becoming a finn hudson defender since i don't agree with a lot of the choices the writers made with his character either but people act like he's the devil while letting other characters (p*ck) off the hook. so yeah people are hard on quinn but i feel like they're actually worse about rachel if only because they hate her in a way that they at least don't seem to openly hate quinn.
thank you for the ask!
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mtnkat3 · 1 year
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Wobbly sob.
What if.....
Was I completely wrong?????
The irony...
I was just getting back from sandwich & truck pickup. Literally. And about to post..
But that's not an ignorable sign..
That is a slap across the face.. & the bow..
So then my question is..
What if.....
Have I been wrong ..... completely.....?
Or was that one piece that wasn't meant to.....
Because there's no mistaking.. take backs.. changes..... of that slap. That was get the f*ck outta my life.
And I can't even scream & wail & let go! All I can do is whimper & let the tears flow...
Since I don't know now...
If I have any of the pieces right.....
Please..... guide me... & show me a sign...
What if..... I was only one piece wrong.....
What if..... the rest?.... are right?????
What if I don't know why & I tried to let the wrong piece into the wrong place?
What if.....
I don't flipping know!!!!!
OMG my soul feels so battered & tossed about!
Falling apart on bathroom floor...
God... please?????
Guide me right.
Have I been right..... at all?????
I am consumed...🎶
I love my soul's mates.....my Bears . Angels . . . . .
I do not doubt.
I now though doubt.. me.
Did I have anyone right.....
But ya know what if.....
if you . . . . . can... want... to love me.
Even when... I get puzzle pieces wrong.
Or was I put that mischief piece in the wrong part...
I don't know...
Only God & you . . . . .
Hold the answers & the keys.
The flame inside my soul refuses to be snuffed out. So whatever is happening.....
I still believe.
Until God tells me to stop...
Only God can stop me from loving you...🎶
So stick that in your pipe satan & smoke it out your ass.
I'm a girl that loves old fashioned pipe tobacco smoke any day.
I have not, nor will I ever change who I am.
I am The Tijgeress kat Phoenix.
Christian, kinky & a constitutionalist.
A spicy sassy woman made of many cinnamon roll layers.
But ... let them.
So. I shall.
The ones that know me... want me... love me...
I am begging you . . . . .
Give me signs... pleasee.....
You hold my keys..... & I quite simply cannot take this... again.
I believe that one has thoughts of me... but I know there's puzzle pieces that are missing... I feel it. And having been wrong... it's too much. I need you . . . . . To guide me. Please.....?
Help me.....please?
Curled up in recliner quietly sobbing now.
I don't know what to think say or do now!
I believe.
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
Lord, Your broken puzzle... hurting, crying, confused, trying to stop my soul from shattering... before dumpty becomes humpty & unfixable, even to You!
Your listening closely carefully quietly daughter.
Your complex quirky warrior queen daughter!
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 😯😥💔☔🌬🌀✝️☸⚓🙇‍♀️🙏🤲🗝🔱⚜💝🧩♠️♾🧭🕯
Th.12.15.2022 3.11pm est.
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zeddaz17 · 2 years
It's so hard to talk to someone about this because they might get upset or try to "help" you or hurt you .
being h*rny is the best thing when you got someone to trust and even love and they love you back and you don't get horny all the time so it's exciting to be horny , but there is a little dark side of it, here is why:
1- if you are horny 24/7 you won't feel your parts anymore or it gets boring .
you wont feel your parts because of too much masturbation just every single day masturbating and masturbating and masturbating .. it gets extremely boring when you are doing it alone and even with someone to be honest it just gets too much .
2- finding the right person to masturbate / f*ck with .
now adays we got social media , it's beneficial and f*cked up people can get creepy or nice but you never know who you are talking to because social media is a mask for so many people who want to be someone else that's not them .
now let's say you found someone online , even if you trust that man with your nudes and body , there are hackers everywhere ( not trying to scare you ) but besides hackers there are his guy friends , guys fantasize about sex with their friends yes it is true and weird or maybe some crazy ex is on his account and I don't think I need to tell you what could go wrong because you probably know.
Also families , they might be strict so if they find out what's going on it's going to be hell for one or both of you .
3- so you found the one to f*ck with ? yes .
well there is trust and then love and then pain (mostly emotional pain ) because physical interaction could lead to love and Oh boy love is addictive it's like drugs takes you to wonderful places then when you are above the clouds you fall down to the ground at any second .
4- you love him but he doesn't love you back (enough)
well that's worse than getting punched till you bleed (not that i experienced it but I would choose to have a surgery awake (feeling everything) than being emotionally hurt , THIS is when you need to take a step back or you will be hurt more and NO he won't love you back believe me!
he sees you as his f*ck toy or fwb and once you confess it's going to go down even if he seemed nice about your confession it still will go down now or later.
5- you love him and he loves you back
great now talk about marriage and he will leave by starting to tell you stupid excuses or "you are overthinking" .
(experience : we were friends online , blocked him couple of times for my bf back in time who was toxic to me and so let's call this guy Fred so Fred was nice and we video called many times and then we met and stuff happened yes we loved each other I was the first to confess and so we got in a relationship for months until I knew he won't even marry me and the reasons are ridiculous like mom won't like it or he didn't even tell her about me even though his family noticed he talks to woman and etc. I started fighting for the sake of the love i gave that was for nothing and it hurt more because he called me names like weird and toxic but only me knew how bad I wanted to be his but that's how I feel about every other guy who is toxic or not )
Finally i would like to say DON'T IGNORE RED FLAGS EVEN IF THEY ARE SMALL and maybe yes this means you will stay alone for a while or forever and that's better than being his f*ck toy so please LOVE YOURSELF
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cindydahlwrites · 2 years
I think that as a fandom we are collectively ignoring/forgetting about some of the actual character traits of the Crows. Yes, people are starting to realize that Wylan is not a scared little cinnamon roll, but it's Inej I really have in mind.
In most posts and fics especially she is portrayed as a wise, calm character who would probably be the therapist friend. And I agree, she is smart and her emotional intelligence is almost unaffected by the life she's living, BUT we can clearly see Kaz rubbing off on her and EVERYONE IS IGNORING THAT.
For example, in SoC, before Kaz reveals his plan, we can see him talking to Per Haskell about leaving his responsibilities behind for a while for Pim to take over them. When Inej hears this, she is momentarily upset/disappointed that he would not choose her first. Not only because she realizes she is smarter, or because Kaz trusts her, but simply because she feels up for it.
Throughout the whole series, we can see that Inej is not in fact completely reluctant to do illegal stuff - praying to her Saints and asking for forgiveness doesn't erase the fact that she is good at what she does and can't help but take some pride in it.
What really is curious, however, is the fact that the entire last chapter of CK is dedicated to Inej threatening to cut Pekka Rollins's heart out with her knives, making sure to let him know it's not Kaz who sent her.
Inej, by her own choice, went into Pekka's house, threatened him, went as far as replacing his son's toy to show him that despite his security measures, there was nowhere to hide from the Wraith, just for most people to ignore it.
My personal belief is that Kaz had told her his backstory (or at least a part of it), or that what she had heard in the Church of Barter was enough for her, and she acted out of protectiveness.
It is not surprising to see Kaz protective over Inej, but my heart absolutely melts thinking about her being equally as protective of him.
Also in Rule of Wolves, it is briefly mentioned how she left slavers covered in something in the Stadhall with a message attached to them and I just think it is ridiculous that we clearly see how vengeful she can be and we just ignore it.
It is a well-known fact that Kaz would rip the world apart if something happened to Inej but I think that the books hinted pretty heavily that she would do the same. Not in a nice, calm way her Saints would be pleased with. No. She's do something you expect from Kaz. She'd go mad.
I need fics about this. I need fanart about this. I don't know how, I just do. I need more people to acknowledge this. I need someone to tell me they absolutely agree.
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outtherecreations · 3 years
Out of Sync [REWRITE] | Rick Sanchez x Reader:
Part 1 Here!
P.S. Imagine this to be like….season 1-ish which is why Morty is stuttering still
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I hum tiredly as I relax on the couch, “Y/N, you have to do something about Rick!” Jerry says sternly. I raise an eyebrow at Jerry and he quickly deflates “I don’t have to do anything. Bringing Rick here wasn’t my choice.” I state.
“Come on, he keeps taking Morty out of school! You don’t want him here as much as I do. Isn’t there anything you can do?” Jerry asks with full desperation, the garage door swings open and Morty stumbles towards us “Hey, Mort….how ya feeling?” I ask, watching Morty fall onto the couch. “T-terrible Grandma! Rick m-made kill aliens that looked like you guys.” Morty tells us “See,” Jerry says “He’s taking Morty out of school and training him to kill us.”
I roll my eyes “Morty, go take a nap. You earned it.” I tell Morty softly, handing him the remote “Thanks Grandma, b-but I don’t think I can sleep after all that.” Morty sighs, I stare at him sympathetically before standing up “Jerry, go make Morty a sandwich.” I order. Jerry opens his mouth and i shoot him a stern glare. I smile victoriously as Jerry walks into the kitchen “Hey Grandma?” Morty asks “Hm?” I hum
“N-no offense, but what the heck did you see in Rick? He’s…not really your t-type.” Morty states “I know, but to be fair, he was actually a whole lot nicer when I met him." I tell him "Really? What happened to him?" Morty asks, glancing off towards the garage "I'm not really sure...he just...lost interest," I state sadly "We were always in sync, we could communicate without even opening our mouths-I mean, we still can do that, but nowadays I’m telling him to f*ck off.”
Morty frowns sadly and Jerry walks into the room “Here’s your sandwich, Morty…Y/N, is there anyway you can go talk to Rick?” Jerry begs. “Fine.” I groan, I stand up and walk towards the garage door. I knock on the door tiredly “Rick?” I call, the door swings open and a-very drunk Rick grins at me “N/N!” He beams happily.
“Rick, could you please stop traumatizing your grandson?” I sigh, ignoring the grabby hands Rick made at me. "Traumatize? No, b-URP-baby no...I'm giving him some character." Rick says, chugging more of whatever was in his flask "Really?" I ask with an unamused tone "Y-yeah, yeah. Beth a-URP-and Jerry shelter him too much. I'm making sure he understands how sh*tty the r-real world is before it's too late." Rick explains proudly.
"Gee, 'cuz heaven forbid you DON'T ruin another kid's childhood." I sigh bitterly "Hey-hey, don't blame me for that! The Rick that left you wasn't me, I-I-I was g-URP-given the choice between leaving you and staying with you and I chose stay!" Rick shouts defensively. I roll my eyes "A-and you know what h-URP-happened when I decided with my heart?!" Rick asks loudly "Lower your voice." I sigh "YOU AND BETH DIED RIGHT F*CKING IN FRONT OF ME!" Rick shouts, slapping his palms onto the table.
I flinch at the loudness, feeling my heart thumping harshly in my chest. I take a deep breath "That's a...pretty good sob story, Rick, but I've heard sadder. Honestly, I don't care about the sad-bulls*t type story you want to pull out your *ss. All I care about is Morty, so, either ease up on the adventure or just stay the f*ck away from this family." I hiss harshly, I didn't even bother to let Rick speak. I just walk away after that.
My eyes widen at the sight of Morty...who was just standing there and eating his sandwich "A-aw geez, Grandma...are you sure you weren't to harsh on him? He actually sounded sad..." He says "He wasn't sad, Mort, he was drunk. He was always drunk...if you want to outlive Rick and still have your sanity when he dies, always remember, he's a heartless pr*ck that'll never love you." I sigh sadly. Morty frowns "Did...did you take your pills yet?" He asks "Nope." I snort.
"Well you should probably take them." Morty suggest, I ruffle his hair "Good idea." I laugh.
I stare up at the ceiling with a tired expression.
How can Rick be such a f*cking coward?
He couldn't even be bothered to say goodbye to Beth...he didn't even say goodbye to me!
I turn to see Beth staring at me with tears pouring down my face "Is Dada coming back?" She asks, crawling into my lap "I...of course he is, Sweetie..." I mumble. Beth looks at me and breaks down crying "N-no! He's not! All his stuff is gone! Even the science stuff!" She sobs harshly, my eyes widen and I gasp quietly. I rub's back soothingly as her words settle in.
Rick really gave up?
And he didn't even bother to give me an official goodbye, did he even say bye to Beth? He couldn't even say bye to his 6 year old daughter?
He left so quickly...he always leaves quickly. I'm so used to it that I didn't even bother to see what he was taking with him. I didn't even notice him taking all his stuff.
I could've stopped him...I could've forced him with try to work things out.
Tears prick my eyes, I bury my face into Beth's hair and let out a few sobs along with her. I quickly stop crying, I look at Beth's face and gently wipe her tears "No...we're not doing this." I say seriously "Huh?" Beth asks in confusion "We're not gonna cry about your father." I tell her "Then...what are we gonna do?" She asks.
"We're...we're gonna get some ice cream!" I shout victoriously "YEAH!" Beth cheers-even though tears were still rolling down her cheeks.
A/N: Yeah, this one's short, I've been busy writing other things and I plan on chapter three being A LOT longer. Thanks for waiting, see you all in the next chapter.
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merakiui · 3 years
Hatefully Yours
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yandere!scaramouche x (female) reader art credit - rome_romedo on twt/pixiv cw: nsfw, yandere, subtle hate sex, dub-con, mild f*ck or die situation note - please read the content warnings and do not proceed reading if you are a minor or do not wish to read what’s listed in the warnings.
It’s deplorable, really—how you crumble underneath his fingertips with such ease. As if the key to your compliance was simple skin-to-skin contact all along. You should’ve been wary of the concealed malice in his smile when you had the chance. After all, it would’ve done you well to put as much distance between yourself and the Fatui Harbinger. Deep down you knew something was off when he presented himself in such a friendly manner, as if he were a mere drifter lacking a clear route.
His kindness had felt so undeniably real, though, and that’s what left you floored. You thought his smile was pleasant enough and if Mona hadn’t stepped in you would’ve let him join your party. Now that you were aware of the reality, it made more sense that he’d put up an innocently helpful front, wanting to get as close to you as possible before bringing the hatchet down. He’s a clever one, but the Fatui have always been good at scheming.
What a little rat, you think, gritting your teeth as you’re brought back to your senses. Your current situation doesn’t allow you to hide away in the inner most nooks and crannies of your head. Unless you fancy a swift beheading, which is the exact thing you’re trying to avoid.
Despite his height, Scaramouche doesn’t need to hold a weapon to your throat to appear intimidating; you’re already aware of the consequences that come with disobeying him. The Fatui are a force to be reckoned with—that you know from the countless times you’ve evaded them. And somehow this Harbinger was able to catch you flawlessly. Perhaps part of you wanted to be caught, if only to test the power of a man you know nothing about. To discover just how deep his words cut. His orders must mean law; you wouldn’t have stayed alive for this long if it weren’t for him. But a worrisome notion always remains: He could rid himself of you with a flick of his fingers and you’d be forced to accept it with a hung head.
So you do everything you can to stall the inevitable, hoping against hope that he’ll have a change of heart if you’re able to break through that smug exterior of his.
“Are you listening?” he snaps, and it’s then when you realize he’s been talking to you while you were lost in your own world, ignorant to the deliciously lewd sounds of your puckered hole squeezing tightly to accommodate him.
“Of... Of course,” you murmur, acutely aware of your less-than-pleasing pace and the hilichurl camp just meters away, where those cursed beasts lurk with open ears. By sheer willpower, you manage to hold your voice back to avoid alerting them, and it’s a miracle they haven’t spotted you yet. You can only thank the thick grass and the bushes that provide a comforting level of cover.
“Liar.” His fingers feel hot on your hips, like the searing fires of a Pyro slime, as he practically guides you up and down on his cock. “You can’t be this stupid, but I wouldn’t put it past you, seeing as how I managed to find you with such ease. It’s as if you wanted this, you dirty traveler.”
“You wish.” You glare ahead, thoroughly relieved your back is facing him so that he can’t reprimand you for your heated stare. “There’s no need for talking. Let’s just—” Your hips raise and his fingers dig into your sides, slamming you down so you take all of him in one go. A moan hisses out of your clenched teeth as he hits a particular spot inside of you. “Let’s get this over with.”
Scaramouche smirks, peering at your backside from where he sits against the trunk of a large Sunsettia tree. One of his hands moves away to trace patterns along your spine, a small reminder of what he could do to you. Whether he wants to snap your fragile bones or not, you’re unsure, but it keeps you moving with a newfound vigor. You might stand a chance as long as you can hurry this along and then get away as fast as possible. Somehow, even with this position, you’re certain he’ll find a way to keep you hanging from a thread that’s dangerously close to snapping.
“I was thinking,” he says, unbothered with the way you move your hips. Almost as if he’s had better. You would’ve laughed at the implication had the situation permitted it. “What makes a traveler such as yourself so special? Surely there’s more to your status as Honorary Knight than meets the eye...”
“You’re one to talk.” The words come out before you can stop them, spoken with such venom that it startles you. “Fatui Harbinger.”
He doesn’t say anything, simply tilting his head as if weighing the truth in your words. His other hand releases your waist to alleviate the stinging, possessive grip he’s had on you for the past few minutes. You expect him to wring submission out of you with another threatening demand—the same order that got you in this predicament to begin with—but he remains silent. Assuming the worst and acting foolish, you stop entirely, turning your head to stare at him in confusion. Surely he’s plotting something.
There’s subdued concern in your lidded eyes when your gaze locks with Scaramouche’s. Despite sounding unfazed, his cheeks are flushed and that intricate hat of his sits crooked atop his head. You roll your hips experimentally, earning a sound akin to a soft groan. You weren’t sure such a gentle, pleasured noise could ever come from someone so cold and calculating. You almost let out a sigh of relief until his voice stuns you like cold water.
“Did I say you could stop?”
“Obviously not. You haven’t said anything other than useless taunts and—“
Your words stick in your throat when those cobalt hues, which were once glazed over with an indescribable lust, narrow in an intense glower. He opens his mouth to retort, but you’re too nervous to listen to whatever it is he’s about to say, and those unspoken words are replaced with a string of breathy moans. You resume your movements, hastily bouncing upon his twitching dick as if your life depends on it. And it most certainly does. At least, if he does decide to kill you, you’ll have gone out feeling complete bliss. Although you would prefer to keep your life.
“You have...horrible pace,” he says, filtering his whimpers with an assertive tone.
“Like you could do any better,” you say, almost begging for more out of some primal, salacious instinct. “You... Hah... You’re sitting back while I do all the work.”
He scoffs and suddenly you’re being pulled flush against his chest. The movement leaves his dick brushing against your slick walls in an embarrassingly sinful embrace. At this new development, the both of you breathe your own individual sighs of pleasure. You forget all about the fact that he’s caught you—caged you in this position—and fall deeper into unpredictable ecstasy. A shudder racks your body as his hand closes around your breast to roll your perky nipple between his fingers, while his other hand moves down to rub harsh circles against your clit.
And that’s all it takes for you to finally come undone, a tangled mess of nerves fraying and snapping. You clamp your hands over your mouth to muffle your wanton cries as you practically gush around his cock. Scaramouche continues to hump into you, his breath hot and staggered as he struggles to remain composed. If you weren’t succumbing to the after-affects of an intense orgasm, you’d be ridiculing him.
But you aren’t given the chance; you can hardly keep your moans in at this point as his ministrations cause another wave of pleasure to overcome you. Toes curling, your gooey heat squeezes Scaramouche like a vice. It’s so snug and hot—a perfect fit for a perfect Harbinger—and he chases that same high, easily forgetting the ice in your tone or the way you silently fester in mounting hate.
A particularly loud gasp escapes your throat as you wail brokenly, which doesn’t go unheard by the hilichurl relaxing a considerable distance away. It stops to listen, ears pricking. Scaramouche tugs at your breast and your whines finally address him. It’s not his actual name per se; it’s just Fatui. That’s all you know, as he never gave you his name before any of this occurred. You only know him as a Fatui Harbinger—a man in charge of your fate and your very life. And even if he isn’t the only Fatui Harbinger you may know, hearing you call out his position pierces his heart with a dagger of twisted possessiveness. He wants to hear you like this all the time, completely shattered and calling out to him. Only him.
Through your blurry visage, you notice a hilichurl walking towards the bushes to investigate the strange sounds and your blood freezes.
“W-Wait... The hilichurl—it’s coming this way. It heard us. We need to—ah!”
Before you can register what’s happening, your face is being shoved into the ground, and Scaramouche is holding your hips in a white-knuckled grip. You’re almost certain he’ll leave bruises if he doesn’t let go, and you weakly lift your head to protest at the new position. He silences you with sharp, brutal thrusts. You bury your face in your arms, doing everything you can to muffle your moans. You’re hardly granted a break between his thrusts, and he sets a rough pace that leaves you babbling nonsense.
Scaramouche grabs a fistful of your hair, forcing your head up from the grass. “Be quiet.” He slides his dick out until the tip is teasing your entrance before he rams it in all at once, successfully hitting a spongy spot deep inside of you. “I’m in no mood to fight a tribe of foolish hilichurls.”
You’re reduced to an incoherent mess as he batters your overstimulated cunt, practically losing himself in the act of loveless sex. In your eyes, it feels as if the two of you are lovers and he’s simply curing the sexual urges of two lovebirds. Although that’s impossible; he’s Fatui and there’s no way he would stoop so low as to fall in love with a wandering traveler such as yourself. Miraculously and luckily for you, the hilichurl abandons its search when it can’t place the sounds, trudging back to its camp for another nap. You aren’t spared from the torture, though, having endured another orgasmic high that has you seeing stars.
The Fatui Harbinger’s thrusts have become sloppy and weak, a relieving signal, and in the haze of his lust he considers cumming inside. Perhaps it’s due to some strange feeling—a need to mark and monopolize you—but he decides against it at the last minute. When he pulls out, your hopelessly empty pussy clenching around nothing, and cums all over your nude backside you crumple, no longer able to support yourself.
Your surroundings are peaceful and silent, save for your and Scaramouche’s panting. He’s already adjusting his hat and straightening out his clothes, while you’re on the verge of passing out, naked, covered in cum and sweat, and utterly relieved you haven’t alerted an entire tribe of hilichurls.
When he’s presentable, Scaramouche grips your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. A self-satisfied grin blesses his deceiving features. “That was rather enjoyable. Although you can do better. Next time I won’t be so lenient with your ugly, sharp tongue.”
You heave a breath, struggling to move your face away, but his hold is firm and unyielding. “Does this mean...you’ll leave me alone?”
He snickers and your heart drops. “How funny. If I recall, we never made any deal of that sort. Just how delusional are you? Perhaps I’ve gone and broken you already.”
“As if,” you grind out. If only you weren’t entirely exhausted from such an intense session, your determination would’ve held more weight. “I’m stronger than I look.”
“Good. In that case, I look forward to seeing the true strength of Mondstadt’s savior.” As a cheeky afterthought, he adds, “And not when you’re at my mercy, begging like a dog in heat. But I must say, you have interested me. I think I’ll keep you for myself. Consider it an honor.”
And it’s then when you realize just how screwed you are, both figuratively and literally.
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umaruwastaken · 3 years
I wont leave you, I'm sorry. [short fluff & angst]
: hi, I'm Umaru! im very new to Tumblr and still don't know my way around the app, im pretty sure im missing something with the editing so if you have tips please do tell me :], enjoy!
Synopsis; Clay had announced his relationship with his partner,it was well until you received severe hate, clay was keeping in the anger and accidentally let it out on you.
!!TW!!:Shouting, cursing, panic attack.
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→ You tucked your hair out of your face, staring intently in the ceiling... this week isn't the best week for you and your boyfriend.
everything started when he had told his fans about you and you guys' relationship, some were happy and supportive while others didn't take it too well, they were raging... you had received hate and death threats, you tried to remain calm and ignore it convincing yourself that they will forget about it in the next few weeks, but to your dismay, things have been worse, not just with clay's fans but with you two as well.
In the first weeks of getting severe hate, he was there and ready to shower you with comfort and affection, but he suddenly got too busy which makes you feel lonely, but of course you didn't wanna intrude with his career so you let him be, constantly trying to keep the relationship going through a lot of fights have occurred, it started getting worse where you won't even talk to each other without arguing... it was frustrating, but now you had decided that you wanna talk things out with him and fix the mess you both had created.
You're currently waiting in your room, clay's still streaming and have been extremely loud, you missed your chill days with him where you'd just cuddle and whisper soothing words to each other's ear but you haven't talked for the past days and if you do it'll just end up to an argument, You stood up from your bed figuring that he would end stream soon, so you decided to wait in the living room.
After a solid two hours, you had grown impatient, he hadn't left his room though you well know that he had ended his stream since you were watching it...
you sighed finally having the courage to scurry to his room with slight disappointment written on your face...
you had started making dinner and finished.
you knocked three times, waiting expectantly for an answer and receiving none... you knocked again and voiced out this time.
"Clay, dinner's ready," you mutter having hopes that he will answer this time.
sighing once again, you opened the door to see him faced in front of his setup, talking to his friends... he looked over your way with no expression.
"what?" he asked, coming out a little bit too rude for your liking despite waiting for him for 2 hours straight, you decided to be kind and not match his temper for today.
"dinner's ready" you softly mumbled at him.
he turned back to his computer "you go eat, ill come down later." he said before unmuting his mic to talk with sapnap and George once more.
"But, it's been hours and you haven't turned that pc off, you need to eat." he clearly heard your complaint but still chose to ignore you.
"Are you seriously going to ignore me, clay? come on, just this time eat with me," you whined.
"[name], just go... I said ill go down later, eat first." that was his response to your whine, your frown grew deeper as your patience starting to wear off.
"clay! just turn that off and eat."
"I said ill be eating later, go now," he said with a slight hint of annoyance, you can tell that he was running out of patience too... you were too exhausted and just wanted the hugs your boyfriend used to give you, but that computer was your rival, A COMPUTER.
"No, clay, your eyes need to re-"
"can you just shut the f*ck up and go eat for God's sake??! how many times do I have to tell you??! [name] stop being a brat and leave me the f*ck alone!!!"
At this point, you were holding back tears, you were very sensitive with yelling, you had heard something from his pc.
"what the fuck dream?" you heard a familiar voice, which was George.
you sniffled and tried to hold back tears as you wiped those who escaped. "ok... ill go, I'm sorry" you said quietly, taking your leave from his room, as soon as he was out of sight, you sprinted to your room and cried... you tried holding your mouth hoping for the sobs to not be as loud... the voices in your head started speaking.
'he hates you now'
'he'll leave like everyone'
'you were too annoying and clingy'
'he doesn't love you anymore'
'he's tired of you, brat'
she tried stopping them by pulling her hair, starting to have a panic attack.
On the other hand, dream stood in his room functioning what had just happened, you two fought but none ever raised voices nor insulted you like that... he was shocked and shaking as tears threatened to fall from his eyes still hearing his friends nagging.
they had heard everything.
his body trembled thinking that you probably hate him now.
without thinking twice he left the call with nick and George before running out of his room towards yours.
he tried to twist the knob of course its locked, he knocked.
"[name]? baby? please let me in, I'm sorry, I meant nothing of those words! baby? open the door, love... [name] I'm sorry! open the door"
he stopped mid-way hearing her muffled sobs and whimpers.
he started to panic, he went away and grabbed his spare key to your room and frantically opened the door to see you silently crying on the ground, hugging your knees.
he knew how you reacted when a person yells at you, he knew damn well that you were sensitive yet he had failed to take care of you, his mind was full of regret.
tears started falling from his eyes, seeing how much he had hurt you, he was frustrated about the hate and the constant blackmails about being doxxed and shit.
He quickly went towards you and hugged you, he picked you up and sat on the bed with you on his lap.
"Baby, I'm so sorry!" he hugged you tighter rubbing circles on your back.
"I'm a jerk, [name] I'm sorry" he continued kissing the top of your head and held your face to try and face you.
he had seen your face that was stained with tears with a hurtful expression on your face.
"I hate you" you mumbled "I just wanted you to eat, that all" she cried
"I know, I'm sorry baby, I was just stressed... I was frustrated that the hate will make you leave me I'm so sorry!" he explained kissing your forehead, and wiping the tears off your face.
he rested your head on his chest whispering sorry all over and over again, you had stopped the tears and now you have a runny nose
"ill never do that again, [name], I love you... we'll face the haters and continue loving each other, ok? I'm still very sorry, so to make it up to you, we'll spend two days, cuddling! just us, I promise"
he said laying the two of you on your bed. he caressed your cheeks and kissed your nose before moving towards your lips.
"I love you, I love you, I love you" he muttered all over and over kissing every part of your face.
he sighed contently taking a mental note
'must not shout at baby, must protect baby'
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