outtherecreations · 9 months
Heyysyehehekssidj ok so I was obsessed with your Yakko fics and then I saw you accept requests for Bender from futurama!
So I was wondering if I could request a Bender x Reader where she’s a robot but she looks like a human and bender has feelings for her but doesn’t want to seem robosexual. Then planet express go to deliver something and she gets injured and people freak out and she’s just like I’m fine? And bender worries so much he confesses
Sorry for rambling I’ll go now
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts forever (oops). Well, since the new season is out, might as well post this now.
To Love a Human (that’s really a robot):
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A high pitched roar could be heard from a box in Fry’s lap. Bender, Fry, and I stare at the box with wide eyes “So…what are we delivering again?” I ask nervously. “We’re not allowed to ask questions.” Leela sighs “Does it have to be in my lap?” Fry asks “That is a question. What did I just say?” Leela asks “But that’s a question!” Fry huffs.
“…Well, I’m captain. I can do what I want.” Leela says with a shrug. I giggle quietly, turning my attention to Fry “Sorry, but you were the last one on the ship. And the last one’s gotta be the one that’s in the most danger.” I state, Fry only sulks in his seat before the box rattles and shakes. Fry frowns nervously and grumbles to himself, I scoot away from him and a little closer to Bender.
I accidentally brush my elbow against him, “Watch it, Meatbag.” Bender says, glaring at me a little. I smile faintly and back off a little “Heh, sorry Bendy.” I snort, Bender looks away with his arms crossed. It’s always funny how he calls me Meatbag. The ship becomes quiet, the only sounds were the high pitched roars from the box. We yelp when the ship comes to an abrupt stop, “Leela! Ease up on the brakes, you’re just making it angrier.” Fry whispers.
The box shakes harshly and growls erupted from it, Bender and I move away from Fry. “Sorry, but it is too quiet in this ship. It’s distracting.” Leela sighs, the ship starts to move again “Wait, aren’t you always saying how us being to loud is distracting?” I ask, “Knock it off with the questions.” Leela huffs. I laugh a little, “I hope we’re almost there, Fry looks like he’s about to pee his pants.” I state, hoping to get a better response.
“We should be there in…3 hours.” Leela announces. Fry whimpers while Bender and I groan “Boo…” I sigh, Bender pulls out a beer and starts to chug it down. I look at him, he glances at me “Want one?” He asks “I want one.” Fry says “Shut it, you.” Bender says firmly. “Yeah, I’ll take beer. It’s been too long since I’ve had one anyway.” I state. Bender tosses me a beer and we both drink in sync. And funnily enough, burp in sync.
~Small Time Skip~
Fry lets out another nervous sigh, that’s all he had been doing that the past hour. “Lee, please tell me we’re almost there!” I groan. She hums, looking down at the map “Mm…it should be…” Leela gasps and quickly slams on the brakes. My eyes widen when the box goes flying out of Fry’s lap “Oh crap.” Bender says with wide eyes. The box opens, revealing a small white creature with pink eyes, “That’s what was making all that noise?” Leela gasps.
She stares at it in awe, “Wow…that doesn’t look scary at all. Fry was whining for nothing!” Bender groans “Looks can be deceiving.” I hum, elbowing Bender playfully. Leela slowly reaches for the creature “How can something so cute be so dangerous?” She coos.
The creature growls at her, sparking and glowing. “Whoa! I don’t think you should touch it Leela, he looks dangerous.” Fry says, frowning nervously. “How do you know it’s a he? It could be a she for all we know. Don’t assume pronouns, Fry.” I say with playful seriousness “Yeah!” Bender shouts, slapping Fry. “Owwww.” Fry whines.
I laugh, earning a grin from Bender. Fry rubs his cheek and rolls his eyes. “You two need to get a room.” I just giggle more while Bender starts to panic “What are you trying to say? Let me tell you, I like my women with a metal p-” “Alright! You don’t need to go into detail.” Fry says quickly. The creature continues to hiss at Leela. It’s eye twitches as it lets out a high pitched growl, “Um, Lee, I think French Fry is right…” I warn.
Fry, Bender, and I all watch carefully as Leela reaches towards the creature “I don’t know what you guys are freaking out about. This little creature is probably scared. Y/N, you’d be growling too if you were trapped in a box.” Leela says “Thank you for bringing up my claustrophobia…” I laugh weakly with a nervous grin. The creature’s growls only worsen the closer Leela’s hand gets.
Leela gently strokes the creature’s ear, it purrs for a moment. “See, look at that. It’s harmless.” She coos, she wraps her hands around the creature to pick it up-and it bite her. “Ow!” She yelps, dropping the creature. It yelps and growls, sparks start to surround it. “Oh crap.” Bender sighs, he and Fry back away slowly.
The sparks worsen, effecting the lights of the ship. “Um, maybe we should put it back in its box.” I suggest “I say with throw it out the wind-OW!” Fry yelps when the creature shocks him. Leela looks at the creature with a nervous pout as she back away too. “Ok…anyone want to get it back in its box?” She asks, we all share silent glances. “I nominate Bender.” Leela states seriously “WHAT?!” Bender shouts
“You’re a robot, the sparks won’t hurt you…that much.” Leela states, Bender crosses his arms “Why should I risk my shiny, metal *ss for your fleshy, squishy-” “I’ll do it.” I say, picking up the box. “Wait-Y/N, you can’t just-” “Too late I’m doing it.” I say confidently. Everyone shares a concern look, Leela and Fry back away a little “Be careful, Y/N. You don’t want to hurt it.” Leela whispers.
Bender scoffs at her, “I say hurt it before it hurts us. Don’t be stupid, Y/N, it’d really suck if you died. If you die, I’m killing the other two.” He states nonchalantly, Leela glares at him and Fry frowns nervously, everyone watches me-the whole ship was quiet. I lunge towards the creature, trapping it in the box. Fry and Bender cheer, the box starts to glow. I stare at the box with wide eyes. We go quiet again, Leela frowns nervously “Y/N, you might wanna-”
I shield my face from the bright explosion.
S Y S T E M S H U T T I N G D O W N…
R E B O O T I N G…
R E B O O T I N G…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S Y S T E M B A C K O N L I N E.
My eyes open, I look around the room. I lay on the floor, “I can’t believe it. She’s dead!” Fry says “That wasn’t my fault…it wasn’t!” Leela snaps with a panicked tone, Fry flinches “No one said it was your fault…” He says, trying to calm her “Well…I’m just making sure everyone knows it…” Leela sighs, looking down sadly. The creature is box in its box, and this time, it's taped shut.
Bender hovers over my body, his eyes were shut. “Look here, Y/N, I know I’ve never said it but you’re my favorite of all the Meatbags on this stinking crew. If things were different I would’ve definitely…” Bender sighs “Um, Bendy?” I mumble. “Great! Now that regret is gonna haunt me forever! I’m already hearing her ghostly voice! It’s still so sweet and innocent! That’s it, now I’m really killing the other two!” Bender shouts, backing away from me.
I sit up, “Guys.” I say. Bender tenses and slowly turns to me, he lets out some unintelligible noises before falling on his butt “You’re alive?” Leela asks in shock “Um, yeah…why wouldn’t I be?” I ask. “You were electrocuted then your eyes went black.” Leela says nervously “Are you a zombie now? If you are, you should think about going vegan.” Fry says, hiding behind Leela.
“Oh, I’m not a zombie. I didn’t die, I just short circuited.” I tell them. It’s quiet for a moment, “What?” I ask, breaking the silence “Short circuited?” Leela repeats. “Yeah.” I say, everyone just stares in shock “I am a robot after all. It’s not really that surprising.” I snort “Oh yeah it is!” Fry shouts. “If your a robot, why do you look so…fleshy?” Leela asks.
I look at my hand, pinching the fake skin, “I was a prototype for a new generation of humanoid robots Mom was working on, but she got super frustrated with one of her sons and set all her progress on fire. I was luckily able to get out before dying a fiery death.” I tell everyone, there's a pause. “Oh, that makes sense…” Leela says, staring at me blankly.
“So, you’re not going to eat us?” Fry asks carefully, “Ew, no. Humans taste disgusting, trust me, I know.” I snort “What?” Fry asks, blinking at my statement. Bender quickly stands up, “You-you-you mean all this time…-I thought you were a Meatbag like the rest of them!” Bender says, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me. “Well I’m not, Bendy.” I chuckle, Bender lets go of my shoulders.
Bender stares at me with wide eyes, “You mean I’m not a robose-” Bender pauses “A what?” I ask in confusion. Bender lets out a frustrated sound, "Go out with me!" He says firmly, I look at him in surprise before giggling "Yeah, ok." I say, Bender looks slightly taken aback. "Ok...good. Come on." He says, hooking his arm with mine and walking toward the exit of the ship, "Where are you two going? We haven't finished our delivery!" Leela calls "I'm not doing anything until I know what Y/N's shiny, metal *ss looks like!" Bender shouts, he pick me up and jumps out the ship.
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outtherecreations · 11 months
Out of Sync has been moved to its own blog!
I’ll be posting chapter 5 in a couple of days on there.
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This is based of a fic I wrote on another blog, @outtherecreations. There’s a lot I want to do with this story, so I’m moving it to its own blog.
First 4 Chapters:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
And the rest will be updated here.
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Out of Sync [REWRITE]| Rick Sanchez x Reader | Part 4:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A/N: This is gonna have a time skip. It’s been like 2 months since Rick moved in.
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A/N: This was 100% rewritten after the season 6 premiere
My eyes slowly open, I gasp weakly, looking around the garage in confusion as my heart beats harshly in my chest. “R-Rick?” I mumble, frowning a bit, Rick stands over me and starts to gently stroke my arm “Shhh, Baby. Go back to sleep, ok? Everything’s gonna b-be better when you wake up. I’m not gonna-gonna fail you again.” He tells me softly “What the h*ll are you…-” I wince, feeling a sharp pain in my neck. I slowly start to slip back into unconsciousness…
“R-Rick’s gonna make you feel all better…he won’t stand there and watch you d-die again…just relax. I’m-I’m gonna make it all better…”
“Haha! I mother f*cking did it!”
I groan tiredly when Rick violently shakes me awake. I glance at him, he grins widely “Check it out, baby! You’re looking at the guy that just created this!” He says proudly. I look at the oddly shaped gun in confusion, “Is that what you’ve been working on this whole time? What is it?” I ask, rubbing my eyes.
“It’s a portal gun,” Rick explains “With this I can travel across dimensions. I can go anywhere I want.” “Did you make sure it works?” I ask, yawning. Rick rolls his eyes “Of course I made sure it worked. Watch.” He says before shooting the portal gun beside the bed. I shield my eyes from the bright green glow the portal produces. I look at the portal in awe, “See it works.” Rick says proudly, placing a hand on my back
“Wow, Rick, this is-”
“Now let’s see if it’s safe.”
Rick shoves me into the portal, I let out a scream. I hit a hard tile floor, I sit up and look around. I was in the kitchen…
“Did it work? Are you alive?” Rick asks, walking out of our bedroom. I turn to him angrily “Rick, what the h*ll?! What if that killed me?!” I shout, I shove him. Rick scoffs, “Come on, N/N. You didn’t die. I knew the portal was safe.” He says. “Then, why didn’t you go through it too?” I ask, I lower my voice, Beth doesn’t need to hear this sh*t. Rick huffs and crosses his arms at me, “Well, I thought you would’ve wanted to be the first one to experience portal travel.” He states bitterly “Yeah, you’re were wrong.” I sigh angrily, I turn on my heels and storm towards our bedroom. “Stop being dramatic!” Rick calls, I ignore him and shut the door. I flop onto the bed tiredly
There was a green flash outside the door. I hug my knees tightly, he’s gonna come in here…I know it…he’s gonna come in here and apologize like he always does. We’re gonna work through this…this isn’t the end of us…
Rick stands over me as I start to open my eyes, “There she is.” Rick says with a drunken smile. I try to sit up up, but Rick stops me “Whoa, hang on. I wouldn’t do that if I were you, you just went through major surgery.” Rick warns “Major…what?” I ask. “Congrats, I fixed your heart. Now you won’t have random heart attacks anymore. You’re welcome-no need to thank me…unless, you really want to~”
“Rick, what did you do?” I ask, looking at the large scar on my chest. Rick smiles drunkenly, “I-I-I saved you, Baby. I saved you like any good husband would…” He tells me. I stare at the scar with wide eyes, I frown sadly, ���What’s-URP-wrong? This is the part where you’re happy.” Rick states. “Why would I be happy? I didn’t want this!” I snap angrily “Didn’t want-you didn’t want to be helped? To finally stop taking those big *ss pills? To live your life, knowing you can actually live it?” Rick asks, glaring at me.
I fight back the sadness I was feeling, “How…how do I know you didn’t put some…experimental heart that could end up killing me?! So you wouldn’t have to put in yourself, you made me your test monkey!” I ask, trying to keep up my anger.
I know this isn’t the Rick I had Beth with…I know he isn’t the Rick I got into so many fights with-Rick explained it to me so many times when he wasn’t drunk…well, he was less drunk than normal, but I still find it hard to separate the Rick that’s been purposely losing his blankets to sleep in my bed and the Rick that would purposely sleep in the garage to make sure he didn’t have to see me at night…
Some things about how we met are the same…other things are different. How do I know this isn’t one of those times where this Rick and the ‘first’ Rick are the same.
Rick stares at me for a second, he blinks slowly before speaking with anger “W-who-why-did that other Rick f*cking do that to you?!” He asks angrily. I didn’t respond, “WHAT THE F*CK?! THAT GUY’S WORSE THAN I THOUGHT! Not o-o-only did he take away the few things I actually cared about in life, but he-he didn’t appreciate what he had! SON OF A B*TCH!” Rick screams, gripping his hair angrily. He turns to me quicker than I was expecting, my eyes widen at him. There’s no telling what he’d do when he’s in this state..
“I want you to u-understand something, Y/N,” Rick says, holding my hands firmly “I f*cking love you, ok?! I wanted to spend the rest of m-my sh*tty life with you! You made my life less sh*tty! Y-y-you wanna know why I took time to build you a heart? Because-if you die! I’ll die! Then B-Beth will have no parents and be so depressed that she gives Jerry another kid! Is that what you want Y/N? Another Jerry running around?! At least we could save Summer and M-Morty from ending up like him, b-but this one will be all alone!”
Ok, he’s ranting, he doesn’t mean anything he just said. Good.
I sigh, I try to pull my hands away from his, but Rick doesn’t let go. He stopped ranting, looking down with a defeated frown. I sigh silently, I squeeze Rick’s hands softly…he glances at me, I look down “Thank you-” Rick engulfs me into a hug “I knew you’d l-l-like it! Hang on,” Rick pulls out of the hug “I’m gonna go get the-the…stuff to show you how it works! Wubba lubba dub dub!” He runs out of the garage, leaving me to listen the the sounds of the heart monitor…I frown at the floating feeling in my chest.
My dimension or not, I refuse to fall in love with him again.
~4 Days Later~
“Hey, Grandma, what do you think of this?” Summer asks, walking out of the dressing room. She was wearing a black dress, fishnet stockings, and some high heels. I sniffle a little, “I would be so jealous of you if we went to high school together.” I say proudly.
Summer lights up, “Really? You think I should get it?” She asks excitedly “The mom in me says no, buuuut, I’ve raised my kid-so I say you should definitely get it.” I tell her, Summer squeals “Thanks, Grandma!” She says before going back into the dressing room. I smile at her softly.
“Wow, I’m shocked you approved of that outfit…”
A guy around my age smile at me softly, “Well, I believe in letting kids wear what they want. As long as they’re not naked.” I state with a shrug. “That’s good…not a lot of open minded people in our generation. I hope you’re open minded with other things too.” The man chuckles softly, I cringe a little, but it didn’t last long so the guy didn’t notice. Summer walks out of the dressing room, holding the dress she was going to buy for her school dance thing.
“I can’t wait for the other girls to see me in this and sh*t their panties in jealousy-um, who’s this?” Summer asks, eyeing the dude…it’s ironic how she looks like Jerry, but makes expressions that Rick tends to make. “Oh, I have no idea. We’re just started talking.” I tell her, the man chuckles again. “My name’s Leroy.” He states, Summer and I share an unimpressed look. “Hey, if you’re not too busy, maybe we could have some brunch one day. I know a good place.” Leroy says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I smile politely, fighting the strong urge to laugh at his offer. “Sorry, but I’m not interested in dating at the moment.” I tell him. Leroy only smirks a little bit, “But at one point, you will be interested in dating again…when the time comes. Give me a call?” He asks, handing me a paper with his number on it. “I-I…will.” I say awkwardly before Summer drags me away.
She buys her clothes and we get into the car. “So…Leroy?” Summer asks, I nod…the two of us break into a laughing fit. “He really thought he had a chance with the name Leroy?!” Summer laughs “That and his stupid sh*tty pick up line!” I snort. “And he already had his number pre-written down?! Who does that?!” Summer asks through her fits of laughter, “Apparently, guys named Leroy do.” I laugh. Summer wheezes.
(A/N: No offense to any Leroys)
Our laughter starts to die down as I start the car. Summer glances at me, “Are you gonna tell Grandpa?” She asks me. “Uh, no. Why would I tell him?” I scoff lightly “Aren’t you two back together?” Summer asks, scrolling through her phone. “No. Why would you even think that?” I ask, eyeing her worriedly. Summer smirks at me.
“You two are sleeping in the same bed.”
“Not by choice. Rick always get in my bed when he’s drunk. And that’s every night.”
“What about when you two flirt?”
“Making fun of his bald spot isn’t flirting.”
“What about when he tells you he’d die without you.”
“That’s because I’m the only one that forces him to drink water and eat an actual meal...”
Summer smirks even more, “Yeah, sure.” She says “I’m serious, we’re not back together. There’s no chance of that happening.” I say seriously, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I frown a little at Summer snickering a little, “Yeah, whatever you say, Gram.” She teases. I roll my eyes a little.
~Next Day~
I stand outside the garage door nervously. Jerry walks in, “Jerry, before I die. Always know, I don’t hate you as a person, I hate you as a son in law…and as a person. But more as a son in law.” I states “Um…ok…” Jerry says. “Also, if I die, leave Beth or I’m haunting your *ss.” I say firmly before I take a deep breath and walk into the garage.
Rick lays across his desk, knocked out as usual. I sigh and slowly approach him, my hand shakes as I reach for his lab coat. I suck in a breath, slowly pulling Rick’s flask out of his pocket. Rick remains unfazed, I quickly run out the garage.
Jerry was still in the kitchen, he watches me with confusion. “Jerry, leave now, I don’t want any witnesses.” I sigh, screwing the cap off the flask. I sniff the bottle-I quickly pull it away from my face. The scent was so strong, I feel drunk off of smelling it. Jerry takes whatever he wanted before quickly leaving.
I pour the orangey liquid down the drain, whatever Rick’s been drinking is super thick…I frown worriedly before sighing “I’m only doing this so he stops being drunk around me…” I mumble. I rinse out the sink, “Ok…time to refill this with something.” I hum. I grab some orange soda out of the fridge, I pour it into the flask.
“Eh. Might as well add Sprite.” I say, pouring in Sprite too. I screw the top back on, I beam proudly as I turn to walk back into the garage. “AAAH!” I scream, Rick stands in front of me “W-what are you doing?” He asks. Rick glares at me suspiciously. “D-drugs?” I wheeze out fearfully, Rick snatches the flask out my hands “I know! Do-do you know what this will do to you if you drink it?!” Rick scolds.
My eyes flash concern for a split second, “I’m guessing the same thing it does to you.” I state, trying to move past Rick. He drops the flask and grabs my shoulders, “Did…did I just hear some concern in your voice?” He asks. I pull out of his hold, “Yeah, you keep sleeping in my d*mn bed, last thing I need is you dying next to me. I got enough trauma cuz of you…” I sigh.
Rick picks up the flask, and takes a sip. He pauses, I tense a little, but relax when Rick continues drinking. He walks away back into the garage I quickly walk into the living room. Morty was sitting on the couch, I frown a little when he starts at the tv emotionlessly…I guess Beth and Jerry’s latest fights have been getting to him… “Hey, Morty…” I greet softly “Hey, did-did you do the thing?” He asks, I shush him. I nod, Morty frowns nervously “Won’t he find out and get mad?” He whispers.
“Yeah, but he doesn’t need to be drinking that stuff anyway.” I hum, turning up the tv. Morty stares at me for a moment before slowly going back to watching tv. Morty taps his fingers nervously, “What do you wanna ask?” I ask him “H-huh?” Morty asks with wide eyes “Morty, I can pick up on your little tells. I know you want to either ask or tell me something.” I state.
Morty’s tapping comes to a stop, “You stopped taking your pills,” He starts nervously “Are you-…trying to do something to yourself?” Morty frowns at me sadly. My eyes widen, “No! Morty! No, no! I have too much confidence to do anything like that. I’m shock with how much he drags you around, Rick never said anything.” I snort lightly, “A-about what?” Morty asks, his sad frown turns into a confused one.
“He gave me a mechanical heart because…I’m not really sure. But I have yet to blow up, so, I think the act was genuine.” I hum “Wow, s-so, Rick helped your heart issues and-and you’re trying to help his drinking problem?” Morty asks, he cracks a smallest of smiles “I…I guess. But I’m not doing that for any romantic reasons. I’m just returning the favor.” I say, crossing my arms and cringing-even I don’t believe the sh*t coming out of my mouth…
“Would you ever want to get back together with Rick?” Morty asks bluntly, I look at him before sighing heavily “I really don’t know…the dumb part of me would love to jump at the chance to rekindle the love that was taken from me just as soon I as I got used to it, but the smart part of me knows that OUR Rick, the one who left me and your mother, was an awful…sometimes even mentally abusive sack of sh*t…” I trail off, Morty tilts his head at me “I know, that Rick and the Rick who’s currently sucking down Sprite and Orange soda are almost two different people, but I guess my brain is struggling to separate the two. Which means, I really don’t see me and any Rick getting back together.” I sigh. Morty hums, staring at the ground.
~Author’s POV~
Rick stares at the screen quietly, “I knew I tasted Sprite in this…” He mutters, studying his flask. Rick swiftly types words into the keyboard, allowing the robot to continue speaking…
“It looks like Rick still has f-feelings for you.”
“It feels more love-bombing than anything, Morty.”
Rick frowns and types more, “What if he actually loves you?” ‘Morty’ asks seriously. Rick watches your face twitch a little, showing a little sadness behind your eyes “I don’t think he can anymore, Morty…not without being drunk…” You mumble. Rick hits a button, making ‘Morty’ frown, Rick’s face mirrors the robot’s expression. Rick reaches for the keyboard again- “Know what, Morty…I might just go out on the brunch-date with Leroy.” You admit.
“Who the h*ll’s Leroy?” Rick mumbles “W-who’s that?” The Morty robot asks nervously “Some guy who asked me out when Summer was getting her dress for the dance. He was a little weird, but he seemed sweet enough…I guess.” You say with a very unconvincing tone.
You shrug, taking the remote “Who knows, maybe it’s better for me to date someone that’s dumber than me. I probably just wasn’t good enough for Rick…” You mumble. Rick frowns deeply as you look down sadly. “No wonder Beth ended up with Jerry if that’s the mindset she saw you have.” Rick grumbles disappointedly.
~Next Morning~
~Y/N’s POV~
I yawn tiredly, stretching my arms and legs out. “Huh…” I mumble, I look around to see Rick was gone. Weird, usually I’m normally the first one out of bed. I frown a little.
“D-don’t worry, Baby!”
I scream when Rick rolls from under the bed, “I’m still here, you don’t have-have to be sad.” Rick snorts. “I wasn’t-“ “Save that tsundere-ness for the next chapter.” Rick says, cutting me off “The next chapter? Are you still drunk?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
“Nope,” Rick hums “I’m not going to be drunk for today.” Rick takes a sit on the bed. “What happens today, Rick?” I ask tiredly, I’m not really in the mood for whatever he has planned. Rick grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him, he grins chaotically.
“You and I are gonna spend the whole day together. Just us~” He coos, wrapping an arm around me. “What?” I ask, letting out a heavy sigh. Rick whips out his portal gun and I flinch with wide eyes “Oh h*ll yeah! Rick and Y/N chapter!” He cheers, opening a portal. I scream when we fall through….
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Currently finishing Out of Sync and some requests right now.
I don’t know when it’ll be out, but know I AM working on it. Out of Sync is more finished than my other writing. It soon be out soon.
Me at the moment:
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Out of Sync [REWRITE]| Rick Sanchez x Reader | Part 3:
Part 1
Part 2
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A bright lights rips into the darkness of the bedroom.
I roll my eyes tiredly at the sound of unbalanced footsteps stumbling into the room. “H-hey, baby…you-URP-you up?” Rick asks, I cringe as Rick leans over me. My body tenses “Yeah you’re u-up.” Rick hums.
“Get away from me.” I mumble, pulling the blanket over my head “I tried, it didn’t work. I g-guess we’re just stuck with each-URP-other.” Rick states. He pulls on the blanket lightly, not enough for him to actually move it. I groan, kicking my feet towards his-grinning widely when I hit something.
Rick grunts in pain before grabbing my foot “N-not nice…you’re such a b*tch.” He huffs “Ah, there’s the Rick I know-” Rick cuts me off by flopping on top of me “Rick! What the f*ck?! Get off of me!” I yelp, squirming. “Noooo. Just let me sl-URP-eep!” Rick whines. I open my mouth to cuss him out, but didn’t get the chance before Rick was already snoring loudly. “Oh my gosh…I’m either gonna kill this man or myself.” I growl under my breath.
I stare at the scribble down equations on my desk “Ugh, it just doesn’t make any sense! I know what I need to do, but I don’t know how to do it! Work stupid brain! WORK!” I groan, gripping the sides of my head tightly. Rick chuckles quietly, “If I was your brain right now, I’d tell you to f*ck off.” He jokes “You tell everyone to f*ck off. I still don’t know now I met your high as h*ll standards.” I joke tiredly.
“Well, lucky for you. I lowered my standards just enough for you to at least share a lab with me.” Rick says, the grin on his face made it clear nothing he said was meant to be harsh. “Just don’t fall in love with me, Sanchez, cuz this is not permanent. Once you graduate, this place will be all mine.” I hum, rereading the equations. I flinch when Rick’s hand blocks the equation I was reading “I’m hungry, wanna get something to eat?” He asks.
I shoo his hand away, “No thanks. I’m not hungry.” I state “You sure? I know this really good place.” Rick hums, leaning on my desk “Mm, yeah. I’m sure.” I tell him “You’re really gonna make me go alone?” He asks “You’ve spent your whole life without me-and you’re gonna spend the rest of your life after college without me. I sure you can handle not seeing me for 30 minutes.” I say.
I really don’t have time for this. I need to figure-
“Oh for f*cks sake, I’m trying to ask you out.”
I pause and look up at Rick “Oh ho, THAT got your attention. So now will you come with me?” Rick asks with a cocky grin. “Mm,” I hum, glancing at my equations “Fine, but you’re paying.” “Duh.” Rick says. He opens the door for me and we walk out the science lab.
I open my eyes slowly, looking around. I look up to see the sun shining brightly through the window.
Huh…that’s weird.
I’ve never slept through the whole night.
I haven’t done that in forever…
My body tenses when I hear Rick’s quiet snoring “Oh sh*t please no.” I mumble, squirming in Rick’s grip. Rick only nuzzle closer, my cheeks redden “No! I will not enjoy this.” I growl. I wiggle away from Rick-only to land harshly on the ground
“Gah! Sh*t!” I shout out in pain. Rick grumbles tiredly, he looks down at me. “Mm, you’re always a sight to wake up to.” He jokes, nuzzling into the blanket tiredly “Shut up. And why are you in my bed?! You’re bed is literally right there!” I sigh, gesturing to his sleeping bag. Rick looks at it, “It’s warmer here. Plus, you enjoyed it. Once you fell asleep, you were cuddling back.” He mumbles tiredly.
I scoff, standing up “You were probably just imagining that. I mean-you were drunk and probably high.” I state “Mm…” Rick mumbles. He doses off again, I sigh and walk downstairs. “Hey, Mom. How’d you sleep?” Beth asks knowingly, I sigh “Surprisingly well…and that scares me.” I admit, taking a seat at the table.
Beth tilts her head in confusion, “Why would you be scared by that? It’s great that you’re finally able to sleep again.” She says happily “Rick was in my bed…” I groan. Beth smiles widely, “We’re not getting back together,” I say firmly “He was drunk and decided to crash in my bed.” “Well, Dad could’ve crashed on the couch, or in the garage, or on the floor…but he chose your bed. Come on, you don’t think that could mean anything?” Beth asks.
My heartbeat quickens for a moment, I wince in pain “Mom, are you ok? Did you take your medicine?” Beth asks worriedly “N-no…I just woke up.” I tell her weakly “Um, ok. You’re probably just hungry. Go have a seat in the living room, I’ll make some pancakes.” Beth says. I smile at her “No, no. I’m fine. I can-” “Mom. Go have a seat.” Beth says. She frowns at me seriously “Yes Ma’am.” I chuckle.
I stare at the tv blankly, there are only so many Golden Girls reruns I can sit through…
There was a heavy dip in the couch beside me. I turn to see Rick sitting beside me, “Are you seriously watching this? You look dead inside.” Rick states, raising an eyebrow. “You would know what it’s like to be dead inside.” I grumble tiredly, scooting away from him. Rick scoots closer to me, I sigh. Rick hums in thought before standing up, he walks away.
I sigh, I don’t think my heart can take him being so close anymore…
Rick returns, holding a crystal and a device in his arms. “What is that, Sanchez?” I sigh tiredly, hating the fact that I was genuinely curious to know. “Important thing is, I just gave us better cable. You’re welcome. You can now watch tv shows from every single reality.” Rick states, tossing me the remote. I pick it up, raising an eyebrow at Rick as he sits down beside me again.
I press a button on the remote, the channel flips to Fav/Movie…that’s the movie that Rick and I were watching when we shared a first kiss. I frown before flipping the channel again “I thought you loved that movie.” Rick comments, resting his head in the palm of his hand. “I-I’m just not in the mood for it.” I say nonchalantly-even though my heart was pounding harder than it should be. “Aw really? But we were watching this movie when it all clicked for me.” Rick states.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, tilting my head. “You l-looked so happy watching this movie. Seeing you happy, made me happy. And I thought this movie was sh*t, but yet, I was happy it was on…I was happy period. I realize you m-made me happy. Once I realized that, I decided I wanted you to be around me forever.” Rick says. My cheeks redden before I frown “But you…left.” I scoff, turning away from him.
I flip through the channels quickly, “That wasn’t me!” Rick groans “Oh? Then who was it? The drugs, the alcohol, or was it the pure hatred you felt for us?” I ask, glaring at him firmly. Rick looks at me, he doesn’t respond, he only frowns at me. Rick lets out a sigh before he takes a sip from his flask. I only roll my eyes, “Breakfast is ready!” Beth calls. I quickly stand up and walk away.
“We’re going to the same place! No point in running.”
“Even a few seconds away from you add a couple more years to my life.”
Rick touches his chest gently “Oh, ow…you hurt me so.” He whines, following behind me. Beth smiles at us, “Where’s Summer and Morty?” I ask “Still sleep. So is Jerry.” Beth states. She sets the plates on the table. Rick sits in front of me, “Aw, l-looks great Beth. Like the br-breakfasts your mother would make.” He says. Beth beams happily while I only frown bitterly, “Heh, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the two of you eat breakfast together. I’ve missed this.” She states, I look at my plate tiredly…
I frown tiredly, flicking blueberries across the table. Each one ends up hitting Rick in the chest, “Y/N, if you want my attention. Just ask.” He teases, eating his waffle. I roll my eyes and continue to flick blueberries at him, Beth watches me, letting out fits of giggles. “Sweetie, don’t encourage her.” Rick scolds, but there wasn’t any seriousness in his voice. I flick another blueberries, but instead of hitting Rick in the chest, it hit him on the cheek.
“Ow! I’m gonna sue!” Rick shouts out dramatically, pointing a finger at me. Beth and I laugh, Rick rubs his cheek with an annoyed smile. “Oh, I’m sorry, Ricky. Want me to kiss it better?” I snicker, Rick grins at me “If you do, you might not being hearing from my lawyer.” He hums. I stand and walk over to him, kissing his cheek. I pull away, only for Rick to pull me back by my shirt.
He pulls me into a kiss. “The blueberries didn’t even hit you on the mouth!” Beth states when we pull away “Pain and suffering.” Rick says with a shrug, I laugh and roll my eyes. I take one of the blueberries off his plate, plopping it into my mouth “Hey! Did you just rob me?!” Rick asks offendedly “I can’t steal what I made. Watch.” I laugh before picking up Beth and walking away. She giggles out a “Bye Daddy!” “And now you’re stealing my child?! How dare!” Rick shout, not able to contain his laughter.
Rick stands up and runs towards us. “AH! MOMMY HE’S COMING!” Beth squeaks happily “Oh no! Time to go!” I laugh, running out the kitchen “Get back here you child thief!” Rick laughs.
My chest both flutters and sinks at the distance memory.
We used to be so happy together…then he started working on that stupid portal gun. After that, he spent more time in the garage and less time with us. The more time he was alone, the more he would drink. I hated when he started drinking too much, I knew what that was going to do to his health in the future. Every time I saw him, he was drunk or about to get drunk…
The fluttering feeling in my chest flies away and I’m left with a growing emptiness before a sharp pain shoots through my chest. I wince, gripping my chest tightly. Rick eyes me carefully as I take my medicine, “What was that?” Rick asks “I’m not letting you get high off my meds.” I scoff. Ugh, why did Beth have to leave me alone with him. A horse’s life is not more important than your mothers!
Rick rolls his eyes, “Oh please, like those pills would do anything for me.” He scoffs, I roll my eyes “Since when do you have heart issues?” Rick asks, I shrug “I dunno…right after Summer was born. When Jerry became a permanent factor in my life.” I say bitterly. Just as I said that, Jerry was about to walk into the kitchen. “Um…I’m right here…” He says awkwardly.
“Jerry, get the f*ck out! Can’t you see we don’t want you here?!” Rick shouts, bashing his hands onto the table. I fight back the urge to laugh, “But I wanted-” “No one cares what you want, Jerry! We wanted your genes out of our grandchildren! We can’t always get what we want!” Rick shouts. Jerry whimpers nervously before quickly leaving. I laugh at the sight, Rick takes a swing of his flask. I frown at that sight.
Rick looks down and lets out a heavy sigh, “You know, I could fix your heart. Get rid of all those problems.” He tells me “Really?” I ask with an unamused frown as I eat the waffles “Yeah, really.” Rick hums “Thanks, but no thanks.” I sigh, finishing up my food.
I stand up and walk away from the table, “Fine, but the offer’s still on the table for when you want it.” Rick states before taking of huge drink from his flask. I shake my head and walk out of the kitchen.
“U-Uno! Ha! I’m-I’m about to beat you!”
I grin at Morty, “Not bad, you’re finally getting good at this game,” I say proudly “Too bad you can never beat the master! Color change green, draw 4, Uno! Game.” I toss each of the cards down. Morty stares in shock, “How?!” He gasps “Skills, small child. Skills. I’ve been undefeated for years. Only one person has beat me…” I say confidently.
“Who?” Morty asks “I’ll never tell. Beside, that person is long gone now.” I sigh sadly “What happened to them?” Morty asks, I shrug “Who knows? Wanna play another game?” I ask, stacking the cards “No thanks. I have to…to finish my homework.” Morty states “Ok. Good luck. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” I tell him. Morty nods and I walk upstairs to my room. I yawn tiredly, “Rick hasn’t even been here for a whole month and I’m already ready for him to leave.” I sigh. I groan as I stretch my arm, “Ah, time for my old lady nap.” I snicker before faceplanting onto the bed.
Hi, sorry it’s been a while. But look, it’s a new part. Yay! Anyways, I don’t know when the next part will be out, but there will be a time skip. Alrighty, bye~
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outtherecreations · 2 years
hello! i want an update about the out of sync rick sanchez x reader fic..i cant stop rereading them
Currently working the next part. Just got done rewatching seasons 4 and 5 so more parts should be coming out soon. Especially since I’m finally done with school.
Me right now:
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outtherecreations · 2 years
🚙Chose Kevin🚙
Read Part 4 (FINALE) for this to make sense
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I take a deep breath, looking between the two boys. I don’t want to do this, but I have to…for my own sake.
“Ben,” I sigh, they both perk up “I care about you. I always have and I alway will, but…I can’t keep doing this. For my own sanity, I can’t keep watching you become more and more distant, making more and more mistakes, and putting less and less in this relationship. We worked better as friends…I actually KNEW how you felt about me. I want to be in a relationship where I’m putting in the most work. I’m sorry…”
Those green eyes I fell in love with…
Now they’re making feel like puking. Ben lets outs a shaky breath, “N/N…you’re joking, right?” He asks. Ben looks at me up and down “You can’t be serious. After all we’ve been through, you’re gonna let one small mistake-” “It’s not just one small mistake. It’s a bunch of small mistakes that always turn into bigger ones. And I always let you slide every single time…I can’t do it anymore.” I sigh.
“If that’s how you’ve been feeling, why haven’t you actually tried to talk to me?!” Ben shouts “Well you don’t make it easy! You’re not even making breaking up with you easy!” I shout back “Newsflash, relationships aren’t easy!” Ben sighs “They shouldn’t be h*ll either! Ben, just stop please.” I sigh tiredly. Ben looks down at the ground, clenching his fists.
Kevin stands there, watching the both of us carefully. “Fine.” Ben says quietly before turning to Kevin “If you break her heart. I’m kicking you back into the Null Void.” He threatens. Kevin rolls his eyes “It’s gonna be hard to break what you already broke.” He states, Ben only growls. I watch him storm to his front door.
The door slams loudly-I just know Mrs Tennyson said something.
I flinch when Kevin places a hand on my shoulder, “Come on. Let’s head to the garage.” He says gently. We get into the car and drive off. I glance over at Kevin to see him grinning like an idiot “Why are you so happy?” I snort tiredly, looking out the window “Why am I so happy? Is that a serious question?! I finally got the girl of my dreams!” Kevin says victoriously.
My cheeks warm up, “Well…I’m probably gonna need some time before we-” “Say no more. I’ve waited this long. Now that the deal is officially sealed, I can wait a for more days or weeks.” Kevin says. He grins a little, keeping his eyes on the road. I stare at him in surprise, “Stop staring at me, Nut-heh, guess I can’t call you that anymore…Princess? Yeah, Princess…I missed calling you that. Stop staring at me, Princess, you’re making me distracted.” Kevin jokes.
“You just seen really ok with this.” I say “Of course I am, at the end of the day…I’m finally the one that gets to hold your hand and kiss you and call you everyday and beat up any guy that flirts with you. Maybe I can teach you how to drive now.” Kevin suggests, not even bothering to hide his excitement “Oh please, you said you’d never risk your car. Plus, Ben already taught me.” I scoff playfully. We stop at a red light “I never said we were gonna use MY car. And Ben barely knows how to drive himself.” Kevin snorts, I laugh and shake my head “You got a point.” I giggle weakly.
~2 Week Later ~
‘I guess if this is really what you want…fine Y/N. But don’t expect me to be there when Kevin breaks your heart.’
I place my phone on the counter when Kevin walks into the garage “See, I changed. Now are you ready to go get lunch?” Kevin asks, I grin playfully “Depends on who’s driving.” I tease. Kevin snorts “Look, I know I said you’d be on the road in a week, but I also know that you know that my car is my baby and no one shall ever drive her but me.” He says firmly. I hop into the passenger’s seat as Kevin gets in. I glance at him, Kevin drives off.
“Don’t you trust me, Kev?” I ask, he glances at me for a second “Nope.” Kevin says seriously “WHAT?!” I gasp offendedly, Kevin laughs “I’m sorry, but you almost hit a dog last time.” He states “That was not a dog, it was a deer!” I say defensively “A deer wearing a leash?” Kevin asks. I pout, “I will jump out this car with no hesitation.” I huff.
“You won’t get food if you jump out.” Kevin warns “Shoot, you’re right.” I groan, pressing my back deep into the seat. Kevin only laughs, “Beside we’re almost there.” He says, I study the buildings and places outside the window “Kevin, where are we? I’ve never seen this place in my life.” I state with a confused frown. “I know, there’s a new restaurant around here. Thought it’d be good for a first date.” Kevin hums softly.
My cheeks redden a little, “Aw look who’s blushing.” Kevin teases. I roll my eyes “Aw, look who’s a big old softie.” I squeal, Kevin cringes “Ugh, never called me that again.” He snorts “But you are a softie. A soft baby man.” I say, making my voice sound baby-ish. I stop teasing him when the car pulls up to a restaurant. “We here.” Kevin tells me, he frowns.
“Come on, Kev. You can’t seriously be mad about-”
“I’m not…”
I hum in confusion before I finally look off to where Kevin was staring. My eyes widen for a second, “Huh, looks like Julie ended up with Ben after all…glad she got what she wanted.” I say happily. Kevin blinks at me as I start to grab my things, “You really wanna go in there while they’re here?” He asks seriously “Yeah, we’re on a date. Who cares that they’re on a date too?” I say with a shrug “You don’t care?” Kevin asks “Not really…I mean, I moved on. So, I’m glad he’s moved on too.” I say.
“How do you exist?” Kevin asks with red cheeks, my face mirrors his. Kevin steps out the car and walks over to open my car door “Milady~” He says, bowing a little. I fight back a laugh as I step out the car, it didn’t take long before a felt a pair of eyes staring me down.
I elbow Kevin gently, “Looks, like we’ve already been spotting.” I whisper. Kevin hums in thought “You ok with that?” He asks “Mmhm, are you?” I ask “As long as you’re fine with this. If he says anything sh*tty I’ll kick his *ss.” Kevin warns, I cast him a tired smile. Kevin wraps an arm around me and we make our way to the entrance.
“How many times have I told you, get away! I want nothing to do with you!”
“Don’t be like that, Benji-”
“Don’t call me that! Don’t EVER call me that!”
Kevin and I walk past Ben and Julie. Once we were far enough, Kevin snickers “Stop it. Be nice.” I say “All I’m saying is, Tennyson got what he deserved.” Kevin says as the waiter walks up to us. She beams at us “Oh? A couple! Would you like our ‘Just the Two of Us’ special?“ She asks happily. Kevin squeezes me happily, I look at him “Why, yes, we would like that special.” He says, pushing a fancy voice.
~Time Skip~
“-So seasons 2 and 3 aren’t dubbed, but season 1 is? What?!”
I groan tiredly “I know! The original people who were dubbing it lost the rights…now I gotta watch it all subbed. And don’t get me started on the continuation series-they changed all the voice!” I say. Kevin nearly spits out his water “Ugh, I wish I would’ve known before I started watching. Their old voices are perfect.” I whine.
Kevin chuckles “I’m not touching that show.” He tells me “Dodge that bullet, Kev, dodge it!” I say firmly. I let out an annoyed groan before I notice Kevin staring at me. “What’s up?” I hum, he only laughs “Can I take a moment to realize how cute you are?” Kevin asks with a playful grin. “Only if I get to brag about how cute my boyfriend is.” I say.
Kevin’s eyes widen, he grins widely “So…we’re official now?” He asks. “Yep-” I yelp when Kevin pulls me into a kiss. He quickly pulls away with red cheeks “Sorry. Sorry, are you ok with me kissing you yet?” Kevin asks carefully, I laugh “It wouldn’t be the first time you kissed me without permission,” I tease “But I’m fine with it.” “Good. Cuz I wanna do it again.” Kevin says excitedly, pulling me into another kiss
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outtherecreations · 2 years
💚Chose Ben💚:
Read Part 4 (FINALE) for this to make sense
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I take a deep breath, looking between the two boys. “Ok,” I sigh “I made my choice..."
"Ben…” Both Ben and Kevin perk up, “I’m willing to give you another chance. But this will be your last chance.” I state, Ben runs over to me and pulls me into a kiss “You won’t regret it, N/N. I promise!” Ben says happily.
I smile at him before glancing at Kevin, he stares at me quietly. I open my mouth, but Kevin speaks first “Don’t worry, Nutjob, no hard feelings. As long as your happy…I’m happy.” Kevin sighs, frowning.
Ugh, he looks anything but happy.
“Heh, sorry, Kev. I do care about you a lot and cherish the friendship we have…” I say, looking down. “We’re still friends, I just need a little time before we hang out again.” Kevin says. He glances at Ben before flashes a crooked smiles “If Ben f*cks up again, I’m always here for you. See you later.” Kevin says.
I watch as he gets in his car and drives off. I look at Ben, he was grinning widely. I smile at him tiredly “This was fun.” I chuckle weakly “Mmhm, so fun. Let’s never do it again,” Ben says, linking his hand with mine “Come on. I owe you a date. Plus, we have a lot we need to talk about.” “We do?” I ask “Yeah, I want you to tell me everything…everything I’m doing wrong, everything I’m doing right. I just-I don’t wanna risk losing you again.” He tell me, squeezing my hand a little.
~A Couple Weeks Later~
Julie runs out the bathroom fearfully, I grin at the sight “Can’t you be a little nicer to her? This is the 6th time today you’ve scared her out of the bathroom.” Ben whispers softly “Benji, remember, she’s the whole reason you almost lost me to Kevin.” I state, sipping on my smoothie.
“Ok, yeah-fair enough.” Ben sighs, pressing a kiss on my cheek. “Have you…talked to Kevin since?” He asks nervously, I go quiet and frown. Ben raises an eyebrow, “He hasn’t been answering my calls, and Gwen hasn’t heard a word from him. When he said he need a little time, he wasn’t kidding.” I sigh.
I hope he’s ok…
“I can’t blame him. I’d hide away too if I lost my chance to be with you.” Ben jokes, I laugh weakly. Ben wraps an arm around me and nuzzles into my side “Thank you for giving me another chance.” He sighs happily. I hug him back, “Of course. You might drive me crazy with your ‘Ben Charm’, but I still love you.” I joke.
The bell rings, I yelp. Ben snickers “Guess we gotta get back to class.” He huffs, standing up and holding his hand out to me. I happily take his hand and we walk to class together. Julie frowns fearful as we walk past her “Little b*tch.” I mutter. The only person who heard me was Ben, but Julie was smart enough to run away anyway. Ben only chuckles at me, “I’ll see you in Geometry.” He says, pressing a kiss on my forehead. “See ya, Benji.” I say, pulling away from his embrace.
While walking, I take a final look at my phone. The word ‘Read’ sat under the last text I sent Kevin. I frown, sliding my phone into my bag “I’m gonna take that as a sign that your ok.” I mumble, I walking into the classroom.
~Later that day~
I grin victoriously, “Once again, I have kicked your butt.” I snort. Ben stares at the screen and huffs before letting out a laughs “You’re actually happy to lose? Who are you and what have you done with Benji?” I joke lightly.
“Oh no, I’m this close to throwing my controller out the window,” Ben says with a happy sigh “I’m just glad you and I get to keep having these little…slightly embarrassing-but special moments.” He smiles at me. I smile back “Aw Benji-” Ben cuts me off with a kiss “You have no idea how happy I am to have you in my life. I love you.” Ben says, I blush “Love you too, Benji.” I say.
We smile at each other before Ben instantly hits next round on the game “Wh-HEY! I WASN’T READY, YOU FRICKING FLIRT!” I scream, elbowing Ben in the side. He laughs, “I do love you. But you should know better than to get sappy while we’re playing a video game~” He teases “Uh huh, prepare to be destroyed.” I scoff playfully.
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outtherecreations · 2 years
[FINALE] Less and Less | Ben Tennyson x Reader (x Kevin Levin):
A/N: Due to technical difficulties, this chapter got messed up and I had to rewrite everything…thanks for waiting. Still bitter about rewriting all this tho 😒
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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“I-I choose-”
I pause, peeking out the window. Both Ben and Kevin were fighting pretty hard…
“Gwen,” I sigh seriously “I’m gonna call you back.” “Ok…be safe, Y/N. Don’t do anything that could make things worse.” Gwen warns before hanging up. I place my phone into my pocket and brace myself to step outside.
Suddenly, the sounds of fighting come to a stop. I look out the window again, only to see Ben back in his human form, standing in front of Kevin with a disappointed look. Ben’s face was pretty bloody from what I could see, I gasp when he looks over to the garage. I quickly yank away from the window, when I peeked again-Ben and Kevin were walking towards the garage.
I cross my arms nervously as the door swings open. Ben looks at me with the same green eyes I’ve been looking at all my life…
They’re the same eyes, but they feel so different.
They don’t spark the childlike joy they used too.
Now they only bring a confused anxious feeling …
Kevin looks back and forth between me and Ben. “So,” Kevin says, breaking the silence “Y/N…as you probably know. I am in love with you-I’m NOT ashamed to admit it. I actually want you to be my girlfriend, and I’m willing to do whatever I need to do to keep you as my girl-” “You would stop trying to make it seem like I’m the monster in the room. You’re the one that’s nearly-and actually killed people for your own benefit.” Ben grumbles, glaring at the ground.
“And yet, I’ve been a kinder, gentler, and all around better boyfriend in my 7 months of experience than your 5 f*cking YEARS of experience!” Kevin snaps “Oh? Then where’s Gwen now? Every time I call her, she never asks about you. Admit it, you never actually loved her! You loved Y/N and used Gwen to get closer to her! You’re still as much as a creep as you were when we were kids, it’s maybe even gotten worse.” Ben says harshly, Kevin’s glare worsens “Stop acting like you know me, Tennyson! You don’t know nothing about me…about my relationship with Gwen-h*ll you don’t even know anything about your own relationship with Y/N.” He scoffs
Ben only glances at me for a second, becoming more and more defensive each time Kevin opened his mouth. Ben opens his mouth to say something, but Kevin beats him to it “I’m sorry this was sprung on you so randomly. But with HIS attitude it was bound to happen.” Kevin says jokingly, Ben rolls his eyes “Y/N, can I talk to you in private…please?” Ben asks.
I shrug “Sure.” I say, Ben takes my hand and walks out of the garage. He squeezes it lightly, I frown nervously. Ben stops in his tracks and looks at me seriously before letting out a sigh “It’s only been 2 and a half days Y/N. Are we really over? Just like that?” Ben asks “I…I don’t know.” I sigh “Do you have feelings for Kevin?” Ben asks.
I hesitate to answer that question.
Truth be told, I did my best to never think of Kevin that way. He was a creep when we were kids, then he grew out of it and actually became a sweet-occasionally gentle guy. Even then, I was with Ben and Kevin was pining over Gwen.
I was just happy being friends with him. I thought Kevin honestly grew out of his crush on me, and the kindness he’s been showing all this time was just how he was now. This is the first time I’ve ever even lingered on the possibility of having any romantic feelings for Kevin…
And Kevin’s been so sweet…sweeter than Ben, my actual boyfriend
I sigh, rubbing my arm gently “I don’t know.” Ben only rolls his eyes “Do you want to break up? Just like that? Throw everything we have away-” “What do we have?” I ask seriously. “What, Ben? We don’t act like we’re dating. We act the same way we acted when we were kids-like best friends. I don’t…feel like your girlfriend sometimes, I just feel like a glorified best friend. You always blow me off when we’re supposed to go on date, you’ve made it clear when you find another girl attractive, you barely even kiss me now!” I sigh
Ben looks down at the ground “What haven’t you told me this?” He asks “You never give me a chance…you’re always voiding any serious conversations.” I sigh tiredly. “Then…then talk to me! Forget Kevin, you and me can go somewhere and work things out. Just…don’t give up on me…” Ben says.
The door to the garage swings open, Kevin looks between the both of us “We’re still talking.” Ben says bitterly “I got lonely.” Kevin says with a shrug. Ben grumbles, “So…I’ve been thinking,” Kevin hums “I’m tired as h*ll. Which means, I know Nutjob is tired.” Kevin turns to me and smiles softly.
“So go home and get some sleep. We can talk about this later. Don’t ya agree, Benji?” Kevin ask, flashing a fake grin towards Ben “Couldn’t agree more…” Ben says. I stand there awkwardly as they just glare at each other. Kevin glances at me and pats my shoulder lightly, “Meet back here at…let’s say 12?” He suggest. Ben and I awkwardly nod in agreement.
~Time Skip~
“-And now, I’m gonna have to meet Ben and Kevin in…30 minutes. I don’t know what to do!” I sigh “At least they’re willing to talk it out.” Gwen says gently “I just don’t want to hurt anyone.” I sigh quietly.
I glance out my window to see Kevin’s car already outside, “What about you?” Gwen asks “What about me?” I ask “Did it hurt when Ben went out with Julie instead of spending time with you?” Gwen asks seriously “Y-yeah…” I say “Did he apologized?” Gwen asks “Not really…he actually got mad at me because I spent time with Kevin instead of being alone.” I say.
Gwen sighs, “Of course he did. Y/N, you deserve to be happy. Figure out who makes you happy now, not who made you happy in the past…just be honest.” She tells me, I frown nervously as my stomach turns.
I look up at the clock…11:49. “Ok, I know what I chose now.” I sigh “Do what you need to.” Gwen says softly before hanging up. I take a deep breath and walk outside, Ben flinches. I look down at him “How long have you been sitting at my porch?” I ask “A while. Had to make sure Kevin didn’t try to bully you into loving him.” Ben laughs lightly.
A car door closes, Ben glares at Kevin as he walks up, “Nutjob, you know you had more time to think, right?” Kevin asks, placing his hands in his pockets. “Yeah…I know, I was kinda tired of thinking about it.” I say before Ben’s phone starts ringing.
Kevin and I turn to him, Ben looks at his phone “It’s…Julie.” He announces nervously. My eyebrows furrow while Kevin grins “Gonna answer it, Tennyson?” He asks “No I’m not gonna answer it.” Ben scoffs, hanging up the call. Almost instantly, it starts ringing again. And Ben hangs up again, and it rings again “Oh my gosh.” I groan, snatching the phone out Ben’s hand.
“N/N! Wait-”
“Ben! Why aren’t you answering?! Come on, you can just say you don’t wanna hang out anymore and ghost me! We have something special, it’s your girlfriend’s own fault if she can’t handle the truth. Your relationship with her has been dead from day one! Don’t you get that, Ben? Ben?!”
“Ok, 1. F*ck you. And 2. I will be making your life a living h*ll at school, so…be ready b*tch.” I growl “W-” I quickly hang up the phone. Both boys stare at me with wide eyes “Ben, you told Julie you didn’t want to hang out with her anymore?” I ask seriously “Y-yeah, she was the cause all of the drama. And I just want things to go back the way they were, I love you…even if I haven’t done a great job showing it.” Ben sighs sadly “Touching,” Kevin huffs “Nutjob, I love you and I’ve always shown it. It different ways…but it’s always been shown.”
Ben and Kevin glare at each other, “So?” Ben hums “N/N, wanna date this creep?” Ben asks. Kevin’s glare darkens, he slowly turns to me. His glare fades into a nervous expression. Ben looks confident, but his eyes were glasses-like that confidence could be broken at any moment. I take a deep breath, looking between the two boys…
Chose Ben
Choose Kevin
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outtherecreations · 2 years
When you post part 4 in less than less
I know it’s been a while. I’ve dealt with a lot of technical difficulties. But part 4 should be out hopefully this weekend or next week. Sorry for the long wait, but it’ll be worth it.
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Can I request a part 4 of less and less?
There will be a part 4. It’s just taking longer since it’s supposed to be the finale and it’s gonna be long.
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Less and Less | Ben Tennyson x Reader (x Kevin Levin) | Part 3:
A/N: Part 4 is the finale!
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
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“The h*ll is that supposed to mean?” I ask tiredly, my voice still groggy from just waking up. I roll my eyes when Kevin snickers “Couldn’t wait, huh? It wasn’t that urgent.” He says “Then, why was your text so cryptic?” I ask. Moonlight shines outside my window, I smile up at the stars sadly.
Kevin was silent for a second, “You got my attention now, Levin. I’m all ears.” I tease with a yawn. “Were you still sleep?” Kevin snorts, I glance at the clock “Sir, it’s 4am? Of course I was still sleep!” I sigh. Kevin laughs “Right, right. Anyway-um…we should probably talk in person. And I know you’re still half asleep so we’ll talk later-”
Screw that.
I teleport right next to Kevin “AH! I told you to stop doing that.” Kevin groans, hanging up the phone “And I told you ‘Never in a million years’.” I snort. Kevin rolls his eyes and mumbles something “What was that?” I ask “Nothing.” He huffs “Wait-No, I’m serious. What did you say?” I genuinely ask.
“Don’t worry about it, Nutjob.” Kevin says “Ooook…so what did you want to talk about?” I ask. Kevin tenses and he glances away “I’ve just…” He pauses “I’ve been thinking a lot about why Gwen and I broke up.” I frown in confusion “O-ok? Why?” I ask…and what does that have to do with me?
Kevin rubs the back of his neck before letting out a growl of frustration. I flinch a little when Kevin shouts “IT’S NOT FAIR!” “Kev, what are you talking about?” I ask. Kevin hold my shoulder firmly “Your whole relationship with Ben! You-you’re just too good to be with someone like him. Your relationship was cute when you guys were just dumb 10 year olds-but Y/N, you’re 15. 15! This obliviousness Ben has towards your feelings can’t be excused anymore. You can’t act like he doesn’t know any better, he’s known you your whole life-and his whole life! You been dating for 5 years and friends for 15. He knows you better than anyone else, but still can’t comprehend skipping a date with his girlfriend to hang out with another girl is a sh*tty thing to do! That it will and would hurt you-even if you tell him otherwise.”
I swallow harshly as Kevin continues, “I’ll admit…when we were kids. It looked like Ben really loved you. But then, when I saw you two again as teens, I thought the two of you broke up…he…Ben doesn’t treat you like a girlfriend. He treats you the same way he treats Gwen. Then gets mad if you act the same way as him…it’s not healthy-” “Why are you saying all this?” I ask. Kevin sighs “Nutjob, I lo-”
The garage shakes harshly, “What was that?” I ask. Kevin runs over to the window and sighs “Of course…” He grumbles “What?” I ask.
What……what that Ben?
“I forgot he knew how to curse…” I mumble “Ugh, stay here.” Kevin sighs, he pressing his fingers into the metal “Um…Kevin, what are you doing?” I ask. Kevin glances at me and sighs “Your boyfriend wants a fight-who am I to deny him?” I roll my eyes tiredly “I’ll go talk to him.” I say. Kevin grabs my wrist “Don’t, take this time to think about what you want to do.” He says seriously.
“What?” I ask before Kevin kisses my cheek “I-…I’ll be back.” Kevin sighs. He didn’t give me a chance to speak before he walks outside. I pull out my phone and look out the window to see Kevin approaching Ben…who was Humungosaur.
I let out a tired sigh before dialing Gwen. “Hey, Y/N…it’s 4 in the morning…” She sighs tiredly “Ben and Kevin are fighting.” I state bluntly. Gwen pauses and lets out an annoyed sigh “Of course they are-let me guess. They’re fighting over you?” She asks.
I yelp when I heard a loud crash and shouting
“You don’t deserve her, Tennyson! You know it, I know it, and Y/N’s starting to realize it!”
There was another loud crash and I sigh “Good guess.” “Ugh…no offense, N/N, but you need to hurry up and make a choice. This has been going on for too long.” She says…she’s right. I frown nervously “What do I do?” I ask “Make your choice now. Ben or Kevin? Who can you put up with more?” Gwen yawns. I frown before peeking out the window, I sigh and squeeze my fists a little…
“Ok, Gwen-I choose…….”
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Less and Less | Ben Tennyson x Reader (x Kevin Levin) | Part 2
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A/N: Couldn't find the original gifs, so, they're gonna change each chapter
!Part 1 Here!
I wake up to something wet slapping me across my face “Ah!” I screech, my eyes shoot open and I look down to see a wet paper . I shoot Kevin a glare “Hey~” He says, snickering “Go away.” I groan, rolling over in my side. Kevin walks over to me “Nah, it’s fun to mess with you.” He says playfully, I roll my eyes “What time is it?” I ask. Kevin glances at his phone “10:21am…we need to leave.” He says, Kevin grabs my wrist and pulls me into a standing position
“Why?” I ask “Gotta open up the garage soon, you can stick around if you want.” Kevin tells me as he carries me out the treehouse. I’m shocked he hasn’t dropped me. It would be nice to stay, but I should probably get home…
“Mm, sorry Kev, but I think I’m just going to hop in my bed and die.” I say tiredly, Kevin shakes his head “Well, since that sounds so important.” He teases “Shut up.” I scoff, rolling my eyes. Kevin opens the car door for me “I’ll drive you home.” “You don’t have to do that-I can just teleport.” I state “You’re not getting away from me that easily.” Kevin says, I sigh and take a seat in the car.
We pull up to my house “Oh no…” I mumble at the sight of Ben. He stares at his phone sadly, glancing up at the sound of the car. We lock eyes before Ben glances at Kevin. Ben frowns, “Oh, before I forget. I turned your phone off.” Kevin states “What?!” I ask loudly “Why?!” I sigh, pulling my phone.
“He kept texting and calling and…you needed a break from him.” Kevin tells me, I sigh “I appreciate the thought, but you can’t just turn my phone off-especially if it’s Ben. It could’ve been an emergency.” “Yeah…you’re right. Oh well.” Kevin says with a shrug as he unbuckles his belt “What are you doing?” I ask “Mm? What does it look like? I’m gonna walk you to your door like a gentleman.” Kevin states.
I blink at him “Seriously?” I sigh with a nervous laugh “You got a problem with it?” Kevin asks, he studies me carefully “No…but Ben might….no, he’ll DEFINITELY have a problem with this.” I state. Kevin rolls his eyes and steps out the car, he walks to the door. Kevin smiles at me as he pulls the door open.
“Ha…thanks…” I mumble awkwardly, Ben stares at us so hard I could feel the holes being burned into my skin. “Don’t mention it. You deserve to be treated right!” Kevin says, he said the last part way louder than he needed too. But he must’ve gotten the reaction he wanted because Ben was starting to walk over “N/N? Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Ben says, he was talking to me, but his eyes were glued to Kevin.
Kevin grins lightly “Don’t worry, Tennyson. Nutjob was safe with me all night.” He says “That’s what worries me.” Ben grumbles, glaring up at Kevin. Ben wraps an arm around me “We’ll see you later, come on.” Ben says coldly. He starts to pulls me away “Hang on.” I sigh, yanking out of his grip. I earn both a grin from Kevin and a frown from Ben.
“It’s been fun, Kev. Promise me you’ll get all caught up in My Hero.” I say with a smile, he snorts “I’ll do my best, just don’t expect me to get obsessed like you.” Kevin says “Alright, bye.” I hum before walking away. I don’t bother to spare a glance towards Ben, I already know where this is heading. I can hear his feet dragging behind me.
I walk to my front door, reaching into my pockets to grab my keys “It’s open…” Ben mutters “I was already in there.” I glance at him. Ben looks at me with a pouting look in his eyes “Ben…” I sigh, I open the door and we both head in side.
“I was only gone for a few hours and you go and cheat on me? With Kevin of all people?”
“Boy, WHAT?!” I shout, slamming the door shut. Ben looks down at me “You’re just getting back at me for missing our date, aren’t you? If you’re hurt, just tell me that! Don’t go running to Kevin.” Ben says, he can’t be serious “You are joking, right?” I ask with a tired laugh “I’m completely serious.” Ben says, I roll my eyes.
“You don’t even call me Benji anymore! You haven’t called me that since-”
“That’s enough!”
Ben glares at the ground and goes quiet “So…I’m guessing your date with Julie didn’t go the way you wanted.” I hum tiredly, Ben raises an eyebrow at my statement “Y/N, what are you talking about?” He sighs tiredly “Well, if I think the way you’re thinking…an average hangout session with a friend is the same equivalency as a romantic date. Meaning, you blew me off to go see your new girlfriend.” I state, crossing my arms.
“It’s not even like that-” “I know. See how stupid that sounded?!” I sigh. Ben shoots me a look “So you think I’m stupid now?” He asks. I let out an annoyed groan “Benjamin…are you pregnant?” I ask.
Ben’s frown twists into a shocked expression “Wh-no!” He shouts “Mm…did please explain to me all this sensitivity. I let you leave with Julie with no issues…I didn’t want to be alone, Gwen’s not here, my mom’s no longer around-so, I went to the next best person. My male best friend, Kevin Ethan Levin. Not in a romantic way-” “But in a desperate way!” Ben says.
I glare up at him “If you didn’t want to be alone, you should’ve told me that! I would’ve stayed, I wouldn’t have left you-you didn’t have to go to Kevin!” Ben says loudly. I let out another tired sigh “Ben, I can’t do this.” I say, he eyes widen “-No, I’m not breaking up with you. I’m tired, I just want to sleep!” I snap. Ben frowns and glances at the floor “You didn’t sleep last night?” He asks quietly “No! Because I was binge watching My Hero Academia! You know how I get when I binge watch things!” I sigh loudly.
Ben remains quietly and walks towards the front door “Ok…get some sleep…I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Ben says sadly. I frown, watching him walk out the door.
I lock the door, I sigh softly, pressing my face into the door. “D*mn it, Ben…” I mumble. The creaks in the floor echoes as I walk up the stairs. It silence was almost sickening, I flop down onto my bed.
My phone vibrates, causing me to jolt awake. I grab my phone tiredly as I roll on my side. I hiss at brightness of my screen. My heart freezes in my chest at the text message….
‘I’m sorry to do this to you, but we need to talk.’
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outtherecreations · 2 years
Are you going to continue less and less cuz Ben needs a serious smack in the head😒
Yeah, I’m writing the chapter, I’ve just been busy and haven’t gotten the chance to fully finish it. It’s gonna be a long one. Don’t worry, Benjamin shall get his smackings soon.
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outtherecreations · 3 years
Me: *about to watch The Ghost and Molly McGee* I will not get obsessed, I will not get obsessed, I will not-
~Five Episodes Later~
Me: I’ve only know this show for a day, but if anything happens to it, I will kill everyone in this room and then myself
I have a problem
Well, I’m off to finish Amphibia and Owl House.
Call me when there’s a need for Molly or Scratch x Readers ✌️
More posts coming soon (but not really)
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outtherecreations · 3 years
Less and Less | Ben Tennyson x Reader (x Kevin Levin) | Part 1
A/N: Makes more sense if you’ve read my Ben 10 book on wattpad (mostly because that explains Y/N’s powers), but this isn’t cannon to my book. I also might end up making a blog for Ben 10 fully cuz I love this boy 💚
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“Hey, Benji, are we still on for our date tonight?”
Ben’s shoulders tense and he pauses the game “What?” I ask, tilting my head with a worried frown “N/N, I’m so sorry. I can’t do it tonight.” Ben says. I frown more “Why?” I ask “You remember the new girl in our class?” Ben asks “Yeah, Julie.” I state “Well…Principal Dwight asked me to…show her around.”
“Yeah, the school-not all of Bellwood.” I say, trying to make my anger sound a little more playful “I know, I know. She begged me to show her around, she wasn’t gonna stop til I said was.” Ben says “You can always not show her around, instead of blowing your girlfriend off.” I pout. Ben places a hand on my shoulder “I’m not! I’m just gonna show her around tonight. Then I’ll be all yours, all day tomorrow.” Ben says, flashing me a soft smile. I sigh deeply “Fine, let’s just finish this level.”
Ben’s phone buzzes and he immediately grabs it. I raise an eyebrow at Ben’s sudden frown “She…um, wants me to show her around now.” He tells me “Tell her to wait.” I say “N/N…she’s counting on me.” Ben says nervously “Ugh, fine, go on.” I huff. Ben smiles and pulls me into a kiss “Thanks, N/N! You’re the best.” He says “D*mn right.” I mumble, watching Ben run out.
I look around my house with a sad expression, it’s too quiet here.
I pull out my phone “What do you want, Nutjob?” Kevin asks, I hear the sounds of metal clanking in the background “You busy?” I ask. The clanking stops “Doesn’t it sound like I’m busy?” He asks.
I smile before letting out a sigh, “Whoa…that sounded too sad. What did Ben do now?” Kevin asks “Ditch me to show the new girl around.” I sigh “You’re kidding.” Kevin scoffs in disbelief “I am not, my house is too quiet to be alone…mind having another person in your garage?” I ask.
“Sure, but I’m not gonna stop working in my car when you get here.”
“I’m ok with that.”
“Alright, see you soon.”
“So, he seriously canceled your date to go hang out with another girl?” Kevin asks “Yep,” I say before pausing “It’s not like that though. He just made a promise he shouldn’t have kept.” Kevin eyes me carefully from under his car “I’m serious, nothing is gonna happen in our relationship.” I state “Um…I didn’t say anything about your relationship.” Kevin says.
I frown and go quiet, hugging my knees to my chest. I bury my face in my arms. Ben wouldn’t leave me, right? Especially not for some random b*tch he just met. I mean-why give up a 15 year friendship and a 5 year relationship for a girl you’ve know for 1 and a half days?
Two arms wrapping around me snaps me out my thoughts. I gasp quietly, looking out my arms to see Kevin “Kev?” I mumble “I know what it’s like….when a Tennyson shoves you out their life completely, when they stop answering your calls, when they stop talking to you in person, and even when they move away all together without tell you anything.” Kevin says. His voice was almost broken, I slowly wrap my arms around him.
“You…you can’t think that’s what gonna happen to me and Ben, right?” I asks, my voice barely a whisper. “Ben’s a jerk that’s full of surprises, I wouldn’t put it past him.” Kevin states before my phone buzzes.
I pick it up and sighs “What?” Kevin asks “Julie begged Ben to help her unpack tomorrow…and of course he said yes.” I sigh sadly. Kevin grabs my phone “Hey! What are you-” “‘It’s cool, we needed a break from each other anyway.’ And send.” Kevin says, typing on my phone. I stare at him in horror “Why’d you do that?!” I ask, reaching for my phone as Kevin raises it into the air.
“To give you an emotional break." Kevin states, holding a mirror in front of my face "Look at yourself. I've never seen you so stressed."
I blink at my reflection, Kevin's right....I do looked awful.
My phone buzzes again "What'd he say?" I ask, Kevin glance at the phone and lets out a scoff-ish laugh "He's stupider than he was as a kid." Kevin says. I look at the screen, frowning deeply.
'I'm glad you understand! Talk later.'
Kevin looks at my face "No, none of that. You're not crying on my watch." He says, dragging me to his car "I'm not-" "So you're eyes got glass cuz of allergies?" Kevin asks with a smirk. I look in the mirror "Geez, stop being right about things for 10 seconds." I mumble "Nah, I like being the wise one~" Kevin beams proudly, opening the car door.
"Where are you trying to go?" I ask "Somewhere that'll take your mind off things." Kevin says, gently guiding me inside and shutting the door behind me. I look around Kevin's car, huh it smells like Favorite/Scent...
Kevin gets into the driver's side and shoot me a proud smile "Nice, huh? It's amazing what I can do to this baby when I'm not being dragged away every five minutes.” Kevin says, I laugh. Kevin pulls out of the garage and drives onto the road.
The car comes to a stop, “Where are we?” I ask as Kevin gets out the car. He walks over to my side and opens the door “Wow, such a gentleman.” I tease. Kevin blushes before walking away with the door barely opened “Aw come on!” I pout “Too bad!” Kevin calls, walking ahead. I shut the car door and follow Kevin.
I gape up at the spot in awe, it was an old looking treehouse, but it looked so perfect…
“Where’d you find this?” I ask “My dad made it for me.” Kevin says “Really? How come I’ve never seen it before?” I ask. Kevin rests his arm on my shoulder “This is where I go when I need to clear my thoughts…or protect my car.” He states, I laugh at the last part.
Kevin smiles at me and guides me up to the treehouse, I smile at the inside. “It’s a lot bigger on the inside…” I say in awe “I know. Pretty comfy.” Kevin hums. I feel my phone buzz in my pockets, Kevin glances at me “You gonna check it?” He asks “Nah,” I sigh “People call if it’s an emergency.” Kevin shoots me a smile "Looks like you're all mine, tonight then." He says.
My cheeks redden and I smack his arm gently "Don't say it like that." I laugh forcibly. Kevin grins playfully "Like what? I'm just being a good friend. Come on, let's watch a movie or something." He suggests "Don't tell me you got a tv in here..." I say with a tired smile "No...but I should add one." Kevin hums, pulling out his phone. I snort lightly “I actually believe you could do something like that.” I say.
“Nice to know someone believes in me~. What do you want to watch?” Kevin asks, scrolling through his phone. I smirk playfully “How about that anime I’ve been trying to get you to watch?” I suggest “Ugh, fine, but if it’s awful I’m putting on something better.” Kevin says seriously “Sure sure.” I snort, taking a seat in a giant F/C beanbag chair. Kevin takes a seat next to me and clicks on the anime
“That quirk…you got it from All Might…didn’t you?”
My eyes flutter open as I register what’s going on “Kick his *ss Izuku. KICK IT!” Kevin shouts. I feel a vibration rumble as Kevin shouts, my eyes fully focus and I realize-oh…
I jump awake and scramble away from Kevin “Fun’s over…” He mumbles “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! I don’t even remember falling asleep or even closing my eyes-” “It’s fine, Nutjob. Honestly I was enjoying it.” Kevin snorts, nudging me gently
We turn our attention to Kevin’s phone “Ugh, Katsuki’s so annoying.” Kevin grumbles “W-don’t say that! He’s misunderstood.” I say firmly. Kevin scoffs “He told Izuku to kill himself in the first episode-Katsuki’s a jack*ss. They should let him join the league.” He argues lightly “But that would’ve went against everything He stood for.” I say.
“So…telling people to die is a great treat for a hero?” Kevin asks, grinning like he won “Just-you gotta actually finish watching it,” I tell him “You’re not even on the current season.” “I’m not?” Kevin mutters “No! That’s why you can’t fully judge Katsuki. You haven’t seen the whole arc.” I state. Kevin rolls his eyes “Ok, fine, but I can at least say that he’s an *sshole at this part.” He says.
I shake my head “Just watch this episode.” I sigh, turning to look back at his phone. My body tenses, but slowly relaxes as Kevin wraps his arms around me.
A/N: Yeah, I’m cutting this into 2-3 parts cuz it hurts to write one long chapter. If I don’t end it now then it’ll keep going and I’ll flunk school. Thanks for reading!
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outtherecreations · 3 years
Out of Sync [REWRITE] | Rick Sanchez x Reader:
Part 1 Here!
P.S. Imagine this to be like….season 1-ish which is why Morty is stuttering still
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I hum tiredly as I relax on the couch, “Y/N, you have to do something about Rick!” Jerry says sternly. I raise an eyebrow at Jerry and he quickly deflates “I don’t have to do anything. Bringing Rick here wasn’t my choice.” I state.
“Come on, he keeps taking Morty out of school! You don’t want him here as much as I do. Isn’t there anything you can do?” Jerry asks with full desperation, the garage door swings open and Morty stumbles towards us “Hey, Mort….how ya feeling?” I ask, watching Morty fall onto the couch. “T-terrible Grandma! Rick m-made kill aliens that looked like you guys.” Morty tells us “See,” Jerry says “He’s taking Morty out of school and training him to kill us.”
I roll my eyes “Morty, go take a nap. You earned it.” I tell Morty softly, handing him the remote “Thanks Grandma, b-but I don’t think I can sleep after all that.” Morty sighs, I stare at him sympathetically before standing up “Jerry, go make Morty a sandwich.” I order. Jerry opens his mouth and i shoot him a stern glare. I smile victoriously as Jerry walks into the kitchen “Hey Grandma?” Morty asks “Hm?” I hum
“N-no offense, but what the heck did you see in Rick? He’s…not really your t-type.” Morty states “I know, but to be fair, he was actually a whole lot nicer when I met him." I tell him "Really? What happened to him?" Morty asks, glancing off towards the garage "I'm not really sure...he just...lost interest," I state sadly "We were always in sync, we could communicate without even opening our mouths-I mean, we still can do that, but nowadays I’m telling him to f*ck off.”
Morty frowns sadly and Jerry walks into the room “Here’s your sandwich, Morty…Y/N, is there anyway you can go talk to Rick?” Jerry begs. “Fine.” I groan, I stand up and walk towards the garage door. I knock on the door tiredly “Rick?” I call, the door swings open and a-very drunk Rick grins at me “N/N!” He beams happily.
“Rick, could you please stop traumatizing your grandson?” I sigh, ignoring the grabby hands Rick made at me. "Traumatize? No, b-URP-baby no...I'm giving him some character." Rick says, chugging more of whatever was in his flask "Really?" I ask with an unamused tone "Y-yeah, yeah. Beth a-URP-and Jerry shelter him too much. I'm making sure he understands how sh*tty the r-real world is before it's too late." Rick explains proudly.
"Gee, 'cuz heaven forbid you DON'T ruin another kid's childhood." I sigh bitterly "Hey-hey, don't blame me for that! The Rick that left you wasn't me, I-I-I was g-URP-given the choice between leaving you and staying with you and I chose stay!" Rick shouts defensively. I roll my eyes "A-and you know what h-URP-happened when I decided with my heart?!" Rick asks loudly "Lower your voice." I sigh "YOU AND BETH DIED RIGHT F*CKING IN FRONT OF ME!" Rick shouts, slapping his palms onto the table.
I flinch at the loudness, feeling my heart thumping harshly in my chest. I take a deep breath "That's a...pretty good sob story, Rick, but I've heard sadder. Honestly, I don't care about the sad-bulls*t type story you want to pull out your *ss. All I care about is Morty, so, either ease up on the adventure or just stay the f*ck away from this family." I hiss harshly, I didn't even bother to let Rick speak. I just walk away after that.
My eyes widen at the sight of Morty...who was just standing there and eating his sandwich "A-aw geez, Grandma...are you sure you weren't to harsh on him? He actually sounded sad..." He says "He wasn't sad, Mort, he was drunk. He was always drunk...if you want to outlive Rick and still have your sanity when he dies, always remember, he's a heartless pr*ck that'll never love you." I sigh sadly. Morty frowns "Did...did you take your pills yet?" He asks "Nope." I snort.
"Well you should probably take them." Morty suggest, I ruffle his hair "Good idea." I laugh.
I stare up at the ceiling with a tired expression.
How can Rick be such a f*cking coward?
He couldn't even be bothered to say goodbye to Beth...he didn't even say goodbye to me!
I turn to see Beth staring at me with tears pouring down my face "Is Dada coming back?" She asks, crawling into my lap "I...of course he is, Sweetie..." I mumble. Beth looks at me and breaks down crying "N-no! He's not! All his stuff is gone! Even the science stuff!" She sobs harshly, my eyes widen and I gasp quietly. I rub's back soothingly as her words settle in.
Rick really gave up?
And he didn't even bother to give me an official goodbye, did he even say bye to Beth? He couldn't even say bye to his 6 year old daughter?
He left so quickly...he always leaves quickly. I'm so used to it that I didn't even bother to see what he was taking with him. I didn't even notice him taking all his stuff.
I could've stopped him...I could've forced him with try to work things out.
Tears prick my eyes, I bury my face into Beth's hair and let out a few sobs along with her. I quickly stop crying, I look at Beth's face and gently wipe her tears "No...we're not doing this." I say seriously "Huh?" Beth asks in confusion "We're not gonna cry about your father." I tell her "Then...what are we gonna do?" She asks.
"We're...we're gonna get some ice cream!" I shout victoriously "YEAH!" Beth cheers-even though tears were still rolling down her cheeks.
A/N: Yeah, this one's short, I've been busy writing other things and I plan on chapter three being A LOT longer. Thanks for waiting, see you all in the next chapter.
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