#let people be happy
iamafanofcartoons · 6 months
I wanna thank @tumblingxelian, @markzschiegnerii and @marylizabetha for their videos explaining why RWBY is a fun and enjoyable show that is worth watching, or at least giving a chance.
This video is a compilation of their youtube videos which you should give a watch and subscribe. As to why I'm doing this? Because All we're saying is....GIVE RWBY A CHANCE.
You can also hear from the RWBY Fandom themselves at http://www.tumblr.com/iamafanofcartoons/729899953876566016/rwby-fans-talk-about-what-makes-rwby-enjoyable-for
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roboticlover20 · 18 days
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No but seriously don’t be going around telling people that they’re bad for shipping themselves with a canon character as long that character has the ability to consent there nothing wrong being done here. Its ok to dislike this type of stuff or find it cringe but can’t you just like yknow? mind your own business? Scroll away? Theres plentiful of talented artists here that can offer content of your fandom. We just having be having fun >:^(
I understand there is simps that go too far for their fictional crushes but we aren’t all like that, and the best thing to do is to block and report them if they’ve went too far (eg harassment or doxxing)
To the oc x canon and selfshippers do what makes you happy! But please do not gatekeep or harass others for liking your fictional crush!
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strangepersonhere · 26 days
Someone please tell me how do i explain to people that..
I'm in love with my closest friends. Or at least that's how i call it. Because i love them sooooo fucking much. And the deepest type of love there can be. Im in love with them, but not romantically. I don't even know how to explain my feelings ;-;
It's just- damn. How do i tell people that i want to spend my life with them, maybe even live with them. I want to have little routines. I want to have habits with them. But that I'd never be able to be romantically in love with them.
And that's sad because to the society, my love is considered like less a love than romantic love. I dont know how I can explain this better. Because I could write thousands of love letters to some people. I could offer them flowers and chocolates every day of my life. Because I see trinkets that make me think of them, and I want to offer it to them. Because I send them videos that made me think of them.
And to me it's so much deeper than romantic love. It's like... it's like an "I love you" that is beyond friendship, beyond family, beyond romantic love.
I want to be able to love my friends like I do, without having someone asking me if we're a couple, or telling me it's "just" friendship.
I sometimes wish I could create a land meant only for aro/ace/aroace people. But I actually really love diversity. So I just wish people could be more respectful of the things they don't understand. Because having people telling me I'll end up alone with my cats, and I will be sad and frustrated, it's **not** respectful. Moreover, maybe I actually want to be alone with cats. (Honestly it would be ducks for me, but whatever).
Im just asking for basic respect. It doesn't matter if you don't get it. I don't get your sense of love and all, yet you don't see me saying you don't exist or that what you're feeling is just a phase.
Let people do and be what makes them happy.
Mind your damn business.
How am I hurting you by *not* getting bitches ? You should be happy, more for you.
So yeah, what im saying basically is just, please respect people, even when you don't understand them. It might have a bigger impact than what you think.
Love y'all 💜💜💜
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musingsfromthelagoon · 3 months
i HATE the part in Buffy when Buffy sees Giles in his wizard costume and just stares at him until he removes his hat and cloak and gazes ashamedly at the floor. Like good GOD. The world is literally falling apart ALL OF THE TIME and who won’t let you adopted father have like four seconds of whimsical joy??? Jesus CHRIST Buffy. And you call Giles a buzzkill.
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sereia1313 · 1 month
Guilty Pleasure/Cringe PSA
Why did this ever become a thing? Why were we ever made to feel guilty about something we enjoy? And why has it evolved to the point when doing so makes people cringe?
The concept is so stupid. 
Even within the world of fandom, where people are supposed to be more accepting, insults are thrown, and fights break out because we don’t like things the same way. Or we happen to like two different characters. 
It’s garbage. 
Life is too short to waste time worrying about the opinions of others when it comes to things that make us happy. We should be able to revel in the bliss of a hobby, or the melody of a song, or the repetitiveness of a trope as we read about the same pair falling in love again and again because it helps us escape the horror that is reality. 
Listen to the song.  Crochet the stuffy.  Buy the figurine.  Wear the cosplay.  Write the fic.  Draw the art. 
Be proud of what makes you happy, and stop questioning the bliss of others, even when you don’t understand it or it’s different from yours. Everyone finds something different at the end of the rainbow, and it is not up to you to judge their choice, tear them down, or make them question why they like it in the first place. People should not have to hide behind pretense and popular opinion to fit in. 
Acceptance is something that you have to learn, something you have to practice. You may even have to teach it now and then. It’s hard, but you will be a better human for it. Building people up has long-lasting effects, and it’s incredible what making someone smile will do to your day. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. And never let anyone dull your sparkle. 
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glitchadeli · 1 month
PSA: Shipping & Fandom Culture.
I've been pretty quiet for the most part but this topic has been eating at me for a long while now so I wanna speak on the matter. I'm WELL aware that being in a fandom / fandom culture is toxic and has it's issues. Basically every fandom has it's problems, which is expected because like.. there's so many kinds of people on this earth. We're all bound to have our own thoughts, feelings and opinions. Everyone has a right to want to share those kinds of things, but you know what's really unnecessary? Shitting on a ship so much, saying that you want a certain character to DIE, and overall just being a petty person about it. It's one thing to not like a ship, but going around and doing that is so not necessary. I've seen it in so many fandoms it's insane. I'm well aware GumRob is not everyone's cup of tea. I know very well that Pokeshipping is shit on because of Serena. I've seen the fights in the Paw Patrol fandom over the "Skase" ship. I've seen so many Oc x Canon artists get ridiculed for ever 'daring to put their oc with someone in the canon'. I've seen.. a lot. Been on the internet a long time. Just let people enjoy their ships. (so long as it's not a harmful one, which let me be clear, GumRob is NOT a harmful ship.) For example; I've outwardly said I don't like JulRob (not calling it the other name.) but here's the thing. When I see JulRob art, I don't start commenting how 'bad' it is or shit on the artists' art of it. None of that. I simply scroll and move on with my life. Why should I make someone feel bad for their ship if it makes them happy? Why is it so necessary for you to feel the need to shit on that when you don't need to. I don't understand. I will NEVER tell someone that I dislike/hate their ship if it makes them happy. Hell, if an artist I follow posts a ship I don't like, but the art is still good? I'll tell them their art is good. You CAN compliment something without agreeing with it. Lmao, it's not hard. And also, it's not "fake" to do that. You can be nice to someone and their art even if you don't like the ship itself. I've seen cute Penball art and complimented it, even if Penball isn't my main ship. I'm not being 'fake'. It's not hard to be nice. It's really not. If you're an adult and you go around doing that? Grow up. Hell, block the tags if you need to. Stop being so miserable that you feel the need to spread your misery elsewhere. Go look in a mirror and grow the fuck up. 'scuse my French but I just.. I don't understand. (I mean, I get it, it's the internet, it's inevitable.) Which yeah, that's another thing, I'm well aware that the internet has always been like this. Fandoms are always like this. Ship wars are so common it's not even funny. I can't think of 1 fandom that doesn't have at least 1 shipwar, if not multiple. I know that me complaining about this really isn't going to change anything, but I hope the message at least gets across. Let people be happy, how fucking hard is that? It's not, so grow up. TDLR; Stop shitting on people's ships that aren't harmful and let people be happy :) It's not that hard.
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twosides--samecoin · 2 months
I remember when it was fashionable to cringe at people who get engaged at BlizzCon or to scoff and eyeroll at a Special Interest-themed wedding, but I hope the universe you exist in right now is the one where you meet an individual who loves your hyperfixations & ultra specific interests just as much as you do. Me and @edaworks met over writing Fallout fic and now we sing songs from the Fallout OST together while happily married. We have a Minuteman flag and handmade in-universe props decorating our home. Everyone deserves that type of happiness. It might be cringe to somebody else, but we're cringe together
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restingcorpse · 1 month
Fucking hate when I see someone posting about something fun that makes them happy and the replies are filled with miserable mfs.
Like I'll see someone post something cool that their friend did for them and someone in the comments just has to say some dumb shit like 'Oh..you have friends..well, I don't...cuz I'm different, heh...'
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lucadrawss · 3 months
Can people just shut up about how others draw? I'm sick of hearing people complain about it or tell people that their art is something it isn't.
- Anatomy is hard even when you know it
- Not everyone can draw realistic shit (myself is an example)
- not everyone wants to add colour or shading to their artwork
- people have different styles
- beginner artists should be ENCOURAGED not insulted
Enough with artists trying to tare down others, it should be unacceptable.
"But artists can pick out every mistake of another artist even if its small" BULLSHIT. Yes mistakes should be pointed out but if its a small mistake shut up. Do not tare into someone just because they made a mistake.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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There used to be a time where we could let people enjoy shows.
Now letting people enjoy shows is called toxic positivity.
Attacking what people like and attacking people is now called valid criticism.
And any and every form of media gets picked to death
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svnflowermoon · 6 months
i am so unexplainably sick of things being called basic as if that's a bad thing. so what if someone listens to mainstream music and makes aesthetic instagram posts and watches popular tv shows because if that makes them happy then it's no one else's business. focus on yourself rather than putting other people down for doing what makes them happy.
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borderlinebelle · 8 months
Y’all that stream on Saturday was a mess but I felt your fervor.
Happy Monday, Happy New Week!
Very cool stream overall though. I don’t know WHAT we would get into in a discord… but I’m warming up the the idea. 🤭🤤😩😊👍🏽 I fucking love you guys. Thank you years long mutuals. I’m working on the finer details. I’ll catch up with you soon in the DM’s ♥️🫡 let’s see each other soon: on live 🥹♥️
Early morning live streams during the week anywhere from @ 430am to 7AMam EST
let’s start the day together, pop in your headphones, lowkey and lowfi whisper morning vibes this week on live.
What is this new content I am making.. it feels lovely. 😚
follow my blog/banter/live journal to hang.
🎞️ ☕️ 🫖🌅
I’m supposed to sell you something but let’s just make content, fuck it.. it’s autumn 🍁 😩🤤♥️🥹
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samijami · 10 months
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galli-halli · 10 months
nee also als Familienvater wochenlang ohne Kinder mit meinem "Kumpel" Urlaub machen...DAS ist komisch #sorrynotsorry
Nein, ist es nicht. Nur, weil es für dich persönlich ungewohnt ist oder du dich aus irgendeinem Grund daran störst, ist es nicht automatisch komisch, mit Freunden zu verreisen. Es ist seine Art, sein Leben zu leben und es gibt ganz, ganz viele andere Menschen, die es genauso tun. Niemand wird dadurch vernachlässigt oder falsch behandelt.
Wir wissen nicht, wie diese Urlaube aussehen. Wir wissen nicht, wer alles Teil eines solchen Urlaubs ist.
Generell bin ich der Meinung, man sollte die persönlichen Präferenzen von Menschen, ob sie prominent sind oder nicht, respektieren anstatt sie zu verurteilen, vor allem ohne die Fakten zu kennen.
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bihansthot · 4 months
Imagine sending self ship accounts hate like that weirdo did????? "Bi han would leave you for somebody else."
Sounds like somebody is mad jealous lmaooo
Jokes on them Bi han is just gonna love you even harder!!!
I’m used to getting some weird stuff for being a self shipper but I’ve never had anyone tell me my husband was going to leave me for our girlfriend, like huh?? 🤔 I agree though Bi-Han is just going to love me harder and it makes my heart pitter patter 🥰 What’s particularly weird about the whole situation is I’m like the most laid back, easy going “let’s all love Bi-Han and be besties” kind of person and this anon seems to want me to be unhappy? Like why? All I want is for all of you all to be happy, let me live my delulus and be happy too. I’m not psycho, I know none of them are real, it’s not like I’m hurting anyone, like I guess it’s too much to ask to just let me be happy. Like you said though jokes on them because I’m happy as can be right now 🥰 I have a gorgeous husband, a beautiful girlfriend and an adorable boyfriend and four amazing kids, what more do I need? Some randos approval? Nah. I don’t think so. I’m good. ☺️ Thank you for the support though love! 💕 It means a lot to me to know I have people in my corner.
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dramaism · 9 months
pls more actors and idols falling in love. more actors and idols dating. more actors and idols getting married and having kids. more actors and idols being loved, appreciated and completely at ease in their relationship
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