#kinda kills my confidence y'know
floweryfandomnerd · 7 months
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thewalkingthread · 3 months
you're losing me - R.G.
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part 2
pairing: rick grimes x reader
summary: officer friendly gets too friendly with a certain blonde haired woman
warning: cheater!rick, swearing, kinda sad, established relationship, not a happy ending
a/n: idk man, hope you like it
word count: 1,991
"It's already dead, ya know? Don't have to keep stabbing it." Daryl grunted as he dropped his plate of food on the table, sitting in the empty spot of the wooden picnic table next to you.
You glanced down at your food, multiple holes littered the piece of meat from you stabbing it with your fork. You sighed, dropping the fork on the plate and rubbing your clammy hands on your jeans.
Your eyes landed back on the two people a few yards away. They've been laughing and talking for the past 20 minutes. Not a care in the world. You couldn't hear what they were saying, the chatter and noise of the picnic party drowning out their conversation. It didn't matter though, seeing their interactions told you enough. Some people would say they looked quite good together. Except, the only problem is, the man was your boyfriend.
"He ain't gonna do nothing with er." Daryl's eyes followed yours. You roll your eyes, your hands tightening in a fist.
It's been 5 months since the group arrived to Alexandria and you had a bad feeling about Jessie the moment you saw her.
The first day you arrived, you and Rick took a much needed shower together. While you opted to unpack the little stuff you guys had, Rick was downstairs getting a haircut from Jessie.
You walked into the kitchen, surprised that you had a guest. You were even more surprised to find Rick shirtless, sitting in a chair while this woman runs her hand through his hair.
"Wouldn't be too sure." You muttered back, forcing yourself to look down at your plate.
Daryl grunts beside you, giving you a nudge. "Rick's done a lot of stupid shit, but I don't think he's dumb enough to fuck things up with you. If he does, it's his loss, anyway."
Daryl's words are supposed to be comforting, but it does the exact opposite. Was it a possibility that Rick would betray you like that?
You glanced back up at the two again. Jessie threw her head back in laughter as her hand lands on his chest, slapping him playfully. Ever since Rick killed her husband, the two of them have been awfully close.
Everyone has noticed. You don't miss the passing glances and sorry looks on peoples faces whenever they pass you. You know what they're thinking. You'd be thinking the same thing if you were in their shoes.
Something changed the night Rick killed Pete. Not just for Alexandria but for the two of you as well.
It didn't happen all at once. It was gradual. Rick was slowly pulling away, he probably didn't even realize it. But you did. You remember every time he'd come home later than promised. You remember every time he told you one thing and then ended up changing his story later. You remember every time he'd slip out of bed in the middle of the night and sneak back in an hour or so later.
You weren't sure if Rick was cheating on you with Jessie, but you were pretty confident that your relationship was going downhill. It wasn't a matter of if you would break up, it was, when.
"Y'know," You turn your head towards Daryl as he interrupts your thoughts once again. "You could always just tell er to fuck off." He shrugs, bringing the chicken leg up to his mouth.
You bite the inside of your cheek, watching as Jessie's hand grazed Rick's bicep. You huff, standing from the picnic table.
"Atta girl," Daryl slaps the table with his hand as you toss your plate into the trash on the walk towards Rick and Jessie.
Jessie's attention turns to you as you approach the two. Rick smiles at you, holding his arm out for you. You smile, sliding into his body, naturally melting against him.
"Hey, darlin." He mumbles, giving your shoulder a squeeze.
"Hi," You sigh. "Is it okay if I steal my boyfriend?" You give Jessie a tight lipped smile, tugging on Rick to follow you before she could even respond.
Rick chuckled lightly as you both walked away. "Everything alright, darlin?" He asked.
You shake your head. "Can't say I enjoy other women fondling my boyfriend." You grumble.
Rick stops you both in place. His hands settle at your shoulders as he holds you still to look at him. "She was not fondling me." He rolls his eyes slightly.
"Whatever you say, Rick. Everyone can see the way you two act. Have me out here looking like a damn fool." You roll your eyes.
"How many times are we gonna have to talk about this?" His eyes glared down at you.
"Well, how long are you going to keep flirting back and forth with her?" You scoff.
Rick's jaw clenches tightly as he stares at you. This wasn't the first argument you've had about this topic. You've definitely brought up your distaste to Rick about his lady friend.
"You're being insecure and ridiculous." Rick drops his hands. "If you don't trust me, just say it."
Your eyes widened at his choice of words. You gulped the saliva that built in your mouth. "Fine," You throw your hands up before locking eyes with him. "I don't trust you. Until you can prove to me that I can, I don't want anything to do with you. Feel free to go back to your little friend." You shoot him a glare.
"Fine!" He glares right back. Your jaw clenches as he steps back from you, not really expecting him to respond that way.
"Fine," The word came out as a whisper to yourself as you watched him walk back towards Jessie who was now talking with Maggie and Carol.
You willed yourself to turn around, heading straight towards your shared house. You slam the door shut, locking it behind you before pacing the living room a few times.
There's been several times when your relationship with Rick has been rocky. There have been times where things were said out of anger and the heat of the moment. There's been times when you questioned the future of your relationship.
But it was never like this. Never this... definite.
You spend the next several hours deep cleaning the entire house, doing anything to try to get your mind off of Rick. You hadn't realized how late it was till Carl strolled in with Judith.
"Hey, Y/N!" He nods his head. "What's for dinner?" He looks around the spotless kitchen, noticing there's no food set out.
"Oh shit-" You mumble, looking at the time on the clock. "I'll throw something together..." You pull open the fridge, getting ingredients for a simple pasta dish.
"Hey, uh-" You glance at Carl. "Have you seen your dad anywhere?" You ask, trying your best to sound nonchalant.
Carls shakes his head with a shrug, putting Judith on the ground to play. "Not since the picnic. Why? Is everything okay?"
Nope. Not at all.
You force a smile on your face and nod. "Yeah, everything's fine. He just hasn't come home since then. Sure he'll be home soon for dinner."
He wasn't home for dinner.
He wasn't home to say goodnight to the kids.
You let out a deep sigh looking at the clock one more time.
It was almost 9:30 now and he still hadn't come back.
You weren't eager to see him but you knew you both had things to talk about. In defeat, you grabbed a jacket and pulled on your shoes.
You checked on Judith one more time before slipping out of the house to find Rick. You checked the gate first, thinking he'd taken an extra shift on watch just to avoid coming home. When he wasn't there you checked each post on the perimeter, coming up empty.
Eventually you just wandered the streets aimlessly.
You stopped in front of Jessie's house. The lights were all off. Surely he wasn't in there, right? Your eyes landed on the open garage, light spilling from it.
Jessie was probably up working on some art, it wouldn't be the first time. You contemplate going up and asking her if she'd seen Rick recently, but something about doing that just felt so pathetic.
You mustered up the last bits of pride you had left and made your way up the driveway. You were immediately stopped in your tracks when you catch sight of Jessie.
And Rick.
Jessie's arms were slung around Rick's neck while his were gripping either side of her hips. Gripping.
Your entire world shatters at the sight.
The gasp that leaves your mouth was automatic and sharp.
Rick pulls away first at the sound. Even if he didn't know it was you, he knew he was caught.
His eyes go from panic to regret the second they lock onto yours.
"Y-Y/N," He lets go of Jessie, taking two steps towards you.
You stumble back, your eyes moving between the two. Jessie is staring at you with wide eyes, unsure what to do. Rick kept taking steps towards you, matching the steps you took back.
You shook your head, turning away from them and sprinting the opposite direction. You didn't stop sprinting till his calls for you faded to nothing.
There wasn't many places you could run to while confined in the walls, but you couldn't be near him right now. You couldn't go home. You just needed to be alone.
You stopped at the windmill, sneaking to the back and sliding against the wall to the ground. The moment you stopped to catch your breathe, you let the tears fall from your eyes.
Even with how bad things with Rick have been, you didn't think he'd ever betray you like this. The thought of him cheating on you crossed your mind once but you convinced yourself that he was a good man and he would never hurt you like that.
You were wrong.
You wanted to slam your head against the wall. Anything to distract your from the pain in your chest.
The sound of his boots thumping against the dirt met your ears. You didn't take your face out of your hands when you heard them stop only a few feet away from you. You didn't bother looking up even when you could feel him there. You could feel his eyes burning into the top of your head.
"I'm sorry," He said simply.
You almost wanted to laugh.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry."
You drop your hands, looking at his dirty boots in front of you. He crouches down in front of you, hoping to get your attention.
"I just want to know why," Your tired eyes land on his. Rick's mouth opens to speak before he shuts it again, trying to muster up an answer.
Rick sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know." He admitted.
"How long?" You raised an eyebrow at him, doing your best to stop your voice from cracking, but the quiver was there.
"That was the first time. I swear." His hands grab onto yours and it feels like fire on your skin. You yank your hands away, causing him to flinch. "I swear on my life, baby-"
"Don't." You spit out, "You don't get to call me that ever again." You pick yourself off the ground. "I really hope she's worth it, Rick. I hope she's worth losing us over." You sniffle the last of the snot in your nose, stepping to the side to escape Rick.
You were a few strides away when his voice broke through the air.
"It felt like I was losing you... I didn't know wha-"
I didn't know what to do.
Your eyes rolled so badly, they could've fell right out of your head. You spin around to face him once more. His face hidden in the shadows, only half of his face lit by the street lantern.
"Didn't know cheating was a valid reaction to that." You scoff, "Congratulations. You've officially lost me." You call out before walking away from Rick.
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radiance1 · 8 months
You know I had this real random au I made on discord on my other account that I logged out of and subsequently lost!
Where Vlad was a priest and Plasmius is his contractually obligated partner.
Except, said contract is actually 50-50 all the way on the scale of a good deal, but meh.
So baaaaaaasically, Plasmius was (I think) a demon that appeared before Vlad while he was in the hospital suffering from Ecto-acne and basically gave him a:
"Bind yourself to me or die."
Like, literally. Vlad became Plasmius' vessel in the mortal world and Vlad is free to live his life. Well, whenever Plasmius wasn't living his life that is.
Which is pretty rare but anyways.
Vlad was a goddamn workaholic who spent most of his time working away on whatever little thing he could, before the rest of that time was spent with Plasmius taking over his body and doing whatever he wanted.
Most of which, due to having a mortal vessel and not as durable as his demon body, ended up with Vlad being injured a few times than not before Plasmius got a grasp on what Vlad's body could and couldn't take, well, compared to his other human vessels he's had in the past of course.
Then, a few years later, or whatever, Vlad and Plasmius have been going around killing a multitude of priests. Mostly the ones that have a high position and the like, and having Vlad replace them and work there for a while.
Because Plasmius wanted to find a suitable vessel for his son.
Which Vlad was totally a-okay, the killing priests part and taking their place he means. Taking over their roles were surprisingly easy, and he's memorized enough verses that he could recite the entire thing back-to-back from book to book with no real difficulty.
Oh, and he also found how to make holy water! And he could even confidently say that it works because, hey! He's literally the guy being possessed right now, and if it works against him then it'll definitely work on your probably possessed child, miss Samantha!
(He doesn't tell about the demon possessing him part of course, because that would be more paint something that most surely works in a negative light.)
It quite literally never even became a thought in his mind to try and use said holy water against, well, you know. The literal demon possessing him.
But hey, Plasmius brought it up once and Vlad just gave him the most, blank-eyed stare he's ever seen, and then just moved on with his life.
And Plasmius?
Well shit, he's realized he's picked a wonderful vessel.
(Usually, they would try to eject or kill him at their first opportunity, which is quite rude since he helped. But y'know, past is past and what not.)
So then comes time, after Vlad's like, 25th switcharoo they managed to find a picture perfect vessel for Plasmius' son, and he's like:
Plasmius: Kill him.
Vlad: What-
Like, kill priests? Sure no problem Vlad legit does not care, but killing a child? Not something he can do, he gets some shade for his decision, of course, but he's adamant about it.
So Plasmius, powerful demon from hell who is used to taking what he wants.
Lets him.
At the cost of the boy becoming his son's newest and first ever vessel of course.
And Vlad was kinda on the fence about this, but due to the contract- in which he stated that he'll do anything so long as he lives- is, well, there, he had to chose between the two.
And that, was how one young Daniel Fenton, was made the vessel of demon going by the name of Phantom.
Of course, he wasn't happy about such a thing, but it was going to happen eventually, so at least compared to the original plan he'll live.
(Can't remember if Danny's fam was alive or not here, so I'll just say they dead as hell in that Nasty Burger explosion. Cept it was more of a celebration thing, and Danny was running a little late on his way there and then BOOM.)
Vlad tries to make Danny as comfortable as possible after the possession, and of course Danny isn't happy about it, give all three of them snark and sass and being a genuine little shit. Except Phantom doesn't like that, and since Danny is the equivalent of a newly gotten toy, it doesn't end well for him.
Mostly, in the form of numerous injuries that leads to Plasmius lecturing his son about how fragile mortals are and some- looking at Vlad- even more fragile than some others
You know, since he was trapped in a bed for years and all that.
So then Plasmius and Danny wander around, dragging their vessels along behind them. Vlad and Danny do get a quiet a bit closer during this time, Vlad explaning that hey, he didn't want to subject a child to his fate, but it was either that or death so.
And that kinda thaws the ice a little between them.
Vlad says that it'll eventually get better, he's been at this for years and Plasmius regards him as either his most loyal henchmen.
Which is an upgrade from being viewed as a pet since he can actually add his opinions now, well, he could before but now Plasmius would actually take them into consideration if Vlad doesn't wanna do this or that.
Danny is very obviously bummed out about that, and also kinda pitying Vlad but is also still dealing with the trauma of his family and friends exploding and then having to share (Not really even THAT) a body with a demon who leaves him injured far more often than not because of his stunts.
Well, you could say he isn't having a good time.
Then, cut to a while later, and Vlad managed to make these things that allow for them to be separated, but not past a certain point.
Because Vlad was getting tired about Plasmius' wants for his body getting in the way of working through Vladco (a business idea he pitched and Plasmius backed once he found out he needed money) and there's only so much mental calculations he could do before he tries to find a way around this.
Plasmius thought that Vlad was finally about to do the expected 'fight back against the possessor' and was even a little hurt, before realizing that no, said thought still hasn't crossed his host's mind and he's just upset that he couldn't work on Vladco because of Plasmius' need of his body.
Plasmius, once again. Realized he picked a wonderful host, though this time he thinks there may be a little something wrong with him.
But that's okay, he still loves his henchmen regardless.
Meanwhile, Danny and Phantom are ecstatic, more so Phantom than Danny, and instantly use them. Thankfully, unlike the rings Vlad and Plasmius have, they have bracelets, the point extends city wide comfortably, a fair bit while past that if they strain it though.
So, Danny has been having the best time of his life now, able to spend it doing normal teen things instead of stunts that'll injure him or kill him and having fun.
He joined the Super scene.
If I remember correctly, he was a hero and his father played the villain, mostly because Phantom wanted to play as a hero, but he didn't have a nemesis like everyone else or something so-
Then for Phantom and Dann's birthday (Phantom kinda declared Danny's birthday his because it was the day he came to the mortal plane), Plasmius decided to kidnap various heroes to participate in an escape game that's really just an elaborate ploy for said party.
Some balloons here and there, confetti, a few gifts and a lot of things you wouldn't expect when kidnapped by a villain. Then at the end there was a birthday cake and a Happy birthday sign hung up there.
Then a Tv turned on and it showed Plasmius, sitting there in a classic villain chair with Vlad standing next to him- a surprise to most heroes there since Vladco was relatively clean actually- and then Plasmius going Happy birthday and then waving over at Vlad saying that he planned most of it.
Kidnapping various heroes was his idea, of course.
But everything else, from the design of each room to the traps to gifts and all of that, and Phantom excitedly shouts a thanks Dad and Papa, with Danny giving a quieter thanks Dad, which leaves the two of them shocked. Then Vlad, who was currently standing to Plasmius' side and working through Vladco investments and business opportunities, tries to play it cool but everyone (heroes included) can see the pink dusting his ears.
While Plasmius is just laughing his ass off at Vlad's reaction.
That's all I can remember right now, of course with a few tweaks here and there because, well, you can probably tell why.
Oh right, there was also this funny thing where, because of the matching rings that Vlad made and the two were wearing. The heroes thought they were married lmao.
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ladystardust-thinks · 11 months
high-achiever - e.u.
Request by: @stilessbaseballbat
Hello! Can I request an imagine with Eggsy where him and the reader are appointed to train the newbies, but they become too competitive and split the group in two - One is Eggsys group and the two the readers. They make a bed which group will pass the Kingsman training? (you can choose who wins and what the loser is going to have to do)
Eggsy Unwin x Fem!Reader
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A/N: It hasn't been long since I got that request. Sure. I totally didn't have it in my wips since forever. Anyway, I feel a little boring because of the choice I made on who wins but eh it's okay. It was like 4am. I'm proud of the OCs though 'cause I think they're pretty lovable. (aka I love them and they're my pretty little babies so you also have to love them, no pressure.)
Any feedback, is good feedback!! Correct me on anything you think is wrong.
word count: 2.1k
Tags/Warnings: She/Her pronouns!!, Jealous Reader if you squint really hard, kinda ooc eggsy?, OC x OC, reader is an overachiever, bad writing? English is not my first language, I learned it entirely out of social media, mention of a dog being shot (but not really), mention of reader having a dog (again, only if you squint.), Use of Y/N
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"Gawain! Get up!" Eggsy's voice echoes loudly through the woman's house as he swings all the curtains wide open. She winces at the sudden light and curses the boy through her teeth.
"Y'know Galahad, I have heard rumours about people saying good morning as a greeting. Also that is a total violation of privacy. Do you know that? It's important to me that you know that." The girl whines shoving her tired body towards the kitchen, pouring coffee in a mug.
"Good morning, Gawain." Eggsy pauses. "Alright, now, the trainees list just came in and Merlin told me we are to train them. So take a look at it." He pushes the papers towards her and she takes a sip from her coffee, not making an attempt to take the papers. She looks up at Eggsy like he had killed her whole family.
"Why are you all that excited?" She asks rhetorically, not waiting for an answer. "Well, first of all I've been there and it's interesting to see newbies in my position and second of all it's going to be something to add to my successes. I'm high already but I am aiming higher."
He answers in a matter-of-factly tone and sits opposite to the girl. "What makes you think you are going to be all that good at it. I mean I am going to be there sure but-" She was rudely cut off.
"Are you implying you are better than me, Gawain?" The agent says slowly with a smile forming on his face.
"I wasn't implying anything, actually. I thought that was obvious. But before you rudely cut me off and-" She grunts in annoyance. Yet again being interrupted. She didn't like being interrupted.
"Then we can put it to the test. Drink your coffee and get dressed we are going to HQ." He states and starts wandering around the house, almost too comfortable, opening her closet and pulling out her suit, throwing it on her bed.
"You're doing it, again! I don't really appreciate that! And how did you even get inside my house? I never gave you a key. The door was locked, the lock isn't broken. What the bloody hell! You can't just sneak in like that." The woman complains kicking Eggsy out of her room as she starts to change her clothes. "We are Kingsmen, Gawain. Nothing is ever locked." She heard him say behind the door.
The newbies were in their cabin and they looked terrified in this sort of fun way. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if she also looked that terrified her first day at HQ. No. She thought. She was too confident. Her friends and family were sure, that was going to be the death of her. She was always sure of herself. Always. She had always been competitive.
Her parents still teased about stuff she'd do when she was little, like crying when she'd land on someone else's property while playing Monopoly.
They didn't even pressure her into all of those academic successes, she just did it.
The competitive part of her - if not her only part - is also what brought her where she is, doing something that Merlin, probably, wouldn't really like. But just like there wasn't one bone in her body that wasn't competitive, there also wasn't one that wasn't a winner.
"Do we get to choose who's in our team?" She found herself whispering at Eggsy while the newbies conversed with one another. "If you have your eye on someone that you think would make it easier, then no." He answers nonchalantly.
"Damn it." She swears under her breath, disappointed. "But we could choose eachothers teams. Like I choose yours, you choose mine." He murmurs.
"Okay. Then I'm giving you Marie." She says checking the document in her hand to make sure she got the name right. "Why Marie?" Eggsy asks, genuinely curious. "I don't know she seems annoying, she'd talk your ear of and get you distracted."
"Oh. Well that's good, because I actually think she's quite-"
"Then no." She changes her mind and shakes her head, her eyes still at the trainees looking over the cabin like lost puppies.
The blonde smirks, he marks his coworker's initials next to 'Marie Brown' on his own document. "Marie?" He says looking at the group of people right in front of him, searching with his eyes for the short redhead. "Yes." She speaks up. "You're with Gawain." He states.
The girl sprinted towards the, not-so-thrilled, agent excitedly. She smiled with all her teeth and squealed, standing tall, next to her.
She threw a sarcastic, tight lipped smile smile her way, then turned to look at Eggsy, the grimace never leaving her face. He just tried to hide his giggles under his breath and smiled, looking only forward because he knew if he turned to look at the woman's expression, he'd break down in laughter.
Marie grasped her mentor's shoulder proudly and Y/N's eyes widened but Eggsy's ability to hold his laugh was only getting worse. She nudged his rib with her elbow and coughed. "Okay, Elliot, with Galahad." She marked the initials G.U. on her document and let a breathy laugh out.
His eyes widened and his eyebrows went up, he turned to look at her and Elliot walked over to him. "Hello, sir." He sniffed and put his hand out for Eggsy to shake. His voice was shaky. Eggsy looked at him, then back at his sweaty hand and shook it.
Elliot let go from Eggsy's hand and wipped his hands on his uniform, fixing it and clearing his throat, as he walks next to Eggsy.
"He does realize that we are almost the same age and I am not his teacher, right?" The agent turns to Y/N and she snorts shortly. "Dont be mean," she says quietly "that's my job." She continues.
"Well, this is going to be fun." Eggsy mumbles under his breath. Suddenly regretting ever planting the idea of a bet in the girl's head.
"Okay, so." She clapped once to get the attention of the newbies. "The next days are going to be full of missions and tests, but you have to keep two things in mind. Always listen to your mentor and of course always look at the bigger picture. You're going to be in danger, multiple times through out this training process. If you look too closely you don't think practical, you think hypothetical. And a Kingsman doesn't have time for hypothetical."
Eggsy found himself staring at the young agent while she spoke with such loyalty and dedication. There was always this on going banter between them, about who is better at this or that, little things. But it had been amusing for him how she took everything so seriously, like she just had to win. Even if that was just an unserious game of rock-paper-scissors. He couldn't help but wonder why she was so competitive, with everyone but especially him, at most times.
That being the only trait they had in common.
How competitive they both were.
In general they we really different, she was serious most of the time and she always went by the rules, more logical than emotional, she'd always follow a good piece of advice. Eggsy was a free-er soul, he is emotional, he gets attached really easily. A smart-ass if she's ever met one. And he had this weird hero complex she could never understand, this 'I'm saving the world.' kind of attitude. She wanted to wipe that smirk of his face, bring him down to earth, shout 'We're all saving the world here!' at him.
"Hello there." Agent Gawain told the newbies, wet like cats, seeming miserable.
"What the hell was that?!" Hayley whined, a trainee from Eggsy's team. "That was your first quest, and if it was hot in here you'd be thanking us now." He answered the blonde girl's question.
"What was surprising, something that has never happened before, was that all of you failed. We had to drain the water so you don't drown." Y/N told her trainees. They all looked at eachother awkwardly, ashamed, as the experienced agent put her hands over her chest disappointed.
"Are you kidding me? We almost died for your stupid training and we get scolded like we're little children? I am not dealing with this crap." She got her luggage from under her bed and pushed through Galahad and Gawain so she can leave. Eggsy grimaced, his nose scrunching and his eyes squeezing shut. "She left." He heard a familiar whisper from next to him. "I know." He said. "Okay. Hopefully by the next mission we won't have anyone storming off." He turned to the rest of the group.
It had now came down to the final choice. The two final trainees for the decision to be made were, ironically enough, Elliot and Marie.
The trainees were both at different rooms, one across from another. Agents Gawain and Galahad were both leaning on different walls, one across from another.
Both waiting nervously to hear the gunshot from their trainee's gun. The woman made a clicking noise with her tounge as the man constantly tapped his foot against the metal floor. "Nervous, Galahad?" The agent asks the blonde. "Never, Gawain." He answers.
Gunshots are heard from both rooms and the agents let out a breath they didn't know they had been holding, realisation came to them immediately and they locked in eachother's eyes. "Does this mean...?" Eggsy started. "I think so? It hasn't happened to me before." Y/N says confused and both Elliot and Marie come out of the rooms.
"I almost shot my Barney..." Marie says to her mentor with wide eyes, holding her dog close to her chest. "Yup I know, he's alright, Mar." Agent Gawain hugs her trainee, remembering how it felt to even think of shooting Stevie when she went through her own training.
"I- Me too." Elliot says, still shocked. She sees Eggsy over Marie's shoulder, as he sighs, grimacing yet again, questioning and giving two hesitant pats on Elliot's back she couldn't describe as confrontational. She laughs on Marie's shoulder and Eggsy rolls his eyes at her.
"Okay. I mean. Good news is...you're both Kingsmen now. And you have your dogs!"
Y/N says letting Marie go.
"Congratulations on your dedication."
Marie and Elliot start talking and Eggsy discreetly takes his coworker away.
"So it's tie?" He whispers.
"I guess so." She shrugs.
She looks back at Marie and Elliot. Elliot awkwardly laughs as he makes a depressing attempt to touch Marie's arm and she giggles putting some of her hair behind her ear.
"Well that's akward." She says and Eggsy follows her eyes and also looks at the, now, young Kingsmen.
"Let the kids be. They're living their love."
"You're making me have a mid-life crisis before my time, we're like two years older than them."
Eggsy sighs theatrically. "Yes, but they feel like my kids already. Look at them opening their wings."
Gawain rolls her eyes.
"Must be sad for you. Now you can't make a move on Marie." She says sarcastically.
"I just said that so you wouldn't put her on my team. Marie's not really my type."
"What's your type then?"
"I don't know. Witty, smart, boring agents that can't bare losing?"
"Sounds very specific for the sake of 'not knowing'."
"Familiar too doesn't it?" A proud smile plays around Eggsy's lips as he is staring at her.
"Yeah, it does. Thank god my type is annoying, funny, immature agents that I just can't get off my back." She grins.
"I'm pretty hard to get rid of. Would you break a rule, Gawain?"
"Only if I am to break it with such good company, Galahad."
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I would love to read your thoughts, i hope you enjoyed the story. Have a gorgeous day. Mwah!
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purplink8 · 6 months
Can I be real for a second? I don't think L giving a foot massage to Light was very in-character of him. Like manga!L would've totally scoffed at how pathetic anime!L appeared when he did that.
I like the rain scene bc it's really pretty (also Light MOANS bc of L? *sighs* yeah i ship lawlight) but I'm always so ?? at anime!L's behavior? The anime made L way too melancholic and y'know self-deprecating kinda guy. In contrast, manga!L (whom I love to death) is so so confident in doing what he's doing and has the time of his life during the Kira case as he's intellectually challenged (by Light) as he figures out the case little by little.
I don't get where the anime creators got the idea that L is a very sad character who cares about justice so much so that he's actually Justice itself? Manga!L enjoys solving cases. I'm not saying that L doesn't care about justice at all- just that he cares more about winning.
So, the anime creators looked at a character who cares about winning (& his own ego) than everything else and decided to... make him give a foot massage to his nemesis (surprise surprise bible symbolism featuring L as Jesus *🤮* coming up) apparently due to accepting Light's (boy's first debut as Judas) 'betrayal' how can there be betrayal when there was no trust between them in the first place and saying "It is the least I can do to atone for my sins"...
The only way I could've made a little sense of this is if L was mocking Kira with that line but the anime just had to go above & beyond to make it (L's actions) seem too genuine for that to be true. which is. so. FRUSTRATING
Manga!L wouldn't have done anything like that. Not even ironically (he'd have thought it to be below him for pretending to be accepting his defeat mockingly to Kira). Even Manga!L's not enough of a bastard to try to compare himself with Jesus (and just after knowing (god knows how) that he's going to die)- like that's too stupid omg: even for a mockery.
Does he actually think that Light would pick up on the (him as Jesus) symbolism and be like 'oh no! L is too noble like Jesus to die by my betrayal i'm such a bad judas how come i NEVER NOTICED THIS BEFORE'... and decide to spare L's life? Or embrace his inner Judas like the bad bitch he is and finish L for that godawful mockery of Jesus?
Whenever I think about Anime!Light's in-character reaction I crack up as it would be smth like 'wow this guy who graduated summa cum laude from torture university is pretending to be Jesus? lol what a real piece of work. would've expected better from you L: so pathetic lmao i hope rem kills you soon i'm so done with you rn- rip 💀'
Manga!L (if he knew he were going to die (don't know how that's possible in the anime; still we're talking about how the anime creators seem to see L as Jesus so ~anything is possible~) that is) would never go 'guess i'll die' accept his defeat offering a foot massage to his enemy and inwardly throw a pity party being all "… It'll be lonely, won't it?" GIRL you were the one going on & about how you'd EXECUTE Kira once you catch him on live tv (also saying that you'd bring Kira's head to the task force) I REALLY doubt you'd feel lonely if either one of you were to die- that (killing each other) was the point!!
Manga!L is a selfish character: he values his victory above all else so the anime making him accept defeat that easily + gracefully doesn't sit well with me.
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runespoor7 · 6 months
Jiang Cheng brings back WWX to LP after his resurrection because LWJ wasn't around
Five Fun Facts About The Fic I Might Write About It, This Is A Slowburn(?) Version, For Other Versions Ask Again:
WWX insists that he's not himself far past the point of it being sensible. The thing is, it's not the first time JC decided some random demonic cultivator was WWX and dragged him home to demande apologies and play house? Last time was over half a decade ago, so not everyone in the sect knows, but those who remember are pretty wary about it, especially because of what it means about JC's mental state. Is Sect Leader getting worse again? They're also very wary of WWX, some of them openly contemptuous - WWX has the feeling that if it weren't for JC's protection he would be dead - and some of them almost pitying. I think he overhears them talk and that's how he pieces together the backstory, and also learns that the demonic cultivator whom JC is convinced are WWX and that he treats as such don't... end well. Sect Leader takes the "betrayal" badly.
WWX realizes that YMJ doesn't have a second in command. the sect has a person who performs the tasks associated with the job, but JC doesn't have a "second-in-command", never did. it just stuck that way. it sure doesn't mean anything. probably. how weird of JC though.
the Ghost General intrudes on Lotus Pier. There's a fight, JC tries to take down WN, WWX orders WN away from JC, JC freaks out. WWX keeps swearing up and down he's not WWX, honest!!! but... on the other hand... the Ghost General recognizes him as its his master... this is what breaks JC's hopes, finally, and also WWX's heart. You get JC crying as he asks WWX "are you really not him?" and WWX doing the equivalent of Cyrano's "No, my sweet love, I never loved you!" but for who he is, with less clear-cut emotional consequences than in the play (this is because WWX is not dying and thus more invested in keeping the lie up and JC is way less certain that WWX cares about him than Roxane did about Cyrano). They sort of compromise on the understanding that "MXY" is kinda-sorta WWX, but without most of WWX's memories. (WWX is telling himself that's not what he wanted but in fact he's much more comfortable/confident with himself and being in YMJ afterwards!) this is probably when WWX realizes that while his room may not exist anymore, his things are in JC's room.
JC struggles with this WWX being an innocent lamb who has no memory of doing anything wrong in his life ever. He should've expected it. How convenient. But, y'know, a WWX is a WWX, and this also extremely conveniently lets JC off the hook of this pesky "remember how he orphaned your nephew?" thing! It's mostly JC's own guilt now. Mostly. He's not going to do anything against WWX even if it wasn't anyway. Also it's. terrifying. Because WWX has no memory of him, but WWX is around, and also there isn't anyone to judge JC for wanting-- ANYWAY.
They end up having to leave Lotus Pier and catch up with the main plot when WWX gets a spider sense that WN is in trouble. There are no words to explain how little JC likes 1)that the Ghost General is still a thing, 2)that the Ghost General is still a thing when it comes to WWX, 3)that WWX is planning on leaving LP to help WN, so he comes with. WWX tries to convince him not to, but surprises himself by accepting JC's help when JC insists in a clipped tone. The trouble that WN got in also involves JL being in danger. This is my fic so it would turn out that WN tried to protect JL before WWX and JC caught up. Possibly JL and WN have been getting in plot-relevant shenanigans offscreen for a while now, and there's definitely a fic there, what with WN thinking A-Yuan is dead and projecting on JL and JL getting conflicted feelings about the person/thing that killed his father, but that's not the focus in this story. At some point - because by now he's pretty certain JC will not either kill him or reject him - WWX "admits" that his memory has been returning. Not all of it, but enough. If we're all very very lucky JL has been in sufficient danger that JC can lose his head a little and kiss WWX for saving JL's life, or something along these lines. If we're not lucky that part happens beyond the scope of these five things.
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
helluva boss s2e1&2 reaction
season 2. let's go
episode 1
oh my god backstory time
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ah, arranged marriage
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that makes sense
I see so they both worked at the circus together
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the love at first sight here is crazy bro's not even doing anything
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oh my god
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BUY HIM???? oh this is so fucked up
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this is cute
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he's doing a really good job at that stealing from the rich thing though good job blitzo
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this is pretty cute, if only their situations weren't so fucked up
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"sorry I fucked your husband" WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT
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well damn...
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idk if this is controversial but can stella be allowed to like... have any singular moment where it's not just her being an asshole? like honestly I just want a bit more dimension to her than just abusive bitch wife, she can still absolutely be a classist abusive asshole and an antagonist and not likable, I just wanna see more to her y'know, another side to her? idk if I can explain myself well here, but even when being abusive to her husband, I feel like she should have moments where she acts another way when it comes to other people? other situations? idk. I am AAALL for evil women, but I feel like all we've seen of stella is just angry shouting and nothing else, I just wanna see something more than that. but like I guess I get we're only seeing her from stolas' perspective right now so it kinda makes sense...? idk I just wanna see something a bit more from her.
I mean I'm not done yet so maybe I'll get to see it soon?
episode 2
so from what I can see I'm guessing this is the episode loona and octavia meet
or well bond? they already know of each other I guess
not blitzo's confidence being crushed cause of people not laughing at him years back 😭😭 but hey I feel you man
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"why does he hate her more than he loves me" aw man
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that's cute
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think I'll post this and maybe group 3-5 and 6-7? but yeah really good stuff here, I liked that we got to see a bit of the fucked up origins of their backstories, starting with blitzo being bought just to please stolas and blitzo taking advantage of stolas' liking of him for his benefit, like that's how they STARTED and how they continued to be 😭😭
anyways, stay tuned 🤞
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beebop-pop · 8 months
(412 words, no warnings)
“i’m so sorry chris. i love you. please don’t forget me when i die.”
chris chuckles a little, softly pressing a hand of his into your tightly wadded one, “y'know, i really don’t think saying ‘you too’ after the waiter told us to enjoy our food is gonna kill you.” you groan, lightly smacking your head on the restaurant table and laying there, followed by the sound of chris who continues to laugh at your expense. “i knowww, but it was embarrassing! might as well kill me dead if this giant blow to my ego doesn't do it first!” you say, overly exaggerating to chris of course, but you felt you were a bit justified. 
it was a fine morning, a tad humid but you didn’t mind. a small new food place had just opened down the street when you happened to spot it on one of your walks. so naturally, you went straight back home to grab chris and take him with. you wanted to try the food and chris wanted nothing but to spoil you; a win-win situation, if you must. in all fairness, the atmosphere was crazy comfortable and the staff were hospitable, not to even mention the food you just got a whiff of. if only you could let go of this little tangent, but then again, where’s the fun in that?
“ah, baby you’re making it a bigger deal than it really is!” chris shakes his head, loudly clasping your hands in his. he pushes your forehead softly and just like that, you’re upright again. “plus, i kinda thought it was cute-”
“-but you think everything is cute. they could be shit-talking me right now!” chris brings both of your still-intertwined hands to his lips and kisses your knuckles confidently, “well, i think everything’s cute cuz you’re my girl, i love everything you do, so i don’t care what other people say about you.” honestly, you’d be lying if you said that didn’t make you want to drop everything and kiss him until the sudden rupture butterflies went away. and you almost thought about it, until you realized you were in public. but, that’s never stopped you before. so, you lean across the table and plant a big ol’ smooch on his lips, relishing in the way he immediately went bright red. chris sputters and turns away, shyly taking his hands away and covering his beautiful face. safe to say, you forgot about the whole ordeal earlier.
if this seems a little familiar, dw it's from my old account that got hacked ksjdfhsfh
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warsamongthestars · 25 days
I'm working on the full set, because I want to do this step by step. So any analysis here is just a small cut of stuff I'm working on in the background.
But there comes a certain point in a user's life where they're so overcome with unbelievable simmering rage, that they have to post upon the internet about it. Because that is what you do, when you are overcome with simmering rage, and a laptop has decided to nest nearby, on its natural habitat--a desk, and it hasn't flapped south for the winter yet.
The biggest failing of the TBBshow, but the greatest strength in TCWshow, when it comes to the Bad Batch, is the Character dynamics.
Its how the characters interact. How they balance, contrast and parallel; both visually, aesthetically, ability-wise, personality wise, and relationship wise.
For example; visually--you've got Tech's professional slicked back hair and sciencey get up, to Hunter's rough and wild and unkempt everything.
Personality example--Crosshair's pride and surety in all things and unshakeable quiet confidence, next to Wrecker's excitability, anxiety, and wears-his-heart-on-his-pauldron.
Aesthetically? Tech's rather unique and fanciful armor (its bright white, its not vacuum capable thanks to where his goggles are at) to Crosshair's more severe, job specific armor (His helmet does not have red paint to avoid catching attention to it as he's a sniper, has a rather painful rod on his shoulder for a mount).
And that's just contrasts.
The Bad Batch are unique in the clone army, because they have their own space that nobody messes with. The Havoc Marauder. And its both their base and their home.
They have their own unique armor, tailored to their strengths, and no other clone has that.
In a way, they're both the outcasts for not being standard clones, but also the Brats of the army for having things that other clones don't--and kinda rubbing it in people's faces.
( What, you think Crosshair was the only one? He's just the one that's loud about it, check the other's behavior. )
So you can imagine why my little coal-fire in my chest, is simmering slowly to a blaze, when I see things that say "Oh the BBs lost their ship and left behind their armor as a symbol for moving on--"
Folks, last I checked, I didn't need to blow up my childhood house and burn all my important things, to move on from childhood. Or from any stage in my life, for that matter.
I certainly didn't need to abandon all my favorite, still fitting, cloths. Especially if they were designed to emphasize my strengths.
Or perhaps, I see things like "But now they can choose what they want to be--"
I'm gonna give you a secret, they've already been doing that. Go back to TCWshow, they have been doing that since the beginning--literally nothing changed expect there's a kid, and an empire.
What it was, was the total decimation of character dynamics.
Because The TCWshow's BB's greatest strength was their strength of character, and the foils and contrasts and interactions, between those four characters. That's what I saw in TCWshow, that's what I came to TBBshow to see.
I wanted to see more. I wanted to see how these characters would interact on their own, to a greater galaxy. Its basically just four dudes doing shenanigans, and that's not hard to write.
And in TBB episode 1, and for 2 years afterwards, they kept Crosshair removed and we never saw those dynamics again. They killed Tech, and then those dynamics were impossible to ever seen on screen again.
It spent 3 years, very much destroying something beautiful they had. I spent 2 years in painful hope, that they would get back those dynamics, and frankly I feel strung along. It isn't just Tech's not-revival, its All of The Show. It started with Crosshair, and it never Ended.
That, has been my biggest issue. There is no "Oh they can move on now"--They could've just up and abandoned the Republic at any time, y'know, they're a special operations unit with their own ship and their own abilities and their own armor, and they could've easily just taken off and done whatever they wanted.
And you can't tell me anyone would go after them, because nobody knew who the hell they were. Even in the cut-content from the Old TCWshow BB story, nobody still knew who they were expect Cody and maybe a small reputation.
If Gregor, a full on Commando, can just up and vanish as a dish washer for a while, so can the super special awesome squad.
There is no metaphor here, we were straight up robbed, and the heist started at episode 1.
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captainjacklyn · 6 months
Making my first DOL post today..random game I got into, it's so easy to get invested.
So here is my PC, don't be fooled- that's a boy he just likes his hair long cause an someone told him it looked nice.
Kinda felt like giving him a small description, how he views most of the LIs and other characters, maybe him as a person idk this really feels like a shitpost. I only recommend the game if you aren't a minor and have a strong ass stomach cause I almost vomited the first time.
!!TW!! mentions of SA, blood, gore, violence, human experiments, death, abuse (both mentally and physically), psychopathic behavior, murder, mutation, stalking, if I missed any other triggers please inform me immediately so that I may fix my mistakes. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable, I advise you to please ignore this post and find something else more suitable. !!TW!!
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Degrees of Lewdity :
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The slender young man slowly stares back at you and returns your greeting. "Oh..it's you." his name is Elias, he's a resident at the local orphanage, he won't talk back if you try anything. Just avoid taking off his gloves unless he allows it.
Species - human, any hybrid Occupation - student Affiliation - orphanage, oxford street school Age - 18 years old Height - 178 cm Birthday - 04th of April Gender - male (can morph his system into changing sexe so female too) Marital Status - Dating Sydney, Avery's side hoe Zodiac Sign - Aries Best Subject - English, History Interests - Cross dressing, sunbathing, napping, gardening, makeup
Elias is an unfazed and blunt yet somewhat gentle young adult who quietly cares for others from afar. At first glance, many would think that he only speaks up when others wish to converse with him, even then his answers are short with little depth. Though it is stated that his confidence becomes much more evident once he gets comfortable, Elias can tease his peers and act playful. Furthermore, he will occasionally invite friends to spend some time with him. Whether it be taking a nap together, walking along the beach shore or reading in the library. He can crave company and has no shame in asking for someone's attention.
Not only so, but angering/provoking Elias is a feat itself, he usually avoids confrontation by walking away and even when things get out of hand, the young man will still struggle for the sake of running off. Though reaching a certain state of insanity, he looses all control of reason and will attack the offender without limit. This livid persona gives him an animalistic instinct to kill, relentlessly harming the individual(s) who previously caused his senses to go a-wire. The way he does this can get more gruesome depending on the previously inflicted physical or mental wounds on Elias, from forcing himself on them to tearing their skin open and eventually creating a gash deadly enough to give them a slow painful end. He stops at nothing until he's satisfied with how much suffering his abuser lives through.
Note - The statements above is largely different to how he canonically behaves. I have a knack for 'book accurate' vs 'show representation' and wanted a similar concept for my character.
In the game itself, Elias is much less of a victim and instead finds himself to be in constant control (I've been wary of any nonconsensual interactions, making a save before every choice that could lead to gr*pe or getting..y'know v*red). He is manipulative, defiant and easily angered. Belittling any passerby who leaves him a crude remark, regarding his more manipulative tendencies, this does result in him being a bit of a player.
One ↦ Robin can only have a specific percentage of confidence, preferably leaning towards a hundred but never fully. There is the excessive guilt-trip technique, Elias takes care of him from time to time and the moment Robin says something that could waver the white haired boy's sense of control he half scolds him by reminding Robin of everything he does just for him.
Two ↦ Sydney's purity = max level at all times. He doesn't want to deal with the possibility of having a bratty little *sshole follow him around everywhere for s*x. Especially not if the church proceeds to act up along with his corrupted state. The two of them are dating in game, Elias mainly uses him for protection at school, status wise at least. Due to Elias' line of work and desperate need to pay off Bailey, my PC cheats on Sydney practically everyday, having intercourse with multiple NPCs who offer a good price in exchange for his body as well as acting as Avery's sugar baby.
Despite this, he does care, I promise that he does. But his way of thinking would be similar to Alicent Hightower from House of The Dragon. He isn't narcissistic and has never once acted that way, however Elias is heavily twisted by loneliness abandonment issues go brr, anxiety and peer pressure (e.g robin getting punished for not paying his rent, Bailey possibly selling him off to the farm, etc..). This causes him to appear collected and normal at one moment and then unexpectedly go nuts.
Elias' past follows most of the in-game's PC backstory, he was raised in the orphanage by Bailey and supposedly lived within that town his whole childhood. Another NPC who is only present in Elias' story is Monika, an older sister-like figure who was also raised in the orphanage but soon adopted and taken away. She is said to have learned to read rather quickly and many youngsters would come to her for stories, including Robin. Monika was especially close to Elias, treating him like he was a blood relative than just another inhabitant, their bond grew strong as years passed and her depart created a rather detrimental impact on Elias. Who closed in on himself and ceased to socialize, a partial root to his present conduct.
However, there is a darker side to his story. This would also explain the truth behind his gloved hands which he hates uncovering at all cost, as well as his existence alone. Elias wasn't conceived naturally, instead he was created inside an artificial womb manufactured by a non-governmental laboratory which was currently exploring the nature of hybrids (e.g beings such as the Black Wolf or Great Hawk). A group of scientist took a step further, planning a project which was yet to be approved by their employer, and decided to combine several varieties of animal DNA along with human ones. Their goal was to revolutionize the science of genetic research. Unfortunately, the team was found out and reported to their boss, who visioned Elias' birth as a horrific mistake exhibiting complete disrespect to the laws of nature. The people who had fabricated the unnatural child were instantly discarded from further company work.
Up until that point, the infant mainly looked human and acted as such. So the executive ordered for the toddler to be dropped off at an orphanage and forgotten.
Elias is rather fashionable, he sometimes goes into the supermarket to try on a set of clothes before leaving without purchasing a single item. (the art is in the savings)
It is stated by several NPCs that he has a bad habit of staring, this is actually due to him daydreaming/spacing out whilst looking ahead unconsciously.
His favorite drink is lemonade and favorite dessert is lemon tart, anything that has to do with lemons is usually enjoyed by Elias.
When adapting to an environment, his hands are the first to metamorphose. They also connect to his emotions/primal instincts, circumstances like these are what drove Elias to hide them.
His screams sound like a mix of Caraxes and Syrax, his sounds are more guttural than actual cries.
#1; #2; #3; #4; #5; #6; #7; #8; #9
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thesugarclubs-blog · 7 months
Back in the Game - Bucky Barnes x OC
warnings: strangers to lovers, fluffy first date vibes
word count: 6.4k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1396767302-back-in-the-game-celeste
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“When was the last time you saw her?” Sam asked as he poured a mug of coffee for himself. They were sitting in Bucky’s empty apartment. He had finally pulled the trigger and bought a bed, a few dishes, and food but that was enough.
It was starting to feel too comfortable. 
“Last week,” Bucky said, flexing his metal fingers and rolling a cloth through them to polish the plates in a sad attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks as he thought about her long dark hair and pretty smile. 
“You scrub those any harder and you’re going to corrode them,” Sam laughed. “Did you talk to her?” He asked. 
“No,” Bucky grumbled. “She’s-”
“She’s what?” 
“Out of my league.” He looked up finally and met Sam’s glare. “How do I flirt with a woman? The last time I did that was-”
“It’s kinda refreshing seeing the White Wolf sweat.” Sam sipped on his coffee and stared at Bucky. 
“You’re not being helpful.”
“So she’s pretty?” He assumed, looking at Bucky over his mug. 
“She’s beautiful,” I corrected him. 
“Go to the bar, practice on some random women, and work that confidence back up man. The next time you see her at the grocery store you can put the moves on her,” he suggested. 
Bucky fixed Sam with a blank, unimpressed look - as if it was just that easy - and then blinked slowly before he groaned and ran his warm hand down his face. 
"I never used to be like this y'know?"
Sam chuckled and placed his coffee mug down, his voice soft as he gave Bucky's arm a comforting squeeze.
"Yeah, I heard the stories. You got this though, man. You're Bucky Barnes." 
He said it like it means something and Bucky scrunched his, unconvinced. He hasn't felt like Bucky Barnes in decades.
Sam tilted his head.
"We could go out tonight."
"No," Bucky grumbled. "I'm busy."
He didn’t want to practice on some random woman in a bar. He wanted to get it right. With her. She was stunning, and Bucky remembered clumsily dropping the orange he was holding when he spotted her in the produce section. He swore there was a halo around her, and that could have been the bad fluorescent lighting, but even she looked good in it.
"Busy polishing your arm, or busy polishing something else?" Sam giggled from behind his mug.
"Samuel..." Bucky warned. “Don’t start with the jokes.”
“That’s my thing.”
“Get a new one.”
Sam raised his eyebrows and shrugged dramatically.
“Okay. Suit yourself. Stay at home and wallow.”
“I am not wallowing!” Bucky snapped. “I’m…” 
He let out a sigh, swallowing the lump in his throat. There were very few people he could be vulnerable around, but Sam was one of them. When push came to shove, they counted on each other.
“I’m terrified.”
"Aw Bucky.." Sam started.
"I don't need your sympathy, Sam," Bucky cut him off.
"You weren't getting sympathy," Sam responded, looking him dead in the eyes. "What I was going to say, before you so rudely interrupted, was that it might be decades since you worked your magic but things haven't changed as much as you think. She's a woman, and you're all man."
“Would you…just…man, quit wigglin’ your eyebrows at me like that, jeez,” Bucky stammered, his face turning an even brighter shade of crimson. 
“Look, even you must have noticed the way those recruits giggle and bat their eyes at you,” Sam pressed.
“That’s not the same thing,” Bucky muttered, his thoughts once again drifting to the way her eyes had brightened when she’d picked up the perfect head of broccoli.
"It is!" Sam exclaimed, eyebrows nearly hitting his hairline in disbelief. "You just don't wanna admit that even after everything, someone might actually want to make you happy. You could kill someone and that intern with the glasses would ask you to do it again!" 
Bucky tossed the rag at Sam, who let out a yelp at the amount of force the fabric hit him with. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he took a deep breath. Hums, thumps, and the soft beat of Sam's heart echoed in Bucky's head as his best friend's words replayed over and over. Suddenly the silence was way too loud. With resignation, he met Sam's puppy eyed stare. 
"You get one hour," he pointed at Sam, who punched the air gleefully. "And you're buyin'.
A groan left Bucky's throat in response, but Sam ignored it while he put the rag back into the kitchen, winked at Bucky, and left the apartment with another "One hour, loverboy!".
The moment the door closed behind him, Bucky took a deep breath. So deep that he could see his chest expand in the corner of his eyes. Every breath felt heavy but only a bare minimum of oxygen made it into his lungs. As if he was drowning, without even being in water. 
He recognized the early signs of his anxiety, but tried to calm himself with massaging his flesh hand with the vibranium fingers, applying enough pressure on the trigger points next to his thumb. 
It was only a boy's night out. She probably wasn't even there and he wouldn't use a different woman for a dry run. Nope, not going to happen. 
With his head hanging low and his mind too busy to focus on anything else right now, he head into the bathroom to take a shower.
That evening, Bucky met Sam outside their regular haunt, a grin on his friend’s face as he opened the door. 
“Let’s get this over with,” Bucky muttered, ducking inside.
“Alright hotshot, what’re you drinkin’?” 
Sam bustled him towards the bar, hands on his shoulders and almost bouncing with giddiness. 
“Old fashioned,” Bucky murmured to the bartender awaiting their orders. 
“Make it two,” Sam added as Bucky turned his back to the bar, scoping out the crowded room.
He was starting to regret agreeing to this. The alcohol wouldn’t do anything to loosen him up and if Sam’s enthusiasm was anything to go by, it was sure to get real tiring, real quick. 
Speaking of which, his partner clapped him on the shoulder and not so subtly pointed to a blonde down the bar. 
“What about her? She’s hot… and definitely giving you the eye.”
“Yeah, but she’s not—“
Sam groaned and took a generous gulp of his drink, shaking his head.
“Will you relax, big boy? You’re not marrying her. This isn’t 1920 anymore.”
“I was three in 1920, you jackass,” Bucky snarled. 
Sam rolled his eyes and Bucky shifted in his seat. He couldn’t do this, not now. He’d always longed to be the man he was before the train, before Zola, before the brainwashing, but he knew that man died in the snow that day in 1945. He’s never been the same since, even after therapy and pardons… something shifted. He felt alien; thrown into a brand new century that he wasn’t meant to exist in.
“Just… give it a shot. She’s gorgeous.” 
Sam gave her a little wave and she giggled, hiding behind her hair as her long fingers wrapped around her glass. She was pretty, with golden hair that fell down her back in gentle curls.
“Sounds like you’re more interested in her than I am,” Bucky grumbled into his drink. 
“Okay. Tactic change,” Sam replied. “200 bucks says you’re too big of a coward to hit on the next woman who walks in here.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. If there was one thing he didn’t lose, it was a bet. Especially not a bet to Sam Wilson.
“You’re on.”
Bucky's heart was in his mouth, as the minutes passed and the bar doors remained closed.
He picked up his glass again. He needed to relax, to tell himself it wasn't a life or death situation, or the end of the world.  He took a sip and gulped the liquid down. 
Moments passed before the door opened. He managed to take a breath in when he saw it was just a group of guys, hustling each other inside with good natured banter.
"You really are nervous," Sam started, as the door started to swing closed again. 
As he took another swig, trying to summon 1942 Bucky, the door swung inwards again. As his eyes rose to look at the entrance, it took every bit of control he had to swallow that mouthful.
A woman walked through the door with bouncing brown waves, a delicate jaw. Bucky’s heart leapt in his chest. 
Shit, it was…not her.
The face she revealed when she turned wasn’t the one that’d been haunting his thoughts for the past two months. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t beautiful though. 
Catching his eye as she walked over to the bar, the woman smiled sweetly at him before leaning against the wooden bar top, trying to catch the attention of the bartender.
“Look man, she smiled at you. Go shoot your shot,” Sam hissed, nudging him towards the woman.
With a glare at his friend and a final swallow of his drink that he had to force past the knot of nerves in his throat, he squared his shoulders.
“Fine,” he gritted if only to get Sam off his back.
Fixing a smile on his face he turned and took a few steps towards the woman and leaned next to her.
Act casual.
“I’ll drink that,” he said, gesturing to the glass of wine before her.
“What?!” She asked, bemused.
“I mean I’ll buy you,” he tried again, wincing. “No! I mean I’ll get that drink for you.”
Her eyes widened as he stumbled over his words. Instead of responding, she slipped from the stool, giving him the cold shoulder as she disappeared towards the back of the bar. 
With a groan, Bucky turned to Sam and glared pointedly. Sam sent a thumbs up and mouthed "Try again." before nodding towards the growing crowd of people. 
Bucky licked his lips anxiously, blue eyes trying to casually scan the room like he used to do with Steve at the dance halls. Girls seemed easier to approach in his youth, but maybe he was just filled with Brooklyn-born confidence back then.
With his gut twisting uncomfortably, Bucky let his gaze skip from woman to woman. All of them beautiful but none of them gave him that feeling — the butterflies, the double-time beating of his heart. 
God, he hated this. 
And then it happened, the door closing and Bucky only quick enough to catch the back of her head but he knew. Brunette waves, no doubt in his mind this time. His eyes settled on her across the room and in his peripherals he sees Sam’s head turn to follow his gaze to the door.
Bucky met his eye briefly before Sam’s thumbs were flying across his phone screen. Bucky’s buzzed in his pocket and he fumbled for it before he scanned the message on the screen. 
If you don’t, I will.
Bucky’s head whipped around to tell him to fuck off, but Sam was already striding toward the bathroom, lifting one hand to wave at him without looking.
You’re supposed to be my wingman, he typed back.
His phone lit up again.
That was never part of the bet 💃🏻
“I’m gonna break his phone,” he muttered. “And his fingers.”
When he looked back up at the brunette, she was flicking away tears. And she was alone. Her eyes landed on him for a split second. Was he imagining a brief moment of recognition? Or was he just nervous? She trudged up to the bar and leaned up against it, her tight black tank top rode up her back a little and Bucky stared up at the ceiling, fighting every urge not to stare her down like a creep. He wanted to work on his "game" as Sam called it-- but he didn't want to terrify women.
“Gin and tonic, please. Triple.” 
Her voice was husky and laced with grief. She tossed some cash onto the counter and Bucky’s guts twisted. Who the hell made her cry? Before he could even think, he was walking up to the bar and pushing the cash back toward her as he dug his wallet out of his leather jacket.
“It’s on me.”
“Please,” she scoffed. “I don’t need a man to take pity on me. Not right now.”
“It ain’t pity…”
“Celeste,” she quietly supplied.
“Celeste,” he repeated, relishing the way her name felt. “I just thought it might put that beautiful smile back on your face.”
He thought he’d messed up again when she turned away from him but to his relief she didn’t walk off.
Shaking out her hair she adjusted her shirt and sniffled a few times. If it hadn’t been for his enhanced hearing he would never have caught her muttering.
“Can’t believe I meet Hot Grocery Store Guy looking like a royal mess. Must think I’m a psycho.”
“I don’t think you’re a— wait. Hot Grocery Store Guy?!” 
Celeste snapped her head up, looking a little sheepish as her cheeks flushed a soft pink. 
“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” she murmured.
Bucky chuckled and leaned against the bar, his nerves withering away as Celeste huffed out a quiet laugh too. 
“I got good ears,” he replied, lips curved into a small smile. 
“You got a name too? Unless you want me to call you Hot Grocery Store Guy?” 
She smiled properly then, bright and just as gorgeous as he’d seen in the store. 
“Bucky. Uh, Bucky Barnes.”
“Oh, okay, so Hot Grocery Store Guy is your middle name,” she replied with a grin. "Got it."
Bucky blushed furiously and swept a hand through his hair.
“Middle name’s Buchanan.”
“The worst President of all time?” She fired back with a teasing smile.
He exhaled, his shoulders shaking with laughter. This woman knew how to humble him. Quick. He liked that. Slowly, he could feel some of that bravado creeping back in.
“You’re killin’ me here, doll.” 
Celeste laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and bit her lip. She was so beautiful, with soft freckles that cascaded down her cheekbones, and a few scattered on the bridge of her slightly upturned nose. Her warm brown eyes danced across his face and suddenly, Bucky felt like he wasn’t in control of this anymore.
“I’ll go easy on you from now on.” She licked her lips. “Bucky.”
He liked the way his name sounded on her lips. Maybe a little too much. He glanced down at the drink in front of her.
“You gonna let me pay for that?” He asked.
“That depends,” she breathed. “Are you planning on sticking around? 'Cause I could use a drinking buddy."
Bucky beamed.
"I'm here all night."
He could sense Sam exiting the bathroom even before he saw him, the smugness rolling off his friend in waves.
“How ‘bout you grab us a seat, Sweetheart, and I’ll join you in a second, yeah?” Bucky smiled, indicating his head towards Sam’s approaching figure.
“Sure,” she replied, picking up the bulbous gin glass and squeezing his arm before making her way through the bar.
“Well look at you, Tinman. Found your heart after all,” Sam drawled. “Is this the part where you introduce us?”
“No, this is the part where you leave,” Bucky replied, hoping Sam wouldn’t pick up on the desperate note in his voice.
“Leave! Are you kidding me?” Sam scoffs. “Not when the fun is about to start.” 
“You just want to see me sweat,” Bucky rolls his eyes a little at that. He loved his friend for making him come here but, right now, he wants to focus on the gorgeous woman that’s waiting for him at the table without Sam’s watchful gaze. He doesn’t want to mess anything up just because his friend is giving him a thumbs-up from across the bar. 
Bucky gives him a look that says, ‘go or I’ll make you go’. “Fine,” Sam relents to his friends’ wishes and before he turns to leave, he says with a smile, "Good luck!"
"I am going to need it," Bucky murmurs and turns to find her watching their interaction with an amused expression.
“Go get her, tiger.” Sam clapped him on the back and Bucky swatted at him.
“Don’t call me that!” He snapped as he headed back toward Celeste. “So patronizing.”
“You got this, sport!” Sam called. "You're doing great, champ!"
Celeste looked confused while Bucky was blushing furiously as he wandered back to her.
“You gonna introduce me to Captain America?” She asked as she sipped her drink.
“Not until he behaves himself,” Bucky grumbled. He tried to shake off the nerves and climbed back onto the bar stool. “So… where were we?”
“Oh!” Her eyes widened and she rested her chin on her hand. “You were doing some pretty awkward flirting, and you still have to pay for my drink.”
His stomach flipped. Right. He forgot about that.
“Oh! Jeez,” he grumbled, digging into his wallet. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What a schmuck, huh?”
She giggled and placed a hand over his metal one. He flinched a little, but she didn’t move it. Her smile was warm and comforting. He could get used to seeing it every day.
“Bucky, it’s fine,” she giggled. “I’m just giving you a hard time. I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”
“No, no. I offered.” He pulled some cash out of his wallet and handed it to the bartender, shoving a little more into the tip cup. “Sorry. Okay, now where were we?”
“I found an empty booth back there,” she pointed, “I mean, if that’s ok with you? We can sit at the bar if you pref-“
“A booth’s fine, great actually,” he interrupted, eyeing Sam’s shaking shoulders as he edged away.
With a tight smile that still showed a hint of her earlier sadness, Celeste led the way across the bar towards the booths. Bucky followed close behind, his hand hovering at the small of her back, not quite touching. 
“This ok?” She asked, looking back over her shoulder.
“Perfect,” he reassured.
They sit down and Bucky picks up the laminated menu, “Would you like something to eat? The pretzels here are amazing.”
“Pretzels?” Celeste asks, baffled at that. “From all of the menu items, a pretzel is the amazing thing here? That is so simple. Pretzels are the same everywhere! You cannot mess up a thing as basic as that.”
“You would be surprised,” Bucky replies, but he accomplished what he wanted – to put a smile on her face again. 
“Okay, I’ll give you this one. Let’s order that and some potato skins. Now, those are good.”
With the food order, Bucky decides to ask what has been bothering her since he saw her at the bar. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Celeste glanced up from her drink, fingers stilling on the glass. 
“Oh, uh…” she hesitated. 
“You don’t have to,” Bucky rushed out, “I just— I have good ears… y’know, for listenin’.”
He was internally groaning even as the last word left his lips, but Celeste had her bottom lip tucked under her teeth, eyes sparkling with amusement as she stifled a giggle. 
“You really are out of practice, huh?” She replied, but her tone wasn’t teasing, it was soft and understanding. 
“Yeah,” Bucky muttered, cheeks flaming, “but even I know that was bad.”
“Self-awareness gets you brownie points,” she said, her lip quirking upwards into a smile.
“Somethin’s gotta,” Bucky winced, taking a swallow of his drink.
“It’s more than most guys have,” Celeste hummed and when he saw her expression change it finally clicked for Bucky what had made her so upset.
“Oh, Sweetheart, please don’t tell me you’re cut up over some dumb guy?  I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna go kick his ass.  He obviously needs some of the stupid knockin’ out of him.”  Bucky made to get out of his seat but Celeste laughed and dragged him back.
She continued to giggle, covering her face with her hand as he muttered about stupid guys not knowing a good thing when they see one.
“No, no, don’t do that,” she continued to giggle. “He got a good talking to in his voicemail, believe me.”
Bucky huffed and rolled his eyes. “It’s not enough.”
She dropped her hands from her face and rested her fingers on his arm, "I'm better now, let's just forget that I got ghosted."
"Ghosted?" His brows scrunched together and Celeste started to laugh again. "I'm not very good with the terms. Will you tell me what happened?" He asked her. "With the ghost?"
She nodded and took a sip of her drink, swallowing it down as she settled into the booth. He liked that she was getting comfortable, her eyes widened a little and her bottom lip went slack. She was enjoying herself and it made him feel wonderful.
“It sounds stupid now that I think about it,” she sighed.  “You’re gonna think I’m dumb.”
“I would never!” He gasped, looking mortally offended.  “Cross my heart.”
“OK, I matched with this guy on a dating app and we hit it off, even spoke on the phone a couple of times.  He talked a good game and we arranged to meet tonight but he never showed.  Left me waiting in the restaurant for an hour and a half.”
She gave a little sigh and Bucky’s brows furrowed sympathetically.
 “I tried the whole online dating thing too, it’s pretty crazy. A lot of weird pictures.  I mean, tiger photos? Half the time I don’t even know what I’m looking at, it’s a lot.”
“Tiger photos?” Celeste laughed. “What?”
“Yeah, I didn’t get it either,” Bucky murmured. “Between that and getting random pictures of body parts I didn’t ask to see yet… I, uh…” He let out a chuckle. “I gave up pretty quick. It’s brutal out there. I don’t know how people do it.”
She raised her drink.
“To shitty online dates.”
They clink glasses and Bucky couldn't take his eyes off of her as she sips her drink. 
“I’m pretty close to deleting the app myself,” she confessed. “Last month, I went out with this Wall Street guy and all he did was explain Bitcoin to me. Didn’t ask me about myself, my hobbies, just… tried to get me to invest. Come to think of it, I think it was a pyramid scheme. And he was sweating a lot.”
Bucky chuckled, his cheeks warming as her eyes lingered on his lips.
“Well, I’d like to know about your hobbies. And I only sweat a medium amount.” 
“A medium amount, huh?” She laughed. Celeste took a sip from her drink and pondered a moment. “I like the outdoors. Walks in the park or through the zoo are stress relief for me.”
"The zoo?"  Bucky hadn't been, "you'll have to take me, I mean if you want, I don't remember the last time I went to the zoo..." 
"Planning our second date already?" Her hair fell over her shoulder as she tilted her head to the side. 
"Well isn't this our first?" He asked her. There was a slight risk she might say no but he was willing to take it. 
"And what about our third?" She smiled at him and he nearly fell out of his seat from the fireworks that exploded in his chest. "Where will you take me, I'm taking you to the zoo after all."
Bucky bit his lip, his heart racing. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sam watching them, chin resting on his hand like he was watching one of those stupid romantic comedies he said he never cried at.
He did. And so did Bucky.
Just two grown men sitting on the couch, pretending they didn’t have emotions during You’ve Got Mail. 
“How about a walk through Central Park and dinner? Real dinner.”
“Real dinner?”
Her eyes sparkled and he wanted nothing more than to reach over the table and brush his fingertips across the soft pink flush that stained her cheeks.
“You like sushi?”
“I fucking love sushi,” she whispered. “Are you asking me out, Bucky Hot Grocery Store Guy Barnes?”
He cleared his throat and took another sip of his drink for a bit of liquid courage that he hadn’t actually felt since the ‘40s. The habit was just there. He drummed his metal fingers against the glass and she watched with fascination before her eyes met his.
“I think I might be,” he whispered.
“I’d say yes if you did,” Celeste returned, and it was her hand that slid halfway across the table, her palm up and her fingers outstretched.
Bucky was too dumbstruck to say anything else.  He could feel his face burning as he reached out and placed his hand in hers, not able to tear his eyes away from her sweet, smiling face.
A crash sounded from the other side of the bar and Celeste let out a giggle, the direction her eyes were being drawn in told Bucky everything he needed to know.
“What did he do?” He sighed in consternation.
“Fist-bumped the air so hard he fell off his stool,” she replied between bouts of laughter.
Bucky’s head fell as he snorted, then laughed. “I would have paid to see that.”
“I’m pretty sure someone recorded it,” Celeste replied as she felt him grip her hand. “He is Captain America, after all.”
"Beautiful and smart," his eyes flickered to and from her lips, lingering on the corners of her mouth as she pulled the bottom lip between her teeth. 
"How does anyone resist that charm?" she asked in a whisper as their bodies grew closer. 
"I think you dragged it out of me," he whispered back. 
"Kicking and screaming?" She laughed and her breath fanned across his cheeks. 
"I'm waving a white flag," he winked at her. 
“Well, someone should rescue you,” she chuckled.
He shrugged.
“We could always cut straight to that third date.”
Celeste’s eyes widened and suddenly, a bead of sweat trickled down his spine. He was really taking a leap of faith with this one. And Bucky wasn’t a huge fan of heights.
“You wanna leave your friend all humiliated and alone at the bar?”
Bucky drained his drink and shook his head, brows knitting together.
“Trust me, this won’t be something he gets mad at. One time I ripped off his wings and kicked him off a hellicarrier.”
Celeste choked on her drink and covered her mouth with one hand as she coughed. Bucky winced and looked away. Maybe that was too much.
“Wow, I thought I had shitty co-workers,” she snickered.
When he looked back, she was still laughing, her shoulders shaking and her eyes sparkling.
“Well, I’ve grown.”
“That’s important,” Celeste murmured as her thumb glided gently across his vibranium knuckles.
He couldn’t feel it, but he shivered all the same. She was totally unafraid. She treated him like he was any other guy as blush cascaded down her neck. His t-shirt was starting to feel a little too tight around the base of his throat and he slid his fingers between his skin and the fabric just so he could get a second to breathe. His heart was pounding. She hadn’t even said yes yet, and he was hanging on to every breath she took. Waiting.
Celeste’s lips curled into a smile.
“There’s a great ice cream place near Central Park,” she offered. “Maybe you could buy a gal a waffle cone.”
“I could do that,” he smiled back, his tongue darting out across his bottom lip.
“They even have pistachio, I think.”
“That’s my-“
“Favourite? Yeah, I thought so,” she said and then continued as she took in his curious expression.  “You’ve always had a pint of pistachio in your cart in the store.”
Bucky couldn’t help the delighted laughter that bubbled up from his chest.  He downed the last of his drink and stood from the booth, holding out his hand.
“Come on then, Beautiful Grocery Store Dame, let’s get some ice cream.”
Celeste blushed as she gently took Bucky’s hand and stood. “Lead the way.”
Bucky’s heart felt like it could burst as he led her out of the bar, turning back to look at her. “The park’s not far. Do you wanna walk? Did you drive here?”
"Walk," she answered quickly and gave his hand a squeeze. They walked through the crowd passed Sam who watched them with a shocked expression.
"Not a word," Bucky shook his head in passing. "Not a damn word Wilson!" He held open the door for Celeste to walk through, expecting her to drop her hold on him but she just tugged him out into the cool air away from the busy sounds of the crowded bar. 
"That's better," Celeste nudged him as he scooted her to the inside of the sidewalk and directed them toward the park. "Now we can actually talk."
“Okay, so. You know I have a penchant for the outdoors and zoos,” she began. “Tell me about you.”
Bucky always dreaded this part. This was the reason a lot of his conversations on dating apps didn’t go anywhere. He hated talking about himself. What was there to say? Yeah, I did some casual assassinations for 70 years and got brainwashed and manacled to a chair. Not a big deal. Where did you say you worked again?
“Which version do you want?” He asked.
“I want the Bucky Barnes nobody sees. I know all about Hydra, and about you saving those hostages in New York and about being a big hero. But I want the real you.”
"That's a tall order," he chuckled.
"Almost as tall as you." He snorted and her hand slipped into his with relative ease. “But I think you’re up for it, Sergeant.”
His stomach fluttered and for a second, he was at a loss for words. He was a civilian now. His life was no longer about the fight. His therapist told him he had to find a balance between being a hero and being Bucky, but it wasn’t easy. That life was all he’d known, ever since he got drafted back in ’41. 
“I have a cat,” he offered.
Celeste gasped.
“I love cats. Do you have pictures?”
He chuckled.
“So many.” He pulled out his phone and showed her a picture of Alpine napping in the sun. “She’s my wallpaper.”
“Oh my God, she’s gorgeous,” Celeste gushed, almost grabbing the phone from Bucky’s hands to take a closer look.
“Second prettiest girl I ever saw,” he said, proud of the way his words caused a flush to creep up the sides of Celeste’s throat. “But don’t tell her I said that.”
“Promise,” she grinned, releasing her grip on his phone and crossing her heart.
The gesture drew Bucky’s gaze to her chest, which then made him panic that she’d think he was staring, which in turn almost made him stumble over his own feet as they reached the entrance to the park.
“Come on, soldier, both feet,” Celeste chuckled, leading him forwards yet again.
Bucky laughed and shook his head as he regained his balance. “I’m sorry. I’m normally not like this.”
"Do you have-" He attempted to recover, "a cat, or a dog?" 
"My apartment doesn't allow them but when I was little I had this grouchy old thing, grey fur, angry as all hell." She laughed and leaned in closer to him, resting her other hand on his chest as she snuggled into his arm. "He was mean until the day he died. You would have gotten along with him." 
"Ha, ha," Bucky laughed leaning his chin toward her as they walked. "Okay next," he said trying to grasp at the normality of their conversation, "what do you like to do in your spare time? You know, when you aren't prowling the grocery store for hot men who love pistchio iceream."
“Skydiving. Arson. Um… a little bit of breaking and entering.” 
Bucky stared at her for a second before she burst into laughter and leaned up against him, bumping him with her shoulder. She smelled like bergamot and caramel.
“Careful, doll. You’ll give an old man a heart attack pulling stunts like that.”
“Okay, okay,” she laughed. “I'll stop for real. I wouldn’t want that.”
“Well, that’s nice of you.”
“I mean, who would pay for my ice cream?” She quipped.
He shook his head, smiling from ear to ear. The more they talked, the more relaxed he felt. Celeste kept him on his toes— literally and metaphorically. He liked that. 
“I’m mostly a big reader with no friends,” Celeste laughed.
Bucky pressed a hand to his chest.
“What a coincidence. I’m also a big reader with no friends.”
“You have a friend!” Celeste countered. 
“Eh…” Bucky shrugged. “That’s putting it loosely.”
They continued walking along, a slight nuzzle every now and then for warmth. 
"What kind of books do you like to read?" 
Bucky loved her curiosity. "Mostly science fiction and fantasy. Someone on an app once called me a hot nerd." He thought for a second. 
"Goddamnit, he was flirting with me. I'm dumb. I see that now."
Celeste let out a loud burst of laughter- more of a giggle. Bucky's eyebrows shot up and he couldn't help but chuckle
"Something I said?"
Celeste stopped them in their tracks and placed her hands against his chest. He blushed furiously. 
"Self-awareness with a small peppering of self-deprecation. You better be careful, President Buchanan, or I just might fall for you."
His heart lept into his throat. He was quick, but she was quicker.
“I’ll race you down there,” he said, trying for smooth but the way Celeste threw her head back and cackled made him think he’d not quite hit the mark. 
He laughed with her, and at himself, shaking his head and squeezing her fingers when her hand slipped back into his. 
They continued along the path, admiring the late fall afternoon. Leaves crunched beneath their feet and the ducks on the lake seemed to follow them, perhaps hoping for crumbs.
They rounded a bend in the path and the vintage-style ice cream truck appeared, with a thankfully short queue. Joining it, Bucky’s heart nearly leaped out of his chest when Celeste snuggled closed to him, sliding her arm tentatively around his waist underneath his leather jacket.
He smiled down at her, feeling butterflies flutter in his chest. “Are you cold?” He asked softly. “I could offer my jacket?”
"I much prefer it this way," she nuzzled a little closer and knotted her fingers into the fabric to hold him close. 
"You might change your mind after ice cream." He teased. 
"Maybe, but we can deal with that later." She said, watching him as he ordered two ice creams for them. The waffle cone was warm in his hand and the ice cream cool against their lips as they curved down the path toward the quieter part of the park. She ate her cone quietly, every so often checking to make sure he was still there as if she wasn't attached to him. 
"What?" Bucky finally asked, curious enough about what was going on behind her big beautiful eyes.
“You’ve got ice cream on your nose,” she giggled.
Bucky blushed and reached for it, but Celeste’s fingers bumped into his. His chest grew tight and suddenly, she was the only thing he could see. The people milling around them didn’t matter, and the sound of the traffic faded into the background as she licked her gorgeous, plump lips.
“Let me?”
His face was so warm, he was surprised he wasn’t melting his cone just by holding it in front of his face. She smiled at him, getting up on her tiptoes to swipe some pistachio ice cream off of his nose and lick her thumb.
“All gone,” she whispered. “You’re back to looking very suave.”
“Good. Wouldn’t want to ruin my disguise.”
She was still on her toes, her head tilted back slightly to meet his gaze, and his arm around her waist tightened just a little. It pulled her closer and she fitted against him like she was made to be there.
“Can I-can I try something?” He asked softly with a slight tremor to his words.
“I wish you would,” she whispered back.
James chewed at his bottom lip a moment before he gently rested his fingers under her chin. Then he dipped his head down to place a single chaste kiss to her lips.
A soft whimper left her lips as he pulled back, his hand tickling around her waist unwilling to let her go just yet. She looked up at him, nose cold from the chill air and cheeks red from blushing. "I'm really glad you did," she laughed breathlessly. 
For such a tiny kiss Bucky could feel the vibrations of it down to the tips of his toes as he battled with the urge to steal another. Her lips were soft and tasted like ice cream. He just wanted more. For a day he had been so scared to begin, he didn't want it to ever end.
“You still up for dinner?” He asked.
Bucky shrugged.
“Sure. I’m not doing anything, and you’re already dressed for a date.”
She clicked her tongue.
“I don’t know… I might need some convincing.”
He frowned and tilted his head. Sam called it his golden retriever head tilt. 
Celeste beamed and got up on her tiptoes, pressing a slower kiss to his lips. Bucky’s hand slid around the back of her neck as she nipped gently at his bottom lip and he blushed as she tugged on it, releasing it with a gentle pop. He whimpered, his eyelids fluttering as she gazed up at him, batting her eyelashes.
“I think we’re supposed to kiss after the date,” he whispered.
“We’re also supposed to have ice cream after dinner, so we can let some things slide.”
Bucky cleared his throat and nodded. Celeste giggled and nuzzled against him.
“I’d love to have dinner with you, Bucky.”
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yuri-button · 14 days
Susie HCs ????
Oooo I have a lot, so I'll do a lil overview of my thoughts on her I hope that's okay!
The ver of Susie in my head is more of like a feral gremlin child. She is THE weird kid and the epitome of "be gay do crime". She became close friends with Julie and Joey in middle school and has a lot of shared interests with Julie (they spend a lot of time at Julie's house listening to music, painting each other's nails, and talking about different ways to kill people Susie doesn't like. Y'know, just girl stuff)
She's shy, anxious, and overall pretty distrusting of people outside of The Legion + Jeff due to being bullied a lot. Probably invented "don't talk to me I can't hear you over my music" by listening to her Walkman 24/7
She is the youngest of 3 siblings: her two older siblings have already moved out. She isn't as academically or athletically apt as her siblings were, which makes her parents quite harsh on her, to say the least.
Her voice sounds like Julia Nardin's (look up Nancy Drew Ghost of Thornton Hall, she's the VA for Addison).
Her personal reason for being part of The Legion is that she enjoys the sense of power and control it gives her, since she normally feels powerless in her everyday life.
She is pretty obsessed with Julie and gets jealous easily. She has a plastic bag of her stray hair strands and she tries to steal little things from Julie (basically Jenny by Studio Killers). Susie is more overtly needy than Julie is, but they both share the same kinda mindset of "this is my *ahem* girl best friend and I think I might pop your head off if you stare at her for too long"
Her dynamics with Joey and Frank (copy pasted from one of my many random notes docs about these goobers):
Joey is the big brother of the group, and Susie receives the most of that. He doesn’t always understand what Susie goes through, but he always tries his best to listen and cheer her up. Susie confides in Joey often: he tries to support Susie whereas Julie tries to fix her problems, usually with faulty (although well meaning) solutions. The two are far more relaxed than Frank and Julie and feel that the other’s presence is soothing.
Frank and Susie are the most distant in the group, but they are still good friends. Frank is a bit more invested in the friendship than Susie is, but she does still care. He views her like a little sister and empathizes with her about her difficult home life, which is their main connection. Frank builds Susie up and pushes her to action where she is normally sedentary. Susie is initially very closed off to Frank due to jealousy and overprotectiveness of Julie, but she eventually does let him in and they both mutually appreciate the support of one another.
Lastly two lil random things about her: she HATES being called short (she's 5'4, the shortest in The Legion) and will probably stab your kneecaps if you say it to her. Her favorite Legion Night activity is graffiti.
I hope this isn't totally word vomit!! This is probably very disorganized so I hope it's okay to read :,)
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cheemken · 4 months
Ya know I haven’t really talked about Drayton n Kieran yet so here’s some canon hc stuff!
Okay so I believe in the French translation it’s stated that Kieran is 14….which I don’t believe lol with how shy he is in the teal mask and then crying over not getting ogerpon in the teal mask as well it just doesn’t fit right w/ him being 14 it seems in line of someone who’s 10 or 9 really + Drayton says he misses the old shy Kieran who likes to battle for fun so we can assume that Kieran was in the league club even before his desire to get stronger and tbh if a 14 yr old was around ppl like the E4 I doubt they’d be as shy as Kieran was in the teal mask, being around those 4 would give anyone a confidence, boost, so yeah Kieran is probably like 10 or maybe even 9 but def no older then that, anyways enough of my rambling n to the actual hcs lmao
Once Kieran is back in the club after mochi mayhem, he’s often seen curled up against Drayton snoozing on the clubs couch together as all of his intense training messed up Kieran’s sleep the boy is often really tired
Drayton is actually really good at comforting/calming down a crying Kieran weather it be from a legitimate reason like the trauma from terapagos, when he’s tired that he can’t help but cry or just him crying from not getting his way with something, Drayton is the second best at calming Kieran down (the first being carmine of course)
On the topic of terapagos, Kieran often goes to Drayton about his issues with the legendary bc Drayton knows what it’s like to be impacted by a legendary and Kieran doesn’t wanna bother his sister more with his trauma cause like yeah terapagos was gonna kill him, that energy beam was going straight for Kieran, he’d be dead if protagonist didn’t step in, so he talks to drayton about his trauma n drayton helps the best he can
Drayton eventually drops the “Ex-champion” nickname teasing as he sees it really upsets Kieran n they just started being friends again! He doesn’t wanna lose Kieran again!
They fly together across the terrarium on their dragonite’s :) often having fun lil races 
Drayton joked about carrying Kieran when we beat him during the champion fight but he actually does give Kieran piggyback rides when he wants! He enjoys carrying Kieran a lot!
Just like with the E3, Drayton can be protective of him, that’s his lil brother your honour……stole him from carmine….~Drayton angst anon💛
Huh but y'know I can picture Kieran being 14, there are teenagers that are still kinda shy around that age, and given his upbringing, it's understandable why he'd act like that too
But anyways hahaha
That's dope tho, them bonding over their trauma regarding a legendary. Drayton never got to really face off Kyurem like Iris, only ever saw him after Iris finally got him from Ghetsis' control, a much tamer Kyurem than the one still being controlled by Plasma. He can't imagine how it must've been for Kieran too, being face to face w Terapagos, almost dying bc of it. Nearly died bros tho real lmfao
That's cute them flying around w their Dragonite🥹 reminds me of this one concept I have of Iris and Lance too hahah and aughgh the piggyback ride thing cndmdn like how Iris would do it for Drayton too your honour they are so soft cnmdnd
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rolandeepyaoi · 2 years
fuck it- rolan deep hcs
some spoilers for bitb ‼️‼️ sorry for how long this is I like thinking about rolan.
rolan looked like a Huge nerd in highschool. like. big ass glasses, crappy little patchy facial hair. the works. (ty to @tragicfaggots for this one + inspiring me to make this post)
rolan meets kian first, they work on a history project together in 8th grade history
at some point kian sneaks out of class, dragging rolan along with him, to meet with rand
rand doesn't think too much of rolan but after kian keeps bringing him around he warms up to him
they really bond when all rand and rolan discover they both have a love for dnd, and it's history from there (they drag kian into it soon after)
rolan smoked in highschool, which is why rand and kian react so surprised in the first ep when rolan says he doesn't smoke. also the reason he gets back into it once shit starts Going Down
during college he had a few relationships, mostly nice girls he met in class but also a few guys in secret (spreading my fruity rolan propaganda)
speaking of that, kian and rolan like. gaydar each other. one of the many reasons kian takes to rolan so much.
kian first confides in rolan after he had that experience with the football player, rolan makes fun of him for getting with a football player but actually supports him all the way
rolan shared an apartment with a few other college students during his early years at law school
they had a cat that rolan found that he convinced them to let stay
the cat, named Zeppelin after rand, doesn't trust rolan AT ALL on account that it can kinda sense that he's, y'know, a little buggy.
zeppelin eventually comes to trust rolan and absolutely Loved him, zeppelin comes with him when he gets his own apartment after becoming a lawyer fr
rolan was the nerd in highschool who didn't go out too much, aside from the party that got rachel killed, but in college he let himself be more free and go out more
the first time he drank alcohol he was puking for Days and super out of it
bro just thought that he couldn't handle his alcohol/was a lightweight, but no he was just A Bug. he eventually did build a tolerance to it through small drinks at parties
rolan met most of the men he saw at those parties, never really at school
rolan Loves fruits and flowers, this is made more extreme after he's bugged at the lake and his bee brain is attracted to the sweet smells/tastes
literally everyday at school mans could be seen eating fruits as snacks, mostly berries
rand always bought rolan strawberry ice cream after he realizes, rolan eats it at rand's house whenever he came over
rolan still ate that ice cream in college and it always reminded him of rand
he always got sad, he ate the ice cream whenever he felt bad as a comfort food, but everytime it reminds him of who he left behind in Galloway. always makes him a little homesick, for his parents and for his best friends
especially the one who always bought his that same strawberry ice cream, the one who probably resented him for leaving.
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It Brought Me You
Summary: You're a pilot with a reputation to be the best and prove yourself after an injury. Slowly you find yourself falling for two men you never thought you would fall for
Pairing(s): Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x F! Pilot! Reader x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
A/N: Okay! I'm basing the reader off of Cameron Mitchell from Stargate SG1, if you have not seen it I highly recommend it. The only thing being truly based off of him was the F302 injury and the kinda sarcastic personality. I know not all injuries will work like this unfortunately, but for the sake of the story it will. I think that is the reason I have such a soft spot for Cam is because he worked his ass off to get where he was.
Warnings: Mentions of being paralyzed, mentions of sex minors DNI 18+ only
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You rolled off of Jake's chest, panting softly in the dim room as two pairs of lips found your neck again, making a grin grow on your face despite your exhaustion. You were laying between your two boyfriends, you never thought you would get this lucky to have Jake and Bradley. You three just celebrated your one year anniversary and you truthfully could tell yourself that if you met past you and told her how happy you were, she would have laughed in your face. You thought back to how this all started as you felt your boyfriends grab your hands and you relaxed from coming down from your highs.
You took off your aviators as you entered The Hard Deck, it had been a long time since you were back in here. You were just recalled for a mission and you knew others would be there. All you knew was that the best of the best that graduated Top Gun were being hand picked for some mission.
You weren’t surprised but you were at the same time that you had been chosen for this mission. A little over three years ago you were on another mission, one that has been labeled to be highly classified now, your plane got hit and you couldn’t eject. You thought it was going to kill you but you were left paralyzed from the waist down. It had devastated you but you knew that you were meant to be a pilot. It made you shut everyone out and when the doctor told you that there was a small chance that you could regain mobility, you took that chance. Every day you fought harder to walk again and soon you were. A year ago you were cleared for active duty again and now you were being sent back to Top Gun. You knew it would be no different here that you would get stares because you managed to walk again, your name was whispered everywhere when people heard the story.
You went up to the bar to get a soda and then moved amongst the crowd. You were wearing your uniform like the other aviators and grinned when you saw Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace. You walked up to her, a confident smirk on your face "Phoenix as I live and breathe, I didn't know you got the call back too" you said as you gave her a hug. She hugged you back happily looking a little shocked to see you, "I heard the rumors Phantom but I wasn't expecting you to be called back to duty so soon! You're walking straighter then you used to!" She joked making you laugh. "That is very true but now I am never going to take walking for granted" you said with a soft smile, no arrogance in your voice. "I don't know how you did it Y/n but you did" Natasha laughed.
You two stood together and talked for a bit, she introduced her WSO, a sweet man that made your heart melt with his politeness. Your happiness only increased as you saw a cocky smirk from a mile away as he took Bob's pool stick "Ah Bagman! Still arrogant as ever I see?" You said in a voice with fake happiness. He was always fun to bicker with because he could never tell when you were lying or not. He nearly dropped the pool stick in shock "L/N? How the hell are you here?" He asked. You shared a look with Natasha and grinned "Well, I got in my car after I received my orders and you know how we all get here. Then I drove to the bar and I walked in." You explained slowly "Y'know, I knew you were a pretty face but I expected a little more up there. What about you Trace?" You asked as you plucked the stick out of his hands and gave it back to Bob. He glared "You know damn well what I mean Phantom. You were told you would never fly again" he said. You shrugged "They were wrong. Now we were all recalled and you're pissed because you're not the best" you said smiling sweetly at him. You both started to banter back and forth like old friends, everyone staring in shock of your sudden friendship.
Eventually, you excused yourself to get some air and you stood outside, taking in the salty air. You looked over as an older guy was roughly thrown out of the bar for whatever reason and sighed. You went over and helped the man up "Sorry about them, they can be assholes" you told him, apologizing on behalf of the other aviators. You picked up the man's fallen sunglasses and gave them to him "Thank you Lt. L/n" the man said, glancing at your rank and name. You gave a smile "My mama would have killed me if I did that to someone and didn't help someone after" you said, the smile still on your face. "I hope you're not hurting too much after that sir" you told him "Have a good night" you finished before walking away as the bar began to sing 'Great Balls of Fire'. You knew exactly who it was and you knew you would want to talk to him tomorrow.
The next day you were introduced to the mission and tried to not burst out laughing as you saw your instructor and the look of Hangman's face. You leaned over and whispered "You're lucky I already apologized for you" and went about it like you said nothing. It wasn't long after that you got the opportunity to talk to your old friend Rooster.
You two reconnected quickly, it was like nothing happened in the few years you barely spoke. After your crash you went low contact with everyone, they all understood because they were doing what you loved while you were stuck. You had been depressed and pushing yourself to get better so you could be the best.
When you were in the air, you pushed each other and helped make each other better pilots for this mission.You were the one to help calm him down after everything with Maverick, you pulled him to the side after his push ups and looked into his eyes, “Rooster, you can’t lose your head like that. We have to work with him here. I know you two have your problems, that isn’t my business but you always told me you tried to be the best and play it by the books. You looked up to Iceman for how he was and you looked up to your father. Keep this pretty head on straight okay?” You told him and he sighed, nodding “Yeah, thanks Y/N, I just have issues with him” he mumbled. “I know and that’s why you’ll prove you’re one of the best” you smiled.
Over the next few days you grew closer to both Hangman and Rooster which confused you, you never had these feelings for Rooster before and Hangman was someone you never thought you would be attracted to. There was a constant between you three, it was light flirting and soft touches between you all. There was also constant fighting, mainly you both yelling at Hangman when he did something stupid, there was always a tight tension with the flirting.
You also slowly opened up to each other after the dog fight football. The reason it all really started there was because you hit the ground hard enough to knock the air out of you. For a minute you thought you hurt yourself again and when they both helped you up, they saw the terror on your face and relief as you could walk still. That made them both straighten out a little more to realize the reality of this mission, you knew the risks better then anyone.
***Time skip
It was just after the mission, you were all out celebrating at The Hard Deck when you all got a little bit of liquid courage in you. You all rushed to admit your feelings, talking over each other. When you all stopped, you started to laugh. "Wait, we all like each other?" You asked, looking between Jake and Bradley, they did the same and nodded.
***End of flashback
It wasn't long after the confession that you all got together in a relationship. You were all like a fine-tuned machine after, you had your missing pieces.
That led to now as you all laid together, sweaty limbs tangled together. You slowly sat up and they both groaned, hands reaching out to bring you back down. You swatted their hands away with a laugh "I'm going to shower. There is no way I can sleep like this. You two made a mess" you chuckled. "Oh we made a mess?" Bradley asked with a raised brow "If I recall it was you screaming our names asking for more" he told you teasingly, making you blush. "Shut up" you huffed, walking to the shower with a small limp. This wasn't the first time this had happened and you all knew what to do, unfortunately all three of you couldn't shower together until you got a place with a bigger shower. You would shower and they would remove the dirty blankets and sheets, then you would get the new ones on while they showered.
A little while later you were all cuddled up on the bed and just talking about anything and everything as you all grew tired. “This is going to sound weird but I’m thankful for that injury I got” you murmured and they both stared at you in shock, “What do you mean?” Jake asked. “If I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t have lost that arrogance that I had. We all would have never gotten together. Let’s be real, before Rooster and I didn’t click romantically but after the years of change it worked. Then the same thing with you, I used to bicker with you because we were too alike at them time. The injury changed me for the better and it led me to you both. For that? I could never be more thankful” you shrugged before yawning. “I love you both and the life that we share, I wouldn’t trade it for the world” you whispered as you fell asleep.
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vorish-wonderland · 1 year
safe vore/unwilling/cruel-ish?
Someone made a mistake in alchemy class! And now, Riddle is the size of an action figure! Trey leaves the now tiny Riddle alone for less than a second and Ace is already causing trouble...
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey, cruel-ish pred, fearplay
✮✶Sweet Revenge✶✮
"ACE, PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" Riddle yelled.
Riddle was currently being held by the cape of his dorm uniform.
"Y'know, I've always thought it was strange..." Ace started speaking. "That you're so much shorter than me, but you're the one in control. That's just always seemed wrong to me." He explained.
"Huh? Right now?" Ace asked, a smirk on his face. "Fine. If that's what you reeeeeeeeally want~"
Ace tossed Riddle into the air, and then he caught Riddle in his mouth.
Riddle was in shock.
"A-Ace... what are you doing-?"
"You ready, Riddle~?"
A single gulp, and the entirety of Riddle's bottom half was pulled into Ace's throat.
Ace swallowed, shutting up Riddle completely.
"Do you ever calm down?" Ace sarcastically asked. "You're gonna burst a blood vessel someday, I swear."
Ace flopped down on his bed, excited for what was to come.
Riddle angrily squirmed around, screaming and cursing at Ace.
"Do you really think that helps? What, do you think that someone's gonna hear you yelling and demand I get you out?" Ace asked.
"Y-yes... Trey's certainly looking for me." Riddle said, trying to appear confident.
"Hate to break it to ya, buuuuuut... nobody's gonna hear you." Ace said. "Even if Trey finds me and you try crying to him, you gotta remember there's a thick layer of muscle and skin between the two of you. Your voice won't carry. Not when he's focused on talking to me."
"Ok... ok, Trey's off the table..." Riddle said to himself. "M-my spell...! Ace, if you don't let me out this instant you'll lose your head!"
"Eh? You're really gonna try to do your little party trick without a magestone? Heh. Can't see that ending well for you." Ace smirked to himself. "When are you gonna just accept what's gonna happen to you?"
"As... a-as long as I can struggle, that means there's hope for me." Riddle whispered to himself. Then he started kicking Ace with his high heeled boots. That'll hurt him, right?!
"Haha, maybe try putting a bit more effort in, Teapot Tyrant~!"
"Fine! Fine, I'll stop, I-I'll stop, ok?" Riddle finally said, knowing nothing will help his situation. "Ace, just... just get me out of here. I'm tired of this prank, ok? It's dark, and loud, and hot, and wet, and horribly cramped, and... I-I just want out, ok...?"
Ace burst out in laughter.
Riddle started getting nervous.
"Oh! Oh, that is rich! You... you really thought I was gonna let you out?! You thought this was just a prank?!" Ace asked. "Aha, thanks for that, Riddle! I needed a laugh today."
"You honestly thought that I was just gonna let you go after all this? You're kinda funny, y'know that? Shame we won't have much more time to talk..."
"I-if you kill me... you'll be expelled. Not to mention y-you'll be charged, f-for murder...!" Riddle said, still trying to appear confident.
"No evidence'll be left. No one will know what happened to ya, well, heh, except for me~" Ace winked, even though he knew Riddle couldn't see it. "So anyways, how painful do you think it'll be to die by acid~?"
Riddle just started bawling.
Of course Ace had just been pulling a very cruel prank, he wasn't actually going to kill Riddle.
And when Ace let Riddle out, staring down at the tiny, sopping wet boy in his hands, he only said one thing.
"That was for collaring me so damn much, Teapot Tyrant. Thanks for letting me get a taste of sweet revenge~"
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