#k/da x black reader
liyawritesss · 1 year
Hey luv, I was wondering if you took requests and if you do I'd kindly like to request something. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a K/DA Akali x female reader where they were childhood friends but lost contact over the years and when they reunited at a party, they did some catching up and Akali discovered that the reader is a songwriter and in a way maybe a singer but just doesn't have the courage the put the songs out into the public yet. Throughout catching up they grew feelings for each other and didn't want to admit it to themselves or each other but the other members of K/DA were noticing it and well they planned a little something to help them confess and then they got together.
If you can't do it that's ok. 😊
Have a good rest of your day/night luv💕🫂
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Pairing: K/DA!Akali J. Tethi x Black!NoLabel!Reader
Genre: Fic
Synopsis: In which Akali realizes the love she expressed in that snowy playground all those years ago has never faded.
Warnings: minor cursing, a bit of interpersonal homophobia, lyrics are from the song "This Town" by Niall Horan, I do not own any part of the song or lyrics they're just in use to creative purposes!!
A/N: I mayyyy have strayed away from the original plot at but at the end 😬 it was starting to get too long and I didn't wanna keep letting it sit in the drafts. I hope you stoll enjoy!!
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Tap-tap, tap-tap, tap-tap, went each end of the pen as it connects to the solid wood of the studio desk. On said desk, a half written song with only a base guitar melody and a few lines of a verse lie forgotten, and it’s writer sat on the studio couch, gazing into the snow-ridden park below the agency building. It’s winter, and if not for the imagery outside, one could distinguish the season by the volume and vibrations from the boiler room’s furnace that rung throughout the walls. Despite the warmth that flooded the building, the wild haired girl still had on a fleece hoodie and jogging pants set, with thick socks to keep her feet warm, and the hoodie sleeves long enough to cover her freezing fingers.
Akali had been in K/DA’s shared studio since the early hours of the morning, and had barely gotten her song done. The song was important, as it would be her solo for the upcoming album, and with only two days left to submit the final rendition, the pressure was high. She’s already gotten worried looks from Ahri and Kai’Sa, and most recently, a scolding from Evelyn about ‘this is not who we are’. Management, though they’ve always had faith in the firecracker, were also showing signs of doubt, as they’ve never encountered Akali in this state of mind before. And if she knew how to combat this form of seasonal depression, Akali would have told her bandmates and the company to not worry.
Everyone was a bit on edge.
Akali is entranced by the snowflakes that fall from the sky. They remind her of her youth, when she would play in the neighborhood playground after martial arts lessons, unphased by the cold, as winter was her favorite season. Her gaze was fixated on the playground in the park below, and from her imagination, the young rapper reminisced on the simpler times, when her childhood was pure, and her love was innocent.
“‘Kali, stop it, you’re gonna hurt yourself!” a young voice echoed from Akali’s brain as her mind made a turn down memory lane. A young Akali, no older than six or seven, stood high and mighty on top of the jungle gym, ready to show off her newest trick to her best friend, who stood worried on the snow covered ground. She should be used to Akali’s recklessness by now, but Akali never ceases to amaze the other young girl.
“If I make this flip, you have to promise me something, [Y/N]!” Said Akali, ignoring the worry her friend displayed beforehand.
“What is it?” replies [Y/N], curiously.
“You have to promise to marry me!” Akali replies in a confident tone, preparing herself for the flip of her life, while [Y/N] deadpans into her hand. “Just don’t hurt yourself, stupid!”
Of course, Akali lands her flip expertly - and [Y/N} lets out the breath she didn’t know she was holding - and as she stands up straight, the wild haired girl holds out her hand, pinky-finger pointed out and ready to seal the promise.
“Pinky promise you’ll marry me, [Y/N]?”
“Girls don’t marry each other, ‘Kali, they marry boys.” [Y/N] says matter of factly, causing Akali’s lips to form a point at her best friend. “Says who?”
[Y/N] paused, thinking for a moment. “My mom and dad. Don’t yours?”
A bored ‘booooooo’ left Akali’s lips, chapped by the cold. “Okay, fine - if we don’t get boyfriends when we’re older, then we’ll marry each other. How does that sound?”
[Y/N] paused once again, taking a longer moment to think about her answer. After a minute or two, she shrugged, and interlocked her gloved pinky with Akali’s bare one. “Okay! I’ll marry you then!”
A knock on the studio door brought Akali’s trip through memory lane to a pause. With haste, she got up from her seat on the couch and opened the door. Standing in the doorway was her bandmate, Kai’Sa, and the sight of the main dancer made Akali’s eyebrows raise in question.
“You’ve been in here for a while, yknow,” Kai’Sa began, “anything yet?”
Akali shook her head in defeat. “I haven’t had writer's block in a minute. This shit is killing me.” She said, rubbing her eyes that burned with exhaustion.
“Well, I have an idea….”
Normally, Kai’Sa’s ideas are very good and beneficial, but it was something about the way that the dancer said that sentence that sparked a sense of mischief in her gut. “And what is this idea?”
“Let’s say that a new club opened up in Hongdae,” Kai’Sa started, and though Akali knew where this was going, she found herself leaning against the doorframe to entertain her bandmate’s ‘hypothetical’ question, “aaaannnd let’s say that I got us some free access tickets into the VIP show tonight, that’s displaying a new singer-songwriter-producer with a new single performance….would you be interested?”
It’s always an adventure when Kai’Sa finds things to do in the cities that K/DA visits. She’ll ask so innocently, dragging the other girls into her random, exciting rendezvous, which always tend to spark new inspiration for music, dance and entertainment for the group. Kai’Sa didn’t have a mischievous bone in her body, but in certain situations, her adventures would end in an intense night of clubbing, drinks, and not-so-appropriate dancing.
“You’re trying to get me inspiration to write?”
“Maybe. But you’ve also had yourself holed up in here for a week, and I think you could let loose a little. We can’t have our hidden gem down in the dumps-”
“-so close to a comeback?”
“-in general, ‘Kali.”
Akali took in Kai’Sa’s words. Normally, that’s how her writer’s blocks would be cured - a quick trip to an underground event would have the rapper in good spirits in no time at all. However, a club is different than an underground event - theres more people that know people, with less etiquette and more entitlement - which is why Akali normally strayed away from those kinds of scenes.
However, it was two days before her shit was due, and she was becoming desperate to get something on the page.
“I can be ready in an hour.”
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The heavy base blasting through the walls of the club has Akali rethinking her decision of taking on Kai’Sa’s offer. There were many more bodies than she anticipated, many more flashing lights and floating drinks. She thinks she’s underdressed - her simple pair of ripped jeans, combat boots, white tee and black cap making her stand out like a sore thumb. Paired with the various rings on her fingers, wrist watch and silver chains and her signature dogtags, the rapper felt as though she was going to meet up with a friend, not enjoy herself at a club. A hand went to adjust her cap a little over her eyes to avoid unwanted eye contact with anyone who wasn’t Kai’Sa.
“Relax, girl,” said the main dancer, as Kai’Sa placed a hand on Akali’s back, “I can feel the tension radiating off of you.”
“It’s been a minute since I’ve been in a setting like this,” Akali responds, “It’s…a lot more people than I thought.”
“Don’t worry, just follow my lead.”
“Follow your lead where, exactly?”
“To the DJ Booth.”
Of course, it was like Kai’Sa to get in good with the DJ’s so that she could request a hefty amount of songs without an additional charge. She was skillful like that - and almost never dropped her band’s name for the benefit of her own.
Through the mass of bodies already tipsy from colourful shots and club music, Akali and Kai’Sa made their way to the back of the club, where the DJ booth was located, as well as the VIP section. All Kai’Sa had to do was flash her phone at the overly-buff bouncer for the two to be let in. Akali didn’t question it - she was too busy trying to get a feel for the club. She barely noticed when her hand was let go of, as Kai’Sa went to hug the DJ who had invited her to this event.
“‘Kali, this is the guy I was telling you about,” said the main dancer over the blasting music, to which Akali shook his hand out of respect. Small talk was made, until the DJ leaned into Kai’Sa’s ear, pointing in another direction while saying something. At that point, Akali had been babysitting a small fruity drink, having grown a bit comfortable into this new setting.
The dancer had leaned over to Akali next to relay the message: “This is the new rising artist I was telling you about earlier! They’re about to perform!”
Akali shifted her gaze from her bandmate to the stage, and suddenly, the music that was so deafening became a muffled memory, as the rapper took in the presence that was on the blue and purple accented stage. A face she had not seen in years, now appeared before her with a new sense of maturity and age.
It was [Y/N] up there, and what’s more, she was singing.
The next four minutes or so was a blur to Akali, and she was only able to refocus when Kai’Sa had given her a gentle shake on the shoulder, warning her about the new arrival to the VIP section. The arrival being [Y/N], who’s first move was to hug the DJ, who she could only assume had some relation to her. She shook Kai’Sa’s hand, and when it was Akali’s turn to be greeted, the rapper was still dumbstruck by the beauty in front of her.
Akali and [Y/N] made eye contact, and for a moment, it seemed like the world paused. The club and it’s loud, pulsating music became muffled, and the only thing Akali was focused on was the woman before her. It felt like a dream, really, the way everything died down around her and how her focus zoomed in onto the singer who was approaching her for a hug-
Shit, [Y/N] was coming in for a hug. She was coming in for a hug and Akali was standing still like an idiot. It wasn’t until the rapper felt the warmth from the other spread throughout her body that she was able to react.
“Holy shit, it’s been ages!” (Y/N) says into Akali’s ear, thankful of the close proximity so that she didn’t have to yell. “You’re a big shot now! How’ve you been?”
The rest of the night consisted of the two catching up on their lives prior to this (with subtle pop-ins from Kai’Sa, who’d taken to entertaining herself on the dance floor with whoever was willing to dance with her). There exchange of phone numbers and socials, and when the club finally became unbearable for Akali (and Kai’Sa having downed one too many shots), the two separated with a promise to meet up again.
Akali lays on her bed, lost in the thought of you. Emotions that had been unknown to her for some time had begun to swirl up again - emotions she believed she had pushed down long ago when circumstances caused her and (Y/N) to separate in their youth; but she was back.
She was back, and she was gorgeous, and Akali was falling in love all over again.
The next thing she knows, Akali is up again at the crack of dawn, where the sun is just beginning to peak over the horizon, and with her sudden alertness come the adrenaline she had been missing for her songwriting. Off went the blankets that covered her thin frame as she frantically stumbled over to her desk, littered with various papers of songs past, music sheets, and other instruments of music creation. The rapper managed to get a pencil steady in her hands and a clean sheet of paper, and began to write feverishly. She wanted to get it down before the inspiration was lost again. She did not look up from the paper until she deemed the song done, and when she finally did, the sunrise had taken it’s place upon the horizon. Akali found comfort in the vibrant oranges, soft yellows, and lazy purples that painted the morning sky, the blanket of night being stripped away for a brand new day.
A new dawn, a new day. Akali felt at peace in this moment.
Akali nods her head at Ahri’s question, anxiety shaking her bones like the cold from the winter that blanketed the city.
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“-and you said you wrote this, this morning?”
This song was all or nothing.
“It’s different from you, ‘Kali,” said the blonde woman as she examined the piece of paper with various scribbles of words into stanzas, her chin resting in the palm of her hand, “but I think it’s beautiful. Did you have a composition?”
“Uh, well- yeah, but not recorded,” replies the rapper as she gestures over to the guitar that laid against the wall of the studio, “I can play the chorus?”
Ahri looks back to Yasuo, the bands producer, who simply shrugs, “I don’t see why not. We can worry about recording it later for submission.”
Akali, in an attempt to shake off her anxiety, grabs the guitar, positions it on her lap, and fiddles with the tuning keys to get the instrument in the right tune to play. There’s a moment of hesitance, in which she glances to Yasuo and Ahri, who patiently wait for Akali to play.
“Take you’re time,” Yasuo encourages, “you can’t rush art, after all.”
Akali nods, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath to ground herself. The image of (Y/N) appears in her mind, and before the rapper knows it, she begins to play:
And if the whole world was watchin’
I’d still dance with you
Drive highways and byways
To be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
You still make me nervous
When you walk in the room
Them butterflies, the come alive
When i'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
Akali could hear the pumping from her heart furiously in her ears. She slowly peels her eyes open to see her bandmate and producer giving applause to her demonstration of the on-the-fly composition she just did.
“That was marvelous, ‘Kali!” announces Ahri, “That has to be at the top of the track list- Yasuo, it just has to be!”
She’s tugging at the older man’s green cardigan in excitement, which makes both Akali and Yasuo chuckle at her child-like behavior. “I agree, it’s definitely a good song,” He adds on, taking a sip from the coffee he had been nursing in his hand for a while, “‘Lover Girl’ Akali J. Tethi has a ring to it.”
“Please, stop, I’m not a lover girl,” the rapper whines, overwhelmed by the swell of compliments from the two as she lowers the bottom of the guitar onto the floor, taking to resting her chin on the top of the handle with her hands adding cushion to the wooden instrument, “and- I mean, I guess it’s good. I mean- I know it’s good, but…”
“We need the inspiration details!” Ahri asserts, dying to know what caused her bandmate to create such a beautiful piece. “Is it about something? About someone…?”
“Uuuhhmmm…” it was a futile attempt to stall, but the smile that painted Akali’s face gave her away completely. Ahri’s squeal and insistent tapping on the arm of her chair urged Akali to continue.
“Okay, so- there’s this girl…” The rapper began, her head tilting slightly to the side as she tried to find the best way to tell this story. “We’ve been friends since we were little…and I loved her. But we ended up separating- she moved away right before we were about to start middle school. But, last night- when Kai took me to that club, I saw her. I saw her, after so long. And I got to hug her- to hold her again, and- and everything came back to me. She’s one of the reasons why I started music; and when I hugged her, I just- I just fell in love all over again. Nothing had changed and- fuck, this is so embarrassing to say…”
There was a moment of silence. Ahri and Yasuo looked at each other, then back to the obviously love-struck rapper. “Akali, you’re in love.”
“Yeah, I got that part down - how do I deal with it?”
“You go after her?” Yasuo suggested, sarcastically albeit.
“I can’t just do that!” Akali retorted.
Yasuo shook his, mumbling something about how ‘young people are so dense, before speaking up again, “Look- the foundation is there. You have history. You just wrote a song about her. Besides anxiety, what’s really stopping you from finding this young woman and telling her you love her?”
“Uh, my pride if she rejects me,” Akali answers matter of factly, “and do you even have experience in order to give love advice?”
“That’s besides the point,” Ahri interrupts, holding out her hands to cease the two’s back and forth.
The blonde vocalist directs her gaze onto the young rapper, who she’s seen grow up so much in the past few years since their debut. There’s a moment of thought before she speaks. “Akali, lets think of it this way; do you want to be the girl who just writes the love songs, or the girl who acts on them?”
There’s a beat that passes. Then, Akali’s phone rings. She checks the caller ID, and it’s none other than (Y/N). She looks back at Ahri and Yasuo, who give her looks of approval.
“I think we can finish up the submission paperwork for you,” Ahri reasons, “you should probably take that.”
Akali rises from her seat, hurriedly propping the guitar against the wall, much more sloppily compared to its original position, and rushes out the door to answer her phone.
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82 notes · View notes
gyuwoncheol · 8 months
Room Service
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↳ A part 2 to 15 Minutes
Pair: Scoups x f!reader
Genre: Smut, Concert!Cheol, husband!Cheol, dom!Cheol, 18+ only (MDNI).
Summary: The only thing hornier than pre-concert Cheol is post-concert Cheol. Lucky for you, you’re the only one in the world with an all-access VIP ticket to this immersive experience.
Warnings: Porn with plot, Concert!Cheol, dom!Cheol, daddy kink, breeding kink, big dick!Cheol, pussy drunk!Cheol, cock hungry!reader, so. many. orgasms., quickie sex, unprotected sex (stay safe, children), oral (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), lots of making out, creampieS, slightly public sex, dick riding, manhandling, pussy slapping (like once), use of color system, overstimulation, body worship, breast/nipple play, hair pulling, spitting, crying during and after sex (but it’s not a kink), dirty talk, use of pet names (my love, baby, princess, baby girl, angel), fluff at the end. Please let me know if i missed something, i can’t remember all the filth. Not thoroughly proofread.
WC: 4.1k
Author's Note: Did I get carried away? Hell yes. is this the filthiest thing I’ve ever written? Could be. Except the other wip I have also for Seungcheol might just beat it. Thank you so much again for the love on 15 Minutes. I hope this 2nd part lives up to it.
Author's 2nd Note: For new readers, you don’t have to read 15 Minutes as this can stand on its own, but it would make more sense if you did read it.
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“My good girl.” 
Seungcheol chuckled as he plunged deep into your cunt, his cock pushing through your mixed cum that you so diligently kept in as instructed, “so good at following instructions huh?” 
“Fuck baby, you’re so messy” Cheol cursed, mouth watering at the sight of your stored cum slowly dripping out of your hole as he dragged out his entire length until only the tip was in. You groaned when you felt globs of it trickle down your thigh, your husband’s large hand slowly pushing you down against the back of the couch. You felt him engulf you, his chest against your back, hot breath on your ears, “cat got your tongue, babe?” The man teased just as he thrusted his length back into you, causing more cum to overflow from your hole.
It had only been roughly 30 minutes since the concert finally ended, the boys doing all the post show rituals from changing clothes to shooting backstage content, and as soon as that was over, Seungcheol had all but dragged you to another dressing room, not even saying anything as he unzipped your jeans and dragged your very soiled panties down. Not that you were surprised though, post-concert was always when Cheol was the horniest, with all that adrenaline still pumping through his veins.
You could feel the prominent vein on his cock drag through your walls deliciously as he alternated between slow and fast thrusts, an arm snaked around your torso while hot phrases flew from his mouth.
“Fuck, pussy so tight.” 
“All mine.” 
“I’ll give you all my babies.” 
“Gon’ pump you full.” 
“My good girl so desperate for cum.” 
“Cheol!” You screeched in between moans when you felt him hit that sensitive spot particularly rough.
“Did you watch me tonight, baby? Why weren’t you in the stands?” He asked suddenly, as if he wasn’t still railing you from behind.
“C-couldn’t g-go” you squeaked, willing yourself to form words when all you really wanted to do was whimper in pleasure, “had to… be— behave… fuck!” 
“Behave?” Cheol clarified even though he sensed where this was going. In all the times they rushed backstage in between sets, not once had you moved from your spot, sitting cross legged on top of the large black trunk cases situated right in front of the screen which broadcasted the events on stage.  “Words, baby” he said sweetly yet firmly when he saw you nod eagerly.
“Yes! Behave. Had t-to… k-keep.. shiiiiit,” you groaned, your elbows harshly rubbing on the leather material of the couch after another rough entry of Cheol’s cock, “keep da-daddy’s… cum… in me.” You finished off your defense and you could already see your husband’s smirk without even really looking at him.
“Aren’t. You. Such. An. Angel.” Seungcheol punctuated each word with a deep harsh thrust.
“And all yours.” You punctuated as you looked back at him, both your eyes glazing in lust. The loud sound of skin slapping skin and your pussy squelching at every thrust was unmistakable, the room smelled of sex. The group’s leader was sweating even more than he did when he got off stage, his warmth radiating onto your body as he kept you impossibly close to him, jackhammering his cock in your cunt. 
“Shit shit shit shit..” you cried out loud when his other hand suddenly rubbed fast circles on your clit.
“FUCK!” Seungcheol growled at your release, your pussy clamping down on him so tightly that it triggered his own. He stilled within you in an instant, bodies folded in half against the leather couch, your husband continuously muttering incoherent words as the feeling of your fluttering walls drove him to another level of cloud 9. 
“Yah! You two better eat already if you’re really planning to go all night” Seungkwan scolded in his best mom voice when the both of you entered the buffet area hand in hand.
You hid your face on Cheol’s shoulders, suddenly very aware of all 12 boys looking your way. They were very much aware of what you two had been doing and why you were doing it. In spite of the never ending teasing and playful disgusted looks they give their leader, the members had all told you they were excited for Cheol to become a dad mostly because it meant he’d get off their asses. 
“We’re actually going ahead. We’ll take a different car.” Your husband announced, a gentle squeeze to your hand when some of the boys howled at the implication of both of you going back to the hotel first.
“Really not wasting any time huh?” Soonyoung smirked despite having his mouth full of noodles 
“What? She’s leaving soon!” Seungcheol whined.
“Y/n still has a week left!!” Mingyu corrected with a roll of his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, still not enough!” Cheol replied. He gave a curt nod to Jeonghan, calling his name firmly as if to say ‘i leave the kids with you.’
“Hyung, seriously, you both have to eat.” DK was next to remind you both as he knows you’re both still running on empty stomachs.
“We’ll get room service,” your husband called out, inching closer towards the exit doors that would lead you to the vans.
“We hope it's the food kind! And maybe let y/n get some real sleep after!” Joshua’s reminder had you giggling, glad enough to know the boys still cared for you even though all you’ve done was hog all of Seungcheol’s free time.
Surprisingly, you had both managed to stay well behaved in the car ride home. If anything, you two were very sweet, your head resting on Cheol’s shoulders as he held your hand through the ride and absentmindedly played with your fingers. 
Even when you had both showered together in the hotel room, your husband did not try to make any advances, he simply cleaned you both up, even giving you a nice massage on your scalp when you lathered your favorite shampoo. 
Contrary to what his members may think, Seungcheol wasn’t too adamant about fucking you all night. He could see how tired you actually are and Mingyu was right, you did still have a week left with him. He just wants to make sure you are cared for like his queen this whole trip, whether that meant blowing your back or giving you 8 hours of sleep, he didn’t mind. 
“Tired, baby?” He asked as he secured the knot on your fluffy hotel robe.
You lazily smiled at him as you settled in bed, pulling him towards you for good measure. “I’m ok.”
“Hungry? Wanna get some food now?” 
“Want you to kiss me.” 
Seungcheol was taken aback by the boldness of your request, not because it was the first time you asked, but because you both have definitely done more than just kissing these past 72 hours. He smiled sheepishly as he climbed over you, settling on your side as his chapped lips kissed your soft ones. You clutched onto his hand on your neck, sighing happily when you felt him deepen the kiss. 
“Someone’s happy,” a low chuckle from your husband.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, “i love your kisses.” Despite the raunchy sex, there was always just something so nice and intimate about kissing your husband. His lips were always so plump against yours and the way he’d hold you securely always made you feel like you meant the world to him. 
“You’re so beautiful, i love you so much,” Seungcheol admired your bare face before sucking on your lower lip.
You moaned out an i love you too but it only got swallowed by the man who couldn’t get enough of you. You climbed on his lap, trapping him in between your legs, taking control of this little makeout session you were having. Inevitably, the more you kissed him, the more your hips moved on its own accord, grinding on Cheol’s robe-covered bottom half. 
You were moving erratically, wanting to chase a high you knew you needed if you were to fit Cheol’s dick again tonight. 
“Daddy, please...” you cried, annoyed that you just couldn’t get to where you wanted to be 
“Please what, baby girl?”
You whined desperately at the dangerously low tone in your ear, “please make me cum.” 
Record time is what you’d call it, the way Seungcheol went from flipping you over to casting your robe open to having his mouth suck on your clit harshly. You couldn’t even process it, all you knew was your throat was straining from how you were screaming his name with how he lapped at your cunt. His tongue licked bold stripes from your hole to your clit before he'd suck the sensitive bud. If there's anything Cheol has perfected, it's his hand-mouth coordination, the way he perfectly syncs his plush lips to suck at your clit while two fingers sink in you and curl to graze that spongy spot inside your walls. It should really have you embarrassed at how quick it could unravel the coil in your stomach. Your orgasm exploding in colorful bursts behind your eyes whilst soaking your husband's face in a mess. 
"I forgot how sweet you fucking taste," he groaned, slurping the juices leaking from your hole. He peeked up at you from where he was, your mouth agape and chest rising and falling while your fingers still gripped on his hair. You were hissing from oversensitivity but you should've known that post-concert Cheol was a starved man. When he deemed he had swallowed all of you, three fingers prodded at your entrance that had you arching your back from the bed only to be pushed down with your husband's free arm. "Stay still, baby. Daddy's not done yet." 
"Fuuuuuuck, " you panted, going delirious from the overstimulation your pussy was feeling. You writhed in vain as Cheol smothered your cunt like a full course meal. When you tried to squirm away, he delivered a slap to your pussy that sent shocks all over your body. "I'm cu- fuck! I'm cumming," you shuddered, thighs closing in on your husband's head. 
Seungcheol chuckled at your state, a proud grin across his face when he finally settled beside you. After pulling back to back orgasms from you in less than 10 minutes, he knew you were oversensitive and just needed to not be touched. "You okay, my love?" 
"Just.." you panted, "Just a minute." 
You rolled over on your stomach when you regained enough strength, and slowly but surely got on your wobbly knees to climb on your husband's thick thighs. Seungcheol wanted to squeeze your bare breasts but seeing as you were still slightly swaying, he decided to hold you securely by the waist. "what're you doing?" He mused while watching you fumble with the knot of his robe. 
His dick twitched at the sight of your lust blown, hooded eyes. "Daddy..." You smiled, god, you were so far gone, "Wanna ride you." 
Seungcheol moaned, hurriedly helping you untie his robe and throwing it to the floor. You salivated at the sight of his hard cock slapping against his stomach, red tip leaking with precum. Anchoring your palms on his chest, you kept your eyes trained on him as you sucked on your tongue before letting some of your saliva drool onto his length, your hand immediately gripping and spreading the fluid along his shaft, thumb grazing at the slit.
“Holy shit,” he cursed, hips bucking into your hand on instinct. A wicked smile crossed your face, delighted with the effect your actions had on him.
Cheol's eyes rolled to the back of his head when you finally let your pussy glide against his cock, coating it even more in your wetness.
"Fuck baby, what's gotten into you?" He hissed as you picked up your pace, grinding his cock against your wet folds, always making sure to let the tip kiss your clit when you move down. "So fucking needy for daddy's cock huh?" 
You moaned when one of his large hand squeezed your right breast and his dick leaked more precum onto his stomach. The sight of you, head falling back and mouth parted, was immaculate. He wished he remembered where his phone was right now, it would've been the perfect photo to take for him to get off on in the future. He committed it to memory as best he could, but even that thought immediately flew away when he finally felt you sink into his dick. 
"Oh my god,” you moaned in unison.
Seungcheol wasn't so sure if he was wincing from your nails digging into his chest or from the vice grip of your cunt on his cock, but either way, both felt like heaven to him. "Baby girl, you just came twice and you're still so fucking tight.”
"C-can take you, daddy. Please... p-promise!" You begged, lowering yourself to take in a few more inches of him. The stretch was familiar yet it still had you squeezing your eyes shut and biting your lower lip. 
Afraid he wouldn't be able to stay still any longer, Cheol took the matter in his own hands, sitting up to bring your chest flush against his, connecting your lips in a heated kiss to distract you from the pain. He still tasted of you and a slight hint of your minty toothpaste. When he felt you relax, his strong hold sank you onto him until he was fully sheathed. You broke from the kiss, head falling back once again at the overwhelming feeling of being so full. 
"Cmon, baby, thought you wanted to ride me?" He sucked on the column of your throat, causing you to swivel your hips. "There you go. You can do it." God, his voice was so sinful it made your insides churn. Another strangled moan left your mouth when his wet tongue made contact with your right nipple, licking and sucking before he kissed between the valley of your breasts, only to nip at your left bud.
"Oh my god, Cheol!" You pulled at his hair, wanting him to leave your sensitive breasts alone. 
He laughed dryly at your attempt but still allowed you that space. He let go of your waist to lean back with his palms against the mattress to have a full view of you. "Cmon baby," He spurred on, "show daddy what you got." 
Choi Seungcheol was simply left with no regrets at his challenge. His eyes almost turned completely black when you decided to fully bounce on him. When you found a good pace, you alternated between bouncing and grinding, one hand squeezing your breast as the other held onto his knee for support. "Fuck, daddyyy," you cried at the stretch, and he could just feel your pussy clenching on his cock even more.
"So fucking needy," he spat, "Can't get enough of my cock." 
You shook your head at his words, mewling when your clit rubbed deliciously at his pelvis and his engorged head kissed your cervix. "D-daddy.." 
"That's it, baby girl," Seungcheol cooed, bucking his hips up to meet yours, "get off on me, ride me 'til you shake. Need you to cum, princess." 
Encouraged by your husband's words, you lifted ‘til just the tip was in before sitting down on him harshly. He continued to praise you and how delicious your warm pussy felt, a string of very lewd words produced with every swivel of your hips. Your face contorted in pleasure and he knew you were close, "touch yourself," came his instructions.
"shit!" You cursed, cumming on the spot when two of your fingers rubbed against your clit.
Seungcheol beamed at how well he knew you, your tells and your triggers when you're about to cum. But what he didn't see coming was just how fast the sight of you getting off on top of him would quickly bring him to the edge too. If he didn’t catch it at the last second, he might have just spilled in you.
In one swift motion, not even pulling out of you, he flipped you on your back and trapped you under his weight. You yelped when he pumped into you, catching you off guard as you were still trying to ride out your own orgasm. 
"Ba-aby, fuck. You're d-driving me insane," he growled, "don't you dare fucking close your eyes. Keep 'em on me." 
Your fingers weaved through his hair, as you desperately tried to follow his instructions. If only he wasn't hell bent on reaching his high, Seungcheol would've laughed at how often you'd train your eyes to look at him every time they kept trying to roll to the back of your head. "Daddy's gonna fuck a baby in you, you want that, princess?" 
"Y-yes daddy! yes!" You mewled, both your legs being lifted up, calves resting on Seungcheol’s meaty shoulders, while he inserted a pillow below your ass. "Fuck me full, daddy, please,” a breathless request.
He folded you in half, planting his knees on the mattress and bracing himself on your sides. Seungcheol drove his cock into you, hitting you so deep that you felt him just below your cervix and you moaned the loudest that night. Strangled moan after strangled moan came out of your mouth while throaty grunts and curse words flew off from his, all this mixed with the explicit sound of your sweaty bodies colliding.
"m-more, daddy! More, please!"  
"Fuuuuuuck, you're insatiable, so fucking tight," Seungcheol moaned. His movements were rough, pulling out of you completely before fully slamming back in and going deep with every move. The sex was everything close to animalistic, you could feel him in the deepest parts of you, consistently hitting a spot that made your brain short circuit. "So needy for my cum, want to be filled so bad."
"Daddy, so- oh my god. So fucking big.”
“Princess, I-I’m.. s-so...close,” he warned, staring at your teary eyes while your hands intertwined behind his neck. Seungcheol buried his cock in you, not bothering to thrust out of your grip, instead grinding endlessly to help stimulate your clit against his pelvis.
"Cum with me, Cheollie. P-please."  
Your husband growled before his hips jerked twice, hot spurts of his cum painting your walls white. His eyes boring into yours and the feeling of being so full only triggered your own release, rendering you into a babbling mess. Seungcheol connected your mouths in a kiss, not caring that you were already out of breath. He interspersed them with praises of how good you felt clenching on his cock. 
"I love you, Cheollie." 
"I know baby, I know. I love you too," he breathed, hissing at how hard he still was despite just hitting his climax. His dick was almost painful in your tight hold, "give me one more, yeah?" 
Before you could even process his question, you were already flipped on all fours, whining at the temporary emptiness. "Wha- Cheol, I-" 
"Be good for daddy, yeah? One more, princess. One more to get you round and full." But who were you to deny your Choi Seungcheol? Your husband who was just as ready to start a family with you like he's always dreamed of. Your arms gave way when you felt him breach your abused hole once more, your limp body allowing him to control your hips even more. He was kneading your ass, surely leaving handprints in his wake. 
"Ch- ahh!" You cried in a silent scream, the pleasure you were feeling just devouring your every being. You could feel the goosebumps rise on you scalp and run to the tips of your toes as Seungcheol pounded you from behind. "Cheollie... Oh.. oh! fu-uuuck." 
He pulled you by your hair harshly, your back flush against his chest, the low rumble of his voice affecting your body, "Call me Cheollie again and you won't get to cum." 
"Daddy!" you whined apologetically, tears freely flowing down your cheeks. 
"There you go, not so hard huh, princess?" Seungcheol teased, an arm wrapping around your shoulders while the other cupped at your cunt. "Color, my love?" 
"G-green, daddy.. Pl-Please... just j-ust cum in me." 
"Fuck, you sound so broken... So greedy for my cum." Seungcheol relentlessly fucked up into you, until his pace grew erratic and bent you both forward. He stopped himself with his forearm to the mattress so as not to crush you, but with your muscles already weak, you simply face planted into the soft hotel pillows, drool and tears staining the white sheets.
"All mine," your husband chanted repetitively, stilling inside your pussy as it clenched around him tightly. Your orgasm rippled through you in a big tidal wave that Seungcheol could just feel your slick coat him anew. Your whole body shook uncontrollably, jolts of electricity alighting all your nerves. With one last loud call of your name, Seungcheol shot his load inside you, white ropes of sticky cum filling your cunt to the brim. His own thighs trembling as he finally collapsed on you, knocking out the little air you had left. He whispered i love you's to your ear, riding out his own orgasm which lasted longer than the both of you expected, especially when he just came a few minutes ago. 
In your two years of marriage, you don't think you've ever been this spent after sex, and neither did Seungcheol. But nothing catches his attention faster than the sound of you sniffing followed by a tiny hiccup. He moves up and pulls out of you so quickly that he hisses harshly, but you whine out even louder, causing alarm bells to ring in his head. 
"nooo..." you cry pathetically, your voice barely above a whisper, "come back."
"Baby, what's wrong?" Seungcheol pulls you towards him, eyes scanning your body for any abnormal pain, dreading the next few words out of his mouth, "did I hurt you?" 
You shook your head no, your hands grabbing at his chest to pull yourself closer to him and bury your face in his neck.
"Princess..." he started gently, still not completely sure if you were really okay. "I need your words. Need you to tell me if I hurt you." 
You choked as you tried to speak, voice straining from all the noises you've made tonight, but you were well aware your crying did nothing to comfort your husband. "I'm okay." 
"Was I too much?" 
"No. Never." You assured with a soft kiss on his chest. "So good to me." 
Seungcheol let out a sigh of relief at your words. "Wanna tell me why you're crying?" He asked, moving you both on your side so he could look at you properly, one hand soothing your back. His warm breath tickled your face, as he tried to wipe away your tears with the softest look in his eyes. 
You felt another squeeze in your heart while warmth crept up in your cheeks, both your hands instinctively covering your face when tears pricked at your eyes once more. You mumbled something but Cheol couldn't really understand and he didn't want to push, so he held you tighter instead, leaving kisses on your shoulder as his free hand brushed your hair. He could feel your tears wet his neck and shoulder and he willed himself to stay patient and calm. 
"I'm sorry," you squeaked after a long bout of silence between you two, "am I scaring you?" 
"A little bit," Seungcheol chuckled. 
You looked up into his eyes, wanting to make sure he knows he did nothing wrong, "I'm just overwhelmed," your voice began to crack again at the last word, "I... I just... I really want a family with you, Cheol," you sobbed, your hands attempting to cover your face again but your husband was quick enough to grab at them. His own cupped your face instead, a thumb wiping at your tears as he let out the brightest smile, his own cheeks dusted in a light pink shade. "I really want this to work, Cheol." 
"I do, too, baby but in our own time, yeah? If it’s for us, then it will happen one way or another. Let's not pressure ourselves too much. I don't want you to pressure yourself too much," your husband comforted, "Besides, with or without kids, I already have you... and Kkuma… you're already family to me."  
You were pretty sure you felt your heart grow a size bigger at his words, mentally thanking the heavens you had a husband who adored and loved you so much.
Your moment was cut off by the incessant buzz of a phone and when you looked towards the bedside table to check, sure enough your device was vibrating towards the edge. Picking it up to stop the ring, your eyes grew wide at the notification that flashed on top of the screen, a smile dancing on your lips as you comprehended the app’s words in black font.
"I'm ovulating."
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Feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated ☺️
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
the yandere x yandere ask and your answer got me going maaaaaaad....pleeeease just one little story, just a snippet I beeeeg you...
I think I am addicted to your writing ❤️‍🔥
Ok ok you here's your little snippet I am not immune to begging (I am weak)
Word count: 1.3 k Tags/warnings: 18+ only, Yandere!König x Yandere!Reader, situationship with toxic König, light bondage, slight degradation, crazy idiots in love A/N: *sigh* for God's sake.
Your refusal echoes in the empty hall as you rush toward your room. The one you are talking to is marching right behind you… A giant Austrian killer, a one-man fucking machine, and a terror to women.
You know you shouldn't have said it today – hissed bitterly on the comms how everyone knows König is good with a gun after the new girl commented on what a good shot your foreign lover was. 
You wanted to shoot that girl, and now hated yourself for it. Hated - and loved - how a certain lovesick madman was again following you like an oversized puppy in heat. Had followed you ever since you praised his killing skills (you were the first girl to do that, goddammit), and agreed to go on a date with him. At a gun range, no less.
You try to ignore how your neck tingles as you open the door to your room. Out of breath, you turn to slam it shut, but a strong hand shoots to prevent your strength. It stops the door from moving even an inch.
"No," you repeat while looking up at the blazing blue eyes.
How can such a cold stare scorch your skin? How can those eyes burn your very reason to a crisp…?
"I'll visit you after silence then," he promises darkly, and the tingles turn into a downright shiver.
"No you won't. I'll lock my door."
"I'll break in."
"...You're fucking crazy !"
"You have no idea, Liebling." He steals a peek down at your chest, rising and falling like a wave because you are so riled. You can almost hear how he licks his lips under that hood. "I have to return your strings, oder?"
Rage and thrill fight for your attention as you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
"You–you took my…" you gasp, hating the way you sound like a pearl-clutching woman appalled by such indecency. Truth is, you are appalled. And aroused. But you're not a pearl-clutching woman.
"Pervert," you spit the word out with hot pride. He doesn't flinch, doesn't even blink at your insult.
"Ist das so? And who wanted me to tie her up last night? Hmm?"
Shit... Your cheeks pang with heat. 
Tight moans and pleas of "Use that paracord on me," and "Fuck me like I'm your prisoner," flood your mind, as does his low growl of "You're mistaken, Liebling. This is no play. You are my prisoner."
You thought he would've tied you into a bed, but no: this pervy lunatic tied your hands to the ceiling, not tight, but tight enough to render you helpless as he gave you a 15-minute edging session with his tongue, followed by more than just one profound fucking session with that ridiculously long Austrian cock.
He raised you in his lap and fucked into you from standing, took you from behind like an animal, used your body any way he wanted to until you were dumb and full of his cum. 
He pulled orgasms, quivering breaths and lewd moans out of you while whispering painfully sweet things in your ear – then left you hanging there after he was satisfied. You thought he went to get a towel, which he did... but he also went to get himself a beer. 
He drank that pilsner in front of you, wearing only and only that stupid black hood. Surrounded by his guns and knives, this man looked like a god of war: muscles sheened in sweat, heavy cock glistening with your juices, looking at you with smug pride as the warm seed ran down your thighs.
"Let me down," you finally broke before him, pouting and throbbing from the multiple orgasms he just gave you.
"Ask nicely, Liebling."
"Please, let me down… My wrists hurt."
He came to release you from that rope immediately, carried you to his bed, and cooed what a good girl you were, taking his cock so many times like you were made for it. Cleaned you up with a warm, wet towel and promised he would bring you food from the mess if you promised to stay put. (You promised, and he did.) He even offered you a sip of that yucky beer and asked if his prisoner had everything she needed.
But what's worst is that he dares to shame you for what happened last night.
"What kind of a woman wants to be used like that...? You're dirty," he slurs, eyes flashing with desire.
"You're the one who's dirty," you half yell, then snap your mouth shut, knowing half the barracks just heard your announcement.
He just tilts his head as if it's quite normal to have an argument about who's more fucked up in the middle of an echoing hall.
"Eh? I bet you're wet even now." His voice is high and tight from anticipation. "Shall I make an inspection?"
"I will slap you if you do that," you declare with a lift of your chin. Your shoulders draw back and your hand squeezes into a fist, ready to deliver on that threat.
He looks down at your tiny paw – nothing escapes him, not even the slightest movement at the corner of his eye. But when he looks back at you again, his eyes are filled with a sinful dare. 
"I'm warning you. If you come inside, I'll–"
He steps forward immediately and catches your punch like it's only a meager leaf in his way. You pout furiously as you send another fist flying, aiming for that hood – quite lousily, to be honest. Of course he catches that too, then spins you around like you two are dancing jive and forces you against a wall with his body.
It's the softest, most loving little shove and pin, and the only thing that's knocked out of air is your pride as his groin presses against your ass and shoves up, hard enough to force you up on your toes. 
"You're not a woman, you're a wildcat," he rasps in your ear as the warm darkness of the hood brushes your neck. His hand rests on the wall next to your face like a warning not to squirm while the other is already traveling up the back of your thigh. 
He's going to make that inspection, no doubt, shove his hand beneath your belt and into your camos. See if you're wearing another pair of "filthy strings" – or that's what this crazy dude calls the revealing underwear he says is "not suitable for decent women."
The funniest thing is that you started wearing them mainly because they clearly drive him mad...
"König..." you moan your want into the air as he slips that hand down your pants. Your hands got trapped between the wall and your chest as he pressed you there, but you wouldn't try to prevent him even if they were free. 
You want to tell him how good he is with his guns, all of them. You want to tell him that you hate the new girl. You want to tell him you'll be his prisoner, always…
He takes a good, long sniff of your neck, causing your ass to grind against the hard bulge in his pants. He doesn't like the smell of gunpowder on you, doesn't like it that you're almost as good with a rifle and a scope as him. He wants to take you away from all harm and make you his little wife. 
(The only harm that has ever fallen upon you is this crazy titan who makes love to you like it's the end of the world.)
"Kleine Wildkatze," he murmurs softly in your ear while agile fingers find your soaked cotton, the fragile shield between lust and madness. "I will tame you. Don't you worry about that. One day you will be purring in my lap..."
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katiexpunk · 9 months
28 Floors | Joel Miller x f!reader
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Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader Rating: 18+ minors DNI Word count: 2.1K series summary: You're a good girl. A senator's daughter who is always there to show your support to your father. What he doesn't know is that his best friend, Joel Miller, is practically the only real reason you show up to events to support him. series warnings etc: [NO OUTBREAK/AU] We'll call him dad's best friend Joel from his time in the Army, fairly soft!joel, age difference (28/47), alcohol, sexual tension, slow burn...and eventually smut, like shitttt that's smut. There are also references to skin blushing; trying my best to be an inclusive writer but this was my first fic and it’s too much for me to edit right now. However, most of my fics are tagged if there is no physical description of reader and/or references to skin color (e.g. blushing). chapter summary: you and Joel make the most of your night out supporting your father, only for it to end up in a steamy elevator scenario. Part 1 - you're already here Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 ?? Read on AO3 chapter warnings: not much yet, but just...hold tight. This shit is going to get filthy. Sorry, not sorry. A/N: Literally my first fic EVER...very nervous to post this. Had a blast writing it, but please be kind. Please consider leaving a comment, reblogging or throwing a like on this if you enjoy it. Will post part II if there is enough interest. :) P.S. DMV = Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area. I lived there for almost a decade. I know the St. Regis doesn't have 28 floors....just, endear me, k?
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Fuck these things you mumble to yourself as you look in the mirror applying a final swipe of highlighter to your cheeks and collarbone. 
It’s not that you hate dressing up. 
You take a final look in the mirror. Your silk black dress, with a tasteful low back and modest high neck, clings to your body. Your soft curls are bouncy and full; your cheeks rosy. 
That part you didn’t mind so much.
It was the mind numbing conversation that you dreaded. 
The fakeness of it all.
A room full of people dying to flaunt their success, money, and power. 
You had grown use to it over the years.
After all, you were the daughter of a senator. 
You were nearly 30, but you felt it important to continue to show support for your father at events like this. 
Plus, a little free booze and food doesn’t hurt, either. 
You slip on your heels, grab your wristlet, and drape light coat over your shoulders. 
“Bye, Theo! Don’t cause too much trouble while mom’s gone, k?” You coo as you pet your kitty under the chin in farewell and you walk out the door. 
It was a beautiful Fall night in the DMV. 
A rare night where the humidity didn’t feel suffocating. The air of the night around you was coated with a feeling that anything could happen. 
The thought made you smile. 
You slip into the back of the black suburban waiting for you outside your apartment. 
"Hi, Tommy. Thanks for driving!"
Alone in the back of the car, you text your parents that you’re on the way.
As you hit send, another text comes through. 
Joel Miller: Are you coming tonight or am I drinkin’ alone? 
You grin at the thought of him asking if you’re coming tonight. 
You type out a quick response, “Yep! see you soon!x” and hit send. 
You fail to let yourself acknowledge that it wasn’t really the dressing up, free booze, or food that kept you coming back to these events. 
Or even supporting your dad. 
It was Joel. 
Your dads best friend. 
The car rolled to a stop in front of the St. Regis. 
You step out, thanking Tommy for the ride as usual on your way out of the back seat. 
He nods, “My pleasure - have fun! Tell my brother I say hi.” 
"Will do!"
This 'otta be fun, you think to yourself. 
The event was what you’d expect it to be. 
You dripped of poise and elegance as you strolled through the room of suits, bad cologne, passed champagne, and hors d'oeuvres.
You make casual conversation with the guests around you, ensuring your dad and his initiatives shine. 
Joel did the same. 
He wasn’t much for events like this, but he knew how to suck it up and kiss ass when he had to. 
While your dad decided to take the political route, Joel went on to become the CEO of one of the most successful construction companies on the Eastern Seaboard. 
He wasn’t in politics, but you had to give it to the man. He knew how to work a crowd.
It’s a skill he picked up in the Army while serving with your dad. 
He knew how people worked. Knew what to say, and when to say it.
It came naturally to him.
He knew when to impress or stay quiet, when to boast, and when to dominate in the conversation.
Maybe it was his humble upbringing in Texas, or his years of life experience on you, but whatever he was doing, you had to admit, it worked. 
It didn’t take long before you found Joel giving you his signature nod across the room.
The let’s ditch these dinosaurs and go get a drink nod that he gave you at every event prior. 
It was a sure thing. 
Something you could always count on. 
“Would you excuse me, Congresswoman Lee?” You say as you graciously excuse yourself from conversation, and you make your way down to the hotel bar. 
Ugh...why are you nervous?
Joel was already at the bar. 
His broad shoulders stretched the back of his green corduroy suit, salt and pepper curls combed back, and his legs spread wide over the stool beneath him. 
Damn, he looks good. 
Your stomach does a little backflip. 
It wasn’t that you minded him in his usual attire of dark jeans, a white v-neck tee and a flannel, but seeing him like this was always a sight to behold. 
His brown eyes meet yours as you glide closer to the bar, you eventually find yourself seated at the empty stool next to him.
A whiskey on ice was already waiting for you, two Luxardo maraschino cherries on top. 
He knows what you like. 
You can’t help but swallow the feeling that he might be good at knowing what you like in other ways, too.  **
Before you know it, it’s nearing midnight.
“It’s getting late, I should probably head out,” you say as you bring the edge of the glass to your lips, feeling the cool trickle of the last sip of now-diluted whiskey roll down your throat. 
The cup hits the sticky wooden surface in front of you. You push it forward, nodding to the bartender in thanks. 
You swivel on your stool, both legs turned to the side, directly facing him now. You rise from the seat onto your heels, your body coming closer to him for a split second as you do. 
He can’t help but notice the hitch of your dress as you stand. His posture straightens as he watches the rise and fall of your chest, now so perfectly in his line of sight. 
You look down and notice you’re standing in the empty space between his legs, his thick thighs to your right and left. 
Nothing about this man is small, you muse to yourself.
Your hand meets his shoulder. He stiffens at the touch, the hairs on his arm rise to attention and his grip on his glass tightens.
He gazes up to look at your face, eyes pausing on your lips. 
You notice. 
Maybe it’s the liquor, or the slight reaction to your touch that gives you the confidence you need, but you decide to be bold. 
You lean forward, meeting his ear. Your hot breath escapes as you whisper “Thanks for the company, Mr. Miller.”  
You plant a soft kiss on his cheek as your hand grazes down his shoulder over his firm bicep. 
Fuck, he’s strong. Your mind wanders to other parts of him that might be just as big, just as strong. 
The thought consumes you. 
You notice a warmth pooling in your belly as your lips leave his cheek and your palm leaves his arm. 
You step out of the comfort of the space between his legs, both hands falling to smooth out your dress. 
You didn’t even notice that his right hand had somehow made it to the outside of your own thigh while standing there. 
“Anytime, Darlin,” he says with a wink.
His southern charm unmoors you. 
You’re starting to realize that maybe it always has. 
You walk away, hips swaying, and his gaze goes dark as he watches as you leave. 
Joel Miller was a smart man. 
He knows you are off limits. 
If he were smart, he'd leave you alone.
As he went to finish his own drink, the glint of something left on the bartop caught the corner of his eye. 
You’re steps away from him now, feeling light headed and spun up at your interaction. 
You could still go back, you tell yourself. 
Before you know it, you’ve made it to the elevator. The arrow glows golden with a quick press and you stand there waiting.
You should go back, you internally reason with yourself again. You’re an adult. He’s an adult. So what if he’s your dads best friend? 
Hell, just go back you silently scream at yourself, letting out a somewhat desperate sigh as your head tilts down. 
With your gaze now down you notice your wristlet isn’t with you. 
“Shit, my purse.” 
You turn around to head back to the bar, and immediately collide with a hard surface. 
It was him. 
A hand, large and sure, meets your waist to steady you.
“Hey,” he says. 
And then it hits you, the faint smell of wood chips, cinnamon and musk.
It intoxicates you further. 
Little bumps cover your body and your breath hitches in your throat as his fingers graze the soft skin of your exposed back.
It was his turn to stir a reaction in you.
Your eyes pause at the center of his chest, and with his large hand still firm against your skin pulling you into him, you look up at him with soft eyes. 
“Oh, uh, hi. I was just…” 
Before you can continue the thought…
“Forget something?,” he asks. 
He nods to his hand holding your purse. 
“Oh…y-yeah, I was just going to go back,” you say, feeling the warmth rise up to your cheeks. 
What is it about this man that makes you so nervous? Get it together.
“Thank you,” you say sweetly as you gently tuck a loose piece of hair behind your ear, in a full-on blush from his attention.
Your hand reaches out to grab it, and you notice his eyes rest like boulders on your exposed collarbones and the pulse below your jaw.
You feel as though he’s not looking at you, but through you, eyes drinking you up like a glass of cold water on a warm summer day.
The thought sends a spark to your core and you feel a familiar tug at your navel.
Shit. You want him. 
As if you didn’t already know that the second you laid eyes on him at the bar. 
As if he didn’t already know that. 
A soft bing echos through the lobby as the elevator arrives and the doors slowly open. 
People shuffle out of the small hoist.
The moment remains thick with tension despite the presence of other hotel guests walking past you both. 
You look over your shoulder at the elevator, and back at him, getting ready to say goodnight for a final time, wishing you had enough whiskey in you to give you the courage to say what you really wanted.
How does one say “hey, I know I’m your best friends daughter, but l’d really love for you to fuck me into the middle of next week,” anyways? 
It’s as if he had the same thought, but he breaks the silence. 
“Getting on?"
His hand drops from your body, leaving an invisible handprint, as he nods to the now empty elevator. 
You had intended to go back to your apartment for the night, but you found yourself nodding yes to him in return.
You straighten your posture in an attempt to collect your composure as you turn away from him to enter the lift. 
“Good. In you go, sweetheart.” 
Within a moment his touch is back on you, a large palm resting on the small of your back guiding you into the elevator. 
You pause there, side by side, waiting for other guests to walk through the threshold. 
None do.
The elevator doors close.
You let out a sigh, but feel anything but relieved.
The fact suddenly hits you that you are very alone in an elevator with the one and only Joel Miller. 
Butterflies flip in your stomach as the doors begin to close, stickiness continuing to pool in your underwear. 
Holy shit.  
“What floor?” he asks.
“Yours” You whisper, directly looking him in the eyes. 
“Please” You add for good measure, remembering him saying to you how much he likes a woman with manners at a dinner at your parent's house some months ago. 
That’s when you see it. His want. His need. 
His pupils shot open with desire. 
His cock twitches in his suit pants.
You gulp as you gaze down to watch him slightly readjust himself, eyes still on you before he reaches out to the tree of buttons by the elevator doors.
His long finger pushes the worn button.
Joel Miller has 28 floors with you.
You bet he is going to fucking use them.
Part 2
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sweetwriter · 5 months
Second Chance
Single dad! Bakugou x Black! Reader
The alarm wrings in his ears awaking Bakugou from his slumber. Starng up ap at the ceiling, he turns his head to the empty side of the bed and sighs. Its been a couple of years since everything happened with his ex wife. He doesn’t miss her, but he ,ssed sharing his life with another.
‘No sense in whining.” he sighs to himself.
Bakugou gets up and walks to his kitchen beginning to pack lunches and make breakfast for his daughter
“Kasumi, time to get up.” She groans and opens her eyes, “‘morning papa’ she says with a smile. He smiles back at her. After years of having a sharp edge in his speech and his actions, the sharp edges dulled down a little bit, and he mellowed out. But after everything with his ex wife, he was completely worn out. She drained the life out of him, one of the first and only people he opened himself up to burned him, he didn’t even have the energy to hate the world, he just hated himself. But what could he do, Kasumi is four, in desperate need for stability. He couldn’t fail her by crawling into a ball until the press let him breathe, he had to stay strong and be a hero, even if it was just for Kasumi.
As he gets little Kasumi dressed and ready for pre-k she babbles about her amazing preschool teacher Ms. Y/N. Ms. YN who changes her hair all the time. Everytime get green lights all week she changes the color of her hair. Ms YN who teaches the kids which flowers are edible and which aren’t.
“And t’day, Ms. Y/N is gonna teach us about da moon”
“Oh yeah?”
He drops her off into the class for the first time, since his parents aren’t there anymore. When he walks in the first thing he sees is who he assumes, based on how beautiful Kasumi expresses her to be, Ms. Y/N.
“MS Y/N!!!” Kasumi exclaimed running to one of her teachers.
“Good morning Kasumi” Y/N says with a big smile. Y/N looks up from the little girl hugging her leg to see Pro Hero Dynamight holding Kasumi’s backpack.
“Well well well, looks like I finally get to introduce myself to the exceptional father Kasumi speaks of,” she holds out her hand, “I’m Y/N L/N, I’m Kasumi’s teacher.”
A/N: Ok- 😭 It’s a lil rough, but I wanted to just start- hopefully the series is going to be good. Thank you for making it this far and reading it.
With love,
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bokunosoul · 1 year
Can I request Sebastian with a cat demoness S/O who's like Evelynn from League of Legends?
You can use her in game version as her demon form.
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And her K/DA skin as her human form.
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Her hair looks like cat ears so I think Sebastian would like it.
Sebastian x Demoness!Reader
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This man right here ADORES YOU
You did not know in the first place that he likes felines when you first met him disguised as a cat
you were a seducetress and would prey on greedy men
Scenario :
You were a lurking demon looking for another human to have a deal with, being bored in roaming in your human form you decided to transform into your cat form. A normal black cat with emerald eyes, you went on and on until you stumbled upon a manor. You have taken interest on it cause it gives off a strong energy of a demon. Sliding in through the large gates of the manor you were greeted by the huge house and a well tend garden. A huge shadow then came running in from a far, which seems like a wolf ready to pounce on you. Ready to kill the dog, you were suddenly picked up by strong slender arms by a man in a butler suit. He was good looking and yet he gives off a familiar vibe.
"What did i say pluto, you shouldn't attack visitors." the man scolded the dog, "And what do we have here?, you think i wouldn't notice?" the man grinned his eyes flashed red under the moonlight. "Ms. Demon cat.", you chuckled and lept out of his arms revealing your true form.
"It's been a long time lady y/n."
"Likewise, Sebastian Michaelis."
youve known eachother since when you two arent in the human world
amused on why would sebastian help a demon not get killed, would joke on how soft has he become
Would be a servant on ciels mansion
or would pose as a woman of noble birth
Ciel would probably be the first one to know abt the relationship since sebastian would always tell him
You laughed when you found out he loves cats and thats the reason why he saved you
Adoring bf tbh
Loves your evil side
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The hobbit x Neko heterochromic teen reader part 6.
Feast of Starlight.
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It’s the feast of Starlight but Thranduil has a talk with Reader Chan.
Your POV:
My eyes fluttered open to the setting sun "how long did I sleep? Da- err king Thranduil is going to kill me" I got off of my bed and ran to my door. I was relieved but nearly had a heart attack when I saw Anna "the King is asking for you!" I nodded and walked out of my room but I noticed three male elves following us "Ann who are they?" I whispered to her. She smiled and said "they are your new body guards Meludir, Estel, and Elrolith." I remembered that King Thranduil said I will have bodyguards from now on "ohh right the king said I will have bodyguards." I said as we walked to the throne room.
We are in front of King Thranduil as he sits on his throne with his signature bored expression "your probably wondering what's going on?" he asked "yes" Thranduil slowly got up from his throne and descends from the stairs towering me as he stands in front of me "It was 17 years ago 2 years before your birth. Your parents planned on making your older sister queen when she became of age but Prince Arrow your older brother and their first born was not pleased. Since he was the oldest and the only son he felt entitled to the throne. Your parents saw his ambitions and decided to banish him but he thought out vengeance and swore they would regret giving the throne to S/N." I was confused and shocked "how do you know all this?" I asked "Elrond, Gandalf, Galadriel and myself were there that day" I nodded my head "two years after your brothers banishment your mother queen Titania became pregnant with you, and your father, King Hunter retired as a warrior to make up for the lost times he had with your siblings. That necklace your wearing is your mother's." he said picking up my butterfly key necklace, my eyes widened from the tale I really was royalty but I was still wondering why S/N kept this from me. "On B/D (birth date) 2928 you were born, but when you were 2 weeks old some how Arrow found out about your birth and send an army of Orcs to kill you because if anything were to happen to S/N you would be heiress to the throne of K/N. But your parents told S/N to run with you to the village you grew up in, the reason why she kept this from you is because your parents begged her to give you a normal life away from your home kingdom and to keep you safe." My eyes went wider from trying to process all this "By the way we have a feast in 3 hours so Anna will get you ready, I already picked out your outfit and I expect you to be on your best behavior." I nodded and went to my room with Anna, Meludir, Estel, and Elrolith.
3 hours later no one's POV:
You and Anna stand in front of your body mirror admiring the gorgeous silver dress Thranduil picked out with matching high heels and a silver circlet.
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"You look absolutely gorgeous Y/N." Anna said in awe "I did a good job if I do say so myself." you heard Thranduil say. You turn to see Thranduil In burgundy robes with his twig crown next to him you see an elf with Shoulder length brownish black hair in beige robes and a gold circlet "this is the neko girl you told me about Thranduil?" The elf asked in awe "yes Elrond. She'll also be living with me from now on." Thranduil told the elf you now know as Elrond "it is an honor to meet you my lord." You said in sindarin making Elrond go eye wide "She is already fluent in sindarin?" Elrond asked "my sister taught me since I was 2." You told the elf lord who is still in shock "alright let's head to the feast, The boys are impatient enough." Thranduil said as you took his huge hand.
At the feast:
The feast of starlight was amazing the room was well decorated, the smell of food was in the air the wine making you crinkle your nose since your under age of course.
You are sitting with Thranduil, Elrond, Legolas and Elronds twin sons Elladan and Elrohir. Dual to  your Small height you had to sit on Thranduil's lap "she's so cute. I wanna take her home." Elladan gushed over you "Adar can we keep her please?" Elrohir asked pleadingly making Elrond give his sons a stern look "boys behave. She just started living in Mirkwood." He told his sons what Thranduil told him.
As you sit on Thranduil's lap eating your salmon (you suggested it) You let out a happy purr since it's been months since you've had your favorite meal causing the 5 men to look down at you in surprise "Guess that part of Nekos is true. They really do purr." Legolas said in awe but with a nose bleed "son go to the wash room before you bleed on the floors." Thranduil said with a handkerchief over his own bloody nose "ADAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!" The twins said together "Alright Y/N it's time for bed! You have your lessons tomorrow." Thranduil said scooping you up like a parent carrying their child and making his way to your new chambers you peaked from his shoulder to see Legolas passed out on the floor with blood coming from his nostrils and the twins being bonked on the head by their father who also has a nosebleed.
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ochamiko · 2 years
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Himiko x Ochako playlist — and she was crying
01. Killer Queen by FIL BO RIVA
03. Give and Take by Poor Mans Poison
04. Killer Love by Madame Macabre
05. Love bites by Ice Nine Kills
06. Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
07. I Want What's She's Got by D-A-D
08. Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
09. Freak Flag by Ice Nine Kills
10. Killer Queen by 5 Seconds of Summer
11. I Love Rock 'N Roll by Joan Jett
12. Shadow On The Wall by Mike Oldfield
13. Rainy Day by Ice Nine Kills
14. Goodnight by Jayn
15. Come And Get Your Love by Redbone
16. The dance of the corpses by Kikuo
17. Perfect by My Enemies & I
18. she calls me daddy by KiNG MALA
19. La Di Da by VUKOVI
20. Who Is She? by I Monster
21. Hydrochloride by Ghostemane
22. Pretender by AJR
23. Hold me Back by Bass Up!
24. Little Dark Age by Lofis
25. favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo
26. Strangelove Addiction by Supreme Beings of Leisure
27. Can't Pretend by Tom Odell
28. Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls
29. Slasher by Cassetter, Extra Terra
30. The Lion's Roar by First Aid Kit
31. Warriors by Imagine Dragons
32. Talking is Hard by Weathers
33. Novocaine by The Unlikely Candidates
34. Misfits T-Shirt by DREAMERS
35. Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking
36. Freaky Deaky by Tyga, Doja Cat
37. Pursuit by Peyruis
38. Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon
39. Formula 666 by Sarah and the Safe Word
40. Sick on Seventh Street by Sarah and the Safe Word
41. rapunzel by emlyn
42. Let's be Friends by Emily Osment
43. Lobotomy by Lucy Loone
44. Toxic Valentine by All Time Low
45. i luv him. by Catie Turner
46. "99" by Barns Courtney, Kat Krazy
47. Golden Dandelions by Barns Courtney
48. Tall Glass of Cyanide by Adam Jensen
49. Feel Real Pretty by Paper Idol
50. Superhuman by Party Favor, K. Flay
51. Palm Reader by DREAMERS, Big Boi, UPSAHL
52. Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis
53. Love Me, Love Me, Love Me by Kikuo
54. I Just Want To Be The One You Love by Boxout
55. Arms Tonite by Mother Mother
56. Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
57. Love Taste by Moe Shop, Jamie Paige, Shiki-TMNS
58. Hermit the Frog by MARINA
59. Love Me Dead by Ludo
60. Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
61. I Love You So by the Walters
62. The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid
63. Stalker's Tango by Autoheart
64. Lesbian Vampyres From Outer Space by Scary Bitches
65. by Molchat Doma
66. Smells Blood by Kensuke Ushio
67. Every Day by bo en
68. You Always Eat The One You Love by Scary Bitches
69. Villain by Stella Jang
70. I Deserve to Bleed by Sushi Soucy
71. Blood and Bones by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
72. Michelle by Sir Chloe
73. I Still Adore You by The Oozes
74. This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller
75. Entropy by Awkward Marina
76. Addict by Silva Hound
77. Happy Together by Slothrust
78. I'm Not Angry Anymore by Paramore
79. Screw Loose by Alli Mauzey
80. Cigarette Duet by Princess Chelsea
81. Lemon Boy by Cavetown
82. Sugar Dust by YukoEXE
83. She's Crazy but She's Mine by Alex Sparrow
84. Girls In Bikinis by Poppy
85. FAILURE GIRL by Karikibear
86. The Drug In Me Is You by Falling In Reverse
87. IN MY MOUTH by Black Dresses
88. Good Girl by Morganne
89. Poison by Alice Cooper
90. killer queen by Mad Tsai
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retroaria · 3 years
cc: karl jacobs, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur soot, quackity
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: none
here’s my masterlist ^o^
a/n: this is all in the instance that they say it first, if you want one where the reader says it first lmk !!
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he said it a little too early on in the relationship
“uh…karl what did you just say?”
“haha i uh…i love you.” 😶
“karl we’ve been dating for two weeks😐”
was still sweet nonetheless
once both of you are ready it is a truly adorable moment
i’m gonna say this was about 4-5 months in, he said it as a joke at first but then he was like
“wait…omg y/n I literally love you”
agahshdncj it was so cute and stupid and adorable
you said it back and then he gave the sweetest softest kiss in the world
one of the few romantic moments between you guys where he wasn’t totally flustered
i’m gonna make this so cheesy and milk it so hard so get ready
you guys were on a date, you’ve been dating for about six months now, it was VALENTINES DAY ‼️‼️‼️
he looked at you, you looked at him
he giggled a little bit and was just starting at you smirking like a freak and you were like “george what’s up?”
and then BOOM
“i love you, you know that?”
omg where and how did he learn to be so smooth (it was all the hanging out with wilbur lol)
classic romantic moment
he waited a pretty long time before doing it, just a month or so before your one year anniversary
he had been super busy and you guys hadn’t had much time to just be around each other so you were literally just sitting on the couch watching movies and then KABOOM
he hits you with the “Im so in love with you.”
you said it back obviously
it was still cute, you giggled, he giggled, ms. black widow did not giggle but that’s ok.
also horrible timing
in the mcdonald’s parking lot
(for more adorable quackity x reader in da mcdonald’s parking lot refer to this blurb i wrote i love it very much ok back to the hc’s)
“Babe, this food is so good, I love you so much”
literally about to shove a fat bite of a mcchicken in ur mouth and now you gotta respond to this man confessing his love 🙄
“ok alex I love you now shut up”
adorable shock he’s like so giddy about it as if he expected you to just be like “ok cool” after he said it first
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bloop bloop bloop my brain is so empty :T
this creative writing class is literally eating me alive dawg omg
ayo but??? lmk if you want me to show you guys any of my poems from the book we have to write cus i would be more than happy to 😌
anyways stay safe peace and love lol <333
@crackityy @fantasy-innit @joyfullymulti @k-l-a-w-s @themanifoldenjoyer
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fangirlshrieks · 3 years
Dirty Little Secret
a/n: This is heavily based on @loonyluvgoods post:
Thank you again @loonyluvgoods for letting me use your post as a writing prompt 😊
Word count: 4,027
Parings: Neville Longbottom x reader
Warnings: masturbation, scent kink, Neville being a little pervert, idk what else
The steam from the hot shower you were taking filled the prefect's bathroom. It was nice on your skin and the heat from the water helped your muscles relax. It had been a very long and stressful Friday for you as there were multiple homework assignments due that day along with your prefect duties and attending a DA meeting. You just wanted to be in the comfort of your own bed and sleep until noon the next day. 
As tired as you were, the warm shower seemed to brighten your mood. However your mood was quickly crushed with the ringing of the school bell indicating that everyone should be back in their dorms if they didn't want to earn a detention. 
"Shit!" You cursed under your breath. 
You hated the new curfew enforced by Umbridge. You had completely forgotten about the new rule that was recently enacted. You quickly turned off the shower and dried off. You changed into your pajamas as fast as you could and grabbed your pile of dirty laundry and rushed out the bathroom wrapping your night robe around you as you did. 
Making sure there was no sight of Filch or Mrs. Norris you stepped out into the corridor and made your way to your dorm room. You tried to hide in the shadows as much as possible but the bright moonlight made it almost impossible. If someone were walking behind you, you were sure to be caught. But so far you have made it halfway to your dorm room unnoticed.
Then just as you were turning a corner you bumped into someone. He startled you so much you almost dropped your clothes you were holding (or so you thought). The boy was also alarmed and dropped the book he was holding with a loud bang. 
You both looked around for any signs of Filch or Mrs. Norris suddenly lurking around the corridor ready to catch whoever made that loud noise. Luckily the only people who heard the noise were you and…
"Neville, you startled me! What are you doing out so late anyway?" You scream-whispered.
"Oh Y/N it's you." He said in a relieved tone. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I fell asleep in the library and woke up when the tower bell rang. I ran out as fast as I could before I got into any trouble." He explained. "Wait… What are you doing out here?" He asked, noticing your damp hair.
"I was in the perfect's bathroom when the bell rang." 
"Oh" He said quietly and only now noticed you were in your night robes. He was glad to be hidden in the shadows because his face was burning hot. 
"Listen, we better get back to our dorms before we get caught. Just make sure not to drop your book again, ok." You said trying to hold back a laugh. 
"Right." Neville said, a little embarrassed. "I'll see you at the next DA meeting." 
"Goodnight Neville." And with that you quickly head towards your dorm. 
He watched you leave until you turned a corner and were out of sight. He would have liked to stay and talk longer with you under different circumstances. He turned back around and leaned down to grab his book when something caught his eye. A handkerchief maybe but it was a little dark to see in the shadows. Then he reached out and grabbed whatever it was that was on the floor. As he stood up, he leaned more towards the moonlight to get a better look at what it was. It was a deep burgundy color and very soft. Now under the moonlight what he saw definitely surprised him. 
Panties. His eyes widened and his heart raced at the sight. He could definitely see all the black lace trimming now.
Just then he remembered where he was and clutched your underwear to his chest and raced back to his dorm room. 
Once inside the common room he checked to make sure no one was around. When there seemed to be no one in the common room Neville gently opened his hand to reveal your panties. He gulped at the sight. Under the firelight he could see the black lace trimming and a little bow at the top that tied the whole ensemble together. His face was burning even more and it wasn't from the heat of the fire. 
You and Neville had always been good friends but around the end of his 3rd year he had developed feelings for you. During his 4th year those feelings had deepened. Now in his 5th year he can't seem to hold a proper conversation with you without becoming flustered or embarrassing himself. Lately he has hardly ever been able to talk to you alone during school or the DA meetings. He has been wanting to ask you out to go to Hogsmeade with him on the next trip but had always managed to chicken out at the last second. He doesn't want to ruin his friendship with you if you don't feel the same way. He wouldn't want to do anything to harm his friendship with you. But with your panties in his hand that rationalization has gone straight out the window. 
All he could do was stare at the lace and rub the fabric between his fingers. 
'I have Y/N's underwear.' He thought to himself. A smile curled on his lips as he thought about you wearing them and how beautiful you would look in them. Just the thought that he was holding your used underwear turned him on. The fabric that he held in his hands was just between your legs a few hours ago. He gulped audibly and his breath became more shaky. The urge to push the fabric against his nose and inhale your scent became too powerful to overcome. With quivering hands he brought your panties to his face, closed his eyes, and groaned with pleasure at your aroma. His senses became flooded with desire as he inhaled deeply. A familiar feeling brewed in his stomach and the stiffness between his legs became more noticeable. He half opened his eyelids and stared lazily at his surroundings. He broke out of his gaze when he returned to reality and remembered that he was in the Gryffindor common room and could be caught any second. A pang of guilt washed over Neville. He looked at your panties one more time before clutching them to his chest and scanned the room, scared that someone might see him with a pair of girls underwear. 
'What am I doing!? This is so wrong.' He contemplated in his head. His breathing quickened as he panicked. 
"I have to return these." He whispered to himself. 
However, he didn't actually intend to give them back to you. He thought saying it out loud would force him to do the right thing but something in him was telling him that nothing bad would happen if you were suddenly missing a pair of underwear. 
'Y/N wouldn't notice right?' He reasoned with himself. He asked himself if he would ever notice if one of his underwear were suddenly gone and figured he wouldn't ever notice. But then again all his underwear looked the same (boxer briefs of different shades of red, blue, and grey). He didn't know if your underwear all looked the same or not but hoped it did. He thought about it for a couple of minutes before deciding that he could maybe keep them for a little while. He would wait until the next time you sent your laundry to be cleaned by the house elves and slip them back with the rest of your clothes. 
'Yeah that seems like a good plan.' He told himself. He would just have to wait until the next time your laundry was cleaned, which meant he would have to keep your underwear for a while. 
That night Neville slept with your panties under his pillow for safe keeping. 
It had been a couple of days after Neville had stolen your underwear and things were getting difficult for him. He never got the chance to relieve himself the night he took your panties and didn't get much sleep either. He had hoped that maybe sometime the next day he would have the room to himself and get his business handled but his dormmates always seemed to be in the room at one time or another. He was used to Dean or Seamus hanging out in the dorms sometime but the one week that Harry and Ron ever seemed to be hanging out in the dorms had to be this week. It was a nightmare. Neville couldn't really focus on any of his studies that week. All he could think about was your underwear that he had hidden in his sock drawer. 
Every night for the past three days he had been taking out your panties from his drawer and would cuddle with them to help him sleep. He mostly felt bad about having your panties and not telling you that he took them but the idea of you finding out terrified him. At this point he felt like it was almost impossible to return them. Would the house elves be suspicious if they found a pair of girls underwear in his laundry basket? Would one of his friends find out and interrogate him on who's panties he was hiding? Would they immediately tell you? Sure he was being careful and he thought he didn't look too suspicious opening his sock drawer every night but the stress was getting to him.
Neville honestly didn't know why he held on to your underwear for so long. He should have returned them to you the morning after he took them. You would have understood that you just dropped them when you two met in the corridor the previous night and he was returning them to you. Sure it would have been a painful awkward conversation but at least everything would go back to normal. But having kept your underwear for three days it would have seemed very inappropriate. 
A part of him was saying he wasn't doing anything wrong by keeping your underwear but the other half definitely knew he was being a pervert. 
'Why do I still have these?' He contemplated one night. 
Then a voice in the back of his head spoke with a commanding tone. 'Use them!' 
The thought startled him so much his heartbeat quickened and the blood in his body rushed to his nether regions. 
He couldn't. Wouldn't. Shouldn't. It was a bad idea. A very bad idea. But then again it was a very arousing idea. A very erotic idea. He became tempted to use them that second, even while his dormmates slept soundly. But the fear of being caught stopped him. He quickly opened his sock drawer, stuffed your panties back into their hiding spot, and shut the drawer. 
Neville couldn't believe what he was thinking. It was an invasion of personal belongings. He couldn't violate your panties like that. Could he? 
He got up to use the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face to calm him down. He didn't get that much sleep that night either. 
By the end of the week Neville had managed to snag the dorm room all to himself. Well it was really luck that was on his side that day as everyone was either in the library or hanging out in the school's corridors. He was happy to be alone in his dorm after what had happened that day and pretty much all week.
There had been a DA meeting after classes that day and Neville was to say the least distracted. Every time you were near him he would have to hide his blush and pray that his mind wouldn't wander and think of other things. He would try to focus on what he was supposed to be doing but found it difficult when you would simply smile at him, wave, or even talk to him. This also happened during the classes he shared with you. 
At the DA meeting you and Neville were partnered up and were practicing how to block jinxes. At one point he ended up getting hit by a knockback jinx you casted. You had obviously intended for him to block the spell but still felt bad when he flew a little over 3 feet from where he stood. 
"Oh my god!" You shrieked. You ran to his side where he laid on the floor. "I'm so so sorry!" 
Neville groaned and rubbed his elbow. He had landed pretty hard and knew there would be a bruise there by tomorrow. When you ran towards his side he was embarrassed to say the least and he was now pink in the face. 
"It's fine." He piped up.
You helped him stand up as he held onto his elbow. 
"I know we're practicing but I still feel bad" You admitted. "Are you sure you're ok? You look like you hurt your elbow pretty badly." You gently placed your hand on his elbow.
It was a very small and innocent touch but it was enough to make Neville weak in the knees. "I'm fine really. It wasn't your fault really. I just got… uh distracted." 
"Got a lot on your mind?" Concern written all over your face.
At this point his ears were flushed and he wished his embarrassment wasn't so visible, but he gave you a small smile and awkward laugh. "Yeah…"
He noticed that you were going to ask him about what was bothering him but he spoke before you could ask. "Uh... we should probably get back to… uh… get back to practicing." 
"Ok. But just so you know you can talk to me whenever it's ok. We're friends." 
The two of you went back to practicing your blocking spells for the rest of the meeting. Now in his dorm room he was thinking back on your words. Saying that you were just friends to his face made him understand the reality of your relationship with him. It still stung to know that that was all you thought of him as (from what he knew of course). Just your friend. 
He wanted to be so much more than that. He wanted to hold your hand and take you out on dates to Hogsmeade and watch romantic comedies with you. He wanted to buy you flowers, take you on picnics, and cuddle with you. He just wanted to be yours. 
You really were a great friend towards him and he would never do anything to jeopardize your friendship but he always pondered on the possibility of being with you. 
When you touched his elbow it sent sparks down his spin. He knew you were only being friendly and concerned about him but even the lightest touch from you turned him on. Maybe it was because he hadn't masturbated all week and the only thing he could think about was how he had a pair of your panties. Maybe it was because he was a horny teenager desperate for love. Whatever the case, all he knew was that he wanted you. But since he couldn't have you, your underwear would have to be the next best thing.
Neville grabbed your panties from under his sock drawer and gently held them as if they were the most delicate flower in the world. 
His guilt about using them had seemed like a thing of the past as he held them up to his nose and sniffed them. They still smelled of your scent and he could feel his whole body relax. He casually slumped back onto his bed and his head hit the pillows. Rubbing the fabric against his check he imagined that you were sitting on his face. Wanting to feel some actual weight on his face he grabbed the pillow he was laying on, let your underwear rest over his eyes and nose, and placed the pillow on top of his face. A moan escaped his lips as he pushed the pillow onto his face. His legs squirmed against his bed sheets as he imagined what it would be like to be between your legs. He would kiss you until you called his name. He'd leave hickies all over your thighs. You would grind down on his face and pull his hair. His tongue would lick at your clit and explore your folds. 
The thought of you cumming all over his face drove him crazy. His cock was now strained against his briefs and demanded to be free. He moved one hand from his pillow to pull his underwear down to his mid thigh. With shaking hands he pulled your panties from his face. Neville lifted the pillow from his face a little so he could wrap his dick with your underwear. The inside of your panties touched the length of his dick. 
"Y/N…" Neville moaned your name and threw his head back making the pillow fall back on his face. 
He started to stroke himself starting from the base all the way to the tip with your panties slowly, almost teasingly.  He imagined it was you rubbing yourself on his dick. 
"Y/N… please…" he whimpered into his pillow. 
As precum began leaking out of the tip of his cock your panties became more wet. It felt as if it was your wetness being rubbed on him. Then a beautiful image of you rubbing your bare wet pussy against his cock appeared in his head. He began jerking off faster to the thought. 
"Please…" he begged imaginary you. 
You started to kiss his neck and left bite marks where they would be difficult to hide later. You scratched up and down his chest and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. 
'You're mine,' you would say. 
"I'm yours…" he whispered back.
'So sweet. My good boy. I love you.' You would say each sentence between kisses. 
"I love…" he muffled his words with his pillow. 
At this point his imagination had brought you bouncing on his beautiful cock faster and faster and faster. His cock was plump and hard wrapped around your underwear. It was glistening with a layer of precum covering it.
It was honestly a hot sight. His pillow muffled his sweet moans as the rest of his body was covered with a sheen of sweat and his balls were so swollen with cum ready to be shot out in hot white streams. Had you seen it you definitely would have help with his situation. 
The slickness of your panties allowed him to stroke himself faster. He focused more on his tip and rubbed vigorously to the point of sensitivity. He started to buck up into his hand and imagined he was fucking up into you. Just as imaginary you slammed your pussy down on his cock he came all over your burgundy panties. 
"Ooohhh…" he drowned his moans into his pillow. 
Neville's chest heaved up and down as he caught his breath. He hadn't cum this hard in a very long time and was surprised at how much he had cum. He lifted the pillow from his face and looked down at his crotch only to see your panties covered in his white seamen. 
"Yuck" he grimaced at the mess. 
Some cum had somehow splattered on his stomach. His hand was also sticky from holding onto your panties. 
"Aww man, this isn't good." 
He sat up and cleaned himself as much as he could with the tissues on his nightstand. He quickly grabbed his shower robe and night robes and headed towards the showers. He felt dirty and needed to wash away his mess. 
As the hot water poured down on his skin he felt his stomach turn. He scrubbed harshly at his skin as if he could wash away his guilt. He felt the sting of tears form in the corner of his eyes but didn't dare let them fall. 
'Why am I like this? Y/N's never going to forgive me. I'm a terrible person.' His thoughts echoed in his head. He wanted to apologize to you for what he did. He'd never meant to cross the line with your friendship and wanted to make things right with you even though you had no idea what was going on or that you had even lost your underwear. He knew going through with his lustful instinct was a bad idea. He just didn't think the weight on his chest would be too much to carry afterwards. 
Part of him wanted to cry. Mostly out of guilt but also because he desperately wanted his imagination to come true. He honestly thought you would never like him in that way. He found himself at a new low masturbating using your underwear that he stole. 
He needed to apologize to you. But first he had to go and clean the mess he made on your panties. He quickly changed into his night robes and hurried back to his dorm but once he opened the door to his dorm room his bed was already made and the room seemed spotless. 
His heart dropped to his stomach and all the color left his face. "No!" 
There was only one reason why his dorm room looked this clean. The house elves had already been here. 
"No! No! No! No! No!" He ran to his bed and searched under the covers and under his pillow for your underwear but found nothing. He searched his drawers too but couldn't find anything. The house elves had taken your underwear to clean them no doubt. Would they return them to you? Would they tell you that he had them? He had to find you and apologize quickly if so. He could never face you again if you found out he stole your underwear from a house elf. He changed out of his night robes and into his regular clothes then went out to find you. 
Little did he know that a little elf was out looking for him as well. Neville was shaking with fear. He would have to confess everything to you. He wished he had more time to come up with an explanation but what kind of explanation could he give other than the truth. His breathing became shallow and his thoughts were running wild about what harm would come to him if he confessed. But time was running out and you would find out eventually. The walls felt too open and he felt exposed. He had to find a place to hide and calm himself first. Just then he remembered about the room of requirement and a door the size of a broom closet appeared. He quickly opened the door and walked in. But before he could close the door something small had bumped into his leg and entered the broom closet with him. 
"Ahh!" Neville squeaked.
"Sorry to disturb you Mr. Longbottom but Dobby must apologize for not informing you earlier." Said the little elf.
"What?" Neville's tone was one of alarm and confusion. 
"Earlier today Dobby was cleaning the boys' dormitories and found something in your bed, sir." 
Neville's face was bright red in the dark closet. 
"Dobby doesn't ask questions sir. But Dobby wants to tell Mr. Longbottom that his unmentionables are being washed and will return to his dorm and safely hidden." 
A bit of sweat covered Neville's forehead. He had never felt more embarrassed in his life. "Uhh… thanks Dobby." 
"Good day." The little elf waddled over to the broom closet door and was about to open it before Neville spoke. 
"Uhh… Dobby, does this happen a lot?" 
"More than you'd know sir. Dobby has been dealing with teenage children since he got to Hogwarts. But Dobby begs Mr. Longbottom to please be more careful next time." Dobby said before leaving.
As the dorm shut Neville let out a sigh of relief and leaned up against the cold stone wall. He couldn't believe how stupid he was for almost outing himself. 
a/n: I know I've been gone for a long time but college really gmfu. 😕 I thought I was going to be able to write more during the summer but I ended up taking summer classes. 😒 Anyway I hope you liked it.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
I Saw A Dog Today
Fandom(s): FGO
Rating: K
Pairing: Arthur (Prototype) x NB Reader (can be read as platonic)
Summery: Waiting for Arthur to come back and he has something to tell you (oneshot)
Extra notes: Multiple Masters in Chaldea! AU
Happy Birthday, Kakapo!
Original Post on my Writing Blog
No matter how easy the Singularity seemed to be, you still got a little bit nervous when a different Master was on call for it. Certainly pulling every master would make sure that it went smoothly and quickly, but Romani and Da Vinci were rightfully cautious.
No unnecessary risks.
Still, you were worried and not just because of the spunky redheaded Master that had been on call this time instead of you or the black haired young man— Gudako was certainly more energetic than Ritsuka.
No it was because your usual partner Servant was needed.
It was well known in Chaldea that every Master had a Servant they could trust wholeheartedly with everything. For Ritsuka it was Mashu, for Gudako it was Scáthach, but for you?
Yours was Arthur.
He had been summoned in some stranger circumstances, but a large portion of Chaldea’s Servants seemed to be at this point— Musashi, King Hassan, Merlin… you could name a good number of them.
But Arthur was the one you bonded with first. And now you were worried about his safety.
He was more than capable than taking care of himself, you knew, but you couldn’t help it! Who wouldn’t be worried about their most important person in their life?
“Stop pacing, Master,” Emiya’s voice chided from the kitchen as you paced in the cafeteria. You looked up, frowning at the Counter Force Archer.
“I can’t help it,” you sighed, shaking your head before looking up at the clock. “I’m worried.”
Emiya sighed. “They’re all only a few minutes late than Da Vinci predicted, the final wrap up battle might’ve just taken a bit longer.”
You sighed again instead of answering, nodding a bit before deciding to leave the cafeteria for one of the break rooms. It wouldn’t do you any good to keep bothering Emiya with your restlessness.
You had decided to settle down on one of the sofas there, flipping idly through one of the magazines that had been brought back from the New York singularity.
You must have dozed off from waiting, because suddenly you startled awake as the door was opened.
You tilted your head back, blinking sleep from your eyes slowly before smiling a bit, seeing a familiar form in the doorway.
“This is where you were, Master!”
Arthur stepped in, smiling brightly. You moved to stand up, but he stopped you as he moved over to the couch and sat down instead.
Well, sitting down was a bit of a calm stretch, as he more or less plopped down with a soft ‘oof’ next to you.
“How’d the Singularity go?” you asked and he smiled brightly.
“So,” he started, “The singularity itself was kind of boring, but!”
At this he perked up.
“The good news is that I saw a dog today in the singularity!”
You tilted your head, blinking. “A dog?”
The blonde nodded happily. “Yep! A dog!”
You laughed softly at his excited expression before settling down on the sofa, leaning against him.
“Tell me about the dog, Arthur.”
The Saber seemed to brighten up even more. No matter the story, you always paid attention when the blonde was the one telling it. His voice was soothing to listen to and he just had that way of his that drew you into listening.
That’s just how it was.
And the dog was cute, so that’s what matters, right?
(All dogs are cute, Arthur would tell you later. You agreed.)
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missdreamshade · 3 years
Predator and Prey
Pairing: Psychopath!Jimin x Reader
Genre: yandere au + serial killer au
Summary: You and your friends decide to go on a camping trip that quickly takes a twisted and deadly turn.
Warnings: Yandere content, mentions of blood, murder, kidnapping, graphic violence, strong language, overall dark themes, please read at your own risk
Tumblr media
“Stop being so loud, Chan. You might attract a bear,” you friend, Gia, scolded, smacking the boy next to her with a stick.
“Ow! Geez, okay,” he muttered, standing up from his spot around the fire, “I’m going to go take a leak anyway.”
“Classy,” you piped up, watching happily as your marshmallow slowly turned golden brown over the open flames.
Chan rolled his eyes, turning around and walked away, disappearing amongst the surrounding bushes.
“Gosh, he’s so annoying.”
A small giggle escaped past your lips as you pulled your marshmallow off the stick, “At least he’s entertaining.”
A scoff erupted from her chest while she grabbed herself out some chocolate.
“Who cares,” your other friend, Hyunjin, spoke up, “Just ignore him if he bothers the spoiled princess oh-so much.”
A piece of chocolate went flying across the campfire, ricocheting itself off Hyunjin’s forehead. Almost immediately, the two began bickering back and forth, throwing insults and snide comments each other’s way. Many minutes passed while you sat back silently observing, until a pit of worry started to grow in your stomach. You almost forgot, but nearly ten minutes had passed and Chan still wasn’t back yet.
“Guys,” you hesitantly interrupted, “Do you think we should go find Chan? He’s been gone a long time.”
The two glanced your way, confusion written on their features.
“He’s fine. He’s probably just goofing around,” Hyunjin replied.
“Or he’s lost,” Gia offered, her voice hopeful.
Hyunjin sent her a glare before the sound of a twig snapping caught everyone’s attention. A figure was slowly emerging from the bushes.
“Hey, man,” Hyunjin called out, “Good thing you’re back. Y/n was starting to get worried.”
When the figure finally came into view, Gia let out a horrified gasp. The man wasn’t Chan. In fact, you had no idea who he was. He stood in silence, waiting for someone else to make a move.
Although, it was hard to notice, his hands were fully covered in blood.
“Hey, who the fuck are you? And where’s our friend?”
Hyunjin began hollering out at the intruder, standing up from his seat and taking a couple steps in his direction. The man still didn’t speak. He only cocked his head to the side, his eyes scanning your friends. Suddenly, his gaze shifted to you. A small smirk tugged on his lips. His tongue darted out, running along his bottom lip while staring intently into your eyes.
You felt weak under his stare, almost vulnerable. Whoever this man was, he radiated danger. Your eyes trailed down his body, causing a slight gasp to leave your lips the second you noticed the crimson metallic blade clutched tightly in the stranger’s grip.
“Hey,” Hyunjin shouted again, “Are you listening to me, you fucking creep?”
“S-Stop it, Hyunjin,” you stuttered out, but it was too late.
The man had already lunged himself at your friend, tackling him down to the ground. The knife was then raised over the stranger’s head and plunged deep down into Hyunjin’s chest.
A solid grip formed around your hand as Gia pulled you off the wood log. While dragging you behind her, she dashed off into the woods which circled your campsite. Panic, terror, nausea, and guilt. All those emotions swirled themselves inside your chest.
You struggled to keep up with Gia’s fast pace, especially while dodging various branches, bushes, and trees.
“Gia, stop. Stop!” you yelled out.
She reluctantly listened, stopping all her movements, and whipped around to face you.
“What? What the hell is it?”
“Wh-What about Hyunjin? We can’t just leave him—”
You felt stupid saying for it, but the idea of abandoning your friend, who may still be alive, made you feel worse.
“What about Hyunjin? Y/n, are you serious? He’s dead! Dead! And if we don’t start running, fast, we are going to end up dead too! ..”
Her hollering abruptly stopped as she jolted, her body becoming tense. You watched in fearful concern and she began wavering from side to side, then suddenly dropped face down onto the ground. The black handle of a blade sticking out proudly from her back.
“Last one standing, I see.”
Your head snapped up at the voice. Only a few feet away stood the deranged murderer. Tears began streaming uncontrollably down your cheeks. You gradually backed away, desperately trying to put some distance between you and the psychopath. He walked forward in your direction, only to stop and crouch down next to Gia’s figure.
“P-Please,” you sobbed out, watching as he pulled the knife out from your best friend’s back.
The animalistic man in front of you ignored your sad attempt for mercy, continuing to stalk up to you at an agonizingly slow pace.
Just like a predator when it finally cornered it’s prey ..
The harsh sounds of leaves crunching under his feet filled your ears. Your eyes shifted away from the weapon to actually look over his figure. Scratches, bruises, and cuts littered the visible parts of his skin. The boys must’ve fought hard to get away.
The dark denim of his jeans were torn and caked in mud. Your eyes moved to his white shirt. A crimson red colour splattered itself all around, almost like it was trying to create a sick and twisted design.
The fabric will forever be stained with the blood of your friends.
With every forward step he took, you took two backwards, that is until your back ran into the rough bark of a tree. Using it to his advantage, the man quickly closed the gap between you, stopping only when he was a mere inch away.
The man’s free hand reached out, pushing away rouge strands of hair that fell into your face. You couldn’t help but to flinch at his actions, tears still continuing to pool in the corner of your eyes. Your whole body quaked in fear.
“So innocent,” he murmured, talking more to himself than you.
You could feel the tip of his bloodstained knife make contact with your skin causing you to whimper. A sick smile tugged on his lips at the pathetic sound. He slowly dragged the blade up your thigh, only to stop when he hit the hem of your shorts. The tears threatening to fall finally gave up their bluff and fell down your cheeks.
“So delicate,” he muttered once again.
He pulled the knife away from your thigh, only to press it down against your lower abdomen, keeping you in place.
“Please,” your voice sounded weak, barely even above a whisper, “Don’t k-kill me.”
A dark chuckle escape past his lips as his free hand moved from your hair to your face, tracing his thumb across your lips.
“Kill you? Oh, baby, I’m not going to kill you.”
He leaned down, digging the knife further into your stomach, but made sure not to draw any blood. Or at least not yet. His lips made their way to your ear, lightly grazing over the soft flesh before whispering,
“I’m going to make you my new toy, beautiful. Isn’t that exciting?”
His free hand found its way to your throat, grasping onto it with a painfully tight grip. Your lungs almost immediately began burning for air. Everything in your sight became blurry, then a swarm of black dots began to consume your vision. The sickeningly sweet voice of the man in front of you echoed through your ears, sounding far off in the distance.
“You’re all mine now, babygirl .. I can’t wait to finally have some fun.”
Then your body gave out, collapsing you into the arms of a psychopath.
• • •
// Alright, I didn’t want to make myself or anyone wait for the completion of the fic, so I hammered it out! 🍄 \\
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sin-of-jess · 3 years
This is a basic start, I plan on prettying this up as I add more to my work!  If there’s any mistake’s or errors in the links please let me know so I can fix it!
                                                  Fairy Tail
NSFW-ish scenario-Playfulness
NSFW scenario-Dominating his disobedient/teasing S/O
Lucy Heartfilia
Headcanon- Reacting to Celestial spirits trying to get her and crush together
Headcanon-Flinching in a fight
Headcanon-Finds out crush is afraid of them
Headcanon-Crushing on the same person as Mirajane
Headcanon-Having a shy and sweet S/O
Relationship Headcanons x gender neutral reader
NSFW Headcanons x male reader
Headcanon-Flinching in a fight
Headcanon-Non Mage S/O seeing her magic after Mirajane hides it
Headcanon-Crushing on the same person as Erza
NSFW Headcanons x male reader
Relationship Headcanons x gender neutral reader
Headcanon-Finding out S/O can out drink her
NSFW headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
Headcanon-Overhearing people saying they feel sorry for her S/O 
Relationship headcanons
NSFW headcanons x male reader
NSFW scenario- Cockwarming x male reader
NSFW headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW headcanons x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanon x male reader
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Headcanon x male reader
                                                 My Hero Acadamia
Shouta Aizawa
SFW Scenario-Early mornings
Sero Hanta
NSFW Scenario- Cockwarming x Female Reader
Shoto Todoroki
NSFW Scenario
NSFW Scenario
NSFW Scenario
Mirio Togata
NSFW Scenario
Bakugo Katsuki
NSFW Scenario
Fatgum{Taishiro Toyomitsu}
NSFW Scenario
Hawks(Keigo Takami)
NSFW Scenario
Twice{Jin Bubaigawara}
NSFW Scenario
Tomura Shigaraki
NSFW Scenario
Yayorozu Momo
NSFW Scenario- Car sex x male reader
Pro-Hero Sirius
NSFW Scenario- Giving handjob in public
Fuyumi Todoroki
SFW Scenario- Injured!gender neutral x reader
NSFW Scenario- Rough shower sex x dom! male reader
NSFW Scenario- Mirror Sex x male reader
Himiko Toga
NSFW Scenario- Dom Toga x male reader
Nejire Hado
NSFW Scenario-Mirror sex x dom! male reader
NSFW Scenario- Facesitting x male reader
Mt. Lady
NSFW Scenario- x female reader
Rumi Usagiyama{Mirko}
NSFW Scenario- Touch starved Female x reader
NSFW Scenario- Kirishima-Sero-Kaminari foursome
                                                 Black Clover
Yami Sukehiro
NSFW Scenario
                                                 One Piece
Sanji Vinsmoke
NSFW Scenario- x chubby! Female reader
SFW Scenario- Fluff
Roronoa Zoro
NSFW Scenario
                                                 Fire Force
Benimaru Shinmon
NSFW Scenario
Maki Oze
NSFW Headcanon- x male reader
                                                Demon Slayer
SFW Scenario-Hearing their S/O say I love you for the first time
SFW Scenario-Hearing their S/O say I love you for the first time
SFW Scenario-Hearing their S/O say I love you for the first time
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Scenario- Edging x male reader
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Headcanons
                                              Hunter X Hunter
Illumi Zoldyck
NSFW Scenario
                                              Sk8 to Infinity
SFW Scenario-Fluff
                                              Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
SFW Scenario- Fluff
Nanami Kento
SFW Scenario
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
Anime Masterlist
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:
Hibari Kyoya x Yamamoto Takeshi Dating HCs (fluff)
Tsunayoshi Sawada x Gokudera Hayato [smut]
Stuck in the Wall Kink (Reaper, Michael Myers, Dante, Xanxus) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Hibari, Xanxus)
 Fate Grand Order:
Cu Chulainn:
Vampire HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
General Knight HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn)
Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Yandere HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Mermaid Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Taking Care While Sick HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Command Seal HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Cu Chulainn: K, O, E [smut]
First Time: Lancer x Virgin!Reader (Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Rut HCs (Alpha!Lancer Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Chase that Leads to Swallowing HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn) [vaguely sexual vore]
Yandere HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Stalking, Implied Sexual Violence) {dark}
Accidently Swallowing Master HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Softcore Vore, Swallowing, Slight Body Horror)
Love Letter Event
Vampire HCs (Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Gilgamesh: A, N, H (Harem) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Archer Gilgamesh)
Reader Teasing Gil HCs [teasing, overstimulation]
Unrequited Love HCs (Lancer Diarmuid) {angst}
Diarmuid as an Original Servant HCs
Flower Prompt: Forget-Me-Nots
Alpha HCs [smut]
Hanahaki Syndrome HCs (Implied Body Horror, Blood) {dark}
Helping Through a Depressive Episode HCs (Depression, Depression Episode) {angst}
Soulmate HCs (fluff)
Reader Wanting to Self-Harm HCs (Implied Self Harm, Emotional Struggles) {dark}
Mermaid!Reader x Mermaid!Emiya HCs (fluff)
Dragon!Reader x Emiya HCs (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Karna: F, A, E [smut]
 Antonio Salieri:
Love Letter Event
 Sakata Kintoki:
Keeping Reader Warm (Trapped in Cave) (fluff)
Reader x Kintoki NSFW HCs [smut]
 Arthur Pendragon:
Yandere!Arthur x Reader {dark, implied stalking}
Soft Dom! Arthur x Reader [smut]
Blood Mage!Reader x Arthur HCs
Eyes Like Stars: Oberon x Reader
 Mori Nagayoshi:
Flower Prompt: Queen Anne's Lace
Reader x Shark!Mori Flirting HCs (fluff)
Reader x Mori Praise Kink [smut]
Reader x Werewolf! Mori HCs
Male!Reader x Ozymandias Wooing HCs
Fem!Reader x Service Top!Astolfo [smut]
NSFW HCs [smut]
 Jeanne D’Arc:
First Time HCs
 Saito Hajime:
General Relationship HCs [smut]
 Yamanami Keisuke:
General Relationship HCs [smut]
Love Letter Event
 Okada Izou:
Reader x Yandere!Izou HCs {dark}
 Chevalier d’Eon:
General Relationship HCs [smut]
 Vlad III:
Asking About his Outfit HCs (fluff)
 Calamity Jane:
Love Letter Event
 Saint Georgios:
Love Letter Event
 Brynhildr, Sigurd:
Poly Brynhildr x Reader x Sigurd HCs
Black Cat/Witches (Halloween Prompts): Lancer x Reader x Archer (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh)
General Mermaid HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid)
Poly Lancer x Reader x Archer Relationship HCs (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) [smut]
Type of Lover HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend HCs (Lancers) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend Lancer x Reader x Lancer (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) [smut]
Family Beach Day HCs (Archer Emiya, Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
Colorful Leaves (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Archer Chiron, Rider Achilles)
Fall Festival, Harvest (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Lancer Diarmuid)
General A/B/O HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Billy the Kid, Caster Nitocris, Saber Mordred)
Yandere Servants for Master HCs (Nameless, Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) {dark} [implied smut]
SFW Alphabet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn, Edmond Dantes) (fluff)
Reader who Can't Take a Compliment HCs (light angst, fluff)
Reader Crying During Sex HCs (Oyzmandias, Arjuna, Leonardo Da Vinci) [smut, overstimulation, crying]  
Matching Halloween Costume HCs (Chiron, Achilles) (fluff)
Master Thinking They're a Monster HCs {angst, low self-esteem}
Master is a Drider HCs
Playing Dumb for No Nut November HCs (fluff)
Master Owning a lot of Pet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn) (fluff)
Discovering Merfolk HCs (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Masting Hiding They're a Zombie HCs  
Meeting the Mer Family (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Drider Mating Season HCs (Cu Chulainn x Reader x Diarmuid) [implied smut]
Shrunken!Reader HCs (Moriarty, Ozymandias)
Shrunken!Reader Flirting HCs (Cu Chulainn, Ozymandias)
Poly! Selkie! Cu Chulainn x Reader x Selkie! Diarmuid Comforting HCs
Reader Embarrassed by Praise HCs (Cu Chulainn, Achilles, Proto Arthur)
Reader with Medical Issues HCs (Merlin, Mori Nagayoshi)
Cold Weather (Winter Prompt): Romano x Reader X Spain [smut]
Fuzzy Blankets (Winter Prompt): Germany x Reader x Italy (fluff)
Sledding (Winter Prompt): Itachi x Reader x Kisame (fluff)
Soulmate AU Sasuke x Naruto {angst}
 Hunter x Hunter:
New Year’s Resolution: Leorio x Kurapika [smut]
Reader x Kurapika Picnic Date HCs (fluff)
Reader x Byakuya Aftercare [smut, Dom/Sub]
Reader x Naraku Flower Prompt: Red Fuchsia {dark}
 Sailor Moon:
Male Shapeshifter! Reader x Makoto Kino HCs
Reader x Alucard Rainy Night Part 1 (fluff)
Reader x Alucard Rainy Night Part 2 [smut]
Reader x Alucard After Dracula's Defeat {angst}
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!:
Hibari Kyoya x Yamamoto Takeshi Dating HCs (fluff)
Tsunayoshi Sawada x Gokudera Hayato [smut]
Stuck in the Wall Kink (Reaper, Michael Myers, Dante, Xanxus) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Hibari, Xanxus)
 Fate Grand Order:
Cu Chulainn:
Vampire HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
General Knight HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn)
Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Yandere HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Mermaid Courting HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Taking Care While Sick HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
Command Seal HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Cu Chulainn: K, O, E [smut]
First Time: Lancer x Virgin!Reader (Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Rut HCs (Alpha!Lancer Cu Chulainn) [smut]
Chase that Leads to Swallowing HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn) [vaguely sexual vore]
Yandere HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Stalking, Implied Sexual Violence) {dark}
Accidently Swallowing Master HCs (Lancer, Caster, Proto, Alter Cu) (Softcore Vore, Swallowing, Slight Body Horror)
Vampire HCs (Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Gilgamesh: A, N, H (Harem) [smut]
Mermaid HCs (Archer Gilgamesh)
Reader Teasing Gil HCs [teasing, overstimulation]
Unrequited Love HCs (Lancer Diarmuid) {angst}
Diarmuid as an Original Servant HCs
Flower Prompt: Forget-Me-Nots
Alpha HCs [smut]
Hanahaki Syndrome HCs (Implied Body Horror, Blood) {dark}
Helping Through a Depressive Episode HCs (Depression, Depression Episode) {angst}
Soulmate HCs (fluff)
Reader Wanting to Self-Harm HCs (Implied Self Harm, Emotional Struggles) {dark}
Mermaid!Reader x Mermaid!Emiya HCs (fluff)
Dragon!Reader x Emiya HCs (fluff)
NSFW Alphabet HCs Karna: F, A, E [smut]
 Antonio Salieri:
Love Letter Event
 Sakata Kintoki:
Keeping Reader Warm (Trapped in Cave) (fluff)
 Arthur Pendragon:
Yandere!Arthur x Reader {dark, implied stalking}
Eyes Like Stars: Oberon x Reader
 Mori Nagayoshi:
Flower Prompt: Queen Anne's Lace
Reader x Shark!Mori Flirting HCs (fluff)
Reader x Mori Praise Kink [smut]
Male!Reader x Ozymandias Wooing HCs
Fem!Reader x Service Top!Astolfo [smut]
Black Cat/Witches (Halloween Prompts): Lancer x Reader x Archer (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh)
General Mermaid HCs: Lancer x Reader (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid)
Poly Lancer x Reader x Archer Relationship HCs (Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) [smut]
Type of Lover HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend HCs (Lancers) [smut]
Absolute Boyfriend Lancer x Reader x Lancer (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) [smut]
Family Beach Day HCs (Archer Emiya, Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Gilgamesh) (fluff)
Colorful Leaves (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Archer Chiron, Rider Achilles)
Fall Festival, Harvest (Halloween Prompt) HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Lancer Diarmuid)
General A/B/O HCs (Lancer Cu Chulainn, Archer Billy the Kid, Caster Nitocris, Saber Mordred)
Yandere Servants for Master HCs (Nameless, Cu Chulainn, Gilgamesh) {dark} [implied smut]
SFW Alphabet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn, Edmond Dantes) (fluff)
Reader who Can't Take a Compliment HCs (light angst, fluff)
Reader Crying During Sex HCs (Oyzmandias, Arjuna, Leonardo Da Vinci) [smut, overstimulation, crying]  
Matching Halloween Costume HCs (Chiron, Achilles) (fluff)
Master Thinking They're a Monster HCs {angst, low self-esteem}
Master is a Drider HCs
Playing Dumb for No Nut November HCs (fluff)
Master Owning a lot of Pet HCs (Gilgamesh, Cu Chulainn) (fluff)
Discovering Merfolk HCs (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Masting Hiding They're a Zombie HCs  
Meeting the Mer Family (Cu Chulainn, Diarmuid) (fluff)
Drider Mating Season HCs (Cu Chulainn x Reader x Diarmuid) [implied smut]
Shrunken!Reader HCs (Moriarty, Ozymandias)
Shrunken!Reader Flirting HCs (Cu Chulainn, Ozymandias)
Poly! Selkie! Cu Chulainn x Reader x Selkie! Diarmuid Comforting HCs
Reader Embarrassed by Praise HCs (Cu Chulainn, Achilles, Proto Arthur)
Cold Weather (Winter Prompt): Romano x Reader X Spain [smut]
Fuzzy Blankets (Winter Prompt): Germany x Reader x Italy (fluff)
Sledding (Winter Prompt): Itachi x Reader x Kisame (fluff)
Soulmate AU Sasuke x Naruto {angst}
 Hunter x Hunter:
New Year’s Resolution: Leorio x Kurapika [smut]
Reader x Kurapika Picnic Date HCs (fluff)
Reader x Byakuya Aftercare [smut, Dom/Sub]
Reader x Naraku Flower Prompt: Red Fuchsia {dark}
Reader x Alucard Part 1 (fluff)
Reader x Alucard Part 2 [smut]
112 notes · View notes
dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Leaving Him, Finding Her
Professor! Aizawa Shouta x Fem! Student! Reader
College AU
***18+ Fic***
If you are not 18 please make your way to the nearest exit, thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.
Warnings: smutty smut, HEAVY DADDY KINK, DD/LG dynamic, Daddy Dom Aizawa, complete sub reader, a temporary collar cuz I have a thing for collars (don’t come @ me, a real collar was too big a commitment to put in a forbidden hookup), praise kink in here, light oral (female receiving), bondage, shibari, unprotected sex, Aizawa being softer than a baby’s bottom, angst, fluff
Word count: 4.6 k
Author’s Note: Alright, ngl I cried writing the end to this cause I’m a little bitch when it comes to the softness after angst. Like, the only thing that makes me cry more than a sad ending is a happy one, and writing these scenes as they pley out is making me absolutely fucking weak. Also, my daddy and praise kinks are beaming, and so is my absolute love for aftercare. I’m lowkey super proud of this one, I’m a sucker for soft doms. 
Update: I'm editing it. Timestamp: 3:23 am Fri, May 14. (Very minimal) Editing completed: 4:20 am Fri, May 14.
Enjoy the read~
He's beautiful. Ruggedly handsome in every way. Long, wavy, raven locks pulled into a slightly messy bun, revealing the scruff kept just barely tame on his strong jawline and chin. The dark circles under obsidian bloodshot eyes did nothing to steal from his allure. The scar under his eye and a frame too muscular for a simple college professor made you wonder what he’d done before lecturing in your physics class. It also had you wondering other things.
What exactly did all that muscle look like? What did it feel like? Running your fingers down his neck and chest, trailing down his abdomen. Or crawling your hands up his legs, caressing his thick, muscled thighs. At night your thoughts ran rampant with images of your physics professor. A very naked professor, to be specific. And you had a title for him that you’d never want to reveal outside of your dorm bedroom.
‘Miss (y/l/n)’
What did he look like under the white dress shirt that was just slightly tight over his chest? And his pants that were fitted perfectly around his thick legs. You're experienced enough to know how submissive you are, and you wonder if he’d be a good dom, wonder if you could be a good enough sub for him. What did it feel like to have him bend you over his desk? Or tie you up as he ravaged your body? What did it feel like to let him have his way with you, to give him control…
“Miss (y/l/n)!”
You jump, immediately snapped back to reality, and recognize who had called your name. Your words came tumbling out without a second thought.
“Yes da-” you catch yourself, “Mr. Aizawa!... Yes, Mr. Aizawa?” Your face burned and your eyes shot wide at the fact that you’d nearly just called him the title from your fantasies. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice, and neither did any of your other classmates.
“If you aren’t paying attention perhaps the material is not challenging enough for you?” You swallow and shake your head.
“No, sir! I’m just a little tired, that’s all! I’ll be more attentive.” He raises an eyebrow at you, clearly unconvinced.
“This isn’t the first time you’ve been distracted during class. See me during office hours.”
With that he continued with the lecture on centripetal force. You groan inwardly, though you only have yourself to blame.
Your grades hadn’t slipped, even if you were zoning out in class. Mr. Aizawa hit the nail on the head when he asked if the material wasn’t difficult enough for you. You’d studied physics before, it was simple for you, and you only needed to ask for notes from your classmates to be sure you did the work the way your professor wanted it to be done. The only reason you’d been enrolled in the class was because it was a requirement, and it was your last year so you had to take it. If it weren’t for your smoking hot professor you’d have hated every second you needed to sit in the lecture hall. He released the class, and you quickly packed up and left, not seeing the darkness in your professor’s eyes as he watched you leave.
It's dark by the time you still back onto campus, Mr. Aizawa’s office hours are strangely extremely late. There's no movement in the dark hallways, the only light coming from underneath Mr. Aizawa’s office door as you approach. The fact that the institution is large enough to give every teacher their own office is beginning to bother you, your overactive imagination getting the better of you.
After a breath, you knock lightly, answered by a muffled, 'Come in'. Another breath. You twist the handle and step into the office, and the man mumbles, 'Close the door behind you please'. You oblige, though your heart is beating out of your chest.
“You wanted to see me, professor?” He hums, eyes flicking up to you as he sets a red pen down on the desk.
“Yes, miss (y/l/n). You haven’t been paying attention in my lectures.” You look down at your hands clasped in front of you, nerves and shame beginning to eat at your resolve.
“I apologize, I’ve been tired lately,” you lie, sticking with your story from earlier.
“And yet you have one of the highest grades in the class.” You keep your eyes glued to your hands, which are now fidgeting nervously. The silence is beginning to nag at your mind, your nerves buzzing.
“I think you’re lying to me.” Your eyes widen momentarily, then you force a confused expression as you look up at your professor.
“I’m not sure what you mean…” He leans forward in his chair, his elbows holding his weight on his desk.
“I mean I think you’re distracted for other reasons. If you were struggling to sleep it would be evident. I’m a prime example,” he motions to his face. You bite the inside of your lip, your heart thumping loud in your ears.
“W-what other reasons would I be distracted?” He stands up and slowly makes his way around his desk, stopping mere inches in front of you. The close proximity has your breath shallowing and your heart pounding. You keep your eyes locked onto his, something akin to fear - no, maybe it's closer to obedience - not letting you look away. He narrows his eyes at you, a skeptical but knowing look.
“Don’t think I didn’t catch that little title you let slip in class earlier.” Your eyes blow wide, your breath hitching in your throat. He walked to the door, locked it and walked back to you, his hands shoved in his pockets.
“I d-don’t…” Your words fall short when he leans down, his breath hot on your ear and neck.
“Don’t lie. What was it you almost called me?” Your body shook, your breaths jagged, but you don't answer. At your silence, he nearly growled in your ear. His left arm snakes around your waist, pulling your body into his. His right hand comes up under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.
“Answer me, kitten.” The commanding tone of his voice sends shivers down your spine. You take a small breath before closing your eyes and answering.
“D-daddy. I...almost called you daddy.” He hums, the sound rumbling through your body.
“Open your eyes. Look at me.” You obey nearly instantly, swallowing as you meet his gaze. He let out a small sigh, words ghosted from his lips.
“Good girl.” The praise makes your entire body shudder, and a small smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
“Now, tell me why you would call your professor ‘daddy’ so automatically.” You felt your face burn, a mix of embarrassment and arousal coursing through your veins.
“I… I think about you… at night…” He tilts his head and quirks a brow, urging you to continue. Your voice is shaky, your eyes struggling to keep eye contact as you reveal your darkest secrets to the man at the center of them.
“I call you daddy when I’m alone in bed…”
“Or when you’re in the middle of a lecture.” You bite your bottom lip and nod as he finishes your sentence.
“Such a naughty little girl, aren’t you. What should you say when you do something wrong?” You swallow thickly, your voice barely above a whisper.
“I’m sorry.” His hand under your jaw turns and grips it hard, just enough to make you wince.
“I’m sorry, what?” Your eyes widen and your jaw quivers. Is he asking what you think he is?
“I-I’m sorry… Daddy." His grip on your jaw loosens as he turns your face to the side, leaning in and leaving a kiss under your ear.
“That's right. Such a good girl.” Your body shakes again, the feeling of his scruff on your cheek, his lips on your skin, and his voice in your ear, making your body react on its own.
“Do you have classes tomorrow, kitten?” You search your brain for the information he’s asking for, closing your eyes in concentration. After a few moments, you find the answer.
“N-no…” He pulls completely away from you, moving behind his desk and leaving you dazed. You watch, your body still recovering from whatever just happened, as he gathers his belongings. He holds the door open, turning to you.
“Come now kitten.” You blink at him, your mind trying to make sense of the situation. You follow him anyway, letting your body move on its own.
He’s a few steps ahead of you, and you follow him as he walks to his car, opening the passenger door. You get in, not quite able to question what’s happening, but trusting the man regardless. Soon the car pulls into a driveway, and you get out and follow the black haired man into the house, still dazed. His voice brings your attention to him, his hand under your chin again.
“Do you want this, kitten?” You nod.
“Use your voice, pretty girl.” God, hearing the praise is making your head spin.
“Yes. I want you Daddy.” His thumb strokes your cheek idly, grounding you in the moment.
“Good girl. Do you know what a safeword is?” You nod, the concept is more than familiar.
“Yes Daddy.”
“Do you have one?” Another nod.
“Gemini.” His hand lifts your chin gently as he leans down and slots his lips against yours. Your body relaxes, sinking into the kiss, focused on the sensations of his touch. His lips are soft, gentle, and his hands smooth down your back, landing on your hips.
He separates from you, looking down at your half-lidded eyes and blissed out state. You're already slipping into subspace. Your mind is floating, wanting to zero in on something. Anything. Your eyes aren’t quite focused, searching Aizawa’s face for a focal point. He recognizes that look. You need a platform to stand on, an anchor, and you need it desperately. He grabs your wrist and pulls you along behind him. He reaches into his bedside drawer and pulls out a small, but sturdy, black fabric choker. A play collar. Moving behind you, he loops it around you and clasped it at the back of your neck. When it's secure, he quickly moves in front of you and loops his finger under the material, giving a gentle tug. You shudder and take a deep breath, your eyes fluttering closed. It was enough. He hums, stroking your cheek gently.
“Is that better kitty?” You open your eyes to look up into his, and he swears there are hearts shining in them.
“Yes. Thank you daddy.” He pulls you into another kiss, this one more passionate. When his tongue licked at your lips you let your mouth fall open, his tongue searching the wet cavern fervently. He pulls away and tugs your sweater up over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room, doing the same with your bra. With your top half bare he pushes you backward until your knees hit the bed and you fall onto it. He leans over you, leaving soft kisses along your collarbones as he removes your jeans and panties.
Completely naked, he lets his eyes rake over your form laid out in front of him. A small, elated sigh rolls from his lips.
“So pretty, kitten.” Your eyes flutter closed from the praise.
“Thank you Daddy.” Aizawa groans and leans down to kiss and lick at your neck, letting his hands smooth over your hips and legs.
“Such a good girl. So obedient for Daddy.” He feels your body shiver beneath his fingers from that bit of praise. Getting up off the bed he reaches into a different drawer, pulling out three bundles of rope. Turning back to you, he gives a command.
“Middle of the bed, kitten. On your back, arms up.” At the order, you move, getting into the position he specified. 
He crawls over and begins to tie your wrists to the bar at the headboard, the rope secure, but not too tight to be uncomfortable. When he’s done with your wrists, he moves down to your legs. One by one, he lifts them and bends them at the knee, tying your ankle to your upper thigh, and spiraling the rope up to your knee, tying knots down one side and up the other in a beautiful leg tie. Finished with his task, he leans back to admire his work. You’re nearly purring. You know how much you love being restrained, and this man had made you into an artwork, laying out for his eyes, completely at his mercy. He can see the doe-eyes you're giving him, see how still you're being, how trusting you are of him to take care of you. And he loves it.
He moves between your legs, you automatically spread them to give him room, and he leans over, whispering against your lips.
“Such a good girl for me,” before giving you a soft kiss.
“Stay still for me, pretty thing.” He gets off the bed and swiftly undresses, returning to you. You sigh out, elated as your eyes trace down his toned body, drinking in the sight of thick corded muscle rippling under scarred skin. Your gaze lands on his already erect member, thick and long, a prominent vein running underneath. You’d imagined what he could look like, but reality far outshone your imagination. The sheer awe shone through in your voice.
“You’re beautiful.” His eyebrows raise slightly, surprised at your words. Leaning down, he kisses your neck sweetly.
“Thank you kitten. Now let me take care of you.” Back between your legs, he sits on his knees and kneads your breasts in his hands, pulling and tweaking your already hardened nipples, making you mewl. Your skin feels hot at his touch, your body relishing in the pleasure his fingers give you. He leans down and takes a bud into his mouth, swirling his tongue and sucking it before pulling off with a small pop and moving to the other, giving it the same treatment. Rough hands grope and knead down your body, giving appreciative squeezes at your hips, before smoothing his palms down your pelvis. He sits back on his heels and gazes at your glistening pussy, already dripping with arousal. Swiping a finger up your slit, he gathers the slick there and brings it up to his lips, sucking your juices off his finger with a groan.
“You taste so sweet kitty.” You respond with a mewl and another ‘thank you’. He takes his finger and slides it into your heat, and you sigh at the sensation as he pumps it slowly, before adding a second finger. The stretch is wonderful, and he begins to curl and scissor his fingers, searching. You let out a small moan and your back arches slightly off the bed when his fingers curl and hit that spongy spot inside you.
“There it is. Does that feel good kitty?” You nod, floating on bliss.
“Yes, Daddy, it feels good.” He hums and returns his attention back to the task at hand, increasing his pace as he pumps his fingers. His other hand comes up to your pelvis, and his mouth latches onto your clit. The stimulation has you gasping and squirming under his ministrations, and the hand on your pelvis holds you still.
He slips his fingers out and holds them to your lips, and you open your mouth to suck your essence off of them.
You can feel the coil in your belly tighten, winding up as Aizawa hits all the right spots inside you that has you softly moaning and straining against your bindings. Your wet walls are fluttering around his fingers, his tongue lashing at your puffy nub.
“I can feel you. Cum for me kitty.” He reattaches his mouth to your clit and sucks harshly, his fingers digging into that soft patch inside you, and your walls clamp down as you come apart, the muscles in your abdomen tensing and arching your back off the bed. Aizawa releases your clit, but keeps pumping his fingers, letting you ride out your high.
“Such a good girl, kitty.” He pulls your hips up onto his knees as he rubs his painfully hard cock up and down your core, gathering the slick on his shaft. You desperately want to feel him inside you, but you still yourself and hold back your begging mewls. Your resilience and need to be obedient and good for him makes Aizawa groan.
“I want to hear you, kitten. Every sound you need to make, I want to hear it.” He lines himself up with your slicked hole as you nod. With that he pushes his cock into you, and you mewl out at the delicious stretch he’s giving you. You’re both panting as he bottoms out inside you and holds still, allowing you to adjust to him.
“You’re so tight babygirl. Feels so good inside you.” He grips your hips and begins a slow pace, grinding into you, making you moan and squirm, but it’s not enough.
“Please Daddy, harder, please.” The near growl that escapes him has you reeling.
“Since you asked so nicely, kitten.” He pulls out almost completely before slamming into you and setting a brutal pace, and you’re moaning out loud, your voice a sinful melody in Aizawa’s ears. Your limbs are struggling against the restraints, tugging and flexing hard. Before you know it, that coil is tightening again, pulling taut in the pit of your stomach, searing white hot pleasure pooling like magma. Your walls are fluttering again, and Aizawa reaches down to rub tight circles onto your clit, urging you to come undone. He’s pounding into you with reckless abandon, and as you feel yourself coming to that edge his hips begin to stutter, making known he’s close too. He angles his hips and ruts into you, hitting your g-spot mercilessly, and you’re pushed off the edge, moaning loud, toes curling, cumming hard and clamping down on his cock. A few more strokes, and he pulls out as he’s cumming, covering your chest and belly in his hot, thick cum. 
You’re both panting as you come down from your highs, exhausted and spent. After a few minutes, Aizawa gets up and disappears behind a door, returning with a damp washcloth. He cleans his cum off of you and tosses the cloth into a hamper, before beginning to untie your legs. Once they’re both free, he slowly pulls them out and massages them, relieving the slightly cramped muscles, and you’re sighing gratefully as the tension in your body is released. He does the same with your arms as you lay there, your body weak. When he’s done, he puts a palm on your cheek, and you nuzzle into his touch, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
“How are you feeling kitty?” You let the tears fall, the intensity of the night beginning to take a toll on your mind. He pulls your body into him, cradling you as you cry quietly, letting you ride out the emotions.
He rocks you in his arms, rubbing soothing circles into your back and whispering praises into your ear, until your cries subside into small hiccups. He leans back and looks down at you, nuzzling into his chest.
“You okay, (y/n)?” You nod and take deep breaths, relaxing in his arms.
“I’m okay. Thank you.” He hums and lifts you off the bed, carrying you into the bathroom. He plugs the drain and turns the handle, letting the tub fill with warm water. As it fills, he holds you close and places soft kisses on your face and lips, showering you with affection. When the tub is full he turns off the tap and sinks down into the water, your back to his chest, and the warm water soothes your aching body. Aizawa grabs the soap and washes you, massaging you as he goes. He scrubs shampoo into your hair, fingers massaging into your scalp making you hum appreciatively. He washes himself, then drains the tub and turns on the shower head to rinse the both of you. 
When you’re all rinsed, he steps out and dries himself with a towel, before helping you out and wrapping you with a fluffy towel of your own. Dried off, you leave the towel on the counter, and Aizawa scoops you up again and lays you down on the bed. He disappears again for a minute, and reappears with a glass of ice water, giving it to you to drink and climbing into bed.
When you finish sipping at the water, you leave it on the bedside table. Before you can move to get your clothes back on, Aizawa pulls you back into his chest, spooning you with his warm body.
“Sleep,” he grunts into your ear. You're too tired to argue, so you relax in his hold and let the blackness take over your mind.
You wake up in your professor’s arms. You turn to look at him, admiring his sleeping face. His voice startles you.
“It’s not very polite to stare.” Your face heats a little and you look away, suddenly shy.
“S-sorry.” He pulls you closer, nuzzling into your neck.
“It’s alright.” You sigh at the realization that this is going to end, that it has to end. You can’t share a bed with this man while you're his student, it could ruin both of you, moreso him. So you begin to move out of his arms, but he holds you tighter.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You sigh, a tired, sad sound.
“This can’t continue, Mr. - ”
“Shouta.” You blink.
“What?” He grunts, clearly unbothered.
“Call me Shouta.” You swallow down the lump in your throat.
“Shouta...this…can’t become a thing. You know that.” You can feel his breath on your neck as he sighs, and he releases you from his hold. Silently, you dress yourself. You dare to take a look back at him before you leave.
“Thank you, Shouta. I wish things were a little bit different.” He nods, whether in agreement or understanding you aren't sure.
“I’ll see you in class in a few days, (y/n).” You give a soft smile, and leave.
The few months before graduation were agonizing. Having to see Shouta three times a week drove you absolutely mad, and when you finally graduated you were almost happy that you didn’t have to see him again. But it was just as painful not seeing him. Your mind was riddled with the dark haired man for months after graduating. You’d lay awake at night wondering if you made the right choice, wondering if somehow you two could have met more often and kept the rendezvous a secret. Often you found yourself letting a few stray tears fall, wishing you’d been able to stay in bed with Shouta longer that morning. You were miserable. And you knew it was because even if the only intimacy you’d shared was the best sex you ever had, you had fallen madly, hilariously in love with your college physics professor.
Shouta stared up at his ceiling for what felt like the millionth time. His mind is on you. Always you. After you graduated, he knew he’d never see you again. And it killed him. Nearly 6 months had gone by, and he's still stuck on you, on your body. On your obedience. On your beautiful face sitting in his lecture hall. He’d seen you on the first day, and he was entranced by you nearly instantly. You were extremely smart, and he loved that. But he was a professional, a professor. Your professor. And you were his student. So he buried that attraction he felt and made sure to never let you see how much he wanted you. He only noticed you dazing off during class because he’d glance at you more often than he’d like to admit. He let it go, simply because your grades remained high. But that day he just happened to ask the class a question, and when nobody answered, he went to you because he knew how intelligent you were.
But when your words slipped from your mouth, something in him snapped. He knew there were very few explanations for you to use that title, all of them being you were thinking of someone using it. And by the near instant speed of your response, he could guess who was on your mind. That night was pure bliss. He loved every moment, and never regretted it. Even as you thanked him and walked out of his house, even knowing he may never get to spend another night with you, he didn’t regret anything. He let you walk away because that was the best thing to do. After you graduated, he could approach you again, and he’d get you back. But he couldn’t find you. 
In the time since graduation he’d told his best friend and fellow professor Hizashi Yamada about the complex situation. Hizashi felt for him, knowing when Shouta fell, he fell hard, and the situation is a bad one. He was never judgemental, as he’d had his fair share of forbidden romances. The blonde would visit him in class often, bringing a fresh cup of coffee for his sulking friend. The loss was affecting him more than he liked to admit, and his sleeping habits were bad enough as it is. Hizashi’s visits were always welcome, and a nice distraction, even if they were short. But he was still hooked on you.
He's sick of feeling so defeated. He's tired of feeling so lovesick. He needs a distraction. He needs coffee. He got up and showered, and got ready to drive to the nearest cafe a mile down the road. As he stood in line to order his coffee, he let his eyes wander the cafe, drinking in the soft pastel colors on the walls. It reminds him of you. You’d always wear pastel sweaters. Once again, his mind drifted and landed on you. 
And so did his eyes.
You had a day off work today. Deciding you didn’t want to sit around the house and sulk like you usually do, you took a shower, got dressed, grabbed your keys, wallet, phone, and a book to read, and headed to the cafe on the corner two blocks from your apartment. Sitting in the plush seat of the booth with your hot mocha latte, you cracked the book open and dove in. You got lost in the words on the pages, your mind living in the adventure written in black ink. You were ripped from your imagination when a deep voice interrupted you.
“Do you mind if I join you, kitten?” Your eyes froze on the page, jaw clenched, heart beating out of your chest. You tore your eyes from the book and looked up at none other than Shouta Aizawa. 
You haven’t seen him in almost 6 months, and the man still plagued your thoughts. But the sheer joy you felt seeing him overtook you as tears fell from your eyes. Not even a moment later, you leapt from your seat and threw your arms around his shoulders. He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you tight, afraid you’d slip from him again. You cry softly into his shoulder, letting yourself enjoy the moment with the man you know you love. You can’t help the words coming out of your mouth.
“I missed you so much, Shouta. I couldn’t stand not seeing you.” Somehow, he holds you tighter.
“I missed you too, kitten.” He reaches a hand up to pet your hair as he leans back, his dark eyes peering deep into your own.
“I’m here now. And you’re not my student anymore. So if you’d let me, I’d like to take you on a date.”
You freeze in place and look up at him, shocked at what you're hearing. You don’t know if he loves you the way you do him, but in this moment you know he has very real feelings for you. Like it's instinct, you lean in and kiss him passionately, letting your tears wash away the pain you felt ever since you left him that morning. When you broke away you were both breathless, and you nod your head frantically.
“I’d love to go on a date with you Shouta.” A genuine smile spreads across his face, a clear show of his happiness.
“Would you like to come back to my place?” You nod again, and grab your book and phone and follow him out to his car.
This time, you had no reason to leave.
This time, he had no reason to let you go.
This time, you’d stay.
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laurensprentiss · 3 years
Jouska [Hotch x Reader]
Chapter 14:
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Gif credit: @dudeitiskarev
Warnings: None really, minor mentions of injuries, major trauma bonding, Emily and reader are true soulmates, Hotch drops a bombshell.
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” - Laurell K. Hamilton
Relief is a strange thing. 
Hotch has been by your bedside for the two days you’ve been in the hospital recovering from your injuries. He switches periodically between your room and Emily’s, checking in, grabbing a stale cup of coffee and stuffing himself into a chair that’s much too small. He’d met Ambassador Prentiss on the night you’d been brought into the hospital, all hard lines and pointy corners packed into her petite, perfectly postured frame. 
Emily looks unsettlingly like her, he thinks. Just warmer. 
It was Elizabeth who’d finally managed to get a hold of your father in the early hours after you’d been brought in, after which he’d ordered the plane to be turned around immediately. He’d narrowly escaped his fate too. Unbeknownst to him, Jordan had arranged for somebody to have him taken care of as well.
He was debriefed on his way to the hospital, convoy in tow and had taken the time to handle his emotions en route. A few stray tears had rolled down his cheek when he’d seen you, the angry bruising on your face piercing his chest. 
He’d spoken with Elizabeth then, hushed voices that agreed to finally take care of this. 
“It’s the Fitzgerald boy?” He’d asked Hotch. 
“Yes, Sir. He’s in our custody at HQ. Senator Fitzgerald is waiting to see him.” 
“I think maybe we should pay them both a visit.” Your father had said evenly. 
It’s the most stoic Hotch had ever seen him and it was entirely unsettling. Hotch had always known him as a powerful man, but he was kind, affable, humble. He could see now the side to him that he hadn’t before, the side that controlled DC, pulled strings and cashed in favours and had a powerful, reputational political standing. 
He’d take care of it. 
And he had. 
Calls had been made to law firms - now any lawyer who valued their career refused to take on the case, despite Senator Fitzgerald’s own old-money influence. A public defender would try to get him out on bail the following day but a well-placed call to Chief Justice Archibald and the DA would ensure that wouldn’t happen. 
A seething threat delivered in your father’s expert, neutral and unwavering tone had been made to the Senator himself when he’d tried to cash in his own favours. That had sealed the fate for the Senator, his son and his legacy. 
“Try something like that again, Senator, and I won’t need my security to take care of you. After you let your dog off his leash, after what your boy did to my daughter - I’ll make sure you’re done here. Forever.” 
In the meanwhile, Hotch studies the marbling bruises on your face, the stitches above your eyebrow, remnants of your harrowing ordeal. He watches you exhale in short shallow breaths, slipping in and out of sleep but frowns when a stray strand of hair obscures your face. He reaches out and moves it gently, his finger brushing the jagged skin of your cheek. 
His breath hitches. 
He’s now developed a sort of tic, runs his fingers over the cool gold of your pendant that he still has a hold of, finds it’s the only thing that’ll fight off thoughts of a very possible different ending. He keeps reminding himself he needs to return it to you as soon as he can - can’t promise he’ll want to part with it, though. 
Relief is a strange thing. 
You’re alive and recovering but would anything alleviate the guilt that’s settled in his chest? He doesn’t think so.
Guilt that he’d allowed for Jordan to get close enough, that he hadn’t worked it out sooner. Guilt that his increasing involvement with you was what drove Jordan’s obsession to such a point. He still has to fight the thoughts in his head, all what ifs and imagine ifs, the only thing that grounds him now is the fact that you’re here. 
Safe and sound. 
He succumbs to his sleep with the intention of telling you that. 
You eventually wake up in the sterile hospital room, the sounds of the various machines you’re hooked up to annoyingly monotonous. As you blink your eyes open, you slowly become accustomed to the daylight outside, the reality of the past however many days settling in. 
Your eyes fall to the 6’2 man curled into a chair next to your bed. His arm rests on his forehead, small breaths escaping his mouth. You stir just slightly, exceedingly careful not to wake him but he jolts awake at the sound of the sheets rustling anyway. 
“You’re awake.” He whispers, blinking his eyes open. He immediately places a gentle, reassuring hand over yours. 
You chuckle, wincing a little from the pain in your ribs. “Hi.” You whisper with a smile. 
“Hi.” He replies with glassy eyes. “It’s good to have you back.” He says, fondly. “How do you feel?” 
“Sore.” Your voice is hoarse. “How long’s it been?”
“Two days. They sedated you to make sure there was no swelling in your brain from the accident after you passed out. You’ve got some bruised ribs and your face needed some stitches, but you’re going to be okay.” His voice is barely above a whisper. “Listen, I have some news.” He pauses, not sure how to phrase the rest.
You feel like you’re missing a limb, a sore pull at your chest when you remember Jordan’s words. He’d killed the two most important people in your life. 
“Yeah. They’re dead.” You whisper. 
His eyes widen in alarm and he takes a seat on the bed next to your legs, a reassuring hand on your shin. “What? Who?”
You fight the tears pricking your eyes and the heaviness in your chest. “My father. Emily.”
“What? No. No, no! They’re both alive.” He cups your face gently. 
“-But he told me…” 
“He tried to kill Emily after the accident. Your dad… he had the plane turned around before he got to Paris. Emily was in pretty bad shape after the accident, but she’s in recovery - they’re absolutely fine. The rest I’ll tell you another day.”  
It’s like the feeling returns to your chest. Your tears spill over. “They’re really okay?” You reach for his hand that cups your cheek. 
He nods. “And so are you.” He delicately wipes a stray tear off your cheek, a small chuckle escaping his lips. He soothes you quietly but his face lights up, an idea seemingly occurring to him. 
He shoots up from his chair to head outside. He holds out a finger, “I’ll be right back.” He says from the door. 
He returns around ten minutes later, with McCall in tow and the tension and turmoil of the last week all but melts away when he wheels in Emily, your dad following behind. Two security guards stand watch at the doors. 
You immediately sit up in your bed, letting out a shaky laugh, in disbelief that you’re all really okay. The state of Emily’s face throws you off first, angry hues of blue, purple and red bleed into each other, stitches and scars adorn her face and she’s sporting a neck stabiliser. A nasty gash on her lip and cheek make it hard for her to smile fully but she still squeals when she sees you. 
Your father almost crushes you in his embrace, quickly retreating when you wince but you laugh them both off, reaching for their hands. Your desire to hold them close is just as much affection as it is to make sure they wouldn’t dissipate as a figment of your imagination. 
The sure enough contact is something that you would’ve ordinarily taken for granted, but this time, it almost reduces you to tears. You silently thank Hotch who gives you some privacy and waits outside. He does keep you in his eye line though, watching you fondly from the glass on the other side. 
McCall pointedly clears his throat next to Hotch causing him to snap out of his stupor. “You know we can see you?” 
“I’m sorry?”
“You’re staring, Aaron.” 
Hotch rolls his eyes in response and wanders over to the coffee machine at the end of the hall, McCall trailing behind him. He hands McCall a piping styrofoam cup, taking one for himself, immersing himself in trying to cool the hot liquid but McCall sees right through him.
“Aaron. You remember what I told you the day we went to the Fitzgerald house?”
“If it wasn’t clear to you then, it must be now. You don’t spend two days squashed into a stiff chair for an assignment. I saw the look on your face when you saw the wreck, I see the way you hold her.”
Hotch says nothing, just stares into his reflection in the black coffee. 
He places a sturdy hand on his shoulder. “Everyone can.” 
It’s true. 
Everybody can. 
While Hotch had spent the best part of the last two days by your bedside, McCall had been by Emily’s side, striking up an unlikely friendship. Topics change, things are said, speculations are made, and within it all, the topic of you and Hotch has come up several times. 
Emily had never been one to sugarcoat things, neither had McCall. Both of them had a degree of distance, and could see what neither of you could. 
“It’s now or never, man.” McCall tells him with a pat on his shoulder. 
You’d waved your dad out of the room after 45 minutes, his incessant yawning revealing his fatigue. He’d objected, of course, but after some persuasion from you and Emily, he’d said goodbye with a kiss atop both of your heads. 
Your father isn’t even out of earshot before Emily wheels herself in closer to you, a wry grin spreading on her face in spite of her split lip. 
“So,” she whispers, rubbing her hands together. “Tell me!”
You frown in confusion. “Tell you what?” 
She rolls her eyes. “You! And Hotch. Did you guys talk?” 
You use your hands to sign between the two of you. “Well, I don’t really know if you noticed, but I haven’t really had a lot of time to figure out crushes.” 
“So you admit it? You have a crush on him?” She cackles.
“Emily, for God’s sake. Stop. You’re incorrigible. Shouldn’t you be focused on yourself, didn't you, like, break your neck?”
“No, it’s a soft tissue injury-”
“For now.” You warn her. 
“You’re not funny. But seriously, have you given any more thought to what we talked about?”
“Emily, I will wheel you out of this room myself.”  
“Answer the question!” 
You had. 
It was one of the only things that had occupied your brain when you were stuck in that cabin. You still feel the effects of the grief you’d felt when you’d thought you’d lost him deep in your chest. Like a lingering ache. The regret was all-consuming, regret that you’d never been able to figure out what you felt for him while he was still around. Regret that you’d never been able to tell him. 
You’ve been given a second chance, you’d be an idiot not to take it, right? The feeling had been so chilling, you’d sworn in that moment you’d never put yourself in a position like that again. But fear and vulnerability still play a part in your decision. 
“Hey!” She snaps her fingers in your face with her good arm. Her eyes soften though, when she sees the faraway look on your face. “Oh, honey.” She takes your hand and takes a cursory glance around the room before turning back to you. “For what it’s worth - I think it’s a really good idea. You. Hotch.” 
You shake your head dismissively but she grips your hand tighter in spite of her injuries. 
“Really. I know you don’t see it, but he’d do anything for you, he killed that dirty cop y’know? You should’ve seen what a wreck he was after the crash, I made him promise he’d find you.” Her voice turns thick.
“You did?”
“Yeah. It wasn't fair to him at all, I never should’ve put him in that position. But he stayed with me when they brought me in, he thought I was asleep but I was watching him. He was distraught when he thought he’d lost you.”
That sparks something in you, a kind of warmth that spreads. It’s heady. 
“I don’t know, Em. What do I even say?”
“Doesn’t matter. Just matters that you say it. And quick. You need to tell him before he leaves for good.”
That stings. You hadn’t even thought about that. You’d been so used to having him around and him being a part of your daily routine, you hadn’t really thought about him not being a part of your life anymore. 
This was an assignment and it was over. You could just as easily part ways with the hope that you’ll forget him and the effect he had on you. That you’ll eventually stop thinking about him but there’s something in you that tells you he’ll linger deep in your soul long after you part ways. 
“I’ll think about it.” You whisper. 
“Red or green?” He holds up two Jell-O pots, one red and one green. 
“Red.” You sigh.
“Damn.” He mutters under his breath with a laugh. He takes his assigned seat next to you, handing you a spoon and pulling your table out in the process. He winces when he sits, digging two fingers into his back, just under his ribs. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Ah it’s nothing, I think I’m a little sore.” 
Shit. You’d been so caught up in your own thoughts you hadn’t even realised he’d been sitting there in that tiny seat, squashed together for the past two days. 
“I’m sorry. You have to squash yourself into that seat for me.”
“I’m not.” He says, almost instinctively. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” 
You both sit in silence for a moment, contemplating both of your earlier revelations. 
He breaks the silence first. “Well, I guess I should probably debrief you on the details-” He turns to catch you staring at him, a faraway look on your face. He frowns, “Hey. You okay?” 
“What? Oh yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, continue.” 
And that’s when he takes you through the night you were taken. He recalls how he came home after visiting Jordan when McCall called him to give him the news. He tells you that two of the cops that were on duty were killed in the crash and that Lawrence was Jordan’s inside man. He takes you through every harrowing detail from finding Emily barely conscious to being shot at, to finally finding you. 
Emily was right, the anxiety is etched on his face as though he’s reliving it. 
But there’s still something you don’t understand.
“How did you know it was Jordan?” You ask him. 
He sucks in a breath, eyes darkening for just a moment. “It’s complicated.”
“I think I deserve to know. Don’t you?” 
He clenches his jaw, the anger still fresh. It’s the strangest thing though, he’s not as angry about being cheated on as he is about the fact that it put you in danger. 
He inhales sharply. “Haley.”
“You know?” He asks, alarmed.
“He told me when I was in that place. That he’d used her for information.” 
He averts his gaze, running a hand over his beard. “Yeah. Remember a couple of months ago when I told you we were having problems - the day I took you to the firing range for the first time?” You nod. “Well, that was the day she decided that she’d had enough, and she left. For two weeks.”
The same two weeks he’d avoided you for.
You disguise your hurt when you recall that period and he goes on, “I guess in those two weeks, she found somebody else to help her through her issues. Not that I blame her, I think it was a long time coming, we hadn’t been happy for a while. I admit I checked out of that relationship king before she did.” He swallows thickly before he reveals too much. “She didn’t know who Jordan was, but he knew she was my girlfriend - he took advantage of that, I guess.” He shakes his head. I’m sorry.” 
You frown. “Sorry? For what?”
“For putting you in danger. If I’d just kept my distance or given Haley more attention, maybe none of this would’ve happened.” 
Your heart sinks when you see the wounded expression on his face and you place a hand over his. “You have nothing to be sorry about.” You whisper. He scoffs, but you press on with a squeeze of his hand, “He still would’ve found a way to get to me. Haley, you - it doesn’t matter - he wouldn’t have stopped until he got to me. So I need you to listen to me when I say it isn’t your fault, it isn’t Haley’s fault. Nobody is to blame. Okay?” 
You need him to know that you don’t blame him, far from it, in fact. You revere him, you rely on him, you’re falling for him. 
You’re falling for him. 
He shakes his head, standing up. He refuses to allow you to make him feel better about the situation. 
He stands at the window now, gazing out at the parking lot. You drag yourself out of your bed for the first time that day, IV in tow and place a reassuring hand on his built shoulder. 
“Hey. Can you look at me?” He steels for a moment before finally turning after a minute. You close the distance between you. “Really. Hotch, you saved my life. The things you taught me, the self-defence, the weapons training? I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you. I don’t think I ever thanked you for that.” 
Your proximity to one another drives you dangerously close to losing your willpower and spilling the secrets that lie on the tip of your tongue. 
He hates to admit it, but your words lighten the load on his shoulders exponentially. He was ready to fight this guilt for a long time to come, a fitting punishment for taking his eye off the ball. But your words seem to wash the blood on his hands away. 
He says nothing but smiles gently, watching you. He marvels at your heart, doesn’t understand how somebody could be so gracious even after everything that had happened. Your closeness, your warmth, it takes everything in him to not reach out and show you what you mean to him.  
He knows as well as you do that after this, he may never see you again. There’s no reason for him to. He didn’t want to give you the impression that he was using his leverage as an FBI agent to pursue something more with you, especially after everything you’d been through. 
It didn’t matter what his true intentions were. 
It didn’t matter that he was falling for you. 
You’re discharged three days and a deep shower later, and despite your dad pleading with you to return back to his estate, you’re adamant that you want to go home. Besides, you have a pit stop to make on the way. 
“No way.” Hotch’s voice wavers when you make the request. “I won’t allow it. Your father would kill me.” 
“You’re not in a position to allow anything.” You reply defiantly. “I’m not asking. You can either take me now, or you can take me home and I’ll go later. Either way - I’m going.” 
“Why? Give me one good reason you want to see him and I’ll take you.” 
“I don’t need to give you a reason!” But he doesn’t budge. You sigh. “I want to show him that I won. I want him to see that I’m going to be okay and he’s not. I just need to speak to him.”
He just grips the steering wheel tighter, the leather squeaking under his grip. He inhales sharply, taking some time to weigh your words. “Fine.” He says after a pause. “But I’m going in with you. He’s behind bars, but I’m still not letting you go in alone.” 
“I can handle myself.” 
“Damnit.” He mutters. “I know you can, but for God’s sake - I’m not letting him anywhere near you without someone else present.”
The guard leads you and Hotch to an interview room, and the telltale hue of an orange jumpsuit catches your eyes through the tiny window of the door. He has a sling on one arm, the other kept secure by handcuffs to the table, yellowing bruises on his face. 
You’re completely safe and secure, yet you shiver. You feel Hotch’s warm, large hand slink into yours, squeezing reassuringly. 
“Are you sure you want to do this? You say the word, I’ll take you home.” 
You take a steadying breath, your hand flexing in Hotch’s. “Thanks. But I’m okay. I’m ready.” 
You nod to the guard to let you in, taking the last few seconds to brace yourself. 
The door creaks open, Jordan’s eyes fall to you. The atmosphere is thick enough to choke on and the air is heavy, lingering with unfinished business. Your mind fills with cracked memories of a dark dingy cabin, the smell of his breath on your skin - you swear you can still feel his hands around your throat.
You steady yourself.
He shifts in his chair when you take a seat opposite him, nostrils flaring. “Well, well, well. Hey, Princess,” he scoffs. You shudder at his pet name, his jarring words abrasive against your skin. The reaction doesn’t go amiss by him, so he takes the moment of weakness to reel you in, snare you back into his trap. “Miss me already?” He look wounded when he sees Hotch follow behind you. “You brought him with you? This-” he lifts his cuffed hand as far as it’ll go without pulling on his arm, “Wasn’t bad enough? You had to bring the fed?” 
You don’t dignify his words with a reply. You opt instead to just watch him with narrow eyes, a play straight out of your father’s handbook. He squirms under your gaze, visibly uncomfortable when he sees the look on your face, unwavering, focused. 
“How’s jail?” You ask.
“Peachy. ’Course I’d much rather be with you.”
“Watch your mouth.” Hotch replies, anger simmering under his skin. 
“Bail?” You ask him. 
“No dice.” 
“Wonder why.” You hum with a wry smile. 
“No doubt you had your daddy pay off the tri-state area to keep me rotting in here. Always have been a pampered little bitch.” Hotch’s hands flex into fists but he continues. “What do you want? You’re not here to make small talk, I know that much.”
You observe him slowly, before answering. “How does it feel?” 
“How does it feel to be a failure, Jordan?” That stings, you can tell, because as soon as the words leave your mouth, he shifts positions, hunching his shoulders like a dog about to attack. 
Except he’s handcuffed. 
You continue, “You tried to kill me, you missed. You tried to kill Emily, you missed. You tried to have my father killed, you missed, you even tried to have Aaron killed. Still, nothing.” 
“Aaron?” He hisses. “What, you guys are on a first name basis now?” 
He’s deflecting. 
“Answer me. You’ve done nothing but disappoint your father, he tolerates you. You had everything you could possibly need, you could’ve done so much with your life, Jordan - I actually pity you.” 
He blinks rapidly, desperately thinking of a way to attack you. 
“You think this is going to go away for you?” He snarls. “You don’t think I’m going to haunt your dreams? Everywhere you look, you’re going to think it’s me. Every time you get a letter, a package, your first reaction is going to be fear.” He chuckles. “I’m gonna stay with you, it doesn't matter if I’m doing life in here.” 
“I can handle that. I will handle that. But you - you’re gonna spend the rest of your life in a 6x8, with nothing to do except to think about all the ways in which you’re a fucking disappointment. A coward.” You force your voice to remain steady despite your entire body shaking. 
The chair scrapes against the floor when you go to get up, your hands clenched in fists, willing them not to shake. Hotch follows behind you and you’re already out of the door when Hotch is called back into the interview room by Jordan. 
A cold smile makes his way onto his face, an attempt to deliver one last blow. “You know I fucked your girl, Aaron?” He delivers his line calmly, his tongue in his cheek. 
What Hotch says will stay with him, long after he walks out of the doors. “Did you get what you wanted?” He nods over to the doors you’d just walked out of, a fond smile on his face. “Because I did.” 
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