#just trying to sort out some spending issues lol
bluebeetle · 4 months
ok if i play my cards right and dont spend too much money this last week of feb ill have not overspent my earnings for this month and not dip into savings when i pay bills soon
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umbrellacam · 1 year
Reading A Lonely Place of Dying is so interesting in so many ways, but the question I'm still rotating in my mind is about Dick, and specifically why he ends up smiling and soft-advocating for Tim to be Bruce's Robin, after he had his morality crisis over young heroes with Jason's death.
So when he finds out about Jason's death, Dick feels guilty over giving Jason his Robin costume and not being there when he died:
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New Teen Titans #55
To the extent that, later in the same issue, he unilaterally fires 15-year-old Danny Chase from the Titans, over Donna and Kory's objections, citing what happened to Jason. He even expresses doubt over his own young age when he became Robin, wondering whether that was a mistake:
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New Teen Titans #55
However, when Dick visits Bruce in Gotham to both express his condolences over Jason's death and also confront him over not telling Dick about it, he explicitly rejects Bruce's implication of blame:
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New Teen Titans #55
And later, when the Gargoyle is mentally torturing him over his past failures to the Titans, to Bruce, and Jason, Dick breaks through his self-blame issues and firmly asserts that there was nothing he could have done to prevent Jason's death.
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Secret Origins (Vol. 2) #3
But understanding his lack of blame logically isn't the same as being totally past it, as it's part of Dick's larger cycle of guilt, as he acknowledges to his therapist:
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The New Titans #57
So how does Dick get from here, still wrestling with guilt and feeling ambivalent about the idea of young heroes as a whole, to the end of A Lonely Place of Dying, where he smiles and basically urges Bruce to give Tim a chance to become Robin?
Like, yes, Dick then spends the entirety of Batman: Year Three worried about Bruce's tenuous mental state after Jason's death, reaching out to him in the midst of Batman's reckless, violent spiral, trying to both express care and to call his mentor and hero back to his foundations of crime-fighting through careful detective work, not through brutality - and getting rejected by Bruce over and over. Even while being proud of Dick's methods and the hero he's grown into, Bruce just can't seem to pull himself out of his own morass of self-destruction. Dick eventually has to leave him to it, though he clearly hasn't stopped worrying about Bruce by the start of ALPoD.
Yes, Tim impresses Dick multiple times over the course of ALPoD. First at the circus with his reflexes and his quick thinking (apparently almost as much as he irritates and baffles Dick with his stubborn evasiveness and pushy presumption, lol this total gremlin). Then at Wayne Manor when Tim goes through his deduction of Batman's and Robin's identities, although this one is more an implication through Dick's decision to show Tim the Cave immediately afterward, and Alfred's words to Tim.
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Batman #441
And yet Alfred's sentiment here is immediately contradicted when Tim insistently pushes the Robin costume at Dick, and Dick gets pissed off, saying that, "When Jason died, he took Robin with him. And no matter how much anybody may want it - you can't bring back the dead."
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The New Titans #61
How does Dick go from this to accepting Tim as the new potential Robin all of two issues later!! This boy's emotions are so mixed up, lol.
I feel like while Dick is clearly angered by Tim's presumptions, kind of baffled and creeped-out by the sort of parasocial fixation Tim has on both Bruce/Batman and Dick/Robin, below the surface he's also genuinely absorbing Tim's driving love and care for them both. Like, he's way too ticked off to show it or even think of it consciously at the moment - and it's hard to process!! despite that day at Haly's Circus tying them together a decade ago, this kid is a rando, it's out of nowhere, it's wild to be confronted with!! - but on some level he has to be touched by Tim's care and passion for their legacy. He wouldn't make his heel-turn later and smile at Tim so approvingly otherwise.
Like, Dick wants Bruce to have a partner that cares for him that much, that forces him to care for himself in a way that he clearly hasn't been since Jason's death. And Dick is both afraid and aware that he can't fill that role anymore - that he can try to stand beside Batman as Nightwing and support him that way, but he can't stand behind Bruce in his protective shadow again, can't cramp himself back into Robin.
So even as Dick is making line-faces at this bizarre kid pushing himself at them, talking about Jason and Dick and Bruce and what Batman needs like he knows better than Dick, UGH… Dick is also considering… is maybe moved a bit by that star-bright conviction and overflowing love in the face of all the doubts that seem to plague both Bruce and Dick lately… is maybe hoping, seeing a possible light in the dark. Not on a conscious level, perhaps, but it's maybe churning below the surface with everything else Dick is thinking about.
Anyway, Dick still tracks Batman down and tries being a supportive partner as Nightwing, even going "I'm here. Always," when Batman finally brings himself to admit that he needs help. Only to IMMEDIATELY run face-first into Bruce's control issues and post-Jason-disregarding-orders trauma - "You're not with the Titans now. If you want to be with me, you follow my orders. Now do as I say." (The New Titans #61) Oof, instant I'm-NIGHTWING-not-ROBIN friction, but Dick swallows it for now.
Then Two-Face blows up a building on top of both of them, and Tim (and Alfred!) have to rescue them both. By the time that they've been dug out, Alfred and Dick are both praising Tim's potential to a very baffled and alarmed, verging on angry, Batman lol. Dick and Alfred then grin at each other while young Tim struggles against his intimidation and argues the tremendously (and understandably!) reluctant Batman to a standstill.
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Batman #442
As they drive away afterward (Bruce, Dick and Tim in the Batmobile to track down Two-Face - using the tracker Tim planted on him, good job Timmy!! - and Alfred toward home in a separate car), we get the following thought-bubbles:
Bruce: Even if he's right, I don't want another partner. Dick: Bruce, for once, think with your heart, not with cold logic. Tim: He doesn't want me, but he hasn't said no. So just do your best… Alfred: …One way or another, the rest will take care of itself.
Batman #442
"Think with your heart, not with cold logic" - so does Dick's line here mean that this is what he himself is doing at this point? Setting aside his logic, his fears and reservations about young heroes, about Jason's death, about putting another young boy in the Robin costume - because Tim joining them, maybe becoming Bruce's new partner, feels right? Because everything that Tim has shown of himself so far means the kid deserves a chance, at least? Because Bruce's caution after Jason's death would mean that he'll make sure to 'do it right this time'? Because Tim's passion and conviction could be what Batman needs, and - maybe as much if not more than that - could be something that deserves to be nurtured into something great, despite Dick's own (and Bruce's) fears?
Because Dick has to be wrestling with and at least quelling (if not fully letting go of) his fears about the risks to young heroes in these issues, it doesn't make sense for him to be okay with Tim as Robin otherwise. And it can't all be about what use Tim could be to Bruce - the leash he could put on Batman's out of control behavior. That's far too selfish and manipulative as a sole motive for Dick Grayson; especially after Jason, he wouldn't encourage a kid to jump into the meat-grinder of vigilantism solely to save Bruce or preserve the legacy of Batman & Robin.
I feel like Dick has to also be seeing something in Tim here, his potential, his determination, the good that he can and wants desperately to do, that Dick has to respect, has to think deserves a shot. When Alfred goes, "The boy should be a politician!" and Dick replies, "He'd do more good with Bruce," (Batman #442; panels above), it does feel like he's thinking of the difference Tim himself could make in the world. Dick has to be remembering why he himself could not be put off from the vigilante life when he was even younger than Tim, why Jason also went out there and did his best every night. To help people, in a way that mattered.
Anyway, Tim also puts in a good showing when they confront Two-Face, despite giving Bruce a near heart-attack over this strange unfamiliar boy wearing his son's uniform when Tim briefly appears to have been crushed - only for him to have saved himself and warned Batman and Nightwing of danger through his quick thinking.
Afterward, Alfred and Dick both advocate for Tim, so Dick is clearly pulling for Tim to be given a chance. Dick's smile here, my heart.
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Batman #442
I still wish they'd been a little more explicit with the turn of Dick's mindset here, but at the same time I guess it's pretty effective as show-not-tell!
All in all, I feel like ALPoD was very effective storytelling, well done Marv, hugely enjoyable read, and I can't wait to read more.
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seungkwansphd · 11 months
wings of love
pairing: publisher!mingyu x children's book author!YN word count: 2.4K synopsis: you find yourself seated next to a girl who needs a little bit of assurance during your flight into the city. you don't expect to see her and her dad at your publisher's pitch meeting the next day too! themes: FLUFF, airplane meet cute (SORT OF), this is very kid-centric, single dad mingyu, girl dad mingyu.
a/n: this is based off of an interaction i actually had on an airplane (minus the dilf meet cute LOL). i'm in my short fic era and it's been so nice! ALSO I KNOW THE TITLE IS SO CORNY DO NOT EVEN LOOK AT ME. 😂
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You looked to your right at the empty airplane seats. The small hope of having the row to yourself was dashed when a flight attendant appeared at your side with a young, nervous looking girl.
“Hello,” you greeted them with a smile.
“Hello YN,” the flight attendant smiled at you. “This young lady will be sitting with you.”
“Oh wonderful!” your face lit up, “Would you like to sit near the window or the aisle?” you addressed the child directly.
“Window,” they answered shyly.
“Good choice,” you grinned, standing up to let her in.
“I’ll be back to check on you frequently, okay?” the flight attendant addressed the child directly, “If you need anything in the meantime, please press this button.”
Your new seat mate nodded shyly and the flight attendant left, satisfied.
“I’m YN,” you introduced yourself with a gentle smile.
“Hi. I’m Lena.”
“Is this your first time flying?” you asked gently. The girl looked quite nervous and you were hoping to make her feel more comfortable.
“First time by myself,” she nodded.
“Ah, I see. That would be pretty scary, huh?”
“Well, did you know that flying is actually safer than driving? Statistically speaking,” you blurted without thinking. You idiot. This girl looked to be younger than ten for sure…she wouldn’t know what statistics were, right?
You were out of your depth. While you didn’t have any issue with kids, per se, you also definitely didn’t spend a lot of time with them. Might be best to just keep your mouth shut.
“Is that true?” she asked you after some quiet consideration.
“Yes,” you nodded slowly, now worried that you had given her a new fear of driving. “Is that helpful at all?”
“It is…a little. I’ll try not to think about that when I have to be in a car later,” she nodded resolutely.
You laughed. She seemed quite thoughtful for her age.
“Excuse me,” she glanced at you nervously after peeking out of the window, “Can you hold my hand? I felt a little better after what you said, but then I looked out the window and now I feel worse.”
“Of course!” you smiled kindly at her. “Here!”
You stretched your hand out, palm up, and offered it to her. She placed her own hand gently into yours and gave you a tight smile before squeezing her eyes shut. You squeezed your lips together and hoped that you were helping. Once you had reached a cruising altitude and the flight had smoothed out, she opened her eyes again and looked at you with wide eyes.
“I think I’m okay now,” she looked a little sheepish as she pulled her hand out of yours.
You nodded encouragingly towards her.
“Why are you flying?” she asked you not too long afterwards.
“For my job. I have an important meeting with someone in Chicago. I hope it goes well,” you shared with her.
You were pitching a children’s book concept to a publisher tomorrow. While this wasn’t your first book, it was a new publisher to you and you were nervous. You weren’t sure whether this child would understand the jargon around publishing, so you kept it simple.
“How about you? Why are you flying alone?”
“I’m going back home to see my dad. I was with my mom for a few weeks, but it’s time to go home.”
“Ah, I see,” you nodded, inferring that her parents were likely separated. “Did you miss your dad?”
“Yes,” she nodded.
“Do you live here most of the time? Or with your mom?”
“I live here during the school year and then I see my mom over the summers.”
“Ah, I see! So does that mean school is starting soon?” you asked as you reminded yourself what the date was. Summer was coming to a close.
“Yeah, in a few weeks. My dad is going to take me shopping. We’re going to buy new clothes, but I’m more excited to get my supplies! I want new markers.”
You were surprised at how tickled you were by her enthusiasm for school supplies. You’d been like that too as a child. Nothing could beat the feeling of getting fresh notebooks, folders, and pencils for the year.
“Ah, that will be so fun! I love shopping for art supplies.”
“Really? My nanny says I should be more interested in clothes than colored pencils!”
Your brows furrowed at this gendered idea. You were a little surprised that she had a nanny, but you supposed if her dad was a single father, having some assistance made a lot of sense.
“Oh really? I don't agree. You should like whatever you like!”
“That's what my dad says too!” her face lit up at you. “He tries to tell Nanny, but she was his nanny too so she doesn't listen to him.”
You chuckled. A family Nanny? That seemed like rich people shit.
“My dad is so silly. He's so tall and Nanny Gerry is so short compared to him, but he still listens to her. I like my dad though. He's nice to me.”
“Well it's good to be respectful to elders,” you nodded, “Your dad seems like a good person.”
“I think so too,” Lena beamed up at you. “I think he’s a good dad.”
You smiled genially at her. Lena would tell you a handful of stories about her dad as the flight went on. He seemed like someone that was loving, enthusiastic, and kind. As someone whose parents were also divorced, it made you really happy to know that Lena had such a solid parent in her life.
“Do you have a suitcase that you need help with?” you turned to ask Lena as the plane taxied on the runway.
“Yes, but I think the flight lady will help me?”
“Ah, okay,” you nodded.
Despite that, you stayed with Lena until the rest of the passengers deboarded. You felt a connection to her now, so it didn’t seem right to just leave without her.
“Thank you for helping me feel less scared on the flight,” Lena smiled up at you as the flight attendant walked towards you. “I hope your job thing goes good!”
“Thank you for keeping me company,” you grinned at her. “I enjoyed our conversation during the flight.”
You were surprised at the little pang of disappointment as you parted ways. Airports were laden with brief connections, but you found yourself hoping that she was able to get all the school supplies she wanted and that this school year would be pleasant for her. You wouldn’t be able to know, of course, but she was a sweet and thoughtful girl and you wished her the best.
“YN?” the receptionist pulled you out of your thoughts. “I’m so sorry to inform you, but Mr. Kim is running a few minutes late. Something fell through with his childcare, but please be assured that he will be taking your meeting as soon as he arrives.”
“Oh, of course!” you nodded.
You knew your pitch inside and out at this point and it wasn’t like you had anything else to do. Checking your phone briefly for emails, you decided to browse through the articles suggested to you while you waited. Somewhere to you right, a small commotion entered the office. A tall man in a suit carrying a child on his hip had arrived, somewhat flustered and the receptionist rushed to them to take the child from his arms.
As you glanced up from your phone, your eyes locked with…Lena?
“Oh? YN!” she cried with excitement before wiggling out of the receptionists’ arms.
Her father looked on incredulously as she made a beeline towards you.
“Lena!” you laughed with delight when she launched herself into your arms. “I didn’t think I’d see you again!”
“Me neither!” she grinned from ear to ear up at you. “Dad, Dad! This is the lady I was telling you about. Yesterday from the plane!”
“Ah, hello!” you nodded at Lena’s extremely tall father.
“Mr. Kim, this is your nine o’clock, YN,” the receptionist chimed in helpfully.
“Oh? Oh!” Mingyu’s brow wrinkled before his entire face lit up, the dots connecting in his mind. “What a coincidence! Please, YN, I hope you can excuse my tardiness. Unfortunately Lena’s childcare fell through today, so she’ll be joining me at work today. Lucky for me, you two have already met!”
“Ah? Oh ah!” your mind was a few steps behind Mingyu’s still. “Oh, you’re Mr. Kim? And,” your eyes jumped to Lena in your arms. “Ahhhhh,” you laughed, the understanding finally dawning on you. “Small world indeed.”
“Please, follow me! I’ve asked for my other meetings to be rearranged, so we’re not in a rush. I am excited to review your book concept.”
You nodded, grabbing your bag in your free hand. Lena kept herself busy by updating you about her dinner last night and breakfast since she’d last seen you. She was so engaging with her storytelling that you didn’t notice the handful of curious looks the three of you received while walking.
“Oh my god, I shouldn’t have let you carry her all the way. Lena, please come down,” Mr. Kim motioned to his daughter. She pouted slightly, but eventually shimmied her way out of your arms and took a seat at some children’s furniture that was in the corner of his office.
“It’s quite alright, Lena and I are buddies, Mr. Kim,” you laughed, straightening yourself out.
“Please call me Mingyu,” he smiled crookedly at you.
Lena had spent the majority of last night talking his ear off about the nice lady that had comforted her on the plane. She’d been adamant that he acknowledge that you were also on her side regarding the issue of school supplies versus clothes shopping. She’d also mentioned that you were kind, patient, and a good drawer. One of your napkin doodles was currently on Mingyu’s fridge. He’d found himself wishing that he could thank you for being so kind to his daughter on her returning flight, so to have you now here in his office was quite a shock to his system.
“...Mingyu?” he was pulled back to reality as you called his name.
“Sorry, I spaced out for a second. What did you say?”
“I asked if we should review the pitch concept for my book?” you repeated yourself. You had to hide your grin. The look on his face had been incredibly cute when he’d been zoned out.
“Yes, of course!” you nodded, pulling a folio with your storyboard out of your bag.
Mingyu found himself smiling widely as you discussed the concept. It was a children’s book, so the plot was naturally simple, but you were clear that some of the tougher concepts you wanted to touch on were non-negotiables and he respected that.
“I agree completely. I do think given the target age range of readers, it’s appropriate to consider this topic.”
You beamed at him. Mingyu seemed easy to work with and open to your creative direction.
“Well, I think that covers everything that I wanted to discuss during this meeting. Are there any outstanding questions that you need to ask on the publisher’s end?”
“Hmm,” Mingyu reviewed the notes to his right before shaking his head. “No, not at this time. Today’s meeting was mostly a formality. Our team had aligned that we liked this concept and mostly wanted to bring you out to meet you in person. I feel very good about approving the concept formally.”
“Oh!” you clapped your hands together with delight, to which Lena’s head popped over the back of the couch. “Oh that’s wonderful news!”
“It is,” Mingyu smiled at the way your eyes lit up. “Just to give you a sense of what to expect, you will be referred to a different team to work out the details of your contract. Since you typically illustrate your own work, we can bypass the process to identify an illustrator, which should significantly shorten the overall timeline.”
“Ah, perfect,” you nodded.
“So now that that’s out of the way. M-may I ask you a more personal question?”
“Oh, uh yes?” you cocked your head up at Mingyu with curiosity.
“Do you happen to be free tonight?” he smiled at you in an impossibly charming way. “I would really like to take you out to dinner. Partially as a thank you for being so kind to Lena on the flight and partially because I am itching to get to know you more.”
“Can I come too?” Lena interjected importantly.
Mingyu’s canines revealed themselves when he grinned at his precious daughter and your heart jumped into your throat.
“Yes, I’d like that,” you nodded at the both of them.
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inner-viper · 1 year
Your next Sexual Encounter (MORE ON PATRON) 18+ MATURE
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Hello, I had so much fun channeling this! A lot of this was very sensual and sometimes I can feel it?! Like damn this is really good for yall LMAO. Anyways, I am thinking of making a what is your first time with them? I think it would be a good idea or maybe I should do a non-sexual topic as a bonus but I think that reading may end up being shorter than sexual topics, as they tend to have less details. I hope you enjoy! 
Support patron for more exclusive content. The first 10 patron subscribers get a free reading, no matter which tier.
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Pile 1
Nine of Cups, Four of Pentacles, and Knight of Pentacles  Healing: “To unlearn past trauma responses” and Food Trips: “Trying out multiple cuisines, trendy, and different foods” Cock Trampling, “You are so easy”, “Act like you don’t care”, and Yummy
You may be out on a date, you will be chilling on your bed maybe scrolling through TikTok or for some doing their hair and makeup. I see some people chilling, though, because you have nothing much to do today. You may have gone through some slight drama because this caused you to not want to go out and venture out to shop or eat out. Perhaps ordering takeout because you don’t want to do anything. I think this is a drama between friends, some sort of event with friends is coming to mind. That is for a select few though! I also am seeing for some people who selected this pile, you are just trying not to be wasteful with your money. So you really don’t want to spend because you may struggle with overspending or holding on to your coin in fear of running out. Whence why you don’t want to go out. You will be talking to this person, this person wants to take you out. I see for some people it is their current partner, or current partner during that time period. For others, this person is someone you are interested in. You are interested in them sexually and mentally. They are physically attractive and they are physically attracted to you! They are also financially abundant or well off because they are coming through with the money. They may just have more money/savings than you. They may be a work alcoholic so you may not see them as often as you would like. You would like to see them more often because you feel like you guys don’t hang out or go on dates as often as you should. They will be texting you the day before for some on the day of. They will be texting you and asking where you want to go out! So this is a date! You agree because you miss them and they miss you too! This date is a late night evening, or during the evening. You will be at a fancy restaurant and sipping your margarita or some expensive white wine? For some just a plain soda lol! You both will be giving flirtatious stares and looking at each other with sinful eyes! I see you playing footsies under the table and they join in too because they want to playfully fight back. They are into feet or legs, some area around there. 
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Pile 2
Page of Wands (in reverse), High Priestess (in reverse), and Two of Swords Trust Issues, Family and Friends Meeting, “Purchasing a home together” “I just want to use your body”, Ball Busting, and Restraint
Immediately getting that this is a situation that happens at work. You may work with this person, for others there may be work drama and you'll bring that home to your partner. You may even start to get aggravated at them. They will be trying to help you and you won’t be having it. I see you snapping at them and this causes an argument to break out. It is just a bad day, although I do see you guys taking it too far. Try not to internalize your hatred towards your partner ok! They didn’t do anything wrong! So this is toxic and something that you need to work on, if this isn’t resonating then it could be them, or this is not your pile! Maybe the sexual encounter is only what resonates! So I am seeing for some there was a playful disagreement with something, maybe one of you didn’t really like having to cook today and the other didn’t want to spend any money out. It could be because they are going through a financial struggle or they are just too lazy. Some of them could be on a new diet/workout routine that they got going on, and they rather avoid eating out. In fear of them gaining weight, while they are trying to gain muscle and lose fat. So either one of you could be in that situation. I am getting that you both started to get heated and you got annoyed at each other. You wanted them to see your perspective meanwhile they weren’t seeing your perspective. You decided to focus on creating some peace with yourself. I see that for some of you being at peace may mean you playing with yourself. I see some of you like to channel that aggressive energy in multiple ways. Meanwhile, your partner left to go do something. You both just gave each other some space and time to reflect. I see that one of you messages first because they decided to be brave enough to do so. You may respond angrily too! I see that for some it's because it is your first time arguing with this person. It is the first time that you had such a strong disagreement with them. They’ll come around to apologize or you. Whoever was in the wrong will reflect on that and will come out to apologize first because they recognize that they are in the wrong. I am seeing one of you making your way to their place or your shared place. I see someone driving recklessly to get there too, so be careful on the road, if it is you. You both beginning to channel out your rough energy! You both just want to release this pent-up energy. So it is like you explode. They will be stripping your clothes off aggressively. They will make you try to submit to them.
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Pile 3
Three of Wands, The Emperor, and Death Music: “I hear you in every love song”, and Jealousy Ball Stretching, Feet, and “I want to dominate you so badly”
Immediately this is someone getting jealous of their partner. So I see that you may be chilling at a party with your partner but then someone comes up to flirt with you. You tell them you are in a relationship, and you aren’t interested. Your partner doesn’t want to lose you, and they may be afraid of someone stealing you away. That's because you are a high-value person. This may happen that you have been getting ready to go out to this party or club for a while now. So you put on your best fit to go out that night! You obviously take your partner with you because you like to have a good time with them and you like to have fun. Your partner is the dominant one in this encounter. You want to have fun but they will be feeling jealous! They want to claim you, they don’t do anything risky out in about though. So they’ll be just all over you at this event. They’ll be getting your drinks and be holding onto your waist. Not wanting to let you go, they are clingy as fuck, I am not going to lie! This is how they show love though, they just want to be around you and have all your attention on them. I see that they’ll be having a fun time just hanging around you too though, so it is not going to ruin your whole night! They ain’t toxic like that. They’ll want to leave the event early. You’ll be getting drunk though! I see they’ll be tipsy. So they won’t be blacking out or acting crazy. I see that you will be stuttering and just be all over the place. You are letting loose, laughing, and having such a good time. This is where I do see that you garner attention because people love to see this sensual energy of yours coming out, and you’ll be oozing with that energy. It reminds me of Mars or Venusian energy. I see a person coming up, honestly, an older man who may be rich, coming towards you and you’ll be like telling them no you aren’t interested. Your partner will see this person and tell them to back off. They seem respectful enough to leave too. You’ll honestly not really care too much and you’ll be like idc and just laughing it off. I see that you both leave the party/club. They’ll be taking you home at their place so you both could chill. I see you sobering up and you both talk about it. I see this could help either you or your partner just be more secure because they know they have this person all to themselves. It starts off with a passionate makeout session. I see you both making love, a deep kiss to start off the night. I see them pulling all over the fabrics that you wear that night. Caressing every part of you, and you run your hands all over them. 
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Thanks for reading!
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devourable · 1 year
pls i need to know what the perfect date night would look like for abraham and the delinquents. could be separate for them or a group date~ if you tell me i promise not to bite them anymore 😫
- mazzy 💕
you can bite the delinquents so long as yoou don't mind 4x the bites back �� abe,, not so much. i'll do them separately AND together for you 😌
implied nsfw for some of these! the delinquents' and the church boy : date night edition ✨
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the delinquent's ideal date 🩶
tbh all of them would try to take you out to commit a crime together,, but like. romantically lol. but if trespassing abandoned properties to eat a candlelit dinner comprised of stolen goods isn't your thing, here's the alternatives!
aaron would watch have a movie marathon with you in his car. he'd set up his laptop and put on whatever you'd wanna see — he's an expert at pirating just about anything lol. he'd either seat you in his lap or you'd lay down together in his backseat, have various snacks scattered throughout the car, and as many blankets and pillows you could want to make yourself comfortable.
don't be surprised when he starts getting antsy halfway through, though — you can expect him to start slithering his hands under your clothes a few hours in, idly nipping at your skin and pulling you a bit closer as he asks if you're alright with giving the movies a break. god bless you if you say yes, because you won't be getting out of that car anytime soon 💕
judas would try harder to impress you. he'd probably take you to a decent restaurant (not quite fancy, but definitely a cut above most), urge you to order whatever you want, and probably have a grand time just watching you enjoy yourself, occasionally asking you questions, taking the time to learn more about you and the things you like — both to strengthen his relationship with you and to have more to work with in the future. his dates are simple, but would change slightly with every one (you mention liking animals? off to the zoo you went! needed a few things? you'd spend the rest of the day at the mall. things like that). unlike aaron, he probably wouldn't make any moves on you — especially not out in public — but if you made a move on him, he wouldn't have any issue finishing up your date at his place!
mattias is partial to things like arcades (he knows all the cheat codes, hacks, and how to break the machines a lil for prizes!), and he'll happily show you all his favorite ones! he'd love winning you tons of prizes to take home and would take the fall after inevitably getting kicked out after the owners discover his serial cheating ways. after that, he'd probably wanna do a picnic somewhere. less of a stereotypical cutesy one with the red and white blanket and cute basket filled with pretty food, moreso one where his jacket would be used as a blanket and the food would be a bunch of snacks from the local 7-11. but he's trying his best, and that's what matters! and you'd still have a great time chatting the night away, stargazing with him and cuddling up in the grass together.
he'd definitely try to initiate something, but the ball's in your court — whether or not something happens is up to you 😌
dominic would definitely try to woo you via impressing you with his family wealth lol. expect to be taken to upscale restaurants, fancy hotels, boat rides, whatever he can get away with bringing you to. if you're easily overwhelmed and don't enjoy the stuffy rich folk activities, he'd take you back to his place and you'd figure something out there. if you didn't get a chance to eat, he'd probably want to cook with you — either teach you to cook if you don't know how, or you could whip something up together if you do. you'd be surprised at how domestic he enjoys being in spite of the front he puts up most of the time, and he seems to glow when he's given the chance to really take care of you.
all together, the boys would probably take you out to go to some sort of fun group activity together. think like an escape room, bowling, indoor amusement parks, fun things with lots of interactive parts that allow them to be in close proximity to you. there'd be a lil bit of everything from everyone involved — judas and mattias would rival a little bit to see who could get the most done or win you the most prizes, aaron would be a bit idle and offer you a place to relax if you got overwhelmed, and dom would be off getting you snacks, drinks, and whatever prize mattie and jude failed to win you. though group outings would be a bit on the rarer side, they'd do their best to make it up to you!
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the church boy's ideal date 🤎
abraham would assume his first date would be something at the church — maybe a dance? private bible study? couple prayer session? but he'd be afraid that none of that's good enough for you when you actually start dating. so instead of subjecting you to his religious love language, he'd take you to something a bit less on the nose. something with similar energy but not nearly as oppressive ; think a library or museum date. somewhere nice and quiet where he can enjoy your presence with little distraction or expectations. he'd softly but constantly ask you if you were enjoying yourself, if you liked his choice of venue, if he was good enough, if you liked him,— he'd seek reassurance for a lot of your time spent together, but his sheer desire to please you would be incredibly endearing. he'd make up for it unintentionally by being as attentive to your needs as he could be.
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pancakeke · 5 months
I made a customer so mad on a call today that he muted and turned his camera off lol.
I did it on purpose though.
We needed to create a process but this dude always dominates the convo to give long pointless monologues about how *something* needs to be done in relation to vague nonspecific things (like "I don't like what I'm seeing here" ok then WHAT are you seeing??) He absolutely refuses to give concrete details or make actionable requests, plus he's always extremely disrespectful, accusatory, and lies about things. So I kept cutting off his unhelpful monologues to ask for specifics and when he didn't give them I gave options for what we could do rather than letting him continue to make the same whiny statements over and over but with different wording each time.
Then he tried to derail by doing this needlessly dramatic arm waving and wandering away from the camera thing, then wandering back with his head in his hands while saying weird phrases I assume were some kind of worthless business speak phrases? (Example, the last one he said was "Just take the weekend off". Maybe this means like "we need to take a break and regroup"? I legit do not know the intent. I directly asked "What do you mean by that?", no paraphrasing, but he ignored me so maybe he was telling me to go fuck myself. idk).
Anyway I kept being direct and trying to sort out a plan of action with our salesperson meanwhile this dude kept interjecting with absolutely asinine statements like "YOU need to figure this out" referring to my company, not me specifically. But like that was literally what we were doing at that moment?? So I asked him "Are you asking us to create new procedures without your company's input? Ideally need to know specifically where you're having issues to know how I should create reporting." Then he shut his webcam and mic off.
Progress was made at this point since he wasn't interrupting anymore but that didn't last long cause he jumped back in to make a big deal about how he couldn't stay on the call longer because he had another meeting soon. But if he has just explained that in one sentence rather than monologuing about his time we could have made more actual plans.
idk if this guy is purposely trying to stop us from creating a process though cause he blew up at us when we had extra inventory on hand (that he told us to buy) which then led him to tell us that we weren't allowed to make any purchases for them without approval. After this we sent a purchase request over to them for approval and they didn't approve it (we were ghosted, not denied), which made this guy is blow up at us again for not just buying the components immediately without asking.
I think he just wants us to do whatever benefits him in the moment and also he doesn't ever want us to hold his company accountable (per our contract...) for any unused components. and since documentation and processes creates accountability, they're bad for someone who wants instant gratification and no responsibility.
This call was so fucking bewildering though. It was like this guy had a book of business speak phrases and thought that if he kept reading them off he would look smart and important and then we would just flagellate ourselves at his feet. Even though the problem is pretty much his fault for not managing his side of the business. These guys have turned derailing conversation into a goal so I went robot mode and wouldn't let myself say a word that wasn't data-focused. I really hoped this would force their side to speak in numbers and facts so I could get info and ideas from them that we could actually use to build a new procedure.
But now I see that my plan was doomed from the start cause this guy will just disappear if I don't let him spend the whole meeting listening to himself talk while not actually saying anything.
I have some kind of brain problem where I always think that if I can figure out how to communicate with people in juuust the right way they'll stop being cunts and cooperate with me. Cause I'm working for their benefit so they should want to work together, right? :)
Wrong. People are fucking bonkers. They do not care about problem solving. It's all about ego. And somehow their egos do not recognise how purposely creating problems leads to failures that might reflect poorly on them.
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AITA For no longer wanting to continue a mutual hobby, started with a friend?
Hello! Long time lurker first time asker. Sorry if the title is a bit confusing!
Long story short I (27 ftm) recently started rock climbing as a hobby and a fun to exercise. For context I'm a heavier person, so I wanted to do a physical hobby that I could do at my own pace. I started with a 101 top-rope course and invited a long time friend of mine to attend with me (they suggest taking the class in pairs). After that I took a bouldering 101 course by myself (my aforementioned friend said they weren't interested, totally understandable).
I've since started to take climbing more seriously and ramped up to going 2-3 times a week (I live a 10 min walk away from the climbing gym). Also going earlier in the day to avoid the peak hours as i'm immunocompromised so the less people the better. This month will be my 4th month doing so.
We originally started climbing together however after a few weeks of meeting up once a week, they kept bailing with little to no notice (or telling me 11:30 pm the night before). Also when we'd met up the last time she brought her boyfriend along. Even though I said i'd prefer to meet him for the first time in a more relaxed environment (not me dripping with sweat and out of breath). He's a nice enough guy but I just don't want to spend time with him in this specific setting lol.
I have a very erratic work schedule vs my friend who a has pretty stable work schedule. So I find I often have to take initiative to message them (the week before) asking what days work for them. That way I can reference what days I have off. They often ignore the message for a few days or answer the morning of.
They've called out every week for the two months+. Either saying they're too tired, don't feel like it, forgot their gym clothes and or have other plans. I'm totally fine with this! Life happens and sometimes you don't have the energy for these activities. However what cheeses me off is I feel like I always have to comfort them, so they don't feel bad they bailed again and they give me little to no notice.
About 2-3 weeks ago I asked them about dates to hang out (I also specified we didn't have to climbing, even just to go hang out for coffee or something lol) and they haven’t responded, but I see them posting online with their other group of friends. Again I’m not mad about them not wanting to go, or hanging out with their other friend-group but I’d appreciate some sort response.
The thing is I also have ANOTHER friend who is interested in coming with me to try it out. Both of these friends of mine don't get along anymore. At one point all three of us where pretty close mutual friends. Nothing crazy dramatic happened but they had a falling out and they no longer interact with each other at all.
I however am still friends with both of them. They also both know I am still friends with the other friend (if that makes sense).
For possible added context I have ASD, so this sometimes causes issues when reading peoples intentions or possible passive aggression. I also get very anxious when my planned schedule/routine gets thrown off and often can derail my entire day.
So to sum it up, AITA for wanting to climb by myself, or other people besides the friend originally started the hobby with? Even if these two people aren't really friends anymore? Am I being just too hard on them? Am I just not picking up on something? Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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unbreakabledawn · 6 days
"Why the fuck do I have to go in?"
Somewhere between the dumpster and the sleeping homeless guy, a scrawny rat scurried forward and out the mouth of the alley before Tim or Jason could kick the undoubtedly pest-carrying vermin away.
Tim wrinkled his nose, and turned back to Jason, gesturing down at himself in response. "I'm dripping wet and there's blood on my gloves. It would be rude of me to go in and make the minimum-wage workers mop the floors after me at three am."
"And whose blood is that?" Jason crossed his arms and leaned against the dumpster. There was a faint scratching and rustling sound coming from inside it, and Tim heard the occasional squeak. Great. Hopefully those were normal Gotham rats and not some sort of mutated killer vermin. This night was tiring enough already without the added mutant monster outbreak.
Tim glanced at his hands. Sewer water trickled from his cape. "No idea. I think it's Killer Croc's, but I'm not entirely confident it wasn't from a person he might have mauled, or perhaps eaten."
"Awesome. Really got my appetite going."
Tim raised his hand and counted on his fingers. "Spoiler and Batgirl are stopping the robbery at Twenty-fifth Street, Nightwing is taking the Mad Hatter back to Arkham, the brat has no manners--"
"I heard that!" a shrill voice shouted in his comm.
"--and B is B. Can you just go and get the food." Tim was approximately six seconds away from gnawing on the brick wall of the alley.
“Give me a hundred. Christ," Jason hissed, flinching away from the dumpster as a loud squeal erupted from within. It sounded suspiciously like a rat eating another rat.
Tim sighed. “The food’s already paid for, including tips.”
“It’s not for the food, it’s for me. Pay up or you can spend the rest of the night fueling up on B’s cardboard nutrition blocks. I do think he puts actual cardboard in them, by the way. Also that guy’s not breathing, you should call an ambulance.”
Tim and Jason both looked over at the homeless guy slumped in the corner of the alley. “He’s fine, I took his pulse five minutes ago,” Tim said, not at all sure that it was still there.
A rumbling snore emerged from the man. Jason tilted his head, but Tim couldn't read his expression underneath his mask. After a moment, Tim sighed again and fished a hundred dollar bill from a pouch on his belt and handed it to Jason. He shrugged his shoulders, took the blood-flecked bill and brushed past Tim to head inside, fucking finally.
Tim stood at the corner and listened to Jason kick the door open with much more force and drama than a fast-food establishment required.
"Pick-up for six Bat-idiots," he heard Jason say in his mask-modulated growl. There was a piercing scream from inside and Tim resisted the urge to cover his eyes with his blood-sticky hand.
When Jason reappeared, Tim eyed the take-away bags with suspicion. He couldn't count the items without opening the bags, but Jason wasn't interested in handing them over and set a course for the fire escape without even looking at Tim.
“There’s supposed to be seven orders,” Tim said slowly, following him to the roof. He felt a pair of rat-sized eyes tracking their ascent and was very grateful rats couldn't climb ladders.
“I’m not an idiot. Where's B, anyway? He used to get burgers for me on patrol all the time, he should be the one running your errands, not me.”
"Robbery on Morrison Street."
"At this rate, food's gonna be cold before anyone else makes it here," Jason said, sitting down on the roof's ledge and holding out one of seven burgers to Tim. He pulled off his sullied gloves before accepting it.
"Next time I'll issue a time-out notice to the criminals of Gotham while I'm putting in our food order."
"That's a great idea. You do that, and I'll eat B's fries."
"I heard that," growled a voice over their comm line.
based on a prompt by @unshatters-your-teacup! "the batfam stopping mid-patrol to get food somewhere" which i kind of mangled lol but i did have fun.
i'm trying out prompt fills to practice regular writing, because i'm having a lot of trouble with my actual wips. my inbox and my dms are open if you want to send me one (primarily batfam, superman, or batman, both ship and gen, but i can be flexible) though i can't promise i'll be able to write it <3
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ram-bam-writes · 26 days
The Highlight and The Shadow pt. 3 [Graves x NB Reader]
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A/N: Yayyy Big Brother Henley is back! Ehehe. This chapter is a little self indulgent for my own love of watercolors, sorry lol. As always, lemme know if y’all wanna be tagged since I update so sporadically :>
Summary: Phillip spends his time with you at the cafe learning about your hobby, as well as entertaining some of his urges to tease. And with your own growing crush, you try to dodge all the increasingly protective questions your older brother has about you and your older Landlord. But how can you think about that when Phillip looks like that.
CW: None really. Flirting, Overprotective brother, mentions of knives and threats but mostly teasing, references to smutty thoughts (not explicit), language, no beta we die like soap, etc
Word Count: 3403
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3]
The date. Oh boy, the date. No, no no no. Not a date. Just… coffee. That’s it. Just coffee in the local cafe. The local cafe that you love so much because it’s got chairs right next to giant glass windows that light up your paintings so beautifully. The local cafe that always slowed your mind and your heart, easing you into a calm lull where you could breathe your stresses away. 
Here, with your painting supplies set up and the bright sun illuminating your workspace, you can work in peace.
It’s not like Phillip strolled in with his tightest black athletics shirt or his tightest dark blue jeans or anything. And definitely not like he put on a belt buckle the size of Texas itself, which you’re currently trying not to compare it to another large thing you find yourself thinking all too much about. No, no. Nor are his arms bulging right out of the sleeve nor is his waist oh so narrow and slutty with that tucked-in shirt. 
It’s fine. You don’t can focus on the blank paper in front of you. You have to. Or maybe focus on the people around you, instead? You already told Phillip you were gonna be busy, so he’d just leave you alone. He had to. He’s not gonna torment you. It’s okay. 
It’s fine.
Then, you hear that familiar, teasing tone. “Hey, Darlin’?” 
You glance up from your painting, eyes large and round and far too innocent for where his mind immediately takes him. He’s got this easy going grin on his face, eyes sparkling more than they probably have any right to that just makes him so... annoyingly hot. He sets down his iced tea — which, objectively, made no sense in the current weather conditions — and points at the palette next to you.
“I think yer paint is dry.” Was it the grin that made your belly flutter or the genuine concern in his eyes like he might get up and buy you brand new paint if you show the slightest hint of disappointment.
“O-oh, no,” you murmur, picking up the palette and setting it a little closer to him. “It’s watercolors. They, um… well, they don’t dry out. I mean— they do, but…”
Why was it suddenly so hard to talk to him? You never had this issue before. Not since… well… that one night after that one dream…
“You just… add more water,” your lips part to take in a shaky breath of air. “And there it is.”
Phillip’s eyes flicker with interest and he offers a smile. His face light sup when he makes that internal connection between his Chief Finance Officer and the arts.
“Oh, like go-… gowa-somethin’.” He shakes his head dismissively. “I’ve a teammate who uses somethin’ like thick ol’ watercolors in ‘is free time. He’s real good.”
You squint at the man before you as your brain spins to decipher his words. “G-Gawa…? Oh — Gouache?” 
“That’s it!” He snaps his fingers, nodding. “Gouache.”
“Heh, well, sort of… Gouache isn’t meant to dry out if it’s Himi gouache. It’s meant to be like… oil paint consistency. My brother uses Himi gouache all the time, too.” You offer a small smile, picking up a small pipette. “But they do interact really well with watercolors! But watercolors are meant for water, and gouache is meant for… well, still water, but they’re opaque and usually used for backgrounds or touch-ups.”
Phillip leans a little closer as you drip water into a few of the watercolor cakes, the pigments immediately beginning to lift up. The Commander glances up at you with a soft sort of fondness in his eyes before watching your nimble fingers pick up a brush and drag it through the watery paint. 
“See? Just a lil’ water and they’re fine…”
“So… watercolors need… water. Got it.” He smirks up at you, leaning back and sipping his tea. When he sets the drink in his laps, his  legs spread a little and his arm drapes the empty seat next to him. “Tell me about it. I don’t know a lot.”
You can feel your cheeks burning at the casual tone of his voice. He sounds genuinely interested, like his full attention is on you. He truly wants to learn about watercolors. 
Maybe he just wants to hear your voice, but you don’t need to know that.
“Well… what do you want to know?” You inquire softly, pulling your palette back in place and adjusting your paper block.
“Like… what’s the best thing t’ paint? Or what’re yer favorite colors to paint with? Or, no, better yet — why the hell’re the colors starting with white and yellow and not, y’know, red?”
You laugh at that, his tone sounding all too inconvenienced for a 41 year old military commander talking about watercolors.
“Y’know… I don’t know.” You stare blankly for a few moments, trying to process it. “I think it’s just how the colors flow. But, there’s lots of the same colors because of warm and cold tones.”
He nods at you, urging you to continue.
You take a breath.
“If you’ve ever tried mixing red and blue to get purple, it prolly didn’t go well, did it? It’s likely because you used a warm red and a cool blue, or vice versa. Colors have temperatures that make them go a little better with each other.”
As you continue to explain, you try not to focus on the way his eyes drift over your form, focusing between your body, your lips, and your eyes.
“So, to make a nice lookin’ green, y’gotta use somethin’ like a warm blue and a warm yellow?”
“Yes!” You beam up at him, and the action urges him to sit up a little more intently. 
“So, why have so many colors on your palette? Wouldn’t you only need, what, six or seven?”
“Well, you can…” You gesture to the palette, a metal tin with 24 half-pans in various colors. “But it’s also nice to have some premade colors. Especially for vibrant purples.” He glances at the palette. “Seems like you really only use this one yellow.”
“And this red.”
He tilts his head at you, eyelids falling half-way to offer a look as if you’re fucking with him. “Really, now? An’, this blue?”
You break out into a big grin. “Cadmium— NO Phillip put that down!”
But it’s too late. He snatches up the palette, quickly standing and walking towards the cafe’s trash can. Phillip laughs as you push and smack him playfully, trying to reach around his larger frame in order to get your beloved palette back. But he keeps walking, holding the tin palette by the thumb ring on the bottom to dangle it over the trash.
“It was Phthalo!” You shout with a laugh. “Phthalo blue.
He narrows his eyes at you with a slight upturn to his lips. Then, he relents. “Fine. But if I find out there’s another Cadeema in there, Imma throw this damn palette outta my truck.”
“Cadmium—“ He grips your shoulders, pulling you real close.
“Do you think. I’m playin’?
You bite your lip, eyes glittering. “Maybe.”
If it weren’t for the random customer to walk in, Phillip might have actually thrown you out of the window. Instead, he ushers you back to the table, hand barely brushing your lower back.
“So… what else ’s there?”
You exhale a little, but laugh. “Honestly? Prolly too much to explain. I think you should just watch and then learn.”
“Aw, not gonna be a teach for me, darlin’?” He gives you a pretty little pout. “Not even a little?”
You simply smile at the man. Something about this was easier than you expected it to be. Yeah, the butterflies are still there, and yes, you’re still very much aware of his eyes trailing up and down over you, but… it’s easy. He’s not pushy, he’s listening, and he’s asking questions. He’s engaged in the conversation. He wants to learn.
But as much as you want to teach him, you like coming out to the cafe to simply… breathe in the calm. The ambient sounds of the people around you lost in their own conversations, the smell of freshly bakes pastries and newly roasted coffee… you lived for it. It was easy to paint in public. Not because people would give you the occasional compliment, but because the cafe was always a breeding ground for easy focus. You could just… get as lost in your work as everyone else around you was lost in there. It’s… easy.
Lost in your own thoughts, you miss the way that Phillip’s head quirks to the side, and the way he observes your eyes and your calm smile. So he settles back in his chair, and after a sip of his coffee and a self-soothing breath, his tone of voice changes immediately.
“How about you show me how you paint a warm summer sky?”
The drive back was more calming and quiet than it ever had been. You’d discovered that Phillip loved to talk, and he loved when others did, too. He never much liked silence. It made him antsy and nervous. So to have a near-silent ride back was… new.
And you enjoyed it. 
The entire time inside the cafe while you painted, Phillip silently observed you. And the entire time he watched, his eyes sparkled with wonder. You knew he wanted to ask, but there was something in him that drove him to stay silent. He even suppressed those random little sighs he’d make when bored.
“Thank you,” you start meekly. “I… I had fun.”
He glances away from the road to smile at you, eyes crinkling in the corners. He drums his fingers along the steering wheel of his Chevy truck, tapping along to the beat of some old rock song he’d chosen.
“I did, too,” he begins. “Yer a good painter.”
You bite your lip a little. “Y’know… maybe one day I can teach you more actively.”
That get’s Phillip to raise his brow. “What, like we paint togetha or somethin’?”
“Yeah,” you nod, grinning up at him. “Think you got what it takes?”
He nods slowly, pursing his lips in thought. The way his brows twitch when he thinks is something you can’t help but find cute, especially when his eyes drift seamlessly over to you.
“I’ll take you up on that offer,” his tone is easy, but his smile falters. “But it’s gotta be sometime nex’ week.”
You sit up a little. Was he going on a deployment of some kind? How long would he be gone? Were you gonna be alone for a while? Meals, you needed to prep meals. And you need make sure to set an alarm to lock the doors. And check the stove—
“Hun… Relax,” Phillip purrs. “It’s just a few late nights. I’ll be back ‘round midnight to 0100, and have t’leave around 0400. Nothin’ serious.”
It’s your turn to purse your lips in thought. 
“Nothing serious, he says…” You murmur. “Just three hours of sleep each night for a week…”
He laughs, slowing his car as he reaches the driveway of his house. Of y’alls house. “Tell you what. I’ll make sure t’get plenty o’ rest once I get done. Y’can bore me to sleep with yer painting lessons or whatever.”
Even despite this being the same teasing your siblings might give you, you know full well that Phillip doesn’t mean it. That look in his eyes is one of a gentle kind of fondness. Like a seedling that you desperately want him to foster and care for so it can grow into something… true.
You grin confidently. “We’ll see about that, hotshot.”
“So, Pint…” the voice on the other end of your phone is one you cherish. “How’s the landlord?”
You set up the phone on the desk in your room, adjusting everything before relaxing. You call Austin every few weeks to catch up. After leaving for the Marines, you never heard much of him. But you heard even less when he joined some fancy team a year or so back. 
“He’s fine, Aus. I’m well taken care of.” You smile as your older brother pours himself a glass of bourbon. “He’s really sweet. I feel like I should be paying him more.”
Austin’s eyes roll as he takes a seat, leaning on his arm. “Don’t even. Take advantage of the system until yer out of college. Get that degree and get yourself out of there.”
Your brother worked hard to take care of you after he left, usually by sending some extra cash when you needed it for school. He’s always been the protective type, which is why he worked hard to find you a landlord he knew was gonna be good to you and keep you with a full belly, even on days that you weren’t making enough.
“Hey, Aus?” His expression turns into a curious yet serious look. “You never did tell me how you found this place for me.”
“I work with money, Pint. I know how to find shit. Don’t worry about it.” He sips his bourbon, eyes narrowing slightly. “But you tell me if that landlord of yours gets too snippy. You said military, yeah? Thems can get dickish at times.”
You deadpan your brother. “Thinking I can’t handle myself?”
“You can, I know that, Half-Pint. I just want to join in on the fun.”
Austin brandishes a knife of his, one that has a black ace on the handle. It’s a beautiful knife, all things considered. 
“Please don’t hurt my landlord. Phillip’s actually really sweet. Not to mention the first man that’s actually listened to my rambles.”
“Am I just lean meat to you?”
“I distinctly remember you telling me to shut up several times as kids, bitch.” 
Truth be told, your brother listened to you a lot. You just… never shut up about your hobbies. And while he loved listening to his younger sibling, the man had other issues on his mind. Like a sibling to take care of with two practically deadbeat parents.
He laughs at you, the sound echoing in the receiver.
You missed him, you did. He never really came by to visit. But you’d never tell him that. He’s happy with his super secret job, and as long as he kept calling, you’d cherish every moment with your brother. Something about OPSEC, he said, was the reason he couldn’t talk. 
“Hey, hun?” Phillip’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
You slide your chair back a bit, leaning closer to the closed door. “Yeah?”
“Pulled pork or sausage?”
“Uhh…” You ponder for a moment. Pulled pork means barbecue sandwiches, and sausage means dirty rice, both of which sounded heavenly. “Sausage.”
You slide back to your desk, being immediately met with the sight of your brother picking at the tip of his blade. “Hun?”
“It’s not like that! He’s Texan, breathe.” You take a sip of your own water, trying to suppress the blush.
“Listen to me, Aus, it’s not like that.” It’s like that. “He even calls little Tulip that!”
The snake in question hisses, evidently knowing his own name. And you smile fondly at the snake, your mind immediately going back to when Phillip gave the three snakes a bath for the first time. How easily he dealt with Fetti’s terrified little tantrum and spasms. How natural it was for him to love on Tiki as he wound himself around Phillip, genuinely trying to constrict and eat him. But Phillip didn’t give a care. He loved every single one of your babies. 
Hell, Phillip had Tiki around his neck right now because the damn corn snake couldn’t handle being away from him for more than three minutes.
A snapping noise brings you out of your blissed out thoughts.
“Earth to Pint,” Austin says, eyes dark. “Don’t tell me I need to take this guy out…”
“No!” You flush a little, shrugging. “He’s too old for me, you know that. And you know I’d tell you. I told you when I dated that kid in high school, didn’t I?” He raises a brow. “The one who laid his hands on you? The only reason I found out you were dating? For only three days before the fucker tried something?”
The sound of your exhale is loud. “Aus, pleas don’t worry about my landlord, or me. You’ve taught me enough to handle myself.”
“Okay, but the moment he tries anything—“
“I will tell you. I promise.”
“Good.” He smiles. “By the way, Tulip’s eating your plant.” 
With that, your older brother hangs up, leaving you to whip around and glare at the snake, his mouth wide as he attempts to swallow your little fern. 
You smile when Phillip sets down a bowl of dirty rice in front of you, his eyes so fond. After successfully dislodging the plant from your snake’s mouth, you’d gone out to watch Phillip cook, something you often find yourself doing. He’s just good at it, genuinely. And it’s not just the classic American Dad kinds of food, like steaks and burgers. This man has made all kinds of food for you, from fancy Michelin style meals to easy and lazy food. 
You yourself did some cooking. After all, you’d taken care of your younger siblings for years now. Dinners are second nature. And that makes Phillip cooking for you that much more… endearing.
Especially when it’s the last dinner you and Phillip will be sharing for a few days. It makes you sad, even if you don’t want to admit it. You love eating with him. He’d talk endlessly about his day, usually in vague terms or an exponentially growing amount of abbreviations and slang. But he seemed so excited to talk to you about it! He might as well be a golden retriever. 
“If you don’t min’ me askin’, hun, who were ya talkin’ to just a bit ago?” Phillip asks, sitting down next to you at the kitchen bar. “You sounded like they were under ya feather’s at times. ’S it someone I needa take care of?”
Stop being hot. Please.
“No, no. Just my brother. Don’t worry.” You wave your hand dismissively. “The usual sibling relationship.”
Phillip chuckles, his eyes twinkling with understanding. He grew up on a field with many, many older and younger siblings he helped wrangle. He knows the deal. “Makes sense, hun. But what about my precious Tulip, hm? Why’d you yell at the baby.”
Turning away to cross your arms and pout, you regard the question with mock irritation. “He ate. My plant.”
“Ate your plant?” He sits up in interest, taking a bite of his food. 
“Yeah! And the little fucker also thought it was a good idea to eat the pot, too!” A huff falls from your lips. He tries not to stare. “I got it out, but he wasn’t happy. I don’t even know why.”
He purses his lips, brows twitching. “Do they eat plants?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the p. “Not unless it smells like food.”
Phillip pales a little, setting down his fork. “Aw hell…”
“I reckon that’s my fault.” Phillip really has the audacity to avoid your judgmental glare. “After feedin’ the little angel I went to adjust your little plant leaf. Flower boy musta been able to smell the mice.”
You slowly work your fingers around the fork, eyes staring intently at your roommate. “Come again?”
“With pleasu-“ But Phillip stops once his eyes meet your death grip on the fork. He leans back a little. “Don’t do that… do not… do that…”
“Give me one good reason,” you begin, eyes narrowed, “not to stab you in the hand with this fork.”
Phillip inhales slowly. “Because… you… like me?”
“Try again.”
The man stares at you for a few grueling seconds, your eyes fighting to stay in line with his. But they dip down just a bit too low.
And he notices.
His hands instantly clasp around both of your wrist to pin them to the table, his grip firm and true. He gets real close to your face — real close — breath fanning across your lips. “Because you don’t want to mess with the Commander of a fuckin’ PMC.”
Oh, Austin is gonna kill you for the thoughts in your head…
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andromedastarrs · 1 month
Miguel O'Hara - Random Headcanons, All SFW! :)
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Y'all enjoyed the other post a lot so here-- have some more of my brain rot! All of these are just fun things lol, interactions and quirks!
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If he spots you and notices that you have bad posture, he'll point it out and tell you to straighten up. Even if others are around. "Unless you wanna live with back pain till the rest of your life..."
Clean cursive would probably be his preferred font to write in. When he prints his letters it's a total mess.
Definitely does not tolerate people who chew with their mouth open. He will glare at you, grab his plate, and move away.
Takes freezing cold showers. Headcanon because every health nut/gym person that I've met says it's the best for muscle recovery.
Doesn't like to watch TV in his free time, he's in front of screens all day. He spends it instead reading books, cleaning up his living area, putting on music and resting on his couch to let his mind relax.
Loud dad sneezes. Doesn't apologize for it.
Likes his coffee black. On his rest days though, he will add a little milk in there to treat himself.
Will order the biggest burger off the menu and successfully chomp at it with no issue. A part of me also thinks it would be in character for him to order a small meal and eat very... Well, he'd eat like a princess. LMFAO.
Is not religious but very respectful of every religion. I think if he were to have a spiritual S/O and they practiced a religion he didn't know much about he'd wanna learn about it by asking them questions.
I am TIRED of the racist Miguel allegations. I am a firm believer that because he is half Irish and half Mexican, if he were to be present in front of a racist, he wouldn't tolerate it. Also headcanon that he's not the arguing type. He'll just throw them out a window (exaggerating).
He loves cats and dogs, very gentle with both. Knows how to treat both correctly too. Doesn't own any pets though, he's scared of losing it one day.
Silently cries. Even when alone he's very quiet. His eyes get very red and so does his face, very quickly. No puffy eyes tho!
No time for skincare, but he's into biotech... Probably assuming too much, but if he could then why wouldn't he; he probably concocted some sort of "one in all" skin product.
On that note his hygiene is on point! He'd probably be so upset if he ever stunk.
Definitely dyes his hair. I do not believe that he doesn't have a single grey strand up there. If his S/O once said they liked the grey hairs, he'd probably chuckle... And then keep dying it anyways.
I think he'd choose to wear shorts over pants when given the chance to... Even jorts. It's ok, he looks good wearing them!
I think he'd like silver jewelry even though gold looks better on him. (He can pull off both *lip bite*.)
Doesn't like designer logos printed everywhere over his accessories/clothing.
Am i the only one that thinks he works out via Pilates AND weight training? Gotta stay flexible and stretched!
Likes to meditate, almost never has time to do so.
Sleep talker!
Very self aware of his size; hates accidentally coming into contact with other people.
Caught up with modern lingo in most places, doesn't participate in conversations surrounding it. "Have you heard what lingo the kids are using? It's absolutely bonkers--" "Yeah."
Try to talk to him in a silly language (think of that skibidi toilet shit), he'll respond instantly. Don't get the wrong idea, he won't be amused by your antics.
If he doesn't show interest in you then he's not interested in you. I'm a big believer that if you were crushing on him, you'd have to wait for HIM to show interest. Otherwise all your flirting will be rendered useless.
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toomuchracket · 1 month
the dword lore gave me a thought about maybe before they are fully together but basically emotionally together girly get a call that someone is sick back home/ some sort of family emergency that she has to scramble to get back to deal with (because i think poor girl is always dealing with everyone’s issues) but she can’t get a flight out that day/night the earliest she can get is the next morning, but she’s beside herself upset about what ever is happing back home. Jamie is a nightmare but I don’t think a total monster so he tells her he’s got it all and she can just take care of herself but when the band/matty has been given a heads up about what’s going on with you he’s heading to your hotel room to find you crumpled and upset and it’s the first time he’s wanted to fully take your pain away. he spends all night with you trying to get you to sleep a bit (no use) and carries your bag/sees you off to the car waiting for with a sus hug for “friends” and is texting you the minute you land and constantly with a “how are you, really?” she will call/facetime him to distract herself but he can tell she’s exhausted so even when she comes back on tour he’s sneakily planned to make sure she’s not jam packed with work, and makes sure she’s processed what has happened at home and didn’t let her do her usual “life back to normal” robot routine she’s told him she’s guilty of doing before.
and honestly through it all the fact that he's simply present and being maybe probably the first person ever to properly go "but how are YOU feeling?" and making time and space for you to be able to process your own feelings and issues instead of prioritising everyone else (the eldest daughter experience. i say this firsthand)... that's very overwhelming, in a good way, to you. like, he really really must care about you enough to do that, and the way he gets into a habit of quite literally hugging you and scratching your head to get you to sleep on your worst days is absolutely definitely clearly more than platonic (he sneaks little kisses to your head when he thinks you're asleep. spoiler! you aren't always). he likes taking care of you and making you happy, and although he truly would rather you're not going through this whole ordeal he's grateful that it helped him realise he wants to spend his life doing that with you, wants to be the person holding you while you sleep and the person you feel safest and most peaceful with - of course, you realise you want him to be that person for you too. both of you are just a bit too tentative to say it for another month lol <3
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1schadenfreude1 · 4 months
Rewriting Cain Boyfriend to Death 2 Love how the BTD fandom just collectively agreed to adopt EP's characters as our own I am absolutely tormented by the fact that Cain had so much potential but just. does not have the best writing ugh he's too similar to Rire and it kills me SO I am rewriting the fallen angel, lots of headcanons below the cut
Cain's number one motivation for why he does what he does is BOREDOM He's been torturing people in hell for centuries and it's become BORING. He wants something new, something interesting. He wants to see live humans and savor their emotions. Cain misses being human He'd never admit it out loud of course, but he does miss having real human emotions and enjoying human pleasures. Of course he can't be on earth too long while angels are hunting him, but maybe, spending time with humans will help him regain some of that human feeling?
Cain is chaotic evil incarnate LISTEN everyone in btd2 is a silly dork and Cain should be one too. He should have the most unpredictable and immature chaotic energy. Do you trust this face??? You shouldn't
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I think he just. does shit without thinking. Like he's been away from real humans for so long that he's sort of forgotten how fragile they can be.
"Oh c'mon little toy you can handle a little boiling water, right? Hello? Human? Fuck. Guess I need a new one." Yeah he's incredibly overpowered but that doesn't mean he knows how to USE that power lmao. He doesn't know how to interact with people anymore. he wants to be human again, but all he really knows how to do is…torture people. he's so dumb.
Straight up contradicting canon here but-- Cain feels bad for killing Abel Asking about Abel makes Cain get SUPER uncomfortable and shut down. He doesn't wanna talk about it. He definitely doesn't feel remorse about it. Nope. No remorse here. Abel is DEAD and GONE and good riddance and he DEFINITELY doesn't have lingering issues about it. Fuck you. Rips you apart with chains.
He loves bullying Damien though They have each other's phone numbers for god's sake. Cain sends Damien gore porn of the people he's killed. Those two try to kill each other on a weekly basis. It's normal for them. Yes that is Damien's severed arm on the living room wall. It brings Cain joy. Don't worry about it. Totally normal thing to say to your sibling
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Cain and Rire are rivals I think this is basically canon (based on Darqx's gorgeous art and animatics) but I wanna delve into it a bit! They're both incredibly powerful supernatural monsters, but their main difference comes down to this: Rire is lawful evil Cain is chaotic evil Cain kills people for purely selfish reasons: he wants to see human reactions and feel their emotions again. He thinks that causing pain will help him feel human. Rire kills people because its his job to collect souls. He loves his job and has a lot of fun with it, but in the end its still his job.
Cain is much, much older but Rire is way more mature
Cain is more powerful, but can't do much when he's stuck in Tartarus Rire is less powerful but has much more freedom of movement
Cain likes to play the long game, seducing victims with romance before going sadistic on them Rire is a busy demon; he likes to have fun but needs that soul sooner rather than later
Cain plans long elaborate dates because he's bored and reads too many romance novels Rire's plans are short and brutal, he does what he wants and that's it
Cain loves humans and wants to savor their reactions and emotions Rire hates humans and treats them like disposable toys
Cain is more interested in pain than sex, he won't rape a victim unless he really likes them Rire likes sex lmao. its a power rush for him and it feels good I hope my ramblings make sense lol
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connan-l · 4 months
It kind of. saddens me that Taki is always left out whenever the 4 boys (Natsume/Nishimura/Kitamoto/Tanuma) are hanging out.
Especially in the manga - the anime actually seems to try to include her more, and because in the manga Sasada isn't here it really feels like Taki's the only one excluded because.... idk, she's The One Girl of Natsume's friends lol.
Which is amusing because in the fandom she's pretty regularly included with the boys, even when it follows the manga without Sasada; when in reality in canon she's... never really been shown to be friends with Kitamoto & Nishimura. And it's like, okay on the one hand I sort of get it because I know from experience some teenage groups can sometimes have a clear boys/girls gender divide... but Taki still frequently hang out with Natsume and Tanuma and her being the only girl here doesn't seem to matter, so I don't see why it would be an issue for her to also hang out with Nishimura and Kitamoto?
It'd be fine to me if it were only some chapters/arcs where it's just the 4 boys together, but I can't recall a single one where it's the 4 boys AND Taki. Chapters where Taki are included are always only with Natsume & Taki or Natsume & Taki & Tanuma. That's especially weird given, rereading the culture festival chapter (chapter 27), the ending implies Taki was invited with Natsume and Tanuma to go fishing with Nishimura and Kitamoto. In the eastern forest arc (chapters 34-36), we know she went to the summer festival with them too (even if, again, on the last page there's only the 4 boys and Taki is nowhere to be seen. for some reason.)
So technically she should be at least kind of friends with Nishimura & Kitamoto by now already, but it's never shown on panel...? Again there's a few times where I think it's fine if Taki's not here, like the Tanuma arc where they go to his aunt's inn (chapters 66-67); it was a Tanuma arc and so it had to be focused on him, especially given the arc right before it was a Taki arc where Tanuma doesn't appears (chapters 64-65). (Though arguably she still could have come, given the mirror yokai arc was also a Tanuma arc and she still played a minor role here without overshadowing Tanuma.)
But then, why wasn't she invited during the childhood home arc when the boys went to look for a soda spring in the forest (chapters 44-46)? Or at the special 20 where they go see Natori's movie together? What about chapter 111 which was all about Natsume spending time and chilling with his friends at the beach? How come during the Man Upstairs painting/Tenjou-san arc (chapter 90-91) Taki wasn't the FIRST choice they go to to seek information!! They're investigating a legend about an an old painting - you KNOW that Taki, who lived her whole life in that town and especially who had a grandpa who spent his life collecting legends and is very knowledgeable on the topic, would have been the best person to know the most about it!! She would've had so much fun too!! But apparently that didn't even cross their mind to go ask her? (Though I guess you could argue she would've solved the mystery in 2 minutes then lol, but still. I don't see why she couldn't have investigated with the boys orz) There's not even a mention of "yeah I asked Taki but she said she couldn't" like?
It's just that every time I see the 4 boys together without Taki I feel like shaking Natsume and Tanuma by the shoulders and be like hey!! Taki's your bestie too!!! why are you not inviting her!!!
It just feel really sad to me too given we know Taki literally doesn't have any other friends besides Natsume and Tanuma. Ever since she got cursed she got very isolated from others at school, and it's not until CHAPTER 96 that she starts talking again to her classmates. So like, when she's not with Natsume & Tanuma, she's just... all alone. That's why this exclusion is just weird to me cause it feels like the boys don't notice this or just. always leave her all alone, when they could very easily invite her to join their group. Even if Chapter 96 implies she now has at least 1 friend it's still fairly recent and it's not been developed since then.
This is kind of funny to me sometimes too because Midorikawa always write in her afterwords how much she loves girls and wish she could draw them more but like. She still seems stuck in the All Boys Gang and never let Taki in. Midorikawa I love you but you can't complains about not drawing girls if you always refuses to include your second most important female character lmao (Taki always gets left out of official merch stuff too orz)
At least the anime tries to include her a bit more here and there and to show she has this friendship with Sasada so she seems a bit less isolated and left out; like they actually added her at the end of the Eastern forest arc, of the childhood home arc and even in the school trip episode (she wasn't here in chapter 79). (Though the problem with the anime is that this added inclusion often doesn't feel organic, especially with Sasada.)
Anyway. Can we PLEASE let Taki be friends with Nishimura & Kitamoto and tries to at least have ONE chapter where she hang out with the 4 boys T_T
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therealmilfdennys · 2 years
SFW and NSFW headcanons for the ST boys I write for lol
I want! To do one of these for everyone I write for but this is fresh on my mind so it's first lol. Eddie, Billy, and Steve are included. I wanted to post this before some of my asks so you know what you're getting lol. Anyway! CW: Feminization, trauma mention, nightmares, scars, and season 3 spoilers, cockwarming, crying, panty stealing, exhibitionism sort of, billy's mommy issues, more crying, let men bottom. Written with top!reader in mind, mostly gender-neutral but AFAB based (I write what I know) if there's more Please let me know.
Steve Harrington SFW 
He hates being alone in that big house, so hes either holding you hostage or he’s always at yours. 
Says he HATES spending time with the kids but is the first to defend them in any situation, even if You have something negative to say about them.
I think the whole ‘six nuggets’ speech was WAY out of character but like, I think Steve deserves ONE baby as a treat. Or maybe he’s the honorary uncle to one of Nancy’s kids lol. He’d be a sick ass uncle.
He Does in fact love PDA, he’s a touchy feely guy (post season one, at least Genuinely) 
His love language is physical touch(receiving) and gift giving(giving). HIs parents were always trying to ‘make up’ for not being there with gifts (the BMW was from the Florence trip, two whole months by himself with little to no contact.)
He really likes movie dates, be it renting a tape and staying at his or yours OR going out and catching one at the theater. He got weirdly into film after working at Family Video.
His favorite candy is anything banana flavored (laffy taffy is the top spot).
He likes pepsi over coke and Is pretentious about it. 
I ama  firm believer that he has a full skin/hair/night/morning routine that he is ADAMANT about. HE has a toiletry bag bigger than his overnight bag that he carries his “essentials” in if he stays over at yours/Eddie’s. 
Speaking of Eddie they got weirdly close after the whole Vecna thing so if you’re dating Steve congrats you have a a new bestie :) Eddie will offer you joints you do Not have to accept. 
Steve is a fan of thicker people I’m sorry I dont make the rules. They all are but Speficially Steve and Billy lol. 
He gets really bad nightmares about the demogorgons sometimes, sleeps with the bat next to him most nights. “Just in case, babe. Can’t be too careful.”  
Was a bug kid, and WAS friends with Eddie in elementary school I will die on this hill. They used to make bug palaces on the playground someone please ask e about this for the love of fuc-
HIs favorite book is The Outsiders :) He doesn’t and didn’t read a lot but that is one of the few books that can grab his attention and keep it. Got very excited when the movie came out and it is one of his favorites :)
First guy crush was Rob Lowe he “Just thought he was badass.” uhhh okay Stevie we get it.
Boyfriend Material to a fucking T. You need someone to help grocery shop? He’s there. Help move furniture? He’s there? Sad? He’s there and he’s making stupid jokes and calling you pretty and kissing your eyelids. 
He lets you wear his clothes and encourages it. Will have a fashion show with your clothes to make you feel better about it if you’re insecure. 
Firmly believe there isn’t a mean bone in this mans body. He couldn’t bully you into submission if he wanted to he’d feel too bad.
He’s a simp to the bone. All you have to do is put on the puppy eyes and the “Please Stevie?” And he melts.
I’d call him the pussy eating king but Eddie Munson holds that title so Steve is the Pussy Eating Prince? 
I don’t think he’s a dom by any means, but I DO think he’d be a service top. 
“Baby cum for me please? Wanna feel it. Need to see you cum, look so pretty when you do.” and “So fuckin’ tight, so wet and pretty and perfect. Doin’ so good for me.”
Praise!! Kink!!! Both giving and receiving! Pull on his hair and call him a good boy and he’ll whimper so pretty. 
Big Dick. I don’t remember where I read the headcanon that Steve has a huge dick but i fuckin ran with it so now he does :). Its pretty too. 
He likes slow and sleepy sex over anything else. The sex where you guys are like, trying to fuck but end up just cuddling and kinda grinding against eachother? *chef’s kiss*
Big fan of cockwarming :) sometimes he’s just so needy and you’re busy with work stuff, or college stuff or you’re just reading and he’s all 
“Can I please just put it in? Don’t even have to move, jus’ wanna be close baby.” 
He’s shit at dirty talk but he tries okay?
“Steve we talked about the shitty porn dialouge baby.” “Yeah, yeah sorry.” 
BIg fan of giggling during sex? He just thinks you’re so pretty and he gets these big goofy smiles that are all teeth and yeah. 
When he cums he’s loud as fuck. He’s vocal in general but he gets LOUD when he’s close. He whines and whimpers and huffs out these little moans. HIs tummy gets all tense and his hips jerk and he’s trying so hard not to cry out and beg. 
“Gun’ cum baby, please? Guna’cum for’ya please.” 
Tears up if its really good or if you edged him lol. 
All in All a nice guy to fuck and Date i wont him. 
Eddie Munson SFW :)
Will make you a mixtape way before you start dating and if you listen hard enough that was his original confession. 
He likes to make NPC's in his campaigns based off of you :) whether they be random passerby or main baddies. 
Doesnt matter what shape, size, gender, ethnicity, race anything. If Eddie falls for you? He's All In. He loves HARD and he doesnt give a shit about consequences. 
His queer awakening was Slash lol
Probably autistic, but its the 80's and its rural Indiana so. No Outlet for that. 
His best friend is 100% Dustin they hang out regularly. He's trying (slowly hut surely) to teach Dustin some guitar stuff. 
Eddies idea of a date is driving out to empty fields in the van with some burgers and a joint or two and stargazing. He knows a lot about astrology and definitely shows off his knowledge. 
He's a cuddle bug. Leeches your warmth in the winter and sticks to your sweaty skin during the summer. If he's not sleeping flush against you hes whiney as fuck. 
He likes to wrap his arms around you from the back when you guys are just standin' places. He's a lil lanky so he just kinda curls himself around you, no matter if you're taller or shorter than him. 
he likes to call you "your majesty" a lot, and not in a condescending way. 
"you're royalty babydoll, should be treated that way" hands you a rock he thought you'd like.
hes very much the 'crow friend' if you've seen those tiktoks?
keeps a box of shiny stuff, fancy rocks, funky sticks, jars, and weird shit he found that he likes to show you sometimes and give you if he thinks you'll like it. 
very sensitive to rejection, has attachment issues. 
his parents left when they realized he was getting caught too often doing illegal shit for them so they dipped and he took it to heart. 
still convinced Wayne thinks he's a burden
please kiss his cheeks and play with his hair and call him pretty he blushes so nice. 
he gets freckles during the summer and a REALLY nice tan if hes out enough. 
never learned how to swim correctly, is self taught. 
used to chew on his hair and still does if he's Very upset or close to a meltdown. 
umm bottom lol sorry
or a pushover service top
i cannot see him as a massive sadist it doesnt fit im sorry
likes to dress up sometimes :) likes feeling pretty and dainty 
he just hangs around naked sometimes? he seems the type to me?
eats pussy for HIS pleasure and will go till he gets lockjaw and THEN some. 
the one on this list who Knows how to make AFABs squirt. and is PROUD of it. 
is actually very shy? knows people dont like him usually and is worried its a prank. 
wants his ass ate sorry not sorry it had to be said. he thinks it would feel fucking amazing and he deserves it. 
he LOVES being ridden, titties bouncin' in his face, tummy jigglin' for him to grab onto. he fuckin ADORES it. 
hes GRABBY. he grabs at your ass, hips, thighs, stomach, shoulders. Anything He Can. he just gets so needy 
he begs so pretty. loves being overstimulated and gets shakey after his first orgasm but wont stop you till hes cumming dry. 
"cm-cmon..can…i can c-cum again bab-baby i can. puh-puh-promise i can." 
LOVES when you baby talk him but like, in a condescending way? 
"oh sweet thing :( just gotta cum so bad huh? couldnt wait could you, just had to act like a needy slut, yeah?" "mhm, mhm, needy..needed it, so bad. so bad." 
drools lol hes like A Dog. his legs get shakey and his head rolls and he grins like a maniac and theres spit dripping down his chin and im <3
loves to finger you, anywhere, really. and loves when you just shove a hand down his pants and jack him off. 
the kinda guy who would refer to your pussy as "his girl" 
He’s a fuckin perv. Steals your undies and has a stash of them for ‘safe keeping’. Porn mags out the ass. Normal ole teenage boy stuff lol. 
he'd let you use his dick as a stim toy /hj
Billy Hargrove SFW
Boy is an ASSHOLE okay? lives to bully and tease you at first (and even after you're dating but then its affectionate) 
He has a lot of resentment towards positive female/female presenting roles in his life because of his mom i think? and he REALLY has to work on that shit, and if you have the heart to help him with that you're a saint. 
I think the best approach would be to help him from outside. Let him do some introspective shit and just kinda. Guide him. 
Okay so he knows hes a dick, hes trying to get better this is prime, please ask HIM out time. 
He will get so incredibly flustered if you ask him out on a date or something he wont know what to do. 
Hes used to being the flashy one. The Stud. the Untouchable. A Lot of internalzed homophobia in this bad boy. Toxic Masculinity ftw
After the Mindflayer he is a Lot different and i really want to write my specific headcanons and ideas on how he survived/what happened after lol
Hes more subdued, he's quiter, he doesnt lash out as much. He's still, ragey, obviously but its toned down a lot. 
He's not quite as outgoing either, which Max helps a lot with. They get close. 
You and him get closer too. 
I think you guys start as FWB and escalate from there because what ELSE would happen with Billy Hargrove. 
Uhhh he secretly likes rom coms sorry not sorry. 
He LOVES sixteen candles its one of his favorites. 
his queer awakening was :) tom cruise in top gun, that basic bitch. 
he likes when you call him baby/baby boy a LOT. 
he gets FRECKLED in the summer. He tans so pretty and he gets a nice little flush/sunburn on his cheeks and ears that makes him glow. He really thrives in the summer. 
City Boy. Has never seen a cow irl until Hawkins and is terrified of them, please show him they are gentle giants. 
He likes to go to drive ins (and make out) for dates before the mindflayer. He still likes to do that AFTER the mindflayer but hes much more a homebody now so he really likes napping together. 
calls you bitch but affectionately. 
is an AVID reader actually? i love the headcanon that Billy is Wicked smart so i like to think he reads alot. 
he likes period romances (jane austen is his GIRL)
he thinks cooking together is the height of domesticity and at first it freaked him tf out how much he liked doing it with you. now he eases into so quickly its a little funny. 
feral mountain lion turned a little less feral house cat energy.
likes when you call him Bills :)
Likes to walk with his hand in your back pocket and yours in his. 
So at first, he's hyper-dominant. Won't let you even Ride him. He's in his head about it 100% he doesnt want you to think he's weak. Men dont take it like that. 
He soon learns you VERY much like it when he's crying for you  
Hes a power bottom i wont take arguments. 
He's also a fuckin BRAT. Needs you to put him in his place but Gently. Needs a firm hand but do Not raise your voice at him or he shuts down. 
It takes a while before he trusts you enough to let you see this side of him and you need to respect that. He will come to you when he's ready. 
He knows hes pretty and he uses it against you. Flutters his eyelashes and smiles all pretty and puffs his chest out. Lays himself out to make himself real pretty. 
Praise tf out of him please he'll cry. 
"Oh pretty baby, you're doin' so good :) such a perfect boy for me. feel so good in me handsome." He's tearing up and nodding so hard. 
"Yeah. Yeah m'good. M'good boy. Doin' good." Under his breath with his eyes squeezed shut, white knuckling the sheets. 
Needs a lot of reassurance that you're feeling good. He spent a lot of time not really giving a shit if the girls he was with got off so with you? He's constantly. "Is that right? That feel good? Want more?" He wants to be perfect for you. 
Sometimes, after the nightmares are getting worse and he's so sleep-deprived he's cross eyed and he can't really think he needs you to take him apart and he goes so willingly.
He gets whimpery and almost immediately oversensitive. Like his cock is a livewire. His fingers and lips tremble and he's trying so hard to keep his eyes on you, to be a good boy. He goes pliant and soft and gets this silly little smile on his face. Eyes hazy and wet. He hums and nods and lets you do whatever. He knows he's safe. 
The scars ARE sensitive lol you heard it here folks. 
He doesnt fuck you with the lights on or fully naked for almost a year after he's fully healed. 
He rubs vitamin E oil and scar softner into the skin where he was attacked twice a day, every day, for a year before you get to see them. 
He breaks down when you call them pretty :) 
And you BETTER think he's still handsome or i'll find you istg /hj
Uhh, this may be a personal want of mine or a real headcanon but I think he would like to try makeup? Like a full glam rock, smokey eye red lip whole shebang. 
Fuck him so good his mascara runs. 
Prolly has a mommy kink but i’m not brave enough to write that (unless…)/hj
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qingxintea · 1 year
the stars intertwine *ੈ✩‧₊˚
genshin impact
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headcanons — aether, xiao, scaramouche
when you tell them you feel alone
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AETHER ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
immediately, aether seemed to pick up on your mood. usually he wasn’t very exposed to you feeling down as you kept onto an upbeat show even if it didnt correspond to how you were truly feeling.
deeming the fact that you let it show this time to a point where he could genuinely pick it up, he determined it must’ve reached a bad point. he asked you about it.
“y/n? im sorry if this sounds weird— i just think that you seem a little down today. are you okay?”
he looked at you with the utmost concern and it almost pushed you into crying more. kinda like trying to not cry at school but someone asks “are you okay?” and u cry fr
“yeah— sorry,” you immediately apologize, feeling bad that you made him worry.
“nono, please don’t apologize; just tell me what’s wrong if thats okay,” he smiles gently and takes your hands
you stare intently for some seconds and then take a deep breath. “i just feel a little lonely.”
silence sits for a second but you could feel his hands tense a bit around yours.
finally, he speaks (:
“i’m sorry if i failed you accompany you today,” he blurts out in a rush, feeling responsible for your mood. “d-“
“what? no, aether,” you shake your head, “this is not your fault at all. its just one of those days. thats all.” you smile in reassurance.
he sighs gladly knowing that he was not involved in the issue. he knows about days where you simply just felt down— he had them all the time when he was finding his sister ):
he caresses your face and comes to a conclusion.
“then lets be alone together.”
skips his commissions and takes sick leave and spends the rest of the day never leaving your side
you tell him all about your week!
“work at liyue qixing is very busy this week, we had a lot of broken architect and paranormal cases as of lately. ganyu and keqing always work so hard so i took these extra cases for them.”
“i spent more energy than usual and spent less time talking to people i love, talking to you. everytime i return from work, i just sort of collapse.”
aether chimes in, “y/n, you’re so sweet to everyone. from now on i will rest with you when you return.”
and he does! aether always keeps his word to you— you really are thankful for him.
he even goes out of his way to solve cases and fix things for you while you’re sleeping and you never notice him sneaking out. he talks to little ming and asks her if she knows anything behind the cases, fixes broken stairs and elevators, and ultimately asking keqing and ganyu to look out of you as you’ve been passing out lately.
he even crocheted you a little aether plushie to hold whenever he’s not around! so you’ll always have a piece of him with you (:
on the weekly, he gets you flowers. this week he got you a bouquet of cecilias so you don’t suspect he’s been working in liyue for you
the next week, when you tell him that your workload in liyue has been elevated, he is extremely glad that his work paid off. of course, he never tells you anything though
cutie fr
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XIAO ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
xiao cant really verbally address feelings well and you know this. so initially you avoid telling him in general.
but he’s not oblivious to it— even though you don’t tell him, he can sense it. like that one time you made an extremely outrageous deal with a witch to take on his karmic debt and almost died LOL crazy
you also don’t tell him bc yk he’s lived for so many years longer than u that he’s lost so many people, probably more lonely than u
he can sense it through some of your usual offerings too! your cooking is corresponding to your mood and the almond tofu recently has been a bit bitter compared to your previous. its not that it tastes bad, it aroused concern.
he is scared to address it because he thinks he will be extremely awkward or insensitive. instead, he comforts you through acts of service and gift giving.
he picks up qingxin flowers for you and ties it with a vibrant red silk ribbon and leaves it on your doorstep. also gets u a green good luck amulet
now u have it on your nightstand and it helps u sleep better, the good luck amulet is always warn next to your vision YAY
he notices an improvement in your mood but it’s not to its original state.
eventually, he appears the next time you offer something and the two of you sit in comfortable silence until you break it.
“i’m sorry my offerings have been of lower quality recently. i am not feeling well and it shows through my work,” you apologize profusely. you think that him staying with you is a sign that he’s waiting for you to say something about recent troubles bc u always overthink LMAO
“don’t say sorry for something so minuscule,” he immediately responds but has no idea what to say after that.
but there is no need to add on because you know him so well. you know that when he says that it means he is more concerned about your well being than what you produce.
you nod slightly and the conversation ends there. he probably already realizes that you’ve been feeling lonely because you’ve been lacking in social energy this whole week due to your excessive work.
he stays with you for awhile and never gets up to get milk from the fridge or anything which is great
lowkey threatens your coworkers to keep an eye on you LMAOO so silly
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SCARAMOUCHE ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
mention of medications and more sweating LMFAO
lowkey u just expect this guy to not care at all bc he’s emotionally constipated
so when he addresses it he makes sure ur in a completely ISOLATED SPACE so NO ONE FUCKING SPIES !!
“oookay, what the fuck is wrong with you y/n, have you not been taking your meds for the past month??”
LMAO he says it downright with no sugarcoat because he wants to get straight to the point
you get taken aback a bit bc it’s such a funny question
“no bitch i just feel like SHIT TODAY because im LONELY AND SINGLE 😭😭😭😭” you counter
“oh i forgot”
“r u fr.”
he brings u ur meds in like 2 pound crates and ur like “wtf”
he says it’s to compromise for your lack of meds the past month
“??,??!!” he is so done HAHAHA “anyway why r u lonely wtf did tartar sauce say something mean to you AGAIN”
you laugh “ACTUALLY YEAH LOL HE WAS LIKE ‘at least i have a little brother’ AS A JOKE CUZ HE DOESNT KNOW THAT MINE WENT KABOOM 😵😵”
the two of u end up playing super smash bros and u keep spamming villager rocket bc that’s ur favorite move and eventually u k.o. him with it even though he saw it coming, he forgot how to jump LMAO
he claims that he did that on purpose to make you feel better but u think he’s bs-ing because he’s a sore loser and embarrassed he lost by not dodging a whole ROCKET
eventually becomes a very heated roasting session because u two are the most toxic couple in all of teyvat that ur literally perfect for each other LMAO
“how does it feel to look 12 and 57 at the same time??? I BET U GET ID CHECKED AT 7LEAVES LMAO”
no lonely anymore bc ur evil !
later when u don’t know he beats up childe for what he said LMAO “ARE U STUPID DONT BRING Y/N’S CRAPPY CRUMBLED FAMILY INTO ANYTHING” and childe never does it again
happy ending !
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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tanenigiri · 25 days
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I'm floored that people are still liking and reblogging the collage of BL and BL-adjacent works that I reviewed two (!!) years ago. I haven't stopped growing my collection of manga, so I figured I'd make a sort-of Part 2 with a collage of some other fluffy slice-of-life BL and BL-adjacent titles I've enjoyed ever since I ended that project.
While I don't have time to give them full-fledged reviews like before, you can find some of my quick thoughts on each of them under the cut. I recommend all of these titles just as much as the 18 I included in the first collage - if you liked any of those, give these 10 stories a try!
Hirano and Kagiura by Shou Harusono - From the creator of Sasaki and Miyano and set in the same universe, this series revolves around one of Miyano's senpais and the roommate that he's been shipping him with since the start. This is every bit as charming and wholesome as Sasaki and Miyano, though I think this is a lot more chaotic considering the more hilarious take on the main pair's dynamic. I did a more comprehensive review of its first volume here if you wanna check it out.
Candy Color Paradox by Isaku Natsume - I'm not usually a big fan of enemies to lovers - the tropes they work with are rarely my cup of tea. This is one of the few stories I've read where that dynamic works really well, though, with these two reporters clashing a lot early on but finding out that they're exactly what the other needs. I wasn't too sold on the first volume but the second one really brought me onboard - I thought they treated the personal conflicts of one of the main characters incredibly well there.
My Brother's Husband by Gengoroh Tagame - More BL-adjacent than BL, this tells the story of a man reconnecting with the husband of his late brother (and no, there isn't any romance involved at all - this is a family-centric story first and foremost). It doesn't focus entirely on dealing with this loss, though - it's also a look into the protagonist's own family dynamics and troubles, with his daughter being a very prominent character here a la Tane in Our Dining Table. One of my favorites of this batch as it has a lot of heart and soul poured into it.
My Love Mix-Up by Watanu Hinekure and Aruko - The most comedic title here, this takes the misunderstanding trope to a really funny direction and builds a really good story out of it. The main couple is very adorable, and their dynamic with the side couple evolves in such a fun way that I ended up seeing this as a story about the four of them that just so happens to have two couples. If you watched the live action, the manga has a slightly different take on the story, and of course it spends more time on certain plot points, but it has the same chaotic and hilarious vibe.
Hyperventilation by Bboungbbangkkyu - I've only read a few Korean BLs, but this one is easily my favorite of the ones I've read so far. This is a lot steamier than most of the titles in this and in the previous collage, but those scenes are surrounded by a heartfelt dynamic between its two leads who are realizing that the connection they shared back in high school was a lot deeper than they thought. If you've watched the animation of this title, the manhwa's pretty much that but in book form, but I did notice some differences in the manhwa that made the story stronger in my opinion.
I'm Kinda Chubby and I'm Your Hero by Nore - I was slightly wary of this title since body image issues are quite difficult to tackle, but it turned out to not really be the focus of the story - one of the protagonists just happens to be chubby, and while there is some discussion on it, this story focuses a lot more on his growth as an actor and his newfound dynamic with the story's other protagonist. It's a really sweet story at its core, and the pun is definitely intended as the other protagonist is a pastry chef lol. (I'm also not sure if I would consider this as BL or BL-adjacent, coz by the second volume (which is the latest one so far) they aren't really together, but you can definitely sense that their dynamic goes beyond friendship.)
That Blue Sky Feeling by Okura and Coma Hashii - Picked this up mainly because the story is by the same person behind I Think Our Son Is Gay, one of my favorites in the original project. This has a slightly similar vibe, where it focuses more on exploring homosexuality and identity instead of romance, and it does so with the same interesting depth that Okura did in the other work. This one definitely has more BL tropes than I Think Our Son Is Gay though, and I'm more inclined to call it BL than BL-adjacent.
I Want to Be a Wall by Honami Shirono - "Marriage of convenience between a gay man and an asexual woman" is such an incredible pitch that I picked this up immediately, and I really enjoyed it for what it is. Said asexual woman is also a fujoshi, and the man that her husband is crushing on (who is straight) is a prominent supporting character, so you can imagine the hilarity that ensues. This isn't a comedy though - it's very much a heartwarming tale about identity and finding joy in a situation that isn't exactly the best.
Delinquent Daddy and Tender Teacher by Tama Mizuki - Already the second title here that has the same two-male-leads-plus-child dynamic as Our Dining Table - do you see the clear bias hahaha. This is quite far from that story and My Brother's Husband though, and I honestly thought that this was going to be trashier than it was because of the title, but I really shouldn't have judged this book by its cover as it's a great story about family and building connections with each other. It ended up being closer to Would You Like To Be a Family? in that regard, but this takes the time to flesh out the relationship between the two protagonists and the child, creating a silly but heartwarming dynamic.
Hello, Green Days by Ayu Sakumoto - Stumbled upon this short story online, and it has stayed with me ever since even if it doesn't have a physical English release (yet?). The dynamic between the protagonists is really sweet, and how it weaves in the plant talk (one of the main characters is a botany major) into the story is very clever. I also did a more comprehensive review of this before, so check it out here if you want.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope you found more titles to add to your to-read list.
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