#just an old wizard with an otp
rewritingcanon · 1 year
hermione is everything and ron’s just ken
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years
Okay qui, I've accepted it😔👍 washio and numai are simply my two types💖
No lie- I can kinda see it😳
Ahahahaha slayyy. Go me and you ig
My best friend and my sister😔
Sister said this is you:
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Best friend said I give the same energy as:
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Yeah... I can see it too. So my personality is old wizard now ig
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theladyheroine · 3 months
Unexpected OTP Pairings ✨
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❥ Okay I know Valentine’s Day was last week! Almost two weeks ago! But recently I’ve been wanting to branch out a bit with my blog writing, & writing prompts are something I love a lot! So, I’m trying something new & came up with a few OTP ideas! I hope you enjoy, thank you & have fun!
❥ F x M writing prompts! I didn't specify who is who though so everyone can read!
Former! Villain x Superhero
Not even a real villain, just some dumb person who steals things but is actually really nice in real life! But when a superhero comes to stop them, they instantly fall in love! Seriously has heart eyes & doesn't pay any attention to the hero’s grand pre-fight speech.
Or doesn’t put up a fight at all, just hands them the stolen goods & escapes. Leaving Hero completely confused as the Villain they were supposed to stop didn’t even bother fighting, which is still good but they’re still confused.
After this, the Villain now decides to become a Superhero!! To not only impress their new crush but also because they've always really wanted to be one anyways! It was just the push they needed.
Cue them now running the streets in a completely different outfit trying their best to stop the bad guys! Usually, it doesn’t end well though: they’ll trip over the air & let them escape, or maybe just show up late to the fight & it’s already over.
It’s even worse when their Hero crush joins the fray, and then they’re really clumsy or just start sputtering like an old car. Their former henchmen, now turned sidekicks, try to console them as they lay on the couch completely embarrassed by their feats.
Oooooor, they are super confident & much better at being a superhero than they ever were being a Villain. Maybe this confidence goes to their head a bit & will literally try flirting with Hero on the battlefield! Hero gets a bit embarrassed sometimes & their other super-friends tease them about it. If this does happen, Hero might end up trying to run away from the former Villain in an effort to focus on their job. But it just ends up being really funny to watch.
Bonus: They have opposite powers or maybe one has no powers at all.
Dashing Thief x Friendly! Detective
I'm sorry this one is a bit short!
A notorious thief with a heart of gold who only ever steals from bad guys & acts more as a Robin Hood character than any. Hardly ever keeps anything for themselves; just struts around after dark on the lookout for anything suspicious. Not one person has been able to catch them & their identity remains a mystery. Would be cool if they were a nobleman/woman or had some kind of big fancy hideout. 
The detective is actually their friend/partner (maybe)! The good egg who actually sees the thief’s true intentions instead of just mucking around in a Halloween costume. Although they're pretty ticked at the way Thief does things, they usually keep their coworkers & the boss off Thief's trail. Maybe a newbie or an intern at the detective agency, determined to prove themselves on the field. 
Maybe they met as civilians & the thief switched to a disguise to hide from authorities, but bumped into the detective who was out on a coffee break. It was love at first sight for both of them, so cute! 😆 They do a lot of coffee dates now, but sometimes Detective overdoes it.....
One is the brains, and the other is the brawn. Together they can get any job done! The Detective’s coworkers find it strange how the Thief shows up more often when they're specifically on the job. The Boss is suspicious but sometimes finds them cute.
Often swing by each other’s places to not only hangout but help each other with cases or special kinds of info. If the Thief has any sidekicks, no doubt they’ll spill funny stories of missions gone wrong or close calls. 
Stealing each other's hats and impersonating the other one for fun, then cue a playful chase scene around the room! So cute!
Dragon x Wizard
I know some people like fantasy stuff!
A dragon is resting in their cave until they hears footsteps at the entrance. But instead of finding a grumpy old knight, they find a wizard! Maybe the Wizard was exploring the caves nearby or on a journey to the next town, but instead of feeling scared or angry, they started fangirling/fanboying over the dragon instead! 😆
Likes to ask them all sorts of questions & sometimes can’t stop talking. Now Wizard can come whenever they like & the two become friends!
The Wizard visits whenever they can, showing off all sorts of new spells or potions they've created. Even though it might not be as impressive as their fire, the Dragon still finds it cool & applauds.
The Dragon will always try to impress their wizard friend with tall tales of each piece of treasure. How they got it, where they found it, if they fought anyone over it, etc. But sometimes those stories are exaggerated…
The Wizard will be in absolute awe at the Dragon’s stories & can’t help but be a complete chatterbox about it. Asking more questions about different things like how their magic works, how they can fly with all that extra weight, or if they can learn a fire-breathing spell from them instead—
If the Wizard lives in a tower then the Dragon will visit just as frequently! Usually it’s in the early morning or during sundown when there are fewer people around. But if the Wizard lives in a town or city, it might take some time for the Dragon to come around. It’s not that they don’t care, but dragons are more solitary creatures. They likely won’t be found anywhere other than their own home or nearby.
Either way, they enjoy each other's company & the dragon likes to ask questions about different thingamabobs on the Wizard's shelves.
They can both be pretty clingy but that’s sometimes a bit tough to handle because the poor wizard has to be extra careful pouring bottles or waving their wand around if a pair of arms are wrapped around them. Doesn’t mind but sometimes will complain if their partner won’t stay still.
Extra Duo!
Since I loved the superhero one a lot I thought of another one: what if a Hero’s Sidekick & a Villain’s Henchman fall in love! They end up sneaking out on rooftops for dates or waving/winking at each other on the battle field. The Henchman does end up giving Sidekick any tips about their next plan.
Cue the Villain throwing a tantrum in their lair wondering why the Hero is always one step ahead of them. 😅
They like to hangout in civilian settings together! Bonus if they found out on accident lol
If their Bosses end up finding out it’s like sneaking back into your house at night, but then the Hero/Villain turns the lights on in their pajamas like “Where were you?? I thought you were asleep!”
Bonus if the Henchman or both villains become heroes at the end!
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Ao3 tips:
- Install a skin.   This makes it less scary to read ao3 in public, and hurts your eyes way less.   I recommend trying out Snow Blue, Reversi, and Dusted Off, but if you don’t like any of them you can use the Allmighty Skin Wizard to make your own skin.
- If you do use a skin, CRANK THAT FUCKING FONT SIZE UP.   Your sleep schedule won’t thank me: it’ll get you reading longer.
- Consider installing a remove kudos button.   I’m serious.  I’ve had so much more fun both writing and reading fic ever since I removed the kudos counter from ao3.    It really isn’t the indicator of quality you think it is, (more like an indicator if the fic has the fandom’s OTP in it) and you can still sort by kudos if you’d like! 
-  Bookmark your searches.    I have a search bookmarked for all of my fandoms that excludes my NOTPs and all the tropes I dislike.   If I’m in a rare mood where I want to read for a pairing I’m ambivalent about, I can always re-include them.   It isn’t passing judgement on the ship/trope (unless you want it to be >:) ), its just saving future you some times.
- User subscribe to your favorite authors! “But Tenko!  They post a lot of shit I don’t care about!”   Thats the thing:   you can use email filters to only get notified for stuff you like.    One of my favorite authors posts Re:Zero a lot, which I have never watched and have no desire to (no judgement to the fans, the art style is not my thing).  But ever since I blocked the keyword, I have mostly forgotten that that author posts anything but the fandoms I care about.    I never subscribe to actual works, just authors.
- Make a second account for commenting if you feel shy!   Second accounts are explicitly allowed and encouraged by the ao3 team.  If that helps you feel more comfy chatting with your favorite authors, whats stopping you?
- Bookmarks are your friend.   Bookmark every fic you could actually see yourself rereading- then when you are in the mood to reread fic, you can search your own personal rec list, curated by you!
- Ao3 savior, while a bit complicated to set up, can help you block those ships/tags you don’t want to see under any circumstances.   Goodbye! X reader one-shot collections!   I don’t have to scroll past you anymore.
- If you want some good old F/F (or M/F depending on your fandom) thats usually relegated to a background pairing, don’t use OTP:True.   Go to exclude, categories, and then exclude M/M and Other.  Bam! You get both Gen and F/F works about that character.
 Thats it for today, a drabble is precisely 100 words, byeeee!
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dduane · 1 year
I'm currently reading chapter 4 of The Wizard's Dilemma - where Kit and Nita are fighting, and sending messages via their manuals - and I was wondering:
The manual translates their spoken words into the Speech. And the Speech is much more precise for describing things as they are, including a lot of context. Wouldn't it transcribe, here, context such as tone of voice, speaker's intention, etc. etc., so that Nita's "fine." might come across differently than if she texted just the English version?
(I find the idea SO intriguing, since written language often lacks exactly these context clues, and to imagine a language that doesn't? Is fascinating.)
Have a good start of your week!
...I'm going to get myself off the hook here by suggesting that there are a lot of ways you can have a Manual (or similar instrumentality) set up to either send or receive data: some ways a whole lot more granular than others... if you have the patience to put up with them. Sometimes you might just opt for the milk-tongue/casual native language option if you thought it was sufficient for current needs (and then forgot to reset when it wasn't).
Some of the granularity options were suggested in one of the YW 30-Day OTP Challenge posts: I'll just paste the contents in here. Inserting the cut below...
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(Manual transcription, JD REDACTED XXXXXXXX.xxx - XXXXXXXX.xxx inclusive)
recording state: static | DYNAMIC editing: locked | UNLOCKED live context: off | ON location: Sol IIIa Illumination: 26% Phase from primary: waning crescent Coordinates: IAU: LQ11: 22.5° N / 18° W regional designation: IAU: Montes Carpatus (old style: Lunar Carpathians) microregion: no formal designation, no colloquial designation, reference coordinates; bookmark “Kit’s Rock” Playback: flat text | CONTEXTUAL POV TEXT | audio | audio + view | audio + view + interior cognitive [more] POV selection: static | dynamic | CONTEXT-DRIVEN | [more] POV style: omnicient (total) | omniscient (need to know) | BLIND ITEM NARRATIVE | normal narrative | stream of consciousness [more] POV narration: 3P | 2P | 1P | P-NEUTRAL [more] POV depth: EXTERIOR | int. conscious | int. subconscious | int. preconscious [more]
Participants: Callahan, J.L., Rodriguez, C.K.
(record begins)
CKR: You keep fiddling with that.
JLC: Yeah… the record settings are way more involved than I thought. Way more involved than they used to be, anyway. I messed something up the other day.
CKR: Anything serious?
JLC: Not really… got lucky that time.
CKR: …Up here again.
JLC: Yeah, seems smartest. We’ll have some warning in case Certain People start looking for us.
CKR: Like we have the slightest chance of escaping notice—
JLC: Didn’t say that. Some warning, though.
CKR: Fair enough.
(break in record) (record resumes)
JLC: It wasn’t, though.
CKR: It kinda was.
JLC: Uh, not really.
CKR: Look, it’s not like you were trying to hide anything about it. You told me you two were kissing. It’s okay.
JLC: But it wasn’t making out.
CKR: I don’t mind if it was. You were under pressure.
JLC: Pressure didn’t have anything to do with it! And it really wasn’t making out.
CKR: Neets, honestly, it’s not a problem.
JLC: It is if you think making out means that we were intending for something else to happen. Because it wasn’t. And you think that’s what it means. I can tell.
CKR: Listen, really, it’s okay! It was a weird situation, bizarre stuff was going on, you weren’t—
JLC: Stop right there! I know what was happening!
CKR: Look. Sorry. I’m sorry, I just…
JLC: I just need a way to show you.
CKR: …don’t think it’s that important, but if you—
JLC: Wait. Wait.
JLC: You know… this could work. Absolutely it could.
CKR: What?
JLC: (laughter) We can run it back and take a look at it.
CKR: (pause) Run what back?
JLC: When he and I kissed.
CKR: You lost me. Exactly what are you saying?
JLC: Well, you possibly won’t have heard. I do have an in with a privileged source. But lately there are some new ways to get at information using the Manual…
CKR: Whoa, whoa, wait a moment! How would that ever be in the Manual?!
JLC: It’s always been there… or the raw data has. But there are new ways to get at it.
CKR: (pause) This is kinda bizarre. The Powers are usually so gung-ho about privacy issues.
JLC: Oh, They still are. Everything’s locked down so that you can’t get at it if you don’t have all the necessary permissions.
CKR: How did you find out about this? Bobo?
JLC: Actually, no. Closer to home.
CKR: Oh…my…God. No.
JLC: Yes.
CKR: Dairine. How did she ever—
JLC: Not her. The Mobiles. They’ve got this insane archival project going on…
CKR: What, to preserve for all time the immortal details of you two necking?!
JLC: (laughter)
CKR: I can’t believe I’m getting on board with this. So fine. What do we need to do?
JLC: Get Ronan up here.
CKR: …For what exactly?
JLC: Consent.
CKR: …What??
(break in record) (record resumes)
JLC: See, that’s what you get. You okay?
CKR: Yeah, fine. Go on, make the call, no point in falling halfway down a mountain for nothing!
JLC: Not anything like halfway. Couldn’t have been more than—
CKR: Will you make the damn call already?
(break in record) (record resumes)
CKR: There he comes.
JLC: That was quick. Where?
CKR: Down the ridge.
JLC: Yeah. The usual offset.
CKR: Is it me or is he putting on weight?
JLC: Looks like muscle. Did he say last time that he’d started doing weights?
CKR: Yeah. Something to do with the rugby.
JLC: He didn’t give up his thing with the weird club, did he?
CKR: The hurley? No chance. Hey Ro!
(adding participant: Nolan III, R.H.)
RHN: Hey yourself. I see you two are busy with your usual pastime of watching the rest of us live out our little antlike lives far below.
CKR: Yeah. Pull up a rock. …Weren’t busy, were you?
RHN: Just finished a job. Nothing exciting.
JLC: This from the man who said Taking In The Sea was no big deal. Don’t think I didn’t just see your precis update.
CKR: What’s he done now?
JLC: Here, check this out.
CKR: (pause) Did you just cause an earthquake?
RHN: Just a wee titchy one. Maybe some plates fell down off shelves in Howth… no worse than that. CalTech and the USGS’ll have it for their records if anyone gets suspicious.
CKR: …Nice. What did the people on the ferry think?
RHN: Mostly ‘Feck are we glad that this very localized tsunami came up and pushed us ashore at Ringsend without destroying our ship much.’
CKR: Jeez. What the hell are your power levels doing?
RHN: Still having some peak swings secondary to my roomer, that’s all. Suits me fine. At least I get something useful out of having him in my head moving the furniture around all that while.
CKR: Well, wow, you did good.
RHN: I guess. Ta much.
JLC: I’m just wondering how they’re going to explain it the rest of the way. That quake won’t have been enough.
RHN: Don’t be daft. It’s Ireland. We’ll blame it on the weather.
JLC, CKR: (laughter)
RHN: So what was this big thing you needed to talk to me about?
JLC: Not that big. Need some input, though.
RHN: About?
JLC: A discussion we were having.
RHN: Oh?
JLC: We were talking about making out.
RHN: …Uh.
(break in record) (record resumes)
RHN: Yeah, so you were telling me why you need me for this.
CKR: Well. It was a question of semantics, first.
RHN: Let me get this straight. You asked me to come up from Dublin… to the Moon… to discuss semantics. Of kissing.
JLC: Not just semantics. I want to review some material, and I was hoping you’d sanction it.
RHN: Sanction what?
JLC: Instant replay. …Well, not instant.
RHN: You lost me.
JLC: Remember when we kissed?
RHN: (pause) Which answer won’t make one of you clock me upside the head with a moon rock?
JLC, CKR: (laughter)
RHN: What the feck brought this on?
JLC: A difference of opinion.
CKR: Nosiness.
RHN: Uh, not feeling safe about this whole line of enquiry now, but moving on regardless…
JLC: It’s okay. See, there’s a recording…
RHN: Of us kissing? Not possible.
JLC: Not a recording as such. Except insofar as the universe passively records everything that happens inside it…
RHN: …You’re telling me we’re living inside the One’s Sky Plus box.
JLC: (pause) What?
CKR: TiVo.
JLC: Oh.
RHN: Seriously, you’re telling me you can play it back somehow?
JLC: Not playback exactly but—
RHN: Hey science queen, telling me what it’s not like is wasted effort. The direct approach, please.
JLC: Well, going by Dairine’s explanation, it’s got something to do with hyperstring structure and the Theory of Everything.
RHN: Oh please.
JLC: No, that’s what I thought at first. It’s a real term, though. This technology, it’s something the Mobiles have been implementing: this big project they started. She got all bogged down in technical stuff I didn’t understand, but it sounded like she—
RHN: Whoa whoa whoa, wait just a moment, did we hear history being made right here before us on this dusty rock? Did Miss Juanita Louise Callahan—
JLC: Dead, Ronan, you are about to be discorporated before your time.
RHN: —actually admit to not understanding some kind of technical stuff?
JLC: I really will kill you, you do understand that? You want to make history, fine. First human being to be killed on the Moon. You mentioned rocks? Let’s try this one, it looks good—
CKR: Oh God.
RHN: (laughter) It’s pumice. Who the feck do you think you’re gonna kill with pumice?
JLC: Oh it is not pumice, please, are you blind?—some kind of basalt, probably got kicked up here out of one of the maria by an impact, and maybe it’s about to have another of those! Dairine never told you about the L word, she knows her life would be too short. It was Carmela, wasn’t it, how can she, oh God why can she not just keep her—
RHN: Not Carmela. Someone else. Too bad, your secret’s out for all the world to hear….
(SFX: rock being pounded against larger rock)
JLC: Aaaaaggghhh!
RHN: Feel better now?
JLC: No. And when I recover my composure—
RHN: Always an entertaining exercise, there are nuclear weapons with shorter fuses—
CKR: Will you two shut yourselves up for two seconds?
CKR: Thank you. Jeez. … ‘It sounded like she’ what??
JLC: (pause) Uh. Like what the Mobiles were talking about was making this sort of gigantic backup.
RHN: What of?
JLC: Everything wizardly apparently.
RHN: So how is the two of us kissing wizardly?
JLC: Well, we’re both wizards!
RHN: Oh, give me a break! There had to be, I don’t know, thousands of wizards kissing right then!
JLC: But probably only one who had the One’s Champion living in his mental basement at the time. Which makes it really of historical interest, I think.
RHN: Not ‘historical’ as in banging me in the head with a rock, I take it.
JLC: Don’t assume you’re safe yet. Anyway, parts of the explanation were way beyond me. In fact I think they were kind of beyond Dairine, or she hadn’t really spent much time getting her head around them. Because sometimes she made it sound like the Mobiles were trying not just to back up everything wizardly, but just… everything.
RHN: Everything?
JLC: In the universe.
RHN: What…? All the information?
CKR: Or all the thought?
RHN: All the matter?
JLC: I think maybe all those.
CKR: …How in the One’s name do you back up everything?
JLC: I have no idea. I keep meaning to ask her about it, but she’s not home a lot right now, and other stuff keeps happening…
CKR: You’d have to make a whole new universe…
RHN: So anyway! This recording…
CKR: Wow.
JLC: Seems like wherever there’s a manual, it makes a kind of imprint or marker on local space, and this kind of record can be made.
RHN: But no one can see it.
JLC: Only the participants, if they give consent. And anybody else they consent to allow to see it.
RHN: Seriously.
JLC: Yeah.
JLC: Well?
RHN: How are you about this?
CKR: She told me about it.
RHN: Not the kissing itself. I know she told you about that. And anyway, you know I already knew you knew.
CKR: Oh God, stop, too complicated already. So?
RHN: If she’s okay with it, I’m okay with it.
CKR: Okay.
RHN: You sure?
CKR: Look, why do you keep asking me? I didn’t kiss you.
RHN: Maybe that’s a shame. Maybe you don’t know what you’re missing.
CKR (to JLC): Maybe you want to hand me that rock.
JLC: (laughter)
RHN: So what do we have to do?
JLC: Nothing. It’s here, in the manual. It heard you: the permission’s in. It’s cued up. Now we just roll it. Ready?
RHN: Yeah.
CKR: Yeah.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
CKR: Would you pause this a minute? …You know, this is kinda weird.
RHN: What, you mean sitting on the bloody Moon watching yourself in a porno?
JLC, CKR: (laughter)
CKR: This is not porn! These are just two people staring at each other in the dark!
RHN: After one of them slags me off with a flamethrower, yeah. God you were brutal.
JLC: Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad.
RHN: Maybe for you. I was kinda raw at that point.
CKR: You? Admitting to raw?
RHN: I don’t mind it now. It got better.
CKR: Anyway, how is it porn when all you’ve got here is two people just sort of looking at each other longingly with their tongues hanging out?
JLC: Cut it out! There were no tongues.
RHN: But I think I see what you mean about the weirdness.
CKR: (laughter) What, besides you thinking it’s porn?
RHN: No it is not porn, shut up, I concede the fecking point already. It’s what bothers me in bad TV shows. Where’s the camera?
JLC: I told you. There were manuals on site. No, I know, don’t start. Manuals or equivalent instrumentalities… your Knowledge thing. Where there’s a manual, or equivalent, there’s sort of a node that can make a record of what’s going on in local reality. It’s some kind of string structure business: pluck the string in one place, it vibrates somewhere else.
CKR: Oh God. Quantum mechanics again.
JLC: Yeah. Maybe the cats might be better to ask for the details: they work with strings on the gates all the time. They’d know.
RHN: Given a choice between asking Rhiow and asking your sister? Rhiow every time. Where were we again?
JLC: Watching us kiss.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
CKR: So this doesn’t constitute making out?
RHN: Nope.
CKR: Meaning you weren’t thinking about doing anything more? Anything after?
RHN: (pause) Hadn’t crossed my mind. I was just kind of amazed that it was happening right then.
JLC: And not necking.
RHN: What?
CKR: Necking.
RHN: Haven’t heard the term.
JLC: Kissing for a long time.
CKR: Like in a car, when you’re parking. Or on the couch when nobody’s home.
RHN: Done much of that?
CKR: Oh please. I have two older sisters. You have no idea how glad I was when Helena finally went to college. Half the time when the parents were out, the living room sounded like, oh, God never mind. I’d nearly forgotten.
RHN: Parking?
JLC: Going somewhere scenic to neck.
CKR: Or make out.
RHN: The definitions are getting dangerously circular now. Better roll it again.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
CKR: But there. See, you grabbed hold of him—
JLC: He started it.
RHN: I was falling off the fence.
JLC: Oh, and that’s my fault somehow.
RHN: Yes, yes it was. What? Would you rather I said, ‘No, she kissed me and it had no effect whatsoever, thanks for playing’? Look, here, here’s the rock! Talk among yourselves and sort it out. I’ll just sit here, don’t mind me.
JLC: Let’s call it mutual.
RHN: Thank you very much. Continue.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
RHN: Okay, it’s clear. Definitely not making out. It might be snogging. Timing’s pretty iffy, though.
CKR: What?
RHN: You saw the timer running. That didn’t even last thirty seconds.
JLC: Felt like longer.
RHN: Relativity. Ever heard of Einstein’s Stove? A snog is, like, three minutes minimum.
JLC: I’m not so sure.
RHN: How are you defining terms all of a sudden? Had you even heard that word before I used it just now?
JLC: Excuse me, I watch Dr. Who. He said he’d just snogged Madame Pompadour. That was even shorter than this. Ten seconds maybe.
RHN: Let’s keep the fictional characters out of this, shall we?
CKR: Um.
RHN: Besides, the other thing with a snog is that it’s more for pleasure. This was just both of us being freaked out, I think.
JLC: Well, yeah. You were so vulnerable. And kinda cute that way.
RHN: And you were all fierce even though you were unnerved. And kinda cute that way.
CKR: So…
RHN: Reassurance.
JLC: And experimentation.
RHN: Yeah. Comfort smooch, undifferentiated type.
JLC: With added One’s Champion. God was I shocked. Any comfort, boy, it went right out the window when I found out who else was in there.
RHN: Yeah, roll that. Kind of funny in retrospect.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
RHN: (laughter) Janey mack, look at me go.
JLC: I’m so sorry… I really didn’t mean for that to happen.
RHN: Wasn’t you I was reacting to. The damn Spear: it was like having it stuck in your arse.
CKR: There’s an image I won’t soon forget.
RHN: I’ll be remembering it a lot longer, believe me.
RHN: So what’s the verdict? Have we got consensus?
JLC: Comfort kissing.
RHN: Borderline snog at best.
CKR: But okay, not making out.
RHN: Great, he concurs. Are we done now? Can I go back to my humdrum life?
CKR: Oh, yeah, Mister 'I Made The Earth Move'!
RHN: The sea floor anyway. And don’t you forget it.
JLC: Can’t wait to see the write-up on that.
CKR: And the environmental impact justification they’re gonna make you file.
RHN: Which I am already late for, due to being called up to Lunar orbit for the absolute weirdest consult of my life. Thanks a million.
CKR, JLC: (laughter)
RHN: Always pushing the boundaries, you two.
JLC: You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
RHN: No. Not at all. Kind of what we do, isn’t it? But some of us excel.
CKR: That almost sounded like a compliment.
RHN: Don’t get cocky. I’ve got the rock. (pause) Anyway, I’m outa here. Had people to see before the damn ferry started taking water. They really have to find better technology for those doors.
JLC: Anybody I know?
RHN: Some of the chicken-shop crew.
JLC: Give them my best.
RHN: Will do. Dai stihó, you two. Stay out of trouble.
CKR: What are the odds?
RHN: Please. I know you too well. Oh Kit, don’t forget, schedule change on the Big Game next week.
CKR: I saw the calendar change. No problem.
RHN: Right. Later!
CKR: That it?
JLC: Yeah. Save out.
Participants: Callahan, J.L., Rodriguez, C.K., Nolan III, R.H.
(formal signoff) (record complete) (end of line) (end of file)
“We were talking about making out…”
“Yeah, we were, weren’t we?”
“We could always try defining when a snog stops being borderline.”
“Defining terms. So romantic.”
“Yeah, well this time make sure that thing’s off.”
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creativemessbyvd · 8 months
Back on my Bagginshield era, I'm reading fics on them (I stopped bc various SW ships and other ships had me on a chokehold, how about those last 15 on Good Omens Ep6?? :c) and listening to my playlist once more, I think I had since the start of the year with hardly any of my OTP around (except for my phone background) ANYWAY this is to inform you I am also back on my bullshit and I come with another fic idea, which will be put on hold until I can complete the other 164453196859 ideas I have. Ok, not that many, but I do have a lot of very detailed ideas that I do want to write and a bunch of half sentenced ones that are just ideas, so here we goooooooo
Bilbo dies on the way to Valinor and awakens on it as his 50 year old self, to the astonishment of the Elves, Gandalf and Frodo. Something is wrong with the afterlife, it is in the air and everyone is on edge, Frodo most of all, as he has felt this presence before.
Sauron may have died on Arda, but he was still in part present in the afterlife, wrecking havoc on everything. Bilbo embarks to the green hills of Yavanna's garden, the land where all Hobbits go, with Frodo and Gandalf. Upon reunitign with family and friends, Yavanna herself welcomes the brave hobbits but Bilbo can notice the tense manner in which she speaks to Gandalf and offers his help. Yavanna informs them that the various lands of the Valar are on lockdown as they face attacks from the darkness and they fear they may not last until Iluvitar can help them, but that is a mission that Gandalf and the other wizards don't know how long it will take. She is afraid for her husbands and needs a way to contact him. She believes having them all cut off from each other was the wrong choice, uniting their forces they will be able to hold off the darkness better than on their own. So, Bilbo is determined to once more become a burglar and enter another mountain. Yavanna does warn him though that this time, the dragon is on the outside of the mountain. Sauron has set Smaug onto the Mountain that is Mahal's domain.
Bilbo sets off with four trouble hobbits to sneak into the Dwarven Halls, managing to distract the dragon enough that he ramms into the mountain and knocks himself out. They find a way inside and find a funny scene, Bilbo's dwarves are attempting to take down the front doors, despite their maker trying to make them see reason. They had heard Smaug's attempts to draw them out, the last thing the dragon had told them, aimed at Thorin himself, was that he was going to go to the Gardens to find Bilbo himself and get his revenge. Bilbo had at that moment drawn away his attention and having not heard the thunderous racket for awhile, the dwarves inside had panicked and were now attempting to try to kill the dragon themselves. Bilbo laughs at their ridiculousness and is almost squished by 13 dwarves. Mahal knows they wouldn't be there unless his wife had sent them and Bilbo gives him the message Yavanna had given him.
Mahal himself is now more than ever determined to find a way to stop the rampage that Sauron is inflicting on their lands. He goes out the way the hobbits came in to take care of a knocked out Smaug, and together, the hobbits, the dwarves and a Valar set off for the Gardens once more.
Reunited, the Valar are planning and discarding plans faster than the others can follow, until Mahal has a very dangerous plan, which he calls the Durin Last Resort.
The reason that Sauron is now able to still remain in lands of the Valar is because he was able to draw power from the remaining rings still in Middle Earth at the time of the War of the Ring, destroying it had not completely cut him off. The other rings had to be found and destroyed before the One Ring was finally banished, only then would Sauron finally be defeated. Time was not a straight line, it happened all at once, and still, Mahal and Yavanna could sent people back as Mahal had done before for Durin in his various reincarnations.
This makes Frodo almost collapse from the anxiety, but he swears that he will try his best if he is asked to be the Ring Bearer again. Bilbo can't take seeing his dear nephew in so much pain, not when he knows that he wasted so much time by doing nothing but using the ring as a simple party trick. He offers himself to go and be the Ring Bearer this time, reasoning that even if Frodo went back to the beginning of his adventure, Sauron already had plenty of time to be prepared and on the lookout for the Ring, but when Bilbo got the Ring himself, Sauron was not strong enough to do much but be the necromancer.
Mahal agrees but Yavanna is not happy. She refuses to put Bilbo in such danger, unless the company also go with him. She wishes for this to be a second chance for the line of Durin, and thus Bilbo wouldn't be alone on his trials. They cannot be sure exactly when Bilbo will go back to, just that it will before the retaking of Erebor. He will also be the only one who will initially have his memories, everyone else will need to be told a special message to unlock those memories back in the world of the living.
Bilbo is then send back in time and back to life a couple of years before his adventure and sets to making things right not just for his friends but also for many others in his life.
Anway, sorry for the innaccuracies on the Valar and everything else, I will not read the Silm and will just wing it lol. Essentially, I want BAMF Bilbo who gets to reunite with his dwarves in the afterlife, and then gets send back into his past to redo the Quest and also go on to destroy the Ring in the place of Frodo. If he and his King are able to finally stop being idiots and actually speak on their feelings, well, we will see. Those two are worse at communication than an angel and demon I know, so it might take a while lol.
Any comments are welcome!
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shibara · 29 days
Five Ships & Five Fandoms
Got tagged by @croik (Thankee, I love these things :D) This one's hard cause I've not been actively invovled in 5 fandoms proper, but here we go!
Dennis Collins/Arthur Lester, Malevolent. The hired killer, and the one worthy prey that got away~ The terrifying scenarios, the obsession, the thin, thin line between wanting to fuck someone and wanting to kill someone. My current otp, if that term applies for this fuckuppery of a ship.
Cyclonus/Tailgate, Transformers IDW1. This one was the hardest. So many good ships. I generally enjoy fucked up dynamics the most, but once in a blue moon there comes a ship that is so beautiful and tragic and built on a love so pure that it makes me melt a bit inside. The slowest, loveliest burn in canon I've ever read.
Darth Vader/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars. Hot space wizards! Mentors, to friends, to enemies to a myriad of fucked up possibilities, specially with Anakin post-barbecue :cheff's kiss:
Harold Finch/John Reese, Person of Interest. Mastermind recluse nerd and his unwavering faithful attack dog that cleans up very, *very* well. He literally picked him up from the street cause it would have been a waste, what more can I say. I'd read a million D/s stories with these two.
Emhyr var Emreis/Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher (games). Hot old men of dubious morals! Endless political power vs endless physical power! 'You are the only bastard on this world who won't grovel at my feet and dares disrespects me on a daily basis' vs 'You see me only as a serviceable weapon, not to be feared or shunned, but to just be put to use'. Both emotionally damaged to hell and back. I love them your honour, I could eat this with a spoon.
Tagging @horseboneologist, @asininestars, @saltbright, @decepticonsensual, and @jarofloosescrews, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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polaroidcats · 2 months
cat! please pair the following characters:
quirrell, lockhart, remus, moody, umbridge, snape, mcgonagall, hagrid <3
hi lynx!!! i would love to!!
Okay so first is OBVIOUSLY my truest of all otps!!! MCBRIDGE 🩷🩷🩷 they hate each other, they love each other, the only thing they have in common is their love for women and cats and honestly, there are worse things to base a relationship on!
Next is Remus/Hagrid. I really think Remus would enjoy getting taken care of by Hagrid, he would probably resist at first and feel like he's not worthy of Hagrid's love, but they would get there and live the cottagecore life of their dreams surrounded by magical creatures, and they'd be every hogwarts student's favorite weird gay uncles!!! Also, Hagrid would be so enamoured by Moony on wolfsbane, he would take such good care of his little werewolf boyfriend and Remus would struggle with but eventually learn to really love the fact that Hagrid loves all of him, Moony and Remus, and not just Remus in spite of Moony.
Lockhardt/Snape happens one night when Severus goes to a gay wizards bar and gets a bit too drunk, then he meets this beautiful wizard with golden hair and a charming smile who keeps talking about how he invented several powerful potions. Snape is so, so jealous of Gilderoy's hair... He also vaguely remembers reading about those potions before but he doesn't remember the name of the creator so he believes Gilderoy. They have a passionate (and surprisingly for both of them also very satisfying) one night stand, the next morning Snape wakes up to find Gilderoy pointing his wand at him, about to steal all his memories and obliviate him but he can defend himself just in time. It gets really awkward for both of them when only a few months later, Gilderoy starts his new job at hogwarts... but Snape is too embarrassed to admit that he cheated on Dumbledore with Gilderoy so he can't tell him what he knows about Lockhardt...
And Quirrell/Moody... listen, they're both freaks in different ways and I think it was just a matter of time until they found a way into each other's arms/pants. Quirrell is the unhinged twink Moody needed to feel alive again, their sex is freaky and weird in the best kind of way. Idk how their ages are in canon but I'm just gonna say they probably knew each other as teenagers and then randomly met in some remote place, both not telling the other exactly what they were doing there but going for a pint anyways for old times sake, and one thing leads to another... They keep "accidentally" running into each other and having to stay at inns that only have one bed available and neither of them ever questions how or why that is such a frequent occurrance. And if Moody notices something weird on the back of Quirrell's head at some point with his magical eye, well he's not going to address it, bc the sex is still freaky and fun and the cuddling after the sex has gotten even more affectionate and loving since Quirrell started wearing a turban to bed and who is he to complain about that?
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princesssarisa · 7 months
Character ask: Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
I answered this ask a while back, but I felt like sharing it again.
Favorite thing about them: She's an all-around likable character; a nice, warm-hearted, relatable every-girl, whose "heroine's journey" is engaging and enjoyable to follow.
Least favorite thing about them: Hmmm... there's not much to dislike about her. Maybe that she tries to run away from home without considering at first how much her aunt and uncle will miss her and worry about her. But since she's just (approximately) a 12-year-old girl and desperate to save her dog's life, it can be excused, especially because she feels so guilty about it later.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have brown hair.
*I'm sensitive and a bit of a dreamer.
*I love dogs.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've never lived with an aunt and uncle.
*I don't live on a farm.
*I could never manage a long journey on foot in high heels (though maybe if they were magic, I could).
Favorite line:
"Someplace where there isn't any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
All the lyrics to "Over the Rainbow."
To Miss Gulch when she comes to take Toto away – a good scene to remember whenever critics accuse the screenwriters of robbing Baum's young heroine of her spunk:
"I won't let you take him! You go away, you....! Oooh, I'll bite you myself! You wicked old witch!"
To the fearsome giant head of the Wizard – more good lines to remember any time a critic labels her a weakling:
"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, frightening him like that when he came for you to help!"
"If you were really great and powerful, you'd keep your promises!"
And of course, the iconic line when she first arrives in Munchkinland:
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!"
brOTP: The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and their real-world equivalents, Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke.
OTP: Safety and happiness.
nOTP: Any of the other characters; they're all too old for her.
Random headcanon: Her parents died in a fire. This explains why fire and smoke are associated both with the Wicked Witch and with the Wizard's initial frightening appearance in her dream.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she's too much of a damsel in distress or a crybaby. Now, I understand why feminists complain that she's less spunky and no-nonsense than Baum's original Dorothy. But (a) she's older than Baum's Dorothy – it's natural for an adolescent-ish girl to be more emotional than a small child, (b) she's not without her own spunk – she still stands up to people who behave badly or threaten her friends, and even slaps the nose of a lion (not yet knowing that he's a coward) in Toto's defense, (c) Baum's Dorothy cries fairly often too – I don't know where the myth that she hardly ever cries came from, and (d) with all the danger and turmoil she goes through, I think she's entitled to a little terror and a few tears!
Song I associate with them: What else?
Favorite pictures of them:
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redheadspark · 1 year
👋🏿 for your 2nd January Prompts.
Scenario: 4. Your OTP both not feeling well and calling in take out to eat in their sweatshirts and pj pants.
Dialogue: 3. "how come you always end up under my blanket?" With......Oliver!
Happy Writing!
A/N - HOORAY STELLA! This is gonna have cute all over it for Oliver! Thanks for requesting it my dear!
Summary - You felt bad for getting your husband sick. Oliver, however, don't seem to mind it too much
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Warnings - Just some fluffiness sprinkled in this one :)
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It was the rays of the sunlight that woke you first, having you grimace in your warmth that was both from being under the comforter of your bed and being in the arms of your husband. Yet when you moved, he grunted and tried to keep you against him, making you swat his arm.
"Come off it, luv. I need to get us some tea and some herbs," You hummed to him as you looked at your watch on the nightstand, "Bloody hell, it's already 11:30"
"Let's get lunch then," Oliver grumbled against your neck as you sighed and rubbed your eyes, "I've been cravin' some Pizza,"
"Not with your stomach you're not getting it," You reasoned as you finally pulled off his arm around you like a suctioned octopus leg. Oliver groaned as he dove his head over the cover to hide from the sunlight pouring into your little bedroom, "Come on, Oli. I'll open the window and you shower. I'll call for some soup and bread, and I'll brew us some tea. I might as well since I'm the one who got you sick."
"I told ya before, it's not yer fault. Those kids carry the germs!" Oliver said under the covers. You giggled, reaching over to throw off the comforter and see him squint from the light hitting his face.
"Still, I feel bad my students got me sick, just to get you sick. So go take a shower and change the sheets, I'll order us food and make some tea, deal?" You asked with a raised tone, Oliver grinning as he rose up on his knees and knelt in front of you while he was still on the couch. He did look rather adorable in his old Gryffindor Quidditch sweatpants, his hair tousled and pushed out of his eyes, and the clear evidence of him riding out the cold and sniffles he's had for the past few days. You felt him reach up to frame your face with his calloused fingers and cool palm while he were in your own Quidditch sweatpants and training shirt.
"I'm a yer command, my dear," He hummed, his voice still scratchy with a hint of grogginess to it as you pecked his lips a few times. He was about to pull you in with one arm around your curves when you chuckled and pushed him back on the bed. He bounced, laughter on his lips as you grabbed a sweatshirt to throw on and tip toe out of the room. You could hear him tearing down the bedsheets and humming to himself as you made it to the tiny kitchen and took out your phone, already knowing what to order while you got out your tea bags and a fresh kettle of water on the stove.
You were an after school teacher to 5 and 6 years old at the local Muggle town you and Oliver were living in, a small little town that was not too far away from the city and not too far away from the Magical communities in the countryside. Ever since the war, more Magical families were steering out to be amongst the Muggles since it was no longer shamed up or dangerous. With Voldermort gone and his followers once again fleeing to the shadows, things felt a lot safer and easier for the rest of the Wizarding community. The first thing you and Oliver did was move out into a small little town, traveling distance to your families and yet out of site from the linger gossip that was still there about Voldemort.
Teaching little ones was a blessing for you, taking over at the local primary school in the afternoon to watch the children until their parents came to get them from work. Of course, you never used magic in front of Muggles, but you never minded bringing some wonder and joy to them in Arts and Crafts and outdoor exploring in the countryside. Before you knew it, you were becoming popular with the children and their parents, which made you happy since you were hesitant if you wanted to have your own children down the road with Oliver. Oliver was still on the Reserved team for Puddlemore, though he was branching out to do more Quidditch reporting for the Daily Prophet. He even had to Apparate to the Ministry of Magic a few times a month to turn in his reports and pieces he would write, giving him a good chunk of change for the pair of you.
But of course, working with children came with a price: catching their germs.
You hung up the phone and grinned, knowing your soup would arrive to your doorstep within the next 20 minutes since the local restaurants down the road had the best Chicken Noodle Soup. They knew of you and Oliver, finding you two an adorable couple, and they were going to deliver the soup fresh. Hearing the kettle sing, you turned off the burner and poured out the water into the two awaiting cups. Back in your bedroom room, you could hear Oliver playing a Vinyl on your record player, instantly lifting your mood since Oliver was entranced with the device. You grabbed the two hot mugs and walked back to the bedroom, peering in to see Oliver smoothing out a fresh set of sheets for your bed and then tossing the comforter back on. You had to roll your eyes.
"Really?" You asked, waltzing in as you handed him his cup of tea.
"It's not like we're gonna not sleep it in again," Oliver reasoned with a shrug then taking the quilt that was at the end of the bed to drape over the pair of you.
"How come you always end up under my blanket?" You asked him with amusement as you gestured to the quilt that he placed over your own legs as you joined him on the bed, "This is actually mine, you know, my mum made it for me!"
"It's cozy and it's warm," Oliver explained while you took a sip from your mug, tasting the warm herbs and the soothing flavors on your tongue, "I've always liked this blanket, plus it's always brought us luck,"
"How?" You question him.
"Well for one, you got this on your graduation day from Hogwarts, and that was the day I proposed to you," He explained to you, having you grin, "And It the first thing we brought with us to this little place we have here. And, it had your odl Quidditch shirt sewn in it,"
Your mother wanted to give to you on the day you graduated from Hogwarts, presenting it to you as you met with her and your father on the Hogwarts lawn in the early June afternoon. Your old Quidditch training shirts were sewn in the squares, a few dating back to when you first joined the team your second year as a swing Chaser. But you worked your way up to being Second Captain, behind Oliver of course who was beaming with pride on that day too when you showed him. The stitching in the fabric, the thickness of it too, you knew your mother worked hard to make it perfect.
And it was.
"Let's finish our tea before our soup comes in the next few minutes, and we can relax in bed for the day," Oliver explained as you both were sipping your tea, "We haven't had a day together in a few weeks any who,"
"Just don't spill on the bed then," You teased, Oliver wrapping an arm around your shoulders to have you lean against him and the midday sun pouring into your little window. Life still crept day, even after the war at Hogwarts and loosing some loved one along the way. all you could do was take each day, Oliver next to you with his hand holding yours, and make sure you never looked back.
And as your soup was delivered and you both fed each other in your bed, giggling every once in awhile at how Oliver nearly spilled the hot soup on your sheet, you knew the that were were lighter days ahead.
Oliver had your days lighter, and he always will.
The End.
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January Prompt Part 2.
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tangent101 · 1 year
The Perfidy of Ludinus Da'leth
While most fans will be focusing on the OTP of Fearne, Deanna, and Chetney which surprised a number of fans and earned @quiddie the title of the most chaotic and horny of Critical Role Guest Players, the latest episode also revealed something quite important about Ludinus Da'leth: that he's a poseur of the highest order. Seriously. Listen to what Matt revealed in the notes Deanna was translating.
Essentially, we learned that Ludinus gained power by absorbing the essence of a number of fey creatures. Further, he was questioning what the Gods had said about Ruidus and mourned that he was not born under the auspices of that moon as he slowly lost faith in the Gods and envied their power.
This is not a Calamity-era Wizard born again or awakened from stasis. No. This is a conniving and brilliant post-Cataclysm elf who was upset he was not a "Chosen One" or the like and decided to seek entitlement through Ruidus. In fact, his need to be "special" was so great that he destroyed an entire kingdom through his hubris... and then when his efforts failed the first time he doubled down on this and tried to do it again.
We have an elf who exists off of stolen power to achieve greatness. He "honors" the Raven Queen because she achieved what he wants: Godhood. And she took her Godhood by force. In turn, he has been seizing power from others to achieve his own greatness. He's a manbaby who is upset he's not special and is willing to risk killing an entire world just so he can be the biggest kid on the block.
These notes are essential to destroying Da'leth. They give a deep glimpse into the psyche of a pathetic little child who is playing a long con. By flaunting that knowledge, revealing that his secrets and old manipulations into power are now known, Bells Hells can turn the tables on him and leave him acting without thinking things through. Only then do they have a chance at prevailing over him and stopping his machinations.
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
This was requested on AO3 by ccnchas.
It's about time I get a LoLu request! I have been dying to write something for these two! I love LoLu! ZerLu may be the ship that led to me getting into Fairy Tail, but LoLu was my first ship since watching the show. It's no longer my OTP, but I still love it nonetheless. I love their Princess x Knight dynamic! There are not enough LoLu fics and I would be more than happy to provide some. A romance between the two of them would likely be forbidden, but they would still make a really good couple, I think. I love this ship a lot! 
I hope you enjoy!
A Lion's Pride (Loke x Lucy)
"Iris! Eros! Come to eat your sandwiches!" 
Loke stood in the shade of a tree, his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the trunk of the tree. A fond smile stretched across his face as he watched his wife sit on a picnic blanket with a basket next to her. A pair of seven-year-old twins, both auburn-haired and brown-eyed, ran to their mother. One twin, a boy, had Plue in his arms while the other twin, a girl, had a doll clutched in his grip. The two children sat in front of their mother and began eating the food that had been packed for them, resting before they resumed their play in the surprisingly empty park. 
A silent sigh escaped Loke as he watched his family, his pride. He remembered the day he married Lucy like it was yesterday. The journey to that point wasn't short. He chuckled internally when he recalled how long it had taken him to get Lucy to agree to date him. Loads of flowers, mountains of chocolate-covered strawberries, hundreds of love letters, and countless promises to never flirt with another woman again. For three years he pursued his wizard, but it was all worth it, in his opinion, because Lucy had finally agreed to a date. And it was an amazing date. 
They dated for a few years, trying to survive Mira. They watched as Natsu married Lisanna, Gray married Juvia, Erza married Jellal, and Gajeel married Levy. It made Loke yearn for the same thing. He had spent several months watching Lucy closely every time the prospect of marriage, wondering if that was something she wanted. Eventually, he finally decided that he would ask her. When Lucy told him that she had dreamed of getting married since she was a child, the first thing he did was get the biggest diamond ring that he could find. 
The sound of Lucy screaming "yes" was the best sound he would ever hear. Tears trickled down both of their faces as they kissed, hugged, and professed their love for each other multiple times. Their wedding had followed just a few months later, courtesy of Mira, with Natsu as Loke's best man, Levy as Lucy's maid of honor, Aquarius walking Lucy down the aisle, and Makarov officiating the couple's marriage. 
Two years later, the best day of both of their lives arrived. After fifty hours of painful labor and crushing worry, as well as a nearly broken hand on Loke's side, a pair of twins were born as the sun rose above the horizon. First, a girl. Twenty minutes later, a boy. The names of their children weren't difficult to pick. There were only two names that could fit the small angels they were gazing down at lovingly. 
Iris and Eros. 
As time went by, Loke spent as much time as he possibly could with his family, to the point that he was in Earth Land more than he was in the Celestial Spirit World. He didn't mind this, though. All he wanted to do was spend time with his wife and children. 
Loke pushed off of the tree he was leaning against and walked toward the picnic spot, calling out as he got closer, "I'm here!" 
Iris and Eros whipped their heads up to look at him before they threw their sandwiches onto a couple of plates and ran to the celestial spirit, yelling joyfully in unison, "Papa!" 
Loke laughed and kneeled on one knee as he opened his arms wide to accept a hug from his twins. Iris and Eros soon pulled away and pulled their father over to the picnic blanket, both telling him about what they had been doing all day. Their chatter came to a stop when Lucy spoke, "Iris. Eros. Finish eating and then you can play with Papa." The twins obeyed, diving back into their food. 
Once finished, they jumped up and ran off, wanting to continue playing as they urged their father to join them. Loke chuckled and answered the pair, "give me a moment. I want to talk to Mamma." 
When the twins ran off, he turned to his wife and leaned forward to kiss her a few times. Lucy placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed him away, muttering when their lips were now only an inch away, "you're late." 
Loke smiled, pecking another kiss to her lips before he responded, "sorry, I got into a fight with Aquarius." 
Lucy chuckled at that. The couple kissed a few more times. When they pulled away, the celestial wizard leaned into Loke's embrace, giving a contented sigh as her husband wrapped an arm around her. Loke reached his other hand toward her, rubbing gentle circles on the small, but noticeable bump in her belly.  
He asked with a hushed voice, "do we know the gender yet?" 
Lucy answered, her voice just as low as his, "I was hoping we could wait until the baby is born."
Loke nodded, telling her that he was perfectly fine with that. He then questioned, "any name ideas?" 
Lucy snuggled closer to her husband, answering, "I was thinking Medea if it's a girl." 
Loke thought about the name, quickly deciding that he loved it. He then looked back down at his expecting wife to question, "and if it's a boy?" 
Lucy shrugged, responding, "I was thinking you could pick one." 
Loke gave a slight chuckle before he took a few moments to think of a boy's name that he liked. It didn't take him long to come up with something. "How about Damon?" 
Lucy nodded as she mumbled, "I love that name." 
Loke tightened his hold on Lucy, just slightly, as he looked back at his other two children playing with Aries, who had been summoned by one of the twins. The soft smile on his face got bigger as he soaked in the peaceful moment. 
This was all he needed. A day at the park with his pride. He couldn't think of a more perfect way to have family time. 
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No need for back up i completely agree lol i just wanted to confirm the reasons
I don't like canon Lily that much, she is naive, too self righteous and close minded, 3 of my least favorite attributes on a person. I just don't like people who see the world in black and white it usually means poor comprehension skills and bad judgement of character and it's exactly what happened with Lily (James, i mean my man just avoided his friend having to face murder charges and became a hero in her eyes because he saved Severus life 🥺, he can't be a bad person now ). Honestly she was just a 19 year old girl who lived a fairly easily life and thought she knew better about what it was like to really struggle, i believe this led her to become insensitive and invalidate of people's difficulties because what can they now about problems? They are not being targeted by an evil wizard! Says the girl who had everything. But that's a whole rant for another day about a type of discrimination I'm very familiar with
The only Snily i enjoy reading is when Lily is an OC, basically what if's? where Lily is morally gray, sometimes selfish, sometimes manipulative, a good friend, non binary, someone with flaws and more personality apart from "kind" or even Dark and you know..... interesting. It's not my OTP or even my favorite pair but a huge bonus is how James Potter suffers in these fics
-Rant anon
UGH YES! You put my thoughts into words, especially about her thinking she knew what it’s like to struggle! (Btw I’d love to hear that rant)
And YES oc Lily hits different when done right! I’ve been introduced to the concept of dark!Lily and I’m interested to say the least! Definitely going to use that in a fic or two
And I 100% agree with the not liking characters or ppl who see things only in black and white! There was only one fictional character EVER that I liked that saw the world that way, but there was a reason, and not because he was an idiot…and they actually gave his character depth! His character was a by-the-book FBI agent, but he was capable and at some point willing to go to that dark side, and he started seeing the grey area as the show progressed (they ended up ruining his character and I got salty and left the fandom but I’m still deeply in love with him)
If Rowling was gonna write a black and white character, the LEAST she could do was give her a bit more depth than she did! And MAYBE some character development before she died
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
Fair warnings to Harry Potter fans that follow me:
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I'm a snape and marauders fan. I like both get over it.
I hate Ron and Ginny Weasley as characters and love interests.
I'm very anti jk rowling but still a harry potter fan. I just the series is my everything.
I'm a drarry fan with a soft spot for harmony/harmione. But overall drarry is my otp
I'm a slytherin on the inside while looking like a hufflepuff on the outside.
Slytherin and proud of it. Just because your a Slytherin doesn't make you dark and evil and I'm living proof.
Dumbledore was the real villian all along but I appreciate his character. Have a love hate relationship with Dumbledore. Sometimes I hate him. Sometimes I love him. But one things for sure he's got style and terrible taste in men.
Luna Lovegood is my spirt animal.
I love Emma Watson version of Hermione more so than the books. Just Emma is such a wonderful actress and I love her. Her version of Hermione feels more true to me than Jk Rowlings, which basically feels like a self insert version of herself looking back now. Overall Emma is and will always be my Hermione Granger.
Reminder, again drarry is my otp, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope.
Reminder I love Severus Snape. He is one of my favorite characters.
Reminder I also love the marauders.
The gryffindor and slytherin feud is so stupid and I headcanon that Salazar and Godric were lovers.
Dracos dad was an abusive asshole.
Draco deserves a redemption arc.
Draco is a mama's boy, and has a badass mom.
Narcissa and Lily probably would have bonded over their firce love and protectiveness over their sons, that's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.
I ship jegulus.
I also ship snily.
In general I just love gryffindor x slytherin forbidden love pairings. Give me that romeo and juliet level drama bullshit that I'm always a sucker for.
I'm all for the family drama that is the Nobel and most ancient house of black. It's fucking hilarious and gives me vc andrews vibes and I love the drama. Wizards witches magic and old money family drama! I love it!
I love Voldemort as a villian. He is the best villian ever. I headcanon him as not believing in the pure blood bullshit though. Voldemort hates muggles of course. But he doesn't buy into that bullshit. Plus Voldemort only cares about power and himself. Easy way to get followers, pretend to care about those beliefs. That's my opinion and how I see the character.
I hate the Christian religious symbolism in harry potter that I can spot now that I'm older. And 100% ignore it. Love aus that explore into dark and gray magic. Bringing pagan or other other Wiccan type magic beliefs into harry potter aus to explore is always my favorite.
All witches and magic movies, cartoons and shows are just all connected to me in the harry potter universe. Its a multiverse of witches and I'm loving it.
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sycamorre · 1 year
17, 33, 34, 38, and 40 for the OCs asks!
-OC Questions- Gonna try to find art for as many as I can to help with putting faces to names.
17. Any OC OTPs?
A handful! Most are from my Elder Scrolls RP days but I'm slowly collecting some DnD ones.
We have the werewolf power couple Indes and Korgul, my wood elf Companion (as in the Companions faction) and her half-orc beau Korgul:
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Indes' little sister Nidhel, a healer, and another Companion, Tural:
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And I still need to draw them together, but there's the newest pair from our last campaign, Ori and Ranna.
I have other ships out there, but I hate boring people with them because they're either characters that have never interacted with anything outside of my own brain or are completely unofficially and I'm someone who doesn't like to make a fuss or gush over things that only I know or care about on here.
33. Your shyest OC?
This is honestly a bit of a hard one. I have plenty of quiet/introverted characters, but I don't consider most of them as genuinely shy. Most have no problem socializing, even if they do not have a ton to say. Likely either as the result of myself being the same way or because most are RP characters that kind of depend on interactions.
I will say pre-campaign/younger Oriana was definitely in the shy camp, though as a result of being uncertain and scared of her magic rather than her personality. Gaining confidence with that and her fighting skills definitely got her in the previously mentioned "quiet but not shy" category.
I do have one character I can think of that is definitely shy in a literal sense. My witchy-innkeeper, Aubrey, has a member of her staff, Annabelle, who came from a servant background and was not treated very well in her previous job, so as a result she became very shy and anxious. To the point where if she is berated by anyone outside of the rest of the staff, she will either run away or freeze up. Aubrey has her mostly cleaning to help keep her from having to interact with bad customers, but not always foolproof. Everyone's trying to help her, though it's a slow process.
The night sky-themed air genasi I've drawn before (whose working name is Stellara/Stellari maybe) may also end up kinda on the shy side if I ever do get to play her. Mostly because I imagine her as a bit of a hermit who just doesn't do socialization very well in general.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
I do! Jayni, my halfling wizard (previously bard) that was originally made for a short-lived Waterdeep Dragon Heist campaign, has a twin brother named Finn. He was originally taking on an apprenticeship to a tinker in the city, but if the characters ever came back, I'm not sure if I would keep that or have him doing something else.
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The art is old and Jayni specifically has strawberry blonde hair now, but Finn still looks mostly the same c:
And technically, though I never did make any official art for them and they would be shared and not just mine, it was decided between me and the other player that Indes and Korgul's first biological kids would be a set of twins (Uram and Taram), so I figure they may count as well.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Easily Wisteria, the Eladrin glamour bard (who I drew here) that I really wanna play someday. The entire idea behind her was that I wanted a bard that didn't necessarily having singing or instruments as their main "thing" and I wanted an excuse to make a character that would feel natural dressing in very flashy, hanfu-inspired dresses, and she was born out of those two thoughts. Instead of playing an instrument, her magic is triggered by her dancing and her fan, which would act as her arcane focus.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
If we talked about all of my fond memories with my OCs we would be here forever. I have literally been making OCs and RPing them since the end of middle school/beginning of high school, and I still occasionally lurk around my old stomping grounds to see what old buddies are up to and reminisce on the nostalgia.
For the sake of being relevant to this post and the people I know here, I'm gonna go back to my Elder Scrolls RP days in the shipyard here on tumblr. Some highlights of my time RPing as Indes and Nidhel, as well as a family friend, Vialgo (an Imperial Dawnguard member) include:
The player of Tor-Acr, an Argonian were-croc, asking for a spar RP literally a day before I said I was gonna start looking for threads and sparking Indes' first friendship in that community.
Watching Indes' and Korgul's relationship grow from occasionally butting heads, to genuine friends, to secret feelings for each other, to admitting everything when Korgul was at a low point and sparking honestly one of the best RP romances I have every had the pleasure of being a part of and that made both of our characters better as a whole.
Getting to host a tourney event for the other Companion players and watching everyone get to enjoy it and building closer relationships between the characters.
Vialgo talking down one of his commanders when he almost slipped up and realizing I could actually play a smooth-talking character rather than just the blunt, gruff ones or super sweet, honest ones.
A whole multi-part story where Herryk, another player's Dragonborn character and one of the Companions that Indes is closest to (basically a little brother to her), is almost killed by a dragon and she witnesses him literally fall from the sky when he gets dropped by the dragon. And she plays an integral part in his return and the emotional payoff was just amazing.
Just getting to see my characters get integrated into other people's stories and getting to make even better stories together. I love that about RP so, so much and it's why I love it just as much if not more than just writing things by myself.
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otp asks - who likes to go on drives to nowhere in particular?
Tonks! If wizards drove, that is. I can see Tonks going on drives to nowhere, just to see what she finds. Remus wouldn't, mostly because even if he had enough money, he wouldn't own a car, nor would he be able to afford the gas/petrol to fill it.
I guess the wizard equivalent would be broomstick rides to nowhere. I can definitely see Tonks hopping on a broomstick and flying off to wherever suits her, but Remus probably doesn't own one. If he does, it's likely battered and super old. When they get together, Tonks settles for long walks with Remus, to nowhere in particular, and they find some cool, hole in the wall places that serve great food without being too expensive.
Long OTP ask list
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