#jared leto joker oneshot
somelonelywriter · 11 months
A/N: since sooner or later I will find motivation to write heres my masterlist :)
x GN!Reader >>> Chrysanthemum
x Fem!Wife!Reader >>> Voices
x GN!Reader >>> Dating headcanons
Hunger games
Katniss Everdeen:
as a little >>> Haters back off
Joanna Mason:
as a little >>> Haters back off
The Vampire diaries
Klaus Mikaelson:
x Fem!Human!Reader >>> A little messed up (yandere)
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Being introduced to Mr. J after being sold to him to pay off your father’s debt. 
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throwmeinarkham · 7 years
Just a Bite
Alright so this is a little more complicated than usual. I got a request a while back asking for a imagine with an anorexic reader and how Joker would react and whatnot. This can be a very very sensitive subject. I haven’t gone through this and I don’t know if I depicted it in the right way at all. I would like to point out that I do not condone or support this mental illness but I can understand how reading about a mental illness can help sometimes, it helped me when I needed it.
So to my amazing readers, if this helps at all I am thrilled that I could play a part in your recovery and I support you every step of the way. I believe in you.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Verbal abuse ( ish ??), depictions of anorexia, mental illness
As always, if you have any feedback or constructive criticism please don’t hesitate to send me an ask or a message. I am taking requests but there is not guarantee on when it will be done by. Thanks my loves!
Without further ado:
Even though J’s house was fricken huge there was nothing to do. All you did was roam and explore but it had gotten old. You had roamed and explored every nook and cranny of his extravagant house. Walking down one of the many hallways, you admired each piece of artwork that adorned the walls and the beautiful gold laced vases that were placed meticulously all over the halls. God these must cost a fortune, you thought to yourself.
The day dragged on and on and on without him here, you seemed to always be patiently waiting for his return. You found yourself sitting on the couch playing Candy Crush on your phone, same thing you did everyday, that’s what happens when you’re his girl and he barely lets you leave the house without him. You perked up when you remembered that the house had surround sound speakers. Solo dance party. You grinned and ran to the main console and plugged in your phone. You hummed and hahed about what to listen to and finally settled on Keep Me Crazy by Sheppard. It was nice and upbeat, perfect for dancing. You blasted the music and ran through the house.
You jumped, you twirled, you sang, you danced and it was the most fun you had had in a while. You were able to let loose and let go. The fun all ended when you heard a crash and looked behind you. You had collided with one of his expensive vases, the biggest one, no doubt worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what do I do, what do I do?” you spoke to yourself. You gripped at your hair frantically trying to think of a quick solution. You kicked yourself for being so reckless. J was gonna kill you.
As if on cue you heard the from door swing open.
“Baby girl! I’m home, come to daddy,” he hollered throughout the house.
“Uhm… I’m busy! Can’t come, sorry!.” You scrambled for a last minute solution. You heart raced as you heard his footsteps come up the stairs.
“Hello doll how are y- What the hell happened here Y/N?” he said as he rounded the corner. You stared at him speechless, thinking of something you could possible say to help the situation.
“Hi baby! How was your day? What did you get up to?” you said in a falsely happy voice as you walked towards him. He was seething. You could tell by the way his fists were clenched, how his jaw was tilted slightly downwards, how his shoulders were slowly rising and falling with everything deep breath he took. He was livid. You had seen him this angry before but never at you. Sure he had gotten mad, but never like this. If looks could kill, you would be 6 feet under.
“Fucking answer me Y/N,” he muttered in a voice that was all too calm for the situation.
“Well… I was bored so I figured I would put on some music and dance for a while and I backed up and didn’t see the vase and kinda knocked it over. I’m so sorry J. I really didn’t meant to. I just didn’t see it! I’m sorry, please don't be mad,” you pleaded. He glared at you with more anger than you had seen in quite a while.
“You… God Y/N you and your fucking fat ass always fucking breaking shit. God will you lose all that fuckin’ weight already. I can’t have people thinking that I’ve settled for a fat bitch,” he yelled.
Your weight had always been an issue for you and he knew that. You had never been like the “other girls”. You were always a little more round in the hips, waist a little wider, bustier for sure, and a butt so big apparently you could knock things over. Your eyes started to accumulate tears as his words really sunk in. You were in shock, frozen in place, at a loss of words. You snapped back to reality and bowed your head. He was right. You could lose a few pounds, you weren’t very thin, not how you should be.
“You’re right…” you mumbled and turned away, heading to the shared bedroom. You wanted to rip off all the fat, you wanted to cut it off, any way possible. You’ll diet, you’ll stop eating entirely, you’d do anything. Anything for him to love you…
It had been weeks since you had talked to him. You had decided to leave for a while, take a break from him. You went and stayed at a friends place for a while. You couldn’t bring yourself to eat after what he had said and it had really started to take a toll on you physically and mentally.
“Hey Y/N. Can we have a chat?” Your friend gingerly sat beside you on the couch you had been sleeping on. You nodded and looked over at her. “Are you okay? You won’t tell me much and I’m totally okay with that, whenever you’re ready, but you’ve been here for 3 weeks and I haven’t seen you eat anything at all and you’re just not looking too good. Is everything okay?” You shrugged and looked at her with empty eyes.
“I don’t know. I guess I just haven’t been hungry lately.” That was a lie. You were starving but you refused to eat. You wouldn’t, you couldn’t. His words rang in your ears constantly. A constant reminder of what you were to him, fat.
“You should try and talk to him… As much as I don’t support your relationship I think it would be healthy if you talked to him to clear the air, to get some closure y’know?” You nodded in acknowledgment.
“Alright well maybe in a while, I still need some time to recover. I’ll be out of here as soon as possible, I’ve been looking for places and I shouldn’t be here much longer.”
“Okay, well if you need anything let me know, I’m always here for you Y/N.”
A couple more weeks had gone by sleeping on Y/BF/N’s couch before you moved in to the tiny quaint apartment on the cheaper side of town.
Your phone started buzzing beside you. Looking at the caller ID and seeing that it was Y/BF/N.
“Hey girl, how’s it going?” You answered.
“Hey, not so bad. Just wanted to check up on you, we haven’t talked in a while since you moved out. You’ve been there for what? 2 months now?” You hummed a little and stayed quiet. “So… how are you doing?” Admittedly, you weren’t good. You hadn’t really eaten since you left him and it was starting to show. Your hip bones popped out a little more than before, your clothes were a little too loose, you were dwindling away slowly.
Maybe he’ll love me now, you thought to yourself. You stood in front of the mirror analyzing yourself. You still weren’t skinny enough. A harsh knock on your door broke you out of your trance. you threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and ran to the door. You creaked in open a tiny sliver to see who the hell could be standing at your door at 11 pm. The first thing you noticed was the signature purple alligator coat. Your eyes trailed up and noticed his blinding green hair.
“Open the door will ya doll?” His voice sounded through the crack in the door. You quickly and quietly pushed the door shut and locked all of the locks you had set up on your door for this reason specifically. “You know I will push down this door if you don’t open it.”
“Fine but I’m keeping the top lock locked,” you said.
“Y/N just open the god damn door. I swear I will kick this door down if you don’t open it,” he said sternly. You released a heavy sigh and unlocked the door fully. He shoved past you and in to the small living room. “This is where you’ve been living?” He asked with a disgusted looked on his face.
“You know, not all of us have a ridiculous amount of money to spend,” you retorted, defending your small abode. He turned and looked you up and down taking in your gaunt figure. You covered up in shame, the memories of his words playing at the back of your mind.
“What happened to you?” he inquired. You shrugged and looked at the floor, unable to meet his daunting gaze.
“What do you mean?”
“Well… you’re just… so skinny. What happened?” You shook your head and bit your lip hard to avoid the tears that threatened to spill. You played with your fingers to distract from the heat of his gaze.
“I think you should go now,” you mumbled, hoping he would hear you. He reached forward and grabbed your wrist, inspecting the thin expanse, running his thumb over the protruding bones of your thin arm. You yanked away your hand and wrapped your arms around your torso, hiding your body.
“Y/N, answer me. Now,” he demanded.
“It’s none of your business. You have to go.”
“God Y/N, when was the last time you ate?” You shrugged your shoulders, honestly not sure. Maybe a bite of an apple a couple days ago? you thought to yourself. “Y/N…” he threatened.
“I don’t know… maybe like an hour ago,” you lied.
“No Y/N tell me the truth. I can tell you’re lying.”
“I don’t know, like a couple days ago maybe?” you answered quietly. He stared at you with broken eyes laced with pity. “And don’t you dare get mad or pity me or lecture me because this is all your fault J! All your fucking fault. It’s your god damn fault that I can’t eat something without throwing up. It’s your damn fault that none of my damn clothes fit. It’s all your fault,” you yelled, repeatedly pounding your fists against his chest, tears flowing freely. He stood speechless in front of you, not even trying to refrain you from hitting his chest.
“What are you talking about? How the hell is this my fault?” he countered. You stared at him, your heart breaking even more than it already was. He doesn’t remember. Not one bit, you thought to yourself. You felt your knees give out slightly, causing you to tumble to the ground letting out a loud sob.
“God you don’t even remember. You don’t even remember what you said to me that made me fall in to this… this pit of fucking sadness and despair. You don’t even remember what you fucking said. That’s rich. You need to leave now. You need to go. I’d be better off without you anyway,” you said with a defeated look on your face. He fell down to his knees beside you.
“Y/N, look at me.” You shook your head, refusing to look at the man who changed you entirely. “I’m gonna help you get better Y/N. I’m gonna do everything I can. You’re not my Y/N…” He looked at you with pity in his icy stare.
“No J. I don’t need your help. I’m fine on my own. I’ve been fine for the past two months without you. I’m fine. At least I’m not fat…” you mumbled the last part almost inaudibly.
“Fat? Who the hell said you were fat?” He stared at you as if you were crazier than he was. You countered his stare with a look of utter disbelief.
“You’re not serious right now, are you?”
“Who said it. I’ll have their head on a plate. No one does that to my girl,” he said, rage filling his voice.
“You did it J. You said it. You said I was fat. You said that you had settled for a fat bitch. You said so many hurtful things. You made me like this. I am a shell of who I used to be but I thought maybe if I lost all that weight then you’d want me again but I was wrong. I’m not skinny enough.” He stared at you with an open mouth, the memories of his harsh words flooding back.
“Doll…” He was speechless, at a blank as to what he could say to fix this. “I… I don’t… I don’t know what I was thinking. You’re perfect kitten, you always have been. Now lets get some food in that belly of yours,” he spoke in an apologetic tone as he gripped your bicep in an attempt to pull you off the ground.
“No. I’m not going with you. You hurt me so bad. So, so bad J. I’m broken because of you. Our relationship was toxic, I can’t do that to myself anymore. Go back to your old lifestyle with money, and parties, and girls that are better than me. Just forget about me.” You shakily stood up and walked towards the door, opening it to let the man you love leave.
“No Y/N. I’m not letting you stay here. I’m not letting you live like this. Do you even have anything in your fridge?” He walked over to the fridge and yanked the door open. All he found was some orange juice and some celery sticks that had gone bad. “Y/N you can’t do this to yourself. I take back everything I said. You’re perfect, I don’t care about your body. Your my queen, my partner in crime, the light of my life.” It broke his heart to see you in such a state but it broke his heart even more knowing that he was the cause of your hurting. He pulled you in to a warm embrace and held you against his firm chest. Your tears left wet spots on his burgundy dress shirt. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. “Come home with me Y/N. I need you. Please Y/N, I can’t stand seeing you like this,” he begged. You gave a slight nod and followed him out of the home you only knew briefly.
“I can’t forgive you for what you said J. At least not yet.” He hummed, acknowledging what you said. “I mean J, look what you did to me.”
Getting better, getting back to who you were, the Y/N that you loved was going to be hard, there was no doubt about that but it was a day to day process. Each day you would eat a small bit, half an apple, a carrot, small things. Some days were better than others. Some days you fell right back to where you started, hating yourself, but there were good days too like the days you would feel his hand explore your body, praising you for the work you had put. He helped you a lot, he let you go at your pace, supporting you through everything, reminding you what a beautiful person you are.
5 weeks of hard work, tears, and breakdowns and you could see yourself getting better. You could see your hips becoming a little more filled, you could see a bit less of your sharp hip bones, your cheeks had turned back to their healthy glow. It was a work in progress but you were so proud of yourself for bringing yourself to where you are.
Things will get better. The words you used everyday to get you through the toughest of times.
You can do this.
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New Years Kiss
Jared Leto×Reader Summary- You have only a few minutes to make the biggest decision of your life. Do you follow your heart and risk everything for love, or swallow your feelings? Warning- Smut
A/N- I didn't go over this cause Im tired as shit
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Jared's at home relaxing, and you're standing in your dates home 10 minutes down the road. You're Jared's live in home assistant and he gave you the night off to enjoy yourself, but you're yelling at yourself for accepting it and being here, standing in these strappy heels and tight red dress, when all you want to do is be with him. The Only reason you actually came was so that you could have a kiss when the clock strikes 12, pathetic right? Pretending like you're not in love with Jared and wishing that he was the one you were kissing. Pretending that everything is normal just for once. But your mind keeps running back to Jared and how your hands want to tangle in his hair and taste his lips. It's 12:30 and you're growing more antsy as time ticks by and you're pratically chewing your lip off. You finally say fuck it and walk out of the door. The time has ticked by and now it's 12:40, meaning you now have only 20 minutes to get down the road. You didn't drive here, so you don't have your car, an uber won't make it in time, and you are not asking your date to drive you home. What options do you have left? Maybe if you start walking now, you can make it. You take off down the road, heels clicking against the asphalt. It's less than a 10 minute drive, so you should probably make it there around the same time, right? Who knows? But when you look down at your watch, 10 minutes of walking has already been taking up, and you're barely past the sign that indicates Jared's house is right up the road. You groan loudly, picking up your pace whilst your feet yell at you. Not only have you been standing on your feet pretty much all day, but then standing for even longer at the party, and to top it off, you're pratically sprinting down the road. Your dress has hitched itself up your thighs and you can't even care at this point because there's 5 minutes left. 5 FUCKING MINUTES! You kick up the speed, your grandma mall walk turns into a full on run, well, it's not a run or a jog, but it's what you're doing. Your hair is stuck in your lipgloss and your tits are flying out of your dress, and your ass is now probably on full display, but you keep pushing. 2 minutes left and you can see the house. Right around the curve and you'd be damned if you don't make it. Your legs are yelling at you to stop and you can't breath, and everything is burning. 1 minute and you're almost there, almost in the driveway. 10 seconds, you're in the driveway and the alarm on your smart watch is counting down from there 5 seconds, you bust through the door, and Jared is standing at the kitchen counter in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, riding low on his waist. 3 seconds, you run towards him. 1 second, and you smash right into him, pressing your lips against his. Your ears perk up at the sound of fireworks bursting in the sky, and you can't think of a better way to end the night. Jared pulls his lips away from yours slowly, lingering just a little. "Were you running?" He tilts his head to the side and a signature smirk plays on his lips. "Yeah..I, umm...yeah I ran." You laugh at yourself through breaths of air and shake your head, "Happy New Year." You offer him a small, shy smile and his turns into a grin. "Happy New Year." He leans his head back down and presses his lips slowly back to yours, parting them just a little to pull your bottom lip into his mouth. You moan at the feeling of his warm lips on yours and his hands around your waist, pulling you right against his. Your hands roam up his body to tangle into his beautiful locks of hair, pulling slightly, and it's his turn to let out a groan, lighting a fire in your panties. This time you pull away, not because you don't wanna kiss him, but because your ass needs some water, "Sorry, I just need some water." Jared's eyes crinkle at the corners, and he moves out of your way so you can reach into the fridge and grab a bottle of water. Once it's in your hands, you're ripping off the lid to down half of the bottle. Hands wrap themselves around your stomach, pulling your ass flush agaisnt Jared's hard cock. A moan slips past your lips and your press back slightly and his fingers dig into your skin. His lips press to the side of your neck and you lean your head back on his shoulder to grant him further access, "I've wanted to kiss your fucking lips ever since I first saw you," his teeth sink into your neck, making your pussy tbrob even more, "you were wearing that tight, little black skirt and those strappy litte heels, and you bent over to pick up your bag, giving me the perfect view of that fat ass," Your heart's thumping in your chest at his words, barely being able to contain your excitement, "and that top your wore, your nipples poked right threw it." His hands roam down your waist and breasts, giving them a squeeze before pressing down on your back and pressing your front to the counter, to your thighs before slipping up your dress to touch your hips again, squeezing them. "Jared....please," you're panting at this point, even more than before. You're so horny at this point, knowing that he's wanted you as long as you've wanted him. You're backing your hips up to rub across his cock and he hisses at the contact, "please touch me." "That what you want, Baby?" Jared snakes a hand around to slip into the band of your panties. His slender fingers are teasing painfully at the band, "you wanna cum on my fingers?" "Yes sir." Your own fingers dig into the counter to try and hold yourself up. "Make me cum on your fingers." "Fuck, you're dirty." He releases his hand from your panties to grab the top of your zipper, pulling it down to help you out of your dress, pushing the straps over your shoulders and down to your feet. Jared traces his fingers over your flushed skin, all the way to your bra, where he unclasps it, sliding that over your shoulders too, throwing it across the room. Then his hands are back on your skin, pushing your soaked panties down your legs where you step out of them, kicking them off of your feet. "Look how wet you are. You're fucking soaked." Your aching cunt clenches around nothing, and without warning, Jared pushes his fingers right between your silken lips. A gasp falls from your lips and he slides a finger into your dripping heat, then adding a second, curling up at the perfect spot, "Oh fuck..." his lips are back on your neck, sucking on your flesh. "God, you're pussy's so tight on my fingers." His words make an inhuman noise come from you and he speeds up the pace of his fingers, pumping them harder and faster, whilst bringing his other hand around to rub your clit. The band in your stomach is tightening faster and faster and you know you're gonna snap soon. His fingers feel so amazing and to finally have him fucking you with him is sending you swirling out of control. Moans are falling freely from your lips and the sensation of his lips nibbling on your neck sends you over the edge. You cum all over his fingers, pussy clenching around them. Jared continues rubbing, continues pumping, and your juices slips down your thighs. You're coming down from your high and Jared slips his fingers out of you, turning you around, letting his eyes travel down your naked body for the first time, "You're fucking beautiful." He presses his lips against yours and smile forms on yours. When you pull away from each other, your eyes are drawn downwards where his throbing cock is straining against his pants. "You're fingers felt amazing, but I want your cock in me."
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jokersangellove · 7 years
Saving Mr J: | PART 1| PART 2| PART 3| Joker x reader
Christmas Miracle Joker x reader
Can’t Change Him Joker x reader (ft Harley Quinn)
Meet the Family Joker’s son x reader (ft Joker and Harley Quinn)
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harley-quinnn · 6 years
Buried Treasure
Joker x Reader
Masterlist | Request
{A/N} I knocked this one out because it was recent and I wanted to make sure it was done for you before I started posting the older requests! I hope you enjoy, and thanks for bein’ my first request back! Xo
Prompt: Hi! Can I request a joker x reader where the reader is Frosts daughter and frost never told J about her but he ends up finding out and likes her? Lls. If that makes any sense ❤
Warnings: None, dahling, none. Allow me to ease you back in to my vile smut.
You threw your phone onto your bed in a huff. This was the third time this week your father has had you locked up in your room for reasons unknown to you. It wasn’t an evil thing, you weren’t being mistreated, but it annoyed you nonetheless.
He kept odd hours, after all he was Jonny Frost; The Jokers right hand man. It never really occurred to you that his line of work wasn’t particularly normal growing up. You weren’t sure you knew what normal was once you were old enough to realize that most people held jobs in offices or stores. When he began to lock you away, you decided to wait until you heard him unlock the door again. Sometimes, you wouldn’t hear the lock on the door click open again until at least daybreak.
“Stay inside, I’ll unlock the door soon. Just know you’re safer in here,” he’d say.
Knowing better than to question him, you’d simply agree, kiss him goodnight on the cheek and watch the lock turn in the doorknob. Tonight, however, was a different story. You turned the lights off in your room, pretending as though you’d “go to sleep” after he shuffled back down the hall. This time, you crept over to your window and opened the curtain just a bit, peeking through to see what was going on.
You weren’t visible with the darkness of your room spilling past the curtains, and you kept an eye on your dad as he walked outside, crossing his arms as a purple Lamborghini revved into the driveway and came to a shrieking halt. Your jaw almost hit the floor as you saw the only man you’d ever feared saunter out of the drivers side and toward your dad.
“The Joker,” you whispered. He looked angry as they got caught up in conversation in the driveway. You cracked your window just a tad in order to hear what was going on, but with no success. Curiosity began to sink in, enticing you to attempt leaving your room.
You stood up, finding it hard to peel your eyes from the scene below you as you slipped into a sweater over your negligee. Finally looking away, you approached your dresser and grabbed a bobby pin. You knew how to unlock your door, and you very well could’ve any of the previous times. But you trusted your father before anything and anyone else. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him this time, you just knew you could steal a quick peek and go unnoticed. You just wanted to see him up close for yourself, and maybe get a little insight into what your dad really does.
The lock pops open and you slide the bobby pin into your hair for safe keeping, making your way through the house. There was no more than a lamp lit in the living room as you passed by, avoiding the floorboards you knew would creak even though they were still outside. Once you approached the door, you stood perfectly still, holding your breath as you moved to steal a glance at Gotham’s most infamous criminal.
“J, I told you,” your father said, “I’m on his tail, I’m this fuckin’ close. He’s a dead man.”
“I told you, I don’t want him dead. I want him alive so I can tear him down myself,” The Joker responded, his body animated as he spoke.
You shouldn’t have been as surprised as you were. Did you think he was selling cookies? You asked yourself. It was a sight to see as you watched them carry on, The Jokers metal grill catching the light that lit up your front door. He was far more attractive than you were expecting, and you almost felt embarrassed for thinking so. His cocky demeanor held your attention the most as you leaned closer into the door absentmindedly, your fingers discreetly wrapping around it as your eyes followed his every move.
Their conversation was interrupted as his piercing blue eyes met your soft {E/C} ones.
“Who the fuck is here, Frost?” He spat, staring straight at you. “Are you trying to... set me up?”
You gasped as your father turned around, quickly leaving their line of sight and pressing your body into the wall. Shit. You did the only thing you could think of next. You ran. You bolted back through the house and to your room, closing the door behind you and silently praying that they would dismiss what they “thought” they saw. Against your better judgement, you crept up to peer through the window again, just to see if they had ignored you.
BANG. You jumped at the sound of the front door flying open, searching around your room for a place to hide. Footsteps and your dad stammering over his words from other parts of the house was all you could hear.
“No ones here, J,” he said, causing your stomach to lurch. “I’d never set you up, you know that!”
You watched the light under your door, suddenly feeling like a little kid in a scary movie. A shadow approached it as though on cue, and you dashed to your closet, trying to make yourself as undetectable as humanly possible behind the doors.
The sound of pressure meeting the doorknob invoked fear in your heart. You had forgetten to lock the door, but it was too late now. A quiet gasp escaped your chest as the door flew open.
“See, no ones fuckin’ here!” Your dad yelled, the panic in his voice is clear as bell, causing The Joker to second guess that he was telling the truth.
The lights flip on, and you can see him walking around, absorbing the contents of your room. The walls were {F/C}, the decor inside of the room fitting you to a tee. He looked surprised, as though he had no idea that Jonny had even had a life when he wasn’t working for him.
“Is this it?” he asked, incredulously. “You’re keeping your most, prized, possession from me?”
“J, she’s...” His voice wavered only slightly, sounding as though he knew he’d lost you before it even happened. “She’s all I have.”
You watched him through a small crack between the doors. He swayed on his feet, his pale skin was almost like porcelain, riddled with tattoos and scars under the rolled up sleeves of the dress shirt he wore. A large, sinister grin tugged at his red lips, and you were sure your heart stopped beating for just a moment. He was the city’s -maybe even the worlds- most dangerous man, and there he was, in your room.
“Frost,” he said, his voice mimicked that of hurt despite the smile on his face. “I’m offended.. You have me.”
His eyes darted to the closet, and though they were locked with yours, you were unsure if he could tell. Something about him made you want to reach out and touch him. To prove to yourself that he was real. His eyes shifted back to your father, who stayed silent. Your breathing was anything but steady as he began to walk, running his fingers along your dresser and over your shelves. He seemed to inspect everything he could before he stood directly in front of the closet doors. A hand brought itself to your mouth as you bit down on your knuckle and closed your eyes.
Please don’t open the door, please don’t open the door...
The doors opened slowly, very, very slowly. The light from the room washed over your closed eyelids as you exhaled. With a flutter, your eyes oepned again just as slowly in return, and the tall man before you was terrifyingly more handsome up close. There was no time to blush, but it was as though he could detect your sudden arousal as you screamed at yourself to push the thought aside.
“{Y/N},” your dad sighed from the opposite end of the room, sounding as though he were pleading for forgiveness.
The Joker’s eyes scanned your features as you brought your hand down to your chest, nervously fiddling with a silver necklace you wore. Your voice was caught in your throat as his eyes quickly followed your fingers. He snorted, running his finger under the chain against your warm skin. His touch electrified every nerve ending in your body.
You knew they were wrong, so very wrong, the things that briefly crossed your mind.
“All that work I give you, and she’s still wearing silver,” he tutted, not taking his eyes off of you as he spoke to your dad.
“It was my mother’s,” you defended, your eyes catching his with a furrowed brow.
“Oh, and she speaks!” He exclaimed sarcastically, leaning his head back and extending his arm.
The way his hair fell disheveled around the tattoo on his forehead secretly excited you. You loved a rough man, and there was nothing about him that could be seen as soft. You caught sight of your father reaching for the gun he carried under his belt quietly behind The Joker, but your eyes widened at the sight, giving him away. The Joker quickly pulled his own gun from his holster, pointing it at your dad. 
“Dad!” You called out, stepping forward before feeling a hand holding you back by your shoulder. You gulped, stopping dead in your tracks. So many feelings were brought to the forefront at once, and you weren’t sure where to turn with any of them.
“I’m disappointed in you, Frost,” he said, his tone that of scolding as his icey eyes raked over your frame. “She’s so pretty.. The worst crime you’ve committed is keeping this doll hidden away from me her entire life...” 
You immediately locked eyes with your dad.
“My whole life?” You asked, oddly hurt that The Joker, in fact, had no idea you existed at all.
“You have to understand {Y/N},” he responded. “I didn’t want you to get wrapped up in-“
“Blah blah blah...” the joker interrupted, clutching your necklace in his hand and yanking it off of your neck in one swift movement.
“My necklace!” You squeaked automatically, eyes wide with shock and distress. He leaned down to hold your stare, sparks flying in your chest. His lips, stained in crimson, tempted you more than you’d like to admit.
“You’ll learn to appreciate the finer things when you’re on my arm, princess...”
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mochiswifey · 2 years
Rules are just don't be a rude person and I'll welcome you with open arms.
Now, proceed if you wish to see my Insanity.
Recent To Oldest Works
LAST UPDATED July 24th 2022
{When Bonten has a crush on you}
KANJI *Decide to write his but kept it personal.
If Only You Were A Different Person
{Kanji Mochizuki * Naoto Tachibana}
We Fell Out Of Love
{Kakuchou Hitto * Takashi Mitsuya}
For Your Smile
{Imaushi Wakasa}
Post Apocalyptic World
{Taiju Shiba}
At Last
{Taiju Shiba}
{Kanji Mochizuki}
{Kanji Mochizuki}
{Shion Madarame}
Letting him go.
{Taiju Shiba}
As the world caves in
Black Swan
{Inui Seishu}
The blame is on you pal.
{Kanji Mochizuki}
{Kanji Mochizuki}
UM? No.
{Taiju Shiba x Assistant}
{South Terano X Gang Leader}
{Reader X Comfort Character}
{Takeomi Akashi}
{Rindou X Ex wife}
{Kokonoi Hajime X Gambler}
DUELES TAN BIEN :You Hurt Me So Good
{South Terano}
{Kisaki Tetta}
¥DISCUSSIONS*THOUGHTS*SPOILERS*LEAKS¥ 260 bruh 259 259 Benkei's bitch ass 258 Taiju
248 Leaks
247 1 2 3 4
247 leaks
246 Leaks * Crack
243 THOUGHTS 2 3 4
Tokyo Rev Goodies
Sanzu vs Patrick
Tr Cover Volume 28
Tr bois
Sanzu Stop
Savior Taiju
Songs Daddies Owns
Takemitchi X Mikey
My baby boo 💕
Taiju vs Koko’Inupi
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foreverblackrose · 7 years
The King pt. 2 (Joker x Reader)
@lexi-chan17 @nattalie-z
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You never thought you would love being the Joker’s secretary/personal assistant as much as you did. The pay was amazing, and the work itself was fairly simple. Mostly, you scheduled meetings and ran errands whenever your boss asked, and it definitely had it’s benefits, such as almost guaranteed protection against the many villains of Gotham. No one was willing to mess with the Joker or the employees he deemed loyal, like Frost and yourself. 
The Joker himself was surprisingly fair to you and your cousin. You supposed if you were constantly watching your back for traitors, you’d be pretty appreciative of loyalty as well. The King of Gotham assured that you always got a fair portion of pay after jobs, and seemed to value your opinions during meetings. You’d learned to like your boss quite a bit.. Possibly more than you should. 
Recently though, the Joker was facing a dilemma that was affecting everyone. Three of his former employees had rebelled against him with the intention of undermining his business. Shipments to and from the club were being intercepted and to say Mr. J was pissed was the understatement of the century.
You witnessed this rage first hand as the Joker strangled the man before him, who refused to reveal the location of the traitors. Personally, you wouldn’t have had a problem with Mr. J killing the man, but it seemed a little detrimental to your end game, so you decided to intervene as the man began turning purple. 
“Mr. J, sir,” You interjected calmly as you leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I’m not sure killing him is the best choice right now, or he’ll never be able to tell us where the others are.
The Joker’s sadistic smile faded into a frown and he nodded, “I suppose.. You’re right doll.” He allowed the man to drop to his knees against the wall and gasp for breath. The Joker turned to face a nearby guard with a scowl on his face and growled out a fast, “Get him out of my face.”
The Joker swiftly exited the interrogation room, and you followed behind closely. Frost met you both at the door and joined you as the Joker made his way into his office. He sat heavily in his chair and rubbed his temples, his jaw tight with frustration. There was a heavy tension in the room as Mr. J looked to Jonny for a report.
“I’ve talked to several of our informants, sir,” He began cautiously, “No one’s seen ‘em. They’re in hiding, but we know they’re close to Gotham or they couldn’t get to our shipments so fast... But I think it’s safe to assume by now that there is a mole somewhere close sir.”
The Joker growled darkly, rolling his head aimlessly, “Round up all the goons for interrogation... I want this fixed. Now.”
You hesitated briefly, biting your lip. You had a suggestion, but if it were to fail, the consequences would be tremendous. However, it could possibly help him, and maybe Mr. J seeing that you had good ideas would be a good thing in the long run.
“Uh... sir?”
The Joker’s head snapped towards you, his eyes dark and mind-blowingly intense in such a way that your whole body felt like jelly. “What?”
“I just... I have an idea,” You continued slowly. “If there is a mole, maybe the best way to capture them.. Is with bait.”
“This is such a bad idea,” Frost whispered under his breath. “Honestly, out of all the dumb things you’ve suggested, this is the worst.”
“Shut up, Frosty,” You mumbled, loading another bag of cash from the newest bank robbery into the van. “This’ll work.”
He rolled his eyes and threw in the last bag, “Are you sure about this? He gave you the option to sit this out.”
“Yes, you two need all the help you can get.”
He sighed and adjusted his clown mask. The plan was fairly simple, the three of you would disguise yourselves and join the goons assigned to this detail for the mission. It was assumed that the mole would more than likely decide to be among them since the pay was supposed to be much larger than normal. They would wait for the traitors to attack, finish them off, and be done with it.
A man in a bear costume- aka, the Joker himself- offered you his hand from the back of the van. You accepted it and allowed him to pull you up while the other goons loaded into the front of the van. Frost followed in behind you and slammed the doors closed. 
For a while, everything was quiet. No one spoke and the only real noise was the sound of the van speeding down the road. The anxiety was beginning to creep up on you. What if they didn’t attack? Would the Joker be angry? If he did, would it be enough for him to kill you? He had killed others for much less than this. But also, what if they do attack? Were you really prepared? You had never actually had to kill anyone. For the most part, you were shielded from that side of the job. You’d seen it plenty of times, but could you actually shoot anyone?
The sound of gunshots and the popping of tires tore you from your thoughts. The vehicle jolted as the tires burst, but what surprised you most was the sudden, steadying arm against you. The familiar purring filled your ear as the Joker leaned into you, “Get ready for the fun, doll.”
You stood, got into position behind a large box, and the van doors flew open. A barrage of bullets began to fly and you began to lose track of where they came from. There were shouts of surprise, yelps of pain, and the ringing of laughter that could only belong to the insane man beside you. It was almost an outer body experience as you fired your own gun, but in a way, you rather enjoyed the thrill of it.
Within minutes, it was over. The Joker threw off his mask and sauntered out of the van, still chuckling to himself. “Well, that was thrilling!”
 Frost rolled his eyes before stripping out of his costume and jogging to the front of the van to call for a goon to pick you all up. You quickly stepped out of your own costume and couldn’t help but grin a little at the Joker’s reaction. It should have been repulsive to see him laughing over multiple corpses, but it didn’t matter much.
 Mr. J turned towards you with a large smirk on his face, “That was a marvelous idea, doll face. Very worthy of another.. Promotion of sorts.”
“Another promotion...?” You questioned quietly. What could you possibly do besides this?
“I am the King of Gotham,” He elaborated, stepping closer to you, “And every King, needs a Queen.”
You froze. There was no possible way he was suggesting what it sounded like. That only happens in the fanfictions you read that were written by awkward teenage girls...
His hand was warm against your cheek in the cold night air, his thumb stroking your skin so gently you barely noticed it.
“We’re going to have so much fun together...” 
And with that, he brought his lips forward to meet yours.
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trapmoon-vibez-blog · 6 years
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There’s A Boy... (Jared Leto x Reader) pt. 2
(Part 1)
Warnings: None
I sat there frozen, still not knowing what to say. He was still reading it, then Luna decided to read it with him. Well, there’s my friendship with Jared. He’s going to hate me when he finds out who it’s actually about.
“Aw! This is so cute, Y/n. Who’s it about?” Luna exclaims, looking at me.
Should I just tell them? I know after this, I’ll ruin everything. I don’t think I’ll be able to wait anymore. I’ve been wanting to confess my feelings, and he deserves to know about them. 
I take a deep breath, “Actually, that’s a funny story. Jared, it’s about you. I’ve had feelings for you. I never felt this way about anyone ever. I just want to know, do you love me back? Or even like me?”
I looked up at Jared and looked into his eyes. His ocean blue eyes. The ones I fell in love with. They were beautiful and I could stare at them all day.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I have feelings for Luna, you know this.” Jared tells me slowly.
I felt my heart drop at that time. I don’t know what I expected out of this. Why would he even like me back? I always get myself into situations like this. I believe that some I let in could love me back. I’ve always been both a lover and a dreamer. I need to start understanding that if someone wants to be with me, they’ll put that effort.
“I think that’s enough of me embarrassing myself for one night. I’m sorry for putting you both in an awkward situation, I’ll see myself out” I murmured to them, preparing for my leave.
I saw that Jared still had my book, so I carefully took it from him, not looking at him. I didn’t want to look at either of their faces. I walked out of the house without even a glance back. I probably lost my best friend, but I didn’t want to keep this a secret any longer. 
I got in my car and drove home. I was still in shock that I did. I ruined the only thing that was good for me. I can’t believe I said it in front of Luna. She might actually hate me for this. How could I make the sweetest girl on this planet, hate me? I got out of my car and into my house. I just wanted this day to be over with. I felt terrible about everything, but I’ve always been told that it’s better to share your feelings than just letting them eat you alive.
I lay on my bed and text Jared.
‘Hey, I’m sorry. Don’t let this fuck our friendship up, please?’
‘It’s whatever, Y/n. I understand. It probably would’ve been better if you waited until I was single, or not say it in front of my girlfriend.’
‘Is she mad at me? I feel bad, Jared. I just was put in a situation that I couldn’t get out of.’
‘Y/n, stop apologizing. I said it’s whatever. We can just forget about it. Luna’s not happy with you, but what did you expect?’
'I know. I’m dumb. I just didn’t know what else to do. You were just looking at the song, and I instantly felt overwhelmed.’
'Just go to bed, Y/n. I’ll talk to you soon.’
I sighed and put my phone down. I felt terrible for this, it was my fault. He’s mad at me, I can tell. He doesn’t usually call me by my first name, especially in a text. I fucked everything up, I need to take responsibility for my actions. I can’t even think straight, I just know that I’ll still be in love with Jared Leto, no matter what. I knew it wouldn’t be easy telling him, but I also didn’t think it would be this painful. He probably doesn’t care too much, but I still do.
I woke up, feeling like shit. I didn’t want to get up or go anywhere. It wasn’t fair that someone I love so much doesn’t feel the same way. It would be different if I wasn’t so attached to him, but I am. I checked my phone to see if I had messages and I had one from Luna.
'Hey, Y/n. I hope you’re doing okay. Don’t feel bad about yesterday, I’m not mad at you. I understand you have feelings for Jared, but please, just let me enjoy being with him. I love him with all my heart and seeing him with someone else, would pain me. I hope you understand, feel better soon.’
I sighed. I know she was mad at me, but the fact that she was still being nice about it, made me feel worse. She doesn’t deserve this at all. She’s just trying to be happy in a relationship, but I had to come in between it with my dumb feelings. I should just tell Jared we should stop being friends. It would be better for both him and I.
'Come over to my place. We need to talk.’
I know it’ll help me get over him. As of right now, I’m up for anything to get rid of these unrequited feelings. Jared replied telling me that he’ll be over in a bit. I didn’t bother to change into anything because it wouldn’t matter. This conversation will take 10 minutes tops.
I heard a knock on my door and walked over to open it. There stood Jared, looking amazing. This would be hard for me to do. He has been my supporter for all these years and now I have to see him walk away from me. I love him, but I need to let go.
“Come in,” I tell him while opening the door more.
He comes in without a word and sits down on my couch.
I look at him, “I don’t think it’s best for us to be friends anymore”
“I actually agree. We need a break from each other for now. You need to get over me, it’ll get better with time.” He addressed to me.
I hesitate for a moment, he really didn’t want to at least put up a fight for our friendship? I thought I meant at least something to him. I guess not.
“Oh. Okay. I’ll see you around I guess.” I mumbled, looking down.
He nodded and got up. He didn’t look at me once and walked out of the door.
And out of my life.
(There will be a part 3, don’t worry, I got you guys xx)
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Is there anyone out there who writes
Jared Leto
Leto Joker
Fanfiction that wouldn’t mind me reading and getting attached to? Also, is there anyone out there who writes on wattpad who wants to be friends and read each other’s work and all that jazz? So many of you read my things, but I also want to be friends with you too….so…like….come at me haha! SEND ME AN ASK. LET’S TALK
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throwmeinarkham · 7 years
Desperate Times Part 2
I have gotten a million requests to do a part 2 to Desperate Times so here it is finally! Considering the way I left it i may or may not make it a mini series of sorts solely based on the reaction I get from part two! Feedback is GREATLY appreciated and I really hope you guys like this one! 
Three weeks, four days, 10 hours, and 48 minutes. That’s how long it had been since your lovely father had traded you for drugs. Things were the same with Mr. J. You mostly kept to yourself and only spoke when necessary. No apology came from him in regards to the slap but you weren’t too torn up about it. 
“Y/N, you’re coming to the club with me tonight,” he said, breaking you from your thoughts. 
“No I’m not,” you answered. 
“Oh yes you are,” he retorted. “you don’t really have a choice. You rolled your eyes and nodded turning back to the crossword you were doing. 
“Why?” you inquired, curious as to why he was so set on you coming. 
“You haven’t left the house since you’ve been here, plus there’s someone I want you to see,” he said with a silver smile. “The dress you’re going to wear is on your bed. Also, stop rolling your eyes at me doll.” 
After a nice nap you looked at the clock and found that it was time to start getting ready. The dress he had given you was more of a t-shirt than anything. You couldn’t deny that it was a pretty dress though. Simple black, long sleeves, and a cutout that let you see a good amount of your cleavage. Bless for pushup bras, you though to yourself. Your look for the night was simple, a smokey eye matched with dark red lips. 
You stumbled down the stairs in the heels that were entirely too high for your liking. 
“Mmm kitten don’t you look sexy.” His voice sounded behind you. You turned and noticed that his burgundy dress shirt that adorned his torso matched the same deep red as your lips. He looked good, you had to admit. You mentally kicked yourself for being attracted to a psychopath. 
“Thank you. We going?” You wanted to get this night over with as soon as possible. You hated him, you hated this, you hated your dad, you just hated everything. You just wanted to runaway but you were smarter than that, you knew that if you tried then you might as well start digging your grave. He nodded and pulled you towards his signature purple lamborghini. 
“I can’t wait for you to see your surprise,” he said giddily. You stayed silent, obviously nervous of your “surprise”. You quickly pulled up to his club and he pulled you out of the passenger side, dragging you in to the thumping music. “Ooh he’s here Y/N. Your surprise is here!” You stared at him confused. You scanned the room searching for anyone that you might recognize. He led you to his private section and you plopped down on the couches as some of his goons strode in. 
“He’s here boss. Want us to bring him in?” his deep voice spoke. 
“Yes. Oh gosh I can’t wait doll.” You winced at the pet name he had chosen. A man was pushed in to the room. A man you knew all too well. 
“Dad?” Your eyes widened. 
“Y/N? Oh god Y/N. What have I done.” He stepped forwards to hug you before he was pulled back roughly. “Give her back Joker,” he begged. 
“Hmm let me think about that. No. We made a deal John. Your addiction for your lovely daughter,” he declined. 
“Please, I’m begging you. I’ll do anything, any-” 
“Do you actually think I want to go with you? You fucking sold me to a notorious psychopath murderer for drugs,” you interrupted. 
“Please Y/N.” You saw the tears forming in his pathetic eyes. 
“It was your choice John.She’s mine now. And oh how I love having her, if you know what I mean.” He dropped his left eye in to a dramatic wink. Next thing you knew there was a gun aimed at your captor. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you John, don’t be stupid,” Mr. J warned. The bang of a gun sounded before you heard the sharp intake of breath from the man beside you. “I gave you a chance John but you were stupid.” A second shot rang and you saw your fathers body collapse. You shot up from the couch and ran towards the nearly deceased man on the ground. 
“No dad, no. No, no, no, this can’t be happening.” You turned you head and looked at the Joker. “What did you do? What did you do!” you yelled. Your attention was turned back to your father. His empty brown eyes were fluttering as he desperately held on to his life. 
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he mumbled before his eyes drifted closed. Your tears dripped on to his bloody chest as you let out a sob, staring at the dead body of the man you once knew as your father. 
“Well that was lame. Time to go princess,” he interrupted your moment. 
“Fuck you. Fuck you, you heartless bastard...” He deserved it. He was barely a father. He always picked the drugs over you. Fuck him, fuck everyone. As if he read you mind he snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“He deserved it Y/N. You know that.” His voice had softened as his eyes bore in to yours. 
“I know. He deserved everything that came to him,” you admitted quietly. You looked over at him fully. “You’re hurt,” you observed. His left shoulder was bleeding making his already dark red shirt even darker. “Lets get home, I’ll clean it up.” 
“Jesus. Will you stay still? You’re making it worse,” you said as you carefully searched for the bullet. 
“Oh sorry Y/N, let me just shoot you then dig through your bullet hole to see how still you’ll stay,” he retorted sarcastically. 
“Well it wouldn’t hurt as much if you would just stop moving.” You yanked the bullet out making him wince. 
“Ow.” You chuckled and reached for the gauze and tape. 
“I’m just gonna patch it up and you’ll be as good as new.” You smiled at him. He grunted in acknowledgement. 
A while later he sat in his bed shirtless staring at his phone. You stood in the door way admiring his muscular tattooed chest. He really was quite good looking if you looked past all the psycho he eluded. 
“It’s rude to stare doll,” he said, grabbing your attention. 
“Oh, uhm sorry. I just came to see how your shoulder’s doing. I’m going to re-wrap it.” He nodded and you walked over to the side of his bed, taking a cautious seat beside him. 
“You can come closer doll. I won’t bite. Unless you want me to.” He winked at you causing a blush to creep over your cheeks. You scooted closer to him, carefully removing the bloodied bandages. His eyes squeezed shut as you dabbed disinfectant on the bullet hole. 
“He’s dead. I can’t believe he’s dead,” you said quietly while wrapping the new gauze around his shoulder. A tear slid down your cheek. “I mean I know he deserved it but I can’t believe he’s actually dead. You focused on his shoulder as a distraction. 
“Don’t cry doll. He sold you to a psychopath.” He grinned at his words. You let out a half-hearted chuckle, a tear falling on to your lap. You shook your head in an attempt to rid him from your thoughts. You taped the last of the gauze and gave him a light pat on the back. 
“Alrighty, good to go, I’ll replace it again in the morning.” You made a move to stand up but he grabbed your hand and encouraged you to take your seat beside him. 
“Where’d you learn to do all this?” he inquired. 
“Well I’ve had to patch my dad up so much that I kinda had to learn. Gotta say, I’ve practically saved his life a couple times. I should be a nurse,” you chuckled, “I’ve actually always wanted to be a nurse but college is expensive and I wouldn’t even be able to get in anyway but a girl can dream right?” He stared at you in silence and the room grew uncomfortably quiet. You stood up again only to be pulled back down to his side. 
“I’m sure you would get in. You probably got great grades. You’re a smart girl Y/N.” 
“Well I didn’t even graduate. Was always too busy taking care of my dad that I could never go to school. I missed so much school that I ended up just dropping out when I was 15. I couldn’t leave him alone.” He looked furious, such a drastic change from his gentle behaviour previously. 
“What a bastard. You had to grow up too fast Y/N because or your jack ass, douche bag, addict of a father. I’m fucking glad I killed his sorry, pathetic ass. You deserved better Y/N.” He surprised you when he pulled you in to his side and placed a wet kiss to your temple. His kinda gesture sent a strange feeling throughout your body, unsure of how to react. You decided to take advantage of his good mood and leaned in to his uninjured shoulder. 
“Well I should head to bed. See you in the morning J,” you said as you slid off the plush bed. 
“No, stay in here with me tonight. Y’know, for health reasons.” You stared at him with a confused expression. “In case anything happens to my shoulder.” His quick cover up made you giggle. 
“Yea. Sure. Okay. Y’know, for your shoulder.” You smiled as you slid back in next to him. He pulled you in tightly to his side. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” 
“Goodnight J.” 
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delicrieux · 7 years
Mr. J’s little lady 💖 [Joker x Reader]
a/n; no smut sorry
warnings; self doubt
words; 1309
prompt;  Ok. I would like for joker to take the reader out to the club to show her off but she’s too shy to dress sexy. So when she sees all of the skinny scantily clad women vying for joker’s attention she gets insecure. He of course will have none of it. As he exits the club to take her home he shouts about all of the sexy fun they’re going to have. He takes her home and lists off everything that he loves about her as he makes love to her. Please and thank you (  irenewolfland )
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The colorful lights are playful, though harsh and radiant, blinding you for the briefest of moments as you enter the loud room of Jokers favorite club. You inhale a sharp breath, one that chokes you – the heavily perfumed place tinted with salty sweat and the humid aroma of alcohol leaves hardly any room for pure oxygen. You frown. In front of you though, you can practically see your boyfriend grinning from ear to ear, despite his back turned to you. You follow after him like a lost puppy, confined and uncomfortable as you can’t help but let your eyes wander around the club – bejeweled and glossy surfaces of polls are hugged by thick tights of scantily clad women, all gunning after one man that so happened to be yours. You felt their glares. You heard whispers of your name passing their sultry lips and it made your skin crawl. Behind you your boyfriends men guard both of your safeties, though for a moment, you entirely forgot they are there.
Your heels clicked as your hand is gently taken by Joker as he led you down a short flight of steps into his private lounge. Barely three steps down you are met with a mirror, one that reflects his smile, the club of beautiful girls behind him and lastly – you. You are not dressed as them. Frankly, you tried your best to wear something he would enjoy – lots of leg and lots of cleavage. But that’s not you. That never was nor will ever be you. As you pass your own reflection you feel a bitter taste on the tip of your tongue and you swallow hard, glancing down at the bedazzled floor – what a shame, you think, I look so…
Plain, compared to the rest of them.
The deafening sound of music deflates and quiets once you enter his VIP lounge. Bright yellow lights, curtains, chic couches and a private bar – nothing you hadn’t already seen before. Wordless, you take a seat next to him, shoulder squared and back straight. You listen to him order his men to fix you and him a drink, which they without question do. A martini is set on the small table in front of you, your favorite flavor and your favorite color. You guess Joker noted your sour mood tonight and though alcohol would cheer you up. On most days it would. This day, however…
His hand lands on your tight, those deep penetrating eyes of his demanding for your attention. Heat shoots up your body like a bullet. Your quivering fingers hook around the slick shaft of your glass and you take a shy sip, feeling your cheeks heat. “Boys,” his voice is gravelly and low, commanding, though not harsh, “would you be as kind as to leave me and my princess alone?”
“Of course, sir. We’ll be within ear reach if you need us.”
And they leave. And the atmosphere heaves with tension as you feel his eyes caress each and every part of your visible skin. You gulp. He leans in and presses a soft kiss on the side of your jaw, then moving to your ear, “Is there something…bothering you?” at his words his fingers dig into your thigh.
But of course, before you can answer the question, or even think of an answer, the door burst open with a loud bang and a chilling laugh that you recognize to be one of Jokers business partners. At first your boyfriend seems displeased, but soon, either upon recognition or noting the beautiful women tagging behind the fat man, he falls into a delighted smile and stands. A clap. They hug. The girls behind Mr. Business sway their way to the bar and pole, positioning themselves accordingly. Their divine attention is directed at Joker, of course, and when he greets them with a flirtatious grin and a low husky voice you can see them tremble with delight. You wilt a little and glance down at your drink, your heart tumbling in your chest.
“I see you have you…heavenly ladies accompanying you, Mr Business.” The Joker says.
“I have an artistic taste,  J.” He responds, sitting down. With a swift motion of his hand he snaps his fingers and the girls startle and jump to the drinks to fix him a cocktail, “And who,” He points at your sitting form, “is this lovely?”
“May I introduce you to (Name)…” The Joker motions to you, his fingers clasping around your own and urging you to stand. You do, setting the drink back down along the way. He leads to the center as if about to show off an expensive gadget he recently purchased, “Do a lil’ spin for me, darling…” fingers still intertwined you do as he says, but feel no better, despite hearing a soft ‘Ohh!’ from Mr Business that indicated he likes what he sees. What you really hear are soft snorts coming from those vixens by the bar.
I can do better
I’m way hotter
They don’t say anything, but you can tell what they are thinking. You send them a nasty glare. They fire one right back.
“I say, J, she is…” Mr Business pauses to think of the correct word, “Exquisite.” He finishes. You smile at him, “What may I call you?”
You tell him your name in a soft, raspy voice.
“One worthy of a beauty like you, doll.” He raises a glass in your honor. You can’t quite tell whether Joker approves of such obvious flirtation and compliments.  He moves quick, taking a seat by his friend and hooking an arm around his shoulders.
“Now, business, let’s talk business…”
It drones on for a bit like this and perhaps the whole night would’ve continued in this business talk no fun pace if it wasn’t for the vixens by the bar that seemed to get bored and demand for attention. One in particular stood out, on high heels and having only but a few meek fabric to cover her supermodel-esq body, swayed her way to the two men and offered them a refreshing drink and a lap dance. No man would mind this, you figure and you would’ve approved of it if you weren’t just beside him and meeting her victorious glare. The Joker, however pleased he was by such an offer, does not show it and instead turns to you as if to ask if you are okay. If the soft frown is not enough to state that no, you are not, you are not sure what would do the trick.
Finally, you are heading home. The two of you drive in silence. You are still bitter, but most of all so sad you were basically dragged through dirt by those women and no one did a damn thing. You didn’t either. Resting your forehead on the cool glass of his Maserati you count the street lamps as you pass them. The Joker keeps glancing at you – you can feel his eyes burn your skin every two to three seconds. Somber, you sigh.
His fingers gently graze the outline of your jaw and you shut your eyes, “Baby…” He calls, but you don’t face him. So he makes you by pinching your chin softly and turning it to him, “Don’t you dare” his voice cuts the air dangerously and you snap your eyes open in alarm, “ever think you are not the most gorgeous woman in the world. Not for a second. And if I see you doubting yourself again I will personally” a smirk pulls on his lips, “make you forget all about it.” A timid smile graces your lips, “Get comfy why you can, love. The night’s not over yet.” As his hand returns to the steering wheel he takes a sharp turn and presses forward in an unruly pace to the nearest hotel.
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harley-quinnn · 6 years
I gotta question for ya...
Hiya everyone!
After lots n’ lots of debating with myself, I’ve decided to seriously consider flipping this blog into a general writing one. Instead of just writing Joker/Harley/Jared fics, I’d love to try my hand at other fandoms and fantasies you guys may have, too! 
I feel like the lull in-between films has temporarily killed my inspiration for these characters just a bit and I’ve had so many other ideas for other fandoms in the meantime!
I guess what I mean to say is.. Would you all be terribly horrified if I decided to go with this? I write to make the people who read my stories happy (and maybe a few other things..), and I think broadening my subjects would be fun for everyone! 
Anyway... just a thought!
xo Harley
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jokers-imagines · 7 years
The cure
Ask-Hi, can I have a Joker Leto x reader imagine where reader is poisoned and is dying and J is super worried. He goes everywhere to find her the cure and managed to save her just in time please. Something like end with fluff thank you x Warning(s)-none ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Humming as you walked through the kitchen you reached over to grab the pepper. Sprinkling some on the chicken you cooked you grabbed a knife and fork. Taking it over to the table you sat down getting ready to eat your food. "Hey doll come with me" a smiling J said as he came into the room. Staring down at your food you were about to eat with a frown you asked J "where are we going?" "On a quick "visit" to the new diamond store near us" the joker smirked. "Awhh but I want to finish my food". The joker grinned as he said with no care "I guess I won't be getting a surprise for someone." You smirked back at him as you walked up to him. " Whose the surprise for" said slowly and teasingly while raising your eyebrows. "Hmmmm I don't know" the joker said back with a teasing voice. "I guess I can come so I can find out" you smiled. The joker only grinned back as he held his arm out for you to take. Holding onto his arm you both walked to the doors outside. As the joker grabbed his keys to his purple Lamborghini you leaned against his car. "So are we gonna come back early" you asked? As the doors opened you both sat in the car. "Yeah, we're just gonna grab the prettiest diamond there that you want and some extra stuff. Besides we have to be quick because someone else is planning on robbing there too." You nodded as the joker turned on his Lamborghini and started to drive. As the music on the radio blasted you switched the songs every time there was a song you didn't like. Eventually a good song played which made you bob your head and sing along. The joker kept telling you to shut up but he secretly liked it. The joker may be cruel to you sometimes but he still cared for you and enjoyed seeing you have fun. The car came to a stop which meant you had to step out. As you got out the joker handed you one of his guns so you stuffed it in your sleeve. Staring at the store you looked over to J and nodded. Putting your game face on you both stepped into the store with your guns in hand. As the bell dinged you stared as you saw nobody was in here except the red haired cashier. "Hi and welcome t—" "Put your hands up" you said with a stern voice. The ladies blue eyes went from being all happy to being filled with fear. She raised her hands as you lead her out to the closet. Checking her pockets you took out her keys and phone. Putting them on the counter you put her in the closet and locked it. You could hear her crying but chose to ignore it. The joker was smirking seeing how you easily dealt with everything. "Now doll pick whatever you want." "Not so fast" a more deeper voice came. You turned your head and saw a black haired man with a beard. He was wearing a bikers jacket and had a gun in his hand. Around his neck he had a necklace with something red inside it. "Get out we're busy" you said while rolling your eyes. The man only scowled as you said that. "We got here first so it's ours" the joker said with an evil grin on his lips. The man slowly started inching his way towards you which made you get cautious. "Joker this is my store and we already went over this on our meeting." The joker only laughed as he held his stomach saying "you really believed me"? You only let out a giggle as the man had said that. "Joker this is you last chance or else" "Or else what" you laughed? Suddenly the man knocked your gun out of your hand and held it to you head while holding your hands tightly. Trying to wiggle out of his grip you grunted. The joker took a step forward and smiled, big behind that smile was a small bit of fear. "What're you gonna shoot a girl for not getting any diamonds?" The man smirked as he said "no". "Since your not being fair" the man started to grab his necklace but making sure to keep a grip on you. "I'm gonna do something far worse." The man tried opening your mouth but you kept it shut tight. The man aimed his gun at the joker as he punched you which made you open your mouth. He took out the red looking pill inside his necklace and stuffed it in your mouth. You tried spitting it out but it already went down your throat which made you cough. The man smiled as he slowly started waking away from you. Pushing you to the ground he shot the air and ran away. The joker tried shooting his leg but he was already out the store. You laid on the ground and started to cough more vigorously. "What was that" you asked? The joker only growled as he said "let's get you home." Holding onto his arm you both were gonna walk out but you made sure to first grab the keys on the table and slam the glass. As the glass shattered you grabbed the diamond ring from the stand and put it in your pocket. The joker only laughed as he said "seriously doll?" You only smirked as you stepped out of the store. Sitting in his car you sighed and leaned against the seat as your head started to spin. "Hey doll you okay" the joker said trying not to show much concern. You nodded as you just told him your feeling a little tired. The joker started to drive back to the house and heard you lightly coughing at random times but chose not to comment about it. As you finally arrived back home you told J you were gonna lay down since you were tired. Laying down in the bed the joker laid next to you and stared at the ceiling. "So doll you wanna help me catch the guy." Yeah I*cough* want to find that*cough* bastard *cough cough*. Laying your head on the joker crocodile coat you closed you eyes. The joker looked at you and frowned. "Hey doll wake up its only 2:00pm". You only hummed back at him and coughed again. This time when you coughed you felt a wet substance on your hand . Opening you eyes you stared at the blood on your hand which made your eyes widen. Suddenly you felt an urge to puke so you ran off the couch to the bathroom. Leaning against the toilet you tasted blood come out your mouth. The blood soon stopped coming out which made you sigh and your head hurt. The joker came into the room and saw what was in the toilet. "I'm gonna call the doctor". As your head spun you could hear the jokers voice blurring out as he screamed for a doctor to hurry up. Getting off the ground you washed you mouth and closed your eyes for a moment. Opening your eyes you coughed again , but not blood this time. "The doctors coming don't worry doll" You nodded and started to walk back to the bed but the joker stopped you. He lifted your legs off the ground and carried you to the bed which made you giggle seeing how much of a sweetheart he was being. The joker was pacing around the room as he waited for the doctor. "Your not pregnant are you?" You only laughed which made him frown. "No I'm not, women puke when they have morning sickness if they're pregnant, not puke out blood." That seemed to calm him down a little which made him sit down next to you on the bed. As you sat down on the bed the doctor came through the doors. The joker stood up quick as lightning and talked to the doctor. As they talked the doctor nodded and came with you to check up on you. "Can you open your mouth"? You premed You opened your mouth as he put a stick in your mouth. Talking it out he asked you "when did you start coughing up blood?" "Two hours ago." He nodded and went to grab some tools from his pack. "Do you eat anything unusual or maybe hurt yourself? "Umm well actually this guy shoved a pill down my throat today when me and J went to the store today." The man nodded , he may have tried to act cool about being in a room with the joker but you could see in his eyes he was terrified. His brown shaggy hair was always going on his eyes so he tied it up into a mini man bun. The man started to try on many tests on you but started to get more scared and worried each time. The man started to check trough his bag very quickly but the life drained out of his eyes as he looked at you. "I can't find a cure". "Excuse me" you asked? "The pill the guy gave you was not like any other pill out there. I dot have any cures for it but there might be some out there , but it will take too long to find because by the time someone finds it you'll be... dead." You shot up off the bed and coughed. "What do you mean she'll die" the joker growled? "She has today and three more days to live, if a cure isn't found than she will die." Your eyes widened at the guys words. The joker suddenly screamed out "WELL THAN FIND THE DAMN CURE". The doctor only shook which made the joker roll his eyes. "You have two days to live, call all your doctor friends to find it and if think about running away , don't because I will find you." The man nodded quickly and grabbed his phone starting to call people. You only laid your head back down as the joker stormed out of the room. Catching up to him you asked him where he was going. "To find a cure, I will be back the day after tomorrow." "But J you should stay." The joker only grabbed your face and kissed you, than he walked away leaving you all alone. You felt happy that the joker was gonna find a cure but you didn't want to spend your probably last days alone without him. Laying back in the bed you sighed and went to sleep. (Two days later) The joker had finally found it. It took 6 doctors to kill and 5 people to torture but he found it. All he had to do is now go home and bring the cure. He zipped the clear bottle filled with a blue substance in his pocket and sped down the streets not caring who's cars he cut off. He was excited to have you back in his arms again safe and sound. The joker had finally reached up to the penthouse so he ran out of his car and screamed at Frost to lock his car. The henchman nodded as the joker ran past him to go find you. Asking his goon they told him you were in the master bedroom. The joker had went up the elevator and ran up to the room. "Y/N I found the— wow doll you don't look so well". You coughed out and let a small dry laugh fall off your pale lips. You had eye bags under your now dull eyes. Your body was sweating a lot and you were freezing cold under the covers. "Doll I found the cure, now take it before it's too late." You stared at the blue substance and tried reaching out to it but your hands dropped as tiredness took over you. "I want to sleep" your hoarse voice said. The joker could see you slowly closing your eyes so he went up to you quickly. "No no no no doll here wake up." The joker opened the cap as he held open your mouth. You felt a gross thick liquid go down your throat which made your face scrunch up. Inside of your body you could feel it heating up which made you wince. Your body was feeling weird but it was probably because the cure was working. You sighed as you felt yourself slowly feeling more calm and less anxious. Your body wasn't sweating anymore and you felt much warmer now. "How do you feel" the joker asked with worry in his eyes? "Much better" you smiled. "Thank you so much J, seriously I mean it." The joker leaned his head against yours and smiled. "Id do anything for you doll". You both laid down on the bed closing your eyes and drifted off to slumber as he held onto you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was interesting to write, I kept having to clean today so I wrote this at random moments but I hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️
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Imagine Jared taking his method acting and your relationship to the next level
(I do not own these pictures or Gifs, I will give complete credit to the wonderful people who made them. .Sources for photo sets @Fairyofoz @Camila-orosco @Ilovelucifermorningstar )
You heard the beep of your hotel door from the bathroom as you stood in front of the mirror taking off your jewelry and make up from the earlier’s rehearsal. Your heart was beating hard in your chest as your eyes met the mystery guest of the evening. Instantly locking with Jared’s in the mirror as he leaned in the doorway you had to bite back a smile of excitement.
“Harley,” he growled as his eyes darkened at the sight of you. To say Jared took his job serious was an understatement. He took method acting to a whole new level, and somewhere between reality and fantasy you two had obvious chemistry. Something Jared and the joker were clearly here to explore.
“You stare at me like that any longer and I might just catch on fire,” you growled back at him as you slid your shorts off slowly making sure his eyes never left your body. You gripped your T shirt tossing it off as you stood in nothing but a black bra and underwear.
As you stepped to the side kicking the loose fabric Jared was behind you in a flash. His lips were still stained slightly from his lipstick, you can tell from his smirk he left the grill back in the make up trailer but probably rushed off set, his tattoos were still freshly painted on his overly pale skin. The fact was he looked incredibly sexy and incredibly dangerous.
His hands went to your small hips as he pulled your body quickly against his, as his hand slowly roamed your bare skin. You could feel a wave of cold chills dance across your skin like electricity brewing from his finger tips.
“Dr. Quinzel,” the joker nipped at her ear making her shudder against him. You loved his “joker” voice. The way he emphasized each word made the anticipation even more delightful.
“The doctor isn’t in now, J” you teased, your voice was seductive as you hands reached up to run through his neon green hair. You had to admit the method acting or role playing was like a drug lately…very addictive and exciting. You and Jared had spent time together regularly but this was only the second time he had went full joker on you.
His signature joker laugh erupted echoing off the walls. His eyes noticed the bath running, as steam and bubbles filled the room, “Well what do we have here?” He moved swiftly to turn the water off of the now full tub. You watched as he reached to throw his white shirt off as he sat on the edge of the bathtub.
“Play with me,” you hissed at him as you stood between his legs your fingers slightly tugging at his green hair trying to push his buttons, see how far he would take it this time.
You must have pushed the right button because he closed his eyes licking his lips as you caressed his face with your other hand before straddling him on the marble counter top.
His gripped your thighs and you could already feel the bruises forming as you both tried to anticipate each others next move, both equally unpredictable.
“Mmmm, baby you’re fucking killing me,” he whispered against her lips as he rubbed his nose against hers.
“J if you don’t kiss me I’m leavi—” you were cut off as Jared quickly gripped the back of your hair roughly making a small scream escape your lips.
“All that Chit Chats going to get you killed, little Margot,” calling you out on your obviously deviation from your character. He kissed your exposed neck and as you cried out feeling your whole body on fire. “You’re in no position to be making demands…”
You choked out a moan as his fingers slid under the waist band of your panties tracing small circles making your breath catch in your throat. “You don’t own me….” you breath out your voice so shaky you don’t even believe as he erupts in another typical joker laugh.
“That’s where you’re wrong kitten,” this time he slid your panties to the side and you could feel the heat radiating off your body as took of of his fingers and slid in slowly inside of you, “you’re soaking wet,” growling against her skin.
His lips went to your pale flesh and with his free hand he unhooked your bra as you gripped on to his shoulders panting as he added another finger. They pumped in and out of you as you pressed your forehead against his whimpering as he slowly stop pulling his hand out slowly and you whimpered at the sudden disconnect.
“Why are you stopping,” you met his lust blown blue eyes and you could instantly tell he was different all of a sudden.
“Take a bath with me,” his voice was suddenly softer, as he licked his lips and You could instantly notice the transformation back into Jared.
You nodded as you stood slipping out of the last bit of clothing that shielded you from him. You slowly went to step in the tub and Jared stuck his hand out helping you so you didn’t slip as your got in the tub. You looked behind you as you twisted your hair into a loose bun noticing Him slid out of his boots and jeans before following you into the water. The tub was almost the whole size of the large bathroom of your hotel room.
You felt him behind you as he kissed your bare shoulders as his fingers laced with yours. “You’re really beautiful baby.”
He pulled you down with him as he sat in the small grove of the corner of the tub pulling you against him as his arms wrapped around you.
You laid back letting the hot water relax your tense body. There was something about him that had you mesmerized, you thought when you met him he would be scary or too intense, most of cast steered clear of him, but just like David had predicted you two were the perfect pair.
You turned in his arms straddling him again as you brushed a loose strand of green hair from his eyes.
“You still haven’t kissed me,” you teased obviously frustrated. The only other time you played this game his lips barely lets yours as you two made out almost like teenagers after filming one night. Most people would think the joker hated kissing but it was actually the opposite.
Jared smiled, “God you’re perfect.”
“Jar–red,” you whined needing the small bit of affection.
He grinned leaning forward as he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. You could feel his tongue sliding against your bottom lip and before you know it his tongue is exploring every inch of your mouth as he pulls you closer to him, your body sliding against his and you could feel how excited he was getting even in the water.
You two moved in sync with each other and you could hear the water splashing around as you felt Jared steady your hips as you felt him the tip of him meet your aching center and your eyes locked with his as he pulled the two of you closer. A small scream escaping your throats as you moaned loudly.
“Is that what kitten wanted,” his joker voice returning for a moment as his hands went to your hair letting it down from its pony tail. He gripped your hair at the base remembering you like it pulled as you two found a steady rhythm.
“Fuck, Yes.” You kissed him harder this time your fingers twisting in his hair as you felt the building of an incredible orgasm.
“Come on baby, cum for me…” his voice was raspy as pulled you down harder kissing his way down to your neck where he assaulted your pulse point knowing it would be your undoing.
“Cum with me,” you pleaded your heart beating uncontrollably in your chest as you fall of the edge of an impending orgasm. His grip on you becomes stronger and his thrust more erratic as he follows at your request coming or rather cumming at the peak of your orgasm. You scream softly as you feel him scratch against your back using your body for support as you two bring each other down to bliss.
“That was intense,” he huffed kissing you softly as he brushed your now messy hair from your face.
“Oh my God we’re going to be purple,” you laughed as you looked at his chest noticing the waters changing color from the pink and blue dye in you hair.
“They can cover that with makeup..all though both of us randomly being purple might cause a stir…maybe we should get our story straight,” Jared laughed as he pulled into another kiss.
“Just tell the truth, blame it own method acting and great Chemistry,” you laughed again his lips.
“You know this is more than that right, this thing between us,” his eyes got serious as he traced his fingers across your collar bone.
“There might have been a moment where I questioned but I’m more of an in the moment kind of girl, but it is very nice to hear it.”
“I’m serious, I know we haven’t really talked about it and honestly I wasn’t sure where we were going with everything, I love that you’re so supportive of my method and process, it’s easy to get carried away, but at the end of the day my heart wants you.” He places your small hand over his chest.
“Good to know, Mr. J,” you smiled.
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