#it's my dads who insist on feeding them this stuff it started when she was refusing to eat her dry food
masterwords · 7 months
it's here in the ashes
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Summary: Sam Cooper was many things. He was an exemplary leader, an intuitive field agent, a brilliant mind. He was a calm presence amid a raging storm, someone who always knew what to say and when to say it...but more importantly, when to keep quiet. He was many things, but if you asked Hotch he’d probably just say that Sam Cooper was a great friend. This is just a snapshot of that friendship. (Coda to 5x01, my usual haunting ground)
Pairing: None (but you could say Hotch/Morgan...it's heavily implied but not explicitly said, basically just like canon)
Words: 5.6k
Warnings: religious (christian) overtones, church, stab wounds, medication, pain (post foyet stabbing y'know y'know)
Notes: I've wanted to write more about Hotch & Sam's friendship. Sam, if you don't remember, is from 5x18 - The Fight and the Unit Chief of the Red Cell team in the spinoff Suspect Behavior. I'll probably start a whole series dedicated to all these one-off characters that are so beloved to me so they're all in one place. Hotch needs friends, yo. And anyway, he's so cute with Cooper that I really need to explore more of that.
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No one came to see him after he was released from the hospital.
The team were busy, they sent texts and more than once take-out meals so he didn’t have to cook, but no one came by. He knew it probably had a lot more to do with him than them. He could picture Garcia worrying herself sick over whether to pop by to check on him or bring him a plate of cookies, and he could picture Dave telling her to do what she thought was best. Well, that resulted in a lot of well meaning texts and nothing more.
He was fine with that, too. He didn’t particularly want company. Didn’t much feel like conversation, like being under the watchful eye, like being pitied.
Jessica was coming by, out of some strict (and utterly insane if you asked Hotch) sense of duty more than anything. She was angry at him for sure, angry and indignant but she helped him change his bandages and made sure he took his medications. “For Jack,” she muttered when he asked her one particularly bad night why she insisted on showing up every single day when he knew she didn’t want to be there. When he knew she had better things to do. Her neighbor was feeding her cat so she could clean up wounds on a man she could barely stand to look at. “Because he’s going to need a dad to come home to. Now swallow the damn pill and go to sleep.”
Her anger lasted about a week. She never had managed to focus on one thing for very long – her fire burned hot and fast. She’d picked him up from the hospital and brought him home, and for that whole week she was frustrated and short with him, asking him why he didn’t just call his mother or Sean to come and help because he was more or less incapable of just about every activity of daily living. He stubbornly maintained he could do it on his own, and for what it was worth, he did. Not well, and he definitely shouldn’t have been doing any of it, but he didn’t see as he had much choice in the matter. She knew it too, and that fact alone kept her coming back to check, afraid one day she’d show up and find him face down on the floor bleeding out. So, it was a week of burning anger and then slowly it melted into something not so hot. Not so sharp. She began sitting with him for an hour, turning on the TV or cleaning his bathroom, asking how he was feeling with more than just a clinical interest. Remembering that she did love him too, in spite of his rampant stupidity. In spite of his...well everything about him.
But he didn’t seem to make any real progress toward rejoining the living until Sam Cooper showed up on his doorstep.
“Hi,” he said, extending his hand to Jessica with the bright smile of someone who sleeps and eats and works out at regular, healthy intervals. Something foreign at the moment to both she and Hotch who had more or less become couch potatoes. She was eating enough for two (there were a lot of feelings to be stuffed into a bowl of cereal that quickly became two bowls at 10pm whens he couldn’t sleep), he wasn’t eating at all (meds and pain and stubborn refusal to do anything that resembled living). It wasn’t a great situation. “I’m Sam, a friend from work.”
“Sam Cooper,” she said with a tired smile. “I’ve heard stories. I’m Jessica.”
“Right. Ex-wife’s sister?”
“That’s the one. Do you need something from him? He’s asleep right now.”
Sam smiled again and shrugged. He carried himself with such a laid back swagger that she couldn’t help the way her own shoulders loosened in his presence. “Nah. I just wanted to check up on him. Thought I’d give it a week or so for him to be home before I came knocking. He can be a little skittish.”
“Oh, yeah, well...why don’t you come in? I’m sure he’d love to see you. Or anyone really that isn’t me barking at him.”
“Has he had many visitors?”
“Well counting you and me...two.”
Sam nodded and clasped his hands behind his back, fingers gently pulling at the prayer beads he kept around his wrist as he took in the apartment. He’d been here more than once, helped Hotch move a few boxes here and there. More to check up on him, support him through his time of need than actual help – he’d had movers do most of the heavy lifting. Ultimately the place didn’t look much different but it felt different. It felt wrong. He could see Foyet there by the washer, feel his presence as he got to know the intimate details of Hotch’s place while he was away...how long was he here? Did he leave anything behind?
The apartment smelled stale but clean, closed windows and bleach. There were banker boxes piled up where he supposed a china hutch or some nice piece of furniture might look better, and there were case files covering a table that was more for show than for eating. He thought about Jack, wondered if he might find some renegade legos stashed beneath the couch or a crayon on a bookshelf. He wondered if Foyet went into Jack’s room, if he dug through Hotch’s entire life while he was away.
“That’s about what I expected,” he said finally, as if coming out of a long trance.
“Really? I honestly thought that his team would be here all the time. The way he is about them, you know? That they’d be hanging around and getting him to work and…”
“I talked to Agent Morgan this morning before I made the decision to come by. He said he’s been texting with Hotch every day but he’s afraid of opening up too many lines of communication because Hotch needs to rest and heal, and his instinct is always to pour himself into work as quickly as possible.”
“So they’re protecting him from himself by not coming? Is that what they think they’re doing?” She couldn’t mask her disgust. He gave up his marriage for them and they couldn’t even bother stopping by to check on him.
“I said that’s what Morgan said. I don’t know about the rest of them, don’t really know ‘em. Morgan comes and works out in my gym every day. How is he?”
“Well. He’s lonely and grouchy. In a lot of pain and pretty angry about it.”
“How long have you been here?”
“All morning. I practically live here now.”
Sam continued his pass through inspection of Hotch’s place and frowned at the spot on the carpet that was covered by an out of place looking rug. Jessica wouldn’t look at it. “That’s where...I guess they couldn’t get the stain out…I brought a rug from my place. I know it’s stupid, putting that there. It’s a bath mat, it looks silly it’s just…they said it would be a couple of weeks before they could get someone out to replace that spot with new carpet.”
“You should go, take some time to yourself. Have some lunch, a nap, something. I’ll handle him when he wakes up.”
She scrunched her nose and he had the distinct impression that she’d known Hotch a long time, a very long time, and through her aloof exterior she cared very much and maybe didn’t want to leave. She was protective of him, that was for sure.
“If you want,” he followed it up with a cautious smile. “I only want to help.”
That made her features soften into a halfway smile. “I could use a shower.”
Sam busied himself by putting away all of Hotch’s case files, clearing off his table. It was a task Jessica had mentioned wanting to do but not knowing where to start. “I think he just leaves them there because they make him feel something. He doesn’t do anything with them. I covered a few up because the pictures were…” she shook her head in disbelief. “I covered them up. That probably makes me a terrible person.”
“You said they’re going to be a couple of weeks on the carpet replacement?”
“Yeah. I couldn’t let him come out here and see that every day. And I know it sounds stupid because they cleaned it really well but if I can see it...I feel like I can smell it.”
“Doesn’t sound stupid. I can smell it. I’m going to make some calls, we can get that taken care of.”
“They said that it got into the sub floor and all of the padding, the whole thing has to be replaced. He was there...it was…”
“I understand. I’ll take care of it.”
Sam’s presence was calming to her, and when she finally slung her purse over her shoulder and left she felt almost at peace for the first time in a week. (Had it only been a week since he’d been home from the hospital? It felt like a century, and maybe it was when you measured it in calculated breaths and medication timers and bandage changes.)
By the time Hotch was shuffling down the hallway with all the grace of a starved zombie, not the 28 Days Later kind but the long suffering Romero zombies, Sam had tidied up all of the files and moved himself on to perusing the bookshelves until he found something that was just dull enough to stare at until his friend woke. He didn’t want to get engaged in anything, he wanted something easily cast aside. Something that would hold his attention with only the lightest grip. Hotch’s book collection had plenty to offer in that regard.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” Sam said with an easy smile, setting the book open-faced on his thigh. Hotch stared at him, unblinking, sleepy-eyed, pale and worn like an old bed sheet hung out to dry. He’d seen Hotch in plenty of bad situations but he’d never seen him so listless, so drained. So empty.
“Where’s Jessica?” he croaked in a voice that hadn’t been used for much more than moaning or complaining in the last few days. Jessica said he didn’t string many words together, one or two was about the limit of his conversational skills – everything else was more or less a series of whines, whimpers or grunts.
“She needed a shower. I stopped by at the perfect time I guess.”
Hotch grunted his disapproval at being blindsided by a change in caretaker and resumed his shuffle toward the kitchen. Sam watched with some intrigue, wondering how capable he was of whatever he had set out to do. He knew damn well Hotch wasn’t going to ask him to help, and truthfully he thought it was probably better if Hotch did things for himself. He suspected that Jessica was doing more than necessary, either out of fear or guilt or love it didn’t matter.
It was a glass of water he was after, and he managed after a full minute of trying to figure out the best way to raise his arm (one side was easier than the other, it turned out) and then it looked like he was going to be sick after the first drink but he continued anyway. Sam watched with interest while Hotch seemed to forget he was there momentarily, hunching over at the sink, resting one hand against the ledge and dropping his head. Sam thought about stepping in, about asking if he could do anything to help, but he knew Hotch well enough to see the folly in that idea. He let Hotch come to him, instead. Slowly he made his way through the kitchen, eyes dragging with suspicion over his newly cleaned table. He didn’t like it. Sam didn’t care.
“Did you do this?” he asked, reaching out with one unsteady hand to grab hold of the back of a chair. It was as far as he could go, and he fell heavily into the seat with a barely contained groan.
“Looks like it smarts,” Sam said, ignoring Hotch’s question. He knew the answer anyway. When Hotch didn’t acknowledge his comment, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees and looked at him earnestly. “I know you don’t wanna hear it, and I’d rather not have to say it but I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“I know.”
“So you pushin’ everyone away who wants to help?”
“They have better things to do. Agent Reid is also out, they’re short staffed.”
“We’re pickin’ up the slack. I’m working with Rossi and Morgan to divert your case load. We got it.”
Hotch nodded appreciatively. “Thank you. I’m hoping to return within the month.”
At that, Sam laughed. Hotch didn’t find it amusing. “What?”
“A month?! Hotch. Come on. I saw the pictures and the hospital chart – now, now, don’t get your feathers all ruffled, Rossi asked me to take the lead on your case. He didn’t want anyone from the team doing it, and he was adamant that an outsider shouldn’t do it. I guess you could call this a professional visit…”
“Well. In a matter of speaking.”
At that Hotch smiled. Sort of. It was just a little twitch at the corner of his mouth but it was something, probably more than he’d done in a while. It looked unnatural and stiff. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet. I’ve got something I need you to do with me. You up for a walk?”
“Do I look up for a walk?”
“You look like a ghost. You can’t haunt this place forever. You need some good old fashioned vitamin D...come on. Three blocks.”
Hotch knew where they were going, and he wanted to protest. Not for any real reason in particular, he’d been thinking of going himself. He loved it for the same reason Cooper did – it was peaceful there. Quiet. He could sit and hear himself think without the echoes and ghosts in his apartment, or he could sit and do nothing but stare up into the light refracted through brilliantly colored stained glass windows and marvel at the way that made him feel.
Small, it made him feel small. That’s what he’d tell Sam, if asked. And no, that wasn’t bad. In fact, as the world swirled around him, as his team texted him and people whose names he barely knew delivered flowers and baskets of well-wishes and foods he wouldn’t or couldn’t eat (but his neighbors would, and Jessica would) all he wanted was to feel small and insignificant again. Foyet had robbed him of many things, and right now if he could just feel small he might be able to see his way into the next day and the day after.
“You know where I’m taking you,” Cooper said, affecting a slow pace. Much slower than his usual clip, and still it wasn’t really slow enough for Hotch’s sluggish body. His bones were heavy, poured with concrete. He wasn’t really walking so much as dragging himself down the sidewalk. It was a strange lumbering walk, no real grace to it, stiff hipped and hunched at the shoulders. “You know exactly where we’re going.”
“I do,” Hotch replied, pushing his hands deep into the pockets of his jacket to hide their tremble. They shook a lot lately, maybe medication side effects, maybe nerve damage, maybe just that he was scared and hungry and sick all the time. The reason mattered very little to him anymore. It just was.
“Have you been already?”
Cooper hummed and slowed his pace one click more, a welcome reprieve. Hotch slowed to match and took a deep breath.
Three blocks, only three blocks, but Cooper stopped and took a seat on a bench beside the bus stop a little over a block into the walk and Hotch followed. They didn’t speak while they sat, just stared across the street and watched the little coffee shop ebb and flow with the day’s patrons. Children being dragged in by their parents while they prattled about something that was very important to them and of little import to the parents on a mission for caffeine. A couple holding hands. A group of school aged girls. Some of Hotch’s neighbors, elderly couples that had formed a sort of walking group in the last few months. He’d joined them once or twice after being badgered relentlessly at the mailboxes for being a shut in. The problem, he told them, was that he spent so little time in his home that he desired the luxury of being a shut in. Still, he did need coffee so he reluctantly agreed.
After a few minutes, Cooper looked at Hotch expectantly and stood.
They made it to the church without saying another word, and Hotch stopped at the base of the steps and turned his whole face toward the sky. He stared at the steeple as it rose into the clouds, touched the heavens. He sucked in one quick breath and grabbed the railing before hoisting himself up one step at a time like he was climbing Mount Everest.
The last time he’d come, it was Easter. He had Jack’s little hand in his, it was his holiday weekend and they didn’t have a case. It wasn’t his first choice of holidays to have his son, but Haley wanted Thanksgiving and Christmas and since those are family holidays and Hotch didn’t care for spending much time in the company of his own, he’d taken Halloween and Easter. Well, that had been almost half a year before and he’d walked by these steps plenty of times and thought about coming in but he never did. There was plenty of guilt associated with that, just add it to the pile of guilt he lived with over everything else in his life.
It was creeping up on October now, and he knew in his heart that he wouldn’t get to have Halloween with his son. He might never get another holiday again – did he appreciate Easter for what it was? Maybe the last? He didn’t think so.
“Need some help?” Cooper asked when Hotch was halfway up. He shook his head and set his features with determination.
“I’ve got it.”
Hotch would have been content to sit in the back pew and stare silently forward, he had the best view of everything from there but Sam moved toward the front and he followed. This was Cooper’s adventure, after all. He’d done nothing but wake up and go to sleep, exist in a medicated half-life for a week now and if this was the way to regain his life...well he was willing to try it.
“It’s peaceful,” Sam said sitting down. Hotch took the seat beside him, close but not too close. Sam scooted closer to him, until their shoulders touched and he leaned himself back casually. Like this was his sofa at home and they were all set to watch the football game. “You made it.”
“Did you doubt me?”
Sam smiled. “I did, actually. You look like a man who hasn’t walked more than twenty steps in a week.”
“I am. I guess it’s like riding a bike.” He found that the smile he offered Sam wasn’t forced this time, and that lightened the tight feeling in his chest some. It was amazing the power some people held. That just Sam’s presence and faith in him, in his ability to still be the same man he was a week ago, would almost make him believe it too. Sam had always had that effect on him.
“Can I ask you a question?”
His answer was always yes, but he hesitated for a moment and then nodded. “Sure.”
“Did they ask you if you wanted to head up a Red Cell? Before they gave it to me? You were the natural choice.”
That wasn’t the question Hotch had imagined he would ask, but now it made sense. He was thinking about Foyet, about how all of this transpired and wondering if Hotch had any regrets about being so visible. About heading up the A team when he could have gone under the radar.
“They did.”
“And you said no?”
“I did.”
Sam leaned forward, fingering the prayer beads now dangling from his hands. Hotch watched in a sort of trance, the way his thumbs moved over the beads was rhythmic and enthralling. Hypnotic.
“Why? You like the red tape or what?”
He was in a church, and as such, he felt compelled not to let a lie dance on his tongue. Not to entertain those types of thoughts. Sam deserved his honesty. “I need rules. I need the red tape, even if I mean to fight against it sometimes. I need checks and balances. Sometimes I’m afraid of what might happen if I don’t have them.”
Sam could respect that answer, but then, he found it wasn’t hard to respect most of the things Hotch said or did. He needed rules because he feared his own darkness, and knowing what he did about Hotch’s past it made sense to him. Still, knowing Hotch as well as he did, he expected that he’d do just fine without the red tape...he didn’t trust himself, but he should.
“Do you regret it?”
“You mean do I regret it now that I’ve been victimized by the very thing I just said I needed?” That had been on Hotch’s mind. The rules. Arrest Foyet for what he did, make it right. Do what Shaugnessey didn’t, you hunt him and you catch him. But then...how long did that last? And was playing by those rules just playing into Foyet’s hand? This cycle was endless and it was killing him slowly, seeping from him what little sleep his exhausted body would allow him. And now he waited to see if Foyet killed again, and worse, who it was if he did. He was watching, Hotch knew that much. So was the FBI, he knew that too. There was a car parked on his block 24/7 with some poor low level Agent sent on an endless mission to stare at his apartment building as if Foyet would come back there. And were he and Cooper followed down here to the church? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe Cooper cleared this whole adventure before even showing up.
“Not exactly, but sure. That’s where your mind went, I’d love to follow that rabbit down the hole. Assume I mean it that way. Do you regret it?”
“I hadn’t really considered it. Truth be told, I haven’t thought about much except that night.”
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“Absolutely not.”
Sam laughed. He did so with his whole body. “Fair enough. Morgan said you weren’t talking to anyone about it. But you know, you will have to talk to me about some of it...at some point. I am the official Case Agent.”
“How much have you spoken with Morgan?”
“Everything I just said and that’s what you take from it? Are you jealous?”
Hotch frowned, not sure how to answer that. Especially in a church with a man holding prayer beads. He trusted Sam Cooper implicitly, but his stomach lurched painfully.
“I’m teasing,” Sam said, as if Hotch didn’t catch that part. “He comes by my office every day. He’s struggling, Hotch.”
“Comes by your office for what?”
Sam definitely detected a hint of something in Hotch’s voice that sounded like jealousy. Not the kind that holds hands with suspicion or anger, just the kind that makes bedroom eyes at hope and despair.
“He’s coming to work out. To blow off steam. I’ve been training him in Kali, if you must know. He needs an outlet.”
Hotch smiled at that. “Better him than me.”
“You’re next.”
“I’m not cleared for strenuous activity or lifting more than 5lbs for at least the next three weeks...sorry.”
“I’ll mark it on my calendar. You need to double down on your hand to hand training.”
That didn’t sit well with Hotch and Sam could tell he’d crossed a line, if only unintentionally. He hadn’t lost the battle with Foyet because he couldn’t fight hand to hand, Foyet had the element of surprise and a gunshot that deafened and disoriented him. He had it all planned out.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply you could have done anything to prevent what happened. The man was in your home waiting for you, there was nothing more you could have done than what you did. You stayed alive.”
A woman’s voice echoed from somewhere above them, and then a man’s voice followed. Nothing more than sound waves bouncing off of statues and stained glass, not real words, but Hotch’s attention was drawn to the origin of the sound and he felt the hot sting of tears welling up in his eyes. Sam placed one hand on Hotch’s shoulder and the prayer beads fell against his chest, making a small wooden rattling sound that he felt deep in his bones.
“You stayed alive, Aaron. Maybe that’s why I brought you here. I nearly lost a friend, and I’m eternally grateful that I didn’t.”
“Why?” Hotch rasped around the thick feeling of emotion choking him. Why did Foyet want to keep him alive? Why had Foyet chosen him? There were no answers he could find in any of those files. Nothing he could use to make sense of what happened – what Foyet did to him, the parts that were in the file and the parts that wouldn’t be. The parts he remembered and the parts he didn’t.
“That information is above my pay grade, I’m afraid.”
“Has Strauss said anything to you?”
“You know she doesn’t want anything to do with me, not since the Director said my team reports directly to him. She felt slighted and I don’t blame her but I sure am glad. She asked me to help your team out. That’s about where it ended.”
“I think she’s hoping I won’t return. That I won’t pass a physical.”
Sam hummed and stood, beckoning for Hotch to follow him back out into the sunlight. “You’ll pass. I’ll make sure of it. I just need you to do something for me.”
“What’s that?”
“Call Morgan.”
Hotch looked at the stairs and grunted, reaching out for the railing. It was hot, the sun had baked it in the time they were inside and it burned against his palm as his fingers curled around it.
“For what?”
“Check up on him. Ask him how things are going. Ask him to meet you for dinner at that restaurant you both like, the little pho place across town.”
“I’m not cleared to drive.” It was a pitiful excuse, weak and lacking all feeling. He would drive if he had to.
Sam took Hotch’s arm and helped him down the long bank of stairs, much harder to maneuver down when he was tired than it had been to get up. His legs felt like jelly and more than once he nearly tripped.
“Then invite him to your place for dinner. Surely you can order a pizza. Or are you just opposed to seeing him?”
“I’m not...opposed...I’m just…”
Sam stopped and turned Hotch toward him. Anyone looking from the street might get the wrong idea. It would be easily read as a moment from a Hallmark romance.
“You need him, and he needs you. If you think that his opinion of you has somehow changed because of what happened, I’d say you’re not giving him enough credit.”
Hotch didn’t have a response to that, but the look on Sam’s face and the way he continued to lead him down the stairs and back to the apartment told Hotch it wasn’t necessary. It was food for thought, not a set up for an argument. His beads were in his pocket now, the outline could be seen against the denim, and Hotch noticed that Sam checked his watch. It was the third or fourth time he’d done that since they sat in the pews. He’d noted it as odd, but his mind was too hazy to focus for any length of time on small details like that. Now he was suspicious.
“Are you late for something?” Hotch asked, staring ahead at his building as it loomed. Grew closer, larger, the thought of his couch and his bed growing in strength. His legs burned like he’d run a marathon. It was amazing how quickly physical status changed, how fast he could go from peak performance to broken.
“Right on schedule,” he said, slowing his pace a little and smiling. Hotch didn’t trust it. Something was happening. Something outside of his control, just like everything else lately.
Sam held the door of the building open to him, and Hotch entered with some apprehension. Something was waiting for him and he didn’t know what but he didn’t enjoy surprises. And Sam knew that. It didn’t seem to matter.
The door wasn’t locked. Hotch frowned. He knew he’d locked it on the way out.
“Trust me,” Sam said, nudging the door open. Hotch just stared at him, wondering what was going on and not liking anything his mind came up with. “I asked Jessica to come back to let a friend in. Don’t worry.”
Don’t worry. His apartment was broken into just a short time ago, a blink of an eye, and Sam says don’t worry. Hotch found he had a few issues with that statement, but Sam smiled at him and he had no choice but to try.
It was Derek, Hotch knew it right away. Before he saw him. The minute he stepped into the doorway he could smell Derek’s cologne.
Derek was in his apartment, on his hands and knees, smoothing out the last of a piece of carpet with a seam roller. The stained piece was lying nearby along with the discarded pad, the last real physical reminder of what happened that could be removed and replaced. The rest Hotch would carry with him forever as a part of him, there was no seam roller that could smooth the edges of Foyet’s masterpiece. Hotch stopped short and found it hard to breathe at the sight. Sam just nudged him inside so he could shut the door before helping him to the couch. It was clear that the day’s outing had exhausted him, a sad thing to witness in a man who was previously fit enough to give just about anyone a run for their money. One night, one man’s evil and it was all undone. For how long, Sam didn’t know. Couldn’t tell. One minute Hotch seemed motivated to bounce back and the next he seemed too far gone. Still, he had faith.
And that faith started here, with Derek. That’s all Sam knew for certain. These two, they’d always been tied together. Hotch was Hotch and Derek was Derek, but when they were together they were unstoppable. Derek would make Hotch want to come back, that was the simple truth.
“I ordered you a pizza, it’ll be here in twenty minutes. Let me take that to the dumpster on my way out.” Sam indicated the stained carpet remnants eagerly. Derek balked but eventually decided to hand it to him, brushing his hands on the thighs of his paint stained jeans when it was out of his hands. Like he was wiping Hotch’s blood from his palms. “Hope you like Vito’s.”
“Rossi would kill you for ordering from them.”
Sam laughed and nodded. “I suppose that’s true. He can come by my office if he has a problem with my pizza choices. He knows where to find me.” Slowly, Sam turned to look at Hotch who was solemn on the couch. Trying to reawaken himself or settle himself, it was hard to tell. “You too. Three weeks, it’s on my calendar.”
“How’s it look?” Derek asked, the first thing he’d said to Hotch since they showed. He was looking pointedly at Hotch, and in that moment Sam decided to slip out silently. Hotch noticed but turned to look at the carpet, knowing Sam would rather not have any fuss about him leaving. His work was done, but they both knew he’d be back. Probably a lot. He was the Case Agent, after all. Hotch’s return to duty was securely in his hands.
“It looks…” he said quietly, searching for the word. He didn’t have one. Maybe one didn’t exist. Was there a word in the English language (or any really) that said what he felt looking at that spot and knowing what had happened there but not having to see it anymore? “Thank you.”
Derek grinned and nodded, beginning to pick up the tools he’d set all around his workspace. They hit the old metal toolbox, the top engraved with the initials HM, with a crash. Metal on metal as he tossed them into place – he’d organize it all later. Right now, he had to clean up. They had pizza coming, and he was about three days overdue for sleep, but he was here in Hotch’s apartment and that was exactly where he wanted to be. Where he needed to be.
“I’ll take it.” He kicked the toolbox out of the way and admired his work for a moment before letting out a contented little sigh. “I’m gonna go hop in the shower. I’ll be out before the pizza gets here.”
“Derek?” Hotch whispered, clamping his hands over his knees. He made eye contact with Derek and held it earnestly. “Thank you for coming.”
“Ah, don’t mention it. There was pizza involved and I didn’t have to cook or buy. Easy decision.” He paused after grabbing his go bag, filled with something clean to wear and toiletries, and smiled. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too.”
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papirouge · 5 months
im the anon who lurks in regretful parenting subs... Honestly, i'm believing most men simply do not like being monogamous thus why they feel like they're trapped in a relationship. Even when it's the men themselves that insist to get their wives pregnant, even if through inmoral means (some women talk about finding out their husbands removed the condom at some point while having sex), it's usually because they want to pass their genes more than genuine love for their wives and wanting to build a family with this person they adore.
Like it's not only the way they talk about their wives, but also that they see sleeping around as a thing to be proud of and men who can bed many women as someone to look up to. There's also that phenomenon of older married men ogling younger women even when they're with the wife, watching porn even if they're still having sex irl, and so on.
Honestly, I do feel like only a man of God could truly remain faithful for the right reasons. I guess that does go for some women too, we all have our faults lol but even then I unfortunately know some terrible cases. Like this Christian woman I followed who seemed to have a great husband and children, always talked about the importance of putting God first in your life, and even gave dating advice to women that wasn't about being submissive (wordly) and a pick me but was quite fds-y actually while still being biblical. Then she dissappeared for a long while and when she returned she admitted her husband had raped her and beat her. I was so heartbroken for her. She had to had a divorce and thankfully the husband went to jail, but she was left struggling with the trauma and four kids to feed.
To be fair, i'm starting to believe I might be seeing so much of this stuff because God wants me to stay a celibate. I'm convinced He wants me to focus completely in my religious path and in helping others and not get distracted with a husband and children.
The regretful parent sub is a mixed bag really
I understand the struggle of people who got one child and eventually regretted bc of all the changes and missed opportunities this pregnancy caused into their life, but I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief at people ending up with 3 kids and finally realizing parenthood wasn't for them. Sorry but that's stupid and reckless.
I think it's unfair to put unplanned pregnancy on men alone bc a fair share of women are pretty reckless with their lack of birth control. Feminists will hate me on this, but women have the upper hand when it comes to birth control. Both men and women can poke holes in condoms, but women can also deceive men in having unprotected sex while pretending to be on birth control. A man removing condom is observable, a woman with or without birth control is not.
One post stuck with me about a man who had a little girl, divorced his wife, and regretted becoming a dad because being away of his daughter was too much painful and would rather never have a child to not feel such strong attachment to another human being. This was actually touching
And yes, I'm very wary of trad people flaunting their life online. This is the anti thesis of trad imo. Remember the twitter tradwife who was financially abused by her husband for years?? You never know what's going on behind closed doors
I will never this sentence I heard from pink pilled ladies "you can be a single mom while being married" That's why it is sooooo important to chose wisely your husband. No marriage no womb obviously, but also husband and wife need to explicitly talk about they will share tasks in the house. Many sahw struggle bc they are expected to work from home 7 days a week when the husband at least have a few days away from office. IMO I would ask a share of tasks on weekend. Like, daddy would take care of the kids and the wife would have some time off to focus on other/lighter tasks.
Vetting is also important. Men who never lived alone when in their 30s are a red flag bc there are chances dude can barely take care of a house and will use their wife like a maid/2nd mom. I said that bc I knew a girl who was dating a guy who lived with his ex, and as soons as they broke up, he went back to live with his mom.... That's suspicious.
I also pray a lot to God to remove from my way all the men who aren't supposed to be in my life. I pray for my husband. God already shown him to me (in dreams) twice so I know I'm good :) As much as I craved emotional intimacy, I also realized that marriage involves a ton of responsibility (+parenthood) that's why I'm less eager to find my life companion lol The years I spend alone and free to do whatever I like will never come back so I might as well enjoy them as much as possible. It really helped me to be more content with my singleness 💙
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
For the ask meme--
🍳 - How well can they cook? — Renji, specifically epilogue/Hell-era
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself? — Unohana
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride? — Hinamori
🏳️‍🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns? — Gillians (I don’t mean this in bad jokey way, but in a "man what is life even like as a Gillian that ate many things" way)
(Pick your favorite(s) or zero!!)
🍳 - Renji is an accomplished home cook. He cooks like a Rukongai grandma-- practical, thrifty, filling, nutritious. He's constantly trying to grow stuff in his backyard, and puts up preserves, in particular, extra-spicy pickles for Rukia (and Byakuya). He doesn't particularly enjoy cooking qua cooking, but he takes a great deal of pride in feeding his family and friends, mostly due to his youthful food insecurity. Dinner guests are always welcome at the Abarai house, no prior notice required. If one of Renji's friends gets sick, they can expect a soup delivery. He's better at cooking than baking, but he'll make the attempt, usually at birthdays. Ichika thinks her dad's the best cook in Soul Society, even though he insists on putting vegetables in everything.
🧑‍🦰 - Unohana is 1,000 years old and badass, I cannot imagine she has not grimly hacked off her own braid with her sword at least once. She and Isane cut each other’s hair (the rituals, they are intricate). I don’t think she’s ever dyed her own hair, she’s sort of a traditionalist, but she has helped Isane dye hers at various times when she felt like experimenting.
🎢 - I cannot imagine there are any amusement parks in Soul Society, so for the purposes of this ask, let use imagine that there was a Shin’ou class trip to a Living World amusement park (maybe it needed haunting). Momo is a lowkey thrillseeker, and I think she loves rollercoasters and other rides that go fast or involve sudden drops. The first thing that popped into my head, actually, was a big swingy pirate ship that they have at the beach boardwalk funland of my youth. After Izuru got sick on the teacups, Renji was actually a huge bro, and hung out with him so Momo and Rukia could go on all the wild rides together. That being said, Momo’s actual favorite ride was the Ferris Wheel because she loved being up high and seeing the lights of the Living World spread out below her. Izuru had recovered enough by that time to ride it with her. (He hadn’t actually, but he braved it both because he wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel with Momo and he didn’t want to deny Renji the opportunity to try to put his arm around Rukia. No one knows whether or not Renji met any success in this endeavor, or, in fact, if he ever made the attempt). Momo considers riding that Ferris Wheel to be one of the greatest experiences of her afterlife; she came home and told Toushirou and Granny all about it.
🏳️‍🌈 - Menos are made up of many souls, and gender is an emergent property that evolves along with intelligence. Gillian have no gender (or perhaps infinite gender) because they have no identity. Plural they/them is the proper way to refer to them, although they don’t care. There is no functional difference in referring to a single Gillian or a group of Gillian. Gillian consciousnesses do not have well-defined boundaries, and ‘thoughts’, such as they are, are shared between individual Gillian, just as they are shared within a single Gillian.
Some Menos start drifting toward a gender at the Adjuchas stage, but they don’t all, and most of them aren’t too attached to it. By the Vasto Lorde stage, most Menos have settled into a gender, although, because the default is “none”, nonbinary and genderfluid (etc) individuals are much more common among the Menos population than you see among humans or shinigami/souls (who have more of a tendency to discard their human gender identity in the afterlife both because souls are more malleable than bodies and because reproduction is much less of a concern, personally and at a societal level). Addressing Gillians by their proper they/them is important, not for to be polite to the Gillians themselves, but because it is respectful towards the more advanced Menos’ gender as a conscious decision. Grimmjow explained this to Orihime and Chad while they were hanging out in Hueco Mundo right before the Blood War after Orihime asked. He probably would have punched anyone else.
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dragonanon · 3 years
Regular dogs: Oh boy! Dry food! I'm the luckiest dog ever! :D
My spoiled ass dogs: *Condesendingly glancing down at their bowls of high quality dry food mixed with high quality wet food and two whole chicken hearts each* What is this filth, peasant? I asked this to be mixed with turkey and bison wet food, this is mixed with turkey and LAMB wet food! How DARE you show us such blatant disrespect!
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
can you write something about cheating harry and yn acting like a proper couple in front of anna, like harry with his arm around her and kissing her head and stuff, and anna is just standing there fuming and maybe tries to get physical with yn
Love Your Broken Pieces
warnings: cheating; mentions of trauma and domestic abuse
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YN really really didn’t want to go out.
She wasn’t going to tell Harry that because it was a celebratory dinner for him because he’d just won Entrperur of the yearand she wasn’t going to ruin it.
It’s not that she didn’t want to celebrate his achievement.
She was so so proud of him but her therapy session had got moved up a day because the therapist had to go out of town.
YN didn’t want to bother him so she had went herself without telling him.
It was trauma-focused therapy which meant it was intensive, draining, and overall triggering at time.
Today had sparked a new memory that she had suppressed and she was really struggling to get through the day without his support.
She shouldn’t need him for everything. It wasn’t fair to him.
So she’d sat on her bed for thirty minutes before she managed to pull on a nice dress before curling her hair - zoning out and accidentally burning herself lightly.
Harry had to pick up Anna, offered to pick up YN.
“Hey pup, y’want me t’pick you up on the way?” Harry had called while she was swiping on mascara.
“No, I’ll just Uber,” YN try to keep her tone light but couldn’t stomach sitting in the car with that disgusting woman right now.
“No, let me come get you,” He insists, always preferring to drive her around over some stranger.
“I really don’t want to be in the car with Anna, okay? Just drop it,” YN replies a bit too tersely.
There’s a pregnant pause.
“What’s wrong, puppy?” Harry knows her much to well.
She couldn’t help but bristle, “Nothing. I just have to get ready. Okay? I’ll see you there.”
YN shouldn’t have hung up like that but her hands were shaking and it was taking all of her might to pull herself together to go.
“It’s all your fuckin’ fault your mum hates me,” Her dad had spat at her, right in the kitchen after dinner.
“Fuck,” She mumbles to herself as she drops her lipstick and it rolls under the dresser.
She canceled two Ubers before she found a driver who didn’t seem intimidating.
It made her fashionably late, everyone already seated, and it doesn’t make it any better when Anna greets her.
“About time. Can’t even make it at a respectable time for your supposed best friend’s dinner.”
Anna and Gemma both make a grimacing face at the rude comment but Harry interrupts before they interject, “S’okay, Uber’s can be a pain in the arse.”
“Er, yeah. The Uber…” YN mumbles lowly, there was an empty seat across from Harry that had been saved for her.
She could feel Harry’s eyes following her, studying her as she kept her head down and looked on the verge of tears.
“You look too much like your goddamn mother.”
“What d’you want to drink?” Harry asks softly, tapping her foot under the table.
“God Harry, she’s not a child,” Anna rolls her eyes as she glances over her menu.
Harry glares over at her with a strict warning glance that she needs to change her attitude or there is gonna be an issue.
“Just water,” YN replies, swallowing hard.
He knows somethings wrong when she doesn’t bite back at her, instead looking down at the menu like it’s the most interesting thing ever.
Harry had already known by the phone call.
There were quite a few people at the dinner, constantly engaging him in conversation as YN kept to herself.
It’s after the appetizer’s arrive that he can’t stand her fake smiles and attempts to seem like she’s enjoying herself.
“Outside, now,” Harry says firmly, not a question but a statement.
“Harry, don’t,” Anna huffs, not liking the private attention her enemy is about to get.
“I don’t remember askin’ you,” He hisses under his breath before following YN’s retreating figure to the main entrance.
They end up in the small alleyway, “Tell me what’s going on.”
YN’s eyes are moody, putting back on a nonchalant expression that would work for anyone but him, “I’m fine, I don’t know why you’re making a big deal. Let’s go enjoy your dinner.”
Harry backs her up against the brick wall, hand over her shoulder, “We’re not goin’ anywhere until you tel me. M’not stupid.”
It triggers something because she starts sniffling, whispers, “You’re going to be mad at me.”
His hard facial features relax, pressing his forehead to hers, “Please pup, y’know I love you no matter what.”
“My therapist moved our session to today. I went and uh…” YN begins to full on cry, burying her face in her hands.
“C’mon, tell me,” He encourages softly.
“It triggered a repressed memory. I…I didn’t want to ruin tonight for you. I fuck up everything for you already,” She chokes out, letting him pry her hands away.
“Puppy,” He murmurs with a laugh of disbelief, “I fuckin’ wake up everyday because of you. You make my life worth livin’. I’m not happy unless y’are.”
“I just…didn’t want tonight to go like this,” YN sighs quietly, “One night without my trauma.”
“Hey, hey. We’re workin’ through it together, yeah? It takes time. Y’made the effort to come and that means more to me than anything else,” He says truthfully, tilting her chin up.
Harry melts a bit when she leans up to give him a lightening fast peck, “I am so proud of all your accomplishments.”
“Wouldn’t have done any of it without you, sweet girl,” He rubs a thumb under her eye to wipe off a streak of makeup.
They stand outside for a minute longer in a tight hug.
When they walk back into the restaurant, Harry quietly asks Gemma to switch YN seats which she graciously agrees without a fuss.
Anna is shooting daggers at YN while the change happens and Harry pushes in her seat for her.
The whole dinner consists of Anna fuming and hanging on every single movement between the two despite her hand on Harry’s thigh.
When he scoops up a bit of his mashed potatoes and feeds them to YN, laughs when she makes a face at the amount of chives mixed in.
It’s like he doesn’t even noticed the casual arm he occasionally throws around the back of YN’s seat as they chat.
“Harry,” YN scolds with a small smile when he steals a shrimp from her plate when she’s not looking.
Anna had shrimp too and he didn’t look once to do that to her.
“S’good, here, have a bite of m’steak. Know Y’don’t like it rare but s’good. I promise,” He encourages, cutting her a thick piece.
How the fuck did Harry know how YN liked her steak?
He didn’t even remember Anna’s favorite color.
“Y’gettin’ sleepy?” Harry whispers to YN towards the end of the meal, his lips are nearly brushing her ear and Anna pinches his thigh hard.
“Fuck,” Harry replies, flinching away from the pain as he turns to his girlfriend, “Wha’ did you do that for?”
“Can you pay at least a little bit of attention to me? I’m your girlfriend despite how much YN wants to pretend she is,” Anna says haughtily, loud enough for her to hear.
Harry is about to snap on her but instead YN speaks up first, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know jealously was on the menu. Eat up, Anna.”
Anna begins to sneer but Harry says, “Why don’t you go take a second in the bathroom? Then we can talk, okay?”
With a little stubbornness, she does - stomping away from the table without looking back at YN who had rolled her eyes.
“Y’on my menu tonight? A bath and cuddle sounds nice,” He offers to his love, thumbing her upper thigh.
“So nice,” YN agrees, “Can we use that sugar cookie bath bomb?”
“Of course, anythin’ you want, m’pup,” Harry hums sweetly, kissing the top of her head.
Anna is walking back when she sees it.
He’s cheating on me.
It flashes through her mind but she pushes it away because she reminds herself that YN is a pathetic little clingy girl who Harry wouldn’t ever like that way.
Later that night, Harry holds YN as she recount her memory.
Praises her for being so strong.
Kisses her because he loves her so much it hurts most days.
Assures her that he’ll love her even if she’s never ‘fixed’.
Promises that he’ll never let anyone hurt her again.
I’d love feedback 🥺
taglist babies (thank you): @dioc4ne @hazgoldenstyles @harrysdimple05 @wonwooen @ficnarry @leeroysdancer @harrysloveheart @harryscherrysugar @pradastardust @rish-haz @wildcstdrexms @evanstylestan @wisetoadbonkbiscuit @meredithhuntt @tpwkvictoria @lovely-him @haymix @eiffelmezarry @pilgrim-harry @soullessbabee @afterglowstyles @tulsasjesus @elenagilbert01 @meh–mood @pretty-pop-princess-hs @msolbesg @localfalsegodstan @evanjh @i-just-like-fanfics @harrys-hs-gf @lightsupdoyouknowwhoyouare @afterglcwswift @harrystyles-tpwk @amyvandijk @godilovetheenglishx @harrys-cherrry @theprofessionalfanby @your–sweetest–downfall @la-cey @bdbtchdir @killerqueencapstan @elizabeth23567 @camflowervol6 @its-a-finee-line @rish-haz @solonelytobe @nav1234 @harrynamjoon @hopefullimaginer123 @westallenhes @awesomebooklover17 @will-be-a-fineline @vasilikir5 @your–sweetest–downfall @pretty-pop-princess-hs @harrynamjoon @harrypinks @ivyirenehoax @harryspink @sunsetcurve-h @goldenstylesh @mouthfulloftoothpastehs @hello-34583 @prettylovley @nicolecarsley @lamariettes @imavirginhoe @unknown7549 @mellamolayla @kiwitsayedsugar
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire Reprise, 382
 “Slow down!” exclaimed Iris.  “Turn left just up ahead.”
 I nodded and complied.  She knew where her boss lived better than any of us, having never visited this suburb befored.  I probably would have missed the break in the endless fence had she not warned me, especially when I was trying to guess the cost of having a large amount of land next to a park in a pricey suburb.  To my surprise, the gate opened for us immediately.
 “He doesn’t care much for security, does he?” I teased, looking around to see if there was some sort of guard who would have opened the gate for us.
 “Mila watches everything, so there’s no need.  There are sensors and cameras all over the yard that let her know if anything is disturbed.” explained Iris matter-of-factly.
 I nodded, but my eyes were locked on our destination in the distance, barely visible through all of the rain.  I had considerably underestimated the size of this place.  I very much doubted that I could even afford to maintain the yard for very many years and could only guess that the property tax had to be immense.
 As my sons grew excited about the bushes, I looked over and stared for several seconds.  Every single bush along the long driveway had been carefully sculpted into characters that I recognized from video games my kids enjoyed.  I could only imagine the amount of time and number of people involved in such artwork, leading me to believe James spent even more on his yard annually than I originally had guessed.  Even the fountain—an immense, two-story affair that was very elaborately sculpted—was immaculate, showing no signs of wear or neglect.  James certainly knew how to make an impression.
 When we stepped inside, passing past two sets of double doors that opened for us, James was descending down one of the staircases which curved up to a balcony on the second floor.  “James!  Thank you for having us.  This is quite a place you’ve got here.  Sorry if we brought the storm.” I told him, gesturing to the weather outside.
 “There’s plenty to see.” he politely agreed.  “Thank you for accepting the invitation.  I thought you might be interested in seeing a little more about my company than most, since you seemed curious during the game.  Mick was supposed to stop by a while ago but apparently didn’t get the time.”
 “This place is awesome!” exclaimed Matt.
 “Sorry, James.” muttered Mick.
 “No need to apologize.  We’ll just review with your family today what I wanted to tell you before.” replied James, smiling at us.
 I suddenly found myself floating as a soft breeze blew at me from inside the mansion.  Looking to my sides, I saw that my family, save for my daughter, were also floating.
 Before I could do more than exclaim in surprise, James spoke up, telling us, “Magic is real, and your family can use it.”
 I stared at them, my mind trying to figure out how he was doing this.  Was this some elaborate prank using a new technology?  “Wh-What…” was all I managed to say before we were gently lowered to the ground.
 “You wanted to know what I was feeding my employees.  I train them physically, mentally, and in magical arts.  We didn’t use spells at the baseball game, but we have numerous advantages that are completely unfair.” explained James.  “For example, I can physically lift your family’s van, though using spells is easier to ensure I don’t compromise the frame.”
 I swore, feeling like I had been had, before my better judgement kicked in.  My family was currently at this boy’s mercy.
 James’ smile broadened as he said, “If you don’t mind coming out back, I’ll ask the wonderful gardener to demonstrate something people tend to grasp more easily.”  Not hearing any argument from us, he motioned for us to follow him and started telling us  “Mirabella and Mike can’t create the electrical discharges like the rest of you.  She has a different heritage, and Mike took after his mother.”
 “How could you possibly know that?” asked Mike in surprise.
 “My secretary ran a background check on Iris prior to her being hired, and she’s so thorough that I feel like she knows everything.  You wouldn’t believe how long she takes to brief me on things.” explained James as he glanced back at my son.  “My concern with Mick is that he and Iris tended to play games with their ability, which caught enough notice for my secretary to file it in the report.  There are some out there who prey on those with abilities such as yours, so being a little more cautious tends to be wise.”
 That sounded far too believable.  I probably should have chewed those two out more often, but I had never believed anyone would have noticed their antics.  “You claim you can lift cars, and you can obviously lift us.  What else can you do, James?” I asked, wanting a firmer handle on whom I was dealing with.
 “So many things, Dad.  James is like a wizard combined with an overly strong fighter from some fantasy novel.” insisted Iris from behind me.
 I glanced back at her, surprised at how serious she looked.
 “I’ve also learned to make a great cup of tea.  My wife can be picky.” insisted James.
 “What’s that smell..?” questioned Mike longingly.
 Now that he mentioned it, I didn’t recognize the smell either, though I was certain it was food.  My mouth was already watering.
 “We’re almost to the kitchen, and Marco’s making you quite the treat.  I’m sure he won’t mind us passing through.  Just be prepared for a few samples.” encouraged James.
 The kitchen was as large as was fitting a house this size, and even there the fanciful engravings didn’t yield.  Every cabinet was beautifully carved, as were the very large table and chairs.
 Marco, the chef, was extraordinarily eager for us to sample “a few things” before we moved onward, despite assuring us that dinner would be ready soon.  Only when James pointed out there was more for us to see before dinner did Marco give way, giving us permission to pass through his kitchen into the garden beyond.
 The rain didn’t reach us as we followed James outside, hitting some invisible barrier and sliding away.
 “I don’t suppose you worry about getting struck by lightning.” I commented as I watched the sky.
 “Worried, no, but I didn’t find that to be pleasant either.” he told me sincerely.
 I stared at him, my eyes searching for any sign that he had ever been struck, but I found nothing, save for how confident he seemed.  
 “If your magic were stronger, you’d actually be able to guide a lightning bolt around you.  Iris has practiced enough that she could knock an assailant down with just the shock.” he commented, making me glance back at my daughter.
 “You can?” questioned Mick excitedly.
 She nodded, grinned, and said, “Yep, though I could take you in a fight without one.”  
 “All trained up now, are you?” questioned Mark, my eldest son.
 Iris laughed, shaking her head.  “You wouldn’t believe the standards here.”
 “I take it that James is the strongest, being the boss.” suggested Mike.
 James shook his head and said, “Not even close.”  Then he pointed to a fortress in the distance and asked “Do you see the keep over there?”
 I nodded along with a couple of my sons.
 “The strongest best friend created that with a stray thought.” claimed James.
 “What!?  No way!” exclaimed Mike.
 Nodding, James said, “She showed up in my office to tell me that she ‘oopsed’ a second after.  She’s been training recently to avoid that type of mistake.  I imagine she’ll be capable of creating a large city in a day on a whim within a few years.  I’d probably spend at least a week on a small town, and that’s if I collected the resources ahead of time.”
 I found the idea mind-boggling.  James seemed humble as he claimed that he could create a small town in a week.
 “You’d take at least a month, man-sla-... er… boss?” announced Emma, turning the statement into a question at the end.  “You get too distracted.  I could handle a village in an hour!”  She was soaked, but grinning.
 Before my eyes, the water soaking her clothes drifted away to join the rain outside.
 “Emma, I’m sure you remember Iris’ father, Grayson.  This is her mother, Mirabella.  From oldest to youngest, her brothers are Mark, Mick, Mike, and Matt.  Everyone, this is my gardener, Emma.”
 “Shouldn’t I be your favorite gardener?” she asked teasingly.
 “Sure.” he conceded.
 “Hear that?  I’m his favorite!” she exclaimed proudly.
 “Do you create villages with a stray thought?” questioned Mike.
 “Nah.  I do this.” she replied, watching us all.  After a couple seconds, wooden buildings rose out of the ground between the garden and the keep.
 “Mine would have functional electricity, plumbing, and the other luxuries people expect these days.” argued James with a smile.
 She stuck her tongue out at him.  Then she said, “My plumbing would work if I created a water tower.  Plants can be very good at guiding water.  As for electricity, I’ve been talking with Jarod about ways to generate a current with plants.  We have plans and stuff!”
 “You mean he had a crazy idea and chatted your ear off.” suggested James.
 “I thought the idea was cool and agreed to try eventually!” she insisted.
 “The idea was actually Maxine’s.  She has some experience with bioengineering from when she considered creating a cyborg army.” corrected Mila, who had discretely joined us without me noticing.
 “You can create cyborgs!?’ questioned Matt excitedly.
 “There has been some tech created here which could be used toward that end, but we’re not experimenting on people.” explained James.
 “I didn’t know you were in the tech industry.” commented my wife.
 James smiled at her and diplomatically told her “My company dabbles in many things to help prepare our best friends for a very large variety of jobs.”
 Grinning, Emma said, “He means to say ‘Yes.  Yes, we are.’  Mua ha ha ha ha!”  She drummed her fingers together while obviously attempting to look like some comic book villain.
James sighed and said, “Emma, mind getting rid of your starter village and showing the Storms how you help the kitchen?”
 “Fiiiine,” she begrudgingly told him, “but I might use some buildings to compliment the topiary when I change things up again.”
 “Sounds fun.” he agreed.
 From there, she started demonstrating how she could make the plants grow, revert to seeds, or provide as much food as she wanted.  She could also force plants to grow beyond their normal proportions and control them as easily as she controlled her own limbs, which led her into demonstrating how she had produced the bats her team had used for our baseball game.  Before she seemed remotely ready to quit demonstrating her abilities, Mila announced that food was ready.
 Instead of eating at the long table in the kitchen, we were taken to a large dining hall with an even more elaborate table.  There were already carts of food waiting nearby, and Mila urged us to help ourselves, since no one here would hesitate when they arrived.
 As we ate, we were entertained with more demonstrations of magic from those who had joined us.  James’ wife, Alma, created elaborate displays of fire and ice.  Ai and Mai created a sort of play with tiny figures made of water acting out their parts just above the table.  Jemal fetched more food for the particularly hungry using nothing but his magic, causing whatever was requested to float through the air.  James himself demonstrated illusions, making us see whatever he wanted while assuring us the magic the others had used was real.  Whether because I had felt myself being lifted earlier or because he had no reason to lie, I believed him.  Iris’ boss was the most interesting, and perhaps the most dangerous, man I had ever met.
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marymccartneyphotos · 2 years
"My earliest memories are split between London and the farm in Scotland. The excitement of city life versus absolute solitude. It was still exciting but in a different way: riding ponies, climbing trees, helping Mum in the kitchen. And the sound of Dad’s guitar. It makes me laugh now, but there were some afternoons when we’d be watching cartoons and Dad would wander over with his guitar. He’d sit down and start playing this beautiful music, messing around with melodies and songs. We’d all give him an evil stare. 'Dad, we’re watching telly. Go in the kitchen.' One time he said: 'Do you know how many people would love to be sitting here now, listening to me play guitar?' I just shrugged. 'But we can’t hear The Wombles.' Being a vegetarian family in the late 1970s marked you out as different. Everybody said it was all Mum’s idea and she’d forced Dad to stop eating meat, but they did it as a team. I remember them discussing recipes and Dad saying he still wanted something he could slice for his Sunday roast. Mum was always excited about cooking and she inspired me. Dad’s pretty good in the kitchen — he’d make a great sous-chef. If you ask him to sort out the mashed potato, it’ll be the best you’ve ever tasted. He’s meticulous, just like he is in the studio. Of course people made fun of Mum and Dad for being veggie. They made fun of Mum for a lot of things, saying she wasn’t a real musician, she wore odd socks and charity-shop jumpers. The real problem was that she didn’t fit the mould of the woman they wanted Paul McCartney to marry. They wanted someone who went to all the chichi parties, but Mum was more interested in feeding the animals on the farm. Mum and Dad insisted we went to the local comprehensive school, which made me feel a bit awkward at the time. I’d be in school for a term, then off on tour. When I came back, all my friends had made new friends. Now, when I look back, I realise what a smart move it was. It kept us grounded. Dad was almost too enthusiastic when it came to helping with homework. On my own I could knock it off in half an hour but Dad would get out the encyclopedia, he’d be cross-referencing and drawing graphs. The teachers must have got suspicious when I gave in these ridiculously detailed essays. Dad said education changed his life and he wanted to pass that love of learning on to us. I look at Dad and think, after all he’s been through, how has he managed to stay in one piece? He has found a way of keeping a level head, no matter what else is happening in his life. My own personal theory — I’ve not talked to Dad about this — is that he needs normality because that’s what inspires him. Real life and real people. That’s where all the music comes from. Every year that goes by I seem to find a new level of admiration for what Dad has achieved — and Mum too. My husband and I have this game where we try to get through a day without coming across a reference to Dad or the Beatles. What usually happens is that I get to around nine o’clock, then something comes on the radio or I see an ad for the new Beatles documentary. I do listen to the Beatles at home, but it’s the Wings stuff I play the most. Mum’s not around any more, but when she’s doing her backing vocals I can still hear her and Dad together. There’s a song called I Am Your Singer — that always gets me. 'When day is done, harmonies will linger on.'” -Mary McCartney (2021)
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wandas-sunshine · 3 years
Strike Three
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Summary: Everybody makes mistakes. Your first mistake was telling your family that you were seeing someone when you were just as single as ever. Your second mistake was asking Pietro to fake a relationship to keep your family off your back. Well, maybe that wasn’t such a mistake.
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 3,826
You didn’t have the best track record with relationships, you knew that. Even if you didn’t know, your family would have made damn sure to inform you. You knew they only fussed so much because they loved you, because they wanted the best for you. But they were such a headache sometimes.
You were going bonkers now. Your mother was becoming overbearing with her insistence that you needed to hurry up and settle down, and your sister was positive that she could handle the whole thing for you. She herself was engaged, so your mom agreed that she probably knew how to steer you back down the proper path.
And maybe it was the exhaustion of hearing them try to arrange a good relationship for you, or maybe the panic of listening to your sister talk about her new coworker (who was a very impressive man, don’t you know?), but for some reason, you went and said something so painfully stupid.
“I’ve been seeing someone.”
That was nearly a month ago, and your entire family was pestering you for more information. You felt bad avoiding their calls, but you were bluffing and you had barely gotten out of that conversation alive. Your sister was bringing her fiance to Christmas, so of course that meant you were expected to bring someone as well.
Avoiding conversations about your nonexistent boyfriend was growing difficult. You’d been holding out hope that you would find someone by the time the holidays rolled around, but no luck. A real boyfriend would have been ideal, but your frantic attempts at finding someone to play the part also yielded no success.
You had of course contemplated faking a breakup, but that would only further their idea that you couldn’t handle your own love life. You had dug a hole that you just couldn’t climb out of.
So with one week to your family’s Christmas gathering, you were sitting on your best friend’s bed with your head in your hands.
“I am so royally screwed, Wanda. Stevie is going to force me to go out with some accountant or one of Adam’s firefighter friends, and my mom’s gonna make me marry him. Then what?” You wailed. She laughed, finally looking up from her phone.
“Who’s dating an accountant?” Pietro’s voice made your complaints die on your tongue. He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. With him standing there having heard about your pathetic predicament, you couldn’t help the embarrassment that coursed through your veins.
“(Y/N) apparently. If they don’t find a date to Christmas with their family.” Wanda answered him. You groaned again. “They told everyone that they have a boyfriend, and now they have nobody to show.”
“I’ll do it.” He offered so nonchalantly that it took a second to process. Then you’d sat up so fast that you got dizzy.
“For real? You’ll do it?” You clasped your hands together in a silent plea, and Pietro shrugged.
“Why not. Text me the details,” He left you shouting your appreciation after him as he made his way back to his own bedroom.
A week passed by, and you had confirmed your plus one. You kept the information you shared minimal, just giving his name and saying that you hadn’t wanted to say anything until you were sure he’d be able to come. You were nervous about the whole thing, a whole list of things that could go wrong playing on an endless loop in your head as you tapped against your steering wheel.
A few moments passed before he finally came out with his suitcase in hand. Three nights at your parents home with your sister, and your friend who you’d somehow coerced into pretending to date you seemed like a nightmare. But Pietro’s presence was calming. He sat his bag in the back and settled into the passenger seat. He had the brightest smile on his face.
He buckled in and sorted out the music as you started on the drive back to your childhood home. The quiet between the two of you lasted a while before he broke it.
“So what’s our story, cupcake?” He smirked and turned the music down, looking over as you spared him a confused glance.
“Our story?”
“Yeah, you know. How we met, how we got together. The story we’re gonna tell our kids one day.” Your stomach flipped. What were you getting yourself into?
“Um, I guess we met through Wanda,” You started, keeping your eyes on the road and gripping the steering wheel tightly so you didn’t have to focus on how strange the whole conversation felt.
“And I saved you from some drunk creep at a party,” He started. “I took you to iHop-”
“And we’ve been together ever since!” You finished with a laugh. It was mostly true, everything he mentioned had happened, just not exactly like that. It made you feel a little better knowing that you weren’t lying to your family, just...rearranging the truth.
“See, baby, we’re gonna be just fine,” The sound of the pet name flustered you much more than you were willing to admit. You rolled your eyes and cleared your throat.
“Okay. But if we’re gonna make it, there’s gotta be rules.” You warned him. He motioned for you to go on. “Rule number 1; No saying I Love You. Rule Number 2; No kissing. Not under any circumstances. And Rule Number 3; No catching feelings.”
“Easy peasy,” He chuckled. He didn’t understand why you were so paranoid. There was no way he was going to let them set you up with one of their awful picks for you. No, you deserved better than that. So he’d follow your rules, and he’d save the day if it killed him.
The rest of the drive consisted of him playing music, and the two of you joking around like nothing was any different than it had been from the beginning. But you couldn’t ignore the way your heart stuttered when he’d jokingly call you by those stupid affectionate names, or the way your cheeks burned under his attention. The tension and worry lingered, thinly veiled by his stupid knock knock hokes and classic rock.
It was mid afternoon by the time you pulled into your parents driveway. You were helping Pietro unload the boatload of presents you’d brought along for your family when your older sister came racing out of the house. She squealed and bundled you up into a tight hug like you hadn’t seen each other in years.
“You brought a boy,” She noted as she stepped back, hugging herself against the cold. You bit your lip and nodded a little.
“Stevie, this is Pietro. Pietro, my big sister Stevie.” You stepped back and glanced at Pietro. He had the most dazzling smile on his lips, one that made your stomach flutter. And Stevie certainly seemed charmed enough.
“So you really do have a boyfriend. I was beginning to think he was fake,” She teased. You and Pietro shared a look and he seemed to be barely stifling his laughter. You glared, a silent warning to keep his mouth shut. “They barely told us anything about you. I can see why they were keeping you a secret, if I didn’t have Adam I’d be stealing you away.”
“Well, good thing we’re here for a couple of days. You guys can get to know everything about each other. But can we pretty please get this stuff inside before it gets nasty out here?” You begged, readjusting the armful of gifts you’d grabbed. Pietro huffed and took them easily.
“I can get them, don’t worry.” He insisted. You hesitated a little but he was already following your sister inside. So you grabbed your bag from the back and closed the car up to join them inside.
Once you walked in, you were met by the smell of baked goods wafting out the door. You kicked your shoes off and set your bag down by the stairs. Your family had already stolen your boyfriend- fake boyfriend- by the time you slipped into the kitchen.
“Your favorite kid just got home, but all you care about is the new boyfriend, huh?” You teased, sliding up to hug your dad, then your mom. Pietro sort of liked the way it sounded when you said that. Boyfriend. He knew he wasn’t really the boyfriend, but it was a nice thought.
“You didn’t tell us he was so handsome,” Your mom chided, giving your shoulders a squeeze. Your face flared hot and you glanced at Pietro.
“Don’t worry about me. Your family is great, they’re already trying to feed me.” He smirked. Truthfully he seemed oddly comfortable in the role, but you were glad he wasn’t freaking out. Of course for the sake of not having to date someone with a stick up their ass. But the fact that he was giving you his usual laid-back grin didn’t hurt.
“Why don’t you two go up to your room and get settled in. Dinner will be done soon. (Y/N), your old room is all set up for you two.” Your mom cooed, turning back to the food she was working on. You glanced towards the stairs.
“He’s sleeping in my room? With me?” You asked, glancing between faces. You were used to sharing a room with your sister on the holidays and whatever guys you brought along were usually put into her old room. You supposed that changed now that she was properly engaged.
“Well duh. Adam’s sleeping in my room when he gets here.” Stevie answered. You gave a tiny nod. Made sense. You grabbed your bags and nodded for Pietro to follow you upstairs. He gave a smile to your family and let you lead the way to your bedroom.
Once the door was shut, you groaned and leaned back against it. Once again you were asking yourself the same question. Just what had you gotten yourself into. The idea of pretending to be in love with Pietro was one thing. But now you’d be sleeping in the same probably too-small bed for three nights. That must have been crossing some sort of line. You could sleep on the floor. It was hardwood but you were pretty sure you’d survive it. Or maybe you could take turns.
“Piet, I’m so sorry. I really didn’t think they’d put us in here together.” You sighed. Pietro was too busy perusing your room to really think too much of it. There were still a few pictures decorating the back of the door of you and your family and friends. A couple band posters were left up, and there was a stack of books in the corner. “But now that Stevie and Adam are actually engaged...I’m sorry.”
“Chill, it’s no big deal.” He sat at the edge of your bed and you nodded. It was nice seeing him settle so easily into a space that used to be strictly yours. You supposed it wasn’t so bad to share it with him.
The evening passed much faster than you had expected. The worst part was dinner. Your future brother-in-law had shown up which helped to ease some of the tension. But nevertheless your family was all over Pietro. He reached over and gave your hand a squeeze as you sat down, and you knew he’d never let you down.
Throughout the meal, he complimented your mom’s cooking. He talked about his classes, and about being on the track and field team at his college. Within minutes he had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand.
The most startling part was just the way he talked about you. The way he’d just look at you for so long that it would make your throat go dry, or the way he’d beam when asked about the two of you.
“I just knew when I first saw them that no one else could compare. I love them,” He’d said. And he’d looked at you like he never wanted to look away. Your stomach did somersaults and you’d focused on the mashed potatoes you were poking at.
Strike one.
Once dinner had come to a close, you and your sister worked at clearing the table. Your mom ushered the boys towards the living room to relax while the three of you worked on cleanup. You carried an armful of dishes into the kitchen, depositing them on the counter and drawing up some dish water, but not before flashing Pietro an apologetic smile. He just winked and slipped away.
You stared into the sink, watching the suds as they foamed up. Maybe asking Pietro along was a bad idea. Your dad was becoming pretty buddy-buddy with him, and your mother seemed to adore him already. Your fake breakup was probably going to be harder for them than it was for you.
“So,” Stevie set a last stack of dishes on the counter and smirked. “Pietro is really something, huh?”
You chewed on your lip, giving your full attention to the dishes you were scrubbing clean.
“He’s sweet. And he seems pretty in love with you,” Your mom added. And just like that your heart was leaping back into your throat. Who knew Pietro Maximoff was such a good actor? And who knew you cared so much?
“Yeah, he’s pretty great isn’t he?” You smiled, a sick sort of despair clogging in your chest. “Too good to be true,”
With the three of you working together, the cleaning went by in a jiffy. Soon enough you were settling in the living room with the others. You sat on the couch beside Pietro as they all continued their discussion.
You tried not to tense up as he pulled you closer by your waist without so much as a glance. You slowly relaxed and snuggled even closer. Your head rested against his chest like it was meant to be there, and your arm found its way around him. He was warm, that was all, and he smelled nice...You were selling it, nothing more. Just selling it, even as his fingers moved to play with your hair.
“It’s getting late. You four had a long day, we should all get some rest.” Your dad decided. And with the way you were half asleep in Pietro’s arms, you couldn’t argue.
He carefully maneuvered you off of him so he could stand up. You weren’t sure when the two of you had started holding hands, but yours was clutched firmly in his, fingers intertwined as he pulled you to your feet.
“C’mon baby, you’re sleepy.” He mumbled. You nodded and said your goodnights to everyone before letting him lead you up the stairs. You slipped into your room and dug through your bag for your sleep clothes. Once you’d pulled them out you glanced up at Pietro. He chuckled and turned his back.
Once the both of you had changed, you laid yourself down, watching and waiting for Pietro to join you. The silence as he climbed into the bed was heavy, both of you deep in your thoughts and being exceptionally careful not to cross any lines or take up too much space. You were hyper aware of every breath you took, and of every miniscule brush of skin.
You did not have feelings for him. Sure he was handsome, and considerate. Not to mention how funny he was, and the way he fit in with your family better than anyone else you’d brought home. But it was cliche. He was your best friend’s brother. He was Pietro for fucks sake. Falling for him just wasn’t in the cards.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, or moving a muscle all night, but you woke up in a mess of tangled limbs. He’d slung his arm around your waist and nestled into your chest, and you had flipped your leg over his. He was warm, and you could feel his breath tickling against your neck. That alone had your heart rate flying through the roof.
You were careful not to wake him as you slipped out of bed. He shifted and you froze until you were sure he’d fallen back into his deep slumber. You took a moment, just admiring him all sweet and conked out, his hair a mess and a tiny bit of drool slipping past his lips. Gross. But adorable.
You got ready for the rest of the day and slipped downstairs to find your mom and sister back in the kitchen working on a breakfast spread. You leaned against the door. You could hear Adam and your dad chatting from the living room.
“Want a hand?” You asked. Your mom smiled at you.
“We didn’t want to bother you guys. Where’s the other lovebird?”
You rolled your eyes, but it was too late to hide your smile.
“Still sleeping. I thought I’d let him catch a little extra shut eye.” You explained, moving to help set the table while they cooked. Nobody said much after that, just talking about all of the family gossip you’d missed out on while you were away.
Meanwhile, your mind was drifting to all the ways you could make this up to Pietro. You didn’t have the opportunity to think much on it as he came down the stairs.
He was still tired, you could tell. But his hair was wet from a shower, and he’d changed into a charmingly ugly sweater that clashed with his usual vibes. It was endearing, you couldn’t deny that. He moved to stand by you, arm wrapping around your waist and his hand landing on your hip.
“Good morning to you too, sleepyhead.” You teased. He laughed quietly, but then he pouted.
“You left me.” You smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder.
“You just looked so peaceful. Plus I wasn’t ready to deal with you yet.” You dodged away from him as he tried to grab at you, giggling and stealing away into the kitchen again to grab the platter of pancakes. Your mom and Stevie shared a knowing look that you disregarded.
Breakfast, much like dinner, had gone without a hitch. The two of you bantered the way you always did. He stole a bite from your plate, and you took a drink from his cup in retaliation. As he finished eating, his hand found yours. You gave him a puzzled look, and he simply slotted his fingers in between yours.
The conversation lasted until everyone was finished. Then everyone was ushered to the living room for the gift opening. You and Pietro were still hand in hand when your mom stopped you in your tracks. You were about to question why when Pietro guided you to face him by your hips. Your hands pressed against his - rather firm - chest.
“Mistletoe,” He whispered. Your eyes flicked up, then back to his.You were suddenly very warm. You had rules, and this was seriously not fair. You leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Both of you were fairly willing to call that good. Stevie, however, was most certainly not.
“That’s pathetic. Give him a real one. It’s Christmas, (Y/N)!” She argued. You looked at her, then back only to find that he hadn’t looked away from you.
“Yeah, baby. It’s Christmas.” He half-teased, hoping to ease some of the building tension. You thought on it, considering shattering what was left of your rule into pieces. But before your flustered mind could come to any sort of decision, you were being kissed.
You curled your hands into the front of his sweater, and melted against his lips. They were softer than you’d expected, and the kiss was much less demanding than you had thought it would be. When you pulled away, he brushed his thumb over your jaw.
“Sorry,” He whispered. You shook your head, but you still couldn’t look him in the eye. The urge to feel his lips against yours was a little too strong, and who knew what you’d do if he kept looking at you like that. You pressed your lips together like you could forget his taste.
“Don’t be.”
Strike two.
The gift exchange was exceptionally uneventful after the mistletoe ordeal. Your mind was still wading through the fog when your mom opened the last of the gifts. You were all about to sort everything out and pack your gifts with your things when Pietro spoke.
“Oh, I almost forgot something. Stay put.” He carefully freed himself from where you’d been leaning against him and headed for the stairs. You sat patiently, sharing curious looks around the room. You hadn’t talked about presents.
He only took a moment, coming back with a small box wrapped neatly in pale blue paper. You figured that was Wanda’s doing.
“Here. I don’t know if you’ll like it but…” He passed you the gift, and you smiled at him. You stared at the little box for a long moment before you finally took off the paper. You didn’t notice all the attention shifting to the two of you as you took the lid off.
“Oh my god, Pietro,” You gasped, your hand moving to cover your mouth. Inside was a stunning silver bracelet with several little charms on it. You carefully picked it up and worried each charm between your fingertips. “You shouldn’t have. I didn’t get you anything.”
“You didn’t need to. Look, this one is for that iHop trip, remember? And this one is for the when Wanda introduced us at the beach. And this one is for the butterfly exhibit you made me take you to. Oh, and this is for this trip, see?” He rambled. Tears pricked at your eyes and you giggled. You were in so deep, and the bracelet must have cost him a fortune.
“Put it on me?” You looked up at him and he nodded. There was a pause as he took the bracelet from you and fastened it around your wrist. You admired it with a lovesick grin.
“I’m in love with you.” He spoke firmly, and your heart skipped a beat.
“I love you too, Piet.” You slid your hand into his and he looked down at how nicely your hand fit into his. Like you were meant to be.
“I don’t want this to end,” He locked eyes with you again, praying that you really understood what he meant. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to build up the confidence to confess all over again if you didn’t. But he didn’t need to worry about that. You lifted your hand to cup his cheek.
“Then I’m yours forever, Maximoff.”
Strike three.
And there was so much to talk about, but in that moment none of it mattered. Not when the pretending was finally over, and you were having the best Christmas of your entire life.
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Brothers as New Parents
Featuring Poly!Mc.
Guess who decided to finally finish this oneeeeee. I used my parents for inspiration for some of these. Sadly my getting knocked out by a carpet story didn't qualify 😔
Despite the name and the whole demon thing, Lucifer is actually a pretty decent father.
In the beginning though, he's really lost.
Like, the only baby he's ever raised is Satan and technically that doesn't count, so he's kinda confused here. Which really freaks him out.
Things get easier once the kid can finally walk, but don't expect Lucifer to really understand babies too much, or to like them either. They're way too noisy and dirty for him to actually enjoy. 
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a good dad.
Sure, he's not amazing, no parent naturally is, but he isn't reckless with your child and genuinely makes attempts to keep them alive. 
He just, kinda waits till the kid isn’t spitting up daily or wearing diapers to actually like their company
Before that it just feels like another job. Or like he’s watching his brothers. 
He loves his child but, uh, he’s going to be the type of dad to forget which baby is his if we’re being honest. 
He's really good a keeping babies entertained. Like, really good.
(Who would have known babies also like shiny things that jingle?)
Also loves to spend money on them. Like, legit any baby left under his supervision will be dressed in absurdly priced outfits. It's a little frustrating to wash these clothes, especially considering how dirty kids can get.
But besides all the spoiling and the playing, Mammon is clueless.
Like what do babies do?? What do they need? Are they supposed to sleep for that long??
He regrets not reading the baby books Satan recommended.
He's extremely clumsy as a dad, but in like that way where only he gets hurt but your child never does.
(Despite being so young, you're pretty sure the kid laughs every time he face plants.)
Likes to watch TV with the baby. The kid's probably seen every action movie known to man (and demon) by this point.
Levi isn't good with pregnancy, but he is pretty decent with kids.
Something about his personality really draws them to him
(Which is a great examination as to why most children must have to be taught how to share. Leviathan is a bad influence)
He kinda only ever takes over the "fun" parts of being a dad. Not because he doesn't try though. He does, really, but he often finds himself at a loss when it comes to dealing with spit-up or diapers or the little quirks babies develop.
Levi's the third oldest. He didn't have to deal with that stuff. None of them really had to, as raising angels is kinda a community effort. Seeing as Lucifer wasn't exactly the maternal type, he'd spent his years with his brother watching over kids. Never being beside them.
I think he's especially freaked out if he has a daughter. Like, he doesn't know what to so for the most part with any child, but girls are even more foreign to him, seeing as he's only ever had brothers. Well, besides Lilith, but she's a different story.
It's not really bad, he's just new to everything, but you'll probably give Lucifer an earful for not at least giving more responsibilities with Satan.
Most definitely gives his kid toy weapons and costumes to play with. They can't even walk yet but he's got a chest with princess dresses and lightsabers ready to go.
Satan is pretty much the most normal dad you could ever ask for.
Yeah, a normal demon, spell-casting dad, but norm nevertheless.
He's always the one to offer to take over your shifts in the night (He will not sub for his brothers though. They can fuck right off).
Buys you your first mother's/father's/whatever you choose to call your parental title's day gift because everyone else most likely forgets amongst the stress of baby.
Most DEFINITELY tries to do that whole "all natural" baby thing, but probably realizes a few days in that breastmilk is not only hard to obtain in the Devildom, but most demons don't really give a samn about cruelty free items (Mass produced cotton included).
^Asmo and him did this together btw. But Asmodeus did it for clout whilst Satan did it for the baby's health.
He'll dress his kid up like him. The clothes are still ugly as sin.
Your kid will be internet famous before they turn five months old.
Asmo does not understand the word "privacy" or the concept of "not plastering his child's life for everyone to see"
But, you must admit, he does dress your baby up in the most adorable ways.
She might just be the only person he puts above the two of you, both as individuals, and as a couple.
(^I don't think all the brother's would think this way. Some probably still internalize their angel backgrounds or have even formed their own opinions onto where a kid places in a relationship. I might get into it more if asked but I'm leaving this here for now)
He does everything with the kid, when he has them, and if the child is biologically his (which will be extremely apparent), that kid will be with him all the damn time.
He wants his baby to be beautiful like his parents, but most of all, he wants his baby to be happy.
Will most likely turn into the exact definition of "the cool mom" from mean girls but that's far off from now.
Until then, he'll just stroll around the mall, showing his baby all the sparkly things they'll eventually love.
Beel would have been a pretty normal dad if not for his more older-brother mentality.
Like, the guy has never really been around kids. He's been around Belphegor. Which isn't a huge age gap but there's still that looming protective older-sibling trait there.
He kinda sees the kid, no matter who or where it comes from, as just another sibling.
After what happened with Lilith though, he's more prone to be more protective over girls. He doesn't even recognize he's doing it tbh.
(There's actually a lot of open wounds regarding Lilith that show up in his parenting skills, but they develop a lot later)
He always has to know where your kid is at, but he doesn't necessarily need to be with them.
Like, he's afraid of something horrible happening, but he trusts his brothers, and you, to be able to handle it. He just needs the constant reassurance.
Very insistent on keeping a feeding schedule through, and is known to freak out when they refuse to eat, or get an upset stomach, or something along the lines of the digestive process goes wrong.
Beel is probably the best at bath time. Man can make some awesome rubber duck voices, and the plotlines he thinks up are very interesting.
The one the most scared to have a baby is the one who loves to spend the most time with the baby.
Why? Because babies sleep most of the fucking day. This is a great bonding experience.
And for some reason, you suspect it's due to his powers, the kid will sleep through anything when the two of them are together.
The minute they sleep in their room, or in a cot next to your bed, they'll be waking up hourly for some reason or another.
And it's like, you can't have the baby sleep with Belphegor all the time because if the kid genuinely needs some attention, he needs to wake up and make it known.
But damn are you tired.
Like you some how think raising a child with seven partners is harder than one, because no one should feel this exhausted when they are allowed to take at least three naps a day.
Outside that conundrum, he's a very quiet dad. He'll just sit by the baby and play with them, usually via rattle, enjoying the cute little noises they make and the faces that grace their features.
He'll miss this when the baby starts crawling.
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blush-and-books · 3 years
Ray Molina headcanons?
Let's go.
He majored in communications at a local college and took a photography class to fill an elective requirement
He never went back to communications. Sir fell in love with his camera
Rose hit on him, not the other way around. But he was taking pictures of her during her show before she came up to him, so really, who did make the first move?
Ray entered a competition to win a photography grant that he ended up using to start his business. The winning photos were of Rose, and even some of Rose and Julie when Julie was a kid.
He can cook to an extent. He's not that great, but not awful either.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and he will preach this until the DAY he dies
He was really fucking excited to have a daughter. He was beyond hyped.
I feel like he was raised with an emphasis on being independent where's Rose was raised with an "it takes a village" mentality; so while he is trying to take care of everything himself he has Tía Victoria advocating as their village and busting her ass to stay on top of things and Ray def learns it's okay to ask for help
He wants to feel like he can take care of everything by himself because he used to have a partner and having that partner was really big for him so now that he didn't have that he was back to that independent structure
Also due to this urge to be strong and independent he was very insistent to jump on any needs that his kids had (moving, therapy, sports, etc) with the hope that they wouldn't perceive him to be falling apart
Because he's so sociable and kind, he's always had a very strong relationship with his children. We see it in nearly every interaction with Julie and Carlos
And this is why there's cause for concern when Julie starts hiding things
But in the end, bringing it back to how he was desperate to do anything the kids needed after Rose's death, he only wanted to do things that would help Julie and continue to promote that relationship
His favorite color is blood orange/red
His guilty pleasure is Matchbox 20
Rocky road ice cream is his favorite flavor
Terrible dancer but Rose loved to dance so they would dance all the time
Low-key feel like he set Bobby/Trevor up with Carries mom and I don't know why
There was always a weird vibe with him and Bobby/Trevor (seeing as most likely B/T provided them w the house they live in) so he was always trying to do shit to maybe reciprocate such a generous act
Flynn and him are besties and any day that goes by where Flynn doesn't come over he will text her to ask if she had a good day!!!
He is a big fan of soccer and def prayed for Carlos to want to play soccer but now loves baseball too
While we know him and Tía probably had a weird start and are still in an odd place both trying to mourn, I hc that we will get strong friendship and family vibes from them. I love them as a duo and how Tía brought forth character development for him, and that they can bond over Rose!
Shoutout to @bluefirewrites for reading over this and helping me elaborate on stuff!
And thank you so much anon, this was so much fun, we are a RAY MOLINA STANNING HOUSEHOLD😤🏠
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acklesterritory · 3 years
That Kind of Love Never Dies_Chapter 1
Hey guys, Now that more voted to split my fictions in 2 parts, I'm back with the first part. I hope you like it. Don't forget to leave me feedbacks. I'll always appreciate them. Love you all.
This is for writing event @tvdspngirl314
My quote is "That kind of love never dies"
Dean x Reader series (just 2 parts)
This chapter words: ~5k
Series warning:
Angst, fluf, smut, angry Dean, hurt Reader, hurt Dean, there's some more but I hate spoilers so I insist on "Angst & Hurt"
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It all started with a stupid argument at home. What was it? Three months ago? Sam couldn't remember the exact date but after years, it was the first time this awkward coldness between Dean and Y/n had started to build. He could remember the first time he and his brother came across Y/n like it was yesterday, they were hunting a very nasty creature who used to kidnap young and lonely women at night, then got them wrapped in ropes and ties on a bed in a warehouse to rape, torture and feed on their blood until the victim either died or accepted to turn into one of his kind.
Sam could remember the helplessness in people's eyes too. The pain of the victims' families, the frustration and anger on cops' faces when no one could find the criminal yet, even after the sixth missing girl.
"Sammy, he just kidnapped another girl. And I think I know where he's gonna take her. Let's hunt this son of a bitch."
When Dean was saying that, Sam never expected him to fall in love with the woman they would save that night. Well, unfortunately they weren't fast enough to prevent any harm to the girl. When they arrived and Dean killed the nasty creature, Y/n was almost dead. The monster had already raped her, tortured her … and when he felt the hunters enter the place, he drank almost all of her blood, to gain more energy to fight. So as always, Dean was up to blaming himself. Of course only in his own eyes, not anyone else's.
"Call Cas to come home. Tell him it's an emergency."
Dean told his brother when he finally could get Y/n out of those ropes. And Sam knew he was right. At that point, no one could save Y/n unless God or his angels. Maybe she was not so lucky coming across a nasty supernatural creature like that but she was lucky enough that Cas arrived just on time and healed her. However, angels can only heal physical wounds. But Y/n was hurt much more than that. She couldn't just move on from the things that the bastard had put her through. Even after Cas tricked her brain to forget some certain things, she still had bad nightmares and had this dark shade of hopelessness in her eyes. Soon, she started to eat and talk less and less. And Dean just couldn't let her go. He really wanted to fix all of that for her but she kept shutting him out… until the depression hit her. It was so bad that Cas felt the need to tell them to prepare themselves for her death. Because after all those days and unlike everything else in their lives, The Winchesters were already used to her presence around them; like the way a lonely person can get used to a wounded cat more and faster than anyone else.
"I'm not gonna hunt until I'm sure she can live her normal life." When Dean stated that, Sam really thought he was joking. But after a few days he started to believe it. Dean truly would do anything to keep her alive. From cooking vegetables to laughing at his own dad jokes in front of Y/n to make her smile. That was when Sam started to feel that they can be more than a random hunter/rescued victim relationship! It felt like his brother had finally found his motivation in life: "Saving Y/n."
Gradually Y/n started to respond to this special attention from Dean with trust and smiles. Soon they became a power couple that could motivate each other so easily that sometimes Charlie would call them out. And honestly Sam had no problem with it. In fact Y/n had become his other sister.
"My God, Dean! You're burning up!" It was two day after a werewolf hunt in which Dean had got hurt. At first it was just some scratches on his arms and chest. Yet as the time passed, more symptoms started to appear: headache, pain, fever, cold sweat, even nose bleeding and before they could figure it out, Dean fell unconscious. Apparently the claws of the werewolf were poisonous. However Sam wasn't sure. The only thing he got no doubts about was the fact that it was already too late. Dean couldn't make it to the hospital. So either Sam had to do anything possible to save him or Cas should've picked up his God damn phone.
"No. no, no, no, no. Dean … Dean!!!"
That was when Sam got to hear Y/n's helpless cry and see her true feelings. She was already in love with his brother.
Luckily, unlike typical love stories; no one died that night. Sam's antidote worked. And Dean opened his eyes an hour later.
"Sammy … Y/n?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Y/n grabbed his face and put her thirsty lips on her beloved hunter's, letting the tears stream down on her face… and then his.
"Never do that again." She begged, breaking the kiss, her trembling hands holding Dean's face so she could look into his eyes.
Sam couldn't stop his smile remembering how cute they were. Y/n literally had Dean wrapped around her little finger, to the point he accepted to teach her how to hunt and soon she was part of their team too. Until … a few months ago. After two years of them being constantly close to each other, Sam could tell something was off when Dean started to go out without eating breakfast with Y/n. Of course she got suspicious after the third time and that was when their endless arguments started.
"Why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"
"Because nothing is wrong, Y/n."
Actually there was. Something was VERY wrong. Anyone could tell that just by the change in Dean's eyes whenever he wanted to look at Y/n. Day by day he was getting more quiet and cold. Now they didn't even eat pie together or watch movies late at night. And Sam couldn't ignore his brother being grumpy or drunk on hunts, not anymore.
"Ok man, I've had enough. You either tell me what's wrong with you or next time I won't make any excuses so you can leave Y/n out of our hunt plans. I'm serious, Dean, I'll tell her the truth." He finally said, when they were alone in the impala, on their way to do their next hunt.
"She wants more."
"Yeah. Sometimes it's like she sees more in me. She thinks we can have a different life. There's no need for any saying, I can see it in her eyes whenever we accidentally come across some family at a diner that try to feed their kids or people's wedding photos whenever we go to talk with some witnesses or whoever during the research! Sometimes she even looks up wedding dresses or kid stuff on the net!" Dean blew his anger out of his nostrils and sighed, shaking his head.
"Wow." Sam couldn't find the proper word to say but he couldn't hide his surprised face either.
"What?" Dean gave him an annoyed look.
"I mean …" Sam chuckled. "… are you telling me you're actually angry with her for imagining the things you always dream about?!"
"Sam …"
"No, really. I'm just curious. What's wrong with you, man?" Sam asked genuinely, waiting for an answer.
"What's wrong with me?! You think something is wrong with me just because I'm the rational one in this relationship; who's actually able to see the difference between a dream and the reality?"
Yeah, anyone could take that earnest speech, but not Sam. He'd seen and knew enough about his brother.
"What's the reality? Aren't you and Y/N living that dream life already?"
"What?! No. No … that's not the same." Dean shook his head.
"Really? How is it not? It's been two years, Dean. You two are constantly with and/or around each other. Always worried when the other one is in trouble and still looking at one another like there is nothing in the world that can make you happy as much as this relationship. So … excuse me if I won't buy your pretty speech; man ." Sam said, Rolling his eyes.
"Ok, let's say you're right but ... is it gonna be like that forever? With all the supernatural crap that we have to take care of … and the constant danger and chaos in this hunter life we have… I …"
"You what?" Sam asked when Dean didn't finish his sentence. He was lost in his thoughts, staring at this unknown point in the depth of the road. Finally he blew out his despair.
"I just can't let her fall for the things I know I can't provide for her. It's not fair, Sammy. It's not fair to lock her up in this dark life with me just because she loves me … especially while I know there is a whole bright future out there waiting for her."
"Here we go, the old Dean's self-doubt" Sam thought to himself as he took a deep breath before finding the best words to wake his brother up from this nightmare
"Yeah, I know but I don't think it's your call. If Y/n wants to go to hell with you instead of living in heaven with someone else, it's her choice. Not your responsibility. Right?"
Dean shook his head while his lips curved up a little to fake a smile but he never answered or said anything about that conversation ever again. He kept his silence for like three weeks … until someone new showed up: "Gary Smith". A tall man with the most stylish haircut and the most perfect teeth and smile.
They saw him for the first time at their hangout bar, as the new bartender who almost jumped in Y/n's way as soon as they entered the bar.
"Oh my God, bunny! Is this really you?" He said, pulling her in his embrace. Like she was the long time missing piece of his beloved puzzle!
"Bonny? You're wrong. Her name is Y/n." Dean said, pretty annoyed by the way Gary tightened his arms around Y/n's little shoulders, making him chuckle.
"No, uh … it's just a nickname." Y/n said as soon as the guy let her go.
"Yeah, actually the most fitting nickname that I could think of. I mean … you have to agree. She got the most cute little ears in the world." The guy explained, chuckling and pulling on her little star earring. Well, if Sam wanted to be honest, he had to agree with him. He never paid any attention to it before but now that Gary mentioned it, he could tell Y/n's ears were truly small.
"I see … So … I guess this means you were close friends?" Dean said, already hating the way Y/n e's blushed with hearing her old nickname.
"Uh … well, no. Actually more than that." The guy grinned, ruffling his own hair while he was awkwardly laughing and looking at Y/n. Just like a proud embarrassed teen!
"We used to date." Y/n said.
*oh* Sam tried his best not to let that stupid grin sit on his lips but Dean's frown and his sudden heavy silence didn't let him do so.
"Yeah. We are kinda each other's first. Like … you know? prom date." The man added, giving Y/n a wink while Dean's gaze was still locked on his large arm around her shoulders.
"Yeah. It's been years, Gary."
"I know. But believe me, bunny. you still look the same." He said, bending to put a kiss on her right cheek.
Dean would kill him. Sam just knew that. Because his brother's eyes were already burning with jealousy.
"By the way, don't you wanna tell me who these gentlemen are ?" The guy asked Y/n, giving her his softest smile.
"Of course. This is Sam and this is Dean. My colleagues who are my friends now. I live in their place."
After they met, everything got even more complicated. Y/n, the girl who was still trying to get old-happy-days Dean back suddenly stopped whatever she used to do. No more complains, no waiting at nights to see Dean before going to bed, no more effort to get involved in hunts, no nothing. And despite what Dean had claimed before, it was making Dean even more frustrated. Day to day he and Y/n were getting colder towards each other and there was nothing he could do to fix it. That was what made him even more furious. Sam already knew all of that and he still had to live with both of those grumpy faces. So last night when they began to fight, he could see this was coming: Y/n left the bunker after Dean let some hurtful things out of his mouth, just because he didn't know how to deal with all the heartache anymore. He now was convinced that Y/n didn't love him anymore. Yet the next day after drinking whatever strong drink they had, he begged Sam to come with him. Apparently Jodie texted Dean about Y/n being in her place for that night. Just to make sure that her crazy step son won't sell his soul over a tracking spell! So Dean almost begged his brother to be there with him, cause Dean believed that as much as Y/n didn't care about him, she still respected Sam and cared about him. Like a little sister and her elder brother.
So here they were, In Jodie's living room, in front of her and Y/n.
"Considering your sleepy eyes, I think we caught you at bed time, huh?" Sam asked, checking Y/n's obvious eye bags.
"Who says that? I'm totally good, Sam."
She said with a small smile, looking much more in control and stronger than before. So Sam knew it was a lie. Y/n Just had made her peace with what had happened last night. The realization۹ kicked Dean in the gut. Y/n always used to be stronger and bolder when she got hurt.
"I'm gonna make some coffee for us. Why don't you guys take a seat till I come back?"
Jodie interrupted, to ease the heavy and sharp silence that suddenly had fallen over all of them.
Y/n gave her a smile.
"Of course."
It was so fake. Her smile didn't even curl her lips completely. She was still badly hurting.
Sam swore in his head when he looked over his brother who sank silently into the nearest seat at the end of the table like a broken shell that he was too . One of Dean's hands was in the pocket of his jacket, the other formed a fist on the table. Sam was sure Dean knew it too. He knew everything was almost past saving. "Almost". Sam tried to stick to their small chance.
"So …" He cleared his voice before he put some (semi fake) hope into his words."You're … you're gonna come back home today or did Alex and Claire made you promise them otherwise?" He laughed and tried to make it funny but the truth was he asked this for Dean's sake, knowing he already was struggling to find the words … to let Y/n know how much he wanted her back … to ask her to come back.
"To be honest … I don't think I can live in the bunker anymore." Y/n said and as Dean's head snapped up to look at her in horror, she raised her hand to stop his (likely) protests.
"I applied for a job 3 weeks ago and to my surprise they called me this morning to tell me I'd actually got it."
No one had to ask it. The question was already hung in the air. She snored mockingly in her nose. "Perfect timing, right?"
She moved her gaze from her interlocked fingers on the table to Dean's eyes.
He didn't answer, he didn't move but he got tense. Still staring back at Y/n.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked, once again saving Dean from asking the question he was itching to ask with some other words that for sure couldn't be nice.
"I wanted to but I didn't think I could actually get it and even if I did, I never figured out how to tell you. Besides, I never considered the "move out" option before..." She looked at Sam for a second before she turned her gaze on Dean. "... But I actually appreciate that you bring it up. I think now I can take the advice. I'm gonna move on."
Sam's heart dropped in his stomach when he heard those words. Because he knew what this meant. It felt something like having to watch Dean get stabbed in the heart.
"Is this … because of that Bartender?" Dean asked, staring deadly at Y/n with his bloodshot eyes. He was already chewing on his bottom lip. And Sam knew a heavy storm was on its way to hit them.
"I don't want to answer that question."
"Why? Because you can't just simply say no?" Dean scolded and Sam could see how it pushed on Y/n boundaries.
"No. Because it's not your fucking business and it's not Gary's business either. But at least he knows his limits."
*well, fuck*
"By "limits" you mean when he drools on you just because for God knows whatever the reason, you started to wear leather jackets when we go there?"
*Oh, fuck* Sam thought to himself, watching Y/n rise from her seat.
"You think … you really think that I …" she laughed nervously and Sam could tell she would punch Dean in the face if she wasn't a sweet, super nice person.
"How you can even …"
"I can even what, Y/n? Are we now going to pretend like I'm a blind man who can't see how you got attracted to your ex again? Did you really think I couldn't see how your hands were shaking when his filthy face lighted up by seeing you for the first time after all these years?"
Sam wanted to interrupt him or at least leave the room but everything was happening so fast.
"So what? Why and since when you care about my private life?"
"Since you stopped drinking bunker's beers just because you rather drink those crappy poisonous cocktails he makes at the bar!"
Dean was on his feet now as well. And despite his will, Sam couldn't stop his smile. He never saw his brother this jealous before. It was fun.
"Poisonous? … You … of all people, you are the one who says this? cause as much as I know, you're the one who puts dormitives in my guest's food so the poor guy gets tired and can't spend his time with me!"
"Yeah, because your poor guy is not welcomed in MY PLACE!" Dean yelled, punching the table with so much power that made everyone almost jump out of their skins.
"Dean!" Finally Sam interrupted but as soon as he stood up, someone rang the doorbell and Sam could hear Jodie welcoming someone inside.
"Guys … I know it's not my place to interfere but you two really need to sort things out somewhere private … of course that's when both of you can be much calmer than this."
"No, we have nothing to say or to talk about, anymore. Your brother was clear enough when he said he wants me to move out, so I'll move out. And that's it."
Y/n declared, looking at Sam to resist any eye contact with Dean, probably to make him even more crazy.
"And that's it? You wanna ignore that part where you were too eager and ready to accept that suggestion and leave the bunker instantly like your pants were on fire?!"
Dean retorted while Y/n was shaking her head like she couldn't believe him.
"Whose pants are on fire?" Jodie interrupted as soon as she re-entered the room with the coffees she'd made, this time a man was with her. Y/n's guy. The famous bartender.
*Oh, No!*
Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a second so the guy couldn't read his face.
"Obviously not mine." Dean hissed through his teeth, looking first at the guy and then at Y/n with such a disappointment and rage that no one could ignore.
"Hey, what's wrong?" The guy asked, choosing the worst spot to stand on: right next to Y/n.
"My typical life I guess. Nothing's new." She mumbled in reply to him but her eyes were still on Dean.
"No, nothing is wrong with your life, Y/n. It's about your choices. That's what's wrong with you. As always." Dean said bitterly. As sharp as a knife, as cold as ice. Sam could see how it drained color from Y/n's face.
"You better watch your mouth, buddy." The Gary guy warned Dean and Sam could tell that if it wasn't for the sudden thud sound that stole everyone's attention, Dean would throw a fight right there. But …
"Y/n!" Jodie almost screamed. Y/n was laying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.
"Oh, God." Sam said as Jodie rushed to her.
"Y/n? … Y/n can you hear me?"
As she sat next to her, Gary's fingers already were on Y/n's carotid pulse point. So Sam couldn't stop himself from looking up at his brother, who was still standing where he was. In shock.
"Oh, shit!" Gary's worried voice made Sam check Y/n's pale face again but Jodie was the one to dare ask the question which was on everyone's minds.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Her pulse ... too faint." He said before turning to Dean: "Is she bleeding?"
"Bleeding?" Dean blinked and mumbled in confusion.
If it was up to Sam, he'd ask *What bleeding?* & *Why are you asking this from my brother?*
"Oh my. You still don't know. Do you?" Gary sneered.
"Know what? What's happening?" Jodie was freaking out now and Sam actually felt the same. He didn't like the way this stranger pretended like he knew her better than them. However what happened next was much more unexpected. And … rude!
To everyone's surprise, the guy reached out to Y/n's jeans and drew his hand between her legs but before anyone could react, he spread her legs open so it could be possible for everyone to see that big red stain there. Then he raised his hand. It was all wet and red in blood!
"She's having a miscarriage." He revealed.
Sam's gaze instantly caught Dean's ... Burning. Dean was burning inside with his heavy silence.
"Don't you worry. It's not mine." Gary added more fuel to that hell with such a mocking tone, staring right back at Dean's eyes.
Now Sam could feel it. The storm was there: rising in his brother's roar!
Before Sam could've moved any muscles, Gary was already pinned to the wall, Dean's hands on his now-ripped-out collar.
"Dean, no!" Sam jumped in, trying to catch his brother's arm before his fist make any contact with the guy's nose but all he could do was changing the direction of the punch which landed on Gary's shoulder, making a painful cracking sound.
"I said no … Dean, stop it." Sam had to literally cage Dean in his arms so the furious man couldn't tear Gary apart.
"Get off me, Sam. This son of a bitch has to learn his place."
"Enough!" As Dean just broke himself free, Jodie's scream stopped everyone in their tracks.
"It's enough!" Jodie warned all three men, pointing at them one by one.
"You want to fight? Not here. Not in my house!"
"But ..."
As soon as Dean opened his mouth to protest, Jodie cut him:
"And you … you should know Y/n is pregnant with your twins. So … you'll be a responsible man who will try his best to save them or you can get the hell out of here and never come back!"
"What?" Sam was too shocked to suppress his reaction while Dean couldn't even find any words to say. His confused look darted between Jodie's face and Y/n's figure while his parted lips kept moving without making any noise, just like a dying fish on the shore!
"I promised her not to tell anyone but it was a promise under normal conditions, not this." Jodie sighed, struggling to keep her emotions under control. Sam saw the worry in her frown. Like a real mother, worried for her children. However it was nothing in comparison to his brother's blank eyes and pale face.
"Dean, It's ok. We just need to take her to hospital. … it's ok, man. I promise."
He had to grab Dean by his jacket, as his brother was struggling to process all of these in his head.
"Come on, man. We got no time. Do I need to do this alone or you'll …"
"Get the car, Sammy."
It was just a simple sentence. Yet it had enough power to make Sam's heart sank. Since Dean had put the car keys in his hand saying that, Sam couldn't stop thinking about that tone. Dean never had called Baby a "car" In years. And Sam had never heard that crack in his voice since their Dad's death.
"You ok?" He finally let himself ask, two hours after they arrived at the hospital.
"I want to be." Dean closed his eyes and put his head against the cold wall, letting the dim light to darken the shadows under his eyes.
"I'm sure she'll be good. She's strong, Dean. You know that."
He smiled and Sam looked away not to watch him. He knew that smile. Dean used to give him that, whenever everything was gone so wrong that Dean couldn't promise him anything good. Like when both of them were still kids. Hungry, cold and all alone in a rusty motel room where John had left them on their own for a one day long hunt but then a heavy snow had crashed the roads and kept them apart for half a week. So Dean had to wash the dishes and do the laundry in the motel to rent the room for another day and provide some snacks so they wouldn't starve to death. But after three days, the hotel managers didn't want them to be around. And Sam could vividly remember that smile on his brother's face when he asked: *Where should we go then?*
"You were always such a father material. You know?"
Sam admitted with a broken smile on his face.
"You were always responsible, kind and caring with me as a kid. And I can't imagine anyone who deserves to be a father more than you."
Dean took a deep breath and opened his eyes without looking at him: "But I don't want ... I really can't, Sammy."
All, it certainly wasn't the response Sam had expected. He used to believe that Dean would never turn down any chance to start a family with Y/n. Especially after everything in the world was back to normal.
"Are you kidding me? You always wanted this."
"No …" Dean finally turned his gaze to meet his brother's confused eyes. "No, Sammy. Not like this. I don't want to raise another kid without his mom. I'm not that strong anymore."
Dang. Once again Sam's heart dropped in his stomach. Dean was really helpless.
"Mr. Winchester?"
Dean was on his feet as Sam just realized the doctor's presence.
"It's me."
Sam prayed for any good news as doctor took a glance of Dean and fixed his glasses on his face …
"To be continued …"
tag list:
@jay-and-dean @adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278
The next and also ultimate chapter will post on Sunday, April 25. Thanks for reading.
Feedback are always appreciated.
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Sweet Pea and Fangs//Mission Accomplished
Request: If you're busy you can ignore this. I really like your poly! Fangs and Sweet Pea and I was wondering if you could do another one. Maybe about what being a family with them would be like. (You know like what kind of fathers would they be.) Thanks!
hey!! this was super cute to write! i hope you like it! 
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- Okay, so lets just say right now
- They would be the best dads in the world 
- And you can bet that they both have mugs with ‘best dad in the world’ written on them
- Which they of course use literally every day 
- So much so, that you have to replace them every couple of months 
- Usually because Sweet Pea puts his down on a table to aggressively 
- Or because Fangs doesn’t stir coffee, he bashes the spoon from side to side until he breaks the mug, the spoon, and occasionally himself. 
- Anyway
- So lets say you got pregnant at like 24/25ish 
- All three of you had moved out of Riverdale 
- Because I mean lets be real, its not the safest place to start a family 
- With the murderers and the cults and the gangs and literally everything else 
- Plus, it had been Sweet Pea and Fangs’ dream to get out of the southside and riverdale and to have a better life than their parents did 
- So all three of you have stable jobs that you love 
- And a cute little apartment
- Filled with photos of the three of you 
- And so many memories of your life together 
- Including some random dog statue that Fangs found in the skip behind the apartment complex 
- To this day you and Sweet Pea have no idea why he was there in the first place 
- But you think the scratches on his hands, face and neck had something to do with it
- And so many plants 
- So basically you’re parents already...right?
- Anywayyyyyy
- So, you guys were doing pretty good
- Vey, very happy together 
- And you’d just come back from visiting Toni and Cheryl and their new baby girl
- Who is adorable by the way 
- So you’d be chilling at home
- You and Sweet Pea watching something on Netflix 
- While Fangs cooks dinner (its his turn and he’s the best cook)
- And you’d notice Sweet Pea and Fangs exchanging looks 
- So you’d be suspicious
- And eventually, after the two of them giving each other very odd looks all throughout dinner, you’ve had enough. 
- ‘okay. what’s going on?’ 
- ‘we wanna have a baby’ Fangs would blurt out and you and Sweet Pea’s eyes would both go wide. 
- ‘what?’ you’d look between the two of them 
- Fangs is pushing the last bit of food around the plate 
- Sweet Pea is refusing to make eye contact with either of you, finding the ceiling fascinating 
- While you’re tapping your foot against the floor 
- ‘hello? anyone care to expand?’ 
- And Sweet Pea would sigh, and tear his gaze from the ceiling, settling on you. 
- ‘fine. we’ve both been thinking about it for a whil-’ 
- ‘and then we went to see toni and cheryl and their kid is so cute and they look so happy and we want to start a family with you’ Fangs would interrupt. 
- Of course you’d also thought about having kids.
- Sweet Pea and Fangs are the love of your life 
- They’re who you want to spend the rest of your life with
- Plus you’ve been dating since you were like 16, so it makes sense 
- But it was difficult enough for Toni and Cheryl to have a baby
- This is going to be complicated 
- Both of them will obviously be this kids dad...
- But what if when its born the other gets jealous?
- What if they feel like they’re not properly apart of it? 
- Would you even find out who the biological dad was? 
- Or would you just leave it?
- What about when the kid is older?
- There’s already enough stigma about kids having two moms or two dads
- What about one with two dads and one mom?
- So, you’d all sit down after dinner and talk about everything 
- The possible problems 
- How you would raise it
- If you’re all ready
- And you’d finally figure it out 
- Well, the best that you could anyway
- But in the end you’d figured that you’d all be alright because you had each other
- So then the fun bit ;)
- You’d be trying for a few months 
- Much to the happiness of Fangs and Sweet Pea
- They weren’t complaining 
- And then when you do get pregnant 
- Holy fuck are they happy
- Like literally jumping around, hugging each other, hugging you
- They’re literally the happiest people ever 
- The first thing they do is call Toni
- Because well, they have to tell their best friend that she’s going to be an aunt. 
- And a few minutes later, Cheryl texts you a video of Toni on the phone, jumping up and down as they tell her. 
- Anyway, so once they’ve calmed down they instantly go into protective mode. 
- Like
- ‘oh, sit down. standing up is not good for the baby.’ 
- ‘what?’ 
- ‘do you need a drink? food? a nap? a hug?’ 
- ‘i’m good’ 
- And you think this is just going to last for a few days 
- But no
- This continues all through the pregnancy 
- And afterwards tbh
- They are so protective 
- You always sleep in the middle so they can both keep you two safe 
- Even if it is a nightmare when you need to pee
- Fangs did suggest a bucket by the bed but you and Sweet Pea both agreed that was too far
- They go to all the scans 
- And cry
- Every. Single. Time
- Sweet Pea’s suggests going to the baby classes
- Even though you’re kind of unsure of what people will say
- But you go
- And its surprisingly, okay
- You get a few strange looks 
- But who the hell cares 
- And Sweet Pea and Fangs both have their own little notebooks that they’re furiously scribbling notes in 
- And they always take turns to practice on the fake babies 
- Plus, before you all go to bed the three of you will read baby books, occasionally swapping them every so often. 
- ‘did you know that new-borns are short sighted’
- ‘ha, four eyed loser’ 
- ‘i’m sorry. how old are you sweet pea?’ 
- So they’re just the sweetest 
- And every time they come back from work they aways have something for the baby 
- Literally. Every. Time 
- No matter what.
- ‘how many shoes do you think this baby is going to need?’
- ‘i don’t even think babies need shoes, at least not for the first few months’ 
- ‘no baby needs this many leather jackets.’ 
- ‘yeah, but its got a snake on the back! how could i just leave it there?’ 
- ‘where did you find a leather jacket for a baby with a snake on the back?’ 
- ‘...the serpents made it for us.’ 
- And they buy the most weird stuff 
- Like you’re getting amazon packages every other day
- The neighbors think you guys are doing something illegal 
- Sweet Pea buys a baby grow that has labels for where the arms and legs go 
- And when you ask him why
- ‘its for fangs. i’m just helping him out’ 
- So in retaliation, Fangs buys one with instructions of where to feed the baby and where to change it
- Also this doesn’t stop when your baby is born, they’re still buying stupid t-shirts with stupid slogans on well into its 20s 
- Your favourite thing they’ve bought is definitely the fake tattoo sleeve 
- So, you’re keeping the gender a surprise 
- Because who cares 
- So you’re going for like a yellow or gray nursery 
- And Sweet Pea and Fangs are insisting on doing it all them selves 
- The painting 
- The furniture 
- The little accessories 
- Everything
- Needless to say you hear a huge crash within five minutes of them starting 
- So you do it together instead
- You start painting while they put the crib together 
- There’s some left over screws at the end but they decide against telling you that
- It looks stable enough 
- And just to make sure, Fangs tested it out...and got stuck
- They make sure to take tons of pictures throughout the entire pregnancy 
- Much to your annoyance 
- ‘I’ve just thrown up for the third time in five minutes...stop taking my damn picture.’ 
- ‘i want to capture every moment’ 
- ‘why!?!?’ 
- But you love the majority of them 
- There’s some of you by yourself 
- Some of them with you and one of them 
- Others with the three of you together 
- Both of them looking at you like you’re their entire world 
- (which you are) 
- And there’s a few pictures of just the two of them with fake pregnancy bellies on, in the style of a professional photo shoot 
- Another late night Amazon purchase 
- Which when you opened you were...confused to say the least. 
- When you’re nearing your due date they make sure at least one person is with you at all times, just in case you go into labour 
- And that works, until the day you actually go into labour and you’re alone 
- Fangs is at work and Sweet Pea had to run to the store to get ice cream and snacks
- And then it happens
- You’re panicking but trying not to, but its not working 
- Sweet Pea comes back and then he sees your panicked face and he drops the food and almost himself to be honest 
- He’s running around trying to find your bag and his bag and Fangs’ bag
- And you’re trying to ring Fangs but he’s not answering 
- Sweet Pea eventually gets through to him when you guys get the hospital and you can hear Fangs screaming down the phone
- He makes it there in five minutes, even though he works at least fifteen minutes away
- They’re on either side of you 
- Both panting and telling you to breathe
- Basically they are being ridiculous 
- And very unhelpful 
- Especially when the breathing is mainly to calm themselves down
- And then Sweet Pea gets distracted, blows a rubber glove up and it pop’s 
- And to be honest the fright it gave you, you thought you’d given birth
- But when its time for you to start pushing they’re right next to 
- Holding your hands 
- Saying so many nice things 
- Being so sweet and supportive 
- And they also take a moment to hug each other while they watch 
- Like they’re crying 
- At one point Fangs just screams 
- ‘i told you not to look down there’ Sweet pea scolds 
- ‘does it go back to normal?’ Fangs would ask
- ‘god, i hope so’ You’d groan in pain
- But then your daughter is born and they’re smitten
- This tiny little life is theirs 
- And it relies on them for everything 
- And they’re so proud of you
- Literally they’re heart is going to burst with love and pride for you
- They love her so much 
- And instantly take their roles very seriously 
- The first night they let you sleep because well you’ve just given birth, you need a rest
- And it gives them a chance to bond 
- They take turns holding her 
- And feeding her 
- And just talking to her
- ‘we’re you’re dads’ Fangs would whisper
- ‘i’m sweet pea. nice to meet you.’
- ‘what are you doing?’ 
- ‘introducing myself. i have to make a good impression, and we need to teach her manners’ 
- ‘shit, you’re right. hello, i’m fangs, your other dad...do i like, shake her hand?’ 
- ‘hmmm, yeah. i think she’s too young for a high-five’ 
- ‘thats your mom over there. she’s asleep at the minute so we have to be really quiet, but she loves you so much...and so do we. you’re our entire world’ 
- They’re so gentle with her
- And with you 
- When you get home, the three of you show her around her new home 
- And show her all the pictures on the walls, explaining the memories behind each of them 
- You also make sure to introduce her to her siblings (the houseplants) 
- When she’s a little older Sweet Pea starts teaching her how to defend herself 
- ‘she’s three sweet pea, she doesn’t need to know how to karate chop someone’ 
- ‘yes she does. i’m always going to be around to keep her safe...but just in case. which reminds me, do you know how to karate chop someone?’ 
- Fangs teaches her how to cook 
- Like she knows everything by the times she’s 10
- Both of them teach her stupid (and sometimes inappropriate) jokes
- Out of the two of them, Fangs is usually the one to tell her off
- Actually, its you...you’re the one to tell her off if she’s done something wrong because they both can’t bring themselves to shout at her 
- Its difficult for you too (so its a blessing that she’s actually pretty well behaved, unlike all three of her parents) 
- Fangs is definitely the most over protective 
- He follows her around when she starts to crawl, literally if she moves a centimeter, he’s up and following her around. 
- Sweet Pea is always the one to cheer her up when she’s sad
- And you’re the one she always goes to when she’s hurt herself or if she just needs a hug
- She loves all of you so much 
- And you love her
- They still insist of taking pictures of literally every moment 
- It actually increases after she’s born 
- You really don’t know how thats possible 
- Even she gets annoyed at it
- ‘really dad? another one??’ 
- ‘hey! when all three of us are dead and buried you’re going to look back at these and wish we’d taken more’ 
- They make it their life mission to teach her every single thing they know about the world 
- And all three of you make it your life mission to make sure she knows how loved she is 
- Which you definitely accomplished
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She Doesn’t Have A Cat
Pairing: Spencer Reid x female!reader 
Summary: An unsub targets you close to home, but does Spencer know you well enough to save you? Takes place in season 6-ish. 
Warnings: Home invasion, guns, typical criminal minds stuff, fluffy marshmallow fluff, spencer being the smartest person in the room (as always). 
This time, you were the target. In your own town, in your own home. It started with a call from your mom saying your dad had been murdered. You got on a plane, and when you got off your mom had been murdered too - the unsub had slipped past the police who had guarded the house. That was when Hotch called in the team to come help, knowing that you needed them.
You’d been with the team for two years, and since then you’d gotten the closest with Spencer. Too close. You were the baby of the team behind him, so he looked out for you as much as he could. And that had developed into something more, faster than you ever thought something could. But you didn’t tell anybody, because of that one stupid rule where nobody in the BAU could date. You kept it a secret, and you were planning on keeping it a secret. 
“I’ll go ahead, go to the hotel, come out at the same time as everyone else, and meet you back at the station?” Spencer said as he pulled a purple cardigan over his shirt, able to see a frost on the ground outside your bedroom window. You rolled your eyes.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re embarrassed to be seen with me,” you joked. 
“Never. Just trying not to get caught and fired.” You finished making up your childhood bed and followed him down the stairs. He looked out of the windows in the living room, seeing no cars in sight, and unlocked the door. You grabbed onto his sweater and pulled it toward you. Spencer turned, confused, and saw you give him a nervous smile. 
“What?” He asked. 
“Nothing. I’ll see you in a few, okay? I love you.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss you. 
“I love you too.” He could have sworn there was a sadness in your eyes, one he’d never seen even after everything you’d gone through. But he didn’t know what to make of it, so he left. You locked the door behind him and crossed the room to the basement door. The light was already on - it had been on all night. Because that’s where the unsub was. Hiding in your basement. And Spencer had no idea. 
“Is he gone?” The unsub asked. You nodded as you came down the basement stairs. “Good. You’re going to leave here. You’re going to tell them that you’re coming home. I don’t know, be creative. And just when they’re about to find you, I kill you. And then I walk out of here.” You wanted to start crying. You were scared. More scared than you’d ever been in your entire life. You thought about it for a second, and you found your excuse. 
You had a date a few weeks ago that turned into running errands around town. That day you’d picked up allergy medicine because you were allergic to cats, and your neighbor had a cat that had been bothering you. You would tell him you were going to feed the cat. And then they’d find you, alive, and they’d find this unsub, and hopefully someone would put a bullet through his head. Your money was on Morgan. 
Only a few minutes later, Spencer had his hand on your back and snatched it away just as Rossi walked into the room. The man suspected nothing, too enamored with the coffee machine in the corner of the room. You missed the warmth of his long fingers and almost abnormally large palms as soon as they came away from your sweater, but you couldn’t let him know that anything was off. You couldn’t let him know that, more than anything, you needed his hand to stay right there. 
“I, um, need to run home,” you said, trying to throw off any suspicion. “I forgot to feed the cat this morning.” Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed, not recalling that you had a cat. Because you didn’t. He would remember if you had a cat because he remembered everything. But he let you go. 
“Where are you going?” Hotch asked as you walked out of the police station. 
“I forgot to feed the cat,” you answered. “I’ll be back within an hour.” He nodded, knowing not to question you. Your entire family had been murdered within the past week - you deserved to go home and feed a cat any time you wanted to. Not to mention they knew the identity of the unsub, and it was someone who was as good as a sibling.
“Alright. Morgan’s in your neighborhood, let him know if you see anything.” You nodded and headed out of the station. You got into your mom’s car, sighing as you turned the key. You knew the unsub was tracking the car through its GPS, one you’d retrofitted for it at Christmas for a present. He would know if you even considered going somewhere else. He would know if you passed Morgan’s car. 
You went home and fumbled with the key, opening the door to the house. The unsub was there, in your living room, waiting. He opened his mouth and told you to go to the basement, taking his gun from his sweatshirt pocket. You went, hands behind your back, and hoped to God Spencer had understood your plan. 
“Where’d she go?” Seaver asked as she saw your jacket on the back of the chair Spencer was sitting in. 
“To feed the...” he started, and then he stopped. “Guys, I think I just found out where the unsub is hiding. They’re at her house.” Everyone looked up at Spencer, whose eyes were so wide they could have popped out of his head. 
“What? Why would you think that?” Hotch asked. 
“She doesn’t have a cat. I remember one day she got allergy medication, we... she’s allergic to cats, that’s why she has a dog back at home,” Spencer said. “She doesn’t have a cat. The unsub has to be there, that’s why she’s been acting weird and going home for lunch every day and...” he stood up. 
“Are you sure?” Hotch asked. “If we call in SWAT, we’ll tip the unsub off and he’ll run.”
“I’m sure.” Hotch sighed. 
“Get SWAT over at her house with Morgan, now. We’ll follow. Seaver, make sure there are road blocks set up in case he tries to take her.” The team dispersed through the police station, you on their mind. No one seemed to question how or why Spencer knew you were on allergy medication, because it didn’t really matter. Nothing really mattered except finding you, alive. 
Spencer was more nervous than anyone as he got into the car, fumbling with his vest in a way he never had before. Someone asked if he needed help, but he shook his head. He just wanted you back. He heard vague instructions on where to go and what to do, but he didn’t listen. He didn’t listen because there was a light on in your basement window. There had been one last night, too, actually, the whole door had been glowing on every side and that meant that a light was on. So that’s where you were. 
“The unsub has her in the basement,” Spencer said to Hotch, in the seat beside him. 
“Are you sure?” Spencer nodded. 
“The light was on last night.” Hotch looked at Spencer, up and down, and realized that the reason he hadn’t seen Spencer at the hotel the night before was because Spencer had been with you. In fact, he was always with you. Maybe... Hotch stopped thinking about it as soon as he started. There was no reason for him to go any deeper. Especially with the look of longing in Spencer’s eyes as he looked at the basement window. 
“They’re going to figure out why I’ve been acting weird,” you said to the unsub. You’d figured out that he was the son of your parents’ friends who had been murdered. Your parents had both been detectives, that was why you wanted to work in the FBI. And they’d failed to solve this guy’s case. That was why you were his target. You just happened to be in the BAU. That was how he got you home. And that was why there was no forced entry into your parents’ house, because this guy was like a son to them. He was like a brother to you. You were able to get past the anger at the betrayal because you were so damn scared. 
You looked up and saw a familiar shadow in the hallway up the stairs. It was Morgan’s shadow, one that you always saw in front of you. One you always counted on to get the bad guy. You decided to keep egging the guy on, despite the fact that he had tied you up, pistol whipped you ten minutes ago, and was threatening to shoot you with the gun aimed right at you. He had steady hands, and if he shot you, he wouldn’t kill you. He had no idea how to effectively kill someone. 
“No. They’re going to think you’ve been acting weird because you were about to kill yourself.” You were confused, to say the least.
“If you’re going to stage a suicide, this isn’t how to do it,” you replied. “Let me help you, you’re doing it all wrong.” 
“What, so you can beg for your life a little longer? As much as I enjoy that, I think your time is up.” The guy aimed the gun at you, just as a floorboard on the stairs creaked. You thanked your lucky stars that it was indeed Morgan. There was an army of SWAT men behind him at the stair landing.
“James Ray Washington, put down the gun,” Morgan said. As a response, James pulled the trigger that was facing you. Some gunshot victims said that it didn’t hurt that bad. Some said it was the worst pain they’d ever felt in their lives. For you, it was somewhere in between. The pain after was the worst part. The pain of watching James go down. You shut your eyes and sat back in the uncomfortable chair you swore your parents had thrown away a few years ago. You felt Morgan’s hands untying you from the chair and another set of hands started peeling away the jacket you were wearing.
“Hey, stay with me,” Morgan said to you as he picked you up. You shook your head. 
“No. I’m tired.” All of the fear in your body disappeared and you were exhausted, absolutely exhausted. You could have fallen asleep then and there. 
“It’s because you’re losing blood, just come on, stay with me,” he insisted as he carried you up the stairs. 
“Oh, my God,” Spencer said as he walked into the house to see you, in Morgan’s arms, being carried. 
“We need a medic!” Morgan called. You heard another voice yell to call an ambulance. Not even five seconds later you heard the sirens. Or maybe it was the sirens from the police cars that just kept rolling in. 
Morgan finally put you down on a surprisingly comfortable mattress. You realized that you were in the ambulance. And then you remembered Spencer and you shot up, your eyes opening in an adrenaline rush. Someone pushed you back down before you could even see him. 
“Spencer, I want Spencer,” you said. It came out as a mumble, but it filled your lungs like a scream.
“I’ll get him, sweetheart, I’ll get him,” Morgan said. He left your side for the first time as you felt the gurney you were on going over bumps, lifting you into the ambulance. 
“No, I want Spencer!” You tried to fight but someone had tied you down, again. Your hands and arms were free, but you couldn’t move. You felt someone cutting your shirt open and you shook your head.
“Hey, hey, baby, I’m here now,” a familiar voice said. It grabbed at your leg, unable to take your hand, and you opened your eyes again to see Spencer. In a second the doors to the ambulance were shut and the two of you were inside. Someone was working on your chest, but you didn’t pay attention. The adrenaline had made it stop hurting. You could feel that they were doing something, but it all faded away when you saw Spencer. There was blood on his hands. How did he get blood on his hands?
“I knew you’d find me,” you said. 
“Yeah, the cat was a good lie if I’ve ever seen one,” Spencer smiled at you, trying to keep you from freaking out at the bullet in your body. 
“Do you need me to tell you what happened?” Spencer grinned like you’d just said the most ridiculous thing ever.
“No, not right now. Just rest, okay?” He took one of your hands and sat down on the bench at the wall. You nodded and shut your eyes, almost instantly falling asleep. 
“How is she?” Morgan asked as Spencer left the hallway that led to the room where you were. There was still blood on his hands that he hadn’t even tried to wash off, the team noticed. 
“She’s going to be fine,” Spencer said. “She’s just exhausted right now.” Hotch looked at him, up and down. “And I know exactly why you’re looking at me like that.”
“You do?” Hotch asked. Spencer sat down in the open chair the team had left for him. 
“A year,” Spencer said to answer Hotch’s question before it was even asked. “We started dating right after that case in Reno. When we got trapped in that cage together, we just kind of... I don’t know.” 
“You hid it for that long? You sly dog,” Morgan chuckled. 
“If anyone should go down for this, it’s me,” Spencer said to Hotch. “I’m prepared to give up my spot on the team. I understand that we’re not supposed to...”
“That won’t be necessary,” Hotch interrupted. “I’ll talk to Strauss, but as long as it won’t interfere with your work, and it hasn’t so far, then I don’t see why it should be a problem.”
“If you hurt her, I’ll kill you,” Morgan said as he slapped Spencer’s back. That was when a nurse came out and told Spencer that he could go see you. Apparently you’d asked for Hotch, too, and he stood up. Spencer walked back to the room, not expecting you to be as awake as you were. 
“Hey,” Spencer said softly, brushing a piece of hair away that had gotten caught in your eyelashes. “How do you feel?” 
“Awful,” you responded. You saw Hotch and tried to sit up, but he held a hand up. “I can explain why-”
“Spencer already told me. It’s fine. We’ll deal with it.” You looked over at Spencer, moving over in the bed to indicate that you wanted him to sit with you. He did just that. “You should get some rest. We’ll get your statement and everything as soon as you’re back at home.”
“I’ll stay with her, you guys go on,” Spencer insisted. Hotch nodded and left the room, leaving you two alone. You turned toward Spencer and laid your head in his chest, cuddling up to him as much as you could. He put one of his arms behind you, the other one taking your hands at your stomach. 
“I knew you’d figure it out,” you muttered, half asleep from the drugs they’d hooked you up to a few minutes ago. “I’m sorry I had to give us up in the process.” Spencer shook his head.
“You didn’t give anything up. I could’ve played it off. But maybe everything will be okay. You know you could have just said you knew who the unsub was, right?” You shook your head. 
“No. He threatened to kill everyone I loved. Including you. I figured you would find me, and if not you would find the trail I left.” Spencer sighed. 
“I’m not going anywhere. You know that, right? I’m a lousy shot but at least I have a brain.” You giggled. 
“Yeah, you do.” He turned his head and kissed your forehead, smiling down at you as he did. 
“I love you too,” he said after a minute of silence. “I really, really do.”
“I know.” You cuddled up to him and closed your eyes, thankful that you had the most observant boyfriend in the world. 
A/N: This is only my second (?) time writing for Spencer, but boy do I love this man!!!! 
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jodfics · 3 years
Two Men and a Baby
Something silly.
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Sam blew a sigh out from his mouth and looked at the man sat opposite him, "This is a mess, you know that, right?" Then, not waiting for a reply, he leaned over the small car seat they had strapped to the side of the carrier plane and frowned when the baby's eyes locked onto his. "Why you gotta look into my soul like that - check out Bucky, girls love ken dolls."
"How am I a ken doll?" Bucky's eyebrows furrowed even further, but he reached out to check the straps over the baby's chest for the nth time in the half an hour they'd been in the air. "If it's because of my arm - it's vibranium, not plastic."
"It's vibranium, blah blah'" Sam mimicked him childishly and sat on the left side of the car seat, "I can't believe this, man. I sent you in to disarm the bad guys, and you come out with a baby!"
Bucky scoffed and shook his head, "C'mon!" He nodded toward the baby, "You sayin' I shoulda left her there? All alone?"
"No, I am not saying that! I am saying, though, that you shouldn't have told the powers that be that we were gonna look after her for the next few days until they can find her parents - there's literally a service for that shit, Buck!"
The baby let out a whine at the same time Bucky sent a glare Sam's way, "Don't swear in fronta the baby... and don't call me 'Buck'. Stop being an asshole - you have nephews. A baby is a piece a cake."
Sam pressed his fingers to his temples and rubbed, Bucky was a constant headache at the best of times, but today he wanted to 'Sparta kick' him off the plane. "I'm not an ass, and for your information - ass is a bad word, don't swear in front of the baby." He waited for an argument, and when none came, Sam continued, "I didn't raise the boys, Sarah did all that, I just got to hold them and hand them back when they got damp. We should have agreed to take the baby to child services, and they would have found her parents - you," he pointed at the other, "You had to mouth off and tell them that we were taking her until further notice."
A squeal came from the tiny human and the start of what was likely going to be wailing; Bucky wasted no time in unstrapping her and holding her to him. She was around six months old with curly hair and a polka-dot dress - small enough to be utterly helpless but big enough that Bucky wasn't too worried about feeding her. Sam watched his 'not' co-worker make a fuss of her, asking her what was wrong in a quiet murmur and feigning shock when she squealed in reply. "Really? Oh, Doll, you are having a bad day, huh?"
"I didn't know you had a babysitting module installed - is that included in the Winter Soldier brainwashing, or is it an add on?" He couldn't help but find the interaction kind of sweet. Same knew how good Bucky was with kids, whether it was his nephews or the neighbour's kids or the kids back in Wakanda; Bucky was a soft touch when it came to them. "Why were you so adamant we take her?"
Bucky's nose scrunched a little when the baby reached out and pat his cheek before going for his nose; he was grateful she was more interested in him than crying. "I don't want her getting lost in child services, they're stretched thin since all the missing parents, and kids suddenly showed up after five years and the guys we saved her from obviously planned to ransom her or worse. So her parents will look for her, and when they do, we can hand her back nice and easy, no lost babies or weird foster parents."
"Dude... you're calling the pot black."
"I'm not a weird foster parent." His tone was even, and Sam blinked at how oblivious the other was. "Here, take her a second." Bucky handed her over, and Sam settled her on his lap whilst he watched him head toward his mission bag. "You got any food in your bag?"
"Not unless babies drink protein shakes," Sam looked down at her and made a curious expression, "Do you want muscles on your muscles? Yeah? You do...? Damn, you're gonna show Bucky up with your miniguns - pow, pow!" He shook her little arms gently and pretended to feel for biceps, "Oh, I think I found a muscle!" She giggled at Sam as he proceeded to poke and tickle her in search of a sixpack; out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bucky glared and snorted, "Uh oh, I think the bionic moron is jealous!"
"No, I'm not!" Came a reply too quick; even Bucky winced at it and cleared his throat to appear calmer, "Put her back in the car seat before you drop her."
"Ooooh, he's so jealous!" Sam pointed at the other, and her eyes followed his direction, but she was too young to understand that Bucky was pouting at them. "Give him the soul stare, Sweetie, see if you can beat him at his own game."
Bucky had moved to Delacroix a few weeks after taking out the flag smashers, and to his surprise, Sam had offered to let him move into a little place he had been checking out. It was a nice place with plenty of space for them to train or have the kids run around in - Sam liked that it had a good road into town and his sister's place. Bucky liked the trees that provided them cover and the view of the dock at sunset. There had been negotiations about the living spaces for both of them. Mostly it boiled down to Sam keeping his baseball trophies and wings out of the shared living area and Bucky agreeing not to turn it into a vintage bar or hide knives in all the crevices he could find.
Sam stood at the kitchen counter, baby on his hip, and checked how his homemade applesauce was doing. It had been his turn to check on her when she cried in the night and to take the 'morning shift' - not that he minded as he rocked her slightly and sang for her. He called for the volume to go up and brought the wooden spoon to his mouth like a microphone, "You ready, Sweetie? Nah, you're not ready for this - here we go! Yeah..." The man nodded his head and joined in on the following line of the song, "'And baby, I can't hold it much longer - It's getting stronger and stronger! When I get that feeling, I want -"
"I want an age-appropriate song!" Bucky interrupted and turned the station over.
"Oh no." Sam pointed the spoon at him, his brown eyes wide in outrage, "You did not just turn off Marvin Gaye." The baby pat his chin, and Sam smiled down at her softly to show he wasn't mad at her, "Don't you worry, I'm gonna wait for your naptime before I kick Uncle Bucky into next, next century." He looked back at the brunette who was slumped at the kitchen table and barely awake, "Why do you hate Marvin so much? Hmm? What did he do to you?"
Bucky sat up and tipped his head back to roll his eyes at the ceiling fan, "I don't -" he looked at Sam, "I don't hate Marvin Gaye. I just don't think that song is appropriate for a little girl, ya know?"
"Mm-hmm... But giving her a little whisky is alright?"
"It wasn't even a thimble full! My Pa used to sneak me more than that to help me sleep when I was a baby."
Sam turned off the cooker and put the pan aside to cool, "I'm pretty sure cocaine and cigarettes were on prescription back then. Besides, she's not yours for another couple of hours."
"I'm not gonna give her cocaine, Sam!" Bucky snapped, and then he lowered his tone, "Gotta start her on the small stuff and work up to cocaine."
"I am applying for full custody, Buck! You can pay child support all you want, but I'm not giving you visitation rights!"
"What," A woman's voice cut in, "Did I just step into."
"Sarah, hi!" The brunette's previous grumpy face brightened in a smile as he gave Sam's Sister a wave and ignored the other man glaring at him. He made to stand up, to be polite, but Sarah motioned for him to stay where he was - her smile matching Bucky's.
Sam adjusted the baby on his hip, "As much as I loathe watching you two make eyes at each other... Bucky, don't you have something else to stare at?"
"I got the best view right here - how's your morning, Sarah."
Watching his sister grin like an idiot and knowing her cheeks were red hot, Sam cleared his throat loudly, "You're setting a bad example for the baby. So what do we owe the pleasure, Sarah?" The girl in his arms made grabby hand at the woman, and Sam passed her over.
"Hey, Honey, are your Dads fighting again?" She was ignored in favour of her necklace, and after making sure it wasn't going to hurt the Baby, Sarah let her play. "The engine in the pickup is playing up, I need to head into town, but I don't trust the darn thing not to break down on me."
Before Bucky could even stand up to offer, Sam rushed in with, "I'll take you. I'm not leaving you two together without a chaperone."
"I can take a look at the engine later for you?" He may have been beaten to offering a lift, but Bucky knew more than one way to impress a woman. "Besides..." his blue eyes landed on the baby as she babbled and played with the necklace, "I need something to do after we drop her off with her parents later."
"Did they pass all your security checks?" Sarah asked, only half-serious as she had made fun of them the day before for insisting the people claiming to be the baby's parents were checked by every security firm they could name. "That's a shame... a baby really suits you, Bucky."
He parted his lips to reply, his ears turning a little red as he tried not to blush; whatever he was going to say was prevented by Sam nearly choking on air and sputtering that they had to go, "There's no such thing as on time, Sarah! Bucky, don't give the baby anything illegal!" He took the baby from his sister and deposited her in Bucky's lap before ushering the woman through the door.
"Bye, Sarah."
"Bye, Bucky~."
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bts-reveries · 4 years
mini me | 27
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The group had just finished unpacking and filling the fridge with food. By the looks of it, it looked like you were packing for a week when, really, you just had several mouths to feed. 
-in the play room-
“Wait! Soojinie~” Huimang giggled, grabbing the crayon out of the younger girl’s hand. “You draw a puppy like this!”
“Let her draw how she wants it,” Hana says, taking the crayon back from her and giving it to Soojin. “Dogs can be pink too~” 
“Noo,” Moonji says. “There’s no pink doggies.”
“Minseok hyung!” Sian yells, bursting into laughter as he chased the older one around the room. 
“Get Youngjae first not me!” Minseok yells, jumping over the babies as he tries to get away from Sian. Mingyu frowns, getting up on his feet to follow his hyungs. Haneul does the same and the two try their best to catch up, unfortunately for them, the older boys found this funny and began running around them in circles.
“Hey!” Soojin yells. “Don’t be mean to my baby brother,” she says, dropping her crayons and running towards Haneul and Mingyu. 
“We’re just playing with them Soojin-ah,” Sian says, stopping in front of her. 
“Yeah! We’re not being mean, they like it when we play with them!” Youngjae says, kneeling down to the babies’ level. “Right?” He says, tickling them both under their chins, making both of them giggle. 
“Soojin are you going to finish this? Moonji’s about to color all over it,” Hana calls out. Soojin immediately lets go of the two boys and runs back to the table.
“Here Soojinie,” Huimang says, handing her another crayon. 
“Can I color this one~” Moonji asks, looking up at Soojin. 
“Yeah, here!”
“Youngjae-ah, Sianie, do you want to go play outside?-- oh! And you guys too,” Minseok says, inviting the youngests. 
“Yeah I want to go,” Youngjae says. “Do you want to come?” He asks Mingyu and Haneul, holding out his hands. The two babies take it and Youngjae walks towards the door with both of them on each side.
“Where are the kids,” Yoongi asks, walking into the main room. The girls were all gathered at the table, talking amongst themselves. Jungkook and Jin were arguing over which game they should play. Jimin and Taehyung were picking karaoke songs. And lastly, Namjoon was showing Hoseok the book he was currently reading.
Sohyun looks up and points behind her.
“They’re all in the room playing.”
“We should all go out while the sun’s still out,” Yoongi says, scratching his head as he walked towards the room to get the kids. 
“That’s true,” Mae says, already getting up to grab the bottle of sunscreen she has in her bag.
Yoongi opens the door to the kids’ play room, almost hitting the kids walking out.
“Oh-- I’m sorry I didn’t see you guys,” Yoongi apologizes. The loud playroom goes quiet and the nine kids in the room just stares at him. 
“Are you all having fun,” Yoongi asks, stepping into the room. Youngjae and the two babies back up.
“Yes daddy,” Hana says as she gets back to coloring.
“AI--” Yoongi yelps out as Sian jumps onto his leg. 
“Uncle can we go plaaaaaaay~” He asks, smiling up at Yoongi. Him and Jungkook both had the same cheeky smile. 
“Ousside,” Haneul says, pointing out the door.
“Yeah, that’s what I came in here for,” Yoongi says, prying Sian off of his leg.
“Uncle are we going outside by ourselves?” Soojin asks.
“No, we’re all going outside so clean your stuff up and we’ll all go. Okay?” Soojin nods, and the girls all grab a box and start placing all the crayons in. The boys helped tidy around as well. 
“Less go out!” Haneul tells Youngjae. 
“We need to help clean first,” he tells them, walking them over to where the other kids were. 
“Ah~ What good kids, go into the main room when you’re done okay?” Yoongi says walking back out.
“Yes!” They all say.
“Are you girls taking the kids out?” Hoseok asks, stretching and laying on the floor. 
“No, we’re taking the kids out,” Sarang says, walking up to her husband and grabbing his hands, pulling him up. “It’s family time lazy butt.” 
“Are we all going out?” Namjoon asks, taking off his glasses, running a hand through his hair. 
“Who’s idea was it to go camping?? You love nature!” Byul exclaims.
“I did and I do, I just wanted to read right now,” Namjoon says, standing up and putting his book down. “But if we’re going out, we’re going out.” 
“Namjoon and I are so different~” Jin says, sprawled across the floor, closing his eyes. Jungkook frowns, throwing down the board game he just picked out. Apparently there were ten kids on this trip. 
“If Jin hyung’s staying here, so am I,” Jungkook says, laying next to Jin.
“We’re done!” Sian yells running into the living room, dropping down to where his dad was at. “Daddy let’s go play!” Sian yells into his ear. 
“I don’t want to~” Jungkook groans.
“Let’s go outside!” Soojin yells as she runs out, immediately jumping onto Jin’s chest. 
“I want to sleep~” Jungkook says, turning to his side, wrapping his arm around Jin and kicking his leg over his. 
“nO!” Soojin yells, pushing Jungkook’s arms away. 
“Mm… yes,” Jungkook mumbles, putting his arm back on Jin.
“NooOoO,” she says again, pushing him off. “Daddy’s mine,” she says, leaning down and wrapping her arms around Jin.
“Can we go outside pLEASE,” Sian insisted, tugging on Jungkook. Jungkook lets out a groan and continues to cuddle into Jin’s side. 
The two begin to pout as their dads wouldn’t cooperate with them. 
“Jungkook get up before you make the twins cry,” Rina says, calling the two twins since they’re the same age. Both Jin and Jungkook proceeded to get up, picking up their kids along the way.
“Moonji-ah! We’re going to go out baby,” Namjoon calls as Moonji was still in the room. She runs out at the sound of her dad’s voice and hands him a picture she drew.
“Oh is this for me?” Namjoon asks. Moonji nods, reaching up to get carried. “Thank you sweetheart, I’ll put it here where my book’s at okay,” he says as he carries her.
Minseok was already getting his sunscreen on with his mom. Mae looks around for Haneul.
“Where’s my baby?” She says. Jin raises his hand.
“I’m right here.” Mae playfully rolls her eyes as Jin laughs. 
“Where’s mine,” Yuna says as well, getting up from her seat.
“Right here,” Jimin says, copying Jin. 
“Youngjae is with them in the room,” Huimang informs them.
“We already cleaned up everything so I don’t know what they’re doing,” Hana says, running back to the room. 
You follow her into the room, along with Yuna and Taehyung. 
“Mommy I don’t think Mingyu wants to go outside,” Youngjae says as soon as you walk in. 
Mingyu was on the floor, playing with a little toy car. 
“Less go ousside!” Haneul says, crouching down to tell the younger one. 
“You can’t stay here by yourself buddy, we’re all going,” Yuna says, walking over to pick up Mingyu. 
“Thanks for watching him Youngjae, you’re such a sweet boy,” Yuna tells him, leaning down to kiss his forehead. 
“Let’s go Haneul,” Youngjae says holding onto his hand once again. 
“You’re already such a good big brother,” Taehyung tells your son, looking back up at you.
“We’re ready for another one,” he tells you, smiling widely, as if you two have been married for years and have been raising Youngjae together.
You laugh shaking your head. “Let’s date for at least a month before we talk about anything as far as kids,” you say as you follow the kids out. 
“Let’s go hiking,” Namjoon says, slinging his arm around Byul. Her eyes widen and she stops walking.
“H-hike?” She stutters. 
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. Let’s go,” He says. Byul groans as she follows both Namjoon and Moonji to their cars so they can drive up to the hiking trails.
“You’re going to make me hike AND drive??” She complains. 
“I was going to read but you insisted we get out,” Namjoon says with a smile. “It’ll be worth it, don’t worry~”
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“Shall we go for a walk?” Jimin says to Yuna. She nods, putting Mingyu down. Right when his little feet touched the ground he was off.
“Oh, we’re running,” Yuna says, running after her son. Jimin laughs as Mingyu’s little legs don't stop. He’s been walking a lot lately, but this was the first time he was running running.
“When did his legs get so strong!?” Yuna exclaims, running next to him.
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“What should we do?” Jin asks, putting his hands on his hips. 
“Let’s play tag!” Sian yells, running towards Jin and slamming his hand onto Jin’s stomach. “You’re it!”
“I’m not ready!” Jin yells, starting to stretch. “Give me a minute.”
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Mae laughs from where she was sitting. Taking a picture of her husband.
Sian came running towards you and Youngjae.
“Youngjae Uncle Jin’s it! RUN,” he yells. Right when the words went through his ears, he went past you and ran to where Minseok and Sian were.
“Jin! HANEUL WANTS TO PLAY TOO!” Mae calls out. “Go, go run to daddy,” she tells him, tapping his little butt.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH,” Jin yells, sprinting towards Taehyung and you and tagging Taehyung.
“What?!” He says in surprise, turning to you and tagging you next. 
“I’m not even playing!” You yell out when he runs away from you. Jin runs towards Haneul, swiftly picking him up and running with him.
“Who’s it?” Jin asks. You smile, running up to him.
“Taehyung is!” You tell him, running next to his side. 
“Okay we’re good, he’s where the boys are at,” Jin says, already out of breath. 
“Just kidding,” you say, tagging him and Haneul. “You’re it!” 
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Meanwhile, Yoongi, Sohyun, and Hana were playing in the water. 
“Daddy!” Hana giggles, stomping in the water. “You have to get in!”
Yoongi shakes his head. “I'm good sweetie,” he says, putting his hand up. Sohyun then whispers to Hana, both of them looking at Yoongi suspiciously. Although, he doesn’t notice because he was trying to take a cute picture of his daughter.
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“Now!” Sohyun says, the two girls running towards Yoongi.
“Huh? Whatwhatwhat,” he says, already whining as the girls pull him into the water. “AaiiSH.” 
“Success!” Sohyun says, both her and Hana putting their hands up.
“Yeah?” Yoongi says, sweeping Sohyun off her feet.
“What’re you doing??!” She says, Yoongi replies with a little laugh, walking towards a deeper end to the water before dropping Sohyun. 
“AH!” As soon as her head resurfaced, I mean, it wasn’t that deep, he turned around to get his daughter.
“No!” Hana yelled and she giggled as she tried to run through the water, away from her dad.
After a short drive, Huimang, Hoseok, and Sarang were sitting at the back of the van, eating some food.
“So I came to the conclusion,” Huimang says, Sarang and Hoseok exchanged looks with each other as they didn’t know where she was going with this. 
“Hana asked Uncle Yoongi for a brother and I just want a sibling,” she pouts. “I think it’s time.” Sarang and Hoseok both look at each other and Sarang bursts out laughing.
“Sweetie, Uncle Yoongi can’t have babies, only mommies can remember?” Sarang tells her. Sarang looks up at Hoseok and sees him staring at her with a wide smile.
“Babe that’s two against one we have to now,” he says, giving Huimang a high five. Sarang scoffs.
“What? No,” she says. “We need to wait for a while, let Hope be the only child for just a little longer.”
Hoseok looks at Huimang and they both turn to Sarang at the same time with the same pout.
“See, you two are always doing this! If we have another one, I won’t have a say in anything. Another cute face is the last thing I need right now,” Sarang says, facing away from them.
“Right now? So tomorrow can be different?” Huimang asks, scooting closer to you.
“Good one,” Hoseok says. Sarang can’t help but smile at them being silly. 
“I’ll say yes when Sohyun does, deal?”
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“Soojinie, where are you taking me?” Jungkook asks, as Soojin pulls him inside the house.
“Mommy hid the banana milk,” she says. Jungkook instantly got where she was going.
“I see,” he says, picking her up. “Well Uncle Kookie knows exactly where she put it.” The two sneakily went into the kitchen and dug the top shelf of the fridge to grab some banana milk.
“What are you two doing?”
Jungkook and Soojin both slowly turned around.
“Hi Auntie Rin,” Soojin says, waving at her innocently. 
“Soojinie I thought mommy said no banana milk earlier,” Rina says, pulling out a chair and sitting down.
“Yeah but Uncle Kookie is getting me it,” she says. Rina laughs at her reasoning.
“Well if you get in trouble it’s on Uncle Kookie not me.”
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“My legs are getting tired,” you say as you got farther and farther into the hike. After the game of tag with the boys and Jin, you and Tae decided to have some time alone. With Youngjae of course.
“We’re almost at the top!” Taehyung cheers. “We got this!”
“Mommy can you carry me, I’m tired too,” Youngjae says, lifting his arms up. 
“Taehyung,” you say, pointing to your son. “Too tired.” Taehyung laughs, walking towards Youngjae and easily lifting him up.
“You want me to carry you too?” he asks. 
“Can you?” Taehyung laughs at your answer, already kneeling down to pick you up when you laugh and push him away slightly.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” you say. 
When you get to the top, you sigh at the view.
“Worth it right?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Have you been here before?” You ask. Taehyung nods.
“Yeah, by myself. It’s my favorite spot to be alone at. Not that I was never by myself, but it’s where I just fully relax and all my worries fly away.” He says, looking out at the view. He turns to you. “It’s a special place for me.”
“And you’re bringing us here?” You say. “Wouldn’t that ruin it?” Taehyung scoffs.
“Ruin it?? I’ve always wanted to take someone special here. It happened to be perfect timing that we got together and we ended up going near my special places.”
“I think it’s fate,” Youngjae says, putting his arm over the edge and feeling the breeze.
“Oh my gosh, be careful,” you say, pulling your son back a bit.
Taehyung laughs. “Yeah, I guess it can be fate.” He turns to you as you both are looking at the view. 
“You know you still owe me something and this would be a great way to pay me back.” You frown at him.
“Owe you for what?”
Taehyung glanced at Youngjae and he looked like he knew where this was going.
“I’m going to go sit on that rock,” he pointed, it was away from the edge, but not far from you two. He just quietly sat there and faced away.
“Ugh I love him,” Taehyung says, turning back to you. He pushed back the hair that was flying all over your face, letting his hand rest on your cheek.
Before he got any closer, he looked around, making sure no one was there to stop them.
“Finally,” he says, you laugh as he gets closer.
“Hurry up before something happens,” you say, pulling him closer and smashing your lips together. 
Up in the mountains, a beautiful view, a nice cool breeze, and no interruptions~
Except little Youngjae was quietly giggling as he knew what was going on behind him.
But he’s a good boy.
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mini me
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ part twenty-seven: a good boy ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
pairings: artist!taehyung x singlemom!reader
a/n: this was fun!!! i hope you like it!!! it’s almost 3am!!! im so sleepy!!! i have a presentation in the morning!!! but i wanted to do this!!! so it’s on me!!! so pls, enjoy💖
ps. it’s almost 8am and i just realized that i had the wrong character on the last picture annxjshdja just changed it 🙂
taglist: @heartfeltscribblings @taexmichi @prdshobi @smarshere @i-swear-im-a-soft-stan @igotarmyofarohas @butterflylion @miagracegrande @casspirit0705 @ephyra1230 @cosmicdaylight @bbyjoonies @betysotelo18 @strwberry-jam @rjsmochii @chocobetterknot @notmontae97 @alpaca1612 @yoongistruth @dragonqueen01 @silentlyimpractical @hecticwonderer @joanc24 @hopesvlle @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @sweetmoonlight9 @samros95 @dreamcatcherjiah @sonderkook @taekookcaneatme @listless-losers @kookietsukkie @goldenchemistry @salty-for-suga @peoplejustcanthandlemywierdness @softboyfriendtae @raplineh0e @ess-place @callmepaopao @ggukvii @ramyagovindraj @yoongiverse @mipetronella @cloudy-skys @jikachoo @nxtrogers @kookoo-kachoo @taestannie @hispoutylips @hallofbtsmasterlist
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