#it’s drives me insane how everything leads to you one way or another
blushweddinggowns · 6 months
 “So let me get this straight. You met a hot guy, conned him into a date with you, lied about who you were to get into his pants and still failed. Then kept going, bought a new phone and rented a fake apartment, fell in love him, continued this elaborate ruse for four months, and now you want me to figure out a way for you to get out of it?”
“Oh my fucking god,” Chrissy nearly screeched into his ear, “That is what you have been doing? Have you lost your damn mind?!”
“Obviously, yes!” Eddie yelled right back, feeling fraught as hell. He was pacing back and forth, a cigarette in hand as he spoke, “I never planned on ending up here!”
“Really? Because this whole shit show seemed to need a lot of planning. Is this really what happens when I leave you unsupervised? I am never letting you out of the house again.”
Eddie was well aware he deserved the ribbing. He deserved much worse, but that didn’t change the fact that he was desperate, “Chris, I’m serious. I need help.”
“Eddie, I love you but come on. You need a plane ticket and an apology muffin basket and to move on. This guy doesn’t even know you.”
“It’s not like that,” Eddie said as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair, “It’s-okay. I’m still me with him. It’s like…I’m acting like who I would have been if I was never famous. I don’t know how else to describe it.”
“Have you tried delusional? Also, can I get a picture of this guy? How hot can one dude be to drive you-”
“I’m serious,” Eddie interupted, irritation coloring his voice, “I told him everything. The shit about my parents, Wayne, the drugs, you, everything.”
“You realize that everything would include your real name right? And again, a picture for the love of god would really help put this in perspective-”
“You know what I mean,” Eddie sighed. She still wasn’t getting it, “I’m in love with him. Like Chris, he was made for me. And if I had just stuck to tattooing instead of doing the music shit then I’m pretty sure he’d think the same of me.”
He could hear a small intake of breath on her end, her voice coming out a bit more concerned than before, “Eds, are you serious?”
“Dead. I… I think he’s the one,” No, that was another lie. Eddie took a deep breathe before admitting the truth, “He is the one. And… I don’t want to lose him. I can’t lose him.”
“Honey, it’s an infatuation. A really, really strong one, but still-”
“Chrissy. Listen to me. I want to marry him. Do you understand me now?”
If that didn’t get through to her nothing else would. Because Chrissy Cunningham had spent hours upon hours of listening to Eddie complain about the institution of marriage since fucking highschool. How it was all a farce, just some bullshit people pulled for tax reasons and patriarchal idealism. And now here he was, fucking day dreaming about the perfect happily ever after with the love of his life. 
“Oh Jesus,” Chrissy groaned, the sineritcy Eddie was looking for finally creeping into her voice, “Sweetie, I’m so sorry… but I think you might have fucked yourself too big on this one.”
“Isn’t there something I can do?” Eddie pleaded into the phone, like Chrissy actually had all the power in the world to fix this, “What if I just lead a double life? Couldn’t that work?” 
He had seen a movie about that once or twice. It was a thing. Or if it wasn’t then he could make it one.
But Chrissy didn’t seem too convinced, “Eddie, honey, you’re describing the plot of Hannah Montana like it can actually be a solution. Do you realize how insane that is? Do you not get how far you’ve fallen?”
from the next chapter of this fic
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fruitmins · 9 months
Agust Dad—Three
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry and change your fate forever.
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: none I think, just pure angst, Yoongi’s kinda stalkerish but that’s okay
<next part>
note: I don’t wanna drag this out but I don’t wanna make the chapters to long😭 anyways my life has been crazy lately and this story gives me life so THANK YOU SM for all of the support I love you ALL. Updated the tag list for whoever asked to be on it🫶🏽
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @tatyhend @jiminiesunicorn @littlestarstinyseven @baechugff @thelilbutifulthings @tearykth @familiarlikemymirror3 @coree730 @prajusstuff @wobblewobble822 @choisoorin @manuosorioh @0funsite0 @whipwhoops @bergandysam @aloverga @illnevertrustmyselfagain @silentreadersthings
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You thought blocking him would fix the problem. Even though you both worked in the same building, you thought blocking him would make everything go away. You thought he would get a hint and let your breathe.
You actually woke up the next morning with a sense of relief – you’re done with Yoongi. He’s finally out of your life and won't be causing more drama and heartbreak.
Or so you thought.
A loud knock on your front door brings you back to harsh reality very quickly. You weren’t expecting anyone, and it's way too early in the day to be a package or delivery. No one made any prior plans to visit you.
In fact, you hadn’t really talked to anyone since the incident besides a couple family members. But they were way to far from Seoul to suddenly drive to your house.
You stumble to your front door, rubbing your eyes as you try to adjust to the light. You have your hand on the doorknob, prepared to open it as you take a small glance through the peephole.
Oh, it’s Yoongi.
It registers in your head and you quickly do a double take, leaning down more to get a better view.
Oh, it’s YOONGI.
He’s head is down as he looks at his phone, so you can’t get the clearest look at his features but you recognize the luxurious long black hair. You recognize the nice black blazer that he always seems to have on. You recognize his freakishly pale skin and his long fingers and veiny hands.
Min Yoongi is at your doorstep at six o clock in the morning.
You quickly swing your door open, causing his head to snap up from his phone as you stare at him with wide eyes.
“What are you doing here?”
You get deja vu as you whisper yell at him, afraid you’d alert the neighbors or some crazy fan would realize that Min Yoongi is on your doorstep.
You should be asking how he got your address and number, but your mind is too much of a mess to ask the right questions.
“Why can’t I come check up on you?” Yoongi frowns, irritated by your cold welcome and you stare at him like he is an alien.
Before you can answer his insane question, he speaks up again. “Wow this house is treacherous.” He mumbles as he glancing around your porch.
You shake your head, dismissing the sudden rude remark on your house. “Yoongi are you insane? You can’t come here like this.” You say in a quiet voice again, glancing around your neighborhood but nothing has changed.
“You blocked me.” Yoongi states, his tone making it sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world but his expression was still blank.
“Well I did it because I didn’t want to talk to you.” You state harshly, making it clear how crazy he looked by somehow finding your address and showing up anyways.
He just stands there, remaining unfazed by your outbursts, his gaze never wavering. Instead of saying something back, he simply pushes a piece of paper you hadn’t notice he had, towards you.
You give him a confused look as you take the paper before glancing down to look at it. Upon closer inspection your eyes catch certain words.
Your eyes widen as you realize what the piece of paper was.
You don’t know what you’re going to say, but as you glance back up at him you attempt to move your mouth anyways. He speaks again before you can say even anything. “Take the paternity test.”
You remain silent as you stare down at the paternity test in your hands, the silence between you growing more and more intense. "If the baby isn’t mine, you can block me and I’ll leave you alone. But if it’s mine, I want to be involved..”
For the first time every, you see a hint of emotion in his eyes. His blank expression softens, revealing a hint of who he might really be. “I want to be there.”
You don't say anything, but inside your heart's beating a mile a minute and your thoughts are spinning around your mind as you try to process everything. This moment feels far too surreal, like something out of a drama that only exists in fiction.
Of course you couldn’t believe his words. After everything you spilled to him yesterday, you couldn’t just hop back into his arms. You couldn’t just trust him again. You want to tell him off for showing up at your door like this in the first place.
But still, a faint flicker of hope springs inside you. A tiny voice whispers things in your ear that maybe things will be different. Maybe you won’t be alone. Just maybe you could trust him.
"Fine, I'll take the test." As soon as the words leave your mouth, you feel a pang of regret. You can’t deny him the right to know if it’s his, even if you knew that it was already biologically. He was the only man you’d slept with for almost a year.
Without giving him much time to process your words, you close the door breathing heavily as you tired to calm your thoughts. You try to focus on other things for the time being, but despite your efforts to think positively and be strong, a nagging feeling of dread never leaves you. You feel a heavy weight sink in your stomach as you worry about the future and your baby.
You retreat to your room, shutting the door behind you. You take the paternity test out, and after a moment of hesitation, you start taking it. You take a sample of your spit and see that Yoongi has already done the same.
You try to keep your mind blank while you do it, but as soon as you start collecting the sample, your brain is flooded with thoughts of Yoongi and your time together. The night, the sex, everything.
You can’t help but wonder how the you and Yoongi would look together, holding a little baby in your arms with him next to you. You can’t help but think about things as if it was another universe were you met on simpler terms.
Your thoughts quickly spiral into a fantasy, and by the time you finish taking the test, your cheeks are red.
You know it’s stupid but you can’t help but think about what’s going to come after the test gets back to you. It’s going to be proof that the baby is his and he claims to want to be involved.
That he wants to be there.
That he’s here now.
Your mind wanders back to the conversation you had in your office. How you told him over and over that he had abandoned you. And in response, here he was saying that he was here for you.
You don’t know how long you can believe him and you don’t know if the desire to care for the baby will go away.
But one things for certain is that the test will come back positive.
And you’ll no longer escape the reality of what awaits you.
Before you know it, Yoongi shows up to your house a couple days later but this time you actually invited him.
You know that you couldn’t tell him at the company cause you could be caught and it’s not something you should tell him through text, so you invited him to your house.
The doorbell rings and your eyes go to the clock above the door.
It's early, but not that early. With your heart racing, you head to the door and slowly it open to reveal... Yoongi.
You remain frozen for a moment before speaking, your throat dry.
He looks as handsome as ever, though he seems more cautious and serious than usual. He knows why he is here, and you know why he is here.
So you push back any thoughts that aren’t necessary and any memories that don’t need to be brought back. "Hello," you say simply, not knowing what else to say.
"Hello," he greets you, eyes skimming over your stomach, which isn’t yet visible but will be soon.
“Come in..” you say in a quiet voice turning away from him and going to the couch in the living room. Your heart starts racing as you begin to feel anxious about the conversation that lies ahead.
Yoongi enters your house, but the air is tense. The silence hangs so thick that you could cut it with a knife.
Eventually, he speaks up, his tone stiff.
"Did you get the results back?" he asks, his deep voice cuts through the silence.
Immediately your heartbeat goes up a notch, and you silently nod in response. “I did..” you mumble, swallowing hard as you pick up the paper off the table and slowly hand it to him, your heart thumping as you watch him closely.
A moment passes as he scans the paper in silence, taking his time and processing the implications.
Finally, he hands the paper back to you, his expression unreadable and the tension in the room as thick as ever.
There, it's all out in the open now, and there's no going back. You’ve officially connected yourself to Min Yoongi.
"So... it's true then."
Yoongi's words hang in the air, heavy.
You nod, your throat squeezed shut with anxiety and worry. Yoongi's gaze wanders across your face, his expression unreadable. His mind must be racing with thoughts of what to do next.
The silence stretches on forever before he finally speaks again. “We need to talk about this," he says calmly, and his tone is decisive.
You take a deep breath before speaking. “Well, I already told you I plan on raising it alone.” You state in a low voice, not making eye contact with him.
Yoongi exhales a shaky frustrated breath, his emotions taking the wheel once more. He takes a moment to collect himself before finding the right words. "And you think I'm just supposed to sit by and let that happen?" He challenges.
You blink, and for a moment, you can tell how serious he's being and you know you’re being stubborn but you can’t help but think of all the package Yoongi came with. His career, his fans, his schedule.
“It’ll just be easier for you and for me if you weren’t involved.” You state, with a heavy sigh. Yoongi's expression doesn't change, but his body language shifts. He crosses his arms and leans against the wall, the tension in his stance palpable.
"Easier for you, maybe. But don’t you think the baby has a right to know who its father is?” He asks and the question catches you by the throat and makes it dry.
Your stomach is filled with guilt, because you know he has a point. You go quiet at the moment, suddenly feeling guilty Yoongi had a right to be involved and the baby had the right to have a father.
And if Yoongi has asked this question, then maybe he was being serious. Maybe he actually cared about the child.
“So, how much do you want to be involved in?” You ask, glancing up at him to see that his eyes narrow momentarily before he responds, but his tone gradually softens as he sees the guilt in your eyes.
"I want to know the baby," he says, the softness in his tone taking you by surprise. "I want to be there for everything, from the first doctor's visits to the first words. I want to be part of its life."
You notice that whenever he says "the baby", his eyes flick towards your stomach as he speaks, even though there’s not visual of the baby even being there.
“What about your career? What about the media?” You question, slightly worried how his fans will react, how his company will react. It wasn’t everyday an idol got some random woman knocked up.
Yoongi relaxes a little after you concede the point, no longer challenging you. "Don't worry about that," Yoongi says quickly, his voice full of determination.
"The media's always going to make a big fuss, but I'll handle it. I'll handle everything. You shouldn’t stress about anything, especially if it’s not your problem to worry about."
His words make your heart flutter, but you're not sure if it's happiness or anxiety. It was like when he looked at the paper, his whole demeanor changed. His whole mindset changed, and you don’t know if you should be excited or worried.
"Listen," he says softly, "I never dreamed that something like this would happen, but now that it has, I want to make sure this baby has the best life possible. I’m not going to take the easy way out, that’s not what a real man does.” He states and despite his tough exterior, Yoongi is determined to be a present father for your child-to-be.
It’s silent again, millions of thoughts and emotions racing through your mind. “Well, I have a seven week appointment, if you want to come..” You mumble in a quiet voice.
“I’ll be there.”
He says, way to quickly.
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torialefay · 25 days
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Take It Like A Real Man
sub!chan x dom!afab!reader 🔞
✨ synopsis: Chris has been a consistent dom throughout your entire relationship, which is why you are very surprised when he asks for one of your biggest sexual fantasies to come true.
✨ request from: @chrizzztopherbang
✨ warnings: degradation, offensive language, anal play, pegging, probably some more?
You’d been toying with Chan for the past several weeks. With the way that he made you feel, how could you not?
You loved your boyfriend, don’t get me wrong. And sex with him was amazing every time. But maybe you just wanted to… spice things up a bit?
Chan was the most dominant guy you’d ever been with in the bedroom. Choking you, spanking you, and pounding the absolute shit out of you almost every day. You felt so small underneath him. Like a toy to him. But lately… you thought about what it would be like for him to be a toy for you.
He’d been looking too good recently. Walking around in his slutty little tank tops and his sweatpants. His jaw was looking sharper than usual and you could tell his biceps were getting bigger day by day. You’d almost shudder from excitement every time he came up to hug you from behind, feeling the outline of his bulge graze you ever so slightly, though you knew that wasn’t his intention. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly one thing, but there was something (everything) about him that was driving you insane.
So you decided to… test the waters. You began to initiate the make-outs more. You decided you’d be the one to climb on top of him more. The first to grind into him and take charge. To push him down and hold him there while you rode him on top. And the more you got comfortable, you felt like you could be rougher too, lightly choking him and whispering dirty things to him.
And by his reaction, you could tell that he fucking loved it. However, by the end of the night, he always ended up taking over. He’d still fuck you into oblivion with your face in the pillow until you couldn’t breathe. No matter what you did to him, he was a dom after all.
One day after work, a bright sign caught your attention. You’d driven past it a million times without a second thought. But today, something about it felt different. The sign for a sex shop.
You figured it couldn’t hurt to go in and look around. Maybe buy a few things that looked fun. You strolled through each section, getting some essentials like lube and sex toy cleaner. But as you walked past, the bondage and sub sections caught your eye. One thing specifically. A strap on harness with a vibrator built in for your clit.
You couldn’t help but be curious. And let’s be real, Chan would never want that… Would he? He’d always ended up giving into his dom tendencies no matter how much you offered up.
‘It would be stupid to buy it,’ you said to yourself, pulling your arm back in. ‘Just a waste of money.’
After you’d stepped only a few feet away, you were already stopped by another product you’d only ever seen online. A cock ring.
You took the box into your hands, reading it over and flipping it around to get a good look. It didn’t look too intimidating. Nothing too scary.
‘Now this… maybe this I could work with,’ you grinned.
You balanced the box in your hands along with your other products. You turned on your heels to exit the section and head towards the register before you could be tempted by anything else that you saw. Everything that Chan wouldn’t want.
You walked only a few feet though before you stopped. Your mind couldn’t kick it out. The strap on. How hot Chan would look under you. If he was able to take it all and give in to you. How fucking beautiful he would look moaning for you and getting so overstimulated that he couldn’t stand it.
Fogging your head, you decided to just buy the damn thing. ‘So what if I lose some money?’ you thought. A girl can dream.
A few months had gone by with a pretty similar routine. You’d often take the lead at the beginning, and about halfway through, Chan would finish it off. That is, IF Chan didn’t initiate it first and set you up from the beginning.
But today felt a bit different.
Chris had just gotten home looking (surprise) fucking delicious. It had been a late night studio session, so you could see the tiredness in his eyes. Which is why you were startled when he seemed to actually be in a great mood.
“Hey baby!” he said, coming up to squeeze you in a hug on the couch and nuzzling his head against your cheek. So cute. So different from his tendencies in the bedroom.
“Well someone’s happy!” you giggled back. “Good day today?”
He looked at you with excited eyes. “We finally got done with a track we’d been stuck on for weeks. I think it turned out so good. This is really one of the best songs I think we’ve made,” he smiled.
You gave him a tight squeeze. “That’s great baby. I’m so proud of you.” You leaned in to place a soft peck to his nose.
He blushed a bit as he said thank you.
On instinct, you scooted yourself to the side of the couch a bit. “Wanna lay your head down?” you asked, patting your lap.
You knew this was Chan’s favorite. Laying his head on you and letting you brush your fingers through his curls, massaging his scalp as you went. It was the most amazing way for him to destress. But at this moment, when he got it and he wasn’t even stressed? Well that was an even higher rush for him.
He grinned ear to ear as he moved to lie on his back and place his head perfectly in the middle of your lap, giving you access to him right underneath you.
You continued to talk about both of your days. The best and the worst parts. Apparently the boys were annoying all day, so having the good session tonight was exactly what Chan needed. You talked to him about the song, with him teasing you and telling you he wasn’t gonna show you yet.
“You know that’s not fair!” you protested, trying to pout. “Come on pleaseeeee.”
“No, I’m not gonna show you,” he teased again, shaking his head cutely.
You began to run your hands more softly and slower through his hair, hoping it would coerce him a bit. Let him know that you would take your time with him.
“It’s okay,” you smirked. “You’re gonna give in anyways.” Did you sound like a know-it-all? Yes. But did you sound like a cute know-it-all? Also yes.
Chris smiled. “Not this time. I’m putting my foot down.” He innocently raised one leg on the couch just to push it down sharply as if he were fake stomping.
“Oh really?” you started, dragging your voice down. You began to slowly glide one hand from his head, down his neck, and then to comfortably rub across his pecs, massaging them at your own pace. “I’ll do anything,” you plead with big eyes, trying your best to seduce him into it.
Chan put a look on his face to act like he was puzzled. “Aaanything?”
“Say the word-“ you leaned down to press a short kiss to his mouth, “and it’s yours.”
You took this moment to rub down further, down his abs, tracing lines along the way, until you got just above his waistband. You teased around a bit, dragging your finger along as if contemplating what to do with it.
You waited patiently as Chan wiggled underneath you. Observing his reactions, you realized how blushed he was.
“Is this what you want?” you asked softly, moving a few fingers past the band of his boxers. You didn’t want to touch him- yet. Just wanted to watch him and see what he would do.
“Mhmm,” he huffed out, repositioning his head so that he could see better.
After massaging around him and around his thighs, you brought your hand up to your mouth. You spit in it as best you could before lowering it back to it’s original position.
This time, you snaked your hand straight down to where his dick was. Almost completely hard already without you having to touch it. You decided you’d be bold.
“Oh, is this what you like baby? You like this?” you smiled menacingly as you rubbed up and down, covering his cock with the saliva.
Chan was embarrassed. You could tell. Was it because he didn’t like it but didn’t have the heart to tell you? Or was it because he was enjoying this more than he thought he should… you being in charge of him. Talking to him like this.
From how hard his dick was underneath your hand, you were willing to bet it was the second one.
You let yourself stroke a little bit harder, making sure to swirl the tip of your thumb around his opening. He hissed slightly at the feeling.
“What is it baby? Feels too good? You can’t even talk to me?” You teased.
Chan just wiggled in response, bucking up into your hand for more contact.
You let him go on for a few seconds before abruptly pulling your hand away. Now was the time to try.
“If you don’t tell me what you want, I can’t give you anything baby,” you smiled, knowing how flustered he was.
Chan relaxed his head as he laid it back, closing his eyes and letting himself catch his breath. After a few deep breaths, he gave a hesitant sigh. You watched as he began to fidget with his fingers. Knobby and lacing around each other, they were almost shaking. He looked… mad?
With one final suck of air, he sat himself up. You didn’t quite know how to react.
“I’m sorry,” you said impulsively as he turned his body toward yours. You were a bit frantic trying to fix things. “I didn’t mean to push you into doing something you don’t like. I know you’d rather be in control, and I like that too. Let’s go back to that, okay?”
“No, it’s not-“ Chan cleared his throat. “It’s not that.” He cracked his knuckles while looking down. “I need to talk to you about something first… I’ve wanted to talk to you about it for a while, but I guess I’ve just been nervous about what you’ll say and how you’ll react and what you’ll think of me, and just, I don’t know. Maybe I’m making it a big deal for nothing. I just don’t want you to think differently of me if you’re not into it and maybe if it’s weird to you. I don’t want you to feel like you’re being pressured into anything. And I don’t want you to think it’s not enough for me if we don’t do it because I do love the way that we are now. Things have been so great and I don’t want any of this to mess us up-“
“Babe, you’re rambling,” you stared at him. “Whatever it is, it’s okay. You can tell me.”
He held his breath for a moment before continuing. “Promise you won’t judge?”
“I pinky promise.” You reached your hand to rest on top of his, intertwining your pinky finger underneath his own.
He let his pinky grip to it tightly. “Well ever since you’ve been getting, you know, more involved in starting things with me, I have really enjoyed it. But you know it’s kind of just instinct for me to take over. I can’t really help it, you know. Just when you look so good, it gets too hard for me to stop myself…” He waited for a moment before trying to start again. “But I’ve been seeing stuff… Like porn, I mean," he cleared his throat sheepishly. "And that combined with the way you’ve been acting lately, I think- I think I’d like to try something. But it’s kind of weird and nothing we’ve ever talked about, so you can absolutely say no. I mean, I may have even ended up hating it, so maybe it’s best we didn’t even have this conversation and we just forget about it so-“.
“Christopher! Please for the love of God just tell me. What do you want to try?” You’d spoken louder than you’d meant to.
Fidgeting with his hands again, he finally admitted it. “I want to let you be more dominant. And I want you to be in control the whole time.”
“That’s it? You’re embarrassed about that?” you almost cackled over how ridiculous it was for him to make such a big deal about that. It wasn’t like you weren’t slowly working your way there.
“Well, no. I also wanted to try… maybe, I don't know... pegging? Like if you were pegging me. If it’s weird, we don’t have to, but I’ve been th-“ he got cut off by the sound of you.
“Oh my gosh!!!” you sprung up from your seat and quickly made your way to the closet. There, at the back, you’d had your secret stash hidden away for months. You grabbed the bag filled with lube, the strap on, and the cock ring. You squealed as you ran back into the living room where your boyfriend was waiting with a confused face. He squinted his eyes at you, waiting for you to go on.
“Okay SO,” you started, voice full of pep, “a little while back, I was just shopping around and, well, I saw these and thought maybe one day, I’d be able to convince you to let us try.” You smiled as you pulled out both the strap on and the cock ring at the same time, letting the lube in the bag hit the ground.
Chris started laughing, not able to believe his eyes. “Hahaha, no wayyy,” he carried his raised voice.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” you teased, swaying your hips as you walked up closer to him. As you took a seat on the couch, you snaked your arms around his neck. You gave him a few quick pecks on his lips before smirking and running one hand down his torso as slowly as you could, letting him enjoy it. You leaned in beside his ear, letting hot breath hit it for a moment. “We need to move this to the bedroom. But you’re gonna be good and listen to me this time, okay?”
You felt Chan shiver and get shy all of a sudden. “Okay,” a tiny grin appeared as he crossed his hands in his lap.
You stood first, holding your hand out for him to grab onto. You quickly bent to retrieve your lube and new toys. You gently pulled Chan’s hand along to follow as you made your way to the bedroom. As you walked, you were silently thankful that you’d already taken everything out of the box to clean it.
You gingerly tossed everything onto the bed before turning to wrap your arms around Chan’s neck again. As you found his lips, you used your position as an advantage to pull his neck down and his face closer to yours.
Chan scared to put his hands on you, you pulled back, smiling, feeling like you’d won already. “You can touch me now, Channie.”
He blushed before resting his veiny hands on your waist. This time, you were sure you would attach your lips to his permanently. As you kissed, you bit and tugged and pulled as Chan gave into you. He let out little moans as you kept pulling him in closer, devouring every inch of his plump lips. You ravaged until you couldn’t stand it anymore.
With a dramatic gasp, rushing air into your tight lungs, you pulled back. You stared into his face. It was so nervous yet excited. It was the most endearing thing you’d ever seen. You smirked as you watched him groveling.
“Clothes off. Now.” you instructed.
You watched as Chan immediately was humbled. Without hesitation, he stripped himself of his top, revealing his rough abs, which he seemed to be shy about all of a sudden. He covered himself by crossing his arms slightly as he pulled his pants down and stepped out of them.
You stood, running your eyes up and down his exposed body, cocking one brow. You knew he felt so exposed like this.
“Underwear?” you ordered more than asked.
He looked so small as he hunched over to remove them, revealing his already semi-hard cock.
You smiled, obviously staring at his dick. “You’re that excited already?”
He gulped, not knowing what to say. Standing meekly, hoping you wouldn’t make him continue with words.
“It’s cute you’re this riled up for me baby,” you said, walking in closer and quickly grabbing his dick in your hands. You began to stroke it quickly, dry, with no warning.
He hissed in response, contorting his face.
“I think we could do better though, huh? Pull my clothes off of me,” you demanded.
He hurriedly reached to the hem of your shirt to pull it up and over your head. He hooked around for the bra straps next, running his arms around your back as quickly as he could. He didn’t want to disappoint you so soon.
You swatted at his arms. “Did I say you could see my tits? So fucking greedy… Take off my shirt and pants ONLY. I don’t want to have to say it again.”
If the instantaneous stiffening of Chan’s dick was any indication of how much he was enjoying this, then he must have been on goddamn cloud nine.
He whimpered slightly, moving his hands back slowly and down to the area just below your waist. He swiftly undid the buttons on your jeans and lowered himself to be able to remove them from you fully.
“Stay,” you instructed.
You couldn’t have loved this sight more. Your boyfriend bent for you, looking up with doe eyes. Right at the level of your pussy. What could be more perfect?
You placed a hand in his hair, harshly pushing his head forward until it was almost touching you.
“Lick. Now. Like you fucking mean it.” Your voice came out bitchier than you thought possible. But that was the point.
Chan hurriedly leaned in to run his tongue along the outside of your clothed pussy, starting from bottom to top. The slight sensation felt almost too good after all of the pent up tension you’d been feeling. You watched the way his tongue moved slowly, up and down. If he wasn’t in this position, you’d think he was teasing you. But with your hand resting on the back of his head, you knew you’d have full control. And he knew that too.
Chan moved his tongue suddenly, intently, to the side of your pussy, toying at the fabric of your underwear. It was like he was trying to move it out of the way with the force of his tongue only.
“Keep going,” you instructed, releasing a light moan. “Lick underneath them and keep your eyes up here.”
Chris was quick to follow your instructions, swiftly locking his eyes into yours. You smiled at him- encouragement that he was doing so well for you.
You shivered as he planted his cheek into the side of you pussy, letting his tongue run along underneath the material of the the underwear.
“Taste that baby. You’re gonna taste all of me. Take it in your mouth,” you directed.
You observed the look on his face as he bit the underwear up and into his mouth, inhaling deeply. His eyes shut for a moment, taking in the experience. It looked utterly blissful for him.
“Eyes! I’m not going to fucking tell you again!” you yelled, yanking his head back so that he’d look up at you.
Big, shiny eyes flashed onto yours. Apologetic, but loving. After all of this. He loved this. He relished in this. Nothing could beat this.
“Back to to my pussy. Open your mouth and stick your tongue out,” you ordered him, keeping one hand on his hair as the other reached down to move your underwear out of the way.
Chan did as instructed, which earned him a pleased smile and a ramming of his head into your pussy. You quickly guided his head up and down, soaking his nose and tongue in your juices. The combination hit just the right spot.
You froze as you felt the euphoric combination. His nose hitting you clit with his tongue poked perfectly into your entrance.
“Right there, holy shit,” you moaned, fucking his face in this position. You held his head steady as you bounced yourself up and down on him. The feeling was almost indescribable.
You felt him trying to pull back slightly, needing to search for air.
“You don’t breathe unless I tell you to fucking breathe!” you shouted, pushing his face in harder.
You watched him sink down slightly, his body creeping lower to the floor. You used this to your advanced, moving your hips with a quickening speed across his face.
Going and going and going until you almost couldn’t anymore.
Once you were almost satisfied, you bunched Chan’s hair in your hand and yanked him off of you. His eyes scrunched closed as he heaved in heavily, gasping and panting heavily.
“Finally put that big fucking nose to good use, huh? You liked that, didn’t you? Burying your nose so deep in my fucking cunt? You’re such a dirty boy.”
You used the hand that was once holding your underwear to rest on his chin, spreading your thumb to hold one side of his face and the rest of your fingers on the other. You squeezed his cheeks hard, making his lips puff out as you lowered yourself to get closer to his level.
You leaned in to plant a kiss to his waiting lips. You slid your hand down to release his face and instead take hold around his neck. Your other hand laced around to take residence in the hair at the back of his head.
Now, you kissed, him deeply, throwing yourself into him and making him take it all. He threw his tongue into your mouth, letting out soft mewls as you bit back.
You were so lost in the kiss that your head began to spin, moving his head in every direction to gain access to new parts of his mouth.
You began to stand, clutching Chan’s neck to pull him up with you, never disconnecting his lips from yours. The smell of saliva and your juices took over as you each buried yourselves in. Locking into each other as you were both fully erect.
You each tangled your hands around each other as you stood for a long few moments, enjoying the passion between the two of you before you started toying with him once again.
Once the air was rushing out of your head, you pulled yourself back harshly. You scanned over his beautiful face, drenched in liquid. His lips were red and puffy, his eyes clouded over, but chipper as if awaiting what was to come next.
‘This fucking boy,’ you thought.
You quickly spit onto your hand as you hastened your hand down to grab Chan’s dick again. Jerking quickly, you could tell by his face that it was completely overstimulating all too quickly. But you couldn’t help it. He just looked too cute.
He whimpered as you kept going, looking like he would lose his breath at any moment. The sounds just turned you on more.
“You can’t even handle this? Can’t handle getting your dick touched without fucking blowing? You better not fucking cum Christopher,” you demanded.
Chan’s face contorted, puffing out his cheeks and throwing his head back to stifle any moans that would have come out. His face was visibly red. His abs began to twitch as you stroked him even harder. Faster. You knew he wouldn’t be able to last anymore. His dick peaked, as hard as you’d ever felt it. A new sensation had been unlocked. A few more pumps and he’d be over.
As suddenly as you started, you jerked your hand back and off of him. Below, you watched in awe as his dick was still quivering from the arousal it had been getting. Up and down, back and forth, slightly as he let out muffled whines, eyes almost tearing up.
You chuckled softly, making sure it was loud enough so that he could hear it. “You really are a subby baby, aren’t you?” you smiled deviously.
Resting a hand on his beating chest, you walked him backward until his knees undid over the bed and he was propelled down.
Wasting no time, you grabbed the brightly-colored lube bottle next to his head and squeezed it out into your hand. It was cold, which you figured would be perfect for the occasion.
You perched yourself on your knees next to Chan, reaching your hands down to begin massaging the lube onto him. He winced at the chill of your touch, but soon started to warm up as you massaged it into him. He let his eyes flutter closed as he began taking deep breaths, enjoying this small stent of peace.
“No falling asleep now,” you teased. “Wake up and put this on,” you demanded, throwing the cock ring at him.
Before he could react, the plastic-y material hit him in the chest, bouncing down to land on his torso. He propped himself up on one elbow, looking down with wide eyes and his mouth gaped.
You watched as he swallowed harshly, looking as if he was trying to find the right words. He took the toy and rotated it around in one hand, searching for an answer.
“Uhmm, I don’t-“ he started, looking defeated. “I don’t think I know how…”
“Awww, little baby can’t figure it out?” you taunted, leaning down. “Can’t wrap his pretty little brain around it? Poor thing.” You quickly jerked it from his hand.
“Watch,” you raised your voice at him, lifting your eyebrows as if to threaten him. You held the ring in your hands, coating it in the left-over, slippery lube. Pressing it down and onto the tip of his dick, it was already a tight fit, wrapping around him snuggly. You admired the way the blood rushed through, leaving the tip of him totally engorged. “Feels good already, doesn’t it?” you giggled as he let out a breath he’d been holding in, writhing and looking pitiful beneath you.
“But you can do more,” you said airily as you began working the ring down his length. He let out small moans and grunts along the way until you made it to the base of his shaft.
It was the perfect size. Just tight enough to keep him wiggling, but not too tight to stop him from experiencing the heightened sensations.
“Mmm, isn’t that better?” You smiled. “Good boy,” you praised, lowering your face to plant a slow kiss on his tip. “For now,” you jolted up. “Now flip over. I want you on your hands and knees,” you instructed.
Chan offered an overt gulp before complying with your request.
Once he’d gotten into position, you could tell he was a bit nervous. This was the most vulnerable he’d ever been with you. And a part of you questioned if he would back out now. Would he make it this far before he realized he couldn’t go through with it?
You pushed the thoughts out of your head, realizing that those were your insecurities in this, not his. And you’d make for fucking sure that he wouldn’t want to stop this.
You grasped his hips and pulled them back, arching his back slightly to get his ass higher up. Stealthily, you held onto each side, rubbing harshly before planting short smacks, leaving behind the sound of sharp skin.
A smile eased across your face as you heard Chan moan the slightest bit. Like he was trying to conceal it.
“What was that?” You smirked, landing a larger, rougher slap to one side of his ass.
His face scrunched up before sucking in sharply.
“I didn’t hear you baby. What is it? Do you need more? You need more before I can even fucking hear you?!” Your words were forceful now. Challenging.
You violently shoved his hips down more so his ass was even more prominent. One after another, you began to plant harsh slaps until his cheeks were visibly more and more red. Loud moans now escaped his lips, growing in intensity with each smack.
Chan started panting heavily, letting out a small cry that only turned you on more.
“Fucking slut,” you muttered. “Like getting spanked by your own girlfriend? Like looking like a sloppy mess for me? Not even able to shut your fucking mouth and take it like a real man?” you taunted him. Hearing Chan’s cries getting louder and louder was all the confirmation you needed.
“Because you’re not, are you?” you chuckled, pulling your hands from him. You quickly pulled the strap on towards you to shimmy inside. You clicked the button to start the vibrator as you secured yourself in place.
“No, you’re not a real man…” you continued as you placed more lube into your hand. You tried to steady yourself as the new buzzing over your clit settled in, knocking you back the slightest bit. After regaining your footing, you went on.
“You’re just a tiny little hole who wants to be used, huh? Is that right?” You rubbed the lube along the length of the dildo strapped onto you. “You just wanna be used like the fucking slut you are?”
With that, you used one hand to place another solid smack over the redness that had already been formed, while using one lubed finger to push slightly into Chan’s asshole.
An auditory moan was heard as the wind was knocked out of him, feeling a sensation he’d never known was possible. You let him adjust slightly before pulling out and pushing back in.
Chan relaxed his arms and let his face hit the mattress as you continued with your finger in him, growing faster and faster by the second.
Tiny whines of pleasure worked their way out of Chan’s throat with every stroke. He began to move his hips along with the motion, throwing his ass backward so you could reach deeper inside him.
“Ahh fuck,” he mumbled as you kept going.
“Goddamn, already cursing for me? That’s not a good sign,” you tsked. “We’re just getting started,” you smiled. Deep panting was all you received in response.
“But the baby wants more, huh? Poor little baby,” you mocked. “You’re gonna get what you get then. And you better take it all without fucking complaining.”
Suddenly, you pulled out and brought a second finger to his hole, inserting them much quicker than you’d done with the first.
Underneath you, Chan gripped the bedsheets with his fists, settling with his mouth wide open and eyes rolled back, holding in any noise he possibly could.
“Ahhh, good boy. See, it isn’t that hard, is it?” you grinned again before beginning to ram your fingers into him quicker. You worked your way up, as fast as you could before curving your fingers into him.
With that, Chan couldn’t help himself. He let out the loudest, most ungodly moan you’d ever heard. Pure ecstasy in every last ounce of breath he put out. You could tell that he was doing all he could to not scream from the pleasure.
His reaction mixed with the tingly feeling that had washed over your clit by this point, got you to the level that you just couldn’t stand it anymore.
After giving him a few more pumps with curved fingers, you pulled out, running your hand along the shaft of the dildo again. He whimpered at the loss of contact, earning him another huge smack, essentially telling him to keep quiet.
“You still can’t shut the fuck up, can you? You like being degraded like this. I never knew my boyfriend was such a fucking whore.” Another slap.
“Now,” you continued, “we’re both gonna sit here until you start acting better and ask nicely for me to put this dick inside of you. And ask like you fucking mean it.”
Chan stilled for a moment, breathing heavily as if his brain was fogged over and he couldn’t comprehend what he needed to do. Slowly, he arched his back further, pushing his ass to the perfect angle. You both sat in silence for a few moments before soft words began to slur from Chan’s mouth.
“Please… will you fuck me?” he whispered timidly, his face the brightest shade of red.
“Maybe if you’d say it loud enough that I could FUCKING hear you!” you yelled, lining yourself up to him. You impatiently let the tip of the dildo circle around his outline. You brought your hands to his waist, grabbing onto him with the most force you could muster, taking him off guard.
Chan yelped loudly at the contact. “Please baby… PLEASE will you fuck me?” he cried out in desperation.
His pleas left you with a soft smile. “See, that wasn’t too hard now was it?” you excessively teased before pulling his waist back to force him down onto the dildo.
As quickly as it filled him, you felt it too. The insane increase in the vibration of the vibrator now rubbing up to the perfect spot on your clit. You let out a harsh moan at the feeling, enjoying this more than you’d thought possible.
“Ahh fuck baby,” you spat out, pulling your hips back before snapping them back in. The pressure was too good for you to handle.
All you could hear was Chris cursing under his breath and letting out the most guttural, obscene moans you’d ever heard. Like a symphony that had just died and been resurrected, unknown that life could take form like this.
He panted heavily, writhing in the sheets as you began to plow into him, faster and faster. Your hands gripped onto him so tightly that you were sure he’d have bruises. But that’s what you wanted. You needed him to slap into you as hard as possible. You needed to feel all of it.
“I’m not gonna-“ Chan tried to get out before pausing to let out a loud whine. “Fuck,” he cried, “I’m not gonna last much longer,” he admitted lowly, ashamed that he was already so close to being on the edge.
“Yes you are,” you smacked his ass again as you thrust in. You wrapped your arms swiftly around his waist to pull his torso upright. The dildo was still resting deep inside of him as his body came up, his back pressing into your chest. You squeezed him again, making sure he was pulled taunt to you before snaking a hand up to his throat.
“You are gonna last longer because I’m fucking telling you to. Is that clear? You’re not done until I cum. Stupid fucking whore,” you threatened, directly into his ear.
Your hips snapped up, not giving him a chance to answer. He could only let out the sweetest moan you’d ever heard.
As you began humping into him, you felt that prominent tingly feeling at your core. You knew if you kept this up, your orgasm would come sooner than you’d hoped. But you couldn’t stop pumping into him. It felt too fucking good. Your clit throbbed and your knees were about to give in, but nothing could hold you back now.
You grabbed Chan’s throat harder, squeezing it until you knew he’d have trouble getting steady breaths in and out. You used this as your vantage point to steady him as your other hand folded around his waist and down to his dick. You grabbed it into your hand quickly, not wasting any time.
He hissed as you began to quickly jerk him up and down while pounding into him, trying to focus on his breathing before giving in entirely.
You felt him clench down onto the dildo, putting more pressure onto it and the vibrator attached. You felt your inner thighs begin to twitch. Your own breathing began to falter out. You knew you needed to make the most of these last few moments.
“You are such a dirty fucking slut, you know that?” you whispered into his ear, licking it softly before turning his head toward you by his throat.
You connected your mouth to his, saliva going everywhere as you devoured him until the last second. Biting at him until you could taste blood. Choking him until he was gasping under you for air. Blood rushing to your head from the adrenaline and the sight of your boyfriend totally and completely at your mercy. Your bitch. Anything you wanted him to be.
You rammed his body down by his throat to push him into you harder, fucking into him with everything you had. Your hand was fast on his dick, working him up to the point that tears began to stream down his face.
“This is what you wanted,” you smiled, biting down on his shoulder. “Wanted to cry your fucking heart out to how good I could use you... Ahhh fuck,” you growled, the stimulation about to send you over.
“My sweet little baby Channie,” you whispered into his ear ever so lightly, placing one more kiss to it. So soft it was almost a tickle. You could taste the salty liquid that had spilled out of his eyes and had run across his face. Tears still coming down while your hand stifled his cries and moans.
“I know you want to cum,” you breathed out, fucking him with your hips and hand as fast as possible. “Cum for me baby. Let it all out,” you purred.
Suddenly, without your permission, your own body jolted, hitting your high. You began to convulse uncontrollably, sending shocks throughout your very core, leaving Chan with sporadic, trembling thrusts and shaky hands.
“Fuck Channie,” you cried, trying to ride out your own high, but almost passing out in the process. “Cum right fucking now. Right fucking now!” you yelled, not knowing if you’d be able to survive the overstimulation of fucking him any longer.
You let go of his throat long enough for him to take a deep gasp for air and cry out as he too began to shake around you. His limbs began to flail as his body gave out, screaming and crying as he lost control. Cum shot out of him with more force than it ever had, leaving his head spinning and mind completely numb.
Losing hold of him, he collapsed out of your arms, spasming the same as you as he tried to regain his sense of being.
You took a deep breath before falling next to him on the bed, heaving heavily until your breath came back to you. Chan was doing the same while covering his face with his hands, embarrassed again all of a sudden.
You gave him a moment to collect himself before leaning over to kiss his forehead and remove his hands. You placed a soft kiss to his nose while you held his hands in yours.
“How was it baby?” you smiled as you whispered.
“It was…” he contemplated finding the right word. “Insane,” he laughed, finally coming back to his normal self.
“Hopefully insane in a good way?” you cocked a brow toward him.
“Yes, in a good way.” He squeezed your hand before turning his head slightly to look up toward the ceiling, not making eye contact with you. He closed his eyes, chuckling to himself.
“You don’t really think I’m a ‘fucking slut’, do you?” he kept giggling, teasing the way you’d talked to him.
“Oh I do. I think you’re my fucking slut,” you lightheartedly winked. You brought your lips back to his as he smiled into the kiss, shaking his head back and forth.
“What am I gonna do with you now?” he laughed as he pulled back and brought you into his chest.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 2 months
URGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! | zed necrodopolis x male!reader
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a/n — putting this as male reader because it's implied. not explicitly stated but I don't want to misadvertise the fic lol, gender neutral pronouns and body parts used. I don't really like the smut in this but the idea was funny to me… this fic will definitely be non-canon by the time Z4 releases!!
summary — Zed goes to Mountain College and gets a sex toy, his roommate comes to their shared dorm at a bad time.
words — 3k
warnings — smut! 18+ | implications of sex and actual sex occur, uses of the word "gooning", zed zombies out and they fuck so... feral!Zed, slight dubcon!! - first zombies fic so it may be ooc or just poorly written
Fall was in full swing at Mountain College. Soon the tops of roofs would be snowcapped and walkways would be sprinkled with salt, but for now, everyone tried to enjoy the weather while it was still warm. Sloping sides brought the occasional gusts of wind that all of the early morning go-getters had to deal with. They had to learn the hard way to bundle up if they wanted to make it to class without becoming the next monster to roam the Earth—probably as a snow yeti or something similar. The lecture halls were grand to handle the kind of metamorphosis a lot of human and inhuman students would be going through over the course of their early adult years. The only place where people were forced to grow together were the dorm rooms—as a push for inclusivity at Mountain College left everyone in close quarters to someone—or something—they had no clue existed before college. It was another thing to learn about, to understand that the small circle of your hometown isn’t the only circle to exist. People have groups that come in all shapes and sizes, and not all of them are going to fit together nicely, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be an effort. But there was one unspoken rule that everyone had to learn, regardless of their major: don’t enter a room with a tie, sock, or anything hanging off the door handle. Not at parties, not in classrooms—if there was such a thing to happen, and especially not at your dorm.
When Zed arrived at Mountain College, he never expected anyone to be as pro-zombie as they were. His roommate was insanely warm and kind to him. No one really hid who they were here. They were at that stage where they left the conformities of high school and living with their parents to being so overwhelmed with freedom that they had no way to grasp everything they had. The freedom; the new flaws determined by society were still unclear. Zed was one of those people, being free from the shackles of Seabrook and Zombietown’s driving force in unity to being another student in a sea full of them. It wasn’t to the same extent that he had gone through, but the established scene of breaking free from your past to start something new is what really pushed him to start trying things. He wanted to be a part of the community and to do that, you have to understand the area first. 
Zed started by doing most of his workouts around campus, then transitioning over to the city that was built around Mountain College. The short drive down to the city below could be completed in a timely manner during a daring jog down the road leading to the developed area. He never wore more than a tank top and shorts for his morning runs. The college was north of the city, so he only ever rarely went into the downtown area during his morning runs. He decided to go farther on his run today since he had an upcoming game and needed to burn off the endless brain-fest for dinner from the night before. So many calories, so little scores during his big game was how he viewed it.
Most of the shops still weren’t open, but there was one on this block that was still open. It turns out that the shop was not opening early in the morning, but in fact, closing after a very late night. The neon signs had yet to be turned off, and one reading ‘OPEN’ in big illuminated letters drew his attention. Next to it was a red triple-X sign.
The fleshlight was cobbled together with scraps and carefully welded parts to resemble the repurposed items of Zombietown. It reminded him of home, and the clerk told him that the toy was advanced, deceiving the average person by appearing to only be made of scraps and to have the basic, archaic function of just fucking it. Inside it was a hidden set of magnetic coils that both provided the correct amount of electromagnetic pulses through the zombie’s dick to prevent them from turning into the much more unpleasant version of themselves and it heightened the feeling of jerking off while the machine made contact with the skin from the inside.
He listened to what the clerk had to say about remembering to take off his Z-Band so it wouldn’t overstimulate him to the point of numbness, and that the side effects of it were mainly just slowed brain activity from “too much gooning.” As Zed would be quick to learn, it was called going cockdumb. There was the opposite, too, where his zombie side would forfeit all rational thought and quickly take whatever the closest thing to fuck is around to poundtown.
He learned quickly, though, and did as he said when he got back to his dorm. The order of instructions was simple: get yourself ready—get your dick hard, is how he interpreted it, take off the Z-Band, and use the fleshlight to calm all of his zombie urges. Before he started any of that, though, he placed one of his ties around the door handle facing the hallway. Then he got undressed, stripping down until the full-body mirror over his closet’s sliding door reflected his pale figure and vibrant green hair. He stood in the frame, checking out his recent gains for a second—still eternally lanky, but he was starting to fill out in the places that mattered.
His hands roamed over his body until he got down to his nether regions. Zed rubbed his dick until he was hard enough to stick his dick in the fleshlight, then watched in the mirror as he took off his Z-Band. The area around his eyes started to darken and dark veins started coursing all over his body. He took a few deep breaths before reaching for the fleshlight, each breath drawn in becoming more raspy as his insides changed in a way he couldn’t see. Carefully, holding on to it with an intentionally lighter grip so as to not overuse his own strength, he guided it over his cock and watched his tip disappear into the slit. He moaned, it was tight. He moaned again, it was vibrating. And then he looked back up at his reflection, the monstrous features were gone. 
Zed never told you about his little reveries into sex and pleasure as the weeks went on. After that faithful day, he found that he came harder and started to crave the feeling of release more and more. The feeling was simply addictive to him: a mix of tingles from the electro-pulses and genuine pleasure from the stimulation. But with how frequently he did it, there was bound to be a day where mistiming or miscommunication would expose him in the act. Today was that day.
It was around two in the afternoon, the ground was covered in a thin layer of snow and Zed had stopped his morning runs in favor of a quick indoor exercise and then moved to jerking off while the sun rose—you were returning to your shared dorm with the zombie from a lecture, notably earlier than usual. It was a Gen-Ed for biology, something that Zed had learned when you approached him one night in the hopes of having him help you. If he remembered correctly, it was about zombies—a newly implemented unit in the curriculum, now finding its way into its own circle of life. New studies emerged about the carbon emission of their dead cells that Zed couldn’t help with, but he explained how he felt that he functioned and the way he and plants interacted. That was at the beginning of the semester and it was how he found out that your class ran until around two-thirty. Usually.
Zed was enjoying his time inside for a change. Having finished his classes for the day and feeling the testosterone of his morning workout preserved through it all, he decided the best thing to do during his alone time was to use his broken-in toy. Zed was confident enough to not hide his sex life—well, he was confident enough to act like he was having sex with someone else, not his sex toy or the fact that he edged himself until he literally couldn’t hold it in anymore. That part was thankfully undisclosed by everyone since they knew not to enter his dorm, but you entered without thinking. He was laid back on his bed, staring at the ceiling like the white ceiling was painted over with the limitless stream of thoughts flowing out of his head. His eyes were shut, soft moans slipped out and he barely shifted the fleshlight on his dick out of the fear of blowing his load too early.
His load threatening to come out dissipated quickly, though, when he heard the door handle click. Then the hydraulic mechanisms that would normally push the door shut started to whir as it opened. He reached for the blanket he slept under, letting the fleshlight hang off his dick so he could find something to cover himself up. He was mad at himself for slipping into the habit of playing with himself while naked, but it was so much easier to bunch his comforter up against the wall and lay in bed with easy access to all of his holes. In the seconds—which felt even shorter for him—he covered his lower half and just accepted that you would see his bare torso. With enough smooth talking, he could convince you that he had just woken up from a nap. 
“Don’t be mad.” You said, coming in, hoping that he wasn’t with a naked girl or anything. You tried keeping your view of the inside of the room as limited as possible by turning your head just in case. “But I got out early ‘cause of the weather and I saw the sock…”
The only issue was that his fleshlight was forming a bump in his sheets, meaning that he couldn’t be laid down without it looking like he had a huge dick—or what would be the more reasonable explanation: he had a sex toy. Either way, it looked unnatural. So while you were still acclimating to the sight of him, purposefully looking away to give him time to cover up. You were still under the impression that someone else was in there, but you heard the clatter of something hit the floor, followed by a hasty curse under his breath.
You decided that you had given him long enough and finally looked into your shared dorm room. On the floor was a machine made out of old zombie parts that seemed to have broken into pieces, scattered around a pair of bare feet that padded around the carpet in panic. Your eyes trailed up to see Zed, naked and with a raging hard dick. Still freshly coated from the lube he pumped into his fleshlight, still wet enough to glisten in the sunlight pouring in the window behind him. And to say he was naked didn’t mean much, because he was truly naked—no Z-Band in sight on his body. His dick was red for only a second before the veins on it darkened along with the rest of his body. 
Somehow, his dick looked to be bigger, more intimidating. The dark shade it turned caused it to look like anything but slimming. His chest started heaving and that drew you to his arms, bulging with thick black veins that trailed up his arms and increasingly curved arms. They started finding their way to his midsection until his hands reached his dick. Neither one touched his pulsing cock, but motioned around it as if he knew that the fleshlight was unusable. He started fucking the air like he knew the presence of it from his more conscious and tame state.
Incoherently, through a gust of grunts and growls, he started speaking. It sounded like the friendly words he used during your past exchanges but were blatantly needy and desperate. You couldn’t quite hear what he said, so you moved closer under the assumption that he still had some control. Some sense of sanity without his Z-Band on. But as soon as you were within his reach…
Zed grabbed you, pulling you closer to his naked form. You looked at the dark circles around his eyes before meeting his actual eyes. A few words slipped through—as if he could still recall the language he had used for years somewhere deep in his brain—slurring out a loose connection of words that sounded like: “You break it… I break you…”
Zed’s mind was everywhere yet nowhere at once. His feral side was feeling and processing all of the emotions from his “human” side. So many things in his head were whirring for the first time in a while, and nothing was shutting down to compensate for the rising new emotions of rapacity—the urge to have it all and take it all. His head was already running at one-hundred and ten percent so now he needed to claim things in the room. To make things his. His room; the little voice in the back of his head that he suppressed about being annoyed by the fact that he had to share a room with you was finally being heard. You’d walk out of this—or better yet, be carried—with a new perspective on ownership.
Sex with Zed was fast. The urges brought on by his true zombie nature allowed him to rip off the clothes you wore to attend class. They were in shreds, adding to scattered bits of his broken toy, some landing on the sharper parts of it so that you didn’t have to worry about stepping on something painful as he guided you to his bed. It was the closest one to him and the easiest to throw you down on since the sheets were all undone, unmade. He would make you a mess in the next few moments so it didn’t really matter to him.
But for the first time, Zed was faced with a challenge in his zombie brain. He had put you on his bed—the faint smells of sex and sweat emanating into your nose from how much he jerked off in his bed, typically covered by his comforter—but now he looked at you, laid on your back, head on his pillow, and he was faced with one of two choices: did he want to cum in your mouth or your ass? He wanted to do both, and he hit his head in frustration, grunting. The simple thoughts his undead brain was meant to handle couldn’t stomach this as easily as brains.
A feeling deep within him told him that your ass would bring him the greater amount of pleasure, so he hopped on the bed with you, kneeling. His increased strength allowed him to lift your legs easily and with an unmatched haste. Your hole was in clear sight, and he wasted no time in burying himself down into it and lapping away. It was another sensation he had, thanks to consuming a million videos of porn in his spare time. That, and he was still a zombie. Flesh was something that he wanted to taste during his feral frenzy. It was the only thing his tongue tasted: the saltiness of skin. He felt so good, and you wanted to bury your fingers in his vibrant green hair to push him deeper into you, but that seemed a little too risky in his current state. Besides, he didn’t stay down there long. His head reared up a few moments after going down on you, his clear intention to fuck you until he comes, not the other way around.
Thanks to already fucking his fleshlight, his dick was still coated in lube; still sheening with its slick surface reflecting the light. When he put his dick in, he didn’t feel any friction, and he wouldn’t have cared if he did. The friction didn’t bother him and if it didn’t bother him, then it shouldn’t bother you. It never became a problem, though.
Zed decided that the perfect position to keep you in was with your legs over each of his thin shoulders. He started thrusting, taking little to no time to go as fast as he could. He was desperate, uncaring if you needed time to adjust. But, like everything else about his zombie-heightened feelings, what it took to make him cum went up too—much higher than his regular edging point. 
Zed was a quick learner. He found which spots made you feel the best—well, which ones made your face twist and your head turn into his pillow as he fucked you. That seemed to make him climb to the peak faster than anything else. Your ass was tight and soft, sure, but it was your reaction to how he dominated you with his big dick that really made him get going. He unleashed a flurry of moans that were deeper than the voice you got used to hearing.
Wet sounds and slapping filled the room until he came for the first time. You could feel your ass burning from the rough slapping and the way he kept up the skin-to-skin contact—breeding you until he was out of breath. Just like when he first transformed into the beastly version of himself. 
Zed pulled his dick out and you could hear the wet gushing, as well as the feeling of your hole leaking with his cum. He must have been really pent-up because it was already ruining his sheets and still seeping out of the tip of his dick. You looked around for his Z-band, still gathering your surroundings and acclimating yourself to the point-of-view of his bed. It looked to be on his dresser and within arm’s reach, so you went to grab it. But Zed stopped you, guiding your hand to his dick that was still hard. This was going to be a long night…
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 month
Wine night YES!!!! Ohhh hohohohohooo do I have a nice one!!! Academic rivals that are working on the same lecture, they can't stand one another despite admitting that MAYBE they're not AS BAD as they think they are. At the library they both find themselves reaching for the same book. Banter wars! Sass!! And.....pent up stress that leads to...oh!!! Thank goodness NO ONE comes back here Q.Q
Oooooo!!!!!! Oh man the set up for this is so so so real!! I hope you’re okay with genshin impact!!
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You rub at your elbow when the book you were reaching for falls to the ground. You go to pick it up, ignoring the hat clad scholar scoffing at you. Of all the people to run into at this time of night in the house of daena…
“Tch, don’t tell me you’re actually gonna read this? Looks like someone is finally using their brain here.” Of course, it had to be him. The newest Vahumana scholar and representative from the InterDarshan Competition who just so happens to be the Lesser Lord’s ward. Ever since he joined, he’s given you unnecessary academic competition and it’s been driving you insane. Every time you’ve written a research article, he’s always the first to pick it apart.
You snatch the book off the ground before he has a chance to reach it. “Are you done? Is this what you have to do to make up for your lack of height? Be an absolute dick? Your little mommy can’t swoop in all the time and bail you out.” You cross your arms indignantly and smirk at him in front of the bookcase. Wanderer, or Hat Guy as you’ve called him, clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. He tries to get past you to look for another collection of records nearby. Finally having enough of his shit, you stop him and get in his way. A deep sigh escapes his lips and he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Get the fuck out of my way.”
“Do you plan on obstructing my research more by being a nuisance?”
“Hmm,” you hum, “you know all about that don’t you? Always having something snarky to say to everything I publish!”
He crosses his arm and flicks his hat. “I wouldn’t do that if you knew what the hell you were talking about. If you did better research, I wouldn’t have to correct you.”
That strikes a nerve.
He tries to push pass you but you hold firm. Getting more irritated by the second, he grabs your shoulders and pushes you against the bookshelf. His nose brushes against yours as he breathes angrily above you. “You,” he seethes out, “are getting in my way and on my last nerve. Now for the last fucking time, move.”
For some reason, your heart is beating out of your chest with how close he is. You dart your eyes away from his intense stare briefly. “No.”
He leans in to kiss you, pressing his body close to yours as the kiss deepens. You tilt your head to the side as all of your unsaid emotions are coming front and center. One hand is firmly on your hip while his other is above you, you think, holding onto the bookshelf. He bites at your lip possessively and hums into your mouth. The kiss ends suddenly and you flutter your eyes open. Just what the hell was that? You’re not sure but maybe-
“Got my book.”
You blink dumbfoundedly as he has the book he needs in one hand, smirking at your expression as he drags his thumb over his lip.
“Thanks for getting in my way,” he rumbles out, “you should do it more often.”
Elle’s Wine Night anything goes!!
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farfromstrange · 8 months
Lizzi's Kinktober 2023
Day 1: Praise
October 16th, 2023
Main Masterlist | Kinktober Masterlist (coming soon)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader (It's mostly afab, but I used "good girl" twice)
Summary: Matt's silver tongue works best when it praises you while he fingers you.
Warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT (18+ MINORS DNI), fingering, praise
Word Count: ~920
A/n: This is a short one, and a rather tame one, but I had a long day. I think it works well for the first day. These fics will get smuttier, hornier, and longer each day. This is just a small taste to get you started. Enjoy!
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The room is filled with a cacophony of needy moans and heavy breaths. The bed creaks with every arch of your back. Sweat drips down the wasteland of your flushed skin as you try to squirm away yet push closer to the hands touching along the sensitive inside of your thighs, inching closer to your wet, needy cunt. 
You’re dripping. It’s not like you want to be, but he is everywhere, and his lips are pressed too tightly to your ear, you can’t escape. You’re not sure you want to. You can’t hide the fact that the effect he has on you is quite bothering you because no matter how hard you try, he regains control every time you push back, and you are so vulnerable under his touch, you feel yourself floating away in a strange river that leads to neverland. 
You love him, and you love what he’s doing, but you’re also stubborn. It’s in your nature. Though as soon as he’s got you pinned to the mattress, naked and dripping for him, with his hands everywhere but where you need him, you can’t help but falter in your stubbornness. 
And your obedience always gets rewarded in a way that makes you want to do it even more. 
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Matt’s hot breath tickles your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
He sounds like sin, yet the words drip like the sweetest honey from the tip of your tongue, and they inject themselves into your bloodstream. You can feel it pulsating in your core. You can feel your pulse and your breathing, and you can hear everything that’s happening yet nothing at all. His hands… oh, his hands. You can only focus on his stupid hands as they slide up and down your bare thighs. 
When he finally slides a finger through your slick folds, teasing your clit with his index finger every so slightly, you let out another needy moan. You’re right where he wants you, on the brink of ecstasy. 
“You’re doing so well,” he says. No, he purrs. 
It’s hard to explain what his voice truly sounds like right now because everything is a blur to you, but it reminds you of toxic gravel that functions as a compulsion. He makes you shiver and shake. You can’t fight it. You can’t fight him. 
It is oh-so good. Way too good. But you love it. 
His tongue licks a long stripe along your neck, feeling your pulse jumping underneath. “You’re so beautiful. And so wet… All of this for me?”
You can’t help but reply, “Only you,” you moan. 
Matt picks up the pace of his index finger, applying a little more pressure to the swollen nub. “You have no idea how good you smell. How you taste… How good you are. You’re so good, sweetheart. And you’re doing so well for me.”
The curse that passes your lips is weak, broken, and so loud. 
His finger slips into your velvety walls. “You were made for me.”
If there is one thing Matt Murdock is good at, it is using words to drive you insane. He makes you feel good with his silver tongue, and he doesn’t even have to touch you with it. He knows how to make you squirm just by saying the right thing, by being so damn nice to you, by praising you in ways no one has ever praised you before; you eat it up every time.
You’re weak when it comes to him, but his words… his words always hold a special power over you, and everyone he comes in contact with. But especially you, when you are naked and vulnerable and writhing in his silk sheets. 
It’s the middle of October, yet you’re sweating. You’re so hot and wet, and it feels like a million degrees inside. 
“Let me hear you,” Matt whispers. In response, you let out another moan. “That’s it.” He chuckles softly, thrusting his finger deeper. He adds another one–his way of rewarding you. 
“You deserve this,” he curls his fingers up, “All of it.”
You believe him when he says it. You believe that you deserve the pleasure he gives you. No one has ever paid that much attention to you before. Every time you’re with him though, he heals the part of you that got used to giving and never receiving. So, he takes his time worshipping your body, and showing you how versatile the subject of pleasure truly is.
“Are you gonna come for me, sweetheart? Are you going to give me everything you’ve got like the good girl you are?”
Your back arches into his touch once again, inevitably forcing him deeper. “I want you,” the words escape you, but you have no idea what you’re saying. 
Matt offers a breathless chuckle, his free hand coming up to caress your head, your hair, your face, and then lastly, your lips. He kisses you. It’s a sweet kiss, sweeter than what his fingers are doing as they assault your g-spot, his thumb circling your clit–anything to drive you closer and closer to the edge. 
He presses his forehead against yours. “You have me,” he says. His hand wraps around yours and he places it right where his heart rests. “You have all of me. I’m yours.”
You whimper. “Please…”
“Come for me,” he tells you again, “And I’ll give you exactly what you want. ‘Cause good girls get what they deserve…”
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Matt Murdock Smut Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @mcugeekposts @itwasthereaminuteago @ravenclaw617 @mattkinsella @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @etanordoesbullsh1t @thychuvaluswife @harleycao @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch
(also tagging my mutuals @blackshadowswriter @1988-fiend because you also seemed excited about this)
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fetchen · 2 months
★˙ ̟ fetchen: love drunk
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stupid little fetchen drabble while i work on something else that’s also fetchen related!!! i keep thinking about pre-dating drunk fetchen dynamic at a party so here u guys go!!!
gretchen can’t help but feel a little disoriented, what with the bass pumping all around her and the alcohol in her system practically coursing through her veins. the chatter of her classmates that surround her drill into her head as she takes another shot.
i miss karen. where’d she go?
and then she feels someone take her by her shoulders, leading her into a half-empty room. well, as empty as a room could be in the midst of a houseparty. she’s met with karen’s stupidly pretty, smiling face. it almost looks like she’s glowing.
“gretch!” karen yells over the music. “i needa tell you a secret!” karen’s smoothing her hair before she’s cupping gretchen’s face in her hands, her touch warmer than ever. she’s already giggling before she can say another word.
what’s she trying to say?
“gretch…i love you so much.” gretchen feels karen’s touch become just a little lighter. “like, i love you more than i love halloween; and-and butterflies; and fluffy, little dogs.” gretchen finds herself lost for words.
she loves me.
the second part of karen’s statement spills out of her, “and guess what! sometimes, i really, really wanna kiss you. like, on the lips.” karen seems to be unable to stop tittering. it takes a second for gretchen’s brain to catch up.
she wants to kiss me. wait, what?
“and y’know what else?” karen adds, “i wish i could date you. like, i love you but as way, way more than friends! like…i love you like how a boyfriend loves a girlfriend! but you don’t-” she’s tripping over her words as gretchen remains silent. “you don’t love me like that! and it kinda sucks really hard!”
gretchen opens her mouth to speak faster than she can think of a response but karen unknowingly cuts her off. “anyway! i’m gonna get another drink!” karen’s still smiling almost dreamily, her tongue between her teeth as she begins to walk away.
she wants to kiss me.
everything karen had just said hits gretchen like a truck. she takes karen’s hand before she can go any further.
i think i wanna kiss her.
so gretchen does. she’s unsure of where to put her hands or if she should even adjust them at all, terrified to make the wrong move. for once, she forces herself to make another bold choice, one that serves herself and nobody else. nobody else but karen.
she cups karen’s cheeks in her hands and steps a little bit closer- it’s all so much. the room is spinning around them both, although gretchen can’t tell if it’s the dizzying sensation of kissing her best friend after she’d basically told her she was in love with her or if it’s just the booze. maybe it’s because karen tastes so strongly of vodka.
they kiss until the need for air stabs at their chests and then they do it again and again and again. karen’s lips are soft and her arms are wrapped gently around gretchen in such a way that drives her insane. her own arms have moved down, now hooked around karen’s neck, wanting her even closer.
for the first time, gretchen’s stopped caring about the people around her and what they might think- what jason thinks. she’s kissing a girl who just so happens to be karen. karen just so happens to love her. this is the feeling she’s been needing, she’s sure of it.
when gretchen pulls away, struggling to catch her breath, she’s again met with karen’s stupidly pretty, smiling face.
god, she’s so pretty.
i think i love her too.
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n-agiz · 1 year
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TEACHER'S PETㅤ professor! gojo satoru x fem! reader — smut [ 0.9k+ wc ] cws creampie + oral (f) + fingering + some praising ! MDNI
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ㅤall teachers had favorites, gojo simply had a different way of showing his preference.
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even if they refused to admit to it, teacher's always had favorites.
it didn't necessarily have to be something that made them be less objective with their work, something that gave them excuses to favor some in comparison to others simply because they liked them better — but there would always be the ones teachers got along with better, and although gojo knew that, he never thought that would lead to him having a student bent over his desk with her legs spread for him every friday afternoon.
"that feels so good, 'toru" your moans were low in tone, only for gojo to hear. you were one of the only few left on campus at that hour, especially on a friday of all days, but being extra cautious never hurt anyone, you supposed.
gojo didn't reply to you, not with words at least, instead lowering himself and sinking his teeth into your ear lobe, groaning deeply against you while driving his hips into yours faster, more precisely, at an angle that made your eyes roll and your fingers grip the desk's edge harder. your slick gushed around his thick cock unrelentlessly, starting to drip down your inner thighs and sticking between your ass and around the base of his dick, thin and shiny strings connecting your skin to his.
how you two had managed to turn what should have been a one time mistake into a weekly affair was something you weren't able to explain. you should have never allowed one of your professors to fuck you, and gojo, on the other hand, should have never even dreamt of fucking one of his students, but your attraction to one another was undeniable from the first second you laid eyes on one another, so you supposed that something like this was bound to happen — but not even you could have expected it would become part of your weekly routine, something you would look forward to and even purposefully leave a chunk of your afternoon always free for, sometimes having to reschedule other things simply because missing this was completely unthinkable.
"i'm getting close, baby, so clo- fuck!" gojo's hips were starting to stutter, movements growing faster, more erratic, but less precise.
"cum inside me, 'toru. please, please cum inside me" your rambling, mixed with how good your pussy felt around him, was driving gojo insane. you always sounded so sweet when he was fucking you, so willing to please him he couldn't help but wish he could keep you all to himself. you were too enticing, a sinful view that never failed to draw him closer to craziness, everything you did and said too tempting — the way you moved, how you touched him, the cute nickname you only called him when it was just the two of you, how your pussy looked around his girth and the way it hugged his cock so snuggly, everything about you was perfect, too perfect.
"i will, baby. i'm gonna fill you up so good, is that what you want? want all of my cum?"
"yes! yes, yes!" you moaned, now a bit louder than before, losing yourself in pleasure as you felt the last few thrusts ram into you, each one deeper than the ones before and followed by a guttural grunt as gojo straightened himself again, throwing his head back and letting his lids fall shut as his vision blurred, cock twitching and muscles tensing while hot ropes of creamy cum painted your insides white, remaining balls deep inside you while filling you up to the brim.
"that's it- oh god! that's it... always such a good girl for me, aren't you? such a pretty thing…"
you two stayed still for a second, your mewls going quiet while you allowed gojo to enjoy his orgasm, letting him catch his breath before feeling him slowly pull back, leaving you empty and craving for more. before you could complain, though, he turned you around, laying you on your back higher on his desk and stuffing two fingers deep into you, curling them up right into the exact spot that made you moan the loudest.
"don't wanna waste any of my cum, do you?" he asked with a sly smirk, kneeling down between your spread legs while slowly pumping the two digits in and out of you. he placed your thighs over his shoulders, pecking their soft skin tenderly before finally peeking his tongue out, flicking it over your clit while pressing the pads of his fingers into the spongy spot inside you.
the mix of having gojo's lips wrapped around and sucking on your clit with the way he thrusted his fingers in and out of you was heavenly. you could feel your thighs trembling, your abdomen tensing up and your pussy clenching hard around him — and before long, you could also feel the first waves of your climax building, growing stronger until they hit you with full force, now being your turn to fall over the edge into a stream of pure bliss.
"'toru!" you half-screamed, having to cover your own mouth with your palm to stop yourself from moaning too loud.
"just like that, you're being such a good girl, always so good for me…" he praised, helping you through your orgasm, reveling in your pleasured whines and in how your expression contorted into one of pure delight.
teacher’s always had favorites, and although gojo had never wanted to admit to it, he did too — his preference simply going a bit further than being more friendly with some than with others, especially when it came to you, and with how good you made him feel.
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obxone · 9 months
Plenty Good Enough
Edited-ish. ~1.2k words
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“You are being an asshole!”
“No, I’m not!”
“Yes, you are.” You are grasping for straws to stay calm despite him pushing your buttons even though you are pushing him right back. “It is one dinner, one!”
“With your grandparents.”
“Well, you can’t exactly meet my parents, Jay.”
He swallows, looking away. The tragedy that had brought you to OBX is still so fresh. Before tonight, he had joked, brushed off the idea of meeting your grandparents. But then you kept pushing him, begging to meet them. Before, he would have never told you how the idea of meeting ‘the parents’ or the grandparents in this case set him on edge. Not when the desperation shined in your eyes, but the same argument over and over is driving him insane. He is a kid from The Cut, and he will never live up to their expectations. Not in his mind.
But you know better. You know that your grandparents would be thrilled that you found someone to love and enjoy spending time with. Pressing him and leading to another argument is all you know to do since they are pressuring you to meet the blonde boy you have been spending all your time with. You love him, and you gush about him every chance you get. So, of course, they are desperate to put a face to the name.
“Why not?
“Because they won’t like me!”
“What?!” You laugh, shaking your head. “Don't be silly. Of course, they will.”
He snorts before scrubbing his hand through his mussed hair. “You don’t get it! You never will!” He paces away before turning back. His cheeks reddening. “You have everything! You have every little thing you have ever wanted, Baby."
"Not everything."
He rolls his eyes. "Listen to me. I am not good enough! I will never be good enough!”
“You are plenty good enough!”
“No, Baby, I’m not.”
“You are, JJ Maybank, open your eyes and see what I see.”
“My eyes are open!”
You roll your eyes. “You are being childish.”
“No, I'm not. I’m not good enough. I’m lying myself to think this could work out.” He shakes his head. "You deserve someone that will give you a future. You deserve to have every want fulfilled. I can't do that."
The argument is turning down a dark path, a path you are worried is going to end in flames. You exhale. You are not ready to lose him and you do not think you ever will be here.
“It’s been working out fine. I’m happy. You are happy.”
“Does this seem happy to you?!” He gestures wildly, and you close your eyes, shoulders sagging.
“It’s only one argument because I want you to meet my grandparents, and you think you are not good enough.”
“Because I’m not!”
You glare at JJ, the tiny bit of patience snapping inside of you. The book you have been reading is gripped tightly in your hands as he stares back at you. “Just leave then!” His mouth opens, but you cut him off again. “If you don’t think you should be here, then leave! Take what is yours and get out.”
A hard slap of reality will hopefully set him straight. You are running low on options and hope that you are not destroying the small shred of happiness you have found in this new place.
He shakes his head, clearly aggravated with you before grabbing his ballcap from your bed and pulling it back on his head. “Fine!”
He stalks towards you, and you expect him to slam your bedroom door on the way out, but that is not what happens at all. Instead, he bends just enough to push his shoulder into your hips and scoop you up over his shoulder.
For a moment, you are shocked. His actions are the last thing you expected of him. Reality sets in as he storms out of your room, hand clamped over the back of your thigh. You gasp as your book smacks onto the floor harshly, and your hands grip the back of his t-shirt tightly. “JJ!”
“You said to take what is mine and leave.”
“What are you doing?!”
“I am doing what you told me to do!” He yells as he stomps down the stairs.
You yelp at the initial drop down the first stair but recover quickly. Your fingers turn white from how hard you grip his shirt. The house is silent and dark, and it is only you two here tonight. You smack his back in alarm as he jostles you, and he chuckles.
“Put me down, you idiot!”
“Well, I’m your idiot, Princess!” He continues down the last set of stairs, and you reach out for the banister to stop him, but your fingertips miss the railing by half an inch. Lightning strikes across the sky illuminating both of you as he steps into the main floor of the house.
“I swear to all that is holy if you take me outside in this fucking rainstorm, I will never forgive you.”
He smirks, patting your butt with a quick smack. “Just doing what you told me to do.”
“JJ!” You scream as he yanks the back patio door open and steps out into the summer thunderstorm. Sheets of rain pound against the back of the house, and you are both soaked instantly. You shiver as the chill of the rain seizes you. “I can’t believe you did this!”
He smirks, letting you down, and your bare feet touching the wet stones sends a chill up your spine.
“You’re fault.”
“I hate you!” You snap, slapping your palms against his chest. It is a lie and you both know it, but you are too flustered to care.
His dark blue marina shirt clings to his shoulders and chest, highlighting every band of muscle in his toned torso. He smirks at you from under his ballcap.
“I hate you, JJ!”
JJ is quick, gripping your hip and pulling you into him. Your chests smack together, and he stares down at you. “I love you too.” His mouth is searing hot on yours, and he kisses you desperately. You kiss him back, hands fisting his shirt, and walk him backward until his back collides with the side of the house. He smirks into your mouth. “There’s my girl. My fighter.”
“Shut up,” you murmur before kissing him again. He groans, his hand tangling in your wet hair. “I really hate you, but I also love the fuck out of you,” you whisper against his lips, and he laughs. “Now, I want a hot shower, and I would really enjoy it if my stubborn boyfriend joined me.”
“I can do that,” he grins as he pecks your lips. “And maybe a massage after…��
You laugh before patting his chest. “Just say you want to have cuddles, JJ.”
“Fine,” he grins, pecking your cheek. “I want to have cuddles, and then maybe..."
You blush hot, body burning at the suggestion already. "Then meet my grandparents."
He sighs, his forehead dropping to press to yours. "And you'll love me no matter what they say?"
"For you, anything."
You grin at him triumphantly.
"I love you, stubborn girl."
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libraryofgage · 10 months
Combo of 17 and 21 from the prompt list! If there are any others you wanna see me write for Steddie, feel free to send an ask!
17. “You are driving me insane and I’m this close to losing my shit because of you.”
21. “I’m not even gonna lie, I’m just so fucking obsessed with you.”
She's a little short and sweet, so I hope you enjoy it! 
Steve had planned the evening very carefully. He'd made sure Robin kept the kids away from his place, got Nancy to help him gather supplies, and even drove to Indianapolis with Jonathan and Argyle the day before to get very specific cookies from a very specific bakery because Eddie doesn't like cake for special occasions. It is, apparently, too cliche, but that's okay because it's just one more thing Steve loves about him.
So, he feels particularly proud as he looks himself over in the downstairs bathroom mirror. The clothes are another part of the surprise, and Steve can't wait to see how Eddie reacts. He's practically preening at the thought when he hears the front door open and briefly worries one of the kids slipped away from Robin.
Because it's early, and Eddie is very rarely early. His worries are only soothed when a familiar voice playfully calls out, "Stevie, come out come out wherever you are."
Steve snorts and pokes his head out of the bathroom, making sure his body is hidden behind the door. "I'm almost done," he shouts back, unable to help himself from adding, "You're early."
"Robin threatened to skin me alive if I was late. And Nancy was standing behind her with crossed arms, so I knew she would follow through."
Ah, yeah, that would explain it.
Steve smiles a little as Eddie finally walks into the hallway with the bathroom. "Well, luckily I've already got everything ready," Steve says, his smile turning playful at the curious spark in Eddie's eyes.
"Oh? Whatcha got ready, sweetheart?"
"Close your eyes."
Eddie raises an eyebrow at him but complies. Steve waits until he's sure Eddie isn't peeking to come out of the bathroom. He hurries over and puts his hand over Eddie's eyes as well, just to be sure. "Okay, I'll lead you to the living room," he says.
Steve then takes Eddie's hand, carefully guiding him toward the living room. "You know, I'm starting to get the feeling we're gonna have some fun," Eddie says.
"Well, we'll find out," Steve says, glancing back at Eddie as he stops at the couch. "By the way, do you know what today is?"
"Uh, Wednesday?"
Steve laughs and sits Eddie down on the couch. "Yes, but no. Want to try again?"
"I'd rather see whatever you've got planned."
Well, Steve isn't exactly patient right now himself. So, he takes a few steps back, smooths out non-existent wrinkles in his clothes, and tells Eddie. "You can open your eyes now."
What follows Eddie's eyes opening is a punched, wheezing noise as he finally sees Steve. In a cheerleader uniform. Mini skirt, tube socks with Keds, and a crop top that barely reaches past his chest. A wave of pride rushes through Steve at the suddenly starved look on Eddie's face, and he slowly turns to provide a 360 view.
"What do you think?" he asks, stopping with his back to Eddie and looking over his shoulder to see the hungry look in Eddie's eyes.
"I think you're driving me insane, and I'm this close to losing my shit because of you, sweetheart," Eddie replies, holding up his thumb and forefinger. They're pressed tightly together, and Steve can't help laughing.
He turns back around and walks over to Eddie, not at all surprised when he yanks Steve into his lap. Eddie's hands grip his hips, his pinky and ring fingers pushing under the skirt's waistband while his thumbs brush under the crop top. "So, you like it?" Steve asks, grinning brightly.
Eddie doesn't even bother answering. Instead, he surges up and kisses Steve, his right hand sliding to the small of Steve's back to press him closer. Steve sighs happily into the kiss, sliding his arms around Eddie's neck and pushing one hand into his hair. It's easy for Steve to just let Eddie lead, let him decide the pace of the kiss (quick and desperate if the tongue pushing past his lips is any indication), let him have fun like Steve hoped.
It's not until Steve is breathless, his lips sore and throbbing where Eddie bit them, that Eddie pulls away. His pupils are wider than before, his eyes darker, his grin promising. "So, what's the special occasion, Stevie?" he asks, his voice low and raspy and just two steps from a growl that would send shivers up Steve's spine.
"It's our anniversary," Steve says, his brain still trying to catch up as Eddie leans in and kisses his neck.
"Our anniversary is in June," Eddie says, his lips and breath ghosting over Steve's neck and lingering where his pulse is strongest.
Steve licks his lips, tilting his head as Eddie's hands start to slide under his crop top, touching everywhere except where Steve wants them. "A different one. It's, um, the anniversary of our D&D characters. From Will's first campaign."
Eddie stops. He pulls back and looks up at Steve, something like wonder and amusement and searing love threatening to drown Steve if he stares too long. "What the fuck, Stevie?" he asks, his voice soft and nearly reverent.
"You were so excited, I thought it would be fun to celebrate. And, you know, my character did that cheer routine in the next session, and you said you wanted to see me in a cheer uniform, too. So, happy anniversary, babe."
"I'm not gonna lie right now, sweetheart. I am so fucking obsessed with you. I was before, but now it's irreversible. You're never getting rid of me."
A bright grin pulls at Steve's lips, and he presses a quick kiss to Eddie's cheek. "Funny. I was gonna say the same thing."
And then the world is spinning, Eddie is pinning him to the couch, and he can't think about anything other than kissing and tugging at Eddie's jacket to get it off.
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xetswan · 10 months
Youngest Shadow- Memories
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Eight | Nine | Ten
“He’ll forgive you two.” Edward was at Bella’s side of the window, startling both of us. “Scoot over.” She listens, sliding over and I try to make as much room as possible. He takes over the wheel. “His face… I said the same words my mother used when she left him.” She slumped and slowly took my hand in hers. I stared out the window but still listened to them talk. “It was the only way he’d let you guys go.” Edward then floors it and it makes me wonder if this truck can even handle that. “Your father’s safe now Bella. The tracker is following us.” 
It feels as if I can breathe lighter but at the same time, I’m scared of what’s going to happen. Then a dark figure jumps onto the bed of Bella’s truck. Bella screams as I let out a tiny noise, gripping her. I think her scream scared me more than what jumped onto the truck. “It’s alright, it’s just Emmett. Alice is in the car behind us.” He informs us, I look back to see Emmett standing there, he gives me a smile, waving and I do the same. Well, I tried to.
Arriving at their house Edward, Emmett, and Alice rush us to get inside but we all came to a harsh stop when the door opened and it is revealed to be Laurent. “He came to warn us. About James,” Carlisle announces and they back down from their attacking posture. “I’ve grown tired of his games. But he’s got unparalleled senses. Absolutely lethal. I’ve never seen anything like him in three hundred years. And the woman, Victoria will back him. Don’t underestimate her.” Laurent is warning them, trying to tell them this won’t be a normal fight even if he’s cornered or one against all of them.
He then turns to Edward. “I’m truly sorry for what’s been unleashed here.”
He walks off disappearing into the woods. We’re now in a garage with the Volvo, a red BMW, a black Mercedes Sedan, and an SUV. Rosalie was grabbing everything, cell phones, extra batteries, maps, portable GPS units, change of clothes, cans of gasoline and so many other things. 
“I’ve had to fight our kind before. We’re hard to kill.” Jasper says while standing beside me. “But not impossible, We’ll tear him up,” Edward says as if to reassure us. “We'll rip him apart with our hands then burn the pieces.” Emmett joins in with blood lust and it almost made me want to laugh but of course, under the circumstance, I’ll look psychotic. “I don’t relish killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James.” Carlisle deadpans. 
“If he doesn’t get to one of us first,” Rosalie says and I glance over to Bella who had a horrified expression. “This is insane. You can’t put yourselves in danger like this for me.” She tells all of them and I sort of sit there for a moment not understanding why she only said it for her like I’m not a part of it as well. “Too late.” Rosalie rolls her eyes. “And it’s not just for you. [Name]’s in this too.” She sticks up for me but I notice Edward shoot her a look. He grabs two sets of keys, throwing one at Carlisle.
“I’ll run Bella and [Name] south, while you lead the tracker away.” He says but his foster dad disagrees. “No, Edward. The tracker thinks you won’t leave Bella. He’ll follow you. His main focus was how you reacted to him sniffing out Bella.” Again this feels off, it really feels like they’re only worry is Bella and if that’s the case why am I a part of this. Then Alice steps up.
“I’ll go with them. Jasper and I will drive them south. I’ll keep her safe Edward.” 
Edward looks frustrated, Alice steps one closer. “Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?” Edward studies her, obviously torn. She nods and the two have an unspoken agreement. He surrenders the keys to her and then goes to Bella and Mine’s suitcase. 
“Esme, Rosalie put these on so the tracker will pick up their scent, mainly Bella’s.” I was slumped once again, I felt Jasper tense but not saying anything. “Why should I? What is Bella to me? [Name] I understand she’s been in the family for years but Bella’s just a danger you’ve inflicted on us.” Rosalie was man, not understanding this at all if that wasn’t obvious. “Rosalie, Bella is with Edward she’s a part of this family now. And we protect the family.” Carlisle was strong with his words and the blonde listens, resistently picking up the clothes. He then hits a button and the large metal doors open. 
Jasper and Alice lead me to the car, Edward and Bella have their own little moment together before we have to leave. I lean against the car. “You’re confused.” Jasper quietly says and I shrug. “I’m not understanding why I’m here if you guys are only really worried about Bella. The tracker doesn’t seem to want me.” I cross my arms, and they both stared at me. “What?” Alice raises an eyebrow. “James doesn’t want you dead. He wants to torture you.” Jasper informs me and my eyes widen, not expecting that. “He knows of your past lives he wants to hurt you enough to where you remember him.” He tells me and I think back to Esme and Carlisle’s conversation. “A near-death experience.” I think out loud, their eyes shoot up at me. “I uh I overheard Esme and Carlisle talking the night you invited me over to meet them. That’s what I was panicking about.” I sigh, they don’t say anything at first.
“I kind of came to comfort with it but I am scared nonetheless.” I laugh nervously, Alice was hard in thought as Jasper seemed saddened by what I said. “I think what really bothered me was you two wouldn’t warn me.” That was all I told them as I got into the car after I noticed Bella was coming towards the car. 
Jasper has been driving as Alice was in the passenger seat. Bella had just stopped crying, her eyes were red and puffy. “Mom, it’s me again. You must have let your phone die. Anyway, [Name] and I are not in Forks anymore but we’re okay. I’ll explain everything when you call.” She hangs up the phone and looks out the window right as we pass the Olympic Peninsula sign.
Now in a hotel room, I sit on Jasper’s lap as the three of us stare at the t.v. screen. They haven’t brought up our conversation from before the drive and honestly, I’m a little grateful. I’m not in much of a mood to talk about any of it. They bought a ton of food too and I don’t think they realize with our lives on the line there isn’t much of an appetite to be had. “I wish he’d call.” Bella suddenly says as she enters the room we’re in. “You two should eat.” Alice ignored her words, her hand has been laid on my knee. I shrug, leaning back onto Jasper. Bella flops down to see. “They could get hurt, it’s not worth it.” She insists and I hum in agreement.
“Yes, it is.” Jasper disagrees and Bella is shocked as he doesn’t really engage with her often due to his thirst troubles. “Edward’s changed since he found you. And none of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you.” He turns back to the t.v. his hand now rubbing the outside of my thigh. “It’s worth it.” 
Then Alice goes blank, Jasper and I stand up immediately and he goes up to her. “What do you see?” He asks her and her face is full of deep worry. “The tracker, he just changed course.” She tells us and I glance over to see a pencil and a pad of paper. I grab it, handing it over to Jasper who gives it to Alice. “Where will it take him, Alice?”
“Mirrors, it’s a room full of mirrors.” She begins to draw at lightning speed, her eyes shut to help her remember perfectly. “How do the visions work? Edward said they weren’t always certain.” Bella questions, standing behind the two of them as I’m kind of off to the side. 
“She sees the course people are on, while they’re on it. If they change their minds the visions change.” Jasper explains and Bella looks over at the drawing. “So, the course James is on now will lead him to a ballet studio?” 
Alice snaps her head to look over at her. “You’ve been here?”
“No. I don’t know. We used to take ballet lessons as kids. The school had an arch like that.” She points to the room and now that I take a look I remember the room. “Was your school here, in Phoenix?” I nod but don’t speak up. “Yeah, around the corner from our house, but we haven’t been there in ten years.” Bella was confused about why he was going there. “Do you have any reason to go now?” He questions but it was mainly for her as he knows I would have no interest in going to a dance studio. 
“No. Hell no. I hated that place.” 
Alice and Jasper share a look right when a cell phone rings. Bella jumps but picks it up, I watch relief fall over her once she sees the caller's I.D. “Edward. Are you alright?” 
“I’m coming to get you. We lost the tracker. The woman is still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are protecting your father.” We could hear him as he spoke through the phone. “This is my fault. You warned me, I didn’t think. I just-: He cuts her off. “Bella we’re in too deep. We can’t change how we feel.”No, we can’t. When will you get here?” She was antsy to see him again. “In a couple hours. Then you and I will go somewhere. Together. The others will keep hunting. Bella, I swear to you I’ll do whatever it takes to make you safe again.” 
They hang up the phone and everything else moves quick as Alice and Jasper left us in the room to go check out.  Bella and I gather our things, then her phone rings again and I go over to her to look over her shoulder. It was mom. “Mom, I’m so glad you got my-” “Bella,  Where are you and your sister?” She was panicked and I hold onto my sister. “Calm down mom. Everything is fine, okay? I’ll explain every-” Then it sounds like the phone drops as we hear rustling in the background. “Mom? Are you there?” 
“Nice house you have here. Not the best on the black but comfortable.” A voice we did not want to hear, my eyes widened and I hear Bella shiver. “I was prepared to wait for you two. But then mom came home after she received a very worried phone call from your dad. It all worked out quite well.” He tells us and I squeeze my eyes shut and lean my head down. “I must say, Forks High School doesn’t protect its students' privacy very well. It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address.” James was mocking us. 
“Bella? [Name]?” 
“Leave our mother out of this,” I say. “You’re protective of her. That’s nice. You can still save her. But you’ll need to get away from the other two lovers. Can you two do that?” 
“I don’t think so.” Bella sighs. “If your mother's life depends on it?” And it looked like we didn’t have much of a choice here. “Where should we meet you?” 
“The old ballet school around the corner. And I’ll know if yo bring anyone. Poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake.”We then hear him sniff the air. “She smells like you, Bella. Delicious.” He taunts but she hands up the phone, both of us now freaking out.  
I watch her look around in the drawers searching for something then closes them, rushing to her purse and dumping everything that was in it out. Grabbing her pepper spray. “You have yours?” She asks and I lift mine up from my pocket, she gets all her stuff back into the purse, grabs it, and then we lock hands and run out of the room. Once we get to the lobby we scan for Jasper and Alice. I point outside where they’re under the Porte Cacher. We slip out the opposite door getting into a taxi, this older lady in the driver's seat. “8th and Palo Verde, please.” 
Instead of a near-death experience, it’s just death with my sister.
Not the way I had thought we’d go. 
At least we’re together in this life.
My next one will be alone, but I’ll find the love of my existence once again.
Getting to the dance school, we rush out of the taxi. It pulls away and it doesn’t feel like I’m about to be tortured just for living so many lives. It makes me reminisce about the feeling of me being here as a kid with Bella. She absolutely hated it, the kids making fun of her and me hitting a kid is what got us kicked out. I take a deep breath through my nose as Bella reaches for her spray as mine was already in my hand. I think back to Alice and Jasper knowing they probably just realized we are missing and my heart physically hurts having to go behind them. We walk closer and we hear our mom's voice. “Bella? Where are you and your sister?” We get through the doors that were already unlocked, the room full of mirrors that Alice had drawn out earlier. 
“Bella? [Name]?” We search for where her voice is coming from and we land upon the door to a closet. Bella throws the door open. It was a t.v. screen and a video is playing of Bella and me at the ages 7 and 6. Little Bella looks up as I was hugging her. It was in this exact closet too. “Don’t you want to dance, baby?” Little Bella shakes her head as little me pushes away gently but I was visibly angry. “Everyone makes fun of me.” Bella cried out. “I’ll fight them all, Mom! I will!” Little me says and Rene laughs, giving the camera to someone else, she kneels down to both of us. “[Name], no violence.” Then she looks right at Bella. “But you’re a wonderful dancer.” She tries to encourage her. “Mom, I suck.” Then laughter emits from behind us, and we spin locating James in the mirrors.
“That’s my favorite part. Stubborn children weren’t you both?” Bella steps closer to him with rage but then has a feeling of relief shower through both of us as we realized he never had our mom captive.”She’s not here.” Bella mutters.
“Sorry, but you two really made it too easy.” He sighs, disappointed then he gets walks to us, pointing with a camera at us. “So to make things more entertaining, I’m going to make a little film of our time together. Borrowed this from your house, hope you guys don’t mind.” He turns it on. “And… Action!” Bella flings her purse at him, gripping my arm to make a run for it. It was no use as he was right behind us. “Excellent! An escape attempt!” He was excited about this and it made me sick. “It’ll break Edwards's little heart.” He smells her hair, touching her hair. 
“Edward has nothing to do with this.” She angrily states as I slowly back up he ends up snatching my other wrist that wasn’t taken by Bella. “He will, His rage will ake for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you. And not only him but Alice and Jasper? They think I just want you to remember me, don’t they?” He laughs, having too much fun to notice Bella take out her pepper spray, spraying him. He only backs away for a brief moment but doesn’t let me go. She makes another run for it, he lifts me up over his shoulder and jumps right in front of her. I struggle against him, kicking my legs. He throws me into one of the main mirrors causing it to shatter over me. He does the same thing to Bella and she smashes into one of the mirrored columns. He captured it all on film too. “Beautiful, a very visual dynamic I chose my stage well.” He advances over to her as I try to sit myself up feeling every bone in my sides and back. “Still stubborn, aren’t you? Is that what makes you special because frankly, I don’t see it.” He inhales as if he’s already tasting her. He walks in my direction as Bella is slightly dazed and I push back further into the wall as if that will do anything. 
“See I thought you were unkillable when I first met you. It was maybe your second or third life. Did you know that none of them last over 22 years? Crazy huh?” He rubs his lips together, remembering all the times he’s seen me. “This is probably your sixth life and I’ve got you two times already! Of course, your little lovers didn’t know that until Edward told them!” He laughs like an insane person… which he is. “What.. what are you going to do this time?” I whimper from the pain in my sides. 
“Hmm, I could do this.” He raises his foot to stomp on my leg and I flinch, squeezing my eyes shut as I wait for the pain but instead of the pain sensation in my leg it’s on my shoulder. My eyes pop open and I scream in agony. “I want you to change for good. So when I do kill you for the last time, it will be the last time.” He laughs, picking me up and placing me right in the closet from before where the t.v. was. 
I can still hear him speak but my shoulder was burning, I start breathing heavily, trying to get up. “Too bad he didn’t have the strength to turn you. Instead, he kept you as this fragile little human. It’s cruel really.” There’s a moment of silence and due to the door shut in front of me, I can’t see what’s going on. “Well done! You’ve succeeded in annoying me.” Seconds later I hear Bella scream and a crunch sound, and if I wasn’t already groaning in pain I would’ve gasped at the sound. “Tell Edward how much it hurts.” He tells her. “Tell him to avenge you.” 
“No, Edward. Don’t!” She hisses, I feel the burning sensation start to grow further down my arm and to my chest. I couldn’t even speak if I wanted to. “Cut! The end!” I then hear a loud bang, and moments hit. “You’re alone because you’re faster than the others but not stronger,” James shouts, I hear another thump. I try not to focus on the burning, pulling out the pepper spray. I grunt, kicking at the door repeatedly. I hear a voice say something but nothing was clear enough anymore. Hearing loud movements and a body drop to the ground along with Bella’s voice clearly distressed, he did something to her, worse than the other thing. 
I get a hole through the door and I hear multiple other people. “Her femoral artery has been severed. She’s losing too much blood.” It was Carlisle, I hear him. “It’s burning! My hand!” Bella cried out, grunting. I try to kick at the door even more, not being able to move my torso. The adrenaline in my body sort of soothed the excruciating pain in my shoulder. I felt like at any moment the pain could paralyze me as it grew larger and larger. “You have a choice to make either let the change happen-” “No!”
“It’s going to happen anyway. I’ve seen it”
Alice, that’s Alice. I try to shout out her name but it goes out as just a loud scream. But I got someone's attention as the door opens. “It’s [Name]!” Emmett yells, he bends down and I look over his shoulder to see fire. Jasper was keeping it going before he heard my name being called out. I hum out suffering. “He, hah, he got me.” I grip the pepper spray in my hand and now Emmett’s arm. “He got you?” His face was panicked and I grit my teeth. “My shoulder, my shoulder.” I tilt my head to the shoulder he bit me on and he pulls me out of the closet to put me on a flat surface in a bigger space. Jasper and Alice surrounded me, “Help her!” I scream out as the pain shot through my body. “No, we can help you too!” Alice tells me, she rips my shirt where the bite was being covered. I hear Carlisle say something about it killing her and I look over to Edward hovered over Bella. 
“It reached her heart, Alice. It’s too late.” I listen to Jasper speak, I am still gripping onto Emmett’s arm but he hasn’t even tried to take it back. “It’s… it’s okay.” it calms down for a second and I stare up at Alice trying to reassure her but she shakes her head. “We have to try!” She exclaims. “No.. no!” I shout as it was in waves, my nails digging into what felt like glass but was still Emmett. 
And like waves soon came back my memories that I have never seen before. 
I see a desert and I’m with Jasper on two separate horses, then it cuts to me searching for Jasper. He’s gone. And I get shot in the middle of a field, left behind by what look like soldiers. Left to bleed out. Now I’m in a hospital wearing a hospital gown. In a different life. I go into a room to see Alice for the first time. I’m giving her something then it cuts to me out of the hospital and with a man… James! He attacked me while I had walked out of my car. 
Now at a party, I’m talking to the Cullens, every single one of them as if I have known them my whole life. Partying with Rosalie and dancing beside Alice. But I don’t seem to be in love with Jasper or Alice as there’s another man by my side. A man I don’t recognize. There’s a ring on my finger and it looks like this is my bachelorette party or something. We go into a bathroom and I tell the girls something that makes them cheer for me. I don’t hear anything though. It just cuts to a memory of me in the hospital room and Rosalie is holding my baby. But I’m sleeping? I’m dead? How am I seeing this if I’m dead? 
In my next life and I see extremely peppy, I’m wearing a bunch of colors but I’m only a child. I’m around the age of 8 and I’m in the forest with a woman who is holding my hand. Before it even goes far into this life it cuts to James once again attacking me and who I believe is my mother. The second time he’s killed me in one of my lives. 
Then my fifth life, the one before this one, and it looks like the late 70s or real early 80s and I’m at a school dance with Alice, people making fun of us as they pass by but I seem happy, she seems happy. I also have a tube that goes onto my nose. I look down to see an oxygen tank. Later that night after the dance I died from an asthma attack. 
And now this life. I don’t see any memories flash back to it. And my body shoots up awake, I go to gasp for air but it feels different. “You’re up.” A voice spoke up, I look around and it looks like a hotel. “What?”
“Lovebug, look at me.” Alice comes into my vision as Jasper stood right behind her.
“Did I die?” I glance around, sitting up against a wall. “No, not necessarily.” Alice frowns, “I changed? I’m one of you guys.” I state out loud and all they could do was nod.
4100 words bitches and I am fucking tired but the last chapter for this movie won't be as long I think. I don't know yet I still have to figure out some things for that. If you have any things you'd like to see or want to know for the story just comment and I'll try to reach back. I've been sleeping a lot lately and I do not know why. I'm going to work on the requests I was given tonight but I can tell anyone for sure when they will be out because even with sleeping I've been busy for no reason. I just already have most of the chapters for this story written out lol.
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
More Than I Should {pt. 1}
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pairing: riri ✘ black!fem!reader
series summary: riri williams hated you. from the cold stares and the snide remarks, there was no other conclusion to be drawn. the logical response in this circumstance would be to ignore her, avoid her at all costs. you weren't friends, so this should be an easy task. you only had one class with her, and you rarely saw her around campus outside of it. that was until you started dating her best friend. suddenly you'd found yourself thrusted directly into her life, and suddenly her attitude towards you was becoming an issue. you were never one to care what people thought of you, but something about riri captured your need to please. it was easy to convince yourself you only cared because of your boyfriend. she was his best friend, so the two of you needed to get along. he was none the wiser, chalking her coldness toward you up to her naturally standoffish nature. but you knew better. one way or another, riri williams was going to like you, you would make sure of it. (or the one where you're on a mission to make your boyfriend's best friend like you and the two of you end up falling for each other instead)
chapter summary: riri likes to stare, you'd gathered. she hates you, but enjoys watching you. everything she does leaves flustered and confused, and craving her approval. all of which goes unnoticed by your boyfriend. a party leads to drinking and drinking leads to riri reluctantly driving you home, where she extends a slither of kindness.
word count: 9.4k
contains: angst, CHEATING, fluff, smut (eventually) 18+, reader has a boyfriend, friendship betrayal, lying, riri is mean (at first), reader is a baby gay (very confused), jealousy, slow burn (kinda), and just a lot of mess
tags: @verachii @szalipcombo @rxcently @coolestgay @widowmakker @fetchyourlife @blackgcomica @n7cje @shurisbbymama @bestfriend491 @mocha-aya @uhwhatsay @shinsousliya @bratydoll @shuriswifereal @shuriri4life @letitias-fav @axailslink @chidinma @xoxo-dede @yvxmpire @generallysapphic @mbakuetshurisprincess @quintessencewrites @adeola-the-explorer @dejaonline @bubshri @zayswriting @la-reine-insane @shurisjournal
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: soo this is gonna be a series. this idea came to me while i was listening to some of my favorite sapphic cheater bops, specifically 'ur best friend' by kehlani & kiana ledé and 'more than i should' also by kehlani & jessie reyez, hence the name. i think we can gather two things here: 1. i love kehlani and 2. i love sapphic cheaters and i will always root for them. so fun! if cheating is not something you enjoy reading about, please do not read this fic because i plan to make it very messy lol. obviously i don't condone cheating irl or whatever, this is FICTIONAL! i feel like i have to say that idk. but for my chaos enjoyers, this is for you. mwah <33
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“You know she hates me right?” Your eyes climbed your boyfriend's lanky frame. You watched his laugh build from his core: abs flexing under his white T-Shirt, throat bobbing as his neck sprung backward, allowing the glorious sound to escape his lips. Loud, genuine, hearty — this was the only way Hakeem knew how to laugh. It consumed his entire face, breaking his deep dimples free every time.
A smile of your own was inevitable. Hakeem’s laugh made you laugh, but you were being one hundred percent serious with your accusations. “She does. That girl cannot stand me. And I know she don't want me here.”
“She don't hate you, she just… needs more time to warm up to you. She don't really like new people like that.” His laughter subsided and he lifted his fist to bang on the large garage door. It was obnoxiously loud, echoing in your ears and you winced. You rolled your eyes, at his words and at his actions. How much more warming did she need to do? Was three months not enough time to warm up to a person?
She should be sweltering. “Yeah well, she need to speed up the damn process cause I ain't going nowhere.”
He raised an eyebrow, eyes brimming with curiosity. “Oh, you not?”
“No. We locked in buddy, and your lil best friend need to get on board with that.” You couldn't fight your pout and his eyes softened the moment he noticed it.
He cupped your cheek, palm warm and calloused as you nuzzled into it. “I know how important it is for you to be liked. Just give it a little longer okay? She gon come around.”
You nodded and he kissed you gently. The door swung open then, but Hakeem refused to pull away. You, on the other hand, couldn't stand the idea of her watching you kiss him. When you broke apart, you weren't the least bit surprised to find her eyes already on you. It was a habit of hers, studying you, sizing you up. It wasn't hard to guess what she was thinking; Riri's expression broadcasted just how she felt about your being there. Her stare was intense too, and it made you feel exposed. Brown eyes housing the potential to heat, glared at you in the coldest of ways, shooting darts of ice right into your chest.
Hakeem was incorrect in his assumption about your need to be liked, the opinions of strangers mattered very little to you. But you let him believe that was the case, you thought it easier than admitting the truth. Riri’s opinion of you mattered for some reason, hers alone. That was the truth. An innocent one on the surface, she was your boyfriend's best friend. She was important to him, which in turn made her judgment important to you. However, the crippling guilt you felt each time you thought of her, and sought her approval made you acutely aware that your truth was not solely pure.
There was something else there and you refused to understand it. You weren't entirely sure you even could if you tried.
“Nigga why the fuck you banging on my shit like the feds?” She stepped aside, letting the two of you in as she gave you another once-over. “And why you brought her non-smoking ass? She not gon do nothing but sit there.”
Hakeem laughed, winking at you as he tugged you along past Riri, but you couldn't find the joke. He shrugged, “She wanted to come.”
“To do what?”
You ignored their back and forth about you. It was their pattern and quite frankly you couldn't bring yourself to be bothered. Being the center of attention was sometimes entertaining.
“Bruh chill. She not gon do nothing, just let her hang.”
Riri rolled her eyes, “That’s exactly my point. Her energy be fucking up my vibe and shit.”
You roamed the partially messy space, taking interest in some blueprints Riri had pinned to her board. It was your first time in her garage so you couldn't help your fascination. Being amongst her sketches, her creations, her tools; it was like stepping inside her brain. According to Hakeem, she only invited those who she trusted. Your being there was obviously not for that reason, but you were flattered nonetheless. Her willingness to let you in the door was something, right?
Fingers traced the images before you as your curiosity flared. Some of the diagrams looked familiar, but with a twist only achievable by the young scientist. You could tell a lot of work was put into all of it. Skilled, meticulous. “Riri, what are you building? This looks really cool.”
Her head snapped up and she darted to your side, completely abandoning her bickering with your boyfriend. “Don't touch that. Move.”
“We went over something similar in class, I was just wondering–” You reached for the paper once more, eyes twinkling in amazement, but you startled when she ripped it down.
Annoyance buzzed off her as she balled it up and tossed it into the trash. “See why ion want her around? She don't mind her damn business Keem.”
You eyed her, confused. You truly saw no issue with admiring her work. You appreciated a great mind, but maybe you’d offended her in some way. “Sorry Riri, I didn't mean to–”
“Well, you did.”
Hakeem spoke up, clearing his throat, “Okay nah, ease up on her. She ain't do nothing.”
You watched as Riri’s stiff body visibly relaxed at the bass in your boyfriend's voice. Her shoulders shifted downward in her orange sweater, slouching a little and she sighed. “You right. I just need to smoke, I'm kinda on edge right now.”
She turned to you and you caught a flash of something in her eyes. Something unfamiliar, something… apologetic. “My bad.”
When she spoke, her voice came out soft and rushed. Delicate, like she was desperate to comfort with words. A lousy ‘my bad’ was hardly an apology in your book, but for reasons unbeknownst to you, you were willing and eager to accept it. Being angry at her didn't even cross your mind. Her tone alerted you of her intentions and it was enough for you.
“It's okay.” A small smile formed on your face, it was quick, but she caught it. Riri didn't return the gesture, and you hadn't expected her to. You were content with the simple fact of her knowing you were not upset. There was a moment where you two stared at each other for longer than appropriate and you found yourself holding your breath. One beat, two beats, three; neither of you looked away. It was difficult, you found. It was difficult to tear your eyes from hers.
Hakeem’s arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in closer and he did the same thing to Riri. You peered up at his gorgeous face as he beamed, pearly whites and dimples on full display. “Aww look at my girls. See this is progress, Ima make sure y’all love each other soon, watch.”
You laughed at his enthusiasm and so did Riri, a rare moment of synchronism between the pair of you. Hakeem had that effect on almost everyone. He was inviting and convincing, impossible to deny.
“I'm finna roll up.” He let you both go and jogged to the couch in the back corner of the garage. Riri looked at you again before walking away. Those eyes, they knew just how to stir you, no matter the duration of the stare. Something always came alive when she watched you, creating even more confusion within you. You ignored it, because of course you did. Deciphering Riri’s coded glances was not a task you found yourself wanting to do.
A strange feeling barred you from trying, and you wanted no part in that either.
She followed after him and you after her, plopping right into Hakeem’s lap as you always did when the three of you hung out. Or rather when they hung out and you third wheeled. No matter, you had to solidify your place in his life, she needed to know you were there to stay. Riri Williams needed to grow used to having you around.
“Just pick up the damn cards nigga, on my momma you doing too much.” He sounded amused, but his words housed a twinge of irritation. This tone of voice, the over-exaggerated drawl on syllables, was one you knew well as a girlfriend who enjoyed pushing buttons.
Riri shook her head, hellbent on ignoring him. “Y’all cheating cause how y’all both dropped two draw fours on me? Nah, I ain't picking up shit.”
“Bro, just pick up the cards.”
You looked between the two of them, holding your own cards to your chest. You’d moved out of Hakeem’s lap when he asked you to play, still using the space as a leg rest. His fingers massaged your ankle and toyed with your gold anklet as you sat silently, enjoying the show they were putting on for you.
He was adamant about making her pick up all eight cards, but Riri refused to let up. Firm in her belief that you two were cheating. You were, but of course, you had no plans to admit that. He’d slipped you the card when she inhaled the last pull of the blunt and you giggled.
“If I pick them up, how I know you don't got four more shoved up your ass just waiting to fuck with me again? No.”
This got a laugh out of you and Hakeem smack your foot. Riri was too smart for her own good, there should be no way for her to know you were working against her, but alas.
Hakeem stood his ground, declaring his innocence yet again but she was not buying it. “Man come on, you messing up the game.”
“Well, game over now. Cause I know y’all cheating. I don't care.” Riri threw her remaining cards onto the weathered coffee table, kicking her feet up onto the sofa.
“Bruh, why you can't just take the L and move on?”
She laughed, glancing at him as he threw his head back in frustration. He’d really believed he could win the game amidst his scheme, it was adorable. You took this as an opportunity to crawl back into his cargo-clad lap to cuddle and console him.
“Aww, baby, I'm sorry you lost.” Your head found his chest, poking his stomach and he chuckled. Hakeem was nothing short of a big baby, whining and huffing whenever he didn't get his way. You possessed the skills to end all his theatrics though, one method being tickling.
He laughed under your touch, kissing your forehead before shutting his eyes. Eyes. A different set was on you. When you peered across the space, the culprit revealed themself. Riri was watching you again, this time in sheer disgust. Her scowl was a thing of nightmares and it unnerved you. Suddenly you felt embarrassed, ashamed to have shown your boyfriend even the slightest drop of affection.
An overt expression of disdain; the scientist seemed shameless as her eyes flung sharp daggers in your direction. The look sliced at your skin, once again leaving you feeling bare.
“What?” You questioned, voice a dry croak.
Riri rolled her eyes and sat up, repeating your question mockingly. “What?”
“Okay...” You decided not to press it and went back to cuddling your boyfriend. Riri refused to cease her stare though. Hot, searing irises burned a hole through your flesh as you clung to Hakeem, who'd apparently dozed off at some point. Your arms looped around his torso, head against his stable chest. His heartbeat, consistent and calm like still waters, contrasted yours entirely.
The rhythm in your chest was but an uneven swell, rippling erratically the longer you held her gaze. Riri sensed your attempt to challenge her and she leaned forward, spreading her legs as she strategically placed her elbows atop her knees. The ends of her braids draped her shoulders, making her appear harder than you knew her to be. It was unsettling. Her expression did not falter, but you felt your own on the verge of cracking.
You watched her, unblinking, and she quirked her brow. Your sensitive skin tingled the longer she kept her eyes on you. Every tendon in your body pleaded with you to release them, allow them to loosen and cower away but you denied them the luxury. Two could play in this game.
Riri very obviously sought to intimidate you with her glances and it was working, but she didn't need to know that. You scanned her body, her posture, taking her in fully. Her eyes were bloodshot and barely open as she gaped at you, which somehow made the tension-thick air even less breathable.
The garage sat silently in wait, much like the two of you, anxious to see who would be the first to break. Riri’s whirring machines and the subtle snores Hakeem breathed out were the only audible sounds in the space. When he stirred under you, your body jerked. It startled you and ripped your focus from your consuming staring match with his best friend. You’d lost, just like in UNO. Riri smirked at you, pride in her victory evident by the way her lips curved. She got up, and with the utmost grace. Sitting down you appeared shorter than her, and as she strode closer to you, you grew frantic.
She said nothing as she towered over your body, still sporting that devious smirk. You weren't breathing and she knew that. Eyes fanned you up and down languidly, then she reached forward and you flinched. Evidently in vain because she was not reaching toward you, but instead toward your slumbering boyfriend. She slapped his face lightly to wake him, catching your eyes fleetingly as she did so.
You exhaled when she moved back, dizziness and confusion swirling inside your head.
“Wake up. Y’all gotta get up outta here.” She crossed her short arms, waiting for Hakeem to rise.
Seconds later, he did exactly that, yawning before pecking your cheek. The gesture calmed you a little, recentering your buzzing thoughts. “You kicking us out already?”
“Yes. I got shit to do and like I said, she fucking up my vibe.” A quick glance came your way before she turned her attention back to your boyfriend.
“She ain't doing shit, you just a hater. But we'll go, leave you to your super secret whatever the fuck.” He tapped your thigh and you stood, hugging your middle as you waited.
Once on his feet, he stretched dramatically, as he often did. It made you smile. He dapped Riri up before taking your hand in his and leading you toward the door you entered earlier. “Aight, Ima catch you tomorrow. Please don't blow the place up.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She chuckled, wide and toothy. You found yourself appreciating her smile. It was genuine and you liked that.
“Bye Riri.” You waved and were surprised when she cocked her head, acknowledging your goodbye. Warmth slithered throughout your system, clogging the punctures created by her watchful eyes. You grinned wider when you stepped out into the cool night air, walking hand in hand to your boyfriend's car.
Tired eyelids fluttered shut for the fourth time during your lecture and your head descended to your open laptop, making you jerk up when your face collided with the keys. Your eyes widened as they darted around, desperate to know if your mishap was witnessed by anyone. Luckily, the number of students was sparse, and everyone seemed just as checked out as you, good. Everyone except for her. Much to your chagrin, Riri was the only person who saw you, because of course it would be her. The remnants of her light laughter caught your attention, making you turn your head to face her.
That everlasting smirk hung on her face as it did routinely, smug and jeering. Her expression displayed pity and you scoffed. How dare she pity you?
You squinted at her, shooting her a disapproving glower and she rolled her eyes in response. Within seconds, she’d returned to her own laptop, tapping away and zoning out for the remainder of the class. It irked you, the way she so easily dismissed your presence. Rarely did she regard you in the classroom, if at all, and when she did this was precisely how it always went. Like you were a bother and something easily forgotten.
When class was over she shot up, ready to book it out the door. Usually, you’d let her leave first to avoid any run-ins with her attitude, but today you were a little more than hopeful as you scurried after her.
“Hey! Hey Riri!” You called but she kept walking, short legs and tiny feet carrying her far. “Riri!”
“Oh my god, what?” Her head whipped around, knocking you back some. Regret bubbled in your stomach. You’d given yourself rules, usually, you followed the rules. Number one being steer clear of her if Hakeem was not present. It was for your own sanity as much as it was for hers.
Her bored pupils coupled with the uncontained irritation painting her face reminded you exactly why rules were a thing. Riri’s impatience was palpable and it beamed off her in heated waves, melting away your spurt of confidence.
There was no turning back now though, you had her attention. “Dr. Lucas is really boring huh? I almost fell asleep so many times during his lecture, it’s crazy.” Small talk accentuated your awkwardness. It was a curse, truly, and it was causing the shorter girl to screw her face up more.
“Yeah.” Her reply was clipped and curt, but it wasn’t like you expected anything more.
You blinked, breathing slowly in attempts to steady your racing pulse. God, her eyes were crafted with the specific intent to scrutinize. They scanned you, studying your mouth as it moved, pointless words spilling out of you with seemingly no end. And there it was again, that irritation. You had no idea how she did it, how she possessed the ability to rattle you so. With minimal effort at that.
“I took some notes, but I just couldn’t keep my eyes open you know? It’s like man you really putting me to sleep when I should be learning, you should be teach–”
Riri huffed, cutting you off immediately. You’d prepared for it, but the action still stung. “Is there a point to this conversation?”
“Well uh–” You stammered, having lost control of the train carrying your thoughts.
She smirked, “Use your words.”
“Hakeem and I are getting food later!” A lie, but one that could easily be morphed into the truth with a simple text. Your boyfriend was the king of spontaneity.
“Um okay, have fun? The fuck?” She spun on her heels, ready to leave you and your gaping mouth behind, but you grabbed her wrist. A mistake. Riri looked offended, like the very act of your hand on hers was in some way insulting. Her gaze panned from where your skin touched to your face. “You’re touching me.”
You ripped your palm away from her wrist hurriedly and cleared your throat, “Uh, yeah I'm sorry. But I- do you wanna come with me? And Keem? To Freeda’s?”
You’d seen firsthand how much she loved their fries, Riri had never once turned down food from Freeda’s, so you knew she was saying no just to spite you.
“You sure? You know I work there, I can get you all the free fries you want.” You teased with a pleading grin.
A spark of excitement flashed in her irises, and you were certain you’d hooked her. But when she opened her mouth, your face fell. “Nah.”
She left without another word and you frowned. Now you were irritated, not just by her rejection, but by your own desperation. Why'd you have to approach her in the first place? The outcome of that conversation would be obvious to anyone. You sighed because you were hungry now too, so you decided to text Hakeem anyway. He could cheer you up. Fries too, fries would cheer you up.
You: Hey baby, meet me at Freeda’s in 20?
Keem: Bet.
You had about forty minutes left in your shift, but waiting impatiently for the old couple in the far corner of the diner to finish their meal made it seem closer to forever. They looked happy though, and you couldn't help your smile. The image of them made you think of yourself and Hakeem at their age. Would the two of you make it there? Was he your one?
He hadn't arrived at the time he promised and it annoyed you some. You needed his presence around as a distraction from your thoughts.
The conversation, or lack thereof, you had with Riri soured your mood for most of your shift. You just couldn't shake the feeling you’d messed things up with her even more after that encounter. The way she looked at you when you grabbed her arm played on a loop with every order you took. Her face colored in pure disgust, eyes wild and accusing.
The diner was small and not very busy this late in the night, so the quiet gave you too much time to mull over every detail. You munched on fries as you sat at one of the empty booths, but they weren't doing the job of making you feel better. Something was missing. Hakeem and his pretty smile were missing. He’d be feeding you fries and allowing you to pout like he always did when you were upset. What use was having a boyfriend if he wasn't on call to rub your back and feed you whenever you needed?
“Thanks, y’all have a good weekend!” You smiled, waving at the couple on their way out the door. They were your last customers of the night and you sighed. At least you could eat your cold fries shamelessly without the fear of judgment.
The door dinged as you popped the greasy piece of potato into your mouth and your eyes shot up lazily. A grimace formed on your lips when a familiar face sporting a soft, apologetic smile greeted you.
“I know, I know, I'm hella late. But I actually have a good excuse.” He scooted in next to you and bumped your shoulder playfully.
“No. I'm mad at you.” You tossed a fry at his face and he winced dramatically, grabbing his chest as if you’d wounded him. He was attempting to make you smile, but you wouldn't let him off that easily.
Hakeem wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer and you almost broke. Almost. “I had a shitty day and you were supposed to be here to distract me from the shitty thoughts caused by my shitty day.”
“I'm sorry baby. My shit wouldn't start, you know how that car be giving me problems. I slick need a new one for real.” He pecked your cheek, soft and sweet and you had to wrestle a sigh of relief. His lips on your skin did many things for you, but you weren't done being annoyed with him just yet.
You pouted and he mirrored it, somehow appearing even cuter than he already was. Those pleading brown eyes and quivering lips were enough to make you fold. You grinned wide, poking his dimple. His reciprocated smile rivaled your own as he pulled you in for a kiss. The kiss was desperate on your end and you whined against his mouth. If only he knew how much you’d craved his lips all night.
Hakeem pulled away and pecked your forehead, lifting your legs into his lap. Fingers rubbed your thighs, smoothing up and down, and you relaxed into the feeling. There was something amazing to be said about his effortless ability to comfort and soothe. It was so simple for him, so natural. His eyes were on your face, reading you as one would an open book. “Let me guess, Riri?”
“Yes. Your stupid best friend ruined my day.”
His chuckle lit up his entire face, making his chest bounce and you threw another fry at him. “What her short butt do now?”
“She was mean to me.”
“Ain't she always?”
You shot him a glare and he apologized immediately, throwing his hands up. “I'm sorry she was mean to you. I’ll make sure to yell at her when she–”
Before he could finish, the bell dinged again and in walked the devil. You groaned at the sight of her and she was quick to do the same. Riri had changed out of her hoodie and jeans from earlier. She now wore loose-fitting cargo shorts and an oversized Aaliyah T-Shirt with gold jewelry that complemented her complexion. Her braids framed her face with the middle part she rocked and they swayed past her waist. She looked good.
She stuck her hand in her pocket as she approached the booth, hesitant to sit in front of you and Hakeem. Eventually, she did and like clockwork, her eyes found you.
“Why she said you was mean to her?” Hakeem questioned and Riri scoffed.
The scientist sucked her teeth, examining your cozy position next to her best friend, “Ain't nobody was mean to her.”
You stayed silent, words have never been kind to you in her presence, so you thought it best to avoid them.
Hakeem grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together and you smiled to yourself. “Now we both know that's a lie. What I tell you about easing up on her? Got my girl all sad and shit.”
“It's fine Keem. I'm over it.” You lied, scanning Riri's unbothered form in front of you. Her arms were crossed and she eyed the basket of cold fries you were previously munching on.
“Y’all want fries?” Riri’s reaction was the only one you checked for and sure enough, her eyes lit up like a Christmas Tree. They both nodded and you stifled a laugh, pushing Hakeem out so you could get up.
Before you went to the back, he reached for your wrist, eyes gentle and concerned as he watched you. “You sure you good?”
Your response was a short peck and you nodded.
“What I tell you bout giving out free food to your friends?” Your manager Benny quizzed with a hot glare. You rolled your eyes grabbing the baskets of fries anyway.
“It's just fries.” He groaned in response before walking away. Benny was all bark no bite, and he let you get away with a lot, not that you were complaining.
When you returned to the table, Riri and Hakeem were laughing at something on his phone and you smiled at the sight of them. Both their faces grew brighter when the aroma of greasy fried food hit their nostrils; they were practically salivating.
“Here you go babe, and here's your ranch,” You placed the basket in front of him and kissed his cheek before turning to Riri. “And I made sure to put that seasoned salt you like on there.”
Her face expressed shock, but only briefly before she grabbed the fries from you, fingers brushing over yours in the process. “Thanks.”
The first word she'd uttered to you since her infamous “nah” earlier and it made you oddly content to be thanked by her. You sat, watching them eat as you sneakily tried to take one of Hakeem’s fries. He smacked your hand away instantly, and you whined.
“Ion even know why you tried that,” Riri spoke up and you shifted slightly. She was right, Hakeem never shared food with anyone, not even you.
You cleaned up after they finished and the two of them fell into a conversation about Hakeem’s car. “You sure you can have it ready by Sunday? I gotta drive up to see my grandma, she in the hospital.”
“You know I gotchu man. I might actually be able to get it to you tomorrow if it's just your engine again. If it's something else, we'll shoot for Sunday.”
Hakeem shook his head and she looked confused, “Nah you can't tonight. I got a party to go to.”
Riri raised her brow, face unimpressed. “And what that got to do with me?”
“Wait lemme rephrase. We got a party to go to, all three of us. You gotta drive.”
Your head jerked at the same time Riri’s did, “Oh nah.”
“No.” Good to know the word was just as icy when she shot it at him.
He huffed, rolling his eyes at the both of you. “So y’all not tryna slide? It's Friday night.”
You shook your head, “Absolutely not. I'm way too tired and I got homework. Plus, I ain't dressed for no damn party.” You gestured to your work shirt, riddled with stains, and your jeans. Hakeem nodded in agreement, making you scoff.
“And I just don't wanna go.” Riri added.
“Look, Riri can just get you home, you can change real quick, and we can go.” He poked out his bottom lip knowing it would make you weak.
Riri’s dry laugh let the both of you know exactly what she thought of that idea. There was no need for words, and yet, she said them anyway. “That ain't happening. I already didn't wanna come here, but now you telling me I gotta drive her home, wait for her to change, drive to a party I don't wanna go to, then drive the both of y’all back to your separate apartments? And I ain't heard nothing bout no gas money either. You got me fucked up.”
She had a point. It was a lot and you didn't want to be a burden, nor did you even want to go to the party. You looked at her stern face for longer than necessary, and instead of snarling at you, her eyes softened. They regarded you kindly. Odd. But you took it.
“Riri’s right.” Your attention was still on her and you could've sworn you saw the glint of a smile under all that rubble.
But of course, Hakeem got his way, and you were now on your way to your place to shower and change. Riri begrudgingly agreed, but not before spitting a few choice words at her best friend. Words that you agreed with, words that made you giggle.
Riri and Hakeem sat in your small living room while you got ready. You were strapped for time, so black leggings and a simple backless halter top made the most sense for the night, pairing the outfit with your black and white dunks. Casual, yet still very cute. If you got cold later you would just steal Hakeem’s hoodie.
“Baby, can you tie this for me?” You called, stepping out of your bedroom. You loved the top, but tying it in the back was always a chore. You shoved your back in his face giving him no choice in the matter, which meant your accentuated bosom was facing Riri, who sat across from you.
Hakeem struggled with the strings; you could tell by his long sighs that he was frustrated, but you were too caught up in the way Riri sat silent and unmoving as she watched — no ogled you, to care. Her eyes honed in on your chest, gulping anxiously at your barely covered breasts. It was fascinating, garnering this reaction from her. She did nothing to conceal her stare. It was blatant and open. Probably because she was too caught up in it to notice anything else, like your awareness. She’d never regarded you with anything similar to awe before and you quite liked the look on her face. Hot was hot you guessed, even if she did hate you.
You smirked, deciding to play into it. “Ugh, Keem baby you doing the shit wrong.”
“I never said I knew what I was doing.”
Your glance alerted her immediately of your plan and she shifted uncomfortably. She looked flustered. Like actually flustered at the simple thought of what you would request. Being on the other side of this sort of torment boosted your ego, you loved it.
“Riri, can you help me? I know it'll be easy for you.” You sang your words, practically sauntering toward her and she stuttered. She floundered nervously, drowning in your sentence and your drawl.
“Uh, yeah.” Her voice cracked a little, but only you noticed because you were looking for it, planned for it even.
Your eyes traveled up the short girl and she cleared her throat when she realized she'd been caught staring at your cleavage. A grace fueled twirl turned your back to her, but said grace evaded your body the moment fingers grazed your spine. Riri gripped the strings, yanking them tighter than necessary as she tied your top. The harshness of the act, the bite — it made you gasp, trapping a bubble of air in your throat and you covered your mouth.
Your neck twisted to face Hakeem immediately. He was blissfully unaware and scrolling through his phone. Good. An unfamiliar sensation coursed through you, heating your ears and leaving you embarrassed at your reaction.
“There you go. Now can we leave so I can get this damn night over with?” She shoved you away slightly and you tiptoed back to where Hakeem sat on your couch’s armrest.
His smile was breathtaking when he looked up from his screen to you, eyes twinkling in sync with his earrings. “You so damn fine.”
“Boy shut up.”
Hakeem pulled you in by your waist and bit his lip. “Come here.”
A blush crept up your exposed back, searing you all over as he took you in. You leaned in to kiss him and he grabbed your ass, making you screech. “Keem stop it, oh my god!”
“You ready.” He whispered, lips padding over yours still.
You nodded with a smile, then pecked him again.
“We going or what? Cause I can leave y’all to finish whatever it is y’all starting over there.” Riri’s voice echoed in the small space and you froze just as Hakeem rolled his eyes at her.
He got up and grabbed your hand making you smile wide. You loved having his hand in yours, it made you feel protected and safe, even here. “Ayo why you always so damn grumpy? Do all short people be that grumpy all the time?”
Riri was not a fan of the teasing. She trekked to the door without a word, clearly not caring if either of you followed behind her or not.
Sitting in the backseat of Riri’s car did not shield you from those eyes of hers. Each time she peered at you through the rearview mirror, you shuddered, mind racing back to the feeling of her hands on you. You couldn't stop thinking about how roughly she’d handled you. Your insides bristled and shame consumed you. Because you liked it.
There had to be a logical explanation lurking somewhere beneath your puzzling thoughts. Your attention shifted to the city lights now, taking them in as Riri zipped down the road. Maybe their gleams could give you some insight. Maybe you only thought you liked the feeling, when what you really enjoyed was the kindness she'd shown you. Riri helped you without protest, without contempt. That's what you liked.
With that conclusion drawn, you decided to give your brain a break, refusing to delve into the other thing she did that made your insides swivel. You refuted the idea of it entirely, tucking it in the depths of your thoughts.
The party would do you some good, help you unwind. You just wanted to enjoy good music, get drunk, and grind on your man.
Hakeem opened the door for you and stuck his hand out. “So chivalrous, oh my.”
“You know how I do.”
You gripped his right and he extended his left for Riri. For a moment she just watched his palm with a scowl and crossed arms, but when Hakeem brought out the dimples, she cracked. She plastered on a smile of her own and shook her head before snatching his waiting hand.
“Mmm, yeah. That's what I thought.”
If anyone could put her in a good mood, it was him. A twinge of jealousy struck you then. Unexpected and shifty as it arose — the feeling unnerved you. You weren't jealous of Riri or her dynamic with your boyfriend. That was never the case. Your mind had been betraying you all night, and this was just another instance of that. Alcohol would fix it, it would fix everything.
The three of you walked up the steps as a unit, hands swinging back and forth per Hakeem’s doing. You giggled lightly, widening your smile when you caught Riri doing the same. She made no move to shift her happiness when she grew aware of your gaze, instead she quirked her lips, aiming the expression directly at you. The gesture made you blush and you soaked up the fondness there. Housing it because the likelihood of it happening again was practically nonexistent.
Entering the house party was like stepping into a packed sauna. Warm bodies filled the tight space, bumping into the three of you as you attempted to maneuver through the crowd. Lil Durk blared from the speakers and a steady rhythm bounced in your system. You guys had barely moved past the front door before you began feeling sticky.
Liquor mingled with the rancid smell of piss and nausea threatened you. The flashing lights were not helping. Bright beams made an already dizzy mind all the more unsteady. How you were talked into coming here, a mystery unsolved.
You shot a glance at Riri still clinging to her best friend's hand and her bored facial expression told you she too regretted coming. Hakeem on the other hand, looked elated to be there. His eyes roamed the filled living room, presumably looking for the nearest place to get alcohol.
“Y’all want a drink?” He asked in that giddy tone of his. You should shake your head, say no, but you needed to forget a few things. A nice buzz would assist you in doing exactly that. You nodded and Riri did the opposite, finally letting go of his hand.
You trailed her steps as she walked away. It wasn't good to split from the people you came with in an unfamiliar setting, you thought, so keeping an eye on her was the smart thing to do. She trotted off to a corner, propping her back against the wall. By her stance, you could tell she would not be moving for the rest of the night.
“Stay here, Ima be back,” Hakeem instructed before leaving to get your drinks. You did not need to be told twice.
When he returned, he placed a red solo cup in your hand before knocking his own back within seconds. So that's how the night was going to go. Great.
“Come here baby.” You sipped your drink and he pulled you to him making you giggle. Hakeem’s hands found your bare waist, and you began to sway to the current song. The look in his eyes melted away any apprehension you had about the party, his touch once again providing you with security.
When he spun you, he hooked his chin over your shoulder. A giggle climbed your throat at the feeling of his wet lips on your neck. You pushed your ass back against him, knowing it would drive him insane. The low growl he breathed out was a confirmation and a cry for you to continue. You obliged, bending over and grinding into him hard. The liquid in your cup was strong as you down the last of it, tugging on a cough and you breathed out.
Unrest melted away the longer you two danced, confidence taking its place, no doubt brought on by the alcohol swirling in your system. Hakeem’s chest pressed tightly against your back and he allowed his fingers to graze your butt. Now that was something you liked, the sensation of his hand there, the way he touched you with care. He was asking for permission to go further and you granted it with a roll of your hips. An action that contrasted Riri’s earlier one entirely.
The icy sweep of his gold chain along your naked back sent a thrill through you. You smirked, reaching your hand up to wrap around his neck and he chuckled. “Damn girl, you better relax.”
His words barely audible, weighed down by the booming music. Hakeem’s cologne was strong and heady, and it made you all the more tipsy as you threw your ass back against him.
“Or what?”
He shot you a knowing look, making you blush. It was all calculated, he wanted a reaction out of you.
All the while, Riri watched the two of you from her corner. You were aware of it, her stare was a thing you were well acquainted with now. You looked up catching her angry eyes. Her expressions were usually the same: Irritation. Disgust. But anger was not at all common. What reason did she have to be angry at you? The look puzzled you as you held her gaze. There was a cup in her hand and the bottom of her shoe indented the wall. She seethed with each hip switch, eyes skimming Hakeem’s possessive grip on you.
You watched her lips wrap around the cup, watched her throat bob with each gulp. Something was off with her and you found yourself desiring to know what.
“Hey Keem, I’m gonna–”
“Yo, Keem that you?” A tall man you’d never seen before approached the two of you and your boyfriend let you go to greet him.
Hakeem patted the guy's shoulder and then hugged him, bearing that smile everyone loved. “Kyle? Whatchu doing here? I thought you moved.”
“I did, but I'm back for my sister’s wedding, the whole family up here. Dre back too.”
You watched the exchange, feeling forgotten as your boyfriend caught up with an apparent old friend. The conversation stretched on and he made no move to introduce you, causing you to grow irritated.
“Hakeem.” A stern call of his name caught his attention and he cursed under his breath, now aware of his mistake.
He grabbed your waist, sliding your stiff body closer to him. “Oh shit, this your girl?”
He nodded proudly and Kyle stuck his hand out for you to shake. You did not shake Kyle’s hand, glancing over to Riri instead. Her demeanor showcased less tension in her body and she was smirking a bit.
“Alright, my bad. I ain't mean to interrupt.” Kyle took your rejection seemingly well. The longer the two of them spoke, you began to realize he carried the same happy-go-lucky attitude as Hakeem. You learned that they were childhood friends, but Kyle moved down south when his father got a job offer there. He seemed nice enough, immensely different from the loser-y frat guys your boyfriend hung out with on campus.
He turned to you and the glint in his pupils told you he was preparing to beg for something you weren't likely to grant. “You mind if I go catch up with my friend Dre? I ain't seen him in years. Please baby? I won't stay too long, he just outside.”
You rolled your eyes, but allowed him to go. Your mind was still set on Riri anyway, and you made your way over to where she stood after he dipped out the door.
Approaching her with caution seemed like the best bet. You never knew what you would get with her. She saw you coming and scooted over a little so you could slip in next to her.
“You okay?” You yelled over the noise. Drunk students were now sliding down the steep staircase in laundry baskets and cheering. The act looked dangerous, and this was someone’s home, but no one seemed to care. Nothing mattered when you were bathing in booze.
She nodded, sipping from her cup again.
“You having fun?” Of course, you knew the answer already, and Riri’s look of annoyance confirmed that you were correct.
She chuckled into her drink before speaking, “Are you having fun? I mean your boyfriend just ditched you so…”
“He didn't ditch me.”
She laughed again as if she knew something you didn't and brought the cup up to her lips for the final time. “Oh, he didn't?”
You wanted to turn away, but everything about the way she sipped the liquid called to you. It was a thing you could not understand.
“Are you mad at me about something?” You didn't mean to blurt the question, but letting it out lightened the weight on your shoulders for some reason. You were glad it was out. Her anger from moments ago seemed to be quelled now, but you still sought a direct answer.
She turned to face you, leaning her shoulder on the wall. The outline of her face still looked good under the low light. There was a smirk there, on her lips, and it made you fidget.
“You do something to make me mad?” Riri raised her eyebrow.
You shook your head, “No.”
“Well there's your answer,” She waited a beat before speaking again. “And Keem ain't coming back by the way.”
“Yes he is.”
Your optimism made her chuckle again and she shook her head.
Riri was correct. An hour had passed and Hakeem had not returned. You were beyond enraged as you scrolled through the dozens of texts you’d sent yelling at him. He left you on delivered, meaning he had to be actively ignoring you. Red blurred your vision as you seethed. It hadn't even dawned on you that you’d wandered away from Riri. There was a new cup of something in your hand and you swallowed it all, reveling in the sting that heated your throat.
Someone in the kitchen shouted shots, and you ran, knocking back four. You didn't care that drinking this much was reckless, nor about having work in the morning. You wanted to forget, you needed to forget. About Hakeem coaxing you into attending a party you wanted nothing to do with, and his grumpy best friend who congested your brain. You blinked, seeing only images of her: her lips, her smirk, her eyes on your boobs. It was all too much and you wanted to scream.
The group of girls you'd infiltrated were now dragging you back to the dance floor and you let them. They held your hands and they were nice, complementing your outfit and nails.
The upbeat song reverberated in your sternum, mixing with the liquor permeating your whooshing bloodstream. You felt light, like you were dainty and floating. Intoxication consumed your mind and reality was lost on you. Unknown hands made you jump when they looped around your middle, pulling you into them. The person wanted to dance and you were in no state to say no.
“You fine as hell shawty.” Mint and beer hit your nostrils, inebriating you beyond reason as you giggled. Their voice was husky and low, you liked husky and low.
Before you could grind into them, you were yanked away harshly. This time by hands you did know, hands you'd just learned. Riri's hands. “Yeah, Ima need you to get the fuck up off her.”
Her tone came out dark, dangerous, and it scared you sober. Wild eyes scanned the stranger. Riri, as short as she was, knew just how to intimidate because the person left jarred, and without a word. She scolded you with her glower, tugging you through the crowd and out the door. Nippy fresh air hit your feverish skin and you shivered, making you more annoyed. Hakeem was supposed to be there with a hoodie for you. He wasn't supposed to leave you.
You tried wiggling out of Riri’s grasp as tears began to sting your eyes. “Let me go! Get the fuck off me!”
“Yo what the fuck is your problem?” Her voice still housed that darkness, but it was less heavy now.
She scanned your teary face and rolled her eyes, obviously not moved by your emotions. She never was. “The fuck are you touching me for? I said let me go!” You weren't even sure why you were crying, but you were drunk enough to not care.
“Oh, now you got a problem with somebody touching you? Cause it ain't seem that way a minute ago. Letting random niggas rub up on you and shit like you don't got a boyfriend.”
You quieted. She was right, but you also wanted to get back at Hakeem for ditching you. The back of your hand swatted away streams and you sniffled. “Why do you even care?”
“I don't.”
You tried walking away, but you stumbled. Riri watched you, unmoved and unimpressed by your determination to leave. “Girl if you don't get your drunk ass in the car. I'm taking you home.”
“Don't need you to do that.”
She pulled you anyway, ushering you to her car skillfully. She opened the door for you and helped you sit, hot hands warming your chilled skin. You let Riri buckle you in and she groaned when you giggled at the contact. Your skin was sensitive and when she touched you it tickled.
“This is exactly why I didn't wanna come. I knew Hakeem fast ass would do this, leave me to deal with you.” You heeded her complaint as she climbed behind the wheel. So this was something he did often you’d gathered. Noted. He would definitely be getting yelled at and ignored simultaneously for the next few days. You relaxed into the seat as Riri drove off, kicking your feet up onto the dashboard before you lazily.
“Get your damn feet off my dash.” She reached her arm over to smack your ankle and you whined.
You really did not understand her problem with you.
“Why d’you hate me smuch?” Slurred words danced tipsily off your tongue. Everything was spinning and the city lights made your head split. Riri’s eyes darted from the road to your intoxicated form in the passenger seat for a few seconds, taking you in as well as your question. She said nothing and the car sped up a little, the motion shaking your stomach contents.
“Is it because I’m with Hakeem?” Silence again as she pulled up to your apartment building. She parked the car, sitting behind the wheel as still as one could, but it did nothing to stop you from seeing two of her. The alcohol in your body distorted her image and you narrowed your eyes to get a better look at her face. Riri’s face. She had a nice face, you thought. Pretty. No, not just pretty, gorgeous. Stunning.
“You like him or something? Is that it? You secretly in love with your best friend Riri?”
Her eyes rolled, “You're drunk and you should shut up.”
“That wasn't a no! Why you not answering my questions, huh?”
She was annoyed, you were annoying her and she spoke through gritted teeth. “Can you get out on your own?”
“I can do anything on my own, m’strong. Really strong. I'm like that iron girl from youtube.”
This made her chuckle and it bothered you for some reason. She didn't believe you were strong, that's probably why she picked on you as often as she did. Riri thought you were weak.
You moved to step out of the car, to show her just how strong and capable you were, but your still-buckled seat belt choked you and pulled you right back down. Riri opened her door, face baring utter frustration, and stepped out. She was at your side seconds later. Her arm reached over your body, brushing your exposed waist as she moved to unbuckle you. It jolted you, the touch. It made the hairs on the back of your neck rise. Your senses were already at their peak, and that brush of contact teetered on the thin line between bliss and sheer overstimulation. But one could argue they were one and the same.
She felt it too, despite her unwillingness to acknowledge it, her eyes spoke it all as she looked at you. Riri didn't move, instead, she squeezed herself onto the edge of the seat just to watch you, just to take you in entirely. There was a sensation brewing, bubbling inside you. It was not unfamiliar; you knew it well. The feeling awoke every time she glimpsed at you. It was intense as hell. You’d never seen her use that stare on anyone apart from yourself. Riri was a girl who had trouble controlling her facial expressions, even when she bit her tongue. Riri’s face betrayed her, laying all her inner thoughts out for the world to read and learn.
It was easy to discern when she was irritated or elated. But this look, this one was difficult to deconstruct. It was a look reserved for you, that much you knew. But its meaning was lost on you.
You knew she disliked you, she made it exceedingly obvious. You were aware she hated being around you for too long. She hated your relationship with Hakeem, or rather she didn't respect it, she didn't respect you. But each time she looked at you this way, each time her eyes studied and stripped you bare, confusion bustled inside you. This glare, it spoke something foreign. It contrasted her actions.
Riri’s eyes were on your mouth. They stayed locked on your lips and it made your already intoxicated mind sizzle with uncertainty. “Can you make it upstairs on your own?”
She sighed, standing up and sticking her hand out, presumably for you to grab onto. When you hesitated, she seized your fingers instead, making you flinch. Riri pulled your drunken form out of her car, holding your palm firmly in hers. You wobbled, and she placed a hot palm on your back. A touch meant to steady, you’re sure, but it did the opposite.
Riri’s fingers being that low on your back heated your skin and sent your entire body cascading to the pavement. She caught you though, seconds before your knees hit the ground and she pulled you in close.
“S’okay Riri, I got it. Thanks for the ride, but I think I'm good n-now.” Your attempt to loosen her hold on you was proven to be useless. She held you tight. Strong. Really strong. She was smaller than you, but her grip was sturdy.
She pulled you, and your back collided with her front. “No. You're not good now. And I ain't letting you go nowhere by yourself.”
She guided you through the door and onto the elevator up to your apartment hand in hand without words. You stumbled a little bit on the journey, but her gentle touch kept you upright. When you reached your door, she politely asked for your key and you placed it into her other palm. The door opened and you stepped under the threshold, turning to face her.
“I got it from here.” You said, leaning your shoulder against the frame and her head dipped in a nod, but she made no effort to leave. She was watching you again and you held your breath. Riri took note of your inhale, smirking slightly.
You cleared your throat, “Why can't you be this nice to me all the time? I'm sure it takes less energy than constantly hating me.”
This instance was the longest she’d tolerated your presence without scoffing or gagging. This was a lengthy stretch of kindness, much more flattering than her tying the straps of your top. You appreciated it, much more than you should, you're sure because it was all you’d wanted, for her to be nice to you. And here she was, offering it up without malice. So of course you took it, and of course you ignored the batting shame in your chest.
“You really think I hate you?” She bit her lip, eyes flickering to your fingers that were still interlocked. You hadn't noticed she was still holding your hand, but Riri sure did. The thought made you blush, releasing a gust of unidentified emotions inside you. They trampled and toppled your growing shame, making you crave confinement.
You slipped your hand from hers, folding your arms across your chest as you breathed out. “Don't you?”
Your eyes turned curious, narrowing into an accusing glare.
“I’ll text Keem, let him know I got you home safe.”
She sauntered off, hitting the corner to get back on the elevator. You listened closely for the ding. Once you were certain she was no longer on your floor, you huffed a long exhale, willing your heart to stop thumping, begging your blood to stop rushing. Everything felt off, you were exposed to the air, and it judged you profusely.
You shut the door hurriedly and pressed your back against it, rubbing the heels of your palms in your eyes. That entire encounter, as mundane as it would seem to any prying eyes, was anything but. Or maybe you were just drunk and your insane overthinking skills were wide awake and at play.
‘Hmm’ was not an answer. ‘Hmm’ only bred more confusion.
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Monday Lovely fandom. Not a ton in these episodes for them. Gonna combine these two. Thank you for idea D ❤️ These are my least fav of the season. Not gonna lie whenever I reach the Simone eps in a rewatch I skip around her stuff LOL Never resonated with me. So it’s funny the first ep is called Simone and I won’t really be covering her much at all. Probably be a shorter one with some crumbs. Let’s get going though shall we?
4x19 Simone/4x20 Enervo
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We start off with an actual bang. John and Lucy respond to a suspicious activity call. It's near a power station in Griffith Park. They find a bomb and get out just in time but not before they’re thrown to the ground by the blast. They get thrown pretty damn far and are fairly banged up. It's insane how much damage they took even clearing the building.
Tim shows up to the scene and does a worried husband look I love. Checking in on her by doing a once over once he makes it to them. Does a silent check in as he reports it’ll take 12 hours to fix the damaged power station. The silent check in is everything. Once again it’s the little things I cherish especially in low content episodes. It's subtle but noticeable once you know it's there. Trying to contain his concern with her all banged up. It’s ok love your wifey is fine hehe
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I love these two shots for quite a few reasons. One you know I love the tall/smol shots. I wish I could put into words why I love it so very much. It’s just aesthetically pleasing is one of the reasons I suppose. All I know is I’m a sucker for it. Second how in-sync they are in their movements and how they mirror one another in the second one.
Third the lack of personal space. Especially in that first gif. Theme of this season I adore so much. Always that gravitational pull of theirs. Lastly look at them. They’re gorgeous just standing next to one another. Also it is unfair Lucy is covered in dirt and soot and looks amazing still. Not fair haha
Oh right there’s a SL too LOL Not me just gawking at them haha The feds show up because this is a terrorist attack. They ask Nolan and Lucy about what they remember about the bomb. Nolan of course is no help. Smh Lucy is able to describe little better for them. FBI says they’re taking over from here. Grey fights it since John and Lucy were almost killed discovering the bomb. Garza concedes and they’re able to work together on this one.
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We rejoin our ship headed towards National Guard Armory. They’ve deduced this guys real target was this. Reason he shut down the power was to gain access inside there. They’re en-route to catch him. They find out he’s already on the move and they’ve gotta catch him. Which leads us to this car chase. First off let’s note Lucy getting to drive in this intense moment. It is more common these days for them. I just love seeing Tim trust her so implicitly nowadays. That this is new normal for them. *heart clutch*
Control freak in him has eased up quite a bit with her at least. Maybe not with anyone else LOL Once again it's the little things to love. The spurts of growth. They make me happy. Anyways dude stole a friggin Humvee so taking him down will not be easy. Nolan says they need to stop this guy. No shit John...What do you think the purpose of this chase is? To have fun at a high speeds in a shop for kicks?
Sometimes the words out of his mouth floor me..and not in a good way. Tim is using his military experience in this moment. (Yum) Explains why that’s not going to be easy. He’s basically encased himself in a mini tank. Their usual pit maneuver isn’t going to work on this guy. Nolan offering up another solution. I adore the silent communication and the look. That automatic instinct to check in with each other. I'll never be over it. I love watching them in the field so very much. Just a well oiled machine. Tim is considering Nolan’s suggestion then checking in with wifey before executing it. Love it.
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Tim explains their plan to Nolan while Lucy listens in. Tim advices they both hit the doors. Tells them it has to be at the same time though. To avoid the wheels at all costs. Lucy needing to know the why of course. Asks why they can’t hit the tires? Tim explains they’ll die and be a cautionary tale for future rookies LOL Gotta love Lucy questioning why they can't in the middle of a high speed chase. I'm sure she wasn't expecting that to be his answer ha.
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Her comment about her mom cracks me up. Anything to prove to her mother she’s wrong and she is right about being a cop. Her first thought not being she’ll die. No it’ll be about her mother being right about her career choice. Lmao Oh Lucy Chen I love you. Also I relate to this train of thought all too well sadly. I do love her saying they’ll be disgraced together. Be more married please.
Tim doesn’t even fight her on this thought. Lucy basically saying if I’m going down you’re coming with. Tim isn’t fighting her at all. His silence is saying lead the way. They’re in this together and I love that so very much. Being a literal ride or die right now in this moment.
I love me some crumbs in a low content ep. Also only they could banter during a high pressure situation and still get the job done. I love them so much. They are successful but find out the driver isn’t their guy but a decoy. Wah Wah.
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They regroup at the station after their chase. Nolan asking Lucy if she got any sleep? She then calls out Tim for getting some. Not only does she call him out but nicknames him 'Sleeping beauty.' Looking directly at him the entire time. Making sure he know she is talking about him and only him. All aboard the flirt train Nolan is an unwilling participant in the matter haha
Such blatant flirty flirts. Tim fires back a sassy reply to her jab. Just openly flirting and doing heart eyes out in the open. Ain’t no thang this season lol Shoots back not to be jealous he was allowed to sleep and she hasn’t. Lucy’s reaction is the best. That fond exasperation they’ve had all season long. So used to her husband antics at this point but has to let him know she’s annoyed at him. Damnit I love them sfm.
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They end up finding his base of operations. Lucy of course breaking the case. Cause she’s brilliant finds a word he’s written down by doing an etching off a wall he used. ‘Enervo’ Garza telling them it means 'To deprive of power.' John asks Tim what the military’s first target is? I love watching Tim flex his military background again. It’s sexy af. Seriously gets me hot and bothered *fans self* Tim and Lucy cracking this case right open. You’re welcome everyone haha That’s it for this one. Low content one since it was meant to launch rookie feds. Next one has even less so this is why we’re combining them.
Side notes-Non Chenford
I do love when Nyla and Angela work together. Two bad ass woman just doing their jobs like confident BAMFS.
4x20 Enervo.
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We find out he’s rented U-Haul’s and it’s going to take out the biggest roads with them. Crippling the city and killing thousands. They can't get a warrant right away to track them so everyone is in on the hunt. As always I love watching them in action in the field. That second gif their cop eyes have been activated. You can see them combing the street together. They’re so in-sync as they search the streets for one of the five U-Haul’s. I could go on and on about how much I love their work dynamic I really could. But I'll stop there ha
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The trucks are divided up into states. Cause well that’s U-haul haha if you’ve ever driven one you’d know. Always got graphics or other states on them. One has already exploded unfortunately so they're down to 4 trucks that need to be found. Lucy and Tim spot ‘Florida’ and are in pursuit of it. I love how calm they look. They’re chasing down a bomb and look determined af. Like I said before well oiled machine. The gifs above represent that. They are poetry in motion in the field. What made 5x22 battle scene so epic. Was that on steroids ha
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That’s kinda it for them in this one. I can add this last lovely gif of them in the field. Seeing how they move in motion together. It is impressive to see how in-sync they always are. Shared brain thing I love so much. I’m sorry there isn’t more. I mean it’s not my fault but I’m still sorry LOL
We shouldn’t hit this again. Even the light one in S5 is really good and would fill a review well so this will be the last scant ep for them. Probably won’t combine them again ha
Side notes-non chenford
Smitty reporting in he got ‘Utah’ Grey being ecstatic and saying he took back every negative thing ever said about him. Poor Smitty is all sad ‘You’ve said negative things about me?’ LMAO
Thank you as always for those who like, comment and reblog these reviews. You’re all amazing and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know. Shall see you all in 4x21 :)
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velvetvexations · 10 days
I think one of the main reasons I dislike Fantasy High Junior Year is because of the way it was marketed. Like, there's an entire video explaining how Kristen is gonna go through this major character arc and ditch some of her more wacky antics as she realizes that the chaos she creates isn't cute anymore... and then there's absolutely no payoff. Instead, Kristen is at her quirkiest and most chaotic and other than a few dressing downs from some NPCs that she completely ignores nothing happens.
Like, I've never had a problem with Kristen's disaster personality. I think they handled it just fine in the first two seasons so that she never became too annoying or unlikeable. But it's just dialed up to 11 in Season 3. To the point where its genuinely not funny. And if chaos isn't cute, that'd make sense. It'd be on purpose, so everything can come crumbling down Fabian style and she'd have to become a better person. But that doesn't happen. So you're left sitting through all this garbage with the promise of a payoff that doesn't exist, which just leaves you bitter at the end.
It's especially frustrating when a few characters try to lead her in that direction. Like, Riz is working his ass off to get Kristen the presidency, something she only really wants as an ego boost, with no real platform or plans she can think of. He's the one joining all the clubs. He's the one making all the plans. Hell, he's the one making sure they're all doing well in their classes. And it gets to the point where his mom flat out tells Kristen that Riz would make a better president than her.
In any other story, that would immediately que the audience in to how Kristen's arc is gonna get resolved. With her abandoning the presidency and giving it to Riz, apologizing for making him do so much work for her and rewarding him for his effort. This followed up by deciding to be better for Cassandra, another person she mistreated and took for granted.
But she doesn't. Instead, she just makes Riz her vice president at the end and pushes all the work onto him AGAIN, to the point where it undoes the only character development he got all season (him shifting back to coffee from tea the moment Kristen makes him VP). And it certainly doesn't help that its the middle class white girl making her poor minority friend do everything for her.
Like, why market it as Kristen getting serious when that doesn't happen? Why act like she has some arc when she doesn't? It only makes the audience bitter when they went in expecting serious consequences and got nothing.
The marketing was very weird. Not only was there the false advertising with Baron's second form, which really hurts me to say as someone who sees Dropout as a bastion of ethics-based capitalism, but something just didn't sit right with me about the hype blimey got when it happened. Like, yes, it was funny, but like...ultimately I was like, alright? It wasn't anything actually important? It was specifically something Brennan was once again pushing really hard for them to succeed at because it was something they had to pass to continue to the next leg of the story?
Back when the Second Place episode of Game Changer came out, I saw someone complain about Dropout going back to the Brennan monologue well. I was like, hey, I love that shit, if you don't like the premise of a show don't watch it, right?
But here the commercialization of the cast's quirks and specific styles might have, I think, crossed a line, because of just how underwhelming blimey was compared to how it was built up. Like, Ally's quirky insane rolls drive Brennan crazy, haha, okay. The Brennan monologue well is, IMO, far from dry, but D20's hysterical theatrics in situations like that is getting stale, or at least that's how it felt this season.
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themorriganwitch · 1 year
Top Gun: Maverick Kink Headcanons
Summary: Headcanons for 5 kinks 5 particular Daggers have
Words: 1k 
Characters: Bradley Bradshaw, Natasha Trace, Jake Seresin, Bob Floyd, Pete Mitchell, also includes some IceMav
A/N: Includes NSFW Content, 18+ only MDNI!!, English is not my first language, so there will be mistakes. 
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw 
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-   Choke kink – on the few occasions where he let you take the lead and let you bounce on top of him, he wants nothing more than your tiny fingers wrapped around his throat. And when you squeeze him just right – he could come in that exact moment.
-       Daddy Kink – I don’t know why, maybe it’s just the vibe he gives or maybe it’s me wanting to call him Daddy, he definitely has one. Amen.
-       Overstimulation – God, how he loves seeing you completely messed up, tears straining your cheeks after he gave it to you so good again and again and again.
-       Impact Play – How he loves watching your ass jiggle, your flesh red and hot from where he put his hands.
-       Breeding Kink – Nothing he would ever think about during his frat boy years but after finding his soulmate he cannot imagine something sweeter that seeing you pregnant with his child.
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
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-  Breeding kink – that man wants to see your belly round and your tits swollen. Could be the southern boy from a huge family in him or just him in general. No matter what – that man wants to see you pregnant with his child.
-       Cockwarming – Jake being the touchiest human on planet earth loves nothing more than feeling your walls hugging him perfectly close, especially after coming right back from a long deployment.
-       Edging – He’s a teasing piece of shit. Nothing gets him more going than hearing you beg for his cock.
-       Exhibitionism – slipping his hand between your thighs while sitting at dinner with Rooster and his girlfriend knowing only, he can feel the wet patch on your panties even though you are in a room full of people, that’s probably the best dinner he ever had.
-       Brat Taming – Mouth ‘Make me’ at him, after he admonished you several times for you teasing him on a navy ball and will fully loose his shit as soon as you come home.
Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell  (Most of these involve IceMav)
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- Rank Kink – oh how Mav adores when you call him Captain. But he adores it way much more calling Ice by his rank when the admiral rewards him for not annoying the shit out of Cyclone.
-       Spit Kink- That man likes to get messy in the sheets, add some dominance vibes to it and he is a happy man.
-       Threesomes – Not with everyone of course but he would lie if says that he never thought about you, Ice and him getting messy in the sheets.
-       Switch: With everyone but Ice, Mav is probably the dominant part. But as soon as him and Ice are alone, he fully submits to his Admiral, knowing he would never regret it.
-   Brat Taming: Ice taming Mav after he spend another day driving Cyclone and the whole Navy insane – it’s not a headcanon but universal.
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd 
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- Dom / Sub dynamic – being always underestimated by his co-workers and superiors Bob loves nothing more to come home after a rough day and reward someone for doing exactly what he tells them to do. And he will always take such good care of you.
-       Bondage: he might look innocent with his birth control glasses and everything, but he goes absolutely feral seeing you tied up and helpless (fully consensual of course) in front of him
-       Voyeurism – you, laying spread wide open on your shared king size bed while he sits on a chair across the room, watching you touch yourself and moaning his name – that’s how images heaven
-       Brat Taming – Polite and kind bobby loves nothing more than showing his brat of a girlfriend how to behave correctly when escorting him to a navy ball.
-       Aftercare – it’s not really a kink but since our beloved backseater is someone (honestly unsurprising) who likes it wild in the sheets, he knows how important it is to take good care of you after you’re done. He always has some water and snacks stock in his drawer next to the bed and he always cleans you up softly before he cuddles you until you fall asleep in his arms.  
Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace
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-  Choke Kink – the thought of you pressed under her, her hands lightly squeezing your throat while she rides you with her favorite strap on – that’s what helps her to keep going through a tough workday.
- Rank Kink – kinda similar to Bobs Dom/Sub thing – being one of the few female aviators who graduated top gun Nat had always to keep up with her co-workers not taking her serious and making fun of her (*Cough*Hangman) she absolutely goes feral if you call her “Lieutenant”, while she serves you.
-   Edging – She’s incredibly similar to Jake when it comes to this (not that this is something she would like to hear)
-       Sensory Deprivation – After a long day of flying and always being ultra-focused on watching the environment up in the air, Nat highly appreciates to be blindfolded and just let her other senses work while you make her feel good.
-       Switch: Phoenix is a classic Switch – on somedays when she had to boss new Top Gun students around, she needs to submit to you and fully let go of all the responsibility. While on other days after being screamed at by her superiors she needs to feel a sense of control.
Additional Headcanon for Phoenix and Hangman: Both probably would never really consider having a threesome unless it is with each other and a third person. And the whole thing would evolve from the competition who can make the third person come the most.
(Probably going to work on this for an upcoming One-shot now)
Hope you enjoyed this, comments and prompt ideas are always highly appreciated 
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buddiebeginz · 16 days
I hear what you’re saying and I love and appreciate the positivity but I’m just tired at this point. It feels like Fox all over again where its roads leading to buddie until the end of the season when it’s suddenly *storylines drive off in a random unsatisfying direction for Buck and Eddie and their LI’s* as the network goes hahah you silly shippers. You’re insane for thinking that was happening. We have no idea what you’re talking about or why you would even think that was a possibility. (But please stick around as we gaslight you into thinking it’s happening again next season before we do this all over at the end. 😜)
I understand why you'd feel that way and trust me I've been around for all of it and been burnt by the show time and time again so I get how you feel but I do believe this time is different. I think we're closer now to Buddie than we have ever been before.
If Buddie wasn't happening I truly believe Tim would have handled Buck's coming out in a way different way. He's not stupid and he knows how much people ship Buddie. Yet he made Buck's bi awakening ep all about Eddie. He's also had Buck and Eddie more connected than ever this season. There's also been very little of B/T and T*mmy. That's not the way you get an audience to become invested in a new ship. If Tim was really all about T*mmy and B/T we would have had more development with them yet they've barely had any real meaningful conversations
I also think that there would have been so much less press about Buddie. We've had more talk about Buddie by major press sites (ones that never talked about them before) like Rolling stone and People mag than we've ever had before. Tim and ABC (and the actors) could have made the decision early on this season to answer the Buddie question a couple of times to be firm and make sure people knew it wasn't in the plans. Yet not only have they not shut Buddie down but they continue to talk about it time and time again and the response is always basically that they want to take their time and do the story right. Also remember that questions are preapproved by the network and the actors team. If they didn't want to talk about Buddie they wouldn't be like in previous seasons when most of the time they didn't.
I get being scared to get your hopes up and of being let down again I'm scared about that too. More than anything I just really want to see Buck and Eddie finally be together. Not even just because I ship them but because I know how momentous and important it will be when that happens. I'm also tired of waiting for 911 to finally bring them together but I think we just have to be patient for a little longer because Tim and the rest of them only have one chance to get this right. I know a lot of us have been waiting years but considering they just moved to ABC and Tim just came back in a way it's like we're starting over again. But that's been a good thing I think for the characters and the show and everything feels like it's on a good track for Buddie to happen way more than we were after seasons 5 and 6.
Another thing is that the closer a will they/won't they ship gets to finally coming together shows will usually up the drama so we think it's not going to happen so then when it does it's more emotionally rewarding. So whatever is in store for Buddie right now even if they have a falling out (like some of the spoilers hint to) and even if B/T make things official going into s8 that doesn't meant Buddie is off the table. S7 did the most to let us know that Buck and Eddie know each other and get each other and are there for each other more than anyone else is for them and that relationship will always shine through above any other.
Try not to let the drama in fandom and whatever happens in the finale get you down. We can and always will be able to ship Buddie and celebrate that relationship regardless of whether or not they're canon. Message anytime. ❤️
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