#it’s always a bit of a lottery how their faces are going to turn out
xlpoww · 9 months
bad for business
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hi!! this is my second attempt at writing since middle school- so excuse me for it being so short/bad lol!! i had started recently watching one piece with my boyfriend and then the live action came out and i fell even more head over heels in love with sanji this is a result of that
no warnings!
word count: 620
opla! sanji x f!reader
songfic-> bad for business by sabrina carpenter
CONTINUATION (but also not a part 2) jealousy, jealousy
life on the baratie wasn’t always easy, lovely nonetheless. you couldn’t imagine trading it for anything, even if it meant having to watch your flirtatious crush work his magic on every lady in the room.
good for his heart..
sanji vinsmoke is a flirt. no one talks sweeter than the young chef with dreams of the all blue.
“now what for the lovely mademoiselle?” 
his voice floats through the air with a charm none could replicate. you don't even have to turn your head to know the question was paired with a charming smile. he might have even winked at the girl. 
her flustered giggle fills the air as she blushes up at the blonde. ordering with a smile like she’s won the lottery, her blue eyes lock on him as he retreats to the kitchen for the wine requested. 
with a chuckle and and shake of your head, you continue clearing the table in front of you. the tall blonde man was quite the smooth talker, and did a wonderful job to keep the woman with deep pockets coming back. so who were you to complain that he was so sweet?
his heart was already spoken for.
…but very bad for business
you’re no stranger to the lustful stares of the restaurant guests, and have learned to mostly turn a blind eye to them. though, every once in a while a girl takes it a little too far with him.
as you walk by her table, tray full of food in hand, you can’t help but notice her heated stare. it wasn’t directed at you, but your best friend speaking to another round table of guests. slightly on guard, you continue on towards table 6, smiling sweetly at the brunette man who winks at you as you place the ribs down on the table in front of him. 
“I didn’t realize Baratie had started hiring models? how much do they pay a pretty thing like you huh?”
you feign bashfulness, looking off to the side with a giggle.
“not enough you make it seem”
of course you’re more than used to the gross things some of the guests would utter about you (to your face nonetheless); so you knew to brace yourself a bit. but the man doesn’t escalate any further, shaking his head with a laugh that hints to you the size of the tip you’ll be getting. you turn back to him, once again smiling and telling him to let you know if they needed anything else, tucking your tray under your arm and walking back towards the kitchen.
all of my friends think i've gone crazy-
“that blonde at table 8 seems to have her eye on you-” you jest, walking up to sanji with a waggle of your eyebrows. he scoffs at you, a smile forming as he winks 
“doesn’t every woman who walks into the restaurant?” he brushes past you, placing a hand on your shoulder to steady himself as he goes. you find yourself turning your head to follow his movement, grabbing onto his hand and using it to pull him closer. he seems surprised when you tug him down to your level to whisper in his ear.
“i'm sure i could show you a better time than she could” a wink finished off your flirty statement. it’s a it of a struggle to hold in the satisfied giggle, and you walk back off to go take another table’s order.
sanji’s face is dusted with a pretty pink as he stares after you, not that you would have been able to notice. 
you would also fail to hear the teasing of some of the kitchen staff after you left,
“damn casanova, i’ve never seen you left so speechless”
“she’s gonna give you a run for your money lover boy!”
there was a way only you could make his heart race.
-but they don't know me like my babyyy
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les4elliewilliams · 2 months
With all my heart.
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¡! daily click・palestine masterpost・do not buy any game from naughty dog, neil druckmann is a zionist・more daily clicks. ¡!
cw/wc: 10.9k (ik wtf) not proofread ; smut, fingering both r/e!receiving, oral (r!receiving), swearing, fluff, reader has a heart condition. jackson ellie x fem reader (💘)
a/n: I'm not really sure how I feel about this, lol (especially the smut part). I tried to do a lot of research about this type of heart issue to make it as accurate as possible, so if it's not, I'm sorry, I tried. ib one of those romantic movies where one of the characters is sick and has some rare condition (except that no one dies.)
also can we start romanticizing unconditional love and healthy relationships?
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You knew you had won the lottery the moment you accidentally bumped into her in the hospital.
Your life has been full of challenges right from the beginning. You were born with a condition that affected your heartbeats, making it difficult for your heart to function normally. So you had to rely on a pacemaker to regulate your heartbeat. This condition has significantly impacted your life, making it hard for you to engage in activities that require physical exertion.
Long QT Syndrome, or LQTS, is a rare genetic condition that can mess up your heart's electrical system. It can cause your heartbeats to go wild, making you faint, have seizures, or even go into sudden cardiac arrest. To keep yourself safe, you needed to take your meds, live a certain way, and have a pacemaker — which you had implanted.
Living a normal life had always been tough for you, and it wasn't only the syndrome's physical symptoms that held you back, but also your parents' protectiveness. They worried a lot about your health, maybe a bit too much, leaving you with very little freedom to do anything. Even simple things like going to a party or hanging out with friends like a regular teenager seemed like a luxury you could never have. Although you understood that your parents were only trying to protect you, their overprotectiveness always made you feel suffocated and cut off from the world. You always felt like an alien who had just been dropped off on Earth; you knew nothing about anything. You've always had to rely on the stories and experiences of people around you, like your friends, to help you figure things out and feel like you had lived a little.
You have been homeschooled ever since you were a little kid. You didn't have many opportunities to participate in social activities and make friends. However, you did manage to meet two people who have remained your only friends to this day. You met them in the park when you were a kid, and to your luck, they stuck around. You often wonder if they stayed with you out of pity or because they genuinely liked spending time with you, but you were glad regardless; it was good to have someone to hang out with.
The memory of the day you met Ellie is still as vivid in your mind as it was when it happened. You had just finished your routine checkup at the hospital and were feeling a bit peckish. You made your way to the vending machine to grab a snack, suddenly feeling a wave of dizziness sweep over you. You hoped a quick snack would help, but fate seemed to have other plans in store for you that day. As you selected your snack, you watched in frustration as it got stuck in the vending machine. You tried everything you could to retrieve it, but it refused to budge. Just as you were about to give up, she appeared.
"Can I hel-" she started, but you were already turning around to leave, and just as you turned around to leave, you accidentally collided with her, causing your chest to hit hers. The impact triggered your pacemaker, causing it to beep loudly and incessantly. "Shit — I'm so sorry" she said as she gently grabbed your arm to steady you. "Oh my god, I'm sorry" you said simultaneously. The sound reverberated through the hospital walls, and your face heated up with embarrassment. You had never experienced anything like this before, not even when you bumped into walls at home.
The auburnette looked at you puzzled and asked, "Why're you beeping? Are you okay?" Worried green eyes scanning you, she was clearly taken aback by the unexpected beeping sound and she couldn't understand where it was coming from. You couldn't help but feel drawn to her despite the awkward introduction, she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
Little did you know that this chance encounter would lead to a series of life-changing events.
You remember sitting in the seating area of the hospital, munching on a snack that she had generously gotten for you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for this girl's kindness. She was so funny and kind, cracking dumb puns every now and then. You admired how perfect and flawless she looked and to this day, she still tells you how mesmerized she was by you when she saw you for the first time. You both chatted away about everything and nothing, you noticed that she had a backpack with her. Being the curious person you are, you couldn't resist the urge to ask her what she was studying. She seemed delighted by your interest and started talking passionately about her field of study — art. The more she talked, the more intrigued you were. When your conversation came to an end, she mustered up the courage to ask for your number, a clear indication that she wanted to see you again; it took you by surprise but you happily obliged. Something about you captivated her attention, although you couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.
You never thought that you would have the chance to become friends with her, let alone her best friend. But somehow, again, fate had other plans for you. Your friendship with her started slowly but surely. She always asked you to hang out, and you couldn't help but say yes. She was so fun to be around, and it was impossible not to enjoy her company. She would come to your place and take you on small adventures, always promising to show you something new and exciting. This was especially important to you, as you had shared that your teenage years were quite dull and you didn't venture out of your house much. She always respected your limits, knowing that you had to be cautious with your heart condition. When she started staying at your place, you were surprised at how well she fit in with your family and friends. Your parents loved her and your friends thought she was great too. She was always taking care of you without being overbearing or suffocating. Her kindness and thoughtfulness made you feel valued and appreciated, and you couldn't help but fall for her. How could you not after all? She was perfect.
You shared every aspect of your life with her, and she reciprocated. You both had a shared love for reading, although she preferred a completely different genre from yours. She forced you to read her favorite Savage Starlight comics, and even though they weren't your cup of tea, you still enjoyed spending time with her while reading them, mostly because of how cute she sounded when she read every line out loud, effortlessly switching tones to match the different characters' voices and even adding sound effects to accentuate the narrative. She would often stay the night at your place and binge-read them with you. She loved to talk about her passions for space, dinosaurs, science, and art. She even showed you her drawings and journal, claiming she had never shown them to anyone. She even made a few drawings for you; it was adorable and impressive how she managed to capture every little detail of your face and put it on a piece of paper, she was a talented one. And, of course, you did the same with her — sharing your favorite comics/books with her, even convincing her to watch movies that she always claimed she hated. After watching them with you, she realized they weren't so bad after all. Not that she actually paid attention to the movie, her eyes solely focused on you.
Soon enough she was introducing you to her closest friends. She was convinced that you would love them, and she was totally right. One of her friends, Dina, was so much fun to be around, always full of energy and cracking jokes, she had a smile that could light up the whole room. Jesse, Dina's boyfriend, was just as funny as her, but he was a bit more serious and responsible than the rest of them. He always looked out for Dina and Ellie, but they never listened to him, which resulted in some pretty hilarious situations. The group had a really cool dynamic, and you loved how they made you feel welcome right from the start.
Your first kiss was a moment you could never forget, etched deeply into your memory. You both were deeply in love with each other, and it was evident in the way you looked at each other. Your glances filled with unspoken feelings and palpable tension that drove you crazy, hoping that you weren't the only one feeling that way. And then the moment finally arrived. You remember it was a hot summer day, and the air in your room was stifling despite the fan pointed at your face. You had a few strands of hair that fell loose out of your messy low ponytail, and they moved with the breeze from the fan. You were both on your bed; she was sitting criss-crossed before you, music playing in the background. She was drawing you in her journal, claiming that she needed more practice, which, after years, she revealed was just an excuse to draw you and spend more time with you; you were her favorite muse and she was just a loser who couldn't help but simp for you. Her cheeks were slightly pink due to the heat (or at least you thought), and her green concentrated eyes flickered back and forth from your face to her journal. When she started drawing your lips you unconsciously licked them, causing her eyes to dart up to look at you in the eyes.
She let out a soft sigh and mumbled under her breath, "m' almost done." A faint blush crept up her cheeks, though you couldn't quite explain why. Intrigued, you leaned over to get a glimpse of her work and asked, "Yeah? can I see?" She straightened up, holding the journal close to her chest, and replied with a slight huff, "Don't move, c'mon, stay still." You raised an eyebrow in amusement and retorted, "What? I'm not even moving." She didn't respond and instead furrowed her brows, focusing intently on her piece of art. The room fell silent, except for the sound of her pencil scratching against the paper.
The silence between you and her was palpable but not uncomfortable, yet you still decided to break it with a joke. "Knock knock," you said, a small smile forming on your face. Her eyes, which had been focused on her journal, darted up to meet yours once again. A playful smile appeared on her lips as she asked, "Who's there?" in a slightly sarcastic tone, giving you an eye roll. "Kiss," you replied, wiggling your brows. "Kiss who?" she played along, her eyes still fixed on you. "Me," you smiled awkwardly.
You knew it was a terrible joke, a very corny one, but you couldn't help it. After all, you didn't have much experience in these kinds of things — the universe only knew how long it took you to muster up the courage to make a silly little joke like that one. She chuckled dryly. "God, that's really bad," she commented, and you laughed along. "I know," you lowered your head and shook it slowly before looking up at her again. Both of you were smiling at each other, the tension between you growing. "So?" you quipped, trying to sound confident. "Do you want to?" you asked, your heart beating fast. "Oh shit, you were serious?" She suddenly sounded nervous, placing her somehow worn-out journal on her thighs as she looked at you in disbelief. You could tell she was surprised, and maybe a little flustered. "I'm sosorry — I didn't mean to make it awkward. Forget it. It's just I really like you a lot, but if you don't—" you started to say, trying to diffuse the tension, but her soft lips cut off your nervous rambling before you could finish your sentence. You felt a jolt of electricity shoot through your body as you kissed her back, your hands reaching up to cup her face. It was a moment you would never forget.
After your first kiss, you and Ellie went on a few dates together. It was during one of these dates that she took you to the park and asked you to be her girlfriend. The setting was perfect — you were having a lovely picnic date, the weather was just right, and a gentle breeze was blowing, caressing your skin and making it erupt in goosebumps as you sat close to the pond next to Ellie, throwing frozen peas to the ducks, their quacking filling the air with lively energy. The water was still and calm, the sun was shining, and the greenery around you was lush and vibrant. You felt a sense of warmth and happiness.
The auburnette sat beside you, leaning back as you fed the ducks in the pond. She wore a tender smile on her face, watching you with a gentle gaze. "I thought they only ever ate bread," she commented, breaking the peaceful silence between the two of you. You turned to her, your eyebrows raised in surprise. "If all they eat is bread, how will they survive in the wild without people tossing them bread all the time?" You replied with a hint of sarcasm. She scoffed and playfully nudged you. "Alright, smartass," she said, you nudged her back, both of you giggling like children. "I'm surprised a know-it-all nerd like you didn't know that," you teased her. "Nerd, huh? you actually like this nerd" she retorted teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she pointed at herself. "Do I, now?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at her. You couldn't take back your words after all, you did like her and you made sure to tell her, let's say... pretty often.
"Oh yeah, you do," she chuckled, nodding her head playfully. The two of you fell back into a comfortable silence, watching the ducks swim around in the pond. Suddenly, she turned to you, her expression serious. "Listen, I was thinking...you know how we're going out on dates and all," she started, her voice hesitant. Your head snapped to look at her; your heart was beating like crazy, not that it usually wasn't due to your syndrome, but it felt crazier than usual. You felt your palms start to sweat, and you grew more nervous by the second. "Yeah?" you prompted her, waiting for her to continue. "I guess what I'm trying to say is...we already act like a couple, so...will you be my girlfriend?" she finally gathered the courage to ask, her eyes locked on yours.
She seemed a bit tense, although you couldn't understand why. After all, you had told her multiple times before how much you liked her, and the two of you had been acting like a couple for quite some time now. You gave her a cheeky smile "Of course I want to," you said confidently, jumping right into her lap, feeling a sudden burst of excitement as you wrapped your arms around her.
Your love was pure and genuine, and it was evident from the little things you did for each other. She would leave little notes around your room or in your bag whenever you left for a second. These notes would remind you of her love for you, and you would return the gesture by hiding notes in her notebooks or in her journal. She would find them the next day during her classes, and it would brighten up her day.
"you look so pretty"
"are you a keyboard? cause you're just my type ;)"
"i love your freckles and i love you"
"hope you're having a good day :) ps. no more pickup lines im begging D:"
Your love was spontaneous and full of small handmade gifts, full of drawings from her part and origami from yours. Once in a while she'd even write and play songs for you, which had you smiling like an idiot cause how romantic was that?
She was always too caring, and she would make sure that you were feeling okay despite your heart disorder. She would accompany you to your doctor appointments and never leave your side, even though you would tell her she didn't need to be there. Unlike your parents who had always been overprotective, she was always looking out for you without being too much. Since you were the "sick" one between the two of you, she always had trouble accepting help from you, especially when she felt sick or was on her period. But you always insisted on taking care of her, making her chicken soup whenever she had a horrible cold, and ensuring that she took painkillers for her period cramps. You always made sure that she had enough pads and her favorite snacks or helped her through one of her panic attacks. Soon, she got used to it and would always be a whining mess when she was sick, hoping you would cuddle with her or baby her. She loved it more than she liked to admit.
On your anniversaries, you would surprise each other with flowers. The first time you had ever gotten her flowers (which was on your first date), she accepted them with teary eyes, saying that none of her ex-girlfriends had ever gotten her flowers or treated her like a woman; you loved the idea of being her first in something — you didn't get to be her first kiss or her first time in...that, but at least you were the first girlfriend who treated her right.
Your first time together was so special and intimate, it made you feel truly alive. The way she was so gentle and caring towards you left an indelible imprint on your heart. Her touch was like a soft breeze on a calm summer day, sending shivers down your spine, and being with her made you feel like you were safe from the rest of the world. You remember how her tender gaze made you feel like the most special and beautiful girl in the world, making your insecurities fade away. The way she held you close, with a warmth that engulfed you, made you feel comfortable in your own skin. It was your first time ever, and you confided in her about not having much experience. She reassured you that she would teach you, show you the way, and make you feel good, and good Lord, if she kept that promise.
It was a warm and peaceful afternoon, the sun was shining brightly outside, casting a warm glow into the room. You and your girlfriend were both lounging on her comfortable bed, enjoying each other's company in silence. While she was intently watching an action movie, you were lost in the pages of a captivating book. Your attentive eyes scanned each line and paragraph, immersing yourself in the story and oblivious to your surroundings. Unbeknownst to you, Ellie was growing increasingly impatient, huffing and puffing in an attempt to get your attention. Her huffs were airy at first, but as time went on, they became more forceful and pronounced, hoping to grab your attention and draw you away from your book.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to her, you turned your head gently towards her, lowering your book ever so slightly "What's wrong, Els?" you asked, concerned. "Put it down, I wanna cuddle." she responded, snatching the book out of your hand and placing it on her nightstand. You couldn't help but smile at her neediness, finding it adorable. "Fine," you sighed playfully, "Needy," you added under your breath, rolling your eyes at her. But she caught your comment, "What? Did you say somethin'?" You couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction as she pulled you on top of her and wrapped her arms around you. "Oh, nothing," you innocently replied.
"Comfy? Anything hurts?" she asked in a gentle tone as she rubbed your back in a slow and soothing motion, and you instantly relaxed under her touch. You took a deep breath, the tension in your muscles slowly fading away. "I'm okay, — m'comfy" you reassured her, feeling grateful for her care and existence in general. You hugged her tightly, burying your head in her chest. You could feel the warmth radiating from her, and the steady beats of her heart were a comforting sound.
You both cuddled up in silence, movie still playing softly in the background. As she kept rubbing your back, you gently scratched her arm something that usually relaxed her. After a little while, you felt compelled to express your feelings and whispered, "I love you." Even though you couldn't see her face, you could hear the smile in her voice when she replied, "Love you more, babe." You remained comfortably nestled in her chest, head buried in her grey hoodie. When you finally lifted your head from her chest, you gazed into her beautiful green eyes, already looking at you with so much affection that made your heart skip a beat. "You mean the world to me." you confessed, her eyes softened even more, and her heart swelled with love for you. She was the perfect girlfriend, always so loving and respectful, and you couldn't ask for anyone better. Finally, she leaned in and kissed you slowly and tenderly, a soft kiss that soon turned into something passionate and full of desire. She rolled on top, pinning you down with her weight, her hands roaming all over your body. She squeezed your waist, your hands cupping her freckled face to keep her close. She sighed quietly into the kiss, her fingers tugging at your tank top, and you knew what that meant — she wanted it off. And to confirm your thoughts, it was Ellie herself. She pulled away, lips slightly swollen and pink. Despite her best efforts, it was pretty evident that she was struggling to control her breathing as she panted uncontrollably, both because of the intense making out and her arousal growing by the second. Her face was flushed; she looked at you to gauge your reaction to her silent request, to which you responded with a little nod. "I'm ready," you uttered timidly, feeling your cheeks getting warmer. "Are you sure? We don't nee-" you cut her words off, repeating yourself, "I'm ready," this time sounding a bit more firm and confident of your choice. She mimicked the slight nod you gave her a few seconds ago, loose strands of auburn hair falling out of her little bun framing her face, her eyes never leaving yours.
She leaned in once again, giving you a peck on your moist lips before kissing your jawline and down to your neck. "Can i touch you?" she asked between damp kisses she left on your neck, "I don't know, can you?" she chuckled and began to suck purple marks on your soft skin as she slipped her hand underneath your tank top, brushing against your bare stomach before reaching her target — your tits. She cupped one of your tits, feeling the fabric of your bra. Your breath hitched, your cheeks were flushed and you were grateful she was too focused on your neck to notice "Can I take it off?" she questioned between cute smooches sounds, "Yeah," you breathed out, looking back into her eyes.
When she did, you were left in nothing but your bra, the visible scar near your shoulder making you feel uncomfortable, same with the implanted pacemaker under your skin, it was visible and you hoped it didn't gross her out. You couldn't help but look away from her, suddenly feeling ashamed for something you had no control over; it was something so small yet so significant for you.
You felt her index and middle finger gently pressing under your jawline to turn your head towards her and make you look into her eyes once again. Her voice was soft, almost like a whisper, as she spoke to you in such a tender tone. "Hey," she started softly, sensing your insecurity. "You're beautiful, alright?" Hearing those words from her sent chills all over your body, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over you. She continued, "We'll go slow. If something feels wrong, you let me know, okay?" Her words were reassuring, and you could feel her gentle touch on your face, holding it firmly so that you couldn't look away. You nodded in response to her words, suddenly feeling shy in front of your girlfriend.
After less than a few minutes, both of your clothes were off, thrown carelessly somewhere in the room. She still had her sport bra on and her underwear while you only had your underwear on. She trailed down, kissing all over your bare chest and breasts, and your scar, the one you were insecure about "smooch smooch..so pretty, smooch beautiful, my pretty girl" she kept murmuring under her breath causing goosebumps to rise all over your body, your nipples stood erect and hard, begging for some attention. She chuckled when she felt your sensible nub harden under her palm, "Didn't mean to make the ladies feel neglected" she joked, her voice was husky. She looked up at you with a cocky grin, and you felt your cheeks heat up even more; you chuckled awkwardly and rolled your eyes at her attempt to tease you about something you couldn't control. "Why are you always like this?" you rhetorically asked with a playful smirk, she shrugged and gave you a lopsided smile as she began to kiss your chest and attack your nipples with her mouth. "mmphh" you let out; a pathetic attempt to swallow a small moan when she sucked on one of your nipples and pinched the other. You bit down on your lip, and you could feel her smile at the small sound that came from you as she continued to work on your tits.
She trailed her hand down your abdomen, her fingers dancing around the waistband of your underwear teasingly. You couldn't deny the arousal building in your panties and at the pit of your stomach, you could feel the uncomfortable stickiness forming in your undies. So fucking wet. Leaving moist kisses all the way down to your belly button, then she stopped. She looked up at you, cheeks flushed just like yours and her eyes looking for a sign of your consent. She wanted to make sure you were completely comfortable with the way she was exploring your body, feeling it, and touching it. "I'm ready, Ellie. I promise" you repeated, your voice was soft and still timid.
"If you want me to stop, just tell me to, okay?" she told you once again and she didn't resume what she was doing until you gave her a light nod. She spread your legs, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the darker spot of your panties, you were so fucking wet. She hissed something under her breath that you couldn't quite catch. Seeing how wet she made you only served to boost her ego (as if she wasn't cocky already, the last thing this girl needed was a boost of her ego). "God, you're so wet," she couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "Thanks, Einstein, I haven't noticed," you responded with a hint of sarcasm, perhaps hoping to divert attention away from your embarrassment. She chuckled and an amused smile appeared on her dotted face, her brows jolting up. "Don't you give me the attitude" Before you could say anything back, her digits gently pressed on your still-clothed pussy, making your hips jerk away and a little moan escape your lips. Your face was on fire as you registered the lewd sound that accidentally left your lips. "That's what you get," A broad grin of pride spread across her face, and a fleeting pout that she found endearing appeared on your face "Oh, what? You mad at me, now?" she continued to taunt you, you let out a deep sigh and turned your gaze away.
"Shut up — god, why are you so annoying even in moments like this?" You covered your eyes with the sweaty palm of your hand as you spoke, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment. You could hear her giggle at your shyness, and it was evident that she enjoyed teasing you and playing with your emotions.
"C'mon pretty, m'just messin' with you." but she couldn't stop snickering to herself, finding your reactions quite funny. "Look at me," she commanded in a gentle tone, and you complied; you moved your hand away from your face and looked down at her, who was positioned between your spread thighs. "Want me to stop?" she questioned again, making you huff in response "Ellie. If you ask me that one more time, i swear—"
"Jesus, just making sure, no need to be so feisty about it" her fingers hooked under the waistband of your pink panties, tugging it down and freeing your dripping cunt. "Do I seriously make you this wet?" she was in disbelief, watching the string of precum that connected your pussy to your damp panties she had just pulled down.
"No, I was secretly thinking of Megan Fox, imagining her on top doing naughty things to me," you sarcastically retorted. She gasped dramatically, acting offended. Such a drama queen she was. "I consider that cheating." She played along, keeping that fake offended demeanor on. You laughed softly at her silly expression. "Okay, then, you caught me. Mentally cheating on you right now," you joked.
"I see how it is" You laughed again, and she scoffed, but she wasn't actually pissed at you.
She began kissing your inner thigh, the ache between your thighs becoming almost unbearable. "Els..." you had this whiny hint in your voice, growing visibly impatient, "Hm?" she hummed back, switching to your other thigh, going near your pussy but never actually touching you where you wanted her to. You moved your hips close to her face, but she moved away. "What do you want?" she asked teasingly, playing dumb. Fuck, you hated her guts for doing that. "You know what i want" she clicked her tongue under the roof of her mouth "Don't think I do" you sighed, frustration slowly creeping up inside you "Please?" your voice was delicate, almost as if you were begging her to let you try her fries or asking her to buy you something. She smirked, seeing you all horny and desperate yet still struggling with your words, too shy to tell her what you wanted directly. "Please what?" she encouraged you, that obnoxious cocky grin never leaving her face; she was making fun of you at this point. But you stayed quiet. "Can't read your mind princess, you gotta use your words."
"Touch me?...please?" your voice above a whisper but she heard you, you could tell she did from the satisfied expression casting over her features. "Sorry? Louder. Couldn't hear you" that cunt. You knew she did hear you and that she just wanted to hear it again so, you tried your best to push your shyness aside and please her. "Touch me, Ell-" But she was growing way too impatient, pressing her thumb on your clit, you let out a strangled moan and your hips jerked away at the sudden contact, but she pulled you closer again. Between the two of you, the more impatient one was probably her. Poor baby couldn't even let you say it twice, she was already torturing your aching nub, drawing small circles on it.
"Feeling good?" she questioned, her eyes studying your every reaction to her touch. She knew you felt good but still needed to hear it from you. "Yeah," you breathed out, your breathing becoming more elaborated. "Remember to breathe from your nose, baby. Don't want your heart to go crazy over a little excitement — if it gets too much, tell me." she thoughtfully said. "I'll be fine" you reassured her, grabbing her other hand to squeeze it.
In no time, her lips were on your clit, gently sucking on it. She moaned on it, almost as she she was the one getting head. She could feel her pussy starting to ache, the fabric of her undies sticking to her pussy, but she couldn't help it. The way you sounded, your cute expressions and your pretty pussy were just too much to bare for her. "So fucking beautiful," she mumbled, pulling away from your pussy for a second. She slid a finger inside you and you arched your back, pushing your hips to her face to seek for more contact "This okay, yeah?" her voice was rasp. You whined in response "Ooooh look at her, think she loves me" it took quite a few to understand that she was talking to your pussy instead "God, w-why are you so…" you tried to hide the turmoil in your voice but you interrupted your own words with a slutty moan that left your throat as soon as she pushed her finger deeper into you.
"Fuuuck" you grunted, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull and the grip on her hand tightening. "So responsive," she chuckled. "Ellie, shut..up," you whined, moving your hips slowly to meet her thrusts. "Can't even talk without moaning, so nasty." she snickered, acting like she was totally unaffected by your pretty moans. She was fucking soaked, humping into absolutely nothing, not that you could notice it, too focused on the way she was making you feel. The gushing sounds riverbed throughout Ellie's bedroom, and she absolutely fucking loved it. She loved seeing you like this, whimpering and writhing under her touch, so ethereal, your body was pure art to her.
"M-more" you stuttered, panting a bit, your chest raising and falling quickly "More, huh?" she echoed mockingly, sliding another finger into your little honey jar, wetness dripping down to her knuckles from how wet you were. "Gahh-uhhd" you let out incoherent words, she groaned, feeling your walls clenching around her fingers and feeling her own clenching around absolutely nothing. "Like this, yes?" she questioned in a breathy voice, her brain suddenly struggling to make out sentences that made sense, too mushy to say shit and all because of you. If you only knew how long she waited to see you like this — touch you like this. "Uh-aahh" you trapped little whimpers inside your mouth, biting hard on your bottom lip again. "Nah-uh let me hear you," she immediately scolded you, shaking her head in disapproval, but you didn't listen.
Her face lowered to your pussy, lips attaching to your throbbing clit, teasing it with the tip of her tongue, switching between circling it and sucking it gently. Your mouth hung open, arching your back and bucking your hips against her face as you let out obscene moans. She moaned against your core, a mixture of her own spit and your juices covering her chin. "Taste hmmsoo good" Your other hand reached down to move pieces of her hair out of her face. "Ellie, I-i think I'm gonna-" you trailed off, not that she needed you to tell her, she could feel you squeezing her digits as she kept hitting that soft spot inside you. "Gonna cum, baby? wanna cum for me, beautiful?" she cooed.
"God..I love you so fucking much," she hissed under her breath; you moaned loudly in return, riding her fingers "Babe, m'gonna cum" you squealed, high-pitched moans reverbing throughout her apartment. "i'm here, princess" she cooed, squeezing your hand that she had been holding this entire time, so clingy. She wanted to ensure you knew she was there for you, not only to please you. That little feeling that had been building up in your stomach snapped like a rubber band, milking her fingers as she let you ride your orgasm. Curses falling from both of your lips, your muscles spasming and squeezing her fingers — god if she loved the way your body was reacting to her.
"I know, i know, I'm here baby" she whispered sweetly when a few whiny whimpers left your mouth. When you came down from your high, she withdrew her fingers and sucked them clean, her eyes locked with yours as she did so "You're so nasty" you giggled, feeling yourself blush again "You're the one who came all over my fingers" she teased you, crawling up to kiss your lips. Your tongues tangled together and you could taste yourself on her tongue. You place your hands on her waist, pulling her body closer to yours.
"You must be tired, angel." She reluctantly pulled away, an inch away from your lips as she spoke. "Want me to leave you all wet and needy?" you inquired in disbelief, lifting your brows up at her reluctance. Her eyes silently begging you to touch her, but she still preferred to put your health over her needs. That's how caring and loving she was. "I'm just saying you don't need to push yourself if you feel tired," she repeated.
"Oh, Ellie…" you sighed, pulling her underwear down and taking her by surprise. She seemed to be internally struggling to find the right thing to say, but you preceded her, "Think I can't handle a little fun?" you purred, growing bolder in your actions. You cupped her cunt, feeling all her sweet juices cover your hand; she was so fucking soaked, it was almost unbelievable. "Only if you're sure," she answered, her breath hitching in her throat as she gulped thickly, already trying hard to suppress her cute little moans. "I'm sure you want this," you teased her, the corner of your lips curling up in a smile, almost as if to make fun of her; it was your turn now.
"I do, you know I do," she replied. It was so entertaining to watch her keep her breathing steady. You ran your index and middle finger through her glistening folds and began to tease her puffy clit, rubbing it slowly, almost painfully. "Fuck" she grunted, humping the palm of your hand, desperate to find relief; you hummed back. "Am I doing okay?" you asked innocently; despite your inexperience, you could tell she loved it, and you high-fived yourself for the little mental notes you took while she was touching you just a moment ago. She grabbed your wrist, guiding your fingers to her entrance. "Finger me," she commanded with a raspy voice.
She let out a small gasp when you thrusted into her slowly. "Like this?" you could feel her walls clenching around your inexperienced fingers, "Uh-huh," she bobbed her head, positioning your hand just how she wanted it, guiding you as she rode your fingers. "Fuck, you're so messy — so wet for me," you muttered under your breath, pulling her closer to you; she was supporting her weight on her wobbly knees as she rode your fingers, burying her head into the crook of your neck. Your other hand rested on her hips, holding her in place and not allowing her to move as you kept slamming your fingers into her. The pleasure sounds she let out right into your ear only served to make you wetter and hornier than you already were — if that was even possible. It was almost like your inexperience melted away, with the sole intent of pleasing her. Immaculate sounds left her throat as she chased her orgasm on your fingers, and you couldn't help but groan pitifully after her. Your pussy already yearning for her again, struggling to hold onto the last shreds of sanity. "Just like that." Her voice was weak and breathy, it was fucking music to your ears, making you feel all types of things inside your tummy, butterflies perhaps? She couldn't even speak properly, struggling to suppress her slutty whimpers. Muttering filthy curses under her breath as you picked up the pace, hitting that spongy spot over and over; you could feel her whole body tremble and squirm in your hands. What made it better was knowing that you were causing it.
"You feel so good, El," you whispered in her ear, kissing all the cute little freckles spattered on her bare shoulder and collarbone "'m gonna cum" she gasped, her whimpers becoming more frequent and louder. Who knew she'd become a whiny mess when close to her orgasm, but for some reason, you found it adorable — like her life depended entirely on your fingers, cute wispy brows furrowed together in concentration. "Gonna cum on my fingers, pretty?" you purred. "Please…" she sounded so fucking needy it was almost ridiculous, but you slowed down instead, earning a groan from her part "Nonono, don't stop, pleaseplease," Her words were rushed, sounding like a kid who had just lost the most precious possession. "What is it that you said? Words, right? — you gonna be a good girl and ask or you just gonna cum like that?" for some reason, the idea of playing with her in such a vulnerable state turned you on. You wanted to see how far you could push her. She let out a shaky breath. "Can't believe you're doing this." She slowly shook her head in disbelief. Your digits pressed on the spot that almost made her squirt, and she squirmed. "Words." You spoke with a firmer tone, but you still had a playful, teasing smirk on your lips. "Swear to fucking god— next time, I won't go so easy on you," uttering a threatening remark followed by an imperceptible scoff. "I never asked you to go easy on me." Your pace slowed down even more, and she frowned at you.
"Can I cum? on your fingers? please." her chest heaving with each ragged breath. Her eyes were wide and glossy, her pupils dilated with desperation. "Such a goood girl El, such a good girl…cum for me" but all she could do was crash her lips against yours, leaving you no choice but swallow all her little noises. Her thighs trembled with each thrust, her legs parting slightly to allow better access as your fingers kept thrusting in and out of her wetness harder and faster, causing her to moan into your mouth.
When she came down from her high she collapsed against you, your bodies glistening with sweat, still breathing unevenly. The first thing she said when her breathing went back to normal was "I think I'm gonna marry you," before dissolving into a fit of giggles. You couldn't help but chuckle along with her. "I'm flattered. I guess you liked it then?" you responded, wrapping your arms around her. She snuggled into your chest, a contented smile on her face. "If I liked it?" she repeated, incredulous. You laughed softly, "Well, did you?"
"You were lying when you said it was your first time, weren't you?" she asked teasingly, furrowing her eyebrows at you and looking at you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. "I take that as a compliment," you smirked, not giving her a straight answer, her eyes carefully studied your features, analyzing every crease and contour, searching for any sign of deception "No, seriously. Were you a virgin?" she asked again, still in disbelief "I guess you'll never know," you said, teasing her further. "Come on. I'm your girlfriend. I'm supposed to know," she said, acting dramatic and waving her hands in the air. "Are you?" you asked teasingly, and she gasped in mock offense. "Excuse you? Am I not your girlfriend?" she asked, pretending to be hurt. You couldn't help but giggle. "I meant...are you supposed to know?" you teased her curiosity. "Pffttt whatever," she said, pretending to be offended and scooting away from you. You continued laughing at her antics. "Babe, where are you going?" you asked, still chuckling as you reached for her tattooed forearm and pulled her back towards you. "Girlfriends tell each other everything," she pouted playfully. "Right. Let's watch Jurassic Park and cuddle," you suggested, grabbing the remote to put the movie on.
You shared a bond that was unbreakable, and every experience you had together only brought you closer as if there was an invisible red string that seemed to connect the two of you, always pulling you closer and closer with each passing day. Your love for each other was like a never-ending flame that grew brighter with time. She never really stopped surprising you with little thoughtful gifts, and she even drew sketches of you when you weren't looking, and you both looked forward to creating new adventures together. She was always this huge simp for you, your number one supporter and fan.
After completing university, she asked you to move into her small but cozy apartment, which was basically a reflection of her personality. The walls were adorned with paintings she had made, stacks of comic books on her shelves, action figures, and her favorite movies and games collection. It was a delightful mishmash of all the things she loved. And slowly, your belongings started to mix in with hers. Her lonely toothbrush now had a companion, and her sneakers left by the door had an extra pair of shoes right next to them — your shoes. The dirty laundry was now a mix of colorful pink clothes and pastel colors, while hers were mostly grey or dark clothes. The wall hooks had more jackets hanging on them, and cute little stuffed animals were carefully placed on her your bed. The shelves filled with cute little plants that you both lovingly cared for, filling the empty gaps between an action figure and another. Living with her was a dream come true; you couldn't have been happier. You both had created a space that was uniquely yours, filled with love and a familiar warmth, it felt like family.
And before you knew it a new member joined your little family — a golden retriever. You had always dreamt of having a dog, but your parents never allowed you to have one when you were a kid. You had been talking about how much you loved the idea of having a furball running around your little apartment, ever since, Ellie had been secretly planning to surprise you with a cute little puppy. She had subtly asked you what kind of dog you would like, and she started doing her research. She had never owned a dog before, so she wanted to learn as much as possible about what puppies needed. Puppies required more than just toys and cuddles, after all they needed proper nutrition, and she was confused about what kind of food to get for the puppy. She went to the grocery store and found a wide variety of puppy food with different flavors and vitamins. After careful consideration, she picked out what she thought was the best one for the puppy. One day, she told you that she was staying out late for work; in reality, the poor baby had to drive for an hour to get the exact puppy she had seen on social media (Facebook, to be exact, Joel had helped her with that). The puppy was a beautiful golden retriever with a shiny coat and an adorable face. The drive back home with the puppy was mostly quiet, except for her talking to the honey-furred baby that sat there in the passenger seat in silence, looking at her lovingly.
The puppy's big, brown eyes had already stolen her heart, and she found herself speaking in a silly, high-pitched voice "I just know she's gonna love you," she cooed, her words directed at the adorable pup. "You're such a good girl, aren't ya?" she continued, praising the puppy for every little thing she did, even breathing. "You better not be stealing her from me too much, though, or else…" she trailed off, her voice filled with mock threats. But her playful words quickly turned to more affectionate ones as she gazed into the puppy's sweet eyes. "Gosh, you're so fuckin' cute," she whispered, her fingers gently caressing the puppy's soft fur while the other remained on the steering wheel "Wonder what your name will be," she hummed, tapping her fingers lightly on the wheel. She began to sing a song she had just made up on the spot, directed at the little furball who was wiggling her tail in excitement. "My cute little shrimp," she sang, her voice filled with love and affection, but when the puppy let out a little whine at her singing, she couldn't help but laugh at herself. "What? Am I that much of a bad singer?" she joked, her voice filled with self-deprecating humor. "Oof, tough crowd," she added, chuckling at her own joke "Just wait till I show you my guitar skills, you little shit."
When she finally made it to your apartment, she had to carry the little shrimp all the way up to the stairs cause the puppy was too scared to climb them and the elevator was currently broken. She had to take small steps to make sure she wouldn't trip over her own feet or something like that. "So heavy," she muttered under her breath before putting the pup down, her arms aching. She unlocked the door and you immediately called out your name. "You home, baby?" she heard from the kitchen, where she assumed you were washing the dishes because she could hear the sound of clinking plates. She responded, "Could you come here real quick? need your help with something." She left the dog outside on the doorstep, behind the wall and out of your sight.
You shouted from the kitchen, "Give me a second," before approaching her. She handed you a plastic bag filled with dog toys and bowls. You looked at her in confusion since you didn't own a pet. "What's this for?" you asked, puzzled. She didn't reply but simply moved to the side and clicked her tongue multiple times. The fur ball appeared and ran to you wiggling her tail. You slapped your hand on your mouth in disbelief, and your eyes widened in surprise, soon welling up with tears.
You got on your knees and held the pup close to you, hugging the fur ball tightly. "Oh my fucking god, iloveyouiloveyou," you kept rambling between cute sniffles, and she couldn't help but laugh at your reaction. "Surprise, babe," she said with a small smile, kneeling down to pet the puppy in your arms. The puppy was small and soft, with big brown eyes and tiny paws. You couldn't believe how adorable she was.
"I love you so fucking much. She is so fucking cute. I can't believe it. I'm a mother now," you said, tears of joy running down your cheeks. She chuckled at your words, happy to see you so happy. "Yep, we're parents now," she played along, scratching the dog behind her ear. "What're we naming her?" she asked then, wiping the tears off your face with her thumb.
"Maple?" you sniffled hard, "Maple, I like Maple." You looked down at the little pup in your arms, and she looked up at you with innocent eyes.
Ever since the beginning, it was clear that Maple was more than just a pet; she was a member of your family. She was such a beautiful and intelligent dog, whenever you or Ellie came home, Maple would be the first to greet you with a wagging tail and excited barks that would fill the room with her infectious energy. She would jump up, her paws dancing in the air, and nuzzle her wet nose against your hand begging for cuddles and kisses. But Maple's abilities went beyond just being a dog. She had an incredible intuition that seemed almost human-like, and had a sixth sense when it came to reading emotions. She always seemed to sense whenever your heart was going a little too crazy and would nudge you with her nose to make you sit down. But your heartbeat wasn't the only thing she could sense; whenever Ellie was about to have a panic attack she could feel it, and if she was having one and you weren't by her side, she would come get you.
You remembered the first time this happened. It was a dark and stormy night, and you and Ellie had just gone to bed. You were sound asleep when Maple jumped up on the bed and began licking your face frantically. You thought she needed to go outside, so you groaned, "Babe, think Maple needs to-" You started, your voice still thick with sleep, but when your hand landed on the empty mattress instead of your girlfriend's shoulder, you instantly woke up.
Following Maple to the bathroom, you found Ellie sitting on the floor, tears streaming down her freckled face, and her breathing uneven. You knelt down in front of her and spoke to her softly, using a soothing tone to calm her down. You knew better than just to touch her; she seemed too absent and lost in her own nightmare to welcome such an invasion. "El, hey…I'm here, honey." As your gentle cooing reached her ears, she seemed to awaken from a trance, her terrified eyes locked with yours, fear etched across her beautiful features. "Hi baby, it's okay." you tried to calm her down, "i'm here, okay?" she was trembling with fear, and your heart sank. You gently placed your hand on her knee and tried to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. With a soft and soothing voice, you said, "You're safe now...let's take a deep breath together, alright?" You could see the tears streaming down her face as she tried her best to mimic your deep breaths. You kept encouraging her to take deep breaths in and out, and she slowly began to calm down. Maple sat in the corner of the bathroom, watching over Ellie with a concerned expression. When Ellie finally calmed down, you sat down next to her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm here for you," you felt her body relax and her breathing steady. She leaned into your touch, and you could feel the tension in her body slowly dissipating. You were her anchor, her everything. You could feel her heartbeat slowing down as she rested her head on your chest, listening to the rhythm of your breathing. You kissed the top of her head tenderly, and she closed her eyes, taking in your scent. Suddenly, she rasped out, "I love you," her voice sounded weak, you knew she was exhausted "I love you more — Feeling better?" You ran your fingers through her messy hair, and she gave you a small nod in response. The golden furball walked to Ellie's other side and laid down, placing her head on her thigh. Ellie smiled weakly and petted her gently "My two favorite girls," you joked with a soft tone, trying to lighten the mood. An airy scoff left her nose as all three of you sat there, cuddling each other.
Maple was an essential part of your family. She was always there, no matter where you went. Sundays were extra special because Ellie would be at home all day. You would spend those days soaking up all her attention and going to the beach with her and Maple, your cute little meatball. There was nothing better than lounging under the warm afternoon sun, and Ellie bringing a big umbrella to shield you from the heat. While you played with Maple, she would often strum her guitar or sketch the two of you, looking at you with heart eyes as she captured the moment on paper. The sound of your laughter would fill the air, as you threw the frisbee to Maple and enjoyed the perfect beach day with Ellie by your side. You were all she ever wanted and she was all you ever wished for.
That's why she felt the need to take your relationship to the next level.
"Baaaabe" you shouted from the living room while browsing through the countless titles on Netflix. "Yeah?" Your girlfriend responded from the kitchen, her voice echoing through the cozy apartment as she paced around, probably making you something to drink. "What do you wanna watch?" your eyes casted across the big TV screen, the multiple titles illuminate your face, making it difficult to choose just one. You heard a sigh from the other side of the couch and looked over to see your beloved dog, Maple, ready to nap after a long day of work. poor dog.
"Uhhh…dunno, a horror movie?" she suggested, sounding unsure. "Wow, thanks for the help, Ellie. Always so useful," You retorted in a fake annoyed tone "Do you remember that new movie with Jennifer Lawrence I told you I wanted to watch?" she asked after a few moments of pondering, emerging from the kitchen with two steaming mugs in her hands. You raised an eyebrow at her and asked, "So, you wanna watch it for her, huh?" She laughed at your words and rolled her eyes. "C'mon, you told me to pick something, and I did," she explained handing you one of the mugs. "Careful, it's hot." You'd never seen this mug before, Ellie was obsessed with collecting new ones, so you didn't really pay attention to it. "Okay, fine, Jennifer Lawrence, it is," you said as you selected the movie she suggested. "Hi, baby," you heard her say in a high-pitched voice, and when you looked at her, you realized she was talking to the dog. "Hi baby? really? I'm literally right here." She giggled at your response and scooted closer to you, kissing your cheek. "Hi baby," she repeated her words, but this time in a sultry tone "Better."
You took another sip of your drink, but you could feel her gaze lingering on you. When you turned to look at her, she quickly averted her eyes and pretended to be interested in the TV. "What?" you asked, brows furrowing in confusion. "What?" she echoed back, acting like she hadn't been staring at you for the last 15 minutes. "No, you what" you repeated, her eyes darting from the mug in your hands to you. "You done with that yet?" she questioned, seeming almost too impatient. "Huh?" she cleared her throat, eyes wandering nervously around the living room for a few seconds before returning them to you again. "Are you done with your latte? Want me to make you more?" she rephrased it, trying to sound less nervous. You looked down at your mug for a second "Not yet"
Her eyes remained glued on you, eagerly awaiting for something, a reaction perhaps, you couldn't tell, she was just acting weird as hell. "Done?" she asked for the third time in a row, after every five seconds, but to her, it felt like an eternity. "Ellie, I swear—" You let out an exasperated sigh "What?" she replied, her voice laced with innocence. "No, seriously. You tryna poison me or something?" you joked,and she simply scoffed at your words and rolled her eyes at you. "Just drink it fast, god," she demanded, her impatience showing. As you take the last sip, your eyes caught a glimpse of a few letters printed on the bottom of the mug.
Your heart skipped a beat as you read the words
Will you marry me?
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and before you could even process what was happening, you jumped into her lap, crying in her arms. She wrapped her arms around you tightly, and you could feel her heart beating in sync with yours. "Yesyesyesyes" you had whispered between sobs, your voice choked with emotion. Her eyes lit up with joy and she pulled away, revealing a small diamond ring in her hand. You looked at her in awe, realizing that that was the moment you had been waiting for your entire life. The woman of your dreams had asked you to spend the rest of your life with her, and you couldn't have been happier.
"I love you so much," you sobbed, tears streaming down your face as you watched her hands sliding the ring on your finger. She chuckled through her own tears and replied, "I think I love you even more." You sniffled and cupped her face, saying, "I love you with all my heart."
Ellie being Ellie, couldn't help but make a joke about that. She looked at you with a playful smirk on her face; she wiggled her eyebrows up and down and said, "All your heart, huh?"
With a grin, you replied, "It's beating like crazy for you." Then she asked if you wanted to hear a joke from her pun book, but you knew it was a rhetorical question. You prepared yourself for the inevitable dumb joke she was about to tell. "Ellie, I thought we talked about this." You fake scolded her, but she couldn't hold back her smile as she started her joke, almost as if she was about to make the funniest joke ever but everyone who knew Ellie knew that her jokes were...questionable. "Are you pulmonary embolism?" she proceeded, barely containing her laughter.
"Oh no," you frowned, rubbing your forehead. She then delivered the punchline with a wide smile, all proud of herself "Because you take my breath away." You looked at her with a deadpan expression and let out a sigh. You shook your head, and said "Can't believe I'm marrying you," trying to hide the smile that was starting to form on your lips. Ellie looked at you with a cocky grin "Right? I'm great like that — Talented, charming, great jokes...what else could you possibly want?" Rolling your eyes, you responded, "fancy package, lucky me"
After your laughter had subsided, you gazed into her captivating green eyes with a smile filled with affection. You were so deeply in love that it felt almost painful. You could hardly believe how fortunate you were to have found each other. The thought of spending the rest of your lives together filled you with joy and excitement. Both of you leaned in simultaneously, eager to feel the warmth of each other's lips in a tender and passionate kiss.
She was the person who made your life complete. You felt like you had been waiting for her all your life; your life always felt so dull and empty and you never understood why or what it was missing, until you met her. She was your soulmate, your best friend, and the love of your life. You couldn't imagine spending a single day without her by your side. She was the one who made everything better, who made you laugh with her stupid and corny puns when you wanted to cry, who held your hand when you needed comfort. You knew that you could face anything as long as she was with you. You were grateful for every moment you spent together and looked forward to spending the rest of your life with her.
On your wedding day, the weather was perfect, with clear skies and a gentle breeze that carried the scent of flowers from the nearby garden. It felt like a dream come true, and you couldn't believe the day had finally arrived. You couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation as you prepared to marry the love of your life. Sure, you were exhausted at the end of the day, but it was all worth it.
As you walked down the aisle, you saw everyone you loved and cared for, all gathered in one place to celebrate your special day. Ellie's closest friends, Dina and Jesse, Joel, your parents, and all your friends were there, beaming with joy and happiness. You were wearing a beautiful white dress that hugged your curves in all the right places, and Ellie couldn't help but cry when she saw you. Her dad rubbed her back, trying to calm the poor baby down, but the tears kept streaming down her face. You were a vision, and she couldn't believe how lucky she was to have you. Ellie was equally breathtaking in her suit, looking sharp and elegant, you couldn't take your eyes off her, she was so fucking fine. You exchanged vows, and it took her a while to finish reading hers, as she was choked up with sobs and emotions. You tried to comfort her by holding her trembling hands, but she was just a wreck.
When the time came for you to kiss your bride, the celebrant said, "You may now kiss your bride." Ellie looked at you with teary eyes, and you both giggled as you leaned in for a kiss, both of you smiling against each other's lips. That moment marked the beginning of your journey together as a married couple, but what mattered most was that you were both committed to being there for each other no matter what.
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mikaswannabe · 1 year
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— ❣︎✰︎☮︎ — "let's see how else you can use this overachieving mouth." — ☮︎✰︎❣︎ —
IN WHICH a class project brings two senior students together as an unlikely pair.
content includes: hotnerd!reader, studypartner!eren, athlete!eren, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, possessiveness, slow burn but not too slow, small bit of angst, dom!eren, fingering, a lot of penetration, cunnilingus, slight breeding kink.
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"I've done a randomization on who will work with who on this project, so that conflicts will be less likely."
When your film teacher gave that disclaimer, your eyes instantly widened. You don't talk to anybody in this period anymore, and she was likely enforcing this because of you.
With the last project, you allowed a girl who you got along with in this class to work with you, but you found out that she was an inconsiderate freeloader, so yes you gave her a piece of your mind! Maybe you blew it out of proportion, but you couldn't see any wrong in it.
But now this was the outcome, and you were wishing you were calmer about it now. Your teacher went over to her laptop, and on the board, she showed the pairings.
Some people hit a 777, but meanwhile, you were thinking that this lottery was a scam, because how the hell did you get Eren Jaeger?!
You're a girl at the top of your class, most of your grades being in the triple digits and you had already accepted a full-ride scholarship to an prestigious college three hours out of the city. It's your senior year, and this was just one of your electives, but you liked this class, and you like to give everything your all.
So how could the stars have possibly aligned you with Eren? This pretty-boy athlete. You've had a few other classes with him in these 4 years, but never a conversation. You just recognized that his handsome face only pops up in these classes every once in a blue moon.
He was sitting on the opposite side of the room from you. Your head was leaning on your hand, and you glanced over to him from across the classroom. He always sat with his legs spread. Slutty and Obnoxious. He was sitting up straight in his chair with his arms crossed, and then you saw those dark hues of green in his eyes go to you. That's when you looked away, looking down at your phone as if something super interesting was going on in it.
People started to move around to go sit with their partners, so he took the liberty to come up to you. Huge feet made their way under your vision, so that's when you looked up from your phone. Looking through your rectangle frames, you saw his stoic face looking down at you, his hands in his pockets and his crotch uncomfortably near your face.
That deep voice is what you're gonna have to tolerate until the due date next week. But not if you could help it.
"Excuse me." You stood up and moved past him. You went over to Miss Sullivan's desk, and she slowly turned her head to acknowledge you after you said her name. She knew that it was always most likely to be bullshit coming out of your overachieving mouth.
"Is it alright if I work alone?"
She glanced over to your desk, where Eren had pulled a chair up and sat on the side of it. Then, those judgy eyes moved back over to you. "Go sit down, Miss Johnson."
Your mouth fell open in offense, but you wiped your arrogant expression off. "Can I go use the bathroom, though?"
She picked up a pre-written pass and handed it to you between two fingers. You really did have to pee, and you also just needed a minute to cope.
When you got back, you guys — particularly you — spent the rest of that period organizing what to do with the project. He recognized that you just kept talking, and talking, and talking. He felt like his head was spinning.
"How do you even know so much stuff?"
The fact that he practically cut you off irritated you. "Hm?"
"Like, how could you pay attention to the movie this much? I fell asleep on it."
It was a crime-based movie. It kept you probed. You weren't surprised that he fell asleep though. "It was interesting."
You were a very pretty girl, makeup always on point and displaying personality, even though you had a mysterious aura surrounding you since you didn't talk to too many people here. You had a nose stud and a septum, and the blue evil eye charm layered over your other necklaces stood out. Your locs were platinum blond at the top and went to being hot pink at the bottom, and your bold hairstyles always struck you a compliment that you would smile and give a soft thanks to.
All of this, and no one would think you were such a nerd. Even with your cute glasses.
"Hm. Well, at least I'll see you in homeroom. Can we rewatch it in there?"
Eren Jaeger. Y/N Johnson. It's been four years that you've had to be in a homeroom with him because of how your last names are matched up. But still, to his response, all you could think of was Who is we? "Um..."
You had tightened your lips, but he needed them open so he could get an answer. "What's wrong?"
You scratched the back of your head, "You can't just research it on your own time?"
"You know so much about it though. It would be really helpful."
Was he trying to butter you up? You were really just trying to get this 100. "Uh-"
"Oh, bell rings in 5 minutes." He closed his Chromebook that he had barely been doing work on and put it in his bag. "I'll see you later."
He picked up his bag and walked back over to his seat, just as everyone else who had rearranged did under Miss Sullivan instructions.
You spent the next period dreading what was gonna be after it. Your homeroom took place in the theater. The drama teacher was your homeroom teacher, so after he would call roll, everyone would go to doing their own thing.
You took your usual seat at the end of a row, about 10 rows away from the stage with your bookbag in the seat next to you. Everyone else was usually spaced out, and there were small clusters of groups getting along in their own areas.
For example, the white boys would always banter on the stage, either playing with the props, doing something else foolish, or just laying there talking or on their phones.
Eren was always a part of this group, but after the roll was called today, he easily hopped off of the stage with those long legs of his and moseyed his way on over to you.
Instead of just saying excuse me like a regular human being, he walked over the seat in the row in front of your bookbag's seat, forcing you to look up from your phone at this bizarre act. When he completed that step, he moved your bookbag onto the floor and sat down.
You didn't say anything, just staring at him. He took the liberty to start again. "So, I left my Chromebook up there. Hope yours is charged."
You gave him a few slow blinks, and then you reached past his knee to unzip your bag and take the laptop out. Of course it was charged. You started typing into your browser, but he was confused. "What streaming service are we gonna watch it on?"
This was the third sentence he's said, and this one was gonna be the first to incite a response out of you...
Or was it? Why the fuck were you taking so long to open that overachieving mouth and give him an answer?
"I was just gonna try Soap2Day." Your voice was small and shy, even though he had a feeling you were far from shy. He just wanted to get it out of you, though.
"What's that?"
He saw the website you stated as you pulled it up on the computer, and you began typing in the name of the movie that was the subject of the presentation.
"Ohhh, you bootleg shit. Cool. I'm gonna use this."
When you pulled up the movie tab, there was porn on the side of the screen, and he held in a laugh as you rushed to put the videoplayer in full-screen.
Five minutes into the movie, he was engrossed, but you couldn't tell with how he made the move to put his arm around your shoulder. Even though you were shutting that shit down real quick, he savored the feeling of your soft hand on his when you grabbed him and gently put his arm back where it belonged.
"No?" He asked to confirm his rejection.
"No." You repeated.
He was actually interested in the movie, and he kept pausing it and asking you questions. "So you're telling me she pushed her friend off the bridge? Why?"
If he watched the first time, he would know why. But his entertainment was amusing. "Just keep watching."
About 30 minutes into watching, Eren was completely focused. Then, a certain buzzcut boy made his way down the walkway to you two. "Yo, Jaeger!"
Connie Springer. Don't know why the fuck he was in here, but he was here. You weren't complaining, though. His attractiveness was something you couldn't deny. Sexy ass Columbian basketball player with undeniable charm and a pretty ass smile. You had your head rested on your hand, watching him in adoration as Eren paused the movie to dap his homeboy up.
"What's up, Con. You skipping again?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I was never even here, bro. What y'all over here doing, though?"
"We got paired together for a project in film, so I forced her to stay with me to watch the movie again."
Connie laughed. "Working with him hasn't killed you yet, huh Y/N?"
It's been four years that you've been around this man and you haven't had any significant interaction with him. So you grinned when you heard that he knew your name. "It's probably coming soon."
Eren gave a nasty sneer. He's been bending over backwards all day to try to get along with you, but how come you showed that pretty smile to Connie before you could show it to him?
"Whatever. Connie you don't have anywhere else you could be that doesn't involve bullying me?"
Connie's face showed shock to Eren's audacity, "I'm a bully? Tuh. Actually, my next stop is the snack lady, and I'ma go bully my way into a free honeybun."
He dapped Eren up one more time, "See you at practice." Directing a smile to you, he waved and began to walk away.
You thought it would be best to go straight back to the movie, and that's why you directed your hand towards the space bar, but Eren had something to offer. "You wanna go to the snack lady with me? I'm hungry."
"I have food." You moved your laptop off of your lap and onto his. Partially leaning over his knee again, you pulled a purple bag of sweet and salty flavored popcorn out of your bag.
Crazy. You had other things in your bag besides books. He put his hand out, but you just gave him a side eye and looked back at the computer, pressing play before putting a handful in your mouth.
He was looking at you in disbelief, and it was 30 seconds of his glare poking through the side of your head, but you continued to stoically watch the movie. That was until he smashed the space bar. You slowly turned your head to have your eyes on him.
"Why do you hate me? Seriously, have I done something to you that I don't remember, or what?"
Now you kind of felt bad. "You just seem like bad news."
"How? You don't even know me like that. And you're not even trying to get to know anything good about me. Meanwhile, I'm ready to tear my head off from tolerating your stingy ass all morning."
Your mouth fell open in offense. "If you wanna tear your head off, do it. I wanna do it since I'm paired with you. You just don't seem like the type to commit to an assignment the way that I do."
"Once again: You don't know me. And I gotta admit, you're probably right. I'm not as much of a nerd as you."
You showed offense to the term he used as if he wasn't accurate. "What? I don't mean it offensively. You're like, really smart. I just have a lot of other things to focus on. Sports are more fun than fuckass assignments to me, but I do try to get it done."
"Football season's been over." You stated. With this fact, sports couldn't have had him too busy.
But he was ready to disprove you. "I do baseball and track, too. Since you know every fucking thing."
Your mouth fell open. Maybe you did overstep. "Sorry then... What do you do in track?"
You didn't know anything about baseball, but track & field was interesting to watch. "Long jump, pole vault, long distance, and sprints."
He saw your eyes round with intrigue. "Are you any good?"
You saw the corner of his mouth pull up in a curve. "Come to my track meet tomorrow and find out."
Your glossy lips poked out in decision. "Hmm."
"Come on. After, I can take you back to my house and we can work on the project."
That's where you were out. "Umm, I don't even know you like that."
"Yeah, and that's the problem."
"My mom don't even know your mom or nothing."
"You're 18, right?" You nodded to his question. "And you still have to ask your mom to go places after school?"
He's made your mouth fall open so much in offense that you're surprised a bug hasn't flown in it. You picked up your phone and started typing.
you mama this boy asked me to hangout with him after school tomorrow.
mama dearest Thank God. 🙏
you ???
i don't even know him like that though.
mama dearest If you could tolerate talking to him long enough where he got to the point of asking you out, then get to know him like that.
you omg????
say no!!!!
mama dearest I'll say no to you asking me to say no. 🤷‍♀️
you mama?!!!
what if i'm out having sex doing drugs robbing cars?
mama dearest You a punk!!!
mama dearest Live outside of academics for a minute please.
In fact, if you come home before sundown today I'm taking your keys away.
you i rode the bus today anyway!!! look in the driveway she broke down again hater 😪
Eren was looking all in your phone, laughing mad hard. "Our mom's funny as fuck, huh?"
You hit his obnoxious ass on his shoulder. "Shut up."
"So, where you wanna meet up after school?"
"Who said I was agreeing?"
"Don't go sit in a library until sundown like the nerd you are."
You pouted, "I was gonna go to Chick-Fil-A, actually."
"If you don't wanna tell me where you'll be at, that's fine. I'm gonna track you down though."
"You scaring me. This why I didn't wanna be around you."
His grinning teeth showed as he looked at you, "Not my fault you're doing this the hard way."
You rolled your eyes, "Meet me at 500 hall's exit 10 minutes after the bell, then."
"The one that goes out towards the bus ramp?"
"Okay. You should give me your number, in case things get mixed up."
Your eyelashes went up, then down, and every time they did that, he would still be looking at you as serious as ever. Instead of letting those sassy lips say something that would piss him off, he just snatched your phone and swiped to the right of your lockscreen. You tried to reach for your phone back, but he was snapping pictures of him and you, even if it was chaotic as he posed and you hid your face and struggled.
"Boom. Now you got a nice selection for a contact picture. You gotta get my number first though."
"Not happening."
He nodded his head as if he was accepting defeat, but then he directed your phone towards your face with reflexes of a cheetah. "Too bad you're not smart enough to close your eyes." Now your phone was unlocked and you were practically at his mercy.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you going through my phone? What if you find something you don't wanna see?"
Your phone was Hello Kitty themed, and he had to make his way through the pink ocean to get to the phone app. "I'm just trying to put my number in your phone. I feel like in here I'll only find the cure to cancer, or a text from your boyfriend or something."
"Who told you I had a boyfriend?"
He shrugged, "I was just assuming. Smart, pretty, sassy as fuck. Somebody must be crawling after you."
He called you pretty? "...No, I don't fool with nobody like that."
Either you were bullshitting, or you saw him smirk a little as he heard that. He typed his contact name in as "bestieboo eren" with a plethora of hearts and outrageous emojis behind it.
"Eren, please."
"Don't change it, either."
Who did this white man think he was telling you what to do like this? "Or what?"
"Or I'll show you how it is when I'm really scaring someone." He handed your phone back to you, his green eyes staring into you with a layer of cockiness over his face. You took it while your gaze swirled into his. "Got it?"
This was the first time he got a smirk out of you, and your eyes narrowed as you answered him with, "Okay then."
You picked your laptop back up and woke it up from its nap of inactivity, and then you two resumed the movie. He laid his head on your shoulder like he was slick. You pushed his head away, but he laughed and kept his head near. "Come on, let me lay down. The computer's on your lap. It makes everything easier for me."
You just rolled your eyes and complied, and he laid down as he continued to watch, even eating some of the popcorn that you had a change of heart over.
During your last period, he texted you.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 hi best friend
you please
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 already begging for me i knew it was real
you what the hell do you need?
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 sorry to interrupt you during ur very important class
but i just remembered
i have practice after school
so i can't meet up w you immediately
you thank goodness. 🙏🏾
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 tf you think this is
you're not getting away from me that easily bestie
you 😧
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 u could send me ur addy and i'll pick u up after i'm out
you absolutely not.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 or u could wait for me here until i get out of practice
you BAHHAA ur hilarious.😭
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 i don't want u riding that dingy ass bus tho
just wait for me stink
you i am not tems no waiting will be done.
how about we dead this me going over to your house idea.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 here u go again being negative
now i gotta go back to square one
you ?
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 tracking u tf down
you sir???
scary ass individual.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 yeah ik where you are right now be prepared to see me
you be prepared to NOT see me tf. bye.
bestieboo eren 💕💕🫦🫦🫶🏾🫶🏾😚😚 no byes see u in 15 minutes
You were the first one to walk out your classroom door, so that means that everyone else behind you saw when you got snatched by your arm from the side of the door. Eren was your abductor. He was really serious about it, and now he had his hand on your lower back and a grip around your wrist as he led you away.
"Eren, let me go!" You didn't like causing a scene, but the halls were already crowded and loud with people as soon as the bell rang.
He didn't give you a response, but you could feel the amusement radiating off him. He dragged you to a hall that led to the office. People were still walking through it, but it was much clearer than the hall you two came from.
"What is wrong with you?!" You reprimanded as you snatched yourself away from his grasp.
"Hey. How's your day been without me?" With a smile on his face, he was acting so casual as if he didn't just manhandle you.
"Bye. My bus is first wave."
When you tried to walk away, he snatched your bookbag and easily pulled you back to him. "Let me get this off of you."
You must've softened up, because you allowed him to take your bag off of your shoulders. "How did you know where I was?"
"Your friend Ashyra was in my class. I don't know how she feels about me taking her best friend position, but she'll be okay."
You were instantly ready to beat your actual best friend's ass seeing as she reported your location to this opp. "Eren, I don't wanna stay after school. Why would I wanna be here any longer than I already am?"
"To stay with your best friend, duh."
Not a smile grazed your face as you tilted your head to the side. He tilted his back with sass to match your energy. No matter how bad you thought you could intimidate him, he was gonna double back.
"Whatever. I'll walk to the café across the street, since you want me here so bad."
"And do. If you wanna get something, I'll Venmo you."
"No, you don't have to do that."
"Well I don't have cash on me right now, so that's the only way this'll work."
"Well I kind of didn't ask for money anyway."
"Nevermind on Venmo, accept the Apple Pay I just sent you."
"White boy, stop treating me like a charity case."
"What? I'm not. You're changing your schedule and staying after school just because of me. This is the least I could do. It's just $15. Text me when you get over there, or I'ma blow up your phone, alright?"
You didn't respond, but you had a smirk on as you grabbed your bag back from him turned around. He grabbed your hand and spun you back, "You deaf? Text me when you get over there."
"Eren, okaaay. I will."
"Okay, can I get a hug?"
You laughed, "See you in an hour."
"Come on, I'm gonna get a hug out of you today. Would you rather it be now, or after practice when I'm all sweaty and gross?"
"Isn't an option. Come here, mama."
He knew that when you rolled your eyes, he got you. Usually you would roll your eyes or give him a smirk, one or the other, separate not together. This time he got both as he pulled you in, swinging you side to side as your arms wrapped around his firm and fit torso.
"Okay, I'll see you later, Eren."
"Yeah, see you later."
One thing you learned about Eren today is that he was gonna stand behind his words. He really did blow up your phone 15 minutes later! It took a five minute phone call for you to get him to shut up, and at 4:45, he called you again and told you he was driving over.
He found you sitting in a booth at the McDonald's. Your laptop was open in front of you but you were on your phone.
"You texting somebody that's not me?"
"Or me?"
Two separate voices that both know how to grind your gears. You looked up to see Eren sliding into the booth with your best friend Ashyra sliding in on the other side of him. "Not both of y'all here to torcher me."
"You finally met my favorite white boy! Didn't I tell you he cool people?"
"Yeah, but I been knew you was a liar, too, Shy."
Her mouth fell open, and then an order came out. "Eren, kick her."
You shrieked as you tried to avoid his gruesome, manly feet, but he got your ass. "Ow! I hate that y'all know each other. Y'all are gonna make my life hell."
"You know it. Did you get anything?"
Fed up with you, he rolled his eyes with a "Stand up."
Ashyra got up and allowed him to get up too, but you were still sitting there. "What?"
"What do you want? A cookie? Fries?"
"She has a sweet tooth. Can you get me a caramel frappe?"
"Shy." You called reprimandingly.
"What? He's offering, I'm taking. You smart, but that's something else you can learn."
Eren leaned down, his hand placed on the table. You didn't expect it, and that's why you were looking so directly at him when his face got closer to yours. "What do you want me to get you?"
His voice was so much calmer than it's been before, but it was still commanding. "Can you get me a cookie... and a McFlurry."
"Okay. You wanna stand in line with us?"
"No, I'ma stay right here and pack my bag."
His face lifted from yours, and you allowed yourself to breathe again. "Okay."
For him to have been fresh out of practice, he didn't smell bad. It was a natural musk. Did he hit the showers before he came over here? You would hope so. You're gonna be in a whole car ride with him.
You were thinking all of this through as you put your laptop and binder in your bag, but then, you recognized. You were thinking. About a different person. A boy, at that. You tried to just abort from that, but your homegirl came over ready to put it back in your mind.
"So, you gon' fuck him?"
Chin propped up on her hands, her nosey ass had a cheesy grin on as she looked at you.
"Girl, no. What is wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with you? You playin' hard to get with that fine ass boy. He cheesin' you up, paying for your stuff. Be nicer to him, please."
"I'm really just tryna get a good grade."
"Fuck a good grade. Get a D, for once."
Your mouth fell open, and you kicked her from under the table. Then, Eren came over, holding the frappe and an ice cream cone both in one hand, with four bags with individual cookies in the other hand. He put the cookies down in front of you, grabbing one bag and passing it to 'Shy, and keeping one for himself.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"Oop, my brother outside. I gotta go before he start honking." Shy said as she picked up her bags.
"Okay, I'll go say hi to him." When you got up, you tried to pick up your own bag, but Eren did that instead. You and Eren waved to Ashyra's brother as she got in his car that had music blasting out of it, and then he walked you to his dark grey Silverado.
In the car ride, you and Eren didn't talk much. His music just played, and if you knew a song, you would tap your foot and keep looking out the window as he hummed. He would speak, and you would respond, but you didn't initiate any of the conversations.
In a gated community is when you knew that the ride was coming closer to an end. Every house looked similar to the one next to it, and they all looked spacious and nice. Just like his. He pulled into one of the spots of his three car garage, and then he got out and opened the door for you. Even with holding his sports bag and his own bookbag, he still put in the effort to hold yours.
"Where's your parents?" You questioned, looking around the nicely decorated suburban home when you got inside. He took his shoes off by the door, and you followed.
"Dad's at work."
He was about to walk up the stairs, but you stayed right where you stood, "W-Wait. We're going to your bedroom?"
He sighed, and then he descended from the two stairs he walked up and went over to the dining room. He flicked the light switch up, but nothing changed in the scenery. "Last light bulb went out last night. He's going to get a new box after he gets off."
"Oh, what about your couch, though?"
"My room has a desk. I thought it would be in your nerd rulebook to have good posture when you work."
He saw you considering your dilemma as he walked closer to you. "You still scared of me, or what?"
His deep and husky voice intimidated you, but you wouldn't admit that. You didn't even wanna show it, so you straightened your posture and tried to show a brave face. "I'm not scared."
"Really? 'Cause you've been shaking like a leaf, tough girl."
He was towering over you, so he had a clear view of your two-toned lips falling apart in offense and your eyes narrowing. He laughed, "I'm kidding with you. We can work on the couch."
"No. We can go up to your room."
"Nah, better TV view. I gotta finish watching the movie, anyway." He put all the bags down behind the couch, and made way to the kitchen, "Get comfortable. You want snacks? I'm nicer than you, so I actually plan on sharing."
A scoff left your mouth, "Sure."
He was on one couch cushion, you were on the one next to him. A good amount of space was between you two, and he was still invested in this movie as he munched on some Sour Patch Kids.
Meanwhile, you were struggling to keep your head up and your eyes open. He gave you some chips, but the bag was tilting in your hands, going the same way that your head was going. Down.
It was when the chips started spilling that you jumped up, making even more chips fly out the bag. It made Eren jump too. "Shit, are you alright? You can't do stuff like that when we're watching a thriller."
You started picking the chips up, "Yeah, my bad."
"Oh, are you tired?" Eren paused the movie, and he put a hand out to stop you from picking up the chips, taking that task for his own. "Grab that pillow. Lay down if you're sleepy."
You shook your head, "No, I'm okay. Thank you, though."
He stopped moving, and you saw him looking at you with an unenthusiastic straight face. "Stop that."
"Stop what?"
"You know what I'm talking about." He said as he continued picking up the chips, "You wanna lay on me instead?"
You didn't respond, even though you wanted to say something. A hum, a one-word answer —anything would suffice. But you couldn't get anything out. He put the bag to the side of him when he finished cleaning up your mess, and then he put his arm around your shoulders. "Come on."
You were on auto-pilot, and you leaned into him, winding up with your head on his lap and his hand on your back, slowly rubbing it up and down. It was so soothing to hear his heartbeat as you dozed off, and when you woke back up, Eren was patting you on your back and calling your name softly.
"Yeah? Did you finish the movie?" Your hazy voice questioned as you sat up, moving your glasses to rub your eyes. You saw that the sun was barely lighting the sky anymore through the windows.
"I did. It pissed me off."
You grinned, "Yeah, it pissed me off too. But it was good though."
"Yeah, the ending was a really big plot twist." You and Eren continued to talk about the movie, until your mouth opened and nothing came out since the sound of the door opening paused you.
A matured man with round glasses, stubble, and his straight brown hair neatly running down his back came in. "What's up, Dad?" Eren called.
"Hey, Eren. How was your day?"
"It was nice."
Grisha walked through the foyer, and he saw you sitting next to his son when he entered the living room. You could see the shock on his face to the sight of an unexpected guest, but it subsided after a second. "You have a friend over?"
"Yeah, this is Y/N."
The smile you gave him was probably crooked with nerves, and you waved as you gave him a small, "Hi."
He gave you a tight-lipped smile as he waved back, "Nice to meet you."
He handed a drugstore bag with a box of lightbulbs in it to Eren. "Go ahead and put these in. I'll be upstairs if you need me."
"I know." Eren replied as he put the bulbs to the side of him.
"Wow, you weren't lying."
"You thought I was?"
"Mmm, maybe just a little."
He scoffed out a laugh, "Yeah. I totally just turned a breaker off for the dining room just to not have to sit there with you."
You shrugged, "Doesn't even sound too extreme. It's smart, if anything."
You saw his teeth as he laughed at you, "Thanks. I'll use that next time you come over. Force your scary ass to come up to my room."
He stood up off the couch, and he grabbed you by your hands and pulled you up too. "How am I scary?"
"W-wait! W-we're going up to your— your b-bedroom?" He mocked as he walked over to the dining room.
"I did not sound like that. And it's valid! My first time coming over here and you want me in your bedroom."
"Okay. When should I wait until? Third time? Fourth?"
"How about never?"
Another cocky chuckle came from him, "Second it is, then."
"You wish."
"You're right." He opened the box as you stood and watched him as he stood on a chair, focused as he unscrewed one light bulb and put the next in, the room slowly filling with light as he repeated the process four times.
He got down and dusted his hands off on his pants. "You wanna work on the project now?"
"Okay, we can."
You two sat on the couch, barely an inch of space between you two as you sat on your knees, him having his laptop on his lap. "Do you think this Google Slides template is nice? I like it."
You looked at the one he recommended. "It doesn't fit what we're talking about."
"Yeah, but it's cute."
"Yeah, but the movie is about fraud, scheming, and murder. How cute is that?"
He shrugged, "Depends on who you're asking."
You rolled your eyes, "Let me see." You typed 'crime' in on the website's search bar, and immediately saw a few that you liked. "See? Isn't this one more accurate?"
His face was scary unenthusiastic as you looked at him. "I see why that girl fell out with you after y'all did that project together."
You didn't see where this was coming from. "What? Why?"
"Don't take all the fun out of this with trying to control everything."
Your eyebrows sink down a little bit. "It was just constructive criticism."
"Mmm, okay."
You didn't say anything else after that. He kind of made you feel bad with that line, but maybe he was right. You didn't like that it gave you something to think about, though.
A few minutes passed before Eren's dad came downstairs. "Eren. When you take her home, can you go pick up some food I just ordered?"
"Sure. What did you order?"
"Bet. Y/N, you ready to go?"
You closed your own laptop, getting ready to put it in your bag. "Sure."
During the car ride, you were silent as he listened to his music. You knew the songs, but you didn't sing along with him. Not a hum or a tap of the foot.
"Come inside with me." He said when he pulled up to the restaurant.
"No, I'll stay out here."
He didn't respond, just tightening his lips as he turned off the engine and got out. Instead of walking into the restaurant, he walked over to your door, and you had to catch yourself as he opened it.
"I said come inside with me." He unbuckled your seatbelt and grabbed your hand, helping you down from the truck even though you seethed with frustration.
You let his hand go when you got down, but he grabbed you by your belt as you two crossed the parking lot. When a car was passing, he pulled you closer to him to make you stop.
"Stop handling me like I'm a ragdoll."
"So your silly ass can get hit? No. You'll be okay."
You had your arms crossed as you and Eren waited for the food. He walked closer to you, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong."
He knew that was bullshit. "You still tired? Is that why you wanted to stay in the car so bad?"
You shook your head, "I'm fine."
"You know why I couldn't leave you in the car. If I went back and someone had taken you or something I would have to burn the whole city down."
You almost cracked a smile, but he saw you try to keep it back. "Are you mad at me because I pulled you in the parking lot?"
You didn't answer as you looked up at him. "How would you think I would feel if I watched that Dodge Ram squish you like a pancake?"
"Order for Jaeger?" The waitress called. Eren thanked her and took the bag. Then, he grabbed your jacket again.
"To answer my own question, it would not feel good. But if you keep giving me an attitude, I'll be the one to push you in front of the next truck."
In the car, he opened his plate up excitedly. He picked up a fork and picked up some orange chicken, holding it towards you. "Here. Taste this."
Another shake of your head, "I don't want any."
"It's so good. Blow it, because I know you don't want me to do it."
It hovered in front of you for another few seconds before you started blowing it. Before you could put it in your mouth, Eren redirected towards himself and ate it. The obnoxious hums and moans that he exuded as he chewed on the food pissed you off. You sucked your teeth and leaned against the door, looking out the window.
"Okay, okay. I was just playing with you. Here. I'll get a different fork and actually give you a piece."
"No, I don't want it. Drive me home."
"Oou, fiesty again. You're probably just hangry. Eat this."
He held the fork out to you again, and this time you grabbed the fork out of his hand and ate it yourself. "It's good, isn't it?"
"Mmhmm." You answered as you kept chewing. You two ate a little bit more, before he closed the container and started driving you to your house.
When he pulled into your driveway, he got out the car first and opened the door for you, picking up your bookbag. He closed the door behind you when you got out, leaving you standing in front of him. You tried to grab your bookbag back, but he wouldn't give it to you.
"Tell me. What's really the matter?"
"I told you, Eren. Nothing's wrong."
"I'm not buying that. What is it? Did I do something? Again?"
You didn't say anything, only tilting your head to the side.
"It's because I told you about yourself with that project, isn't it?"
You sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm just not good with group projects."
"Nah, from what I learned, you're good at just about everything. Everything but being nice to people."
Your lips poked out in a pout. "I'm trying my best, Eren."
"And I'm trying my best to get along with you too. So I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."
"It's fine. I could be less rude, I guess."
He chuckled, then handing you your bookbag. "I'm just asking you to try to get along with me more. If you do that, maybe you won't hate me when this is all over."
You took your bookbag with a grin, "Maybe I won't."
He walked you to your doorstep, and he gave you a nice hug before you walked inside. You were honestly cheesed up when you got through that door, but to see your birthgiver sitting right on the couch and looking at you made you freeze.
"Sit. I need to hear about this young colonizer."
When you got to film class the next day, you and Eren actually made a little bit of positive progress on the project, but you two did more talking than working. He spent most of the time making sure you would be at his track meet later that day.
And to the track meet you went. You walked in probably 3 events in, holding an icee that you bought from concessions in your hand as you walked over to your school's section.
You heard the aluminum stairs clanging with fast footsteps as you walked over, and you chuckled as you watched Ashyra speed down the steps towards you. "Y/N!"
She jumped on you in a hug, "Hey Shy. I told you I was coming."
"I didn't think you really meant it. Oh my gosh, the hermit really left her Hello Kitty room! I'm so proud!"
"Tch, girl." You began walking up the stairs, "When's your race?"
"I gotta go down there in like 5 minutes. I was 'bout ready to shit myself getting ready for this 200 but you popping out made me feel better."
You laughed, and as you walked up the steps, a handsome buzzcut boy called out your name and walked over to you from his row. "Hey pretty, what's up? I rarely see you come out and support."
He gave you a side hug, and it shocked you and flattered you altogether. "I come out sometimes to see Shy, but I usually leave after she's finished."
"You gonna stay the whole thing today?"
"Yeah, she will." A masculine voice that you've grown fond of called. You were looking for Eren as you walked up, but so many people came to see you before you could see him. So he came to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders in a hug. "You really came."
"I did. I didn't wanna find out what your annoying ass would do to me if I didn't." You told him as you hugged his torso in return.
He chuckled, "Come on. Sit with me."
He led you up the stairs, and you two were sitting in a row behind a bunch of a boys on the team. They would occasionally turn around and look at you both, and while Eren was talking to you, you couldn't even pay attention to him.
You beckoned him closer with your hand, and he brought his head closer to yours so you could whisper to him. "Why do your homeboys keep turning around and looking at us?"
"Why do you think they're looking at us?" He asked at a normal volume as he pulled away from you.
You shrugged, "I don't know. That's why I asked you."
He chuckled, "Probably just because I'm sitting with one of the prettiest girls in this school."
You tried to hide your incoming smirk by drinking from your icee. "What events do you have today?"
"Just long jump and pole vault today. 12'6 is the highest."
"Oh? Twelve feet is high."
"Yeah. You think I got it?"
You smirked, "You know I gotta see what you 'bout, first."
"Mmhmm, you'll see what I'm about."
"Why you not doing any running today?"
"I do not feel like doing any bullshit races. Pole vault is already not for the weak."
"Yeah, you got it, though."
He smiled, "Why you think so? You haven't even seen what I can do yet."
With him wearing his track uniform, his strong, muscular arms showed with the sleeveless shirt he wore. And these shorts were pretty tight. They gripped onto his strong thighs and something else that you liked to see.
You didn't even catch yourself looking him up and down. "No reason. Just predicting."
He clearly saw you checking him out, and it made him laugh. You were gonna ask him why he was laughing, but Ashyra came and gave you a hug, "Wish me luck! I'm about to go down to the field."
You turned around and gave her a full hug, wishing her the luck she asked for even though she didn't need it. Shy was the type of girl to tell the girls next to her at the line that she's nervous, and wish them luck. And then she hits a clean walkover into the blocks.
When that gun went off, Shy was gone. Just about everyone repping your school was stood at the front of the bleachers, leaning on the fence to cheer her on.
After they got past the curve, there was only one girl in front of her. The walk-down that Ashyra gave her probably made her feel wind as she flew by. The race felt like it went by so fast, because Shy made it past that finish line in what had to be a record.
When Shy came back up, she received daps and hugs from all over. Then she came up and sat by you as you sat alone. "Eren went to the field already?"
"Yeah, only like five minutes ago."
She looked through the field for him, and she pointed to him standing by a tent and stretching with some guy from a different school to the side of him who he was chatting with. "There he go right there. I bet I can tell you what his ass is saying right now."
"What?" You asked.
"Girl, he be going down there and telling the people he goes up against that he's new and it's his first year doing this. He is sick."
You laughed at that information, "Are you kidding? So he's good?"
"Bitch, he's great. He grunt like a bear when he run. That's how you know it's serious. Hold on, come close." She lowered her tone as she pointed towards a ginger boy who was sitting a few rows in front of you two. "You see him?"
"That's Floch, right? I can't stand his ass, and he kept turning around and looking at me and Eren."
"Girl, when Eren chooses not to do the 4-by-4, that leprechaun motherfucker right there is the reason we don't make the podium."
"Just taking up space." You were trying to make sure your laughs wouldn't be too loud, in case he would turn around and look at you again. But Ashyra didn't tone shit down, and he looked at y'all anyway.
That's when Shy cocked her neck at him. "Hello? Fuck are you looking at, Floch?"
He turned his ass back around, and you had to turn away as you laughed so hard that no sound came out of your throat until 20 seconds later.
When it got time for the pole vault, you, Shy, and many other people went up to the fence, leaning on it as you all watched Eren's event. When it was his turn, he did the 10' and the 10'6" like it wasn't there, only a few other guys struggling with that one. On his first 11'6", he knocked the pole down, and then he went clean over it on the next attempt.
Once it got higher you all could see that the first few guys who went for the 12' must've been having a bad day. Multiple knocked the pole down on their first attempt, then some doing better on the next attempts. One guy broke the bar and his pole in his attempts. The guy who went right before Eren was pretty good, barely grazing the pole when he went over it on the 12'.
When it got to the 12', Eren was doing high knee stretches before he picked up his pole. On the first attempt, he knocked the pole down, and when he was on the mat, you all could see him cursing as he stood back up.
"You got it, Eren!" A girl who was standing on the other side of you yelled. Others clapped and cheered him on too, but you stayed quiet and just clapped.
With his second attempt, everybody could just feel inside of them that it was gonna be better. Connie was standing to the side of the pole vault lane, watching up close as he and others waited for the men's 4-by-4, and he dapped him up and cheered him on.
As he ran with the pole, his form was absolutely beautiful, being completely upside-down when the pole was at it's straightest height, then not even touching the bar when he went over it.
Everyone watching this who was repping the school was clapping and cheering him on, and him and Connie dapped each other up again and again, so hard their hands were probably stinging when they finished.
"Do that shit again, Eren!" Shy shouted.
Now it was the 12'6". The last one and the highest one. You all saw Eren take a deep breath before he started running. His strides were clean and long, and he repeated the same thing that he did on his last attempt. Same lovely form, just going a necessary 9 inches higher.
Everyone was hype, clapping, and cheering after seeing Eren clear out his first attempt on the highest one like that. Your cheeks were hurting from how hard you were smiling as Shy shook you by your shoulders.
In the next 15 minutes, he was at long jump.  If you listened close enough, you could hear Eren's grunts as he ran. He made it look easy, going so damn far when he jumped that people who weren't even repping your school were paying attention as his feet landed only around a foot away from the end of the pit.
"EREN THAT'S A RECORD! THAT'S A FUCKING RECORD!" Eren instantly jumped up from the sand pit, hype as fuck and matching Connie's energy. Your school section was too gassed at Eren eating this meet the hell up.
"He gotta have a lil' nigga in him." Shy said.
"I'm saying!" You proclaimed. Connie was pushing limits staying and watching Eren's events so long like he wasn't the first leg in the 4-by-4 that was about to start very soon. He had to dash to the line and catch his breath with the time he had, but when the gun shot, he was out of those blocks like that gun was being shot straight at him.
"You better run like they coming to send you back to South America, Con!" Shy yelled, and that's exactly what he did. He got around the track before all the other guys, and the hand-off with Floch could've been better, but it wasn't terrible. Floch was in fourth when he got around the second curve, but he was able to walk one guy down by the next hand-off.
"Okay, leprechaun didn't do terrible." Ashyra commented. The guy who ran the third leg got your school back to second, by the fourth leg, this tall boy who you knew to be called Berthdolt was going stride for stride with a guy from another school.
"RUN LIKE A NIGGA FINNA SHOOT YOU IN YOUR FOOT, BERT!" The whole crowd was loud as everybody cheered for their school. You knew that Berthdolt was quiet, but when it came to sports, he would be locked the fuck in. And that's why with the last 100 meters, he absolutely dusted the guy who he was running against.
That 400 knocks motherfuckers out. After Berthdolt got past the line, he fell off to the side and laid down on the grass next to where Connie had been since he finished his lap. Your section stayed lit way after the race was over, and a bunch of the runners stayed sprawled out way after the race was over.
"Are those niggas ever gonna get up?" You questioned, seeing Eren squirt water into his teammates' mouths from the second bottle he's had to bring.
"Girl, you don't understand the pain."
When all those boys finally did get up and come back to the bleachers, they were receiving daps and congratulations from all over. You and Shy were sitting back down, and it took so long for Eren to get from the bottom of the steps to where you guys were.
"Good job, best!" Shy said as she dapped him up.
"Thank you, thank you."
"Good job, Eren." You'd been waiting for him to get up to you for so long. For some reason you wanted to say more, but that was the only thing that would make sense at the time.
While he was down there, he had put some sweatpants on. He looked calm and tired as he looked at you, and you were surprised as he pulled you up by your arm and embraced you in a big bear hug, balancing his weight out on you.
Your giggles warmed his heart, "Eren, you're too heavy for this!"
"Just let it happen." He said as he rocked you back and forth, feeling your arms wrap around his torso.
When he let you go, he reached into his sports bag and grabbed some money. "Shy, you want anything from concessions?"
"Can you get me a pickle?"
"Okay. Come on, Y/N."
He walked down the stairs with you, and Connie said, "He's taking our good luck charm away, y'all."
You chuckled in flattery as he said that, but Eren kept looking forward. "You know Connie's feeling you, right?" He told you as you both walked to concessions.
"Yeah I can tell. But I also know another guy who's feeling me too." You teased.
"Really? What's this one like?"
"Well, he's a little annoying. But I found out today that he's really good on the field."
Eren chuckled as you two stood in line, "What do you wanna get?"
"Umm, some nachos."
"Okay. Do you get yours with jalapeños on them?"
"No, not usually."
"Oh. Loser."
You hit him on his arm, "Stop it."
"I'm kidding. I'll get my own, since you don't know what life is about."
"Yeah. I wasn't gonna let your hungry ass share with me anyway."
He scoffed, "Why?"
"Because, after all the events you just did? That tray would be more yours than mine."
"Yeah, I showed you what I'm about. How you feel now?"
"I already told you you did a good job, Eren."
"That's not enough. Were you cheering for me?"
"Well, I was definitely clapping."
"I know you hear all the fangirls I have in those stands. How you gonna outdo them?"
"I'm not your fangirl, Eren."
He was very close to you, and you liked the way he looked at you from above. "What do you wanna be to me, then?"
You didn't say anything, and he saw your shock as your mouth fell open. The lady at the counter called out "Next!" It pulled you two out of your moment, and you two moved up in the line and Eren gave the woman your order.
"Okay. The nachos will be ready in a minute." You and Eren stood off to the side to wait, him holding Shy's pickle, and then a matured but fit man walked up and acknowledged him.
"Jaeger, right?"
You and him both shared some skepticism. "Who's asking?"
The man chuckled, "A guy who's glad he came to this meet today. Look, I'm a recruit from Harvard. The name's Dean Washington."
Eren's eyes widened and he firmly shook the man's hand. "Oh, yeah. I'm Eren Jaeger. Nice to meet you."
"I can't believe this. I mean, we've had our eyes on you since your sophomore year. A tri-athlete that gets better every time he hits any field, and today you broke two of your school's records."
"Wait, I broke a pole vault record too?"
"Hell yeah! You're a force, and you'll definitely hear from Harvard soon. Here, take my card."
Eren took the business card that the recruit handed to him, and with a few more polite exchanges and another handshake, the man was on his way.
"Okay, big shot. Is that the first scholarship you've been offered?"
"Nah. The one's I've been considering have been the full-rides from LSU and Notre Dame."
Your eyes were the size of golf balls, "And those aren't the only ones?"
"No. The other ones haven't pulled me enough. LSU's been begging."
"Well that's a good pick for football."
"Yeah, you're right. But Harvard? This is crazy." He said, picking up his tray of nacho's from the concession counter.
"It gives you a lot to think about." You two began walking back to the seats.
"You're smart. Have you gotten any scholarship offers?"
"Well I've taken a lot of merit scholarships, but I did get a full ride that's gonna take me to a nice tech school."
"Umm, MIT." The only reason you sounded shaky when giving him this answer his because this school was in the same city as Harvard.
He smiled, as you expected him to. "Well that's gonna make me consider Harvard more. You still don't wanna be my fangirl?"
You stopped walking, and he turned around and stopped with you. You looked him in his eyes when you said, "You're the best, Eren."
He held his smile back while he poked his tongue through his cheek, staring at you for a while and looking you in your sultry, adoring eyes. His eyes traveled your body up and down, before he grabbed your free hand and said "Come on."
You two got back up to Shy, and you guys ate your snacks, bantered with each other and others who came over, and watched the remaining races. When it was time for awards to be given at the end of the track meet, Eren and Shy just told you to come down to the field with them.
"The highest score comes from the phenomenal Paradis High! Both of today's MVP's come from this team as well. Ashyra Ross for her performance in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and 4-by-1 races, and Eren Jaeger who broke two of his school's records in long jump and pole vaulting." A commentator announced over the speakers.
Everyone who was still here was clapping as Eren and Shy went up and got their medals, taking the picture that represented the school.
Your mom was the one who dropped you off today, and when you told him that, he took the liberty of commanding you to let him drive you home. "But before that, we're going out to eat."
"Oh, so we're not gonna go over to your house and work on the project anymore?"
"Hell no. We're gonna go to Chipotle and fuck up burritos. Shit, I could eat a quesadilla too."
The next day came, and Eren didn't seem too ecstatic at school for him to have been one of the most-valued D-1 athletes walking through this campus. He didn't seem necessarily sad, but he wasn't smiling as much or being as annoying during film. And he was actually working at some minutes, and then the next minute you would find him with his head in the clouds. You didn't say anything about it, but during homeroom, you called it out.
"Eren, are you good?"
He was on his phone but just staring at it before you said something, and your voice calling his name seemed to pull him out of his trance. "Y-Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, you just seem like you're in your own world. You sure everything's alright?"
He hesitated, but then he answered with, "I'm fine, Y/N. Thanks for asking, though."
You weren't sure he was being complete with you, but you didn't wanna push it. "Okay."
Thursday came, and you didn't see him pop up in first period.
you wya?
mvp sorry i'm busy today
you wow
day before due date too?
mvp you can still come over to my house later tho if it's that serious
you fine then
Your mom pulled off once he let you inside the house. He was wearing a hoodie and some sweat shorts, and his hair was out of it's usual bun, those brown tresses of his grazing his shoulders.
"We're working in my room today."
"Why? The couch has been fine."
"I'm not working on shit if I'm not in my bed."
With proper study skills being considered, that didn't make sense to you, but you didn't wanna question him. His room wasn't bad. It was spacious, and there was a bunch of stylish art, memorable photos, & decor on his dark grey walls. But it was still the room of a teenage boy, so you couldn't help but recognize the unmade bed and the junk food wrappers & empty dishes that were around and on his bed.
"So, where were you today?" You asked him as you opened your laptop while sitting at his desk, him comfy under the blankets of his mattress with his laptop open on his lap.
"I told you. I was busy."
"That's not what I- Nevermind."
About half of a minute passed before he gave you a proper answer. "I was at a dinner."
"Wow. I was listening to Miss Sullivan run her mouth and you were dining away."
"Yeah, lucky me then." His voice was drained of any warmth, and you just decided that it would be best for you to not talk to him unless necessary today.
About 20 minutes passed before you two shared any words. Then, you broke the silence. "When are you gonna add pictures to your slides?"
Looking through the slides, they were good and accurate, proper spelling and capitalization too. That's something you could appreciate in a partner, but the issue with the pictures was the only one you had.
"I'm gonna do it soon."
"Well... Can you do it now? So we can be done."
He sighed, "You're doing it again."
"Doing what, Eren?"
"That control freak in you is coming out." He answered, still nonchalantly scrolling through his phone.
"Well if being a control freak might get you to act like you care then I'll be that."
"It's just like five pictures."
"Exactly. It's just like five pictures. Quick and easy."
"Exactly. That's why you can wait."
"Do you want me to do it for you? Because I'm fine with that since you seem to be in such a bad mood."
"I'll do the goddamn work. Fuck. Just be quiet."
You turned around completely in the chair, "Who the fuck are you talking to? You invited me over here."
"Yeah. We can both probably see why I'm regretting that today."
Your laptop was loud when you slammed it shut, not wasting any time to put it in your bookbag. "Right. So I'll be downstairs waiting for my ride, since you wanna talk to me like you weren't raised right."
"Fuck did you just say to me?" Eren closed his laptop too, moving his comforter and getting out of his bed.
"You wanna talk to me like that, talk to your fucking mama like that, hoe." You would tell that line to any person who got out of line with you, but this seemed to push a button of his.
It took only a few long strides for him to beat you to the door. You had swung your bag over your shoulder, and as you were opening his bedroom door to leave, he was slamming it shut with one hand as he looked down on you.
"My mom's fucking dead, Y/N."
His voice was deep and husky, but it also shook when he said that. Your hard exterior instantly softened, "Eren..."
He took a shuddering breath, and then he turned around and slowly began walking back to his bed. "Why do you think I wasn't there today? I was at a damn memorial dinner."
You put your bag back down, "I'm sorry."
"Thanks." He sat down on his bed, legs spread and arms hung to the sides of them, "You can go now."
You approached him slowly with ease. Sitting down by him on his comfortable mattress, the touch of your hand on him lightened his temper. You ran your hand through his hair, showing his face to you more.
"You're sad. Why would you make time for me if you're feeling like this today?"
"I've been sad for a while. Nothing new."
Your hand traveled down to the back of his neck, rubbing his nape soothingly. "What's wrong today, then?"
He took a second, and then he ran his own hand through his hair before he answered you. "Today makes seven years. It's just different."
"I'm sorry, again."
"No reason to be. You're not Lupus."
"I was giving you a hard time. That's why I'm sorry."
You just wanted to be there for him, especially after being so rude earlier. He turned to look at you, and his eyes were glossy and flooded, and that made your eyes fill up with tears too.
Sad boy or not, he was still strong as hell. So when he wrapped his arm around your torso and pulled you in for a hug, your whole body shifted over to him, and you straddled his lap to be comfortable.
"It's okay. It's your thing to give me a hard time."
You kept running your nails through his hair, and he adored the feeling. He stayed with his face buried in your chest, loving the feeling, loving the smell, loving the care, loving the comfort.
He lifted his face up, his chin nuzzled in your chest as he looked up at you. "I did really good at the track meet the other day."
You saw the damp tracks of his salty tears spread under his eyes. You placed both hands on the sides of his face, "You did."
"Guess who else reached out."
You tilted your head, softly asking, "Who?"
"Oh. Another D-1?"
A meek close-lipped grin showed as he nodded. You used each thumb to wipe his tears. "I told you you're the best."
He gave you a real grin this time, then laying the side of his face on your chest. "She can't see it, though."
You began rubbing his head again. "You think she's not watching you?"
"I want her to be there watching me. I wish she could— I just—"
You quietly shushed him, holding him close. "She would be proud of you, baby."
He looked up at you. "You think so?"
"I know so... If it helps, I'm proud of you."
His lips were slightly parted as he looked at you, and then he was only looking at your lips. The next thing he knew, his lips were on yours. Slow, soft. He didn't wanna stop. He couldn't be off of you.
He was so gentle, just as you were with him. Your body curved into his, and his hand trailed under your hoodie, slowly running his palm up the middle of your back and keeping you close to him while you subconsciously grinded down on him.
When he pulled his lips away, his hand was unbuckling your bra as you felt him growing under you. "Eren."
His lips were occupied kissing your neck, but he put in the effort to answer you. "What?"
"Are you sure this is what you need right now?"
"I'm sure that what I need right now is you."
He kissed your lips again, and a string of saliva connected between your lips and his when he pulled away. Picking you up so easy, he changed your positions, you being laid on your back as he hovered over you now. "Can I have you?"
"Are you gonna even take no for an answer?"
He smirked, and then he shook his head no.
"Then you already got me, baby."
Your hoodie was off. His hoodie was off. His shorts were getting pulled down. Your jeans were on the floor. The door was locked. His hair was tied up. Your glasses were on the nightstand.
All you saw was his chiseled abs, his defined V-line, and that huge print showing through his briefs, and all he saw was your pretty half-naked self laying on his sheets under him.
You lifted your arms up so he could take your bra off, and then your pretty tits jiggled as they laid out under him. He whispered a curse as he threw your bra to the side. He leaned down and kissed your neck, and you felt shivers trickle up your thighs as his fingers met the sensations in the middle.
"You came here wearing a matching set for me." He grazed his fingers past the pink lace that made the panties of this matching set.
"I didn't think this was gonna happen." Every word coming from your overachieving mouth would be soft and shy, shyer than he knew you to be. He liked that he made you get like this as your pussy twitched under his fingers.
"Mmm, you were ready for me though." He slid your panties to the side, and your back arched off the bed when he drove his fingers in you. You let out a shriek that would've been a moan if you didn't hold back.
It sounded like ocean sounds were playing as he filled you up with his two digits, pulling them out, then jutting them back in again and again. His lips were wrapped around your chocolate areola, his tongue swirling around it like the delectable desert that it was to him.
Your back was arching off the bed, and he just kept hitting a spot deep inside that would turn your moans into whines. He looked up into your eyes from where he lay, and you were looking down at his hand going in and out of you at a dangerous speed. He pulled his mouth away and hovered over your face, and he began guiding you through your high.
"Like that, baby?"
"Yeah, like that."
"You look so damn pretty. So pretty when you're cumming on my fucking fingers."
You wrapped an arm around his neck, holding onto him tight and your back hovering off the bed as he hit that spot again, and again, and one more time before—
"Fuck! Eren!" You flooded his fingers and his wrist, and your hips kept grinding onto his hand as you rode out your high.
"That's it, pretty girl. Keep cumming for me."
When he pulled his hand out, you fell down onto the mattress. Your legs instantly closed, just like your eyelids as you caught your breath with the back of your forehead. He kissed your jawline and rubbed his hand up and down your body, taking your panties off then bringing his kisses down low and reopening your legs, kissing on the warm wetness of your clit.
"Eren." You cooed, and you called his name again but more hastily when he slid a broad lick across your sensitive slit.
He changed positions but left you where you were, now propped up in between your legs and his hands reopening them. He pulled you by your thighs closer to him, leaning to the side to reach in his nightstand and pull out a condom.
Your fat pussy was pressed up against his thick, clothed bulge. He whipped it out, and your shock was evident when seeing his long dick out of the clothes. "Oh."
He laid it on you as he unwrapped the condom, and the tip went all the way to your belly button. "You okay?"
You sat up partially to get a better view of this monster that he was planning on putting inside of you. "Y-Yeah."
He breathed out a laugh at your nerves, sliding the rubber onto his hard length. "You think you got it?"
"Umm, we'll see."
He aligned his tip with your hole, slapping it on your clit a few times. You and him both watched as he began to slowly push inside of you, until you couldn't watch anymore. Your eyes filled with tears and you had to squeeze them shut as you cursed.
"Fuck, are you a virgin? You're tight as hell."
"No, you're just big!"
You could cry and whine all you wanted. Unless you said something, he was gonna do his best to fit his thick cock in your tight hole. He grabbed the ankle of one of your legs that were thrown over his shoulder, rubbing it and pecking it with kisses as he slid inside of you.
"Relax, mama. I need this pussy to stop squeezing me so tight."
You had your toes curled and one hand gripping his sheets, the other holding your breast like it was a stress ball. When he kept pushing inch after inch in, you let your head fall back on the sheets. You hadn't fucked in a while. It hurt, but it hurt so good.
"There you go, gorgeous. I know you can take me." It wasn't all of him. There was about an inch of his shaft that couldn't go in anymore, but his tip was pressed in as deep as it could go.
You let out the cutest, shuddering moan when he started thrusting slowly in and out of you. Everytime that he would go in, he could see the imprint of his dick poking through the pudge of your stomach.
You were leaving a creamy layer of your juices on the condom as he fucked your sweet hole, "All this 's for me, right baby?"
"Yesss. It's all yours."
He held your face in his hand, "Open those pretty eyes and look at me."
You did as he said, caressing his hand with yours and leaning into him. Looking into his green eyes so innocently, yet he knew you were far from that by the way you were taking him. You were so smart. Smart enough to recognize that when you moaned the way that you did, needily called his name the way you did, grinded your hips onto his cock the way you did, that you had him wrapped around your finger.
Your lips parted more as he jutted his hips in deep. A guttural moan from your throat came out as he hit your spot purposely rougher this time. You couldn't help it, especially with the way that he looked so sexy when he looked down at you like this. His thick brows were furrowed, hanging over desiring dark eyes that were hazy with lust. His skin was damp with sweat. His soft lips were hanging open, letting his groans out as your pussy milked him.
"Eren, come closer baby. I need to feel you." You were spiraling with passion, and he was entwining in pleasure from finally satisfying his craving that was you. He leaned down and kissed you, enjoying how sloppy and erotic it was.
"You wanna feel me even more than you already are?"
"I needed..."
Your hand was roaming, holding him close by rubbing at his nape. "Your skin..."
Then his shoulder, "I wanted it on me." then his arm, squeezing him tight with your nails digging into his arm.
"Shit." The low growl that came from him as you left your marks made your whole body shiver. You just repeated the coo of the word "Baby" over and over again, the speed of it mounting as he kept going.
"I know, ma. I know. I'm... Close... Too."
You came first, you releasing a high-pitched moan with your juices that wet him up as his thrusts got more sporadic, yet still giving all his force.
"Ah, fuck." You felt his breath on your face as he pushed out his last few movements of his hips. You both were breathing gently on each other, him holding your face in his hand while you ran your hands through his hair, giving each other wet, soft kisses on each other's lips.
When he lifted up, the condom was filled with a fat heap of his nut before he pulled it off, tying it up and taking a tired walk to the trash can to throw it away.
You were still laying down when he got back over, just propped up on your elbows as you watched him.
He stood in front of you, rubbing your legs. "Were you just looking at my ass?"
You were feeling extremely relaxed, and your laugh represented that. "I was looking at everything, baby."
Even the fresh scars you left on his shoulders and arms. The way his body flexed with every movement, a different muscle being highlighted with every step. His sexy mannerisms, like the way he walked, the way he ran his hands through his hair, or the way he would look back at you. Damn. He was so fine for you.
And he was looking at everything you did. Your eyes were on his, so they were watching as he trailed down your body, looking at your full breasts, the texture of your warm brown skin, and the way that your plump ass still was visible even while you were laid down like this.
"You're so damn sexy."
"Mmm." You lifted up, running your hands up his chiseled body until they got to his pecks, "Let me hear that again."
He chuckled, "You're a slut, too. How did I not know that?"
Craning down, he pecked your smirking lips. "Yeah, I wanna hear that again too."
He bagged not just a beautiful genius, but a perfectly lewd freak. He held you by the back of your neck to give you another sweet kiss.
"Do you think your dad heard us?"
"Hmm, if so, it's a hard day. I'm sure he'll understand."
You grinned as you looked up at him, and he did the same as he towered down on you. You both could tell what was going on behind each other's eyes.
"Do you have any more condoms?"
Laid on your side. He would slow it down then speed it up, harassing that pussy like it wronged his whole bloodline. One hand was under your bent knees, and the other hand traveled from your ass to your neck, gripping your throat and holding you steady when he filled you up with the length of his cock.
You were wise, but you learned more and more everyday. Something you observed from Eren is that he's a feen for a fat ass. That's why the third condom you two were on broke when he was hitting it from the back.
And something that he learned about you was that you craved the feeling of his touch and his warm skin on your own. So when he slowed his pace down with the next trial from the back, he pulled you by your neck closer to him, your back centimeters away from his chest in this steamy room as he caressed your breasts and kissed your shoulders.
And when you slutted him out while riding? He was trying to match your energy first, bucking his hips up while you were slamming yours down. The headboard was rocking into the wall so much that one time it might've been his dad knocking on the door to make sure you two were okay.
He couldn't hear that though, especially over your moans and his combining in harmony. His moans were dragging out of him, exhausted rambles leaving his mouth as he held you close, his face rubbing against your titties as you went up and down on him, leaving a creamy mess between you two.
The last nut from the night didn't need a condom. You were hovered over his face, but then he just pulled you down and put that tongue to work as he jerked himself off, receiving help from you when you could move your body accordingly to your mind, which was almost broken with the persistence of Eren eating you out.
He kept going on for what was probably a whole hour. You weren't sure. He just said that you weren't moving until he was done eating, but when he freed you from his hold, you laid your ass down.
You woke up in a haze in this dark room, a ringing sound filling your ears. Eren was laid on your ass like it was a cushion, and you could hear his soft snoring.
"Fuck, what time is it?"
You had to put your glasses on, and you saw that his digital clock read 1:37. Your phone was ringing, and it was your mom.
"Shit, shit, shit."
Eren was waking up, but his head plopped onto the mattress when you — his human pillow — hastily moved.
"Hey baby. You alright? I've been calling you, it's late."
"Y-Yeah. I'm sorry mama. I just fell asleep." Eren tapped back into consciousness when you turned his lamp on as you talked on the phone and hastily tried to collect your clothes at the same time.
"It's okay if you were doing unspeakable things, honey. As long as you were being responsible."
You sighed, "I love you, mom. Thank you for being chill."
"Yeah, I'm chill, but I'm still a worried mother. I'm parked outside of his house. Get down here, because I'm not letting you go to school in the same clothes two days in a row or a boy's. Bye."
She hung up the phone, so you put it down as you kept getting changed. He rubbed his eyes and sat up on the bed and watched you.
"That's my sock."
You cursed, almost having a white and a black sock on.
"The hoodie's inside out."
You sighed, pulling it off and reversing it.
He got up and put his briefs on, covering his dick up in time to catch your next mistake.
"Jeans on and no panties? Fuck, just stop moving. Calm down."
He helped you get your jeans back off, picking up your panties and allowing you to step into them. Then he helped you jump into your jeans, slapping your ass when you finished that task.
"Stop." You slapped his hand away from your butt.
"Uptight again like you weren't about to break my dick off like three, four hours ago. Okay."
"Quit it." You slid into your crocs and picked up your bag, "Okay, I'll finish the last few details of the slideshow. I'll see you tomorrow— I mean, today, okay?"
"Mmhmm." Despite this tired response that you expected to be the end of the interaction, he grabbed you by your hood and spun you back around, planting a warm kiss on your lips that almost paused all of your panic.
And when you pulled away, it almost came back, until he started talking. "I'll finish the slideshow right now, okay? Go home and lay down, you overachiever."
You breathed in through your nose, "Okay. Make it look pretty, alright?"
"I will, baby."
One more kiss, before you turned around and walked out of the door.
"See you later." He told you.
"Yeah, see you later, love."
You tried to get downstairs quietly, not sure if Mr. Grisha would be down there or not. When you thought you were in the clear, you were proved wrong.
"Have a nice night, Y/N." He was sitting in a living chair, and you couldn't tell how you didn't see him. He shot you a warm smile as he looked up from the book he was reading, and the one you gave him back was probably crooked.
"You too, Mr. J."
You cursed at yourself in your head as you turned away from him and rushed your way out.
In the morning, Eren did most of the presenting since you were the main worker. The presentation was actually fun. Eren kept comically teasing you, but you weren't opposed to it. It actually surprised the people in your class when seeing you smile.
When walking out of the class, Eren held your hand and spun you around for the direction he was walking in. "You told me you have Miss Russé next. She'll be okay if you're a few minutes late."
You grinned and chuckled, "Where you taking me?"
"Just somewhere where I can talk to you." He led you through the front exit passing by the office, just so you two could sit at the empty benches that are out there.
"Do you know how tempted I was to slap your ass when you were sitting back down?"
"Still severely horny, huh?"
Grabbing your jean pocket, he pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "After last night? Of course I am."
He placed his hand on your jaw as he locked his lips with yours, him leading the kiss. When he pulled away, you had your hands on his chest, "Yeah, I actually wanted to talk about that."
His head tilted, eyes narrowing too, "Yeah?"
"Um, I think— I think it was us getting carried away."
The look on his face wasn't neutral, although others might think that if not knowing the context. But you saw his jaw clench as he swallowed, and his eyebrows slowly furrowing over his darkening green eyes.
"I was in between your legs like, what, nine  hours ago. And now you think it was a mistake?"
"No, no. Not a mistake. I just looked back on it and I was thinking, maybe sex wasn't what you needed at the time."
The way he was looking at you made you feel so small. "Did I not make you feel good? Be honest."
"No, that's not it. You made me feel great."
"I could tell. So what the fuck is the problem?"
"Eren, you heard me. You were very sad and then we just had sex like that fixed everything. That's what's not making me feel good."
He stood up, and at this point you felt like you were buried into the ground, your head being the only thing above the surface so you could look at him. "Why the fuck are you doing this to me?"
"Eren, I'm not doing this to you. I was just saying it! I still adore you."
"Really? I can't tell." He picked his bag up and walked away from you, but not into the building. He walked out into the parking lot, and you walked back in the building before you could see where he was off too.
You didn't cry. No. You just felt like you were crying inside though. This was weird. You haven't thought about boys like this in forever. Then all of a sudden, one charms you on a Monday, and by the end of the week he's rearranged your guts.
At homeroom, you didn't see him. There was a possibility he was just going in his car to cool off earlier, and then there was the possibility that he drove home. He did the latter, and you were kind of relieved. Him ignoring you while being in the same room as you would've made you want to bury yourself in a hole.
Then the day went on. You got home, and you still wanted to sink into the ground. Not because of the reason from earlier. It changed into something else. You were craving him. You didn't care how awkward it would be, or how mad he could get, or how much he would yell at you. You wanted your body on his. You wanted to be around him. You wanted to be laughing with him, cumming with him.
You were obsessed with little shame about it, and that's why he got multiple rings on his doorbell and knocks on his from door at 7 in the evening.
"Wow. You came to see your mistake."
You were wearing another one of your hoodies, and this time a patterned pair of flair pants. Your slides were plush. Probably not the best choice for the rain that was just starting. But you still looked cute to Eren, and that made him even more frustrated.
"I never said that." Your pleading voice was so cute, and he was trying to make sure his dick wouldn't get hard as he looked at your doe brown eyes looking at him.
"Tch, come inside before it starts pouring."
You walked inside, turning around to face him once he closed and locked the door behind him. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank top. He had his hands in his pockets, and before looking at his face, you were looking at his toned muscles and the print showing through his pants.
You were looking at him, and he was looking at you. You saw his Adam's Apple bob as he took a deep breath and got ready to talk. "Well, you drove your raggedy ass car to come see me. What do you have to say?"
You were standing with your hands behind your back, and a courage-building inhale preluded your sentence. "I'm sorry. I do mean what I said, but the delivery could've been better. Especially since it made you think that I don't want you, and I do want you. A lot. I was just thinking about it, and I don't regret what we did at all, but what led to it is what I was thinking about.
"But we can't change what was done. And I don't wanna change what was done, at all. I would sound like a hypocrite if I let on that I did, because a lot of the things that I said last night wouldn't elude that. Like when I said you're the best, I meant that. I mean, you're the best I've had, considering I've only had one other perso— Can you accept my apology already?"
He was smiling at you so hard that his cheeks were hurting. "C'mere."
You took the embrace that he was offering, him rocking you side to side as he laughed. You wanted your hands wrapped around him like this as long as possible, along with the feeling of him rocking you back and forth.
"Who was this other guy you fucked?" He asked you in the hug.
You lifted your face from his chest and looked up at him. "You in my business right now?"
"Yeah. You owe me."
"Because, I didn't say I accepted your apology. After how you made me feel earlier, I deserve something generous from you."
"Really." His hands went down to your ass, and you loved the way he touched on you, rubbing and massaging it. "Answer the question. Who took your virginity?"
"It was my boyfriend from sophomore year."
"Oh, yeah. I used to see you walking around with him. He's a loser."
Your mouth fell open, "Eren, be nice. He wasn't bad."
"Mmhmm." His mouth went down to your ear, "This ass isn't for him though, yeah?"
"N-No. It isn't."
"Neither is that pretty pussy though, right?"
"Right, baby."
"Who does it belong to?"
You looked up into his eyes, your hands on his chest. "It belongs to you, Eren."
"That's right. You belong to me. Don't ever try to fucking leave me or pull the shit you pulled earlier again, alright?"
Your lashes batted, but you still looked at him with adoration. "Okay, baby. I won't."
"Good girl." Gripping your ass cheeks, he shook one in his hold before he told you, "Get on your knees."
You did what he said, and he held your locs in his hand as you looked up at him. "What about your dad, though?"
"He's a surgeon. Working overtime tonight. Now, go ahead and pull it out. Let's see how else you can use this overachieving mouth."
He was right. You tried to overachieve in everything that you did. Even sucking dick. When you pulled his already hard dick out of his pants, you kissed the tip, using his drops of pre-cum as an extra layer of lip gloss.
You jerked him off with both hands, using your saliva from the licks you placed up his shaft as lubricant. Your hand ran up his torso, and you only had your eyes on his dick as you kissed it and slapped it against your lips.
When you actually started taking it in your mouth is when he got more vocal. You would hum every time you would slowly bob your head back and forth, taking more and more of his length everytime, until his whole shaft was in your mouth and you had your hand placed on the back of his waist to keep it there.
You pulled away and caught your breath, looking up at his hazy teal orbs that were looking straight back down at you in awe. "How many times have you fucked?"
All you gave to that question was a smirk, caressing his dick in your palm and using your wet lips to kiss and suck his fat balls. You practically gargled them in your spitty mouth while you sped up the pace of pumping his thick dick in your hand.
"Fuuuuuck." His groan was low and raspy as he took your throat as his own personal belonging.
You took his length back into your mouth, and the more of a mess you made increased to how much he was turned on. He felt every time his inches would go past your plump lips into your warm mouth. Your tongue kept licking that big vein that ran down the middle of his cock.
"Shit, I accept your apology. It's okay, it's okay baby. Fuck."
Your eyes shut and you stopped moving after he said that, and you took a deep breath and wiped your mouth. "I didn't— I didn't cum yet."
"I know that. I was paying you back what I owed." You got off of your knees and walked past him, "You were being really mean, though. Now I feel like I'm owed something. Come on."
You scurried up the stairs, and he didn't even tuck his dick back in to follow you. You were ahead of him, but him skipping stairs when he walked helped close the distance.
"I owe you?" He asked when he met you in his bedroom.
"Yeah. You do." He didn't expect it, and that's why it was so easy for you to push him on his bed. He sat up on his elbows as he watched you pull your pants down.
"Hold on, I don't want you to take your panties off y—"
"Eren, you don't get a say right now, baby. I'm sorry to break it to you."
His eyebrow furrowed, him looking like he was in complete disbelief. "What?"
"You heard me." Your juicy pussy was nude and aligned with his wet and hard cock as you took off your hoodie, then your bra, unleashing your yummy breasts right in his face.
But he couldn't touch them, or even lift up and suck them, because after you helped him take his shirt off, you pinned his hands down to the bed with your own, even humming in sadistic satisfaction when you did it. You used one hand to put him inside of you, and you moaned so sexily that he could've came right there.
But he didn't, he tried to push through. Even when you started bouncing that ass up and down on him ruthlessly, clapping sounds filling the room.
"So good, baby. You feel so fucking good." Your pussy was waiting for him, missing him desperately after last night. You didn't waste a second when on top of him.
You watched as his face scrunched up while you were milking the soul out of him through his dick. He was looking to the side, repeating, "Oh my god." with his deep moans.
He should've known you were gonna double back. Two strong-willed people having sex with each other just seems to lead to it lasting all night. But riding him like this right after sucking him so good and not letting him cum was just cruel.
That's why it took less than two minutes for him to give you the warning, forcing out an, "I'm— cumming." You got off of him, and watched as his spurts of cum came out like a fountain. It got all over his chest and yours, mixing in with the hair from his happy trail and dripping down from your tits to your stomach.
Your hand was on the bottom of his shaft, and you were gently pumping him as he came, so you loved the feeling of his dick pulsating as he emptied his balls. Once he was finished, you dragged your hand up his shaft, and he watched as you licked the cum off your fingers.
"Shit, come here."
You laid down on your stomach next to him and kissed him. "You're such a fucking freak." He told you, intertwining his fingers with your soft locs.
"And you aren't?"
"I never said I wasn't. That's why I like fucking you so much."
After a few minutes of you two making out, a struggle for dominance ensued. He quickly won it though, with him gripping your ass helping him get on top of you.
To your surprise, his dick was still hard, and he laid it over your stomach. "You're crazy, y'know? Fucking me like that without a condom."
"It felt better that way. And, I'm on birth control anyway."
"Hmm, good. Because we ran out of condoms last night."
"So, you okay if I fill you up?" He slid inside as he asked you this, and that familiar imprint in your stomach came back. "Make you mine?"
"Y-Yeah. Fill me up baby."
Eren loved hickeys, but not during the school year. He's literally always involved with a sport, so unless it's a winter practice, they're gonna be seen on him. But thankfully, he loved giving them too. So he took the liberty to grab your legs and fold you in half, allowing himself to lean down and kiss you as he gave you those magnificent thrusts. Those kisses went lower, and his mouth stayed in spots on your neck as his groans easily traveled to your ears.
When he sat back up, his pace got brutal, and you felt every last thrust hit so deep inside of you. "It's deep, Eren. So fucking deep."
Your breathy whimpers turned him on so much. He was focused on trying to make your pussy remember his shape fondly down to every last vein, hoping that he could make every one of his eight inches get in there.
He had a goal, and that's why he was being so relentless. You put your hand on his chest, whining and whimpering, but he moved it away. When he moved his hand back, he decided to hold your hands and your legs in his holds together.
"Fuck! Baby, slow downnn."
He was gonna keep plowing into you, even faster now that you said something. "Take it. You got it, ma."
"Eren, Eren! Fuck!" Your eyes were rolling back, and he was glad to see that he could make your eyes roll back in another way than you having sass.
You started repeating a slur of yeses when you were cumming, and as your body shook with your orgasm, you left a milky puddle of your cream under you.
Now is when he slowed down, to ride out his own high. He kept holding you where you were as his eyes shut, groaning and moaning while he filled you up, as he said he would do.
When he pulled out, the creamy concoction that was left on him was falling out of you. "Come here, mama."
He picked you up, and you held onto him tight as he rubbed your back up and down. "You're mine, baby."
You were mindfucked and hazy, but you still responded with, "I'm yours."
"All fucking mine."
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tyonfs · 1 year
the marriage and baby project (teaser)
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PAIRING ▸ mark lee x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, fluff, crack, college au, fake dating (marriage?) au
SUMMARY ▸ mark lee has had the biggest crush on you for years, so, naturally, he’s over the moon when you’re both partnered for a group project. however, he underestimates just how close two people can get when they have to pretend they’re married for a month while taking care of a fake baby.
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ the dunk shot series is not dead guys :’) sorry this series was sort of at a standstill for a bit but here’s the teaser for mark’s installment !! ♡ send me an ask or comment if you want to be on the tag list! (warnings will be added in the final fic) 
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THE ONLY REASON WHY MARK TOOK FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE WAS BECAUSE his friends told him it would be an easy A for a general education requirement he needed to fulfill. No one clued him in on having to become a married man and father.
“Hi, Mark,” you greeted with a smile, sliding into the seat next to him. “I guess I’m Y/N Lee for the next few weeks.”
He felt his heart drop to his stomach.
Here was a brief rundown: you were essentially a femme fatale, a drop-dead gorgeous it-girl; and Mark was a loser who was somewhat good at playing basketball. On top of that, Mark harbored the biggest crush on you since forever.
Forever dated back to high school. Although Mark never spoke to you much, he had always thought you were the most breathtaking individual he had ever seen. That was probably why he was malfunctioning right now. He had never gotten the opportunity to be around you like this, mostly because you were dating Vernon Chwe up until last year. All he could do was admire from afar helplessly, eyes lingering as you strode down hallways.
Chenle told him that there was a definite shelf life on relationships like yours and Vernon’s—relationships that were mostly physical—so he was confident you two wouldn’t last. And he was right. When you and Vernon broke up, Mark felt bad seeing your sad eyes, but an ugly part of him had been waiting for it to happen.
This situation, however, was like winning the lottery. Not only was he partnered up with you, but he had to play the role of your husband? Things like this never really happened to Mark, so he figured some misfortunate was coming his way soon.
“Hey, Y/N,” he managed to get out.
“Come up and get your babies,” the professor instructed. “These RealCare infant simulators use wireless programming to track and report on your behaviors, which is why I had you all sign those consent forms.” She held up one of the dolls for everyone to see. “I’m not gonna require you all to keep your dolls in a car seat, but I will be able to see records of misuse, clothing changes, temperature changes, whether you’ve rocked, fed, or burped your baby, or respond to its cries.”
Great. He had to walk around campus with a plastic baby. Mark’s friends were never going to let him live this down.
He wondered if the RealCare infant could play basketball.
He turned to face you again. “Do you want a boy or girl?”
“Mark Lee,” his professor chided, and he nearly jumped when saw her standing right beside his desk. “You don’t get to choose the gender of your child in real life, so I’ll be randomly assigning each couple a baby.”
“I don’t think we’ve considered the possibility of gene editing.”
“You can take that up with Congress.”
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GENERAL TAG LIST ▸ @papiiimark @jaehy9ngs @chanluster @jjhmk @marksflute @superhajimark @jeongyoonohs @marklexleaf @dnylwoo @kpop-bambi @miyrisa @jjikyuu @venesiun @seventeeneration @chenosaurus16 @kylomeyon @infnteen @ohmarkly  @weish5n @thejeongjaehyun​ @lovesjenmoong​ @infnteen​ @wownajaemin​ @haruharux23 @pewpewpwe00 @scxrlettkx @pckeia @keijikunn @sapiowoman28 @atiny-doodles @loki-in-hogwarts @baekhyuns-lipchain @repjaehyn @chan-s-laptop @jen0zen @michplusb @yutassecrettime @minkis-simp​ @dreamyyang​ @catscoffeeandkpop​ @ahgastayzen​ @ryu-naa
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hello I wanted to request a Tara fic and basically it’s like the reader being kind of like the lame friend and she’s just hangs out alone all the time playing with her legos or Mario on her Nintendo and she’s basically a big child or she’s healing her inner child and she’s the type of person that’s only friends with the old lady from the bakery and tara falls in love with her and can you make it like at first when she tells sam or the whole friend group that she’s falling for the reader they don’t approve because the friend group doesn’t like reader that much because they think she’s childish and immature and maybe they think she’s ghostface because she’s alone most of the time you could choose how it ends but yeah
(Reader is not their friend perhaps she could be a roommate or an acquaintance but she hangs out with them sometimes because she doesn’t have other friends)
Stray dog
Tara Carpenter x reader
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You were a bit of a loner, you didn’t like big groups of people which was obvious as you never really showed up to any parties or other big events. In fact you barely showed up to anything except the lectures which was why barely anyone really knew you. You preferred being alone, maybe playing some games. The only thing you went to was a small cafe not far from the campus, you always studied there when you were still in high school and by now it was your safe haven of some sort. Claudia, the elderly lady who owned the cafe was a sweetheart and took you in whenever you needed. She let you stay there for hours on hours playing games, eating or learning.
You went there even more since you became Mindys roommate. Don’t get it wrong, she was a nice girl but you get a feeling that she wasn’t the biggest fan of you, constantly mumbling something about you tricking the dorm lottery and she always had her girlfriend over which made you feel weird when you were there. Not that Anika wasn’t incredibly nice to you but you felt like the third wheel. The only time you stayed, even if it was just for a bit, was when Tara was there. Not that you talked a lot but she was nice to you, always flashed you a smile, made Mindy shut up about ‘your weirdness’ and even outside of the dorm she sometimes waved at you.
Most people think that you were irresponsible and a big child, Mindy and her twin brother were definitely two of those people. But that was incorrect, at least for the most part, sure you liked video games and legos and stuff but that didn’t mean that you were irresponsible. Tara was also one of the people who believed that you weren’t the most responsible person, she thought you were nice and sweet nonetheless, but responsible? No!
At least until she went to Claudia’s cafe one day and behind the counter wasn’t the sweet elderly lady or Nancy, her only employee, no. You stood behind the counter, an apron wrapped around you and a smile on your face as you greeted the costumers. “Good morning, what can I get ya?” You asked her as you looked at a notepad in front of you, scribbling something down. “Can I get a latte and” that was the moment you looked up for the first time since she entered the cafe and your heart skipped a beat. She ordered the rest and decided to stay in the cafe, she wanted to figure out why you were here.
“Your coffee and your cinnamon roll” you said as you placed both items in front of her, ready to turn around and leave. “Wait” she grabbed your wrist which caused you to turn around, “since when are you working here” She asked you carefully, scared that she’d sound rude in any way. “Claudia isn’t feeling well, so I told her to go home and I’d look out for the cafe” you answered right as a customer came inside. “I gotta” you just pointed to the counter before walking off.
When the customer left you noticed that Tara’s drink was empty and decided to make her another one. “Here’s a refill” you told her as you placed the cup in front of her which made her look up from her notes. “Thanks. Do you maybe wanna sit with me for a while? At least until somebody comes back you know” you checked the door before awkwardly sitting down, it was weird.
The mood quickly lifted when she started joking about one of your professors. You then just talked about random stuff, she showed interest in your games and you showed interest in her friend group and her studies. “Oh, I gotta go. You here tomorrow too?” She asked as her phone started ringing constantly, “I guess, depends on how Claudia is feeling. Plus, I’m here 90% of the time, don’t have a lot of other things ya know” you smiled as you whipped the table where you just ate. “Well, you could eat with us tomorrow” Tara said which made you furrow your brows. “Uhm, yeah, I might think about it” you clearly weren’t, her friends hated you and you’ve only seen her sister once but you were in fact rather sure that she hated you too.
The next day there was a knock on your door, which confused you as Mindy was already gone and there was nobody who would come for you. But you opened the door to find Tara. “What you doing here?” You asked her, “we are having lunch” she said and pulled you out without waiting for an answer. The second you saw her friends your hands turned sweaty and you started playing with the bands of your hoodie. “I’m not sure about this, they don’t like me” you mumbled to her shortly before arriving. “It will be fine, please” she smiled at you which made you just accept the fact that you were going to eat with them.
From then on it was like you were a stray puppy adopted by Tara Carpenter, she came to the cafe nearly every time you were there and she often smuggled you into her apartment. It went like that for about 4 weeks. These 4 weeks made Tara fall for you head over heels, the way you were so caring and childish at the same time, she loved the way you were so pure when you talked about the new Lego set and how you would always take over shifts at the cafe when Claudia needed someone. So she decided to talk to Mindy and Anika about it. “Guys, I need your help” she stated as she sat down in front of them, “uhh what’s up?” Mindy asked as her arm wrapped around Anika’s shoulder. “I think I fell in love” Anika smiled softly while Mindy gasped, “omg who is it? Is it Chad? Omg is it him?” She was grinning from ear to ear just gushing about how cute that’d be. “No it’s not Chad” there was a small moment of silence before she gathered all her courage, “it’s y/n” she mumbled. Mindy grunted and Anika giggled, “she’s a big child Tara, I’m sorry but is there even anything you can talk about with her? I mean except for I don’t know Mario kart or some shit” the way Mindy talked about you made her heart clench, yeah you were a bit childish but you were actually really nice and you always talked kindly about Mindy and that she was a great roommate and that you were sad that she hated you. “Mindy, come on” her girlfriend mumbled while nudging her side, “you’re an ass” was all Tara said before storming off into her room, immediately looking her door.
“Great Job” Anika mumbled to her girlfriend who looked at her in disbelief, “oh come on, Tara barely knows her” the brunette said which caused the other one to roll her eyes. “But she does, they’ve been meeting up in the bakery down the street nearly everyday, so go and apologize to Tara. She really likes that girl and you were very unfair” Mindy sighed but went to Tara’s room nonetheless. “Tara, can you please open the door so we can talk?” She called out but only got a ‘no’ as an answer which caused her to go back to the living room.
4 hours later and Tara still didn’t leave her room, she texted you but didn’t get an answer. You were still working at the cafe which explained your lack of interaction. “What’s up with her?” Sam asked when she had been home for over an hour and still didn’t see her sister, “Mindy was an ass to one of her friends and now she’s mad” Anika explained causing Sam to nod, “the one from the bakery?” She asked, Mindy and Anika’s jaws dropping. “You know about her?” They asked completely shocked. “Yeah, I was them together a couple of times and Tara sucks at sneaking people in” the explanation made sense to them causing them to drop the topic for a moment. “You should get her here” the older Carpenter suddenly said causing the twin to look up, “huh?” “Well, I think she’s the only one who could get Tara out of there right now, we all know how stubborn she can be and you have a chance to apologize” the plan was good, the others had to agree. So Mindy stood up and made her way to their dorm room which was empty.
“Sam? How am I supposed to find her? She isn’t at our dorm” Mindy said as she called the brunette. “Look for her at the bakery” so she made her way there to find you sitting at one of the chairs drinking a coffee, it was your time off. “Y/n?” She called out causing you to turn in surprise, “hey, how can I help you?” You asked still confused why the girl was talking to you. “Look, I said some stupid shit and now Tara is mad at me and won’t come out of her room” she told you which immediately made you worry, “oh, I’m sorry” you tried to play it cool as you tried to check your phone for the first time in 6 hours without her noticing. “I’m asking you to come with me so she finally leaves her room” you nodded before telling Claudia that you had to go because of Tara, the elderly woman loved Tara. “Of course honey, here take a cinnamon roll for her. Maybe use it to confess your love” she grinned as she gave you the bag while you blushed, Mindy just stared at you. “thanks C, I’ll see you tomorrow”
You quietly followed Mindy as if you didn’t know where the younger Carpenter lived. When you entered all eyes immediately landed on you, which made you so uncomfortable that you blushed. “Im gonna, you know… get Tara” you mumbled and quickly walked away, knocking on the door you knew so well. “Go the fuck away Mindy, I told you I don’t wanna talk to you” came the most beautiful voice from the other side. “Uhm, want me to go tell her that?” You asked awkwardly standing in front of the door. Suddenly the door was ripped open and you were pulled inside causing you to yelp. “What are you doing here?” She asked as she fell into your arms, “well Mindy told me to come, something about you not leaving your room” you answered with your arms wrapped around her shoulder to pull her even closer. You hugged in silence for a bit until she unwrapped her arm and threw herself onto the bed behind you. You decided to sit next to her, your hand rubbing her back carefully, “wanna tell me what made you that mad?” The question could make her flip so you had to be careful. Her face was squished into the pillows making it impossible to understand the words that left her mouth.
“Tara, honey, I can’t understand a single thing if you don’t turn towards me” you mumbled lifting your hand from her back, “Mindy said some stupid shit” this time you got it and chuckled at her answer. “How is that new?” Your answer made her chuckle too which you counted as a win. “She said rude things about you when I” she stopped abruptly chairing you to raise your eyebrows, “when you what?” You pressed, interested in what she could have said that made her mad when Mindy talked bad about you, because let’s be honest, it was nothing new.
“T, come on. You know you can tell me anything” this seemed to make her break, she suddenly sat up and placed herself onto your lap, hugging you close, “I told her that I was in love with you and she called you childish and a big child and shit” you chuckled lightly as you hugged her even closer. “She’s right, let’s be true but even as a big child I can love you like the adult women I’m supposed to be. Just not on Tuesdays, I play Mario kart online” you smirked while she giggled into your neck, you then pulled her back a bit so you could look at her. “But for real, I do love you and I want to take you on a date, a real one” she immediately nodded and pressed several kisses to your lips.
“Well, that was actually cute” Mindys voice broke you two apart, Tara nearly falling of your lap. “Get the fuck out” she called out and threw a pillow at the other girl. Mindy just ignored her and sat down next to you “I gotta say sorry I guess, you do look after Tara, but you’re still a big child” you laughed and nodded before mumbling a thank you while Tara just hid in your neck. “Now, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone” she grinned and left, closing the door behind her.
“So about that day” She smiled and kissed you again.
Gosh you were so in love
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octuscle · 3 months
Fun on the not so fair ground
Where Darren was, Darren wasn't there because he was particularly clever or hard-working or charming. No one knew exactly how Darren had made it to division manager. And how he had remained division manager despite dissatisfied colleagues and customers. No one liked the arrogant, smug asshole. He was moody, incompetent… But he was divisional manager and because of some skeleton he had in the closet with some board member, he remained divisional manager.
One of Darren's most striking characteristics was his stinginess. And his resentment. He was annoyed that he hadn't won any tickets for the rollercoaster or the Ferris wheel in the lottery organized by the HR department for the company outing to the fair. But he was all the more delighted to win a ticket for the ghost train. Everyone else had always won two tickets. He suspected that the ghost train was so expensive that there was only one ticket for it. And he had it.
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For Darren, going to the fair was more of a chore. Having to deal with his colleagues in the evening was an imposition. But since he had won the ticket, he had to go. And he especially had to go on the ghost train. His colleagues wished him a lot of fun, the meeting was in a beer tent in half an hour. Darren joined the short queue. The ticket taker looked at his ticket. "Oh, the special tour!" he said with a grin. His eyes just lit up red for a moment. Must be some kind of special effect, Darren thought to himself. The bar on his gondola closed. The ride started.
It was a terribly boring ride. Only small children would be frightened on something like this. Darren was happy when the ride was over and the bar opened again. He walked towards the exit. Suddenly a door slammed shut in front of him. And a hidden wallpaper door creaked open. This had to be the part with the special tour. But here too: Lame, boring effects. Some of them were obviously broken. And the dust and cobwebs seemed to be real. Darren stood in front of a picture with the caption "Your greatest horror". Well. Biggest horror. It showed a young man with cheap clothes, a cheap haircut and obviously no future. Darren wasn't afraid of people like that. He ignored people like that. There was a mirror next to the picture. It was captioned 'Your future'. Darren saw a young man with cheap clothes, a cheap haircut and clearly no future. Fuck! He grabbed his face and the reflection did the same. His skin, which had just been flawless for a man in his late 30s, was blemished. As if from too much alcohol and nicotine. And too little care. Maybe it was the remnants of acne, because the man in the mirror was younger than Darren. Maybe in his early 20s. Badly shaved. His hair styled in a preppy undercut. And he stank. That couldn't have come from his reflection. The jacket was made of cheap, badly tanned leather. Sweat. Cheap deodorant. Nicotine. His fingers smelled like those of a chain smoker. And his teeth were yellow like a chain smoker's. In a panic, Darren looked for the exit. He found himself behind the ghost train. There was a "Staff only" sign above the exit. Darren tried to open the door. He rattled the handle. A man opened it for him. Behind the door was a small staff room. The man asked if he wanted to apply for the position of young man to travel with the fair. Darren ran away in a panic.
Where to now? To the beer tent? What would his colleagues say? They wouldn't recognize him. He tried anyway. The bouncer turned him away. For invited guests only. Darren had an invitation. He used to have an invitation in the inside pocket of his jacket. Now he had an almost empty pack of filterless cigarettes and a battered Zippo. His wallet hung on a chain from his torn jeans. With a bit of cash. A ten-ride bus pass that was almost used up. And a driver's license. For big trucks and tractor-trailers. Bloody hell! He still had to be on this ghost train. It was better than he thought. But he didn't feel like it anymore. He wanted a shower and then to get into his silk pyjamas. But his car key was gone. And where his car had been, there was now a completely different one. He had to walk, Darren had no idea how he was going to get home on the bus and he didn't have the money for a cab.
He had been walking for almost half an hour when he finally got home. In the dark windows of his elegant old apartment on the mezzanine floor, the "For Sale" signs were covered with "Sold". The. Is. A. Cursed. Nightmare! Darren no longer had a key for anything. Not for this apartment that used to be his, not for a missing car, not for his office. He had no cell phone, he had the few things he had on his person. A nightmare! His worst nightmare! His biggest horror! Darren climbed over the fence. It was surprisingly easy. His new body was athletic. He had already noticed that on the way here. There was a Victorian summer house at the back of the garden that belonged to his apartment. And he always hid a key there. Under a flower pot. A flowerpot that no longer existed. Everything on the porch of the garden shed was an army duffel bag. With a rucksack in it, a tracksuit, underwear. Everything wasn't quite clean anymore. But it was obviously his. Darren picked up the duffel bag, walked over to the fence, threw the duffel bag over and climbed in after it. A policeman shouted "Freeze!" And Darren ran for his life.
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It had taken him three quarters of an hour to get back to the fair with his duffel bag. No idea why he had come back here. A few drunks staggered out of the beer tents. Darren didn't recognize any of them as colleagues. Most of the rides were just closing. "Son, can you give me a hand?" Shouted an older gentleman struggling on the bumper cars. "A few dollars, a bowl of soup, and by the look of you, you could use a place to sleep." Darren took a deep breath, grabbed his duffel bag and helped the man push the bumper cars together and lock them up.
The first few days were hell. Darren wasn't used to physical labor, even though his body was. The little money he earned was enough for cigarettes and pre-paid cards for a cell phone. And the guys he had to share the trailer with snarled and stank. But Darren probably snarled too. And he certainly did stink. The only thing he enjoyed was sex. Plenty of sex. Apparently there were lots of girls and boys, young and old, who liked the fairground rebel type. Darren had stopped counting how many cocks he had sucked between the frames of the rollercoaster, how many asses and pussies he had fucked. Sometimes for free. Sometimes for a handful of dollars. He could put that money to good use. A buddy had a booth at the fair where he did tattoos. Real works of art. Of course Darren got a special price. But even among the bros here at the fair, nothing was for free. The first few days went by. The first weeks went by. Darren, who everyone had long since just called Daz, had gained routine in building and dismantling "his" rollercoaster. The other guys who helped out here were runaways, vagrants… They were usually gone again after a few days. Not Daz. This was his home. This was his family. He loved his job. And he was damn good at it.
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When Daz took over the management of the small fairground company with a rollercoaster, a bumper car and a lottery booth a few years later, nobody was surprised. Daz belonged here. Always in a good mood, always ready to help. And always horny!
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we-fancy-you · 4 months
Kuroo tetsuro x f!reader We all know how childish Kuroo sometimes may be, but just know that you won't take his shit every time. NSFW 18+ only established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, riding, teasing a lot, overstimulation, timeskip!kuroo it's pretty vanilla smut
“Don’t push like that!” you said while walking to the bathroom. “I’m sorry.” He said with a lying smirk on his face. “You’re not sorry at all! It’s written all over your face!” He gave a soft snicker before groping your but. “Tetsuro! I am serious! You can’t just do this to me when we are having a serious conversatio- “he was mimicking you with a lousy expression while his hand is mocking your mouth. Knitting your eyebrows together you planned on calling him out for it. As a small feeling of rage bubbled in your stomach and you could almost see red.
For some annoying reason he always did this. Whenever I pointed something about the past week that I didn’t like, out. He would start acting like a horny moody teenager.
“Babe, you take life too seriously. Can’t you just let it go?” “You know what you should do. You should grab the spare blanket and pillow because you’re not sleeping in the same bed as me tonight.”  You puffed out. The burning heat in your veins hadn’t cooled off yet and you were stomping out of the room.
“Ahh, don’t say that. You know you can’t sleep without me.” Even though that’s partly true, your pride didn’t give in. He was being a total jerk and you needed to put him in his place. “I am going to give you a nice one to the jaw. Then were going to see what you need.” “I honestly think you can’t even reach my shoulder from down there.”
That’s it, you couldn’t do it. As your face flushed beat red and felt like had gasoline on it waiting to be lit and set everything a blaze. “You.” you slowly turned around on your heels and looked him dead in the eye. He didn’t flinch a bit and only had that stupid fuck boy smirk displayed on his face. The one that says ‘hey to yah sexy ladies. If anyone want some good dick tonight. Hit me up.’
“What did you just say?” Even though everything of your body was burning. Your voice could make Antarctica gasp. “See you have to even bend your neck to look at me now. How are you going to hit me?” Even though this bastard had the same height as a windmill you weren’t scared off by his petty insults. You pushed him as hard as you could against the wall and pulled him down his collar. “You listen here you little shit, I know you have a hard life with all your work and sport on the side but guess what.” You pulled him so close. Your breath was dancing against his. As much as you hated him, he knew how to turn you on and that ruined hairstyle was doing it.
“I too have a job, and yes work out.” He laughed at that part, the hard and ha! Type of kind. “You working out? I think I have a bigger chance of winning the lottery than to see you working out.”
Another vein in on your forehead pulsed with irritation.
“How did you get so full of yourself? Huh? Was it the old ladies that called you handsome? Because I can promise you, they are blind.”
“No, it’s the fact that you always get wet when we fight.”  As you two were in such a heating argument you didn’t notice his long slender fingers travel to my lower parts. The tip of his index finger suddenly pressed on your clothed clit, and a jolt of pleasure hit your body. Gasping and closing your eyes, his other hand brushed the hair out of your face. “You really are the worst.” You huffed out.
With his big arms he picked you up and walked to the bed. He gently placed you down and was about hover over you when you pushed him back. “You know” he looked confused but listened because he obviously wanted to do something about that tent set up in his pants. “Why do you think you are allowed on top? Hmm. You have been very rude and now all of a sudden you want to use me? No.” you slowly whispered in his ear. You got up pushed him down once more on the bed. “Don’t move.” You said while slowly opening your blouse. He was whistling at your action, but it didn’t faze you. You trailed your hand over his shirt from his neck down to his chest that lingered a bit before you pinched his nipple. He tensed up and you s straddled his lap after that. Slowly rocking your hips just to get the smallest amount of friction between the two of you. His hands were at his sides, and you could feel the pent up frustration he has. “I want to be on top tonight.” you said. Your bedroom experiences usually consist of him being on top or behind. So, you being on top is something special. After you said that his smirk deepened.
“You know you’re hot when you are angry right. My dick is so hard.” you blushed harder and tightly held his face in your hands. “Listen boy.” Rubbing his lower lip. “Tonight, we will do all the things I like. And you can’t complain, can’t whine, or cry.” I brushed my lips to his ear and bit his lobe and blowed lightly. “Yes ma’am” he said while he swallowed big time. “I want to tie you up, but since that takes too much effort you have to promise me to keep your hands behind you.” He slowly nodded as you got of his lap and took off the rest of your clothes, leaving you in a black lace under garments. As you untied your hair you saw his eyes drift to your mounds and licking his lips. But that’s not going to happen yet.
You knelt down between his legs not breaking eye contact and undoing his belt. He was hard and you could feel the light twitching through his trousers. While getting it all off and rubbed his big thigh you could feel goose bumps forming beneath your hand. Softly kissing the muscular part up and down making sure to leave hickeys while making your way up to his centre. His eyes were closed, and he now was laying on the bed with his long legs dangling off. I got up and turned him vertically so I could lay in between his legs. He sighed at your cold hands touching his warm stomach and I teased him more. I missed the touch of his lips him, but you couldn’t give up now.
 Tugging his boxers down for the show to start. You were going to make this painfully long for the both of you.
After many times of him cumming on your face and mouth. And seeing the masterpiece of hickeys you left behind on his pelvis and v-line. You took off your own panties and pushed his, still hard surprisingly, dick inside you. It felt good and God you were wet. So wet. The slick sound of him rubbing your walls filled the room. Maybe it was because you where on top or maybe the long-time spend on foreplay, but it felt so good. Tears filled your eyes, and you were just slowly moving up and down. Keeping a steady pace so this was going to take a while, but you were right on the edge. If you opened your eyes right now and look at him the sight of him alone could give you your release. Secretly opening one to look at him. Both your hands were on his abs making small marks from your nails, but his Oh, his were giving you an ego boost. One of his hands was between his teeth and the other was pulling his hair. A hard moan escaped your mouth, and you couldn’t even recognize your voice in it. Your stomach was all tingly and skin was set ablaze, the sweat coating your body and his was making you dizzy. Just to get that push you rubbed your clit and your jaw dropped, back arched, and eyes rolled back. You moved your fingers to his nipples and rubbed them making him twitch inside you he was letting out muffled groans all the time this time a hoarse moan left his mouth, and it was so sexy. And you couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him, to touch you, you needed him to fuck you. “Touch me, Tetsu.” You gasped out and at the exact moment he shot up his hips. Sending ripples of sensations and all types of pleasure through your body. And now loads of sexy moans filled the room, the ones you see in movies. You came but he didn’t quit you tried to tell him to slow down but he didn’t the overstimulation was killing but you couldn’t stop it felt too good at the same time. His warm calloused hand grassed your skin as he found the clips of your bra and threw it to the corner of the room. “Finally.” He muttered as his mouth connected to your nipple. The pleasure and pain messing with your brain. “Tetsu, ah, it’s to-ah, much.” You got out. “Oh yeah? Well, I don’t think you’re seeing these hickeys because they also were too much.” He gave one more thrust when he came again. Delicious warm fluid painted your insides and he finally got soft. The smell of sweat filled your nostrils as you saw him pull out.
Your thighs were shaking, and your insides were spasming. Slowly pushing yourself up you felt the warm mix of your fluids run down your thigh. “You look so hot right now with all my cum down your legs. I just want to-.” He scrapped some of it with his fingers and pushed it back in. The sudden touch on your sensitive area made you see starts. Too braindead to form actual words other than a simple “eh” your half open eyes looked at his golden ones as you tried to caress his cheek.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we.” He picked you up kissed your lips on his way to the bathroom.
The next day Kuroo had his weekly volleyball game with his friends and was walking into the changing room.
A few of his friends were already changing into their jerseys.
“Hey guys.” He greeted them and started changing himself.
“Damn Kuroo, I see yah.” Bokuto snickered. “Hmm?” “Yah got laid good didn’t yah.” He pointed to his stomach. Deep purple bruises were visible as he had removed his shirt. “Oh this.” He scratched the back of his head and laughed sheepishly. “He made her real mad this time.” Kenma said while shaking his head.
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juneberrie · 11 months
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summary ∿ deuce gets jealous when a guy tries to hit on you [ gn ! reader ]
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after cleo and deuce broke up, monster high was desperately in need of a new it couple. and, a few months later, they found one: deuce and you.
deuce had always been popular, or whatever the equivalent was in monster high. by association, you became popular too. and, because you became popular, that meant you got lots of attention.
it wasn't a bad kind of attention; everyone at monster high (with the exception of a few ghouls here and there) was incredibly nice. but a few weeks ago, there was a new student joining. he was some cousin of torelai's and instantly became famous among the student body, particularly the ghouls, for his swoopy shiny hair and lilting voice. and his eyes. girls would swoon if he so much as gave them a cursory glance. but it was you he liked eyeing, and deuce didn't like that one bit.
walking through the maul hand in hand, deuce says, "wanna grab a drink 'fore we leave?"
you nod and the two of you make your way towards the coffin bean. deuce presses a kiss to your forehead, his snakes peppering little reptile kisses to your hairline. "go sit," he smiles. "i got your order, babe."
you thank your loving boyfriend and find a table for two. settling down in your chair, you watch deuce talking to the barista. your phone buzzes and you open it up to see a text from clawdeen.
clawdeen ♡ hows your date w/ deuce going????
y/n ✶ great <3 we're at the coffin bean rn
clawdeen ♡ oooo update me later bae
clawdeen ♡ kiss kiss love you !!
y/n ✶ love u 2 xoxo
hearing the chair scrape the tiled floor in front of you, you look up with a smile expecting to see your boyfriend.
its not. its torelai's cousin. he smirks lazily at you, one arm slung across the back of his chair.
"uh.... hi? my boyfriend's actually gonna sit the—"
he waves you off, flashing another grin. "he won't mind, would he?"
"actually, i do mind, purrcy." deuce stands behind torelai's cousin, holding a steaming cup of coffee and a paper bag. "get outta my chair." the snakes on his head hiss at the werecat.
purrcy laughs, a hissy kind of giggle that makes every hair on you stand up. "can't i talk to one of my fellow classmates?" the way he said it made it clear he didn't think of you as a classmate. more as a . . . thing he wanted.
"yeah, well they don't wanna talk to you, dude," deuce snaps. his snakes start getting restless, a few even snapping in purrcy's general direction.
purrcy's head swivels towards you, still with that lazy grin. "well?"
"well what?" you ask. deuce had moved to stand next to you, putting the coffee down and gently placing a protective hand on your shoulder. it was comforting.
"do y'wanna talk to me, baby?"
deuce's fingers twitched on your shoulder. his snakes snapped at the air.
"see? go hack up a furball," deuce scowls.
purrcy's face darkens and he hisses, "asshole," as he pushes away from the table and stalks off. deuce lets go of your shoulder and moves his chair next to you.
"are you okay?" he asks, opening the brown paper bag and pulling out a pastry. he hands it to you, eyes worried through the lenses of his glasses.
"'m fine, deuce. thank you," you smile, accepting the pastry. laying your head on your boyfriend's shoulder, you take a bite of the delicious treat. he wraps an arm around you, taking a sip of his drink. he's quiet for a few minutes. you sigh and put down your half-eaten pastry.
"deuce. baby." you grab his face and gently turn it towards you. "i don't like him."
"i know," he says, sounding a bit defensive. he looks at you for a few seconds before slumping in his chair and pulling you closer towards him. "i just—" he sighs. "he's such a douche," he concedes.
"i know. but guess what?" you smile. his eyebrows furrow and one of his snakes cocks its head at you, curiously. "love is like the lottery, right? and i have you, so that means—" you press a kiss to the space between his eyes. "—i've won the lottery."
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writemekpop · 1 year
Boy's a Liar | Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Summary: One day, your nudes show up everywhere in college. Did your boyfriend Haechan share them? 
Genre: College AU, cheeky Hyuck, angst
Word Count: 2k
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Four letters. Blood-red, smeared over your locker in lipstick. 
Goosebumps ran over your body. Hands shaking, you tried to wipe the words away, but it only stained your skin red. You could hear snickering from behind you. 
Your heart was in your stomach. You heard people’s whispers.  
“I heard she sells her nudes for money.” “You know she blew the entire ice hockey team once.” “She even lets her boyfriend do anal!”
Chenle, basketball captain and mega bully, shoved past you. 
"Ever heard of plastic surgery? I wouldn’t touch that with a ten-foot pole.” He jeered and high fived his friend Jisung, who was doubled over laughing.  
You frowned. You spotted your best friend Winter and pulled her into a classroom. "What the hell's going on? Why is everyone being so mean to me?" 
Winter bit her lip. “Oh baby… you don't know?”
"Know what?"
Winter handed you her phone. "Don't shoot the messenger."
It was the Griffin college class of 2024 chat, with all 150 students. 
You nearly dropped the phone when you saw it.
It was your picture – no, it was your nude. You were lying in bed, completely naked.
“What the hell is this doing on the group chat?" 
The picture was followed by lots of comments and laughing emojis.
Winter snatched the phone back. "I think you've seen enough."
Your knees gave way and you slumped to the floor. Guilt, shame, fear, were all welling up inside you faster than you could process. You burst into tears. 
 Winter patted your back. "How did that picture even get out?"
You sniffed. "I dunno. The only person I sent it to was... Haechan."
The realisation dawned upon you. It had to have been him.  
Haechan was your boyfriend. He was the cute boy who was always ten minutes late to class, with warm brown eyes and a devilish smirk. He was the boy who would never let you leave his room without wearing something of this – a beanie, a hoodie, (his boxers, once) – so you ‘wouldn’t forget him’.   
You'd only been dating three months, but you loved him, and he loved you back… or so you thought.
You stood up. “I need to see him.” 
Winter squeezed your hand. “I’ll be here if you need me.” 
It wasn’t hard to find Haechan. 
He was in the cafeteria, surrounded by a group of boys, being cheered on and fist bumped. Haechan was grinning like he had just won the lottery. 
Your frown deepened the closer you got. 
“Can’t believe you smashed her, bro. Nice one!” Johnny, one of the seniors, said to Haechan. 
Haechan smiled awkwardly. “Err, thanks I guess…”
“Give us all the details!” Johnny said.
Haechan shrugged. “Well…”
When Haechan spotted you, the smile dropped off his face. 
Doyoung, another senior, pushed Haechan to the side and stepped towards you. He raked his eyes all the way down your body. 
“Hey baby girl, I heard you’re gagging for it. Wanna take this for a ride?” Doyoung grabbed his crotch, face leering.
 You resisted the urge to slap Doyoung. “The only thing I want is to run you over, asshole. Fuck you!” 
You stared at Haechan, waiting to hear the string of curses he would unleash on his friends. But he just stood there, rubbing his elbow, trying to avoid your gaze.  
You turned and sprinted out onto the field. You couldn’t take this any longer. You ran till your legs started to ache.
You heard a voice from behind you. “Y/n, wait up! Jeez, I forget you’re freakishly fast.” 
It was Haechan. You turned around to see him gripping his side, wheezing. 
His dark hair was a birds’ nest, and his brown skin was glowing with sweat. You hated that he still looked gorgeous. 
“What do you want?” you spat. 
Haechan straightened up and brushed his hair out of his face. “Y/n. I’m so sorry… the photo, I-“
“How could you send that to everyone?” you said, interrupting him. “That was meant for your eyes only!” 
Haechan shook his head vigorously. “No! I didn’t send it to everyone, I swear!”
You frowned. “Then how did it get out?”
Haechan gulped, looking incredibly uncomfortable. “Well I mean… I did send it to Jeno. But I told him not to share it with anyone! I made him swear on his mother’s life!” 
“What the fuck, Haechan! Why would you do that?” 
Haechan sighed. “Look, Jeno was bragging about all the hot girls he’s slept with, and showing me their pics. I just wanted to… be included.”
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" You shoved his chest. "I hate you!"
You turned around, ready to leave again. 
"Wait!" Haechan grabbed your arm. 
You looked into his big, shining brown eyes. Would Haechan finally take responsibility for what he’d done? 
But instead, Haechan whined, "It wasn't even me, though, it was Jeno!"
You yanked your arm away.  
You had turned down Haechan's best friend Jeno a year ago. Ever since then, he'd been cruel to you. Was this his form of payback?  
You huffed. "You’re the one who shared the photo in the first place! We're breaking up. Obviously."
Haechan made a face that reminded you of an abandoned puppy. "But why? I said sorry like a bajillion times!” 
"Oh you're sorry, are you?" You said, your voice rising. "Everyone’s calling me a mega slut, when I’ve slept with one guy. You.” You groaned. “We only had sex four times, for god’s sake!” 
"And those were the best four nights of my life!" Haechan said. "Please don't do this."
You scowled. "Why do you need me, anyway? You could have any girl you wanted… Mr Stud. Oh, face it, you loved the attention. All those guys clapping you on the back…”  
Haechan screwed up his lip. "What do you want me to say? Those guys didn't even know my name before this!” 
"Well you have plenty of time to hang out with them," you said. “Coz don’t have a girlfriend anymore.” 
Haechan hung his head, brown hair flopping over his eyes. 
You sniffed. You’d wanted to be tough, but you it was impossible. Tears began rolling down your cheeks. "What if my parents find out? Or my professors? Can people get expelled over this? Oh my god!"
Haechan stretched his arm put to comfort you, but he pulled it back at the last minute. He stood there in awkward silence as you sobbed. 
After a few minutes, you finally managed to stop your tears. You felt utterly exhausted. 
Haechan was still standing there. He was digging his nails into his palm, the way you knew he only did when he was extremely stressed. 
You both stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak first. 
"I'd like you to leave now, Haechan." 
Haechan sucked in a breath, his brown eyes glistening. "Okay, I'll go. But I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." 
You scoffed and turned away. You couldn't look at Haechan right now. One glimpse of his cute nose or the moles on his cheek would be enough to melt your heart.  
You didn't turn back until his footsteps had completely retreated. 
The next three weeks were rough, though nothing was as hellish as that first day.  
Mostly people had gone back to ignoring you, but you still avoided any parties or big gatherings. 
What hurt the most was losing Haechan. 
He wasn't just your boyfriend; he was your best friend too. You missed cuddling him at the end of a long day, you missed hearing him sing in the shower and then come out in nothing but a towel and a smirk. 
You also missed the sex. You had barely started doing it, and you were enjoying getting to know his body and your own. You had just discovered that Haechan's weak spot was his ear lobe, and that if you kissed it just right, he would purr. 
You should never have sent that stupid nude. You should never have trusted Haechan. 
You felt like the ground had disappeared beneath your feet.
Haechan had texted you a thousand times, but you ignored them all. At least he had the decency to stay away from you in class. He'd just watch you from the other side of the room, a mopey expression glued to his face. 
The next day, you were in the library, face buried in an organic chemistry textbook, when you started hearing increasingly loud murmurs.
You looked up and saw people running out of the library.
You were about to get back to your homework when you saw Winter running towards you. 
She was waving at you frantically. "Y/n, come quick! It's Haechan!"
Your heart was in your throat as you followed Winter and the increasing crowd of students into the cafeteria. 
When you saw Haechan, you gasped. 
Haechan was standing on top of a table in the centre of the cafeteria. His arms were spread wide, and he was shouting at the top of his lungs. 
"My name is Haechan and I'm twenty-two years old." He yelled. "And this..." He reached for his belt buckle. "Is me naked. Take a good look, people!" 
The crowd collectively gasped. 
Haechan shoved down his trousers and underpants to his ankles, and stood there, hand on his hips. 
You could see his strong tanned legs, his muscled butt, the dark patch of curly hair at the base of his completely exposed penis.
You smacked your hand across your mouth, unable to believe what was happening. 
Everyone was staring. Some people started giggling, others pulled out their phone and started recording. 
Winter, who was standing by your side, started to boo, but you elbowed her in the ribs, shutting her up. 
"Get down from there at once!" The piercing voice of the Dean shocked everyone. Most people dispersed. 
Haechan got down and pulled up his pants. He walked towards you, seemingly unbothered by the yelling professors and laughing students all around. 
He stopped in front of you and stuck his hand out. 
"Hi, I'm Haechan," he said, smiling. 
You shook his hand tentatively, ignoring the way your skin buzzed where you touched him. 
"Err... what are you doing?" You asked, half chuckling. 
Haechan's expression turned serious. "Look, Y/n. I know what I just did doesn't make up for what I did to you but... I'd really like for us to start again. I miss you, a lot." 
You paused. "Hmm... I don't know about that, Haechan."
Haechan's entire body deflated. He looked devastated as he nodded solemnly. "I completely understand," he said, turning away.
Haechan turned around. His eyes met yours.
"But… I will let you buy me a coffee. And we can take it from there."
Haechan could have beat his chest with happiness. 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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pommpuriinn · 14 days
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ㅤㅤ⁔⁔ ۟ㅤ ⊰ ㅤ ۫ㅤ 𑁤ㅤ ۪ㅤATHENA’S JOURNEY IN ILANDㅤ֗ ⸃⸃
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᱈ ۫ ﹏ 𐀓synopsis››› ִ ࣪ - many highlights of Athena’s journey during land and what got her where she is now, enhypen.
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𖥨᩠ׄ݁ the camera slowly pans up to Athena making her way down the trail heading towards the iland building. “Wow I’m really in the middle of nowhere.” Athena chuckled softly while walking up to the huge front door
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena was greeted with a moving stage and seeing all the other trainees watching her with shocked expressions, mostly liking because she’s a female trainee
“it’s a girl!”
“Is she going to be the only one?”
“woah, she looks imitating.”
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ as the stage moved her closer to the other side she met eyes with Sunghoon, she hid her smile by rubbing her lips together. Athena’s favorite figure skater wants the same dream as her, it caught her by surprise. “Hello.” Athena bowed towards everyone and took the empty seat next to Jay
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ once it was Athena’s turn to perform everyone was on the edge of their seats and the second they heard the song everyone cheered making Zico, Rain, and Sihyuk laugh at their reaction. Athena was performing ‘Monster’ by Red Velvet’s Irene and Selugi, people that were and weren’t watching iland kept on reposting her performance video gaining lots of attention for Athena
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena ended up passing the audition round with getting everyone’s vote to enter iland
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ throughout watching everyone’s performance Athena kept a poker face until people started messing up she would rise an eyebrow at them, which people thought it was funny and made it a reaction meme
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena was very hesitant about joining iland because of the all boy group concept and her knowing that she was going to be the only female trainee
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ she was a bit awkward at first and always thought the boys would vote her off to ground, but it never happen since the boys really admired her talents and skills
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ many times the producers gave Athena compliments while giving harsh criticism to the other trainees, which Athena felt like there would always be tension after the producers would leave because they wouldn’t give the same harsh words to her and only them
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena was very quiet during iland until Heeseung would constantly try to get Athena out of her shell sometimes it would work other times he respected that Athena just wasn’t comfortable enough to let loose
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “Athena-ah let’s eat together?” Heeseung asked with big puppy like eyes. “Mmm…ok.” Athena shrugged, and got out of bed. Heeseung felt like he won the lottery because Athena only eats with Sunghoon and sometimes Jungwon
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ before Sunoo was in ground for the first part of iland Athena quickly got comfortable about him just because she liked his vibe and they instantly clicked and got along. She would sometimes cry because she wanted Sunoo in iland with her instead of ground, and he finally entered iland again she cried because of how much she missed him
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ during Athena’s time there she didn’t really get into arguments not even with Heeseung for center parts, they both knew in their heads they were rivals, but never had full arguments about it. Until most group members agreed to give Athena a part that K also wanted
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “I think that part should go to me because I want to showcase my skills while you had many parts already. Plus since I’m older I should have that pick instead of you.” K argue to Athena. The room fell into silence everyone was taking little glances between the two. “I understand that, but this mission is about teamwork and having everyone agree on the same thing, plus doing what’s best for the team.” Athena’s voice was no longer soft and timid, it was stern company with sharp eyes staring down at K
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “well it doesn’t matter about the team because we are going to be individually graded!” K was getting more irritated by the second. “The whole point is-you know what? Just do whatever you want then.” Athena stood up and walked out of the room. The members were shocked seeing Athena storm out of the room
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ thankfully Athena and K did have a heart to heart conversation with K immediately apologizing for his behavior, and Athena accepting it saying ‘no hard feelings’ Athena knew they’re in pressure inducing environment, and they’re going to lash out at one another at some point
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ whenever Athena would be shown on the big screen everyone would be blown away from her visuals. “Woah handsome Athena!” Sunoo called out. “She’s perfect.” Jay was in awe. “I’m jealous~” Jake whined.
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena found it funny whenever the members would tease anyone would be staring too hard at Athena, it was mostly Sunghoon who they would tease a lot. Since everyone knew the two had some history before entering the trainee world (they were talking about Athena being a Sunghoon figure skater fan and meeting him)
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ once Sunoo finally was able to enter iland in part 2 both Athena and him became inseparable, even choosing to be in the same team together
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ chamber 5 Athena made the girls kick their feet because of how cute she was acting while performing, even all the boys were giggling when Athena came on camera
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena would play tag with Niki during their break time so the cameras would just catch two blobs speed running throughout the whole place
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ the editors made a mini montage of Athena sleeping anywhere at anytime with the footage that her team members would take of her
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena ran the practice room like the military when it came to singing live while dancing, she didn’t want to ever rely on backtrack
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena global votes were very similar to Sunoo’s she was a fan favorite for sure because of her constant help towards her team members making sure no one was behind, along with her own amazing skills and visuals. Lots of female fans started crushing over Athena
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ during the last episode once Athena’s name was called to be in the final line up she fell to her knees, it was like the huge pressure of debuting was lifted off her shoulders. The members gave Athena a big group hug welcoming her into Enhypen
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “don’t cry noona!” Jungwon wiped Athena’s tears, while still hugging her. “I never seen you cry this much Athena-ah.” Jake rubbed her back. “She held it all in.” Jay patted Athena’s head affectionately. When the other team members cried because someone got eliminated she would be the first there to comfort them, so now it’s their turn to care for Athena like she always did for them
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ iland was not an easy experience for Athena, but it did help her open up and meet new people who she can call her family
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What A Gentleman
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Pairing- Billy the Kid x Femme reader 
Warnings- Drinking mentioned, drunk people, reader gets hit on, unwanted flirting, unwanted touching, Billy says reader ‘belongs’ to him, allusion to smut
A/N- um, this is kinda shit writing, but I like it. lmk how you feel abt the allusion to smut. also, SEND REQS
You and Billy had been seeing each other for a while now, but considering that you were a sweet lady, he didn’t want you to be associated with him.
Well, that was until tonight. You had decided to go out, making your way to a nearby bar to enjoy the night. You weren’t someone to be messed with, although Billy thought you were all fragile, you were far from it. You’d grown up learning how to fight, and although you were underestimated as a woman, you could protect yourself quite well. Because of this, you figured you’d have no trouble turning guys away that night, until a random young man, obviously drunk, made his way to you.
“Hello there, pretty miss, what’cha doin’ here alone?” He drawled, his speech a little off thanks to the alcohol. 
“Just tryin’ to get a drink.” You replied with confidence, a little surprised he had approached you. I mean, you didn’t exactly look like the kinda girl most men went for, I mean, you had gotten away with wearing pants instead of a skirt for fucks sake.
“A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be here all alone. Why don’t I take you back to your home and you can show me what you can do?” He said forcefully, left hand landing on your waist, causing you to startle. In that moment, you became aware of the breath of someone else fanning down your neck.
“You leave her alone, she’s got a man.” A familiar voice says from behind, without even having to look, you know it’s Billy. The man’s eyes widen and he scampers off, head hung in defeat. “Here, This’ll keep ‘em away.” He murmurs, firmly placing his hat on your head.
“You sure?” You ask, wide eyes looking up at his. Everyone would know who you belonged to now.
“Of course, Doll. I don’t want you havin’ to deal with that.” He plants a kiss on your forehead after he finished speaking, then reaching down to take your hand. “C’mon sugar, let’s get you home.”
He leads you home, making sure that you didn’t trip over something as you looked up at the stars. 
“Billy, can we watch the stars from my backyard?” You ask in a tone too sweet for him to resist.
“Of course, sugar. I’ll watch the stars with you.” He murmurs as he slings an arm around your waist. 
Once back at your house, you get a blanket from your bed and wandered into the garden where Billy already waited. You lay next to him in the grass, a blanket pulled over you two.
“Billy, will you stay with me tonight? Please?” You plead, already knowing it was going to be a no.
“M’sorry sugar, it just isn’t safe for you.” He murmurs as he plants a soft kiss on your head.
“Please? Just tonight?” You beg, and the way you look at him, the way you beg even though you knew he’d say no, breaks him.
“Fine baby, just tonight though.” He murmurs, a little hesitant. All his worries melt away as he sees your face light up. Nothing was better than the sight of his girl, in his hat, grinning like she had won the lottery.
After a bit more stargazing, he leads you back up to your room, helping you change before crawling in bed with you. He makes sure the covers are just how you like before moving in to kiss you. Every time he kissed you, your heart fluttered, it was always like the first time. He poured so much passion into the way he moved his lips, and you could feel that in the kiss. He eventually broke away, leaving you gasping for air.
“You need to rest Darlin’.” He whispers, pulling his hat off your head and hanging it off a bed post. You complied quickly, tucking your face into the soft skin of his neck while his rough hands pulled you closer. Although you were supposed to sleep, things didn’t stay like that for long.
In the morning, he helped you out of bed, legs still shaking from the previous night. Being a gentleman, he had made breakfast for his girl, because after all, even if you could barely walk after a night with him, he wasn’t one to be impolite.
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babyhatesreality · 7 months
hello hello! i absolutely adore your writing!! ^^
question for you and a little thinker if you’re up for it.
what do you think would happen if little!reader/katie started going through a “forties phase?” dressing up like little girls did back then and trying to use an accent “like they do in the movies,” the whole gimmick.😭
i feel like one day katie would just be scrolling through videos on her ipad, stumbles upon steve’s old war movies and just gets hooked😭💀
part of me thinks stucky would like it and entertain it for a good minute haha. another part of me though feels like it would kinda be a little strange to see their modern little one trying to act like a kid from back then.
i don’t know if katie would be more interested in getting into makeup or just the fashion bit but i’d really love to see this from your perspective! :D
My love. You have been so incredibly patient and I thank you. I hope I do your absolutely brilliant idea justice. Enjoy <3
The Good Ol' Days
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little! f reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, tiny bit of angst from daddies, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
Steve's head shot up when he heard you shriek. He knew you well enough to know that you were fine, just excited about whatever you'd just found. Sure enough, three seconds later, he heard your little feet tearing your way towards him, and he grinned to himself. As much as he was always worried about you falling while you were running, he couldn't help but love how excited you got when you were running to share something special with him.
You flung yourself into the office, and just as he was turning his head to look at you, you suddenly shrieked again.
You tore back out of the office, then knocked with a furious flurry at the door, remembering that you were always supposed to knock before just coming into the office. Steve bit back the laughter and barely got out "Come in."
Hurtling yourself into the office once more, you looked like you'd just won the lottery. Wondering what on earth you were up to, he decided to praise you on remembering your rules first.
"Good job remembering to knock, Katie Cat," he said, noting the iPad in your hand with curiosity. You scrambled onto his lap without so much as a how-do-you-do, and shoved the iPad under his nose with a look of wonder on your face. "What did you find?" he asked you, amused.
"You was in da movies, Papa!!" you shrieked, so excited.
"Inside voices, please, kitten. What do you mean, I was-" Before he could finish the statement, you yanked the iPad back down to your lap and jabbed your finger on it. The screen filled with Steve's old WW2 victory tour footage. Even though it had been years since he'd seen any of this- honestly, he'd forgotten that old film reels of this even existed- it all came rushing back to him. He forgot where he was in time for five seconds, just watching the past all over again, before your wiggling and giggling brought him back to the present.
"You was a STAR in the old times!! A'fore the 'Vengers!!" you squealed excitedly. "Was you in the Broadway??"
Steve laughed. They'd recently taken you to a Broadway show for the first time and it was your current obsession. "No, angel, I wasn't on Broadway. This was when I was in Europe during the big war."
"Ohhhh. The big war had people dancing in tights?" you asked, thoroughly confused by his answer. That made him nearly choke laughing. After he collected himself, he carefully explained to you all about the USO tour and how it was designed to help morale. He didn't mention the heckling that happened on the daily- not something he was keen to relive. He also steered clear of how he happened to find Daddy during one of those tours- that wasn't something that would go over well without Bucky being present, and you being able to hold his hand to know that he was okay now.
The tales of the tour, the costumes, the spotlight was enough to keep you captivated. And started you thinking.
The next morning, while Steve was at work, Bucky was beyond surprised when you followed him around all day, asking questions about the "old times", as you put it. You grilled him non-stop about what he wore, what kind of music he listened to, what was on his iPad during that time (the answer here made you absolutely gobsmacked and took at least an hour to make you understand), how people talked. Then, seeing how excited you were and how interested it was making you, Bucky started telling you stories of all the happy times that he and Steve went to Coney Island before the war.
This gave you a FANTASTIC idea.
It took a long time, with a LOT of help from your extended Avenger family members, and promises of 5 exclusive crayon drawings to Nick Fury, to pull it off. But finally...FINALLY...you got an entire day off for your daddies, a super secret way of getting them there (basically Uncle Clint lied, got them in the car, drove them there, and cheerfully dumped them at the entrance where you were patiently waiting with Aunt Natasha), and a wad of cash (courtesy of a delighted Uncle Tony)...to take your daddies to Coney Island.
When they got out of the car and saw you standing there, their jaws dropped. You were decked out in the cutest pink baby doll romper that could have come straight from a vintage clothing shop, complete with shiny Mary Janes. Your hair was styled into two low pigtails with little pink ribbons, and you were holding Natasha's hand, twisting in excitement and ready to explode with joy.
"Well, well, well! Look at these two DREAMBOATS!" you said, overemphasizing the words so they'd hear you clearly.
Steve's eyebrows shot into his hairline and an amused grin spread across his face. "Dreamboats?" he repeated, getting a good look at you and slowly starting to realize what was happening. "Coming from a cookie like you, that's quite the compliment, missy."
You laughed and squealed with joy, seeing your beloved Papa start to play along. Bucky, however, was throughly confused, wondering what in the hell they were doing at the entrance to an amusement park and why you were there when Clint had said there was a last minute meeting off campus...
"What is happening?" he asked, looking as if you'd all grown three heads. Giggling, you let go of Natasha's hand and skipped to his side. He instantly snatched your hand up, unwilling to let you take any chances, but it just made you smile bigger.
"Dis DAME had a BRAIN CHILD and is gonna take her SUGAR DADDIES to-"
"Nope, not using that one right," Steve interjected with a grin. You ignored him.
"-to Coney Island! I gots all da CLAMS we need and we gonna have a KILLER DILLER time!" you finished triumphantly, thoroughly pleased with yourself. It was the longest 40s speech you'd ever made (you'd been practicing with Auntie Nat and Auntie Yelena on the daily in secret) and you were so proud of yourself you could bust.
Bucky's eyes widened- there was no way that you.... that you had...his eyes shot to Natasha, who was barely holding in her laughter. "We've been IN CAHOOTS for a while about this," she explained, mimicking your speech pattern, her face glowing. "Look, we even had these specially made." Natasha turned to you. "Show 'em, princess."
With glee, you stomped hard on your Mary Janes, and the very edges of the soles lit up. It was obviously the same technology that was in all the Avengers' littles' shoes, just put into a pair of 40s slip ons. "That one took a little convincing, otherwise this would have happened about two weeks ago," Natasha whispered to the both of them.
Steve leaned down to your level. "Did you do all this for us, baby?" he asked, his voice rough with emotion at your display of affection.
"You...how did you do all this?" Bucky asked in wonder, his heart bursting. You looked smug.
"I gots friends in high places."
And with that burst of laughter, Natasha kissed your forehead, gave your daddies a quick shoulder squeeze, and jumped into the car with Clint, promising that they were just a call away for whenever you all were ready to leave.
One of the most delightful days you'd ever spent together passed. You insisted on your daddies showing you ever square inch of the park that they knew, pointing out where specific stories and funny things had happened, as you squealed in delight and clapped your hands at all the memories. Although there were some initial reservations on Steve's part, the three of you rode the Cyclone until he declared he was going to get sick, then moved on to the Ferris Wheel and even the new Thunderbolt. You tried all the new rides together, ate Nathan's hot dogs and cotton candy, and you even managed to convince them to get stars painted on their faces (while you got a tiger done- it was awesome). You used all your best forties words and terms, making them laugh uproariously.
One memory stirred another and another, and you were mesmerized as they told you story after story, laughing and remembering and falling in love all over again. And they had you with them this time- their love story was finally where it was supposed to be.
Family trips to Coney Island to remember the good ol' days became a once-a-month thing (although they paid for themselves, no more "mooching" off Tony) and they were always some of the best days ever.
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starry-bugs · 8 months
Pai Cellbit is talking to himself in the attic again, Richarlyson can hear him from outside the door. That's a pretty normal thing, if he's being honest, but what isn't normal is that he's 95% sure his pai is flirting. And what's even more weird is that Richarlyson knows the voice that answers him.
He knows it's not Pai Felps, he's downstairs making dinner, and he asked Richas to go get Pai Cellbit to help him. He's just being a good son! Not at all eavesdropping on his dad flirting with what might be a demon! But still, he knows that voice, it's just muffled through the door and hard for him to tell where from.
Richarlyson knocks on the door before he opens it, just to be polite, and pokes his head in to take a look. It's about as cluttered as it always is, and Pai Cellbit is standing in the middle of the room talking to a very familiar man.
The man is a tiny bit taller than his dad, with a long red tail and two horns peaking out from his hair. He's got four eyes, two of which are staring directly at him over Cellbit's shoulder. The man blinks a few times before grinning, his eyes lighting up at the same time Richarlyson is pushing past his dad's legs and slamming into the man's.
He's lifted up immediately and lightly shaken, giggling the entire time as Roier adjusts his grip and opens his second pair of eyes to get a good look. He holds Richarlyson in his arms, reaching a clawed hand up to squish his cheek.
"What are you doing here, eh?" Roier asks, tilting his head in a way that Richarlyson immediately mimics.
"I live here!" he states proudly, grinning as he turns to look over at Cellbit. "That's my pai."
Roier follows his gaze, his smile never dropping as he looks at Richarlyson's dad. In fact, if he had to guess, he'd say that Roier starts smiling even more.
"Gatinho, you didn't tell me you were Richarlyson's dad," he pouts a bit, causing Richas to giggle as his dad tries to figure out how to answer.
"How was I supposed to know you knew each other, guapito?" Cellbit huffs, crossing his arms with a fond smile.
"Hmm... guess next time? Use that sexy brain of yours, pendejo."
"What the fuck, man! That's not how it works!"
"I think it is, isn't that right?" Roier turns to Richarlyson as he speaks, still grinning like he's won the lottery.
Richas nods his head rapidly, giggling the entire time. This isn't what he was expecting, but honestly he can't be too upset about it. He likes Mr. Roier a lot! And it's very clear so does his pai, and if his pai and Mr. Roier get together that means he has six dads, and that makes Bobby his brother.
He kicks his legs a bit in excitement, poking Roier's face a few times to get his attention. Whatever they're talking about can wait, he has the most important question in the world and he needs answers right now!
"Sí, Richarlyson? ¿Qué pasa, qué pasa? What is it?"
Richarlyson clears his throat, tilting his head and looking Roier straight in the eyes as he asks, "Are you my dad now?"
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sleepymccoy · 4 months
Still thinking about a Star trek TOS Firefly au. So I'm gonna have fun writing it out.
I love the dynamic between Mal, Zoe, and Wash, so that's certainly becoming the triumvirate. Mal > Jim, Zoe > Spock, Wash > Bones. However Wash's job doesn't make sense for Bones so he's going to change to doctor.
Jim was on Tarsus 4 and suffered the same as in canon, famine leads to who lives lottery and he wasn't chosen but survived anyway. I think that makes perfect sense in the Firefly universe too, but I think unlike in trek Kodos is celebrated by the federation in Firefly for making tough choices and leading in a strong way. So he's not on the run, he's a constant background side threat who's still in power. The face of the federation in this version, but not the head of it. You feel me
After Tarsus, Jim and Bones met and became mates. I think Bones moved to a big fancy planet for his wife and child after a bit. In the meant time, we have Spock!
This got massive, have a readmore
Spock is the result of eugenic experiments (there's no aliens in Firefly 😢) like the serenity thing that the og story is about (but generational eugenics not brain poking)(because I want there to be many others, just also in hiding and with their own political factions and opinions) but his resulted in Vulcan-like stuff. I think he's still got the pointy ears and has excessively strong emotions that he's learnt to hide completely cos he was raised in a medical facility by cold scientists instead of parents and love. There's schools of thought about them, some want to integrate, some want them exterminated, some want them to form their own society. The federation stance is these eugenic things don't exist and if you see one kill it because it officially doesn't exist. So Spock is forced into hiding and hasn't really had a chance to form his broader opinion, cos it's academic anyway. They're all hiding now.
So, Spock's escaped (more on that later) and in hiding. He meets Jim and they click, probably meeting in some silly battle. I reckon Spock has ways to get away from the feds that Jim wants to learn, so Jim pushes for them to team up. They spend some time together either on someone else's ship or on a smaller ship just them two.
After a while that comes to an end and they put together a crew and buy a ship together. They hire Sulu and Chekhov who are a criminal team who need to get off this rock very fast please. Chekhov can fly wonderfully and has enough engineering knowledge that they're like hey we maybe don't need someone in the engine room!
Sulu is a jack of all trades. It takes a few months for them to realise how useful he is, he always has a skill they need and always knows someone who'll play as a contact. Absolutely invaluable.
Eventually the engine breaks beyond Chekhov's skill to fix and they've all heard of Scotty. Everyone knows about Scotty. I think this would make a good episode one.
They work Sulu's contacts and find Scotty who is, lo and behold, having a drink with his mate disgraced Doctor McCoy. Spock, immediate dislike, this guy is a doctor. Jim, holy shit! Bones! Why the fuck aren't you emailing me back!?
Turns out Bones has gotten divorced and threw a bit of a fit in a hospital and can't work on a core planet anymore. He agrees to join the crew and Scotty has some issue that forms most of the episode plot and joins too cos hey, crims gotta keep moving
The ep ends with meeting Uhura, who manages a lot of the residual resistance movement's comms. She's the most political of the bunch, but Jim is absolutely in agreement and so chuffed to meet her even tho he's never been too war-y before. Scotty and Sulu already know her. She takes a kind of Inara role on the ship, but she's not companioning, she's boosted the comms in the shuttle and is continuing this work. It's great for her cos she gets to move around and be hard to catch, and it's great for the ship cos it gives them access to loads of underground people who aren't the hated federation
I also think she helped Spock break out back in the day. I'm not sure if she was part of it and they've met, or if she helped run things so she knows Spock but he doesn't know her. She's gonna be their reason for getting accidentally involved in larger things in the story and why they get more altruistic with their jobs. Spock also pulls them into some of the eugenic stuff
I reckon episode two needs some Spock eugenic stuff to happen so that Bones can solidify himself as on team Spock in action even if he has a go at Spock. Cos everyone else follows Jim's orders and Jim is team Spock, so I think Bones needs a chance to prove it. To great danger to himself ofc.
Repeat characters (like in Firefly they have Badger and Saffron who rock up as major non crew characters) are Chapel and Rand. I think Chapel is still on a core planet as a nurse. I would have her join the crew in season two, to look for her missing husband. But in season one she can be an insider informant for the hospital heist episode, which they do mainly for the medical equipment cos Bones has like nothing to treat people with. And maybe Spock has some additional medical needs that Bones needs to learn (Spock hates this)
Rand is like a bit of Saffron energy but less totally untrustworthy. I think she works them for her benefit but in a way where when they meet again they're like hey Janice you're not allowed on the ship but it's great to see you! Like, maybe she hijacks them to get her somewhere or stows away super inconveniently. Or maybe she just steals from them old school style and has a very all's fair in love and war vibe about it. She just doesn't hold any resentment, so it's hard to resent her
If I were to cast this show I'd cast Bones and Jim and women because I think it needs more women, might as well put them in positions of power, and honestly I think Spock's character with the emotional repression and all would change being cast as a woman whereas the others wouldn't. Spock's character in this is gonna be playing into stereotypes and expectation to stay in hiding, and those change as a woman
I've definitely got less tension on board than Firefly. There's no Jayne equivalent making life hard for everyone, but you could write an arc in for Chekhov like that if you wanted to. He could go from disliking the danger Spock and Uhura bring to absolutely admiring them over like two seasons. Could be interesting, but it's not got much to do with trek really
There's no shipboard romance here either. There could be something cool in the Scotty/Uhura that happened later in trek canon. Maybe they've got romantic history, so when she joins the ship there's tension and they just fall into bed together pretty quickly. But I'd only put that in if it added something else to the story, which it might! I'm not actually writing, I'm brainstorming
And similar to what the did in Firefly I think Spock/Bones makes the most sense. Cos we don't need proof that Spock and Jim understand each other, they're captain and first officer. They have each other's back absolutely. And similarly with Jim and Bones, they'd have old loyalty and friendship to draw on. And I think they also just obviously get along. But Spock and Bones could do with some plot prodding along, so I'd do something like the Simon/Kaylee romance where there's tension and clear desire but they're bad at making it happen. There's too much in the way. But it adds reason for Bones to have Spock's back (cos we're coming at at the start of their friendship, not years into their five years mission) and you can occasionally see Spock relaxing the emotional wall with someone other than Jim as he develops more serious a crush
I want to see! The Niska episode where Jim and Spock get nicked and tortured, and Bones goes in to trade for them back. He can only afford one but true to the Empath ep he just trades himself and volunteers for the torture.
I also want to see a Jaynestown style ep where Scotty or Sulu are the hero. I think probably Scotty. He'd be easy to write as selfish in a he only cares about tech kinda way and then to find that he accidentally did this would be funny. He also likes to keep a low profile generally so it's extra hilarious
Hospital heist ep, with Chapel cameo. I don't think anyone's handing Spock over to the feds, but maybe they get caught and Chekhov tries to trade Spock for their freedom? Not in a pre planned malicious, but more that he just doesn't prioritise Spock's safety over everyone else's. He sees it as a last ditch leverage effort, for the greater good. Could be good drama
Saffron style ep with Rand but she steals from them. I do think that's hilarious, showing them be the mark. And I'd let her win, leave them stranded without whatever thing it is she fleeced and having to find a new magical tech engine bit. But hey she left some booze as an apology and made out with Jim so it's not too bad
I really like Firefly
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Jailbreak - Dabi
notes: I AM SO PROUD OF THE WAY THIS TURNED OUT OMFG. literally dabi brainrot BAD. this took me two days to write, so i am so glad i got it out today :) literally cannot get over this gorgeous man jesus christ
word count: 2,060
WARNINGS: language. dabi being hot. i didnt proofread this i just wrote it and posted it. sorry if there are mistakes lol
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You watched as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the back pocket of an officer standing in front of him that you were talking to. He took a single one and slid the pack back in the man's pocket, lighting up the current cigarette he had in his hand with his own quirk, which proved difficult seeing as he was in a pair of handcuffs. He leaned back in a chair and smoked, watching your every move before the officer bid you a farewell, not even noticing that the villain had taken anything from him.
You sat across from Dabi and locked your eyes onto his, which looked like portals, and not to something villainous either. You quickly shook it from your head and pulled out a pen and paper.
"So, what do you want from me, babe?" Dabi blew smoke in your face, but you stayed unwavering.
"Answers." You said, leaning back in your chair a bit.
"You're not gonna get shit outta me." He flicked some ash off of the end of his cigarette.
"And why's that?"
"You're a journalist, right? I don't fuck with journalists." He sat calm, cool, and collected, smoking that cigarette until there was nothing left.
"I'm not a journalist." You kept your voice low, knowing that there were cops listening in on your conversation.
"Then what are you?" Dabi had a mocking tone, but his voice was just as low as yours.
"That right?" He crossed his arms over each other and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that's right. Now tell me, what's your name?"
"You're real name."
"Your full name."
"Hell no. I haven't sat with your pretty face long enough to tell you that kinda shit. I don't even know you're name." He was definitely mocking you. He picked at his ear and stared at the ceiling while you thought. This was going to prove difficult if he was going to be acting like this all the time.
"Sorry?" He sat up in his chair a bit, confused.
"That's my name. y/n."
"Cute. What's next? You gonna ask me to hang out sometime. Want my number, sugar?"
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. If you knew he was gonna be this much of an ass, you wouldn't have even shown up.
"What are you getting all irritated about?" He asked, rapping his knuckles on the table. "You're not the one in handcuffs, babe."
"Fine," you said, scooping up your stuff. "If you have such a problem with me being here, I'll leave."
"Good." He crossed his arms as guards rushed in the room to help you leave.
"I'll be back though, Dabi. I'll have you know that now."
"Fine. All the more fun for me then. Though, I don't expect to be here much longer, toots."
You were escorted out of the building by two very nice guards who had warned you to beware of people like him, as if you didn't already know. You got in your car and stared at yourself in the rearview mirror. How the hell were you supposed to help him now?
You hated that they made prisons more locked down because of stupid All for One. Ever since All Might retired, your job was getting ten times harder.
You had always empathized with villains. They just lost the life lottery. They were dealt a bad quirk and usually bad parents. You made it your goal to work with villains undercover. Break them out of jail, give them the essentials they needed, even help plan out missions they had. But now being undercover was getting ten times more difficult thanks to the heroes and their stupid ranks. Not only that but villains thought you were just another idiot.
But even so, you had to work hard. Especially for him.
Dabi sat in his cell fiddling with the stained sheets on his spring mattress. His whole room was fire proof, which was a pain in his ass.
He couldn't believe he was caught. After everything he's done, he was caught robbing a goddamn convenient store. It made him want to slam his head against the wall.
But his mind never left you. Who were you anyway? And why did you even care about him? He stared at the ceiling thinking about it. Did you work for the league? For someone he knew? A hero? His mind was racing thinking about it. And you would be back? He didn't know what you meant by that. You should know that he wasn't going to tell you anything, but you said you'd be back anyway. Were you going to torture him to tell you anything you wanted to hear? Not like it would hurt him anyway.
Either way, you confused him.
And he kind of wanted you back.
"Hey, shithead!" A guard banged on Dabi's cell, making him jump. "You have a visitor."
Dabi sat up in his bed, expecting to be escorted from his cell to the other room, but you were standing right in front of the cell.
"What the-" his words trailed off seeing you again and he tilted his head. "How'd you..."
You placed your hand on the shoulder of the guard standing next to you and he went completely still, his eyes turning to static. Your quirk. It was like you could turn people on and off like a lightbulb. He wouldn't remember a thing when he woke up.
Dabi looked at you with his mouth gaping open. "Holy shit! You're a villain."
You shrugged. "I wouldn't say a villain, but-"
"Who are you working for?"
"Myself." You took the keys from the guard and unlocked his cell. "Ready to get outta here?"
Dabi smirked at you and grabbed your hand that you had outstretched to him. "You gonna take me to dinner?" He asked, all smarmy like.
"I'll think about it." You laughed, walking Dabi out of the prison past hundreds of guards that seemed to be shut off.
"How long are they gonna be like that?" Dabi asked, realizing that his hand was still in yours. He didn't move it.
"Sometimes minutes. Sometimes hours. I guess we'll figure that out when we cross that bridge, won't we?"
"I like you, cupcake."
You rolled your eyes and walked out of the prison, cold air hitting both of your faces. "Just get in the car, Dabi."
"Gladly, though," he held his hands out to you. "Could you get these cuffs off of me?"
You smiled. "Of course." You unlocked the cuffs and he rubbed his wrists which were so raw that they were a bright red. You couldn't believe that they had him in cuffs even in his cell.
"Were you planning on breaking me out that whole time?" Dabi looked at himself in the mirror on the sunblock in your car, giving himself a little kiss.
"Yeah. I didn't want to use my quirk like that because it can be a real pain when they all wake up."
"Well, I think it's cool." He rolled down the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. "Damn it's good to be out. Thanks for that."
You just kept your eyes on the road, a soft smile tugging at your lips.
"So, where do we go after this?"
"My place," you said, rolling down your own window. "The league is off doing their own thing, plus, I know you don't really have a place, so I don't mind if you stay for a couple nights."
"Seriously?! You have like a bed and a fridge and stuff?!" You looked over at him when you stopped at a stop light and he looked like an excited child.
"Seriously." You said with a little chuckle.
"Damn, you are one cool chick, you know that?"
"You think? Well I'm flattered."
"You should be. Cuz damn you're good." Dabi surprised you by leaning over and planting a kiss on your cheek that left it warm for a moment.
For the rest of the ride, he was quiet, letting the wind blow in his hair as he watched the world speed by. You couldn't help but sneak a couple of looks at him.
"You know, Dabi," you said, clutching the steering wheel as you pulled into the parking garage of your apartment. "You're probably the most fun villain I've broken out of jail."
"For real?!" He said all excited like. "You mean that?"
"Of course I mean that." You got out of your car and stretched.
"Well," he opened his door and stepped out, not even caring that he was still in his prison uniform. "You're the most fun person who's ever broken me out."
You grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to your apartment as he winked at a group of drunk girls stumbling to their own room.
When he stepped in the small living space, he stood in the middle, getting his grounds. A smile was spread across his face before he ran to your couch, slumping down on it. "Cozy place."
"Thanks." You grabbed a shopping bag off of your counter and threw it at him.
"What's this?" He asked when he opened it up, pulling out the contents.
"Clean clothes, shampoo, toothbrush, other hygiene stuff. I hope I got your size right."
He looked up at you with light in his eyes. "You didn't have to do all this for me."
You shrugged and started making dinner. "I did."
He smiled and jumped up to run to the bathroom to use any product he could. You cracked an egg over a frying pan and began frying some rice with it. A lazy dinner, but enough to fill you up.
Dabi ran out of the bathroom and jumped back on the couch, finding your cat sitting on the top, which gladly walked over to him to begin to cuddle him.
"I think he likes you," you giggled, bringing Dabi a plate of food. "He's sweet, so you don't have to worry if he'll bite you."
Dabi scratched your cat under his its ears and gladly took the food. "Seriously, you don't have to waste your time on me."
"I'm not wasting my time, I'm doing my job." You sat next to Dabi and the two of you ate dinner in silence.
Dabi finally spoke up, setting his empty plate down. He sure finished that fast. "Why are you doing this anyway?"
"I know what it's like to feel alone. And lost." Dabi smiled at you.
"You sure are sweet for working with a ton of assholes."
You shrugged. "Not all of them are assholes."
"Just me then? Shit."
You and Dabi both laughed and your cat decided to go sleep in its bed on the ground.
"Well, it's getting late, Dabi. I should be heading off to bed. I'll get you a blow up mattress set up in my room."
Dabi followed you and helped you pull a giant blow up mattress out of your closet. While it was blowing up, you and Dabi talked about stupid stuff. First dates, food, traveling, the outdoors, stuff villains wouldn't talk about. Stuff regular people would talk about.
Dabi sat on the edge of your bed and looked out of the window. "You have a nice view of the sky."
"I do, don't I?" You laid out your pillow in a more comfortable area and laid down.
"What's it like?"
"What's what like?" You asked, seeing his blue eyes glimmering in the moonlight that peeked through the window.
"Having a normal life."
"I don't have a normal life." You tried, but Dabi put his hand up.
"More normal than me. You have running water and food. You should be thankful."
"I am thankful," you said, your voice soft.
"Good." His voice was barely audible.
"You can stay here as long as you want."
"I don't want to intrude."
"But I don't want you to be lonely again. I don't want to be lonely again."
Dabi turned and smiled at you. "Fine. I'll stay. But I have to go eventually, don't I?"
"Not anytime soon." You sat up and pressed a kiss onto his ear.
"No, not anytime soon."
The two of you accidently fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms, leaving a lone blow up mattress strewn on the floor.
mha masterlist | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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dietmountaindewbae · 1 year
Alex's dick being too big and he doesn't want to hurt you so her prevents you from going all the way down when your riding him but when he's asleep you get really horny and try to wait but u can't so you ride him when he's sleeping and u go all the way down and he wakes up to quiet sniffles and sobs and mouns and whining coming from you because it hurts so fuckin bad but feels so good then he starts degrading you and telling you how your so desperate for him cause you couldnt wait.
It's a lot ik but it's all I could think about this past week 🙈
xiv. trash magic
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alex turner x reader
anonymous requests
word count: 4906
summary: You met (early 2018) Alex at the casino through a dating app
warnings: bruises, bite marks, pa!n k!nk.
song recommendation: trash magic by lizzy grant
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ 
The clock on your phone tells you it's time, you glanced at each door, fixing your dress, putting powder on your nose and lip gloss on your lips, and you waited impatiently for his arrival, there were no new messages, no missed phone calls, you were under the impression he always was on time for everything, but a few minutes had gone by and he wasn't there, maybe you were exaggerating.
"Looking for someone, baby doll?" You turned your face and smiled at him.
"Hi" Your voice trembled, this was actually happening, "It's nice to meet you"
"Woah, you look gorgeous" He took a moment to take all of you in, the features of your face, the shape of your lips, the color of your eyes and cheeks, the texture of your hair, and the dress you wore leaving enough for the imagination, "Follow me, I got us a table" He grabbed your hand, signing you to follow him, your heart was at its pick, you felt nervous as fuck, he has noticed your hand was shaking, your breathing was short, he glanced at you up and down as he ordered the elevator, "First time doing this, right?" He sounded so confident, and you shrugged.
"I-I mean... n-no... yes" You confessed, you had tried that dating app your friend had told you to use, if you wanted someone to constantly give your gifts, take you out to dinner to a place you could only see the inside thru the glass, take you out shopping, and spoil you, you ought to sign in to Honey & Sugar, a website for men who looked for a sugar baby, you had to be 18 at least, and on your birthday while drunk you signed in.
"It's ok, doll, I think you and I will get along pretty well" The doors opened, and he walked you down a hallway, he had invited you to a hotel, swearing they had the best drinks in the bar, you trembled when he opened the door of a hotel room, thoughts were quick to appear on your head, "This is my place" He opened the door of a huge penthouse filled with couches, a huge TV, a big living room, and dinner table, there was even a piano, it was the size of your house, all in one floor, it was elegant, and cozy at the same time.
"Wait... your place?" You asked him, does that mean...
"Oh yeah, I'm the hotel owner... I have this to myself, I spend a lot of time here... so why not have a place here as well? A second home for me," You felt like you hit the lottery with that man, he wasn't like you thought, he had a profile picture with his friend, and you weren't sure who out of the two of them was Alex, but God, he was a handsome man, his long hair and beard suited him perfectly, his elegant night suit, black was his color, his eyes were dark and moody, you wonder what could he be thinking.
"It's wonderful," You said to him, you were in awe by the amount of room it had.
"And if you love this, look outside" He opened the glass door of his balcony, and outside there was dinner for two, the view of the streets of LA, and the moon shining right behind the table, he smiled at you, he loved how that pink silk dress hugged your body so perfectly, and your knee socks, they were a bit junior but he loves the way they fit you, "What do you think?"
"I'm blown away" You giggled as he pulled a chair out for you.
"Dinner is served," You felt like the lady and the tramp with a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs on your plate, "Not the fanciest but you said pasta never goes wrong" He pulled out a chair for you.
"And I was right, wasn't I?" He sat in front of you twisting his fork in the plate.
When he said you would get along well, you never expected it to go so well, like that plate of wine and pasta, both complemented each other well, he never forced you to talk about anything of your private life, even though to know someone you have to have a little trust, and he inspires you that, it was so easy to talk with him, he listened, and laughed, jokes around, he was a humble man, when you get to the top everyone expects you to be cocky about it, but he never changed his personality, honest, and kind-hearted, he was confident but it wasn't confused with cockiness, he wasn't as fluent when he tried to explain to you something complexed but you listened closely as he looked so cute explaining things he was passionate about.
He was blown away by you, you were brilliant, and funny, kind, and understanding, you were very mature for your age, when he was yours he never wanted to hear anyone's advice and just did what he thought, tried, and failed until he eventually settled down and got his shit together, you, on the other hand, were just finishing high school, packing your stuff for college, talking about the future with him was helpful, you've never met anyone as wise as he was, and his way of speaking was just like poetry, you were quick to fall for him.
After dinner, he excused himself to grab a cigarette from his coat, you stood up, your hands ran on his waist, hugging him from behind, this making his heart melt instantly for you, your doe eyes taking the worse out of him, he embraces you, his arms around your shoulders as you see how little everything looked from above, while he looked down at your flushed cheeks, and nose from the cold air, when you look up at him, he finds you so attractive, he caressed your cheek, running his thumb thru your bottom lip, you smiled nervously, you were too shy to be even touched like this, even if it wasn't much.
"You've never done summat like this before, have you?" You said no with your head, "You want this?"
"I do," You said looking at his eyes, sweet like honey.
"You want me?" Your arms looped around his big shoulders, he took out the smoke from his mouth, and you inhaled the dense air into your mouth, he shut the space in between you, his warm lips tasted like wine, and his cigarettes, it was so intoxicating and addictive, his lips were eager, while you tried to keep it cool, your heart beat against him, he could feel how you tried to let go as he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue inside your mouth, caressing your hair, pulling you closer to him by the hip, eventually you let go, forgot about everything, the ground you were standing up on, the place that you were, suddenly your head was up in the clouds, floating, and enjoying the taste of his lips until you eventually let go of his lips.
"Why don't you stay?... we can make the night last longer" Your eyes spark and you nod, he wraps his arm around your waist, his hand landing on your lower hip, your heart speeds of anticipation, you weren't sure what was going to happen, or even if you were ready.
He walked you into his room with golden lights, hand on hip, peppering your cheek with tiny ticklish kisses, he sat on his leather couch and pulled you into his lap with no struggle, "Do you feel like having a small treat, babe?"
"I don't know, what do you have in mind for me?" You whispered into his ear with your soft voice.
"I have a lot of things in mind for you" He drawled, his eyes so magnetic and dark, "But for now..." Served on a silver platter there was some rich dark chocolate and fresh strawberries for dessert, he turned his music up, and you thanked him as you fetched the champs glass from him, he sat you back on his lap, and you leaned forward to grab a strawberry but he stopped you, taking one for you, putting it between your teeth, signing you to bite, and he smiled at you when he saw you chewing it, "Take another bite" He insists dipping the strawberry in the chocolate, his thumb had some chocolate on it too, you licked the remaining leftover on his thumb making him sigh content, "You must be really hungry still right?"
"Very" You pecked him on the lips, and he dipped one more in the chocolate, you closed your eyes, humming as you bit the strawberry off his fingers, he traced his thumb over your lips, his index, and middle on your neck, pulling your chin down to kiss you roughly, his tongue lapping over yours, tasting your heavenly mouth, you were gasping for air as he deepened the kiss, he shifts you to sit directly on his lap, startling him between your legs, his hands dropping to your ass and gripping it roughly.
"You have what I want right here," His hand sneaked between your legs, into your panties feeling the wet patch you left, "And I bet is even tastier than just some strawberries... listen, little girl, I'm gonna show you how real men do it," He shifts your underwear to the side, his fingers playing with your clit roughly, you stifled your moans, feeling the angst and the nerves fulling your blood system.
"Yes, please..." You sighed, he got lazy with the pace, you saw it on his face, you missed one crucial word, the one that began everything, "Daddy..." He pulled your dress up to your waist to finally have complete access to you, he pushed one finger inside you, and your walls were so tight and warm.
"Fuck, you're so tight baby, got all wet since I kissed you, I knew you loved it" You sighed trying to get his finger to reach deeper, "You like this? do you need more babe?" He drawled taking his finger out of you and rubbing your clit in circles.
"Oh... daddy, please give me more" He used his index and middle finger to fuck your little pussy, it was so wet for him it was unbelievable, you complain a little about the stretching on your walls but shortly you got used to it, and it began to feel more enjoyable as you grind your hips into his fingers.
"Make yourself feel good babe, then I'll take you to bed" You whimpered, you were more than ready to take him, even felt excited, but first you wanted to return back the pleasure he was giving you, your hand stroked his cloathed cock, he was stiff and long, thick, it would definitely hurt once inside you but you were prepared, "Playin' round with me I see" You purred a yes, shuffling your hand inside his trousers feeling every inch of him completely, he spread his legs open, and rests his head back on the couch as you began to jerk him off slowly, the tension was growing hotter as you kept grinding against his groin, the veins on his neck popping up to the surface, your lips were content to attack his neck with kisses, softly nibbling on a spot that made him groan loudly, you thought you had hurt him, you pulled your mouth away thinking you had hurt him.
"I'm-" His hand brushed against the bruise you had left him, but instead of getting angry he smiled at you.
"You're eager, aren't you doll?" You softly smiled, "Don't be sorry, It's ok" He said just as if he could read your mind, your heart began to pump faster as he inched closer to your ear, leaving ticklish kisses on it, "You're so beautiful" He pushed his hips up, his boner brushing against your cloathed clit making you moan softly, "You don't need this anymore... take your clothes off for me, do as daddy tells you" You pulled away from his warmth, he turned you around helping you with the zip of your dress, watching slide down carefully revealing your naked back, you pulled away sliding down the straps of your dress, and the straps of your bra fell down your arms to the floor along with your white knickers, your big eyes glistened with the lights, the golden cross on your collarbone being the only thing left in your body, and you looked so innocent, exposed, fragile, your skin was smooth, he couldn't see a single flaw in your body, he stared at it in awe, you watched as a spark appeared on his eye, but you weren't as comfortable with the nudity of your body, you didn't look at it the way he did, it was so penetrating, you hugged your body with your arms, "No, don't" He said standing up from the couch, "If I could have you like this all day,"
"You can have me any day, daddy" His heart melts into your hands as you talked, "Keep me," You said, he caressed your face, like a little puppy he held you in his arms, taking you to bed, your back landing on the silk bedsheets, he ran his fingers down your hair, and you closed your eyes as an instinct, he kissed your tenderly, his chapped lips so heavenly.
"I'll take care of you just fine doll, you'll be loyal to me, right?"
"Yes, daddy," You said with no doubt, "I don't need anybody else but you"
"Mmm, I love the sound of that," He touched your golden cross, and he smiled, "Strict household I see...you're far away from there now, you won't need this anymore" He carefully took your necklace away, "You're lost little girl, I can shelter you, I can take care of you... always," His words were the ones you needed to hear, now that you had him, you knew nothing was gonna be missing, your plate was full, and your heart had healed, he had worked you up just about enough now, and a part of you wasn't ready to see his enormous size, you trembled, "Too much for you, doll?"
"I've- never... I've never gotten this far" You admitted.
"I gotta warn you, it's gonna hurt for a minute... if you're not ready, tell me, it doesn't matter to me... what matters is that you're with me, and I promise if you do, nothing's gonna hurt you, baby, I can wait, besides... there are other options for me to make you feel so good" You hummed.
"Show me, please daddy" He smirked so evilly, and he slowly descends kissing your belly and spreading your legs open, he spat in your sensitive spot, shivers crawled up your spine, he licked a bold stripe, and he pushed his fingers inside you, the stretching felt so good now but it was nothing compared to what he had, but it was all you thought you could handle for now, he pressed his tongue down on your clit, his beard tickling between your legs, all the sensations mixing so well, it didn't take long until you were pulling on his hair, your legs were uncontrollably shaking, and you were set free, sweating and panting, "Fuck darlin', you taste so good, came for daddy so well, you're my good girl" You kissed him sloppily, he giggled at how happy he just made you, your whole body was tired, and he laid you down on the bed gently, "I think it's bedtime for you and me"
He stood up, and took his clothes off in front of you, he discarded his belt to the side, along with his other clothes, and you could see the outline of his dick on his Calvin's, you bit down on your lower lip.
"See sommat you like, babe?" He made you giggle, he covered your body on the bedsheets and he tag along with you.
"I'm sorry, daddy," You said to him, you were ashamed, you had given him one of the most uncomfortable boners, but he waved it off.
"Don't matter, it'll be gone in a minute or two" He left a small kiss on your forehead, "Sleep, you must be tired, right?" You nodded, cuddling closer to him, back pressed against his chest, you pressed yourself closer to him, "Hmmm, you won't make things easy for me if you rub yourself up like that" You giggled, and the lights went off, you took a distance, and you closed your eyes to sleep, but your mind kept looping around an idea, you were ready, if he was capable of making you finish with just using his tongue and fingers, God, what else could he do? what else could he show you? maybe you should take the initiative, surprise him, and show him how good can you be too.
At around 3 in the morning, you woke up again, feeling a dull ache between your legs, the ideas, the images, what had you seen, what he could do, what could he feel like, everything was pilling up for you, and you once felt a heat no one else could extinguish but him, you rubbed yourself closer to him, his breathing warm against your ear, you could feel he still was a little stiff, you were eager, and you began to grind your ass close to his groin just like you did in the couch, you remembered how much did he enjoy that, he began to get stiff again, but what else could you do, you grabbed your phone, taking advice from a friend, she had more experience, and you wanted to make him feel just as good, she said to wake him up, giving him some head, you didn't know exactly how to do that, you watched a few videos thinking you could mimic the movements of the other girls, and when you felt like you could do it, you put yourself up for the test.
Your hands slowly descend down his body, he groaned in his sleep when you stroked his dick thru the sheets, you smiled at his frown, he looked so cute with his eyes closed, and his eyebrows pushed together like that, you climbed on top of him, taking the blanked off his body, and carefully pushing your warm hands inside his boxers, you took it out, your hand lightly stroking his dick up and down, and you licked his tip with your tongue, going in small circles, he slowly began to wake up from his slumber.
"Babe-" His voice raspy, and heavy with sleep, "God, what are you doin'?" His heartbeat began to speed, his cock getting harder as you stroked him.
"I wanted to help you, daddy... make up for it," You said, your whispering echoing in his head, you gulped before you took him in your mouth, you fitted in what you thought you could handle, he gasped, and moaned loudly, "Am I doing good?"
"So fuckin' good, babe, you really wanna make me feel good, huh?" You nodded clinging to every word he tells you, "Spit on it," He said, you mimicked the way he did it when he went down on you, a string of warm saliva glistening with the cool light of the moon, "Fuck... just like that, now spread it" You took your hand and pumped him up and down, you didn't know if you were doing correctly but he seemed to enjoy it, "Take it inside your mouth like a big girl, can you do that?" You said yes with your head, and you opened your mouth as wide as you could, taking him inside, "Mmmm, now move your head up and down," You bopped your head up and down for a few moments, you were doing it fast, "Hollow your cheeks, suck it" He panted with his dark and raspy voice, you hummed and hollowed your cheeks like he said, "Mmm fuck babe, just like that, you're doin' so good, you're making daddy feel so good," You sucked harder with each time, it was mindblowing to him how close he felt now, he pushed your head up, you mouth making a loud pop, "Babe, slow down... let daddy enjoy it" You took it slower, in a more calm pace hearing him hum in satisfaction, you moaned around him, "Do you like sucking daddy's cock?"
"Yeah, I do daddy" You sounded so confident now, he had the idea of a more shy you but now that both of your feelings have been revealed, he liked this more confident and bratty side of you, "Are you close, daddy?"
"Very... you're making me so proud, babe girl, get daddy to finish, show me" You speed up your pace once more, sucking harder, bopping your head slowly, swirling your tongue around his dick focusing more on the head, that was his sweet spot, it made him lose control, and he pulled your hair as he came inside your mouth hot and heavy, "Swallow daddy's cum" He ordered, you took a deep breath in, your heart was rapidly beating, and you swallowed his release, "That's a good girl," You crawled to him, your silky hair made a mess, a soft pout on your lips, he lightly pecked them since you didn't give him the opportunity to kiss them as rough as he wanted, he was still dazed with sleep, but you needed more, you sat directly on his cock once more, it was still stiff, you felt ready, you wanted him more than anything, and the need over the pain you would feel was bigger, you grabbed his dick and pressed it against your entrance, you wimpered at the stretch, it was really painful at the beginning, you were sure about to give up, he heard your little sniffs, and weeping, "Babe-" He opened his eyes and watched your eyes water, as you finally had managed to fit all of him inside you, your whole body fell down, and he held you in his chest, "Are you ok, angel?"
"Y-Yes, daddy" You whimpered, "I'm ok" Your voice sounded so fragile against his ear.
"God, babe, you never stop to impress me, and for fucks sake you feel so fuckin' tight, so wet for me... you make daddy so fuckin' happy, but you gotta be careful, I don't wanna hurt you"
"You won't, just g-give me a moment, please daddy" His fingertips grazed your back up and down as you tried to compose yourself, softly humming in your ear the song that played on his stereo, and when you felt ready, you put your hands on his chest, moving your hips back and forward very carefully but more sure, "Ugh, fuck... it feels s-so good" You shivered as you felt him so deep inside you, it felt wonderful, finally you understood what was that you were missing out on.
"I can feel you, and you feel so lovely babe," He helped you guide your movements, slowly picking up a pace you enjoyed, and most of all you felt comfortable with, your body was covered by a wave of goosebumps in places you didn't even know you could get, he rocks you back and forward, "Couldn't wait to get it all inside you, darlin'?"
"You're so b-big" You lost control over your movements, Alex grinding your hips against his body, holding you for dear life, gripping your skin until it bruised, but you didn't care, you loved to have the reminder of how good was he making you feel, he heard your moaning, he entered a magical trance, your lips attached to his, and he lost control of his movements, but you didn't care, you encouraged them, "Go faster, p-please daddy" You begged, he bends his knees, pressing you up to his chest, and pounded your little hole over and over again, your legs were trembling as you felt closer, "I love it," You said, as you hold on to his chest, you dig your teeth into his shoulder, he moaned as he felt your walls tighten, clenching around his tightly.
"Babe, I-I'm gonna cum," You giggled, and whispered to his ear.
"Cum inside me, please, daddy" Your weak voice was all that he needed to hear to burry himself inside you, covering your insides with his hot release, and you covered his cock with your juicy release, both panting as you came down from that high, "I love you, daddy" You quietly said, but he heard it loud and clear.
"I love you too, my babe, you're daddy's girl" You hummed, he left you tired, and worn out, but happy, and most of all in love. He holds you in his big arms, pulling out of you slowly, you whimpered at the feeling of emptiness, but your heart was full of him, "Let's get you cleaned up," He carried you to the bathroom, legs wrapped around his strong torso, he sat you on the sink, and damped a towel to clean you up, he did it in the most caring way possible, "Do you feel ok? Nothing is hurting or anything, you need to tell me honey, I don't wanna-"
"I had a great time, I'm ok daddy, cross my heart" You did a small cross on your chest and gave him a bright smile, he gave you privacy to go to the bathroom and when you looked in the mirror you saw your runny makeup, but somehow you felt like you were glowing, later on, you joined him in the bed, spending the rest of the night cuddled up to him, you felt sheltered in his arms.
⚬✧˖ °☾☼
The sun rises behind the curtains, you roll on the sheets of the comfortable bed, you quickly realized you woke up alone, in the bed, you patted the spot next to you, yesterday you felt on cloud nine, and he was gone like pure magic. You had thought of everything that could possibly go wrong, but suddenly as you were trying to find your clothes you heard someone had closed the door, and footsteps coming your way, and he quietly opened up the door to find you sitting on the bed with a frown.
"Did I wake you up, my love?" The look on your face said everything, he walked up to you caressing your cheek, and you snatched your face away, but he redirected it, his thumb on your chin, "What's wrong?"
"Nothin'," You said, crossed arms, he eyes you up and down, he looked so powerful dressed with his big coat, and stripped button-up shirt, he saw right thru you.
"Oh, come on, tell me," You moved your head from side to side, and he tickled your sides, you couldn't escape him, and you couldn't stop laughing, he pinned you down on the bed, he left a small kiss on your nose as he looked at you up and down, "You're gorgeous, I like it more when you smile at me, be honest, you can tell me"
"I just... thought that... you had left me," You spoke, he laid next to you, you couldn't believe you were still naked, you covered your body with your arms but he took them away, "I can't spend the rest of the day naked, Alex" You joked.
"Yes, you can, don't ever think I would do such a thing, the only reason I left early was to get you a lil somethin'" From his back pocked he reached to grab a black velvet box, you smiled at him, "Do the honors" You opened the small box, and inside there was a golden chain, his golden chain.
"But... this is yours, Alex" He moved his head from side to side, putting his golden chain around your neck.
"It's yours, I just wanted to find a good box to put it in, wrap it up for you... everyone's gotta know that you belong to me, no one else, just you" Your cheeks painted dark crimson, no one else had done something like this for you, "And... I got some other things for you" He grabbed your hands and let you outside to his living room, you saw two channel boxes, along with other bags of clothing you had never thought you would ever get, "Went on a little shopping spree, got somethings for me girl," You gasped as you saw the most gorgeous pair of heels, and boots you would ever own.
"This is vintage channel! How did you?-"
"Karl's an old friend of mine, when I talked to him about you he knew exactly what to give me," He kneels to put the heels on, perfect fit, "Only the best for my princess," You gave him a big kiss on the lips as a thank you, but it turned deeper, sexier, and erotic, it caused him shivers, "Still in the mood?"
"Always for you, daddy"
A/N hope you didn't miss me much, sorry for not updating in a while, i wanted to say sorry beforehand as well, i won't be updating as much as i did before :(( some serious family business happened recently, i'm ok tho! i can't focus a lot of me rn, i have bigger responsibilities to take care of, but i won't be gone forever, this isn't the last you will hear of me any time soon, just sit tight ladies i'll be coming back soon. i love you and thank you for the comments and support!
note to anonymous: hope you didn't mind i changed things up a little, enjoy thank you for the request and reading!
  ∧,,,∧ ( ̳• · • ̳) / づ♡ I love you
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