#it was so deep. and his voice sounds so sexy.... hello.... i need medical attention
melioradeluxe · 2 months
Daily affirmation: It's completely normal and okay to be obsessed with the way IV screams the word "cunt"
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shi-daisy · 3 years
Mutual Enduring
Hello everyone! Today on the wavewave agenda we have a whump two-shot! With a side of humanformers (they're still from cybetron and age like in canon but they look and act human) Slightly warning for mentions of torture and some sexy stuff.
Continuity: Fan continuity (mostly a mix of IDW 1 and TFP)
Wavewave Week- Day 4- Power/Affection
He hated the feeling of cold metal against his skin, the needles, the darkness, the restraints that caused his arms and legs to go numb, but most of all he hated remembering.
The memories of the night the empurata was performed on him were memories he purpusely supressed, the only thing m he couldn't be rid off was the pain, at least not without medication.
Both he and Breakdown had been captured by MECH, neither could manage to escape or free themselves. It was an illogical outcome, that humans had gotten the best of two Cybertronians, but alas his current predicament was proof that it was possible.
He didn't know where Breakdown was, or if he was still alive, but if he managed to escape he'd look for him. He owed the man that much after he took a hit for him.
"Shockwave!" A female voice called out. He heard an alarm sound along with footsteps and gunfire. Just what was happening outside his room.
His was fading in and out of consciousness, but he could see the wall falling apart. Some people had taken down the door.
The voice from before called him again, it was louder and more distinct, as he could now recognize.
"Monochrome?" He muttered. His throat was raspy from dehydration and he couldn't speak properly.
"Yes it's me. Don't worry we're here to get you out."
"Breakdown, is he...?"
"He's safe, he's the one who told us you were still here and alive." he recognized Knockout's distinct voice as the medic began undoing his restraints. He didn't sound too chirpy however. "Just what did they do to you?!"
He couldn't answer, but deduced the man was asking about the peeled skin of his arms, or the scars on his chest. Even if the room was more illuminated now, he still couldn't properly discern the silouttes of his comrades.
"We'll carry you out. Just hold on until we get to the Nemesis. Please Shockwave! Please try to hold on!"
He could feel her tears falling on him. Why? Why would she cry for him? Why would anyone cry for him? They both carried him away from the building, setting the place ablaze as they escaped.
Outside it was nighttime, the stars looked so tiny from here, or maybe that was his vision failing him again.
There were more voices in the distance, getting closer. Obsidian, Strika, even Breakdown was there although he sounded much different. There was one voice however he was not expecting, at least not in such a desperate manner.
Soundwave's melodic voice was so strained, he was asking a myriad of questions in rapid fire to both Knockout and Monochrome. The medics had to calm him down as everyone finally headed towards the arriving Nemesis.
Shockwave's conciousness was slipping, the last thing her remembered was holding onto Soundwave's hand as he was weekend away to the medbay.
Soundwave has never felt as powerless as he did at this moment. Well, except perhaps for the time he found Shockwave after his empurata.
Both tragedies had been similar. The man he loved was covered in blood and in desperate need of care. The first tragedy he'd survived, but forgotten who he was before it, what he had before being turned into an emotionless man who simply cared for logic. The second was still unfolding, and all Soundwave could do was pray that he survived. Even if he changed once more, even if that small spark of remembrance was gone.
"Why is it taking so long?!" He asked, throwing the glass he was holding to the wall, where it shattered to bits.
Rumble and Frenzy both looked surprised but didn't question it, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw had fallen asleep, while Ravage and Megatron had just arrived at the scene.
"Soundwave stop!"
He froze upon hearing Megatron yell. The tall man also looked to be worried, but no one could tell for certain.
"I'm concerned for Shockwave's health as well but stressing like this won't help anyone. He's receiving medical attention, all that's left to do now is to wait.
When he's well, he'll need support, especially yours. You must be in good health as well."
He nodded, still nervous and mad. His superior must've noticed as he pulled him into a hug. While they were close he knew Megatron was not the type to be affectionate in public. He returned the hug, holding back the tears and simply letting himself go.
It too a while for the two to separate. Ravege then took over comfort duties and purred as he nuzzled his friend. Soundwave picked him up and pet him as he waited outside the medbay. After what seemed like an eternity, Monochrome came out of the room, her scrubs were covered in blood but she was smiling.
"He's okay. His organs were fine and all we had to do was place some skin grafts and rehydration serum. You may see him now if you like, he'll be up soon." The dark skinned woman yawned. "I however will be going to bed."
"Go, I'll join you soon enough." Megatron told her.
She nodded and left. His superior turned to look at him. "Do you want me to go with you?"
"No, it's fine. Go with your wife, I'm sure she's tired after all of this, and so are you. Thank you sir, and please thank Monochrome on my behalf too.
Megatron nodded before leaving. Rumble and Frenzy took care of the pets before he headed inside, hoping Shockwave wouldn't forget even more.
The two people he first saw were Knockout and Breakdown. The medic was changing his gloves and coat while Breakdown spoke to him from his bed. His tanned skin was covered in bandages, and he wore an eyepatch. He soon noticed that Shockwave was awake.
"Shockwave! You're awake!" Breakdown beamed. "I'm glad you're okay. It seems like we'll be matching now." He joked as he pointed to his eyepatch.
How? How could he endure such torture and still be smiling like that? It was one of the many questions his research wouldn't answer.
"It's satisfactory to know you were rescued and alive. Thank you for your concern Breakdown."
Knockout walked over to his side. "May I give you a quick check up now that you're awake? I have to know if you have any lingering pain."
He would've laughed but he didn't have the energy to be sarcastic at the moment, he simply nodded and let the medic examine him.
Someone else came into the room, it was Soundwave. His blue hair was a mess and his eyes looked as if he'd been crying. Neither Breakdown nor Knockout seemed surprised.
"Medically you're fine. Don't take off these bandages in at least two days, they're waterproof and soft so they'll allowed you to sleep and bathe, if you don't have anything else you need me to look at you should be good to go."
Shockwave nodded and tried to stand, but he would've fallen down face first had Soundwave not picked him up. "I'll carry you."
He didn't protest as the other man carried him away or when they arrived at Soundwave's room instead of his lab.
"I volunteered to care for you. Tomorrow you can go to the lab, but tonight you should rest. I'll ready a bath for you and make you food."
He stayed silent and seated on Soundwave's bed as the blue haired man ran around the room. He put his sons and pets to bed and was now serving him dinner.
Why was he always so caring? The two of them knew eachother for milenia, Soundwave was the only person he remembered after the shadowplay and empurata experiments performed on him, yet no matter how hard he tried to remember he couldn't recall anything else. Were they once close? He couldn't say, but that seemed like the most likely hypothesis.
"Food's ready."
"Yes? Is anything wrong? Do you want something else? Maybe you'd rather take the bath first, sorry I can reheat the soup after, no worries."
"No no! I'm fine. I just ...I must ask you a question."
"Why do you care so much for me? Our fields of work are vastly different, as are our social circles and our personalities yet you constantly look out for me...You're also the only person I can remember from my old life. Why is that? Can you give me an answer?"
"I can, but not now. We can talk before we sleep. I promise."
He decided to trust his comrade. After eating and taking a bath he was ready to speak with Soundwave. He sat beside him on the bed waiting for him to speak.
Soundwave was trembling, as if he was terrified of speaking. Shockwave was not good at dealing with emotional people but somehow he knew what to do.
His hands fell upon Soundwave's fair face, their red gaze was full of tears but he didn't look away. Soundwave placed his hand over his tenderly.
It seemed he was finally ready to answer him.
"I love you. I've loved you for centuries. Before the war happened and you were tortured, we were sparkmates... Then you were taken from me, and I thought I'd spend my life pinning for that version of you, but I didn't, because I love you still. Even if you don't remember, even if you're more alligned with logic than emotion, even if you don't love me back. I still love you Shockwave."
It wasn't in his nature to be surprised, but he would've never expected this answer.
It made sense, he'd seen how the couples of the Nemesis acted, or even human pairs. The fact that despite their distance Soundwave was so caring towards him, or that he'd be the only one his mind refused to forget. Even now, he seemed to know what the other wanted without voicing it.
Soundwave thought he'd faint when he felt Shockwave's lips over his. He'd always been a greedy kisser, even in their youth. He'd sometimes surprise Soundwave with a deep kiss before parting ways, other times he'd simply seduced him with his soft voice and clever hands.
After letting go they both took a moment to intensely memorize the other's face. Shockeave hadn't changed much save for his missing eye, which was now made of glass, and the scars upon his neck and arms that hadn't faded in centuries. Soundwave looked almost the same, but his built was stronger and he was now as tall as Shockwave.
"You taste as good as I remembered." He whispered. "I've missed you."
"Soundwave, are you certain I'm what you desire? There are other cons who'd give you the affection you crave, the affection you deserve. I don't know if I'll ever be the man you first fell in love with."
"Shockwave, I'm certain that you're the only one I want. Whether you're a kind senator or a serious scientist or a combination of both. I love every aspect of you."
That was all the confirmation he needed. He kissed Soundwave again, this time the blue haired man seemed to melt into the gesture, giving all control to him. Shockwave smirked as he gently bit Soundwave's bottom lip.
"Mmh! Seems like you haven't forgotten that."
"I've bitten you before?"
"Many times. You've left lots of marks. Not that I'm complaining."
Soundwave gently placed Shockwave upon the pillows. "And while I love your bites, I think I'd prefer spoiling you with kisses."
He let Soundwave do as he pleased. As promised the spymaster kissed his lips, cheeks, neck and even his chest. After three days of torture, this was exactly what he'd needed.
"Soundwave, let me kiss you too."
His heart raced when Shockeave pulled him into a kiss. Soundwave felt the scientist hands tangled in his hair, he kissed every inch he could get his lips on, and wouldn't let go until they were both breathless.
Sleep was taking over for them both. Soundwave pulled Shockwave close, careful not to worsen his injuries. "Are you comfortable?"
"Very much so."
"I could tell you craved this. Your desperate touch, it breaks my heart."
"You don't need to worry about that, Shockwave. I'm fine now that you're with me.
I'll take care of you. And once you're better we'll hunt down the humans who hurt you and Breakdown. I promise."
"That's comforting to hear. But all I desire now is to sleep by your side. I intend to give you more affection tomorrow."
Soundwave smiled. "I'd like that. Goodnight dear."
Shockwave was not used to sleeping, much less with another person by his side, but the beating of Soundwave's heart and the feel of his arms around him was enough to grant him the most peaceful sleep he had in centuries.
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The Little Bit of Hope I Cling to -
Part 1:
Izzie goes to Grey Sloan looking for Dr. Grey, Dr. Bailey or Dr. Karev, meets Dr. Jo Karev instead
*takes place during early s15*
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“Hello Ms. Stevens, my name is Dr. Helm and I will be the resident on your case today. Now it says in your medical history that you’re a cancer survivor?” Helm asked the woman in front of her.
“Yes,” Izzie Stevens nodded her head. “I’ve been having some distressing symptoms lately. I came here to make an oncology appointment since this is where I used to get my treatment, but this morning I fainted while in the shower. I’ve been very nauseous and have not been able to keep any food down. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight. I think my mets may be back.”
“Alright, well I will call for oncology and surgical consults while I get you up for CT,” Helm nodded.
“Could I request a surgeon?” Izzie asked. “I used to work here. I’m a surgeon myself.”
“Sure,” Helm smiled. “Who would you want on your case?”
“Dr. Bailey or Dr. Grey, or Dr. Karev would be fine,” Izzie paused. “We used to be great friends.”
“Of course. Let me go find out if they’re available,” Helm said before walking off to the nurses station to find out. Minutes later Helm returned to Izzie’s bed side. “Okay, so Dr. Bailey and Dr. Grey are both in surgery right now, but Dr. Karev is available. Is that alright?”
“Yeah,” Izzie nodded nervously. She was jittery at the thought of seeing her ex-husband again. “That’s fine.”
“Great,” Helm smiled. “Dr. Karev should be down here soon. In the meantime I’m going to run a portable ultrasound to see if there are any masses in your abdomen.”
Izzie took a deep breath. She hadn’t expected to see him so soon. She knew coming back to Seattle for treatment would bring back all kinds of complicated memories. She didn’t come to start any trouble, though. She didn’t come to try to get him back. Sure, a part of her hoped that maybe he’d want her back and she’d have a chance to fix what she so horribly destroyed before. It really wasn’t why she was here, honestly. Her cancer was back. She was sure of it. She didn’t need to look at the scans to figure it out. She just wanted to be surrounded by friends as she fought it again.
“Hey,” Jo smiled as Alex came up behind her and placed a kiss on her cheek. “I’ve missed you today.”
“I’ve missed you too,” Alex bent down to give her another kiss. “Anything exciting so far?”
“Not really,” Jo shook her head. “I did a bowl resection, supervised a resident perform an appy, and just checked on my post-ops. I think I’ll just go to the lab and work on my research if nothing comes up.”
“You could always join me,” Alex offered. “I have a kidney transplant in about an hour if you want to scrub in. I’m actually getting to do surgery today and the only thing that could make it better is if you were there with me.”
“Sounds tempting,” Jo leaned forward and brushed her lips against her husband’s. “We haven’t scrubbed in together for a while now.”
“I know,” Alex nodded. “And maybe after we can go to my office and... do some other stuff, too.”
Jo laughed, “You just want to get in my pants.”
“Always,” Alex wiggled his eyebrows and grinned. “I’m really just trying to knock you up before the year is over.”
“If I would’ve known you’d be this eager to have sex with me when I suggested trying to a baby I would’ve said yes years ago,” Jo giggled. She wouldn’t admit it to his face, but she found his desire for her incredibly sexy. If anything, it made her want him even more. “You know, that reminds me actually that I’m supposed to be getting my period this week. So, let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best.”
“Hey,” Alex smiled and his face softened. “We just started trying. It usually takes a while. So, whether you’re pregnant or not, it’s okay. We’ll just keep having fun trying until it happens.”
“Yeah. I know,” she sighed and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Sorry chief, but I need to speak with Dr. Karev,” Helm walked up interrupting their moment. Jo and Alex separated and nodded for Helm to continue. Helm looked at Jo. “Dr. Karev, there is a patient in the ER requesting you. She’s said that you worked on her along Dr. Bailey and Dr. Grey. They’re both in surgery, so I told her that I’d come find you.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll be right there,” Jo turned back to Alex. “I guess I won’t be scrubbing in with you after all.”
“Some other time,” Alex gave her one last peck on the lips and walked down the hall. “See you later!”
Jo looked at Helm, “Alright, let’s go.”
They walked down to the Pit. Helm briefed her on the patient’s condition and Jo tried to rack her brain for anything that may remind her of the patient, “What did you say that patient’s name was again?”
“Um... it started with an ‘S.’ I’m sorry, I don’t remember. It was something common, though,” Helm apologized. “Oh! And I detected an abnormal mass in her abdomen using the ultrasound machine, so I think her mets are back.”
“That’s fine. You can go ahead and check on other patients while I do the consult,” Jo instructed.
Jo walked up to ER bed 3 and pulled the curtain open, tablet in her hand. She smiled at the blonde woman and extended her hand, “Hi. I’m Dr. Karev. I heard you requested me. I’m so sorry, I but I don’t seem to remember your case. Could you remind me your name?”
Izzie was confused. Who was this woman that walked into her room saying that she was Dr. Karev? Izzie furrowed her brows, “I’m sorry, you’re Dr. Karev? The Dr. Karev I was expecting is male.”
A look of realization dawned on Jo’s face, “You must be looking for my husband.”
“You husband?” Izzie asked. “You’re married to Alex Karev?”
“Yes,” Jo grinned widely. “We recently got married. Everyone keeps mixing us up since I decided to change my last name. I’ve to tell the residents to start being more specific when they’re paging us. What did you say your name was?”
“Izzie Stevens.”
Jo raise her eyebrows in surprise, “Huh... so I guess you really weren’t expecting me.”
“Nope,” Izzie shook her head. “So, I’m guessing you know who I am?”
“I do,” Jo nodded. Jo would be lying if she said she’d never thought about what it would be like to meet the woman who broke Alex’s heart. She’d also be lying if she said that the thought of this woman didn’t intimidate her. Jo had heard all about their tragic love story and a small part of her questioned where Alex’s loyalties lied. Ultimately though, it didn’t matter who this woman was. She was a patient and deserved the best care. Jo had done this before. She’d taken care of Alex’s dad. She could take care of his ex-wife, too. “So, you think your cancer is back?”
“Yeah,” Izzie’s voice cracked. “I was doing great for many years. No symptoms, no relapses, nothing. I was cancer free. I thought I beat it.”
“When did you realize something was wrong?”
“I’ve been here in Washington for the past year taking care of my mom. She was in a car accident that should’ve killed her and has been going through really intensive rehab. A few weeks ago I started feeling sick while on my way to pick her up from physical therapy,” Izzie sighed. “Look, I’m not here to cause any problems or issues or bring back the past. I’m here because I need help if I’m going to fight this, and I can’t let my mom fight for me. She’s got enough to worry about. It would just be nice to see a familiar face again.”
Jo considered herself an empathetic person, which is why it was so difficult to hate this woman. If anything, Jo felt bad for her. Deciding to be the bigger person, Jo called Helm back to bed 3, “I need you to get Dr. Stevens up to CT and admit her. Do you know if Dr. Bailey and Dr. Grey are available yet?”
“They’re still in surgery,” Helm replied.
“How about the chief? Or Webber?”
“Let me check,” Helm pulled the OR schedule up on the tablet. “Dr. Webber is off for the day and Chief Karev is about to go in on his kidney transplant kid.”
“Thanks Helm,” Jo turned back to look at Izzie. “I’m going to go talk to Alex while Dr. Helm takes care of you. I’ll be back soon.”
Jo left the ER and made her way to the OR floor to find her husband. Seeing his name on the board for OR 4, she hurried over to the scrub room. Walking in, she saw him through the window speaking to his patient. Jo waved to get his attention.
Alex scrunched his face and walked over to the scrub room, “Hey. What are you doing here? Didn’t you have a consult?”
“I did,” Jo took a deep breath. “I’m going to tell you something, but I don’t want you to freak out. Just know that I’ve got this and I’m taking care of it. If at any point you feel uncomfortable with me taking in this patient you let me know and I’ll hand it over to Bailey.”
“Who is it?”
“It’s Izzie Stevens,” Jo bit her lip. “I have Helm taking her up for CT now, but I’m pretty sure her cancer is back.”
“Izzie is here?” Alex asked, shocked expression on his face.
“Yeah,” Jo let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding as her eyes watered. “Look, I know you two have lots of unresolved history and when you married me, you didn’t think you’d ever see her again, so I’d understand if—“
“What?” Alex couldn’t believe what he’d heard come out of Jo’s mouth. “Stop talking. I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t marry you because I couldn’t have Izzie. I married you because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So shut up with this ‘unresolved history’ crap and trust that I’m right here Jo.”
“Okay,” Jo gave him the tiniest nod and a small smile. “I’m sorry. You know how it is... a lifetime’s worth of abandonment issues will really do a number on you.”
“I’m not abandoning you, Jo. Someone would have to kidnap or kill me before I ever willingly leave you,” he cracked a smile.
“I know.”
Alex looked at Jo for minute before speaking again, “Hey, how about I come with you. I can get the peds fellow to do the transplant. We’ll go in and treat her until Bailey gets out of the whipple she’s doing and then we can transfer Izzie’s case to her.”
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rainydaysofspring · 4 years
My first ever fic on here...
Prompt: She had a bad day and just needed something to make it better. Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Dr. Liliana Summers) Trigger warnings: mentions of death, poorly written medical procedures, Angst and fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
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All Liliana wanted was, for this day to be finally over. Ever since she got up this morning in her bedroom, the day has just been getting worse and worse. It seemed like every minute, something went wrong.
It all started with her favorite light blue pair of scrubs, with her name embroidered, getting stained when she spilled her coffee this morning and her, not having enough time on her hands to get changed again. When she left her apartment, she noticed she had forgotten her keys, but of course, after she closed the door. Her only option was to go home with one of her roommates later on or to get there after either Aurora or Sienna went to their flat since both of them had shorter shifts today. The T was hopelessly overcrowded, the guy behind her eyeing her as if she would be a raw slice of meat. If only he knew she had a boyfriend much, much better than him. The thought of Ethan, already at work, made her grumpy state a little bit better, the thought of seeing him in a few minutes even more. She left the train and walked to the hospital, however it started pouring rain the second she stepped off the roofed area. She had the choice between being late and staying dry. If Zaid ever found out, she was late, he would be chewing her out again. So, she took option b: Getting soaked, but being on time.Steeping foot in the atrium of Edenbrook, Liliana was completely drenched in water, her scrubs ruined even more. She somehow got to the locker room without drawing too much attention to her by waiting patients and their families and changed into a fresh and, more importantly, dry pair of scrubs.
Luckily the resident survived rounds, without any further disturbances, so she almost thought her bad day would take a turn for the better. That thought was made way to early, how she noticed later.Liliana saw, that all her regular patients were stable and taken care of, she decided to put in a few hours at the free clinic. The halls were full, as always. When she got to one of the nurses, she assigned a few patients to her, the first one was a nice kid with a high fever. The child's mother also described that the toddler couldn't keep any food down. Liliana quickly diagnosed the girl with the stomach flu and was on her way to the next patient. That's how the hours went by, stepping from one patient to another, nothing majorly dramatic. 
But then, her last patient proved again, what this day was: horrible.As Liliana entered the room and introduced herself, she wasn't greeted with the patient telling her what's wrong, instead, he complained about almost everything." I came here three hours ago, I'm an emergency, I need to be taken care of immediately." Liliana tried to reason with him and to explain to him, that their nurses decide who sees a Doctor first based on the severity of the case, not on the time the patients have spent waiting. "Then your nurses are either blind or didn't get proper education! Don't you see that I'm an emergency?" The resident remembered Mr. Platt, the giant PITA she had to treat in her intern year. The man in front of her had a great resemblance to him, in how he spoke to her. When asked, what his symptoms were, her patient just showed her his hand, where she saw a light burn. So much for the emergency, she thought. While treating the injury, the man complained several times more, either about how something the Doctor did wasn't to his liking or how Liliana didn't look like a doctor, more than a nurse. When he brought that up, in combination with the words "hot" and "sexy" she was disappointed that Ethan was not around, his response might have made the patient shut up and learn some respect for the work of both, nurses and doctors. She finally finished his treatment and left the free clinic for today.
 Walking up to the diagnostics floor, she thought about Ethan and how she hadn't seen him the whole day long. That fact alone made her mood go down a few inches more. After she checked all of her other patients again, she decided she would visit someone.She eventually made it to the pediatric wing to see on one of her former patients who she formed a bond with, a 9-year old girl named Amelia. Liliana diagnosed her a while ago with cancer, staying with her through her first chemotherapy was certainly the start of a great friendship with the little girl. Anytime she swung by, even just to say hello, a smile formed on the lips of the 9-year-old, she was happy to see her favorite doctor in the hospital. Liliana's main goal was, to cheer her up a bit since hospitals and chemotherapy were certainly scary for a girl that age.She went to her usual room, Number 159, just to find the bed empty. An uneasy feeling crept up her spine on her way to the nurse's station. She asked Lynn, her favorite nurse on the pediatric team, about Amelia and the answer could've made her cry right there, in the middle of the ward."Amelia died last night. She fought so hard, but the cancer was too strong, poor thing." Crushed, Liliana quickly thanked Lynn and excused herself.
She eventually reached the locker room and was relieved, when she found it empty. Enough time to calm down a bit and then finally go home and lay in her bed. The moment she sat down on the bench, her pager went off. "What on earth now? I wanna go home!" she exclaimed. The message on the pager read: "Car Crash, multiple vehicles. All hands on deck." With a groan, Liliana stepped out in the halls again and made her way down the pit. When she arrived, all she found was controlled chaos. Paramedics wheeling new patients in, many of them in critical condition. She sprung into action and commanded her intern, Esme, to do triage, just like she had to last year. 
The resident took a patient herself, a woman in her late 30s, with a shard of glass stuck in her abdomen. She was unconscious, intubated, but stable, for the moment.  The resident, along with several other doctors begun to treat her, when suddenly, she heard a loud beeping sound echo through the room. Someone yelled "CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE!" ´, while Liliana already sprung into action and began chest compressions on the woman. Another doctor grabbed paddles, in the team they tried to get her heart back to beating.After 62 Minutes of doing CPR and trying to bring the patient back, they gave up. Someone called the dreadful words "Time of Death: 10.17 p.m.” and slowly, the room got emptier until it was just her in there. 
The second loss this day hit her hard. Harder, then it should, she knew that herself.She heard the door open but didn't care who entered. Ines' voice spun her out of her trance, slowly getting her back to reality. "Liliana, how long have you been here? You look tired." Her voice, filled with concern rang out. Liliana did not answer, she just shook her head. "Go home. We've got the situation under control, you can end the day." Ines told her. While muttering a quick "Thank you", Liliana left the room and didn't even care to change out of her work clothes, just grabbing her things and getting on the T.She drove a few stops further, then she needed to for her apartment, since the only thing she wanted after this day, was to see Ethan. 
While getting off the T and walking to Ethans Home, Liliana couldn't hold her tears in anymore.She finally reached the apartment complex he lived in and rang the bell. A confused voice answered, but when he was greeted with your sobs only and a quiet "It's me.", he opened up immediately. Liliana took the stairs and finally stood in front of the man she loved, whos presence she needed so much after the day she has had. "Lili. What happened?" Hearing the nickname only made her cry more, her sobs limiting her ability to breathe. Liliana stepped into the flat, being greeted by a happy Jenner, who jumped at her legs. Ethan closed the door, approaching his girlfriend cautiously, he didn't want to startle her. After Jenner was done with his greeting, Ethan slowly came nearer and just engulfed Liliana in a hug. 
On that feeling, the young doctor in his arms almost crumbled. They both fell to the ground, when Liliana's legs gave out under her, the exhaustion and sadness of this day taking over her body completely. Ethan pressed her head against his shoulder, stroking her hair gently, muttering things like "It's gonna be okay." When she didn't seem to calm down and started hyperventilating, even more, he picked her head up from his shoulder and cupped it with his hands, forcing her to look at him. "Lili. Calm down, breathe with me, okay? I need you to take a deep breath." As she tried her best, Ethan continued to encourage her, watching her slowly calming down. A while later, when the tears stopped cascading down Liliana's Cheeks, he picked her up bridal style and carried her over, into his bedroom, slowly laying her down on the soft mattress. The feeling of the soft fabric under her made her realize how tired she was. Ethan got into bed next to her, watching his girl as she drifted away, into a peaceful sleep she desperately needed.
So, what do you think? My first upload with my own writing, I finally did it. I apologize if any grammar errors are in there, I tried my best and English is not my native language.
Love, Lili
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finleyjayne · 4 years
Living a Lie: Chapter 2
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Thank you for everyone who helped with this fic, including the fantastic @2smittinkittin​, the wonderful beta for this chapter, and @kittykatlow​, who is still forever supportive.
Summary: Penelope Grace Darling: the name you live by, the only name the world remembers. That doesn’t keep the memories of Y/N out of your head. All you ever wanted to do was create a better world. You thought you were doing that until some unexpected visitors to your hometown turn your world upside down. Can you leave your past behind you in order to keep your loved ones safe? Or will your fragmented memories keep you from the truth?
Pairings: Past Winter Soldier/Reader, Plus sized!Reader. Slow burn Bucky Barnes/ Reader.
Warnings: Dub/Noncon, Rape, Kidnapping, human trafficking (referenced), Underage Rape, Swearing, PTSD, Anxiety attacks, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Non-consenting drug use, underage Drug use, Violence, Domestic Violence, I’m trying to remember what else comes later in the series.
This is a Dark Fic if you don’t like it, Don’t Read It!
Chapter 1
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Looking genuinely confused as you try to place the name with the context, your eyes flipping between the four people who were now staring at you. Three highly amused with your confusion and one completely flabbergasted. “Daisy calm down a bit? I am apparently missing something here, and you yelling is definitely not helping me piece it together.”
  At this, Clint bends over himself, clutching his sides as his laughter rips through his chest. What a sexy laugh? Even though it’s at my expense. Nat smirks a little longer than her usual quick flashes. Wanda, ever the peacekeeper, extends her hand, “Hello, My name is Wanda, but I’m usually more recognized by my superhero name: The Scarlet Witch. These are my teammates and friends, Natasha, or The Black Widow, and Clint, also known as Hawkeye. It’s very nice to meet you, Penelope. We definitely appreciate the help with the shoes.”
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As her sentences click in your brain, your eyes grow as big as your glasses’ rims. Your jaw pops open, “Oh, well, it’s nice to meet you, too?” You say with a nervous laugh, well, this is embarrassing. “Thank you for coming into our store. Daisy, don’t do anything stupid. I’m going to go grab my purse, and then I’m going to lunch.” you face still plastered with saucer-sized eyes as you slip through the curtains.
How could I not know who they were? I know I use Daisy and Bruce as my source of current events, but I should at least know the Avengers’ faces. You grab your purse, slinging it across your body before proceeding out the front door toward the little corner bakery. At least I didn’t act like a complete fool. Daisy is probably freaking out. I shouldn’t have left her alone with them, she’s going to eat them alive. Who am I kidding? They’ll be fine, they are the Avengers, they can handle an over-excited almost adult. 
Thankfully, lunch and the rest of your shift flew by without any other famous guests. Your nerves were on the fritz, though; it felt as if someone was watching you. No matter what you did, You just couldn’t relax. Every movement drew your attention. Every sound made you flinch. As Bruce came through the door, you burst at the seams with the need to make your escape. You threw a passing goodbye to your boss as you jogged to your car, not even sparing a moment to change the radio back to a public station. You were out of the parking lot and on the road in seconds, causing Gertrude to complain loudly. Fighting off the sharp edges of the panic that blistered your mind. Within two blocks, you were pulled over, hand clawing at your chest, sight wavering as you throw Gertrude into park. Before you can even think about counting the rails in the fence, your vision is black. 
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“Пожалуйста, прекратите! [Please stop!]” The high-pitched scream echoes through the small, dark room. “Вам не нужно этого делать [You don’t need to do this].” a shock of pain courses over your back as a second resounding crack follows. 
“Тишина [SILENCE],” comes the cold order. “Вы говорите, когда я хочу, чтобы вы говорите! [You speak when I want you to speak!]” two more cracks and, after a second, two more blazing paths are scorching your skin. Confusion is mixed into the muddled neurons of your brain as you hear the metal door sliding open. 
Cautiously you lift your eyes, peering over your shoulder, only to be met by another crack that catches you across the cheek. With another bloodcurdling scream, you fall onto your freshly whipped back. Holding a cuffed hand to your sliced cheek, you meet the coldest pair of steel-blue eyes you have ever seen. “Этого достаточно. Они готовы к этому. [That’s enough. They are ready for it]” came the icy baritone through the black mask. 
    Your assailant scowls at the man. “Пациент не готов. [The subject is not ready]”
    The empty-eyed man ignores him as he steps closer to you. “Они готовы [they are ready],” he repeats. He reaches for your arm mechanically. It was as if he was only going through the motions without knowing what he was doing.
     You flinch from his extended right hand, cowering away. “Вам не нужно этого делать [You don’t need to do this].” comes the pleading voice that you realize is coming from you. 
     He continues forward, dragging you out of the room to the scream of the man you left behind. “Она не твоя [She is not yours]!”
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     Sobbing into the steering wheel of your beloved clunker, you hold onto your thick sides. The black-rimmed, ice-filled eyes continue to hover in your peripheral as you come out of the onslaught of memories. It’s not real, I am in Utah, they are not here, he is not here. I am safe. Coulson promised I am safe. After eight more deep breaths, your thoughts are cut off by a peppy, upbeat melody sung by a flowy lyric-soprano. “I know you can hear this Penny, so pick up, or I’ll sing it higher.” As the melody repeats for the third time, you scramble to pick your phone up. 
    “Delilah, I hope you realize that the ringtone you made me is, in fact, the cruelest practical joke anyone has ever succeeded in pulling.” You snip the need to portray normalcy coming through in your irritation at one of your best friends. 
    “I loooove you too, darling.” came the cloying giggle from the other end of the line. “Taylor and I were just talking about the Stark expo that is opening tonight. Also, we haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. Please save me from going to this thing without you. You can interpret Tay’s wild ramblings for me, and you can get out of that dungeon you call a bedroom for a night! It’ll be fun! Pleeeeeeeease~.” 
You can see the bright amber puppy-dog eyes she was giving you through the phone. There was no way she would let you off the hook if Taylor was dragging her to the Expo. Knowing Taylor, they had probably pre-ordered three VIP passes months ago and had been secretly geeking out since, waiting to haul us to their favorite displays and setting up the perfect itinerary. But also in their excitement, forgot to tell us about it until now.  
With a sigh, you throw your head back onto the headrest. “I’m going whether or not I want to, aren’t I?”
“You know us so well,” came Taylor’s dark-tenor chuckle through the speaker. 
“Well, I’m headed to my appointment up there right now. If you want to meet me at the east entrance of the Salt Palace afterward...” You resign, glancing at the radio clock in the dash. “I should be done by the time you get there, but I’ll text you when I’m on my way.” Delilah squeals, and Tay’s hums in contentment. 
“See you there,” they both reply. “Drive safe, Drive smart.”
“You too. I’d suggest taking Trax if you can. The parking is gonna be a nightmare. I can take y’all home when we’re done.”
“Sounds like a plan. See you there,” Tay calls through Lila’s squeals before hanging up.
Staring blankly through the window for a minute before turning on the radio and making your way back into heavy Utah traffic.  
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An hour later, you pull into the large parking structure, running out of the car and into the blazing summer heat. Fucking Utah drivers. Unable to go a single day without causing some sort of preventable crash. Bursting into the large hospital, you clip your little identification tag before heading to the research lab where they run all their tests. Pulling your shoulders back as you scan your ID and pass the double doors that say: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY.
You follow the labyrinth of hallways to a small medical-exam room in the furthest corner of the buildings. X-rays, MRIs, and Photos were stuck to lightboards around the room. With a huff, you look away from the gruesome images, towards a devilishly-handsome blond clothed in SHIELD emblazoned shrubs and a University of Utah Hospital doctor’s coat. The modelesque picture on his ID not doing him justice. 
“Hello, Miss Darling, only ten minutes early. What happened, you get stuck in traffic?” His aggravatingly-nasal voice pierced through the sounds of him typing on his small laptop, reminding you just how much you dislike this man. 
“Yes, actually, Dr. Fenris. There were three crashes on I-15, and then there was a line of cars four miles long getting off for the Expo. I never realized that there was enough parking for that here.” I grit my teeth, plastering on my smile at his joke. 
“Well, I see no use dilly-dallying any further; if you’ll change into your gown and then sit on the exam table, we’ll start with that today, then we’ll head to the MRI and X-ray followed by your physical strength and endurance testing.” Dr. Fenris said as you grabbed the scratchy hospital gown off the end of the exam table and started changing. There is no use hiding your body, this man has seen every part of my it over the last four years since you’ve come back to the states. If you were honest with yourself, you would stop these useless exams. The longer they went, the worse you were being treated, and the more you get the feeling that something is wrong. It’s not like they were making any progress in making this “cure” that you are supposedly helping with. 
Gown on, you sit on the bed. Legs dangling off the floor slightly as you wait for Fenris to finish whatever he is typing. As he turns his attention to you with a smirk, a wicked glint enters his eye. “Look at that; just as predicted, your healing time has decreased since the last time you got an abrasion. This week we’re going to analyze how your platelets are going to react to different poisons.”
Looking at him cautiously, you move the slightest bit away from his seat.
“Oh silly, we are going to do it in the lab. Just a couple of vials of blood from you are needed. For now, at least.” He placates jovially, pulling out a tray of vials and a winged phlebotomy kit. 
You warily keep your eye on him as he comes around to the side of the table. Right as he’s about to stick you, a knock comes at the door. You look at the doctor surprised. He just gives a tight smile, showing a tight smile as he turns to the door, opening it. “Dr. Banner, I didn’t think you were going to come in today.” the jittery surprise made evident his cheerful mask. 
“I wasn’t planning on it. Then I noticed that the subject of your tests was going to be in today and couldn’t help but want to see her for myself.” responded the gentle-looking man with salt and pepper hair and black-rimmed, nerd glasses. “My name is Dr. Bruce Banner. I am here to check on the status of Dr. Fenris’ research.” 
“Hey,” you say with an awkward little wave, “I’m Penelope, but I guess you knew that already since I am his research,” you can’t help the self-deprecating chuckle and tight smile that follow Dr. Banner’s staring. “You just got to his favorite part. Fenris here was just about to stab me like Vlad the Impaler.” Your anxiety at Fenris’ obvious joy from your pain showing slightly.
Dr. Banner looked at you with complete horror. Turning to Dr. Fenris with a look of disgust. “I should hope not. It would be disappointing if this project were to stop. There is great potential for new knowledge and understanding here.”
Giggling slightly at the furious look Fenris throws you, your chest releases. “It was one time, Ms. Darling. And you healed before you even left the hospital.”
“Doesn’t mean you won’t do it again, Dr. we-are-testing-your-platelets’-reaction-to-poisons-this-week. I feel like my cautiousness is well deserved, and I still hate needles,” you pout. “Now, if you’ll hurry up and stick me so we can get this over with. I’m supposed to be going to the Stark expo thingy. Gotta play the interpreter between my friends. Though, I’m pretty sure they are just using that excuse to get me to go with them.” 
Dr. Banner chuckled awkwardly as you turn to him, trying to ignore the deplorable doctor to your right. “Anyway, how hopeful are you for this research Dr. Banner? Are you going to the Expo? I hear that they will be talking about the new renewable resource cells Stark Industries is working on. I hope that they are planning on making them powerful enough to bring about an electric car. There are just too many oil refineries around here to be healthy. I personally would hop on that electric car bandwagon if there was one affordable and efficient.”
As you rambled, two large sterile culture bottles and six smaller tubes are filled with your blood. Dr. Banner keeps out of the way as Fenris goes about testing your reflexes and taking measurements of your leg, inspecting the other doctor’s work before Looking at the pictures, and medical imaging on the wall. “How long ago were these pictures taken?” He finally asks, pointing to the first set of photographs. Your leg was utterly ravaged, exposing the metal skeleton while the flesh looked like it was used as a cougar’s chew toy. 
“Four years.” I wince, remembering the carnage that Fury and Coulson had found me in. “Almost to the day.” 
“And this one?” gesturing to the next picture; muscle and tendon now in some sense of a sinewy leg. The skin overlying the fragile tissues without much scar tissue. 
“Two weeks later. The next is two weeks after that. I can tell you that growing pains are indeed worth all the crying that children do over them.” You joke, looking at the almost normal looking appendage in the picture, then at the more tone,d version currently attached to your body. 
“Can you feel it? When did it start?” You could tell that Banner’s questions were from a scientific fascination that made you smirk. He looked kind of like a little boy set loose in a candy store; intrigued, and full of genuine curiosity.
“I can’t really feel it, but my brain started to connect to it a few months after the initial accident. I am kinda glad I can’t feel it though. Getting back feeling all at once makes ‘pins and needles’ look like child’s play. Though according to Dr. Fenris, my body is apparently fully healed, and I could get the feeling back any second.” 
“Have you had today’s scans? Can I see them?”
“Not yet. That comes after the blood draw today, Then it’s time for some superhero training. Apparently, it’s not enough to take all my healing into account. I’m also being studied as a Superhuman… Fenris here likes to refer to me as a Supersoldier. I don’t really see how that fits since I never was technically a soldier-” 
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind me accompanying you, we can see what you can do. Who knows maybe by the end of today you’ll be vetted into the Avengers.”
“I don’t think that will be a possibility, Dr. Banner. I don’t think SHIELD is a big fan of my existence. I am only useful as a lab rat.”
The man looks to Fenris through the corner of his eye. “Is that right? I have a feeling many things about this research are going to be changing,” a deep undertone of discontent laced through the Dr.’s words. 
Throughout the next hour, more medical tests are done. By the time we are back into the little exam room, you are full of pent up energy. Now was your favorite part of these appointments. You get to actually use some of the ‘powers’ that You were given. You could set yourself free.
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If you want more Winter Soldier fics, check out @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​. They have a great one called Breach.
Thank you all for reading.
Tags are open for this fic; I am also curious to see what you all think. Share your truth with me.
People I think will enjoy reading this: @star-spangled-beard-burn@angrythingstarlight​ @tossacoin2yourwitcher​ @navybrat817​ @nekoannie-chan​ @donutloverxo​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @nsfwsebbie​ @jtargaryen18 @buckys-broody-muffin​ @nacho-bucky​ @giorno-plays-piano​ @buckybarney
29 notes · View notes
freddiesaysalright · 4 years
The Most Dramatic Season Ever - Week 6
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Summary: It’s your time now! You are ABC’s new Bachelorette and this is your journey! All these men (including our fav BoRhap boys and then some) are competing for your heart! Will you find love? Will you get engaged at the end? Or will you end up heartbroken? Find out, on the most dramatic season ever!
Word Count: 10.1k (this one’s a DOOZY)
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @moon-stars-soul​, @danadeacon​, @deacyblues​, @thesundrop​, @cupidben​, @lostlittlenerd​, @delilahmay39​, @timmvrphy​, @queenmylovely​, @loveandbeloved29​, @free-pool-trash​, @fairestkillerqueenofall​, @local-troubled-writer​, @babyalienfairy​, @littlecarowrites​, @allthethingsicant​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @squishy-gay-astronaut​, @sherlollydramoine​, @butlegendsneverdie​, @dogmom2014​, @rocketrhap917​, @26-7-49​, @lelifesaver​, @frozenhuntress67​ If you’d like to be added, let me know!
A/N: A note on the names in this chapter! So, I went with Ben’s family name being Hardy since we all know him with that name. I understand that in reality, his parents would be Mr. and Mrs. Jones. And with Rami’s sister, I couldn’t get a confirmation on whether her name is spelled Jasmine or Yasmine so I went with the J spelling because that was what I saw first.
Warning(s): Mentions of racism.
Night 1  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5
Week 6 here we go!!!
Your first hometown date was with Ben in Sherborne, UK. You met him at the center of the town, which was small and quaint. But you liked it. Especially once you saw Ben walking over to you. You ran to him and leaped into his arms. He caught you with a laugh and a sweet kiss.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” he said, shaking his head. “In Sherborne.”
“I can’t believe it either,” you replied. “But I’m so happy that I am!”
“Me too,” he agreed as he set you down. “I thought I’d just give you a bit of a tour so you can see where I grew up before we head to my parents, yeah?”
“Sounds perfect!” 
He took your hand and started down the road. At the end of the street was a vintage car. It was a black convertible, like you’d seen in old movies. It looked glamorous.
“This,” Ben said, walking up to the car. “Is our ride for the day.”
“Are you serious?!” you cried. “Oh my God!”
“Glad you like it,” he chuckled.
“I love it!” you told him.
He opened the passenger side door for you and you slid in. Then he walked around to the driver’s side and got in beside you. He looked at you, smirked, and then started the engine. He looked so sexy behind the wheel you had to turn your attention to the road so he wouldn’t see you blushing.
He drove slowly. There wasn’t much traffic, anyway, so you really could see all the places he was pointing out to you. He showed you the church he attended as a kid. Where he went to primary school. The tree under which he had his first kiss. It was all so sweet. It was all so Ben.
“I wish you could be here in October sometime,” he said. “We’ve got the Pack Monday Fair, which is always a great time.”
He told you about the fair and all his fondest memories, especially attending with his father. You were melting.
“So, how often do you get here to visit your family?” you wondered.
“As often as I can,” he said. “I’m all the way in London, and it’s not like I’ve got weekends off. But I definitely get here for special occasions and holidays.”
“Do you think you’d want to settle down here?” you asked. “When you’re ready to start a family?”
“As much as I love it here, I’d rather stay in London,” he said. “There’s more opportunity there and more diversity, which is something I want my children to experience. But believe me, they’ll be coming here to visit Nan as often as possible. My mum can’t wait for me to have kids, so she’ll be all over them.”
You giggled. “I like that. I want an involved family.”
“You might regret saying that one day,” he joked.
You drove on, and by the end, you felt you had seen almost the entire town. You stopped at the store to pick up a bottle of wine and some flowers for his mother, before at last going to the house. It was a cozy little home, and it looked inviting. You took a deep breath before starting up the driveway.
“Nervous?” Ben asked.
“A bit,” you admitted.
“Don’t be,” he said and kissed your cheek. “They’re gonna love you.”
Before you could argue, he reached out and opened the door, allowing you inside first. 
“Hello!” Ben called.
Seconds after his voice rang out, a swarm of people were upon you. All rushing to hug Ben and get a glimpse of you. He introduced you to his mother and father, and then to his aunts and uncles who were there. His grandmother remained seated on the couch, so you all made your way back to her so Ben could say hello.
“These are for you,” you said to Mrs. Hardy, handing her the wine and flowers.
“Oh, thank you, darling,” she replied. “They’re beautiful!”
You smiled as she disappeared into the kitchen to put them in a vase. Then Ben’s father approached you. You smiled and shook hands again.
“Y/N, right?” he asked.
“Yep, that’s right,” you told him.
“Come on, let’s get you a drink,” he said.
“Won’t say no to that,” you replied.
You followed him into the kitchen. Mrs. Hardy had already set out the flowers on the counter, and she was fussing around the food, which was evidently almost ready. Mr. Hardy poured you a glass of wine and handed it to you.
“Thank you,” you said.
Ben’s parents were surprisingly easy to talk to. You offered to help his mother with dinner, but she insisted you just relax. His father was a lot like Ben. A bit reserved, but friendly. So you chatted with them for a bit while Ben got caught up with the rest of his family.
When dinner was ready, you all sat around the dining room table. Mrs. Hardy served up a delicious meal, and then told you all to “tuck in.” You had a great time during the meal. His family was funny and warm. They welcomed you with open arms. You felt comfortable with them immediately.
“So, Y/N, can we have a chat?” asked Mrs. Hardy once the plates were clear.
“Of course,” you agreed.
You followed her to the sitting room. You sat together on the couch, and she gave your knee a maternal pat.
“How’s it all going?” she asked. “With Ben, that is.”
You smiled. “Ben and I have something really special,” you told her. “He told me that he’s falling in love with me, and I feel the same. Which I’ve told him.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said. “Has he told you that he’s never been in love before?”
“He has,” you said. “And I’m still a little worried about that.”
“Worried? Why?” she asked.
“Well, because I don’t want him to feel like there’s more out there,” you said. “Or to get confused. I don’t want him to wake up say, ten years from now and wonder if he made a mistake because he didn’t really know what he was doing.”
“I don’t think you need worry about that,” she said. “Ben is...a unique man. He’s struggled to find love because he’s quite aware of his feelings. He has told me about girls he’s gone with and expressed things like ‘Mum, I liked her, but I don’t think she’s the one,’ or ‘Mum, she’s beautiful, but I can’t go forward just because we’re attracted to each other.’ If he’s falling in love with you, then he means it. He isn’t confused.”
“That’s a relief to hear you say that,” you said. “Because I just wasn’t really sure if he knew. But you’re right, Ben is a self-aware person, and I have faith that what he’s telling me is true. I did promise him I’d never doubt him.”
You explained to her what Luke had once said about him.
“That’s ridiculous,” she scoffed. “Ben’s honest and kind. And, Y/N...he’s ready. He’s ready to find his partner and settle down.”
“I think he’d be a wonderful husband,” you told her. “And I suppose I have you to thank for that.”
She giggled and took your hand. You smiled at each other.
Meanwhile, Ben was talking to his father. They stood out on the back patio, each smoking a cigarette. You didn’t like that Ben smoked, but he did it pretty rarely since he was an athlete. And he also told you it was his goal to quit by the time he had children.
“So, Benny,” Mr. Hardy said. “How’re you feeling?”
“It hasn’t been easy,” Ben said. “I’ve...well, I’ve fallen in love with her.”
“Has she fallen in love with you?” Mr. Hardy wondered.
“She says she’s getting there,” Ben told him. “But there are still three other guys.”
“They good blokes?”
“Yeah, actually, I like them a lot. Consider them friends, even.”
“That’s good, it shows she’s got taste,” Mr. Hardy joked.
Ben chuckled. “Yeah. I’m just worried. I want to tell her that I love her. But I don’t want to get my heart broken.”
“There’s no way to fall in love without taking that risk,” Mr. Hardy said. “If you love her, love her with everything you’ve got. Pursue her. Let her know why she should choose you.”
Ben smiled. “Thanks, Dad.”
You switched parents, so Ben went to speak to his mother, and you went to speak to his father. You looked at Mr. Hardy and saw Ben’s features in his face. It was like looking through time and seeing Ben as an older man. Only, Mr. Hardy had brown eyes. Ben got his eyes from his mother.
“Can I ask you how you feel about Ben?” Mr. Hardy asked.
“I care a lot about him,” you said. “He’s probably the sweetest person I’ve ever met and...well, I’m falling in love with him.”
“He’s not hard to look at, either,” he joked.
“Well, he gets it from somewhere,” you returned, pointing at him.
He laughed. 
“You seem like a nice girl,” he said. “I think you’d be a good wife to Ben, if that’s what you both want. I’m just happy if he’s happy. And he seems quite happy with you.”
You looked at Ben through the window, where he was sitting with his mom.
“You guys must miss him a lot,” you said.
“Terribly,” Mr. Hardy said. “But once again, he’s happy.”
“I’ve so appreciated you welcoming me into your home,” you said. “A home as loving as this shows me what I can expect from Ben. Thank you.”
He opened his arms to you, and you gladly accepted them.
Inside, Ben was telling his mother exactly what he’d told his father. That he was in love with you and was nervous about telling you.
“I agree with Dad, darling,” Mrs. Hardy said. “I think if that’s what you’re feeling, you should be honest with her.”
“It’s just scary since...well, I’ve never done it before,” he said. “How do I…” he trailed off with a sigh.
“Do you think it matters to her how you say it?” she asked.
“No, I think she just wants me to be honest,” he returned.
“Then there you have it, love,” she said.
The night wound down and it was time for you to go. You said fond goodbyes to Ben’s family and he walked you out to the van already waiting for you.
“Today was such a great day,” he said. “They really seemed to like you.”
“I really like them,” you told him. “You have a great family, Ben.”
“I hope you come back,” he said.
“Me too,” you replied.
A beat passed. Ben pulled you into a tight hug. Then he lowered his lips to your ear.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered. “I love you so much.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and gave a small squeeze. 
“It means so much to hear you say that,” you said.
You desperately wanted to tell him that you loved him too. Because you did. But you knew it was a bad idea. All you could do was convey how you felt through the embrace. And then when he kissed you...it was nothing like the way he’d kissed you before. This was something else entirely. It felt more like a promise.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he said.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” you told him.
With that, he opened the car door for you. You slid into the back seat and smiled at him once more before he closed it. He stood on the street and watched you go, feeling like you were taking his heart with you.
Your next hometown date was with Gwilym. Like Ben, he currently lived in London, but his hometown was Sutton Coldfield, where much of his family still resided. Gwilym had told you a little bit about his hometown, so you were excited to see it in person. You met him at Sutton Park.
He looked dashing where he stood waiting for you, despite only wearing a sweater and jeans. You ran up to him and he caught you in his arms. He planted a warm and welcoming kiss on your lips. You held him a little tighter.
“I’m so glad you’re here, cariad,” he said as you parted. 
“I’m glad to be here,” you replied.
“I figured I’d show you Sutton Park,” he said. “It’s a staple of the town and quite lovely on a day like today when we’ve got nice weather. Fancy a walk?”
“Sounds perfect,” you agreed.
He offered you his arm, which you took. It really was a pleasant day, with a rare bit of sunshine. As you walked, he told you who you would be meeting that day. His family kept it small, so it would just be his parents and siblings. Gwilym was the youngest. It was difficult for you to picture him the youngest sibling, since he always struck you as mature and grown up. He assured you that his childhood was normal, and that he and his siblings were very close now that they were all adults.
You walked together in the park for about an hour. Then he told you there was another stop to make before going to his parents’ home. You emerged from the park, walked another fifteen minutes or so, and then you saw it - a library.
“Since you saw my personal collection, I thought I’d show you where I first gained an appreciation for literature,” he said. “Right here at the Sutton Coldfield Library.”
“I can’t wait,” you told him.
He smiled, took your hand, and led you inside. The library looked fairly typical. It wasn’t grand or beautiful, but it had some charm to it. You tried to imagine young Gwilym poring over the books, trying to decide the one he’d like best. You smiled at the thought.
You were just about to tell him so when a distraction in the shape of a little girl came hurtling over, throwing her arms around Gwilym’s legs. She was maybe six years old. Her blonde ringlets settled against her face.
“Mr. Gwilym, you’re back!” she cried, clutching a handful of his jeans. “We’ve missed you!”
You blinked, shocked at the sudden appearance of the girl, but even more surprised that she knew Gwilym and was comfortable enough to hug him so tightly.
“Hello, Rosie,” Gwilym replied, patting her head. “I’ve missed you all too.”
Suddenly, more children emerged from a section you saw was the children’s library. Their little faces lit up at the sight of Gwilym, and they all followed Rosie’s example of throwing themselves on him. He laughed and then saw your bemused expression.
“I come home twice a month to read to the kids,” he told you. “To give back to this place.”
A little boy had clamored onto Gwilym’s back.
“Where’ve you been, Mr. Gwilym?” he wondered with a pout.
“Well, you see, children,” Gwilym said, nodding toward you. “I’ve met someone very special.”
In a swarm, they detached themselves from him and walked over to you, staring. You bit back a laugh.
“Hey, kids,” you said kindly. “I’m sorry for keeping Mr. Gwilym away.”
“You’re pretty,” Rosie said. “Are you Mr. Gwilym’s girlfriend?” 
“I am,” you told her.
“Are you gonna get married?” asked another girl beside you.
“Maybe!” you said. 
You met Gwilym’s gaze as the children demanded more information and you did your best to answer them. A future with him was suddenly much clearer.
“Alright, everyone leave Mr. Gwilym and his friend alone,” said the librarian, an elderly woman with her silver hair in a long braid down her back.
“Hello, Joan,” Gwilym said warmly, bending down to kiss the woman’s cheek.
Joan smiled at you as Gwil introduced you and she asked how everything was going. You told her it was all wonderful, and Gwilym agreed. Then Rosie returned and tugged on Gwilym’s pant leg.
“What are you going to read for us today?” she asked.
“Oh, Rosie, I’m sorry, we just popped over to say hello,” he told her. “We don’t have a story today.”
Tears shone in her big, blue eyes and you nearly started crying yourself. 
“Please,” Rosie begged.
“Please!” the other children echoed.
“Read them a story, you monster,” you teased, punching his arm lightly.
“Alright, I’ll read you a story,” Gwilym said. “If Miss Y/N reads it with me.”
“Please, Miss Y/N!” they cried.
You laughed. “Alright, then,” you agreed. “Story time it is.”
They all cheered, returned to the children’s library, and settled into the back corner. It was a cozy little set up, with bean bag chairs and cushions and stuffed animals everywhere. A wide bench was placed under the window, where the reader would sit. The kids picked out a story while you and Gwilym took your places. 
He started off the story, and his enthusiasm was not something you had seen him yet. He did voices, he made faces, anything to amuse the children. They giggled and snickered, enjoying themselves to the fullest, and totally riveted by him. You were too. You knew you were reading the words and doing your best to be convincing, but your mind was on Gwilym and how impressed you were with him. It showed you how much he valued learning, and the kind of father he might be.
When the story was over, you had to say goodbye and head to the Lee household. The kids were sorry to see you go, but their parents were arriving to pick them up. Gwilym even knew their parents, and said quick hellos before guiding you out and down the street.
“That was….” you trailed off. “So amazing. I feel like every time we’re together, you show me a new side of you. And I think that one is my favorite.”
He chuckled. “I just want to give back to the next generation,” he said. “Maybe they’ll go on to be great writers or professors. Maybe they won’t. But no matter what, they’ll support their local library.”
“You’re the actual sweetest, you know that?” you said.
He only laughed before throwing his arm over your shoulder and leading you away.
For the evening, you went to his parents’ home. It was a bit larger than what you were used to seeing in the UK, but looked inviting. You met Gwilym outside, and he hugged you tightly. You did your best to return it with the flowers and wine in your hands.
“Are you ready, love?” he asked.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you replied.
“Let’s go in.”
Together, you walked across the threshold as Gwilym called out to his family. The first person to round the corner was his father, who wrapped his son up in the friendliest bear hug. His brothers and sister were not far behind. His mother approached you first.
“Hello, dear,” she said kindly. “I’m Ceinwen. It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” you replied. “I’m Y/N.”
Gwilym introduced to his father, Tom, his brothers, Geraint and Owen, and his sister, Rhiannon. They were all very friendly and gave you hugs as they met you. You followed them into the kitchen, and as you walked, you observed your surroundings. This family was undeniably Welsh, and proud of it. Gwilym told you that both his parents were from Wales, and he connected strongly to that heritage. Seeing the home, you understood why. You envied that connection a little bit.
“You have such a lovely home,” you said to Ceinwen. “Thank you for having me.”
“We’re glad to have you,” she replied. “Come, sit down for dinner.”
It was already on the table when you arrived, so she said you had perfect timing.
“I’m relieved,” Gwilym said. “We got a bit delayed at the library.”
“Oh, did you take her to see the children?” Ceinwen asked.
“I did,” he told her. “We had a wonderful time with them, didn’t we?”
He looked over at you and took your hand. You beamed.
“We really did,” you said. 
They asked how your day was overall, and you were excited to tell them that it was great. You always felt like you could gush about Gwilym. His family exchanged happy glances at your every word.
After dinner, Rhiannon asked to speak to you. You happily agreed and followed her into the sitting room. You each took a seat on the couch.
“How’s this whole process been for you?” she asked.
“It hasn’t been easy,” you told her. “I’ve had to make really difficult decisions, but I’m just following my heart the best I can.”
“How many men are left?” she wondered.
“Including Gwilym, there are four,” you said. 
“And how are you feeling about him as compared to the other three?” she pressed.
You swallowed. “That’s difficult to say. I sort of have to compartmentalize each relationship and evaluate it on its own strengths or weaknesses. I know that Gwilym and I have been strong since the beginning. He’s really opened up to me, as I have to him, and we’re falling steadily in love.”
“And has Gwil expressed his feelings for you?”
“He’s told me that he’s falling in love with me,” you said. “Which made me so happy because I’m falling in love with him too.”
“Have you told him that?”
You shook your head. “I haven’t. But I plan on letting him know soon.”
“As long as you’re honest with him, he’ll be honest with you,” she said with a smile. “Gwilym’s reserved, but not afraid of the truth.”
“I definitely see that about him,” you agreed. “We’ve always been totally honest with each other.”
You smiled at each other. You spoke to his parents next. His mother sat on the couch beside you and his father in a chair across the coffee table.
“Can I just start by saying what a wonderful man you have raised?” you began. “Honestly, Gwilym has been such a dream and completely unafraid of the risk involved in this. He’s great.”
They both grinned.
“Thank you,” Tom said. “We hope that means you’re feeling strongly for him.”
“I am,” you assured him. “I told Rhiannon that I’m falling in love with him.”
“That’s wonderful,” Ceinwen said. “He told us the same about you.”
“Now, there are still other people involved in this,” Tom said. 
“I know,” you said. “But believe me. I care so deeply for Gwilym. The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt him.”
“You must understand,” his mother said. “As his parents, that’s our worst fear. After he lost his fiance, he was a wreck. I don’t want him to return to that.”
“I understand,” you assured her. “I will do what I can to keep him from that. But please understand my position as well. I can’t make any promises right now.”
“Right, of course,” Tom said. 
You chatted a little longer, and you once again told them how much you admired Gwilym. Meanwhile, he was talking to his siblings.
“So, how are you feeling about her?” asked Owen. 
“I’m falling in love with her, for sure,” Gwilym answered. “I really could see her being my wife.”
“But you’re not completely in love?” questioned Geraint.
“I dunno if I could say that with other men involved,” Gwilym replied. “I want to be down on one knee before I give myself that completely.”
“She seems like a great girl, Gwil,” Rhiannon added. “You two seem compatible. She’s got a good head on her shoulders. But are you sure you could propose after just a few weeks?”
Gwilym looked at his wine glass and swirled the deep purple liquid around, just for something to do while he considered this question.
“You all know how seriously I would take an engagement,” he began. “I think, if within the coming weeks, Y/N and I find ourselves at that point, then yes. I could see myself proposing.”
The siblings all exchanged a look. If he was that serious about you, they would support him.
Overall, Gwilym’s hometown went well. It wasn’t as smooth as Ben’s, but given Gwilym’s history, you understood his family’s skepticism. Even so, they seemed genuinely happy for him. As Gwilym led you out, you swung your clasped hands with joy. He smiled at you.
“Gwilym,” you said. “You told me back in London that you’re falling in love with me.”
“Yes, I remember,” he said.
“Well, I just wanted to tell you that….I’m falling in love with you too,” you said. “Hard and fast.”
His smile widened.
“I’m happy to hear it, cariad,” he replied.
With that, he turned you toward him and pulled you in for a kiss. His lips pressed into yours with a need you had not felt from him before. His gratitude for your validation was deeper than you thought. Perhaps his feelings were as well.
When you broke apart, you coiled your arms around his neck and held him close. You stood there for what felt like hours. Despite everything you had been through with him, and the beauty of that moment on the London Eye, this was the most romantic moment you felt with Gwilym. Just you and him. Outside his childhood home, knowing each other without even speaking.
“You need to get going,” he finally said.
“I wish I didn’t,” you replied.
“I do too,” he agreed. “But there’s more to this journey.”
You stood on your toes and kissed him again.
“I’ll see you soon,” you whispered.
“I can’t wait,” he replied.
He walked you to the car and opened the door for you. With one last kiss, you got in. As you drove away, you felt your heart breaking without him.
After Gwilym’s hometown, it was time to leave the UK and head back to the states. Your first stop was in New York for Joe’s hometown. He was from Hyde Park, which you knew nothing about. You were excited to see it though and understand Joe better.
You arrived at Hyde Park and met Joe on what appeared to be a random street. You sprinted to him, eager to be in his arms. You had missed him desperately while you were apart. He caught you and spun you around with a laugh before he kissed you.
“I’ve missed you so much, baby,” he said. 
“I’ve missed you more,” you returned.
“Wanna bet?” he shot back.
You laughed. “What are you going to show me today?”
“Hyde Park isn’t exactly known for tourism,” he said. “We’ve got the Vanderbilt Mansion, sure, but other than that we’re just your average town.”
“So, are we going to see the mansion?” you wondered.
“Actually, I thought we’d do something better,” he said. “Come with me.”
He took your hand and began to lead you down the street. This community was clearly close-knit, as several people stopped Joe to talk to him and catch up. He introduced you as his girlfriend and they all smiled happily for him. Finally, you stopped outside a restaurant. The name on it was Mazzello’s. You grinned.
“Your family’s restaurant!” you cried. “I’m gonna get to see it?!”
“Absolutely!” he returned. “My brother, John, has been handling things since I’ve been away, so he’ll be the first family member you meet.”
“I can’t wait!”
You followed him inside. A wave of voices overtook you as Joe walked through the door. It seemed his whole family had surprised even him by showing up at the restaurant. His mother was there, as were his brother and sister. His nieces and nephews raced to hug him and he miraculously scooped all of them into his arms. 
There were hugs all around. The Mazzellos had spared no one in coming to meet you. Joe’s grandparents were there. His aunts and uncles. Family friends. Even restaurant regulars. It showed you how well Joe was loved in his community. It made you love him even more.
Joe introduced you first to his mother, Virginia, his sister, Mary, and then his brother, John. They were all thrilled to meet you. As you made your way through the crowd to meet everyone else, you felt there was a missing piece. When you looked over at the counter you realized what it was. A picture of Joe’s father hung behind the register.
You turned your eyes to Joe and saw that he was looking at it too. He shook his head and then looked at you.
“Come on,” he said with a small smile. “Let me show you the kitchen.”
“Alrighty,” you agreed.
You walked with him behind the counter and into the back of the restaurant. The kitchen was huge, with everything you could ever need to make Italian food. And it was authentic. Joe showed you where they made dough, how they turned it into noodles or pizza crust. The massive cooler for all the fresh vegetables. They also had a garden behind the restaurant where they grew their own herbs.
“Joe, this is incredible,” you said, still looking around in awe.
“My dad was dedicated to being authentic,” he said. “So we’ve kept it the way he started it.”
“You shouldn’t change a thing,” you told him.
You were alone together in the kitchen, so he took this opportunity to pull you into his arms. He held you for a long moment, and you felt him shake as he released a breath. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him gently.
“Thanks,” he sniffled. “Being back is just bringing up a lot of emotions.”
“I’m here, baby,” you said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Come on,” he said. “I’ve gotta show you how to make all this.”
“We’re gonna cook?” you asked, surprised.
“Course,” he said with a wink. He tossed you an apron. “You gotta learn if you’re gonna be a part of the family.”
You smirked. Then you tied the apron on, rolled up your sleeves, and got to work. His family joined you to help out as well, and Joe took every moment he could to flirt with you. When he showed you something, he stood behind you and put his arms around your waist. If he helped you get something, he reached over you, putting his chest to your face. If he was passing you and no one was around, he gave you a light pat on your ass. You had never had so much fun.
Together, you and the Mazzellos prepared a huge meal for everyone there to see Joe and meet you. Joe’s family was just as fun as he was. They poked fun at him - in the most loving way possible - and welcomed you warmly. As you all sat down to eat, Joe said a quick prayer. Then you dug in to the food.
“Oh my God,” you moaned as you took the first bite. “This is delicious!”
They laughed with you. Sharing a meal with them was like nothing you had ever experienced. Everyone at the table got a say in any discussion, even the children. In fact, Joe frequently consulted them. It seemed that Uncle Joe was a popular person. Many people had questions for you, and Virginia made a special effort to make you feel included. Not that she had to try too hard. You already felt like one of them.
After your meal, they opened a bottle of wine. When the glasses were distributed, you made a toast. Then, Virginia pulled you aside. You followed her to one of the small tables on the patio and sat across from her.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you,” she said. “Joe’s been talking about you since he got home and we were all so anxious.”
“I’m glad I don’t disappoint,” you replied.
“Never,” she said. “All I want is for Joe to be happy. He’s been burned in the past and I just want to protect him.”
“Of course you do,” you returned. “You’re an amazing mother. I can’t promise you that Joe and I will end up together because I’m not sure how this will go yet.”
“How do you feel about Joe?” she asked.
You took a moment to form a response. There were so many things you admired about Joe. His humor, his wit, his good heart. The way he made you feel understood and loved. The way you could rely on him. Tears suddenly stung your eyes.
“Oh!” Virginia gasped when she noticed. “Well, then. That tells me all I need to know.”
“I love him,” you choked out anyway.
It felt good to say it to someone. You were in love with Joe. But he hadn’t said it to you, so you weren’t sure about saying it to him.
“I’m glad to hear that,” she said graciously. 
She paused a moment before continuing.
“It’s funny, seeing you two together,” she said. “I’m reminded of myself and Mr. Mazzello. The way you seem so at ease with one another and have fun. But behind all of it...I see the depth of what you feel. I know you’d be there for him when things got rough, just as he would be there for you.”
“Joe has been the most solid connection I’ve had,” you said. “He’s never let me down. Truly, Mrs. Mazzello, I see a future with him. Especially after today.” You took a moment to take a breath since your emotion was threatening to overwhelm you again. “I see it so clearly.”
“I’m touched that he means so much to you,” she said, opening her arms. “Come here, Y/N.”
You melted into her and let out a small sob. It hit you so suddenly how much you loved Joe and it had caught you off guard. When you settled down, she wiped your cheeks before kissing them. You beamed at each other.
Joe spoke to his mother next, while you went to chat with his siblings. Virginia took her son in her arms and held him for a quick moment before they sat down together.
“So, how’d it go with Y/N?” he asked.
“Wonderful,” she replied. “She cares for you, Joe.”
“I hope so,” he said with a chuckle.
“No, listen to me, honey,” she said. “I asked her point blank how she felt about you. And she started to cry. You mean a great deal to her.”
Joe flushed, both pleased and distressed by his mother’s words. He hated that you had gotten upset, but he was also touched by the sentiment. He had confessed that he was falling in love with you. Was now the time to tell you that he was there? He was so madly in love with you that he’d do anything in the world for you?
Inside, you had begun talking to Joe’s siblings, but his nieces and nephew quickly interjected.
“What’s your favorite thing about Uncle Joe?” you asked them.
“He’s fun!” his oldest nephew cried. “He always plays with us when the grown ups are being boring.”
“What’s your favorite game to play with him?” you asked.
“Tickle monster!” they all agreed.
“Do you want him to get married?” you wondered.
“Yes!” said his niece eagerly. “That way he can have babies too, and we’ll have even more cousins to play with!”
“Do you wanna have babies with Uncle Joe?” asked his other nephew.
You blinked, a bit taken aback. Then you smiled.
“Very much.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw John and Mary grin at one another.
All too soon, the sun went down and it was time for you to go. You said warm goodbyes to everyone before Joe led you out to the car that was waiting for you.
“What a great day,” he said, before leaning forward and kissing your forehead.
“It was wonderful,” you said. “Do you think if we asked nicely, they’d let us do it again?”
He chuckled. “Afraid not, babe. But hey, I’ll see you again soon.”
You looked into his eyes. He felt the brutal urge to tell you now that he was fully in love with you. He opened his mouth to let it out, but then closed it again. Something in his heart was telling him to wait.
Your brow furrowed. You were hoping Joe would say “I love you.” When he didn’t you were a bit disappointed.
“Everything okay?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said absentmindedly. “Yeah, I just...I had such a good time today and I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too,” you said.
You rested your head against his chest, not ready to let him go. You got a sudden burst of bravery.
“Joe, I -”
You stopped yourself. Why were you hesitating?
“Yes?” he pressed.
“I...I really am gonna miss you.”
His face fell, and you felt terrible. Why was this so hard to say? Perhaps because it meant so much.
“I’ll see you at the rose ceremony,” he said with a smile.
He kissed you once more. Then he opened the car door and you slid inside. You whispered a tearful goodbye to him, which he returned. Then he closed the door. The driver started down the street. You hung your head in your hands. 
“That was stupid,” you said to the camera. “I should have just told him.”
Little did you know, Joe was giving himself the exact same lecture. His only regret in the journey so far was not telling you just then that he loved you. He hoped it didn’t cost him a rose.
From New York, you flew back to Los Angeles for Rami’s hometown. The first three had gone so well, you had high hopes for the last. Rami’s family lived in Sherman Oaks. Most of his extended family was in Egypt, so - like Gwilym’s hometown - you would just be meeting his parents and his siblings. You were a bit nervous going in, since he had mentioned that his sister was protective.
All nerves melted away when you saw him. You surged forward to get to him and planted an enthusiastic kiss on him. He laughed into it, and held you tight.
“I’m so glad to see you,” he said. 
“I’m glad to see you too!” you returned. 
“I know you’re familiar with Los Angeles, so I wasn’t sure what we could do today,” he said. “But I thought of just a tour of where I grew up.”
“That’s perfect,” you said. “The whole idea is to get to know you better.”
“Awesome, let’s get started!”
For your tour of Rami’s corner of Los Angeles, you had scooters. They were ridiculously fun, even though frightening at first. Rami took you all over Sherman Oaks. He showed you his high school, where a few big name actors had also attended. He took you around his neighborhood, pointing out houses where his friends once lived, and the times they had together. You stopped at a park, where you got some ice cream and sat on a bench together.
“So, it seems like you enjoyed growing up here,” you said.
“I did,” he replied hesitantly.
You frowned. “What is it?”
“Y’know, growing up here was amazing,” he said. “But after 9/11, things changed. People say California is so progressive and welcoming, but after that happened, my family was treated differently, even here.”
“I’m so sorry,” you said, taking his hand. “That’s terrible.”
“We stopped speaking Arabic in public,” he said. “We tried even harder to assimilate. My father took down the Egyptian flag we used to hang outside. Even though we aren’t Muslim...or from the country that attacked that day...we were Middle Eastern enough for people to suddenly suspect us.”
“I don’t even know what to say,” you told him. “That’s just...horrible. And so brutally unfair.”
“It is,” he said. “Eventually, things settled down again, and our neighbors warmed back up. But it was never really the same. In school, I always felt like I was struggling. Having to tell people how to pronounce my name, only to have them butcher it or say it with some offensive accent. It wasn’t easy.”
He took a deep breath.
“But I’m really proud of my heritage,” he said. “I am Egyptian. No matter the generation or where I grew up. It’s part of me.”
“That’s beautiful, Rami,” you said. “You should be proud.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” he replied. “I just wanted to tell you this because my hometown isn’t all great memories. Parts of growing up were very difficult for me. And I wanted you to understand.”
“Believe me, I’m glad to listen to every part of how you grew up,” you said. “The good, the bad, and the ugly. I want to support you and help you through it.”
“You’re amazing,” he said.
“You’re even more so,” you returned.
You kissed him with a smile.
You didn’t stay out too much longer before you headed to his parents’ home. It was a decent sized suburban house, and you hoped his mother would appreciate the flowers. Rami told you to skip the wine because his parents didn���t drink. Out of respect for their home, you decided you would not partake while there. Rami told you how much he appreciated it.
When you walked up to the door, you gulped. You were always nervous right before meeting them. Then Rami kissed your cheek swiftly before opening the door. 
As soon as you were into the foyer, Rami’s brother crashed into him.
“Rami!” he cried, engulfing him into a hug.
Though he and his brother were twins, they had their distinctions. Rami was slimmer and just an inch or two shorter. Sami was broader with a more relaxed air about him. 
“Oh, this must be Y/N,” Sami said as he released his brother. “I’m Sami. It’s nice to meet you.”
You shook his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”
“Sami, are they -” Rami’s sister, Jasmine, came into the hall and stopped herself. “They are!”
She went to Rami and hugged him similarly to Sami. His parents appeared behind their daughter and grinned at the sight. You went over to them and offered the flowers.
“For you, Mrs. Malek,” you said.
She grinned. “Thank you, Y/N.”
His father also shook your hand before calling his children back with him to the kitchen. Mrs. Malek, whose name was Nelly, put the flowers into a vase. Mr. Malek, whose name was Said, checked on something in the oven which smelled delicious. You told him so and they thanked you.
“So, how’s it been so far?” Sami asked. “Been anywhere exciting?”
“We’ve been to Asheville, North Carolina,” Rami said. “Then we went to London.”
“Oh, I love London,” Jasmine interjected.
“It was amazing,” Rami told her. “And after that we went to Killarney, Ireland.”
“How fun!” Nelly said.
“We had a great time in Killarney,” you said, looking fondly at Rami and recalling your magical one on one date. 
“It was beautiful,” Rami agreed. “Especially the company.”
He put his arm around your shoulders and squeezed you as you giggled. You caught a disgusted look on Jasmine’s face, which discouraged you. You had the sense that she would take a while to warm up to you. Unfortunately, you only had one evening to change her mind.
Rami’s parents were incredibly kind. His mother was already teaching you some Arabic as you helped her prepare more food. It was just simple words here and there, but she told you that you were doing a great job. Meanwhile, Rami spoke to his siblings in the living room.
“Rami, I hate to be the wet blanket here,” Jasmine said. “But what are you doing?”
“Enjoying an evening with my girlfriend and family,” he replied. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve known this girl barely two months,” she continued. “All while she’s been dating thirty other men.”
“I know what I signed up for,” he said.
“I still don’t understand why you even signed up,” she snapped.
“Hey, calm down,” Sami said. “Love happens in crazy ways. Who's to say this isn’t how it’s meant to work out for Rami?”
“Because it’s ridiculous,” Jasmine said. “How can she really love you if she is also falling in love elsewhere? And what about your career?”
“What about it?” Rami demanded.
“Don’t you think you should wait for marriage and a family until you’ve established yourself more as an actor?” she wondered. “This is a huge commitment.”
“We’ve talked about it,” he said. “She knows that we could balance it.”
“Probably not the way she’s thinking,” she said. “I saw her on the last season. This girl is ready to settle down properly. Is that something you want?”
“We can talk more about it,” Rami said. “Right now, all I need for you to do is be my sister and support me.”
“I am doing that,” she said. “And one day, you’ll see just how much.”
With that, she swept from the room. Rami scowled.
“She’s making some good points, Rami,” Sami said. 
“No, she isn’t,” Rami argued. “This is something Y/N and I have already discussed and worked out.”
Sami sighed. “Alright then.”
Dinner was ready within the next few minutes. It went smoothly. You liked Rami’s family and the way they interacted. Teasing and fun, but with lots of love. Rami was clearly the apple of his mother’s eye especially. 
When dinner was over, Jasmine asked to speak to you. You were glad for the chance because you wanted to be close to her if it was you and Rami at the end of this. Together, you went out to the back porch and took seats on the cushioned wicker furniture.
“Y/N, I want to start by saying that I don’t have a problem with you personally, but this process makes no sense to me,” she began.
“I understand that,” you said. “It’s difficult for lots of people to understand unless you’re in it. But it’s just a way for people to find love. Like any dating app or even the traditional stuff. It just happens to be on TV as well.”
“But the expectation is not traditional,” Jasmine said. “The idea is to get engaged after just two months.”
“It seems fast, but believe me, the feelings are real,” you told her. “What I feel for Rami...that’s real. Whether other people understand it or not.”
“But you also have real feelings for three other men,” she pointed out.
That stung. You understood why the families were concerned about this. They didn’t want their loved one to be the one to get hurt. But this was the process that you all signed up for, and you were growing tired of this being thrown in your face.
“I do,” you said. “But every relationship is different.”
“So, tell me what you and Rami have discussed about life outside of this,” she said. “You know he wants to be an actor.”
“He already is an actor,” you replied. “We’ve talked about how we would balance schedules with each other and if we have children.”
Jasmine sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Then she looked at you, a hard expression in her eyes.
“Rami is ambitious about his acting career,” she said. “Now isn’t the time for him to be getting married and starting a family.”
You wanted to flare up and scream at her, but you held back.
“Don’t you think that’s something Rami should decide for himself?” you countered.
“Y/N, listen to me,” she said. “I’m not saying this to be a bitch. I’m saying this for both your sakes. Let’s say this goes well and you and Rami get engaged. If you have to wait for his acting career to take off before you can be a mother, you are going to resent him. If he sacrifices his aspirations in order to stay where he is and be with you, he is going to resent you. He’s not ready.”
“Why would he come on this show if he’s not ready?” you challenged, trying not to let her words take root in your heart. But you couldn’t deny the truth of them.
“Probably because - like anyone - he does want love,” she said. “But he’s not ready for the commitment you want from him.”
You let that sink in. Tears welled up in your eyes. You were still falling in love with Rami, and hated the thought of saying goodbye to him.
“Excuse me,” you said, getting up from your seat.
You walked out into the yard and around the side of the house, sniffling. A tear slid down your cheek. This was the last thing you expected from his family. For them to tell you that even if you and Rami love each other, these things would get in the way. It hurt so much to hear because Jasmine was right. You were afraid of resentment building if either of you had to wait for your dreams.
You turned and saw Rami standing there, a little winded and looking concerned. 
“What did she say?” he demanded when he saw you crying.
You broke down and told him. He heaved a sigh and pulled you into his arms.
“Y/N, don’t listen to that,” he said. “We can figure out how to plan our lives after an engagement. We don’t have to get married and have kids right away, we’ve got a lot of time.”
You pushed him away.
“Is that what you think I want?” you asked. “To just be indefinitely engaged? Without a plan? To basically be dating each other after this?”
“No, I’m sorry,” he said. “I understand you want a serious commitment, and I’m willing to give that to you if I have to.”
“If you have to?” you questioned. “Rami, I need someone who really, really wants that. I’m upset because I think Jasmine is right. We don’t want the same things going back into the world after all this.”
His eyes filled with tears too. “I want you, Y/N. I love you.”
You blinked and looked at the ground. “I don’t know if that’s enough.”
He sucked in a sharp breath at your words, and you couldn’t look at him.
“So...what do we do?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you whispered.
You stood there a brief moment, wondering where to go from here. 
“I’m not ready to say goodbye,” you said. 
“I’m not either,” he said.
“At least we can agree on that,” you said with a humorless laugh.
Another beat passed.
“I need to go,” you said. “I have a lot to think about.”
“Y/N, please…” he trailed off.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I just have to go.”
With that, you walked out to the front of the house. You couldn’t say goodbye to his family like this, not when you were falling apart. Alone, you went to the car that was waiting for you and climbed into the back seat, closing the door behind you. As you pulled away, you looked into the camera.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you said. “I really just don’t know.”
The next day, you woke still conflicted. You had a rose ceremony that night, and you had to decide who to send home. Rami’s hometown date had been the least successful, but it opened your eyes to what might happen if you went down this road with him. But you also felt confused about Joe because of the moment before you left and he didn’t tell you he loved you. But Gwilym hadn’t either. The only one you were sure was getting a rose so far was Ben. His family was sweet, and you had no doubts about where you stood with him. You were absolutely ready to move forward with that relationship. The others...you had to consider and weigh your options.
You were meeting the men back at the Bachelor Mansion, where the journey began. Chris stood out front, where you had been night one to meet the men. The remaining four were arriving one by one before going into the rose ceremony.
Joe was the first to arrive. He smiled at Chris as he walked up to shake his hand.
“Joe, how are you?” Chris asked politely.
“I’m feeling pretty good,” Joe answered. “I think my hometown could have ended better, but I hope that’s not enough to lose a rose tonight.”
“Well, good luck, my friend,” Chris said. “Go ahead inside.”
“Thanks,” Joe replied.
He walked through the house and into the courtyard. He stood to one side and looked at the little table with just three roses on it.
Rami arrived next. He couldn’t smile just yet. 
“Rami, how’re you doing?” Chris asked.
“I’m anxious,” Rami said. “Things didn’t go well on the hometown date and I...I wish I had more time to talk to her before all this.”
“If the connection is there, she knows how to move forward,” Chris said. “Go ahead inside and good luck.”
“Thank you, Chris,” Rami said.
He followed Joe’s path. He finally grinned when he saw Joe and the two embraced. Then Rami spotted the roses and swallowed, wondering if he would get one.
Ben was third to arrive. He had a wide smile on his face.
“What’s up, buddy?” Chris asked as they shook hands and clapped each other on the shoulder. “You look happy.”
“I am happy,” Ben said. “I think things went really well, so I’m feeling confident about tonight.”
“That’s great to hear,” Chris said. “Go ahead inside and best of luck to you.”
“Thank you,” Ben replied.
He walked into the courtyard and he was pleased to see Joe and Rami already there. He gave them both quick hugs before taking his place in line.
Finally, Gwilym arrived. He straightened his tie as he stepped out of the limo and approached Chris.
“Gwilym, how are you?” Chris asked as they shook hands.
“I’m nervous,” Gwil admitted. “But I think everything went well enough. I just hope she feels the same way I do.”
“I hope so too,” Chris said. “Go ahead in and good luck.”
“Thank you so much,” Gwilym returned.
He too made his way to the courtyard, where the other three men stood. They all embraced him when he arrived, but quickly resumed their spots. Things had changed between them now that it was more serious. They all considered each other friends, and they respected one another, but there was some tension now. They waited.
You were the last one to get there. As you walked into the courtyard in your gown, you took a deep breath. You had made up your mind, but now you had to go through with it. You were going to hurt someone you cared a lot about - someone you loved - and that was never easy.
“Hi,” you said meekly as you looked at the four men before you. “Thank you all for being so gracious and allowing me to meet the important people in your life. I felt truly honored. I got a glimpse into what the future would be like with each of you, and it really helped me see who has the most potential to be my husband.”
Rami hung his head at these words. Then he looked at you again as you picked up the first rose. 
“Ben,” you said.
He let out a sigh and walked up to you.
“Ben, will you accept this rose?” you asked.
“I will,” he replied.
You pinned it to his jacket. You picked up the second.
“Gwilym,” you called.
His body relaxed at the sound of his name and then he approached you.
“Gwilym, will you accept this rose?”
“Of course I will.”
You pinned it on and he kissed your cheek before returning to his spot. Your heart began to pound inside your chest. Chris came out and put a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N, gentlemen,” he said. “This is the final rose tonight. Whenever you’re ready.”
He let go and you inhaled deeply. The exhale was slow and shaky. With a trembling hand, you picked up the last rose. You looked at Rami and you looked at Joe. Your eyes watered.
“Joe,” you choked out.
Joe’s relief was written all over his face as he walked over to you.
“Joe, will you accept this rose?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even.
“I will, Y/N, thank you,” he replied.
He had to help you put it on since your hands were so unsteady. Then he gave you a quick hug before returning to his spot.
“Rami, I’m sorry,” Chris said. “Take a moment, say your goodbyes.”
Rami was shaken. He had hoped that you could move past what Jasmine said and work through those issues together. Especially since you told him you weren’t ready to say goodbye. And here you were, saying it anyway.
He gave short hugs to the remaining men, who all whispered some words of comfort to him. Then he slowly walked to you. You had tears streaming steadily down your face. You tried to inhale, but you were short of breath.
“Can I - can I walk you out?” you asked through a sob.
“Yeah,” he said gently.
You took his hand and started back inside the mansion to exit through the front door. When you got to the driveway, you stopped and sat him down on a bench.
“I’m so sorry, Rami,” you whimpered. “I just...I don’t ever want to hold you back. You’re so talented and you’ve got so much to give, and I never want to stand in your way.”
“I don’t think you would…” he said.
Rami was numb. He still could hardly believe it was ending.
“I would,” you sobbed. “I want to settle down and have someone who comes home every night to me and the kids, y’know? And with what you want out of your life, that could never be us. As much as I care about you…”
He blinked and you saw a tear roll down his cheek slowly.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said.
“I love you too, Rami,” you replied. “But that kind of love isn’t enough to have a successful marriage between people as different as we are.”
A beat passed and you sniffled again.
“I want you to know that you’re amazing,” you said. “My feelings for you are so deep and so real, and that’s why this hurts so much. You deserve a successful career and someone who can be there for you through it. But that’s just not me.”
“I understand,” he said.
He began to move, as if suddenly gaining feeling back in his limbs.
“This is where we say goodbye, then,” he said.
“Goodbye, Rami,” you returned.
He hugged you. You held him for a moment, but you knew you had to let him go.
“When you win an Oscar, I’ll be cheering for you,” you teased, forcing a smile through your tears.
He chuckled halfheartedly. “Thanks. Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye,” you breathed.
With that, he opened the door and climbed in. You closed it and watched the tail lights disappear through the gate. You let out one final sob and dabbed at your eyes.
Rami, once inside the car, put his head in his hands and tried to breathe. He released a small whine, but kept his face covered. Then he took a deep breath and moved his hands to wipe his face.
“God,” he sighed. “I’m...I hate this. I really wanted to be with her and I hate that she couldn’t see a future anymore. F**k.”
He paused.
“I still love her.”
Back at the mansion, you had your makeup touched up before returning to the three men you had left. Your nose still ran and bit, and your eyes were still red and puffy, but you went to them anyway. They offered sympathetic smiles as you walked up.
“So, um,” you began, voice shaking again. “That was really difficult. But, I really am happy to be moving forward with all of you.”
Joe handed you a glass of champagne. They all already held one.
“Next week is a big week,” you said. “It’s fantasy suites, and where we’re going really is a fantasy.”
“Where is it?” wondered Ben.
“Gentlemen, we are going to New Zealand!”
They cheered and toasted to that. You hoped you were ready for the overnight dates. But you looked at the faces of each of these men and smiled. You were ready. You absolutely trusted them with your heart.
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Scarlet marks ch3
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Pennywise x Beverly
summery: who knew she would end up here? Beverly, having started her work in fashion as a young bright secretary under the older tom Rogan. now forced to sexually serve slimy old politicians under toms vicious grip for power and money. forced into following toms political flock to Derry. she runs into a familiar face, wearing a silver clown suit, out on a special hunt. (mainly smut
status: In progress
rated: M - fowl language, gore, and sex scenes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
previous chap: Scarlet marks ch 2
next chap: Scarlet marks ch 4
~ch:3 Business deal~
Beverly woke slowly to the new morning light passing through the wagon window. Stretching out from Pennywise's grasp in bed. Attempting to get out of bed stopped by the clown. “stay in bed again. You know I can pay.”
“no can do Mr. clown.” slipping from his grasp to count the money he set on her jacket. Packing it all away to then put on her shoes to leave.
“why?!” the clown disappointed she said no, but not leaping out of bed to stop her.
“tom set me up for a political meeting. I'll be booked from this morning to lunch or even past dinner. By that point I'll only want to sleep.” not letting his expectations get too high on anything after the meeting.
“hmpf, I bet I can pay higher then those clowns.” his joke earning a laugh from Beverly.
“yes, but its not the money Tom wants from them. Its the power and the immunity.”
“so these things are always mandatory business meetings.”
“well, if things don't work out I'll be here for you.” waving her goodbye out the door. Being given a returning wave from Beverly.
She unenthusiastically walked over to the large lodge where the “political meeting” was held. Passing over a tall hill to cross under the arch marking the entrance of the property. At the hills top she stopped at the sight of police and ambulances around the property. Rushing down to figure out what was going on, she met up with a few of her clients gathering outside. A closer look having her see a car crashed into the wall. She turned to the older gentlemen muttering between themselves.
catching the men's attention. “uh, I came for the meeting from Tom.”
“ah, yes. Tell Tom we need to reschedule.” the big wig out of them all spoke.
“what happened?”
“Baskins accidentally drove into the building. Injured quite a lot after plowing through the wall.”
another speaking up. “his eye sight has gotten so horrible.”
and another speaking. “we keep telling him to just get a driver.” all of them shaking their heads in shame for him to nodding in agreement. None seeming too surprised or concerned for Baskins condition.
“oh, sorry to hear. I'll let Tom know.” faking her sadness until she was out of their view. Excited to head back over to Pennywise's wagon. Hiding her excitement when knocking at his door. Needing to look away with a heavy blush when he answered the door in only a towel wrapped around his hips. Pale skin glowing under the bright sunny sky. Muscles shifting around as he leaned against his door way.
“back so soon? Was the party full?” he joked.
“sorta, a car through the wall killed the partying mood. Still want to do a day date?”
“sure, want to join me for my bath?”
“i am up for it.” following him inside to the bathroom. The tub full of steamy water and rose petals. A wooden side platter settled temporarily on the sink covered in finger food. Fancy fruit stacks, meats, crackers, cheeses, caviar and various toasted bread slices for the spreads.
“want some wine to relax with?” offering as she undressed.
“sounds nice.” smiling as he left for a moment to grab a bottle and two glasses from a small cupboard. He returned to settle into the bath first, then her, and settling the wood food board across the tub as a makeshift table. Pouring a generous amount of wine for them both to sip on between bits of food. She hummed between the food and the lovely massaging he started on her shoulders.
“your muscles are very tense.” rubbing along her back.
“heh, they've been that way for a long time. May as well be their normal state.” taking a big gulp of wine before eating some caviar on a bread slice. Enjoying the foods delicately set up on the board.
“you doing all this work for Tom right? I assume you've tried leaving, but how is he keeping you?”
she sighed. “business meetings.” then continued. “tom has those stuffy old dudes in his pocket in exchange for my service. They don't want to lose that so they pull favors for Tom to keep me working. I even purposefully got arrested once and was back at toms a few hours later. No cop would bother me after getting the memo from the big wigs.”
“ah, explains a lot.” sipping some wine down with a bite of meat. Both surprised by the small flip phone in Beverlys jacket ringing.
“shit!” she scrambled to grab her jacket and the phone out of the pocket. “hello?”
“what the fuck happened to the meeting?!” toms  voice loud enough for Pennywise to clearly hear.
“they canceled a-”
“we needed the money from that party! Now you have to make up the loss before I get back!” the call cut after his order.
Beverly quietly shut the phone to frustratingly bump her head on the tubs edging. Chugging the rest of her wine glass down.
“how much you need and before when?” the clown asked.
“20 thousand in 3 days.”
“is that all?” he laughed as he pulled her close. “how bout we have a little business agreement. For each 24 hours you stick with me I'll give you a chunk of the amount. By the time Tom returns you'll have the amount ready and more.” nuzzling into her neck for a small nip.
“cant say no to that.” chuckling at the affection. Holding her glass out as he refilled them.
His attention turned to her clothes off to the side. “need to pick up clothes for the visit?”
“mm, that's actually my only set. Tom only gets me sexy outfits and any other public ware I had got destroyed or “misplaced” by Tom.”
“i like sexy outfits, but not if were heading out.” he chuckled. “we'll have to fix that later.” kissing and nipping along her shoulder.
“oh will we, Mr clown?” rubbing herself back into him. Feeling his hands rub up along her sides to fondle her breasts. Moving back down to grab her ass and get her out of the tub. Between all the kissing and handling the rooms flashed by her. Now on the bed still dripping water to soak into the fabric beneath them. Laying stomach down as he straddled over her. His hips grinding down onto hers with both hands pushing her shoulders into the mat.
Completely helpless under his dominant position, not that she cared. Breathing his comforting scent off his bedding. Their was something so intoxicating about it. She wanted more of the scent, more of him the longer she seeped into it. Shutting her eyes to the thrusts he gave causing a small twinge of pain. Maybe actually being caused by his claws digging into her shoulders leaving drops of blood to pool at the surface. Above her he was growling and drooling uncontrollably. Drops falling from his jaws to land over her back.
This time he was rougher in handling her position. Pinned down unable to squirm from his fast thrusting hips. Hiking her hips up to spare no space away from his. She winced here and there under his firmness, but she submitted to letting him make all the moves. His rod so deep inside with little pull out bringing a large enough satisfaction for her to stay still. When his peek came she felt the thick cum fill her to the brim. Different then before with it all staying inside. He shoved himself in so tightly he blocked any of it from pouring free.
Her body chilled under the effect, fearful that any movement would loosen him too much. Remaining still for so long had her body aching for more. Something was missing again, her body having space for  more of him to spill deep down. She only shifted her hips slightly back into his, but it was enough to set him off. Letting out a animalistic growl in warning right as he bit into the back of her neck. Teeth prickling at the skin there to prevent her from doing anything more.
The worry she would have gotten by such an aggressive move crushed by his thrusting. Slamming hard enough the bed rocked under the movements. That being exactly what her body wanted, letting out a chorus of uncontrollable moans. Exciting his own body to be rougher on the submissive female below him. Flooding her with hot cum until her body couldn't hold any more. Gushing out around his dick doing its best to block the flow. Her tightened legs couldn't help anymore after shivering too much following the waves of pleasure. One last load puddling a large amount out onto the bed.
Both their body's going limp in riding the last pleasuring wave. His body laying over hers with his face buried into the back of her head. Licking at the skin reddened by his rough bite down along to her shoulders. Healing the bleeding claw marks dug into her. Beverly laying in bliss as he treated her wounds. Gasping out when he slipped free of her to stand off the bed.
he joked while stoking his hands down along her back. “heh, I think we need another bath.”
her body sensitive to what ever movement she made. “ugh, fuck me.” Turning over to sit up in bed while fabric stuck to her legs slick with cum.
“so soon?” he laughed.
She held in a chuckle to throw a pillow at him. “shut up!” exhausted, but tempted. “hand me my jacket.” holding out her hand toward it. Careful when taking it, from him, to not get it dirty across the coated bedding.  Standing up to lean against the wall while avoiding her gaze landing on the naked clown stretching not to far. Blushing at the feeling of a lot of liquid flowing down her legs. Swallowing  from the satisfied smirk he shot her with a lick of his jaws flecking a little drool.
She turned her focus to pulling out her birth control from the jacket pocket. Right as she tossed the medication into her mouth the smirking look on the clowns face dropped. She didn't have a chance to swallow before he was back on her. Kissing her deeper then before that his tongue took over her whole mouth. The pill lost for a brief moment in the surprise devouring of her mouth. Yet, she won the dominant fight of tongues long enough to find and swallow the medication. His tongue ready to chase it down her throat if her gag reflex wasn't caught so badly. He pulled back when she pushed him back for air between coughs. Hearing a deep guttural growl escape him.
“fuck, what was that f-?!” her voice cut off from him claiming her mouth again. Hiking her legs up to swiftly thrust her back into the wall. She moaned on the taste of him wrapping around her tongue. Grabbing onto his shoulders in similar positioning to their first night together in the ally. This time wasn't as gentle with far more domination from him. Beverly snickering at the frustrated growls he let out the longer she fought with his tongue taking over her mouth. Sucking on the incredibly long organ tasting of lightly sweet caramel popcorn. Almost swallowing it down at the shock of a deep thrust spilling more cum into her. Enough of a distraction for him to win the fight of tongues by filling her mouth all the way. Submitting under him he kissed her head back into the wall.
Relaxing to the repeated rounds of filling he did one right after another. A whole other mess created where they were. Finishing up, his tongue retracted from her mouth to lick across her lips. A sense of Déjà vu crossing her after being gently set down on shaking legs.
“wow.” was all she could pant out while holding onto him for support. She had completely forgotten what she was going to shout at him for.
“let me help.” hugging her close to carry her into the bathroom for another bath.
Her bath hardly relaxing as he watched her so intently from the other side of the tub. She was expecting him at any moment to start another round. As she felt earlier, tempted, but far too exhausted to start. Especially after that last few rounds leaving her legs shaking. Despite the warm bath they weren't relaxing enough to hold still this time.
“i don't think I can walk anymore.” rubbing her legs to relax the muscle as much as she could.
“was I too rough?” asking her gently from his side of the tub.
“god no. I just wished I had the energy you have to keep up.” her laughter cut by him coming intimately close to kiss her neck. Stopping him this time with a bright blush. “whoa big boy! I am gonna have to clock out for today. One more round and I'll pass out on you.”
“i wouldn't mind.” he laughed in backing away. “we should really fetch you more clothes. They get ruined so easily, or would you like to chance it walking around without tonight?” he teased.
“you'd like that.” teasing him back. “ I need some water first before I go anywhere.”
“how about a meal? Didn't have much of a breakfast and now its already lunch.”
“sounds good to me.”
resting in the wagon managing to relax her legs enough that they went off to eat at a nice little diner. Needing to wrap an arm around greys to keep steady on her feet long enough. Quietly eating their wonderful lunch she noticed he was staring intently again. “what?” she asked between bites of food.
stretching a grin. “nothing, just thinking what I am going to do to you.” his answer leaving another blush on her face. She momentarily stopped eating to regather herself.
This had gone on the entire day, him staring at her. Stirring a feeling in Beverly she wasn't sure was right or not. Picking out clothes after their meal she became lost in her own thoughts. He'd been driving her wild in bed to the point she was willing to submit to whatever he wanted. Unconcerned by all the scarlet marks covering her body like a road map of his sexual thrills with her. Maybe this was getting too unsafe, after all with what he truly was. Another part of it was how she could be using him to placate Tom. Having him conjure up so much money to letting him buy her all these things.
Leaving her to question it all on “why?” in her mind. “Where would this road lead and how would it end? Was this some silent deal to do this forever?” rubbing absent minded at a t-shirt in hand. “that wouldn't be possible. The politics would want to move again eventually and Tom will force me to come with them.” all this time in pennywise's wagon had made her too comfortable. She shouldn't get used to it, it would be harder to adjust when she had to return to working the streets late into the night. Once Tom returns she'll need to lower her time with the clown. who knows how well that will be taken by him when the time comes.
The days flew by with their bedded plays leaving them both resting satisfied together. The only point when time seemed to slow down was when they left the wagon. Eating out or for a stroll by the river on a nice sunny day. Even those sometimes turning into a thrilled play of possibly being caught in public. Then it all ended on the last day with Beverly needing to return to Tom in the morning of his return. Taking a lot of time counting the huge amount of cash Pennywise gave to her as promised. A whopping whole 60 thousand, making her 3 times what she needed to fill her order.
“okay, its all there.” wrapping the wads with rubber bands to carefully hide in her pockets.
“after you see Tom will you be coming back?”
“uh, I have to see what Tom says. He may force me to stay in today.” feeling nervous deep down on returning. Should she tell him now that she wants to lessen her visits with him? starting to pack up all the outfits he bought her on their first day together.
“why don't you leave those here?” the idea having her pause. It would be a good idea, but that meant she'd have to return regularly as if she lived here. “You said Tom doesn't like you having non sexy clothes. They'll be safer here.” he suggested while giving that staring look again.
She was confused why he had picked it up all of a sudden. Maybe being connected with why he was rougher then before and why he was so focused on repeatedly causing a mess. When he saw her taking birth control he was obsessed in keeping her in bed. She'd seen it in other guys who took it as a nice sign to let them freely ride raw. Wouldn't surprise her it thrilled him the same way.
“yeah.” she ended up agreeing. Her chest warming at the decision, another strange sensation she had been dealing with since being with him for so long. She wanted to please him, do whatever he wanted, she wanted him to be pleasured and happy. In turn it warmed her to feeling happy around him. Safe in his grasp that she never wanted to leave, but life with Tom forced her to. Leaving the wagon with a wave goodbye, receiving one in return as he watched her go.
Meeting with Tom at home he was thrilled by the large amount she had brought home. So much he allowed her to take a few days off … from working the streets. Instead acting as some show off prize during nonworking meetings that were actual party's. Press coming by to take photos together as some happy business couple. Tom doing some political money laundering under the guise of their dead fashion industry. Beverly wore a fake happy smile through it all, but was dead inside. Biting her tongue through multiple creepy old politicians complimenting her looks and talking to Tom about other meetings to set up between her and them.
They were very open about it too when the reporters were gone. Talking across the dinner table inside the house while she sat nearby picking at her food. Too sick to take a bite that would cause her to vomit it right back onto the plate. Swallowing down her stomach when the agreement was finalized through a large payment. Dinner finished a small part of the political flock left back to their homes while the ones who paid stayed. Quite a large group Beverly had to suck up to like she was being done a favor to serve such powerful people.
Between her sucking up to the large party she weaved out for some space to breath. Looking annoyed at the crowd she spots one tall man standing out from the others. Dressed more old fashioned without a normal party tux while far younger then everyone. Those golden eyes turning into a grayish blue when she locked onto him. Through the crowd grey had caught up to her without another soul questioning his presence. This party becoming far more fun for her.
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can-u-imagine-that · 5 years
Title: Jealous;
Fandom: The Avengers;
Character: Pietro Maximoff;
Request by anon: Can you do one where pietro gets jealous and hasn't admitted his feelings for you yet, so he acts like an asshole and you finally question him and he's all shy and acute about it aos since it's his first time being jealous
Request by second anon: Hello!!! I love your writing style! I wanted to ask for a Pietro imagine where he is figuring out things because he was raised to learn that loving someone is weakness... and then you help him understanding about love and you end up dating.
Note: Y/N: Your Name;
Warning: Cursing;
Note: Thank you for requesting 💕 and since I had these two for a while I decided to put them together as a single imagine. Hope you don't mind!
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You were usually a rather calm person. Treated everyone nicely, smiled all the time, everything was always alright for you. Being an S.H.I.E.L.D’s medic you had to keep your cool during pressure situations and you were pretty good at that.
But lately you wanted to punch Pietro right in the guts.
So. Fucking. Much.
Ever since you started frequenting more often the Avenger’s Facility he had been acting like a complete asshole with you. Which didn’t match him at all, because after de Sokovia incident you had became really close. Being the medic you had to work with the Avengers and other S.H.I.E.L.D agents to rescue and take care of all the wounded.
Pietro was the one that helped you the most. He would take you to the most difficult locations that required imediate help, like people who were stuck under walls or to hurt to move in areas with hard access. In the begging you actually felt ashamed of how bluntly he would grab your waist and carry you in his arms - that is after the nauseas from the speed - towards those in need. But once you got used to it, you were able to focus only in your patients.
After that you naturaly drifted close to each other.
You learned about his and Wanda’s story, about their redemption with the Avengers and how much it meant to them this second chance they were getting. He was usually a prick with Tony and Clint, but you could see that as the time went by they created a family-like bond almost as strong as the one you had with your own family.
Wherever you were off duty you would spend your time with him or Wanda and soon you started going to the Avenger’s Facility more often. And of course, that meant you developed a huge friendship with all of them and a huge crush on Pietro.
It started as a joke.
With him calling you “baby” and offering to pay something for you as your boyfriend. You laughed, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, allowing him to pay, stating he did only his obligation as the super hero one in the relationship. And then to your surprise and embarassment he sneakead his arm around your waist, pulling you against his body, laughing. You blushed and pushed him, walking away missing the funny spark on his eyes.
It ended up becoming a habit.
Acting as if you were lovers sometimes, jokingly. And soon turned into a flirtatious thing between you two. And you loved it because as friendly as Pietro could get with other people he would never to that to any of them. It was something only between you and him.
After a few weeks, wanting to be closer to him, you started hanging more and more on the Avenger’s Facility. That’s when he started changing.
At first he would just act a little grumpy, not smiling often like he used to and you thought that he just had woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something. The playful thing you two had together disappeared. Then he started to be rude, roll his eyes, scoff and be a freaking sarcastic idiot. You tried to talk to him once but he just shrugged and walked away, saying that it was none your business.
You were usually really strong when it came to people acting like that towards you. S.H.I.E.L.D training wasn’t easy, especially during the begging and even more to rookies. Other rookies would gang up and could be really cruel sometimes. You learnt how to deal with them of course but seeing Pietro acting like those idiots really hurt you. Your chest tighted and you furrowed your brows, staring at his broad back as he walked away from you yet again.
But something you learned after all that time dealing with those assholes were to never give up. And it was Pietro. He could have ran away. But he didn’t. So you knew he definitely didn’t want to stay completely away from you.
“Hey! Stop with the bullshit, Pietro!” you grabbed his arm, forcing him to face you.
“What the hell, Y/N. Leave me alone. I already told you it’s none of your business.” his accent usually made you suspire, but at the moment it just made you angrier. Why did he have to be so sexy?
"I'm the one who should be saying what the hell here!" you stated angrily "You are acting like a fucking asshole and I can't even know why? Oh and detail: you're only doing it with me! So cut the crap and just tell me what the hell is wrong with you?"
He rolled his eyes angrily.
"Pietro..." you controled your tone, approaching him slowly again, finaly managing to get him to look at you. You told yourself to be honest with what you were feeling instead of trying to just push him into talking, so that's what you did "Please... tell me what's going on... I... I miss you... I really do... and you've barely even looked at me lately. I have no idea what I did wrong. Please. Talk to me..."
This broke Pietro completely. The way you sounded hurt. He never imagined that somehow he could affect you this way.
"I don't know either..." He answered with a huge frown.
"Wait, what?" You exclaimed exasperated "You are kidding me right now, right?"
"I'm not..." his voice no longer had the angry tone, now showing a confuse one "C-can we talk somewhere else then, please?"
You nodded turning to walk but surprisingly so he grabbed you by the waist just like when you first worked together running somewhere. Being so close to him again made your heart skip a beat and you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his neck.
Or course by the time you had wrapped them you were already on the rooftop of the Facility and you had to let go of Pietro.
He seemed to also linger a little bit more than necessary holding you, but soon you were both sitting there looking up as the clouds passed by.
You knew he hated doing that kind of thing, it bored him to death. But he knew you loved it. He was trying to make you feel better. So maybe you should've tried to talk to him earlier.
"So... let me try to understand you..." you started, looking at him "Why were you acting like that with me?"
He sighed running his hands through his hair.
"I don't know how to explain..." he groaned throwing himself back, lying on the ground.
"Try remembering when it started then. It might help..." you said, turning so you were now lying on your belly looking at his handsome face, with your own face being supported by your hands.
"Well..." if you were correct, you could see a blush spreading in his pale skin "Lately... when you come around I can't help but feel annoyed... ever since you started to hang to much on the Facility..."
"Alright... but... why? Don't you like me being around more often?" You bit your lip, feeling really disappointed and not hiding it from your voice.
"No, no, it's not like that..." he quickly corrected, sitting up and almost bumping his head into yours, making you also sit again "I... I just feel it when you come but instead of hanging with me like you always do you... well, you just..."
"I just what, Pietro?" Noticing that he was starting to stutter, you pressed him a little. His accent increased a lot and he was fumbling with his fingers.
Pietro fucking Maximoff was acting adorably cute.
Maybe because he actually started to realize how much he was acting like a child towards you. And you started to understand what he was feeling.
"You just go and... and... train with Clint or Steve. Or goes around talking about stuff I don't understand with Tony and Natasha. I even get mad with my sister sometimes... because they keep... taking you away... and you just... go with them..."
You were dumbstruck.
Pietro was just feeling jealous.
That was it.
"Look. I grew up on a Facility, being trained to be a weapon, being experienced on day after day, always locked... I grew up... just feeling hate." you sighed, knowing he was being truthful and it hurt to imagine "And suddenly when I come out and meet you... I started to feel so much more... You don't understand how overwhelming it is sometimes. Wanda says she understands but I don't think she does."
Wait. Was he saying...?
"Pietro..." you whispered, approaching him until you could lean your head on his shoulder "Sometimes you are such a... jerk that I forget what you had to go through..."
He laughed slightly, letting his own head lean against yours.
"What you're feeling is simply jealousy..." you explained "You just ended up making a huge deal out of it and reacted in a really bad way. When this happens again just come to me... I promise I'll try giving you more attention."
You let a small giggle, while Pietro pouted cutely.
"It pisses me off so much. I don't even understand why it happens only with you. As I said... my feelings get overwhelming."
You heart was racing like mad. It's was not possible that he didn't knew what he was doing to you. It couldn't be. He had to be teasing. This innocent side of Pietro was something completely new.
After giving it a little thought though you managed to clear your head enough and came to the conclusion thay actually, it was possible he wasn't teasing. He never had any contact with anyone besides his sister. Even the doctors and scientists weren't allowed to try developing any kind of bond with them.
Pietro joked with you, right. But you never knew about or saw him with someone else. Which made you relieved, of course.
"Y'know... actually... I might know what is going on with me... it's just that..." he took a deep breath and you placed your hand against his, showing that you had patience and would wait until he was ready to share whatever it was with you. He squeezed your hand back "I've been taught that those feelings are nothing but a waste of time. Weakness. That I wasn't meant to feel this... thing."
"You don't have to be afraid of saying it, Pietro." You said soflty, looking up at him, gathering all your courage to lift your hand to his cheek "Really... I know it might be... silly... but it might be easier to admit once you say out loud... And this feeling. It doesn’t make you weak. On the contrary. Most people are stronger when they have someone they feel this to fight for. So... wanna try saying it out loud?"
"Love, Y/N..." he surprised you by saying it without any hesitation “I believed that this kind of feeling only got in the way of everything. Like it wasn’t something good enough to be felt. But then you came along. And you make me feel like it’s worth it. You made me enjoy it. And you were right... saying out loud makes it easier to admit it. I was angry with everyone because they took you away from me when I wanted to have you all to myself... I fel in love with you...”
You were speachless, your eyes never leaving his. A beautiful smile graced your lips and you laughed, tearing up a bit, because, holy shit you had fallen hard for Pietro and he just kept making you love him even more. You didn’t had to voice it since it was crystal clear in your eyes how you felt and Pietro being himself, acted on it as soon as he understood it.
At first he tentatively pressed his mouth against yours, making you let out a shaky breath. The contact alone brough goosebumps all over your body. He parted his lips and you kissed him back, slowly, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth.
As you parted he smirked at your red face.
Pietro’s lips crashed against yours again, this time with more urgency and need. His fingers curled into your hair and his body scooted closer to yours. The warmth radiating from him made your head spin while the rhytm of his kiss rended you breathless in a short while. 
For someone not used to physical relationships he sure learned fast.
“Well...” he whispered languidly between little kisses in your face “I guess this solves my problem... next time I feel jealous again I’ll just steal you away and have you all to myself...”
“Pietro, you can’t act like this...” you managed to answer before he captured your lower lip, biting it and kissing you fervently again.
“Of course I can.”
“And what makes you think so?”
“I think me being your actual boyfriend is a good start, don’t you agree?”
You stopped for a moment. Laughing, you answered before capturing his lips again.
“Fair enough...”
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diyunho · 4 years
The Joker x Reader -”What Death Tastes Like”
Scarecrow’s daughter might be only 22, yet the terminal lung cancer she was diagnosed with six months ago didn’t discriminate against her age; the young woman didn’t show worrisome symptoms until it was too late. Y/N always had a fascination for the much older King of Gotham and despite the consequences, maybe it’s finally time to do something about it.
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Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5
“Hi daddy,” Emma enters the kitchen and you follow, immediately greeting The Joker.
“Hello Mister J.”
“Pumpkin,” he acknowledges his daughter. “Miss Crane,” he growls at your presence and you can’t help it:
“I like your purple shirt Mister J; makes you look ravishing.”
“Oh yeah?” he scoffs, used to the 22 year old throwing this kind of stuff his way on a regular basis.
“Definitely!” you approach and point at his can of grape juice. “Can I take a sip?”
“Since when you like grape juice?’ The Clown Prince of Crime frowns but hands over the container anyway.
“I don’t,” you taste the sweet liquid and continue: “I just wanted to touch something your lips touched.”
“That’s a new one!” he rolls his eyes and snatches back his drink while Emma closes the fridge in a hurry, appalled you always flirt with her father.
“Keep her on a leash!” J advises his offspring and you snicker as she pushes you out of the kitchen.
“I can’t believe you say those things to him!” Emma gives you a nudge on the hallway, amused and horrified in the same time. “He could be your dad!”
“But he’s not,” you wink, dodging her grip. “He could be my daddy though!”
“You shameless jerk!!” she laughs and starts chasing you. “How dare you??!!”
“He’s really hot for being 40-ish!” the enthusiastic Y/N teases more, speeding up so she won’t get caught. “I’m going to marry him and I’ll be your step mom. You’ll have to call me mommy!”
“Whaaaattt??!!” Emma shouts and The King of Gotham shakes his head because he can still perceive your aberrations: the truth is he’s uncertain if that’s all they are, thus the dilemma J doesn’t care to solve regardless.
You quickly run into Emma bedroom and snatch a pillow in order to protect yourself from her attack.
“I love your dad!” you grin and she keeps relentlessly hitting you with her fluffy cushion, annoyed:
“I hate you!! I totally hate you!!!”
You suddenly start coughing and your best friend halts her rampage, concerned.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Where’s your med?”
You pull the vial out of your jean’s pocket and she opens it while your cough intensifies; Emma fingers tremble at the sight of blood stains on the palm of your hand.
“Here, take this. Two?”
“Y-yes,” you struggle to talk and swallow the tablets, finding it difficult to calm down without the remedy you failed to ingest earlier before the worse happened.
“Come’ere,” she carefully sits you on the bed and begins wiping the red spots off your skin with a clean tissue. “There you go… Deep breaths, OK?” the young woman urges on the verge of crying: although she’s used to your episodes, she can’t cope with the thought of losing her best friend.
Scarecrow’s daughter might be only 22, yet the terminal lung cancer she was diagnosed with six months ago didn’t discriminate against her age; she didn’t show worrisome symptoms until it was too late.
“Better?” Emma analyzes your face and you can tell how upset she is, that’s why you try to distract her the best way you know how.
“Is your dad wearing a new cologne?”
“He smells sooooo good, I swear I get this uncontrollable desire to kiss him all over,” you cough a bit more and she slaps your thigh, outraged.
“Would you stop it???!!!”
“I think he’ll miss me when I’m gone,” you playfully giggle. “Who else would flirt with an old man in his 40’s?!”
“Stupid girl…” Emma’s voice quivers since she doesn’t like to be reminded you’ll leave her. You both are silent for a few moments before she gathers the strength to continue the planned evening.
“I’m going to prepare you a nice, warm bath, then we’ll tag along with my dad at his Neon Devil club, alright?” she pouts and you don’t have the heart to admit you don’t feel like going out anymore.
“Sure… … sounds perfect,” you sigh and underline. “Only if I can spend some time alone with Mister Joker in the VIP section.”
“You’re incorrigible,” Emma concludes and you won’t quit.
“I didn’t say anything bad, you’re the perv for thinking indecencies regarding a man and a woman…alone… in the luscious VIP room… a few drinks… music blasting… attractiveness mooing to be unleashed…”
“Mooing???” she burst out laughing, forgetting she was about to admonish on your crazy ideas…again.
“Yup, mooing…” you proclaim with delight. “It’s a very sexy term, won’t you agree? … … Sexy like your dad!” you immediately blur out and stomp towards the bathroom while she hunts you down with the only purpose of shutting down the outpour of nonsense flowing out of you.
Neon Devil Club, 10:36pm
“Are you going to dance?” Emma’s red cheeks pop up next to you.
“No, not tonight. Don’t worry, I’m having fun!” you point at the two empty cocktail glasses in front of you, still working on your third one. “I think I might call it a night soon, I’m tired.”
“OK, Y/N. Let me know when, we’ll both go!” she yells over the deafening tune.
“Stay and have fun, I can get a ride!” you glare at The Joker sitting at the bar a few inches away from you, totally absorbed by his text messages.
“Are you sure?” Emma hesitates and you poke J’s arm in order to get his attention.
He finally looks up and his daughter pleads:
“Daddy, can you take Y/N back to our house when she’s ready? I want her to be there when I return, this way we can gossip after the wild intercourse I’m gonna have with one of these lucky guys!”
The Clown Prince of Crime stares at her, displeased with the comments.
“Hilarious,” he growls and she jumps up and down, excited to see Bane’s son in the crowd.
“Don’t get mad, daddy!” she pecks his cheek. “I’m joking… Maybe…” Emma chuckles at his grumpiness and you are proud of her achievement in mocking the forever serious Joker: despite the nickname, the green haired menace is not the epitome of joyfulness.
“Are you supposed to have alcohol with the medications you’re taking?” he gestures at your cocktail.
“Nope,” you serenely confess and guzzle down more. “I’m a burden to my father and he doesn’t even know it,” you sniffle and J senses something strange about your affirmation. “He locks himself in the lab for days, researching on ways to overcome my terminal cancer. Did you know Evelyn left him two weeks ago?” you ask and The King feels cornered; you’re probably tipsy and in mood to chat while he’s not. “She’s perfect for him and he let her go… He would ignore her for days, immersed in his ridiculous project of saving me. The amazing Doctor Crane can’t take the hint this is a battle he won’t win. I made peace with what’s happening to me, but he can’t...,” you wave at the bartender for another glass. “Why won’t my father accept the inevitable outcome?” the pain in your tone prompts J to mutter:
“He just tries to postpone the inevitable.”
“I’m grateful for his help,” you ramble on. “I take remedies he makes for me and it’s nice to avoid the traditional chemo and losing my hair. I don’t look like I’m dying, correct? If you wouldn’t weren’t aware of my illness, you couldn’t tell, right?”
“Yes,” The impatient Joker signals the bartender to halt mixing your fresh drink; in his opinion you had enough.
“I got my test results this morning, “ you disclose, pouting. “They’re bad…” Y/N inhales the rest of her liquid courage and taps on the marble counter, disappointed at her own statement. “Did you ever taste death?” the weird question makes him taunt.
“This is what it tastes like,” the heartbroken Y/N softly kisses The Joker and his remark hurts more than her disappointing routine evaluation:
“Strawberry margarita?”
You hop off your high chair so fast he realizes you’re flustered; it was the first time you kissed him, not that kind of kiss anyway and he completely dismissed your candor in the worst possible way.  
“Can we go please?” you intensely glare at your sandals and J opts out of attempting to patch up his callous reply; possibly the best decision regarding these circumstances simply because it doesn’t affect him at all.
“Sure, we can bail,” he grumbles and escorts you out of the club, wondering if you are done talking about matters of no importance to him.
The master bedroom is cracked opened and you knock until The Joker bothers to acknowledge your existence.
“What is it?”
You sneak inside, adamant to request a tiny favor.
“Can I watch TV in here?”
“Why?” he wiggles in the middle of his bed, certainly not thrilled at your proposal.
“I won’t inconvenience you, ok?” you evade his inquiry and still being a bit tipsy briefly aids your plan; your drag your feet to the humongous mattress, then slip inside the purple sheets at the edge of the bed. “You know… If I would have lived longer, I bet you would have married me,” you gaze at the man relaxing close to your body.
The Joker nonexistent eyebrows go up so high it’s possibly a new record: why did Emma have to stay at the club instead of distracting you from whatever the hell this is?!
“We would have had at least 4 kids…” you continue your story. “ I’m young so every two years I could have been convinced to get pregnant; we would have had a small army of little Jokers and Y/Ns… I picked a few names already, would you like to hear them?”
“NO!!” he sucks on his teeth, irritated.
“Hmm…” you get discouraged yet it doesn’t last. “ You would have died at 65…”
“Why would I die at 65?!” J interrupts and his interest gives you a boost of much needed confidence.
“Car accident; you’re a shitty driver,” you lift your shoulders up, instantly correcting your sentence. “I meant reckless.”
The Clown Prince of Crime huffs and the fact that he engaged into this monologue of yours hopefully suggests he won’t chase you away until you finish.
“After your demise I would have mourned you for a decent amount of months, then I would have remarried a guy my age, this way I’m not in any danger of becoming a widow for the second time. I would obviously have our children too so not to worry, I would have survived without you.”
“Awesome, I was anxious you won’t overcome the grief,” his sassiness triggers your approval.
“Indeed; yet I have to warn you: if you ever cheated on me, I would have asked my father to create a special virus to obliterate you from the face of the planet!”
“Why are you shouting?!” The Joker scratches his chin, confused about your attitude.
“Sorry,” you take it down a notch. “I always get emotional when I think about this part…”
“Is this soap opera of yours almost done?” the impatience emerges; I suppose you tested his composure enough.
“I really like you,” you cut off his vexation. “You should be happy a young woman would crave an older man in his 40’s or 50’s,” you snort while adding to his growing restlessness.
“I think it’s time for you and the alcohol in your system to take a nap!” J hints at your departure and you abruptly bring it up since he’s basically throwing you out:
“Do you like me? You never get mad or chase me when I flirt with you…” you scoot over and cuddle next to him.
“What are you doing?!” J gets pissed at your boldness.
“I’m cold,“ you lie without a problem and he’s done with the dumb night he had to put up with so far.
“Get out!” The King of Gotham snaps and his sudden aggressiveness throws you off.
“I want to stay and watch TV; I promise I’ll be super quiet from now on. Cross my heart and hope to die!” you smile and your silly pun doesn’t have the outcome you hoped for.
“You know why I indulge a shallow brat’s idiotic flirting?!” he raises his voice and you shrivel because you realize he won’t utter anything nice at this point. “Who wouldn’t feel sorry for a walking corpse, hm? Despite what people think, I’m not that insensitive!”
You gulp and slowly roll out of bed, trying not to cry in front of him; you don’t remember sensing a stronger pain in your life, not even after you got sick.
“You’re so mean, “ you whisper and can’t stop the first tears streaming down your face. “I wouldn’t have married you anyway,” you rush out of the master bedroom and The Joker reprises his movie, undisturbed at the events he created out of spite.
“Fuck…” he mumbles when it hits: Emma will chew him alive if she finds about his behavior; would you mention this to her? Or she would guess something went wrong if you depart from the mansion when she asked you to stay? The only person that counts is bound to make him rethink his awful actions; his daughter wouldn’t forgive him unless he patches up things. Might as well get it over with before he lands in hotter waters.
“Uggghhhh,” The Joker puckers his lips and contemplates his choices: not too many, thus he ends up in front of your bedroom 10 minutes after the fight.
He can discern your sobbing and opens the door without knocking because another human’s privacy is simply not his issue. You are standing by the windows and turn towards him, mad you didn’t lock the entrance.
“Your company is required in the master bedroom,” J elaborates on the subject and Y/N’s silence evokes a faint apology. “I don’t think you’re a walking corpse… … …”
No reaction.
“Come on, let’s watch TV in my room…”
“Why would you need a shallow brat’s idiotic company?” you blow your nose in a tissue and emphasize. “I don’t want your pity.”
“Crane’s a genius but the trait is clearly skipping a generation,” his way of attempting to restore the mood totally sucks. “It’s not pity.”
“What is it then?” you wipe your tears and he has no clue himself.
Are you debating on his offer?
“Come on,” J grabs your hand and your resistance works a miracle nonetheless. “I’m sorry, alright? Not a word to Emma, deal? Or your dad, he would probably create a goddamned virus to exterminate me from this planet. Don’t laugh, it’s not funny,” he sulks, crabby at the idea of being killed for offending Scarecrow’s princess.
“I won’t…” you promise and you’re actually surprised when he lifts you up, guiding your legs around his waist.
“You can sleep in my bed if you want to… until Emma gets back,” The Joker recommends and you hide your astonishment the best way you can.
“Sleep like in dozing of or…?” you wish to determine and the response doesn’t fail to deepen the mystery:
“As I said, genius sometimes skips a generation.”
The King strolls out of the bedroom with Y/N clinging to him while he lifts her higher in his arms, closing his eyes when she kisses him.
And the only thing The Joker can think of for the moment is that if death tastes like this, it’s not the worst way to go.
You can also follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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thelittlestcheshire · 4 years
Self Para ( Open House 2.0 )
To say Ches was at her limit with Chad currently was an understatement, if she didn’t ditch him and stay away from him soon, she was going to lose it. After his little fit during the activity, and everything else that had gone on today, if she didn’t go someplace nobody could mention Callie and Chad were looking for her or ‘oh it’s your turn to watch him,’ at this point all her attempts to not hurt him like she was tempted to would be in vain. As she walked through the halls with him and tried her best to tune him out, she was brainstorming less violent ways to deal with him. As much as she wanted to knock him out, tie him up, and run away - Dom had a point. As much as she hated to admit it, Chad was a child. A child that reminded her oh too much of her brother, but a child nonetheless.
Then she notices the cart next to the janitor closet. The man is nowhere in sight as she notices the glint of metal keys resting on the cart as they approach, an idea actually clicks. Maybe she couldn’t tie him up and run away, but she could lock him up and flee the scene. Sure, she’d still get into trouble, but at least she wouldn’t get a lawsuit on top of whatever Luxor would give her. “And you got a touchdown?” She questions, pretending she’s actually interested in the story he’s telling as she sneaks the keys off the cart. “That’s so cool, actually kinda hot.” She winks at him, even as the thought of Chad being considered hot by anyone makes her want to vomit all over his shiny black shoes. “So hot, in fact, I have a challenge for you, babe. If you win, I’ll let you kiss me.”
That gets Chad’s attention, much to her annoyance. “Why do we even have to do the challenge? I’m the best, you know I’m going to win.” He boasts. The smile Ches gives him is sickly sweet as she tries to hide all the disgust in her tone.
“Sure, but girls like a chase, and when a girl is happy, they give better kisses. I’m sure you’ll fly right through it, but appearances, appearances.”
“What’s the challenge?” There’s a glint in his eyes that feels oh so familiar, between living with Jamie for years and seeing her own reflection in the mirror. A tiger stalking their prey, but this time, Chad wasn’t a cat. He was the mouse.  “We’re going to play hide and seek.” She explains as she starts to move the cart a bit more out of the way. “You go into here to count, starting only after I shut the door, and after you count to 60 you use everything you’ve learned on today’s tour to come and find me. If you find me before the hour is up, you get a kiss. If you don’t, well, does it matter what happens if you don’t? We both know you will!” She tells him as she unlocks the door.
“That’s all? I’ll find you in no time!” Chad grins as he walks into the room, “now run along - the sooner you leave, the sooner I get my kiss!” He doesn’t need to tell her twice, because she shuts the door once she can hear him start to count, she’s locking the door behind her and darting off. She waits till she’s near the exit to ditch the keys, tossing them in the trash before she starts heading in the direction of the student parking lot.
Maybe she’d go grab herself a pizza, possibly drop by the mall for a little and pick up some more perfume if she had the time. Until the administration noticed her missing, she was going to take all the self-care time she could sneak herself. After dealing with Chad, she’d earned it.
She was about finished with eating what she could of the pizza she ordered when her phone starts to ring. “Ches’s Pizza Delivery Service, may I take your order?” She answers with a laugh, expecting it to be her Logan yelling at her about the school calling again or her roommate asking her where the fuck she was when she hears who’s actually on the other end of the line.
“Ches, quick question, why am I one of your emergency contacts?” Zander seems surprised, honestly, for a moment Ches actually has to pause to think about her emergency contact form. Logan was her primary - listed under her father, her father’s office was filled in the mother slot in case they ‘couldn’t reach him on his cell phone, always call that first’, and Emmett was her first option if nobody could reach a parent. Between the three of them, she never thought there’d actually be a chance nobody would answer the phone. She’d just used it as a throwaway slot, honestly, after all, it wasn’t like she had anyone else who’d care if you called them for an emergency once you went through the first three contacts anyway. What could her grandparents do from Paris? They were about 6 hours ahead of NY, late enough in the day you wouldn’t be able to get ahold of them without waking them up.
“I figured you wouldn’t mind because you’re already Balo’s and I never thought someone would need to call the last person on the list? Now, you didn’t answer my question about pizza. If it factors in any way, the delivery driver is really cute. I’d order one just to see her. ”
“No, I don’t want a pizza. I do want to know why I got dragged into the office asking if I knew where you went apparently since we’re so close I’m your emergency contact you must have told me all about your plans of locking your kid in the janitors closet, which by the way, you taking the keys with you made getting him out a bit harder than it had to be.” He got dragged into the office to ask about her whereabouts? Well, that wasn’t a part of the plan.  “You should have told me you added me to your updated list, Ches. It would have been a good thing to mention, especially since the only thing I could tell someone about your medical history is ‘deathly allergic to tuna.’”
“Fine, I’ll bring you back some knots though just because I love you!” She gets up to walk over to the counter, moving her phone off her ear when she reaches it. “Can I order a dozen garlic knots too? To go, this time, please!” She’s already pulling out her card to pay when she hears Zander groan on the other line.
“For fuck's sake, Ches. Do you even realize how much trouble you’re in right now? You locked a kid in the fucking closet.”
“Oh, I knew that before I even did it but I figured hurting him would be worse, so I left before I got to that point. Plus, it’s not like I actually took the keys off-campus. I tossed them in the bin near the exit closest to the student parking lot, it seemed like a good place to ditch them.”
“You threw out the janitor’s keys? Hailey, I swear to god-” She can hear him moving on the other end of the line, the frustration clear in his voice as he calls her by her first name. Before she can even point out how rude that was, he’s speaking again. “I can’t believe you dragged me into this. Now I've gotta go fish keys out of the trash.”
“You don’t have to do anything.” She reminds him as she sits down at the table to wait for the garlic knots, starting to close the pizza box with one hand as she talks. “Just because you know where they are doesn’t mean you have to bring them back for me.”
“Oh, I’m not bringing them back for you. I’m meeting you in the student parking lot and you’re returning them yourself. What kind of pizza did you get?”
“Hawaiian, why?” After all, he just said he didn’t want pizza, so surely it didn’t matter what kind of pizza she had run off to go eat.
“Because I didn’t expect I was going to have to dumpster drive to ensure you only get detention, I’ve changed my mind. Knowing you, you have leftovers and I want a few slices to go with my knots, finish up and meet me in the parking lot. And no, finishing up doesn’t include a mall trip so don’t even try it.” He knew her too well, that was apparent as a smile cracks on his lips.
“You know, you’re actually kinda sexy when you’re laying down the law, Zan. You should do it more often.” She teases him, wagging her eyebrows as if he could actually see her messing with him at the moment. “Are you sure you don’t want me to try to hook you up with one of my friends? I bet-”
“Goodbye, Ches. I’ll see you when you get back.” He sounds amused at least before the call ends with a click. She sighs, looking at the time. At least she’d gotten about an hour without Chad before she got a phone call asking where she had run off to. There was no way of twisting what she said in a way she’d have to kiss Chad.
That was a relief.
Zander indeed was waiting for Ches when she pulled back into the parking lot and parked her car. “Well, hello Mr. Driskell, fancy running into you.” She jokes as she gets out of the car, “food’s in the passenger seat. You’ve got the goods?” She holds her hand out for the janitor closet’s key, curling her fingers around them as he drops them into her hand.
“You’re lucky I need you for Shakespearean Studies’ group projects, Ches. I can’t believe I had to dig through the trash for keys.”
“I’m lucky you like garlic knots, you mean.” She jokes, handing him her car keys. “Make sure she’s locked when you’re done, I’ll find you to get them back later. I’m off to return these.” She dangles the janitor’s keys, letting the clinking fill the air. “Thanks for saving my ass, I owe you one, Zan.” She doesn’t wait for a response before she darts off. Maybe she was in trouble, but she had to admit, if she didn’t return the keys she’d probably be in even deeper shit then she was to start off with. She doesn’t stop to talk to anyone, just heads straight to the office. “I came to drop these off and receive the verdict for my punishment.” She tells the secretary, before the person at the desk can even call into the office, however, she hears an oh too familiar voice.
“Miss Elswood, I assume Mr. Driskell was able to get a hold of you. Come into my office.”
She takes a deep breath before she turns to follow them into the office to hear what her punishment would be.
Icarus (Zan 🙈): So how long are you in the slammer for, Chessie? Ches: Week in detention, and I’m probably gonna have people watching me for the rest of the day to make sure I’m not locking Chad in any more closets or something worse. I think I”m gonna just be good, quiet, and peacefully serve my time, pretty sure I got off lucky after the key thing. LOL
And with that, she puts her phone back into her bag, takes a deep breath, and goes back into the fray.
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moody-by-nature · 5 years
Rescue Me|Chapter Twenty-Five
Andrea searched every room on the upper levels of their home. Coming up empty handed, she sighed and stormed down the steps into the lab. Peering through the glass door, her eyes fell on her disheveled husband. Opening the soundproof door, loud music poured out of the room. Her feet carried her the short distance to the chair he occupied.
Jared sat there with his eyes closed staring at the computer screen listening to a clip of a new song. Taking a moment to appreciate his talented mind, Andrea listened to the music flowing from the speakers; a smile pulling at her lips as she reached out to touch his shoulder.
Eliciting a giggle from Andrea as he jumped, Jared stopped the music. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled at his bride. Tapping his hand on his thighs signaling her to sit. Throwing her leg over him, straddling his lap Andie rested her hands on his bearded cheeks.
A gasp escaped her lips as the warmth of his skin spread through her palms. Her previous medical instincts kicking in as she observed him. His cheeks were flushed, much rosier than normal. She could tell he was exhausted, the dark circles under his beautiful eyes further proof.
"Hi, beautiful." He murmured.
"You're feeling worse, aren't you. I think you have a fever now, babe. I know you're inspired by this new song and it's incredible, but you really need to rest, J. I'm not trying to nag you, I just don't want you getting worse. You guys have a show in two weeks!"
"I'll take it easy after I finish this part."
"Jared. You've been down here for hours. I've emptied several of the boxes we brought over yesterday, straightened the house and prepped dinner." She argued, knowing this was a battle she would likely lose. She kissed him sweetly.
"Baby, don't kiss me... as much as I love kissing you, I don't want you and the baby getting sick." He replied, gently pushing her away before choking out a cough.
"Okay. That's it. Enough work for you today, mister. That cough is terrible. We are going upstairs and getting you in bed."
"I'm not going to bed." Jared argued.
The glare he received had him chuckling, "Will you settle for the couch?"
"Don't laugh at me, and only if you promise to stay out of this lab. Jared, I mean it. You need to rest. You look like death warmed over."
"You're really sexy when you're bossy, Ace."
"I'm just trying to be a good wife and take care of my husband. He makes it difficult sometimes."
"Mmm," Jared hummed, a devilish smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "Do you happen to have any of your old scrubs left? You could play dress up for me and be my naughty nurse. I remember how they fit you so snugly, your ass looks so good in them. And these perfect tits of yours, baby girl..." he growled, sliding his hands up her body, cupping her breasts and squeezing them. "I think they're already getting bigger!"
The giggle escaping Andrea's lips morphed into a moan as Jared's strong hands massaged her sensitive breasts. She felt her body quickly responding to his touch and began to grind her hips against his. She wanted to have her way with him in this chair. Reality and his current condition hit her as she brushed her cheek against his overheated face.
Kissing him once more, Andrea peppered fluttery kisses from his lips, across his cheeks, one landing on the tip of his nose before she placed a final kiss on his forehead.
"I'm dying to fuck you right here in this chair, but you're sick and I'm taking you upstairs. No if's or but's about it. If you're a good boy, and take your medicine I'll suck your cock before we go to sleep tonight."
"You drive a hard bargain Mrs. Leto, but you have a deal. I'm just wondering which of us will enjoy it more." He smirked, "I know you're wet for me, baby."
"Cocky much? Let's go upstairs." Andrea ordered, attempting to get off his lap. Her efforts halted by Jared's firm grip on her hips.
"I'm definitely cocky..." Jared moaned, thrusting his hips into her.
Doing her best to seem unaffected, Andrea pulled her body from his to stand. Lifting both hands toward him, she gestured for him to take her hands. Jared slid his warm skin against her cooler skin, pulling himself up, and started toward the stairs.
Settling into the cozy light grey couch in their living room, Jared finally felt how sick he actually was. He was so thankful to have someone that loved him the way Andie did. No one other than his mother had ever taken care of him in this way.
His eyes lifted, gazing lovingly at her. Her brow drawn in concentration, chewing on her bottom lip as she rummaged through the small box of medications she kept on hand. The thermometer beeped, drawing her attention back to him.
"Just as I thought. Unfortunately, we don't have anything here we need." Pulling her stethoscope from the discarded box, she placed the bell on his chest, listening to him breathe. "You're rattling a little too. I'll call Dr. McGee to get your inhaler refilled too. Please stay right here and rest while I'm gone. I know sitting still is torture for you baby, but rest... Pretty please?" She grinned, "I'll be back in a couple hours, I love you.
As she went to stand, Jared grabbed her, pulling her to him for one more kiss, "I love you more."
"Fight me." Another kiss stolen, "Bye, baby." She whispered. Jared sighed, watching her walk out of the room. She picked up her bag from the table and waved as she stepped out of view.
Hopping into her car, Andrea smiled thinking about how this was now her home. Although she would miss her treehouse. However, being married to Jared was a dream come true.
Accelerating through the intersection, Andrea squealed hearing Jareds' voice pour out of her speakers. Her right hand floating to the dial and turning it up louder. The late afternoon sun illuminating her ring, causing prisms to dance    on the ceiling of her small SUV as she happily sang her heart out navigating the winding roads.
Rounding a corner, Andrea felt panic rush through her veins as a large green truck came into view. Her right foot slamming down on the brake as hard as she could. The green truck hammering into the front, ride side of her grey SUV, throwing her into oncoming traffic. The distinct sound of metal crunching and screeching tires filling the air.
Her head slamming against the door frame as she came to a jarring stop. Andrea desperately tried to restart her vehicle as she quickly glanced out the drivers side window. Smoke billowing off the screaming tires of a small red sports car as the driver worked to stop.
"Jared.." she gasped, tears flowing freely as his smiling face flashing before her, and suddenly her world went black.
Jared woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing on the coffee table. Completely disoriented from sleeping, he sat up, rubbing his eyes. Looking at his phone, not recognizing the number he ignored the call.
"Andie?" He called out, "Baby, are you back yet?" He asked. Standing from the couch, picking up his phone, he started toward the kitchen. His phone again started ringing, recognizing the same number, a ball of anxiety forming in the pit of his stomach.
Swiping his index finger across the screen, "Hello?"
"Is this Mr. Leto?" A female business-like voice asked.
"Whose asking?"
"Mr. Leto, my name is Linda. I'm calling from Cedars-Sinai. Your wife Andrea has been in a car accident."
Jared felt the blood run from his face, his knees buckled sending him to the floor.
"Mr. Leto, I'm sorry, this is a terrible way to deliver the news... Andrea is in surgery and doing okay at the moment. Please come as quickly, but safely as you can. Okay? Do you have family nearby? Have someone drive you if possible.
Jared took a deep breath as if someone threw cold water in his face. His breath was coming out in short puffs as he ended the call. As if his mind went into auto-pilot, his fingers flew across the screen of his phone to dial Shannons' number.
"Hey, little brother! What's up."
"Andrea's been in an accident." A sob escaping him, "I'm.. I .. "
"What! Is she okay? Are you at home?"
"Yes." Jared choked.
"I'll be there in five minutes."
Shannon drove as quickly as possible, picking up Jared and quickly arriving at the hospital. Jared leapt from the truck before he had completely stopped, and ran inside.
"Andrea Leto, I'm here for Andrea Leto, can you please tell me where she is?" He rushed out. "What's your relationship to the patient, sir?"
"I'm her husband." The nurse checked registration, Shannon arrived and stood next to his brother. "She's still in surgery. If you'll wait right here a moment I will call back and have someone take you to the waiting room. They will have more answers for you regarding her condition."
Shannon glanced at Jared, his face full of concern and anxiety. Placing his hand on Jared's shoulder in what he hoped to be a comforting grip.
"Leto family?" A petite blond shouted from a side door. Jared and Shannon quickly spun toward her, their feet carrying them rapidly across the white tiled floor of the beige waiting room.
"Right this way, gentlemen."
The brothers followed the nurse through the organized chaos of the emergency room, down a long hallway into a smaller, much quieter space.
"This waiting room is strictly for trauma surgery family and friends. You may wait here until.."
"Please tell me what's happening with my wife." Jared pleaded, "All I've been told is she's been in an accident!"
"Sir, please sit down."
"No! I won't sit. Anytime someone is told to sit in a hospital it's bad news. You will not give me bad news! That's my wife! We just got married three days ago!" Jared yelled, hovering closely to the woman.
Shannon stepped in front of him, "Jared. You need to calm down. This woman is doing her job. I know you're terrified, I am too! But you need to take a deep breath brother, she doesn't deserve to be yelled at."
It was as if Jared were in a trance, wiping his eyes, he shook his head and sat down. Shannon sat right beside him. Resting his elbows on his knees, he dropped his head,  propping himself up on his closed fists.
"Okay, now then. Yes, Mrs. Leto was involved in a multi-car wreck. EMSA reported upon arrival that a trash truck suffered a brake failure and hit your wife's vehicle. They said she was thrown into oncoming traffic and hit by another driver."
"Jesus! Could you maybe spare the details for a second and tell us how she is?" Shannon asked. Looking over at his brother who sat so still he resembled a statue.
"I apologize, it's just that she's suffered a broken arm and a pretty bad head trauma. The doctors are hopeful she will have a full recovery.  I didn't want any surprises when you get to see her."
"What about our baby?" Jared asked, his voice so quiet suddenly Shannon wasn't sure he heard him correctly.
Lifting his head, his sad eyes met the confusion visible in the nurses. "She didn't appear to be expecting. Trauma protocol is to assess the most critical injury. I will go back now and inform them she is pregnant. I'll return when I have more news."
Jared didn't reply, watching her walk out, his head returning to its previous position.  Suddenly he felt like crying, completely overwhelmed with emotions.
"How far along is she?
"We aren't even sure yet. We were supposed to find out in the morning actually." Jared sniffed, "She found out in Italy."
"That explains a lot.." Shannon chuckled, "She was so pissed at you. Little firecracker." He laughed.
"Don't, Jared. Don't fucking say it. The devil feeds off of that shit and neither of you need that right now. Don't even think it. Okay! She's going to be fine!"
"She's the love of my life. I can't lose her." He couldn't hold back anymore, tears now flowing freely down his face. Jared silently prayed to any and all powerful spirits that were listening.
"Please. Please don't take her away from me."
Three very long hours later, Shannon was leaning against a wall watching Jared wear a hole in the floor from pacing. The metal handle of the door clicked, signaling the petite woman's return to the waiting room.
"Mr. Leto, Andrea is out of surgery and in recovery. If you two would please follow me, I will take you to her room." Her facial expression relaxing into a neutral state, "Before we head up, I would like to inform you that Andrea is in a medically induced coma so that her body can heal. She will look quite shocking to you when you first see her." With that warning, she pulled the door open exiting quickly as the brothers followed behind her.
"Wait!" Jared stuttered, "Is the baby okay?"
A solemn look appeared on the blonde's face, "I'm very sorry, she suffered too much trauma in the accident. The doctors found evidence of an embryo, unfortunately the baby wasn't far enough along to survive."
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he and Shannon followed the nurse. His heart was breaking. Having not taken the time to sit and process how excited he truly was to be a father hit him. Now the child he never knew he wanted was gone. Jared felt sadness fill him as he thought about how he would tell Andrea when he saw her.
Walking into the dimly lit room, Jared's eyes fell onto Andrea's comatose form. Multiple wires and tubes entering and exiting her body in various places. His jaw fell slack, a gasp escaping him as he drew his hand to lay over his chest, his heart leaping into his throat.
The monitor beeping pulled Jared's eyes away from Andrea briefly, taking in the various numbers on the screen. Returning his attention to his wife, he brought his hand to her face. Careful to avoid the tube in her mouth, lightly tracing her bruised cheek bone and over her left eye that was swollen shut. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and found himself unable to fight off the wave of guilt he felt for her lying in this hospital bed.
"She's unconscious, but responding to testing, so she should be able to hear you. Talk to her as much as you'd like. I'm sure she would love that. The doctor should be in later. My name is Michelle if you need anything, ok?"
Jared nodded his head, and grabbed Andrea's hand. He hovered over her and placed a kiss on her forehead, "Please, wake up baby, open those beautiful eyes."
Two weeks passed and Andrea still hadn't woken up. Jared refused to leave her side, choosing to cancel their show in Vegas. He slept beside her each night in the small hospital bed, talking and singing to her.
"Jared, the nursing staff can do that for her." Katherine commented entering the room.
"She would do it for me. They're simple range of motion exercises. Besides, it keeps me occupied." Setting her leg gently back onto the bed, he turned his head away from Andie to look at his mother-in-law.
"You need to go home... rest, at least go down at eat breakfast ... shower maybe."
"I eat plenty. Shannon, Emma and Shayla make sure of it. I took a shower last night." He remarked, gesturing behind him to the restroom. "I'm not leaving her, so you may as well stop telling me to."
Katherine signed, "You two are both so stubborn. Must be why you're her soul-mate."
"She wouldn't leave me and I refuse to leave her."
It was mid afternoon. Katherine was napping in the provided recliner next to the window. Jared, once again was curled up next to Andrea. His left arm wrapping around her torso under her broken arm. He lay with his head on her chest sound asleep.
Andrea felt as if she were gagging on something. Her entire body felt stiff and as if she were being held down. Attempting to open her eyes, she fought against her heavy eyelids. The effort exhausting as they finally fluttered open to see her mother asleep in a green upholstered chair.
"Mom?" She tried to speak, quickly realizing she couldn't.
Lifting her right arm, she panicked slightly as the lime green cast came into view. Her injured arm arriving at her mouth. Her swollen fingers stumbling over the plastic tubing that pumped air into her lungs. Trying to move her left hand, it felt as if it were cemented into the ground.
The panic was rising, her breath becoming more rapid. The machine above her started dinging and she felt the bed move. She tried to look behind her, but was too constricted by the tubes.
"Andie? Baby, are you awake?" A sleep laden, yet melodic voice croaked.
Who on Earth would call her baby? No one calls her Andie, either. This has to be a bizarre dream, she thought.
She felt fingers digging into her right hip slightly, and she attempted to move again.
"Katherine! She's awake!" That same smooth voice shouted. Andrea watched her mother open her eyes and smile.
"Andrea, oh thank god! I'll go get the doctor! Jared, keep her calm."
Jared scooted to the edge of the bed, placing one leg on the floor, while he rested his right knee on the bed. Relief flooded through him seeing her alert and moving.
"Andrea, sweetheart, take a deep breath. You need to slow your breathing, let the machine continue to work for you until the doctor gets here." Jared said, placing a hand on top of her head, kissing her forehead. Lifting her left arm to his lips, he kissed her hand.
"I'm so, so happy your back, baby. I've been a mess without you." He stated.
Andrea did as he said, counting to three as she inhaled and then repeating the process when exhaling. She kept waiting for this weird dream to end.
Michelle and one other nurse entered the room, "Welcome back, Andrea, we are going to get that tube out of your throat. Just continue to take deep breaths."
The two nurses worked quickly, removing the device just as Johnathan entered her room.
"Andrea! You're back!" He rushed to her, pulling her into a tight hug, Katherine joined in as well. They released her reluctantly as she started coughing.
Jared was the quickest to act, turning to the bedside table, picking up his glass bottle, he offered her a sip of his water.
"I've let Dr. Ahmadian know you're awake, she's very excited to come see you. She'll be here as soon as possible. I'll be back to check on you guys in a bit." Michelle said, returning the blood pressure cuff to its place on the wall, she and her coworker left the room.
Overcome with joy, Jared bent over, seizing Andrea's chapped lips in a kiss. The electricity he always felt zinging through his soft lips when they connected. He made no move to deepen the kiss, lingering in the moment.
"I love you, Andrea." Jared whispered softly.
Andrea's brain felt like it was swimming in confusion. Breaking the kiss, she pushed Jared away with her uninjured arm. He hovered above her, inches from her face.
Andrea looked from her parents over to Jared and back, "What happened, and why did Jared Leto just kiss me?" She questioned. "You love me?" Her voice laced with confusion.
Jared completely removed himself from her bed and walked to the window sill, leaning against it. Panic struck him, why wasn't she remembering him?
"Honey, you don't remember Jared?" Andrea furrowed her eyebrows together.
"Of course I remember Jared, he's one of my favorite artists! But that doesn't tell me why he's here. Or why I am here."
Katherine looked at Jared and then at John before looking back at Andrea. "Andrea Leigh Leto if this is some kind of sick joke you stop it right now." She scolded, pointing her finger at her daughter.
"Leto?" Andrea asked? Suddenly, a sharp, searing pain hit her in the side of the head.
Tag list: @nikkitasevoli @lostinletoland @spillinginkwithlove @conceptuallyloud @branded-with-a-j@callmeasyoulove @fortify-undeny @pandaliciouz
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youremyplayground · 6 years
Nightmares and Hauntings
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I ran as fast as I could, but it seemed like it was all in slow motion. I was moving so slowly. Distantly I heard Jae scream my name. I looked for him but he was nowhere around I looked back at the creature and could see that it was right behind me. I screamed and as I turned back around it moved right in front of me. It reaches out a bony hand and grabbed my arm. I jolted awake and Jae was staring at me with worried brown eyes.
 "Baby, are you okay?" He asked smoothing my hair.
  I nodded and tried to calm my breathing. I've had the same nightmare for about a year now, after my mom died. Jae has been my friend since preschool and we started dating a couple years ago, so her death affected him as well. She was like his mom in many ways.
  "Was it the same one?" He asked pulling me into his arms. I nodded again and wrapped my arms around his neck taking in his warmth and smell. I calmed down slowly, but still had the creature's face in my mind.
  "Did I wake you again?" I asked quietly, my face in his neck.
  "Yes. But it's fine, I don't want you to be alone when you have these things." He assured, rubbing my back.
  I squeeze my eyes shut as a flood of emotions wash over me. He's so sweet to me and yet all I do is wake him up in the middle of the night because of a stupid nightmare. Tears fall down my face and onto his bare shoulder.
  "Hey, hey. Shhh. It's okay." He whispers soothingly.
  He pulls me into him tighter. I sob quietly. I don't know how long we stayed there, but eventually I start to fall asleep hugging him. He shifts is so that we're laying down and he rubs patterns into my back. I close my eyes, lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. The rhythmic thumping lulls me to sleep, but before I'm completely out I quietly whisper "I love you Jae."
  In the morning I get ready to go to work, while Jae is still asleep. While I'm curling my brownish-red hair, his soft snores echo in the stillness. As I put the curling iron down, he snorts then rolls over and continues snoring. I smile slightly and fix my uniform. I work as an aide at the hospital, of course it just consists of changing bedpans and things like that, but it isn't a horrible job. Jae works as mechanic. He's my little grease monkey. Most of the time when he comes home, he's exhausted. He says it's because he had a long day and a lot of customers, but I think it's because of the fact I keep him awake most nights with my screaming. There's been maybe one night where I didn't wake him up; and that's because I had a particularly hard day at work and was far too tired to dream. I often hope for that to happen again so Jae could sleep, but it hasn't happened. I walked into our room and checked the time. It was time to wake him up so he can get ready for work.
  "Jae. Baby, it's time to get ready to change people's tires and fix their stupid mistakes." I said sitting on the bed next to him. He opened on eye and looked at me the groaned and stuffed his face into the pillow.
  "Now, none of that. Come on." I said gripping his bicep.
  I tried to roll him over but I'm far too weak. Instead, I ended slipping and falling on him. He started laughing and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked five years old, except for the sexy stubble on his chin. His hair was all mussed, his torso was shirtless. He was just a beacon of sexiness. I pulled my phone out and quickly took a picture then pecked him on the lips.
  "Mm. More." He groaned when I pulled away.
  "I'm going to be late." I laughed then pecked him 3 times. “I’ll kiss you more tonight. Bye." I said then went to work.
  I was walking home after my shift because my car was broken down and my phone was dead. It was around maybe 10 at night and the streets were eerily quiet. Suddenly, I heard a noise that made my blood run cold in my veins.
  "Isabelle...." My mother's voice called.
  I stopped in my tracks and looked around. I was alone on the street. Just then the streetlight shut off. I was alone and in the dark. Footsteps echoed down the streets. I turned and saw a figure then kept walking, just wanting to get home to Jae. Suddenly there were footsteps all around me I looked at the people and they were tall with hoodies on. The streetlight flickered and I barely got a glimpse that they were all men. A bad feeling was in my gut and just then the tallest one spoke.
  "Well hello there. Aren't you a sexy thing? Give us your purse and give us a little piece of you and we'll be on our way." He grinned in the darkness. I gave him the purse and the 3 other guys got closer. I tried to back away but backed into one of the guys and he wrapped his arms around me. I fought and tried to get free.
  "Shh if you scream we'll have to hurt you and we don't want that do we?" The leader said, dragging a knife across my cheek and I couldn't help myself, I screamed at the top of my lungs. He sighed then dug the knife deep into my side.
  "What a shame. Come on boys." He said, pulling the knife back out and cleaning it off before walking away.
  I put my hand over the wound and fell onto the ground. I pulled my hand back and saw it drenched in blood. I pushed it back to the wound and got up trying to walk. Once I got on my feet the lights turned back on and I braced myself against the wall while I walked. There was a pay phone at the end of the street and luckily it had coins on top of it. I dialed the house phone and on the third ring he answered.
  "J-Jae." I whispered. I was losing quite a bit of blood.
  "Isabelle? Why aren't you using your cell? Why are you whispering?" His voice was instantly anxious.
  "Car broke down. Got mugged and stabbed. At the corner of 9th and Hamilton. Please hurr..." I blacked out.
  "Run Isabelle!" My mother yelled to me.
  There was a figure in a dark hood slowly coming towards me. I couldn't move. As it got closer, it started getting brighter. By the time it was to me, I heard Jae's voice.
  "Oh no no no no no. Baby, stay with me." He cried. I barely opened my eyes to the bright light. We were in an ambulance.
  "J-J-Jae...." I whispered. He looked into my eyes, tears in his.
  "Oh baby..." He sobbed, kissing my forehead.
  "I-I..." My voice gave out and I couldn't talk anymore. My eyes started to close again, I started to fade again, when the EMT called for my attention.
  "Isabelle I need you to stay awake okay? We think you hit your head when you passed out. If you have a concussion then you might slip into a coma. Stay awake for your husband alright?" She said softly then turned her attention back to my side. I looked at Jae and he smiled sheepishly.
  "They wouldn't let me go with you otherwise." He whispered. I just stared at him too tired to smile or say anything. He stroked my face and more tears fell from his eyes. "I thought I lost you. When you didn't answer I thought your muggers came back." He looked down and shook his head. His hair covered his eyes and he ran his hand through my hair. The EMT pulled and prodded at my side and I whimpered as a surge of pain struck through me. They both snapped their heads to me.
  "Sorry, sweetie." She said, then went back to her work.
  I nodded slightly and a tear fell from my eyes. She reminded me of my mom. She was a nurse. One day she didn't come home and it was really late, so I knew something was wrong. After about 2 hours past her shift was over I got a call that there was a shooting at the hospital and my mom was shot.
  "Good news, the wound doesn't look very deep." The doctor smiled about an hour after they got me into the hospital bed.
  I looked at him and then at the nurse hooking up my IV. Jae was asleep in the chair at
the far end of the room. His fingers would twitch every once in a while.
  "And you don't have a concussion, so you go ahead and get some rest okay? The nurse is putting some pain medication into your IV so that it will be easier to sleep. Good night miss." The doctor continued then walked out.
  The nurse soon followed him. I closed my eyes and a second later was asleep. The nightmare started all over again. The same dark barren wasteland, the same fear and dread running through me. There was only one difference, there was a giant pain in my side. I looked down and saw there were three giant scratches across it. I looked up and saw the creature, its cold red eyes, the glistening fangs, the claws. It was even more terrifying than usual because the fangs and claws were dripping red. I looked down at its feet and immediately regretted it, Jae's and my mom's lifeless bodies laid there, faces frozen with fear. I turned and started running, hearing the creature's footsteps thunder after me. Suddenly I fell and by the time I got on my feet the creature was to me. Its red eyes boring into mine. Its mouth opened into a roar then I jolted awake, the roar echoing throughout my mind. It was dark in the room and Jae's soft breathing was the only sound. I sighed and relaxed into my bed again. I couldn't fall back asleep so I stared at the ceiling.
  "Isabeeeeeelllleeee...." My mother’s voice echoed again.
  My entire body went rigid. Fear swept through my veins as my name was whispered a second time. My breath quickened as well as my heart rate when it got louder as it was said a third and fourth time. It kept being whispered. Soon it sounded like she was right next to me and was yelling it. The quick pace of my heartbeat on the monitor was getting faster and faster and soon was cut off by a loud singular beep. In my peripheral vision I saw Jae jolt up and yell my name. The door flung open and two nurses ran in alongside the doctor. Suddenly, I was above my body. I saw fear plastered on my face and Jae's. The only difference is Jae's face had life to it, mine however looked like stone. There was no life in my eyes. The doctor and nurses got a defibrillator and used it on me. My body jolted but nothing happened. When they tried again, I found myself on the bed and screaming.
  "It's okay Isabelle!" The doctor yelled. I stopped screaming and looked around. "What happened?" He asked me.
  I looked straight into his eyes and said, with plain fear in my voice, "Mom's waiting for me." Then everything went black.
  Her eyes bored into mine. Blood dripping off of various places. The familiar face I had come to love over the years was twisted into a grimace of hatred. I turned around and saw the monster. Both of them crawling towards me. I was sitting on the ground and couldn't move anything, except my head. I looked down at my arms and saw a lifeless Jae, his throat slit and random cuts and bruises everywhere. I choked out a sob and buried my face into his bloody chest.
  "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Jae." I whispered. Knowing that both of the monsters were coming towards me. I accepted it. I didn't want to live in a world without my mom...or Jae...
  "Isabelle..." He let out a strangled whisper. I lifted my head and looked it him pale face.
  "Wake up....please...." With that, his eyes glassed over.
  I closed my eyes and felt claws rake down my back. When I opened my eyes, I was in my bed and was hooked up to machines still. The door opened and Jae strolled in.
  "Hi babe." He said with a smile. "You know you scared me the other day..." He whispered, his face falling, as he sat on my bed.
  "O-other day?" I asked. He nodded.
  "You've been asleep for 3 days." I felt my eyes go wide.
  "Well, Dr. Gallagher kept you drugged up so you would rest. He thinks that you had a dream about being mugged again. But he let you come home. So at least we have that...." He said, his eyes staring at my side, where a bandage with a little blood seeping through was.
  "My mom..." I thought to myself. "She was whispering my name..."
  "Jae." I said. He looked up at me. "Thank you for saving me." He smiled.
  "Anything for you, babe." He leaned forward and softly put his lips to mine. "I bet you're hungry, huh?" I nodded a little. "Okay, let me help you up so we can get you some dinner." I nodded again, starting to sit up. A pain went through my side and I winced.
  "Take it easy." Eventually, I got up and was at the dinner table. Jae had made Chicken Alfredo. It was delicious.
  "My little grease monkey is also a chef..." I muttered after I had finished. He smiled smugly at me.
  "Pretty great, I know." He laughed.
  "Actually, it's horrible." I joked, laughing.
  “Are you feeling better?” He asked, suddenly getting serious. A hand going to my forehead.
  “Yeah I’m feeling alright. I mean besides a little tired and dizzy. It’s nothing too bad though. I’m sure it’s an after effect of blood loss and the anesthesia.” I said, grabbing his hand and staring at his face. “You look tired, babe.” I commented.
  “I am. I couldn’t really sleep because I was so worried about you.” He said.
  “Go to bed, I’ll be fine.” As soon as those words left my lips, a sharp pain panged through my side, reminding me that I got stabbed. I put a hand to it, making Jae shoot over to my side, asking what was wrong. “Nothing. I just moved wrong. I’m alright. Come on, let’s go to bed.” I said, standing up and grabbing his hand and walking to the bedroom.
  Jae laid down on the bed and opened his arms up to me, which I gladly laid down in. My head rested on his chest and I listened to his heartbeat and calm, tired, breathes. I closed my eyes and smiled, truly happy. It’s been a while since we had been able to do this. With my constant nightmares, Jae would often sleep in the living room, attempting to get some kind of sleep before having to run in and wake me up. I would often tell him that it was fine if he didn’t wake me up, that nothing would happen. It was only a nightmare, after all. What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like life is that scary movie where if you die in a dream, you die in real life.
  “Been a while since we cuddled.” Jae commented, sounding extremely close to unconsciousness.
  “I was just thinking the same thing. I missed this. I missed you.” I said, kissing his jaw. He hummed in delight.
  Once his breathing slowed and his grip loosened around me, I pulled myself out of the bed and walked into the living room, determined to let him finally get his sleep. Plus, I felt wide awake. However, once I walked into the living room, awake turned into alert, and alert turned into afraid as I heard her voice again and I swear I saw her standing beside the window.
  “Isabelle.” She called softly. “Sweet, sweet, Belle.” Her cooing voice sent chills down my spine as I made eye contact with her cold, lifeless eyes. One thing was for sure, this wasn’t my mother.
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cherryplasmids · 6 years
☆ stars above, stars below ☆
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pairing: leonard ‘bones’ mccoy x reader  fandom: star trek reboot — out of movie sequence prompt:  “i want to stare up at the stars with you one last time” notes: character death 
—check out my other works; masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
All he could think about was the stars.
He never cared for them because they never captured his attention enough for him to gain any sort of appreciation for them. Why care for a huge ball of gas held together by gravity? The only star that mattered was the sun — not any other incomparable remote fragment. It’s needed for survival on Earth while other stars were there to look pretty.
He simply hated space and everything in it, including all the objects that didn’t harm him or benefit him — like stars.
Somehow, though, in this moment they appeared brighter than usual. Scattering charmingly across the night sky, their colors contrasting against the dark background. Regardless of what commotion occurred on any planet, they were always there, shining brightly.
It reminded him of you.
And maybe that’s why he was thinking so highly of them right now. He was vulnerable, unsure of what fate has in store for him. Their remoteness triggered fond memories of you always being there by his side. Never once leaving even when his unlovable flaws appeared. Nothing could keep you away from the Southern doctor.
He wished to be with you. To hold you and kiss you like he did only several hours ago.
How could something go wrong so fast?
One minute he was working on a patient in an unknown planet’s clinic and then the next minute, the northwest wing exploded, sending him several yards away. There were an abundance of screams and crying from injured people. Yelling mixed in only a few moments after. Officers were trying to locate the wounded. Everything sounded fuzzy to him, voices going in and out. Silence one minute, loud yelling the next. They were all foreign and distant.
He tried calling out for attention, for help, but his voice was just above a whisper. If they didn’t find and aid him soon, he would surely die. The blood gushing from his head and chest would attest to that. However, no matter how bad it looked, he didn’t feel pain.
No, all he felt was longing. He wanted to see you again.
“Bones!” A feminine dismembered voice screamed out, the same voice that soothed him on a stressful day — the one that seduced him on cool nights. The utter frantic tone did not register in his head. Instead, he heard the tinkle of your beautiful voice, chiming prettily like church bells after a wedding. He imagined you in a white gown, despite the lack of virginity you have. It made him chuckle, he was much funnier when he was drowsy.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“BONES!” You cried out, complete devastation lacing the word. “Goddammit Leonard, where are you?!” A strangled gurgle caught your attention, which caused you to have a moment of internal conflict. Leo could be severely hurt, dying as you helped someone else. Although you needed to find Leonard, you couldn’t ignore an injured victim. So you stopped running and yelling to find the hurt person. “Hello? Can you hear me?”
The strangled sound occurred again, giving you a hint of where the person might be. After a few minutes of searching, you fell to your knees at the sight, hands covering your mouth in complete shock. There was an abundance of blood, covering every portion of the injured upper body. Blood pooled around the head area, only increasing the overwhelming fright you already had. And oh fuck the smell induced a certain stomach-stinking effect — copper mixed with death. You crawled towards the blue-shirted body, fearing the absolute worse.
It was Leonard. Your Leonard.
You just about died right there.
Your hands automatically went to his face, noticing his eyes fluttering between being open and closing. Tapping his cheek, you attempted to get him to stay up. Despite the obvious large piece of shrapnel sticking from his chest, it wasn’t the worst wound. No, his head injury was much more grave. Panic rose within you. Nursing was not your occupation.You worked with Scotty in the engineering department, meaning anything dealing with the body was extremely out of your league.
“Leonard? Baby, can you hear me?”
Bones felt his nerves ease relatively fast. The voice that spoke to him, calmed him down. It was an angel no doubt. Perhaps it was the stars. If he had known they would speak such beautifully, his opinion of them would have dramatically changed years prior.
And then when he opened his eyes, the most exquisite star of them all was staring right back him, automatically bringing a smile to his face.
“Hey, sexy.” He whispered out, raising his hand to brush the hair away from your face. Well, he tried to. His limbs wouldn’t move on his command, but did that bother him? No, not when you were there.
“You’re bleeding, Leo. It doesn’t look so good. We need to get help, fix you up a bit. And then, you’ll be right as rain.” You tried smiling, but it came out as a grimace. Leonard taught you a while back that positivity in these moments was vital in keeping the patient calm. Any sort of hysterics would cause more damage. “You need to tell me what to do.”
“Haven’t kissed you since the morni’.”
Although this was a terrible circumstance, a light giggle slipped out of your lips. “Only you would think about that at a time like this.” Then a little lightbulb went off in your brain. Pressure was needed to stop the bleeding or at least, halt it until Leonard could get the proper medical care.
However, your hands trembled and your body stilled. There was so much fucking blood. It was all over you know as you tried saving your boyfriend. It made you want to throw up or pass out. The unsettling sight would haunt you for sure.
“The stars are stun’n’ ‘night.” Leonard’s words were slurred, which didn’t seem like a good thing.
“Y/N? Y/N, can you read me?” A sudden Scottish voice called out, sounding a bit frantic and out of breath. You sighed in relief, quickly grabbing your Communicator and spoke hastily into the object.
“I was worried about ya lass, where are ya?”
“Listen, Scotty, I’m with Leonard.” You said, pausing for a moment when Scotty cried out in happiness. “It doesn’t look so good. He’s bleeding, everywhere.” Your eyes teared up at every word you spoke. Even though there was hope pulsing through your veins, there was a tinge of fear gradually gaining control. “If we don’t get a doctor now, he’ll —”
“Dammit, I am a doctor.”
A choked laugh mixed with a sob emitted from your throat, as Scotty began talking and to be honest, you wished Scotty had never called. It would take more than a half hour for the crew to get your location due to an unsuspecting enemy attack. They assumed the same enemies trying to kill them was the people behind the explosion.
“Scotty, he doesn’t have 30 fucking minutes. If you don’t send anyone right now, he’ll die and that’ll be on your fucking conscious.” Slamming the Communicator shut and beside you, you gave your full attention to your bleeding doctor.
“Does it hurt? There’s a large piece of building shrapnel stuck in your chest.” You felt stupid for asking but you didn’t know what else to say. How do you comfort a man on the brink of death?
“It doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.” Was all he said, negating your question entirely. You have no idea what that meant since it was most likely a southern phrase, but you did stop asking him questions.
“Remem’ our firs’ da’e? The truck one?” You nodded, brushing his hair away from his face. “I said I hat’d stars.”
“Because they remind you of space. And you hate space.”
“Not anymore. If I didn’ go to spa’ the’ no meetin’ you.” He smiled his fine lines wrinkling at the movement. It made you smile too, despite the tears raining down your face. His eyes began fluttering shut, prompting you to tap his cheek. His eyes shot open, looking more energetic than before. Sleep disappeared and he coughed up a bit of blood. You dabbed it away, disregarding the amount of blood already spilled.
“I love the stars, but that could never compare to the love I have for you.” He whispered gently, no longer slurring. He was gazing at you with the most adoration you have experienced in your entire life.
But then it suddenly hit you — this was his goodbye.
An overwhelming amount of anxiety smacked you in the face, suddenly sucking all sorts of breath out of you. Shaking your head you peered down at your Southern hunk with an angered expression. “Listen to me, Leonard McCoy and listen good. You are not dying here. You’re gonna die when I say you can, okay?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He cheekily smiled. A deep sob released from you, not one bit as happy as Bones seemed to be. “Baby?” You raised your head, meeting his hazel eyes. Laughter was no longer present, but complete serious emotion. “I have one wish to fulfill before I go.”
You nod, leaning up to him to hear his soft words. The snot and tears mingled with one another, making you look extremely disgusting. However, Bones found you beyond beautiful, the complete embodiment of elegance.
“I want to stare up at the stars with you one last time.”
Each syllable destroys every piece of your heart. That was his last wish, his last memory and he wanted to spend it with you. Who were you to deny such a thing?
Leonard grabs your hand, attempting to get you to lay down next to him. You comply, slowly laying down next to his body, despite the warm substance of blood coating your upper body and hair.
It was silent between the pair, completely focusing their attention on the brightly shining stars above them. Leonard couldn’t help but smile — after all he had his best girl and the stars. Nothing could stop his happiness. So he gently shut his eyes, the smile never wiping off his face as the light gradually disappeared.
Once his breathing stopped, you released a bloodcurdling sob, shaking as you tightly held his cold, still hands.  
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
word count: 1,720 published: jan 7, 2018 edited: n/a
182 notes · View notes
freshoutofthegutter · 3 years
"Oliver Ward!", she managed as he boldly stroked her thigh as she was putting on shoes for her evening run.
"We are not going to have sex right now", she finished reaching for the other balenciaga shoe but he caught it first.
"Your ideas are lame, mine are so much better", he argued groping her butt.
"How about we have shower sex", she offered. He halted for a moment. "When I return ", she managed. As she felt him hook her leg over his back.
"Nuuu", he grumbled settling between the space on her chest.
Naturally she couldn't stop herself from playing with his hair. He hummed in agreement and landed a few hundred kisses on her face.
"You smell sexy", he spoke placing a kiss on her jawline.
"The only word I heard was smell", she laughed. He raised himself up on his elbows on and looked her dead in the eye
"Its sexy pheromones", and dived back in this time holding her boobs as stress balls.
"Fine sexy pheromones", she agreed.
This time he tried to get up but she held on tighter.
"I have a call", he huffed. Holding her back.
"And I need to get my pre-sex marathon cardio in", she grinned.
"Nuuuu, you tantalising tease, leave this room and run", he spoke in a theatrical manner as they both reluctantly got up from the divan.
"How about pool sex?", she called as they both walked down the staircase.
Well invested in the idea he asked "which one?", as he grabbed her wrist knowing that his little wife would run off after saying something seductive.
"Whatever you pick baby", she winked on her tip of her shoes to properly kiss him.
"I'm gonna run. And you make us more money", she pointed with her head to the direction of the office.
He laughed at her comment. With new zeal he walked to his office to get the job done.
She knew she was accompanied by security. With a quick nod to Oliver's head of security she told him where she needed to go. A small run around the property.
Their closest neighbor's were about a 2000 feet away which granted them incredible privacy.
She stretched and began to run at a slow pace. Soon she had launched into a mild rhythm that had her thoughts wandering into a million direction.
She mainly thought of the brunch tomorrow . The flower arrangements. The sides that needed to be put out. Above all how to get her dad's attention turned away from the mint green piano that Tina had gotten them as a joke. It was an identical one to the matte black in Oliver's Italian family home. A fine piece of history that belonged to his grandfather.
The familiar burn of the lactic acid buildup in her muscles caused her to slow her run to a walk. She walked for another twenty minutes and the amount of water lost by her body being to make its effects known. She checked the time on her smartwatch. It was thirty minutes past six.
Upon seeing a McDonalds franchise she walked another seven minutes to get to it. She smiled to herself recalling the time she was shocked that FCCU had their own MCB and other fast food chains on the campus. The franchise carried the same name as their residential society.
She walked inside and found it to be slightly smaller in side to the ones she had seen. It was wonderfully chilly inside. Given the moist September air. She stood calmly for a moment as two kids in crocks raced past her to get their ice cream floats.
She walked up to the counter greeting the cashier she asked for a bottle of water and debated whether she should break her non-coffee-vacation streak. She looked at the Happy meals on display with a nostalgic smile when she was interrupted by Jamie to let her know what they needed to leave.
She was mildly shocked at first that Jamie demanded that they leave immediately. She got her water bottle and Jamie payed the due. The cashier was confused.
To top things off Jamie handed her his phone. Which was still connected to a Certain "O Ward".
"Hello?", she asked unsure.
"Hello. Where are you", he spoke back rapidly.
"Hey. I'm at McDonalds, just getting water and coffee, are you okay?", she asked casually.
"Are you okay?", he asked at the same time. She smiled slightly. That they finished each other's sentences. As their universe revolved around each other.
"Are you really okay? I'm asking in absolute seriousness". His tone was stern.
"Yes. Darling", she assured her hand settling on her heart. As she quickly looked around once. "I'm absolutely certain that I'm safe and I'll be home in a few". She said.
"Alright. I love you. Just come back to me safe and sound.", he urged.
"And I you. Dearest", she nodded before handing the phone to Jamie.
She didn't even have to go to the counter to receive her order for it was all done.
She looked at the menu one last time before making an exit.
"Mr. Ward says that "we have to take the car no walking", Jamie explained as he opened the Bentley SUV door.
"Is everything Alright?", she asked after settling in. Jamie was on the phone with someone as Eric handed her the coffee and bottle. Nervously forgetting about her thirst she began to sip on the cold coffee. Almost crushing the cup in her hand. They began driving the moment he was off the phone. She launched into deduction mode and finally asked. "Is Oliver alright?",
Jamie made eye contact with her and said no everything is fine. Before making another call.
"What about Tina?", she turned to Eric. Eyes frantic. "The family, my parents. Drew?". She rambled. Over analysing brain into overdrive.
"Madam everyone is absolutely safe", Jamie repeated twice but she had almost shut down. They parked outside the mansion. 
"Block is secured", she heard Eric.
"Tina's plane landed. Driver is taking her to the hotel as we speak", Eric informed as he stepped in the main gates along with her.
She noticed that the lights had come on and Oliver was waiting at the door for her.
Looking into his phone.
For a moment all form of worry melted away as they saw each other. She calmly walked up to him as he bathed her in the warmth of his gorgeous smile. His clothes smelled of their linens, detergent and his own biochemistry deliciously incorporated in the fancy Jean Paul Gauthier that he favours. He pulled her into his side and observed her closely for any form of injuries. Once satisfied he quickly kissed her and reminded himself that he was holding her.
"I don't think that it was an attack but just to be on the safe side, sweep all the houses the family is staying in. Particularly the hotel", her heart fluttered slightly as she heard him acknowledge her weird family as his.
"Speak to Armando, Drew is getting to the site now and Dont tell Tina". She felt him pull her a little more into his side. And she hugged him by placing her arms around him.
"Also cancel our reservation plans", he finished as they walked into the main lobby.
It was perhaps their favourite thing about the house. The Swarovski crystal fishes flooded the house with an incredible aura of  positivity. He saw the setting Sun reflect and was almost blinded by the magical reflection they left on the high walls and ceiling. A sense of possessive overcame him. He was sure that no one would dare plan a terrorising attack on their house.
"What's wrong Darling?"? She asked as they walked to one of the four living rooms in their mansion.
It was the smallest one but the it was able to grant a wide view of the floor plan.
"Sit", he pointed to the sofa. She grabbed onto his forearm and dragged him with her. "Explain", she pinned him with her most brave stare.
"I want you to understand that appropriate security measures are being taken and no one will get to you or anyone in the family", his voice was heavy and dripping with valor. She felt blood rush to her face.
"I dont understand, just tell me",  she cried.
"My love.", he paused to grab her face and take a deep breath. "No need for you to worry or panic.", she groaned.
"There was a small fire or explosion in the B12 research centre, people are getting on discovering or predicting the cause", he was explaining. As she felt herself melting with relief in his face and practically falling onto him.
"Alright. We're melting now", he was observing her pretty closely. But she didn't seem like she needed any medical assistance.
"Oh dear lord. And here my brain literally thought of cancer and tumors and kingsman shite", she admitted.
"what I'm trying to say is. That we need to deal with this. A team has already started to take into consideration the possible causes and we have to wait and see which is accurate and lots of zoom calls.", he emphasized.
"Which means mini vacation is ceased for the moment", she offered.
"Yes. I'm afraid so", he agreed. "I was more than happy to deal with the situation on my own but they needed to speak with you too", he added.
"Cool", she shrugged feeling the muscles of his obliques tighten.
"So you're not upset", he piped.
"Ofcourse not", she lifted her head to look at his face directly. "Also I broke my no coffee streak so what I am I ever going to do with the energy", she winked. Shamelessly feeling his body and grinding up on him.
He reached for her lovely derrier and adjusted her In a more pleasurable position for the both of them. She hummed in satisfaction. As they took their time to make out.
His smart watch made a sound to let them know that first base and heavy petting was over. It was time to deal with business.
"Drew or Armando?", she asked as they both sat up. "Armando", he answered walking away to collect his phone from Celine their manager/PA who had  travelled with them on this trip.
"I'm gonna go shower", she pointed to the ceiling.
"Sure", he grumbled along with a few other words like cock Block and money and blue balls before switching into a professional demeter to speak on the phone.
"Hello, Celine", Tirza greeted as she grabbed her to go coffee cup from the table.
"Hello. Madam", she answered back. "We have excellent coffee here the same brand you prefer", Celine pointed to the cup in her hand.
"Oh yes I saw those. Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful", Tirza smiled.
"Can I take that for you?", she gestured to the empty cup. "And perhaps get Khalida to make you a new". She offered.
"None of that will be necessary. But I would like you to take an account of all the kids that our staff has and have happy meals sent to them and perhaps something for their parents too", Tirza informed and Celine was more that happy to comply.
"And Celine have you considered a checklist for the things that we may require tomorrow?", she began as they both walked up the stairs.
"Yes I've divided the list in accordance and I've taken the liberty to email them to you. In checklist form Ofcourse", she disclosed.
"Thank you Celine, perfectly executed", she praised entering the master bedroom for a quick shower.
"Alright. I understand that certain remains of the sodium salt required in the chemical analysis had clung to the fabric of the lab coat", Tirza agreed casting a quick glance at the clock on the desk. It was somewhere around 10. PM but still early in Italy. Oliver had popped by 15 minutes ago to let her know that he was going to be on a call with the family. Since his mother had received news about the incident from Drew.
"What we need to understand is that was the research material destroyed accidentally, it was merely preliminary results", Tirza argued.
"It could have been an attempt", a voice provoked.
Irked with the absurd theories regarding the fire.
She wished to Eat the cactus on the table rather than further agrue with these mindless pricks.
She still needed to talk on the phone with Joshua. Ask him about his day and the POA regarding the lab day he had missed.
Disclose the situation to Tina and tell her not to panic.
She rubbed at her temple. Almost filtering out the excessive arguments that broke out between the Director of research and one of the sponsors.
"Gentlemen, this is precisely why it was necessary to invest in an insurance policy. Their guy comes in tomorrow and sees how things go", she reminded everyone on the call. There was a small grumble.
"But what we should take into consideration is that was this preplaned or caused by human error", she reprimanded.
"If it was sabotaged the we will sue the doctor", the sponsor threatend.
"And if it is not then we must all remember that we as researchers have to consider human error and limitations, have we not set fire to things or perhaps broken a few test tubes", Tirza joked.
A small chuckle was heard.
"I once got some h2so4 on my lab journal, smaller than a drop but it burned through a few pages", she recalled.
"But this wasn't a mere lab journal, Mrs. Ward", he borderline scolded.
"It is Dr.Vincent for legal purposes not even my husband calls me that, you know better cousin," she corrected.
"Dr. K, be at ease and tell the student not to worry, this small incident has exposed to us a flaw within our safety control program and we will rectify this in the future", she assured.
"I will not bargain an important asset for price of a small controlled problem that we shouldn't even be talking about until the insurance guy doesn't construct a verdict", she was directly speaking to the sponsor who also happened to be Oliver's distant cousin on his father's side.
"Very well", he agreed.
Her eyes were aching as she saw Oliver walk into her office. With a peculiar look on his face.
He settled into the tiny chair staring at her not saying a word.
She quickly said goodbye as Celine walked in, after a quick chat with Celine. The couple bid her goodnight but there was much that needed to be done for the night.
With a moody Oliver still gawking at her. She took the time to pen a quick to do list for tomorrow.
"What?", she asked walking over to him, simply sitting in his lap.
"For legal purposes", he repeated.
"Yes. It is my title and qualification", she pointed out.
"And what does your husband call you?", he emphasized as the energy of the room shifted.
"Tirza", she joked. Getting up. Walking out into the massive lobby. He got on his heels.
"Where are you going?", he reached for her wrist. But she slipped through his grip.
"Kitchen for food", she giggled. Knowing that pretty soon she would pinned to the massive 8 foot mirror.
"Why so?", he tutted. Standing right behind her. Making her grin because he was predictable for moment.
She rested her heated face on the cool mirror surface trying to hide her grin as his right left settled settled around her neck. His wedding band on the rapidly beating vein on the right of her neck.
He flexed his grip once and  she giggled.
"I dont find it funny or cute when you deny my invitations for dinner", he grabbed her around her slim waist. She noticed that he was wearing his signet.
"I already said that I", she snapped.
He flexed his hand in warning. Cutting her mid sentence. Making her grin at the panther like vibe rolling off him.
"Had coffee?", he mocked. Looking at her in disbelief. " go ahead say it", he taunted making eye contact in the mirrors. Fingers angling her face up. Thumb flirting with the seam of her lip.
They both played this game well. Had perfected it over time. Became masters.
"I've had a coffee", she taunted as an echoing smack followed landing on her left buttcheek. That had place her palms on the mirror panes and rise to her toes.
Making eye contact she murmured.
"So be it husband",
He grinned back quintessentially predatory.
          ***** insert super hot smut*****
An hour or so later.
She stretched casually and contently on the deep sofa of the gaming room.
The lights were dimmed and she had fallen asleep in their post glow/cuddling/ after shower.
"What time is it?", she picked all her hair up and looked at the wet patch on the white faux fur of the headrest.
"Somewhere around 12", he murmured against her lips.
"Big Oof", she grinned falling back onto the fur.
"Mega Goof", he naturally completed.
"2 hours is a new record", he commented. Tracing a particular spot on her hip. An elysian smile hovering on his artistic lips.
"My arm is still twitching", she poked it once again.
"Hmm", he was mentally elsewhere.
"What did I say?", she questioned picking at the fine hair on his arm.
"That you want dinner?", he nuzzled her nose with his.
"Fine whatever,  she was now getting up and reached over for his robe.
"Where are my clothes?", she looked around.
He pointed to the door " outside". He stretched in a king like position on the sofa.
"Oomiii gawd!", she cried. Running out to retrieve her clothing.
She quickly poked her head  to glance at the hallway.
Which was clean and empty. Mortified she stared back at his smug face.
"Where are they?", she whisper yelled. Stretching her arm to her left.
"If you want round two just ask", he rolled his eyes getting up. Strolling towards her.
"Fuck you", she swore looking around for her clothes.
"Here I found your knickers", he flung the lacy material to her. She quickly caught it.
"Where are the rest?",
"Wash", he supplied as they walked down the stair into the kitchen.
The fridge was open and he pulled out a box containing a small salad.
"Eat because I your kind husband requested khalida to make this for you when you were sleeping", he spoke as he sipped on a bourbon coffee. "See how much I adore you." He most certainly over sugared it.
A weird doubt settled and she wished he would answer in negative.
"Khalida found the clothes right and put them in the wash?", she deduced.
"Maybe", he shrugged. She knew by now that the maybe was a definitely.
"What are you having?", she pointed with her fork chewing crunchy sweet lettuce.
"Decaffeinated coffee", he lied.
"With milk right?", she went back to eating.
No reply. No coffee lecture or horrified look.
Not the ideal conversationalist are we now. But it was indeed after 12.
"I'm gonna sleep", she mumbled climbing the stairs back up.
"I'll speak to Eric", he nodded.
"Kay", her voice echoed.
Popping into the laundry room to check out the dryer.
Her clothes were hung up in the fancy air dryer. The  cotton fabric dry and an indicator that it had been washed an hour ago.
"Dont overthink it", he yawned on her shoulder. "Its her job", he reminded her.
"Fine, now hold my finger", she agreed. He smiled.
As he linked his pinky with hers. Knowing that this was a small ritual she has been performing. She took a deep breath and began her silent prayer. Thanking the lord for her husband and everything else. Falling asleep with a thankful heart and in the arms of her beloved.
      *le morning*
He was on his second cup of coffee. He had woken up at an absurd hour as he was still adjusting. The 2 hour video conference had her drained along with the activities that followed. It was around 10 am and she was still passed out.
Oliver quietly sipped his espresso as he and Celine chatted with Tina over the phone and explained to her what had happened.
Tina made a lewd comment regarding her dumb fuk  of a sister when she had accidentally popped by earlier for work purposes. He casually smiled and promised to pass on the joke that she had made to her sister being passed out after being involved in vigorous exercise.
*wink wink*
It was precisely 11 am. When he was done with his workout. He had a small snack post workout. Went to his office to check on emails before he ignored the work for the rest of the day.
"You need to stop stealing my post it notes", she entered the office space as he crossed another thing off the list she had penned prior.
"Bellesima, bonjorno", he spoke with reverence. Bathing in her radiance.
"Bellesima, me later!",
"Why didn't you wake me up?", she inquired picking up the yellow paper frowning.
"Because you looked like the depiction of divinity sleeping", he offered holding his hands before him. Smiling.
"Omg. I was supposed to get my hair and nails done in time and now I have none" she settled in his lap. Thankful that his chair was massive and could house them both.
"You looked peaceful, like a troll that had never gotten sleep", he rolled his eyes.
"Wow, maturity suits you, I have to pick between nails and hair now", she debated holding his hands. He drew hearts, wrote his name on her hand as she decided.
"I'll just straighten my hair and wear the rings", she pointed to the drawer in his table that housed her wedding band and the engagement ring.
" you're agreeable, whenever you sleep past ten we should do that more often", he remarked.
"No its merely the results of my orgasmic after glows.", she grinned. Resting her hands on his shoulders she winked suggestively.
"Minx", he shook his head. Full on snogging her. Almost about to participate in office sex.
"Take glasses off. I have no self control", she cried.
Diving her hands in his hair.
"As much as I'd love to do that!, you need to give me 10 minutes", he broke free. She refused to let him go so he gently placed her on the stuffy chair on the left.
She stared back in disbelief. He took a moment to compose himself as he rearranged the contents of his table.
She still sat away sulking. Glaring.
He turned around and got the rings he needed from the drawer. He phone dinged. Making her narrow her eyes at him.
He smiled looking at the text and placed the ring box on her lap and walked out.
Strangely puzzled by his behaviour she found him taking to Celine outside who had arranged a stylist to do her hair. Eventually everyone got to work.
She toyed with the ring on her hand left hand and watched him walk into the room as she sat before the vanity. He didn't talk to her perhaps he too was nervous and needed time to ground himself. He changed his attire and left quietly. The stylist was trying to conceal her reaction to his existence.
But Tirza was more concerned about the lack of communication.
When her hair was straight and set. She got up to pick her phone to ring Tina around 11:20 only to hear him yelling her name. Startled. She ran, to the source of him voice. The coffee in her system making her crazy.
"Oliver!", she called back.
"Tesora", he answered back. She saw him at the bottom of the stairs. Practically bouncing with energy.
She almost stumbled down the stairs only for him to grab her wrist and start running.
She waved a quick hi to Khalida as she passed by her. Who was grining too.
They quickly passed by the indoor pool.
"What do you see?", he asked.
" a perfectly good pool", she guessed.
"But. Its empty", he pointed with his head. As he kissed her.
"Okay, but dont try to mess my hair up", she jumped with joy sliding the thin stap of her top. He stopped her by placing a kiss on the scar on her shoulder.
"Wait", and then they were running again.
They finally stopped outside a door.
"Close your eyes", he requested pulling out a piece of silk from his pocket.
"Kinky, now?", she pushed the hair away from her face. Closing her eyes.
She hear the door click, and he carried her in the room.
"I'm going to put you down now, you have to stand", he informed her.
She nodded.
"What do you hear", he whispered on her earlobe making her shiver.
She focused really hard and it was the sound of the water.
"Water, please tell me that you've cancelled the plans and shifted it to dinner because we are busy", she spoke realising what may take place now.
He just laughed.
"Ding ding", she cheared.
"Almost there", he traced her arm and they began walking again.
"Happy 7 month anniversary, darling", he slid the silk off. It was slightly static because of her hair. But the sight before her rendered her gobsmacked.
The outdoor pools she had seen three days ago. Now had Koi fishes fluttering in the water. There had to be 20 or more.
She was mesmerised. "They are beautiful", she praised. "Thank you so much",
He was walking into he small pool towards the fountain as he reached over and retrieved something.
"Something to commemorade", he said walking towards her.
"Your clothes", she giggled.
0 notes
Don’t believe me, ask him. Part 3
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Characters: Dean & Sam Winchester, Jaslyn (OFC), Silas (OMC), Reese (OFC), Crowley
 Word count: 2,523
 Summary: After skipping town after town Jaslyn finally found one she could see herself settle in. For awhile that is at least. Only for the normal supernatural life to follow her there due to her normal old habits always catching up to her. She didn’t see this coming a million miles away though. Was her luck about to change for the better or was she gonna be stuck packing up going off on the run again? Only this time with the Winchester's on her trail?
 Warning: (Not too sure what all to put here) Language, speaking of drug use and alcohol, simple flirting, (18+ only), this one don’t apply too much for this one but there's no telling what may come.
 A/N: I do not own supernatural or any of it's characters besides the OFC's I have created. Do not repost my work anywhere without my permission please. That is if it is even good enough for such wanting. This is my first try at any fan fiction writing. Please be honest with how you feel about it. The only way to get better in my mind is by taking others opinion's into thought. Unless it's just hate crap, then save it for the birds.
Master List
Tags: @soythedemonqueen  @dragongirl420  @srj1990 @deathly-smirk  @sofreddie @hyphymanatee  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @chelsea072498 @neganswinchesters
Update:: shout out to @soythedemonqueen​ for the Aesthetic, forgot to leave the credit! All other gifs were found through google.
anybody wanting to added, let me know!
Don’t Believe me, ask him Part 3
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Walking out of the blood bank I spotted Dean and Sam outside leaning on the impala. ‘How fucken sexy is she?’ I couldn’t help my eye ball the whole car, not even paying attention to the guys looking back and forth to each other with wide eyes.
“Like what you see, huh?” Dean voice lingering getting his words out.
“Yessir, I sure do” I said, switching my eyes from the car to him. The shine in his eyes were unreal. My heart fluttered, again.
“Get in doll, we’re gonna take a classic today. Not that ricer you be driving.” He chuckled out loud.
Rolling my eyes I slid into the back seat. I couldn’t lie about how this car was a wet dream to myself but I wasn’t gonna let him know such knowledge. Dean drove us to a small café down the road close to the bar we first encountered each other at. There aren’t too many places to go around here being such a small town.
As we were walking into the café the waitress perked her head up from her phone and laid eyes upon Dean first. She slowly made her way to Sam and never once looked at me. Her eyes lit up with joy as she glanced back at Dean but once I made her line of vision her face went sour.
“Hello, my name is Reese and will be your waitress for the afternoon. What may I get y’all to drink?” She was trying to sound sweet. Handing us our menus her eyes never left Dean’s face but to look his arms up and down. He paid no attention to her drools just looked over at me. Sam’s eyes switched back and forth between Dean and me sitting next to each other and back to the bimbo with a smile. I glanced at Sam then back to Dean, who was already looking back at her and slowly to the waitress with a cheesy smile.
“A beer for me and”, Dean nodded over at me “whatever she wants.” Reese looked down at her pad waiting for to answer.
“Water, with lemon please on the side, lots of it please.”
“Sweet ice tea with lemon.”
“Okay, I will be right back with those drinks.” She said, getting one good smile in at Dean before spinning around to walk away.
I looked over at Sam waiting on one of them to bring up the reason we were here to start with. I could only hope I wasn’t about to put myself in between a rock and a hard place.
“Sooo, who is gonna start this awkward conversation were about to have.” I said, winking at Sam.
“Uh, well. I guess I will.” Sam sat up some to straighten his back placing his hand folded in front of him. “Jaslyn, there were blood bank donation bags found next to a girl half drained. There is only one blood bank in this area-”
“and you work at it.” Dean chimed in. I switched back and forth trying to look clueless. ‘Fucking A’
My heart started to race. Silas still hadn’t said anything to me so I’m flying solo here. Feeling a lump in my chest I try my best to think of anything to say.
“And?” I turned my body towards Dean leaning against the wall to look him right in the eyes. Reese was on her way back with our drinks thank god.
“Now, what may I get ya’ll to eat?” She said, after sitting our drinks down without any lemon. “What about you handsome?” Looking at Dean she flashed her dimples.
“Uh, excuse,” Expecting her to at least look at me, I kept talking, “I asked for lots of lemon on the side and my buddy here also asked for some.” I started out sounding decently nice but by the end my tone was annoyed because she wasn’t paying any attention. I could see Sam looking at me out of the corner of my eye and Dean turning to look too. She finally took her eyes off him when no one was looking at her but me. “Lemon, please…” Giving her a sassy smirk showing my own dimples she narrowed her eyes at me and walked away.
“Rude much?” Dean chuckled out. “You didn’t have to bite her head off”
“Maybe if she could drool and do her job correctly at the same time there would have been no need for me to be short.” Making a snorting sound I shrugged my shoulders. Shortly after getting that out my mouth she was back with my lemon. “Thank you, ma’am”
“May I get ya’ll something to eat?” Her attention was still only on Dean. The rumors about women loving him were sure true.
“I don’t know about these two here but I could go for the house burger and fries.” Dean answered without even looking at the menu.
Sam shook his head, “I’m gonna pass and just stick to my drink.” She was finally making her way around the table, vision wise.
I wasn’t too sure if I felt like eating or not. Not being medicated messed with my appetite and since they picked me up I wasn’t able to smoke my daily lunch blunt. She was focused on me waiting with her pen in hand and pad in the other, pen flopping slightly and eyebrows lifted with impatience. “My apologies, I didn’t have a chance to look because of the guys here.” Opening the menu I could hear her let out a sigh. “Let me get the cheese sticks with marinara.”
“Okay then, house burger with fries and an order of cheese sticks,” adding a bit of sass, “Correct?”
“Try not to forget the marinara with it.” I mentioned with my own amount of sass as she started to walk away.
“Do you two know each other?” Sam asked with curiosity in his voice turning his head sideways slightly.
Dean shifted his shoulders toward me and placed his arm on the back of the booth. “Yeah, vibes between you feels like there’s some history. You steal her boyfriend or something? Girl…? I never got an answer about that the other night by the way…” His smile made my heart jump some.
‘Dude, what the fuck’
Chuckling I took a sip of my water and started squeezing the lemons in it. Sam and Dean were waiting on me to respond but I just kept mixing my lemon water trying to make it stronger.
“Because that would be super hot and we may even have a friend that would interes-“
“Dean, Charlie doesn’t need you playing match maker and I’m sure Jaslyn don’t need your help either.” Sam busted out laughing to his brother’s face expression. Dean bunched up his nose and rolled his eyes.
“It’s nothing like that.. She is my best friend’s ex.” I said, like it was nothing. It was nothing. Silas was my best friend and for the last 6 months that’s all he had been, a friend. They were broken up before I moved to this town. “They had some falling out shortly before I moved here, couldn’t tell ya what over. All I know is they broke up and to her I’m the reason. She thinks we’re banging. I’m the home wrecker” I said, using quotation marks with my fingers for home wrecker. ‘Sure, let me tell you all about my soul selling best friend I met during take your daughter to work day’
A few moments later she brought our food correctly to us and went on her merry way to check on other tables.
“Back to why we asked you to speak to us,” Sam trying to change the subject he leaned in over the table, “Have you noticed any strange activities around the office or around town?”
“Strange like how?” I raised my eyes brows and him.
“Well, for starters there have been 3 dead bodies found drained of their blood. They all had IV marks in the arm but for one. Renee Jenkins was found sliced up with no IV marks along with a bag from your job.” Dean said, picking up his burger.
My heart started to tighten. “I didn’t know about any murder until I saw the photos you had at the bar. As far as the other’s, I don’t watch the news for that reason right there. I already know how fucked up it is up here so why bother?”
“Up here?” They both caught what I said and tilted their heads at me. “What do yo-“ both at the same time again.
“Hold on Sammy.” Dean said, sitting his burger down. “What do you mean by up here?”
‘Quick Jas, think... THINK.’
“You don’t believe in heaven and hell?” Lifting my head up in confidence I looked back and forth into their eyes. Showing no sign of worry on my face the best I could I dipped my cheese stick and took a huge bite. Dean already had half his burger down. “Or do you believe the whole hell on earth shit?”
“Oh no... There is a hell for sure.”
“You speak like you have some sort of experience in that area.”
“Jaslyn, who all works at the clinic?” Once again, Sam was trying to keep us all on track. Dean was eye balling me.
“There’s me, my boss, who’s the manager and the two nurses that take the blood. That’s it.” With bags being found, me not being able to do my weekly count and not going through the fanny pack before coming back to work I have no way of telling if the bag was mine or not. But deep in my heart something is telling me Silas didn’t do this now. Nothing is adding up. The first two people, whoever they are, could possibly been Silas, even then I know he wouldn’t kill someone, but this chick they are asking about now couldn’t be. The moment they said she was sliced up I knew it wasn’t him.
“Who is in charge of inventory?”
“That would be me.” I said raising my hand to the waitress since she hadn’t been back around since bringing our food. She saw me and rolled her eyes.
Dean had already finished his burger by the time she made it to us. I hadn’t ate a whole cheese stick but my lunch break was about over so it didn’t matter. “Can I get a to-go carry out?”
The boys looked at their watches. They must have forgotten I was on a lunch break and had a job to get back to while they were working on their own.
“Sorry dudes. Is there any way we can finish this in the car. I need to start heading back.”
As we paid our bill Reese spoke loudly, “Ya’ll be sure to come on back and see me ya hear.” Smiling her fake grin she turned to me. “I sure hope Silas knows you’re out with two strangers having lunch.”
“Nah, but I know you will be sure to let him know for me.” Walking out the front door I could hear her start to say something under her breath but couldn’t make it out so I turned back around. “Be sure to tell him I rode in their car too. It’s a classic. He ass would almost love it as much as me.” I hollered over my shoulder laughing. 
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Sam and Dean followed me out to the parking lot laughing their heads off. “Are you sure you didn’t steal anything from her?” This time it was Sam questioning me. “From the sounds of it you di-“
“I already told ya’ll I didn’t take shit from her.” I said, opening my door sliding into the middle of the back seat. “I’ma level with ya’ll… but I gotta know mister beer-thirty I needs to smoke before getting back to work, are you gonna let me or what?”
Dean eyed me through the rear view mirror. Sam tilted his head toward his smiling brother. “Don’t you burn anything back there ma’am”
Sam’s eyes grew huge with shock. “The man who doesn’t let dogs in here is gonna let a chick smoke a j?”
“Shut your pie hole, Sammy.”
Giggling I pull my pre-rolled blunt out and roll my window down some. Sparking it I finished. “So, as I was saying…. I’ma level with ya’ll. This morning my boss told me not to worry about the baggy count. Just told me to send out my normal doings and off into his office he went.”
Dean looked over at Sam.
“Anyhow,” I said, exhaling the thick smoke. “I been working there going on five months and I’ve always done the count and ordered what we needed ‘til today.”
We were almost back to the clinic by now and I hadn’t even got to smoke half. ‘I’ma have to go through that pouch’
“Think you could try and do a count for us. It would be a huge solid.” Sam was turned all the way around now facing me. “Please, Jaslyn. Something in my heart is telling me you have nothing to do with all of this. That you’re just a girl working at a place that just happens to be the focus of something not natural.”
‘Yeah, maybe not this… but.. still. You silly boys’
Pulling into the parking lot I slung my purse over my shoulder and dabbed the blunt out on the bottom of my shoe. “I can’t make any promises. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you Jaslyn. So much.” Sam said as I got out.
“Can I get your number? You know, in case we need to be in touch. Well, we do really..” Dean grinned at me showing those lovely whites. Those dimples were to die for.
“I mean, I suppose ya’ll can have it to be in touch.”
Sam let out a loud laugh, “I like her.”
I walked over and took the cell from Dean’s hand, “I do too.” He smoothly said, winking at me.
“Call me later Sir. If I don’t pick up I’ll call you back when able.” Before I could make it to my desk I was getting a call on my cell. ‘Dean already?’
My heart was jumping with joy until I saw the name.
“Yes, Father?” With my voice full of sass, “How may I help you today? Anybody needing any talking’s to so you can grasp their desperate souls?”
“Mock me how you please but no daughter of mine will be associating with the Winchesters.”
Sitting down in front of my computer I kicked my purse under the desk glanced at my boss’s office door. “Look, I do not have time for this. There are far more important things I have going on compared to you being worried about how you may look in front of other. Others who ar-“
“The daughter of the King of hell cannot and will not be hanging out with the Winchest-“
“Well, I suppose it’s a good thing there aren’t many who even know of me, huh!”
Word Count: 2,523
20 notes · View notes
namjoonchronicles · 7 years
Rage - [BTS] Boyfie!Taehyung Au
[A/N] The disrespect. The pink headband and the little chest is so contradicting, save me from this boi goodness.
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He couldn't believe what he saw. The most recent Instagram post had him sweating. Profusely. It's been a long time since he has acted like this. Taehyung fidgets his eyes to the side, one hand holding the phone, shakily; another hand on his knee. He tries to control his breathing, his composure, anything, but he couldn't help gulping nervously. If this is what it is, he has to clean this mess up and quick.
He couldn't shake the uneasiness in his guts as he dashed to the kitchen and start hopping in place to get the things down from the shelf. But his instincts proved to be correct because as he was panicking, the main door beeped unlocked, and the handle twists, then time slows down. You reached home. "I brought you some cakes, and muffins. Seokjin was upset you couldn't come so he asked me--no, forced me to bring these souvenirs he got from Vietnam." Kicking your shoes away and fixing them in place, next to Taehyung's Puma pair, you slipped on indoor slippers and set the things on the counter while Taehyung froze.
He had both hands upwards to the cabinets, appearing to reach something, standing on his tip toes. You blinked at him and he passed a blank but surprised look.
There was pajamas hanging above the top cabinet, a legging on the fridge, your secret snack stash clearly rummaged thoroughly, and when you snapped your head to the living room that is equally messy, you saw your bra hanging from the ceiling fan. The human-sized teddy bear you loved very much is laying face down by the glass door to the balcony, with its legs folded unnaturally. The things that were laying all around are undoubtedly, yours. Taehyung's lips gone dry and he gulped as he set his hands down to each side. He couldn't even meet your gaze. His eyeballs fidgets side to side and the whole room was filled with an eerie silent. Something that is very odd in this 'fun house' you shared with boyfriend (soon-to-be husband), Taehyung.
A few seconds later, Taehyung is seated on the couch, lacing his fingers together a la prayer, watching you march left and right with your arms crossed. He opens his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, you dashed, "Don't say a word." To which he locks his jaw together and pressing lips together, in an obedient mode. There wasn't even a climb in your voice, you just went straight risen vocals in your exasperation, "I can't believe you would think that I would..." you couldn't even bring yourself to say it, without taking a deep breath, "...With Seokjin!" Taehyung knitted his brows together, expressing his whole guilt with his body and every muscle on his face, itching to explain but not knowing what to say. "It was Namjoon last week, and Yoongi, the month before, and now, Seokjin!?"
You were clearly upset. Taehyung had his elbow rested on his knees and cover his face with both of his hands while grunting softly. The kind that someone lets out when they are guilty of something. "I can't believe you can't trust me." End game.
Let's take time to go a few hours back, perhaps before all of your clothes and things gets thrown all over, or even to the time where you were just leaving the house, or better... to the time when you just woke up next to Taehyung.
He was burying his face in your stomach, hugging possessively. The tip of his nose digging into your flesh and you could feel his soft breathing on your skin, his pillow is thrown off the bed and his limbs draped over your body like a koala clinging on a tree. Taehyung is...needy. Very. Needy. And as if he has heard you thoughts, he moans silently in his sleep and nuzzled more. It made you dragged your eyes to the floor where your phone was. Praying that no one calls you because, you've been 'confined' by this huge boy, 'attached' to you by skin, making it impossible for any movements to be made. Then you heard buzzing. Buzzing from him? Buzzing from his side of the bed. Buzzing from underneath him. Taehyung groaned and dipped his hand underneath the blanket, taking out his phone.
He slide the 'answer' button and place his phone on his ear on its own before letting out a groggy deep voice to whomever that was calling,
"The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please call again. Never." He even added the beeping tone at the end. You were peering at his entire act under your nose, judging him, silently. "I can't believe he just imitated a voicemail message. In his sleep."
Staring widely at his broad shoulders you couldn't help feeling shocked at the entire ordeal. Unbelievable. You did this once too. Can two people be so alike? Taehyung rolls to his back, and resumed sleeping, and you took the chance to see who was calling. It was Seokjin. And he was actually still on the line. You grabbed it as fast as you could and let out a groggy hello. "...Don't tell me you're still in bed." Seokjin sounded really pissed off. "Did Taehyung blocked my number on your phone again? Because I think he did. I called and called, and it went straight to voicemail." Seokjin exhales hard, and you could hear the sound of a van passing through. He must standing by the roadside. "...I can explain." You started, springing up in your bed, running your fingers through your hair. "Save it. You kids can never hold it in long enough for anything."
And it offended you, greatly. Especially when Taehyung and you spent the whole night, deciding what to buy for his birthday party and having to take chicken deliveries because you both were too excited to choose out of the many things they sell online. "That's not very nice. You know nothing." Already circling the bed, dragging your feet on the floor to the bathroom, Taehyung flutter his eyes open from the stir you made, running your hand up and down his upper arm, while planting a kiss on his temples while he grumbles and stretched. "How is it that you don't catch his cold?" Seokjin contorts his handsome face and at the exact moment, Taehyung followed you sleepily to the bathroom. He washes his face with some cold water and watch you on the phone with Seokjin through the reflection. Then he brushes his teeth while you leaned your back on the counter.
"I was about to, but I wallowed in 10 tablets of Vitamin C chewables." Basic medical knowledge could really help. And with that, Seokjin's phone call ended and you got dressed while Taehyung prepared simple breakfast. A sugarless coffee and some toast. You had to leave early to help Seokjin set up everything needed for the party. Taehyung was initially invited but since he recently got a vaccine shot that triggered the cold, Seokjin advised him to stay home, instead. Taehyung's attention was drawn to a cluster of picture frames on the wall. With a mug in one hand, he sips the coffee in a relaxed and calm manner, fixing one tilted frame to perfection. It was pictures of you and him. His family and yours, his pet dogs and your graduation picture. He zooms into your face and smiled proudly, "Mine." Patting his butt on your way out, Taehyung jumped a little. But you made it clear that you won't leave until you get a kiss.
But what really led to Taehyung's breakdown was not when you left. It was what you did there that ticks him off.
Regularly, Jimin would update your Instagram account for you all the while preparing for the party. Seokjin was lingering around you, all the time. Helping you get the decorations done, deciding where to put the cake, placing name cards on the seating as planned previously. Since Taehyung isn't around, Seokjin put you next to him because where else would you put the one that made all of this possible? But Seokjin was insensitive to how Taehyung would have felt. Therefore, when Taehyung's last straw was piqued, he went all out (childishly) take your things and scatter them around in rage. Before he curls into a ball and ugly-crying then, angry-eating your secret snack stash in the bottom left cabinet. That was before he saw you made a miniature-sized clay man, sitting on the table next to your fork. Jimin took the picture of you smiling next to it, and it has a little name card: Kim Taehyung; then you posted it on Instagram.
The caption reads: Shout out to my bae, Taetae. Wish you were here. Can't wait to have a little party of our own.
And that was when Taehyung knew, he was fucked.
He turns to face the TV cabinet, while you sat cross-legged on the sofa he sat on, earlier. He glanced to the side and stammered the words out, "M-must I really do this." An evil grin on your lips was the only answer you gave him and watching intently, (with perverted gaze), you watch him held the brim of his shirt, slowly lifting it, to reveal his marvellous back and hip. It got passed his middle back and he hesitate a little. "Go on, don't stop." You licked your lower lips as your boyfriend gets super embarrassed. Which was funny, because you've seen more than this. It's amusing to see him acting coy. Maybe because there's too much light around. He gets self-conscious. Taehyung pull his shirt through his head and let out an annoyed and shy, (but sexy) sigh. "Turn around." You commanded and leaned back to the chair, extending your arms to each side like a powerful queen you are.
Taehyung covers himself with his arms and hands after you told him to leave the shirt on the floor, feeling severely exposed. "Can I put them back on, now?" He begged, with a cute pout on his lips. And you grinned, shaking your head lazily. "Please..." He pleaded. His words had you tipping your head back and you groaned, "...You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this." And Taehyung is just full blown a scared-pup now. He watched you beckoning him over by curling your index finger inward and being the obedient one now, he couldn't protest even if he wanted to. He is to make breakfast every morning and decide dinner dressed in nothing but his spiderman boxers, for one whole week. And if there were guests around?
"...Either tell them what you did, or say you like to walk around in your own house like this." Running your finger down his chest to his abs while he gulps nervously. "...People will think we're weird." He stutters and you beamed up at him, "...Well, that means we'll have more time," You stopped just above the hem of his boxers and hooked you finger around the waist band, licking your lips at him, "...together." Your fearless eyes met his frightened pair, and oh what a night it was.
Taehyung couldn't stop screaming your name. His voice was all hoarse, the next morning. Not that you would complaint.
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