#it used to snow every winter here but now we are lucky to get one snow day
thedisablednaturalist · 5 months
Guys we need to fight climate change so more dogs get to have their first snow day
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broomsick · 6 months
Self-care & connecting with nature deities during the wintertime
Is it still possible to connect with harvest and nature deities such as Freyr during the cold season?
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Long answer short, yes. Obviously, absolutely. But you all saw that answer coming, right? So I’m here to give you some ideas, as the person who’s favorite season is winter and who made it their mission to help everybody like winter just a little more. And since I feel especially close to Yngvi-Freyr when it comes to the Gods, I will use him as an example throughout this post, though a lot of the following could apply to most nature deities.
Let us first examine a common misconception before we get to the bottom of this topic: the fields don’t die when the sun sets on the 31st of October. The earth still lives under thick layers of snow. The process of dormancy is absolutely crucial to the cycles of nature. And if, like me, you find Freyr to be a sort of guardian of these cycles, then you’ll know he manifests himself in so many ways, even where you might not think to look.
Have you heard about the holly and ivy tradition? It was common during the European Medieval times to decorate houses and halls using holly and ivy, because they were the two plants with leaves that stayed green, even in the dark and cold of winter. This type of practice is often referred to as "bringing the outside in", and it's something I'm quite fond of. I've no doubt it could be a great help if you're the type to feel depressed during the winter time. It's a way to remind oneself of how everpresent nature actually is. Lots of greenery remains despite the snow! And to ackowledge this fact and to work with it is such a great way to connect with nature Gods in general! It goes to show that you appreciate their blessings all year round, not just during spring and summer. While it's true that in many cases, the presence of deities such as Freyr may feel somehow "dimmed" during the winter time, I assure you, they don't disappear once the first snow falls! On the contrary, they are every bit as present and active as when spring comes! They simply manifest themselves in a different manner.
When winter comes, I love to work with evergreen spirits. I incorporate spruce, fir and cedar into my practice and in my offerings. I won't go into too much detail for this topic however, because I've written posts that pertained to it in the past (namely, this post on tree work and this one on land spirits). Since I don't have easy access to holly or ivy, I make due with evergreen! Not with any actual branches, except when I'm lucky enough to find some that were torn away by the wind. But rather, using representations of it. In the same manner, and in the spirit of "bringing the outside in", it's also possible to decorate using representations of the sun! Harvest deities such as Freyr are often associated with it due to its crucial role in the cycles of plant growth. Candles also make for great solar symbols, and to place them around the home is like lighting a handful of little suns to bring much needed light and warmth inside. What's more, lighting candles on the winter solstice night is a widespread practice among pagans today! It serves to symbolize the return of the sun, as the days start to grow longer again. Until then however, it can be soothing for one to light a candle every morning before school or work, and to call upon any harvest, nature or solar deity of their choice to ask for strength and motivation throught the day. Even when it's difficult for us to feel their presence, they always hear us.
Now, how to actually feel more connected to nature? Oftentimes, connecting with nature and connecting with Yngvi-Freyr are one and the same. And on a more personal note, a lot of the advice I received from him pertained exactly to that: I believe he's often urged me to go spend more time in nature when I am going through rough patches. I know the cold and the cloudy weather can make it depressing for a lot of people to go out. My advice on this is to take it step by step: no need to go on long, four-hour long hikes right away! After all, there is already much beauty to be seen close to home. And I can't put enough emphasis on that: dress warmly! Also, as a tool for motivation, prepare a treat for yourself to enjoy after you've gone out. Part of what makes me enjoy winter so much is the thought of the warmth and light which await inside after I’ve gone out into the cold. The home is as sacred as the outside world! So why not buy, or prepare a batch of cookies, a cup of hot chocolate or a spicy dinner! It's something I love to do as a way to motivate myself to go out more often. And I like to offer part of these to local land spirits and to the Vanir, to show my appreciation for the beauty of this season. Just as an aside, I find snow water to be a great such offering as well!
I know that I’m not revolutionizing the pagan scene with this post, as there’s only so many ways to connect with nature during winter. I think it’s important to keep in mind that the snow, rain and cold that this season brings is just as much part of nature as the greens and lively colors of spring and summer. For this reason, they are just as much a part of nature deities and what they represent. Deities have so many facets and depth, and it can be so fulfilling to explore these different aspects, and the way we perceive them. While it’s true that spiritually speaking, it often feels to us heathens as if Skaði is somehow “taking” Freyr’s place in the order of things for the time being— much like the Holly King takes the Oak King’s place in Celtic folklore. This doesn’t make it so he disappears! In my experience, he presides over the cycle of seasons as a whole, and he is every bit as present for his followers as he is during the winter. I can connect with Skaði during the summer in a similar manner. And I’m sure that the same can be said for so many other harvest deities.
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prentisssgf · 2 months
| snow day
| criminal minds
| emily prentiss x reader
| fluff
| 1362 words
| a/n can we just pretend that emily has never seen snow PLEASE, also I hate this so badly but I want to finish it lol
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It was common knowledge that Emily Prentiss traveled a lot, she used to say that she had been everywhere in the world and you thought that she was just being dramatic until she showed you all the pictures.
One night a girls night Emily confessed to you, even though she had been around the world she had never seen snow, you figured that she was lying but when she explained to you that every time she went around the world in winter hoping to see the snow it just didn't happen, she drunkenly told you that when she was younger she used to put a channel on the tv where it was just snow to "get the full experience" but when she woke up she was adamant that she didn't tell you that.
Now here you were, 7 years later with your 3 year old Amelia.
You had been married to Emily for 5 years and you loved her so much, you decided to try IVF 4 years ago and thankfully you were lucky and your daughter Amelia was born.
"Mommy" you were woken up a little brunette running up to your bed, around 2am, sometimes you would look at her and you couldn't wrap your head around how similar Amelia and Emily looked, you sat up in your bed and you looked over at your sleeping wife, you pulled her up and sat her on your lap "scared" Amelia grabbed your face to squish your cheeks to make sure that you were really listening to her, something she picked up from you but you would never admit it.
"Baby" you cooed, rocking her trying to make her go to sleep again "what was the nightmare about, do you remember?"
"You and mama" her eyes filled with tears "a bad guy said that you and mama didn't like me anymore" her body shook from sobs.
"Oh honey" you kissed her head a couple of times, your voice shook with sobs too at her confession "nothing you could ever do would make me or mama hate not like you anymore, you'll always be our number 1 girl okay Amy?" you felt Amelia's head nod on your chest "we love you so so much and please baby that man is not real, you have to believe us" you smiled "do you want to stay here with us or are you ready to go back in your grown up girl bed?" you chuckled slightly.
"Can I stay here until I fall asleep?" she looked up at you with a pout, something she also inherited from you.
"Of course you can sweetheart" you squeezed her before settling her in between you and Emily.
"Em" you tapped your wife until she woke up and turned around to you, "Amy's here with us, she had that same nightmare again"
"Oh about that man saying that we hate her?" Emily ducked her head as you nodded, she bent down to kiss Amelia on her head and then your lips before swiping the hair out of your daughter's face.
"Yeah" you sighed running your finger down her arm absentmindedly.
"Hey" Emily's voice made you look at her "she's going to be okay you know?" Emily smiled.
"I know, I'm just worried for her, should she be having this many nightmares at this age?" you had to hold back a sob.
"No" Emily agreed "but not everyone's mothers are feds" Emily tried to sympathise.
"She'll be fine, right?" you worried.
"If she's anything like her mommy, she'll be great" Emily smiled gently.
You smiled back "I love you”
"I love you" Emily smiled.
"Should we take her back?"' Emily spoke softly after a few minutes.
"Probably but she's not gonna want to come in and sleep in our bed when she's older" you pouted.
"Okay, just a few minutes then"
You nodded in agreement and then yawned, Emily kissed the top of your head as a goodnight before you fell asleep.
"I'm going to take her back alright?" Emily spoke up around half an hour later.
At this point you were fully asleep so you just unconsciously said okay which made Emily laugh.
She came back 5 minutes later and scooted really close to you "Goodnight baby" she kissed your forehead.
"G'night Milly" you smiled in your sleep and wrapped your hand around Emily's waist.
"Mommy mommy mommy" Amelia came running in your room around 8am, causing you and Emily sitting up quickly.
"Amy" you tiredly groaned "you know you're only supposed to wake us up in case of emergencies"
"Like fire or if it's snowing" Emily added jokingly.
"Yeah yeah yeah yeah snow snow snowwwwww" Amelia shouted excitedly, tapping her feet, doing a very cute happy dance.
"Snow?" you shot her a confused glance and then you and Emily looked at each other.
"Mommy mama look outside" she pointed to the window.
You picked Amelia up and you and Emily walked to the window.
"No way, this is beautiful" Emily gawked.
"You're more beautiful" you whispered.
Emily turned around and kissed you again.
"Me and mama and mommy go outside and play?" her eyes went wide in amusement.
"Absolutely, I've packed the snow stuff away so you can stay here with mama and I'll get your things, okay?" you smiled as you placed her on the bed.
"Hey honey?" Emily called you over.
"Yeah what's up?" you smiled.
"Is it gonna be.. you know.. like safe?" Emily worried.
"Oh yeah should be fine the snow isn't that high and we'll go out with her and watch her like a hawk" you laughed.
"Snow's not dangerous right, like isn't it supposed to be icy? what if Amy falls on it and-"
"Milly breathe" you took her hands in yours "Snow is not dangerous, I promise you" you grabbed her cheeks and kissed her forehead "She's gonna be fine, I'll get her snow stuff, and I'll get yours"
You came back to see Emily with Amy in her arms, they were both too focused on watching the snow to see you had came back, you snuck a photo of them before listening to their conversation
"It's so beautiful mama" Amelia smiled with her arms around Emily's neck.
"Mhmm" Emily agreed "but you are even more beautiful" Emily smiled as Amy laughed.
You smiled gently before Amelia noticed you and called you over.
"Look at this" she whispered
"Wow" you shot back as you kissed her head and wrapped your hand around Emily's shoulder "I think that we should make snow angels"
"Alright you guys look beautiful" you smiled as you took a photo of Emily and Amelia together in the snow.
"Hah" Emily grimaced through nerves.
"You having fun Amy?" you asked your daughter who was now making snow angels.
"YES" she squealed which made you and Emily laugh.
"You having fun Em?" you asked your wife who just nodded, you could tell she was extremely nervous and you didn't want to embarrass her so you just left it for a while.
"Snow angels" Amelia exclaimed before dramatically falling into the snow.
You laughed before doing the same thing.
The rest of the day was spent making snow angels and snowmen whilst you all had a snowball fight.
"How are my favourite girls doing?" you asked handing over hot cocoa to Emily and apple juice to Amelia after you gave Amelia a bath and changed her into warm pajamas, you and Emily decided to bathe too, taking turns to watch Amy.
You saw them wrapped up in a blanket with two blankets underneath, you walked over to them, kissing Amy's head and Emily's lips when you pulled Amy up you sat her on your lap, spending the rest of the night watching Christmas films until Amy fell asleep.
"How was that?" you asked Emily running a finger down her arm.
"Good, less dangerous then I thought it was going to be" you both laughed.
"It was the best, I loved it and I love you and Amy" she grinned as she kissed you.
"I love you and Amy so much" you smiled into the kiss, soon enough you both fell asleep thankful.
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0blobthefish0 · 5 months
Lucky Part 2
kate bishop masterlist | main masterlist
Part 1
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Kate Bishop x Female Reader 1126 words
You stood, giddy, outside of the coffee shop; your breath visible in plumes of white as you tried to hide your face in your scarf to warm your face. It was near 8AM and the sky looked as if it were the middle of the night, slush squelched underneath your shoes as you stepped from side-to-side and snow fell lightly in small clumps. It had snowed more than you had expected last night and, to your surprise, it was still snowing.
Your eyes searched the many faces walking past for the one you were meeting. This morning Kate had sent you a text reading: 'Morning! Are you still up for coffee?' You still couldn't believe it, it all felt so surreal - last night you had bumped into her, well her dog had knocked you over, but it was all the same in retrospect, and she had asked you out. For coffee that was. Was it a date? No. You couldn't do that to yourself, not when your small (big) crush on her was still.. lingering.
A familiar face poked up through the crowd and waved at you. You couldn't help the smile that forced its way upon your lips at seeing her.
Kate watched as your face lit up when your eyes had landed on her and she felt her heart stutter. Nervousness suddenly invaded every sense as she awkwardly made her way to you. If you could tell that she was nervous, you didn't do anything to let her know that you knew, and quickly embraced in a welcoming hug.
"Let's get inside, it's chilly out here," you grinned as you let her go. Kate instantly felt herself relax as she followed your lead.
The café was warm. So warm you instantly began to shed the layers once you had found a place to sit.
You didn't know where all the time had gone. The sun was now higher in the bright, winter sky and the snow had partly melted in the face of the glowing sun. 
The two of you had long finished your pastries and hot drinks, passing the time with perpetual chatter; the two of you had a lot to catch up on. You stared at the brunette, a warm smile on your face, as she animatedly told you about Lucky and what he had done last night. You couldn't help but laugh once she had told you that she thought you had passed out from the fall. 
"I was down for quite a while, wasn't I?" You grinned and she nodded her head, amusement sparkling in her blue eyes. "How's your archery?" You asked, a playful smirk on your face, which told Kate that you hadn't forgotten about a small archery related incident.
"It's a lot better now," she started, jabbing at your question, "I actually have a teacher now. He's really cool."
"Yeah. It actually took him a while to warm up to me, he did not want to teach me at all in the first place. I'd say we're actually really good friends now," she grinned celebratorily and you breathed out a light laugh. 
"Are you still reading?" She questioned. Nearly every time she saw you around school, you had a book in your hand. You felt your face warm at the question.
"Yeah.." you smiled abashedly. You were always slightly embarrassed to admit that you read, always having been teased about it - although most of it lighthearted.
"Wh-" Kate began, but was interrupted.
"I'm so sorry, but I've just been told to ask you to leave as we're really busy and could use the table." The two of you looked at each other with wide eyes before quickly getting up from your seats and collecting all of your things.
"No, no, of course, it's no problem at all," you smiled at the poor waitress who had to kick you out. "We had a lovely time."
"Again, I'm really sorry about this," the waitress apologised nervously, lip between her teeth.
"It's no problem, thank you," you smiled and left the café.
Kate stood beside you, pulling her hat over her ears before turning to you with a smile, "Are you free? Cause if you are we could go to the new museum?"
"Yeah, I'd love to," and then you feel her link her arm with yours and guide you towards the museum. The first few steps were out of sync and a bubble of laughter escaped you and Kate looked at you from the side with a grin on her face before the two of you eventually found your rhythm.
You're still linked to her, as you walk around the art museum, and you can feel her warmth radiating you.
"Tell me about your book," Kate says softly and you turn your head, quickly to look at her; her eyes are still on the sculpture, but yours are on her and you swear you're staring at her with heart-eyes. When you don't reply, Kate turns to you and sees you swiftly turn to look at the sculpture. You can feel your cheeks warm before you start to talk.
You tell her all about the book, all of her questions answered, as the two of you wander around the museum. Pausing at every piece, some brief and others maybe a minute or even more. It's a silly romance - your book - it always is, but Kate is hanging onto your every word and it somehow makes you feel more alive than you have been. 
You're both stood in front of a large painting when you feel Kate move to walk on, but then she stops - tugging you back to where you stood. You look at her and she's staring, enthralled. You turn to look back at the painting; it's scenic, a large willow tree takes up most of the frame and the beginning of a pond or lake down in the corner and there's two girls under it. One has a book in hand as she leans against the trunk and the other is laying down, her head in the other's lap as she reads. It's calming, the painting, soft colours are blended only lightly. You can still see the streaks of the paintbrush and the colours are not entirely mixed.
"She looks like you," Kate whispers and you find yourself smiling. And she does - it's uncanny, really. 
"She's got a bow," you whisper back and you watch as Kate's eyes dart around the painting before landing on the mediaeval-looking bow propped up against the side of the tree. The arrows just below it.
"Strange," She mumbles and you nod your head in reply. A small moment but, in just a split second, you felt as if everything had changed.
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
I would love to see Wrecker with Topaz in the winter! Warm soup, cozy fireside snuggles, and just sheer cuteness! 💕
Silent Night
Summary: After Wrecker and the Batch’s Medic are stranded in the middle of a winter wonderland, Wrecker decides to make the best of it.
Pairing: TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Word Count: 725
Warnings: None
Prompt: Topaz - Affectionate Love
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: This one fought me at every turn. I knew what I wanted it to say, but I'm not sure I managed to make it as soft and sweet as I wanted. Oh well, Happy reading!
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“You know, you’re pretty good at this, Doc.” Wrecker says with a grin as his gaze drifts from the fish he’s cleaning, to where the team medic is crouching next to a roaring fire. 
The light from the orange flames gives her an almost ethereal look, and Wrecker has a look away before he gets too distracted. “Well,” She admits as she clears a space of snow, as best as she can, and pulls the tent out of his kit, “Mom and dad divorced when I was a kid. And while mom had a nice house, dad wasn’t so lucky. So his weekends were usually spent camping.”
“So you could probably clean this fish then?” Wrecker asks, as he glances at her curiously.
She smiles sheepishly, “Well, dad did show me how, but you’re doing a wonderful job.”
He grins at her, and sets his knife to the side, “Well, as it happens, I’m done anyway. You have everything set up?”
“Yep. Just toss everything in the pot.”
Wrecker does as she instructs, and watches as she adds a few packets of seasoning, as well as some dehydrated vegetables, “I’m guessing your dad had you doing most of the cooking?”
“Yeah. Well, he wasn’t very good at cooking, really. So it was either learn to cook, or me and my siblings were going to end up with tapeworms or something.” Wrecker sits on the flat rock that she found…somewhere…and starts cleaning his knife.
“You know, you don’t talk about your family often.”
She glances at him, “Well, there’s not really much to say, is there?” She drops the contents of a second package into the pot, and then sits next to Wrecker, “My family is just average.”
“I’m not sure what an average family is,” Wrecker points out, “Though I bet Tech could tell me.”
She laughs, “Right, right. Well, there’s mom. She was a housewife up until she and dad got divorced, and then she got a job at the local elementary school getting me and my siblings free tuition. Dad was a firefighter who had a gambling issue. And then there’s the kids, my other brother, me, and our younger sister.”
“Well, you’re a doctor. What do your siblings do?”
“My brother is a chef at some big name restaurant on Coruscant. My sister is trying to become an actress, though she’s only really starred in commercials.” She shrugs, “Like I said, normal. Your family is so much more interesting.”
He laughs, “That’s one word for them.” Wrecker finishes cleaning his knife and stashes it away, “Are you comfortable?”
“It’s kind of cold.” Wrecker points out.
“Oh, I’m alright. The fire is helping, and Hunter insisted I wear cold weather gear for this mission.” She hesitates, “Do…do you think-?”
“I’m sure they’re fine. Tech is there, after all.” Wrecker drapes an arm over her shoulder and tugs her against his side, “We’re the ones who have to camp outside in the snow.”
She smiles shyly, “I’m not worried.”
“I have you here, don’t I?” She asked with a small, almost flirty, smile.
Wrecker’s heart flips nervously, “I…uh…”
She tilts her head, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, Doc. I’m just…I’m not Hunter or Crosshair, I’m not used to flirting.” Wrecker admits.
“I’ll stop, if you want.”
“Well now, I didn’t say that.”
She laughs, her hand coming up to cover her mouth, “I like you, Wrecker. You’re fun and you make me laugh and you make me feel safe. I’d like to go on a proper date with you, if I can.”
Wrecker blinks at her, “You…you do?”
“Yeah, if it’s alright.”
“We don’t really…there isn’t much time for proper dating-” Wrecker stammers, “And I don’t get paid-”
“I do get paid, and, well, it doesn’t have to be a big thing, Wrecker. I just want to spend time with you.”
“Well, in that case, can’t this be considered a date?” Wrecker points out.
She looks startled for a moment, and then she beams at him, “I think that’s a wonderful idea.” She lifts to her knees slightly and presses a light kiss against his cheek, before she settles next to him again.
Wrecker presses his hand against his burning cheek, a wide grin that he isn’t even trying to stifle. 
Being stranded here isn’t as bad as it could be.
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storiesbyjes2g · 3 months
3.82 Birds of a feather
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Mama came out of the party room, smiling warmly at us. She had probably been running around the restaurant all evening, being extra and making sure everything was in order for us. As always, she was dressed to the nines and looking amazing.
"You're not supposed to arrive early at your own celebration," she said.
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"And let you take care of all of this by yourself? Nonsense," Sophia said.
I nodded in agreement.
"What she said."
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Mama shook her head lovingly at us.
"You two are too cute. Your guests should start arriving soon. Get a drink. Enjoy yourselves. Don't do anything else!"
She scurried off to make sure the fountains had drink and all the heat lamps were working. I wasn't sure why I didn't consider it might snow when I suggested a patio party in the dead of winter. Guess I've officially lived in Oasis Springs too long.
I drew my attention back to my gorgeous fiancée, who was beaming at me. I got to spend the rest of my life with her. How did I get so lucky?
"Let's dance," she said.
I knew there was music playing somewhere, but I could barely hear it.
"Here? Right now?"
"Yeah! Why not?"
I shrugged and cradled the small of her back. If my lady wanted to dance, we dance. We swayed back and forth, and she grinned at me the entire time. I knew she was eager to get married, but I think that was the first time I could clearly see her brimming with excitement. The curtain of snow behind us was the perfect backdrop for the short-lived romantic moment.
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"You guys started without us," Dub said.
We broke away from each other, semi-embarrassed.
"I was just about to do my special move," I said.
Sophia's head jerked back in disbelief.
"You have special moves now? This I have to see! Can you guys come back later?"
We all shared a laugh.
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"So you're Sophia," Dub said. "It's great to meet the woman this guy won't shut up about."
"Oh, you mean like you can't shut up about Maia?"
"Yeah...you're right."
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Luca," Maia said. "He talks about you a lot too."
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Maia was absolutely stunning. Her eyes... They drew you in, and it was clear why Dub was so twisted up when we met. But it wasn't just her beauty. She was poised and had a comforting vibe. I could tell she was a quiet force to reckon with, and I was so glad they were finally together. Maybe one day soon Sophia and I would be dancing at their wedding.
"The pleasure is all mine," I said.
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My friend Justin slipped into the middle of the group. I hadn't seen him since we ran into each at the romance festival, but we communicated a few times a week on Social Bunny. We didn't connect on a deep level, but I enjoyed chatting with him and didn't hesitate to extend an invitation.
"Excuse me," he said. "Sorry to interrupt. I probably can't stay the whole time, so I just wanted to come congratulate you before it gets too crazy."
"Thanks, Justin. I appreciate that. And thanks for coming!"
"No doubt. No doubt. I'll get out your way and let you finish."
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He could have stayed and got to know Dub, Maia, and Sophia, but he left just as quickly as he arrived. I guess it would have been a bit weird to stick around, especially when he interrupted us. Sophia seized the opportunity to chat with Maia.
"I love your dress," she said.
"Oh, thank you. I love yours too."
Dub and I watched as our ladies felt each other out. I didn't doubt he was as happy as I was that they seemed to like each other.
"You wanna grab a drink with me?" Sophia asked. "We can leave our boys to bask in their bromance, or whatever."
Maia laughed.
"Sure, let's go."
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But before they could leave, Chi Chi sashayed her way into the conversation, looking as fine as ever. Why was literally EVERY woman in my life insanely attractive?? All of them! Was it normal to have so many good-looking friends?
"You must be Sophia," she said. "Wowee! I see why this guy dropped everything and ran to Oasis Springs. You are breathtaking!"
Sophia's cheeks reddened, and she flashed a nervous smile.
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"I'm Chi Chi, by the way. I'm very happy to finally meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," Sophia said.
When Chi Chi finally took her eyes off Sophia and noticed Dub and Maia, her entire demeanor changed.
"And who is this?" she asked, looking at Maia. "Are you two together? Because if you're not, I think I just might try girls next!"
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Dub's eyebrow went up, but Maia maintained her smile, though it seemed forced. Luckily, Maira hopped in and saved us from the awkwardness.
"Congratulations, my friiiiieeeeennnnnd!"
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"Thanks, Maira. Come join us. Let's all sit over there."
I brought the party over to the sofas so we could chill and chat more comfortably.
Dub and Maia by @mysimsloveaffair
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vigilxnte · 7 months
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A Christmas Problem
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Daryl x !Reader
It's Christmas time, and you've not long joined the group. Everyone but daryl seems to acknowledge you. but on a supply run, you understand why.
⚠️A Fluff tone of Fluff⚠️
1.5k words Approx.
Having fun making these, if you have any ideas for content shoot me a request. Thank you and enjoy my short story :)
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It's finally Christmas. Yay. Except, there's no point in celebrating. No tree, no lights. There's no dinner, or presents or joy. Just death surrounding us at all times. I see it as a constant reminder of our past life, burdend with the curse of surviving. I was lucky to have found Rick and his group jusy before winter. Otherwise, I would have been totally screwed. Everyone in the group seems nice, but there's just one man I can't place an opinion on. Dixon. Every time I speak with him, he either ignores me or walks away. I don't know what I've done wrong or if I've said anything wrong. He just doesn't want me around. Luckily, today's the day he can't ignore me, as Rick partnered us up together for a supply run. I love them, let's me get out for just a bit rather than stood behind the walls of alexandria for the rest of my life.
Snow began to cover the town we called home as i made my way to the frount gate; waiting for daryls arrival. His bike and crossbow stand waiting, but he's no where to be found. I scan the area determining he isn't here. I stand in the freezing temperature waiting for him. About 30 minutes later, he stroles up with two scarfs, wrapping one around my neck and securing it. He gives me a nod and mounts his bike, placing the crossbow onto his back. Why is he giving me a scarf? I thought he didn't like me? Without another thought, I get into the pickup truck parked behind him. Daryl signals carl to open the gate. Once open, he drives off, and I follow right behind him. If you had told me 10 years ago I was scavenging for food, with the man who can barely even look at me, during an apocalypse, I would have called you crazy. But unfortunately, here I am, driving for hours looking for the first place we can find to scout. Fortunately for us, rick sent west where none of us travelled, so hopefully, we didn't have to go far. Hours pass until I see daryl turn towards a housing estate. I follow. We both pull into the quiet neighbourhood, no one to be seen anywhere. Not even walkers. Exiting my vehicle, I raise my gun and begin mapping the area. It was abandoned. I returned to daryl opening the house next door to me, kicking it with his foot he was in. The door burst its hinges and made a THUD hitting the floor. Still no noise came from walkers in the area. I look at dixon and give him a questioning look.
"Watch your back," he whispered at me. I returned him an agreeing nod. keeping my gun in one i reached for my knife with the other, holding them up in the event of a surprise attack. Checking every crevice of the house, we concluded nothing dangerous could hurt us here. I take my bag off my back to begin looting the cupboard. "Jackpot!" I shout, followed by daryl returning a gleeful smirk. Tins of everything, soup, beans, tuna. Who ever live here certainly was stocked up. With my bag now full, I return to the vehicle. I placed my gun in boot while beginning emptying my bag into the back of the pickup truck. Time goes by, and I notice dixon hadn't come back. I checked the watch on my wrist, indicating it had been a good 10 minutes since I saw him.
I panicked, rushing back to the house to find the kitchen destroyed. The table and chairs were broken, and blood splattered across the floors and walls. Fuck. "Dixon!" I called for him, no response. I heard banging from the back door. I slowly make my way to the back of the house, in hopes of finding my missing companion. Nothing but a walker on the other side of the door. My stomach dropped. Where had he gone? Returning to the back door, my path was blocked. 2 walkers had heard the banging of the door and had made their way into the house. Without a second thought, I rushed towards the first and got it straight in the eye. Unfortunately, my knife got stuck, I struggled to remove the knife, leaving me defenceless. I reach for my gun, but remember I left it in the back of the car. I scramble backwards in the kitchen, looking for a weapon. Oblivious, I trip and fall on the broken chair leg, hurting myself on the fall. The walker no close I panic and remove the peice of wood from my leg. As the walker fell towards me, I stabbed it into the back of his head. I breathe heavy, in relief, and in pain as I taken my jacket off to wrap up my deep wound. I had to hurry back to the vehicle so I could stich myself up. Except I couldn't work. "Fuck!" I shout in defeat. My only option was to crawl back to the vehicle. I get on my stomach, wincing in pain as my leg banged against the floor. Slowly howling body across the floor, I hear footstep running towards the house outside. It was daryl. His face dropped as he saw the mess I was in, I could see he felt guilty he left me alone. "Need a hand" he forced a smirk while offering me his hand to help me up off of the floor. I placed an arm around his neck for a support as he placed me in the living room. A large fire place was centred in the middle of the room with a log holder filled with logs. I felt relieved we had some form of shelter for tonight. Dixon returned back to the pickup to grab the stature kit. He returned with our blankets and some food, indicating we were stopping herd tonight.
Before I could grab the stature kit, he beat me to it. I'm already tending to my wound. He watched me as he placed my leg onto his to ensure he wasn't causing me any pain. Of course, I winced, but he was being gentle. He took out some ripped sheets and soaked it with the rubbing alcohol, cleaning around my wound. Once again, being as gentle as he could. I forced him a warm smile through the burning pain, but he quickly looked down when his face turned red. Was he blushing? Wait. Does this man have feelings for me? He took the needle to begin stiching my open wound. Time passes, and he finishes my leg up by bandaging it up. I looked him in the eyes and told him, "Thank you, dixon." Once again, he avoided eye contact. Before he could get up, I reached for his hand and pulled him back. He finally looked me in the eyes. I repeat again "thank you" to ensure I get a response. "Not a problem," he said in his deep, rasped voice. We exchange a smile before he leaves to prop the door back up. I saw him look back over my way a couple of times to ensure I was okay while I rested. I tried to avoid looking at him, but I couldn't help but smile, knowing this man actually cares for me. Darkness had now cast over the house as dixon started the fire. He lifted me off the couch and placed me into the blanket he had positioned by the fireplace. Before I could thank him again, he had already lay next to the fire opposite me. My eyes felt heavy as I began to fall asleep. The last thing I saw before my eyes closed was daryl watching me as I rested.
I woke up instantly, cold sweat and heavy breathing. I get nightmares, but this one was real. Too real. Daryl was awake and saw me in a panicked state. "You good Y/K," he said, showing concern. as he too sat up. "Yeah, sorry, I sometimes get nightmares like this." Before I could finish my sentence, he had already made his way over to me and placed his blanket beside me. He placed his arm over me as we lay down, pulling into him. I felt the warmth that exerted from his body into mind. I placed my head into his chest as I wrapped my arm around him. "You're going to be okay," he told me, planting a kiss onto my forehead. I look up at him and give him a loving smile, and he to returned one. "Merry christmas, Dixon." i smiled, "You too," and just like that, I fell asleep. Cuddled into the man who wouldn't speak to me.
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omgkalyppso · 4 days
Tav Banter and Dialogue
This ask game.
Clicking on them once (non-combat)
(gasp) Someone stepped on my grave. [said as if they had a chill] And onwards. Need help with a high shelf? Taking point. Worried I'll wander off? I remember what we're doing. [unconvincingly] Ready to keep going? Two steps forward. Do you think it ever snows here?
Meabh: Watch yourself. [warning] Borgakh: (soft laughter) [ticklish] Inithray: About time. [entitled]
2.Spam clicking on them too many times
We need to find you a cat to bother. [barely holding their irritation together] I hope that isn't the parasite squirming. [despondent] I think strange things, which I dare not confess to my own soul. [with dread]
Meabh: Just like a sibling. [fond] Borgakh: Need something? [amused] Inithray: You won't like it if I poke you back. [calm, questionably flirtatious]
All of the answers after this are for Étoile only:
3. Directing them to attack/move in combat
Place me at the center. Let their blood run cold. No room for hesitation. Need a shield? Their mistake, ultimately. The cold chill of death. Once more, with feeling!
4.Hiding/sneaking/hidden movement
I know how to hunt. No footprints. As the wind. And now for the plan. Carefully.
Spam sneaking:
You know what they say about the dead of winter? I've crouched already. I won't crawl here. Any lower and you'd lose me.
5.Taking a short rest
And up again. Reminded of academics living on Haste. [exasperated] Ready to press forward. Helped with the aches.
6.Low health/asking for healing
Close. [as in, opposite of far] Hope only my skull is cracked. Armor's expensive. Could use an ice pack. Fu-frozen firesides. [redirected swearing] Rattled, but still in reach of healing.
7.Attacked by a party member
Is this what we're doing? I know we're all worm-brained, but smarten up. You want more enemies?
8.Companion/romance death reactions
From Étoile about:
Gale: Snows above. [like a curse] Gale! Karlach: Karlach! No. Not yet! Lae'zel: Orta Ohtar! [Rise Warrior] Lae'zel! Please. Shadowheart: It's not that dark yet, Shadowheart! Astarion: Astarion! You and your wasted blood. Astarion, post Pale Elf: Astarion! Pairëtulte. [Vengeance comes for them.] Wyll: Wyll! Blade?! Hey! Ravengard! Jaheira: Jaheira! Ama, ama, ama Thalieth! [with increasing volume] [Up, up, up heroine / dauntless woman!] Not here. Minsc: Shit, Minsc! Hang on! Halsin: Taurëva! [one from the great forest] Si tauvar. [this] [endure] [Endure this.] Minthara: Minthara! Avanwa Ainolto arwatyë. [forbidden] [gods-they] [possessing you (informal / familiar)] [They (the gods) are forbidden from taking you.] Hold on!
About Étoile dying from:
Gale: Étoile! No, not now! Gale, if Étoile's faith is known: Étoile! Don't you dare seek out that frozen palace quite yet! Karlach: We need our Bulwark, don't we? On your feet, Étoile! Lae'zel: No! Étoile! Your life won't end here! Shadowheart: Étoile! Prove me wrong and get! Up! Astarion: Damn you, Étoile. You can't die. You hear me? Wyll: Étoile! Not like this… Jaheira: Every paladin the same! This is no time for sacrifice! Minsc: Étoile! Now is not the time for the resting of peace! Do not get comfortable! Halsin: No, Étoile! Please, Oakfather, not yet. Minthara: Étoile proved as reliable as expected.
9.Going to buff/heal a companion/romance
Answered here.
10.Sending them to talk to an NPC
Excuse me. Just a quick word. Hear me.
Companions / At Camp:
Building bridges. A friend indeed.
11.Sending them to talk to their romanced partner
Act 1: Stop blushing. [at self] Act 2: Perfectly normal feelings. Act 3: Lúmënya an mírë. [my time = time that belongs to me] [for] [a precious thing: jewel, treasure] [I'll give my time to my beloved.]
12.Encountering a locked chest/door
Secret or private? Should I give it a good shake? Must have a solution somewhere. Hope it isn't also Alarmed.
13.Picking a lock
A lucky new skill. Not as hard as I thought it'd be. Glad that worked. Hello, secret stash.
14.Looking at a globe
Impiltur doesn't look that far, like this, comparatively. I really hope there aren't creatures of a size that can look at us like this. I wonder if there are enough place names on this to date when it was made?
15.Looking at an astrolabe
I love the sky, but these make me dizzy. Planes over planes over planes. Glad the nautiloid found Faerun. Get lost out there and— Snows above.
16.Looking at a telescope
Should point one of these at the Tears later. I wonder if the person who made this imagined it could end up here. I wonder how far these can be enchanted to see? Could I see home?
17.Looking in a mirror
Am I just another horror someone saw on this journey? Should trim my hair when this is over. Best not look too close. If I see the parasite I'll— Eugh.
18.Looking at a nonmagical lamp
Always felt special to read by lamplight after years of candles, even lacking a genie.
19.Noticing a trap
Trap! Mind yourself. Trap here. I wonder who they were keeping out? Careful. At least one trap to avoid.
20.Can’t fit into a small hole
Small: That hole is too small for elven hands. Tiny: I will not peek into that tiny hole and risk a rodent to the eye.
21.Comments/reactions near an Act 1 location
The Harper lookout on the hill: Recent fire, long dead remains. Magical, you think? Or did they just like to sit next to Old Boney?
After killing the Harpies: With nests so close to the Grove you'd think there'd have been a warning.
Blighted Village, centertown: I wonder if wherever I was originally from looks like this now.
Blighted Village, hopscotch: I wonder when this was last used. Do you think these goblins—?
Ethel's Teahouse: Mind your manners and want for nothing when dealing with, well— You never outgrow some lessons.
Underdark, post Spectator: That was terrible. We're standing in a tragedy of drow. Do you think I could take a tooth from the beast as a souvenir?
Underdark, Stool of Hill Giant Strength: Feeling pretty powerful in this seat. It would be nice if it lingered a little.
Underdark, by the lava pools: Is the smell of molten rock bothering anyone else? And it's so sweaty down here.
Temple of Lathander: Do these ruined halls not bother you?
22.Comments/reactions near an Act 2 location
Entering Act 2: Adventurers in the area have avoided this cursed patch of land my whole career. Easy to see why.
Shadow-Cursed Lands, dead tieflings: I … I'd just learned their names. Why were they on this path? Did the curse do this?
Shadow-Cursed Lands, releasing Doly Dolly Dolly: Freedom. Will be happy to share the sentiment once we have the parasites gone.
Gauntlet of Shar: There was almost nothing left of Lathander in his temple, but Shar still walks here.
Moonrise Towers: Selunite priests walked these halls once, and now Absolute … Absolutists?
Reithwin Tollhouse, Thayan Shipment Box: Acursed thing.
The Waning Moon: Oh, eugh.
House of Healing, with reference to Étoile's personal quest: It looks like someone left this window in a hurry.
House of Healing, after reading the betting records: I … I have found myself thrilled in killing, time's past; but not killing as a thrill. I am not this. I cannot abide this.
23.Comments/reactions near an Act 3 location
Rivington: It’s a miracle it’s still standing, with all it’s been through, with all that’s coming.
Wyrm’s Crossing, checkpoint: Don’t pay the Fist. I’m sure we’ll find a way to get word inside that’ll lead to a cheaper and, ironically, less corrupt way to access the Gate.
Lower City, graveyard: I know too many people here. The way of things. Let me know if you want a tour sometime.
Lower City, residential quarter: It’s good to be home.
Lower City, Umberlee’s temple: As a worshiper of Auril, I feel it prudent to leave something with Umberlee’s donations; but that doesn’t mean I dream of navigating the sea, I’m not an idiot.
Lower City, docks, below ground, approaching the submarine: Noooo. [groaned] No, no, no, no — snows below, can you not bring someone else into the depths of the sea a stone’s throw from Umberlee’s temple?
24.Lines said in the Morphic Pool or High Hall
Morphic Pool:
Étoile: I wish we had a back up plan. Gale: We could always— Étoile: Nevermind. Gale: I was going to say, we could always try Divine Intervention. I don’t think Shadowheart’s had time to commune with Selune yet. Étoile: (laughing) Come on. We have to use Netherese Stones to command an Elderbrain into sparing the city. Gale: Oh, well when you put it like that.
High Hall:
Étoile’s Personal Quest Dependent: I can feel Sozican. Flying higher than the fires here could ever rage. She will answer when we call, and I will see you through, no matter where you place me.
Étoile’s Personal Quest, Sozican defeated: All those lives lost to the Netherbrain and her stolen Chosen … I would gladly fight fruitlessly against her, but with you I have purpose, and together, we have a chance. As you have so ably since our first meeting: Lead on.
35.How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?
Very Low: Yes, friend? [stiff] And what now?
Low: Can I help you? Something to discuss?
Neutral: One step at a time. Looking to talk? The wonders never cease, eh? What’s on your mind?
High: You’re moving with purpose. Am I in trouble? Aiya. [Hail] Need to talk something out?
Flirting: Sparing time for me? How gracious. At your disposal. You’re lovely. What do you need?
Romanced: Ter melwa. [So lovely] What can I do for you? Ask away, alassënya. [my joy] You clearly have something on your mind. Do you need me serious? I can be serious. Go on.
37.How would they respond to a player character prompting them with, "Tell me about yourself"?
I am a Paladin, have been for the past sixty-six years, the last thirty of which have been spent in and out of Baldur’s Gate. Gainfully employed with the Adventurer’s Guild. Feeling … worn, by the parasite. Spells and reactions aren’t coming as readily as they should, but even so, I am accustomed to holding a shield over peers that strike enemies harder than I could, and I prefer it that way. I do like helping people.
I. Sixty-six years? II. Is your Oath very restrictive? Paladins have that reputation… III. What sort of jobs did you do with the Guild? IV. This isn’t an altruistic situation we find ourselves in. V. Where were you before Baldur’s Gate?
I. I honestly can’t tell if you think I’m too young or too old for that, but yes. All my adult life after my first century.
II. In most things, I’ll defer to your judgment. I’m not exactly prepared to face this [gestures to head] alone. I do know the types of Paladins that you’re referring to, and I suspect you’ll find me at least marginally different.
III. There are monsters enough across the coast. Terrorizing people, needed as ingredients for adept wizards, threatening the safety of her roads. Then there’s disbanding banditry, escorting pilgrims, researchers, the rich, and there’s always a job or two that can be summed up as ‘vengeance.’ That was the last one I was on when the nautiloid picked me up.
IV. You and I are people much as anyone else. I’ll help us first, and leave the rest in your hands.
V. East and east and east. I’m originally from Impiltur, and left into Cormyr to see the world, as one does, and as the years past I just continued west until I ran out of land. Baldur’s Gate’s been a good resting place. I don’t think of it as my permanent home really, but my history probably says otherwise.
38.If a player character asks them to consider consuming tadpoles or using the Astral tadpoles, how would your Tav/Durge respond?
Asking Étoile about the tadpoles: Having a single parasite in my head is enough for me. I want that one gone, and have faith that there is plenty of outside magic with which to confront our challenges without needing to resort to empowering our brain worms. No offense. I’ll trust you and the others to make your own judgments, and will endeavor to protect you either way.
You have to click Étoile on the tadpoles 6 times before they’ll eat one: No, thank you. I don’t want that. I especially don’t want that inside me. No. Please, no? I really don’t think I should. Fine. If you really think it’s best.
Asking Étoile about the astral tadpole: You know my feelings on our dream visitor turned Emperor. Even if this is honest and whoever consumes this tadpole gains the promised power … It’s uncomfortable. It risks too much. How much influence might our existing parasites, and their puppetmaster, might have already exerted over us. If it sounds reasonable, it is because the Emperor wants it to be so, not because it is. No.
I. You just confessed you’re not being objective. This is power you could wield over your parasite. [Persuasion 15]
I. Persuasion success: I … Maybe? I — I don’t know. And that’s the problem isn’t it? But you’re sure. [pause] Alright. If this is our way out, how we take control of ourselves and stop an Elderbrain … Alright.
I. Persuasion failure: [-10 approval] You are being entirely unreasonable, and don’t even have the courtesy to be honest with me about why you’re asking me to do this. I’m done. [un-interactable until after a long rest]
39.If romanceable, what lines would they say if a player character prompted them with, "Can I kiss you?"
You are entirely my pleasure. Netë, netë, netë… [one more, another : used in enumerating a series: e.g. 1, 2, (3), netë, netë, netë…with netë used instead of citing the actual numbers ] Please?
40.If romanceable, what would they say if a player character asks for a "last kiss" at the Morphic Pool/HIgh Hall?
Unchanged: It hardly feels the time, but when you phrase it like that … [kiss] Now focus. I’d rather survive and kiss you again.
Ceremorphosis: I— [turns away briefly, a heavy breath] Of course. [Étoile kisses their cheek / side of a tentacle] I hope that wasn’t an idle curiosity of a new being, and that you’re holding onto yourself. Let’s survive so you can prove it so? Induinya. [my purpose]
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miraculousmultifan · 4 months
stranger things (taylor's version) prompt list
this list contains every taylor swift song and it will be marked by which songs have already been claimed. i'm sorting these prompts by album in chronological order.
since taylor swift has A LOT of songs, the list will be below the cut :D
original post HERE.
taylor swift
tim mcgraw
picture to burn
teardrops on my guitar
a place in this world
cold as you
the outside
tied together with a smile
stay beautiful
should've said no
mary's song (oh my my my)
our song
i'm only me when i'm with you
a perfectly good heart
love story
hey stephen
white horse
you belong with me
tell me why
you're not sorry
the way i loved you
forever & always
the best day
jump then fall
come in with the rain
the other side of the door
today was a fairytale
you all over me
mr. perfectly fine
we were happy
that's when
don't you
bye bye baby
speak now
sparks fly
back to december
speak now
dear john
the story of us
never grow up
better than revenge
last kiss
long live
if this was a movie
electric touch
when emma falls in love
i can see you
castles crumbling
foolish one
state of grace
i knew you were trouble
all too well
i almost do
we are never ever getting back together
stay stay stay
the last time
holy ground
sad beautiful tragic
the lucky one
everything has changed
begin again
the moment i knew
come back... be here
girl at home
better man
nothing new
message in a bottle
i bet you think about me
forever winter
the very first night
eyes open
safe & sound
welcome to new york
blank space
out of the woods
all you had to do was stay
shake it off
i wish you would
bad blood
wildest dreams
how you get the girl
this love
i know places
you are in love
new romantics
say don't go
now that we don't talk
suburban legends
is it over now?
...ready for it?
end game
i did something bad
don't blame me
look what you made me do
so it goes...
getaway car
king of my heart
dancing with our hands tied
this is why we can't have nice things
call it what you want
new year's day
i forgot that you existed
cruel summer
the man
the archer
i think he knows
miss americana & the heartbreak prince
paper rings
cornelia street
death by a thousand cuts
london boy
soon you'll get better
false god
you need to calm down
it's nice to have a friend
the 1
the last great american dynasty
my tears ricochet
this is me trying
illicit affairs
invisible string
mad woman
the lakes
champagne problems
gold rush
'tis the damn season
tolerate it
no body, no crime
coney island
cowboy like me
long story short
right where you left me
it's time to go
lavender haze
snow on the beach
you're on your own kid
midnight rain
vigilante shit
sweet nothing
the great war
bigger than the whole sky
high infidelity
would've, could've, should've
dear reader
hits different
you're losing me
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itsclydebitches · 11 months
I don't know if you agree or not, but I wanted to share my thoughts. I think that the Curious Cat should have been treated better by the narrative than a two-bit villain. They were cursed and abandoned by their creators, and I think that they should at least have been able to find the answers they were seeking.
I do agree, anon. I've got nothing against two-bit villains, but it felt like a wasted opportunity to introduce this complex character and then simply kill them off. Especially since this isn't a case of the villain being generically, objectively evil.
First, the Curious Cat's motivation is something the heroes should arguably sympathize with: Oh, you hate the Gods for abandoning you? We hate them for cursing our headmaster, destroying the first version of humanity, and abandoning us too under the endless threat of annihilation! The Gods should have become the villains behind Salem post-vision, or at least morally gray antagonists to keep an eye on, yet the characters haven't even acknowledged the horrors the Gods have enacted, even when faced with a character straight-up going, "Here are the reasons I have for hating these guys."
Second, the Cat didn't do that much? At least within the grand scheme of shit that happens in RWBY. They lied and withheld information with the intent of manipulating others to do what they wanted? Yeah, they can join the club. They attacked the group? Used their powers in a horrifying way against others? That's just Emerald's story and the group was happy to welcome her into the fold. They force residents of the Ever After into a horrifying Ascension ritual that strips them of their memory and personalities? Yeeeeaah that's only a bad thing from my perspective; the show presents that as an absolute joy. The Cat doesn't even end up possessing one of the heroes, but another villain instead: Neo. They're not even spouting the usual, 'I'm going to enter your world and destroy it!' like Salem, they literally just want information. I'm not saying the Cat is good, I'm saying when pit against what other villains have done in this show they're pretty damn tame. It's another case of [insert "You can excuse ____???" meme here].
Third, they've now joined the ranks of RWBY treating mental illness as something to punish, not treat. Ironwood suffers from PTSD and is immediately considered too far gone to reason with. Ozpin collapsed in the snow under the weight of his impossible task and the group treated him with disgust and fury. Ruby undergoes a depression arc where she reaches the point of magical suicide and the group shares a happy-go-lucky hug because this tree is going to insta-"fix" her, relieving them of the responsibility of actually helping her. Now here comes the Cat, someone who suffered a "broken heart" with the implication that not getting this fixed drove them insane... and the solution to this is to simply kill them off, literally ripping them limb from limb. It's not that you can never have an "insane" villain, or that every villain with allusions to mental illness must be redeemed, the problem is that RWBY consistently dismisses and kills these characters off while simultaneously arguing, "Yes, sure, Neo can happily go into the tree after spending the majority of the story hunting the heroes and successfully getting Ruby to kill herself. She deserves this!"
...Why? I'm not asking with the implication that she doesn't deserve it (I'm a Ted Lasso fan: forgiveness for all if you're willing to do the hard work of self-improvement), I'm asking why RWBY thinks Neo is a candidate when the Curious Cat is not. Frankly (and this is by no means a new argument) it's a pretty gendered division. Ozpin is awful for his secrets, Ruby is not. Ironwood is awful in part for being military personnel, but Winter is not. Watts and Hazel are killed off, Emeralds gets a fast-pass redemption. Jaune's horror at the death of his village is dismissed as make-believe, his care for them reframed as a moral failing, and finally it's good, actually, that they died so why should you be sad? The focus definitely should have been on Ruby over Jaune, but at least Ruby's grief is justified by the narrative; she's not presented as crazy, deluded, or a secret problem for her suffering. Then the Curious Cat (canonically nonbinary but voiced by a male VA) is torn to shreds while Neo—objectively the WORST of the two, easily, like that's by no means even a debate—is set up for a presumed happy ending. There's no issue with any one of these examples with just a little tweaking, the problem lies in the trend. Ever since Volume 6 RWBY has really struggled to present mental health issues, particularly mental health issues in men, as something that's worth the time and effort to treat. Ruby got a dose of that with the 'Here, go in a tree and your depression with disappear,' but that just shows that this difficulty is a separate issue from RWBY's 'Cute women in the show get a pass no matter how horrific their actions are'—it's just that those two issues tend to overlap a great deal.
So yeah, I think the Cat deserved better. Ironwood's PTSD deserved better. Ozpin's breakdown deserved better. Oscar's crumbling sense of self deserved better (friendly reminder that this was literally "solved" off-screen with a cliffhanger). Qrow's alcoholism deserved better. Adam's heel-turn into abusive ex deserved better. Emerald and Neo deserved better than to simply be forgiven because they're fan favorites. Yang deserved a PTSD arc that didn't drop her trauma and start ignoring her anger issues (even though she got off "good" by having an arc at all). Penny deserved better than to be "fixed" by becoming human and then killed off. Again. Ruby definitely deserved better as our main character who finally, finally got to shine a bit since the early Volumes. RWBY is a show that never should have tried to grapple with topics this complex and the more it tries to dig in its heels with suicide allegories and insane cats with broken hearts, the more it exacerbates problems that, frankly, most fans would have been very willing to shrug off if they'd just dropped them half a decade ago.
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So I wanna vent, about something really quick, and then we'll go back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I like, hate. College. I hate it, I hate the premise, I hate that they're bleeding me for money, but most of all I hate the people. If I could do college with 5 other people and we all had our own rooms I think I'd like it more. It started snowing today, and the campus is covered in snow. And if you know anything about me, I hate the cold. I hate being cold, I hate being outside in the cold. Because when it's cold, it's guaranteed I'll probably get sick. I'll get chills, the flu, a cold, something.
I wanted to go to a college in North Carolina, but they didn't accept me for an art program, so I ended up at my current college in small-town Pennsylvania. It's cold here, in the winter. it's so goddamn cold I don't want to go outside. I shouldn't go outside. And lucky for me I don't have to go outside because I have everything I need, inside, where it's warm, and I won't die by slipping on ice.
But apparently, my roommate thinks I'm STUPID for calling one of my co-workers to see if my job on campus would still be open. When I could've just "Walked outside to see if they're open" and "It's not that cold". FIRST OF ALL the air outside has to be a certain degree to even freeze the water in the sky and make it dense enough to fall out of the sky in the form of snow. in other words, IT HAS TO BE COLD, TO MAKE COLD WEATHER, AKA SNOW. And I left my warmest coat back home by accident, so I'm even less guarded against the cold weather. And I'm also anemic, it doesn't matter how many fucking layers I put on, I can still be, (and usually am) cold. She wouldn't let me explain why I don't find it necessary to go outside in the cold when I can just as easily find out the information I need by CALLING SOMEONE ON THE PHONE. Yeah sure she may not be here on campus, however, this probably isn't the first time the school's shut down because of weather, she would probably know if the school job that we both work would still be open. Which she did, and now I know whenever the school is shut down, my job is too.
I started to raise my voice because when someone insults me, the natural reaction is to defend myself. And when someone repeatedly interrupts you in conversation, wrongly assuming you're done and continuing to invalidate your feelings and emotions because THEY think it's STUPID and you're being DUMB AND IRRATIONAL about weather you aren't used to, their argument being "You have to get used to it at some point since you live here now"
Technically, I don't actually live here. I don't have a permanent residency here. I can't vote in this state. I live in a warmer southern state. My home is in another state. I am "living" on a college campus. But in the next 3 years? I'm not going to be able to live here. I don't stay here during the winter and summer. I go HOME. I FLY TO ANOTHER STATE. Technically I don't HAVE to get used to shit. I can get my degree, and move to fucking California where it doesn't ever snow. And I can hate the cold all the same. Because it's my right to not like cold weather, yeah I complain about it, but I know it's something I have to deal with. That doesn't mean I have to "learn to get used to it" right now just because you fucking say so. And you don't have to fucking call me stupid and illogical every time I don't want to go outside. That's rude. You can think it, but you don't have to say it. I'm seriously starting to rethink my friendship with this person because we can be fine and friendly, and instantly jump into an argument fucking 5 SECONDS later. I don't want to even live with this person anymore, I'm just dealing with it because the alternative is living with someone I don't know.
anyway, rant over. Now we return to the regularly scheduled programming. 🍫
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hecatemoon87 · 8 months
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The light of dawn crept slowly over the horizon as Eddie guided the horse through ankle deep snow. They were lucky that the heavy pines of the forest had blocked much of the snow from accumulating any deeper.
James sat atop the horse, seated behind the queen, holding her in place so she did not attempt escape. Every now and then Ravina fussed against James, but he held her tight.
"Muhmhmmm," Ravina struggled to say, her gag muffling her words.
"What did she say?" Eddie asked.
James sighed heavily and pulled her gag down.
"You two are idiots! We are going to freeze to death out here!" she snapped.
James grunted with disapproval and shoved the gag back into her mouth.
"She's slowing us down," James said, getting off the horse. He then pulled Ravina down and pushed her to sit in the snow.
"It was your idea to bring her," Eddie reminded him.
James ignored his brother's comment and peered past the forest line. He knew the queen was right. The further north they went, the heavier the winter storms would become.
But he wasn't going to turn back to Rakovec. This was only a detour to confuse the queen's guard, then head west to Wolfblood.
Taking another begrudgingly deep sigh, James yanked down Ravina's gag.
"What do you suggest, your highness?" he asked.
"You disgust me, do you know that?" she spat.
"Yes, I'm very aware, and I don't care," James said, his patience wearing thin.
"Ten miles from here is a village. It's neutral. It has not given me their allegiance, but neither does it outright oppose me," she said.
"That's not helpful. What if they recognize you? Wouldn’t they give you assistance?" James said.
"I doubt anyone would know my face. I've only sent dignitaries there, I've never set foot in that village," Ravina said.
"And what if you're lying?" James sneered.
"She's not," Eddie said.
"How the hell do you know?" James asked.
"Because she needs us. She still believes we're half gods," Eddie said, petting the horse's nose.
"What? You can't still believe that rubbish can you?" James said in disbelief, looking at Ravina. She looked away from his gaze and said nothing.
"Your prophecy was proven wrong. You fucked my brother and he's still mortal. End of fucking story!" James said, heatedly.
"The ritual was preformed incorrectly, that is why it did not work," Ravina said softly.
"And please, pray tell, what would have been the right way?" James challenged.
Ravina almost turned crimson and shook her head. "I...I can't with you right now. The mere thought sickens me!"
"Ah...you still need to fuck me, don't you?" James said chuckling and pulling her up from the snow.
"At this point, I'd rather die," she snapped.
"Look, I think both of you need to shut up. We have ten miles of travel ahead of us, and we are still being tracked by the queen's guard," Eddie said, interrupting them both.
James mounted the horse again, and Eddie went to assist Ravina back up.
"Don't touch me," she said, shaking Eddie off.
"Ravina, I'm sorry. But you're safe, no one is going to hurt you," Eddie said, earnestly.
"You've already hurt me," she said, casting her eyes away from him and accepting James' hand to return on top of the horse.
Eddie swallowed hard, guilt flooding his heart. But he said nothing more and took the reigns and moved forward toward the village.
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gvfgal · 1 year
Snow Angels (Dad!Danny)
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No warnings, super fluffy!!! Some details about readers life that may not be accurate to you (all for the fun of fiction).
A/n: From this ask…Dad!Danny, but make it holiday!!!
Word Count: 4.7k
· · ─────── ·����· ─────── · ·
Being raised in the South, you had never ever seen snow. You’d never been that lucky, never in the right place at the right time, and it drove you up the wall.
Even after you’d started dating Danny five years ago, Michigan never saw you in its colder months; never in the right place at the right time. But as you looked out upon the winter scape ahead of you as Danny drove down a winding back road in Michigan, you were hopeful.
No snow had fallen yet, but the bitter cold was visible in the air, and the heat was roaring through the vents in the car to warm your chilled bodies.
Leave it to Danny and you to move across the country 4 days before Christmas. The last few weeks were stressful as you scurried around finishing up last minute business back home, Danny unable to help much due to last minute obligations with work. But somehow, you all managed. And here you were, on your way to your forever home, a quaint little two story cabin in a small tucked away neighborhood.
“Never seen snow?” Danny was shocked, jaw dropping in astonishment as he navigated the narrow turns, “Angel why have you never told me this?” 
You chucked a bit, pulling your knees up to your chest, body contorted in a strangely comfortable position in the passenger seat.
“I don’t know, I never thought to bring it up.”
He shook his head, disappointed , “unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. Five years of us being together and you’ve never mentioned it.”
You shrugged.
“You know if you would’ve told me we could’ve come to Michigan for at least one Christmas. It’s kinda disheartening as a Michigan boy, that my lady has never seen snow.”
A laugh poured out of you, “your lady? When did we start that?”
Danny glanced over at you with a smirk before turning back to the road, “since now. New house, new nicknames.”
You knew he was just basking in the excitement of the move. Sure the name might stick, but to Danny, you’d always be Angel. His angel.
“Well you know who else has never seen the snow before,” you turned to look back at your beautiful 2 year old girl in the backseat of the car, strapped into her car seat, completely zonked out. She had on a tan onesie decorated in Christmas trees under a pair of overalls, a matching beanie pulled snuggly over her wild hair. Her boots had been kicked off long ago, leaving her in a pair of green fuzzy socks. 
This made Danny smile, and he adjusted the rear view mirror to get a glimpse of her.
“She’s so beautiful, isn’t she?”
And she really was. Her dark bouncy curls inherited from her dad, and her long fluttering lashes from you. A beauty mark above the right side of her lip being her touch of individuality. 
“Yeah,” you sighed dreamily, “she is.”
Danny put his blinker on as he turned down an even narrower path to your left.
“You think she’ll like the snow?” he indulged you, hand reaching across the center console to rub your thigh.
Your eyes were still on your baby girl as you nodded, “I think she’ll love it. You know she loves anything new, adventurous like her daddy.”
He squeezed your thigh at that, “you’re right. Except turnips. She didn’t like the turnips.”
You chuckled again, “definitely not the turnips.”
After about 15 more minutes, the three of you were pulling into your expansive neighborhood, a feeling of comfort washing over you.
Every house was about half a mile apart, so it was a couple minutes before you pulled up to yours. But when you finally saw it, a smile spread across your face involuntarily. It was even more beautiful than you remembered it when you saw it back in July. 
“There she is,” Danny mumbled as he pulled into the dirt driveway. 
He put the car in park with a sigh before turning back to look at your daughter.
“Little Angel,” he poked her plump thigh, calling her by her respective nickname (you were Angel, she was Little Angel, it had been that way since the beginning), “wake up beautiful. We’re home.”
She stirred, bringing her fists up to her eyes to rub them, before blinking up at Danny.
Once it registered that she was looking at her dad, her favorite person in the world (so Danny says), her face lit up.
“Dada hi,” she squealed, squirming under the restraint of her seatbelt. 
“Yeah,” Danny cooed at her, “come on let’s go check it out.”
You both climbed out the car, Danny immediately going to retrieve her from the backseat.
You marveled at the towering trees that were sprinkled around your property, inhaling the fresh icy air.
Upon exhaling, your breath appeared as a cloud of condensation in front of you, and a small gust of wind blew by, causing you to pull your coat tighter around your body.
Danny shut the car door, settling the toddler on his hip before making his way around the car to you.
“Cold,” she mumbled, though the L was silent.
“I know,” he pinched at her side, making her fidget in his hold, “it is pretty cold huh little one?”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his warmth.
“So, do you like it,” he looked down at you, his cool breath fanning over your face visibly.
“I love it.” 
He took in the scenery around with a deep sigh, your daughter seemingly entranced by the view as well, silent as her nose began to redden.
“Alright my two favorite girls, let’s get inside, shall we?”
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The next few days were chaotic. Thanks to the help of Danny’s family, all of your boxes and furniture, old and new, were waiting for you inside your new home. Some are already put together, some still in their  boxes. The problem was, it was a whole house worth unpacking.
You spent the entirety of the first day unpacking the downstairs, figuring the three of you would just crash in the living room for the night, maybe watch a movie on the Tv that had yet to be hung.
Danny’s parents also graciously stocked your fridge and pantry for you, and you were able to prepare a nice meal of spaghetti and garlic bread with a side salad. Danny was occupied putting together the new dining room table that you ordered, your daughter ‘helping him’ complete the task.
You sat at the table having your first dinner in your new house as a family, your daughter seated between you in her high chair, red sauce smeared across her face as Danny fed her cut up spaghetti on a small purple fork, making train noises as he did so. She could hardly eat for the fit of laughter that consumed her, and you sat beaming at the two of them together.
Danny wasn’t just an amazing dad, but an amazing husband. He always made sure to keep your daughter entertained long enough during dinner so that you could eat your food first, not having to worry about juggling a toddler in the mix.
You enjoyed your food as they joked along, Danny managing to steal a few bites of his own food and getting her to eat some as well.
“Alright you two,” you smiled as you wiped your hand on a napkin, “let’s actually get some of that in your mouth for a change huh?”
Although your words were a playful jab at Danny, your tone was bubbly and light hearted as you looked down at your daughter.
“Oh come on Angel, I did pretty good this time,” he handed you the fork and let you take over as he finished off his own plate.
Once dinner was finished, Danny and you dispersed. Him taking your little girl upstairs for a bath,  and you begin to tackle the dishes.
After you finished, you relieved Danny of his bath time duties, and he disappeared down the hall to shower.
About 20 minutes later he returned just as you were emptying the water from the tub and wrapping your daughter in her brown bear towel, tagging himself back in as you went to take your own shower.
Danny and you had become experts at parenting together. You guys had a flow to your routine that sort of came naturally, both of you dedicated to listening and understanding each other in this new found territory. And with two years to perfect the craft , you guys practically danced through life with your daughter, the three of you so in sync.
“If we’re this good now,” Danny joked one night while in bed at your old apartment, “imagine when she’s 16. We’ll be raising the best damn teenager in the world.”
Before you knew it, the three of you were nestled on the floor below the couch on a pallet that your daughter once again ‘helped’ Danny construct with about 7 blankets. It was cozy. Shrek played on your Tv, it being one of the only DVDs you still had from your childhood. The Tv had yet to be hooked up to the wifi. Baby steps.
Your daughter had knocked out almost instantly, her round lips slightly parted as she lay sprawled between you and Danny. 
He rubbed gently over her hair as his eyes focused on the Tv, you laying on your side facing them, in utter amazement at the fact that this was your life. You felt full and complete as you fell asleep that night.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The next day was two times as taxing. It started bright and early at 5:30am, when a chill that rattled your bones pulled you from your sleep. The house was freezing. You gently placed the back of your palm on your sleeping child’s face, luckily she was still fairly warm.
“Baby,” you tapped Danny’s shoulder lightly. You hated to wake him, you know he was exhausted from the past few weeks, and he looked so peaceful as he slept. 
He stirred a bit before blinking his eyes open, similar to the way your daughter does. She really is his twin. 
“What Angel? What’s the matter?”
“The house,” you whispered, trying not to wake the baby, “it’s freezing. I don’t think the heat is working properly.”
He sat up from under the blanket, taking a moment to let the chill of the house sting his skin.
“Yeah it is pretty cold, huh? Let me go check it out.”
With slow movements, he got up from the floor, shuffled into his house shoes, then made his way to the basement, which would soon be his personal music studio, to assess the problem.
After a few minutes, you heard Danny begin to fumble with something, the sound of it echoing through the house, causing your daughter to squirm.
You closed your eyes tight, saying a silent prayer that she’d stay asleep.
But as another loud noise made its way up to where you two were sitting, you knew it was no use.
By 6:30, you were standing over the stove making pancakes, your toddler sat in her high chair picking at scattered blueberries you’d placed in front of her. The sunrise was one of the warmest organes you’d ever seen. The light made its way into your kitchen through the icy haze that clung to the air outside, casting a warm glow through your home.
Danny put a fire on to knock out some of the chill while he worked on the heater, using some left over wood he found out back.
After about 30 minutes of fumbling, and coated with a nice sheen of sweat, he bounced upstairs to shower and change. But not before he greeted you and his daughter good morning, kissing you on the forehead and swatting at your backside, and planting a million kisses on his little girl’s cheek, stealing one of her blueberries in the process.
“I think the heat is working now, but it’s gonna take awhile for the temp to regulate. I’m gonna run into town and get some more firewood,” he explained as he climbed the stairs, his voice becoming more and more faint as he ascended. 
He was just in time to join the two of you for breakfast, dressed now in a cable knit sweater and large jacket, cargo pants, and boots.
You sat his plate at the table, along with a glass of orange juice, and he kissed you in appreciation, before smiling over at your daughter who was clutching a piece of a pancake in her fist roughly, ready to put it in her mouth.
“What you got there, Little Angel,” he queried, voice oozing with excitement.
She looked over at you with a questioning look.
“Tell daddy pan-cakes. I have pan-cakes,” you sounded it out for her.
She turned back to Danny with a smile, “pakay.”
“Pancakes?! No way that’s awesome,” he was drowning his own in maple syrup.
After breakfast Danny headed into town to get more firewood like he said, and you tidied the kitchen before moving upstairs to start more unpacking, but you quickly realized it wasn’t going to be so easy.
Your toddler was rampant, running circles all over the house, sticking her head in boxes she had no business being in (forever the curious child), not letting you get a single thing done.
About 45 minutes into your attempt, she adamantly decided that today was the day she was going to become potty trained.
But that turned into 30 minutes of you perched on the side of the bathtub, staring at your little girl, her round brown eyes staring back at you, CLEARY not ready to make that leap yet.
Danny returned shortly after that ordeal, and you dressed her in warm clothes to go outside and watch him carry firewood from his car around the back of the house.
He brought a log inside to add to the dying flames in the fireplace, before the two of you agreed to tackle the little one’s room together.
It was almost three hours of work, Danny constructing her brand new toddler bed and dresser, and you hanging and folding clothes, starting a give away pile in an empty box.
Your daughter was fairly cooperative while the two of you worked, switching between handing you hangers and items of clothing you’d already sorted, and handing Danny his tools.
“Screwdriver,” he held his hand out to her. She looked over the tools displayed in front of her before handing him the measuring tape.
“Come on Little Angel,” Danny faked frustration, “you’re two now, you oughta know the difference between a screwdriver and measuring tape.”
Your daughter giggled, looking back at you as if to say ‘did you hear him?’ 
“I know,” you nodded down at her, understanding the look completely, “your daddy is crazy.”
Once she got the idea that it was smart to start sticking screws in her mouth, you knew it was time to break for lunch.
You packed her downstairs and sat her in front of the Tv while you began preparing sub sandwiches while Danny finished hanging her initials on the wall above her bed. 
Lunch was fairly quiet, you and Danny already feeling the weight of the day starting to kick in, but the work didn’t stop there.
After your meal, the three of you were back upstairs tackling more rooms and boxes, your daughter completely opposed to taking a nap. It proved to be a very difficult task, moving into a house and juggling an energetic 2 year old, but just as you always did, Danny and you managed. Tag teaming back and forth to entertain your daughter while the other completed a job. Danny even took 30 minutes to walk her around the property as you put away clothes in your closet.
By the time nightfall rolled around, you Danny and your little one were so spent, cooking dinner was absolutely out of the question.
You all were stretched across your pallet in the living room, a pizza between the three of you as the Tv played some Netflix Christmas movie. The quality time was short lived before you were all fast asleep, a tangle of limbs down on your living room floor.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
“As temperatures continue to drop in the area, and that precipitation begins to move in, we can expect to see that heavy snowfall we were talking about as early as 6 this evening. It’ll continue snowing through the night, leaving us here in Michigan with another white Christmas.”
The news lulled from the Tv as your daughter slept soundly between you and Danny. The sun just barely beginning to show itself to the world.
“Looks like you and Little Angel are gonna get to see your first snow,” he turned to you with a charming grin. 
“And on Christmas Eve at that, it doesn’t get any more Hallmark than that,” you added with a chuckle. 
Danny reached over and poked your nose before settling back on the floor.
“So Captain Wagner, what’s the game plan for today?”
“Well,” he began, “I figured since we already got all of the important stuff unpacked, we could maybe head into town for breakfast. I passed a cute little diner when I was getting firewood yesterday. Then we could go to the tree farm and pick up a tree, maybe? I know it’s probably slim pickings now, but something is better than nothing. Then we can get everryyything we need need to make a beautiful Christmas meal, and hopefully beat the snow to come back and decorate.”
You admired his holiday spirit, his face hopeful as he waited for you to respond.
“Dan, don’t you think it’s kinda late to try and put up Christmas decorations? It’s literally Christmas Eve.”
“Come on angel” his voice was hushed, “this is our first Christmas in our new home, our forever home. It’s not gonna feel right if it’s not at least a little festive. I already saw the box with Christmas decorations down in the basement, and my brilliant, sexy wife had the mind to wrap the presents before we moved. How hard could it be? We can leave it up until July if you want to.”  He looked down at your slumbering child, “think about Little angel.”
“Trying to guilt me, huh Daniel,” you teased him with a jab in the ribs, “fine. Okay fine, why the hell not?”
And that’s exactly what you guys did. Your daughter slept another 30 minutes before you and Danny whisked yourselves through your morning routine, leaving the house just as the sun had found its place in the sky. The ride into town was about 20 minutes, the three of you singing along to different renditions of Christmas songs, full of the good ol’ Christmas spirit.
Breakfast was full of laughter. Your daughter found joy in the way Danny was smearing powdered sugar from his French Toast across his mouth, then pretending not to notice.
Luckily, the diner was fairly empty, save for a few older couples who didn’t seem to mind the nonstop uproars coming from your table.
“Dada siwwy,” she babbled as she looked up at you, and you nodded in agreement. “The silliest.”
After breakfast, you were off to the tree lot, and Danny was right, it was slim pickings, but none of you seemed to care, too caught up in your own little world to let that slow you guys down.
Your toddler stayed perched on her Dad’s shoulders the entire time, ogling at the trees as he walked past them, enjoying the new perspective.
You couldn’t resist snapping a picture as Danny leaned in to let her brush her fingers along the needles of one of the trees, turning back and smiling at you, completely taken aback by her interest. That would definitely be your new screensaver.
The bitter cold didn’t allow you guys to browse for long, though, and you quickly settled on a modestly sized Douglas fir, pre-trimmed to save you guys the extra trouble.
While one of the workers helped Danny secure the tree to the top of the car, you and the little one continued through the trees, and after about 15 minutes, Danny came to find you.
The shift ahead in the weather was palpable, the temperature continuing to drop and the air became frosty,
“Alright my angels,” Danny grinned as he lifted his daughter into his arms as she clambered towards him, “let’s get to this store so we can beat this weather.”
Your trip to the market was a short one. While you waited for Sleeping Beauty to wake up that morning, you and Danny decided on Cornish Hens for Christmas dinner, under the condition that he would prepare them and you’d make the sides. There were only a few things you needed, and your toddler was approaching her nap time rapidly, her mood making a complete 180.
Danny tried his best to keep her entertained while you guys wandered the aisles, making funny faces at her, giving her different items out of the basket to hold, even sending her sailing down the bread aisle with neither of you pushing her. He waved as the cart drifted further from the two of you, and this caused her to laugh hysterically.
By noon, you guys were pulling back into the driveway. The drive took a little longer due to Danny being as careful as possible with the tree strapped to the roof of the car. 
And to your relief, your daughter had only dozed off about 10 minutes ago, meaning she’d be ready for a nice nap once you guys were inside, giving you and Danny a chance to get ahead on the decorations. 
Not one to want to miss out on holding his sleeping child, Danny went to retrieve her from her car seat while you grabbed the few grocery bags that were in the trunk.
He walked gingerly into your warm abode, so very carefully removing a few of her layers so that she could sleep comfortably. She whined and wiggled a bit, mumbling things neither you or Danny could comprehend. But once he laid her limp body down onto the couch, she was back in her deep sleep like nothing happened. 
And you spent the rest of your afternoon doing exactly what you said you would. With a little teamwork, Danny and you were able to get the tree inside and upright, surprisingly not waking up your daughter in the process.
Danny retrieved the two large rubbermaid boxes full of Christmas decor from the basement, and with continuous rounds of Baileys and Hot Chocolate and several different versions of ‘Jingle Bells’, you and your husband worked away at transforming your new house into a home.
Your daughter was awake a couple hours later, and upon seeing what you and Danny were doing, she was eager to lend a helping hand.
One of your new neighbors came by at some point to drop off a large pot of chicken noodle soup, and around 6, you were putting it on the stove to heat it up.
But you couldn’t focus much, due to the fact that you were all but biting your nails as you watched Daniel, your daughter on his hip, standing on top of a chair, putting the tree topper on the top of the tree.
“Please be careful,” you worried, taking a sip from your mug.
“Little angel,” Danny looked down at her briefly, “tell mommy we got this.”
“Gotis,” she repeated to the best of her ability.
After dinner, you all were snuggled up on the couch, watching polar express.
“We did pretty good at decorating don’t you think,” Danny asked as he looked around your home.
He was right, although the decorations weren’t as elaborate as you’d liked them to be, with the time you guys had, you had to admit it was a job well done.
“Pretty damn good if I say so myself.”
Your daughter's eyes were glued to the Tv, and Danny chuckled a bit as he gazed down at her.
“Do you think she can even grasp the deep meaning of this movie?” 
You brought your eyes to her too, “well you know, she does have a lot of deep conversations with Josh. I wouldn’t be surprised if she understood it better than us.”
Knowing that you guys were talking about her, she looked up between the two of you, her brown eyes twinkling in the light of the Christmas tree.
You were about to say something to her, but a shadow outside the window caught your attention. You stared out the glass, until you saw another small wisp of something white pass the window, then another, and before you know it, the white flurries were falling one after the other.
Then it registered.
“Dan,” you gasped, turning to look at him. His eyes were already set on you with a silly smile, “is it… snowing?”
“I’m no expert,” he shrugged, “but I’d say yes.”
The squeal of excitement that left you would’ve been embarrassing if you weren’t so stoked. You jumped up from the couch to get a better look out the window as the light fluffy snow began coating the ground, picking up its speed.
“Oh my God, oh my God! It’s snowing!”
You began racing around the house, looking for your discarded jacket and boots, Danny took this as a sign to gather up your clueless daughter and get her dressed as well. 
Too caught up in the moment, you raced out the front door and into the night, standing in the middle of the yard, face to the heavens, letting the icy snowflakes melt against your skin.
Danny and your daughter weren’t too far behind you, her taking her usual place on his hip as they stood at the threshold of the house, watching you twirl around without a care in the world.
“Look little angel, you see the snow,” he beamed at your daughter. A snowflake planted itself on her eyelash, and she blinked rapidly.
“Owie,” she rubbed her eye, Danny laughing at her antics.
Vision now clear, she watched as you pranced around in the yard, and suddenly wanted to join in on the fun.
She wiggled in Danny’s arms, trying to get down, “okay okay,” he calmed as he set her on the ground.
Her boots crunched underneath her, and she steadied herself, trying to get used to the change of terrain, before she began clambering towards you on not so steady legs, but she was excited nonetheless.
You turned back to look at her; so lovely, too perfect. Half of you, half of the man you love most in the world.
“Look baby! Our first snow,” you cheered as you squatted down to greet her, causing her excitement to bubble over.
“Nowin’! Nowin’!” She repeated as she ran circles around you, sticking her tiny hands out to catch the falling snowflakes, a little confused as to why they were disappearing.
The pure joy you felt in that moment was unmatched, you didn’t even care that you were freezing. 
You turned to look at Danny with a grin, and he returned the look, leaning against the door frame as he watched the two of you reveling in the blanket of white, loud screams of delight from your daughter warming both of you.
Danny didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky to be here, now, in this perfect life that the two of you made for yourselves.
He didn’t know, but he’d never question it, he’d simply enjoy it for the rest of his days, thanking the higher power for showing him so much favor.
Snow continued to fall, you and your daughter continued to play, and Danny continued to marvel, looking out on his life as if he were looking in a snow globe, at the most beautiful snow angels he’d ever seen.
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immigrant-rob · 7 months
3 weeks later
The past 3 weeks have passed quickly, as one would expect when they are settling in a new country. We hit the ground running as Naomi went straight back to work and I started my online study for the physio exam I am required to take. We currently live in a tiny apartment in down town while we wait for our shipment to arrive and settle our rental contract (very exciting news potentially!). On our first weekend we went winter clothes shopping, because who on earth would have clothes suitable for -40 degree weather conditions. After a lot of good advice from the experts I left with clothes that would puff me up like a penguin, but keep me warm. Pictures below are from the park around the corner and apartment view.
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On our second weekend we did the Healy Pass trial which was through the forest, up the valley to a small pass from which we had stunning views over Egypt Lake and the larch trees spread out beneath us. Days like these make me realize how lucky I am to have such nature less than 1.5 hours drive away from me. This was 2 days after the news of that 2 experienced hikers got killed in a bear attack which did make us a bit more alert while hiking.
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On Wednesday we visited my first ice hockey game, from now on referred to as ''hockey''. I had to compromise on this change of naming to get Naomi to accept that ''football'' was the proper sport with a round ball, not the eggball they play here. In return hockey is played on ice, while field hockey on a pitch. Anyway, watching my first ever ice hockey game left me with mixed feelings. The first 7 minutes were great, high intensity, body slams, great feats of skill. Everything you hope to see in a good sports game. And then BOOM, lights out, everyone skates to the ''dug out'' and these ice sweepers skate onto the rink to clean up the chaffed ice. But while they do so adverts and minigames are being played in the arena. A very confused Rob was then told this was the ad break, so the tv advertisements could play and generate revenue. And this didn't happen just once, but every 6-7 minutes, for each period of the game... That's a total of 6 interruptions, without the official breaks! You can now understand that this did not fall well with a European who is used to watching a sport 45 min + extra time undisturbed. with a nonsense fluffy dog mascot entering into the crowd shooting T-shirt cannisters from his high pressure gun. It was a cool experience, but the take away message was that American sport events are more led to be ''entertainment'' events where sport comes second.
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Lastly, I've already experienced how the weather can swing within a few days. 5 days ago I played my first football match with my new team (VG Legion) in 20 degrees. Within 5 days the weather has swung from that, to a 10cm layer of snow and -10 degrees. Better get used to it, at least I was on time buying warm clothing!
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Dirty Bag and Snow Maiden
Here we have the fan-made version of the first encounter!
Before we even get started, the name of these figs is the literal machine translation version of the seller's names for these two. The names come from these pastries ("bag" is supposed to be "bun" from what I understand):
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You'll recall that there was an official version released of these two that I posted about here. I had just bought the Winter series official versions way back when I was discovering how many fan figs there actually were out there (and the number today far eclipses the number then!). Frankly, I'd be delighted if there was a fan made fig version of every single scene of Word of Honor!
I was lucky enough to pick this set up in the maker's remainder sales, since I had missed it the first time around.
I'm head over heels in love with this version. I'll do some side by side pics later, because I think it's interesting to see how the two sets are similar yet different in their interpretation of the exact same scene.
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Here we have a carefree hobo in all his mass of messy haired glory, his most slouchy and comfy blue robes, and his various drinking containers. Here we also have a rosy cheeked young master, dressed in purest white and silver, respectfully holding an elegant folded fan.
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The faces. Those huge soulful eyes even from the profile. The cute little ears!
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These figs run a tiny bit smaller than most of my other figs, so they seem a little more delicate. I like the slits the maker made in the white robes here - they really emphasize the flat, heavily embroidered front rectangle piece in the original costume.
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More bamboo embroidery, I love it. The hairpin here could be the ginkgo one if you squint a little bit.
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Figs like this tend to be more stable because the robes help give them a wider base of support, and balances out the weight of the heads. Our carefree wanderer stands easily here, but our elegant scholar takes a little bit of balancing to get him positioned just right.
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Here's a close up of the bamboo embroidery and you can see the detail on the belt. There's also a bonus side view of someone's perfect little face. Speaking of which...
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Look at him - he has the most enormous soulful eyes I've ever seen in a fig, and trust me, with literally hundreds of Gong Jun figs, that's some real competition. These blue multi-layered robes look drapey and comfortable. The ring of stubble and his frowny little wiggle mouth is perfect.
Here's the beautiful box cards and the box:
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Alright, here's the side-by-side pics I was talking about earlier. First up: someone just enjoying the sunshine, with the fan fig on the left and the other on the right:
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And now a gentle, soft-spoken and well-spoken philanthropist who couldn't (and wouldn't!) hurt a fly:
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What cuties. Ah, I'm definitely due a rewatch of this show.
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 118 (we're only adding the new figs!)
Diorama Count: 7
Snowglobe Count: 1
Rating: Fate let us meet...and fate will reunite us
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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hisblossom · 2 years
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
oh fuck. Jesus. Buckle in.
Listen, I’m super far left leaning, I’m a homebody, I don’t party or go to clubs, I have a small social circle and I’m into reading and art and music and photography and plants. so let’s preface with that.
I matched a guy on tinder, he seemed chill, relatively cute for a dude.
He shows up 45 minutes late to pick me up, by then most places had closed, so he suggested (without apology btw) we go to a McDonald’s for coffee (oh my god) and I straight up was like no. Nope. We’re going to a cafe close by that’s open for another hour.
Now, this guy had pulled up in a massive, LIME GREEN pickup truck, wearing literal cowboy boots, and was a solid 3 inches shorter than me while his tinder bio claimed to be a solid 5 inches taller. So. Hm. Math ? (Which, btw - I don’t care about. Everyone I’ve dated has been shorter than me, between an inch and 6 inches. It’s fine. But don’t ?? Lie???)
So we sit down, I forgo the coffee and get a beer cause I’ll need it. and then he starts.
We chat about stuff - normal things. But here’s a roundup of the worst things he slid in there.
“Yeah, I love going out to bars every night I can haha - there’ll always be another day but there won’t be that party again 🤪🤪🤪” (as though every fucking club night isn’t identical)
“The girls at clubs are insane hahah I don’t know how they can respect themselves (me, asking huh??) Oh, just the way they dress and going to clubs all the time, it’s such a turn off.” (Me, glancing at his cowboy boots and hearing the echoes of him proudly announcing his own club addiction 3 minutes prior)
“I can’t believe how many women are into politics these days, I don’t think that’s the best route for us..?”
“I’d like to get into politics myself one day yeah I think there needs to be more access to guns around here!”
“I’m into photography too! (Me, expresses interest in his work) yeah I loooove driving my truck out onto a country field and taking photos of it 😍 (me, asking about other subjects) Nah, I only take pics of my truck!”
“I can’t wait to settle down with a wife and have kids, yeah I totally picture my wife being a stay at home mom and raising the kids haha (me, asking what if she wants to get a job) Well I think the mother should stay home. (Me, asking what about the father staying home and the mother working) Nah, I’m pretty traditional and I think the woman should be at home”
This sounds like…. Like..? I genuinely thought I was being punked. He was the anti-me. I actually thought it was some weird joke my friends arranged. But no.
And that’s not all, no no no.
We finally wrap up the worst night in the world (maybe 35 mins, max) and he drives me home. To his credit, he did stay to make sure I got in alright. And lucky that he did, because I didn’t have my keys. They were still at the fucking cafe. Enter: the worlds most fucking awkward drive back there, where they had sure enough closed. Now, it’s winter. So there we were in the parking lot kicking around snow by where the truck was parked, looking for my keys.
I sidle up to the window of the cafe, and THERE THEY WERE. Under my chair, at our table. And there was someone closing the till. I banged on the window like a lunatic, pointing frantically at my keys, the dude inside realized what I was doing and smiled reassuringly at me, got my keys, handed them to me out the door, we had a chuckle, and then I walked back to Yeehaw Boy and his jello-coloured truck and then he took me home the second time.
So, bless his stupid, ignorant, old-values heart for taking that relatively well in stride but yeah we didn’t even try to pretend with the whole “yeah let’s do this again sometime”. I just said thanks for the ride and that was that.
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