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I finally put up my art print of Aristaios (god of beekeeping, but also SO MANY other "rural arts") and I feel so much peace looking at it 🥺 I love him a lot, he deserves this incredible art ^-^
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Hello! Could you make an altar guide for Goddess Nyx? And without wanting to bother you too much, Nyx is a Hellenic deity??
Just curious, I'm new to this and I wanted to know if I'm Hellenic for worshiping the Goddess Nyx.
Thanks for your attention
– Mel
Nyx is definitely considered a hellenic deity, and she plays a not-so-insignificant role in the Greek origin story. You don't have to consider yourself a Hellenic pagan if you don't want to though, it's up to you. There's really nothing special you have to do either way.
Colors: black, dark blue, purple for association with the night, anything galaxy patterned
Offerings: blackberries, blueberries, plum, dew (morning is fine but after sunset is best), dark feathers, dark chocolate, night-blooming flowers (like moonflower or wisteria), black tea/coffee, mugwort
Crystals: obsidian, black tourmaline, labradorite, moonstone (especially black moonstone), selenite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, smokey quartz
Animals: owl
also, she is associated with symbols of keys and veils/cloaks, so during your practice you might look into veiling (highly recommend if you're neurodivergent too!)
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A genuine question, did the word "devotee" just up and vanish from language while I wasn't looking?
Linguistic drift is totally a thing, but I'm deeply confused and more than a little baffled at "godspouse" becoming the term used for any oath or close relationship to a deity.
Maybe it's because I've been doing this particular form of mysticism for over a decade, but when I was getting started it was Very Clear (on what resources were out there,) that this was a marriage in a literal sense. It was also stressed that you (general you) can have a relationship with a god that's just as deep (or deeper) than marriage and not be oathed to them at all.
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blackcrowing · 1 day
Do offerings have to consist of food/drink?? I live in a really old, shitty building, and despite being a neat-freak with an intense phobia for bugs, I've had like 4 infestations as a consequence of living here for 10 years. I do have a balcony but I can't really use it for offerings like this unless I want bees and wasps to upset my neighbors (and the landlord). So leaving out food and drinks isn't really a viable option :/
yikes! Sorry you're having so many issues with bugs!
So you have a couple of options, you can still offer food and drink and then just consume it yourself to avoid any unfriendly intruders. While I personally dislike consuming my offerings I find most pagans split about half and half on the idea of it it is appropriate or not.
Secondly, you ABSOLUTELY can give offerings that are nonparishable. Some people offer tasks ('I'm dedicating this cleaning spree to Frigga' 'I dedicate this study session to Ogma' etc), others might offer pretty rocks or leaves or feathers they find throughout their day, I have a dedicated necklace for Macha which I keep on my altar if I'm not wearing it.
The options for things you can give to your deities is as limitless as your imagination. Its just that food/drink are traditional and tend to hold deep cultural significance to people, so we often reach for those first.
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ianitos · 9 months
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cherrycolaboy · 6 months
Casual ways to connect with your deities
-Pray to them or just just talk with them and tell them about your day
-Light a candle and say your thanks
-Offer your meal/snack to them or bake/cook with them or for them
-Watch a movie in their honor
-Offer your morning drink to them or make a cup for them
-Assign them a plant and take care of it as a devotion to them
-Listen to music that reminds you of them
-Say good morning/good night
-Thank them for the things you see that you consider beautiful
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broomsick · 8 months
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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odinswitch · 5 months
Quick reminder for both new pagans and experienced pagans: it's normal to not always feel a deity's presence, and it's normal even if you never feel their presence. You're not doing anything wrong.
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bates--boy · 1 month
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
Isn't it actually so beautiful that deities take the time to try and guide and teach us? How wonderful is it that they care for us so deeply that they'd share their wisdom, knowledge, and insight so freely? I think a deity's love is something to be cherished, and I cherish this. 🧡✨
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worship-of-the-gods · 1 month
The Gods support gay people
The Gods support trans people
The Gods support intersex people
The Gods support queer people
The Gods support non-binary people
The Gods support bisexual people
The Gods support asexual people
The Gods support pansexual people
The Gods support aromantic people
The Gods support LGBTQA+ people
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sag-dab-sar · 2 months
There is no such thing as a beginner deity.
There is no necessary changes you need to make to your life in order to worship a deity.
There is no psychological preparation that needs to be done.
You don't need to break a habit. Reframe your psyche. Finish medical treatment. Reach a life 'milestone'. in order to worship a deity.
If anything you should approach a deity to help you through these things.
Learning the religion can occur at the same time as worship. They can be parallel events.
You can begin worshipping a deity the day you read this. There is no future point in time where you will somehow be more ready to approach a deity.
You are already ready.
Edit: *excluding closed cultures
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themodernwitchsguide · 5 months
altars for greek gods
this post includes hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate. for part 2 including zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena click here.
keep in mind that typical offerings to any god includes meat, wine, grain (specifically barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense would be period appropriate), but i'm listing some specific offerings that can be given if you'd like
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
Colors: black, red, and white for association with death. purple and metallics for association with riches/wealth
Offerings: mint, asphodel, white poplar, pomegranate, coffee, cinnamon, elm, money, chocolate
Crystals: gemstones, black crystals (obsidian, black tourmaline, smokey quartz, etc.), pyrite, hematite, labradorite
Animals: black ram, owl, serpent, Cerberus
Colors: purple, pink, yellow, green for association with springtime. black and metallics for association with Hades. white for purity.
Offerings: pomegranate, flowers, grains, asphodel, lavender, rosemary
Crystals: amethyst, gemstones, moss/tree agate, milk quartz, jade, lepidolite
Animals: deer, ram, bat, talking birds (including parrots)
Colors: red and pink for love/sexuality. white and blue for association with the ocean. gold for association with, well, gold.
Offerings: roses, chocolate, shells, myrrh, gold
Crystals: rose quartz, pearl, emerald, opal, aquamarine, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, ocean jasper, morganite
Animals: swan, dove, hare
Colors: white, blue, black, and grey for association with the heavens. brown and green for association with nature/the hunt.
Offerings: moon shaped foods, frankincense, cypress, mugwort, amaranth
Crystals: morganite, moonstone, aventurine, selenite, celestite, moss/tree agate, amethyst, quartz (specific dendritic), labradorite
Animals: deer, wolf, wild boar
Colors: yellow, white, and blue for association with the heavens. red, orange, and pink for healing. purple and green for the Oracle
Offerings: sun shaped foods, bay leaves, laurel, cypress, playing music, poetry
Crystals: sunstone, amber, calcite (specifically honey and yellow), quartz (specifically rutilated or clear), rose quartz
Animals: cow, snake, hawk, crow/raven, cicada, swan
Colors: green and gold for money/luck. white and brown for travels.
Offerings: money, crocus/saffron, strawberries
Crystals: jade, malachite, fluorite, pyrite, lapis lazuli, citrine, alexandrite
Animals: tortoise, ram
Colors: purple, blue, and green for magic. red and black for association with underworld
Offerings: garlic, saffron, crossroad dirt, black salt, ashes, sage, cedar, yew
Crystals: labradorite, obsidian, hematite, black tourmaline, amethyst, bloodstone, serpentine, lepidolite
Animals: wolf, boar, serpent, lion, horse, cow
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apple-piety · 2 months
If you’re finding it difficult to carve out a practice for yourself, you’re just having a normal response. We were never supposed to do this. Polytheism is not an orthodoxy that we can divert to based on dogma and texts. It’s an orthopraxy, the likes of which were always intended to be practiced by the community, the polis, with the guidance of elders and experts. Because of the march of time bringing forced Christianization, colonization, and capitalism enforcing rugged individualism, we’ve been left with little choice but to carve a tiny piece for ourselves.
We’re doing fantastic, considering we’re rebuilding from the scraps and ruins of long gone empires.
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signed-author · 9 months
Even if you can’t hear your deities, they hear you
Even if you can’t see your deities, they see you
Even if you can’t feel your deities, they’re there and they love you
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hellenicrisis · 2 months
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"Hail, my Lady, you who come here to this home. I will set up an altar, and I will perform for you beautiful sacrifices."
– Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite
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