#it reminds me a lot of the anime erased if anyone knows what that is
molinaskies · 7 months
An interesting “side effect” of the canonization of the “classic era” meaning “younger era” is that the classic era now reads as “cute fun times” before the core cast became teenagers/tweens and things got super, super complicated.
Because the characters are “younger,” there’s an air of “little rascal innocence” to everything they do now. The new releases like Mania and Superstars now feel like little throwbacks to the young heroes just learning how to work together and make a difference in the world.
I don’t think this is a bad thing at all.
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cinnabeat · 4 months
i was reasonably certain the no one dies in this series bc its a dramedy at heart but damn im not so sure anymore
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rex-shadao · 1 year
The Lonely End of Belos
Or why Hunter, Caleb, Evelyn, Lilith, Collector, or anyone that Belos personally wronged didn't get to be the witness to his demise.
I admit, I was a bit unsatisfied with Belos' demise. After all the build up with Caleb hallucinations and Grimwalker bones, I thought he would fall into the graveyard pit, see the ghosts, and realizing all too late it's his fault before he melts into a pile of bones.
Prior to that, before Thanks to Them, I speculated on Belos' fate would be him being hunted down by an angry mob of humans led by Jacob Hopkins believing him to be some kind of cryptid monster either threatening the town... or offer a rare opportunity to get rich on the news. And then he falls apart like an animal.
And when Watching and Dreaming trailer hinted at Belos possessing the Titan, I wondered how they were going to defeat Belos without resorting to revenge or poetic irony (since Belos is this big final boss that the heroes would blow up like with the core). I thought perhaps they would turn Belos into a Palisman tree and make him give back all the Palisman he devoured in a twisted form of redemption. Perhaps they'll remind him of his past and start a mental collapse that causes him to lose control of the Titan as he sees images of Caleb. I was pretty sure Caleb would show up just before Belos dies, giving him the realization that he's damned.
But his actual demise... feels empty. He did fall apart as I expected and there's sense of loneliness in his demise, but... no Caleb. No Evelyn. Nothing hinting to his past. Heck, I don't think the name Philip is even brought up once. It feels like we've been cheated out of a cathartic demise, and I spent the hours since the special aired trying to make sense of this choice and why. Why is there no Wittebane lore.
And ultimately, I make this conclusion:
Belos refused to open up about his past. It's quite telling the Collector spilled everything of his Freudian Excuse from being bullied by the Archivists to being wrongfully imprisoned by King's Dad to his desire for friends and being accepted. Him opening up communications of his insecurities allowed Luz, Eda, and King to empathize and help him. To teach him kindness and forgiveness. To teach him the value of life through death. And through their teachings does the Collector become better and ultimately redeemed.
But Belos? We know he had a traumatic past and a lot of insecurities with his brother. We know he's a lot like Luz and the Collector when he was a child. But unlike them, he never opened up about his insecurities. He forcibly molds them into abstract ideas and rules. For the greater good of humanity. For the good of your souls. He always tries to make it non personal, thinking it makes him selfless and pure.
But what he ends up creating is a caricature of himself. A shallow representation of his former human life. The Hollow Mind portraits released this week on Twitter shows tragedy with the happy memories being free of scratches and burns. Those were the original looks. But in the actual episodes, even the happy memories were scarred and burned. As Understanding Willow reveals, if you burn the memory pictures, you essentially erase them from existence. This means that Belos barely remembers his past. Now that I think about it, Belos never actually used the word brother at any point. Just an old friend. At first, I thought he was trying to avoid triggering trauma memories regarding Caleb's murder, but now I wonder... did he actually forget Caleb was his brother?
Because if he did, then it explains why he never seem to make the connection that Eda and Lilith may in fact be the descendants of Evelyn and Caleb. He only remembers Evelyn's first name but can't remember her face or anything that would link her to the Clawthrones.
And then it hits me. Despite being the big main antagonist of the series... Belos has only one personal connection to our main trio: Luz the Human. Eda, he dismisses her as an Owl Lady outlaw who isn't important in the grand scheme of thing. And King, he thinks it's a weird dog demon, not a baby Titan. But Luz, he's obsessed with because A) she would help him learn the Light Glyph and find the Collector and B) she's the first human he has seen in centuries.
Thus, it is Luz that Belos focuses on the most. It's Luz that Belos wants to form an actual connection since Caleb's death. And when you think about those witnessed Belos' demise... Luz is the only one that Belos has any genuine interactions with. Eda, King, and Raine... they were all background pawns or obstacles, not even worth specializing personal grudges towards like he would with Lilith, Hunter, Evelyn, or even Caleb.
So in spirit, Luz is the last lifeline for redemption and forgiveness. And Belos blew it. He was so obessed with Luz due to her human status but he never gave anything about his past to her (Luz only got Belos' backstory from Masha). He assumes that being human alone is sufficient enough for speaking terms. And he choose the best looking human look for her: A non-broken nose Philip Wittebane. Just as how she saw him in Elsewhere and Elsewhen. The ideal adventurer and hero of the 17th century. He evidently forgot that this bearded Phillip destroyed Luz's respect for him. This Philip lied to her and betrayed her and Lilith. This Philip was not the hero Luz envisioned. After all, the Philip she idolized in the diaries was clean shaven. He could have chosen that form... if he actually remembers that.
And then he sloppily try to make himself sound like he's freed from a curse, sloppily using the term dark magic instead of wild magic, and taking great pains to even say that he did horrible things, even under the excuse of a curse. He has no idea on how to make himself relatable when it's all there within him deep down. He just uses the surface-deep level of relatability and Luz doesn't buy it. And the boiling rain melts away that skin deep humanity, revealing a rotting ghoul barely clinging onto life, screaming of how witches are evil and unforgivable as he crawls to Luz. Notably, he still doesn't give a reason as to why he thinks they're all evil. We all know what it likely is, but Belos never confirms it to Luz.
Belos is virtually on autopilot, repeating the mantra of humans are superior and witches are evil. He never speaks about how Caleb was "stolen" from him by a witch. He never speaks about how Gravesfield taught that witches are evil. His memories almost completely erased by his self-inflicted denial, all he can think of is wiping out witches and saving humanity. A caricature of his former self.
And by failing to swayed Luz, he's completely alone. There is no Caleb now. No Evelyn. No Hunter. No Lilith. No Grimwalkers. No Flapjack. Just Luz whose connection he tries to forge is now a shallow parody because of how much he doesn't understand her at all. But she wouldn't kill him since that would give him a known company at his last moment. Instead he meets his end by those that he doesn't even see as personally important beyond pawns. Though they have a lot of personal grudges against the former Emperor and tyrant, Belos only sees strangers at the end of in his long life.
Philip Wittebane is nothing more than a faded memory of a bygone era. He died with his brother Caleb, regulated to just folklore ghost stories told in Halloween of Gravesfield. To some, they may never really exist in the first place since 1613 is a very long time.
The creature that resembles Philip is just Belos and he is little more but a parody of a man, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
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sunlit-haruka · 7 months
EVERYONE I just saw the new DRDT twitter post, and I have some things to SAY /pos (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you should probably view this post https://twitter.com/DespairTime/status/1703105596134654210 before continuing on reading this one) ... ... ...You back? Awesome !! First and foremost, gonna take a look at the synopsis
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This concept is giving major 999 vibes, I love this already I also really like the shorter number in cast, I don't actually see a lot of fangans with shorter cast and I think that's a shame because I think there is a lot you can do with a shorter cast of 10-12 participants (see Danganronpa Lapse). > eleven students are forced to continue a killing game that they’ve supposedly already started. However, no one can remember the past trials, nor the deaths of their missing classmates. This is the main thing that caught my eye, and it definitely explains the shorter number in cast. And with their memory erased and the way this is worded, it feels almost like this death game that these characters are in has restarted. Like, something went wrong with it, and that resulted in the death game restarted using the eleven students still left. And if that is the case, that makes me wonder about the possible connection this death game could have with DRDT. But I will get to that later. > Between the killing game, their lost memories, and the “NG codes” that restrict their actions, how could anyone escape unscathed? So this is also using the NG Codes from Danganronpa 3? Yet another thing I find very interesting. I so badly want to know more about this cast. Which is why they are the next topic of my insane ramblings !!
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Okay before I even get into anything, I just want to say mad fucking props to DRDT Dev for these designs and for their art in general. They have genuinely improved so much since the start of DRDT, and it's so cool to see Second of all
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> That is to say, this is a story about a person who wants to become the perfect teacher. So hi, I love you very much first of all Go to a damn barber second of all I am very worried for you third of all /lh (Also my first thought when I saw him was that he reminded me of Enju from Ayakashi Akashi, and I think that's funny)
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DRDT-Dev has confirmed that this is the protagonist, so I am already very intrigued with him and what his deal is even though we won't find out for a long time Another fun little thing I noticed was that in all of the art so far out with him has him with his eyes closed. I wonder if that means anything Anyway, I love him, and I am also concerned for his safety for something I will talk about later
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As for some smaller observations, given how closely these two are depicted, their fire and ice motifs, and their general simialr appearences. I don't think it's a stretch to say that these two could be sibling, or related in some way. I think that's cool
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I've seen a few people say that this person could be Elliot Cuevas, Charles' older brother, and I definitely think that's a fair theory to have. Not just because of the purple hair, but also because of the collar around his neck. What is one of the only details we know about Elliot?
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His favorite animal is dogs. And that collar (to me at least, looks very similar to a dog collar. Just something to think about
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I have nothing insightful to say, this person is precious and I want to give them ice cream If people start theorizing them to be "secretly evil" istg... /lh /hj The rest of the cast (except one) I have nothing to comment on, so let's get to the main question I am thinking about at this moment Does this project have any connection to the lore of Despair Time?
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This wasn't something that was confirmed, nor denied by DRDT Dev, so everything I'm about to say could age awfully. But I think there are a few pieces of evidence that could hint to this project having more relevence to DRDT than it comes across at first glance. Three to be exact. Let's start with the first and most obvious one
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This man who is looking very smug at me is wearing a jacket with an XF-Ture Tech logo on it, or at least something that looks the part.
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We do not have much information on what XF-Ture Tech as it stands right now. All we know at the moment is that it is a profit tech company that sponsored Min's family when she was younger at the promise that she would become the Ultimate Student in 12 years time, and that they also do "a lot of other things"....whatever the hell that shady sentence means. Due to the lack of information about XF-Ture Tech, there is not much else I can analyse at this moment. But this fact alone does seem to connect this project and DRDT in some way. But obviously that's not all For my second piece of evidence, we go back to that teacher character. Because I swear...there was another, albeit hidden, place where a teacher character was mentioned... Oh yeah !
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.....Ohhhhhhh righttt... Teacher man, you're in big trouble. In all seriousness, considering how intricate DRDT-Dev's writing is, I just don't think this could be a coincidence at all and if it is I'll be genuinely surprised. I think this teacher character and the teacher mentioned in the about page's hidden text are the same person. Now that does not exactly answer the big question of who is saying this text. It could be the mastermind of this project's death game, could be another participant in this project's death game, hell the possibility that this is the mastermind of the DRDT cast's death game still isn't really ruled out. But the main point is that I think it's a very big possibility that this teacher and the teacher in the about page's hidden text are the same person. And lastly, I would like to go back to what I said in the beginning: > it feels almost like this death game that these characters are in has restarted. Like, something went wrong with it, and that resulted in the death game restarted using the eleven students still left. If we're following the idea that this is a restarted death game, that honestly gives me the same vibes as a reboot of a television show. Which brings me to my point: What if this death game is also being broadcasted? I feel as though it is definitely a possibility given the summary, but for right now there doesn't seem to be much proof of this idea. _ That's basically all of my current thoughts on this project that DRDT-Dev has shown us. If this does end up becoming the next fangan DRDT Dev releases after the completion ot Despair TIme, I am very excited to see in the future what has been cooking
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
A Deeper Look At Kazuki’s Delinquent Teen Version of Miri
In Episode 5, we see Miri packing for her brief visit and stay with Kyutaro at the Mistletoe Cafe:
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She has a drawing pad, crayons, an eraser, water bottle, a white stuffed rabbit, and some food: the stuff like the orange gummies and popcorn (ポップ) seem rather generic, while the Poki Poki is obviously meant to be Pocky, the pink container is meant to be Calbee’s じゃがりこ (jagariko), which are basically like a potato stick snack. The chocolate seems a bit generic too, though the shape of the box and the circular shape of the chocolate reminds me of Lotte’s Ghana chocolate:
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In Kazuki’s wild imagination of a shoplifting teen Miri, we see that he has her stealing Poki Poki and the Choconut chocolate, two things that she is packing in her bag in Episode 5. There’s also a stack��of Morio Kart 6 games (like 3 or 4, maybe for her and her friends, lol). 
The stationary stuff was replaced with makeup and other kinds of cosmetics, which fits in with what we see of her appearance. 
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Looking at her face in the image below, Kazuki has her looking like Misaki, Miri’s mother. This makes sense, of course, she is her mom. He imagines her with the same color eye shadow though, which is interesting. Anyone who has watched anime, especially school based ones, for a while, likely know that wearing makeup goes against the usual school dress codes. 
The same goes for her earrings, especially if they are pierced. Most school dress codes in Japan don’t allow for earrings, so if someone does get ear piercings, it’s in adulthood, after they graduate. Even then though, clip on earrings are more common. A teen girl with pierced earrings though gives the image of delinquency. 
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Miri is also show with the top buttons of her dress shirt unbuttoned and her tie loosened. All of which is against dress code as well. Her skirt was also altered to be a bit shorter than it is supposed to be (you can see that more in the last image below). Before we talk about that last image though, let’s talk about the aspects of Miri’s appearance that could go against some Japanese school dress codes, but which she has no actual control over.
Specifically the color of her hair and it being wavy. I’ll link to some articles that go into more details on these issues, but her is an excerpt from on Vice article. It mentions:
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Text: The unnamed female student said her institution repeatedly demanded she dye her naturally brown hair black. She followed the school’s rules at first but eventually stopped, leading school officials to remove her desk from the classroom, erase her name from rosters, and check her hair roots. A court ordered the local government to pay her $3,100 in damages last February, but ruled the school has a right to impose hair regulations.
In another article entitled, #HairWeGo: Japanese take aim at school rule requiring black hair, from AsiaOne (which I will link to below), we have this segment:
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Text: In most of Japan's public schools, pupils are only permitted to have straight black hair. They cannot bleach, dye or perm it. Conversely, any student whose hair is naturally light or curly can be made to straighten or dye it until it is the required shade of black.
The reason for these rules on hair color and needing all students to have straight black hair is because it is often associated with the ideal Japanese image. 
There have been lots of debate and discussion about these sorts of rules over on Japan Twitter, Japanese news, and etc. in recent years, with many calling these rules out. So, recently, many of these rules have been removed or, at least, are currently being reevaluated. 
But these changes are still new, ideas of differently colored hair like brown (or blond, like Kazuki) and hair that isn’t straight (curly, wavy, etc.) are viewed as outside of the norm. And therefore are often associated with acts of rebellion (dyeing hair, perming hair, etc.) rather than the possibility of them just being the natural state and color. 
I’ve worked at a number of Japanese elementary and junior high schools though, and I know that this sort of mentality is changing, especially as more and more biracial children are being born in Japan. But, there is still preconceived ideas there. I remember one teacher I worked with, had to dye their brown hair black for a formal event (outside of work) once. It was sad to see.
But, that’s also why I like the fact that a lot of the Buddy Daddies characters have brown hair (Miri, Kyutaro, Miss Anna) and many of the children Miri plays with have different hair color shades as well (different shades of brown, Taiga with blond-ish colored hair like Kazuki, etc.). I know it’s an anime, but the general character designs in Buddy Daddies leans more towards grounded than something you might find in a Shonen Jump series, etc. So, I think these choices also say something.
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Finally, lets talk about this last image. In the background you have posters for the basically “Just Say No to Drugs!!” campaign in Japan (they don’t always use the Globe Mascot for all posters, it makes sense they would use one with a cop at a police station or police box location). There is also a poster warning about phone call scams.
But, I want to focus on Miri sitting with her legs crossed. The other day on Twitter, I saw a video of a woman crossing her legs on a train. An old man that was sitting next to her, and who was manspreading, got upset when she did this and whacked her legs with a newspaper. (I’ll link to think video below).
It’s seen as rude and, especially in the case of women, disrespectful. Of course, that doesn’t mean that people don’t cross their legs (that woman did) and that doesn’t mean that older man’s actions were okay. But, this is also why teen Miri is shown sitting with her legs crossed in Kazuki’s wild imagination, because it is associated with disrespect and the like (the speech patterns that she uses in Japanese are rude too, of course). 
I won’t include the image here, but teen Miri and teen Taiga being all over each other (like hugging each other and making a heart shape together, etc.) is viewed as too much PDA, which is also looked down upon in Japan. So, of course, Kazuki would end up including that in his “delinquent” version of Miri, lol.
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threadsun · 11 months
Person who asked about that patron audio here. THANK YOU!! You don’t know how much it was driving me up the wall to see how much people were trying to erase his kinks even though they were discussed even before the new demo came out (like the bdsm test Jambee did). Tbh, my kinks align well with his so I was biased, but the amount of people who were upset by his made me feel like it was wrong for me to like what I like. I mean, super caring guy with a great personality that also is super kinky in bed? Sign me the f-up, but I felt ashamed for being excited by that audio because of the backlash it received. I’m afraid that the studio won’t do audios with Jack like that anymore because of the backlash it received and instead will become more basic instead of detailed like you said. I’m not a fan of sub-Jack, but I’ve never tried to complain or change someone else’s opinion about it because it’s what they like and everyone should be able to enjoy their kinks (safely of course). In other news, dirty talking Jack is OP, especially when he starts pulling out the breeding kink. As someone who loves both kinks, I’d melt immediately on the spot! I could even see him acting like an animal in heat combining that primal kink with his breeding kink. Growling in your ear not to waste any drop of his cum while he plows into you from behind, desperate to mark you and fill you up with his seed to prove that he exists, that HE’S the one that would knock you up. Not Ian, not Shaun, HIM. How excited he’d be to parade you around with your belly swollen with HIS child, to let them know how the planets aligned perfectly to let m/c become pregnant by him when it could’ve happened with Ian instead. How smug he’d look looking down at Ian’s distraught expression when he sees sunshine is pregnant. Even if Jack can’t be seen publicly fucking his sunshine, showing them around like that has got to hit some sweet spots with his exhibitionist/voyeur side. I mean, people know how babies are made, so I’m sure they’ll be wondering who knocked m/c up, right? I can see Jack just rutting into a submissive sunshine who just mewls and matches his animalistic sounds when he loses himself into the pleasure of it all (and with his sunshine’s green light to let go). He’s pretty needy when it comes to his sunshine so I can see him just going over and over again. I’m trying to imagine how him being sadist would look like, but my brain is having trouble imagining it though I’d love to lol. Freaking Jack with a rope bunny who loves to be tied up because they love how good the ropes feel pressing into their skin I or just feel the pressure of his body weight to pin them down on the bed or against the wall. YUM! A sunshine who likes to flirt and tease a little too much with him but not following through to be a brat till he has to remind them who they’re dealing with. But I HIGHLY agree with how sweet and sexy it is that he thinks about aftercare even in the heat of the moment and how taking care of them turns him on. It’s like in middle of fucking you he talks about “how good he’ll take care of you after taking his cock so well being such a good slut for him.” How indecent his sunshine looks, but how he’ll make sure they’ll look decent enough to go to work later. (I saw he likes to talk about decency a lot between the audio and sleepy time Jack). He probably hasn’t had the chance to receive or give aftercare as Joesph since he’s said that’s he’s never felt how he does about his sunshine with anyone else before, so it probably is just as intimate of an act as sex. Trying to be more of caretaker for his sunshine combined with his craving of being needed probably is what turned aftercare into a kink for him in a sense. Jeez, so many great opportunities because of that audio and that test, hence why I’m scared they won’t do it again. Sorry for rambling, I’ve been afraid to talk about my takes of him during sex based off what we’re given out of fear of upsetting someone, but your page has made me feel more comfortable expressing what I think he’d be like.
I mean look, not gonna sugar coat things, audiences can be whiny, entitled little assholes. I've dealt with too many people like that in my professional life to have even an ounce of sympathy for them. Especially when you get into the realm of sex work (creating 18+ games definitely counts as being at least on the fringes of sex work), people get vicious and cruel and kinkshame-y and aggressive and like. Idk, I think people just don't realise what a dangerous and mentally draining form of work it is. You're constantly trying to cater to an audience of people who have their own personal hang-ups around sex and sexuality (especially people who were raised with sexual shame, which is most people in the world). And if you don't hit exactly what they want, a lot of sexuality and desire can quickly become aggression and abuse (verbal, in this case).
I loved the audio, and I really hope that Sauce and the team can keep creating things that make them happy without people spoiling it for them! I hope people can learn the rule of "don't like, don't interact" rather than demanding that their personal desires be catered towards in a game intended for a wide audience of people. I hope people stop seeing themselves as the most important people in the conversation, and stop justifying unnecessary criticism of someone's lovingly made creations.
Anyway, I love and agree with everything you said about Jack and his kinks!!! As for the sadism, I can definitely see him being... almost subtle? Rather than whips and knives, I could see him being into things like pressure points. Knowing just where to press to make your muscles tense and create a perfect pain that makes you tighten around him beautifully~ Stretching you just a bit too far so your muscles ache, spanking you with his hands because you're being naughty and this is how naughty subs get disciplined. Generally, I could see his sadism coming out as like... wanting to see his Sunshine willing to be uncomfortable and in pain just to fuck him. Them being so desperate for him that they'll accept whatever painful position he twists them into because they need him.
But yeah, I refuse to allow sexual shame on this blog (unless that's your kink~), I never want my followers to feel guilty for their desires, because that's literally the least healthy thing possible for someone's sexuality! Beating yourself up for your desires is the #1 way for them to manifest in unhealthy and dangerous ways, it won't "fix" you, it'll just make your life worse.
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ocean-sapphics · 10 months
what are ocean sapphics? & flags!
'ocean' is the umbrella grouping term for presentation labels that lesbian & bi/pan sapphics can use regarding femininity, masculinity, and androgyny.
these terms were initially coined by strwbryfemme on twitter, using their gimmick account sapphicimagines back in january of 2022. both accounts have since been deactivated and therefore this thread is long gone. i found them in an old flag hoard album on my camera roll recently and decided to respectfully reupload them in case anyone else would enjoy.
NOTE #1: i will not be putting the rest of this, admittedly quite long, post under a ‘read more’ cut due to the fact that all the information would be lost if someone decided to reblog it and the original post ended up gone sometime in the future. you would not be able to view anything under it, since whatever is there can only be seen on the original page. i apologize if you have to scroll a lot because of this, but that’s unfortunately one of the many inconvenient ways tumblr works.
NOTE #2 (MUST READ): i felt it would be best to swap their usage of 'pearl' to mean masc, not androgyne. this is because these chosen words feel unbalanced in their meanings to me. 'ocean' feels too broad and vague to cover just one category (hence why i made it overarching instead), and doesn't fit its place in the hierarchy of the theme. it'd be like saying, for example: 'cat' is fem, 'animal' is masc, and 'dog' is androgynous; instead of saying 'cat' is fem, 'dog' is masc, and 'furry' (lmao idk ok? bear with me) is androgynous. i then turned what was previously 'pearl' into 'coral' as a replacement, since that made more sense from my perspective. if this confuses you while reading the tweets below, i have put my corrections for the labels/flags in alt text, which you can click on each image to access. if that doesn't help, feel free to ask questions. i tried to make this as easy and least complex as possible, so i apologize if that didn't work.
NOTE #3: if cat (strwbryfemme) and/or atlas (ilikegaycookies, who designed the bi flags btw) finds this and would like me to take it down, i will do so upon request, directly or indirectly, and also delete this blog. i intend no disrespect to either of you and i'm posting this because i like your ideas and don't want them to rot and be forgotten anymore than they already have. i edited the words themselves because i thought they would fit better, but i can also revert them back to their original versions if need be.
with that out of the way, let’s get onto the flags first!
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any and all help with IDs/PTs are appreciated! i do not have the spoons to write them out as of now due to the rest of the work i'm putting into this post, but if someone wants to volunteer then i can put all the text into a rentry (or multiple) and edit it here to make the images more accessible to disabled readers. thank you!
here is some more stuff i would like to add (please also read these too if you are interested in claiming, or even if you are not on board with all this):
you should keep in mind that i am a white tme bi sapphic who knows my history and claims 'butch', so i will not argue about butch/femme discourse because i strongly support the terms not being lesbian-exclusive. however, it should be understood that i still know my place and privilege regarding other applicable aspects and do not wish to offend anyone or start discourse here. this post is simply a reupload and attempt at re-suggesting cute terms for personal use only, entirely by choice. they are not designed to be forced on anyone or become mainstream, especially not to replace femme/butch/futch or even the infamous doe/stag/tomcat. you do not have to like these or agree with them. you are allowed to dismiss the idea and move on as it wasn't made to erase or hurt anyone. please hold anyone who does spread these in bad faith accountable, thanks.
with that being said, it is my opinion that we should grant their wishes for wanting to keep this series exclusive to the sapphic community. i do not personally consider either of these individuals to be overall 'bad people', even if we disagree on some things heavily. they still deserve respect for the positive contributions they have made to our community, which is why, again, i will remove all of the above without hesitation if asked by a credible messenger.
one last thing to be reminded of ─ if anyone else ends up playing around with the theme of these terms + flags, for any given reason (such as designing pan/trans/enby/etc. versions), please do not use the word 'fish', especially if you are also white, as that already exists within a Black-exclusive context to be a cultural identity adjacent to 'femme'! i will not speak or give an opinion about what to do or not if you are Black, as i'm sure you will be able to take it from there.
this is not necessary to read, so you can stop now lol ─ anyway, thank you for your attention, and enjoy! reblogs are appreciated, and comments will be listened to. if you have any complaints directed towards the content itself, then i unfortunately cannot help you with that as said content is not really mine. however, i will try to respond to stuff related to my act of reuploading and/or adjusting the terminology. remember that i self-identify as butch and am critical of coining ideas with a similar purpose to doe/stag, but obviously i am not against it. as long as you can understand my point of view, your opinions will matter, even if they (respectfully!) dissent. have a lovely rest of your day/night!
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fanfic-inator795 · 3 months
I was rewatching the "Stay Cool" ep of I Heart Arlo, and while the episode plot itself is pretty cliche and predictable, the episode itself is still pretty fun and fairly enjoyable - though my favorite part is definitely the ending.
You get to Arlo telling his dad about said yacht-sinking and Ansel not seeing an issue with it at first, saying how he often looks for those who "ask for forgiveness instead of permission" in his building managers. In a way, it kind of reminds me of the movie where he's giving Arlo advice that, while it may help him get ahead in the business world (a world Ansel is MUCH more familiar with than parenthood), isn't necessarily good advice in general.
Immediately Arlo is naturally confused, which prompts Ansel to kinda just be like "Oh right, I'm a dad now, gotta say something Dad-like", prompting him to try scolding Arlo, with his tone not sounding nearly as natural or as confident as it was prior (the vocal delivery and animation really sells this). But even if Ansel is still only acting stern and isn't actually mad or even that disappointed, it's still enough for Arlo to continue being super hard on himself, not necessarily needing Ansel or anyone else to tell him that he messed up big time. (and oof, you really do feel for him here...)
That then leads into Ansel fully realizing how distraught his son is and doing what any good parent should do in a situation like this: comfort and letting their kid know that mistakes don't erase love, and that things can be replaced. That the important thing is that Arlo is safe and that he still loves him no matter what (and all while an instrumental version of "In The Blue With You" plays in the background. Just, d'awwww!), ending things off with a hug and a quick joke about Arlo getting an allowance + the squid falling for the Ansel statue, lol.
Though, while I love this whole ending and how sweet it is, Arlo being so worried about disappointing or being hated by his dad (that bit where he says "Ansel" instead of "Dad" because he's "practicing for when he gets disowned". OOF) definitely hits a lot harder than the typical "my parent's gonna kill me!" jokes you see in TV shows when you remember that Arlo was literally abandoned by Ansel as a baby. Additionally, in the next episode, you briefly see Arlo admit that he still worries about one day disappointing Ansel.
If the show had more episodes, I have to wonder if the show would fully address these fears that Arlo has - to acknowledge that, while Arlo may have forgiven Ansel for everything and for as much as Ansel is trying to be there for him now, it isn't exactly easy for Arlo to just forget about how Ansel not only gave him up as a baby but also took forever to finally accept him. Even if he understands WHY Ansel struggled so much with accepting both his son and himself and how Ansel's backstory/trauma led to Ansel making decisions he regretted, Arlo was still impacted by these decisions and still felt the hurt in them.
While we got to see a few instances of Arlo and Ansel bonding with each other/Ansel learning to be a dad, we never really got to see these two have a full-on argument or fight. But if we DID, I have to wonder if the climax of it would be Arlo blurting out something about being abandoned again for not being the perfect son - something he would immediately regret, but also something that Ansel, for as hurt as he would be to hear it, would still understand.
Frankly, I would love to see a scene where these two have a heart-to-heart where Arlo admits that while he isn't mad at his dad, he still feels hurt and afraid. He loves his dad wholeheartedly and has loved getting to spend time with him and get to know him, but there's a small part of him that doesn't fully trust him just yet - and Ansel completely gets it, saying that he doesn't blame Arlo for not being able to just forget about his abandonment and, what's more, that while he's grateful for Arlo's forgiveness, he doesn't necessarily deserve the full forgive-and-forget treatment. "I spent years trying to make myself forget what I did, to make it easier on myself... It wasn't right then, and it wouldn't be right now."
And in the end, this missing trust is just accepted as one more thing they have to continue working on, with Ansel promising that he'll do - and keep doing - whatever he needs for Arlo to know that not only does he love him, but he won't ever turn his back on his son again, no matter what.
It's not a perfect solution by any means nor does it completely fix things, but they both agree that it's at the very least a good step forward ^v^
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Dude socks was so domestic and cute and comforting I might cry!! Can I request a sirius black imagine where the reader is like a confident and fun/sarcastic person that is friends with the marauders and has a playful flirty relationship with sirius. They both like each other but the reader is kind of scared of commitment so they always take a step back whenever sirius takes a step forward and sirius finally corners them about it and finds out its readers insecurities and all ends well? Thanks!
She's not afraid [S.B]
Sirius Black x Reader
Word counts: 4.8k
A/N: This was a very entertaining request and it took a while because every day I feel like I'm going to pass out from nausea haha. But writing is super relaxing for me.
I was hoping it would be shorter and now I feel like something was missing, but I hope you like it. Especially you, nonny!
And thanks for your nice comment, I'm glad you liked "socks"
(The title refers to the song of one direction because it reminded me a lot of its lyrics)
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"If you had to choose between a chocolate-flavored shit and a shit-flavored chocolate, what would you choose?" he murmured, his voice echoing through the room.
You and your friends were in the common room in the so-called “study group” that Remus had insisted on creating for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and ended up with topics from the other subjects. It was true that everyone fulfilled the boy's whims, because none had the heart to say no to something (which he often took advantage of) and now every afternoon you met to read some documents, comment on your doubts and practice spells and even potions.
But if anyone couldn't take things seriously, he was Sirius.
The only thing that kept it there was his love for Moony and also the opportunity to watch you study for a full hour. Or watch you do anything, to be honest.
Everyone frowned at Sirius' question, not understanding the nature of it. James, who was the only one who could listen to him, was busy analyzing a herbology book in detail. And by analyzing I mean sleeping on top of it.
“The chocolate-flavored shit, of course. What good would it do you to have chocolate if it tastes awful?" you answered seriously. Suddenly all eyes in the room were on you and most of them seemed half disgusted half confused. "What? Sirius asked" you said shrugging your shoulders and pointing at him with an open palm. The young man grinned widely and you returned the same smile, both of you holding back the urge to laugh.
"I can always trust you, pretty," he said happily. "And now that I think about it, you're very far from me, don't you think? Let me get closer” he murmured determinedly, getting up from his seat with a book in hand and all the intention of placing himself in the same armchair as you. But halfway there an arm stopped him abruptly.
"Go back to your seat," Remus demanded, not looking away from his book. Sirius complained.
"Why?" he said indignantly. You turned your gaze to the notes you were analyzing, but the smile on your mouth didn't fade and Sirius noticed.
“Because having the two of you together is having a time bomb. Go back to your seat,” he murmured just as seriously. Sirius watched him and in the middle of his tantrum he wrinkled his whole face trying to imitate Remus "I can see you Sirius"
"Since you've been a prefect, you have become unbearable," he muttered.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing," he replied like a little boy, dropping on the couch and taking the book from him again in the middle of a snort. You watched him with amusement and he stared back at you, so you mouthed ‘Better luck next time as he looked back at his notes. You felt Sirius's gaze, it was not something easy to ignore, but you tried not to stop yourself from the spirit from passing all the subjects that had suddenly invaded you.
When you couldn't take it anymore you looked up and again mouthed ‘What?’ Trying not to get caught by Remus. Sirius sneakily pointed to a scroll and his quill and you knew what it was all about.
Turns out that Sirius was extremely smart when he put his mind to it and he himself had enchanted a couple of scrolls that only you and he knew about. When you wrote in one, it was reflected in the other and when you finished whatever you were writing this was erased. At first you had not believed him because doing that involved very advanced magic and Sirius was not the archetype of an exemplary student to do that. But once you tried them you realized that you had indeed underestimated the boy and the curiosity to know the most intelligent and creative part of him invaded you. I mean, he was when it came to the pranks but you never imagined a Sirius smart underneath the idler you knew.
Y/N, can I ask you a very personal question? he wrote it. You tried not to sound too concerned and replied:
You can do it, but I can decide not to answer it. It turned out that Sirius was really weird lately and you were worried about what he might say, but usually it was pure nonsense.
The scroll went blank and you waited a few seconds for Sirius's pretty handwriting to appear. You tried not to look at him too much because you knew beforehand that he would get a scolding from Mr. Lupin.
Are you a dementor? he wrote.
You frowned at the words, searching for some logical explanation for his absurd question. Obviously you weren't. Sirius, seeing your confused face, supported a giggle and wrote again.
Because you take my breath away.
You read the words, going over one by one, and couldn't bear the urge to look at Sirius over your glasses with that annoyed look that you liked to fake so he wouldn't notice that you actually liked his scoundrel flirtations.
That was horrible, Sirius.
I made you blush so I don't think it was that bad.
Of course I didn't do that.
Of course you did. He wrote. And you didn't want to look at him because you knew you would just agree with him and blush even more. You look beautiful when you do that, he added. You bit your lip and looked at the parchment for a few seconds just before writing on it.
Stop saying such things to me, Sirius.
What do you say? What do I continue to say to you my best compliments and flattering your qualities? Perfect.
You stifled a laugh and shook it softly, keeping that smile that Sirius loved to observe.
You considered him a wonderful, handsome and kind boy, who was always looking for a way to make you laugh. The spark between you was something that everyone could perceive, including yourself.
I need to study, Sirius. Goodbye. You wrote and that ended your little talk.
For the rest of the hour all your attention was focused on the topics you were studying: Aconite (also known as monkshood or wolfsbane) a mundane plant with magical properties. The name had seemed funny to you and Remus had assured that it had nothing to do with werewolves.
Herbology was a very simple class for you, especially with the help that sometimes the best student in the class gave you: Frank Longbottom.
"Well, the hour is up, do you want to discuss any of the issues or...?" he was interrupted by Sirius abruptly closing the book and who with a wave of his wand put away all his notes "Everyone except Sirius, would you like to discuss something?" he asked, rolling his eyes at the brunette's innocent smile.
You all denied and Lupin ended the meeting. Everyone scattered in different directions, including James who seemed to have magically awakened as soon as the hour was up, but you stayed in the sitting room with your feet tucked up on the red velvet chair.
"What happens?" Sirius asked from behind, not noticing your presence. He jumped onto the couch and flopped into it.
"Nothing, do I need to go where everyone goes all the time?" you asked raising an eyebrow. The boy smiled and shook his head as he leaned on one of his hands, closing the distance between you. "Weren't you the one who was dying to get out of here?"
"Correction: I wanted the session to end, at no time did I speak about the company" he replied and you smiled "Speaking of which, I was thinking..."
"You think?"
“When I want to do it, yes,” he said amused “But let me talk and then you make fun of me. I was thinking that this weekend we are going to Hogsmeade and I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere "
"Sure!" You answered animatedly and his eyes lit up "Will the others go too?" You continued, but the boy was suddenly disappointed.
"Hmm, I was thinking of something... different."
“Yeah, something like… you know, you and me. Alone”
And with that, you were paralyzed in your place.
You'd been alone with him countless times, just like that time, but it was one thing to chat in his common room or in class and quite another to ask you out at Hogsmeade.
"Oh, sure. Something like… a walk or shopping for chocolate frogs at Honeydukes, right?" you said quickly, trying not to show your nerves.
"Hmm, I could think of something else like Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop," he said with a smile. You gulped and watched him with concern. That place was usually full of cheesy couples. "Even though I have all those pink things, I could take them if I'm with you..."
"No," you said abruptly. Sirius was silent and you watched his smile diminish considerably. “I mean, no… I don't wish we were alone. We are always accompanied by the group, why not do it now?” you asked with an awkward smile. The boy was close to you and apparently he did not expect that answer, as his face reflected it quite well. But you were too busy with nerves eating your stomach to notice.
"Uh... yeah, I guess I'll tell them then" he exclaimed softly.
"Yes! It will be more fun and we can go for butterbeer if you want. And I could buy you those sweets that you like, what do you say? " you asked trying to sound a little more animated. Sirius was good at pretending and his disappointed look on his was replaced by a smile in an instant.
"Yes, that would be fine" he replied. His hand traveled to your cheek and he ran over it gently, resting at the base of your jaw for a moment. His hands were callused and very large compared to yours "Then we will go with everyone, as always" he sighed. His hand went up a bit and you felt him tug at your earlobe.
"Hey!" you screamed trying to reach for her head to hit her. Sirius dodged it quite skillfully and it made you laugh.
"I think I'll go to my room. See you tomorrow?" he murmured with a tight-lipped smile as he rose from the couch.
"Sure, see you tomorrow" you replied in the same way, watching him walk towards the exit. You released your contained breath and let your head fall against the back of the chair, processing what had just happened.
You were very sure of what Sirius had tried to do and you didn’t understand the reason for your reaction. I mean, you had completely paralyzed shortly after blatantly flirting with the boy. You had had many dates in your life, why would this be any different?
You looked down the hall where Sirius had gone and remembered his disappointed fase. Should you go look for him?
No, maybe it was best to just let it go and gradually he would forget about it. Yes, that would be the best.
You looked at the seat where he had previously been and you also touched your cheek, hoping you could relive the touch that he had given you. For a few seconds you felt guilty that you responded so rudely to his request, but then you simply shook your head to drive those thoughts away.
"I should be sleeping" you thought aloud. You weren't even sleepy and it wasn't even too late, but you imagined it would be easier to lie down on the bed and not think about it anymore.
You took your things in silence and climbed the stone stairs, leaving behind that memory that you hoped would soon be forgotten.
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It had been a few days since that incident and luckily things hadn't changed at all between you and Sirius. He really seemed to have forgotten what happened, so the weekend trip to Hogsmeade unfolded in the most normal way in the world.
Sirius was still flirtatious as ever, teasing you and taking every opportunity to be close to you. You liked his company, he made you feel quite calm and you always had something to talk about. If it wasn't this, it was that, and when you weren't talking you were laughing.
"How could you not fall asleep in Slughorn's class?" James asked. His head hung from the ledge where he was lying and played with his glasses. "The only thing that could distract me was Snivellus's voice."
"Don't call him that," Lily said in a stern voice and you snorted.
“Why do you defend him so much? " you asked wrinkling your nose. Lily looked at you just as seriously.
"Because he’s my friend and he does not deserve to be mistreated like that"
"Mistreat?" you asked incredulously “Have you heard him mocking us along with his entourage of snooty Slytherins? Who you should take care of should be that Lucius and Regulus" you said rolling your eyes "No offense, Sirius" you added. The boy was leaning against the wall with his tie unbuttoned resting on his shoulders.
"It's not offensive, it's the truth" he murmured amused, shrugging and giving you a smile.
Lily didn't say anything else, but she seemed annoyed and she didn't speak for the rest of the afternoon. Peter and James started arguing about things you weren't really interested in so you decided to focus on the scribbles you were drawing on a worn parchment.
You felt an extra pressure next to you on the couch and it wasn't even necessary to look to know who he was.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing" you said simply, keeping your eyes on your scroll.
"Can I talk to you?"
"You are doing it" you replied with a smile. Sirius rolled his eyes and took the quill from your hand, forcing you to look at him.
"Can I talk to you alone?" he asked seriously. Oh no, trouble again...
"Why alone, dear?" you said as a joke. Sirius was too close to you and you tried not to get flustered by it "Is there something you need to say to me that others can't hear?" you asked with a tight-lipped smile, the kind you wear when you're uncomfortable with something.
Sirius cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck unconsciously. You knew he did that when he was nervous.
"Well... to tell the truth something like that" he murmured with a smile. You felt your heart beat faster "Do you think we can go to my room?" he asked.
"To your room?" you said, your voice an octave higher than normal.
"Yeah, you've been there a thousand times," he laughed.
"Eh, is what you have to tell me very urgent?" you asked. You were a bundle of nerves and you really didn't understand what it was.
"Yeah boo, it's important," he said gently. His hand traveled to yours and took your fingers against his. You turned pale because he didn't say urgent but important.
“So, uh, come on. The faster the better, right?" you expressed nervous. You got up from your place and walked to the bedrooms without looking back. You heard an almost deathly silence in the common room and then laughter, but you didn't have time to look when Sirius was already shoving you from the lower back.
The walk to his room was very silent, the first omen that something bad was about to happen. Once you were in his bedroom he let you in first and closed the door behind you, managing to startle you with the simple sound of the latch.
"Why are you closing the door?" you asked nervously, with the volume of your voice considerably louder. Sirius noticed this and quickly removed the latch he had placed on the door.
"I just didn't want to be bothered, that's all," he said with a frown "You're a bit strange, are you sure you don't mind being here with me?"
"No, no, nothing like that" you rushed to reply, waving your hands in an exaggerated way. Sirius found it cute when you did that "You're the one who's suddenly strange, I'm not"
"Yeah, maybe I've been behaving a little weird lately" he smiled, in that way that reminded you of a child "But I promise you it's for good reason, in fact it's what I want to talk to you about" he started to say.
You panicked, total panic screaming at you to get out of there at all costs. The look Sirius gave you, the nervous posture of him and the way he was smiling at you. You knew what that was.
"McGonagall!" You screamed out of nowhere before he could continue
"Excuse me?"
“I forgot that I have a very important meeting with McGonagall, to see the matter of one of my grades. It is essential that I go today and I forgot, can we have this talk later? " you said clasping your hands in a sign of prayer.
Sirius looked, for the second time, disappointed.
"Sure, school is more important," he replied, trying not to sound affected. You grinned widely and walked in the direction of the exit, eager to leave his room.
"Thank you Sirius, you are an angel"
"I know I look like one, but I'm not quite sure I am," he joked, but his smile was not as bright as before. You laughed in response and stood on the balls of his feet to place a kiss on his cheek.
"See you later, I promise," you murmured hastily, leaving without giving him a chance to say anything else.
"Yes... I can wait" Sirius spoke to himself, with a hurt tone. He released his breath and lay down on his respective bed, staring at the ceiling. He felt something strange in his chest, something that wanted him to cry out.
You walked down the hallways, desperate to get away from the questions he might have asked, and when you were outside your common room you didn't stop. On the contrary, you ran and ran through the corridors hoping that no one would find you.
You didn't stop until you were outside the castle, until you were on the same black lake. And once there, you collapsed to cry.
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You entered through the portrait of the fat lady, making sure to remove your shoes first so as not to make noise when entering. It was late and you had spent all day wandering the castle only to never return to your common room, wearing James's cloak so as not to be discovered.
It had been a few other days since you spoke to him and you still didn't feel ready to face him. Especially when, that afternoon, you had come to your room totally agitated and your two companions had bombarded you with questions.
Did he already tell you? they asked. What was he supposed to say? What was that important thing that Sirius was going to do that you had avoided?
The worst thing was that you already knew, that was the reason for your flight. Your mind knew what was going to happen and refused to accept it.
But you had also wanted it, you had been waiting for that question for years and now you were simply hiding from everyone so you wouldn't have to face that change.
"I was wondering where you were," said a voice in the dark, making you jump instead. The fireplace was off and the darkness did not allow you to see well who it was, but it was not necessary because you recognized his words perfectly “Well, I was not wondering where because I have this wonderful map to which we all owe a lot, but I was wondering why” he murmured showing you 'The Marauder's Map'. It was night, you couldn't move anywhere anymore and you knew that sooner or later that moment had to come. Still in the dark you saw the silhouette of him get up from the couch and walk in your direction "Are you avoiding me?"
"Of course you're avoiding me," he answered himself. The boy took a step towards you and your reaction was to walk two steps back. Sirius stifled a laugh “That's what I refer. Whenever you seem to move towards me and I get closer, you move further away" he muttered. You thought that maybe he was not only referring to the literal part of the sentence “I don't blame you, but I sincerely wonder why you do it. I am a very curious boy” he expressed somewhat ironic. His words hurt because you knew you couldn't give him an explanation "And you're very smart, I'd say too much, and I'm sure you knew my intentions from the moment I asked to speak to you, right?" he continued. He took another step towards you, you stepped back "Do you not like me? You can say no and I will never blame you, but I would have preferred a no sincere to the uncertainty in which I find myself” he explained. Another step, another step "Won't you say anything?" he asked without losing his temper. You were surprised by how calmly he could react to all situations when you were struggling to stay on your feet.
"Sirius, it's not what it seems" you tried to justify yourself. But the man said nothing, because you knew he wanted a more substantial answer than that. You refused to look at him and felt him take another step in your direction, repeating the previous sequence. But this time you felt your back crash against the stone wall and Sirius's arms at your sides, imprisoning you against it.
You looked at his clothes. He was still wearing his uniform but he looked more scruffy and some items were missing. His shirt had a three-quarter sleeve, thanks to the fact that he had picked it up himself.
"Y/N, please" he spoke in a soft voice "I do not ask you to reciprocate, I only ask you to give me an answer"
"I'm terrified Sirius!" you finally said, in a louder voice "I'm completely scared, what else do you want me to tell you?"
"Are you afraid of me?"
"I'm afraid of how you feel about me" you murmured sincerely. Maybe it was time to be honest with him, because you had no other alternative anyway. He had cornered you to it, literally “It scares me that things will change between us, okay? And I like you too, I like you a lot, but I'm afraid of what might happen next" you whispered without looking at him. The heat that emanated from his body hugged you “I like you to tell me all those compliments, even if I say otherwise. I like when you touch our hands, I like that we escape together from class, that when we walk around the outside of the castle you cut flowers to put in my hair, I like to see you every day and I like the cute nicknames you call me with. I like everything about you, Sirius. And that's why I'm so scared of losing you" you exclaimed with a cracking voice. Sirius kept a pious gaze on you. You could feel a bit of his accelerated breath "I've had a lot of good people in my life who have ended up leaving, I don't want that to happen with you..."
"And how will you know if we don't try, love?" he spoke. His voice came out hoarse and with his hand he gently took you by the chin to force you to see him "You could have told me this before and I would have stopped insisting, or we would have discussed it as we are doing now" you looked at him, eyes clouded with tears restrained, and Sirius smiled at you tenderly "I'm not going to force you to do anything, I never would and I never will. But I would... I would like to have something with you. I really like you and if you don't agree I will respect it, but it would be a dream come true to be able to form a relationship "
"Sirius, I don't know how to do it."
"Me neither!" he said, almost excited and managed to make you smile. He carefully wiped the tears that fell from your cheeks. “We could learn together and I promise you that if it doesn't work, I won't let you. If we are not a good couple then we will be friends again and problem solved. But how about we realize that we are ideal for each other? " he muttered. His thumb left slow and delicate caresses on your face “I don't know how to love either, nobody in my family knows how to do it and that's why I never learned to do it. But… being here at Hogwarts I knew what it was like to have friends, to have friends. I learned that my heart races when I see you and that I also like all those things you do for me. I like you to know what my favorite sweets are and buy them for me, I like it when you detangle my hair, when you force me to study, even if I don't like it, because you care about me. When you know that I am sad and you do everything to cheer me up, even when you call me in horrible ways and make fun of me" he laughed, making you smile too "And if you give me the opportunity I know that I can make you very happy and I would also be very happy to be with you. I planned for many days how to say these words to you, but I think now I speak from the heart when I tell you that I like you like no one else has. I'll take care of you, I promise. And I already told you that if this doesn't work, and you decide that way, we will continue to be friends” he concluded. In his eyes you could see that he was also nervous, that he had the same fear as you but that he was better hiding it "Now, if you want me to list the many advantages that I would have as a boyfriend, then doing it" he continued, with a more naughty tone "Don't pay too much attention to me, but I give some excellent kisses..."
"According to whom?"
"According to me!" he said obvious “If you want to check it I am totally available. I mean, just so you know I'm not a liar," he muttered innocently, making you smile from ear to ear.
"Are you sure about this Sirius?"
"From my kisses? Of course"
"About us, you great idiot," you said rolling your eyes and gently pulling a loose lock of his long hair.
"Ouch! If you are going to insult me ​​and pull my hair like that I would prefer that we were in a more private place, my dear” he murmured flirtatiously, putting one of his hands on your waist and closing the distance between you. You looked away but he forced you to look at him again "Of course I'm sure, only if you're sure too" he replied. You sighed, feeling in your stomach a more pleasant emptiness than the previous ones.
"Then ask me"
"What do you want I ask you?"
"What were you planning to ask for days, silly" you said rolling your eyes. Sirius smirked.
"Can you let me copy your Potions project?" he said pretending to be confused and you tried to free yourself from his grip due to lack of seriousness, but he did not allow it. He took you from behind him, putting his arm around your lower back so that his torsos collided and the space between his faces was minimal. You had to lift your head to watch him, but he also looked down to save you a bit of work. His smile faded, but despite the darkness in his eyes you could glimpse a sample of the love he professed for you "Would you like me to be your boyfriend?" he asked softly.
You would remember that moment all your life, his voice low, his sounding in the middle of the darkness with the question that would start his beautiful love story.
"I wouldn’t like it," you said just as seriously, looking into his eyes with a smile. Your hands went up to the back of his neck and you pulled his face gently to place a kiss on his cheek. He smiled "I would love it"
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sleepy-belphie · 3 years
I have a request if you’re up for it. An MC who just arrived in the Devildom who’s lover just dumped them the day prior. The bros know MC isn’t emotionally or romantically available at the time but the bros still fall in love regardless. How will the bros handle the situation? Thank you! 🙏💗
Hi! I sort of took this idea and ran with it and wrote basically a headcanon short story for each bro lmao. Sorry I got a bit carried away but I hope you like this and it satisfies you! :) 
Also thank you so much @midnight-dome for the help with Asmo, you’re a lifesaver
Tags: @kawaiiblack
The success of the program depends on your wellbeing
So he checks in on you every other day like clockwork 
“Is there anything you need to make your stay more comfortable?”
You always say no
At first, he’s glad you’re staying in 
Because it means less trouble for him
But when you skip all of your classes one day, he comes to your room ready to give you a firm reminder of your tasks here
He’s about to knock when he hears you sob 
Now, Lucifer has heard a lot of crying in his life
But he’s never heard someone sound so completely broken
He shocks himself when he turns on his heels and walks away
He shocks himself even more when he texts the group chat and demands everyone leaves you alone for the day
That evening he comes into your room with a small plate of food
By then you were are least on top of your sheets
You knew he was gonna ask the same question as always
But this time, his words were different
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
He simply nods
And though he didn’t outright say what he meant by help, you knew
“I...don’t know?”
“Hm, okay. I’m going to listen to some music in my study. The door will be unlocked should you wish to join me.”
Then he’s gone
The few precious moments Lucifer isn’t working, he prefers to not be disturbed
So why on earth did he invite you to join him in his study?
He doesn’t have time to ponder it because the door opens and you come in with a blanket wrapped around you
The first night you both listen in comfortable silence
A few nights in, you start asking Lucifer about the records he puts on and he has no qualms educating you on it
On night 10 you tell him about the breakup
Once you’re done he, again, asks the same question
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
‘You’ve done more than enough to help me Lucifer, thank you.”
He finds himself blushing from the sincerity in your eyes and the warmth in your smile
That night you fall asleep before the record finishes
Surely you’d wake up aching if he left you in a chair
So he picks you up, carries you to your room, and tucks you into bed carefully
He tells himself he’s doing it for Diavolo
It’s for the program, this is his job
He’s gonna need time to accept his own feelings before he can tell you anything
For now, he’ll keep doing his “job” and spending evenings with you
He didn’t want to be your babysitter
He was a busy guy! He had stuff to do, money to make, things to steal
Some days he gets Beelzebub to keep an eye on you so he can do what he wants
One night in particular he heads to your room to make sure you won’t interfere with his plans
“Yo! The Great Mammon has things to do so don’t-”
He pauses when he sees you sitting on your bed with your headphones plugged into your laptop
He would have assumed you were just watching a sad movie by the tears streaks on your face
But the pain in your eyes…
He’s seen that look before
His brothers held that same look the day they fell from Heaven and lost Lilith
Mammon sits on the bed and you jump, finally noticing him
You expected him to make fun of you but instead, he grabs the tissue box on your bedside table and hands it to you
He glances at your laptop to see what you were watching and sees a paused video of you and someone else
You tell him about the breakup and Mammon listens closely
“What a jerk! Ya deserve better than that! I’d teach ‘em a lesson if they ever showed their face around here!”
You smile for the first time since he came in the room and he feels like he’s done something right
“How about we get some late-night food? I know a 24-hour restaurant with the best baked newt ever. Your treat.”
He’s shocked when you agree
He makes a point to hang out with you more often
He can’t recall exactly when you went from “a human” to “his human” 
Maybe it was when you held his hand while you erased all your photos and videos of your ex from your computer
Or when you texted him at 3am because you couldn’t sleep and before he could even think about it he was up and on his way to your room
Or when he spotted you in one of his jackets while walking home from RAD
But his greed was kicking in and he wanted you to be his and only his
However, much like he puts himself first, he knows you need to do the same
So though his nature and mind wants to kiss you silly and have you for himself
Part of him knows he’ll ruin things if he lets his greed take over
So he’ll fight his nature and try his best to be patient
He had been playing one of his games online
He’s on a big winning streak and feeling a bit cocky
He sees he’s been matched with someone else so he gets into gamer mode 
Then he loses the first round
He’s a bit shocked and pissed that his streak was now broken but he has to prove his superiority to whoever this opponent was
So he rematches them
And loses again
And again
He loses 7 rounds in a row
By this point he is fuming
So like any salty gamer he sends a very lengthy, angry message to their inbox
Accusing them of using cheats and hacks because there was no way anyone was more skilled than him at this game
He gets a reply a few minutes later
“Um.....is this Leviathan? Avatar of Envy? It’s MC…”
You knew it was Levi because his username is the same across all his social media platforms
Cue Levi barreling into your room a minute later
“How are you so good!? You’re cheating, aren’t you!? You cheater!’
You weren’t cheating, you just had been playing games day in and day out to distract yourself so you got really good at it
Levi all but demands you to come to his room and show him what you know
You were already playing all night anyway so why not play with someone? 
Initially, Levi would have you come over just to show him your tactics 
(Also to get some team wins on his stats because he never has anyone to play with)
But you were actually pretty chill for a normie
Maybe if he exposed you to his otaku ways you would take to them and he wouldn’t be the only one in the house anymore!
You don’t become an otaku but you do get invested in almost every anime he shows you
He starts inviting you over for midnight premieres of new episodes
He starts buying extra merch because what if you wanted one?
He was used to disproving looks from his brothers when he mass buys stuff from Akuzon
But you only smile and listen when he tells you about his new special edition item
You never once judged him and his unconventional ways
This epiphany makes him extra nervous for your weekly hangouts
It was only a matter of time before you came across a break up in an anime
When the episode ended you told him about your break up and how the protagonist reminded you of yourself because they also were taking a break from love
Levi has seen this anime before actually
He remembers how the protagonist reacted to a side character confessing to them and it went bad
So while he knows he likes you, he holds off on saying anything because the last thing he wants is to be a bad story arc in your life
Lucky for him he’s always a flustered blushing mess so you shouldn’t suspect a thing
He is the Avatar of Wrath so whenever there is rage, he is aware
He feels anger radiating through the house one day and thinks his brothers are just fighting again
Imagine his surprise when he realizes the source of the anger is coming from your room
He walks in and sees you throwing things around and screaming, your room was destroyed
He sees you’re about to step on some glass and instantly swoops in and picks you up so you don’t hurt yourself
But then you curl up against him and burst into tears
He stands there, not quite sure what to do 
He ends up sitting on the bed and letting you cry for a while
You word vomit about your break up and he listens carefully and notes the anger welling up inside you as you speak
He knows all too well what anger can do to someone and a fragile human shouldn’t have to go through that
“Would you like some tea?”
He can spare 30 minutes for some small talk with the human if it meant that you wouldn’t be left in your thoughts
You look at him like he has three heads but agree because your room is a mess and you don’t wanna deal with it right now
Tea time becomes a daily occurrence and soon enough it escalates to full-on hangouts
Going to the bookstore, going to cat cafes, going wherever you wanted to really
One time you both took a day trip to the human world
Lucifer wasn’t happy to find out his brother and you were gone for an entire day but he lets it go when he sees that you’re smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks
What Satan didn’t expect was how these outings made him feel
He finds himself distracted from his books because he can’t stop thinking about how cute you looked holding that black cat at the cafe
Or how happy you looked when you took him to that ice cream shop in your hometown that you really love
He wakes up and you’re the first thing to pop into his mind
He’s not dumb, he knows he’s fallen in love
But he also knows this isn’t the right time, you aren’t ready
So he’ll keep being there for you as a friend
And if you ever want him to be there as something more, he’ll happily oblige
There was a movie night at the House of Lamentation
Today’s movie was an action movie, courtesy of Mammon
Amidst all the face punching and explosions, there was a budding romance between the main characters
After the third obnoxious makeout scene, you leave the room claiming you need to go to the restroom
But you leave just a *little* too fast and Asmo can feel something is up
And he thrives on gossip so he intends to find out what is it
He leaves the room a few minutes later and catches you in the hallway, determined to get you to spill the tea
You tell him about the breakup
He wasn’t prepared for the tea to be so bitter
“Oh. Well, you know what’s good for that? Face masks!” 
He had to save face somehow and beauty was his default
He’s a bit shocked when you agree but you both ditch movie night to do face masks and talk a bit
He decides to share a couple of bad date experiences he’s had to make you feel better
“Trust me, you haven’t felt embarrassment until you have someone vomit Enfield brains on your new pants and shoes while at one of the hottest clubs in the Devildom.”
You spent the entire night giggling and listening to his stories
Devildom products are surprisingly effective on your skin so you keep asking Asmo to show you new products
Plus his company is nice
Self-care days become a common occurrence
Then those self-care days become self-care sleepovers
He starts intentionally waiting to try anything new because he wants you to be there when he does
He buys more of those scented candles you told him smelled nice
A few weeks later you’re having a self-care sleepover again and you have this really cute focused look on your face while painting your nails
He knows he likes you, but this was different than his usual attraction
He didn’t want to fuck you
Well he did but not just fuck you
He wouldn’t mind if there was something more
But you routinely ended your self-care nights by yelling ‘Fuck love!’ at the top of your lungs and laughing
So he knows now isn’t the time and he’s actually okay with that
You were a sight to behold regardless of his relationship status with you
But he hopes you’ll indulge in him one day
Mammon keeps pushing his human watching duties on Beel
But he doesn’t really care because he’s being paid in cheesecake
After his third day of keeping an eye on you, he notices you aren’t eating much
Being the Avatar of Gluttony, this is basically a crime
He starts bringing extra snacks with him when he hangs out with you
“I think the chocolate flavor is better than the vanilla. What do you think?”
He actually doesn’t have a preference 
He just wants to know which snacks you like more so he can bring more of them
He makes a game out of it so you don’t think about how much you’re eating
“It motivates me to work out longer when I get a snack, could you help me?”
You sit on his back and after every pushup, you both eat a bit of whatever snack he has
He keeps going until he thinks you’ve eaten a decent amount
Or you say you’re getting full
Belphie notices that Beel is refilling his snack stash more often but he doesn’t say anything
Beel feels an immense sense of accomplishment when you finish your plate at dinner a few days later
Soon after you tell him about the breakup
“It hit me hard but you made it easier to cope, Beel. These hangouts are the highlight of my day so thank you.”
There’s a certain pang Beel gets in his stomach when he’s really hungry
Somehow your words made that pang happen in his chest
But this didn’t hurt him, quite the opposite actually
He felt good, he felt happy
It was strange for his stomach to be the quiet one while his heart went wild
But this wasn’t a change he minded too much
He wasn’t sure what to make of it but he knows he wants to figure it out with you
And he’ll take his time doing so because he liked how things were now
He’s intrigued by you after the first week of your stay
He’s never seen a human who slept as much as he did
Frankly, he was impressed
Until Lucifer informed everyone about your recent breakup and made it clear to not upset you
That’s when Belphie realized these were not the leisurely naps he takes, but depression naps
One day he sees you sleeping in the living room and you looked so distressed
Sleeping was meant to be a peaceful state but you looked so unhappy
So he wakes you up
“You’re in my sleeping spot.”
You weren’t in his sleeping spot.
“Oh sorry, I’ll move-”
“You’re already here. We can both fit.” 
Before you can protest he’s all comfy next to you and falling back asleep
Having another person next to you was kind of comforting so you let it go and go back to sleep
What you didn’t know was Belphie could partially influence your dreams
He can make them more pleasant but he can’t control what you dream about
He knows it works when he wakes up and you have a relaxed expression on your sleeping face
You wake up soon after looking confused
“Good dream?”
“I think? I had a dream I rode a unicorn to the moon then carved my initials into it?”
Napping together in the living room becomes a routine
And every time you woke up you told him about the dream you had with a small smile
A few weeks later he notices he no longer has to influence your dreams for them to be good
So he leaves you be and instead curls up in the attic for his afternoon nap
He wakes up a bit when he feels someone lay down next to him
It’s probably Beel
“Why didn’t you tell me you moved napping spots?”
His eyes open and he looks over to see you pouting at him
“I just sorta ended up here.”
“Well, I can’t nap without my cuddle buddy now can I?”
You’re teasing him and he should be annoyed
But he’s blushing
He spoons you to hide that fact, resting his forehead on your shoulder
But while your dreams were getting better, it didn’t mean you were ready to move on
So he just enjoys his intimate cuddling sessions with you and tries not to think too hard about the fact that he really likes how your body fits against his
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asmo-ds · 3 years
I've had this thought in my head for awhile, but does God know mc is the descent of Lilith?? Lilith was supposed to be killed but was secretly reincarnated by Diavolo. What if he finds out and kills mc because as far as he's concerned, they shouldn't exist? Can I request some hcs of how the demon brothers and undateables would react to this happening? If not, I understand! >.< Thank you!! ❤️❤️
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When God kills MC for being Lilith’s descendant
WARNINGS: Blood, death, depression, anger, war, Simeon dies in one of them
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- If anyone mentioned MC he’d be gripping them by the throat begging them with tears in his eyes to never speak their name in front of him again
- He doesn’t want them to say it because of his pride. He knows he’ll cry hearing their name and he’d get flashbacks to Michael standing over MC’s bleeding body as they cried Lucifer’s name, hopeful that he’d be able to save them.
- He wasn’t able to save them despite being right there, he was being held back by some angels and was fighting them at that moment, but even after he killed those angels and Michael, he got to their side too late, their eyes empty and skin still warm, but getting colder as the seconds pass.
- He’d scream and cry so loud the entire Devildom would hear, and he wouldn’t care, no matter how much pride he held, he was torn to pieces and felt lost the second their soul left their frail human body
- He and Diavolo immediately agree that God needs to feel the same pain he’d put all the brothers through twice
- They go to the celestial realm and attack a bunch of Archangels
- His anger from losing both his sister and his lover will be terrifying and is enough to bring God to his knees
- “I won’t let you touch anybody else. I won’t let you tear my family apart more than you have!” 
- If he does not kill God, he definitely leaves him shaking in his boots,
- He will use all his strength to kill as many Archangels as possible, so his father would feel the same loss he’d felt.
- He’d leave God wounded but make him have to helplessly watch his children and friends die horrid deaths before his very eyes, just like Lucifer had to do with Lilith and MC, still alive, but left empty and helpless.
- His mourning process after the rage would basically be over working himself, bringing his mind to anything but the dear human he’d lost
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- Watching his former brothers impale MC’s chest with a sword was not something he was ready to see.
- He hated every second of holding them in their last moments, he thought he wouldn’t have to watch them die in agony like he did when they let Belphie out of the attic
- It happened when he looked away, an angel suddenly appeared in front of MC and immediately had the blade in them
- He blames Lucifer for a while.
- Because of him, everyone found out the truth about Lilith and it got back to God and if Lucifer had just allowed Belphie to stay out of the attic to live with the exchange student like the rest of them they would never have died either of their deaths
- Blames himself a lot as well, he is supposed to be fast. That’s his thing, is being fast. But he wasn’t fast enough to save them from their killer.
- Distracts himself with drinking and gambling his life away
- One night he gets unbearably mad and intoxicated, which leads to him sneaking into the Demon Lord’s castle and using a gate to the celestial realm.
- When he’s there he books it to the throne of his father, begging him to at least tell him if MC was in heaven or hell before he sent him back down there.
- Hearing that they went to neither and God had simply wiped them and their soul from existence was what finally got to him
-He lunged at him but was stopped by Diavolo who had followed him there and apologized to God for letting him through.
- His ranting kind of caught everyone off guard but they wouldn’t be able to stare in shock for long as Diavolo dragged him through the gate, bringing him to the dungeon where he would stay until Lucifer could hopefully talk some sense into him
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- Why? Why did he have to tell MC to go shopping themselves, why didn’t he just go with them.
- When they used his pact mark a second too late, he arrived to their bloody beaten body, nearly lifeless eyes turning hopeful for their last moment of life as they saw Leviathan
- He turns just in time to see an angel booking it towards a portal, but he is too concerned with saving MC to actually chase their killer.
- He turned back to them and lifted their unconscious body off the Devildom soil, sprinting as fast as possible screaming for help
- When he arrived at the Demon Lord’s castle begging Diavolo to save them he was too late, somewhere along the way their heart had stopped and they died looking up at their yucky otaku boyfriend trying so hard to save them from a hopeless battle with a small smile.
- He locks himself in his room, not even coming out to eat meals.
- When Lucifer finally had enough of Levi starving himself, he opened the door with the master key and found his pale younger brother, in his bed sleeping, but under the blankets he guess Levi had lost too much weight.
- He also took notice of his lack of anime figurines and video games, looking to see them in the trash.
- Levi is quick to get mad at Lucifer but when Lucifer just holds him and pats his younger brother’s hair, he breaks down full on sobbing and snot getting all over Lucifer’s coat, which he cringed at a little but dealt with it for the boy’s sake.
- He wouldn’t go to God like the previous two, he’d just murder anyone who mentioned him or his angels 
- He ends up giving away his fish too, convinced that he wasn’t allowed to have loved ones because no matter how hard he tried to save them he never could. First his baby sister and now the love of his life.
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- Oh poor Satan, he had worked so so hard to get his temper under control, but watching an angel slit MC’s throat in front of his very eyes erased all the control he had within him and he immediately gutted the angel, within the blink of an eye they were just as dead as MC
- He called Lucifer begging for help, even though they both knew he was much too late and MC had bled out and died quickly. 
- He held them until Lucifer and some of the other brothers had to pry his arms off of them.
- After seeing them taken away to be put in a casket and buried in the human world with their family, he filled with rage and grief all at once, from the top of his head all the way to his toes he was radiating wrath and he went on a rampage, killing demons left and right
- He wasn’t able to think clearly until a voice in the back of his head reminded him of the human and how they always helped everyone no matter their species.
- He stopped killing then, not wanting MC’s spirit to be upset with him more than they already should be.
- He, like Lucifer, distracts himself so that he can’t think of MC as much and be hurt by the images that lived in his head forever
- Whenever a book described a character similar to MC he’d tear every page, ripping it to shreds
- He’d lost almost half of his book collection in only a month because he managed to see MC in everything.
- Blames himself and tries to get to the Celestial Realm but is stopped by Diavolo and Lucifer
- After he had been in his room for about a week or so with no sign of even moving from his bed, Lucifer let himself in which pissed of the avatar of wrath
- Lucifer said nothing but looked in his eyes before simply saying the blonds name, before hugging him
- For the first time since he was a young boy, Satan let Lucifer hold him as he wailed and sobbed, venting and letting his eldest brother guide him through it all
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- Why did he let MC storm off when he was letting that succubus flirt with him?
- If he had just told to succubus to go away cuz he was with MC they’d still be alive, they wouldn’t have died in such a painful way.
- When he heard a scream he turned around and froze as he saw MC, sword entering their chest and exiting between their shoulder blades
- He panicked and rushed to them, looking the angel responsible in the eyes so he could have him wait for when Asmodeus felt ready to kill him
- When MC gave him a soft smile and touched his cheek with their bloody hand, he held it against his face and cried screaming for help and texting and calling Lucifer like crazy
- When he felt their hand go limp he stopped everything
- He looked down and saw their once lively eyes looking at the sky above them, with no soul behind them, just an empty shell of the only person to ever fall in love with him for reasons other than sex, money, and power.
- He couldn’t look away, he just stared at them in silence, tears rolling down his cheeks as Lucifer and Diavolo arrived, both gasping as they saw Asmodeus covered in MC’s blood.
- Asmodeus dropped his skin care routines, rivaling Belphie’s title as the avatar of sloth as he slept day and night, no longer wanting to be awake with MC
- Why did his father have to take away the one wholesome thing he had? Why was his father so desperate to ruin things for his six surviving sons and Satan
- One day he suddenly jumps back into his old self, smiling and flirting like nothing was wrong, but everyone knew he was still completely broken up inside
- He brings home a new partner every night, each one resembling MC in some way shape or form, because he knows he can’t have them anymore, but he doesn’t want to think about that
- He just wants to embrace his sins and distract himself from any lingering thoughts of MC with strangers
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- How could be be so reckless? He knows he shouldn’t leave MC alone in public places but when he saw a hotdog cart he couldn’t help but dash for it with all his speed
- As he was ordering everything the cart had he heard screams behind him
- He looked back and felt his blood run cold as he saw MC’s body on the ground, blood pouring out of their neck and an angel covered in blood flying away
- That angel would get his punishment later, right now he has to tend to MC
- He desperately tries to get them to respond to him, the only response he ever receives is MC’s final gurgled breaths, as they looked at him with terror in their eyes that slowly disappeared as their body shut down, unable to keep going
- and he roared, demon form coming out at he flew off into the sky, chasing the angel that was considerably slower than him
- When he reached them he bit into their shoulder before devouring them completely, making sure they suffered ten times as much as MC had in their final moments
- Without a second thought he flies towards the Demon Lords castle in a rage
- As he knocks down the doors he manages to knock out several guards who were watching the castle diligently as Diavolo and Barbatos had immediately left to go find MC and Beel
- Beel went to the Portals that allowed them to travel between realms, and charged into the Celestial realm, killing multiple angels on his way to God
- He wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Just because he rules over the entire universe doesn’t mean he can take everything away from Beel. He can’t keep losing the most important people in his life, it wasn’t fair
- When he fought his way into God’s throne room, facing him for the first time in several millennia he raged immediately pouncing at his father only to be struck down.
- The fight kept going until Diavolo and Lucifer had arrived to take the giant redhead back to the Devildom, Lucifer nearly killing God himself when he saw how hurt his younger brother was.
- He refuses to eat for a very long time, feeling he deserved to be in pain because he was the reason behind both Lilith and MC’s gruesome deaths
- He only eats when it starts to hurt Belphie a lot as well, but he hates it, he feels unworthy
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(Simeon Simps beware)
- He wishes he could unhear it. The sound of MC beside him in bed, screaming as a sword entered their chest, gasping for air but failing to find it.
- Why didn’t he wake up to the intruder? How could he just let an angel deliver MC the same fate they had nearly recieved by himself.
- He didn’t chase after the intruder, instead screaming for his brothers’ help, staying with MC comforting them and trying to urge them to keep breathing.
- “Belphie,” “Mc, save your breath you’ll be okay I promise!” “I’m sleepy, Belphie....I’m.. Gonna nap here with you,” 
- He stared at them like they were crazy, but deep down he knew this was their way of having one last happy moment with him. He nodded and held them, avoiding the area where the wound was and crying as he held onto them, feeling the last of their breaths and the life leave their body
- He turned into his demon form. He sees it now
- He shouldn’t have been hating humans, no, they weren’t to blame at all.
- It was the angels, they were the ones who kept taking away his loved ones. They were the ones who needed to pay.
- When everybody had gathered in the room, mourning MC’s departure, Belphie looked up and saw Simeon crying while trying to push Luke away from the bloody scene
- Belphie lunged at Simeon pushing him down before reaching his claws into the Angel’s throat, ripping it out as Luke and the others watched in terror
- Diavolo locked Belphie away for killing the angel and Belphie felt not an ounce of regret.
- Now father will feel the pain of losing someone so special, since he knew Simeon was one of his favorite angels
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- Whichever guard allowed an angel to sneak by with a weapon is to be beheaded
- This was supposed to be a nice elegant ball with MC as the prince’s date
- But he turned to face a noble man to talk for a moment when he felt MC grip suddenly tighten harshly on his hand, and when he turned he was mortified to see a knife in their chest and an angel fleeing as quickly as possible
- Diavolo goes on a rampage, chasing the angel before ripping his head off with his bare hands
- He held MC’s body and cried for hours, begging Barbatos to bring them back in time again to save themselves once more from the cruel death they’d been forced to have
- He decided to hell with the Celestial realm, only the humans and Devildom shall be united, God had taken things too far with MC’s death
- He sent troops to the celestial realm and offered the seven demon brothers a second chance at taking down their dad, but with him and his army on their side this time
- When he does eventually rampage his way to god the battle is intense and nearly destroys all three realms, Diavolo was desperate to avenge MC and came very close to killing god with his bare hands
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- He had done so much to prevent this. He’d known this future was a possibility so he tried to stop it from becoming the reality he’d lived in
- Where did he mess up? Why was MC’s throat slit right before his eyes?
- His usual poker face or sly smirk was nowhere to be seen as he cried on Diavolo’s shoulder, and Diavolo was happy that Barbatos allowed himself to be vulnerable with him, but saddened to see what had caused it
- Barbatos constantly blames himself, and whenever anyone suggest traveling to an alternate universe where they survived, he’d say no because that wasn’t his MC and he didn’t want to take them away from their version of him
- He never was vulnerable around anyone ever again
- He also nearly scrubbed every inch of the castle into oblivion, trying so hard to distract himself with cleaning, but no amount of chores could keep his mind away from MC
- When Diavolo suggests that they go to war with the Celestial realm, Barbatos is quick to agree.
- “I’m right behind you my lord, I trust you to guide us to victory,”
- When fighting he came face to face with the angel responsible for killing MC and he made his death slow and painful and forced him to watch his friends and family get slaughtered by the Devildom troops 
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- No no no
- Surely he had a pact with someone who could fix this
- He is panicking and can’t think of a single demon that could heal a wound as big as MC’s 
- He’s sobbing and holding them, wailing and mourning the loss of the only other human to understand and love him
- He was angry, but he knew he couldn’t take on God
- He was moved into the house of lamentation because his anger towards the Celestial realm put the exchange angels in danger
- Asmo ends up trying to cheer him up, trying desperately to get his best friend and pact holder back
- He ends up researching spells to revive them, to no avail
- But he never gives up and Asmodeus and Satan remind him that MC wouldn’t want him to be acting this irrational and wouldn’t want to be revived for a second time
- He eventual realizes all that and gives up his search and just lets himself be sad
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- Why? Why would he do this.
- He cries, desperate to find reason in God’s action, very focused on keeping his status as an angel and not fall
- But back in the Celestial Realm, Michael brings up MC’s assassination and Simeon loses all composure and tries to kill Michael, angry that he ever trusted him so much
- MC was an innocent human with no control over their lineage, they were happy, they had hope and were going to do great things, so why?
- Why did God kill an innocent human? He does not understand
- As the battle between Simeon and Michael comes to an end, Simeon is pushed out of the Celestial realm
- His wings blackening, horns sprouting from underneath his shattering halo, teeth growing sharp and the aura surrounding him becoming demonic
- He fell from grace
- He lives with the brothers for the rest of eternity, all mourning MC occasionally and making up ideas on how they could finally bring justice to MC and Lilith’s names
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sunnyoldbear · 3 years
I’m no artist but all I think about is Luca so here are my headcanons for them when they’re older!
As I said in a previous post, he gets a bit thicker as he grows since his whole family is on the thicker side and he’s very skinny.
His tail gets longer as he gets older and he’s like a little kitty with it. When he’s in the water, he sleeps on his stomach with it curled completely around him. He also wraps his tail around Alberto and Giulia at times if there’s ever a time where it’s raining or something when they’re in the surface.
He’s the shortest of the trio and he hates that with every fiber of his being. Neither of them let him forget it.
He loves space more than the movie lets on, and that’s saying something. He has read almost every book he can find on it and he rambles about it every day.
He is still pretty clumsy and his arms always have a few bruises or scrapes on them. He likes putting colorful bandaids on his cuts because he likes the colors.
He loves helping Giulia’s mom with painting! Not just modeling for her, but just painting with her or learning. It reminds him of Alberto. He’s not… good at it, but he loves it.
Oh he loves dogs. He’s still a little scared of cats after Machiavelli, but Nerone is his baby and he would do anything for that little pup.
Has a massive sweet tooth!
As expected, he loves learning about Vespas and how they work and everything. He does his research and writes letters to Alberto about the best books to read about Vespas to ensure they buy or make the very best one.
He’s always moving, just can’t sit still. He’s always bouncing his knee or kicking his legs or drumming his fingers. He just can’t help it. (He’s neurodivergent yes, but this is the 50s so…)
Still has very fishy sayings that no one but him, his family, and Alberto understand.
Can ramble for hours about the sea and how he can relate it to space. He still loves water and tends to list the names of his goatfish under his breath when he’s stressed to calm himself down. He still misses wrangling them, but he is so happy that he’s free.
Spends hours working on his handwriting because he doesn’t like how messy it is. He wants it to be perfect.
He’s very self conscious about most human things he does. The only thing he isn’t self conscious about is his swimming abilities, but he hides it pretty well. He’s most self conscious about his intelligence, or lack thereof. He’s meant to be at Giulia’s level of intelligence but since he was raised in the ocean, he knows next to nothing and so he has to work extra hard to get good grades. He stresses a lot about it and sobs if he gets a bad grade.
He’s a surprisingly good cook. It just relaxes him.
He loves flowers and learned how to make flower crowns.
He also loves collecting seashells he finds because it reminds him of home.
Like many agree, he is terrified of bugs, but he could never hurt one.
He’s very emotional, but that’s canon so.
His letters to Alberto are typically very long and full of emotions and things about his day, as well as random things. He doesn’t mind Alberto’s shorter letters, and he saves them in a box under his bed.
Every time he sees Alberto again he practically tackles him in a hug. The first time, both of them fell straight to the floor and were bruised for days.
He loves stuffed animals. Since it’s not “manly” to keep them, he gets them “for Giulia” and then puts them on his bed. (Modern day, he wouldn’t give a damn and just get them for himself)
Gets flustered super easily, as we see in canon. Be it an innocent romantic comment or a nice compliment, he goes super red and embarrassed, stumbling over his words.
Still says “silenzio Bruno” before he does anything he’s nervous to. Some kids at school are confused about it but he’s more confused at their confusion. How do they not know what a Bruno is? Isn’t it a human thing?
Loves to annotate his books. Associates certain books/book quotes with the people he loves and will give them those books or repeat the quote to them.
Though Genova is much more accepting than Portorosso, he is still bullied pretty badly when Giulia isn’t around, and sometimes even when she is. He pretends nothing happens or that it doesn’t bother him, but it does. It bothers him so, so much. Alberto can see right through him with ease and is there to remind him that everything is okay and he’s still loved. It helps, but not as much as Alberto thinks it does.
Even with the bullying, Luca loves school so, so much. That being said, he loves summer and being in Portorosso more.
Does that “look me in the eyes. You know I love you right?” thing he and his mother do to everyone he loves.
There is nothing he loves more than harassing Giulia. Being her brother, he loves to tease her, but will fight anyone who does the same.
Once decked Ercole. Got in trouble but Massimo secretly gave him a high five.
Cleaned up the island and erased the tallies he made for his father. He put some of Giulia’s fairy lights in there and has a few extra pillows, books in every corner and drawings all across the tower. He still has a lot of his human artifacts, but most of them are gone since he needs money for a Vespa.
His new tally board has “Reunion” scrawled at the top and its for waiting for his sister and best friend to return home.
Loves being a lifeguard.
Is super close to Machiavelli now and even adopted a stray to be his friend. Or uh… more than a friend, considering the big litter the cat soon fathered.
Alberto named all the kittens after fish.
He always draws things for Luca and eagerly waits his arrival.
Also has a massive sweet tooth, bigger than Luca’s.
Stores Luca’s letters away under his bed.
He and Massimo made Giulia’s hideout a proper treehouse and it’s now a study spot.
Has tons of books about Vespas. Massimo taught him to read and write.
He’s more self confident about his “human expertise” since he does it his own way.
One of the messiest eaters I swear to god-
Doesn’t care much about space, but he’ll listen to Luca ramble about it for hours without complaint.
Doesn’t really have anything he’s super interested in other than Vespas like how Luca likes space, but I might change my mind about that.
Loves watermelon!
His recklessness causes him to have as many bruises and scrapes as Luca’s clumsiness does, but he doesn’t care about putting bandaids on.
Alberto’s letters are pretty short but great!
Definitely bottles things up until he can’t anymore but he’s trying to get better.
Part of him feels guilty about catching and eating fish, but it’s hinted seamonsters eat fish so I’m accepting that as canon and saying he feels slightly less guilty about it. Definitely enjoys pasta more.
Loves the snow, especially when it means snowball fights. (Definitely throws them as hard as he can at Ercole. Son of a bitch deserves it.)
Oh yeah, he swears now. He’s heard a few swears around while making deliveries around the year and catches on. He makes a few of his own, too.
He just makes up words of his own as well as phrases. He doesn’t just convince Luca to say them. He convinces Massimo & Giulia as well as Luca’s fam. It’s a big, fun inside joke.
Loves turning into a sea monster and acting silly to make the kids around town smile.
Honestly he just loves being a sea monster. It’s great to be him. He feels free. It’s not as good a feeling as being on a Vespa, but it’s something.
He stares longingly at every Vespa he sees.
He probably named that girl cat Vespa or some variation of now that I think of it.
I see a lot of headcanons of her with glasses and I gotta say I love it! So, glasses Giulia!!!
Tallest of the three! Alberto hates her for it but she loves it.
She actually takes after her father more than she does her mother, contrary to popular belief.
Though she loves space, after her meeting with the boys, she’s thinking of marine biology. She stays up late every night researching everything aquatic. She constantly asks the boys about sea things and visits in that diver suit whenever she can.
She bullies Alberto as often as he bullies her. Their play fights look so aggressive that people think they’re actually trying to kill each other.
She’s constantly torn between chopping off all her hair or letting it grow out. She settles on leaving it medium length and tie it up.
A very yellow person! It’s everywhere. She loves it so much! The color of happiness, baby.
She’s the first to call Alberto part of the family, saying in a letter that her school wants to meet her brother. She got a letter from Massimo saying Alberto sobbed upon reading it.
Loves to paint with her mom but thinks bike riding is better. She loves that bike.
Harasses Alberto to put a sidecar on his Vespa for her. (Inspired by a drawing by aishimation on Instagram!)
Though she adore her mother, she’s a daddy’s girl and loves him so much.
Can and will punch anyone who calls her brother and her best friend a monster straight in the jaw
Hates her school uniform
Will also pour water all over Alberto just to piss him off
Summertime? I think you mean “training for the Portorosso Cup and also attack Alberto and Luca with a hose for a few months”
She loves to dance
Wants to get tattoos when she’s older
Very much a feminist and doesn’t care how much trouble she gets in for voicing what she knows is right
More on the way probably. These dumb gay Italian fish and their ginger friend is all I think about dhdhjdhdvdh
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power-of-plot · 3 years
Iida, Mirio, and Aizawa dating hcs please
Of course! But holy cow apparently this seriously inspired me, i hope this is ok xd
Oh yes robot boi. Iida is someone nerdy in every aspect, his language even with close friends like Midoriya is very formal and polite, the same rule would apply when it comes to his significant other. Unlike what some would think, this doesn’t give your conversations a cold touch, on the contrary, it’d make him look chivalrous.
He’s a classic gentleman, he’d be the kind who opens the door and waits for you to walk in first or gives you his jacket when it’s too cold and you don’t have anything to cover yourself with, the second one would happen often in the classroom if you’re sensitive to cold. We are talking about U.A have you seen the measures of the classrooms and the entire area? It’s impossible they don’t have those huge air conditioners.
He highly respects the rules wich means, no PDA, on a certain level, no kisses to be specific. That doesn’t mean he won’t give you any affection, though every gear of his robotic soul is having a bad time working properly inside, he’d hold your hand or put his over your shoulder pulling you close when you’re sitting together. 
He definitely would do that thing of caressing you with his thumb. As you expected it from Tenya, this is a sort of robotic motion, his finger would move like a metronome but that doesn’t make it any less nicer, he is slow and gentle.
Honestly, he’d be nervous most of the time. ALSO! Tenya is very thoughtful, he’d ask (often verbally) if you’re okay with whatever he’d do, as times goes by the questions turn non verbal, for example he’d hold his hand above yours waiting for you to give green light or grasp it. 
“..Can i hold your hand?” “Sure!” “*DEEP INHALE AND BLUSH*” He couldn’t help to blush the first times. Specially on the firsT kiss but how would it be? A clasic scenenario after classes! And after you both have grown comfortable enough to each other’s touch. Seriously, if you like to go slow he's got you.
You two would be walking around in the campus after classes and he feels the tension grow.. he is analyzing every detail, he wants to ask but what if things get extremely awkward, he’s very tall- he’d have to bend down slightly (unless you’re nearly as tall as him) to do it so what if you flinch because it was unexpected.. he stops walking, he simply manages to say your name. You stared into each other's eye and then it happened, a big smile unexplainably forms in his lips complemented by a scarlet color across his whole face, his haircut made his head look like a strawberry.
There are going to be days you don't see him as much as you'd like, Tenya is very comitted to his hero patrols, he certainly would do extra hours from time to time or if the situation called for it. Let him know you like his hero suit! He’s thankful it has a helmet otherwise his flustered face would be exposed. 
Whatever position you cuddle in Iida would wrap his arms around you, not only that, he’d interlock his fingers so he has a nice grip. His cuddles would be the classic spooning or having your head on his shoulder with your arm over his chest and in case you worry about his arm, this guy doesn’t know limb numbness- he literally tenses and holds his arms up every five minutes.
He sends good morning/good night texts often on the weekends since you're practically living together thanks to the dormitory system, they vary depending on the day, some are a reminder to get a proper amount of sleep or! To get done with homework so you can enjoy your free time and maybe ask if he can go over to study *cough spend time together*
He'd send the classic heart emoji, very detailed but easy to comprehend videos explaining any difficult lesson and history related stuff like paint restorations or facts about iconic sculptures. Please don’t send him those videos of people accidentally breaking things on museums, he’s gonna feel like something breaks inside.
This ray of sunshine fell for you? Your luck is so big you’d get jackpot on a slot machine on the first try-. You’re undeniably going to be good friends with Tamaki and Nejire, specially her, expect to get questions one after another without the chance to reply when she finds out you’re Mirio’s significant other, Tamaki would take it way better.
Mirio’s goofyness and confidence combined with his feelings give a unique result: he literally spoke to the boss of mafia himself twice like he was the manager in a store, but, the case is different when you’re around, he’s saying and actually good joke and suddenly.. it goes away, his mind goes blank. “So what happened after Mirio..?” “Ah.. i had practiced a lot, i don’t know what happened haha my bad!”
You’re going to get tons of his jokes and something more “intense” such as the classic “What’s in your shirt?” to make you look down so he can boop your nose with his finger, you should expect some gentle headpats as well. 
If you’re shy he’s cool about it, he knows what do and adaptates to your pace, you’d start off with hand holding or rather pinky holding, he’d interwine his pinky with yours and show a bright smile. His hugs are the warmest, he doesn’t do it half-assesly, when you hug, YOU HUG, he uses both arms and slightly lifts you up! Height or strength are not a problem he’s actually one cm taller than Iida i just found out
He seems like the kind who loses their pen or eraser despite seeing it on their desk just one minute ago, if you happen to be that kind as well you’re both going to lay down your faith on poor Tamaki’s hands, i’m sure he has all his material complete.
He hardly ever gets nervous or scared by anything, things like the first kiss would go pretty smooth, instead of blushing intensely he’d just chuckle with slight disbelief, his mind is racing like “I just did that? woah!”. The biggest trouble for him would be gifts, he wants it to be perfect but asking Nejire for advice is not a good idea, roses are too formal and they don’t last long, going to the movies seems a little cliche.. his first gift would end up being a plushie of your favorite animal and a bamboo.
He’d sneak a kiss or two, specially before the class is begginning a training session, he’d send you a text telling you to go outside the changing rooms and oop! He phases through the wall poking out his head to give you a kiss kiss. If you don’t mind a prank from time to time he’d give a little scare using his quirk.
This guy is the big spoon during cuddles, no arguing! He could switch but as time goes by he’d slowly shift into the big spoon, that’s just the way he is, the most usual position would be where you’re facing each other with your limbs wrapping around the other’s body. Waking up with him would be adorable and attractive, morning and night are the only times of the day when his hair isn’t gelled into his All Might-like hairstyle, those blonde locks would frame his face, a heavenly sight.
Would send you a pic of stray animals he rescued with a “:D!” and Sir. Nighteye 'torturing' Bubble girl (half of his head visibly on a corner of the image). If you longed for a pet badly he would bring a nice dog/cat he finds around! In his hero suit to make the moment more special. 
He uses the smiling emojis and emoticons! And shares videos of animals he finds adorable, if you sent him fails videos he'd laugh as long as the falls don't seem extreme or too severe, small trips on the beach or slips on the snow are fine. Mirio sends gifs i just know.
Have you taken a look at him? You must be a big The Walking Dead fan to like him lmao. Aizawa gives me an unexplainable gut feeling that he'd prefer a civilian (perhaps quirkless?) significant other over a hero, he wouldn't want his partner to go into the same dangerous situations he does.
His affection is tired, let me explain, he'd hug you and all that physical stuff but it'd kinda feel like his arms fall limply around you, still, even with his minuscule clingyness he loves you with all his might! He doesn't fall for anyone.
Not very fond of PDA, in public he'd preferr temple/forehead kisses and having your hand on the crook of his arm instead of hand holding (thinking about it Iida would do that too), seems more discret and! you don't let go when his hands are busy. He'd initiates it by gently resting your hand on his arm and sinking his hand into his pocket.
Surprise! He does smile, not that maniactic-looking grin he has sometimes during his shifts at U.A when a student impresses him, this one is less wide but somehow more tender and sweet, he tilts his head and for once his eyes seem relaxed, a relationship would make his cheeks hurt.. either for he's not used to smile so much or he smiles more than he thought he would.
If you give him a cat.. that's a strong blow straight to one of his weakest spots, he'd stare both at you and the kitten with a dumbfounded look before picking it up in his arm like a baby, his hand gravitates towards his it's head giving some nice pets before he shows a rare and somewhat bright smile "Thank you very much." Next time have a camera ready damnit! That smile rarely shows up.
He's practical, he wants his gifts to be nice but useful as well. He’d get you those mugs with candies inside, you get the candy and you can use the mug later for your coffee or tea; a power bank with a nice color or design and in case he choses something smaller: a bamboo, those one don’t wither away. Aizawa is fine with whatever you get for him, big or small he appreciates it. Sweaters, scarfs and blankets would be his favorite thing to get though, he likes to stay warm while working late at night
He’s sneaky, as an underground hero he’s used to work at times when the streets look disolated and the dark crime has more freedom to do as it pleases, he wouldn’t want to wake you up unless you asked him to. He’d leave a note on is pillow with the time he wrote it at and a short loving phrase like “i love you, i’ll be back soon, good morning”, before he leaves he’d always lift the sheet up to your neck or drag it away if you seem to be kicking it off you and give you a small kiss.
You’d find him passed out in his sleeping bag with his laptop besides him at random spots of his appartment, if it wasn’t because of the unatura position he adopts to fit in his sleeping bag he’d give you a death scare ‘cause let’s be honest he doesn’t look one hundred percent alive even when he’s awake. “Shota..? Shota can you hear me?!” “I’m not dead.”
Hibrid of big-small spoon. Most of the times you cuddle he’s asleep and you go snuggle him, his hair is a mess so better prepare to get tickled all night. He pull you close the best way he can when you’re behind him, not very comfortable for his arm but it’s worth it. He’d have you like a pillow over him, his chin over your head and both arms around you.
This man doesn’t bother typing when he can use his voice, the only situations he uses regular text messages are when he’s on shift or with you sleeping next to him. Send him gifs of kittens and a ‘i love you’ it instanstly gives him a good mood! He’d send pics of cats he sees around and gifts he bought you, doesn’t use emojis.
*COLLAPSES ON THE GROUND* Big oof- requests are open.
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katsutae · 3 years
stupid, silly crush
mark lee x reader, bf2l, fluff 
summary: i have a stupid silly crush on mark lee so i’m making it into a oneshot before i lose my mind
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curling up on your couch, snuggling in blankets and eating your favorite snacks was what you planned on doing for the rest of the night. after having to take over for your partner’s side of your group project, you were exhausted and wanted nothing more but to rest. 
your friends, on the other hand, had other plans.
you crashed onto the couch of your apartment and were ready to take a well deserved nap, but were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. you shot your head up and snatched your phone from the coffee table, glaring at the contact name.
“what?” you asked, clearly irritated.
from the other side of the phone, you could basically hear yuta’s smile. “come on, we’re going to the school festival!”
“no, i’m tired.” you pulled your phone away from your ear to hang up but stopped once you heard yuta’s faint protests. reluctantly, you held your phone back up to your ear. “you better have one convincing reason as to why i should go.”
“well, for one, because we’re your friends and you love us so much,” yuta teased. “and also, mark is going!”
you stayed silent, contemplating how you were going to strangle yuta once you saw him. “just because you said that, i’m not going.”
“what? y/n, just imagine how cute it would be if you were to confess to him at the top of the ferris wheel, or something!”
you laughed at him. “first of all, mark is afraid of heights, so that’s not happening. and second, i’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back. i’d probably just make a fool out of myself.”
“you’re kidding, right? are you stupid?” yuta gaped at you, a humorous smile laid out across his face.
you rolled your eyes. “i didn’t stay on this call just so you could call me stupid.” you felt your phone vibrate in your hand and you looked to see that it was a text from no one other than mark. “i got to go, yuta. see you.”
“wait, are you-”
quickly, you ended the call and opened your messages.
mark me in your heart
yo u going to the festival?
y/n aaaaaa
ehhh not really feeling up to it
yuta told me you and the others are going so bring me back a stuffed animal
mark me in your heart
whaaaaaaaaaatjrjklf why not?????????
i’m not gonna win u one bc ur gonna win it urself
also bc i probably wouldn’t be able to do it anyway
i’m picking u up
y/n aaaaaa
you’re gonna have to drag me off of the couch then
i don’t think it’s worth it
mark me in your heart
u act as if i haven’t done it before
already omw 
feeling defeated, you slumped against your couch cushions and awaited mark’s arrival. had it been anyone else, it would’ve been much easier to flat out say ‘no’, but with mark, the word was completely erased from your vocabulary. you were only able to have about ten minutes of pure bliss before you heard the jiggling of your doorknob and mark’s faint humming.
“thank goodness for the spare key!” mark cheered as he entered your apartment.
lazily, you turned your head towards him and looked at him with a dead gaze. mark only laughed at you and jumped onto the couch next to you, barely missing your head. 
“tough day?” mark asked, reaching for your leftover drink that sat on your coffee table. he cringed at the watered-down taste before standing up to go throw it away.
“yeah. you know that group project i had? they didn’t do jack shit,” you grumbled into the cushion.
“you know what’ll make you feel better?” he kneeled down to meet your eyes and smiled. “going to the festival!”
he reached for your hands that you desperately tried to hide from him and began to pull you up into a seated position. you groaned in response but made no move to fight against him.
“come on, i’ll buy us ice cream once we get there,” mark offered. you looked up at him to see him staring at you with his wide, doe eyes, basically begging you to say yes. he made it impossible for you to say no.
you hated it, but you gave in. “ugh...fine.”
“wow, they went all out this year, didn’t they?” you mumbled as you stared out the window of mark’s car. you couldn’t help but admire the colorful lighting that lit up the area.
“i know right? it’s awesome,” mark agreed.
after parking the car, the two of you made you way to the ticket booth where you paid for your tickets and entered. you stayed close behind as mark searched for your other friends, flinching when he grabbed your arm to drag you towards them. 
someone’s arm slung around your shoulder, weighing you down. “so, you decided to show up?”
you looked up to see yuta smirking at you, raising his eyebrows and shifting his gaze back and forth between you and mark. you glared at him and shrugged his arm off, punching him in the ribs. “oh, shut it.” luckily, mark had been too busy chatting away with johnny that he didn’t notice yuta’s odd behavior. 
“so, are you gonna do it tonight?” yuta asked you excitedly.
“do what? confess?” you snorted and shook your head. “i already told you, yuta, there’s no way he likes me back.”
yuta groaned loudly, catching the attention of a few other students walking by. “the two of you are going to drive me insane, i swear.”
you furrowed our eyebrows in confusion, but before you could question what he meant, mark was tugging at your arm and leading you towards the games.
“okay! i’m gonna make it a mission to win you a stuffed animal. which one do you want?” mark asked you with a big smile.
you chuckled at him and shook your head. “i was kidding, mark, you don’t actually-”
“no! i’m gonna do it. now, tell me which one you want.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at him as he said that, falling for him and his dorky antics all over again. scanning the area, you spotted a dinosaur plushy that was practically calling your name. immediately, you took mark by the arm and led him over.
“oh, this will be easy!” mark said confidently after seeing it was a basketball based game. he turned to look at you with a smirk on his face. “just watch.”
you chuckled again and stood off to the side. “don’t get too cocky now.”
mark had always been a naturally funny person, so it wasn’t surprising that after only two minutes, you were clutching at your stomach, unable to hold in your laugh. mark had somehow managed to miss every shot and approached you with sunken shoulders and a shocked look.
“wow, i didn’t know i was that bad. in my defense, that shit is a lot harder than it looks.”
coming down from your fit of laughter, you pat his arm comfortingly. “it’s okay, mark, i didn’t expect much. let’s go find something else to do.”
“hell no, i’m going again.” before you could protest, mark was already stepping up to the booth and offering his money.
you shook your head at him and sighed. mark really made it hard not to love him.
after about ten minutes, mark finally returned to you victorious, a proud smile peeking from behind a large dinosaur plushy. gratefully, you took the dinosaur into your arms. “was it worth all that money? you really didn’t have to, you know.”
mark let out a soft laugh. “yeah, but i wanted to.” you were lucky the dinosaur was big enough to hide the wild blush upon your cheeks. “what next?”
“i’ll win you one for a change. i think that if i let you play any longer then you’ll spend all your money,” you nudged him gently with your shoulder.
“i didn’t do that bad,” mark whined, pouting at you. 
“whatever you say, mark.”
like any other night you spent with mark, it was filled with laughter and jokes. you seemed to always have a good time with him, it was one of the very many things that you loved about him. he had the ability to turn your frown upside down, as cheesy as it sounds. the two of you had regrouped with your friends with stuffed animals in both of your arms, as well as bright smiles plastered across your faces.
“did you win her all of these, mark?” yuta teased the two of you.
while you blushed, mark laughed it off and shook his head. “actually, y/n won majority of these. i’m not as great at those games as i thought.”
johnny approached the three of you, an ice cream cone in his hand reminding you of mark’s promise. “fireworks are starting soon, we’re gonna go grab seats on the grass.”
“i’ll come with,” yuta called after him. he waved the two of you goodbye and, again, it was just you and mark.
“hey, you promised me ice cream!” you said to mark.
mark’s lips curled up into a shameful smile. “i was hoping that you would forget...whatever, i was craving some anyway.”
“i’ll go get us a seat,” you told him, taking his stuffed animals into your arms. he nodded and you went your separate ways.
thankfully, you were able to quickly spot johnny and yuta who had already saved a spot for you and mark. as you sat down, yuta scoot himself next to you and nudged your shoulder.
“you should confess today or i assure you this crush of yours is gonna end up going nowhere,” he said.
you scoffed. “i was already expecting it to go nowhere.”
yuta groaned and grabbed your shoulders, shaking them. “are you an idiot? do you seriously think mark isn’t head over heels for your dumbass?” he let go of your shoulders and dramatically sprawled himself across your lap. “you two are both big, oblivious idiots.”
“why do you keep saying that?” you asked him with furrowed eyebrows. 
yuta sat up and gave you a dead stare. he sighed, “like i said, big oblivious idiot.” he averted his gaze to someone behind you and then back to you. “just trust me on this, he likes you.”
yuta was gone before you could ask how he knew, and mark took his spot next to you. he handed you your ice cream, which was your favorite flavor, and scoot closer to you. his shoulder brushed against yours, making you blush. if you weren’t too busy trying not to choke on your ice cream and looked over, you would see that mark was blushing as well.
as the night grew colder, you cursed at yourself for not bringing a jacket. the coldness of your ice cream didn’t help your situation. you only hoped that mark didn’t notice, but he was already shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders.
frantically, you shook your head, encouraging mark to keep the jacket for himself. “you’ll get cold, mark, it’s fine.”
he shook his head and draped the jacket around your shoulders, a soft smile sitting comfortably across his features. “i knew you were probably going to get cold at some point, so i wore a sweatshirt too. thank lord you got cold, i was lowkey sweating my ass off.”
“thank you,” you giggled.
the lights dimmed and you and mark both turned your attention towards the sky. you felt mark lean backwards on his arms, one of his arms settling itself behind your back. as the first firework set off in the air, the crowd erupted in sounds of awe. even beside you, you could hear mark let out a small laugh. turning to look at him, you couldn’t help but adore the way his eyes glistened and shimmered in amazement. 
mark could feel your gaze on him and he could feel his hands grow clammy. "they’re pretty, aren’t they?” he asked without turning to look at you. 
you turned to admire the fireworks again and smiled, feeling glad to enjoy this moment with mark. “yeah...”
you felt something soft hit your cheek, and looked down to see a gummy bear sitting in your lap. you looked around to find where it came from and found yuta staring at you with wide eyes. he was mouthing words at you that you were barely able to make out.
tell him.
nervously, you chewed at your lip and scraped at the melted ice cream in your bowl. if yuta had been dropping that many hints, he couldn’t have been lying, right? before you could say anything, mark beat you to it.
“hey, can i tell you something?” mark said suddenly.
“um, yeah of course...but actually there was something that i wanted to tell you,” you chuckled nervously.
“oh, really?” mark asked, clearly surprised. “okay, yeah, what’s up?”
out of habit, you turned away and laughed fiddling with your hands in your lap. “i um...” you gulped down the lump in your throat and wiped your sweaty palms against your jeans. “i really like you, mark.”
you were too scared to look up and see his reaction, but his silence was scaring you even more. when you looked up you were expected to be met with rejection, but were surprised when you saw mark smiling down at you, his eyes shining the same way they did when he was watching the fireworks.
“really?” with the way he looked at you, you knew he thought you were joking. you gave him a soft smile and nodded. 
“yes, really.” you chuckled at the way he sat up in shock. 
“no way, i was going to tell you the same thing!” mark beamed. 
the two of you stared at each other with idiotic smiles on your faces before you both burst into fits of laughter. 
“you’re not joking, right? because i’m not joking,” you asked to clarify.
mark laughed again and grabbed your hand. “no, i’m not kidding.” he threw his head back with a frustrated groan. “man, i thought yuta was lying to me, we could’ve gotten to this point a lot quicker.”
“it’s okay, i thought he was kidding too,” you reassured. 
you weren’t sure what else to say and could only stare at mark with the brightest smile that you could give him. he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and let his hand cup your cheek.
“c-can i kiss you?” he stuttered out nervously.
frantically, and quite pathetically, you nodded your head. 
as if he had been waiting forever to kiss you, mark crashed his lips against yours and pulled you closer to him, his thumb caressing your cheek. your eyes fluttered shut and you gripped the soft material of his sweatshirt, trying your hardest not to smile. luckily you didn’t have to worry about ruining the kiss by smiling, because mark had done it for you. you giggled against each other’s lips before pulling away and smiling at each other stupidly. mark pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head softly.
from afar, yuta smiled proudly. “i told you they’d do it. you owe me.”
johnny rolled his eyes and handed over ten dollars. “oh, shut up.”
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I’ve seen a fad where people describe their original character’s personality with a few canon characters from different series.
What characters do you think you could combine to make Joelle?
☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Thank you for the ask Mel! It actually took me a good amount of time to even decide upon who would be most fitting to build Joelle. Since she has some of my own self insert in her , but really which oc doesn't? It was kind of hard to decide xD But I think I've managed to collect the ones that are pretty relatable with my character. So here it goes!
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Lucy - Elfen Lied If I have to be honest I've never would of thought upon how similar Joelle and Lucy stories are. I was never intending to have so many similarities with this specific characters until recently I stumbled upon a video that made me remember a bit more about the anime and how it played out. Lucy is a very interesting character , born with a 'sickness' ever since she was little kind of reminded me upon Joelle's origin as a pillar both past and present . Lucy has been bullied , barely knew any kind of friends and because of her 'sickness' everyone was after her because what she can cause with her powers , until she stumbled upon one that really liked her for who she was [Kind of gives me the possible Joseph or Rei vibes but without the romantic kind of intent that was implied in the story because Lucy did fall in love with her best friend.] She was brought into a lab to keep away from the outside world and experimented on , until she broke out and was given a chance for a second life regardless of what she had witnessed and did in her youth.
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Ren Tao - Shaman King A few aspects that I can collect from Ren are the anger he has built for humanity that really matches with Joelle's story . Because when she ended up in the XPD facility where they did various of experiments on her and basically played her like a toy she began to pile up a lot of anger upon those people creating an image in her head that they were all the same . But after meeting with someone who opened her eyes to the world , she began to have another look upon things and wanted to try and move on and heal but also find a new purpose in life .
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Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist When ever I would look at Ed I could actually see a few aspects of Joelle as well , because of his own determination to fix what he has done in the past and return his brother back to his original body , reminds me of how Joelle wants to protect her new family and find a way to stop evil from prevailing . It also gives a pinch of hint upon how him and his brother were trying to bring back their mother , is a similarity upon how Joelle wanted to bring back her own mother but instead she ended up releasing a curse that later on haunts her , the same way Ed and Alphonse tried to bring their mother back and ended up creating a homunculus being. Sadly I haven't watched brotherhood and I really need to , but I'd assume I'd find even more similarities if I do so~. But I do however see a lot of pieces of Ed in Joelle!
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Misaki Ayuzawa - Kaichou wa maid-sama This goes a bit on her emotional side to be honest. Misaki is a perfect representation of Joelle , a strong and very responsible individual and yearns for a piece of romance in her life that will assure her that they will stay with them for who they are . A perfect aspect of her Tsundere side because she is very conflicted and very confused when it comes to these sort of things. I absolutely adore her strong character and how she is able to handle so many responsibilities , reminds me upon her current position in the SpeedWagon foundation , a lot fear her because of how she would act and how her attitude just goes across the room, but a good amount also admire her when they get to know her personally and understand her better upon why she is the way she is , that she has a very gentle side to her.
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Chise Hatori - Ancient Magus Bride Another little lost soul that was being sold to the world. Chise has always been one of my most favorite characters once I started the anime , the aspects of her that I see in Joelle are the growth she managed to accomplish with herself , she used to have a normal life a happy family , but eventually that turned around when 'dark beings' (which would hint the cults of Hearteater) began to make their way into their life and make it more dangerous to be around , and even the fact that her own 'blood and family' tried to kill her is the hint of her father that almost killed her. [But in the anime it was the mother that tried to.] She eventually ends up in good hands which help her see the world with different eyes and find who she really is and help her discover her own courage and determination that she wants to do better for herself and others around her .
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Shigeo Kageyama - Mob Psycho Little little shy Mob~. He was one of my main inspirations if I have to be honest because a lot matched with the two of them. This comes around her more doubtful and shy side. Mob is a perfect representation of both Joelle's moods , when she is sweet and respectful to a menace and a deadly being if they come near their family. Her relationship with Reigen matches with the one me and my friend Mel have with Joelle and Yorie . Let's not forget about how crazy batshid he went when they took his brother away and he was willing to do everything in his powers to save him... but there was also the fire in his house.. now that is basically the next level of Chapter Death in a sense. But for real there are a lot of aspects behind Mob that I connect with Joelle and how her character is displayed~.
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Yuuji Itadori - Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji is the aspect of Joelle that exists kind of rare but it's still there , it's her little goofy side , but the amount of love for her friends and family is also there . His determination and courage to protect his new friends is the same as Joelle trying to protect her own regardless of what kind of burden both of them carry that can cause the destruction of the world, even if the the two of them might appear weak to most they would always throw themselves in danger to protect their loved ones , but later one begin to grow in personality and strength . Maybe I can even connect a tad bit Sukuna and Chapter Death because both are the representation of the final stage when the 'scary' takes over and would basically erase your existence . Yuji and His friends remind me a whole lot of Joelle and her own little crew and how each of them help each other and will always be there no matter what. Basically the hero that wants to save everyone and doesn't really care what happens to them , as long as everyone is safe .
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Manjiro Sano and Ken Ryuguji - Tokyo Revengers These two go in pair ~. I see a big portion of aspects of the two in Joelle and each of them kind of represent her 'goofy' and her very serious and respect side. Mikey is a bit more laid back and chill but at the same time very scary , a bit how Joelle is in a sense how she can be so calm on certain occasions until she finally snaps and beats the crap of anyone who doubted her and called her 'small and helpless.' This is the aspect I enjoy the most between the two because they underestimate their opponent and then get their ass handed to them , that's how the two kind of go xD. Draken would be maybe her grown up and mature side in a way and the one that keeps things in line when ever there is justice that needs to be served because no one is allowed to hurt their friends and family. Very loyal and determined and even jump down to apologize for their wrongs to try and correct themselves and possibly help their friends understand the situation a little better , unless there is no way out they always try and reason first before jumping into action.
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Nezuko Kamado - Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba [New Add] I almost forgot!! Honestly I can't forget to include my favorite little goofball . Another little demon that I can see a lot of personality traits and aspects in Joelle as well. Nezuko and Tanjiro are also a good representation of both Jericho and Joelle in a sense because of how strong their bond is beyond anything . I don't want to spoil anything in my current arcs because I want to keep it a surprise since I have a whole lot of things to decide on . Nezuko displays Joelle's very protective side and very caring one as well the side of value she feels towards her surroundings and regardless of being a little 'different' she still is the same person no matter what happens and will never lose her humanity even after being 'cursed'. And even be a little bit of a hint of her sensitive and cute side too regardless that she doesn't show it too often xD.
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Saitama - One Punch Man And last but not least , I put him on the bottom because at the beginning when I was creating Joelle I would always think of Saitama and how she was going to play out of sort of a joke that is really powerful and kind of blunt in a sense . But now she has grown so much and has so much potential , story and personality behind her that you can't even imagine! Saitama was maybe my very first inspiration when I created her because for some odd reason I really like OP shid and I mean literally xD. I don't know why but I just do , but regardless of Joelle being kind of OP orientated , later on when I began to play out her story I started to balance her because I wanted her to seem a bit more real other than I just came here to kick your ass and you're dead now lmfao. She still has some funny little aspects of Saitama behind her that's for sure , but she is completely different now and I am super proud of what a long journey she has gone through and grown so much as a character ^ ^. Thank you so much for sending in dear!!I really enjoyed this ask <333!! - Cards
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grandtheftpoptart · 2 years
The people who are mad at the sentidrien theory have their own reasons to, but keep in mind that because you don't relate to every aspect of a characters abuse, doesn't mean others don't. Almost everything I've seen being picked out as "erasing abuse" are things that are 100% abuse and are only being disputed over in relation to the senti theory itself.
I've never had control over anything in my life. My clothes were picked out for me, everything was decided for me, and if I didn't comply then I wasn't allowed to play with my friends or do what i wanted to do. Anytime I disobeyed, I risked the little autonomy I had left, so I did what people wanted whenever they wanted it done. While it may seem like it was a choice to comply, the only other option was to be isolated and that in itself was worse. When you're constantly reminded your existence is to serve someone else, and you don't have control over your life, you don't know anything else but that.
When it comes to sentis, we know they don't have complete control over themselves. They have thoughts and feelings, but they were created by someone else (Shadow Moth, Mayura, Emilie, master fu) in order to complete a specific service. There is a specific intention in mind and a promise that if they do not follow orders, they will cease to exist. The same thing could be said about people. Why do people decide to have children? There are a number of factors, some of which are good (to care for/love, etc) and some that aren't (money, free babysitter, etc). When your intention isn't good, the outcome won't be either. Shadow Moth sees sentis as pawns he can use. He sees people as pawns he can use. His intention is to use anyone and anything in order to achieve his intended goals. He has no consideration or care for the person or senti themselves.
SentiAdrien specific, Adrien isn't even aware he's a senti. He isn't aware he was created to fulfill someone else's specific purpose, or even that if he doesn't he will be destroyed. All he knows is when his father tells him to do something, he must comply or else he will lose access to school, his friends, his life. He has his own thoughts and emotions, but he still does what his father says because he has no choice.
I think sentis are honestly really decent representations for abuse, especially considering the intended audience for the show is children. Just because adrien isn't classified as "human" in terms of the show, doesn't take away his humanity, and it doesn't negate the abuse he has endured, it simply shows it in a more digestible way that can easily translate to multiple people from different countires. Adrien is a child who has no control over his life and doesn't feel a sense of self as a result. This is a very shared experience.
There is a clear power struggle between sentis and their creators that can directly translate to children and their parents. Whoever holds the peacock miraculous can destroy a senti with a snap of their fingers. This could be represented in real life as a parental counting to 3 when their child isn't doing listening, and then punishing the child by grounding them or whatever. The holder has all the power, and the senti does not. The senti's are powerless against their creators in the same way as victims are against their abusers.
Abuse is not an exclusively human experience, and it's really frustrating that people are treating it as such. If someone hurts an animal it is still abuse. There is a signficant imbalance of power and a lot of the time, this stems from our own perceptions of consiousness. No single person on this earth will know what it is like to exist as something other than human. To consider non-human lifeforms as being unable to experience thought, love, anger, abuse, etc, however, is simply irresponsible. If you look at a senti and automatically decide it is incapable of experiencing the same things as a human would because of the power the holder has over it, then you're contributing to that imbalance.
Adrien is still Adrien, we simply have more information that can help us better understand him and his experiences compared to our own.
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