#it makes him feel that there better of finding somone else instead
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Georgette and sekido part 8
This one is kinda a continuation to the last one i made yesterday
Even since the beginning of there first encounter she had always tried to keep away from him because he was very intimidating but after finally bieng alone to talk to him that fateful day there relationship started to slowly develop from there but would revert back when his anger got the best of him towards her accidentally.
But on this particular day she was avoiding him for a week now and soon his rage would dwell into fear he thought he was going to lose her for good and choose to be with the others instead of him permanently.
He was in his working station in his room mot even able to concentrate as he fidgets around his pen while the other massages his temple his leg making the same movement as his working hand he was nervous more so that his beloved could possibly be thinking to leave him now because he went to far in his words.
He may be the embodiment of anger but still shares the same anxiety as hantengu just not to that extreme. Soon his chest almost felt tight and suddenly hes gulping down his weakness near the edge of wanting to have a paranoid breakdown never in his life has he felt such guilt for his actions not like this hes not used to this feeling at all and it only agitates him more that hes in this vulnerable state of despair and shame.
But then the door slides open he had forgotten to lock it. it was georgette, she had come to check up on him after never leaving his room all day today sne was worried for his well-being but before she could even say anything something was already wrong by the shaking body gesture and hands clutched onto his head "sekido!" She called.
Immideatly he jolted to her way. His eyes where wide in fear and it looked as if he was fighting back tears seeing the glisten of his eyes while sweating. His panick attack was about to hit full blown but her presence and look of genuine concern blocked it from happening.
"g-gerogie..." Just before she could move towards him with open arms sekido jumped out of his seat to hold her missing her warmth her gentlness her scent everything about this woman he missed it all. Wrapping his arms around her waist before he fell to his knees the wetness of her dress as he silently sobs of relief.
"sekido! Sekido! Hey whats wrong? My thunder storm why do you weep?" She kneels down letting him rest upon her lap as he lets it all out fingers caressing his soft auborn colored hair.
His words took time to put together, pulling together to stop from hyperventilating until finally words managed to escape his mouth.
" i-i-...im sorry! Ok there! Sorry! I know im not the kindest of person in the world infact i dont even deserve to be treated with such gesture! Y-you deserve better ok! Go with ai hes more empathetic o-or urogi! He can make you smile! Even stupid karaku would be better of with you! J-just...*fighting the urge not to cry again* anyone but me ok! I dont want to hurt you like that ever again I'm sorry georgie im so sorry!...."
She sat there and listened to his woes, she had no idea that he would have been affected by her absence, she only wanted to give him room to breath no matter how long it taked but that wasnt the case sekido missed her since day one of leaving him alone and now his guilt took a toll on him that she would leave him for somone else somone better and kinder. Yet little did sekido know he was kind a very different kind of kindness that was rare to see.
" my love, why do you say such nonsense? I already have the most kindest most understanding man right her on my lap." She moves her other hand to rub his shoulder.
" your motherly nature when you look out for your comrades is something i admire, perhaps strict but nonetheless its because you care for there safety"
" and dont think ive forgotten the time when you nurtured me during the time i came home with my face disfigured you still complimented me thoughtful after i was feeling low self esteem in that moment and to top it off you even came to my care when i was sick due to my ability even though you didnt have to. i think about it often "she chuckles placing a kiss on his forhead.
" you are loved sekido, and you are wanted. Nobody is perfect and thats ok...im not eather. No matter how rocky our relationship gets i want us to be able to solve it together because at the end of the day while i love the other three i want to be with *you* more than anyone sekido.."
He listened and the more he did the more he was gaining his composure again. He needed to hear that this was something hes been needing to hear for a long time now. Hes flawed and thats ok she is aswell. As his worries finally drift away sekido finally had the courage to slowly lift himself up to her nuzzling on the crook of her neck the same she did to him during that day of her mental breakdown.
"thank you, my rose..."
"i really needed to hear that..." He deeply sighed feeling true relaxation now.
" i think if you hadnt had come here any time i would have already bashed my head againts the wall along with the other idiots."
She only laughed
" where going to have to work on a different approach for a better anger management for example"
Hands him a rubber stress ball "tada!'
"....what the fuck is that?'" he looked at it with disgust the texture feeling wrong to him
" a stress management ball you can squeeze it throw it and smash it to let your anger all out see? Im good at this!"
He just stares at it and then clutches it with his fists then snorts.
" well this sure looks fun.."
"because it is my little lightning bolt ❤️"
Dividers by @/elryisia
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adventuringblind · 10 months
If You Don't Want the Truth, then Don't Ask
Oscar Piastri x Autistic!Reader
Genre: fluff
Request: kinda...? People want more of this content, so who am I to deny them? My requests are open! Please don't hesitate to send me ideas!
Summary: One thing that Oscar loves most about her is that she's always honest. Unfortunately, it seems not everyone has learned that.
Warnings: Media being toxic, the reader gets frustrated at not understanding human behavior
Notes: written in third person
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Oscar had fallen in love with her honesty. He never had to guess at her opinions on things or dance around subjects himself.
It was a reprieve from always being coached in media to finally not having to filter himself.
Anyone who had gotten close to her knew one rule she had: if you don't want an honest answer, then don't ask.
She struggles communicating with vocal tones. People often mistake her opinion for being judgemental. It makes her feel unable to speak up for herself. It was never her intention to cause problems. She was just saying her truth.
Emotional communication is even more difficult. She always manages to say the wrong thing. Oscar didn't believe this and felt comforted when she talked him through the truth of the day. But if she was struggling with words and emotions, she opted to communicate via physical touch.
She'd developed a code for human behaviors she didn't quite understand.
When charles was upset about a race, she hugged him. When Oscar was smiling, she kissed his cheek. When Max was being lectured by his father, she stuck her middle finger up at Jos. When Lando couldn't eat his food, she gave him one of her snacks that he also liked.
It became more natural to the grid the more she did these things.
Unfortunately for the fans and the media, they hadn't figured it out. It was ridiculous in everyone's minds how they never learned their lesson.
A picture started circling the internet once of her kissing Lando's cheek after an amazing race. She knew it was a happy moment but was too overwhelmed to deal with words. Oscar knew she did this to anyone she was comfortable with and knew she was loyal. She'd expressed repeatedly why she loved him and not Lando. Oscar only laughed as she went down her very pointed list of reasons why Oscar was better. Earning a pout from the Brit.
The fans started calling her all sorts of nasty names. It hurt her a little, but Oscar even more. He'd expressed multiple times to his fans not to involve her in drama.
Race weekend got a bit awkward. Journalists wanted to ask the two questions. Oscar was quick to deny them attention and left for free practice.
The nerospicy femal, however, was not as lucky. Somone found her hiding in the garage.
"Are you aware of the photo going around social media right now?" The female reporter asked her.
She hesitated for a moment, trying to find her voice. "Yes." The reporter waited a minute for her to elaborate only to receive silence.
She clears her throat. "Do you have any thoughts about it? Are the rumors true?"
She stares again for a moment. "I think you people are bored and want to pick apart someone else's life instead of your own."
It was the reporters turn to stay in silence. "That may be true for some." She fumbles. "But the concern of the fans is that you'll have a negative effect on the McLaren racing drivers."
"I think the fans you speak of are niave then. Not every human being is the same. I'm in love with Oscar, not Lando, as simple as that. Just because my affection looks different doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong." The girl shrugs her shoulders. Simply stating a fact of herself.
The reporter leaves in silence. No other words were shared between them.
Oscar saw the article the next day. They were getting ready to head to the track for FP3 and qualifying. "Have you seen this article?" He asked.
"No, what article?" Oscar flips his phone to her. The reporter from yesterday had written an article about their conversation. Interestingly enough, it was exactly what she had said. The journalist was impressed with her honesty and approach to toxic rumors.
Oscar kissed her cheek. "I'm so proud of you."
The next time it happened was during an interview in the fan zone. She'd been standing off to the side with the other McLaren staff who follow them around. She likes listening to the fans ask the boys questions.
Then a fan asked a question about her. "Oscar, why is your girlfriend mean to the reporters?"
Both Oscar and Lando rolled their eyes. "She's here right now if you want an honest answer." Oscar smirked.
It was terrifying when Oscar and Lando were waving her up to the stage. She waited for the approval of the staff and security before exchanging seats with the Australian.
He looked so please she was up there. "The fans want to know why you're so 'mean' to the reporters, as they put it." The two boys were laughing hysterically now.
"I personally don't think it's mean. If they don't want an honest answer, then they shouldn't be asking questions." She shrugged. "Is there a specific time you're referring too?"
"When the vouge journalists asked if you were hiding something because you wear loose clothing."
Lando perked up instantly. "This is one of my favorite moments. We went out and got her favorite dinner after this to celebrate."
"Firtly, the reporter had no business asking that. I don't like it when my clothes feel weird and I was already overwhelmed so I wore what I thought was comfortable." Oscar put his arm around her. A hint of pride edging its way across his features. "Secondly, the didn't put the whole story. The reporter asked if I was pregnant, and then when I said no, he proceeded to ask me if I was wearing anything underneath."
"The comeback is the best part."
"I was confused why he asked me this, so I asked if he had anything underneath the hideous mask he was wearing. Then he called me rude." She frowned, but the fans were enjoying the story.
Oscar glances at Lando. "You should tell the next part."
Lando is still chuckling from the last statement. "I was coming around the corner and heard her say that, then I couldn't stop laughing. So obviously I joined in as well."
The other two were shaking their heads at Lando in exasperation as he continued. "When I came up next to her, she asked why he would ask something like that. It's a pretty common question between us, so I explained why he did it and why he shouldn't do it."
"Then he insulted him some more."
Oscar finishes out the story and also laughs at this point. "Most of the things in the article were what Lando said. The others were what she did say. Including asking if this was his way of flirting and turned him down on his advances."
She always missed social cues, and she'd heard some of the drivers flirt by asking what someone had on underneath their clothing. It was a genuine assumption.
Oscar found it most amusing as Lando recounted the story for the first time that evening. She had looked mildly dazed, frustrated, and confused. Oscar took the time, in between laughing, to explain some of the nuances she didn't understand. Including why they were laughing so hard.
Next came a conversation with Zak.
The boys were doing media things, so he'd started to try and make conversation with her.
He was a person who did not understand that she's autistic and communicates different then he was expecting. Normally, Oscar or Lando was here to help things flow, but now she was going to need to swim on her own.
"Have you been enjoying Monaco?" He asked.
She played with her fingers to help her brain stay present. Something she often did to stim when she didn't want it to be noticeable. "It's cozy when it's not race weekend. I think the race has made it crowded."
He looked a little surprised. "Do you not like crowds? I thought you did since you come to most of the races."
"Seeing them is fine. Being trapped in them is difficult."
"That's a little odd of a perspective, don't you think?" He laughed. "I feel like you either enjoy the crowds or you hate them."
She didn't understand what he meant by that. Didn't she just say what she thought? Why was he asking the same question? "Factually, I think you can enjoy seeing a crowd, like on TV, and also become claustrophobic when in one."
He didn't know how to respond. The staring became awkward for him as he tried to respond. She just waited. Assuming he had now understood her point. Then he came up with an excuse as to why he needed to duck out of the conversation.
Zak asked Oscar about it later. To which the Australian internally face-palmed. Then, he proceeded to explain the unspoken role.
Zak apologized the next day if he made her uncomfortable. She just looked between him and Oscar. Hoping for an answer as to how he could've done that.
It took a while, but they finally got their. Now Zak goes to her if he ever wants an honest opinion on something.
The most recent time actually hurt her. She spent days inside her and Oscar's room. Struggling to eat, sleep, and communicate.
She was lucky that Oscar was around to help her through this. His frustration almost overwhelming his own mind.
Two weeks ago, they had been in Silverstone. It was an amazing race, and she felt happy that she got to share it with him.
She had been making friends with the other WAG's around the paddock. So when Oscar was pulled away, she went to find someone to hang out with until they finished.
She found Kika and Lily in the Williams hospitality. It was warm in the building, so when she sat down with them, she decided to get comfortable and took off her sweatshirt.
Her shirt that day was not the usual baggy t-shirt and jeans. Today's she was wearing a crop-top that showed her stomach, but she felt cute and confident, and Oscar complimented her on it the entire morning. He said she looked good when she's comfortable and that's what matters to him.
Her body was not the ideal body type that meets the standard beauty criteria. Frankly, she didn't care.
She's healthy. She's comfortable. Oscar has said daily that he loves her as she is.
She wasn't expecting the fans in hospitality to ask her anything about it.
When she got up to get water, a few young women approached her. This had happened before, and she assumed they wanted to ask about Oscar or know of they could get a picture with him.
She assumed wrong.
"How come you're not wearing what you normally do?"
"Because I felt comfortable in this today."
"I think the other style suits you better. Don't you think?"
"I don't have a style. This is just comfortable."
"Is this because Oscar likes it better?"
"No, he likes it when I'm comfortable."
She was trying to keep up. All the questions flying at her rapidly. The music was reverberating off the wall. The hospitality staff were cleaning and packing.
Her head started to spin. Her hands flew up to cover her ears. She was going to cry if she didn't get out.
She was thankful the Kika and Lily noticed and got her out of the area. Blocking anyone from speaking to her and ignoring those who tried to stop them.
They ran into Oscar on the way to somewhere quiet. He immediately placed his hands over hers to try and help block out more sound until he could get her to her headphones.
Kika and Lily explained what happened. The females asking her questions were not understanding why she was giving them the same answer. Their intentions were unknown, but it was obvious she looked uncomfortable and cornered in that moment.
So he led her away into his driver room and told her she could lock the door and he'd come get her when it was time to leave. She obliged, turning off the lights to help her senses.
She curled up in the corner and soothed herself until Oscar came back.
Someone had taken a video of the encounter, and people started asking questions about her. Why does she do the things she does? It didn't make any sense to them. It made her frustrated because they made her out to be an alien on her own planet.
Her body couldn't take it anymore. She stayed in her corner with the lights off and shut out the world.
Except for Oscar. He sat in the dark with her. They ate meals on the floor. He helped her bathe in the dark. She felt so lucky to have found someone who understands and cares as much as he does.
His PR team was trying to do something about the video. It wasn't right for it to be posted, and McLaren was doing what they could, but It wasn't enough.
So Oscar took matters into his own hands. He decided to answer all their questions. With her permission, of course.
She cried when she read it. He was happy that she felt safe enough with him to let herself unmask, but he wanted her to be able to unmask anywhere. They were taking a step in the right direction, and they both ate comfort food that night.
Instagram story message because idk how people do SMAU's: "I want to take a minute to address the video that was posted about my girlfriend recently. My girlfriend is Autistic, meaning that things can become overwhelming easily. You might not understand everything she does, but you don't have to. She is her own person and has her own life. What she answers to questions is her truth. If you don't want an honest answer, don't ask the question.
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deluweil · 2 months
this sounds so wrong but i need a major character to get killed off this season. it’s a firefighter show and somehow no one has died, only significantly hurt. and even if somone gets significantly hurt, they usually skip the recovery part too. it’s getting so predictable. the finale for last season was honestly not my favorite. everyone was just fine in the end and they time skipped again. there’s no stakes with this show. it’s gotten to the point where everything is predictable and it’s tiring.
Hello dear Anon :)
To be honest, last season I said the same thing, the way the last episode was written was a sham. It looked like it was thrown together last minute, the important things got shoved aside for the grand call that had no emotional impact to it, so yeah, a character's death would have made more impact than some whatever the hell we got.
The physical part, obviously Oliver's damn good at, always impressive. But it was a 118 emergency, and there was very little emotion to it.
And don't get me started on the skipping the recovery parts, that the only ones we saw were Buck's and the only thing those stories did was break the 118 apart before miraculously making it better by glossing over it with a "family excuses all transgression without dealing with it or talking about it" policy and no real development on anyone's part.
Except Eddie's which is the only recovery story (which was only the ptsd not the actual injury recovery) that I loved, because it led to actual character development, Eddie of S2-3 is different than the one we got from one season to another.
All the rest are made better and more relatable by their relationship with their partners, Bathena love each other so much that they make changes for one another, Henren made an amazing recovery from Hen's betrayal in S2, she does her damnest to be better for her wife every single day of their lives which really makes them couples goals.
And Maddie made Chimney more relatable to me personally, because when he's not with her he does dumb stuff, like punching his future brother in law in the face. Which was swept under the rug too. I love Chimney, but some behaviors to me as a person are unacceptable in my eyes. Physical violence that is not in a boxing ring with a true opponent or done in self defense, is unacceptable and should be talked about, not normalized on national television.
But Madney is a beautiful pairing and I love JLH for insisting on Chimney instead of a romance with Eddie. Because really, I can't even imagine it nor could I in S2, long before I shipped buddie. Madney just works! And I can't wait for the wedding.
But fact to the matter is, we don't see the actual developments during the physical recovery itself which takes down the emotional value, we don't even see the bedside vigils in between, unless it's Buck or if Buck needs Chimney's finger print to get into his phone to find Maddie.
I want it to be clear, that I love Buck! I do, and tbh much like in Chimney's regard with Maddie, Eddie made Buck relatable to me, I didn't like him at first, I was fond of him, I didn't want him fired in S1, and I wanted to slap him silly with that lawsuit in S3, But I love him, Eddie made me love him, because we get to see him through Eddie's eyes.
I hate that while everyone else developed, Buck keeps getting slid back. I really wish the writers did him the justice he deserves by actually letting him grow into the person we keep seeing glimpses of and make it stick.
I get what you're saying, because a death, would give and emotional payout and set the tone in a hopefully more positive way, like Otis's death in S8 of Chicago fire, or Miller from Station 19 last season. (Still haven't forgiven Shonda for that).
But now, S7 feels like a reboot, so before we throw anyone to the dogs let's give them a chance to make an impact before we choose the nuclear option. 😉
A couple of days ago, I was talking with a mutual and told her that so far I am at a wait and see mode, whatever happens next, will decide whether I watch S8 or not, I'm manifesting a good season and a good conclusion to everything.
If not, well can't say we didn't give it the old college try. 😉❤️
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lunarsun12 · 4 months
Angry JongBear
Previous Part
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After a hectic evening, what no one realised that all the noise the siblings were making. Woke Jongho up in the middle of the night, which lead to a cranky Jongho next morning as he couldn’t fall asleep back then. Which then lead to huge growl and Mingi has been work up to Jongho arm around his head.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa was first to hear the noise. He pray it was Woosan making the noise, hoping it was not Jongho. The panic Seonghwa, asked what is the noise in order to find his answer as well find who woke Jongho up. Causing Seonghwa blood pressure rise again.
Who made the noise? Is the growl from Jongho or someone else?
Ateez Main Chat
Today 10:00am
Seonghwa🌸: What was that? Why there is huge growl coming from Mingi and Jongho room?
Yeosang🍗: Probably one of Woosan growling
Yunho🐶: No Woosan has been really calm, last time I checked. I saw San talking to Toby instead of Wooyoung
Yunho🐶: Bro, did you try to touch his turtle again?
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: N-NO as if I touched that turtle
Yeosang🍗: The reason San ignored Wooyoung. Wooyoung tried to grab his turtle so he can hug him better and then San freaked out
Yeosang🍗: Sadly, I was there. As I completely forgot my laptop charger
Yeosang🍗: This is revenge for those years you harassed me!!
Seonghwa🌸: Okay, so not woosan. I fear the worst, it sounded like Jongho…
Seonghwa🌸: Calm down Yunho, I’m sure Mingi will be alright
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: You are so dramatic, I don’t act like that with San
Yeosang🍗: Oh really? Who made a huge scene 3 days ago because of some turtle
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: I don’t know what you talking about
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Somone check on Mingi!!
Seonghwa🌸: You awake?
San🗻: Appa is awake? Are we in trouble
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: I don’t think so…I’m on a clean streak this month
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: No one is in trouble, Your Eomma was vacuuming our room and it woke me up…
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Wow, Eomma! You talk about respect now look at you…
Seonghwa🌸: It has to be done! The room was hasn’t been cleaned in a month! As your Appa always forgets!!
San🗻: I will check on them! As long I got my bestie Toby with him! I am brave!
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: If San is helping, I am helping too!!
Yunho🐶: NO! It cause a huge chaos!
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Yunho, you check on them…and stop being dramatic that your Eomma job
Seonghwa🌸: Where is that sass coming from these days…
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: You shouldn’t choose your bestie over your husband
Yeosang🍗: The tea, please spill…
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Why are you interested in the tea! Mingi might die…
Yeosang🍗: Mingi, won’t die…the only death he will face is you two..
San🗻: What that supposed to mean? I am the kindest to Mingi
Yeosang🍗: Sure…I can see through you..
10mins later…
After Yunho barges into Jongho and Mingi room, he saw Mingi getting in headlock by Jongho. As well in tears as he couldn’t scream for help. When yunho saw the sight, he didn’t know what to do. But he knows saving Mingi was his priority. Yunho managed to grab Jongho and immediately kicked him out before he get a chance to strike. Once again Seonghwa and now Hongjong took Jongho to the living room. To calm him down as they know the reason why he is cranky.
Yunho🐶: Operation baby bear complete
Jongho🐻: IM NOT A BABY!!
Yunho🐶: You are the baby in my eyes! Aigooo
Jongho🐻: I’m gonna kill you!!
Seonghwa🌸: Jongho breathe! Yunho apologise to Jongho
Yunho🐶: Fine I’m sorry for calling you baby bear…NOT
Jongho🐻: Eomma let me have him!
Mingi🦄: Seriously whoever made all the noises last night! Woke jongho up in the middle of the night and now he is cranky
Yunho🐶: Seee, babies have tantrums when they don’t have enough sleep
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Yunho enough, don’t aggrevate you brother more
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Mingi you okay?
Mingi🦄: I’m okay! Jongho has been super cuddly to me today!
Yunho🐶: What? Mingi headlocking is not cuddling
Mingi🦄: Is it not? Wooyoung always does to me!
Yunho🐶: me and wooyoung will have word about that topic
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Please, it was an honest mistake…
Seonghwa🌸: Okay, who made all the noises? Confess now, I won’t make you scrub the toilet
San🗻: I think it Yeosang, he was screaming with Yunho about dumb game
Yeosang🍗: I didn’t scream, you probably dreaming. Remember what you learnt in our detective class
San🗻: Oh was I dreaming?
Yunho🐶: San remember me and Yeosang never causes trouble. It is probably wooyoung making all the noise
San🗻: But I could have sworn, I heard you and Yeosang
Yeosang🍗: San, it is in your imagination. Remember me telling you and wooyoung to shut up
San🗻: Wooyoungie, I think we woke Jongho up
San🗻: I did scream, when you touched Toby
Yunho🐶: It’s okay, San we know it was an accident. Eomma will forgive you right?
Seongwha🌸: It was San then…Why is jongho saying he keeps on hearing tapping noises
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Becuase it was them! They are trying to trick San taking the blame
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: Listen, as long I am here! San won’t get played like that!! Even the though he ignores me…
San🗻: I’m so confused, I’m sorry if I screamed too loud. I promise now on, I will balance my time between wooyoung and Toby
Wooyoung🐈‍⬛: On second thought, sannie it’s alright. Don’t do it again
Yunho🐶: Wow, such fast change in tone
Seonghwa🌸: If it’s San and seems really sorry. I guess he won’t be punished. Right San Appa?
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Yes, Jongho is calm and he fell asleep on my leg. It reminds me when he was little, so cuteee
After the commotion is over….
Yunho texted Yeosang saying how smart he is, due to his quick thinking.
Yeosang and Yunho Private Chat
Yunho🐶: Dude, that so smart trying to blame it on San. He literally got off punish free
Yeosang🍗: I told you, if we get caught. Using San is always the best option
Yeosang🍗: Eomma, practically adores him. He wouldn’t have the guts to pull it off
Yunho🐶: Even though we made all of the noise…
Yeosang🍗: We in tight match! We can’t let YangYang and his bro Hendery win!
Yunho🐶: The thought of them winning scares me. I saw the penalty of losing and I refuse to dress up as Cinderella!!
Yeosang🍗: Thanks to our hard work! We beat them , save us for getting embarrassed and especially getting clowned by Wooyoung
Yunho🐶: I swear Wooyoung always knows what is going on? But San somehow rescued the situation unintentionally
Yeosang🍗: B e c a u s e he is the mastermind of the choas here
Yunho🐶: Bro, let’s get some sleep. I sense wooyoung is about to have go at us in
Yeosang🍗: I already got the doors locked, we can sleep assured
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hercleverboy · 3 years
spencer reid x fem! reader
summary ↠ reader and spencer come to terms with the fact that they’ve fallen out of love. 
category ↠ angst
warnings/includes ↠ arguing, slight hints to sex, falling out of love, a lot of crying
word count ↠ 3.8k
↠ so this is my submission for @railmereid ‘s writing challenge using the prompt “Do you think we could pretend?”. as soon as I saw the prompt I got the idea for this and figured i’d participate! thanks for reading! 
“Never feel guilty for starting again.” — Rupi Kaur
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Razljubit is the Russian word for the sentimental feeling you have for somone you once loved, but no longer do.
It’s a funny thing, Love. It’s been written about in countless poems, sung about in millions of songs. They tell you about how people can cheat and lie and hurt the people they were supposed to love in the most heart-breaking ways. 
But they never sing or write about the most painful scenario. 
When two people fall out of love with one another, there isn’t always a reason.
That can sometimes make it worse, the fact that it’s no one’s fault.
Because wouldn’t it just be so much easier if there was someone to blame? Someone to scream and cry and lash out at? Wouldn’t it be easier if one of them had cheated, or spewed words of venom in an argument that they could never take back? 
That’s what made it so difficult. There was no blame, no fault. Just a love now lost. 
For the last four years, Spencer and Y/N had spent near enough every waking moment together. Being with one another was all they knew and it’s all they wanted to know for the rest of their lives. 
There were countless museum trips and blushing giggles exchanged over the tops of coffee cups. With every early morning and every late night, they knew that this had to be forever. This had to be it for them. 
When Y/N met Spencer’s mother, it was one of the happiest days of his life. Diana had been having a good day, so Spencer had called up his girlfriend and asked if she’d wanted to finally meet his mother. Of course, she’d been ecstatic that he wanted to share this part of his life with her, as they’d only been dating for six months or so. Immediately, Diana fell in love with her. They spent the entire day talking, with Diana happily showing off pictures from Spencer’s youth from her scrapbook. Once it was time to go, his mother had pulled Y/N into a hug, telling her how thankful she was that she had taken good care of her son. Y/N moved to stand by the door to give Spencer the space to bid his mother goodbye. When Diana pulled her son into her arms, she whispered into his ear the words he’d never forget. “She’s the one, Spencer. Don’t you ever let her go.”
It was only a few weeks after that that Y/N finally met Spencer’s team. They’d quickly figured out that he had a girlfriend, though he’d expressed how he wanted to wait until he was ready to introduce her, and the team didn’t push him. Though, when they met her, they fell in love with her too. Y/N was just that kind of person, magnetic, passionate. To be near her was to love her. The first time they met Y/N, they’d gone to their usual bar for drinks after work, and Spencer had decided that he was ready to introduce his beloved to the team. Sometime later, Y/N excused herself to the toilet. Spencer had turned nervously toward his team, waiting for their impressions. Morgan spoke first, “Pretty Ricky, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were wrapped around her finger.” Emily had chimed in with, “Yeah, Reid. You better marry that girl before someone else does.” Garcia had been the last to speak, already four fruity cocktails in. She’d grasped Spencer by his shoulders, looking him in the eyes. “Okay so Y/N is my new best friend now. You better not break her heart, you hear me?” She’d slurred, to which Spencer had chuckled. “I won’t, Garcia. Not to her. Never her.”
They would dance together in the early hours of the morning, when sleep was so close yet so far out of their reach. The sound of Elvis Presley’s ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You’ would quietly play from the record player in the living room, the pair swaying together to the soft beat. They didn’t exchange much conversation, simply just basking in one another’s warmth, enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms. Spencer would hold her tightly to his chest, rest his head on top of hers. It was simply bliss. 
After spending hours between the sheets, they’d stay up together, his arms around her and her head resting on his chest as she absentmindedly drew shapes across his skin. They’d giggle over silly things, talk about their future; marriage, buying a house that would become their forever home, raising a family together. “I like talking about this. With you.” He’d whisper, looking up at the ceiling. “You do? Why?” She’d question. “Because it grounds me. Reminds me that with all the horrific things I see on a daily basis, there’s still good in this world. There’s still purity in the form of children, happiness and kindness and love —” He’d paused, reaching down to grab one of her hands in his. “It reminds me that this — this is the life I’m fighting for. The chance to come home to you, our kids, and know that everything I do is making the world just that little bit safer for the people I love.” He’d smiled. “If I can do that,” He’d grinned, “then it will have been a pretty good life.” 
Their relationship was great, brilliant even, for the most part. Though, some nights were worse than others. “You’re never here!” She’d exclaim, pain in her voice. He’d scoff, crossing his arms as he got defensive like he usually did. “You knew that would be the case when we got together four years ago! Why is it suddenly a problem now?” “Because how are we supposed to build a life together, have a family, if you’re always halfway across the country? Too busy to even call me and tell me you’re still alive!” She’d spit, venom in her words that burned his skin like acid. “Oh, I’m sorry that the serial killer we were hunting down couldn’t spare five minutes for me to give you a call. Perhaps I should ask them next time!” 
Eventually, after the dust had settled and with the weight of the words exchanged between them, they’d apologise. “I’m sorry. I know I’m gone a lot and I know it’s tough on you, I should’ve been more considerate.” “No, no. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled like that. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. I love you.” “I love you too.”
No matter how vicious their fights could be sometimes, they always came from a place of worry. After all, the arguments weren’t the reason they fell out of love. 
And for a long time, this life fulfilled them both. 
Until the day came that it didn’t. 
They’d been together for so many years that all they knew was one another. Y/N was Spencer’s first proper relationship. She’d taught him how to love, how it felt to be loved in return. For four years they knew nothing but waking up together, falling asleep together. They spent so long on late night phone calls when Spencer was away on a case, spent countless mornings in bed just relaying ‘I love you’s over and over. They were both young, in love with the idea of love. 
They spent so long being in love that it took them some time to recognise when they’d fallen out of it. 
Once they both hit that realisation, however, the relationship didn’t end. Not yet anyway. They both danced around the topic, refusing to accept what they knew to be true. Their mornings were no longer full of loving kisses and gentle touches. Instead, a simple forced smile and awkward laugh with a small “have a good day” as Spencer headed off to work. He’d come home, and they’d eat together in silence. Then she’d go and busy herself with cleaning up while Spencer resumed reading or researching. When bedtime came, he’d lean over and plant a single kiss on her forehead before shuffling further onto his side of the mattress and turning away from her, and she would do the same.
When he was away for cases, he texted sometimes so she at least knew he was still alive. However, gone were the nights spent on the phone, him in his hotel room whispering in a hushed tone how badly he missed her. No more early morning texts that exclaimed his excitement at coming home.
And after months of dancing around the ashes of a love that once burned so bright, it finally came to a head. They could no longer deny the inevitable. 
They’d simply fallen out of love.
Each of them berated themselves for allowing this to continue on for so long. really, they were both just afraid of what life would be like without one another. It would be like starting back at square one. They’d had their whole lives mapped out ahead of them, and they just simply didn’t know what the future held for them, if not each other. 
This was the girl Spencer had been so sure he’d marry. Now she was going to become a complete stranger. 
That was something else that worried them both. Would they be friends after this? Even if things hadn’t worked out for them, would it hurt to see one of them find someone else? Start a life with someone that in a different universe, could’ve been them? Would the reminder of the future they could’ve had together if things had been different painfully jab at them each time they saw one another?
One evening, they stood together in the small kitchen after dinner. They were silent, (conversation didn’t flow like it used to before) and Y/N busied herself with washing the plates. The only interaction the pair had was when Y/N’s fingers would brush Spencer’s as she passed him the plates so he could dry them and place them in the cabinets. Both of their hearts sank at the lack of a spark as their fingertips touched. They felt nothing. 
The only thing to break the silence was the sound of the tap running, and when Y/N had washed the final plate and passed it to Spencer, she turned off the running stream and let the silence that had suffocated the couple for months resume. 
She stood for a moment, as did he. For the first time in months, neither one left the room. With a deep breath, she turned around to face him, her hands reaching behind her to hold the counter in a grip she was sure she would need to survive this painful conversation. 
The day that Spencer realised was two months ago. 
He and the team had been away on a case, and they’d been gone for an entire week. He had called Y/N once, just to confirm he was on a case and didn’t know when he would be back. No further communication happened between the couple. Oh, how desperately Spencer missed the texts she’d send every day he was away, the phone calls whenever he wasn’t too busy. 
Once the case wrapped up, he realised how he didn’t feel the usual excitement as he boarded the jet to come home. He didn’t text her to tell her he was coming home. He felt guilty. He used to be so animated on the jet home, knowing he was going back to her. It even got to the point where he’d annoy the rest of the team with his constant rambles about how thrilled he was to be going home, how much he’d missed his girl. 
When had that feeling gone away? 
Would it ever come back? 
When they landed back at the BAU, instead of heading straight back home like he used to, like he should’ve, he went and sat as his desk for a full two hours, contemplating everything in his head before finally heading home. On his way out of the bullpen, he ignored the looks of concern he got from Hotch and Rossi. The team knew something was seriously wrong, but no one wanted to be the first to overstep and ask what was going on. Stepping through the doors of the apartment, he registered how it no longer felt like coming home. Despite being in the apartment that the pair had bought together, the home he lived in with the woman he was supposed to be madly in love with, he’d never felt further from home before. 
In fact, he felt nothing. 
It frightened him. 
Of course, at first he denied it. The idea that he was falling out of love with her was ridiculous, right? Perhaps this was just another bump in the road of their relationship, one that they’d overcome and come out the other end stronger than ever before. It truly seemed ridiculous. Not even three months earlier, Spencer had been looking at engagement rings, agonising over which one would be perfect for her. 
But now? That all seemed so far away. Floating just out of his reach. 
He glanced over to the other side of the bed one night, where she laid next to him. 
His eyes raked over her frame, sleeping soundly with her back facing him. His heart broke as the realisation hit him like a train. 
He didn’t love her anymore. 
The day that Y/N realised was two months ago. 
Spencer had gotten the call that there was an urgent case and was scrambling around the apartment to grab his things before he was late. Y/N stood in the kitchen staring at a blank space whilst she held her mug of tea in her hands. Spencer popped his head into the kitchen, gaining her attention. She grinned over at him as he walked toward her. He quickly placed a kiss on her lips, murmuring a small ‘Love you’ before turning and leaving. 
When she heard the apartment door close behind him, she sighed as she set her mug back down on the countertop. She missed the sparks that used to fly between them every time they kissed, how the touch of his lips used to set her body on fire. Butterflies would soar in her stomach, his touch alone making her weak in the knees. Dread filled her as she noticed how kissing him goodbye had begun to feel more like a chore than a declaration of her love. 
She stopped being bothered when he didn’t call her for days while he was away. She used to get pretty upset over it, always paranoid that something bad had happened whenever he didn’t call or text. She wasn’t fazed at how he was coming home hours after she knew the jet had already landed (courtesy of updates from one miss Penelope Garcia.) 
Of course, she still cared for him and worried about him, but she didn’t feel that ache in her chest that she used to, the one that could only be soothed by his presence, his arms around her so that she could feel home. 
She only began to register what had really happened when the only way she could justify not breaking up with him at that moment was by replaying old memories in her head. 
She would fall asleep reliving memories of the first time they met, how beautifully awkward their first date had been, the day he’d asked her to be his— as if the same man wasn’t sleeping centimetres away from her. She was in love with their memories, in love with how happy she’d been for four years, how she thought she’d feel that way forever. She grasped a hold of the warmth that filled her as she remembered the first time he’d kissed her, wanting to cling to that feeling forever. 
But now, she only felt cold. 
In fact, she felt nothing. 
It frightened her. 
She glanced over at him one night as they were sat together on the couch. He was sat at the opposite end, his nose deep in his copy of War and Peace. 
She knew it then, in that moment, as she watched him push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. 
She didn’t love him anymore. 
She gripped the kitchen counter tightly, finally looking up to meet his eyes for the first time in weeks. 
Though, something unexpected happened. (After all, they’d never been the most conventional couple.)
He smiled at her, and she effortlessly gave once back. They were the most genuine smiles they’d worn in what felt like a long time. They continued looking at one another, until Spencer broke into a little chuckle. She began to laugh along with him, both of them snickering at the absurdity of the situation they’d created together. It was one of those situations where if they didn’t laugh, they’d likely cry. 
Their laughter eventually died down; the silence they’d grown accustom to filling the room again. 
Spencer was the first to speak, sighing before clearing his throat. “It’s uh— It’s over, isn’t it?” 
Y/N just nodded sadly. “I’m sorry.” 
She meant it, too. She was sorry for a lot of things. She was sorry for falling out of love with a man who would’ve once given her the world had she have asked for it, sorry for letting them cling to something that had burned out long ago. 
“No, don’t be sorry.” Spencer assured her. “It’s not your fault, and it’s not mine either. It just— happened.”
Spencer looked at her with an unimaginable sadness in his eyes, also laced with the slightest bit of guilt. He opened his arms, inviting her into a hug. 
She gladly accepted, putting her arms around his waist, and resting her head on his shoulder. His arms came around her, enveloping her in a warmth that she hadn’t felt in so long. 
The feeling made her begin to sob, and Spencer did too, the understanding of what was happening finally hitting them full force. Together they stood in their kitchen, crying on one another’s shoulders. Together, they let go of all the despair they’d been holding onto for so long. 
When they finally pulled back, Spencer pressed a kiss to her forehead, a loving gesture he’d always done to show her how much he cared. 
She gave a weak smile up at him, wiping her cheeks. “I think I’ll always love you, Spencer.”
His voice quivered as he spoke, struggling not to let it get caught in his throat. “I think I’ll always love you too.”
Whilst they were no longer in love, they still loved and cared for one another deeply.
She took a deep breath before moving back a few paces. “Okay then. I’ll um, I’ll grab some of my things and stay with a friend for tonight. Then I can drop by tomorrow and grab the rest of my things.” 
He nodded, feeling an odd mix of relief and grief fill him. Relief, because they finally had let one another go after holding onto something that had faded long ago. And grief, because although the blossoming flowers of their love had withered over the years, they were still a successful couple. They were so very in love once that nothing else had mattered. He grieved for the future they could have had, the children of theirs he would’ve been delighted to raise with her by his side.
But it simply wasn’t meant to be.
Within twenty minutes, Y/N was stood by the door with a suitcase full of her stuff. She looked up at him, an awkwardness settling over them. What were they supposed to say? Was there anything that could be said? 
“I, um, I don’t know what I’ll do without you here.” Spencer whispered out, his voice wavering. It was funny, he thought, that he knew so many words in so many languages and yet he couldn’t find one that encompassed everything he wanted to say. “I mean, I’m not sure I remember what my life was like without you in it.”
“I know.” Y/N whispered back, managing still to give him a smile despite everything. “Me either. But we’ll be okay.” She slowly reached up, her arms coming around him and pulling him into a tight hug. 
He hugged her back, gripping fistfuls of the back of her jumper as though that would be enough to hold them together, to glue back the pieces of a relationship that had long broken apart. 
“Thank you, Spence. For everything you gave me over the last four years. I was so incredibly happy with you.” 
He let out a breath as they pulled apart, a sob escaping his lips no matter how hard he’d tried to hold it back. “I was with you too.”
She nodded with a smile, bending down to grab her suitcase, and reaching for the doorknob. Though she didn’t make it far, as Spencer had reached out his own hand, grasping her arm gently. 
“Wait—“ He started. She frowned, turning to face him again. 
“Do you think we could pretend?” He mumbled, his eyes searching hers. When he caught on to the confusion she held in hers, he elaborated. “Just— just for tonight? Could we pretend that you still love me, and I still love you?” 
She shook her head with a sad smile. “We can’t keep holding on to this, Spence. It’ll do much more harm than good if I stay.” 
He nodded, because he knew that she was right, though his grip on her arm only tightened. “Please. Just stay for tonight. I’ve slept in the same bed with you nearly every night for the last four years. Please, just one last time?” His voice was thick with emotion, begging and pleading. 
How could she refuse him? 
She hesitantly nodded, allowing him to grip her hand and take her towards the bedroom they’d called theirs for so long. They climbed in, her head resting on his chest as his arms wove around her. 
Because even if they weren’t in love anymore, he was still losing her. Even if they weren’t in love anymore, she was still his best friend.
Spencer worried for how they would navigate a friendship after so many years of being more. Though, he pushed the thoughts from his head, and instead focused on the moment. They could worry about everything else in the morning. But for now, he was going to hold the woman he used to love for what he knew would be the last time.
This was not them just falling out of love, it was them letting one another go. It was moving on to better and greater things that awaited them.
As he drifted off into slumber, he reminded himself that you do not walk back through a closed door. You open a new one and continue on your way.
permanent taglist: @beyonces-breastmilk @pinkdiamond1016 @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @thelovelyrose @averyhotchner @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @reidyoulikeabook @katexrichardson @jemimah-b99 @devilsarchive
spencer reid taglist: @reidtome
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wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
Momo Yayorozu is a lesbian and just doesn’t know it yet.
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my computer died half way through writing this and none of it saved so while I love momo I am done with it. 
Omega! Yayorozu x Alpha! Reader. 
warnings: light smut, 
word count: 2,300 (about)
summary: You and momo are good friends, you just wished you were a little more.
Yayorozu’s hands were unusally soft for a hero. I mean you’d think with all the fighting she did that she would have at least a few callouses on her hands but no, they were always so soft. Not that you were all that surprised, she probably had some fancy lotion that cost a fortune and worked miracles. Her hands were on you now, slowly working out the kinks in your shoulders. 
“You really need to be more careful (y/n) you could seriously hurt yourself if you keep trying to spar while you aren’t properly stretched out,” she scolded lightly. You knew she was right, but if this was the treatment you get for not stretching, you couldn’t complain. Her scent was soft, like cherry blossoms and citrus. 
“Not that I don’t apricate this Momo, but people might get the wrong idea if you stay so close to an Alpha,” you warned and felt her freeze for a minute. 
“I don’t care, Everyone knows were just friends anyway,” she said and you felt a sharp spear pierce your heart. that’s right, you were just friends. And of course, no one would think twice about Momo rubbing your shoulders, she was straight after all. 
The two of you were still surprisingly close for an Alpha and Omega to be. It hurt a little bit each time she took your hand in hers, or cuddled up next to you during class movie nights. 
Even though you had no chance, it was hard not to fall in love with her. 
“(y/n)?” Momo prompted and you realized she had asked you something while you were spacing out.
“Sorry what was that?” you asked 
“Do you want to get boba?” she asked picking up her gym bag and you followed her. 
“Sure,” you agreed and a wide smile spreading across her face making your heart do funny things. “my treat,” you added. and her smile evaporated turning into a stubborn pout.
“(y/n) why do you never let me spoil you?” she whinned hanging off your arm dramatically maing you chuckle. you placed your hand on her lower back steadying her.
“Come on Momo it’s just my Alpha instinct, You don’t want to hurt my pride do ya?” you shrugged and she huffed. 
“Okay but I’m paying next time,” she said and you agreed placidly.
The boba shop wasn’t too far from the gym you worked out at, momo staid on your arm as you walked. She leaned her head on your shoulder as you waited in line making your heart skip a beat. you looked around the small boba shop at the other people, and you wondered if they thought you were a couple. 
“Hey (y/n) will you order for me? I need the bathroom,” Momo said squeezing your hand and pulling away from you. instantly you missed her closeness.
“sure,” you said with a nod. and turned your attention back to the line thinking about what she would want. Normally she got the brown sugar milk tea but maybe you’d surprise her with the caramel one instead. 
You placed your order and waited patiently for your name to be called, then you felt a small tap on your shoulder. When you turned you saw a short yellow-haired omega girl looking up at you, a bright pink blush across her round cheeks. 
“Can I help you?” you asked polielty, 
“Oh! sorry I was just wondering if that girl you were with was your mate,” she asked and you did your best not to grimace. It wasn’t her fault so there was no use getting mad at her. 
“No, we’re just friends,” you admitted. She beamed 
“Oh! well my name is Peko and uhm i just think you’re gorgeous and I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me?” She offered, for an omega she was certainly bold. Suddenly Momo was back at your side, her hand taking its place in yours. 
“A friend of yours?” she asked. you squeezed her hand and turned your attention back to Peko.
“I’m sorry, you seem like a very sweet Omega but I’m a UA student and I’m too busy to date anyone right now, I’m sorry,” you said and winced as she deflated. 
“It’s alright, It was nice to meet you!” she said before scurrying over to her own friends. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make things awkward,” Momo said 
“Don’t worry about it,” you said with a shrug then to lighten the mood you elbowed her lightly. 
“Rejecting girls isn’t any big deal for a heartbreaker like me,” you teased wiggling your eyebrows
“Oh how could I forget Omega’s just love you don’t they,” she giggled. 
Momo couldn’t stop thinking about your interactions today. For some reason it felt wrong to see you with another Omega, one that was flirting with you no less. and even though you had said it as a joke, she couldn't help but think that you really were a “babe magnet” as Denki would put it. It made her uncomfortable for some reason. 
Maybe it was because if you stopped spending so much time with her you would have enough time for a mate. No, you were her best friend, you wouldn't just drop her like that, even if your future mate demanded it. Momo knew that if her future Alpha ever suggested she spend less time with you she would drop him in a heartbeat. No Alpha was worth losing you over. but what if you didn’t feel the same way about her? the idea gnawed at her.
While she had never asked it, Momo had always sort of assumed the two of you would stick together after graduation, maybe even move in together once you both started working. She could very clearly see herself coming home to you after a long day of work and relaxing in your arms. or dancing around the kitchen together while you thought her how to cook. 
But maybe that was just a fantasy in her head.
 Her skin felt hot, itchy. Signs of her upcoming heat. She started moving around the room picking at her nest and rearranging it lightly. it was made of soft blankets and stuffed animals on her enormous bed. and at the heart of her nest was a collection of items you’d scented for her. 
There were other items scented by alphas, but they were on the outskirts of her bed. None of them offered the comfort your scent did. Fermilar, soft, warm, protective. She wondered if she’d ever find an Alpha who smelled as good as you did. 
Her phone buzzed and she saw you had texted her. You wished her a good night, and told her that you would be stopping by after class to check on her, so she should text you if she needed anything. Momo smiled and wondered if she could sucker you into to Facetiming with her so she could fall asleep with you. She knew you would, You always spoiled her when she was this close to her heat. You were going to make some omega really happy one day.
Momo woke up late the next day, a dull ache set in to her whole body. She whimpered and checked her phone. Just another text from you telling her good morning and reminding her to text if she needed anything. She really did love you, as much as a best friend could love somone. 
Momo rolled on her side and brought her favorite hoodie to her nose breathing in your scent, which relaxed the pain some but also brought on a pang of longing in her core. She sighed, breathing in again, this was going to be a long day. 
You spent the whole day fidgeting and nervously tapping on your desk. It was hard to focus on the lesson being thought when your omega was out hurting. It was wrong to be so possessive of Yaoyorozu but you couldn’t help the flare of hormones that just so happened to hit you everytime she went into heat. 
You checked your phone religiously, Momo texted you as soon as she woke up telling you that she had everything she need but still wanted to see you after class. But that didn’t stop the fidgity way you checked your messages, after all you needed to know if she changed her mind. 
The second the bell rang you bolted out of the room, tearing to the dorm room grabbing a convenience store bag full of treats for her before tripping over yourself to get to her room. Even if Momo claimed she didn’t need anything you would sooner turn up dead than show up empty-handed. 
You took one deep breath before knocking at the door. 
“(y/n)?” she asked
“Yeah Princess it’s me can I come in?” you asked. Princess was a special nickname you only used when she was hurt or in heat, 
“The doors unlocked,” she replied and you took that as your queue to enter. To most Alphas, it would be maddening to walk into a room with an in heat Omega, but it was strangely calming for you. your nerves subsided as you saw Momo curled in her nest wearing one of your old hoodies. 
“You shouldn’t leave the door unlocked its dangerous,” you chided softly,  placing the bag on her side table and sitting gingerly on the edge of the bed, careful not to intrude on her nest. 
“ ‘snot dangerous, I have you to protect me,” she whinned. You alpha let out a deep internal purr. That was right, you were her alpha and you were going you protect her better than anyone else could. 
“Still you need to be careful when I’m not around Princess,”
“stop scolding me, come cuddle,” she huffed rolling her eyes and opening her arms. 
“are you sure? You want me in your nest?”
“(y/n) you make up half of my nest now come here.”  You thought about teasing her for being so bossy but decided against it. crawling over tward her and taking her warm body into your arms. Momo’s arms locked around you like a vice, you got comfortable knowing you’d be there for a while. 
she buried her nose in the crook of your neck breathing in your scent and her hands went to your hair, running her fingers through it softly. You held her just as tight, your hands trailing up and down the curve of her back.
“Missed you today,” you said into her hair, her breath tickled your neck as she spoke
“I missed you more,” 
“Now way you missed me more. You have a million things I scented for you it’s not the same,” you protested
“Did too miss you more, I’m in heat I needed my Alpha!” She shot back. you froze uner her and she pulled back, confused at your sudden change in mood. 
“Momo, you can’t say stuff like that,” you said gravely serious, then seeing the confusion on her face you contued. 
“you’re still an Omega, and one in heat for that, it does things to me when you say that,” you growled. 
Momo’s thighs clenched together, it was deeply appealing to know she could rile you up so easily.  Her hands moved to your stomach feeling the soft skin and bit her lower lip. She had never realised how much she needed to touch you. at that moment it didn’t mater to her that you were her friend, and a girl, she just wanted more of you.��
“so, It turns you on when I call you Alpha?” she asked. it was very unladylike of her, but worth it to see the blood rush to your face,
“or is it the needing you part? because that was true I needed you so badly all day Alpha,” before she could even blink you had fliped her onto her back and crashed your mouth to hers. She responded eagerly, kissing you with a passion she didn’t even know she had. It was exhilarating to kiss you and feel your body press down on hers. it felt right.But as soon as it started it ended.
“Damn it,” you growled, angry at yourself for losing control. you forced yourself off the bed leaving momo dazed behind. Your mouth still buzzed, it had been everything you had ever dreamed of to kiss her. 
“I’m sorry Momo,” you said running your hand through your hair. “I should go,” you said, the smell was starting to get to you in a way it never had before, every instinct was telling you to kiss her again. 
“wait, (y/n) please,” she called, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back, she was too close and you pounced again. Kissing her ferociously, your tongue slipping past her soft pink lips. you moaned into her touch before ripping yourself away again. Fuck she was delicious. 
“I can’t control myself, I need to go,” you growled. 
“I love you (y/n) please stay. I want you to kiss me like that, I meant it when I said I needed you,” she pleaded, tears forming in her perfect gray eyes. you whipped her eyes and kissed her softly. 
“you mean that Princess?” you asked against her mouth, your hands lost in her thick black hair. she nodded, leaning in to kiss you this time. 
“I love you so much,” she said you pushed her back, laying yourself out across her chest. as you savored her kisses. 
“I’ve loved you for the longest time,” you said. 
“then you’ll keep kissing me?” she asked making you laugh. 
“mmhmm babygirl I’m all yours.”
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claire-de-lune · 4 years
Alright here's my season:
Kato is an up and coming WOC influencer in Antwerp. She seems perfect (cue Amber freaking out over her in the first ep) but she's self conscious about being on the autism spectrum. She doesn't want anyone to know bcs she doesn't want to get on top bcs ppl feel "sorry for her", she's experienced enough of that, plus prejudice in her lifetime and sees social media as a way to portray the "beautiful" and "likeable" parts of herself. These are the possible storylines that could branch from that:
- the girl squad are the only true friends she's ever had, but she needs to let down some walls so they can truly get to know her, this is real life, the girls aren't looking at her profile, and Kato slowly understand that (here comes the seems perfect thing)
- white influencers are getting more clout and brand deals. (idk maybe she gets invited to a photoshoot thing but realises she's only there as a token minority)
- small things, like her getting educated about the #bodypositivity thing and why posting a picture of herself in a bikini in Greece does nothing for the hashtag or smth like that
- Kato learns to embrace all parts of herself and realises the toxicity and fakeness of SM. In the end she could become very outspoken about mental health, using her platform to raise awareness about issues she cares about (such as BLM)
Then, we could still add Moyo to the mix. They meet and we start the same way with him getting all big Macho upset that she rejected him and then someone from the girl squad calling him out on his behaviour and starts to reflect. Part of his side plot could be him apologizing to Kato for treating her badly and the two could form a friendship. This is how it would play out:
- Moyo apologizes and the two start talking more and more, building a friendship
- we learn more about Moyo's family life and why he lives dancing so much. This in turn helps Kato find her passion, dancing. Moyo could offer to teach her some moves and that's how she starts getting more involved in his life, meeting his dance friends and stuff.
- towards episode 7 they could kiss and get together, after slowly building a friendship that later turned into something more.
- Kato gets two things out of this. Her new found passion for dance and a boyfriend. They would take things slow bcs neither of them wants to fuck up and this would transition into S5, where we would see their bond be stronger after spending so much time building on it.
There's so much more but my fingers are tired of typing lmao
Oooo, I really like it. I love the part you said about her not wanting people to feel sorry for her because of her mental health or anything else because she’s experiences prejudice before. That would have been so nice to see somone who isn’t interested he Tupac all social media girl look make their way up, but still have their own struggles. Also the white influencers getting more deals and clout would have been amazing, seeing the struggle and hard work she puts in. Much harder than the other influencers who don’t look like her. Her speaking out on mental health a bf BLM instead of just the phycial beauty and perfectness aspect of being an influencer. 😩😩 that would’ve been sooo good. And her love story with Moyo I would’ve loved to see it. Your story is 10000000x better than anything WTFOCK could’ve come up with. And I would’ve loved to learn more about Moyo through her 😔
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fluffychubbyrose · 4 years
Monkey King Wukong Sun x Confident Reader.
One Shot.
Warnings- Wukong may be O.C., Language, Slight violence, Reader gets jump scared, and mostly SFW hints at NSFW.
I'm so sorry it took so long but I hope you like it.
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I've been apart of Wukongs group for awhile now. I joined him and the others Liuer, An An, and Bajue on his journey after trolls attacked my village and took what little I had away from me when they destroyed my house. He won't admit it, but he was shocked and admired my bravery and selflessness when he found me barely out running the trolls on one of the paths leading them away from the village that fateful day. He attacked and was able to defeat all three of them single handedly without any help. That day my house was simply collateral damage from the trolls tearing up the village in search of more children to take.
(Flashback to first meeting Wukong.)
I knew the only children left where hiding but with the speed of which the trolls where tearing down the houses they would find them in no time. So instead of running and hiding like the rest of the village people were, I decided the only chance for the village surviving this attack was to distract the trolls and lead them away.
The only way I was able to convince the horrendous trolls to take chase was by wrapping up bundles of the children's clothing in blankets and running with one in each arm past the trolls like I was desperately trying escape from them with my two children. Luckily with a little acting on my part faking to cry and scream in terror before running away was enough for the trolls to take chase after me and my "children".
Though I cannot lie because not all of my terror was false especially when the trolls where catching up after me when they saw me and scented the children's clothes in my arms. I ran for what felt like forever but couldn't have been more than a few minutes and even with the sharp and sudden turns I was making down different paths they were quickly gaining on me. That's when I noticed somone else up the path and I fear I may have just cost this unsuspecting man his life.
That fear I had for his life didn't last for long though when he saw the trolls behind me and watched with wide eyes as one lashed out snagging and tearing the back of my shirt I yelp and try to run faster when the man started running not away from them like anyone else would have, no he ran right past me and at the trolls. I stopped running shortly after and whipped around in shock. I was only able to watch what I was certain to be this delusional and crazy mans death. But then I saw the struggle going on and soon realized it was this man that I should have been running from along with the trolls after watching first hand how he skillfully attacked and defeated the beasts with strength and ease.
Soon after the shock of the situation started to wear off and I dropped my dummy "children" placing my hands on my knees gasping for air from my run and struggling not to pass out from a lack of oxygen. All while still gaping in shock at this mysterious man. It wasn't until he approached me that I realized that this was no man, monster, or beast, but instead was Dasheng.
I stared in bewilderment wondering if the trolls had indeed caught up and left me fatality wounded on the path and that's why I'm hallucinating so vividly. I heard a child gasp before I saw them. I look to my right glancing away from Dasheng to see a young boy with a baby strapped to his little back crouched down by the dummies unwrapping and checking to see if I hurt what he thought to be children when I carelessly dropped them moments before.
"What the? Their fake?" The young boy asks looking up at me with confusion. "Yeah their fake. It was the only way to lure the trolls out of my village and away from the real children. I was trying to keep them safe and keep anymore of them from being taken by the trolls." I managed to gasp out still breathless and light headed, my heart refusing to calm even though the danger has past.
"They would have killed you when they realized they were fake and went back and taken those children anyways your more foolish than clever." Dasheng snaps out giving me an angered but surprised look that I wasn't able to completely decipher. "Wukong! I don't think she was foolish she was sacrificing herself for her village she was being very brave and honorable." A pig looking man huffed out at Dasheng. 'Huh I guess that's Dashengs name. I wonder where that pig man was this whole time? Was he hiding from the trolls or did he just get left behind when Dasheng ran away from them to attack the trolls?'
"Bajie is right she's very brave and I think she's clever! She outsmarted the trolls didn't she?" The little boy says pouting and looking up at Wukong. My heads still spinning from everything that's happened but I stand up and I'm about to give Wukong a snide remark for calling me foolish when I feel a cool breeze on my back.
I frown in confusion until I remember the troll slashing my shirt with his claws. My face burns and I cross my arms over my chest to prevent my shirt from falling forward anymore than it already has and revealing more than I'd like too in front of strangers and a child no less. "I'm Liuer and this is- Oh that's pretty how did you get that flower to stay on your back like that?" The little boy says quickly bouncing around me in excitement trying to get a better view of the lotus flower tattooed on my back that is now exposed for all to see.
"Hey knock it off!" Wukong snapped Liuer giving him an embarrassed and annoyed glare before quickly looking away. Liuer just ignored him and continued to circle around me excitedly trying to get a better look at the tattoo on my back. I just smiled at him weakly feeling faint. "I need to go back to my village and let everyone know that the trolls are gone. At least for now." I managed to mumble out with my vision getting blurry. "Fine hurry up we were heading there for the night anyways." Grumps out in a hiss. "And for more food!" Bajie says excitedly.
I start walking back to the village with Wukong and his two followers in tow. I glance at him a few times during our journey back to the village and he won't meet my eyes now that he's noticed my ripped shirt. He has his arms raised with his hands intertwined behind his head walking on my right side with Liuer inbetween us and Bajie in front of us rambling on about different foods he hopes my village has for him to eat. I smirk softly smug that I made the great Dasheng embarrassed by showing only a little skin and a bit of cleavage. Though I'd rather it be on my own terms to show off this much of my body at once, I'm not displeased by his reaction.
(End of flashback.)
I'm smiling from the memory of our first meeting while laying my bedroll down near the fire at our camp for the night. We found an abandoned kingdom one of many since the troll and monster attacks started years ago, to set up camp in for the night.
We have been traveling for days on end only stopping to refill our water gourds, relieve ourselves, and to set up camp for the night. Then we eat, sleep, and repeat. So everyone is thoroughly exhausted besides Wukong of course. The mischievous monkey king seems to have a never endless supply of energy, along with an almost always present sour attitude.
He gets frustrated easily and likes to push people away rather than let them get close to him. He's tried to get rid of me countless times when I decided I was going to join him in his journey by constantly saying rude and snide remarks about me and quite literally ditching me in the forest several times but non of it phased me and I always found them again.
Recently I've been the only one able to get past the cold exterior of his, because if anyone ignores it and the rude comments he says they can see just how soft and caring he can be. Granted those moments are rare and far between it's still there, just masked so well most people can't see it and they'll choose to believe it never existed in the first place because of it.
"Oi what are you doing?" Wukong hisses baring his fangs a little and yanks my bedroll away from the fire and places it a good 6ft away from where it had been. "Hey what the hell!? I'm trying to set everything up so I can get some sleep soon I'm exhausted!" I snapped with a glare mad that he just messed up all my stuff. My blankets are all strewn about and my makeshift pillow fell off the roll when he dragged it away, so now it's laying in the dirt and dust that has accumulated on the abandoned kingdoms floor.
I stand up and snatch my pillow off the ground dusting it off and placing it back on my bed roll and then I make a move to, move it closer to the fire again because the stone floor is cold and there's a cold bite to the air tonight. But near the fire its warm and so are the stones which would make sleep tonight come much quicker and be much more pleasant. But before I can move it back Wukongs foot slams down onto the middle of my bedroll and refuses to budge despite my tugging.
I sigh heavily not in the mood to fight with him. This is one of those moments where outsiders would see Wukong as only a rude and crass man. But I know he's doing this for a reason, he isn't one to just be cruel to someone for the fun of it despite how he acts. I'm about to ask what that reason is when he sighs out while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"You move that back and I wont help you when your bed catches fire tonight from being so close!" When he finished speaking he pulled his foot off my bed and walked away. My eyes widen in suprise at what he says and I huff knowing he's right I was too close and with stone floors any embers will just blow across the floor right at my very flammable bedding rather than landing on the ground and staying there until they burn out like they normally would. Instead of moving it back like I want to I decide to leave it where its at.
I can still feel the heat of the fire after all so it isn't that big of a deal it'll just take a little while to heat up my bedroll to a comfortable temperature with the cold stones below me. I'm about to get under my blankets and get some rest before it's my turn to keep watch after Bajie in a few hours when a blanket is thrown and hits me in the back of the head.
I gasp and whip around angrily seeing Wukong quickly slipping under his own blankets on his bedroll acting like he didn't just throw one of his blankets at me and hit me in the head with it while doing so. "What the fuck was that for!?" I snarled lowly trying not wake Liuer and An An who have been asleep since we started to set up camp. "So you won't catch your ass on fire! Now go to sleep!" He hisses his voice a pitch or two higher than normal as if he's embarrassed. I look at his back that's turned towards me with surprise that he would give me one of his blankets so I wouldn't be cold.
I hold up the tan colored blanket in my hands, it's the thickest blanket he has. He was even bragging about it when he got it just a few weeks ago, very much so full of himself and smug that he got such a deal for it that it was basically free. I hug it close to my chest for a moment feeling a warmth spread throughout me with a small smile on my face because even though his aim wasn't the best and his remark on it wasn't the nicest he just gave me his favorite blanket. Actions speak louder than words after all.
I lay down with the thick heavy blanket on top of me smelling faintly like Wukong. I snuggle further into my bedroll curling the blankets around myself tighter yawning before finally feeling safe and warm enough to fall asleep. My rest was dreamless, but deep and undisturbed until I woke up in what felt like only minutes of being asleep but must have been hours because Bajie was lightly shaking my shoulder to wake me and let me know it's now my turn to get up and keep watch for the rest of the night.
I didn't know just how exhausted I really was until I was woken up looking at Bajie with blurry eyes and confusion written all over my face. My body felt hot and heavy and I had to struggle to sit up out of my makeshift bed grumpy because I was sleeping so hard and well. Since the trolls first attacked my village I haven't been able to slip into that deep of a sleep because every little thing or noise would wake me up.
I was so scared something would happen while I was asleep thinking I wouldn't be able to protect myself if I allowed myself to sleep soundly. So sleep was light and restless because of my stress and paranoia of sudden attacks from the trolls. So the fact that a deep sleep came so easily to me tonight is a pleasant surprise and I'm non to happy with having it interrupted. My body is screaming at me to lay back down and escape back into the peaceful bliss of sleep once more.
I watch with a confused pout as Bajie slumps down onto his pile of blankets he calls a bed. I sigh heavily and stretch knowing I have to get up and keep watch just in case something happens, knowing seeing the threat first and being able to prepare for it is much better than being taken by surprise. I stand up still feeling confused, wondering about what was different about tonight and how I slept so soundly that I didn't even here Bajie approach which would have been easy for even a deep sleeper to hear, because while Bajie has good intentions most of the time, being quite is not one of his strong suits or something he tries to be for that matter.
The only difference I can think of would be Wukongs blanket. I flush at the thought feeling like my skin is burning. There's no way I took that much comfort from such a simple thing as having someone else's blanket and scent wrapped around me while I slept. I shake my head at the thought and glance over at Wukongs bedroll to see that he's not there.
I whip around looking for him around the room were in to see if maybe Bajie woke him and he was getting more fire wood for the dwindling fire but he's still no where to be seen. I walk over and reach into my pack retrieving my coat to wear since its colder than it was earlier that evening. After I slip it and my shoes on I walk over grabbing some firewood and tossing it onto the fire before leaving to take over watch for the evening, and if I'm lucky find where Wukong escaped too in the middle of the night again this time.
I search the perimeter around the part of the kingdom that we're camping out in to make sure nothing is lurking about just beyond the shadows, and when I'm satisfied with my search I start walking down one of the overgrown pathes in the middle of kingdom. I look around in awe because everything looks so fairytale like in the moon light tonight. Anyone else would probably think it's creepy or fear what they can't see in the dark and the stillness of it all would send chills up most spines but not me, I know what lurks in the dark and I'm not afraid anymore.
If those monster where to snatch me up and eat me or just plain out kill me they would have done so long ago. So the quite, moon lit, tranquil setting of this abonded kingdom is calming to me. I smile softly sitting down on a large boulder in the middle of what used to be the plaza of the kingdom.
My quite and tranquil atmosphere didn't last long when the momentarily forgotten Monkey King decided to make his presence known when I'm suddenly grabbed from behind with a hand clasped over my mouth to keep me from screaming. I squirm and thrash around trying escape my captures hold. One arm of mine is free and swing it back to elbow my attacker right in the stomach there's a loud grunt and I'm released. I jump up and whip around seeing Wukong hunched over holding his stomach with an equally playful and angered look in his eyes. "What the hell was that for!?" I yell at him more than pissed about the little stunt he just pulled on me. I walk up and hit him in the chest repeatedly both wanting and not wanting to hurt him.
He just huffed out a laugh and caught my hands in his loosely, leaning in close to my face I pull my head back but his hold on me stays. "One that didn't really hurt, and two you need to pay more attention when your on watch! You we're so zoned out, that you didn't even hear or notice me sneak up on you until I grabbed you. You could have been killed and you need to fight harder than an elbow blow to the stomach because that won't phase a troll or any other monster that attacks you and I can't let anything happen to you! Do you understand that! If you died I might as well have never left that fucking cave and this whole thing would be pointless without you here by my side!"
He's in my face as he says all this with a slight growl rumbling his chest with his fangs poking out more than usual from his snarled look. I'm shocked from what he says, angry at him for scaring me, embarrassed that I was so easily taken off guard, frustrated with him for doing this now when I've been throwing hints his way for months, and touched all at once for how much he just admitted that he cares for me even though he has a magnificent way of showing it.
My eyes widen at his confession my face feels like it's on fire and my heart is hammering inside of my chest and my frustration wins over my other emotions and I look up at him staring him right in the eye with frustration and lust. He realizes what he said and how close he is to me and his eyes widen, his ears pin to the sides of his head, and he lets go of my hands and he's about to pull away when I snatch the collar of his shirt and yank his face back down towards mine and kiss him roughly.
I move closer to him pressing my soft body against his hard one. I'm about to pull away because his lips stayed still when he growls loudly while winding his arms around me tightly, pressing close, and kissing me back just as rough. His fangs digging into the sides of my mouth sharply but not painfully. I moan and he pulls back chuckling breathlessly while I gasp trying to catch my breath. We stay holding each other tightly with our foreheads pressed together when I feel bumps under his shirt and they move. I jump slightly in shock and before Wukong figures out what I'm doing I pull back and slip my hands under his shirt, lifting it up as fast as possible before he can react or protest. What I find is his tail wrapped tightly around his torso.
I look up at him with surprise I never saw his tail before so I just assumed he didn't have one or something happened to it. I reach my hand out to touch his tail when he grabs my hands softly. "Its really sensitive, thats why I hide it, it's a weak point for me in fights. Someone can grab my tail and yank it and I would be crippled by the pain." He mumbles softly not looking me in the eye obviously embarrassed. He lets go of my hands and lets his shirt drop back down to cover his torso but he unravels his tail from around himself and it sways softly behind him. I cup his soft furry cheek in my hand and he leans into my touch with a huff. I lean forward and peck him on the lips again.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about Wukong. I honestly thought you didn't have a tail you do very well at hiding it and for good reason I don't think any less of you for it." I sigh out smiling softly up at him. He pouts and turns his head to the side but I notice his lips twitch up into a half smile and his shoulders slump down releasing the tension I didn't know he had, meaning he was worried about what I thought of him, because he was hiding his tail. "Didn't care if you did." He grumps out which obviously isn't true he secretly cares about my opinion more than he wants to admit and it makes me happy that my validation means so much to him. His arms wrap around my soft frame once more with a small tsk escaping him.
He kisses me softly almost unsurely until I bite his lip making him growl and press himself tighter to me while kissing me roughly. It didn't take long another nip or two at his bottom lip with his fangs pressed against the corners of my mouth and our tongues were battling for dominance. I was losing but not giving up easily. I move my left arm up and around his neck fisting the hair on the nape of his neck into my hand making him groan and in turn making me smirk and I'm letting him win for the moment his tongue exploring my mouth with vigor.
All while my right hand has been slowly snaking around his back and down his waist towards his tail. 'Sometimes in order to win the battle you have to play dirty.' I think when my hand finally wraps around his tail. He stops kissing me and jumps back with gasp looking at me with bewilderment. He's about to rip himself away from me when I start to softly rub his tail.
He lets out a shuttering moan that turns into a soft whimper and clasps his hand tightly around his mouth with wide eyes. I glance up at him with a surprised and sultry look and then glance back down at his tail in my hand. His hand drops from his mouth and joins his other in embracing me fully once more.
'Huh so it's "that" kind of sensitive as well.' I continue to rub softly as his hold on me tightens and his claw like nails start digging into the soft and supple flesh of my back. His fangs worrying his bottom lip and his face is contorted into pleasured frown. Despit his efforts to not make anymore noise he's rumbling softly from his chest like a deep purr. I grasp his tail a little more firmly and wrap my other hand around his hip grabbing his tail with both hands and giving it gentle squeezes and rubbing a bigger portion of it now.
He gasps and moans his hips snapping forwards towards mine impulsively and I didn't have time react I only got to hear his snarl before suddenly the wind was knocked out of me and I'm on my back on the cold stone floor of the kingdoms plaza with Wukong above me holding my hands above my head. I catch my breath and I'm about to question him when I look up into his eyes and his pupils are blown so wide I can hardly see his iris's in the moonlight and his breathing is ragged with his fangs bared in a snarl as he continues to growl lowly, he looks absolutely feral.
My breath comes out in soft desperate pants when he kisses me suddenly. Forcefully shoving his tongue inside my mouth. I moan and feel him shift just now realizing he was between my legs and decided since I already poked the bear I might as well push him over the edge completely. All it took was a raise of my hips allowing him to grind against me for him to loose control.
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cigarettesnsex · 5 years
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cigar no. 21
"to treat a gem like it's a stone..."
00: 01
Is this thing on? Hello? What the fuck Jimin it's a voice recording.
Ah, right well here's where it all started...
jimin's still holding onto yoongi's hand when taehyung's car is pulled around front. no one says anything although there's so much to be said in that moment.
the world feels out of kilter just like the universe who's no longer cradling the stars in its palms. even the air has gone stale leaving an empty feeling to float among the quiet group.
"i'm not letting you go until we get home yoongs."
"that's fine with me."
jimin looks back at taehyung and nods. the younger gets the message and gets into the driver seat of his car. both yoongi and jimin get in the back hands still interlocked. taehyung glances at them in the rear view mirror before pulling off.
namjoon and jin wave at the trio until the car can no longer be seen. jimin wants to wave back his mind is occupied by something else. it's the numbness of his mind he addresses first. quite similar to static on a tv is how jimin mind looks.
there's nothing but that distorted arrangement of black white, the constant buzzing lingering longer than necessary. it all feels like too much and nothing at all in one moment. the buildings they past by all look like a blur with tiny voices whispering to him along the way.
he wants to reach out for something yet is uncertain of what exactly. honestly speaking he's really just put himself in a corner curling into a ball in hopes that his problems will fail to see him. hopes that's reality is just a dream and he'll wake up to find the world to be better.
though no matter how dark, desolate, and disconnected the corner was he'd cling on it if even it meant losing himself in the process cause to him anything was better than facing the monsters on the other side.
and as he sits there he feels himself drifting further and further...
jimin turns his head eyes glazed over as he tries focus on the man in front of him. what he expected to be yoongi is in fact taehyung. they're parked outside the apartment complex and yoongi's hand is no longer gripping his.
"w-where's hyung?"
his voice sounds far away almost as if someone else is talking. his tongue feels heavy like it's being weighed down by the words he wishes to say.
"he's already inside. had to go check on hoseok."
"he l-left me? why did he leave me?"
jimin's bottom lip begins to tremble and taehyung's afraid he might cry any second. the look in his eye is that of a lost stargazer, eyes searching for that one star he calls home.
taehyung aims to be that home even if it's just for tonight.
"hey, babe it's okay. he's just waiting for us inside. had to get hoseok so he can see you too."
"hoseok-hyung wants to see me?"
"of course he does. you're too pretty not to gaze upon."
blushes rises the surface of jimin's cheeks. he wants to look down but taehyung is softly tugging him forward and bringing him to stand of his feet.
"do you want me to carry you?"
jimin shakes his head but grabs taehyung's hand instead. the younger sends him a warm smile before leading them up to their apartment. taehyung's unsure of what headspace jimin's entered though he guesses it's one he's been in before.
he can feel that jimin is there; however, the jimin before him is soft. it's like he's wearing a 'handle with care' label and taehyung has to be extra careful or he'll break. and that's the last thing he wants to see.
when they reach the front door jimin is standing extremely close to taehyung as if he wants to melt into the other. taehyung pulls him closer as they step through the door heading straight for jimin's room.
the older doesn't even blink when taehyung begins to remove his clothes. the process is slow, taehyung taking his time to peel his item off the smaller's body. when he's left in nothing but briefs taehyung pulls away to find an oversized shirt for him.
jimin forgot to do his laundry the other day so taehyung runs to grab one of his own shirts to put on the smaller. this seems to please jimin cause he gives a small smile in return.
"okay Jiminie do you think you can wait for me right quick? i need to go change."
jimin frowns.
"are you going to leave? i don't want you to leave too. you can't leave Tae."
taehyung feels fireworks erupt in his stomach at jimin's words. his skin burns and he feels afraid for a moment. what really happened to jimin?
What did Chul do to you?
"okay, i won't leave but you'll have to follow me."
jimin seems to be okay with this because he takes taehyung's hand as they leave the room. walking the short distance to his own taehyung enters his room and closes the door behind him.
nudging gently taehyung gets jimin to sit on his bed while he scrambles to change his clothes. during his frantic movements he fails to notice the smaller sliding underneath his duvet until only his head is visible.
when taehyung sees what's happened he can't help but smile not even hesitating to slide in beside the older. it's warm beneath the duvet as taehyung pulls jimin to his chest. pressing a chaste kiss to jimin's forehead he looks out the window.
the curtains are drawn allowing moonlight to enter the room freely. it caresses both males carefully afraid that too much could cause a disturbance. their aren't many stars about save for one shines brightly by itself.
it reminds taehyung of jimin. somone who shines so bright only to stand alone in the darkness. he can't begin to fathom what jimin has had to bear but he hopes he can ease the pain for him and eventually take it away completely.
somewhere in the distance taehyung hears a knock on the door. he doesn't bother to answer because soon enough it's opening and footsteps echoing down the hall. he's not surprised when yoongi's head is what pops into the doorway.
"how is he?"
he walks over to the bed trying to get a look at jimin who's alseep.
"he was upset that you left."
"i really do apologize for that."
taehyung doesn't say anything just looks at yoongi. anger no longer swarms his irises but instead remorse. in his hand he holds what looks to be a walkman. the faded color of yellow stands out in his hand as it glows beneath the moonlight.
the faded color shows signs of desperate use or maybe it'd been left in the sun once. either way taehyung fears it's purpose for being there.
yoongi's grip on it looks deadly, his grip a bit too tight. the moon has also grabbed his attention as he looks at it longingly. it's evident there's more than the situation weighing him down but taehyung knows he won't talk about it.
he understands it though. that instincts take everything and hide it away fearing the lurking eyes around you will notice. even though it's all you really want is someone to notice your pain.
Jimin did that. He could see my pain but I failed to see his.
the thought only makes taehyung feel even worse. he pulls jimin closer if that's even possible attempting to drown himself in the warmth.
jimin was a thousand words and more. taehyung was determined to make sure he stayed that way even if meant going through the pits of hell to do it.
he looks back at yoongi who's eyes are still trying to dissect the moon.
"what's that?"
yoongi looks down at his hand.
"it's an explanation."
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warmau · 6 years
{”Idol” Inspired AUs} Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung & Hoseok
find the other members (here) *these are based on the video, and in no means are meant to be super serious. they’re just things i came up with so enjoy ^^
objective, often brutally critical, detective 
famous for his logic and observational skills - he’s hailed as the korean equivalent of sherlock holmes
his signature thinking pose involved him with his fingers under his chin
can tell a person whole life story
just by looking at them for a total of 35 seconds
this,,,,obviously doesn’t go over well with a lot of people 
who get puffy and irritated at jin simply ‘pointing out the obvious’
every assistant he’s ever had for his cases has quit - usually in tears
storming down the stairs out of his office as jin looks absentmindedly at them go
you,,,,just graduated college with a degree in forensic sciences
you’re not at all interested in being someones assistant - but for the time being you have to pay rent and therefore
you answer the ad in the paper by a man named mr. kim
when you arrive at the office, which is inside an old cobblestoned townhouse, you notice that it’s,,,,,,,quite messy
a desk pilled up high with papers and folders
crooked paintings on the wall
you think the person who lives here must really not care about anthing at all - their apperance might be as messy as their home
but when jin comes in from the kitchen
you nearly drop the deathgrip you have on your bag
because he’s gorgeous
blonde hair swept neatly from his face, a plaid blazer thrown over a pressed royal blue shirt
with golden buttons that match the cufflinks on his wrists
you feel your face grow hot because you’d expected someone far more -
“ugly? you thought i wouldn’t be well groomed because my place looks like this?”
jin asks, keeping a straight face and motioning to the room around him
you snap out of it, realizing he literally just read your mind and stammer out to apologize
“it’s fine. you’re not the first. so, what does a recent budding graduate want to do here - a clerical assistant is much below you degree. forensics i presume?”
“how did you -”
jin takes a sip from the glass he’s holding 
even from here you can tell that it isn’t just tea or an innocent pouring of juice
he runs his tongue along the lower part of his lip and tilts his head
“i can tell you’ve just graduated, seeing as though theres a keychain from a famous university in busan hanging off your bag. you were a student there, but stopped going - probably because you don’t have to. how do i know that? well it’s the middle of the fall semester right now.”
he pauses as your eyes widen
“forensics is my hypothetical guess because while you were waiting for me to show up you picked up a book off the floor. now most people would just grab it, get their dirty hands and fingerprints all over it but you’ve been trained and picked it up with minimal invasiveness by the corner of the spine. now tell me, am i not correct?”
you blink
“no, you’re completely correct.”
for the first time, jin emotes. it’s a smug smile as he sets his glass down on a wobbly looking tower of journals
he sits down across from you and asks again, “so - what do you want to do here?”
“i want to interview for the assistants position-”
jin leans forward, his eyes are a light honey brown as he bores them into your own
“do you really? i don’t quite think you do. you think this job is beneath you. id go even to say that you think you’d be bored here.”
your heartbeat quickens, how can he tell what you’re thinking so intimately and so quickly? it’s embarrassing it’s like nothing is a secret to him-
“so you’re young, you’re intelligent - according to your degree, and to top it all off you’re attractive. you think this job is transitional, under you -”
you flush, not sure if that was a compliment or an egging on to get you to quit 
“there are better things to do with your time and if you think that way then i do not believe you’ll be able to work-”
jin stops, watching your lips quiver when you think of the words to say
like everyone else, you’re an open book to him, but there’s also a part of you that jin is sure he isn’t seeing
“i want to work with you. i might think im overqualified for the position but it’s you, you’re world famous and your skills - you could mentor me.”
jin frowns
“you’re here to work for me, im not going to just teach you all my tricks-”
suddenly the timidness in you is gone, your gaze transforms to serious so quickly that it almost knocks jin agast
“no. not teach me, i want to observe you. like you observe others.. so please, let me your assistant. ill work hard and i wont bother you. and ill continue to improve on myself, but i think working here with you-”
you smile suddenly and the softness is another blow in jin’s direction
his logical mind is trying to calculate your intentions
but you go between emotions and feelings so quickly that it makes his head go dizzy
“i think working here with you will be life changing.”
jin feels something tug on the inside of his chest, right above his heart. a weird sensation that he’s never had before
he touches it and you ask if he’s ok as he stares down at the carpet below
but then he stands up, scanning you fully
“your clothing is cheap, your hair was just washed with a coconut scent, and you enjoy the boring hobby of tennis in your free time. i can tell this all by looking at you. doesn’t that scare you?”
you shake your head
“i can critique every little flaw, find out all of your trauma and unwind it. doesn’t that piss you off?”
you shake your head again
jin grins, the smile makes his otherwise hard expression turn momentarily into one of approachable friendliness 
it makes you almost blush
“well, most people who come to interview are gone within the first minute. i congratulate you on making it a whole fifteen with me, you’re hired. be back here tomorrow at eight.”
you get up, reaching to take jin’s hand in gratitude
the skinship makes him almost gasp - eyes opening a little as you thank him with adoration 
when you leave, jin doesn’t watch
instead he stares down at the warm sensation on his palm where your hand had been
and thinks
this one,,,,,,,this one is interesting - let’s be careful not to fall deeper than we’d like 
a  mentalist with a boring ass day job
his ability is a sort of seventh sense - he can see the auras of people and the color tells him a variety of things about them
from mood, to intentions, he can basically read peoples minds
just by watching what colors swirl around them in a frenzy 
unfortunately, that kind of gift doesn’t really help you when you sit at a 9-5 desk job
yoongi knows he could probably donate his body to science,,,,,,or something 
but being experimented on his whole life is like not what he wants
plus his power could just be called “a lie”. he’s got no way to actually prove it to others
in a lot of ways it’s actually annoying 
the colors distract him
sometimes people have super strong auras that press onto yoongi and make him almost dizzy
other times they’re so weak and tiny, they’re like flickering strobes that make yoongi twitch
sometimes when people are talking, all blatantly lying to each other around the conference room table
yoongi has half the mind to jump up onto it and yell for everyone to at least try being truthful ONCE
for all the negative, dark reds and siring blacks of lies that are swarming his brain hurts
you start as a temp at yoongi’s office
you run around doing everyone elses dirty work basically and yoongi expects that he’ll absolutely hate being around you
because temps always have the worst auras
(rightfully so, they do have the shittiest jobs)
but your - your always a light calming blue
and yoongi doesn’t get that
you should be frustrated. pissed off. angry. moody.
but you’re just serene???? just zen????//
and yoongi doesnt ever find interest in others, but you - your color doesnt change
how can somone not be capable of lying, of other emotions? especially at a job where everything is super mundane
and you’re getting called on to do coffee runs or fixed jammed printers
one afternoon, yoongi can already feel someone descending on his cubical 
so he turns around just in time to catch you mid sentence
“im going to go get coffee for everyone, do you want any -”
yoongi’s eyes meet yours
and for the first time the aura around you starts twisting
and flashing
a whole rainbow of colors
yoongi’s never seen it before, people don’t usually show more than one color 
but as you’re frozen, stuck looking at him with wide eyes
your aura just goes nuts
“d-do you want anyt-anything?”
you finish, your aura still distracting as ever
yoongi gets up and you step back, worried that you might have come at a bad time
but he just gets closer, fascinated as the rainbow of colors dances around you
until the aura has come open and wraps its way around yoongi as well
he’s never experienced something like this before
being touched by an aura? being pulled into it
until he’s centimeters from your face
and you’re turning red hot with embarrassment as yoongi cant seem to get away either
he reaches out, the rainbow colors coming to knot around his hand as he places it on your cheek
“mr. min?!??”
you ask and suddenly yoongi snaps out of it
the rainbow colors dance off of his skin and go back to rotating around you
yoongi looks at you, speechless as you stare back
when he looks down - for the first time he sees his own aura
the usual grey, bored color is now full to life with colors
just like yours
“so-so do you want any coffee?”
you ask again and yoongi looks up 
this time past your aura, to your face - to your eyes to your nose to your lips 
and something feels a little warm in the center of his chest
rainbow auras,,,,,,,,rainbow auras what do they mean,,,,,,? 
he thinks and then he realizes that maybe they mean -
“sure, but let me go with you. carrying all those cups will be hard.”
yoongi offers, grabbing his coat and ushering you out into the hall
you’re surprised, but so are his co-workers
all who buzz with confusion because yoongi’s never been,,,,,,,,helpful like that. plus he doesn’t even like coffee,,,,
“maybe he’s got a thing for the temp.” one co-worker chimes
“maybe he’s in love.” another grins “he did look like he saw stars staring at them.”
a overly passionate art professor 
who has an extensive knowledge of modern art and the deeper meanings behind the paintings and statues that he makes his students study
a lot of people are easily overwhelmed by taehyung
he stands out - in the way professors aren’t really supposed to 
with bright, vibrant hair - oversized glasses - and outfits that take pattern clashing and retro revival to a whole new level
the other professors don’t really like him, they gossip and complain about how he’s trying to ‘show off’ how he is so ‘childish’ and that he’s the reason students dont respect their professors anymore
but on the contrary, taehyung is probably the most liked by students because he’s so passionate
sometimes too much - to the point that students are a little unsure how to match his enthusiasm
but taehyung just pops with encouragement, telling students that their art comes from within and that absolutely nothing that they create will ever be worthless 
because it is all beautiful and all of it is connected to a greater desire in their hearts
am i saying he once jumped up on his desk while talking about edvard munch’s work
and then fell off because he tripped on a pen
and even while some students were calling the EMT he was still managing to lecture
you’re the unsuspecting adjunct that gets hired to work beside taehyung in the art department for the new fall semester
he’s a modernist and enjoys experimental art, while you teach art history as well as classic portraits and landscapes
you and him are on opposite ends of the art spectrum
and even before you meet him people are mumbling that he’s ,,,,,bonkers - annoying and loud and you’ll absolutely dread working with him
one of the professors even says that taehyung’s interest in modern art isn’t really an interest in “art” but in “garbage”
all those words make you angry, not at taehyung - but at how people are talking about him
because when taehyung comes through the art offices door
(he’s got a cast on because he LITERALLY broke his ankle falling off that desk)
he knows,,,,subconsciously,,,,,that you’re probably going to dislike him because people talk behind his back and yadda yadda
but instead you rush right up to him - beaming and go
“i heard you were talking about munch when this happened, you wouldn’t mind if i drew a tiny screaming man on your cast - would you?”
taehyung thinks he’s fucking in love
you guys get along really well - you don’t have half near the energy that taehyung does
but you love it 
you even find yourself sneaking in to sit in on his classes
and taehyung hovers over you when you’re going over lesson plans because WOW he was an art major too but he didn’t know that about that painting!
you and taehyung eating in the professors lounge together talking about art exhibits
anyone who walks past cant even say hi to either of you because you’re so caught up in your own bubble
the students catch on too
one day taehyung is bouncing up and down getting ready to go on a forty minute lecture about cubism 
when a student raises his hand and is like “professor, don’t you think the new adjunct is cute?”
taehyung turning bright red: “you know what i think is cute????? georges braque!!!!!! and his cubes!!!!!!!!!!!! you know !!!!!!!!”
the student smugly: “sure, but the adjunct too right?”
taehyung trying to not sweat and avoid the question: “,,,,,,,,POP QUIZ EVERYONE PUT YOUR THINGS AWAY”
but tbh taehyung cant stop thinking about it,,,,,because well you ARE cute,,,,,,,,,maybe he’d even go as far as to say beautiful,,,,,,
no no no taehyung think of all the picasso paintings you know and name them and dont think about how the adjunct looked super nice today with their hair down - TAEHYUNG THINK 
seeing you in the hall later, taehyung nearly has to pull the stripped beret he’s wearing over his face
because when you smile his heart beats faster than he does when he’s at the museum 
and you stop infront of him, saying something about a faculty meeting 
but all taehyung can hear is the soft sound of music and the floating, abstract hearts that have appeared around your head
and oh my god when did your lips look like his favorite shade of pink - the one he gets at the art supply store - gamblin artist’s oil color radiant magenta 37,,,,,,,,
“taehyung are you listening?”
snapping out of it, taehyung tries to plaster a big grin on his face
“of course! yes!”
“of course,,,,,,you want to get dinner with me after the faculty meeting?”
taehyung’s heart stops. he’s pretty sure this is what it feels like to have someone look at a new sculpture for the first time
you shyly clasp your hands together and tell him to pick you up outside of the office afterwards
he agrees, turning on his heel to watch you happily float down the hall
and taehyung feels his chest about to erupt - because ok ok ok he did just agree to a date with you
and you’re the one who asked him
and it wasn’t like a dream in his head 
pablo picasso voice: go on young artist, go and experience the love that will inspire you to paint
taehyung talking to the pablo picasso in his brain: do you think i should switch this beret for some funky suspenders or is that corny?
pablo picasso: bro i was an artist i dont know anything about fashion also im dead jkjk
the unlikely superhero 
literally has no idea how he got here,,,,,,,
he was just walking down the street when people started yelling saying there was someone on the roof of a building being held at knife point 
and hoseok was eating icecream on his way from the gym like oh man that sounds scary!!!!
when suddenly the ice cream fell out of his hand
and hoseok,,,,,for some reason,,,,,,,,was growing???!?!
till he was a????? whole giant?????
people scrambling to get out of his way as he went up up up until-
hoseok says awkwardly, his head coming to level with the roof and looking at a blaclava dude holding the knife to a frightened looking hostages throat
but with one look at hoseok - whose got to be like thirty feet or more
the knife drops and the dude makes a run for it
without really thinking hoseok out stretches his arm, his giant finger coming to block the doors entrance 
“can like the police down there hurry up?” he calls
not even noticing the tiny sting when the criminal tries to stab at hoseok with his knife
hoseok turns his attention to the hostage, you 
whose staring up at hoseok with your mouth wide open
hoseok laughs, it thunders above the city
“this is as shocking to you as it is to me, i didn’t know i could do this!
“you’re a monster!”
the criminal screams, pushing and pulling at hoseok’s giant hand
hoseok looks over, raising an eyebrow
“i mean i guess i-”
you cut hoseok off and he returns his gaze to you
his eyes are huge, the size of a small swimming pool at this height
but you look confidently at him
“you’re a hero! you saved me from that idiot!”
the criminal: i am not an idio-
hoseok: shuttup before i squash you bro
the police arrive, apprehending the criminal and trying not to skwak at hoseok who gives a friendly wave 
being careful not to hit any of the surrounding buildings
one of the cops wants to escort you down to the ground, but you smile at hoseok and ask if he’ll get you down instead
with a small blush, he opens his hand so you can climb into the center of his palm
and carefully, as if he’s holding a tiny bird and not you
he bends over to place you safely back on the sidewalk
(all while the traffic behind his huge legs beeps for him to somehow get out of the way)
after a moment or two, hoseok feels a sort of jolt and gradually he grows smaller and smaller
till he’s back to his normal human height
and you clap your hands in front of him
you look nothing like you’ve just been held hostage - instead you look like a kid at disney land as you stare at hoseok with all the admiration you can muster
“thanks so much!”
you throw yourself into his hands and hoseoks flushes again
“n-no problem,,,,that was so weird i must have scared everyone!”
he laughs as his arms gently come around your waist in a comforting manner
you pull back and shake your head
“you’re not scary, you’re cool - like a superhero!”
“well,,,it was my first time being one”
you grin
“what an honor, i was the first person you saved!”
hoseok gets all shy rubbing at his neck and murmuring that it probably wont happen again he should go see a doctor or something
but you’re excited, grabbing his hand and claiming him a hero
and hey maybe he really could get used to being a hero,,,,,,,
if he figures out how in the world he got this superpower?!?!!?
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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.. chatzy transcript with @cassiegermaine
the grand lady of summerset and the lord of the honeywilds sow seeds for future fruition
House Pettaline -- when there had been a House Pettaline -- wasn't a clan given overmuch to intrigue or dramatics or even imagination. Creativity, in fact, was somewhat frowned-upon; the long line of lords of agriculture and bee-keeping believed in the value of the soil you could sift through your fingers and the sheaves of wheat you could count in your storerooms. Flights of fancy were viewed with suspicion at best and hostility at worst.
Ephram had kept his own fanciful thoughts to himself from early on. In some ways he berated himself for being a coward and not speaking up, offering his views on how Honeywild Holding could adapt to newer cultivation methods and should possibly engage in more social interaction with other Houses, thinking that perhaps he might have been able to prevent House Pettaline from dwindling away like withered corn on the stalk.
Instead of being in the position he was in now, which meant relentlessly quashing his own pride in order to reach for access to influence and power wherever he could find them.
The character of his stoic, pragmatic House still left its legacy, though -- the static tenseness of the Bluesprings Keep after the horrendous assassination of the High Raj was deeply unsettling to Ephram. He could barely sit for more than ten minutes, needing to leap up and walk and pace, and so he found himself in the lavish court gardens in an attempt to get the Rajasthangard to stop glaring at him in the castle corridors.
He wasn't alone there, however. Recognizing the elaborate glossy tresses of the Lady of Sommerset standing out dark and rich amidst the blowsy, tall white roses that grew in the salt air, Ephram made his way over to Cassandra and gave a slight bow of greeting. "You've got either very well-hidden guards protecting you," he said, "or you're well-nigh fearless, Lady Cassandra, after what we were witness to earlier." This close, she smelled of frosted gardenias, feminine and inviting, and Ephram wondered where she got the flowers. An attar, maybe, given her ties to the seafaring Princes of the Isles. She would want for nothing, regardless of seasonal availability. It was a heady thought, made more so by what Ephram could now see was a ripely swelling figure in her beautifully-made gown.
Cassie was admiring the quiet and simple beauty of the palace gardens. It was a moment of needed solace after visiting outside the walls, and so many meetings with all the other nobles that were full of fear and tenseness. She heard the crunch of his footsteps first, turning her head slightly before facing the Pettaline and watching him bow slightly before her. “Between my own guards and those provided by my brother I am well looked after, but even I need moments of peace.” She smiled softly, “Alone - I don’t see how much harm can come to me.” One of her hands brushed the delicate petals of a white rose and she asked, “Where have you been running to amidst all the chaos? I don’t think I’ve seen your face in a room for more than a few moments at a time.” She clicked her tongue, “People might start to get suspicious of you.”
Ephram gave a wry chuckle, lifting his hand to follow the trace of Cassie's on the rose, but along the underside of the petals instead. "One of the few benefits of hailing from a holding with very little claim to martial or political strength, Lady," he said, "is that we haven't got anything at all to benefit from throwing the Bluesprings back into chaos. There isn't anything nefarious or interesting to my whereabouts and gettings-up-to, I'm afraid; I've been doing my damnedest to secure assurances of non-aggression against the Honeywilds."
He looked down at her -- she wasn't a tall woman, but there was a calm regalness to her that was undeniable -- and murmured with a slow smile, "...although I admit it is a warming thought that you've noticed when my face was missing from the throng."
Cassie lips thinned at Ephram's response to her, her brow furrowing in a clear idea of opposition to his words. But she had come to the gardens to escape political games, not stir them anew. Her blue eyes flickereed up to meet his own, "Somone in my posisiton can never be too observant. Besides-" Her voice dropped into a soft whisper, "You haven't come to visit me. I suppose you've been too concerned over your wildflower patches at home. Or perhaps my little brother has become more of a handful?" Either way, the fact that she'd been ignored had clearly annoyed her.
Now that wasn't what he'd expected. Not about Prince Miguel, Ephram had no doubt that the more savvy members of the Threepenny Prince's family would know about their dalliance before the sweat had even dried.
But the fact that the Grand Lady was piqued that she hadn't appeared higher on his list of people to ingratiate himself to, that threw him. Only momentarily, though. Ephram knew what he was to these people, the elite highborn -- a diverting bit of rough, with enough title and looks of his own to mean they weren't completely lowering themselves -- and that was all he needed. Just the chance and opportunity.
"Prince Miguel is very sweet, like the honey he's named for," Ephram said diplomatically, taking note that she didn't call him brother-by-marriage or anything distancing like that. And yet she was about to cuckold her husband, brother to that little brother?
Maybe she wasn't. Maybe she only wanted Ephram to devote his time and efforts towards seducing her, to feed her own ego or boredom or nerves, before she summarily rejected him. And, well ... he could work with what he was given, whatever that would be.
"I didn't realize you'd be amenable to company, Lady Cassie." Ephram turned to face her properly, taking one of her hands -- it all but disappeared in his own -- and stroking his thumb along the inside of her wrist. Like white rose petals, there, and the butterfly beat of her pulse. "Or my visits would've been scattered in your favour." He smiled, the expression lending a genuine quality to the flattery, and let go of her hand to slide his arm around her hips and bring her close against his tall, lean body. "My wildflower patches are well worth admiration," Ephram murmured, dipping his head to trail the point of his nose against her soft, rounded cheek. "But there come times when all's I want is to sink my hands into sommat more refined, beautiful, more cultivated. More exquisite."
He kissed her, lips parted slightly to encourage Cassie to respond in kind, his other hand sliding up her side to just barely snug against her breast.
"Ah-" Cassie held up a finger when Miguel was praised, "Even the sweetest individuals can make you sick." Which was really just more of a warning. Surely the Honeywilds Lord and seen Iann and Miguel at eachother throats throughout this visit. It wasn't exactly wise to underestimate either of them. She laughed lightly, "Well I can't just declare it in front of the the whole Quiver, honestly Ephram you need to start looking at people a little deeper than that. Especially if you want to keep your wildflowers safe." Cassandra stepped closer to him, only quickly scanning the garden grounds around them. Her hand rested on top of his that found her hip and gave a small upturn pull of her lips. "Summerset is certainly more varied and worth exploration than this bland white rose explosion." Her heart raced at the brush of his lips, and at the invitation she didn't hesitate to kiss him deeper.
Ephram accepted Cassie's admonition without protest; after all, she was married into the family of the Isles. Whatever advice or information Cassie wanted to provide, he'd do well to heed. "I've got something of a sweet tooth," he admitted, before the subject of Miguel and his sugary charms was dropped entirely in favour of the circuit of intimacy that swirled between them, the bite of Cassie's words paired with the soft yield of her body setting Ephram's blood racing.
He growled into the kiss, throaty and low, and then swept his thumb over the swell of her breast, teasing until he could feel the peak of her nipple. "It helps, then," Ephram said, lifting Cassie against him so that he could kiss his way down her decolletage, fingers yanking what fabric he could out of the way, "that I've always been considered the adventurous one in my clan." Her gown was layered like a damn blossom, it seemed, and Ephram felt some gossamer cloth squeak and give way as he tore through it. With a lusty huff, he closed his lips over Cassie's nipple, sucking and kissing, giving the sweet secret flesh a nip with his teeth before kissing again.
Cassie huffed grabbing Ephram's wrist for a moment when she heard the quiet tear of her gossamer shift. But her hold dropped when his lips trailed and teased her tender nipple. Her eyelids fluttered and she glanced up to the sky for a moment before giving a heady chuckle. It was true that it felt good in certain attentions, but she didn't understand most men's obsession with ladies bossoms. Or destroying garments, for that matter. Cassie gave a little yelp at the breif sharpness of his teeth, and pressed a hand to his chest to pause him. "If you're going to be rough, you can't just defile me in the open." She rasped.
"I'll defile you somewhere else, then."
Setting her back onto her feet, Ephram latched his fingers around Cassie's and towed her through the garden, weaving in and out until they reached the potting shed. This being Bluesprings Castle, though, the 'shed' was a vast, airy room with plenty of long tables, a cistern of clear water, the fresh scent of plants and loam filling the air.
Ephram wasted no time at all in setting Cassie atop one of the tables, his strong hands rustling up her gown higher on her thighs as he bellied up between her legs and kissed her hungrily. "This is better, isn't it?" he said, starting to undo the pearl buttons of her bodice, wanting her full breasts swelling out into his hands. "The work in process, before it's put out all prettied up and polite for the rest of the world to see. In here it's still waitin' to be planted, and everything's still a little dirty." The last button came loose and he tugged aside her flimsy shift -- no ripping, this time -- to devote himself more fully to her nipples, her curving flesh.
Her breasts weren't as high and tight as a young girl's would be, something that Ephram delighted in; Cassie'd mothered a baby, and even if she'd used a wet-nurse, it still had made lush pastures of her bosom. "You're flowers in bloom all over, petal," he murmured against fragrant, silky skin, and then put one hand on the inside her her knee, under the rumpled rustle of her gown. "I want to taste those dewdrops."
Cassie hurried as she was pulled through the pathways of the garden, holding up her half loosened bodice until she and Ephram reached the lavish garden shed. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck as Ephram hurried lifted and held her against her one of the work tables. "It is." Cassie agreed, a little more comfortable now there wasn't the risk of just anyone walking by and encountering them. It didn't matter that the Lady of Summerset could have whoevr she wanted, it'd still be considered a scandal. Her skin prickled with goosebumps as the shift was fully tugged to the side this time, and Cassie's fingers tangled in a bit of hair at the nape of Ephram's neck as she let out a shakey breath. The whispers against her skin were enough to coax a soft moan from her throat and she pressed harder against him so that the hand at her chest and snaked up her thigh rubbed just that bit rougher. "Why don't you devour it instead?"
He lifted his head at that encouragement, coupled with the movements that encouraged him to plunder instead of browse. "Surely you haven't been denying yourself all this time of a man's attentions," Ephram grunted as he dropped to one knee, big hands roughly spreading Cassie's pale thighs wide, splaying her obscenely for his view. "You couldn't talk like that, honey, and be keepin' yourself all prim folded up like a rosebud. Not when there's all this to be worshiped."
Although it would seem that the Lord of the Honeywilds believed in a rather primal form of worship, from the way the tips of his thumbs dug twinned bruises into Cassie's thighs as he pushed his face between her legs, groaning in pleasure at his first taste of her. Verdant and deep, the scent of her filled his head and he slurped at her lavishly, using the broad flat of his tongue first and then the pointed, eager tip to dart at that sensitive pearl. He sealed his lips over her clit, not content with such hummingbird sips, and sucked down on her hard, holding her open with one shoulder now so he could slide two long, thick fingers into her core.
Cassie grinned down at Eprham, the curl just a little wicked a her blue eyes glinted, "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" She might share her body, but she'd hold onto her secrets. Her expression strained slightly as his hands strongly held her open and when Ephram's face first ventured amongst the bunches of her skirts Cassie let out a wavering sigh. Her hands moved from his neck down his back some, and the more Ephram's tongue ventured and pressed againt her, Cassie grasped and pulled at the fabric of his shirt. She was already aching deep within herself and as Ephram's ministrations intensified so did her gasps and groans.But then he sucked at her so strongly Cassie almost felt lightheaded before kicking out slightly in reflex, "Gods above-" She panted "I can hardly stand it."
"Mmmmmm." The air of triumph was evident in Ephram's bumblebee hum against her softest parts, and he let up enough to lick at her in hard darting motions of his tongue before concentrating on frigging her with his fingers. Every now and again he pressed the pad of his thumb against Cassie's slick, swelling clit, quick and hard, before pulling it away again. "You'll have to," he intoned throatily, mouth thick and lush with the nectar of her. "I don't intend to stop until I have you drenched and wailing for me, honey."
Ephram rose to his feet again, giving Cassie a fast but significant kiss as he bunched her skirts up in his fist as high as they could go. Some people didn't like to taste their own arousal; being heavily invested in keeping his lovers sweet and indulgent, Ephram didn't linger too long on sex acts that might upset the applecart. He loved the taste, personally, which had served him well in his endeavours. Sometimes these higher-up nobles didn't know just how lustful they'd get when confronted with Ephram's earthy, unrepentant, driving sort of carnality, what depraved things they'd be driven to new heights by. "You want me to fuck you now, Lady Summerset?" he grunted, dragging his scruffy face against her smooth one, gaze locked on the brightness of her eyes.
His fingers twisted inside her, thumb tapping an insistent staccato against that pretty pearl of her sex. "Tell me you want me to fuck you now. Or tell me in some gardening wordplay -- instruct me to dig deep enough to plant my seed, or beg me to plough you thoroughly, or say you're parched and need to be watered until you're running with it. You'll get whatever you want."
And hopefully, there'd be a fair bit of that manner of thinking the other way around, too, once Lady Cassie'd gotten her end in.
Cassandra wasn’t exactly used to submission, or if the situation naturally called for it, she certainly didn’t acknowledge it willingly. She was a Queen after all, and the damn Honeywild boy had all but said it himself. She was well worth more than him. But she was in a haze pinned between Ephram and the table, and when he spoke to her her mouth could only managed a moan or some unintelligible slur of words. Cassie sighed into his brief kiss, and could only manage continuous nods when Ephram prompted her. “Yes, god-“ Her breath hitched at the new movement and Cassie finally went to grab his wrist again in an encouragement to pause. Even just a moment of reprieve would be enough, her skin had already begin to redden with heat and arousal. “Since you’re so clever then-“ She breathed, yanking Ephram’s hand away from her parted legs, but also pulling him forward after so that he fumbled slightly on top of her. Cassie bit her lip feeling the erection through his trousers, “Plough the fields well and deep.” She stated dramatically, just a hint of laughter beneath her words.
A thrill of overwhelming excitement ran up Ephram's spine as Cassie -- stronger than she seemed -- halted the movement of his hand, and then managed to unbalance him. Physically as well as mentally; it wasn't often that Ephram bedded someone who took charge of the proceedings. It wasn't that he was averse to being the dominant partner, but the truth was that Ephram was naturally biddable and good at following cues.
So if the Lady of Summerset wanted him to fuck her, Ephram would do his damnedest to acquit himself in pursuit of her pleasure.
He tugged his trouser fastenings open, lunging forward to find her wetness and slide his cock through for a few strokes before pressing the thick head against the voluptuous softness of her cunt and thrusting in. "Gods above and below," Ephram gasped, burying his face against Cassie's pale throat, mouth open and dragging as he started to move his hips in earnest. He wrapped one arm around Cassie's back, the other hoisting her leg so he could clamber closer onto the table, drive in deeper and faster to set a punishing pace for the both of them.
Cassie sighed softly as their most private parts joined together, Cassie renewing her grasp around Ephram as he moved and adjusted her to attempt and thrust as deep as possible. It was a slightly overwhelming feeling, and combining it with the slight scratches from the stubble on his face was enough to make her cry out a few times he hit that particularly sweet spot. She could hear the slight creak of the table, and the air around them was so thick and hot Cassie sometimes felt the breaths she was getting in was enough. Regardless, she could feel the ache and pressure building in her gut and her lips eagerly sought out Ephram’s before she spoke, “That’s a steadfast cock. Don’t stop.”
Ephram rode into and against her body with less careful movements now, groaning loudly in time with each protest from the table, the sound and scent of their coupling thickening the air. "I won't stop, Cassie," he promised, hauling her bodily up against him as he redoubled his thrusts, hips jackrabbiting against her as he plunged into her again and again. "And you'll give me what I want too, won't you? I don't ask much. Only that the Summerset thinks fondly of--" Ephram paused, grunting through clenched teeth and rubbing his damp forehead against Cassie's chest, panting along the softness of her breasts. "Remembers the Honeywilds fondly, when she counts her allies and contacts."
Cassie’s expression was first slack with pleasure before it shifted and contorted into something like curiosity. She looked down slightly at Ephram as he nuzzled into her chest and cleared her throat, “I’m not exactly the type to mix business with pleasure but-“ And Cassie strained then pushing back the creeping feeling of release for just a few moments longer. She lifted a hand and brushed a few strands of damp hair out of her face, “You’re certainly proving yourself a worthy ally to have on hand.”
Ephram tipped his head up to look at Cassie, his scruffy chin scraping along her skin, and then moved up to kiss her. Hard and deep, as his thrusts slowed and got more intense; it was only the firm grip that he had on her bodily that kept Cassie from being jolted across the tabletop. "I'll prove it as often as I need to," he growled, voice hoarsened with desire. "Whenever you want me to." Ephram tangled one hand in Cassie's hair after she stroked it back, knotting his hand into a fist so he could expose her throat to his mouth again. His breath was coming erratic now, body tight and straining, but Ephram held off on his own climax to grind against Cassie's clit with each rough lunge. "Let me see it, honey," he begged, lips finding her nipple again. "Let me see you find completion."
“I’ll hold you to that then.” Cassie responded in seriousness, before hissing in air at the feeling of her hair being knotted. “God, god-“ The second request alone was enough to send Cassie over the edge, her inevitable climax breaking inside her so intensely her back arched slightly up off the table. She cried out in ecstasy in time with the waves that overtook her body, muscles eventually relaxing but leaving her raw and extra sensitive as she tried to recollect her bearings still pinned to the table.
And Ephram crashed after her, the velvet clench of Cassie's body on his cock drawing his orgasm out in a violent shudder. He bit down hard on Cassie's bodice, the fabric creaking in his teeth as it soaked with his spit and he rode out the lashes of his spend that ribboned deep inside the Summerset Lady's belly. Ephram stayed there, the weight of his body pinning Cassie to the table, his hips flush against hers as he shifted them deliberately, fucking his seed into her as far as he could before finally withdrawing.
He dropped to his knees again, eyes closed as he pushed his face between Cassie's sticky thighs and licked her clean of the spunk leaking out of her. A good ally knew how to cooperate before he was even asked, after all.
Cassie was slightly taken-a-back when Ephram knelt down to lick between her legs again, but she let him since she was still coming out of the fog of her orgasm. Cassie sat up then, pulling the front of her dress back together as she looked down at Ephram. Her smile was relaxed and pleased, and Cassie ran her fingers through Ephram’s hair before tilting his face up to look at him directly again, “You certainly provide a valuable service.” She commented, crossing her legs and adjusting her skirts with her free hand, “Honeywild Holdings will certainly have a spot at my table should you ever come visit Summerset.”
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Thoughts on les miserables bbc episode 5
Not the worst but a large part was fights so there wasn't enough dialoge to mess up....they still mess it up
Thernadier escapes with no help of gavroche and the patrominate and a suspensfull plan
He pretends to die for cholera....which is stupied....my first though was they didn't check for pulse
Some point out that they didn't know about pulse but even back then they knew to check for heartbeat and breath
And cholera is a very messy disease with messy obviouse symptomes...difficult to fake
They trie to robe rue plumet and half the gang is missing
And they have the part with eponine trying to stop them but here is useless!!
She just screams a little and stops when they threat her with a knife and they leave because of dogs....so thats a strong intresting character...not like the boring females in the book where she curse them tells them to die and scares them and force them to leave
And an other strong character who faints when she meets the love of her life...i have seen patriarchy sexist movies for the 60-70 with the same fainting women but that was worst....not like that boring book where she expecting him and the kiss
And in here the keep kissing a lot of time because there is no reason to talk and get to know it's other...not like that boring book where they meet for weeks and talk and they don't kiss because they respect it's other and they care for personality
And we don't how long they see it's other here but it's not long...propable it's only the (2) times we see
Marius tries to ask his grandfathers permision to marry and it's quite good scene
Although we don't know how long he was gone
Or how much gillenormand missed him
Or that Marius needs permision because he is basically a minor(he will be adult by the law at 25)
And we see gillenormand chase after marius but in the book he was to late because he is old and slow and marius didn't listen becase he was already gone and the poor grandfather lost all hope
And we don't have the all conversation to see that the grandfather has a point to worry about the marriage because marius is penniless at this point and looks the poor part...and in this version he doesn't no cosette long enough
So the revolution begans and i don't care about anyone at the baricade which is a shame
Gavroche is ok and cute and acts like a gamin for the most part...
...but when he has a gun acts like a gigling murderous psycho!!
The amis are some pansies and kinda cowards
The amis (or what they left of them) need support to follow the revolution?! They need to persuade from a worker to follow(who is not Feuilly for some reason)because it's not like they where one of the main organizer revolutionary groups
They just shit and drink must of the time
And when the revolution begins we see them at the funeral full of fear which is stupied because they just began the fights and in the book they are prepared and it's not they're first revolotion...they were part of the 1830 jule revolution
They are lots of people in the funeral who openly carry guns!!! What the hell?! Where is the police?! They see them and they just stare when they expect a revolt....just take some safety measuremants you fools(but can you blame them when their boss only carres about valjean?)
The fights are good and they try...but half the time it copies the 2012 movie with out the epicness of the music...the music tries to make it suspensfull but there is no epic and drama in it and it's out of place half the time(generally the fight is good and tries more than the whole script)
I thing they are to many people...not so in the funeral but later in the baricades...makes me wonder why they fail
Marius threatens to blow the baricade!!(yeeeee) ...when his not on the baricade and I think his closer to his friends than his soldiers(nitpicking here but it's kinda funny) and start hunt the soldiers away while screamming like a bear(whyyyyy) because aparently we must have at list one bear scream per episode and at this point I'm to scared to ask why
They had the flag and mabeuf and somehow they didn't make it work....why didn't even know why he was there...we didn't had him became friend with marius, try to make his project work,to try to share his knowledge and passion and end bankrupt,to try to survive,to get him stay unnotice from the goverment who said they would help him,to get him find a purse full of money and retarn it to the police will he could ise it to buy food,sell everything he loved to aford food and hope he would die before he sell everything...when he went to the baricade he had sell his last thing(to help his sick servent) and he knew he would die for starvation...he decided to go to fight for something better because he had lost everything and had nothink else to lose...he decided to die heroicle...when they ask a volunteer for the flag everyone knew it was a suicide mission...but he still went and chose his one death instead of the slow one chosen by the society and died will saying basically the most epic screw you to the wrong society...he couldn't kill anyone in the baricade because he was too peacefull for that so he decided to be the first martyr instead for somone young...that was mabeuf in the book and we never see him
Eponine dies and the change her last words which is a discreace to the character and the intresting build up hugo did for her
Valjean hasn't appear yet....instend we have someone who drags his daughter and locks her inside...he grabs gavroche and forsefully take(basically steals) the letter...he doesn't care that the kid is going to a fight!!! He doesn't try to give him money to help it....he doesn't see a kid breaking lambs and says to it "cool break as many you want" he just scares it and than reads his daughter letter gets angry for the man whose gone take here and decides to grab a knife(they focus on that) and goes to the baricade...if i didn't read the book i would guess his going for a good old murder!!! And we didn't see the conflic to "let marius die it's an idiot who is gone take away my only happiness or it's a boy it's not right to think like and be happy about that his death and cosette would be sad... gona try and still hope for his death but at least it would not be my fault"....honestly valjean in book is the swetty but awesome grandpa we all want and need who has a habit to feel guilt and insecure over everything(just like half the people I know including me)
Javert still missing...and OMG his worst even for geoffrey rush version(not the actor....he was actually the only thing that make enjoyable)!!! He is the must borring flat oneminded obsess over valjean version of all and it' ironic because "this is a book accoured version who does justice to the book unlike the awfull musical" and the book!javert is the least obsess of all and the most intresting funny sarcastic human version.....here he has so much power that he has do deal with the preparation and the plans to stop the revolt and he doesn't care about that he cares about valjean!! How he even achive the promotion with this focus!! Really everything it happens it's valjeans fault!! I'm sure he blames valjean even for the rain or the cholera!! Can't he focus?!?!?! He goes to the baricade because he things valjean is the leader and it's his fault(a bloody revolution!!!) And when his men try to stop him from going he insist to go because he is the only he can deal with valjean....he goes to the baricade and ask for valjean!! He is caught and arrested and the baricades and he still ask for valjean and still thinks he is the leader!!!! In book he was a really low member of the police with little power little money outside of society but he believed in law and order...he was just follow orders from his bosses when his at the baricades and from the law when it's about valjean....when he gets arrest he is calm fearless and full of sarcasm and it's so admirable...in the bbc version I dislike him and want him died just to sut up and stop being such a pain in the ass and feel sorry for his officers who have to listen to his whine and it's horrible because he is my favourite character in the brick and one of my favourite fiction character generally
Not the worst episode but they messed already most of things so they didn't have much to screw up...But they have messed so much that I hate to watch the scenes with my favourite book characters(valjean javert)and not only and want them to live the screen because they are annoying and horible people( almost everyone is in this version expept for 3-4)...at this point I care most for the poor officers who have to deal for javert!! Can't wait to see them destroy the derailed
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dreamtimeagain · 3 years
...The center of the large courtyard had a white stone fountain with a large base. Walking paths cut across the green lawn leading from various alcoves to the fountain platform. A teenage girl in a pleated grey skirt walked slowly from one side of the clearing to the other, stepping cautiously around the pool at the bottom of the fountain, running her fingertips across the surface of the water.
There were other people walking around as well, but they were out of focus, except for a young man arriving in from the opposite side of the courtyard. The girl looked longingly at him, wanting to be noticed, but too scared to say a word. She was so convinced that he wouldn’t speak to her that she almost missed it when he did. She stopped just in front of him as he spoke, but the words were muffled, like from a long way off.
The girl played nervously with her hair as she smiled at him. Then a teacher with long black hair appeared suddenly from behind the fountain and spoke to her. The teacher greeted her cheerfully and announced that she was chosen for the leading role in the school play.
With the announcement, the guy she had been talking to started clapping and everyone else followed along, cheering and hollering, as the girl smiled. With a groan of annoyance, I stopped the scene, the sound instantly dying away as everyone froze in place. The idea of everyone cheering struck me as absurd, so I turned away all the onlookers before resuming. 
With the courtyard back to nromal, the girl just shyly nods and follows the teacher back into the building, glancing over her shoulder to watch as the guy turns away to persue different interests.
Inside the theater area is a large side room, brown shag carpet and matching brown walls dominate a long narrow space that is filled with dozens of old chairs stacked precariously in various piles. The girl sets her light blue backpack down, on the old dusty cusion of one of the chairs on a shorter stack, and leaves through a set of red curtains on the far end. 
in an instant she returns, though to her several hours have passed, She has a small booklet of paper in her hand and her eyes look exhausted, but cheerful. That is until she sees a large wad of upchucked cat fur has been left on top of her backpack. it is still fairly fresh and she is upset because she cannot open her bag to get to her costume.
I don’t want to watch some cliche’d moment of woe as the obvious protagonist faces some rediculously simply problem, so I immediatley start looking around the room for paper towels to clean up the mess for her. 
As I finish wiping off the last of the residue, and the girl opens her bag to pull out a white robe, I can hear a swell of voices coming from the adjacent auditorium as the crowd filters in for opening night of the performance. 
Then, as the girl pulls on the last of her costume pieces, the black haired teacher comes in past the red curtains and immedately rushes the girl past her, turning to me and demanding to know what i’m doing backstage, her voice a harsh whisper so as to be unheard by the crowd next door. 
Instead of answering, I tell her that I am late for work, and turn to walk away, my feet begining to click audibly as I stroll accross the cream tiled floor twards my office. Down the long and seemingly never ending hallway, past hundreds of identical wooden doors with black frames, I reach out and grab the handle of one, convinced that it is mine, even though it looks like all the rest. 
Then my phone chimes, and I look down to see that someone has sent me a weblink. When I select it, it takes me to a flyer announcing the opening night of the play I just left. Annoyed that I’m being dragged back into that scene, I speak aloud, telling whatever was listening that they would have to be more convinving than that.
Suddenly the face of the girl appears as the leading role on the flyer, and I recognize her as a child I know, long brown hair framing a rosy cheeked face. and now I am happy to attend, to support and cheer her on.
I open the office door, beyond which is a small dark room, just long enough to grab a black jacket from behind the door, and a pink box of dounuts from the desk. I close it and turn back to the entrance to the building, humming happily as I go.
I’m convinved that the school will be easy to reach, just down the street, so I walk past my car and just keep strolling down the main road, homely brick buildings lining both sides. There is only a little bit of traffic, but the sidewalk starts to narrow, so I have to step onto the asphalt to continue. 
Then, ahead of me, a large brick building with dark blue trim and a flagpole out front comes into view, and I jog quickly to cross the street, up the warm colored concrete steps and to the side door of the theater. 
I am late, probably too late to attend the performance itself, but I know she will be out soon, and I want to congratulate her. The dougnuts in my hands have shifted into a pack of roses, little white bits of baby’s breath standing out agaisnt the deep red petals. 
Then the theater lets out, and suddenly I am surrounded by hundreds of students and parents, all bustling about trying to find friends or transportation. I look around but cannot see anyone I know, so I continue to stand at the doorway, waiting.
Someone calls my name, and I turn to see a man with a large beard strolling up to the building, an older woman wih black hair following in his wake. I am immediately annoyed, and angrily point out to noone that they aren’t supposed to be here yet.
As the man walks past me, he reaches the side of the building and picks up a roll of blue tape while the woman opens some cans of paint. I tell him again that he’s not supposed to be here yet, and he glances up at me for a moment before returning to placing the tape in long strips along the sidewalk.
He tells me to relax, he’s jsut going to help them paint the stone wall really quick, then he will head back to where he belongs. As I watch, the tape he has haphazardly placed is starting to peel up in several spots, so I huff and take the roll from him. 
At this rate he won’t finish in time, so I start taping off the sections for him. With the stone fully sectioned off, I turn to the woman with the paint and announce loudly that she will have to do the rest on her own, because I wasn’t going to let the man get stuck here when I leave.
I turn to look at him, as he smiles warmly at me and waves with his fingers. Just as he tells me he will be waiting, I wave my oustretched arm infront of me, and he vanishes, back to the far side.
The woman continues painting as she speaks up, telling me that it’s my own fault that I made the school too far away for him to get there by himself. I snap at her that there’s plently of easy routes there, and she should know better than to drag him out of place.
I turn away from the woman and in an instant I am back at the office building. This time I am determined to show the both of them that the distance is easily walked, and that there’s no reason to drive there. I briskly walk out the front door and back down the street.
As I walk, the sidewalk narrows again, except this time the buildings also grow taller, and closer together, reaching like skyscrapers up into the clouds. I begin walking faster, glancing around occasionally to make sure i’m not in the way of traffic, and still determined to prove a point that I’ve kind of lost control of.
I begin to jog to keep uo with the strangely transforming city, and I can see glimpses of the school grounds past the brick structures, some of which have narrowed as they’ve grown, looking more and more like tall trees in a densly packed forest. 
By now I am running, trying to get to the school as the road continues to twist and turn in unpredictable ways. Suddenly, I accidentally run straight up the side of a brick building that had slipped in front of me when I was distracted. I easily scale several floors before I stop and turn around. 
This is not the way to the school and I am annoyed that the buildings won’t get out of my way. I backtrack all the way to the street again, and this time I shout at the buildings to knock off their shenanigans. 
Then the road in front of me easily leads directly back to the school, and the theater, as if the building had been next to the office the whole time. I jog up the steps and look around at the now empty lot. The woman is gone, though her freshly painted stone wall is there, proof that she had finished her task.
I stop, my hands on my hips, and glance around, looking for somone. Anyone. Finally I decide that enough is enough, I don’t feel like being annoyed by this any further.
...Then I woke up.
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walkerismychoice · 6 years
Drake Moments: TRR Book 1, Chapter 18&19
I debated on doing the two chapters separate or together because there is so much Drake in chapter 18 that I almost need 2 posts, but there isn't much in the final chapter. So my screenshot collages are a hot mess because I had difficulty cutting things out, and you probably need a magnifying glass to see some, but book one will be done and I can move on to book 2 tomorrow.
Chapter 17 starts with a continuation of the coronation ball. All of the ladies are giving Liam their gifts. Olivia confronts you about a letter she got she thinks you wrote but tou know nothing about it. You give Liam your poem. Maxwell helped you write it, and it is pretty terrible, but Liam loves it.
Once in the ballroom, you have the first dance with Liam. He's mysteriously serious and you want to know what he's trying to get at but then get interrupted:
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Much to your surprise you run into Drake looking really good in a suit. You didn't think he would be at the coronation but he says Liam insisted (are you sure that is why you are here all dressed up Drake?) Unlike all of the other times he was left speechless by your appearance, he actually kind of insults you and says look just like you are "one of them" now. We all know that to Drake, this is not a good thing. You try yo convince him that you are still you, but he is afraid you have changed.
Despite his coldness towards you, you still say it was nice to talk to him. This softens something inside of him and he tries to get the courage to tell you somerhing when you are interrupted by Hana and Maxwell. A waltz begins and you decide which of the three to dance with:
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You ask Drake to dance because you know there is more to be said between the two of you. He is super cute and nervous about it, which is a side to Drake you normally don't see. You lead the way and assure him he's doing great. He begins to relax with you in his arms and he tells you what a good dancer you are:
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You finish up the dance and Drake is impressed, but he is also much warmer towards you. He knows what he said earlier isn't true, and he's feeling there is still something there, as are you. You "reluctantly part" and he thanks you for the dance.
After that you eat some appetizers with the group and Hana tells the others it is her last night at court. I included these particular Drake interactions to show how much he has grown. He is genuine and kind towards Hana and Maxwell without any sarcasm or joking around:
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Drake sneaks outside and you follow. You need to know what he was going to say and what could be before you potentially accept Liam's proposal. He is sitting by an unmanned bar and you ask, "can we talk?" He says yes, he is always willing to talk to you. You offer to make him a drink. I had almost forgotten about this parallel scene to when Drake makes you the drink in book 2 (if I'm honest he does a much better job). There are two shots of whiskey in it though so he likes it:
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You tell Drake how handsome he looks, he deflects a little and says he's not Liam or anything but he thanks you. You tease him about dressing up and he says "i guess maybe I found someone worth impressing." All that comes out of your mouth is "Drake...", but what you are probably thinking is "how can you expect me not to want you when you say things like that." He cuts you off adding "If only for tonight" and thanks you for the drink.
He talks about how you are friends now and you mention you don't even know his last name. He jokes about you prying into his life and not letting him keep any walls up. You finally call him on his BS and say "I think we we are a little bit beyond these games now." His last name is Walker and now you can start scribbling Mrs. Drake Walker in your notebooks (kidding - kind of). You start calling him Walker and he says the last name calling is his thing (drunk drake will revisit this in book 2) and he threatens to start calling you Riley. It just sounds wrong when you are so used to him using your last name, so you agree Drake it is:
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Drake gives you an opening and you bring up your earlier conversation and be admits that what he said about you being "one of them" was way out of line. He didn't mean it it but in that moment was afraid you would be hurt like Savannah was. A commonor who fit in with the royals, but who in the end was never really one of them and was cast aside.
He doesn't say this, but that was also probably the moment he thought he had lost you. He says he came for Liam, and maybe partially he did. But didn't dress up in a suit for Liam's sake. He was hoping to have the courage to tell you he still wants you, but seeing you was like reality smacked him in the face. You were dressed up in your fancy gown for Liam, just like the other suitors. You would never end up with a guy like him:
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Drake is so tortured right now and it breaks my heart. He says his life would be easier if he could have hated you. He wants to tell you something but doesn't know how. You ask him what he was thinking and he stuns you by saying he would be a fool not to kiss you. You are like yes, please kiss me right now. He pulls you in for a passionte kiss and pulls away to look at you and say "I don't want to know what happens next. I just want to stay here in this moment with you." And that enough for you to make a decision. It is what you needed to hear, what you needed him to do. You say "Drake..." and you kiss him again, but what I'm convinced would come next (for my MC anyway) is "I want to be with you. I'm going to talk to Liam and say I can't get engaged to him."
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However, you are interrupted before you get a chance to say more. You go back inside and Bertrand comes to you with a letter he received telling you to leave court. You aren't sure if it is from one of the other suitors or somone else but you continue on with the evening.
You encounter one of Maxwell's old friends who turns out to be Liam's brother Leo and you learn more about him. You have a chance to spend alone time with Maxwell but decide you should stay (I did not do diamond scene).
Liam finds you again and you finish your ealier conversation. He tells you he doesn't want to just talk, he is ready to lose his virginity to you, right before the cornation. He just cant wait another minute. You say you don't want to cause a scandal on his big night (haha not going to escape that) and ask to talk in the ballroom instead. He pours his heart out and says "I love you." Before you can respond, Olivia interrupts.
Both after Liam says he wants you and doesn't want to wait longer, and when he says I love you, you get the shocked face and say "Liam..." This follows the same formula as the earlier scene with Drake, allowing for different interpretation depending on if they are your LI or not. So in my version, this is where I would have told Liam about Drake, but I didn't get the chance:
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So Olivia has interrupted to tell Liam she ia leaving. You have a diamond option to follow her and find out more but I didn't do this one either.
It is time for Liam to announce his choice for future queen when shit goes down. The pictures of you and Tariq are out and everyone thinks you were having a fling with him. You are escorted out. Drake and Hana try to get to you and Liam tries to call out to you. You are withdrawn as a suitor and Liam is forced to make a quick decision and choses Madeleine.
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And thats it for book 1! Drake has grown from a loner that hates you to a good friend in the group who hates that he loves you. Stay tuned tomorrow for the start of Book 2.
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reflecting back...i may been a little off when i was talking with you for the first time and actually seeing you.  you asked me if i was intimidated by seeing you.  i don’t know if intimidated is the right word.  i was anxious and happy.  i was nervous.  i honestly didn’t know what to expect or why you wanted to see me to chat when we could have just kept talking on the phone.  maybe there was a little intimidation.  i don’t know.  i did wonder what was going through your mind as to why you wanted to see me to chat.  not that i didn’t want to.  i did have a lot of thoughts going through my mind.  i know that it felt good to finally see your face after such a long time.  i wanted to try my best to at least get you to smile.  i really miss seeing you smile.  i know you always looked beautiful but seeing you “in person”...i forgot how truly beautiful you are.  in that sense, that’s where i could have been intimidated.  your eyes searching for words and your body language.  seeing you brought back all my feelings in a rush that i didn’t really know how to handle it throughout our call.  i have your pictures but after seeing you today, the pictures don’t do you justice.  
as amazing as it was to see you, i think a lttle part of me kind of “died” inside.  because at the same time in seeing you and realizing how much you mean to me, it also reminded me of what i am missing out on right now, what i’ve been missing out on since we stopped “seeing” each other, and what i may possibly be missing out on and will never have for the rest of my life.  that is something that is extremely difficult for me to accept.  sometimes, i do think and feel i am being stupid and delusional because i think in terms of “our future, you and me, us” but i don’t get anything back.  i know why you dont, but at the same time, i kind of wonder if i should even be thinking or talking like that anymore.  no one else knows or believes it and i feel like i’m like that crazy person standing on the side walk believing and preaching that the end of the world is coming but no one pays him any mind or thinks he is stupid or crazy.  
truth...there have been times where i kind of feel like it’s deja vu.  you and i talking and communicating the way we are now as compared to when we were trying to communicate before at almost every chance we/you had.  almost as if we are still right there in that moment where you and i are stealing every possible moment we can just to be together and feel/stay connected to each other.  it’s liek the lengths you and i will go to just to have the other in our lives somehow.  i still get that excited feeling when i see a message from you and i do check my phone to see if i have/missed a message from you if i don’t hear from you.  it’s moments like those that make me feel that you and i are more of a reality instead of just a possibility.  like i feel the reason we do and are doing what we are doing is because, ultimately, we both know what we really want.  the only thing stopping us is this “situation”.  so i get into my head and i battle with my fantasies and reality and i’m right back where i started.  
i hate how stubborn and driven i am because when this all blows up in my face, i know that the people who know what is going on will still be sad to see me hurt and devasted but i know that they also will say, “i told you so”.  as if i should have been smarter and known from the start that i would lose everything because they warned me about everything i’m doing and yet i still kept on the way i am/did.  my thoughts are all over the place and i’m jumping from topic to topic.   
“ ...you felt more alive between 2018-2020 when you and I were intimately involved, yes?”  why did you ask/phrase it like that?  was there a follow up or a sentiment you wanted to express from your side?
like i started saying, it wasn’t even the intimate part that made me feel alive.  i know that there was a part of me that was somehow secretly and deeply attracted to you in one way or another.  i don’t know what the exact pull of it was, but i do know that i did enjoy your company.  i did enjoy getting to know you and finding out little bits and pieces of you here and there.  i did wonder why you asked so many questions and what was the reason/purpose behind those questions, but at the same time, i did try to answer them for you as openly and honestly as i could or allowed myself to and your reactions made me smile and i found myself drawn more to you.  like i said, if it wasn’t you who made a move, it may have been inevitable that i would have made a move first.  i was the one who pulled your body into mine and held you closely when we walked to our cars after karaoke.  it took every fiber of my being in that moment not to kiss you.  i know i wanted to.  but i didn’t know how you would react.  telling somone you like them is one thing.  grabbing their body and holding them close to you is kind of a different thing.  if you didn’t feel anything at that time, then i would have thought i got away with holding on to someone who i could see myself being attracted to and wishing i didn’t have to let you go till i could figure out what it was that made me do what i did.  kissing you in that moment would have been a whole other level.  but then again, it seems like a lot of things that i did to “start” things didn’t really proceed the way you’d think it should normally proceed.  although maybe i should have clued in to certain things evne way back when.  like how when i randomly ran into you at taco y taco.  we had neverr intereacted as much or whatnot but i was genuinely excited to run into you and even though i had no idea what to talk to you about, i walked away from the interaction pleasantly surprised.  when i first saw you at the jail, that brief but apparently not so brief moment when we just stared at each other.  i still don’t know till this day exactly how long we stared at each other.  but the fact that a part of my decision of accepting the position at the jail had to do with hope/chance that i’d be able to run into you.  there were other factors but you actually were a factor mixed into my decision.  when i let slip that people would find your clumsiness endearing.  i thought it was embarrassingly cute and funny and entertaining.  not in the “haha, what a dork” way but “aww...she made such a mess and she stained her clothes for the rest of the day.  that’s something that i can use against her in a teasing way to make her laugh.”.  there were little things about you that even though i didn’t really know you, i found myself wondering what else would i notice about her?
all these experiences and moments that i’ve been able to have since we stopped seeing each other, they are nice.  they are welcome distractions and i’m able to say that i do enjoy the moments when i am in them.  but i don’t know if i can honestly say that i’m “happy” or that i’m “living”.  i look on and i smile but all my mind can think of is, “i wish she was here with me.  i wonder what she would think about this.  i know she’d enjoy this.  i wonder what we would do at this moment.”  and then the moment is gone and i’m left alone with my thoughts again...wondering.   
grrr...it frustrates me so to see how “arguements” start between my parents over the way they “speak/communicate” with each other.  then i think about you and him and your arguements.  i think about other people.  then i think about you and me.  it’s rare to be able to speak as freely as we do and to still enjoy talking to each other with respect.  like, we could have fun, we can have arguements/misunderstandings, we can tease each other, but we know that everything we say is never with the intent of hurting each other or to be said with malice.  we understand that about each other.  so if one of us were to hurt the other, we both know that wasn’t the intent, and figure out where things went wrong, and come out of it for the better.  other fights/arguements i see, there’s usually now resolve, and the next arguement will just be a bit more intense because it will have some residual from the previous arguement.  
i don’t know.  i just wonder how much longer are we going to live our lives without each other in it.
did i answer all your questions/ponders?
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All ships You know even if I obviously play favorites, I like all ships both canon and non canon and I can see how each have special circumstances that would fit well with another character. 1. Narusaku
I know what everyone is probably thinking; You traitor!!! But just hear me out. Sakura at first hated naruto and called him annoying ect. and instead was head over heals for a jerk (aka sasuke) but during the time they were team mates she matured and started to see naruto less as a screw up and more of someone who was trying his hardest to be a recognized as a good ninja. When sasuke left she realized she was relaying too much on naruto to retrieve sasuke so she worked to make herself stronger so she could fight by his side when he came back from training. Now after his training she and naruto developed a strong bond, where she would cry for naruto and actually enjoy his company. She had come a long way from the weak, ignorant love struck girl and shouldn’t be judged about her past self. so based on the evidence this ship is not illogical. I can see it. 2. Naruhina
Now this is my favorite obviously.
Hinata had always believed in naruto ever since they were children and even stood up for him on some occasions. She looked at herself and naruto and saw how hard he worked to be recognized so she used him as inspiration to change herself and wanted to catch up to him. She gave no hint about her feelings to naruto, besides blushing and stuttering and he just assumed she was like that with everyone. Now when she sacrificed herself for pain and confesses, she of course said it in japanese and we all know how confusing that language is so naruto thought she meant it in a friendship kind of way and didn’t answer her confession till the movie. Some argue he fell in love with her out of nowhere, well that does happen in real life you know. Once you find out someone likes you, you start seeing the qualities you missed before and your heart starts to beat. Again i see it and with evidence this ship is not illogical. 3 sasuhina.
This ship doesnt interact much but their peronalities are matched with a lot of shoujo couples. sasuke is a damaged soul and hinata is a sweet caring girl. She wasn’t a fan girl of his so she wouldn’t be interested in him for shallow reasons. Her compassionate heart could very well be something he needs. I can see the potential in this kind of couple so therefore it is not illogical. 4 sasusaku
Ummmm sakura has been in love with sasuke her entire life practically and the argument is that naruto is the better guy but I know when I have a crush on someone sad to say in my eyes no one else is as good as him. Dont even argue on this we’ve all thought this before even if we dont want to admit it. Despite popular belief you don’t need an event to start liking somone, you can just like them for aspects of their character that suit your tastes. There’s no doubt she cares about him with unconditional love, that has gone beyond that of the school crush she initially had for him, something he needs. Even if he doesn’t deserve it. So even if this isn’t my favorite ship it isn’t illogical. 5. Sasunaru.
Okay I’m not really into boyxboy ships but he and naruto do have a bond. Naruto does everything in his power to bring sasuke back no matter what he’s done and in turn naruto is the only one sasuke has openly admitted to caring about. Heck the whole series is centered around these two. So this ship isnt illogical. Shikaino
Lets face it this couple is cute. He has concern for her evertime there’s danger and supports her feelings. Even if they started out rocky they grew to have an incredible bond. So this ship is not illogical. This of course isn't all my opinion I'm addressing popular arguments and hoping to widen haters perspective. There are a lot more but im too lazy to type anymore but the point is every ship has a logical point to it so lets band together as a fandom and stop all this fighting. Please?
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