#it does mean id need to come up with a new name though which is. pain and suffering
darlingandmreames · 8 months
The urge to adapt my OCs into a new (third) set of OCs
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totowlff · 2 years
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➝ star-crossed
almost 30 years after his last formula 1 world championship, elisabeth lauda's father decides to invest in the struggling mercedes f1 team. she joins him as his business partner in the investment. little does she know that it will change her life forever.
➝ fireworks
elisabeth wasn’t fond of parties, and a new year’s eve party in vienna was no exception. niki would never refuse such a generous invitation from his new business partner, and he wouldn’t let elisabeth get out of it, either. 
➝ never be the same
nico’s win at the monaco gp portended better things to come for the mercedes f1 team, but after the celebrations, elisabeth knew that things between her and toto would never be the same again.
➝ 200km/h
elisabeth never wanted to visit the nurburgring, where her father nearly lost his life. fate had other plans. 
➝ trust
ross brawn’s tumultuous departure from mercedes was nothing compared to what elisabeth and toto’s relationship had become. elisabeth goes to brackley to manage the fallout, but things only get more complicated. 
➝ barbarazweige
the annual lauda family christmas dinner had one hard-and-fast rule: no cell phones. but some rules are made to be broken.
➝ dreams
a new baby in the lauda family prompts discussion between niki and elisabeth about the path her life is taking.
➝ courage
it takes courage for elisabeth to confess her feelings for toto, and even more to face the consequences of her cowardice.  
➝ pretense
elisabeth plunges headlong into work to stop herself from thinking too much about her personal life, but niki tells her she needs to relax a little.
➝ atemlos durch die nacht
elisabeth dreaded seeing his name on her caller id, but the voice on the other end of the line told her something she was really afraid of.
➝ spür was liebe mit uns macht
everything was a blur. nothing seemed to make sense in toto's head. in his mind, just a thought. a person. liesl.
➝ the cliff
elisabeth’s feelings for toto have pushed her to the edge of a cliff. the only thing she could do was jump.
➝ a proper start
two years after their story began in a penthouse in the middle of vienna, elisabeth and toto go back to the start. 
➝ partner in crime
toto and elisabeth need to keep up appearances at the fia prize giving gala - they’re just co-workers and business partners, nothing more. at least, that’s what everyone else needs to think.
➝ pumpernickels and dance moves
elisabeth and toto are two incredibly busy people. once in a while, though, they get a chance to enjoy some peace and quiet in the morning.
➝ thin ice
toto & elisabeth find out that keeping their relationship hidden from the world is one thing, but keeping it hidden from elisabeth’s father is a different, more complicated matter.   
➝ selfishness
in a moment of frustration, elisabeth says something she doesn’t mean. it opens old wounds of toto’s that run deeper than she realized.
➝ das herz ist eine schlecht gebaute brücke
toto never wanted to depend on anyone in any way. however, he realizes the hard way that some people depend on him. and he has been failing them miserably.
➝ under the spotlight
elisabeth gets an opportunity to impress toto, and takes it as a chance to face her fears.
➝ how many secrets can you keep
it’s race weekend in austria, which means toto has some very special guests with him at the race. elisabeth’s anxiety has nothing to do with what’s happening on the track. 
➝ you can’t shift the tide
after a long day, what toto wants most is to get to his room and rest. but he has one more unfinished business to take care of.
➝ attention
toto seems distracted, and elisabeth can’t help but feel like he’s ignoring her. she comes up with a plan to get his attention.    
➝ deja vu
mercedes’ second championship win brings back some old feelings, but things between elisabeth and toto feel brand-new. 
➝ mistrust
elisabeth’s brother had made his opposition to her and toto’s relationship known, which is hard enough to deal with. but someone else feels the same way, and that’s even harder still.  
➝ powódź zniszczyła ten dom
after finding elisabeth in tears in the bathroom, toto sees no other way out than a serious conversation with his mother
➝ lipstick and confessions
going to a gala in geneva is stressful enough, but some familiar lipstick and a familiar face make for a weekend that elisabeth hadn’t expected.
➝ intention and redemption
all it took was a black dress and red lipstick for toto to realize the mistake he was making with aurélie. and he was determined to fix it.
➝ this party became a funeral
elisabeth’s nephew adores her, and his birthday party should have been a happy occasion. but even his son’s birthday won’t stop mathias from making his feelings about elisabeth and toto known.
➝ promise
elisabeth wraps up a business deal a year in the making. It’s a day she’ll never forget, but not for the reason she expects.
➝ edvard
an intimate moment between elisabeth and toto goes public. they decide they need to have a serious talk with niki. 
➝ quan estem separats
distance is painful for elisabeth. however, worse than that is the uncertainty about the future. 
➝ peace
that summer break wasn't how elisabeth and toto imagined it would be. however, that doesn't mean it wouldn't be unforgettable. 
➝ won’t forget, can’t regret
the dam broke. the game is over. now everyone knows that elisabeth lauda and toto wolff are completely in love with each other. and he can't help but feel a little relieved about it.
➝ before everything
a photo. an audio. a voice message. and niki never saw elisabeth the same way again.
➝ what won’t you do for love
the moment of truth has arrived for elisabeth and niki.
➝ bellyache
returning to the paddock after the summer break was nothing like elisabeth imagined.
➝ cover up the blank spots
it was supposed to be another normal day for alma, until she read the name on the form in her hands.
➝ waltzes and wreaths
no cameras, no pressure. on that night in helsinki, they were just liesl and toto.
➝ anger leaves a great void
as a polish writer would say, “anger always leaves behind a great void, into which a flood of sadness immediately pours and flows like a great river, without beginning or end���.
➝ when the party is over
benedict's birthday dinner had everything to be a happy moment for the family. however, there were still things to settle between elisabeth and joanna.
➝ empty apologies
some wounds are too deep for simple dressings.
➝ take my breath
is there a better birthday present than love?
➝ no more secrets
sometimes the fear of losing someone to stupid ideas drives people to do stupid things.
➝ breaking point
the hardest part of a fight is realizing you're wrong. again.
➝ finish line
calm seas never made good sailors. however, that storm seemed to be the end of it all.
➝ a secret place
there is no place in the world where elisabeth felt more at peace. and she was looking forward to sharing it with the man she loved.
➝ the last thing
in brescia, toto made a decision about his relationship with elisabeth. but, he still needs to talk to someone about it.
➝ a question
after days of peace, elisabeth and toto prepare to return to the eye of the hurricane. but, not before without answering a question.
➝ on the cover
check now the new issue of karriere by der standard magazine!
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stormdragon23 · 3 months
Solo Leveling Novel Rambles starting from chapter 10 and up to chapter 12
(I should probably mention the chapter numbers I’m using are based on Tapas’ chapters, so it’s off from the actual chapter numbers)
Sung Jinwoo being reminded of Lee Juhee when he gets healed by the status recovery alsjdfa I wish more of their relationship was shown
Oh, the Rune Stones. Kind of forgot about them. I really like the background info on them though and how rare they are. Kind of want to explore that subject a bit more
I like how the novel spends some time explaining the skills. They were glossed over in the manhwa and anime, so by the time they were brought up, I didn’t even remember them
Jinwoo getting mad at the System because it’s not giving him any instructions about what anything means aksjkaksa I can relate to that though. I like step-by-step instructions. Also, him wishing he lifted the bed to test his strength before he spent his stat points is relatable haha Hindsight is 20/20
So far, Jinwoo in the novel seems more strategic than the manhwa? It speaks about his thoughts a lot more, so that may be why, but the manhwa seems to be more of him figuring out problems as it goes rather than taking the time he needs to figure things out
Jinwoo’s moments of excitement are so cute. He’s testing out his new strength after using the stat points and apologizes for making a mess when a nurse scolds him. I like Jinwoo’s sense of humor too. He seems easy to connect with in the novel compared to the manhwa. I love the art in the manhwa though, so you win some, you lose some
He seems a lot more grateful to be able to level up as well. In the manhwa and anime, he was more like “Oh thanks for saving my life. And the upgrades are nice too” while in the novel, he seems so excited about becoming stronger
Jinwoo doing research and the process behind it is something I really like seeing. Apparently, there are websites you need a Hunter’s license to access? I guess the license comes with an ID number or something? I don't think there was much of it in the manhwa. It would have been nice to see the forum in the manhwa though
Oh, Jinwoo noticed the sword in his inventory sooner than in the manhwa. I think I personally prefer the novel version of that since the manhwa seemed like too much of a coincidence.
I like Jinwoo's self-reflection after being betrayed in the double dungeon. While the manhwa does mention that Jinwoo wants to get stronger and not take unnecessary risks, I don't think it ever mentioned Jinwoo made the decision to no longer be necessarily kind. It's definitely shown later on in the manhwa which I found selfish yet understood why, but seeing the novel going into detail about it makes it clear about the reasons behind some of Jinwoo's decisions later on.
Oh, there's a conversation involving that one nurse that was pretty much forgotten in the manhwa. It's confirmed again that the S-Ranks are kind of seen as monsters, and the public doesn't know much about them. Baek Yoon-Ho is also mentioned! Although it's spelled as Baek Yun-Ho. At least his name is more recognizable than some of the other ones I've seen so far.
So the ranks of Hunters are visible for everyone to see? I guess that information isn't completely private. It does help with making sure people are telling the truth about their rank though
Okay, I can see why they dropped this part with the nurse in the manhwa lol I don't like it. This nurse girl wants to take advantage of the situation to have the chance to befriend an S-Rank. I mean, other people might do the same, but that doesn't mean it's not selfish.
Jinwoo says that his body has also changed drastically, even before he does the D-Rank dungeon, and notices the other nurses talking about him. He doesn't seem as dense as I thought he would have based on how he was in the manhwa
The chapters are split weirdly, so I'm actually around chapter 8 of the novel? They probably did it so that people would have to spend more. I'm choosing the free option though, so it doesn't really affect me that much, but the numbering is confusing
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wsknbfanaccnt · 2 years
Hi beautiful!!
I was wondering if you can write a drabble, or whatever you want, about weird habits of the Gom+Taiga (maybe Takao also? He's such a cutie).
That would be fun!
this was legit so fun to make lol
H/Cs of Their Weird Habits/Traits
Akashi Seijuro
bites his nails
especially when he's anxious? he's also a perfectionist so it kinda makes sense
he likes talking to Yukimaru (his horse)
he's actually very soft and caring for his lil white horsey
Id think hes the mom of the GOM
he has everything everyone needs even if it's smth insane idk
"Hey does anyone have cotton pads?"
this bitch pulls a container from his pocket
"Here, keep the container as well."
"What? I only need one-"
"I insist."
he also paces when thinking
sometimes he accidentally paces Yukimaru and he be like "Oh- we've been going around in circles this entire time... Sorry, boy. I have quite a lot on my mind lately..."
Idk why but I always thought him a heavy sleeper
he despises getting up in the morning
Kuroko Tetsuya
he always orders the same food at a restaurant
like bro pick something new
I don't think he likes trying new food very much
to the point that he'd become a regular customer
"Hello! Welcome to [store name]! Ah, it's Kuroko-kun!"
"The usual please."
"Coming right up!"
this guy also has imaginary friends
he's invisible right so when he wants to talk to someone and no one can hear him he talks to his 'imaginary friends'
it's a habit that he picked up in childhood
its kinda sad now that i think about it LMFAO
Midorima Shintaro
this guys personal hygiene is INSANE
he will spend like an hour in the shower making sure that every single square inch of his body is clean
he also likes wearing mens perfume
idk he just seems like that kinda person to me
he also refuses to leave any food on his plate
even if he's like really full
you will not see a single grain of rice left on this man's plate
istfg he'd lick it clean if he could
he sleeps with a lil bear stuffed toy every night
his first lucky item ever
and he kept it ever since
Kise Ryouta
Ik this is kise but somehow he gives me the vibes of planning everything down to the smallest detail
"So this is our itinerary for today! At 1:00 we can take a little lunch at Maji Burger, and we should finish at around 1:50, and we should go to the bathroom before leaving so 10 minutes is enough for that I think... and then-"
reminds me of Monica from Friends lol
originally I thought this for Midorima but then I imagined Kise being all enthusiastic about his plans and I was like yeah that sounds about right
this guy likes to whistle too
to songs
and sometimes you'd catch him whistling to a BTS song while in the men's locker room
Aomine would tease him for it but Kise always says that he likes Kpop
Aomine Daiki
Going off of Kise's, he thinks its funny and cringe that Kise listens to Kpop
Even though he listens to Kpop himself
he'd never admit it
so he's afraid of bees right
canonically he is
he always lets out this shrill scream
literally the only time he screams like a girl
oh and he breaks things when hes angry
the only thing he hasn't broken before in his house when he was angry is his mai-chan magazines LMFAO
Murasakibara Atsushi
so he's canonically tone deaf
which means of course he likes to hum a few songs every now and then
no one knows what the hell he's humming
Himuro always knows tho SOMEHOW
"Murasakibaracchi, what are you humming this time?"
"Ehh... I forgot the title of the song... the chorus kinda goes like-" *hums random notes*
Himuro goes "Oh is that California Girls by Katy Perry?"
"Yeah... That one. I like the music video..."
the GOM just looks at Himuro and him with shock
the GOM eventually gave up on asking tbh
he LOVES Disney
Kagami Taiga
this is weird but idk he sniffs frequently?
I think this is a habit that he picked up in America
I have no idea
also he can't drive
like literally his hand-eye coordination should be better because he'd a basketball player but when it comes to driving it just all goes away
Aomine tried to teach him at one point
lets just say Aomine was more scared than he was when he met Kuroko for the first time
also you can almost never understand what he's saying when he's typing
he doesn't even have autocorrect which idk if thats better or worse
"hy fo we habve pporactiove tiduay"
he often resorts to voice messages instead
Takao Kazunari
100% adrenaline junkie
loves skydiving and hiking and traveling to very risky places
but he CANNOT for the life of him ever go to a historically haunted place
he also has a playlist in Spotify for every single mood he's in
like literally he has like 10+ playlists
Can be wild and normal
He has playlists from "Driving late at night" to "sewing machine vibes"
what even is that Takao
also he loves video games
he owns litearlly every single major game released since like 2001
he has finished every single one of those games and has a shelf to stack them
Playstation, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo PC
he has all of them
hes AR60
mains Hutao and Ganyu, depending on his mood
Hutao's highest crit is 2 million
he's also soft for bennett
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bloopdydooooo · 9 months
what's your doctor who wtnv crossover like? 👀
i am so glad you asked! (category 7 adhd event to follow)
so our doctor is cecil (no assigned number since i didnt want to cram the wtnv characters into a doctor who plot line when it would be so easy to make a new one special for them (though cecil does come from a welsh surname meaning sixth (among other things) so he could replace the 6th doctor? it doesn’t matter either way)) and while his name is, as always, just ‘the Doctor’, he lets carlos call him cecil as a treat cause they’re in looooooove <33 (he used cecil palmer like john smith when they met and carlos really like the name (it’s so i don’t have to completely erase either ‘the doctor’ or ‘cecil’ and i think i’m awfully clever) anyways he’s like doctor-weird plus cecil-weird, because they’re all so fucking bizarre (affectionate) he kicks off the fic adjusting to the new body and i felt the need to acknowledge the fact that cecil is usamerican while the doctors generally are Not (is a good fic if you don’t slander your own accent a little bit?)
i considered making carlos the doctor, because he’s. you know. a scientist and not a silly goofy gay who works in community radio, but since so much of cecil’s story revolves around him not being quite as person as the rest of the people around him, about him losing track of his age and everything he’s been through, of him canonically dying multiple times, about his relationships with family and parenthood (etc) i just felt like it would be such a waste to not make him the doctor, yk? (i also considered changing up what it meant to be the doctor to include cecil’s title of ‘the voice’ but that felt like too much so we have doctor!cecil now)
so that means carlos is the companion, he’s introduced while studying the phantom ocean which was actually just like. a big weird alien fish. then they go to the dog park and the desert otherworld and have a bunch of doctor who-ified wtnv adventures together (like lee marvin‘a birthdays, the whispering forest, the auction, etc… but make it dr who sci-fi)
i know most of the actual episodes are the doctor saves his companion and Others, but i’m such a sucker for ‘the doctor needs help’ that i wrote in four chapters of carlos saving doctor!cecil (technically could be six, depends how you count it)
and we finish off with a daleks confrontation which takes place during the blood space wars, because you have to have the daleks at least once, and it’s a good cap on a fic
i’ve made it 13 chapters long, cause all the new who seasons are well. 13 episodes long. and i’m considering doing a (not-)christmas (because even though doctor!cecil wouldn’t be jewish it would be incredibly ethically fucked up if i just. chucked a canon jewish character into a christmas landscape w/out acknowledging it) special afterwards as is customary, to follow the bbc’s standards
i am literally so invested in this fic i’ve written the first three chapters so far and they’re all like double my usual length and i’m considering making them longer because i think there’s still more i could add.
anyways thank you so much for asking i am in love with the world i have created. (would you like the link to the doc? (im so proud of this i want everyone to read it and i only want to post it when i know that i have enough of a buffer for regular updates, given how long the chapters are) (obviously it’s fine if you don’t want to read it no pressure))
here’s a drawing of doctor!cecil i made (though i changed the cape to a tailcoat because it felt Better)
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[ID: a black and whit pencil drawing of cecil as the doctor. he’s got dark skin and graying black hair. he’s wearing a puffy-sleeved shirt under a vest and a loosely-done tie. he’s wearing a bunch of jewelry, cat-ear headphones, and star-shaped glasses with beads on his glasses chain. he has multiple chains and beads handing from his belt and is wearing back pants with white pockets. he has a cape tied around his neck and in one hand he’s holding the sonic screwdriver, which he’s looking at and smiling. beside him it says ‘the Doctor (a.k.a. cecil)’ End ID]
i did draw carlos but he’s just like. some guy and i’m honestly not proud enough of that to post it here.
ok i think that’s all (it’s not but you get it)
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luna-alatus · 1 year
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Character/s: Levi Ackerman
Prompt: "Haha.. yeah that's my childhood best friend-.."
Headcanon: Modern AU + School AU + pandemic covid... yay.. + location: the Philippines~ || Female Y/n
Small note: Got this idea from school~ speakin of which hope you folks doing alright! ^^
(Y/n) was just mindlessly gazing out the window, being in the back of the class and all- not that it was a problem much seeing as she was lucky enough to still be next to the window since she had quite the habit of looking out of it.
Totally not because she felt like a main character pft-.. totally not... ok fine maybe just a bit- but come on! Let a girl dream.
It was the first day of school again- Monday, yeah everyone loves Monday alright aha.. hah.. yay..
Anyways, it was going to be a tiring day once again for her and her classmates. And from the looks of it, it seemed everyone was still tired like very tired. Seeing the fact as they did have quite the busy few weeks.
It was face to face again, and yes.. the pandemic was still there which sucked but honestly- (Y/n) definitely prefers online class cause come on man. There was no need to wake up super early or have the need to actually be up on time so that the bus won't leave you and yada-yada.
The only good part about f2f is probably cause she sees her friends.. either way it still sucks and she's still tired as heck.
After the usual morning routine her class usually does, every morning, hence the name. Before they could start getting ready or for others sit back down to listen to the reminders their advisor had to tell them.
The door to the class suddenly opened, revealing a male, one with black-hair, which seemed to be in an undercut style.. with bangs in front..? Steal-grey, bluish eyes and their usual uniform for males.
Which consists of the simple, white button up, blue plants and ID oh yeah wait plus mask cause again. Pandemic haha.
Everyone's attention seemed to have moved onto the newly arrived male, and as he walked in it seemed there were only a few who didn't care for whoever entered and just minded their business. (Y/n) being one of the few of course. As their advisor, Miss Alex, went over to the new male, everyone watched curious as they started to introduce the new kid.
"Everyone, this is your new classmate. Yes, they may have gotten here a little late but that doesn't mean you guys should be mean to him alright? Now, mister Ackerman go on ahead and introduce yourself please."
A sigh came from the male, but with a reluctant nod. They started to introduce themselves, first with a bow though before they start talking.
"Good morning classmates, good morning Miss Alex. My name is Levi Elijah Ackerman. 15 years old. I am from Tokyo, Japan and moved here to the Philippines when I was 7 to study here. As well as because my Mother decided to live here, because most of her relatives migrated here from Japan."
A surprisingly deep voice had started to talk, and well.. for a guy who's 15 and is in grade what.. 9. That was pretty deep, but it was strange since our dear (Y/n) seems to recognize that voice.. and well it was only when they finally decided to look at who was talking.
Did they catch the male's eyes and figured out who this new kid is.
"It's nice to meet you all."
Hah.. Levi freaking Ackerman, her best friend since she was 6 was here... no wonder her mom seemed so excited before she left for school. Levi was- or well apparently seemed to have moved from his old school to hers.
Greetings from her other classmates was heard, to answer to Levi's and well.. all (Y/n) could focus on now was the eyes of her male childhood best friend.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you Levi. But before I assign you to your seat, I must ask since you said you've been here in the Philippines since you were 7 correct? Just a curious question, do you perhaps know anybody here so I can assign them to help you around?"
And this guy decided to point at (Y/n).. throwing her off the bus immediately.
"I know her miss, have known her since I was 7 actually so.. can I get her to be my guide?"
This guy...
"Of course! Do you mind miss (L/n)?"
Smiling despite it not being seen through the mask she just nodded.
"Yeah.. I don't mind, I'll just show you around later L..."
She could see and feel them smirking.. this little-
"Alright then, show me around later (N/n)"
And here comes the questions.. of course.... great
"YOU KNOW HIM (Y/N)?!?!?!?!?!?!"
"Haha.. yeah that's my childhood best friend-.."
Levi Ackerman, (Y/n) loves this guy -platonically of course.. pft... yeah..- but they were dead meat later.
Note: Ima rewrite this when I can- but for now enjoy this somewhat crack hc fic of Levi being your childhood bff and letting your entire class know~
Again a bit self-indulgent for me but hope you lil birds still enjoy~
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dizzydesi53 · 10 months
Knock Knock Knock
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She's a hero! my mate's a hero! I was so shocked when I smelled summer wind and honeysuckle in the middle of a villain attack. my first instinct was to look for her among the hurt civilians and protect her. I still want her as far away from villains as possible. luckily I stuck a feather with her so I can easily find her.
she's stubborn and I still don't understand why I have no effect on her. She sure seems to have an effect on me though. I flew out away from her to my penthouse, I was sweating and dizzy. I crashlanded on my balcony my legs shaky.  fucking hell, she started my rut early!
I completely ignored the offer or rather the demand of me to work with Hawks. he has no way of finding me unless he sees me as Moxie. he doesn't know my last name or where I live so I'm safe. I can't believe the audacity of that pigeon, ordering me around! jerk!
I spent the weekend doing my chores, grocery shopping cleaning my apartment and paying bills. Monday rolls around and I don't hear anything from the chicken fry so I assume he's forgotten me. what a lucky break! he's probably bothering some other unlucky girl, good riddance!
....then why do I feel a slight pang of sadness at the idea of him with someone else? I don't even like him!.... I don't.
By Friday I've mostly forgotten him, I'm home from patrolling around 5 and I'm stuck doing laundry. I'm out of clean underwear, that's how bad things are in regard to laundry!...well except for my 'special' drawer.
I practically jump out of my skin. it's coming from my balcony! I'm on the 20th floor. I pull my curtain back only to be met with golden eyes and that annoying smirk. I'm not letting him in! I guess he could read that on my face because he held up his phone with the number to a well-known reporter lit up on the screen.
"open or else."
bastard says it in a singsong voice. sighing I open the door backing as far away as possible, always keeping furniture between us.
"How did you find me?"
from under my shirt on the twine id put it on his red feather pops up, moving independently. I blushed, I hadn't wanted him to know I kept that. I found it while fixing my costume the other day, it was such a pretty vibrant color! I didn't have the heart to throw it away so I made it into a neckless.
"I can hear everything around my feathers. I always know where they are."
he smirked and his eyes smoldered. he looked me up and down, his face a mask of lust that had me backing closer to the front door.
"so you like my feather?"
"I never said that! why are you here?"
trying to distract him, or get him to leave. I'm not very comfortable having him here in my apartment. he seems to take up all the space in the room, which I find a smidge intimidating.
"ready for your new job? I'm here to take you to your new digs too"
"excuse me! I never agreed to work with you and what do you mean by new digs? I'm not moving anywhere!"
"Sure you are! it's part of the job. and why wouldn't you want to work with the number 2 hero? it could open up so many opportunities for your hero career. are you scared?"
this bastard! I glared at him. he knows that that little remark is basically a challenge. a challenge I can't ignore. how does he know me so well after meeting me twice?
"it's only for a month. give me one month and after that, you can go on your way."
"It's just a job to me so what's it to you? you don't really need me so why are you so set on me working with you?"
this whole time he's inched closer and closer while I'm backing away from him, why can't I just stand my ground with him? This is now the third time I'm running away from him. I finally hit the wall next to my front door only for him to quickly box me in. caging me in my own home, making me feel vulnerable.
"I looked into your background and found out you're not an omega. your one of the rare 2% that doesn't really have instincts. this way I have a month to convince you that you're my mate, and I'm yours. what've you got to lose? it's just a month, can't handle it?"
his face was so close I could see the pattern of his irises. his breath blew across my face making it hard to concentrate my thoughts scattered my brain fuzzy when he got so close I could smell his cologne. it was a woodsy summery smell that reminded me of days at a lake. his eyes glanced down to my lips, so naturally my eyes were drawn to his lips. I suddenly thought about what his lips would feel like, what he would taste like, with perfect clarity.
"smell's good."
his lips ghosted over mine, my thoughts further and further away. heat swirling in my stomach, butterflies too. I could feel my skin prick with goosebumps
"What does?"
he whispered, his lips grazing over mine, moving with each word setting off sparks and fireworks that moved over me settling in my stomach with the heat. I gasped. My brain shortcircuited and I answered the question honestly.
his eyes lit up, sparkling with something I couldn't name, he groaned and swooped in, kissing my lips aggressively. pushing his tongue in making me taste him while he played with my tongue. I heard myself moan and my arms went around him without my permission, my fingers threading thru his blond hair.
he groaned into the kiss and moved his body closer to mine so that I was now pinned between him and the wall. his hands gripped my hips and slid down my thighs till he had both pried open and wrapped around his waist. I was snapped out of the fog in my brain when he ground himself between my legs. his erection hitting my clit even thru my jeans. I whimpered and then jerked away from the kiss.
his lips trailed down my throat, nipping the skin and then licking the sting away. he groans and then with visible reluctance pulls back. he looks into my eyes, his pupils are blown and his chest is rumbling. my cheeks flush at the realization of what I just let him do. he groans again, laying his head against my shoulder.
"I'm not apologizing, that kiss was amazing, but if you don't want me to continue until you're a writhing panting mess underneath me, then you should go pack some clothes so I can take you to your new apartment."
I couldn't help the gasp that left me at the lewd images his words invoked. I raced to my room closing the door to hide and calm down. am I really going to put myself in this dangerous position just because he challenged me and then gave me arguably the best kiss of my life?
god, I'm dumb!
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letstalkhockey · 1 month
𝙎𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙣; 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚
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SUMMARY: Inwhich people change, and so does summer camp. Teenagers all spending summer together; with y/n falling in love with no other than Jack Hughes, will rivalry's and rules keep them apart? Or will status and no other than Jack himself, ruin everything?
WARNINGS: 18+ CONTENT *I do not encourage you to go beyond this point if you are sensitive to any further topics. MINORS DNI - Violence, Smut, Indications to smut, Alcohol & substance use, swearing, cheating, mentions to serious topics, etc.
NOTE: Welcome to the Prologue, which is the shortest part to this story. I apologize for not making it longer, but this prologue gives a tiny view into what the whole story will be without spoiling it. 🤍
MASTERLIST: main m.list
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𝙎𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙣; 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚 - 1k+ words
Camp Michigan; my home away from home each summer since the ripe age of 8 years old. Camp Michigan had been where I spent summers, from being a camper, to now, at 16, attending camp and being a camp counselor with others my age who have been attending ever since we were young - and those new. Being at camp had either been the greatest experience of the one month you’d spend out of your two month break. Or the greatest challenge. Each year, a new decision is made. New memories are formed, and even new connections.
Camp michigan consisted of traditions, our annual yearly sleepover in dining hall, the annual late night swim, dodgeball torty - which always included someone getting injured from how competitive some people would be - the annual bonfire to kick-off the beginning, and my favorite, the treehouse, not so much a tradition, but something I created when I was younger. Only in a place where me and a few other members knew of. It was special, and I would always find myself there whenever I needed a break or a good sleep.
Each year it was one or the other, no inbetween, most of the years I've spent attending camp ever since the age of 8 years old, I found myself leaving with memories to last a life time, having spent my summers making them the greatest experiences of my entire life. That was, until the summer i turned 16, one whole year ago from right now; id been 15, getting on the bus for summer camp, my birthday slowly approaching, which had always been spent at camp, the staff would even get the other campers to help with baking a cake; even though each time it would end up in someone’s face, or awfully decorated, it still meant everything to me. We’d even have a huge party to celebrate; as if most of the summer hadn’t already consisted of fun activities, it was another added to the long list.
That was, until the summer I turned 16.
On my 16th birthday, August 14th, nothing. I mean nothing, no cake, no party, no anything. It was like any other day at camp. Except most of my day had been spent waiting around in my cabin for someone to come tell me it was all some joke, or that a surprise party was being held and they wanted to keep everything a secret. The most I'd gotten was a couple of ‘happy birthdays’ from my close friends, and even some random kids who’d I’d been with for years.
It was my 16th birthday - my sweet 16 at that. And I spent it cooped up in a cabin for most of the day, the night ending with some stupid activity no other than Jack Hughes and his weird counselor group had planned. Which had pissed me off more than anticipated. And I snapped at him. Like a full blown yelling match, he mocked me, and made me cry on my own birthday; we also got in trouble, well, I did. Almost got sent home, actually. From the moment he stepped foot to camp, he went by calling you a series of names you’d rather not elaborate on. He was only older than you by a few months, yet he acted like he had been ancient.
Jack Hughes first summer at camp michigan, was last summer. Yet he’d made friends with almost everyone, except for me and my counselor group. It was an unspoken rivalry that went back - these was always the girls group, and the guys group. Always having a leader; being me for my girls, and Jack for his boys. He’d claimed that title almost immediately, somehow robbing my good friend miles of his seniority, which was supposed to mean he was leader. But no, ‘hot shot Hughes’ flew in, having everything handed to the son of a bitch. I’ve never hated anyone more; rivalry was so on.
He was almost insufferable, I’d always assume his overconfident cocky-act was from his popular hockey captain status which he said he held at school. I couldn’t have cared less, about him or his hockey status. He’d go around acting like he owned the place when he hadn’t even been there a week. The staff loved him, but you were pretty sure that was only because of his ‘charm’, or his flirty attitude, at first, most of your cabin crew had also been head over heels for the new hot boy, but you quickly shut them down with any idea of anything happening between any of cabin A with Cabin B. Rules were rules and a rivalry was a rivalry.
I never did know if he knew it had been your birthday that day, if he planned what he had just because he wanted to make your life a living hell, or if he just genuinely did not know. I wasn’t  sure if you’d ever get that answer, and over time I cared less. I’d been too focused on the summer ahead of you and that only. Your 17th would be spent like any other this year. I made sure to plan in advance, for my own sake anyway. This was going to be one of my last years at the camp, I’d be graduating the school year to come, and be moving off to whatever was planned for myself next, so some stupid boys weren’t about to ruin that for me. No matter how many names, or flirtatious things Jack would shoot at me, i had no intent of falling for his fuck boy acts.
For that matter, my good friend, and cabin member, Lacey, had been secretly seeing one of the guys from B cabin, this past summer. Joey. It was well known between the girls cabin, although the boys not so much. A few other girls had spent time with some of the boys, but none went any further in the way Lacey had it out with Joey. A part of me only dreamed of the cliche rivalry love story, yet with the current circumstances, I’d been almost positive that was never, ever going to happen.
Seriously. Imagine, Jack Hughes, and me?
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kyupidos · 11 months
hi asmo! i love your writing sm! since you're taking requests, id like to request kalim and ace with g/n reader who is a guitarist, or just musician in general! platonic or romantic is fine! thanks so much, and have a great day!
07/??/23’s delivery 🏹✉️ twisted wonderland
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to be a guitaristヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ,ヽ( ・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ ;; summary. ‘what is it like to have a friend who plays guitar, they wonder?’
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characters. scarabia , heartslabyul : kalim al-asim , ace trappola ( separate ) ;; platonic . 🖇️ tags. reader is gender neutral ( you/your ), reader is yuu, reader is a guitarist, fluff
📡 _a/n. first writing req?! hii anon, you’ll 4ever be in my heart <3 this one took a bit because i haven’t a clue about being a guitarist or musician in general, so i had to do some research. hope you like it! also thank you, hope you have a great day as well ^-^
— kalim is a member of the light music club, and cater and lilia, who are also members, are guitarists, so not knowing at least a bit about it would be rather troublesome for him!
— the moment he comes to the understanding that you’re a guitarist, he’s asking if you’re interested in becoming a light music club member. maybe with your experience you could help them out a bit! oh, but he understands if you don’t feel like joining though, for whyever it may be, they’ve been having trouble getting new members anyway. ( he really does hope you can help out though! )
— though on another note, he’s wondering if you’d like to come over to scarabia some time. of course, any sort of music can liven up a party depending on what it is, so if you want to play along with him that’d be great!
— be sure to say goodbye to the ramshackle ghosts and maybe even give them a goodnight when you do go, because these sorts of parties are always good, and they always seem to last up until the night. maybe kalim took ‘party until the morning’ just a tad too literally.
— don’t worry about pay, all that sort of thing is taken care of by jamil. since you’re personally close to kalim, you’re paid in frankly, whatever you want. madol, that’s the usual pay, of course. but if you want free food? it’s right there for you to enjoy. a break from helping out the light music club? might get a little chaotic, but we all need a break now and then!
— also, since you’re both into music, he’s pretty curious about your guitar skills. he’d like to hear you talk to him about it, perhaps what got you into it, how you learned, if you were a natural talent or it took you years. he wants to hear about everything! oh, and he’s sure to tell you about his drumming skills too!
— and since we’re already on about that, he’s really interested in the music from your world. he doesn’t doubt that the kinds of music from your world and twisted wonderland are similar, since you didn’t seem to be too confused be the concept of the light music club, but he also doesn’t doubt that there’s a unique difference between your music and his! and he’s very excited to listen— if, you’re willing to play it, of course.
— similarly to kalim, ace is quite the advocate of fun, so he too is quite the fan of your ability to play the guitar. i believe he actually has a voiceline about how fun on-campus concerts would be, which means that he’s going to be asking about your talent quite often.
— he tends to ask questions about your world, you know, so i don’t doubt he’s asking you to play songs from your world. actually, i bet he’s going to be annoying about it too and act like one of those people who go “oh, you like [insert musician]? then name at least five of their songs”, except with playing those songs on your guitar, but ironically of course since he doesn’t even know that musician himself, them being from your world and all.
— something tells me that at some point when he gets in trouble again ( it was inevitable ), he’s going to ask you to interrupt riddle with your cool guitar skills while he gets away. some of the heartslabyul rules involve a little singing after all, so maybe riddle would be interested in your music. but this backfired because of course he’s interested in your music too, so he ends up not running too far in order to be within hearing distance. ..he gets collared in the end, but he thinks it’s worth it.
— every now and then he’ll insinuate that you should teach him a bit of guitar, and when you catch on and lend him yours to teach him, he’ll definitely be annoyed because you made it seem way easier than it looks. he commends you, because even though he’s a quick learner, playing the guitar is tough. he doesn’t know how you do it, but he’s gonna take a wild guess and say it was through a lot of hard work and dedication.
— in the end, he doesn’t find it in himself to stick to it, he’s more into basketball than guitar, but he learns enough to play one song. like, the most easiest song to play on the guitar in the universe, but he did it! he respects you more after this, because it took him like, weeks of trial and error. good on you, prefect!
— i feel like he’d be curious about if you’ve played in concerts before, or ever been on stage in general, even if it was at a middle school talent show or something. and if you have, he’s especially curious about if you’re ever smashed your guitar on stage. it’s a pretty cliche expectation i think, so you can entertain him, if you want. long story short, he’s really interested in the world of a guitarist and wants to hear about your experience.
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womanleaf1 · 2 years
Not known Details About iptv on firestick
We're glad you're here as you'd like to know how to view IPTV via Firestick. This article will show you how to utilize the most popular applications. Once you've installed the apps, it's time to move on to the next stage. Once the application is installed, your Firestick will be ready to receive IPTV programs. There are many options to choose from when setting to set up the Firestick. There is the option to install additional applications from the Google Play Store. Unverified IPTV services need sideloading, and require an untraceable email ID in order to connect. Though they're more expensive than authentic IPTV services, it is impossible to ensure the legality of these services. Most IPTV companies are less extensive than certified ones. You will need to have a cryptocurrency or credit card to join. It is possible to find IPTV solutions that allow both your email address as well as credit and debit cards. However, regardless of the option you pick an upgrade plan is able to accommodate up to five devices at once. The lower plans typically support only one IPTV device. There are two ways to install IPTV on your Firestick You can either choose to use smart IPTV instead or go through these steps. After downloading the IPTV application, make sure you have your Apps from unknown Sources (APKs) selection turned off. If you have an Amazon Firestick, you should first go to the Amazon home screen and after that, press the magnifier icon near the word Home. Following that, you'll capable of selecting Smart IPTV on the application store. Look up IPTV channels within the EPG to locate IPTV programs. An alternative is to sign up for an expensive plan with the features such as Video-OnDemand and 24-hour Customer Helpline. The higher plans usually also have an EPG. The EPG overlay may be used to search for the names of channels and logos. If you're not sure whether IPTV is the right choice for you, try a free trial before you decide and test the way it functions. If you're searching for the finest IPTV services available for Firestick, Smart IPTV is an excellent alternative. Smart IPTV is always updated and offers an extensive selection of IPTV channels. Smart IPTV provides more than 4000 channels. This includes both archived and live programs and satellite. You can also check Smart IPTV's website for new programming frequently. Smart IPTV can also allow you to record your shows. Fire Stick has several categories that let you search for IPTV applications. Select the menu on the top , and enter "IPTV" to find IPTV. Click IPTV in the drop-down menu, once you've located the channel. It will take a while for the download to be completed. Once the download has completed, click Open to launch your IPTV app. You'll find a variety of other functions available in this app. It's almost time to stream IPTV on Firestick. Just wait until you get an initial IPTV experience. You'll be hooked in no time! Redbox TV is a good IPTV app that is compatible with Firestick. It has more than one thousand channels, and can be found in more than 15 different nations. You are able to pick from a myriad of categories, and use a the most simple interface. There is no cost and has excellent streaming options and even on-demand. Lastly, Redbox TV supports the Firestick without the need of additional software. Its user-friendly interface makes it a good option for streaming IPTV. iptv on firestick does not come for free, which means you'll need to spend the one-time cost. There's still time to avail the trial period for free, which lasts 7 days. You'll need the same MAC address that you utilized to sign up for the paid subscription. It is necessary to activate the paid service during the trial period of 7 days. If you don't, you'll be charged for a month. It's simple to access and you'll have the opportunity to try it for free. Although the vast majority of IPTV applications require access to the internet, the IPTV Player can be a great means to enjoy live television or even movies. When installed, the player will remember the last episode you watched. In addition, it will allow you to play subtitles and audio tracks. It's easy to operate, and you can enjoy your favorite TV shows wherever that you connect to the internet. Contact us via email or visit our website If you require assistance installing the app. All you need to utilize IPTV via Firestick is a Firestick along with a computer. It is possible to download IPTV applications from Google Play Store. Google Play Store, or you could use a software application. If you'd prefer to stream IPTV through a Firestick with a software application We recommend Nitro TV. The user-friendly interface is simple to navigate, as well as an EPG that is complete to locate specific information on the programs. It is less expensive than the other alternatives and can be used to stream IPTV on Firestick.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Ben 10 lore that exists in my heart regardless of canon
- Ben’s personality in his mid-late teens is a mix of his Alien Force and Omniverse self. On the surface, he’s very cheerful and kind even if he is a bit of arrogant showoff. He makes jokes and plays around and acts as if he isn’t bothered by the things in his life. Those who know him best understand a good portion of his outward confidence and cockiness is just a facade to cover up his insecurities and to project the ideal, effortless hero. While sometimes seen as immature, most beings know Ben 10 means business as he takes his unofficial job and people’s safety very seriously. He’s clever, adaptable, charismatic and empathetic which makes him a formidable opponent and a loyal friend. Doesn’t open up easily but if you get to him, he become so dearly attached. 
- Drinks smoothies so much for several reasons. Comfort food go brrr, reminds him of the good easy times with him Gwen and Kev. It’s also a light but generally nutritous food to give him energy for heroing. Anything too heavy and he’ll be puking (both from physical and emotional stress). Though he jokes about his mom’s health foods, his are a crazy concoction of add in proteins and vitamins/minerals bc he knows he’ll out and out collapse without it. (Still has on occasion bc boy still doesn’t eat right/enough)
- While Fame is exciting for him at first he soon begins to detest it. Not the fans, no, he can’t bring himself to hate the people who look up to him. But he hates the constant attention, that he can’t walk outside without being mobbed. the only place he feels safe is his hometown where most people are so used to him and his weirdness that they don’t react much anymore. Takes to wearing a cape and face shield when going out anywhere so he can actually get things done without being recognized and mobbed.
- Part of the reason Bellwood isn’t concerned with Ben is partially because ben’s been weird and alien for as long as they can remember but also many don’t realize how famous/powerful he is. Yeah that’s just Ben Tennyson over there, sometimes he turns into funny creatures- wait what do you MEAN he’s the savior of the universe?? He cried over a spilled smoothie the other day.
- Does mostly online schooling by the time he’s 15. At first he tries to do half day things to maintain something of a normal life but it quickly becomes overwhelming and dangerous him/the school. Finishes his GED early but the Plumbers and Azmuth make him take additional college level and alien courses to prepare him for his future role. Ben gripes but really does love learning all these things, especially on his terms (ADHD and stress + the public school system do not always go hand in hand). He’s a quick learner when he deems the information important and is made accessible to his learning needs.
- Ben definitely has ADHD speaking of which, it was nearly uncontrollable as a child bc his free-spirited parents didn’t believe in medicating. Ben convinced them he needed it and after some trial and error, found meds that worked. As he became more involved in heroics/growing up he had to change his medicine regimen (resulting in him being a bit more off the rails in OV) and needed antidepressants and therapy to manage it better. As an adult he has a whole litany of coping mechanisms (good and bad yes) and regularly checks in with his therapist and doctors to keep things under control. 
- Has a complicated relationship with his necrofriggian children. Considers himself their mother and worries after them. They too feel a connection to their parent despite this being unusual for their species. A few visit (some more than others) while they grow while others maintain distance. Ben never breathes a word of them to the media for fear of them being targeted. Still he keeps an eye on them and ensures all 14 mature to adulthood (another rarity for the species). Checks in every now and again with the ones who don’t want to see him and those that do. Two join the Plumbers and Ben is both proud and worried. His youngest becomes partners with Rook Ben.
- Just in general loves kids, they’re his favorite fans and while he’ll grumble at pushy adult fans he always smiles and kneels down for the little ones. Not so secretly wanted to have children of his own but knew it was a risk overall and used a lot of that energy with mentoring and teaching. Eventually had Kenny later in life (late 30s-40s) and was over the moon, becoming such a loving and doing parent or as much as he could be with his hectic schedule. 
- Omnitrix can’t come off, never has at any point since it first latched onto Ben’s arm. Azmuth tried and failed to get the device off, doesn’t let Ben know for many years as he feared the consequences. The watch loves and protects Ben even beyond it’s programming making him much more durable to damage and releasing energy charges when he’s threatened. Not even removing Ben’s arm would separate them. They’re stuck for life.
- Ben does have Anodite heritage but the Omnitrix actively suppresses it and uses the built up energy to power the transformations which is why ben is mostly unaffected by what should cause a massive energy drain on him. Theoretically if Ben learned to harness and safely use his Mana at an early age like Gwen he would have been fine but letting it build up without safe outlet meant activation would have killed him. Omnitrix Ben, however, went his whole life not knowing of his latent abilities and how the watch saved his life.
- Ben’s eyes get more green and glowy as time passes from the Omnitrix. At first they think its a trick of the light but by the time he’s an adult his eyes are pretty much glow in the dark. His veins light up too after long stretches of using the Omnitrix. Its vaguely unsettling to people who aren’t used to Ben.
- Max and the Earth Plumbers work so, so hard to keep teen Ben on Earth when half the universe is blowing up their comm lines asking for The Ben 10 to help with whatever problem of the day. Ben himself doesn’t quite understand when he’s younger the prestige and expectations on his shoulders. Max throws up a million and one roadblocks so Ben can live as normal a life as possible while he still can. Still, while doing that he Still overloads Ben with expectations and responsibilities on earth and beyond. He becomes a soldier again with Ben as their greatest weapon. He never forgave himself of losing sight of his grandson underneath the hero esp after Ben’s breakdown. 
- Rook partnership with Ben ends not long after Omniverse with his promotion to Magister. Ben tries to play it cool but the thought of another loved one/teammate leaving his tears him apart. Max revealing that Ben most likely wouldn’t get a new Plumber assigned partner since he’s almost an adult and won’t need it and Rook accidentally missing their last smoothie run due to a scheduling mishap causes Ben to snap and have the nervous breakdown that had been building for almost a decade. He completely loses it for a little while and needs to take an extended leave of absence from school and heroics that lasts about a year. Spends time recovering both on Earth and Galvan Prime, does some diplomatic training, learns about aliens, actually confronts the stress and loneliness of his life. He comes out the other side stronger but still fragile and exhausted.
- Ben’s above mentioned breakdown brings him closer to all his friends who didn’t quite realize the extent of Ben’s burden. Rook had been under the impression Ben didn’t like him all that much so the knowledge that his departure was the final straw for friend/hero’s collapse was shocking. Ben and Azmuth also become closer, the Galvan becoming fiercely protective of the boy seeing as his Earth family didn’t do well to keep him safe. It takes years for him to get over his anger at Max for putting so much on his grandchild. Ben makes more friends, in and out of the hero business, finally gets a therapist and gets some of his burdens eased a bit. It’s not a sure fire fix and Ben has several smaller breakdowns the rest of his life but its something.
- Azmuth was straight up suicidal before he met Ben for the first time. Ben gave him back hope for the universe and his ability to create items for peace not weapons. The boy infuriates him, frightens him, frustrates him but Azmuth cannot deny in his heart of hearts that he loves Ben dearly. He’s very upset at Ben’s breakdown and doesn’t know how to handle the worst of the initail outbursts. Azmuth talks Ben down from a suicide attempt. He reaches out to Ben that he Too felt overwhelmed by pressure, thought himself only good for war. Ben’s arrival in his life saved him and now he will do the same for Ben. It’s the first positive step forward in Ben’s recovery.
- For no other reason than I like it, Azmuth primarily refers to Ben as Benjamin (mostly to annoy the kid but he likes the way it sounds too) and Ben in softer, more serious moments. 
- Professor Paradox continues to flit in and out of Ben’s life. He says its because Ben is the most equipped to handle universal peril (true) but he’s also just very fond of the boy. Ben, existing in so many forms and having such importance also exists a beat outside of normal reality which Paradox identifies with. Ben is naturally attuned to time related problems because of this (instantly IDing Spanner as from the future before being told later deducing him to be his unborn son). Plus Ben named him, way back when. He’s just drawn to Ben.
- Adult Ben, while being seen as an impressively skilled fighter and champion, really has his strength as a universal diplomat of sorts. Based out of Earth, he helps mediate and defuse conflicts, advocate against tyranny and overall preserve peace and balance. He’s not perfect, he makes mistakes and sometimes is forced to become violent (and yes kill) but overall is regarded as a peacekeeper, something younger ben simply couldn’t understand. 
- Gwen gets her degree and primarily does work with advocacy and teaching about magic/alien culture. While she and Ben are still close, there’s a bit of a frustrated divide in that she isn’t helping him share the burden of the universe. Gwen never wanted to be a hero and has enough worth to not shackle herself to a job that’ll burn her out. Ben loves heroing but gives too much of himself away trying to fix everything. They get into screaming arguments that it wouldn’t be so bad out there if she just helped him but she refuses to budge and says he shouldn’t make himself do so much. They always make up and thy still are each other’s closest relationships.
- Ben marries Kai in a political move, Kai is Asexual and Ben Aromantic. They didn’t love each other but they got on well enough and Ben was really feeling the stress of carrying the hero burden so Kai also being involved made him feel like he wasn’t alone. Both were also so tired of the universe constantly asking about their love life and said ‘fuck it we’re married leave us alone’. Gwen was always mad about it feeling Ben deserved better but the two of them were happy with it. They had separate rooms, mostly separate lives but they became strong friends and supports with their strictly platonic marriage. They had Ken via Invitro in an incubator and were loving if extremely busy parents. 
- Also from the moment he appeared, Ben knew that Spanner was his future son, Kenny. He played ignorant and then was kind of deliberately teasing him in future encounters. He knew the rules of time and didn’t want to disrupt things further even if he was angry and worried as heck about why Ken felt the need to time travel. When future Ben catches up in the timeline, Kenny gets SUCH a lecture. 
- Ben isn’t quite immortal but he’s also not entirely human anymore either. The Omnitrix not only keeps him safe from most harm but it lightens the effect of aging. Ben 10 is active many, many years when most humans would have been forced to retire. He’s not sure how long the watch will keep him alive and it terrifies him. Gwen too is functionally immortal however she ages like a normal human, then when her natural death came, shed her skin and became a fulltime Anodite. So in the end, it was her and Ben together wondering which of them will die first. Gwen has trouble retaining her humanity as pure energy and swears she’ll let herself fizzle out when Ben goes. When that’ll be however...
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bitimdrake · 2 years
im curious how would batman!tim and robin!damian work in a dick dies universe? since tim isnt adopted and that probably means damian is going to tolerate him a bit more? but like, batman tim is almost always Dark Future Tim too, to how would that go? personally i think the only way to salvage this is by doing Batman!Cassandra and Robin!Damian, but id like to hear from an expert!
(in reference to)
Oh I don't think it works at all!!! This is not intended to be functional! The conceit here really is that Tim tries to do something out of a sense of responsibility/obligation except ultimately it fails and everything sucks, because the universe where Dick dies in infinite crisis is an inevitably bad one.
(I mean, you could write a version of it that works out, but that would really require nudging Damian's characterization, to an extent that imo would not be able to remain in-character. I might still enjoy it, because I'm a sucker for stories of people who don't like each other learning to get along, but...it would be a stretch. I really think Tim and Damian coming around to like each other requires Dick to be there for Damian first.)
Tim not being adopted might soften Damian a little bit, but my interpretation was always that Tim being Robin--being Bruce's partner--was the greater source of his resentment. I did propose in my "what would happen if dick did die" theorizing that Tim and Bruce might drift apart and not end up entirely close, so that might make Damian less insecurely jealous and bitter towards him. But it also leaves Damian with even less reason to respect him, if Tim (seemingly) doesn't even have the endorsement of being Batman's partner.
...or maybe in the brief time they knew each other, Bruce still managed to say something complimentary about Tim to Damian and/or Bruce and Tim were still a united front in the face of this new element, so Damian comes out with the exact same resentment anyway.
Now, the silver lining for Tim not going evil future Batman is that Cass and Alfred and Cassie are all still around, and Bart and Conner come back right about when Bruce 'dies'. (Steph is also back, but things are very awkward/tense between them at this point, so I don't know if that really counts as a mark in his favor.) I think that's too much of a support system to let him slip fully into the dark side or depression.
...but that still doesn't actually make the "being Batman" or "trying to be responsible for Damian" parts work out.
Batman!Cassandra and Robin!Damian, though? That's a great solution. Hmmmm potential story thoughts under the cut:
OKAY. Tim takes after Dick in the "emotional support child" determination to fix everything, so in the aftermath of Bruce's death, with Dick not around this time, Tim feels compelled to try to make it work. He can't give into his own emotional struggles, because Dick isn't there as a safety net to pick up the slack. Clearly Tim must Fix Everything.
And in the same way that canon Tim broke a still murderous Jason out of prison because he thought Bruce would want him to have a second chance (does he still do that in this AU? not sure. we could lean on the butterfly effect to avoid it, or could leave it), he thinks Bruce would have wanted Damian to be looked after and trained. And since clearly Tim must Fix Everything, Personally, Himself, that means he must also be Batman (which Gotham needs), and try to look after Damian (which Bruce would want). And probably he can win some points by giving Damian the Robin name he's been gunning for the whole time? Plus, it'll give him a great excuse to push Damian to abide by The Code because everyone knows Robin doesn't kill, and he wants to be Robin, doesn't he? This will work out great.
[Narrator: it did not work out great.]
MEANWHILE, over to the side there is Cass, who is going through a bit of a crisis of faith in herself. Maybe we are actually keeping the brainwashed and evil arc and this is a reaction to that. (Or maybe she's just messed up that her mentor and not-dad has died so suddenly, and she wasn't ready yet, but let's go with the former for now.)
And Cass does not have the "I must fix the people around me" instinct that Tim has. She's much more inwardly-focused. She's trying to work-through/avoid her own issues while drifting away from everyone else, and wondering if maybe she shouldn't be Batman because: is she really good enough? She killed people (while drugged and brainwashed, but she accepts no excuses for herself). Her idea for the network fell apart. All Bruce's message told her was to make Stephanie Batgirl. Maybe he didn't even believe in her. Tim has already taken the cowl, and he knew Bruce better and longer, and maybe she just isn't good enough :(
And so we end up with this structure of dramatic irony, where Cass wants to be Batman but doesn't want to want, and is convincing herself that Tim has it covered. And Tim doesn't want to be Batman and is crashing and burning and has no idea how to get this awful little gremlin of a child to listen to him, but he's trying to act like everything is okay because It Has To Be. His mentally stability is kinda hanging by a thread right now and so Everything Has To Be Okay. And Damian is half a blink from leaving Gotham forever because fuck this, fuck Drake, this sucks.
Aaand then something something Tim has a breakdown, or Cass realizes he's struggling hard as Batman. Or Cass has a solid interaction with Damian for the first time and realizes she can relate to and/or help him, or Tim realizes that by seeing them together (because Cass just assumes that she's not doing anything special and everyone can talk to Damian like this) which either encourages to ask Cass for help or causes that aforementioned breakdown depending on his current state--
Or, I don't know, some combination thereof. And Tim and Cass realize this situation is terrible and stupid actually. Tim is like what do you mean you don't know if you can do it; I did this because you acted like you didn't want it anymore, of course you can do it. And Cass gets the cowl and cape and mantle she desperately wants. And Damian has way more respect for her to follow her lead, and she gets him way better than Tim. And Tim gets to not be Batman, which is so much better for him--though he is still very much supporting Cass in the areas she's less secure in.
(And we did start this whole AU with Dick dying, so when Tim gets a new mantle he might take on Nightwing in his big brother's honor. But I want to say he takes on a different name that is still in tribute to Dick but not directly picking up his name again.)
(and uuhhhh also someone else is going to have to figure out that bruce is alive and what happened and how to get him back. whoops)
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fandom-monium · 3 years
i finished for the holidays and i just *chefs kiss* beautiful talented amazing sajkgdkj no words i love that romance wasnt even the main point 🥺💘 anyway i love how you write reader and i wondered between her and spencer who gets jealous???
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Summary: In which you seem pretty close with the new intern, and Spencer is not happy about it. (ft. one of my fave white bois) “Have I ever told you how much I value your friendship?"
WC: 3.6k
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fluff, cussing, Jealous!Spencer bc id like to see that, established relationships (blegh), Garvez if you squint, the lightest implication of smut ever, points to yall who can guess who the intern is before reading the end or the tags 😉
Spencer is not jealous. He’s not.
Why would he be? 
He has no reason to be jealous, Spencer chants to himself as he sits at his desk. Even from across the bullpen he still manages to hear your voice, and while normally it’s music to his ears, even better than Mozart, now it just feels like nails against a chalkboard. Grating his eardrums, making him wince.
Because you’re laughing. Not with Spencer though. Not at his obscure references or lame jokes.
With the new intern.
Why did Emily have to put you in charge of him? She could’ve chosen anyone on the team to have him shadow, but it had to be you! Not that you’re incapable or unqualified; you’re experienced, talented, and the best person he knows. 
… Okay, he can see why she picked you.
Why do they even have interns? Unnecessary, really, when the BAU has you and him and he guesses the other teams too (it’s weird, he’s never actually interacted with them but whatever). Maybe it’s time to start making budget cuts. He’ll discuss this with Emily when he gets the chance. He’s got some influence, working at the BAU as long as he has.
But he’s not jealous. 
Logically, jealousy (like an intern) is unnecessary. The green-eyed monster (like an intern) is ugly and contributes nothing productive, and if Spencer’s being honest, the world (like an intern) would be much better off without it.
At least that’s what he keeps telling himself as he downs his coffee like a shot of whiskey, trying to quell the squirming beast in him. Despite 90% of it being sugar, it still tastes bitter. He sets his mug down with a thud, and it’s loud enough to make Luke, Garcia, and JJ turn their heads, exchanging concerned glances when he slumps back in his chair.
Spencer doesn’t care. The world’s ending; you’re apparently into younger guys, with neat dark hair and forearms that can probably snap someone’s neck, and he can’t do anything about it. What does it matter if his best friends catch him in a sour mood, right?
“Hey, Spence,” JJ's tone is soft as they slink over, Garcia and Luke leaning against the edge of his desk and JJ flanking the other side. “You alright?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Spencer gazes past them, his eyes never leaving you. He deflates; your stance is relaxed, completely open as you nod at whatever Intern is saying, his hands gesturing spastically. It must be interesting, the way you listen with rapt attention and respond just as enthusiastic.
Spencer scoffs. Not like that’s anything special. You do the same for him. And the rest of the team.
...What the hell are you guys talking about? 
“Well, you look like you’re about to throw your mug across the room. Or at an intern.”
Spencer blinks, finally breaking away from you long enough to eye the ceramic octopus. “That’s a good idea actually.”
“Don’t,” Garcia and JJ both shoot him a warning and he huffs, resting his chin in his hand. Garcia looks horrified, betrayed even while JJ has that expression on, the one she gives when she scolds Henry and Michael.
Whatever. It’s not like he’d ever sacrifice Mildred. Garcia entrusted her to him, after all. 
No, he couldn’t… Maybe.
“You know, Reid, if you’re jealous—”
Spencer snaps his head to Garcia, eyes wide and darting to you like you have super-hearing, “Jealous? Who’s jealous? Not me.” He cringes, his voice octaves higher and cracking like a prepubescent boy.
Garcia snorts, “Okay, sure. But if you are jealous, I was going to say you have no reason to be. You wanna know why?” Spencer raises an eyebrow at her and she continues, “Sure the guy’s smart enough to get a full-ride scholarship at GWU, and he’s top of his class at the academy—”
“Is this supposed to make me feel better?”
"And he’s one of the most good looking guys I've ever met—”
"How is that relevant—"
Luke frowns at her. "And have you met me?"
“My point is,” Garcia’s red lipstick curls into the most reassuring smile, “that you have nothing to worry about because (Your Name) loves you. A lot.” 
Spencer perks up. “You really think so?”
“I know so. I see the way they look at you, and if that’s not love I don’t know what is," She shrugs, "And just because they’re talking doesn’t mean they’re into him.”
There's a collective nod of agreement and Spencer sags in relief. Of course they're right. He knows they are. 
If you think about it, technically, he's got the advantage. You've known each other longer, bonded and shared experiences together good and bad, and you’re emotionally and even physically intimate with each other (something he's especially proud of, considering how long it takes you both to warm up to others).
And who knows? This is probably temporary! Whatever this is, the connection you seem to instantly make with Intern (faster than when you two had met, he realizes with a needle to his heart) is short-term at best. It'll peter out eventually, like most friendships do.
It’s sad, but a cruel fact of life.
(Is this selfish, wishful thinking? Nah.)
They’re right, there is no need to worry, Spencer thinks as a weight lifts off his chest, finally able to breathe. You love him and he loves you and eventually, everything will go back to normal. 
There’s nothing to worry about.
The world’s ending.
“It’s really not.”
Yes, it is.
“Doc, come on.”
“Do not ‘Doc’ me,” Spencer grumbles, lifting his head from the comfort of his arms. He grimaces at Luke. “You didn’t see the way they looked at him. The way they talk about him.”
Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since you’ve taken Intern under your wing, and he’s had enough. If Hell is real, this is it. For days, he’s tried to resume some form of normalcy, and he was never one to be bold but desperate times call for desperate measures as he asks you out for lunch or invites you out on dates, even stuff he wouldn’t normally do because they’re more your thing. Something, anything to get you away from Intern. But...
At work: “Hey Spence, I'm teaching Intern (menial task that a 4 year old could do). Would you like to help—”
During break: “I’m taking Intern out for lunch. He’s still new to town, and I thought he could use a tour—”
In bed: “Did you know Intern’s a huge fan of Star Wars—”
Snap, and there went his patience.
Intern this, Intern that. 
Spencer could tolerate this at work. At least he’s saving lives, being productive, getting paid. But under his roof? In his bed? 
That was the last straw.
Spencer's not one to wish ill on another, he's not like that. But if something happened to the guy, say, get injured in the field, perhaps from a "stray" bullet, he'd be intern-ally grateful. Heh. 
"Hey, you good?"
Spencer sighs, swiping a hand over his face and turning back to Luke. "Yeah, why?"
Luke waves a hand at his face, eyebrow raised, "For a second there, you kind of had a scary look on your face."
"Did I? Weird."
"Right," Clearly unconvinced, Luke brushes it off, deciding to get to the root of the matter. "As I was saying, I still think you have nothing to worry about. Although, I do think it's a little weird that (Your Name) is talking about Intern as much as you say they are." He offers Spencer a little smile, his hand falling heavy on his shoulder. It's the most comforting touch he's had in two weeks. "I'm not one to talk, but I suggest you speak to them. I'd also be uncomfortable if my partner were talking up someone else."
Spencer blinks, squints at Luke, before gripping his hand and standing up. "Have I ever told you how much I value your friendship?"
"You can stand to mention it more often," Luke shrugs, eyes crinkling with amusement as Spencer lets go and heads for the door. 
Spencer nearly goes feral when he finds you.
Of course you're with him.
He searched the floor like a bloodhound, discovering you've been on your feet almost the entire day, running around the office, up and down the elevators, finishing your work and helping around. You must be exhausted. It's because of this he tracks you to your favorite break room, mostly quiet save for the buzzing drip of the old coffeemaker. He knows you need to be alone sometimes, recharge those social batteries.
So when he bursts into the room like he would hunting an unsub, eyes quickly scanning the immediate space, he expects nothing less but you. What he did not anticipate was to find you, just as soft and pretty as ever under the fluorescent lighting, leaning against the counter and sipping daintily at your favorite mug. 
With Intern standing a little too close to his liking.
“Hey, Spencer,” You chirp as you lower your coffee mug, lips glossy from your drink. Spencer's quick to shake his stupor―he can’t afford to be distracted, but it’s difficult when you’re beaming at him, clearly excited. You nod at the home-wrecker, “Me and Intern here were just talking about demonology and he’s got this interesting theory on werewolves―" Lycanthropy? Are you fucking kidding him right now? 
Just when he thought he couldn't hate the guy any more.
"CanItalktoyou?" It comes out rushed as Spencer gasps between breaths, leaving no room to second guess himself.
"Sure," You blink at his urgent tone.
For a second, you watch him expectantly, and Spencer's gaze darts between you and Intern. "Alone?"
"Oh! Okay. Be gone," You wave Intern off, and when you place a hand on his shoulder, Spencer sees red. Or green in this case.
Intern doesn't resist, but the noise Spencer releases is animalistic because the guy can’t seem to read the room, questioning you as you gently shove him towards the door. "What about the thing―"
"We'll talk about that later."
"But you still need to show me how to―"
"Don't worry, Intern. Just wait for me, I'll show you once the adults are done talking."
"You know at some point you're gonna have to call me by my name." 
"Nah. If we get to call Luke a newbie, we get to call you Intern. Also I do not know how to say your first name."
 "You could just call me St―"
Enough of this. Spencer closes the last stretch of distance, batting your hand away from Intern’s shoulders as he kicks him out himself, slamming the door in his face. Spencer turns on his heel to face you, caging you both. “You―” He pants, chest heaving for air.
You’re unfazed, simply nodding at him and his odd behavior. If anything, you’re enjoying this as your lips twitch in a poor attempt to withhold your amusement, trying to cover it with a slurp of your cup. Then again, it’s not everyday you get to see Spencer, face flushed from exertion, speechless as he gasps for breath.
(At least not at work… In the break room specifically.)
It takes a minute as Spencer swallows a few times, but his heart’s erratic and it’s not just from running through the entire building. When he’s got enough air, he blurts out, “Did I do something?”
Your brow shoots up. “What?”
“Did I forget something important? Upset you in some way?”
“No? I don’t think so?” You frown at him, your answers more like questions. 
It only spurs him on, and though his tone is frantic and his eyes just as wild as his hair, you’re more intrigued than frightened. Definitely confused.
“Okay, but you know I love you, right?”
“Yes and I love you too but Spence, what’s this about?" Setting down your mug, you look at him like he's grown another head.
Spencer sighs, "I just… you…" He frowns, glancing between you, the floor, and the empty space between you. 
Spencer Reid is a man of words. Many, many words, according to all his friends and his coworkers. Mainly knowledge―he's never been great with feelings―but as you gaze at him, patiently waiting for him to gather his thoughts, he wants to melt into the floor. There's not a hint of annoyance on your features, your eyes warm and inviting. 
He's so in love with you.
Then like scripture the words come, natural without much stuttering or hesitancy. He recounts the last two weeks. The internship so far, the times you've left Spencer behind for him, the times you just talked about him, like the guy (practically a stranger) is your new best friend. Usually, pretty people make him tongue-tied and you do―god, you do―but at the same time only you make it so easy. Talking, expressing without fear of―
―Judgement. Pausing mid-sentence, Spencer gawks as your nose twitches and your blink rate increases. You purse your lips, a hand slapped over your mouth as it threatens to break out into a grin.
"Are you-are you laughing right now?" When he just poured his feelings out to you? 
That does it. You keel over, peels of laughter coming like a tsunami, crashing into him and Spencer loves your laugh but not when it's at him. 
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing," you wheeze, gripping your stomach. Spencer pouts. There's even tears in your eyes. "But you're telling me this is all because you're jealous?"
He stutters, "Well-I-no-It’s just…" He wants to say ‘you're mine’, but as your eyes crinkle he knows there’s no need.
"That's kinda hot."
"Wha-really?" Wide-eyed, Spencer squeaks as you step closer to him, backing him into the door. His hands come up to his chest in a kitten-like manner yet at the same time protective―you'd never hurt him and you both know that―but you admit your initial reaction was poor when he laid his feelings bare. 
“Ahhhh Babe, you know there’s no one else for me but you.” Spencer blushes and you chuckle, taking his hands in yours. He let's you. “Also, as adorable as Intern is, one, I think I’d be able to tell if he was hitting on me, and two, he’s not really my type.”
Spencer swallows, “And what exactly is your type?”
“Hmm, let’s see,” Looking him up and down, you step closer, enough that your breath puffs against his chin. You smell like cheap coffee. “Tall, handsome doctors with messy, brown hair―” You lightly tug at one of his stray curls and he bites back a smile. 
“―and a cute nose―” Your hand moves to cup his cheek, bringing him down to peck the tip of his nose. It scrunches as Spencer breaks out into giggles. 
“―Who can recite classic literature. Who can bake like he belongs on The Great British Baking Show but can’t cook for shi―”
“Okay! Thank you, I get it,” Spencer says, almost completely relaxed now.
“Good,” You nod with finality. “And for your information, I wasn’t trying to make you jealous."
He raises an eyebrow. "So you just abandoned me and talked about another guy for the hell of it?"
Spencer's tone is casual, joking even but you know better. There's underlying bitterness and hurt and your heart squeezes because you did that. "No, of course not. There is a reason behind all that.“
“What could possibly excuse you going above and beyond your job as a mentor―”
“I was trying to set you guys up.”
Spencer deadpans. “Set me up? With him?” Oh god, he knows you’re weird, but he’s never considered you to be outright insane (is it weird he still loves you?).
As if reading his thoughts, you roll your eyes, “Spencer, how many friends do you have outside the team?”
“Not a lot.” No hesitation, but he accepted the fact a long time ago. 
“Yeah and that’s okay. But if you’d talk to Intern, you’ll find you two have a lot in common. I know he’s younger than us, but he’s a good kid, real smart,” You give him a meaningful look and shrug, “Not like IQ 187 smart but he could definitely hold a conversation with you.”
Spencer murmurs, pulling you in so you're chest to chest, “This entire time, you were really trying to make us friends?”
You nod, your expression a mix of giddiness and hope that makes whatever feelings he felt before, the confusion and―yes, fine―the jealousy, dissolve like sugar in water. Spencer sinks into you, burying his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your soap. Of course you had good intentions. Of course you wanted to do something nice for him.
Fuck, he loves you.
“So… we good?”
Spencer huffs, “I hope you realize how much I suffered the past few weeks.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“Then yes, we’re good,” He mumbles into your shoulder, “I appreciate what you were trying to do.”
His brow furrows and he pulls back, meeting your eyes. “And what?”
“Will you try to be friends?” You look at him expectantly.
Spencer opens his mouth to answer, a definitive no on his tongue, but then you’re giving him puppy-dog eyes and before he realizes it, “Okay.”
Wait, no. That is not what he meant to say.
“Yeah!” You throw your arms around him, and Spencer can’t stop you, grunting as you basically swing him around like a rag doll. But he finds he doesn’t care when you set him back down because you’re happy, happy for him, grinning ear to ear as you babble, “I can already tell you two are gonna be the best of friends! You guys have so much to talk about, all that nerdy stuff. Maybe even debate! And we could play chess and―”
There’s a knock and you both turn, a voice muffled by the door, “Hey, guys? I don’t want to interrupt in case you’re boning, but you didn’t exactly tell me where to wait for you? God, I hope you guys aren’t boning. Please tell me you’re not boning right now.”
You groan, “No Intern, we’re not boning! Right-uh-go ahead and meet me back at the office, I’ll be right with you.” You turn back to Spencer, sending him an apologetic look. “I will see you later, okay? And since you’ve been such a patient and understanding partner,” You plant him one last kiss before patting his cheek, and his eyes widen as your voice lowers in the way you know drives him crazy, your eyes glinting with mischief, “I’ll make it up to once we get home. Bye, love you!”
Before Spencer can fully register your words, you're out the door, cackling as you leave him to compose himself, his face beet red from running the possibilities. By the time he emerges from the break room, you’re long gone.
“Hi, Dr. Reid?”
Spencer almost snarls, cursing under his breath. Just when he thought the day was getting better. He turns back. 
Intern stands tall, relaxed and shoulders back, black tie loose and cheap white-collar button up slightly wrinkled. No doubt from working hard and following your instructions throughout the day. Spencer respects the work ethic at least. Meanwhile, the younger man eyes him, and he’s certain it’s not from intimidation but with curiosity.
Spencer doesn’t linger on that. He’s used to it, not being intimidating to others.
He continues, “It’s nice to finally talk to you, one on one I mean. I’m a fan of your work. Seven degrees, huh?”
“Yeah,” Spencer says curtly. Recalling the earlier conversation with you, he stamps down his irritation and tries to extend an olive branch. “How did you know?”
“It’s the internet, sir,” Intern raises an eyebrow, offering an innocent smile. 
“Right,” Spencer returns it with an awkward one of his own, “Hey, sorry for... literally kicking you out before. That was completely unprofessional.”
Intern waves him off, “No, it’s cool. I totally get it. I’m flattered, by the way.”
Spencer frowns. “Flattered?”
“Well, it’s not everyday you find out your superior’s jealous of you.”
Spencer blinks, and it takes all his experience as a profiler to mask his embarrassment. “You heard that.”
“The FBI’s got thin walls,” Intern shrugs and steps towards him. “Although I have to say, Agent (Your Last Name) is wrong about one thing.” Stopping short in front of him, for the first time Spencer is close enough to note the moles dotting his face. “They can’t tell that I’m flirting with them.” 
He starts down the hall after you, and Spencer’s eyes trail after him as his brow furrows, until realization slams into him and his jaw drops. “Wait, you...”
“Oh and since (Your Last Name) wants us to be friends, I think we could be on a first-name basis,” He pauses to look back at Spencer, watching with a crooked smile as the older man sputters. 
“So, you can call me Stiles, sir.”
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Then once again, Spencer is left behind, frozen in the hallway as he processes what just happened.
And the next time he finds you and Special Agent Stilinski in the same room, whether it’s crowded or not, Spencer does not hesitate to cling to your side, putting as much distance between the intern and you as he can. Spencer’s grateful you don’t question it.
There may not be anyone else for you, but that doesn’t mean no one will try.
AN: ahhhhh thanks anon!! There was a similar request then i saw this tiktok (and listened to this tiktok the entire time) and i combined them. Id also like to emphasize that my version of reader is neutral across the board, race, gender, etc.
Yes, i have a type. No, i will not be taking criticism. 
Been hella overwhelmed with classes and work so here’s my way of destressing. Also suggest checking those tiktoks if you wanna understand me :))) also you mean to tell me i have to write the threesome myself?? Bs tbh 😔
watched 15x4 and i was so sad when Spencer addressed Luke as his coworker like no bitch hes your new bro stfu
and i have no doubt that stiles and spencer would be one of the best crossover duos given the chance 
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
can you do like a drabble of like— i’m thinking of how to word this.. the reader is sams kid (in game ofc :3) and is like best friends with tubbo, tommy, and ranboo. just like i want to be their friend 😭 - 🍦
Even though I am a 20 year old American woman, I so very badly want to be there friend lololol.
You would meet them through your father. I feel you two would just be on a walk down the Prime path when your father’s name was called out from behind you by three unique voices. You two turn around and find the two of you are now being charged by three boys. Not knowing who these boys are, you begin to hiss after all, you are part creeper. But the three stop dead in their tracks and their eyes all flicker to Sam in a panic. But Sam’s hand comes and rests gently on your shoulder, “Y/N” His soft and grounding voice fills your ears, “It’s alright. These boys are friends. There is no need to go in defense mode.” At his words, you let out a soft breath and stop hissing as your cheeks fill with heat in embarrassment. “Sorry” you murmur, slightly glancing at the boys, but then to the ground. “It’s alright darling. You didn’t know. You don’t have to apologize for that. Deep breath,” He hums before taking a deep breath himself, helping you take a deep breath with him, calming down all the way. Once you’re completely calm you look up and see the boys have gotten closer to you due to your father’s beckon. “Boys, this is my kiddo Y/N. Kiddo, these are the boys. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo.” He introduces. You shyly stick your hand out to them, “It’s nice to meet you.” Tubbo is the first one to grab your hand, “You too!” He cheers, shaking your hand enthusiastically. You also shake Ranboo’s hand who gives you a warm smile, and then you turn to Tommy but his gaze is focused on Sam. “SAM!! Why didn’t you tell us you had a kid? And a kid our age at that?!?!” He shrieks causing Sam to laugh. “Because I knew you would react like this. They’re a little shy, as you saw, and I didn’t want to overwhelm them” Tommy lets out a huff but turns to you and grabs your hand and shakes it. “It is nice to meet you. I wish it had been sooner, but I’ll take what I can get…. You want to hang out with us?” He asks. You look over to your father who gives you a small encouraging nod. So you look back to the boys and give them a small nod, “Yeah! I’d like that.” “Alright let’s go!” Tommy shouts, wrapping his hand around your wrist and pulling you along. “Hey wait! What did you guys need in the first place?” Sam calls out from behind you four causing them to pause for a moment. “We wanted to see if you wanted to hang out… But we’ve found someone better… Maybe next time!” The words cause Sam to laugh but gives you a wave and so off you go.
You four are so chaotic together. Like a lot of the time you and Tommy are forming prank ides and stuff for others on the server and Tubbo and Ranboo are like “Tommy, Y/N no” but you two are like “Tommy, Y/N yes!” And egg each other on. Sometimes you guys get caught and you have to take the heat and convince who ever it was that you pranked that you four were not involved in anyway… Nope, no sir not you four. Whoever it was you pranked never really believes you but you’re so well liked on the server that they let it slide. Sometimes you four will pull pranks on each other. Just little things like hiding something from each other or stealing something. Using invis pots and following them around. Cutesy funny stuff like that that make you all laugh at the end of the day.
You four are always there for each other, both physically, emotionally, and mentally.
You help Ranboo with his memory issues. You’re always very patient with him, helping him remember the simple things he may have forgotten. Just simple things like where he put things or what he was planning on doing that day. You also spend a lot of time making sure that he never feels overwhelmed. But if he does, you’re always there to help calm him down. You can very easily bring him back to reality and bring him back to earth. Reassuring him that he’s okay and that he hasn’t hurt anyone and that you’re not going anywhere.
With Tubbo, it’s making sure that he is okay from his time as President, and even before that. His time with Schlatt had a big effect on him and then the whole weight of the country was put on him at a very very young age and then it blew up… Twice… So you always assure him that he did the best he could with the cards he was dealt and although looking back now, you don’t agree with all his decisions, you understood why he made them. You tell him he can’t change the past but he can shape the future and make sure the things that happened never happen again to anyone.
For Tommy, you spend a lot of time standing up for him. It seems everyone is always being mean to him or picking on him, calling him annoying and stuff. He tries to brush it off, let’s out a laugh and tries to let it run off his shoulders but you can tell it hurts. So you stand up for him. Tell the person, whoever it may be, that Tommy is not annoying, they just are a big baby. They can’t handle it. You would then go on and talk about how amazing Tommy is and how much he’s done for his friend’s and family. How he is a fighter, how he’s fought for the things he loves and that are important to him. You often run out of breath and the person that was picking on Tommy simply mumbles an apology before rushing away. You would then pull Tommy in a hug and assure him that he was not annoying and that he was the best friend you’ve ever had. He will never admit it, but after that he goes home and cries. Tommy just cannot believe that you would do that for him…
The boys always have your back too. Whenever you begin to hiss and seem on the verge of exploding, the boys will always calm you down. Whispering words of reassurance and calm trying to get you to calm down. Tubbo usually pulls you in a hug and is like “You can’t explode now… Or I’ll be in the blast and we can’t have that” which causes you to giggle and calm down. I feel like you would get a lot of headpats because Tommy and Ranboo are def both taller than you and they want to show you affection for calming down. If anyone ever makes fun of you, you can bet your ass they boys are prepping to throw down. Like there have legit been threats of war because someone called you weird. One time, the four of you were talking to Dream and he made a slide comment about you and Tommy legit had to be restrained by Tubbo and Ranboo because he was screaming curses at Dream and almost punched him the face. Sam just so happened to walk by and find the scene and he rushes up and grabs Tommy from the two other boys, he is a lot stronger than them combined lol. But he asks what’s happening and you reluctantly tell him and his demeanor shifts to a whole darker tone. He let’s go of Tommy and pushes him toward the three of you that had gathered side by side. “Kids, go play… Or go do whatever you kids do… Dream and I are going to have some words.” “Dad-“ you try to interrupt and stop him, but you are very quickly being ushered away by your best friends to go explore or something. You never have a problem with Dream after that.
You four can almost always be found together or broken off into pairs. Whenever someone is looking for one of you, they absolutely will have to find all of you. You can usually be found in Tommy’s house, in your house, strolling around what use to be L’Manberg, or Snowshire. Sometimes you for will just leave and go on adventures, only telling Sam where you were going. You four weren’t really ever going anywhere, you were just exploring. You might be gone for a few hours you may be gone for a day or two… Who knows. But you four just explore, taking in anything and everything. You’ve found so many biomes and villages on your journeys. Tried so many new foods and smelled so many new flowers. These would be the times where you four can just let go, be kids. No country to run, no wars to fight, no manipulative assholes to worry about. It’s just you four. And you’re best friends
This was so bad lol. But I hope you enjoyed either w
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serabellymrph · 2 years
RpThreadTracker - A TLDR Guide
So, since my xKit Rewritten tldr guide went pretty well, I'm opting to do a little guide on something else that's really helped me keep track of threads, which is rpthreadtracker. This will just be a one-post psa/guide on how to use it and why I highly recommend it over other tracking methods. It works really well on mobile, too--hooray mobile users! I have done methods myself such as filling out a form every time I start a new thread, keeping a google doc, all that thing, and they all suffer from one key issue: I FORGET TO UPDATE WHEN I GET A REPLY OR NOTIFICATION.
What rpthreadtracker does is it takes out the middleman when it comes to Tumblr: notifications. No more relying on Tumblr's notifications/your replies getting lost in notifications. You will still have to be diligent for @ mentions for starters or the like, or threads you haven't added yet to the tracker; however, that is the ONLY time you will have to worry about it. Once you make your first reply, the tracker does all the work for you.
But wait--I run multiple blogs across multiple accounts! That's too many thread tracker accounts to track!
Well--in RPThreadTracker's case, sideblogs and main blogs are treated all the same. You make an account, and that's just your hub. This works for both multimuse and single-muse blogs, and can work if you have a mixture of both.
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It's pretty simple to add characters. The character's full name goes in the first, you won't ever have to change the platform as it only works for Tumblr, and the character url identifier is your blog name.
Adding threads is just as simple:
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You select the character from the dropdown (identified by both character name and blog name) to link that thread to that specific character. The title's just for you, I often pick memorable titles for it, usually something to do with the prompt if it was an ask, or the theme of it.
Post ID is where it gets a little more complex. When someone has answered your sent ask, this number needs to be the post ID of YOUR reply, not theirs. This is sort of where it gets a little hinky; you'll have to either draft that ask right away, or reply to it right away. I recommend drafting it, then filling out everything except the post ID in this section. What this will do is mark it as "awaiting starter" in your tracker (you can also do this for asks you've been sent and are in your drafts--just add all the necessary content minus the Post ID, and you'll know which ones you owe) and you can still track it until you update it.
Partner URL Identifier just allows you to filter away any notifications that are not of the partner you're writing with. For multi-person threads, this won't be useful, but if you find people tend to reblog your RP posts (or you don't care if they do), then you'll want to fill this out. This means that it'll only track when THAT partner reblogs your post, and no one else. This can be great if you post an open starter and a few people reply off the same post; you can have multiple tracks for different muns, and keep up with each interaction without having to have separate threads for them (you may want to, though).
Description and Tags are self-explanatory. I sometimes like to tag mine with the different memes, or when I start archiving threads, I'll mark them as Completed or Dropped so I can sort my archived threads (as I archive threads for a few months before untracking them in case the mun returns and does want to continue--I just no longer consider them 'active' threads).
Now--your dashboard:
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This is a great, at-a-glance view of where you're sitting threadwise. This can tell you whether maybe you need to slow down on your threads, or whether you're doing okay. Yes, mine shows me at 95 active threads (with a few I need to add), but I only owe 6, so I know I've made pretty good headway on those. If you're someone who runs replies off the queue, that's also there too--I don't, so mine says 0, but sometimes I will use the "queued" function for drafts I know I have finished but just haven't posted yet, as I kind of enjoy spamming the dash with replies.
Not sure where to start on your replies? There's a function for that!
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It picks from your reply list for you. You can just do that if you don't want to work through in any particular order, but just want to get a few out and don't know where to start. I personally don't use it because it's not my style, but for the indecisive, it can be great!
Finally, the sorting:
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There are so many options for sorting, it's crazy. These options are available on the all threads, your turn, their turn, archived, and queued sections. You can sort by all of your characters, whoever posted last, the last date posted, and what partner's being tracked.
You can also look at your characters at a glance to see how much is going on with them, set certain characters to inactive, or see which of your characters is most popular:
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As you can see, my Weiss and Salem are my most popular muses/have the most threads... but I've probably had them the longest in the most active verse of all my muses.
There are other things you can play with too, such as the public views tool, but that's an advanced tool that I'm not really going to cover. But hopefully, this will be helpful to yall!
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prismatic-bell · 3 years
@teashoesandhair since you have dragged me headfirst into this amusing Q-007 idea of yours, I want you to know I have come up with a plot.
The movie begins in near-darkness. We see Bond outside MI6 with a masked figure in black. There are sounds of a struggle. At last there’s a gadgety little beep and a door slides open.
BOND: you expect us to surrender?
HENCHMAN: No, Bond. We expect you to die.
A gun is raised, the trigger is cocked—and a phone rings. This phone turns out to belong to Q, who answers it with the charming “someone had better be dying, or you’re about to be” in the just-woke-up croak of a man still lying in bed with his eyes closed. A voice on the other end asks where he works. He asks “what time do you think it is, doing surveys before sunup?”
Bond’s voice comes on the line. It is EXTREMELY clear he’s reading from a script. He states the sins of the Empire can never be cleared, but they can be paid for. It’s quite clear from his voice that he’s in pain, although whether physical or emotional or both is up for question. Then in the same tone of voice he says “go left” and that is why Q rolls off the bed just in time for a bullet to go through it.
We cut to Q in power-walking down a hallway in MI6. He is wearing a polo shirt and looks deeply upset about this. A woman with a bun is jogging along beside him and apologizing because, she says, it’s the only shirt she still has from before. He stops, looks irritated, and says “M is dead. Her replacement just got kidnapped, the guy I’ve been seeing for the last three months was a plant, I almost got shot less than an hour ago, I’m reasonably sure someone is trying to assassinate the Queen, you and I are the only two people who made it to MI6 this morning, I’m freezing AND I STILL HAVEN’T HAD COFFEE.”
His coworker says they have to find Bond, who might have some information on what’s going on and, at the very least, is actually a 00 agent. She actually starts laying out a plan while Q finds a Keurig, brews a cup, and drains the whole thing in one go. She finally trails off while he gets to the bottom of a mug of genuinely alarming size. He plonks it on the counter, says he’s getting on his computer, and tells her to call the palace and ensure the Queen is under secure guard.
THE LADY WHO IS ABOUT TO BE 001 BECAUSE 001 IS POTENTIALLY KIA: someone took out all of MI6 in a night, including the 00 agents, and you’re going to trust a bunch of Beefeaters? Who all look the same in uniform? As though they couldn’t be impersonated?
Q: …..fuck.
Q, who is currently the closest thing MI6 has to a head of command, calls the palace in an official capacity to speak to the Queen directly. He announces he’ll be sending a 00 agent and under no circumstances should the Queen be without her. Outfits the new 001 with the usual—earpiece, fancy gun, IT toys—and, before he sends her off, says “give me your ID.” A minor argument ensues before he says “The only way to find all of MI6 is through the database. That means the reason they didn’t find you is because they were looking for a man, whose name would match with the one on your ID, now give it to me. The one time government backlog worked in your favor.”
She hands it over and asks what he’s going to do. To which he rolls his eyes so hard they might fall out of his head, and says: “I’m going to find Bond.”
The rest of the movie alternates between 001 and an action plot on her end, keeping the Queen out of danger and trying to gather intel from within the palace to see just how badly it’s been infiltrated, and Q first tracing a rogue computer signal and then sighing, grabbing a 00 kit, and taking off with something that looks like a cell phone but is actually a very tiny computer hooked into the MI6 mainframe.
This adventure proceeds much like a typical Bond outing, except that Q has to do it via backdoors and finding the nerdy interns and invisible staff of the high-powered people Bond would normally work with. He finds Bond, hacks him out of whatever mess he’s in, and they make for the exit in a firefight while Bond covers him and he ineffectually tries to assist. It’s not that he doesn’t know how to shoot a gun—it’s that previously, outside training, he has never NEEDED to, and he jammed the magazine. So as they go, he’s trying to fix the gun and keep an eye out for the door with the RFID scanner so he can get them the hell out of there. As they reach the door Bond runs out of bullets, Q finally gets his gun fixed, and as somebody aims to take off Bond’s head (complete with a laser sight, this guy’s not gonna miss), Q gets off his first shot for the entire scene and lays the guy out.
Q: ….fuck I just killed someone.
BOND: it comes with the job.
Q: it comes with YOUR job, I don’t have a 00 designation.
BOND: I’m promoting you.
Q: oh, thanks—WAIT—
(And then he shoots someone else. He still looks vaguely panicked about this. In all fairness to Q, he has had one HELL of a day and there’s been exactly one caffeinated beverage in it, and he still doesn’t have a cardigan.)
They get back to MI6 just in time for Q to pick up an errant GPS signal: missing agents! Four of them! That’s enough to make a skeleton recon team!
…but also, they’ve just gotten a phone call from the villain, congratulating Q on being SO clever…but not clever enough. The Queen is in imminent danger. 001 has evacuated her from the palace. “Ah, but London Bridge is falling down. Good day, Mr. Q,” says the villain, and hangs up.
From this, Q deduces that the Queen has been taken to St. Magnus-the-Martyr Church at London Bridge, and that it’s likely the villain means to blow it up. They need the extra manpower promised by that clutch of agents, but the villain made it sound like any moment the Queen would be dead. Bond announces he’s going after the agents.
Q: so that’s it then? We have to uphold the agency because England is about to plunge into chaos?
BOND: no. I’m going for the agents. You’re going to the church.
Which Q does, muttering under his breath the whole way. As he has been for most of this movie, actually. This is not the job he signed up for. But he goes, he gets in a very Bondish fight with his now-ex who is indeed a henchman for the villain, and just at the end when he COULD shoot him, he doesn’t:
Q: ….no. I’m not killing you. Give me my sweater.
HENCHMAN: …..sorry?
Q: my sweater. That’s my sweater, I’ve been freezing all day. Give me my sweater.
HENCHMAN: *extremely confused, but complies*
Q: *puts it on* better. Where were we again? Oh. *definitely shoots the henchman* Your Majesty. My apologies.
….to which the actual villain pops in with some sarcastic applause and an appropriate Bond Villain Speech(tm). Q realizes he has two bullets left and this asshole is staying just enough in the shadows that Q can’t accurately clock him.
There’s some sarcastic banter, during which 001 manages to get the Queen away again. The villain is pissed, but he’s like “that’s fine. You are, yourself, just a representative of corruption” and takes aim….
….just in time for the actual, original 001 to put a gun to the back of his head.
In the end:
1) The Queen is safe*
2) Bond is designated M
3) The lady Q designated as 001 is redesignated as Q. Also, in thanks for her service to the Crown, the Queen personally pushes through Lady Q’s ID with corrected gender on it.
4) The found MI6 agents begin seeking their counterparts, most of whom are alive and imprisoned rather than killed.
5) And, at the Queen’s suggestion—she’s shocked to find out all of this was masterminded by an IT tech, not a heavily-trained agent—Bond makes Q’s promotion official, and designates him 007.
*say what you want about the British monarchy and I’ll probably agree with you, but this is An Extremely British Franchise, so she’s got to live.
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