#it also is just me being really strung up about character making for no reason though im trying to cool it. the vibes just arent right yet
4arconinoma · 9 months
i feel bad for taking nearly an entire year to finish my madcom ocs but also no i dont Let me cook
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monzabee · 4 months
T.G.I.F – cl16
Summary: The one where writing your thesis is harder than you think, but Charles is here to help you through all of it.
Pairing: charles leclerc x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: stress and anxiety, having to make big life decisions, alcohol consumption and a lot of it, cursing, fluff!!
Request: “Hey Bee, I hope you’re having a lush weekend🥰 I’m not sure if you’re taking requests but I can’t stop thinking about Charles Leclerc with a super down to earth gf everyone loves. But maybe she’s got some things going on and deals with it by getting really wild when she’s drunk 🤷🏼‍♀️ thank you x” + “Hi! Would you be into writing a request for Charles, where the reader is going through some difficult time in life (could be mental health struggles, something work or "big life decisions" related, up to you), and he's being very supportive and understanding, offering help as well? ❤️”
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! i thought these two requests went very well together and i wanted to give it a go! if you know me then you know i’m very slow at working through my requests, but rest assured i am working on them, thank you for bearing through my slow streak with me!! and of course i had to make it about academic validation/stress because i’m not gonna lie but this master’s thing is kicking my ass and i relate to the reader very much so, lol! i hope you guys enjoy! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms.
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Charles would not describe you as a high-strung person, not at all. If anything, you are one of the most down to earth people he’s ever met. He can’t even count all the times you’ve talked him down from a mental spiral, and given the position of his team this season, you’ve calmed him down from his stress many many times. So, imagine his surprise when the first thing he hears from his brother when he gets off his plane is that you are in the middle of a club in Monte Carlo, refusing to leave because you want to continue having fun. While he wouldn’t call you a homebody, Charles can admit that the two of you have spent more time at home instead of going out with your friends simply because of your shared love for quiet evenings and cosy nights in. It's not that you dislike socializing; it's just that both of you find joy in the simplicity of being together at home.
But now, as Charles rushes through the lively streets of Monte Carlo, he can't help but wonder what on earth has happened to have caused you to get so drunk. The sound of pulsating music grows louder as he approaches the entrance of the club. The bouncer gives him a sceptical look as Charles flashes his VIP pass, rushing inside with determination. The scene that unfolds before him is something out of character for you. Neon lights flash, and the beat of the music reverberates through the crowded space. People dance energetically, and laughter echoes against the walls. Charles spots you in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by a group of new friends, moving to the rhythm as if the world outside this club doesn't exist, and Arthur – who is trying to reason with you to get you to leave.
Charles pushes through the crowd, feeling a mix of confusion and amusement. He finally reaches you, gently tapping your shoulder to get your attention. When you turn around, the surprise on your face is evident.
“Charlie!" you exclaim, a wide grin on your face as you prolong the end of the nickname you’ve given him, “I thought you weren’t going to be back for another week!”
He raises an eyebrow, a bemused smile playing on his lips as you proceed to wrap your arms around his neck and continue jumping up and down at the same time. Placing his hands on your either side of your hips, he attempts to calm down your movements, “Well, I wanted to come home earlier to surprise you, but imagine my surprise when I realised my girlfriend is not home.” He can’t help himself as his eyes give you a worried look as he does his best to refrain from fussing over you, “Are you okay?”
“I'm more than okay, Charlie! I'm having the time of my life. Join us!” You giggle, swaying a little on your feet.
He sighs, shaking his head. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but Arthur looks like he's about to give up on trying to get you to leave. What's going on?"
You glance over at your brother and then back at Charles. “He's just being a worrywart. I'm perfectly fine. Besides, I made some new friends!”
Charles raises an eyebrow. "I can see that, mon ange, but shouldn’t we go back home since it’s so late?"
You nod excitedly, as you choose to ignore his question – as if you’re trying to evade talking about what’s bothering you, he realises. “They're great! We've been dancing and laughing. You should meet them!”
Charles takes a deep breath, realizing that trying to reason with you in your current state might be a bit challenging. “Alright, let me meet your new friends, and then we can talk about heading home, okay?”
You nod eagerly, dragging him into the circle of your newfound companions. Arthur shoots Charles a grateful look as if to say, good luck. And he can feel that he’ll need it in the situation. And as always, Charles is a perfect gentleman as he meets with the group of girls, who are as drunk as you. You try your best to convince him to stay for a few songs, but he gives you a pleading look, which you cannot deny, as he wraps an arm around you, guiding you toward the exit. You protest playfully, wanting the night to continue, but he manages to convince you with a promise of a cosy night in together.
The walk back home is filled with laughter and the occasional stumble from you, but Charles keeps a steady arm around you, ensuring you don't stray too far off course. He is careful with you, of course, as he tries to navigate through the dimmed streets of Monte Carlo. He takes a deep breath of relief once the two of you make it to your shared apartment, and you immediately let yourself fall onto the couch to lean against the cushions with a contented sigh, your playful demeanour still intact. Charles retrieves a glass of water for you, handing it over with a gentle smile.
“Thanks, Charlie,” you say, taking a sip and leaning back against the couch. Charles sits beside you, his gaze softening as he looks at you.
“You're welcome,” he replies, his fingers gently brushing through your hair. “Now, tell me what prompted this spontaneous night out. I thought you needed to submit the final draft for your thesis.”
The fact that your reaction is instantaneous makes Charles realise that he royally fucked up by mentioning your thesis. In hindsight, he should’ve known better to bring it up, because you have been stressing over the assignment for months. You pause mid-sip, a shadow crossing your face. Charles can almost see the weight of the unfinished thesis settling back on your shoulders. Your playful demeanor fades, replaced by a more serious expression.
“Yeah, the thesis,” you say, avoiding his gaze. “I just needed a break from it all, you know? It's been consuming me, and tonight was my way of escaping the stress for a little while.”
Charles feels a pang of guilt. He should've known better than to bring up the one thing that has been causing you so much pressure. He reaches out, gently cupping your cheek to guide your eyes back to his. “I'm sorry, mon ange. I didn't mean to remind you of that. Let's talk about it. What's been going on with the thesis? Why is it stressing you out so much?”
You sigh, leaning into his touch. “It's just... I thought I'd be further along by now. The deadline is looming, and I can't seem to get everything to come together. It's like the more I work on it, the more overwhelmed I feel.”
Charles nods in understanding, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. “You don't have to go through this alone, you know. We can figure it out together. Maybe I can help, or we can find someone who can. You don't have to carry the weight of it all by yourself.”
You look up at him, leaning into his gentle touch as you close your eyes for a second to gather your thoughts, “It’s just–” You take a frustrated breath, thinking over your words once again. “I’m supposed be able to do this, how am I supposed to do a Ph.D when I can’t even write my master’s thesis properly?”
Charles listens quietly, his gaze never leaving yours. He can sense the frustration and self-doubt in your words. Leaning in, he places a tender kiss on your forehead before speaking with a reassuring tone. “You will finish it in time,” he assures you, “and you will pass with flying colours, don’t self-sabotage now when you’re almost done with it.”
“But it’s so hard,” dragging out the words as you basically throw yourself into his arms and groan against his sweater, “I just feel like I've hit a wall, and I just don’t want to disappoint anyone.”
Charles wraps his arms around you, holding you close as you bury your face in his sweater. He strokes your back soothingly, understanding the weight of your frustration. “I know it's hard, mon ange,” he says softly, his words a comforting melody. “But hitting a wall doesn't mean you can't break through it. And as for disappointing anyone, you're not a disappointment. You're human, and everyone faces challenges.” He takes a moment think, “And I say this as someone who has hit several walls-slash-barriers.”
An unexpected laughter comes from you, and to calm yourself you take a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of his sweater. “I just want to do well, to prove to myself and everyone else that I can handle this.”
Charles tilts your chin up, making you meet his gaze. “And you will. You're capable, smart, and resilient. This is just a temporary hurdle, not the end of the road. We'll find a way through it together.”
“Thank you for believing in me, even when I doubt myself.” You whisper, managing a small smile.
“Always, mon amour,” he replies, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “Now, let’s get you to bed, you’re going to have a killer headache tomorrow.”
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respectthepetty · 4 months
What does this mean for Phee and Jin? Did Phee set out on a revenge plot but developed real feelings for Jin?
Anon, I've been obsessed with this show since the very first episode, and I have never been on the "Phi and Jin are end game" ship because I think that
Jin had to be the worst of them.
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I wrote that Phi was sus af in the very first episode, and one reason was because he didn't hear the noise that Jin heard.
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This happens again when Jin and Phi are running from the masked killer, and Jin is the only one to see a bloody Mr. Keng.
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Some people are defending Fluke's actions because he didn't actively do anything to harm Non, but he also knew about the broken camera and said nothing, so I think whatever Jin did was even worse. He couldn't just have known about the bad stuff happening to Non. He must have also intentionally turned a blind eye and LEFT Non, which is exactly what Phi subtly calls him out on in the first episode, and probably why Jin is leaving Thailand for good.
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Because I also mentioned that these boys have known each other longer than we were told in the first episode. The boys said Tan and Phi came AFTER Non disappeared, but I think Jin knew Phi way back in the tutoring days, but hadn't realized Phi knew Non since Jin said Mr. Keng's name like Phi knew who that was (because Phi probably went to tutoring too and that's how he "met" Jin).
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I think White is gonna be the final gay, and Tan is the second killer because one of them has to be Non's brother, no? But I think it's Tan because homie always got twenty million questions and White wasn't even supposed to be on this trip.
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Either way, Jin has never been on my "gonna live to the end" even though Jin is the main character,
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And he already wrote his end. All the boys are dying the way they forced Non to change the script, which is why Phi is following Non's script this time around. He is making sure these boys get what they asked for. Hell, even the driver was the first to die in the original film, and was the first to die in the present, and Fluke watched Non's fall into hell at the hands of Tee and Top, and now he is being tasked with watching his friends as they die.
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Once again, I think Jin was the worst because he acted as Non's protector and he started having feelings for Non,
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Yet Jin might have betrayed Non somehow since Phi dropped this line in the coffin.
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And Phi seems to have strung Jin along for a bit, which makes me believe that Phi is giving Jin a taste of his own medicine.
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Tan asked Phi if Phi and Jin were "better" and Phi said that Jin won't even look at his face, and I feel that is pivotal to this plot. Phi wants Jin to trust him . . . the same way Non trusted Jin?
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In the original film, Jin and Non were running away from the masked killer, and Jin left Non behind. It was just a film, but maybe, perhaps, possibly, Jin really left Non behind somewhere.
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Phi has been playing the long con with these boys, so this shit is hella personal. If Phi was with Non and wanted more with Non, yet was doing the devil's tango at one point with Jin, I truly feel that Phi is committed to having Jin care about him.
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Just so he can be the one to betray him.
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*applying clown makeup* Jin fucked up big time somehow, and Phi has been playing him the longest because he wants Jin to feel every bit of pain he caused Non.
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What did you do, Jin? What. Did. You. Do?
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initial-lime · 1 month
you’re like the first Buried blog I’ve found so I’m a wee bit excited, and I have a few questions that I need an opinion on
1, opinion on the Vast? It and the Buried are practically opposites but they share the ocean (Drowning & the Deep), so could a Vast avatar and a Buried avatar technically collab on making some poor fools live a miserable wet hell?
2, top 5 favorite episodes?
3, favorite avatar/avatars?
Hiiii welcome!! This is where I go insane about the dirt, glad to have you! (:
1. For the bit of it I like to be antagonistic towards the vast, those damn sky loving bastards. In actuality though I think they should be considered two sides of the same coin, they share a lot of attributes (the ocean, and also space if you think about it) and in many ways they’re both the fear of something large and inescapable (wether it be a literal colossal beast or the weight of all existence keeping you trapped)
Where they differ is the approach to getting out of the situation, the vast is an endless attempt to escape and the buried is a failure to escape at all. To stand still and be crushed.
Which is exactly why a vast/buried “collab” wouldn’t be possible,,, you can’t escape forever and also never escape at all, going far and going nowhere is just a bit too,,, spirally if you get me lol
2. My personal top 5 episodes are!
132 - entombed (the look inside the actual coffin was incredible, it stars my two favorite characters, I just really enjoy this one)
142 - scrutiny (mostly for the image of Jon being creepy but the victims statement was also outstanding)
172 - strung out (aside from the buried the web is also one of my favorites and I can appreciate the simple entrapment of social connections and substances)
152 - a gravediggers envy (because Hezekiah’s perspective is actually. Eerily relatable, I too want a nap in the dirt)
91 - the coming storm (I’ll be honest I didn’t much care for mikes statement but I’m a sucker for the Jon whump AND I get Daisy in action? Sign me up)
3. I am. Predictable and perhaps a little unoriginal but my top 3 avatars are Jon, Daisy and Hezekiah wakely (in that order) I like them all for different reasons but in general they’re just characters I either relate to or have an unhealthy fascination with
This is already a kinda long post so I wont go in detail on this one now, but I’m always open for (more) questions 👁‍🗨 if there’s one thing it’s that. I love questions, absolutely yap-maxxing, I am allergic to shutting up ever (:
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o-uncle-newt · 11 months
I'm not going to reblog Neil Gaiman's thing about how S2's episodes "don't have any fat on them" but I DO have some (spoilery) reactions to that below the cut-
OK so I already did another post here where I gave my impressions of the writing- but Gaiman mentioning this actually reminded me of something that I didn't put in there at all but kind of wish I had.
Because honestly, I don't think that the episodes not having any fat on them is a good thing.
Here's the thing- Good Omens, the book and the first season of the TV show, is a bunch of set pieces that loosely come together into a plot. The TV show less so, maybe- there's more of an effort to create a narrative- but fundamentally it's a bunch of ridiculous stuff all strung together to create the Apocalypse. (Like, there's a reason why book fans were so upset when the Four Other Horsemen of the Apocalypse didn't show up in the show- they did literally nothing for the plot but they were absolutely hilarious.)
So far, in the first 2 episodes of S2, I have to agree with Gaiman that there's no fat on them. And I think that's one of the things that kind of threw me. EVERYTHING that has happened thus far has felt like it's something that's probably going to lead to something else, like it's connective tissue for the upcoming story that will presumably make more sense later- and while there's plenty of entertainment and humor and sweetness, it's all to the point. You have to be paying attention, you have to take everything seriously (even if it's something that by rights feels inherently unserious) because it could matter later.
In S1, you didn't have to think too carefully about why a telemarketer is being eaten by maggots or even why there's still a witchfinder in the 21st century (for the show) because fundamentally it doesn't REALLY matter. Something will all come together at the end and in the meantime you can just enjoy it in the spirit in which it's given, which is of course an insane one. Each scene is just fun on its own. (I think this is in some ways truer in the book than the show- there were a lot of these scenes that I don't think worked on the show- but that was more about the execution than the concept.)
The fat in S1 was the good part, really. The plot wasn't all that important- it was all the moments along the way.
The closest thing to fat (to continue to use the metaphor) in S2, so far, is the minisode. It's the only thing where it doesn't necessarily feel like you'll be tested on it later. And it's also easily the best part of those episodes! You can just watch it and take all the ridiculousness for granted because it doesn't really matter. It's there to draw out the characters, it's there to give the world more color, and it's there to entertain.
Not that S2 isn't also there to entertain- it very much is, but it doesn't really have time to. It can be silly and random in the way that the book and S1 are, but instead of those being random throwaway moments (like Newt blacking out all of Dorking in the book- which signifies that his tech-unsavviness may be relevant to the plot later but is really mostly just there to entertain because it's so out-there), they are intrinsically tied into whatever the plot will turn out to be. That's really clear, even though we don't actually know yet exactly what the plot is going to be! The leanness of the plot is immediately evident.
I think, so far, that the main negative consequence is that it makes it so much harder to suspend disbelief. When you have a ridiculous moment in a throwaway scene, that's worldbuilding- it shows that this is the kind of world where ridiculous things happen, and then when a particular ridiculous moment ends up being important to the plot, that's fine because it's part of a whole constellation of ridiculous things in this ridiculous world- they've already deconstructed our sense of disbelief. When all you're getting is plot, when something a bit crazy happens you're like "oh, hang on, that doesn't make sense, that's a bit farfetched."
I think that that's one of the things that, so far, is giving "fanfic vibes" to the first two episodes. Maggie and Nina get locked into the cafe? In their first episode?! When we know that they're going to get together?!?! That's ridiculous. In the book and to a lesser degree S1, where like five other ridiculous things would have already happened that aren't heavily signaled to be important to the plot (Gabriel doesn't count because we know he's important to the plot too), this would just be one more ridiculous thing. In S2, it feels like something we need to suspend disbelief for because we haven't really had it suspended for us yet.
Everything I write about Good Omens here is going to come down to John Finnemore in the end because I can't help myself lol, but honestly, my first thought was "well he's really into plotting, so maybe this is part of that." But- he's also done nine and a bit seasons of a sketch show. While he was writing this he was also writing a season of JFSP (the sublime S9) where there was very minimal plot but everything was propelled by character building sketches, very much in the spirit of Good Omens. He knows exactly the power of random ridiculous moments to build the world and explain its ludicrousness. When him being a writer was announced, I saw so many people say "he's definitely got a bonkers enough brain to do this" except that it turns out that, while true, his bonkers sketch-writing brain doesn't really have a lot to do here.
That, plus the fact that I'd be really surprised from everything that I've heard over the last 2ish years if Gaiman wasn't the first and final voice behind everything written for this season, leads me to the conclusion that the issue might just be that S2 may be, as a group effort, over-plotted for its length. There's little room to breathe and live in the world. There are barely any humans, and as such there's not much time to remember that the story is set in a world where humans matter, which, as I pointed out in my previous post, is something that was really important in Good Omens the book and S1. It just doesn't have any fat.
Now- I should be clear- as I said with the other post, it is way too early to tell if GO2 is good or not, because all of the stuff in E1-2 was clearly building up to other things that haven't happened yet. I actually think S2 probably will be good. The above may not be "issues" per se. But I do think that talking about the original Good Omens like the "fat" is the problem kind of misses the point of why so many people liked it- and leaves GO2 with a pretty big burden to overcome in order to convince viewers that it is a continuation of the same world and same story they loved in S1.
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sixosix · 1 month
THOUGHTS THOUGHTS THOUGHTS THOUGHTS- Akjsdhfaksljhflka Exam season ended earlier than i thought so it's time to poke for details! 
I gotta start off with me kicking my feet over my shared theories from last time. They weren’t fully right but AAAA
The fact that Thawed!Reader was a distraction to Lyney and Father leaving her alone all this time…asjkghhsgaf Her just casually mentioning, ‘oh yeah, I knew she couldn’t have gone far’... And her implying that she had already had a plan to deal with this type of situation before Aether interfered just says so much about her character. I wonder how different it was going to be, because it seemed like she was just going to leave T!Reader be until she actually interfered like now. Maybe use the potion still? Relocation? Her character both in general and here makes it seem like she wouldn’t just kill her without a second thought. 
Also, I like to imagine the research she did into Rosalie was not only to come up with a plan as to what to do now that there were new variables, but to make sure her child was at least going to be ok under Rosalie’s care. After her not-a-answer answer…. Adlkfhjasldkfjlaks Father cares in her weird way it's fine, don't worry.
I love the inclusion of the potion from her story quest by the way! I think it adds a more devastating twist than what I originally thought may have been on the line, like her life. Like, Thawed!Reader would be perfectly fine, but not only does she lose memories of all the recent (and previous) memories such as any positive moments with Aether or her familial connection with Rosalie, but also people who deeply care about her (Rosalie, our fauti trio, maybe aether and paimon?) suddenly lose their friend since her identity is so closely tied to being a part of the Fauti. From being one to becoming a runaway one, almost every action she has taken till now has been influenced by her past and if she accepts then it's all gone. I know you mentioned that Lyney would absolutely still chase after Thawed!Reader even if she took the potion and he had to start from the beginning(which absolutely see it ashdlaksh) but there is absolutely no way he wouldn’t feel any short of hurt by that. Even as he tries to woo her for a third time, he’s going to be holding on to memories he can’t tell her about for multiple reasons. Experiences he adores like sparing but she may not be able to do any more. 
(Speaking of the potion, i do have my own theories on what may happen with everyone involving that… but i’ll share that in a separate ask.)
The Knave’s and Rosalie interaction was so nice; both sets of parents really do be fighting huh. But while T!Reader’s and Lyney’s was a bit more high strung, the other parents feels a bit more like understanding each other. Not that they like it, i mean, look at Rosalie. It felt like two different parents trying to co-parent, if that makes sense? I mean, like I mentioned before, if the Knave really wanted to, she could have just killed T!Reader and even Rosalie and be done with it. But besides wanting Rosalie to act as bait; she mostly had a calm discussion, and seemed to keep Rosalie’s feelings in mind as a fellow parent of this kid. I mean, she even reined in the soldiers when they lashed out at our favorite flower shop owner in their blind loyalty. And her kinda silent approval at Rosalie’s answer about the potion? Why is the set of parents that includes a harbinger having the calmer convo? (Gotta ask as well! What flower did Father give Maman? Despite the meanings, I do think that considering her ascension materials, it may have been a rainbow rose. But if we consider other Fontaine flowers, Lumiose bells also fit well! And Romaritime flowers sadfasfasdf…) 
As for T!Reader and Lyney- akdfjalskjf THE PARENTS REALLY DO BE FIGHTING HERE! Dear god the tension rising in the situation, T!Reader is blinded by worry and anger while Lyney is partly blinded by love and his want to help. Paimon, Aether and Lynette are the audience at this point (although, gotta say, love the explanation to how they know there T!Reader lives! Despite how she’s acting now in the context of Rosalie being kidnapped, it was a perfect compromise to deliver the gift but let T!Reader keep some form of privacy. Too bad it is also working against the twins in this moment with  Arlecchino’s plans. Plus, they may have found out anyway due to the fact their crew of workers had also seen T!Reader around Fontaine in the past. All it would take was one of the workers going to Rosalie’s shop while T!Reader was working.)
Lyney almost said love!! My man had a confession moment!! Too bad that it was in the middle of a fight. That whole conversation had layers I want to poke at for more information. Lyney’s automatic confirmation of betraying Father for T!Reader, her calling Rosalie her mother to everyone, Aether’s hurt at her blaming him, T!Readers fixation on the fact that; from her point of view; Lyney is only taking and taking and taking.But it's her exit that caught my eye the most. It felt like a really cool parallel from back in chapter three when T!Reader gained her vision. 
Both times T!Reader was upset and angry, and Lyney comes in as both connected to the source of her problems as well as someone who just wants to help her. Both times she lashes out at people (the fight/freezing during the first and the cruel words plus biting cold in the second). And both times she walks away leaving behind a barrier of ice (technically it was a door covered in some ice in the second fight but shh we’re still counting it).
I wonder if Lyney also recognized the parallels as well, since his tone switched from stubborn and confident to weak pleading the moment T!Reader starting walking away! Just the echoes of it, I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in lyney’s thought process was just like ‘not again, please not again’. All the effort and care he took into trying to not scare her off again just went down the drain by Arelcchino’s actions, and just like before, he’s unable to convince her to stay and let him help. However, this time, he has a lead in the form having some knowledge on Father’s methods as well as knowing that T!Reader is going to try and go after her to get Rosalie. And I’d be willing to bet money that he’s going to latch onto that and not let go. 
Also, remember how my first ask mentioned aether being a deadman once lyney found out that he blackmailed Thawed!Reader? Yeah I think we’re at that point, we’re gonna see this man go feral like he did in the fortress. Not to mention Rosalie and (maybe) Arlecchino’s reaction. I doubt Arlecchino will actually do something since the potion is already her plan but I’m sure she’s curious about how the traveler pushed up the timeline. And I doubt Rosalie is gonna be a happy maman once she learns why her daughter started hanging out with the Outlander. 
P.S, totally for absolutely no reason in particular… how do you feel about fanfics of your fanfics?
-deadman aether anon
- father does care!!!!! and it shows even in canon lore!!!!!!! ofc the children wont have it easy and they wont be spoiled rotten with affection but i think thats what makes arlecchinos way of doing things even more special and i rlly wanted to incorporate that here toooo
- yesss:( mc’s entire identity is VERY tied to her “past” as a fatuus! of course lyney wouldnt be happy about mc forgetting everything that made their relationship, because what they had was very special to him!! (and i would love to hear that potion train of thought)
- i think i didnt write it clear enough which is my fault! but the flower i was hoping to hint that arlecchino was giving to rosalie was the “Snezhnayan” flower that Arle bought from her a few chapters ago. fun fact i didnt want to assume to whatever hyv had planned for snezhnaya flowers, but i wanted it to be a flower that had originated from khaenriah but still became relevant to snezhnaya. so to rosalie, it was just an imported flower, but it was one that was unique enough to make her remember whoever bought it!
- and yes HAGSHAHA i found it hilarious to write in that rosalie and arlecchino would have a calm meeting while lyney and mc are a mess and a half. i think it shows that they both have a long way to go before they reach the same level as the other two:)))
- THE PARALLEL!!!! YUUPPPPPPP i wanted to reference it in the next chapter too in case people didnt realize it but im glad u caught it BAHAHAA
- i guess we will find out if aether truly will be a dead man next chapter…. Didnt even get the chance to reunite with his sister ohhh poor boy. this is why u dont blackmail someone! learn from aether, everyone
- ALSOHELLO??? fanfics of my fanfics? oh. PLEASE. hello. YES! i would absolutely love to see how people interpret my series and the characters within them:( that would be such a joy!!!!!! but i also just want to see how people think of thawed!lyney HAHAHHA
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punks-never-die205 · 3 months
Kid is always portrayed as someone who is brutal, violant and rapes women😑 is there a small chance he could be soft and romantic? 💕
... If you could see the face I'm making right now.
I... I have to assume you saw a Kid Pirates coded blog and just sent in an ask without reading anything?
... including the manga?
I want to clarify, I'm not angry - I'm all for people being free to ask what they please as they please, I'm just confounded. I think you're getting fanon/headcanon garbled with canon.
Let me do my best to stick to canon for a moment - we hear terrible things about the Worst Generation pre time-skip. Everyone has a reputation.
Including Luffy and his crew - the information the marines have on the Straw hats, and what they share to the world, is very negative. The only thing that saves Luffy is that, well, he's Luffy - he's not going to lean into any reputation, he's not even paying attention in the first place.
So people see some farm boy in flip flops and think --- Canonically, that Zoro has to be the Captain. It's a running gag.
Now Law and Kid both seem to have leaned into the reputation the marines have given them. (I could stretch this out to the entire worst generation, but I don't want to write that much).
We know Luffy's reputation is bullshit. We've learned Law's reputation, despite him trying to lean into it and convince people otherwise, is crap.
It makes sense that Kid's would be crap too - and let me be clear, I still think he's the most ruthless of the three. Kid strung up a pirate crew on crosses at the very least.
But to my point, we don't ever actually see him level some random civilian town for shits and giggles. We don't see any of the other stuff the marines say he's notorious for - all we do know is that the marine propaganda against pirates would (and, from the marines' point of view, should) be skewed in the marine's favor.
No government wants people to be sympathetic to their biggest problem, and some crews most certainly do the work for them - we're 100% aware of truly cruel and wanton pirate crews.
Luffy beats the shit out of most of them.
Anyway, my vibe on the Kid Crew is that they aren't all that big and bad - they're not nice, by any stretch of the word, but I think they are just as in character as pirates who string other pirates up on crosses as they would be pirates who help a shore-side town rebuild after a tsunami or storm flattened it.
Why for the second one? These guys grew up on a neglected island - the people might have been angry, and rough, and intimidating, but the junk heap of an island still have life on it. You can't survive harsh conditions without community, no matter how grumpy and snappy that community might be.
Makes me think of that one town in Fire Force - level the town in celebration, spend the next day rebuilding.
Anyway, none of Kid's behavior in Wano - the point where we actually get to see it for a good long while - points to some mindlessly ruthless piss of a human going around and terrorizing people for no reason. We see a guy who works together with people, going beyond what he needs to, to then cheer on the twink stealing his kill, and to celebrate peacefully afterward.
Sure, sure, recovery, but when Kid saw Luffy's new bounty and title he didn't exactly put a whole lot of effort into that "attack". Especially not after we saw what he could do if he dug his heels in.
It points to a guy leaning into a reputation that doesn't really mesh with him. But also, Luffy is Luffy.
Anyway, that's my answer.
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ratcandy · 7 months
why i think zote is a nosk and yes I'm (mostly) serious
and No, I'm not just going to gesture vaguely in the direction of CoGR. Like yes writing that accursed thing had IRREVERSIBLE effects on my brain, and it is 100% the reason I started thinking this way to begin with, BUT.
I think, to some extent. If pressed. I could argue a little. So what if you all entertained me for a minute. You all entertained me very readily when it came to bug sexyness. So what if you entertained me on this one. Take my hand. Follow me. This is self-indulgence at its finest.
and if I don't post it now I'm going to be editing it endlessly and forever.
This is a RIDICULOUSLY long post, and I get VERY derailed as it continues. It's also only like. Half serious. In that the first half is serious, but then I start losing my mind. If you're willing to entertain me and read all this, well. More power to you!
Okay, to start with, I'm gonna explain how this thought process even initially occurred to me (prior to the writing of CoGR). And it mostly has to do with the fact that Zote looks so much like a vessel, but certainly cannot be for various reasons (not void, mouth, wrong color... I could be here all day but I will not do that. Go eat this other post I made about it if u really want that argument).
It also never occurred to me that he'd be the same species as Elderbug, despite this clearly being a popular theory on here hdgkjSDG. (I could go on a whole separate argument about that, but to not make this post 1million extra words long, just know it boils down to Elderbug Has Too Many Legs and Honestly If You Remove the Mouth they've got Nothing Else Going For Them.)
But, really, what are we left with, then?
Sure, he could just be some other random bug. Maybe there are some bugs that just look like that - outside of the vessels - that we have not seen. But, since we are decidedly NOT shown any bugs that look like vessels but are not vessels OUTSIDE of Zote himself, it leaves me with question.
Why does this guy look so much like a vessel when he cannot be. I mean, yeah, in meta terms, he looks like that because he's Ghost's foil. He is MEANT to be a "worse" version of the player character. Off-color (termed "grey" but that man is PINK!!!!), asymmetrical, hunched over, and sucks ass at fighting.
But. We are not talking meta. We are talking story. We are talking World.
Could he still be a child of the Pale King/White Lady? Maybe. But I really, really do not think so. I also touch on this in my "why I don't think this loser is a vessel" post that I linked earlier, so I won't go too crazy here, but. I mean. Two pale beings made a pink baby? With a mouth that neither of them have? And mans inherited None of that godliness (that we can see)?
I jus don't see it.
So. Again. WHAT are we left with??
He looks a LOT like a vessel. Enough that a lot of people THINK he is at first. But he cannot be a vessel. He is also not likely a child of PK/WL (entertain me, entertain me). And he does not resemble any other bug we've seen in Hallownest.
So, I mean. Imagine, if you will, something that can mimic appearances, right. AND not only that. But something that has definitely seen vessels before and would know how to mimic one.
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(I'm just saying, that's quite a lot of em strung up in the den here).
And imagine he sucks. Really, really bad. So of COURSE he would make an imperfect disguise, right?
Okay. That's the BASIS of my theory. Now you're gonna have to bear with me. I'm going to start ...Analyzing. If you could call it that. And arguing. Very heavily.
Zote as a Nosk: Why He Do That?
This section of my ramble is going to mostly be speculation, or explanations for parts of this theory that I could potentially be questioned on. For instance:
Why would a nosk want to disguise itself as a vessel?
In my own personal theory, Zote wanted to blend in with society and tout himself as a brave, unbeatable knight of great renown! Such titles are not often given to beastly creatures such as Nosks. So, he fled his ghastly, dark home, put his past behind him, and took on a new name. After all, names have power, don't they?
As for why a vessel specifically... The vessels are (supposed to be) stolid, emotionless beings that do not think or feel fear, and have no method of crying out in suffering. Sure, a Nosk would have no way of knowing that whole mantra, but if they'd faced multiple of these enemies, staring down blank stares that don't portray whatever horror they feel in their circumstance...
They'd have no reason to believe vessels are typically brave, fearless creatures.
Especially since our vessel, Ghost, is often referred as "The Knight." It tells us that vessels (or at the very least, Ghost) are knightly-sorts in some capacity. Which would make sense, given their purpose.
And, of course, if stories of the Hollow Knight made it down to Deepnest, and if THK being a vessel was wider known (which I doubt, but still), then that'd obviously be the perfect disguise to fit a knightly part.
Even more so that Nosk has clearly seen a bunch of these things, even if they're rarely spotted elsewhere outside of the Abyss.
Would a nosk even think to do this at all?
I mean, we've little reason to believe Nosks were not intelligent creatures prior to infection. They're smart enough to use the appearances of other bugs to lure them deeper into its den.
And more than mimicking the bug itself, the thoughts of Nosk's prior victims definitely suggest it would mimic loved ones of its prey. Or someone that prey would WANT to see. That at least implies some amount of intelligence, unless it's straight-up mind reading.
But again, even if it doesn't, Nosk just acts like an infected creature in-game. So we don't know what they could've been like prior to Orange Fanta.
What makes you think Nosks were a species? Couldn't there just have been one of them?
Sure, there could've just been the one. But I think that's boring. Nothing in particular really points me toward them being a species. For all I know, Nosk is just some weird, solitary cryptid. But that's not fun. So I'm just ignoring it.
How else is this dude getting around, if not somehow at least a LITTLE stronger than he seems on the surface?
Right? I mean, yes, there are two instances where Zote gets stuck, one of which he can die in. But outside of those two, he takes a WEIRD path throughout Hallownest, and after that single Vengefly King encounter...
Well, he's totally fine. He can't die again. Dude is resilient, somehow.
But with what we've seen of Zote (a nail that does no damage, extremely clumsy movement, Being Small and Bite-Sized), there is no possible way he should have survived down there. Hallownest is damn brutal. And I don't think infected creatures would pity Zote and choose to spare him.
The only think he does have going for him is tankyness, since he can take a lot of hits and be relatively fine. But even then, if something were to start attacking him, little idiot certainly wouldn't run away if he thought it could kill him. He's stupid. He wants to prove himself. In the Coliseum, he doesn't even hesitate to throw himself at Ghost.
So how in the world did he survive down there if he WASN'T somehow secretly something else?
Hey, speaking of that clumsyness...
It makes a lot of sense that a guy who's used to being much taller, with far spindlier legs, would have a hard time adjusting to a smaller stature, right? He's gotta figure out a whole new sense of balance. And I doubt a nosk is meant to stay in disguise that long, anyway.
The Two Entire Pieces of Evidence In-Game That Could Denounce This Theory:
Two pieces of dialogue from Zote himself could totally explode this into millions of pieces and have you all laugh very meanly at me for being so adamant about something that is very obviously not at all substantiated by canon. But hey. Hey. Before you start pointing and jeering. Listen to me.
Dialogue One:
"I came to this kingdom to fulfill a promise..." (Technically he says this twice at different times, one being spoken and one being thought, but I'm counting it as One for our purposes)
People love to point at this dialogue and tell me this means Zote couldn't have possibly originated from Hallownest because it says he CAME here. Specifically.
Ok 1: Saying he came here to fulfill a promise does not mean he could not have been from here. Perhaps he IS from here, took off, and came back. Sure, he doesn't expressly say "i came BACK to this kingdom" but STILL. Possibility is not eliminated.
and 2: I'm... I mean... listen. This guy is not too great at being truthful. He could easily just be running on a fake story about his life to cover up what he he Actually is. 'Cause, I mean... If he's already hypothetically disguising himself, Why then would he tell the truth about where he came from.
And please, making up a grand story about how he came from some distant land beyond the wastes, where he had to struggle through the horrors of the powerful winds and dastardly beasts, sounds Very in-character.
(And honestly, tangent: Do we think he would survive the wastes? I mean, yes, granted, he survives a lot in the game. But he can easily be killed by the Vengefly King if you just leave him there. And surely there are worst creatures in the Wastes. On top of that, Ghost can't even walk into the wastes without being blasted back by wind. Do we think Zote could get out there? The guy who gets hit by a nail and goes flying across the colosseum? And On Top of THAT, if we choose to believe the Pale King, which I do not but yknow Still, bugs supposedly lose their sapience while outside of his/a kingdom. If that's true, then... erm?)
Sure, he could totally be a totally irrelevant bug from a totally separate irrelevant kingdom in the middle of nowhere. But to look so much like a vessel... that'd just be coincidence then? That's not NEARLY as fun. And I LIKE fun. So THERE.
Dialogue Two:
(thought while in Deepnest) "So, the kingdom was hiding this dark nest full of deadly predators. Well, now the deadliest predator of all is here... ...Zote the Mighty!"
Ok, so, yeah. That one is pretty damning. That pretty obviously suggests he's never been there before, which wouldn't make a lot of sense given he's a nosk. Unless there are nosks in other kingdoms, I guess, but. Refer to the tangent I just made hSDKGJH.
And really. I'll be honest. I only have one potential argument for this, and it's bullshitty. But it's bullshitty enough that I still allow myself to have my fun thoughts.
So. You see. Zote likes to say things. If you haven't noticed. Making himself out to be a big strong valiant knight is his whole shtick. That is what this man is. And saying stuff that is blatantly untrue to make himself seem Cooler is kinda what he's all about. So... and bear with me, yes, I know how flimsy this sounds.
This could be him mentally rehearsing what he WOULD say. In the circumstance where he was very epically relaying this story to someone else.
and. AND. Of course. Since he's disguised. He obviously wouldn't give away that he's FROM here. That would be silly. That ruins the whole point of the disguise. Might as well just be a nosk wandering around then.
So, clearly, obviously, evidently, this thought process reflects what he WOULD say to someone who does not know he's a nosk, and who he does not want to know he's a nosk. While he's stoically regaling the tale of his adventures in the Horrible Death Pit that is Deepnest.
Yknow. Just thinking ahead for how he could make this situation sound as brave and epic as possible. WITHOUT mentioning his connections to this place. Because, I mean, really... Why would he want to attach himself, a courageous, heroic knight, to a dark pit full of deadly beasts?
He is no Beast. He is a Knight. Etc.
...yeah, I know, not my best or most sound argument in the world. But I'm having fun. If everything has already fallen apart for you because of this one (1) dialogue, that is so valid. Go live ur life.
I'm gonna keep going though.
Things That Make Me Point at the Screen and Go "AHA! SEE! I'M SO RIGHT!"
Number ONE:
Hey. Remember when you saw Nosk's mask on the floor up there in that screenshot? So, if you didn't know this, after you defeat Nosk, it drops its mask on the floor. And you can smack it around as much as you like. Pretty fun, right?
Well. If you let Zote die, in order to get the neglect achievement, you have to smack the mask he left behind. Because he ALSO drops his mask. Hey that's weird. The only two masks in game that you can freely smack around are Nosk's and Zote's.
Huh. Strange.
Number TWO:
Zote has a STUPID amount of health. Like, it's obnoxious how many hits this man takes. And not only that, he doesn't even DIE when you defeat him in the Coliseum, so he probably has even MORE health than that (ignoring the Eternal Ordeal for a second, since... I highly doubt that's meant to be canon LMAO). The listed health Zote has on the wiki (200) is nowhere near Nosk's amount of health (680), sure. But I'm assuming that health total is based on how many hits it takes to get him down in Coli (which I'm also assuming is the same amount of hits it takes to get him down in the Eternal Ordeal). In which, again, he does not die after that. He just gets stuck and cannot get back up.
But ALSO, that Nosk is infected, and we've been told infection gives strength - hence why the Traitor Lord is like that. So it's possible the nosk we fight in Deepnest just has a strength boost due to orange juice consumption.
...Or, Zote just sucks for a nosk. His stupid amount of health might actually be just really low for that species. For all we know.
Number THREE:
Speaking of the Coliseum, have you seen the JUMPS on this man?
Zote sure can Leap pretty far. He's clumsy as all hell, sure, but those jumps sure are something. Even in the GPZ version, he jumps all the way up off screen before crashing down. Which, yes, I know GPZ is not actually Zote, but this tells me Bretta is at least somewhat aware of Zote's jumping expertise enough to include it in her sexyman version of him.
Do you know who Else jumps all the way up off screen before crashing down? That's right baby. Nosk ...Ok first nosk does a little infection drop attack but HEY you know what I mean. Both Zote and Nosk got big jumps.
Number FOUR:
Precept Twenty-Six: 'Don't Trust Your Reflection'. When peering at certain shining surfaces, you may see a copy of your own face. The face will mimic your movements and seems similar to your own, but I don't think it can be trusted.
Ok that's the obvious precept. I don't think I need to explain why this one makes me go AHA!! SEE!! SEE! HE SAID THE THING!
So I'm going to move on to precepts that I can STRETCH to fit my AGENDA. This is where I start getting derailed and incomprehensible, as a warning.
Number FIVE:
Precept Six: 'Choose Your Own Fate'. Our elders teach that our fate is chosen for us before we are even born. I disagree.
Precept Eighteen: 'Seek Truth in the Darkness'. This precept also explains itself.
So you're telling me the truth is in the darkness? The darkness? Dark like Deepnest? Like a place so dark you can't traverse it without a lantern? You're telling me the TRUTH is in THE DARKNESS? Why wouldn't you want to explain that further, nosky boy? Don't want to explain HOW the TRUTH is in the DARKNESS, HUH?
Precept Twenty-Eight: 'Don't Peer Into the Darkness'. If you peer into the darkness and can't see anything for too long, your mind will start to linger over old memories. Memories are to be avoided, as per Precept Four.
Oh now you DON'T want us to look in the darkness? Why? Huh? There's MEMORIES in that darkness? You've got MEMORIES in there? And the truth is in there too? And you DON'T want us to look at it? Is it because you're a NOSK
Precept Forty-Five: 'One Thing Is Not Another'. This one should be obvious, but I've had others try to argue that one thing, which is clearly what it is and not something else, is actually some other thing, which it isn't. Stay on your guard!
Oh yeah? Yeah? One thing is not another? And you've had to have this argument multiple times? Did you have to argue that YOU are not a NOSK, little man? Little man who isn't being totally Real with me. Little. BASTARD
Precept Fifty: 'Don't Linger on Mysteries'. Some things in this world appear to us as puzzles. Or enigmas. If the meaning behind something is not immediately evident though, don't waste any time thinking about it. Just move on.
Number SIX:
Hey. HEY. Why do we first meet Zote inside the kingdom (Greenpath) and then he immediately goes up to Dirtmouth before going back down? Why don't we just meet him in Dirtmouth like we do Tiso? Why does he go straight up to Dirtmouth after our first encounter with him, only to go back down again?
Why does he already start in the kingdom and make his way out first. What's up with that.
Why doesn't Elderbug mention that he saw a guy pass him by to go down the well, likely before Ghost even showed up? With how Elderbug talks, it seems like no one has been through Dirtmouth in a LONG time. And if Zote got in through the well, he clearly didn't get very far if he only ended up in Greenpath. So he couldn't have been in there very long.
Surely Elderbug would've seen him walk by and go down... if Zote walked by him at all.
Elderbug will mention Literally Every Other Bug that comes through Dirtmouth EXCEPT for Zote. and tiso. but ignore Tiso, because we first meet Tiso before his descent into the kingdom. He talks about Cornifer and Iselda, he talks about Sly, he talks about Bretta, he talks about Jiji. If you banish the troupe, he talks about Nymm being around.
Why doesn't he mention Zote? what's different about that Zote guy. Did he never pass by Elderbug to go into the well at all? Was his first time in Dirtmouth the first time we saw him there? After he ascended out of the kingdom?
Sure, we meet Quirrel in the kingdom, too. And Hornet. But they never go back UP to Dirtmouth, and certainly don't do so after your first encounter with them.
Bretta and Sly are originally FROM Dirtmouth. And they don't go back down after you save them. So them coming back up after being infected makes perfect sense.
The only other exception is Cloth, if you manage to save her. But she only comes up after she's unable to complete her mission, and there's nothing left for her down there.
So why............................does Zote come out of the well first? Why is that the first thing we see him do after Greenpath?
Unless he's.... FROM down there. And he made his way... UP.
...before going right back down, because this town SUCKS and I want to battle in the coliseum. To fulfill the promise of glory to myself. Or whatever.
Number SEVEN:
Speaking of the town Sucking to him: "This dreary place... it reminds me of home. How ghastly..."
Dreary? GHASTLY? Like. LIKE DEEPN-----
Number EIGHT:
(said in Deepnest) "Hmm? Are you lost in these dark tunnels? I don't care. No, I won't lead you out. I know the way, due to my powerful memory, but I only travel alone. Begone."
Due to "powerful memory"? You've got powerful memory of these dark tunnels that, surely, you shouldn't be able to see shit in? Because, surely, you're not from here or anything, right?
Oh but that's WEIRD, right? Because after you get him out of that web, he DOES manage to escape Deepnest. Hmm. How WEIRD, right? For someone so very weak? For someone who CERTAINTLY shouldn't be able to see down there?
It's almost like he. DOES know these tunnels.......
OK, I'm done.
This is pretty much all I have for genuinely arguing for Zote being a nosk.
Is it not much? Yep. Not much at all. But more evidence than there is for him being a vessel, at any rate.
Is it also heavily due to my brain connecting dots that do not exist and seeming more and more insane as I go? Literally stretching at seams that aren't real as I go off into a rabbithole I dug with my own shovel? Yes.
But i'm. HAVING. FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok yes that's all. Go read the fanfiction I wrote about all this. I said my piece. goodby
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Conner was homeless and Cassie didn't help him?
Weren't they dating at the time?
Where was Clark?
I have so many questions.
I avoided reading all of Superboy because of the unforgivable sexism but now I'm figuring that might have been a mistake.
1.) Conner was homeless and Cassie didn't help him?
Nope. Dan Didio did her extremely dirty.
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Superboy #94 I don't even want to show the whole page of this because it is severely gross, but Cassie basically tells Kon to leave, despite Young Justice's HQs being more than large enough to accommodate him, and for some reason he was sharing a room with Slo-bo.... when it was more than large enough to house him.... idk.
"Stop depending on others" when you are BOTH sixteen and are in a TEAM where you HAVE to depend on each other to me sounds out of character for her, or at least in poor taste as it strips the compassion from her.
Didio decided this was the route to go with her, I'm not sure if he forgot these were sixteen year olds, or if he just didn't care, because either way it's not fair of a move to pull. You can argue that it's definitely something a teenager would pull but I think Cassie would at least have compassion here for Kon, even if she is a little high strung at this time and also dealing with PTSD (likely).
Cassie did recognize later in the issue that she was "rough" on him and it ends on a hopeful note that a new start for Kon would be good, but it doesn't bode to be a positive experience. His move was done on a sinking raft.
In a hypothetical situation where things go better and Cassie recognizes that it is unfair to demand that Kon leave when she herself has a home, a mother, and a large support system to protect her, I feel like she would allow Kon to stay at Young Justice like she allowed Slo-bo to stay.
2.) Weren't they dating at the time?
Nope. They didn't get together until later, they were flirting at this time in varying intensity. They both clearly liked each other but neither really made the push to make it anything more than being friends and annoying the hell out each other.
3. ) Where was Clark?
When Kon was actually homeless and looking for a place to live he was not present. A relator thought Superman was logically Kon's father but Kon quickly corrected that assumption and it cost him a place to live.
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In issue #100 Clark reveals that sometime during the time Kon took up residency in Metropolis in the apartment complex he was working/living at, he had Jimmy filling him in on the chaotic events going on, but other than that he was not involved.
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Clark did here what he should have done a long, long time ago. You can write a lot of meta, analysis and critiques for why it took Clark so long to act in this moment, and it would all be fair, but in the end he did finally help Kon.
Clark does eventually involve himself and save Kon from exploitation and a second homeless situation, thus ending Kon's comic series. He was too late, but he did solve the issue.
4.) Tim?
He had taken a leave of absence from Young Justice directly after the Our World at War story arc that preceded Kon's homelessness, so it's likely he didn't even KNOW this was going on.
Kon and Tim got into a huge fight as well, and it contributed to Tim's motivation for quitting because he didn't want to stay where he wasn't trusted (PTSD thanks to Granny Goodness as well).
Kon also did not know Tim's identity at this time, and he doesn't find it out until after The World Without Young Justice arc that takes place around Superboy #99. They're not really on speaking terms here from issues #94-#98, and in the majority of Young Justice they have more of a peer-based relationship than a friendly one. They do CARE about each other, but it's not this deep wholesome best friend relationship that Geoff John's made it into in TTv3 right out of the gate. They're not there, yet.
Tim comes back on the team AFTER the World Without Young Justice arc when his identity is revealed via Matt Stewart's meddling with events, by this time Kon is in Kansas with Ma and Pa Kent and the situation is over, his series is over.
In the hypothetical situation where Tim did know that Kon was homeless, I'd think he'd probably reach out to Dick over Bruce at this time and ask what they should do. Tim more often sought Dick out for these sorts of things than he did Bruce, and I feel like it would remind Dick of when Donna was homeless during his time as a Titan.
It would go from there I think, and Kon might have actually had a swifter response from Clark or maybe Kara or someone else with Dick sounding the alarm, but that's just one angle and all a "what if" and we cannot hold this as fact because... it's hypothetical.
It would make a GREAT premise for a fix-it fanfic.
TLDR: He just likely didn't know and they weren't close enough for Tim to know, but if he did he'd most likely ask Dick "WHAT DO?"
5.) Bart?
Bart left Young Justice at the same time as Tim did due to PTSD, however Kon knew exactly who Bart was at this time and they were very close friends. Out of everyone on Young Justice, they were the closest. Even so, Bart (likely) would not have known that this was going on with Kon as he had distanced himself from his teammates.
There was a point during one of the Impulse comics that Bart needed help for one of his cases, and he briefly considered reaching out to Young Justice but STOPPED because he had quit, he felt it was not a viable option, therefore it is logical to assume he was not communicating with anyone from his team.
Also to note, during this period of time of 2002, cellphones were not readily available (yet) and email, instant messaging and direct (expensive!) phone calls would have been the primary way to keep in touch over long distance, for them they of course could just meet up and chat but the comics don't show this happening when Bart left the team.
Kon likely never reached out for help, because Cassie told him to "stop depending on others" and it pushed a button for Kon to be stubborn and try to fix his own situation so he probably didn't even think to say "Oh hey btw I'm homeless!" (in fact the word 'homeless' doesn't even come up).
Had Bart known Kon was homeless and needed help, he might have asked Max for advice on what to do like Tim might with Dick, and Max has shown that when children are in peril (like with Cissie being abused by her mother) he will act.
I feel like Max would probably pull what Bruce did with Clark in YJA and tell him that he NEEDS to be there for him, NOW. It would likely be a push to get a more prompt reaction. Again though, this did not happen and is speculative.
Also, Max's 'death' almost overlaps Kon's homeless situation so another factor that can contribute to Bart not being able to help, or knowing, was that Bart himself was in crisis and in a full new transition from one household to another.
TLDR: Bart and Kon were extremely close at this time, but due to personal circumstances they likely just did not communicate well enough to convey the situation.
6.) I have so many questions.
Me too, why was Didio allowed to write anything, why couldn't he just remain a producer? He produced the Orion solo and that was amazing.
7.) I avoided reading all of Superboy because of the unforgivable sexism but now I'm figuring that might have been a mistake.
No, not a mistake. Not wanting to come across a lot of the more gross and unsavory themes that are depicted all throughout Kon's comics are a valid reason to skip it, however it is unfortunate that in order to really grasp him it would be extremely advisable to read it. If you are really deeply triggered by those gross themes, then don't hurt yourself, but if it is something you can consume to glean the rest of the events that are formative to Kon, I would suggest it.
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thebeingofeverything · 4 months
Ok I’ll bite, I’m curious:
Mephisto/Amaimon - why ship it? (All 3 q’s)
Rin/Shiemi — why don’t you ship it? (I hope I’m asking this right)
I think we will probably have similar reasons but it never hurts to ask!
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Mefiama, why ship it:
1. Ok! So for the first, really my og aoex ship was amairin bc I'm a battle couple shipper first and foremost but mefiama was a close second and it's bc I'm a demon lover after everything lololol
Specifically, I've loved characters like mephisto and amaimon as long as I can remember, starting from my og fav yyh Yoko Kurama and Hiei (which in my head is a different ship than Hiei/Kurama). But, like that ship, I actually never really liked/like the ways fandom portrays them. Characters like Hiei and Amaimon both end up woobified and turned into stereotypical uke characters with the big sexy dom/seme mephisto/Kurama to seduce/play with them.
And to me that always pissed me off bc of how ooc it made them all out to be. I love Hiei and Amaimon bc they're little feral shitheads who have a massive independent streak to them and act/are totally inhuman. They both poke at each other and cause each other headaches and I live for it lololol
They're spicy as hell too and I love that in a ship. The second I saw Mephisto keeping Amaimon strung up on spears in the cuckoo prison that was it for me 😩👌🔥
2. The draw for these characters and the ship is that they're both inhuman creatures that only pretend at humanity, or in amaimons case, is forced to play nice by mephisto if he wants to be stomping around his territory.
What I really love about them, though, is that while Mephisto has the upper hand in the dynamic, Amaimon also knows his character and can see past his clown mask bullshit. He knows the demon Mephisto really is under all the sparkles and show boating. He's an observer and even when Mephisto is focusing on his goals and plots and shows, Amaimon is there on the sidelines keeping tabs and picking everything apart. I think Amaimon thinks Mephisto is interesting or has potentially interesting ideas. The thing about demons is they're constantly looking for something to keep them interested through their eternal existences and with Mephisto, Amaimon has a source of enrichment lol
I also like the fucked up premise of how Amaimon has an inherent trust in Mephisto that gets abused in canon. We saw him getting incredibly hurt by the shiemi reveal, as if Mephisto keeping that info from him meant Mephisto was treating him like one of his human pawns and not with respect as another demon king.
3. I'm not sure if there's an unpopular opinion I have for them, except that I tend to find most fandom treats them incredibly ooc and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy content of them from others. Mephisto as the over simplified seductive seme, doing typical melodramatic evil villain stuff and Amaimon being reduced to a uwu baby idiot who has never had sex despite being a who knows how old demon king. I've got a ton of bitching I've done over the years about it (and it's the same treatment Hiei always got back in the day so I'm used to the frustration) 😂
Rinshi, Don't Ship:
1. Man I feel really bad to say this but this is one of the most vanilla/boring ships in the fandom outside of bonrin. It's just so typical hot headed anime boy protag/girl next door love interest, even as much as they're both incredibly well developed characters, and as much as I love Rin.
It really just comes down to Rin being a, like, base ingredient for me as a ship. Like him being involved in a ship isn't on its own enough to make me enjoy/ship something. (Amaimon, on the other hand, immediately spices any ship up and I've even got a few rinamaishi fic aus out there lol). But I've never been interested in the sweet, hard-working character archetype. I can't help it, I'm into edgy bastard gremlin characters, the antagonists and anti heroes lololol (The exception to this in aoex is Yuri and that's bc she's got that little mischievous bad girl zing to her I love lololol). Shiemi just doesn't have that spice I need to really invest in a character.
2. What would have made me like it is just if Shiemi was a different character lololol like, she's just too sweet for me, like a marshmallow. Her in her string Independent woman era isn't really doing it for me either bc it feels like all her character development got cut out in that training arc she was just in. We missed a good opportunity to see her reconcile things with her grandma and her growth just to watch her toss an Amaimon copy and it feels like we got cheated out of her character arc.
If she just had that little spark that Yuri had it might work for me but I haven't seen it and until then it feels like every other typical anime main character/love interest ship, and it's just never been a dynamic I've never been into.
3. Positive things I have to say are that I think Kato has always done a phenomenal job making her characters feel realistic and not the usual anime shallow stereotypes. So when ppl tell me they enjoy the ship I'm like yeah, if ur into those kinds of characters and that ship dynamic, you've come to the right series to get a really well developed couple who feel fleshed out and who have had a developing relationship throughout the series. Totally understandable, just not for me.
I hope I actually answered these right 😂 thanks for the ask @philosophicalparadox 🩷
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beelspillowpet · 1 year
Also hate how Lilith is just pretty much a plot device. I don't know what the game is doing now but I hate that she's pretty much there to speedrun a relationship between MC and the brothers.
And that's when MC is already developing a genuine bond with some of them.
But if there are any other instances of her being a plot device, I'd love to hear it.
i do wanna make it clear that this contrived plot point that is lilith does not drive forward the relationship on ALL of the characters. just the most difficult two to really complete the list. i refuse to believe that mammon, satan, leviathan, asmo AND beel didnt care about MC before this turd-bomb of a plot point happened, but i absolutely do believe that is the case for lucifer and belphie for different reasons.
i believe it is a method to sort of "punish" belphie by the games weird rule of telling but not showing. it was the first sign of cowardice on the writing team back then for pulling their punches and taking judgement out of our hands; something they honestly do not often enough and too much at the same time with more mundane things, but with it being a multiple choice type game, options were never really ours to make. just the illusion of it.
by making us the very distant relative of lilith we are punishing belphie for his rash action to anger and and giving us a contrived reason to feel bad for him afterwards. which doesnt work when hes still got the blood on his hands, diavolo hot on his trail, and lucifer coming to his defense.
its a plot point for lucifer because until you earn the trust of all his brothers, he could pretend to care, hell he might even care a teensy bit, but no matter how he feels about you, if there is a shadow of a reason as to how you could betray him and his brothers and use them against their will, there is a shadow of a reason for lucifer to not hesitate to kill you.
picture a scenario where all of the boys save for belphie (and consequently lucifer himself) are forced via their pacts to attack belphie as revenge for him attacking you. with belphie out numbers and his own brothers losing control of themselves to potentially kill him, lucifer would be his last defense against those odds. lucifer is nothing if not cautious and powerful, so he could hopefully subdue his brothers in due time. it also helps that in comparison to lucifer, each of his brothers as you go further down the line have a unique type of fear of him that could in theory ensnare them from continuing their assault on belphie at your command. ie. mammon is really afraid of lucifers wrath and more than anything wasnt to avoid having his credit card taken and being strung up from the ceiling for hours. aside from everyone else in the house, mammon is more powerful than THEM compared to lucifer. then next comes levi, a sort of spineless coward-like person i feel (when it comes to a fight anyway, you basically NEVER see him stand up for himself) and wouldnt want to face lucifer and deal with the punishment of that. and then you go further and further down the list and they get weaker and weaker as we go. satan cant combat lucifers spells, he himself far too busy learning how to cast them rather than protect himself from them. asmo is much like levi in that he would rather not lift a finger, if not for fear of broken nail than broken bone. despite this, he could fold beel like laundry (which still doesnt make sense to me but whatever i guess?) and speaking of beel the guy is built like a truck. hes also the only other one lucifer has physically struck with intention to subdue that was tied to a serious event. and i believe it was more than once at that.
my point being they were very specific and careful about who came in the pecking order, and it was for precaution that lucifer be the one able to straighten them all out in the end.
if there is an MC out there hellbent on destroying belphie, that is a person lucifer will never trust. and so its rather coincidental that in the heat of the moment we choose to forgive belphie, or at the very least put it off, until "months later" since the game jumps ahead in time a LOT since the killing in c.16 and the end of the years program in c. 20.
lilith being our distant relative was for belphie to feel shame, then quickly feel attachment, only for lucifer to see that if we all get along (or perhaps fall in love with belphie in that short period of time for the belphifuckers out there) hes allowed to feel something finally too. or at least let it show more.
so it was a speedrun not for all of the brothers. lucifer, while he wouldnt hesitate in killing you in an instant before belphie got close with you, i wont say didnt feel anything beforehand. he just puts his brothers before anything and everything; something he makes clear time and time again. it was a speedrun ONLY for belphie. lucifer and MC have a sort of slowburn going on, but to say that their relationship is speedran from c.16 onwards is disregarding the little moments beforehand that were special to his character.
as for if and when shes used as a plot point again later, that requires i redownload OG and look around for it there and honestly playing in a pit of spikes sounds more fun than that. playing nightbringer is already such a painful chore....
edit: im also trapped in the early episodes of season 2 bc i flopped so hard at that boring ass gameplay in the first one lol
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
As a certified villain-lover I'm kind of offended (joking) that you have zero meta on Samson. He's literally Cullen's polar opposite, the weak templar who does bad things while Cullen is good and saintly. I would be fascinated by your thoughts on Samson, if you don't mind.
that's because the sewer templar is not a villain he has never done anything wrong in his entire life and i support his attempts to wipe out the templar order 😌
no but really!! sorry i don't talk about samson that much - i am constantly rotating specific blorbos, but i'm always open to answering any questions anyone has abt any of the characters!
i think it's interesting because it's specifically da:i who sets samson up as cullen's polar opposite, but i don't really think that's true? narratively? i know they try to build it up as oooh samson has taken red lyrium and has now GONE EVIL!!!1!!! cullen's biggest fear but literally cullen seems to show no big concerns about it beyond a line here and there that seem shoehorned in, so i sort of... don't necessarily understand why they're being paralleled?
samson, to me, is a story about the cost of being decent. especially in da2. samson is a bad templar, the way keran is a bad templar, or thrask is a bad templar. he's a bad templar - not because he's an addict, which was actually the punishment for his actions by meredith, to highlight narratively the value of the order - because he's sympathetic to mages. he didn't help mages escape from the gallows, he didn't destroy any phylacteries; he literally just helped maddox send some letters. that's it. that's literally... not even the bare minimum, and it gets him kicked out of the door and left to die of lyrium addiction in the streets. and after the chantry abandons him, he chooses to help mages, as best as he can. there's other, infinitely less risky ways to make money for lyrium; i refuse to believe he's acting entirely selfishly here. he has genuine sympathy for circle mages and i believe he is earnestly trying to help. that's fascinating to me! how does he end up in the templars? what kind of other perspectives could he give to this that would be different or new? but we don't really get anything from him, even in inquisition.
if samson's storyline was about getting strung along by corypheus because of his addiction to lyrium - to parallel how his addiction to lyrium made him careless with trying to smuggle out the mages, and getting them sold to tevinter or wherever - i think that would've been an interesting commentary that could parallel the arc cullen could have about how lyrium addiction is a tool for manipulation, by corypheus, and by the chantry. but that isn't his story, and i'm fairly confused about what it actually is.
i also think his storyline suffers in dai because bioware can't admit the chantry or templars are wrong so what you get is samson loudly going THE CHANTRY IS BAD BECAUSE [mumble mumble] and then giving, frankly, incoherent reasons for why he turned a whole bunch of templars knowingly into actual monsters. lacking purpose was never samson's problem, to me, so i get quite confused by what is going with his character arc in dai, because his motivations seem a bit vague - which i think is something most of the antagonists in this game, with the sole exception of calpernia, seem to have a problem with in dai.
i think it could still work, mind you - it's clearly set up in legacy that he'd work with corypheus - but the logic there is what confuses me.
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immortalled · 1 month
hi! i’m so sorry if this is strange, i’m just working on a story and i’d love a second opinion ^^’ no pressure to answer this at all! it’s very hard to explain without proper context so bare with me
i was wondering how you think nathan would react upon finding out he’s the only person who can kill a creature that’s been plaguing him and his friends for a while, in a sort of IT inspired way? most of his friends would be dead at this point, so it’d be like a heroic attempt to make up for their losses by strapping himself with explosives lmao
he’d be around the age he appears in the show but in a tiny rural town setting with no powers
it’s a little up in the air for me on whether he would do it and what could happen afterwards, i’ve kept this quite vague mostly because it is just a loose storyline i’ve strung together while listening to a song, but if it sparks anything for you i’d love to hear!
Hi, Nonnie! Not strange at all! I love talking to people. ♥ (And apologies in advance, this got long because I started analyzing him LOL. Please feel free to skip the analysis under the cut if that doesn't interest you.)
Okay, so first off, I'm flattered you're asking me, and secondly, this sounds like a really fun fanfiction. If you're comfortable, I'd love to read it! If you ever post it on Ao3, please feel free to drop me a link! I'll subscribe!! c:
As for your question... Of course, please do always play with him however you want! I'm far from any kind of... idk, definitive authority on his character LOL, and fancreations are your own sandbox, so I'd never want anyone to change what they want to do based on my or anyone else's personal interpretation of a character. But! My personal two cents is that whether or not Nathan would sacrifice himself like that is really down to how strong his connection with his friends has grown and if he thinks there is anything to gain or save by doing so!
Nathan Young is a character who loves living. He's the embodiment of the early 2010s YOLO motto and that particular brand of unapologetic, teenagery/young adult joie de vivre attitude is why I think the storm gave him immortality as a super power. The rooftop scene in the S1 finale is a great example of this and his entire speech about going crazy while you're young, even if it's dangerous, is actually a really solid look into Nathan's worldview and what seems to drive his impulses. In fact, I think rewatching that entire episode might help you get a better perspective on Nathan and how he might handle the situation in your fanfic!
So, that is to say, I don't think mortal!Nathan is the kind of person to sacrifice his life for anything without very good reason. In fact, I'd argue that he wouldn't at all without immortality as a safety net. He's kind of a coward at times and tends to dodge anything painful or unpleasant, be it emotional or physical. But let's look at the times he sacrificed or almost sacrificed himself in canon!
S1E6 - Falling from the Wertham Community Centre. Nathan does not know he's immortal here and he almost doesn't go back for his friends at all. He only decides to try stopping Virtue because he's been pushed to the edge and realizes how much his weird little ASBO family means to him. Without them, he's totally alone again, and Nathan hates being alone. Although, in fairness, I also do not think Nathan believed there was a possibility of dying in this scenario. Rachel was mind-controlling people, not murdering them, and he clearly did not account for the fact that either of them would lose their balance. I am unsure that he would have done any of this had he known he might not make it out alive... maybe if he had exhausted all other options? Either way, the key here is that he did take risks because he thought he could still save his friends.
S2E2 - Trying to save Jamie. Nathan doesn't think before running toward the burning car to save his half-brother. He could have died here because the ecstasy he took reversed his power, but it's unclear whether or not he heard Simon's warning or if it would have made a difference. Considering how blind the reaction looked, I don't think being immortal or mortal would have mattered. But, still, he was acting on the hope that he could save Jamie.
S2E4 - Almost lets Tim gut him. In order to keep his friends from being killed by Tim the Crazy GTA NPC, Nathan agrees to be killed in their stead. However, he has to be pressured into it by his friends despite knowing he will come back to life. I think Nathan would have deeply regretted it if he had let Tim kill them, but in that moment he was far more afraid of the pain of death than anything else.
S2E6 - Suicide for fame and going toe-to-toe with the Murderous Milkman. This is one of the best examples of Nathan's growth and how he has begun to cope with his power in an extremely unhealthy way. In this episode, we see him toy with the idea of allowing himself to be killed for fame (albeit not without a little bit of peer pressure from his manager), which he does on-camera. We also see him try to legitimately fight someone for the first time when he seeks out Brian specifically for revenge after learning Brian murdered Kelly. In both instances, Nathan knows he will or could die, but he's willing to go through with it anyway because he's immortal. Dying hurts, it sucks, but he's learning to see it as something unimportant when he's able to come back to life. Obviously, he wouldn't kill himself on camera without immortality, but I think it's fair to question whether or not he'd attack someone out of revenge for a dead friend. Maybe? I don't personally think so, but it might be worth watching this episode again and analyzing the scene for yourself.
S2E7 / The "Christmas Special" - Blocking a gunman from shooting his friends. I admittedly have some beef with the characterization and overall writing of this episode, but I don't think that this particular scene is OOC. In this episode, an armed gunman bursts into the bar where Curtis works and is about to shoot. Nathan wastes no time getting in front of the gun and telling him to shoot, who cares, he's immortal. It's all very badass until he's reminded uh oh! he sold his power and is actually mortal now. Realizing that, Badass Hero Nathan vanishes and he flings himself out of the way to avoid being shot (which gets Nikki killed in the process). Now, obviously, this scene is set up entirely just to fridge Nikki and you could argue that Nathan isn't as close to Nikki as his other friends, but I don't think that would have mattered. If Nathan, mortal, had the choice between jumping between his friends and a bullet or hiding... I really do think he'd hide.
Don't get me wrong, Nathan can be selfless and heroic. The fact that he's immortal does not cheapen the fact that he was willing to endure the pain of death and what appears to be a very unpleasant resurrection process for the sake of potentially saving or avenging his friends. Nathan's an ass, and he's regularly selfish, but he is not a bad guy and he sticks his neck out for people he loves way more often than any of them give him credit for. But I also just do not think that he'd be willing to sacrifice or get himself hurt if he had no supernatural "take-backs". If he sacrificed himself, I think it would have to be accidental, as with running to save Jamie; some great, fatal risk that he does not consider fatal because he's too wrapped up in an emotion greater than his fear of dying.
For your story, I think you would have to either push him to the point of not being able to think past a greater fear, or you would have to remove all other options from him. Friends gone, family gone, way of living, maybe even the rest of the world, gone. Or perhaps he's trapped, somehow, in a place where he can't return to the rest of the world? Maybe he's stuck in a place where it will forever be just him and the monster that's been hounding them. I think that he would have to sit with that revelation for a while, wear down, and then maybe he would seriously consider destroying himself to destroy the creature, if the alternative is too suffocating and grim to bear. Whatever the reason, without his friends to save, the catalyst for his decision would need to be something that directly affects Nathan, not people who are no longer alive.
Anyway, that's just my very long two cents. Again, fictional characters are up to interpretation and I think most any character can be pushed and changed to do whatever you want in the right circumstances, especially AUs. So don't let my opinions stop you if you want to take his character a different direction! The most important thing is to have fun and write the story you want to tell. c:
If you have any more thoughts or want to brainstorm some ideas, though, I'm happy to bat around some stuff with you and see what sticks! I read IT several years ago and loved it, so seeing the Misfits gang thrown into a similar situation sounds like a ton of fun.
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quill-n · 1 year
AHGGHH gotta love art block :')
Anyways, I wasn't planning on making a fankid for edgejeanist, but I got an idea for a quirk that I really liked so here she is!!
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Her name is Kamihara Haruko, and her quirk is strung up! She's literally strung together! Her articulated body allows her to be way more flexible than an average human. She can also produce elastic string-like material that she can use to manipulate the world around her, like a puppeteer.
(She's essentially a living ball jointed doll. I got the inspiration for this from watching some Moonlight Jewel videos ^-^)
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(Rest under the cut because it's a long post)
Some random facts about her:
She decided to go into heroics, just like her dads!! Her hero name is a combination between "doll" and "mannequin" (I'm super creative, I know /lh)
The BJD engraved on her medallion in her hero costume stands for two things: 1. Ball Jointed Doll, and 2. Best Jeanist's Daughter <3
Her hero costume is meant to look doll-like, but it's also meant to give her more room for her articulation. The layered skirts around her torso are actually three separate pieces: two secured around her hips and one attached to her vest. Tsunagu helped her design it (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
The mask is mostly for aesthetic. When I designed her, I came up with her hair first. I thought it was something cute and stylish that Tsunagu would appreciate, but it severely bothered me that her design was symmetrical when both her dads had asymmetrical design aspects. The mask was my solution.
She's naturally blonde but often dyes her hair silver, because she gets annoyed when people say she looks too much like Jeanist, but no one ever tells her that she looks like Edgeshot (except Tsunagu). It bothers her just a little bit
She's not very good at maintaining her dyed hair, though, so it inevitably just grows out again. It drives Tsunagu a little bit crazy that she does this. ("Please, just pick one and stick with it.")
My friend actually came up with her name! She was originally going to be named Seiko, but I changed it to Haruko after searching up how to write it because
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this kanji means "clear weather." It was cloudy when Bakugo's heart stopped. It was cloudy when Shin'ya sacrificed himself.
Moving on...
The elastic stringing her together is stretchy, but it can still snap. It won't hurt her, but it's a bit of a hassle to restring her. (Luckily, her parents are pretty good at it!)
(Her body produces excess string for that exact reason. With enough quirk training, she can extend the flexibility of her elastics so she's less likely to snap during battle.)
I have this headcanon that Shin'ya does that thing where his footsteps are silent and he CONSTANTLY accidentally sneaks up on people. He's done it since he was a kid. Part of that headcanon is that if he ever had kids, they would do it, too. And here's a kid. She does it, too. It haunts Tsunagu that they both do this.
It also doesn't help that her flexibility can lead to some really freaky visuals. Imagine going to the kitchen at night to get some water and seeing the vague silhouette of something that looks like it came out of The Exorcist silently crawling around in the next room over, only to realize that it is in fact your daughter being a little menace.
She doesn't like sand. Or swimming. Or the beach very much. But she does like snow! (Too bad her parents don't like the cold </3)
Shin'ya and Tsunagu teach her to sew pretty early on. (They were both part of the textile arts club, what do you expect? /lh) So she knows her way around a needle and thread :)
She loves modelling the clothes Tsunagu makes. She's pretty nosy with his work, too. She'll look at his design sketches and tell him if she likes them or not (which she usually does). (Shin'ya thinks it's the cutest thing.)
That's most of what I have for her (for now, at least). This post took WAY TOO much time for me to make lol, but I had fun making her character sheet. I hope you like her :))
Also some bonus doodles!
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ferris-the-wheel · 4 months
So you said that I could ramble about my characters in your inbox so I'm going to do just that (there is so much info I'm so sorry in advanced)
Ok so. In this little world everything is at valance, there is a right side up and and upside down. The rightside up is where humans live and the upside down is where the people who did bad things in the rightside up go along with just monster like creatures. They both have 7 total gods. The right side up has the almighty one (God of life) and it made all of the life. The elemental Gods there are kasai (fire) kai (water) raijin (lightning) rikuto (earth) eira (ice) and calypso (sound). The upside down has Shingami (God of Death) and Mizu (water) Jestara (fire) kage (darkness) selenia (space) zephyr (wind) and soira (silence). Yk about kasai and kai so I'll just start with the other right side up gods. The almighty one is extremely apathetic and doesn't care about the life it creates. It often will pick up the 6 rightside up gods and hurt them just to see how much pain they can take. Raijin is very "old school" and often tries to boss kasai around, she tells her to "act like a lady" a bunch and it really annoys kasai. Rikuto is Raijins husband and he's a lot more chill then his wife. He informally adopted kasai and kai because they barely had a father figure growing up. Eira wants to steal kasais blood to put in her soldiers to make them stronger to eventually conquer the entire right side up. Calypso is always high and none of the others know how he acts when he isn't high. He is definitely the most chill out of all of them and often invites kasai to get high with him.
The upside down is very different from the rightside up obviously. Shingami is absolutely obsessed with kasai and will stalk her, try and kidnap her, has a shrine of her, and is overall a major creep and pedo towards her. He's a masochist but only for kasai and constantly wants her attention. Mizu is a siren and he's extremely afraid of people. People also often mistake him as a girl so Jestara has to stand up for him and correct those people. Jestara is a Phoenix who's can never take a situation seriously. Zephyr is okay with being the weakest and didn't even want to become a god. Selenia is actually kasai and kais mom adica vut shingami made her a god for a reason thats kinda complex. Kage doesn't care about really anything and doesn't like it when people try and pressure him to do stuff. Soira and calypso are actually dating and soira is mute so calypso learned sign language to be able to talk to her.
(This was so much and I left out so many details so if you care feel free to ask me questions and I'll clear it up for you.)
their personalities are very diverse (i have a dislking for shingami already) and i think that it's very interesting! have you made designs and detailed personal lore for them?
(sorry this answer is a bit short, i'm rlly high strung rn)
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Hi! How are you? I hope you are doing okay since i last sent an ask
After reading the last pg chapter i thought about the last part and hours later i am here to share an extremly unpopular opinion
Jongho was right, not a hundred percent but he was kinda right when he said OC is in fault because she could have listened to him, she could have taken a moment to think but she didnt. I understand her completly, i know and acknowledge she went through hards times with her sister and she made a promise but still this situation could have been prevented by doing simple things like questioning why the connection wasnt perfect in the first place. Also, jongho could have said his brothers to come and back them up
But i dont think saying "you are at fault" was what he actually meant. I saw your answer to the person who asked about the spell making the person turn their back to the people they love and at first this was my theory too but then again, why would he want her touch if this was the situation. I still think this is somehow related to the spell but not sure how
And all of the chapters you recently shared were chefs kiss, amazing, perfect, breathtaking
That jongho smut was what i needed all this time and i didnt know it until i read it, thank you
Sorry for this extra one, i forgot to add that i think the one who teleported them back home is oc. She has his blood in her system so i think in the moment of she was able to teleport them, and she used it again in the last part but i have no idea where she went or if they will be able to find her because she could be in another realm for all we know lol
Hey! I'm doing okay, been feeling a little off lately, but I think I just caught a bug is all. I've been better the past few days, though! Hope you've been well, too!
I see where you're coming from, but let me ask you this. Did Jongho really blame the OC for what happened? Also, by this logic, it would also stand to reason that in ch 17, it was entirely Seonghwa's fault the OC got hurt while visiting the dragon's nest. He suggested it. Not only that, but then by that logic, shouldn't we also blame OC for getting hurt for protecting the baby dragon? That was also her fault for choosing to jump in front of the arrows.
There's a lot of contributing factors to why things happened the way they did, more than just to move the story forward. This most recent chapter was meant to parallel ch 17, but now with the OC being on the receiving end of that heart wrenching guilt. This is the first time the OC has experienced a situation like this, and believe it or not, the OC is actually a lot more like Seonghwa than people think. They are very specifically two sides of the same coin, and a lot of their reactions are quite similar when high tension stakes arise.
Sometimes you don't think, you just move.
But let's also not forget about the fact that Jongho chose to protect the OC. He specifically jumped in front of that spell so it wouldn't hit her. I feel like putting the blame on OC due to her high strung emotions both negates his deeds in the moment, and also shifts the blame from the aggressor (Dimitri in this situation) onto his victim (both OC and Jongho in this chapter).
Now, that's not to say OC wasn't rash and didn't rush into things. OC definitely did. However, the OC has never experienced a threat like this, unlike the guys. Hell, they all probably would have acted as rashly if the roles had been reversed and this had been OC contacting them because of Miyeon.
When it comes to a person they love, all logic flies out the window. They are all more similar than you think.
OC is definitely a flawed character, but they all are in some way. Let's not forget that if all of the characters were to act rationally all the time, we wouldn't have an engaging or interesting story. Mistakes are bound to happen. After all, the OC still is only human. ;)
As for the blood, well, you might be onto something there ;)))
Thanks so much for reading, and I'm so glad I got to talk about this a little more in dept in my answer to your ask!
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