#is sooooooo much more pink than I thought it would be
becca-e-barnes · 2 years
Hey becca, any thoughts on stepdad!bucky because I cannot stop thinking about him!!
Oooooh yes, I always have stepdad bucky thoughts!! And I was thinking today about how frustrating it is when you get a cute new set of underwear and you're excited to show someone and the first thing they wanna do is take it off you? Bc that lowkey used to annoy me. Push it to the side but keep it on and appreciate it and I feel like that's more his style.
Because maybe he's taking the laundry out of the dryer some night and he notices this tiny piece of black clothing tucked right in at the back. He almost missed it honestly and at first he thinks it's just a sock.
But when he pulls it out he notices the pretty little pink polka dots. Then he notices the frills and for a second, he thinks it's your mother's but once he sees the tag, he knows it can't be. Your mother has never shopped there before so there's only one other explanation.
"Jesus Christ." He mumbles, clenching the tiny piece of fabric in his fist. The rest of the laundry is left discarded in the basket as he marches his way down to your room.
"What the fuck is this?" He demands, not even knocking before bursting through the door, tossing the panties on the bed beside you. The smirk on your face does nothing to calm him. Especially since you'd know better than to put your cute new underwear in the dryer. You lived on your own for the first couple of years of college, you know how to do your washing so you wouldn't be so careless unless you wanted him to find it.
"What does it look like, daddy?" You tease, lifting the offending article of clothing, if you could even call it that before unfolding it delicately. "If you need me to, I can show you how I wear it? It looks pretty."
His eyes light up but fuck, you shouldn't be doing this. Not with your mom downstairs. "Nothing I haven't seen before, sweetheart." To the untrained ear, his voice is calm. It's measured and even and almost indifferent but it's the way his tongue runs gently along his bottom lip that gives him away.
You strip slowly, pressing him down to sit on the bed before taking your top and bra off, followed by your shoes, skirt and panties. It's a leisurely pace but time is a luxury you just don't have right now. You slip the little black panties up your legs, letting them settle on your hips, smiling softly at Bucky. He has no idea what to say, beckoning you over to stand in front of where he's sitting on the edge of the bed. You find your way between his spread legs, reaching for his belt while his warm hands map your body, drifting over your curves and delving between your thighs. As always, you do your best not to think about the slim, gold wedding band on his finger. The only reminder that this man is actually not yours at all. He's your mother's.
"Bet those boys from college would be tearing these off you already." He chuckles, his scruff tickling your bare skin as he litters kisses all over you.
You can't help but laugh because he's nailed it. They would be. But they'd also be boys who don't know how to treat a woman. They don't know how to make you feel sexy or confident or empowered because that's not really their goal. They have far more selfish intentions and that's just not the experience you have with Bucky.
"That'd be their loss though. Especially when you look so beautiful all wrapped up like this." One pointer finger gently hooks under the thin fabric, pushing it to the side and letting him trail his middle finger towards your core. Your breath hitches in your throat because it's almost embarrassing how turned on you are already.
"Hm, you're all worked up. I'm not surprised. You know why? Cause I took the time to learn your body. Unlike them, I can get you off and you fucking know it. I remind you often enough. Make this one quick, sweetie. Who knows when mommy will come looking for me."
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maddascanbe-blog · 8 months
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Okay I know I said Chloe was next in the redesign lineup but I couldn't NOT talk about these two! Shadybug and Claw Noir are stupid names, and this movies plot is looking very similar to a re-write of Chat Blanc I did a while ago but never published. So I had to re-design the villains and did a quick piece for their civilian designs.
I cannot express how much I don't want them to change the designs though. The cannon outfits look like they're trying to be edgy sooooooo hard but are middle schoolers. It fits.
I hardly changed Shadybug since I actually like her design, just made it match my redesign sensibilities. But I took away Claw Noir's spikes and instead gave them with zippers in a shade of green to look like slash marks at a first glance. And gave him the mohawk he deserves instead of the mess he has in cannon. Finally switch their eye colors to normal.
Civilian Evil-Mari looks better than Adrien too. She's not great and I thought she would lend better to pastel punk/goth aesthetics since pink is such a major part of her character design. I did keep her edgy hair and pink streak cause it's cute. And I tried to reference her little ascot/scarf in the shape of her hair ties.
Meanwhile, Evil Adrien would just look like Felix. Writers shooting themselves in the foot there. I actually had 3 directions to go with his civilian outfit. The first being leave his design the exact same, implying that more than ever the 'Adrien' is the mask. The second is giving him an outfit like Felix, dark and stiff showing he's still mourning. And finally the one I went with, going in the direction of season 5 Gabriel. Clean, pressed, and polished to the point it looks sterile and uncomfortable. I did give him a (very) light blue turtle neck to reference OG evil Adrien, Chat Blanc. But overall just pale and fake looking.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
So if you’re feeling it, i would love a fic about Frankie’s first time as an escort…Thank you and love you lots💕
Mari my darling, this ask is sooooooo delicious! Especially because as much as we've alluded to Frankie's work, we haven't actually seen any of it yet. Though I'm gonna pull a little bit of a fast one on you in regards to the wording here, but I think you'll enjoy where it takes us.
Frankie's First Time
Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x F!OC "Lily"
Summary: What was Frankie's first time like?
Word Count: 6.9k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, descriptions of male and female bodies, grinding, oral sex (f receiving), we are dedicating another 2k words to Frankie's kitty king skills, fingering (f receiving), safe PiV sex, a whisper of ass play, Frankie AND Lily's filthy mouths, watch me make up shit about sex work.
Notes: This was a blast to explore how Frankie "auditioned" for Pope's, and how he got the reputation we all know and love. I also got to explore things from Frankie's POV, so we get some insight into exactly why he's so competent in places. Even though Ms. J is sitting out this story, we know she's thanking Lily for her service well into the future.
Cross-posted on AO3
Sex Worker!Frankie AU Series Masterlist
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He’s not sure if he’s supposed to knock on the chipped blue door or let himself in. The whole situation feels weird, like an audition for a play he never learned the lines for.
Well, at least the metaphor’s pretty accurate.
“Come in,” floats through the wood, answering his question, and with a deep breath and a turn of the knob Frankie steps into a whole new world.
She’s walking to greet him when he steps over the threshold, a bright smile on her face.
“Pope said you’d be punctual,” she says, one hand on her hip as she surveys him. Now that he’s here and actually doing this - really considering sex work - his jaw locks up and hands wipe nervously back and forth against his jeans. He nods quickly, grimaces a smile, and scuffles his feet on her doormat. 
“Oh, you are a cutie, you don’t need to be this worked up around me. I don’t bite,” she says, taking the last steps to rub her arms firmly up and down his biceps. Her touch is comforting, the raise of her eyebrows and nod a well-earned reward. “Let’s sit down and chat. Do you want water, coffee, iced tea?” She coaxes Frankie further into her apartment, waiting for him to toe off his boots with a mumbled apology before sitting him on her maroon couch. Leaving briefly, she returns with two iced teas. Frankie gulps his down fast enough to make her smirk.
“So you’re friends with Ironhead and Golden Boy? And Pope too, of course.” Frankie’s eyebrows knit together in confusion until he makes the connection.
“Will and Benny, yeah. Pope sent them to you too?” he asks, twisting the cup in his hands to give them something to do. 
“What can I say, I’ve got a lot of experience vetting the talent,” she quips back, turning to tuck her knees onto the couch and face Frankie more fully. He takes a moment to actually look at her more than quick glances. She’s pretty but in a way that’s disarming, a way of watching him that makes him feel like she knows his secrets but won’t share. Her chestnut hair flows over her shoulders in silky waves, complimenting her warm skin and umber eyes. He thought she’d be in some tight little tube dress but the lightweight tank top and shorts compliment her natural beauty with a realness Frankie didn’t know he craved. Her toes are painted baby pink.
“You’re making me nervous you swallowed your tongue, honey, can you tell me how you’re feeling right now?” she says, and Frankie coughs out a laugh. 
“Sorry, I’m feeling…shit, way out of my depth,” Frankie says, leaning forward to put down the glass. He remains hunched, head in his hands as he takes a deep breath.
“One step at a time, baby, let’s start off easy, okay?” she says, and that firm hand on his arm directs his attention back. “They call me Lily. Not my real name, you know. Will and Benny picked their own, you have one in mind?”
Frankie leans back and slaps his thighs.
“No idea, my call sign was Catfish but…nothing much else.” Lily laughs, and the noise is soothing to his frazzled nerves.
“Catfish it is. Was it the whiskers?” she asks, reaching over to scritch her fingers lightly into Frankie’s scruff. The touch is surprisingly welcome, her demeanor calming. He didn’t think he’d be ready to be touched yet.
“Long story. You don’t think that would weird out…uh, clients?” 
“Might make them more intrigued.”
Her hand moves to settle on his thigh, and the familiar stirrings of intimacy through touch rumble under Frankie’s skin. But it’s too fast, brings too much of the artifice of this situation to the forefront, and Frankie balks.
“So where are you from?” he says, voice booming in the small room. He winces at the volume, but Lily doesn’t move her hand.
“Colombia. Came over with a bunch of other girls.”
Frankie remembers this part of the story.
“One of Peña’s informants?”
“More or less.”
“But you’re still…?”
Lily scoots closer to him, and Frankie tries to relax into her proximity. She is pretty, long limbed and smooth skinned and smelling of sweet soap. 
“I get to do something I enjoy and I make money. And this is the nicest place I’ve ever worked, though much quieter than I’m used to.” She taps Frankie’s thigh to turn his attention back to her. “If you don’t think you’ll enjoy it, I would recommend you not start. It’s not easy. If you’re not looking forward to the good parts, the not-so-great ones will make you miserable.” 
Frankie nods, thumb worrying at the denim stretching across his thighs. 
“What are you afraid of happening?” Lily asks, and now her knee is pressed against his thigh. The tension starts to bleed out of his shoulders. She’s good, no wonder why she’s Santi’s best girl.
“It’s, ah…it’s a lot of things,” Frankie starts. She waits, her hand moving to stroke soothing circles. “What if someone finds out that I don’t want to know? And what do I do with the…clients? Like how do I plan out what they want or figure it out and what if they don’t like it? Or don’t like…me. Am I…” Frankie pauses and looks, really looks at Lily. “Would anyone actually want me? I get Will, and Benny. But I’m not…” 
The rest of Frankie’s concerns slide back down his throat as he sighs and rubs the heels of his hands into his eyes. Lily lets the silence stretch for a moment longer.
“I’d recommend keeping the work between you and as few people as possible if you’re afraid of being found out, but it’s a risk you’re taking no matter what. A client could out you as much as a stranger.” Frankie hums and nods as she continues.
“As for what you do, Pope will give you some background. You’re not going in blind, which is a big plus to this setup. Are you taking all clients, or being selective?”
“I, uh…hadn’t thought about that. Probably women to start, and then…I’ll see.”
Lily’s lips curl at the corners.
“Full of surprises. Women can be hard if they don’t know what they want. Part of what we’ll do today is find your boundaries so Pope knows how to schedule your clients. If you don’t do men, he won’t give you any. If you might do something out of the ordinary if you have clear direction, he’ll talk it through with you. And if there’s something you’re very good at, you’ll be his go-to guy.” Lily’s fingers tap up his forearm thoughtfully. “We’ll find those things too. I’m a discerning lady, and if you’re good I’ll know.”
Frankie sighs and finally lets go of that last bit of tension holding him hostage.
“As for your last question…” Lily says, lifting up on her knees. “Can I sit on your lap, honey?”
Frankie’s eyes go wide, but he nods slowly at the request. Lily swings a leg over and settles on his lap, big hands going to her hips immediately. She smiles down at him and lets her fingers wander through his hair, tugging the Standard Oil cap off to free his curls.
“You’re worried they won’t want you, or like what you bring. But from my perspective, a broad-shouldered man with huge hands and the most kissable lips I’ve ever seen is underneath me, and if those big brown eyes are anything to go by, you’re a thorough, and attentive lover.” She swipes her thumb over his lips as he parts them. “When they open the door and see you standing there, big boy with soft eyes, their pussies are gonna throb.”
“Fuck,” Frankie breathes out, shuddering against her touch. 
“Soon enough,” she quips back. “First, ground rules. You never jump right into fucking. Always make sure you’re both clear on what she wants and how she wants it. Check in, make sure she’s not feeling pressured.”
“Of course,” Frankie says, confusion flitting across his face. “I thought everyone did that.”
“Oh sweetie, you are a slice of perfection,” Lily giggles, and Frankie’s hands tighten on her hips. 
“Take your time. Don’t rush it. You know how long she’s paid for, so give her every last moment. You might be the first person to ever give her undivided attention, and that will keep her coming back.”
“You ever get attached?” Frankie asks, his cock filling at her hot body pressing into his lap. Maybe this wouldn’t be so difficult. He’s certainly having a good time with her now.
“Yes, once or twice. You redirect those emotions into something useful. Channel those feelings into care for the person. You love how happy you get to make them feel. You’re attracted to how they open up and trust you. You’re giving them a valuable service and you enjoy that.” 
Frankie rolls his hips below her, and she tugs his hair with a cheeky smile.
“Lastly, before I see what you bring to the table, always be safe. Condoms always. If she wants something risky, for herself or you, that hasn’t been discussed, you respect your boundaries. And you walk away if it’s getting out of hand. Pope will always have your back.”
“Okay,” Frankie murmurs, his eyes hooding as his gaze licks over her body.
“Now,” Lily says, her voice dropping into a sultrier register. “I’d like to kiss you, Frankie.”
“Yes, please,” he murmurs back, tilting his head back for her descending lips.
She’s perfectly soft against his mouth, but firm as she cradles Frankie’s head. He moves his lips against hers, the gentle presses he usually starts out with before he deepens the kiss. She sighs into his mouth, hips rolling slightly as he strokes his fingertips up her spine. The pebbling of her flesh swells pride in his chest. 
“Mmm, feels good, Frankie,” she hums, backing off just enough to signal Frankie it’s his turn to show her what he can do. Splaying his large hands on her back, he leans up to meet her lips again, another chaste press before he slips the tip of his tongue along her bottom lip. She opens for him, and he thanks her with soft little laps, barely touching as his hands roam her back, the strong muscles of her thighs, weave through her hair. They’re rocking together in a rhythm neither consciously chose, Frankie’s cock starting to ache at the lack of pressure. 
Her nails scratch across his scalp, tugging his curls just shy of painful, and he delves his tongue deeper into her waiting mouth. She groans, sliding down his thighs to finally fit her core against his straining length. The welcome friction drives his kiss deeper, her teeth sinking into his bottom lip, tongues sliding more fervently. She finally breaks away, lips shiny and eyes bright.
“Mmmm, you’re a very good kisser. Let’s take this to the bedroom,” she says, lifting off Frankie’s lap. A small noise of protest leaves his lips at the loss, but he obediently follows through a plain hallway to a sparsely decorated bedroom. The nightstands are simple honeyed wood, a matching headboard behind the king-sized bed. The bedspread is an inoffensive dark gray, crisp white sheets folded primly at the head. Lily turns around and stands at the foot expectantly.
“I, uh…do you want me to just…” Frankie stammers, the confidence waning. 
“How about we do what you normally do, and I’ll chime in as needed. Show me your moves, handsome.” Her coquettish smile entices him to step forward and cup her face in his hands, brushing their noses together again before he parts her lips with his own and drinks from her. She melts against his front, fisting his t-shirt as he gathers the hem of her tank top in his bigger hands.
“Can I take this off you?” he asks, tracing his nose along her cheek as she nods. Pulling the thin fabric over her head, he takes in a sharp little breath that she’s not wearing anything underneath it. His hands travel up just below her pert little breasts, dark nipples tightening at his touch.
“I’d like to put my mouth on you,” he pants into her ear, waiting patiently for her breathy, “yes, Frankie,” before he guides her back, banding an arm around her waist before laying her down. On his knees between her spread legs he drinks her in, parted lips and hazy eyes and a body he wants to take apart until she’s a shuddering mess.
“Frankie,” Lily calls lightly, a smile brightening her face.
“Sorry, you’re just…beautiful,” Frankie says, allowing a little of the awe to creep in as he hovers over her prone body.
“I like it when you say what you’re thinking,” she replies, fingers back in his increasingly messy hair. He makes a note to keep it a little longer if this is the treatment he’ll get.
“I think there’s a lot more I want to taste than just these,” he purrs, lowering his mouth to wrap around her nipple and softly suck. Her back arches, legs caging in his narrow hips as she sighs at the clever licks of his tongue and drags of his lips over the supple flesh. Frankie loves breasts of all shapes and sizes, and her small handfuls are no different. He loves how his whole hand can dwarf their size, how large his thumb looks swiping over her puckered nipple. He switches to the neglected one, his thumb and forefinger rolling the wet bud in the absence of his mouth.
“Yes, Frankie, that’s so good,” she mumbles, thighs tightening around him. He drops his hips into the cradle of her sex, a shallow grind relieving some pressure while driving her pleasure higher. With a satisfied hum he lifts to capture her mouth again, lips plumper and reddened from his thorough work. She accepts with fervor, nipping and sucking at him until his hands find hers and he presses them into the mattress.
“You taste so fucking good,” he groans, dipping to lave his tongue along her neck. She squirms underneath him, reedy moans making his head spin. “Not faking any of this, are you?” he huffs, breaking the heady tension. Lily fists his hair again and pulls him to eye level, a sardonic smile on her swollen lips.
“Not a chance in hell, honey,” she rasps, and Frankie can practically feel his dimple pop out at her breathless admission. 
“Want to taste you here too,” he admits, rolling his hips against her hot core. “Want to make you cum on my tongue. Would you like that?” he asks, bolder in his question now that he’s coming into his wheelhouse.
“Yes, Frankie, fuck, definitely yes,” she pants, hands coming to tug at his offending clothing. He shucks his flannel and t-shirt, a brief moment of self-consciousness following. He knows he’s got a little bit of a softer stomach, no six-pack like Benny, and his hairless chest might be a little less manly than he wished, but when her eyes widen and her tongue comes out to lick her lips the thrill returns.
“Knew there was a tasty fucking body under there,” she teases, fingers tapping against his belt buckle. “I bet when you’re on top you make all the girls feel small under you. Those broad fucking shoulders. Can’t wait to get my legs over them.” Frankie’s cock slams to attention at her filthy mouth, taking a moment to palm himself while he settles on his knees at the foot of the bed. If he does this often enough, he’s going to have to bring a pillow with him. Or a chair.
“I’d never keep you waiting,” he shoots back, testing the banter. To his delight her eyes darken, lifting her hips as he eases her shorts and panties down her legs. Her glistening folds make his mouth water, and when he pulls her down the bed to his waiting face her thighs shake under his capable hands.
“Relax, sweetheart. You said you were gonna keep an eye out for what I’m good at?” he says, innocence written across his face. She quirks a brow and nods. “Perfect, because I am very good at this.”
She might have been preparing for a scoff, or a witty comeback, but when he lowers his mouth to her pussy and licks a wide stripe over her throbbing clit all he can hear is her garbled groan as he begins learning her cunt in earnest. Circling her clit with the tip of his tongue makes her hips rock. Sliding down to her entrance with slow-steady strokes arches her back generously. Teasing just at her hole eases her back into steadier breathing, but breaching it makes her whole body shudder. Every movement, every reaction he gets from his oral onslaught he files away, content with taking his time to map out everything that makes her thrash and sigh.
“You are good at this,” she gasps out, locking eyes as he looks up at her from where his face is buried in her folds. “Holy shit, you look so fucking hot like that,” she stutters out, his smile pressing into her cunt. 
“Love doing this, s’my favorite part,” he garbles into her flesh, wrapping his lips delicately around her clit and pulling soft suction into his mouth. She cries out, fingers tightening in his hair as a chanted, “Oh god, oh fuck, fuck Frankie, I’m gonna, holy shit I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that,” tumbles from her lips. He keeps it up for a moment more before releasing, her breaths coming out in ragged sobs.
“Would you like to come, beautiful girl?” Frankie murmurs, hands stroking soothingly along her bare thighs. She laughs briefly before reaching down to stroke his sticky lower lip.
“Show me what you can do, big boy,” she challenges, and the glint in his eye is her final warning before he sets to his task. Long, firm strokes from her hole to just below her clit work her up, her hips rocking in time with his pace. He pulls her closer, legs draped over his shoulders as he bobs his head, eyes flashing up to catch her blissed-out face before she tips back into the pillows. When a whine grows in her throat he switches to tight circles on her clit, alternating directions and interrupting with quick flicks to keep her keening and arching into his mouth. 
“Frankie, please,” she begs hoarsely. He was never good at edging, always wanting his partners to cum now and cum over and over again. So with his mouth sealed around her clit he sucks and works his tongue over her tight little bud as her hands scrabble for purchase on the bed, his tousled head, the sheet he hears creak in her fists. When her body feels as tight as a bowstring he releases the pressure just enough that when he flicks over her clit she’s helpless to stop it. Her orgasm rushes through, thighs clenching hard around his ears, hips bucking hard enough he has to pin them down, and breathy shouts shooting right to his throbbing cock. If he could cum from this he would. If he had a hand down his pants right now he definitely would. But instead he slows his strokes, enveloping her slick folds with his hot mouth as she weakly releases his head and flops back to the mattress.
“Holy shit, Frankie, that was…yeah, I’d fucking pay for that,’” she gasps, his chuckle dark and deep against her core.
“Nah, that’s standard good fucking. What you’ll pay for is that I’m going to do it again,” Frankie says, and he almost can’t recognize the confidence in his voice. It’s making his skin crackle with excitement as he strokes a finger through her sopping cunt, savoring her scent in his mustache.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, handsome,” Lily says, propping up on her elbows to look at him between her thighs. “Sometimes less is…way fucking more than most girls are used to.”
Frankie lets a lopsided grin dance onto his face, enjoying how her own expression falters.
“You don’t think I can do it?” he purrs, shallowly breaching her with his fingertip. “Haven’t even tried to get your g-spot yet. Give me a chance to make you cum on my face again, and I’ll fuck you in any position you like. Even the challenging ones.” Lily contemplates his offer, carding his curls back from his face. He likes the way she plays with his hair. He’ll have to encourage that.
“Even the positions where I fuck you, big boy? I’ve got loads of toys for that.” 
Frankie flushes deeply at that, face blazing hot as she laughs at his sudden turn.
“Teasing, only teasing. Though you shouldn’t knock it. I could make you see stars, baby.”
Frankie coughs and tries to get back into the moment, shaking his head.
“Maybe when I’m a little more experienced,” he acquiesces. It’s a little white lie. He wouldn’t be able to let someone make him that vulnerable for a handful of dollars. That’s something he’d only consider with someone he trusted deeply, and cared for just as much.
“Fair enough. Let’s see what you got,” she says, leaning back and propping some pillows behind her back. A wicked smile crawls onto Frankie’s face.
“I’ll give you my best, sweetheart.”
Frankie’s specialty is the second orgasm. The first is long, languid, learning. The second one has a pace all its own, both in the buildup and the payoff. He can’t go right back to torturing her overstimulated clit, or pumping his fingers into her, no matter how hard the idea makes him. Instead he drapes his arm over her waist, spreads one of his hands over her thigh, and lays heady kisses along her stomach. Her muscles twitch at the scratch of his beard, the teasing nips of his teeth, the self-conscious giggles he earns when he tongues a particularly sensitive spot. He lets his hands roam, kneading at her thighs, skimming his fingers up to splay across her chest. Their span is exciting to most, eyes widening when they see how far his thumb and pinky can reach. He basks in the relaxation of this moment, bringing her down from her height onto the pillowy comfort of his touch. 
“Frankie,” Lily murmurs, sliding her calf along his back. He slides up to kiss the inside of her knee, trailing his mouth down her thigh. “Frankie!” she giggles more urgently, wiggling her hips when he doesn’t speed up his movements.
“Impatient?” he hums into her skin, but he lets his fingertips dance closer to her core. “Thought you were going to let me try.”
“Didn’t realize you were going to take all afternoon for the second one,” she quips back. Mischief flashes in Frankie’s eyes, and he crawls up her body to ghost his lips over her earlobe.
“Are you turned on yet?” he whispers, testing a deeper bedroom voice. To his delight she writhes under him, fingernails lightly scraping up his back. He slides a hand down to cup her pussy, sliding one finger through her folds. “Mmm, yes you are,” he sighs, scraping his teeth behind her ear to elicit a shaky breath. Coating his finger in her slick, he slides inside as she takes in a shaky breath.
“Good?” he asks, holding still with his middle finger buried inside her slick heat.
“Yeah, fuck, Frankie, please,” she gasps, rocking her hips against his hand. A triumphant smile hides against her neck as he drags his finger out, then buries it back inside her. After a few careful strokes he finds a spot that arches her back, a quiet “fuck” escaping her lips.
“Oh yeah, there it is,” he coos, swirling the tip of his finger over it. Her nails bite into his shoulderblades, the pressure of his jeans against his cock almost unbearable but he’s so focused he pushes it to the side. “Can you take another one?” Lily nods quickly before he slicks his ring finger and slides both inside.
“Shit, Frankie, I don’t even really like fingering but this…” she says, pulling him down to settle more of his bulk on her. He draws one knee up to plant under her thigh, but lets his broad frame press her deeper into the mattress. His unoccupied hand slides under her neck, holding her while he dives in to kiss her deeply, sensually, in time with his methodical strokes. When her hips start moving in time he breaks the kiss, shuffling back down the bed.
“Gonna cum again?” he asks, only allowing a hint of smugness into his voice. Lily laughs breathlessly.
“Yeah, if you put your mouth on me I just might,” she teases.
“Yes ma’am,” Frankie says back before lapping fervently at her neglected clit. The warm passes of his tongue stiffen her back, thin moans growing into cries as he finds the pattern that drives all thought from her mind. Slick with sweat, her body roils under Frankie’s careful ministrations. When his knuckles pull too much at her sucking grip he spits on where they’re joined, licking where she’s stretched around him.
“Frankie, holy fuck, don’t…don’t stop…” she stammers, hands back in his hair as he rubs roughly against her g-spot and messily tongues her, audibly moaning to vibrate her clit and tighten her nipples. He wants to palm one pretty tit while he’s eating her out but she’s so close he can’t help himself. He clamps his hand down on his protesting cock as he swipes his tongue hard and fast, thrusting his fingers deep and devastating. Pride surges in his chest when her hips lock hard, bowing her off the bed as she wails. His hands fly to support her, holding her firmly against his mouth as he plunges his tongue into her spasming cunt and circles his nose on her clit. She thrashes against him but he holds steady, eyes burning up her body so when she finally opens her own she can see the raw need heating his face. His cock jumps again when her eyes roll back and another, softer pattern of pulses wrap around his tongue. 
Again, he thinks with wonder, she came again just looking at me.
When her body unlocks, trembling instead, he lowers her down to the bed, soothing his hands along her skin as he swallows down her second release. Her breaths are ragged, sending him to search for a glass of water for both their parched throats.
When he returns she’s positively wrecked, limbs weakly spread on the bed. Her head lifts and she blearily takes the water, letting Frankie hover at her side until she places the glass down on the bedside table. The silence stretches until she finally speaks.
“Holy fuck, Frankie, not only are women gonna pay for that, they’re gonna pay double,” she says, making Frankie’s shoulders shake with quiet laughter. “I’m serious, I don’t think I’ve ever had my pussy eaten that good. Who the hell taught you that?”
Frankie’s eyes go soft in memory.
“I had a girlfriend when I was a lot younger. It was both of our first times, and she’d never…she was all stressed out about cumming. Repressed upbringing, you know. I didn’t want to pressure her to do anything if she didn’t know what felt good. I’d been jacking it for a while before that, I knew what I liked, but she was so nervous. I told her we wouldn’t have sex until I made her cum first.” He strokes a hand absently on Lily’s forearm, her smile soft and kind. “Fingering was too intense, so I tried to eat her out. I was…ah, not good at it. And she wasn’t sure if it felt good, and was self-conscious about how long it took, if I liked it too. It stressed us both out for a while. I finally asked her if I could just try for as long as it takes.” 
“And how long was that?” Lily asked, turning on her side so Frankie’s wandering hand could stroke along her hip.
“About an hour. Took my time watching her body, seeing what she liked. Combining things, doing some things longer, more intensely. When she came I almost fucking passed out, I got so turned. And then, when she calmed down a little bit…I did it again. And again.”
“And now you’re a fucking god at it,” Lily concludes, wiggling her hips when Frankie takes a careful handful.
“I like doing it. Like the taste, how you smell, how responsive you are. It’s intimate, special. If someone puts their mouth, they want you to feel good. I like the intensity of that.” 
“Well I’ll definitely put that in your recommendation. But we should also take care of the final bit of business before we call our session complete.” Frankie’s eyebrows shoot up when Lily’s hand grazes his thigh, palming his neglected erection. “Hiding something big in here, are we Frankie?”
The confidence radiating off of Frankie dissipates a fraction, the earlier apprehension creeping back on his face.
“I- I know it can be a lot. I’ll go slow, we can take our time,” he stammers, backing off a bit to give Lily room. She smirks at him, sitting up and swinging her leg over Frankie’s lap to cage him in.
“Well, we’ll have to work on your delivery there. You say it like it’s a death sentence,” she giggles, and the tension eases enough for Frankie’s shoulders to lower. Her fingers glide along Frankie’s skin, skimming across his plush chest. “Say it like it’s the sexiest thing,” she challenges, leaning back to see what Frankie does. He ponders for a moment, then unbuttons and unzips his jeans to hang loosely around his hips. The dark boxers he’s got on underneath stretch across the soft V of his hips. 
When Frankie looks back up at her, his eyes are dark as sin with a smile to match. Crawling up her body, he gently takes her wrist and guides her inside his pants. Urging her fingers to  wrap around his girthy cock, he whispers in her ear.
“I know it can be a lot,” he purrs, apprehension swapped for smooth confidence. “I’ll go slow. Take my time.” With each new suggestion he rolls his hips into her grip, hot breath ghosting down her cheek. 
“That’s more like it,” she replies, an appreciative hum rumbling out of Frankie’s chest. Covering her with his body, he slides his jeans the rest of the way off, fitted boxer briefs generously tented. 
“Condoms?” he asks, her hand stretching out to tap at the bedside table. He shuffles in the drawer before pulling one out along with a bottle of lube.
“Probably a good idea to bring one of these with me?” he asks, half to himself. Lily plucks it from his hand and places it back on the nightstand.
“I’m plenty wet enough for you, big boy. But yes, always condoms and lube wouldn’t hurt. Better to be prepared,” she says, spreading her thighs to invite Frankie in. Rolling on the condom, he returns to the cradle of her hips, fisting his aching cock to tap against her clit. She arches, a delightful smile painting her face.
“Can’t wait to feel you stretch me,” she whispers.
“Fuck,” he gasps back, dragging the underside of his cock through her folds. “Shit, you feel good. How…how do you want me?”
“Any way you want, baby,” she purrs back, the plump head of his cock pressing at her entrance. 
Frankie enters her slowly, inch by blissful inch. Some of it is care; he’s watched the pinched expressions of women not used to taking a cock as thick and hefty as his, and he’s highly attuned to discomfort. If he catches it he drags back out, slow as syrup before pushing forward again into her blinding heat. Lily takes him so well he has to slow himself down, his mounting arousal pulling him too close to the edge. She’s moaning softly below him, fingers digging into his hips as he presses flush against her.
“Fuck, Frankie, you’re filling me up so good,” Lily moans, lifting her hips to grind on his buried cock. 
“You feel amazing. Fuck, yes, so goddamn good. I want to fuck you like this first, then make you cum on me again. Shiiiiit.” Frankie’s groans are positively filthy as he takes his first slick stroke into her cunt, the flutters of her walls around him pooling liquid metal in the base of his spine. Firming up his stance, he rolls his hips into hers, long languid strokes that speak to his stamina and patience. If her moans were filthy before, they’re downright crude now.
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuckFrankieeeee,” she whines, hands scrabbling along his shoulders and hair as he mouths at her pebbled nipples and palms her overheated flesh. When he’s wet with her slick, sweat sliding down his smooth skin, he slips two fingers between them to circle her clit, fast slippery circles making her quake around him.
“Oh please keep doing that, Frankie, fuck…” she whines, and Frankie’s teeth find the sensitive spot under her ear that makes her hair stand on end.
“Gonna fuck you so good you’ll be gushing around my cock, then I’m gonna pound you from behind until you strangle me again. Gonna be so deep inside you you won’t be able to think about anything else but cumming. C’mon, gorgeous, cum on my fat cock.” Frankie can barely register where the words spilling from his gasping lips are coming from, but they certainly land like sizzling oil on her skin. Eyes screwed shut, lips parted in a silent cry, her rhythm gets messier as Frankie brushes his cock over and over her g-spot, deadly accuracy in every thrust. With a few more targeted circles over her clit she bursts, legs clamped viciously around his waist as he grinds into her spasming cunt. The pressure rockets his orgasm close to the surface, his balls tightening up as wetness coats them further, but he thinks about baseball and those smoking commercials he hates and the crest ebbs back to a manageable pace. 
Once her legs unlock Frankie kisses her again, firm and exacting while she’s still on cloud nine. Humming into his mouth she strokes his scruffy cheeks, the sensation tingling up his spine. 
“Want you to cum, Frankie,” Lily whispers against his mouth, and the desire roars up inside his chest. With efficient strength he flips her, lifting her hips to meet his own, and slides back into her sopping cunt. “Oh fuck, Frankie, you feel ever bigger like this,” she chokes out, back arching as he takes one experimental thrust into her. She keens under his large hands, shuddering at the press of his mouth on her spine when he folds over to kiss her again.
“Gonna fuck you good and hard now, pretty girl. You’re gonna make me bust with this sweet fucking pussy,” he pants, admiring her round ass and sweet little hole. He presses his thumb lightly against it, earning a garbled sound of pleasure. 
“Please, Frankie,” she moans, and he could never deny her the pleasure he’s brimming to give. 
The first snap of his hips drive her face-down into the mattress, and the subsequent pounding buries her fingers in the sheets. Every snap of his hips to her thighs, his balls slapping against her clit, drives him even more wild, babbling to her about how fucking good her pussy is, how he’s gonna maker her cum on his big cock over and over again. She throatily agrees, backing up against his thrusts to drive him deeper, harder into the spot that will make her cum again. Frankie’s lips peel back from his teeth, throwing back his head to growl and gasp as he rails her into the bed, his orgasm just moments from toppling him over into his denied bliss.
“Cum with me, baby,” he orders, wrapping his arm around her waist to palm her dripping cunt. The heel of his hand combined with the smack of his hips rocks her clit over his palm, and that stimulation throws her off into the deep end of her fourth orgasm. This time her cunt is too tight, too fucking good to stop him from cumming, shouts devolving into ragged whimpers and sweet reassurances as they both come down from their highs.
Frankie eases Lily to the bed, stroking her sweaty hair out of her face and placing a chaste kiss on her temple. He disposes of the condom in the bathroom, taking a moment to check himself in the mirror. He’s flushed and rumpled, his hair an absolute mess, but damn if he’s not glowing as well. He runs the tap and slicks damp fingers through his hair, returning just in time to catch Lily downing the rest of her water.
“Frankie, baby, you are going to have a great career if you can pull that routine even once a week.” His scoff brings her hands up to scold. “I’m serious! You like making people feel good. I can definitely see this working out for you.” 
Frankie’s blush radiates from his cheeks to his chest, coming to sit beside Lily on the bed.
“I’m glad you had a good time,” he says. His fingers come to rest on her forearm. “What should I do for aftercare? I normally get some water, cuddle, help clean them up. Should I be doing something different?”
Lily gives him an approving smile.
“It’ll probably be a bit shorter than what you’re used to, but yes to all. Some girls may not want it, others may want more. So keep your eye on the clock and give them as much as you can. Believe me, they’ll get more out of that than the sex itself.”
Frankie nods, deep brown eyes coming to hers again.
“Which one are you? Aftercare or no?”
Lily leans back, settling into the pillows again.
“I could take a little cuddle before you go.”
Frankie ducks his head to hide his shy smile, tucking her into his side so he can stroke soothing paths up her side, weaving his hands into her hair and kneading at the back of her neck. 
“I had fun,” Frankie finally says, staring at the ceiling and chewing the inside of his cheek. “I wasn’t sure what I was walking into, but it was a lot of fun.” 
“It should be if you’re doing it right,” Lily quips, running her hand over his chest and twirling her fingers into his loose curls splayed against the pillow. 
“I can last longer than that, you know,” he murmurs, nosing into her hair when she lets out a breathy giggle.
“You lasted plenty long enough, big boy.”
“Well, I have my ways just in case,” he says mysteriously. Lily’s hand slows on his chest, her body hovering on a question, but it passes. Instead she lifts up to press a sweet kiss to Frankie’s lips.
“Now I’ll show you how to leave graciously.”
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“So how did he do?”
Lily lounges on her couch, phone to her ear as Pope’s voice filters through.
“I gotta hand it to you, Santi, you only fraternize with men who are very competent at fucking.”
“Ha ha, Lils, but really? Frankie’s cut out for it?”
Lily pauses, the itch under her fingernails growing louder.
“Definitely has the right temperament, the right attitude. His confidence could use a little work, but he got into the swing of things. Eats pussy like a fucking god, and knows how to use that big cock of his…”
“Jesus Lil, a yes or know would have sufficed.”
Lily laughs into the phone. Riling up Santi is a rare treat.
“He’s a boyfriend experience guy, so I’d steer him to clients looking for that. He’ll make them feel like they’re his whole world for the hour. And he’ll make bank doing it.”
“Any concerns?”
Lily’s hands flex briefly.
“Has he ever had an issue with substances?”
The silence on the other end answers her question, but she still waits for Santi.
“Not in a while. So he’s told me.”
“What was it?”
Another pause, then a sigh.
The word sinks deep into her stomach.
“You know I don’t fuck with that shit, Santi. Not after Colombia.”
“He’s not using.”
“Maybe not, or maybe not a lot. But if he’s got a proclivity to it…keep an eye on him, Santi.”
“I will. Thanks Lils.”
She lets her breath out, lightening the conversation.
“You gonna call him Catfish?”
“He told you that?”
“Could be a good play on words.”
“Swimming in pussy?”
“That’s awful.”
“Doesn’t need to breathe. Certainly didn’t feel like it after the second one.”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“Bye Santi, te amo.”
Santi chuckles at the saccharine endearment as he hangs up. With approval from Lily he’ll start giving Frankie work. Her warning echoes in his ears, his own apprehensions mixing with it. They all had their demons to face, but Frankie chose a path that worried his friends. Santi would have to keep an eye on him, keep Frankie safe and watch out for his clientele. But he trusted his friend, and wanted him not to worry so much when his rent came due.
“Seems like Catfish is on the menu,” he murmurs to himself, snorting at the unfortunate innuendo. He’d have to share it with Frankie next time he sees him.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
before moving in together angel is staying at harry’s for the weekend and they’re getting ready to go out to dinner and after she’s put on her delicate baby pink slip dress she’s doing that thing where you stick half your body out the door to test how cold it is and she gets goosebumps and does a little shiver and h notices and asks her what’s wrong and she’s “nothing!!! just a little colder out than I thought it would be… didn’t bring my warmer dress” and ofc he hates even the thought of her being cold so he’s “angel, just go borrow a sweater or something from my closet. anything you want you can use, don’t want you to be cold!” bc he knows that she wouldn’t go looking around in his stuff without his permission:( so she’s going through his things and trying on some sweaters to see what she likes best, but none of them are quite right… they’re either the wrong color or they cover up the dress too much, and she really loves this one and wants to be able to see it! but then she finds an old leather jacket tucked in the back that maybe is a little small on him now and is super worn in so it’s so soft and it’s still a little big on her but it goes the best with the dress out of anything she’s tried, so she’s walking to the living room to tell him she’s ready and she looks up from adjusting her bracelets and his jaw is on the floor. like her with her soft makeup and shiny hair and little pink dress and matching kitten heels wrapped up in his black leather jacket… he’s equal parts 🥹 and 🥸 bc that’s his girl and everyone at the restaurant will know it and she’s so much more confident now than when he met her and just… he turns to mush but you know when they get home… he’s maybe asking her to keep the jacket on for a while 🥸 even when everything else is off to the side 🥸 I need to stop 🐢
OMG STOP IT I ANSWERED A SIMILAR KIND OF CONCEPT A REALLY LONG TIME AGO BUIT I LOVE THIS IDEA S OOOOOO MUCH:( like very obsessed w her cute little pink dress and shes got her heels on and her hair done she just needs to do her makeup but when she looked outside it was alot more grey and cloudy than she thought so when she checks the weather shes :((( bc she doesn't really have a change of clothes for date night so she thinks she'll just have to wear her jeans and sweater which is fine but she doesn't feel as pretty as she want to when they go on dates and stuff:( but him knowing that she won't go through his things unless given permission as if he hadn't given her the go ahead to always go through his things like they're going to live together so ofc hes okay w her going into his closet and everything:( but he just waits for her as she goes through his stuff and does his makeup in between trying things on:( and when shes done in this soft kind of leather jacket that falls over her hands and is worn on the elbows the zipper is little weird showing her how much he loved it back in the day before he moved on from it :( and when shes out w her hair all finished and glittery makeup on and pretty lipgloss all shiny and he looks at her just.....:((((((( sooooooo pretty like shes in her silky little dress w his jacket on and he remembers all the times he wore that jacket and now hes got her in it like..its jsut so something:( and youre so right shes more confident than she used to be so even tho she clings to him a little she doesn't feel out of place wearing his jacket it feels right to have it over her little dress and everything :( and yes...yes he does have her keep it on that night while shes on top of him
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rexc0re · 2 years
‘A fools price to pay’ - star!ranboo
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A/N: Hello dearest leia rexcore enjoyers and welcome to the proper star!ranboo writing!! This is a more silly writing (like VERY silly) I will admit but I’ve gotta get in that flow ya know :) anyways featured in this story are the lovely @allhugs4ranboo @cgl0wduo @genderationloss and @kashleytaylor !!! Wonderful friends i love them all smile
WARNINGS : slight description of blood and car crashes
Summary: Lately Atsraeus has been getting a little too annoyed with Ranboo and their shenanigans. So as punishment, Atsraeus has taken away lusa (sad face) and banished Ranboo to the earth until he finds a way to help 4 humans. Stuck on earth, Ranboo finds a way to be helpful in a way that seems to always go wrong…
Sad. Boring. Full of losers.
That’s how Ranboo describes Earth. He never enjoys going here it’s full of a bunch of humans who are never fun. The suitable punishment for someone who may or may not have dyed a titan gods hair highlighter pink…
But that’s besides the point. It was a silly prank! Astraeus should have a better sense of humor in their opinion. There’s always a plus side, the pink compliments the a blues of his astral robes!! Kind of …. Maybe….not really. Well anyways here he is now. On sad, boring, full of losers earth. Lusa isn’t even here!! Maybe he should’ve listendes to her and NOT dyed Astraeus’s hair..
Looking down at the scroll they’re already looked at maybe a million times Ranboo decides to finally get along with his task and get off this sad planet sooner rather than later.
As punishment, Astraeus has banished Ranboo to earth with the task of helping 4 people. (and also to get hair dye.) So here Ranboo is signing up for a car service. Driving people around shouldn’t be too hard. I mean what? It’s not like their car is going to flip. This will be a breeze. In and out if you will.
Or so he thought.
Under the name of Alvis Ontos our dearest star boy is officially the newest car driver on the block! Patiently sitting in the dingiest car the company gave them, Ranboo patiently waits for someone to call upon his services.
Well would you look at that! His first request and conveniently it’s a 4 passenger request! In and out, just like they thought.
Oh no.
The location these HUMANS want to go to is conveniently a nice and short 12 HOURS AWAY. Get a plyn at that point!! plane? pane?? whatever that thing is called. But alas. Ranboo has no other choice but to accept. I mean it’s probably shorter in the long run than driving 4 separate people to multiple places.
After a short drive Ranboo finally picks up their 4 clients. A small group of humans who look particularly nice actually, they introduce themselves. Max, Feña, Kash, and Arc. Interesting names. (Loser names) Ranboo introduces themselves in the nicest and most normal way, they were very awkward. Max in the front, Feña on the left, Arc in the middle, and Kash on the right. It’s an awkward silence for the first 20 minutes.
“Sooooooo you guys doing good?”
“Not much of talkers are you?” An awkward laugh slips out of Ranboos mouth.
More silence for the next 10 minutes then all of a sudden Ranboo swerved off the road and INTO A RABBIT. Swerving back onto the road as their passengers are looking at him with a shocked face. Ranboo calmly turns on the radio and starts humming along.
A couple of hours later the sun is setting, and Ranboo abruptly pulls over in the side of the road and declares:
“Time for sleep!! Goodnight everyone <3”
Sitting calmly back in their seat he falls asleep. The passengers look at them for a moment before Arc gets out and hops in the trunk. The other three sigh and relax in for the night. The next morning, after being forcefully awaken by Ranboo chasing a bunny, they continue on their way.
It’s a mostly calm drive for the next 3 hours and look at that they’re 7 hours in! Suddenly Ranboo swerved out of the way of a rock and conveniently into a tree.
“If you’ll excuse me…(he walks away)…CAN I HAVE JUST ONE GOOD THING HAPPEN??? THANKS GOD!!….(he walks back)….alright just had to get some thoughts out let’s get back on the road shall we!!”
Max nods awkwardly, Feña drops their head into her hands, Kash sighs, and Arc is still in the trunk.
On hour 10 our lovely road trip crew is starting to get exhausted. The last rest stop was 2 hours ago and Ranboos teeny tiny car is not helping. Not to mention the 3 bunnies they have hit in those past 2 hours. As the drive goes on Ranboo seems to be getting more and more….silly?
He seems to be talking nonsense? Like who is Lusa and why is she a star??? Our 4 amigos in the car are talking amongst themselves to figure out a plan to get away from this silly person.
And it’s almost like the gods above are smiling upon them as their conversation seems to drag out more and Ranboo seems to be losing their mind a bit more, suddenly Ranboo seems to lose grip if the wheel as a rock on the road scares them and the car crashes and suddenly they flip and flip and flip and…flip.
When the car finally lands they look over at Ranboo and….oh boy. Their face and the windshield is covered in blood. His nose looks rather crooked and they’re just staring off into space. The passengers take it as an opportunity to run off! Bursting out of the car with their belongs they run off!
Uh oh. That’s the sound of Astraeus. Ya know, that titan god who he works for that he pissed off and probably pissed off more by ruining this road trip.
Oh boy.
A/N: RAHHH!!! hello everyone i hope you enjoyed thsi absolutely SILLY writing I had so much fun <3 also thank you to RAN FEÑA ARC AND KASH!! Yes, they survived the road trip so proud of them!! Anyways i will be making an actual serious writing Abt silly guy Star!Ranboo soon I swear and Nyona!! Okay bye bye everyone I had so much fun!!!!!!!!! (reblogs always appreciated por favor)
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
Fashion Show for Kai
🎶I hit 600 and I’m at my peak Let’s all get excited for my Kai Week🎶 sorry that there’s so much author’s note today
Summary- Kai is sick of you loitering and bothering him, so he gives you a one time offer to go shopping and buy anything you want. The type of clothing you chose makes him realise giving you his credit card was a good choice, for both of you.
Warnings- Soft Daddy! Kai, knife & blood kink, nerd alert (Words- 2.5k) (Tag list- @tatestripedsweater​) 
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Requests- “ Can u do a kai x fem!reader smut where kai is actually a soft daddy?? I know it sounds kinda impossible for kai but it really makes me feel nice to imagine him as a soft daddy so yeah. And reader's not a virgin but it's her first time with kai. Maybe like after a cult meeting.” Yes miss girl <3
“#52 & a lil bit of knife play with divine ruler?😇 you’re so talented ily <3 - @daddyevanpeters​” I didn’t use the number prompt which I hope is okay, I think you’ll like this<3 no i love you
“CONGRATULATIONS ON 300 FOLLOWERS!!!! You are so inspiring and talented. I just joined the fandom recently, and you have been such an amazing person to look up to! I heard that you were taking requests, sooooooo do you think you could do a head cannon for James, Kai, or the Evans (if you want) on how the would react to seeing reader in lingerie for the first time!! THANK YOU!” I hope you’re still here! This request is clearly from a while ago, but this was the perfect opportunity! I love it, thank you you’re sooo sweet<3
you’ll need this picture for later, enjoy ;)
You slowly walk downstairs, and try to take a quick glance to see whether Kai’s cult meeting is coming to an end. Although you were almost always welcome, when it came to an upcoming murder, for some reason, Kai didn’t want you involved. And to keep you as safe and indifferent as possible, he didn’t tell you anything about it. But now that you were having a few days off work, you found yourself wandering around the house aimlessly, wanting to be with Kai even more than usual. You were usually welcome at the meetings, and it felt unnatural to you to have to avoid them. When you peaked your head around the corner of the bookshelf, Kai instantly notices you and hedges in his sentence, looking to the floor and sighing. He rubs his eyes before looking back up at you.
“I thought I was clear, can’t you keep yourself busy?”, he snaps at you. You walk over a little closer to him and sigh in exasperation.
“Can’t I just sit with you? I won’t even listen I swear-”, you don’t bother saying anything else when Kai stands up and burns you with his eyes.
“Go away”. You sulk at his words but continue to stand there, your eyes flicking around the floor, searching for something else to say and as you open your mouth to beg to stay yet again, another loud sigh interrupts you. He shakes his head and reaches into his pocket, before taking out his wallet and then credit card. He holds it in front of you and speaks with his regular authoritative tone of voice. He had to make sure that everybody at the meeting knew that he was completely in charge of you.
“Here. Don’t go crazy, but go somewhere and keep yourself busy”. You hesitantly take his credit card from his hand and nod at him, but when you pick your arms up to give him a grateful hug, he pushes them back down to deny it and snaps at you once last time.
“Do not come back here until I’m done with my meeting”
You nod and promptly leave, knowing that Kai doesn’t expect an answer, and just expects you to understand and follow every order he gives you. You quickly get dressed and leave the house, knowing Kai will get more mad if you sit around and don’t take advantage of what he gave you. Though he never particularly showered you with money, he always made sure he spoiled you some way or another so you would stay close to him.
You cautiously but happily spend Kai’s money, unsure how much you have or how much he is willing for you to spend, but in order to make sure that he wont regret giving you this gift, you decide to treat him too.
Within a little more than an hour, the very complicated plan of murder is clear to everybody in the cult and the meeting comes to an end. At that very second when most people begin to scatter, your phone in your pocket dings loudly, making sure you hear it. You’re in huge trouble if you don’t reply to Kai’s messages and calls, so to avoid having your phone taken away you never put it on silent or vibrate, and immediately read his messages. He asks when you’re planning to return home, and even though you were on your way for a coffee, mostly done with shopping, you don’t want to make him wait for you. Your thumbs dance around the keypad as you plan a message when your phone buzzes in your hand with another message from Kai.
‘Come home now’
Although his anger and fierce dominance strikes fear in others, and sometimes in you too, you go home with an innocent smirk on your face, already excited for angry Kai.
When you walk through the door Kai shuts it instantly after you, making you flinch, not having noticed him behind it. You attempt to hide your bags behind your back, but to no avail.
“I got a scam alert”, he says calmly, turning the key in the door to lock it.
“Uncharacteristic purchase from Victoria’s Secret”, he says quietly. Kai inches closer to you and puts his hands on your waist with a tight possessive grip, before looking over your shoulder at the bags behind your back. Most of them pink, one of them black. He exhales deeply in satisfaction at the sight of tissue paper, already excited for the show you’re going to put on for him.
Without a single word, he goes upstairs, and you follow him like a little lost puppy following its owner. He walks into a bedroom and sits on the end of the bed, facing the door. As you walk in behind him, he leans back on his arms and looks you up and down, examining your fully dressed body. When his eyes once again reach yours, he shakes his head to the side once, and you quickly nod.
“Yes, Divine Ruler, I’ll be right back”. You leave the room and go to the bathroom and weigh your options on which lingerie to show him first, but wanting to look as innocent as possible for him, you quickly rip your clothes off and jump into the shower for a minute, gently caressing your skin with body wash before dressing up for him.
As soon as Kai hears the water running, he sighs, and starts to look around the room, needy and already thinking of ways to punish you for wasting his time.
But soon enough, you gently step towards the bedroom Kai’s in and open the door, making Kai sit up when he hears the creak. You stand before him in your baby pink lacy underwear and bra and slowly walk over to him, making your steps as light as possible.
“I showered and oiled up for you, Divine Ruler”, you say seductively making Kai moan breathily at the sight of you glistening. When you get close enough, he puts his hands on your waist and slides them down to your thighs, one of his favorite places on your body, before putting his face to them. He runs his lips along your thighs and moans at how soft you feel under him. The soft sounds coming out of him turn you on immensely, and how his rough and dry lips slide along your thighs makes them tingle.
Kai’s hands rubbing over your ass makes your mind wander to the filthiest thoughts you have, ones you’d only share if Kai made you. A recent scenario that often came to your mind in the shower was one from a week ago, where Kai bent you over his desk as per usual, but instead of fucking you right away, he spread your cheeks and used his heavenly mouth on you, something he doesn’t do often. His hands on your thighs brought back every memory you have of him between them, making you cum over and over again until you grip his hair in the excitement, which always results in him putting you in handcuffs. Unexpectedly, Kai bites your thigh, making you gasp and break out of your trance of dirty thoughts.
“You’ve picked the perfect day to be sensitive, my love”. Kai’s new nickname for you instantly heals the temporary pain caused by his teeth, and you look at him, completely smitten and in love.
He stands up and kisses your lips once, very softly, before turning the two of you around and pushing you on the bed. But today, he does so gently, and you fall onto the mattress and feel the soft covers hug your skin and make you feel a way you never feel. Loved. It was obvious that Kai loved you, and even though he never said it, he showed it by prioritizing you over any other member of the cult, and trying to protect you from certain cruel things the world has to offer. He knew you were the strongest and most dedicated member and he always felt the devotion you gave him when you volunteered to do things for him that the other pussies were scared to do. Your heartless dedication to commit murder and crimes for him was what made gentle and innocent moments like this so special to him. Your naivety and trust for him made him hard.
He straddles you and looks at you beneath him. His eyes were as dark and lustful as always, so you put your hands up to the bed frame, all ready to be tied to up at his mercy. He smiles at your obedient actions ever so lovingly, before cupping your cheek and leaning down to you.
“Not today, little lamb”. You slowly put your hands back down confused by his words, almost worried by him not being as dominant as always, but all worries melt away when he kisses you once again, not forcing his tongue in and not making you feel like you must please him. Instead, kissing you so passionately that you are left breathless and occasionally forget to kiss back, enjoying your master taking care of you and kissing your gentle lips. He moves his attention to your neck, sucking on it gently leaving the tiniest bruises that will fade away within hours.
“Do you trust me?”, he whispers against your skin, giving you goosebumps.
“Of course, Divine Ruler”. Your instant response makes Kai smile against your neck and sit back up on you. He reaches into his pocket, and slowly takes out his pocketknife, flicking it open.
“I’m not going to tie you down, Y/N, so you need to stay still, you understand?”, he asks deeply. You look at the blade in his hand with pleading eyes and gulp at the idea of him hurting you.
“You want to… cut me?”. You ask, trying to sound as sure of yourself as possible. Divine Ruler hates weak girls.
“Of course not, I won’t cut you. If you don’t move”, he says as if it’s all so obvious. No matter how unsure you were about this, his confidence made you rely on him even more and you nod your head, willing to do whatever it is he wanted from you. His warm smile at your willingness to take whatever he does to you melts your heart and you take a deep breath before relaxing your body completely. You close your eyes and Kai shuffles down to sit over your legs, looking at your boobs and thighs in the gorgeous underwear you wore for him. Just for him.
He lays his blade against your boob, and slides it down your chest, making you open your eyes nervously but stay completely still. He hums as he slides it down your stomach, before getting to your panties and unexpectedly puts the blade under them.
“I like these”, he simply states, before in one quick motion slicing them off at one side.
“We’ll have to get some more”
He slices them off at the other side, and peels them away from you, making you bite your lip. No matter how many times Kai does a multitude of dirty things to you, your stomach fills with butterflies whenever you feel his eyes on your naked body.
He puts his knife against your lower abdomen and pushes it down slightly, making it dig into your skin without breaking it. He carefully inspects the dent in your skin as he moves it down your thigh, pushing the blade at an angle that won’t cut you. Kai is intoxicated at the incredible sight of you with your panties cut off, and staying still for him with fear behind your eyes. The vulnerability of you under his knife makes his cock harden, and he puts his other hand on your thigh with a tight grip. He gives it a harsh squeeze which not only sends a pool of arousal to your pussy, but also makes you gasp and move unintentionally, his blade digging into your skin making serious contact this time. But Kai continues to move it down, creating a slice in your thigh that begins to drool blood. You wince at the feeling but say nothing, willing to take it to see Kai pleased.
“Doing such a good job baby”, Kai mumbles under his breath, his eyes glued to the sight of you bleeding. The soft praise sticks in your mind, standing separate to the usual degrading you receive from Kai during sex. He puts the blade in front of his face and licks the blood off it, keeping strong eye contact with you, making you wet.
Just when you think you can’t get any more turned on by Kai’s sudden nurturing, as you feel your blood drip down almost to the bed sheet, he leans down and licks the blood up, then sucking the blood out of your scar. The stinging only adds to the pleasure, as you are far from new at pain and pleasure combined.
He continues sucking and kissing your thighs, getting dangerously close to where you yearn to feel his face, and starts mumbling sweet nothings against them.
“Took it like such a good girl, you know”
You lean your head back not being able to handle the praise, and bite your lip in excitement knowing you make Kai this happy.
“You’re gonna get a treat for this”. Kai sits up and puts his hands under your knees and picks up your thighs, taking a longing glance between your legs as he spreads them.
Although it takes everything from you to not sit and take the treat like a good girl, you hope the happier you make him the more he’ll do for you, and you use all the strength in your body to interrupt him.
“Kai, wait”, you say softly. “I have another outfit I think you might like”. He looks at you and considers your suggestion, before putting down your thighs. You quickly sit up and practically run to the bathroom, not only desperate to get your treat, but also knowing that the outfit will take a second to put on.
When you come back out to see Kai, his eyes widen and he resists the temptation to throw his mouth open, and clenches his jaw instead. He carefully examines you from top to bottom and back, soaking in your costume. You have a black sports bra with ropes on it, khaki shorts with a gun belt and a pistol, and your hair in a braid. Divine Ruler liked sweet obedient girls, but it was obvious the inner nerd in Kai would lose his mind at your outfit.
You walk over to him as confidently as possible, the hunger in his eyes giving you a huge ego boost, and he stands up to look down at you.
“Looks like you’re ready to be my naughty girl again, correct?”, he growls, and you nod at him. He smirks and walks over to the bed stand, taking out your handcuffs. But instead of following, you stay stood and look at him with a raised eyebrow, trying to look intimidating. He looks over at you and throws the handcuffs on the bed.
“Hurry up Lara, I have some digging and exploring to do”.
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I saw this tik tok where these girls show their boyfriends how tampons work and outs a tampon in a water bottle and explain it to them. Lol I swear if I was with one of the dogs I would do the same thing….their minds would be BLOWN!!!! They would understand so much better!
I AM LAUGHING SO HARD I’M GONNA WET MYSELF, OMG WTF THIS IS HILARIOUS! I don’t have TikTok for personal reasons, but I love to watch clips online; and I’ve seen the ones you’re talking about before. They were sooooooo funny lol. I think that the Dogs would be mindblown too!
White just nods, having been married before he understands, but he still appreciates you showing him. Brown, Orange, and Eddie would be astonished, stars in their eyes basically. “ Woah! And you put that inside you? You’re more hardcore than I thought!” Or something like that, LOL.
Pink is both grossed out and curious. “ What kind of witchcraft is this?” He shouts at you, trying to expel any demons you have in you like that scene in the Exorcist. You’d punch him for that.
Blonde is apathetic, neither disgusted or over the moon. He pretty much shrugs, saying, “Cool, real cool.” Patting you on the back, then walking away to go do other stuff.
Thank you for the submission, anon, I haven’t laughed this hard in awhile. I’ve been going through some difficult times, but it’s this blog and people like you who give me life, and the strength to keep going. Thank you again, and I hope you have an awesome week!
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millepara · 3 years
waccha primagi ep 1!!!!!!!! spoilers (this is so long it took me multiple days to finish writing. what else do you expect from me though)
god I really should have waited for the official youtube upload before watching this for the first time... as it was I kept mentally editing/getting irritated by/making alternate translations for the subs and though I did enjoy it despite that it wasn’t nearly as much as I would have otherwise... but now I’m going to fix that!!
zamasu.... it’s not pretty series without gobi.
is Myamu a student or just there bc her grandfather works there? she could just be skipping the assembly to pull off her heist, but she does seem younger than the other students and is obviously not in the same uniform. anyway before I get any further
wtf she’s sooooooo cute and a huge pain in the ass... one of my favorite types of character...... I feel like there will be a lot of Myamu hate out there bc I know how fandom can get abt characters that show characteristics that could be interpreted as neurodiversity, or children acting like children, or basically anything that could be applied to Myam. but I think she’s neat :) I will defend her to the death
when I first saw Jennifer’s design, I thought her coord was p plain compared to the other idols? I guess I still think that but I’m more ok with it. I love her lady lovely locks hair a lot. can’t wait to hear more of her song!!
I like Matsuri’s voice a lot too! here, and in the other songs.
(unrelated) I just remembered another reason I like Myamu which is that it’s easy to tell from her twitter presence/appearance in the Primagi special/ciaofes that Myamu’s VA Koike Riko loves Myamu as well. I’m a total sucker for that (also really enjoy how this messy sentence I wrote makes it seem like I’m talking abt Myamu’s twitter presence at first)
LMAO Amane’s fucking pose near the end of the op
I like the pink/brown Valentine’s combo of Matsuri’s uniform but the silhouette looks really frumpy :( in the animation at least, it’d be cute irl...
so... everyone in this world knows what primagi is, but not that it’s actually magic, as stated in the primagi tagline. still, it’s weird that Matsuri doesn’t follow what Myamu’s saying at all? I think it’s implied that once you become a primagi star, you’re in the know about magic and whatever (Myamu: “Once you try Primagi, you’ll understand!”), so it’s hard to believe that no one like... leaked it or whatever. like if irl idols were secretly using magic to perform there would at least be rumors about it
the way that magic users have to collect waccha in the human world via primagi performances using normal humans really reminds me of sugar sugar rune’s heart crystal system! (not in a bad way, nothing is new etc etc, it’s just very magical girl of them in a series that I’m not used to thinking of as a magical girl series)
that ‘snow, moon, cosmo, flower, star’ on the cover of the Jennifer magazine is clearly referring to 5 of 6 symbols on the primagi magic circle, right? it’s a relief to get names for something in the Lore this early haha. I wonder if that also corresponds to the different colors of the coord mates (like how the one Matsuri gets her card from in this ep is pink)
I’d assumed that primagi was a place like pripara or an activity like prichan, but the fact that primagi has an entry deadline means that it’s a competition? that’s more in line with the pretty rhythms. also in that it means that not everyone is able to participate in it anytime like in pripara/chan... kind of an odd step back (?) if so imo
clearly there’s some sort of romance subplot (more PR similarity!) on the horizon with this childhood friend here, but tbh I don’t mind because Matsuri looks and acts older (/more like a real teen) than everyone in prichan/para. don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking forward to it either, it just seems less forced than say the aikatsu ones. I know it’s just the first ep, but primagi feels more like a traditional shoujo story to me than the past two series. except for every time Myamu is there lmao
the first time I watched this ep I didn’t have much of a grasp of Matsuri’s character and her sudden embrace of primagi felt so melodramatic, but I’m more ok w it the second time, and it feels like that is what’s characterizing her. is it bc I’m in the shoujo mindset after watching it once already? am I just in a better mood?
huah! hweh! (tantochan noises)
the Magical Gate seems like it’s just a magical fitting room to go to change your appearance and coord, as opposed to a portal to another place. more pretty rhythm similarity! and unlike pripara it seems not to age them up at all based on what I’ve seen in the anime so far... they just think 13-15 year olds look like that huh :I also how do they hide the secret of primagi being actually magic when their hair color and stuff changes...
they’re presenting this Omega corp meeting like it’s something shady but they don’t actually say anything suspicious... also Jennifer's Oh No makes no sense here. love it when they insert pidgin English for foreign characters in a way that makes it obvious no one near the writer’s room speaks a word of English
I was actually really surprised by the declaration that Myamu is rumored to be a powerful magic user. I thought she was going to be like a screw-up who has to work extra hard as is the usual protag trope, so I found that pretty interesting!
Matsuri’s friends who were all excited abt getting her to enter are, now that she has entered, all like wow I hope she’s ok :/ .... make up your minds lmao
at no point is it explained why everyone is in Lovely Melody tshirts
big kinpri vibes from this magic guy. no one in particular that he reminds me of, just the weird pervert expression and ominous aura. also def the wolf in human form, right? but it seems like he’s courting Childhood Friend as his chuppi partner, right? but the way he was talking to Myam earlier implied he already had a partner, right???
is this fairy tone thing with cat ears what Myamu turned into, or is she inside of it??
I really like Matsuri’s song! it feels quite modern for priseries, but not in the kpop way that aikatsu did for a while in friends. I think the dance is pretty stupid and basic, but... that actually does make sense for a girl who’s just starting out as an idol, so I also begrudgingly respect what might be an attempt at realism... but I’ve literally never cared about realism in kids idol shows before, and would actually prefer LESS realism, so I’d rather see a dance that I like better imo haha (also update as of my billionth or so repeat of Ma(g/j)i Waccha Parade: I still don’t like the dance, but it has grown on me some for sure)
it would be really cute if all of the solo songs had the idols’ magic user partners being their hype man in the bg like Myamu is here.
pretty series always has the best cg and it’s true here too except for the way her hands move. or don’t move, rather
this primagi illusion is so cute!! so many rainbows!!! I’m a fan 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
I’m still unclear where this coord mate thing is Myamu or not. like I was 100% entirely sure it wasn’t and then Myamu spoke... from inside it?? more Lore to learn about later I guess
so... everyone’s coord book holds every coord ever inside it?? seems OP. wish the irl one did that
...except for Matsuri’s?? it seems to only have the one card she just got in it. maybe it’s every coord after you get the book?
and that’s the ep! wow, it really was better the second time.
it’s just the first ep so I don’t wanna get into thoughts abt the magical girl-ness of it or anything deep or w/e but I will say... I like it! I’m really excited for the next one!! and I didn’t feel this way about prichan ever except for a little while in the second season. I know this is 90% bc I still dislike the premise of prichan and the premise of primagi is what would happen if the creators were like ‘how can we create a pretty series show SPECIFICALLY for Biscuit only’.... but that’s fine with me!! more shows like that, please, haha
for now I’m excited to see Matsuri interact w other non-main characters, which is good bc it seems the next ep’s about meeting Hina. I wonder if her getting introduced first means she’ll be Matsuri’s bff? (aside from Myam, I guess) she’s not at all the typical best friend archetype, so that would be pretty neat....
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tricewithaz · 3 years
Ok Trice, seeing as your the only adult is person I know, eyeliner is scary, but my classmate said I had great eye shape for it and I should try it. I asked my mom and she was just sooooooo helpful and said “you take off the can and the. Grab your phone and then ask the internet” so now I’m asking you seeing as you
Omg you came to the right place 👁️👄👁️ i love eyeliner and eye makeup and ive been doing it for so long jebrbr
Beware theres A LOT
Lets start with basic products alright. It depends on the style you want but the very basics are: liquid eyeliner (i had the kiko liquid black liner ). Just make sure it has a lot of coverage and dries really dark. Also pencil eyeliner, you want one that is sort of creamy. I reccomend getting a brown and a black one. And youll probably want a neutrals palette too. Make sure it has all sorts of browns and black. it doesnt have to be pure black but its nice to have one. And with this palette youre gonna want a small flat angled and probably (but not necessarily) fluffy brush like these
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Again, it all depends on the style. Liquid eyeliner is much more precise and bold. It can be quite dramatic. For a good sharp eyliner youre gonna want to trace a line from the corner of your eye to the end of your eyebrow. You can sketch it with eyeshadow or put a tape where you wsnt your eyeliner to make sure you dont draw over it. The way i do it is hovering over the line i would want as if i was drawing it then actually start to draw it on the end of it (you can honestly make it as long as you want. A shorter one gives a sweeter image) and go back to the eye pressing the brush (remember the brush needs to be pointy). The trick is having a confident short stroke. And dont worry you can always tweak it with concealer or makeup remover and a qtip. Its also easy to take a cotton pad, dab it in makeup remover and fold it to the middle then press it to the overdrawn eyeliner you want to get rid of.
A pencil eyeliner is ideal for your waterline. You just open your eye a bit with your hand and paint it in. You dont have to do it but it does give a dramatic look. Depending of the creaminess of the pencil you might be able to do the cat eye too. You can paint a blob on the corner of your eye and extend it outward with the flat brush and inward with the fluffy one. But its not the best tecnique foe this i normally use eyeshadow.
So EYESHADOW. Doingeyeliner with eyeshadow normally gives a softer look,although you can make it look bold and graphic if the pigment is good enough (and if you dont have bright eyeliner you can take your fave color eyeshadow and do it with that). So for this what i dois take the flat brush,dab it in a bit of water and take pigment and then just press it to the corner of my eye in the angle i want and do a big stroke. Then do the same inward and fill it in if necessary. If you want bold graphic liner tho (and you dont want or odnt have liquid liner) you should take a very small brush like this (it doesnt need to be specifically a makeup brush,get one made for paint its super cheap and made for precision)
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You can wet it and make sure its pointy and ready to paint with your fingers, then dab it in whatever color you want. And just as with the liquid eyeliner, start where you want it to end and use bold confident strokes!
If you want a bit of depth with your eyeliner (you should do this before the actual eyeliner) take the fluffy brush and dab it in a dark brown color (this needs to be darker than your skin) then apply a bit to the corner of your eye and blend it. You can do it upward and in the direction of your eyelid or on the direction of the eyeliner,it looks good either way.
And the most fun part is the inner corner! You can do this in the middle of the eyelid too. The safest option is a shimmery pearl white or gold (gold pops so well on dark skin and gives a sort of sun warm look) but if you wanna go rogue take a really bold color (i would avoid blue tho cause most pigments end up looking sort of greenish and dull on the skinits really hard to find a *good* blue)and just apply it to the inner corner. You can just use your finger,the fluffy brush to blend it into your lid or a flat round brush to do just that. Make sure the color you choose is either a bright/saturated color, (like pink or yellow,doesnt matter if its matte or shimmery) light shimmery one or ome that has a light second tone (the neon w7 green palette has a brown/green shimmery tone that is just beautiful).
You can also do your lower lash line with a flat brush! Just follow the lashline up to the outer corner. Brown and black look cool (and you can always do the reverse eyeliner and merge it with the cat eye) bur irs also really fun and cute to use bold colors.
You can also go further and do the whole foxy eye thing by just drawing a line into your inner corner following your actual eye. I find this a bit hard (the bridge of my nose is too wide) but you can try. Youll achieve the same effect drawing into it with the pencil liner the same way you do your waterline.
TL:DR,get yourself black and brown liquis liner,pencil liner and eyeshadow and a flat angled small brush and draw that line to yoour eyebrow as long as you want.
Well that was EXTENSIVE, but i hope it was helpful!!! Sorry i just have a lot of thoughts about eyeliner lmao. But have a lot of fun and dont be affraid to experiment!!
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sweethq · 4 years
♡ how you became friends with them // headcanon
𑁍 Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Azumane Asahi, Bokuto Koutarou, Semi Eita
»»—Trigger warning(s): none—-««
➶ Genre: hmmm fluff?
-ˏˋ A/N: semi’s is actually so bad I’m sorryyyyyyyyy ˊˎ-
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moving away for college and becoming an adult was HARD
not only do you end up spending a lot of money on literally just existing
but you also don’t know how to cook for the life of you
which is unfortunate because it’s not like you have all the money in the world to order takeout every night
sooooooo that left you with no choice but to buy ingredients to try and make a simple dinner for yourself
you prepared the ingredients in the kitchen of your small apartment
you decided to make breakfast for dinner, simple enough, right?
something couldn’t possibly go wrong, right??
ha, wrong
when you were cooking the bacon, you suddenly had the urge to pee. real bad.
so bad that if you didn’t go now, you would literally pee your pants
you had enough brain cells to take turn the stove off and move the pan to a different burner
but apparently you didn’t have enough brain cells to realize that the burner wasn’t completely off, a little flame was still peaking out
and the bacon was still sizzling in the pan, a small drop of grease flying right into the flame
so it was to your surprise when you walked out of your bathroom to see a fire on your stove that continued to grow
y/n.exe has stopped working
you literally couldn’t think of what to do??? for some reason, the thought ‘oh, maybe i should call 911’ didn’t go through your head
instead, you opened your door and started vigorously knocking on your neighbor across the hall
thankfully, he opened the door rather quickly
you couldn’t think of how to explain your situation, so you opted to just say ‘f-fire’ while pointing to your apartment
thankfully your neighbor had the brain cells that you lacked and quickly ran to get the fire extinguisher that was in the hallway
he rushed past you and into your kitchen, using the extinguisher to calm the flames that were starting to get out of control
he was able to subdue the fire before it got too out of hand, nothing showing signs of damage besides your stove
“thank you so much, you’re a lifesaver. let me cook you dinner to make up for it”
“something tells me that it was your cooking that got you into that situation in the first place” he chuckled back, embarrassment flooding your cheeks
“why don’t you clean up in here then join me at my place for dinner? I was just about to make some spaghetti” he offered
you ended up accepting and sharing a meal at his place
you learned that you attend the same college and have a couple of mutual friends
after that night, you and daichi have meals together pretty frequently, him taking pity on you because you obviously don’t know how to cook lmao
but you were fine with it
because of your lack of cooking skills, you were able to make a really good friend
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it was you last year of high school, which meant that your friends would make you go to all of the school events with them
whether it was a sporting event, school dance, or fundraiser, they made you tag along
you didn’t mind going to the sporting events, you found them entertaining and even got excited when watching the games
what you didn’t enjoy, was going to the school dances
it's not that you had anything against school dances, you just didn’t like the thought of spending a lot of money on a new outfit just to wear for one night
plus, you never had anyone to go with so it just made you feel lonely
but, being the good friend you are, you allow your friends to doll you up and join them at the dance
it would be the last one of your high school career after all
after being at the dance for a half an hour, you decide that it’s not so bad
you weren’t really much of a dancer, but you felt content with sitting at the table and watching your friends have the times of their lives
you decide to walk around the area and admire the decorations that people had put so much thought and effort into
you started to make your way towards the drink bar, craving something sugary to sip on
as you approached, another person was walking away and accidentally bumped into you, spilling his drink all over your clothes
you looked up at the perpetrator, recognizing him as one of the players in your school’s volleyball club
all the color was drained from his face, he couldn’t believe he just did that
“oh my gosh, i’m so-”
he didn’t even let himself finish, but instead, poured the rest of his drink on himself as punishment
your eyes widened at his action
what in the world
“why would you do that?!” you exclaimed, eyes staring at his now ruined tuxedo
“I spilled my drink all over you, I deserve it” he frowns
he literally looked like this 😔
you couldn’t help but chuckle at him, you had never seen someone act so cute and so stupid at the same time LMAO
“it’s really not a big deal, i promise”
“but i still feel terrible”
“how about you buy me boba and we’ll call it even?”
the two of you go and get boba the following day and you spend your time getting to know each other
you find that you have a lot in common and you actually like his company
you’re quick to become good friends, and you always make it a point to remind him that it was him spilling his drink on you that one night that started it all
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throughout your childhood, you would spend your summer days at a camp in your town
it’s not that you necessarily wanted to be there, but your parents had to work all day and thought that this would be better for you than hiring a babysitter
you didn’t mind though, you liked going to this camp, especially because you would get to make smores every once and awhile
the only downfall was that you didn’t really have any friends to share your summer with
most of the kids would come to the camp with their friends or make new friends when they got there
you, on the other hand, found it hard to make friends
you felt like no one truly understood you, i mean, who would? you were 10 years old lol
after three years of coming to this camp, you thought that maybe there would be at least one person that would approach you and tell you that they wanted to be your friend, but it never happened
until bokuto showed up
he was the same age as you, but this was his first year spending his summer at the camp
the only reason he wanted to go was because he heard that they were going to start teaching kids how to play volleyball and have small practice matches
once he heard the word volleyball, he was in
he had tons of fun playing volleyball at the camp and making new friends, but he couldn’t help but notice you
he noticed that you were always by yourself; whether you had your nose in a book, were eating lunch, or just watching the other kids play, you were always alone
he could tell that you were lonely and that you craved to talk to someone, so he decided to approach you
you were sitting at a table drawing, a bag of open skittles to the right of you
“hi, i’m bokuto. what’s your name?”
you literally looked behind you to see if there was someone else he was talking to, but his eyes were trained on you
“uh, i’m y/n”
“nice to meet you, y/n! whatcha doin?”
he sat across from you and listened to your explanation of the art that you were creating on the piece of paper
he sat and listened attentively, thinking about how cool it was that you were so passionate about it
after a little more talking, he couldn’t help but notice your bag of skittles. his eyes widened
you were shocked at the sudden exclamation, but nodded your head at him
“those ones are gross, but you can have them if you want”
he was lowkey offended because he only eats the yellow and green ones, but he would never reject the offer of free candy
after that incident, you and bokuto would hang out every day at camp, one of you bringing a bag of skittles to share; you would eat the red, orange, and purple ones and save the others for bo
let’s just say that this is what sparked your great friendship, and it’s a tradition that lasts for a long time
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the way you met semi was……. an interesting experience
you were working part time as a food delivery driver because you needed the extra money
and with that comes with meeting a lot of different people and having a lot of interesting encounters
it was a friday night and you decided to work for a couple of hours since you didn’t have anything better to do
you knocked on the door to a fairly nice house, so excited that this was your last delivery for the night
you heard a bunch of guys voices from behind the door and you became curious
when they opened the door you were surprised to see the boy wearing your school’s uniform
“hi, uh, Semi?” you asked as you looked at the receipt
“yeah, i’m Semi. and you look like my next s/o” he flirted
you were so flustered you felt like you were going to explode lol
you could hear the room behind him fall silent before explosions of laughter filled your ears
you could see the pink that dusted semi’s entire face even with the extremely dim porch light
“I’m so sorry, we were playing a game and they dared me to do it,” he explained, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It’s fine,” you laughed back. you missed having friends to hang out and do stupid stuff with
“oh, here’s your food by the way,” you extended your arm so he could grab the bag
“actually that’s also for you. part of the dare”
as you were about to thank him, another person approached the door
a person you knew pretty well
“well, isn’t this a surprise! who would’ve known that the person we had our little semisemi hit on was y/n?”
“tendou! I wasn’t expecting to see you here”
you and tendou were lab partners last year and kept in touch every now and then
tendou smiled at you and then whispered something in semi’s ear before disappearing once again into the house
“uh, would you like to stay and hang out? we were just about to watch Harry Potter”
if it weren’t for tendou you would’ve rejected the request, not fond of the idea of being in a house with a bunch of guys you don’t even know
but it was a friday night and you had nothing better to do
plus, who would turn down an offer to watch your favorite British wizards?
you joined him inside, introducing yourself to the rest of the guys who you found out to be the entire Shiratorizawa volleyball club
you and semi got to talk a lot more and were actually able to become good friends
you also learned to sympathize with him whenever the guys tendou would tease him lol
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goldenkookietae · 4 years
Trusfrated with Traffic | JJK
BTS One shots
Pairing: Husband!Jungkook x reader
Word count: 2,003 words
Warnings: Fluff, Subspace, Strong language
Summary:  You and Jungkook are stuck in traffic on the way home, and to pass the time, he sets up rules. You behave, and you get a kiss for every traffic light you see.
A/N: I sooooooo want to write a part 2 for this one. Should I make it a series? I just love Jungkook in a Husband AU. Also, I am beyond annoyed at those three extra words. Why couldn’t it just be 2k words?
Disclaimer: This story is an AU fanfiction that I have created using the names of the members of BTS. I do not claim any ownership over the members of BTS. The plot and the personalities of the characters are entirely my own.
Do not plagiarize my work and do not repost.
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*I do not claim ownership over any of the pictures. They are credited to their original owners.
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It was the end of another long week, and Jungkook was looking forward to a lazy weekend. His usual plans of partying and drinking to the point he would look at his dick and mistake it for a banana, went flying into thin air.
The number of meetings he had had to attend, given that the deadlines for two of his clients came in the same week had crossed the limits of his sanity. He would only be able to relax his shoulders that night when he had done two things, first, taken a long warm shower, and two, gotten his beauty sleep that went on way into the next afternoon. No kidding, it was twelve in the night and he still had a long way to reach home.
His wife.
His princess.
Jungkook sighed as he remembered their faces. It had been so long since he had spent time with them. The past few weeks had been so hectic, they had him spending all his weekends at office, only coming back after two in the night. He missed his wife, even though he hugged her to sleep and woke up to her kisses in the mornings.
They were hardly around each other to sit down and talk. He missed his daughter even more, where the only time he would see her was when he kissed her Goodbye and Goodnight, both of which times, his daughter was asleep.
Quickly dialing his wife's number, he put the phone on speaker. A few rings, and her tired voice greeted him from the other side.
He smiled. She would always answer with the same, anytime, in the middle of a meeting or after a fight.
"My Bunny." He replied with a toothy grin, and he knew she could sense the smile on his face.
"Have you left office yet?" He asked, hoping she would tell him she was already home, playing with their little girl.
"I was planning to leave in five."
"Should I pick you up? I'm only ten minutes away from the place." Jungkook asked as he eyed the cylindrical building a little farther.
"Sure, I'll be right outside."
"See you there, love." Jungkook smiled as he cut the call and turned on light music.
Honking his way through, he reached the grey building his wife worked at, noticing her waiting at the gate, her hair fluttering in the night breeze. She noticed him soon enough and jogged over to where he had his car parked, a hint of a smile spreading on her lips.
Jungkook stared at her the entire time, as she got into the passenger seat next and turned to him.
"Hey." Y/N whispered, her cheeks tinted light pink, which Jungkook figured was because of the cold. She shivered a little, and he took in her off shoulder blouse exposing her bare skin to the cold.
"Hey." He whispered while shrugging out of his blazer and draping it around his woman's shoulder, tucking her hair behind her ear. It was something he did often, his habit of glancing at her side profile while driving was somehow an addiction. And he did not it like when her hair, no matter how much he loved it, blocked the view. And Jungkook knew that the pink intensifying on her cheeks had nothing to do with the cold outside.
His hands slid over her soft skin, caressing it with the back of his hand, another habit of his.
"Let's go." She whispered, placing her palm atop his and squeezing it.
Just as Jungkook drove back onto the main road, the clouds burst high above. What had just been a tiny drizzle ten minutes ago now turned into a full fledged downpour.
And they were stuck. Tired, sleepy, hungry, completely exhausted, in the rain, in the traffic.
"Oh god, it's going to take forever to reach home." Jungkook groaned, honking louder and continuously. It was of no use, since as far as he could see, the route was jammed with no hint of movement.
"I'll text mum and ask her to keep Sora for the night. I don't think we'd make it in time to pick her up." She muttered pulling out her phone and swiping through her contacts. Jungkook looked out the window, watching the traffic move slowly.
"Hey, mom says she can keep Sora for the weekend too. So we can have some 'quality time'. How does that sound to you?" Y/N asked hesitantly, as she knew just how much Jungkook needed Sora's giggles to start his morning.
She was surprised when he agreed. "I think that would be a good idea. It's been ages since I've had you all to myself. And we could always go get her back if we miss her." Jungkook admitted.
"Alrighty, Mister Husband." Y/N chuckled, shifting her eyes back to her phone.
"I am so hungry." Y/N whined a few minutes later, taking off her shoes and pulling up her legs onto the seat comfortably. His jacket was double her size, drowning her in cosy wool making her look smaller.
"Yeah so am I, I was in so many meetings today, I might be dreaming about numbers and graphs for an entire year." He sighed, and she chuckled.
"Aww, my poor baby, you work too hard." She leaned over and ran her hands through his hair massaging his roots, while Jungkook closed his eyes at the sensation. When she pulled back, Jungkook caught her hand, resting it on his hair once more.
"Don't stop. It feels nice."
She gave him a soft smile and continued carding her fingers through his hair. To add to the relief, the cars before him slowly moved forward, giving him hope that maybe this wouldn't be such a long night.
After about five minutes, they slowed down to a stop once more and Jungkook sighed, placing his hand on Y/N's.
"Your arms will hurt." He muttered bringing her hand down and planting a light kiss on her knuckles. He held her hand there, gradually resting it on his lap and squeezing it every so often. They stayed like that for a while, in comfortable silence, both too tired to maintain a conversation.
They stopped at a traffic light and Jungkook felt her mood change, her constant shifts to get into a comfortable position and continuous sighs. Her hands wiggled in his, until they reached down and her palm pressed over his zipper.
Jungkook jerked, his eyes opened wide and he shot up a good inch from his seat. Amused, he turned his eyes to Y/N, who gave him a sly smile. His jacket had slid down her shoulders, her soft skin now on display, making Jungkook gulp. He quickly reached over and pulled his jacket back up her shoulders, zipping it up for good measure.
"Don't do that, you'll catch a cold." He scolded, but wished nothing more than to see her skin again.
She huffed, and like a child, unzipped the jacket once more and threw the sides off her shoulders.
"Now is not the time Y/N. I'm driving. It's not safe." He chided, watching her pout and turn her head away from him.
"You're no fun." He heard her mutter adorably, in a smaller voice than her usual tone.
"Alright, let's make a deal. If you behave," he said, watching her slowly slip into sub space, "every time, we see a traffic light, I'll give you a special kiss. And when we get back home, you get an even better gift. Okay?"
"No, what do you say baby?" Jungkook frowned, looking at her seriously.
"Okay, daddy." She muttered, her eyes widening innocently. She slowly put down her legs and sat straight, like a nervous kid would on the first day of school. As though she wanted to prove herself, she pulled his jacket onto her shoulders and zipped it up as high as she could.
It was surprising to Jungkook that she had slipped into little space so suddenly. Having a baby seemed to have implied that there would be no age play for quite a while and maybe never too. Jungkook assumed that she had let go just for the weekend since her mother had offered to take care of Sora.
"Oh, look we're moving again." Y/N squealed and up ahead Jungkook could see the green light. Once they crossed, they stopped again, but this time Jungkook noticed that the rain was not as harsh as before.
"Daddy, kiss." Y/N mumbled, tapping her pouty lips with a finger.
"Of course, baby, you did so well." Jungkook praised, leaning forward and pressing his lips to her soft ones. When she remained unresponsive, Jungkook had to remind himself that Y/N had to be taught how to kiss in little space. Smiling, he parted their lips with a noisy smack.
"Thank you daddy." She smiled and Jungkook was once again surprised that she remembered. He was glad that he put much effort into setting the rules for her while in little space. He smiled in response and ruffled her hair playfully.
She had been beaming at him until he had messed up her hair. "Daddy, you're spoiling my hair. I don't look pretty no more." she pouted, smoothing out her hair as best as she could.
"You always look pretty baby, even with your hair standing up like this." He chuckled, lifting up a strand of her hair in a tease. Before she could whine again, he pat down her hair thoroughly and then cupped her cheeks.
"There, so pretty." He leaned down and pressed another kiss against her lips, and this time she put some pressure against his.
When he pulled back she giggled. "Daddy you broke the rules, no traffic light." she stuck her tongue out at him.
'Crap!', Jungkook thought. Breaking the rules was the last thing he should've done and now he may or may not have to deal with a disobedient Y/N later. He never liked punishing her. Looking ahead, he saw that they were approaching another traffic light and he made up his mind.
"See there, the kiss was for that one. We're still following the rules, baby." He told her, hoping to god that she would buy it.
"Oh, yes daddy, you always right." Y/N frowned and he breathed a sigh of relief.
The ride continued for another hour, and they came across four more traffic lights. Y/N constantly whined about how there was a lack of traffic lights on the way home, but thanking him none the less for each kiss. Jungkook barely managed to pull himself from their kiss right after crossing the light. His urge to break the rules and the bulge in his pants only grew bigger during the ride. All signs of his fatigue had simply vanished and he was eagerly waiting for the big gift he would give her when they got back home.
He heaved out a big sigh when he spotted the familiar outline of their building, quickly pulling into the garage and stepping out of the car with his bags. He mouthed, "One second" at Y/N before he walked to the passenger seat and pulled out her bags as well. He hurriedly reached over and opened the door for her, watching her step out carefully.
As soon as he unlocked the door to their home, he threw their bags on the sofa and turned to her.
"Do I get my big gift now, daddy?" she asked, giving him the most adorable smile.
"Yes baby, you've been such a good girl. Of course, you'll get a big gift." He cooed, cupping her cheeks and pressing his lips to them urgently. When she let out a soft moan, he could no longer hold back. He swooped her up into his arms, pulling away from her lips, while climbing up the stairs.
"Let's go to our bedroom so you can unwrap your present, right baby?" He nuzzled his nose against her cheek, inhaling her fragrance.
"Yes, daddy."
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pinkprimrose05 · 3 years
GX Month Day 18: This Wasn't in the Rule Book
Ao3 Version Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33473653/chapters/83310418
Why yes, it's prompt bending time! Wish this day came a bit later into the month so it was closer to the release date of Duel World ARC-V but, oh well, what can ya do? ...Oops, looks like I spoiled the chapter. Yes, this year's AU prompt also doubles as a celebration of ARC-V coming to Duel Links, and it's probably the one prompt I'm most excited to write because hoo boy I've been waiting for this moment for sooooo long! 8D
"Manual Reboot Successful. Initiate Sign-Up Process? "
"Initiating Sign-Up Process. Establishing Connection...Please Enter WORLD_ID."
"Response Recorded. Initiating Connection to WORLD_ID SERIES6..."
"..ERROR. Failed to Connect to WORLD_ID SERIES6. Continue Sign-Up Process and Retry?"
"Response Recorded. Continuing Sign-Up Process."
"Response Recorded. Aborting Connection to WORLD_ID SERIES6...Connection Aborted"
"...Sing-Up Process Completed. Initiating Log-In Sequence..."
Yuuma sat by the river, waiting for something big to happen.
He knew he wasn't support to be there. Tour Guide hade explicitly told everyone to not get close to the Gate during new world maintenance, but being his curious self, he guiltlessly ignored the warning. Why? Because of the aforementioned new world, of course!
From what he knew about it -which wasn't much, but Juudai-senpai had been rambling about all the different Duelists, Decks and weird game mechanics that they might see for two weeks straight and that sort of gave him a general idea-, this new world thing was a pretty big deal in Duel Links, and with it being so covered up, Yuuma was all too hyped to see what it was like for himself, consequences be damned.
He'd tried world-switching to no avail, as he sebsequently found out that the game wasn't only staggering log-outs, it was also staggering travelling through Duel Worlds for however long he was stuck here. He'd tried asking everyone he knew about it over his D-Gazer too, but that didn't work, and neither did begging a sleepy Kaito to try and hack the game for more info..
..Which led back to him sitting by the river, kicking his legs back and forth as Emperor's Key swayed in the morning breeze, dangling from the string in his hand while he kept waiting, waiting, and waiting some more...
"Eek!" The Xyz Duelist practically jumped five feet into the air upon hearing his name being called, thoughts racing in frantic circles as he turned to see someone approaching...then immediately relaxing when he realized exactly who that someone was.
Michael Arclight smiled, waving gently as he tottered to the river bank and sat down next to Yuuma, who sighed in relief at knowing he wasn't in grave trouble for getting caught near the Gate. The two traded greetings, then settled into silence as they gazed at the horizon, at the clear sky and rising sun of their Duel World's landscape. If it were him, Michael would be content with just staying like that and admiring the view, but the ball of excitement next to him wasn't about to share that sentiment anytime soon.
"Sooooooo..." Yuuma began "What are you gonna do today?"
"Hm? What do you mean?" His friend gave him a puzzled look, and Yuuma made a broad gesture with his arms in response, as if that was supposed to mean something.
"You know, about the, uh, the new world? Are you gonna visit that? Duel people there? I don't know what to expect from it to be honest, it's the first time for us and I'm reeaally excited and also curious and I can't wait to see what will happen...but we can't find out anything before the maintenance ends, and it looks like it's gonna take a while and I'm getting bored so, what are you gonna do?"
Michael hummed thoughtfully, glancing at his Duel Disk "Well, I was thinking of waiting until things settled down before doing anything about all of this. A game this big can get quite unstable with such a huge update, you know? That's why I came here anyway, and..." the pink-haired Duelist blushed faintly "..I may or may not have decided to ignore what Guide-san said about the Gate in the process. Please don't tell anyone I was here?"
"Don't worry, my lips are sealed." Yuuma said, mimicking a zipper sound as he ran two fingers along his lips for effect "No one will ever know of your super classified one-time incident of breaking the law...not that that law made sense anyway. I mean, COME ON..."
Michael giggled, listening as Yuuma launched into a full-on rant about how meaningless them 'closing' the Gate area was. He wasn't exactly wrong though; if it was about as dangerous as Guide said, surely there would be some obstacle or lock to stop people from getting too close, right? Surely she wouldn't just count on everyone to not be reckless enough to ignore her, right? Unless...
Unless the error she's dealing with here might cause serious backlash if she tried inputting a new command that also interacts with the Gate, in which case-
Any other thought that would have followed that trail instantly vanished when the Gate suddenly exploded with blue light, and in that moment, Michael's world went quiet.
"Unacceptable! This is unacceptable! I have a fucking job interview in two hours, how am I supposed to get ready in time for that??"
Yuusei sighed, running a hand through his already mussed hair for what was probably the eighth time in thirty minutes. Tour Guide's sudden announcement of an emergency maintenace -one that somehow overlapped with the new world's- had put everyone on edge, even more so after they found out they couldn't log out until it was over. As a result, every single Duelist currently in the 5D's World had gathered at the Deck Editor and unanimously decided to wait out the maintenance period there...but some of them weren't particularly happy about being stuck in the game for however long it took.
Chief of those was Jack, who kept pacing next to the table Team 5D's and co. clustered around, all while throwing several uncharitable insults at Guide, Isono, Kaiba, and basically everyone affliated with the Duel Links staff.
"Why do they have to keep messing up every time they launch one of those new words?? I swear, if I see any of those little-"
Carly instinctively covered her ears when the Resonator Duelist let out a particularly nasty swear, and Crow shot him a miffed glare from behind. Yuusei sighed again, then slowly pushed himself out from his chair to rest a hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Jack, please go get a cup of coffee and cool down." He said in an uncharacteristically pleading, tired tone "We're all stuck here, we all have important things to do, and some of us haven't slept for twenty-six hours. It'd do everyone a lot of good if you stopped yelling at empty air for a while."
Jack crossed his arms and huffed, but forced himself to simmer down regardless.
"...Fine. I'll go get myself some coffee and 'cool down' or whatever, but not because you asked me to, it's because I need some fresh air." And with that, the former King of Duels strode out of the Studio, coat flapping dramatically in a gust of wind before he went completely out of view.
"Good riddance." Crow let his head drop on the table with a low thud, raising a thumbs-up in Yuusei's general direction, and while he normally wouldn't agree with that sentiment, the Synchro Duelist was currently grateful for the calmer atmosphere of the place, now that Jack was gone. He slid back into his chair, hoping to get some shut-eye to compensate for staying up for all of the night before...
"Guys, we have a problem."
...Or not. Yuusei looked up in time to see Bruno -No, stop it, that's Antinomy- dropping in the chair between him and a barely conscious Kiryuu, the computer in his hands flashing with several warning signs overlapping on top of strings of code, which kept appearing and disappearing at a seemingly random pace. This, the noiret decidedly thought, peering intently at the screen, definitely doesn't look good.
"The energy output is spiking around the Gate area and the ones close to it." Antinomy explained to no-one in particular, his usually passive face set in a stressed frown as he clicked away at the keyboard "It appears that whatever issue that caused this emergency maintenance has gone completely out of control, and while we don't know exactly what that means, compressing so much energy in a certain area, no matter how broad..."
"...is bound to make it blow up." Yuusei concluded, eyes widening as his mind caught up with the implication behind that "This means the Duel Studio and everyone in it will be affected if anything happens to the Gate."
Antinomy nodded "Exactly. It could be that someone is trying to log in, and that's why I'm asking you to go and- dammit!" He swore, fingers moving across the keyboard at a far more frantic pace when the computer let out a series of long, loud beeping sound. Yuusei was pretty sure he got whiplash from how fast he turned to see what was going on-
-but before he could register more than the word "ERROR" bolded in blue across the screen, he felt a shock of static, and then...nothing.
"Automated Reboot Successful. Log-In Sequence...Complete."
"Connecting to WORLD_ID SERIES2...Connection Successful."
"Linking with.."
"..Sakaki Yuuya."
The first thing he felt when he came to was a gentle breeze tousling his hair, rays of sunshine lighting up his eyelids, and droplets of water spraying his face every couple seconds. It wasn't raining, that much he gathered, which meant that he'd most likely spawned near a fountain or a river, since there was no trace of the salty scent of seawater in the air.
Yuuya opened his eyes. Sure enough, there was a fountain to his left, its marble structure adorned with a ring of green leaves that carried all kinds of colourful flowers, water flowing from it center and from the sides. Pushing himself up, the tomato-haired Duelist looked around, taking in the rest of his current surroundings, and the first thing that caught his attention was a huge, round portal thingy that hovered in the air, with glowing lines of blue circuitry running through its silvery white perimeter.
That must be the Gate, he thought that's how I came here.
A bit further ahead was what seemed to be another portal, but this one was rectangular in shape, unlike the Gate's circle, and it was completely blue as well. Yuuya watched as the portal rotated in place slowly, the other side of it coming into view with the label 'Duel School' appearing on top of it. Curious, he reached out a hand to touch the portal...
...only to pull back immediately when the pixels forming it fizzled and crackled with electricity, shocking him.
"Ow ow ow ow ow!!" Yuuya clutched his stung hand with the other, hissing in pain at the contact before letting go of his hand. He sucked in deep breath then slowly exhaled, wiping the tears that formed at the corners of his eyes before turning away from the Duel School to keep walking (and to will away the sick, fleeting memory the shock had sparked for a moment).
Yeesh, that wasn't a great first interaction... he grimaced, waving his hand in the air in hopes that it would calm the stinging pain down But that doesn't mean I can't find something good if I keep looking. I wonder where all the other Duelists are.
The path he was walking down split into two at the end. Yuuya turned around, chancing one more look at the admittedly beautiful yet strangely desloate area he started in. He chalked its emptiness up to it being quite early in the morning...but then again, it wasn't morning for everyone around the world, so maybe it was just that the area was mainly used as a terminal, which would explain why he was the only one there...
He shouldn't be.
Switching his Duel Disk on with a quick swipe (which was an honestly stupid action in hindsight because damn his hand stung hard from that), Yuuya dialed the very first contact on his list, running the hand with the Disk strapped to it through bi-colored bangs and pushing them out of his face as the device rang once, twice, three times. Where was everyone else? He, Yuzu and Gongenzaka had logged in at the same time, and Sora had told them he'll jump in right after, so why was he the only one to come out of the Gate?
*Din-di-di-din, din-ding...Din-di-di-din, din-ding...Din-di-di-din-*
Yuuya blinked, then did a double take at the soft, young voice that came from the other end of the call. That...that wasn't Yuzu. He swallowed.
"..I'm sorry, who am I talking to?"
A few moments passed before the voice replied "My name is Sera. You must not recognize me, but please don't worry, the owner of this device is safe and sound, and if you wish to talk to her, she is here with me."
The line went silent then. Well, almost silent; Yuuya could hear bits of chatter and the sound of someone fiddling with the Duel Disk...before said someone decided to blast his eardrums full-force, like she always did.
"Yuuya! Where the heck are you?!" Yuzu cried out, and he found himself smiling at the familiar loudness "I've been looking for you everywhere!!"
He winced when her voice cracked on the last word, hand running through his hair again as he laughed nervously "Sorry, sorry! I...honestly don't entirely know where I am yet. Thought we'd start at the same place, but I guess we didn't..." He glanced around for any sort of landmark to pinpoint his position, then remembered where he came from at first and settled on that "Um, can you see the Gate? I'm standing close to it."
There was a beat of silence, then an audible sigh. "I see," Sera muttered at length "Sakaki-san, I think you have logged into a different Duel World than the one Hiiragi-san and I are in at the moment..because we're standing right in front of the Gate."
It took a full ten seconds for Yuuya's brain to register that, and when it did, all that came out of his mouth was a drawn-out "Whaaaaaaat??"
"...You skipped the rest of the tutorial, didn't you?" Yuzu's voice carried a hint of amusement and fondness, before assuming a more serious tone "Okay, look. If you check your Duel Disk, you'll find two arrows in a circle at the top left corner. Click that, and you'll get a list of the five different Duel Worlds in the game. Sera said that something happened before we came here that stopped everyone from travelling between those worlds, and apparently there was a sixth world that we were supposed to log into but didn't...anyway, the highlighted name will show you the world you're in. I'm in the fourth one right now..."
Yuuya listened as Yuzu explained what happened to her after logging into the Duel World, following her instructions all the while. A quick check told him that he was in the second world, the one labeled 'Duel World Series 2'. He nodded along his friends' words, and when she finished, he took yet another look at his surroundings.
"Alright, gotcha, I'm in the second world." He said, and it was then that he decided to head left "I guess I'll go take a look around the place, see if I can find out where everyone else is, and wait until we can all switch to the same world. It's great to hear you're alright, Yuzu. Take care!"
"Hey, that's my line!" She quipped in response, and Yuuya could practically hear the playful grin on her face "But seriously, I'm glad to know you're doing fine too. See you later, Yuuya."
And with that, the line went dead. Not even bothering to turn his Disk off, Yuuya broke into a quick jog, humming a cheerful tune to himself and grinning widely as he started rhyming the tune to his steps. Yuzu was fine, she was okay, they'll find each other soon enough and meet up with their friends, and they'll have tons of fun exploring the game, just as they planned.
Yeah, that's the spirit!
He only slowed down when the smooth, metallic path turned into dirt, patches of grass growing randomly in the way and on the sides, as well as a pair of trees and a few stray daisy bushes. A huge structure that felt so very out of place loomed ahead of him, its futuristic design and neon blue lines contrasting sharply with the simple greenery surrounding it, despite only being separated from that by a ring of gray tiles at the end of the dirt path. Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be a floating label above it that spelled out the words "Duel Studio", and a sliding door that opened on its own when Yuuya came close. The Pendulum Duelist stepped through-
-and promptly crashed into a blur of black, stumbling backwards as a result. Leaning on the now-open door for support, Yuuya nursed his head with his free hand, letting out a small sigh before he looked up to check on whoever it was that he bumped into...and froze when he locked eyes with them.
That shade of gold was...familiar.
Yuuya's eyes widened, and the brunette facing him mirrored the action for a split second, before his shock faded into a passive scowl that clashed with his fluffy, Kuriboh-like hair. Yuuya opened his mouth to say something, he wasn't sure exactly what, but the taller male turned back to the Duel Studio, subtly motioning for him to come along, and whatever it was that he wanted to say went out of the window.
"Follow me." His voice -slow, deep and clear- carried a distinctly authoritative tone as he strode ahead, and after a moment of apprehension, Yuuya found himself trailing behind. The guy looked like he knew where he was going, and didn't exactly seem opposed to talking to him, which meant he could possibly get some answers to the pile of questions building up in his head, and well, weird gut feelings aside, that was actually a good thing.
The two sat at a round, red table in a distant corner, and then just...stared at each other. Yuuya waited for the Kuriboh-haired Duelist -at least, he guessed he was a Duelist, judging by the strange custom model of a Duel Disk on his left arm- to say something, anything, but nothing came out, and he wasn't sure exactly how to start the conversation, so...he kept waiting.
And waiting.
And waiting.
And waiting.
And then decided that was enough waiting. "Umm...are you even gonna say anything?" Yuuya asked after a full four minutes, half expecting to get no response..
..but the guy actually rolled his eyes at him, like he'd asked a stupid question or something "What are you expecting me to say?"
Huh. Okay, this man was kinda bad at conversing. Yuuya held back a sigh, plastered on a smile instead, and tried again.
"Hmm, how about an introduction? That sounds like a good start." He held out a hand "Nice to meet you, I'm Sakaki Yuuya. And you are..?"
The brunette's stared moved to Yuuya's outstretched hand, then back to his eyes...and then he sighed, holding his own hand to his temples as he mumbled something in a foreign language Yuuya couldn't make out (but assumed was an exasperated statement, based on the tone of what came next).
"Dear Lord, why is it that every single one of them turns out to be a child?"
"You can see Duel Spirits," He said, pointing at Yuuya. It wasn't even a question, just a factual statement he threw as casually as someone discussing the weather forecast "and you most likely have a special bond with at least one of your cards, that may even go as far as your very soul being bound to it. Is that correct?"
A few moments passed in silence, and then: "How did you-"
"I knew that was the case. Listen to me, Sakaki Yuuya; I do not know the exact extent of your knowledge about the nature of this world, or that of the darkness you possess, but know this-" gold eyes narrowed dangerously, and Yuuya flinched in spite of himself "Duel Links is not just a game. There are greater forces behind the creation of the Duel Worlds, ones that can tamper with your memories and thoughts, even call back beings that were supposed to be gone forever and link different dimensioms. Your status as a Legendary Duelist means you are directly involved in everything that might happen in the new world, so proceed with caution, or prepare to deal with the consequences."
Yuuya reeled back in his chair, face going white. He stared down at his pendulum, gripping its dimly glowing crystal tightly in his hands -had it been doing that for a while? He had no idea. His head was starting to feel light, his throat got all choked up, and he was sure he'd be shaking if not for how tense his muscles were. What- what had he gotten himself into? If he'd known it was more than a game, if he'd known they'd be thrown in the middle of crossfire again-
Deep breaths, Yuuya, deep breaths.. He told himself before he got too lost in thought, inhaling sharply. Calm down, let it out slowly, relax.....yeah, there we go.
"Why are you telling me this?" The teen asked once he was certain his mini-panic attack was over, and he must've been imagining things because he could swear he saw a ghost of a smile on the other's face when he replied.
"In all honesty," he began slowly, the edge to his voice almost completely gone "I have had enough interdimensional conflict to last me a lifetime, and I would really rather not deal with any more of it if I can. I assume you understand where I'm coming from here?"
Yuuya hummed absently, and that seemed to be a satisfying answer to the brown-haired Duelist, who pushed himself out of his seat and turned to leave, but not without allowing himself another final sentence.
"Very well then. For your own sake, as well as everyone you may care about, I hope you're actually smart enough to follow my warning. Until we meet again...or not."
And with that, he walked away, disappearing behind the staircase to the right. As soon as he went out of sight, Yuuya let his head fall down on the table with an unceremonious flump!, making some inchoerent noises when the sound of some lady announcing the end of the 'Maintenance Break' blasted over the intercom above his head, and he became distantly aware of other voices and some footsteps sounding not too far from him.
Alright, so he and everyone else have basically jumped into yet another grand scheme that caused conflict across different dimensions, but this time the stakes weren't as clear as in the Interdimensional War.
The thought was admittedly daunting, and he was a hundred percent sure no-one he knew would like to go through something like that again..
But on the bright side, it seemed that they weren't the only ones dealing with this sort of thing, which meant they could easily find many allies in the different Duel Worlds...yeah, if they kept an eye out, they should be all right-
Yuuya's head snapped up when he realized someone was calling out to him, and when he looked up, he was greeted with the smiling face of..
"You again??"
..the same Kuriboh-haired Duelist?
"Sorry, what?"
Yuuya did a double take. Yeah, no, that wasn't him; the eyes were colored soft brown instead of hollow gold, and he was wearing a red jacket instead of a black robe too- Yuuya mentally scolded himself for overlooking the differences (but also found it somewhat funny because, you know, he had to deal with this kind of confusion more than once before).
"Nevermind, I think I confused you for someone else. My bad." He gave the red-jacketed brunette a sheepish grin, gesturing at the empty chair opposite to his, then watching as he placed his also strange custom model of a Duel Disk on the side of the table before sitting down himself, fiddling with the device all the while. Even the way he composed himself was different; this guy felt far more lax and chill compared to the other one, and it made Yuuya relax a bit in turn, the silence that stretched between them feeling more comfortable.
"So, let me guess..." Red Jacket began a bit later, leaning a bit forward with a curious glint in his eyes "You're one of the new kids?"
A small nod "You can say that, I guess. I'm Yuuya, and you?"
"Yuuki Juudai. Pleased to meet you, kiddo- wait, I can call you kiddo, right?"
"Sure, unless you're somehow younger than me, which I doubt because of the..height difference."
Juudai smiled again "Aight, kiddo it is then. I gotta say though, I'm impressed you managed to switch worlds that fast. Took me a whole week to realize that was even a thing."
He laughed, and Yuuya chuckled with him. "Actually.." he said afterwards, rubbing the back of his neck with a small, bashful smile "A friend told me about it, and I couldn't even use it when I first arrived. Something about an error happening with the new world and shutting down the whole game, I think? Yean, that locked out the switch thing for a while, and it stopped everyone from logging out too."
"Woah, for real?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Damn," Juudai slammed a hand down on the table "you sure had one heck of a first day, kiddo. Guide must be freaking out with all of this going on."
Yuuya blinked, confused "Guide?"
"Oh, you don't know her?" The older teen asked, quirking an eyebrow "She's, ah, the Duel Spirit of Tour Guide From the Underworld. Pretty much the one who manages this place, since the actual owner doesn't give a shit about the shenanigans happening around here, and she also runs the Duel School. You can go hit her up if you have any questions about the game; she's a great help for new players."
"A Duel Spirit..." Yuuya echoed quietly, stare moving down to the Deck slot of his Duel Disk. He closed his eyes for a moment, then looked up at Juudai and asked "So anyone can interact with them here? The spirits, I mean."
"Of course! It's part of the game's charm, y'know?" He answered, throwing a wink at Yuuya before continuing "Being able to hang out with all your monster friends, even if you might not see them in real life..I don't think anyone would pass up on something that cool."
The younger Duelist smiled at that, hand subconsciously touching the top of his Deck, which earned him several happy murmurs and a particularly loud roar as well "Yeah, that does sound pretty cool. I gotta try it sometime later."
"You totally should." Juudai agreed, taking out his own Deck and shuffling through it as he added "In the meantime...would you like a good ol' tabletop Duel? My old-ass relic of a Disk is being particularly laggy today, and I heard you had this cool summon mechanic with the backrow zones- what was it called again? Pendant? Pending?"
"It's Pendulum Summoning." Yuuya clarified, tentatively taking his Deck out of its slot when Juudai did the same "And uh, sure, I can show it to you if you want."
The brunette's smile turned into a wide grin as he whipped out a pair of folded game mats from his pocket and placed them on his and Yuuya's side of the table, putting each of their Decks on the far right before punching a fist in the air "Heck yeah! I'm finally the first to Duel the new kid with the new cards, this is gonna be a lot of fun!"
"Definitely!" He nodded, his own smile widening as he drew his starting hand with a little more flourish than necessary for a tabletop Duel- not that he really cared, what mattered at the moment was that, even if he was going to have to fight again later down the line, he was going to enjoy Dueling to the maximum as long as he could. No use worrying about the future, all he came here to do was have fun, and fun was he going to have.
Watch out, Duel Links, here I come..!
THE END, finally. This, for whatever reason, took me three weeks to finish alongside the other prompts (okay actually Yuuya's POV slipped from me and I barely managed to end it where I did), and I couldn't even make it on time ffs. There goes my plans to deliver all chapters on time...but I at least hope you enjoyed reading. ...Oh yeah, you may have noticed by now that I left some loose ends here and there (like the conclusion of the chapter for the residents of Duel Worlds ZEXAL and 5D's, AKA those poor souls who got a mass reboot error and received no answers as to why), and to that I say...nothing. Yeah, you gotta wait a little while longer to see what happened to them after the reboot. That said, I shall now take my leave and return to the land of Ao3, see y'all on...someday by the end of the month, I guess.
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lilolpotato · 4 years
Bokuto boyfriend headcanons pleeease? 🥺
HELL YES! No problem, thank you for asking me :))) I really hope you like it! 💕
You go to Fukurodani
How could you not notice him???
Bokuto is constantly energetic and screams with excitement a lot at school
You didn’t exactly have a crush on him first, neither of you talked to each other, but he would always cheer you up and make you laugh from afar, just by being himself
Bokuto notices how you always smile at him, he’s a little more observant than he’s given credit for
He was so sure you had a crush on him, he thinks everyone has a crush on him
But that’s ok because they probably do
Once his brain comes to that conclusion, his mouth goes, “AKAASHI, THAT CUTE GIRL IS TOTALLY INTO ME!!!”
And of course the entire school heard him
Maybe all of Japan
Kuroo, “I feel like Bokuto is doing something stupid.”
You’re not shy but you don’t exactly assert yourself with people either, and you hate being called out
You already had a particularly bad day today and this was the cherry on top
You turn red, and you notice everyone staring at you
Embarrassed, you run away, faintly hearing someone hit something
“Bokuto everyone heard you.” Akaashi says, and Bokuto goes a little pink, “Oh...” then goes pale, “oh.”
Bokuto runs after you feeling really guilty
You’re sitting in a corner, a couple tears escaping your watery eyes when Bokuto finds you.
Once you notice him, you say quietly, “I don’t have a crush on you.”
He looks like a kicked puppy and says, “Sorry... I kinda wish you did.”
Your eyes go completely wide??? This came out of nowhere???
“Are you confessing to me?” You asked. This was unbelievable. No way did he like you. He barely knew you!
He rubs the back of his hair, blushing, “I dunno, maybe...but I won’t like you if you don’t want me to! I can get over it! After all, I am the ace.”
You smiled, “I like being liked... and maybe we can hang out sometime? You can tell me what an ace is.”
He got all excited and so did you and that was the beginning of your glorious relationship
The first time you call him by his first name his eyes basically pop out of his head and he will jump up and down in excitement, giving you kisses all over your face and will call Akaashi to brag
Bokuto appreciates every little thing you do so much
When you know he’s exhausted from volleyball (and he’s really good at hiding it) you make him a little bento and sit in the benches at volleyball practice, doing your homework, getting volleyballs, and encouraging him; “Kou, that was so cool! You’re really strong!”, “Kou I’m so proud to have a boyfriend who’s so strong and awesome.”
You basically simp for him
It boosts his confidence so much, and he really wants to make you proud so with your support, he almost never goes into emo mode
He does extra well with you there, and no matter how sweaty he is, when he demands kisses you giggle and give them to him
He loves your laugh so he likes to make you laugh whenever he can
Lots of tickling
Lots of cheesy jokes
Lots of purposely doing stupid things and embarassing himself
All just to see you laugh
He thinks that you snorting is adorable and will yell, “YOU’RE SO CUTE Y/N BABY”
The volleyball team loves you
You keep Bokuto in check and out of emo mode
Besides, you were super nice to the team
You’d tutor the first years and second years on things you knew
Bring snacks to practices and tournaments for the whole team
Pick up volleyballs in practice
Lots of cheering for everyone
To games you’d come decked out in Fukurodani gear, face paint and ribbons, the whole package
Bokuto would almost cry every time he sees you like that because, “Y/N YOU’RE SO ADORABLE I CAN’T HELP IT I’M SO LUCKY.”
You and Akaashi are good friends
He teaches you how to set for Bokuto so you can help in practice
It was meant to be a surprise for Bokuto, so while you were learning Bokuto got extremely jealous
“Y/N whose hair is fluffier, mine or Akaashi’s?”
When you surprise him he freaks out and cries a little “Y/N this is what you were doing???? I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO *takes a breath* OOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!”
“AKAASHI. THANK YOU. Also don't try and steal my girl you hear me?” he jokes
You giggle a little and Akaashi rolls his eyes with a small smile
You’re only allowed to set for him otherwise he gets pouty
When he gets into emo mode and you’re not there, Akaashi will call you and you’ll talk to Bokuto, “Kou~ why are you upset?” “I’m bad at playing volleyball Y/N... why do you even love me?”
“I love you because you’re so dedicated to volleyball, me, and to everything you do. I love you because you make me laugh and so proud every time you go on that court and show everyone how hard you worked to get here. Kou, you’re one of the top five aces in the country! I don’t love you because of how good you are at volleyball, but because you are so hardworking and determined. You’re amazing at volleyball, so don’t put all those hours working hard to get as great as you are at volleyball to waste, and get back out there!”
Bokuto will tear up a little and be better than ever
Akaashi will wonder how you, someone really smart, is dating the idiot that tried to fit into a fridge today
But he’s proud of Bokuto for earning someone like you and keeping you
The next time he sees you, you get lots of kisses and cuddles “I love you so much Y/N!”
Considering he has to stay as one of the top five aces in the country, he overworks himself sometimes
You keep him from doing that by tempting him with cuddles and kisses
Works like a charm
“Aww I wanted cuddles, but I guess if you’d rather play more volleyball instead...”
Akaashi is so thankful for you
Cuddles are super frequent
This boy needs cuddles 24/7
He’ll wrap one arm around your waist and the other in your hair, and your head will be buried in his chest hugging him, and bringing him closer
Dates are super well thought out by him
Amusement parks? Yes.
Festivals? Oh yeah.
Ice skating? Definitely.
His kisses are always sweet, and long, like he’s trying to show you how much you mean to him every single time he kisses you
He loves giving butterfly kisses everywhere, especially your neck and right behind your ear.
He’s very patient and doesn’t have much of a temper, but some things make him very very pissed off
Bokuto is constantly trying to show how much he loves you, no matter the situation. He could be really mad or stressed out bu the last thing he wants to do is make you feel unloved
If you’re ever insecure, you should know, that Bokuto isn’t the type to care about appearances, and he makes sure you know that
Bokuto is so committed to you, he doesn’t want to do things like a fling or friends with benefits because he doesn’t see the point
If he is in a relationship with you, it’s committed till the end
He trusts you a lot, but he still gets jealous. He wants all of your affection and will either act like a kicked puppy or a horny teenager until it’s gone.
You always give him lots of physical affection and hype him up if he gets jealous
Bokuto gets a fair amount of female attention, so it’s natural to be jealous. However, Bokuto hates the idea of cheating and he just isn’t the type to do it
Besides, he loves you a lot and you trust him
He likes to make sure everyone knows that he’s yours and nobody else’s
You guys don’t fight a lot, and if you do, it’s always calm on his part He’s good at thinking rationally in stressful situations
Besides, he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body
Bokuto is always the first one to apologize, and he’ll get your favorite snacks and a movie you both love and come home
He loves when you steal his hoodies, and refreshes your stash regularly
“Do you have the goods?” “Yeah, make sure to keep it on the down low. We don’t want the cops on our tail.” “This would be easier if stealing hoodies were legal” “Pay up bub” *sweet, long kiss* You both laughed
Whenever you’re scared he’ll unconsciously know and wrap his arms around you
He loves you so much and you both are endgame
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theincuhusbands · 4 years
Crushes (Sam x Reader) - Part 3
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This is a part three to a mini series started by @ashleylovessmto and @loveisafunnything​. You can find their first two parts here:
Part 1
Part 2
Summary: After Y/N and Sam agree to go on a date at the café, things keep coming up, will they finally get their date?
Warnings: Long, strong language, kissing and self esteem issues (only a little).
Word Count: 1399
It had been a week since the café conversation and most of my time was spent looking after Matthew. His fever had taken a turn for the worst and he couldn't even get out of bed now without stumbling all over himself about as gracefully as a baby giraffe. 
 James had paid a doctor to come and check up on him but all she said was 'It'll clear up in about week! Just make sure he gets lots of water and a couple ibuprofen or paracetamol a day".
Since a lot of the boys were busy with their new jobs - James running the company, Erik designing a wedding dress for his new client, Sam tracking down a gang that's been robbing small businesses etc...- I've been Matthew's prime carer.
Matthew sneezed all over himself but it was the most adorable sneeze I've ever seen. I giggle as I reach over to grab the box of tissues. "Top laughing at meh" Matthew says all stuffy making me laugh harder.
I grab a couple tissues and I hand them to Matthew as I start to clean him up. "Y/N?" I don't look up from my cleaning but let out a soft hmm to let him know I'm still listening. "Have you even gone out with Sam yet?" I question catches me off guard and I freeze for a second. I sigh quietly "no... not yet"
Thinking about that date has been my recent pass time. Wondering where Sam would like to take me... wondering if he's as excited about this as I am... wondering if he's even looking forward to it...
Matthew lets out a deep groan as I look down at his face, which is plastered with a scowl. "Why not?" I shrug as I stand up "I haven't had the time..." I walk through to the bathroom to pour Matthew a glass of water.
I sigh as I turn the tab on and start pouring water into the glass.
"And what has been taking up all your time that is sooooooo Important?!"
I peek my head out the side of the door to give Matthew a look as he just stares back at me.
I shake my head
"It's not that simple Matthew..." I walk out to see Sam leaning in the doorway. I look over to Matthew who is knocked out cold. "What's not so simple?"
I'm so surprised that I drop Matthew's glass of water. "Oh shit-" I bend down to try and pick it up when Sam runs over and grabs my arm. "No! Don't! You'll cut yourself Doofus"
I look up and see Sam's emerald green eyes plastered in concern. I quickly drop my eyes looking to the floor, feeling my face burn brighter than the sun. "Sorry, you just... surprised me"
Sam realises he's still holding my arm and lets go quickly and rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to scare you... I just..." He stands up and offers me a hand to pull me up off the floor, which I gladly accept.
Sam sighs looking at the smashed glass on the floor laying in the puddle of water. "let me clean this up."
I move over to sit on the bed next to Matthew and brush his hair gently out his face. I hear Sam sweeping up the glass as we stay in comfortable silence for a few moments.
"You know..." I turn around to face Sam but he's not looking at me. "What you're doing for Matthew... it's sweet..." I feel myself smile as my face grows red again. "Did you just?"
Sam smiles at me slightly before he puts the dust-pan and brush away in the bathroom. The small smile is enough to send butterflies through my stomach.
I look to Matthew, who's sleeping peacefully, maybe he wouldn't mind if I left for... just a little while. I hear Sam clear his throat but when I look up I see he's holding a bouquet of gorgeous white lilies. His face is dusted with a light shade of pink as he clears his throat again.
"I wanted to do this properly so... Y/N Anderson would you... like you like to go on a date... with me?" I feel my smile turn into a huge grin as I throwing myself around Sam as he (luckily) catches me.
"I'd love to... thank you for asking"
Sam smiles wider than I've ever seen making my knees go weak. I'd fall over if he weren’t holding me up right now. "Meet me down stairs in ten minutes..."
I walk down the stairs seeing Sam standing at the door dressed smart-casual. I had thrown on a new dress Erik had made me the other week. Along with a purse and some jewellery the boys Naomi had bought me for my birthday last year.
I hurried down the stairs to meet Sam at the bottom. Sam looked at me silently without saying anything for a couple seconds making me doubt my choice of dress and if I should have worn something fancier or if the dress wasn’t flattering before Sam breathed out a quiet "Wow."
I felt myself blush as I smiled at him. "So, where are we going." Sam just looked at me a shook his head that's a surprise.
We had been driving in the car for about half an hour and the longer we drove the more doubt started to set in at the back of my head. What am I doing here? Why did SAM want me here? I had never done anything like this before...
"Y/N? Whats wrong?"
I look up and just shake my head giving him a weak smile. He doesn't look too pleased with that answer. "Are you having second thoughts?" I pause for a minute.
"Sam... I've never- I've never done anything like this before..."
Sam looked a little shocked as he darted his eyes between me and the road. "When you say like this?"
I sigh as I turn to look out at the bright night lights of Chicago. "I've never done any of this before..."
"But when we met I-" he cuts himself off going silent as I can almost hear the cogs turning as it clicks into place. "That was your first kiss?" I nod my head slowly.
Sam went quiet. The most silent I've ever seen someone go. I looked forward to see him turn around at the roundabout. "Wait what? What are we doing?" Sam shakes his head "I'm taking you home."
I sit myself up as I turn to look at him shocked "What? No." Sam looks at me "You really want do go on a date with me after that? You said yourself you were having second thoughts." Sam pulls the car over onto the street as he turns to face me. I shake my head vigorously. "No! Not about- I was just worried it would freak you out... but I do want this..." Sam looks at me for a couple moments. I bite my lip as I get an idea to show him how much I want this.
I unbuckle my seatbelt as Sam looks at me confused; his eyebrows furrowed. I climb over the car and sit myself in his lap gently grabbing his shoulders to steady myself. I've never been this close to someone, so intimately close to someone let alone him. I lift his face up so his eyes look into mine. I can see his cheeks burn furiously as he looks at me. I take his face in my hands as I lean in and whisper "I want to be with you."
I close the gap between us as he softly kisses back. He gently places his hands on my back. This kiss is different than the one before. I don't feel him taking any of my energy, there’s no tiredness, just the feeling of being with him.
After a couple of moments, I pull back gasping for air. We stare into each other’s eyes as he pushes a stray hair out of my face. "I'm going to make this the best date in your life."
I smile at him and laugh slightly. "I never doubted that for a second."
I spend the rest of the car journey silently thanking his nosey sons-of-bitches-brothers for bringing this up at the café.
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fluffypeachwriting · 4 years
Hello, can I ask for Fling Posse going to a haunted house? And then Gentaro and Dice being surprised because they realize RAMUDA IS AFRAID OF GHOSTS lmao just wanna see the three of them being the dorks they are :(
this is such a precious rq we need more wholesome fp content  ☆ ~('▽^人)
i hope you enjoy~
“Hmmmm, it’s not a problem! I’m only teensy bit afraid of ghosts, but who isn’t? I mean they’re sooooooo scawy, right?!”
Dice and Gentaro looked at each other, then at the queue in front of them. It was only for small haunted house, not one which they thought would pose a problem. The confusion had stopped them for a moment before they decided they should act brave for their leader.
“Don’t worry, Ramuda! Your posse is here for you!” Dice proudly beamed at Ramuda. No matter what was said, they were pretty proud of Ramuda to face his fear. He’d totally overdone his whole peppy persona the whole day, even more so than usual, so they knew something was up.
“Waaaaaaaah! I love you guys! Let’s get going!” Ramuda pushed past them when it was their turn to go in.
“Hm. This is impressive for a fairly amateur haunted house.” Gentaro lamented as he looked around the attraction. He remained calm, for now. A strange sound effect played when they passed a certain point. “Was that scuttling? I wonder what that could be…”
“No. Don’t wanna. Let’s go.” Ramuda puffed out his cheeks and marched forward with stiffness in his step.
“Ramuda, perhaps they are the ghosts of every bug you’ve stepped on?”
“AaaaAAaHHhh!! I’m so sorry little buggies I won’t do it again!”
Ramuda planted himself between the other two, linking their arms with his. “I-is it too late to go back?”
A cheeky grin appeared on Gentaro’s face.
“Ramuda, whatever is the matter? Would you like to leave?” He leant over to try and see Ramuda’s face but he had his head down. “I think your actions say everything, Ramuda. I expected you to be quite unbothered by this. What do you think, Dice?” Gentaro was trying to cover for his own scaredy-ness by passing the attention.
“Oi, don’t make fun of him.” Dice snapped back, a little too much on the edge for someone who said he wasn’t scared at all. “Don’t even try to lie, Gen. I can see you’re sweatin’ too.”
Dice was right.
“Fufufu… nothing gets past you, does it?” Gentaro quickly turned away when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. “Ramuda, where-”
Before he could ask where the shaking pink head of hair went, something flung onto Gentaro’s back. He tried to hold back a dramatic squeal of surprise but failed.
“Heheheh, Gentaro, that wasn’t like yoaaAAH! Why’re you on me now?!”
Somehow the three of them had formed a train. Ramuda was clinging onto Gentaro who was holding onto Dice. With their bravest man in front, the train chugged on through the haunted house. Mostly with their eyes closed.
They saw the light of the outside world down a corridor. Finally! Dice tugged everyone along towards the exit until-
Someone dressed as a ghost leapt out at them as soon as a flash of bright light appeared. They didn’t even have time to think about what happened as Ramuda shoved the group out.
“Ehehehe! Wasn’t that easy?”
Dice and Gentaro just stared at him. There was no way he was going to pretend like whatever just happened didn’t happen at all.
“Are you for real?”
“Mm! Of course, Dice! Let’s go somewhere else now!”
“Ah, you two appear to have forgotten something.” Gentaro gestured towards the booth coming out of the exit. There were little keychains, soft toys, and all kinds of snacks. When the others looked at him in confusion, Gentaro pointed closer, towards a screen. “That little event at the end was a photo opportunity. I have heard of them before but it was quite fun to experience one.”
And sure enough, on the screen were photos of visitors that had come through the haunted house. Some were familiar from the queue, but right in the centre was a very expressive trio.
“Ahahahahaha! Ramuda your eyes are so wide!”
Ramuda hunched over and pouted. “I wasn’t scared at all.”
“Fufufu. The image says otherwise…”
Ramuda then crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue at Gentaro. “Meanie! It’s not real. The picture is lyyyyyying!”
“Ah, if you say so. I think it’s time we move on.”
“Yes! I wanna get some food!” Dice beckoned the others to follow him, excited at the prospect of food. Ramuda followed behind, babbling about the candy he wants “Gen, you comin’?”
“Yes, yes. I’ll be just a moment.”
He waited until the others were out of sight and spoke to the booth worker.
“Hello, could I buy a few copies of that photo? Yes, the one in the middle. Thank you!”
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #652: A Bit of an Unexpected Introductions (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
12:50 p.m. at the Sidewalks of Smash Town......
Kyoko: (Sitting Next to her Girlfriend and Boyfriend While Looking Up at the Blue Sky) You guys ever thought about what kind of cloud you want to be?
Misako: (Turns to Kyoko With a Confused Look on her Face) The hell kind of question is that?
Kyoko: Just a bit of curiosity is all. For instance, I would like to be a pink, puffy cloud.....(Eyes Suddenly Starts to Glitter in Joy) Filled with Cotton Candy~
Dark Pit: Bright and sweet....(Smirks Playfully at Kyoko) It's perfectly describe you already.
Misako: (Nodded in Agreement) Yep.
Kyoko: (Starts Blushing While Giggling Softly) D'awww~ Thanks, you guys~ Now it's your turn, Misako. What's cloud you wanna be like?
Misako: ('Psh') I dunno. I guess....Mines would be.... purple and junk?
Dark Pit: (Chuckles Lightly) Real original, babe.
Misako: (Pouts at Dark Pit) Well, what about you, Mr. Smartass? What would your cloud would be if mines are sooooooo original?
Dark Pit: Simple. Mines would black and dark, which could shoot out killer lighting storms and everything.
Misako: Dark a.d fierce.....Yeeeup. That's definitely you in a nutshell.
Dark Pit: (Nodded Proudly) ('Hmph') Damn right.
Kyoko: That maybe true, buuuuuuut there is one feature of that cloud of yours that is missing.
Dark Pit: Which is......
Kyoko: (Smiles Brightly) It's cuteness~ (Gives Dark Pit a Big Kiss on the Cheek) ('Mmwaaah')
Dark Pit: (Gives Kyoko a Deadpinned Look on his Face While Blushing) Seriously?
Kyoko: Yes, seriously! You are our adorable edgy angel boi after all~
Misako: (Starts to Smirk Playfully) I gotta agree with our girl on this one, babe. (Begins to Pull on Dark Pit's Cheek) Cuteness is an important factor for your "Black and Dark" style of a cloud~
Dark Pit: H-Hey! Knock that shit off already!
Misako: Not a chance, angel boi-
?????: Pitto-san?
The trio couple stops what they were doing, look up, and see it was none other than Ren and Makoto staring down at them in a bit of a surprise manner.
Ren: Is that you?
Dark Pit: (Crap.) In the flesh.
Makoto: Who are those two girls you are sitting with?
Kyoko: You know those two, Pitto-Kins?
Dark Pit: (Sighs as He Gets up From the Bench) Didn't think I would do this so soon, but...(Turns to the Girls and have his Hand Pointed at the Couple Behind Him) Girls, I wanna Introduce you to my older brother, Ren, and his girlfriend, Makoto.
Ren: (Wave his Hand Up at Misako and Kyoko) Hey.
Makoto: (Bows at the Girls) Please to meet the both of you.
Dark Pit: (Turns to the Couple) And guys, I like you two meet Misako and Kyoko...(Takes a Bit of a Deep Breath) My girlfriends.
Ren/Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprised) (Girlfriends!?)
Misako: (Got Up from the Bench with Kyoko and Wave) 'Sup.
Kyoko: (Happily Waves at Ren and Makoto) Hello!~ (Turns to Ren) So you're really Pitto-Kins big brother?
Ren: (Tries His Hardest Not to Burst Out Laughing at the Nickname with a Straight Face) Adopted Big Brother. But we're still family nonetheless. (Puts out a Playful Smirk at the Trio) So I take it you two girls are responsible for sweeping Pitto-Kins here off his two feet of love, am I right?~
Kyoko: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ He's our precious edgy angel boi after all~
Makoto: (Already Intrigued) Oh really?~ (Begins to Smirk Playfully as Well) Well, if it's no problem, would you two mind telling us when and how the both of you met our "edgy angel boi" here?~
Dark Pit: (Glares and Silently Growls at Ren and Makoto, Hoping they Would Get the Message to Shut Up Already)
Misako: Well, if you must know, the three of us first met in Oct-
Kyoko: ('GASPS') MISAKO!!
Misako: (Turns to Kyoko) What?
Kyoko: It's already five minutes close to one!!
Misako: (Takes a Look at her Phone at Eyes Widened Once She Sees the Time on the Screen) Holy shit. You're right. (Turns to Rest of the Gang Behind Her) As much as we would love to stay and chat, we gotta get back home fast.
Kyoko: Young & The Restless is about to start at any minute! We can't be late!!
Dark Pit: (Rolled his Eyes) You guys still watch that low tier trash?
Kyoko: (Glares at Dark Pit Intense While Grabbing Him By the Collar) HEY! Don't you DARE insult that romantic masterpiece, mister!! YOU GOT THAT!?
Dark Pit: Okay! Okay! I won't insult it anymore! I promise!!
Kyoko: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Letting Go of Dark Pit's Collar and Smiles Brightly) I'm glad we have an understanding Pitto-Kins!~ (Kiss Dark Pit on the Cheeks Again)
Dark Pit: (Starts Blushing) Y-Yeah...No problem...
Misako: (Chuckles Lightly) Alright. We're about to head off. Be sure to text us when you get back home, 'kay?~
Dark Pit: Will do. Be safe out there.
Misako: You too, babe. (Kisses Dark Pit on the Lips Before Sprinting Away with Kyoko) See ya.
Kyoko: (Wave Goodbye to her Boyfriend While Sprinting) We Loooooove Youuuu!~
Dark Pit: (Waves Back at the Girls) Love you idiots too!~ (Turns to Ren and Makoto, Who Are Still Smirking at Him) ('Sigh') Alright. Get all your dumb questions out of your systems now....
Makoto: Pitto-san! Why didn't you tell us you got yourself two girlfriends?~
Ren: Let alone dating at all?~
Dark Pit: (Rolled his Eyes) I was planning on telling you guys about them sooner, but apparently the universe has other plans....
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) And it definitely shows.
Makoto: So how exactly did you three met?
Dark Pit: We met two in a half months ago. I was walking by, minding my own business, when the girls was getting rallied up by a bunch of jocks and preppy guys. So I decided to help them out.
Makoto: (Being Hopefully) By having a calm and nonviolence conversation among each other?
Dark Pit: By kicking all of their sorry asses to the group.
Makoto: Oh. Figure you would say something like that.....
Dark Pit: Yeah, well, they started first, sis. So afterwards, we decided to hangout, get to each other a lot more than I thought we would at the time and then eventually, we....(Starts Blushing a Little) Decided to start a three way relationship with one another.
Ren: That's sweet and all, but...How exactly did you ended dating two of them at the same time?
Dark Pit: Well, during our time together, they both told me that had feelings for me and want me to choose between the both of them. And honestly, that was pretty much the most hardest decision I've gotten myself into in my entire life.
Makoto: Seriously?
Dark Pit: Yep. I mean...On the one hand, you got Misako, who's tough, witty, can kick ass on her own, and is pretty cool to hangout with, despite her smartass remarks. And on the other hand, you got Kyoko, who's overall cuteness could literally rival that to Kirby's. I'm not even kidding on that statement. So, instead of choosing, I made up a third option and told them that I want to date the both of them. And....to my surprise, they.... actually agree to it. But not like....right away. It was after they confessed their feelings to one another first, since they're best friends since kindergarten and everything. And after all of that, we all became a couple.
Makoto: Awww~ That's actually really sweet, Pitto-san. We're glad it worked out for you three in the end.
Dark Pit: So.....Does this mean that you approved in our relationship?
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I mean, we have been since the moment you introduce us to them. (Chuckles Lightly) We could already tell that those two are perfect matches for you.
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly) And all it really matters to the both of us is that you three are happy with another. But, if you like, Ren-Ren and I could give you some pointers of being in a relationship.
Ren: You know, since we're a power couple and all.
Dark Pit: You mean like an old married couple?
Makoto: (Blushes Herself) S-Somthing like that.....
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Smiling a Little) Well, either way, I'm.... kinda thankful for you guys.
Ren: No thanks are necessary....(Smirks Starts Forming on his Face) Pitto-Kins.
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock Once He Heard that Nickname) What did you just call me?
Ren: Oh nothing. Just your nickname. What was it again?.....Ah. I know. Pitto-Kins.
Dark Pit: No...(Slowly Starts Glaring at Ren) No. No. Nono. No. No! We are NOT doing this right now, Ren!
Ren: Doing what? Giving you a taste of your own medicine? Need I remind you all of the times you called me "Ren-Ren"?
Dark Pit: What the hell are you.... EVERYONE CALLS YOU THAT!?
Ren: Yeah, but more or less, they have privileges to do so. You, on the other, kept calling me that out of spite.
Dark Pit: ('Groans im Annoyance') Whatever. All i know is that you, are NOT allow to call me that! Only Kyoko and sometimes Misako can do so!
Ren: You say that. But when I tell the whole gang about it at the mansion, you're gonna wish you kept it a secret sooner.
Dark Pit: (Got up Into Ren's Face) You wanna go right now, Joker Boy?
Ren: I like to see you try, you little Edgelord-
Makoto: That's enough! (Pulls her Boys Away from One Another) Both of you, no fighting on my watch, understand?
Ren/Dark Pit: (Points at One Another) But hr started it-
Makoto: (Immediately Gives the Duo the Cold, Old Fashion Niijima Glare) Boys.....
Ren/Dark Pit: (Sweating Bullets in Fear Before Sighing in Defeat) Yes, ma'am.... We're sorry.....
Makoto: (Smiles Brightly While Placing Both of her Around Ren and Dark Pit's Backs) Good. Now, how about we head back home already? I'm pretty sure everyone is wondering where we are right now.
Ren: (Shrugged) Fine by me. (Turns to Dark Pit) What do think, kid?
Dark Pit: (Shrugged) Eh. Let's go home already.
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