#innere Unruhe
hommella · 7 months
Und schon wieder sind die Tage da, in dene ich kontinuierlich Videos, Filme und Serien laufen lasse, damit ich nicht merke wie einsam ich bin.
- Hommella
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Ich will aus mir raus, ausbrechen aus diesen ganzen Gedanken, aus der Haut fahren, an die Decke gehen, irgendwas. Was macht man wenn man nicht mehr weiß wohin mit sich?
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schattendaemmerung · 1 year
Vielleicht entsteht innere Unruhe deshalb in unwohlen Lebenslagen, weil der Körper sich in einer Situation befindet wo die Seele nicht sein möchte?
- Schattendämmerung
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devilsskullblood · 1 year
Ich suche Ordnung in meinem Leben, stelle alles in der Wohnung auf dem Kopf.Alles muss seine Ordnung haben,und das in dem Augen liegende Chaos, macht einem mürbe und ruhelos. Es erscheint als eine unlösbare , unüberwindbare Aufgabe. Und der klägliche Versuch, und kein Ziel zusehen, macht Müde und Kaputt.Ich fange immer wieder damit an, um die beste Option für meinen inneren Dämonen zu finden.Aber ich glaube ich werde es nie vollständig schaffen.
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kxputteseele · 1 year
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Wann nimmt das endlich ein Ende?
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beziehungstypen · 5 months
Dating mit bipolarer Störung: Ein Leitfaden für Achtsamkeit und Verständnis
In diesem Beitrag erkunden wir, wie man erfolgreich und achtsam im Dating mit bipolarer Störung sein kann und welche Faktoren zu berücksichtigen sind.
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reisenbleiben · 2 months
Ich möchte einmal wieder durchschlafen. Ich möchte eine Nacht ohne diese Alpträume. Ich möchte eine Nacht ohne dieses Gedanken Karussell.
Einmal einen Tag ohne diesen Druck in mir drin. Ohne dieses zerdenken von jeder Kleinigkeit. Ohne diese innere Unruhe. Ohne diese Panik in jedem Moment das alles irgendwann nichtmehr verbergen zu können.
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crimson-kisses · 5 months
Oh my god, I need more yandere ludwig. Your work is amazing! Keep up the good work, but don't forget about yourself!!🖤 May I ask what would Germany's behavior be like if the reader were pregnant? Or if their daughter? (son?) already born? It seems to me that nothing will help the poor reader in this case, I see him twice as protective and controlling than he already is. And if we add the fact of the presence of the "Great Uncle Gilbert" ... Just good luck to the nerve cells and the psyche of the reader :')
(sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language ><)
Omg thank you so much! I am so glad people have been loving my works, the characterization is kinda wobbly in my opinion but still. I really do appreciate the compliments! Your English is quite good doll, don’t worry ;3 love the ask though, the drama would surely be intense. 🐝✨
Warnings; anything traumatic related to pregnancy. non-con. proceed with caution.
Innere Unruhe
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It wasn't necessarily the first thought you had in mind, obviously. You remembered your stomach doing backflips as you wobbled around the kitchen, a rather common occurrence after Ludwig had been significantly rough with you while you were cooking dinner.
His hands pulled up your dress, his fingers tracing your skin as they teasingly played with the hem of your underwear. His other hand snaked across your waist, pressing your back against him as his lips gently kissed your neck. The scent of his cologne overwhelmed you, and you could feel the tension from his workplace leaving his body.
It wasn't the first time, but you still weren't accustomed to it. You wished you were. Sometimes when you wanted him, it was bearable, hopelessly addicting even.
Slowly his fingers begin playing with your silky folds. Never mind you cooking dinner, his hands now pulling at your dress, the apron, your hair messily falling over your back, not caring much about the food Ludwig turns the stove off and seems hell bent on making your thighs shiver from just his fingers.
As you gracefully collapse onto him, he gently lets you slide to the floor while casually starting to wash his hands. You assume dinner comes first, and then it's likely time for the bedroom, where he will carry you off to.
Throwing up half of your dinner was not in your plans though.
Honestly, all you felt was slight discomfort for the past few weeks and you had assumed that was your new normal considering the lifestyle you had with Ludwig. Both of you were active in the bedroom, and even though it was horrible to admit, your lover made damn sure you had reached your climax to the point of blacking out.
It was after when Ludwig had been cuddling with you, seemingly in a sleepy mood today when you might have started breathing heavily alerting the man behind you, it was disgusting and you might have cried out of frustration as gentle but strong hands carried you to the washroom and in a short time, freshly cleaned up, the moment your head landed on the pillow, you were out.
And then you began noticing the symptoms, a woman’s body is bound to act up in a complicated manner during stress, right? So the absence of your period? Must be the stress. The throbbing pain? Well, Ludwig could get very rough at times. Throwing up? Maybe your stomach wasn’t digesting food properly. Sore breasts? Again, rough sex. Excuses after excuses. And with what you were going through, this was simply accepted as your new normal.
Ludwig had begun to take care of you, making sure you were fed and hydrated well, stressing over your health which seemed to take a drastic turn all of a sudden. It was probably just a fever. Perhaps he had been too harsh on you? Nonetheless, he encouraged you to take rest and did everything in the home and looked after you. To you, he was being somewhat dramatic.
But again, you had a feeling in your gut that this was something more than a cold. A woman’s body had it’s magical ways of making such things known. In the form of pain.
Of course, you had lost your balance and went tumbling down the flight of stairs, vision blurry and a strong sense of nausea enveloping your body in its strong grip. You tried breathing heavily, trying to calm yourself down but it hurt. Hurt so bad. And Ludwig had gone to a meeting just a while ago.
“Oi Ludwig, are you— Holy Mother—",
Gilbert. Oh how you despised that man, but how did he get in?, the concerning thought flew out of the window as you felt cold hands land on your forehead, caressing your throbbing head, almost as if he was investigating a wounded animal. Which you supposed was a perfect description.
After that, all you remembered was being placed on a couch, and voices whispering in rapid German. Did he call his brother? Obviously. Maybe he had called him to take care of you since you were unable to so yourself. God, that felt pathetic, so so pathetic.
Ludwig stared at your distressed form with a grimace set on his lips, thank god his brother had arrived in time, but that didn’t necessarily explain what was going on with you. If anything, he was getting more and more concerned about your well being. He wasn’t going to take you to a hospital, the thought of that made him feel disgusted, he was not going to let them touch you.
Instead, he thought of calling for Emma first thing tomorrow. He had given her his workload for today, she might be able to help or advice just what was going on with you,
He had helped you reach the bedroom, letting you lay down and decided to leave you alone at the moment, maybe some good rest oughta make you feel better, and some time alone from him. Was he stressing you out? Was he the reason for this? Sighing in frustration, he felt so annoyed and upset at himself.
It was after a moment of silence when you opened your eyes, the house was dark with only a few lights on, alerting you until you remembered what had happened. Ugh, your belly hurt so much. Trying to lift yourself up, you tried to bear the ache on your waist, at least your vision was clear now with no sign of blacking out any time soon.
Slowly but steadily, you made your way to the washroom, easily pulling off your silky dress and tossing it on the floor. Your hands immediately rested on the floor lengthen mirror and that’s when you truly saw your reflection.
Messy hair, it had been brushed by Ludwig just before so it wasn’t a tangled mess but nonetheless still messy. Your skin was sickly pale with dark circles and dry as your lips, your body seemed to be growing chubbier these days, your breasts hurt and your—
Narrowing your eyes, you slowly turned to the side, eyeing your stomach more carefully. Touching the flesh with tender fingertips as if something inside you was telling you to be gentle. As if something was there, your body seemed to be telling you that, your belly had gotten somewhat bigger and the area throbbed in pain at times.
For some reason, you couldn’t breathe.
Thankfully your legs found the toilet seat and you fell right on top of it. Breathing more heavily, you clutched your thighs and tried to clear down your thoughts.
It couldn’t be.
Nations could not get pregnant nor could they make anyone else pregnant. That was explained to you by your agency when you were ordered to spy on the personification of Germany. It was further confirmed by Ludwig. But again, he was a young nation himself, maybe there’s been a mistake. Maybe it was because he had forced you to consume a part of him and become a semi-immortal?
A raspy gasp escaped your throats as you hyper focused on breathing. Just breathe, just breathe.
You know what you had to do.
“Are you doing alright?”, Ludwig asked you as he pulled the blanket over him, his voice laced with genuine concern and a hint of guilt in his eyes. He didn’t bother to pull your body close to him this time.
“It’s fine really”, you lied, obviously. There was a slight tremble in your voice which made Ludwig furrow his brows a bit. Nonetheless, he gave a firm nod and opened his laptop and starting wearing his headphones.
After a while had passed, you slowly pulled yourself closer to him and curled your hands around his arm, nuzzling you cheek against his muscle and sighing tiredly. Stifling a smile of victory as you felt his movements stop.
You heard a sigh and felt his fingers touch your scalp, soothing your roots and soon enough his body was cuddling against yours.
“Feeling well?”, he asked in a whisper and you nodded slightly. Honestly you had done this before to get what you want and you weren’t exactly sure whether Ludwig already knew your intentions or he was just glad to have such soft romantic moments.
“It was just my period acting up”, you mumbled with a fake whimper following soon enough, voice feeble and quite. “I might need to order some supplies, please?”
Fluttering your eyelashes, you gave him a meek expression and you tried hard not to smile or have your heartbeat give away to your plans. You saw him contemplating until you saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. He must have been so tired, poor thing,
“Whatever you want”.
He continues watching his show as you scrolled through his phone, putting several items in the bucket list as well as some supplies which you would experiment with later, not that he would know. Ludwig was kind of a simp really.
Finalizing you order, you gave his phone back to him and continues to muzzle with his arm until you fell asleep.
The delivery came quickly enough, you had to contain yourself from showing growing dread and absolute tension in front of Ludwig the whole day, especially when you carried the delivered boxes towards your bedroom as Ludwig helped you and then left you alone to go to his office.
Quickly you grabbed onto a loose dress, some pregnancy tests, a pad and headed to the washroom. Your hands were shaking terribly but you had done it.
You stared at the floor in a newfound terror, as each and single one of the tests showed positive. Each single one. positive. The marks were all you could see as your heart plummeted. Pregnant.
You were with a child. A baby was growing in your stomach which was supposed to be impossible. And it honestly felt as if it was growing faster than a normal child would. Because you could literally feel your body changing at times. It could be, considering the fact this was a nation’s child. Germany’s child. If Ludwig came to know?
You had to escape. Fast.
Knock. Knock.
“Everything alright?”,
Shit. Your head whipped around to stare at the doorknob turning and quickly hid the supplies you brought to the washroom. The used tests were stashed in the pad’s packet and you put on a pad just for the act.
“Do you need help?”, his voice sounded worried and you internally cursed, oh you have helped a lot Ludwig. Fucking thanks.
“Coming! Just making sure it wouldn’t leak!”, you heard a slight cough and rolled your eyes at the man who was probably blushing on the other side of the door.
Seriously what did he expect you were doing? As much as he was sharp, he could be a dimwit. Stupid meathead. God, the anger towards him was growing day by day, especially at your predicament.
“Sorry, I was just concerned Schatz, take your time”.
This was bad. Ludwig was already so strung up about you even though you had tried so hard to show him that you were alright, you had to subdue his worries fast or else escaping with your child would be hard to do so. No wonder, your health would plummet sooner or later and your chances would plummet as well.
You knew he would be waiting just outside for you, so washing yourself properly, putting on a relaxed expression you decided to put on an act.
“Finally, everything good?”, Ludwig asked after an exasperated sigh, pissing you off slightly but you managed to subdue the anger. He grasped your hands and stared at your face, pulling your body closer to his as he took in your scent.
“Of course. My health’s gotten a lot better, you really don’t have to worry so much. I am doing well Ludwig, trust me?”,
There was hitch in his breath as you asked the last question, and in your too. Trust. It was about trust at the end wasn’t it?
You betrayed him the moment you stepped into Germany as a spy, his trust afterwards when you attacked with a gun, knife or a frying pan, trying to escape him over and over again. He couldn’t trust you that easily, that’s been few years ago and yet sometimes you can feel his eyes scrutinize you.
"I made dinner", was the only thing he replied with, holding your hand and leading you downstairs, uncertainty began to bubble up under your skin and it didn’t go away for the rest of the day.
Emma had said that nothing was wrong with you, only a fever which humans had once in a while which subdued Ludwig's and your worries, you supposed she wouldn’t even think of pregnancy being possible. Ludwig only ate in silence as the television played an action movie, your eyes following the scenes.
It was a new show which you saw Ludwig watching, sensing your interest he decided to connect it to the tv. At first, you avoided it like the plague but being bored enough, you decided to give it a try. Which was a common occurrence these days, whether it was something you liked or he liked, it ended up being shared or brought up quite frequently.
Strangely domestic. It unnerved you at times.
"I was thinking",
Your eyes met his, and you suddenly realized that he had been staring at you all along. You noticed him glance at your hands, causing you to quickly unclench them. Was your anxiety that apparent? Damn.
"I checked your bucket list", he did?
Narrowing his gaze, your heart skipped a beat as he gently held your hand. Which he had broken quite a few times while interrogating you. He took in a deep breath and placed a chaste kiss on your hand and eventually your cheek causing you to flinch, which he noticed keenly.
He stared at you with an empty expression for a while, while you did your best to avoid making eye contact. Your senses became more alert, and you could sense him gradually moving closer to you on the couch. He balanced his plate on his thigh while holding your hand, and his breath gently brushed against your neck as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
You attempted to control your breathing while hyper focusing on the movie. However, the weight on your shoulder provoked your resistance as his hand gradually encircled your back, pulling you closer to him.
"Ludwig, what are you doing?" you asked firmly, but it didn't seem to faze him at all, which only heightened your concerns. This was what worried you at times. While you could usually dissuade him easily, there were moments like this when he didn't play into your hands so easily. This was the man who had hunted you down and single-handedly defeated the rest of your team with his intelligence and strength alone.
"Emma pulled me aside after your test," he said slowly, causing your thighs to clench together. "She concluded me that all the symptoms you displayed were indicative of…" He trailed off and you attempted to push him away, but was forcefully pulled back towards him, his fingers digging into your waist.
He turned off the tv.
You tried to speak up but Ludwig shushed you as his palm was placed on your mouth, "I know you're not on your period," he whispered into your ear, causing your eyes to widen. Your chest rose and fell as you began to breathe heavily, and your thighs trembled as Ludwig nuzzled your neck, planting firm kisses.
He kissed you gently, yet possessively, his warm breath causing you to shiver as you struggled to contain your tangled emotions, trying not to struggle too much. Why did he start doing this all of a sudden? You believed you had finally caught him, but it appeared as though he willingly fell into your trap, as if it was his only opportunity to earn your affection.
"I don't know what your deal is, but don't keep playing the same game that you failed in repeatedly. I'm not begging you like I did last time," he whispered harshly.
"It’s a warning".
He let go of you, placing the plate harshly on the table and stood up. Hastily wiping his hands on a napkin, thinking quickly you clutched onto his thigh, "Ludwig— I was only worried I swear—“, you started, but he only clicked his teeth.
"And? You didn't even try to consult me?" He only gave you a glare, effectively ending the conversation as he left, leaving you in a state of meltdown on the couch.
"Forget it, you can’t get pregnant", he hissed sharply before storming out of the room. You wondered if he was disappointed by that fact or simply fed up with your constant schemes of escaping his grasps.
You had to escape tonight. Though could you even? It wouldn’t be the first time, but that was the issue. Ludwig was constantly on the lookout for any signs of disobedience from you, a man doesn’t suddenly lose his intelligence and brain after fucking a woman, for a while perhaps. But Ludwig despite being hopelessly in love, wasn’t going to play into your games again. Especially if he would end up finding out that you can be pregnant.
You take in a shaking breath, composing yourself and putting your act together as you head towards the bathroom. Throwing away your pad with a dissatisfied grumble, frustrated tears clinging to your lashes. You wipe them away hardly with your hands, exiting the washroom only to crash onto Ludwig, who catches you firmly, both of his hands on your waist.
“what’s wrong— shit—“, he wipes your tears and holds your face tenderly, you wondered if he thought that you were upset by what he said. He stared at you for a while before he hugged you, making you feel conflicted.
You didn’t think you could escape. This would be what? The nineteenth time? Or twenty-two? You didn’t quite remember, every time you were dragged back and punished, whether it was making you beg or cry, in the end Ludwig always made damn sure that you would be his. Even if sometimes you had disappeared for months at a time.
You had escaped to Southern Asia, Central Africa, South America and each time, he found you and brought you back. Nothing helped, your connections and underground friends were all gone and useless because Ludwig made sure that Gilbert disposed off them entirely.
All the drowsiness and sickness seemed to engulf at once as your knees gave out, Ludwig swiftly caught you by your waist, your legs wrapped around him as he layer you down on your bed. His eyes stared at you apprehensively as he towered over you.
You hunched up your dress, sniffling and gazing at the ceiling above. What were you attempting to plan, anyway? You were in a hopeless situation. How could you forget that you had been with Ludwig for years? Years of running away and getting caught again. Even if you managed to escape, you would still be searching and longing for someone to love you as deeply as him. This realization shattered you, made you angry, but ultimately… all you did was take a moment to catch your breath.
"I can’t—", you began but he silenced you, traces of the previous argument evident in his tensed muscles. His jaw was clenched tightly as he stared at your flushed form.
"Trust me?", Ludwig whispered softly, hunching over you as you looked at him with fresh tears falling off your eyes. Understanding what he meant as he traced your thighs, moving your dress to expose your skin, you hastily gripped his naked shoulders, broad frame overtaking your vision.
Soon enough, he began venting all his frustrations onto you. Your thighs were on his shoulders as he relentlessly thrust into you, biting your shoulder and breasts, planting harsh kisses on your skin. His hot breath and deep murmurs sent shivers down your spine, and loud, explicit moans escaped your lips as your eyes rolled back. It was a steaming delirious pleasure coiling around and drowning you.
Once again, the bed trembled from the intensity of Ludwig's thrusts, as he pounded into you with an animalistic force, leaving bruises on your thighs, waist, and back. It seemed like Ludwig was determined to make a point, although you couldn't quite understand what it was.
He fondled your breasts in a gentle manner when he was done filling you with his load over and over again, your body shook from the force it went through. Painful pleasure made you throb, both of your fluids, tears and sweat drenching your figure. Ludwig panted heavily, his muscles flexing in all its glory as you grasped his shoulders and moaned pathetically.
Giving a toothy kiss to your breast, he murmured hotly near your ear.
"You are going to be a great mother".
Your heart plummeted.
Ahem, so what happens now? (I was getting way off topic)
Ludwig would eventually find out about your pregnancy one way or another, whether by some indication or snooping around your damn business. And when he does, he is going to have a breakdown at first. Firstly, because such a thing should not be possible, but lo and behold. The power of a woman knows no boundaries.
However, he would also be ill-equipped to raise a child. Ludwig lacks emotional depth and has little experience with children , he would be uncertain about his ability to care for a child. after having a deep conversation with his family and friends, he would take it as his responsibility since he was the one who put that child into you. And in the end, that was his baby too.
After collecting himself, Ludwig would actually be quite elated. His wife was pregnant, and deep down, he had always fantasized about and desired to have a wife and a child whom he could care for, just as his siblings had cared for him. To have some sort of normalcy and an escape. Soon enough, after throughly researching and studying, he would feel confident enough in himself to shoulder on the responsibilities. Also with you beside him would make him feel more secure.
"Ludwig, it’s not that much of a big deal!", you yelped as Ludwig carried you upstairs, near your newly furnished bedroom where he placed a tv and everything else you might need. Last thing he wanted was for you to move around carelessly and needlessly, unless it was for exercise and hygiene. Gilbert trailed behind him with a grin on his face, apparently he was your especially appointed bodyguard with Emma and Lily as your maids. This was ridiculous.
He would be extremely protective, constantly hovering over you and ensuring your well-being. He would prioritize your comfort and relaxation, carefully managing your eating and sleeping schedule. He would exert control over every aspect of your life to ensure everything goes smoothly. He is afraid of losing you, and his overbearing nature might eventually lead Gilbert to intervene and set him straight. because he would be stressing you out too.
Gilbert would thwart any of your attempts and antics immediately. It was fun back in the days, but now with you being very vulnerable with his brother's child, he would be very firm and protective over you as well. Watching you like an eagle.
Ludwig already has the entire nursery planned and baby proofed, with your input here and there, including everything else a child needs. This man is brainstorming every possibility. He has everything prepared and protected. The medical team is one of the best in Germany, and you have top security from the government themselves after Ludwig requested so.
Considering the fact that your predicament is basically a miracle, it might bring about some curious nations and Ludwig is not going to let that slide. This man is just itching for someone to mess up.
I feel like he would want a boy. He’s not sexist ofc! it’s just that he would personally love to have a son to take care of and raise him properly with discipline that Gilbert inflicted on him but also the affection he needed too. Eventually, it wouldn’t matter. It’s just a preference if he was asked about it.
He wants four btw, two boys and two girls. Ludwig would be embarrassed to admit this, but you will definitely end up with four kids if he can’t help it. He can, he chooses not to.
Eventually, you have twins - a boy who is slightly older than the girl. Ludwig, upon holding their tiny bodies, almost dies. He may have cried, but in that moment, he couldn't care less.
As a Nation, Ludwig's genes would end up overtaking yours, meaning the children would mostly look him with some of your features. Ludwig ofc notices this and makes sure that you don’t end up having a breakdown because of him over the children.
He knows, you might end up having depression and stress, which is why he would be present at home often. Gilbert would also be visiting often with his darling, taking care of the children and ensuring that you don’t lose your mind and hurt the kids. I feel as if Ludwig would be okay with Lily and Emma visiting as well, his children need to socialize.
As they grow up faster, being the children of a nation, I believe that his son would resemble Ludwig right away, with his shiny blond hair, eyes a striking blue, the only in resemblance being your eye shape and eyebrows. Unfortunately, his possessive attitude towards you also starts to develop. Being the oldest son, he feels responsible for taking care of you, which leads to daily arguments between the two of you and Ludwig. He wouldn’t dare argue with his uncle tho.
The girl, on the other hand, sort of resembles you in personality. She has the same confidence as Gilbert and is passionate in everything she does. However, she also possesses an unwavering honesty. She is obsessed with gaining your and Ludwig's approval and desires for both of you to always be together. She is very affectionate and sweet, but also quite anxious, much like you. The only thing that resembles you are her eyes.
You could say that, Ludwig raises them to be equally responsible and have proper sense of duties. But he is softer on his girls, Gilbert is not tho, but he isn’t as harsh on them as he is with the boys. Which is probably why their yandere tendencies are much more apparent— in the end, you suppose it’s a cycle. Little did you know, your girls were taking after you— only that they were yandere too.
Ludwig would end up spoiling them, but at the same time he would be very strict. Mostly because his oldest son gives him very doubtful vibes, his daughter seems to rather dainty, his other son is a nervous wreck, his youngest daughter is a shy bean. But in the end, they aren’t really that innocent. And he knows. You hope they turn out normal though (they don’t.)
He would be enrolling them in the best educational institutions, they will be known as the rich cool kids in school, extremely smart and intelligent. With a confusing aura unnerving but also attracting many people, in the end they end up twisted as Ludwig, when their weight of immortality and power catches up to them.
They would also be very protective over you but you can easily deter them to have some sort of privacy and control. In the end, Ludwig expects them to respect and listen to their mother, and the kids wouldn’t cross any strict boundaries.
Also, Ludwig would be the one making sure you get a proper bath, his hands gentle and soft as he slowly cleans you, while also making sure you were comfortable. This man can’t keep his hands of your pregnant body, whether it’s for a massage or physical affection he can never get enough of.
He will also make sure to pleasure you, especially when your feeling particularly needy or cravings, he will be there between your legs, softly sucking any area he can find. He would especially be fondling your breasts and yes, he would develop a lactation kink. And a breeding kink, honestly this man is kinky af when it comes to his woman.
As much as he would be suffocating, he is also very gentle because he would so nervous that he might end up fucking this up like everything else in his life and he simply cannot have that. He can’t mess this up too.
Constantly asks his brother for advice on how to take care of the kids, and maybe his boss would end up babysitting them or something when he takes them to work lol. You will actually get a lot of help for taking care of the child. Especially if you would be easily tired and vulnerable, you won’t have to worry about a thing.
Although Ludwig would still be very protective with the kids, they would grow up quite quickly and stronger too, which will tone him down. But he would be strict with what they do and how they do it. He would still be possessive over you and paranoid that since his attention won’t be fully on you, you would try to leave him again. So he trusts the kids to take care of that. And they do so.
Things are alright, you could say, obviously not the kind of life you had in mind back in the days. With having strong immortal kids and a husband, but is what it is. Gilbert would tease the shit out of you and sometimes belittle if you act up too much. Ludwig wouldn’t suddenly loose his teeth when it comes down to your or his kids' disobedience.
Things are relatively tame, aside from few arguments, disagreements, tension brewing between nations. You would be rather stable as time goes on, Ludwig would be tamer as well if you behave and stop trying to stir shit up. It’s all good.
That is until….
The winter breeze rushes in as the front door is forcefully opened and then locked. You set your book down on the table next to your armchair as you stand up, the blanket wrapped around you falling carelessly to the ground. You don't care; your eyes are fixed on your eldest son.
"Leonard, what is this?" you cautiously ask him, your breath catching in your throat as you take in the scene. Your senses are overwhelmed by a strong smell of copper, quickly rendering you motionless.
It reminded of you when his twin came in, announcing her utterly obsessive devotion to her boyfriend, who avoided Ludwig's eyes at all cost.
However, she was relatively tame in comparison to this.
Your son, towering over you, almost his father’s height, stood with a manic grin on his face. His dark blond hair messy, eyes glinting with joy but his face— …… they were stained with blood. But that was nothing alarmingly shocking.
It was the poor, shivering girl bundled up tightly in his arms, she was also covered in dark blood, which stained her face and clothes. Sniffling, she attempted to hide her face.
You saw Leonard's eyes roll and frown at her feeble attempt, he brought her closer to give a kiss on her forehead, not minding her flinching away as if it burned. His eyes, lighter than his father's, clashed with yours. A smug look comes on his face along with his familiar grin.
Is he taunting you? Challenging your authority? Or is it a warning?
You wonder if Ludwig knows, or ever wondered that his son committed a bloodbath—
"Fühlt sich vertraut an, Mutter?"
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Scully and Matters of the Heart: S1-4
Scully's thoughts on love and relationships.
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We dated for almost a year.... But it was always hard for Jack to relax, it was impossible for him, really. He was always so intense, so relentlessly determined.
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Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anyone else but you.
One Breath
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Mulder? I had the strength of your beliefs.
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Where's home?
["Anywhere but here."]
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Fearful Symmetry
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["Whatever... connection he and I had was over long ago."]
But you asked him, anyway. To help you.
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The List
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Woman gets lonely. Sometimes she can't wait around for a man to get reincarnated.
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You're more than a monster: you didn't just feed on their bodies, you fed on their minds.
War of the Coprophages
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Her name is Bambi? ...Her name is Bambi?
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["Must be Detective White."]
If that's the reason we're sticking around, that's your business.
Jose Chung's From Outer Space
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["...For, although Diana Leski is noble of spirit and pure at heart, she remains, nevertheless, a federal employee."]
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["He lives under this misguided notion that silence is strength. He's built a wall to keep everyone out."]
Including you?
["Especially me."]
Is that why you were separated?
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["I can tell you don't have no children. Maybe one day you'll learn the pride... the love."]
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Why did your sister kill herself, Gerry? What did your father do to her?
The Field Where I Died
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["Dana, if um... early in the four years we've been working together, an event occurred that suggested or if somebody told you that we'd been friends together... in other lifetimes, always... would it have changed the ways we looked at one another?"]
Even if I knew for certain, I wouldn't change a day.
Paper Hearts
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["You do this full-time-- telling people this kind of news?"]
No, sir, not full-time.
El Mundo Gira
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He didn't kill her, Mulder.... Mulder, I know you don't want to hear this, but I think the aliens in this story are not the villains but the victims.
Never Again
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This circle: it usually starts when an authoritative or controlling figure comes into my life; and part of me likes it-- needs it, wants the approval-- but then at a certain point along the way I just... y'know.
Memento Mori
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For the first time, I feel time like a heartbeat: the seconds pumping in my breast like a reckoning. The numinous mysteries that once seemed so distant and unreal threatening clarity in the presence of a truth entertained not in youth but only in its passage. I feel these words as if their meaning were weight being lifted from me, knowing that you will read them and share my burden as I have come to trust no other. That you should know my heart-- look into it, finding there the memory and experience that belong to you, that are you-- is a comfort to me now as I feel the tethers loose....
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And through all this he hid the ring?
["Even after the war, he hid it. Even from my mother."]
["Because to him it was a dead relic from a forgotten place. Until the day I told him I was getting married; and for the first time in fifty years, he took out this ring. He said he felt his village was being born again. He knew how much I loved Isaac."]
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Mulder, what she has is a simple... hemorrhage brought on by her emotional state.
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["Can I buy you a drink?"]
No, it's okay-- I'm with somebody.
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Lisa, if you're leaving anything out-- if you're hedging the truth, you could be held accountable if Jason committed a crime.
Small Potatoes
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No, I'm seeing a whole new side of you, Mulder.
["Is that a good thing?"]
I like it.
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I mean, maybe in some drug-addled way she was trying to kill happiness-- Harold's happiness. His love for those women. Trying to destroy something she never thought she'd have again.
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["Why shoot herself and her husband?"]
I can't say definitively; but judging from an almost identical suicide... I believe that the victims were suffering....
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Hey, look, just because I haven't bared my soul to you or to Father McCue or to God doesn't mean I'm not responsible to what's important to me.
["To what? To who? This guy Mulder?"]
Thank you for reading~ Enjoy!
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hommella · 1 year
Man muss zwischen „Disziplin“ und „sich selbst bestrafen“ unterscheiden. Nach Außen hin kann man oft kaum ein Unterschied erkennen, es findet im Inneren statt.
- Hommella
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strictpunishedhubby · 6 months
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Du bestimmst über Deine Frau und bist ihr gegenüber streng? Du versohlst ihren Po, wenn sie Dir nicht gehorcht? Glaube nicht jeder Ehe verläuft so, indem der Mann das Oberhaupt der Familie ist und die Regeln bestimmt. Unsere Ehe verläuft genau umgekehrt! Und so wie im Berufsleben immer häufiger Frauen das Sagen haben und das Kommando führen, so ist diese Entwicklung in mehr und mehr Ehen zu sehen, so oder ähnlich wie auch in unserer Ehe, indem meine Frau mich dominiert und erzieht. Meine Frau hat diesbezüglich eine gesellschaftliche Vorreiterrolle übernommen. Ich bin derjenige der ihr zu gehorchen und nahezu sämtliche Haushaltsaufgaben zu übernehmen hat. Sie ist davon überzeugt, ein Ehemann hat seiner Frau bedingungslos zu gehorchen. Bei jeder Unfolgsamkeit, Widerspruch, schlampige Arbeiten, Zuspätkommen oder Verstoß einer der von seiner Frau aufgestellten Regeln hat sie das Recht, seinen Po heftig zu versohlen. Sie ist der festen Überzeugung, um einen Ehemann vollständig unter Kontrolle zu halten und ehetauglich zu formen, bedarf es meistens weitere zusätzliche Strafen. Dazu gehören für ihn frühe Bettzeiten, Haus- und Stubenarrest, genaue Vorschriften was er zu tun oder unterlassen zu habe, Kleidervorschriften, vornehmlich das Tragen von Mädchen- und Damenunterwäsche, inklusiv seiner Nachtwäsche. Sie führt, erzieht und behandelt ihn wie einen kleinen, ungehobelten Rotzlöffel, als ihr Ehemann zusätzlich mit körperlichen Bestrafungen. Ihre Auffassung wie Frauen ihre Männer zu führen haben, setzt sie mir gegenüber mit Nachdruck und Konsequenz um. So befiehlt sie mir vor meinen Züchtigungen meine Hose herunterzuziehen, oder zieht sie mir manchmal wie bei einem kleinen Kind eigenhändig langsam herunter. Dann stehe ich beschämt, sorgevoll und ängstlich vor ihr, untenherum nur angezogen mit meinen Mädchenschlüpfer, manchmal auch zusätzlich mit meinem Windelhöschen, das ich oft auch tagsüber anziehen muss. Wenn ich so wie ein ungezogener, kleiner Junge mit weichen Knien vor ihr stehe, muss ich ihr die Gründe für meine vorstehende Züchtigung ausgiebig gestehen und ihr vortragen. Verfehlt es doch die erzieherische Wirkung bei mir nicht, wenn ich tief beschämt, stotternd und schluchzend meine Verfehlungen ausführe. Meine Frau steht mit strengem, drohendem Blick vor mir, sie stellt mir Zwischenfragen, die ich ihr wahrheitsgemäß, einsichtsvoll und detailliert beantworten muss. Sie lässt sich viel Zeit bei diesen Verhören, die bis zu einer halben Stunde dauern, während sie mich einschüchtert, und meine innere Unruhe und meine Gewissensbisse zunehmen. Anschließend muss ich meine Mädchenschlüpfer bis zu meinen Knien herunterziehen, um meinen Po zwecks Züchtigung freizulegen.  
Wenn sie meinen nackten Po versohlt benutzt sie neben dem Kochlöffel auch einen Rohrstock, oft einen Teppichklopfer, einen Gürtel, oder andere Utensilien aus dem Haushalt wie Haarbürste oder hölzernen Kleiderbügel. Ich werde von ihr ausgeschimpft, gezüchtigt, bekomme strikte Anweisungen die ich genaustens auszuführen habe, häufig danach frühe Bettzeiten, Stubenarrest und viele Vorschriften. Obwohl ich mich bemühe wie ein artiges, unmündiges Kind meiner Frau zu gefallen, so passieren mir immer wieder Unzulänglichkeiten, für die ich im Sinne meiner Frau weiterhin streng bestraft werde.
Ein dominanter Mann wird es niemals akzeptieren, sich von seiner Frau bevormunden zu lassen, geschweige denn ihr zu gehorchen. Aber ich bin ein devoter Mann. Zu Hause bin ich ausschließlich unter Frauen aufgewachsen und wurde von ihnen streng erzogen. Sämtliche abgelegte Wäsche meiner älteren Schwester musste ich auftragen, sie sei für so ein ungezogener Frechdachs gut genug. Noch mit 21 Jahren wurde ich streng kontrolliert und bekam häufig noch immer den Rohrstock auf meinen nackten Hintern zu spüren, ich musste spätestens um 20 Uhr im Bett liegen. Ich wurde ständig streng kontrolliert und bekam meinen Tagesablauf genau vorgeschrieben. Je älter ich wurde, je mehr Aufgaben wurden mir übertragen, indem ich nicht nur die meisten Haushaltsaufgaben wie putzen, Betten machen, spülen, waschen bügeln etc. übernehmen musste, sondern ich stand oft mit versohltem Po und heruntergezogenem Höschen weinend und ausgeschimpft in der Ecke, wenn ich nicht spurte oder meine Mama etwas an mir oder meinen Tätigkeiten auszusetzen hatte. Ich wusste zwar, andere Jungen in meinem Alter wurde in keiner Weise so wie ich behandelt und erzogen, aber mir wurde ständig einsuggeriert, ich sei ein frecher, unselbstständiger kleiner Lümmel, dem man nur mit Bevormundung und entsprechende Bestrafungen beikomme, der ständig zurechtgewiesen werden müsse. So war ich selber davon überzeugt, die Strafen die ich ständig erhielt, seinen gerechtfertigt und angemessen. In den seltenen Fällen in denen ich kleinlaut und schluchzend darum bat mir eine Strafe zu erlassen oder wenigstens zu reduzieren, fiel diese anschließend immer wesentlich schlimmer als gewohnt aus.
Liegt es an meiner Erziehung, Veranlagung oder geschieht es aus der gewohnten Erziehung und Erfahrung als Kind und Jugendlicher zu Hause, ich liebe meine Frau und akzeptiere voll und ganz, so wie sie mich weiterhin erzieht, so wie ich es schon immer gekannt habe. Ich bin wohl in meinem Inneren der kleine Junge von damals geblieben, der die strenge Führung seiner Frau nicht nur wünscht, sondern auch von ihr erwartet. Ich bin sogar froh darüber, meine Frau liebt die strenge, mütterliche Rolle die sie über mich ausübt, da sie von ihrem Naturell aus dominant, selbstbewusst, streng, ordnungsliebend und zuverlässig ist. Ja auch aus diesem Grund liebe ich meine Frau und Erzieherin umso mehr, so wie ich auch meine Mama trotz oder wegen ihrer Strenge geliebt habe. Und in diesem Sinne ergänzen wir uns, denn ich gebe zu, angesichts meines oft disziplinloses, liederlichen, faulen und respektlosen Verhalten ist es mehr als angebracht, und deshalb erforderlich, dass sie mich führt und für schäbiges, faules und unfolgsames Betragen bestraft, weil ich mich oft unvernünftig und noch immer wie ein kleines verzogenes Kind benehme.
Wer führen will, braucht auch immer zumindest eine zu führende Person. Es besteht kein Grund warum die führende Person auch in der Ehe nicht die Frau sein soll. In der Politik, Wirtschaft und den Wissenschaften sind zunehmend Frauen in Führungspositionen. An Universitäten sind mittlerweile Frauen in der Mehrzahl. In Ehen haben wohl mehr Frauen das Sagen als allgemein angenommen, mache Männer merken es sogar nicht einmal, dass sie von ihrer Frau geführt werden und die Entscheidungen treffen. Wenn auch nicht jede dieser Ehefrauen ihre Männer körperlichen bestrafen, so kommt es doch häufiger als die Statistik es aussagt vor, weil Männer das auch aus Scham nicht zur Anzeige bringen und auch nicht wollen. Auch weil Männer das so wie ich akzeptieren und eine Bestrafung für Fehlverhalten erwarten. Meine Frau bestimmte schon vor unserer Ehe was ich durfte oder nicht, sie hat mich auch vor unserer Verlobung oft körperlich gemaßregelt, was ich als gerechtfertigt empfand, ganz einfach, weil ich nur eine Frau lieben kann, zu der ich aufschauen kann, mich führt und mich bestraft, wenn sie es als gerechtfertigt ansieht. Eine Frau die durch Strenge, Konsequenz mir dabei hilft und von mir verlangt, gehorsam, artig und fleißig zu sein, die mich anleitet, antreibt und die dazu notwendige Durchsetzungskraft besitzt. 
Wir beide führen eine zufriedene und beständige Ehe, in der sie bestimmt und mich erzieht. Ich muss ihr gehorchen, wenn nicht werde ich von ihr jedes Mal bestraft. Auch in anderen Dingen wie eine Ehe zu führen ist, stimmen unsere Ansichten überein, indem sie die von mir einzuhaltenden Regeln aufstellt. Meine Frau führt meine Erziehung fort, die ich als Kind und Jugendlicher erlebt habe, die sie von meiner geliebten Mama übernommen hat. Diese auf mich bezogene Tradition wird und soll sie bewahren, sie hat sich bewährt! Gibt es eine bessere Ehefrau, als eine die sich um ihren Mann kümmert und ihn erzieht? Es ist ein Zeichen der Liebe!    
Do you decide over your wife and are strict with her? You spank her bottom when she disobeys you? Don't think every marriage goes this way, with the man being the head of the family and setting the rules. Our marriage is the exact opposite! And just as women are increasingly in charge and command in professional life, this development can be seen in more and more marriages, in a similar way where my wife dominates and educates me. My wife has taken on a social pioneering role in this regard. I am the one who has to obey her and take on almost all household tasks. She believes that a husband must obey his wife unconditionally. For any insubordination, contradiction, sloppy work, lateness or violation of any of the rules set by his wife, she has the right to spank his bottom severely. She firmly believes that in order to keep a husband completely under control and to make him fit for marriage, further additional punishments are usually necessary. For him, this includes early bedtimes, house and room arrest, precise rules about what he has to do or not do, dress codes, especially the wearing of girls' and women's underwear, including his nightwear. She leads, educates and treats him like a little, uncouth snotty brat, as well as physical punishments as her husband. She implements her view of how women should lead their men with emphasis and consistency. So she orders me to pull down my pants before my chastisements, or sometimes slowly pulls them down with her own hands like a little child. Then I stand in front of her, ashamed, worried and afraid, wearing only my girls' panties, sometimes also with my diaper panties, which I often have to wear during the day. When I stand in front of her like a naughty little boy with weak knees, I have to fully confess and explain to her the reasons for my above-mentioned chastisement. My wife stands in front of me with a stern, threatening look, she asks me questions that I have to answer truthfully, insightfully and in detail. She takes her time with these interrogations, which last up to half an hour, while she intimidates me and my inner unrest and remorse increase. Then I have to pull my girls' panties down to my knees to expose my bottom for chastisement.
When she spanks my bare bottom, in addition to the wooden spoon, she also uses a cane, often a carpet beater, a belt, or other household utensils such as a hairbrush or wooden clothes hanger. I am scolded by her, chastised, given strict instructions that I have to follow exactly, often followed by early bedtimes, confined to the room and lots of rules. Although I try to please my wife like a well-behaved, immature child, I continue to experience shortcomings for which I continue to be severely punished in the interests of my wife.
A dominant man will never accept being patronized by his wife, let alone obeying her. But I am a submissive man. At home I grew up exclusively among women and was raised strictly by them. I had to put up all of my older sister's discarded laundry because it was good enough for such a naughty, cheeky bastard. Even at the age of 21, I was still strictly controlled and often had to feel the cane on my bare bottom. I had to be in bed by 8 p.m. at the latest. I was constantly strictly monitored and my daily routine was strictly prescribed.The older I got, the more duties I was given, in that not only did I have to take on most of the household tasks like cleaning, making beds, washing up, washing, ironing, etc., but often I stood in the corner with my  spanked bottom and my panties pulled down, crying and got scolded when I didn't subordinated or my mom had something to complain about about me or my activities. I knew that other boys my age were not treated and raised in any way like I was, but it was constantly suggested to me that I was a cheeky, dependent little lout who could only be dealt with paternalism and appropriate punishments, which can only be dealt with through paternalism and appropriate punishments, and which has to be constantly reprimanded. So I was convinced that the punishments I constantly received were justified and appropriate. In the rare cases in which I sheepishly and sobbed to ask for a punishment to be waived or at least reduced, it always turned out to be much worse than usual.
Is it due to my education, disposition or does it come from the usual upbringing and experience as a child and teenager at home, I love my wife and fully accept the way she continues to raise me as I have always known her to be. In my heart, I have probably remained the little boy I was back then, who not only wants his wife's strict leadership, but also expects it from her. I'm even happy about it, my wife loves the strict, motherly role she exercises over me, because her nature is dominant, self-confident, strict, orderly and reliable. Yes, this is also why I love my wife and governess all the more, just as I loved my mother despite or because of her strictness. And in this sense we complement each other, because I admit that, given my often indisciplined, dissolute, lazy and disrespectful behavior, it is more than appropriate and therefore necessary that she guide me and punish me for shabby, lazy and disobedient behavior, because I often behave unreasonably and still like a little spoiled child.
Anyone who wants to lead always needs at least one person to lead. There is no reason why the leading person in marriage should not be the woman.​ There are increasingly women in leadership positions in politics, business and science. Women are now the majority at universities. In marriages, more women have the say than is generally assumed, and some men don't even notice that their wife is leading them and making the decisions. Even if not every one of these wives punishes their husbands physically, it still happens more often than the statistics say, because men do not and do not want to press charges out of shame. Also because men accept it like I do and expect punishment for wrongdoing. Even before our marriage, my wife determined what I was allowed to do or not, and she often physically reprimanded me before our engagement, which I felt was justified, simply because I can only love a woman who I can look up to, who guides me and Punishes me when she sees it as justified.A woman who helps and demands me through strictness and consistency that I be obedient, good and hardworking, who guides me, drives me and has the necessary assertiveness to do so.
We both have a contented and stable marriage in which she determines by educating me, I obey her unless she punishes me, because not only in this regard do we agree on our views on how she leads me and sets rules for me to follow. Our views also agree on other things like how a marriage should be conducted, setting the rules by her, that I must follow. My wife continues the upbringing that I experienced as a child and teenager, which she took over from my beloved mother. This tradition related to me will and should be preserved, it has proven itself! Is there a better wife than one who takes care of her husband and educates him? It's a sign of love!
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Die innere Unruhe nimmt immer mehr zu..
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herzensschoene · 7 months
Tiiiiiiiief einatmen
Tiiiiiiiiief ausatmen
Inne halten
Mich fokussieren
Abschütteln was nicht zu mir gehört
Jeden Tag auf's neue
Und doch fühlt sich auch jeder Tag auf's neue stressig, überfordernd, zu viel an
ALLES ist gerade zu viel
Wo ist die Struktur, die Klarheit, die Führung die ich brauche?
Wer hat den Plan und weiht mich ein, geleitet mich hindurch?
SO hatte ich mir das keinesfalls vorgestellt, mit meinem beruflichen Neuanfang.
SO hab ich das keinesfalls gewollt, bestellt, fokussiert.
Und dennoch ist es SO.
Gedankenchaos, innere Unruhe, CHAOS pur und für mich schwer bis gar nicht auszuhalten.
Das herunterfahren, zur Ruhe kommen, abschalten fällt schwer.
Wird es besser? Klarer? Strukturierter?
Was wird, wenn nicht?
Wie lange gebe ich allem Zeit, wo ist meine Grenze, bis wohin kann und will ich gehen?
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Seit ich nicht mehr an deiner Seite einschlafen kann beginnen wieder die Albträume, ich wache schweißgebadet auf, ich schlafe schlecht und wenig und die innere Unruhe kommt zurück.
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lxa-seelenwind · 10 months
Diese innere Unruhe die dich nicht schlafen lässt ist die schlimmste...
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dezernat-4 · 3 months
Metropolis adieu!
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The Metropolis (Movie Still) | Link
Ich sitze weit hinten im Flugzeug und bin unfassbar müde. Hochhausfassaden ragen in ca. 30 Meter Entfernung in den Himmel, das hat beinahe was von Lang's Metropolis.
Der Käptn begrüßt uns auf deutsch: "Inner City-Start von der Rampe, Segelphase durch die Innenstadt, sobald wir den Stadtrand erreicht haben, starten wir die Turbinen, aber wir werden dabei etwas Glück brauchen, da wir ziemlich schwer sind. Naja, viel Glück allerseits!"
Keine panische Reaktion bei mir und den anderen Passagieren, diese bleierne Müdigkeit betäubt mich. Tief in mir weiß ich, dass das jetzt das Ende bedeuten kann, doch das ist mir seltsam gleichgültig. Man müsste halt nur darauf vertrauen können, dass Alles schnell geht, doch dagegen spricht die geringe Flughöhe in der gefährlichen Startphase. Egal, ich will schlafen! Und die Lethargie scheint allgemein um sich zu greifen.
Plötzlich geht ein Ruck durch die Maschine, und alles neigt sich nach vorn: Wir standen tatsächlich oben auf einer Rampe, so eine Art Riesen-Ski-Sprungschanze, doch die Bremsen wurden gelöst, und wir nehmen Schwung auf. Dass die Triebwerke stumm bleiben, ist extrem irritierend – aber die Beschleunigung, die man jetzt spürt, steht einem konventionellen Start in Nichts nach. Wir rasen nach unten, Fassaden blitzen an mir vorbei, etwas Unruhe kommt auf in mir, aber ich beschließe, mich meinem Schicksal und den Fähigkeiten des Kapitäns zu ergeben. Ich spüre, dass wir am Fuß der Rampe angekommen sind, wir sacken kurz durch und gehen dann über in den Gleitflug – auf Höhe der zweiten Stockwerke durch die Häuserschluchten. Weil die Triebwerke noch immer nicht laufen, hört man das Summen beim Einfahren des Fahrwerks noch besser als üblich. Wir müssen jetzt die Linkskurve schaffen, um aus der Stadt hinauszukommen.
Die innerstädtischen Lärmschutzmassnahmen bringen uns ernsthaft in Gefahr, ich habe das Gefühl, dass der Strömungsabriss nicht weit ist. Es sind jetzt schon niedrigere und weniger dicht stehende Häuser zu sehen, wir scheinen die Außenbezirke erreicht zu haben, man erkennt Himmel, Tupfen von Grün.
Der Pilot versucht die Triebwerke zu starten, doch die springen nicht an. Es folgt eine Durchsage, und ich glaube heraushören zu können, dass der Kapitän uns beruhigen will, denn im Hintergrund des Cockpits hört man hektisches Treiben, außerdem klackt andauernd etwas aus Richtung der Triebwerke. Als ich wieder rausschaue, sehe ich direkt neben mir ein Maisfeld entlangwischen. Wir befinden uns knapp über den Köpfen der Pflanzen, die Geschwindigkeit scheint nicht höher als bei einer Fahrt mit einem Auto zu sein. Und noch immer kein Triebwerk! Wir gleiten weiter durch die Felder. Ich bin guter Hoffnung, dass der Flug gut geht, er wird wahrscheinlich nur länger dauern, weil das mit dem Triebwerksschub nicht klappen will.
Dass wir so tief und ruhig gleiten, hat etwas Beruhigendes. Sonnige Landschaften gleiten vorbei, und meine Lider werden schon wieder schwerer und schwerer …
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