#impulsive decisions are helpful sometimes
spacethemeep · 9 months
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glad everyone agrees on the boots, a bitch to walk in but they slay so i must
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3hks · 1 month
Flaws to Give to Characters II
When I first posted "Flaws to Add to Characters," it gained a lot more popularity than I thought it would! And since you all loved it so much, here's another one!
>>> Selfishness - When one becomes too focused on themselves, they start to ignore those around them who've helped along the way.
>>> Indecisiveness - When one can't make a decision, ultimately, they are stuck and unable to progress.
>>> Self-Centered - Self-centered people are often too consumed with themselves to worry about anything else. Sometimes it's similar to selfishness, and other times it's not. They may be too vain or too busy victimizing themselves to care about others.
>>> Gullibility - A seriously gullible person is easy to trick, manipulate, and hurt.
>>> Skepticality - People that are just too skeptical can be difficult to deal with because they seemingly have to question every action. There's always a motive behind kindness, right..?
>>> Bluntness - Though honesty is the best policy, bluntness is something else. Being too honest can be quite hurtful depending on the situation.
>>> Pushover - Not being able to say "no" when one wants to makes it difficult to be able to advocate for themselves. Additionally, they can get taken advantage of and used.
>>> Easily Offended - This person will absolutely take EVERYTHING personally. Those around them have to be careful about their words, actions, or even behavior because they will look too deep into the most non-meaningful actions. This is usually a result of insecurity.
>>> Overthinking - We all have our moments with this one. Overthinking can often lead to indecisiveness, ensuring that a decision won't be made in the future.
>>> Impulsivity - Sometimes it's better to just think things through. Being too impulsive can lead to unideal situations, events, and outcomes.
Whaddya think? Were these helpful? I'm thinking about continuing these series, but what do you think? (Not gonna lie, these posts help me get my ideas and thoughts in order too.)
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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plutosunshine · 6 months
What blocks your success? Mars in signs
Your Mars tells about how you act and make decisions. Let's see what doesn't let you succeed.
Mars in Aries
Mars in Aries is an intriguing astrological placement that gives you a quick, fiery, and decisive nature. You tend to be bold and eager to take action, never shying away from a challenge or opportunity. However, your impulsive tendencies can sometimes get the best of you, causing you to act before thinking things through. It's important to check the aspects and house your Mars is in if you struggle to make decisions or act purposefully.
While you may not be afraid to take action, you often find yourself regretting your hasty decisions later on. This fear of making mistakes can sometimes hold you back, preventing you from acting and moving forward. Although fear can be a helpful guide, it can also hinder your ability to take calculated risks and pursue your goals.
In the moment of making a decision, you feel motivated and inspired, convinced that you're on the right path. However, the reactive nature of Mars in Aries can sometimes make you feel like you want everything right now without considering the long-term consequences. It can lead to impulsive actions that you later regret. By understanding your tendencies and working to balance your desire for action with thoughtful consideration, you can make the most of your Mars in Aries placement and achieve your goals with confidence and purpose.
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Mars in Taurus
Have you ever felt like you're unable to take action because of the fear of wasting your time and energy? This mindset can cause you to be in a constant state of energy conservation, only engaging in activities you deem helpful or worthy. When faced with a problem, you tend to take your time to think it through, even if you've already come up with a solution. You wait, hoping the problem will resolve itself rather than taking a risk or seizing the opportunity to act.
The idea of wasting your time and energy is a significant concern, so always create a plan to minimize your resource expenditure. While being cautious is important, this mindset may hold you back from taking advantage of potential opportunities and achieving your goals.
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Mars in Gemini
As a Gemini Mars, your mutable nature can sometimes hinder your ability to take action when faced with a problem. You possess many ideas for solving said problem, but the challenge lies in selecting the most optimal solution. Seeking advice from your friends and loved ones is a common practice, as it helps you gain a broader perspective and consider different angles. While communication is an important part of your problem-solving process, it's just one of the ways you approach the task at hand. You tend to share your ideas and receive advice but ultimately make your own decisions. During a conversation, you may indicate that a particular solution is the best option, only to change your mind later. It is because you weigh your options and consider different perspectives before making a final decision. Ultimately, what matters is that you come to a decision that aligns with your values and feels right to you.
Mars in Cancer
It's a common experience to find oneself blocked from taking action due to overwhelming emotions. In such moments, rational thinking seems impossible, as you tend to be hindered by your feelings and lose sight of the problem. It's easy to take things personally and fail to see the bigger picture, which can cause you to withdraw entirely and shut down in certain situations. However, suppressing our emotions doesn't make them disappear; it only creates more frustration.
Cancer Mars individuals are known to be emotional and sensitive. However, at times, they tend to suppress their emotions, which can lead to stress and anxiety. They need to find a way to express their emotions healthily. They should not fear their feelings, as they are part of who they are.
It is important to note that Cancer Mars individuals should not let their emotions control their actions. Instead, they should find a balance between their emotions and rational thinking. By doing so, they can achieve their goals without being too hard on themselves.
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Mars in Leo
It's common for your pride and fear of failure to become significant barriers to action. Your initial reaction may be to ignore the problem and shift the blame onto someone else. Meanwhile, your fear of failure can be so overwhelming that you become paralyzed and unable to take action.
You may have an intense desire to be the best, but the thought of failing in front of others can be terrifying. It can cause you to hesitate and second-guess yourself, preventing you from taking the necessary steps to solve the problem. Ultimately, it would help if you recognized that failure is an inevitable part of the learning process and that it's okay to make mistakes. The key is to persevere and learn from your failures, using them as stepping stones to future success.
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Mars in Virgo
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a cycle of planning and strategizing, only to feel like your plans are never perfect enough to put into action? This mindset can be incredibly limiting, causing you to hold back from taking action because you fear failure or losing control. It can be challenging to balance caution and action; sometimes, your desire for control over every little detail can become paralyzing.
The fear of chaos and uncertainty can be so overwhelming that you spend too much time analyzing and overthinking, causing the problem to worsen. It's important to recognize when pursuing perfection hinders your progress and to take imperfect action to move toward your goals.
Also, you tend to overthink your problems, thinking about every scenario that may or may not happen. Ultimately, you can't see the bigger picture.
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Mars in Libra
At times, it's not uncommon for this placement to feel stuck and unsure of which direction to take. One possible reason for this could be indecisiveness. Overanalyzing and weighing the pros and cons of every action can make decision-making a daunting task.
Additionally, if you're in a co-dependent relationship, you may rely heavily on your partner's opinion when it comes to making choices. It can lead to planning your actions based on your partner's life rather than your own. If you recognize these tendencies in yourself, it's important to be mindful and make sure you're making decisions that align with your own desires and goals.
Mars in Scorpio
You possess a remarkably vibrant and tenacious personality, with Mars in Scorpio accentuating your drive and passion. However, this may lead you to adopt an "all or nothing" approach toward your endeavors, and it can be challenging for you to regulate your resources effectively, resulting in a sense of stagnation and frustration. Perhaps you've been pushing yourself too hard, and now you're feeling burnt out and unproductive. In such cases, taking a break and restoring your energy levels is crucial.
Moreover, your inclination towards being overly cautious, suspicious, and fearful may also hinder you from taking necessary actions. You can perceive what is hidden beneath the surface, which could instill a sense of doubt and hesitation in you, making it difficult to trust your gut and act on your instincts. However, balancing prudence and action is essential to accomplish your objectives and success.
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Mars in Sagittarius
Sagittarius Mars individuals are known for their enthusiastic and adventurous spirit. They are full of inspiration and ideas, always seeking new experiences and challenges to conquer. However, the problem with having so many interests and passions is that it can be difficult to focus all their energy on just one thing.
Sagittarius Mars natives constantly seek new opportunities and adventures, often feeling restless when stuck in one place or situation for too long. They crave variety and excitement, which can make it challenging to commit to a single project or goal. They may start multiple endeavors at once, only to lose interest or become distracted before they can see them through to completion.
While this can be frustrating for those around them, Sagittarius Mars individuals do not lack motivation or drive. They have too many interests and passions to pursue and struggle to choose just one. They may benefit from finding ways to channel their energy and focus on a particular goal or project while still allowing themselves the freedom to explore their other interests on the side.
Overall, Sagittarius Mars individuals have a lot of potential and creativity. Still, they may need to improve their focus and discipline to achieve their goals and dreams.
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Mars in Capricorn
Capricorn Mars individuals are known for their dedication, persistence, and strategic thinking. They approach their goals with a powerful and determined mindset, willing to put in the hard work and effort to succeed. However, to truly excel, they need to have a goal they genuinely believe in and are passionate about.
Setbacks or obstacles do not easily deter Capricorn Mars natives. They are willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals and understand that success often requires a long-term approach. They are strategic thinkers who identify opportunities and plan their actions accordingly.
However, Capricorn Mars individuals may need a clear goal or purpose to channel their energy and focus. They need a driving force, a reason to invest their time and effort into a particular project or endeavor. They may benefit from reflecting on their values and priorities and identifying a goal that aligns with these beliefs.
Once they have a goal, Capricorn Mars individuals are a force to be reckoned with. They are willing to put in the hard work and dedication necessary to succeed and are not easily swayed by distractions or setbacks. They are powerful and determined, capable of achieving great things when they have a clear purpose and goal driving them forward.
Overall, Capricorn Mars individuals are powerful and strategic thinkers, but they need a strong sense of purpose and belief to excel truly. With a clear goal in mind, they can achieve great things and make a lasting impact in their chosen field.
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Aquarius Mars
An Aquarius Mars person may get easily distracted from their goals by idealization. They tend to have a very idealistic approach to life, sometimes leading to a lack of focus and direction. They may become so absorbed in their dreams and ideals that they lose sight of the practical steps they need to take to achieve their goals. As a result, they may find themselves constantly starting new projects without ever following through on any of them. They need to learn to balance their idealism with a practical approach to achieving their goals.
An Aquarius Mars person has their Mars in a fixed sign, meaning they have the tenacity and determination to achieve whatever they put their mind to. However, they can sometimes get bogged down by their own idealism and lofty goals. To truly let their genius ideas bloom, they need to learn to let go of their idealization and embrace a more flexible approach. By doing so, they can harness their natural creativity and innovation to achieve great things and impact the world.
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Pisces Mars
Pisces Mars individuals are known for their heightened intuition and empathetic nature. They possess a deep sense of compassion that enables them to connect with people on a deeper level. However, they may need help with logical thinking and practicality due to their tendency to get lost in their own thoughts and emotions. As a result, they may find it challenging to stay focused and organized, leading to a lack of structure in their lives. Additionally, their inclination towards idealism and vivid imagination may cause them to get lost in illusions and daydreams. Despite these challenges, their intuitive and compassionate nature allows them to offer a unique perspective and a deep understanding of others.
Lack of structure doesn't allow them to achieve goals persistently. These individuals start blaming themselves for not being good enough and get lost in regret and old traumas. You need to add some structure to your life in a way that works for you. You need to use all your senses to understand which kind of routine works for you.
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Moon signs and our recurring habits in times of stress or emotional turmoil
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Knowing our personality possibilities is interesting to detect our flaws and evolve in these points. As a consequence, we can achieve well-being.
⚠️ While Moon signs can influence recurring habits during stress, individuals may also exhibit traits from their Sun sign, Rising sign, and other astrological placements, aspects. It's important to consider the whole birth chart and individual's choices for a comprehensive understanding of one's coping mechanisms. Also, remember that we can evolve.
1. Moon in Aries:
Recurring Habit: When stressed, Moon in Aries individuals often have a habit of reacting impulsively and seeking physical outlets like exercise to release tension.
They don't like to sit on their emotions and prefer to address the issue head-on, seeking quick resolutions.
They may confront challenges head-on but can also become impatient and easily frustrated.
During times of emotional turmoil, they often have a recurring habit of seeking independence and personal space. They want to deal with their emotions on their own terms and resist interference.
They may react without much forethought, which can lead to abrupt decisions, confrontations, or impulsive expressions of their emotions.
These individuals tend to seek physical outlets for emotional release as a recurring habit. Engaging in vigorous exercise, sports, or other physical activities helps them dissipate pent-up energy and frustration.
They don't shy away from conflict and prefer to face issues head-on, even if it means heated arguments.
Despite their fiery reactions, they tend to have a recurring habit of bouncing back quickly from emotional setbacks.
They may actively seek out new experiences or projects to divert their attention from emotional difficulties.
2. Moon in Taurus:
Recurring Habit: Those with Moon in Taurus tend to seek comfort and stability during stressful times. They may have a habit of indulging in comfort foods, seeking physical touch, or retreating to a familiar and secure environment.
Change can be challenging for them. They prefer stability and can become stressed when their routines or environments are disrupted. This resistance can sometimes lead to stubbornness.
Moon in Taurus individuals may have a recurring habit of indulging in sensual pleasures to cope with stress. This could involve enjoying a good meal, listening to music, or engaging in physical activities like massage or gardening to soothe their emotions. These activities, such as yoga or meditation, help them reconnect with their inner calm and find a sense of stability amidst emotional turmoil.
Some Moon in Taurus individuals have a recurring habit of expressing their emotions through artistic pursuits. They may turn to painting, music, or other creative outlets to process their feelings and find emotional release.
Moon in Taurus individuals exhibit a recurring habit of patience during challenging times. They may adopt a "wait and see" approach, allowing emotions to settle naturally before making decisions or taking action.
Taurus Moons may have a recurring habit of appearing stoic and unflappable on the surface. They may not readily express their emotions but prefer to internalize and process them in their own time.
3. Moon in Gemini:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Gemini individuals often cope with stress by talking through their feelings.
Gemini is an air sign, and Moon in Gemini individuals may find it challenging to sit still when stressed. They may feel restless and have a strong desire to keep busy or distract themselves from their emotions.
They may have a habit of seeking intellectual stimulation, engaging in diverse social interactions, or distracting themselves with various activities to avoid dwelling on emotional issues.
These individuals tend to analyze their emotions intellectually rather than diving deep into the depths of their feelings.
When under stress, they may try to rationalize their emotions, seeking logical explanations for what they are experiencing. This can sometimes lead to a sense of detachment from their emotions, and this can be bad in terms of emotional health.
These individuals often seek information and knowledge to understand and cope with their emotions. During times of emotional turmoil, they may turn to books, articles, or the internet to gather information that they believe will help them gain insight into their feelings and how to manage them.
When faced with intense emotions, Moon in Gemini individuals may avoid delving too deeply into their feelings. They might use humor, distraction, or intellectualization to keep their emotions at bay.
4. Moon in Cancer:
Recurring Habit: People with Moon in Cancer have a habit of retreating to their emotional shell during times of stress.
Moon in Cancer individuals may turn to food as a source of comfort when stressed. Emotional eating is a common coping mechanism for them, as they find solace in the tastes and textures of familiar foods.
They seek comfort in the company of loved ones, nurturing themselves, and expressing their feelings through tears and emotional conversations. Crying can be a natural way for Moon in Cancer individuals to release pent-up emotions. They may find relief through shedding tears and expressing their feelings openly.
Cancer is symbolized by the crab, which has a hard outer shell. Moon in Cancer individuals may become protective and guarded when stressed, using their emotional defenses to shield themselves from further emotional harm.
Moon in Cancer individuals are highly sensitive to their own emotions and the emotions of others. When stressed, their emotions can become even more intense and overwhelming.
In times of stress, they may turn to taking care of others as a way to cope with their own emotions. This can involve cooking, offering comfort, or simply being there for loved ones.
These individuals can become deeply attached to people, places, and things. When facing stress, they may seek the comfort of loved ones or cherished possessions that hold sentimental value.
While Moon in Cancer individuals often focus on caring for others, they may also recognize the importance of self-care during times of emotional turmoil. They may retreat to take care of their own emotional needs, such as through self-reflection or self-soothing activities.
Cancer is a sign known for its intuition. When under stress, individuals with the Moon in Cancer may rely on their intuitive insights to guide their actions and decisions.
These individuals have a strong connection to their past and may find themselves reminiscing or revisiting memories during times of stress. They may seek comfort in nostalgia and familiar experiences.
Cancer is a water sign, and individuals with the Moon in Cancer may experience mood swings during times of stress. Their emotions can ebb and flow like the tides, making it important for them to find stability and security.
Cancer is associated with the home and family. Moon in Cancer individuals often seek solace and comfort in their homes. They may retreat to their personal space to find emotional security when facing difficult situations.
5. Moon in Leo:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Leo individuals often cope with stress by seeking recognition and appreciation.
They have a habit of expressing their emotions openly, looking for validation, and taking on leadership roles to regain a sense of control and importance.
Moon in Leo individuals tend to have a flair for drama, and during times of stress, this can become more pronounced. They may express their emotions in a dramatic or theatrical manner, seeking attention and recognition for their feelings.
When they are going through emotional difficulties, they may seek reassurance and compliments from others to boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Leo is a creative sign, and those with the Moon in Leo may turn to creative outlets such as art, music, or writing to channel their emotions. Creating something beautiful or artistic can be a therapeutic way for them to cope with stress.
Loyalty is a significant trait of Leo, and individuals with the Moon in Leo may find comfort and stability in the support of their loved ones during difficult times.
Leo is associated with pride, and individuals with the Moon in Leo may struggle with wounded pride during times of emotional turmoil.
6. Moon in Virgo:
Recurring Habit: Those with Moon in Virgo tend to analyze their emotions when stressed.
Virgo is associated with worry and perfectionism. During times of emotional turmoil, these individuals may tend to overthink and worry excessively about their problems, which can lead to anxiety.
Moon in Virgo individuals tend to look at their emotions in a systematic and practical way. They have a habit of seeking practical solutions, organizing their thoughts, and focusing on self-improvement as a way to regain a sense of order and control. When facing stress, they may dissect their feelings, trying to understand the root causes and find solutions.
To regain a sense of control, Moon in Virgo individuals often turn to organizing and planning. They may create to-do lists, schedules, or checklists to manage their emotions and stressful situations.
Virgo is known for its critical nature, and those with the Moon in Virgo may engage in self-criticism when stressed. They may scrutinize their actions and decisions, which can sometimes lead to self-doubt.
During times of turmoil, they may focus on creating a structured environment to provide stability and a sense of security.
Moon in Virgo individuals often find purpose in helping others. They may turn to acts of service or assistance as a way to distract themselves from their own emotions and find fulfillment in aiding others.
Virgo rules health and wellness, and during times of stress, individuals with this placement may pay extra attention to their physical well-being. They may engage in activities such as exercise, clean eating, or self-care routines to feel better emotionally.
In stressful situations, Moon in Virgo individuals may also analyze and assess the actions and behaviors of others. They may have a tendency to offer constructive criticism, sometimes with the intention of helping but occasionally coming across as judgmental. Be careful with this behavior.
Virgo is associated with learning and knowledge-seeking. When dealing with emotional turmoil, individuals with the Moon in Virgo may seek information and gather facts to make informed decisions and gain a better understanding of their feelings.
These individuals may need alone time to process their emotions. They may withdraw from social activities and seek solitude to reflect on their feelings and find inner clarity.
7. Moon in Libra:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Libra individuals often strive for harmony in times of stress. They have a habit of seeking balance in relationships, avoiding conflicts, and using their charm and diplomacy to navigate emotional turmoil.
Moon in Libra individuals may be sensitive to criticism and may have difficulty handling negative feedback. They prefer constructive and gentle communication when addressing emotional issues.
In times of stress, they may have a heightened sense of injustice and may advocate for fairness and equality in their relationships and situations.
Moon in Libra individuals excel at finding compromises and middle ground solutions. They may actively work to find common ground when dealing with conflicts or emotional challenges.
These individuals often have a strong desire for partnership and companionship. During stressful times, they may seek out a close confidant or partner to share their feelings and provide emotional support.
To cope with stress, they may seek out social activities and gatherings to distract themselves from their emotional troubles. Being in the company of others can help them feel more balanced and supported.
When their own emotions are in turmoil, they may lend a sympathetic ear to others or offer mediation in conflicts to maintain a sense of peace.
To maintain harmony, they may be prone to people-pleasing behaviors. They might prioritize the needs and desires of others over their own, which can lead to neglecting their own emotional well-being.
Moon in Libra individuals may struggle with indecision when faced with emotional turmoil. They may weigh the pros and cons of different courses of action and have difficulty making decisions, leading to procrastination.
Moon in Libra individuals may find comfort in aesthetically pleasing environments. They may redecorate their homes or create beautiful spaces to enhance their sense of emotional well-being.
These individuals can overanalyze social interactions and relationships during stressful times. They may worry about how their actions or words impact others and may seek validation and reassurance from friends and loved ones.
When facing stress, those with the Moon in Libra may go to great lengths to restore balance in their emotional lives. They strive for peace and equilibrium in their relationships and surroundings.
Moon in Libra individuals often avoid confrontations and conflicts. During times of stress, they may try to keep the peace by suppressing their own emotions or by avoiding situations that could lead to discord.
These individuals tend to place a strong emphasis on their relationships when dealing with emotional turmoil. They may seek the support and companionship of others, particularly close friends or their significant other, to help them through difficult times.
They often display a sense of elegance and grace, even in the face of emotional challenges. This poise can be a coping mechanism, helping them navigate difficult situations with style and composure.
Moon in Libra individuals may have a tendency to idealize relationships, especially during challenging times. They may yearn for the perfect partnership and may need to confront unrealistic expectations.
They are often skilled in conflict resolution. In times of stress, they may actively engage in resolving conflicts in their relationships, using their diplomacy and communication skills to find mutually satisfying solutions.
8. Moon in Scorpio:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Scorpio individuals may have a habit of delving deep into their emotions during stress. They hold onto grudges, seek to uncover hidden truths, and may even channel their intense feelings into creative or transformational pursuits.
Scorpio is also associated with sexuality. During emotional turmoil, Moon in Scorpio individuals may use sexual expression or intimacy as a means of connecting with and healing their emotions. Be careful about overspending your sexual energy to avoid your internal problems.
They often have a keen psychological insight into their own emotions and the emotions of others. This insight can be a valuable tool for self-discovery and understanding.
In times of extreme stress, they may experience revenge fantasies or intense desires for justice. While they may not act on these fantasies, they can be preoccupied by thoughts of retribution.
They may be drawn into power struggles or intense emotional conflicts during stressful periods. Their desire for control and need to confront challenging emotions can sometimes lead to confrontations.
They can understand and relate to the emotional experiences of others, which can make them valuable sources of support during tough times.
These individuals often find strength and healing in solitude. They may retreat from social interactions to process their emotions privately and recharge their emotional energy.
They express their emotions with passion and intensity. When faced with stress, they may confront their feelings head-on, sometimes to the point of obsession.
Moon in Scorpio individuals can be highly sensitive to perceived betrayal or deception. They may become guarded and vigilant when they feel their trust has been broken.
Scorpio is known for its transformative qualities. During times of stress, they may undergo significant emotional growth and change. They often emerge from difficult situations with a renewed sense of purpose.
These individuals may have a strong need for control, especially when emotions are turbulent. They may seek to control their own emotional responses and may be drawn to situations where they can influence outcomes.
When facing emotional turmoil, Moon in Scorpio individuals may dig deep into their feelings, exploring their innermost thoughts and desires.
Scorpio is a secretive sign, and individuals with the Moon in Scorpio may prefer to keep their emotions hidden from others. They often find comfort in private self-reflection.
Despite the intensity of their emotions, they often display emotional resilience. They can endure and overcome challenging emotional situations, emerging stronger and more self-aware.
9. Moon in Sagittarius:
Recurring Habit: When stressed, those with Moon in Sagittarius often have a habit of seeking freedom and adventure. They may distance themselves from emotional intensity, prefer to explore new experiences, and find solace in philosophical or spiritual pursuits.
They may engage in positive self-talk and affirmations to boost their spirits and maintain their confidence when facing emotional turmoil. Just be careful with toxic positivity.
When faced with stress, they may seek solace in activities that involve travel, new experiences, or learning something new.
Sagittarius is associated with philosophy and higher learning. Moon in Sagittarius individuals may turn to philosophical reflection and seeking a deeper understanding of the situation as a way to cope with their emotions.
Moon in Sagittarius individuals can sometimes overcommit themselves in an attempt to distract from their emotions. They may take on too many responsibilities or make impulsive decisions.
Some may turn to spiritual or religious practices during times of emotional turmoil. They may explore different belief systems and seek spiritual guidance as a source of comfort and insight.
They typically approach problems and challenges directly, often with a sense of enthusiasm and courage. This can help them confront and overcome emotional difficulties head-on.
Moon in Sagittarius individuals often experience wanderlust, a strong desire to explore new places and cultures. Traveling, even if it's just mentally or through planning future trips, can be a soothing outlet.
They value honesty and may express their emotions with straightforwardness, sometimes to the point of bluntness. When under stress, they may have difficulty concealing their true feelings.
They tend to have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. In times of stress, they may reach out to their social network for support and diversions, enjoying the company of different people.
They tend to maintain an optimistic and positive outlook, even during challenging times. This optimism can be a source of strength and resilience when dealing with emotional turmoil.
They may require the freedom to express their emotions openly and honestly. Restrictions on their emotional expression can cause frustration and restlessness.
10. Moon in Capricorn:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Capricorn individuals tend to respond to stress with a habit of taking on more responsibility. They may focus on their career, set long-term goals, and seek to maintain their emotional composure even in challenging situations.
They may be cautious about revealing their true emotions, even to themselves. It can take time for them to fully process their feelings and understand their emotional responses.
Moon in Capricorn individuals often have a need for control, both over their emotions and their external circumstances. They may become anxious when they feel they cannot control a situation.
They may take a conservative approach to emotions, preferring stability and tradition. Change and unpredictability can be sources of stress for them.
These individuals may rely on their own inner strength and resilience to weather emotional storms. They can be self-sufficient and independent when it comes to managing their feelings.
They may engage in long-term planning and goal setting as a way to create stability and security. Establishing a structured path forward can provide a sense of comfort during times of turmoil.
They tend to approach emotional challenges with a practical mindset. They seek concrete solutions and may use logical reasoning to address their feelings and resolve issues.
These individuals have a strong sense of responsibility and duty. When faced with emotional turmoil, they may prioritize their obligations and responsibilities, even if it means putting their emotions on hold temporarily.
Moon in Capricorn individuals are known for their emotional self-control. During stressful situations, they can remain composed, often appearing unflappable.
Moon in Capricorn individuals often believe that time will heal emotional wounds. They may adopt a patient approach, trusting that with time, their emotions will stabilize.
They are skilled at setting boundaries, and they may establish emotional boundaries to protect themselves from negative influences or excessive emotional demands from others.
11. Moon in Aquarius:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Aquarius individuals often cope with stress by distancing themselves emotionally. They have a habit of seeking unconventional solutions, detaching from intense feelings, and may channel their stress into humanitarian or intellectual pursuits.
Moon in Aquarius individuals tend to approach their emotions with intellectual detachment. They may analyze their feelings and seek logical explanations for their emotional responses.
These individuals are often drawn to alternative therapies and unconventional approaches to emotional healing. They may explore practices such as meditation, energy healing, or astrology to find emotional balance.
They often turn to their friends and social networks for emotional support. These individuals find comfort in their social circles and may rely on their friends for advice and encouragement during tough times.
They highly value their independence, even in emotional matters. During times of stress, they may prefer to deal with their emotions on their own or seek unconventional methods of self-soothing.
Aquarius is associated with humanitarianism, and Moon in Aquarius individuals may cope with stress by channeling their emotional energy into causes or issues they are passionate about. They may engage in activism or advocacy as a way to distract from their own emotions.
In times of turmoil, Moon in Aquarius individuals may delve into eccentric hobbies or interests that stimulate their minds and provide a sense of novelty. They enjoy unique and unusual pursuits.
These individuals may resist emotional constraints and limitations. They may rebel against societal expectations or relationships that feel too restrictive.
They value the freedom to express their emotions in their own unique way. They may have unusual or avant-garde ways of expressing their feelings, such as through art, music, or performance.
They often have a forward-thinking, futuristic outlook on life. During times of stress, they may focus on the future and envision a better, more idealistic world as a source of hope.
Moon in Aquarius individuals can exhibit emotional detachment as a coping mechanism. They may distance themselves from their feelings, which can sometimes make them appear aloof or unemotional to others.
They may exhibit a rebellious streak when facing emotional challenges. They may resist conforming to societal norms and may challenge authority or tradition as a way to assert their individuality.
12. Moon in Pisces:
Recurring Habit: People with Moon in Pisces tend to escape into their imagination and artistic pursuits during times of stress. They have a habit of seeking solace through creative expression, music, or spirituality, and may become highly empathetic towards others.
When overwhelmed, they may seek to escape from reality through daydreaming, fantasizing, or indulging in escapist activities like reading, watching movies, or playing video games.
During emotional turmoil, they may offer support and a listening ear to others who are also going through difficult times.
Pisces is a creative sign, and individuals with the Moon in Pisces may turn to artistic or imaginative outlets to cope with stress. They may find solace in music, art, writing, or other creative pursuits.
Moon in Pisces individuals often have a spiritual or mystical inclination. During times of emotional turmoil, they may turn to spirituality, meditation, or prayer for guidance and solace.
Moon in Pisces individuals may have a tendency to sacrifice their own needs and well-being for the sake of others. They may put the needs of loved ones before their own, sometimes to their own detriment.
They may avoid confrontation and conflict as a way to maintain emotional peace. They prefer harmony and may go to great lengths to keep the peace in their relationships.
Moon in Pisces individuals can experience mood swings and emotional fluctuations. Their emotions can be like the tides, changing rapidly in response to external stimuli.
They may have difficulty maintaining emotional boundaries, leading to confusion about their own feelings versus the emotions of others. This can be especially challenging during stressful situations.
They may seek solitude and quiet retreats to process their emotions. Time alone allows them to reconnect with their inner selves and find emotional clarity.
Moon in Pisces individuals often hold idealistic views of the world and may be easily disheartened when faced with harsh realities. Managing their expectations during stressful times can be important.
Remember that while Moon signs can influence recurring habits during stress, individuals may also exhibit traits from their Sun sign, Rising sign, and other astrological placements, aspects. It's important to consider the whole birth chart and individual's choices for a comprehensive understanding of one's coping mechanisms.
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lua-magic · 2 months
Venus and nature of your spouse ( D9 chart analysis).
Position of Venus in D9 chart has to be analysed to find out the nature of your partner.
Venus in Aries.
Partner could be impulse in nature, can have insecurities, anxiety, and could be agressive.
Partner could make decisions quickly and will be quick to take actions. partner could also be short tempered.
Partner love to involve in sports and adventures, and work on their body alot.
Venus in Taurus
Partner could be foody and attached to the family. Both you and your partner seeks for financial security in relationship. Communication would play important role in relationship.
Venus in Gemini
Partner would be having dual personality or nature, partner could be confused about commitment. Both verbal and non verbal communication plays an important role in relationship. Touch is the love language you and your partner always seeks.
Partner could be fun loving, poet, writer, and has good sense of humour.
Both native and partner has to put efforts in relationship for it to survive.
Venus in cancer
You and your partner are more emotionaly attached then just physically attached.
Mother could Play and important role in relationship.
Partner could be comfort loving and love to spend time at home and attached to home and motherland as well.
Venus in Leo
Partner loves to take responsibilities in relationship, and take the lead in every task, and would be dominating in nature.
Partner could be self conscious and their self image matters to them alot
Partner could be egoistic and demand respect and total surrender from their partner.
Partner could be attached from kids and love to read books ..
Venus in virgo.
Partner could be analytical and calculative in nature and can suffer from self doubt alot.
Partner could be skillful and intelligent, but love to criticize and nitpicking the faults of others. Partner could be extremely picky and choosy in nature. Partner could be clean freak and organised
Native could be more like "my way or highway" in nature hence, suffers heart breaks.
Venus in Libra
Partner could be well balanced in nature, but give preference to outer beuty alot. Partner would be having lot of expectations and would be extrovert and good in dealing with public.
Native could take long time in making decisions and wants everything to be perfect before getting into commitment.
Venus in Scorpio.
Partner could be devoted but also secretive in nature, Scorpio is sign of past life, hence, partner could be from past life and you and your partner would have telepathic connection.
Partner could be interested in occult and spirituality and could be detached in nature.
Native could have issues with overthinking, anxiety and could doubt alot.
Venus in Sagittarius
Partner could be matured in nature and love to take the initiative in relationship and do all the work by themselves.
Native could search father like figure or a mentor in their partner.
Partner could be devoted, religious and love to travel and goal orientated.
Venus in Capricorn.
Partner could be workholic, non emotional, and can have serious attitude towards Life.
Partner could be cold hearted and non romantic and not outgoing personality.
However, partner would be faithful and fulfill all the desires and wishes of their partners.
Native serve their partner and work for them alot
Venus in Aquarius.
Partner loves to help and serve community or their family and friends.
Partner could be extremely friendly in nature and wants to help everyone around them. They have problem in saying "NO" .
They help their partner alot, and has friendly relationship with their partner.
Native could be obsessive about the relationship and trust people easily.
Venus in Pisces 🐟 🏠.
Venus is exalted in twelfth house, hence, partner would be devoted and attached.
Partner loves to spend on luxury and beuty and also would be spiritual in nature.
Native love to do alot for their partner, but sometimes that becomes issue because they won't get same love in return which gives them dissatisfaction.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 months
kafka encouraging yan blade's behavior and even helping him in his questionable endeavors ...
the selfish decisiveness his mara evokes vanishes when his lucidity reigns. he's less sure of himself. specifically, of his conduct. how much of your happiness can he sacrifice for his own? he doesn't want you to be miserable. he doesn't even need you to like him, necessarily. although he'd greedily devour your favor, should you bestow it upon him.
blade experiences this pleasant rush when watching you go about your daily activities. how your voice takes a soft cadence to soothe a crying child, when you help an elderly neighbor bring in their groceries, the supernovas born in your eyes when you learn your favorite drink had been paid for by a stranger (him). it's organic, it's you — uninhibited, stumbling around through life.
he could take so much. he could ruin you. he could drain every ounce of goodness from your body like a parasite. he's acutely aware of this, even derives a sick satisfaction from it, if he's honest. you're in the palm of his scarred hands. this is the focal point of his dilemma. should his grasp loosen, you'll fall through his fingers. however, if his fist clenches too tight, you'll break.
blade doesn't want you broken. he just wants you. smiling, laughing, whole.
everything you wouldn't be if he acted on his impulses.
kafka, vigilant as ever, picks up on blade's morose mood. she knows what's troubling him before he even parses it out for himself. and so her gentle suggestions begin, woven so subtle at first, that they almost go unnoticed. she stresses how safe you'd be under his dutiful watch. that you wouldn't want for anything. how if he shares parts of his past, you, being the bleeding heart that you are, won't be able resist empathizing.
sometimes, she'll tell him, a gentle hold is the trickiest to escape.
he might not acknowledge her advice outright, but as time ticks on, each lonely night feeling colder than the last, he wonders how much longer he can go without your warmth.
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citrustan · 7 months
for what it's worth [3/4] (jjk)
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: angst, fluff, light smut, college student!reader x crush!jungkook
summary: you make an awful revelation about your crush of two years.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: some bitchiness (or like justice? idk it's up to you really)
note: yes. there is a chapter 4 because i'm not ready to let go of this just yet. and a thank you.
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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Two weeks passed by and you and Jia pretended as if absolutely nothing happened. It was simply the quiet before the storm.
Your days seemed to blend into nights, you felt yourself slipping into a bad place mentally. Always feeling distant and fatigued.
The emotional turmoil of having your trust broken and your privacy invaded caused you to miss out on much needed sleep.
While on the outside, everything seemed pretty much the usual except for a few painfully obvious differences.
You had stopped (publicly) obsessing over Jungkook, and it initially invited a lot of concern from Yoongi and Namjoon. But they didn’t push you too much when you blatantly ignored their questions about him. You also avoided Jia as much as you could. She didn’t seem to have noticed.
Despite your crush on Jungkook, you had come to accept the boundaries of your non-friendship with him and the fact that he was deeply committed to Jia.
You had no intention of causing any harm to their relationship, as you had already shared your support with Jungkook for their secret.
It was difficult to not think of them. It often made you break into tears of anger and frustration. You had to mourn your loss.
Every night, thoughts of Jungkook would continue to consume you. You’d still imagine him to be yours. Images of him smiling at you and his voice calling you cute would linger in your mind.
It’s just pretend. There’s no harm in it.
You knew that Jia had described you as a ‘creep’ to Jungkook, but the label bothered you. You were not a creep, and you wanted to understand why Jia had portrayed you that way. No matter what you came up with in your head, nothing was a good enough reason to call you such a gross name. Sure, she hadn’t revealed to Jungkook your identity but that baffled you more.
Also, had Jungkook never wondered about this ‘creep’?
Too many things kept you up at night and you couldn’t stand being on the other side of the truth. You could no longer afford to let these things bother you. You were too fucking old for this shit.
With the final week before your course evaluations being right around the corner, you had subconsciously come to some harsh unanimous decisions. They weren’t impulsive or unreasonable. You really had thought this through. These decisions may be a risky, or bitchy, or just as sneaky as Jia was, but they’d still be within reason.
He needed to know the truth about you, Jia, and what she told him.
You wanted to tell Jia that you knew about them. It probably wasn’t going to come out of Jungkook, so it had to be you.
Why must you continue to suffer?
You didn’t want to wait around and anticipate Jia’s next move.
You’re not the type of person who sits around and ignores things like these. You had held it in for a while now.
You understood that your actions would have consequences and you were more than ready to face them. You hoped.
While you pretended nothing ever happened, Jia and you saw way less of each other.
You could count the times you interacted, or even passed by, or saw each other over the weeks on one hand.
Still, every time you’d think about your interaction with Jungkook, you were reminded of Jia too. Him and Jia. You couldn't help but notice his annoyingly deep feelings for Jia. He was so… considerate of her. It probably is just the bare minimum but it doesn’t matter. You could tell he was a great boyfriend to her. No wonder she kept him hidden.
Sometimes, it felt so wrong and scandalous to fantasize about the man. Maybe it even is so. But you weren’t just infatuated with Jungkook. You really liked him. Emotions like these don’t disappear overnight.
You longed to be loved and held by him too.
The campus shuttle came to an abrupt halt, indicating that it was the last stop. You had missed yours.
As the semester continued, Jungkook found himself missing the moments he had shared with you before everything became so complicated. Jia completely stopped mentioning you. Whenever he’d ask, she’d pout and demand his attention to be back on her. While he’d give into her, you still remained in the back of his mind.
It was late in the evening, and Jungkook had decided to take a break from his hectic study schedule, opting to go for a walk around his dorm on campus.
As he neared the drop-off point for the shuttle, he couldn't help but think about you, remembering the first time you had met at a bus stand.
He stood there, lost in thought, when he suddenly saw a figure leaning against the street light.
An involuntary smile crossed his face as he couldn't believe the coincidence.
"_____, is that you?" Jungkook called out, waving to get your attention. He jogs to where you now stood upright.
You turned towards him, your eyes widening in surprise as you recognized him. "Jungkook? What are you doing here?"
He chuckled and motioned to the bus station. "Well, it seems like the bus stands are our special spot. I thought I'd take a break and enjoy the nostalgia."
You let out a mix of a sigh and an awkward laugh, feeling a mixture of nostalgia and uncertainty. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Jungkook nodded, and he noticed the hesitation in your eyes. "Would you like to grab some dinner? We can catch up?"
You were caught off-guard.
"Right now? It's not late enough for dinner." You attempt to find an excuse.
"Sure it is. There's a new Chinese fusion restaurant right off the road outside." Jungkook urged.
"Fusion? What is it fused with?" You wondered.
Jungkook paused. "I... Actually don't know. Want to find out?" He smiled, invitingly.
Not used to the attention he was giving you just now, you found it difficult to tell him 'no'.
Especially when you really wanted to 'catch up' with him.
So, you reluctantly agreed, and the two of you were headed to the nearby restaurant.
Jungkook smiled back at you as he led the way, "Do you want me to hold your hand? It looks heavy."
Your mouth slightly parted open.
Oh, my god? What was his deal?
You're malfunctioning.
"No. I'd rather not..." You hesitantly refuse. Jungkook slows down to let to catch up to him. "Are you sure? You look like you've been carrying that around for a while. And, I really wouldn't mind it."
More confused than ever, "Well, it is attached to me. I'm okay."
"Well, un-attach it! I'll hold it for you." Jungkook's hands graze your shoulder.
Your brows furrow. Finally, you just ask him. "What?"
"Let me hold your bag. Unbuckle, un-attach, relax." Jungkook blabbered as he switched positions to walk behind you, gently taking your backpack off your shoulders.
Oh, no. Did you really think he was asking to hold your hand? Really now?
You big dummy with a capital 'D'.
You sigh. "Okay. Thanks, but let me just-" You cut yourself off by unzipping your backpack and pulling out a white sweater with pearls for buttons.
The two of you pause mid-way so you can comfortably wear your sweater. The temperature was dropping my the hour.
Although you don't have your matching mittens and earmuffs, it should be fine.
"That's pretty, _____." Jungkook complimented you.
"Where'd you get that?" He asked, thinking about how much Jia would like this kind of clothing.
You shyly blush and look down at your glossy, red pointed toe heels, "Thanks. I made it myself with the yarn my mother spun for me."
Jungkook looked genuinely impressed. "No way. That's got to be worth a lot then."
You stared up at him with big eyes. Nobody had ever said such sweet things to you.
(That's a lie. Your other friends have always praised your clothes and outfits. But this is different, so it's ok!)
You wordlessly, softly smile at him. Jungkook stares back at you.
Suddenly, his expression changes. His eyes grow big and his mouth forms a smile, "Ah! Could I commission you to make something just like that for Jia? She loves stuff like that!"
And just like that, your heart shattered. Again.
Your kind smile turned into a forced one. "Maybe if I have time."
You noted that he didn't demand or suggest you to make a sweater for Jia, but rather requested it and offered to compensate for it. That just tells you more about how considerate and present he is.
Every time you've talked to people about your handmade clothes, they'd beg you to make them one or jokingly ask about it so that if you do end up making something for them, they wouldn't have to pay you for your efforts. This doesn't include your friends, obviously. And, even if your friends were to act this way, you'd gladly gift them your handiwork.
Well, even though he's somewhat of a stranger to you, if Jungkook ever asked you for something, you'd probably just do it for him too. No questions asked.
Jungkook asked you about your day and your classes. And, you him.
As you were walking on the snow covered sidewalk, you mentally cuss yourself out for picking these shoes. Not only were your feet partially frozen and numb, but also you were ruining very expensive shoes.
"Oh! Puddle, watch out." Jungkook swiftly skipped over a puddle of water that horizontally covered a significant portion of the walkway from one end to the other.
You watched him regain his footing and turn back to you.
Does he expect you to leap like that? Your legs aren't as long as his! But, you don't gave a choice.
You can't step in it, it could very well be a hole of icy water. That'd be risking a potential amputation.
You can't walk around it because there's nowhere to go. And, you can't switch to walking on the road because, well it's dangerous, and there's a metal partition placed specifically to avoid mixing people on wheels and people on foot.
Jungkook puts his hand out for you to grab.
"Just put one foot out to this side and I'll pull you up. Don't worry! I've always done this with Jia." He mentions Jia, hoping to reassure you that he wouldn't let you slip.
All it does is make you more uneasy. Just the thought of Jia. It has an odd effect on you. Your body feels colder. You shudder briefly.
Your only goal now is to get past this stupid puddle without humiliating yourself. You realize that delaying this makes you look more cowardly, hence humiliating you.
So, you grab hold of Jungkook's surprisingly warm hand. Not going to lie, you faked some uncertainty just so you could keep holding his hand.
Someone has got to get you in check.
Jungkook urged you to trust him yet again. His stance showed he was prepared to pull you through.
You lift your left foot and somehow land it on the other side of the puddle. Not even a second after, Jungkook roughly pulls you to him with all his strength.
Not expecting this amount of force, you clumsily collide into his chest, immediately wrapping your arms around his torso to avoid falling back into the very puddle you were trying to get across from.
Jungkook reciprocates by circling his arms around your shoulders and head.
How you wished he held you elsewhere, but he was so respectful.
Everything happened so quickly.
Embarrassed, your breath hitched and you suddenly pushed him to the side.
"Sorry." You whisper. You don't know if he could even hear you.
You fix your sweater and continue staring at your feet, eyeing the little droplets of water on your pants.
Your tummy and nether regions were blazing fire and you felt your nipples slowly hardening. You clench your hands into fists, desperately praying nothing is visible. I mean, you were wearing white.
You wanted so badly for Jungkook to reach out, just stick his hand up your top and soothe your pretty, sensitive nips. Your breathing has become unstable for a few seconds.
You should be beaten up for having these thoughts about a taken man.
Jungkook suddenly places his hand on your arm, making you jolt. "We're close. Look, it's there." He smiles and points to the establishment.
"Great. I'm so cold." You try to play it off, just in case he noticed something.
You then cover your chest by flipping your hair back over it.
This time, he let you walk ahead of him.
On reaching the restaurant, Jungkook skipped ahead of you and pulled the door open for you. "After you." He smiled, goofily.
You blush and instantly shake it off, "Why, thank you. My fragile hands could never."
Jungkook and you were immediately hit by the warmth and coziness of the home style, Chinese fusion restaurant.
"Huh. This is not at all what I expected." Jungkook looked around, pleased with himself.
You replicated that action.
The restaurant was designed to replicate someone's home, or garage. It had unique tables and chairs. No two items were the same. Even most of cutlery was different.
You appreciated the dedication to this concept.
"Good evening! Table for two?" A very familiar voice interrupted you.
Your head abruptly turned towards the direction of the voice.
"Joon!" You exclaimed, rushing over to throwing yourself into his personal space.
Surprised by your sudden enthusiasm, Jungkook raised a brow. This was the most chipper he'd ever seen you.
Jungkook and Namjoon knew each other.
Other than from your constant yapping, Namjoon knew of Jungkook because Jungkook was actively trying to pursue Namjoon, pleading for him to be Jungkook's musical mentor. However, Namjoon wouldn't budge.
Namjoon instantaneously engulfs your whole body with his arms, rubbing your back.
When Namjoon clearly looked at the man stood behind you, his eyes widened.
No way.
Is this why you went off-grid? Had you finally managed to bag Jeon Jungkook? Namjoon was too stunned to move.
Namjoon was just about to ask you about it when Jungkook speaks instead. "Table for two is right. Thanks."
You let go off Namjoon, confirming Jungkook's words.
Whatever. Namjoon will be blowing your phone up later either way. So, he decided to let you off the hook for the rest of the evening.
Namjoon cheekily smiles at the two of you as he leads you into an isolated booth.
It was a space behind some beaded curtains, giving the illusion of the space being more private.
The table was relatively smaller and surrounding it were three chairs; two regular wooden ones with soft cushions, and one loveseat.
Then, Namjoon abruptly left.
You didn't realize what Namjoon was doing until he returned with two menus and something that looked like a candle and a lighter.
Oh, no.
No. This was NOT happening.
You frown and awkwardly wait for him to set the table up and leave.
What? There's nothing you can do or say without overreacting! It's not like you WANT to wine and dine your friend's boyfriend.
(You totally do, but you would not pull something like that purposely.)
Jungkook seemed to just go with the flow, unbothered.
You promptly sat yourself on one of the wooden chairs and Jungkook opted to sit on the comfortable loveseat.
"So, how do you know Namjoon?" Jungkook wasted no time.
"We've been friends for a while." You continue, "Jia too. She knows him."
At that, Jungkook raises a brow. Jia knows Namjoon? Jungkook has mentioned Namjoon many times before. Jia never indicated that she knew him.
Still, he brushed it off.
"How do you know him?" You ask.
"Oh, he's like rhythm and poetry royalty. I've been sending this man emails for months begging him to mentor me... I can't believe Jia- It's so weird, finally seeing the guy who kept rejecting me." He cut himself off towards the end.
He can't believe Jia WHAT? Tell me. PLEASE.
You painstakingly push your annoyance away.
Instead you laugh, "I had no idea he was being pursued by students, wow."
"Yeah..." Jungkook giggled, somewhat embarrassed.
As the evening went on, you talked quite a bit. If he noticed, he didn't mind your awkwardness.
As if you were suddenly remembering something, you hummed. "I take it you didn't tell Jia about the... thing?" You struggled to find the right words to describe it.
Jungkook slowly nodded and repeated, "The... Thing."
"Yeah. You know, about you guys? Dating?" You press your legs together, a little anxious.
"Oh! Right!" He smiled in realization, "I actually did end up telling her about it that same night." He nodded, this time, positively.
You froze and your face dropped.
Had you been drinking something at that moment, you'd have spat that out. If you were eating at that moment, you'd have dropped your utensils on the floor.
"And then we talked about you for a while. I told her you gave me your word. I mean, I'm sure she already told you..." He continued.
Jia. She knows you know.
"Because she panicked..." Jungkook kept talking but at that point you had tuned him out.
Your mouth involuntarily formed a sad pout. Your eyes which were drying out from tiredness, slowly began to fill up with tears of... frustration, and anger, and confusion.
She knew.
She didn't even try to talk to you.
You assumed she was just busy.
But, she was actually just avoiding you. Just as you her.
Your eyes were glazed over.
The humiliation, guilt, anger and paranoia set in all at once.
Does this mean... Jungkook knows? Is he toying with you?
No. That's far-fetched. Way off. He'd never do that. He was so nice to you all night.
But, he IS a nice guy. Why wouldn't he be nice?
You're starting to make less sense now.
You don't even blink because if you do, your tears won't hold themselves back.
Jia fucking knew and avoided you on purpose. She couldn't face you. She fucking betray you, and she couldn't handle it. She didn't want to face it.
Jungkook sensed that there was something on your mind. "_____, is something wrong? Should I not have told her? What's going on?" He asked, his curiosity piqued.
You hesitated for a moment. You weren't used to being impulsive. That was never you. But, lately, that streak was becoming increasingly steady.
So, you decided to open up. Like an idiot.
"It's me."
Jungkook nervously smiled, "It's you?"
"The 'creep' with the schoolgirl crush." You added.
Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise, and he leaned in, his expression a mix of shock and curiosity. "You? But... I don't understand."
He shook his head and stared at you, expecting you to keep going.
Great job, idiot.
You didn't have a choice now.
You took a deep breath and began to explain, "I had a crush on you, Jungkook. I have a crush on you. I've never been silent about it." You winced.
The tears. They're coming.
"I mean, I've never been silent about it with my friends. Including Jia."
The knot forming in your throat felt tighter.
Jungkook listened carefully, trying to make sense of this... revelation. "So, it was all a misunderstanding? There was never a 'creep'?" He reasoned.
You kept your eyes trained down at your lap, more embarrassed than ever. "I... No? I don't know." Your eyes were heavy with tears. Your nose began to sting.
You pressed your lips together to hold all the ugly sobs in, and squeezed your eyes shut.
"_____?" Jungkook questioned worriedly.
You furrowed your brows and frantically shook your head, "Jia. Everyone, my friends, everyone knew about it- that I liked you. From the day we met. The- it was like a mixer?" You slouch and let your arms fall to your sides, "I can't remember. I've liked you for so long..." You trail off silently shedding tears.
You inhale before letting out a little squeaky apology.
Jungkook only looks at you. He doesn't understand, or register anything.
"_____..." Jungkook begins.
"I didn't know Jia was your girlfriend. I'd always talk to her about you, and how good you looked on whatever, whenever- and how you, and then she..." Your shoulders begin to shake towards the end of your sentence. You fully began to cry.
Thank goodness you were separated from the rest of the restaurant-goers.
You were clearly unable to hold a conversation.
You wanted to bang your head on the table. Repeatedly.
Jungkook's brows almost touched his hairline.
"I'M the 'creep' she told you about. I'm the reason for... But I didn't know. I SWEAR. Until you told me. I knew then." You sniffle every two seconds. "I was going to tell you how I felt but then you- I'm sorry!" You finally broke down, sobbing into your hands.
"Hey. Just... breathe, okay?" You felt Jungkook shimmy out of his seat and back away from the table. He then walks over to you.
You already knew tomorrow's _____ was going to kill herself.
Jungkook pours you a glass of water.
He has no idea what to tell you.
He can't find the words to even begin to describe what he's feeling right now.
Jungkook's brain had stopped generating new thoughts. All he's thinking about is the crying girl in front of him, half-heartedly confessing her feelings for him.
Frustrated, he ran his hands through his hair. Then he looked down at you.
You are whom his girlfriend was worried about?
The same girl whom he hadn't stopped thinking about the past weeks.
The same girl who's his girlfriend's friend. His girlfriend.
His girlfriend who lied- hid things from him.
Had you planned this? Was Jia right to hide him away?
Jungkook really doesn't know what to think.
Jungkook needed to leave. He felt suffocated.
"_____, I'm sorry for the way things turned out. I... wish I had known the truth earlier." Jungkook solemnly spoke.
He hoped you believed him. He can't tell if you're in the right frame of mind to talk. He knows he sure isn't.
You sniffle harder, still appreciating his understanding. "I honestly just wanted to clear the air and be honestly honest with you...." You sigh deeply, speaking shakily. "I just thought... Maybe Jia would talk to me herself. And when she didn't--- I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable."
Jungkook just stood by you, unmovingly. It was as if he himself was trying to figure out what to say.
After what felt like forever, you hesitantly lift your head up to look at Jungkook, "I understand if you'd want to leave now."
And you meant it. You couldn't force him to watch you cry like an idiot. So, you understandingly told him he had a free will, that he could walk away.
And he really did.
Jungkook stared down at your tear-stained face for a few seconds.
Then without uttering a single word, he slowly blinked at you and walked away.
Now, you stare at the back of his head, wide-eyed.
You didn't expect him to actually leave this instance.
I mean, he didn't owe you anything, but you still felt uneasy.
The rational part of you truly understood his choice. But the emotional part of you was destroyed.
Even though you have no right to feel this way, you're so disappointed. In him. In yourself. In Jia. You think that's well deserved though; your disappointment in Jia.
Did she hate you?
Nothing else mattered.
You don’t know it yet but the biggest burden had just been lifted off your shoulders.
(Until you face Jia. But, more on that later.)
And, as for Jia; Jia had enough time to come clean. This was not on you. It was all her.
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
Pick a pile, left to right ♡
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Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Tap Masterlist for more !
Pile 1
They like to take the lead, might be dominating.
Sets strict boundaries for people.
They're protective, stable and authoritative.
They move on easily.
They might've had a rough and financially poor background or past.
They are a fair person, they don't like injustice for other people.
They like drinking and may have a whole collection of different kind of drinks.
They like to party and socialize a lot.
They constantly move forward in their life, from one place to another. They're very determined and goal oriented.
They might've had a very bad heartbreak in the past in love which made them very emotionally hurt. They are moving forward from this though.
Pile 2
This person dreams of a lot of nightmares.
Very hardworking person, takes up many responsibilities.
They've worked very hard for becoming what they are right now. They still continue to work hard.
This person works in a team, they're most probably leading this team.
They are currently working hard to learn or master a new skill.
This person is detached from the world.
He's thinking and waiting for an offer right now, romantically or career wise.
Very rich financially. On a high position at work.
This person is afraid of failing.
This person has the ability to grow and develop.
Pile 3
Very mischievous and funny.
Very easy going, doesn't stress much about things in life.
Invests a lot for future gains, emotionally or financially.
They are a healer, they help people move forward in their life.
Very mysterious, may have some hidden talents or knowledge most people don't.
This person is a strategic thinker.
Very masculine, dominating and leading energy.
Wants to travel the whole world.
Likes work and personal life balance.
Pile 4
Works very hard and takes up a lot of responsibility.
Currently moving on from a tough situation in life.
Very emotional and offering in love.
Eyes hold a lot of depth. Very deep and pure soul.
This person's intentions are very pure, they don't wish bad for anyone.
Very practical approach towards life.
This person is surely gonna be wealthy and rich in the future.
This person questions things like god and religion.
This person is going through a divine and spiritual awakening.
Traditional and conventional.
Pile 5
This person is very fast.
This person quickly jumps into romantic relationships.
Very romantic and passionate.
Hopeless romantic.
This might be contradicting but this person now waits and thinks before jumping into romantic relationships.
It's because he's had bad experiences due to being too quick and rushing.
This person is scared to fall in love again due to past heartbreak.
This person just waits now before making any decisions.
Very Masculine
Might be older than you.
Pile 6
Rich background
Fair and logical.
Indecisive sometimes.
Very intuitive and spiritual.
Likes balance in life.
Says the truth no matter what
Old soul, wise
Very prosperous and wealthy
Moving on from something chaotic.
Impulsive sometimes.
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cupidddd-d · 1 year
but you haven't seen my man
in which the true details of your relationship with regulus black is hidden from the hogwarts population
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"i bet they do dark blood rituals behind closed doors,"
"do you think they're only together to keep up appearances?"
"look at the way they look at each other! i just know they secretly hate each other."
whispers would fly down the hall every time you and regulus walked past, but you both didn't mind. why would you? you knew the truth.
you knew how patient he was. you knew that he would help you study before tests and put you to bed if you fell asleep reading. you saw the way he would catch your eye from across the room and wink. you felt the way his cool, ring-clad hands would lay themselves on your knee every time you got anxious.
regulus knew how loving you were. he knew the way you would scoop extra food onto his plate because he sometimes forgot to eat. he saw the way you looked at him as if he hung the stars in the sky, even if he didn't think he deserved your admiration. he felt your warm, gentle fingers carding through his dark curls.
in every step you took, in every breath you inhaled, you felt his love around you. you felt the way he would always smile when you were making stupid, impulsive decisions. in the whispers of the wind, you heard how he always told you he loved you while he thought you were asleep.
regulus saw you in everything. he felt your warmth every time sunlight casted onto his robes. he saw your glimmering eyes in the polished, stained glass hogwarts windows. he thought of you every time he saw grass because he knew green was your favorite color.
maybe hogwarts thought the both of you were the darkest beings to ever touch earth, but you knew the truth. he knew the truth. and no matter what anyone else thought, you would both be hopelessly in love with each other, for better or for worse.
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zapshazam · 7 months
idk something really rubs me wrong about the way fandom treats Astarion's reactions to the Halsin poly romance and ESPECIALLY the Drow twins stuff. like yes. i get the kneejerk reaction to feel really uncomfortable once you get the line from the narrator about Astarion disassociating during sex with the twins - it's not fun to deal with! you want him to have enthusiastic fun the whole time and your character at that point is definitely in love with him and he's reciprocating, so i get it.
but..... like.... he's an adult man who is coming to terms with how he views himself his sexuality and his desires. he DOES enthusiastically want to try having a big fun sex party once you've completed his personal quest. healing from trauma, certainly SEXUAL TRAUMA, isn't a one-and-done thing. just because he's ready to initiate sex with you at his grave doesn't mean he's going to be 100% comfortable all the time forever going forward.
it happens sometimes. even at your best and most thriving-est sometimes something happens that triggers you and if that's your defense mechanism? boom, you're far away, you're going through the motions. he isn't having a ton of fun but again, he didn't know going in, it's an experiment.
but like. reloading as soon as you see that line about him disassociating because it makes you feel icky (which again, fair, I get the impulse) is kinda. idk. babying? like he's SO enthusiastic about doing it when asked. it doesn't end the best. for me that just means he and Tav/Durge have a conversation afterwards where he comes to a realization that yes, he's into the IDEA, but probably only with people he trusts and knows aren't only banging him because of how hot he is. all the dialogue during that scene, as sexy as it is, is EXTREMELY objectifying toward Astarion. it fits his story that it would make him uncomfortable once it becomes clear that that's The Vibe! let him come to that conclusion, he's a big boy! you don't have to treat him like he's made of glass - he's a survivor and he's his own person who gets to make these decisions and deal with the consequences. with a partner who loves him and can help him through it! that's that real good shit imo, that's the shit that makes this game's relationships and character moments feel so real even when they have to veer into headcanon territory.
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adventuringblind · 2 months
Monsters in my Mind
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Sometimes those thoughts won't leave, the ones you don't want... The ones that can be dangerous. All it takes is one person to help make them go away.
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, referenced/implied self-harm, violent thoughts, impulsive behaviors, panic attacks, non-sexual dominance as a form of coping, dom/sub undertones
Notes: My thoughts are self stabby as of late. Pardon me as I write this for myself to keep my head and hands busy.
Side Note: Consider feeding my praise kink maybe...?
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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The head is a strange place. One's conscious is usually meant to help them make the right decisions and not engage in acts that could hurt them or others. Her head, however, is the opposite of that.
It's a dark twisted place where thoughts that aren't her own find refuge. They want to bathe her in the ecstasy of things that shouldn't feel good. daydreams about things that could repulse any typical human being.
Sometimes they are so strong and her bodies reactions are so out of control, that she has to find relief somewhere. The knife against her skin takes the edge off. Is it normal to moan at the sting and feel satisfied looking at her red stained thighs? She does, until the realization settles in and the guilt won't let her think.
The thoughts laugh at her for giving in so easily. They scrutinize the fact she gets off on the pain.
She walks around in fear of herself. The anxiety and exhaustion from constantly fighting herself are visible on her body. She's tired, and everyone knows it. It's why they don't come near her. Always to caught up in her own head to realize people are trying converse.
It's not like her job requires to much discussion with people. Puzzles keep her brain busy and Ferrari keeps her busy with all the strategy mishaps they throw at her. They throw her a problem, she solves it, plans for next time, and they fuck it up again by not using the solution.
Sometimes she thinks about throwing herself in front of an F1 car going full speed. That voice in her head screams at her anytime she's close to the live track.
Then there is Max. His voice sends the thoughts running and it makes her want to cling to him. She wants him to never stop talking about anything and everything.
Today had been particularly difficult with the of the driver switch coming at the end of the season. Carlos and Charles are the first drivers she's worked with and they all got along great. She doesn't want it to change. That means more unknowns.
The wind graces her cheeks and kisses her finger tips as she sits on the balcony of their apartment. Everything is to much right now and her thoughts won't quiet.
She was in Maranello when the news came out. Her head became so loud with the fear of change and worry for her friend. Enough to be sent home for the day - alone, and nothing to help her head aside from the burning desire to just end it all.
Max had made arraignments for her to spend some time with him in the Milton-Keynes. She was still alone for periods of time. Enough to have to settle herself somehow.
The color red makes something in her relax. Specifically when it's flowing out of her own body.
Now Max is with her and she's stuck in her own head. The never ending maze of twisted thoughts keeps her from moving. The fear of giving in has been looming over her head for longer then normal. It feels like she's losing something, always has been with this team, but change feels far worse then staying with them.
Max hasn't pushed her to do much aside from at least stay in his presence. Occasionally attempting to get her out of her own head with movies and games. He's even spent hours at a time just talking to her about anything and everything.
He opens the door to the balcony, but she doesn't look at him. Not until he holds his hand out for her to take. An action she does without hesitation. No thoughts are needed for this, just following Max's lead.
He leads her over to the couch and arranges them so she can sit tucked into his lap. A grounding hand runs up and down the lenght of her spine. "I've been doing some research about how we might be able to get your head to quiet down."
"I'll do anything, jus' want it to stop." Her voice sounds dry and cracked from how hard she's screamed and cried through the last few days.
"Do you trust me?"
"More then I trust anyone."
She finds herself slipping off the couch and onto her knees, in-between Max's legs with her head resting against his thigh. His touch doesn't leave her skin. "You're doing so good for me. Listen to my voice and focus on taking big breathes for me. Can you do that for me?"
She hums in response. The continual stroke of Max's fingers against her face and sound of his voice already helping immensely.
"That's it, just breathe for me. I've got you; you don't have to fight the thoughts alone. I'm right here with you, keeping them away, never leaving your side." Max grabs one of her hands with his free one. her fingers lay between his. Her favorite puzzle with how easy the pieces fit together.
"You're here with me; I've got you. Those scary thoughts aren't your own. The are unwanted and uninvited, but most importantly, they don't define you. You are brave, loved, beautiful without gaping wounds. You're not crazy or psychotic. You are yourself, with your highs and your lows."
Her body has never felt like this. Her entire being wants to give itself over to Max. His breathes guiding her own, his gentle yet firm hold on her keeping her where he wants.
She lets herself fall under his spell. If Max can take the control away from her, make her complaint and relaxed like this, then he can have her thoughts too.
"That's it, such a good girl, let me think for you. I won't leave you to fight or flounder on your own."
She follows Max's directions, lets him guide her in this place of trust and letting go of things. He's turning her brain off and letting her float without any kind of worries except what Max is telling her to do.
Until all she can think of is him. The calm the comes with his presence and the way his voice falls over her like a soft blanket. Max is all she knows, occupying every crevice of her mind and leaving no room for anything else to creep in.
"How're you feeling, geliefd?" There is a lightness to his tone that makes her swoon.
She hums against his leg. "Warm, fuzzy, head empty."
"Then you stay here as long as you need, okay? I'll keep you safe."
And she does.
She falls into the warm embrace of Max's words. She lets him protect her and keep the dark ugly thoughts away.
With Max, her head is quiet. The voices can't come though. When they do, he's there to fight them back.
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jade-jini · 8 months
"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙…"
Student Council President!Chaewon x Little Menace Reader
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Genre: Friends (love-hate) with benefits. smut. Fluff (kinda lmao)
TW: overstimulation. Orgasm delay)? Little bit of choking ‘cause it doesn’t hurt. Jealousy, chae is lowkey possessive idk what to tell you.
This is based on this stucon presi!chae x menace reader storyline, so I’d go check that first 100%.
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What for others would look like you simply talking and laughing with some of your friends, to chaewon (my least possessive friend Ofc) looked like the stupid flirty menace she unfortunately likes was surrounded by popular pretty girls, minutes away from probably choosing who chaewon’s replacement/competition/rival the subject of your attention is gonna be for the weekend.
It wasn’t like that tho, at all. Actually, to most people’s surprise (and disappointment), you weren’t interested in getting with nobody else besides chaewon, but this last part was Ofc something only you and her knew.
And yes she knew it! She didn’t think like this about you. Not all the time at least. Only when she was really jealous. Her mind would betray her creating fake scenarios where you go and fuck somebody else as good as you fucked her. Or where you’d let other people explore that body that she so much loved, making her get all impulsive and angry and ugh! She had to go there and showed you and everybody who tf owned you.
She decided she’s had enough when she sees Chaeryeong grabbing your waist.
She was simply helping you with a dance move that she showed you and you wanted to learn.
“Bs”, according to chaewon. Specially when the other girls are looking at you like you’re a piece of meat while you’re dancing so sexy.
(None of that was actually happening snjddj they’re just laughing with/at you ‘cause you’re too silly and can’t get the move right. Wonie is insane).
But she was jealous af, so out of impulse (this is your influence istg) she walked to you, grabbed your wrist and threw a cheap excuse about how you had to help the stuco members finish some stuff as part of one of your punishments.
You weren’t even sure if that was true or not (probably yes) but you didn’t even have a chance to fight as she dragged you down the hallway. You could only wave a goodbye to the other girls while they waved back with confused expressions in their faces, not saying anything because who in their right mind would argue with a clearly angry Kim Chaewon.
“We should pray for her” Ryujin said. And oh was she right.
Chaewon grabbed your wrist tighter and pulled you to an empty janitor’s closet, locking the door quickly.
“Umm, Wonie?-” you started, clearly confused about what was happening, but got cut off.
“Shut up.” she whispered while pushing you against the door, pressing her body against yours and kissing you aggressively.
You had no idea what was going on but you don’t have time to even process a question when her hand is already inside your pants, teasing you and making you wetter than you already were. The girl lets go of your lips at the same time so she can see your reaction, while you sigh both ‘cause of the lack of air in your lungs and ‘cause of the pleasure and intensity of her eyes.
“Unnie what’s-”
Oh?? -
Her fingers started moving slowly on your clit, which is surprising in contrast with the aggressive way she basically kidnapped you in this closet.
Don’t get confused tho, she totally wants to ruin you right now for making her feel this way. So impulsive, so angry, so jealous. Acting without stopping herself to reason and to choose a coherent decision. That is so you. This wasn’t Chaewon. This wasn’t her, tf?. She was upset at you and wanted you to know it, to feel it burning through your body the way it was through hers. But first she had to make you believe she’s taking things slow.
“Wonie, that feels good…”
“Yeah?” She asked in that sensual soft tone she sometimes used, accompanied with a smile “I make you feel good, don’t I?”
“Of course you do baby…” you answered, already starting to get lost in the pleasure the girl was making you feel, closing your eyes while you rested your head against the door behind you. Biting your lip and unconsciously moving a little bit under her touch, starting to give Chaewon a little show.
“Better than Chaeryeong?”
“Better than all those girls? Hm? Don’t think I didn’t see you basically flirting with all of them. Tell me, do I make you feel better than them?”
Oh no.
“Oh I’m fucked” you thought. Chaewon was jealous. That’s why she was being so impulsive and careless. And here you were thinking she was just starting to get too affected ‘cause of your company.
You could be a little bit of flirt, yes. But it was part of your personality, it was just natural! Plus it was mostly just joking around, you were friends with those girls, and honestly chaewon kept you too distracted to think about other girls like that, let alone actually get with other girls. Even if you guys weren’t exactly dating. (Lets go losers who are loyal without dating wooo)
“Chaewon, it’s not like that, with Chaer-”
“Shut. Up!” She whispered-screamed “I don’t wanna hear other girls’ names while I’m fucking you, let alone their stupid little nicknames, what’s wrong with you?!”
“But you asked me if- Ah fuck!” you almost screamed in a high pitched cry when she suddenly put her fingers all the way inside you.
“And your answer wasn’t supposed to include another girl’s name.” she said between her teeth, slowly but hardly fingering you.
“I- I’m sorry…”
“Now tell me. Do I make you feel better than them?”
You were gonna answer but she started going so fast on purpose, sending your mind to another planet.
“answer me or I’ll stop and you won’t get to come today.”
“Yes! Yes you’re so good. You’re better than everybody else, you’re perfect!” you said in between moans while trying to catch your breath. Compliments kept falling from your mouth and Chaewon loved every second of it. You guys couldn’t be too loud tho.
“Be quiet, somebody might hear you!”
“I can’t, it feels too good…”
“Yeah?” She said while softening her tone and smiling. Those little moans and whimpers while you grabbed her shoulders, causing wrinkles in her perfectly ironed uniform. She’d normally complain about it but she couldn’t care less, not when you’re looking and sounding so cute, making her forget why was she even mad about to begin with.
“Too good… unnie…” and Omg she can’t help but to shut you up with a kiss. Her kisses went to your neck while you unbuttoned your shirt.
“What are you doing?” The president asked while looking at you, stopping her kisses.
“I need kisses there too..” you answered, referring to your now very sensitive tits.
“And who told you you had any type of control on what’s happening here right now?” She said in a mocking tone.
“Unnie, please…” you begged, looking up at her and pouting, your eyes basically screaming your desire for her mouth to cease the needs that that part of your body was feeling. And that’s all it took for her walls to break and give in.
“Fuck. you’re lucky you’re cute and have those puppy eyes.” She said while moving your bra up and starting to leave kisses on your chest.
“Ha, thanks. Jen says the same all the time” you said without thinking. And you regretted it immediately when you realized you once again dropped somebody else’s name. Chaewon stopped her kisses and fingers inside you, making you groan as you felt that familiar sensation of your orgasm getting close painfully disappearing. Ah fuck.
“Oh really?” she said, sarcasm floating around her tone while she looked up at you. You gulped.
Chaewon (almost) never got jealous of her best friend. She knew you guys were friends even before she appeared in the picture at all. But right now? Every other human being was simply a rival for her. Even Yunjin. It was you and her. And you were hers. And she’ll fuck every other girl, person, name, thought out of your fucking mind if she has too. You get distracted way too easily for her liking.
“What else does she do that I do too, hm?” she asked while starting to move her fingers again slowly.
“I- I’m sorry unnie I didn’t mean to-” you tried to say but she wasn’t having it.
“No no, cmon tell me. What does my friend and I have in common?” she added, a fake-interested tone adorning her voice “does she also tells you how tight your pussy always is even after fucking it deep and hard a million times?”
You whimpered at her dirty talking, not being able to answer as your brain was malfunctioning with the pleasure added by her words and the stimulation she started to give to your nipples with her other hand.
“Does she tell you how perfect your tits fit in her hands? Or how good you taste in her mouth? Tell me does she tell you all those things while she fucks you as good as I do” She whispered in your ear while fucking you harder and faster.
You couldn’t form one single thought. You could only shook your head because of course Yunjin hasn’t done any of that Tf?! Doesn’t mean you weren’t turned on by this jealous side of Chaewon, who’d be so possessive even when she knows she’s the only one who tells you and does all those things to you.
“You know ~oh f-fuck~ that only you can make me feel this good, unnie” you moaned in her ear with your low voice, and you could feel her whimper against your neck. “Chaewon.. fuck I’m gonna come…” you said, your voice getting slightly high pitched, praying she’d finally let you come instead of building your orgasm and stopping.
“Do it for me, baby. Only for me” she answered while sucking on one of your nipples and moaning against it, as her free hand grabbed your neck, tightening around it slightly just the way she knew you liked it, creating a sensation that was more than enough to send you to your climax. You came hard all over her hand, but she didn’t stop or slow down.
“Fuck! Wonie, wait…!” you said while trying to move her hand but that only made her slap yours Lmao.
“ah ah ah! Keep your hands to yourself baby” the girl whispered in that sexy voice she has while getting on her knees, never removing her eyes from yours. If they weren’t so hypnotizing maybe you would’ve realized what she was gonna do. Only the sensation of her tongue inside your pussy replacing her fingers brought you back to reality.
“Holy fuck Wonie!” you almost screamed, quickly covering your mouth with your hand and biting hard to avoid any other sound coming from you. Her tongue, reaching every right spot right after your first orgasm, being too overwhelming “Chaewon, please slow down, it’s too much!” you whispered-screamed. You looked down at her, and regretted it immediately.
The girl simply went to your clit and shook her head in a “no” motion while stimulating it with the tip of her tongue, her fingers back inside your pussy moving fast and hard. God she looked so Fuckin hot like that. Her pretty eyes fixed in your face, that stupid egocentric smile that made her eyes looked like crescent moons, nothing in her mind but to fuck you until your legs were shaking. That plus the way she moved her fingers and mouth on you, without even giving you a break from your recent orgasm, was making you feel extra sensitive. Pleasure running from head to toe. You could hear your heart in your ears.
“Fuck! Oh my god, Wonie! Ahh…” you cried with the little string of voice you had left. tears forming in your barely open eyes while you gave the girl on her knees what she wanted and came all over her fingers and mouth. Your legs felt like jelly, so while getting up and licking her lips clean, she grabbed you so you wouldn’t fall.
“Are you ok?” The president asked giggling, holding you close to her and feeling your agitated breathing against her chest. You shook your head, making her giggle again.
“What was that?!” You asked her, shocked and still not completely back after the intense experience the girl in front of you made you have.
“hmm, nothing. Just felt like stealing your attention” She answered, to then lick her fingers clean. God, you didn’t understand what that woman did to you, you haven’t even recovered from whatever that was, yet you could feel yourself slowly getting horny again. Thank and fuck youth for the high sex drive.
“It’s not typical of Kim Chaewon to do something like this tho” you reminded her, hugging her by the shoulders. She scrunched her nose cutely at the comment.
“That’s true, but you’re so cute like this”.
“What, all messy after we fuck? you asked her laughing while slowly getting your breath to start going back to normal. She softly slapped your arm.
“Not that, when you’re only mine…” she said while hiding her face against your neck, and her fingers slowly traveled between your thighs again.
well, damn.
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st4rtar0t · 26 days
What's next in love?
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DM for personal readings
Picture 1
I sense that you may have been through a completion or some kind of ending, either or a relationship or a situation ship. you may have been feeling drained by all that has happened within the last week. You may even feel like you have bad luck in love or love and relationships may not be your strongest suits. You are being guided to work on yourself, the only reason things are not working out is because the universe is saving you for someone special. and you will be overjoyed when you meet them. But before that you will have to grow spiritually and emotionally because I see that you are not ready for a long term connection and yet you keep looking for it in wrong people. Deep down you fear being vulnerable and deep connections, you will have to work on it first.
You will meet them right after a spiritual awakening or when you will be working towards your life purpose. You are constantly in survival mode, be more open and at ease.
You may have to pause on dating somebody for sometime or you may feel like you don't want to date anyone anymore but whatever the case may be I see that you will be working more on yourself and your goals.
Things that might resonate : stars or stargazing, paperwork or court, smiling emoji or stickers, train or bus, butterflies, a gold ring or a bracelet.
Picture 2
okayy so i sense that you may be waiting for someone to contact you or you may have sent an impulsive text to somebody. or you may need to made a decision in some time. I do see that there is somebody that is interested in you and the feelings are mutual, you may already know who i am talking about but there is some kind of external forces that is stopping this person from approaching you, either you have somebody else or they are talking to somebody else. i do see that there is a third party or this person may feel like you have somebody else now. for some of you this may be an ex. I do see that you do want them back for some. but overall i see that you already know the person who is your future partner.
I also see that they may be connected to your family or you may meet them through your family. I see that they may always have earphones plugged in or they may be connected to music.
You may be wishing to be in a relationship with them because they seem to be your ideal type. one of you may have to move on from your past. their or your name may translate to wish/hope/desire etc.
things that might resonate : clock or clock tower, office work, untuned guitar, blood ties, inner circle, yes, 21, 31, 46.
Picture 3
I sense that you guys may be thinking of moving out or changing locations soon. You may meet this person while travelling or they may be your neighbour in the new neighbourhood. I see that some of you may be talking to somebody who lives at a distance or you will be talking soon, whatever the case may be, i see that this is somebody new. This person maybe rich or they belong to a respected family. For some of you this person might be your future spouse. They may have a deep voice or husky voice. You guys may not be considering a romantic relationship at first but the feelings will increase over time. I sense that you are really intuitive yourself and you already be having dreams about them. I see that they may offer some kind of help to you, both financial and physical.
They may be an air or earth sign, especially Aquarius and Taurus. They may have long hair or thick hair. Their is really significant here. They may work in the education sector or medical sector.
I see that they find you really attractive and charming. You may be wearing yellow or yellow may be really significant in the first meeting.
Things that might resonate : Butterflies, crows, black cats, white, river or water body, cloudy day, 10,5, 17, library or books.
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morelikeravenbore · 2 months
✨Sebastian Sallow fluff alphabet
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My personal headcanons based on the way I imagine and write Sebastian in How to Make a Villain.
This template is from this post by snowluvs and is definitely worth a read and a reblog! I loooove reading Sebastian headcanons so feel free to write your own, too!
🌶️ Find my Sebastian Sallow spicy alphabet here.
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A - Attractive - what do they find attractive about their partner?
We all know that Sebastian has a bit of a savior complex, so he's attracted to a partner who trusts him with their vulnerability by letting him protect them, care for them and fuss over them. However, he also likes a challenge, so someone with a bit of backbone to go with their vulnerability would really pique his interest. It doesn't matter what form that backbone takes, be it academically-focused, impressive duelling prowess, or just someone whose not afraid to call him out when he's acting out of line, Sebastian is undeniably attracted to that spark.
Read on 👇
B - Body - what is their favourite part of their partner’s body?
Given that he craves deep and genuine emotional connection with a partner, he's very drawn to the face: stroking your cheeks, kissing the corners of your mouth, your eyelids, your brows. He finds any excuse to touch your face, whether it be brushing your hair back behind your ear or tenderly wiping food or smudges from your chin with his thumbs. When being intimate, he holds your face between his hands, pressing his forehead to yours, never breaking eye contact.
C - Cuddle - how do they like to cuddle?
Sebastian is a squasher. He needs to feel physically close to you and will often forget this own size and strength in his desperation to hold you closer, closer, closer. He hugs you so tightly you can't breathe, or else lays his entire body weight on top of you when you're lying down together or sharing a bed. You often have to remind him to back up a little lest he squeeze the life outta you with his love.
D - Dates - what does their ideal date look like?
Sebastian is spontaneous and impulsive, but beneath all that bravado and charm, he is also quite afraid of rejection, so he might not always straight out "ask" you on a date. Rather, you might find yourself accidentally having dinner together at the Three Broomsticks, or huddled for hours in a cozy bookshop he "stumbled upon" at random. Sebastian considers any time spent alone with you a date, and would later tease you about how many "dates" you've already been on without ever being asked.
E - Equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Generally speaking, Sebastian has a hard time relinquishing control to another. Given his history, he is used to taking charge, solving problems on his own and shouldering the burdens of everyone he cares about — and it goes without saying that he can be incredibly stubborn about accepting help or support, even when he genuinely needs it. However, this does tend to lead to mental and physical overwhelm; decisions become impossible, his body aches with exhaustion, and sometimes the boy just needs you to baby him — while still giving him the illusion that he has everything under control ;)
F - Fight - would they find it easy to forgive their partner? how are they fighting?
My personal headcanon that Sebastian is a Virgo sun, Aries rising. His Aries means he's reactive and oftentimes at the mercy of his more intense emotions (such as anger, jealousy — being ruled by Mars). He doesn't always communicate in a healthy way, he lashes out, snaps, or jumps to wild conclusions that don't make any sense. However, being a Virgo sun means he's ultimately a caregiver with a deep need to fix things and look after you, so he's very quick to apologise and make things right again.
G - Gifts - how do they feel about gift giving? what are their habits when it comes to this?
His gifts are either very practical (something you'll use every day), or something very sentimental (something that once belonged to his mother).
When it comes to receiving gifts, he doesn't believe he deserves them, so giving him something uselful like an interesting book, a set of quills, or a planner is the best way to spoil him without making him uncomfortable. However, if you gift him something sentimental, or something you made especially for him, he'll treasure it for the rest of his life.
H - Holding Hands - when / how do they like to hold hands?
If this boy can hold your hand, he will hold your hand, and if he can't hold your hand, he'll play with your fingers, trace the lines of your palms, brush his pinky against yours. You're his anchor, and your hands are the easiest part to hold on to.
I - Injury - how would they act if their partner got hurt?
Given his history with his parents and his twin, he is completely overbearing any time you're sick or injured. He'll fuss, worry, devise a strict recovery regime, won't allow you to lift and finger, and make you stay in bed long after you're well again. He'll research cures, studies, information about whatever it is that ails you, and will likely tell you all about it in great detail. This is where that lovely backbone of yours will come in handy, because you'll definitely have to sit him down and tell him to relax.
J - Jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
For all his wonderful strengths, Sebastian suffers from insecurities born from a lifetime of losing those he loves. His jealousy stems not from your actions, but from a deep-seated fear that you're eventually going to realise that he's as rotten as he believes himself to be and leave him. He can be a bit much, but communication is key.
K - Kisses - how do they like to kiss their partner?
Sebastian loves to kiss your face aaaall over, but once he gets started, he finds it hard to stop. Boy is a kisser, and he can get messy.
L - Love Language - what’s their love language?
Acts of Service and physical affection. Being useful gives him a sense of purpose, and touching gives him a sense of peace, so expect to be well looked after and loved. When receiving love, he responds just as strongly to physical affection, as well as words of affirmation. Tell him he's appreciated and that he's done a good job, and he'll be yours forever.
M - Mornings - how are mornings spent with them?
If you manage to get him into bed before he falls asleep where ever he's been reading or studying, it's a hard job rousing him again. He likes to cuddle, and you'll usually wake up half squashed under his body or tangled up in his arms and legs. He speaks in grunts and groans rather than words, and has super adorable bed hair. He's also usually very hungry in the mornings, so the promise of breakfast will be the motivation for finally getting him up.
N - Nights - how are nights spent with them?
Sebastian loves staying up late and doesn't need much sleep to function. His brain is always running a million miles a minute, so winding down takes him quite a while. He tells you he does his best work at night when the rest of the world is asleep.
O - Open - when would they start revealing things about themselves? how would they do it?
Typically Slytherin, he's evasive about himself and prefers to know everything about you before he opens up. Further to that, theres a lot of pain in Sebastian's heart that he won't share with anyone unless he trusts them completely. But, as Slytherins go, once he does trust you, he'll trust you unconditionally; his secrets will become yours, and yours his, and nothing short of death or betrayal will ever break that bond.
P - PDA - how comfortable are they with pda?
He's a real cheeky little smart arse about it. He loves you so much that he wants everyone to know about. He'll pick you up and spin you around as a standard greeting, sit you in his lap, kiss you midway through a sentence. Sebastian doesn't do things by halves, and the same goes for being in love.
Q - Quirk - what is a random ability that helps the relationship?
His optimism, his adventurous spirit and unquenchable thirst for knowledge means there's never a dull moment in your relationship. Above all else, Sebastian likes to have fun, and your life together will be full of it.
R - Romance - how romantic are they? cliche or creative?
There is nothing conventional or cliche about Sebastian Sallow. In fact, he thrives on being just the opposite. He probably courted you by acting like he was your boyfriend until suddenly he just was, there was likely never any conversation about being official, and the first time he said he loved you was probably in the middle of a heated argument or else said in a way that implied it was already common knowledge to you. But despite his quirks, Sebastian is hopelessly, singularly and passionately devoted to you — just don't expect any grand or sappy gestures of love.
S - Security - how protective are they?
Sebastian is so overprotective that it borders on being overbearing. Truth is, he's terrified of losing you, the one person he loves more than any other, and is prone to bouts of severe anxiety about your health, your commitment to him, and your general safety. His inability to relax is a point of contention in your relationship, and one that you both need to continually work on overcoming together. Communication is key, even when Sebastian jumps to conclusions and assumes the worst. He's not perfect, but he's trying.
T - Talking - what do they like to talk about?
Being a highly intelligent Slytherin means Sebastian loves getting deep. Nothing excites him more than discussing magical ethics, or taboo subjects like the Dark Arts or the use of the Dementors kiss against prisoners. He's unafraid to argue his point and loves a lively debate, but he has mental capacity to respect all viewpoints — even if they conflict with his own. He yearns to understand the inner workings of the mind and takes great pleasure in trying to understand opinions and perspectives that differ to his own. Any subject that expands or challenges his understanding of the world is taken on with great enthusiasm.
U - Understanding - how well do they know their partner?
He's a fast learner, very observant, and madly in love with you (obviously), so he knows basically everything about you. But sometimes he likes to think he knows you better than you know yourself. He needs to be reminded every so often that you are capable of looking after yourself, and that he doesn't need to solve every little problem on his own without being asked.
V - Vaunt - what are they proud of? do they like to show their partner off?
Aside from his intelligence, his quick wit and his sense of humour, he is most proud of his innate optimism, which (thanks to your help) has remained in tact despite all the tragedies and hardships he's endured in his comparatively short life. But more than that, he's proud to have you by his side: the embodiment of goodness and love that he never believed he deserved.
His egotistical side enjoys showing you off — you are, after all, the most attractive person he's ever seen, and having you by his side gives his confidence a little boost — but he can become a bit possessive or jealous if he's feeling insecure.
W - Whole - would they feel incomplete without their partner?
Abandonment issues and childhood trauma means Sebastian holds his loved ones very, very dear to his heart. Without you, he'd still be the driven, intelligent and ambitious Sallow he was born to be, but he'd likely lose the motivation to reach his full potential. Having lost every important person in his life, his desire to better himself after all his past mistakes is soley inspired by you.
X - XOXO - are they affectionate?
Physical affection is both how he expresses love and how he feels love; physical touch grounds him in reality and reminds him that you are safe and near. Smooth back his hair, tenderly touch his face, or play with his fingers and watch how fast he melts.
Y - Yearning - how well do they cope when they’re separated from their partner?
Since you are his home, he feels incomplete and off-kilter when he's away from you. And though he tries to honour your individuality, if you're apart for too long, he'll start to have intrusive thoughts about every bad thing that might happen if he's not there to protect you. Needless to say, when you are finally reunited, he greets as you if several decades have kept you apart — like a big, needy puppy.
Z - Zzz - what are some sleeping habits of theirs?
This boys sleeping habits are a nightmare, precisely because he has a lot of them. In fact, he actively avoids sleep, preferring to stay up reading or researching until he's tired enough to fall into an immediate slumber. Usually, you'll find him slumped over on a table or still snoring on the couch, still fully clothed, but if you do happen to get him into bed, he can't sleep without some part of his body touching yours.
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astrolovecosmos · 28 days
The Asteroid Frigga
A goddess of marriage, many have given multiple interpretations into the asteroid. Most can agree it is a "love/relationship" asteroid/placement. In this post I'll examine how Frigga can describe our commitment.
Frigga in Aries: Brave, impulsive, passionate, and decisive in their commitment towards someone. They may risk something by staying faithful and dutiful. There is a great drive for independence that may move them towards breaking commitment in favor of self-preservation or empowerment. A spouse who can support their independence is best.
Frigga in Taurus: Takes their time with commitment, REALLY takes their time, potentially favoring marriage at an older age. Gives all their heart to someone with loyalty, stability, security, and providing. But if their commitments do not bring material comfort or safety they may doubt. Giving up commitments tends to be a challenge for them.
Frigga in Gemini: Gemini may be known for always wanting change, variety, and for struggling with loyalty. But when Frigga is in this sign their commitment is based on open communication, mutual respect, and feeling free around another. Their flexibility, dual nature, and restlessness may cause temptations, but their actions will depend on how in sync they are with their other half.
Frigga in Cancer: Protective and sensitive in their commitment. Their commitment has the strength, depth, and intensity as loyalty to family, roots, or home does. Is intuitive, receptive, and empathetic towards their spouse. Caring and nurturing is connected to their loyalty. A lack of security can make them vengeful, grudge-holding, or cruel.
Frigga in Leo: Generous, passionate, and proud in their commitments. Is open and loud about who they are devoted to. A need for recognition exists on their end and a spouse must show their heart, passion, and intense devotion as well. This marriage is grand, dramatic, romantic, of legends.
Frigga in Virgo: Tries to be the perfect example of devotion and commitment. Is pragmatic, helpful, attentive, and thoughtful in their loyalty. Will know their spouse better than anyone else. Will always be by their side. Won't accept a spouse who has given up or doesn't value what they have.
Frigga in Libra: Their desire for their partner is closely tied to commitment. Is adaptable in their devotion, being open-minded towards their spouse. Devotion to them must be equally matched and a lot of the dynamic hinges on balance. Is peaceful and communicative in their loyalty. Once they and their spouse stop working together, it's over.
Frigga in Scorpio: Their commitment relies on passion, a deep and sturdy sense of trust, and emotional attachment. They are a ride or die spouse and their marriage must have a lot of emotional reassurance, rawness, and intuition. They want an almost psychic bond to their spouse and family. But they can be a very intense partner.
Frigga in Sagittarius: This placement indicates someone who may be very optimistic and quick with their commitment. They may not always realize or understand the challenges, ups and downs of long-lasting commitment and sacrifice. Their need for freedom and space may sometimes outweigh their devotion. However they can be deep, open-minded, adventurous, and passionate in their loyalty. They seek a spouse they can grow and explore with. If committed, they trust their spouse with their heart completely.
Frigga in Capricorn: A sign famous for commitment, you can imagine Frigga in Capricorn values stability and security in all aspects of their marriage. This placement will take their relationship seriously and can have a lot of integrity in their marriage, but they may hold their heart close. They might not always be the softest, most passionate, or reassuring partner. But Capricorn is a sign of reward or results coming after a long period of time. They can build a strong and enduring partnership that stands the test of time. Broken trust is what can damage their loyalty.
Frigga in Aquarius: Is devoted to the mind and values of their partner. Their ability to be friends with a partner is important for loyalty as well. Frigga in Aquarius may need space and autonomy within their commitments. They thrive in relationships that allow them to pursue their own interests and passions while still maintaining a strong connection with their partner. The devotion in their marriage must be clear yet adaptable, equal and respectful.
Frigga in Pisces: Is compassionate, sensitive, and giving in their loyalty. Needs a spiritual connection to their spouse. Approaches commitment with an open heart and a willingness to love unconditionally. They are likely willing to sacrifice their own needs for the well-being of their loved ones. What could break their loyalty is potentially a lack of depth or if something in the relationship hurts their soul, creativity, or kindness.
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foolishlovers · 2 months
Hi! I love your recs so much! Thank you for all the work you put into them! I hope it is okay to request my own? I would love to see a list of your favorite humorous explicit fics starring our ineffable idiots. I prefer non AUs, but if you have an absolute masterpiece, I'll take it no matter what!
Only if you want to, of course! Thank you, again!!
hey, that's so sweet, thank you so much!! 💜
of course, here are some of my favourite non AU humorous explicit good omens fics: [you can request more fic recs here.]
i made an excuse (you found another way) by orphan_account (1k) “Angel, the restaurant’s right there.” It was. Crowley gestured to it with a definitive arm wave. The Ritz was at the corner of Piccadilly and Arlington, and they could see the hotel facade as they stepped out of the park. “We can walk there.” “Let’s drive.”
Booty Call by emmagrant01 (2k) “It’s called a ‘butt dial,’ Angel. A ‘booty call’ is something else.”
The Angel Line by FancyTrinkets (2k) The one in which Aziraphale purchases and listens to a pornographic audiobook that just so happens to be narrated by Crowley. Aziraphale cringed and covered his face. This was going to be awful, and also thrilling, and he wasn't sure what he ought to be feeling about it, but there was a definite sense of vicarious shame.
Just a Taste by summerofspock (3k) See, it wasn’t so much the eating. It was the noises. It was the indecent look on Aziraphale’s face. It was the way he licked his fingers and wiggled in his seat. Every little action felt specially created to undo Crowley. And Aziraphale had no idea.
The Rake by CopperBeech (3k) During the long estrangement of the 1800's, Aziraphale practiced a secret hobby – and it wasn’t the gavotte. Crowley finds out in an unexpected way.
For a Good Time, Call by seashadows (3k) Three rings. Four. Seven, and then “Hello?” “Hello, sssssweetheart,” Crowley said. “How would you like my long, slithery tongue up your tight little –“ Then it hit him: he knew that voice. Dear. Fucking. Satan. (Sometime in the depths of the 1990s, Hell tasks Crowley with spreading lust. As usual, he makes as little effort as he can, but gets a heaven of a lot more than he bargained for.)
The One in Which Crowley Discovers Wanking by for_autumn_i_am (5k) It began, like most memorable events in Crowley’s life did, with a bad decision; like most bad decisions, it involved poor impulse control and copious amounts of alcohol. The Antichrist had been born, and he put on lipstick and kitten heels to deal with it, but knew that the clock was ticking, and at times when time was slipping away, it helped to hold onto a bottle of gin.
Fine Dining by iamshame (13k) "There was something else I was going to ask you," Aziraphale continued, unabashed. "Ah… How to put it?" He tapped his hand on his thigh for a moment, and then apparently found inspiration. "Ah! When you're…" Crowley made the mistake of making eye contact with him, and Aziraphale gave him another outrageous wink. "Dining out… What cutlery do you prefer to use?" "I'm sorry?" Crowley said pleasantly, trying his best not to cause anything in the dining room to catch aflame in his frustration. Aziraphale gave him a reproachful stare, as if Crowley were being very stupid. "When you're eating, Crowley. Do you favour the… The knife?" Aziraphale actually glanced conspicuously at his own crotch, and Crowley considered leaving the dining room via the nearest window. "Or the spoon?" Another raised eyebrow. "Or even, let's say, a fork?" "What the fuck is the fork in this situation?" Crowley hissed through gritted teeth. Aziraphale mentions that he'd like to have sex with Crowley. Crowley is completely taken-aback, and very conflicted, and very interested. Aziraphale is also trying to kill him by using elaborate food metaphors to explain the whole subject, which is not helping in the slightest.
Trial & error by fellshish (15k) The Metatron brings in the demon Crowley to stand trial in Heaven. For tempting an angel. Uhhhh. Awkward.
Feast by Ashfae, mostlyjustgoose (15k) Crowley's spent the whole of lockdown asleep. Aziraphale has spent the whole of lockdown baking, cooking, and becoming increasingly frustrated with his solitude. Which eventually leads him to the perfect way to solve all his problems at once… Or, Aziraphale attempts to seduce Crowley with a truly excellent meal, and Crowley is amenable.
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan (17k) "All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?" Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.  "The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening." AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
Ideal Partner by summerofspock (17k) “Would you like to explain why you’re watching pornography? In your bookshop? During business hours?” Aziraphale flaps his hand, typically dismissive of any criticisms of his abysmal business practices. “Did you know I’ve been on this earth for nearly 6 millennia and have never engaged in intercourse before?” Crowley grinds his teeth and feels his cheeks heat. What is he supposed to say to that?
Anything for Science by Magnolia822 (20k) Aziraphale decides he wants to make an Effort, so he watches a lot of porn for science. And when he asks for help with more hands-on experimentation, Crowley is only more than happy to oblige.
The Loophole, or, How to Convince a Demon God Exists in Three Easy Steps by fellshish (24k) Ah, yes. Being an Archangel is going splendidly. Aziraphale accidentally erases God from the Book of Life.
32 Questions That Lead To Love by ffonippop (32k)
”First formulated in 1997, [32] questions to fall in love is a study by psychologist Dr. Arthur Aron which took place at Stony Brook University, New York. The aim? Speeding up the creation of intimacy between two strangers.” The Cosmopolitan
Okay, fine.
Crowley was 32-Questions-That-Lead-To-Love-ing Aziraphale. Sue him.
He had no expectations, all right? Just, an innocent curiosity.
The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a 'G' In It by indieninja92 (79k) After the Apocalypse, Aziraphale ventures into a new space in the gay milieu - Grindr. There he starts talking to a charming young man who certainly doesn't bear any resemblance at all to a certain long streak of demon, not one bit, no thank you. Meanwhile, Aziraphale and Crowley navigate their friendship after the world failed to end. There is much drinking and silliness, but could it be that there are other feelings lurking underneath?? Of course there are, this is fanfic.
[you can find more fic rec masterposts here]
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